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ROOM 101
Hugh Mungus
© 2018. Hugh Mungus
© 2018. Hugh Mungus
First Edition
All Rights Reserved
ISBN-13: 978-1725056954
ISBN-10: 172505695X
7290 Investment Drive, Suite B
North Charleston, SC 29418
"You asked me once," said O'Brien,
"what was in Room 101. I told you
that you knew the answer already.
Everyone knows it. The thing that is in
Room 101 is the worst thing in the
— 1984 * **
* ** 1984
Orwell, George. 1984. (1949, 1961). New American Library.
ISBN: 0451524934
Fuck fear.
(Rod Serling) *
* Rod Serling
This is where we are right now, as a
whole. No one is left out of the loop. We
are experiencing a reality based on a
thin veneer of lies and illusions. A world
where greed is our God and wisdom is
sin, where division is key and unity is
fantasy, where the ego-driven
cleverness of the mind is praised, rather
than the intelligence of the heart.
— Bill Hicks *
* Bill Hicks
ROOM 101 2
In our society, we're forced to pay, in order to
survive. If we don't pay, we die. Even so, we
still believe we're free!
Our departure from reality is so vast here,
we'll have to dig deeper than the Mariana
Trench, in order to convince ourselves such
isn't insane.
The very nature of paying means something
isn't free! Thus, how can you experience
freedom, if others are violently coercing you
to constantly pay them? How can you be free,
if you're annihilated, should you refuse to
You can't.
And if you don't find bills and taxes to be
violent, try not paying them. You'll be
rendered homeless. Existing on the street —
scrounging for food, water and shelter —
equates to suffering, and a rapid death. If
you don't feel such is violent, then you should
fabricate your own definition of this term,
since defines violence
"caused by injurious or destructive force."
You're forced from your home. You're forced
onto the street. You're forced to beg for
food. All three are destructive to your
survival, so what isn't violent about bills and
As previously proven in my other works, both
are nothing more than threats:
"If you don't pay us this money, we'll shut off
your heat in the middle of winter. We don't
ROOM 101 4
care if you're 97 years old, and living in
"Pay us this amount, or we'll steal your car, as
well as your home, and refer to it as
remuneration for 'back taxes.' "
More sick than a pediatric cancer patient
given six hours left to live, isn't it?
You build a house with your own hands, and
when you're finished, you're elated. You've
just created — or made — something, thanks
to your own perseverance and talents.
You compose a concerto that took you three
years to complete, and countless hours spent
mastering the classical guitar — on which it's
played. You're ecstatic! Again, you've
experienced the rush of creation, and made
I write and publish blogs and books. In order
to do so, I research — reading thousands of
tomes and countless documents. When I'm
finished, I'm euphoric, as I've just made
When you cash your paycheck, or store
money in the bank, you haven't made
anything. Yet, you're brainwashed into
believing that's exactly what you've done.
"Last year, I made $300,000."
"I made so much money this month, I don't
have to work for the rest of the summer."
I'm not making as much as I used to."
Since making is creation, and you're not
making anything — you're simply
accumulating cash — have you ever stopped
ROOM 101 6
to consider such terminology may have been
intentionally employed to brainwash you into
believing you're actually doing something
Retarded folks all the time thrill to "making
$500 in tips" or "making more than my dad
ever made," even though they've never made
any money at all. Neither has daddy-o, nor his
dad before him.
If you still erroneously believe you've made
money, show me your printing press, your
master dies, your engraving tools, your ruling
machine, your pantograph and your
geometric lathe.
No, you haven't made any money, have you?
But you sure have been trained — like some
performing monkey — to believe you have.
And since you equate exhilaration with the
process of creation, you feel this sense of
euphoria every time you make money, don't
you? Even though, you're not doing anything
but acquiring naturally worthless pieces of
This is what we're all brainwashed into
accepting, when we squander our existences
in a blind quest for cash. Back in reality,
we've made nothing, and are wasting
precious moments we could be using to
figure out what this Universe is; who we are;
how to escape this planet, should we be
forced to evacuate it, etc., etc., etc.
Humanity on Earth can be summed up by the
original Twilight Zone installment Five
Characters in Search of an Exit — otherwise
known as season three, episode 14.
In this classic of critical cogitation, five
ROOM 101 8
people — a bagpipe player, a ballerina, a
clown, a hobo and a soldier — awaken,
confused, inside a massive cylinder. Even
though the top of this structure is open to the
sky, the walls comprising it are too high and
sheer to climb. Thus, the players in this
drama are unable to determine where they
are, or what resides beyond their confines.
"Where are we? What are we?! Who are
we?!?" the soldier shouts.
In the macrocosmic scheme of this Universe
— let alone a possible Multiverse — none of us
knows where we are. None of us knows what
resides beyond this prison we call Earth. None
of us knows who we are. We've been informed
were humans, but what does that mean?
Moreover, those who've promulgated we're
Homo sapiens have also lied to us we're free,
while clandestinely enslaving us.
To the best of our knowledge, we — as a
species — are atop a microscopic sphere,
enveloped by monumental darkness that's
cold and inhospitable. Sounds eerily similar to
the situation the characters from the
aforementioned Twilight Zone episode find
themselves in. Most of us haven't begun to
awaken yet, but for those who have, we're
asking the same questions as the soldier:
"Where are we? What are we?! Who are
We can't escape our confines — planet Earth
— and the five characters in search of an exit
can't leave their environment. Unable to
scale the steep wall surrounding them,
they're trapped. Not capable of venturing off
this celestial body, and making a new home,
we also find ourselves imprisoned.
ROOM 101 10
"We don't know who we are," the ballet
dancer replies. "We don't know where we are.
Maybe we're on a spaceship. […] Maybe
we're all insane, or maybe this is a mirage; an
As previously proposed in my earlier tomes —
and originally broached by R. Buckminster
Fuller in Operating Manual for Spaceship
Earth — this planet appears to be a massive
It's easily provable the majority of our
population is insane, since we allow
psychopaths to nuke us, and continue
electing them as our "leaders." Hint: Well
over 1,000 nuclear tests conducted on you,
the populace — by your own government —
and we can't figure out why we're dropping
dead from cancers?!
As far as an illusion is concerned, how much
more delusional a scenario do you want than
one in which we kill ourselves for intrinsically
meaningless pieces of paper — known as
cash? Again, can't eat 'em, drink 'em, nor
inhale 'em. Fuckin' useless!
The ballerina continues: "Each of us woke up
one moment, and here we were in the
darkness. […] We're nameless things with no
memory, no knowledge of what went before;
no understanding of what is now, no
knowledge of what will be."
Each of us simply was one day, and as we
gazed at what surrounded us, off this planet,
there was blackness.
Look at the characters, themselves, in this
Twilight Zone episode. All are varied in
appearance, origin and nature, in the same
ROOM 101 12
fashion our species is diverse. Moreover, like
the players in this installment, we're all
thrown together in our drama. We don't know
how we got to this place, and neither do they.
All we comprehend is each of us woke up one
day, and found ourselves here…wherever
here is.
Akin to those in Five Characters in Search of
an Exit, we're confused, frightened and
lonely. We're confused because we don't
know who we are. We're frightened, since we
reside in this horrific paradigm in which we
can be rendered homeless, starving or dead
at any moment. We're lonely because we
realize we're born alone, and each of us dies
that way.
Would it surprise anyone if whatever created
this Universe is Rod Serling? You perish, and
there's 5 foot 4 1/2 inches of The Twilight
Zone creator, chain-smoking and tellin' you
what's what.
It's into this backdrop Hugh finds himself
deposited. I understand we're all slaves; I
comprehend those who "lead" us are, in
reality, our mortal enemies; I realize things
like "countries," government and politics
don't exist. When I attempt to show people
such, I'm ostracized, ignored or attacked.
I wonder if any of the cows awaken to their
situation — whilst grazing in the field, prior to
slaughter — and try to warn the other cattle.
Fuller, R. Buckminster. (2008). Operating Manual for
Spaceship Earth. Lars Muller. ISBN: 9783037781265
ROOM 101 14
Five Characters in Search of an Exit:
Five Characters in Search of an Exit. The Twilight Zone. Dir.
Lamont Johnson. Perfs. Susan Harrison, William Windom,
Murray Matheson. Teleplay. Rod Serling. Cayuga Productions,
Inc. 1961.
None of us chose to be born into this
world; none of us chose who we would
be. But all of us have the choice to
change what we've become.
— The Questions We Never Ask *
* The Questions We Never Ask
ROOM 101 16
Watching people travel to Four Corners — to
be in four "states" simultaneously — is
What if authority decided the configuration
of the "states" needed to be altered, and the
Four Corners region was suddenly somewhere
else? Would people travel to that made-up
place, in order to stand in four "states," as
What if authority decided six "states" would
now be touching, or eight, or 10? Would
people be fatuous enough — because, at this
point, you'd really be one stupid fucker — to
travel to that make-believe place, in order to
exist in 10 "states"?
And what if authority decided there was no
more Four Corners; and Arizona, Colorado,
New Mexico and Utah no longer converged in
one spot? Would folks stop making the trek to
this area? If so, why? The land, at that point,
hasn't changed. The only thing that's
different is what some authority — one
you've never even met — is telling you.
Now, don't you feel stupid for believing in
concepts as silly as "states"? Those who've
created these non-existent territories have
you certain you're actually going someplace
that never was.
If authority promulgated a point on the planet
was the center of this Universe, would people
be so credulous as to frequent that esoteric
spot, as well?
If authority declared a particular region to be
the birthplace of Jesus, would multitudes
travel there — even though there isn't a
ROOM 101 18
single historical document proving Christ
ever existed? Of course. People make the
trek to Bethlehem all the time, to pay
homage to a personage who — by all
verifiable fact — never was.
If someone told you a house existed at a
location, and you traveled to that spot, only
to find no home, would you believe that
domicile existed? Moreover, if somebody
attempted to sell you that house — after
you'd visited the locale, and verified there
was no residence — would you purchase that
non-existent dwelling? You'd be a fool if you
did, correct?
Then why believe politicians — whom you've
never met — when they inform you "states"
or "countries" are real? You can easily prove
these duplicitous dickheads are scamming
you, by traveling to these supposed regions
and finding no borders separating them from
other, equally fictitious, territories.
If the bastards are so blatantly lying, why do
you allow them to control your existence?
Why do you keep voting for them, and placing
them in positions of power?
You won't buy a non-existent home, but you'll
pay "taxes" — extortion fees — to non-
existent countries?! If you don't see the
lunacy in following such a ludicrous course of
action, give this book to somebody who isn't
mentally and spiritually retarded.
At what point do you realize you're being
used by authority? How many people have to
openly profess their hatred for the IRS,
before we stop conjuring up the lamest
excuses to justify government? Since we've
already been nuked by these bastards
ROOM 101 20
thousands of times, what exactly will it take
for us to eradicate this controlling force that
has always been the mortal enemy of
When a person is willing to believe in that
which provably is not there, that's a person
who's been brainwashed, and can no longer
think for himself. Such is someone we'd all be
wise to avoid, since that human can be
manipulated into doing anything, including
committing murder. Hence, soldiers — people
indoctrinated into killing their own race, and
paid for doing so.
We laud our erroneous, and self-appointed
"superiority" over other species on this
planet, grateful we're not as barbaric as
cannibals. Of course, we overlook the
monumental hypocrisy here.
As humans, we kill our own constantly. Over
two and a half million murdered in Iraq — the
vast majority of them civilians — is proof of
such. How many Homo sapiens were
obliterated by other Homo sapiens in Korea,
Vietnam, or what folks have misnomered
World War I and II?
People kill other people all the time, and it's
not only condoned, it's rewarded — soldiers
receive medals for murdering fellow humans.
Quite often, murder isn't even viewed as
such. Should military — from the fictional
territory known as the "United States" —
murder military from some other, equally
fictional "country," it's portrayed as heroic.
Of course, if a U.S. soldier is killed in combat,
it's categorized as just that; murder, and
labeled an atrocity in "America." Same
fuckin' action, two hypocritical and illogical
ROOM 101 22
Furthermore, at least cannibals eat their
victims — thereby not wasting food — and
thus killing for a purpose. Soldiers murder
other people all the time, and don't consume
their casualties…since that would be
Somehow, slaughtering people and eating
them — thereby providing nourishment — is
seen as repugnant; but brutally murdering
them, and wasting the sustenance their dead
body could provide is okay. I'm not condoning
cannibalism, but what weirdo came up with
this obviously irrational code of ethics?
Humans killing other humans is never
Two gin-scented tears trickled down the
sides of his nose. But it was all right,
everything was all right, the struggle
was finished. He had won the victory
over himself. He loved Big Brother. *
— 1984 **
* I am not Winston Smith.
— Hugh Mungus
** 1984
Orwell, George. 1984. (1949, 1961). New American Library.
ISBN: 0451524934
ROOM 101 24
Writing these books is more difficult than
watching daytime television without slashing
one's wrists. That arduous nature doesn't
stem from a lack of ideas, nor the pain of
creation. I love writing! The problematic part
comes in the fact I have to kill myself for
3,600 minutes a week, in order to retain a
roof over my head, so I can find four hours —
every seven days — with which to scrawl
these words.
This system is designed so that we'll agonize
monumentally, should we attempt to
contradict it. I know: I've had my house stolen
by the government.
Thanks to this bureaucracy, I've been
homeless, and rendered emaciated; watched
my stepfather die a horrific death, observed
my mom's brain and body being eaten alive;
witnessed countless friends suffering for no
reason at all; and viewed our species
slaughtering itself for absolutely fuckin'
Hitler's minions believed him, didn't they? So
did Genghis Khan's. Ancient Roman citizens
rationalized their society — a blatantly
bloodthirsty one — was superlative. Doesn't
it stand to reason future generations, gazing
back on the war machine known as
"America," will view us — the blind populace
supporting this force that demands we kill
our own species — in the same light?
Of course they will, if we don't annihilate
ourselves prior. "America" has harnessed the
ability to eradicate all of humanity on Earth.
There's nothing more detrimental to our
species than that. Nothing!
Neither Hitler's ignorant followers, nor
ROOM 101 26
Khan's, nor the duped masses of Rome can
claim such. Yet, we still view ourselves as
"the good guys." Hence, we're demented and
When brainwashed from birth to believe
something — even if that something is a
flagrant, horrendous lie — most adhere to it.
Take manifest destiny. It's an "atrocity"
when other "countries" slaughter indigenous
populations, in their quest to acquire land.
That said, when the "United States" engages
in the same modality, it becomes our "fate,"
or even our obligation, and a wondrous
Same action — the desecration of our own
species — but liberally sprinkle PR, otherwise
known as Edward Bernays Sauce, and
something heinous becomes something
admirable. When mired in a nightmare, but
informed over and over it's a dream, most
choose to believe the latter. If those around
them follow the same path — accepting
something that's insane — it's easier to
promote the lie, than oppose it.
All these talking heads on the TV can't be
wrong, correct? Wolf Blitzer, Anderson
Cooper and Rachel Maddow are such "well-
schooled," "successful" people. They must
speak the truth, right? And, of course they'd
never lie to me. Not even in a system in which
humans are paid to lie constantly.
You're supporting a force that's created
nuclear weapons, and detonated them on
you thousands of times! Blitzer, Cooper and
Maddow — as well as any "news" reporter on
mainstream TV — are singing the praises of,
and promoting this system.
ROOM 101 28
I haven't believed in authority —
government, religion, school, etc. — for
decades. In that time, I've harmed no one,
and helped enlighten people to the truth.
What has government done during that
interim? Destroyed, destroyed and
Kick this crap to the curb, people! Take your
autonomy back. Don't you abhor being
slaves, or have you never heard of Stockholm
syndrome? ***
*** Stockholm Syndrome
Even though government has nuked you at
least 2,053 times, you show it adoration. As
bureaucracy strong-arms us to pay extortion
fees — concealed as "taxes" — we continue
to support it. Unless one is unhinged, how
does one exhibit love for those who are
obnoxiously monetarily rich, while the rest of
us fight to survive?
Again, how can you look at whichever
corporate clown occupies the White House,
and honestly assert he's your servant?! He
lives in a mansion, for fuck's sake, while
you're narrowly staving off starvation!
In order for authority to rationalize its
existence, it's imperative the populace is
kept in a constant state of suffering. Such is
the only way hegemony can justify its
"Look at how many people are starving. We
can help."
"Fuck off! It's because of your stupid
monetary system they're going hungry in the
ROOM 101 30
first place. There's an overabundance of
food for everyone. That's a secret as well
concealed as the fact that Oprah sucks.
These people aren't eating because they
don't have the money with which to do so,
and you know it!"
You don't kill a weed by spraying its leaves;
you rip the fucker out by its roots. You'll
continue to go round and round — in circles
that get you nowhere — if you vote, talk
politics, believe in government, conclude
"countries" actually exist, support a
monetary system, join a church, enlist in the
military, etc. You can think for yourself. You
don't need that horse shit…
You never did.
Today we may have more information
than any other generation, but what
good are answers, if we never begin to
ask the right questions?
— The Questions We Never Ask *
* The Questions We Never Ask
ROOM 101 32
"They can't be that stupid. They'll never go
for it!"
"They're not stupid at all. In fact, they're
quite intelligent — far more than we lead
them to believe."
"Then how do we pull this off?"
A pause. "That's it?"
"As simple as it gets."
"It just— Well, it just can't be that easy."
"Of course it is. In their nascent state,
they're simply neutral, and programmable;
blobs of clay, ready to be molded into
whatever we desire."
"They don't know they're neither inherently
good nor evil?"
"No. We brainwash them to believe it's simply
their nature to kill one another — destroy
their own, and everything around them; fill
them with false guilt and fallacious sin. We lie
to them they'd decimate their own species, if
it weren't for us."
"They actually believe that?"
"Believe it?! They cling to it. They end up
begging us to 'save' them, even though we're
the ones exterminating them."
"Wouldn't they see through this?"
"We don't call it begging; we refer to it as
'voting,' and lie to them it's for their
ROOM 101 34
"How does that work?"
"We pretend they're given a choice. In
reality, they're only provided a couple
options, and those are dupes anyway.
Whichever they choose, both carry out the
bidding of the same master: Us."
"Very clever."
"There's nothing clever about it; it's just
"But how do we ensure they keep voting?"
"Again, brainwashing. We deluge them with
12 years of it, and refer to it as school."
" 'School'?"
"Yes, and we inform them such is necessary.
In addition, we flood their waking moments —
outside of school — with this same
"What does the brainwashing consist of?"
"Simple divide and conquer. We tell them
there are invisible lines on the planet, and
then pretend they're real."
"They believe in them?"
"Without question."
"We lie that those on the other side of these
lines are their enemies. They're led to believe
everyone inside their territory —
encompassed by the fake lines — are their
friends; everyone outside, their foes."
ROOM 101 36
"Is it easy to carry this plan to fruition?"
"Quite. Those on the other side of the non-
existent lines tend to have a divergent skin
tone, and speak another language. Hence, we
portray them as different…even though
they're not."
"So, the turmoil only exists within the minds
of the populace?
"Yes. And it isn't enough to solely divide using
the fabricated borders. Those within these
imaginary territories must fight against each
other, as well."
"And how do you get them to do that?"
"We inform them there aren't enough
resources on Earth, and as a result, they'll kill
each other to hoard what they need."
"So, there's no shortage?"
"Of course not. There's an overabundance of
resources on their planet — so much so, they
could feed, clothe and house every one of
their kind several times over."
"How can you conceal something so
"We place screens in front of their faces that
lie to them constantly, and supplement the
indoctrination already begun by schools. The
brainwashing is overwhelming; they can't
escape it."
" 'Screens'?"
"We've named them televisions; TVs for
ROOM 101 38
"So, they're forced to view these 'TVs'?"
"No. That would be too overtly coercive, and
run the risk of exposing us. Suffice it to say
the televisions are highly addictive. Humans
end up craving them to the extent of a drug;
feeling incomplete without them."
"But if viewing these TVs isn't compulsory,
won't these humans — as you call them —
stop watching them, once they realize what's
being done?"
"Some will."
"So, how do you mitigate that dilemma?"
"We marginalize those who have seen
through the lies in front of those who are
already addicted. As a result, the ignorant
ostracize their own kind — who are simply
revealing us; disclosing reality."
"Again, this sounds brilliant."
"And again, it's nothing more than cruelty.
Wait until I enlighten you about money."
" 'M— money'? Am I pronouncing that
"What is that?"
"Useless swatches of fabric we brainwash
them into murdering themselves for, in order
to obtain."
ROOM 101 40
"Self-imposed genocide, and most of them
never even realize it."
"But how—?"
"Again, divide and conquer, a strict diet of
indoctrination, and the promotion of
erroneous scarcity. There's no need to
attack them with conventional weapons. That
would expose us. Via this modality, they
enslave and slaughter themselves for us.
A pause. "And you're certain this will work?"
"Of course…We've done this before."
National character is only another name
for the particular form which the
littleness, perversity and baseness of
mankind take in every country. Every
nation mocks at other nations, and all
are right.
— Arthur Schopenhauer *
* Arthur Schopenhauer
ROOM 101 42
Billy Joel can only claim "she's ahead of her
time" for so many years, before you realize
she may be wearing adult diapers at this
point, or even dead by now.
Humanity on Earth has become more
stagnant than fetid toilet water in an
abandoned apartment tenement. Most people
wanna hear this as much as they wanted to
hear the Macarena for the 8,000th time in
the '90s. Such stated, truth is truth. And the
truth is: This system we support was
designed to enslave and slaughter us.
There were a colossal number of homeless
humans 500 years ago, and there are a
tremendous amount of homeless humans
today. Prodigious portions of our species
were starving when the year was recorded
with three digits, and copious quantities of
Homo sapiens are dying of hunger now.
Authority — in its various forms — has been
the underpinning tenet of any society.
Hence, doesn't it seem highly plausible our
suffering is caused by this system? Was such
pain present before government, money,
religion — today's current forms of control?
Who knows? That was a period before
recorded history.
If you had a cold for the past two years,
wouldn't you attempt to deduce what was
causing your malady? Wouldn't you become
suspect of the things in your environment?
Perhaps you moved to a vastly different
climate 24 months ago; maybe you got a dog
at the outset of that interim.
If you logically deduce things on this
microcosmic level, why wouldn't you do the
same on a macrocosmic scale? Why do
people blindly assume this system we're
ROOM 101 44
following is beneficial, moreover optimal?
Along the lines of fallacious foundations,
let's address "countries." The idea of
"countries" is nothing more than a sleight of
Folks venerate this "nation," and vilify that,
only seeing as far as "China," "Russia," the
"United States," etc. — none of which exist,
of course. Want proof? Just fly above the
planet, and look down. When you don't see
those borders we're brainwashed to believe
in, you have all the evidence you need.
While people support fabricated territories,
those who control this paradigm — and thus
dominate humanity on this planet —
surreptitiously reap the rewards.
From a transaction perspective, engineers
running this ruse are the superlative
masters, since they've duped us all. Even so,
business people will ignorantly support this
paradigm, never knowing they themselves
are perpetuating a system that's literally
killing them. That's correct: CEOs and
revered executives who blindly support this
order are the most inept business people in
At least I know I'm a slave — aware of who
my masters are in this schema. Those high
up on the corporate ladder — who have no
idea this is being done to them — are
swindled consumers, sold the ultimate
"lemon." Still, I'm castigated for my lack of
"business savvy," while they're lauded for
their market acumen.
To quote R. Buckminster Fuller from his book
Critical Path:
ROOM 101 46
Finally, bigger ships got out of the
Mediterranean and into the Atlantic,
around Africa to the Orient, and then
around the world. Thus, "those in the
know" rediscovered that the world is a
sphere and not an infinitely extended
lateral plane. Great battles ensued —
waged under the flags of England,
France, and Spain — to determine who
would become supreme master of the
world's high-seas line of supply.
These great nations were simply the
operating fronts of behind-the-
scenes, vastly ambitious individuals
who had become so effectively
powerful because of their ability to
remain invisible while operating
behind the national scenery. Always
their victories were in the name of
some powerful sovereign-ruled
country. The real power structures
were always the invisible ones behind
the visible sovereign powers. **
** Critical Path
Fuller, Buckminster, R. Critical Path. (1981). St. Martin's
Press. ISBN: 0312174888
Even though I'm aware of the above, I'm
belittled, while multi-millionaires and CEOs —
who have no clue these scams are being run
on them — are revered as consummate
business people.
That's what you get when dealing in an
illogical society. In an irrational paradigm,
would you expect those who are intelligent to
be lauded, or morons to be praised?
Obviously the latter, since we're talking an
illogical society.
It's the same reason I'm chastised in this
culture for being a "poor provider," due to
the fact I possess very little cash. Numerous
folks denigrating me have children, thereby
bringing innocent life into a paradigm in
which 40% of any human demographic alive
today will contract cancer. Many of these
children are conceived post-Fukushima — an
era in which that statistic will exponentially
increase, due to three nuclear reactors in
ROOM 101 48
Based upon these cancer facts, and these
alone — not even considering we all exist
under the constant threat of nuclear
Armageddon; over half of us survive on
$2.50 per day or less; we kill ourselves for
inherently useless pieces of paper, etc. —
who do you think is the "poor provider?" Me,
or these people who selfishly keep having
kids, and thereby subjecting blameless souls
to this Hell on Earth?
Again, to cite R. Buckminster Fuller from
Critical Path:
There can be no planetary unity until
all the sovereign nations are abolished
and we have but one accounting
system — that of the one family
aboard Spaceship Earth.
Ample food and growing capacity
exist on our planet to feed well every
world human. But the sovereign
nations and their international-trade-
balancing system, and the individual
hoarders of foods and other goods
within the separate nations, prevent
the distribution of the foods. ***
*** Ibid
'Night, folks, and may god be less.
Life is short and truth works far and lives
long: let us speak the truth.
— Arthur Schopenhauer *
* Arthur Schopenhauer
ROOM 101 52
You sense you're part of something larger,
but feel prevented from understanding what
that is.
"There has to be more to my existence than
wasting away in this cubicle — calling and
harassing people — so I can accumulate
these useless pieces of paper called cash!"
"Why won't bill collectors leave me alone?
Don't they care I'm perpetually one paycheck
from homelessness?!"
"All I want to do is explore, invent and travel,
but all I ever do is work!"
Of course you're part of something more
prodigious. Just look at the night sky. That's
what we could be comprehending, but instead
we struggle to keep a soul-crushing
oligarchy — which we, ourselves, perpetuate
— from executing us.
When it comes to that monumental scenario
you perceive you're a component of, here's a
clue: Politicians and military officials are
opening up about the UFO topic. Why
wouldn't they? The system they support is
more illogical than using battery acid as lube
during a masturbation session.
Hence, numerous folks in positions of
"power" are asserting we're being visited by
otherworldly entities. Most of these
bureaucrats don't comprehend this entire
system is — and always has been — rotten to
its roots, but at least they're finally
discussing something of relevance.
Take, for instance, Mike Gravel — former
senator from Alaska, and outspoken
ROOM 101 54
advocate of further UFO investigation. Gravel
was on the board of the 2013 Citizen Hearing
on Disclosure, attempting to determine if
there was validity to the unidentified flying
object conundrum. It was here Mike
concluded, for himself, UFOs of otherworldly
design have been visiting Earth for quite
some time.
According to Gravel:
There probably are a thousand
sightings a month, worldwide. […] But
the United States government has
been the most recalcitrant in
recognizing this, officially. Now, the
White House says, "Oh, we know
nothing about this; there's no files on
this subject." And that's really an
outright lie, and crap, because we
receive testimony from military people
over and over again indicating there
certainly was something there. […]
[T]here is an extraterrestrial presence
monitoring our planet, and monitoring
it extensively […]
I think that they are monitoring us
from these unidentified objects ―
flying objects […].
Now, keep in mind, these people ― or
whoever they are ― are far superior to
us. They have at least traveled 37,000
light years, and so they have a system
of propulsion ― a system of energy ―
that our scientists can't fully
comprehend. […] **
** Senator Mike Gravel: Extraterrestrial Influence
Eventually, ol' Mike gets pretty close to
concluding what history has proven time and
again: As long as there's government, it's
impossible for the populace to be free:
Right now, in our development, we are
run by the military, and the power
elites who do not want to change the
present structure of energy
distribution on the planet. […]
The solution is not the government.
That's where the problem exists. The
solution is with the people, and the
people need to be able to become
lawmakers. All they do right now is give
their power away on election day. ***
ROOM 101 56
*** Ibid.
So, Gravel comes clean, but is he the only
government representative who's spoken
adamantly on the subject? Not even close.
See my other publications for a slew of
officials who've blown the whistle on the
biggest revelation in our species' history.
Such stated, I'll provide a few more salient
examples, proving this is a topic taken
extremely seriously in the bureaucracy.
How about Paul Hellyer — former Canadian
Minister of National Defence — who has the
following to proclaim:
I am sure that there are aliens that are
aware of what I'm doing; probably
more than one species, because they
communicate by mental telepathy,
and consequently they can read your
mind, and you can't hide what you're
thinking even. So, they would know
exactly what everyone's doing,
thinking, and I'm sure I'm no
exception. ****
**** The World's Highest Ranking Alien Believer
Not something you'll hear from el presidente,
as he pumps ya' full of lies:
"Holy fuck! The government might shut
down?! What are we gonna do?!?"
"How about rejoice in our immediate
Hellyer explains:
My interest in UFOs was not very great
until eight years ago. When I was
Minister of Defence, of course I got
sighting reports, but I was too busy
unifying the Canadian Armed Forces
to be able to worry about them. […]
There's no question the US
government took this whole idea of
advanced technology very seriously,
and started back engineering and
spending a lot of money on it soon
after the crashes at Roswell in 1947.
ROOM 101 58
The security rating [in regard to UFOs]
was higher than for the H-bomb, and
still is. That's the way it works. […]
There had been lots of [otherworldly]
visits to Earth ― probably going back
thousands of years. But the level of
activity took on a new dimension after
the first atomic bomb was set off in
New Mexico in 1945, and all of a
sudden, the number of sightings
And my thesis is that because they
know something we don't know ―
and that is every atomic bomb that is
put off on Earth has an effect on other
parts of the cosmos ― they were
concerned about it, and I use the idea
that the children are playing with
matches. They're afraid that we're
gonna blow up our planet, so that it
would be uninhabitable both for
ourselves, and for visits from them,
and they didn't like that idea. So they
came down in larger, larger numbers
[…] *****
***** Ibid.
Whoa! Didn't catch that one during any
stupid senatorial debate. Then again, these
are only two examples of prominent figures in
this fucked-up freak show who've spoken out.
How about Brigadier General Stephen Lovekin
— formerly stationed at the Pentagon — who
had this to say, in regard to interactions with
superior military officers:
It seemed giant-like when I saw it
because it was the first time I'd ever
seen anything like this before, and all
eyes were just peeled on that
particular thing. And when he told us
what it was, it was eerie there. You
could've heard a pin drop in the room,
when it was first mentioned.
He said it had been taken from one of
the [UFO] craft that had crashed in
New Mexico. […]
I was told that what they had there for
us to deal with came from the New
Mexico site, but there were other
sites, and there were other crashes.
They did not say where. They were not
pinpointed, but it was made quite
clear that that was not the only site
that they had gathered information
from, and also materiel. […] ******
****** Brigadier General Stephen Lovekin, Esq.
ROOM 101 60
When it comes to UFOs, Lovekin's testimony
covers a plethora of topics. For instance:
In this country, during the early '50s,
numerous bases were built that would
allow the president, and Congress and
VIPs to go in case of attack. […] And
Mt. Weather, Virginia, was one of
those. […]
There was equipment up there, and it
was specifically told to me — when I
first came there — […] there was
equipment up there to deal
specifically with the UFO problem. […]
UFOs had been sighted around Mt.
Weather, not only on one or two
occasions, but on numerous occasions
Stories about radar lock-on [to UFOs];
yes there were, and several of those
stories came out of Ohio — Wright-
Patterson Air Force Base. But several
others came from California, Texas,
Washington — from what I can recall
— but I would say there probably were
between two and three hundred cases
of lock-on. [...]
Did I ever hear that we had picked up
signals which could not be identified,
or if they could be identified, were
they coming in from strange craft that
perhaps had given us, or put us under
surveillance? And yes I did hear that
In fact, several of the reports had
come in through pilots' radios. So,
whatever intelligence we were dealing
with, at that time, knew how to deal
with us. They knew how to
communicate with us. But that they
were of extraterrestrial origin; that
was the belief. […] *******
******* Ibid.
Let's just pretend none of this is happening,
and go back to Rachel Maddow performing
anilingus on rabid raccoons. Again, take a
page out of Howard Beale's book and, "turn
off your television sets!" You're part of
something immense — something Universal
you could be exploring — but instead you
settle for the insipid banality of Grey's
Anatomy, Justin Bieber's shriveled sack, and
a myriad of assholes you hated in high
school, but now watch nightly in two-
dimensions from a screen in your living room.
ROOM 101 62
So, who the fuck is Andy Danzinger?
Andy Danzinger is the man who said this:
We were flying from Kansas City to
Waterloo, Iowa. I was just a first
officer in a commuter airline turbo
prop. […]
I noticed off to my right — and I was
sitting in the right seat — was a white
disc, just kind of thin, barely visible
behind the clouds. […] It was pacing
us. […]
After about 40 minutes, we started
our descent into Waterloo, and as we
started our descent, and looked up,
here's this giant, red ball just above
the clouds. ********
******** Pilot Who Flew Obama UFO Encounter
Poppa "A" was Barry Obama's pilot during
said politician's 2008 campaign to become
Biggest Asshole on the Planet. Danzinger was
also the man who asserted the following
when asked why aviators — many of whom
see peculiar, aerial enigma — often don't
report them:
You don't wanna be brandished as
being crazy. That was one of our
concerns before we actually reported
it to air traffic control. We discussed it
amongst each other: Is this something
that's gonna jeopardize our career?
The government discounts every
single report that ever seems to come
out. The news media tends to — or at
least, in the past, has tended to —
ridicule every UFO report. *********
********* Ibid.
In fact, Danzinger didn't disclose his
aforementioned encounter in 1989, until
decades later.
I've got a few friends who've called me
and said, "Wow. Maybe this is gonna
finally get this stuff out. I've seen
stuff, and it's about time that
somebody came forward. You're
actually getting some press, and
maybe people will start believing this
a little bit more. **********
ROOM 101 64
********** Ibid.
So, you hold no credence in the existence of
UFOs of otherworldly nature because you,
yourself, have never seen them. Such stated,
you do believe in "India," "Russia," the
"United States" — or any other "country" —
even though you've never seen the make-
believe borders around these alleged
territories; never seen them because they
don't exist. As a result, you have to ask
yourself, "Is this rational thinking, or have I
been brainwashed into believing in things that
aren't there and, thus, aren't real?"
None are more hopelessly enslaved than
those who falsely believe they are free.
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe *
* Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
ROOM 101 66
definition: a person who informs on
another or makes public disclosure of
corruption or wrongdoing. **
** definition of whistleblower
Most whistleblowers in the United States cling
to a nightmarish contract called the U.S.
Constitution. They'll watch their government
commit genocide, yet profess loyalty to a
document that attempts to eradicate their
own natural abilities.
You're born, and authority exerts its will, in an
effort to enslave you. However, if we choose
not to adhere to the dogmas of control — be
they governmental, national, religious, etc.
— our race becomes free.
One only needs to read the U.S. Constitution,
in order to comprehend authority has given
itself the "right" to rule you. That said, only
you can allow it to do so. If we, as species —
which is seven billion strong — refuse to
acquiesce, then we're free.
Of course, we were free to begin with, prior
to government, religion, school, etc. Such
stated, we've chosen to be slaves to
psychopaths who implement these
Whistleblowers elect to remain oblivious to
the fact the U.S. Constitution was written in
secret, by a bunch of monetarily-affluent
slave owners. Moreover, this contract
magically bequeaths "rights" to those who
penned it, and attempts to obliterate the
natural abilities of the masses.
ROOM 101 68
On top of this, the U.S. Constitution was
never signed by a single member of the
common population, let alone the entire
populace. I never gave this bullshit my
"okay," nor has anyone alive today.
At what point do we shriek, "This has been a
ruse from its inception! I was brainwashed for
12 years with 'I pledge allegiance to the flag!'
I'm a slave!"?
"Leaders" of any "country" want you to
become a traitor to your own species by
killing other humans. Now that's racism! And
you've fallen for it. You claim you're
"British," "Chinese," "Russian," etc. You
vote, and use phrases like "proud to be an
You embrace the military — which is nothing
more than Stasi for those who've hijacked
humanity. You acknowledge the authority of
those who've placed themselves in charge.
You turn a blind eye to the annihilation of
fellow humans all around you.
How long do you think it will be before those
you've put in power come for you?
The NSA, and CIA and intelligence
community, in general, is not audited.
That is, there's no accounting for how
they spend the money — how
effectively or not — so it's a set-up for
corruption, and fraud and waste.
— William Binney, former head
cryptographer for the NSA ***
*** William Binney: The Future of FREEDOM
No shit, Bill. All government's been a scam,
since its inception.
Whistleblowers continually seek Congress or
ROOM 101 70
the Senate, when it comes to enacting
justice. "Government lied to us?! Motherfuck!
I'll take this to Congress, and see what they
have to say!" Binney laughingly informs us we
need to vote, in order to fix the situation.
Appealing to Congress or the Senate, in order
to make government accountable for its evil,
is futile! Congress and the Senate are
government. What do you think Congress is, a
group of antique dildo collectors? Congress
is government! Duh!
When you picture the Senate, you don't
envision a softball beer league, or a
scrapbooking club. You think government!
Then why would you ever appeal to
government to rat itself out?!
As long as this system is in place, those in
Congress and the Senate live lavishly! Do you
really think they'll relinquish that for morals
they obviously don't possess?!
If some white supremacy group goes on a
killing spree, you don't ask them to
adjudicate their malfeasance. For whatever
fucked-up reason, though, you feel
government is gonna check and balance
itself?! Why? Because you were brainwashed
in school — a school funded by government
— there's an invisible force keeping our
"leaders" in line?! You probably believe in
Jesus, too, don't ya'?
Look around you. That force is nowhere to be
found. Politicians bathe in money, while the
rest of us barely have enough cash to bathe.
"Impeach this," and "impeach that"? What
do you think is gonna happen when you
ROOM 101 72
appeal to government — the supreme court
— to exact justice on itself?! Nothing!
If Jeffrey Dahmer were alive, would you ask
him to determine if he was guilty of murder?
Of course not! Then why do you ask
government to levee a sentence on itself?
One hundred times out of 100, they'll deliver
a "not guilty" verdict. Why would somebody
stick their own neck in the noose, especially
when that somebody is corrupt?
REPORTER: So just to summarize,
prior to 9/11, the NSA was collecting
billions of phone records on American
citizens, without probable cause; that
they had kinda planned on doing this
from the beginning, and then they
used 9/11 as an excuse to really ramp
that up. Is that accurate?
WILLIAM BINNEY: […] [T]hey were
planning on doing it before 9/11.
What they did was they used 9/11 as
the excuse, or the basis, for
implementing it. […]
Once they started ingesting data, […]
[it] averaged around 320 million
records of long distance phone calls,
between U.S. citizens, inside the
country, every day. That didn't count
all the other communications they
were managing, too. The domestic
spying started with that. ****
**** Ibid.
William Binney was the NSA's head
cryptographer. When he realized his own
government was spying on U.S. citizens, and
lying about 9/11, he put his lips together,
and blew.
REPORTER: So, we had multiple levels
of security failures from our
intelligence community on 9/11, and
where's the list I can find of people
who got fired because they didn't do
their job?
WILLIAM BINNEY: It would be on a
blank sheet of paper. Okay? There's
your list. I mean, they all got
promoted, I think. They all got
elevated to higher positions, and they
got more money, and budgets were
increased. Tripled, basically. *****
***** Ibid.
ROOM 101 74
Attempting to inform the public is dangerous.
In 2007, government — a dozen FBI agents,
armed with high-powered rifles — raided
Binney's home, holding him at gunpoint, while
he was in the shower. His wife and son were
also assaulted, weapons in their faces.
Personal items were stolen from Bill's house,
and bureaucracy forced him to shut down a
private business of his — which meant a loss
of $300,000 income per year.
Binney's existence was jeopardized, as
government threatened him with indefinite
prison time, all for telling the truth.
That was the last straw that told me
my government was so corrupt there
was not much left of it worth saving.
So I had to do whatever I could do to
expose it, and get it out to the people
[…] and get outside of government,
because obviously all they were gonna
do was cover up for the crimes they'd
been committing. ******
****** Ibid.
Still, William talks of devotion to his country.
It's as if he believes those who created the
most recent version of this pyramid scheme
were fantastic, and a few bad apples fucked
up a good thing along the way.
See, you can't trust our current
government. They just don't tell you
the truth, anyway. […]
It's all hypocritical, and they're all
basically criminals, in my mind.
******* Ibid.
"Basically"? Either you're a criminal, or
you're not. There's no gray area, here. "Well,
I kinda committed murder."
Brainwashed, Bill ignorantly thinks the U.S.
was once a democracy…even though it was
run by money-hoarding slave owners from
ROOM 101 76
the start; the populace never in control of
anything! Again, democracy is a government
by the people. Those existing on the street,
and begging for money, are "the people."
Does it look like they're governing anything?!
The population have always been monetarily
poor, while politicians, filthy rich. If the
people were in control, don't you think they'd
make certain they had all the cash, or at least
didn't want for anything?
Bill, you said it yourself:
They [the government] never came out
and told anybody what they're really
doing; or what their real
understanding, or what their secret
interpretation is. That's because
they're too afraid; they're cowards.
They're hiding a secret interpretation,
applied with a secret court, in secret,
by a secret government. ********
******** Ibid.
I know it sucks admitting you've wasted your
existence on this planet supporting evil. That
said, what's better: Perpetuating this system
that will destroy you, or eradicating it, and
freeing our species? No fuckin' contest!
If we get through this, future generations will
look back at you the way you reflect on the
blind minions who followed Hitler, and made
the Holocaust a reality. Realize, Adolf only
ordered 11 million destroyed; this sick
plutocracy, currently in place, has seven
billion facing nuclear obliteration!
It's okay to say: "I've been duped." There's
nothing unethical in being taken for a ride.
Until whistleblowers rat out those who've
hijacked humans, and feel loyalty to our
species, as opposed to some non-existent
thing called "America," we're fucked. Folks
ROOM 101 78
like the late Jacque Fresco, Mark Passio and
Peter Joseph may be able to usher in a new
paradigm of freedom. That said, they may
not. I'm not certain how much longer I can
hang on by my fingernails, drowning in pain.
On this note, I know there are others in the
same boat. Thanks to the Internet, I've read
tales of those who couldn't pay their rent, or
became ill, and were unable to afford medical
care. They were attempting to enlighten the
masses, but could no longer stem the wave of
annihilation. It's fuckin' tough, man!
As a true whistleblower — one exposing
atrocities perpetrated on humanity — you
risk being killed by those you're attempting to
If you still believe in religion, the U.S.
Constitution, the school system, "nations,"
etc., you're killing us! Wake up to reality!
What else are you supposed to do: continue
pretending to believe in — and thereby
supporting — dogmas designed to kill you?
When you're faced with an
overwhelming, life-threatening crisis
— as in the Titanic being hit by an
iceberg — and you happen to be
aware before anybody else is that the
ship is gonna sink, and there aren't
enough lifeboats, and you know how
to build lifeboats, and you try to deal
with that in however long the Titanic
had before it went down, you're likely
to run across three types of passenger
on the Titanic:
You'll run across a type that's basically
deer in the headlights: "Ship's been
hit? What does that mean? What do I
do? I don't know what to do. I don't
know where to go? Should I do that? I
don't know!"
That's one group.
There's another group that says, "We
get that the ship's gonna sink. We get
that we're all gonna die, unless we
make some lifeboats, and do it fast.
Show us what to do."
And then you have a third group that
says, "This is the Titanic. It's
ROOM 101 80
absolutely unsinkable; un-fucking-
sinkable, so we're goin' back to the
bar for a drink, and all you doomsday
sayers can actually just take a hike."
Now, if you're the one who knows how
to build lifeboats, which group of
people are you gonna help?
— Michael C. Ruppert *********
********* Collapse starring Michael C. Ruppert
So, here's the situation:
Those we've allowed to "lead" us exist
opulently. The rest of us suffer to survive. If
these "leaders" expose this truth, they'll
forfeit their "wealth." Do you think they're
gonna skip merrily down that path?
If you do — which seems to be the case, since
you vote, believe in government, call yourself
"American," etc. — you've been in
the closed garage with the car runnin' too
Do millionaires walk down the street,
dispensing cash to everyone? Of course not.
Then why would you expect those in power to
forfeit what they've worked so hard to steal?
Susan Lindauer was a CIA asset — chief
liaison between the U.S., Iraq and Libya —
who came clean on corruption within the
system she was serving. As a result, she was
kidnapped, imprisoned, and nearly force-fed
a chemical lobotomy of Ativan, Haldol and
Prozac — by her own government — that
would've rendered her a breathing vegetable.
Less than 30 days after she divulged a 9/11
cover-up, fully-armed FBI agents swarmed
her home, abducting her. Under the Patriot
Act, Susan was thrown in Fort Worth's
ROOM 101 82
Carswell Prison for an indefinite sentence.
Not provided a trial, Lindauer underwent a
five year indictment. Due to anxiety caused
by the fact she wasn't informed she'd ever
be released, her hair turned white. Her
existence was shredded, as her phones were
tapped, and her house wired.
Government attempted to extend her
incarceration to 10 years — without trial —
planning to keep her drugged the entire time.
Mainstream media refused to cover Susan's
ordeal; categorizing her a crazy, religious
zealot. All this because she told the truth.
Lindauer refers to the Iraqi wars as "mass
genocide," asserting at least one million
children have been slaughtered, due to what
the U.S. has done. She declares the United
Nations is withholding the true count on
childhood war deaths in Iraq, since factual
numbers expose genocide. **********
********** Susan Lindauer EXPOSES Everything
Although Susan has endured a horrific ordeal,
she still speaks of "defending the
Constitution." Brainwashed to the core! The
Constitution — which does everything it can
to strip the populace of its natural abilities,
and enforce subjugation — needs to be
Envision walking down the street, handing
everyone you pass a piece of paper with the
declaration: "I have the right to take money
from you." How many people would relinquish
a dime, let alone fistfuls of cash?
Obviously none.
ROOM 101 84
Yet, the U.S. government gives itself the
"power" to purloin prodigious portions of your
paycheck — simply by penning this
omnipotence into the Constitution, and
referring to it as "taxes." Moreover, you pay
Until we start fighting this battle as one
human race, we'll continue to get nowhere!
Claiming you're "American," or any other
nationalistic moniker, is treason to your own
Most of us have placed our beliefs in "this
country" or "that," the same way one
chooses a favorite sports team. Due to these
"countries," we're teetering on the brink of
nuclear obliteration.
When you call yourself an Indian, or a
Muslim, or a Christian, or a European,
or anything else, you are being
violent. Do you see why it is violent?
Because you are separating yourself
from the rest of mankind. When you
separate yourself by belief, by
nationality, by tradition, it breeds
violence. So a man who is seeking to
understand violence does not belong
to any country, to any religion, to any
political party or partial system; he is
concerned with the total
understanding of mankind.
— Jiddu Krishnamurti ***********
*********** Jiddu Krishnamurti
You refer to yourself as "American." Thus,
you feel devotion to fellow "Americans."
Those who've created this term brainwash
you into believing anyone "not American" is
different, inferior, and your enemy.
Indoctrinated, you're eager to kill "non-
Americans," whenever those implementing
this system demand it. Hence, you massacre
ROOM 101 86
portions of your own species — whom you've
never met before — and thus, have no reason
to hate.
The soldier on the other side of that make-
believe line; did he steal your house, put you
in jail, and render you homeless? No. Your
government will, though, if you don't pay it's
"milk money" tithe. Even though you don't
know that soldier, you hunger to destroy him,
because those who've created this system
command it.
How do you pledge allegiance to a
government? […] That's all America is
is — a government. There's no such
thing as "we're Americans." That's just
trivial bullshit to get you rootin' for
the home team, right? You're not an
"American." You're a guy, […] you're a
person, […] you're an individual.
— Doug Stanhope ************
************ Doug Stanhope — Liberty
Thomas Drake was a senior executive with
the NSA, when he decided he needed to get
some things off his chest. Unable to remain
quiet over government spying on its own
people, and allowing 9/11 to occur, Drake
got crushed, when bureaucracy retaliated.
The government itself commits
massive fraud, waste, and abuse, and
engages itself in wrongdoing
illegality…and that's precisely what
the government did after 9/11, on a
vast scale.
— Thomas Drake º
Government targeted Thomas, raiding his
home, as well as his office, indicting him, and
threatening him with 35 years prison time.
Again, all for telling the truth.
ROOM 101 88
Talk about ruining a guy's existence! The
stress endured, when facing such lengthy
incarceration, has to be nearly unbearable.
Still, Drake speaks of protecting the
Constitution he took an oath to defend.
I don't get this. It takes an hour to read, and
comprehend, the U.S. Constitution. I know,
because I've done it a dozen times.
Nobody coming away from such a snoozefest
feels a sense of freedom. Nobody! You might
lie to yourself you do, but when others
demand money from you, tell you what you
can't do, and give themselves power over
you, you don't feel free.
What you do feel is scared. So scared, you'll
lie about being liberated…even to yourself.
Collapse. Dir. Chris Smith. Perfs. Michael C Ruppert.
Vitagraph Films. 2009.
You're gonna pledge blind allegiance,
and call yourself "American" for a
government that fucks you on a
regular basis?!
— Doug Stanhope *
* Doug Stanhope — Liberty
ROOM 101 92
What if you suddenly contracted Gulf War
"How could I?" you ask. "I'm not in the
military, and have never been to
Afghanistan, nor Iraq."
How about if you found yourself in the
hospital, in need of a blood transfusion? What
if that transfusion came from a soldier who
has Gulf War Syndrome?
Obviously, the answers here are, "Well, then
you'd suddenly have Gulf War Syndrome, as
well, and would have no recourse but to
suffer with it."
"Where did Gulf War Syndrome come from,
and what is it?" you inquire.
Gulf War Syndrome is an amalgamation of
238 93
diseases knowingly caused by the United
States government.
You can attempt to debate this, but when the
U.S. uses depleted uranium (DU), lethal
vaccines, and biological, as well as chemical
weapons on its own soldiers, the polemic
ends. There's such a mountain range of
evidence — firsthand testimony, official
documentation, photographic, and video —
damning the government, to deny such would
be lunacy.
"Depleted uranium? What's that?"
Depleted uranium is one of the most deadly
substances known to humans. Depending
upon exposure levels, it can kill within days,
or over a period of years.
Depleted uranium — comprised of
ROOM 101 94
uranium-238, uranium-235 and
uranium-234 — will be around longer than
Earth has been in existence. This planet we
call home has been tactile roughly 4.5 billion
years. Uranium-238 has a half-life of 4.5
billion years. Hence, if you had a pound of
U-238 today, in 4.5 billion years, you'd still
have half a pound of it.
Depleted uranium causes a host of horrific
diseases — including an array of cancers —
as well as the most severe birth defects.
We're talkin' babies born with no heads;
infants birthed without limbs, nor eyes; some
with single eyes in the middle of their
foreheads — living cyclopes. Newborns
delivered with organs outside their bodies;
covered in immense tumors; and some that
are simply formless fusions of putrified blood
and flesh, unrecognizable as Homo sapiens.
238 95
And these genetic birth defects aren't
confined to the Middle East. Chock full of
depleted uranium, U.S. soldiers are coming
home and fucking their wives, who are giving
birth to severely deformed children. **
** The Tiny Victims of Desert Storm
All this was brought to you by what you refer
to as "your" government. So, the next time
you see a military enlistment propaganda
commercial, destroy your television, and
never look at another one. When you watch
some ignorant imbecile preparing to join the
armed forces, show him or her the movies
Beyond Treason or Gulf War Syndrome:
Killing Our Own. Break out YouTube
testimonies of Gulf War veterans the likes of
Dennis Kyne or Dr. Doug Rokke.
ROOM 101 96
"Why would the U.S. government perpetrate
such atrocity on its own soldiers?"
If you haven't been watching, government
not only doesn't care about you, it hates you!
I don't know how much more emphatically
this has to be proven, before you
acknowledge such. In this case, "you"
denotes the entire populace — which includes
"its soldiers."
Government steals from you, and disguises
this thievery as "taxes." It threatens you, and
euphemizes this malevolence as "laws." It
enslaves you, and informs you it's for your
own benefit. It slaughters you — via GMO
proliferation, implementation of a monetary
system, nuclear testing, etc. Why the fuck
would it stop short by not annihilating "its own
troops," as well as its citizens, via biological/
chemical warfare and depleted
238 97
It's brainwashed you to believe electric cars
aren't feasible. Thus, we're forced to use
deleterious internal combustion engines —
which have caused countless deaths from
cancer. This, in the face of the fact electric
vehicles were produced before gas-powered,
and winning races against fossil fuel-burning
cars over a century ago.
Suddenly, electric-powered semi trucks are
"magically" possible, but for over a hundred
years, we just couldn't figure out how to
create viable clean engine vehicles?! ***
*** Nikola One: First Hydrogen-Electric Semi-Truck
Government has drowned you in radioactive
fallout from Fukushima — doing nothing to
ROOM 101 98
mitigate this problem, even though it has the
means with which to rectify it…at least for
100 years. **** *****
**** The Battle of Chernobyl
***** Chernobyl Arch Reaches Resting Place
Government has sold you a bill of goods on
nuclear power — an energy source that uses
the most lethal products known to humans,
and produces equally virulent waste for which
we've no method of disposal. ******
****** Into Eternity
How many times do you have to be shot — at
238 99
point-blank range, no less — before you
realize somebody's trying to kill you?! You
can conjure up as many fake excuses — and
thus continue to lie to yourself — that
government is somehow here for your
benefit. In the meantime, however,
bureaucracy will destroy us all. It won't stop
until each and every one of us — including
those within government — is dead.
"The president would never do something like
that to us. I'm proud to be an American!"
"I fought for your freedom, and I resent your
"Okay, if that's your opinion."
I love that last one, since it's only "my
opinion" government has nuked the fuck out
of the populace. We all have proof of each
ROOM 101 100
and every atomic "test" government has
conducted on us. *******
******* List of nuclear weapons tests
In addition, we've ironclad evidence
government destroyed the electric vehicle as
a feasible method of transportation. ********
******** Internal Combustion: How Corporations
and Governments Addicted the World to Oil and
Derailed the Alternatives
Black, Edwin. Internal Combustion: How Corporations and
Governments Addicted the World to Oil and Derailed the
Alternatives. (2007). St. Martin's Griffin. ISBN:
We also possess countless examples of how
government profits off our suffering from
cancer. Just look around you at how much
money bureaucracy would stand to lose if
they announced a cure for this disease.
238 101
Making, and keeping, people sick is huge
On top of this, we've innumerable cases — as
well as a paper trail as blatantly definitive as
the 405 freeway — proving government has
nuked us with depleted uranium. *********
********* Gulf War Syndrome: Killing Our Own
********** Beyond Treason
To those who understand, yet fail to
acknowledge what's being done to us, your
deranged excuses sound like the ramblings of
lunatics…because they are.
"If they're doing it to everybody, it means
ROOM 101 102
they're doing it to themselves, as well. Why
would they do that?"
One need look no further than the proverb of
the scorpion and the turtle:
A scorpion was sunning itself by the edge of a
lake. As the day progressed, and the Sun
descended behind the trees, he grew cold in
the shade. Gazing across the pond, he longed
to be on the other side, where the sunlight
had yet to be extinguished by the foliage, and
the warmth of the day remained.
Unfortunately for the scorpion, he was unable
to swim.
Scrambling to the edge of the water, the
arachnid spied a turtle preparing to enter the
238 103
"Excuse me," the scorpion approached.
"Would you be so kind as to give me a ride on
your back across the pond?"
"Are you fuckin' nuts!?" the turtle replied.
"Look at the size of that hook on your tail!
You'll sting me halfway across, and kill me.
Beat it, douche bag. I've got swimmin' to do."
With that, the turtle immersed his toe in the
water, and prepared to float away.
"I don't mean to sound contentious, but if I
sting you, while I'm on your back, we'll both
drown, won't we?"
The turtle — stoned like a woman in the Old
Testament having sex out of wedlock —
thought about the scorpion's rationale for a
ROOM 101 104
"Fuck! You're right, man. What logic would
there be in killin' yourself ?"
"Exactly!" responded the scorpion.
"Shit! Hop on, amigo." The turtle offered up
his shell. "Let's do this before I lose my
Smiling, the scorpion climbed atop the
turtle's back, and they headed into the lake.
Halfway across, the scorpion stung the turtle.
"What the fuck, asshole?!"
Immediately, the poison took hold, and the
turtle began sinking. "Why the hell'd you do
that!? That's not even logical!"
238 105
Submerging, as well, the scorpion replied, "It
has nothing to do with logic. It's in my
I don't wanna hear:
"Congress didn't know!"
"They kept the information from the
"The president wasn't briefed!"
Congress, the Senate and the president are
government. Since government is guilty, that
means "all government!" You wanna sign up
with the enemy — i.e. bureaucracy — so you
can have your multi-million dollar mansion,
and your six BMWs? Well, when we catch the
government's balls in a vice, that means
those are your testicles we're squeezing.
ROOM 101 106
The use of uranium emissions, and
the destruction of Iraq's nation —
Iraqi's infrastructure — has turned
Iraq into a radiological, and
chemically toxic, nightmare; a sewer;
a garbage dump for eternity.
— former Director of The U.S. Army
Depleted Uranium Project, Major
Doug Rokke, PhD. ***********
*********** Gulf War Syndrome: Killing Our Own
Remember when George Bush told "Iraqi"
The tyrant will soon be gone. The day
of your liberation is near. º
º Ibid.
Again, how do you "liberate" a populace by
nuking the shit out of 'em!? Iraq is now so
irradiated, it might as well be Pripyat, near
How could you use hundreds of tons
of depleted uranium over Iraq,
238 107
knowing that its half-life is four and a
half billion years? It'll blow in the
sands of the desert forever. It'll be in
the air that the Iraqi people breathe.
It'll be in the vegetables they eat, and
it cannot be filtered out of the water
So the further irony is that in the
process of "liberating" Iraq, we have
devastated its environment for
eternity. ºº
ºº Ibid.
These bastards we've allowed to be in charge
are lunatics, hell-bent on "owning"
everything, and decimating us in the process.
Is it gonna take cancer to destroy your body,
before you do something? Are you gonna
have to birth a kid with one eye, before you
stand up to the enemy, known as
government, and eradicate it!?
Just imagine if any American city had
12,000 homes destroyed, causing the
people in them to suffer and die.
Hospitals were bombed, utility
companies destroyed, and there was
ROOM 101 108
no effort whatsoever to help the
suffering civilians. ººº
ººº Ibid.
It's estimated 125 to 200 Iraqi children are
dying every day, due to the United States'
"liberation" plan. These kids can't find water,
nor food which hasn't been contaminated.
They're perishing from cancers and other
diseases caused by the U.S. releasing
biological/chemical weaponry, and depleted
uranium, on them.
The estimates — as far as the Iraqi
casualties, among the children, and
amongst the civilian population of
Iraq, since the Gulf War I — is on the
estimate of two and a half million. ºººº
ºººº Ibid.
"How is this depleted uranium dispersed?"
U.S. and Coalition soldiers are given bullets
238 109
and bombs with this stuff inside them, and
told to fire at will. Depleted uranium rounds
come in 20, 25, 30, 50, and 120 millimeter
shells, "bunker buster" bombs, and cruise
missiles. Once these projectiles hit a target,
they explode, releasing their lethal cargo into
the environment.
The incidence of childhood cancer in
Basra — [a city in Iraq with nearly
three million people] — now has gone
up 700 percent, or seven times. We've
never seen this in medicine before.
— pediatrician, and president of
The Nuclear Policy Institute,
Helen Caldicott, MD ººººº
ººººº Ibid.
Much of the Middle East is arid desert. Sand
in this region is carried vast distances, via
dust storms. Hence, depleted uranium
deposits in Afghanistan and Iraq end up
elsewhere. There's strong indication — based
ROOM 101 110
on uranium spikes thousands of miles away,
that coincide with the dissemination of this
lethal material — it already has.
People all over the world are going to
inhale this dust, in various
concentrations — depending upon the
weather patterns, and the weather
So there will be a big spike of uranium
genetic damage in the world genome
population, not just in the people, but
in the animals — in the earthworms,
in the birds, in the rats, in the deer; in
every single living system that lives in
zones where this uranium will have
gone to.
And this will lead to increases in
infertility, to increases in birth
defects, to increases in cancer,
increases in a whole range of
illnesses. It's a very, very serious
— Scientific Secretary of the
European Committee on Radiation
Risk, Dr. Christopher Busby ºººººº
ºººººº Ibid.
239 111
So, next time you're voting, and thereby
giving the enemy life, realize by doing so,
you're perpetuating this genocide. A
genocide not only of those in Afghanistan
and Iraq, but of you, and your immediate
family, as well.
Beyond Treason. Dir. William Lewis. Perfs. William Cohen,
Matt Gonzalez, David Huxsoll. BridgeStone Media Group.
Gulf War Syndrome: Killing Our Own. Dir. Gary Null. Perfs.
George W. Bush, Joyce Riley, Dr. Doug Rokke. Gary Null &
Associates. 2007.
Into Eternity: A Film for the Future. Dir. Michael Madsen.
Perfs. Carl Reinhold Brakenhjelm, Mikael Jensen, Berit
Lundqvist. Atmo Media Network. 2010.
The Battle of Chernobyl. Dir. Thomas Johnson. Perfs. Tim
Birkett, Hans Blix, Mikhail Gorbachev. Play Film. 2006.
ROOM 101 112
Interview — Dennis Kyne — Depleted Uranium
Dr. Doug Rokke — Depleted Uranium
All plastic is oil. Most paints, all
pesticides, are made from oil.
Everything from toothpaste to
toothbrushes is made from oil. There
are seven gallons of oil in every tire.
There is nothing anywhere, in any
combination, that will replace the
edifice built by fossil fuels. Nothing.
— Michael C. Ruppert *
* Collapse starring Michael C. Ruppert
ROOM 101 114
What would happen if Earth suddenly ran out
of oil? Do you even realize oil is a finite
resource, and will someday run dry?
It's true. There's only so much of it in the
ground. When it's gone, it's gone.
What's more, we don't know how much oil
remains in the planet. We don't have
technology to determine such. Hence, we're
left to guess. We can keep plunging our
machinery into the soil, but we're not sure
where, or if, rich reserves remain.
We do know oil will someday run out. We'll
always have a scant amount, but nowhere
near enough to keep things running the way
they do now. Oil is vital to our society. We're
addicted to it!
Without it, not only do cars stop running, but
manufacture of vehicles becomes obsolete,
since oil is required to build them. Tires are
made of oil, and so is much of your auto's
interior — from dashboard to stick shift, and
anything plastic. What about the rubber
around your windows, and belts, cables, caps
and tubes within your engine?
Machines used to fabricate cars require oil.
You can't construct these mechanized tools
without petroleum to transmit the parts
they're comprised of.
And we're just talkin' cars here. What about
planes, ships and other modes of
transportation? All rely on oil, in order to
become a reality. No more oil means no more
plane flights…anywhere…for anyone.
But let's ponder beyond travel. Since your
cell phone is largely comprised of plastic,
ROOM 101 116
your days of texts and tweets are numbered.
Walk around your house, and determine how
many items within are composed of, or use,
plastic in their manufacture.
A preponderance of containers; receptacles
your laundry soap comes in, and the plastic
bags used to carry them from the grocery
store. Air conditioning covers, bath mats,
condoms, credit cards, drills, key parts,
licenses, office supplies, pill bottles,
sunglasses, tool handles — and so much more
— use plastic in their final products.
But even items not comprised of plastic
require oil to become a reality. Your house
wasn't produced without prodigious
petroleum. There's fuel to power saws, used
to cut the trees down. And then, of course,
there's oil to ship those trees — on
petroleum-burning trucks — to the
From there, that raw wood is cut into pieces
customized for your home. This requires
labor. Labor, no less, who drive to their "jobs"
in vehicles powered by fossil fuel.
That finished wood is shipped to a
manufacturer who packages it, using plastic.
If oil ran out tomorrow — since we're unsure
how much is left — society may collapse.
A few more things we know: As long as
there's money, people lie. Thus, those
extracting oil will never admit they're running
out. It's bad for business, and revolutions
destroy corporations. As a result, we might
be nearly dry, and not even aware of it.
We also know it's far more expensive to drill
ROOM 101 118
for oil offshore than on land. Thus, when
current top producers — like Saudi Arabia —
begin mining petroleum in the ocean, you
know they're runnin' low. Offshore oil rigs,
used by this nation, are cause for concern. If
ample petroleum is left in Saudi Arabia, why
would those doing the extracting spend
exceedingly more to drill for it at sea?
Known as peak oil, it's the maximum amount
of petroleum humans will extract from Earth.
Peak oil represents at least half of this
planet's supply. After that, everything is in
decline. Due to how quickly we consume it,
perhaps steady decline.
The term was first introduced by geologist
and geophysicist M. King Hubbert, decades
ago. Hubbert correctly projected United
States peak oil — that is, the maximum
amount of oil produced in the U.S. — would
be reached in the 1970s.
Many believe we've already achieved peak
oil, globally. Others feel such is a long way
off. Without a method of determining how
much petroleum remains, how are we to
Doesn't frenzied use of this resource —
without a suitable back-up — seem a recipe
for disaster? Isn't determining how much oil
is left, so we can monitor our consumption of
it, more intelligent?
If you reside in a freezing tundra, you don't
chop down all the trees at once, burning
them immediately, for warmth. If you did,
you'd die. First, you determine how dense the
forest is, and how deep it goes. From this,
you conclude how many trees you can fell, so
you won't run out in the middle of winter.
ROOM 101 120
Until mankind surrenders to the fact
that it lives on a finite planet, and it
must have balance with that planet —
with the planet's resources, with the
animal life and all the other life —
there can be no happiness for
anything. Anything. It's all about
getting balance back. […]
The challenge being faced by the
human race now is either evolve, or
perish; either grow up, or die. **
** Ibid.
Hydroelectric semi trucks are currently being
produced. As such, will our fuel conundrum
be mitigated, when oil runs out? Even so,
what of the countless other products we
depend on every day, due to petroleum? How
will those be replaced?
Peak oil or not, this resource will run dry. Now
that we're dependent on it, how do we
replace it? What if technology we're reliant
upon today, isn't available tomorrow? When
oil runs out, will only the monetarily rich be
able to afford vehicles and other items
currently at our disposal?
It's not solely a matter of running out of oil;
it's how detrimental our consumption of
Earth's resources has become.
Due to fracking, folks in the Midwest are able
to ignite water that's emitting from their
home faucets. ***
*** Light Your Water on Fire From Fracking
This is water people drink! Gulpin' gallons of
methane can't be good.
And what of the hundreds of earthquakes
suddenly occurring in Oklahoma — where
fracking's immense business? Damaging the
planet, in blind pursuit of cash, is retarded!
ROOM 101 122
You're willfully ruining the one and only
spaceship you travel on, in order to collect a
bunch of useless strips of paper. Would you
drill holes in the cruise ship you're at sea in, so
you can fill your bank account with cash? If
so, you're sick; mentally deranged.
It's like Chief Seattle said: "Not until
you have killed the last fish, and cut
down the last tree, and poisoned the
last river, will you discover that you
cannot eat money." ****
— Michael C. Ruppert ****
**** Apocalypse, Man (Part 3)
Blinded by greed, you don't care what you're
doing to this planet — the only home you
have in this cosmos. Nor do you care what
you're doing to humanity, which includes
yourself. That's insane, and even the most
articulate of tongues can't mount an
argument to refute such.
All of the leaders of the industrialized
world who are talkin' about growth, and
who are serving the IMF, the world bank,
and the U.S. dollar hegemony, and
infinite growth, monetary paradigm —
which is a pyramid scheme — have
absolutely no concern; a complete
psychotic disconnect for our relationship
with the planet. *****
***** Apocalypse, Man (Part 2)
Lunatics you elect as "leaders" are
psychopathic. Moreover, you're emulating
them. That means you're striving to be
You'll never understand what their end game
is, because they're insane! They solely want
to "win," even if doing so means killing
themselves in the process! There's no way to
comprehend madness, because it's
ROOM 101 124
madness. There's no rhyme nor reason to it.
Take a look at what you've become. This is
the creepiest of conclusions. It doesn't have
to be this way. You have the power — you are
the power — and can eliminate this evil.
An ear of corn has value; a barrel of
oil has value. […]
The people who have run the
monetary paradigm — the economic
paradigm — since money was first
invented, have wanted to mystify it,
and to make everybody believe that
only some expert could understand
the mumbo jumbo of the priesthood
of money. ******
****** Collapse starring Michael C. Ruppert
Again, money is only strips of paper; IOUs.
There's nothing complex about it. Attempting
to make yourself appear "wise," because you
"understand" money, only
makes you look like a douche bag to those
plugged in to reality.
Three things only anybody needs to
know about the way money works
around the world, today:
One. Fiat Currency. What is money?
If I were to take a bill out of my wallet
— and I reach in my wallet, and I pull
out this bill — it's $20. Wow. Okay.
Can I eat it? Can I roll it up, and chew
it? Do I get calories and vitamins? No, I
Can I crumple it up, and throw it in my
gas tank? Is the car gonna go
anywhere? No, it's gonna clog the fuel
injectors, maybe.
This is only a symbol. This doesn't
mean anything; it's fiat; it's created
out of thin air, because somebody
turned on a printing press. That's all it
is. […]
Then we have something called
fractional reserve banking. If you were
to bring me a $10 deposit, I could
make $90 worth of loans, based on
just having that $10 in my drawer,
because it's all calculated on the
premise that not everybody's gonna
come in and want their cash all at
once. That's called a run on the bank.
ROOM 101 126
Pretty much everybody is
understanding how compound
interest works. The higher the interest
rate on your credit card — for those
people who had 20, 25 percent cards
— that means they're creating that
much more money, if they don't pay
cash every month.
What I have just described is a
pyramid scheme.
We live in an infinite growth
paradigm, which requires growth
forever. It's not that Bernie Madoff was
a pyramid scheme, or [Allen] Stanford
was a pyramid scheme. The whole
economy is a pyramid scheme. The
whole global economy cannot be
sustained. It requires infinite growth,
but infinite growth collides with finite
energy. *******
******* Ibid.
I hate writing these books! If we existed in a
rational paradigm, I wouldn't have to.
Even more painful is the fact I have no
support. The information I'm disseminating —
an amalgamation of facts — is so hurtful to
consider, even my friends refuse to
peruse. I've been writing for more than a
quarter of a century, and my material goes
largely unread. That's agonizing!
Such stated, I'm superlative at my craft, and
aware I'm distributing truth. Still, why do I
torture myself?
If there was a German in 1932, '33
who had the foresight to look ahead,
and to see what the inevitable end
result of the Third Reich would be, if
there was somebody who had seen
that coming, do you honestly think
that they could — in good
[conscience] — turn around and walk
away from it, and pretend it wasn't
there? […]
We are all collectively, as a species,
responsible for what may be the
greatest preventable holocaust in the
history of planet Earth; our own
suicide. How do you walk away from
that? How do you sleep at night? Who
is anybody — who are you — to tell
me it would've been easier to walk
away? […] Because to walk away
would've meant to compromise; to
walk away would've meant selling out.
******** Ibid.
ROOM 101 128
Collapse. Dir. Chris Smith. Perfs. Michael C Ruppert.
Vitagraph Films. 2009.
The universe is probably littered with the
one-planet graves of cultures which
made the sensible economic decision
that there's no good reason to go into
space — each discovered, studied, and
remembered by the ones who made the
irrational decision.
— Randall Munroe *
* Randall Munroe
ROOM 101 130
What does selling phone plans have to do with
coordinating a manned mission to Mars?
Absolutely fuckin' nothing.
How 'bout stocking shelves at Kmart?
Not a goddamned thing.
Your security guard gig?
Still no correlation.
Do we actually believe government — the
same institution that makes us homeless,
when we don't pay its extortion fees,
disguised as "taxes" — has this overarching
plan to transform our wasted lives of
servitude into a trip to the Red Planet?
Are we so naive we think, by sweatin' it out
as Subway "sandwich artists," in some
fucked-up, and completely invisible way,
we're bringing humanity closer to colonizing
one of our nearest planetary neighbors?
As we scrub toilets, at downtown office
buildings, are we exuberant in our knowledge
we're providing an escape plan for our kind,
when Earth is no longer habitable?
Are we fuckin' high?!?
NASA — the government — is a joke, and
wants nothing to do with space exploration,
nor the colonization of Mars. Such is only too
obvious. Cosmically, we never get anywhere,
and anytime somebody discovers how we
can, bureaucracy destroys their plan.
These fuckers want us trapped on this planet.
If prisoners can escape, they're no longer
ROOM 101 132
prisoners, are they?
Ever asked yourself how we went to the Moon
40-plus years ago — during an epoch without
personal computers — but now, in an age of
near-instantaneous global communication,
we can't go anywhere in our solar system?
How is it we were able to land on the lunar
surface pre-VHS days, but in our paradigm of
cloning and 3-D printing, we're stuck on
Earth, traveling nowhere else?
Again, government wants you here. If you
stray, they can't control you. If you realize
interplanetary — as well as interstellar —
travel is feasible, you're gonna demand they
pump all that cash they're counterfeiting into
doing so. And they'd rather spend those
useless pieces of paper on perpetuating wars
— wars they monetarily profit from, no less.
In a money system — which is solely about
control — you ain't goin' anywhere. They'll
lie to you they're working on "it," but "it"
furtively means "nothing."
If you lived on a desert island, wouldn't the
first thing you thought about be how to
escape? Then why haven't you ever
ruminated about how to get to Mars?
You do realize Earth is a desert island, from
which you've no feasible evacuation plan,
should this planet no longer be habitable,
don't you? Say there's an errant asteroid
headed our way, that will obliterate life on
our blue-green speck of dust. Where are you
gonna go, and how are you gonna get there?
You don't even have lifeboats with which to
float into the vast cosmic ocean, do you?
Why do you think that is — being it's so
ROOM 101 134
blatantly important?
It's because you've been brainwashed to
believe that selling insurance, being
Scottsdale's "number one real estate
broker," or driving for Uber not only matter,
but are integral to our survival, as a species.
The above definitively proves they aren't,
and you're simply being used up and
executed in this sick pyramid scheme.
In the midst of this comes the Mars Direct
program, as designed by former Martin
Marrieta aerospace engineer Robert Zubrin.
Bob was tired of hearing the same excuses
from government, whenever he asked, "Why
the fuck aren't we going to Mars?!" Thus, he
and a colleague devised a viable modality for
setting foot on the Red Planet.
Zubrin's methodology is known as Mars
Direct, and it was heralded worldwide by
laymen and fellow scientists. Even NASA
claimed they loved it. Of course they hated
it, since it meant a feasible escape plan for
the slaves. Hence, because it's doable, they
shut it down.
As Robert stated:
The question of whether we can do
humans to Mars in 10 years is somewhat
analogous to the question of how much
rope does it take to connect two posts
separated by a distance of 10 meters.
In principle, it could be done with 10
meters of rope. On the other hand, if
you let the rope be tangled every which
way, it could take an infinite amount of
So the answer to the question is
dependent upon whether you actually
wanna connect the two posts, or
whether you're tryin' to sell rope. **
— Robert Zubrin **
** Humans to the Red Planet Within a Decade
ROOM 101 136
According to Zubrin, NASA's plans for a
manned Mars mission were all about sales.
Paying proprietors — those selling the
technology — was the name of their game.
As such, the price tag for the government's
proposals were astronomical. Hence, these
"blueprints" were designed to fail, since
government knew nobody would foot the bill.
Mars Direct, however, went the logical route.
The only question this program asked was:
"How do we get to Mars the simplest way
NASA plans would've loaded the spacecraft
with fuel necessary not only for the initial
trip, but the return to Earth, as well.
As Zubrin asks, "Did Lewis and Clark carry all
the supplies they needed, in order to make it
to the west coast?" Of course not. If they
had, they would've been too burdened to
move by an exponential amount of
provisions. Instead, they lived off resources
discovered during their adventure. Zubrin
suggests such is needed for Mars Direct.
Robert's big on ERVs — Earth Return Vehicles
— sent sans crew to Mars, prior the manned
mission. These rockets hang out on the
surface of the planet, awaiting arrival of their
human pilots. Within the ERVs, we've the
technology to create methane oxygen —
rocket fuel — from the copious quantity of
carbon dioxide found on Mars. This propellant
is stored in the ship's fuel tanks.
After the astronauts land, they carry out
their directives, hop in one of the ERVs —
with a full gas tank — fire up the engines, and
ROOM 101 138
head home. Again, Zubrin's Mars Direct is
simple, and thereby viable.
The Hab — the spacecraft in which the crew
travel from Earth — is left on Mars, vacant
and awaiting a second mission. When this
next sojourn happens — identical to the first
— a second Hab is left on the Red Planet, and
connected to that which is already there.
After the third mission, the same, and so on.
By adding and connecting these living
quarters, you build a small city on the
surface, with room for half a dozen more
people — the number of humans a Hab holds
— each mission.
Thus, after 10 missions, you'd have 10 Habs
on Mars, all connected together, able to
accommodate 60 people.
Makes ya' wonder how big the village
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
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Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101
Room 101

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Room 101

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. ROOM 101 by Hugh Mungus © 2018. Hugh Mungus CreateSpace
  • 4.
  • 5. © 2018. Hugh Mungus First Edition All Rights Reserved ISBN-13: 978-1725056954 ISBN-10: 172505695X CreateSpace 7290 Investment Drive, Suite B North Charleston, SC 29418
  • 6.
  • 7. "You asked me once," said O'Brien, "what was in Room 101. I told you that you knew the answer already. Everyone knows it. The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world." — 1984 * ** * ** 1984 Orwell, George. 1984. (1949, 1961). New American Library. ISBN: 0451524934
  • 8.
  • 10.
  • 13. 1 SEASON THREE, EPISODE 14 This is where we are right now, as a whole. No one is left out of the loop. We are experiencing a reality based on a thin veneer of lies and illusions. A world where greed is our God and wisdom is sin, where division is key and unity is fantasy, where the ego-driven cleverness of the mind is praised, rather than the intelligence of the heart. — Bill Hicks * * Bill Hicks
  • 14. ROOM 101 2 In our society, we're forced to pay, in order to survive. If we don't pay, we die. Even so, we still believe we're free! Our departure from reality is so vast here, we'll have to dig deeper than the Mariana Trench, in order to convince ourselves such isn't insane. The very nature of paying means something isn't free! Thus, how can you experience freedom, if others are violently coercing you to constantly pay them? How can you be free, if you're annihilated, should you refuse to pay? You can't. And if you don't find bills and taxes to be violent, try not paying them. You'll be rendered homeless. Existing on the street —
  • 15. SEASON THREE, EPISODE 14 3 scrounging for food, water and shelter — equates to suffering, and a rapid death. If you don't feel such is violent, then you should fabricate your own definition of this term, since defines violence as: "caused by injurious or destructive force." You're forced from your home. You're forced onto the street. You're forced to beg for food. All three are destructive to your survival, so what isn't violent about bills and taxes?! As previously proven in my other works, both are nothing more than threats: "If you don't pay us this money, we'll shut off your heat in the middle of winter. We don't
  • 16. ROOM 101 4 care if you're 97 years old, and living in Minnesota." "Pay us this amount, or we'll steal your car, as well as your home, and refer to it as remuneration for 'back taxes.' " More sick than a pediatric cancer patient given six hours left to live, isn't it? You build a house with your own hands, and when you're finished, you're elated. You've just created — or made — something, thanks to your own perseverance and talents. You compose a concerto that took you three years to complete, and countless hours spent mastering the classical guitar — on which it's played. You're ecstatic! Again, you've experienced the rush of creation, and made something.
  • 17. SEASON THREE, EPISODE 14 5 I write and publish blogs and books. In order to do so, I research — reading thousands of tomes and countless documents. When I'm finished, I'm euphoric, as I've just made something. When you cash your paycheck, or store money in the bank, you haven't made anything. Yet, you're brainwashed into believing that's exactly what you've done. "Last year, I made $300,000." "I made so much money this month, I don't have to work for the rest of the summer." I'm not making as much as I used to." Since making is creation, and you're not making anything — you're simply accumulating cash — have you ever stopped
  • 18. ROOM 101 6 to consider such terminology may have been intentionally employed to brainwash you into believing you're actually doing something productive? Retarded folks all the time thrill to "making $500 in tips" or "making more than my dad ever made," even though they've never made any money at all. Neither has daddy-o, nor his dad before him. If you still erroneously believe you've made money, show me your printing press, your master dies, your engraving tools, your ruling machine, your pantograph and your geometric lathe. No, you haven't made any money, have you? But you sure have been trained — like some performing monkey — to believe you have. And since you equate exhilaration with the
  • 19. SEASON THREE, EPISODE 14 7 process of creation, you feel this sense of euphoria every time you make money, don't you? Even though, you're not doing anything but acquiring naturally worthless pieces of paper. This is what we're all brainwashed into accepting, when we squander our existences in a blind quest for cash. Back in reality, we've made nothing, and are wasting precious moments we could be using to figure out what this Universe is; who we are; how to escape this planet, should we be forced to evacuate it, etc., etc., etc. Humanity on Earth can be summed up by the original Twilight Zone installment Five Characters in Search of an Exit — otherwise known as season three, episode 14. In this classic of critical cogitation, five
  • 20. ROOM 101 8 people — a bagpipe player, a ballerina, a clown, a hobo and a soldier — awaken, confused, inside a massive cylinder. Even though the top of this structure is open to the sky, the walls comprising it are too high and sheer to climb. Thus, the players in this drama are unable to determine where they are, or what resides beyond their confines. "Where are we? What are we?! Who are we?!?" the soldier shouts. In the macrocosmic scheme of this Universe — let alone a possible Multiverse — none of us knows where we are. None of us knows what resides beyond this prison we call Earth. None of us knows who we are. We've been informed were humans, but what does that mean? Moreover, those who've promulgated we're Homo sapiens have also lied to us we're free, while clandestinely enslaving us.
  • 21. SEASON THREE, EPISODE 14 9 To the best of our knowledge, we — as a species — are atop a microscopic sphere, enveloped by monumental darkness that's cold and inhospitable. Sounds eerily similar to the situation the characters from the aforementioned Twilight Zone episode find themselves in. Most of us haven't begun to awaken yet, but for those who have, we're asking the same questions as the soldier: "Where are we? What are we?! Who are we?!?" We can't escape our confines — planet Earth — and the five characters in search of an exit can't leave their environment. Unable to scale the steep wall surrounding them, they're trapped. Not capable of venturing off this celestial body, and making a new home, we also find ourselves imprisoned.
  • 22. ROOM 101 10 "We don't know who we are," the ballet dancer replies. "We don't know where we are. Maybe we're on a spaceship. […] Maybe we're all insane, or maybe this is a mirage; an illusion." As previously proposed in my earlier tomes — and originally broached by R. Buckminster Fuller in Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth — this planet appears to be a massive spacecraft. It's easily provable the majority of our population is insane, since we allow psychopaths to nuke us, and continue electing them as our "leaders." Hint: Well over 1,000 nuclear tests conducted on you, the populace — by your own government — and we can't figure out why we're dropping dead from cancers?!
  • 23. SEASON THREE, EPISODE 14 11 As far as an illusion is concerned, how much more delusional a scenario do you want than one in which we kill ourselves for intrinsically meaningless pieces of paper — known as cash? Again, can't eat 'em, drink 'em, nor inhale 'em. Fuckin' useless! The ballerina continues: "Each of us woke up one moment, and here we were in the darkness. […] We're nameless things with no memory, no knowledge of what went before; no understanding of what is now, no knowledge of what will be." Each of us simply was one day, and as we gazed at what surrounded us, off this planet, there was blackness. Look at the characters, themselves, in this Twilight Zone episode. All are varied in appearance, origin and nature, in the same
  • 24. ROOM 101 12 fashion our species is diverse. Moreover, like the players in this installment, we're all thrown together in our drama. We don't know how we got to this place, and neither do they. All we comprehend is each of us woke up one day, and found ourselves here…wherever here is. Akin to those in Five Characters in Search of an Exit, we're confused, frightened and lonely. We're confused because we don't know who we are. We're frightened, since we reside in this horrific paradigm in which we can be rendered homeless, starving or dead at any moment. We're lonely because we realize we're born alone, and each of us dies that way. Would it surprise anyone if whatever created this Universe is Rod Serling? You perish, and there's 5 foot 4 1/2 inches of The Twilight
  • 25. SEASON THREE, EPISODE 14 13 Zone creator, chain-smoking and tellin' you what's what. It's into this backdrop Hugh finds himself deposited. I understand we're all slaves; I comprehend those who "lead" us are, in reality, our mortal enemies; I realize things like "countries," government and politics don't exist. When I attempt to show people such, I'm ostracized, ignored or attacked. I wonder if any of the cows awaken to their situation — whilst grazing in the field, prior to slaughter — and try to warn the other cattle. SOURCES: BOOKS: Fuller, R. Buckminster. (2008). Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth. Lars Muller. ISBN: 9783037781265
  • 26. ROOM 101 14 ONLINE EPISODES: Five Characters in Search of an Exit: EPISODES: Five Characters in Search of an Exit. The Twilight Zone. Dir. Lamont Johnson. Perfs. Susan Harrison, William Windom, Murray Matheson. Teleplay. Rod Serling. Cayuga Productions, Inc. 1961.
  • 27. 15 SCAMMED None of us chose to be born into this world; none of us chose who we would be. But all of us have the choice to change what we've become. — The Questions We Never Ask * * The Questions We Never Ask
  • 28. ROOM 101 16 Watching people travel to Four Corners — to be in four "states" simultaneously — is surreal. What if authority decided the configuration of the "states" needed to be altered, and the Four Corners region was suddenly somewhere else? Would people travel to that made-up place, in order to stand in four "states," as well? What if authority decided six "states" would now be touching, or eight, or 10? Would people be fatuous enough — because, at this point, you'd really be one stupid fucker — to travel to that make-believe place, in order to exist in 10 "states"? And what if authority decided there was no more Four Corners; and Arizona, Colorado,
  • 29. SCAMMED 17 New Mexico and Utah no longer converged in one spot? Would folks stop making the trek to this area? If so, why? The land, at that point, hasn't changed. The only thing that's different is what some authority — one you've never even met — is telling you. Now, don't you feel stupid for believing in concepts as silly as "states"? Those who've created these non-existent territories have you certain you're actually going someplace that never was. If authority promulgated a point on the planet was the center of this Universe, would people be so credulous as to frequent that esoteric spot, as well? If authority declared a particular region to be the birthplace of Jesus, would multitudes travel there — even though there isn't a
  • 30. ROOM 101 18 single historical document proving Christ ever existed? Of course. People make the trek to Bethlehem all the time, to pay homage to a personage who — by all verifiable fact — never was. If someone told you a house existed at a location, and you traveled to that spot, only to find no home, would you believe that domicile existed? Moreover, if somebody attempted to sell you that house — after you'd visited the locale, and verified there was no residence — would you purchase that non-existent dwelling? You'd be a fool if you did, correct? Then why believe politicians — whom you've never met — when they inform you "states" or "countries" are real? You can easily prove these duplicitous dickheads are scamming you, by traveling to these supposed regions
  • 31. SCAMMED 19 and finding no borders separating them from other, equally fictitious, territories. If the bastards are so blatantly lying, why do you allow them to control your existence? Why do you keep voting for them, and placing them in positions of power? You won't buy a non-existent home, but you'll pay "taxes" — extortion fees — to non- existent countries?! If you don't see the lunacy in following such a ludicrous course of action, give this book to somebody who isn't mentally and spiritually retarded. At what point do you realize you're being used by authority? How many people have to openly profess their hatred for the IRS, before we stop conjuring up the lamest excuses to justify government? Since we've already been nuked by these bastards
  • 32. ROOM 101 20 thousands of times, what exactly will it take for us to eradicate this controlling force that has always been the mortal enemy of humanity? When a person is willing to believe in that which provably is not there, that's a person who's been brainwashed, and can no longer think for himself. Such is someone we'd all be wise to avoid, since that human can be manipulated into doing anything, including committing murder. Hence, soldiers — people indoctrinated into killing their own race, and paid for doing so. We laud our erroneous, and self-appointed "superiority" over other species on this planet, grateful we're not as barbaric as cannibals. Of course, we overlook the monumental hypocrisy here.
  • 33. SCAMMED 21 As humans, we kill our own constantly. Over two and a half million murdered in Iraq — the vast majority of them civilians — is proof of such. How many Homo sapiens were obliterated by other Homo sapiens in Korea, Vietnam, or what folks have misnomered World War I and II? People kill other people all the time, and it's not only condoned, it's rewarded — soldiers receive medals for murdering fellow humans. Quite often, murder isn't even viewed as such. Should military — from the fictional territory known as the "United States" — murder military from some other, equally fictional "country," it's portrayed as heroic. Of course, if a U.S. soldier is killed in combat, it's categorized as just that; murder, and labeled an atrocity in "America." Same fuckin' action, two hypocritical and illogical
  • 34. ROOM 101 22 responses. Furthermore, at least cannibals eat their victims — thereby not wasting food — and thus killing for a purpose. Soldiers murder other people all the time, and don't consume their casualties…since that would be abhorrent! Somehow, slaughtering people and eating them — thereby providing nourishment — is seen as repugnant; but brutally murdering them, and wasting the sustenance their dead body could provide is okay. I'm not condoning cannibalism, but what weirdo came up with this obviously irrational code of ethics? Humans killing other humans is never justifiable.
  • 35. 23 BRAINWASHED FROM BIRTH Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother. * — 1984 ** * I am not Winston Smith. — Hugh Mungus ** 1984 Orwell, George. 1984. (1949, 1961). New American Library. ISBN: 0451524934
  • 36. ROOM 101 24 Writing these books is more difficult than watching daytime television without slashing one's wrists. That arduous nature doesn't stem from a lack of ideas, nor the pain of creation. I love writing! The problematic part comes in the fact I have to kill myself for 3,600 minutes a week, in order to retain a roof over my head, so I can find four hours — every seven days — with which to scrawl these words. This system is designed so that we'll agonize monumentally, should we attempt to contradict it. I know: I've had my house stolen by the government. Thanks to this bureaucracy, I've been homeless, and rendered emaciated; watched my stepfather die a horrific death, observed my mom's brain and body being eaten alive; witnessed countless friends suffering for no
  • 37. BRAINWASHED FROM BIRTH 25 reason at all; and viewed our species slaughtering itself for absolutely fuckin' nothing! Hitler's minions believed him, didn't they? So did Genghis Khan's. Ancient Roman citizens rationalized their society — a blatantly bloodthirsty one — was superlative. Doesn't it stand to reason future generations, gazing back on the war machine known as "America," will view us — the blind populace supporting this force that demands we kill our own species — in the same light? Of course they will, if we don't annihilate ourselves prior. "America" has harnessed the ability to eradicate all of humanity on Earth. There's nothing more detrimental to our species than that. Nothing! Neither Hitler's ignorant followers, nor
  • 38. ROOM 101 26 Khan's, nor the duped masses of Rome can claim such. Yet, we still view ourselves as "the good guys." Hence, we're demented and deranged! When brainwashed from birth to believe something — even if that something is a flagrant, horrendous lie — most adhere to it. Take manifest destiny. It's an "atrocity" when other "countries" slaughter indigenous populations, in their quest to acquire land. That said, when the "United States" engages in the same modality, it becomes our "fate," or even our obligation, and a wondrous endeavor. Same action — the desecration of our own species — but liberally sprinkle PR, otherwise known as Edward Bernays Sauce, and something heinous becomes something admirable. When mired in a nightmare, but
  • 39. BRAINWASHED FROM BIRTH 27 informed over and over it's a dream, most choose to believe the latter. If those around them follow the same path — accepting something that's insane — it's easier to promote the lie, than oppose it. All these talking heads on the TV can't be wrong, correct? Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper and Rachel Maddow are such "well- schooled," "successful" people. They must speak the truth, right? And, of course they'd never lie to me. Not even in a system in which humans are paid to lie constantly. You're supporting a force that's created nuclear weapons, and detonated them on you thousands of times! Blitzer, Cooper and Maddow — as well as any "news" reporter on mainstream TV — are singing the praises of, and promoting this system.
  • 40. ROOM 101 28 I haven't believed in authority — government, religion, school, etc. — for decades. In that time, I've harmed no one, and helped enlighten people to the truth. What has government done during that interim? Destroyed, destroyed and destroyed. Kick this crap to the curb, people! Take your autonomy back. Don't you abhor being slaves, or have you never heard of Stockholm syndrome? *** *** Stockholm Syndrome Even though government has nuked you at least 2,053 times, you show it adoration. As bureaucracy strong-arms us to pay extortion fees — concealed as "taxes" — we continue to support it. Unless one is unhinged, how
  • 41. BRAINWASHED FROM BIRTH 29 does one exhibit love for those who are obnoxiously monetarily rich, while the rest of us fight to survive? Again, how can you look at whichever corporate clown occupies the White House, and honestly assert he's your servant?! He lives in a mansion, for fuck's sake, while you're narrowly staving off starvation! In order for authority to rationalize its existence, it's imperative the populace is kept in a constant state of suffering. Such is the only way hegemony can justify its presence. "Look at how many people are starving. We can help." "Fuck off! It's because of your stupid monetary system they're going hungry in the
  • 42. ROOM 101 30 first place. There's an overabundance of food for everyone. That's a secret as well concealed as the fact that Oprah sucks. These people aren't eating because they don't have the money with which to do so, and you know it!" You don't kill a weed by spraying its leaves; you rip the fucker out by its roots. You'll continue to go round and round — in circles that get you nowhere — if you vote, talk politics, believe in government, conclude "countries" actually exist, support a monetary system, join a church, enlist in the military, etc. You can think for yourself. You don't need that horse shit… You never did.
  • 43. 31 BEGUILED Today we may have more information than any other generation, but what good are answers, if we never begin to ask the right questions? — The Questions We Never Ask * * The Questions We Never Ask
  • 44. ROOM 101 32 "They can't be that stupid. They'll never go for it!" "They're not stupid at all. In fact, they're quite intelligent — far more than we lead them to believe." "Then how do we pull this off?" "Brainwashing." A pause. "That's it?" "As simple as it gets." "It just— Well, it just can't be that easy." "Of course it is. In their nascent state, they're simply neutral, and programmable; blobs of clay, ready to be molded into whatever we desire."
  • 45. BEGUILED 33 "They don't know they're neither inherently good nor evil?" "No. We brainwash them to believe it's simply their nature to kill one another — destroy their own, and everything around them; fill them with false guilt and fallacious sin. We lie to them they'd decimate their own species, if it weren't for us." "They actually believe that?" "Believe it?! They cling to it. They end up begging us to 'save' them, even though we're the ones exterminating them." "Wouldn't they see through this?" "We don't call it begging; we refer to it as 'voting,' and lie to them it's for their benefit."
  • 46. ROOM 101 34 "How does that work?" "We pretend they're given a choice. In reality, they're only provided a couple options, and those are dupes anyway. Whichever they choose, both carry out the bidding of the same master: Us." "Very clever." "There's nothing clever about it; it's just cruel." "But how do we ensure they keep voting?" "Again, brainwashing. We deluge them with 12 years of it, and refer to it as school." " 'School'?" "Yes, and we inform them such is necessary.
  • 47. BEGUILED 35 In addition, we flood their waking moments — outside of school — with this same indoctrination." "What does the brainwashing consist of?" "Simple divide and conquer. We tell them there are invisible lines on the planet, and then pretend they're real." "They believe in them?" "Without question." "How?" "We lie that those on the other side of these lines are their enemies. They're led to believe everyone inside their territory — encompassed by the fake lines — are their friends; everyone outside, their foes."
  • 48. ROOM 101 36 "Is it easy to carry this plan to fruition?" "Quite. Those on the other side of the non- existent lines tend to have a divergent skin tone, and speak another language. Hence, we portray them as different…even though they're not." "So, the turmoil only exists within the minds of the populace? "Yes. And it isn't enough to solely divide using the fabricated borders. Those within these imaginary territories must fight against each other, as well." "And how do you get them to do that?" "We inform them there aren't enough resources on Earth, and as a result, they'll kill each other to hoard what they need."
  • 49. BEGUILED 37 "So, there's no shortage?" "Of course not. There's an overabundance of resources on their planet — so much so, they could feed, clothe and house every one of their kind several times over." "How can you conceal something so obvious?" "We place screens in front of their faces that lie to them constantly, and supplement the indoctrination already begun by schools. The brainwashing is overwhelming; they can't escape it." " 'Screens'?" "We've named them televisions; TVs for short."
  • 50. ROOM 101 38 "So, they're forced to view these 'TVs'?" "No. That would be too overtly coercive, and run the risk of exposing us. Suffice it to say the televisions are highly addictive. Humans end up craving them to the extent of a drug; feeling incomplete without them." "But if viewing these TVs isn't compulsory, won't these humans — as you call them — stop watching them, once they realize what's being done?" "Some will." "So, how do you mitigate that dilemma?" "We marginalize those who have seen through the lies in front of those who are already addicted. As a result, the ignorant
  • 51. BEGUILED 39 ostracize their own kind — who are simply revealing us; disclosing reality." "Again, this sounds brilliant." "And again, it's nothing more than cruelty. Wait until I enlighten you about money." " 'M— money'? Am I pronouncing that correctly?" "Yes." "What is that?" "Useless swatches of fabric we brainwash them into murdering themselves for, in order to obtain." "Suicide?!"
  • 52. ROOM 101 40 "Self-imposed genocide, and most of them never even realize it." "But how—?" "Again, divide and conquer, a strict diet of indoctrination, and the promotion of erroneous scarcity. There's no need to attack them with conventional weapons. That would expose us. Via this modality, they enslave and slaughter themselves for us. A pause. "And you're certain this will work?" "Of course…We've done this before."
  • 53. 41 SERENIDAD National character is only another name for the particular form which the littleness, perversity and baseness of mankind take in every country. Every nation mocks at other nations, and all are right. — Arthur Schopenhauer * * Arthur Schopenhauer
  • 54. ROOM 101 42 Billy Joel can only claim "she's ahead of her time" for so many years, before you realize she may be wearing adult diapers at this point, or even dead by now. Humanity on Earth has become more stagnant than fetid toilet water in an abandoned apartment tenement. Most people wanna hear this as much as they wanted to hear the Macarena for the 8,000th time in the '90s. Such stated, truth is truth. And the truth is: This system we support was designed to enslave and slaughter us. There were a colossal number of homeless humans 500 years ago, and there are a tremendous amount of homeless humans today. Prodigious portions of our species were starving when the year was recorded with three digits, and copious quantities of Homo sapiens are dying of hunger now.
  • 55. SERENIDAD 43 Authority — in its various forms — has been the underpinning tenet of any society. Hence, doesn't it seem highly plausible our suffering is caused by this system? Was such pain present before government, money, religion — today's current forms of control? Who knows? That was a period before recorded history. If you had a cold for the past two years, wouldn't you attempt to deduce what was causing your malady? Wouldn't you become suspect of the things in your environment? Perhaps you moved to a vastly different climate 24 months ago; maybe you got a dog at the outset of that interim. If you logically deduce things on this microcosmic level, why wouldn't you do the same on a macrocosmic scale? Why do people blindly assume this system we're
  • 56. ROOM 101 44 following is beneficial, moreover optimal? Along the lines of fallacious foundations, let's address "countries." The idea of "countries" is nothing more than a sleight of hand. Folks venerate this "nation," and vilify that, only seeing as far as "China," "Russia," the "United States," etc. — none of which exist, of course. Want proof? Just fly above the planet, and look down. When you don't see those borders we're brainwashed to believe in, you have all the evidence you need. While people support fabricated territories, those who control this paradigm — and thus dominate humanity on this planet — surreptitiously reap the rewards. From a transaction perspective, engineers
  • 57. SERENIDAD 45 running this ruse are the superlative masters, since they've duped us all. Even so, business people will ignorantly support this paradigm, never knowing they themselves are perpetuating a system that's literally killing them. That's correct: CEOs and revered executives who blindly support this order are the most inept business people in existence. At least I know I'm a slave — aware of who my masters are in this schema. Those high up on the corporate ladder — who have no idea this is being done to them — are swindled consumers, sold the ultimate "lemon." Still, I'm castigated for my lack of "business savvy," while they're lauded for their market acumen. To quote R. Buckminster Fuller from his book Critical Path:
  • 58. ROOM 101 46 Finally, bigger ships got out of the Mediterranean and into the Atlantic, around Africa to the Orient, and then around the world. Thus, "those in the know" rediscovered that the world is a sphere and not an infinitely extended lateral plane. Great battles ensued — waged under the flags of England, France, and Spain — to determine who would become supreme master of the world's high-seas line of supply. These great nations were simply the operating fronts of behind-the- scenes, vastly ambitious individuals who had become so effectively powerful because of their ability to remain invisible while operating behind the national scenery. Always their victories were in the name of some powerful sovereign-ruled country. The real power structures were always the invisible ones behind the visible sovereign powers. ** ** Critical Path Fuller, Buckminster, R. Critical Path. (1981). St. Martin's Press. ISBN: 0312174888 Even though I'm aware of the above, I'm belittled, while multi-millionaires and CEOs — who have no clue these scams are being run on them — are revered as consummate
  • 59. SERENIDAD 47 business people. That's what you get when dealing in an illogical society. In an irrational paradigm, would you expect those who are intelligent to be lauded, or morons to be praised? Obviously the latter, since we're talking an illogical society. It's the same reason I'm chastised in this culture for being a "poor provider," due to the fact I possess very little cash. Numerous folks denigrating me have children, thereby bringing innocent life into a paradigm in which 40% of any human demographic alive today will contract cancer. Many of these children are conceived post-Fukushima — an era in which that statistic will exponentially increase, due to three nuclear reactors in meltdown.
  • 60. ROOM 101 48 Based upon these cancer facts, and these alone — not even considering we all exist under the constant threat of nuclear Armageddon; over half of us survive on $2.50 per day or less; we kill ourselves for inherently useless pieces of paper, etc. — who do you think is the "poor provider?" Me, or these people who selfishly keep having kids, and thereby subjecting blameless souls to this Hell on Earth? Again, to cite R. Buckminster Fuller from Critical Path: There can be no planetary unity until all the sovereign nations are abolished and we have but one accounting system — that of the one family aboard Spaceship Earth. Ample food and growing capacity exist on our planet to feed well every world human. But the sovereign nations and their international-trade- balancing system, and the individual hoarders of foods and other goods within the separate nations, prevent the distribution of the foods. ***
  • 61. SERENIDAD 49 *** Ibid 'Night, folks, and may god be less.
  • 62.
  • 63. 51 WHO THE FUCK IS ANDY DANZINGER? Life is short and truth works far and lives long: let us speak the truth. — Arthur Schopenhauer * * Arthur Schopenhauer
  • 64. ROOM 101 52 You sense you're part of something larger, but feel prevented from understanding what that is. "There has to be more to my existence than wasting away in this cubicle — calling and harassing people — so I can accumulate these useless pieces of paper called cash!" "Why won't bill collectors leave me alone? Don't they care I'm perpetually one paycheck from homelessness?!" "All I want to do is explore, invent and travel, but all I ever do is work!" Of course you're part of something more prodigious. Just look at the night sky. That's what we could be comprehending, but instead we struggle to keep a soul-crushing
  • 65. WHO THE FUCK IS ANDY DANZINGER? 53 oligarchy — which we, ourselves, perpetuate — from executing us. When it comes to that monumental scenario you perceive you're a component of, here's a clue: Politicians and military officials are opening up about the UFO topic. Why wouldn't they? The system they support is more illogical than using battery acid as lube during a masturbation session. Hence, numerous folks in positions of "power" are asserting we're being visited by otherworldly entities. Most of these bureaucrats don't comprehend this entire system is — and always has been — rotten to its roots, but at least they're finally discussing something of relevance. Take, for instance, Mike Gravel — former senator from Alaska, and outspoken
  • 66. ROOM 101 54 advocate of further UFO investigation. Gravel was on the board of the 2013 Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, attempting to determine if there was validity to the unidentified flying object conundrum. It was here Mike concluded, for himself, UFOs of otherworldly design have been visiting Earth for quite some time. According to Gravel: There probably are a thousand sightings a month, worldwide. […] But the United States government has been the most recalcitrant in recognizing this, officially. Now, the White House says, "Oh, we know nothing about this; there's no files on this subject." And that's really an outright lie, and crap, because we receive testimony from military people over and over again indicating there certainly was something there. […] [T]here is an extraterrestrial presence monitoring our planet, and monitoring it extensively […] I think that they are monitoring us
  • 67. WHO THE FUCK IS ANDY DANZINGER? 55 from these unidentified objects ― flying objects […]. Now, keep in mind, these people ― or whoever they are ― are far superior to us. They have at least traveled 37,000 light years, and so they have a system of propulsion ― a system of energy ― that our scientists can't fully comprehend. […] ** ** Senator Mike Gravel: Extraterrestrial Influence Eventually, ol' Mike gets pretty close to concluding what history has proven time and again: As long as there's government, it's impossible for the populace to be free: Right now, in our development, we are run by the military, and the power elites who do not want to change the present structure of energy distribution on the planet. […] The solution is not the government. That's where the problem exists. The solution is with the people, and the people need to be able to become lawmakers. All they do right now is give their power away on election day. ***
  • 68. ROOM 101 56 *** Ibid. So, Gravel comes clean, but is he the only government representative who's spoken adamantly on the subject? Not even close. See my other publications for a slew of officials who've blown the whistle on the biggest revelation in our species' history. Such stated, I'll provide a few more salient examples, proving this is a topic taken extremely seriously in the bureaucracy. How about Paul Hellyer — former Canadian Minister of National Defence — who has the following to proclaim: I am sure that there are aliens that are aware of what I'm doing; probably more than one species, because they communicate by mental telepathy, and consequently they can read your mind, and you can't hide what you're thinking even. So, they would know exactly what everyone's doing, thinking, and I'm sure I'm no exception. ****
  • 69. WHO THE FUCK IS ANDY DANZINGER? 57 **** The World's Highest Ranking Alien Believer Not something you'll hear from el presidente, as he pumps ya' full of lies: "Holy fuck! The government might shut down?! What are we gonna do?!?" "How about rejoice in our immediate freedom?" Hellyer explains: My interest in UFOs was not very great until eight years ago. When I was Minister of Defence, of course I got sighting reports, but I was too busy unifying the Canadian Armed Forces to be able to worry about them. […] There's no question the US government took this whole idea of advanced technology very seriously, and started back engineering and spending a lot of money on it soon after the crashes at Roswell in 1947. […]
  • 70. ROOM 101 58 The security rating [in regard to UFOs] was higher than for the H-bomb, and still is. That's the way it works. […] There had been lots of [otherworldly] visits to Earth ― probably going back thousands of years. But the level of activity took on a new dimension after the first atomic bomb was set off in New Mexico in 1945, and all of a sudden, the number of sightings increased. And my thesis is that because they know something we don't know ― and that is every atomic bomb that is put off on Earth has an effect on other parts of the cosmos ― they were concerned about it, and I use the idea that the children are playing with matches. They're afraid that we're gonna blow up our planet, so that it would be uninhabitable both for ourselves, and for visits from them, and they didn't like that idea. So they came down in larger, larger numbers […] ***** ***** Ibid. Whoa! Didn't catch that one during any stupid senatorial debate. Then again, these are only two examples of prominent figures in this fucked-up freak show who've spoken out.
  • 71. WHO THE FUCK IS ANDY DANZINGER? 59 How about Brigadier General Stephen Lovekin — formerly stationed at the Pentagon — who had this to say, in regard to interactions with superior military officers: It seemed giant-like when I saw it because it was the first time I'd ever seen anything like this before, and all eyes were just peeled on that particular thing. And when he told us what it was, it was eerie there. You could've heard a pin drop in the room, when it was first mentioned. He said it had been taken from one of the [UFO] craft that had crashed in New Mexico. […] I was told that what they had there for us to deal with came from the New Mexico site, but there were other sites, and there were other crashes. They did not say where. They were not pinpointed, but it was made quite clear that that was not the only site that they had gathered information from, and also materiel. […] ****** ****** Brigadier General Stephen Lovekin, Esq.
  • 72. ROOM 101 60 When it comes to UFOs, Lovekin's testimony covers a plethora of topics. For instance: In this country, during the early '50s, numerous bases were built that would allow the president, and Congress and VIPs to go in case of attack. […] And Mt. Weather, Virginia, was one of those. […] There was equipment up there, and it was specifically told to me — when I first came there — […] there was equipment up there to deal specifically with the UFO problem. […] UFOs had been sighted around Mt. Weather, not only on one or two occasions, but on numerous occasions […]. Stories about radar lock-on [to UFOs]; yes there were, and several of those stories came out of Ohio — Wright- Patterson Air Force Base. But several others came from California, Texas, Washington — from what I can recall — but I would say there probably were between two and three hundred cases of lock-on. [...] Did I ever hear that we had picked up signals which could not be identified, or if they could be identified, were they coming in from strange craft that perhaps had given us, or put us under
  • 73. WHO THE FUCK IS ANDY DANZINGER? 61 surveillance? And yes I did hear that […]. In fact, several of the reports had come in through pilots' radios. So, whatever intelligence we were dealing with, at that time, knew how to deal with us. They knew how to communicate with us. But that they were of extraterrestrial origin; that was the belief. […] ******* ******* Ibid. Let's just pretend none of this is happening, and go back to Rachel Maddow performing anilingus on rabid raccoons. Again, take a page out of Howard Beale's book and, "turn off your television sets!" You're part of something immense — something Universal you could be exploring — but instead you settle for the insipid banality of Grey's Anatomy, Justin Bieber's shriveled sack, and a myriad of assholes you hated in high school, but now watch nightly in two- dimensions from a screen in your living room.
  • 74. ROOM 101 62 So, who the fuck is Andy Danzinger? Andy Danzinger is the man who said this: We were flying from Kansas City to Waterloo, Iowa. I was just a first officer in a commuter airline turbo prop. […] I noticed off to my right — and I was sitting in the right seat — was a white disc, just kind of thin, barely visible behind the clouds. […] It was pacing us. […] After about 40 minutes, we started our descent into Waterloo, and as we started our descent, and looked up, here's this giant, red ball just above the clouds. ******** ******** Pilot Who Flew Obama UFO Encounter Poppa "A" was Barry Obama's pilot during said politician's 2008 campaign to become Biggest Asshole on the Planet. Danzinger was also the man who asserted the following
  • 75. WHO THE FUCK IS ANDY DANZINGER? 63 when asked why aviators — many of whom see peculiar, aerial enigma — often don't report them: You don't wanna be brandished as being crazy. That was one of our concerns before we actually reported it to air traffic control. We discussed it amongst each other: Is this something that's gonna jeopardize our career? The government discounts every single report that ever seems to come out. The news media tends to — or at least, in the past, has tended to — ridicule every UFO report. ********* ********* Ibid. In fact, Danzinger didn't disclose his aforementioned encounter in 1989, until decades later. I've got a few friends who've called me and said, "Wow. Maybe this is gonna finally get this stuff out. I've seen stuff, and it's about time that somebody came forward. You're actually getting some press, and maybe people will start believing this a little bit more. **********
  • 76. ROOM 101 64 ********** Ibid. So, you hold no credence in the existence of UFOs of otherworldly nature because you, yourself, have never seen them. Such stated, you do believe in "India," "Russia," the "United States" — or any other "country" — even though you've never seen the make- believe borders around these alleged territories; never seen them because they don't exist. As a result, you have to ask yourself, "Is this rational thinking, or have I been brainwashed into believing in things that aren't there and, thus, aren't real?"
  • 77. 65 BLOWJOBS None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe * * Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • 78. ROOM 101 66 Whistleblower: definition: a person who informs on another or makes public disclosure of corruption or wrongdoing. ** ** definition of whistleblower Most whistleblowers in the United States cling to a nightmarish contract called the U.S. Constitution. They'll watch their government commit genocide, yet profess loyalty to a document that attempts to eradicate their own natural abilities. You're born, and authority exerts its will, in an effort to enslave you. However, if we choose not to adhere to the dogmas of control — be they governmental, national, religious, etc. — our race becomes free.
  • 79. BLOWJOBS 67 One only needs to read the U.S. Constitution, in order to comprehend authority has given itself the "right" to rule you. That said, only you can allow it to do so. If we, as species — which is seven billion strong — refuse to acquiesce, then we're free. Of course, we were free to begin with, prior to government, religion, school, etc. Such stated, we've chosen to be slaves to psychopaths who implement these institutions. Whistleblowers elect to remain oblivious to the fact the U.S. Constitution was written in secret, by a bunch of monetarily-affluent slave owners. Moreover, this contract magically bequeaths "rights" to those who penned it, and attempts to obliterate the natural abilities of the masses.
  • 80. ROOM 101 68 On top of this, the U.S. Constitution was never signed by a single member of the common population, let alone the entire populace. I never gave this bullshit my "okay," nor has anyone alive today. At what point do we shriek, "This has been a ruse from its inception! I was brainwashed for 12 years with 'I pledge allegiance to the flag!' I'm a slave!"? "Leaders" of any "country" want you to become a traitor to your own species by killing other humans. Now that's racism! And you've fallen for it. You claim you're "British," "Chinese," "Russian," etc. You vote, and use phrases like "proud to be an American." You embrace the military — which is nothing more than Stasi for those who've hijacked
  • 81. BLOWJOBS 69 humanity. You acknowledge the authority of those who've placed themselves in charge. You turn a blind eye to the annihilation of fellow humans all around you. How long do you think it will be before those you've put in power come for you? The NSA, and CIA and intelligence community, in general, is not audited. That is, there's no accounting for how they spend the money — how effectively or not — so it's a set-up for corruption, and fraud and waste. — William Binney, former head cryptographer for the NSA *** *** William Binney: The Future of FREEDOM No shit, Bill. All government's been a scam, since its inception. Whistleblowers continually seek Congress or
  • 82. ROOM 101 70 the Senate, when it comes to enacting justice. "Government lied to us?! Motherfuck! I'll take this to Congress, and see what they have to say!" Binney laughingly informs us we need to vote, in order to fix the situation. Appealing to Congress or the Senate, in order to make government accountable for its evil, is futile! Congress and the Senate are government. What do you think Congress is, a group of antique dildo collectors? Congress is government! Duh! When you picture the Senate, you don't envision a softball beer league, or a scrapbooking club. You think government! Then why would you ever appeal to government to rat itself out?! As long as this system is in place, those in Congress and the Senate live lavishly! Do you
  • 83. BLOWJOBS 71 really think they'll relinquish that for morals they obviously don't possess?! If some white supremacy group goes on a killing spree, you don't ask them to adjudicate their malfeasance. For whatever fucked-up reason, though, you feel government is gonna check and balance itself?! Why? Because you were brainwashed in school — a school funded by government — there's an invisible force keeping our "leaders" in line?! You probably believe in Jesus, too, don't ya'? Look around you. That force is nowhere to be found. Politicians bathe in money, while the rest of us barely have enough cash to bathe. Period! "Impeach this," and "impeach that"? What do you think is gonna happen when you
  • 84. ROOM 101 72 appeal to government — the supreme court — to exact justice on itself?! Nothing! If Jeffrey Dahmer were alive, would you ask him to determine if he was guilty of murder? Of course not! Then why do you ask government to levee a sentence on itself? One hundred times out of 100, they'll deliver a "not guilty" verdict. Why would somebody stick their own neck in the noose, especially when that somebody is corrupt? REPORTER: So just to summarize, prior to 9/11, the NSA was collecting billions of phone records on American citizens, without probable cause; that they had kinda planned on doing this from the beginning, and then they used 9/11 as an excuse to really ramp that up. Is that accurate? WILLIAM BINNEY: […] [T]hey were planning on doing it before 9/11. What they did was they used 9/11 as the excuse, or the basis, for implementing it. […] Once they started ingesting data, […] [it] averaged around 320 million
  • 85. BLOWJOBS 73 records of long distance phone calls, between U.S. citizens, inside the country, every day. That didn't count all the other communications they were managing, too. The domestic spying started with that. **** **** Ibid. William Binney was the NSA's head cryptographer. When he realized his own government was spying on U.S. citizens, and lying about 9/11, he put his lips together, and blew. REPORTER: So, we had multiple levels of security failures from our intelligence community on 9/11, and where's the list I can find of people who got fired because they didn't do their job? WILLIAM BINNEY: It would be on a blank sheet of paper. Okay? There's your list. I mean, they all got promoted, I think. They all got elevated to higher positions, and they got more money, and budgets were increased. Tripled, basically. ***** ***** Ibid.
  • 86. ROOM 101 74 Attempting to inform the public is dangerous. In 2007, government — a dozen FBI agents, armed with high-powered rifles — raided Binney's home, holding him at gunpoint, while he was in the shower. His wife and son were also assaulted, weapons in their faces. Personal items were stolen from Bill's house, and bureaucracy forced him to shut down a private business of his — which meant a loss of $300,000 income per year. Binney's existence was jeopardized, as government threatened him with indefinite prison time, all for telling the truth. That was the last straw that told me my government was so corrupt there was not much left of it worth saving. So I had to do whatever I could do to expose it, and get it out to the people […] and get outside of government, because obviously all they were gonna do was cover up for the crimes they'd been committing. ******
  • 87. BLOWJOBS 75 ****** Ibid. Still, William talks of devotion to his country. It's as if he believes those who created the most recent version of this pyramid scheme were fantastic, and a few bad apples fucked up a good thing along the way. See, you can't trust our current government. They just don't tell you the truth, anyway. […] It's all hypocritical, and they're all basically criminals, in my mind. ******* ******* Ibid. "Basically"? Either you're a criminal, or you're not. There's no gray area, here. "Well, I kinda committed murder." Brainwashed, Bill ignorantly thinks the U.S. was once a democracy…even though it was run by money-hoarding slave owners from
  • 88. ROOM 101 76 the start; the populace never in control of anything! Again, democracy is a government by the people. Those existing on the street, and begging for money, are "the people." Does it look like they're governing anything?! The population have always been monetarily poor, while politicians, filthy rich. If the people were in control, don't you think they'd make certain they had all the cash, or at least didn't want for anything? Bill, you said it yourself: They [the government] never came out and told anybody what they're really doing; or what their real understanding, or what their secret interpretation is. That's because they're too afraid; they're cowards. They're hiding a secret interpretation, applied with a secret court, in secret, by a secret government. ******** ******** Ibid.
  • 89. BLOWJOBS 77 I know it sucks admitting you've wasted your existence on this planet supporting evil. That said, what's better: Perpetuating this system that will destroy you, or eradicating it, and freeing our species? No fuckin' contest! If we get through this, future generations will look back at you the way you reflect on the blind minions who followed Hitler, and made the Holocaust a reality. Realize, Adolf only ordered 11 million destroyed; this sick plutocracy, currently in place, has seven billion facing nuclear obliteration! It's okay to say: "I've been duped." There's nothing unethical in being taken for a ride. Until whistleblowers rat out those who've hijacked humans, and feel loyalty to our species, as opposed to some non-existent thing called "America," we're fucked. Folks
  • 90. ROOM 101 78 like the late Jacque Fresco, Mark Passio and Peter Joseph may be able to usher in a new paradigm of freedom. That said, they may not. I'm not certain how much longer I can hang on by my fingernails, drowning in pain. On this note, I know there are others in the same boat. Thanks to the Internet, I've read tales of those who couldn't pay their rent, or became ill, and were unable to afford medical care. They were attempting to enlighten the masses, but could no longer stem the wave of annihilation. It's fuckin' tough, man! As a true whistleblower — one exposing atrocities perpetrated on humanity — you risk being killed by those you're attempting to save. If you still believe in religion, the U.S. Constitution, the school system, "nations,"
  • 91. BLOWJOBS 79 etc., you're killing us! Wake up to reality! What else are you supposed to do: continue pretending to believe in — and thereby supporting — dogmas designed to kill you? When you're faced with an overwhelming, life-threatening crisis — as in the Titanic being hit by an iceberg — and you happen to be aware before anybody else is that the ship is gonna sink, and there aren't enough lifeboats, and you know how to build lifeboats, and you try to deal with that in however long the Titanic had before it went down, you're likely to run across three types of passenger on the Titanic: You'll run across a type that's basically deer in the headlights: "Ship's been hit? What does that mean? What do I do? I don't know what to do. I don't know where to go? Should I do that? I don't know!" That's one group. There's another group that says, "We get that the ship's gonna sink. We get that we're all gonna die, unless we make some lifeboats, and do it fast. Show us what to do." And then you have a third group that says, "This is the Titanic. It's
  • 92. ROOM 101 80 absolutely unsinkable; un-fucking- sinkable, so we're goin' back to the bar for a drink, and all you doomsday sayers can actually just take a hike." Now, if you're the one who knows how to build lifeboats, which group of people are you gonna help? — Michael C. Ruppert ********* ********* Collapse starring Michael C. Ruppert So, here's the situation: Those we've allowed to "lead" us exist opulently. The rest of us suffer to survive. If these "leaders" expose this truth, they'll forfeit their "wealth." Do you think they're gonna skip merrily down that path? If you do — which seems to be the case, since you vote, believe in government, call yourself "American," etc. — you've been in
  • 93. BLOWJOBS 81 the closed garage with the car runnin' too long. Do millionaires walk down the street, dispensing cash to everyone? Of course not. Then why would you expect those in power to forfeit what they've worked so hard to steal? Susan Lindauer was a CIA asset — chief liaison between the U.S., Iraq and Libya — who came clean on corruption within the system she was serving. As a result, she was kidnapped, imprisoned, and nearly force-fed a chemical lobotomy of Ativan, Haldol and Prozac — by her own government — that would've rendered her a breathing vegetable. Less than 30 days after she divulged a 9/11 cover-up, fully-armed FBI agents swarmed her home, abducting her. Under the Patriot Act, Susan was thrown in Fort Worth's
  • 94. ROOM 101 82 Carswell Prison for an indefinite sentence. Not provided a trial, Lindauer underwent a five year indictment. Due to anxiety caused by the fact she wasn't informed she'd ever be released, her hair turned white. Her existence was shredded, as her phones were tapped, and her house wired. Government attempted to extend her incarceration to 10 years — without trial — planning to keep her drugged the entire time. Mainstream media refused to cover Susan's ordeal; categorizing her a crazy, religious zealot. All this because she told the truth. Lindauer refers to the Iraqi wars as "mass genocide," asserting at least one million children have been slaughtered, due to what the U.S. has done. She declares the United Nations is withholding the true count on
  • 95. BLOWJOBS 83 childhood war deaths in Iraq, since factual numbers expose genocide. ********** ********** Susan Lindauer EXPOSES Everything Although Susan has endured a horrific ordeal, she still speaks of "defending the Constitution." Brainwashed to the core! The Constitution — which does everything it can to strip the populace of its natural abilities, and enforce subjugation — needs to be eradicated. Envision walking down the street, handing everyone you pass a piece of paper with the declaration: "I have the right to take money from you." How many people would relinquish a dime, let alone fistfuls of cash? Obviously none.
  • 96. ROOM 101 84 Yet, the U.S. government gives itself the "power" to purloin prodigious portions of your paycheck — simply by penning this omnipotence into the Constitution, and referring to it as "taxes." Moreover, you pay them! Until we start fighting this battle as one human race, we'll continue to get nowhere! Claiming you're "American," or any other nationalistic moniker, is treason to your own species. Most of us have placed our beliefs in "this country" or "that," the same way one chooses a favorite sports team. Due to these "countries," we're teetering on the brink of nuclear obliteration. When you call yourself an Indian, or a Muslim, or a Christian, or a European, or anything else, you are being
  • 97. BLOWJOBS 85 violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind. — Jiddu Krishnamurti *********** *********** Jiddu Krishnamurti You refer to yourself as "American." Thus, you feel devotion to fellow "Americans." Those who've created this term brainwash you into believing anyone "not American" is different, inferior, and your enemy. Indoctrinated, you're eager to kill "non- Americans," whenever those implementing this system demand it. Hence, you massacre
  • 98. ROOM 101 86 portions of your own species — whom you've never met before — and thus, have no reason to hate. The soldier on the other side of that make- believe line; did he steal your house, put you in jail, and render you homeless? No. Your government will, though, if you don't pay it's "milk money" tithe. Even though you don't know that soldier, you hunger to destroy him, because those who've created this system command it. How do you pledge allegiance to a government? […] That's all America is is — a government. There's no such thing as "we're Americans." That's just trivial bullshit to get you rootin' for the home team, right? You're not an "American." You're a guy, […] you're a person, […] you're an individual. — Doug Stanhope ************ ************ Doug Stanhope — Liberty
  • 99. BLOWJOBS 87 Thomas Drake was a senior executive with the NSA, when he decided he needed to get some things off his chest. Unable to remain quiet over government spying on its own people, and allowing 9/11 to occur, Drake got crushed, when bureaucracy retaliated. The government itself commits massive fraud, waste, and abuse, and engages itself in wrongdoing illegality…and that's precisely what the government did after 9/11, on a vast scale. — Thomas Drake º º Government targeted Thomas, raiding his home, as well as his office, indicting him, and threatening him with 35 years prison time. Again, all for telling the truth.
  • 100. ROOM 101 88 Talk about ruining a guy's existence! The stress endured, when facing such lengthy incarceration, has to be nearly unbearable. Still, Drake speaks of protecting the Constitution he took an oath to defend. I don't get this. It takes an hour to read, and comprehend, the U.S. Constitution. I know, because I've done it a dozen times. Nobody coming away from such a snoozefest feels a sense of freedom. Nobody! You might lie to yourself you do, but when others demand money from you, tell you what you can't do, and give themselves power over you, you don't feel free. What you do feel is scared. So scared, you'll lie about being liberated…even to yourself. SOURCES:
  • 101. BLOWJOBS 89 MOVIES: Collapse. Dir. Chris Smith. Perfs. Michael C Ruppert. Vitagraph Films. 2009.
  • 102.
  • 103. 91 238 You're gonna pledge blind allegiance, and call yourself "American" for a government that fucks you on a regular basis?! — Doug Stanhope * * Doug Stanhope — Liberty
  • 104. ROOM 101 92 What if you suddenly contracted Gulf War Syndrome? "How could I?" you ask. "I'm not in the military, and have never been to Afghanistan, nor Iraq." How about if you found yourself in the hospital, in need of a blood transfusion? What if that transfusion came from a soldier who has Gulf War Syndrome? Obviously, the answers here are, "Well, then you'd suddenly have Gulf War Syndrome, as well, and would have no recourse but to suffer with it." "Where did Gulf War Syndrome come from, and what is it?" you inquire. Gulf War Syndrome is an amalgamation of
  • 105. 238 93 diseases knowingly caused by the United States government. You can attempt to debate this, but when the U.S. uses depleted uranium (DU), lethal vaccines, and biological, as well as chemical weapons on its own soldiers, the polemic ends. There's such a mountain range of evidence — firsthand testimony, official documentation, photographic, and video — damning the government, to deny such would be lunacy. "Depleted uranium? What's that?" Depleted uranium is one of the most deadly substances known to humans. Depending upon exposure levels, it can kill within days, or over a period of years. Depleted uranium — comprised of
  • 106. ROOM 101 94 uranium-238, uranium-235 and uranium-234 — will be around longer than Earth has been in existence. This planet we call home has been tactile roughly 4.5 billion years. Uranium-238 has a half-life of 4.5 billion years. Hence, if you had a pound of U-238 today, in 4.5 billion years, you'd still have half a pound of it. Depleted uranium causes a host of horrific diseases — including an array of cancers — as well as the most severe birth defects. We're talkin' babies born with no heads; infants birthed without limbs, nor eyes; some with single eyes in the middle of their foreheads — living cyclopes. Newborns delivered with organs outside their bodies; covered in immense tumors; and some that are simply formless fusions of putrified blood and flesh, unrecognizable as Homo sapiens.
  • 107. 238 95 And these genetic birth defects aren't confined to the Middle East. Chock full of depleted uranium, U.S. soldiers are coming home and fucking their wives, who are giving birth to severely deformed children. ** ** The Tiny Victims of Desert Storm All this was brought to you by what you refer to as "your" government. So, the next time you see a military enlistment propaganda commercial, destroy your television, and never look at another one. When you watch some ignorant imbecile preparing to join the armed forces, show him or her the movies Beyond Treason or Gulf War Syndrome: Killing Our Own. Break out YouTube testimonies of Gulf War veterans the likes of Dennis Kyne or Dr. Doug Rokke.
  • 108. ROOM 101 96 "Why would the U.S. government perpetrate such atrocity on its own soldiers?" If you haven't been watching, government not only doesn't care about you, it hates you! I don't know how much more emphatically this has to be proven, before you acknowledge such. In this case, "you" denotes the entire populace — which includes "its soldiers." Government steals from you, and disguises this thievery as "taxes." It threatens you, and euphemizes this malevolence as "laws." It enslaves you, and informs you it's for your own benefit. It slaughters you — via GMO proliferation, implementation of a monetary system, nuclear testing, etc. Why the fuck would it stop short by not annihilating "its own troops," as well as its citizens, via biological/ chemical warfare and depleted
  • 109. 238 97 uranium? It's brainwashed you to believe electric cars aren't feasible. Thus, we're forced to use deleterious internal combustion engines — which have caused countless deaths from cancer. This, in the face of the fact electric vehicles were produced before gas-powered, and winning races against fossil fuel-burning cars over a century ago. Suddenly, electric-powered semi trucks are "magically" possible, but for over a hundred years, we just couldn't figure out how to create viable clean engine vehicles?! *** *** Nikola One: First Hydrogen-Electric Semi-Truck Government has drowned you in radioactive fallout from Fukushima — doing nothing to
  • 110. ROOM 101 98 mitigate this problem, even though it has the means with which to rectify it…at least for 100 years. **** ***** **** The Battle of Chernobyl ***** Chernobyl Arch Reaches Resting Place Government has sold you a bill of goods on nuclear power — an energy source that uses the most lethal products known to humans, and produces equally virulent waste for which we've no method of disposal. ****** ****** Into Eternity How many times do you have to be shot — at
  • 111. 238 99 point-blank range, no less — before you realize somebody's trying to kill you?! You can conjure up as many fake excuses — and thus continue to lie to yourself — that government is somehow here for your benefit. In the meantime, however, bureaucracy will destroy us all. It won't stop until each and every one of us — including those within government — is dead. "The president would never do something like that to us. I'm proud to be an American!" "I fought for your freedom, and I resent your accusations!" "Okay, if that's your opinion." I love that last one, since it's only "my opinion" government has nuked the fuck out of the populace. We all have proof of each
  • 112. ROOM 101 100 and every atomic "test" government has conducted on us. ******* ******* List of nuclear weapons tests In addition, we've ironclad evidence government destroyed the electric vehicle as a feasible method of transportation. ******** ******** Internal Combustion: How Corporations and Governments Addicted the World to Oil and Derailed the Alternatives Black, Edwin. Internal Combustion: How Corporations and Governments Addicted the World to Oil and Derailed the Alternatives. (2007). St. Martin's Griffin. ISBN: 9780312359089 We also possess countless examples of how government profits off our suffering from cancer. Just look around you at how much money bureaucracy would stand to lose if they announced a cure for this disease.
  • 113. 238 101 Making, and keeping, people sick is huge business! On top of this, we've innumerable cases — as well as a paper trail as blatantly definitive as the 405 freeway — proving government has nuked us with depleted uranium. ********* ********** ********* Gulf War Syndrome: Killing Our Own ********** Beyond Treason To those who understand, yet fail to acknowledge what's being done to us, your deranged excuses sound like the ramblings of lunatics…because they are. "If they're doing it to everybody, it means
  • 114. ROOM 101 102 they're doing it to themselves, as well. Why would they do that?" One need look no further than the proverb of the scorpion and the turtle: A scorpion was sunning itself by the edge of a lake. As the day progressed, and the Sun descended behind the trees, he grew cold in the shade. Gazing across the pond, he longed to be on the other side, where the sunlight had yet to be extinguished by the foliage, and the warmth of the day remained. Unfortunately for the scorpion, he was unable to swim. Scrambling to the edge of the water, the arachnid spied a turtle preparing to enter the lake.
  • 115. 238 103 "Excuse me," the scorpion approached. "Would you be so kind as to give me a ride on your back across the pond?" "Are you fuckin' nuts!?" the turtle replied. "Look at the size of that hook on your tail! You'll sting me halfway across, and kill me. Beat it, douche bag. I've got swimmin' to do." With that, the turtle immersed his toe in the water, and prepared to float away. "I don't mean to sound contentious, but if I sting you, while I'm on your back, we'll both drown, won't we?" The turtle — stoned like a woman in the Old Testament having sex out of wedlock — thought about the scorpion's rationale for a moment.
  • 116. ROOM 101 104 "Fuck! You're right, man. What logic would there be in killin' yourself ?" "Exactly!" responded the scorpion. "Shit! Hop on, amigo." The turtle offered up his shell. "Let's do this before I lose my buzz." Smiling, the scorpion climbed atop the turtle's back, and they headed into the lake. Halfway across, the scorpion stung the turtle. "What the fuck, asshole?!" Immediately, the poison took hold, and the turtle began sinking. "Why the hell'd you do that!? That's not even logical!"
  • 117. 238 105 Submerging, as well, the scorpion replied, "It has nothing to do with logic. It's in my nature." I don't wanna hear: "Congress didn't know!" "They kept the information from the Senate!" "The president wasn't briefed!" Congress, the Senate and the president are government. Since government is guilty, that means "all government!" You wanna sign up with the enemy — i.e. bureaucracy — so you can have your multi-million dollar mansion, and your six BMWs? Well, when we catch the government's balls in a vice, that means those are your testicles we're squeezing.
  • 118. ROOM 101 106 The use of uranium emissions, and the destruction of Iraq's nation — Iraqi's infrastructure — has turned Iraq into a radiological, and chemically toxic, nightmare; a sewer; a garbage dump for eternity. — former Director of The U.S. Army Depleted Uranium Project, Major Doug Rokke, PhD. *********** *********** Gulf War Syndrome: Killing Our Own Remember when George Bush told "Iraqi" citizens: The tyrant will soon be gone. The day of your liberation is near. º º Ibid. Again, how do you "liberate" a populace by nuking the shit out of 'em!? Iraq is now so irradiated, it might as well be Pripyat, near Chernobyl. How could you use hundreds of tons of depleted uranium over Iraq,
  • 119. 238 107 knowing that its half-life is four and a half billion years? It'll blow in the sands of the desert forever. It'll be in the air that the Iraqi people breathe. It'll be in the vegetables they eat, and it cannot be filtered out of the water supply. So the further irony is that in the process of "liberating" Iraq, we have devastated its environment for eternity. ºº ºº Ibid. These bastards we've allowed to be in charge are lunatics, hell-bent on "owning" everything, and decimating us in the process. Is it gonna take cancer to destroy your body, before you do something? Are you gonna have to birth a kid with one eye, before you stand up to the enemy, known as government, and eradicate it!? Just imagine if any American city had 12,000 homes destroyed, causing the people in them to suffer and die. Hospitals were bombed, utility companies destroyed, and there was
  • 120. ROOM 101 108 no effort whatsoever to help the suffering civilians. ººº ººº Ibid. It's estimated 125 to 200 Iraqi children are dying every day, due to the United States' "liberation" plan. These kids can't find water, nor food which hasn't been contaminated. They're perishing from cancers and other diseases caused by the U.S. releasing biological/chemical weaponry, and depleted uranium, on them. The estimates — as far as the Iraqi casualties, among the children, and amongst the civilian population of Iraq, since the Gulf War I — is on the estimate of two and a half million. ºººº ºººº Ibid. "How is this depleted uranium dispersed?" U.S. and Coalition soldiers are given bullets
  • 121. 238 109 and bombs with this stuff inside them, and told to fire at will. Depleted uranium rounds come in 20, 25, 30, 50, and 120 millimeter shells, "bunker buster" bombs, and cruise missiles. Once these projectiles hit a target, they explode, releasing their lethal cargo into the environment. The incidence of childhood cancer in Basra — [a city in Iraq with nearly three million people] — now has gone up 700 percent, or seven times. We've never seen this in medicine before. — pediatrician, and president of The Nuclear Policy Institute, Helen Caldicott, MD ººººº ººººº Ibid. Much of the Middle East is arid desert. Sand in this region is carried vast distances, via dust storms. Hence, depleted uranium deposits in Afghanistan and Iraq end up elsewhere. There's strong indication — based
  • 122. ROOM 101 110 on uranium spikes thousands of miles away, that coincide with the dissemination of this lethal material — it already has. People all over the world are going to inhale this dust, in various concentrations — depending upon the weather patterns, and the weather flows. So there will be a big spike of uranium genetic damage in the world genome population, not just in the people, but in the animals — in the earthworms, in the birds, in the rats, in the deer; in every single living system that lives in zones where this uranium will have gone to. And this will lead to increases in infertility, to increases in birth defects, to increases in cancer, increases in a whole range of illnesses. It's a very, very serious problem. — Scientific Secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk, Dr. Christopher Busby ºººººº ºººººº Ibid.
  • 123. 239 111 So, next time you're voting, and thereby giving the enemy life, realize by doing so, you're perpetuating this genocide. A genocide not only of those in Afghanistan and Iraq, but of you, and your immediate family, as well. SOURCES: MOVIES: Beyond Treason. Dir. William Lewis. Perfs. William Cohen, Matt Gonzalez, David Huxsoll. BridgeStone Media Group. 2005. Gulf War Syndrome: Killing Our Own. Dir. Gary Null. Perfs. George W. Bush, Joyce Riley, Dr. Doug Rokke. Gary Null & Associates. 2007. Into Eternity: A Film for the Future. Dir. Michael Madsen. Perfs. Carl Reinhold Brakenhjelm, Mikael Jensen, Berit Lundqvist. Atmo Media Network. 2010. The Battle of Chernobyl. Dir. Thomas Johnson. Perfs. Tim Birkett, Hans Blix, Mikhail Gorbachev. Play Film. 2006.
  • 124. ROOM 101 112 ONLINE SOURCES: Interview — Dennis Kyne — Depleted Uranium Dr. Doug Rokke — Depleted Uranium
  • 125. 113 THE BIG PYRAMID SCHEME All plastic is oil. Most paints, all pesticides, are made from oil. Everything from toothpaste to toothbrushes is made from oil. There are seven gallons of oil in every tire. There is nothing anywhere, in any combination, that will replace the edifice built by fossil fuels. Nothing. — Michael C. Ruppert * * Collapse starring Michael C. Ruppert
  • 126. ROOM 101 114 What would happen if Earth suddenly ran out of oil? Do you even realize oil is a finite resource, and will someday run dry? It's true. There's only so much of it in the ground. When it's gone, it's gone. What's more, we don't know how much oil remains in the planet. We don't have technology to determine such. Hence, we're left to guess. We can keep plunging our machinery into the soil, but we're not sure where, or if, rich reserves remain. We do know oil will someday run out. We'll always have a scant amount, but nowhere near enough to keep things running the way they do now. Oil is vital to our society. We're addicted to it! Without it, not only do cars stop running, but
  • 127. THE BIG PYRAMID SCHEME 115 manufacture of vehicles becomes obsolete, since oil is required to build them. Tires are made of oil, and so is much of your auto's interior — from dashboard to stick shift, and anything plastic. What about the rubber around your windows, and belts, cables, caps and tubes within your engine? Machines used to fabricate cars require oil. You can't construct these mechanized tools without petroleum to transmit the parts they're comprised of. And we're just talkin' cars here. What about planes, ships and other modes of transportation? All rely on oil, in order to become a reality. No more oil means no more plane flights…anywhere…for anyone. But let's ponder beyond travel. Since your cell phone is largely comprised of plastic,
  • 128. ROOM 101 116 your days of texts and tweets are numbered. Walk around your house, and determine how many items within are composed of, or use, plastic in their manufacture. A preponderance of containers; receptacles your laundry soap comes in, and the plastic bags used to carry them from the grocery store. Air conditioning covers, bath mats, condoms, credit cards, drills, key parts, licenses, office supplies, pill bottles, sunglasses, tool handles — and so much more — use plastic in their final products. But even items not comprised of plastic require oil to become a reality. Your house wasn't produced without prodigious petroleum. There's fuel to power saws, used to cut the trees down. And then, of course, there's oil to ship those trees — on petroleum-burning trucks — to the
  • 129. THE BIG PYRAMID SCHEME 117 lumberyard. From there, that raw wood is cut into pieces customized for your home. This requires labor. Labor, no less, who drive to their "jobs" in vehicles powered by fossil fuel. That finished wood is shipped to a manufacturer who packages it, using plastic. If oil ran out tomorrow — since we're unsure how much is left — society may collapse. A few more things we know: As long as there's money, people lie. Thus, those extracting oil will never admit they're running out. It's bad for business, and revolutions destroy corporations. As a result, we might be nearly dry, and not even aware of it. We also know it's far more expensive to drill
  • 130. ROOM 101 118 for oil offshore than on land. Thus, when current top producers — like Saudi Arabia — begin mining petroleum in the ocean, you know they're runnin' low. Offshore oil rigs, used by this nation, are cause for concern. If ample petroleum is left in Saudi Arabia, why would those doing the extracting spend exceedingly more to drill for it at sea? Known as peak oil, it's the maximum amount of petroleum humans will extract from Earth. Peak oil represents at least half of this planet's supply. After that, everything is in decline. Due to how quickly we consume it, perhaps steady decline. The term was first introduced by geologist and geophysicist M. King Hubbert, decades ago. Hubbert correctly projected United States peak oil — that is, the maximum amount of oil produced in the U.S. — would
  • 131. THE BIG PYRAMID SCHEME 119 be reached in the 1970s. Many believe we've already achieved peak oil, globally. Others feel such is a long way off. Without a method of determining how much petroleum remains, how are we to know? Doesn't frenzied use of this resource — without a suitable back-up — seem a recipe for disaster? Isn't determining how much oil is left, so we can monitor our consumption of it, more intelligent? If you reside in a freezing tundra, you don't chop down all the trees at once, burning them immediately, for warmth. If you did, you'd die. First, you determine how dense the forest is, and how deep it goes. From this, you conclude how many trees you can fell, so you won't run out in the middle of winter.
  • 132. ROOM 101 120 Until mankind surrenders to the fact that it lives on a finite planet, and it must have balance with that planet — with the planet's resources, with the animal life and all the other life — there can be no happiness for anything. Anything. It's all about getting balance back. […] The challenge being faced by the human race now is either evolve, or perish; either grow up, or die. ** ** Ibid. Hydroelectric semi trucks are currently being produced. As such, will our fuel conundrum be mitigated, when oil runs out? Even so, what of the countless other products we depend on every day, due to petroleum? How will those be replaced? Peak oil or not, this resource will run dry. Now that we're dependent on it, how do we replace it? What if technology we're reliant upon today, isn't available tomorrow? When oil runs out, will only the monetarily rich be
  • 133. THE BIG PYRAMID SCHEME 121 able to afford vehicles and other items currently at our disposal? It's not solely a matter of running out of oil; it's how detrimental our consumption of Earth's resources has become. Due to fracking, folks in the Midwest are able to ignite water that's emitting from their home faucets. *** *** Light Your Water on Fire From Fracking This is water people drink! Gulpin' gallons of methane can't be good. And what of the hundreds of earthquakes suddenly occurring in Oklahoma — where fracking's immense business? Damaging the planet, in blind pursuit of cash, is retarded!
  • 134. ROOM 101 122 You're willfully ruining the one and only spaceship you travel on, in order to collect a bunch of useless strips of paper. Would you drill holes in the cruise ship you're at sea in, so you can fill your bank account with cash? If so, you're sick; mentally deranged. It's like Chief Seattle said: "Not until you have killed the last fish, and cut down the last tree, and poisoned the last river, will you discover that you cannot eat money." **** — Michael C. Ruppert **** **** Apocalypse, Man (Part 3) Blinded by greed, you don't care what you're doing to this planet — the only home you have in this cosmos. Nor do you care what you're doing to humanity, which includes yourself. That's insane, and even the most articulate of tongues can't mount an
  • 135. THE BIG PYRAMID SCHEME 123 argument to refute such. All of the leaders of the industrialized world who are talkin' about growth, and who are serving the IMF, the world bank, and the U.S. dollar hegemony, and infinite growth, monetary paradigm — which is a pyramid scheme — have absolutely no concern; a complete psychotic disconnect for our relationship with the planet. ***** ***** Apocalypse, Man (Part 2) Lunatics you elect as "leaders" are psychopathic. Moreover, you're emulating them. That means you're striving to be psychopathic! You'll never understand what their end game is, because they're insane! They solely want to "win," even if doing so means killing themselves in the process! There's no way to comprehend madness, because it's
  • 136. ROOM 101 124 madness. There's no rhyme nor reason to it. Take a look at what you've become. This is the creepiest of conclusions. It doesn't have to be this way. You have the power — you are the power — and can eliminate this evil. An ear of corn has value; a barrel of oil has value. […] The people who have run the monetary paradigm — the economic paradigm — since money was first invented, have wanted to mystify it, and to make everybody believe that only some expert could understand the mumbo jumbo of the priesthood of money. ****** ****** Collapse starring Michael C. Ruppert Again, money is only strips of paper; IOUs. There's nothing complex about it. Attempting to make yourself appear "wise," because you "understand" money, only
  • 137. THE BIG PYRAMID SCHEME 125 makes you look like a douche bag to those plugged in to reality. Three things only anybody needs to know about the way money works around the world, today: One. Fiat Currency. What is money? If I were to take a bill out of my wallet — and I reach in my wallet, and I pull out this bill — it's $20. Wow. Okay. Can I eat it? Can I roll it up, and chew it? Do I get calories and vitamins? No, I don't. Can I crumple it up, and throw it in my gas tank? Is the car gonna go anywhere? No, it's gonna clog the fuel injectors, maybe. This is only a symbol. This doesn't mean anything; it's fiat; it's created out of thin air, because somebody turned on a printing press. That's all it is. […] Then we have something called fractional reserve banking. If you were to bring me a $10 deposit, I could make $90 worth of loans, based on just having that $10 in my drawer, because it's all calculated on the premise that not everybody's gonna come in and want their cash all at once. That's called a run on the bank. […]
  • 138. ROOM 101 126 Pretty much everybody is understanding how compound interest works. The higher the interest rate on your credit card — for those people who had 20, 25 percent cards — that means they're creating that much more money, if they don't pay cash every month. What I have just described is a pyramid scheme. We live in an infinite growth paradigm, which requires growth forever. It's not that Bernie Madoff was a pyramid scheme, or [Allen] Stanford was a pyramid scheme. The whole economy is a pyramid scheme. The whole global economy cannot be sustained. It requires infinite growth, but infinite growth collides with finite energy. ******* ******* Ibid. I hate writing these books! If we existed in a rational paradigm, I wouldn't have to. Even more painful is the fact I have no support. The information I'm disseminating — an amalgamation of facts — is so hurtful to consider, even my friends refuse to
  • 139. THE BIG PYRAMID SCHEME 127 peruse. I've been writing for more than a quarter of a century, and my material goes largely unread. That's agonizing! Such stated, I'm superlative at my craft, and aware I'm distributing truth. Still, why do I torture myself? If there was a German in 1932, '33 who had the foresight to look ahead, and to see what the inevitable end result of the Third Reich would be, if there was somebody who had seen that coming, do you honestly think that they could — in good [conscience] — turn around and walk away from it, and pretend it wasn't there? […] We are all collectively, as a species, responsible for what may be the greatest preventable holocaust in the history of planet Earth; our own suicide. How do you walk away from that? How do you sleep at night? Who is anybody — who are you — to tell me it would've been easier to walk away? […] Because to walk away would've meant to compromise; to walk away would've meant selling out. ******** ******** Ibid.
  • 140. ROOM 101 128 SOURCES: MOVIES: Collapse. Dir. Chris Smith. Perfs. Michael C Ruppert. Vitagraph Films. 2009.
  • 141. 129 MARS DIRECT The universe is probably littered with the one-planet graves of cultures which made the sensible economic decision that there's no good reason to go into space — each discovered, studied, and remembered by the ones who made the irrational decision. — Randall Munroe * * Randall Munroe
  • 142. ROOM 101 130 What does selling phone plans have to do with coordinating a manned mission to Mars? Absolutely fuckin' nothing. How 'bout stocking shelves at Kmart? Not a goddamned thing. Your security guard gig? Still no correlation. Do we actually believe government — the same institution that makes us homeless, when we don't pay its extortion fees, disguised as "taxes" — has this overarching plan to transform our wasted lives of servitude into a trip to the Red Planet? Are we so naive we think, by sweatin' it out
  • 143. MARS DIRECT 131 as Subway "sandwich artists," in some fucked-up, and completely invisible way, we're bringing humanity closer to colonizing one of our nearest planetary neighbors? As we scrub toilets, at downtown office buildings, are we exuberant in our knowledge we're providing an escape plan for our kind, when Earth is no longer habitable? Are we fuckin' high?!? NASA — the government — is a joke, and wants nothing to do with space exploration, nor the colonization of Mars. Such is only too obvious. Cosmically, we never get anywhere, and anytime somebody discovers how we can, bureaucracy destroys their plan. These fuckers want us trapped on this planet. If prisoners can escape, they're no longer
  • 144. ROOM 101 132 prisoners, are they? Ever asked yourself how we went to the Moon 40-plus years ago — during an epoch without personal computers — but now, in an age of near-instantaneous global communication, we can't go anywhere in our solar system? How is it we were able to land on the lunar surface pre-VHS days, but in our paradigm of cloning and 3-D printing, we're stuck on Earth, traveling nowhere else? Again, government wants you here. If you stray, they can't control you. If you realize interplanetary — as well as interstellar — travel is feasible, you're gonna demand they pump all that cash they're counterfeiting into doing so. And they'd rather spend those useless pieces of paper on perpetuating wars — wars they monetarily profit from, no less.
  • 145. MARS DIRECT 133 In a money system — which is solely about control — you ain't goin' anywhere. They'll lie to you they're working on "it," but "it" furtively means "nothing." If you lived on a desert island, wouldn't the first thing you thought about be how to escape? Then why haven't you ever ruminated about how to get to Mars? You do realize Earth is a desert island, from which you've no feasible evacuation plan, should this planet no longer be habitable, don't you? Say there's an errant asteroid headed our way, that will obliterate life on our blue-green speck of dust. Where are you gonna go, and how are you gonna get there? You don't even have lifeboats with which to float into the vast cosmic ocean, do you? Why do you think that is — being it's so
  • 146. ROOM 101 134 blatantly important? It's because you've been brainwashed to believe that selling insurance, being Scottsdale's "number one real estate broker," or driving for Uber not only matter, but are integral to our survival, as a species. The above definitively proves they aren't, and you're simply being used up and executed in this sick pyramid scheme. In the midst of this comes the Mars Direct program, as designed by former Martin Marrieta aerospace engineer Robert Zubrin. Bob was tired of hearing the same excuses from government, whenever he asked, "Why the fuck aren't we going to Mars?!" Thus, he and a colleague devised a viable modality for setting foot on the Red Planet. Zubrin's methodology is known as Mars
  • 147. MARS DIRECT 135 Direct, and it was heralded worldwide by laymen and fellow scientists. Even NASA claimed they loved it. Of course they hated it, since it meant a feasible escape plan for the slaves. Hence, because it's doable, they shut it down. As Robert stated: The question of whether we can do humans to Mars in 10 years is somewhat analogous to the question of how much rope does it take to connect two posts separated by a distance of 10 meters. In principle, it could be done with 10 meters of rope. On the other hand, if you let the rope be tangled every which way, it could take an infinite amount of rope. So the answer to the question is dependent upon whether you actually wanna connect the two posts, or whether you're tryin' to sell rope. ** — Robert Zubrin ** ** Humans to the Red Planet Within a Decade
  • 148. ROOM 101 136 According to Zubrin, NASA's plans for a manned Mars mission were all about sales. Paying proprietors — those selling the technology — was the name of their game. As such, the price tag for the government's proposals were astronomical. Hence, these "blueprints" were designed to fail, since government knew nobody would foot the bill. Mars Direct, however, went the logical route. The only question this program asked was: "How do we get to Mars the simplest way possible?" NASA plans would've loaded the spacecraft with fuel necessary not only for the initial trip, but the return to Earth, as well. As Zubrin asks, "Did Lewis and Clark carry all
  • 149. MARS DIRECT 137 the supplies they needed, in order to make it to the west coast?" Of course not. If they had, they would've been too burdened to move by an exponential amount of provisions. Instead, they lived off resources discovered during their adventure. Zubrin suggests such is needed for Mars Direct. Robert's big on ERVs — Earth Return Vehicles — sent sans crew to Mars, prior the manned mission. These rockets hang out on the surface of the planet, awaiting arrival of their human pilots. Within the ERVs, we've the technology to create methane oxygen — rocket fuel — from the copious quantity of carbon dioxide found on Mars. This propellant is stored in the ship's fuel tanks. After the astronauts land, they carry out their directives, hop in one of the ERVs — with a full gas tank — fire up the engines, and
  • 150. ROOM 101 138 head home. Again, Zubrin's Mars Direct is simple, and thereby viable. The Hab — the spacecraft in which the crew travel from Earth — is left on Mars, vacant and awaiting a second mission. When this next sojourn happens — identical to the first — a second Hab is left on the Red Planet, and connected to that which is already there. After the third mission, the same, and so on. By adding and connecting these living quarters, you build a small city on the surface, with room for half a dozen more people — the number of humans a Hab holds — each mission. Thus, after 10 missions, you'd have 10 Habs on Mars, all connected together, able to accommodate 60 people. Makes ya' wonder how big the village