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Service Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of "Service" can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty
arises not just from the need to articulate one's thoughts coherently but also from the depth and
breadth of the subject matter itself. The term "service" encompasses a wide range of meanings
and contexts, from personal acts of kindness to the broader societal implications of public service
and community engagement.
One of the challenges lies in striking the right balance between personal anecdotes and broader
reflections on the concept of service. The essay may require a delicate interweaving of personal
experiences that highlight the value of service with a more analytical exploration of its societal,
cultural, and historical dimensions. Crafting a well-rounded essay demands a nuanced
understanding of the multifaceted nature of service and the ability to convey this complexity
Additionally, the task involves navigating the potential pitfalls of clichГ©s and platitudes
associated with the theme of service. It's essential to avoid generic statements and delve into
specific examples and insights that genuinely reflect one's understanding of and engagement
with the concept.
Research may also be necessary to provide a solid foundation for the essay, drawing on
academic and real-world examples to support arguments and perspectives. This requires time and
effort to gather relevant information, ensuring that the essay is not only reflective but also well-
informed and credible.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Service" is no small feat. It demands a thoughtful
exploration of personal experiences, an understanding of the broader implications of service, and
the ability to express these ideas in a compelling and well-supported manner. However, with
careful consideration and dedication, the challenge can be met, resulting in a meaningful and
impactful essay.
For assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, it's worth exploring resources like, where professional help may be available to guide and support the essay
writing process.
Service Essay Service Essay
Raphael Research Paper
The Pre Raphaelites were a seven rebellious artists in London who wanted to create
new art. The pre Raphaelites Brotherhood were; William Holman Hunt, John Everett
Millais, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Michael Rossetti, James Collinson, Frederic
George Stephens and Thomas Woolner.They detested another artist s work that, at the
time went by the name Raphael(Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino), hence the name Pre
Raphaelites. However, society in the Victorian period adored Raphael and his work
and many other artists copied his style of art. This meant that people despised the
Pre Raphaelites work and they found it to be outrageous. In the Victorian era,
artwork was based on religion and realism. People were painted like they wanted to
look like... Show more content on ...
At first, they were not accepted into their world of art and their work was found
disgraceful and shocking. As they saw themselves as Avant garde leaders and aimed
to start a revolution and rebel against the Royal Academy regulations and standards,
by doing things like humanizing the holy family, displaying affection bluntly between
couples and painting exactly what they saw without any modification in their
paintings. All of these things were found open majorly in the Victorian era.
However, as time went on people began to accept Impressionism and the Pre
Raphaelites. Both groups had a interesting but different ways of responding to the
19th Century life style and introducing their art. The biggest difference being the
context of their painting because even though both groups wanted to make a
difference in art they executed their plans differently. However, there were many
similarities between them as well one of them being their response to religion which
that they didn t present it to be as magnificent as other artists in the 19th Century.
However, they were in the time of the Renaissance (the re birth) and many people
started to think in a new way and the Pre Raphaelites and the Impressionist were
groups who done just
American Fashion Industry in 21st Century
American Fashion in 21st Century Fashion is the need to adapt to ever changing
styles; to dress in distinctive and current trends and a means for one to express
their individuality. Fashion refers to keeping every aspect of one s body up to date
for varying reasons. Some people prefer a simple life style with modest attire
whereas most passionately follow the fashionindustry and rapidly change
accordingly. This increase in demand for individually tailored items including
everything from clothing and footwear to makeup and body piercings is what gave
birth to the fashion industry. The roots of this business can be traced to America in
the nineteenth century where it grew rapidly and spread across the globe to become
the highly... Show more content on ...
What is more, this completion extends to designers as well since they strive to
differentiate their products introduce innovative styles which can result in an
inefficient use of resources and illegal business practices. This need for cost
minimization is one of the reasons as to why the fashion industry exploits cheap
foreign labor. The glamor, the runways and the exhibitions are just the front of a
dark background. This industry works on the basis of subcontracting, where
designers place orders with manufacturers who then hire sub contractor to
complete their orders. Since this industry is highly competitive subcontractor are
given only take or leave option with often less payment compared to amount of
work which forces them to resort to employing cheap labor in their own
workshops which often end up resembling sweat shops. Even if this is not the case,
designer brands have their own units to produce their goods. Recently many of the
fashion retailers have been accused of underpaying their workers and violating
international labor laws by running sweatshop. These involve extremely low
wages, long working hours and poor working conditions. Earlier this month,
factories in Cambodia were investigated for possible violation labor laws. These
factories produced clothing for the fast fashion retailer H amp;M which was found to
be paying their workers a measly wage of $61 a month by a Swedish TV program
called Kalla Fakta (Keilla 1). Since America is powerful
Gender In The Bohemian Rhapsody
The Bohemian Rhapsody from QUEEN was written in 1975, and re released in
1991. The author was Freddie Mercury. This literary work is very interesting for
me examined by psychological approach. The entire text has a male centred
structure, the dominant persona is male. There are several names and
characterizations such as poor boy , killed a man , Galileo . All of these references
show the dominant gender in the text. Although there is a less strong female presence
as well such as mama and mama mia .(The English studies book introduction to
language, literature and culture, second edition Rob Pope). It is possible to gain up
the text and the author s relation in different ways. First of all, it is important to know
that the author,... Show more content on ...
He honestly starts with owning up a murder made by him. In my opinion, if the
text is checked with trying to understand his background, it can be construct as
admit of his own rambunctiously life. I killed a man. Put a gun against his head.
Pulled my trigger. Now he is dead. As a broad interpretation it explains his
sickness, made with the wild life what he lived. He tells with the metaphor that he
went too far, he just killed himself with a gun. He realizes that his life is
dangerously approaching to its end that he has just started now. He is feeling the
weight of his words. He starts to apologize for what he disbosom. He feels that this
self revelation is too factual. He says my time has come , like he resigned his fate.
There is a big hesitation from the author. He just making paradoxes with stating
first that he is desperate and second that he is absolutely resigned his fate. The big
confused feeling is growing. He closes the second part with another paradoxical
state. He unmask his fear from death, he do not want to die. Vice versa at the last
sentence of this second part he says I sometimes wish I d never born at all. He
chooses literarily the death, but without living
Misdemeanor Code
During the course of almost everyone s life, the majority of us have been locked
out of something, whether it was a vehicle, a telephone, or even your house. With
these situations, there can be a couple solutions, for example, if you were locked
out of your car you can call a locksmith or find a metal coat hanger and wiggle it
down your window sill and hope you can unlock it. If you were locked out of your
telephone you could wait a certain amount to be able to re enter your password
again. Or in some instances, you can plug your phone into your computer for a
chance to gain extra tries at re entering it or reset it completely. If you were locked
out of your house you could call individual you know with a key, call a locksmith, or
you can execute... Show more content on ...
I would strongly advise against using these methods to break into any property that
is not your own. In addition, the Credit Card method can fracture and eventually
break whatever kind of card you choose to use. Beginning with the Bump Key
Method used on a deadbolt style lock you will first need to insert your modified key.
While the key is inserted you will need to turn the key slightly clockwise and at that
instant hit it with the blunt object. This action of hitting the lock makes the pins in the
lock tumbler jump if you turn the key at the exact right moment will consequently
allow the key to be able to turn and the deadbolt will be unlocked. This may need a
couple of times for it to work due to it taking some practice to learn. In the
unfortunate event that this method cannot unlock your deadbolt style lock, you
may have a deadbolt style lock which has a protective mechanism against this type
of forced entry. With the Credit Card method, you will begin by holding the
doorknob. Once you have a positive hold on the knob you will insert the corner of
your credit card or any other piece of card shaped strong plastic. At that moment
you should begin wiggling it from the top of the lock until you bring the card
between the lock and the door and you will know when you have it due to there
will be a click sound. Soon after the click sound, you should be able to push on the
door and it should open even though the door itself is still
Essay on Comparing Pygmalion and My Fair Lady
Comparing Pygmalion and My Fair Lady
Through the years, countless film directors have adapted and recreated various
novels and plays to make them ideal for the big screen. In many cases, directors
strive to keep their screenplay adaptations true to the original literature; however,
viewers often find contrasts in certain areas of the film. George Bernard Shaw,
author of the play Pygmalion, who had passed away prior to the production of My
Fair Lady in 1964, therefore, he could not assist in the transition from play to
musical. For this reason, director George Cukor has attempted to retain some
similarities and also incorporate a few changes of his own. Although readers can
discover numerous similarities between My Fair Lady and ... Show more content on ...
To begin with, Shaw and Cukor introduce the importance of social status in the
opening scenes of their works. When Henry Higgins analyzes Eliza Doolittle in the
film, he keeps a dry, condescending tone to make it clear that she should look up to
him. On the other hand, in the play, Higgins speaks unsympathetic, degrading
words and vilifies Liza?s whole existence. Unquestionably, during this time period,
it is rather unlikely for aristocratic society to associate with the low class citizens.
The critic, Roger Ebert, states the modifications of the play and then the movie in
the Ebert articles: ?The story?began as a Greek legend and was retold in
Elizabethan and Victorian times and reached its present form as George Bernard
Shaw?s ?Pygmalion? (1912), with its clear eyed dissection of the British class
system? (Ebert 1). Therefore, Cukor preserved a great deal of Shaw?s
characterizations and utilized them for My Fair Lady.
Along with the aforementioned similarities in Pygmalion and My Fair Lady, one can
also stumble upon a number of contradictions, including conclusions. Shaw had
originally written his play without music, but Cukor later incorporates a score with
the text. Critic Liz Burroughs believes that these changes are for the better. ?The
additions of the Lerner Loewe songs provide an extra dimension to the story, even if
Cultural Practices between Men and Women in Nigeria
Creative Media Industries are swiftly shifting its focus to solely digital media and
opportunities for creative writers are paid no attention but a Canada based Nigerian
scholar at the thirty first yearly covention of the Association of Nigerian Authors,
points out that writers are the world s window into a culture Adesanmi (2013).
Novelists, biographers, historians, scriptwriters, and more recently, bloggers are the
constant that record and catalogue the culture, norms and trends of a particular
period or people. Through creative writing the culture of a group of people is
revealed and documented. This project is a collection of fictional short stories, it is
titled Cold Heart and Other Stories. The theme of these ... Show more content on ...
People s lives and cultures are made up of coinciding stories, and the monolithic
impression of Nigerian women in literature still needs to be challenged.
demand respect, cultural practices show that the major roles of women is to submit
to their men, raise the children and feed them. From the precolonial period to present
time, women s roles have advanced but the Nigeria has always been a patriachial
society, the concept of patriachy is crucial...because feminism needed a term by which
the totality of oppressive and exploitative relations which affect women could be
expressed (Humm 2003:200).
Colonialism ushered education and with time, women were allowed to be educated
and became exposed and aware of their rights but:
...women s rights and women s being have always been taken for granted, nicely
and safely tucked away under the bed of patriarchy. Silence was the virtue of women
and passivity their garner, but it was not always so. Traditional societies in pre
colonial times had spheres of power and influence for women in closely knit
organizations that helped them maintain a
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Whether the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) would require Wetherford Associates,
a for profit advertising agency, to compensate an intern whose job duties will include
researching into potential clients and media markets, ordering and organizing
supplies, relieving the receptionist as necessary, and taking phone messages.
Furthermore, whether any combination of proposed job duties would permit the
Agency to hire the internin an unpaid capacity.
Wetherford will be able to offer the unpaid internship if they make sure the intern is
the main beneficiary in the intern employer relationship. The Eighth Circuit, which
covers Missouri, has previously applied the primary beneficiary rule. Under the
primary beneficiary rule, Wetherford... Show more content on ...
Currently, there are no statutory or regulatory guidelines specifically designated for
the consideration of the relationship between an employer and an intern. Even when
courts have not been consistent in applying the FLSA six factor test or Walling v.
Portland Terminal Co., our client will be able to offer the unpaid internship by acting
in good faith, having in place an unpaid internship letter and signing an arbitration
The FLSA s six factor test has provided a guidance to determine whether an intern or
trainee is entitled to minimum wage and overtime compensation under the FLSA for
services he provides to a for profit employer. The factors are:
1.The internship, even though it includes actual operation of the facilities of the
employer, is similar to training which would be given in an educational environment;
2.The internship experience is for the benefit of the intern;
3.The intern does not displace regular employees, but works under close supervision
of existing staff;
4.The employer that provides the training derives no immediate advantage from the
activities of the intern; and on occasion its operations may actually be impeded;
5.The intern is not necessarily entitled to a job at the conclusion of the internship;
Mouth Ceremony Analysis
Where was the artefact found?
The Tomb painting depicting both the Opening Of The Mouth Ceremony and the
arrival of Tutankhamun in the afterlife is located on the North wall of King
Tutankhamun s burial chamber in November 1922. Describe the artefact
The background on which these images are painted on was made of yellow ochre
to imitate a gold colour and decorated using white, black, red, blue, and green
paints. The first scene depicts the Opening Of The Mouth Ceremony being
performed on Tutankhamun by the New King Ay who is represented here as
youthful and smaller than the old King. Ay is wearing the panther skin cloak of
sem priest, and the blue crown (the Khepresh) complete with the uraeus, and has
white sandals on his feet. Tutankhamun is represented as Osiris. He is wearing the
Atef crown with a gold plated uraeus (an image of a serpent used as an emblem of
power usually worn on headdresses ), and in each of his hands he is holding a
Nekhakha (flail) whip as a sign of his power. In between the old and new kings lays
a casket which contained all the tools and materials used in the ceremony. The
inscription reads: The good god, Lord ... Show more content on ...
King Tutankhamun is depicted as a boy and wears a white loincloth and a wesekh
collar (a symbol of eliteness) with a gold headband inscribed with a Uraeus. He is
holding both a staff and a club etched with an ankh(symbol of life). Nut is greeting
him on the left with the symbol of water in her hand whilst making the sign of
welcome with her arms. She is wearing a white cloth with a shoulder strap, her
arms are adorned with bracelets and on her neck and shoulders rests a wesekh
collar. around her hair is a white ribbon of mourning. this scene is explained with
the inscription: Nut, Mistress of the Sky, Lady of the Gods, she performs nyny for
the one whom she gave birth, she gives health and life to your nostrils, which is life
Essay Daniel H. Pink s Critique of A Whole New Mind
Will right brainers rule the future? A whole new mind: why right brainers will rule
the future, a book by Daniel H. Pink assesses this critical question. Pink s book is
divided into two parts. Part one lays out the broad animating idea, provides an
overview of key differences between our left and right hemispheres, presents the case
for why Abundance, Asia, and Automation pushes the world into the Conceptual Age
. It illustrates why people who master high concept and high touch set the tempo for
modern life. Part two of the book covers the six essential right brainabilities Pink
described as needed to make it in the Conceptual Age. Design. Story. Symphony.
Empathy. Play. Meaning. Pink devotes one chapter to each of these six senses,...
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Pink s agreement here conflicts with the reoccurring theme of his book that right
brain directed thinking should be added to left brain directed thinking. Throughout
the book Pink illustrated how right brain directed thinking is rising in fields that
were restricted to L directed thinking and thinkers. For example, in the chapter on
story he reveals the idea of narrative medicine. Narrative medicine is part of a wider
trend to incorporate an R Directed approach into what has long been a bastion of L
Directed muscle flexing. Fifteen years ago, about one out of three American
medical schools offered humanities courses. Today, three out of four do (Pink,
2006). From this example just like many in his book Pink addresses how and why R
directed thinking could and should be added to L directed thinking but he lack in
evidence in showing that we are completely moving away from an economy and
society built on the logical, liner, computer like capabilities of the Information Age to
the economy and society built on the inventive empathetic, big picture capabilities
Pink s argument that we are moving out of a left brain dominance and in to a new
era where right brain qualities will be prized is well illustrated in part one the book.
According to Pink the two hemispheres of our brain don t operate as on off
switches...both halves play a role in nearly everything we do (2011). Pink suggests
that both hemisphere of the brain are equally important. In fact, a healthy,
China Cold Chain Logistics Industry Report, 2014-2017 -...
China Cold Chain Logistics Industry Report, 2014 2017 include new market research report China Cold
Chain Logistics Industry Report, 2014 2017 to its huge collection of research reports
Since Cold Chain Logistics Development Plan of Agricultural Products was
introduced in 2010, China cold chain logistics industry has entered an unprecedented
rapid development stage. In October 2014, the State Council issued Medium and
Long term Development Plan of Logistics Industry (20142020) to boost the cold
chain logistics industry toward large scale, standardization and modernization.
View Full Report At:
China cold chain logistics industry is ... Show more content on ...
In a country as large and geographically diverse as India, refrigerated road transport is
crucial for the safe circulation of fresh and frozen perishables.
Download Sample Of This Report:
/sample/235011 Renub Research report titled India Reefer Transport Market, Number
Forecast provides a comprehensive analysis of the India Reefer Transport
market covering in detail various aspects such as Reefer Transport Units available for
various commodities.
Global And China Antisepsis Tank Industry 2014 Market Research Report
View Full Report At:
This report also presents product specification, manufacturing process, and product
cost structure etc.Production is separated by regions, technology and applications.
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/sample/237216 For technical data and manufacturing plants analysis, the report
Antisepsis tank leading suppliers on capacity, commercial production date,
Examples Of Critical Incident Of A Teacher
As a student, I have been inspired by a few teachers at both my primary and
secondary schools to seek an interest in the teaching profession. One year after
finishing secondary school where I obtained most of my passes I took some time
to reflect back on my twelve years at school and the few critical incidents that have
cultivated my thinking about teachers and teaching. Some incidents were positive
and others negative, but all assisted to shape the type of teacher I want to be in the
future! A few critical incidents that shaped my thinking were the first time I came
first in a class, the evening I approached the lackadaisical teacher and the day where
I was escorted out of class. At primary schoolI was not referred to as an A student
until I entered standard three where Mr. Singh was my teacher. Personally, I
considered him the ideal teacher; he had a... Show more content on ...
I was honestly confused. When she came outside she told me that she was
disappointed in me when she saw my mark for the subject and she knew that I am
capable of so much and if I focused and stopped indulging in disruptive behaviour in
class I could receive a high grade in all my subjects. I was surprised because it was
the first time in secondary school a teacher showed me that they cared about me. I
saw the hurt in her eyes when she talked to me. Research suggests caring
relationships with teacher s help students do better in school and act more kindly
toward others. (Zakrzewski, 2012, para. 1) When a teacher truly shows interest in a
student it means so much to that student. That evening I went home and analysed
everything she told me and I had a new perspective about her, my education and my
future. As a teacher, I will try to motivate all my students from early to insure that
they have the right mindset to learn and to prepare for their
Nonfiction Examples In Into The Wild
Facts are data; truth is the sense we make of the data. And the sense we make
should always be open to revision, to new evidence, to further discovery. Another
way to say Scott Russell Sanders s quote, is that facts are just proven information,
and truth is the understanding that we have of that information. And understanding
should always be open to change or new ideas. Creative nonfiction is believed by
some that it can lead readers to new insights or discoveries. On the other hand, some
believe that it just makes a normal nonfiction story into a interesting piece. Despite
all the arguments, creative nonfiction can lead readers to new insights and
discoveries. There are many examples in the world that readers can gain new insights
or discoveries... Show more content on ...
In Krakauer s piece, he gives the story about a young man named Chris McCandless,
who decided to live his handed to him life behind to go live in the wilderness in
Alaska. Chris s decision ultimately lead to his death, and many readers try to figure
out why he would ve left his perfect life to death. In chapter eleven, Krakauer
mentions Chris s relationship with his father, Walt McCandless, Walt is accustomed
to calling the shots. Taking control is something he does unconsciously, reflexively.
Although he speaks softly in the unhurried cadence of the American West, his voice
has an edge, and the set of his jaw betrays an undercurrent of nervous energy...
There is no mistaking whence Chris s intensity came (Krakauer 105). Krakauer is
clearly bringing a new discovery to readers about Chris s life. Readers can now
understand that part of the reason why Chris left was because he didn t have a good
relationship with his father. Another example from Into the Wildis when Krakauer
talks about the picture Chris took, one of his last acts was to take a picture of
himself, standing near the bus under the Alaska sky... He is smiling in the picture,
and there is no mistaking the look in his eyes: Chris McCandless was at peace,
serene as a monk gone to God (Krakauer 199). Krakauer brings a new insight to
readers, Chris left his perfect life to live in the wild because that truly made him
happy. Many people at first said that Chris was an idiot for trying to live in the
wilderness, but after reading Krakauer s novel, their opinions of Chris definitely
change in some
The Big Shift By Darrel Bricker And John Ibbitson
The thesis put forth by Darrel Bricker and John Ibbitson in The Big Shift: The
Seismic Change in Canadian Politics, Business, and Culture and What It Means for
Our Future , is premised on the notion that the Laurentian Consensus has ended due
to its reluctance to accept the changes that Canada has gone, and will go through.
They argue that their resistance to change created an opportunity for the
Conservative party to become the new natural governing party in Canada(Bricker
Ibbitson, 2013). By recognizing and acting on these changes, the Conservative party
built a platform for success which lead to the outcome of the 2011 federal election.
They argue that the seismic shift in the demographics of Canadian voters from one
side of the political spectrum to the other granted Conservatives this victory. This
paper will explore the flaws within their argument, and the extent to which this shift is
perpetual in nature.
The Laurentian Consensus can be defined as the collective rule by those along the St.
Lawrence River including Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto, Montreal and Quebec political,
business, academic, cultural and media elites. This long standing coalition, closely
linked with the ideas and values of the Liberal party has been the reigning power in
Canadian government over the last century. The authors emphasize that the
Laurentian consensus coming to an end signifies a shift from old to new Canada,
with new values emerging and political fundamentals have fallen into
William Wordsworth s Analysis Of I Wandered Lonely As A
The poem was written in the year 1802. It was first published in Poems in Two
Volumes, in
1807. The very starting line of the poem I wandered lonely as a cloud informs the
poet s
profound sentiments of being left alone. It was actually the death of his brother John
that led him
to loneliness . We should remind the readers that this poem was not a result of
Dorothy, Wordsworth s sister provides us an explanation of the occasion which
Wordsworth to produce this masterpiece:
When we were in the woods beyond Gowbarrow Park, we saw a few daffodils close to
waterside. Thus the poem is a result of actual visualization rather than imagery .
In English literature, Wordsworth and his friend, Samuel Taylor Coleridge,... Show
more content on ...
Setting of the Poem:
Wordsworth may be at discomfort in human multitude but not amidst the objects
(crowd) of
Nature. Nature permeates the entire poem. Phrases like a crowd, a host, continuous
as the stars,
they stretched in never ending lines, ten thousands saw eye at a glance presents deep
implications. The poet says: I wondered lonely as a cloud that floats on the high o er
Wales and
hills. Daffodils, an everyday found flower has been portrayed in magical verses and
blended with
transcendental romanticism. Even the daffodils outdid the sparkling waves in glee
and left an
everlasting mark in the mind of the readers of this poem.
I wandered lonely as a Cloud is a poem that just makes you feels good about life. It
says that
even when you are by yourself and lonely and missing your friends, you can use your
imagination o fine new friends in the world around you.
Wordsworth is the granddaddy of all nature poets and he is in top form in I wandered
lonely as
Cloud. In her journal entry about the day in question, Wordsworth s sister Dorothy
wrote about
their surprise at findings so many daffodils in such a strange place, next to a lake and
under some
The Hymn Of Sinuhe Analysis
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, Men are not prisoners of Fate, but
only prisoners of their own minds. This quote around the end of the Great
Depression and during the global crisis leading up to World War II seems to
embody even in 2017 the can do attitude of America, a nation today that s strongest
belief seems to be free will and the power of personal opinion and choice. In
contrast, The Hymn of Sinuhe , establishes and takes for granted the concept that
the gods and thereby kings are the only one who have control over fate, while
using poetic style and tone to praise Sinuhe and gloss over Sinuhe s constant denial
of responsibility for his decisions that can give people today an opposing viewpoint
to learn from in light of the centrality of free will in other religions and time periods.
Sinuhe reflects on his motivation for flight (pg. 67), after Sinuhe s battle with the
hero of Retjenu he proceeds to credit the gods with both his victory and his prior
loss of a home. Sinuhe says, For now God has acted so as to be gracious to one with
whom He was offended, whom He led astray to another country. Today, He is
satisfied (pg.67). Sinuhe s message is one consistent with many religious ideals of
the time, that the gods have overarching control over the lives of people on earth
and only they can intercede on the people s behalf if the person s actions are
pleasing to them. However, Sinuhe also implies that it was never his decision to
desert the army and flee his homeland. In a line that could be simply blended into
the surrounding religious ideas and glossed over due to the language of praise that
Sinuhe is offering to the gods, his attitude and belief remain that he is at the mercy
of a god who has led him astray to another country .
Also, the intent of this hymn is to glorify its speaker, Sinuhe, but the under Sinuhe s
respect for the gods he tends to fail to not only take notice of the possibility that it
might have been he himself who had led him away from his homeland. The portion
of the hymn leading into Sinuhe s crisis of identity and motivation also points
towards Sinuhe s worldview. In lines 237 256 the epic tells the tale of Sinuhe s
triumph over the hero of Retjenu
Essay On Cautis
Preventing Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections in Older Adults: Improving
Health Outcomes through Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention
Brandon Anderson
Loma Linda University School of Nursing
Preventing Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections in Older Adults: Improving
Health Outcomes through Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention
Through medical advances in technology and practice, nurses have been afforded
the opportunity to provide lifesaving care to patients. However, this lifesaving care
comes with the risk of healthcare associated infections (HAIs). Generally speaking,
HAIs are infections directly related with the delivery of healthcare and are often
caused by viral, bacterial or ... Show more content on ...
First, neurological disorders can occur, as seen with Alzheimer s disease and
Parkinson s disease, which can lead to neurogenic bladder ( Neurology/Neurogenic
Bladder, 2017). Next, physiological disorders can occur as seen with enlarged
prostate in men or shortening of the urethra in women (Jaipaul, 2017). Anticipating
the above changes appropriately will aid in understanding what leads to urinary
retention in older adults, the resulting need of catheterizations, and the CAUTIs that
can follow. Having a foundation to build on, it would be beneficial to explore what
nurses can do prevent urinary tract infections in patients who require catheterization.
Current Nursing Care
The first step nurses can take to decrease the incidents of CAUTIs in older adults is
avoiding unnecessary use of catheters altogether. Initially, this begins with nurses
knowing both appropriate and inappropriate situations in which a catheter should be
utilized. According to (Gould et al., 2017), an appropriate situation is one where a
patient has acute urinary retention or bladder obstruction, whereas an inappropriate
situation is one where a catheter is being used a means of obtaining urine for culture
when the patient can voluntarily void. Nurses can also use basic techniques like
palpation, percussion, and inspection to effectively assess urinary retention, which is
the main reason for catheterization as mentioned earlier. When techniques like this do
not achieve desired results,
Urban Sprawl In Brazil
The first thing to note regards the estimated results is the effectiveness of the
measures of urban sprawl. The population density and the percentage of urban area,
the two most used measures of urban sprawl, fail in capture its effect on the cost of
providing public service in Brazilian municipalities; the parameters estimated, in most
cases, are statistically insignificant and/or have a small value. By its turn, the CV,
which shows the dispersion of the population in the urban area, is insignificant in all
the estimated equations. Whereas, the gravitational index appears to be a better
measure of urban sprawl for Brazilian high urban concentrations. It indicates that the
sprawling movement towards the edge of the municipalities increases some items of
expenditure.... Show more content on ...
A possible explanation for this might be that the model is not well specified for the
spending on urban infrastructure, since the model is common to all categories of
expenditure. If this is the case, some important variables, like political issues and the
spending on infrastructure by other government levels, not added in the model, can
influence the effects of the urban sprawl. This explanation can also be extended to
others expenditure items in which the parameters of urban sprawl are not statistically
Are Sports Good For Children
Some think that sports are good for children because they help with making friends
and it helps they children with school and their grades. But, others think that it is a
bad thing for children some people say that it costs too much or they don t want
the risk of getting injured. This is an issue that needs to be solved. Should we let
children play sports or should they not.? Some sports put s too much pressure on
some youths and injuries are at high risks to happen to youths. One reason that
sports are negative because a lot of pressure goes onto the children and most injuries
happen during some youth sports. In the article Listening to Wisdom From a 10
Year Old Boy About his Head Injury Adam Buckley Cohen said, But when Will
voiced his fears, I... Show more content on ...
This proves that some children and youths don t have the confidence to go out and
play weather they don t think they are good or they don t think that they are skinny
enough. And that they just don t enough of confidence in themselves. Injuries are a
dangerous thing and also serious thing when it comes to sports and it needs to be
taking seriously, if they have never had one before they would not know what if
will feel like. It is clear that some sports are good for youths but most sports aren t,
since it causes injuries some most sports cause too much pressure. The reason that
the evidence and the claim are important because it explains what is the good and
bad parts of sports. Both sides are still taking about sports and what are the benefits
and the disagreements are the benefits is that they would make new friend and stay in
the sport, but the bad thing is that they may not enjoy the sport and they may just
want to quit. Parents should not pressure the child so much into doing that
The Postman s Comment The Context Of Our Course
My role in this essay, of course, is to experiment the Postman s comment the context
of our course. In the context, Neil Postman mentions that technology is like not an
unmixed blessing and technology first gives and then it will take away something
from us. It s well known, I would say that the technologyis like a business and it has
its own cost. For example, if you spend your money on the technology then you get
the access to use it at any time. Under such conditions, we can easily conclude that
technology is a business and always comes at a price.
What is technology? In my opinion, technology is something that we developed
by using our knowledge and skills to create useful things or to solve our practical
problems. There are many types of technology which are mechanical, information,
electronic, medical, communication and so on. We all are using these
technologies in our everyday lives. With the rise of technology, almost everyone
believes that technology only has made our lives more comfortable and the world
a better place. Clearly, we all can say that technology has a lot of benefits than the
blockages. Worst of all, it also has a dark side which does make our life more
complicated instead of easier. Of course, considering Neil Postman s commentary at
an IBM sponsored meeting, I must agree with his criticism that nobody ever seriously
speaks about the disadvantages of technology. Throughout our course material, we
have learned mostly about the computer
How Did The Crusaders Behave
I think the Crusaders behaved the way they did, because no matter what they did
they could repent and ask forgiveness and all would be well. The Crusaders were
relentless and would do anything with little to no regard to the enemy s wellbeing.
The Christians were very violate in their means to obtain the territory and treasure. In
the first crusade the Christians were needing to obtain Jerusalem. They felt that the
city needed to be in Christian hands and not in Muslims hands. The society in Europe
was very brutal and religionwas taking very seriously. The Crusaders were looked at
as people who would do anything to protect their religion from those that believed
differently. The crusades were pretty much a religion war that lasted for two
Fluoride Essay For Kids
Fluoride is a must on your child toothpaste
Many children s toothpastes are the cutest team and smells like a whole candy store,
showing Advice Rön review. But the worst is still the alternative children s
toothpastes that lacks fluoride it s crazy because fluoride is the best protection
against tooth decay.
Advice Findings have examined 14 children s toothpastes. Blue and pink jelly, strong,
synthetic aromas of strawberry and bubble gum is not uncommon. And all the more
or less sweet taste.
Must kids really have a special children s toothpaste? Can not brush with mom s and
dad s toothpaste? We let the matter proceed to the Bibi Stenman, dental hygienist and
of fluoride Auntie , development and public health coordinator in the Public Dental
Service in Stockholm County. ... Show more content on ...
Many children find it far too strong taste of adult toothpaste. But yes, it is as well to
let the kids brush their teeth with adult toothpaste as long as they have no special
additives with additional grinding or bleach, for example.
Personally, I think it is unfortunate that most children toothpastes are so cute, and
many parents have contacted us about it. Lately there have been some child
toothpastes with milder taste, such as mint. This is good, this has listened to
consumers, she says.
Nowadays, it is not much difference in the fluoride content of children s and adult
toothpastes. The fluorine content in children previously toothpaste was substantially
lower than in adult toothpaste and low in most cases around 500 ppm (milligrams per
kilogram toothpaste). Small child swallows the toothpaste easily, and too much
fluoride can damage the enamel of the teeth as they
ASSIGNMENT 1 For Medsurg
1. Adam Smith, 77 years of age, is a male patient who was admitted from a nursing
home to the intensive care unit with septic shock secondary to urosepsis. The patient
has a
Foley catheter in place from the nursing home with cloudy greenish, yellow colored
urine with sediments. The nurse removes the catheter after obtaining a urine culture
and replaces it with a condom catheter attached to a drainage bag since the patient has
a history of urinary and bowel incontinence. The patient is confused, afebrile, and
hypotensive with a blood pressure of 82/44 mm Hg. His respiratory rate is 28 breaths
/min and the pulse oximeter reading is at 88% room air, so the physician ordered 2
to 4 L of oxygen per nasal cannula titrated to ... Show more content on ...
During the interview, he describes attending a family reunion and states that
perhaps he ate something bad. Upon admission his vital signs are a temperature of
102.7В°F, heart rate of 116 bpm, respiratory rate of 18 breaths/min, and blood
pressure of 86/54 mm Hg. The nurse also notes the patient has dry mucous
membranes and tenting of skin. The physician orders an IV to be started with 0.45%
normal saline, and orders a serum electrolytes and an arterial blood gas. (Learning
Objective 7)
The following results are returned from the laboratory:
Sodium (Na+) 150
Potassium (K+) 5.5
Chloride (ClВЇ) 110
BUN 42
Creatinine 0.8
Glucose 86 pH 7.32
PaCO2 35
PaO2 90
O2 Sat 98%
a. What is your interpretation of this arterial blood gas sample?
b. Explain the high potassium in this patient.
c. Calculate the patient s anion gap:
d. What is the interpretation of this anion gap?
1. Complete a plan of care for a patient with an electrolyte imbalance: fluid volume
deficit and fluid volume excess; sodium deficit (hyponatremia) and sodium excess
(hypernatremia); potassium deficit (hypokalemia) and potassium excess
(hyperkalemia). Specifically, include altered laboratory values.
2. Create a Plan care for a patient with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
Kangaroo Point Cliffs Essay
The Kangaroo Point Cliffs made a huge part in the improvement of the capital of
Queensland and port of Brisbane. They are a unique landscape feature of Brisbane
along with the Brisbane City Hall and the Story Bridge. Geological history
remarkably important is our understanding of which provides the widest and most
fundamental picture of the universe.
(Walker, August 2014)
The cliffs have the best identified outcrop of Brisbane Tuff*, the building stone was
used in some of Brisbane s earliest 1820s and 1830s public structures; side walls and
basements of 19th century free settlement structures; retaining walls and in later
municipal and administration works such as road making, marine walls and wharfs.
(Queensland Heritage Register, 2014)
Kangaroo Point, Brisbane
Tuff* ( The layers of ash and dust which are deposited for some distance around a
volcano, and which build its cone, become hardened into rocks which are called
Tuffs. All such deposits are called pyroclastic (meaning fire broken ), a name
referring to their mode of origin. They are not igneous rocks . (Blyth, 1974)
Volcanoes exploded about this area from 250 to 150 million years ago.... Show more
content on ...
These eruptions are mostly forceful and voluminous. If the relief is sufficient, the
exploded body moves with huge speed for long distances up to 100km. A flow or
of two almost consecutive flows are created up The Kangaroo Point Cliffs.
Chemical structure as the other coarsely crystallized Enoggera Granite and further
granite bodies north west of Brisbane are of the same age as these volcanic rocks.
230 220 million years ago were the last periods of consolidation of the eastern
Australian mountain belt and it may have formed from the same meltrock and magma
. (Queensland Heritage Register,
Why Are Montessori Materials Essential Parts of the...
Next to the family, the Montessori classroom is the place of importance in the
world of a child. The Montessori classroom is a social institution that not only
determines the present state of the child but also their future. In The Absorbent
Mind , Dr Maria Montessori wrote, The most important period of life is not the age
of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six. For
that is the time when man s intelligence itself, his greatest implement is being
formed...At no other age has the child greater need of intelligent help, and any
obstacle that impedes his creative work will lessen the chance he has of achieving
perfection. In order to help children Maria Montessori developed what she called the
... Show more content on ...
Montessori classroom materials are designed to meet the needs of young children
s sensitive periods. The objects in our system are instead a help to the child
himself, he chooses what he wants for his own use, and works with it according to
his own needs, tendencies and special interests. In this way, the objects become a
means of growth. Maria Montessori, Discovery of the child. When introducing the
child into the exercise with the sensorial materials teacher should present it as a
silent presentation. Because of sensorial materials provide training of the senses .
The Montessori materials are motivating the child s 5 senses: Visual, Auditory,
Tactile, Olfactory and gustatory. The purpose of sensorial material is to refine and
develop the child s senses. During the first three years the child will absorb, like a
sponge, whatever good or bad is in the environment. Between the ages of three to six
the child applies logic and structure to the information that is absorbed in born to
three years of age. The Montessori sensorial materials are help in refining and
identifying the color, texture, size, weight, shape and smell and perfect skills such as
increased observation and vocabulary. The child begins to experience the outer world
through the classroom and it becomes clear and order. Senses gather information
from the environment and transmit it to the brain. The 5 basic senses are Visual
(sight): children need
Essay on Substance Abuse and the Elderly
The purpose of this paper is to determine the level of substance abuse in the elderly
community. There is concern that as the population ages in the United States, there
will be a significant increase in the number of older adults being treated for substance
abuse problems. This paper seeks to understand the issues and concerns that are
consequently involved with substance abuse among the elderly.
There is no doubt that there is a prevalence of substance abuse throughout several age
groups. To a certain extent, a society is faced with the reality of controlling substance
abuse. Or allow it run rampant throughout the community. Often times, we hear and
read about the level of substance abuse among teen, young adults and mid aged ...
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Physicians for elderly patients lack communication with each other. If the physicians
lack high level communication, then prescribed medicines may have an adverse
effect on the elderly. The elderly, often times, have cognitive problems, which makes
it difficult for the elderly to understand instructions for prescriptions. This can cause a
serious issue in this particular population.
It can be determined that the elderly seldom get drugs illicitly. As stated earlier, they
usually get drugs by seeing multiple doctors. In addition to this, they stockpile
prescribed medications over time, or getting medications from family members. This
only contributes to the problems of the elderly. Often times, family members are
reluctant to address the issues their elderly family member face.
Although substance abuse among the elderly, like alcohol is low considered
compared to the general population, its prevalence is still high. A study showed the
prevalence of alcohol related problems ranged from 1.4% to 22% (Adams, et al.,
1993). It can be understood that the level of alcohol related problems diminishes as
an individual ages.
Reports of substance abuse among this age group are considered under reported. It
can be understood that the elderly are the unseen components of society. Often times,
the elderly are marginalized and subjected to the realities of old age. Society seems to
shy away from the elderly. This
Compulsory Rotatory Internship Programme ( Crip ) And
Long working hours and stressful working environment along with the immense
pressure of impending PG entrance exam hinder the affectivity of the Compulsory
Rotatory Internship Programme (CRIP). Our study is an attempt to find the views
regarding Compulsory Rotatory Internship Programme (CRIP) and the preferred
post graduate specialities among interns from NKP Salve Institute of Medical
Sciences and Research Center, Nagpur. METHOD A descriptive cross sectional
study was conducted; the questionnaire was well structured and was developed
after reviewing the literature extensively. The study was conducted after approval
from the Institutional Ethical Committee of NKP Salve Institute of Medical
Sciences Research Center, Nagpur. Part I: Eighty nine interns who had completed
one year rotating internship programme at NKPSIMS RC were enrolled in the
study. Data was collected with the use of pretested semi structured proforma. This
was including questions regarding socio demographic pro le, preference for the
specialty, factors responsible for the selection of particular branch and perceptions
about working in rural areas. Interns were allowed to choose only one answer in
each question. Data was collected and entered into spreadsheet of MS Excel. Later
on it was analyzed with the use of Epi Info software. Part II: Focus group
discussion (FGD) was held with these interns in batches of 10. Set of discussion
topics were used for the FGDs were skill development, facilities during
Garrett Hardin Lifeboat Ethics The Case Against Helping...
Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor by Garrett Hardin, questions
environmentalists spaceship metaphor when describing Earths natural resources. He
asks, Does everyone on earth have an equal right to an equal share of its resources?
Hardin introduces the lifeboat metaphor in which one third of the world is rich and
two thirds is poor. The rich are safe on lifeboats while the poor swim around wanting
to board. Lifeboats have a capacity. If there are 50 people on the lifeboat but room for
60 and a 100 swimming around, how do you determine who to let on? Hardin uses
the extra capacity as a safety metaphor, if we don t leave room for excess capacity as
a safety factor in our country s agriculture, a new plant disease or a bad
Questions On Amazon, Apple, Google, And Honan Himself
(1) For each of the following actors, make a list of assumptions made by the
following actors that may have appeared valid in isolation, but were not valid in
the combination described in Honan s article: Amazon, Apple, Google, Twitter,
and Honan himself. The following are the list of assumptions made in isolation by
the following actors: Amazon: 1) Amazon allows adding of credit card
information through requests from telephone calls. This makes it convenient for
the customer, but in this case it allowed the hacker to add a part of identity
information by just knowing basic details 2) Amazon allows the user to add an
email address by telephone if the credit card information among other details are
known. This seems like a valid procedure by in Honan s case the hacker used the
self added credit card information. Apple: 1) In a normal case a user who has
information about the billing address, last 4 digits of credit card and email can
usually be trusted. The hacker knew the last 4 digits of the credit card through the
Amazon exploit and was able to access the Apple account 2) Apple s feature of
remote wipe is particularly for the scenario wherein the customer loses his Mac or
iPhone. But by gaining access to the account, the hacker was able to remote wipe all
the devices. 3) As mentioned in the case of Amazon, administration of account
settings through the telephone for the sake of convenience was how the hacker
gained control of the account. Google: 1) Google allows
The Is A Giant Mass Brawl That Happens Every Year
Takanakuy is a giant mass brawl that happens every year during Christmas in the
Andes. It s a centuries old tradition that was originally designed to settle legal
disputes in the city of Santo Tomas. According to Maximo and Alejandra Ttico
(2012), The basic idea of Takanakuy is that men, women, and children save their
accumulated conflicts throughout the year to solve all differences on Christmas day
despite raceor monetary income. Instead of fighting in that very moment they save it
for Christmas where everyone in the village meet up wrap their fists and commence
to beat each other (pg. 151). I found this as the perfect opportunity to talk about my
culture, which is somewhat virtually unknown in American society. Many aspects of
racism, sexism, and monetary inequality that we touched in our class readings still
exist in many indigenous cultures till this day. And I believe this event works well
among my culture. A Christmas party tradition should be synonymous with love,
unity and fellowship, but here it s the perfect opportunity for residents of the area to
provide solutions to their legal problems, love problems, petty rivalries and conflicts,
which are accumulated throughout the year to be solved with a bare knuckle fight.
This ancient tradition dating back to the pre Incan period is one of the most
important cultural events of the Andean calendar. It is known for not having any
mechanism to enforce justice and there is almost no police control. The town s
people make
Dropping The Atomic Bombs
The decision for the United States to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki has been debated since the days they were dropped, just as it was debated
in the days leading up to the drop. It is a debate that people will likely always
disagree on, considering it is such a high controversial topic. The United Stateshad
been fighting the Japanese Empire for years, and had not made any significant
strides that indicated a success any time soon. Due to this seemingly never ending
struggle, the United States made the decision to drop two atomic bombs on the cities
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These bombs were more deadly and destructive than any
weapons had ever been before and caused the suffering and death of thousands of
innocent civilians.... Show more content on ...
Throughout Victory in the Pacific, images are shown focusing on the conditions that
American soldiers faced while fighting the Japanese army. Footage of death and
destruction are accompanied with interviews with Americans soldiers recounting the
circumstances and fear that they felt while fighting. The Japanese tunnels are
discussed emphasizing the torment that these tunnels placed on the American
soldiers due to the fact that they never knew when Japanese soldiers would appear
and where they would come from. The tunnels ran all through the hills that they
American soldiers moved along while fighting the Japanese and the intricate
connection of tunnels gave the Japanese a huge advantage. The video continues to
talk about the many ways that this took a physical and emotional toll on the
American soldiers as it discusses the attacks on Sugar Loaf Hill. During the Battle
of Okinawa, the American soldiers were forced to travel on ridges and mountains
trying to get to a position where they could attack the Japanese, but they Japanese
army had already created an intricate pathway of tunnels through the ridges that
allowed them to move along the mountains and hills underneath the American
soldiers and then sneak up right next to or even behind them. This took an obvious
physical toll on the American soldiers as they never knew when the Japanese were
going to attack, however they also took an emotional and mental toll on the soldiers
due to the fact that they could never relax. The American soldiers never had a
moment of peace and could never escape the violence of the war. As word of the
conditions that the American soldiers were fighting in reached the American
homeland, the American people hated the Japanese even more as the two cultures
lived and fought in two very opposing
Themes And Symbols In Everyday Use
Everyday Use is a story of a mother and her daughters, and how each understands
their present life in relation to the customs of their people and culture. The difference
in beliefs between the mother and Dee is highlighted throughout the story using
several different symbols. The theme of Everyday Use accentuates this symbolic
story full of symbols that show the difference in how mother and daughter
understand their heritage. The three symbols I have selected to show this difference
between characters are the yard and setting of the story, the quilts, and the clothing
of each character. The setting of Everyday Use takes place in the yard of the mother
of both Dee and Maggie. The yard in which is mentioned in both the beginning...
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The importance of African American heritage is a focal point of this story and is
represented by the quilts. Quilts in this heritage were symbols of tribes and
religious beliefs. When visiting her mother, Dee is quite emphatic that she wants
these quilts since they are so valuable to her African heritage which she is trying to
live. The quilts mean something different to Dee than they do for her mother and
Maggie. The mother and the maker of the quilts, Aunt Dicie you can tell had a
strong bond and one that Dee and Maggie have never had. The mother wishes to
give the quilts to Maggie, even with Dee s persistent request to receive them. When
asked what Maggie would do with the quilts, she advised that she would hang them
and Dee would merely put them on the bed, and they would be rags in five years
(Kirszner Mandell, 2012, p.351). The difference in meaning of the quilts to both
mother and Dee adds to the overall theme of the story, and shows that remembering
your heritage can mean different things to different people. When Dee believes she is
deserving of the quilts, the mother informs Dee that they have been promised to
Maggie, which shows the appreciation for the true meaning of the quilts and their
heritage (Sustana,
Analysis Of The Film Bears Discover Fire
The film Bears Discover Fire written by Terry Bisson is a film that was produced
by college students. This film covers many different controversial topics. The book
allows for many different perceptions of these topics to be seen.. Although the title of
the film has a scientific feeling, it is more of a fantasy than a science fiction film. In
the film Bears Discover fire one may interpret the movie as more of a fantasy film,
with that being said the elements of a fantasy story base line can be perceived in a
much bigger picture. In the film Bears Discover Fire one may preserve the film as
fansty. In the film, there are parts of the story line that truly cannot happen during
this time on earth. For example, when the bears are standing upright. In this scene
one may think to themselves that this is something that can/ will not happen. Today
s bears are not capable of standing upright and walking. Another example of a
fantasy can be seen when the bears are walking around with fire. This scene shows
signs of a fantasy because, a normal bearwould not be capable of walking around
with fire in their paws and setting up campfires. A final example of a fantasy in the
film can be seen when, the grandma, Junior and Bobby are having a campfire with
the bears in the woods. This is a scene that one might fantasize over. That is because
it is not normal for humans to be close to a live bear and simple have a campfire
with them. At this point a normal bear would have been frightened
Reflection Of Braid Reflection
Braid Reflection Experiences are what I believe help shape each person and affect
our everyday moves based upon individual experiences, beliefs, or goals. The
experiences I encounter distinguish my views and principles about society, without
these experiences life would be unfounded. Social networks are created through
personal experiences within people. This leads to our value system, which is
meant to be defined within our behavior, culture, or decision making. As a person
that did not put much thought into what my values, culture identity, or goals were
before college I believe it has been a big factor into opening my eyes as I have
progressed throughout college. My family and peers have been a big influence in my
upbringing. These people have been a part of my growing epistemology through my
education, religious values, and planning for my future career. For the past 15 years
I used all my energy and all of my parent s time devoted to my love for the game of
soccer. Weeks spent driving me to games and practices, money spent for club fees,
and support given to me to achieve my goal of making my soccer career continue
throughout college. Nothing else mattered to me besides pursuing my soccer
career to help pay for my education. I decided to play for Chaffey College my
freshman year and my plan was to transfer to a University with a scholarship to pay
my parent back for supporting financially throughout my 15 years. However, my
life completely when I obtained a dangerous concussion that led me to have to give
up my soccer career for the benefit of my health. I was very depressed and
confused, and began to doubt my abilities, my religious beliefs, my future because
I was scared of letting my parents down or letting myself down for not achieving
my goal to play throughout college. I was born and raised Catholic but I never
really committed myself to devoting my time to church or acknowledging my
religious beliefs, but as I felt like I needed church the most after my first year of
college I was able to realize it was a place I felt heard at. This experience, giving up
my entire dream of what I thought would create my future, with my family and
peers by my side shaped my beliefs completely as it made me
Essay On Changing Car Oil
While most people nowadays, rarely think about changing their car oil. But little
do they know, that regularly changing a car s engine oil is one of the most
important things you can possibly do to keep a car running without any problems
or mishaps. Without regular oil changes, the old oil inside of a car, will break
down and clog a car s oil filter, causing a hefty price for repairs and replacements.
The general population, might not know this, but changing the oil of a car is both
inexpensive and easy.
The change begins by driving the car into a driveway or a spot with enough
allocated space to work beneath the vehicle and outside the vehicle. This is done to
make sure, that an individual does not cause any accidental damage to a person, ...
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As soon as the oil cap bolt has been screwed back on, new oil has to be added.
Locate the the fill hole at the top of the engine. If location cannot be verified, look
to the left of the engine, and there should be a cap. Before anything is done, it is
heavily recommended that vehicle capabilities are checked in the owner s manual, to
insure how much oil the vehicle can take. Too much oil intake may cause blockage,
so please be wary.
Once the new oil has been inserted, it is recommended that the engine is turned off
and on to double check that everything is running smoothly with the oil pressure.
This can be verified, by checking the red engine light turn off and on after startup. If
that is not the case, then a bolt is not tightened properly, and is oozing out liquid or oil.
As another verification method, the dipstick can be pulled out of the vehicle to
double check the pressure. This is located to the bottom left of the engine. It
generally looks like a long metal rod. Simply pull this out, and check to see if both
holes on the bottom of the stick are shaded in with oil. If this is the case, then a
successful oil change has been
The Murder Case Of Stanford White
In the early 1900s, the murder case of Stanford White would shock the world and
would soon be named the crime of the Century. Stanford White was an up and
coming architect during the late 1800 s, he was especially gaining fame in New York
City after forming the Mckee, Mead and White company with other architects. One of
his many accomplishments was the building of the Madison Square GardenTower in
1890. Meanwhile in Philadelphia, 14 year old Florence (a.k.a. Evelyn) Nesbit was
gaining fame as a model after beginning discovered by a local artist. This led her to
gain connections to huge modeling companies, all wanting her to pose for them.
After collecting some money Florence, her mother and her brother Howard, to New
York City in... Show more content on ...
In 1902, Evelyn was introduced to illustrator John Barrymore. They had a
blossoming romance that was soon shut down by White and Mrs. Nesbit.
Barrymore had even proposed to Evelyn but she rejected him due to his low salary.
After her small relationship with John Barrymore, she met the rich railroad man
known as Harry Thaw. Thaw and White were already rivals so as a way to get back
at White he began to pursuing Evelyn by showering her with gifts and money. He
proposed to Evelyn multiple times but was rejected because she had been warned
by Stanford, of Thaw s mental conditions and of his drug abuse. Another factor
causing her to neglect his proposals was she wouldn t marry him without
confessing her past affair. After Evelyn recovered from a surgery that some
believed as an abortion surgery in 1902, Harry invited Mrs. Nesbit and Evelyn on
a trip across Europe. Halfway through the trip, Mrs. Nesbit returns back to the
U.S., leaving Harry and Evelyn alone in Europe. Harry once again continues to
propose to Evelyn but becomes an frusturated as he is rejected once again. When
she finally confesses her past sexual affair with White, he blames Mrs. Nesbit for
not taking good care of her daughter. While they stayed at a castle in Austria, Harry
would physically abuse Evelyn and then apologize right after. When rumors spread
that Evelyn and Harry got married in Europe, Thaw s family was furious at the news
and called Harry to return
Corning Case Study
CORNING (WENY) Corning Community College could be expanding its campus to
downtown Corning if awarded financial assistance from the Regional Economic
Development Council.
This past week, the Southern Tier Regional Economic Development Council looked
at 33 projects for a potential $30 million in funding. Amoung that list includes
Corning Community College. The local community college has submitted an
application to build a state of the art facility to house a heath and education center.
The proposal to build the $3 to $6 million dollar facility looks to collaborate with
officals of the former Guthrie Corning Hospital site. The President of Corning
Community College, Katherine Douglas says they are looking to build the health and
The Social And Social Consequences Of The Second...
The Social and Political Consequences of The Second Industrial Revolution When the
first industrial revolution occurred, transportaiton and production were mainly the
forms of change within Europe. This paved the way for further advancement in
transportation and production. In the later half of the nineteenth century and into the
beginning of the long twentieth century, a second industrial revolutionbrought new
technology and medical advances to Europe. Socialismemerged to attempt to solve
political and social inequalities, leading to socialist policies being put into place.
Medical advances and discoveries in hygiene and public health lead to a decrease in
mortality and and increase in fertility, as well as improve the quality of life.... Show
more content on ...
When Germany was unified in 1871, it soon had an industrial revolution that
rivaled other world super powers, such as Great Britain and France. This threw off
the power balance in Europe . In order to gain more money and resources that may
have been depleted over time, countries looked elsewhere for raw materials (such
as coal and rubber) and new markets. The countries associated with new imperialism
were the United States, Great Britain, France, Japan, and Germany . The United
States, Great Britain, Germany and France divided up Africa, which was previously
avoided due to its barren climate. Japan went to Manchuria and Korea, and Russia
went to central Asia . Each went to the areas with goals to establish colonies and take
raw materials. This would give the countries an advantage in trading. For example,
countries sought oil in the middle east, Russia sought fur in Siberia, and timber was
sought in
Review Of Bring Back The Autopsy By Sandeep Jauhar
Fifty years ago doctors performed autopsies on roughly half the patients who died in
hospital and today the number has dwindled to less than 10 percent. However, there
is growing number of diagnostic errors and it s contributing to some 10 percent of
patient deaths. Therefore, an autopsy is necessary to reduce misdiagnoses and can be
used as an initial step preventive action. The essayBring Back the Autopsyby Sandeep
Jauhar was mostly well written because the flow of this essay was not correct, and
the description that the writer gave lacks in detail. The title of this essay is making
the reader quickly capture what will be discussed in the essay. The title of this
essay is Bring Back the Autopsy. The author uses words that are easy and eye
catching. The use of the word bring back makes the reader immediately
understands that the author wants to restore faded autopsy. In addition of this title,
make the reader want to read more and feel obviously that has a purpose to put
forward the author. The purpose of this essay is also very clear. By reading the title,
the reader can immediately understand what the purpose of this essay was. At the
end of paragraph 1, the author wrote the purpose of the autopsy was to find out. In
paragraph 2 also appears there from the author that the activities of the autopsy are
no longer seen as something important. Fifty years ago we performed autopsies on
roughly half of Patients who died in hospital. Today, the number of
Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technology ( Icmart )
The world has witnessed a marked increase in patients presenting to infertility clinics
in the past three decades.1 Nigeria lies within the infertility belt where prevalence of
infertility is at the highest.2 Infertility has been found to be the leading reason for
gynaecological consultations (accounting for about 60%) with a prevalence of about
15% in Nigeria.3 According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and
International Committee for Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technology
(ICMART), infertility is defined clinically as a disease of the reproductive system
characterized by a failure to achieve successful pregnancy after twelve months or
more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.4
Reproduction either in vivo or in vitro is dependent on the presence of viable gametes
(sperm and ovum), a successful sperm to ovum interaction; fertilization and an
effective implantation of the fertilized ovum onto the endometrial wall of the
uterus.3 In a study carried out in south western Nigeria, the common causes of
infertility were: tubal factor (39.5%), uterine factor (30%), and ovarian factor
(13%).5 Other causes included cervical factor (3%), pelvic inflammatory disease PID
(5.5%), and endometriosis (2.5%).5
In vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment offers the highest pregnancy rate irrespective of
the cause of infertility.6 The first successful IVF procedure was documented by Dr
Edwards and Dr Steptoe in 1978, where ova and sperm were
Creating A Shared Bedroom For Kids
When boys and girls in a family exceed the number of available bedrooms, it
becomes necessary to look for creative ways to divide a shared space. This is
especially challenging with a boy and girl must share the same bedroom, but it can
be done with a few clever decorating tips and tricks. Consider the following creative
ways to divide a shared bedroom for kids, and give the kids sharing a room their very
own area to sleep, play, and dress in their own private space. Begin with Paint When
searching for creative ways to divide and decorate a shared bedroom for kids, begin
by making a dramatic statement with color. To define and divide the shared space,
apply two colors to divide the bedroom in half. For example, if a girl and a boy
must share a bedroom, paint half of the room a cool shade of blue. Paint the other
half of the shared bedroom a soft shade of lilac. This works well if the colors share
the same intensity. Use a measuring tape and a level to determine each half of the
shared bedroom, and divide it with painter s tape for a neat and clean edge. The
shared room will have a unique and impressive look that will give each child a
space to call their own. Visually Divide a Shared Room with Window Treatments
When a window is in the center of a shared wall painted two different colors,
maintain the look by using two different colors of the same style of window
treatments. Buy two sets of the same curtains and valances in colors that will
coordinate well with the two
Characteristics Of The Film Moan The Epic Princess
Moana: The Epic Princess
Odysseus, Beowulf, Achilles, or maybe Gilgamesh all come to mind as archaic
examples, but they are not the only works fit the criteria of an epic. Many modern
day storylines such as Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or Moana are
based on the ideas of an epic legend. The phrase epic denotes a type of long,
narrative poem, one that celebrates a heroic achievement and/or holds themes of
cultural significance. There are six defining characteristics of an epic: an outstanding
hero, a large or vast setting, an action requiring superhuman courage, supernatural
forces, a versed writing style, and an omniscient and objective author. These
legends are generally mythologized histories often of oral origin that are loosely
based on the region s history. In the case of Moana, the story takes place in Ancient
Polynesia where a terrible curse of the Demigod, Maui, reaches Moana s island,
Motunui; she goes on a quest to answer the ocean s call to seek out Maui and make
things right. Moana s journey, in the form of an epic, involves her taking on a
daring mission to save her people, and though she faces many tests along the way,
with supernatural aid and other assists she successfully conquers this task. The film
Moana, released in 2016, outlines all of the characteristics to qualify as an epic
feature. As with all works of this style, Moana, the seemingly ordinary girl, is called
from a normal life to head out on a daunting quest with many trials,
Crime During The Prohibition Era
A. Plan of Investigation This investigation focuses on answering the question:
How did Irish Mob activity in New York City change during the Prohibition Era? The
paper will address the different ways crime progressed in New York City from 1915
1935. This time period allows for greater perspective of crimepatterns shortly before,
during, and directly following the Prohibition Era. The key organized crimegroups
during this time period were Irish Mob gangs such as the White Hand and Gopher
Gangs. In order to properly investigate the question and analyze findings it will be
essential to use primary source documents including but not limited to the New York
Times article Our Town and Its Folk; Tyro Motorists and Other Citizens written in
1925.... Show more content on ...
The purpose of the encyclopedia is to inform readers of American criminal activity.
The source gives short synopses of the crime groups, criminals, and crimes. There
is value in this source because it is a known reliable source. Encyclopedias are
edited many times and checked for validity so the reliability of this source is high.
However, there are limitations in the fact that the information given is only in
short synopses which are at most one page long. Because there is not a lot of space
given for each subject area the encyclopedia does not go as in depth as other sources
might. It is a good place to start research and gives good information about criminals,
however when researching whole organizations this source is broad in its topic areas,
which limits
The Bluest Eye Toni Morrison Essay
Society, especially western, conceptualizes beauty through the use of publicity and
cinema. We are under constant bombardment from consumer related magazine ads,
billboards, television commercials, and movies about what beautiful people look
like and how we should imitate them. This standard is overwhelmingly portrayed
as white beauty. Starting from a young age this standard of beauty is forged in our
minds; we want to look like these actors and models; we want to be thin, fit,
youthful looking, have a symmetrical face and possibly even posses a particular
race. We accept this beauty standard; we notice our various faults among ourselves
and self critique. We try to emulate the models as best we can and we fail to realize
that these... Show more content on ...
Pauline Breedlove, like her husband Cholly, is at first portrayed as just another
antagonist in the novel, helping push Pecola further and further to insanity.
Morrison makes it a point to illustrate how Pauline arrives in her state as an
antagonist; she does not just create empty monsters; she tries to make all of the
antagonists sympathetic in some way to justify how they become so. After
moving up north with Cholly to find work Pauline, quickly becomes isolated and
depressed. Pauline tries to fit in by attempting to adapt to the northerners speech,
fashion, and appearance that is modeled after the white beauty standard,
unfortunately she could never perfect or change herself enough to be accepted
which leads to her isolation. Pauline felt uncomfortable with the few black women
she met. They were amused by her because she did not straighten her hair. When
she tried to make up her face as they did, it came off rather badly. Their goading
glances and private snickers at her way of talking (saying chil ren ) and dressing
developed in her a desire for new clothes. (Pg. 116). It was through this isolation
during her pregnancy that she began to take refuge at the movie theaters. In films,
we are shown society s current vision of what beauty is, what we should find
aesthetically pleasing in people. Pauline begins to go to the movies on a nearly
daily basis to escape the reality of her real life and it is here that she is introduced to
Summary Of LaocoпїЅn And His Sons
Mussels twisting in agony, fans savagely piercing the flesh, faces drowning in
suffering. This intense visual is shockingly manifested through marble in the
sculpture Laocoön and His Sons by Hagesandros, Polydoros, and Athenodoros of
Rhodes. This alluring orchestra of artistic elements is the perfect compilation of
technical perfection and emotional expression. The exaggerated drama of the piece
is the style of the Greek s Hellenistic period. All things considered, Laocoön and His
Sons possesses both exquisite formal components and content and has the ability to
provide insight into both the culture of the Greeks, as well as the attitudes of humanity
withholds towards enemies. To commence, the formal composition of Laocoön and
His Sons is enticing. The piece is carved in marblewith a height of eight feet. The
marble white hue of the statue seems to accentuate the detailed anatomy of the
figures. The three males are placed upon a base. On one of the far sides of the
base, there resides a pillar style seating with drapery which hangs off in a waterfall
like motion. The central figure, and by far the most substantial in size, Laocoön,
seats at an angular position. This angular position creates a dynamic composition.
His two sons, Antiphantes and Thymbraeus, struggle at his side as sea serpents
attach all three the figures. There appears to be two sea serpents, one who is notably
digging its fangs into Laocoön s hip. Moreover, a significant aspect of the piece is
Speech On Tourism
Make A Visit To Incredible India To Get Delightful Lifetime Experience
India Tourism:
Being a beautiful country, India has become the South Asia s most famous tourism
destination. It attracts tourists from worldwide by providing them a unique tourism
experience in order to cherish the unforgettable moments for the upcoming years. In
India, there are a wide range of tourism options being cherished by the tourists during
their vacation times. The country is found to be wildly renowned for its unique
cultural and geographical features. The unique culture and geography have made
India, a prominent tourist destination in the world. With perfect tourism potential, the
country has copious tourist s attractions, which captivate almost all sorts of tourists
from all over the world.
A brief history of India:
Just like the history of Mankind, the Indian history is too old. The history ... Show
more content on ...
There is a noble cause and significant identity found behind each and every festival
based upon traditions, rituals, monsoon, legends and history. There are historical fair,
religious fair, cattle fair, animal worship fair, monsoon fair and also changing season
fair. Almost all the festivals denote color, dedications, vivacity, high sprit, peace,
power, ebullience, humanity, sports activity, appetizing food, prayers, rituals and
artistic performance. When it comes to India Tourism, there is no doubt that fair and
festivals will be on top priority amongst the tourists in order to witness the amazing
Indian festivals.
Highlights of India Tourism:
Highlights of India tourism can be classified into different options including heritage,
wildlife, adventure, backwater, beach, medical, nature and monsoon that appeals
worldwide tourists.
Cultural heritage
1992 Los Angeles Riots
In July of 2014 Eric Garner was killed by a chokehold by an officer. 12 year old
Tamir Rice was shot by police for playing with a toy pistol in november 2014. (text
1, line 10) Police departments continue to generate headlines even after the 1992 Los
Angeles riots. Most recent deaths on the police department have fueled a debate
across the nation. (text 1, line 2) while some believe that policebrutality only happens
as isolated incidents the truth is that it is a major societal problem.
In 2013, 49,851 officers were assaulted in the line of duty. That same year the injury
rate was up to 29.2%. In 2015 a poll was conducted for the justice department. They
analyzed 394 incidents involving deadly police force. They found that officers do
Islamic Women
Great women of Islam throughout the ages and their contributions Throughout
Islamic history and development, many great women were part of key
contributions to the development and evolution of society and the world at large.
From sahabieen, to women who helped contribute to education and medicine, and
women today who are helping in making progress for the rights of Muslim. The
imprint that women have left and continue to leave is notable and important. The
first Muslim after the Prophet was a woman, Khadija, the first wife of the Prophet
(s). She was a very successful business women, she had multiple under her employ
and was a just employer. She inherited her father s skills in a time in history where
society was male dominated and dangerous. She also was very generous; her success
could be attributed not dissimilar to that of prominent level CEOs today. And unlike
many business owners of... Show more content on ...
There is a growing trend in a more socialist rule to get rid of culture that often
limits women. One such woman is Somayya Jabarti, a journalist and chief of the
Saudi Gazette. The first female editor in chief of a major news publication in
Saudi Arabia. A country known to generally limit work opportunities for women.
Bringing great stride and change in the outlook of women in Saudi Arabia. She
provides inspiration for many Saudi women in hopes for a better freer future.
Another woman in modern Islamic history, is from the recent 2010s, and is the
youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner. Malala Yousafzai, is a 19 year old Pakistani
women s rights activist. On October 9, 2012, Malala was shot in the head and was in
critical condition but luckily survived. She was protesting the Taliban rule in her
native village and how they limited female education opportunities. She continues to
speak at major events such as TED Talks and such. She is a motivational speaker and
continues to pursue the growth for the rights of women limited my misconstrued
Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes ( Crotalus Oreganus ) Use...
Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus) use thermal and structural cues to
choose overwintering hibernacula Hope Lindsey Jordan Biology 4080/4081
Professor Burton April 11, 2017 ABSTRACT Hibernaculum are places where
creatures seek refuge and most hibernacula and summer dens are found beside old
fallen logs (73%)(. Hibernacula and Summer Den Sites of Pine Snakes (Pituophis
melanoleucus) in the New Jersey Pine Barrens). Snakes have hibernaculum, which
are like dens and these dens can provide multiple benefits to snakes including shelter
from lethal overwinter conditions, social opportunities, and contain basking sites,
which important in thermoregulation (Gienger CM, Beck DD. 2011). Overwintering
is the process... Show more content on ...
It is hypothesized that snakes are capable of leaving pheromone trails for
themselves or their offspring to locate hibernacula because the hibernacula keep
them from freezing in the winter[cite conspecific trailing behavior of red sided
garter snakes] To contrary belief, snakes are not solitary animals when it comes to
hibernacula.Snakes are often highly selective in the choice of sites for hibernation,
and suitable sites can potentially be a limiting resource(.Pine Snake (Pituophis
Ruthveni and Pituophis Melanoleucus Lodingi) Hibernacula D. C. Rudolph, R. R.
Schaefer, S. J. Burgdorf, M. Duran, and R. N. Conner) Snakes colonize together
and use hibernaculum to escape frigid winters (Macartney et al. 1989; Sexton et al.
1992) and are likely to overwinter to avoid freezing temperatures (Mathies T. and
Martin. J.D 2008) in order to regulate physiological processes after spring
emergence for basking (Gregory 1984). Given the benefits of hibernaculum, in the
off chance snakes do not locate hibernacula is it more like for that snake to run the
risk of not surviving. The high fidelity that snakes display towards specific
hibernacula suggests that hibernacula have unique characteristics which allow them
to be repeatedly relocated and features which may be critical in allowing overwinter
survival (Burger et al. 1988;
Millard Fillmore Biography
Millard Fillmore
Early Life He became vice president under President Zachary Taylor, assuming the
presidency after Taylor s death in 1850. Of a stroke.
Millard Fillmore got a job as a clerk with a local judge, Fillmore joined the Anti
Masonic Party as a young lawyer, and his political career began. In 1828, he ran for
the New York State Assembly and won, Fillmore supported the protective tariff and
eliminating the slave trade between the states. He eventually joined the Whig Party
through his association with party boss Thurlow Weed, who would later help
Abraham Lincoln become president.
Personal life He was a lawyer before his presence . Millard had 3 sisters and 5
brothers he was the 2nd child. At the beginning of his career Fillmore was associated
with the democratic. Millard received a little formal education as a young ... Show
more content on ...
Though Fillmore personally opposed slavery, he saw the Compromise as necessary
to preserving the Union and enforced its strong Fugitive Slave Act during his
presidency He attempted to strengthen his position in New York . In 1846, he helped
establish the University at Buffalo. In 1847, Fillmore was elected to the position of
New York comptroller.
But sadly 1874, Mr.fillmore died March 8. He died of a stroke. Millerd was not the
only child he had 5 brothers and 3 sisters he was the 2nd oldest and he was not the
first to past of his siblings his brother Almon Hopkins Fillmore died 1830. Also his
sister Olive Armstrong Johnson died one year before him.
Millard fillmore was the last president to be affiliated with either the Democrats or
the Republicans
Here s a famous quote from millard fillmore Let us remember that revolutions do not
always establish freedom.
Links fillmore 9295008#entry into politics
Chmn 201 Exam 3 Study Guide Essay
CHMN 201
Introduction to Church Ministries
Be familiar with the following content from Chapters 27 31 of:
Earley Gutierrez (2010) Ministry Is...How to Serve Jesus with Passion and
Confidence (Nashville: Broadman Holman).
Taken from Chapter 27 Praying For Those You Serve
Earley Gutierrez (2010) Ministry Is...How to Serve Jesus with Passion and
Confidence (Nashville: Broadman Holman).
According to Ministry Is..., chapter 27, We must be men and women of prayer
who learn to pray powerfully and effectively for _____. (be able to fill in the blanks)
others According to Ministry Is..., chapter 27, _____ _ ____ seeks the best for others
before the throne of God by bringing their needs to the ... Show more content on ...
Some of them were;
Pray for a few _____ _____ to pour your life into
Spend _____ _____ _____ with them as you can.
Pour into their lives the things _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ .
Allow them to _____ _____ along side of you
Push them to pour their lives into others
Dream _____ . (be able to fill in the blanks) faithful people as much time the Lord
is teaching you do ministry big According to Ministry Is..., chapter 28, Ministry is
obeying the _____ _____ of Jesus by making disciples. (be able to fill in the blanks)
Great Commission
According to Ministry Is..., chapter 28, Ministry is following the example of Jesus
by practicing _____ _____ _____ _____ . (be able to fill in the blanks) spiritual
mentoring and multiplying
According to Ministry Is..., chapter 28, Ministry is _____ _____ _____ so you can
reach the many. (be able to fill in the blanks) gathering a few
Taken from Chapter 29 Leading a Small Group
Earley Gutierrez (2010) Ministry Is...How to Serve Jesus with Passion and
Confidence (Nashville: Broadman Holman).
According to Ministry Is..., chapter 29, A healthy Christian small group is a
gathering of three to fifteen people who meet regularly together for the purpose of
spiritual _____ _____
Comparison Of Kuhn And Popper s Understanding Of
In this section we will compare and contrast Kuhn s understanding of science with
Popper s understanding of science. These two methods are narrower when it comes
to levels of scrutiny. They are also more open and willing to embrace change because
they seek to change the status quo which is traditional science. Both scientists agree
that the traditional method of science is too broad and ignores many different
variables that could change the outcome of the results. They also concur on the
idea that a subjective approach to science and reason is more suitable to reach a
correct answer rather than shooting wildly in all directions and accepting the bullet
that is closest to our target. Kuhn and Popper looked at traditional science as a
method based on assumptions and estimates rather than exact truths or data. They
do differ however in some ways. Kuhn does not believe that falsifying theories is
necessary to ascertain the truth like Popper does. He simply believes that society is
rapidly changing and therefore the methods of science must change also. Popper
does not necessarily concern himself with sociological opinions or status quos. He
focuses more on the procedures of traditional methods and works to disprove
theories. Karl Popperwas an Austrian British philosopher as well as a professor of
science. He grew up in a wealthy family and surrounded himself with education and
knowledge. He attended various lectures and soon found himself accepting the
socialist ideas of Karl
The Beat Generation Essay
The one thing that we yearn for in our living days, that makes us sigh and groan
and undergo sweet nauseas of all kinds, is the remembrance of some lost bliss that
was probably experienced in the womb and can only be reproduced (though we hate
to admit it) in death. (Kerouac, Jack. On the road. ). This quote, from Jack Kerouacs
book On the Road, is a brilliant example of the overall feel of the Beat Generation.
Jack Kerouac is one of the most influential writers of the Beat Generation, rivaled
only by the likes of Allen Ginsbergand William S. Burrough. But what exactly is the
Beat Generation? What does it mean? Who of note was involved? When did it take
place? The Beat Generation is a play on words, implying that the participants... Show
more content on ...
The Beat Generation, a highly rebellious and conflict heavy group were invaluable
in our countries development, without them America would be a completely
different place. It is common knowledge that Jack Kerouac was a key part of the
Beat Generation, but why did he matter, what was his most influential work? Born
on March 12, 1922 in Lowell, Massachusetts to French speaking parents from the
French quarter of Quebec and French was spoken at home, Kerouac was the final
of three children (Jack Kerouac). As a result of his upbringing, Kerouac was not a
native English speaker; he actually did not learn English until the age of six (Jack
Kerouac). Kerouac experienced tragedy at a dreadfully young age, his older
brother Gerard died of rheumatic fever when he was four years old (Jack
Kerouac). Kerouac and Gerard had grown close during Gerard s illness, and Gerard
s death left Kerouac feeling exceptionally lost. But the lessons Kerouac learned from
Gerard s death would stay with him forever and shape his future writing, particularly
his reverence for life (Jack Kerouac). Kerouac actually coined the term Beat
Generation in his highly influential book On the Road They were like the man with
the dungeon stone and gloom, rising from the underground, the

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Service Essay

  • 1. Service Essay Writing an essay on the topic of "Service" can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty arises not just from the need to articulate one's thoughts coherently but also from the depth and breadth of the subject matter itself. The term "service" encompasses a wide range of meanings and contexts, from personal acts of kindness to the broader societal implications of public service and community engagement. One of the challenges lies in striking the right balance between personal anecdotes and broader reflections on the concept of service. The essay may require a delicate interweaving of personal experiences that highlight the value of service with a more analytical exploration of its societal, cultural, and historical dimensions. Crafting a well-rounded essay demands a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted nature of service and the ability to convey this complexity effectively. Additionally, the task involves navigating the potential pitfalls of clichГ©s and platitudes associated with the theme of service. It's essential to avoid generic statements and delve into specific examples and insights that genuinely reflect one's understanding of and engagement with the concept. Research may also be necessary to provide a solid foundation for the essay, drawing on academic and real-world examples to support arguments and perspectives. This requires time and effort to gather relevant information, ensuring that the essay is not only reflective but also well- informed and credible. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Service" is no small feat. It demands a thoughtful exploration of personal experiences, an understanding of the broader implications of service, and the ability to express these ideas in a compelling and well-supported manner. However, with careful consideration and dedication, the challenge can be met, resulting in a meaningful and impactful essay. For assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, it's worth exploring resources like, where professional help may be available to guide and support the essay writing process. Service Essay Service Essay
  • 2. Raphael Research Paper The Pre Raphaelites were a seven rebellious artists in London who wanted to create new art. The pre Raphaelites Brotherhood were; William Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Michael Rossetti, James Collinson, Frederic George Stephens and Thomas Woolner.They detested another artist s work that, at the time went by the name Raphael(Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino), hence the name Pre Raphaelites. However, society in the Victorian period adored Raphael and his work and many other artists copied his style of art. This meant that people despised the Pre Raphaelites work and they found it to be outrageous. In the Victorian era, artwork was based on religion and realism. People were painted like they wanted to look like... Show more content on ... At first, they were not accepted into their world of art and their work was found disgraceful and shocking. As they saw themselves as Avant garde leaders and aimed to start a revolution and rebel against the Royal Academy regulations and standards, by doing things like humanizing the holy family, displaying affection bluntly between couples and painting exactly what they saw without any modification in their paintings. All of these things were found open majorly in the Victorian era. However, as time went on people began to accept Impressionism and the Pre Raphaelites. Both groups had a interesting but different ways of responding to the 19th Century life style and introducing their art. The biggest difference being the context of their painting because even though both groups wanted to make a difference in art they executed their plans differently. However, there were many similarities between them as well one of them being their response to religion which that they didn t present it to be as magnificent as other artists in the 19th Century. However, they were in the time of the Renaissance (the re birth) and many people started to think in a new way and the Pre Raphaelites and the Impressionist were groups who done just
  • 3. American Fashion Industry in 21st Century American Fashion in 21st Century Fashion is the need to adapt to ever changing styles; to dress in distinctive and current trends and a means for one to express their individuality. Fashion refers to keeping every aspect of one s body up to date for varying reasons. Some people prefer a simple life style with modest attire whereas most passionately follow the fashionindustry and rapidly change accordingly. This increase in demand for individually tailored items including everything from clothing and footwear to makeup and body piercings is what gave birth to the fashion industry. The roots of this business can be traced to America in the nineteenth century where it grew rapidly and spread across the globe to become the highly... Show more content on ... What is more, this completion extends to designers as well since they strive to differentiate their products introduce innovative styles which can result in an inefficient use of resources and illegal business practices. This need for cost minimization is one of the reasons as to why the fashion industry exploits cheap foreign labor. The glamor, the runways and the exhibitions are just the front of a dark background. This industry works on the basis of subcontracting, where designers place orders with manufacturers who then hire sub contractor to complete their orders. Since this industry is highly competitive subcontractor are given only take or leave option with often less payment compared to amount of work which forces them to resort to employing cheap labor in their own workshops which often end up resembling sweat shops. Even if this is not the case, designer brands have their own units to produce their goods. Recently many of the fashion retailers have been accused of underpaying their workers and violating international labor laws by running sweatshop. These involve extremely low wages, long working hours and poor working conditions. Earlier this month, factories in Cambodia were investigated for possible violation labor laws. These factories produced clothing for the fast fashion retailer H amp;M which was found to be paying their workers a measly wage of $61 a month by a Swedish TV program called Kalla Fakta (Keilla 1). Since America is powerful
  • 4. Gender In The Bohemian Rhapsody The Bohemian Rhapsody from QUEEN was written in 1975, and re released in 1991. The author was Freddie Mercury. This literary work is very interesting for me examined by psychological approach. The entire text has a male centred structure, the dominant persona is male. There are several names and characterizations such as poor boy , killed a man , Galileo . All of these references show the dominant gender in the text. Although there is a less strong female presence as well such as mama and mama mia .(The English studies book introduction to language, literature and culture, second edition Rob Pope). It is possible to gain up the text and the author s relation in different ways. First of all, it is important to know that the author,... Show more content on ... He honestly starts with owning up a murder made by him. In my opinion, if the text is checked with trying to understand his background, it can be construct as admit of his own rambunctiously life. I killed a man. Put a gun against his head. Pulled my trigger. Now he is dead. As a broad interpretation it explains his sickness, made with the wild life what he lived. He tells with the metaphor that he went too far, he just killed himself with a gun. He realizes that his life is dangerously approaching to its end that he has just started now. He is feeling the weight of his words. He starts to apologize for what he disbosom. He feels that this self revelation is too factual. He says my time has come , like he resigned his fate. There is a big hesitation from the author. He just making paradoxes with stating first that he is desperate and second that he is absolutely resigned his fate. The big confused feeling is growing. He closes the second part with another paradoxical state. He unmask his fear from death, he do not want to die. Vice versa at the last sentence of this second part he says I sometimes wish I d never born at all. He chooses literarily the death, but without living
  • 5. Misdemeanor Code During the course of almost everyone s life, the majority of us have been locked out of something, whether it was a vehicle, a telephone, or even your house. With these situations, there can be a couple solutions, for example, if you were locked out of your car you can call a locksmith or find a metal coat hanger and wiggle it down your window sill and hope you can unlock it. If you were locked out of your telephone you could wait a certain amount to be able to re enter your password again. Or in some instances, you can plug your phone into your computer for a chance to gain extra tries at re entering it or reset it completely. If you were locked out of your house you could call individual you know with a key, call a locksmith, or you can execute... Show more content on ... I would strongly advise against using these methods to break into any property that is not your own. In addition, the Credit Card method can fracture and eventually break whatever kind of card you choose to use. Beginning with the Bump Key Method used on a deadbolt style lock you will first need to insert your modified key. While the key is inserted you will need to turn the key slightly clockwise and at that instant hit it with the blunt object. This action of hitting the lock makes the pins in the lock tumbler jump if you turn the key at the exact right moment will consequently allow the key to be able to turn and the deadbolt will be unlocked. This may need a couple of times for it to work due to it taking some practice to learn. In the unfortunate event that this method cannot unlock your deadbolt style lock, you may have a deadbolt style lock which has a protective mechanism against this type of forced entry. With the Credit Card method, you will begin by holding the doorknob. Once you have a positive hold on the knob you will insert the corner of your credit card or any other piece of card shaped strong plastic. At that moment you should begin wiggling it from the top of the lock until you bring the card between the lock and the door and you will know when you have it due to there will be a click sound. Soon after the click sound, you should be able to push on the door and it should open even though the door itself is still
  • 6. Essay on Comparing Pygmalion and My Fair Lady Comparing Pygmalion and My Fair Lady Through the years, countless film directors have adapted and recreated various novels and plays to make them ideal for the big screen. In many cases, directors strive to keep their screenplay adaptations true to the original literature; however, viewers often find contrasts in certain areas of the film. George Bernard Shaw, author of the play Pygmalion, who had passed away prior to the production of My Fair Lady in 1964, therefore, he could not assist in the transition from play to musical. For this reason, director George Cukor has attempted to retain some similarities and also incorporate a few changes of his own. Although readers can discover numerous similarities between My Fair Lady and ... Show more content on ... To begin with, Shaw and Cukor introduce the importance of social status in the opening scenes of their works. When Henry Higgins analyzes Eliza Doolittle in the film, he keeps a dry, condescending tone to make it clear that she should look up to him. On the other hand, in the play, Higgins speaks unsympathetic, degrading words and vilifies Liza?s whole existence. Unquestionably, during this time period, it is rather unlikely for aristocratic society to associate with the low class citizens. The critic, Roger Ebert, states the modifications of the play and then the movie in the Ebert articles: ?The story?began as a Greek legend and was retold in Elizabethan and Victorian times and reached its present form as George Bernard Shaw?s ?Pygmalion? (1912), with its clear eyed dissection of the British class system? (Ebert 1). Therefore, Cukor preserved a great deal of Shaw?s characterizations and utilized them for My Fair Lady. Along with the aforementioned similarities in Pygmalion and My Fair Lady, one can also stumble upon a number of contradictions, including conclusions. Shaw had originally written his play without music, but Cukor later incorporates a score with the text. Critic Liz Burroughs believes that these changes are for the better. ?The additions of the Lerner Loewe songs provide an extra dimension to the story, even if you
  • 7. Cultural Practices between Men and Women in Nigeria INTRODUCTION Creative Media Industries are swiftly shifting its focus to solely digital media and opportunities for creative writers are paid no attention but a Canada based Nigerian scholar at the thirty first yearly covention of the Association of Nigerian Authors, points out that writers are the world s window into a culture Adesanmi (2013). Novelists, biographers, historians, scriptwriters, and more recently, bloggers are the constant that record and catalogue the culture, norms and trends of a particular period or people. Through creative writing the culture of a group of people is revealed and documented. This project is a collection of fictional short stories, it is titled Cold Heart and Other Stories. The theme of these ... Show more content on ... People s lives and cultures are made up of coinciding stories, and the monolithic impression of Nigerian women in literature still needs to be challenged. LITERATURE REVIEW/CRITICAL UNDERPINNING In Nigeria, men expect and demand respect, cultural practices show that the major roles of women is to submit to their men, raise the children and feed them. From the precolonial period to present time, women s roles have advanced but the Nigeria has always been a patriachial society, the concept of patriachy is crucial...because feminism needed a term by which the totality of oppressive and exploitative relations which affect women could be expressed (Humm 2003:200). Colonialism ushered education and with time, women were allowed to be educated and became exposed and aware of their rights but: ...women s rights and women s being have always been taken for granted, nicely and safely tucked away under the bed of patriarchy. Silence was the virtue of women and passivity their garner, but it was not always so. Traditional societies in pre colonial times had spheres of power and influence for women in closely knit organizations that helped them maintain a
  • 8. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Whether the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) would require Wetherford Associates, a for profit advertising agency, to compensate an intern whose job duties will include researching into potential clients and media markets, ordering and organizing supplies, relieving the receptionist as necessary, and taking phone messages. Furthermore, whether any combination of proposed job duties would permit the Agency to hire the internin an unpaid capacity. BRIEF ANSWER Wetherford will be able to offer the unpaid internship if they make sure the intern is the main beneficiary in the intern employer relationship. The Eighth Circuit, which covers Missouri, has previously applied the primary beneficiary rule. Under the primary beneficiary rule, Wetherford... Show more content on ... Currently, there are no statutory or regulatory guidelines specifically designated for the consideration of the relationship between an employer and an intern. Even when courts have not been consistent in applying the FLSA six factor test or Walling v. Portland Terminal Co., our client will be able to offer the unpaid internship by acting in good faith, having in place an unpaid internship letter and signing an arbitration agreement. The FLSA s six factor test has provided a guidance to determine whether an intern or trainee is entitled to minimum wage and overtime compensation under the FLSA for services he provides to a for profit employer. The factors are: 1.The internship, even though it includes actual operation of the facilities of the employer, is similar to training which would be given in an educational environment; 2.The internship experience is for the benefit of the intern; 3.The intern does not displace regular employees, but works under close supervision of existing staff; 4.The employer that provides the training derives no immediate advantage from the activities of the intern; and on occasion its operations may actually be impeded; 5.The intern is not necessarily entitled to a job at the conclusion of the internship;
  • 9. Mouth Ceremony Analysis Where was the artefact found? The Tomb painting depicting both the Opening Of The Mouth Ceremony and the arrival of Tutankhamun in the afterlife is located on the North wall of King Tutankhamun s burial chamber in November 1922. Describe the artefact The background on which these images are painted on was made of yellow ochre to imitate a gold colour and decorated using white, black, red, blue, and green paints. The first scene depicts the Opening Of The Mouth Ceremony being performed on Tutankhamun by the New King Ay who is represented here as youthful and smaller than the old King. Ay is wearing the panther skin cloak of sem priest, and the blue crown (the Khepresh) complete with the uraeus, and has white sandals on his feet. Tutankhamun is represented as Osiris. He is wearing the Atef crown with a gold plated uraeus (an image of a serpent used as an emblem of power usually worn on headdresses ), and in each of his hands he is holding a Nekhakha (flail) whip as a sign of his power. In between the old and new kings lays a casket which contained all the tools and materials used in the ceremony. The inscription reads: The good god, Lord ... Show more content on ... King Tutankhamun is depicted as a boy and wears a white loincloth and a wesekh collar (a symbol of eliteness) with a gold headband inscribed with a Uraeus. He is holding both a staff and a club etched with an ankh(symbol of life). Nut is greeting him on the left with the symbol of water in her hand whilst making the sign of welcome with her arms. She is wearing a white cloth with a shoulder strap, her arms are adorned with bracelets and on her neck and shoulders rests a wesekh collar. around her hair is a white ribbon of mourning. this scene is explained with the inscription: Nut, Mistress of the Sky, Lady of the Gods, she performs nyny for the one whom she gave birth, she gives health and life to your nostrils, which is life
  • 10. Essay Daniel H. Pink s Critique of A Whole New Mind Will right brainers rule the future? A whole new mind: why right brainers will rule the future, a book by Daniel H. Pink assesses this critical question. Pink s book is divided into two parts. Part one lays out the broad animating idea, provides an overview of key differences between our left and right hemispheres, presents the case for why Abundance, Asia, and Automation pushes the world into the Conceptual Age . It illustrates why people who master high concept and high touch set the tempo for modern life. Part two of the book covers the six essential right brainabilities Pink described as needed to make it in the Conceptual Age. Design. Story. Symphony. Empathy. Play. Meaning. Pink devotes one chapter to each of these six senses,... Show more content on ... Pink s agreement here conflicts with the reoccurring theme of his book that right brain directed thinking should be added to left brain directed thinking. Throughout the book Pink illustrated how right brain directed thinking is rising in fields that were restricted to L directed thinking and thinkers. For example, in the chapter on story he reveals the idea of narrative medicine. Narrative medicine is part of a wider trend to incorporate an R Directed approach into what has long been a bastion of L Directed muscle flexing. Fifteen years ago, about one out of three American medical schools offered humanities courses. Today, three out of four do (Pink, 2006). From this example just like many in his book Pink addresses how and why R directed thinking could and should be added to L directed thinking but he lack in evidence in showing that we are completely moving away from an economy and society built on the logical, liner, computer like capabilities of the Information Age to the economy and society built on the inventive empathetic, big picture capabilities (2006). Pink s argument that we are moving out of a left brain dominance and in to a new era where right brain qualities will be prized is well illustrated in part one the book. According to Pink the two hemispheres of our brain don t operate as on off switches...both halves play a role in nearly everything we do (2011). Pink suggests that both hemisphere of the brain are equally important. In fact, a healthy,
  • 11. China Cold Chain Logistics Industry Report, 2014-2017 -... China Cold Chain Logistics Industry Report, 2014 2017 include new market research report China Cold Chain Logistics Industry Report, 2014 2017 to its huge collection of research reports Description Since Cold Chain Logistics Development Plan of Agricultural Products was introduced in 2010, China cold chain logistics industry has entered an unprecedented rapid development stage. In October 2014, the State Council issued Medium and Long term Development Plan of Logistics Industry (20142020) to boost the cold chain logistics industry toward large scale, standardization and modernization. View Full Report At: China cold chain logistics industry is ... Show more content on ... In a country as large and geographically diverse as India, refrigerated road transport is crucial for the safe circulation of fresh and frozen perishables. Download Sample Of This Report: /sample/235011 Renub Research report titled India Reefer Transport Market, Number Forecast provides a comprehensive analysis of the India Reefer Transport market covering in detail various aspects such as Reefer Transport Units available for various commodities. Global And China Antisepsis Tank Industry 2014 Market Research Report View Full Report At: This report also presents product specification, manufacturing process, and product cost structure etc.Production is separated by regions, technology and applications. Download Sample Of This Report: /sample/237216 For technical data and manufacturing plants analysis, the report analyzes Antisepsis tank leading suppliers on capacity, commercial production date,
  • 12. Examples Of Critical Incident Of A Teacher As a student, I have been inspired by a few teachers at both my primary and secondary schools to seek an interest in the teaching profession. One year after finishing secondary school where I obtained most of my passes I took some time to reflect back on my twelve years at school and the few critical incidents that have cultivated my thinking about teachers and teaching. Some incidents were positive and others negative, but all assisted to shape the type of teacher I want to be in the future! A few critical incidents that shaped my thinking were the first time I came first in a class, the evening I approached the lackadaisical teacher and the day where I was escorted out of class. At primary schoolI was not referred to as an A student until I entered standard three where Mr. Singh was my teacher. Personally, I considered him the ideal teacher; he had a... Show more content on ... I was honestly confused. When she came outside she told me that she was disappointed in me when she saw my mark for the subject and she knew that I am capable of so much and if I focused and stopped indulging in disruptive behaviour in class I could receive a high grade in all my subjects. I was surprised because it was the first time in secondary school a teacher showed me that they cared about me. I saw the hurt in her eyes when she talked to me. Research suggests caring relationships with teacher s help students do better in school and act more kindly toward others. (Zakrzewski, 2012, para. 1) When a teacher truly shows interest in a student it means so much to that student. That evening I went home and analysed everything she told me and I had a new perspective about her, my education and my future. As a teacher, I will try to motivate all my students from early to insure that they have the right mindset to learn and to prepare for their
  • 13. Nonfiction Examples In Into The Wild Facts are data; truth is the sense we make of the data. And the sense we make should always be open to revision, to new evidence, to further discovery. Another way to say Scott Russell Sanders s quote, is that facts are just proven information, and truth is the understanding that we have of that information. And understanding should always be open to change or new ideas. Creative nonfiction is believed by some that it can lead readers to new insights or discoveries. On the other hand, some believe that it just makes a normal nonfiction story into a interesting piece. Despite all the arguments, creative nonfiction can lead readers to new insights and discoveries. There are many examples in the world that readers can gain new insights or discoveries... Show more content on ... In Krakauer s piece, he gives the story about a young man named Chris McCandless, who decided to live his handed to him life behind to go live in the wilderness in Alaska. Chris s decision ultimately lead to his death, and many readers try to figure out why he would ve left his perfect life to death. In chapter eleven, Krakauer mentions Chris s relationship with his father, Walt McCandless, Walt is accustomed to calling the shots. Taking control is something he does unconsciously, reflexively. Although he speaks softly in the unhurried cadence of the American West, his voice has an edge, and the set of his jaw betrays an undercurrent of nervous energy... There is no mistaking whence Chris s intensity came (Krakauer 105). Krakauer is clearly bringing a new discovery to readers about Chris s life. Readers can now understand that part of the reason why Chris left was because he didn t have a good relationship with his father. Another example from Into the Wildis when Krakauer talks about the picture Chris took, one of his last acts was to take a picture of himself, standing near the bus under the Alaska sky... He is smiling in the picture, and there is no mistaking the look in his eyes: Chris McCandless was at peace, serene as a monk gone to God (Krakauer 199). Krakauer brings a new insight to readers, Chris left his perfect life to live in the wild because that truly made him happy. Many people at first said that Chris was an idiot for trying to live in the wilderness, but after reading Krakauer s novel, their opinions of Chris definitely change in some
  • 14. The Big Shift By Darrel Bricker And John Ibbitson The thesis put forth by Darrel Bricker and John Ibbitson in The Big Shift: The Seismic Change in Canadian Politics, Business, and Culture and What It Means for Our Future , is premised on the notion that the Laurentian Consensus has ended due to its reluctance to accept the changes that Canada has gone, and will go through. They argue that their resistance to change created an opportunity for the Conservative party to become the new natural governing party in Canada(Bricker Ibbitson, 2013). By recognizing and acting on these changes, the Conservative party built a platform for success which lead to the outcome of the 2011 federal election. They argue that the seismic shift in the demographics of Canadian voters from one side of the political spectrum to the other granted Conservatives this victory. This paper will explore the flaws within their argument, and the extent to which this shift is perpetual in nature. The Laurentian Consensus can be defined as the collective rule by those along the St. Lawrence River including Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto, Montreal and Quebec political, business, academic, cultural and media elites. This long standing coalition, closely linked with the ideas and values of the Liberal party has been the reigning power in Canadian government over the last century. The authors emphasize that the Laurentian consensus coming to an end signifies a shift from old to new Canada, with new values emerging and political fundamentals have fallen into
  • 15. William Wordsworth s Analysis Of I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud The poem was written in the year 1802. It was first published in Poems in Two Volumes, in 1807. The very starting line of the poem I wandered lonely as a cloud informs the poet s profound sentiments of being left alone. It was actually the death of his brother John that led him to loneliness . We should remind the readers that this poem was not a result of imagination. Dorothy, Wordsworth s sister provides us an explanation of the occasion which inspired Wordsworth to produce this masterpiece: When we were in the woods beyond Gowbarrow Park, we saw a few daffodils close to waterside. Thus the poem is a result of actual visualization rather than imagery . In English literature, Wordsworth and his friend, Samuel Taylor Coleridge,... Show more content on ... Setting of the Poem: Wordsworth may be at discomfort in human multitude but not amidst the objects (crowd) of Nature. Nature permeates the entire poem. Phrases like a crowd, a host, continuous as the stars, they stretched in never ending lines, ten thousands saw eye at a glance presents deep implications. The poet says: I wondered lonely as a cloud that floats on the high o er Wales and hills. Daffodils, an everyday found flower has been portrayed in magical verses and blended with transcendental romanticism. Even the daffodils outdid the sparkling waves in glee and left an
  • 16. everlasting mark in the mind of the readers of this poem. THEMES: HAPPINESS: I wandered lonely as a Cloud is a poem that just makes you feels good about life. It says that even when you are by yourself and lonely and missing your friends, you can use your imagination o fine new friends in the world around you. MAN AND NATURAL WORLD: Wordsworth is the granddaddy of all nature poets and he is in top form in I wandered lonely as a Cloud. In her journal entry about the day in question, Wordsworth s sister Dorothy wrote about their surprise at findings so many daffodils in such a strange place, next to a lake and under some
  • 17. The Hymn Of Sinuhe Analysis President Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, Men are not prisoners of Fate, but only prisoners of their own minds. This quote around the end of the Great Depression and during the global crisis leading up to World War II seems to embody even in 2017 the can do attitude of America, a nation today that s strongest belief seems to be free will and the power of personal opinion and choice. In contrast, The Hymn of Sinuhe , establishes and takes for granted the concept that the gods and thereby kings are the only one who have control over fate, while using poetic style and tone to praise Sinuhe and gloss over Sinuhe s constant denial of responsibility for his decisions that can give people today an opposing viewpoint to learn from in light of the centrality of free will in other religions and time periods. Sinuhe reflects on his motivation for flight (pg. 67), after Sinuhe s battle with the hero of Retjenu he proceeds to credit the gods with both his victory and his prior loss of a home. Sinuhe says, For now God has acted so as to be gracious to one with whom He was offended, whom He led astray to another country. Today, He is satisfied (pg.67). Sinuhe s message is one consistent with many religious ideals of the time, that the gods have overarching control over the lives of people on earth and only they can intercede on the people s behalf if the person s actions are pleasing to them. However, Sinuhe also implies that it was never his decision to desert the army and flee his homeland. In a line that could be simply blended into the surrounding religious ideas and glossed over due to the language of praise that Sinuhe is offering to the gods, his attitude and belief remain that he is at the mercy of a god who has led him astray to another country . Also, the intent of this hymn is to glorify its speaker, Sinuhe, but the under Sinuhe s respect for the gods he tends to fail to not only take notice of the possibility that it might have been he himself who had led him away from his homeland. The portion of the hymn leading into Sinuhe s crisis of identity and motivation also points towards Sinuhe s worldview. In lines 237 256 the epic tells the tale of Sinuhe s triumph over the hero of Retjenu
  • 18. Essay On Cautis Preventing Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections in Older Adults: Improving Health Outcomes through Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention Brandon Anderson Loma Linda University School of Nursing Preventing Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections in Older Adults: Improving Health Outcomes through Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention Introduction Through medical advances in technology and practice, nurses have been afforded the opportunity to provide lifesaving care to patients. However, this lifesaving care comes with the risk of healthcare associated infections (HAIs). Generally speaking, HAIs are infections directly related with the delivery of healthcare and are often caused by viral, bacterial or ... Show more content on ... First, neurological disorders can occur, as seen with Alzheimer s disease and Parkinson s disease, which can lead to neurogenic bladder ( Neurology/Neurogenic Bladder, 2017). Next, physiological disorders can occur as seen with enlarged prostate in men or shortening of the urethra in women (Jaipaul, 2017). Anticipating the above changes appropriately will aid in understanding what leads to urinary retention in older adults, the resulting need of catheterizations, and the CAUTIs that can follow. Having a foundation to build on, it would be beneficial to explore what nurses can do prevent urinary tract infections in patients who require catheterization. Current Nursing Care The first step nurses can take to decrease the incidents of CAUTIs in older adults is avoiding unnecessary use of catheters altogether. Initially, this begins with nurses knowing both appropriate and inappropriate situations in which a catheter should be utilized. According to (Gould et al., 2017), an appropriate situation is one where a patient has acute urinary retention or bladder obstruction, whereas an inappropriate situation is one where a catheter is being used a means of obtaining urine for culture when the patient can voluntarily void. Nurses can also use basic techniques like palpation, percussion, and inspection to effectively assess urinary retention, which is the main reason for catheterization as mentioned earlier. When techniques like this do not achieve desired results,
  • 19. Urban Sprawl In Brazil The first thing to note regards the estimated results is the effectiveness of the measures of urban sprawl. The population density and the percentage of urban area, the two most used measures of urban sprawl, fail in capture its effect on the cost of providing public service in Brazilian municipalities; the parameters estimated, in most cases, are statistically insignificant and/or have a small value. By its turn, the CV, which shows the dispersion of the population in the urban area, is insignificant in all the estimated equations. Whereas, the gravitational index appears to be a better measure of urban sprawl for Brazilian high urban concentrations. It indicates that the sprawling movement towards the edge of the municipalities increases some items of expenditure.... Show more content on ... A possible explanation for this might be that the model is not well specified for the spending on urban infrastructure, since the model is common to all categories of expenditure. If this is the case, some important variables, like political issues and the spending on infrastructure by other government levels, not added in the model, can influence the effects of the urban sprawl. This explanation can also be extended to others expenditure items in which the parameters of urban sprawl are not statistically
  • 20. Are Sports Good For Children Some think that sports are good for children because they help with making friends and it helps they children with school and their grades. But, others think that it is a bad thing for children some people say that it costs too much or they don t want the risk of getting injured. This is an issue that needs to be solved. Should we let children play sports or should they not.? Some sports put s too much pressure on some youths and injuries are at high risks to happen to youths. One reason that sports are negative because a lot of pressure goes onto the children and most injuries happen during some youth sports. In the article Listening to Wisdom From a 10 Year Old Boy About his Head Injury Adam Buckley Cohen said, But when Will voiced his fears, I... Show more content on ... This proves that some children and youths don t have the confidence to go out and play weather they don t think they are good or they don t think that they are skinny enough. And that they just don t enough of confidence in themselves. Injuries are a dangerous thing and also serious thing when it comes to sports and it needs to be taking seriously, if they have never had one before they would not know what if will feel like. It is clear that some sports are good for youths but most sports aren t, since it causes injuries some most sports cause too much pressure. The reason that the evidence and the claim are important because it explains what is the good and bad parts of sports. Both sides are still taking about sports and what are the benefits and the disagreements are the benefits is that they would make new friend and stay in the sport, but the bad thing is that they may not enjoy the sport and they may just want to quit. Parents should not pressure the child so much into doing that
  • 21. The Postman s Comment The Context Of Our Course My role in this essay, of course, is to experiment the Postman s comment the context of our course. In the context, Neil Postman mentions that technology is like not an unmixed blessing and technology first gives and then it will take away something from us. It s well known, I would say that the technologyis like a business and it has its own cost. For example, if you spend your money on the technology then you get the access to use it at any time. Under such conditions, we can easily conclude that technology is a business and always comes at a price. What is technology? In my opinion, technology is something that we developed by using our knowledge and skills to create useful things or to solve our practical problems. There are many types of technology which are mechanical, information, electronic, medical, communication and so on. We all are using these technologies in our everyday lives. With the rise of technology, almost everyone believes that technology only has made our lives more comfortable and the world a better place. Clearly, we all can say that technology has a lot of benefits than the blockages. Worst of all, it also has a dark side which does make our life more complicated instead of easier. Of course, considering Neil Postman s commentary at an IBM sponsored meeting, I must agree with his criticism that nobody ever seriously speaks about the disadvantages of technology. Throughout our course material, we have learned mostly about the computer
  • 22. How Did The Crusaders Behave I think the Crusaders behaved the way they did, because no matter what they did they could repent and ask forgiveness and all would be well. The Crusaders were relentless and would do anything with little to no regard to the enemy s wellbeing. The Christians were very violate in their means to obtain the territory and treasure. In the first crusade the Christians were needing to obtain Jerusalem. They felt that the city needed to be in Christian hands and not in Muslims hands. The society in Europe was very brutal and religionwas taking very seriously. The Crusaders were looked at as people who would do anything to protect their religion from those that believed differently. The crusades were pretty much a religion war that lasted for two
  • 23. Fluoride Essay For Kids Fluoride is a must on your child toothpaste Many children s toothpastes are the cutest team and smells like a whole candy store, showing Advice RГ¶n review. But the worst is still the alternative children s toothpastes that lacks fluoride it s crazy because fluoride is the best protection against tooth decay. Advice Findings have examined 14 children s toothpastes. Blue and pink jelly, strong, synthetic aromas of strawberry and bubble gum is not uncommon. And all the more or less sweet taste. Must kids really have a special children s toothpaste? Can not brush with mom s and dad s toothpaste? We let the matter proceed to the Bibi Stenman, dental hygienist and of fluoride Auntie , development and public health coordinator in the Public Dental Service in Stockholm County. ... Show more content on ... Many children find it far too strong taste of adult toothpaste. But yes, it is as well to let the kids brush their teeth with adult toothpaste as long as they have no special additives with additional grinding or bleach, for example. Personally, I think it is unfortunate that most children toothpastes are so cute, and many parents have contacted us about it. Lately there have been some child toothpastes with milder taste, such as mint. This is good, this has listened to consumers, she says. Nowadays, it is not much difference in the fluoride content of children s and adult toothpastes. The fluorine content in children previously toothpaste was substantially lower than in adult toothpaste and low in most cases around 500 ppm (milligrams per kilogram toothpaste). Small child swallows the toothpaste easily, and too much fluoride can damage the enamel of the teeth as they
  • 24. ASSIGNMENT 1 For Medsurg ASSIGNMENT # 1 1. Adam Smith, 77 years of age, is a male patient who was admitted from a nursing home to the intensive care unit with septic shock secondary to urosepsis. The patient has a Foley catheter in place from the nursing home with cloudy greenish, yellow colored urine with sediments. The nurse removes the catheter after obtaining a urine culture and replaces it with a condom catheter attached to a drainage bag since the patient has a history of urinary and bowel incontinence. The patient is confused, afebrile, and hypotensive with a blood pressure of 82/44 mm Hg. His respiratory rate is 28 breaths /min and the pulse oximeter reading is at 88% room air, so the physician ordered 2 to 4 L of oxygen per nasal cannula titrated to ... Show more content on ... During the interview, he describes attending a family reunion and states that perhaps he ate something bad. Upon admission his vital signs are a temperature of 102.7В°F, heart rate of 116 bpm, respiratory rate of 18 breaths/min, and blood pressure of 86/54 mm Hg. The nurse also notes the patient has dry mucous membranes and tenting of skin. The physician orders an IV to be started with 0.45% normal saline, and orders a serum electrolytes and an arterial blood gas. (Learning Objective 7) The following results are returned from the laboratory: Sodium (Na+) 150 Potassium (K+) 5.5 Chloride (ClВЇ) 110 BUN 42 Creatinine 0.8 Glucose 86 pH 7.32 PaCO2 35 HCO3ВЇ 20 PaO2 90 O2 Sat 98% a. What is your interpretation of this arterial blood gas sample? b. Explain the high potassium in this patient. c. Calculate the patient s anion gap: d. What is the interpretation of this anion gap? 1. Complete a plan of care for a patient with an electrolyte imbalance: fluid volume deficit and fluid volume excess; sodium deficit (hyponatremia) and sodium excess (hypernatremia); potassium deficit (hypokalemia) and potassium excess (hyperkalemia). Specifically, include altered laboratory values. 2. Create a Plan care for a patient with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTION: APRIL 2, 2015 MAXIMUM OF 5 PAGES EXCLUDING COVER PAGE AND REFERENCE PAGE
  • 25. Kangaroo Point Cliffs Essay The Kangaroo Point Cliffs made a huge part in the improvement of the capital of Queensland and port of Brisbane. They are a unique landscape feature of Brisbane along with the Brisbane City Hall and the Story Bridge. Geological history remarkably important is our understanding of which provides the widest and most fundamental picture of the universe. (Walker, August 2014) The cliffs have the best identified outcrop of Brisbane Tuff*, the building stone was used in some of Brisbane s earliest 1820s and 1830s public structures; side walls and basements of 19th century free settlement structures; retaining walls and in later municipal and administration works such as road making, marine walls and wharfs. (Queensland Heritage Register, 2014) Kangaroo Point, Brisbane Tuff* ( The layers of ash and dust which are deposited for some distance around a volcano, and which build its cone, become hardened into rocks which are called Tuffs. All such deposits are called pyroclastic (meaning fire broken ), a name referring to their mode of origin. They are not igneous rocks . (Blyth, 1974) Volcanoes exploded about this area from 250 to 150 million years ago.... Show more content on ... These eruptions are mostly forceful and voluminous. If the relief is sufficient, the exploded body moves with huge speed for long distances up to 100km. A flow or of two almost consecutive flows are created up The Kangaroo Point Cliffs. Chemical structure as the other coarsely crystallized Enoggera Granite and further granite bodies north west of Brisbane are of the same age as these volcanic rocks. 230 220 million years ago were the last periods of consolidation of the eastern Australian mountain belt and it may have formed from the same meltrock and magma . (Queensland Heritage Register,
  • 26. Why Are Montessori Materials Essential Parts of the... Next to the family, the Montessori classroom is the place of importance in the world of a child. The Montessori classroom is a social institution that not only determines the present state of the child but also their future. In The Absorbent Mind , Dr Maria Montessori wrote, The most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six. For that is the time when man s intelligence itself, his greatest implement is being formed...At no other age has the child greater need of intelligent help, and any obstacle that impedes his creative work will lessen the chance he has of achieving perfection. In order to help children Maria Montessori developed what she called the ... Show more content on ... Montessori classroom materials are designed to meet the needs of young children s sensitive periods. The objects in our system are instead a help to the child himself, he chooses what he wants for his own use, and works with it according to his own needs, tendencies and special interests. In this way, the objects become a means of growth. Maria Montessori, Discovery of the child. When introducing the child into the exercise with the sensorial materials teacher should present it as a silent presentation. Because of sensorial materials provide training of the senses . The Montessori materials are motivating the child s 5 senses: Visual, Auditory, Tactile, Olfactory and gustatory. The purpose of sensorial material is to refine and develop the child s senses. During the first three years the child will absorb, like a sponge, whatever good or bad is in the environment. Between the ages of three to six the child applies logic and structure to the information that is absorbed in born to three years of age. The Montessori sensorial materials are help in refining and identifying the color, texture, size, weight, shape and smell and perfect skills such as increased observation and vocabulary. The child begins to experience the outer world through the classroom and it becomes clear and order. Senses gather information from the environment and transmit it to the brain. The 5 basic senses are Visual (sight): children need
  • 27. Essay on Substance Abuse and the Elderly The purpose of this paper is to determine the level of substance abuse in the elderly community. There is concern that as the population ages in the United States, there will be a significant increase in the number of older adults being treated for substance abuse problems. This paper seeks to understand the issues and concerns that are consequently involved with substance abuse among the elderly. There is no doubt that there is a prevalence of substance abuse throughout several age groups. To a certain extent, a society is faced with the reality of controlling substance abuse. Or allow it run rampant throughout the community. Often times, we hear and read about the level of substance abuse among teen, young adults and mid aged ... Show more content on ... Physicians for elderly patients lack communication with each other. If the physicians lack high level communication, then prescribed medicines may have an adverse effect on the elderly. The elderly, often times, have cognitive problems, which makes it difficult for the elderly to understand instructions for prescriptions. This can cause a serious issue in this particular population. It can be determined that the elderly seldom get drugs illicitly. As stated earlier, they usually get drugs by seeing multiple doctors. In addition to this, they stockpile prescribed medications over time, or getting medications from family members. This only contributes to the problems of the elderly. Often times, family members are reluctant to address the issues their elderly family member face. Although substance abuse among the elderly, like alcohol is low considered compared to the general population, its prevalence is still high. A study showed the prevalence of alcohol related problems ranged from 1.4% to 22% (Adams, et al., 1993). It can be understood that the level of alcohol related problems diminishes as an individual ages. Reports of substance abuse among this age group are considered under reported. It can be understood that the elderly are the unseen components of society. Often times, the elderly are marginalized and subjected to the realities of old age. Society seems to shy away from the elderly. This
  • 28. Compulsory Rotatory Internship Programme ( Crip ) And The... Long working hours and stressful working environment along with the immense pressure of impending PG entrance exam hinder the affectivity of the Compulsory Rotatory Internship Programme (CRIP). Our study is an attempt to find the views regarding Compulsory Rotatory Internship Programme (CRIP) and the preferred post graduate specialities among interns from NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center, Nagpur. METHOD A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted; the questionnaire was well structured and was developed after reviewing the literature extensively. The study was conducted after approval from the Institutional Ethical Committee of NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences Research Center, Nagpur. Part I: Eighty nine interns who had completed one year rotating internship programme at NKPSIMS RC were enrolled in the study. Data was collected with the use of pretested semi structured proforma. This was including questions regarding socio demographic pro le, preference for the specialty, factors responsible for the selection of particular branch and perceptions about working in rural areas. Interns were allowed to choose only one answer in each question. Data was collected and entered into spreadsheet of MS Excel. Later on it was analyzed with the use of Epi Info software. Part II: Focus group discussion (FGD) was held with these interns in batches of 10. Set of discussion topics were used for the FGDs were skill development, facilities during
  • 29. Garrett Hardin Lifeboat Ethics The Case Against Helping... Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor by Garrett Hardin, questions environmentalists spaceship metaphor when describing Earths natural resources. He asks, Does everyone on earth have an equal right to an equal share of its resources? Hardin introduces the lifeboat metaphor in which one third of the world is rich and two thirds is poor. The rich are safe on lifeboats while the poor swim around wanting to board. Lifeboats have a capacity. If there are 50 people on the lifeboat but room for 60 and a 100 swimming around, how do you determine who to let on? Hardin uses the extra capacity as a safety metaphor, if we don t leave room for excess capacity as a safety factor in our country s agriculture, a new plant disease or a bad
  • 30. Questions On Amazon, Apple, Google, And Honan Himself (1) For each of the following actors, make a list of assumptions made by the following actors that may have appeared valid in isolation, but were not valid in the combination described in Honan s article: Amazon, Apple, Google, Twitter, and Honan himself. The following are the list of assumptions made in isolation by the following actors: Amazon: 1) Amazon allows adding of credit card information through requests from telephone calls. This makes it convenient for the customer, but in this case it allowed the hacker to add a part of identity information by just knowing basic details 2) Amazon allows the user to add an email address by telephone if the credit card information among other details are known. This seems like a valid procedure by in Honan s case the hacker used the self added credit card information. Apple: 1) In a normal case a user who has information about the billing address, last 4 digits of credit card and email can usually be trusted. The hacker knew the last 4 digits of the credit card through the Amazon exploit and was able to access the Apple account 2) Apple s feature of remote wipe is particularly for the scenario wherein the customer loses his Mac or iPhone. But by gaining access to the account, the hacker was able to remote wipe all the devices. 3) As mentioned in the case of Amazon, administration of account settings through the telephone for the sake of convenience was how the hacker gained control of the account. Google: 1) Google allows
  • 31. The Is A Giant Mass Brawl That Happens Every Year Takanakuy is a giant mass brawl that happens every year during Christmas in the Andes. It s a centuries old tradition that was originally designed to settle legal disputes in the city of Santo Tomas. According to Maximo and Alejandra Ttico (2012), The basic idea of Takanakuy is that men, women, and children save their accumulated conflicts throughout the year to solve all differences on Christmas day despite raceor monetary income. Instead of fighting in that very moment they save it for Christmas where everyone in the village meet up wrap their fists and commence to beat each other (pg. 151). I found this as the perfect opportunity to talk about my culture, which is somewhat virtually unknown in American society. Many aspects of racism, sexism, and monetary inequality that we touched in our class readings still exist in many indigenous cultures till this day. And I believe this event works well among my culture. A Christmas party tradition should be synonymous with love, unity and fellowship, but here it s the perfect opportunity for residents of the area to provide solutions to their legal problems, love problems, petty rivalries and conflicts, which are accumulated throughout the year to be solved with a bare knuckle fight. This ancient tradition dating back to the pre Incan period is one of the most important cultural events of the Andean calendar. It is known for not having any mechanism to enforce justice and there is almost no police control. The town s people make
  • 32. Dropping The Atomic Bombs The decision for the United States to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki has been debated since the days they were dropped, just as it was debated in the days leading up to the drop. It is a debate that people will likely always disagree on, considering it is such a high controversial topic. The United Stateshad been fighting the Japanese Empire for years, and had not made any significant strides that indicated a success any time soon. Due to this seemingly never ending struggle, the United States made the decision to drop two atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These bombs were more deadly and destructive than any weapons had ever been before and caused the suffering and death of thousands of innocent civilians.... Show more content on ... Throughout Victory in the Pacific, images are shown focusing on the conditions that American soldiers faced while fighting the Japanese army. Footage of death and destruction are accompanied with interviews with Americans soldiers recounting the circumstances and fear that they felt while fighting. The Japanese tunnels are discussed emphasizing the torment that these tunnels placed on the American soldiers due to the fact that they never knew when Japanese soldiers would appear and where they would come from. The tunnels ran all through the hills that they American soldiers moved along while fighting the Japanese and the intricate connection of tunnels gave the Japanese a huge advantage. The video continues to talk about the many ways that this took a physical and emotional toll on the American soldiers as it discusses the attacks on Sugar Loaf Hill. During the Battle of Okinawa, the American soldiers were forced to travel on ridges and mountains trying to get to a position where they could attack the Japanese, but they Japanese army had already created an intricate pathway of tunnels through the ridges that allowed them to move along the mountains and hills underneath the American soldiers and then sneak up right next to or even behind them. This took an obvious physical toll on the American soldiers as they never knew when the Japanese were going to attack, however they also took an emotional and mental toll on the soldiers due to the fact that they could never relax. The American soldiers never had a moment of peace and could never escape the violence of the war. As word of the conditions that the American soldiers were fighting in reached the American homeland, the American people hated the Japanese even more as the two cultures lived and fought in two very opposing
  • 33. Themes And Symbols In Everyday Use Everyday Use is a story of a mother and her daughters, and how each understands their present life in relation to the customs of their people and culture. The difference in beliefs between the mother and Dee is highlighted throughout the story using several different symbols. The theme of Everyday Use accentuates this symbolic story full of symbols that show the difference in how mother and daughter understand their heritage. The three symbols I have selected to show this difference between characters are the yard and setting of the story, the quilts, and the clothing of each character. The setting of Everyday Use takes place in the yard of the mother of both Dee and Maggie. The yard in which is mentioned in both the beginning... Show more content on ... The importance of African American heritage is a focal point of this story and is represented by the quilts. Quilts in this heritage were symbols of tribes and religious beliefs. When visiting her mother, Dee is quite emphatic that she wants these quilts since they are so valuable to her African heritage which she is trying to live. The quilts mean something different to Dee than they do for her mother and Maggie. The mother and the maker of the quilts, Aunt Dicie you can tell had a strong bond and one that Dee and Maggie have never had. The mother wishes to give the quilts to Maggie, even with Dee s persistent request to receive them. When asked what Maggie would do with the quilts, she advised that she would hang them and Dee would merely put them on the bed, and they would be rags in five years (Kirszner Mandell, 2012, p.351). The difference in meaning of the quilts to both mother and Dee adds to the overall theme of the story, and shows that remembering your heritage can mean different things to different people. When Dee believes she is deserving of the quilts, the mother informs Dee that they have been promised to Maggie, which shows the appreciation for the true meaning of the quilts and their heritage (Sustana,
  • 34. Analysis Of The Film Bears Discover Fire The film Bears Discover Fire written by Terry Bisson is a film that was produced by college students. This film covers many different controversial topics. The book allows for many different perceptions of these topics to be seen.. Although the title of the film has a scientific feeling, it is more of a fantasy than a science fiction film. In the film Bears Discover fire one may interpret the movie as more of a fantasy film, with that being said the elements of a fantasy story base line can be perceived in a much bigger picture. In the film Bears Discover Fire one may preserve the film as fansty. In the film, there are parts of the story line that truly cannot happen during this time on earth. For example, when the bears are standing upright. In this scene one may think to themselves that this is something that can/ will not happen. Today s bears are not capable of standing upright and walking. Another example of a fantasy can be seen when the bears are walking around with fire. This scene shows signs of a fantasy because, a normal bearwould not be capable of walking around with fire in their paws and setting up campfires. A final example of a fantasy in the film can be seen when, the grandma, Junior and Bobby are having a campfire with the bears in the woods. This is a scene that one might fantasize over. That is because it is not normal for humans to be close to a live bear and simple have a campfire with them. At this point a normal bear would have been frightened
  • 35. Reflection Of Braid Reflection Braid Reflection Experiences are what I believe help shape each person and affect our everyday moves based upon individual experiences, beliefs, or goals. The experiences I encounter distinguish my views and principles about society, without these experiences life would be unfounded. Social networks are created through personal experiences within people. This leads to our value system, which is meant to be defined within our behavior, culture, or decision making. As a person that did not put much thought into what my values, culture identity, or goals were before college I believe it has been a big factor into opening my eyes as I have progressed throughout college. My family and peers have been a big influence in my upbringing. These people have been a part of my growing epistemology through my education, religious values, and planning for my future career. For the past 15 years I used all my energy and all of my parent s time devoted to my love for the game of soccer. Weeks spent driving me to games and practices, money spent for club fees, and support given to me to achieve my goal of making my soccer career continue throughout college. Nothing else mattered to me besides pursuing my soccer career to help pay for my education. I decided to play for Chaffey College my freshman year and my plan was to transfer to a University with a scholarship to pay my parent back for supporting financially throughout my 15 years. However, my life completely when I obtained a dangerous concussion that led me to have to give up my soccer career for the benefit of my health. I was very depressed and confused, and began to doubt my abilities, my religious beliefs, my future because I was scared of letting my parents down or letting myself down for not achieving my goal to play throughout college. I was born and raised Catholic but I never really committed myself to devoting my time to church or acknowledging my religious beliefs, but as I felt like I needed church the most after my first year of college I was able to realize it was a place I felt heard at. This experience, giving up my entire dream of what I thought would create my future, with my family and peers by my side shaped my beliefs completely as it made me
  • 36. Essay On Changing Car Oil While most people nowadays, rarely think about changing their car oil. But little do they know, that regularly changing a car s engine oil is one of the most important things you can possibly do to keep a car running without any problems or mishaps. Without regular oil changes, the old oil inside of a car, will break down and clog a car s oil filter, causing a hefty price for repairs and replacements. The general population, might not know this, but changing the oil of a car is both inexpensive and easy. The change begins by driving the car into a driveway or a spot with enough allocated space to work beneath the vehicle and outside the vehicle. This is done to make sure, that an individual does not cause any accidental damage to a person, ... Show more content on ... As soon as the oil cap bolt has been screwed back on, new oil has to be added. Locate the the fill hole at the top of the engine. If location cannot be verified, look to the left of the engine, and there should be a cap. Before anything is done, it is heavily recommended that vehicle capabilities are checked in the owner s manual, to insure how much oil the vehicle can take. Too much oil intake may cause blockage, so please be wary. Once the new oil has been inserted, it is recommended that the engine is turned off and on to double check that everything is running smoothly with the oil pressure. This can be verified, by checking the red engine light turn off and on after startup. If that is not the case, then a bolt is not tightened properly, and is oozing out liquid or oil. As another verification method, the dipstick can be pulled out of the vehicle to double check the pressure. This is located to the bottom left of the engine. It generally looks like a long metal rod. Simply pull this out, and check to see if both holes on the bottom of the stick are shaded in with oil. If this is the case, then a successful oil change has been
  • 37. The Murder Case Of Stanford White In the early 1900s, the murder case of Stanford White would shock the world and would soon be named the crime of the Century. Stanford White was an up and coming architect during the late 1800 s, he was especially gaining fame in New York City after forming the Mckee, Mead and White company with other architects. One of his many accomplishments was the building of the Madison Square GardenTower in 1890. Meanwhile in Philadelphia, 14 year old Florence (a.k.a. Evelyn) Nesbit was gaining fame as a model after beginning discovered by a local artist. This led her to gain connections to huge modeling companies, all wanting her to pose for them. After collecting some money Florence, her mother and her brother Howard, to New York City in... Show more content on ... In 1902, Evelyn was introduced to illustrator John Barrymore. They had a blossoming romance that was soon shut down by White and Mrs. Nesbit. Barrymore had even proposed to Evelyn but she rejected him due to his low salary. After her small relationship with John Barrymore, she met the rich railroad man known as Harry Thaw. Thaw and White were already rivals so as a way to get back at White he began to pursuing Evelyn by showering her with gifts and money. He proposed to Evelyn multiple times but was rejected because she had been warned by Stanford, of Thaw s mental conditions and of his drug abuse. Another factor causing her to neglect his proposals was she wouldn t marry him without confessing her past affair. After Evelyn recovered from a surgery that some believed as an abortion surgery in 1902, Harry invited Mrs. Nesbit and Evelyn on a trip across Europe. Halfway through the trip, Mrs. Nesbit returns back to the U.S., leaving Harry and Evelyn alone in Europe. Harry once again continues to propose to Evelyn but becomes an frusturated as he is rejected once again. When she finally confesses her past sexual affair with White, he blames Mrs. Nesbit for not taking good care of her daughter. While they stayed at a castle in Austria, Harry would physically abuse Evelyn and then apologize right after. When rumors spread that Evelyn and Harry got married in Europe, Thaw s family was furious at the news and called Harry to return
  • 38. Corning Case Study CORNING (WENY) Corning Community College could be expanding its campus to downtown Corning if awarded financial assistance from the Regional Economic Development Council. This past week, the Southern Tier Regional Economic Development Council looked at 33 projects for a potential $30 million in funding. Amoung that list includes Corning Community College. The local community college has submitted an application to build a state of the art facility to house a heath and education center. The proposal to build the $3 to $6 million dollar facility looks to collaborate with officals of the former Guthrie Corning Hospital site. The President of Corning Community College, Katherine Douglas says they are looking to build the health and education
  • 39. The Social And Social Consequences Of The Second... The Social and Political Consequences of The Second Industrial Revolution When the first industrial revolution occurred, transportaiton and production were mainly the forms of change within Europe. This paved the way for further advancement in transportation and production. In the later half of the nineteenth century and into the beginning of the long twentieth century, a second industrial revolutionbrought new technology and medical advances to Europe. Socialismemerged to attempt to solve political and social inequalities, leading to socialist policies being put into place. Medical advances and discoveries in hygiene and public health lead to a decrease in mortality and and increase in fertility, as well as improve the quality of life.... Show more content on ... When Germany was unified in 1871, it soon had an industrial revolution that rivaled other world super powers, such as Great Britain and France. This threw off the power balance in Europe . In order to gain more money and resources that may have been depleted over time, countries looked elsewhere for raw materials (such as coal and rubber) and new markets. The countries associated with new imperialism were the United States, Great Britain, France, Japan, and Germany . The United States, Great Britain, Germany and France divided up Africa, which was previously avoided due to its barren climate. Japan went to Manchuria and Korea, and Russia went to central Asia . Each went to the areas with goals to establish colonies and take raw materials. This would give the countries an advantage in trading. For example, countries sought oil in the middle east, Russia sought fur in Siberia, and timber was sought in
  • 40. Review Of Bring Back The Autopsy By Sandeep Jauhar Fifty years ago doctors performed autopsies on roughly half the patients who died in hospital and today the number has dwindled to less than 10 percent. However, there is growing number of diagnostic errors and it s contributing to some 10 percent of patient deaths. Therefore, an autopsy is necessary to reduce misdiagnoses and can be used as an initial step preventive action. The essayBring Back the Autopsyby Sandeep Jauhar was mostly well written because the flow of this essay was not correct, and the description that the writer gave lacks in detail. The title of this essay is making the reader quickly capture what will be discussed in the essay. The title of this essay is Bring Back the Autopsy. The author uses words that are easy and eye catching. The use of the word bring back makes the reader immediately understands that the author wants to restore faded autopsy. In addition of this title, make the reader want to read more and feel obviously that has a purpose to put forward the author. The purpose of this essay is also very clear. By reading the title, the reader can immediately understand what the purpose of this essay was. At the end of paragraph 1, the author wrote the purpose of the autopsy was to find out. In paragraph 2 also appears there from the author that the activities of the autopsy are no longer seen as something important. Fifty years ago we performed autopsies on roughly half of Patients who died in hospital. Today, the number of
  • 41. Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technology ( Icmart ) INTRODUCTION 1.0 BACKGROUND The world has witnessed a marked increase in patients presenting to infertility clinics in the past three decades.1 Nigeria lies within the infertility belt where prevalence of infertility is at the highest.2 Infertility has been found to be the leading reason for gynaecological consultations (accounting for about 60%) with a prevalence of about 15% in Nigeria.3 According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and International Committee for Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technology (ICMART), infertility is defined clinically as a disease of the reproductive system characterized by a failure to achieve successful pregnancy after twelve months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.4 Reproduction either in vivo or in vitro is dependent on the presence of viable gametes (sperm and ovum), a successful sperm to ovum interaction; fertilization and an effective implantation of the fertilized ovum onto the endometrial wall of the uterus.3 In a study carried out in south western Nigeria, the common causes of infertility were: tubal factor (39.5%), uterine factor (30%), and ovarian factor (13%).5 Other causes included cervical factor (3%), pelvic inflammatory disease PID (5.5%), and endometriosis (2.5%).5 In vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment offers the highest pregnancy rate irrespective of the cause of infertility.6 The first successful IVF procedure was documented by Dr Edwards and Dr Steptoe in 1978, where ova and sperm were
  • 42. Creating A Shared Bedroom For Kids When boys and girls in a family exceed the number of available bedrooms, it becomes necessary to look for creative ways to divide a shared space. This is especially challenging with a boy and girl must share the same bedroom, but it can be done with a few clever decorating tips and tricks. Consider the following creative ways to divide a shared bedroom for kids, and give the kids sharing a room their very own area to sleep, play, and dress in their own private space. Begin with Paint When searching for creative ways to divide and decorate a shared bedroom for kids, begin by making a dramatic statement with color. To define and divide the shared space, apply two colors to divide the bedroom in half. For example, if a girl and a boy must share a bedroom, paint half of the room a cool shade of blue. Paint the other half of the shared bedroom a soft shade of lilac. This works well if the colors share the same intensity. Use a measuring tape and a level to determine each half of the shared bedroom, and divide it with painter s tape for a neat and clean edge. The shared room will have a unique and impressive look that will give each child a space to call their own. Visually Divide a Shared Room with Window Treatments When a window is in the center of a shared wall painted two different colors, maintain the look by using two different colors of the same style of window treatments. Buy two sets of the same curtains and valances in colors that will coordinate well with the two
  • 43. Characteristics Of The Film Moan The Epic Princess Moana: The Epic Princess Odysseus, Beowulf, Achilles, or maybe Gilgamesh all come to mind as archaic examples, but they are not the only works fit the criteria of an epic. Many modern day storylines such as Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or Moana are based on the ideas of an epic legend. The phrase epic denotes a type of long, narrative poem, one that celebrates a heroic achievement and/or holds themes of cultural significance. There are six defining characteristics of an epic: an outstanding hero, a large or vast setting, an action requiring superhuman courage, supernatural forces, a versed writing style, and an omniscient and objective author. These legends are generally mythologized histories often of oral origin that are loosely based on the region s history. In the case of Moana, the story takes place in Ancient Polynesia where a terrible curse of the Demigod, Maui, reaches Moana s island, Motunui; she goes on a quest to answer the ocean s call to seek out Maui and make things right. Moana s journey, in the form of an epic, involves her taking on a daring mission to save her people, and though she faces many tests along the way, with supernatural aid and other assists she successfully conquers this task. The film Moana, released in 2016, outlines all of the characteristics to qualify as an epic feature. As with all works of this style, Moana, the seemingly ordinary girl, is called from a normal life to head out on a daunting quest with many trials,
  • 44. Crime During The Prohibition Era A. Plan of Investigation This investigation focuses on answering the question: How did Irish Mob activity in New York City change during the Prohibition Era? The paper will address the different ways crime progressed in New York City from 1915 1935. This time period allows for greater perspective of crimepatterns shortly before, during, and directly following the Prohibition Era. The key organized crimegroups during this time period were Irish Mob gangs such as the White Hand and Gopher Gangs. In order to properly investigate the question and analyze findings it will be essential to use primary source documents including but not limited to the New York Times article Our Town and Its Folk; Tyro Motorists and Other Citizens written in 1925.... Show more content on ... The purpose of the encyclopedia is to inform readers of American criminal activity. The source gives short synopses of the crime groups, criminals, and crimes. There is value in this source because it is a known reliable source. Encyclopedias are edited many times and checked for validity so the reliability of this source is high. However, there are limitations in the fact that the information given is only in short synopses which are at most one page long. Because there is not a lot of space given for each subject area the encyclopedia does not go as in depth as other sources might. It is a good place to start research and gives good information about criminals, however when researching whole organizations this source is broad in its topic areas, which limits
  • 45. The Bluest Eye Toni Morrison Essay Society, especially western, conceptualizes beauty through the use of publicity and cinema. We are under constant bombardment from consumer related magazine ads, billboards, television commercials, and movies about what beautiful people look like and how we should imitate them. This standard is overwhelmingly portrayed as white beauty. Starting from a young age this standard of beauty is forged in our minds; we want to look like these actors and models; we want to be thin, fit, youthful looking, have a symmetrical face and possibly even posses a particular race. We accept this beauty standard; we notice our various faults among ourselves and self critique. We try to emulate the models as best we can and we fail to realize that these... Show more content on ... Pauline Breedlove, like her husband Cholly, is at first portrayed as just another antagonist in the novel, helping push Pecola further and further to insanity. Morrison makes it a point to illustrate how Pauline arrives in her state as an antagonist; she does not just create empty monsters; she tries to make all of the antagonists sympathetic in some way to justify how they become so. After moving up north with Cholly to find work Pauline, quickly becomes isolated and depressed. Pauline tries to fit in by attempting to adapt to the northerners speech, fashion, and appearance that is modeled after the white beauty standard, unfortunately she could never perfect or change herself enough to be accepted which leads to her isolation. Pauline felt uncomfortable with the few black women she met. They were amused by her because she did not straighten her hair. When she tried to make up her face as they did, it came off rather badly. Their goading glances and private snickers at her way of talking (saying chil ren ) and dressing developed in her a desire for new clothes. (Pg. 116). It was through this isolation during her pregnancy that she began to take refuge at the movie theaters. In films, we are shown society s current vision of what beauty is, what we should find aesthetically pleasing in people. Pauline begins to go to the movies on a nearly daily basis to escape the reality of her real life and it is here that she is introduced to what
  • 46. Summary Of LaocoпїЅn And His Sons Mussels twisting in agony, fans savagely piercing the flesh, faces drowning in suffering. This intense visual is shockingly manifested through marble in the sculpture LaocoГ¶n and His Sons by Hagesandros, Polydoros, and Athenodoros of Rhodes. This alluring orchestra of artistic elements is the perfect compilation of technical perfection and emotional expression. The exaggerated drama of the piece is the style of the Greek s Hellenistic period. All things considered, LaocoГ¶n and His Sons possesses both exquisite formal components and content and has the ability to provide insight into both the culture of the Greeks, as well as the attitudes of humanity withholds towards enemies. To commence, the formal composition of LaocoГ¶n and His Sons is enticing. The piece is carved in marblewith a height of eight feet. The marble white hue of the statue seems to accentuate the detailed anatomy of the figures. The three males are placed upon a base. On one of the far sides of the base, there resides a pillar style seating with drapery which hangs off in a waterfall like motion. The central figure, and by far the most substantial in size, LaocoГ¶n, seats at an angular position. This angular position creates a dynamic composition. His two sons, Antiphantes and Thymbraeus, struggle at his side as sea serpents attach all three the figures. There appears to be two sea serpents, one who is notably digging its fangs into LaocoГ¶n s hip. Moreover, a significant aspect of the piece is that
  • 47. Speech On Tourism Make A Visit To Incredible India To Get Delightful Lifetime Experience India Tourism: Being a beautiful country, India has become the South Asia s most famous tourism destination. It attracts tourists from worldwide by providing them a unique tourism experience in order to cherish the unforgettable moments for the upcoming years. In India, there are a wide range of tourism options being cherished by the tourists during their vacation times. The country is found to be wildly renowned for its unique cultural and geographical features. The unique culture and geography have made India, a prominent tourist destination in the world. With perfect tourism potential, the country has copious tourist s attractions, which captivate almost all sorts of tourists from all over the world. A brief history of India: Just like the history of Mankind, the Indian history is too old. The history ... Show more content on ... There is a noble cause and significant identity found behind each and every festival based upon traditions, rituals, monsoon, legends and history. There are historical fair, religious fair, cattle fair, animal worship fair, monsoon fair and also changing season fair. Almost all the festivals denote color, dedications, vivacity, high sprit, peace, power, ebullience, humanity, sports activity, appetizing food, prayers, rituals and artistic performance. When it comes to India Tourism, there is no doubt that fair and festivals will be on top priority amongst the tourists in order to witness the amazing Indian festivals. Highlights of India Tourism: Highlights of India tourism can be classified into different options including heritage, wildlife, adventure, backwater, beach, medical, nature and monsoon that appeals worldwide tourists. Cultural heritage
  • 48. 1992 Los Angeles Riots In July of 2014 Eric Garner was killed by a chokehold by an officer. 12 year old Tamir Rice was shot by police for playing with a toy pistol in november 2014. (text 1, line 10) Police departments continue to generate headlines even after the 1992 Los Angeles riots. Most recent deaths on the police department have fueled a debate across the nation. (text 1, line 2) while some believe that policebrutality only happens as isolated incidents the truth is that it is a major societal problem. In 2013, 49,851 officers were assaulted in the line of duty. That same year the injury rate was up to 29.2%. In 2015 a poll was conducted for the justice department. They analyzed 394 incidents involving deadly police force. They found that officers do
  • 49. Islamic Women Great women of Islam throughout the ages and their contributions Throughout Islamic history and development, many great women were part of key contributions to the development and evolution of society and the world at large. From sahabieen, to women who helped contribute to education and medicine, and women today who are helping in making progress for the rights of Muslim. The imprint that women have left and continue to leave is notable and important. The first Muslim after the Prophet was a woman, Khadija, the first wife of the Prophet (s). She was a very successful business women, she had multiple under her employ and was a just employer. She inherited her father s skills in a time in history where society was male dominated and dangerous. She also was very generous; her success could be attributed not dissimilar to that of prominent level CEOs today. And unlike many business owners of... Show more content on ... There is a growing trend in a more socialist rule to get rid of culture that often limits women. One such woman is Somayya Jabarti, a journalist and chief of the Saudi Gazette. The first female editor in chief of a major news publication in Saudi Arabia. A country known to generally limit work opportunities for women. Bringing great stride and change in the outlook of women in Saudi Arabia. She provides inspiration for many Saudi women in hopes for a better freer future. Another woman in modern Islamic history, is from the recent 2010s, and is the youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner. Malala Yousafzai, is a 19 year old Pakistani women s rights activist. On October 9, 2012, Malala was shot in the head and was in critical condition but luckily survived. She was protesting the Taliban rule in her native village and how they limited female education opportunities. She continues to speak at major events such as TED Talks and such. She is a motivational speaker and continues to pursue the growth for the rights of women limited my misconstrued
  • 50. Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes ( Crotalus Oreganus ) Use... Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus) use thermal and structural cues to choose overwintering hibernacula Hope Lindsey Jordan Biology 4080/4081 Professor Burton April 11, 2017 ABSTRACT Hibernaculum are places where creatures seek refuge and most hibernacula and summer dens are found beside old fallen logs (73%)(. Hibernacula and Summer Den Sites of Pine Snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus) in the New Jersey Pine Barrens). Snakes have hibernaculum, which are like dens and these dens can provide multiple benefits to snakes including shelter from lethal overwinter conditions, social opportunities, and contain basking sites, which important in thermoregulation (Gienger CM, Beck DD. 2011). Overwintering is the process... Show more content on ... It is hypothesized that snakes are capable of leaving pheromone trails for themselves or their offspring to locate hibernacula because the hibernacula keep them from freezing in the winter[cite conspecific trailing behavior of red sided garter snakes] To contrary belief, snakes are not solitary animals when it comes to hibernacula.Snakes are often highly selective in the choice of sites for hibernation, and suitable sites can potentially be a limiting resource(.Pine Snake (Pituophis Ruthveni and Pituophis Melanoleucus Lodingi) Hibernacula D. C. Rudolph, R. R. Schaefer, S. J. Burgdorf, M. Duran, and R. N. Conner) Snakes colonize together and use hibernaculum to escape frigid winters (Macartney et al. 1989; Sexton et al. 1992) and are likely to overwinter to avoid freezing temperatures (Mathies T. and Martin. J.D 2008) in order to regulate physiological processes after spring emergence for basking (Gregory 1984). Given the benefits of hibernaculum, in the off chance snakes do not locate hibernacula is it more like for that snake to run the risk of not surviving. The high fidelity that snakes display towards specific hibernacula suggests that hibernacula have unique characteristics which allow them to be repeatedly relocated and features which may be critical in allowing overwinter survival (Burger et al. 1988;
  • 51. Millard Fillmore Biography Millard Fillmore Early Life He became vice president under President Zachary Taylor, assuming the presidency after Taylor s death in 1850. Of a stroke. Millard Fillmore got a job as a clerk with a local judge, Fillmore joined the Anti Masonic Party as a young lawyer, and his political career began. In 1828, he ran for the New York State Assembly and won, Fillmore supported the protective tariff and eliminating the slave trade between the states. He eventually joined the Whig Party through his association with party boss Thurlow Weed, who would later help Abraham Lincoln become president. Personal life He was a lawyer before his presence . Millard had 3 sisters and 5 brothers he was the 2nd child. At the beginning of his career Fillmore was associated with the democratic. Millard received a little formal education as a young ... Show more content on ... Though Fillmore personally opposed slavery, he saw the Compromise as necessary to preserving the Union and enforced its strong Fugitive Slave Act during his presidency He attempted to strengthen his position in New York . In 1846, he helped establish the University at Buffalo. In 1847, Fillmore was elected to the position of New York comptroller. Other But sadly 1874, Mr.fillmore died March 8. He died of a stroke. Millerd was not the only child he had 5 brothers and 3 sisters he was the 2nd oldest and he was not the first to past of his siblings his brother Almon Hopkins Fillmore died 1830. Also his sister Olive Armstrong Johnson died one year before him. Millard fillmore was the last president to be affiliated with either the Democrats or the Republicans Here s a famous quote from millard fillmore Let us remember that revolutions do not always establish freedom. Links fillmore 9295008#entry into politics
  • 52. Chmn 201 Exam 3 Study Guide Essay CHMN 201 Introduction to Church Ministries Exam 3 STUDY GUIDE Be familiar with the following content from Chapters 27 31 of: Earley Gutierrez (2010) Ministry Is...How to Serve Jesus with Passion and Confidence (Nashville: Broadman Holman). Taken from Chapter 27 Praying For Those You Serve Earley Gutierrez (2010) Ministry Is...How to Serve Jesus with Passion and Confidence (Nashville: Broadman Holman). According to Ministry Is..., chapter 27, We must be men and women of prayer who learn to pray powerfully and effectively for _____. (be able to fill in the blanks) others According to Ministry Is..., chapter 27, _____ _ ____ seeks the best for others before the throne of God by bringing their needs to the ... Show more content on ... Some of them were; Pray for a few _____ _____ to pour your life into Spend _____ _____ _____ with them as you can. Pour into their lives the things _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ . Allow them to _____ _____ along side of you Push them to pour their lives into others Dream _____ . (be able to fill in the blanks) faithful people as much time the Lord is teaching you do ministry big According to Ministry Is..., chapter 28, Ministry is obeying the _____ _____ of Jesus by making disciples. (be able to fill in the blanks) Great Commission According to Ministry Is..., chapter 28, Ministry is following the example of Jesus by practicing _____ _____ _____ _____ . (be able to fill in the blanks) spiritual mentoring and multiplying According to Ministry Is..., chapter 28, Ministry is _____ _____ _____ so you can reach the many. (be able to fill in the blanks) gathering a few Taken from Chapter 29 Leading a Small Group Earley Gutierrez (2010) Ministry Is...How to Serve Jesus with Passion and Confidence (Nashville: Broadman Holman). According to Ministry Is..., chapter 29, A healthy Christian small group is a gathering of three to fifteen people who meet regularly together for the purpose of spiritual _____ _____
  • 53. Comparison Of Kuhn And Popper s Understanding Of Science In this section we will compare and contrast Kuhn s understanding of science with Popper s understanding of science. These two methods are narrower when it comes to levels of scrutiny. They are also more open and willing to embrace change because they seek to change the status quo which is traditional science. Both scientists agree that the traditional method of science is too broad and ignores many different variables that could change the outcome of the results. They also concur on the idea that a subjective approach to science and reason is more suitable to reach a correct answer rather than shooting wildly in all directions and accepting the bullet that is closest to our target. Kuhn and Popper looked at traditional science as a method based on assumptions and estimates rather than exact truths or data. They do differ however in some ways. Kuhn does not believe that falsifying theories is necessary to ascertain the truth like Popper does. He simply believes that society is rapidly changing and therefore the methods of science must change also. Popper does not necessarily concern himself with sociological opinions or status quos. He focuses more on the procedures of traditional methods and works to disprove theories. Karl Popperwas an Austrian British philosopher as well as a professor of science. He grew up in a wealthy family and surrounded himself with education and knowledge. He attended various lectures and soon found himself accepting the socialist ideas of Karl
  • 54. The Beat Generation Essay The one thing that we yearn for in our living days, that makes us sigh and groan and undergo sweet nauseas of all kinds, is the remembrance of some lost bliss that was probably experienced in the womb and can only be reproduced (though we hate to admit it) in death. (Kerouac, Jack. On the road. ). This quote, from Jack Kerouacs book On the Road, is a brilliant example of the overall feel of the Beat Generation. Jack Kerouac is one of the most influential writers of the Beat Generation, rivaled only by the likes of Allen Ginsbergand William S. Burrough. But what exactly is the Beat Generation? What does it mean? Who of note was involved? When did it take place? The Beat Generation is a play on words, implying that the participants... Show more content on ... The Beat Generation, a highly rebellious and conflict heavy group were invaluable in our countries development, without them America would be a completely different place. It is common knowledge that Jack Kerouac was a key part of the Beat Generation, but why did he matter, what was his most influential work? Born on March 12, 1922 in Lowell, Massachusetts to French speaking parents from the French quarter of Quebec and French was spoken at home, Kerouac was the final of three children (Jack Kerouac). As a result of his upbringing, Kerouac was not a native English speaker; he actually did not learn English until the age of six (Jack Kerouac). Kerouac experienced tragedy at a dreadfully young age, his older brother Gerard died of rheumatic fever when he was four years old (Jack Kerouac). Kerouac and Gerard had grown close during Gerard s illness, and Gerard s death left Kerouac feeling exceptionally lost. But the lessons Kerouac learned from Gerard s death would stay with him forever and shape his future writing, particularly his reverence for life (Jack Kerouac). Kerouac actually coined the term Beat Generation in his highly influential book On the Road They were like the man with the dungeon stone and gloom, rising from the underground, the