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Quotes On Essay A Visit To
Historical Place
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Quotes On Essay A Visit To Historical PlaceQuotes On Essay A Visit To Historical Place
Courage, Courage And Courage
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look
fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing
that comes along (Eleanor Roosevelt). It takes courage to live a life that one truly wants to live.
One must be brave and strong enough to pursue this courageand then apply that to their everyday
life. The definition of courage is, mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand
danger, fear, or difficulty. Some synonyms of this word include bravery, daring and fearless.
Antonyms along with that are cowardice and spinelessness. Courage is important because it
justifies how the rest of their life will go. When applying... Show more content on ...
Her life would be torpid. Their would be no real need to be anything other than a basic pakistani
girl. But instead, she feels the need to be herself, the need to act out and do as she pleases
because she believes in her own freedom. As Malala Yousafzai once said, For us girls that
doorway was like a magical entrance to our own special world. As we skipped through, we cast
off our headscarves like winds puffing away clouds to make way for the sun, then ran helter
skelter up the steps. This connects to the theme, courage, because it shows strength and power
of staying true to who one is. Even though Malala has an unusual life compared to ours, she still
finds the beauty in it all. She knows what she wants, she does not let the rules of her society tell
her what she can and cannot do. She strongly believes that she is an independent women and that
what she is doing is what she needs to be doing because it is right. It s hard for girls in our
society to be anything other than teachers or doctors if they can work at all (Malala Yousafzai).
This shows courage because Malala was not afraid to be anything other than what she wanted to
be. She is very independent and knows that she is not going to obey by the society s rules.
Malala Yousafzai would not dare let anyone tell her who she was and when they did, she made
sure that knew no matter how to she had to express it. That took bravery and courage beyond all
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Discuss The Main Theme Advanced In This Class. Use Examples..
Discuss the main theme advanced in this class. Use examples.
One of the main themes advanced in the class is the emergence of cities as global leaders, which
we have also referred to as the rise of cities. Cities are becoming globally competitive and playing
a larger role in international relations. Cities are also becoming leaders and finding solutions to
problems such as poverty and climate change that nations have either been reluctant to tackle or
have failed to make progress on. Atwell provides a few examples of cities participating directly
with other nations or global cities in international relations. One of these examples is the City of
Chicago working with the City of Mexico to establish a partnership in fields such as trade, ... Show
more content on ...
The United States, through the use of the UN, used it s money and influence to achieve its
personal agenda for how it saw that the world should attain peace and development. In short,
President Truman was combating the influence of the USSR by attempting to help countries
develop and attain economic prosperity in order to stop and deter the spread of communism.
The Four Point Program was introduced by President Truman to spread democracy and peace.
The plan advocated for using Western advances in technology and sciences to help lift
developing nations. The UN and developed nations also believed that the best way to help the
global South develop was through the use of development theory, as long as it happened on
terms that were compatible with Western values and interests. Development theory was seen as a
series of ideas and practices such as market liberalism, democracy, the use of social sciences and
technology to help underdeveloped countries. These ideas would later go on to be enhanced and
advocated by American Walt Rostow in his book The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non
Communist Manifesto. He believed that expert led development could promote democracy and if
done right, could be more appealing than marxist ideas to young people in developing nations.
Development was seen as a global project intended to focus on individual nation economies. To
tackle these global issues, the
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Why Women Still CanT Have It All By Anne-Marie Slaughter
In the article Why Women Still Can t Have It All, Anne Marie Slaughter explains why women
can t manage both the difficulties of a high end job while doing the best they can as a parent.
Slaughter is a very successful women who had worked for Hillary Clinton at the state department
being the first woman policy planner. She begins the essay by explaining a conversation that came
up between herself and a colleague who held a senior position in the White House. She tells her
colleague that is has been very difficult for her to be away from her son at work, when he needs her
at home. At this point Slaughter comes up with the idea to write an article about these struggles she
and many women are dealing with. Throughout this meeting Slaughter... Show more content on ...
This reason could eventually lead to women either being stressed because they don t have enough
time to fulfill their needs at work and home, and also could eventually lead to a decision against
having children altogether. Slaughter also includes examples of some very successful women that
have struggled to raise a family due to the fact that they are so limited with time, while most
successful men, if not all, are still able to balance the time of have a family and a high end job.
It s easy to understand how this can be a very difficult problem for most women to get around.
Even if they find a very successful job, it s much more challenging for them to be a good mom
while also doing their overall best in their profession. I thought Slaughter shared a very
interesting quote halfway through her article to help sum up her thoughts from Mary Matalin,
(a lady who resigned after only two years in order to spend more time with her children.) Matalin
says, having control of your schedule is the only way that women who want a career and a
family can make it work. Quote from The Atlantic. In the article Why Men Still Can t Have It
All, by Richard Dorment, a senior writer and editor in esquire magazine, Dorment responds to
Slaughter s article by claiming men face the same problem as women do. He claims that recent
times have made it much more difficult for men to balance work and family life. He
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Analyse The Streingths and Weaknesses Of The Boston...
In this essay I will look at the strengths and weaknesses of using the Boston Matrix to help make
decisions in business. I will first briefly explain the Boston Matrix and then analyse its
effectiveness as an aid to making a marketing strategy.
Like Ansoff s matrix, the Boston Matrix is a well known tool for marketing managers. It was
developed by the large US consulting group and is a way that a business can compare all of its
products. The two aspects it looks at are market share (relative to that of competitors) and market
growth. To use it you would look at all of your products and sort them into 4 categories, stars
(products with a high market growth and a high market share), cash cows (high market share in a
market with little ... Show more content on ...
There are several advantages and disadvantages of using the Boston Matrix to help make decisions
like this...
Firstly, there is a common assumption that a high market share will automatically mean high
profitability of a product. This isn t always the case, as the costs of development of a product must
be taken into consideration. For example, when Boeing launch a new jet, yes they have a high
market share but they still must cover the extremely high development costs. Although jets are a
very specialised product, it is the same for other more simple products as a large chunk of a
companies resources go on design and research. Also, at the launch of a new product lots of
money must be spent on advertising to ensure that the product does get the market share it
wants. The good thing about this is that if this risk is undertaken, the product may in the future
become a cash cow and the companies will be able to reap the benefits and the product will be
able to support new products. Do you see the cycle that the products follow?, this all links very
closely with the product lifecycle. Of course a company should not just assume that a product will
follow this cycle, there is no guarantee that a product will follow this cycle and a marketing
department would be stupid to assume that a product will. This is another problem with using the
Boston Matrix to make decisions (as it is a problem with all other aspects of marketing), that
markets just aren t that predictable.
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The Opposition Of Quebec Separatism
In recent elections, the separatist parties in Quebec have seen crushing defeats, raising questions
about their relevance in modern day Canada. Support for Quebec separatism has diminished in
the past several decades, with the rise of the NDP in the 2011 federal election and the more
recent provincial Liberal victory in April of 2014. In the 2011 federal election, specifically, the
Bloc Quebecois was reduced to only four seats in the House of Commons, while the NDP took the
majority of Quebecs seats. The provincial Parti Quebecois (PQ) has also been faltering, losing
more often than not to the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ). Indeed, over the past decade, the PLQ
has only lost one election, and has held majorities in many. The most recent election put them back
into power after a short PQ minority government that began in 2012. These recent elections may
point to a future in which the separatist movement in Quebec may be silenced. Since the late
1950s, the question of Quebec separatism has existed, with levels of support varying throughout
the following decades, leading up the referendums of 1980 and 1995. The defeats suffered by the
separatist parties in recent elections demonstrate that the separatist movement may be close to
being over in Quebec. The history of Quebec within Canada has been problematic since the very
beginnings of Canada. The clash of the culture of the French and English speaking Canadians has
created tensions in Canada since the British took over in
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EPA Environmental Regulation
Our nation s governmental officials hold an extreme great of power, especially the Supreme Court
and EPA Administrators. The Supreme Court in particular has the final say in environmental
regulations as it is up to them to interpret statutes. In the past century, the courts and EPA
administrators have imposed hurdles for environmental regulators and citizens wanting to protect
the earth. In particular, they have failed society with rulings under the Takings and Commerce
Clauses of the Constitution that would repeal most federal environmental statues and they also
challenged EPA s decision to regulate emissions. Specific justices on the U.S. Supreme Court in
addition to judges in lower federal courts have debated the recognition of the Constitution s
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Designing Secure Protocol For Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Science DESIGNING SECURE PROTOCOL FOR
Wireless ad hoc networks (Source: BACKGROUND:
Now a days, communication had become a major role within the people. Communication is done
by a medium with sender and receiver. In internet the way of communication takes place by
medium of wired and wireless. There is a rapid growth in both wired and wireless infrastructures. It
makes use of the customers for the internet connection in many possible ways .In most of the places
wireless internet has been used. Most of the wireless spontaneous network is not secure because it
is not a planned network and network boundaries are defined poor, due to the lack of centralized
server in the network. Usually wireless networks perform both communication and measurement in
a given network. Wireless network architecture usually
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Parent Trap Essay
These differences between original movies and remakes are apparent throughout the history of
movies. During the 1960s, when the original movie The Parent Trap was published, divorce was
a touchy topic. Many children did not even know what it was, because it was so rare. Divorce
had become more common in 1998 when The Parent Trap was remade. More and more children
were seeing their parents split up. How do changes, such as these, tell us about the time periods in
which the movies were made? Both movies tell the same story, but the audiences, standards of men
and women, social norms, and settings vary. The 1961 version of The Parent Trap was undoubtedly
a popular movie, although the main topic divorce was not an ideal during the time.... Show more
content on ...
The roles of the men and women in the original movie The Parent Trap reflected the time of the
1960s. In the movie, Vicky, Mitch s fiancГ©, is always accompanied by her mother. Vicky was
much younger than Mitch. She had not ever been married before, unlike Mitch who had been
through a divorce. Her mother tagging along everywhere goes to show that parent involvement,
even in marriage, was important during the time of this film. Her mother wanted to make sure that
Vicky did everything she needed to do in order to marry Mitch. All Vicky wanted was Mitch s
money, and her mother was going to make sure that is what she got. As time progressed, women
became more independent. In the 1998 version of The Parent Trap, Meredith, Nick s fiancГ©, is
always alone, never accompanied by her mother. This reflects the women of this time:
independent and able to make decisions for themselves. In this version too, all the fiancГ©
wants is the twins father s money. Greed is a quality that is still seen today because money is
something that everyone wants more than they need. The identical twin girls, Susan and Sharon,
are 14 years old in the original movie. In the remake, the twin girls, Annie and Hallie, are 11 years
old. Changing the age was a necessity for the second movie because girls were much more aged
in 1998 than in 1961. The director of the remake, Nancy Meyers, said, Fourteen year olds today are
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Data Analysis And Data Of Data
Data: Data is a set of values of measuring or quantitative variables. It contain raw facts, no context
and just numbers and text. Data is also called as collection of small matters/ pieces information.
12122014 in this number we don t have any exact information, so it is a good example for data.
Information is data that has been developed and arranged in a regular way.
12/12/2014 Final day of classes at Murray State University.
$1,000 My Father s salary per month.
500095 Zip code of Koti, Hyderabad, India.
Database: Database is collection of data which is used to organize the companies. The database
consist of data files or set of files, this record is very useful to organize or run that ... Show more
content on ...
EXTERNAL SOURCE : The external source system will maintain the data of Airport Space ,
Atmosphere conditions, FAA Directives(FAA Federal Aviation Administration)
A 3) The examples for external data sources which are used by banks:
Knowing the Foreign Exchange currency rates
Taking SQL DBA help to store the bank data.
A 4) Difference between Data And Metadata : Data is a just an information/ data is a individual
facts, but metadata is information about information.
In data just give brief information about thing/things, but in metadata gives total history of things.
For example we have taken a world population flow chart in this data gives what is the title of flow
chart, but metadata give whole information about flow chart .What is the name of flow chart?
Which color indicates which country? It gives population percentage about different countries, on
which year it has been measured?
Another example is a Text Document file , in this file Data gives what is the text document name?.
But Metadata gives what is text document file? When it was written ? who is author of that file?
How many days does taken to modify that file? How many pages?
A 5) Business Intelligence(BI): Business Intelligence means the conversion of raw data into usfull
meaning full data for business process is known as Business Intelligence.BI application involes the
actions of Online Analytical Processing, DSS, Data Mining.
Online Analytical
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Charles Bailey And Martha Nussbaum
This essay is conceived with the purpose of demonstrating personal understanding of liberal
education as a result of assessing historic theory of Aristotle and comparing the contemporary
theories of Charles Bailey and Martha Nussbaum. In addition, the applicable situations of liberal
education and its governing principles will be discussed. Specifically, given the inevitable
engagement of compulsory education, which is inherently authoritarian, some aspects of liberal
education are limited, and full personal autonomycannot be actualized. In this situation, liberal
education would be less effective and less suitable due to the loss of freedom to some degree.
However, the importance of liberal education is vital in breaking old cultural and religious world
views to produce open minded students who are capable of critical thinking. In addition, more
benefits of liberal education will be shown in my later analysis by comparing it to education that is
straightly vocational.
The word liberal originates from the Latin liberalis , meaning free men who have been taken out
of servitude. A liberal society can be considered one composed of autonomous people who are
capable of making ... Show more content on ...
This capacity is achieved in relation to the pluralistic feature of liberal education. Similar to
Charles Bailey s opinion, she also stresses that minds should be liberated from the constraints of
old habits and customs. But the difference is her theory applies to a larger and international scale.
It gives liberal education a more significant meaning as cultivating humanity for world citizenship. I
believe demonstrating the cosmopolitan concept of liberal education is relatively important,
especially in today s global and diverse
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Physics Of The Catapult
Busch R. JonathanPeriod 4
23 February 2017Busch 1
The Origins And Physics Of The CatapultWhen we think of catapults we usually imagine them
firing at castle walls during the medieval times, or standing in the background of a large army
clashing with another in an action movie. However, catapults have a long and intricate history that
twists and binds with our own, dating all the way back to 399 B.C. First documented by the Greek
historian, Diodorus Siculus, in the form of an early design for the Ballista (type of catapult).
Catapults were a staple for siege warfare all throughout history. The catapult was used by many
different cultures, notably the Greeks, Roman, and Chinese in siege warfare; also ... Show more
content on ...
The physics concepts associated with them are projectile motion, energy, momentum, forces ,
speeds, and distances. The kinds of catapults all use the same theme of accumulated tension, but
acquire that tension in their own way, their own design. The Mangonel catapult for instance, is
what most of us think of as the traditional catapult. A large wooden device with four wheels and a
spoon that launches fireballs. The Mangonel stores energy much like a spring would, therefore, we
use the equation PEspring = 1/2kx^2. The tension in the ropes and arms of the catapult when
pulling on its long arm stores potential energy which is transformed into kinetic energy when fired
upon.(Melvin, Mangonel Physics of Catapults ) The speed and distance of the projectile depended
on how much force the catapult applied to the projectile, and the momentum depended on the mass
and the velocity of the projectile (dead diseased cow, or flaming
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Key Constraints to Housing Development Finance in Nigeria.
Key Constraints to Housing Development Finance in Nigeria.
NASARAWA STATE e mail:, Tel.: +234 047 66701, 66707 047 66238 (DL)
JULY, 2012
Department of Estate Management and Valuation
School of Environmental Studies
The Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa,
Nasarawa State.
Email: Uzokwe_Lawrence@Yahoo.Com, 08059128950
The focus of this study is to examine the problems that are associated with housing development
finance in Nigeria. The study attempts to explore the various sources of finance that are available
for real property development with a view to ... Show more content on ...
There are various sources through which the developer can get fund to finance real estate
2.2.1.Equity Capital
This is the fund realized from personal savings and family savings. It is usually low because of low
per capital income, unequal distribution of income and high population in each family unit
resulting in excessive consumption, low savings and low investment in Nigeria.
Since this equity capital is usually small, it is prudent for him to decide on a mixture of equity and
debt capital which will not only guarantee the highest expected return but also not impair the
viability of the development. A developer s
Ability to borrow will be enhanced by the size of equity capital at his disposal.
2.2.2.Direct Loans
These are the loans got directly from the various lenders such as banks and other financial
institutions for a specific period. They are classified according to their duration, short, medium and
long terms.
(a) Short Term Loans
The conventional method of raising funds for the acquisition of land and the subsequent
development of potential investment property over a two to three year period is by way of short
term finance. The traditional sources of short term finance are the commercial and merchant banks
as well as finance houses. The terms on which these loans are provided are usually very stringent
and the interests charged are usually on
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Dimethyl Methyl Polysiloxanes
Column one was a 30m x 0.25mm i.d coated with 0.5 Ојm 5% diphenyl and 95% dimethyl
polysiloxane (RtxВ® 5). Column two was a 30m x 0.25mm i.d coated with 0.5 Ојm midpolarity
phase consisting of 50% phenyl and 50% dimethyl polysiloxane (RxiВ® 17sil). Column three was
a 30m x 0.25mm i.d, capillary coating with 0.5 Ојm film of 100% trifluoropropyl methyl
polysiloxane (RtxВ® 200). The separation was performed using the same temperature program
on all these stationary phases. The temperature program used for separation was consisted of an
initial temperature hold at 80 В°C for 1.0 min, ramped up to 300 В°C at a rate of 30 В°C/min, held
at 300 В°C for 0.5 min then ramped to 340В°C at a rate of 5.0 В°C/min and held at 340 В°C for
5.0 min with a total run 21 min. (TP1). Column four was a 30m x 0.25mm i.d, capillary coated
with 0.5 Ојm film of midpolarity phase consisting of 35% phenyl and... Show more content on ...
There is an extensive overlap and co elution of the JWH 018 and 5 (1 naphthoyl) 1 pentylindole
(compound 4) on Rtx 200. The separation is completely resolved with full baseline resolution on
Rtx 5 and Rtx 17Sil. However, the last four peaks showed slightly tailing but this tailing does not
affect the quality of the separation. On the other hand, the run time was increased on the Rxi 35Sil
column to allow for the complete elution of sample components. It takes more than thirty minute to
get a complete separation with slow upward baseline shift. Otherwise, the separation was excellent
with slightly tailing in the last four compounds but this tailing does not affect the quality of the
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Business Strategy for Facebook
Running Head: FACEBOOK Business strategy for Facebook Table of Contents Executive
Summary3 Introduction5 External analysis (Industry analysis) and internal analysis5 Strengths of
company5 Weaknesses of Company6 Opportunities of company7 Threats of Company7 Problem
Statement8 Criteria for evaluating Strategic alternatives9 Three strategic alternatives and
evaluation10 Expand the global user community10 Build engaging mobile practices.11 Advance ad
products for college age students and advertiser11 Recommended alternative and execution12
Execution of alternative strategy12 Porter s 5 forces analysis of Facebook13 Bargaining power of
consumers13 Bargaining power of suppliers14 Threat... Show more content on ...
People face many problems while using website due to it. * Facebook have to face a lot of
problems when use deletes the posts on their walls. * Sometime management team has to face
numerous problems when user at the same time use applications, chat with friends and play
games. * Proper feedback from users is not given, instead FAQ s are utilized. Opportunities of
company Opportunities for Facebook are given below: * Selling and buying can be done
through Facebook because every one use Facebook and know about Facebook. * Polls and
surveys can easily be carried out to gather business data. * Innovation can be an opening chance
for Facebook. * Facebook can take over the other social networking sites easily. (David, 2009) *
Partners for the business can be generated as information can be shared easily. * Facebook can
get bigger its roots in the global market. * Applications provided by Facebook can become a
source of profits if they are accurately designed. * People attach using their mobile phones
without being detached from their schedule work. * Facebook has become an address book
defaulting for the Facebook users. Threats of Company Threats for Facebook are given below: *
Competitors are increasing day by day. Twitter, Hi5, Orkut and Myspace. * Spamming is the
supreme threat for the users of Facebook. * Privacy settings keep
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The Second Language By Vivian Cook
Acquisition of an L2 (second language), has always been an important issue in the field of
linguistics, and its relationship with an L1 (First language) is what concerns Vivian Cook in the
chapter called The relationship between first and second language learning revisited .
In the chapter the author argues that the relationship between both L1 and L2, defines the second
language. That is why SLA (Second Language Acquisition) research has taken ideas and research
techniques from L1 research such as the independent grammar assumption, which claims that the
child s language, constitutes an independent system of its own, and is not a poor version of the
adult s one. And techniques, being the most obviously borrowed those ... Show more content on ...
These arguments are the ones that made me meditate the most, because they are there in front of
everyone, yet, I was never able to see them. For instance, when Cook claims that The L2 learner
already has at least one other language in his mind; the initial language state of his mind is in
principle different from the L1 child, because of the first language... This first language has
already taken a place in the mind of the learner, so it is harder for the L2 to get without any
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Military Experience Essay
The day I walked into the Pentagon was one of mystic and uncertainty on May 14, 2007. The
fear of the unknown, always crosses a person mind when they are going somewhere that they
have not heard all good things about. The Pentagon has a reputation and is known for, many
different things. Through personal experience working at the Pentagon, however, I have learned
a valuable lifelong lesson: In all things, preparation is key. For opportunity and favor meet the
prepared mind. Let s start from the beginning. I met a former colleague at the hotel, where my
wife and I were staying. His name is Mike Strozier. Mike was to escort me to the Pentagon, and
there I would meet my new boss. So, off to the METRO Station we went to catch the Blue Line...
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Consider the corridor, and corridor rings, as highways and byways to navigate the building. You
must and will travel them to attend meetings, briefings or an all hands presentation in the
auditorium that s located off Corridor 6. In order to get to your office in the morning and depart
your office in the evening, you must travel the byways. On some occasions, impromptu meetings
are held on the highways. The impromptu meetings occur after you have just departed a meeting
and you are returning to your office; another colleague may stop you to conduct some follow
coordination or to reaffirm your office position on a particular staff action. In addition, you might
be on your way to the main corridor for breakfast or lunch, and you meet someone that you have
sent an email or called to coordinate a staff action. Either you stop them, or they stop you. The halls
of the Pentagon is where Pentagon business is conducted. I have even passed Barbara Starr,
Journalist at the Pentagon for CNN. She is much shorter than I
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Compare Three Phase And Six Phase Induction Motor
Abstract: The area of the multiphase motor has experienced a significant growth in last decade
numerous interesting development have been reported in the literature in this chain this paper is an
attempt to mathematically model both three phase and six phase induction motor for comparison of
their characteristics. Using this mathematical modeling a Simulink model is created whose results
shows that the six phase induction motor can sustain more than four times the torque that can be
sustained by three phase induction motor of same design parameters. The six phase motor is better
not just in torque handling capacity but it also has inherent advantages of the multiphase induction
Keywords Induction motor, Modelling, Multiphase, Simulink, ... Show more content on ...
A.Three phase induction motor
A motor is an electromechanical device which converts electrical energy into a mechanical energy.
The induction motor is the workhorse of the industry. In case of its three phase AC operation, they
do not require any starter. They are self starting Induction motor. Every Motor consists of two
major parts: (a) Stator(b) Rotor
(a)Stator: Stator of three phase induction motor is made up of cast iron. It has numbers of slots to
construct a 3 phase winding circuit in them which is connected to 3 phase AC source. The three
phase winding are arranged in such a manner that they produce a rotating magnetic field hen a 3
phase AC supply is provided to them.
(b)Rotor: The rotor is the moving component of the induction motor it is made up of laminated
steel in the core with evenly spaced bars of copper or aluminum placed axially around the
periphery. Conductors are short circuited using the end ring made of thick aluminum or copper
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Analysis Of Cloud Painter By Jane Flanders
The world has several great poets and numerous mind blowing works, each with its own way of
portraying its own message using symbolism to represent lessons of everyday life. Jane Flanders
wrote the poem named Cloud Painter she shows the world from an artistic way, using a painter
and his canvas to help the reader picture the true meaning behind the words and images created.
Robert Frost takes on the same idea, but uses a less complex example so that it makes his work
easy to understand while not revealing the actual meaning of the poem. Frost and Flanders are
just two of the many poets that use nature as a way of explaining the very lessons in life. Each
poet has a different way of presenting similar images but from a different perspective. Poems are
short stories that have a meaning behind them without revealing them in obvious ways.
Although some are confusing and may use a different style there are a few that present the same
message even if they are written by a different poet. Cloud Painter written by Jane Flanders uses
the clouds and other subjects of nature. Such as trees and the hills. to help the reader picture the
true meaning behind her poem. Robert Frost s poem by the name of Nothing Gold Can Stay
also takes the nature route to convey the point of his poems words and their Each has a unique
way of creating an idea that most can relate to emotionally and physically. Flanders sees the
world as a simple backdrop as seen when she simply states, At first, as you know, the sky is
incidental a drape, a backdrop for the trees and steeples. Here an oak clutches a rock (already he
works outdoors), a wall buckles but does not break, water pearls through a lock, a haywain
trembles. Showing that the world is just another curtain painting that is there for looks. The
message behind this line is that life rests upon a single canvas and although it has been damaged
it still stands as if to hang on to its life. The first line sets the poem for the next line to come
which explains the main point of the poem The pleasures of landscape are endless. What is seen
should be enough. Horizons are typically high and far away. This shows that the things in life are
often taken for granted and used for the wrong
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Bobsledding History
There are many sports in the Olympics and Bobsledding is one of them. The goal of the event is
to be the fastest on the bobsled track. In order to win the race your team has to have the fastest
time at the end of the race. They use timers for the race to get the score. Winner will be given
their medals at the end of winners are picked. The current world record is 125 mph set by Andre
Lange, Rene Hoppe, Kevin Kuske, and Martin Putze. They record was broken in the 1990 s. Men
sled s and woman sleds all weigh a different amount. 2 man sleds weigh less than 4 man sleds.
Germany is holding the most medals in this sport right now.
Bobsledding got started in the 19th century. The sport originated in St Moritz, Switzerland. They ...
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The bobsleigh is over 300 pounds so they gotta be able to push the whole sled when beginning
the race. Sprinting is a big part of this race also, you start off by holding the push handles,
sprinting, and then jumping into the sled. For the sled to go full speed it has to reach about 500
pounds or more. They practice year round for this and will be in a gym most the time because
most of this race is muscle. Most competitors in this race have been in track before and done
running events. They will usually sprint twice a week. So when training they will weight lift, but
mostly work with their legs.
Women Competitor 2018 Winter Olympics.
Seun Adigun will be competing in the 2018 Winter Olympics. She is thirty one years old and is
from Chicago, Illinois She is a female bobsledder and founded bobsledding in two thousand and
twelve with the Nigerian bobsled team. Their team is team USA. They are the first bobsled team
from Nigeria. She was in the Olympics before in running events. She competed in 100 meter
hurdles, and the 4x100m relay. She was also in the two thousand and twelve Olympic Games in
London. She switched to bobsledding in 2014.
Male competitor 2018 Winter
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Wealth Gap Between Whites And Minorities Essay
Wealth Gap in America America has a lengthy history on how it became the powerful country it is
today, and although its history can be interrupted in many ways (depending who you ask) one
thing that is for certain is that wealth has yet to be distributed equally amongst minorities.
According to the article Income inequality matter; Extreme gap in wealth makes society unstable.
Philip Meyer claims that the wealth gap between whites and minorities has existed since Ronald
Reagans term of presidency (A9). Although Ronald Reagans term ended many years ago the
mistakes that caused this imbalance of wealth (and its aftermath) while he was in office remains
almost if not exactly the same as when the problem initially began (Meyer A9). The wealth gap
continues to target minorities and is affecting our communities at an alarming rate, however, many
attempts have been made to reduce its existence but the factors of income inequality,
unemployment rates and discrimination before and after our recent 2007 recession prevents our
country from eliminating such a toxic problem. The wealth gap is a problem that which the hard
working people of America know very little about. Using Ignorance towards this problem does not
cease its existence of it but rather contributes to growth because it s not being addressed. It s a
problem that seems to affect mainly the minorities of the U.S. population, such as Blacks and
Hispanics. However, not everyone is in the dark about this lingering ever
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Regret Kate Chopin Analysis
Mamzelle AurГ©lie, the main character in Regret , has never been in love nor had the thought
of marrying. Why is this you may be wondering? Well, it is hard to say why Mamzelle AurГ©lie
would choose a lifestyle like this, but maybe she never found the right man to fit her wants and
needs or maybe she liked to be independent and live her life without having to think of someone
besides herself. In Regret , Kate Chopin illustrates how Mamzelle AurГ©lie, a fifty year old
woman who has never been in love, becomes engulfed with emptiness after experiencing a new
found joy. Mamzelle AurГ©lie s new found joy does not appear right away. One morning
Mamzelle AurГ©lie s neighbor drops off her four children in a hurry saying she must go attend
to her sick mother and her husband had gone to Texas. Mamzelle AurГ©lie had no choice to say
no because before she knew it their mother was gone and she was left on her porch with four
children that she did not want. Mamzelle AurГ©lie was ill prepared to give the attention children
required and demanded (Chopin 98). She was not prepared because she had never once been
around children and did not know how to treat them or even know what to do with them. Chopin
writes, She was, indeed, very inapt, in her management of Odile s children during the first few
days (98). This meaning Mamzelle AurГ©lie was not suitable for the circumstances she had come
to be in. The wording Chopin used in this paragraph, for example saying inapt, is trying to explain
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The Scenes Of Your Cup Of Milk
Christine Lee
Professor Lynn Dowdy
Biology 100
16 October 2015
Behind the Scenes of Your Cup of Milk
Magazines, newspapers, and health blog posts have been talking about the unhealthy consequences
of Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) for many years. The more people grew conscious of what they
were consuming, the more they researched about their food. The usage of Bovine Growth Hormone
among the dairy industries has caught the attention of many consumers. Countless studies that were
done regarding rBGH treated milk only validated the negative effects of rBGH. Cows should not be
treated with rBGH due to the detrimental effects the hormone has on cows health, the potential
harmful effects it can have on consumers due to rampant antibiotic use, and the breaching of
autonomy and rights abuses of the cows treated.
Bovine Somatotropin (BST) is commonly known as Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH).
Somatotropin is a natural hormone produced in the pituitary gland of animals. BST aids in
increasing the growth in young cattles and lactation in milk cows. rBGH is an artificial
somatotropin hormone that is created through recombinant biotechnology. When rBGH is
administered to milk cows, the milk production of the cows increase by 10 to 15 percent (USDA,
2009). Injecting the cows with rBGH forces the cows to lactate more which makes them more
vulnerable to mastitis (udder infection). Mastitis causes the cows to secrete pus from their udder,
hence, pus incorporated milk. Monsanto s data
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Marketing audit of Nike
4P S
INTRODUCTION Nike is an incorporated company ... Show more content on ...
The company believes that demands from international markets will increase in future. Nike must
cater to a large portion of the new generation that demands the latest trends and styles. Nike should
take into account the changing US demographics due to the rising proportion of Hispanics, Asians,
and African Americans. These groups have different preferences that Nike should be able to satisfy.
Nike should identify the next generation of loyal customers and provide for their needs.
COMPETITION Who are the companies or brands with which the organization or brand competes?
What are their sales and market share trends? How do their approaches to the market differ from the
organizations, and from each other? Are there any specific weaknesses in any competitors that can
be turned into opportunities? Are there any specific strength that are major threats? What
adjustments have been made? Succeeded or not? What other changes are being contemplated?
Why? Competition is very fierce due to the number of companies competing for sales. Lots of
money goes to marketing and promotions using various channels to reach the young demographic
group of consumers who spend the most money on Nike s products. Growth is slowing down in the
athletic footwear industry. But new markets are emerging with high growth rates. These markets
include extreme sports market and the corporate merchandise market.
Nike s global market share was an impressive 30.4% in 1998. The
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European Imperialism In Nineteenth Century
Throughout the Nineteenth Century wealthy European countries engaged to take advantage of
poor African nations. This imperialism was seen as a duty to God and country. Often, there efforts
to colonize less civilised nations resulted in the destruction of families, government, and individuals
in the colonised nations. In White Man s Burden and Things Fall Apart Achebe and Kipling discuss
imperialism in different ways. White Europeans during the Nineteenth Century felt the need to
civilize, people and countries that they thought were uncivilised. Kipling once said, To serve your
captives need (Kipling, 4). Europeans felt a responsibility to spread their culture and increase their
fortunes by collinazation. White Europeans used religion to
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Astm515 Final Report
ASTM F1515 Micom offers test services to ASTM F1515 Standard Practice for Measuring Light
Stability of Resilient Flooring by Color Change as part of its UV testing services using Type BH
three tier racks apparatus (either inclined or vertical). This practice covers specific procedures and
test conditions based on practices ASTM G151, ASTM G155, ASTM D2565 and ASTM D2244.
ASTM F1515 also covers the preparation of test specimens, the test conditions and the evaluation of
test results. Use and factors to be considered: Polymers can have their mechanical, electrical and
optical properties significantly altered when exposed to light even behind window glass. This
method is intended to quantify the amount of color change in flooring products
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Income Inequality Essay
Income Inequality Among Developing Countries and Their Relations To The Affluent World
On September 25th of 2015, the United Nations adopted a comprehensive initiative to combat a
wide variety of global health issues that currently plague humanity. The initiative, entitled UN
Sustainable Development Goals includes a list of seventeen goals to be achieved over the next
fifteen years and encompasses measures to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity
for all. This paper intends to provide an in depth analysis of the tenth UN
Sustainable Development Goal: Reducing income inequalities.
Income inequality is a problematic reality of the modern era that slows economic growth,
generates political instability, causes health problems and creates severe social inequalities among
children. As part of this analysis, determinants of this global issue will be discussed as well as its
correlation with globalization. Lastly, suggestions will be provided to the global community with
regards to possible solutions to income inequality, as well as a discussion about the potential roles
and responsibilities for Canadians in response to the issue.
Although many milestones have been reached on the road to eradicate mass poverty, a large
disparity still exists, otherwise known as income inequality. The issue currently pertains to the rich
and poor. It is illustrated among a macroeconomic level (between countries), as well as a
microeconomic level (within countries).
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Application Of An Information Literacy Program
access to information in many different formats such as print, electronic, and visual as well as
instruction that fosters competence as well as interest in reading, viewing and using information.
The last component in accomplishing the mission statement is for the library teacher to collaborate
with other educators to design instruction to best meet the needs of the students A strong
information literacyprogram is essential when it comes to helping students be able to use
information effectively throughout their life. The focus of an information literacy program is not
merely to distribute information but should focus on the process of learning. In order to determine
if a program will help increase information literacy it is... Show more content on ...
(AASL, 2006) The other set of standards that guide the scope for the information literacy program
here in Utah are the Utah State Core Standards for the Library Media (grades 6 12). While there
are is some overlap between these two sets of standards they work together comprehensively to
cover all areas of information literacy. These standards are divided up into 3 clusters. The Utah
State Standards were designed to be taught through integration with other subject and content areas.
The three clusters include: Literacy: Reading Engagement
Literacy: Research and Information
Literacy: Media Engagement
Cluster one, reading engagement, focuses largely on promoting reading and creating lifelong
readers who read for enjoyment as well as out of need. It also includes using strategies to be able
to comprehend both recreational reading as well as informational texts. This cluster does a good
job of filling some of holes that appear in the AASL standards. The information and research strand
hones in on defining an information problem and identifying the information need. Some of the
indicators in this standard show that a learner can narrow or broaden an information search as well
as seek clarification from teachers and other resources. The third cluster, research and information
includes being able to identify, evaluate, and select sources. The indicators in this
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Noise In Chicago Airport
Sound is very much important to our daily live, but noise is not. Noise is used as an annoying
sound. Most of us every time hear the sounds in everyday life, likewise the traffic, the television,
loud music, people talking on their phone and even pets shouting in the middle of the night. A lot
of these things have become a part of the culture and hardly annoys us. Moreover, noiseis made by
big trucks, household gadgets, vehicles, motorbikes on the road, loud speakers and jet planes and
helicopters flying over cites, etc. However, airplanes have been an effective noise pollutionwhich
the community members living in the suburban nearby the airport are disturbed by the jet noise
that planes are making while departing and arriving to... Show more content on ...
Under the city s plans, in August an existing diagonal runway will be closed. Another diagonal
runway is slated to be closed in 2020.Several Chicago area members of the Illinois delegation in
Congress, groups representing O Hare noise opponents and a few Chicago aldermen have called
on the Emanuel administration and the FAA to keep all four of O Hare s diagonal runways and
to utilize them more to spread out flights over the city and suburbs. The new study released on
Wednesday June 10th, 2015 relied in part on the latest FAA flight data for O Hare and projections
extending well into the 2030s to argue that the sixth east west parallel runway and a proposed
extension of an existing parallel runway are not needed to serve anticipated passenger demand. The
consultants working for the Suburban O Hare Commission which include JDA Aviation
Technology Solutions and Lock ridge Grindal Nauen Aviation, both based in the Washington area.
(O Hare
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Converse Energy Future
According to CEF, Converse Energy Future, in 2016, recycling is a process to create new items
from old and used materials. This helps in reducing energy and potentially useful materials from
being wasted. In 2014, according to Ever Green Recycling, each person in the US on average
generates around four pounds of trash each day, which translates into 1.5 tons of wasteeach year.
People do not take recyclingseriously even though it has a huge impact on our world and
fortunately is extremely easy to do. To begin, I will tell you why you need to recycle, then I will
tell you how easy it is to make a change and recycle, and lastly about the outcome of recycling. In
order for our environment to be healthy and safe, you need to start recycling or... Show more
content on ...
Now a days you can pretty much recycle anything so don t use that as an excuse. Most of the
things you use daily can be recycled such as plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and paper. When
interviewing my mother, Heidi Koerting on June 26th 2016, she said that recycling plastic
bottles is the easiest thing to recycle. I am sure a lot of you drink from water bottles so make
sure if you do put it in a plastic recycling bin instead of the trash. If you can, use a reusable water
bottle instead of a plastic bottle. According to Recycling Coalition of Utah in 2012, they said
that by using reusable drink containers an average person can eliminate the need for 100
disposable bottles per year. Next is all the aluminum cans that you drink out of. Aluminum
recycling is very successful. According to Lehigh County Pennsylvania in 2016 said that about
65% of America s aluminum is currently recycled. An advantage of recycling aluminum cans is
you can even get money for it. It may not be a large amount but it s still money. The last easy
product to recycle is paper. How many of you get the newspaper and throw it away when you are
done? Next time you go to throw it away, find a bin that you can start recycling paper in.
According to Love to Know in 2016, newspaper can be recycled into egg cartons, game boards,
new newspaper, gift boxes, animal bedding, insulation and packaging material. Any little
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Essay On Uninsured Americans
Healthcare in the United States is an interstate system that accounts for 15% of the U.S. GDP and
$5,635 per capita. Nearly 45 million or 1 in 5 Americans are uninsured. With insurance premiums
rising yearly, the number of uninsured Americans projects to continue to climb. While new
technologies will increase the efficiency of healthcare, the costs of these new tests and treatments
will likely outweigh the savings. As the cost of healthcare rises, many employers will be forced to
eliminate health insurancebenefits for their employees, further increasing the number of uninsured
Current federal and state laws require healthcare providers to extend certain healthcare services to
citizens who are without insurance and are unable to pay the cost of their healthcare. A significant
number of these people were able to ... Show more content on ...
B. Individual Coverage/Shared Responsibility Payment Mandate
The Individual Care Mandate of the PPACA requires individuals to maintain a minimum amount of
essential health insurance coverage. For each month that an individual goes without the required
coverage, the individual will, when filing taxes, be required to pay to the IRS a tax designed to
cover their share of the insurance and healthcare marketplace. This concept is known as the Shared
Responsibility Payment. Though the SRP is paid to the IRS, and is assessed in the same manner as
tax penalties, the IRS is prohibited from using many of its normal enforcement tools, such as
criminal prosecutions and levies.
The IC SRP will reduce the cost shifting problem by driving healthy individuals, who would
otherwise not purchase insurance, into the marketplace. This ensures that insurance companies will
remain profitable by introducing millions of new, otherwise unattainable, customers to the insurance
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The Pros And Cons Of Conformism
The term ambition is almost always considered as a negative characteristic. Being ambitious
seems to be linked to greed and a more similar meaning to being a non conformist is left aside,
something that may be very necessary and act as the engine of a business activity. Because
ambition is not only restricted to the desire to accumulate wealth or power, it can be found in the
desire to be better every day, to seek new challenges and fight for them, without having to trample
others or not have scruples to reach your goals. Can an entrepreneur not be ambitious? Based on the
fact that conformism can be a factor that leads to failure, because competition does not fall asleep
and the market is constantly changing, the lack of seeking constant... Show more content on ...
United States 1). During the first years of the deregulation of the electric market, under the vision
and command of Kenneth Lay, who, supported by his studies of economics and the experience
obtained from his work in important positions in the cabinet of government of the United States of
America, decides to explore the energy industry especially in the area of natural gas. In 1989, Ken
Lay hired Jeffrey Skilling, then a consultant to McKinsey Co., to help him implement the new
diversification strategy, which was successful so that by 1995 Enron was already the industry
marketing leader, controlling 20% of the energy market in the United States. Later in the 1990s,
Enron used favorable Washington decisions to expand its reach, marketing a variety of other real
and virtual commodities, from plastics to bandwidth. (St. Petersburg Times, Enron s meltdown. ).
By 2000, Enron s stock was worth $ 90 a share, and its executives were being hailed as innovative
geniuses and political gurus. (St. Petersburg Times, Enron s meltdown. ), and the company has been
organized into three divisions: Enron Wholesale Service, dedicated to operating in product markets
(including Enron Online); Enron Energy Services, which provided consulting services to
companies for the management of their electrical needs and Enron Global Services,
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Conspiracy Theories About Alexander The Great
Conspiracy Theories About Alexander the Great Alexander the Great was said to be born of King
Philip and Olympias. However, that is only one conspiracy that lies within this popular name. He
was born in 336 B.C. in Macedonia, Greece. Since then Alexander dreamed of becoming the king
of Asia and his mother wanted nothing more than her son on the throne. Many theories such as the
death of King Philip, the father of Alexander the Great, and the death of Alexander the Great are
imbedded into the history of this powerful ruler. The death of King Philip, supposedly the father of
Alexander the Great, is quite questionable. One theorem is that his death was planned by Olympias
and Alexander. Some supportive reasonings include the fact that King
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The Is A Humanitarian Catastrophe
Aleppo is a humanitarian catastrophe. Frequent air and chemical attacks leaves the average
Syrian civilian in fear for their lives on a daily basis. With the Western half controlled by the
Bashar al Assad government and the Eastern half in controlled by anti government rebels
bloodshed always lingers. For years, power has shifted between the two sides with many outside
forces joining, tipping the power balances. With no end in sight, massive loss of life is becoming a
universal issue.
Inspired by the Arab Spring, revolution was on the horizon in Syria. Fed up with the government
control, rebels have rallied against the government. In nearly five years of armed conflict the
civil war in Syria has claimed nearly 470,000 lives: 400,000 through direct violence and an
additional 70,000 as an indirect result of the war. A governmental regime which uses terrorists
tactics is one that should be looked at as a threat. The president of Syria, Bashar Al Assad, has
carried out a siege against his own civilians in Aleppo trapping them from the rest of the world.
Depriving nearly 250,000 people of food, water, and supplies while bombing them on a daily basis
is simply inhumane (UN News Centre). The government has gone to the point of using chemical
weapons on their own civilians, killing many men, women, and children. The bloodbath is more
than just those who support the Ba ath Party Government and those who want a revolution, but
includes many groups and world powers. Although they
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The Shadow Of A Gunman
The Shadow of a Gunman by Sean O Casey
In nineteen twenty three, Sean O Casey released a book of three plays all of which were
performed at the prestigious Abbey Theater. Three Dublin Plays , was broken down into exactly
that, three plays; The Shadow of a Gunman, Juno and the Paycock, and The Plough and the Stars.
Of those three, I chose to examine The Shadow of a Gunman. This was the very first of the three
plays to be accepted into Abbey Theater and is set in May of 1920. The author himself, Sean O
Casey, was a huge supporter of the patriotism flowing through Ireland. Originally born John O
Casey, his named was changed once he felt the nationalism taking over the country, and decided
himself to learning the Irish language. In The ... Show more content on ...
One last point that I believe will tie everything together by the end is that of romanticism in
relation to nationalism. Although these themes sound similar they each have their own distinct
differences, and I believe intertwined is what made this play great and gave the audience
something to gravitate to because it was relatable in their own lives, and soon enough it will be
explained just how. In the Second Act, Davoren s roommate Seumas Shield s makes a comment
in reference to the war that is continuing to rage on: The country is gone mad...It s the civilians
that suffer...Shot in the back to save the British Empire, an shot in the breast to save the soul of
Ireland (Pg. 40) Shield s continues on past this line on his belief that this battle for nationalism is
a much more dangerous environment for the average citizen than it is for the forces actually
fighting. The shot in the back by the British obviously is illustrating the ill fated relationship
between the two sides, as the British do not care about the Irish and who they are, referring to
them British as cowards for shooting behind them. As for the breast shot to save Ireland, it is
important he notes the shot in the breast, right in the chest. The opposite position of the shot
shows how even right in front of you, you can still be killed by your own people to save
Ireland . This connection shows Shield s more of a cynical view of nationalism, as seen in Irish
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Why Is Panda Bear Endangered
Goal: To provide interesting facts about Panda bears and why they are endangered
Total Word Count In This Document:
Title: Facts about Panda Bears and reasons they are endangered
What is furry, cute and black, and white all over? You can probably guess in 3 chances, the panda
bear. If you are like me, you have watched several videos online and have been curious how the
panda bear survives in the wild. Also, you may have wondered why this loveable looking bear is
on the endangered specie list.
The Diet of a Panda Bear
If you ever wondered what panda s eat, you, will probably rarely seem them eating other animals.
Their main diet is the consumption of bamboo. Actually, 99 percent of the diet is bamboo. The
other 1 percent is very small animals, such as, small rodents, fish, flora and eggs. Although, they ...
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The large male panda s can get up to 250 pounds, and be 2 feet long. The male panda s are indeed
larger than the females. These bears can live up to 20 years in the wild. Even though, there are
environmental conflicts that are reducing their lifespan.
Reasons for the Decline of the Panda Bear
Unfortunately, for the panda bear they are on a endangered list. There are several reasons that it
is difficult for the survival of these bears. The females can ovulate during the Spring time, which
becomes a very small window for growth. They are literally only able to ovulate 2 3 days a year.
That s right. So, this is already a challenge for them. Plus, the female panda can only give birth to 2
and 1 usually dies.
They are approximately 1,600 panda bears that live in the wild all over the world. However, there
are more panda s in China than anywhere else. With this being said, and China s continual growth,
this, causes destruction to the panda s habitat. China uses bamboo for construction and therefore,
removes the main source of food for the panda bear.
The Panda is a Symbol of Peace in
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Abortion Should Be Restricted
The number of abortions today is almost 1.5 million a year, which is about 30% of all
pregnancies (McConnell). Too many women are getting abortions as a means of birth control.
The Supreme Court needs to restrict abortions to women who have been raped, been victims of
incest, if the child will die at a young age, or if the woman s health is in danger. By reading this
paper, the reader will gain an understanding of why abortions need to be restricted. Although
abortions are necessary they need to be limited. Too many women are getting abortions as a way of
birth control. In 1967 Colorado and California legalized abortion. By June, 1970, when the State of
New York passed the first Abortion on Demand Law, which was a law stating no woman
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The fact that her baby was conceived by a means of rape or incest would haunt her for the rest of
her life. Furthermore, what are incest victims supposed to do once they give birth? She would,
potentially, have to see the man who impregnated her, almost, on a daily basis, at least until she
s old enough to move out of the house. Even then, she may still have to see her dad, or her uncle,
or whoever the assailant was, in the future. Incest pregnancies are not common, but they do
happen hundreds of times a year in the United States, and therefore they are something that need
to be recognized by the media better. Congressman George Miller once said Don t turn the
disgusting, violent, solitary acts of rape into a gang rape by the congress of the U.S. The third
exception to a child being aborted is if the child has a disease which involves an early death or
absence of cognitive developmental capacity. Detection of certain diseases can be obtained as
early as ten weeks. The parents with a disease stricken baby usually wish to spare the baby a life
of hardship rather then prolonging the child s ill fated life. If the child will die at a young age,
why not save it the agony by ending his life before it begins? The idea is that certain disorders are
so serious that there is no point attempting to prolong the child s life (Cunningham). The
overwhelming majority of women who discover they re carrying a
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Decay In The House Of The Seven Gables
In Nathaniel Hawthorne s gothic novel, The House of the Seven Gables, the house plays many
supernatural key roles which changes the mood of the book multiple times. The supernatural role
starts out as a curse put upon those who are descendants of the Pyncheon family, but changes the
culmination of the story. This key element to the story takes on many evil forms, but gives the story
its delightful end. Early on in the story, Matthew Maule curses the Pyncheon family before his
hanging, therefore inciting the supernatural role. Thus brings the beginning of decay and
destruction upon the Pyncheon family which continues on throughout generations. Early on in the
novel, Hawthorne writes, ... and would thus afford the ghost of the latter... Show more content on ...
Judge Jaffrey follows in his ancestor s footsteps and rises to power early in his life. His greed
and lust for power knows no ends, and he gets his own family locked up to increase his own
influence. However, even he cannot escape the curse that affects those with his qualities. Like the
Colonel, he dies in the house in a chair, waiting for for someone to find his dead body. The
supernatural pulls Alice and Phoebe, those that do not let greed control them, and pushes them
down a different path. Alice becomes hypnotized by one of Matthew Maule s ancestors in an
attempt to locate the missing deed located somewhere inside the house. Maule summons the spirits
of his father, grandfather, and old Colonel Pyncheon, however, the two Maule spirits prevent
Colonel Pyncheon s ghost from telling Maule the deed s whereabouts. The ignorance of his
ancestors leads to the death of Alice, and the further decay of the house. Phoebe faces an entirely
different fate when the supernatural powers that the Maule s carry fails to work against the
Pyncheon family for the first
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Visionless Blind Faith In Raymond Carver s Cathedral Analysis
Visionless Blind Faith in Raymond Carver s Cathedral
Narration is divided into two categories and classifications; those composed by men authors and
those composed by women writers. Narration by a male narrator who employs distancing
strategies and some are narrated by a female narrator using engaging strategies. Cathedral is an
example used in the academic journal Raymond Carver, Male and Female Interventions in
Cathedral (Sasani, 2014). Stories are described by a male storyteller who utilizes separating
methodologies and some are described by a female storyteller utilizing drawing in techniques, which
are individually utilized by men and women writers. Cathedral starts with a first person narrator
narrating in plain and flat statements ... Show more content on ...
Suzanne Keen in her article A Theory of Narrative Empathy, discusses the relation between the
narrator and feelings evoked. She states that the first person fiction more readily evokes feelings
responsiveness than the whole variety of third person narrative situations (2006, p. 215). From the
very beginning of Cathedral , the absence of a persuasive or convincing style of writing is very
suggestive of the presence of a male narrator through whose eyes the events are seen. The
introduction of the bizarre situation of Cathedral tellingly represents a distancing strategy and
establishes the so called manly distance between the reader and the story narrated by a male
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Economic Impacts in Water and Energy Issues Caused by...
Economic Impacts in Water and Energy issues caused by Climate Change in Russia Global Scope
Generally, climate change has caused some predictable and potentially heterogeneous problems
globally. Some of them are positive. For instance, increased atmospheric COв‚‚ are predicted to
bring about overall small increases in European crop productivity. Globally, warming will shift our
living circumstances into a more risky and comparably inadaptable direction. The key
vulnerabilities including the water and land erosion, energy sectors change, human healthy
wellbeing risks, food insecurity, environmental severities, infrastructure and relative energy usage
reallocations and estimation frequencies of extreme weather events happen. It has been proven that
the consequences of climate change in Europe are quite diversified. For Russia, basically, the
general vulnerabilities are lower than any other regions in Europe(R Römisch, 2009). National
Scope Russia can be geographically separated as following regions: the monsoon Asia, the inner
arid/semi arid districts and the Siberia. The climate change impacts in semi arid (moderated) might
be severer than the arid areas. Natural scientific domains (ecology, environmental science, etc)
situations shifted under climate change crisis in marginal areas seem to be more vulnerable than
other areas (Smith et al., 1996). As a large and multi geographic country, climate change problem in
Russia are multiple dimensional which can
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Clifford The Ethics Of Belief Summary
What is Evidentialism? As evidentialism is a thesis about epistemic justification, it is a thesis
about what it takes for one to believe justifiably, or reasonably, in the sense thought to be necessary
for knowledge (Mittag). Now what does that mean in order for someone to believe in something,
they must see the real proof have hardcore evidence. One famous argument about evidentialism is
by William Kingdon Clifford, (born May 4, 1845, Exeter, Devon, England died March 3, 1879,
Madeira Islands, Portugal) British philosopher and mathematician. Although he was most famous
for his work as a mathematician, Clifford also wrote, The locus classicus for the ethics of belief
debate is, unsurprisingly, the essay that christened it. The Ethics of Belief was published, in a
journal called Contemporary Review. (Chingell)
As stated in his writing, The Ethics of Belief, W.F. Clifford tells a story of a ship captain a story
that has sparked many arguments across the world and made people question their beliefs. The
story is about a ship captain who has doubts that his ship is in perfect condition to sail, the ship
was in desperate need of many repairs, regardless of what the crew was telling him, he believes
that his doubts are silly since there is no evidence that states that the ship is unworthy. In order to
make himself feel better he convinces himself that the ship is in perfect condition. The crazy part is
that the ship captain genuinely believed that nothing was wrong with the
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Engineering Project Manager Responsible For Remote...
CLIENT, ABU DHABI, UAE. Engineering Project Manager responsible for exceuting $1M Project
to supply automated choke valves by means of electric actuators to increase the efficiency of flow
lines. Provided total surveillance responsibility, beginning with the inquiry, technical evaluation of
the bid, to delivery and installation. Prepared technical and commercial bid evaluation proposals.
Conducted Pre assessment study (with customer collaboration) of the pilot project associated with
equipment design and testing. Completed pre qualification phase, established work scope, schedule
and completed principal qualification report for the project.. Designed valves with advanced trim to
optimize flow conditions by analyzing existing flow data for increased pipeline throughput.
Provided engineering support in all phases of the project. Resolved conflicts arising in shop floor
through effective delegation and communication. Accomplished major deliverables within
scheduled timelines including design validation reports, engineering documents, product data
books. Provided customer support in resolving field related engineering issues concerning
installation and commissioning of choke valves. VALERUS FIELD SOLUTIONS PROJECT
BOLLAND INT197 , ARGENTINA, SOUTH AMERICA, Project manager responsible for the
design, implementation, assembly and test of
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USA Patriot Act Analysis
The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center was the single most devastating terrorist attack in
this country and, indeed, the world, with more than 3,000 deaths. (Pollock, 2014, p.403). The
terrorist attack on September 11th, 2001 was a wakeup call for local law enforcement and the
United States. This resulted in an increase of law enforcement officials and change of missions for
local law enforcement, federal law enforcement; the creation of the Department of Homeland
The Congressional Act from this attack was the signing of the United States of America Patriot Act
into law October 26, 2001. The USA Patriot Actgives federal officials greater authority to track and
intercept communications, both for law enforcement and
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The Medicare Bill
The Medicare bill was signed into law on July 30, 1965 by President Johnson. The signage came
long after an attempt by President Truman to develop a national insurance fund that could be
utilized by all Americans. During the signing of the bill, President Johnson explained that with the
Medicare program an individual can insure themselves against illness that may present during their
senior years. Additionally, he commented that there were more than 18 million low income
Americans who are greater than 65 years of age and cannot afford to treat their illnesses. The
Medicare program is overseen by The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services(CMS), and has
evolved over time. Medicare now covers individuals under the age of 65 who... Show more content
on ...
The goal of this deception is to obtain a federal healthcare payment that would not otherwise exist.
The provider, practice, or institution may falsely claim to have provided a service or used
supplies for a patient when in reality neither the service nor the supplies were used. A secondary
way to commit Medicare fraud involves referrals. If one solicits, pays, or accepts money to
encourage referrals because the services are reimbursed by Federal healthcare programs, they are
participating in Medicare fraud. This type of fraud is addressed in the Anti Kickback Statute.
Lastly, Medicare fraud occurs when the complexity of services are overstated and billed at a
higher than necessary rate. This action violates the False Claims Act which protects the government
from being excessively charged for goods and services.
Medicare fraud is illegal and remedies are sought at both a civil and criminal level. If a provider,
practice, or institution is found guilty of Medicare fraud, the consequences may include a loss of
license, monetary penalties, and the inability to participate in Federal healthcare programs. The
Office of Inspector General (OIG), which is a part of the U.S. Department of Health Human
Services, has the ability to exclude individuals who participate in Medicare fraud. The guilty party
will be listed on a searchable database on the OIG website. The list is officially referred to as the
List of
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Point Of View Of The Book Peter Pan
Genre:In the book Peter Pan by J.M Barrie I know this book is a fiction book because they talk
about fairys and a magical place called NeverLand. In NeverLand is TinkerBell she is one of the
fairys that i talked about she is also Peters best friend. This shows that the book Peter Pan is a
fiction story based on its details and illustrations.Point of View: This story is third person point
of view because there is a narrator that is telling the story. It is not first person point of view
because they do not use personal pronouns. And it is not second person point of view because
they do not use words like we. These show that it is third person point of view and not first person
or second person point of view.Protagonist:... Show more content on ...
The rest of them are just friends. The lost boys are just boys that fell out of their cribs when
nobody was looking.Antagonist: The character that is making the main character react the most is
Captain Hook he is just mad because Peter chopped off half of his right hand and fed it to a
crocodile and he also ate a clock that still ticks and whenever he heard it he would act strangely to
his mates.Setting: The story takes place in NeverLand somewhere in the 1990 s part. They did not
know what time of the day it was except for morning and night because they did not have time
they did not even know what day of the week it was because ever since they left London they
lost track of time and of the day.Conflict: The main problem in the story is that Captain Hook
wants to capture Peter and his crew but really Peter himself. He wants revenge on him because he
fed his arm to a crocodile and ever since then he has been afraid of that crocodile but really the
ticking sound. That is also the problem because Peter helped the indians and Captain Hook hates
the indians.Plot Events: Some of the major
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Gullah Culture Research Paper
The Gullah/Geechee people are a group of Black Americans from North Carolina, South Carolina,
Georgia, and Florida. The Gullah/Geechee people are a distinctive group of African Americans that
have been the most successful in preserving customs and traditions from their Africa culture. This
group has maintained their native tradition and customs in America more than any other African
American group. According to National Geographic An environmental impact statement published
in 2005 estimated that 200,000 people of Gullah and Geechee heritage live along the southeast
coast (Otterbourg, 2014, p 11). They speak a creole language similar to Sierra Leone Krio, tell
African folktales, make African style handicrafts such as baskets and carved walking... Show more
content on ...
During the course of history, the Gullah has protected their heritage through language, food, and
customs. The Africans that were enslaved bought many of their recipes, foods, and cooking styles
to the low country of the Carolinas and other coastal communities. Of the many recipes, brought to
America one pot dishes, proved to be very instrumental in providing nutrition to the unbalanced
rations that they received from their masters. Deep frying, rice dishes, seafood, boiling, and
steaming, baking in ashes, basic and natural seasonings, and an consistent use of rice provides a
distinct taste when Gullah people are cooking. Simply speaking, Gullah food is about ancestral ties
and American living, adaptability, creativity, making do, livin ot da waddah and on the lan. (Grantt.
2005, p 145) Cooking for the Gullah yields passion and creative expression that can only come from
their strong ancestral connections, making Gullah Cooking a cultural
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History of Statistics
Palban, Marvic Trisha V. Palban
The history of statistics can be said to start around 1749 although, over time, there have been
changes to the interpretation of the word statistics. By the 18th century, the term statistics
designated the systematic collection ofdemographic and economic data by states. In the early 19th
century, the meaning of statistics broadened to include the discipline concerned with the collection,
summary, and analysis of data. Today statistics is widely employed in government, business, and all
the sciences. Electronic computers have expedited statistical computation, and have allowed
statisticians to develop computer intensive methods. The Word statistics have been... Show more
content on ...
* Environmental statistics is the application of statistical methods to environmental science.
Weather, climate, air and water quality are included, as are studies of plant and animal populations.
* Epidemiology is the study of factors affecting the health and illness of populations, and serves as
the foundation and logic of interventions made in the interest of public health and preventive
medicine. * Geostatistics is a branch of geography that deals with the analysis of data from
disciplines such as petroleum geology,hydrogeology, hydrology, meteorology, oceanography,
geochemistry, geography. * Operations research (or Operational Research) is an interdisciplinary
branch of applied mathematics and formal science that uses methods such as mathematical
modeling, statistics, and algorithms to arrive at optimal or near optimal solutions to complex
problems. * Population ecology is a sub field of ecology that deals with the dynamics of species
populations and how these populations interact with the environment. * Psychometrics is the theory
and technique of educational and psychological measurement of knowledge, abilities, attitudes, and
personality traits. * Quality control reviews the factors involved in manufacturing and production;
it can make use of statistical sampling of product items to aid decisions in process
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Grief In Beloved
In Toni Morrison s Beloved , the novel takes place in two different places and time periods. The
first on in 1873 in Cincinnati, Ohio where a formal slave named Sethe lives with 18 year old
daughter Denver. The other setting takes place on the Sugar Hill plantation in Kentucky ran by a
sadistic slave owner named Schoolteacher. On page 108, one day while Sethe and Ella were
talking. Ella advises Sethe to let things go and Don t Love Nothing. As we know, Sethe refuses to
take Elle advice. This line is very important because Sethe s love in the center of all of the conflict
in the novel. There are many examples of how Sethe s love causes her grief in the novel. The most
prominent example in the story is when Sethe kills her own daughter.... Show more content on ...
When Sethe relizes that the spirit is her daughter s ghost, they to develop a close relationship.
Because of her love and guilt for killing Beloved, she lets Beloved basically consume her entire
life. Beloved soon grows increasingly manipulative and bothersome. Sethe feels as though she is
obligated with satisfying her demands since her actions are the reason Beloved is there in the
first place. Because the two seem obsessed with each other, Sethe s lover Paul D and Denver
would have no choice but to leave the residence. Sethe s lover Paul D would later learn how
Sethe killed her infant daughter and leave the residence as well. When a man comes to take
Denver away to her new job, Sethe tries to kill him but fails to do so. After this Beloved
disappears and Sethe never sees her again. This relates to Elle quote Don t Love Nothing
because she loved Beloved so much, that it causes her to lose everything thing else that is good
around her. Sethe was so focused on the past, that she was unable to move forward and fully
enjoy her life due to the mistakes she feels that she made. Also, her love caused her more
heartbreak because the one thing she loved the most left her unexpectedly. You can say that if
Sethe didn t love so hard, so could have lived a happier life knowing she did the best that she could,
instead of dwelling a her terrible
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Volunteer Marking Essay
Volunteer Marking and Recording the names of Veterans at the Independence Cemetary For one
of my friends Eagle project, we went around the cemetary and recorded all the information given
about veterans. These records would be put down online so that anyone serching for a specific
person could find where they are buried. It was actually a fun job, we got to see all the awards
given to some of these vets and compare them. It was interesting to see just how much some
people had done to serve our country. I both helped decipher eroded gravestones and and took
pictures of what we were doing. This experience allowed me to gain a deeper understanding and
respect for those who have served. 4 hours One time 1 year Volunteer Honor flight organizer The
Honor flight is an organization that provides veterans a flight to memorials in Washington D.C.
for free. My grandpa was on the flight. I already was going to be at the welcome home ceremony
that was taking place at the airport. I decided to make it a big deal. I invited all the boys from
my troop to go to this welcome home to show our support to the veterans. At the welcoming, 2
scouts from my troop came along with their parents. I organized the event and was able to get
people there. It took a few... Show more content on ...
Cecilia festival. We help carry trays, clear tables, and wash dishes. It s mostly manual work, but
I enjoy helping out. The best benefit is that I get to spend time with my friends. When we have
some free time, we spend most of our time talking and laughing. Honestly I don t mind working
if I get to do it with my friends. Both years I have washed dishes and I have gotten better at
washing dishes for sure. Through the dinner, I have gottern better at social interaction and
whenever I went into the dinnerroom, I smiled. Smiling is the best way to interact with people. If
a conversation is not started, at least I receive a smile from the people I m
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In-Depth Analysis On The Human Condition In English Class
Walking into class the first day of the second semester, I did not expect one thing: that this
classroom would soon become a location of in depth analyses on the human condition. Unlike
many English classes I have had in the past, English 20 has given me new perspectives into what
it means to be human by looking at how other people (primarily authors and directors) view the
human condition. The first baby step towards discovering my personal definition of the human
condition was an assignment wherein we were asked to watch multiple videos. Those videos
ranged from music videos to inspirational speeches to excerpts from books (1.1.2). This range of
mediums broadened the messages in the videos, as it forced me to respond differently to the
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Mandatory Physical Education Research Paper
The number of obese children more than tripled since 1971. Physical education should be a
mandatory class, because at least one in three children in the U.S. are overweight or obese.
Obesity is causing a huge amount of health problems that previously weren t seen until
adulthood. If all children had PE class every day, it would help reduce the number of children
affected by obesity and children would develop a habit of daily physical exercise. Some health
problems obese kids are getting can be very serious. These include high blood pressure, type 2
diabetes and elevated blood pressure. Obese children commonly have a lower self esteem ,
negative body image and depression. Physical education is an essential part of growing and
learning, not just the physical part is takes a big roll on academic as well. Without Physical
education in schools, children would have trouble learning about other things such as math or
science. Physical activity stimulates the minds of young children and keeps them on the ball when
learning new things.
I think physical education should be a mandatory class because at least one in three children in the
US are obese or overweight. There ... Show more content on ...
having so many people affected by being overweight is very unfortunate. As people of us
everyone should stand up for physical education as a mandatory class because you can give
overweight children of fun and safe environment to work and achieve their goals they have set
for themselves. do you think we should be mandatory? then 12 million children in the US who
are overweight or obese. There could be an easy yes fun place for that tablet in a physical
education gym at school every day where you were surrounded by your peers who were doing
nothing but encouraging you to push harder and do your best. a place where you can slowly but
surely start losing weight in a fun way. In your PE
... Get more on ...

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UGC NET Exam Paper 1- Unit 1:Teaching Aptitude
S. Raj Kumar
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Quotes On Essay A Visit To Historical Place

  • 1. Quotes On Essay A Visit To Historical Place 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Quotes On Essay A Visit To Historical PlaceQuotes On Essay A Visit To Historical Place
  • 2. Courage, Courage And Courage You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along (Eleanor Roosevelt). It takes courage to live a life that one truly wants to live. One must be brave and strong enough to pursue this courageand then apply that to their everyday life. The definition of courage is, mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. Some synonyms of this word include bravery, daring and fearless. Antonyms along with that are cowardice and spinelessness. Courage is important because it justifies how the rest of their life will go. When applying... Show more content on ... Her life would be torpid. Their would be no real need to be anything other than a basic pakistani girl. But instead, she feels the need to be herself, the need to act out and do as she pleases because she believes in her own freedom. As Malala Yousafzai once said, For us girls that doorway was like a magical entrance to our own special world. As we skipped through, we cast off our headscarves like winds puffing away clouds to make way for the sun, then ran helter skelter up the steps. This connects to the theme, courage, because it shows strength and power of staying true to who one is. Even though Malala has an unusual life compared to ours, she still finds the beauty in it all. She knows what she wants, she does not let the rules of her society tell her what she can and cannot do. She strongly believes that she is an independent women and that what she is doing is what she needs to be doing because it is right. It s hard for girls in our society to be anything other than teachers or doctors if they can work at all (Malala Yousafzai). This shows courage because Malala was not afraid to be anything other than what she wanted to be. She is very independent and knows that she is not going to obey by the society s rules. Malala Yousafzai would not dare let anyone tell her who she was and when they did, she made sure that knew no matter how to she had to express it. That took bravery and courage beyond all ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Discuss The Main Theme Advanced In This Class. Use Examples.. Discuss the main theme advanced in this class. Use examples. One of the main themes advanced in the class is the emergence of cities as global leaders, which we have also referred to as the rise of cities. Cities are becoming globally competitive and playing a larger role in international relations. Cities are also becoming leaders and finding solutions to problems such as poverty and climate change that nations have either been reluctant to tackle or have failed to make progress on. Atwell provides a few examples of cities participating directly with other nations or global cities in international relations. One of these examples is the City of Chicago working with the City of Mexico to establish a partnership in fields such as trade, ... Show more content on ... The United States, through the use of the UN, used it s money and influence to achieve its personal agenda for how it saw that the world should attain peace and development. In short, President Truman was combating the influence of the USSR by attempting to help countries develop and attain economic prosperity in order to stop and deter the spread of communism. The Four Point Program was introduced by President Truman to spread democracy and peace. The plan advocated for using Western advances in technology and sciences to help lift developing nations. The UN and developed nations also believed that the best way to help the global South develop was through the use of development theory, as long as it happened on terms that were compatible with Western values and interests. Development theory was seen as a series of ideas and practices such as market liberalism, democracy, the use of social sciences and technology to help underdeveloped countries. These ideas would later go on to be enhanced and advocated by American Walt Rostow in his book The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non Communist Manifesto. He believed that expert led development could promote democracy and if done right, could be more appealing than marxist ideas to young people in developing nations. Development was seen as a global project intended to focus on individual nation economies. To tackle these global issues, the ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Why Women Still CanT Have It All By Anne-Marie Slaughter In the article Why Women Still Can t Have It All, Anne Marie Slaughter explains why women can t manage both the difficulties of a high end job while doing the best they can as a parent. Slaughter is a very successful women who had worked for Hillary Clinton at the state department being the first woman policy planner. She begins the essay by explaining a conversation that came up between herself and a colleague who held a senior position in the White House. She tells her colleague that is has been very difficult for her to be away from her son at work, when he needs her at home. At this point Slaughter comes up with the idea to write an article about these struggles she and many women are dealing with. Throughout this meeting Slaughter... Show more content on ... This reason could eventually lead to women either being stressed because they don t have enough time to fulfill their needs at work and home, and also could eventually lead to a decision against having children altogether. Slaughter also includes examples of some very successful women that have struggled to raise a family due to the fact that they are so limited with time, while most successful men, if not all, are still able to balance the time of have a family and a high end job. It s easy to understand how this can be a very difficult problem for most women to get around. Even if they find a very successful job, it s much more challenging for them to be a good mom while also doing their overall best in their profession. I thought Slaughter shared a very interesting quote halfway through her article to help sum up her thoughts from Mary Matalin, (a lady who resigned after only two years in order to spend more time with her children.) Matalin says, having control of your schedule is the only way that women who want a career and a family can make it work. Quote from The Atlantic. In the article Why Men Still Can t Have It All, by Richard Dorment, a senior writer and editor in esquire magazine, Dorment responds to Slaughter s article by claiming men face the same problem as women do. He claims that recent times have made it much more difficult for men to balance work and family life. He ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Analyse The Streingths and Weaknesses Of The Boston... In this essay I will look at the strengths and weaknesses of using the Boston Matrix to help make decisions in business. I will first briefly explain the Boston Matrix and then analyse its effectiveness as an aid to making a marketing strategy. Like Ansoff s matrix, the Boston Matrix is a well known tool for marketing managers. It was developed by the large US consulting group and is a way that a business can compare all of its products. The two aspects it looks at are market share (relative to that of competitors) and market growth. To use it you would look at all of your products and sort them into 4 categories, stars (products with a high market growth and a high market share), cash cows (high market share in a market with little ... Show more content on ... There are several advantages and disadvantages of using the Boston Matrix to help make decisions like this... Firstly, there is a common assumption that a high market share will automatically mean high profitability of a product. This isn t always the case, as the costs of development of a product must be taken into consideration. For example, when Boeing launch a new jet, yes they have a high market share but they still must cover the extremely high development costs. Although jets are a very specialised product, it is the same for other more simple products as a large chunk of a companies resources go on design and research. Also, at the launch of a new product lots of money must be spent on advertising to ensure that the product does get the market share it wants. The good thing about this is that if this risk is undertaken, the product may in the future become a cash cow and the companies will be able to reap the benefits and the product will be able to support new products. Do you see the cycle that the products follow?, this all links very closely with the product lifecycle. Of course a company should not just assume that a product will follow this cycle, there is no guarantee that a product will follow this cycle and a marketing department would be stupid to assume that a product will. This is another problem with using the Boston Matrix to make decisions (as it is a problem with all other aspects of marketing), that markets just aren t that predictable. ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Opposition Of Quebec Separatism In recent elections, the separatist parties in Quebec have seen crushing defeats, raising questions about their relevance in modern day Canada. Support for Quebec separatism has diminished in the past several decades, with the rise of the NDP in the 2011 federal election and the more recent provincial Liberal victory in April of 2014. In the 2011 federal election, specifically, the Bloc Quebecois was reduced to only four seats in the House of Commons, while the NDP took the majority of Quebecs seats. The provincial Parti Quebecois (PQ) has also been faltering, losing more often than not to the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ). Indeed, over the past decade, the PLQ has only lost one election, and has held majorities in many. The most recent election put them back into power after a short PQ minority government that began in 2012. These recent elections may point to a future in which the separatist movement in Quebec may be silenced. Since the late 1950s, the question of Quebec separatism has existed, with levels of support varying throughout the following decades, leading up the referendums of 1980 and 1995. The defeats suffered by the separatist parties in recent elections demonstrate that the separatist movement may be close to being over in Quebec. The history of Quebec within Canada has been problematic since the very beginnings of Canada. The clash of the culture of the French and English speaking Canadians has created tensions in Canada since the British took over in ... Get more on ...
  • 7. EPA Environmental Regulation Our nation s governmental officials hold an extreme great of power, especially the Supreme Court and EPA Administrators. The Supreme Court in particular has the final say in environmental regulations as it is up to them to interpret statutes. In the past century, the courts and EPA administrators have imposed hurdles for environmental regulators and citizens wanting to protect the earth. In particular, they have failed society with rulings under the Takings and Commerce Clauses of the Constitution that would repeal most federal environmental statues and they also challenged EPA s decision to regulate emissions. Specific justices on the U.S. Supreme Court in addition to judges in lower federal courts have debated the recognition of the Constitution s ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Designing Secure Protocol For Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Science DESIGNING SECURE PROTOCOL FOR WIRELESS AD HOC NETWORKS STUDENT NAME :ARVINDH KUMAR S T REFERENCE NO:14024765 AWARD: COMPUTER NETWORKS AND SECURITY MODULE CODE:C0CS70686 2014 SPG1 2014 SPG1 MODULE TITLE:RESEARCH METHODS FOR NETWORKING LECTURER:RACHEL CORNES SUBMISSION DATE:05 DEC 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1BACKGROUND 2PROPOSED WORK 3AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 4INTELLECTUAL CHALLENGE 5RESEARCH SCHEDULE 6DELIVERABLES 7ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS 8RESOURCES 9REFERENCES Figure 1 Wireless ad hoc networks (Source: BACKGROUND: Now a days, communication had become a major role within the people. Communication is done by a medium with sender and receiver. In internet the way of communication takes place by medium of wired and wireless. There is a rapid growth in both wired and wireless infrastructures. It makes use of the customers for the internet connection in many possible ways .In most of the places wireless internet has been used. Most of the wireless spontaneous network is not secure because it is not a planned network and network boundaries are defined poor, due to the lack of centralized server in the network. Usually wireless networks perform both communication and measurement in a given network. Wireless network architecture usually ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Parent Trap Essay These differences between original movies and remakes are apparent throughout the history of movies. During the 1960s, when the original movie The Parent Trap was published, divorce was a touchy topic. Many children did not even know what it was, because it was so rare. Divorce had become more common in 1998 when The Parent Trap was remade. More and more children were seeing their parents split up. How do changes, such as these, tell us about the time periods in which the movies were made? Both movies tell the same story, but the audiences, standards of men and women, social norms, and settings vary. The 1961 version of The Parent Trap was undoubtedly a popular movie, although the main topic divorce was not an ideal during the time.... Show more content on ... The roles of the men and women in the original movie The Parent Trap reflected the time of the 1960s. In the movie, Vicky, Mitch s fiancГ©, is always accompanied by her mother. Vicky was much younger than Mitch. She had not ever been married before, unlike Mitch who had been through a divorce. Her mother tagging along everywhere goes to show that parent involvement, even in marriage, was important during the time of this film. Her mother wanted to make sure that Vicky did everything she needed to do in order to marry Mitch. All Vicky wanted was Mitch s money, and her mother was going to make sure that is what she got. As time progressed, women became more independent. In the 1998 version of The Parent Trap, Meredith, Nick s fiancГ©, is always alone, never accompanied by her mother. This reflects the women of this time: independent and able to make decisions for themselves. In this version too, all the fiancГ© wants is the twins father s money. Greed is a quality that is still seen today because money is something that everyone wants more than they need. The identical twin girls, Susan and Sharon, are 14 years old in the original movie. In the remake, the twin girls, Annie and Hallie, are 11 years old. Changing the age was a necessity for the second movie because girls were much more aged in 1998 than in 1961. The director of the remake, Nancy Meyers, said, Fourteen year olds today are wearing ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Data Analysis And Data Of Data Data: Data is a set of values of measuring or quantitative variables. It contain raw facts, no context and just numbers and text. Data is also called as collection of small matters/ pieces information. Example: 12122014 in this number we don t have any exact information, so it is a good example for data. Information: Information is data that has been developed and arranged in a regular way. Examples: 12/12/2014 Final day of classes at Murray State University. $1,000 My Father s salary per month. 500095 Zip code of Koti, Hyderabad, India. Database: Database is collection of data which is used to organize the companies. The database consist of data files or set of files, this record is very useful to organize or run that ... Show more content on ... EXTERNAL SOURCE : The external source system will maintain the data of Airport Space , Atmosphere conditions, FAA Directives(FAA Federal Aviation Administration) A 3) The examples for external data sources which are used by banks: Knowing the Foreign Exchange currency rates Taking SQL DBA help to store the bank data. A 4) Difference between Data And Metadata : Data is a just an information/ data is a individual facts, but metadata is information about information. In data just give brief information about thing/things, but in metadata gives total history of things. For example we have taken a world population flow chart in this data gives what is the title of flow chart, but metadata give whole information about flow chart .What is the name of flow chart? Which color indicates which country? It gives population percentage about different countries, on which year it has been measured? Another example is a Text Document file , in this file Data gives what is the text document name?. But Metadata gives what is text document file? When it was written ? who is author of that file? How many days does taken to modify that file? How many pages? A 5) Business Intelligence(BI): Business Intelligence means the conversion of raw data into usfull meaning full data for business process is known as Business Intelligence.BI application involes the actions of Online Analytical Processing, DSS, Data Mining. Online Analytical ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Charles Bailey And Martha Nussbaum This essay is conceived with the purpose of demonstrating personal understanding of liberal education as a result of assessing historic theory of Aristotle and comparing the contemporary theories of Charles Bailey and Martha Nussbaum. In addition, the applicable situations of liberal education and its governing principles will be discussed. Specifically, given the inevitable engagement of compulsory education, which is inherently authoritarian, some aspects of liberal education are limited, and full personal autonomycannot be actualized. In this situation, liberal education would be less effective and less suitable due to the loss of freedom to some degree. However, the importance of liberal education is vital in breaking old cultural and religious world views to produce open minded students who are capable of critical thinking. In addition, more benefits of liberal education will be shown in my later analysis by comparing it to education that is straightly vocational. The word liberal originates from the Latin liberalis , meaning free men who have been taken out of servitude. A liberal society can be considered one composed of autonomous people who are capable of making ... Show more content on ... This capacity is achieved in relation to the pluralistic feature of liberal education. Similar to Charles Bailey s opinion, she also stresses that minds should be liberated from the constraints of old habits and customs. But the difference is her theory applies to a larger and international scale. It gives liberal education a more significant meaning as cultivating humanity for world citizenship. I believe demonstrating the cosmopolitan concept of liberal education is relatively important, especially in today s global and diverse ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Physics Of The Catapult Busch R. JonathanPeriod 4 23 February 2017Busch 1 The Origins And Physics Of The CatapultWhen we think of catapults we usually imagine them firing at castle walls during the medieval times, or standing in the background of a large army clashing with another in an action movie. However, catapults have a long and intricate history that twists and binds with our own, dating all the way back to 399 B.C. First documented by the Greek historian, Diodorus Siculus, in the form of an early design for the Ballista (type of catapult). Catapults were a staple for siege warfare all throughout history. The catapult was used by many different cultures, notably the Greeks, Roman, and Chinese in siege warfare; also ... Show more content on ... The physics concepts associated with them are projectile motion, energy, momentum, forces , speeds, and distances. The kinds of catapults all use the same theme of accumulated tension, but acquire that tension in their own way, their own design. The Mangonel catapult for instance, is what most of us think of as the traditional catapult. A large wooden device with four wheels and a spoon that launches fireballs. The Mangonel stores energy much like a spring would, therefore, we use the equation PEspring = 1/2kx^2. The tension in the ropes and arms of the catapult when pulling on its long arm stores potential energy which is transformed into kinetic energy when fired upon.(Melvin, Mangonel Physics of Catapults ) The speed and distance of the projectile depended on how much force the catapult applied to the projectile, and the momentum depended on the mass and the velocity of the projectile (dead diseased cow, or flaming ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Key Constraints to Housing Development Finance in Nigeria. Key Constraints to Housing Development Finance in Nigeria. A TERM PAPER DEPARTMENT OF ESTATE MANAGEMENT AND VALUATION SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES; FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC, NASARAWA, NASARAWA STATE e mail:, Tel.: +234 047 66701, 66707 047 66238 (DL) JULY, 2012 BY UZOKWE, LAWRENCE CHIDI Department of Estate Management and Valuation School of Environmental Studies The Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa, Nasarawa State. Email: Uzokwe_Lawrence@Yahoo.Com, 08059128950 ABSTRACT The focus of this study is to examine the problems that are associated with housing development finance in Nigeria. The study attempts to explore the various sources of finance that are available for real property development with a view to ... Show more content on ... There are various sources through which the developer can get fund to finance real estate development. 2.2.1.Equity Capital This is the fund realized from personal savings and family savings. It is usually low because of low per capital income, unequal distribution of income and high population in each family unit resulting in excessive consumption, low savings and low investment in Nigeria. Since this equity capital is usually small, it is prudent for him to decide on a mixture of equity and debt capital which will not only guarantee the highest expected return but also not impair the viability of the development. A developer s Ability to borrow will be enhanced by the size of equity capital at his disposal. 2.2.2.Direct Loans These are the loans got directly from the various lenders such as banks and other financial institutions for a specific period. They are classified according to their duration, short, medium and long terms. (a) Short Term Loans The conventional method of raising funds for the acquisition of land and the subsequent development of potential investment property over a two to three year period is by way of short term finance. The traditional sources of short term finance are the commercial and merchant banks
  • 14. as well as finance houses. The terms on which these loans are provided are usually very stringent and the interests charged are usually on ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Dimethyl Methyl Polysiloxanes Column one was a 30m x 0.25mm i.d coated with 0.5 Ојm 5% diphenyl and 95% dimethyl polysiloxane (RtxВ® 5). Column two was a 30m x 0.25mm i.d coated with 0.5 Ојm midpolarity phase consisting of 50% phenyl and 50% dimethyl polysiloxane (RxiВ® 17sil). Column three was a 30m x 0.25mm i.d, capillary coating with 0.5 Ојm film of 100% trifluoropropyl methyl polysiloxane (RtxВ® 200). The separation was performed using the same temperature program on all these stationary phases. The temperature program used for separation was consisted of an initial temperature hold at 80 В°C for 1.0 min, ramped up to 300 В°C at a rate of 30 В°C/min, held at 300 В°C for 0.5 min then ramped to 340В°C at a rate of 5.0 В°C/min and held at 340 В°C for 5.0 min with a total run 21 min. (TP1). Column four was a 30m x 0.25mm i.d, capillary coated with 0.5 Ојm film of midpolarity phase consisting of 35% phenyl and... Show more content on ... There is an extensive overlap and co elution of the JWH 018 and 5 (1 naphthoyl) 1 pentylindole (compound 4) on Rtx 200. The separation is completely resolved with full baseline resolution on Rtx 5 and Rtx 17Sil. However, the last four peaks showed slightly tailing but this tailing does not affect the quality of the separation. On the other hand, the run time was increased on the Rxi 35Sil column to allow for the complete elution of sample components. It takes more than thirty minute to get a complete separation with slow upward baseline shift. Otherwise, the separation was excellent with slightly tailing in the last four compounds but this tailing does not affect the quality of the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Business Strategy for Facebook Running Head: FACEBOOK Business strategy for Facebook Table of Contents Executive Summary3 Introduction5 External analysis (Industry analysis) and internal analysis5 Strengths of company5 Weaknesses of Company6 Opportunities of company7 Threats of Company7 Problem Statement8 Criteria for evaluating Strategic alternatives9 Three strategic alternatives and evaluation10 Expand the global user community10 Build engaging mobile practices.11 Advance ad products for college age students and advertiser11 Recommended alternative and execution12 Execution of alternative strategy12 Porter s 5 forces analysis of Facebook13 Bargaining power of consumers13 Bargaining power of suppliers14 Threat... Show more content on ... People face many problems while using website due to it. * Facebook have to face a lot of problems when use deletes the posts on their walls. * Sometime management team has to face numerous problems when user at the same time use applications, chat with friends and play games. * Proper feedback from users is not given, instead FAQ s are utilized. Opportunities of company Opportunities for Facebook are given below: * Selling and buying can be done through Facebook because every one use Facebook and know about Facebook. * Polls and surveys can easily be carried out to gather business data. * Innovation can be an opening chance for Facebook. * Facebook can take over the other social networking sites easily. (David, 2009) * Partners for the business can be generated as information can be shared easily. * Facebook can get bigger its roots in the global market. * Applications provided by Facebook can become a source of profits if they are accurately designed. * People attach using their mobile phones without being detached from their schedule work. * Facebook has become an address book defaulting for the Facebook users. Threats of Company Threats for Facebook are given below: * Competitors are increasing day by day. Twitter, Hi5, Orkut and Myspace. * Spamming is the supreme threat for the users of Facebook. * Privacy settings keep ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Second Language By Vivian Cook Summary Acquisition of an L2 (second language), has always been an important issue in the field of linguistics, and its relationship with an L1 (First language) is what concerns Vivian Cook in the chapter called The relationship between first and second language learning revisited . In the chapter the author argues that the relationship between both L1 and L2, defines the second language. That is why SLA (Second Language Acquisition) research has taken ideas and research techniques from L1 research such as the independent grammar assumption, which claims that the child s language, constitutes an independent system of its own, and is not a poor version of the adult s one. And techniques, being the most obviously borrowed those ... Show more content on ... These arguments are the ones that made me meditate the most, because they are there in front of everyone, yet, I was never able to see them. For instance, when Cook claims that The L2 learner already has at least one other language in his mind; the initial language state of his mind is in principle different from the L1 child, because of the first language... This first language has already taken a place in the mind of the learner, so it is harder for the L2 to get without any ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Military Experience Essay The day I walked into the Pentagon was one of mystic and uncertainty on May 14, 2007. The fear of the unknown, always crosses a person mind when they are going somewhere that they have not heard all good things about. The Pentagon has a reputation and is known for, many different things. Through personal experience working at the Pentagon, however, I have learned a valuable lifelong lesson: In all things, preparation is key. For opportunity and favor meet the prepared mind. Let s start from the beginning. I met a former colleague at the hotel, where my wife and I were staying. His name is Mike Strozier. Mike was to escort me to the Pentagon, and there I would meet my new boss. So, off to the METRO Station we went to catch the Blue Line... Show more content on ... Consider the corridor, and corridor rings, as highways and byways to navigate the building. You must and will travel them to attend meetings, briefings or an all hands presentation in the auditorium that s located off Corridor 6. In order to get to your office in the morning and depart your office in the evening, you must travel the byways. On some occasions, impromptu meetings are held on the highways. The impromptu meetings occur after you have just departed a meeting and you are returning to your office; another colleague may stop you to conduct some follow coordination or to reaffirm your office position on a particular staff action. In addition, you might be on your way to the main corridor for breakfast or lunch, and you meet someone that you have sent an email or called to coordinate a staff action. Either you stop them, or they stop you. The halls of the Pentagon is where Pentagon business is conducted. I have even passed Barbara Starr, Journalist at the Pentagon for CNN. She is much shorter than I ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Compare Three Phase And Six Phase Induction Motor Abstract: The area of the multiphase motor has experienced a significant growth in last decade numerous interesting development have been reported in the literature in this chain this paper is an attempt to mathematically model both three phase and six phase induction motor for comparison of their characteristics. Using this mathematical modeling a Simulink model is created whose results shows that the six phase induction motor can sustain more than four times the torque that can be sustained by three phase induction motor of same design parameters. The six phase motor is better not just in torque handling capacity but it also has inherent advantages of the multiphase induction motor. Keywords Induction motor, Modelling, Multiphase, Simulink, ... Show more content on ... II.PROCEDURE FOR MODELING A.Three phase induction motor A motor is an electromechanical device which converts electrical energy into a mechanical energy. The induction motor is the workhorse of the industry. In case of its three phase AC operation, they do not require any starter. They are self starting Induction motor. Every Motor consists of two major parts: (a) Stator(b) Rotor (a)Stator: Stator of three phase induction motor is made up of cast iron. It has numbers of slots to construct a 3 phase winding circuit in them which is connected to 3 phase AC source. The three phase winding are arranged in such a manner that they produce a rotating magnetic field hen a 3 phase AC supply is provided to them. (b)Rotor: The rotor is the moving component of the induction motor it is made up of laminated steel in the core with evenly spaced bars of copper or aluminum placed axially around the periphery. Conductors are short circuited using the end ring made of thick aluminum or copper ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Analysis Of Cloud Painter By Jane Flanders The world has several great poets and numerous mind blowing works, each with its own way of portraying its own message using symbolism to represent lessons of everyday life. Jane Flanders wrote the poem named Cloud Painter she shows the world from an artistic way, using a painter and his canvas to help the reader picture the true meaning behind the words and images created. Robert Frost takes on the same idea, but uses a less complex example so that it makes his work easy to understand while not revealing the actual meaning of the poem. Frost and Flanders are just two of the many poets that use nature as a way of explaining the very lessons in life. Each poet has a different way of presenting similar images but from a different perspective. Poems are short stories that have a meaning behind them without revealing them in obvious ways. Although some are confusing and may use a different style there are a few that present the same message even if they are written by a different poet. Cloud Painter written by Jane Flanders uses the clouds and other subjects of nature. Such as trees and the hills. to help the reader picture the true meaning behind her poem. Robert Frost s poem by the name of Nothing Gold Can Stay also takes the nature route to convey the point of his poems words and their Each has a unique way of creating an idea that most can relate to emotionally and physically. Flanders sees the world as a simple backdrop as seen when she simply states, At first, as you know, the sky is incidental a drape, a backdrop for the trees and steeples. Here an oak clutches a rock (already he works outdoors), a wall buckles but does not break, water pearls through a lock, a haywain trembles. Showing that the world is just another curtain painting that is there for looks. The message behind this line is that life rests upon a single canvas and although it has been damaged it still stands as if to hang on to its life. The first line sets the poem for the next line to come which explains the main point of the poem The pleasures of landscape are endless. What is seen should be enough. Horizons are typically high and far away. This shows that the things in life are often taken for granted and used for the wrong ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Bobsledding History Competition There are many sports in the Olympics and Bobsledding is one of them. The goal of the event is to be the fastest on the bobsled track. In order to win the race your team has to have the fastest time at the end of the race. They use timers for the race to get the score. Winner will be given their medals at the end of winners are picked. The current world record is 125 mph set by Andre Lange, Rene Hoppe, Kevin Kuske, and Martin Putze. They record was broken in the 1990 s. Men sled s and woman sleds all weigh a different amount. 2 man sleds weigh less than 4 man sleds. Germany is holding the most medals in this sport right now. History Bobsledding got started in the 19th century. The sport originated in St Moritz, Switzerland. They ... Show more content on ... The bobsleigh is over 300 pounds so they gotta be able to push the whole sled when beginning the race. Sprinting is a big part of this race also, you start off by holding the push handles, sprinting, and then jumping into the sled. For the sled to go full speed it has to reach about 500 pounds or more. They practice year round for this and will be in a gym most the time because most of this race is muscle. Most competitors in this race have been in track before and done running events. They will usually sprint twice a week. So when training they will weight lift, but mostly work with their legs. Women Competitor 2018 Winter Olympics. Seun Adigun will be competing in the 2018 Winter Olympics. She is thirty one years old and is from Chicago, Illinois She is a female bobsledder and founded bobsledding in two thousand and twelve with the Nigerian bobsled team. Their team is team USA. They are the first bobsled team from Nigeria. She was in the Olympics before in running events. She competed in 100 meter hurdles, and the 4x100m relay. She was also in the two thousand and twelve Olympic Games in London. She switched to bobsledding in 2014. Male competitor 2018 Winter ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Wealth Gap Between Whites And Minorities Essay Wealth Gap in America America has a lengthy history on how it became the powerful country it is today, and although its history can be interrupted in many ways (depending who you ask) one thing that is for certain is that wealth has yet to be distributed equally amongst minorities. According to the article Income inequality matter; Extreme gap in wealth makes society unstable. Philip Meyer claims that the wealth gap between whites and minorities has existed since Ronald Reagans term of presidency (A9). Although Ronald Reagans term ended many years ago the mistakes that caused this imbalance of wealth (and its aftermath) while he was in office remains almost if not exactly the same as when the problem initially began (Meyer A9). The wealth gap continues to target minorities and is affecting our communities at an alarming rate, however, many attempts have been made to reduce its existence but the factors of income inequality, unemployment rates and discrimination before and after our recent 2007 recession prevents our country from eliminating such a toxic problem. The wealth gap is a problem that which the hard working people of America know very little about. Using Ignorance towards this problem does not cease its existence of it but rather contributes to growth because it s not being addressed. It s a problem that seems to affect mainly the minorities of the U.S. population, such as Blacks and Hispanics. However, not everyone is in the dark about this lingering ever ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Regret Kate Chopin Analysis Mamzelle AurГ©lie, the main character in Regret , has never been in love nor had the thought of marrying. Why is this you may be wondering? Well, it is hard to say why Mamzelle AurГ©lie would choose a lifestyle like this, but maybe she never found the right man to fit her wants and needs or maybe she liked to be independent and live her life without having to think of someone besides herself. In Regret , Kate Chopin illustrates how Mamzelle AurГ©lie, a fifty year old woman who has never been in love, becomes engulfed with emptiness after experiencing a new found joy. Mamzelle AurГ©lie s new found joy does not appear right away. One morning Mamzelle AurГ©lie s neighbor drops off her four children in a hurry saying she must go attend to her sick mother and her husband had gone to Texas. Mamzelle AurГ©lie had no choice to say no because before she knew it their mother was gone and she was left on her porch with four children that she did not want. Mamzelle AurГ©lie was ill prepared to give the attention children required and demanded (Chopin 98). She was not prepared because she had never once been around children and did not know how to treat them or even know what to do with them. Chopin writes, She was, indeed, very inapt, in her management of Odile s children during the first few days (98). This meaning Mamzelle AurГ©lie was not suitable for the circumstances she had come to be in. The wording Chopin used in this paragraph, for example saying inapt, is trying to explain how ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Scenes Of Your Cup Of Milk Christine Lee Professor Lynn Dowdy Biology 100 16 October 2015 Behind the Scenes of Your Cup of Milk Magazines, newspapers, and health blog posts have been talking about the unhealthy consequences of Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) for many years. The more people grew conscious of what they were consuming, the more they researched about their food. The usage of Bovine Growth Hormone among the dairy industries has caught the attention of many consumers. Countless studies that were done regarding rBGH treated milk only validated the negative effects of rBGH. Cows should not be treated with rBGH due to the detrimental effects the hormone has on cows health, the potential harmful effects it can have on consumers due to rampant antibiotic use, and the breaching of autonomy and rights abuses of the cows treated. Bovine Somatotropin (BST) is commonly known as Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH). Somatotropin is a natural hormone produced in the pituitary gland of animals. BST aids in increasing the growth in young cattles and lactation in milk cows. rBGH is an artificial somatotropin hormone that is created through recombinant biotechnology. When rBGH is administered to milk cows, the milk production of the cows increase by 10 to 15 percent (USDA, 2009). Injecting the cows with rBGH forces the cows to lactate more which makes them more vulnerable to mastitis (udder infection). Mastitis causes the cows to secrete pus from their udder, hence, pus incorporated milk. Monsanto s data ... Get more on ...
  • 26. RECOMMENDATION 16 9 BIBLIOGRAPHY 18 INTRODUCTION Nike is an incorporated company ... Show more content on ... The company believes that demands from international markets will increase in future. Nike must cater to a large portion of the new generation that demands the latest trends and styles. Nike should take into account the changing US demographics due to the rising proportion of Hispanics, Asians, and African Americans. These groups have different preferences that Nike should be able to satisfy. Nike should identify the next generation of loyal customers and provide for their needs. COMPETITION Who are the companies or brands with which the organization or brand competes? What are their sales and market share trends? How do their approaches to the market differ from the organizations, and from each other? Are there any specific weaknesses in any competitors that can be turned into opportunities? Are there any specific strength that are major threats? What adjustments have been made? Succeeded or not? What other changes are being contemplated? Why? Competition is very fierce due to the number of companies competing for sales. Lots of money goes to marketing and promotions using various channels to reach the young demographic group of consumers who spend the most money on Nike s products. Growth is slowing down in the athletic footwear industry. But new markets are emerging with high growth rates. These markets include extreme sports market and the corporate merchandise market. Nike s global market share was an impressive 30.4% in 1998. The ... Get more on ...
  • 27. European Imperialism In Nineteenth Century Throughout the Nineteenth Century wealthy European countries engaged to take advantage of poor African nations. This imperialism was seen as a duty to God and country. Often, there efforts to colonize less civilised nations resulted in the destruction of families, government, and individuals in the colonised nations. In White Man s Burden and Things Fall Apart Achebe and Kipling discuss imperialism in different ways. White Europeans during the Nineteenth Century felt the need to civilize, people and countries that they thought were uncivilised. Kipling once said, To serve your captives need (Kipling, 4). Europeans felt a responsibility to spread their culture and increase their fortunes by collinazation. White Europeans used religion to ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Astm515 Final Report ASTM F1515 Micom offers test services to ASTM F1515 Standard Practice for Measuring Light Stability of Resilient Flooring by Color Change as part of its UV testing services using Type BH three tier racks apparatus (either inclined or vertical). This practice covers specific procedures and test conditions based on practices ASTM G151, ASTM G155, ASTM D2565 and ASTM D2244. ASTM F1515 also covers the preparation of test specimens, the test conditions and the evaluation of test results. Use and factors to be considered: Polymers can have their mechanical, electrical and optical properties significantly altered when exposed to light even behind window glass. This method is intended to quantify the amount of color change in flooring products ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Income Inequality Essay Income Inequality Among Developing Countries and Their Relations To The Affluent World On September 25th of 2015, the United Nations adopted a comprehensive initiative to combat a wide variety of global health issues that currently plague humanity. The initiative, entitled UN Sustainable Development Goals includes a list of seventeen goals to be achieved over the next fifteen years and encompasses measures to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. This paper intends to provide an in depth analysis of the tenth UN Sustainable Development Goal: Reducing income inequalities. Income inequality is a problematic reality of the modern era that slows economic growth, generates political instability, causes health problems and creates severe social inequalities among children. As part of this analysis, determinants of this global issue will be discussed as well as its correlation with globalization. Lastly, suggestions will be provided to the global community with regards to possible solutions to income inequality, as well as a discussion about the potential roles and responsibilities for Canadians in response to the issue. Although many milestones have been reached on the road to eradicate mass poverty, a large disparity still exists, otherwise known as income inequality. The issue currently pertains to the rich and poor. It is illustrated among a macroeconomic level (between countries), as well as a microeconomic level (within countries). The ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Application Of An Information Literacy Program access to information in many different formats such as print, electronic, and visual as well as instruction that fosters competence as well as interest in reading, viewing and using information. The last component in accomplishing the mission statement is for the library teacher to collaborate with other educators to design instruction to best meet the needs of the students A strong information literacyprogram is essential when it comes to helping students be able to use information effectively throughout their life. The focus of an information literacy program is not merely to distribute information but should focus on the process of learning. In order to determine if a program will help increase information literacy it is... Show more content on ... (AASL, 2006) The other set of standards that guide the scope for the information literacy program here in Utah are the Utah State Core Standards for the Library Media (grades 6 12). While there are is some overlap between these two sets of standards they work together comprehensively to cover all areas of information literacy. These standards are divided up into 3 clusters. The Utah State Standards were designed to be taught through integration with other subject and content areas. The three clusters include: Literacy: Reading Engagement Literacy: Research and Information Literacy: Media Engagement Cluster one, reading engagement, focuses largely on promoting reading and creating lifelong readers who read for enjoyment as well as out of need. It also includes using strategies to be able to comprehend both recreational reading as well as informational texts. This cluster does a good job of filling some of holes that appear in the AASL standards. The information and research strand hones in on defining an information problem and identifying the information need. Some of the indicators in this standard show that a learner can narrow or broaden an information search as well as seek clarification from teachers and other resources. The third cluster, research and information includes being able to identify, evaluate, and select sources. The indicators in this ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Noise In Chicago Airport Sound is very much important to our daily live, but noise is not. Noise is used as an annoying sound. Most of us every time hear the sounds in everyday life, likewise the traffic, the television, loud music, people talking on their phone and even pets shouting in the middle of the night. A lot of these things have become a part of the culture and hardly annoys us. Moreover, noiseis made by big trucks, household gadgets, vehicles, motorbikes on the road, loud speakers and jet planes and helicopters flying over cites, etc. However, airplanes have been an effective noise pollutionwhich the community members living in the suburban nearby the airport are disturbed by the jet noise that planes are making while departing and arriving to... Show more content on ... Under the city s plans, in August an existing diagonal runway will be closed. Another diagonal runway is slated to be closed in 2020.Several Chicago area members of the Illinois delegation in Congress, groups representing O Hare noise opponents and a few Chicago aldermen have called on the Emanuel administration and the FAA to keep all four of O Hare s diagonal runways and to utilize them more to spread out flights over the city and suburbs. The new study released on Wednesday June 10th, 2015 relied in part on the latest FAA flight data for O Hare and projections extending well into the 2030s to argue that the sixth east west parallel runway and a proposed extension of an existing parallel runway are not needed to serve anticipated passenger demand. The consultants working for the Suburban O Hare Commission which include JDA Aviation Technology Solutions and Lock ridge Grindal Nauen Aviation, both based in the Washington area. (O Hare ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Converse Energy Future According to CEF, Converse Energy Future, in 2016, recycling is a process to create new items from old and used materials. This helps in reducing energy and potentially useful materials from being wasted. In 2014, according to Ever Green Recycling, each person in the US on average generates around four pounds of trash each day, which translates into 1.5 tons of wasteeach year. People do not take recyclingseriously even though it has a huge impact on our world and fortunately is extremely easy to do. To begin, I will tell you why you need to recycle, then I will tell you how easy it is to make a change and recycle, and lastly about the outcome of recycling. In order for our environment to be healthy and safe, you need to start recycling or... Show more content on ... Now a days you can pretty much recycle anything so don t use that as an excuse. Most of the things you use daily can be recycled such as plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and paper. When interviewing my mother, Heidi Koerting on June 26th 2016, she said that recycling plastic bottles is the easiest thing to recycle. I am sure a lot of you drink from water bottles so make sure if you do put it in a plastic recycling bin instead of the trash. If you can, use a reusable water bottle instead of a plastic bottle. According to Recycling Coalition of Utah in 2012, they said that by using reusable drink containers an average person can eliminate the need for 100 disposable bottles per year. Next is all the aluminum cans that you drink out of. Aluminum recycling is very successful. According to Lehigh County Pennsylvania in 2016 said that about 65% of America s aluminum is currently recycled. An advantage of recycling aluminum cans is you can even get money for it. It may not be a large amount but it s still money. The last easy product to recycle is paper. How many of you get the newspaper and throw it away when you are done? Next time you go to throw it away, find a bin that you can start recycling paper in. According to Love to Know in 2016, newspaper can be recycled into egg cartons, game boards, new newspaper, gift boxes, animal bedding, insulation and packaging material. Any little ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Essay On Uninsured Americans Healthcare in the United States is an interstate system that accounts for 15% of the U.S. GDP and $5,635 per capita. Nearly 45 million or 1 in 5 Americans are uninsured. With insurance premiums rising yearly, the number of uninsured Americans projects to continue to climb. While new technologies will increase the efficiency of healthcare, the costs of these new tests and treatments will likely outweigh the savings. As the cost of healthcare rises, many employers will be forced to eliminate health insurancebenefits for their employees, further increasing the number of uninsured Americans. Current federal and state laws require healthcare providers to extend certain healthcare services to citizens who are without insurance and are unable to pay the cost of their healthcare. A significant number of these people were able to ... Show more content on ... B. Individual Coverage/Shared Responsibility Payment Mandate The Individual Care Mandate of the PPACA requires individuals to maintain a minimum amount of essential health insurance coverage. For each month that an individual goes without the required coverage, the individual will, when filing taxes, be required to pay to the IRS a tax designed to cover their share of the insurance and healthcare marketplace. This concept is known as the Shared Responsibility Payment. Though the SRP is paid to the IRS, and is assessed in the same manner as tax penalties, the IRS is prohibited from using many of its normal enforcement tools, such as criminal prosecutions and levies. The IC SRP will reduce the cost shifting problem by driving healthy individuals, who would otherwise not purchase insurance, into the marketplace. This ensures that insurance companies will remain profitable by introducing millions of new, otherwise unattainable, customers to the insurance ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Pros And Cons Of Conformism The term ambition is almost always considered as a negative characteristic. Being ambitious seems to be linked to greed and a more similar meaning to being a non conformist is left aside, something that may be very necessary and act as the engine of a business activity. Because ambition is not only restricted to the desire to accumulate wealth or power, it can be found in the desire to be better every day, to seek new challenges and fight for them, without having to trample others or not have scruples to reach your goals. Can an entrepreneur not be ambitious? Based on the fact that conformism can be a factor that leads to failure, because competition does not fall asleep and the market is constantly changing, the lack of seeking constant... Show more content on ... United States 1). During the first years of the deregulation of the electric market, under the vision and command of Kenneth Lay, who, supported by his studies of economics and the experience obtained from his work in important positions in the cabinet of government of the United States of America, decides to explore the energy industry especially in the area of natural gas. In 1989, Ken Lay hired Jeffrey Skilling, then a consultant to McKinsey Co., to help him implement the new diversification strategy, which was successful so that by 1995 Enron was already the industry marketing leader, controlling 20% of the energy market in the United States. Later in the 1990s, Enron used favorable Washington decisions to expand its reach, marketing a variety of other real and virtual commodities, from plastics to bandwidth. (St. Petersburg Times, Enron s meltdown. ). By 2000, Enron s stock was worth $ 90 a share, and its executives were being hailed as innovative geniuses and political gurus. (St. Petersburg Times, Enron s meltdown. ), and the company has been organized into three divisions: Enron Wholesale Service, dedicated to operating in product markets (including Enron Online); Enron Energy Services, which provided consulting services to companies for the management of their electrical needs and Enron Global Services, ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Conspiracy Theories About Alexander The Great Conspiracy Theories About Alexander the Great Alexander the Great was said to be born of King Philip and Olympias. However, that is only one conspiracy that lies within this popular name. He was born in 336 B.C. in Macedonia, Greece. Since then Alexander dreamed of becoming the king of Asia and his mother wanted nothing more than her son on the throne. Many theories such as the death of King Philip, the father of Alexander the Great, and the death of Alexander the Great are imbedded into the history of this powerful ruler. The death of King Philip, supposedly the father of Alexander the Great, is quite questionable. One theorem is that his death was planned by Olympias and Alexander. Some supportive reasonings include the fact that King ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Is A Humanitarian Catastrophe Syria Aleppo is a humanitarian catastrophe. Frequent air and chemical attacks leaves the average Syrian civilian in fear for their lives on a daily basis. With the Western half controlled by the Bashar al Assad government and the Eastern half in controlled by anti government rebels bloodshed always lingers. For years, power has shifted between the two sides with many outside forces joining, tipping the power balances. With no end in sight, massive loss of life is becoming a universal issue. Inspired by the Arab Spring, revolution was on the horizon in Syria. Fed up with the government control, rebels have rallied against the government. In nearly five years of armed conflict the civil war in Syria has claimed nearly 470,000 lives: 400,000 through direct violence and an additional 70,000 as an indirect result of the war. A governmental regime which uses terrorists tactics is one that should be looked at as a threat. The president of Syria, Bashar Al Assad, has carried out a siege against his own civilians in Aleppo trapping them from the rest of the world. Depriving nearly 250,000 people of food, water, and supplies while bombing them on a daily basis is simply inhumane (UN News Centre). The government has gone to the point of using chemical weapons on their own civilians, killing many men, women, and children. The bloodbath is more than just those who support the Ba ath Party Government and those who want a revolution, but includes many groups and world powers. Although they ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Shadow Of A Gunman The Shadow of a Gunman by Sean O Casey In nineteen twenty three, Sean O Casey released a book of three plays all of which were performed at the prestigious Abbey Theater. Three Dublin Plays , was broken down into exactly that, three plays; The Shadow of a Gunman, Juno and the Paycock, and The Plough and the Stars. Of those three, I chose to examine The Shadow of a Gunman. This was the very first of the three plays to be accepted into Abbey Theater and is set in May of 1920. The author himself, Sean O Casey, was a huge supporter of the patriotism flowing through Ireland. Originally born John O Casey, his named was changed once he felt the nationalism taking over the country, and decided himself to learning the Irish language. In The ... Show more content on ... One last point that I believe will tie everything together by the end is that of romanticism in relation to nationalism. Although these themes sound similar they each have their own distinct differences, and I believe intertwined is what made this play great and gave the audience something to gravitate to because it was relatable in their own lives, and soon enough it will be explained just how. In the Second Act, Davoren s roommate Seumas Shield s makes a comment in reference to the war that is continuing to rage on: The country is gone mad...It s the civilians that suffer...Shot in the back to save the British Empire, an shot in the breast to save the soul of Ireland (Pg. 40) Shield s continues on past this line on his belief that this battle for nationalism is a much more dangerous environment for the average citizen than it is for the forces actually fighting. The shot in the back by the British obviously is illustrating the ill fated relationship between the two sides, as the British do not care about the Irish and who they are, referring to them British as cowards for shooting behind them. As for the breast shot to save Ireland, it is important he notes the shot in the breast, right in the chest. The opposite position of the shot shows how even right in front of you, you can still be killed by your own people to save Ireland . This connection shows Shield s more of a cynical view of nationalism, as seen in Irish ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Why Is Panda Bear Endangered Goal: To provide interesting facts about Panda bears and why they are endangered Total Word Count In This Document: Title: Facts about Panda Bears and reasons they are endangered What is furry, cute and black, and white all over? You can probably guess in 3 chances, the panda bear. If you are like me, you have watched several videos online and have been curious how the panda bear survives in the wild. Also, you may have wondered why this loveable looking bear is on the endangered specie list. The Diet of a Panda Bear If you ever wondered what panda s eat, you, will probably rarely seem them eating other animals. Their main diet is the consumption of bamboo. Actually, 99 percent of the diet is bamboo. The other 1 percent is very small animals, such as, small rodents, fish, flora and eggs. Although, they ... Show more content on ... The large male panda s can get up to 250 pounds, and be 2 feet long. The male panda s are indeed larger than the females. These bears can live up to 20 years in the wild. Even though, there are environmental conflicts that are reducing their lifespan. Reasons for the Decline of the Panda Bear Unfortunately, for the panda bear they are on a endangered list. There are several reasons that it is difficult for the survival of these bears. The females can ovulate during the Spring time, which becomes a very small window for growth. They are literally only able to ovulate 2 3 days a year. That s right. So, this is already a challenge for them. Plus, the female panda can only give birth to 2 and 1 usually dies. They are approximately 1,600 panda bears that live in the wild all over the world. However, there are more panda s in China than anywhere else. With this being said, and China s continual growth, this, causes destruction to the panda s habitat. China uses bamboo for construction and therefore, removes the main source of food for the panda bear. The Panda is a Symbol of Peace in ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Abortion Should Be Restricted The number of abortions today is almost 1.5 million a year, which is about 30% of all pregnancies (McConnell). Too many women are getting abortions as a means of birth control. The Supreme Court needs to restrict abortions to women who have been raped, been victims of incest, if the child will die at a young age, or if the woman s health is in danger. By reading this paper, the reader will gain an understanding of why abortions need to be restricted. Although abortions are necessary they need to be limited. Too many women are getting abortions as a way of birth control. In 1967 Colorado and California legalized abortion. By June, 1970, when the State of New York passed the first Abortion on Demand Law, which was a law stating no woman ... Show more content on ... The fact that her baby was conceived by a means of rape or incest would haunt her for the rest of her life. Furthermore, what are incest victims supposed to do once they give birth? She would, potentially, have to see the man who impregnated her, almost, on a daily basis, at least until she s old enough to move out of the house. Even then, she may still have to see her dad, or her uncle, or whoever the assailant was, in the future. Incest pregnancies are not common, but they do happen hundreds of times a year in the United States, and therefore they are something that need to be recognized by the media better. Congressman George Miller once said Don t turn the disgusting, violent, solitary acts of rape into a gang rape by the congress of the U.S. The third exception to a child being aborted is if the child has a disease which involves an early death or absence of cognitive developmental capacity. Detection of certain diseases can be obtained as early as ten weeks. The parents with a disease stricken baby usually wish to spare the baby a life of hardship rather then prolonging the child s ill fated life. If the child will die at a young age, why not save it the agony by ending his life before it begins? The idea is that certain disorders are so serious that there is no point attempting to prolong the child s life (Cunningham). The overwhelming majority of women who discover they re carrying a ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Decay In The House Of The Seven Gables In Nathaniel Hawthorne s gothic novel, The House of the Seven Gables, the house plays many supernatural key roles which changes the mood of the book multiple times. The supernatural role starts out as a curse put upon those who are descendants of the Pyncheon family, but changes the culmination of the story. This key element to the story takes on many evil forms, but gives the story its delightful end. Early on in the story, Matthew Maule curses the Pyncheon family before his hanging, therefore inciting the supernatural role. Thus brings the beginning of decay and destruction upon the Pyncheon family which continues on throughout generations. Early on in the novel, Hawthorne writes, ... and would thus afford the ghost of the latter... Show more content on ... Judge Jaffrey follows in his ancestor s footsteps and rises to power early in his life. His greed and lust for power knows no ends, and he gets his own family locked up to increase his own influence. However, even he cannot escape the curse that affects those with his qualities. Like the Colonel, he dies in the house in a chair, waiting for for someone to find his dead body. The supernatural pulls Alice and Phoebe, those that do not let greed control them, and pushes them down a different path. Alice becomes hypnotized by one of Matthew Maule s ancestors in an attempt to locate the missing deed located somewhere inside the house. Maule summons the spirits of his father, grandfather, and old Colonel Pyncheon, however, the two Maule spirits prevent Colonel Pyncheon s ghost from telling Maule the deed s whereabouts. The ignorance of his ancestors leads to the death of Alice, and the further decay of the house. Phoebe faces an entirely different fate when the supernatural powers that the Maule s carry fails to work against the Pyncheon family for the first ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Visionless Blind Faith In Raymond Carver s Cathedral Analysis Visionless Blind Faith in Raymond Carver s Cathedral Narration is divided into two categories and classifications; those composed by men authors and those composed by women writers. Narration by a male narrator who employs distancing strategies and some are narrated by a female narrator using engaging strategies. Cathedral is an example used in the academic journal Raymond Carver, Male and Female Interventions in Cathedral (Sasani, 2014). Stories are described by a male storyteller who utilizes separating methodologies and some are described by a female storyteller utilizing drawing in techniques, which are individually utilized by men and women writers. Cathedral starts with a first person narrator narrating in plain and flat statements ... Show more content on ... Suzanne Keen in her article A Theory of Narrative Empathy, discusses the relation between the narrator and feelings evoked. She states that the first person fiction more readily evokes feelings responsiveness than the whole variety of third person narrative situations (2006, p. 215). From the very beginning of Cathedral , the absence of a persuasive or convincing style of writing is very suggestive of the presence of a male narrator through whose eyes the events are seen. The introduction of the bizarre situation of Cathedral tellingly represents a distancing strategy and establishes the so called manly distance between the reader and the story narrated by a male ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Economic Impacts in Water and Energy Issues Caused by... Economic Impacts in Water and Energy issues caused by Climate Change in Russia Global Scope Generally, climate change has caused some predictable and potentially heterogeneous problems globally. Some of them are positive. For instance, increased atmospheric COв‚‚ are predicted to bring about overall small increases in European crop productivity. Globally, warming will shift our living circumstances into a more risky and comparably inadaptable direction. The key vulnerabilities including the water and land erosion, energy sectors change, human healthy wellbeing risks, food insecurity, environmental severities, infrastructure and relative energy usage reallocations and estimation frequencies of extreme weather events happen. It has been proven that the consequences of climate change in Europe are quite diversified. For Russia, basically, the general vulnerabilities are lower than any other regions in Europe(R RГ¶misch, 2009). National Scope Russia can be geographically separated as following regions: the monsoon Asia, the inner arid/semi arid districts and the Siberia. The climate change impacts in semi arid (moderated) might be severer than the arid areas. Natural scientific domains (ecology, environmental science, etc) situations shifted under climate change crisis in marginal areas seem to be more vulnerable than other areas (Smith et al., 1996). As a large and multi geographic country, climate change problem in Russia are multiple dimensional which can ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Clifford The Ethics Of Belief Summary What is Evidentialism? As evidentialism is a thesis about epistemic justification, it is a thesis about what it takes for one to believe justifiably, or reasonably, in the sense thought to be necessary for knowledge (Mittag). Now what does that mean in order for someone to believe in something, they must see the real proof have hardcore evidence. One famous argument about evidentialism is by William Kingdon Clifford, (born May 4, 1845, Exeter, Devon, England died March 3, 1879, Madeira Islands, Portugal) British philosopher and mathematician. Although he was most famous for his work as a mathematician, Clifford also wrote, The locus classicus for the ethics of belief debate is, unsurprisingly, the essay that christened it. The Ethics of Belief was published, in a journal called Contemporary Review. (Chingell) As stated in his writing, The Ethics of Belief, W.F. Clifford tells a story of a ship captain a story that has sparked many arguments across the world and made people question their beliefs. The story is about a ship captain who has doubts that his ship is in perfect condition to sail, the ship was in desperate need of many repairs, regardless of what the crew was telling him, he believes that his doubts are silly since there is no evidence that states that the ship is unworthy. In order to make himself feel better he convinces himself that the ship is in perfect condition. The crazy part is that the ship captain genuinely believed that nothing was wrong with the ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Engineering Project Manager Responsible For Remote... PROVISION FOR REMOTE OPERATED ELECTRICALLY ACTUATED CHOKE VALVES ON PRIORITY TOWERS ADMA OPCO UMM SHAIFF AND ZAKUM OIL FIELD OF CLIENT, ABU DHABI, UAE. Engineering Project Manager responsible for exceuting $1M Project to supply automated choke valves by means of electric actuators to increase the efficiency of flow lines. Provided total surveillance responsibility, beginning with the inquiry, technical evaluation of the bid, to delivery and installation. Prepared technical and commercial bid evaluation proposals. Conducted Pre assessment study (with customer collaboration) of the pilot project associated with equipment design and testing. Completed pre qualification phase, established work scope, schedule and completed principal qualification report for the project.. Designed valves with advanced trim to optimize flow conditions by analyzing existing flow data for increased pipeline throughput. Provided engineering support in all phases of the project. Resolved conflicts arising in shop floor through effective delegation and communication. Accomplished major deliverables within scheduled timelines including design validation reports, engineering documents, product data books. Provided customer support in resolving field related engineering issues concerning installation and commissioning of choke valves. VALERUS FIELD SOLUTIONS PROJECT BOLLAND INT197 , ARGENTINA, SOUTH AMERICA, Project manager responsible for the design, implementation, assembly and test of ... Get more on ...
  • 45. USA Patriot Act Analysis The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center was the single most devastating terrorist attack in this country and, indeed, the world, with more than 3,000 deaths. (Pollock, 2014, p.403). The terrorist attack on September 11th, 2001 was a wakeup call for local law enforcement and the United States. This resulted in an increase of law enforcement officials and change of missions for local law enforcement, federal law enforcement; the creation of the Department of Homeland Security(DHS). The Congressional Act from this attack was the signing of the United States of America Patriot Act into law October 26, 2001. The USA Patriot Actgives federal officials greater authority to track and intercept communications, both for law enforcement and ... Get more on ...
  • 46. The Medicare Bill The Medicare bill was signed into law on July 30, 1965 by President Johnson. The signage came long after an attempt by President Truman to develop a national insurance fund that could be utilized by all Americans. During the signing of the bill, President Johnson explained that with the Medicare program an individual can insure themselves against illness that may present during their senior years. Additionally, he commented that there were more than 18 million low income Americans who are greater than 65 years of age and cannot afford to treat their illnesses. The Medicare program is overseen by The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services(CMS), and has evolved over time. Medicare now covers individuals under the age of 65 who... Show more content on ... The goal of this deception is to obtain a federal healthcare payment that would not otherwise exist. The provider, practice, or institution may falsely claim to have provided a service or used supplies for a patient when in reality neither the service nor the supplies were used. A secondary way to commit Medicare fraud involves referrals. If one solicits, pays, or accepts money to encourage referrals because the services are reimbursed by Federal healthcare programs, they are participating in Medicare fraud. This type of fraud is addressed in the Anti Kickback Statute. Lastly, Medicare fraud occurs when the complexity of services are overstated and billed at a higher than necessary rate. This action violates the False Claims Act which protects the government from being excessively charged for goods and services. Medicare fraud is illegal and remedies are sought at both a civil and criminal level. If a provider, practice, or institution is found guilty of Medicare fraud, the consequences may include a loss of license, monetary penalties, and the inability to participate in Federal healthcare programs. The Office of Inspector General (OIG), which is a part of the U.S. Department of Health Human Services, has the ability to exclude individuals who participate in Medicare fraud. The guilty party will be listed on a searchable database on the OIG website. The list is officially referred to as the List of ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Point Of View Of The Book Peter Pan Genre:In the book Peter Pan by J.M Barrie I know this book is a fiction book because they talk about fairys and a magical place called NeverLand. In NeverLand is TinkerBell she is one of the fairys that i talked about she is also Peters best friend. This shows that the book Peter Pan is a fiction story based on its details and illustrations.Point of View: This story is third person point of view because there is a narrator that is telling the story. It is not first person point of view because they do not use personal pronouns. And it is not second person point of view because they do not use words like we. These show that it is third person point of view and not first person or second person point of view.Protagonist:... Show more content on ... The rest of them are just friends. The lost boys are just boys that fell out of their cribs when nobody was looking.Antagonist: The character that is making the main character react the most is Captain Hook he is just mad because Peter chopped off half of his right hand and fed it to a crocodile and he also ate a clock that still ticks and whenever he heard it he would act strangely to his mates.Setting: The story takes place in NeverLand somewhere in the 1990 s part. They did not know what time of the day it was except for morning and night because they did not have time they did not even know what day of the week it was because ever since they left London they lost track of time and of the day.Conflict: The main problem in the story is that Captain Hook wants to capture Peter and his crew but really Peter himself. He wants revenge on him because he fed his arm to a crocodile and ever since then he has been afraid of that crocodile but really the ticking sound. That is also the problem because Peter helped the indians and Captain Hook hates the indians.Plot Events: Some of the major ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Gullah Culture Research Paper The Gullah/Geechee people are a group of Black Americans from North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. The Gullah/Geechee people are a distinctive group of African Americans that have been the most successful in preserving customs and traditions from their Africa culture. This group has maintained their native tradition and customs in America more than any other African American group. According to National Geographic An environmental impact statement published in 2005 estimated that 200,000 people of Gullah and Geechee heritage live along the southeast coast (Otterbourg, 2014, p 11). They speak a creole language similar to Sierra Leone Krio, tell African folktales, make African style handicrafts such as baskets and carved walking... Show more content on ... During the course of history, the Gullah has protected their heritage through language, food, and customs. The Africans that were enslaved bought many of their recipes, foods, and cooking styles to the low country of the Carolinas and other coastal communities. Of the many recipes, brought to America one pot dishes, proved to be very instrumental in providing nutrition to the unbalanced rations that they received from their masters. Deep frying, rice dishes, seafood, boiling, and steaming, baking in ashes, basic and natural seasonings, and an consistent use of rice provides a distinct taste when Gullah people are cooking. Simply speaking, Gullah food is about ancestral ties and American living, adaptability, creativity, making do, livin ot da waddah and on the lan. (Grantt. 2005, p 145) Cooking for the Gullah yields passion and creative expression that can only come from their strong ancestral connections, making Gullah Cooking a cultural ... Get more on ...
  • 49. History of Statistics Palban, Marvic Trisha V. Palban BSMA 2 HISTORY OF STATISTICS The history of statistics can be said to start around 1749 although, over time, there have been changes to the interpretation of the word statistics. By the 18th century, the term statistics designated the systematic collection ofdemographic and economic data by states. In the early 19th century, the meaning of statistics broadened to include the discipline concerned with the collection, summary, and analysis of data. Today statistics is widely employed in government, business, and all the sciences. Electronic computers have expedited statistical computation, and have allowed statisticians to develop computer intensive methods. The Word statistics have been... Show more content on ... * Environmental statistics is the application of statistical methods to environmental science. Weather, climate, air and water quality are included, as are studies of plant and animal populations. * Epidemiology is the study of factors affecting the health and illness of populations, and serves as the foundation and logic of interventions made in the interest of public health and preventive medicine. * Geostatistics is a branch of geography that deals with the analysis of data from disciplines such as petroleum geology,hydrogeology, hydrology, meteorology, oceanography, geochemistry, geography. * Operations research (or Operational Research) is an interdisciplinary branch of applied mathematics and formal science that uses methods such as mathematical modeling, statistics, and algorithms to arrive at optimal or near optimal solutions to complex problems. * Population ecology is a sub field of ecology that deals with the dynamics of species populations and how these populations interact with the environment. * Psychometrics is the theory and technique of educational and psychological measurement of knowledge, abilities, attitudes, and personality traits. * Quality control reviews the factors involved in manufacturing and production; it can make use of statistical sampling of product items to aid decisions in process ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Grief In Beloved In Toni Morrison s Beloved , the novel takes place in two different places and time periods. The first on in 1873 in Cincinnati, Ohio where a formal slave named Sethe lives with 18 year old daughter Denver. The other setting takes place on the Sugar Hill plantation in Kentucky ran by a sadistic slave owner named Schoolteacher. On page 108, one day while Sethe and Ella were talking. Ella advises Sethe to let things go and Don t Love Nothing. As we know, Sethe refuses to take Elle advice. This line is very important because Sethe s love in the center of all of the conflict in the novel. There are many examples of how Sethe s love causes her grief in the novel. The most prominent example in the story is when Sethe kills her own daughter.... Show more content on ... When Sethe relizes that the spirit is her daughter s ghost, they to develop a close relationship. Because of her love and guilt for killing Beloved, she lets Beloved basically consume her entire life. Beloved soon grows increasingly manipulative and bothersome. Sethe feels as though she is obligated with satisfying her demands since her actions are the reason Beloved is there in the first place. Because the two seem obsessed with each other, Sethe s lover Paul D and Denver would have no choice but to leave the residence. Sethe s lover Paul D would later learn how Sethe killed her infant daughter and leave the residence as well. When a man comes to take Denver away to her new job, Sethe tries to kill him but fails to do so. After this Beloved disappears and Sethe never sees her again. This relates to Elle quote Don t Love Nothing because she loved Beloved so much, that it causes her to lose everything thing else that is good around her. Sethe was so focused on the past, that she was unable to move forward and fully enjoy her life due to the mistakes she feels that she made. Also, her love caused her more heartbreak because the one thing she loved the most left her unexpectedly. You can say that if Sethe didn t love so hard, so could have lived a happier life knowing she did the best that she could, instead of dwelling a her terrible ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Volunteer Marking Essay Volunteer Marking and Recording the names of Veterans at the Independence Cemetary For one of my friends Eagle project, we went around the cemetary and recorded all the information given about veterans. These records would be put down online so that anyone serching for a specific person could find where they are buried. It was actually a fun job, we got to see all the awards given to some of these vets and compare them. It was interesting to see just how much some people had done to serve our country. I both helped decipher eroded gravestones and and took pictures of what we were doing. This experience allowed me to gain a deeper understanding and respect for those who have served. 4 hours One time 1 year Volunteer Honor flight organizer The Honor flight is an organization that provides veterans a flight to memorials in Washington D.C. for free. My grandpa was on the flight. I already was going to be at the welcome home ceremony that was taking place at the airport. I decided to make it a big deal. I invited all the boys from my troop to go to this welcome home to show our support to the veterans. At the welcoming, 2 scouts from my troop came along with their parents. I organized the event and was able to get people there. It took a few... Show more content on ... Cecilia festival. We help carry trays, clear tables, and wash dishes. It s mostly manual work, but I enjoy helping out. The best benefit is that I get to spend time with my friends. When we have some free time, we spend most of our time talking and laughing. Honestly I don t mind working if I get to do it with my friends. Both years I have washed dishes and I have gotten better at washing dishes for sure. Through the dinner, I have gottern better at social interaction and whenever I went into the dinnerroom, I smiled. Smiling is the best way to interact with people. If a conversation is not started, at least I receive a smile from the people I m ... Get more on ...
  • 52. In-Depth Analysis On The Human Condition In English Class Walking into class the first day of the second semester, I did not expect one thing: that this classroom would soon become a location of in depth analyses on the human condition. Unlike many English classes I have had in the past, English 20 has given me new perspectives into what it means to be human by looking at how other people (primarily authors and directors) view the human condition. The first baby step towards discovering my personal definition of the human condition was an assignment wherein we were asked to watch multiple videos. Those videos ranged from music videos to inspirational speeches to excerpts from books (1.1.2). This range of mediums broadened the messages in the videos, as it forced me to respond differently to the information ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Mandatory Physical Education Research Paper The number of obese children more than tripled since 1971. Physical education should be a mandatory class, because at least one in three children in the U.S. are overweight or obese. Obesity is causing a huge amount of health problems that previously weren t seen until adulthood. If all children had PE class every day, it would help reduce the number of children affected by obesity and children would develop a habit of daily physical exercise. Some health problems obese kids are getting can be very serious. These include high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and elevated blood pressure. Obese children commonly have a lower self esteem , negative body image and depression. Physical education is an essential part of growing and learning, not just the physical part is takes a big roll on academic as well. Without Physical education in schools, children would have trouble learning about other things such as math or science. Physical activity stimulates the minds of young children and keeps them on the ball when learning new things. I think physical education should be a mandatory class because at least one in three children in the US are obese or overweight. There ... Show more content on ... having so many people affected by being overweight is very unfortunate. As people of us everyone should stand up for physical education as a mandatory class because you can give overweight children of fun and safe environment to work and achieve their goals they have set for themselves. do you think we should be mandatory? then 12 million children in the US who are overweight or obese. There could be an easy yes fun place for that tablet in a physical education gym at school every day where you were surrounded by your peers who were doing nothing but encouraging you to push harder and do your best. a place where you can slowly but surely start losing weight in a fun way. In your PE ... Get more on ...