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Reflection Essay Samples
Writing an essay on the topic of "Reflection Essay Samples" can present its own set of
challenges. The difficulty lies not only in the need to articulate personal thoughts and
experiences but also in the pressure to provide insightful reflections that resonate with the reader.
Crafting a reflective essay requires a delicate balance between self-expression and maintaining a
coherent narrative.
Firstly, one must grapple with the task of introspection, delving deep into personal experiences
and emotions. This introspective process demands honesty and self-awareness, as the essay's
authenticity hinges on the genuine expression of thoughts and feelings. However, this level of
self-disclosure can be uncomfortable for some, making it a challenging aspect of the writing
Additionally, structuring a reflective essay can be intricate. Balancing the chronological sequence
of events with thoughtful analysis requires careful consideration. Finding the right blend of
storytelling and reflective insight to engage the reader adds another layer of complexity to the
task. Striking this balance is crucial to ensuring that the essay is not merely a recount of events
but an exploration of personal growth and understanding.
Moreover, selecting the appropriate language to convey these reflections can be demanding.
Expressing emotions and thoughts in a clear and impactful manner is an art. Writers must
navigate the fine line between verbosity and conciseness, ensuring that the essay is both
expressive and focused.
In conclusion, writing a reflective essay on the topic of "Reflection Essay Samples" is a
challenging endeavor that demands a deep dive into personal experiences, thoughtful structuring,
and adept language use. It requires a willingness to embrace vulnerability and an ability to weave
a narrative that captivates the reader while offering meaningful insights.
On a related note, if you find yourself needing assistance with essays or similar tasks, various
services, such as, can provide support. Professionals in the field can offer
guidance, ensuring that your writing meets the desired standards and effectively communicates
your reflections or ideas.
Reflection Essay Samples Reflection Essay Samples
Evolution Of The Modern Era Of Skateboarding
Prior to the days of Dogtown, skateboarding was dead. However, as soon as the
Dogtown culture came alive, so did the modern era of skateboarding. As a result of
surfing, the California drought of the 1970s, and the film work and photography of
Craig Stecyk, this once dead sport has risen from the dead for good. It all began in
the early 1970s when Dogtown, located in Venice Beach, California was home to a
secret surfingcove. This area was constantly populated by pyromaniacs, drug addicts,
artists, and of course surfers , but most importantly the Zephyr surf team. This team
was known as The mafia of the waves (Peralta, 2002). While surfing on the coast, this
team relentlessly practiced new and unique moves on the beachfront. Little did they...
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Each one helped to expand growth for the extreme sport already growing in
First off, the accident of architecture was inevitable. As years went on, the minds
and creativity of skaters was bound to evolve. The boys from Dogtown did just that.
With reference to my second point, these skaters took advantage of Mother Nature.
When the California drought of the 1970s occurred, they made use of the
architecture that was not being used. Seaside pools became more than just an empty
unusable piece of land built underground, but a bowl for skaters to develop their
innovation for the future of the sport (Hayes, 2005).
The availability of television time also had an impact on the rise of skate. While
the status of skateboarding was taking off, so was television and sport. The 1980s
marked the introduction of innumerable network options (Cable s Story, 2015). Not
long after in the mid 1990s, the X Games kicked off and included skateboarding as
one of its activities. From that point on the skateboarding market continued to
flourish as more and more television shows came out about skating, along with the
creation of video game such as Tony Hawk s Pro
Women In Colonial Mexico
Background information:
There aren t any records of women painters in colonial Mexico most likely because
of the way society was structured at the time. Colonial Mexico was a patriarchal
society and many women were restricted in what they could do by their fathers
when young and by their husbands after marriage. Also, they weren t allowed to
enter an artisan guild or receive a higher education. That being said, there were
many women entrepreneurs and skilled laborers. Women played many roles in
colonial Mexican society and made great contributions in spite of the way they
were treated. Today we will take a look at some paintings from colonial Mexico and
see some of the ways they were portrayed.
Topic 1 17th Century: From Mannerism to baroque. ... Show more content on ...
1750 by Miguel Cabrera. Miguel Cabrera was one of the most esteemed painters in
colonial Mexico and painted portraits of many important people, but his portrait of
Sor Juana is probably the most famous. Cabrera positions Sor Juana as a nun but
also as a scholar. Even though she is wearing clothing and a nun shield to show she
is a nun, Sor Juana is sitting at a desk with writing instruments and and an open
book. Also, in the background is an extensive library to show how well read she
was. What is interesting about this portrait is that it was done more than 50 years
after her death, which shows how exceptional Sor Juana
The Tokyo Railway Station Building
The Tokyo railway station building is located in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan in the
Marunouchi business district. The station which acts as Tokyo s main intercity
terminal is served by the Tokyo Metro network, Japan Railways regional commuter
lines as well as the Shinkansen high speed railway lines. The Tokyo Station also has a
reputation of being the busiest station in the country, judging by the number of trains
it serves per day; approximately three thousand trains in one day. Furthermore, the
trainstation has a hotel and gallery within its premises. In terms of architecture and
historical culture, the station actually has a long history that dates back more than a
hundred years, thereby making it one of the one of the few major examples of
buildings designed in classical style remaining in Tokyo, and Japan as a whole.
Chronicle information of the building Even though the Tokyo Station was
constructed in 1914, its actual plan is connected to the history of Japan s rail in the
1880s (Ito n.p). It is therefore viewed by the Japanese as being significant in the
advancement of rail technology and as a symbolic structure within Japan. By 1885,
several railway tracks were already passing through Tokyo, thereby necessitating the
need for a central terminal to be built in the region between Ueno and Shinbashi. The
station which was to accommodate Tokyo s entire network was simply referred to as
the central terminal (Ito n.p). The project for the Tokyo Station was first offered
Type 2 Diabetes Virus
Diabetes mellitus is a medical condition that either develops because of a virus or
develops over time as a result to poor diet and exercise. If left uncontrolled it may
lead to serious complications such as stroke, vision loss, amputation, or even death.
Type II Diabetes is a preventable disease that usually occurs when a patient has
been a pre diabetic for some time. Most people with Type 2 are overweight or obese
which can lead to insulinresistance. In the United States, 25.6 million or 11.3% of
adults aged 20 years and older had diabetes in 2010. Non Hispanic Blacks had the
highest prevalence at 12.6% compared with non Hispanic Whites at 7.1% (Gaskin, D.
J. et all, 2014). With the rising cost of healthcare there are millions of Americans...
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The document encourages good nutrition, physical activity, and a healthy body
weight as essential components to decrease ones risk of developing serious health
conditions such as diabetes. Its goal is to also educate and inform the public about
this serious condition. The document focuses on the fact that this disease is on the
rise throughout the U.S. and the world and provides suggestions to help reduce the
health and economic burden. Primary prevention: movement from no diabetes to
diabetes, testing and early diagnosis: movement from unrecognized to recognized
diabetes, access to care for all persons with diabetes: movement from no diabetes
care to access to appropriate diabetes care, and Improved quality of care: movement
from inadequate to adequate care (Healthy People 2020,
Many people argue that being a “youtuber” is a real
Many people argue that being a youtuber is a real job. Some people say people
on youtube are just lazy and have no skills but the famous youtube channels earning
six figure incomes think they are just jealous.
Being a youtuber is a real job. They put in enough time, work, and effort as any other
job. They have to record, edit, animate, and clear any copyright laws before posting a
video. There are videos that can be an easy thirty seconds and there are videos that are
over an hour. The video may only be one hour long however, the youtuber could ve
recorded or edited for days.
Another reason to consider a youtuber as a real job is that there are many different
types of youtube channels, just as there are different jobs ... Show more content on ...
The top Youtube creator makes six point seven million dollars a year just playing
games all day. The top network also make the exact same amount. One person,
completely by themselves, can make as much money as a famous gaming studio.
Rihanna s vevo channel makes her an extra eight million dollars. Lastly, Ellen
has the number one Youtube channel of all and makes an amazing eight point six
Youtube isn t just a website that gives entertainment, but can also find talent or
co workers. Many actors, dancers, comedians, and music producers are found on
Youtube. Youtuber Emmanuel Hudson, a fine dreaded up young gentleman, was
discovered by Nick Cannon and asked to join MTV2 s Wild N Out crew (Kimberley
Gredeon). Some youtubers get more hits than other celebrities and shows. Jenna
drew thirty million views per episode between 2011 and 2012, according to the
International Business Times. The top rated CBS program, Two and a Half Men
pulled in less than that (Gredeon).
But in reality, becoming one of the top creators on Youtube takes consistency, a
nonstop work Schedule and a growing audience that have chosen to spend their
time watching your videos instead of the millions of others found on Youtube. But
the rise to
million dollar salaries has taken all of these creators years to generate through their
video making hard work (Carly Lanning). Most Youtubers that want a rise
Analysis Of Titus Andronicus By William Shakespeare
In William Shakespeare s play, Titus Andronicus, the main character Titus
Andronicus is a perfect example of the never ending cycle of vengeance.
Throughout the play, Titus and Tamora seek resolution and closure through
revenge. Throughout the play, these characters do not realize the resolution to
their war over vengeance is making peace. When one person chooses to get back
at the other this creates a never ending loop of revenge or topping one another s
conflict. The key to success in this situation would be for one to make peace, and
in this play you will discover how these characters brought closure to their cycle of
never ending vengeance. In the play, the audience is shown how vengeance
controls one s perspective. In other words, vengeance can impact and skew ones
view on life and negatively impair one s decisions. The audience understands from
the beginning of the play how Tamora s positive and sympathetic character is very
evident; although, in Act II, her mind and actions has been dramatically skewed
and twisted. Tamora s attitude has been overcome by vengeance as she says, But
straight they told me they would bind me here Unto the body of a dismal yew, And
leave me to this miserable death: And then they call d me foul adulteress,
Lascivious Goth, and all the bitterest terms That ever ear did hear to such effect:
And, had you not by wondrous fortune come, This vengeance on me had they
executed. Revenge it, as you love your life, Or be ye not henceforth call d my
Palooli High School Soda Research
Kyrsten Fehribach
English 7
Writing prompt 1 Taking a stand for Paoli high school sodas
At Paoli high school there are many vending machines, but recently I have noticed
that every vending machine has some kind of diet drink and no regular soda . let s
start at the basics. Here s the ingredient list for coke Carbonated water,High Fructose
Corn Syrup,Caramel Color, Phosphoric Acid,Natural Flavors,Caffeine. Here s the
ingredient list for diet coke Carbonated Water ,Caramel Color, Aspartame,
Phosphoric Acid , Potassium benzoate (to protect Taste), Natural Flavors,Citric Acid,
Caffeine . I understand diet free soda fails to leave the residue on teeth that regular
soda does. This is because diet soda gets its flavoring from artificial sweeteners , not
natural sugar.
Diet soda sounds like it s gonna help you maintain a healthy weight don t be fooled.
Diet soda drinkers are said to be 54 percent more susceptible to obesity than regular
soda drinkers. It has been suggested that diet soda actually contributes to weight gain
,not weight ... Show more content on ...
I d love to get a soda at times during school hours but I refuse to buy a diet anything
. I am glad all natural sugars are used versus artificial anything. It s very satisfying
to have a ice cold coke after a long day s work or play. I think sodas Like Mountain
Dew, coke, sprite, Big Red, and so forth should be added to the vending machine . I
am sure the machines would be used more and the money they already bring in
would triple . I think the students should have a voice in what we have in our
vending machines. I get it , it s a luxury not a need ,but how great it is to have
something that most of us don t want /use. besides if you do your research on diet
versus coke or diet anything verses not diet you see that they aren t healthier they
don t help you maintain a healthy weight . So there for a sugary taste will make a
The Second Great Awakening Essay
In the 1830 s, 1840 s, and beyond, There is a Second Great Awakening. The Second
Great Awakening had a decided impact on American society. In the following I will
describe what the Great Awakening was and how it changed life in America.
In essence, the Great Awakening was a religious awakening. It started in the South.
Tent camps were set up that revolve around high spirited meetings that would last
for days. These camp meetings were highly emotional and multitudes of people were
filled with the Spirit of God. These meeting, were sponsored mainly by Methodist,
Baptist, and Presbyterians, and met social needs as well as spiritual needs on the
frontier. Since it was hard for the Baptist and Methodist to sustain local churches, ...
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This reform was an attempt to defend Calvinism, (predestination) views against the
new liberal ideas created by the Enlightens views. .Threatened by the spread of
Unitarian ideas, a younger generation attempted to reshape New England Puritanism.
The first great practitioner of the new evangelical Calvinism was Lyman Beecher.
Beecher led thousands to accept their sinfulness and surrender to God.
Beecher had to confront the new and more radical revivalism in Western New York
which was led by Charles G. Finney. Finney challenged the Calvinist doctrines. He
appealed to emotion instead of reason. Finney wanted people to feel the power of
Jesus. He had adopted an extreme view that said Christians could be totally free of
sin or be as perfect as their Father in Heaven. During Finney s revivals, it was not
uncommon for people to fall to the floor in fits of excitement. Finney left behind him
strong and active churches. Eastern opposition gradually weakened.
During The Second Awakening new religious views were popping up everywhere.
The Unitarians believed that the all powerful, mysterious God was actually a Deity
who was the benevolent master architect of a rational universe. Mormonism also
began. Mormonism, also known as the latter Day Saints, believed that Christ would
appear in the New World and that the children of Levi were present in the New World.
With these new religious ideas
Concrete Obstacles
The muscles that are considered to be the prime movers in order to do a pull up is
the Latissimus dorsi, biceps, front deltoid, terse major to start the movement in
order to bring the body upward towards the bar. Once you get close to the top of
the bar the synergist muscles will kick in order to help support the prime muscles
movers. Those muscles would be the rhomboids and the trapezius to get involved
to help and add thickness and strength to the back. The stabilizers for the supinated
chin up will be the abdominals and obliques. Yes, there is a difference between a
pull up with palms pronated and chin ups with palms supinated. Pull ups with the
palms (pronated) will add the deltoids (3) rear, mid and front deltoids, along with
the trapezius and rhomniods will be added to the list of prime muscles movers
along with the latissimus dorsi, biceps and terse major. This style of pull up is that
hardest of all the basic pull ups because will be more dependent on the upper back
unlike the chin up with (supinated) palms because the biceps, latisumuss dorsi and
terse major will be the only prime movers the rest will stay as synergists.... Show
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This shows us that chin ups aren t the best way to exercise the latissimus dorsi but it
is the beginning way to start strengthen the lattissimus dorsi until you can do a
pronated pull up to really ecericse the lattissimus
Personal Dilemma Experince
Recently, within the past year, I was faced with a moral and ethical dilemma,
which forced me to choose between honesty and loyalty (punc.) and the result of
that choice will hopefully guide me in future decisions.(Good opening sentence) At
the time of the incident I was working as a pharmacy technician in ________. The
dilemma I was faced with involved a fellow technician who was hired at the same
time as me and the two of us had become close friends during the course of our
employment. Now this friend of mine was obsessed with bodybuilding to the extent
that he was willing to steal intravenous steroids from the pharmacy. As a friend I tried
to warn and convince him to stop stealing but because he was consistently successful
in doing so,... Show more content on ...
The next time I am confronted by a decision of this magnitude I will be cautious in
my choice and that choice will reflect my values and needs(punc.: ,) not that of my
employer, my friend, my parents or anyone else. At the end of the day we all have to
sleep with our own conscience and no one
Marine Corps Leadership Essay
Marine Corps Leadership NonCommissioned Officers are the backbone of the
Marine Corps. Each leader is very different from the other. Some Marines enjoy
being a corporal only because of the increase in rank and pay. A few become the
tactless leaders junior Marines try to avoid. Fortunately, many others strive to become
the leader that other Marines wish to emulate. They know what it means to be a good
leader. Those Marines have the traits of a leader and they get to know their Marines
An important part of being a leader, consists of the fourteen leadership traits. They are
as follows: integrity, knowledge, courage, decisiveness, dependability, initiative, tact,
justice, enthusiasm, bearing, endurance,... Show more content on ...
Tact: It is hard to respect a person when he calls a person out in front of everyone. It
is better to correct a Marine in privacy. This is the leadership trait I need to work
on. Justice: A leader should be fair, and not play favorites with Marines. It is also
important a leader hands out a fair punishment to a disobedient Marine.
Enthusiasm: It is important for leaders to show a good attitude when working on
the mission. If the leaders display good attitude, so will the junior Marines.
Bearing: How a leader conducts himself is how a subordinate will judge his
professionalism. If a leader does not act confident, followers will be unsure of the
leader s ability to execute a mission. Endurance: This is vital mentally and
physically. A leader needs to be able to do the physical tasks be it running boots
and utes or humping for ten miles in order to encourage Marines to do the same.
To do otherwise would be hypocrisy. Mental endurance is equivalent to physical
endurance in its capacity. Unselfishness: A leader needs to be willing to put others
before himself. Send others to chow before himself; send them to the rack before
himself; Loyalty: Respect the Corps, and a leader s Marines. Leaders display their
loyalty to their Marines by taking care of the Marines needs. Judgment: Sound
decisions to ensure successful mission
The Blues, By Bessie Smith And Billie Holliday
Music is such a beautiful creation, the way the melody, rhythm, tempo, all mix
together to become a masterpiece. One specific genre of music, the blues, was
heavily popular in the early 20th century. The blues is a tradition oriented music style
from the rural Southern African American origin ( Jazz in America , n.d. ). It usually
had secular content, which is disparate from how it was when it first began. Blues
music originated in plantations, where slaves sung, using it as a mental escape
method from their oppression. Even though it started off in a simple way, it
eventually turned into a serious entertainment. Bessie Smith and Billie Holliday,
two well known blues female singers, became hit sensations. Blues started in the
South, long ago, when slavery was still socially accepted. Slaves were severely
oppressed because they were legally bound to their masters. One way they found
emotional freedom was to sing songs, which were called slave songs. It Makes a
Long Time Man Feel Bad , Hammer, Ring , Cornfield Holler , were just a few of
the popular slave songs ( Slavery and the Making of America , 2004). Slave songs
were in various forms such as field hollers, work songs, spirituals, and country
string ballads ( The Blues A History , 2003). As time passed, these types of songs
were starting to become known as the blues. After slavery ended in 1865, blues was
not only still present, but became more evident. In the beginning of the 20th century,
blues music was on the
What Is The Results Of The ILP To Real Games
How we transformed the statistics on the NBA website to the data required for our
calculations can be found in Appendix t1.1 (for the maximum of all NBA teams)
and t1.2 (for specific NBA teams). The specific data used in the ILP s are in
Appendix t1.3.
To compare the results of the ILP to real games, we used statistics from the Golden
State Warriors, the Dallas Mavericks, the Indiana Pacers, the Cleveland Cavaliers,
and the Los Angeles Lakers highest scoring game of the 2016 2017 season. This
data is available on the NBA website under Stats filtered by Box Scores , dates, and
quarters. We used these statistics to get the number of 2PA and 3PA per quarter j
and compared to the results of the ILP.
We computed block and steal... Show more content on ...
(2) Comparing the results of our ILP compare to real life: Our ILP produces
objective values close to but slightly lower than the maximum number of points
scored in one game for all five teams. A table of these results can be found in
Appendix t1.5. The low objective values can most likely be attributed to the
volatility of the $c_{i,j}$ variables, which are based off of the teams average 2
point and 3 point shot percentages. It is reasonable to assume that the teams had
higher 2 point and 3 point percentages than average in the game where they scored
the most points, accounting for the higher total points scored compared to the ILP.
This is discussed further in section 6 (Obstacles Encountered So Far). Comparing
the $x_{i,j}$ used to obtain the objective value for the ILP for a selected team and
the actual number of iPA per quarter j from the highest scoring game for the same
team in the 2016 2017 season shows that the Golden State Warriors, who had the
highest average number of points per game last season, followed a fairly similar
game plan to that calculated by the ILP (r1.1). Graphs showing this are found in
Appendix g1.1 1.3. On the other hand, the Dallas
Essay on Connecting Symbols in A Rose for Emily
The literary world contains a vast collection of works, each employing diverse
techniques in writing. One technique commonly found in literature is the use of
images and symbols. Symbols are sometimes complex and contain both literal and
figurative significance. Symbolism in literature is commonly used to bind the
attributes of an object with various segments of a story to provide the reader with a
deeper understanding and sometimes hidden meaning. In the short story, A Rose for
Emily William Faulknerutilizes a vast collection of symbols, as a means to enhance
the reader s visual perceptions but also prompts consideration into theories of motive
surrounding the murder of Homer Barron.
Modeled after the post civil war era of the ... Show more content on ...
In A Rose for Emily : Against Interpretation John L. Skinner takes into consideration
the analysis of literary critic William Going, who suggests that Emily herself
represents the rose as the treasured memory of the old Confederate veterans (Skinner,
p. 42). While interpretations may vary, what is clear is the symbolic blossom
continues to puzzle many analytical minds.
Prompted by its ambiguity, when William Faulkner was asked to explain the
symbolic nature of the rose, he responded by stating that it was Just a Rose for
Emily That s all (Towner Carothers, p. 67). This implies that the rose is merely a
gesture of kindness to a pitiable character and nothing more. For those not
comfortable with Faulkner s response, perhaps the only other clue lies in the final
page where a secret room reveals faded rose colored curtains and rose shaded lights
(Faulkner, p.674). It may be that Faulkner used the rose to tie the beginning of the
story with its end. While the rose in the title may or may not be symbolic, what it
actually represents appears to be left open to interpretation.
The House
The house is another symbol used in the story which seems to carry an associative
relationship with Emily Grierson. In the opening paragraph, Emily is referred to as
a fallen monument (Faulkner, p.668). Once young and full of promise, Emily s
appearance in later years are described as bloated, like a
Edvard Munch s The Scream
The Scream is a fact of great work in which the artist utilized a minimum of forms
to achieve maximum expressiveness. Edvard Munch showed in this painting that
he was very overwhelmed and he had a fear of being in open spaces. The red sky
and the scenery around the figure show the effect of the volcano and how the nature
is not very beautiful because of the disaster that just happened. The Temple of
Dendur theme would be Egyptians built this temple to honor their gods. The theme
was based on the understanding of the temple as a picture of a natural world. Escher
created unique and fascinating works of art that uses shapes and patterns to create
person in a visual way. The colorof black and white shows the feeling that the artists
were having. Bonnard s most important for his artwork was color because he had
mixed a color the ones he like. He would also fixed up the other paintings with that
color. The attention of that paintingis the lamp because it shows the interest of the
artist s life. Pavonia beauty makes the viewer feel to own this paint. This painting
must be showing the beauty on her. The face shows that she might be someone
Part 3:
The ... Show more content on ...
The story of the Bond of Union tells about of two people as their face was peeling
like an orange. It also shows the robotic look in a way. It makes viewers think as to
what they are searching at because at first it is confusing what could the painting is
telling. It could also be a woman and a man bonding together. The art tells me about
the artist that he probably describing the realist in life. He also might portray the
relationship between a man and woman. He created the art from somewhere he saw
or maybe he thought about randomly to create this art. The artist s intention was to
create whatever he imagined and come to life meaning whatever he imagine, we can
see his
Time John Mctaggart
John McTaggart in his essay Time presents a radical argument that claims time is
unreal. While the argument is interesting and has attracted much attention for his
arguments, I remain unconvinced of the argument he makes. This paper will lay out
McTaggart s argument that time in unreal, critically analyze why I believe McTaggart
s argument fails and presentan alternative idea about time, utilizing aspects of
McTaggart s argument. Here is an explanation of McTaggart s view. McTaggart wants
ultimately to prove that time does not exist. He attempts to do this by arguing time s
existence is contingent on the existence of transient time and that ultimately transient
time fails. Transient time involves A series. A series are attributed
... Show more
content on ...
In the argument he makes the claim that every event is past present and future.
Therefore, events can only exhibit pastness, presentness or futurity and events can
exhibit pastness, presentness and futurity, and this is contradictory, so one of
these ideas must be false. If it is contradictory, then it is false and events cannot
exhibit pastness, presentness or futurity, which infers that there exists no A series,
which follows that that time does not exist. I see the validity of parts of
McTaggart s claim. However, for the most part I find the argument convoluted and
difficult to follow. He claims that an event cannot be past, present and future, I can
agree with this notion of the argument. However, an event can exhibit the qualities
of past, present and future at different times, i.e. your birth. All this argument does
for me is solidify the idea that since an event can be in the future, later present and
eventually in the past proves that events change. This idea follows A series and in
looking back at his first claim, which infers time s existence is reliant on the
existence of A series (transient time,) it would prove to me that time does in fact
exist. I get a little lost in where he makes the jump to disprove A series, thereby
proving time to be unreal; the negation of A series appears muddled. The other
problem I find is in the first half of his argument. The idea that time s
Christianity and Hinduism
Religion is a collection of different cultures and words view that relate humanity to
spirituality. Religion is one of the most important efforts to answer the most profound
questions of human existence. Where do we come from? What should we do while
we are here? All the people on this universe have different religion like Hinduism,
Sikhism, Muslims, Christianity, Buddhism, and Judaism. As I belong to Hindu
Religion and as individual religion plays an important role in the life of people
which help them how to serve the humanity and how to get god by doing good
things. If we talk about Hinduism and Christianity both have its own and different
principles like believes, caste system.
Hinduism Christianity
Hinduism has begun over four thousand years ago in an ancient, civilization. In
Hinduism they believe in many gods like Vishnu is the lord protection (creature of
world), Brahma was born by the navel of lord Vishnu. He sits on a lotus and his
vahana (thing used to travel from one place to another) is the swan. He provide of
all knowledge and wisdom, Goddess durga which obtain many powerful weapons.
When the demonic forces create imbalance she become one divine force called
Shakti or drug and destroy the evil. Shiva a destroyer of the world. Shiva is
responsible for death and
Lowering The Legal Drinking Age
Lowering of the Legal Drinking Age Research Paper Adults under 21 are able to
vote, sign contracts, serve on juries, and enlist in the military, but are told that they
are not mature enough to have a beer?, said Ruth C. Engs, a professor of Applied
Health Sciences at Indiana University (Engs). No matter what is done, teenagers
and young adults all over America are going to drink if they want to. The question
is, why can t they start legally drinking when they enter adulthood? An alternative
to simply lowering the minimum legal drinking age could be thought of, such as,
having a learner s permit for responsible drinking for people between the ages of 18
21. In other cultures where the minimum legal drinking age is lower, there is not
as large of a problem with drinking. Lowering the minimum legal drinking age
would stop criminalizing a large amount of people for the minor crime of underage
drinking, which on your record makes it hard for young people to apply for jobs or
apply to colleges. Underage Drinking in America Realistically, teenagers are going to
drink no matter what. The minimum drinking age debate in America seems to
primarily revolve around one issue: drunk driving. The increased minimum drinking
age does not solve the problem of drunk driving in any real way, it just shifts drunk
driving deaths into a slightly older age group. Additionally, because teenagers are
afraid of getting caught drinking, many end up drinking large amounts of alcohol in
Essay about Middle East
Imagine living in a nation were the government wasn t on your side. Everything that
the government did was in there best interest without any consideration of the people.
Imagine that your government was in a conflict with another government and this
government had the power to say if you were getting food eat and water to drink.
Imagine that in this so called nation the kids instead or going to school would rather
throw rocksat members of the other nation instead of going to school. Imagine that
one day that that kid that was throwing rocks might one day strap a bomb to himself
and go and try to blowpeople up because he thinks it is the right thing to do. This is
actually happing in the middle east. These... Show more content on ...
After the Jews formed an army and began fighting the British stopped backing the
Arabs and the issue was left up to the UN. The UN created the Partition Plan also
know as Resolution 181. In this plan 25 percent of the Palestine Jewish state was
offered to the Jews and the rest was going to be an Arab state. The Jews accepted
this offer but the Arabs turned it down because they wanted it all(United). Since
there wasn t a settlement here there would be another war. This time when the
Arabs attacked the other Arab countries, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan joined in on the
attack. This battle broke out in 1967 and was know as the Six Day War because it
only lasted six days. This war backfired on the Arab nations at the end of the war
the Jewish Palestine state, now called Israel, was victorious and took over the Gaza
Strip, West Bank, and The Sinai Peninsula. The Gaza Strip and West Bank are Arab
states and the Sinai Peninsula was part of Egypt.
Unfortunately, Israel was now an occupier of 850,000 Palestinian Arabs from
both West Bank and the Gaza Strip. These Arabs would refer to themselves as
refugees from the previous war of 1967. . . , Israel is responsible for bringing about
some of their own problems. The Arabs were packed and ready to leave when
An Analysis of the Movie, Blood Diamond Essay
The movie Blood Diamond was released in 2006 and featured Leonardo Di Caprio
as an arms smuggler whose main goal is to obtain a seemingly priceless diamond
from a villager during the civil war in Sierra Leone. The film, although it has been
called mild in comparison to reality, depicts the brutality that inhabitants of diamond
villages were subjected to. The film was nominated for five Academy Awards, and
won numerous other awards. The film marker is trying to raise awareness of the
illicit conflict diamond trade and reinforcing the Kimberley process1 and showing
how it will stem the flow of conflict diamonds. This is successful mainly due to the
public outburst after the movie. The great impact of the movie has caused diamond...
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He also is trying to show us that the people at Van De Kaap are not truly trying to
solve the problem. Instead they are aggravating the situation. The filmmaker aims
to discourage racism and show that both blacks and whites can work together to
solve various problems. In the movie, Danny Archer had been forced to work
together with Solomon Vandy, but they grew in terms of mutual understanding
even though they had different purposes for finding the diamond (Danny profit,
Solomon to find family). From our research, cooperation among Africans is
needed to effectively solve the flow of conflict diamonds. An African Union was
set up to speak on behalf of the African nations. Discouraging racism will always be
important in Singapore not only because the local population consists of many
different races, but also because of the apparent pro Bumiputra policies which have
drawn flak from some racial communities in Malaysia. Besides, the filmmaker wants
to show how an ineffective government can lead to suffering of its citizens. In the
movie, Free Town4 fell into the hands of the RUF where many were killed and
buildings were razed, due to the failure of the government to effectively enforce
security in the region. This is supported by one of the arguments from research stating
that strong governments are needed to effectively stem the flow of conflict diamonds
out of Sierra Leone into Liberia. Relating to Singapore, the
Dbq Civil War
The Civil War as one of the most infamous conflicts in American History. It was a
war borne from clashing ideologies and beliefs, and divided the nation by North and
South and brother against brother. The North believed in that a strong central
government was the best way to govern the nation. They supported the Republican
Party and wished to stop the spread of slavery to new states, and later in the war, the
abolition of it in its entirety. The South believed in the rights of states to create their
own laws and that the states should be more powerful than the central government.
They also supported the Democratic Party and, the largest cause of the war, believed
that slavery should not be abolished and should be protected. While these issues...
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In 1850, a new law was passed known as the Fugitive Slave Law. This law was
passed in retaliation to the growing antislavery sentiment and the influx in
escaping slaves. It made it illegal to help escaping slaves anywhere in the United
States and caused escaped slaves to not attain freedom when entering a free state.
In 1857 in response to this law, Dredd Scott, a slave who entered the free territories
of Illinois and Wisconsin sued Sanford for his freedom. This case was taken all the
way to the Supreme Court where it was then thrown out. The Supreme Court
declared that Dred Scott did not have the right to sue since he was legally a piece
of property; furthermore, the Supreme Court did not stop there with their ruling and
declared that it was unconstitutional to ban slavery in anywhere in the United States
and that slaves could not be freed by entering free states; this also effectively undid
the Missouri Compromise by giving slave states an unfair advantage. This decision
outraged many Northerners who had previously been moderates capable of
swinging either way towards the Republican Party giving the party they needed to
have a Republican president elected. Finally, with the election of Lincoln to office,
the South believed that it was only a matter of time that slavery was abolished and
decided to secede from the Union. This led to the Battle of Fort Sumter,
Van Morrison s Brown Eyed Girl Song Essay
Van Morrison s Brown Eyed Girl Song
When we hear the song Brown Eyed Girl, it is safe to assume the majority of us
think of the Van Morrison version that was first introduced in his album Blowin Your
Mind, released in 1967. Since that time the song s legend and popularity have grown
to unprecedented heights. Many artists have redone the song, some with a similar
music style to Morrison (like Jimmy Buffet), and others of a completely different
genre like the punk rock band Green Day. In my essay I will argue that the stylistic
differences between the two songs are not a barrier. Rather, in combination with the
similarities associating with cover songs, they form a bridge between two genres. In
this case, it is achieved by ... Show more content on ...
With his lyrics and style he is able to produce a feeling with the song that is calm and
relaxed. Morrison is able to take you back to a style of music that is characteristic of
the time of Brown Eyed Girl s production, a time of happiness in his life. You can
tell by the pitch and tone of his voice that he is in an enjoyable state. He talks about
the younger years of his life when he had hardly any obligations. He sings about all
that happens with the brown eyed girl, from the running and jumping, to the
activities in the green grass behind the stadium. Throughout the whole song there is
never really a time that his voice or tone is lowered to let you assume it was an
unhappy time for him. Even when Morrison is wondering where all the fun times
went, singing just overcome thinking about it, he still is able to keep a happy rhythm
and tone in the song through his voice and background music. Overall the feeling that
you inherit from his song is a happy calm feeling that many listeners enjoy.
Green Day, who surfaced in the early 1990 s, has never been known to do covers,
especially of songs with as slow a tempo as Morrison s Brown Eyed Girl. Green
Day, who sings strictly punk rock, was given the idea of covering the song by the
father of one of the group members, who was a huge fan of Morrison himself. After
hearing the proposal, Green Day thought about it and knew
Lorenzo De Mussolini Beliefs
Lorenzo de Medici was the most important member of the Medici family. He was
called the Magnificent because he was the one that saved Florence, and because
he played a very important role in patronizing arts. He was born in Florence in a time
were Italy was tarring apart because almost every city state was having problems in
economics, and political situations. Lorenzo was the son of Piero de Medici, and the
grandson of Cosimo de Medici. Cosimo knew that his son Piero was weak, and he
wasn t capable of being the ruler of Florence, so what Cosimo did was to train his
grandson Lorenzo since he was a little boy, he gave him the proper education, and
advice him the most wisely ways on how to put authority, and be a leader.
Lorenzo de Medici started ruling Florence when he was 20 years old with his
brother Guliano after his father Piero died. Lorenzo started ruling a Florence with
economy problems despite that Cosimo made Florence wealthy, Florence money
was decreasing because of the wars, political expenses and the mismanagement.
Lorenzo made Florence economy stable again by being helped by his allies, and
taking wisely money measurements. He gained the citizens hearts because he saved
all Florence of an extreme famine they were having. Lorenzo ... Show more content
on ...
The Pazzi family were backed up by Pope Sixtus and almost succeeded in killing
Lorenzo, snd instead they kill his brother Guliano. The responsible people for the
attempt were killed, except for Pope Sixtus. When Pope Sixtus found out that his
supporters were killed he was very mad at Lorenzo, and he exclude The Medici
family from Florence. Pope Sixtus allied with King Ferdinand of Naples and
declared war to Florence. Florence was still ruled by Lorenzo, so he decided to
personally go to Naples and convince King Ferdinand to resolve the crisis. With the
crisis resolved Lorenzo returned to Florence with peace and the citizens received him
Attila The Hun Ethical Leadership
Synthesis Essay Attila the Hun
MSgt Aaron M. Hazen
Class 17B
Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officers Academy
30 January 2017 Attila the Hun History has Attila, King of the Huns labeled as a
barbaric savage that lacked refinement. The Huns had a powerful leader who used
critical thinking to become one of the most powerful leaders of the time. He civilized
the Huns and changed his people from a nomadic lifestyle that dated back 32
generations. He developed cities and gained territory for his people to settle in and
established commerce for trade and sale of goods. In this paper I will go over the
actions, decisions and behaviors that made Attila a visionary leader. Also we will
review the ethical decision that made Attila ... Show more content on
Surprisingly contrary to that he was a man with a vision and led his people
ethically to civilize the Huns and make them a very strong nation. His actions and
behaviors united his people and instilled a shared vision of the future. He united
tribes that all fought for a common purpose and stopped fighting themselves. He
used ethical behavior in his mannerism and avoided pitfalls by not using silver
platters as other kings would. Finally, I reflected on how I view myself as an
ethical and visionary leader rooted in the same principles that Attila believed in.
The King of the Huns inspired a nomadic people to become civilized and establish
commerce based on his visionary and ethical leadership. History saw him as a tyrant,
but I see that he truly was one of the greatest leaders of all
Ronald Takaki, a History of Multicultural America
Throughout history many ethnic cliques have experienced abuse and distrust from
our American society. The people in America seem to be less understanding, and less
willing to accept cultures different from their own, at least years ago. Groups such as
the Indians, the African Americans, and the Immigrants, fall deeply into this
category. The situations and struggles they have gone through are greatly explained
in Ronald Takaki s novel, A Different Mirror, A History of a Multicultural America.
Although they have experienced a lot, particular financial and social configuration
have changed, helping change our perspective of each civilization, for better or even
worse. When the New England people set off to America to, cultivate the... Show
more content on ...
Bacon was a white indentured servant who was frustrated in the ways of society.
He decided to rebel creating the giddy multitude, [pg. 78] a group of white and
black indentured servants who had enough, due to not being able to succeed in the
fantasy life people created in America. This group greatly threatened the social order
of Virginia. When the group had been defeated it became obvious to Captain
Thomas Grantham that they needed to reduce their dependency on white laborers
and focus more on Africans of which they could capture, and exploit. This also
worked out in the best interest of the people of Virginia because they could deny the
Africans right to bear arms due to their race. Africa became their primary source of
labor. In 1674 slaves represented only 20% of households and by 1694 slaves
represented about 48% of households, nearly half the population.
The American people did not see the African Americanpeople as people; rather
beings that they could make plow their land, or farm their crops. It was always
about them. As it was with the Indians, the American people used the African
American people for their own personal gain. They also still believed in their theory
of keeping America white and having people different from them served as a threat
they decided to squash before any damage could be done.
The Immigrants that came to America experienced much similar situations with
American abuse. Although one of the main differences of these situations
National Debt
From the moment they become old enough to be aware that money is limited, young
people today are taught to avoid getting into debt. Horror stories of payment defaults,
exorbitant interest rates, and ruined credit are passed from generation to generation,
and along with it, sentiments of disgust and panic toward the large and seemingly
never decreasing number that is the national debt of the United Statesof America. Yet,
it cannot be said that all debt is bad; student loans taken as an investment in the
future, or a mortgage on a house there are plenty of examples of how deficit
spending can be a valuable practice, and the first Secretary of the Treasury was a
strong proponent of that view when it came to government spending.
In the wake of the shambles that was the post Revolutionary economy, Alexander...
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The largest debt holders (entities to which the federal government owes money) of the
public debt are foreign governments and investors (about $6 trillion), the US Federal
Reserve ($2.5 trillion), various mutual funds (about $1 trillion), and state or local
governments ($800 billion) [7]. The remaining one third of the debt is classified as
intragovernmental holdings, which are accumulated when the Treasury borrows from
trust funds financing specific government programs for use in the general budget [6].
For example, the Social Security ran a surplus while the baby boomers were in their
working prime and tax revenue was high, so the government has historically been able
to borrow from the Social Security and Disability Trust Funds to pay for other
expenditures [8]. As a result, Social Security is the single largest stakeholder in the
national debt holding securities worth $2.8 trillion. Other government accounts that
are owed money include the Office of Personnel Management and the Military
Retirement Fund
The Management Plan For A New Employee
Every place of employment has standards when going through the hiring process.
The new employee of nursing in the hospital/home health and HIPAA is who we
are going to focus on. The Veterans Hospital is no different in having a process.
Most companies have to develop risk management tools to assist in their safety as
well as the employee and we call it: employee training. Within this title, or umbrella,
we have several subtitles of items that deal with training or having the credentials for
the new employees to reduce risks for everyone.
The focus of this risk management plan for nursing of a new employee on HIPAA is
to provide an ongoing, extensive, and precise approach to reducing risk vulnerability
of HIPPA regulations. The risk... Show more content on ...
With telework the VA goes through a PIV verification and frequent password codes
of every three months and mandatory updates. Mobile use is also used as a life line
for clarifications and verifications. With this also comes the urge of taking pictures of
a patient, texting something that shouldn t and leaving messages on machines that do
not belong to that patient leaving secured information. Also with new fax machines
that copy and fax electronically without even printing a single paper we depend on a
confirmation sheet that it was delivered to the correct person.
With mobile phones, per VA policy, consent must be obtained first before getting
pictures and verbal recordings. With electronic faxes, release of Information must still
be obtained. Staff must use the ROI Plus software to track the accounting of
disclosures. A coversheet must still be used as in normal fax use. Information on
drug, alcohol, HIV, or sickle cell anemia status may not be transmitted by fax
machine, unless the transmittal is directed to medical personnel to the extent
necessary to meet criteria of a medical emergency (Shulkin, 2016). Personal
information should never be written on the first cover sheet. The comparisons with
all the regulations during trainings are correct and maintained. It
Renewable and Nonrewable Energy Resources Essay
Renewable and Nonrewable Energy Resources
Energy is used as part of everyday lives and can be used in one form or another.
Energy is about doing work and it is all around us. Animals need energy to live and
machines need energy to work. Energy exists in many forms, such as:
Chemical etc.
There are different types of energy resources. They go into two groups, which are
Non renewable and Renewable.
Once non renewable resources (natural resources) are consumed they cannot be
replaced. The main energy sources used by humans are non renewable ... Show more
content on ...
It comes from tiny plants and animals remains that used to live in oceans over a
million of years ago. As their remains built up on the ocean floor, layers of
sediment were formed and gas was produced by heat and pressure. Gas is cleaned
and processed after it has been taken from the ground to get rid of impurities. After
this it is pumped into storage tanks and carried around the country. Natural gas really
has no smell but the distinctive smell has been added as a warning of leaks.
The advantages of gas are:
Shrinks when cooled
Turned into liquid, when put under pressure.
Easily portable in liquid form.
The production platform of gas to homes:
1) Gas is pumped to processing plants on shore.
2) Sent to compressor station.
3) Into storage tanks.
4) Gas companies supply it.
5) Into peoples homes.
6) Gas metres record how much gas is used.
Oil is a very important fuel and is used for many mostly to make them run
smoothly. Oil is used as one third of the energy we use today. There are many types
and in many forms; one form is crude oil, which comes straight out of the ground. It
can be used in many different ways, like:
v In power stations oil is burnt for the heat energy it can provide.
v In engines that convert heat energy
Causes Of Fred s Baseball Glove
Fred had a new baseball glove, but it caused nothing but trouble between him and his
best friend, Carl. Carl wanted Fred s baseball glove because it was leather with
buckskin laces. Carl s glove was polyester with nylon laces. Carl was filled with envy
over Fred s glove. One day, Carl was invited to visit Fred at his house. When Fred left
the room to go wash his hands, Carl stole the glove from the top of his dresser, and
placed it in his backpack. When Carl got home, he buried Fred s glove in the garden.
The next day, when Fred asked Carl, Where is my glove? Carl said, I do not know,
Fred. Look in the baseball park. Later that week, Carl s mom Rachel was working in
the backyard garden, and she found Fred s glove in the tulip bed.
Why Is Dismissal Is Unfair
Dismissal can be known as being unfair for various reasons. Every employee has the
entitled right to not be unfairly dismissed. However if an employer does dismiss an
employee they must provide a reason for doing so. The reason for an employer
dismissing an employee must fall under the categories established in the Employment
Rights Act 1996. Dismissal can occur by the arrangement of a written document
however there are situations where the employer terminates the contract either with
or without notice. If an employer has dismissed an employee the reasons must be
evident and produced, this could include; the conduct of an employee, the lack of
capability, redundancy aswell as retirement. Regardless of the circumstances the
employer must be
Essay about Excessive Belly Fat Leads to Health Problems
Excess belly fat negatively affects your appearance and can jeopardize your health,
since it s linked to health conditions, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. (See
References 1) Spot reducing belly fat doesn t work; the only way to slim your
midsection, is by losing weight from your entire body. (See References 2) In
addition to a sensible diet, exercise can help you accomplish this. Even when you
can t get to the gym, you can still exercise while watching TV.
Burn Calories while Watching TV
The American Heart Association recommends doing 30 to 60 minutes of moderate
cardio on most days, to burn calories and lose weight. (See References 3) While
watching TV, you can use a treadmill, stationary bike, or elliptical machines, if...
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If desired, work your abs during the commercial breaks of the show you re watching.
(See references 7)
Eating Healthy While Watching TV
It takes a deficit of 500 calories a day to lose 1 pound a week. (See References 3) In
addition to exercise, your diet also contributes to this. Eating smaller portions,
comparing food labels, and making healthy food choices, can have a big impact. For
instance, avoid munching on chips and soda while watching TV, and snack on air
popped pop corn and water instead. Emphasize reduced fat dairy, lean protein,
veggies, whole grains, and fruits. (See References 1)
Key Concepts
exercise at home home workout routine reducing belly fat
References Belly Fat In Women: Taking and Keeping It Off [http:/
/ fat/art 20045809?pg=2] American Council on Exercise:
So, You Want To Spot Reduce? Here s How [
fact article/2668/so you want to spot reduce here s/] American Heart Association:
Losing Weight [
/LosingWeight/Losing Weight_UCM_307904_Article.jsp] The Unapologetic Fat Girl
s Guide to Exercise and Other Incendiary Acts; Hanne Blank
Family Dysfunction In The Story Of Cain And Abel
One example of family dysfunction is the story of Cain and Abel. The social and
historical dynamics that created this dysfunctional family is the different
offerings Cain and Abel brought to God, Cain s being the fruit of the soil and Abel
s being the firstling of his flock. It is debatable why the Lord paid heed to Abel and
his offering and not to Cain but it may be because Cain s offering was not the best
from the land while Abel s offering was the firstling of its flock. This means it had
the most fat indicating that it was the best of the flock and it was a blood sacrifice
while Abel s was not. This is also the first example of the prevalence of the younger
son over the older one special favor over their older brothers. The purpose of this
story might serve to highlight the importance of blood sacrifices to Godas well as the
threat of jealousy especially between brothers. Another family dynamic is the
relationship between Abraham and Isaac. Isaac is the first born son of Abraham.
Isaac was given to Abraham as a blessing from God after Sarah and Abraham were
not able to have children until they were 100 and 90. It is also important to note that
Abraham at one point identifies Sarah as his half sister. After Isaac being given to
Abraham God tests Abraham by having him sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering
without any explanation from God. The relationship between Sarah and Abraham and
her maid Hagar and on Ishmael are also an interesting family dynamic. Sarai offered
Cellulite Facts
Myths and Facts Surrounding Cellulite Do you have cellulite? Remember that you
are not alone in the list. About 90% of women are a victim of this situation. There is
a lot of misinformation out there about what it is, the causes behind and how to
resolve it. So before you dig any further take a quick look at the myths and facts
surrounding cellulite. Cellulite is formed by toxins in the body Myth Some products
might claim to remove the impurities and toxins from your body. Though many
believe this, it has not been proved. Rather, researchers have found that cellulite
happens when underlying fat deposits begin to push through layers of collagen fibres
or connective tissues. Women get more cellulite than men Fact Fats easily get
Essay on The Genetic Defect Albinism
The Genetic Defect Albinism In the past, albinos were usually treated with fear or
awe. They were sometimes killed at birth. Albino births were common enough in
some groups not to cause any excitement. For example, among the San Blas Indians
of Panama, one in approximately 130 births is an albino. In the mid nineteenth
century, albinos were exhibited in sideshows. Whole families were displayed at
times and were described as a unique race of might people. They were said to live
underground and to come out only at night when the light was dim and would not
hurt their eyes. Albinismis a genetic defect if the integumentary system. Albinism
occurs when the body fails to produce melanin. Melanin forms in a special cell called
the... Show more content on ...
An alteration of the gene for dopachrome tautomerase does not produce albinism.
Three other genes make proteins that are also involved in melanin pigment
formation and albinism, but the exact role of these proteins remains unknown.
These genes are the P gene on chromosome 15, the Hermansky Pudlak syndrome
gene on chromosome 10, and the ocular albinism gene on the X chromosome. The
gene carrying the defect that produces albinism is recessive, which means that both
parents must carry this recessive gene in order to produce a child with the condition.
When both parents carry the gene (and neither has albinism), there is a one in four
chance with each pregnancy that their child will have albinism. The inheritance
pattern of ocular albinism is alittle different. This condition is X linked, meaning
that the recessive gene for ocular albinism is located on the X chromosome. X
linked ocular albinism appears just about only in males who inherit the condition
from their mothers. Albinism is a recessive inherited defect in melanin metabolism
in which pigment is absent from the hair, skin, and eyes (oculocutaneous albinism)
or just from the eyes (ocular Albinism). Albinos tend to be children of parents who
were first cousins. For a long time, the term albinism referred only to people who
had white hair, white skin, and blue eyes. Individuals who had OCA and pigmented
hair and eyes were identified, particularly in the African and
Rational Choice Theory And Delinquency
The Rational choice theory is a belief that children choose to commit criminal acts
once they have carefully considered the pros and cons of their actions, and that
delinquency is a matter of choice that is made by an offender; who believes that what
they can gain from committing a crime outweighs the punishment that may follow.
Rational Choice theoryis probably the oldest known theory which attempts to
explain the link between juveniles and delinquency. The argument was first raised
by classical criminologist, Cesare Beccaria. Beccaria, along with other classical
criminologists, believed that because people have free will. They have the ability to
choose their behavior, and when an individual makes a decision to break the law, it is
Julius Caesar Rhetoric Analysis
In the play, Julius Caesar, the big highlight of the story was when Marc Antony
swayed the opinions of a whole crowd with just his words. How did he do it? The
conspirators had been planning their attack for a long time, so they should have been
able to win over the commoners 100%. And they almost did. After killing Caesar,
Brutus had already convinced the crowd that the man had been a tyrant. The people
seemed extremely outraged with Caesar, and immediately worshipped Brutus.
Somehow, even after all that, Marc Antony managed to bring the commoners over to
his side. Antony had been using word play and rhetoricspeech. Using these tactics,
he completely brainwashed the commoners into following him. Antony was not in
a good situation. He already wasn t trusted by the conspirators because of his
closeness to Caesar. Brutus allowed him to speak at Caesar s funeral, as long as he
didn t shun the conspirators. But Antony had a couple of things going for him: his
chance to have the last word, and loopholes. Obviously, Antony is the focus of this
topic. Throughout the play, there are examples of rhetoric. Such as when Cassius
convinces Brutus to join in on his plan to overthrow Caesar. Antony s speech
stands out more because he used his words perfectly. Once he started speaking, it
was only a matter of time before he won over the crowd. Antony knew he was in
trouble when the conspirators killed Caesar, so really his only option was to go
along with them until he could find a way to
Actual Cash Value Of A Homeowner s Insurance
Homeowner s insurance at times can seem really complicated. It can be easy to just
assume that the homeowner s package that your insurance agent put together
provides you with the most value and the most protection in the event of a loss.
However, that is not always the case, which is why it is important for you to
understand the implications of every aspect of your homeowner s insurancepolicy.
Here is a quick breakdown of the difference between having your home and
belongings insured for the replacement cost verses the actual cash value.
Actual Cash Value
When many people here the term actual cash value, they assume that means that they
are going to get exactly what they think their home is worth should anything happen
to it. However, the reality is a little different. ... Show more content on ...
They will only have to pay you for the value of that part of your home minus standard
depreciation rates.
For example, if your roof was installed ten years ago and at that time was worth
$10,000 but has depreciated $5,000 over the last ten years, your insurance company
only has to provide you with $5,000 to replace your roof.
Not only will you have to pay your deductible in full before your insurance company
provides you with this money, you will also be responsible for paying the reminder
of the repair costs on your own and there is a really good chance that it will cost you
more to replace your roof today than it did ten years ago.
When your homeowner s insurance policy covers the actual cash value of your
home and your belongings, you are going to have to pay out your deductible as well
as the extra money necessary to fix your home or replace your belongings. Although
actual cash value policies tend to cost less in the short term, you tend to have to pay
more in the long term if something actually happens to your home.
Reflection Paper On Drills
When I was assigned as the Assistant Convoy Commander, while deployed in Iraq,
my duties were comprised of giving the mission operations brief before convoys,
after action reviews (AAR), teaching battle drills, rollover drills, vehicle recovery,
reaction to Improvised Explosive Device (IED), reaction to small arms fire, and
additional weapon maintenance. (11. BNOCC I and Phase II, and ANOCC, and
5. Drill Sergeant School). In battle drills I taught the proper actions to take in
different situations for battle. Rollover drills class consisted of how to basically
protect yourself as the vehicle is rolling. This drill was practiced until it was second
nature and consisted of bracing techniques and how to extract yourself from the
rolled vehicle. In vehicle recovery, my soldiers learned how to do combat recovery
of a vehicle in a hostile environment. (12. Combat Action Badge and 14.Bronze Star
Medal). Communicationrelated to the reaction of the IED s include communicating
with those in the vehicle, to check for injuries. If there were injuries we formed a
perimeter, secured the area, and called for medical evacuation. If there were no
injuries, we established if the vehicle was okay to drive, checked with the others in
the convoy for injuries and disabled vehicles. My job was ensuring the safety of our
people, and those we were transporting to their destination. Our mission was to keep
them out of harm s way, not to engage, but to keep moving. We only stopped
Typical Australian
The Australian Identity I am here today to discuss our Australian Identity. How do
you imagine a typical Australian? Maybe you see a blonde haired, blue eyed
surfing babe? Or a bushman who drinks Bushels tea and four X beers while
munching on some snags cooked on the BBQ? Or perhaps you see someone like
Steve Irwin, our iconic crocodile hunter. Or do you picture the movie Crocodile
Dundee? Australians are stereotyped and our typical Australian is usually imagined
to be male. (Click) Russell Ward, well known author, portrays his view of the
traditional Aussie as a practical man who is rough, tough bushman that holds true
friendship and loyal spirits. Today I will be analysing two poems and one play and
determining whether they are... Show more content on ...
The reader is able to imagine the horses running wild and the Australian bushman
chasing after them. (Click) Typical Australian language and slang is used. Words
and phrases such as bushmen love hard riding where the wild bush horses are and
And he swung his stockwhip round help communicate to the reader attitudes,
values and beliefs of the true Australian spirit and mateship. Throughout the story,
the mood is exciting and fast paced with tense anticipation, leading up to the
exciting climatic victory. In this poem, women and children are marginalised. The
bushman riders are men and during those times the women and children stayed at
home while the men worked during the day. The Man from Snowy River is a
ballad which reinforces the typical Australian Identity, as the rough and tough man
who is willing to take risks and challenges. The hero in this poem is brave,
resourceful and thrill seeking, displaying the qualities that Russell Ward describes
as being part of the mythical Australian Identity. (Click) The One Day of the Year
is a celebrated Australian play written by Alan Seymour in 1960. The play recounts
the story of the Cook family around Anzac day. Alf, an aging digger, who served in
WW1, celebrates Anzac Day with a few beers his and mate Wacka Dawson Hughie
(Alf s son) is attending university where he meets his girlfriend Jan. Hughie feels
embarrassed and ashamed
Trends And Patterns In Vancouver
Trends and patterns in human settlement and Population:
The population of the Vancouver metropolitan area is 2.5 million ( Vancouver
Population 2016. ). The growth rate of Vancouver has been increasing; the
population went up by 200,000 from 2006 to 2011 ( Vancouver Population 2016. ).
As the growth rate goes up, it results in a rise in the birth rate as well. Vancouveris a
very diverse area with many ethnic groups and cultures.The 3 main ethnic groups in
Vancouver consist of Caucasian, South Asian Origins, and Southeast and east
origins. Vancouver being diverse could attract many others to migrate. The majority
of Vancouver s area is very dense which also leads to it being a clustered area due to
the big population in a tight area, the densest ... Show more content on ...
Government funded elementary schools and high schools generally offer students
a high quality of education. Then comes post secondary, Vancouver is home to
two of the most prestigious universities in Canada and are even well known around
the world. These include UBC (University of British Columbia) and Simon Fraser
University. These two universities have a wide variety of programs with over 400
programs available (MyBlueprint). The city also offers a number of apprenticeship
opportunities for automotive service technicians, auto body workers, blacksmiths,
and carpenters, to name a few. Leading on from post secondary is employment.
Vancouver has the lowest unemployment rate in Canada at 5.3% (Statistics
Canada), which is really great since it increases the chances of getting a job after
postsecondary. Vancouver s port (see appendix C) is the number one employer in
Greater Vancouver, creating 45,000 jobs (Living in Canada). The port generates $6.1
billion in wages. Also, many big technology companies such as Electronic Arts, Intel,
Microsoft, and Kodak s headquarters are located in Vancouver which offers much
more job
Puppies Monologue
Poor poor me. I have no family and no friends, all I have are my fur coats and my
red and black cruiser. I try to make friends with people around the area like Anita
and Roger Radcliffe but they would not sell me their dalmatian puppies that I so
desperately wanted. When Roger raised his tone at me I ended up storming out of
the house being called rude and spoiled; I was furious. Why can t people just be
more like me; kind, generous, loving(especially for puppies). I now have no
puppies, no nothing. I just wish people would understand me better. I won t give up
though, I will get Jasper and Horace to retrieve the puppies while the Radcliffes are
away. Later the police come to my house and are ridiculously questioning me about
the puppies. Oh
A Case Management Technology Service Services Provided
Pursuant to the terms of the Agreements, the Account(s) is debited for certain
monthly services fees in exchange for services provided by Rabobank and BMS. As
noted above, the services provided by BMS include: (1) together with Rabobank,
banking services, including the management of the chapter 7 accounts required in
this Case, deposit management, monthly statement processing and production,
interim statements, couriers, checking, wires, electronic UST reporting, online
banking and transfer services, collateral tracking services, and expanded FDIC
coverage; (2) case management technology services, including access to proprietary
software licensed to the trusteeby BMS; automated data and document delivery and
management; electronic court filing (ECF) and retrieval; processing and transmission
services; UST customized reporting software, and a variety of other document
preparation, claims management software, and third party software from such
providers as Microsoft and Adobe; (3) hardware, including computers, networking
equipment, printers, and scanners, as well as installation, repair and maintenance
services , and (4) training and support services, including software training,
information technology support, and special project requests.
Historically, banks and service providers were able to provide banking and case
management services to chapter 7 trustees without imposing an administrative fee.
These services were funded through a combination of a discount in the
Comparison Between Angular2 And Java Programming
In the current Society and Web Development Industry, Web developers are using well
known frameworks such as Angular2 and Java programming when it comes to
building Web Applications. Angular2 is a JavaScript framework for building client
side Applications using HTML, CSS and a programming language such as JavaScript.
On the other end, Java is a platform as well as a programming language which can
be used in back end of Web Applications. Angular2 and java are so very popular in
web development and are mostly used for their modern, improved and latest
standards features. This essay deals with the differences and similarities presented by
both Angular2 and Java programming frameworks, the features they include in terms
of handling and reporting error as well as their relevance in current industry projects.
Difference and similarities between Angular2 Java programming
Angular2 And Java programming are frameworks that present some differences.
Angular2 is built for speed, has faster initial loads faster change detection and
improved rendering time. it is modern and includes features provided in the latest
JavaScript standards and beyond such Classes, modules and decorators. It
comprises a super set of JavaScript called Typescript which is compiled to
JavaScript to be used by web apps. As opposed to Angular2, Java programming is a
language designed for use in the distributed internet environment. It is used for
creating applications that can run on a single
Canterbury Tales Nun Prioress Essay
It is human nature to want things they cannot have or to not be satisfied with their
life. In the story, The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, this human nature is
most reverently displayed in the character of Nun Prioress, because she wants to
appear as a woman of higher class. Through the use of literary elements, such as
characterization, symbolism and satiric irony, Chaucer is able to illustrate how the
Nun Prioress reflects the most basic of human traits, which is the desire to want
something they cannot have. Chaucer s story clearly illustrates the idea of how
people want to be something they can t because they are not satisfied with their life.
This is seen when the Nun Prioress is first introduced in the story, as a woman who
is supposed to be modest and pure but is flirtatious and risquГ©,... Show more content
on ...
Her mouth full small and thereto soft and red. (Chaucer 153). The color red can be
seen as a color of passion and this symbolizes how the nun does not believe in
chaste love. Chaucer has created a satiric character, nun prioress, who is supposed
to be a leader of the Roman Catholic Church but behaves like a woman of higher
class. Through the use a satiric irony, Chaucer illustrates the nature of human
beings which is to want things they cannot have. This is seen when the Nun
Prioress she acts as if she is from a higher class and not humble like a typical nun.
She was so charitable and pitous (143). The nun s personality traits are what add
onto the satiric irony which include making sure to eat properly She let no morsel
from her lips fall, nor wet her fingers in the sauce to deep (128 129), speaking in an
educated manner such as attempting to speak French And French she spoke full fair
and fetisly (124) , appearing dainty to the other travelers Wept if one of them were
dead (148) , and also introducing herself as Madam Eglantine rather than nun
Case Of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic health condition associated with high concentrations of
glucose in the blood and urine. The effective function of the nervous and
musculoskeletal systems is essential in the control, communication and movement of
the body. Cindy Openshaw s case of Type 2 diabetes mellitusposes a negative
influence of the successful function nervous and musculoskeletal systems. In regards
to Cindy Openshaw, the functioning of her nervous and musculoskeletal systems will
be assessed, and the role that these systems have in her management of her diabetes.
The consequences and negative implications of inappropriate management of her
Type 2 diabetes will be examined, with reference to Cindy s physical, psychological
and social functioning.
1.0 Normal Function of Nervous Musculoskeletal Systems
1.1 Type 2 Diabetes
The World Health Organization (2016) defines Type 2 diabetes as a chronic disease
that occurs when the body cannot effectively use the insulin that is produced by the
pancreas . Type 2 diabetes is the most prevalent form of diabetes mellitus. A number
of individuals with Type 2 diabetes initially produce standard amounts of insulin,
however, their tissues over time do not respond appropriately to insulin (Martini,
Nath, Bartholomew, 2012). Insulin resistance occurs in individuals with Type 2
diabetes, as a result of the human body s cells reacting ineffectively to insulin. As a
result of the cells resisting the effects of insulin,
Counseling Case Study Sample
Counseling Case Study
Compiled by Jeannie MacAdams for The Paper Store, May, 2000
Marjory Winkler lived the several years of her childhood and adolescence in misery
born both of circumstances and her own reaction to them. Her single encounter with a
counselor allowed her to discover through the counselor s skillful maneuvering some
realities of not only her own life, but that of her mother s as well. Whether Marjory
sought additional counseling after this one session is unclear; it is only known that
she did not return to this particular psychologist. Regardless of whether Marjory
sought additional counseling or not, later reports indicated that Marjory had been
able to craft a life for herself after all, one that ... Show more content on ...
Most life insurance will not pay death benefits for any death resulting from suicide,
so it is unlikely that Marjory had the benefit of any life insurance her father may
have carried on himself. Rather, it was the financial success of her mother s business
that was able to provide what the mother obviously believed would be a great benefit
for her disfigured daughter.
Rather than being grateful at all or willing to contribute in any way to the continued
success of the business, Marjory felt that the surgery decision one that affected her
directly and truly affected no one but her was only one more point of lack of control
over her own life. She complains that she was not consulted in the decision, that
instead of being proud of her new face she felt like a fraud (p. 315).
Victim of Should
In Marjory s view, everyone but her had something they could claim as their own
special talent. Marjory s only particular skill outside of school in her early years
was that she could earn excellent grades. Her father was dead and her mother gave
Marjory no affection, at least not in a form that Marjory perceived as affection.
Everyone was too busy for her, including her older sisters who were continually
absent from her life for whatever reason.
Marjory s report
Courage In The Movie The Sandlot
Kendrez Reed September 1, 2016
If your favorite ball goes over a fence, would you try to get it back from a fearsome
beast? The movie The Sandlot displays courage in many different ways. The
Sandlot is about a gang of kids who love to play baseball. These kids are afraid of the
Beast , which is behind the fence of the sandlot. The Babe Ruth baseball Scotty s dad
has is a valuable baseball, and it has Babe Ruth s official signature.
Scotty s mom wanted Scotty to make new friends in the new neighborhood they
moved in. His family moved into a new house in the summer of 1962. Scotty met a
group of kids who play baseball, and they were to be mean to Scotty. They didn t
like Scotty because he doesn t know much about baseball, so
The Shawnee Tribe
The Shawnee Tribe was one of the Native American tribes living in the
Pennsylvania Colony during the 1700 s. One of the many activates that the
Shawnees would do is move to large villages in the summer time to be close to one
another. All the men, women, and children would go to these villages in the summer
time and build their homes. They build the houses out of bark log trees. The council
house for meeting in one of the biggest building in the village. The council is where
they take part in religious ceremonies, and meetings. The Shawnees have many dogs
that they use as pack animals while they are out looking for food, things for their
houses, and miscellaneous things. Canoes are the form of transportation used by
Shawnees living
Sinners In The Hands Of Christian Charity Analysis
The 2016 Election and terrorism are just a few of the modern trials and tribulations
that backdrop today s sermons. These events widely differ from the circumstances
of earlier sermons. In the 1700s, the Great Awakening occurred. It was a time of
religious revival in colonial America, and pastors and preachers worked to persuade
the congregate to convert. Thus, the sermons utilized skillful rhetorical tactics. Two
famous sermons to arise from this period were Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God
by Jonathan Edwards and A Model of Christian Charity by John Winthrop. Compared
to Edwards s intense conviction in Sinner in the Hands of An Angry God, Winthrop
crafts the more effective sermon through his positive diction, the inclusive repetition
... Show more content on ...
Because of these tactics, along with other rhetorical devices, Winthrop constructs an
encouraging sermon. This overall hopeful and trustworthy tone of Winthrop s writing
creates a more successful impact compared to Edwards s scare tactics. For example,
right off the bat, Edwards uses the word sinners and informs that God is angry in the
title, and yet, Winthrop s title evokes kinder thoughts with the word charity. This
strong, negative emotion of anger can immediately offend the audience and cause
them to disregard what the sermon discusses. On the other hand, the initial tone set
by Winthrop s title can influence the listener to consider the sermon. Above all, an
optimistic outlook presented by Winthrop is more effective in a
Synthesis Alum Synthesis
The synthesis of alum was carried out adequately as evidenced by the correct
changes in the appearances of the mixtures and compounds in various stages of the
synthesis process as well as the appearance of the synthesized alum (Table I).
Although the weight of the alum placed in both crucibles was similar, the weight of
KAl(SO4)2 in the crucibles after heating was unequal relative to the weight of the
alum(Table II). A plausible cause for such disparity could be the loss of alum due to
the spattering of contents observed during the initial phase of heating. The
calculations used to determine the waters of hydration had a limitation because all
the difference between the weight of alum and KAl(SO4)2 could only be attributed to
the water lost
Chuck Klosterman My Zombies Myself Summary
The article My Zombie, Myself: Why Modern Life Feels Rather Undead, written
by Chuck Klosterman, discusses the reasons behind zombies becoming so
popular. Klosterman writes that rise of popularity of zombies is different than that
of vampires. He states that most monsters are initially created as representations of
fear. Similar to that of Frankenstein or vampires, Klosterman explains that zombies
could be viewed in the same light; however, zombies are better explained as an
allegory for our day to day existence. Rather than some innate fear, Klosterman
highlights this fact to be why zombies have risen to such high popularity.
Klosterman proposes that he knows why the interest in zombies has grown so
much. He attributes this to zombies being very easy to kill, come in large
quantities, and have no depth of character. Klosterman s explanation for such
intrigue in zombies is their parallel to our day to day existence. He relates zombies
to many real life activities, like going through a weekends worth of emails on
Monday. Along with the constant saturation of news we can get from the internet,
the concept of it being easy to close, or kill, and come in large quantities are very
similar to zombies. Klosterman provides this as a better exploitation of the popularity
of... Show more content on ...
I felt that Klosterman did an excellent job in stating his point and backing it up. His
examples were strong proof of his concepts and did not detract from the overall
article. Klosterman s transitions were subtle, but were good enough to keep a
consistent flow throughout the article. The only time that I felt the article was
lacking in direction was the very last part. It highlighted the prepetition of people
against zombies, which while still relevant, felt out of place. This did not make it a
bad article, just something that I felt was out of
Similarities Between Nigerian And Egypt
Ancient people groups commonly believed in the supernatural and that another force
had to control everything that happened in their land. As people dispersed through
the land on earth after the Tower of Babel, new religions were created. The
Egyptians were a very advanced society that had a very complicated religion based
on the main sun god: Ra. This concept was different for the Israelites in the Old
Testament who worshipped one God. The practice of monotheism in Israel was
very uncommon among the ancient pagan religions in the Middle East that were
often polytheistic. At first glance, the idols of Egypt and the God of Israel seem
extremely different, but similarities appear after further investigation into the roots
of both religions. There are multiple differences between the religion of Egypt and
the religion of Israel. The most notable difference between the two religions is how
the Egyptians were polytheistic, meaning they believe in multiple gods, and the
Israelites are monotheistic, meaning they believe in one God. An example of this
difference is found in the Book of the Dead. To pass through the afterlife, an
Egyptian must have memorized names of multiple gods during his life on earth.
They also believed that, at the beginning of time, Ra could not control all the
universe, so he had to create other gods to help maintain control. This differs from
the Israelites who believed that God was a sole ruler. Another difference in the two
religions is how, to the
Antonio Ricci Bicycle Thieves
Jacob Spence
September 17th, 2014
Antonio Ricci: The Bicycle Thief
Antonio Ricci, the protagonist of Vittorio De Sica s Bicycle Thieves, inhabits an
Italy torn apart by the Second World War. The decaying city streets and mass
poverty is a far cry from the society united under communism envisioned by earlier
neorealist filmmakers. De Sica uses Ricci to critique capitalism, as well to document
the struggle of the masses in Post War Italy. The theft of his Bicycle sends Ricci,
along with De Sica s camera, across Rome and into the depths of Roman society.
The film emphasizes the rift between the upper and lower classes of Italy. The job
Ricci lands at the beginning of film has him putting up posters featuring Rita
Hayworth, a reminder of Hollywood idealism and a symbol of American wealth and
glamour. Ricci later claims that movies bore him, perhaps echoing the sentiments of
the neorealists. The restaurant scene juxtaposes Ricci and his son, Bruno, with a
bourgeois family sitting at another table. The staff act contemptuously towards the
protagonists, avoiding eye contact and hurriedly delivering their food, furthermore
their table is the only one in the entire restaurant without a tablecloth, De Sica
suggests that capitalism is not only the division of wealth, but the division of people.
... Show more content on ...
After he loses it, he seems to value its return as much as he values his own family.
He repeatedly fails to consider his son s well being in his unrelenting quest to
locate the bike, marching onward as Bruno trips and falls behind him. Capitalism in
effect corrupts and distorts Ricci s values and morals. The bicycle itself works as a
symbol of this corruption, a material possession (like money), that becomes almost a
physiological need within a capitalist
Sonnet 43 By Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Poetry has always been known as a beautiful form of art. However, the things that
make the poems so stunning are the life experiences the poets go through. A woman
named Elizabeth Barrett Browning was born in Durham, England in 1806. She had
a great interest in writing, and soon wrote her first poem in Greek when she was 12.
When she was 38 she published a book of poetrytitled Poems, which gained her a
tremendous amount of fame, resulting in her becoming one of the most famous
writers of England. This eventually caught the eye of a poet named Robert Browning.
He wrote a letter to her, eventually leading to them falling in love. They were
married on September 12,1846. Elizabeth died on June 29, 1861. In Sonnet 43 by
Elizabeth Barrett Browning, the author expresses many of her life experiences in it,
making it very emotional. Elizabeth Barrett Browning s life experiences influenced
her poetry by filling her poems with great love and sadness.... Show more content on ...
For example, when she wrote Sonnet 43 , she mentioned something about her
brother s death, I love thee with passion put to use in my old griefs... (Browning
90). This reveals how Elizabeth is using her past experience of her brother dying to
help influence Sonnet 43 . Another example is when Elizabeth wrote about all of
her trials, ВЁI love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life!ВЁ (Browning
90). This shows how Edward s death allowed Elizabeth to make a richer and deeper
love poem for Robert. As you can see, Edward s death greatly impacted the way
Elizabeth wrote her
Arguments Proposed By Crito
For this paper, I will be evaluating the main argument proposed by Crito for why
Socrates should escape from his prison and to freedom and Socrates argument for
why escaping his prison is not a good option and why he would rather stay and
eventually get killed. Without a doubt, I will side with Socrates argument and say
that he was the most compelling evidence. As a last resort to try and convince
Socratesto escape prison and avoid execution, Critocomes up with three main
arguments, but I will go over the only argument that I found compelling to me as a
reader. Crito argues that if Socrates does not escape prison, his children will be left
alone to fend for themselves and the kind of fate that awaits them. As a father,
Socrates number one

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Reflection Essay Samples

  • 1. Reflection Essay Samples Writing an essay on the topic of "Reflection Essay Samples" can present its own set of challenges. The difficulty lies not only in the need to articulate personal thoughts and experiences but also in the pressure to provide insightful reflections that resonate with the reader. Crafting a reflective essay requires a delicate balance between self-expression and maintaining a coherent narrative. Firstly, one must grapple with the task of introspection, delving deep into personal experiences and emotions. This introspective process demands honesty and self-awareness, as the essay's authenticity hinges on the genuine expression of thoughts and feelings. However, this level of self-disclosure can be uncomfortable for some, making it a challenging aspect of the writing process. Additionally, structuring a reflective essay can be intricate. Balancing the chronological sequence of events with thoughtful analysis requires careful consideration. Finding the right blend of storytelling and reflective insight to engage the reader adds another layer of complexity to the task. Striking this balance is crucial to ensuring that the essay is not merely a recount of events but an exploration of personal growth and understanding. Moreover, selecting the appropriate language to convey these reflections can be demanding. Expressing emotions and thoughts in a clear and impactful manner is an art. Writers must navigate the fine line between verbosity and conciseness, ensuring that the essay is both expressive and focused. In conclusion, writing a reflective essay on the topic of "Reflection Essay Samples" is a challenging endeavor that demands a deep dive into personal experiences, thoughtful structuring, and adept language use. It requires a willingness to embrace vulnerability and an ability to weave a narrative that captivates the reader while offering meaningful insights. On a related note, if you find yourself needing assistance with essays or similar tasks, various services, such as, can provide support. Professionals in the field can offer guidance, ensuring that your writing meets the desired standards and effectively communicates your reflections or ideas. Reflection Essay Samples Reflection Essay Samples
  • 2. Evolution Of The Modern Era Of Skateboarding Prior to the days of Dogtown, skateboarding was dead. However, as soon as the Dogtown culture came alive, so did the modern era of skateboarding. As a result of surfing, the California drought of the 1970s, and the film work and photography of Craig Stecyk, this once dead sport has risen from the dead for good. It all began in the early 1970s when Dogtown, located in Venice Beach, California was home to a secret surfingcove. This area was constantly populated by pyromaniacs, drug addicts, artists, and of course surfers , but most importantly the Zephyr surf team. This team was known as The mafia of the waves (Peralta, 2002). While surfing on the coast, this team relentlessly practiced new and unique moves on the beachfront. Little did they... Show more content on ... Each one helped to expand growth for the extreme sport already growing in popularity. First off, the accident of architecture was inevitable. As years went on, the minds and creativity of skaters was bound to evolve. The boys from Dogtown did just that. With reference to my second point, these skaters took advantage of Mother Nature. When the California drought of the 1970s occurred, they made use of the architecture that was not being used. Seaside pools became more than just an empty unusable piece of land built underground, but a bowl for skaters to develop their innovation for the future of the sport (Hayes, 2005). The availability of television time also had an impact on the rise of skate. While the status of skateboarding was taking off, so was television and sport. The 1980s marked the introduction of innumerable network options (Cable s Story, 2015). Not long after in the mid 1990s, the X Games kicked off and included skateboarding as one of its activities. From that point on the skateboarding market continued to flourish as more and more television shows came out about skating, along with the creation of video game such as Tony Hawk s Pro
  • 3. Women In Colonial Mexico Background information: There aren t any records of women painters in colonial Mexico most likely because of the way society was structured at the time. Colonial Mexico was a patriarchal society and many women were restricted in what they could do by their fathers when young and by their husbands after marriage. Also, they weren t allowed to enter an artisan guild or receive a higher education. That being said, there were many women entrepreneurs and skilled laborers. Women played many roles in colonial Mexican society and made great contributions in spite of the way they were treated. Today we will take a look at some paintings from colonial Mexico and see some of the ways they were portrayed. Topic 1 17th Century: From Mannerism to baroque. ... Show more content on ... 1750 by Miguel Cabrera. Miguel Cabrera was one of the most esteemed painters in colonial Mexico and painted portraits of many important people, but his portrait of Sor Juana is probably the most famous. Cabrera positions Sor Juana as a nun but also as a scholar. Even though she is wearing clothing and a nun shield to show she is a nun, Sor Juana is sitting at a desk with writing instruments and and an open book. Also, in the background is an extensive library to show how well read she was. What is interesting about this portrait is that it was done more than 50 years after her death, which shows how exceptional Sor Juana
  • 4. The Tokyo Railway Station Building The Tokyo railway station building is located in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan in the Marunouchi business district. The station which acts as Tokyo s main intercity terminal is served by the Tokyo Metro network, Japan Railways regional commuter lines as well as the Shinkansen high speed railway lines. The Tokyo Station also has a reputation of being the busiest station in the country, judging by the number of trains it serves per day; approximately three thousand trains in one day. Furthermore, the trainstation has a hotel and gallery within its premises. In terms of architecture and historical culture, the station actually has a long history that dates back more than a hundred years, thereby making it one of the one of the few major examples of buildings designed in classical style remaining in Tokyo, and Japan as a whole. Chronicle information of the building Even though the Tokyo Station was constructed in 1914, its actual plan is connected to the history of Japan s rail in the 1880s (Ito n.p). It is therefore viewed by the Japanese as being significant in the advancement of rail technology and as a symbolic structure within Japan. By 1885, several railway tracks were already passing through Tokyo, thereby necessitating the need for a central terminal to be built in the region between Ueno and Shinbashi. The station which was to accommodate Tokyo s entire network was simply referred to as the central terminal (Ito n.p). The project for the Tokyo Station was first offered
  • 5. Type 2 Diabetes Virus Diabetes mellitus is a medical condition that either develops because of a virus or develops over time as a result to poor diet and exercise. If left uncontrolled it may lead to serious complications such as stroke, vision loss, amputation, or even death. Type II Diabetes is a preventable disease that usually occurs when a patient has been a pre diabetic for some time. Most people with Type 2 are overweight or obese which can lead to insulinresistance. In the United States, 25.6 million or 11.3% of adults aged 20 years and older had diabetes in 2010. Non Hispanic Blacks had the highest prevalence at 12.6% compared with non Hispanic Whites at 7.1% (Gaskin, D. J. et all, 2014). With the rising cost of healthcare there are millions of Americans... Show more content on ... The document encourages good nutrition, physical activity, and a healthy body weight as essential components to decrease ones risk of developing serious health conditions such as diabetes. Its goal is to also educate and inform the public about this serious condition. The document focuses on the fact that this disease is on the rise throughout the U.S. and the world and provides suggestions to help reduce the health and economic burden. Primary prevention: movement from no diabetes to diabetes, testing and early diagnosis: movement from unrecognized to recognized diabetes, access to care for all persons with diabetes: movement from no diabetes care to access to appropriate diabetes care, and Improved quality of care: movement from inadequate to adequate care (Healthy People 2020,
  • 6. Many people argue that being a “youtuber” is a real job.... Many people argue that being a youtuber is a real job. Some people say people on youtube are just lazy and have no skills but the famous youtube channels earning six figure incomes think they are just jealous. Being a youtuber is a real job. They put in enough time, work, and effort as any other job. They have to record, edit, animate, and clear any copyright laws before posting a video. There are videos that can be an easy thirty seconds and there are videos that are over an hour. The video may only be one hour long however, the youtuber could ve recorded or edited for days. Another reason to consider a youtuber as a real job is that there are many different types of youtube channels, just as there are different jobs ... Show more content on ... The top Youtube creator makes six point seven million dollars a year just playing games all day. The top network also make the exact same amount. One person, completely by themselves, can make as much money as a famous gaming studio. Rihanna s vevo channel makes her an extra eight million dollars. Lastly, Ellen Degeneres has the number one Youtube channel of all and makes an amazing eight point six million dollars! Youtube isn t just a website that gives entertainment, but can also find talent or co workers. Many actors, dancers, comedians, and music producers are found on Youtube. Youtuber Emmanuel Hudson, a fine dreaded up young gentleman, was discovered by Nick Cannon and asked to join MTV2 s Wild N Out crew (Kimberley
  • 7. Gredeon). Some youtubers get more hits than other celebrities and shows. Jenna Marbles drew thirty million views per episode between 2011 and 2012, according to the International Business Times. The top rated CBS program, Two and a Half Men pulled in less than that (Gredeon). But in reality, becoming one of the top creators on Youtube takes consistency, a nonstop work Schedule and a growing audience that have chosen to spend their valuable time watching your videos instead of the millions of others found on Youtube. But the rise to million dollar salaries has taken all of these creators years to generate through their video making hard work (Carly Lanning). Most Youtubers that want a rise
  • 8. Analysis Of Titus Andronicus By William Shakespeare In William Shakespeare s play, Titus Andronicus, the main character Titus Andronicus is a perfect example of the never ending cycle of vengeance. Throughout the play, Titus and Tamora seek resolution and closure through revenge. Throughout the play, these characters do not realize the resolution to their war over vengeance is making peace. When one person chooses to get back at the other this creates a never ending loop of revenge or topping one another s conflict. The key to success in this situation would be for one to make peace, and in this play you will discover how these characters brought closure to their cycle of never ending vengeance. In the play, the audience is shown how vengeance controls one s perspective. In other words, vengeance can impact and skew ones view on life and negatively impair one s decisions. The audience understands from the beginning of the play how Tamora s positive and sympathetic character is very evident; although, in Act II, her mind and actions has been dramatically skewed and twisted. Tamora s attitude has been overcome by vengeance as she says, But straight they told me they would bind me here Unto the body of a dismal yew, And leave me to this miserable death: And then they call d me foul adulteress, Lascivious Goth, and all the bitterest terms That ever ear did hear to such effect: And, had you not by wondrous fortune come, This vengeance on me had they executed. Revenge it, as you love your life, Or be ye not henceforth call d my
  • 9. Palooli High School Soda Research Kyrsten Fehribach English 7 Aug.14,2017 Writing prompt 1 Taking a stand for Paoli high school sodas At Paoli high school there are many vending machines, but recently I have noticed that every vending machine has some kind of diet drink and no regular soda . let s start at the basics. Here s the ingredient list for coke Carbonated water,High Fructose Corn Syrup,Caramel Color, Phosphoric Acid,Natural Flavors,Caffeine. Here s the ingredient list for diet coke Carbonated Water ,Caramel Color, Aspartame, Phosphoric Acid , Potassium benzoate (to protect Taste), Natural Flavors,Citric Acid, Caffeine . I understand diet free soda fails to leave the residue on teeth that regular soda does. This is because diet soda gets its flavoring from artificial sweeteners , not natural sugar. Diet soda sounds like it s gonna help you maintain a healthy weight don t be fooled. Diet soda drinkers are said to be 54 percent more susceptible to obesity than regular soda drinkers. It has been suggested that diet soda actually contributes to weight gain ,not weight ... Show more content on ... I d love to get a soda at times during school hours but I refuse to buy a diet anything . I am glad all natural sugars are used versus artificial anything. It s very satisfying to have a ice cold coke after a long day s work or play. I think sodas Like Mountain Dew, coke, sprite, Big Red, and so forth should be added to the vending machine . I am sure the machines would be used more and the money they already bring in would triple . I think the students should have a voice in what we have in our vending machines. I get it , it s a luxury not a need ,but how great it is to have something that most of us don t want /use. besides if you do your research on diet versus coke or diet anything verses not diet you see that they aren t healthier they don t help you maintain a healthy weight . So there for a sugary taste will make a sweet
  • 10. The Second Great Awakening Essay In the 1830 s, 1840 s, and beyond, There is a Second Great Awakening. The Second Great Awakening had a decided impact on American society. In the following I will describe what the Great Awakening was and how it changed life in America. In essence, the Great Awakening was a religious awakening. It started in the South. Tent camps were set up that revolve around high spirited meetings that would last for days. These camp meetings were highly emotional and multitudes of people were filled with the Spirit of God. These meeting, were sponsored mainly by Methodist, Baptist, and Presbyterians, and met social needs as well as spiritual needs on the frontier. Since it was hard for the Baptist and Methodist to sustain local churches, ... Show more content on ... This reform was an attempt to defend Calvinism, (predestination) views against the new liberal ideas created by the Enlightens views. .Threatened by the spread of Unitarian ideas, a younger generation attempted to reshape New England Puritanism. The first great practitioner of the new evangelical Calvinism was Lyman Beecher. Beecher led thousands to accept their sinfulness and surrender to God. Beecher had to confront the new and more radical revivalism in Western New York which was led by Charles G. Finney. Finney challenged the Calvinist doctrines. He appealed to emotion instead of reason. Finney wanted people to feel the power of Jesus. He had adopted an extreme view that said Christians could be totally free of sin or be as perfect as their Father in Heaven. During Finney s revivals, it was not uncommon for people to fall to the floor in fits of excitement. Finney left behind him strong and active churches. Eastern opposition gradually weakened. During The Second Awakening new religious views were popping up everywhere. The Unitarians believed that the all powerful, mysterious God was actually a Deity who was the benevolent master architect of a rational universe. Mormonism also began. Mormonism, also known as the latter Day Saints, believed that Christ would appear in the New World and that the children of Levi were present in the New World. With these new religious ideas
  • 11. Concrete Obstacles The muscles that are considered to be the prime movers in order to do a pull up is the Latissimus dorsi, biceps, front deltoid, terse major to start the movement in order to bring the body upward towards the bar. Once you get close to the top of the bar the synergist muscles will kick in order to help support the prime muscles movers. Those muscles would be the rhomboids and the trapezius to get involved to help and add thickness and strength to the back. The stabilizers for the supinated chin up will be the abdominals and obliques. Yes, there is a difference between a pull up with palms pronated and chin ups with palms supinated. Pull ups with the palms (pronated) will add the deltoids (3) rear, mid and front deltoids, along with the trapezius and rhomniods will be added to the list of prime muscles movers along with the latissimus dorsi, biceps and terse major. This style of pull up is that hardest of all the basic pull ups because will be more dependent on the upper back unlike the chin up with (supinated) palms because the biceps, latisumuss dorsi and terse major will be the only prime movers the rest will stay as synergists.... Show more content on ... This shows us that chin ups aren t the best way to exercise the latissimus dorsi but it is the beginning way to start strengthen the lattissimus dorsi until you can do a pronated pull up to really ecericse the lattissimus
  • 12. Personal Dilemma Experince Recently, within the past year, I was faced with a moral and ethical dilemma, which forced me to choose between honesty and loyalty (punc.) and the result of that choice will hopefully guide me in future decisions.(Good opening sentence) At the time of the incident I was working as a pharmacy technician in ________. The dilemma I was faced with involved a fellow technician who was hired at the same time as me and the two of us had become close friends during the course of our employment. Now this friend of mine was obsessed with bodybuilding to the extent that he was willing to steal intravenous steroids from the pharmacy. As a friend I tried to warn and convince him to stop stealing but because he was consistently successful in doing so,... Show more content on ... The next time I am confronted by a decision of this magnitude I will be cautious in my choice and that choice will reflect my values and needs(punc.: ,) not that of my employer, my friend, my parents or anyone else. At the end of the day we all have to sleep with our own conscience and no one
  • 13. Marine Corps Leadership Essay Marine Corps Leadership NonCommissioned Officers are the backbone of the Marine Corps. Each leader is very different from the other. Some Marines enjoy being a corporal only because of the increase in rank and pay. A few become the tactless leaders junior Marines try to avoid. Fortunately, many others strive to become the leader that other Marines wish to emulate. They know what it means to be a good leader. Those Marines have the traits of a leader and they get to know their Marines An important part of being a leader, consists of the fourteen leadership traits. They are as follows: integrity, knowledge, courage, decisiveness, dependability, initiative, tact, justice, enthusiasm, bearing, endurance,... Show more content on ... Tact: It is hard to respect a person when he calls a person out in front of everyone. It is better to correct a Marine in privacy. This is the leadership trait I need to work on. Justice: A leader should be fair, and not play favorites with Marines. It is also important a leader hands out a fair punishment to a disobedient Marine. Enthusiasm: It is important for leaders to show a good attitude when working on the mission. If the leaders display good attitude, so will the junior Marines. Bearing: How a leader conducts himself is how a subordinate will judge his professionalism. If a leader does not act confident, followers will be unsure of the leader s ability to execute a mission. Endurance: This is vital mentally and physically. A leader needs to be able to do the physical tasks be it running boots and utes or humping for ten miles in order to encourage Marines to do the same. To do otherwise would be hypocrisy. Mental endurance is equivalent to physical endurance in its capacity. Unselfishness: A leader needs to be willing to put others before himself. Send others to chow before himself; send them to the rack before himself; Loyalty: Respect the Corps, and a leader s Marines. Leaders display their loyalty to their Marines by taking care of the Marines needs. Judgment: Sound decisions to ensure successful mission
  • 14. The Blues, By Bessie Smith And Billie Holliday Music is such a beautiful creation, the way the melody, rhythm, tempo, all mix together to become a masterpiece. One specific genre of music, the blues, was heavily popular in the early 20th century. The blues is a tradition oriented music style from the rural Southern African American origin ( Jazz in America , n.d. ). It usually had secular content, which is disparate from how it was when it first began. Blues music originated in plantations, where slaves sung, using it as a mental escape method from their oppression. Even though it started off in a simple way, it eventually turned into a serious entertainment. Bessie Smith and Billie Holliday, two well known blues female singers, became hit sensations. Blues started in the South, long ago, when slavery was still socially accepted. Slaves were severely oppressed because they were legally bound to their masters. One way they found emotional freedom was to sing songs, which were called slave songs. It Makes a Long Time Man Feel Bad , Hammer, Ring , Cornfield Holler , were just a few of the popular slave songs ( Slavery and the Making of America , 2004). Slave songs were in various forms such as field hollers, work songs, spirituals, and country string ballads ( The Blues A History , 2003). As time passed, these types of songs were starting to become known as the blues. After slavery ended in 1865, blues was not only still present, but became more evident. In the beginning of the 20th century, blues music was on the
  • 15. What Is The Results Of The ILP To Real Games How we transformed the statistics on the NBA website to the data required for our calculations can be found in Appendix t1.1 (for the maximum of all NBA teams) and t1.2 (for specific NBA teams). The specific data used in the ILP s are in Appendix t1.3. To compare the results of the ILP to real games, we used statistics from the Golden State Warriors, the Dallas Mavericks, the Indiana Pacers, the Cleveland Cavaliers, and the Los Angeles Lakers highest scoring game of the 2016 2017 season. This data is available on the NBA website under Stats filtered by Box Scores , dates, and quarters. We used these statistics to get the number of 2PA and 3PA per quarter j and compared to the results of the ILP. We computed block and steal... Show more content on ... (2) Comparing the results of our ILP compare to real life: Our ILP produces objective values close to but slightly lower than the maximum number of points scored in one game for all five teams. A table of these results can be found in Appendix t1.5. The low objective values can most likely be attributed to the volatility of the $c_{i,j}$ variables, which are based off of the teams average 2 point and 3 point shot percentages. It is reasonable to assume that the teams had higher 2 point and 3 point percentages than average in the game where they scored the most points, accounting for the higher total points scored compared to the ILP. This is discussed further in section 6 (Obstacles Encountered So Far). Comparing the $x_{i,j}$ used to obtain the objective value for the ILP for a selected team and the actual number of iPA per quarter j from the highest scoring game for the same team in the 2016 2017 season shows that the Golden State Warriors, who had the highest average number of points per game last season, followed a fairly similar game plan to that calculated by the ILP (r1.1). Graphs showing this are found in Appendix g1.1 1.3. On the other hand, the Dallas
  • 16. Essay on Connecting Symbols in A Rose for Emily The literary world contains a vast collection of works, each employing diverse techniques in writing. One technique commonly found in literature is the use of images and symbols. Symbols are sometimes complex and contain both literal and figurative significance. Symbolism in literature is commonly used to bind the attributes of an object with various segments of a story to provide the reader with a deeper understanding and sometimes hidden meaning. In the short story, A Rose for Emily William Faulknerutilizes a vast collection of symbols, as a means to enhance the reader s visual perceptions but also prompts consideration into theories of motive surrounding the murder of Homer Barron. Modeled after the post civil war era of the ... Show more content on ... In A Rose for Emily : Against Interpretation John L. Skinner takes into consideration the analysis of literary critic William Going, who suggests that Emily herself represents the rose as the treasured memory of the old Confederate veterans (Skinner, p. 42). While interpretations may vary, what is clear is the symbolic blossom continues to puzzle many analytical minds. Prompted by its ambiguity, when William Faulkner was asked to explain the symbolic nature of the rose, he responded by stating that it was Just a Rose for Emily That s all (Towner Carothers, p. 67). This implies that the rose is merely a gesture of kindness to a pitiable character and nothing more. For those not comfortable with Faulkner s response, perhaps the only other clue lies in the final page where a secret room reveals faded rose colored curtains and rose shaded lights (Faulkner, p.674). It may be that Faulkner used the rose to tie the beginning of the story with its end. While the rose in the title may or may not be symbolic, what it actually represents appears to be left open to interpretation. The House The house is another symbol used in the story which seems to carry an associative relationship with Emily Grierson. In the opening paragraph, Emily is referred to as a fallen monument (Faulkner, p.668). Once young and full of promise, Emily s appearance in later years are described as bloated, like a
  • 17. Edvard Munch s The Scream The Scream is a fact of great work in which the artist utilized a minimum of forms to achieve maximum expressiveness. Edvard Munch showed in this painting that he was very overwhelmed and he had a fear of being in open spaces. The red sky and the scenery around the figure show the effect of the volcano and how the nature is not very beautiful because of the disaster that just happened. The Temple of Dendur theme would be Egyptians built this temple to honor their gods. The theme was based on the understanding of the temple as a picture of a natural world. Escher created unique and fascinating works of art that uses shapes and patterns to create person in a visual way. The colorof black and white shows the feeling that the artists were having. Bonnard s most important for his artwork was color because he had mixed a color the ones he like. He would also fixed up the other paintings with that color. The attention of that paintingis the lamp because it shows the interest of the artist s life. Pavonia beauty makes the viewer feel to own this paint. This painting must be showing the beauty on her. The face shows that she might be someone important. Part 3: The ... Show more content on ... The story of the Bond of Union tells about of two people as their face was peeling like an orange. It also shows the robotic look in a way. It makes viewers think as to what they are searching at because at first it is confusing what could the painting is telling. It could also be a woman and a man bonding together. The art tells me about the artist that he probably describing the realist in life. He also might portray the relationship between a man and woman. He created the art from somewhere he saw or maybe he thought about randomly to create this art. The artist s intention was to create whatever he imagined and come to life meaning whatever he imagine, we can see his
  • 18. Time John Mctaggart John McTaggart in his essay Time presents a radical argument that claims time is unreal. While the argument is interesting and has attracted much attention for his arguments, I remain unconvinced of the argument he makes. This paper will lay out McTaggart s argument that time in unreal, critically analyze why I believe McTaggart s argument fails and presentan alternative idea about time, utilizing aspects of McTaggart s argument. Here is an explanation of McTaggart s view. McTaggart wants ultimately to prove that time does not exist. He attempts to do this by arguing time s existence is contingent on the existence of transient time and that ultimately transient time fails. Transient time involves A series. A series are attributed ... Show more content on ... In the argument he makes the claim that every event is past present and future. Therefore, events can only exhibit pastness, presentness or futurity and events can exhibit pastness, presentness and futurity, and this is contradictory, so one of these ideas must be false. If it is contradictory, then it is false and events cannot exhibit pastness, presentness or futurity, which infers that there exists no A series, which follows that that time does not exist. I see the validity of parts of McTaggart s claim. However, for the most part I find the argument convoluted and difficult to follow. He claims that an event cannot be past, present and future, I can agree with this notion of the argument. However, an event can exhibit the qualities of past, present and future at different times, i.e. your birth. All this argument does for me is solidify the idea that since an event can be in the future, later present and eventually in the past proves that events change. This idea follows A series and in looking back at his first claim, which infers time s existence is reliant on the existence of A series (transient time,) it would prove to me that time does in fact exist. I get a little lost in where he makes the jump to disprove A series, thereby proving time to be unreal; the negation of A series appears muddled. The other problem I find is in the first half of his argument. The idea that time s
  • 19. Christianity and Hinduism CHRISTANITY AND HINDUISM INTRODUCTION Religion is a collection of different cultures and words view that relate humanity to spirituality. Religion is one of the most important efforts to answer the most profound questions of human existence. Where do we come from? What should we do while we are here? All the people on this universe have different religion like Hinduism, Sikhism, Muslims, Christianity, Buddhism, and Judaism. As I belong to Hindu Religion and as individual religion plays an important role in the life of people which help them how to serve the humanity and how to get god by doing good things. If we talk about Hinduism and Christianity both have its own and different principles like believes, caste system. Hinduism Christianity HINDUISM Hinduism has begun over four thousand years ago in an ancient, civilization. In Hinduism they believe in many gods like Vishnu is the lord protection (creature of world), Brahma was born by the navel of lord Vishnu. He sits on a lotus and his vahana (thing used to travel from one place to another) is the swan. He provide of all knowledge and wisdom, Goddess durga which obtain many powerful weapons. When the demonic forces create imbalance she become one divine force called Shakti or drug and destroy the evil. Shiva a destroyer of the world. Shiva is responsible for death and
  • 20. Lowering The Legal Drinking Age Lowering of the Legal Drinking Age Research Paper Adults under 21 are able to vote, sign contracts, serve on juries, and enlist in the military, but are told that they are not mature enough to have a beer?, said Ruth C. Engs, a professor of Applied Health Sciences at Indiana University (Engs). No matter what is done, teenagers and young adults all over America are going to drink if they want to. The question is, why can t they start legally drinking when they enter adulthood? An alternative to simply lowering the minimum legal drinking age could be thought of, such as, having a learner s permit for responsible drinking for people between the ages of 18 21. In other cultures where the minimum legal drinking age is lower, there is not as large of a problem with drinking. Lowering the minimum legal drinking age would stop criminalizing a large amount of people for the minor crime of underage drinking, which on your record makes it hard for young people to apply for jobs or apply to colleges. Underage Drinking in America Realistically, teenagers are going to drink no matter what. The minimum drinking age debate in America seems to primarily revolve around one issue: drunk driving. The increased minimum drinking age does not solve the problem of drunk driving in any real way, it just shifts drunk driving deaths into a slightly older age group. Additionally, because teenagers are afraid of getting caught drinking, many end up drinking large amounts of alcohol in short
  • 21. Essay about Middle East Imagine living in a nation were the government wasn t on your side. Everything that the government did was in there best interest without any consideration of the people. Imagine that your government was in a conflict with another government and this government had the power to say if you were getting food eat and water to drink. Imagine that in this so called nation the kids instead or going to school would rather throw rocksat members of the other nation instead of going to school. Imagine that one day that that kid that was throwing rocks might one day strap a bomb to himself and go and try to blowpeople up because he thinks it is the right thing to do. This is actually happing in the middle east. These... Show more content on ... After the Jews formed an army and began fighting the British stopped backing the Arabs and the issue was left up to the UN. The UN created the Partition Plan also know as Resolution 181. In this plan 25 percent of the Palestine Jewish state was offered to the Jews and the rest was going to be an Arab state. The Jews accepted this offer but the Arabs turned it down because they wanted it all(United). Since there wasn t a settlement here there would be another war. This time when the Arabs attacked the other Arab countries, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan joined in on the attack. This battle broke out in 1967 and was know as the Six Day War because it only lasted six days. This war backfired on the Arab nations at the end of the war the Jewish Palestine state, now called Israel, was victorious and took over the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and The Sinai Peninsula. The Gaza Strip and West Bank are Arab states and the Sinai Peninsula was part of Egypt. Unfortunately, Israel was now an occupier of 850,000 Palestinian Arabs from both West Bank and the Gaza Strip. These Arabs would refer to themselves as refugees from the previous war of 1967. . . , Israel is responsible for bringing about some of their own problems. The Arabs were packed and ready to leave when
  • 22. An Analysis of the Movie, Blood Diamond Essay The movie Blood Diamond was released in 2006 and featured Leonardo Di Caprio as an arms smuggler whose main goal is to obtain a seemingly priceless diamond from a villager during the civil war in Sierra Leone. The film, although it has been called mild in comparison to reality, depicts the brutality that inhabitants of diamond villages were subjected to. The film was nominated for five Academy Awards, and won numerous other awards. The film marker is trying to raise awareness of the illicit conflict diamond trade and reinforcing the Kimberley process1 and showing how it will stem the flow of conflict diamonds. This is successful mainly due to the public outburst after the movie. The great impact of the movie has caused diamond... Show more content on ... He also is trying to show us that the people at Van De Kaap are not truly trying to solve the problem. Instead they are aggravating the situation. The filmmaker aims to discourage racism and show that both blacks and whites can work together to solve various problems. In the movie, Danny Archer had been forced to work together with Solomon Vandy, but they grew in terms of mutual understanding even though they had different purposes for finding the diamond (Danny profit, Solomon to find family). From our research, cooperation among Africans is needed to effectively solve the flow of conflict diamonds. An African Union was set up to speak on behalf of the African nations. Discouraging racism will always be important in Singapore not only because the local population consists of many different races, but also because of the apparent pro Bumiputra policies which have drawn flak from some racial communities in Malaysia. Besides, the filmmaker wants to show how an ineffective government can lead to suffering of its citizens. In the movie, Free Town4 fell into the hands of the RUF where many were killed and buildings were razed, due to the failure of the government to effectively enforce security in the region. This is supported by one of the arguments from research stating that strong governments are needed to effectively stem the flow of conflict diamonds out of Sierra Leone into Liberia. Relating to Singapore, the
  • 23. Dbq Civil War The Civil War as one of the most infamous conflicts in American History. It was a war borne from clashing ideologies and beliefs, and divided the nation by North and South and brother against brother. The North believed in that a strong central government was the best way to govern the nation. They supported the Republican Party and wished to stop the spread of slavery to new states, and later in the war, the abolition of it in its entirety. The South believed in the rights of states to create their own laws and that the states should be more powerful than the central government. They also supported the Democratic Party and, the largest cause of the war, believed that slavery should not be abolished and should be protected. While these issues... Show more content on ... In 1850, a new law was passed known as the Fugitive Slave Law. This law was passed in retaliation to the growing antislavery sentiment and the influx in escaping slaves. It made it illegal to help escaping slaves anywhere in the United States and caused escaped slaves to not attain freedom when entering a free state. In 1857 in response to this law, Dredd Scott, a slave who entered the free territories of Illinois and Wisconsin sued Sanford for his freedom. This case was taken all the way to the Supreme Court where it was then thrown out. The Supreme Court declared that Dred Scott did not have the right to sue since he was legally a piece of property; furthermore, the Supreme Court did not stop there with their ruling and declared that it was unconstitutional to ban slavery in anywhere in the United States and that slaves could not be freed by entering free states; this also effectively undid the Missouri Compromise by giving slave states an unfair advantage. This decision outraged many Northerners who had previously been moderates capable of swinging either way towards the Republican Party giving the party they needed to have a Republican president elected. Finally, with the election of Lincoln to office, the South believed that it was only a matter of time that slavery was abolished and decided to secede from the Union. This led to the Battle of Fort Sumter,
  • 24. Van Morrison s Brown Eyed Girl Song Essay Van Morrison s Brown Eyed Girl Song When we hear the song Brown Eyed Girl, it is safe to assume the majority of us think of the Van Morrison version that was first introduced in his album Blowin Your Mind, released in 1967. Since that time the song s legend and popularity have grown to unprecedented heights. Many artists have redone the song, some with a similar music style to Morrison (like Jimmy Buffet), and others of a completely different genre like the punk rock band Green Day. In my essay I will argue that the stylistic differences between the two songs are not a barrier. Rather, in combination with the similarities associating with cover songs, they form a bridge between two genres. In this case, it is achieved by ... Show more content on ... With his lyrics and style he is able to produce a feeling with the song that is calm and relaxed. Morrison is able to take you back to a style of music that is characteristic of the time of Brown Eyed Girl s production, a time of happiness in his life. You can tell by the pitch and tone of his voice that he is in an enjoyable state. He talks about the younger years of his life when he had hardly any obligations. He sings about all that happens with the brown eyed girl, from the running and jumping, to the activities in the green grass behind the stadium. Throughout the whole song there is never really a time that his voice or tone is lowered to let you assume it was an unhappy time for him. Even when Morrison is wondering where all the fun times went, singing just overcome thinking about it, he still is able to keep a happy rhythm and tone in the song through his voice and background music. Overall the feeling that you inherit from his song is a happy calm feeling that many listeners enjoy. Green Day, who surfaced in the early 1990 s, has never been known to do covers, especially of songs with as slow a tempo as Morrison s Brown Eyed Girl. Green Day, who sings strictly punk rock, was given the idea of covering the song by the father of one of the group members, who was a huge fan of Morrison himself. After hearing the proposal, Green Day thought about it and knew
  • 25. Lorenzo De Mussolini Beliefs Lorenzo de Medici was the most important member of the Medici family. He was called the Magnificent because he was the one that saved Florence, and because he played a very important role in patronizing arts. He was born in Florence in a time were Italy was tarring apart because almost every city state was having problems in economics, and political situations. Lorenzo was the son of Piero de Medici, and the grandson of Cosimo de Medici. Cosimo knew that his son Piero was weak, and he wasn t capable of being the ruler of Florence, so what Cosimo did was to train his grandson Lorenzo since he was a little boy, he gave him the proper education, and advice him the most wisely ways on how to put authority, and be a leader. Lorenzo de Medici started ruling Florence when he was 20 years old with his brother Guliano after his father Piero died. Lorenzo started ruling a Florence with economy problems despite that Cosimo made Florence wealthy, Florence money was decreasing because of the wars, political expenses and the mismanagement. Lorenzo made Florence economy stable again by being helped by his allies, and taking wisely money measurements. He gained the citizens hearts because he saved all Florence of an extreme famine they were having. Lorenzo ... Show more content on ... The Pazzi family were backed up by Pope Sixtus and almost succeeded in killing Lorenzo, snd instead they kill his brother Guliano. The responsible people for the attempt were killed, except for Pope Sixtus. When Pope Sixtus found out that his supporters were killed he was very mad at Lorenzo, and he exclude The Medici family from Florence. Pope Sixtus allied with King Ferdinand of Naples and declared war to Florence. Florence was still ruled by Lorenzo, so he decided to personally go to Naples and convince King Ferdinand to resolve the crisis. With the crisis resolved Lorenzo returned to Florence with peace and the citizens received him with
  • 26. Attila The Hun Ethical Leadership Synthesis Essay Attila the Hun MSgt Aaron M. Hazen Class 17B Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officers Academy 30 January 2017 Attila the Hun History has Attila, King of the Huns labeled as a barbaric savage that lacked refinement. The Huns had a powerful leader who used critical thinking to become one of the most powerful leaders of the time. He civilized the Huns and changed his people from a nomadic lifestyle that dated back 32 generations. He developed cities and gained territory for his people to settle in and established commerce for trade and sale of goods. In this paper I will go over the actions, decisions and behaviors that made Attila a visionary leader. Also we will review the ethical decision that made Attila ... Show more content on ... Surprisingly contrary to that he was a man with a vision and led his people ethically to civilize the Huns and make them a very strong nation. His actions and behaviors united his people and instilled a shared vision of the future. He united tribes that all fought for a common purpose and stopped fighting themselves. He used ethical behavior in his mannerism and avoided pitfalls by not using silver platters as other kings would. Finally, I reflected on how I view myself as an ethical and visionary leader rooted in the same principles that Attila believed in. The King of the Huns inspired a nomadic people to become civilized and establish commerce based on his visionary and ethical leadership. History saw him as a tyrant, but I see that he truly was one of the greatest leaders of all
  • 27. Ronald Takaki, a History of Multicultural America Throughout history many ethnic cliques have experienced abuse and distrust from our American society. The people in America seem to be less understanding, and less willing to accept cultures different from their own, at least years ago. Groups such as the Indians, the African Americans, and the Immigrants, fall deeply into this category. The situations and struggles they have gone through are greatly explained in Ronald Takaki s novel, A Different Mirror, A History of a Multicultural America. Although they have experienced a lot, particular financial and social configuration have changed, helping change our perspective of each civilization, for better or even worse. When the New England people set off to America to, cultivate the... Show more content on ... Bacon was a white indentured servant who was frustrated in the ways of society. He decided to rebel creating the giddy multitude, [pg. 78] a group of white and black indentured servants who had enough, due to not being able to succeed in the fantasy life people created in America. This group greatly threatened the social order of Virginia. When the group had been defeated it became obvious to Captain Thomas Grantham that they needed to reduce their dependency on white laborers and focus more on Africans of which they could capture, and exploit. This also worked out in the best interest of the people of Virginia because they could deny the Africans right to bear arms due to their race. Africa became their primary source of labor. In 1674 slaves represented only 20% of households and by 1694 slaves represented about 48% of households, nearly half the population. The American people did not see the African Americanpeople as people; rather beings that they could make plow their land, or farm their crops. It was always about them. As it was with the Indians, the American people used the African American people for their own personal gain. They also still believed in their theory of keeping America white and having people different from them served as a threat they decided to squash before any damage could be done. The Immigrants that came to America experienced much similar situations with American abuse. Although one of the main differences of these situations
  • 28. National Debt From the moment they become old enough to be aware that money is limited, young people today are taught to avoid getting into debt. Horror stories of payment defaults, exorbitant interest rates, and ruined credit are passed from generation to generation, and along with it, sentiments of disgust and panic toward the large and seemingly never decreasing number that is the national debt of the United Statesof America. Yet, it cannot be said that all debt is bad; student loans taken as an investment in the future, or a mortgage on a house there are plenty of examples of how deficit spending can be a valuable practice, and the first Secretary of the Treasury was a strong proponent of that view when it came to government spending. In the wake of the shambles that was the post Revolutionary economy, Alexander... Show more content on ... The largest debt holders (entities to which the federal government owes money) of the public debt are foreign governments and investors (about $6 trillion), the US Federal Reserve ($2.5 trillion), various mutual funds (about $1 trillion), and state or local governments ($800 billion) [7]. The remaining one third of the debt is classified as intragovernmental holdings, which are accumulated when the Treasury borrows from trust funds financing specific government programs for use in the general budget [6]. For example, the Social Security ran a surplus while the baby boomers were in their working prime and tax revenue was high, so the government has historically been able to borrow from the Social Security and Disability Trust Funds to pay for other expenditures [8]. As a result, Social Security is the single largest stakeholder in the national debt holding securities worth $2.8 trillion. Other government accounts that are owed money include the Office of Personnel Management and the Military Retirement Fund
  • 29. The Management Plan For A New Employee Every place of employment has standards when going through the hiring process. The new employee of nursing in the hospital/home health and HIPAA is who we are going to focus on. The Veterans Hospital is no different in having a process. Most companies have to develop risk management tools to assist in their safety as well as the employee and we call it: employee training. Within this title, or umbrella, we have several subtitles of items that deal with training or having the credentials for the new employees to reduce risks for everyone. The focus of this risk management plan for nursing of a new employee on HIPAA is to provide an ongoing, extensive, and precise approach to reducing risk vulnerability of HIPPA regulations. The risk... Show more content on ... With telework the VA goes through a PIV verification and frequent password codes of every three months and mandatory updates. Mobile use is also used as a life line for clarifications and verifications. With this also comes the urge of taking pictures of a patient, texting something that shouldn t and leaving messages on machines that do not belong to that patient leaving secured information. Also with new fax machines that copy and fax electronically without even printing a single paper we depend on a confirmation sheet that it was delivered to the correct person. With mobile phones, per VA policy, consent must be obtained first before getting pictures and verbal recordings. With electronic faxes, release of Information must still be obtained. Staff must use the ROI Plus software to track the accounting of disclosures. A coversheet must still be used as in normal fax use. Information on drug, alcohol, HIV, or sickle cell anemia status may not be transmitted by fax machine, unless the transmittal is directed to medical personnel to the extent necessary to meet criteria of a medical emergency (Shulkin, 2016). Personal information should never be written on the first cover sheet. The comparisons with all the regulations during trainings are correct and maintained. It
  • 30. Renewable and Nonrewable Energy Resources Essay Renewable and Nonrewable Energy Resources Energy is used as part of everyday lives and can be used in one form or another. Energy is about doing work and it is all around us. Animals need energy to live and machines need energy to work. Energy exists in many forms, such as: Light Heat Electrical Mechanical Atomic Chemical etc. There are different types of energy resources. They go into two groups, which are Non renewable and Renewable. NON RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES ============================== Once non renewable resources (natural resources) are consumed they cannot be replaced. The main energy sources used by humans are non renewable ... Show more content on ... It comes from tiny plants and animals remains that used to live in oceans over a million of years ago. As their remains built up on the ocean floor, layers of sediment were formed and gas was produced by heat and pressure. Gas is cleaned and processed after it has been taken from the ground to get rid of impurities. After this it is pumped into storage tanks and carried around the country. Natural gas really has no smell but the distinctive smell has been added as a warning of leaks. The advantages of gas are: Shrinks when cooled Turned into liquid, when put under pressure. Easily portable in liquid form. The production platform of gas to homes:
  • 31. 1) Gas is pumped to processing plants on shore. 2) Sent to compressor station. 3) Into storage tanks. 4) Gas companies supply it. 5) Into peoples homes. 6) Gas metres record how much gas is used. Oil Oil is a very important fuel and is used for many mostly to make them run smoothly. Oil is used as one third of the energy we use today. There are many types and in many forms; one form is crude oil, which comes straight out of the ground. It can be used in many different ways, like: v In power stations oil is burnt for the heat energy it can provide. v In engines that convert heat energy
  • 32. Causes Of Fred s Baseball Glove Fred had a new baseball glove, but it caused nothing but trouble between him and his best friend, Carl. Carl wanted Fred s baseball glove because it was leather with buckskin laces. Carl s glove was polyester with nylon laces. Carl was filled with envy over Fred s glove. One day, Carl was invited to visit Fred at his house. When Fred left the room to go wash his hands, Carl stole the glove from the top of his dresser, and placed it in his backpack. When Carl got home, he buried Fred s glove in the garden. The next day, when Fred asked Carl, Where is my glove? Carl said, I do not know, Fred. Look in the baseball park. Later that week, Carl s mom Rachel was working in the backyard garden, and she found Fred s glove in the tulip bed.
  • 33. Why Is Dismissal Is Unfair Dismissal can be known as being unfair for various reasons. Every employee has the entitled right to not be unfairly dismissed. However if an employer does dismiss an employee they must provide a reason for doing so. The reason for an employer dismissing an employee must fall under the categories established in the Employment Rights Act 1996. Dismissal can occur by the arrangement of a written document however there are situations where the employer terminates the contract either with or without notice. If an employer has dismissed an employee the reasons must be evident and produced, this could include; the conduct of an employee, the lack of capability, redundancy aswell as retirement. Regardless of the circumstances the employer must be
  • 34. Essay about Excessive Belly Fat Leads to Health Problems Excess belly fat negatively affects your appearance and can jeopardize your health, since it s linked to health conditions, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. (See References 1) Spot reducing belly fat doesn t work; the only way to slim your midsection, is by losing weight from your entire body. (See References 2) In addition to a sensible diet, exercise can help you accomplish this. Even when you can t get to the gym, you can still exercise while watching TV. Burn Calories while Watching TV The American Heart Association recommends doing 30 to 60 minutes of moderate cardio on most days, to burn calories and lose weight. (See References 3) While watching TV, you can use a treadmill, stationary bike, or elliptical machines, if... Show more content on ... If desired, work your abs during the commercial breaks of the show you re watching. (See references 7) Eating Healthy While Watching TV It takes a deficit of 500 calories a day to lose 1 pound a week. (See References 3) In addition to exercise, your diet also contributes to this. Eating smaller portions, comparing food labels, and making healthy food choices, can have a big impact. For instance, avoid munching on chips and soda while watching TV, and snack on air popped pop corn and water instead. Emphasize reduced fat dairy, lean protein, veggies, whole grains, and fruits. (See References 1) Key Concepts exercise at home home workout routine reducing belly fat References Belly Fat In Women: Taking and Keeping It Off [http:/ / fat/art 20045809?pg=2] American Council on Exercise: So, You Want To Spot Reduce? Here s How [ fact article/2668/so you want to spot reduce here s/] American Heart Association: Losing Weight [ /LosingWeight/Losing Weight_UCM_307904_Article.jsp] The Unapologetic Fat Girl s Guide to Exercise and Other Incendiary Acts; Hanne Blank
  • 35. Family Dysfunction In The Story Of Cain And Abel One example of family dysfunction is the story of Cain and Abel. The social and historical dynamics that created this dysfunctional family is the different offerings Cain and Abel brought to God, Cain s being the fruit of the soil and Abel s being the firstling of his flock. It is debatable why the Lord paid heed to Abel and his offering and not to Cain but it may be because Cain s offering was not the best from the land while Abel s offering was the firstling of its flock. This means it had the most fat indicating that it was the best of the flock and it was a blood sacrifice while Abel s was not. This is also the first example of the prevalence of the younger son over the older one special favor over their older brothers. The purpose of this story might serve to highlight the importance of blood sacrifices to Godas well as the threat of jealousy especially between brothers. Another family dynamic is the relationship between Abraham and Isaac. Isaac is the first born son of Abraham. Isaac was given to Abraham as a blessing from God after Sarah and Abraham were not able to have children until they were 100 and 90. It is also important to note that Abraham at one point identifies Sarah as his half sister. After Isaac being given to Abraham God tests Abraham by having him sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering without any explanation from God. The relationship between Sarah and Abraham and her maid Hagar and on Ishmael are also an interesting family dynamic. Sarai offered
  • 36. Cellulite Facts Myths and Facts Surrounding Cellulite Do you have cellulite? Remember that you are not alone in the list. About 90% of women are a victim of this situation. There is a lot of misinformation out there about what it is, the causes behind and how to resolve it. So before you dig any further take a quick look at the myths and facts surrounding cellulite. Cellulite is formed by toxins in the body Myth Some products might claim to remove the impurities and toxins from your body. Though many believe this, it has not been proved. Rather, researchers have found that cellulite happens when underlying fat deposits begin to push through layers of collagen fibres or connective tissues. Women get more cellulite than men Fact Fats easily get deposited
  • 37. Essay on The Genetic Defect Albinism The Genetic Defect Albinism In the past, albinos were usually treated with fear or awe. They were sometimes killed at birth. Albino births were common enough in some groups not to cause any excitement. For example, among the San Blas Indians of Panama, one in approximately 130 births is an albino. In the mid nineteenth century, albinos were exhibited in sideshows. Whole families were displayed at times and were described as a unique race of might people. They were said to live underground and to come out only at night when the light was dim and would not hurt their eyes. Albinismis a genetic defect if the integumentary system. Albinism occurs when the body fails to produce melanin. Melanin forms in a special cell called the... Show more content on ... An alteration of the gene for dopachrome tautomerase does not produce albinism. Three other genes make proteins that are also involved in melanin pigment formation and albinism, but the exact role of these proteins remains unknown. These genes are the P gene on chromosome 15, the Hermansky Pudlak syndrome gene on chromosome 10, and the ocular albinism gene on the X chromosome. The gene carrying the defect that produces albinism is recessive, which means that both parents must carry this recessive gene in order to produce a child with the condition. When both parents carry the gene (and neither has albinism), there is a one in four chance with each pregnancy that their child will have albinism. The inheritance pattern of ocular albinism is alittle different. This condition is X linked, meaning that the recessive gene for ocular albinism is located on the X chromosome. X linked ocular albinism appears just about only in males who inherit the condition from their mothers. Albinism is a recessive inherited defect in melanin metabolism in which pigment is absent from the hair, skin, and eyes (oculocutaneous albinism) or just from the eyes (ocular Albinism). Albinos tend to be children of parents who were first cousins. For a long time, the term albinism referred only to people who had white hair, white skin, and blue eyes. Individuals who had OCA and pigmented hair and eyes were identified, particularly in the African and
  • 38. Rational Choice Theory And Delinquency The Rational choice theory is a belief that children choose to commit criminal acts once they have carefully considered the pros and cons of their actions, and that delinquency is a matter of choice that is made by an offender; who believes that what they can gain from committing a crime outweighs the punishment that may follow. Rational Choice theoryis probably the oldest known theory which attempts to explain the link between juveniles and delinquency. The argument was first raised by classical criminologist, Cesare Beccaria. Beccaria, along with other classical criminologists, believed that because people have free will. They have the ability to choose their behavior, and when an individual makes a decision to break the law, it is typically
  • 39. Julius Caesar Rhetoric Analysis In the play, Julius Caesar, the big highlight of the story was when Marc Antony swayed the opinions of a whole crowd with just his words. How did he do it? The conspirators had been planning their attack for a long time, so they should have been able to win over the commoners 100%. And they almost did. After killing Caesar, Brutus had already convinced the crowd that the man had been a tyrant. The people seemed extremely outraged with Caesar, and immediately worshipped Brutus. Somehow, even after all that, Marc Antony managed to bring the commoners over to his side. Antony had been using word play and rhetoricspeech. Using these tactics, he completely brainwashed the commoners into following him. Antony was not in a good situation. He already wasn t trusted by the conspirators because of his closeness to Caesar. Brutus allowed him to speak at Caesar s funeral, as long as he didn t shun the conspirators. But Antony had a couple of things going for him: his chance to have the last word, and loopholes. Obviously, Antony is the focus of this topic. Throughout the play, there are examples of rhetoric. Such as when Cassius convinces Brutus to join in on his plan to overthrow Caesar. Antony s speech stands out more because he used his words perfectly. Once he started speaking, it was only a matter of time before he won over the crowd. Antony knew he was in trouble when the conspirators killed Caesar, so really his only option was to go along with them until he could find a way to
  • 40. Actual Cash Value Of A Homeowner s Insurance Homeowner s insurance at times can seem really complicated. It can be easy to just assume that the homeowner s package that your insurance agent put together provides you with the most value and the most protection in the event of a loss. However, that is not always the case, which is why it is important for you to understand the implications of every aspect of your homeowner s insurancepolicy. Here is a quick breakdown of the difference between having your home and belongings insured for the replacement cost verses the actual cash value. Actual Cash Value When many people here the term actual cash value, they assume that means that they are going to get exactly what they think their home is worth should anything happen to it. However, the reality is a little different. ... Show more content on ... They will only have to pay you for the value of that part of your home minus standard depreciation rates. For example, if your roof was installed ten years ago and at that time was worth $10,000 but has depreciated $5,000 over the last ten years, your insurance company only has to provide you with $5,000 to replace your roof. Not only will you have to pay your deductible in full before your insurance company provides you with this money, you will also be responsible for paying the reminder of the repair costs on your own and there is a really good chance that it will cost you more to replace your roof today than it did ten years ago. When your homeowner s insurance policy covers the actual cash value of your home and your belongings, you are going to have to pay out your deductible as well as the extra money necessary to fix your home or replace your belongings. Although actual cash value policies tend to cost less in the short term, you tend to have to pay more in the long term if something actually happens to your home. Replacement
  • 41. Reflection Paper On Drills When I was assigned as the Assistant Convoy Commander, while deployed in Iraq, my duties were comprised of giving the mission operations brief before convoys, after action reviews (AAR), teaching battle drills, rollover drills, vehicle recovery, reaction to Improvised Explosive Device (IED), reaction to small arms fire, and additional weapon maintenance. (11. BNOCC I and Phase II, and ANOCC, and 5. Drill Sergeant School). In battle drills I taught the proper actions to take in different situations for battle. Rollover drills class consisted of how to basically protect yourself as the vehicle is rolling. This drill was practiced until it was second nature and consisted of bracing techniques and how to extract yourself from the rolled vehicle. In vehicle recovery, my soldiers learned how to do combat recovery of a vehicle in a hostile environment. (12. Combat Action Badge and 14.Bronze Star Medal). Communicationrelated to the reaction of the IED s include communicating with those in the vehicle, to check for injuries. If there were injuries we formed a perimeter, secured the area, and called for medical evacuation. If there were no injuries, we established if the vehicle was okay to drive, checked with the others in the convoy for injuries and disabled vehicles. My job was ensuring the safety of our people, and those we were transporting to their destination. Our mission was to keep them out of harm s way, not to engage, but to keep moving. We only stopped
  • 42. Typical Australian The Australian Identity I am here today to discuss our Australian Identity. How do you imagine a typical Australian? Maybe you see a blonde haired, blue eyed surfing babe? Or a bushman who drinks Bushels tea and four X beers while munching on some snags cooked on the BBQ? Or perhaps you see someone like Steve Irwin, our iconic crocodile hunter. Or do you picture the movie Crocodile Dundee? Australians are stereotyped and our typical Australian is usually imagined to be male. (Click) Russell Ward, well known author, portrays his view of the traditional Aussie as a practical man who is rough, tough bushman that holds true friendship and loyal spirits. Today I will be analysing two poems and one play and determining whether they are... Show more content on ... The reader is able to imagine the horses running wild and the Australian bushman chasing after them. (Click) Typical Australian language and slang is used. Words and phrases such as bushmen love hard riding where the wild bush horses are and And he swung his stockwhip round help communicate to the reader attitudes, values and beliefs of the true Australian spirit and mateship. Throughout the story, the mood is exciting and fast paced with tense anticipation, leading up to the exciting climatic victory. In this poem, women and children are marginalised. The bushman riders are men and during those times the women and children stayed at home while the men worked during the day. The Man from Snowy River is a ballad which reinforces the typical Australian Identity, as the rough and tough man who is willing to take risks and challenges. The hero in this poem is brave, resourceful and thrill seeking, displaying the qualities that Russell Ward describes as being part of the mythical Australian Identity. (Click) The One Day of the Year is a celebrated Australian play written by Alan Seymour in 1960. The play recounts the story of the Cook family around Anzac day. Alf, an aging digger, who served in WW1, celebrates Anzac Day with a few beers his and mate Wacka Dawson Hughie (Alf s son) is attending university where he meets his girlfriend Jan. Hughie feels embarrassed and ashamed
  • 43. Trends And Patterns In Vancouver Trends and patterns in human settlement and Population: The population of the Vancouver metropolitan area is 2.5 million ( Vancouver Population 2016. ). The growth rate of Vancouver has been increasing; the population went up by 200,000 from 2006 to 2011 ( Vancouver Population 2016. ). As the growth rate goes up, it results in a rise in the birth rate as well. Vancouveris a very diverse area with many ethnic groups and cultures.The 3 main ethnic groups in Vancouver consist of Caucasian, South Asian Origins, and Southeast and east origins. Vancouver being diverse could attract many others to migrate. The majority of Vancouver s area is very dense which also leads to it being a clustered area due to the big population in a tight area, the densest ... Show more content on ... Government funded elementary schools and high schools generally offer students a high quality of education. Then comes post secondary, Vancouver is home to two of the most prestigious universities in Canada and are even well known around the world. These include UBC (University of British Columbia) and Simon Fraser University. These two universities have a wide variety of programs with over 400 programs available (MyBlueprint). The city also offers a number of apprenticeship opportunities for automotive service technicians, auto body workers, blacksmiths, and carpenters, to name a few. Leading on from post secondary is employment. Vancouver has the lowest unemployment rate in Canada at 5.3% (Statistics Canada), which is really great since it increases the chances of getting a job after postsecondary. Vancouver s port (see appendix C) is the number one employer in Greater Vancouver, creating 45,000 jobs (Living in Canada). The port generates $6.1 billion in wages. Also, many big technology companies such as Electronic Arts, Intel, Microsoft, and Kodak s headquarters are located in Vancouver which offers much more job
  • 44. Puppies Monologue Poor poor me. I have no family and no friends, all I have are my fur coats and my red and black cruiser. I try to make friends with people around the area like Anita and Roger Radcliffe but they would not sell me their dalmatian puppies that I so desperately wanted. When Roger raised his tone at me I ended up storming out of the house being called rude and spoiled; I was furious. Why can t people just be more like me; kind, generous, loving(especially for puppies). I now have no puppies, no nothing. I just wish people would understand me better. I won t give up though, I will get Jasper and Horace to retrieve the puppies while the Radcliffes are away. Later the police come to my house and are ridiculously questioning me about the puppies. Oh
  • 45. A Case Management Technology Service Services Provided By... Pursuant to the terms of the Agreements, the Account(s) is debited for certain monthly services fees in exchange for services provided by Rabobank and BMS. As noted above, the services provided by BMS include: (1) together with Rabobank, banking services, including the management of the chapter 7 accounts required in this Case, deposit management, monthly statement processing and production, interim statements, couriers, checking, wires, electronic UST reporting, online banking and transfer services, collateral tracking services, and expanded FDIC coverage; (2) case management technology services, including access to proprietary software licensed to the trusteeby BMS; automated data and document delivery and management; electronic court filing (ECF) and retrieval; processing and transmission services; UST customized reporting software, and a variety of other document preparation, claims management software, and third party software from such providers as Microsoft and Adobe; (3) hardware, including computers, networking equipment, printers, and scanners, as well as installation, repair and maintenance services , and (4) training and support services, including software training, information technology support, and special project requests. Historically, banks and service providers were able to provide banking and case management services to chapter 7 trustees without imposing an administrative fee. These services were funded through a combination of a discount in the
  • 46. Comparison Between Angular2 And Java Programming Frameworks Introduction In the current Society and Web Development Industry, Web developers are using well known frameworks such as Angular2 and Java programming when it comes to building Web Applications. Angular2 is a JavaScript framework for building client side Applications using HTML, CSS and a programming language such as JavaScript. On the other end, Java is a platform as well as a programming language which can be used in back end of Web Applications. Angular2 and java are so very popular in web development and are mostly used for their modern, improved and latest standards features. This essay deals with the differences and similarities presented by both Angular2 and Java programming frameworks, the features they include in terms of handling and reporting error as well as their relevance in current industry projects. Difference and similarities between Angular2 Java programming Angular2 And Java programming are frameworks that present some differences. Angular2 is built for speed, has faster initial loads faster change detection and improved rendering time. it is modern and includes features provided in the latest JavaScript standards and beyond such Classes, modules and decorators. It comprises a super set of JavaScript called Typescript which is compiled to JavaScript to be used by web apps. As opposed to Angular2, Java programming is a language designed for use in the distributed internet environment. It is used for creating applications that can run on a single
  • 47. Canterbury Tales Nun Prioress Essay It is human nature to want things they cannot have or to not be satisfied with their life. In the story, The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, this human nature is most reverently displayed in the character of Nun Prioress, because she wants to appear as a woman of higher class. Through the use of literary elements, such as characterization, symbolism and satiric irony, Chaucer is able to illustrate how the Nun Prioress reflects the most basic of human traits, which is the desire to want something they cannot have. Chaucer s story clearly illustrates the idea of how people want to be something they can t because they are not satisfied with their life. This is seen when the Nun Prioress is first introduced in the story, as a woman who is supposed to be modest and pure but is flirtatious and risquГ©,... Show more content on ... Her mouth full small and thereto soft and red. (Chaucer 153). The color red can be seen as a color of passion and this symbolizes how the nun does not believe in chaste love. Chaucer has created a satiric character, nun prioress, who is supposed to be a leader of the Roman Catholic Church but behaves like a woman of higher class. Through the use a satiric irony, Chaucer illustrates the nature of human beings which is to want things they cannot have. This is seen when the Nun Prioress she acts as if she is from a higher class and not humble like a typical nun. She was so charitable and pitous (143). The nun s personality traits are what add onto the satiric irony which include making sure to eat properly She let no morsel from her lips fall, nor wet her fingers in the sauce to deep (128 129), speaking in an educated manner such as attempting to speak French And French she spoke full fair and fetisly (124) , appearing dainty to the other travelers Wept if one of them were dead (148) , and also introducing herself as Madam Eglantine rather than nun
  • 48. Case Of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Introduction Diabetes mellitus is a chronic health condition associated with high concentrations of glucose in the blood and urine. The effective function of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems is essential in the control, communication and movement of the body. Cindy Openshaw s case of Type 2 diabetes mellitusposes a negative influence of the successful function nervous and musculoskeletal systems. In regards to Cindy Openshaw, the functioning of her nervous and musculoskeletal systems will be assessed, and the role that these systems have in her management of her diabetes. The consequences and negative implications of inappropriate management of her Type 2 diabetes will be examined, with reference to Cindy s physical, psychological and social functioning. 1.0 Normal Function of Nervous Musculoskeletal Systems 1.1 Type 2 Diabetes The World Health Organization (2016) defines Type 2 diabetes as a chronic disease that occurs when the body cannot effectively use the insulin that is produced by the pancreas . Type 2 diabetes is the most prevalent form of diabetes mellitus. A number of individuals with Type 2 diabetes initially produce standard amounts of insulin, however, their tissues over time do not respond appropriately to insulin (Martini, Nath, Bartholomew, 2012). Insulin resistance occurs in individuals with Type 2 diabetes, as a result of the human body s cells reacting ineffectively to insulin. As a result of the cells resisting the effects of insulin,
  • 49. Counseling Case Study Sample Counseling Case Study Compiled by Jeannie MacAdams for The Paper Store, May, 2000 Introduction Marjory Winkler lived the several years of her childhood and adolescence in misery born both of circumstances and her own reaction to them. Her single encounter with a counselor allowed her to discover through the counselor s skillful maneuvering some realities of not only her own life, but that of her mother s as well. Whether Marjory sought additional counseling after this one session is unclear; it is only known that she did not return to this particular psychologist. Regardless of whether Marjory sought additional counseling or not, later reports indicated that Marjory had been able to craft a life for herself after all, one that ... Show more content on ... Most life insurance will not pay death benefits for any death resulting from suicide, so it is unlikely that Marjory had the benefit of any life insurance her father may have carried on himself. Rather, it was the financial success of her mother s business that was able to provide what the mother obviously believed would be a great benefit for her disfigured daughter. Rather than being grateful at all or willing to contribute in any way to the continued success of the business, Marjory felt that the surgery decision one that affected her directly and truly affected no one but her was only one more point of lack of control over her own life. She complains that she was not consulted in the decision, that instead of being proud of her new face she felt like a fraud (p. 315). Victim of Should In Marjory s view, everyone but her had something they could claim as their own special talent. Marjory s only particular skill outside of school in her early years was that she could earn excellent grades. Her father was dead and her mother gave Marjory no affection, at least not in a form that Marjory perceived as affection. Everyone was too busy for her, including her older sisters who were continually absent from her life for whatever reason. Marjory s report
  • 50. Courage In The Movie The Sandlot Kendrez Reed September 1, 2016 If your favorite ball goes over a fence, would you try to get it back from a fearsome beast? The movie The Sandlot displays courage in many different ways. The Sandlot is about a gang of kids who love to play baseball. These kids are afraid of the Beast , which is behind the fence of the sandlot. The Babe Ruth baseball Scotty s dad has is a valuable baseball, and it has Babe Ruth s official signature. Scotty s mom wanted Scotty to make new friends in the new neighborhood they moved in. His family moved into a new house in the summer of 1962. Scotty met a group of kids who play baseball, and they were to be mean to Scotty. They didn t like Scotty because he doesn t know much about baseball, so
  • 51. The Shawnee Tribe The Shawnee Tribe was one of the Native American tribes living in the Pennsylvania Colony during the 1700 s. One of the many activates that the Shawnees would do is move to large villages in the summer time to be close to one another. All the men, women, and children would go to these villages in the summer time and build their homes. They build the houses out of bark log trees. The council house for meeting in one of the biggest building in the village. The council is where they take part in religious ceremonies, and meetings. The Shawnees have many dogs that they use as pack animals while they are out looking for food, things for their houses, and miscellaneous things. Canoes are the form of transportation used by Shawnees living
  • 52. Sinners In The Hands Of Christian Charity Analysis The 2016 Election and terrorism are just a few of the modern trials and tribulations that backdrop today s sermons. These events widely differ from the circumstances of earlier sermons. In the 1700s, the Great Awakening occurred. It was a time of religious revival in colonial America, and pastors and preachers worked to persuade the congregate to convert. Thus, the sermons utilized skillful rhetorical tactics. Two famous sermons to arise from this period were Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God by Jonathan Edwards and A Model of Christian Charity by John Winthrop. Compared to Edwards s intense conviction in Sinner in the Hands of An Angry God, Winthrop crafts the more effective sermon through his positive diction, the inclusive repetition ... Show more content on ... Because of these tactics, along with other rhetorical devices, Winthrop constructs an encouraging sermon. This overall hopeful and trustworthy tone of Winthrop s writing creates a more successful impact compared to Edwards s scare tactics. For example, right off the bat, Edwards uses the word sinners and informs that God is angry in the title, and yet, Winthrop s title evokes kinder thoughts with the word charity. This strong, negative emotion of anger can immediately offend the audience and cause them to disregard what the sermon discusses. On the other hand, the initial tone set by Winthrop s title can influence the listener to consider the sermon. Above all, an optimistic outlook presented by Winthrop is more effective in a
  • 53. Synthesis Alum Synthesis The synthesis of alum was carried out adequately as evidenced by the correct changes in the appearances of the mixtures and compounds in various stages of the synthesis process as well as the appearance of the synthesized alum (Table I). Although the weight of the alum placed in both crucibles was similar, the weight of KAl(SO4)2 in the crucibles after heating was unequal relative to the weight of the alum(Table II). A plausible cause for such disparity could be the loss of alum due to the spattering of contents observed during the initial phase of heating. The calculations used to determine the waters of hydration had a limitation because all the difference between the weight of alum and KAl(SO4)2 could only be attributed to the water lost
  • 54. Chuck Klosterman My Zombies Myself Summary The article My Zombie, Myself: Why Modern Life Feels Rather Undead, written by Chuck Klosterman, discusses the reasons behind zombies becoming so popular. Klosterman writes that rise of popularity of zombies is different than that of vampires. He states that most monsters are initially created as representations of fear. Similar to that of Frankenstein or vampires, Klosterman explains that zombies could be viewed in the same light; however, zombies are better explained as an allegory for our day to day existence. Rather than some innate fear, Klosterman highlights this fact to be why zombies have risen to such high popularity. Klosterman proposes that he knows why the interest in zombies has grown so much. He attributes this to zombies being very easy to kill, come in large quantities, and have no depth of character. Klosterman s explanation for such intrigue in zombies is their parallel to our day to day existence. He relates zombies to many real life activities, like going through a weekends worth of emails on Monday. Along with the constant saturation of news we can get from the internet, the concept of it being easy to close, or kill, and come in large quantities are very similar to zombies. Klosterman provides this as a better exploitation of the popularity of... Show more content on ... I felt that Klosterman did an excellent job in stating his point and backing it up. His examples were strong proof of his concepts and did not detract from the overall article. Klosterman s transitions were subtle, but were good enough to keep a consistent flow throughout the article. The only time that I felt the article was lacking in direction was the very last part. It highlighted the prepetition of people against zombies, which while still relevant, felt out of place. This did not make it a bad article, just something that I felt was out of
  • 55. Similarities Between Nigerian And Egypt Ancient people groups commonly believed in the supernatural and that another force had to control everything that happened in their land. As people dispersed through the land on earth after the Tower of Babel, new religions were created. The Egyptians were a very advanced society that had a very complicated religion based on the main sun god: Ra. This concept was different for the Israelites in the Old Testament who worshipped one God. The practice of monotheism in Israel was very uncommon among the ancient pagan religions in the Middle East that were often polytheistic. At first glance, the idols of Egypt and the God of Israel seem extremely different, but similarities appear after further investigation into the roots of both religions. There are multiple differences between the religion of Egypt and the religion of Israel. The most notable difference between the two religions is how the Egyptians were polytheistic, meaning they believe in multiple gods, and the Israelites are monotheistic, meaning they believe in one God. An example of this difference is found in the Book of the Dead. To pass through the afterlife, an Egyptian must have memorized names of multiple gods during his life on earth. They also believed that, at the beginning of time, Ra could not control all the universe, so he had to create other gods to help maintain control. This differs from the Israelites who believed that God was a sole ruler. Another difference in the two religions is how, to the
  • 56. Antonio Ricci Bicycle Thieves Jacob Spence September 17th, 2014 ITA1113 Antonio Ricci: The Bicycle Thief Antonio Ricci, the protagonist of Vittorio De Sica s Bicycle Thieves, inhabits an Italy torn apart by the Second World War. The decaying city streets and mass poverty is a far cry from the society united under communism envisioned by earlier neorealist filmmakers. De Sica uses Ricci to critique capitalism, as well to document the struggle of the masses in Post War Italy. The theft of his Bicycle sends Ricci, along with De Sica s camera, across Rome and into the depths of Roman society. The film emphasizes the rift between the upper and lower classes of Italy. The job Ricci lands at the beginning of film has him putting up posters featuring Rita Hayworth, a reminder of Hollywood idealism and a symbol of American wealth and glamour. Ricci later claims that movies bore him, perhaps echoing the sentiments of the neorealists. The restaurant scene juxtaposes Ricci and his son, Bruno, with a bourgeois family sitting at another table. The staff act contemptuously towards the protagonists, avoiding eye contact and hurriedly delivering their food, furthermore their table is the only one in the entire restaurant without a tablecloth, De Sica suggests that capitalism is not only the division of wealth, but the division of people. ... Show more content on ... After he loses it, he seems to value its return as much as he values his own family. He repeatedly fails to consider his son s well being in his unrelenting quest to locate the bike, marching onward as Bruno trips and falls behind him. Capitalism in effect corrupts and distorts Ricci s values and morals. The bicycle itself works as a symbol of this corruption, a material possession (like money), that becomes almost a physiological need within a capitalist
  • 57. Sonnet 43 By Elizabeth Barrett Browning Poetry has always been known as a beautiful form of art. However, the things that make the poems so stunning are the life experiences the poets go through. A woman named Elizabeth Barrett Browning was born in Durham, England in 1806. She had a great interest in writing, and soon wrote her first poem in Greek when she was 12. When she was 38 she published a book of poetrytitled Poems, which gained her a tremendous amount of fame, resulting in her becoming one of the most famous writers of England. This eventually caught the eye of a poet named Robert Browning. He wrote a letter to her, eventually leading to them falling in love. They were married on September 12,1846. Elizabeth died on June 29, 1861. In Sonnet 43 by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, the author expresses many of her life experiences in it, making it very emotional. Elizabeth Barrett Browning s life experiences influenced her poetry by filling her poems with great love and sadness.... Show more content on ... For example, when she wrote Sonnet 43 , she mentioned something about her brother s death, I love thee with passion put to use in my old griefs... (Browning 90). This reveals how Elizabeth is using her past experience of her brother dying to help influence Sonnet 43 . Another example is when Elizabeth wrote about all of her trials, ВЁI love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life!ВЁ (Browning 90). This shows how Edward s death allowed Elizabeth to make a richer and deeper love poem for Robert. As you can see, Edward s death greatly impacted the way Elizabeth wrote her
  • 58. Arguments Proposed By Crito For this paper, I will be evaluating the main argument proposed by Crito for why Socrates should escape from his prison and to freedom and Socrates argument for why escaping his prison is not a good option and why he would rather stay and eventually get killed. Without a doubt, I will side with Socrates argument and say that he was the most compelling evidence. As a last resort to try and convince Socratesto escape prison and avoid execution, Critocomes up with three main arguments, but I will go over the only argument that I found compelling to me as a reader. Crito argues that if Socrates does not escape prison, his children will be left alone to fend for themselves and the kind of fate that awaits them. As a father, Socrates number one