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Religion And Politics Essay
Crafting an essay on the intricate relationship between religion and politics is a challenging task
that demands a nuanced understanding of both subjects. The intertwining of these two realms
has been a source of profound debates, historical conflicts, and societal transformations.
Addressing this topic requires the ability to navigate through complex historical contexts, diverse
religious beliefs, and the dynamic nature of political systems.
One of the challenges lies in maintaining objectivity while delving into the sensitive and deeply
personal nature of religious beliefs and political ideologies. Striking a balance between analytical
depth and respectful consideration of diverse perspectives is crucial. Additionally, it requires a
keen awareness of the ever-evolving nature of both religion and politics, as contemporary issues
and global events continually shape their dynamics.
The synthesis of scholarly research, historical analysis, and critical thinking is vital to produce a
well-rounded and insightful essay. The writer must carefully navigate through the historical
precedents, theoretical frameworks, and contemporary case studies to build a comprehensive
argument. Tackling questions related to the separation of church and state, the impact of
religious beliefs on policymaking, and the role of religious institutions in shaping political
ideologies demands a meticulous approach.
Moreover, the essay should be able to address the complexities of cultural diversity and the
global nature of political and religious interactions. This entails exploring how different societies
grapple with these intersections and the consequences for their governance structures.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the relationship between religion and politics is indeed a
formidable task. It necessitates a combination of research skills, critical thinking, and a nuanced
understanding of the historical and contemporary contexts. The ability to navigate the intricate
connections between these two spheres while respecting diverse perspectives is essential for a
successful exploration of this complex topic.
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Religion And Politics EssayReligion And Politics Essay
The English Renaissance
ostracize and scoff at people who failed to exhibit their narrow definition of
appropriateness (Foldy). Aestheticism, more liberal and welcoming, was the main
contributor to the downfall of the Victorian era because it combated Victorian
exclusivity and embraced expression. A major direct impact of the aesthetic
movement was spurred feminism. People invested in more elaborate and bold
furnishings for their lives and homes, and boundaries were expanded to give women
more freedom, causing them to have a lesser presence of constriction and more of
activity and frivolity (Brookes). This breaking of Victorian control through the
aesthetic movement made way for the notion of personal fulfillment as a viable
directed pursuit such as choosing to marry beyond social appropriateness and
functionality. Additionally, Wilde s aesthetically inspired infectious phrases
increased the involvement of the media and thus the eventual commercialization of
arts and expression (Grech). Wilde was the poster child of the men of the new
aesthetic movement (Adut); The men of the movement were wispy, narcissistic and
solipsistic. (Anderson). Wilde paraded on the indulgence of male beauty and that in
the countered face of Victorianism he acted vain and pretentious according to
Himmelfarb, Wilde would not deny this but rather flaunt his vanity. This vanity
coupled with his homosexuality made Wilde quite indiscrete. There is no denying
that the aesthetes, (a person who affects and shapes the
Propaganda During Nazi Germany Essay
Examine why and how film was used for propaganda purposes in Nazi Germany. The
function of propaganda is,for example,not to weigh and ponder the rights of different
people,but exclusively to emphasize the one right which it has set out to argue s
task is not to make an objective study of the truth,...its task is to serve our own
right,always and unflinchingly (Hitler,1971,p182).Propaganda as defined by
Welch(1983,p2),is the art of brainwashing,so as to alter attitudes and ideas.Though
the art of persuasion is nothing new,it became more innovative in the first half of the
twentieth century,such as through the popular press,then the film and the radio
(Tegel,2007,p.12).This was headed by the Ministry of Propaganda under Joseph...
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Another motive why film was used by the Nazis as a propaganda tool was it s
ability to rally and influence the masses.Propaganda was needed to persuade the
masses to accept Nazi policies .Besides tolerating the government,Goebbels
believed that the mobilization of the people was also vital for a wholehearted
commitment to the Nazi state(Welch,2002,p25).As Grunberger(1995,p377)
noted,cinema attendances quadrupled from 250 million in 1933,to 1000 million in
1942.Thus,film was an effective weapon used to propagate the people. Film was
hence used by the Nazis to rally support for the euthanasia action as depicted in the
film,I Accuse(1941)(Moeller,2000,p99) The Nazis saw the need for racial
purity.(Welch,2002,p83))Thus racial propaganda was used to spread both anti
Jewish and Slavic feelings as well as to showcase the superiority of the Aryan
race(Ibid). In Mein Kamf,Hilter stressed the need for establishing racial attitudes, No
boy or girl must leave school without having attained a clear insight into the meaning
of racial purity and the importance of maintaining the racial blood unadulterated.
(Ibid) The film I Accuse(1941) was a success as it attracted a very large audience
and was seen by over 15 million people.The melodramatic film showcase a triangular
love story with emphasis on the intensity of Hanna s suffering,and the disagreement
between her husband(Heyt) and his friend(Lang) over the use of euthanasia on his
Howard Stern Essay
Howard Stern has been labeled as many things, such as offensive, obnoxious,
and by the majority of his listeners a genius. He grew up in a suburb of Manhattan in
the early
sixties. His father, Ben Stern, worked at radio station WHOM where the was the
engineer. His
father commuted every day about 40 miles to and from work. Howard would spend
little time
with his father but on occasion he would get to go to work with him. This is what
Howard to being on the radio.
At the time, the area Howard lived in was going through a racist change. His mother
his friends who were making racist comments about the negros that she and Howard
... Show more content on ...
He really didn t cheat on his wife because he took a bubble bath with Brittany
with his underwear didn t take them off...which meant he didn t cheat on her.
At least this
is what Brittany told him and she started making a lot of sense at the time...Both he
and his friend
Fred ended up in the same bubble bath. Brittany needed her shoulders rubbed while
she was
relieving stress in the tub. Alison found his wet underwear under the car seat the next
day. He
thought he was safe until she revealed this to him while eating lunch the next day.
On April 21, 1980 Howard started work at a Detroit radio station, WWWW. He was
morning man. He presented a morning show that Detroit never experienced before.
He did it his
way. The manager told him he talked too much but he continued to talk too much .
After all
this Alison came back.
WWWW changed its format from rock to country. Howard quits. He tells the listeners
that Hopalong Howey never drove a truck, went to college, and never had sex with
his daddies
sister. So, he quits....
Howard feels like a quitter because he left WWWW. He wants to become more
with his listening audience. He says everytime he thinks he shouldn t say something
that he
Causes And Treatment Of Viral Abortion
IntroductionThe protozoan parasite Neospora caninum is a Toxoplasma like
organism that may cause neosporosis in dogs and cattleand less frequently in other
animals such as goats, sheep, deer,rhinoceros, llamas and alpacas (Dubey et al.,
2002). N. caninumoocyst contaminated food or water is considered the main routeof
infection for cattle (De Marez et al., 1999), and there is also evi dence for the
vertical transmission of N. caninum between damsand calves (Thurmond et al., 1997;
Schares et al., 1998). N. caninum is generally accepted to be a major cause of
infectious abortion incattle worldwide (Reichel et al., 2013). In pregnant cows, infec
tion with N. caninum can lead to several outcomes including earlyfetal death and re
absorption; abortion, stillbirth or parturition ofa deformed calf and birth of clinically
normal but infected offspring(Dubey et al., 2006). Clinical signs, other than abortion,
have beenidentified in calves less than 4 months of age and include
neurologicmanifestations, locomotor disturbances and ocular and cerebralanomalies
(De Meerschman et al., 2005).Cryptosporidium parvumis a coccidian protozoan
parasite thathas been attributed to numerous outbreaks of neonatal calfdiarrhea in
different regions of the world (Xiao, 2010). It hasdiverse characteristics, such as food
and water borne transmission(Ramirez et al., 2004), zoonotic implications (Chalmers
and Davies,2010), economical hazards, chemotherapy and vaccine resistance(Mead,
2002), which render it a
Essay on Comparison Of Java, Javascript, Java Applets
Comparison of Java, JavaScript, Java Applets and Java Beans
Introduction Starting back in the early 1990 s with the introduction of Java to the
computer scene there has been many updates and advances in how languages
interact with web based programs. In this paper we are going to highlight several
areas of several different Java flavors. The flavors we are addressing are Java,
JavaScript, Java Applets and JavaBeans. We will discuss their history, features, usage
and syntax and finally follow up with a chart providing a comparison of the different
Java architectures.
Java, a language based on C++, was developed by James Gosling and colleagues at
Sun Microsystems in the early 1990 s. (Java programming language, n.d.) It was ...
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JavaScript was commonly used to manipulate images and document contents. There
were early issues with JavaScript; security flaws, lack of development tools and
often criticized for being too unlike Java, or too much like Perl. (Champeon, 2001)
However, JavaScript took on a life all its own and in some circles was written off
due to its simpleness, its security flaws and to some extent because it could only be
tested within the browser environment.
A Java Applet is a small program written in Java, which can be downloaded to any
computer. The applet is usually embedded in an HTML page on a Web site and can
be executed from within a browser. JavaSoft, the current name of the company
which oversees the development of the Java language, was founded in January of
1996, and a few months later released the Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.0.
(Youmans, 1997) The concept of an applet came out of the creation on the Java
language. It enabled users to produce programs named applets which could be
transmitted and run over the Internet, a somewhat different end product from what
was originally envisioned back at the beginning of the decade. (Youmans, 1997) Java
Applets came about as a requirement for adding functionalities to HTML documents,
Differences Between Ordinary And Dynamic Capabilities
3.1.3Firm Capabilities
A firm possesses two different kinds of capabilities, the so called ordinary
capabilities and the dynamic capabilities. They are quite distinct in theory and in
The ordinary capabilities of a firm refer to its ability to use and coordinate tangible
and intangible resources with the aim to reach a desired goal (Teece, 2014).
The dynamic capabilities of a firm refer to its ability to build upon existing
capabilities and at the same time to develop new capabilities (Teece, 2014).
The basic distinctions are outlined in Table 3 below from a practical point of view:
Ordinary CapabilitiesDynamic Capabilities
PurposeTechnical efficiencyCongruence with opportunities
Mode of attainabilityBuy or buildBuild
Tripartite schemaOperate, administrate, governSense, seize, transform
Key routinesBest practicesSignature processes
Managerial emphasisCost controlEntrepreneurial leadership
PriorityDoing things rightDoing the right things
ImitabilityRelatively imitableInimitable
Table 3: Some Differences between Ordinary and Dynamic Capabilities (Teece, 2014)
Ordinary capabilities are focused on the allocation of ... Show more content on ...
Sustained competitive success requires continuous sensing, seizing, and transforming
in order to overcome the challenges that changing customers, competitors and
technologies brings (Teece, 2014). Such changes in the environment of the company
usually occur over time. This means that while making the transition companies in
such industries have to maintain certain former core competencies while building up
new ones. The core competencies are defined as a combination of tangible and
intangible resources and skill which distinguishes the company from other market
players. The concept of core competencies foresees that
The And Affordable Care Act
The most radical reform made in the United States of America in the past 45 years
has been the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). The ACA was
signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010 ( Key Features of the
Affordable Care Act ). The purpose of the ACA is to redesign companies within the
insuranceindustry in the United States, mandate everyone in the country to have
health insurance, expand public insurances while private insurances subsidize,
introduce newer taxes, and transform the country s largest health insurance,
Medicare. As the country slowly integrates itself to this new health care act, people
feel they must come to a decision of joining the ACA or finding another way to be
covered by insurance. The predictions that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
had on ACA were staggering. CBO thought that ACA would increase healthcare
insurance coverage by 32 million people (Congressional Budget Office). Although
there are many debates on whether or not this act should pass throughout the country
as many states wish to repeal this act, the decision was made to reform our
healthcare in the United States. People remain spectacle on this new reform and the
results that follow. In spite of the many debates, the government and citizens find that
they all strive towards one common goal which is the coverage of health insurance
With such a big reform in the government and barely any money to cover these
changes, there must be a way to finance all of
Common Characteristics And Similarities Between Dari
Dari is the language that my paper will discuss in detail.This language is spoken in
Afghanistan by 5 million people. In this paper I will discuss some characteristics of
the frequency adverbs. I will show examples to prove how these adverbs move in the
sentences freely and where they occur. What was interesting also is that I found
similarities between Dari and English. Frequency adverbs in Dari have common
characteristics with English. Both languagesallow adverbs to move in different
1. Introduction
Dari is a spoken language in Afghanistan. It is a SOV language. For this paper I
choose to discuss(frequency adverbs). An adverb is a word that modifiesthe manners
of verbs. There are many kinds of adverbs such as manner, ... Show more content on ...
2. Aksarwagt: in this case, people addsuffixwagt which means (time) to refer to a
specific time.
It is not important to add or delete the suffix wagt. If it is added it will not change
themeaning in a speech it only tells what is the time in a very specific way. If it is
deleted people will know that you are talking about time but not in certainty.
4. Conclusion :
In Dari, adverbs like (Frequently, always, sometimes and usually) occurs in 3
positions: before verb, after verb and at the begging of a sentence.
Adverb like usually has 2 ways in written form: aksar before verb and aksarwagt if
the position is changed.
Adjectives can be described as adverbs by adding the prefix ba, and they will always
occur before verbs.
To conclude this paper, Dari is an interesting and simple language. Frequency
adverbs are interesting because they describe the time of any event. Their Frequency
adverbs are flexible and they move easily in the sentences. They occur in the
beginning of the sentence, before or after a verb. They do not make any changes to
the meaning.
5. References
Dari, Afghan Persian of Ethnologue (18th ed., 2015)
Sakaria, S. (1967) Concise English Afghan Dari
Annotated Bibliography On Linear Data Structure
An introduction to linked list: a Review
This paper describes about linear data structure i.e. linked list. Linked list is
dynamic in nature means there is no need to know size of data in advance. It is
linear collection of data elements which may or may not be stored at consecutive
memory location. In linked list pointers are used for providing the linear order and
each node is divided into parts for storing data and link part. This paper provides
only overview that how linked list was created and what are its advantages over
another data structure. It also defines how data is stored in linked list. What type of
linked list can be? What basic operations can be performed on singly linked list?
.And also tried to define applications of data structure.
Linked list was developed by Cliff Shaw, Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon at
RAND Corporation in year of 1955 1956. It was firstly used in information
processing language for artificial intelligence. There are many disadvantages of
array as compare to linked list. First is array is a static data structure and size have
to define before use for example: int marks [10] here size of array have fixed of 10
elements. Second array stores only similar type of elements in integer value
according to upper example it will store only integer value and third one is in array
insertion and deletion operation are very difficult for performing that operations huge
amount of data have to move upward and downward
The Bible As A Source Of Hope, Strength, Truth And
The Bible is known single handedly as the champion of the best selling books the
world has ever known. It is the holy and sacred text known to all the world, but
specifically to those who believe in the Christian faith predominantly, but other
religions also look to the Bible as a source of hope, strength, truth and history. The
Biblewas originally written in Greek and Hebrew, but over time has been translated
into many of the world s languages to accommodate those who believe in the Bible
s power but cannot read or understand Hebrew or Greek. People all over the world
have bought this religious text, but there are still many countries in the world where
the Bible is banned. Those found to have possession of this text can be in danger...
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The Bible has multiple authors but the story remains interconnected and woven
together to create a Biblical timeline of times in history that textbooks could not
contain without the help of the Bible. There is no question that the Bible contains
accurate details vital not only to the credibility of itself and the Christian faith, but
to the history it contains as well. Free mentions the late professor at the University
of Chicago in the studies of the Old Testament, Ira Maurice Price s words Old
Testament history has become incandescent with the wondrous archaeological
discoveries in Bible lands. Almost every period of that old Book has been flooded
with new light out of the ruins of the past (qtd in Free, 16). Though the Bible is
known to be religious in most every sense, many historians also use the Bible as a
timeline in order to determine the dates of other events that have happened in our
world that are not clear in other records. Hans Debel, author of The Multilingual
Textual History of the Hebrew Bible agrees with Free and Price. Debel s research
focuses on the different languages the Hebrew translation of the Bible has undergone,
but Debel mentions scrolls found in the Dead
Defeat Of The Spanish Armada
The summer of 1588, the world s most known organized fleet set sail to conquer
England and make themselves a supreme power. King Philip II decided to send the
Spanish Armada to invade and attack England. In this time period, hostilities stirred
up between two powerful countries that wanted what was best for themselves. Spain
at the time was just starting to gather forces and begin the development of their fleet.
Well, in the year 1588 Queen Elizabeth I constructed a fleet of her own, which later
became one of the most dominant navies in the world. The Spanish Armadawas a
major obstacle for England, and even though defeat had come, the strengths and
weaknesses of both sides came into view and the effects it had after the English
triumphed over them.
At the start of the attack, the Spanish Armada made way towards England, but
word traveled fast about their location. When Spain s Armada came into view,
there were men off of the coast of England and Wales ready to make haste to give
word of where the Spanish are. In order to spread word of the arrival, the men lit
beacons that sent word to other positions until it finally reached the Queen
(Sharnette). Due to the help also from spies, Queen Elizabeth was able to have
inside information about the idea of what will become of the Spanish idea and it
helped England assemble their own ships for the future encounter ( The Defeat of the
Spanish Armada: 1588 ). In Preparation for the near hopeful invasion, Queen
Elizabeth I started
Effects Of Contract Law On Society
Effects of Contract Law on Society As defined by The Law Dictionary, a contract
is an agreement, upon sufficient consideration, to do or not to do a particular
thing. (1) Basically, contracts are promises that are enforceable by law. And, if
one party does not keep his promise, the law provides a remedy by the breaching
party. In order for a contract to be enforceable by law, the contract must include a
valid offer, an acceptance of the offer, and adequate consideration. Contacts are
primarily governed by statutory and common law. Uniform Commercial Code The
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), according to the website, is a
set of laws that provide legal rules and regulations governing commercial or
business dealings and transactions. (2) The Uniform Commercial Code was
published in 1952 but has seen several revisions since that time. The UCC has been
adopted by all states though it may not be exact among all states. The UCC
provides regulations for the sale of personal property and helps bring
standardization to business laws so there can be some standard of uniformity
amongst the states. (3) The UCC is broken into nine articles that each addresses a
different area of commercial law. Elements of a Contract The three main elements of
a contract are offer, acceptance, and consideration. Each element must be present in
order to have a legally binding contract. First, one party, the offeror, makes a valid
offer to another party, the offeree.
Personal Response on Sexuality Identity
Personal Response on Sexuality Identity
Lillian M. Floyd
Lauren Lappe
February 16.2014
A person s sexual identity may seem like something obvious, something that should
be an essential characteristic of our lives. However as we have found, these things
are not always so simple, often finding that our sexual identity, is ever changing
most of our lives. I have given my own identity some thought and I find for me it
wasn t easy. In this essay I will be discussing my own identity and my reasons for
coming to the conclusions that I have come to, and why I came to them (Rathus,
Nevid, Fichner Rathus, 2005)
Sexuality is and will always be a natural and healthy part of living. All of ... Show
more content on ...
Some researchers state that genetics and environmental factors are important
determining element of homosexual behavior. They also state that birth place relates
to the sexual orientation of marriage partner. Being born in urban settings increased
the probability of homosexual marriage and decreased the probability of heterosexual
marriage. Everyone environment effects your sexuality in some way or another either
negative or positively by supporting or repressing it. It plays a role in whether your
homosexual, heterosexual, or bi sexual. (Rathus, Nevid, Fichner Rathus, 2005) Our
text states that history places sexual attitudes and behavior in context. It informs us as
to whether sexual behavior reflects trends that have been with us through the
millennia or the customs of a particular culture and era. History shows little evidence
of universal sexual trends. Attitudes and behaviors vary extensively from one time
and place to another. (Rathus, Nevid, Fichner Rathus, 2005)
As stated in our text, gender identity is our psychological awareness or sense of
being male or female, and it s one of the most obvious and important aspects of our
self concepts. Gender identity is almost always consistent with chromosomal sex, but
Andrew Gage
Set This House in Order, a novel written by Matt Ruff, features the journeys of two
characters with Multiple Personality Disorder. This novel gives its readers a look
into the complex mind of two different multiple personality cases. Throughout the
novel, these characters, Andrew Gage and Penny Driver, come to terms with their
MPD and the events that lead to the conception of their disorder. This essay will
focus on the characterization of the main character Andrew Gage. In Literature
Approaches To Fiction, Poetry, and Drama, characterization is defined as the means
by which writers present and reveal characters (DiYanni 60). The process by which
Matt Ruff characterizes Andrew is what drives the plot throughout the book. There
are three... Show more content on ...
Matt Ruff redefines the purpose of Andrew s character. Since Andrew never
experienced any of the abuse, he is able to handle the memories and can come to
terms with what happened to Andy Gage. When he views the memories of the
other souls, he is able to watch them from the perspective of a third person. While
the abuse from the stepfather and Althea Gage upsets Andrew, he doesn t carry
any of the painful experiences or emotions that the other souls do. The last section
in the novel is titled Order. The reader discovers what happens to Ms. Winslow,
Julie Sivik, and Penny Driver. Matt Ruff wrote all of the supporting characters
happy endings, which is a refreshing finish to a heavy book. Unfortunately, his main
character isn t treated with as much love. Andrew officially has order restored to his
house, but Andy Gage seems to be so broken at that point that he can t fully move
on. However, he has found peace and he dreams of moving somewhere else and
Jimbo Mowing Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Jimbo s Mowing is a residential lawn care service targeting those who are unable or
not interested in mowing their lawns. We will be aiming at those people located in
The North Shore of Sydney and The Hills District. We will at first go and advertise at
local shops all over this area as well as advertise in the local papers, The North Shore
Times, and The Hills District.
For the first few years one we will have just ourselves (4) as employees. We will
work together in teams of two called a crew. Each crew will have two mowers, one
blower, one edger, one hedger, two garden waste bins, general gardening tools and a
ute so we complete a quick, consistent job at all locations regardless who completes
the job.
The objectives ... Show more content on ...
($200 each)
Jimbo s Mowing will provide residential lawn care service which includes lawn
cutting, edging, hedging, general weeding and removal of the clippings. Optional
services will include hedge trimming, edging and removal of clippings. The service
is typically offered once a week, but Jimbo s Mowing can create a custom schedule
for clients so that it suits them and their needs.
Market Analysis Summary
Jimbo s Mowing will be targeting all those living in the North Shore or Hills District
of Sydney, regardless of lawns size. This way we hope to appeal to anyone who needs
lawn care technicians.
We will for the first few years will advertise at local shops across the North Shore and
Hills District. We will eventually place advertisements in the local newspaper to
develop Jimbo s Mowing s name and market share.
Service Business Analysis
Jimbo s Mowing will be working in the lawn care industry. This industry is involved
in both residential business and small commercial businesses (apartment
developments, etc).
The well known, established landscaping companies commonly service the
commercial side. Both landscaping companies and basic lawn care service companies
service the residential
Analysis of Smash Hits Essay
Analysis of Smash Hits Smash Hits sells itself as a popular music magazine; it fits
well into this self proclaimed genre and creates its image through the codes,
conventions, and generic signifiers of that genre. For example, bright, bold lettering
the red and white titles, almost like a stamp. Generic signifiers and genre in general
are vital to both the magazine and its audience, the audience use genre as a means of
segmenting and recognition in the crowded magazine market. Genres, signifiers,...
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All three covers examined are very similar in both style and content, each with an
almost identical layout. Whatever changes that do appear are few and subtle.
Audiences not only influence, but also have the ability to control the magazine and
its style. This layout and formula obviously works, and so it must continue in order
to meet audience expectations and, in turn, maintain sales profit is king . In relation
to representation, the magazine knows exactly who its target audience is, and gives
clues to this by the submission or omission of people, races, cultures and lifestyles.
The magazine includes, white, young and childish pop stars with perfect bodies and
immature behaviour. These impossible templates of beauty appeal to the young,
teenage, white, middle class, heterosexual audience as they seem to admire and
relate to those featured in the pages of Smash Hits . Smash Hits is a mid price
magazine, at ВЈ1.25. It is affordable without being too cheap. The language of the
magazine is obviously targeted at a younger, possibly less intelligent audience. It
adopts a highly colloquial register and avoids both complicated lexis and syntax, it
tries to be inclusive of the reader s thoughts and opinions, addressing them directly,
and speaking in the first person. It uses subject specific words and jargon to create an
Essay about Answers to End-of Chapter Questions and
ANSWERS TO End of chapter QUESTIONS AND exercises Answers to Questions
for Review 1.(Explicit and Implicit Costs) Amos McCoy is currently raising corn
on his 100 acre farm and earning an accounting profit of $100 per acre. However, if
he raised soybeans, he could earn $200 per acre. Is he currently earning an economic
profit? Why or why not? Amos McCoy is not currently making an economic profit,
despite the fact that he is making an accounting profit. This is so, because the
accounting profit calculation does not take into account an important implicit cost the
opportunity cost of not raising soybeans. Actually, McCoy is experiencing an
economic loss. According to our theory, he should get out of the corn business and
begin... Show more content on ...
Accounting profit = $25 million; economic loss = $5 million c.Accounting profit =
$10 million; economic loss = $10 million d.Accounting loss = $25,000; economic
loss = $75,000 4.(Alternative Measures of Profit) Why is it reasonable to think of
normal profit as a type of cost to the firm? Recall that firms produce output using
four kinds of resources natural resources, labor, capital, and entrepreneurial ability.
The owner of the firm supplies some of the resources that the firm employs.
Normal profit is the return to the entrepreneurial ability and other resources
supplied by the firm s owners. If this profit is not as large as those individuals
could earn in their best alternative situation, they will switch the resources to that
alternative. So, we can think of normal profit as being the minimum return, or cost,
that is necessary to keep the firm running. 5.(Short Run Versus Long Run) What
distinguishes a firm s short run period from its long run period? In the short run, at
least one of the firm s resources is fixed, usually the size of the firm. In the long
run, all the resources are variable. That is, the quantities of all resources can change
to alter the firm s level of output, including the size of the firm. 6.(Law of
Diminishing Marginal Returns) As a farmer, you must decide how many times during
the year to plant a new crop. Also, you
Burrator Quarry
Burrator is a large rocky peak in Dartmoor National Park, Devon. It can be located
at grid reference 553 679 (Stewart, I. 2016) at the southern end of the reservoir and
is a designated SSSI. The physical characteristics of the Upper Burrator Quarry
exposes the contact between the Permo Carboniferous Dartmoor Graniteand the
surrounding Devonian rocks. The Lower Burrator Quarry shows granite intersected
by a series of joints.(Devon County Council, 2016) Burrator is currently used for
recreation with its cycling routes, hiking trails and trout fishing.
Burrator Quarry (Site 1)
Rock Types at Burrator
One of Burrator s main rock types is granite; an igneous rock made from biotite,
feldspar and quartz. It had visible, interlocking and ... Show more content on ...
Granite contains uranium 238 crystals within it which over time decays and
becomes radon 222. Radon is a gas and can escape the granite rock and travel into
the atmosphere. (Lugg and Probert, 1997) It is odourless and tasteless so human s
do not know when they are inhaling it; this is highly dangerous as radon is alpha
radiation so is carcinogenic. Once it enters a human it can cause lung cancer, and
because it has a half life of 3.8 days it becomes plutonium, then lead which leads to
heavy metal poisoning. (Darby, 2005) Radon causes over 1,100 deaths from lung
cancer each year in the UK
Sir Frederick Hopkins Research Paper
Sir Frederick Hopkins This research paper is on someone who you have probably
never have heard of. His name is Sir Frederick Hopkins. He was a major scientist
in the past. He came up with the idea of vitamins and many other big discoveries in
science. In this paper, you will read about his early life, contribution to the
biological community, his educational background, the many awards he had and
what other scientist s` were helping him with his research at the time. To begin, Sir
Frederick Hopkins was born on June 20th, 1861 in Eastbourne England
(Biographical). At the very beginning of his life he grew up with both parents, his
father was a bookseller and was very interested in science. When Sir Frederick
Hopkins was an infant his father died and throughout the rest of his life Frederick
grew up with this widowed mother, and his unmarried uncle (Hopkins, Frederick).
Once Hopkins got older he attended the city of London School. He was an excellent
schoolboy (Biographical). He showed interest in science very quickly once he
received an old microscope that his dad had.... Show more content on
Including, in 1918 he received the Royal Medal Hopkins received this award at the
age of 27 at Guys Hospital; the Royal Medal was Frederick s first award (Hopkins).
Hopkins was also appointed knighthood in 1925; knighthood is when you have the
highest point of achievement in one area. Sir Hopkins was titled knighthood in
college. Hopkins also received the Copley Medal of the Royal Society in 1926; the
Royal Medal is given out for outstanding achievements in research for any branch of
science (Frederick). In 1929 Sir Frederick Hopkins and Eichmann received the Nobel
Prize in medicine and physiology (Frederick). Sir Frederick Hopkins also was the
president of the Royal Society in 1930 through 1935 (Frederick Gowland Hopkins).
His last achievement was when he received the Order of Merit , Hopkins received it
in 1935
Terrorism Impact On Terrorism
1. Introduction
Twelve years have passed since four coordinated terrorist bomb attacks occurred in
central London on the 7th of July in 2005, conducted by four suicide bombers. Three
of the attacks took place in London Underground trains, on the Circle line near
Aldgate, on the Piccadilly line near Russel Square and at Edgware Road. The fourth
bomb attack happened on a double decker bus in Tavistock Square. The attacks
happened during busy rush hour and the was one hour between the three London
Underground train attacks and the attack on the bus. Fifty two people were killed
and more than 700 were injured in the attacks, the bomb attack being the worst terror
attack in the UK since the 1988 Lockerbie bombing. This terrorist attack affected
people severely physically, but most of all, emotionally. The results of a telephone
survey done within the general population of London after the July 7th bombings,
show that 55% of 1,010 participants felt their life was in danger from terrorism and
86% of the participants thought that another attack on London was likely in the near
future (Greenberg, Rubin, Wessely, 2005).
In the past decade, there have been an increased amount of terrorist attacks in
Europe, such as terrorist attacks in Paris in November 2016 and in Manchester
Arena in May 2017. Whenever a terrorist attack happens in Europe, it is widely
reported on various media outlets and the extensive media network of present day
allows news to spread quickly. Consequently, even
The Executive Management Team For Walt Disney
Company Essay
The Walt Disney Company have many assets available which include film,
television, publishing, the internet, and music. The executive management team for
Walt Disney has put Disney on top as one of the world s top conglomerates,
making $14.28 billion in Quarter Three in 2016. They regularly find different and
new innovative ways to promote and sell their brands through various media
segments to have a revenue increase and it has helped Disney to successfully
complete its mission to position itself as one of the world s leader of entertainment.
Robert A. Iger is both the Chairman and CEO of the Walt DisneyCompany. With this
title, Mr. Iger is the head of the world s largest media company. He has a strategic
vision for The Walt Disney Company that focuses on three fundamental pillars:
generating the best creative content possible, fostering innovation and utilizing the
latest technology, and expanding into new markets around the world. (Disney, 2016)
Since becoming ESPN s President and Co Chairman, John Skipper has made sure
ESPN has a dominant lead in the all of sports media. Skipper has led ESPN to a
series of long term, multiplatform agreements with major rights holders and
distributors Alan F. Horn, the Chairman of the Walt Disney Studios, supervises
worldwide operations of The Walt Disney Studios. These operations consist of
production, distribution, and marketing. His team markets for the live action and
computer generated films that are made from Disney as well Andy
Teacher Merit Pay Case Study
A. Current Issues: Teacher Merit Pay: States were asked by the U.S. Department
of Education in their 2010 application for Race to the Top monies to include
proposals for implementing teacher merit pay based on classroom performance
(Woessmann, 2011). Merit pay or performance based pay is a bonus for teachers
whose students show above average growth over a set period of time measured by
many different standards that are picked by local and/or state districts. The hope is
that teacher merit pay would have an immediate impact on student achievement.
Teacher merit pay stirs an emotional response from teachers, politicians, and parents.
President Barack Obama has called for a national effort to improve student
achievement in the classroom and often... Show more content on ...
Cons: Opponents to merit pay believe it would result in a counter productive
narrowing of teacher s goals and competition between educators who otherwise would
promote meaningful collaboration (Ritter, 2010). In most instances, teachers can earn
a pay raise in only two ways: experience and additional education credentials such as
advanced degrees (Cowley, 2011). Cultural expectations for student performance are
high in Asia which may mislead claims that performance pay increases student
achievement (Woessman, 2011). A merit pay system may discourage top scholars
from majoring in education. The evaluation instruments used to measure teachers
performance are typically flawed and do not have strong research to back them. If
we want teachers to support merit pay, we should be considering plans that offer
substantial awards in the 10% to 20% of base salary; however, this is often not the
case. Evaluations of teachers for merit pay are often subjective leading to widely
inaccurate measurements. The first reaction of most teachers is skeptical and
provokes anger (Ritter, 2010). Denver s Professional Compensation for Teachers plan,
the leading national example of performance pay, awards more money for earning
another degree than for demonstrated performance in the classroom (Buck,
Historical Context Of The Treaty Of Versailles
Treaty of Versailles: Historical Context Ninety eight years ago, after the fighting of
World War I subsided, the Treaty of Versailles ( the Treaty ) was signed at the
Palace of Versailles in France by the Allied powers and Germany. The compromise
of the Treaty is that it ended World War I. The conflict of the Treaty is that it fed
the German s hate for the Allied Powers and, in turn, was the cause of World War
II. In their hearts was a stern resolution that the fiasco of November 11, 1918,
would not be repeated for all serious people in America, as in all nations, remembered
that much hailed Versailles Treaty was sown the very seeds of World War II (Library
Of Congress. Manzanar free press, November 12, 1942. 1942. Newspaper. Retrieved
from the Library of Congress, 11 12/ed 1
/. )
David Lloyd George, the Prime minister of Britain, Georges Clemenceau, the French
Prime Minister, and the Italian Prime Minister, Vittoria Orlando, made up the Big
Three that wrote the Treaty. Woodrow Wilson
, the United States president at the time,
also took part in the writing of the Treaty although, out of his fourteen points, only
one made it into the Treaty because the European leaders had a different agenda.
Germany would also be involved, although not in the writing process, but would be
most affected by the provisions of the Treaty.
During the signing of the Treaty, the U. S. citizens and senate would oppose their
president in wanting it
A Comparison Of Alone Together By Arthur Schwartz And...
This piece is a jazz standard that was composed by Arthur Schwartz and Howard
Dietz. Schwartz was born in Brooklyn, New York on November 25, 1900 and died
on September 3, 1984. He began playing piano and harmonica at a very young age
and also wrote silent films at the age of fourteen. Dietz was born on September
8,1896 and died on July 30, 1983. He was a publicist and lyrists. Him and Schwartz
first started working together when they teamed up for a Broadway show in 1929.
They composed Alone Together in 1932 for the Broadway musical Flying Colors
(Schwartz composing the music and Dietz the lyrics). This particular piece is
considered a ballad, meaning that the tune tells a story. Ballads come from the
French chanson and they are often made up of thirteen lines with an ABABBCBC
form. It was originally used for dance tunes, but in the nineteenth century it was
used for slow tunes. The actual form for Alone Together is AABA. The significant
thing about the first two A sections, is that it is fourteen bars long which is very
uncommon when it comes to American song writing. In common song writing,
each A section is only eight bars long. The bridge of the tune also known as the B
section is quite normal. It is the standard eight bar length which leads to the last
eight bars of the third A section. The tune is written in key of D minor, but, instead
of playing a D minor in the thirteenth measure of the last A section, Schwartz
decides to play a D major which is called a Picardy
Consequences Of Nursing School Student Plagiarism
Nursing School Student Plagiarism
Plagiarism is defined as the presentation of work for credit that is not [a writer s]
own (Johanson, 2010, p. 267). The information obtained by a writer from another
source should be cited in the text and referenced when paraphrasing or quoting
another author s material (APA, 2010). Student plagiarism can be avoided by using
electronic resources or software to prevent unintentional plagiarism, educating
students on how to properly cite and reference material in an academic writing, and
providing information to students about the consequences of plagiarizing.
Plagiarism Case Plagiarism cases can provide insight on the dire consequences
that can occur if a student is caught plagiarizing within an academic setting. A
former student of Rutgers University, Amanda Serpico, was accused by her
professor of plagiarizing on her opinion paper in her argumentation class (Bailey,
2011). Amanda received credit for using citations in a majority of the paper and
providing the sources in the reference section, but she did not properly cite at least
three verbatim passages that she used within her work (Bailey, 2011). Amanda
utilized Turnitin software to review her paper and to detect plagiarism before
turning in the assignment for grading to her professor (Bailey, 2011). The
plagiarism accusation resulted in Amanda receiving a failing grade on the paper, a
failing grade in the course, and being denied admission to several graduate schools.
The Judiciary Of England And Wales
Subject: Law
Question Number or Title: It has been consistently argued that the judiciary in
England and Wales is not reflective of society. Critically consider the explanations for
the lack of diversity within the judiciary and the extent to which government
legislation and initiatives have tried to increase diversity within the judiciary?
Student number: 149011027
Total word count: 1252
Over the years, judicial diversity has been an issue of concern for Wales and
England. Reform initiatives and debates for judicial diversity are critical features of
various common law jurisdictions. The country faces gender and ethnicity diversity
as the major dimension of inclusiveness in the judicial system. Critics have raised
general ... Show more content on ...
This essay aims at assessing existing literature on the ethnic and gender composition
in the English and Wales judiciary. The essay will also illustrate the previous efforts
of the government in achieving diversity in the judiciary.
Gender is a critical dimension of judicial diversity illustrated by the proportions of
positions awarded to the males and females on the judiciary. There are different ways
of rationalising judicial diversity where judicial appointments follow policy and law
that promotes equal opportunities. The judiciary needs to show sensitivity to the
experiences and needs of the different elements of legal systems where the judiciary
requires illustration of diversity for service as well as diverse judiciary with increased
accountability of legal democracies. The current preclusion the gender incorporation
dictates the alternative dimension regarding judicial diversity. Features of judicial
initiatives towards achieving ethnic and gender diversity are assessed through
qualitative and quantitative perceptions and experiences of judicial bias.
Nowadays, diversity and equality in England and Wales are matters that professional
bodies face and deliberate in their annual reports. Law Society s websites illustrate
commitment towards playing leading roles to eliminate discrimination through
promoting equality of opportunities and diversities in activities and regulation of
representative bodies and employment.
What Is The Subculture Of Craft Beer
In this essay, I shall explore the subculture of Craft Beer Drinkers in Cape Town. I
will look at the subculture s core purpose, what motivates, unifies and drives the
members as well as the shared and distinguishing elements of the subculture s
identity. I will explain what brands are identified by the members as being part of
their subculture, where and how they access these brands and how these brands
successfully infiltrated the subculture. Lastly, I will explain which specific brands I
believe could successfully target this group and my reasoning behind it.
What is the subculture s core purpose? What motivates unifies and drives the
It s Friday night in the cosmopolitan city of Cape Town and all young, urban
professionals are ... Show more content on ...
This speaks to their sense of adventure and they are motivated to drink craft beer
because there are so many varieties and choices. There is gluten free beer, vanilla
beer, and low calorie beer to only name a few examples.
What are the shared and distinguishing elements of the subculture s identity?
(Elements such as dress code, jargon, rituals, celebrations, practices,
Summary Of My Poem By Billy Lucy
My poem tells the tale of my character, Lucy, and how she is off to fight a war in
place of her younger brother, Luis. She has an immense love for her younger
brothers, but they are all of fighting age and they have all been selected for the
draft. Lucy has a choice, as stated in one of the lines. To save one or save none. Of
course, she cannot prevent all of her brothers from going into the war, so she takes
the spot of Luis because he has created a life for himself already. Despite her Father
s pleas, Lucy ends up going through with her plan, and by the end of the poem, she
is off to fight in that aforementioned war. I used five examples of figurative
language, but the one that stuck out to me most was the very first bolded phrase,
The whispers of wind cuts its daggers into my skin, and with my goosebumps and
tremors, I did not think to give in. I input this line early on because it helps set the
tone for the entire poem. It gives the readers an apprehensive feel and even a bit of
concern for Lucy, as it states the wind is cutting into her skin, hard enough to hurt
her. Even though this is supposed to be weaken her, intimidate her, she does not
give in even though she is being visibly affected by the wind s daggers. Not only
that, but I set up this line in particular to hold a double meaning, to mimic Lucy s
dilemma of heading into a war despite knowing the repercussions. When I wrote the
whispers of wind cuts its daggers into my skin, I also thought about how
Compression Fracture Research Paper
A compression fracture is a fracture of the vertebrae of the spine. Typically, it
happens to the lower portion of the thoracic vertebrae (T9 T12) and the upper portion
of the lumbar vertebrae (L1 L2).
Rarely is it ever seen above vertebrae T7. This fracture compresses the anterior part of
the vertebrae while the posterior part remains the same, turning the bone into a wedge
shape. This is caused by pressure to the lower back which is due to many different
reasons. The most common reason this happens is because of osteoporosis, the
weakening of bones. Other possibilities include traumatic accidents or metastatic
tumor cells. The people most affected by this are postmenopausal women. Although
anyone over the age of sixty are candidates for compression ... Show more content on ...
These accidents could be a strain or a fall or possibly a car accident. Very rarely a
compression fracture can be due to a metastatic tumor or blood infection that has
spread. There are other factors that can lead to compression fractures. Some of these
factors are controllable but unfortunately some are not. Smoking, excessive alcohol
consumption, low calcium diet, and estrogen deficiency can greatly influence this
disease. Uncontrollable risk factors include family history of osteoporosis, early
menopause, asthenic body type, lactose intolerance, and Caucasian and Asian
heritage. Signs and symptoms can vary depending on the cause of a compression
fracture. A lot of times it appears to be just old age causing a back ache. However as
time goes on this can lead to more notice changes such as shrinking in height and a
stooped posture, looking hunchbacked called kyphosis.
Kyphosis can cause the ribs to drop making it more difficult to breath. Also the pain
that started as a dull ache in the back will usually become more severe and can
cause numbness and tingling down the arms and legs. It is important for an elderly
person to visit the doctor if they are have back
Essay on History of Chemistry through the Ages
The history of chemistry dates back to the time of ancient history to now. Ancient
civilizations used technologies that would eventually form the basis of the various
branches of chemistry by 1000 BC. For example, they were extracting chemicals from
plants to make medicines. The history of chemistry is intertwined with the history of
thermodynamics. Chemistryis very important to our world today. Without it, we
wouldn t be near as advanced as we are. Let s take scientists for example. The
scientists at St. Jude children s research hospital; everyday they are working to find
the cure to various types of cancer by mixing different chemicals and making various
compounds to somehow help all the children with the big C word today. Chemistry...
Show more content on ...
Like I said, without oxygen, no one would be here right now. The sun is a natural
resource as well. The sun is the Earth s main source of energy. Chemistry has a big
affect on society today. We do have cell phones. Internet and the space race did
happen, so therefor I am typing this chemistry paper right now. We have medicines
and vaccines out there that allow people to live longer lives if a sickness occurs.
Cell phones are one of the biggest advances from chemistry in my mind. They allow
us with much easier and faster communication with the people around us or even on
the other side of the
world. Satellite TV is another big advancement of chemistry. TV provides us with
entertainment and alerts. Technologies today are so advanced it is crazy to think
about what life would have been like without these things. Selfish of me to say, I am
glad I did not have to live back in the times without advanced technologies like there
is today. Technology is affecting society today. Teen s without their cell phone is like
chemistry without the periodic table of the elements. Little kids and their video
games have become the main focus point. What new big thing is coming out? That is
all people seem to care about anymore. Technology has ruined our society, not saying
that it isn t just wonderful, but it has destroyed our generation. We get to greedy to
get the latest hottest technology that has come out and forget what life is like if you
didn t have
A Study of Consumer Attitude Towards Mobile Marketing
Final Project Research Proposal CONSUMER ATTITUDE TOWARD
Jaffery Roll No.:A1BM 109007 COURSE NAME:Final Project SUBMITTED
TO:Sir Waqar Qadri DATE OF SUBMISSION: October 24, 2012 ABSTRACT The
use of cell phone has rapidly become an integral part of our lives and has become
the source of economic growth and employment opportunities at the country level
(Madden and Savage, 2000 amp; Sridhar and Varadharajan, 2007). In many
countries, mobile phones are often people s only way of telecommunication (CSR
Report, 2003). They are addressing their specific needs and encouraging the use...
Show more content on ...
Last but not the least Warid also took active part in diffusion of cell phone
immediate after Telenor in May 2005. Network coverage of almost ninety percent
of the total population of Pakistan has made mobile industry even more attractive
for foreign investment (PTA, 2007). Growth of cellular phone industry in Pakistan
is as marvelous as in developed countries and especially in star Asian countries.
The cellular industry reached to 89,325,296 subscribers in July 2008 from just
306493 connections in 2000. That not only changed the penetration rate from 3.66
(1.66 percent mobile phone) per 100 in 2001 02 to 49.91(42.6%) per 100 in 2006
07 but also changed the concept about cell phone A Luxury Thing to A Necessary
Devise . Success of the telecommunication industry especially cellular industry of
Pakistan has changed the economic and social conditions of the country. At country
level, Mobile sector contributed, a total of Rs. 312 billion to the economy in 2006,
representing more than five percent of GDP. Mobile communication in Pakistan has
raised GDP growth rates by 0.12 percent for each one percent increase in penetration.
Resultantly, an increase of about 28 million in subscribers between 2005 and 2006
has contributed 1.7 percent to the country s GDP growth (Deloitte, 2006).
Approximately 2,718.7 Million US$ were invested in cellular industry in 2006 07.
Telecommunication industry was the biggest sector for foreign investment 1824.2
A Human Body
Second Rheya attempts suicide while Chris is sleeping by drinking liquid oxygen,
but she regenerates and comes back to life . An arrangement of subatomic particles
and flesh does not make a human a human, an individual. She is just a cellular
imitation of Rheya with some of her memories, based only on what Christ knows.
After regenerating, Second Rheya states frantically, In your memory you get to
control everything... even if you remember something wrong, I am predetermined to
carry it out. I m suicidal because that s how you remember me. So everything she
was before Chris, the true individual of Rheya, is not included in this being. Of the
many things Solaris shows us about subjectivity, one is that there is a unique essence
in every... Show more content on ...
She can never come back, can never be recreated, not even by Solaris, and probably
not even by God.
It is at this point that Dr. Gordon, who never reveals who her visitor was, describes
a plan to obliterate the duplicates sent by Solaris. She talks about an Anti Higgs ray
device that will use protons to destroy them, claiming it already worked on her
visitor. Despite Chris attempts to save her, Second Rheya s deathis inevitable.
Between him sending away the First Rheya, to essentially die, and the Second
Rheya destroying herself, it seems she is pre programmed for suicide. Chris is
distraught to find Gordon has destroyed Second Rheya at her request. Chris was
not ready to let go of the physical duplicate of Rheya. Humans are preoccupied with
seeing things in the flesh, possessing them, keeping them near. But his love cannot
be quantified or represented physically, it just is. When the Anti Higgs ray
destroys Second Rheya, it seems to affect Solaris and causes it to grow
exponentially in mass. Chris must make his fatal decision, will he stay on Solaris
and be absorbed by the planet that gave him some version of his dead wife, or should
he return to an empty meaningless life back on Earth?
When presented with the opportunity to go back to Earth, Chris hesitates before
going into the Athena spacecraft with Gordon, and a scene follows
Santa Clause Argument
Santa Claus
This passage presents a discussion about arguments concerning the existence of Santa
Claus. This is an important debate for children everywhere because of the Christmas
spirit that Santa Claus instills in them. The two positions argue whether or not Santa
Claus exists or not. Both viewpoints have valid claims warranting consideration. For
example, evidence indicates that Santa Claus is only imaginary. In contrast, opposing
evidence suggests that he is real. While both sides of the issue have valid points,
the claim that Santa Claus exists is the stronger supported, the position supported
by a preponderance of the evidence cited in the passages. The most convincing and
forceful reasons in support of this position are that he lives in a unseeable world, he
is what brings joy to Christmas, and those who do not believe in him are only
skeptics. Accordingly, these reasons and opposing viewpoints will be discussed next.
... Show more content on ...
In support of this point, a great amount of the universe cannot be seen, and because
of this, it is likely that Santa Claus lives in that portion of the universe. In addition,
if this part of the universe is invisible, then there is no clout to the claim that he
does not exist only because he cannot be seen. Consequently, this is evidence in
support of the case that there is a Santa Claus. The second relevant point to make
is support of the claim that Santa Claus does indeed exist is that he is what brings
joy to Christmas. For example, if there were no Santa Clause, Christmas would be
as normal a time of year as any. But, since Christmas is the most joyous and happy
time of year, it proves that there is a difference here. Additionally, there would be a
far less joy at Christmas if there was no Santa Claus. In short, the joy and festiveness
of Christmas proves that there is a Santa
Monsters And Men In Beowulf
Of Monsters and Men
There is a repletion of themes throughout the story of Beowulf. Firstly, this is seen
with Grendel and his killing of King Hrothgar s men. Next this theme is seen with
Grendel s mother killing King Hrothgar s most trusted advisor. And finally, this is
seen with Beowulf killing the dragon for attacking his kingdom and burning down his
After a brief prologue Beowulf begins with the great mead hall Heorot, the throne hall
of King Hrothgar, being attacked by the monster Grendel. Grendel is jealous and
annoyed by the noise of celebrations in Heorot. It harrowed him To hear the din of
the loud banquet Every day in the hall, the harp being struck The attacks are also due
to Grendel s nature as a descendent of the original ... Show more content on ...
A thief stumbles upon the lair of the dragon and stole the small gem studded cup.
The dragon ravages the country side and burns down villages in frustration. but
someone managed To enter by it and interfere With the heathen trove. He had
handled and removed A gem studded goblet; it gained him nothing, Though with a
thief s wiles he had outwitted The sleeping dragon; that drove him into a rage, As
the people of that country would soon discover. On one of these burnings, Beowulf
s own home was burned down. It was the throne hall of the Geats that the dragon
torched and for this insult and the injuries of his people, Beowulf would slay the
dragon. Beowulf foolishly chose just a few warriors to accompany him to the
barrow of the dragon instead a large army. During Beowulf s battle with the dragon
the third blow he landed did not kill the beast but did enrage it. At this insult the
dragon bit into the neck of Beowulf envenomating him. So, the dragon again
sought revenge against humans. The dragon bit Beowulf for Beowulf striking him
and because he rightly assumed that people would steal his treasure away from
him. For fear of theft and death the dragon did kill Beowulf. After each blow from
Beowulf the dragon would belch out more flame. This shows an extension of the
cycle of revenge on an individual level. The dragon would breath fire and Beowulf
would strike it, then the dragon would breath fire
Iphone Attack Research Paper
On December 2, 2015, fourteen people were killed and twenty two were injured in
a terrorist attack. This horrible action took place at the Island Regional Center in
San Bernardino, California. The two terrorists of the shooting were, Tashfeen
Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook. Apple is asking to expel the court order that
requires the company to give the Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) a hand in
breaking into the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters, saying that it is a
violation of the Constitution. The FBI wants Apple to make a way to unlock the
IPhone. I agree with the FBI, because many people lose their lives in terrorist
attacks, not knowing who caused the event and what could have been done to stop it.
With this code, it saves many... Show more content on ...
As my teacher Sister Hargrove, This is going to affect many of us. Even though
hackers may get into the phone, I still believe that lives are more important. Just
imagine, if one of your loved ones were in 9/11, the Boston bombing, the Aurora
shooting, or the San Bernardino shooting. Wouldn t you want that password to the
phone, to see what plans the terrorists had or other people are planning to do? Tim
Cooke s wife Barbara Olson, died in 9/11, in one of the four hijacked planes, and I
am very surprised he does not want to help the FBI. In conclusion, I want Apple to
help the FBI with this San Bernardino case, because I believe the lives of people
matter and we as people need to know what is going on. So far, Apple does not
want to help the FBI and I believe they are sticking with their word. The FBI wants
Apple to create a backdoor to get into the IPhone, so then they can brute force their
way in. This situation is not only in the United States, in China and Russia. I believe
many people agree with Apple and others with the FBI. Although this tragic event
caused many deaths and injuries, who do you stand with? The FBI or
History In The Waterland
Waterland is a form of postmodern fiction, which reflects on story telling, combining
both fictive and historical narration (Atilla, 1). The protagonist, Tom Crick, who is
also the narrator of the stories, is a history teacher that spends his life trying to
discover the mysteries from his past. In the present, he is dismissed from his job,
because the school considers historyto have little value in the modern world. In one
of his last classes, Tom turned his lessons into story telling sessions, by starting with
stories about his personal life and incorporating at the same time his family history
and the French Revolution, with the idea to show the meaning of history. While
telling the stories, he also questions why we tell stories, how are... Show more content
on ...
He is questioning the meaning and the relevance of historical events. Price wishes
to live in the Here and Now and embodies all the objections to history and
essentially Crick s stories. However, according to Tom Crick, the past is necessary
in order to make meaning of the present. Through analyzing his own past, Tom Crick
is trying to show Price that history is in fact relevant. In forming his past into a
narrative and by using knowledge that perhaps was previously unavailable, the
historian discovers what has been forgotten about the past and brings all the pieces
together. Private or public, histories brings together all the amount of data, categories
and concepts to form themselves into a narrative (Atilla, 4 ). As Linda Hutcheon
specifies, in historiographic metafiction the characters are often seen trying to
analyze the data that they have collected. Usually, postmodern fiction uses historical
data, which it assimilates in order to lend a feeling of verifiability. However,
historiographical metafiction incorporates, but rarely assimilates such data. It plays
upon the truth and lies of the historical record, in order to foreground the possible
failures of recorded history (Hutcheon,
Stoutness In Pregnancy
While a considerable lot of these investigations have concentrated on grown up
partners, hazard directions for dysmetabolic results, including heftiness, sort 2
diabetes (T2D), and cardiovascular sickness (CVD), are believed to be formed right
on time in life. The gathering of information as of late investigating hazard factors
emerging in pregnancyand adolescencegives convincing confirmation that the hazard
direction for metabolic infection begins in youth or maybe significantly prior in
utero. We theorize that dysmetabolic programming occasions happening inside basic
windows being developed incline the posterity to CVD and T2D as grown ups, and
that these procedures might be intervened by epigenetic forms that offer ascent to...
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Posterity of both under and overnourished pregnancies are at higher danger of
metabolic sickness in adulthood contrasted and reasonably supported posterity; in this
manner, the connection between birth weight and these maladies is U shaped.33 37
Epigenetic programming and gene condition communications have all the earmarks
of being critical variables to consider while disentangling the dynamic (epi)genetic
design of complex maladies crosswise over heredities. In spite of the fact that it
appears to be profoundly conceivable that transgenerational epigenetic procedures
may influence infection inclination, it is hard to prohibit social and societal
components serving simultaneously, or then again, as a vehicle for sickness
transmission crosswise over eras. The joining of nonbiological (financial, social, and
way of life) and natural (hereditary and epigenetic) data into infection forecast models
is an undeniably essential territory of research that may have importance while
considering early intercessions against grown up cardiometabolic diseases.50
Maternal nourishment and placental insufficiency77 are particularly applicable in
fetal development and advancement, as these components directly affect deciding the
sum and nature of supplement supply to the incipient organism and baby.
Role Of Gender Parity In Canada
Gender Parity in Canada s House of Commons The topic I have chosen to take an
interest in gender parity and government and why it is still an issue in our
government in 2017. As an action, I chose to write to my member of parliament in
regard to his vote on Bill C 237, also known as the Gender Equity Act. As a liberal
party member, this should have been something he supported alongside his party,
who defeated Bill C 237. This bill would have given a monetary penalty to parties
whose list of elected members had a gap bigger than 10% between its number of
women and men running (Bill C 237). By writing to my member of parliament, I
engaged with the House of Commons and the legislative process. Additionally,
through this project, I learned district... Show more content on ...
Liberal feminism approaches feminism with a more individual aspect. One of the key
problems that they have is that discrimination against women limits their
opportunities (Mintz et al., 81). The link to my issue due to the fact that liberal
feminist wants to cut unjust laws and create more affirmative actions that will allow
women to participate in society to their fullest (Mintz et al., 81 82). The ideology
employs an emphasis in the power that an individual has to change prejudiced
procedures targeting women (Liberal Feminism). Their main goal is to ensure that
women have the same freedom and opportunity in life as men do, whether it would
be employment, education or politics (Mintz et al.,
Facilitate Seller Relationship With Sears
Helen Chang 2620 N Berkeley Lake Rd. N.W. Apt. 924 Duluth, GA 30096 (305)
395 9098 | ObjectiveMy objective is to find an
opportunity to display my skills and knowledge in a challenging field where I can
grow as a person and as a professional. Education Florida State UniversityTallahassee,
FL Bachelor of Science, Political Science, ChineseGraduated May 2014 Work
Experience iSpring Water Systems Project Manager Atlanta, GANovember 2014
Present Facilitate seller relationship with Amazon, Sears, Overstock,
Depression With Elderly Women
Depression with Elderly women Aremelder Johnson Steiner Leigh HDC 542
University of Illinois in Springfield, Illinois What do we still need to know about
your vulnerable population and what programs address their needs? What programs
and policies are needed? Social and demographic trends are making information and
assistance services increasingly important to the average American family.
Americans live longer and require more help to cope with chronic conditions and
frailties. Older adults often live alone, with no younger family members residing in
the immediate area. Family members are likely to live several miles away or in other
states. Even when adult children live near their parents, both are... Show more content
on ...
There are several down below that we will address; Transportation Access Bus
Company is for the elderly to attend different doctor s appointments and take care
of their business in the community. There are limited services for transportation and
the quality of these services. Consequently, there is a client in the Abundant Faith
Haven Apartments and she complains to me all the time about the Access bus to
take her to the doctor. The time the bus arrives and leaves, sometimes makes her
late for her doctor s appointments. Social Security Department Is a place where an
elderly person can find Medicaid or Medicare, and apply for their monthly social
security check. This is a great for a senior but there are some barriers to getting
their assistance. Nevertheless, one of the barriers is that the senior can be denied
for services, or on a spin down Medical card depending on how much income they
have coming in one household. Department of Human Services Provides various
resources and they can connect the senior to other community based resources.
Yes, conversely, even DHS has different policies that might affect the elderly from
becoming eligible for their services. For instance; if the person (elderly) pays rent
and do not have any utility bills, they would only be eligible for a small amount of
Emergency Food Stamp program. These actions of the DHS program can cause the
elderly to spend cash for food which does not help them on a fix income.
Ancient History Assess the Contribution and Impact of at...
Queens played great roles during the period of New kingdom Egypt. They were
known as the Great Royal Wife s of the pharaohs and contributed politically,
religiously and diplomatically influencing the roles of women during this period, and
even future queens.
Queen Tiye was an important influence on new kingdom Egypt and was the key wife
of Amenhotep III and they ruled a peaceful reign. Tiye was the daughter of Yuya
which was a officer in the chariotry, priest of min and Tuya (chief of harem of
Amun and min) which both had Nubian royal blood origins. Married at a young
age, one year after he became pharaoh and gave her the title Great royal wife. Also
gave birth to arkhenaten and other children. She greatly shaped foreign relations, ...
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Art also depicted her in family scenes which previously were regarded as too intimate
such as being Arm in arm(statues).
Through the roles of Tiye, future queens Nefertiti and Nefertari we are able to
observe the changing roles of queens influenced them and clearing path for them. The
kings built temples to honour them and depicted them as goddesses.
Queen Tiye played a great religious role and according to Historian Nicholas
Grimal she was the personification of Maat goddess of justice and truth. She was
also depicted as goddess ta weret in statues representing fertility and motherhood
(mother of Egyptians). A temple was also dedicated to her in Sedianga(Nubia)
meaning she was worshiped as a goddess. Commemorative and marriage scarabs
were made for her publicising their marriage and promoting the pharaonic cult as
everyone that attended received one meaning they would be remembered. She also
participated in religious festivals such as the Sed festival. She also served as a
priestess within Amun Re suggesting that her religious roles were not extensive yet
they were still an increase on the contributions to that of her predecessors.
A Khan Academy Documentary by Beth Harris shows a headdress worn by Tiye that
included horns solar disk, referring to the religion Atenism which is monotheistic and
regal promoting the god Aten. Horns and Feathers on headdress also related to the
goddess Hathor.
Tiye Served for 50
Public Parks And Other Public Spaces In Los Angeles Echo
Throughout every major city you will find a variety of parks and other public spaces.
In this paper, I will explore who came up with the idea of public parks, and why
public parks and other public spaces exist, as well as, take a deeper look at the
history of one of Los Angeles oldest parks, Echo Park.
The American Industrial Revolution was a period where major changes in
manufacturing, transportation, and technology greatly influenced the social and
economic conditions in America. The production of goods usually took place in
home businesses and were crafted by hand. With the introduction of machine aided
factories, the volume and variety of goods greatly increased, and there was no
longer a need for hand crafted goods. By the end of the ... Show more content on ...
As the servicemen who fought in World War I returned to the city
, Echo Park had the
biggest development boom in its entire history. Where there had been farmhouses
or vacant lots, builders added Spanish style courtyards and apartments with arched
windows and red tiled roofs around the lake (Erickson, Echo Park Historical
Society ). One of the biggest attractions sat just at the north end of the lake across
the street. Founded by Aimee Semple McPherson in 1923, the Angelus Temple
drew enormous crowds to the lake so they could listen to her radio program. The
boom didn t stop there. In 1924 a series of storefronts opened one block from the
lake, giving Echo Park its first shopping district. New businesses and recreation
centers continued to sprout up all around Echo Park, but in 1929, when the stock
market crashed, everything came to a screeching halt.
From 1870 till today, Echo Park Lake has endured many hardships. In the past It
has been polluted with trash and debris, killing plants and wildlife. It has been
vandalized numerous times. And it has been closed from the public due to disrepair.
Most recently, after being closed for two years, the Park underwent a 45 million
dollar makeover. In 2013, it was re opened to the
Waiting Love Movie Analysis
If you re interested in a muscular Chinese guy roller skating around in a bikini,
then I ve got just the movie for you. Cafe. Waiting. Love. is a Chinese love story
filled with humor and grilled sausage. While watching this movie, I noticed many
trends common among similar stories, such as the girl who can see ghosts, the
ghost who can t pass on to heaven because he has a regret, and the boy who likes
the girl. Although these clichГ©s were not mentioned in Foster s book, there were
still many things I could deduce about the movie only after reading about Foster s
methods. Of Thomas C. Foster s twenty seven chapters, in his book, How To Read
Literature Like A Professor, the chapters I found most applicable to my movie
were chapters nine, eleven, and fifteen. Firstly, chapter nine of Foster s book made
one thing very clear: It s never just the rain. (Foster, 70) Since rain can be more
mysterious, murkier, more isolating than most other weather conditions (Foster,
71), the director uses the rain to add a bit of mystery to the mood of the joyful
scene with this unnamed, mysterious boy whom the female protagonist (Xiying) is
interested in (romantically). The rain also serves as a plot device and force pushing
Xiying and the boy together, even though it s clear that Xiying is going to end up
with A Tuo (the boy who likes her). The purpose of pushing Xiying and the mystery
boy together is to create enough of a connection between them for Xiying to choose
the boy over A Tuo
Everything You Eve Wanted to Know About The
Netherlands Essay
The country of Netherlands is lowland and a lot of it is water. The size of
Netherlands is 41,526 square kilometers. The highest point there is Vaalserberg and
is 321 meters (Amsterdam guide, 2003). Sea storms and floods are natural disasters
there but there are now dikes to control them better. The climate in Netherlandsis
mild (Amsterdam guide, 2003).
Netherlands wanted independence in 1581 but didn t get it until 1648 (Amsterdam
guide, 2003). They lost it then in 1794 by the Austrian Throne of Habsburg
(Amsterdam guide, 2003). In 1830, Luxembourg united with Netherlands but
separated in 1890 (Amsterdam guide, 2003). The Germans invaded Netherlands in
1940 and the people suffered (Amsterdam guide, ... Show more content on ...
They began being a constitutional monarchy in 1815 and a parliamentary democracy
in 1848 (Amsterdam guide, 2003). In Netherlands, the parliament is made up of the
Eerste Kamer, the first chamber and Tweede Kamer, the second chamber. The first
chamber has 75 members and the second chamber has 150 members (Amsterdam
guide, 2003).
The king of Netherlands currently is King Willem Alexander van Oranje Nassau.
He s the head of the state. The head of state can be a king and he chooses who can
be a mayor or a politician and signs laws. The king also gives a job to either the
prime minister or a politician to form the government. That person must be from the
party that won in the elections. The Prime Minister right now is Mark Rutte who s is
the head of the government (Amsterdam guide, 2003).
The language spoken in Netherlands is Dutch (Amsterdam guide, 2003).
Holidays in Netherlands are Queen s Day, Sinterklaas, Christmas Day, Boxing Day,
New Year s Day, Good Friday, Easter Sunday/Monday, National Remembrance Day,
Liberation Day, Ascension, and Whitsun (Expatica communications BV, 2012). On
Queen s Day people wear orange because that is the color of the royal family. Queen
s Day is very important in Netherlands and is celebrated on April 30th (Polete, 2013).
Festivals in Netherlands include Dauwpop, Pinkpop, Best Kept Secret,
Homework Persuasive Research Paper
Its a stated fact that around 80% of my homework is online. I depend upon having
a laptop of my own for all my school homework these days. Now before I persuade
you, I want you to realize that i would be able to do all my homework downstairs
so you could see what I m doing. Also ALMOST all of my homework is online.
There would almost be no more arguing and fighting about who uses the computer. A
problem in the past, I have had with you (mom) is you want to believe that I m not
really doing my homework when I go on the computer upstairs and your
downstairs, but we can fix this, not by having you stand right next to me, but by
me having my own laptop so, then I would have the capability of moving the
laptop to where I need to use it, like downstairs on the table where you could easily
see what I m actually doing. And you also have to consider the price it would only
be around 400 which is cheaper than Liv and Lukes ipads (that they never use) and
Its faster then the computer and their iPads when it comes to looking things up for
homework. Its cheaper, faster and more reliable than the easy breaking iPads.... Show
more content on ...
What homework, do I have for math? Dashboard ebooks (online) and mathxl
(online), science homework? Powerpoint (online) kidshealth (online), those are
my 2 biggest homework classes. You may think you could just trust me and I could
do everything upstairs, but you have to have knowledge of these 2 points, Luke
hates me and never wants to log the computer on, Liv never does either way, and
most of the time you are too busy working, and even if they do let me on, Luke
always gives me a time limit to make sure i m doing what I m suppose to be doing,
so I have never had enough time, one more thing, how do I do my
Cancer Vaccines
Can cancer really be prevented with a simple vaccine similar to a flu vaccine?
Author Sandra Gordon composed an article entitled, How Cancer Vaccines Work
explains how a recent study proves a vaccine can be made to help in the prevention
of cervical, liver, and other cancer types. To follow is research done by professionals
to describe how cancervaccines work.
Many American s receive flu vaccines annually and now studies have proven,
cancer vaccines are possible too. A question that comes up to researchers quite
often is; How do these vaccines work? The answers to these questions researchers
say is actually quite simple, they say cancer vaccines work just like flu vaccines and
are used to prevent cancer. These; however, are a bit different than a flu vaccine
because they do not attack cancer cells directly, instead teach your body to fight off
the viruses that could end up being cancerous.
People also question if they can actually lead to cancer prevention. The answer;
researchers suggest, is actually quite simple, they claim the following, with the cancer
vaccines, the immune system is hit with an unknown noncancerous copy of the virus
... Show more content on ...
With that, people question, what am I injection into my body with a cancer
vaccine? Research states the cancer vaccine targets the cancerous cells themselves
and the vaccine contains pieces of the cancerous cell and your immune system will
treat the cancer cells similarly to how the flu vaccine attacks the flu. The immune
system will release leukocytes from the immune system to aggressively fight off the
unwanted disease. Another question arises from this, how are we going to get
cancer cells to put in the vaccine? Cancer cells are sly and they have a way of
making themselves so the body does not know it is dangerous , states
Wild Card Scenarios
Fresh off what was a fairly predictable Wild Card weekend (at least for me), we are
on to the Divisional Round. Here is where things begin to get interesting. The
Seattle Seahawks will travel to the Georgia Dome and take on the 11 5 Atlanta
Falcons. The Houston Texans will head up to hostile territory and take on the
heavily favored New England Patriots. The Steelers head to Arrowhead to take on
the Chiefs in what is said to be blistering cold temperatures. And what is likely to
be the most intriguing matchup of the weekend, the Green Bay Packers head to
Dallas as a 4 pt. underdog to take on the Cowboys. The Seattle Seahawks will travel
to the Georgia Dome and take on the 11 5 Atlanta Falcons. The Houston Texans will
head up to hostile territory... Show more content on ...
The Packers underachieved at best. QB Aaron Rodgers was put on the hot seat.
Negative rumors swirled around Rodgers, both personally and professionally
which ultimately were excuses for his poor play. Jordy Nelson had just returned
from an ACL injury and it took time for him to get his legs back. Injuries continued
to plague the team, hitting the running core the hardest.The Packers were all but
written off, then in the second half, Rodgers returned to old form. Devonte Adams
stepped up in a big way, taking the lead on offense, finishing the season with 997
yds and 12 TD s. The Cowboys had a much different season. Led by rookie Dak
Prescott, the Cowboys finished their season with a record of 13 3, not without
setting a few records. Dak Prescott has the best completion percentage (67.8), TD
INT ratio (23 4), and passer rating (104.9) by any rookie quarterback in NFL
history. Rookie phenom Ezekiel Elliot led the NFL with 1,631 rushing yards.
Together, this duo has brought the Cowboys back to relevancy all while showcasing
their maturity and readiness.This matchup has all the makings to become the most
exciting game of the season. According to MSN, Nelson, who injured his ribs in the
Wild Card matchup against the Giants is contemplating wearing a Tevlar vest this
weekend. Elliot is reassuring Cowboy fans he is ok to play after a minor car accident
Pharmacy Vs Jackrabbit Pharmacy
What better way to learn about the pharmacy profession than from two SDSU alumni
in the university s own pharmacy? I had the opportunity to learn from Melanie Lunn
and Tasha Rausch in the unique environment that the Jackrabbit Pharmacy brings. I
was able to compare and contrast this pharmacy with the retail pharmacyI work in.
The Jackrabbit Pharmacy has a unique patient population and location which leads to
many of these differences. Located on a college campus with a majority of the
patients being young adults, maintaining confidentiality can be an issue. One issue
that Melanie commonly faces is concerned parents calling regarding their child s
prescription. Since the passing of HIPAA, eighteen year olds have the right to keep
their health information from their parents. As a pharmacist, one should be mindful
of the information that is discussed with parents of college aged students. This can
be difficult because parents do not always want to abide by this law. While
shadowing at the pharmacy, I saw another potential issue with patient confidentiality.
If the pharmacy were to hire a student intern or clerk, that student could learn about
the medical conditions and medications that his or her friends have. It would be very
easy to breach HIPAA and, therefore, a liability. Luckily, I don t think the pharmacy
is planning to do this.
In the Jackrabbit Pharmacy, the pharmacists have developed the pharmacy workplace
so that it is easy to respect patient confidentiality. For
The Link Between Nazi Propaganda And The Holocaust
Hitler believed that propaganda from the allies was the main reason that the
Germans lost during World War I and felt that this form of warfare needed to be a
primary tool in modern warfare. He spoke of this belief in his book Mein Kampf
well before the start of the second World War. Hitler felt that the public needed to be
inundated with the ideology of the state at all times and through all mediums (Jowett
and O Donnell 2). To do this, he said everything from child s story book to the last
newspaper, every theater, every cinema and every advertisement must be brought into
the service of this single mission (qt. in Qualter ix). This onslaught of propaganda led
to the Holocaustby leaving no other option open to the German people... Show more
content on ...
The Nazi s did use propaganda in this negative sense but in an underhanded and
subversive way. They backed up all their false reports with scientific studies and
claims of a better human race.
Propaganda is hard to define as most definitions do not cover the full meaning of
the word. The Webster s Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary defines propaganda as
the systematic propagation or discrediting of a given doctrine or cause by
circulation of polemical material, such as posters and leaflets (1353). However, this
definition does not cover the full scope of the of the word. Terence Qualter also feels
the definition for propaganda needs to be more refined for its new usage. The
definition that he gives is the deliberate attempt...(to) form, control, or alter the
attitudes of other groups...(with) the use of the instruments of communication (27
28). He goes on to say that the propaganda must be aimed at the group in general
because that is the basic nature of the word, in that the most effective propaganda is
the propaganda which has a large audience. Qualter does mention, however, that there
need be no difference in the propaganda to persuade one and the propaganda to
persuade the many (28). Germany did this by controlling the flow of information into
the country.
According to Hideya Kumata and Wilbur Schramm, gaining monopoly control of

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  • 1. Religion And Politics Essay Crafting an essay on the intricate relationship between religion and politics is a challenging task that demands a nuanced understanding of both subjects. The intertwining of these two realms has been a source of profound debates, historical conflicts, and societal transformations. Addressing this topic requires the ability to navigate through complex historical contexts, diverse religious beliefs, and the dynamic nature of political systems. One of the challenges lies in maintaining objectivity while delving into the sensitive and deeply personal nature of religious beliefs and political ideologies. Striking a balance between analytical depth and respectful consideration of diverse perspectives is crucial. Additionally, it requires a keen awareness of the ever-evolving nature of both religion and politics, as contemporary issues and global events continually shape their dynamics. The synthesis of scholarly research, historical analysis, and critical thinking is vital to produce a well-rounded and insightful essay. The writer must carefully navigate through the historical precedents, theoretical frameworks, and contemporary case studies to build a comprehensive argument. Tackling questions related to the separation of church and state, the impact of religious beliefs on policymaking, and the role of religious institutions in shaping political ideologies demands a meticulous approach. Moreover, the essay should be able to address the complexities of cultural diversity and the global nature of political and religious interactions. This entails exploring how different societies grapple with these intersections and the consequences for their governance structures. In conclusion, writing an essay on the relationship between religion and politics is indeed a formidable task. It necessitates a combination of research skills, critical thinking, and a nuanced understanding of the historical and contemporary contexts. The ability to navigate the intricate connections between these two spheres while respecting diverse perspectives is essential for a successful exploration of this complex topic. For assistance with similar essays and more, individuals can explore the services offered at Religion And Politics EssayReligion And Politics Essay
  • 2. The English Renaissance ostracize and scoff at people who failed to exhibit their narrow definition of appropriateness (Foldy). Aestheticism, more liberal and welcoming, was the main contributor to the downfall of the Victorian era because it combated Victorian exclusivity and embraced expression. A major direct impact of the aesthetic movement was spurred feminism. People invested in more elaborate and bold furnishings for their lives and homes, and boundaries were expanded to give women more freedom, causing them to have a lesser presence of constriction and more of activity and frivolity (Brookes). This breaking of Victorian control through the aesthetic movement made way for the notion of personal fulfillment as a viable directed pursuit such as choosing to marry beyond social appropriateness and functionality. Additionally, Wilde s aesthetically inspired infectious phrases increased the involvement of the media and thus the eventual commercialization of arts and expression (Grech). Wilde was the poster child of the men of the new aesthetic movement (Adut); The men of the movement were wispy, narcissistic and solipsistic. (Anderson). Wilde paraded on the indulgence of male beauty and that in the countered face of Victorianism he acted vain and pretentious according to Himmelfarb, Wilde would not deny this but rather flaunt his vanity. This vanity coupled with his homosexuality made Wilde quite indiscrete. There is no denying that the aesthetes, (a person who affects and shapes the
  • 3. Propaganda During Nazi Germany Essay Examine why and how film was used for propaganda purposes in Nazi Germany. The function of propaganda is,for example,not to weigh and ponder the rights of different people,but exclusively to emphasize the one right which it has set out to argue s task is not to make an objective study of the truth,...its task is to serve our own right,always and unflinchingly (Hitler,1971,p182).Propaganda as defined by Welch(1983,p2),is the art of brainwashing,so as to alter attitudes and ideas.Though the art of persuasion is nothing new,it became more innovative in the first half of the twentieth century,such as through the popular press,then the film and the radio (Tegel,2007,p.12).This was headed by the Ministry of Propaganda under Joseph... Show more content on ... Another motive why film was used by the Nazis as a propaganda tool was it s ability to rally and influence the masses.Propaganda was needed to persuade the masses to accept Nazi policies .Besides tolerating the government,Goebbels believed that the mobilization of the people was also vital for a wholehearted commitment to the Nazi state(Welch,2002,p25).As Grunberger(1995,p377) noted,cinema attendances quadrupled from 250 million in 1933,to 1000 million in 1942.Thus,film was an effective weapon used to propagate the people. Film was hence used by the Nazis to rally support for the euthanasia action as depicted in the film,I Accuse(1941)(Moeller,2000,p99) The Nazis saw the need for racial purity.(Welch,2002,p83))Thus racial propaganda was used to spread both anti Jewish and Slavic feelings as well as to showcase the superiority of the Aryan race(Ibid). In Mein Kamf,Hilter stressed the need for establishing racial attitudes, No boy or girl must leave school without having attained a clear insight into the meaning of racial purity and the importance of maintaining the racial blood unadulterated. (Ibid) The film I Accuse(1941) was a success as it attracted a very large audience and was seen by over 15 million people.The melodramatic film showcase a triangular love story with emphasis on the intensity of Hanna s suffering,and the disagreement between her husband(Heyt) and his friend(Lang) over the use of euthanasia on his
  • 4. Howard Stern Essay . Howard Stern has been labeled as many things, such as offensive, obnoxious, discussing and by the majority of his listeners a genius. He grew up in a suburb of Manhattan in the early sixties. His father, Ben Stern, worked at radio station WHOM where the was the engineer. His father commuted every day about 40 miles to and from work. Howard would spend little time with his father but on occasion he would get to go to work with him. This is what interested Howard to being on the radio. At the time, the area Howard lived in was going through a racist change. His mother told his friends who were making racist comments about the negros that she and Howard ... Show more content on ... He really didn t cheat on his wife because he took a bubble bath with Brittany with his underwear didn t take them off...which meant he didn t cheat on her. At least this is what Brittany told him and she started making a lot of sense at the time...Both he and his friend Fred ended up in the same bubble bath. Brittany needed her shoulders rubbed while she was relieving stress in the tub. Alison found his wet underwear under the car seat the next day. He thought he was safe until she revealed this to him while eating lunch the next day. On April 21, 1980 Howard started work at a Detroit radio station, WWWW. He was the morning man. He presented a morning show that Detroit never experienced before.
  • 5. He did it his way. The manager told him he talked too much but he continued to talk too much . After all this Alison came back. WWWW changed its format from rock to country. Howard quits. He tells the listeners that Hopalong Howey never drove a truck, went to college, and never had sex with his daddies sister. So, he quits.... Howard feels like a quitter because he left WWWW. He wants to become more intimate with his listening audience. He says everytime he thinks he shouldn t say something that he should
  • 6. Causes And Treatment Of Viral Abortion IntroductionThe protozoan parasite Neospora caninum is a Toxoplasma like organism that may cause neosporosis in dogs and cattleand less frequently in other animals such as goats, sheep, deer,rhinoceros, llamas and alpacas (Dubey et al., 2002). N. caninumoocyst contaminated food or water is considered the main routeof infection for cattle (De Marez et al., 1999), and there is also evi dence for the vertical transmission of N. caninum between damsand calves (Thurmond et al., 1997; Schares et al., 1998). N. caninum is generally accepted to be a major cause of infectious abortion incattle worldwide (Reichel et al., 2013). In pregnant cows, infec tion with N. caninum can lead to several outcomes including earlyfetal death and re absorption; abortion, stillbirth or parturition ofa deformed calf and birth of clinically normal but infected offspring(Dubey et al., 2006). Clinical signs, other than abortion, have beenidentified in calves less than 4 months of age and include neurologicmanifestations, locomotor disturbances and ocular and cerebralanomalies (De Meerschman et al., 2005).Cryptosporidium parvumis a coccidian protozoan parasite thathas been attributed to numerous outbreaks of neonatal calfdiarrhea in different regions of the world (Xiao, 2010). It hasdiverse characteristics, such as food and water borne transmission(Ramirez et al., 2004), zoonotic implications (Chalmers and Davies,2010), economical hazards, chemotherapy and vaccine resistance(Mead, 2002), which render it a
  • 7. Essay on Comparison Of Java, Javascript, Java Applets And... Comparison of Java, JavaScript, Java Applets and Java Beans Introduction Starting back in the early 1990 s with the introduction of Java to the computer scene there has been many updates and advances in how languages interact with web based programs. In this paper we are going to highlight several areas of several different Java flavors. The flavors we are addressing are Java, JavaScript, Java Applets and JavaBeans. We will discuss their history, features, usage and syntax and finally follow up with a chart providing a comparison of the different Java architectures. History Java, a language based on C++, was developed by James Gosling and colleagues at Sun Microsystems in the early 1990 s. (Java programming language, n.d.) It was ... Show more content on ... JavaScript was commonly used to manipulate images and document contents. There were early issues with JavaScript; security flaws, lack of development tools and often criticized for being too unlike Java, or too much like Perl. (Champeon, 2001) However, JavaScript took on a life all its own and in some circles was written off due to its simpleness, its security flaws and to some extent because it could only be tested within the browser environment. A Java Applet is a small program written in Java, which can be downloaded to any computer. The applet is usually embedded in an HTML page on a Web site and can be executed from within a browser. JavaSoft, the current name of the company which oversees the development of the Java language, was founded in January of 1996, and a few months later released the Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.0. (Youmans, 1997) The concept of an applet came out of the creation on the Java language. It enabled users to produce programs named applets which could be transmitted and run over the Internet, a somewhat different end product from what was originally envisioned back at the beginning of the decade. (Youmans, 1997) Java Applets came about as a requirement for adding functionalities to HTML documents,
  • 8. Differences Between Ordinary And Dynamic Capabilities 3.1.3Firm Capabilities A firm possesses two different kinds of capabilities, the so called ordinary capabilities and the dynamic capabilities. They are quite distinct in theory and in practice: The ordinary capabilities of a firm refer to its ability to use and coordinate tangible and intangible resources with the aim to reach a desired goal (Teece, 2014). The dynamic capabilities of a firm refer to its ability to build upon existing capabilities and at the same time to develop new capabilities (Teece, 2014). The basic distinctions are outlined in Table 3 below from a practical point of view: Ordinary CapabilitiesDynamic Capabilities PurposeTechnical efficiencyCongruence with opportunities Mode of attainabilityBuy or buildBuild Tripartite schemaOperate, administrate, governSense, seize, transform Key routinesBest practicesSignature processes Managerial emphasisCost controlEntrepreneurial leadership PriorityDoing things rightDoing the right things ImitabilityRelatively imitableInimitable ResultEfficiencyInnovation Table 3: Some Differences between Ordinary and Dynamic Capabilities (Teece, 2014) Ordinary capabilities are focused on the allocation of ... Show more content on ... Sustained competitive success requires continuous sensing, seizing, and transforming in order to overcome the challenges that changing customers, competitors and technologies brings (Teece, 2014). Such changes in the environment of the company usually occur over time. This means that while making the transition companies in such industries have to maintain certain former core competencies while building up new ones. The core competencies are defined as a combination of tangible and intangible resources and skill which distinguishes the company from other market players. The concept of core competencies foresees that
  • 9. The And Affordable Care Act The most radical reform made in the United States of America in the past 45 years has been the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). The ACA was signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010 ( Key Features of the Affordable Care Act ). The purpose of the ACA is to redesign companies within the insuranceindustry in the United States, mandate everyone in the country to have health insurance, expand public insurances while private insurances subsidize, introduce newer taxes, and transform the country s largest health insurance, Medicare. As the country slowly integrates itself to this new health care act, people feel they must come to a decision of joining the ACA or finding another way to be covered by insurance. The predictions that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) had on ACA were staggering. CBO thought that ACA would increase healthcare insurance coverage by 32 million people (Congressional Budget Office). Although there are many debates on whether or not this act should pass throughout the country as many states wish to repeal this act, the decision was made to reform our healthcare in the United States. People remain spectacle on this new reform and the results that follow. In spite of the many debates, the government and citizens find that they all strive towards one common goal which is the coverage of health insurance With such a big reform in the government and barely any money to cover these changes, there must be a way to finance all of
  • 10. Common Characteristics And Similarities Between Dari And... Abstract Dari is the language that my paper will discuss in detail.This language is spoken in Afghanistan by 5 million people. In this paper I will discuss some characteristics of the frequency adverbs. I will show examples to prove how these adverbs move in the sentences freely and where they occur. What was interesting also is that I found similarities between Dari and English. Frequency adverbs in Dari have common characteristics with English. Both languagesallow adverbs to move in different position. 1. Introduction Dari is a spoken language in Afghanistan. It is a SOV language. For this paper I choose to discuss(frequency adverbs). An adverb is a word that modifiesthe manners of verbs. There are many kinds of adverbs such as manner, ... Show more content on ... Aksar 2. Aksarwagt: in this case, people addsuffixwagt which means (time) to refer to a specific time. It is not important to add or delete the suffix wagt. If it is added it will not change themeaning in a speech it only tells what is the time in a very specific way. If it is deleted people will know that you are talking about time but not in certainty. 4. Conclusion : In Dari, adverbs like (Frequently, always, sometimes and usually) occurs in 3 positions: before verb, after verb and at the begging of a sentence. Adverb like usually has 2 ways in written form: aksar before verb and aksarwagt if the position is changed. Adjectives can be described as adverbs by adding the prefix ba, and they will always occur before verbs. To conclude this paper, Dari is an interesting and simple language. Frequency adverbs are interesting because they describe the time of any event. Their Frequency adverbs are flexible and they move easily in the sentences. They occur in the beginning of the sentence, before or after a verb. They do not make any changes to the meaning. 5. References Dari, Afghan Persian of Ethnologue (18th ed., 2015)
  • 11. Sakaria, S. (1967) Concise English Afghan Dari
  • 12. Annotated Bibliography On Linear Data Structure An introduction to linked list: a Review Abstract This paper describes about linear data structure i.e. linked list. Linked list is dynamic in nature means there is no need to know size of data in advance. It is linear collection of data elements which may or may not be stored at consecutive memory location. In linked list pointers are used for providing the linear order and each node is divided into parts for storing data and link part. This paper provides only overview that how linked list was created and what are its advantages over another data structure. It also defines how data is stored in linked list. What type of linked list can be? What basic operations can be performed on singly linked list? .And also tried to define applications of data structure. Introduction Linked list was developed by Cliff Shaw, Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon at RAND Corporation in year of 1955 1956. It was firstly used in information processing language for artificial intelligence. There are many disadvantages of array as compare to linked list. First is array is a static data structure and size have to define before use for example: int marks [10] here size of array have fixed of 10 elements. Second array stores only similar type of elements in integer value according to upper example it will store only integer value and third one is in array insertion and deletion operation are very difficult for performing that operations huge amount of data have to move upward and downward
  • 13. The Bible As A Source Of Hope, Strength, Truth And History The Bible is known single handedly as the champion of the best selling books the world has ever known. It is the holy and sacred text known to all the world, but specifically to those who believe in the Christian faith predominantly, but other religions also look to the Bible as a source of hope, strength, truth and history. The Biblewas originally written in Greek and Hebrew, but over time has been translated into many of the world s languages to accommodate those who believe in the Bible s power but cannot read or understand Hebrew or Greek. People all over the world have bought this religious text, but there are still many countries in the world where the Bible is banned. Those found to have possession of this text can be in danger... Show more content on ... The Bible has multiple authors but the story remains interconnected and woven together to create a Biblical timeline of times in history that textbooks could not contain without the help of the Bible. There is no question that the Bible contains accurate details vital not only to the credibility of itself and the Christian faith, but to the history it contains as well. Free mentions the late professor at the University of Chicago in the studies of the Old Testament, Ira Maurice Price s words Old Testament history has become incandescent with the wondrous archaeological discoveries in Bible lands. Almost every period of that old Book has been flooded with new light out of the ruins of the past (qtd in Free, 16). Though the Bible is known to be religious in most every sense, many historians also use the Bible as a timeline in order to determine the dates of other events that have happened in our world that are not clear in other records. Hans Debel, author of The Multilingual Textual History of the Hebrew Bible agrees with Free and Price. Debel s research focuses on the different languages the Hebrew translation of the Bible has undergone, but Debel mentions scrolls found in the Dead
  • 14. Defeat Of The Spanish Armada The summer of 1588, the world s most known organized fleet set sail to conquer England and make themselves a supreme power. King Philip II decided to send the Spanish Armada to invade and attack England. In this time period, hostilities stirred up between two powerful countries that wanted what was best for themselves. Spain at the time was just starting to gather forces and begin the development of their fleet. Well, in the year 1588 Queen Elizabeth I constructed a fleet of her own, which later became one of the most dominant navies in the world. The Spanish Armadawas a major obstacle for England, and even though defeat had come, the strengths and weaknesses of both sides came into view and the effects it had after the English triumphed over them. At the start of the attack, the Spanish Armada made way towards England, but word traveled fast about their location. When Spain s Armada came into view, there were men off of the coast of England and Wales ready to make haste to give word of where the Spanish are. In order to spread word of the arrival, the men lit beacons that sent word to other positions until it finally reached the Queen (Sharnette). Due to the help also from spies, Queen Elizabeth was able to have inside information about the idea of what will become of the Spanish idea and it helped England assemble their own ships for the future encounter ( The Defeat of the Spanish Armada: 1588 ). In Preparation for the near hopeful invasion, Queen Elizabeth I started
  • 15. Effects Of Contract Law On Society Effects of Contract Law on Society As defined by The Law Dictionary, a contract is an agreement, upon sufficient consideration, to do or not to do a particular thing. (1) Basically, contracts are promises that are enforceable by law. And, if one party does not keep his promise, the law provides a remedy by the breaching party. In order for a contract to be enforceable by law, the contract must include a valid offer, an acceptance of the offer, and adequate consideration. Contacts are primarily governed by statutory and common law. Uniform Commercial Code The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), according to the website, is a set of laws that provide legal rules and regulations governing commercial or business dealings and transactions. (2) The Uniform Commercial Code was published in 1952 but has seen several revisions since that time. The UCC has been adopted by all states though it may not be exact among all states. The UCC provides regulations for the sale of personal property and helps bring standardization to business laws so there can be some standard of uniformity amongst the states. (3) The UCC is broken into nine articles that each addresses a different area of commercial law. Elements of a Contract The three main elements of a contract are offer, acceptance, and consideration. Each element must be present in order to have a legally binding contract. First, one party, the offeror, makes a valid offer to another party, the offeree.
  • 16. Personal Response on Sexuality Identity Personal Response on Sexuality Identity Lillian M. Floyd PSY/265 Lauren Lappe February 16.2014 A person s sexual identity may seem like something obvious, something that should be an essential characteristic of our lives. However as we have found, these things are not always so simple, often finding that our sexual identity, is ever changing most of our lives. I have given my own identity some thought and I find for me it wasn t easy. In this essay I will be discussing my own identity and my reasons for coming to the conclusions that I have come to, and why I came to them (Rathus, Nevid, Fichner Rathus, 2005) Sexuality is and will always be a natural and healthy part of living. All of ... Show more content on ... Some researchers state that genetics and environmental factors are important determining element of homosexual behavior. They also state that birth place relates to the sexual orientation of marriage partner. Being born in urban settings increased the probability of homosexual marriage and decreased the probability of heterosexual marriage. Everyone environment effects your sexuality in some way or another either negative or positively by supporting or repressing it. It plays a role in whether your homosexual, heterosexual, or bi sexual. (Rathus, Nevid, Fichner Rathus, 2005) Our text states that history places sexual attitudes and behavior in context. It informs us as to whether sexual behavior reflects trends that have been with us through the millennia or the customs of a particular culture and era. History shows little evidence of universal sexual trends. Attitudes and behaviors vary extensively from one time and place to another. (Rathus, Nevid, Fichner Rathus, 2005) As stated in our text, gender identity is our psychological awareness or sense of being male or female, and it s one of the most obvious and important aspects of our self concepts. Gender identity is almost always consistent with chromosomal sex, but such
  • 17. Andrew Gage Set This House in Order, a novel written by Matt Ruff, features the journeys of two characters with Multiple Personality Disorder. This novel gives its readers a look into the complex mind of two different multiple personality cases. Throughout the novel, these characters, Andrew Gage and Penny Driver, come to terms with their MPD and the events that lead to the conception of their disorder. This essay will focus on the characterization of the main character Andrew Gage. In Literature Approaches To Fiction, Poetry, and Drama, characterization is defined as the means by which writers present and reveal characters (DiYanni 60). The process by which Matt Ruff characterizes Andrew is what drives the plot throughout the book. There are three... Show more content on ... Matt Ruff redefines the purpose of Andrew s character. Since Andrew never experienced any of the abuse, he is able to handle the memories and can come to terms with what happened to Andy Gage. When he views the memories of the other souls, he is able to watch them from the perspective of a third person. While the abuse from the stepfather and Althea Gage upsets Andrew, he doesn t carry any of the painful experiences or emotions that the other souls do. The last section in the novel is titled Order. The reader discovers what happens to Ms. Winslow, Julie Sivik, and Penny Driver. Matt Ruff wrote all of the supporting characters happy endings, which is a refreshing finish to a heavy book. Unfortunately, his main character isn t treated with as much love. Andrew officially has order restored to his house, but Andy Gage seems to be so broken at that point that he can t fully move on. However, he has found peace and he dreams of moving somewhere else and experiencing
  • 18. Jimbo Mowing Executive Summary Executive Summary Jimbo s Mowing is a residential lawn care service targeting those who are unable or not interested in mowing their lawns. We will be aiming at those people located in The North Shore of Sydney and The Hills District. We will at first go and advertise at local shops all over this area as well as advertise in the local papers, The North Shore Times, and The Hills District. For the first few years one we will have just ourselves (4) as employees. We will work together in teams of two called a crew. Each crew will have two mowers, one blower, one edger, one hedger, two garden waste bins, general gardening tools and a ute so we complete a quick, consistent job at all locations regardless who completes the job. Objectives The objectives ... Show more content on ... ($200 each) Services Jimbo s Mowing will provide residential lawn care service which includes lawn cutting, edging, hedging, general weeding and removal of the clippings. Optional services will include hedge trimming, edging and removal of clippings. The service is typically offered once a week, but Jimbo s Mowing can create a custom schedule for clients so that it suits them and their needs. Market Analysis Summary Jimbo s Mowing will be targeting all those living in the North Shore or Hills District of Sydney, regardless of lawns size. This way we hope to appeal to anyone who needs lawn care technicians. We will for the first few years will advertise at local shops across the North Shore and Hills District. We will eventually place advertisements in the local newspaper to develop Jimbo s Mowing s name and market share. Service Business Analysis Jimbo s Mowing will be working in the lawn care industry. This industry is involved in both residential business and small commercial businesses (apartment developments, etc). The well known, established landscaping companies commonly service the commercial side. Both landscaping companies and basic lawn care service companies service the residential
  • 19. Analysis of Smash Hits Essay Analysis of Smash Hits Smash Hits sells itself as a popular music magazine; it fits well into this self proclaimed genre and creates its image through the codes, conventions, and generic signifiers of that genre. For example, bright, bold lettering the red and white titles, almost like a stamp. Generic signifiers and genre in general are vital to both the magazine and its audience, the audience use genre as a means of segmenting and recognition in the crowded magazine market. Genres, signifiers,... Show more content on ... All three covers examined are very similar in both style and content, each with an almost identical layout. Whatever changes that do appear are few and subtle. Audiences not only influence, but also have the ability to control the magazine and its style. This layout and formula obviously works, and so it must continue in order to meet audience expectations and, in turn, maintain sales profit is king . In relation to representation, the magazine knows exactly who its target audience is, and gives clues to this by the submission or omission of people, races, cultures and lifestyles. The magazine includes, white, young and childish pop stars with perfect bodies and immature behaviour. These impossible templates of beauty appeal to the young, teenage, white, middle class, heterosexual audience as they seem to admire and relate to those featured in the pages of Smash Hits . Smash Hits is a mid price magazine, at ВЈ1.25. It is affordable without being too cheap. The language of the magazine is obviously targeted at a younger, possibly less intelligent audience. It adopts a highly colloquial register and avoids both complicated lexis and syntax, it tries to be inclusive of the reader s thoughts and opinions, addressing them directly, and speaking in the first person. It uses subject specific words and jargon to create an
  • 20. Essay about Answers to End-of Chapter Questions and Exercises ANSWERS TO End of chapter QUESTIONS AND exercises Answers to Questions for Review 1.(Explicit and Implicit Costs) Amos McCoy is currently raising corn on his 100 acre farm and earning an accounting profit of $100 per acre. However, if he raised soybeans, he could earn $200 per acre. Is he currently earning an economic profit? Why or why not? Amos McCoy is not currently making an economic profit, despite the fact that he is making an accounting profit. This is so, because the accounting profit calculation does not take into account an important implicit cost the opportunity cost of not raising soybeans. Actually, McCoy is experiencing an economic loss. According to our theory, he should get out of the corn business and begin... Show more content on ... Accounting profit = $25 million; economic loss = $5 million c.Accounting profit = $10 million; economic loss = $10 million d.Accounting loss = $25,000; economic loss = $75,000 4.(Alternative Measures of Profit) Why is it reasonable to think of normal profit as a type of cost to the firm? Recall that firms produce output using four kinds of resources natural resources, labor, capital, and entrepreneurial ability. The owner of the firm supplies some of the resources that the firm employs. Normal profit is the return to the entrepreneurial ability and other resources supplied by the firm s owners. If this profit is not as large as those individuals could earn in their best alternative situation, they will switch the resources to that alternative. So, we can think of normal profit as being the minimum return, or cost, that is necessary to keep the firm running. 5.(Short Run Versus Long Run) What distinguishes a firm s short run period from its long run period? In the short run, at least one of the firm s resources is fixed, usually the size of the firm. In the long run, all the resources are variable. That is, the quantities of all resources can change to alter the firm s level of output, including the size of the firm. 6.(Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns) As a farmer, you must decide how many times during the year to plant a new crop. Also, you
  • 21. Burrator Quarry Burrator is a large rocky peak in Dartmoor National Park, Devon. It can be located at grid reference 553 679 (Stewart, I. 2016) at the southern end of the reservoir and is a designated SSSI. The physical characteristics of the Upper Burrator Quarry exposes the contact between the Permo Carboniferous Dartmoor Graniteand the surrounding Devonian rocks. The Lower Burrator Quarry shows granite intersected by a series of joints.(Devon County Council, 2016) Burrator is currently used for recreation with its cycling routes, hiking trails and trout fishing. GIS Map Burrator Quarry (Site 1) Rock Types at Burrator One of Burrator s main rock types is granite; an igneous rock made from biotite, feldspar and quartz. It had visible, interlocking and ... Show more content on ... Granite contains uranium 238 crystals within it which over time decays and becomes radon 222. Radon is a gas and can escape the granite rock and travel into the atmosphere. (Lugg and Probert, 1997) It is odourless and tasteless so human s do not know when they are inhaling it; this is highly dangerous as radon is alpha radiation so is carcinogenic. Once it enters a human it can cause lung cancer, and because it has a half life of 3.8 days it becomes plutonium, then lead which leads to heavy metal poisoning. (Darby, 2005) Radon causes over 1,100 deaths from lung cancer each year in the UK
  • 22. Sir Frederick Hopkins Research Paper Sir Frederick Hopkins This research paper is on someone who you have probably never have heard of. His name is Sir Frederick Hopkins. He was a major scientist in the past. He came up with the idea of vitamins and many other big discoveries in science. In this paper, you will read about his early life, contribution to the biological community, his educational background, the many awards he had and what other scientist s` were helping him with his research at the time. To begin, Sir Frederick Hopkins was born on June 20th, 1861 in Eastbourne England (Biographical). At the very beginning of his life he grew up with both parents, his father was a bookseller and was very interested in science. When Sir Frederick Hopkins was an infant his father died and throughout the rest of his life Frederick grew up with this widowed mother, and his unmarried uncle (Hopkins, Frederick). Once Hopkins got older he attended the city of London School. He was an excellent schoolboy (Biographical). He showed interest in science very quickly once he received an old microscope that his dad had.... Show more content on ... Including, in 1918 he received the Royal Medal Hopkins received this award at the age of 27 at Guys Hospital; the Royal Medal was Frederick s first award (Hopkins). Hopkins was also appointed knighthood in 1925; knighthood is when you have the highest point of achievement in one area. Sir Hopkins was titled knighthood in college. Hopkins also received the Copley Medal of the Royal Society in 1926; the Royal Medal is given out for outstanding achievements in research for any branch of science (Frederick). In 1929 Sir Frederick Hopkins and Eichmann received the Nobel Prize in medicine and physiology (Frederick). Sir Frederick Hopkins also was the president of the Royal Society in 1930 through 1935 (Frederick Gowland Hopkins). His last achievement was when he received the Order of Merit , Hopkins received it in 1935
  • 23. Terrorism Impact On Terrorism 1. Introduction Twelve years have passed since four coordinated terrorist bomb attacks occurred in central London on the 7th of July in 2005, conducted by four suicide bombers. Three of the attacks took place in London Underground trains, on the Circle line near Aldgate, on the Piccadilly line near Russel Square and at Edgware Road. The fourth bomb attack happened on a double decker bus in Tavistock Square. The attacks happened during busy rush hour and the was one hour between the three London Underground train attacks and the attack on the bus. Fifty two people were killed and more than 700 were injured in the attacks, the bomb attack being the worst terror attack in the UK since the 1988 Lockerbie bombing. This terrorist attack affected people severely physically, but most of all, emotionally. The results of a telephone survey done within the general population of London after the July 7th bombings, show that 55% of 1,010 participants felt their life was in danger from terrorism and 86% of the participants thought that another attack on London was likely in the near future (Greenberg, Rubin, Wessely, 2005). In the past decade, there have been an increased amount of terrorist attacks in Europe, such as terrorist attacks in Paris in November 2016 and in Manchester Arena in May 2017. Whenever a terrorist attack happens in Europe, it is widely reported on various media outlets and the extensive media network of present day allows news to spread quickly. Consequently, even
  • 24. The Executive Management Team For Walt Disney Company Essay The Walt Disney Company have many assets available which include film, television, publishing, the internet, and music. The executive management team for Walt Disney has put Disney on top as one of the world s top conglomerates, making $14.28 billion in Quarter Three in 2016. They regularly find different and new innovative ways to promote and sell their brands through various media segments to have a revenue increase and it has helped Disney to successfully complete its mission to position itself as one of the world s leader of entertainment. Robert A. Iger is both the Chairman and CEO of the Walt DisneyCompany. With this title, Mr. Iger is the head of the world s largest media company. He has a strategic vision for The Walt Disney Company that focuses on three fundamental pillars: generating the best creative content possible, fostering innovation and utilizing the latest technology, and expanding into new markets around the world. (Disney, 2016) Since becoming ESPN s President and Co Chairman, John Skipper has made sure ESPN has a dominant lead in the all of sports media. Skipper has led ESPN to a series of long term, multiplatform agreements with major rights holders and distributors Alan F. Horn, the Chairman of the Walt Disney Studios, supervises worldwide operations of The Walt Disney Studios. These operations consist of production, distribution, and marketing. His team markets for the live action and computer generated films that are made from Disney as well Andy
  • 25. Teacher Merit Pay Case Study A. Current Issues: Teacher Merit Pay: States were asked by the U.S. Department of Education in their 2010 application for Race to the Top monies to include proposals for implementing teacher merit pay based on classroom performance (Woessmann, 2011). Merit pay or performance based pay is a bonus for teachers whose students show above average growth over a set period of time measured by many different standards that are picked by local and/or state districts. The hope is that teacher merit pay would have an immediate impact on student achievement. Teacher merit pay stirs an emotional response from teachers, politicians, and parents. President Barack Obama has called for a national effort to improve student achievement in the classroom and often... Show more content on ... Cons: Opponents to merit pay believe it would result in a counter productive narrowing of teacher s goals and competition between educators who otherwise would promote meaningful collaboration (Ritter, 2010). In most instances, teachers can earn a pay raise in only two ways: experience and additional education credentials such as advanced degrees (Cowley, 2011). Cultural expectations for student performance are high in Asia which may mislead claims that performance pay increases student achievement (Woessman, 2011). A merit pay system may discourage top scholars from majoring in education. The evaluation instruments used to measure teachers performance are typically flawed and do not have strong research to back them. If we want teachers to support merit pay, we should be considering plans that offer substantial awards in the 10% to 20% of base salary; however, this is often not the case. Evaluations of teachers for merit pay are often subjective leading to widely inaccurate measurements. The first reaction of most teachers is skeptical and provokes anger (Ritter, 2010). Denver s Professional Compensation for Teachers plan, the leading national example of performance pay, awards more money for earning another degree than for demonstrated performance in the classroom (Buck,
  • 26. Historical Context Of The Treaty Of Versailles Treaty of Versailles: Historical Context Ninety eight years ago, after the fighting of World War I subsided, the Treaty of Versailles ( the Treaty ) was signed at the Palace of Versailles in France by the Allied powers and Germany. The compromise of the Treaty is that it ended World War I. The conflict of the Treaty is that it fed the German s hate for the Allied Powers and, in turn, was the cause of World War II. In their hearts was a stern resolution that the fiasco of November 11, 1918, would not be repeated for all serious people in America, as in all nations, remembered that much hailed Versailles Treaty was sown the very seeds of World War II (Library Of Congress. Manzanar free press, November 12, 1942. 1942. Newspaper. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, 11 12/ed 1 /. ) David Lloyd George, the Prime minister of Britain, Georges Clemenceau, the French Prime Minister, and the Italian Prime Minister, Vittoria Orlando, made up the Big Three that wrote the Treaty. Woodrow Wilson , the United States president at the time, also took part in the writing of the Treaty although, out of his fourteen points, only one made it into the Treaty because the European leaders had a different agenda. Germany would also be involved, although not in the writing process, but would be most affected by the provisions of the Treaty. During the signing of the Treaty, the U. S. citizens and senate would oppose their president in wanting it
  • 27. A Comparison Of Alone Together By Arthur Schwartz And... This piece is a jazz standard that was composed by Arthur Schwartz and Howard Dietz. Schwartz was born in Brooklyn, New York on November 25, 1900 and died on September 3, 1984. He began playing piano and harmonica at a very young age and also wrote silent films at the age of fourteen. Dietz was born on September 8,1896 and died on July 30, 1983. He was a publicist and lyrists. Him and Schwartz first started working together when they teamed up for a Broadway show in 1929. They composed Alone Together in 1932 for the Broadway musical Flying Colors (Schwartz composing the music and Dietz the lyrics). This particular piece is considered a ballad, meaning that the tune tells a story. Ballads come from the French chanson and they are often made up of thirteen lines with an ABABBCBC form. It was originally used for dance tunes, but in the nineteenth century it was used for slow tunes. The actual form for Alone Together is AABA. The significant thing about the first two A sections, is that it is fourteen bars long which is very uncommon when it comes to American song writing. In common song writing, each A section is only eight bars long. The bridge of the tune also known as the B section is quite normal. It is the standard eight bar length which leads to the last eight bars of the third A section. The tune is written in key of D minor, but, instead of playing a D minor in the thirteenth measure of the last A section, Schwartz decides to play a D major which is called a Picardy
  • 28. Consequences Of Nursing School Student Plagiarism Nursing School Student Plagiarism Plagiarism is defined as the presentation of work for credit that is not [a writer s] own (Johanson, 2010, p. 267). The information obtained by a writer from another source should be cited in the text and referenced when paraphrasing or quoting another author s material (APA, 2010). Student plagiarism can be avoided by using electronic resources or software to prevent unintentional plagiarism, educating students on how to properly cite and reference material in an academic writing, and providing information to students about the consequences of plagiarizing. Plagiarism Case Plagiarism cases can provide insight on the dire consequences that can occur if a student is caught plagiarizing within an academic setting. A former student of Rutgers University, Amanda Serpico, was accused by her professor of plagiarizing on her opinion paper in her argumentation class (Bailey, 2011). Amanda received credit for using citations in a majority of the paper and providing the sources in the reference section, but she did not properly cite at least three verbatim passages that she used within her work (Bailey, 2011). Amanda utilized Turnitin software to review her paper and to detect plagiarism before turning in the assignment for grading to her professor (Bailey, 2011). The plagiarism accusation resulted in Amanda receiving a failing grade on the paper, a failing grade in the course, and being denied admission to several graduate schools. (Bailey,
  • 29. The Judiciary Of England And Wales Subject: Law Question Number or Title: It has been consistently argued that the judiciary in England and Wales is not reflective of society. Critically consider the explanations for the lack of diversity within the judiciary and the extent to which government legislation and initiatives have tried to increase diversity within the judiciary? Student number: 149011027 Total word count: 1252 Over the years, judicial diversity has been an issue of concern for Wales and England. Reform initiatives and debates for judicial diversity are critical features of various common law jurisdictions. The country faces gender and ethnicity diversity as the major dimension of inclusiveness in the judicial system. Critics have raised general ... Show more content on ... This essay aims at assessing existing literature on the ethnic and gender composition in the English and Wales judiciary. The essay will also illustrate the previous efforts of the government in achieving diversity in the judiciary. Gender is a critical dimension of judicial diversity illustrated by the proportions of positions awarded to the males and females on the judiciary. There are different ways of rationalising judicial diversity where judicial appointments follow policy and law that promotes equal opportunities. The judiciary needs to show sensitivity to the experiences and needs of the different elements of legal systems where the judiciary requires illustration of diversity for service as well as diverse judiciary with increased accountability of legal democracies. The current preclusion the gender incorporation dictates the alternative dimension regarding judicial diversity. Features of judicial initiatives towards achieving ethnic and gender diversity are assessed through qualitative and quantitative perceptions and experiences of judicial bias. Nowadays, diversity and equality in England and Wales are matters that professional bodies face and deliberate in their annual reports. Law Society s websites illustrate commitment towards playing leading roles to eliminate discrimination through promoting equality of opportunities and diversities in activities and regulation of representative bodies and employment.
  • 30. What Is The Subculture Of Craft Beer In this essay, I shall explore the subculture of Craft Beer Drinkers in Cape Town. I will look at the subculture s core purpose, what motivates, unifies and drives the members as well as the shared and distinguishing elements of the subculture s identity. I will explain what brands are identified by the members as being part of their subculture, where and how they access these brands and how these brands successfully infiltrated the subculture. Lastly, I will explain which specific brands I believe could successfully target this group and my reasoning behind it. What is the subculture s core purpose? What motivates unifies and drives the members? It s Friday night in the cosmopolitan city of Cape Town and all young, urban professionals are ... Show more content on ... This speaks to their sense of adventure and they are motivated to drink craft beer because there are so many varieties and choices. There is gluten free beer, vanilla beer, and low calorie beer to only name a few examples. What are the shared and distinguishing elements of the subculture s identity? (Elements such as dress code, jargon, rituals, celebrations, practices,
  • 31. Summary Of My Poem By Billy Lucy My poem tells the tale of my character, Lucy, and how she is off to fight a war in place of her younger brother, Luis. She has an immense love for her younger brothers, but they are all of fighting age and they have all been selected for the draft. Lucy has a choice, as stated in one of the lines. To save one or save none. Of course, she cannot prevent all of her brothers from going into the war, so she takes the spot of Luis because he has created a life for himself already. Despite her Father s pleas, Lucy ends up going through with her plan, and by the end of the poem, she is off to fight in that aforementioned war. I used five examples of figurative language, but the one that stuck out to me most was the very first bolded phrase, The whispers of wind cuts its daggers into my skin, and with my goosebumps and tremors, I did not think to give in. I input this line early on because it helps set the tone for the entire poem. It gives the readers an apprehensive feel and even a bit of concern for Lucy, as it states the wind is cutting into her skin, hard enough to hurt her. Even though this is supposed to be weaken her, intimidate her, she does not give in even though she is being visibly affected by the wind s daggers. Not only that, but I set up this line in particular to hold a double meaning, to mimic Lucy s dilemma of heading into a war despite knowing the repercussions. When I wrote the whispers of wind cuts its daggers into my skin, I also thought about how
  • 32. Compression Fracture Research Paper A compression fracture is a fracture of the vertebrae of the spine. Typically, it happens to the lower portion of the thoracic vertebrae (T9 T12) and the upper portion of the lumbar vertebrae (L1 L2). Rarely is it ever seen above vertebrae T7. This fracture compresses the anterior part of the vertebrae while the posterior part remains the same, turning the bone into a wedge shape. This is caused by pressure to the lower back which is due to many different reasons. The most common reason this happens is because of osteoporosis, the weakening of bones. Other possibilities include traumatic accidents or metastatic tumor cells. The people most affected by this are postmenopausal women. Although anyone over the age of sixty are candidates for compression ... Show more content on ... These accidents could be a strain or a fall or possibly a car accident. Very rarely a compression fracture can be due to a metastatic tumor or blood infection that has spread. There are other factors that can lead to compression fractures. Some of these factors are controllable but unfortunately some are not. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, low calcium diet, and estrogen deficiency can greatly influence this disease. Uncontrollable risk factors include family history of osteoporosis, early menopause, asthenic body type, lactose intolerance, and Caucasian and Asian heritage. Signs and symptoms can vary depending on the cause of a compression fracture. A lot of times it appears to be just old age causing a back ache. However as time goes on this can lead to more notice changes such as shrinking in height and a stooped posture, looking hunchbacked called kyphosis. Kyphosis can cause the ribs to drop making it more difficult to breath. Also the pain that started as a dull ache in the back will usually become more severe and can cause numbness and tingling down the arms and legs. It is important for an elderly person to visit the doctor if they are have back
  • 33. Essay on History of Chemistry through the Ages The history of chemistry dates back to the time of ancient history to now. Ancient civilizations used technologies that would eventually form the basis of the various branches of chemistry by 1000 BC. For example, they were extracting chemicals from plants to make medicines. The history of chemistry is intertwined with the history of thermodynamics. Chemistryis very important to our world today. Without it, we wouldn t be near as advanced as we are. Let s take scientists for example. The scientists at St. Jude children s research hospital; everyday they are working to find the cure to various types of cancer by mixing different chemicals and making various compounds to somehow help all the children with the big C word today. Chemistry... Show more content on ... Like I said, without oxygen, no one would be here right now. The sun is a natural resource as well. The sun is the Earth s main source of energy. Chemistry has a big affect on society today. We do have cell phones. Internet and the space race did happen, so therefor I am typing this chemistry paper right now. We have medicines and vaccines out there that allow people to live longer lives if a sickness occurs. Cell phones are one of the biggest advances from chemistry in my mind. They allow us with much easier and faster communication with the people around us or even on the other side of the world. Satellite TV is another big advancement of chemistry. TV provides us with entertainment and alerts. Technologies today are so advanced it is crazy to think about what life would have been like without these things. Selfish of me to say, I am glad I did not have to live back in the times without advanced technologies like there is today. Technology is affecting society today. Teen s without their cell phone is like chemistry without the periodic table of the elements. Little kids and their video games have become the main focus point. What new big thing is coming out? That is all people seem to care about anymore. Technology has ruined our society, not saying that it isn t just wonderful, but it has destroyed our generation. We get to greedy to get the latest hottest technology that has come out and forget what life is like if you didn t have
  • 34. A Study of Consumer Attitude Towards Mobile Marketing Final Project Research Proposal CONSUMER ATTITUDE TOWARD ADVERTISEMENT VIA MOBILE PHONE STUDENT NAME: Zohaib Ahmed Jaffery Roll No.:A1BM 109007 COURSE NAME:Final Project SUBMITTED TO:Sir Waqar Qadri DATE OF SUBMISSION: October 24, 2012 ABSTRACT The use of cell phone has rapidly become an integral part of our lives and has become the source of economic growth and employment opportunities at the country level (Madden and Savage, 2000 amp; Sridhar and Varadharajan, 2007). In many countries, mobile phones are often people s only way of telecommunication (CSR Report, 2003). They are addressing their specific needs and encouraging the use... Show more content on ... Last but not the least Warid also took active part in diffusion of cell phone immediate after Telenor in May 2005. Network coverage of almost ninety percent of the total population of Pakistan has made mobile industry even more attractive for foreign investment (PTA, 2007). Growth of cellular phone industry in Pakistan is as marvelous as in developed countries and especially in star Asian countries. The cellular industry reached to 89,325,296 subscribers in July 2008 from just 306493 connections in 2000. That not only changed the penetration rate from 3.66 (1.66 percent mobile phone) per 100 in 2001 02 to 49.91(42.6%) per 100 in 2006 07 but also changed the concept about cell phone A Luxury Thing to A Necessary Devise . Success of the telecommunication industry especially cellular industry of Pakistan has changed the economic and social conditions of the country. At country level, Mobile sector contributed, a total of Rs. 312 billion to the economy in 2006, representing more than five percent of GDP. Mobile communication in Pakistan has raised GDP growth rates by 0.12 percent for each one percent increase in penetration. Resultantly, an increase of about 28 million in subscribers between 2005 and 2006 has contributed 1.7 percent to the country s GDP growth (Deloitte, 2006). Approximately 2,718.7 Million US$ were invested in cellular industry in 2006 07. Telecommunication industry was the biggest sector for foreign investment 1824.2 million
  • 35. A Human Body Second Rheya attempts suicide while Chris is sleeping by drinking liquid oxygen, but she regenerates and comes back to life . An arrangement of subatomic particles and flesh does not make a human a human, an individual. She is just a cellular imitation of Rheya with some of her memories, based only on what Christ knows. After regenerating, Second Rheya states frantically, In your memory you get to control everything... even if you remember something wrong, I am predetermined to carry it out. I m suicidal because that s how you remember me. So everything she was before Chris, the true individual of Rheya, is not included in this being. Of the many things Solaris shows us about subjectivity, one is that there is a unique essence in every... Show more content on ... She can never come back, can never be recreated, not even by Solaris, and probably not even by God. It is at this point that Dr. Gordon, who never reveals who her visitor was, describes a plan to obliterate the duplicates sent by Solaris. She talks about an Anti Higgs ray device that will use protons to destroy them, claiming it already worked on her visitor. Despite Chris attempts to save her, Second Rheya s deathis inevitable. Between him sending away the First Rheya, to essentially die, and the Second Rheya destroying herself, it seems she is pre programmed for suicide. Chris is distraught to find Gordon has destroyed Second Rheya at her request. Chris was not ready to let go of the physical duplicate of Rheya. Humans are preoccupied with seeing things in the flesh, possessing them, keeping them near. But his love cannot be quantified or represented physically, it just is. When the Anti Higgs ray destroys Second Rheya, it seems to affect Solaris and causes it to grow exponentially in mass. Chris must make his fatal decision, will he stay on Solaris and be absorbed by the planet that gave him some version of his dead wife, or should he return to an empty meaningless life back on Earth? When presented with the opportunity to go back to Earth, Chris hesitates before going into the Athena spacecraft with Gordon, and a scene follows
  • 36. Santa Clause Argument Santa Claus This passage presents a discussion about arguments concerning the existence of Santa Claus. This is an important debate for children everywhere because of the Christmas spirit that Santa Claus instills in them. The two positions argue whether or not Santa Claus exists or not. Both viewpoints have valid claims warranting consideration. For example, evidence indicates that Santa Claus is only imaginary. In contrast, opposing evidence suggests that he is real. While both sides of the issue have valid points, the claim that Santa Claus exists is the stronger supported, the position supported by a preponderance of the evidence cited in the passages. The most convincing and forceful reasons in support of this position are that he lives in a unseeable world, he is what brings joy to Christmas, and those who do not believe in him are only skeptics. Accordingly, these reasons and opposing viewpoints will be discussed next. ... Show more content on ... In support of this point, a great amount of the universe cannot be seen, and because of this, it is likely that Santa Claus lives in that portion of the universe. In addition, if this part of the universe is invisible, then there is no clout to the claim that he does not exist only because he cannot be seen. Consequently, this is evidence in support of the case that there is a Santa Claus. The second relevant point to make is support of the claim that Santa Claus does indeed exist is that he is what brings joy to Christmas. For example, if there were no Santa Clause, Christmas would be as normal a time of year as any. But, since Christmas is the most joyous and happy time of year, it proves that there is a difference here. Additionally, there would be a far less joy at Christmas if there was no Santa Claus. In short, the joy and festiveness of Christmas proves that there is a Santa
  • 37. Monsters And Men In Beowulf Of Monsters and Men There is a repletion of themes throughout the story of Beowulf. Firstly, this is seen with Grendel and his killing of King Hrothgar s men. Next this theme is seen with Grendel s mother killing King Hrothgar s most trusted advisor. And finally, this is seen with Beowulf killing the dragon for attacking his kingdom and burning down his house. After a brief prologue Beowulf begins with the great mead hall Heorot, the throne hall of King Hrothgar, being attacked by the monster Grendel. Grendel is jealous and annoyed by the noise of celebrations in Heorot. It harrowed him To hear the din of the loud banquet Every day in the hall, the harp being struck The attacks are also due to Grendel s nature as a descendent of the original ... Show more content on ... A thief stumbles upon the lair of the dragon and stole the small gem studded cup. The dragon ravages the country side and burns down villages in frustration. but someone managed To enter by it and interfere With the heathen trove. He had handled and removed A gem studded goblet; it gained him nothing, Though with a thief s wiles he had outwitted The sleeping dragon; that drove him into a rage, As the people of that country would soon discover. On one of these burnings, Beowulf s own home was burned down. It was the throne hall of the Geats that the dragon torched and for this insult and the injuries of his people, Beowulf would slay the dragon. Beowulf foolishly chose just a few warriors to accompany him to the barrow of the dragon instead a large army. During Beowulf s battle with the dragon the third blow he landed did not kill the beast but did enrage it. At this insult the dragon bit into the neck of Beowulf envenomating him. So, the dragon again sought revenge against humans. The dragon bit Beowulf for Beowulf striking him and because he rightly assumed that people would steal his treasure away from him. For fear of theft and death the dragon did kill Beowulf. After each blow from Beowulf the dragon would belch out more flame. This shows an extension of the cycle of revenge on an individual level. The dragon would breath fire and Beowulf would strike it, then the dragon would breath fire
  • 38. Iphone Attack Research Paper On December 2, 2015, fourteen people were killed and twenty two were injured in a terrorist attack. This horrible action took place at the Island Regional Center in San Bernardino, California. The two terrorists of the shooting were, Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook. Apple is asking to expel the court order that requires the company to give the Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) a hand in breaking into the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters, saying that it is a violation of the Constitution. The FBI wants Apple to make a way to unlock the IPhone. I agree with the FBI, because many people lose their lives in terrorist attacks, not knowing who caused the event and what could have been done to stop it. With this code, it saves many... Show more content on ... As my teacher Sister Hargrove, This is going to affect many of us. Even though hackers may get into the phone, I still believe that lives are more important. Just imagine, if one of your loved ones were in 9/11, the Boston bombing, the Aurora shooting, or the San Bernardino shooting. Wouldn t you want that password to the phone, to see what plans the terrorists had or other people are planning to do? Tim Cooke s wife Barbara Olson, died in 9/11, in one of the four hijacked planes, and I am very surprised he does not want to help the FBI. In conclusion, I want Apple to help the FBI with this San Bernardino case, because I believe the lives of people matter and we as people need to know what is going on. So far, Apple does not want to help the FBI and I believe they are sticking with their word. The FBI wants Apple to create a backdoor to get into the IPhone, so then they can brute force their way in. This situation is not only in the United States, in China and Russia. I believe many people agree with Apple and others with the FBI. Although this tragic event caused many deaths and injuries, who do you stand with? The FBI or
  • 39. History In The Waterland Waterland is a form of postmodern fiction, which reflects on story telling, combining both fictive and historical narration (Atilla, 1). The protagonist, Tom Crick, who is also the narrator of the stories, is a history teacher that spends his life trying to discover the mysteries from his past. In the present, he is dismissed from his job, because the school considers historyto have little value in the modern world. In one of his last classes, Tom turned his lessons into story telling sessions, by starting with stories about his personal life and incorporating at the same time his family history and the French Revolution, with the idea to show the meaning of history. While telling the stories, he also questions why we tell stories, how are... Show more content on ... He is questioning the meaning and the relevance of historical events. Price wishes to live in the Here and Now and embodies all the objections to history and essentially Crick s stories. However, according to Tom Crick, the past is necessary in order to make meaning of the present. Through analyzing his own past, Tom Crick is trying to show Price that history is in fact relevant. In forming his past into a narrative and by using knowledge that perhaps was previously unavailable, the historian discovers what has been forgotten about the past and brings all the pieces together. Private or public, histories brings together all the amount of data, categories and concepts to form themselves into a narrative (Atilla, 4 ). As Linda Hutcheon specifies, in historiographic metafiction the characters are often seen trying to analyze the data that they have collected. Usually, postmodern fiction uses historical data, which it assimilates in order to lend a feeling of verifiability. However, historiographical metafiction incorporates, but rarely assimilates such data. It plays upon the truth and lies of the historical record, in order to foreground the possible failures of recorded history (Hutcheon,
  • 40. Stoutness In Pregnancy While a considerable lot of these investigations have concentrated on grown up partners, hazard directions for dysmetabolic results, including heftiness, sort 2 diabetes (T2D), and cardiovascular sickness (CVD), are believed to be formed right on time in life. The gathering of information as of late investigating hazard factors emerging in pregnancyand adolescencegives convincing confirmation that the hazard direction for metabolic infection begins in youth or maybe significantly prior in utero. We theorize that dysmetabolic programming occasions happening inside basic windows being developed incline the posterity to CVD and T2D as grown ups, and that these procedures might be intervened by epigenetic forms that offer ascent to... Show more content on ... Posterity of both under and overnourished pregnancies are at higher danger of metabolic sickness in adulthood contrasted and reasonably supported posterity; in this manner, the connection between birth weight and these maladies is U shaped.33 37 Epigenetic programming and gene condition communications have all the earmarks of being critical variables to consider while disentangling the dynamic (epi)genetic design of complex maladies crosswise over heredities. In spite of the fact that it appears to be profoundly conceivable that transgenerational epigenetic procedures may influence infection inclination, it is hard to prohibit social and societal components serving simultaneously, or then again, as a vehicle for sickness transmission crosswise over eras. The joining of nonbiological (financial, social, and way of life) and natural (hereditary and epigenetic) data into infection forecast models is an undeniably essential territory of research that may have importance while considering early intercessions against grown up cardiometabolic diseases.50 Maternal nourishment and placental insufficiency77 are particularly applicable in fetal development and advancement, as these components directly affect deciding the sum and nature of supplement supply to the incipient organism and baby.
  • 41. Role Of Gender Parity In Canada Gender Parity in Canada s House of Commons The topic I have chosen to take an interest in gender parity and government and why it is still an issue in our government in 2017. As an action, I chose to write to my member of parliament in regard to his vote on Bill C 237, also known as the Gender Equity Act. As a liberal party member, this should have been something he supported alongside his party, who defeated Bill C 237. This bill would have given a monetary penalty to parties whose list of elected members had a gap bigger than 10% between its number of women and men running (Bill C 237). By writing to my member of parliament, I engaged with the House of Commons and the legislative process. Additionally, through this project, I learned district... Show more content on ... Liberal feminism approaches feminism with a more individual aspect. One of the key problems that they have is that discrimination against women limits their opportunities (Mintz et al., 81). The link to my issue due to the fact that liberal feminist wants to cut unjust laws and create more affirmative actions that will allow women to participate in society to their fullest (Mintz et al., 81 82). The ideology employs an emphasis in the power that an individual has to change prejudiced procedures targeting women (Liberal Feminism). Their main goal is to ensure that women have the same freedom and opportunity in life as men do, whether it would be employment, education or politics (Mintz et al.,
  • 42. Facilitate Seller Relationship With Sears Helen Chang 2620 N Berkeley Lake Rd. N.W. Apt. 924 Duluth, GA 30096 (305) 395 9098 | ObjectiveMy objective is to find an opportunity to display my skills and knowledge in a challenging field where I can grow as a person and as a professional. Education Florida State UniversityTallahassee, FL Bachelor of Science, Political Science, ChineseGraduated May 2014 Work Experience iSpring Water Systems Project Manager Atlanta, GANovember 2014 Present Facilitate seller relationship with Amazon, Sears, Overstock,
  • 43. Depression With Elderly Women Depression with Elderly women Aremelder Johnson Steiner Leigh HDC 542 University of Illinois in Springfield, Illinois What do we still need to know about your vulnerable population and what programs address their needs? What programs and policies are needed? Social and demographic trends are making information and assistance services increasingly important to the average American family. Americans live longer and require more help to cope with chronic conditions and frailties. Older adults often live alone, with no younger family members residing in the immediate area. Family members are likely to live several miles away or in other states. Even when adult children live near their parents, both are... Show more content on ... There are several down below that we will address; Transportation Access Bus Company is for the elderly to attend different doctor s appointments and take care of their business in the community. There are limited services for transportation and the quality of these services. Consequently, there is a client in the Abundant Faith Haven Apartments and she complains to me all the time about the Access bus to take her to the doctor. The time the bus arrives and leaves, sometimes makes her late for her doctor s appointments. Social Security Department Is a place where an elderly person can find Medicaid or Medicare, and apply for their monthly social security check. This is a great for a senior but there are some barriers to getting their assistance. Nevertheless, one of the barriers is that the senior can be denied for services, or on a spin down Medical card depending on how much income they have coming in one household. Department of Human Services Provides various resources and they can connect the senior to other community based resources. Yes, conversely, even DHS has different policies that might affect the elderly from becoming eligible for their services. For instance; if the person (elderly) pays rent and do not have any utility bills, they would only be eligible for a small amount of Emergency Food Stamp program. These actions of the DHS program can cause the elderly to spend cash for food which does not help them on a fix income.
  • 44. Ancient History Assess the Contribution and Impact of at... Queens played great roles during the period of New kingdom Egypt. They were known as the Great Royal Wife s of the pharaohs and contributed politically, religiously and diplomatically influencing the roles of women during this period, and even future queens. Queen Tiye was an important influence on new kingdom Egypt and was the key wife of Amenhotep III and they ruled a peaceful reign. Tiye was the daughter of Yuya which was a officer in the chariotry, priest of min and Tuya (chief of harem of Amun and min) which both had Nubian royal blood origins. Married at a young age, one year after he became pharaoh and gave her the title Great royal wife. Also gave birth to arkhenaten and other children. She greatly shaped foreign relations, ... Show more content on ... Art also depicted her in family scenes which previously were regarded as too intimate such as being Arm in arm(statues). Through the roles of Tiye, future queens Nefertiti and Nefertari we are able to observe the changing roles of queens influenced them and clearing path for them. The kings built temples to honour them and depicted them as goddesses. Queen Tiye played a great religious role and according to Historian Nicholas Grimal she was the personification of Maat goddess of justice and truth. She was also depicted as goddess ta weret in statues representing fertility and motherhood (mother of Egyptians). A temple was also dedicated to her in Sedianga(Nubia) meaning she was worshiped as a goddess. Commemorative and marriage scarabs were made for her publicising their marriage and promoting the pharaonic cult as everyone that attended received one meaning they would be remembered. She also participated in religious festivals such as the Sed festival. She also served as a priestess within Amun Re suggesting that her religious roles were not extensive yet they were still an increase on the contributions to that of her predecessors. A Khan Academy Documentary by Beth Harris shows a headdress worn by Tiye that included horns solar disk, referring to the religion Atenism which is monotheistic and regal promoting the god Aten. Horns and Feathers on headdress also related to the goddess Hathor. Tiye Served for 50
  • 45. Public Parks And Other Public Spaces In Los Angeles Echo Park Throughout every major city you will find a variety of parks and other public spaces. In this paper, I will explore who came up with the idea of public parks, and why public parks and other public spaces exist, as well as, take a deeper look at the history of one of Los Angeles oldest parks, Echo Park. The American Industrial Revolution was a period where major changes in manufacturing, transportation, and technology greatly influenced the social and economic conditions in America. The production of goods usually took place in home businesses and were crafted by hand. With the introduction of machine aided factories, the volume and variety of goods greatly increased, and there was no longer a need for hand crafted goods. By the end of the ... Show more content on ... As the servicemen who fought in World War I returned to the city , Echo Park had the biggest development boom in its entire history. Where there had been farmhouses or vacant lots, builders added Spanish style courtyards and apartments with arched windows and red tiled roofs around the lake (Erickson, Echo Park Historical Society ). One of the biggest attractions sat just at the north end of the lake across the street. Founded by Aimee Semple McPherson in 1923, the Angelus Temple drew enormous crowds to the lake so they could listen to her radio program. The boom didn t stop there. In 1924 a series of storefronts opened one block from the lake, giving Echo Park its first shopping district. New businesses and recreation centers continued to sprout up all around Echo Park, but in 1929, when the stock market crashed, everything came to a screeching halt. From 1870 till today, Echo Park Lake has endured many hardships. In the past It has been polluted with trash and debris, killing plants and wildlife. It has been vandalized numerous times. And it has been closed from the public due to disrepair. Most recently, after being closed for two years, the Park underwent a 45 million dollar makeover. In 2013, it was re opened to the
  • 46. Waiting Love Movie Analysis If you re interested in a muscular Chinese guy roller skating around in a bikini, then I ve got just the movie for you. Cafe. Waiting. Love. is a Chinese love story filled with humor and grilled sausage. While watching this movie, I noticed many trends common among similar stories, such as the girl who can see ghosts, the ghost who can t pass on to heaven because he has a regret, and the boy who likes the girl. Although these clichГ©s were not mentioned in Foster s book, there were still many things I could deduce about the movie only after reading about Foster s methods. Of Thomas C. Foster s twenty seven chapters, in his book, How To Read Literature Like A Professor, the chapters I found most applicable to my movie were chapters nine, eleven, and fifteen. Firstly, chapter nine of Foster s book made one thing very clear: It s never just the rain. (Foster, 70) Since rain can be more mysterious, murkier, more isolating than most other weather conditions (Foster, 71), the director uses the rain to add a bit of mystery to the mood of the joyful scene with this unnamed, mysterious boy whom the female protagonist (Xiying) is interested in (romantically). The rain also serves as a plot device and force pushing Xiying and the boy together, even though it s clear that Xiying is going to end up with A Tuo (the boy who likes her). The purpose of pushing Xiying and the mystery boy together is to create enough of a connection between them for Xiying to choose the boy over A Tuo
  • 47. Everything You Eve Wanted to Know About The Netherlands Essay Introduction3 The country of Netherlands is lowland and a lot of it is water. The size of Netherlands is 41,526 square kilometers. The highest point there is Vaalserberg and is 321 meters (Amsterdam guide, 2003). Sea storms and floods are natural disasters there but there are now dikes to control them better. The climate in Netherlandsis mild (Amsterdam guide, 2003). Netherlands wanted independence in 1581 but didn t get it until 1648 (Amsterdam guide, 2003). They lost it then in 1794 by the Austrian Throne of Habsburg (Amsterdam guide, 2003). In 1830, Luxembourg united with Netherlands but separated in 1890 (Amsterdam guide, 2003). The Germans invaded Netherlands in 1940 and the people suffered (Amsterdam guide, ... Show more content on ... They began being a constitutional monarchy in 1815 and a parliamentary democracy in 1848 (Amsterdam guide, 2003). In Netherlands, the parliament is made up of the Eerste Kamer, the first chamber and Tweede Kamer, the second chamber. The first chamber has 75 members and the second chamber has 150 members (Amsterdam guide, 2003). The king of Netherlands currently is King Willem Alexander van Oranje Nassau. He s the head of the state. The head of state can be a king and he chooses who can be a mayor or a politician and signs laws. The king also gives a job to either the prime minister or a politician to form the government. That person must be from the party that won in the elections. The Prime Minister right now is Mark Rutte who s is the head of the government (Amsterdam guide, 2003). Customs/Culture5 The language spoken in Netherlands is Dutch (Amsterdam guide, 2003). Holidays in Netherlands are Queen s Day, Sinterklaas, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year s Day, Good Friday, Easter Sunday/Monday, National Remembrance Day, Liberation Day, Ascension, and Whitsun (Expatica communications BV, 2012). On Queen s Day people wear orange because that is the color of the royal family. Queen s Day is very important in Netherlands and is celebrated on April 30th (Polete, 2013). Festivals in Netherlands include Dauwpop, Pinkpop, Best Kept Secret,
  • 48. Homework Persuasive Research Paper Its a stated fact that around 80% of my homework is online. I depend upon having a laptop of my own for all my school homework these days. Now before I persuade you, I want you to realize that i would be able to do all my homework downstairs so you could see what I m doing. Also ALMOST all of my homework is online. There would almost be no more arguing and fighting about who uses the computer. A problem in the past, I have had with you (mom) is you want to believe that I m not really doing my homework when I go on the computer upstairs and your downstairs, but we can fix this, not by having you stand right next to me, but by me having my own laptop so, then I would have the capability of moving the laptop to where I need to use it, like downstairs on the table where you could easily see what I m actually doing. And you also have to consider the price it would only be around 400 which is cheaper than Liv and Lukes ipads (that they never use) and Its faster then the computer and their iPads when it comes to looking things up for homework. Its cheaper, faster and more reliable than the easy breaking iPads.... Show more content on ... What homework, do I have for math? Dashboard ebooks (online) and mathxl (online), science homework? Powerpoint (online) kidshealth (online), those are my 2 biggest homework classes. You may think you could just trust me and I could do everything upstairs, but you have to have knowledge of these 2 points, Luke hates me and never wants to log the computer on, Liv never does either way, and most of the time you are too busy working, and even if they do let me on, Luke always gives me a time limit to make sure i m doing what I m suppose to be doing, so I have never had enough time, one more thing, how do I do my
  • 49. Cancer Vaccines Can cancer really be prevented with a simple vaccine similar to a flu vaccine? Author Sandra Gordon composed an article entitled, How Cancer Vaccines Work explains how a recent study proves a vaccine can be made to help in the prevention of cervical, liver, and other cancer types. To follow is research done by professionals to describe how cancervaccines work. Many American s receive flu vaccines annually and now studies have proven, cancer vaccines are possible too. A question that comes up to researchers quite often is; How do these vaccines work? The answers to these questions researchers say is actually quite simple, they say cancer vaccines work just like flu vaccines and are used to prevent cancer. These; however, are a bit different than a flu vaccine because they do not attack cancer cells directly, instead teach your body to fight off the viruses that could end up being cancerous. People also question if they can actually lead to cancer prevention. The answer; researchers suggest, is actually quite simple, they claim the following, with the cancer vaccines, the immune system is hit with an unknown noncancerous copy of the virus ... Show more content on ... With that, people question, what am I injection into my body with a cancer vaccine? Research states the cancer vaccine targets the cancerous cells themselves and the vaccine contains pieces of the cancerous cell and your immune system will treat the cancer cells similarly to how the flu vaccine attacks the flu. The immune system will release leukocytes from the immune system to aggressively fight off the unwanted disease. Another question arises from this, how are we going to get cancer cells to put in the vaccine? Cancer cells are sly and they have a way of making themselves so the body does not know it is dangerous , states
  • 50. Wild Card Scenarios Fresh off what was a fairly predictable Wild Card weekend (at least for me), we are on to the Divisional Round. Here is where things begin to get interesting. The Seattle Seahawks will travel to the Georgia Dome and take on the 11 5 Atlanta Falcons. The Houston Texans will head up to hostile territory and take on the heavily favored New England Patriots. The Steelers head to Arrowhead to take on the Chiefs in what is said to be blistering cold temperatures. And what is likely to be the most intriguing matchup of the weekend, the Green Bay Packers head to Dallas as a 4 pt. underdog to take on the Cowboys. The Seattle Seahawks will travel to the Georgia Dome and take on the 11 5 Atlanta Falcons. The Houston Texans will head up to hostile territory... Show more content on ... The Packers underachieved at best. QB Aaron Rodgers was put on the hot seat. Negative rumors swirled around Rodgers, both personally and professionally which ultimately were excuses for his poor play. Jordy Nelson had just returned from an ACL injury and it took time for him to get his legs back. Injuries continued to plague the team, hitting the running core the hardest.The Packers were all but written off, then in the second half, Rodgers returned to old form. Devonte Adams stepped up in a big way, taking the lead on offense, finishing the season with 997 yds and 12 TD s. The Cowboys had a much different season. Led by rookie Dak Prescott, the Cowboys finished their season with a record of 13 3, not without setting a few records. Dak Prescott has the best completion percentage (67.8), TD INT ratio (23 4), and passer rating (104.9) by any rookie quarterback in NFL history. Rookie phenom Ezekiel Elliot led the NFL with 1,631 rushing yards. Together, this duo has brought the Cowboys back to relevancy all while showcasing their maturity and readiness.This matchup has all the makings to become the most exciting game of the season. According to MSN, Nelson, who injured his ribs in the Wild Card matchup against the Giants is contemplating wearing a Tevlar vest this weekend. Elliot is reassuring Cowboy fans he is ok to play after a minor car accident this
  • 51. Pharmacy Vs Jackrabbit Pharmacy What better way to learn about the pharmacy profession than from two SDSU alumni in the university s own pharmacy? I had the opportunity to learn from Melanie Lunn and Tasha Rausch in the unique environment that the Jackrabbit Pharmacy brings. I was able to compare and contrast this pharmacy with the retail pharmacyI work in. The Jackrabbit Pharmacy has a unique patient population and location which leads to many of these differences. Located on a college campus with a majority of the patients being young adults, maintaining confidentiality can be an issue. One issue that Melanie commonly faces is concerned parents calling regarding their child s prescription. Since the passing of HIPAA, eighteen year olds have the right to keep their health information from their parents. As a pharmacist, one should be mindful of the information that is discussed with parents of college aged students. This can be difficult because parents do not always want to abide by this law. While shadowing at the pharmacy, I saw another potential issue with patient confidentiality. If the pharmacy were to hire a student intern or clerk, that student could learn about the medical conditions and medications that his or her friends have. It would be very easy to breach HIPAA and, therefore, a liability. Luckily, I don t think the pharmacy is planning to do this. In the Jackrabbit Pharmacy, the pharmacists have developed the pharmacy workplace so that it is easy to respect patient confidentiality. For
  • 52. The Link Between Nazi Propaganda And The Holocaust Essay Hitler believed that propaganda from the allies was the main reason that the Germans lost during World War I and felt that this form of warfare needed to be a primary tool in modern warfare. He spoke of this belief in his book Mein Kampf well before the start of the second World War. Hitler felt that the public needed to be inundated with the ideology of the state at all times and through all mediums (Jowett and O Donnell 2). To do this, he said everything from child s story book to the last newspaper, every theater, every cinema and every advertisement must be brought into the service of this single mission (qt. in Qualter ix). This onslaught of propaganda led to the Holocaustby leaving no other option open to the German people... Show more content on ... The Nazi s did use propaganda in this negative sense but in an underhanded and subversive way. They backed up all their false reports with scientific studies and claims of a better human race. Propaganda is hard to define as most definitions do not cover the full meaning of the word. The Webster s Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary defines propaganda as the systematic propagation or discrediting of a given doctrine or cause by circulation of polemical material, such as posters and leaflets (1353). However, this definition does not cover the full scope of the of the word. Terence Qualter also feels the definition for propaganda needs to be more refined for its new usage. The definition that he gives is the deliberate attempt...(to) form, control, or alter the attitudes of other groups...(with) the use of the instruments of communication (27 28). He goes on to say that the propaganda must be aimed at the group in general because that is the basic nature of the word, in that the most effective propaganda is the propaganda which has a large audience. Qualter does mention, however, that there need be no difference in the propaganda to persuade one and the propaganda to persuade the many (28). Germany did this by controlling the flow of information into the country. According to Hideya Kumata and Wilbur Schramm, gaining monopoly control of