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Samples Of Personal Essays
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Samples of Personal Essays" can be a challenging endeavor.
The difficulty lies not only in the need to express personal thoughts and experiences coherently
but also in finding a balance between revealing intimate details and maintaining a level of
professionalism. Striking this balance requires careful consideration of language, tone, and
content to ensure that the essay resonates with the reader without crossing the boundaries of
Moreover, the challenge extends to the process of selecting suitable personal anecdotes and
weaving them into a narrative that flows seamlessly. Each story or reflection should contribute to
a larger theme, forming a cohesive and compelling essay. This demands introspection and a
willingness to delve into one's own experiences, which can be emotionally taxing.
Another aspect of difficulty arises in the task of engaging the reader from the outset. Crafting a
captivating introduction that draws the audience in while conveying the essence of personal
experiences requires both creativity and strategic thinking.
Furthermore, achieving a sense of authenticity is crucial in personal essays. Readers should feel a
genuine connection to the author's narrative, and this authenticity must be carefully maintained
throughout the entire piece.
In the final stages of essay writing, the challenge lies in the meticulous editing and revising
process. Ensuring clarity, coherence, and maintaining the right balance of self-disclosure
demands a keen eye for detail.
Despite these challenges, the reward of successfully crafting a personal essay lies in the potential
to connect with readers on a profound level. Sharing personal experiences allows for a unique
form of communication, fostering empathy and understanding.
For those who find the process daunting, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar
essays and much more can be ordered on, where professional writers can
provide guidance and support in expressing personal stories effectively.
Samples Of Personal EssaysSamples Of Personal Essays
Positive And Negative Effects Of Social Media
Ryff and Keyes (1995) propose psychological well being to be composed of six
elements: self acceptance; positive relations; autonomy; environmental mastery;
purpose in life and a sense of personal growth. This suggests that there are a variety
of ways in which an individual s wellbeing may be affected and provides insight into
how vulnerable individuals can be to environmental factors which may alter their
state of well being. Research proposes that social media an online environment in
which individuals can communicate and share their views with a wide audience
(Kaplan Haenlein, 2010) can have an effect on well being through its implications on
self esteem Valkenburg, Peter Schouten, 2006) as an individual s self esteem may
impact... Show more content on ...
This insinuates that social media can have both beneficial and detrimental effects on
self esteem. Correlational research has further confirmed that there is a significant
relationship between the type of responses received and self esteem (Greitemeyer,
MГјgge Bollermann, 2014). However, the classification of the feedback as either
positive or negative is problematic as these terms describe a spectrum of feedback.
For example, a like and a comment are both forms of positive feedback, but one
requires more effort than the other so is a more genuine form of feedback.
Therefore these researchers have presented some evidence that social media can
affect self esteem which in turn effects well being and that those effects may be
harmful in nature, providing support for the notion that social media can be bad for
psychological well being in some cases.
On the other hand, longitudinal research has shown that found that positive feedback
on social media from peers was only related to short term increases in self esteem.
This suggests that social media only momentarily alters self esteem and that the
effects of these changes in self esteem are not enduring (Valkenburg, Koutamanis
Vossen, 2017). These conclusions do not provide support for previous research that
suggests that social media has a
The Shield Of Achilles Poetry Analysis
W.H. Auden s The Shield of Achilles and Musee des Beaux Arts encapsulate the
sense of nihilism that pervade society after World War II. It is an age of
disillusionment when people can no longer put faith in science and technology, since
they have witnessed the catastrophe brought about by machines; nor can they rely on
their government, as totalitarianism has created a frigid world where nothingness
stands. However, although the prospect of the contemporary world seems bleak,
W.H. Auden still harbors a flicker of hope. Through the use of ekphrasis and other
poetic techniques, Auden implies that it is a matter of one s choice to break away
from this prevailing pessimism.
Indeed, in The Shield of Achilles, it seems that Auden has no confidence ... Show
more content on ...
Paintings are mute in themselves and ekphrasis brings them alive. Auden lives in
a world that is so bleak that one can no longer find expressions people resign to
their current condition and totalitarianism represses people s voices. Also, when
we look at paintings, we feel instead of describe the process of verbalization takes
more efforts. Very few are willing to take a step further and take an active stance. It
s a boundary that only a few attempts to take. Auden breaks the silence by using
ekphrasis; He adds another layer of sensation auditory aspect that forces us to take
notice of the situation. In Musee des Beaux Arts, Auden uses onomatopoeia like
splashing and forsaken cry, as if he is calling our attention to the fall of Icarus in
reality. His use of progressive verbs walking...waiting...skating... falling and repetitive
sound of ing imply that it is up to our responsibility to stop this continuous
insensitivity. In The Shield of Achilles, he uses consonance column ... column ...
cloud to create a cacophonous effect that stirs unease within us, raising our awareness
of the severity of current condition. Moreover, by reading the poems without seeing
the paintings, Auden suggests that we can envision, construct, and reshape our own
paintings. After all, our own realities are creations of our
Even though Yu Hua, the author of novel To Live, is also...
Even though Yu Hua, the author of novel To Live, is also the scriptwriter of Zhang
Yimou s film To Live, the philosophies of life in the novel and the film are
apparently different. The most impressive part of the novel is the excavation of
humanity: having experienced the loss of wealth, family and friends, Fugui is still
attempting to live in this world. By telling the readers the miserable life of Fugui,
the novel actually more wants to show the dark side of Chinese society. However,
the film concentrates on elaborating the improvement of the character s life, by
showing the change of time and the optimism of Fugui. Therefore, different motifs
and atheistic skills of the novel and film create different perspectives on character s
life... Show more content on ...
Clearly, the direct difference between the novel and film on the plot development
should be the fact that in the book all Fugui s family dies, including Jiazhen and
Kugen. The ending of the novel leads the readers have a sad and helpless feeling
except that Fugui becomes very silent and enlightened. The sorrow ending of his
life can also be treated by Fugui as a way of hope. Wu Weiis interpreted in the book
through the idea of simplicity in Fugui s life. At the beginning of the book, Fugui
even attempted to kill himself when he lost all his family money from gambling;
however, at the end, after experiencing loss of family, wealth and friends, he finally
understood the meaning of life. At about the end of the story, Fugui said, Look at
the people around me, like Long Er and Chunsheng. They each had their day in the
sun, but in the end they lost their lives. It s better to live an ordinary life. If you go
on striving for this and that, you ll end up paying with your life. The recall of his
life and his statement about his experience actually stand on a critical point towards
those people who attempted to get away their ordinary lives. Hence, Yu Hua s To
Live tells the readers a story about how a man survived and lived through the most
chaotic eras in modern Chinese history by obeying a life of simplicity. Although
Fugui thought about to suicide at the beginning, but when he came to directly face
death, simplicity, the core idea of
Taking a Look at Evolutionary Psychology
Evolutionary Psychology is a practice of social and natural sciences that studies
human characteristics through the lens of modern evolutionary theory. This is
exactly what Dunbar and his colleges attempt to do with the family in their book. The
discussion of the family has to start with defining what parentinvolvement actually is.
The authors of the book Evolutionary Psychology use Robert Trivers definition from
1972 that states, any investment by the parent in an individual offspring that
increases the offspring s chance of surviving at the cost of parent s ability to invest
in other offspring . This means that if a parent of a individual uses any of their
resources to help improve their child s chance of survival, meaning... Show more
content on ...
The second circumstance for infanticide is if the child is born with severe
disabilities or deformities for the simple reason of is the child worth the
investment. Is involved in a child s life who is going to require more of an
investment that an average child, and still highly unlikely to reproduce worth it?
Twins are a similar circumstance. Parents have the dilemma of possibly of not
having adequate resources for both children at the same time. So infanticide could
be logical in this situation so the parents could invest heavily into one of the twins
to help ensure the best opportunity for the child throughout life as opposed to
dividing the resources in half. This leads into the last circumstance, which is just not
having the adequate amount of resources to raise even a single child. This practice
is exemplified to the rate of aborted children or children sent to orphanages in young
single women, or old married women who have had several children prior. Also
discussed is how unique the human family is. Human fathers are involved in their
children s lives more than any other species and humans are the only species where
grandparents exist. The explanation for these occurrences are that the human infant is
so dependant that it needs the support of more than just a mother, and even just the
mother and father in some cases. The occurrence of grandparents can also be
explained by the phenomenon of menopause. The human
Eat Your Bugs Compare And Contrast
Compare and Contrast
The texts Eat Your Bugs by Michael Vila and Insect Farmers...ВЁ by the Washington
Post have both similarities and differences. The two similarities are bugs are healthy
for you and bugs are good for the environment. The two differences are, both articles
disagree on the amount of bugs, and both articles don t have pictures and charts, only
one article. Let s dive in.
To begin, both articles state that bugs are healthy and good for you. For example. In
the article Eat Your Bugs, Under the subtitle Bugs Can Make You Big and Strong, it
says Our body systems can digest insects just like any other kind of food. And insects
are full of nutrients. Similarly, in Insect Farmers, under the subtitle Insects Are Easier
On the
Year-Round Schools
Should School Be Year Round Year round schools have gained popularity among the
United States, being a very communicated topic within middle class communities.
These schools are generally argued about by whether they are beneficial or not.
While there are many advantages to year round schools, there are some disadvantages
as well. A few of these disadvantages include the expenses of the schools, the
schedules the schools provide, the involvement within the schools, and the actual
effectiveness of these schools.
First and foremost, one has to consider the expenses of the year round schools. The
year round schools have extra costs for the educational funds of the school, such as
costing more for supplies. According to the article Year Round Educationin a Reform
Environment by Dena Dossett, the costs for the reading and math instructions cost
$14 per student to the average cost of $8 per student. Another fee the schools have to
pay are school functioning costs. These expenses encompass keeping the school at a
comfortable ... Show more content on ...
There is not enough participation among communities for these schools to be built.
Many researcher show, such as in the article Year Round Schoolby Karen Walker,
there is minimal interest in the building of these, even when offered by the
government. In addition, these schools are largely middle class, because they re
private year round schools. Another thing to look at is the student attendance. Only
an average amount of students care to show up, while some refuse to show up
because of their parents. Lastly, it is difficult to transition communities from
traditional schooling, because it creates a fuss among communities during the
transition, where as a fair amount of people disagree with these transitions. To sum it
all up, there is lack of involvement in communities, the student attendance, and the
transitioning from traditional schools to year round school to
Rhetorical Analysis Of Seeing And Making Culture
Rhetorical Analysis: Seeing and Making Culture
In Seeing and Making Culture: Representing the Poor by Bell Hooks, issues
involving the poor and the rich in the society are brought to light. Hooks addresses
issues such as how the poor are viewed in the community, common assumptions about
the poor, and how the poor are represented in the media. In her analysis, it is evident
that those living in poverty are grossly misrepresented. This misrepresentation affects
these people s daily lives.
Hooks first argument stems from the false assumptions that she has encountered
about the poor. She takes us years back to her college days where students and
professors were labeled as mindless, unworthy, shiftless, dishonest, and lazy
(paragraph5). To her, those experiences were a cultureshock because having being
brought up in poverty, she had always been taught that there is no correlation
between poverty and personal integrity. Furthermore, a person could be a hard
worker and still be poor. The values of a human being can t and should not be based
on material possessions. She states that it is horrifying to think that the poor have
no values. According to Bell Hooks, had it not been for the upbringing in a poor
household, she would neither be the prolific writer that she is nor have good values.
All the aforementioned assumptions indicate how lowly the United States
contemporary society regards the poor. The poor are never portrayed as who they
really are.
The author s agenda is to
Why Michigan University
The University of Michigan and I both share a common personality: We both
possess the desire to succeed and maximize our interests and education. Michigan
University continues to get more competitive every year and creates a higher level of
standard for each of its classes. College is a factor that was not a big part of my
family. I want to go a prestigious college, which happens to be close to home, and be
someone in my family that gets the opportunity to go to a great college in America. I
want to get into this universitybecause I know that it will help me become more
goal driven and transform me into a new character who will push myself to new
limits that have not been explored before. There are many unique qualities that
attract me to the University of Michigan. Other than the beautiful city of Ann Arbor
and the Big House, Michigan University is home to various venues. One that sticks
out is the Ross School of business: A beautiful structure home to many brilliant
aspirants who seek a business career. This applies to me because I want to go into
business and hopefully get into that business school. I know that The Ross School of
Business can be tough to get into, but I have the grades to prove otherwise.
The University of Michigan s diverse locations make it more than just an educational
site. College life creates stress at times and people need a ... Show more content on ...
I have visited the campus many times to see my brother, who goes to school there,
and I am always amazed at how miraculous the campus is. When I decide what
college to go to, I would pick somewhere close to home so that I can come home
whenever I want and spend time with my family. My parents did not get the
opportunity to go to college in America; I want to be the second, behind my brother,
person in the family to get the bliss of good American education that is close to home
and be able to make my parents
The Prophet Muhammad Of The Islamic Faith
A person whose character has played a major role in history and continues to
influence people worldwide is the Prophet Muhammad, the last prophet in the Islamic
faith. There are many misconceptions about Muhammad, but if you were to ask any
Muslim living now or at his time for one fact about him, they would tell you that he
was a man of character. Even before given revelation from God through Angel
Gabriel, Muhammadwas known through Mecca as the Truthful and the Trustworthy.
He was born an orphan and was brought up by family relatives. Muhammad s
character shows his endurance through the toughest of times. As Islamspread, more
and more people converted simply because they were mesmerized by Muhammad s
character. He didn t just preach the religion, he actually lived it. Three major
characteristics of the ProphetMuhammad were that he was kind, loving, and patient.
Muhammad was a known for his kindness, making him someone people could
confide in and trust. One example of when the Prophet Muhammad demonstrated
kindness was the story about his neighbor. There was once a woman who lived next
door to Muhammad. This woman was cruel and would dump trash on his doorstep
every day. The trash would cut and bruise his bare feet, but he never complained to
her. One morning, there was no trash on Muhammad s doorstep. The Prophet became
concerned and went next door. He was told that she was very ill. Saddened by this,
he went home and returned to his neighbor s house with
Benefits of Music Education
Kris Epperson
Mrs. Wilder Newland
English 12
15 March 2012
Benefits of Required Music Education According to College Bound Seniors National
Report: Profile of SAT Program Test Takers, Students in music appreciation classes
scored 63 points higher on verbal and 44 points higher on math than students with no
arts participation. Music programs are being cut and underfunded even though these
programs should be the first to be funded; they provide a magnitude of benefits.
Music should be taught progressively just like English or social studies. The music
class would start out as it does in most music classes in elementary school, going
through the basic history and learning how to play the recorder. Then, in middle
school, it would ... Show more content on ...
Language arts is a core class throughout all levels of education, and music helps
young students to be more aware of and focus on phonemes that make up the English
language ( Start ). In the most basic form, music has helped teach children the
alphabet. A study done by Cohen Taylor in 1981 stated, ...popular song lyrics used as
reading materials caused middle grades students to approach printed materials in a
positive manner. Students had been approaching reading materials with
became enthusiastic and excited about using lyrics as reading materials. Reading
skills can be effectively taught using popular song lyrics (Eady and Wilson
Restructuring Music s 244). This method would be well accepted throughout student
bodies across the nation. A distinct tie exists between music and the human brain. It
speaks to the emotions, the angst, the happiness, and it really ties kids into their
emotions. Everything seems so life and death, so right now (Gutjahr). There are one
hundred billion neurons in the brain (Levitin 85). Almost every part of the brain
lights up when a person listens to, plays, or reads music. Playing an instrument
requires carefully timed physical movements, which enables the motor cortex ( Your
Brain ). The hippocampus, a part of the brain which plays a key role in long term
memory, helps retrieve memories that give sound both meaning and context. The
Lorenz On Aggression
Pranav Prakash
Professor Dilip Simeon
Totalitarian Century
11 May 2016
When the banner is unfurled all reason is in the trumpet
Throughout history, there have been a plurality of events, many characterized by
eerily similar circumstances and perpetuated by dangerously similar ideologies, that
question the deepest roots of the ontology of our humanity, if such an abstraction
even exists, and have perplexed historians and philosophers alike who pursue a
rationalizing explanation of such events, at least in the context of the times. This
essay explores the concept of militant enthusiasm that ethologist Konrad Lorenz
theorizes in On Aggression and seeks to identify a series of traits that underlie
instances of the human abandonment of reason ... Show more content on ...
Fascist Spectacle: The Aesthetics of Power in Mussolini s Italy. University of
California Press. (1997). Web. 28 April 2016. .
Fearon, James D. Ethnic War as a Commitment Problem. Stanford: Stanford
University, August 1995. Web. 5 May 2016.
Human Rights Watch. World Report 2015
: North Korea. Italicized Title of Periodical.
(2015): Web. 27 April 2016. .
Kohl, Diane. The Presentation of Self and Other in Nazi Propaganda. Stirling:
Psychology Society, 2011. Print. 5 May 2016.
Lerner, Richard M. Final Solutions: Biology, Prejudice, and Genocide. Pennsylvania:
The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1992. Web. 24 April 2016.
Lorenz, Konrad. On Aggression. Julian Huxley. United Kingdom: Methuen Co. Ltd,
1966. Print.
Marcus, Itamar. From nationalist battle to religious conflict. Palestinian Media
Watch. Feb 2007(2007): 18. Web. 1 May 2016. .
Mishra, Prem Anand. Idea Of Hindutva: A Thematic Exploration In Savarkar s
Political Writings. Ahmedabad: Spectrum: A Journal of Multidisciplinary Research,
2012. Web. 5 May 2016.
Mulaj, Klejda. Politics of Ethnic Cleansing. United States of America: Lexington
Books, 2008. Print.
Nelson , Sean. SAIS : US Korea 2012 Yearbook. United States: US Korea Institute of
SAIS, 2013. Web. 26 April
Medical Marijuana Should be Legalized Essay
Marijuana has been in the news lately since two states, Colorado and Washington,
have voted to legalize recreational marijuana. Currently they are the only two states
to legalize recreational marijuana. Twenty states and the District of Columbia have
legalized medical marijuana. Iowa, at this time, has decided not to legalize medical
marijuana in spite of many Iowa citizens advocating for the legalization of the drug.
Iowa is taking a cautious approach to medical marijuana. Medical marijuana has
been proven to help with seizures, pain management, nausea and improve the quality
of life of people with certain medical issues. Regulation of medical marijuana will
keep the drug safe by overseeing the growing and sale of the drug and... Show more
content on ...
One Denver citizen put it quite clearly when he stated, The only thing more
addictive than illegal drugs is tax revenue. We have seen this work with gambling
which used to be illegal and now is a wonderful source of revenue for states.
Governor Hickenlooper of Colorado has urged other states not to rush into legalizing
marijuana just for the tax revenue, but to wait and see how Colorado handles any
problems that may arise.
The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 criminalized marijuana by restricting possession of
the drug to individuals who paid an excise tax for certain approved medical and
industrial uses. Penalty for nonpayment of this tax was up to $2000 and/or jail time
up to five years. (Kriho) Three men, William Randolf Hearst, Andrew Mellon and
Harry Anslinger were the men behind the development of The Marihuana Tax Act of
1937. The Act was created to reduce the size of the hemp industry. Anslinger was
the head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and had made his career enforcing
alcohol prohibition. Prohibition ended in 1933 and Anslinger felt he needed a new
illegal substance for job security. Hearst owned a newspaper empire. Hemp had
become a cheap substitute for paper pulp which is used in the newspaper industry.
Hearst felt hemp was a threat to his extensive timber holding from which paper pulp
was also made. Hearst started a scare campaign to convince the public that Mexicans
Pro Illegal Immigration Essay
Did you know that on average millions of illegal immigrants enter the U.S. every
year? I believe that we need to start taking more action to slow down the illegal
immigration rate into the U.S. I will be talking about the pros and cons of illegal
immigration, how this immigration could help or hurt the economy, and what the
immigrants need to do to come legally into the U.S.. The topic I chose was Illegal
Immigration, people coming into the U.S. illegally without the right paperwork, is
worthy of research because it s a huge issue at the moment, could help or destroy the
economy, and could bring more jobs to the states.Very few politics find that illegal
immigration to be a hot topic at the moment compared to their other objectives(Smith
My paper is about whether or not to deport illegal immigrants or let them stay in the
U.S.. An Illegal Immigrant is someone who travels to another country illegally
without the proper paperwork to either better their lives or find jobs. In the process
of gaining citizenship, immigrants are required to learn to read and ... Show more
content on ...
At first I believed that they should deport the illegal immigrants back to their home
countries. The rest have made their way through the borders and risked their lives
cramped in trucks and literally crossing the border. (Perales 1)It is important to not
base an opinion before research because you will not know what all of the pros and
cons are of a situation. There is over 12 million immigrants and there are still more
on their way across the border everyday(Perales 1). I believe within the next few
years the illegal immigrants will begin to become citizens of the United States
because of all of the good that can come from
Supermarket Abortion
What makes the supermarket congestion even worse is that shoppers are taking
longer and longer to decide what they want to buy, because every product in America
now comes in an insane number of styles and sizes.
The functions of an effective topic sentence include telling the general topic of the
paragraph and making a specific point about the topic (Arlov, 2008, p. 30). The topic
sentence that was selected above definitely fulfills the functions of an effective topic
sentence. For example, the general topic of the paragraph (supermarket congestion) as
well as the things which contribute to supermarket congestion like the variety of sizes
in which products are package in.
In the paragraph that I chose, the author
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Essay
The Transportation Security Administration, more commonly known as TSA, is a
part of the United States Department of homeland Security that supervises and
manages the safety of travelers in the United States. Unlike other government
operated tasks forces such as the military or FBI whose as been in existence since
(), the TSA was only recently founded twelve years ago in 2001 after the
devastating terroristic attack that took place in New York city s twin towers earlier
that year. There are more than forty eight thousand people employed by the TSA in
airports, bus stations, railroads and freeways across every state, but you may never
realize when they are nearby. Some have the typical security duties of checking bags,
using different... Show more content on ...
Most employees were only required to show their I.Ds to surpass security in and
around the building. Sharp objects like razors, scissors or tools weren t seen as a
threat. Even guns were allowed if you had the proper licensing and protective case
to place it in. A common scenario at airports and train stations consisted of families
and friends waving goodbye or welcoming tem with open arms as a loved one
came home or set off on a new chapter of their life. Times have definitely changed,
and for good reason. A majority of people are familiar with the world news that
occurred on September 11, 2001 when two airplanes flew into the Twin Towers of
New York, a massive terroristic attack that killed thousands of people in a matter of
minutes. At the time of tis tragedy, there were many reports saying passengers on the
crashing planes were in a hostile situation before the crash. Men from another
country were aboard the plan with knives and took control of the pilot, freighted the
passengers and ultimately crashed the planes in an orchestrated manner. These events
caused a blood chilling wave across America and pushed the Bush Administration to
take action in avoidance of tis ever happening again, this brought on the foundation
of what we now know as the TSA in December of 2001, merely three months after
the incident. President W. Bush was in office at the time and honorably placed John
William Macaw as the Undersecretary of Transportation
Physical And Psychological Effects Of Depressants
Drugs are substances that have physical and psychological effects on the body. Once
an individual has taken drugs multiple times they start to build a tolerance. When
tolerance is built an individual will up the dosage of the drug. Now the individual
will be addicted to the drug. People are addicted to drugs to compliment physical and
psychological dependence. There are many different types of drugs such as
psychoactive drugs, stimulants, and hallucinogens. Psychoactive drugs are drugs that
affect conciseness, mood, and your thoughts. Depressants are a type of psychoactive
drug. Physical effects of Depressants are Lowered blood pressure, Poor concentration,
Confusion, Fatigue, Dizziness, Slurred speech, and Fevers. Most depressants attack...
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Some of the most common stimulants are methamphetamine, caffeine, nicotine,
cocaine, and Ecstasy. Methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant drug. Its
physical effects include disturbed sleep patterns, Nausea, and Bizarre, erratic,
sometimes violent behavior. Methamphetamine increases the amount of dopamine,
which results in increased chemicals in the brain. Methamphetamine is a dopamine
agonist. Caffeine is a CNS stimulant. It is the world s most consumed drug. Some
physical effects include high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, and hyperglycemia.
Caffeine binds to our brain s adenosine receptors; preventing the chemical from
binding with the receptors and making us tired. (This is what caffeine does to your
brain, 2014) Caffeine is a receptor antagonist. Nicotine is a highly addictive chemical
substance present in tobacco. Some physical effects include heart disease, stroke, and
depression. The nicotine molecule is shaped like a neurotransmitter called
acetylcholine. Acetylcholine and its receptors are involved in many functions,
including muscle movement, breathing, heart rate, learning, and memory. They also
cause the release of other neurotransmitters and hormones that affect your mood,
appetite, memory, and more. When nicotine gets into the brain, it attaches to
acetylcholine receptors and mimics the actions of acetylcholine. (How Does
Nicotine Act in the Brain? 2015) Nicotine is an agonist to ACH. Cocaine is a highly
addictive drug synthetically derived from coca. Some physical effects of cocaine
include increased heart rate, body temperature, and increased rate of breathing.
Normally, dopamine is then recycled back into the transmitting neuron by a
specialized protein called the dopamine transporter. If cocaine is present, it attaches to
the dopamine transporter and blocks the normal recycling process, resulting in a
buildup of dopamine in the synapse, which contributes to the pleasurable effects of
How Did The Great Depression Affect The Economy
Throughout the history of the United States, many economic recessions and
depressions have occurred, and will occur. These recessions and depressions are in
part caused by the actions of the denizens of the United States on a microeconomic
level, and also by the government itself on a macroeconomic level. The worst of
these economic events is widely considered to be the Great Depression, occurring in
the 1930 s. However, a worldwide event is widely credited with pulling the United
Statesout of what is believed to be it s greatest economic trial: World War II.
Although the second World War was the most destructive war in history, economic
evidence proves that this war brought the U.S. out of its Great Depression.
The Great Depression ... Show more content on ...
However, World War II led to a rise in employment across many fields, whether it
be government or manufacturing. Between January 1939 and November 1943,
employment rapidly rose in the U.S. by 12.9 million jobs, but then fell by 3.7
million through to December 1945. On net, employment increased by an annualized
rate of 3.9 percent during that time span. (Ghanbari, 2). These job growths were
concentrated in manufacturing and government roles, which accounted for 38 and
20 percent of net employment growth, respectively (Ghanbari, 2). On a more
specific note relating to employment, World War II s spike in governmental jobs
was a sustained growth past 1948. Employment in federal government after January
of 1939 rose by an annual 1.5 percent yearly (Ghanbari, 4). Simply put, government
jobs increased rapidly during and after the Second World War, all the way up until
the last noted increase in December of 2015, with local government jobs making up
approximately two thirds of all government employment (Ghanbari, 4). Another thing
that is noted on the topic of employment is that Since 1939, employment trends have
tended to coincide with business cycles, albeit imperfectly, declining during
recessions and rising during recoveries and expansions. (Ghanbari, 5). This quote
and evidence proves how the Great Depression led to a fall in employment, but
World War II expanded the market and allowed
Border Corridos And Badman Ballads
Border corridos and Badman Ballads contain different style and techniques, however
were shaped by similar social and cultural factors in history, such as interethnic
conflict and discrimination. Border corridos and Badman Ballads each emerged
from the oppression of a certain ethnic group, however each has its own history.
Border corridos revolve around the TexasMexicoborder and illustrate the effects of
the The Mexican American War. During the Mexican American War, Mexico lost
the battle and the state of Texas, which made the Rio Grande the national border.
As a result, Mexicans who lived on the other side of the river had to decide between
America and Mexico. The people who chose to stay in America became Tejanos
(Texan American) (Davis, Lecture) and their culture, language, and property were
respected due to the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe (Flores, 167). However as
Anglo American settlers moved into Mexican territory, a land grab was
institutionalized, which sold most of Mexicans lands for cheap prices, due to the
Mexican population s unawareness. Not only that, but Texas officers known as Texas
Rangers discriminated and violently treated ethnic Mexicans (Davis, Lecture). The
border corridors reflect the interethnic conflict between whites and Tejanos and
portray the injustice during those times. Similarly, Badman Ballads portrays the
oppression of one ethnic groups towards another. This ballad illustrates blacks
discriminated by whites during the
Gustave Courbet Discourse
Gustave Courbet is one of the most important names of the nineteenth century
Realist Movement. Much of his work was completely avant garde in nature,
meaning his work often incorporated new ideas and styles while advocating for
some measure of social change. His most notable contributions included The
Stonebreakers (1849) and its efforts to normalize depictions of average laborers; The
Burial at Ornans (1849) and its implications at the end of the Romantic Movement
and the dwindling role of the church; and The Studio of the Painter (1854) and its
prediction of the future. Courbet, however, provided many other works throughout
his career, and a number of them were just as avant garde as these, even as they
seemed to maintain the status quo of... Show more content on ...
Among the high art world it was still one of the more popular subjects to paint, one
that Courbet had addressed with his avant garde piece, The Studio of the Painter.
The painting showed Courbet in the center of the composition, facing a canvas on
which he was painting a landscape. Behind him stood a nude female, symbolizing
himself and the art world turning away from the nude in favor of landscape
painting. Even in painting this nude he continued to be subversive, showing a
classical test of skills in the realist style of painting as opposed to idealized. It
seems strange then, that twelve years later Courbet would choose to go back
painting female nudes, even for patrons, when he had never shown an interest in
such things before. In this way, Courbet s choice to paint Le Sommeil is not as
avant garde as older works. However, despite the subject of the female nude
showing favor to the status quo of the art world at the time, the narrative of the
piece means the work is still just as subversive as past work by Courbet had been.
The narrative of the nudes, in this case, is post intercourse rest. Presently in the
painting, the two women s limbs are tangled together, the sheets rumpled, and
various objects strewn about, such as a broken pearl necklace and a golden hairpin.
These context clues make it obvious to viewers exactly what has taken place just
before the events captured on the
Lowering The Age Of Drinking Alcohol Essay
Should the Age Limit for Drinking Alcohol be Lowered?
Everyone hears about tragedies because of drunk drivers or the stories of the
people who grew up with alcoholic parents or the choices people who drink
extensively make that hurt and affect so many others. My mother grew up with two
alcoholic parents. They could be mean drunks. There are the different kinds of
drunks everyone knows: mean drunks, funny drunks, loud drunks, clumsy drunks,
emotional drunks, etc. What a lot of people don t realize is that, all drunks and
alcoholics have a few things in common. They all forget it in the morning, always
have a drink, always deny their problem, frequently can t/don t accept help unless
they want to change. There is no talking to an alcoholic.
My mother s father sobered up, but he died just a couple years ago; her mother, on
the other hand. never really sobered up. She is still and alcoholic and not only is it
hard on my mother still but it s hard on all of us. You can t talk to her and have her
temper what we said. She went to the hospital about two years ago for a reaction to a
medicine and the doctors took her BAC (Blood Alcohol Content). Her BAC was
.34. The legal limit is .08. She should have been dead. And during that time she was
forced to go the withdrawals and, as a first hand witness, it is one of the scariest
things seeing someone so out of there mind and element. It s like they are a whole
different, ugly person. What makes it ... Show more content on ...
Someone might argue that foreign countries have 18 years as the legal age, but
they don t think about how most other countries are more mature by that age and
use alcohol for religious purposes instead of for a good time . Our society is too
immature and irresponsible to handle a younger drinking age. And age that can
create addicts and destroy bodies and minds of young people. Twenty one is not an
ideal age but it is surely better than 17 or
The Elemental Exploration Of A Salt And Salt Solution,
Project A: The elemental exploration of the behavior of iron in physiological
conditions, the acquisition of solid copper from a salt and salt solution, and the
synthesis and crystallization of aluminum.
Introduction: Iron is an essential element in the human body. It can be found in the
hemoglobin and transferrin of the bloodstream, and in myoglobin in muscle tissue.
The main purpose of iron is to transfer oxygen within the body. To gain iron,
humans must consume a diet that consist abundantly of iron such as leaf
vegetables, fish, beans, etc. Absorption of iron is especially important because less
than 15% of iron in daily diets are absorbed and used (Jacobs 1971). The formation of
iron (II) occurs in the stomach because of its low ... Show more content on ...
Because synthesis requires multiple steps to make a desired reaction, the yield is
lower than other synthesis. On the first day, if the substances have a significant
amount of precipitate, then the substance will require a greater number of drops of
sodium hydroxide than substances with an insignificant amount of substrate. On the
second day, if the starting reactants affect the yield of the product then obtaining solid
copper from a salt will result in a greater yield. If aluminum foil is the limiting
reactant of the experiment, then the percent yield will increase as the amount of foil
Project A, Day 1
In Part 1, 50 milliliters of 5% sodium hydroxide solution was obtained and observed
in a 100 mL beaker and 30 milliliters of pH 2 dissolved iron solution was also
obtained and observed in a 50 mL beaker. To observe the behavior of dissolved iron
with sodium hydroxide, 5 milliliters of pH 2 dissolved iron was transferred to a
large test tube. Drops of 5% solution of sodium hydroxide were slowly added and
monitored for physical changes. A glass stir rod was used to transfer a small amount
of solution onto pH paper in between drops of 5% solution of sodium hydroxide until
the solution had a pH of 8.
In Part II, 5 milliliters of dissolved iron was placed in a large test tube. To test the
effect of different additive substances on dissolved iron, .2 grams of methionine was
added to
Child Labor During The Second Industrial Revolution
During the Second Industrial Revolution many people were getting jobs because of
the growing industrialization. By the mid 1800 s child labor started to be a major
issue. Child labor became a bigger issue once machines in factories replaced hand
labor. Starting in Britain and spreading throughout Europe and North American many
new business and factories started to open. When the factories started to open they
needed more workers for cheap labor. During the Industrial Revolutionchild labor
increased because of the need for cheap labor, the new inventions and technologies,
and the lack of workers. During the Second American Revolution there was a major
increase in the use of child labor. One of the main reasons child labor increased was
because of cheap labor. On a typical day the children were forced to work from
sunrise to sunset. They worked eleven to twelve hours per day, six days a week.
Throughout the day they would get less than one hour for a break. On average
they earned about a dollar every week. Some of the children that were employed
were as young as five years old and were paid these low wages until the age of
sixteen.... Show more content on ...
Children all around worked in factories, mines, or in the fields picking cotton. These
jobs would provide them with an income to give to their families. Children were
paid only a fraction of what adults were paid. Most of the time children that weren t
getting paid were orphan s. The factory owners justified their absence of payroll by
saying that they gave the orphans food, shelter and clothing, all of which were far
below par (Child labor in factories). The items that they could of made could sell for
about 60 dollars and still only get paid about ten
Child Adolescent Population And Developmentally
Introduction This paper will attempt to compare two systematic review articles on the
topic of restraints and seclusion (S R) and its implications within the child adolescent
population and developmentally impaired persons. The articles should present
evidence to address claims on reduction while the results of the studies provide
evidence on rationales to these practices. Aggressive behaviors by both of these
populations in inpatient psychiatric facilities at some point become a safety issue in
terms of assault and injury for both. Both reviews focus on incidences of seclusion
and restraints and ways to reduce usage. The articles aim to answer what the current
state of evidence is supporting restraints and reduction methods. Nonetheless,
interventions are needed to reduce restriction and restraint utilization in children and
persons with developmental disabilities (Menon, Raghavendra, Bernard 2010)
Phenomenon of Interest The article Initiatives to reduce the use of seclusion and
restraints on people with developmental disabilities: A systematic review and
quantitative synthesis, analyzes the use of R S within the developmental disabled.
According to Gaskin, Mcvilly McGillivray (2013) there is insufficient evidence that
explores these practices among this population. There is also not enough evidence for
aggression management measures and training in de escalation procedures. The
review assesses studies that introduce interventions and the effects of R S
Big Bend Rocks
Geology of the Big Bend (Rocks)
The only types of rocks found in Big Bend National park are Sedimentary (N.P).
The specific names for these rocks are: limestones, shale and sandstones, clay,
Lava Flow, Conglomerate, Marl, and Cherty Limestone are found in this park
(N.P). These rocks were likely abundant throughout the park; when the area was
covered by a salty sea during the Cretaceous period (N.P). The way how these rocks
formed is by the results of pebbles being cemented together. Another way how the
rocks can form is by how the earliest layer of rock was deposited in a relatively deep
marine environment. After the next layer above the shale indicates that the rock is
deposited in a very shallow way, that s when the ocean water starts
The Bluest Eye, And Marilynne Robinson s Housekeeping
Family, community, and society have a consistent, unavoidable impact on the
individual and our own sense of identity. Whether it is the home we grow up in, the
societal standards we face, or the relationships we lose and make, self identification is
significantly influenced by our surroundings. This journey to find oneself is a central
theme within both Toni Morrison s novel, The Bluest Eye, and Marilynne Robinson s,
Housekeeping. The Bluest Eye tells the story of Pecola Breedlove, a young African
American girl who yearns for the acceptance and love from society. The idea that she
must have blue eyes if she wants to look beautiful has been imprinted on her and has
affected the way she identifies herself. Then Housekeeping follows two sisters,
Lucille and Ruth, who after a series of abandonments, search for their own identities
through the mother daughter relationships they form and the homes that they connect
with. While the characters within the two novels both undergo a search for self
identification, the formal structures of the two narratives are different. The Bluest
Eye uses differing narrativeperspectives, with the character, Claudia serving as the
primary narrator. In contrast, Ruth narrates Housekeeping herself, offering an internal
understanding and perspective. Overall, the different narration styles within The
Bluest Eye and Housekeeping play a significant role in the way the audience follows
the characters search for self identification, as it is
Similarities Between The Christian Rosary And The
A religious individual may most gloriously carry out his or her own rituals, as a part
of his or her cultural identity, but the moment, that person starts to build a wall of
separation between the self and the rest of humanity, coaxed by the textual commands
of a scripture, the healthy religiousness turns into dangerous fundamentalism, which
is a threat to both the self and the society. (Abhijit Naskar). In the recent history of
our society, the actions of religious extremists have driven people apart, and hatred
has grown from a lack of ecumenism between those of different faiths. By focusing
on the differences between religions, and not on the latent similarities that inherently
exist between different faiths, people become blinded to how various religions are
all rooted in the same philosophies. However, by focusing on the similarities of
different religion, through philosophies, rituals, or teachings, we can then learn how
to tear down walls, grow as people, and become cognitive of our joint humanity. With
the necessity of ecumenical relations in our community, it serves humans to see the
similarities between the faiths that can divide us. On such similarity exists between
the rituals of the Christian Rosary and the Buddhist tradition of PrayerWheels, both
are physical guides for repetitive prayers and personal reflection and meditation. The
Catholic tradition of the Rosary is a long held practice of Marian prayer which dates
back millennia. The tradition of the
Religious Holiday Leave At Cintas Corporation
Religious Holiday Leave at Cintas Corporation
Cintas Corporation is a multi national publicly traded organization (CTAS) based in
Cincinnati, OH. Cintas employs approximately 30,000 employees, who are called
partners, at local locations spread mainly throughout North America (Cintas, 2016).
Cintas employees a diverse workforce, representing cultures and religions from all
over the world. Cintas is a company respected for its management systems and
execution of policies and procedures. Cintas will continue to grow, and as a result
employ more people. With a growing employee base, religion will continue to grow
as a political power in the company s workplace as well (Adams, 2012). As such, it is
critical Cintas has a clearly defined policy regarding religious holiday leave that
complies with all Federal and State employment laws.
Religion Legal Obligation The definition of religion can be subjective and vary
from person to person. According to Gregory (2011), as a society, more and more
employees are wishing to demonstrate their faith while at work. He further notes that
this will continue as individualism and self expression are more embraced by todays
millennials. In addition, Gregory shows that the filing of discrimination based
lawsuits rose 75% between 1997 and 2008. Because of this, Cintas Corporation must
create a fair policy that meets the legal obligations of the company.
The EEOC and Title VII protects all aspects of religious observance and practice
An Epic Play, Cyrano de Bergerac, Written by Edmond
Cyrano de Bergerac is an epic play written by Edmond Rostand, for which he
derived his idea based on the story from real life character, Cyrano. In this play,
Cyrano is depicted as a slightly different protagonist, or the main character. Rostand
managed to draw several changes in order to heighten the dramatic effect of forming
the theatrical figure with significant characteristics that are central to the
interpretation of the whole play. Rostand wrote this play as a tragicomedy in which
he combined both catastrophic plots with comic actions. It can be easily discovered
that, Rostand produced this play not merely to entertain the audience, but also to
express and convey several cultural diversities and human natures from these major
aspects: the inequality of social structure. Thus, I am going to investigate how
Rostand conveyed the concept of unfair social classstructure through the extensive
descriptions of Cyrano s character, so as to more comprehensively understand the
reality of the French society.
Starting with the social structure, the French culture in the history was often said to
be unequal, which are shaped by the social status described in the story. Having a
highly stratified society, France is a country which is with strong definition and
competition between classes. People were classified into different structures: The
privilege class, middle class workers and the peasants the third class. In the play itself,
the marquises, the cadets, Roxane, Christian,
Theme Of The Lone Ranger And Tonto Fistfight From
Imagine a society that prevents you from being successful because of who you are.
That is the kind of life both Balram and Victor lived throughout their lives. In The
White Tiger by Aravind Adiga, the main character Balram experienced excessive
discrimination because of his background. People like him who came from extreme
poverty are treated like animals because of the caste system that people in India
follows as some form of tradition. On the other hand, Victor, from The Lone Ranger
And TontoFistfight From Heaven by Sherman Alexie, he witnesses the tragic lifestyle
of native americans in the reservation and after leaving the reservation, he also
experienced discrimination because of the stereotypes against the native americans.
The marginalization Balram accustomed in the caste system of India and Victor
experienced outside of the reservation and within the community of the reservation
caused them to escape from their own lives and hope for a better reality.
Both Balram and Victor thinks that the culture that they lived throughout the most
part of their life is completely dysfunctional and that thought made them eager to
attain the outside culture. The life that Victor witnessed in the reservation and
Balram witnessed in his village proved the society they live in is flawed. In The
Lone Ranger And Tonto Fistfight In Heaven, Victor and Adrian watches the
basketball game of Julius but he is not doing as well as they expected him to be.
After the basketball game, Victor
Computerizimg the Regitration Process at Universities
The University Student Registration System: a Case Study in Building a High
Availability Distributed Application Using General Purpose Components
M. C. Little, S. M. Wheater, D. B. Ingham, C. R. Snow, H. Whitfield and S. K.
Department of Computing Science, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne,
NE1 7RU, England.
Prior to 1994, student registration at Newcastle University involved students being
registered in a single place, where they would present a form which had previously
been filled in by the student and their department. After registration this information
was then transferred to a computerised format. The University decided that the entire
registration process was to be computerised for the Autumn of ... Show more content
on ...
The high availability requirement implies that the computerised registration system
must be able to tolerate a reasonable number of machine and network related failures,
and the consistency requirement implies that the integrity of stored data (student
records) must be maintained in the presence of concurrent access from users and the
types of failures just mentioned. It was expected that most human errors, such as
incorrectly inputting data, would be detected by the system as they occurred, but
some off line data manipulation would be necessary for errors which had not been
foreseen. Tolerance against catastrophic failures (such as complete electrical power
failure, or a fire destroying much of the University infrastructure) although desirable,
was not considered within the remit of the registration system. A solution that would
require the University buying and installing specialist fault tolerant computing
systems, such as Tandem [1] or Stratus [2] was not considered economically feasible.
The only option worth exploring was exploiting the University s existing computing
resources. Like most other universities, Newcastle has hundreds of networked
computers (Unix workstations, PCs, Macs) scattered throughout the campus. A
solution that could make use of these resources and achieve availability by deploying
software implemented fault tolerance techniques certainly looked attractive.
Oligochaetes Research Paper
The seafloors of estuaries are composed of different species of burrowers, or
animals that dig up tunnels in the ocean floor. In particular, polychaetes and
oligochaetes are species of worms which are the most common types of burrowers.
Polychaetes and oligochaetes are very abundant and essential to the estuarine
ecosystem. They serve as an important source of food for many species including
birds in shallow areas and the tunnels they build are also used as shelter by other
marine species. Polychaetes and oligochaetes also have various qualities, aside
from being aesthetically pleasant, they are able to absorb and release energy as well
as dispose waste efficient all of which allows them to receive food source by filtering
water either from... Show more content on ...
Sponges Sponges are colonies many tiny individual animal cells. If a living
sponge is crushed, all of the animal cells living in it can survive on their own and
find themselves again to regenerate themselves into a whole sponge once again.
Sponges are often thought of as incomplete organisms, however, despite their
simplicity, they function just as efficiently as any mammal. Sponges are unable to
move and have no bones or any way of physically defending themselves but they
have toxic chemicals that make them inedible by all but a few organisms that have
been able to evolve to tolerate them. Sponges are abundant in Florida s waters and
have a higher phenotypic diversity than one would expect. There are chimneylike
boring sponges, loggerhead sponges that are taller than an average human, other
shapes include sponges shaped like vases and barrels. Other sponges are adapted to
live in specific environments. For instance, in beaches were wave intensity is low, a
small orange or green sponge may grow on top of small hermit crab shells and slowly
dissolve its shells, resulting in a shelter less crab forcing it to carry the sponge around
until the crab die or is able to leave the
Big Island Contrast
Did you know that the Big Island is home to some of the largest telescopes in the
world? Some of the largest telescopes stand here, and these telescopes are an
example of something that will not be found anywhere on O ahu. When visiting the
Big Island, there is also an astronomy center named Imiloa and we learned that the
Big Island is home to the tallest mountain if measured from the ocean floor, Mauna
Kea. Until I visited the Big Island, I wasn t aware that there are so many distinct
differences between the Big Island and the island of O ahu.
Both the Big Island and the island of O ahu are unique, but also share many
similarities. First off, these islands do not have extreme temperatures. For example, O
ahu and the Big Island usually do ... Show more content on ...
The first unmistakable difference they have is the fact that the Big Island is home to
two active volcanoes; Kilauea and Mauna Loa. O ahu does not have any active
volcanoes, but there is a possibility that they could still erupt in the future. Although
the Big Island is larger than the other seven Hawaiian islands combined, the Big
Island is also the youngest Hawaiian island. With that said, O ahu is the third oldest
and the third largest island of all eight of them. Looks can be deceiving in this
case. Lastly, the Big Island also has some of the largest scientific telescopes that sit
on Mauna Kea. On the island of O ahu, there are no telescopes that sit on any of the
inactive volcanoes. Overall, the distinct differences between O ahu and the Big
Island include one island having active volcanoes, their size, and the fact that only
one of them has some of the largest telescopes in the world. The Big Island, in fact,
does have some of the largest telescopes that sit on Mauna A Wakea. There are many
characteristics between these two islands that are indistinguishable and different.
Consider visiting both of these beautiful islands; they may seem similar, but they are
both special and remarkable in their own
Quabbin Reservoir History
The Quabbin reservoir is a manmade body of water that was created to supply the
greater area of boston with fresh water and has been for decades.
The Quabbin reservoir was created to supply boston with more water due to the
rising population of boston.In the 1930s four towns were relocated so that the
reservoir could be made becuase of the natural valley the towns sat in.
When construction began in 1927, the Swift River was redirected from its riverbed
and through a diversion tunnel. On August 14th, 1939 that tunnel was sealed with
rock. Over the next seven years the waters of the Quabbin Reservoir slowly rose
behind the newly completed Winsor Dam, an earth filled structure 2,640 feet long,
rising 170 feet above the riverbed, and the slightly smaller Goodnough Dike. The
water seeped into the old cellar holes, and gradually submerged the roads that had
linked the towns. It swallowed ... Show more content on ...
The water is distributed throughout the metropolitan Boston area through 117 miles
of pipeline and aqueduct tunneled through bedrock 200 feet below the earth s
surface. Three Western Massachusetts communities are also supplied with Quabbin
water through the Chicopee Valley Aqueduct. The Massachusetts Water Resources
Authority, created in 1984, is responsible for the treatment and distribution of the
water, and the development of new water supplies. Rangers, foresters, a wildlife
biologist, a staff of engineers, skilled craftsmen and laborers all help to ensure the
purity of Quabbins water and watershed, and maintain and protect Quabbins very
special qualities.In order to flood the vast area of the Swift River Valley in the
1930s, Hundreds of homes, businesses, a state highway, a railroad line, and 34
cemeteries were also moved or dismantled. Over 6,000 graves were relocated from
the Valley to Quabbin Park Cemetery
Stratford Pants Research Paper
Palazzo pants, a trend popularized in the early 60 s has revived into the modern
day street style fashion. It is a piece of loose, flowing trousersmade from light
fabric which flares out from the waist till the bottom. Palazzo pants are one of the
very few trendsetters which delivers that chic look and provides a great deal of
comfort as well. Palazzos are the best getaway outfits during summer. They are
becoming increasingly popular and trendy because of its ease to wear, that
incredible comfort and the effortless stylish look it exhibits. Palazzos are usually
seen in bold prints and patterns and relatively bright colours which highlights the
overall appearance. These prints usually vary from floral to tribal and sometimes
animal for a more daring look.... Show more content on ...
Plain Palazzos have more of a formal frame so it can be paired with a slim fitting
shirt to give that elegent yet professional look. A classic piece of palazzos should
lightly graze the floor when paired with heels to provide that elongated, sleek look
to your figure. Palazzo pants flatters almost all body types. If paired with the right
top, accessories and pair of platforms, they can accentuate any part of the body.
Since Palazzos usually come in free sizes, it s convenient to grab a pair online.
Here at at Violet Street, India s largest online botique market place, we have the
most classy, extravagant collection of Palazzo pants. If your wardrobe needs a
couple of additions, we are here to offer what you need from an exclusive collection
of Palazzos with different prints and colours to choose
The Global Problem Facing Chinese Construction Firms
1. Introduction
Zhao and Shen (2008) and a number of other recent researchers considered that the
emerging problem facing Chinese Construction Firms (CCFs) with regard to
competitiveness is their insufficient share in the international markets (Liu, et al.,
2013; ENR, 2014). Chinese contractors have captured the market lead in the African
construction market, but challenges in the European and American markets still
remain (ENR, 2014). This is evidenced by the inclusion of 62 CCFs in the top 250
global contractors list in the Engineering News Record (ENR 2014); with these 62
Chinese firms accounting for 14.5% of the total international revenue in 2013. In
comparison with Chinese contractors, the international revenue of 58 European ...
Show more content on ...
After China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in December 2001, the
government was able to extend its global reach and secure an increasing number of
foreign construction agreements (Wen, 2005; Hu, 2007). In 2014, Chinese president
Xi Jinping signed more than 20 bilateral agreements with Argentina to offer finance
and construction infrastructure in exchange for raw materials; The China
Development Bank will provide US$7.5bn in loans to Argentina for dams and
construction programs (Quirke, 2014).
International construction markets are considered more accessible to foreign firms as
a consequence of globalization (Kim, et al., 2010). Numerous Chinese contractors
have started to strategically develop overseas propositions to gain new revenue and
minimize domestic market risk (Li, 2006; Zhao and Shen, 2008) as domestic
competition in the Chinese construction market has become increasingly intensive,
due to numerous firms over borrowing and over building, causing an imbalance in the
economy (Anderlini, 2015).
Recent economic liberalisation of the construction market has placed private
contractors in a stronger position to compete for work. At the same time, to be
successful requires more sophisticated project management to enhance
competitiveness (Fang, et al, 2004; Lim, et al., 2010). It is useful to identify the
Bios256 Week 5
BIOS256 Week 5 Lab Exercise Renal Absorption and Secretion To complete this
worksheet, select:
Module: Balancing Fluids Activity: Animations Title: Renal Absorption and Secretion
1.Where does renal absorption and secretion occur? Renal Tubules2.Define what
happens during these processes.
a. Absorption: Returns materials to the bloodstream thereby conserving those
b. Secretion: Moves materials from the blood stream into the tubule for eventual
disposal.3.Because of very high glomerular filtration rates, nearly the entire volume
of the blood enters the renal tubules every 30 minutes. Obviously, most of it must be
reabsorbed to avoid ... Show more content on ...
The major role of primary active transport is to move sodium from the cytosol of the
tubule cell into the surrounding interstitial fluid surrounding the capillary.
b. Describe the role of primary active transport with regard to potassium (K+) and
hydrogen (H+) ion movement. As a secondary function it provides the driving force
to move potassium and hydrogen ions from the interstitial fluid to the filtrate.
c. Why is Na+ movement important with regard to movement across the membrane?
The movement of sodium ions via active transport is to generate an electrochemical
gradient between the filtrate and the interstitial fluid.
8.a. The energy stored in the sodium ion electrochemical gradient is used to transport
other molecules back toward the bloodstream (reabsorption). What nutrients are
transported in this fashion? Glucose, amino acids and other solutes being recovered
from the filtrate. b. How does the sodium gradient affect hydrogen ion movement?
Active transport requires chemical energy because it is the movement of
biochemicals from areas of lower concentration to areas of higher concentration.
9.Describe the role of transporter proteins with regard to nutrient movement.
It goes from high to low concentration, in order to maintain equilibrium in the cells.
Does not require cellular energy.
10.Describe ion movement through or between the cell membranes into the interstitial
Study Objectives And The Home Company
A.INTRODUCTION: Founded in 1993, a vision was brought upon five
entrepreneurs. Their names are Greg Provenzano, Tony Cupisz, Mike Cupisz, and
Robert Stevanovski, and Onur Edipov. We were tired of working for others and
decided to change our lives forever. We started a company called ACN, (American
Communications Network) everyone with a business mind set has one goal, and
to work for something by they want to be part of. How can you do that? Simple!
Create your own company. B. STUDY OBJECTIVES AND THE HOME
COMPANY: In the beginning, ACN was only working with helping customers by
reselling long distance services in the U.S and over time we expanded to over 25
countries and we offer all the essential services customers already use. At... Show
more content on ...
Our company is partnered with Project Feeding the Kids, as well as others like
Ronald McDonald. When we acquire customers and they set up an ACN customer,
a child gets fed. And when you pay your select ACN bills each month, another
child gets fed. What better feeling can you get knowing you are helping over a
million kids get fed each year when over 17 million don t know where they are
getting there next meal from. The company conducts there sales by using
multilevel marketing. (MLM) This is a method of product and service
distribution. This process is often mixed with a pyramid scheme. The difference is
1. We don t sell or hold product, 2. All of our IBOs are working for themselves.
They make there own rewards by finding new customers and getting partners. Each
level of customers and partners contributes for there own wealth. I am one of the
Co founders of the company and my role is to work with all our international
headquarters and set base in new countries. This way we can help the country
prosper in business growth and savings for the general population in whole. Each
country we interact with involves different services. In North America, we work
with telecommunications, gas, electricity, and water. In the U.S we are located in in
Concord, North Carolina. The facility is about 17 acres and extends over 140 000
square feet. This location is known as the central support system for ACN s North
American operation. To add to the World
Managing Individual Behavior Affects The Realization Of...
Managing individual behavior affects the realization of individual and group goals
and this makes it necessary to shape behaviors in a way that supports the realization
of specific goals (Bunn, 2013). Motivation is an important area of management as it
helps managers to understand how to influence behaviors positively in a workplace
environment (Louis, 2015). My experience as a team leader led to motivation. This
experience has been evaluated in this paper using theories, models, and principles to
provide insight on motivation. The experience has been described clearly, identifying
knowledge acquired and how it can be applied to promote self motivation as well as
the motivation of others.
Concrete Experience
A high rate of absenteeism and low morale was being experienced in the division,
and this compelled the captain to exploit different ways of addressing the problem.
The captain had expressed frustrations about the issue in one of the weekly meetings
of commissioned officers. The commissioned officers had made attempts to enquire
from the warrant officers about the issue, but they did not identify the specific
causes of high absenteeism and low morale in the division. A meeting of the
commissioned officers was convened by the captain to look at the way forwards.
The officers resolved to create a task force to investigate the causes and the problem
and come up with mitigation strategies. The captain established a team of eight
members to examine
Inaccuracies Of The Balian In The Movie Kingdom Of
The movie Kingdom of Heaven is about the fight for the Holy city of Jerusalem.
Balian, our main character who we follow throughout the movie, is the leader of
the Christian crusaders. In the beginning, he is seen in France, at the grave of his
wife, who had committed suicide after the death of their children. The crusaders
come to France, and offer a position with them to Balian. At first, he does not want
to go, but after killing a man, he catches up with the crusaders and joins them in
their battles. He meets, and eventually falls in love with the Queen, Sybilla. He
goes through many battles, and eventually ends it all with a truce with Saladin. In
the following paragraphs, I will now explain to you the inaccuracies of this movie.
My first topic is on Balian. To start off, he was not, and never lived, in France. In
result, he never needed to catch up with the crusaders, being that he was already
living in Jerusalem. The opening of the movie is him with his wife s grave, praying,
because she had committed suicide. In reality, she never did. Balian was shown as an
illegitimate child, not knowing his father.... Show more content on ...
He simply made the men kneel, said a few words and even slapped one man,
before declaring them all knights. There was actually a lot more to it than just
saying words, there was training involved in this. Balian was asked by one man,
Bishop, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, if making a man a knight a better fighter, to
which he replied, Yes . The actual process would begin when the boy was 7, all the
way up to the age of 21. The article Becoming a Knight states that Knighthood
training was a long and often arduous process (Alchin). This is showing that those
men could not have even gotten a fraction of the training other knights had gotten in
that short of a period of time from being knighted to the start of the fighting at the
Lethal Injection
Lethal injection is now almost the main method of execution in the US, with all but
one of the 39 executions carried out during 2013 being by this method. Deadly
injection changes from state to state.Normally, the prisoner is strapped to a gurney
or a fixed execution table, rather than an operating room table by leather or webbing
straps over the body and legs. All the chemicals used in the USA are standard medical
drugs. Sodium thiopental is an ultra short acting barbiturate which was used widely
as an anaesthetic and causes unconsciousness very quickly if injected into a vein.
Capital punishmentis supposed to serve the purposes of social defense and
retribution. The argument that it deters or incapacitates dangerous offenders was not
conclusively supported, and analysis of data herein failed to provide solid evidence
for the death penalty as a mechanism of social defense. (Sorensen Pilgrim,2006 ,
p.159)... Show more content on ...
Arkansas and Oklahoma laws provide for its use should deadly injection ever be
held to be (going against something in the Constitution), for this type of execution
the person usually is shaved and strapped to a chair with belts that cross his/her
chest, groin, legs, and arms. A metal skullcap shaped electrode is attached to the
scalp and forehead over a sponge moistened with salt water.Even without any
trouble, death (by electricity)s are anything but quick and painless. (as a result) most
states with death penalty laws have switched to deadly injection. Only Alabama,
Georgia and Nebraska still employ the old (and useless) and terrible and scary
method of death (by
Comparing Mencius And Xunzi On Human Nature
A lot of philosophers, especially Mencius and Xunzi, discussed human nature with
various views on moral aspect of human nature, which can be defined as the methods
of thinking acting, feeling and thinking that humans tend to have naturally, in the past
few millenniums. Mencius argued that human nature is basically good but Xunzi
thought that human natureis basically evil. As the reasoning behind the arguments of
Xunzi is more convincing and logical than that of Mencius, the interpretation of the
approach of Xunzi is better than that of Mencius. This essay will discuss the
approaches of Mencius and Xunzi on human nature by analyzing and comparing both
in terms of their strengths and weakness.
The main argument of Mencius is that human nature is good and virtue is innate ...
Show more content on ...
First, the examples that Mencius used to explain his arguments are problematic.
He used an example of downward flow of water1 to describe the basic goodness of
human nature (Mengzi Norden, 2008), but this example is contradicted with
another example of changing the water flow2 that was used to illustrate that
external force is the source of badness which violates their basic nature. Water can
move downward because of the external force such as wind, shape of land,
gravitation etc., therefore if we adopted the approach of Mencius, downward flow
of water would be like the effect of badness on human nature and basic goodness of
human nature. This shows the contradiction between the examples provided by
Mencius. Moreover, using downward flow of water as an analogy of basic goodness
of human nature is problematic since Mencius did not explain the similarities
between the direction of human nature and the direction of water in his argument.
This makes his approach be less convincing. Second, Mencius ignored the effort of
people on self cultivation and being educated. He used an example3 of that people
would have momentary feeling of genuine
Reflection Of Psalm 121
I read this passage to Cindy a few times over the last 2 ВЅ years. It always seemed to
bring her peace as she processed her next step in this journey. Psalm 121 seems to
speak of the tough times in our lives and how we can still find peace. God does not
live in some celestial tower, far away from the world Godcreated. God cares for all
the people and all of creation. God cares for us amidst all the twists and turns of life s
journey. It is that conviction which inspires Psalm 121, a Psalm I read again to
Cindy in the last week of her life. Psalm 121 is sometimes called „the
traveler‟s Psalm‟. It was a psalm sung by pilgrims as they made their annual
journey to Jerusalem. It expressed their faith in God, but also reflected the unease
they felt about travel. I look to the mountains; where will my help come from?
(v.1). Mountains may be beautiful, but they can also be dangerous. Mountains are
places where people lose their lives. No, the hills are not the place from which our
help comes rather they are the place where help is needed. Here in this Psalm, the
hills or mountains represented the perils of the journey, for it was in the ravines and
gorges of the mountain ranges that wild beasts and robbers hid. As the pilgrims
looked to the mountain ranges they had to cross if they were to reach Jerusalem,
they were filled with foreboding and wondered from where their help would come. It
is in this situation that the Psalmist declares: My help will come from the Lord, the

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Samples Of Personal Essays

  • 1. Samples Of Personal Essays Crafting an essay on the topic of "Samples of Personal Essays" can be a challenging endeavor. The difficulty lies not only in the need to express personal thoughts and experiences coherently but also in finding a balance between revealing intimate details and maintaining a level of professionalism. Striking this balance requires careful consideration of language, tone, and content to ensure that the essay resonates with the reader without crossing the boundaries of privacy. Moreover, the challenge extends to the process of selecting suitable personal anecdotes and weaving them into a narrative that flows seamlessly. Each story or reflection should contribute to a larger theme, forming a cohesive and compelling essay. This demands introspection and a willingness to delve into one's own experiences, which can be emotionally taxing. Another aspect of difficulty arises in the task of engaging the reader from the outset. Crafting a captivating introduction that draws the audience in while conveying the essence of personal experiences requires both creativity and strategic thinking. Furthermore, achieving a sense of authenticity is crucial in personal essays. Readers should feel a genuine connection to the author's narrative, and this authenticity must be carefully maintained throughout the entire piece. In the final stages of essay writing, the challenge lies in the meticulous editing and revising process. Ensuring clarity, coherence, and maintaining the right balance of self-disclosure demands a keen eye for detail. Despite these challenges, the reward of successfully crafting a personal essay lies in the potential to connect with readers on a profound level. Sharing personal experiences allows for a unique form of communication, fostering empathy and understanding. For those who find the process daunting, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on, where professional writers can provide guidance and support in expressing personal stories effectively. Samples Of Personal EssaysSamples Of Personal Essays
  • 2. Positive And Negative Effects Of Social Media Ryff and Keyes (1995) propose psychological well being to be composed of six elements: self acceptance; positive relations; autonomy; environmental mastery; purpose in life and a sense of personal growth. This suggests that there are a variety of ways in which an individual s wellbeing may be affected and provides insight into how vulnerable individuals can be to environmental factors which may alter their state of well being. Research proposes that social media an online environment in which individuals can communicate and share their views with a wide audience (Kaplan Haenlein, 2010) can have an effect on well being through its implications on self esteem Valkenburg, Peter Schouten, 2006) as an individual s self esteem may impact... Show more content on ... This insinuates that social media can have both beneficial and detrimental effects on self esteem. Correlational research has further confirmed that there is a significant relationship between the type of responses received and self esteem (Greitemeyer, MГјgge Bollermann, 2014). However, the classification of the feedback as either positive or negative is problematic as these terms describe a spectrum of feedback. For example, a like and a comment are both forms of positive feedback, but one requires more effort than the other so is a more genuine form of feedback. Therefore these researchers have presented some evidence that social media can affect self esteem which in turn effects well being and that those effects may be harmful in nature, providing support for the notion that social media can be bad for psychological well being in some cases. On the other hand, longitudinal research has shown that found that positive feedback on social media from peers was only related to short term increases in self esteem. This suggests that social media only momentarily alters self esteem and that the effects of these changes in self esteem are not enduring (Valkenburg, Koutamanis Vossen, 2017). These conclusions do not provide support for previous research that suggests that social media has a
  • 3. The Shield Of Achilles Poetry Analysis W.H. Auden s The Shield of Achilles and Musee des Beaux Arts encapsulate the sense of nihilism that pervade society after World War II. It is an age of disillusionment when people can no longer put faith in science and technology, since they have witnessed the catastrophe brought about by machines; nor can they rely on their government, as totalitarianism has created a frigid world where nothingness stands. However, although the prospect of the contemporary world seems bleak, W.H. Auden still harbors a flicker of hope. Through the use of ekphrasis and other poetic techniques, Auden implies that it is a matter of one s choice to break away from this prevailing pessimism. Indeed, in The Shield of Achilles, it seems that Auden has no confidence ... Show more content on ... Paintings are mute in themselves and ekphrasis brings them alive. Auden lives in a world that is so bleak that one can no longer find expressions people resign to their current condition and totalitarianism represses people s voices. Also, when we look at paintings, we feel instead of describe the process of verbalization takes more efforts. Very few are willing to take a step further and take an active stance. It s a boundary that only a few attempts to take. Auden breaks the silence by using ekphrasis; He adds another layer of sensation auditory aspect that forces us to take notice of the situation. In Musee des Beaux Arts, Auden uses onomatopoeia like splashing and forsaken cry, as if he is calling our attention to the fall of Icarus in reality. His use of progressive verbs walking...waiting...skating... falling and repetitive sound of ing imply that it is up to our responsibility to stop this continuous insensitivity. In The Shield of Achilles, he uses consonance column ... column ... cloud to create a cacophonous effect that stirs unease within us, raising our awareness of the severity of current condition. Moreover, by reading the poems without seeing the paintings, Auden suggests that we can envision, construct, and reshape our own paintings. After all, our own realities are creations of our
  • 4. Even though Yu Hua, the author of novel To Live, is also... Even though Yu Hua, the author of novel To Live, is also the scriptwriter of Zhang Yimou s film To Live, the philosophies of life in the novel and the film are apparently different. The most impressive part of the novel is the excavation of humanity: having experienced the loss of wealth, family and friends, Fugui is still attempting to live in this world. By telling the readers the miserable life of Fugui, the novel actually more wants to show the dark side of Chinese society. However, the film concentrates on elaborating the improvement of the character s life, by showing the change of time and the optimism of Fugui. Therefore, different motifs and atheistic skills of the novel and film create different perspectives on character s life... Show more content on ... Clearly, the direct difference between the novel and film on the plot development should be the fact that in the book all Fugui s family dies, including Jiazhen and Kugen. The ending of the novel leads the readers have a sad and helpless feeling except that Fugui becomes very silent and enlightened. The sorrow ending of his life can also be treated by Fugui as a way of hope. Wu Weiis interpreted in the book through the idea of simplicity in Fugui s life. At the beginning of the book, Fugui even attempted to kill himself when he lost all his family money from gambling; however, at the end, after experiencing loss of family, wealth and friends, he finally understood the meaning of life. At about the end of the story, Fugui said, Look at the people around me, like Long Er and Chunsheng. They each had their day in the sun, but in the end they lost their lives. It s better to live an ordinary life. If you go on striving for this and that, you ll end up paying with your life. The recall of his life and his statement about his experience actually stand on a critical point towards those people who attempted to get away their ordinary lives. Hence, Yu Hua s To Live tells the readers a story about how a man survived and lived through the most chaotic eras in modern Chinese history by obeying a life of simplicity. Although Fugui thought about to suicide at the beginning, but when he came to directly face death, simplicity, the core idea of
  • 5. Taking a Look at Evolutionary Psychology Evolutionary Psychology is a practice of social and natural sciences that studies human characteristics through the lens of modern evolutionary theory. This is exactly what Dunbar and his colleges attempt to do with the family in their book. The discussion of the family has to start with defining what parentinvolvement actually is. The authors of the book Evolutionary Psychology use Robert Trivers definition from 1972 that states, any investment by the parent in an individual offspring that increases the offspring s chance of surviving at the cost of parent s ability to invest in other offspring . This means that if a parent of a individual uses any of their resources to help improve their child s chance of survival, meaning... Show more content on ... The second circumstance for infanticide is if the child is born with severe disabilities or deformities for the simple reason of is the child worth the investment. Is involved in a child s life who is going to require more of an investment that an average child, and still highly unlikely to reproduce worth it? Twins are a similar circumstance. Parents have the dilemma of possibly of not having adequate resources for both children at the same time. So infanticide could be logical in this situation so the parents could invest heavily into one of the twins to help ensure the best opportunity for the child throughout life as opposed to dividing the resources in half. This leads into the last circumstance, which is just not having the adequate amount of resources to raise even a single child. This practice is exemplified to the rate of aborted children or children sent to orphanages in young single women, or old married women who have had several children prior. Also discussed is how unique the human family is. Human fathers are involved in their children s lives more than any other species and humans are the only species where grandparents exist. The explanation for these occurrences are that the human infant is so dependant that it needs the support of more than just a mother, and even just the mother and father in some cases. The occurrence of grandparents can also be explained by the phenomenon of menopause. The human
  • 6. Eat Your Bugs Compare And Contrast Compare and Contrast The texts Eat Your Bugs by Michael Vila and Insect Farmers...ВЁ by the Washington Post have both similarities and differences. The two similarities are bugs are healthy for you and bugs are good for the environment. The two differences are, both articles disagree on the amount of bugs, and both articles don t have pictures and charts, only one article. Let s dive in. To begin, both articles state that bugs are healthy and good for you. For example. In the article Eat Your Bugs, Under the subtitle Bugs Can Make You Big and Strong, it says Our body systems can digest insects just like any other kind of food. And insects are full of nutrients. Similarly, in Insect Farmers, under the subtitle Insects Are Easier On the
  • 7. Year-Round Schools Should School Be Year Round Year round schools have gained popularity among the United States, being a very communicated topic within middle class communities. These schools are generally argued about by whether they are beneficial or not. While there are many advantages to year round schools, there are some disadvantages as well. A few of these disadvantages include the expenses of the schools, the schedules the schools provide, the involvement within the schools, and the actual effectiveness of these schools. First and foremost, one has to consider the expenses of the year round schools. The year round schools have extra costs for the educational funds of the school, such as costing more for supplies. According to the article Year Round Educationin a Reform Environment by Dena Dossett, the costs for the reading and math instructions cost $14 per student to the average cost of $8 per student. Another fee the schools have to pay are school functioning costs. These expenses encompass keeping the school at a comfortable ... Show more content on ... There is not enough participation among communities for these schools to be built. Many researcher show, such as in the article Year Round Schoolby Karen Walker, there is minimal interest in the building of these, even when offered by the government. In addition, these schools are largely middle class, because they re private year round schools. Another thing to look at is the student attendance. Only an average amount of students care to show up, while some refuse to show up because of their parents. Lastly, it is difficult to transition communities from traditional schooling, because it creates a fuss among communities during the transition, where as a fair amount of people disagree with these transitions. To sum it all up, there is lack of involvement in communities, the student attendance, and the transitioning from traditional schools to year round school to
  • 8. Rhetorical Analysis Of Seeing And Making Culture Rhetorical Analysis: Seeing and Making Culture In Seeing and Making Culture: Representing the Poor by Bell Hooks, issues involving the poor and the rich in the society are brought to light. Hooks addresses issues such as how the poor are viewed in the community, common assumptions about the poor, and how the poor are represented in the media. In her analysis, it is evident that those living in poverty are grossly misrepresented. This misrepresentation affects these people s daily lives. Hooks first argument stems from the false assumptions that she has encountered about the poor. She takes us years back to her college days where students and professors were labeled as mindless, unworthy, shiftless, dishonest, and lazy (paragraph5). To her, those experiences were a cultureshock because having being brought up in poverty, she had always been taught that there is no correlation between poverty and personal integrity. Furthermore, a person could be a hard worker and still be poor. The values of a human being can t and should not be based on material possessions. She states that it is horrifying to think that the poor have no values. According to Bell Hooks, had it not been for the upbringing in a poor household, she would neither be the prolific writer that she is nor have good values. All the aforementioned assumptions indicate how lowly the United States contemporary society regards the poor. The poor are never portrayed as who they really are. The author s agenda is to
  • 9. Why Michigan University The University of Michigan and I both share a common personality: We both possess the desire to succeed and maximize our interests and education. Michigan University continues to get more competitive every year and creates a higher level of standard for each of its classes. College is a factor that was not a big part of my family. I want to go a prestigious college, which happens to be close to home, and be someone in my family that gets the opportunity to go to a great college in America. I want to get into this universitybecause I know that it will help me become more goal driven and transform me into a new character who will push myself to new limits that have not been explored before. There are many unique qualities that attract me to the University of Michigan. Other than the beautiful city of Ann Arbor and the Big House, Michigan University is home to various venues. One that sticks out is the Ross School of business: A beautiful structure home to many brilliant aspirants who seek a business career. This applies to me because I want to go into business and hopefully get into that business school. I know that The Ross School of Business can be tough to get into, but I have the grades to prove otherwise. The University of Michigan s diverse locations make it more than just an educational site. College life creates stress at times and people need a ... Show more content on ... I have visited the campus many times to see my brother, who goes to school there, and I am always amazed at how miraculous the campus is. When I decide what college to go to, I would pick somewhere close to home so that I can come home whenever I want and spend time with my family. My parents did not get the opportunity to go to college in America; I want to be the second, behind my brother, person in the family to get the bliss of good American education that is close to home and be able to make my parents
  • 10. The Prophet Muhammad Of The Islamic Faith A person whose character has played a major role in history and continues to influence people worldwide is the Prophet Muhammad, the last prophet in the Islamic faith. There are many misconceptions about Muhammad, but if you were to ask any Muslim living now or at his time for one fact about him, they would tell you that he was a man of character. Even before given revelation from God through Angel Gabriel, Muhammadwas known through Mecca as the Truthful and the Trustworthy. He was born an orphan and was brought up by family relatives. Muhammad s character shows his endurance through the toughest of times. As Islamspread, more and more people converted simply because they were mesmerized by Muhammad s character. He didn t just preach the religion, he actually lived it. Three major characteristics of the ProphetMuhammad were that he was kind, loving, and patient. Muhammad was a known for his kindness, making him someone people could confide in and trust. One example of when the Prophet Muhammad demonstrated kindness was the story about his neighbor. There was once a woman who lived next door to Muhammad. This woman was cruel and would dump trash on his doorstep every day. The trash would cut and bruise his bare feet, but he never complained to her. One morning, there was no trash on Muhammad s doorstep. The Prophet became concerned and went next door. He was told that she was very ill. Saddened by this, he went home and returned to his neighbor s house with
  • 11. Benefits of Music Education Kris Epperson Mrs. Wilder Newland English 12 15 March 2012 Benefits of Required Music Education According to College Bound Seniors National Report: Profile of SAT Program Test Takers, Students in music appreciation classes scored 63 points higher on verbal and 44 points higher on math than students with no arts participation. Music programs are being cut and underfunded even though these programs should be the first to be funded; they provide a magnitude of benefits. Music should be taught progressively just like English or social studies. The music class would start out as it does in most music classes in elementary school, going through the basic history and learning how to play the recorder. Then, in middle school, it would ... Show more content on ... Language arts is a core class throughout all levels of education, and music helps young students to be more aware of and focus on phonemes that make up the English language ( Start ). In the most basic form, music has helped teach children the alphabet. A study done by Cohen Taylor in 1981 stated, ...popular song lyrics used as reading materials caused middle grades students to approach printed materials in a positive manner. Students had been approaching reading materials with became enthusiastic and excited about using lyrics as reading materials. Reading skills can be effectively taught using popular song lyrics (Eady and Wilson Restructuring Music s 244). This method would be well accepted throughout student bodies across the nation. A distinct tie exists between music and the human brain. It speaks to the emotions, the angst, the happiness, and it really ties kids into their emotions. Everything seems so life and death, so right now (Gutjahr). There are one hundred billion neurons in the brain (Levitin 85). Almost every part of the brain lights up when a person listens to, plays, or reads music. Playing an instrument requires carefully timed physical movements, which enables the motor cortex ( Your Brain ). The hippocampus, a part of the brain which plays a key role in long term memory, helps retrieve memories that give sound both meaning and context. The visual
  • 12. Lorenz On Aggression Pranav Prakash Professor Dilip Simeon Totalitarian Century 11 May 2016 When the banner is unfurled all reason is in the trumpet Throughout history, there have been a plurality of events, many characterized by eerily similar circumstances and perpetuated by dangerously similar ideologies, that question the deepest roots of the ontology of our humanity, if such an abstraction even exists, and have perplexed historians and philosophers alike who pursue a rationalizing explanation of such events, at least in the context of the times. This essay explores the concept of militant enthusiasm that ethologist Konrad Lorenz theorizes in On Aggression and seeks to identify a series of traits that underlie instances of the human abandonment of reason ... Show more content on ... Fascist Spectacle: The Aesthetics of Power in Mussolini s Italy. University of California Press. (1997). Web. 28 April 2016. . Fearon, James D. Ethnic War as a Commitment Problem. Stanford: Stanford University, August 1995. Web. 5 May 2016. Human Rights Watch. World Report 2015 : North Korea. Italicized Title of Periodical. (2015): Web. 27 April 2016. . Kohl, Diane. The Presentation of Self and Other in Nazi Propaganda. Stirling: Psychology Society, 2011. Print. 5 May 2016. Lerner, Richard M. Final Solutions: Biology, Prejudice, and Genocide. Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1992. Web. 24 April 2016. Lorenz, Konrad. On Aggression. Julian Huxley. United Kingdom: Methuen Co. Ltd, 1966. Print. Marcus, Itamar. From nationalist battle to religious conflict. Palestinian Media Watch. Feb 2007(2007): 18. Web. 1 May 2016. . Mishra, Prem Anand. Idea Of Hindutva: A Thematic Exploration In Savarkar s Political Writings. Ahmedabad: Spectrum: A Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2012. Web. 5 May 2016. Mulaj, Klejda. Politics of Ethnic Cleansing. United States of America: Lexington Books, 2008. Print. Nelson , Sean. SAIS : US Korea 2012 Yearbook. United States: US Korea Institute of SAIS, 2013. Web. 26 April
  • 13. Medical Marijuana Should be Legalized Essay Marijuana has been in the news lately since two states, Colorado and Washington, have voted to legalize recreational marijuana. Currently they are the only two states to legalize recreational marijuana. Twenty states and the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana. Iowa, at this time, has decided not to legalize medical marijuana in spite of many Iowa citizens advocating for the legalization of the drug. Iowa is taking a cautious approach to medical marijuana. Medical marijuana has been proven to help with seizures, pain management, nausea and improve the quality of life of people with certain medical issues. Regulation of medical marijuana will keep the drug safe by overseeing the growing and sale of the drug and... Show more content on ... One Denver citizen put it quite clearly when he stated, The only thing more addictive than illegal drugs is tax revenue. We have seen this work with gambling which used to be illegal and now is a wonderful source of revenue for states. Governor Hickenlooper of Colorado has urged other states not to rush into legalizing marijuana just for the tax revenue, but to wait and see how Colorado handles any problems that may arise. The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 criminalized marijuana by restricting possession of the drug to individuals who paid an excise tax for certain approved medical and industrial uses. Penalty for nonpayment of this tax was up to $2000 and/or jail time up to five years. (Kriho) Three men, William Randolf Hearst, Andrew Mellon and Harry Anslinger were the men behind the development of The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937. The Act was created to reduce the size of the hemp industry. Anslinger was the head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and had made his career enforcing alcohol prohibition. Prohibition ended in 1933 and Anslinger felt he needed a new illegal substance for job security. Hearst owned a newspaper empire. Hemp had become a cheap substitute for paper pulp which is used in the newspaper industry. Hearst felt hemp was a threat to his extensive timber holding from which paper pulp was also made. Hearst started a scare campaign to convince the public that Mexicans and
  • 14. Pro Illegal Immigration Essay Did you know that on average millions of illegal immigrants enter the U.S. every year? I believe that we need to start taking more action to slow down the illegal immigration rate into the U.S. I will be talking about the pros and cons of illegal immigration, how this immigration could help or hurt the economy, and what the immigrants need to do to come legally into the U.S.. The topic I chose was Illegal Immigration, people coming into the U.S. illegally without the right paperwork, is worthy of research because it s a huge issue at the moment, could help or destroy the economy, and could bring more jobs to the states.Very few politics find that illegal immigration to be a hot topic at the moment compared to their other objectives(Smith 1). My paper is about whether or not to deport illegal immigrants or let them stay in the U.S.. An Illegal Immigrant is someone who travels to another country illegally without the proper paperwork to either better their lives or find jobs. In the process of gaining citizenship, immigrants are required to learn to read and ... Show more content on ... At first I believed that they should deport the illegal immigrants back to their home countries. The rest have made their way through the borders and risked their lives cramped in trucks and literally crossing the border. (Perales 1)It is important to not base an opinion before research because you will not know what all of the pros and cons are of a situation. There is over 12 million immigrants and there are still more on their way across the border everyday(Perales 1). I believe within the next few years the illegal immigrants will begin to become citizens of the United States because of all of the good that can come from
  • 15. Supermarket Abortion Direction: What makes the supermarket congestion even worse is that shoppers are taking longer and longer to decide what they want to buy, because every product in America now comes in an insane number of styles and sizes. Direction: The functions of an effective topic sentence include telling the general topic of the paragraph and making a specific point about the topic (Arlov, 2008, p. 30). The topic sentence that was selected above definitely fulfills the functions of an effective topic sentence. For example, the general topic of the paragraph (supermarket congestion) as well as the things which contribute to supermarket congestion like the variety of sizes in which products are package in. Support: In the paragraph that I chose, the author
  • 16. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Essay The Transportation Security Administration, more commonly known as TSA, is a part of the United States Department of homeland Security that supervises and manages the safety of travelers in the United States. Unlike other government operated tasks forces such as the military or FBI whose as been in existence since (), the TSA was only recently founded twelve years ago in 2001 after the devastating terroristic attack that took place in New York city s twin towers earlier that year. There are more than forty eight thousand people employed by the TSA in airports, bus stations, railroads and freeways across every state, but you may never realize when they are nearby. Some have the typical security duties of checking bags, using different... Show more content on ... Most employees were only required to show their I.Ds to surpass security in and around the building. Sharp objects like razors, scissors or tools weren t seen as a threat. Even guns were allowed if you had the proper licensing and protective case to place it in. A common scenario at airports and train stations consisted of families and friends waving goodbye or welcoming tem with open arms as a loved one came home or set off on a new chapter of their life. Times have definitely changed, and for good reason. A majority of people are familiar with the world news that occurred on September 11, 2001 when two airplanes flew into the Twin Towers of New York, a massive terroristic attack that killed thousands of people in a matter of minutes. At the time of tis tragedy, there were many reports saying passengers on the crashing planes were in a hostile situation before the crash. Men from another country were aboard the plan with knives and took control of the pilot, freighted the passengers and ultimately crashed the planes in an orchestrated manner. These events caused a blood chilling wave across America and pushed the Bush Administration to take action in avoidance of tis ever happening again, this brought on the foundation of what we now know as the TSA in December of 2001, merely three months after the incident. President W. Bush was in office at the time and honorably placed John William Macaw as the Undersecretary of Transportation
  • 17. Physical And Psychological Effects Of Depressants Drugs are substances that have physical and psychological effects on the body. Once an individual has taken drugs multiple times they start to build a tolerance. When tolerance is built an individual will up the dosage of the drug. Now the individual will be addicted to the drug. People are addicted to drugs to compliment physical and psychological dependence. There are many different types of drugs such as psychoactive drugs, stimulants, and hallucinogens. Psychoactive drugs are drugs that affect conciseness, mood, and your thoughts. Depressants are a type of psychoactive drug. Physical effects of Depressants are Lowered blood pressure, Poor concentration, Confusion, Fatigue, Dizziness, Slurred speech, and Fevers. Most depressants attack... Show more content on ... Some of the most common stimulants are methamphetamine, caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, and Ecstasy. Methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant drug. Its physical effects include disturbed sleep patterns, Nausea, and Bizarre, erratic, sometimes violent behavior. Methamphetamine increases the amount of dopamine, which results in increased chemicals in the brain. Methamphetamine is a dopamine agonist. Caffeine is a CNS stimulant. It is the world s most consumed drug. Some physical effects include high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, and hyperglycemia. Caffeine binds to our brain s adenosine receptors; preventing the chemical from binding with the receptors and making us tired. (This is what caffeine does to your brain, 2014) Caffeine is a receptor antagonist. Nicotine is a highly addictive chemical substance present in tobacco. Some physical effects include heart disease, stroke, and depression. The nicotine molecule is shaped like a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine and its receptors are involved in many functions, including muscle movement, breathing, heart rate, learning, and memory. They also cause the release of other neurotransmitters and hormones that affect your mood, appetite, memory, and more. When nicotine gets into the brain, it attaches to acetylcholine receptors and mimics the actions of acetylcholine. (How Does Nicotine Act in the Brain? 2015) Nicotine is an agonist to ACH. Cocaine is a highly addictive drug synthetically derived from coca. Some physical effects of cocaine include increased heart rate, body temperature, and increased rate of breathing. Normally, dopamine is then recycled back into the transmitting neuron by a specialized protein called the dopamine transporter. If cocaine is present, it attaches to the dopamine transporter and blocks the normal recycling process, resulting in a buildup of dopamine in the synapse, which contributes to the pleasurable effects of cocaine.
  • 18. How Did The Great Depression Affect The Economy Throughout the history of the United States, many economic recessions and depressions have occurred, and will occur. These recessions and depressions are in part caused by the actions of the denizens of the United States on a microeconomic level, and also by the government itself on a macroeconomic level. The worst of these economic events is widely considered to be the Great Depression, occurring in the 1930 s. However, a worldwide event is widely credited with pulling the United Statesout of what is believed to be it s greatest economic trial: World War II. Although the second World War was the most destructive war in history, economic evidence proves that this war brought the U.S. out of its Great Depression. The Great Depression ... Show more content on ... However, World War II led to a rise in employment across many fields, whether it be government or manufacturing. Between January 1939 and November 1943, employment rapidly rose in the U.S. by 12.9 million jobs, but then fell by 3.7 million through to December 1945. On net, employment increased by an annualized rate of 3.9 percent during that time span. (Ghanbari, 2). These job growths were concentrated in manufacturing and government roles, which accounted for 38 and 20 percent of net employment growth, respectively (Ghanbari, 2). On a more specific note relating to employment, World War II s spike in governmental jobs was a sustained growth past 1948. Employment in federal government after January of 1939 rose by an annual 1.5 percent yearly (Ghanbari, 4). Simply put, government jobs increased rapidly during and after the Second World War, all the way up until the last noted increase in December of 2015, with local government jobs making up approximately two thirds of all government employment (Ghanbari, 4). Another thing that is noted on the topic of employment is that Since 1939, employment trends have tended to coincide with business cycles, albeit imperfectly, declining during recessions and rising during recoveries and expansions. (Ghanbari, 5). This quote and evidence proves how the Great Depression led to a fall in employment, but World War II expanded the market and allowed
  • 19. Border Corridos And Badman Ballads Border corridos and Badman Ballads contain different style and techniques, however were shaped by similar social and cultural factors in history, such as interethnic conflict and discrimination. Border corridos and Badman Ballads each emerged from the oppression of a certain ethnic group, however each has its own history. Border corridos revolve around the TexasMexicoborder and illustrate the effects of the The Mexican American War. During the Mexican American War, Mexico lost the battle and the state of Texas, which made the Rio Grande the national border. As a result, Mexicans who lived on the other side of the river had to decide between America and Mexico. The people who chose to stay in America became Tejanos (Texan American) (Davis, Lecture) and their culture, language, and property were respected due to the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe (Flores, 167). However as Anglo American settlers moved into Mexican territory, a land grab was institutionalized, which sold most of Mexicans lands for cheap prices, due to the Mexican population s unawareness. Not only that, but Texas officers known as Texas Rangers discriminated and violently treated ethnic Mexicans (Davis, Lecture). The border corridors reflect the interethnic conflict between whites and Tejanos and portray the injustice during those times. Similarly, Badman Ballads portrays the oppression of one ethnic groups towards another. This ballad illustrates blacks discriminated by whites during the
  • 20. Gustave Courbet Discourse Gustave Courbet is one of the most important names of the nineteenth century Realist Movement. Much of his work was completely avant garde in nature, meaning his work often incorporated new ideas and styles while advocating for some measure of social change. His most notable contributions included The Stonebreakers (1849) and its efforts to normalize depictions of average laborers; The Burial at Ornans (1849) and its implications at the end of the Romantic Movement and the dwindling role of the church; and The Studio of the Painter (1854) and its prediction of the future. Courbet, however, provided many other works throughout his career, and a number of them were just as avant garde as these, even as they seemed to maintain the status quo of... Show more content on ... Among the high art world it was still one of the more popular subjects to paint, one that Courbet had addressed with his avant garde piece, The Studio of the Painter. The painting showed Courbet in the center of the composition, facing a canvas on which he was painting a landscape. Behind him stood a nude female, symbolizing himself and the art world turning away from the nude in favor of landscape painting. Even in painting this nude he continued to be subversive, showing a classical test of skills in the realist style of painting as opposed to idealized. It seems strange then, that twelve years later Courbet would choose to go back painting female nudes, even for patrons, when he had never shown an interest in such things before. In this way, Courbet s choice to paint Le Sommeil is not as avant garde as older works. However, despite the subject of the female nude showing favor to the status quo of the art world at the time, the narrative of the piece means the work is still just as subversive as past work by Courbet had been. The narrative of the nudes, in this case, is post intercourse rest. Presently in the painting, the two women s limbs are tangled together, the sheets rumpled, and various objects strewn about, such as a broken pearl necklace and a golden hairpin. These context clues make it obvious to viewers exactly what has taken place just before the events captured on the
  • 21. Lowering The Age Of Drinking Alcohol Essay Should the Age Limit for Drinking Alcohol be Lowered? Everyone hears about tragedies because of drunk drivers or the stories of the people who grew up with alcoholic parents or the choices people who drink extensively make that hurt and affect so many others. My mother grew up with two alcoholic parents. They could be mean drunks. There are the different kinds of drunks everyone knows: mean drunks, funny drunks, loud drunks, clumsy drunks, emotional drunks, etc. What a lot of people don t realize is that, all drunks and alcoholics have a few things in common. They all forget it in the morning, always have a drink, always deny their problem, frequently can t/don t accept help unless they want to change. There is no talking to an alcoholic. My mother s father sobered up, but he died just a couple years ago; her mother, on the other hand. never really sobered up. She is still and alcoholic and not only is it hard on my mother still but it s hard on all of us. You can t talk to her and have her temper what we said. She went to the hospital about two years ago for a reaction to a medicine and the doctors took her BAC (Blood Alcohol Content). Her BAC was .34. The legal limit is .08. She should have been dead. And during that time she was forced to go the withdrawals and, as a first hand witness, it is one of the scariest things seeing someone so out of there mind and element. It s like they are a whole different, ugly person. What makes it ... Show more content on ... Someone might argue that foreign countries have 18 years as the legal age, but they don t think about how most other countries are more mature by that age and use alcohol for religious purposes instead of for a good time . Our society is too immature and irresponsible to handle a younger drinking age. And age that can create addicts and destroy bodies and minds of young people. Twenty one is not an ideal age but it is surely better than 17 or
  • 22. The Elemental Exploration Of A Salt And Salt Solution, And... Project A: The elemental exploration of the behavior of iron in physiological conditions, the acquisition of solid copper from a salt and salt solution, and the synthesis and crystallization of aluminum. Introduction: Iron is an essential element in the human body. It can be found in the hemoglobin and transferrin of the bloodstream, and in myoglobin in muscle tissue. The main purpose of iron is to transfer oxygen within the body. To gain iron, humans must consume a diet that consist abundantly of iron such as leaf vegetables, fish, beans, etc. Absorption of iron is especially important because less than 15% of iron in daily diets are absorbed and used (Jacobs 1971). The formation of iron (II) occurs in the stomach because of its low ... Show more content on ... Because synthesis requires multiple steps to make a desired reaction, the yield is lower than other synthesis. On the first day, if the substances have a significant amount of precipitate, then the substance will require a greater number of drops of sodium hydroxide than substances with an insignificant amount of substrate. On the second day, if the starting reactants affect the yield of the product then obtaining solid copper from a salt will result in a greater yield. If aluminum foil is the limiting reactant of the experiment, then the percent yield will increase as the amount of foil increases. Materials/Methods: Project A, Day 1 In Part 1, 50 milliliters of 5% sodium hydroxide solution was obtained and observed in a 100 mL beaker and 30 milliliters of pH 2 dissolved iron solution was also obtained and observed in a 50 mL beaker. To observe the behavior of dissolved iron with sodium hydroxide, 5 milliliters of pH 2 dissolved iron was transferred to a large test tube. Drops of 5% solution of sodium hydroxide were slowly added and monitored for physical changes. A glass stir rod was used to transfer a small amount of solution onto pH paper in between drops of 5% solution of sodium hydroxide until the solution had a pH of 8. In Part II, 5 milliliters of dissolved iron was placed in a large test tube. To test the effect of different additive substances on dissolved iron, .2 grams of methionine was added to
  • 23. Child Labor During The Second Industrial Revolution During the Second Industrial Revolution many people were getting jobs because of the growing industrialization. By the mid 1800 s child labor started to be a major issue. Child labor became a bigger issue once machines in factories replaced hand labor. Starting in Britain and spreading throughout Europe and North American many new business and factories started to open. When the factories started to open they needed more workers for cheap labor. During the Industrial Revolutionchild labor increased because of the need for cheap labor, the new inventions and technologies, and the lack of workers. During the Second American Revolution there was a major increase in the use of child labor. One of the main reasons child labor increased was because of cheap labor. On a typical day the children were forced to work from sunrise to sunset. They worked eleven to twelve hours per day, six days a week. Throughout the day they would get less than one hour for a break. On average they earned about a dollar every week. Some of the children that were employed were as young as five years old and were paid these low wages until the age of sixteen.... Show more content on ... Children all around worked in factories, mines, or in the fields picking cotton. These jobs would provide them with an income to give to their families. Children were paid only a fraction of what adults were paid. Most of the time children that weren t getting paid were orphan s. The factory owners justified their absence of payroll by saying that they gave the orphans food, shelter and clothing, all of which were far below par (Child labor in factories). The items that they could of made could sell for about 60 dollars and still only get paid about ten
  • 24. Child Adolescent Population And Developmentally Impaired... Introduction This paper will attempt to compare two systematic review articles on the topic of restraints and seclusion (S R) and its implications within the child adolescent population and developmentally impaired persons. The articles should present evidence to address claims on reduction while the results of the studies provide evidence on rationales to these practices. Aggressive behaviors by both of these populations in inpatient psychiatric facilities at some point become a safety issue in terms of assault and injury for both. Both reviews focus on incidences of seclusion and restraints and ways to reduce usage. The articles aim to answer what the current state of evidence is supporting restraints and reduction methods. Nonetheless, interventions are needed to reduce restriction and restraint utilization in children and persons with developmental disabilities (Menon, Raghavendra, Bernard 2010) Phenomenon of Interest The article Initiatives to reduce the use of seclusion and restraints on people with developmental disabilities: A systematic review and quantitative synthesis, analyzes the use of R S within the developmental disabled. According to Gaskin, Mcvilly McGillivray (2013) there is insufficient evidence that explores these practices among this population. There is also not enough evidence for aggression management measures and training in de escalation procedures. The review assesses studies that introduce interventions and the effects of R S
  • 25. Big Bend Rocks Geology of the Big Bend (Rocks) The only types of rocks found in Big Bend National park are Sedimentary (N.P). The specific names for these rocks are: limestones, shale and sandstones, clay, Lava Flow, Conglomerate, Marl, and Cherty Limestone are found in this park (N.P). These rocks were likely abundant throughout the park; when the area was covered by a salty sea during the Cretaceous period (N.P). The way how these rocks formed is by the results of pebbles being cemented together. Another way how the rocks can form is by how the earliest layer of rock was deposited in a relatively deep marine environment. After the next layer above the shale indicates that the rock is deposited in a very shallow way, that s when the ocean water starts
  • 26. The Bluest Eye, And Marilynne Robinson s Housekeeping Family, community, and society have a consistent, unavoidable impact on the individual and our own sense of identity. Whether it is the home we grow up in, the societal standards we face, or the relationships we lose and make, self identification is significantly influenced by our surroundings. This journey to find oneself is a central theme within both Toni Morrison s novel, The Bluest Eye, and Marilynne Robinson s, Housekeeping. The Bluest Eye tells the story of Pecola Breedlove, a young African American girl who yearns for the acceptance and love from society. The idea that she must have blue eyes if she wants to look beautiful has been imprinted on her and has affected the way she identifies herself. Then Housekeeping follows two sisters, Lucille and Ruth, who after a series of abandonments, search for their own identities through the mother daughter relationships they form and the homes that they connect with. While the characters within the two novels both undergo a search for self identification, the formal structures of the two narratives are different. The Bluest Eye uses differing narrativeperspectives, with the character, Claudia serving as the primary narrator. In contrast, Ruth narrates Housekeeping herself, offering an internal understanding and perspective. Overall, the different narration styles within The Bluest Eye and Housekeeping play a significant role in the way the audience follows the characters search for self identification, as it is
  • 27. Similarities Between The Christian Rosary And The Buddhist... A religious individual may most gloriously carry out his or her own rituals, as a part of his or her cultural identity, but the moment, that person starts to build a wall of separation between the self and the rest of humanity, coaxed by the textual commands of a scripture, the healthy religiousness turns into dangerous fundamentalism, which is a threat to both the self and the society. (Abhijit Naskar). In the recent history of our society, the actions of religious extremists have driven people apart, and hatred has grown from a lack of ecumenism between those of different faiths. By focusing on the differences between religions, and not on the latent similarities that inherently exist between different faiths, people become blinded to how various religions are all rooted in the same philosophies. However, by focusing on the similarities of different religion, through philosophies, rituals, or teachings, we can then learn how to tear down walls, grow as people, and become cognitive of our joint humanity. With the necessity of ecumenical relations in our community, it serves humans to see the similarities between the faiths that can divide us. On such similarity exists between the rituals of the Christian Rosary and the Buddhist tradition of PrayerWheels, both are physical guides for repetitive prayers and personal reflection and meditation. The Catholic tradition of the Rosary is a long held practice of Marian prayer which dates back millennia. The tradition of the
  • 28. Religious Holiday Leave At Cintas Corporation Religious Holiday Leave at Cintas Corporation Cintas Corporation is a multi national publicly traded organization (CTAS) based in Cincinnati, OH. Cintas employs approximately 30,000 employees, who are called partners, at local locations spread mainly throughout North America (Cintas, 2016). Cintas employees a diverse workforce, representing cultures and religions from all over the world. Cintas is a company respected for its management systems and execution of policies and procedures. Cintas will continue to grow, and as a result employ more people. With a growing employee base, religion will continue to grow as a political power in the company s workplace as well (Adams, 2012). As such, it is critical Cintas has a clearly defined policy regarding religious holiday leave that complies with all Federal and State employment laws. Religion Legal Obligation The definition of religion can be subjective and vary from person to person. According to Gregory (2011), as a society, more and more employees are wishing to demonstrate their faith while at work. He further notes that this will continue as individualism and self expression are more embraced by todays millennials. In addition, Gregory shows that the filing of discrimination based lawsuits rose 75% between 1997 and 2008. Because of this, Cintas Corporation must create a fair policy that meets the legal obligations of the company. The EEOC and Title VII protects all aspects of religious observance and practice
  • 29. An Epic Play, Cyrano de Bergerac, Written by Edmond Rostand Cyrano de Bergerac is an epic play written by Edmond Rostand, for which he derived his idea based on the story from real life character, Cyrano. In this play, Cyrano is depicted as a slightly different protagonist, or the main character. Rostand managed to draw several changes in order to heighten the dramatic effect of forming the theatrical figure with significant characteristics that are central to the interpretation of the whole play. Rostand wrote this play as a tragicomedy in which he combined both catastrophic plots with comic actions. It can be easily discovered that, Rostand produced this play not merely to entertain the audience, but also to express and convey several cultural diversities and human natures from these major aspects: the inequality of social structure. Thus, I am going to investigate how Rostand conveyed the concept of unfair social classstructure through the extensive descriptions of Cyrano s character, so as to more comprehensively understand the reality of the French society. Starting with the social structure, the French culture in the history was often said to be unequal, which are shaped by the social status described in the story. Having a highly stratified society, France is a country which is with strong definition and competition between classes. People were classified into different structures: The privilege class, middle class workers and the peasants the third class. In the play itself, the marquises, the cadets, Roxane, Christian,
  • 30. Theme Of The Lone Ranger And Tonto Fistfight From Heaven Imagine a society that prevents you from being successful because of who you are. That is the kind of life both Balram and Victor lived throughout their lives. In The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga, the main character Balram experienced excessive discrimination because of his background. People like him who came from extreme poverty are treated like animals because of the caste system that people in India follows as some form of tradition. On the other hand, Victor, from The Lone Ranger And TontoFistfight From Heaven by Sherman Alexie, he witnesses the tragic lifestyle of native americans in the reservation and after leaving the reservation, he also experienced discrimination because of the stereotypes against the native americans. The marginalization Balram accustomed in the caste system of India and Victor experienced outside of the reservation and within the community of the reservation caused them to escape from their own lives and hope for a better reality. Both Balram and Victor thinks that the culture that they lived throughout the most part of their life is completely dysfunctional and that thought made them eager to attain the outside culture. The life that Victor witnessed in the reservation and Balram witnessed in his village proved the society they live in is flawed. In The Lone Ranger And Tonto Fistfight In Heaven, Victor and Adrian watches the basketball game of Julius but he is not doing as well as they expected him to be. After the basketball game, Victor
  • 31. Computerizimg the Regitration Process at Universities The University Student Registration System: a Case Study in Building a High Availability Distributed Application Using General Purpose Components M. C. Little, S. M. Wheater, D. B. Ingham, C. R. Snow, H. Whitfield and S. K. Shrivastava Department of Computing Science, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, England. Abstract Prior to 1994, student registration at Newcastle University involved students being registered in a single place, where they would present a form which had previously been filled in by the student and their department. After registration this information was then transferred to a computerised format. The University decided that the entire registration process was to be computerised for the Autumn of ... Show more content on ... The high availability requirement implies that the computerised registration system must be able to tolerate a reasonable number of machine and network related failures, and the consistency requirement implies that the integrity of stored data (student records) must be maintained in the presence of concurrent access from users and the types of failures just mentioned. It was expected that most human errors, such as incorrectly inputting data, would be detected by the system as they occurred, but some off line data manipulation would be necessary for errors which had not been foreseen. Tolerance against catastrophic failures (such as complete electrical power failure, or a fire destroying much of the University infrastructure) although desirable, was not considered within the remit of the registration system. A solution that would require the University buying and installing specialist fault tolerant computing systems, such as Tandem [1] or Stratus [2] was not considered economically feasible. The only option worth exploring was exploiting the University s existing computing resources. Like most other universities, Newcastle has hundreds of networked computers (Unix workstations, PCs, Macs) scattered throughout the campus. A solution that could make use of these resources and achieve availability by deploying software implemented fault tolerance techniques certainly looked attractive.
  • 32. Oligochaetes Research Paper The seafloors of estuaries are composed of different species of burrowers, or animals that dig up tunnels in the ocean floor. In particular, polychaetes and oligochaetes are species of worms which are the most common types of burrowers. Polychaetes and oligochaetes are very abundant and essential to the estuarine ecosystem. They serve as an important source of food for many species including birds in shallow areas and the tunnels they build are also used as shelter by other marine species. Polychaetes and oligochaetes also have various qualities, aside from being aesthetically pleasant, they are able to absorb and release energy as well as dispose waste efficient all of which allows them to receive food source by filtering water either from... Show more content on ... Sponges Sponges are colonies many tiny individual animal cells. If a living sponge is crushed, all of the animal cells living in it can survive on their own and find themselves again to regenerate themselves into a whole sponge once again. Sponges are often thought of as incomplete organisms, however, despite their simplicity, they function just as efficiently as any mammal. Sponges are unable to move and have no bones or any way of physically defending themselves but they have toxic chemicals that make them inedible by all but a few organisms that have been able to evolve to tolerate them. Sponges are abundant in Florida s waters and have a higher phenotypic diversity than one would expect. There are chimneylike boring sponges, loggerhead sponges that are taller than an average human, other shapes include sponges shaped like vases and barrels. Other sponges are adapted to live in specific environments. For instance, in beaches were wave intensity is low, a small orange or green sponge may grow on top of small hermit crab shells and slowly dissolve its shells, resulting in a shelter less crab forcing it to carry the sponge around until the crab die or is able to leave the
  • 33. Big Island Contrast Did you know that the Big Island is home to some of the largest telescopes in the world? Some of the largest telescopes stand here, and these telescopes are an example of something that will not be found anywhere on O ahu. When visiting the Big Island, there is also an astronomy center named Imiloa and we learned that the Big Island is home to the tallest mountain if measured from the ocean floor, Mauna Kea. Until I visited the Big Island, I wasn t aware that there are so many distinct differences between the Big Island and the island of O ahu. Both the Big Island and the island of O ahu are unique, but also share many similarities. First off, these islands do not have extreme temperatures. For example, O ahu and the Big Island usually do ... Show more content on ... The first unmistakable difference they have is the fact that the Big Island is home to two active volcanoes; Kilauea and Mauna Loa. O ahu does not have any active volcanoes, but there is a possibility that they could still erupt in the future. Although the Big Island is larger than the other seven Hawaiian islands combined, the Big Island is also the youngest Hawaiian island. With that said, O ahu is the third oldest and the third largest island of all eight of them. Looks can be deceiving in this case. Lastly, the Big Island also has some of the largest scientific telescopes that sit on Mauna Kea. On the island of O ahu, there are no telescopes that sit on any of the inactive volcanoes. Overall, the distinct differences between O ahu and the Big Island include one island having active volcanoes, their size, and the fact that only one of them has some of the largest telescopes in the world. The Big Island, in fact, does have some of the largest telescopes that sit on Mauna A Wakea. There are many characteristics between these two islands that are indistinguishable and different. Consider visiting both of these beautiful islands; they may seem similar, but they are both special and remarkable in their own
  • 34. Quabbin Reservoir History The Quabbin reservoir is a manmade body of water that was created to supply the greater area of boston with fresh water and has been for decades. The Quabbin reservoir was created to supply boston with more water due to the rising population of boston.In the 1930s four towns were relocated so that the reservoir could be made becuase of the natural valley the towns sat in. When construction began in 1927, the Swift River was redirected from its riverbed and through a diversion tunnel. On August 14th, 1939 that tunnel was sealed with rock. Over the next seven years the waters of the Quabbin Reservoir slowly rose behind the newly completed Winsor Dam, an earth filled structure 2,640 feet long, rising 170 feet above the riverbed, and the slightly smaller Goodnough Dike. The water seeped into the old cellar holes, and gradually submerged the roads that had linked the towns. It swallowed ... Show more content on ... The water is distributed throughout the metropolitan Boston area through 117 miles of pipeline and aqueduct tunneled through bedrock 200 feet below the earth s surface. Three Western Massachusetts communities are also supplied with Quabbin water through the Chicopee Valley Aqueduct. The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, created in 1984, is responsible for the treatment and distribution of the water, and the development of new water supplies. Rangers, foresters, a wildlife biologist, a staff of engineers, skilled craftsmen and laborers all help to ensure the purity of Quabbins water and watershed, and maintain and protect Quabbins very special qualities.In order to flood the vast area of the Swift River Valley in the 1930s, Hundreds of homes, businesses, a state highway, a railroad line, and 34 cemeteries were also moved or dismantled. Over 6,000 graves were relocated from the Valley to Quabbin Park Cemetery
  • 35. Stratford Pants Research Paper Palazzo pants, a trend popularized in the early 60 s has revived into the modern day street style fashion. It is a piece of loose, flowing trousersmade from light fabric which flares out from the waist till the bottom. Palazzo pants are one of the very few trendsetters which delivers that chic look and provides a great deal of comfort as well. Palazzos are the best getaway outfits during summer. They are becoming increasingly popular and trendy because of its ease to wear, that incredible comfort and the effortless stylish look it exhibits. Palazzos are usually seen in bold prints and patterns and relatively bright colours which highlights the overall appearance. These prints usually vary from floral to tribal and sometimes animal for a more daring look.... Show more content on ... Plain Palazzos have more of a formal frame so it can be paired with a slim fitting shirt to give that elegent yet professional look. A classic piece of palazzos should lightly graze the floor when paired with heels to provide that elongated, sleek look to your figure. Palazzo pants flatters almost all body types. If paired with the right top, accessories and pair of platforms, they can accentuate any part of the body. Since Palazzos usually come in free sizes, it s convenient to grab a pair online. Here at at Violet Street, India s largest online botique market place, we have the most classy, extravagant collection of Palazzo pants. If your wardrobe needs a couple of additions, we are here to offer what you need from an exclusive collection of Palazzos with different prints and colours to choose
  • 36. The Global Problem Facing Chinese Construction Firms 1. Introduction Zhao and Shen (2008) and a number of other recent researchers considered that the emerging problem facing Chinese Construction Firms (CCFs) with regard to competitiveness is their insufficient share in the international markets (Liu, et al., 2013; ENR, 2014). Chinese contractors have captured the market lead in the African construction market, but challenges in the European and American markets still remain (ENR, 2014). This is evidenced by the inclusion of 62 CCFs in the top 250 global contractors list in the Engineering News Record (ENR 2014); with these 62 Chinese firms accounting for 14.5% of the total international revenue in 2013. In comparison with Chinese contractors, the international revenue of 58 European ... Show more content on ... After China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in December 2001, the government was able to extend its global reach and secure an increasing number of foreign construction agreements (Wen, 2005; Hu, 2007). In 2014, Chinese president Xi Jinping signed more than 20 bilateral agreements with Argentina to offer finance and construction infrastructure in exchange for raw materials; The China Development Bank will provide US$7.5bn in loans to Argentina for dams and construction programs (Quirke, 2014). International construction markets are considered more accessible to foreign firms as a consequence of globalization (Kim, et al., 2010). Numerous Chinese contractors have started to strategically develop overseas propositions to gain new revenue and minimize domestic market risk (Li, 2006; Zhao and Shen, 2008) as domestic competition in the Chinese construction market has become increasingly intensive, due to numerous firms over borrowing and over building, causing an imbalance in the economy (Anderlini, 2015). Recent economic liberalisation of the construction market has placed private contractors in a stronger position to compete for work. At the same time, to be successful requires more sophisticated project management to enhance competitiveness (Fang, et al, 2004; Lim, et al., 2010). It is useful to identify the
  • 37. Bios256 Week 5 BIOS256 Week 5 Lab Exercise Renal Absorption and Secretion To complete this worksheet, select: Module: Balancing Fluids Activity: Animations Title: Renal Absorption and Secretion Introduction 1.Where does renal absorption and secretion occur? Renal Tubules2.Define what happens during these processes. a. Absorption: Returns materials to the bloodstream thereby conserving those materials. b. Secretion: Moves materials from the blood stream into the tubule for eventual disposal.3.Because of very high glomerular filtration rates, nearly the entire volume of the blood enters the renal tubules every 30 minutes. Obviously, most of it must be reabsorbed to avoid ... Show more content on ... The major role of primary active transport is to move sodium from the cytosol of the tubule cell into the surrounding interstitial fluid surrounding the capillary. b. Describe the role of primary active transport with regard to potassium (K+) and hydrogen (H+) ion movement. As a secondary function it provides the driving force to move potassium and hydrogen ions from the interstitial fluid to the filtrate. c. Why is Na+ movement important with regard to movement across the membrane? The movement of sodium ions via active transport is to generate an electrochemical gradient between the filtrate and the interstitial fluid. 8.a. The energy stored in the sodium ion electrochemical gradient is used to transport other molecules back toward the bloodstream (reabsorption). What nutrients are transported in this fashion? Glucose, amino acids and other solutes being recovered from the filtrate. b. How does the sodium gradient affect hydrogen ion movement? Active transport requires chemical energy because it is the movement of biochemicals from areas of lower concentration to areas of higher concentration. 9.Describe the role of transporter proteins with regard to nutrient movement. It goes from high to low concentration, in order to maintain equilibrium in the cells. Does not require cellular energy. 10.Describe ion movement through or between the cell membranes into the interstitial
  • 38. Study Objectives And The Home Company A.INTRODUCTION: Founded in 1993, a vision was brought upon five entrepreneurs. Their names are Greg Provenzano, Tony Cupisz, Mike Cupisz, and Robert Stevanovski, and Onur Edipov. We were tired of working for others and decided to change our lives forever. We started a company called ACN, (American Communications Network) everyone with a business mind set has one goal, and to work for something by they want to be part of. How can you do that? Simple! Create your own company. B. STUDY OBJECTIVES AND THE HOME COMPANY: In the beginning, ACN was only working with helping customers by reselling long distance services in the U.S and over time we expanded to over 25 countries and we offer all the essential services customers already use. At... Show more content on ... Our company is partnered with Project Feeding the Kids, as well as others like Ronald McDonald. When we acquire customers and they set up an ACN customer, a child gets fed. And when you pay your select ACN bills each month, another child gets fed. What better feeling can you get knowing you are helping over a million kids get fed each year when over 17 million don t know where they are getting there next meal from. The company conducts there sales by using multilevel marketing. (MLM) This is a method of product and service distribution. This process is often mixed with a pyramid scheme. The difference is 1. We don t sell or hold product, 2. All of our IBOs are working for themselves. They make there own rewards by finding new customers and getting partners. Each level of customers and partners contributes for there own wealth. I am one of the Co founders of the company and my role is to work with all our international headquarters and set base in new countries. This way we can help the country prosper in business growth and savings for the general population in whole. Each country we interact with involves different services. In North America, we work with telecommunications, gas, electricity, and water. In the U.S we are located in in Concord, North Carolina. The facility is about 17 acres and extends over 140 000 square feet. This location is known as the central support system for ACN s North American operation. To add to the World
  • 39. Managing Individual Behavior Affects The Realization Of... Managing individual behavior affects the realization of individual and group goals and this makes it necessary to shape behaviors in a way that supports the realization of specific goals (Bunn, 2013). Motivation is an important area of management as it helps managers to understand how to influence behaviors positively in a workplace environment (Louis, 2015). My experience as a team leader led to motivation. This experience has been evaluated in this paper using theories, models, and principles to provide insight on motivation. The experience has been described clearly, identifying knowledge acquired and how it can be applied to promote self motivation as well as the motivation of others. Concrete Experience A high rate of absenteeism and low morale was being experienced in the division, and this compelled the captain to exploit different ways of addressing the problem. The captain had expressed frustrations about the issue in one of the weekly meetings of commissioned officers. The commissioned officers had made attempts to enquire from the warrant officers about the issue, but they did not identify the specific causes of high absenteeism and low morale in the division. A meeting of the commissioned officers was convened by the captain to look at the way forwards. The officers resolved to create a task force to investigate the causes and the problem and come up with mitigation strategies. The captain established a team of eight members to examine
  • 40. Inaccuracies Of The Balian In The Movie Kingdom Of Heaven The movie Kingdom of Heaven is about the fight for the Holy city of Jerusalem. Balian, our main character who we follow throughout the movie, is the leader of the Christian crusaders. In the beginning, he is seen in France, at the grave of his wife, who had committed suicide after the death of their children. The crusaders come to France, and offer a position with them to Balian. At first, he does not want to go, but after killing a man, he catches up with the crusaders and joins them in their battles. He meets, and eventually falls in love with the Queen, Sybilla. He goes through many battles, and eventually ends it all with a truce with Saladin. In the following paragraphs, I will now explain to you the inaccuracies of this movie. My first topic is on Balian. To start off, he was not, and never lived, in France. In result, he never needed to catch up with the crusaders, being that he was already living in Jerusalem. The opening of the movie is him with his wife s grave, praying, because she had committed suicide. In reality, she never did. Balian was shown as an illegitimate child, not knowing his father.... Show more content on ... He simply made the men kneel, said a few words and even slapped one man, before declaring them all knights. There was actually a lot more to it than just saying words, there was training involved in this. Balian was asked by one man, Bishop, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, if making a man a knight a better fighter, to which he replied, Yes . The actual process would begin when the boy was 7, all the way up to the age of 21. The article Becoming a Knight states that Knighthood training was a long and often arduous process (Alchin). This is showing that those men could not have even gotten a fraction of the training other knights had gotten in that short of a period of time from being knighted to the start of the fighting at the
  • 41. Lethal Injection Lethal injection is now almost the main method of execution in the US, with all but one of the 39 executions carried out during 2013 being by this method. Deadly injection changes from state to state.Normally, the prisoner is strapped to a gurney or a fixed execution table, rather than an operating room table by leather or webbing straps over the body and legs. All the chemicals used in the USA are standard medical drugs. Sodium thiopental is an ultra short acting barbiturate which was used widely as an anaesthetic and causes unconsciousness very quickly if injected into a vein. Capital punishmentis supposed to serve the purposes of social defense and retribution. The argument that it deters or incapacitates dangerous offenders was not conclusively supported, and analysis of data herein failed to provide solid evidence for the death penalty as a mechanism of social defense. (Sorensen Pilgrim,2006 , p.159)... Show more content on ... Arkansas and Oklahoma laws provide for its use should deadly injection ever be held to be (going against something in the Constitution), for this type of execution the person usually is shaved and strapped to a chair with belts that cross his/her chest, groin, legs, and arms. A metal skullcap shaped electrode is attached to the scalp and forehead over a sponge moistened with salt water.Even without any trouble, death (by electricity)s are anything but quick and painless. (as a result) most states with death penalty laws have switched to deadly injection. Only Alabama, Georgia and Nebraska still employ the old (and useless) and terrible and scary method of death (by
  • 42. Comparing Mencius And Xunzi On Human Nature A lot of philosophers, especially Mencius and Xunzi, discussed human nature with various views on moral aspect of human nature, which can be defined as the methods of thinking acting, feeling and thinking that humans tend to have naturally, in the past few millenniums. Mencius argued that human nature is basically good but Xunzi thought that human natureis basically evil. As the reasoning behind the arguments of Xunzi is more convincing and logical than that of Mencius, the interpretation of the approach of Xunzi is better than that of Mencius. This essay will discuss the approaches of Mencius and Xunzi on human nature by analyzing and comparing both in terms of their strengths and weakness. The main argument of Mencius is that human nature is good and virtue is innate ... Show more content on ... First, the examples that Mencius used to explain his arguments are problematic. He used an example of downward flow of water1 to describe the basic goodness of human nature (Mengzi Norden, 2008), but this example is contradicted with another example of changing the water flow2 that was used to illustrate that external force is the source of badness which violates their basic nature. Water can move downward because of the external force such as wind, shape of land, gravitation etc., therefore if we adopted the approach of Mencius, downward flow of water would be like the effect of badness on human nature and basic goodness of human nature. This shows the contradiction between the examples provided by Mencius. Moreover, using downward flow of water as an analogy of basic goodness of human nature is problematic since Mencius did not explain the similarities between the direction of human nature and the direction of water in his argument. This makes his approach be less convincing. Second, Mencius ignored the effort of people on self cultivation and being educated. He used an example3 of that people would have momentary feeling of genuine
  • 43. Reflection Of Psalm 121 I read this passage to Cindy a few times over the last 2 ВЅ years. It always seemed to bring her peace as she processed her next step in this journey. Psalm 121 seems to speak of the tough times in our lives and how we can still find peace. God does not live in some celestial tower, far away from the world Godcreated. God cares for all the people and all of creation. God cares for us amidst all the twists and turns of life s journey. It is that conviction which inspires Psalm 121, a Psalm I read again to Cindy in the last week of her life. Psalm 121 is sometimes called „the traveler‟s Psalm‟. It was a psalm sung by pilgrims as they made their annual journey to Jerusalem. It expressed their faith in God, but also reflected the unease they felt about travel. I look to the mountains; where will my help come from? (v.1). Mountains may be beautiful, but they can also be dangerous. Mountains are places where people lose their lives. No, the hills are not the place from which our help comes rather they are the place where help is needed. Here in this Psalm, the hills or mountains represented the perils of the journey, for it was in the ravines and gorges of the mountain ranges that wild beasts and robbers hid. As the pilgrims looked to the mountain ranges they had to cross if they were to reach Jerusalem, they were filled with foreboding and wondered from where their help would come. It is in this situation that the Psalmist declares: My help will come from the Lord, the