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Resolution Writing Resolution Guidelines Resolution Writing Resolution Guidelines
Lumbar Pain Case Studies
REASON CHIEF COMPLAINT: Cervical and lumbar pain. HISTORY The patient is a 62 year old
male with a long history of cervical and lumbar pain secondary to degenerative disk disease and
spondylosis. He also is noted to have multiple other problems including a fairly severe left rotator cuff
arthropathy which does require surgery on the left. It is important to note that this is important because
the patient has been wheelchair bound since 2013 and now has difficulty with ambulation. He also has
a history of prior cervical decompression in the remote past at C3 4. The patient complains of both
cervical and lower extremity pain as well as radiating symptoms in the left upper extremity all the way
down into the level of the hand. He denies ... Show more content on ...
Both in the cervical and lumbar region. In terms of conservative management, the patient may benefit
from the addition of an SNRI and either gabapentin or pregabalin. He could also benefit from a
tricyclic. I did discuss all of these with the patient and he is fairly adverse to the use of any of these
types of medications because of feelings that it will affect his liver. At the same time, he is currently
on methadone which he states does not seem to help him as much as morphine has in the past. A
switch to extended release morphine sulfate could be performed and would help in terms of not only
his neuropathic pain, but also his nociceptive pain. In terms of injection therapy, I did discuss both
cervical and lumbar injection therapy with the patient. I went through with him the indications, risks,
benefits, alternatives of care, likely outcome, possible complications, including but not limited to the
risk of bleeding, infection, nerve injury, spinal cord injury that could be associated with injection
therapy. Furthermore, because of the fact that he is a diabetic, he would be at increased risk with
regards to hyperglycemia after the injection and also at increased risk for infection in general. At the
same time, I did review with him the rare but catastrophic adverse events including blindness,
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Bruce Jenner Research Paper
Bruce Jenner was born on October 28, 1949 in Mount Kisco, New York. Bruce was the second of four
children of William and Estelle Jenner. Bruce was diagnosed with dyslexia at a young age and always
struggled in school, yet somehow always seemed to excelled at sports. Following high school, Bruce
accepted a scholarship from Graceland College in Iowa for football. After he suffered a knee injury it
restricted him to only playing either basketball or track, he then made the decision to switching over to
running track and field. His coach then encouraged him to start training for the 1972 Olympics.
Something I found interesting was that his father William Jenner had competed in the U.S. Army
Olympics in Nuremberg, Germany, in 1945, and won a silver medal in the 100 yard dash. When Bruce
competed in the 1972 decathlon in Munich Germany, Bruce placed third in the Olympic trials and
tenth at the actual Munich Games. At the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal however, Bruce ended
up winning a gold medal and broke a world record, scoring over 8,000 points in the decathlon. ...
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After finalizing the divorce of him and Kris Jenner in early 2015, a 20/20 interview with Diane
Sawyer came out in April of 2015, releasing the news that Bruce came out as a transgender woman.
Caitlyn said that she had dealt with gender dysphoria since her youth and that, she cross dressed for
many years and also took hormone replacement therapy, but stopped after her relationship with Kris
Jenner in the early 1990s became more serious. Caitlyn recounts having permission to explore her
gender identity on her own from Kris, but because of not knowing the best way to talk about the issues
they faced about this situation of wanting to become a woman, it lead to the deterioration of the 23
year long
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Ted Lavender Characteristics
If you were to ask any individual what their idea of a hero is, they ll most likely give you a perfect
description of superman, but that s the fictional visual that s been placed into the minds of the general
public. What is a true hero? A true hero is selfless, brave, and determined; someone like Ted Lavender.
Lavender was highly respected, he was as brave as he could be without needing recognition, and he
took a bullet to the head. He will never be stripped of his humble and heroic reputation.
A man who puts his life on the line; a man who does what he feels he must do. It s evident that no man
wants to go into war, anyone could run from it like Tim O brien when he was drafted into the Vietnam
War, but Lavender faced a terrifying scenario head on. A hero is selfless, brave, and determined. The
act of fighting in the war automatically makes a hero all of the above; wartime hero s put their life on
the line, they commit to their duties and they never know whether they ll come out of it alive. These
hero s demonstrate many of the characteristics of a hero and they do so with dignity. A hero impacts
all aspects of someone s life and leaves a positive impression, but there s no limit to the amount of
characteristics that could be used to define a hero. ... Show more content on ...
Lavender was drafted into the military and rather than running from such a horrifying situation he
took every opportunity to show such heroic acts. It takes bravery to surrender your life and devote it to
your country. He fought with the utmost chivalry and held his courage strong. He never asked for a
thank you nor recognition. One bullet to the head and Lavender s life had come to a sudden end, but
that doesn t make him a weak link nor a dud, but only makes him more of a hero. Not only was he
brave and determined, but he had lost his life in the most selfless
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A Study On The Mapping Process Of Mapping The Coordinates...
ABSTRACT Named entity disambiguation is a very interesting problem having wide ranging
applications. It is the process of mapping the mentions of persons, organisations, events etc. in textual
documents to real world entities. The mapping process becomes tedious when these mentions in the
text are commonly used to describe more than one real world entities. It is then said that the mention
is ambiguous. If the mentions can be correctly mapped to the corresponding real world entities, then it
can lead to a more informative and intuitive web experience where the textual documents can be
linked to other knowledge bases which contain more information on various entities described in the
document. In this report, we have surveyed well known research papers in the field of named entity
disambiguation and have described the approaches suggested in them. Successive sections of report
aim to solve the shortcomings of the algorithms discussed in the previous sections. INTRODUCTION
The recent years have seen a huge increase in the number of online documents. This has resulted in a
huge amount of information being available at the click of a mouse. But, at the same time, the retrieval
of relevant information from this collection of unstructured documents has emerged as a challenging
task and is a topic of research. A major part of retrieving information out of a document is finding out
the words or phrases of significance in the article like the persons, organization, location,
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The Discovery Of Interstellar Travel
The idea of interstellar travel was explored methodically in order to answer why one would want to
travel to other stars, where in space could humanity realistically travel to, what factors are preventing
mankind from reaching these stars and how can they could be overcome. The inquisitiveness of the
human mind and the fact that Earth will not be habitable forever is a substantial motivation in favour
of interstellar travel. The main requirement for a habitable planet is that it is in the Habitable Zone
where it is not too close nor too far from the star it is orbiting, but is situated where the water on the
surface of the planet is in liquid form. There are many issues that limit one s ability to travel to the
stars. The most significant issue being the vast distances between the stars and the time it would take
for the journey to be complete, which would permanently damage the human body. The most
promising rocket that could handle the voyage would be a nuclear rocket, however there are still many
developments that need to be made in that field to render it a strong possibility. One of the biggest
reasons as to why humanity wishes to explore interstellar travel is to fuel its curiosity. Civilization
would not be where it is today if it wasn t for the previous species desire to discover more about the
universe in which they lived.
Many speculate that the idea of voyaging across the universe to other stars is straightforward as it
portrayed this way in
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Non Ionizing Radiation
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was the crown jewel of the communist movement from 1922
to 1991. The USSR was known for its strength and unwavering beliefs, but it worked tirelessly to keep
one very significant issue tightly under wraps. During the development of the Soviet nuclear program,
the USSR disregarded even the most basic of health and safety standards when testing and developing
nuclear weapons, desperate to keep up in the arms race with the United States. This left the region
plagued with radioactivity and sickness, obliterated ecosystems, and the displacement of hundreds of
thousands of people from their homes. Radioactivity is defined as the amount of ionizing radiation
released by a material, and in the United States, the unit of measurement used for radioactivity is the
curie. Ionizing radiation has so much energy that it can ... Show more content on ...
It can affect the atoms in living things, and can pose a health risk by damaging tissue and DNA.
Ionizing radiation comes from radioactive elements, cosmic particles, and x ray machines. There is
also non ionizing radiation that is far less harmful than ionizing radiation. Non ionizing radiation has
enough energy to make atoms move or vibrate, but not enough energy to knock electrons out of them
completely. It is found in radio waves, visible light, and microwaves. The former USSR suffers from
high levels of ionizing radiation, which has posed significant health and environmental issues that will
not correct themselves for centuries. Just as there are different types of radiation, there are different
types of nuclear waste, and the former Soviet Union contains all of them. High level waste consists of
either spent nuclear fuel or the waste produced by reprocessing
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A Research Field On My Life Career
Research is a very important aspect of any professional field that many students fail to notice. As far
as my understanding, backbone of any professional field consists of two important parts, the academic
part; knowledge and practical aspect, and the research part. The academic part helps the professionals
to apply the knowledge in the practical life, but the research part is the one that provides all the
knowledge and does mostly all the behind the scene work. That is why it would be preferred for every
student in their respective discipline to participate and explore research in their respective field. This is
the reason as to why I want to participate in the research field relating to my Medicine career.
Research is very useful because it helps in expanding previous knowledge and adding new knowledge
for any particular discipline. Not only that, research helps students to get the better understanding of
what they are studying in classes and lectures. It provides student the background knowledge of the
stuff they learn in a classroom. This prepares students to expand their horizon, think outside the box,
critically analyze using the scientific method, and helps students to use their behind the scene
knowledge to experiment and discover new things. Thus research ultimately helps in the adding new
knowledge to the disciple.
My academic goal is to get a bachelor degree in biomedical sciences and biotechnology from the
University of Central Florida and then apply to medical
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Chinese Rejection Movement
From the 1850s, political agitation and financial weights at home provoked many Chinese settlers to
move toward the western areas of the United States looking for transitory work. Many took low paid
employments as unskilled workers in mining, development, horticulture, assembling, or
administration ventures. The 1890 decennial census reports a Chinese conceived inhabitant populace
surpassing 100,000; records demonstrate that almost 300,000 Chinese workers entered the United
States in the vicinity of 1850 and 1889, however antiquarians evaluate that the same number of as half
at last came back to China. This influx of Chinese movement was joined by developing hostility to
Chinese Migrants causing ethnic segregation, in the U.S. Congress passed the Chinese Rejection Act
in 1882 which restricted Chinese work relocation to the United States and banned Chinese inhabitants
from getting U.S. citizenship. In spite of the fact that the law was canceled in 1943, minimal Chinese
movement was allowed until the point that the Immigration and ... Show more content on ...
For example, Confucius, who has been viewed as the very insignia of Chinese human progress, was
extremely persuasive in pilgrim North America. Some famous settlers, including Benjamin Franklin
(1706 1790), Thomas Jefferson (1743 1826), Thomas Paine (1737 1809), John Bartram (1699 1777),
and Jedidiah Morse (1761 1826), the pioneer of American geology, communicated their regarding for
Confucius and his ethical theory. A standout amongst the most evident direct efficient and political
impacts of the Chinese culture upon social improvement in North America was the tea from China that
helped trigger the American Transformation. Chinese Porcelain, similar to tea, had been foreign into
the English provinces quite a while before the establishing of the United States. Pioneers in Albany
utilized China porcelain as ahead of schedule as
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The Origin Of The Bible Essay
After a number of years have passed through the church, one would wonder how we can be certain
that the right books make up the Bible. We have all of these translations and interpretations of
Scripture, but how did we get the Bible itself? These are the many questions that make up many non
believers and possibly even many non believers today as well. I can speak for many church goers on
the contrary, that have grown up in the church and they have not thought about the idea of the origin
of the Bible. Either way, Christian or atheist, it is important to understand the origin of one s beliefs.
This leads to the basis of the foundation of why a Christian believes the truth of God s word and then
is able to faith their faith with others. To begin our research, it is important to understand and define
some of the terms that are displayed throughout the text. First off, the origin of the word canon comes
from the Latin word canon. This was originally from the Greek word kanon. When translated into
English this word is referred to as a standard or type of rule that is found in 2 Corinthians 10:13 and
again in Galatians 6:16. It is important to note that when Paul is writing, he is not referring to the
canon of Scripture. This word came into be for the canon of scripture at a much later date when the
Christian church called kanon stood for the rule of faith and revealed truth. In the fourth century, the
church referred to the Scriptures of both the Old Testaments and the
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The Main Goals Of Enlightenment
The Enlightenment is intriguing period lasted from 1600 to1800.French historians traditionally place
the period between 1715, the year that Louis XIV died, and 1789, the beginning of the French
Revolution. The Enlightenment is known in French as the Siècle des Lumières (Century of
Enlightenment) was a philosophical and architectural movement which dominated the world of ideas
in Europe in the18th century.
The principal goals of Enlightenment thinkers were liberty, progress, reason, tolerance, and ending the
abuses of the church and state. In France, the central doctrines of the Lumières were individual liberty
and religious tolerance, in opposition to the principle of absolute monarchy and the fixed dogmas of
the Roman Catholic Church. Architecture at this period is defined as neoclassical architecture and
revival at early stage. Reflected on the era the conceptual basis of the modern house and the physical
layout of the modern city emerged from debates among theoretically innovative French architects.
The eighteenth century city was a place in which actual physical space was subjected to a complex
mental layering of conceptual spaces, focusing on the design theory of architects as Boullee and
Durand, with his charts. Which legacy was continued later on through the architecture of Paul Philippe
Cret, Frank Lloyd Wright and Louis Kahn, some of the most outstanding modern architects of 18th
19th century. Furthermore, distinctive features of neoclassicism and outlines
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What should the Federal Government do i order to encourage...
1. What should the federal government do in order to encourage investment in human capital?
The decision to invest in human capital is influenced by considerations similar to those that motivate a
firm to invest in physical capital: the cost of the investment verse the expected return. For example,
investing in a college education may require the one borrow the money for tuition. If the interest rates
on the loan rise then people will most be less likely to invest in a college education. Thus, investment
in education may be negatively related to the interest rate, much as physical investment is. This is one
reason why, in order to encourage economic growth and productivity, the U.S government provides
low interest loans for college ... Show more content on ...
The first year of the tax generated $125 million in revenue (Forbes 2012). In 1940, the tax was raised
to 1.5 cents per gallon, which would be equivalent of a rate of 24.26 per gallon in 2011 dollars (Forbes
2012). Current federal gas taxes adjusted for inflation, dipped below the effective rate of today after
the war and during the early 50s, but then came the Federal Highway Act of 1956. Taxes went to a
whopping 3 cents a gallon, equivalent to 24.97 cents per gallon today. Eisenhower raised the rate to 4
cents a gallon in 1959, popping it to an effective rate of 30.6 cents in today s dollars. But then it stuck.
The 4 cents per gallon rate stayed constant until 1983. Reagan, the alleged tax fighter, raised the rate
to 9 cents per gallon in 1983. Subsequent hikes by Bush (14 cents a gallon in 1990 dollar or 24.4 cents
today) and Clinton (18.3 cents or 28.8 cents in today s terms) kept older rates higher (Forbes 2012).
History tends to show gas taxes don t seem to have that much impact on the overall economy. The
hikes have occurred under both Republican and Democratic administrations: the most prominent
increases, in fact, occurred under Republicans Hoover, Reagan and Eisenhower.
4. Real economic growth is critical for the economy and desirable for the United States
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Feminist Criticism of Frankenstein and The Yellow Wallpaper
Feminism in literature has existed as early as the 16th century, the belief that men and women should
have equal rights and opportunities (Shneir, Miram). Throughout history, women have portrayed the
idea of feminism in literature, with one of the most famous feminist writers being Mary Shelley.
Shelley was born in 1797 into a notable family, with her mother, Mary Wollstonecraft, being a
renowned feminist writer herself (Biogram). Her novel Frankenstein was published in 1818, a time
when most women were extremely conservative, and were deprived of the rights and opportunities
that men held. In the novel, Shelley portrays feminism by essentially mocking women and giving
them a lack of power showing how women should not be. One way Shelley mocks women in
Frankenstein is the societal role she gives her female characters. This is first seen in the beginning of
the novel, when young Elizabeth is presented to Victor Frankenstein in the form of a pretty present
(Shelley 7), portraying Elizabeth as being in a sense a gift to Victor, causing her to be seen as inferior
to him. Elizabeth s physical appearance is also frequently referred to: her golden hair, blue eyes, and
thin body; but rarely are her non superficial attributes, assuming that those hold little value. The focus
on only the physicality of women is also portrayed in The Birthmark by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The
short story discusses a husband, Alymer s, wishes to have his wife s facial birthmark removed, due to
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Louisiana s Cajun Dialect
Louisiana s Cajun Dialect
Linguist and Cajun Megan E. Melancon calls the Cajun dialect a gumbo . There are many languages
that make up this gumbo. The various languages include Spanish, French, German, and English. The
Cajun language is mainly spoken in Southern Louisiana, but can reach into parts of Southern Texas
and Southern Mississippi due to emigration (Melancon).
The word Cajun comes from the word Acadien. Acadia was a French colony in 1604 located in the
areas now known as New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, Canada. In the middle of the eighteenth
century approximately four thousand Acadians moved into South Louisiana, into the region around
Lafayette and the Lafourche Bayou country. This group of people brought with them the French
language. Over the years the Cajun dialect emerged. Many say Cajun is not just a dialect but an entire
language of its own.
The Cajun dialect differs throughout the state of ... Show more content on ...
Cajun English is a combination of English and French, borrowing words and phrases from the French
language and is greatly influenced by Cajun French. How to Speak Cajun English (or at least
understand it) gives some great examples of the way some Cajuns pronounce words and names. This
site also explains various idioms used by Cajuns. Syntax, the arrangement of words in a sentence, is
also explained. The example given for Syntax is, I didn t do that, No! instead of No, I didn t do that! A
lot of Cajuns will drop the final letter(s) of some words. An example of this would be dropping the t
from what. Another common practice is to change the th sound to t or d . Some examples of this are,
thing=ting, that=dat, this=dat, and bath=bat. One example of a sentence, Wha dat ting ya got? An
English speaking person would normally say, What s that thing you have? Some examples of the
pronunciation of names included Matthew/ Mat chew, Raphael/ Ray feel, Richard/ Re shard, Herbert/
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Implementation of the Compensation Strategy Plan for...
In the contemporary business environment, compensation strategy is an underlying HR (Human
Resources) practice to build a competitive effective organization. Compensation strategy is a set of
HR implementation practice to achieve effective organization. The role of compensation is to balance
the overall motivation scheme applied within the organization and the implementation of smooth
compensation strategy assists in achieving efficient HR process, which includes performance
management, recruitment, and staffing. In the United States, many business organizations are facing
the magnitude of changes to enhance better performances, enhance flexibility as well as cutting costs
to achieve better HR performances. Thus, organizations are also facing the challenges of pace and
magnitude of changes within the contemporary technology environment, and thus, management is
implementing compensation strategy to enhance value within organization.
Objective of this study is to implement the compensation strategy plan for Techtron in Charlotte,
North Carolina.
Techtron in North Carolina.
Techntron is to establish its business location and the manufacturing site at Charlotte in the North
Carolina. The company decides to put its site at Charlotte due to various benefits that the city offers to
the private organizations. Charlotte is located at the NC (North Carolina) and is the largest city within
the state of North Carolina. The U.S Census Bureau (2012) estimates the
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A Rhetorical Analysis Of The Text
Dear Subaru: A Personal Letter to Subaru This ad from the magazine Backpacker shows off a letter
from a Subaru owner, along with a photo of a Subaru Outback on a snowy road labelled OUTBACK
RD . All the elements in this ad help to promote three iconic ideas about Subaru and the cars that they
make. The trees are heavily weighed down with snow as if a huge blizzard has passed through the
area. The ground and road are also covered with several feet of snow. This suggests to the viewer that
the Subaru Outback performs very well in the snow and on extreme terrains in general. Secondly the
whole ad is dominated by giant pine trees and forest. The tops of the trees are not even visible. This
suggests that someone who owns a Subaru Outback also ... Show more content on ...
They also try to express the love that owners have for their cars by exhibiting a personal letter from a
dear customer. It is an important detail that the owner wrote this letter and not a just a Subaru
employee in charge of advertisement. It shows that the customers actually love their cars enough to
write a letter and send a photo. In the letter the woman says she is on her sixth Subaru vehicle. She
loves the cars so much that she has exclusively bought them for a long time. The woman in the letter
then goes on to say that she named the road that enters her property OUTBACK RD after her new car.
Someone has to really love their car to name a road after it. Everyone who passes by knows that they
are a proud owner of a Subaru Outback. Then she explains that the sign was so popular it had already
been stolen. This suggests that there is a vast community of people that love Subaru Outbacks. Even in
a seemingly remote and rural area there are people who want to steal her sign. She then ends the letter
with a P.S. that says Love. It s what makes a Subaru, a Subaru. . This is the iconic phrase of Subaru
that concludes all of their advertisements. The ad is then drawn to a close with an open handed
invitation to other Subaru owners to share their own stories. This makes it feel like Subaru really cares
about how their customers feel about their cars and want to hear from them. This is a
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Sentinel Event Case Study
that resulting in the adverse event.The last step is devising recommended actions or place to prevent
recurrence of the sentinel event.This steps results with developing and implementing interventions to
improve and prevent the adverse event from recurrence. There are several factors that led to Mr. B s
diagnosis of brain death and ultimately death. The directive causative factor is lack of oxygen to the
brain resulting in brain death. Contributing factors in this adverse event are identified as patient
oversedation, staffing shortages, influx of patients in emergency department, arrival of patient in acute
respiratory distress, and staff ignoring alarms. The alarm is significant in this scenario because it was
ignored and the decreased oxygen
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History of Sexuality
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A Historical Critique of Homosexual Exclusions from the Armed Forces using the concepts of Michel
From 1989 to 1999, the time period of the Clinton Administration, a homosexual force entered the
American consciousness. Court cases and rhetoric of the 80s incited a discourse in which
homosexuality was re articulated, re negotiated, and unmistakably re repressed (Davis 3). Supreme
Court judgment and actions taken by Congress with the Don t Ask, Don t Tell policy exemplify
theories of sexuality and power expressed in the philosophies of Michel Foucault.
Foucault was a French born ... Show more content on ...
Foucault saw the importance of the matter to lie in how the discourse on sexuality in our culture has
paradoxically produced repression.
Repression in modern society is a complex process. Foucault s work divides pre modern sexual acts
from modern sexual identities and sexualities (Lochrie 86). Foucault explained that the discussion of
sexuality itself was restricted in a few areas. After the eighteenth century he noted an institutional
incitement to speak about [sex]... a determination on the part of the agencies of power to hear it
spoken about, and to cause it to speak through explicit articulation and endlessly accumulated detail
(18). This proliferation of discourse had the effect of increasing encroachment of state law onto the
issue of private sexuality.
Foucault s analysis was considered radical. This aspect of societal repression and subsequent
obsession plays an important role in understanding the reactionary political movements concerning
homosexuals in the military. This will be examined after a discussion of the functions of sexuality and
In The History of Sexuality, this examination also focused on the functions of sexuality and power. He
created the term Biopower, which refers to the regulation of subjects by the state. This regulation
occurs through an explosion of numerous and diverse techniques for achieving the
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Why Have Your Home Windows Tinted
Why Have Your Home Windows Tinted
When it comes to tinting windows, many people immediately think of the windows on their car. Home
windows can also be tinted, with them providing several benefits that you may not be aware of. Here
are three reasons to have your home windows tinted.
Window Tints Will Control UV Light Exposure
If your windows use regular glass that does not have a tint, it will allow ultraviolet light into your
home. While sunlight can be good to get your vitamin D, too much UV light could cause health issues
like skin cancer. You may be indoors as opposed to layout outdoors under the sun, but you are still at
risk of the health conditions that come with having too much sun exposure if you are not careful.
A window tint
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CO2 In The 2 Alka-Seltzer Tablets
The first two questions will be answered during the introduction of the lesson and the rest will be the
laboratory analysis questions. These will get the students to analyze and make sense of their lab
1. How is it possible to have gas trapped in the table? (Is it really trapped or is it a product?)
2. How can you weigh the gas released by the reaction?
3. Once you have the mass of the gas, calculate the number of moles of CO2 that were produced in the
chemical reaction between the vinegar and the 2 Alka Seltzer® tablets?
4. What is the percent composition by mass of CO2 in the 2 Alka Seltzer® tablets?
5. What is the percent composition by mass of O2 in the carbon dioxide that was released in the
6. What is the percent composition
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Huevo Meaning
The expression a huevo is used in many countries to convey different meanings. In Mexico, El
Salvador and Nicaragua it is used to say that they must go with the plan that was proposed. In Costa
Rica it is used to describe the action of achieving something with a lot of sacrifice. While in Spain it is
used to say that it will be very easy to obtain something. In Chile, Colombia and Ecuador people use it
to describe an object that is being sold at a very low price. It is incredible how this one same word has
a completely different meanings among these countries even though they all speak the same language:
Spanish. Chambear means to work in Mexico, Ecuador, Honduras, and Peru. In the other hand, in the
Dominican Republic it means to inhale ... Show more content on ...
In Chile this expression means done immediately, for example, al tiro me voy del trabajo , meaning I
m leaving work immediately. In Uruguay means someone that has a lot of things to get done. Another
word that has different meanings depending to the country is rapar. In the Dominican Republic this
word means to have sexual intercourse with someone that is not your spouse, like an affair. In
Colombia, Chile and Argentina, rapar means to cut one s hair so short it is almost bald. One might
think that a Taco is just the famous mexican food and it is a word that is worldwide understood
uniquely as the food. This is true up to a point. As to a Taco can be refered to a dish, it may also be
used to describe a traffic jam in Chile and Colombia. In Spain it is a rude way to refer to a issue,
problem or a riot, for example, estoy cansada de tus tacos meaning, I am tired of your problems. In
Venezuela a taco can be someone that is smart and in the Dominican Republic, a taco can also be
refered to high heel shoes aside from the Mexican dish
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Evolution And Virality Of Memes
Evolution and Virality of Memes
How have memes evolved and why do they go viral? Memes did not originate from the internet
contrary to popular belief, but have actually been appearing in culture for centuries. The main
difference between internet memes and pre internet memes is the medium in which they go viral. A
meme has two definitions; Dawkins definition, and internet memes. Charles Dawkins first coined the
term meme in 1976 in his book The Selfish Gene, and was referring to cultural ideas, beliefs, fashion,
practices, etc. In his book he came up with a theory that memes develops similar to how genes spread
in organisms. Memes transmit from one mind to another through speech, writing, or any form of
communication. Likewise genes ... Show more content on ...
This square dates back to 79 AD in the ruins of Pompeii, where Jewish people inscribed it on
doorways and various objects to protect from evil. Later, in about the Third to Fifth century, Christians
adopted this practice as their own. The meme had spread and mutated to accommodate both cultures.
Likewise, Sator Square has still survived to this day. However, it s not as popular as it once used to be
nor used as much. Additionally Kilroy was Here is another meme that spread similarly to internet
memes, and the sator square. James J. Kilroy created it during World War II. He inspected the bottoms
of warships under construction, and after he had completed the inspection he would write in chalk
Kilroy was Here on the bottom of them. The chalk consequently, would be erased too easily though,
so he scrawled Kilroy was Here in crayon on the bottom of the ship instead. The image that s
associated with this phrase is a bald headed man with a large nose peeking over a ledge however,
predates the phrase. There s conflicting ideas to who drew it first, but most people think the British
cartoonist George Edward Chatterton drew it in 1938. Somehow this image united with the phrase,
and formed the Kilroy was Here meme. Subsequently this spawned a joke within the GIs of America.
It became a challenge to place this phrase and picture in unusual places, and is said to be on Mt.
Everest, the Statue of Liberty, and on the moon. Both of these
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Literature Review On Celebrity Culture
Literature Review In celebrity culture, celebrities use social media as a tool to build relationship and
stay connected with their fans. Young and Pinsky (2006) make a claim that celebrity culture has
generated a curiosity about celebrities personal lives. Adding on to this research, Marshall (2010)
states that celebrities are willing to reveal their personal lives so that they can gain more followers. He
also shows that celebrities reconstruct their profile for online personal branding by uploading personal
posts related to their everyday lives. He demonstrates this through observing the actor Vin Diesel on
social media. Marshall call this as the presentation of self , that celebrities expose their information in
three different levels: public self , public private self , and transgressive intimate self (p.44). Research
has further revealed the presentation of self (Marshall, 2010). Ertürk Dilek (2016) divides the self
concept in three different categories: self image , self esteem , and ideal self (p.31). Self image is the
way that people see themselves; self esteem means personal values of humans; and an ideal self
illustrates how people desire themselves to be. Soraya Mehdizadeh (2010) approaches self
presentation in a different perspective. Mehdizadeh distinguishes the presentation of self into two
different categories: now self , an individual or a characteristic known to public, and possible self , a
characteristic unknown to public (p.358).
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Gymnasts Resistance Training
Resistance Training
According to Sleeper, Kenyon, Casey (2012), for gymnasts core training is very important.
Gymnastics is a sport that engages the muscles of the entire upper and lower body. Along with training
the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and inner and outer obliques, strengthening the core
involves the stabilization of the pelvis (mid body), the shoulder girdle (upper body), as well as the
spine (upper mid/lower body). Bodyweight exercises are the main type of training modality used by
gymnasts to prepare for competitions (Behm, Colado, 2012). Plyometrics are beneficial for gymnasts
because these dynamic and explosive movements allow the athlete to increase strength and speed
which are both necessary in order to ... Show more content on ...
Gymnasts can perform the stability ball pike, stability ball jackknife, slide plank, stability ball rollout,
and front plank (Major, 1996). These exercises will help the gymnast be able to hold positions need
for competition for a long duration of time. Gymnasts can also perform pushups, handstand holds,
stand up on toe, stand toe raises, and bar dips to improve their muscular strength (Major, 1996). The
exercises help improve individual muscles that will be used during the sport (Major, 1996). They also
include movements that are used during the completion as well. The assistant exercises not only will
help with movement, and strength, but will also help stabilize the joints (Major,
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The United States Military Bases
For roughly 1% of the United States population, the past 10 years have been an ever changing
experience serving across the world. On September 11, 2001, the United States was attacked by a
terrorist organization residing in Afghanistan. The United States Armed forces were called upon to
fight a war against terrorism. In May 2003, this conflict extended to Iraq, which was acting as a safe
zone for many of the world s terrorists. Since that time, more than 70,000 contractors and sub
contractors have been hired by the Department of the Defense, in order to assist the United States
military in their mission against terrorism. These individuals known as the TCN s or third country
nationals, take part in everything from base security to cooking and laundry. However, since these
individuals are not United States citizens and the government has turned its back to them. Personal
knowledge, department of defense reports, and official law reviews contain a wide variety of
information that give a look inside what has been happening on the United States military bases.
Allegations of human trafficking, sexual assault, and indentured servitude are all common issues these
TCN s have endured.
In 2001, the Pentagon began taking in contract offers from companies around the United States.
Private contracting firms such as KBR Inc. or Prime Project International began receiving over 15
billion dollars a year. Foreign conflicts can be very profitable for large businesses that invest time
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Coins In Shakespeare s Othello
Heads or tails? The attribute of a coin is that there are two sides, with each side opposing the other.
The qualities of two sides, two forces being antagonistic to one another is predominant in Shakespeare
s play Othello. For some critics of the play, Iago and Othello are two sides of a coin with Iago
representing the evil side and Othello the good side. Although a case could be made for this stance, the
side of the argument holding the antithesis is the most logical, appropriate, sensible, and rational
argument since the two characters qualities of good and evil overlap throughout the play. This
argument is supported by the concentrate and palpable characteristics of a coin: secure, solid, stable;
the coin has two sides, heads and tails, ... Show more content on ...
Throughout the course of the play, it is evident that some characters saw Othello as good while others
saw him as evil. In the first act, senator Brabantio tells Othello, O thou foul thief, where hast thou
stow d my daughter? (1.3). Others, such as Iago, see Othello has a fair and righteous person, a person
representing the good side of the coin. Iago tells Othello, My lord, you know I love you (3.3). By
showing two different views of Othello it is evident that Othello is viewed as good and evil in
Shakespearian society. Like Othello, society sees Iago as being a good man while others note his evil
nature. Shortly after being fired from his position as Othello s lieutenant, Cassio appraises Iago, good
night, honest Iago (2.3). During an argument between Emilia and Iago, Emilia shouts, Villany, villany,
villany! (5.2). By having different characters in Othello express different views on the same person, it
is pellucid that Iago was coined as a good person and as an evil person. By showing that Iago and
Othello both have a good and evil side, it is clearly evident that they do not represent to the two sides
of the coin in which one side is strictly good and the other side strictly
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Production Plan for Riordan Manufacturing
Production Plan for Riordan Manufacturingr University of Phoenix OPS/GM 571: International
Operations Management September 14, 2010 Production Plan for Riordan Manufacturing Riorden
Manufacturing Incorporated is a global plastic manufacturing company that employs 550 people with
annual earnings of $46 million. Riorden has several plants in different parts of the country and
overseas with a corporate headquarters in San Jose California. The company s major customers are
automotive parts manufacturers, aircraft manufacturers, department of defense, beverage makers, and
bottlers. Riorden wants to introduce a new process that improves production of electric fans in
Hangzhou, China. In ... Show more content on ...
Efficient, 2. Risk Hedging, 3. Responsive, and 4. Agile. Riordan most closely represents the
Responsive chain as the company allows room for customization as well as flexibility to the changing
needs of their customers (Chase, Jacobs, amp; Aquilano, 2006, p.13). To manage ever changing needs
Riordan has implemented the use of an electronic information system; the ability to communicate
quickly, control costs, inventory levels, and efficiencies has further refined the supply process.
Riordan Manufacturing also uses measures to determine the efficacy of their supply chain. Those
measures come in the form of mathematical equations. The following are the formulas to indicate
efficacy (Chase, Jacobs, amp; Aquilano, 2006, p.418): 1. Shipping Cost Saving = air shipping cost
shipping costs by ship 2. Shipping Cost Savings = inventory carrying cost = item value X 0.30 X 6
days 365 days per year It is also common to measure supply chain efficiency by looking at inventory
turnover as well as weeks of supply. Excessive inventory ties up funds as well increases inventory
within the plant The manufacturer in China independently performs sales forecasting as well as the
permission to produce product intended to meet the predicted demand (University of Phoenix, 2006).
This plant purchases
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Tommy John Misconceptions
Tommy John surgery is arguably one of the greatest innovations in medicine during this past century.
It has helped extend the careers of many professional and amateur athletes by reconstructing a worn
down and damaged ligament, Carroll (2013). But there has also been a lot misconceptions when it
comes to this surgery as well. Not about whether or not it is successful or safe, but more along the
lines of the expectations of the results of the individual having the surgery post operative, Dodson
(2015). Along with that, there s a popular misconception about having the surgery when it is not
necessary, Longman (2007).
If you are a fan of baseball, you have definitely noticed the overwhelming popularity of Tommy John
surgery with pitchers Dines,
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The Ozone Depletion
The earth atmosphere has many layers; the first two layers are the troposphere, the stratosphere, and
the ozone layer which sits in the lower area of the stratosphere. The troposphere layer is where a lot of
human activity occurs, such as planes and mountain climbing. The next layer is the stratosphere and
this is where the ozone layer is located as well. The ozone layer helps protect people from ultraviolet
radiation that mainly come from the sun. The ozone layer can be different depending on the season
and the location. Over the past few years, the ozone layer has been depleting because of human
activity. The main issue of the depletion of the ozone layer is the man made products that have been
created and has cause bad effect on the ozone layer itself. The ozone is a gas in the atmosphere that
protects all living things on Earth from damaging ultraviolet rays that come from the sun. With the
ozone layer depleting, it would be difficult for anything to survive much longer or not at all. The
ozone acts as a shield to protect living things from absorbing the ultraviolet ray and keeps them from
being damaged. Many man made materials are causing the ozone layer to deplete at a faster rate. The
author states, Emissions of chlorine and bromine from CFCs and halons are to blame for excessive
stratospheric ozone depletion (Ivanovich and Calm). This type of emission is going into the
atmosphere and is breaking down the ozone layer. Consequently, this is resulting in the
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The Political Role Of Women In Mesopotamian Women
Regardless of the discrepancies and inconsistencies, Mesopotamian women had an unprecedented
sovereignty and great potential for dominance, they were assigned a number of central political roles
that influenced politics and social life. Mesopotamian pantheon, temple of Ishtar and Ziggurat at Ur,
that many respected divinities including Ishtar, the goddess of war and love, who was believed to be
the goddess of Uruk and the bordering territories, goddess Ninsun, Gilgamesh s mother who served as
his consultant as a mother would consult with her son in our modern day, Aruru goddess of birth,
Nisaba goddess of grain, Ereshkigal the queen, Belit Seri the underworld goddess and others. The
presence of these goddesses and priestesses indicates the large scale in diversification of functions and
duties and illustrates women s dominance over the hierarchical system. The social, political, and
religious order that existed in ancient Mesopotamia is deeply rooted in the power invested in the
temple under women s leadership and their great capacity to influence the city state s affairs and its
fiscal responsibility.
Gilgamesh s despotic behavior reached its climax and the need for extreme measures to bring about
progressive but significant changes was overdue. The grievances against Gilgamesh precipitated a fast
and effective response from goddess Aruru to curtail Gilgamesh s tyranny and left the curse over Uruk
inhabitant, this does not only personifies the protectorate territory of women over life and death but
also human enculturation, industrialization and civility in the form of rearing children and preparing
them for future responsibilities. By creating a savage Enkidu who will be eventually brought into
civilization, thank you Shamhat, and challenge Gilgamesh to conquer his fear and acquire morality
makes women the pious change makers. The conventional interpretation of these verses assumes that
he is exploiting lassies of Uruk for his sexual fantasies does not leave a girl to her mother is contrary
to the law of nature and reduces women to simple sex object. However this verse may invoke a more
sinister views of the late 19th century chauvinists proponents of survival of the fittest by which only
the strongest
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Benefits Of Cochlear Implants
One of the hottest debates between Deaf and Hearing culture lies in the question, Should I give my
deaf child a cochlear implant? The Deaf people fear that use of cochlear implants will eliminate their
culture. A hearing person may believe it will aid their child to learn in mainstream schooling, or they
may not want to learn sign language to communicate with their child. As about 90% of hearing parents
cannot effectively communicate with their deaf children (Holcomb, n.d., para. 2), the latter is evident.
Placed in this situation, I would implant my infant child with a cochlear implant and teach them sign
language so they will have the opportunity to have the best of both worlds.
Cochlear Implants are small, complex devices that provide ... Show more content on
Cochlear implants do not provide the high quality sound of a natural hearing ear. Recently, Professor
Michael Dorman of Arizona State University discovered, from one of his patients that had both
normal hearing and hearing from a cochlear implant, what cochlear implants sound like. According to
audio recordings of his results, a person hearing via a cochlear implant hears speech that is echoed,
slightly robotic, and of somewhat lower quality than natural hearing (Griffiths, 2014, para. 7).
Nonetheless, the speech presented from the implant was mostly clear and understandable. Since
cochlear implants only provide a good, but not outstanding, audio quality and some sounds can be
difficult to understand, a deaf child may need to fall back on sign language, which is fully accessible
to them (Klaudia, 2013, para. 17). Sign Language will not hinder development, as a study on deaf
children in Spain suggests. At the University of Córdoba in Córdoba, Spain, a group of eighteen deaf
children with cochlear implants were compared, as some were bilingual (spoken and sign) and some
only knew spoken language. The children who were bilingual performed better at verbal fluency
(Herruzo, Jimenez, Pino, 2009, para. 4). In other words, they are able to use a greater number of words
in spoken language. Use of sign language would also allow the child to better associate with Deaf
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The Great Us Economic Recession
THE GREAT US ECONOMIC RECESSION Introduction Did you know that by the end of the year
2009 the unemployment rate had increased from its average 5% to an astounding 10%? This is
because 15.3 million people became unemployed as a result of the economic recession. No shocker,
but poverty rate had also increased from 13.2% in 2008 to 14.3% in 2009. This meant that the number
of people living in poverty in the United States had increased from 39.8 million to 43.6 million. This
great increase had all happened in the span of 1 year. Something that should have taken over 10 years
only took 1 year and this is all because of the Great US recession. Also the US suicide rate had
reached its highest record since 25 years between the years 2008 09. The great US recession was a
result of foolish decisions made in the past, which then in turn lead to a slow and painful punishment
for the US economy. It was caused mainly because banks were loaning out too much money; Banks
used money which they didn t really have on paper to invest heavily into the housing market and the
stock market; the debts which the citizens were creating by using large amounts of loans to pay for
their daily expenses and to pay for expensive things became impossible to pay. Banks were loaning
out too much money If you google when the US recession began it will answer 2007. So the better
question would be when did it start to develop, because something so grand could not just have been
made overnight. The answer to
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Complementary And Alternative Medicine ( Cam )
CAM Therapeutic Modalities Paper
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is important in todays health care for researchers,
practitioners, and consumers. Society should be aware of the safety of taking herbs, therapies, and any
health topics. The CAM website can be a useful website to research information that a person wants to
gain background on. In the following paper, I will give definitions of alternative, complementary,
integrative medicine, conventional medicine role, CAMs philosophy, five domains of therapies, and
research a treatment.
Definition of Alternative, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine Alternative is a non mainstream
approach in place of conventional medicine. A system of healing or treating disease, such as
homeopathy, Ayurveda, faith healing, and chiropractic that is not included in the traditional curricula
in medical schools. Complementary medicine is a non mainstream approach together with
conventional medicine. Practices of alternative medicine acquired and adapted by mainstream medical
practitioners, such as acupuncture. Integrative medicine is holistic and encloses the mind, body, and
spirit. It encircles both conventional and alternative medicine to use the best evidence of both
approaches to healing. Integrative medicine integrates the therapies of alternative medicine with
mainstream medical practitioners. The terms differ because integrative medicine is finding new
solutions for prevention and treatment of health care problems,
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Camp For Kids With Autism
Extreme sports include skydiving, base jumping, mountain climbing, etc.... These kinds of sports are
very dangerous to a regular person who doesn t really do them regularly. All of these sports have a
high chance of killing or seriously injuring someone without the person, doing the sport, knowing it.
Though these sports can be dangerous and harmful, people find fun and enjoyment doing them. People
do these sports to compete in competitions or just for the fun of it. Yes these sports are highly
dangerous, but I believe they re a good thing but should only be done by people who are trained. If
someone does this without knowing what they re doing they can get killed. If a person is trained and
not afraid of the risks they could as well do the ... Show more content on ...
Others think that extreme sports are terrible, dangerous, and that they should be banned. In the article
A Solemn Warning to Wingsuit Flyers Jones, the author, talks about about statistic list of casualties
from extreme sports. The list has all the fatalities over the past five years per 1,000 participants in
almost all of the extreme sports. Jones exclaims that these sports especially wingsuit flying have all
these deaths and casualties, which should stop people from doing them. According to Jones,¨It is an
inherently dangerous sport, but a sport participated in by people with huge skydiving experience and a
deep love of adventure of setting themselves new challenges and taking on the ultimate challenge..¨ I
can also see why people dislike these sports because they think with all these risks and deaths
involved with them they shouldn t be worth doing. I do agree that they have all these dangerous risks
and considerable amount of deaths, but just because it s dangerous doesn t mean they ll everyone
every time and its can sometimes be an interesting
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Public Education And The Education System
In today s day and age, public education is outweighed on the scale. Young people don t see the
necessity of moving onto higher education and why should they when they know that a college degree
doesn t guarantee a job in the end. You have a greater chance of being employed if you do indeed have
your degree. And sure, you know your stuff but do you have the experience? Do you have the skill to
actually do your job? Public education systems are becoming more and more concerned about college
and career preparedness and there are already reformations in motion. The current education system is
ineffective in preparing today s students for higher education and their careers and reformation and
innovation is necessary to accommodate today s students to take their places in the real world. First
and foremost, there are several issues that are the leading cause of the ineffectiveness of today s
schooling. Sir Ken Robinson made a point of explaining that the current education system was ...
conceived in the intellectual culture of the enlightenment and in the economic circumstances of the
industrial revolution (para 2). We are obviously passed the enlightenment and industrial revolution. In
fact, we might be in a new enlightenment completely as well as a technological revolution as
compared to an industrial one. It is common sense to realize that methods used then may not and
probably will not work now. Children have been brought up differently and knowledge has been
expanded from
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Western Influence on Japan Essay
Western Influence on Japan
Japan, as a nation, is a continually changing society. Ever since western nations became involved with
Japan, its changes over recent times have increased at a substantial rate. Japan now faces cultural,
economical and social differences as a result of the western involvement. The involvement was
initiated by the Japanese themselves, beginning during the
Meiji Period1 through current times. As time increases, Japan is slowly becoming more westernized
because of western involvement. Western involvement is greatly affecting Japan.
Western involvement began in Japan during the late 1800 s. The Meiji dynasty helped to carry it
through, seeing the importance of western ideas.
Learn ... Show more content on ...
We explained to them about the electric telegraph and soon after we even connected them with
California s telegraphs.10 Many
Japanese women started to wear western dresses or even sweaters and slacks.11 Japan changed
politically as well. Japan became divided up into
47 profectures, which are similar to American states. Japan has carried over America s democratic
ideas of social freedom, economic independence, and democratic liberties and privileges Japan s
government soon began the executive, legislative, and judicial branches seen in America seen after the
war.13 These changes all became possible soon after the war with great financial aid from the Us.14
Japan s progress in America s modernization program was so fast, we had to begin recognizing Japan
as a world power.15
After Japan s modernization program, Japanese life began to change less dramatically, but never
stopped. Within recent times, many western style appliances and such can be found in Japanese
homes.16 The Japanese schools, based on America s, teach the same things in grade school as
American schools.17 Many of the students are learning in these schools to take English language
courses to help them as they get older.18 Sports today, are shaped similar to America s. Japan has
carried over many sports from America including frisbees, jogging, skateboarding19, and baseball.20
Baseball is among
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Leadership of Richard Branson Essay
Leadership of Richard Branson
Dr. Paul FrankenhauserMGT 500 Modern Management
Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group has been a household name in the United Kingdom for
over twenty years. He is well respected in the business world. He is the founder of the Virgin Group,
which is known for many different things such as cell phones, record labels, airlines and many more.
Branson is also known for his unique character and leadership styles, one who is not afraid to take
risks, and believes that people are the foundation to his company s success. If I were to first
characterize his leadership style I would say he is definitely a democratic leader. He truly feels that
getting other peoples input and listening to what ... Show more content on ...
They show customers and employees what our business stands for, and often inspire our teams at
other businesses to try new challenges. Another way Branson keeps employees engaged is by inviting
them to take part in company events, like the Virgin Mobile Live Free fest, a free music festival held
every year to raise money (through donations) for homeless young people. Along with giving
employees a chance to give something back to the community, the festival allows an opportunity to
say thank you to customers and staff by providing them with the chance to enjoy themselves for free.
The sense of fun unites the businesses reminds employees of what the company stands for. In some
ways it s easier for a large organization like Virgin to embark on such projects, but with a little
inventiveness and resourceful thinking, other business owners might come up with shot in the arm
schemes of their own (Entrepreneur, 2012). Maintaining a focused and motivated staff can be a
difficult task for employers to master, especially during harsh economic times and with stretched
resources. Branson recently held a series of talks for employees, where they were encouraged to
engage and debate different subjects. The exercises were held on a tropical island in the Caribbean.
Every company does not have the luxury of taking their employees off to a tropical island, that
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Carl Jung s Attitude Towards Women
Carl Jung
Early Life
Carl Gustav Jung was born on July 26th 1875. He was born to Paul Achilles Jung and Emilie
Preiswerk in the town of Kesswil, Switzerland. Jung was the 4th child born but the only child that
survived. His family life was strained, and his mother spent the majority of her time locked in her
room, where she said that spirits visited her at night. When the family moved to Laufen his mother
was hospitalized due to an unknown physical ailment. Jung was sent to live with his mother s
unmarried sister, but was later sent back home to his father. The stressful relationship with his mother
in his early life influenced Jung s attitude towards women, one he describes as being of innate
unreliability . This was a view that he later referred to as the handicap I started off with.
As a child, Jung was often introverted and isolated. At 12 years old Jung was pushed so hard to the
ground by another classmate that he lost consciousness. Afterwards, his parents were led to believe
that he may have had epilepsy. It is unknown whether this event had a negative impact on him in the
future. Jung grew up with the belief that he had two opposing personalities: One personality being a
typical schoolboy, and the other being a largely influential figure from the past. Carl Jung s work was
largely influenced by his experiences as a child. As a boy, Jung would visit his attic to bring a small
wooden mannequin he had carved small sheets of paper with
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  • 2. Lumbar Pain Case Studies REASON CHIEF COMPLAINT: Cervical and lumbar pain. HISTORY The patient is a 62 year old male with a long history of cervical and lumbar pain secondary to degenerative disk disease and spondylosis. He also is noted to have multiple other problems including a fairly severe left rotator cuff arthropathy which does require surgery on the left. It is important to note that this is important because the patient has been wheelchair bound since 2013 and now has difficulty with ambulation. He also has a history of prior cervical decompression in the remote past at C3 4. The patient complains of both cervical and lower extremity pain as well as radiating symptoms in the left upper extremity all the way down into the level of the hand. He denies ... Show more content on ... Both in the cervical and lumbar region. In terms of conservative management, the patient may benefit from the addition of an SNRI and either gabapentin or pregabalin. He could also benefit from a tricyclic. I did discuss all of these with the patient and he is fairly adverse to the use of any of these types of medications because of feelings that it will affect his liver. At the same time, he is currently on methadone which he states does not seem to help him as much as morphine has in the past. A switch to extended release morphine sulfate could be performed and would help in terms of not only his neuropathic pain, but also his nociceptive pain. In terms of injection therapy, I did discuss both cervical and lumbar injection therapy with the patient. I went through with him the indications, risks, benefits, alternatives of care, likely outcome, possible complications, including but not limited to the risk of bleeding, infection, nerve injury, spinal cord injury that could be associated with injection therapy. Furthermore, because of the fact that he is a diabetic, he would be at increased risk with regards to hyperglycemia after the injection and also at increased risk for infection in general. At the same time, I did review with him the rare but catastrophic adverse events including blindness, ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Bruce Jenner Research Paper Bruce Jenner was born on October 28, 1949 in Mount Kisco, New York. Bruce was the second of four children of William and Estelle Jenner. Bruce was diagnosed with dyslexia at a young age and always struggled in school, yet somehow always seemed to excelled at sports. Following high school, Bruce accepted a scholarship from Graceland College in Iowa for football. After he suffered a knee injury it restricted him to only playing either basketball or track, he then made the decision to switching over to running track and field. His coach then encouraged him to start training for the 1972 Olympics. Something I found interesting was that his father William Jenner had competed in the U.S. Army Olympics in Nuremberg, Germany, in 1945, and won a silver medal in the 100 yard dash. When Bruce competed in the 1972 decathlon in Munich Germany, Bruce placed third in the Olympic trials and tenth at the actual Munich Games. At the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal however, Bruce ended up winning a gold medal and broke a world record, scoring over 8,000 points in the decathlon. ... Show more content on ... After finalizing the divorce of him and Kris Jenner in early 2015, a 20/20 interview with Diane Sawyer came out in April of 2015, releasing the news that Bruce came out as a transgender woman. Caitlyn said that she had dealt with gender dysphoria since her youth and that, she cross dressed for many years and also took hormone replacement therapy, but stopped after her relationship with Kris Jenner in the early 1990s became more serious. Caitlyn recounts having permission to explore her gender identity on her own from Kris, but because of not knowing the best way to talk about the issues they faced about this situation of wanting to become a woman, it lead to the deterioration of the 23 year long ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Ted Lavender Characteristics If you were to ask any individual what their idea of a hero is, they ll most likely give you a perfect description of superman, but that s the fictional visual that s been placed into the minds of the general public. What is a true hero? A true hero is selfless, brave, and determined; someone like Ted Lavender. Lavender was highly respected, he was as brave as he could be without needing recognition, and he took a bullet to the head. He will never be stripped of his humble and heroic reputation. A man who puts his life on the line; a man who does what he feels he must do. It s evident that no man wants to go into war, anyone could run from it like Tim O brien when he was drafted into the Vietnam War, but Lavender faced a terrifying scenario head on. A hero is selfless, brave, and determined. The act of fighting in the war automatically makes a hero all of the above; wartime hero s put their life on the line, they commit to their duties and they never know whether they ll come out of it alive. These hero s demonstrate many of the characteristics of a hero and they do so with dignity. A hero impacts all aspects of someone s life and leaves a positive impression, but there s no limit to the amount of characteristics that could be used to define a hero. ... Show more content on ... Lavender was drafted into the military and rather than running from such a horrifying situation he took every opportunity to show such heroic acts. It takes bravery to surrender your life and devote it to your country. He fought with the utmost chivalry and held his courage strong. He never asked for a thank you nor recognition. One bullet to the head and Lavender s life had come to a sudden end, but that doesn t make him a weak link nor a dud, but only makes him more of a hero. Not only was he brave and determined, but he had lost his life in the most selfless ... Get more on ...
  • 5. A Study On The Mapping Process Of Mapping The Coordinates... ABSTRACT Named entity disambiguation is a very interesting problem having wide ranging applications. It is the process of mapping the mentions of persons, organisations, events etc. in textual documents to real world entities. The mapping process becomes tedious when these mentions in the text are commonly used to describe more than one real world entities. It is then said that the mention is ambiguous. If the mentions can be correctly mapped to the corresponding real world entities, then it can lead to a more informative and intuitive web experience where the textual documents can be linked to other knowledge bases which contain more information on various entities described in the document. In this report, we have surveyed well known research papers in the field of named entity disambiguation and have described the approaches suggested in them. Successive sections of report aim to solve the shortcomings of the algorithms discussed in the previous sections. INTRODUCTION The recent years have seen a huge increase in the number of online documents. This has resulted in a huge amount of information being available at the click of a mouse. But, at the same time, the retrieval of relevant information from this collection of unstructured documents has emerged as a challenging task and is a topic of research. A major part of retrieving information out of a document is finding out the words or phrases of significance in the article like the persons, organization, location, ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Discovery Of Interstellar Travel The idea of interstellar travel was explored methodically in order to answer why one would want to travel to other stars, where in space could humanity realistically travel to, what factors are preventing mankind from reaching these stars and how can they could be overcome. The inquisitiveness of the human mind and the fact that Earth will not be habitable forever is a substantial motivation in favour of interstellar travel. The main requirement for a habitable planet is that it is in the Habitable Zone where it is not too close nor too far from the star it is orbiting, but is situated where the water on the surface of the planet is in liquid form. There are many issues that limit one s ability to travel to the stars. The most significant issue being the vast distances between the stars and the time it would take for the journey to be complete, which would permanently damage the human body. The most promising rocket that could handle the voyage would be a nuclear rocket, however there are still many developments that need to be made in that field to render it a strong possibility. One of the biggest reasons as to why humanity wishes to explore interstellar travel is to fuel its curiosity. Civilization would not be where it is today if it wasn t for the previous species desire to discover more about the universe in which they lived. Many speculate that the idea of voyaging across the universe to other stars is straightforward as it portrayed this way in ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Non Ionizing Radiation The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was the crown jewel of the communist movement from 1922 to 1991. The USSR was known for its strength and unwavering beliefs, but it worked tirelessly to keep one very significant issue tightly under wraps. During the development of the Soviet nuclear program, the USSR disregarded even the most basic of health and safety standards when testing and developing nuclear weapons, desperate to keep up in the arms race with the United States. This left the region plagued with radioactivity and sickness, obliterated ecosystems, and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people from their homes. Radioactivity is defined as the amount of ionizing radiation released by a material, and in the United States, the unit of measurement used for radioactivity is the curie. Ionizing radiation has so much energy that it can ... Show more content on ... It can affect the atoms in living things, and can pose a health risk by damaging tissue and DNA. Ionizing radiation comes from radioactive elements, cosmic particles, and x ray machines. There is also non ionizing radiation that is far less harmful than ionizing radiation. Non ionizing radiation has enough energy to make atoms move or vibrate, but not enough energy to knock electrons out of them completely. It is found in radio waves, visible light, and microwaves. The former USSR suffers from high levels of ionizing radiation, which has posed significant health and environmental issues that will not correct themselves for centuries. Just as there are different types of radiation, there are different types of nuclear waste, and the former Soviet Union contains all of them. High level waste consists of either spent nuclear fuel or the waste produced by reprocessing ... Get more on ...
  • 8. A Research Field On My Life Career Research is a very important aspect of any professional field that many students fail to notice. As far as my understanding, backbone of any professional field consists of two important parts, the academic part; knowledge and practical aspect, and the research part. The academic part helps the professionals to apply the knowledge in the practical life, but the research part is the one that provides all the knowledge and does mostly all the behind the scene work. That is why it would be preferred for every student in their respective discipline to participate and explore research in their respective field. This is the reason as to why I want to participate in the research field relating to my Medicine career. Research is very useful because it helps in expanding previous knowledge and adding new knowledge for any particular discipline. Not only that, research helps students to get the better understanding of what they are studying in classes and lectures. It provides student the background knowledge of the stuff they learn in a classroom. This prepares students to expand their horizon, think outside the box, critically analyze using the scientific method, and helps students to use their behind the scene knowledge to experiment and discover new things. Thus research ultimately helps in the adding new knowledge to the disciple. My academic goal is to get a bachelor degree in biomedical sciences and biotechnology from the University of Central Florida and then apply to medical ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Chinese Rejection Movement From the 1850s, political agitation and financial weights at home provoked many Chinese settlers to move toward the western areas of the United States looking for transitory work. Many took low paid employments as unskilled workers in mining, development, horticulture, assembling, or administration ventures. The 1890 decennial census reports a Chinese conceived inhabitant populace surpassing 100,000; records demonstrate that almost 300,000 Chinese workers entered the United States in the vicinity of 1850 and 1889, however antiquarians evaluate that the same number of as half at last came back to China. This influx of Chinese movement was joined by developing hostility to Chinese Migrants causing ethnic segregation, in the U.S. Congress passed the Chinese Rejection Act in 1882 which restricted Chinese work relocation to the United States and banned Chinese inhabitants from getting U.S. citizenship. In spite of the fact that the law was canceled in 1943, minimal Chinese movement was allowed until the point that the Immigration and ... Show more content on ... For example, Confucius, who has been viewed as the very insignia of Chinese human progress, was extremely persuasive in pilgrim North America. Some famous settlers, including Benjamin Franklin (1706 1790), Thomas Jefferson (1743 1826), Thomas Paine (1737 1809), John Bartram (1699 1777), and Jedidiah Morse (1761 1826), the pioneer of American geology, communicated their regarding for Confucius and his ethical theory. A standout amongst the most evident direct efficient and political impacts of the Chinese culture upon social improvement in North America was the tea from China that helped trigger the American Transformation. Chinese Porcelain, similar to tea, had been foreign into the English provinces quite a while before the establishing of the United States. Pioneers in Albany utilized China porcelain as ahead of schedule as ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Origin Of The Bible Essay After a number of years have passed through the church, one would wonder how we can be certain that the right books make up the Bible. We have all of these translations and interpretations of Scripture, but how did we get the Bible itself? These are the many questions that make up many non believers and possibly even many non believers today as well. I can speak for many church goers on the contrary, that have grown up in the church and they have not thought about the idea of the origin of the Bible. Either way, Christian or atheist, it is important to understand the origin of one s beliefs. This leads to the basis of the foundation of why a Christian believes the truth of God s word and then is able to faith their faith with others. To begin our research, it is important to understand and define some of the terms that are displayed throughout the text. First off, the origin of the word canon comes from the Latin word canon. This was originally from the Greek word kanon. When translated into English this word is referred to as a standard or type of rule that is found in 2 Corinthians 10:13 and again in Galatians 6:16. It is important to note that when Paul is writing, he is not referring to the canon of Scripture. This word came into be for the canon of scripture at a much later date when the Christian church called kanon stood for the rule of faith and revealed truth. In the fourth century, the church referred to the Scriptures of both the Old Testaments and the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Main Goals Of Enlightenment The Enlightenment is intriguing period lasted from 1600 to1800.French historians traditionally place the period between 1715, the year that Louis XIV died, and 1789, the beginning of the French Revolution. The Enlightenment is known in French as the Siècle des Lumières (Century of Enlightenment) was a philosophical and architectural movement which dominated the world of ideas in Europe in the18th century. The principal goals of Enlightenment thinkers were liberty, progress, reason, tolerance, and ending the abuses of the church and state. In France, the central doctrines of the Lumières were individual liberty and religious tolerance, in opposition to the principle of absolute monarchy and the fixed dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church. Architecture at this period is defined as neoclassical architecture and revival at early stage. Reflected on the era the conceptual basis of the modern house and the physical layout of the modern city emerged from debates among theoretically innovative French architects. The eighteenth century city was a place in which actual physical space was subjected to a complex mental layering of conceptual spaces, focusing on the design theory of architects as Boullee and Durand, with his charts. Which legacy was continued later on through the architecture of Paul Philippe Cret, Frank Lloyd Wright and Louis Kahn, some of the most outstanding modern architects of 18th 19th century. Furthermore, distinctive features of neoclassicism and outlines ... Get more on ...
  • 12. What should the Federal Government do i order to encourage... 1. What should the federal government do in order to encourage investment in human capital? The decision to invest in human capital is influenced by considerations similar to those that motivate a firm to invest in physical capital: the cost of the investment verse the expected return. For example, investing in a college education may require the one borrow the money for tuition. If the interest rates on the loan rise then people will most be less likely to invest in a college education. Thus, investment in education may be negatively related to the interest rate, much as physical investment is. This is one reason why, in order to encourage economic growth and productivity, the U.S government provides low interest loans for college ... Show more content on ... The first year of the tax generated $125 million in revenue (Forbes 2012). In 1940, the tax was raised to 1.5 cents per gallon, which would be equivalent of a rate of 24.26 per gallon in 2011 dollars (Forbes 2012). Current federal gas taxes adjusted for inflation, dipped below the effective rate of today after the war and during the early 50s, but then came the Federal Highway Act of 1956. Taxes went to a whopping 3 cents a gallon, equivalent to 24.97 cents per gallon today. Eisenhower raised the rate to 4 cents a gallon in 1959, popping it to an effective rate of 30.6 cents in today s dollars. But then it stuck. The 4 cents per gallon rate stayed constant until 1983. Reagan, the alleged tax fighter, raised the rate to 9 cents per gallon in 1983. Subsequent hikes by Bush (14 cents a gallon in 1990 dollar or 24.4 cents today) and Clinton (18.3 cents or 28.8 cents in today s terms) kept older rates higher (Forbes 2012). History tends to show gas taxes don t seem to have that much impact on the overall economy. The hikes have occurred under both Republican and Democratic administrations: the most prominent increases, in fact, occurred under Republicans Hoover, Reagan and Eisenhower. 4. Real economic growth is critical for the economy and desirable for the United States ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Feminist Criticism of Frankenstein and The Yellow Wallpaper Feminism in literature has existed as early as the 16th century, the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities (Shneir, Miram). Throughout history, women have portrayed the idea of feminism in literature, with one of the most famous feminist writers being Mary Shelley. Shelley was born in 1797 into a notable family, with her mother, Mary Wollstonecraft, being a renowned feminist writer herself (Biogram). Her novel Frankenstein was published in 1818, a time when most women were extremely conservative, and were deprived of the rights and opportunities that men held. In the novel, Shelley portrays feminism by essentially mocking women and giving them a lack of power showing how women should not be. One way Shelley mocks women in Frankenstein is the societal role she gives her female characters. This is first seen in the beginning of the novel, when young Elizabeth is presented to Victor Frankenstein in the form of a pretty present (Shelley 7), portraying Elizabeth as being in a sense a gift to Victor, causing her to be seen as inferior to him. Elizabeth s physical appearance is also frequently referred to: her golden hair, blue eyes, and thin body; but rarely are her non superficial attributes, assuming that those hold little value. The focus on only the physicality of women is also portrayed in The Birthmark by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The short story discusses a husband, Alymer s, wishes to have his wife s facial birthmark removed, due to ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Louisiana s Cajun Dialect Louisiana s Cajun Dialect Linguist and Cajun Megan E. Melancon calls the Cajun dialect a gumbo . There are many languages that make up this gumbo. The various languages include Spanish, French, German, and English. The Cajun language is mainly spoken in Southern Louisiana, but can reach into parts of Southern Texas and Southern Mississippi due to emigration (Melancon). The word Cajun comes from the word Acadien. Acadia was a French colony in 1604 located in the areas now known as New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, Canada. In the middle of the eighteenth century approximately four thousand Acadians moved into South Louisiana, into the region around Lafayette and the Lafourche Bayou country. This group of people brought with them the French language. Over the years the Cajun dialect emerged. Many say Cajun is not just a dialect but an entire language of its own. The Cajun dialect differs throughout the state of ... Show more content on ... Cajun English is a combination of English and French, borrowing words and phrases from the French language and is greatly influenced by Cajun French. How to Speak Cajun English (or at least understand it) gives some great examples of the way some Cajuns pronounce words and names. This site also explains various idioms used by Cajuns. Syntax, the arrangement of words in a sentence, is also explained. The example given for Syntax is, I didn t do that, No! instead of No, I didn t do that! A lot of Cajuns will drop the final letter(s) of some words. An example of this would be dropping the t from what. Another common practice is to change the th sound to t or d . Some examples of this are, thing=ting, that=dat, this=dat, and bath=bat. One example of a sentence, Wha dat ting ya got? An English speaking person would normally say, What s that thing you have? Some examples of the pronunciation of names included Matthew/ Mat chew, Raphael/ Ray feel, Richard/ Re shard, Herbert/ ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Implementation of the Compensation Strategy Plan for... Introduction In the contemporary business environment, compensation strategy is an underlying HR (Human Resources) practice to build a competitive effective organization. Compensation strategy is a set of HR implementation practice to achieve effective organization. The role of compensation is to balance the overall motivation scheme applied within the organization and the implementation of smooth compensation strategy assists in achieving efficient HR process, which includes performance management, recruitment, and staffing. In the United States, many business organizations are facing the magnitude of changes to enhance better performances, enhance flexibility as well as cutting costs to achieve better HR performances. Thus, organizations are also facing the challenges of pace and magnitude of changes within the contemporary technology environment, and thus, management is implementing compensation strategy to enhance value within organization. Objective of this study is to implement the compensation strategy plan for Techtron in Charlotte, North Carolina. Techtron in North Carolina. Techntron is to establish its business location and the manufacturing site at Charlotte in the North Carolina. The company decides to put its site at Charlotte due to various benefits that the city offers to the private organizations. Charlotte is located at the NC (North Carolina) and is the largest city within the state of North Carolina. The U.S Census Bureau (2012) estimates the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. A Rhetorical Analysis Of The Text Dear Subaru: A Personal Letter to Subaru This ad from the magazine Backpacker shows off a letter from a Subaru owner, along with a photo of a Subaru Outback on a snowy road labelled OUTBACK RD . All the elements in this ad help to promote three iconic ideas about Subaru and the cars that they make. The trees are heavily weighed down with snow as if a huge blizzard has passed through the area. The ground and road are also covered with several feet of snow. This suggests to the viewer that the Subaru Outback performs very well in the snow and on extreme terrains in general. Secondly the whole ad is dominated by giant pine trees and forest. The tops of the trees are not even visible. This suggests that someone who owns a Subaru Outback also ... Show more content on ... They also try to express the love that owners have for their cars by exhibiting a personal letter from a dear customer. It is an important detail that the owner wrote this letter and not a just a Subaru employee in charge of advertisement. It shows that the customers actually love their cars enough to write a letter and send a photo. In the letter the woman says she is on her sixth Subaru vehicle. She loves the cars so much that she has exclusively bought them for a long time. The woman in the letter then goes on to say that she named the road that enters her property OUTBACK RD after her new car. Someone has to really love their car to name a road after it. Everyone who passes by knows that they are a proud owner of a Subaru Outback. Then she explains that the sign was so popular it had already been stolen. This suggests that there is a vast community of people that love Subaru Outbacks. Even in a seemingly remote and rural area there are people who want to steal her sign. She then ends the letter with a P.S. that says Love. It s what makes a Subaru, a Subaru. . This is the iconic phrase of Subaru that concludes all of their advertisements. The ad is then drawn to a close with an open handed invitation to other Subaru owners to share their own stories. This makes it feel like Subaru really cares about how their customers feel about their cars and want to hear from them. This is a ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Sentinel Event Case Study that resulting in the adverse event.The last step is devising recommended actions or place to prevent recurrence of the sentinel event.This steps results with developing and implementing interventions to improve and prevent the adverse event from recurrence. There are several factors that led to Mr. B s diagnosis of brain death and ultimately death. The directive causative factor is lack of oxygen to the brain resulting in brain death. Contributing factors in this adverse event are identified as patient oversedation, staffing shortages, influx of patients in emergency department, arrival of patient in acute respiratory distress, and staff ignoring alarms. The alarm is significant in this scenario because it was ignored and the decreased oxygen ... Get more on ...
  • 18. History of Sexuality | | | A Historical Critique of Homosexual Exclusions from the Armed Forces using the concepts of Michel Foucault From 1989 to 1999, the time period of the Clinton Administration, a homosexual force entered the American consciousness. Court cases and rhetoric of the 80s incited a discourse in which homosexuality was re articulated, re negotiated, and unmistakably re repressed (Davis 3). Supreme Court judgment and actions taken by Congress with the Don t Ask, Don t Tell policy exemplify theories of sexuality and power expressed in the philosophies of Michel Foucault. Foucault was a French born ... Show more content on ... Foucault saw the importance of the matter to lie in how the discourse on sexuality in our culture has paradoxically produced repression. Repression in modern society is a complex process. Foucault s work divides pre modern sexual acts from modern sexual identities and sexualities (Lochrie 86). Foucault explained that the discussion of sexuality itself was restricted in a few areas. After the eighteenth century he noted an institutional incitement to speak about [sex]... a determination on the part of the agencies of power to hear it spoken about, and to cause it to speak through explicit articulation and endlessly accumulated detail (18). This proliferation of discourse had the effect of increasing encroachment of state law onto the issue of private sexuality. Foucault s analysis was considered radical. This aspect of societal repression and subsequent obsession plays an important role in understanding the reactionary political movements concerning homosexuals in the military. This will be examined after a discussion of the functions of sexuality and power. In The History of Sexuality, this examination also focused on the functions of sexuality and power. He created the term Biopower, which refers to the regulation of subjects by the state. This regulation occurs through an explosion of numerous and diverse techniques for achieving the ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Why Have Your Home Windows Tinted Why Have Your Home Windows Tinted When it comes to tinting windows, many people immediately think of the windows on their car. Home windows can also be tinted, with them providing several benefits that you may not be aware of. Here are three reasons to have your home windows tinted. Window Tints Will Control UV Light Exposure If your windows use regular glass that does not have a tint, it will allow ultraviolet light into your home. While sunlight can be good to get your vitamin D, too much UV light could cause health issues like skin cancer. You may be indoors as opposed to layout outdoors under the sun, but you are still at risk of the health conditions that come with having too much sun exposure if you are not careful. A window tint ... Get more on ...
  • 20. CO2 In The 2 Alka-Seltzer Tablets The first two questions will be answered during the introduction of the lesson and the rest will be the laboratory analysis questions. These will get the students to analyze and make sense of their lab results. 1. How is it possible to have gas trapped in the table? (Is it really trapped or is it a product?) 2. How can you weigh the gas released by the reaction? 3. Once you have the mass of the gas, calculate the number of moles of CO2 that were produced in the chemical reaction between the vinegar and the 2 Alka Seltzer® tablets? 4. What is the percent composition by mass of CO2 in the 2 Alka Seltzer® tablets? 5. What is the percent composition by mass of O2 in the carbon dioxide that was released in the reaction? 6. What is the percent composition ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Huevo Meaning The expression a huevo is used in many countries to convey different meanings. In Mexico, El Salvador and Nicaragua it is used to say that they must go with the plan that was proposed. In Costa Rica it is used to describe the action of achieving something with a lot of sacrifice. While in Spain it is used to say that it will be very easy to obtain something. In Chile, Colombia and Ecuador people use it to describe an object that is being sold at a very low price. It is incredible how this one same word has a completely different meanings among these countries even though they all speak the same language: Spanish. Chambear means to work in Mexico, Ecuador, Honduras, and Peru. In the other hand, in the Dominican Republic it means to inhale ... Show more content on ... In Chile this expression means done immediately, for example, al tiro me voy del trabajo , meaning I m leaving work immediately. In Uruguay means someone that has a lot of things to get done. Another word that has different meanings depending to the country is rapar. In the Dominican Republic this word means to have sexual intercourse with someone that is not your spouse, like an affair. In Colombia, Chile and Argentina, rapar means to cut one s hair so short it is almost bald. One might think that a Taco is just the famous mexican food and it is a word that is worldwide understood uniquely as the food. This is true up to a point. As to a Taco can be refered to a dish, it may also be used to describe a traffic jam in Chile and Colombia. In Spain it is a rude way to refer to a issue, problem or a riot, for example, estoy cansada de tus tacos meaning, I am tired of your problems. In Venezuela a taco can be someone that is smart and in the Dominican Republic, a taco can also be refered to high heel shoes aside from the Mexican dish ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Evolution And Virality Of Memes Evolution and Virality of Memes How have memes evolved and why do they go viral? Memes did not originate from the internet contrary to popular belief, but have actually been appearing in culture for centuries. The main difference between internet memes and pre internet memes is the medium in which they go viral. A meme has two definitions; Dawkins definition, and internet memes. Charles Dawkins first coined the term meme in 1976 in his book The Selfish Gene, and was referring to cultural ideas, beliefs, fashion, practices, etc. In his book he came up with a theory that memes develops similar to how genes spread in organisms. Memes transmit from one mind to another through speech, writing, or any form of communication. Likewise genes ... Show more content on ... This square dates back to 79 AD in the ruins of Pompeii, where Jewish people inscribed it on doorways and various objects to protect from evil. Later, in about the Third to Fifth century, Christians adopted this practice as their own. The meme had spread and mutated to accommodate both cultures. Likewise, Sator Square has still survived to this day. However, it s not as popular as it once used to be nor used as much. Additionally Kilroy was Here is another meme that spread similarly to internet memes, and the sator square. James J. Kilroy created it during World War II. He inspected the bottoms of warships under construction, and after he had completed the inspection he would write in chalk Kilroy was Here on the bottom of them. The chalk consequently, would be erased too easily though, so he scrawled Kilroy was Here in crayon on the bottom of the ship instead. The image that s associated with this phrase is a bald headed man with a large nose peeking over a ledge however, predates the phrase. There s conflicting ideas to who drew it first, but most people think the British cartoonist George Edward Chatterton drew it in 1938. Somehow this image united with the phrase, and formed the Kilroy was Here meme. Subsequently this spawned a joke within the GIs of America. It became a challenge to place this phrase and picture in unusual places, and is said to be on Mt. Everest, the Statue of Liberty, and on the moon. Both of these ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Literature Review On Celebrity Culture Literature Review In celebrity culture, celebrities use social media as a tool to build relationship and stay connected with their fans. Young and Pinsky (2006) make a claim that celebrity culture has generated a curiosity about celebrities personal lives. Adding on to this research, Marshall (2010) states that celebrities are willing to reveal their personal lives so that they can gain more followers. He also shows that celebrities reconstruct their profile for online personal branding by uploading personal posts related to their everyday lives. He demonstrates this through observing the actor Vin Diesel on social media. Marshall call this as the presentation of self , that celebrities expose their information in three different levels: public self , public private self , and transgressive intimate self (p.44). Research has further revealed the presentation of self (Marshall, 2010). Ertürk Dilek (2016) divides the self concept in three different categories: self image , self esteem , and ideal self (p.31). Self image is the way that people see themselves; self esteem means personal values of humans; and an ideal self illustrates how people desire themselves to be. Soraya Mehdizadeh (2010) approaches self presentation in a different perspective. Mehdizadeh distinguishes the presentation of self into two different categories: now self , an individual or a characteristic known to public, and possible self , a characteristic unknown to public (p.358). ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Gymnasts Resistance Training Resistance Training According to Sleeper, Kenyon, Casey (2012), for gymnasts core training is very important. Gymnastics is a sport that engages the muscles of the entire upper and lower body. Along with training the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and inner and outer obliques, strengthening the core involves the stabilization of the pelvis (mid body), the shoulder girdle (upper body), as well as the spine (upper mid/lower body). Bodyweight exercises are the main type of training modality used by gymnasts to prepare for competitions (Behm, Colado, 2012). Plyometrics are beneficial for gymnasts because these dynamic and explosive movements allow the athlete to increase strength and speed which are both necessary in order to ... Show more content on ... Gymnasts can perform the stability ball pike, stability ball jackknife, slide plank, stability ball rollout, and front plank (Major, 1996). These exercises will help the gymnast be able to hold positions need for competition for a long duration of time. Gymnasts can also perform pushups, handstand holds, stand up on toe, stand toe raises, and bar dips to improve their muscular strength (Major, 1996). The exercises help improve individual muscles that will be used during the sport (Major, 1996). They also include movements that are used during the completion as well. The assistant exercises not only will help with movement, and strength, but will also help stabilize the joints (Major, ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The United States Military Bases For roughly 1% of the United States population, the past 10 years have been an ever changing experience serving across the world. On September 11, 2001, the United States was attacked by a terrorist organization residing in Afghanistan. The United States Armed forces were called upon to fight a war against terrorism. In May 2003, this conflict extended to Iraq, which was acting as a safe zone for many of the world s terrorists. Since that time, more than 70,000 contractors and sub contractors have been hired by the Department of the Defense, in order to assist the United States military in their mission against terrorism. These individuals known as the TCN s or third country nationals, take part in everything from base security to cooking and laundry. However, since these individuals are not United States citizens and the government has turned its back to them. Personal knowledge, department of defense reports, and official law reviews contain a wide variety of information that give a look inside what has been happening on the United States military bases. Allegations of human trafficking, sexual assault, and indentured servitude are all common issues these TCN s have endured. In 2001, the Pentagon began taking in contract offers from companies around the United States. Private contracting firms such as KBR Inc. or Prime Project International began receiving over 15 billion dollars a year. Foreign conflicts can be very profitable for large businesses that invest time ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Coins In Shakespeare s Othello Heads or tails? The attribute of a coin is that there are two sides, with each side opposing the other. The qualities of two sides, two forces being antagonistic to one another is predominant in Shakespeare s play Othello. For some critics of the play, Iago and Othello are two sides of a coin with Iago representing the evil side and Othello the good side. Although a case could be made for this stance, the side of the argument holding the antithesis is the most logical, appropriate, sensible, and rational argument since the two characters qualities of good and evil overlap throughout the play. This argument is supported by the concentrate and palpable characteristics of a coin: secure, solid, stable; the coin has two sides, heads and tails, ... Show more content on ... Throughout the course of the play, it is evident that some characters saw Othello as good while others saw him as evil. In the first act, senator Brabantio tells Othello, O thou foul thief, where hast thou stow d my daughter? (1.3). Others, such as Iago, see Othello has a fair and righteous person, a person representing the good side of the coin. Iago tells Othello, My lord, you know I love you (3.3). By showing two different views of Othello it is evident that Othello is viewed as good and evil in Shakespearian society. Like Othello, society sees Iago as being a good man while others note his evil nature. Shortly after being fired from his position as Othello s lieutenant, Cassio appraises Iago, good night, honest Iago (2.3). During an argument between Emilia and Iago, Emilia shouts, Villany, villany, villany! (5.2). By having different characters in Othello express different views on the same person, it is pellucid that Iago was coined as a good person and as an evil person. By showing that Iago and Othello both have a good and evil side, it is clearly evident that they do not represent to the two sides of the coin in which one side is strictly good and the other side strictly ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Production Plan for Riordan Manufacturing Production Plan for Riordan Manufacturingr University of Phoenix OPS/GM 571: International Operations Management September 14, 2010 Production Plan for Riordan Manufacturing Riorden Manufacturing Incorporated is a global plastic manufacturing company that employs 550 people with annual earnings of $46 million. Riorden has several plants in different parts of the country and overseas with a corporate headquarters in San Jose California. The company s major customers are automotive parts manufacturers, aircraft manufacturers, department of defense, beverage makers, and bottlers. Riorden wants to introduce a new process that improves production of electric fans in Hangzhou, China. In ... Show more content on ... Efficient, 2. Risk Hedging, 3. Responsive, and 4. Agile. Riordan most closely represents the Responsive chain as the company allows room for customization as well as flexibility to the changing needs of their customers (Chase, Jacobs, amp; Aquilano, 2006, p.13). To manage ever changing needs Riordan has implemented the use of an electronic information system; the ability to communicate quickly, control costs, inventory levels, and efficiencies has further refined the supply process. Riordan Manufacturing also uses measures to determine the efficacy of their supply chain. Those measures come in the form of mathematical equations. The following are the formulas to indicate efficacy (Chase, Jacobs, amp; Aquilano, 2006, p.418): 1. Shipping Cost Saving = air shipping cost shipping costs by ship 2. Shipping Cost Savings = inventory carrying cost = item value X 0.30 X 6 days 365 days per year It is also common to measure supply chain efficiency by looking at inventory turnover as well as weeks of supply. Excessive inventory ties up funds as well increases inventory within the plant The manufacturer in China independently performs sales forecasting as well as the permission to produce product intended to meet the predicted demand (University of Phoenix, 2006). This plant purchases ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Tommy John Misconceptions Tommy John surgery is arguably one of the greatest innovations in medicine during this past century. It has helped extend the careers of many professional and amateur athletes by reconstructing a worn down and damaged ligament, Carroll (2013). But there has also been a lot misconceptions when it comes to this surgery as well. Not about whether or not it is successful or safe, but more along the lines of the expectations of the results of the individual having the surgery post operative, Dodson (2015). Along with that, there s a popular misconception about having the surgery when it is not necessary, Longman (2007). If you are a fan of baseball, you have definitely noticed the overwhelming popularity of Tommy John surgery with pitchers Dines, ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Ozone Depletion The earth atmosphere has many layers; the first two layers are the troposphere, the stratosphere, and the ozone layer which sits in the lower area of the stratosphere. The troposphere layer is where a lot of human activity occurs, such as planes and mountain climbing. The next layer is the stratosphere and this is where the ozone layer is located as well. The ozone layer helps protect people from ultraviolet radiation that mainly come from the sun. The ozone layer can be different depending on the season and the location. Over the past few years, the ozone layer has been depleting because of human activity. The main issue of the depletion of the ozone layer is the man made products that have been created and has cause bad effect on the ozone layer itself. The ozone is a gas in the atmosphere that protects all living things on Earth from damaging ultraviolet rays that come from the sun. With the ozone layer depleting, it would be difficult for anything to survive much longer or not at all. The ozone acts as a shield to protect living things from absorbing the ultraviolet ray and keeps them from being damaged. Many man made materials are causing the ozone layer to deplete at a faster rate. The author states, Emissions of chlorine and bromine from CFCs and halons are to blame for excessive stratospheric ozone depletion (Ivanovich and Calm). This type of emission is going into the atmosphere and is breaking down the ozone layer. Consequently, this is resulting in the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Political Role Of Women In Mesopotamian Women Regardless of the discrepancies and inconsistencies, Mesopotamian women had an unprecedented sovereignty and great potential for dominance, they were assigned a number of central political roles that influenced politics and social life. Mesopotamian pantheon, temple of Ishtar and Ziggurat at Ur, that many respected divinities including Ishtar, the goddess of war and love, who was believed to be the goddess of Uruk and the bordering territories, goddess Ninsun, Gilgamesh s mother who served as his consultant as a mother would consult with her son in our modern day, Aruru goddess of birth, Nisaba goddess of grain, Ereshkigal the queen, Belit Seri the underworld goddess and others. The presence of these goddesses and priestesses indicates the large scale in diversification of functions and duties and illustrates women s dominance over the hierarchical system. The social, political, and religious order that existed in ancient Mesopotamia is deeply rooted in the power invested in the temple under women s leadership and their great capacity to influence the city state s affairs and its fiscal responsibility. Gilgamesh s despotic behavior reached its climax and the need for extreme measures to bring about progressive but significant changes was overdue. The grievances against Gilgamesh precipitated a fast and effective response from goddess Aruru to curtail Gilgamesh s tyranny and left the curse over Uruk inhabitant, this does not only personifies the protectorate territory of women over life and death but also human enculturation, industrialization and civility in the form of rearing children and preparing them for future responsibilities. By creating a savage Enkidu who will be eventually brought into civilization, thank you Shamhat, and challenge Gilgamesh to conquer his fear and acquire morality makes women the pious change makers. The conventional interpretation of these verses assumes that he is exploiting lassies of Uruk for his sexual fantasies does not leave a girl to her mother is contrary to the law of nature and reduces women to simple sex object. However this verse may invoke a more sinister views of the late 19th century chauvinists proponents of survival of the fittest by which only the strongest ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Benefits Of Cochlear Implants One of the hottest debates between Deaf and Hearing culture lies in the question, Should I give my deaf child a cochlear implant? The Deaf people fear that use of cochlear implants will eliminate their culture. A hearing person may believe it will aid their child to learn in mainstream schooling, or they may not want to learn sign language to communicate with their child. As about 90% of hearing parents cannot effectively communicate with their deaf children (Holcomb, n.d., para. 2), the latter is evident. Placed in this situation, I would implant my infant child with a cochlear implant and teach them sign language so they will have the opportunity to have the best of both worlds. Cochlear Implants are small, complex devices that provide ... Show more content on ... Cochlear implants do not provide the high quality sound of a natural hearing ear. Recently, Professor Michael Dorman of Arizona State University discovered, from one of his patients that had both normal hearing and hearing from a cochlear implant, what cochlear implants sound like. According to audio recordings of his results, a person hearing via a cochlear implant hears speech that is echoed, slightly robotic, and of somewhat lower quality than natural hearing (Griffiths, 2014, para. 7). Nonetheless, the speech presented from the implant was mostly clear and understandable. Since cochlear implants only provide a good, but not outstanding, audio quality and some sounds can be difficult to understand, a deaf child may need to fall back on sign language, which is fully accessible to them (Klaudia, 2013, para. 17). Sign Language will not hinder development, as a study on deaf children in Spain suggests. At the University of Córdoba in Córdoba, Spain, a group of eighteen deaf children with cochlear implants were compared, as some were bilingual (spoken and sign) and some only knew spoken language. The children who were bilingual performed better at verbal fluency (Herruzo, Jimenez, Pino, 2009, para. 4). In other words, they are able to use a greater number of words in spoken language. Use of sign language would also allow the child to better associate with Deaf ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Great Us Economic Recession THE GREAT US ECONOMIC RECESSION Introduction Did you know that by the end of the year 2009 the unemployment rate had increased from its average 5% to an astounding 10%? This is because 15.3 million people became unemployed as a result of the economic recession. No shocker, but poverty rate had also increased from 13.2% in 2008 to 14.3% in 2009. This meant that the number of people living in poverty in the United States had increased from 39.8 million to 43.6 million. This great increase had all happened in the span of 1 year. Something that should have taken over 10 years only took 1 year and this is all because of the Great US recession. Also the US suicide rate had reached its highest record since 25 years between the years 2008 09. The great US recession was a result of foolish decisions made in the past, which then in turn lead to a slow and painful punishment for the US economy. It was caused mainly because banks were loaning out too much money; Banks used money which they didn t really have on paper to invest heavily into the housing market and the stock market; the debts which the citizens were creating by using large amounts of loans to pay for their daily expenses and to pay for expensive things became impossible to pay. Banks were loaning out too much money If you google when the US recession began it will answer 2007. So the better question would be when did it start to develop, because something so grand could not just have been made overnight. The answer to ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Complementary And Alternative Medicine ( Cam ) CAM Therapeutic Modalities Paper Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is important in todays health care for researchers, practitioners, and consumers. Society should be aware of the safety of taking herbs, therapies, and any health topics. The CAM website can be a useful website to research information that a person wants to gain background on. In the following paper, I will give definitions of alternative, complementary, integrative medicine, conventional medicine role, CAMs philosophy, five domains of therapies, and research a treatment. Definition of Alternative, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine Alternative is a non mainstream approach in place of conventional medicine. A system of healing or treating disease, such as homeopathy, Ayurveda, faith healing, and chiropractic that is not included in the traditional curricula in medical schools. Complementary medicine is a non mainstream approach together with conventional medicine. Practices of alternative medicine acquired and adapted by mainstream medical practitioners, such as acupuncture. Integrative medicine is holistic and encloses the mind, body, and spirit. It encircles both conventional and alternative medicine to use the best evidence of both approaches to healing. Integrative medicine integrates the therapies of alternative medicine with mainstream medical practitioners. The terms differ because integrative medicine is finding new solutions for prevention and treatment of health care problems, ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Camp For Kids With Autism Extreme sports include skydiving, base jumping, mountain climbing, etc.... These kinds of sports are very dangerous to a regular person who doesn t really do them regularly. All of these sports have a high chance of killing or seriously injuring someone without the person, doing the sport, knowing it. Though these sports can be dangerous and harmful, people find fun and enjoyment doing them. People do these sports to compete in competitions or just for the fun of it. Yes these sports are highly dangerous, but I believe they re a good thing but should only be done by people who are trained. If someone does this without knowing what they re doing they can get killed. If a person is trained and not afraid of the risks they could as well do the ... Show more content on ... Others think that extreme sports are terrible, dangerous, and that they should be banned. In the article A Solemn Warning to Wingsuit Flyers Jones, the author, talks about about statistic list of casualties from extreme sports. The list has all the fatalities over the past five years per 1,000 participants in almost all of the extreme sports. Jones exclaims that these sports especially wingsuit flying have all these deaths and casualties, which should stop people from doing them. According to Jones,¨It is an inherently dangerous sport, but a sport participated in by people with huge skydiving experience and a deep love of adventure of setting themselves new challenges and taking on the ultimate challenge..¨ I can also see why people dislike these sports because they think with all these risks and deaths involved with them they shouldn t be worth doing. I do agree that they have all these dangerous risks and considerable amount of deaths, but just because it s dangerous doesn t mean they ll everyone every time and its can sometimes be an interesting ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Public Education And The Education System In today s day and age, public education is outweighed on the scale. Young people don t see the necessity of moving onto higher education and why should they when they know that a college degree doesn t guarantee a job in the end. You have a greater chance of being employed if you do indeed have your degree. And sure, you know your stuff but do you have the experience? Do you have the skill to actually do your job? Public education systems are becoming more and more concerned about college and career preparedness and there are already reformations in motion. The current education system is ineffective in preparing today s students for higher education and their careers and reformation and innovation is necessary to accommodate today s students to take their places in the real world. First and foremost, there are several issues that are the leading cause of the ineffectiveness of today s schooling. Sir Ken Robinson made a point of explaining that the current education system was ... conceived in the intellectual culture of the enlightenment and in the economic circumstances of the industrial revolution (para 2). We are obviously passed the enlightenment and industrial revolution. In fact, we might be in a new enlightenment completely as well as a technological revolution as compared to an industrial one. It is common sense to realize that methods used then may not and probably will not work now. Children have been brought up differently and knowledge has been expanded from ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Western Influence on Japan Essay Western Influence on Japan Japan, as a nation, is a continually changing society. Ever since western nations became involved with Japan, its changes over recent times have increased at a substantial rate. Japan now faces cultural, economical and social differences as a result of the western involvement. The involvement was initiated by the Japanese themselves, beginning during the Meiji Period1 through current times. As time increases, Japan is slowly becoming more westernized because of western involvement. Western involvement is greatly affecting Japan. Western involvement began in Japan during the late 1800 s. The Meiji dynasty helped to carry it through, seeing the importance of western ideas. Learn ... Show more content on ... We explained to them about the electric telegraph and soon after we even connected them with California s telegraphs.10 Many Japanese women started to wear western dresses or even sweaters and slacks.11 Japan changed politically as well. Japan became divided up into 47 profectures, which are similar to American states. Japan has carried over America s democratic ideas of social freedom, economic independence, and democratic liberties and privileges Japan s government soon began the executive, legislative, and judicial branches seen in America seen after the war.13 These changes all became possible soon after the war with great financial aid from the Us.14 Japan s progress in America s modernization program was so fast, we had to begin recognizing Japan as a world power.15 After Japan s modernization program, Japanese life began to change less dramatically, but never stopped. Within recent times, many western style appliances and such can be found in Japanese homes.16 The Japanese schools, based on America s, teach the same things in grade school as American schools.17 Many of the students are learning in these schools to take English language courses to help them as they get older.18 Sports today, are shaped similar to America s. Japan has carried over many sports from America including frisbees, jogging, skateboarding19, and baseball.20 Baseball is among ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Leadership of Richard Branson Essay Leadership of Richard Branson Dr. Paul FrankenhauserMGT 500 Modern Management 9/7/2014 Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group has been a household name in the United Kingdom for over twenty years. He is well respected in the business world. He is the founder of the Virgin Group, which is known for many different things such as cell phones, record labels, airlines and many more. Branson is also known for his unique character and leadership styles, one who is not afraid to take risks, and believes that people are the foundation to his company s success. If I were to first characterize his leadership style I would say he is definitely a democratic leader. He truly feels that getting other peoples input and listening to what ... Show more content on ... They show customers and employees what our business stands for, and often inspire our teams at other businesses to try new challenges. Another way Branson keeps employees engaged is by inviting them to take part in company events, like the Virgin Mobile Live Free fest, a free music festival held every year to raise money (through donations) for homeless young people. Along with giving employees a chance to give something back to the community, the festival allows an opportunity to say thank you to customers and staff by providing them with the chance to enjoy themselves for free. The sense of fun unites the businesses reminds employees of what the company stands for. In some ways it s easier for a large organization like Virgin to embark on such projects, but with a little inventiveness and resourceful thinking, other business owners might come up with shot in the arm schemes of their own (Entrepreneur, 2012). Maintaining a focused and motivated staff can be a difficult task for employers to master, especially during harsh economic times and with stretched resources. Branson recently held a series of talks for employees, where they were encouraged to engage and debate different subjects. The exercises were held on a tropical island in the Caribbean. Every company does not have the luxury of taking their employees off to a tropical island, that ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Carl Jung s Attitude Towards Women Carl Jung Early Life Carl Gustav Jung was born on July 26th 1875. He was born to Paul Achilles Jung and Emilie Preiswerk in the town of Kesswil, Switzerland. Jung was the 4th child born but the only child that survived. His family life was strained, and his mother spent the majority of her time locked in her room, where she said that spirits visited her at night. When the family moved to Laufen his mother was hospitalized due to an unknown physical ailment. Jung was sent to live with his mother s unmarried sister, but was later sent back home to his father. The stressful relationship with his mother in his early life influenced Jung s attitude towards women, one he describes as being of innate unreliability . This was a view that he later referred to as the handicap I started off with. As a child, Jung was often introverted and isolated. At 12 years old Jung was pushed so hard to the ground by another classmate that he lost consciousness. Afterwards, his parents were led to believe that he may have had epilepsy. It is unknown whether this event had a negative impact on him in the future. Jung grew up with the belief that he had two opposing personalities: One personality being a typical schoolboy, and the other being a largely influential figure from the past. Carl Jung s work was largely influenced by his experiences as a child. As a boy, Jung would visit his attic to bring a small wooden mannequin he had carved small sheets of paper with ... Get more on ...