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Qualities Of A Good Essay
Crafting an essay on the qualities of a good essay might seem like a straightforward task, but
delving into the intricacies of the subject reveals a challenge that goes beyond the surface. The
difficulty lies not only in the necessity to articulate the characteristics that define a well-crafted
essay but also in the nuanced exploration of how these elements interact to create a cohesive and
impactful piece of writing.
One of the challenges is the subjectivity inherent in assessing the quality of an essay. What one
person perceives as a strong argument or an engaging introduction may differ from another's
perspective. This necessitates a careful balance in presenting a comprehensive view without
falling into the trap of overgeneralization.
Moreover, the act of dissecting and analyzing the qualities of a good essay demands a certain
level of metacognition from the writer. It involves stepping back and reflecting on one's own
writing process and choices, a task that can be both introspective and challenging. The writer
needs to navigate through the intricacies of language use, structure, coherence, and originality,
among other aspects.
In addition, the challenge lies in avoiding clichГ©s and generic statements. It's not enough to
merely list common attributes like clarity, coherence, and relevance. The writer must delve
deeper, providing nuanced examples and insights that illuminate the underlying principles of
effective writing. This requires a keen understanding of language dynamics and an ability to
convey ideas with precision and creativity.
Furthermore, the essay itself must exemplify the qualities it discusses. This adds an additional
layer of complexity, as the writer must not only describe but also demonstrate the very principles
being explored. Striking the right balance between exposition and embodiment of these qualities
is an art that demands a thorough understanding of the subject matter.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the qualities of a good essay is a multifaceted task that
extends beyond a superficial examination of its components. It requires a thoughtful and
introspective approach, coupled with the ability to articulate complex concepts in a clear and
engaging manner. As one navigates the challenges of this endeavor, it becomes evident that the
process of writing itself mirrors the qualities under discussion.
For those seeking assistance with essays or similar writing tasks, various resources are available.
Similar essays and more can be ordered on platforms like, providing support
and guidance in navigating the intricate terrain of academic and creative writing.
Qualities Of A Good EssayQualities Of A Good Essay
Kodak And Its First Snapshot Camera
In 1880, George Eastman founded the Eastman Kodak Company in Rochester, New
York. By 1888, the company developed its first snapshot camera and became an
American household name. Over time, Kodak believed that most of their money
came from film, which caused the company to lose focus on their equipment.
However, by the 1960s, Kodak started to introduce new products that focused on
medical imaging and graphic arts. One of the key players in the industry is Polaroid.
In 1969, Polaroid s patents on instant photography expired, giving Kodak a huge
opportunity. Eventually Kodak came up with its first instant cameraand sold about
16.5 million of them. However, a patent infringement suit by Polaroid forced Kodak
to abandon their instant camera... Show more content on ...
In 1998, Kodak lost market share when Fuji cut their prices. As a result of this
price war, by the end of 1999 the company has to cut $1.2 billion in costs and
19,900 jobs, or about one fifth of its payroll, the most severe cutback ever at Kodak
(Gavetti, Henderson and Giorgi 10). By 2001, Kodak was losing $60 on every
digital camera it sold (Gavetti, Henderson and Giorgi 10). During its time, Kodak has
faced multiple legal issues. One issue they faced was an antitrust suit with
independent service organizations. Kodak controls most of the service market and
the market for its replacement parts. The independent service organizations argued
that Kodak was trying to force them out of business by restricting their access to
replacement parts and by trying to insure that customers for its business machines
either service the machines themselves or buy service directly from Kodak
(Greenhouse). Kodak was being accused of violating the Sherman Antitrust Act. The
service companies believed that Kodak was unlawfully tying the sale of service for
Kodak machines to the sale of parts, and unlawfully trying to monopolize the market
for service (Greenhouse). According to the textbook, Section 1 of the Sherman Act
states that it is illegal to restraint trade in contract, trust or conspiracy and Section 2
condemns any person who monopolizes or attempts to monopolize. (Clarkson,
Miller and Cross 914). One way Section 1 can be violated is by
Case Study On Chimera
2.1 Multitasking Real Time Kernel Chimera Kernel differs from conventional
operating systems since they provide constructs to control process execution as a
function of time (real time kernel). The kernel provides task and memory
management, flexible scheduling, user space system calls to reduce operating system
overhead, virtual timers, and a variety of communication and synchronization
mechanisms. Chimera was intended to adopt most of the features of a multi tasking
operating system while keeping the response time low, a typical characteristic of a
real time system. This was achieved by eliminating overhead features required of
multi user operating systems like inter process security, large process space and
virtual memory. It also provides... Show more content on ...
Therefore all classes of design (architectural, procedural and data design) become
more complex. Predictability of a real time operating system puts performance at
stake. However in Chimera high performance features make it different from other
RTOSs. Distributed operating systems pose a serious issue of security and therefore
need to incorporate Authorization and Authentication mechanisms. Many of the
information resources that are made available and maintained in distributed systems
have a high intrinsic value to their users. Their security is therefore of considerable
importance. Sufficient information regarding this aspect is not available for
Beowulf Epic Hero
History teaches the essential qualities of a typical hero: bravery, courage, wit,
though an epic hero utilizes a trait unorthodox to most of humanity a fatal flaw.
Beowulf, an epic poem composed by an unknown Anglo Saxon, is the first piece of
work written in Old English. It tells the story of a warrior, (of the same name), and
his quests to defeat all evil that terrorizes the Scandinavian regions. The epic poem
was told in order to encourage men to help defend their lands.The Anglo Saxon men
were ones who believed in being heroes for their people. Like Beowulf, tales were
told to show how a warrior should behave. Beowulf illustrates an epic heroby: risking
death for the greater good, performing brave deeds, and by reflecting the ideas...
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In Anglo Saxon culture and literature, to be a hero is to be a warrior. A hero had to
be strong, intelligent, and courageous. Beowulf was a very prideful warrior, he
loved to let others know of his victories. Once again with the scene of Beowulf and
Unferth, Beowulf states, ... I was the strongest swimmer of them all. (Heaney, ll. 534)
He also included, When it comes to fighting, I count myself as dangerous any day as
Grendel. (Heaney, ll. 677 678) Anglo Saxon are also widely significant. This is shown
when the narrator states that, Beowulf was quickly brought to the chamber: the
winner of fights, the arch winner... (Heaney, ll.1310 1311) This quote emphasizes
what others thought of the warrior Beowulf. Other Anglo Saxon characteristics
include: loyalty, generosity, courtesy, etc.; all of which exhibited at one point in the
Probity Service Providers
The IAMA Practitioner s Certificate in Mediation is offered by nationally attributed
instructors and is conducted Australia wide. The course offer a practice centered
qualification in mediation and contestant who successfully complete the assessment
module may submit an application for accreditation under the National Mediator
Accreditation Scheme through IAMA. With mediation being accepted widely
crosswise the commercial, legal, industry, education and government sectors, a
perceptive of the practical application of mediation techniques is an important and
helpful professional skill.
The program is in 2 modules comprised 4 days of instruction and 2 days of
supervised coaching and assessment. It is also includes coverage of all issues ... Show
more content on ...
Accreditation procedures for Probity Service Providers are at present under review.
The Course content stated on the official website includes;[ The Institute of
Arbitrators Mediators Australia. (n.d.). Retrieved May 14, 2016, from https:/
/ and training/training information]
The probity services environment
Roles and responsibilities of probity services practitioners
General and specialist procurement and similar processes
Specific areas of probity and ethics
Ethical behavior of buyers and suppliers
Probity risk management
Probity issues in contracting, and
Other issues impacting on probity and accountability.
Other than that they also offer training for Professional Certificate in Arbitration. The
Professional Certificate in Arbitration results from a joint venture between the
Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia (IAMA) and the University of
Adelaide Law School combining expertise to offer high quality education in the field
of Arbitration. Professional and Continuing Education (PCE) at the University of
Adelaide provide administrative management for this special program. The
Professional Certificate in Arbitration is offered nationally and the program provides
knowledge and an appreciation of commercial arbitration and its role within the
Australian legal system. The syllabus covered in the course of Introduction to
Arbitration course by the Adelaide Law School is;[ Content. (2002). Retrieved May
14, 2016, from
Internal Domain Name System for Company
Internal Domain Name System for Company Alpha Introduction The DNS is a
vital Internet component providing mechanisms for resolving host names into IP
addresses and vice versa. In addition, DNS supports other Internet directories
concerning DNS name servers and mail exchangers among others (Garfinkel
Spafford, 1997). Despite being a universally accepted and widely used system,
insecure protocols and lack of authentication among other factors within the DNS
threaten proper functionality of the DNS. Moreover, the accuracy of the
information contained within the DNS is vital to many aspects of IP based
communications. Domain Model for the Organization The domain appropriate for
this organization is the Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND). This domain
name is selected since it compatible with most operating systems including UNIX;
it is also used by most Internet Service Providers (Stevens, 1990). In addition,
BIND is recommended for the firm since its configuration files are easier to
maintain than other server DNSs such as Sendmail (Terry, Painter, Riggle, Zhou,
1984). Using this DNS, cache only name servers are easily placed strategically
within the internal network to remove unwanted traffic and expensive WAN links.
Moreover, BIND supports DNS SEC, TSIG IPv4 among other DNS protocol
enhancements. Given the popularity of BIND, it is often targeted by hackers.
Therefore, limiting zone transfers to slave name servers and limiting transfer in the
zone can reduce the
After School Programs Essay
Daniel Parra Mrs. Padgett English IV, Period 2 7 December 2010 After School
Programs The impact that after school programs have on young children affects
every aspect of their lives. Although some may feel after school programs are a
waste of time and money, it has been proven that they improve children s social and
academic skills. Without these special designed programs, children may not be able
to develop into the kinds of adults which will benefit society in the future. It is
important that society understand the importance of after school programs. To cut
back on after school programs to better the economy is only taking away from the
children and opening new doors to them, which can ultimately lead them to jail or
possibly... Show more content on ...
Learning how to communicate is often overlooked but its an essential skill for
anyone. An example of how important this truly is would be a job interview.
Everyone at some point will have to interview for a job to support themselves and
their family. At most interviews, employers are looking for people who seem to
communicate well with others and can present themselves by communicating their
attributes. These communications skills that are necessary aren t easy to come
by. Although one may think it would be easy, many people wont be able to
successfully land a job because of communication. One person may be the most
qualified, but if you can not communicate well then it will not matter. After school
programs can also socially benefit a child. Programs are often designed to teach a
child how to be a leader as well as a team player. Throughout one s life there will be
situations where one will need to work in a group as well as lead a group of
people. After school programs involving sports, really hone in on a child s ability to
behave and interact in a group environment. The participants must work together in
order to achieve a common goal which is to ultimately win. In doing so, they must
interact and communicate in a way which will be most beneficial for the entire
group. This occurs not only in sports but in everyday life. At a job, one may have to
work with others to
The Viola Research Paper
The viola is a musical instrument with strings that that look like a big violin. The
instruments are made of many pieces of wood which are glued never nailed
together. The viola s sound imitates a tenor voice while the violin makes a higher
sound. The cello and bass also make a lower sound. The viola is similar to other
members of the violinfamily in that it has four strings and is played with a bow. The
instrument has a collection of more than three octaves, and makes a unique silky
sound. The viola was invented in the 1500 s. Since the late 1700 s it has had a major
role in the symphonic and chamber music. Some composers that have written music
for the Viola are Richard Strauss, and Sir William Walton (World Book, 2009).
It is believed that the Italian luthier Andrea Amati created the viola family in the year
1555, but bowed, stringed instruments were invented long before that. The viola is an
instrument that has evolved over time. There are records of stringed instruments
existing in Europe in the Middle Ages and may have originated in Central Asia
(www.get of the viola.php). ... Show more content on ...
He says that the Viola is one to one and a half inches longer than the violin creating
a lower sound. He informs the viewer that the Viola sits in the middle of the
Orchestra and the bow serves to create many different sounds. Sometimes the
fingers are used to sounds as well. Bootiman also uses the back of his Viola to
make a knocking sound when needed. Down bows and up bows are used to make
heavier and lighter sounds. He claims that early Viola players were used more as an
accompaniment to the violin. Today the Viola is used for solos and interesting parts
of the concert. There are no longer are any restrictions or typecasts for the viola
Timothy Mcveigh Case Study
On April 19, 1995, a detrimental explosion targeting the nine story Alfred P. Murrah
Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, Oklahoma took place. This incident of
domestic terrorism and the mastermind behind the explosion was credited to Timothy
McVeigh who used a truck bomb to kill 168 people and injure countless others
( Staff, 2009). Timothy McVeigh
was an American domestic terrorist who
was also classified as an anti government militant . Domestic terrorism is, terrorism
practiced in your own country against your own people (the
McVeigh was a Gulf War veteran who wanted to seek revenge against the federal
government for the way the government handled the Waco siegeand Ruby Ridge. The
Waco siege... Show more content on ...
Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. During all of this, McVeigh
was assisted by Terry Nichols and Michael Fortier. The group was able to obtain
numerous tons of ammonium nitrate fertilizer and a few gallons of fuel oil. The
combination of the two would later form a highly blistering explosive. According to editors, McVeigh chose the Murrah federal building because it
provided excellent camera angles for media coverage. He wanted to make this attack
a platform for his anti government message. At 9:02 a.m., a truck that Timothy
McVeigh had rented, which was filled with all of the explosives, detonated in front of
the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. The explosion was extremely powerful. It
blew off the entire north wall of the building. Many buildings in the immediate area
were also destroyed. The blast killed 168 people. 19 of the 168 people were young
children who were in the building s day care center during the time that the bomb
went off. Along with the deaths, 650 other people were injured.
Many thought a Middle Eastern terrorist group was responsible for the bombing.
However, after a few days, Timothy McVeigh was considered to be the main suspect
of the
Writing A Text, Writing Style, And Most Important
When writing a text, authors have to take several factors into consideration. Appiah
stupendously incorporates various rhetorical aspects in his text. Authors have to be
well rounded on the issue at hand, address various perspectives of the issue, be aware
of their writing style, and most importantly, they have to know their audience in order
to persuade them. It is apparent that Appiah has done research to support his writing.
He provides modern issues as evidence, meaning that all topics he presents are up to
date and still have significant meaning. A practice that he predicts for future
condemnation is industrial meat production. In providing this as evidence, he
includes statistical research. He states, Of the more than 90 million cattle in our
country, at least 10 million at any time are packed into feedlots, saved from the
inevitable diseases of overcrowding only by regular doses of antibiotics... their
nostrils filled with the smell of their own urine. Giving such statistics, make his
argument relatively more credible, in addition to creating vivid imagery of the
appalling conditions. He also spoke about the institutionalization and isolation of
America s elderly. When developing the content of the argument, he also includes
relevant statistics. Appiah notes that an estimate of 2 million elderly people are
institutionalized in America. Yet again, such detail supports his argument, while
strengthening his credibility and knowledge of the subject. The argument of
The Portrayal Of Capitalism Through The Market
Karina Cruz
Professor Aldo Regalado
AMH 2041
26 July 2015
The Portrayal Of Capitalism Through The Market Revolution The Market Revolution
can be described as an early manifestation of capitalism, an era associated with a new
sense of individual rights, equality, and freedom. The Market Revolution took place
in the early 19th century, and it drastically changed not only the market and
commerce of Americans but their personal lives as well. Before the Market
Revolution America hadn t seen any new life changing innovations, most of their
goods, such as clothing and farming tools, were still being made from home, and
trade was limited by poor roads and little means of transportation. In addition, the poor
road system meant that there was little interaction and movement between each state.
It wasn t till the creation of new ways of communicating, steamboats, and the building
of canals, railroads, and turnpikes that prompted American expansion. As a result, the
United States began to see a movement of settlements westward and the rise cities.
The Embargo of 1807 and the War of 1812, led to the cutoff of British imports and
the need to establish the first large scale factories; the rise of factories then led to
new employment and a boom in domestic manufacturing (Foner 331). The changes
led by the advances in the society of the Market Revolution evidently gave women
the opportunity to gain a level of equality in both domestic and work environments, it
also gave Americans the
Use a variety of sources for the collection of data, both primary and secondary (1)
(a) Prepare and implement a plan for the collection of primary and secondary data
for a given business problem (b) Describe and justify the survey methodology and
frame used (c) Develop and use a questionnaire and justify its design for a particular
purpose (2) Apply a range of techniques to analyze data effectively for business
purposes (a) Create information for decision making by summarizing data using
representative values, and use the results to draw valid and useful conclusions in a
business context (b) Analyse data using measures of dispersion, and use to inform a
given business scenario (c) Calculate quartiles, percentiles,... Show more content on ...
Offer solutions to customer problems based on the information collected Have a
logical structure with clearly presented and explained sections Have well summarised
findings of the investigation Include conclusions and recommendations Copy of
questionnaire should accompany with the report, but in separate binding Submit soft
copies of your report and spreadsheets (file names: BDM_1_YourName Kб»‹ch bбєЈn
Tб»• chб»©c: BбєЎn Д‘Ж°б»Јc yГЄu cбє§u Д‘б»ѓ lб»±a chб»Ќn mб»™t tб»•
chức lựa chọn của riêng bạn. Tổ chức có thể 1 thực thể
kinh doanh hoạt động trong bất kỳ ngà nh công nghiệp như sản
xuất, du lịch, khách sạn, giáo dục và đà o tạo, dịch vụ,bán
buГґn bГЎn lбє», nhбєp khбє©u, xuất khбє©u, thб»±c phбє©m ngГўn hГ ng,
phЖ°ЖЎng tiện truyб»Ѓn thГґng, vГ Д‘б»“ uб»‘ng (F amp; B), Д‘iện tб»,
công nghệ thông tin, nhanh chóng di chuyển hà ng tiêu dùng (FMCG),
các doanh nghiệp ô tô, hóa dầu, xây dựng, may mặc, thời trang,
nhỏ và vừa (SMEs), vv Giả sỠrằng bạn đang là m việc như
QuбєЈn lГЅ NghiГЄn cб»©u thб»‹ trЖ°б»ќng, bГЎo cГЎo GiГЎm Д‘б»‘c PhГІng
Tiếp thị trong tổ chức mà bạn đã chọn. Mục tiêu: Bạn
được giao nhiệm vụ chuẩn bị một báo cáo nghiên cứu
thб»‹ trЖ°б»ќng GiГЎm Д‘б»‘c PhГІng Tiбєїp thб»‹.
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola was an Italian humanist,...
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola was an Italian humanist, philosopher, scholar, Neo
Platonist and writer whose main passion was the reconciliation of philosophy and
religion. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola was born on the 24th of February 1463 to a
wealthy and illustrious family and died on the 17th of November 1494. Being the
youngest son of three boys, Giovanni Pico della Mirandolawas mostly outlived by
his elder brothers who took on presumably significant roles; his brother Antonio
became an imperial army general while Galeotto 1 continued their father s dynasty.
Leaving behind his share of ancestral wealth and principality, he went on to become
one of the world s respected writers after fully devoting himself to studying theology
and... Show more content on ...
He then changed course and went to the University of Ferrara to study philosophy. He
then continued his studies from 1480 to 1482 at the University of Padua that was
well known for Aristotelianism where he studied Arabic and Hebrew. He spent the
next few years visiting other humanist centers and the University of Paris which was
Europe s most significant center for scholastic theology and philosophy (Craven,
Giovanni s movement to Florence marked a big change in his life especially
regarding his philosophical career. In Florence, around 1484 he met Ficino
Marsilio and Lorenzo de Medici. Ficino, a renaissance philosopher who was about
to publish translations of Plato s works from Greek to Latin under the supervision
of Lorenzo. (Edelheit, 2008). Later on he briefly moved to Perugia where he was
introduced to Hebrew Kabbalah. It is this Kabbalistic doctrine he used to support
Christian theology becoming the first Christian to do so. After travelling to Rome,
Giovanni invited scholars from all over Europe to Rome to debate and defend his
900 theses drawn from Latin, Greek, Hebrew and Arabic writers. 13 of these were
however denounced as heretical by a papal commission and prohibited assembly.
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola decided to flee to France despite his apologia for the
13 theses where he was arrested. After his release he went back to settle in Florence.
He settled in a villa prepared for him by Lorenzo near
The Pros And Cons Of The Gestapo
In 1933, there was a war/battle between Germany and the Jews and many more
other in Germany. There were groups that, are bad, rude, mean people that were in
involved in a group in the Holocaust. The Holocaust, there are seven organizations,
the fourth one was the Gestapo. A Secret Police Office or Secret State Police Force,
who were a group of people who were freed to do whatever, and put random people
into protective custody. The Gestapowas led by Heinrich Himmler, who was the
commander of Home Forces, but someone else had already found the Gestapo first,
Hermann Göring. With the two of him and the Gestapo, they did many bad things
and bad stuff to people who were Germans and even Jews and they also crossed the
line of their law. The Gestapo was a group of people who were being controlled and
being used to do bad things to others by the person who was leading them.
Gestapo s were a very bad group, they never listened to others when they needed
help, they never helped any german citizens, they arrested people for no reasons and
they put them into protective custody. They lied and crossed over the law for them.
Another word or an abbreviation for the Gestapo s was, Geheime StaatsPolizei.
They were a secret state police. To know how the Gestapo s looked like, they had to
be wearing black coats and slouch hats. They were only known and famous because
they were violent, torturing, and cruelty to others. Not only did they were violent to
Jews, but even to their own innocent
Marfan Syndrome Research Paper
Marfan Syndrome is a disorder that affects the body s connective tissue.
Connective tissue holds all of the body s cells, organs and tissues together. When
the connective tissue is affected it slows down growth and breaks down muscle
strength. Connective tissue is also considered the glue of body because its purpose
to hold all bones, muscles and joints together. It also plays an important role in
overall growth in muscles and bone. A French doctor named Antoine Marfan
discovered the disease in 1896. About 1 in every 5,000 children are born with
Marfan Syndromeeach year and it affects both men and women. Marfan Syndrome is
caused by a mutation in the gene that determines the structure of Fibrillin 1. Fibrillin
1 is a protein that plays
Costa Rica
Costa Rica, a country of Central America, covers an area of 19,730 square miles.
The capital is San JosГ©. Extending from northwest to southeast, Costa Rica is
bounded on the north by Nicaragua, along its 185 mile northeastern coastline by the
Caribbean Sea, on the southeast by Panama, and along its 630 mile southwestern
coastline by the Pacific Ocean.
br Costa Rica has a narrow Pacific coastal region that rises abruptly into central
highlands. The highlands, forming the rugged backbone of the country, descend
much more gradually toward the generally wider Caribbean (Atlantic) Plain. The
Pacific coast is generally lowland in character, and, like the Caribbean coast, it is
lined with white sandy beaches. The country has made use of ... Show more content
on ...
Most speak both Spanish and a Jamaican dialect of English, and Protestantism is the
most widespread religion. In the Pacific south and on the San Carlos Plain, part of the
northern lowlands, language and religious preferences are mixed. Most Costa Rican
diversions are cosmopolitan rather than nationalistic in nature. The people of Costa
Rica attend films with great frequency, enjoying international cinema. They listen to
an extraordinary variety of music, especially from the many radio stations in the
country. Residents of the Meseta Central attend the National Theatre, where the
music played and the drama performed may come from any part of the world.
br Costa Rica has a developing market economy largely based on coffee and banana
exports. Large gains in economic growth were interrupted in the mid 1970s, when
plummeting coffee prices and substantial increases in oil prices resulted in a
significant decline in agricultural production. Even so, agriculture accounts for
approximately one fifth of the gross domestic product (GDP) and employs more
than one fourth of the work force. Coffee is the single largest export item; other
cash crops include bananas, beef, sugar, and cocoa. Staples such as corn, beans,
and rice are also widely grown. The government has distributed high yield varieties
of coffee to growers and has provided farmers of other crops with improved seeds.
Poor market conditions and bad
The Life of Steve Jobs
On October 5, 2011, a famous personality Steve Jobs left his technology. He was a
technologist, businessman and a scientist. He passed away due to his Metastatic
Insulinoma cancer. Jobs worked and co founded Apple Incorporation. He was fond of
working as Apple CEO. Jobs kept his position as a CEO and worked till the last day
to keep his company motivated: I have always said if there ever came a day when I
could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple s CEO, I would be the
first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come. ( Steve Jobs).
Jobs was born in San Francisco, California on February 24, 1955, to his father,
Abdul Fattah and mother Joanne Carole. His biological parents family objected to
his birth, so later he was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. Since his childhood, Jobs
was interested in electronics and technologies because his father worked as a
mechanic. He kept Jobs busy rebuilding electronics. Later, Jobs and his family
moved to Mountain View, California to attend school. He attended Homestead High
School in Cupertino, California. Steve Jobs was never interested in studies and
dropped out from the school ( Steve Jobs ).
People still miss Job because he was a visionary. He had the vision to see new
technology. He changed the technologies of the world. He came up with a new
operating system Macintosh (MAC) in 1976. Later, he came up with the iPhone in
June 2007. Everyone was amazed by this new technology of the phone. This genius
Weakest Quadricep Research Paper
Largest Quadricep
Vastus lateralis is the largest Muscle
The vastus lateralis muscle is situated in side of the thigh.This Muscle is the biggest
of the quadriceps group which also includes the rectus femoris, the vastus
intermedius, and the vastus medialis. Collectively the quadriceps muscle is the
biggest in the human body and its purpose is to expand the knee. The specific task of
the vastus lateralis muscle is to extend the lower leg and allow the body to rise up
from a squatting position.(Hannan et al, 2000).
Weakest Quadricep
Vastus Medialis is the weakest Musclewhen the vastus medialis Muscle (VMO) is
weak the kneecap moves in abnormal way and can even be positioned abnormally as
well.This Creates a chronically unstable kneecap.Improper tracking of the kneecap
can cause wear to the interior surface.The vastus ... Show more content on ...
However, VL:VM activation ratio can be obtained by simply placing surface
electrodes on a patient while performing the functional tasks during clinical
evaluation, and may be a surrogate measure for VM activation delay.
VL:VM activation ratio displayed a significant relationship with VM activation
delay in PFP subjects classified as maltrackers (Fig. 2). There were no correlations
between VL:VM activation ratio and VM activation delay in the pain free controls,
all PFP subjects grouped together, and PFP subjects classified as normal
trackers.(Hannan et al, 2000).
Knee pain experience
Yes, during the knee pain I experienced a sharp shooting pain when using the knee,
constant knee aching, and a dull burning discomfort. I also experienced a swelling
knee and a lot of pain when the knee was touched.
People with knee pain are not able to work.
The knees give stable support to the body. They similarly permit the legs to have
flexion and extension . Both adaptability and soundness are expected to stand, walk,
run, squat, bounce, and turn. In the event that the knee is harmed, the knee may get
Gamestop Essay
After the acquisition of EB Games, GameStop rose as the leading video game retailer
in its industry. In an effort to sustain their position, GameStop will have to tackle
several technological and sociocultural issues that have arisen from its competitive
environment. The strategic objective we wish to accomplish in this analysis is to
formulate a viable strategy that will continue GameStop s growth in the industry to
remain as the go to video gaming store for the video gaming enthusiast.
The retail gaming industry is a relatively new industry but GameStop has shown
tremendous growth since 2002. An external analysis of GameStop s general
environment will show threats to the industry that include age restrictions for rated ...
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However, GameStop is still at a disadvantage, because there are such a large
number of competitors in the industry. Buyer s bargaining power are high, since
there is no brand loyalty in the industry. Customers are very well aware of the
market price of a product and will look for the best deals they can find. Suppliers
have high bargaining power since suppliers can choose to integrate forward and sell
their products themselves. The success of the retail gaming industry is very
dependent on the availability of supplier s goods. Additionally, since there are low
barriers of entrance, substitute products and new entrants often appear in the market.
Since most competitors in the industry do not have a strong presence, the expected
retaliation towards new entrants is low. An increasing popularity of smartphone
games and social media games such as Farmville on Facebook, allows customers to
play against friends. Although these social media games do not offer the same
experience as a video game, the fact that virtually no switching cost is associated
with switching to a competitor s game and since they are so cheap compared to
video game disk and consoles, can easily drive customers from video gaming to
online gaming. (Exhibit 2)
Internal Analysis
The internal analysis of GameStop s resource capabilities indicates a strong brand
and marketing position that give the firm a sustainable
Chapter 2 Literature Review. 2.1 Fact On Hong Kong Tax
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Fact on Hong Kong Tax System
2.1.1 Current Hong Kong Tax System
Taxes are use to shift resources from the private sector, including households and
businesses, to the public sector. Due to this transfer, government is able to pay for the
goods, services, and government operations expenditure. Levy tax also allows a
government reallocating the resources(Engen and Skinner, 1996). If a government
can reducing administrative costs of tax collection, minimize the tax evasion,
maximize the tax base, taxing will be an effective way to raise revenues and to
support government operation (Tanzi and Zee, 2000). In the other word, by levying
tax, it is possible for government to redistribution of wealth since government ...
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The standard rate levied on the corporations is 16.5% in Year of Assessment 2008
/09 onwards, while the tax rates applicable to unincorporated Business is 15% in
YA 2008/09 onwards for resident(HKSAR, 2016 a). Non resident will be chargeable
to Profit tax only if the profits arising in or derived from Hong Kong under his or
her name directly or the agent. For the Non Resident Entertainers and Sportsmen or
person, tax rate is 15% from YA2008/09 onward, while the non resident agent that is
a corporate agent or a corporation will be charge on 16.5%.
Salary tax is charged on every person in respect of income arising in or derived
from Hong Kong from Office, Employment of profits or Pension under Section 8(1)
of IRO. Including wages, salary, leave pay, fee, commission, bonus, gratuity,
perquisite, allowance, and any income from employer or others under Section 9 and
Section 11B of IRO.
Taxpayer is entitle to claim following deduction, 1. Outgoing and expenses (under
IRO s.12(1)(a)), 2. Depreciation allowance (under s12(1)(b)), 3. Self education
expenses (under s12(1)(e)), 4. Loss bought forward and set off (under s12(1)(c)), 5.
Concessionary Deductions (including approved charitable donation under s26C,
elderly residential care expenses under s.26D, home loan interest under s.26E and
contributions to recognized retirement schemes under s.26G) and
Examples Of 10 SEO Tips For Your Mobile App
10 SEO Tips For Your Mobile App
There are so many mobile app development companies today. It is no wonder there
are so many mobile apps online right now. Some are doing well: ranking high with
millions of downloads while some have faded into the background because they
could not meet up with the competition. As the owner of a new mobile app
development company, you might be intimidated by the way other mobile apps are
ranking high and ruling the world of mobile application. These companies might
have big names and wealth, but that should intimidate you because your app can still
do better than theirs. It might be a little tricky at first, but with a little diligence your
app can perform better and have millions of downloads. The first ... Show more
content on ...
This is because they constantly monitor feedbacks and make improvements on the
app as requested by their users. Constant app updates prove to your customers that
you take them seriously and they will give you positive reviews.
Videos and Pictures
Apart from search ranking, you can also make use of attraction in SEO. You can
make your app hard to resist for users by making a short video podcast that
showcases the best features of your app and how it can help improve everyday life
for users.You can also take a few vibrant pictures displaying the best features of your
app that would attract users to download the app.
Smart Link Text
As the owner of an app development company android or iOS, you should not
make the common SEO mistakes of not adding the supported mobile devices for
linking your app. For example, when liking your app, it is better to use get this app
on iOS instead of using click here. With the former, you would be able to get Google
s attention and rank well.
Social media platforms
Another way to get high rankings in search engines is the use of social media
platforms. Social media is a very effective search engine optimization tip; because it
gives preference to the number of time content is displayed on all social media
platforms. The more the content are shared on social media networks, the higher the
rankings the mobile app gets.
App name
The name of the app goes a long way in making the popular and rank high. You need
to come up with a
The Better Story in Life of Pi by Yann Martel
On its surface, Martel s Life of Pi proceeds as a far fetched yet not completely
unbelievable tale about a young Indian boy named Pi who survives after two hundred
twenty seven days on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. It is an
uplifting and entertaining story, with a few themes about companionship and
survival sprinkled throughout. The ending, however, reveals a second story a more
realistic and dark account replacing the animals from the beginning with crude human
counterparts. Suddenly, Life of Pibecomes more than an inspiring tale and transforms
into a point to be made about rationality, faith, and how storytelling correlates the
two. The point of the book is not for the reader to decide which... Show more content
on ...
He starts out with a zebra, hyena, an orangutan, and a tiger, but the animals slowly
diminish leaving only Pi and Richard Parker. Pi works to tame and care for Richard
Parker, and the two survive for two hundred twenty seven days. Pi encounters a
fellow French castaway who is eaten by Richard Parker (Martel 311 320). Pi also
comes across a man eating island (Martel 322 358). The events that take place are
fairly far fetched, and the probability of all of them occurring to the same person in
the period of time given is even less believable. The second story, on the other
hand, is a perhaps more believable retelling of the original story. Pi relates the
second tale upon the request of his interviewers for a story without animals (Martel
381). In this story the animals are replaced with human representatives including
an injured Chinese sailor, a French cook, Pi s mother, and Pi himself. The second
story, like the first, begins with many passengers on the boat, but in the end it
leaves only Pi to survive by himself after brutally murdering and eating the cook
who killed both the sailor and Pi s own mother (Martel 381 391). Unlike Pi s first
story, this account is dark, desperate, and harshly realistic, without any sense of hope
to counter it all. After relating both of these stories to his interviewers, Pi asks them
which story they think is better (Martel 398). Although the
Walt Whitman Proves that Greatness Comes in Many
A Literary Hero What makes a poet spectacular? Some people say that a poet needs
a good educational background. Well in this poets case it s almost the exact
opposite. Walt Whitman was a poet with a light educational background, he was
enrolled in school until he was 11, and from then on he was self taught. It is said
that, At a young age he fell in love with the written word and his fans fell in love
with his work (Mark Heftier). Whitman is an inspiration to many; he proved that
greatness comes in many ways, shapes, and forms. Whitman was born on May 31,
1819 in West Hills, Long Island; to a working class family. He was the second of nine
children. In his very young... Show more content on ...
A Literary Hero What makes a poet spectacular? Some people say that a poet needs a
good educational background. Well in this poets case it s almost the exact opposite.
Walt Whitman was a poet with a light educational background, he was enrolled in
school until he was 11, and from then on he was self taught. It is said that, At a
young age he fell in love with the written word and his fans fell in love with his
work (Mark Heftier). Whitman is an inspiration to many; he proved that greatness
comes in many ways, shapes, and forms. Whitman was born on May 31, 1819 in
West Hills, Long Island; to a working class family. He was the second of nine
children. In his very young years of his life he grew up in New York. At that time it
was still developing into a big city. Whitman had many jobs, he worked as a
journalist, a teacher, a government clerk, and on the side in addition to publishing his
poetry he was a volunteer nurse during the American Civil War. Later on in
Whitman s life he moved back to New York and became an editor.
Whitman claimed that after years of competing for the usual rewards he was
determined to become a poet, (Cambridge University Press, 1996). At first he
experimented with a variety of literary genres that would appeal to people s tastes of
the period, although, he intended to write an American epic and used free verse
based on the Bible. In 1850, he began writing poetry that would
Beat Detective Narrative
Beat Detective was used to ensure that the drums were in time with the click track.
Elastic audio was used on the bass and guitars, although later in the process the
producer felt that the guitars and bass were still not entirely in time with the drums,
therefore the author nudged any bars that where visibly out of time with the grid in
ProTools in time. This process was time consuming, although it made a real
difference to the tracks. The vocals were about a quarter note out of time on I Hear I
Forget , so the author nudged them in time too. The producer then went through each
of the vocalist s phrases and clip gained the words that were not clearly audible
amongst the mix. For held notes, volume automation was used to keep the tails of
audio audible in the song.... Show more content on ...
This left the Subkick and M88 for the author to work with. The kick was gated and
then compressed, so the compressor did not reduce the transient peaks that the gate
would detect. The kick had 4dB of compression because it was quite inconsistent in
terms of dynamics. After this was applied, throughout the song the kick had a
tendency to poke out here and there. The author used a limiter to correct this
problem and to reduce the kicks dynamic range even further. The author made a
boost of 4.5dB to 70Hz to provide the kick with more thud. The M88 picked up the
kicks beater very well and the author did not need to find that punchy frequency
through EQ. In order to separate the bass and the kick drum, the author added a
second EQ and found each tracks most prominent low end frequency, then notched
them out of the each others
Mental Health Status
Mental Health is based on emotional, psychological, and social well being. These
factors are based on social interactions, actions, and thoughts. There are various
factors that can influence an individual s mental health such as biological factors,
social exclusion, and inclusion, as well as societal pressures. However, someone s
mental healthcan be compromised when they encounter physical abuse, sexual abuse,
and depression. This can cause the individual to develop PTSD which generally
cultivates after facing a traumatic situation such as a near death experience.
Consequently, when proper care and resources aren t given to people in need they
are unable to function to the best of their ability. Though, PTSD can be largely
considered an issue... Show more content on ...
Since this is an issue amongst children who have grown up in homes of neglect,
programs for after schools should be integrated. Programs such as Big Brother/Big
Sister have been instituted to help students who are in risk of facing judicial issues
amongst other issues. However, there is challenges associated with creating these
programs because of funding. In order to get additional funding for programs such
as after schools they re needs to be enough money in the budget to pay the employer
s, pay for necessary equipment, and other expenses. Generally, single income
households and neglectful homes are usually lower income households; therefore,
the program would have to be free or at a reduced price which can also pose as an
The importance of help for people in juvenile detention halls is very important and
can be very dire. Programs and prevention programs need to be instituted for proper
care to be given so that help can be received and so when the rejoin society they can
be flourishing
Effective Business Communication
Research Study on Effective Business Communication
American Express Financial Centre
Table 1: Recruitment Methods13
Table 2: Forms of written communication15
Table 3: Formal Meetings15
Table 4: External Communications16
Table 5: Informal channels of communication21
INTRAPERSONAL COMMUNICATION12... Show more content on ...
Communication is a two way activity between two or more people and occurs
through various modes, some of which are used more commonly in some workplaces
than others. Communication requires that all parties understand a common language
that is exchanged with each other. Business Communication is communication used
to promote a product, service, or organization. The business communication message
is conveyed through various channels of communication, including the internet, print,
radio, television, outdoor, and word of mouth. Business communication helps to
bridge the gap between planning and execution. Efficient communication matters
because business organizations are made up of people and also effective
communication within organisation or outside the organisation increase the image as
well as goodwill of the organisation in the mind of business partner, employees and
consumer. Various research studies have been conducted on this subject and each
study has consistently ranked communication skills as crucial for managers.
Typically, managers spend 75 to 80 percent of their time engaged in some form of
written or oral communication. Business wants and need people with good
communication skills. Although often termed a soft skill, communication in a
business organization provides the critical link between core functions.
Several experts and authors have worked on the dynamics of business
communication. Various studies have indicated
A Journey Summary
A Journey is a short story written by Edith Wharton in 1899 as part of her collection
of short stories called The Greater Inclination. This short story is about a wife and
husband traveling from Colorado to New York. They travel in turmoil, due to the
husband being very sick. He consequently dies, leaving the wifeto reach New York on
her own, while at the same time, covering up the death of her husbandso she does not
get booted off the train. While on the train, the wife has several encounters with the
porter and passengers, in which she begins to falter and hesitate when talking to them.
In A Journey, Edith Wharton s use of tone and imagery revolving around the wife,
conveys the negative impact the death of a husband has on a womanto interact with
others in a calm manner.
One person the wife struggles to interact with in a calm manner is the porter
because through the tone and imagery revolving around the wife when talking to
the porter, it shows how the porter s presence causes her to struggle defending
herself. The first contact between the wife and porter occurs when the porter
begins checking up on the passengers to see if they needed any help. He ends up
startling her. The wife then looks at the porter helplessly, while his smile almost
corrupts her speech. The porter starts by saying, Are you very tired? followed by
the wife replying, No, not very. The porter then says, We ll be there soon now. The
wife responds with Yes, very soon. (Wharton 418).
Informative Speech Outline on Investing in the Stock
Chris S COMM 105 Informative Speech 02/07/11 Investing in the Stock Market
Introduction I. There is a smile on my face, a tingling feeling throughout my entire
body, my day has just turned from mediocre to marvelous as if I had won the Ohio
Lottery. II. This is the feeling I have when at 9 AM I check my stock portfolio to
see my money grow daily. III. During my deployment with the Army in 2008, I
decided that there was no better time to invest in the stock market, and I have been
doing so ever since. IV. Today I would like to inform you why to invest in stocks,
give you a brief history of recent stock market events, and explain why now is the
best time to invest. (Transition): First, I will explain why you should... Show more
content on ...
1) For example, if you were to buy 5000 shares of Citigroup stock today, it would
cost $24,200. a.) If you were to sell that same amount of stock in a few years at
$55.12 per share, you would profit a total of $251,400. Conclusion 1.) As I have
explained, stocks have the highest return of any investment. 2.) Fortunately, it is
not too late to buy in and make a substantial profit. 3.) In conclusion, buying stocks
now can make a poor person very wealthy in years to come given proper research
and the tools to do so. Bibliography 1. Anderson, T. M. (2008, November). Best of
the Online Brokers. OhioLinks . Academic Search Complete. 2. Davies, P. J.
(2008). Liquidity and Leverage: the old fashioned drivers of a very modern
meltdown. Critical Quarterly , 50 (4), 94 106. 3. Kantz, M. (2011). Some investors
miss bull s rewards . USA Today , 03b. 4. Keown, A. J. (2010). Personal Finance:
Turning Money into Wealth. Boston, MA: Prentice
Analysis Of The Book Zadie Smith
Zadie Smith is a British African writer, she was born October 25, 1975 in the
United Kingdom. Some of her most well known books are: On Beauty, White
Teeth, NW, The Autographed Man, and latest book, Swing Time. When she wrote
White Teeth she was known as a strong and powerful writer. She wrote White Teeth
when she was 24. Her latest work Swing Time is the first piece of work that is
written in first person. In her books there are many themes that she has in her book,
she has relationships with friends and family members and how humans interact with
each other. People said that that book is the strongest. Aside from this NW one of
her strong books tells a lot about Zadie Smith; when she wrote this her father died,
her daughter was born, and... Show more content on ...
Her first point that she makes is that NW takes on things that she takes on different
people who are from different races and have different voices. I believe that this is
true because Zadie Smith has different characters in her book that show different
types of people. In her life she also liked to be around many books and her life
changed a lot, which shape the different characters in NW. Zadie Smith s life is like
her character, Felix who used to get in a lot of trouble when he was young, but now it
seems like he has everything together. Zadie Smith in the novel NW, says, Hollywood
had nothing on Felix when it came to imagining the future (Smith 157). This
shows that Felix was just like Zadie Smith. When Zadie Smith like Felix was
young did not at all think about what they were going to do in the future. Zadie
Smith wanted to become a actress but she liked to read. She then became a writer.
This kind of shows the opposite of what Smith wanted; she was into drugs and now
she is very successful. Another point that Pes makes is that images of breaking
glass and things going to pieces are supposed to show the coming apart of
friendships and relationships between people in the novel. In the journal Annalisa
Pes says, The chaos, fragmentation and unruliness in which all the characters of NW
live are also suggested by metaphorical devices: images of objects breaking, glasses
splintering, dishes going to pieces are juxtaposed to scenes of human
The Simpson Reflection
If we look at Season 12 episode 9 Homr , Homer becomes inspired by the animation
convention that s in town. Generating his first impulse by removing all his life
savings from his joint account with Marge to invest in the company without any
knowledge of the stock market other than his own perception of the product. Even
as the teller informs Homer that he would need to have his wife sign, he goes
behind a plant to impersonate Marge to sign and Lisa to get some candy. He even
tries to leave after accepting the candy without getting the money that he went in
for. After losing his investment he decides to become a medical guinea pig to get
some extra cash, this lead to the discovery of a childhood crayon being lodge in his
brain. This becomes one of the components of what has made Homer so asinine,
yet after removing the crayon he is left with a high level IQ but is unable to cope
with the world of low intelligence. He does recognize that his intelligence creates a
strong bond with Lisa so he writes her a letter before Moe puts another crayon in
his brain. In season 9 episode 17 Lisa the Simpson , we see the reversed of Homer
in which Lisa is now trying to cope with being unintelligent after she is left unable to
resolve a puzzled that everyone but her could do in seconds. Grandpa Simpson
explains how it is the Simpsonsgene that makes them dumb which happens around
Lisa s age. Grandpa Simpson shows the decline in both Homer and Bart s academic
years. This deterioration
The Crisis Of Water Privatization
The Crisis of Water Privatization Water privatization is a considerable problem in
the world, and companies like NestlГ© are declaring that water is not a human
right and opening up water to be sold to the highest bidder. Private companies must
be highly regulated before we hand over a significant amount of water. Everyone can
agree we are in a fresh water crisiswith lakes, rivers and streams drying up, and the
rest getting polluted. Mother nature cannot keep up with our consumption and
many underdeveloped countries are suffering the worst. In the article World Bank
Wants Water Privatized, Despite Risks , Anna LappГ© is a widely respected author
and educator, known for her work as an expert on food systems and as a sustainable
food advocate who gives us a harsh reality. A quarter of the world s people do not
have access to clean drinking water, and more people die from waterborne illnesses,
than from all forms of violence combined. Anna also tells us the United Nations
estimates, 240 babies die from unsafe water every hour. Humans can survive weeks
without food, but only days without water in some conditions, only hours. It may
sound clichГ©d, but it s no hyperbole: Water is life (LappГ©). It s hard to think of
a more important topic. We face a global water crisis, made worse by the warming
temperatures of climate change (LappГ©). I have to agree with Anna, and I will add
in population into that equation. In the run up to its annual spring meeting this month
White Horse Descriptive Writing
What just happened? I sat at the window, wondering about what I just saw. It was 3
am when I woke up, in the middle of a thunderstorm. Carefully, I went to sit on the
window seat to gaze at the dark, rolling clouds above. Lightning flashed and
thunder roared. Wait! What was that? It was a white horse. Standing in the pasture,
staring right at me. He was calm, almost as if he was waiting for someone, or
something. Suddenly, a huge lightning bolt flared. Momentarily, I was blinded.
When I looked back at where the horse was, I was astonished. Nothing!! Where did
he go? Still confused, I get back into bed and drift into a deep sleep filled with white
horses galloping through the sky. The next morning, I sit up and yawn. All at once, I
remember... Show more content on ...
I race down the loft ladder and out of the barn to find the mysterious white horse
heavily panting as he pulls and thrashes, trying to free his hoof from the fence.
However, the most shocking thing is that flailing in the air are two wings, practically
glowing with an unearthly light. Carefully, I calm the horse down, muttering
soothing words to him, and he looks up at me with trusting liquid eyes. Scrambling
around Pegasus, I reach underneath the tightly wedged hoof and wiggle it from
between the posts. At last, Pegasus is free. With a glance in my direction, he trots
towards the clouds in the distance. I begin to follow, but an unknown force sweeps
me off my feet and carries me into the sky. I look up at the force, and see an
enormous bird carrying me into the sky. Abruptly, I see a flash of white and I am
falling from the sky. Pegasus swoops under and catches me, then carries me back
into the sky above. We peacefully glide above the clouds, gathering speed until the
world around me is a blur. The blur slows down slowly, and I find Pegasus and
myself flying towards a majestic mountain with a Greek palace on top of it.
Somehow, I hear a gentle voice inside my head that whispers, Welcome to Olympus,
Kingdom of the Gods. As Pegasus and
Online Reservation System and Booking
Chapter I
Rationale of the Study
Every problem has a solution. In order to come up with a good
solution, the root of the problem has to be determined. The scope of
the problem must be established well before making the first few steps
of the study. One has to get a hold of the basic theories and principles
regarding the problem, justify the impact of the problem to the
society, and consider the future customers of that would be solution.
Before designing solutions, related literature must be examined first.
This may ease off confusion as to where and how to start. Lastly, a
standard and appropriate methodology must guide everything until the
solution is achieved.
Technology has gone a long way, improving... Show more content on
The proponents make use of some tools
and techniques to build the project. The system uses Graphical User
Interface(GUI) to help the user give instruction to the computer. The
system once implemented it will solve the most common problems
that the Hotels encounter.
online reservation
add/edit/delete guest reservation information
prepaid card
guest account numbers
generate monthly sales income(reports)
Objectives of the project
The goal of the study is to analyze, design, develop and implement a online
reservation system for Sogo Hotel that will help improve the current system. This
study aims to solve the problem with low guest occupancy of the hotel by offering
affordable and accessible online reservation prepaid system.
Specifically, this study aims to create a reservation system that offers the following:
1. to increase the number of hotel guests;
2. to lessen the time consumed during reservation.
3. to highly integrate data.
4. to spend less time in searching and retrieving of files.
5. to create monthly sales report; and
6. to keep up with competitors by cater wider markets.
Scope and limitation of the project
The study focuses only on the hotel reservation system area, both the server and the
client. For the server, it tries to eliminate booking complexities through the use of an
internet in doing a reservation request, since
Physics for Industries
Physics attempts to describe the fundamental nature of the universe and how it
works, always striving for the simplest explanations common to the most diverse
behaviour. For example, physics explains why rainbows have colours, what keeps a
satellite in orbit, and what atoms and nuclei are made of. The goal of physics is to
explain as many things as possible using as few laws as possible, revealing nature s
underlying simplicity and beauty. Physics has been applied in many industrial fields,
which include the air industry, construction industry, automobile industry,
manufacturing industry and many others. All these industries apply physics in one
way or another. For example a car that moves from one point to another has to ...
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The fluid moving over the top travels a greater distance than the moving just under
the bottom of the wing. Consequently, the fluid moving over the top must travel
faster in order to conform to the shape of the wing and still maintain the natural
streamline. The shape of the wing also crowds the streamlines together above the
wing, just as in the case of a constructing pipe. The result is that of the region
immediately above the wing. Because the downward force on the top of the wing is
less than the upward force on the bottom, a net upward force, or lift, arises from
the airflow. (Beyond the airfoil the flowing air has a downward component of
velocity. By Newton s third law, the reaction force to the net downward force
exerted on the air is the lift.) For lift to occur, a flow of air is required relative to
the wing. The lift occurs equally well for a wing moving through stationary air or for
moving past a stationary wing.
In general, as the flow of air past the wing increases, both the lift force and the drag
force (the resistance to forward motion) increases. According to Breithaipt (2000),
aircraft wings are designed so that pilots can change the wing shape during flight,
producing greater lift for the slower speeds of takeoff and landing and producing less
drag at cruising extended
Analysis of Setting and Characterization in Greasy Lake ...
In his short story Greasy Lake, the lake with the community teenagers create a
stereotypical scene of current youth pop culture. Many youth who read this story
can find the ironic references and similarities with their lifestyle in today s world.
T. Coraghessan Boyle uses the setting of the story to expose a world lacking self
discipline and showing immorality amongst a community youth, which can
sometimes be rather common today. This also aids in creating an atmosphere that
surrounds suspense and impaired judgement to better develop the characters of the
story. Boyle is able to achieve this by creating a setting with the story of the Greasy
Lake and describing the Lake as both a setting and main character. Greasy Lake is
described by the narrator as an aura of possessiveness and suspense to the average
reader. However, while somewhat stereotypical, the narrator and his friends see
the lake as the most ideal location to get together on late nights. This can be
translated as the beginning of setting a scene for a location in which the adolescent
youth can meet, with the reference to Bruce Springsteen s words from a song that
opens the story: It s about a mile down on the dark side of Route 88 (Boyle, 125).
The words from the song create a scene of how the youth had essentially treated the
lake as their own place. The image is further made clear when the faint island in the
middle of the lake is described as a single ravaged island a hundred yards from
The Day That Changed My Life Forever
The Day That Changed My Life Forever It was a bone chilling January night; my
mom received a call at about 11:15 PM, a call that changed my life forever. My
Aunt June was on the other line. She was crying so hard my mother could barely
understand her. Through the sobbing my mom finally understood that Brian, my
cousin, had been in a horrible accident and she didn t know how bad it was. My
mother jumped out of the bed after she hung up the phone. She screamed up the
stairs at my sister and me; it was a nerve shrilling scream. I could hear fear in her
voice. My mom was always yelling at us growing up if we forgot to do something.
She would even get us out of bed to finish something that wasn t done completely.
This particular... Show more content on ...
The phone rang again. Hoping for good news, yet again I was disappointed. It was
my mom; she said she was following our pastor to my grandmother s house. She
said, We are going to tell Grandma he s gone . I knew this would be one of the
hardest things to do; it was her birthday after all. The three of us jumped in the car.
We drove up to Grandma s house. I remember Tosha running into the house and
falling into her arms. Everyone tried to pull themselves together, but how could
this be? This had never happened to us before. The wheel was broken. I do not
clearly remember the next few days leading up to the funeral. I know no one was
sleeping and emotions were running high. On the day of the funeral, we all were
allowed to see him for the first time since the accident. We were instructed to look,
but do not touch him no matter what. The accident mangled him so badly on the
inside that just one touch and his body would cave in. As I looked upon him, just
barely 23, I was in complete denial. I looked him over and over. It s not him , I said
to myself. After the family left, they closed the casket; he would not be open for
the public. At one o clock, January 16, 2001, his funeral began. I remember each part
of the service. I remember every word that was spoken and every song that was sung.
As the last song played, Dixie Chicks Wide Open Spaces , four people in black
walked down the aisle toward the casket. The looks in their faces were
Social Mobility And The Social Class
Social mobility is a movement of upper or lower position in the social classes. The
social class exists in our society and it is usually decided by money, status, or
education. Moreover, we almost never change our class to others especially to upper
class. Throughout this story, the author said that social limitation and social mobility
make a huge gap that cannot narrow easily between the wealthy people and the poor
people in our society. Also these systems keep making the gap bigger and it showed
in the story by using the monkey, bills, and the people in the party. Therefore, the rich
has too many advantages than the non rich, it is unfair. So, if everyone not get the
same opportunities, then society will not grow up.
In common, the rich people have more power and abilities. Monkey at a birthday?
Her mother had sneered (1), and Get away with you, believing any nonsense you re
told! (1). It is an unimaginable thought that inviting a magician and a monkey only
for a kid s birthday party as a side view of a normal person. The mother sneered her
head because you couldn t believe it; but, the protagonist felt more interesting,
exciting and hankered more about the rich because it s very unusual in her life as
not a rich person. Even in today, it is very shocking for the poor hiring a monkey for
a kid s birthday party. But they are flaunt their wealth and power through with the
luxury. This allows to feel a huge gap that non rich cannot reach and does not even
go near, and
Animal Rights Against Animals
magine eating a delicious piece of bacon with the fat juice dripping off while biting
into the bacon, it crunches. Now imagine the pig that the bacon came from. An
innocent creature now has been shocked with electric prods, had its throat cut, and
has bled out to death. Pigs are not the only creatures to suffer such a despicable
death. Animals like sheep, cows, chickens, and goats are slaughtered for their meat.
The animalsare all butchered in a place called a slaughterhouse. Slaughterhouses are
horrible places where humans believe they have the right to treat animals any way
they want as long as they get the meat they need. People who eat meat need to
understand what happens to an animal before it winds up on a plate.Animals can not
defend themselves against humans. Therefore, someone else must defend the
animals. Slaughterhouses must be stopped.
Slaughterhouses are the cheapest ways for humans to get meat. Rather than paying
large sums of money to put the animals down humanely, they are just murdered.
Animals are separated in slaughterhouses from their families after being with them
for weeks. Imagine one never getting to know his mother, then being ripped away
from their child, while trying to manage to survive.Animals should have rights just
like humans do. Animals hearts beat just like any human s.If animals have to be
raised and die, they should not suffer. Most animal s natural instincts are to protect
their children, and that is ripped away from them with their
Designing An Advertisement For Adobe Fireworks
Introduction Part A In this Assignment, I create an advertisement in adobe
Fireworks that is 1500x2100 and 300dpi .In this advertisement I use some raster
and vector Images. There are Number of tools in adobe firework but, I use mainly
Pen tool ,shape tool, paint bucket tool, eyedropper, vector path and Select tool.
The Effective Tools In this Assignment, I worked on Adobe Firework which is a
powerful software to create , posters, Vector creation. there another which is knows
pencil tool which is for marking things and creating some design .There is a text
tool which help to make text and edit. In the text tool there are different type of
font styles, sizes. The eraser is very powerful tool, this tool can erase any thing and
helpful to crop the selective and have different sizes of eraser. So that is a very
powerful tool for editing The Move Tool is very helpful tool which make the
element to move from one point to another by dragging it by moving mouse or by
keyboard .There is Scale tool which also help to move elements and can modify the
size and shape of the element. The scale tool help to rotate the picture according to
their use. There is skew tool which also have a same function but this tool have
some function like change the shape by selecting particular area. The shortcut key
in the keyboard to modify by pressing CTRL+T. There is paint bucket tool which
help to put many colours in on element or picture Select Tools By Click the object s
stroke or fill
How Far Does Google Limit Aucians Perception Of The...
Annotated Bibliography Research Question: How Far does Google limit AUCians
perception of the universe? o Are AUCians aware of such monitoring and tracking?
o Are AUCians aware that they are given the part of the information relative to their
own point of view? 1)Source One: (Primary) Pan, B., Hembrooke, H., Joachims, T.,
Lorigo, L., Gay, G., Granka, L. (2007, April). In google we trust: Users decisions on
rank, position, and relevance. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, Vol.
12, No. 3, 801 823. doi:10.1111/j.1083 6101.2007.00351 (http:/
6101.2007.00351.x/full) This study by Pan, Hembrooke, Joachims, Lorigo, Gay
Granka was done to evaluate college students trust in Google s capability to rank
results by their spot on applicability to the search inquiry. This study was carried out
on 22 undergraduate students around the age of 20 who claimed they used Google as
their main search engine. The students had to calibrate eye trackers so that the
researchers would be able to monitor their eye movements regarding the search
results. Search results were slightly modified to manipulate their order so as to see
the response of the students towards that. The results indicated that students chose the
result that was higher in position even if the abstract was unrelated. These findings
are rather relevant to the study as it shows how students have great trust in Google s
search algorithms. 2)Source
Essay On Romanticism
Because we did not do the presentation for The Cultural Dimension of Europe, we
now made a make up assignment. In this make up assignment we made a discussion
paper over romanticism as a way of looking at the world. First we have an
introduction about romanticism and then we have four debating points to discuss.
Firstly does history repeat itself, focusing at the reaction of romanticism on events in
the 18th century to the reaction of romanticism on events nowadays? Secondly is a
green world a good world? Thirdly if you are religious, are you a romanticist? And
fourthly are politics and the economy created by rationalization?
First an introduction about, romanticism. Romanticism started about 200 years ago.
This was the ... Show more content on ...
But why was nature so important for romanticists? Romanticism and nature are
connected because the artists and philosophers of the romantic period emphasized the
glory and beauty of nature, and the power of the natural world. Some scholars of
romanticism believe that the romanticists treated nature in an almost religious way.
Reasons for the development of this strong connection between nature and
romanticism include the Industrial Revolution, which led many people to leave rural
areas and live in cities, separated from the natural world. In addition, during the 18th
and 19th centuries when romanticism was popular, large areas of European and
North American wilderness had been tamed, so that it had become generally much
safer for people to travel into these areas and observe their natural wonders. The
connection between romanticism and nature may have also risen in part as a
backlash against the scientific emphasis of enlightenment philosophy, and against the
cultural norms of that period.
Many romanticist artists, writers, and philosophers believe in the natural world as a
source of healthy emotions and ideas. By contrast, the emerging urban, industrialized
world was often portrayed as a source of unhealthy emotions, morals, and thoughts.
Romanticists such as Henry David Thoreau believed that humans were meant to live
in the world of nature, rather than the urban world. The connection between
Romanticism and nature was largely formed with this core concept that man s true
self can be found in the wilderness, rather than in the
Determining Optimum Temperature and Ph for Enzymatic...
Enzymes lower the activation energy of chemical reactions but they themselves are
not consumed or altered when doing so. These catalysts work best at optimum
temperatures and pH s. The temperature and pH at which the reaction occurs the
quickest is the ideal condition for the enzymatic reaction.
Alpha amylase converts starch into glucose and when starch is combined with I2KI
indicator a dark purple solution forms. As the enzyme breaks down the starch the
absorbency will decrease. The absorbency is measured through the spectrophotometer
which reads the transmittance of the wavelengths that pass through the solution. In
order to determine the optimum temperature for the enzymatic reaction water bath of
varying temperatures were made. To ... Show more content on ...
Materials and Methods A blank cuvette was created in order to set the
spectrophotometers absorbance to zero. Contained in this cuvette was 5mL of
distilled water and 0.1mL of I2KI indicator. This was used to recalibrate the
spectrophotometer between the temperature and pH trials (Vliet, 2007).
To determine the most favorable temperature for the reaction of alpha amylase s
enzymatic conversion of starch to glucose water baths of various temperatures
were used. First a stock solution was prepared prior to the experiment; it included
alpha amylase, I2KI indicator and .0033 g/ml of starch. Thirty five mL of this
solution was then combined with 35mL of distilled water into an Erlenmeyer flask
in order to create the reaction flask. The flask was then added into one of the
various water bath temperatures, 15, 35, 45, 55, 65 and 70 #61616; C. The
reaction flask needed to be in the water baths long enough for it to reach the
required temperature before the enzyme was added. 0.1mL of I2KI indicator was
then added to each of the twelve cuvettes which were used in the timed readings.
Then 5mL of the solution from the reaction flask was transferred into one of the
cuvettes which contained I2KI indicator. Next, the starch iodine complexes
absorbance were read on the spectrophotometer and recorded onto the appropriate
table. Then, 1mL of alpha amylase was added into the reaction flask to begin the
reaction, once
Destruction Of Anti-Intellectualism In The United States
Intellectuals Destruction
Anti Intellectualism is defined as a person opposed to or hostile toward intellectuals
and the modern academic, artistic, social, religious, and other theories associated with
them. Anti intellectualism defines a person who believes that intellect and reason are
less important than actions and emotions in solving practical problems and
understanding reality. Anti Intellectualism is an epidemic worth acknowledging; its
prevalence in America is one of the nations most major hindrances to solving the
problems it faces collectively. Anti intellectualsentiment has its basis mostly in
misunderstanding, but a persistent stream of misinformation spewed by the
impassioned yet hollow rhetoric of shallow politicians and self proclaimed orators
has only served to maintain ignorance. Here I hope to explain the history and causes
of anti intellectual belief as it has manifested and grown in the United States of
America and to demonstrate the detrimental effect it has had and will have on our
nation, continuing on to encourage whoever might view this essay to reverse this
trend by embracing objective problem solving and developing an interest in critical
thinking and the sciences.
America, although still young, has grown further into industrialization and exceeded
in momentous discoveries in science and mathematics; yet still harbors ill will
against intellectuals and knowledge. The population of America was still largely
rural in the 19th century, agricultural
Advantages Of Trickle Car Charger
What are best trickle car battery charger and How to use it?
At any moment your car battery is stored or continues idle for extended time
periods, there s a significant possibility the battery will be fully utilized up when
you try to start your vehicle up. Best trickle chargers can keep the battery alive, but
can also harm it if left connected for extended periods of time. Each of the
following picks is the best choice. For drivers who need the help or convenience of
the charger that can stay secured up all the time.
We have made our choices based on best car battery charger/maintainers capability to
be secured up and left alone for a period, gratefulness to characteristics such as an
onboard microprocessor which enables the charge cycle to become automatic,
stopping overcharging of the battery. Most of our picks are also portable or
compact enough to be utilized for a broad diversity of applications whereas being
easy to use thanks to their scheme. While price changes, we ve included options to fit
a range of budgets, without compromising on performance or safety.
What is best trickle car battery charger?
A car battery trickle charger provides a more sustainable charge than a quick jump
start. Learn about the advantages and best practices to using the best trickle charger.
The term best trickle charger ... Show more content on ...
Too fast charging or the battery can damage overload. It is very easy to charge a
car battery charger. The best car battery chargers contain a single box (where the
inside of the charger is), a power cord and two alligator clips. Before connecting any,
you need to adjust the voltage and current level for your battery. Check switch and
button charger box and put it before the charger is connected to a power
My Personal Code Of Ethics Essay
A. My Personal Code of Ethics 1. Core Values I am an Accounting student at the
University of Baltimore. I have a list of core values in my mind, and I try to follow
these values every day. When I make decisions in my life, I look at these values to
make sure my decisions align with my values. My top three core values are career,
family and friends, and personal growth. Within each core value, there are other
values that I like to consider in my daily life. My first core value is career. I moved
abroad at very young age by myself in order to improve my second language. I
worked hard for two years, started and finished my A.A. with summa cum lauder
status, and I am now working towards my Bachelor in Accounting. All these
decisions were based on my ambition in career. I want to be a recognized
professional in my field, which is Accounting. I study very hard to do that. In
living in this country, I not only proficiency my English as a second language, I
also learned a third language which is Spanish. Within this value, I value
willingness to learn, diligence, and financial independence. My second core value
is family and friends. My family supports my decisions, and this is very important
to me. Since I live far from my parents and siblings, in this country I also value my
friends. My friends are my family. Every decision that I make, I try to think: would
my family and friends approve of this decision . And they do. They know that my
first core value is my career and
African American Student Relationships With Faculty Of...
Theoretical Framework
Similarly, Strayhorn et al (2008) undertook the task of looking at African American
student relationships with faculty of color and the benefits of these relationships.
Through the author s exploration, the theoretical framework of Othermothering
emerged (Strayhorn et al, 2008). According to Strayhorn et al (2008), Othermothering
is a pattern of care that dates back to slavery, where mothers had to entrust the care of
their children to other individuals. This same compassion for others has become the
role of some faculty and administrators in institutions today. According to the authors,
African American students are viewed as family, and the relationships forged go
beyond just caring; a moral and ethical obligation to advocate for African American
Students (Strayhorn et al, 2008). Under this theory, African Americans are motivated
to develop these relationships to help move college students through their experiences
successfully. Moreover, there is a moral need to give back to the community by
pushing African American students to perform at best potential. In this study, the
researcher hopes to explore if this concept of Othermothering exists within African
American faculty, students, and administrators here at South University.
After reviewing the literature, the following sections will be discussed in this
literature review: (a) the status of African American males in higher
Marie Curie s Accomplishments At The Front Of The
NAME: Marie Curie (born Maria Salomea Sklodowska) BORN: 7th November
1867 FROM: Warsaw, Poland DIED: 4th of July 1934 DISCOVERIES: She was
credited with the discovery of Radium and Polonium (named after her own country
of Poland). AWARDS: Some of the awards she received included Nobel Prizes for
Physics (1903), Chemistry (1911) and also the Benjamin Franklin Medal from the
American Philosophical Society in 1921. Marie Curies studies put her at the front of
the nuclear age. Her studies of all the compounds containing known radioactive
elements, which included uranium and thorium, which was later found to be
radioactive, lead her to the conclusion that, The strength of radiation from uranium
can be exactly
Abortion And The Effect On Crime Rate
Abortion and the Effect on Crime Rate
When you take a glance at the two relating topics of abortion and crime rate, there
are going to be several credible sources that will have plenty of data that will either
support the claim or prove the claim wrong. With the peculiar comparison of crime
and abortion, we look at what authors Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner writes
in their book Freakonomics and what Dr. Brian Clowes, director of education and
research at Human Life International, writes in his article Does Abortion Really
Reduce Crime? . The most significant debate contrasting among the two sources is if
abortion is the cause of the diminishment of the crime rate. Levitt and Dubner claim
that high abortion rates in a nation diminishes crime, while Clowes claims that there
are multiple fundamental issues when concluding that legalized abortion leads to
cutbacks in crime. By comparing and contrasting the two sources, there will be a
sufficient amount of information to determine how abortion rates affect crime.
Steven Levitt s and Stephen Dubner s focus on their book Freakonomics is
revealing to their audience eccentric ways to correspond to a variety of outlandish,
yet controversial issues that are unaware and oblivious to our society. Specifically in
chapter 4 titled Where Have All the Criminals Gone? , they distinctly talk about the
sudden drop in crime rates in the 1990s, which was caused primarily by the
legalization of abortion. Additionally, they analyze other
The Haunting Of Hill House Analysis
The Themes of the Haunting of Hill House The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley
Jackson is the classics of the horror story, the novel, by which many other horror
writers of the 20th century have taken an example. It is a striking, impressive novel
with quite a lot of controversial themes brought up. Of particular interest are themes
of home and the haunting nature of Hill House, however, from the perspective of the
novel s protagonist, Eleanor Vance. If seen from the angle of her personality, these
themes relate much more to her psychological condition that to anything supernatural.
Notwithstanding, the supernatural is in the story, without a doubt, considering it is a
horror story. The first is the theme of the haunting nature of Hill... Show more content
on ...
Eleanor has no home in its true meaning, so important for a social human being.
Her family has been a wreck; her mother has had her for a personal tender for
eleven years, having deprived the girl of her personal life, and in the meantime
making her life as miserable as can be. Eleanor s sister and her family have never
considered Eleanor a grown up, never offered her support or understanding, so she
has never really felt attachment towards them. Readers see Eleanor as a person
without her family to rely on and actually without her home, for she keeps
repeating that all she has is her suitcase of clothes and a carton at the back seat of
her car, stolen from her sister (Jackson 197). Eleanor s search for the home
continues through the story, and Shirley Jackson emphasizes on it, especially in
the beginning, describing Eleanor s fantasies about her living in different houses,
which she sees along the road. Every mansion has its atmosphere, and Eleanor
daydreams about what her life could have been in each of them among the
oleanders, or in the house with lions at the porch, or in a tiny cottage with the
garden (Jackson 13 17). The young woman longs for having some place to go, but
life seems blurry and uncertain at present, so Eleanor prefers to catch the moment.
Her dreams of a perfect home develop when she tells Theodora about the imaginary
little apartment. She simply makes it up, following Theo s pattern and story, and
tricks the companion into believing she has a place to return, a little place of my
own, as she calls it (Jackson 71). Hill House becomes her home in an unexpected
way. When Eleanor starts losing her connection with the reality, when she buries in
her thoughts, and hears something sing to her, feels its touches, recognizes the
presence, she seems to dissolve in the house, to mingle with it. On a variety of
occasions, she feels her connection
The Importance Of Perfectionism
Human has created by God perfectly, but human being fell in Eden garden, then
human became imperfect, so the imperfect human being can t from perfect feats. No
human accomplishments can be qualified perfectly, thus to seek perfectionism is a
dream or utopia. Moreover, the research shows us a lot of theories need to be
enhanced in exact sciences; mathematics, physics biology, also in social sciences.
Therefore, the problem with perfectionism is as to cut the air in the hands. However,
a humancan realize the extraordinary feats in timeand space. Although perfectionism
undermines excellence, the history and the present are still the witness of the
perfectionist talents as James Watt, who modified the steam machine of Newcomen
and Savery, Michelangelo, and Steve Jobs for Apple s and iPhone, so on, which
perfectionist endeavors contributed to impact the society positively. However, the
problem with the perfectionists needs to recognize the human being limit which can t
create perfect efforts.
Perfectionism is an obstacle for the creativity because it spotlights the efforts to attain
the result out of the achievement. Furthermore, because perfectionists often focus on
problems and weaknesses, rather than strengths and opportunities, this can create a
highly negative climate (Livesey, 2016). Sieving people capacities to generate the
innovative ideas, perfectionism makes people afraid to effort doing an endeavor that
the world can judge you unable creating additional items.
Medieval Ages Research Paper
The Medieval Ages
The Medieval Ages that descended upon the Europeans following the deconstruction
and devolution of the formerly grand institutions of the Roman Empire left a world
darkened to the eyes of history. The world lost touch with simple concepts to a
modern history student of writing, economy, culture, and government #8212;the
mainstay of that which we cannot see ourselves without #8212;civilization. What was
left of Europe was a state of chaos. In all other periods of human history I have
studied there were similarities among them from which I could draw conclusions
upon the condition of the respective times. The Text helped to give order to the
progression of European history from the ancient to the modern drawing ... Show
more content on ...
Without stability security is harder to maintain and both are needed to promote
profitable economic activity. Roman society in the western Empire had slowly
developed into a subsistence plantation society comparable to the American
antebellum southern society of the 19th century. Government institutions slowly died
out, as did any form of an economic market. The majority of the population was
enslaved. There was little civilization save the aristocracy for the Germans to destroy
even when they came to the area.
Rome had become a corrupt political center, to become Emperor was to sign your
own death warrant, therefore the only people interested were the most unskilled the
empire had yet seen. When the Germans finally came to dominate Western Europe
there was virtually no academics or literacy. The historical record from this point is
cloudy. The main source of knowledge comes from the church and its scribe monks.
This obviously gives their interpretation of the events of the time a less than secular
point of view. The church in fact quickly assumed the reins of a European political
vacuum. Churches and monasteries usually were the only centers of knowledge and
trade and of community. Eventually a reorganization of the political order developed
locally with feudalism. It was a cheap, local and efficient from of government. It didn
t offer much more than order and
Collaborative Public Policy Analysis
A network can be roughly defined as a group of actors who each have an invested
interest or stake in a particular area. In the policy arena, networks are considered as
complex policy settings in which multiple actors (public agencies, interest groups,
legislative sectors, corporations, nonprofits, etc.) interact and make policy decisions
to ensure that policy outcomes will suit their interest. These networks are stable, yet
informal and can take place among public, private and quasigovernmental agencies
and organizations on a local, national or worldwide level. Through the various
readings we see that networks tend to have (1) resource interdependence between
actors (2) the involvement of multiple actors, each with their own interests and...
Show more content on ...
These are called collaborative networks and in the article Collaborative Public
Management: New Strategies for Local Governments (Agranoff and McGuire,
2003) they are discussed a bit. According to the authors, collaborative networks
include government agencies, nonprofits, and for profits that work together to
provide a public good, service, or value when a single public agency is unable to
create the good or service on its own and/or the private sector is unable or unwilling
to provide the goods or services in the desired quantities (Agranoff and McGuire,
2003). An issue that a collaborative network might form around to influence public
policy is healthcare. In the article A Preliminary Theory of Interorganizational
Network Effectiveness: A Comparative Study of Four Community Mental Health
Systems (Provan Milward, 1995), the authors explained the structural component to
effectively providing quality healthcare through a collaborative network. They
summed it up best with the quote although individual agencies obviously have an
important role to play in service delivery and some agencies will clearly be more
involved and provide higher quality services than others, if overall client well being
depends on receiving different services provided by multiple agencies, client
outcomes should be explained by focusing on network level activities and structures
(Provan Milward,
Anger In A Doll s House
Anger is perhaps not well understood because it is omnipresent; anger is so familiar
that we assume we know what it is. Anger may be partly physiological, cognitive
and psychological, yet it is also deeply ideological. Anger can be manifested in art or
literature as a communal sensation towards social, political or economical conditions.
(Sue J. 6)
It is wise to direct your anger towards problems not people; to focus your energies on
answers not excuses, said William Arthur Ward (Ward 24), and so much can be said
for the authors, dramatists and novelists, in the modern era who attempted, through
their writings, to crack the shell that is the literary restrictions on writing, and
expressed their anger toward all their surroundings. In ... Show more content on ...
At the turn of the century, Expressionism and Symbolism were important, especially
in Northern Europe. Both involved non realistic styles of acting, staging, and
language, with expressionism concentrating on using unusual technical devices to
project the interior states of characters. Surrealist drama, including the work of
Eugene Ionesco, is an outgrowth of Expressionism, but no longer presumes internal
coherence and follows the illogic of dream states or random occurrences. Another
group of plays focused on social and political critique, in the case of Berthold Brecht
combined with techniques of alienation (which emphasize the unreal nature of the
play) to force the audience to think critically rather than empathetically. After the
World War I western mostly lost its separate literary identity and more internationally
unified. Realism, naturalism and symbolism continued to dominate the plays. In
English drama John Galsworthy s plays are considered to be plays of naturalism.
Another important movement in early 20th century drama was expressionism. They
tried to depict the dehumanizing aspects of 20th century technological life. Even
though we cannot find much playwrights of expressionism in English other western
writers followed this. The Angry Young Men of England also engage in socially
aware portraits of the working class but in a more aesthetically conservative style. In
a negative description,
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Qualities Of A Good Essay

  • 1. Qualities Of A Good Essay Crafting an essay on the qualities of a good essay might seem like a straightforward task, but delving into the intricacies of the subject reveals a challenge that goes beyond the surface. The difficulty lies not only in the necessity to articulate the characteristics that define a well-crafted essay but also in the nuanced exploration of how these elements interact to create a cohesive and impactful piece of writing. One of the challenges is the subjectivity inherent in assessing the quality of an essay. What one person perceives as a strong argument or an engaging introduction may differ from another's perspective. This necessitates a careful balance in presenting a comprehensive view without falling into the trap of overgeneralization. Moreover, the act of dissecting and analyzing the qualities of a good essay demands a certain level of metacognition from the writer. It involves stepping back and reflecting on one's own writing process and choices, a task that can be both introspective and challenging. The writer needs to navigate through the intricacies of language use, structure, coherence, and originality, among other aspects. In addition, the challenge lies in avoiding clichГ©s and generic statements. It's not enough to merely list common attributes like clarity, coherence, and relevance. The writer must delve deeper, providing nuanced examples and insights that illuminate the underlying principles of effective writing. This requires a keen understanding of language dynamics and an ability to convey ideas with precision and creativity. Furthermore, the essay itself must exemplify the qualities it discusses. This adds an additional layer of complexity, as the writer must not only describe but also demonstrate the very principles being explored. Striking the right balance between exposition and embodiment of these qualities is an art that demands a thorough understanding of the subject matter. In conclusion, writing an essay on the qualities of a good essay is a multifaceted task that extends beyond a superficial examination of its components. It requires a thoughtful and introspective approach, coupled with the ability to articulate complex concepts in a clear and engaging manner. As one navigates the challenges of this endeavor, it becomes evident that the process of writing itself mirrors the qualities under discussion. For those seeking assistance with essays or similar writing tasks, various resources are available. Similar essays and more can be ordered on platforms like, providing support and guidance in navigating the intricate terrain of academic and creative writing. Qualities Of A Good EssayQualities Of A Good Essay
  • 2. Kodak And Its First Snapshot Camera In 1880, George Eastman founded the Eastman Kodak Company in Rochester, New York. By 1888, the company developed its first snapshot camera and became an American household name. Over time, Kodak believed that most of their money came from film, which caused the company to lose focus on their equipment. However, by the 1960s, Kodak started to introduce new products that focused on medical imaging and graphic arts. One of the key players in the industry is Polaroid. In 1969, Polaroid s patents on instant photography expired, giving Kodak a huge opportunity. Eventually Kodak came up with its first instant cameraand sold about 16.5 million of them. However, a patent infringement suit by Polaroid forced Kodak to abandon their instant camera... Show more content on ... In 1998, Kodak lost market share when Fuji cut their prices. As a result of this price war, by the end of 1999 the company has to cut $1.2 billion in costs and 19,900 jobs, or about one fifth of its payroll, the most severe cutback ever at Kodak (Gavetti, Henderson and Giorgi 10). By 2001, Kodak was losing $60 on every digital camera it sold (Gavetti, Henderson and Giorgi 10). During its time, Kodak has faced multiple legal issues. One issue they faced was an antitrust suit with independent service organizations. Kodak controls most of the service market and the market for its replacement parts. The independent service organizations argued that Kodak was trying to force them out of business by restricting their access to replacement parts and by trying to insure that customers for its business machines either service the machines themselves or buy service directly from Kodak (Greenhouse). Kodak was being accused of violating the Sherman Antitrust Act. The service companies believed that Kodak was unlawfully tying the sale of service for Kodak machines to the sale of parts, and unlawfully trying to monopolize the market for service (Greenhouse). According to the textbook, Section 1 of the Sherman Act states that it is illegal to restraint trade in contract, trust or conspiracy and Section 2 condemns any person who monopolizes or attempts to monopolize. (Clarkson, Miller and Cross 914). One way Section 1 can be violated is by
  • 3. Case Study On Chimera 2.1 Multitasking Real Time Kernel Chimera Kernel differs from conventional operating systems since they provide constructs to control process execution as a function of time (real time kernel). The kernel provides task and memory management, flexible scheduling, user space system calls to reduce operating system overhead, virtual timers, and a variety of communication and synchronization mechanisms. Chimera was intended to adopt most of the features of a multi tasking operating system while keeping the response time low, a typical characteristic of a real time system. This was achieved by eliminating overhead features required of multi user operating systems like inter process security, large process space and virtual memory. It also provides... Show more content on ... Therefore all classes of design (architectural, procedural and data design) become more complex. Predictability of a real time operating system puts performance at stake. However in Chimera high performance features make it different from other RTOSs. Distributed operating systems pose a serious issue of security and therefore need to incorporate Authorization and Authentication mechanisms. Many of the information resources that are made available and maintained in distributed systems have a high intrinsic value to their users. Their security is therefore of considerable importance. Sufficient information regarding this aspect is not available for
  • 4. Beowulf Epic Hero History teaches the essential qualities of a typical hero: bravery, courage, wit, though an epic hero utilizes a trait unorthodox to most of humanity a fatal flaw. Beowulf, an epic poem composed by an unknown Anglo Saxon, is the first piece of work written in Old English. It tells the story of a warrior, (of the same name), and his quests to defeat all evil that terrorizes the Scandinavian regions. The epic poem was told in order to encourage men to help defend their lands.The Anglo Saxon men were ones who believed in being heroes for their people. Like Beowulf, tales were told to show how a warrior should behave. Beowulf illustrates an epic heroby: risking death for the greater good, performing brave deeds, and by reflecting the ideas... Show more content on ... In Anglo Saxon culture and literature, to be a hero is to be a warrior. A hero had to be strong, intelligent, and courageous. Beowulf was a very prideful warrior, he loved to let others know of his victories. Once again with the scene of Beowulf and Unferth, Beowulf states, ... I was the strongest swimmer of them all. (Heaney, ll. 534) He also included, When it comes to fighting, I count myself as dangerous any day as Grendel. (Heaney, ll. 677 678) Anglo Saxon are also widely significant. This is shown when the narrator states that, Beowulf was quickly brought to the chamber: the winner of fights, the arch winner... (Heaney, ll.1310 1311) This quote emphasizes what others thought of the warrior Beowulf. Other Anglo Saxon characteristics include: loyalty, generosity, courtesy, etc.; all of which exhibited at one point in the
  • 5. Probity Service Providers The IAMA Practitioner s Certificate in Mediation is offered by nationally attributed instructors and is conducted Australia wide. The course offer a practice centered qualification in mediation and contestant who successfully complete the assessment module may submit an application for accreditation under the National Mediator Accreditation Scheme through IAMA. With mediation being accepted widely crosswise the commercial, legal, industry, education and government sectors, a perceptive of the practical application of mediation techniques is an important and helpful professional skill. The program is in 2 modules comprised 4 days of instruction and 2 days of supervised coaching and assessment. It is also includes coverage of all issues ... Show more content on ... Accreditation procedures for Probity Service Providers are at present under review. The Course content stated on the official website includes;[ The Institute of Arbitrators Mediators Australia. (n.d.). Retrieved May 14, 2016, from https:/ / and training/training information] The probity services environment Roles and responsibilities of probity services practitioners General and specialist procurement and similar processes Specific areas of probity and ethics Ethical behavior of buyers and suppliers Probity risk management Probity issues in contracting, and Other issues impacting on probity and accountability. Other than that they also offer training for Professional Certificate in Arbitration. The Professional Certificate in Arbitration results from a joint venture between the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia (IAMA) and the University of Adelaide Law School combining expertise to offer high quality education in the field of Arbitration. Professional and Continuing Education (PCE) at the University of Adelaide provide administrative management for this special program. The Professional Certificate in Arbitration is offered nationally and the program provides knowledge and an appreciation of commercial arbitration and its role within the Australian legal system. The syllabus covered in the course of Introduction to Arbitration course by the Adelaide Law School is;[ Content. (2002). Retrieved May 14, 2016, from
  • 6. Internal Domain Name System for Company Internal Domain Name System for Company Alpha Introduction The DNS is a vital Internet component providing mechanisms for resolving host names into IP addresses and vice versa. In addition, DNS supports other Internet directories concerning DNS name servers and mail exchangers among others (Garfinkel Spafford, 1997). Despite being a universally accepted and widely used system, insecure protocols and lack of authentication among other factors within the DNS threaten proper functionality of the DNS. Moreover, the accuracy of the information contained within the DNS is vital to many aspects of IP based communications. Domain Model for the Organization The domain appropriate for this organization is the Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND). This domain name is selected since it compatible with most operating systems including UNIX; it is also used by most Internet Service Providers (Stevens, 1990). In addition, BIND is recommended for the firm since its configuration files are easier to maintain than other server DNSs such as Sendmail (Terry, Painter, Riggle, Zhou, 1984). Using this DNS, cache only name servers are easily placed strategically within the internal network to remove unwanted traffic and expensive WAN links. Moreover, BIND supports DNS SEC, TSIG IPv4 among other DNS protocol enhancements. Given the popularity of BIND, it is often targeted by hackers. Therefore, limiting zone transfers to slave name servers and limiting transfer in the zone can reduce the
  • 7. After School Programs Essay Daniel Parra Mrs. Padgett English IV, Period 2 7 December 2010 After School Programs The impact that after school programs have on young children affects every aspect of their lives. Although some may feel after school programs are a waste of time and money, it has been proven that they improve children s social and academic skills. Without these special designed programs, children may not be able to develop into the kinds of adults which will benefit society in the future. It is important that society understand the importance of after school programs. To cut back on after school programs to better the economy is only taking away from the children and opening new doors to them, which can ultimately lead them to jail or possibly... Show more content on ... Learning how to communicate is often overlooked but its an essential skill for anyone. An example of how important this truly is would be a job interview. Everyone at some point will have to interview for a job to support themselves and their family. At most interviews, employers are looking for people who seem to communicate well with others and can present themselves by communicating their attributes. These communications skills that are necessary aren t easy to come by. Although one may think it would be easy, many people wont be able to successfully land a job because of communication. One person may be the most qualified, but if you can not communicate well then it will not matter. After school programs can also socially benefit a child. Programs are often designed to teach a child how to be a leader as well as a team player. Throughout one s life there will be situations where one will need to work in a group as well as lead a group of people. After school programs involving sports, really hone in on a child s ability to behave and interact in a group environment. The participants must work together in order to achieve a common goal which is to ultimately win. In doing so, they must interact and communicate in a way which will be most beneficial for the entire group. This occurs not only in sports but in everyday life. At a job, one may have to work with others to
  • 8. The Viola Research Paper The viola is a musical instrument with strings that that look like a big violin. The instruments are made of many pieces of wood which are glued never nailed together. The viola s sound imitates a tenor voice while the violin makes a higher sound. The cello and bass also make a lower sound. The viola is similar to other members of the violinfamily in that it has four strings and is played with a bow. The instrument has a collection of more than three octaves, and makes a unique silky sound. The viola was invented in the 1500 s. Since the late 1700 s it has had a major role in the symphonic and chamber music. Some composers that have written music for the Viola are Richard Strauss, and Sir William Walton (World Book, 2009). It is believed that the Italian luthier Andrea Amati created the viola family in the year 1555, but bowed, stringed instruments were invented long before that. The viola is an instrument that has evolved over time. There are records of stringed instruments existing in Europe in the Middle Ages and may have originated in Central Asia (www.get of the viola.php). ... Show more content on ... He says that the Viola is one to one and a half inches longer than the violin creating a lower sound. He informs the viewer that the Viola sits in the middle of the Orchestra and the bow serves to create many different sounds. Sometimes the fingers are used to sounds as well. Bootiman also uses the back of his Viola to make a knocking sound when needed. Down bows and up bows are used to make heavier and lighter sounds. He claims that early Viola players were used more as an accompaniment to the violin. Today the Viola is used for solos and interesting parts of the concert. There are no longer are any restrictions or typecasts for the viola
  • 9. Timothy Mcveigh Case Study On April 19, 1995, a detrimental explosion targeting the nine story Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, Oklahoma took place. This incident of domestic terrorism and the mastermind behind the explosion was credited to Timothy McVeigh who used a truck bomb to kill 168 people and injure countless others ( Staff, 2009). Timothy McVeigh was an American domestic terrorist who was also classified as an anti government militant . Domestic terrorism is, terrorism practiced in your own country against your own people (the McVeigh was a Gulf War veteran who wanted to seek revenge against the federal government for the way the government handled the Waco siegeand Ruby Ridge. The Waco siege... Show more content on ... Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. During all of this, McVeigh was assisted by Terry Nichols and Michael Fortier. The group was able to obtain numerous tons of ammonium nitrate fertilizer and a few gallons of fuel oil. The combination of the two would later form a highly blistering explosive. According to editors, McVeigh chose the Murrah federal building because it provided excellent camera angles for media coverage. He wanted to make this attack a platform for his anti government message. At 9:02 a.m., a truck that Timothy McVeigh had rented, which was filled with all of the explosives, detonated in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. The explosion was extremely powerful. It blew off the entire north wall of the building. Many buildings in the immediate area were also destroyed. The blast killed 168 people. 19 of the 168 people were young children who were in the building s day care center during the time that the bomb went off. Along with the deaths, 650 other people were injured. Many thought a Middle Eastern terrorist group was responsible for the bombing. However, after a few days, Timothy McVeigh was considered to be the main suspect of the
  • 10. Writing A Text, Writing Style, And Most Important When writing a text, authors have to take several factors into consideration. Appiah stupendously incorporates various rhetorical aspects in his text. Authors have to be well rounded on the issue at hand, address various perspectives of the issue, be aware of their writing style, and most importantly, they have to know their audience in order to persuade them. It is apparent that Appiah has done research to support his writing. He provides modern issues as evidence, meaning that all topics he presents are up to date and still have significant meaning. A practice that he predicts for future condemnation is industrial meat production. In providing this as evidence, he includes statistical research. He states, Of the more than 90 million cattle in our country, at least 10 million at any time are packed into feedlots, saved from the inevitable diseases of overcrowding only by regular doses of antibiotics... their nostrils filled with the smell of their own urine. Giving such statistics, make his argument relatively more credible, in addition to creating vivid imagery of the appalling conditions. He also spoke about the institutionalization and isolation of America s elderly. When developing the content of the argument, he also includes relevant statistics. Appiah notes that an estimate of 2 million elderly people are institutionalized in America. Yet again, such detail supports his argument, while strengthening his credibility and knowledge of the subject. The argument of
  • 11. The Portrayal Of Capitalism Through The Market Revolution Karina Cruz Professor Aldo Regalado AMH 2041 26 July 2015 The Portrayal Of Capitalism Through The Market Revolution The Market Revolution can be described as an early manifestation of capitalism, an era associated with a new sense of individual rights, equality, and freedom. The Market Revolution took place in the early 19th century, and it drastically changed not only the market and commerce of Americans but their personal lives as well. Before the Market Revolution America hadn t seen any new life changing innovations, most of their goods, such as clothing and farming tools, were still being made from home, and trade was limited by poor roads and little means of transportation. In addition, the poor road system meant that there was little interaction and movement between each state. It wasn t till the creation of new ways of communicating, steamboats, and the building of canals, railroads, and turnpikes that prompted American expansion. As a result, the United States began to see a movement of settlements westward and the rise cities. The Embargo of 1807 and the War of 1812, led to the cutoff of British imports and the need to establish the first large scale factories; the rise of factories then led to new employment and a boom in domestic manufacturing (Foner 331). The changes led by the advances in the society of the Market Revolution evidently gave women the opportunity to gain a level of equality in both domestic and work environments, it also gave Americans the
  • 12. Bdm Use a variety of sources for the collection of data, both primary and secondary (1) (a) Prepare and implement a plan for the collection of primary and secondary data for a given business problem (b) Describe and justify the survey methodology and frame used (c) Develop and use a questionnaire and justify its design for a particular purpose (2) Apply a range of techniques to analyze data effectively for business purposes (a) Create information for decision making by summarizing data using representative values, and use the results to draw valid and useful conclusions in a business context (b) Analyse data using measures of dispersion, and use to inform a given business scenario (c) Calculate quartiles, percentiles,... Show more content on ... Offer solutions to customer problems based on the information collected Have a logical structure with clearly presented and explained sections Have well summarised findings of the investigation Include conclusions and recommendations Copy of questionnaire should accompany with the report, but in separate binding Submit soft copies of your report and spreadsheets (file names: BDM_1_YourName Kб»‹ch bбєЈn Tб»• chб»©c: BбєЎn Д‘Ж°б»Јc yГЄu cбє§u Д‘б»ѓ lб»±a chб»Ќn mб»™t tб»• chб»©c lб»±a chб»Ќn của riГЄng bбєЎn. Tб»• chб»©c cГі thб»ѓ 1 thб»±c thб»ѓ kinh doanh hoбєЎt Д‘б»™ng trong bất kб»і ngГ nh cГґng nghiệp nhЖ° sбєЈn xuất, du lб»‹ch, khГЎch sбєЎn, giГЎo dục vГ Д‘Г o tбєЎo, dб»‹ch vụ,bГЎn buГґn bГЎn lбє», nhбєp khбє©u, xuất khбє©u, thб»±c phбє©m ngГўn hГ ng, phЖ°ЖЎng tiện truyб»Ѓn thГґng, vГ Д‘б»“ uб»‘ng (F amp; B), Д‘iện tб», cГґng nghệ thГґng tin, nhanh chГіng di chuyб»ѓn hГ ng tiГЄu dГ№ng (FMCG), cГЎc doanh nghiệp Гґ tГґ, hГіa dбє§u, xГўy dб»±ng, may mбє·c, thб»ќi trang, nhб»Џ vГ vб»«a (SMEs), vv GiбєЈ sб» rбє±ng bбєЎn Д‘ang lГ m việc nhЖ° QuбєЈn lГЅ NghiГЄn cб»©u thб»‹ trЖ°б»ќng, bГЎo cГЎo GiГЎm Д‘б»‘c PhГІng Tiбєїp thб»‹ trong tб»• chб»©c mГ bбєЎn Д‘ГЈ chб»Ќn. Mục tiГЄu: BбєЎn Д‘Ж°б»Јc giao nhiệm vụ chuбє©n bб»‹ mб»™t bГЎo cГЎo nghiГЄn cб»©u thб»‹ trЖ°б»ќng GiГЎm Д‘б»‘c PhГІng Tiбєїp thб»‹.
  • 13. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola was an Italian humanist,... Giovanni Pico della Mirandola was an Italian humanist, philosopher, scholar, Neo Platonist and writer whose main passion was the reconciliation of philosophy and religion. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola was born on the 24th of February 1463 to a wealthy and illustrious family and died on the 17th of November 1494. Being the youngest son of three boys, Giovanni Pico della Mirandolawas mostly outlived by his elder brothers who took on presumably significant roles; his brother Antonio became an imperial army general while Galeotto 1 continued their father s dynasty. Leaving behind his share of ancestral wealth and principality, he went on to become one of the world s respected writers after fully devoting himself to studying theology and... Show more content on ... He then changed course and went to the University of Ferrara to study philosophy. He then continued his studies from 1480 to 1482 at the University of Padua that was well known for Aristotelianism where he studied Arabic and Hebrew. He spent the next few years visiting other humanist centers and the University of Paris which was Europe s most significant center for scholastic theology and philosophy (Craven, 1981). Giovanni s movement to Florence marked a big change in his life especially regarding his philosophical career. In Florence, around 1484 he met Ficino Marsilio and Lorenzo de Medici. Ficino, a renaissance philosopher who was about to publish translations of Plato s works from Greek to Latin under the supervision of Lorenzo. (Edelheit, 2008). Later on he briefly moved to Perugia where he was introduced to Hebrew Kabbalah. It is this Kabbalistic doctrine he used to support Christian theology becoming the first Christian to do so. After travelling to Rome, Giovanni invited scholars from all over Europe to Rome to debate and defend his 900 theses drawn from Latin, Greek, Hebrew and Arabic writers. 13 of these were however denounced as heretical by a papal commission and prohibited assembly. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola decided to flee to France despite his apologia for the 13 theses where he was arrested. After his release he went back to settle in Florence. He settled in a villa prepared for him by Lorenzo near
  • 14. The Pros And Cons Of The Gestapo In 1933, there was a war/battle between Germany and the Jews and many more other in Germany. There were groups that, are bad, rude, mean people that were in involved in a group in the Holocaust. The Holocaust, there are seven organizations, the fourth one was the Gestapo. A Secret Police Office or Secret State Police Force, who were a group of people who were freed to do whatever, and put random people into protective custody. The Gestapowas led by Heinrich Himmler, who was the commander of Home Forces, but someone else had already found the Gestapo first, Hermann GГ¶ring. With the two of him and the Gestapo, they did many bad things and bad stuff to people who were Germans and even Jews and they also crossed the line of their law. The Gestapo was a group of people who were being controlled and being used to do bad things to others by the person who was leading them. Gestapo s were a very bad group, they never listened to others when they needed help, they never helped any german citizens, they arrested people for no reasons and they put them into protective custody. They lied and crossed over the law for them. Another word or an abbreviation for the Gestapo s was, Geheime StaatsPolizei. They were a secret state police. To know how the Gestapo s looked like, they had to be wearing black coats and slouch hats. They were only known and famous because they were violent, torturing, and cruelty to others. Not only did they were violent to Jews, but even to their own innocent
  • 15. Marfan Syndrome Research Paper Marfan Syndrome is a disorder that affects the body s connective tissue. Connective tissue holds all of the body s cells, organs and tissues together. When the connective tissue is affected it slows down growth and breaks down muscle strength. Connective tissue is also considered the glue of body because its purpose to hold all bones, muscles and joints together. It also plays an important role in overall growth in muscles and bone. A French doctor named Antoine Marfan discovered the disease in 1896. About 1 in every 5,000 children are born with Marfan Syndromeeach year and it affects both men and women. Marfan Syndrome is caused by a mutation in the gene that determines the structure of Fibrillin 1. Fibrillin 1 is a protein that plays
  • 16. Costa Rica Costa Rica, a country of Central America, covers an area of 19,730 square miles. The capital is San JosГ©. Extending from northwest to southeast, Costa Rica is bounded on the north by Nicaragua, along its 185 mile northeastern coastline by the Caribbean Sea, on the southeast by Panama, and along its 630 mile southwestern coastline by the Pacific Ocean. br br Costa Rica has a narrow Pacific coastal region that rises abruptly into central highlands. The highlands, forming the rugged backbone of the country, descend much more gradually toward the generally wider Caribbean (Atlantic) Plain. The Pacific coast is generally lowland in character, and, like the Caribbean coast, it is lined with white sandy beaches. The country has made use of ... Show more content on ... Most speak both Spanish and a Jamaican dialect of English, and Protestantism is the most widespread religion. In the Pacific south and on the San Carlos Plain, part of the northern lowlands, language and religious preferences are mixed. Most Costa Rican diversions are cosmopolitan rather than nationalistic in nature. The people of Costa Rica attend films with great frequency, enjoying international cinema. They listen to an extraordinary variety of music, especially from the many radio stations in the country. Residents of the Meseta Central attend the National Theatre, where the music played and the drama performed may come from any part of the world. br br Costa Rica has a developing market economy largely based on coffee and banana exports. Large gains in economic growth were interrupted in the mid 1970s, when plummeting coffee prices and substantial increases in oil prices resulted in a significant decline in agricultural production. Even so, agriculture accounts for approximately one fifth of the gross domestic product (GDP) and employs more than one fourth of the work force. Coffee is the single largest export item; other cash crops include bananas, beef, sugar, and cocoa. Staples such as corn, beans, and rice are also widely grown. The government has distributed high yield varieties of coffee to growers and has provided farmers of other crops with improved seeds. Poor market conditions and bad
  • 17. The Life of Steve Jobs On October 5, 2011, a famous personality Steve Jobs left his technology. He was a technologist, businessman and a scientist. He passed away due to his Metastatic Insulinoma cancer. Jobs worked and co founded Apple Incorporation. He was fond of working as Apple CEO. Jobs kept his position as a CEO and worked till the last day to keep his company motivated: I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come. ( Steve Jobs). Jobs was born in San Francisco, California on February 24, 1955, to his father, Abdul Fattah and mother Joanne Carole. His biological parents family objected to his birth, so later he was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. Since his childhood, Jobs was interested in electronics and technologies because his father worked as a mechanic. He kept Jobs busy rebuilding electronics. Later, Jobs and his family moved to Mountain View, California to attend school. He attended Homestead High School in Cupertino, California. Steve Jobs was never interested in studies and dropped out from the school ( Steve Jobs ). People still miss Job because he was a visionary. He had the vision to see new technology. He changed the technologies of the world. He came up with a new operating system Macintosh (MAC) in 1976. Later, he came up with the iPhone in June 2007. Everyone was amazed by this new technology of the phone. This genius raised
  • 18. Weakest Quadricep Research Paper Largest Quadricep Vastus lateralis is the largest Muscle The vastus lateralis muscle is situated in side of the thigh.This Muscle is the biggest of the quadriceps group which also includes the rectus femoris, the vastus intermedius, and the vastus medialis. Collectively the quadriceps muscle is the biggest in the human body and its purpose is to expand the knee. The specific task of the vastus lateralis muscle is to extend the lower leg and allow the body to rise up from a squatting position.(Hannan et al, 2000). Weakest Quadricep Vastus Medialis is the weakest Musclewhen the vastus medialis Muscle (VMO) is weak the kneecap moves in abnormal way and can even be positioned abnormally as well.This Creates a chronically unstable kneecap.Improper tracking of the kneecap can cause wear to the interior surface.The vastus ... Show more content on ... However, VL:VM activation ratio can be obtained by simply placing surface electrodes on a patient while performing the functional tasks during clinical evaluation, and may be a surrogate measure for VM activation delay. VL:VM activation ratio displayed a significant relationship with VM activation delay in PFP subjects classified as maltrackers (Fig. 2). There were no correlations between VL:VM activation ratio and VM activation delay in the pain free controls, all PFP subjects grouped together, and PFP subjects classified as normal trackers.(Hannan et al, 2000). Knee pain experience Yes, during the knee pain I experienced a sharp shooting pain when using the knee, constant knee aching, and a dull burning discomfort. I also experienced a swelling knee and a lot of pain when the knee was touched. People with knee pain are not able to work. The knees give stable support to the body. They similarly permit the legs to have flexion and extension . Both adaptability and soundness are expected to stand, walk, run, squat, bounce, and turn. In the event that the knee is harmed, the knee may get
  • 19. Gamestop Essay Introduction After the acquisition of EB Games, GameStop rose as the leading video game retailer in its industry. In an effort to sustain their position, GameStop will have to tackle several technological and sociocultural issues that have arisen from its competitive environment. The strategic objective we wish to accomplish in this analysis is to formulate a viable strategy that will continue GameStop s growth in the industry to remain as the go to video gaming store for the video gaming enthusiast. The retail gaming industry is a relatively new industry but GameStop has shown tremendous growth since 2002. An external analysis of GameStop s general environment will show threats to the industry that include age restrictions for rated ... Show more content on ... However, GameStop is still at a disadvantage, because there are such a large number of competitors in the industry. Buyer s bargaining power are high, since there is no brand loyalty in the industry. Customers are very well aware of the market price of a product and will look for the best deals they can find. Suppliers have high bargaining power since suppliers can choose to integrate forward and sell their products themselves. The success of the retail gaming industry is very dependent on the availability of supplier s goods. Additionally, since there are low barriers of entrance, substitute products and new entrants often appear in the market. Since most competitors in the industry do not have a strong presence, the expected retaliation towards new entrants is low. An increasing popularity of smartphone games and social media games such as Farmville on Facebook, allows customers to play against friends. Although these social media games do not offer the same experience as a video game, the fact that virtually no switching cost is associated with switching to a competitor s game and since they are so cheap compared to video game disk and consoles, can easily drive customers from video gaming to online gaming. (Exhibit 2) Internal Analysis The internal analysis of GameStop s resource capabilities indicates a strong brand and marketing position that give the firm a sustainable
  • 20. Chapter 2 Literature Review. 2.1 Fact On Hong Kong Tax Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Fact on Hong Kong Tax System 2.1.1 Current Hong Kong Tax System Taxes are use to shift resources from the private sector, including households and businesses, to the public sector. Due to this transfer, government is able to pay for the goods, services, and government operations expenditure. Levy tax also allows a government reallocating the resources(Engen and Skinner, 1996). If a government can reducing administrative costs of tax collection, minimize the tax evasion, maximize the tax base, taxing will be an effective way to raise revenues and to support government operation (Tanzi and Zee, 2000). In the other word, by levying tax, it is possible for government to redistribution of wealth since government ... Show more content on ... The standard rate levied on the corporations is 16.5% in Year of Assessment 2008 /09 onwards, while the tax rates applicable to unincorporated Business is 15% in YA 2008/09 onwards for resident(HKSAR, 2016 a). Non resident will be chargeable to Profit tax only if the profits arising in or derived from Hong Kong under his or her name directly or the agent. For the Non Resident Entertainers and Sportsmen or person, tax rate is 15% from YA2008/09 onward, while the non resident agent that is a corporate agent or a corporation will be charge on 16.5%. Salary tax is charged on every person in respect of income arising in or derived from Hong Kong from Office, Employment of profits or Pension under Section 8(1) of IRO. Including wages, salary, leave pay, fee, commission, bonus, gratuity, perquisite, allowance, and any income from employer or others under Section 9 and Section 11B of IRO. Taxpayer is entitle to claim following deduction, 1. Outgoing and expenses (under IRO s.12(1)(a)), 2. Depreciation allowance (under s12(1)(b)), 3. Self education expenses (under s12(1)(e)), 4. Loss bought forward and set off (under s12(1)(c)), 5. Concessionary Deductions (including approved charitable donation under s26C, elderly residential care expenses under s.26D, home loan interest under s.26E and contributions to recognized retirement schemes under s.26G) and
  • 21. Examples Of 10 SEO Tips For Your Mobile App 10 SEO Tips For Your Mobile App There are so many mobile app development companies today. It is no wonder there are so many mobile apps online right now. Some are doing well: ranking high with millions of downloads while some have faded into the background because they could not meet up with the competition. As the owner of a new mobile app development company, you might be intimidated by the way other mobile apps are ranking high and ruling the world of mobile application. These companies might have big names and wealth, but that should intimidate you because your app can still do better than theirs. It might be a little tricky at first, but with a little diligence your app can perform better and have millions of downloads. The first ... Show more content on ... This is because they constantly monitor feedbacks and make improvements on the app as requested by their users. Constant app updates prove to your customers that you take them seriously and they will give you positive reviews. Videos and Pictures Apart from search ranking, you can also make use of attraction in SEO. You can make your app hard to resist for users by making a short video podcast that showcases the best features of your app and how it can help improve everyday life for users.You can also take a few vibrant pictures displaying the best features of your app that would attract users to download the app. Smart Link Text As the owner of an app development company android or iOS, you should not make the common SEO mistakes of not adding the supported mobile devices for linking your app. For example, when liking your app, it is better to use get this app on iOS instead of using click here. With the former, you would be able to get Google s attention and rank well. Social media platforms Another way to get high rankings in search engines is the use of social media platforms. Social media is a very effective search engine optimization tip; because it gives preference to the number of time content is displayed on all social media platforms. The more the content are shared on social media networks, the higher the rankings the mobile app gets. App name The name of the app goes a long way in making the popular and rank high. You need to come up with a
  • 22. The Better Story in Life of Pi by Yann Martel On its surface, Martel s Life of Pi proceeds as a far fetched yet not completely unbelievable tale about a young Indian boy named Pi who survives after two hundred twenty seven days on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. It is an uplifting and entertaining story, with a few themes about companionship and survival sprinkled throughout. The ending, however, reveals a second story a more realistic and dark account replacing the animals from the beginning with crude human counterparts. Suddenly, Life of Pibecomes more than an inspiring tale and transforms into a point to be made about rationality, faith, and how storytelling correlates the two. The point of the book is not for the reader to decide which... Show more content on ... He starts out with a zebra, hyena, an orangutan, and a tiger, but the animals slowly diminish leaving only Pi and Richard Parker. Pi works to tame and care for Richard Parker, and the two survive for two hundred twenty seven days. Pi encounters a fellow French castaway who is eaten by Richard Parker (Martel 311 320). Pi also comes across a man eating island (Martel 322 358). The events that take place are fairly far fetched, and the probability of all of them occurring to the same person in the period of time given is even less believable. The second story, on the other hand, is a perhaps more believable retelling of the original story. Pi relates the second tale upon the request of his interviewers for a story without animals (Martel 381). In this story the animals are replaced with human representatives including an injured Chinese sailor, a French cook, Pi s mother, and Pi himself. The second story, like the first, begins with many passengers on the boat, but in the end it leaves only Pi to survive by himself after brutally murdering and eating the cook who killed both the sailor and Pi s own mother (Martel 381 391). Unlike Pi s first story, this account is dark, desperate, and harshly realistic, without any sense of hope to counter it all. After relating both of these stories to his interviewers, Pi asks them which story they think is better (Martel 398). Although the
  • 23. Walt Whitman Proves that Greatness Comes in Many Ways,... A Literary Hero What makes a poet spectacular? Some people say that a poet needs a good educational background. Well in this poets case it s almost the exact opposite. Walt Whitman was a poet with a light educational background, he was enrolled in school until he was 11, and from then on he was self taught. It is said that, At a young age he fell in love with the written word and his fans fell in love with his work (Mark Heftier). Whitman is an inspiration to many; he proved that greatness comes in many ways, shapes, and forms. Whitman was born on May 31, 1819 in West Hills, Long Island; to a working class family. He was the second of nine children. In his very young... Show more content on ... A Literary Hero What makes a poet spectacular? Some people say that a poet needs a good educational background. Well in this poets case it s almost the exact opposite. Walt Whitman was a poet with a light educational background, he was enrolled in school until he was 11, and from then on he was self taught. It is said that, At a young age he fell in love with the written word and his fans fell in love with his work (Mark Heftier). Whitman is an inspiration to many; he proved that greatness comes in many ways, shapes, and forms. Whitman was born on May 31, 1819 in West Hills, Long Island; to a working class family. He was the second of nine children. In his very young years of his life he grew up in New York. At that time it was still developing into a big city. Whitman had many jobs, he worked as a journalist, a teacher, a government clerk, and on the side in addition to publishing his poetry he was a volunteer nurse during the American Civil War. Later on in Whitman s life he moved back to New York and became an editor. Whitman claimed that after years of competing for the usual rewards he was determined to become a poet, (Cambridge University Press, 1996). At first he experimented with a variety of literary genres that would appeal to people s tastes of the period, although, he intended to write an American epic and used free verse based on the Bible. In 1850, he began writing poetry that would
  • 24. Beat Detective Narrative Beat Detective was used to ensure that the drums were in time with the click track. Elastic audio was used on the bass and guitars, although later in the process the producer felt that the guitars and bass were still not entirely in time with the drums, therefore the author nudged any bars that where visibly out of time with the grid in ProTools in time. This process was time consuming, although it made a real difference to the tracks. The vocals were about a quarter note out of time on I Hear I Forget , so the author nudged them in time too. The producer then went through each of the vocalist s phrases and clip gained the words that were not clearly audible amongst the mix. For held notes, volume automation was used to keep the tails of audio audible in the song.... Show more content on ... This left the Subkick and M88 for the author to work with. The kick was gated and then compressed, so the compressor did not reduce the transient peaks that the gate would detect. The kick had 4dB of compression because it was quite inconsistent in terms of dynamics. After this was applied, throughout the song the kick had a tendency to poke out here and there. The author used a limiter to correct this problem and to reduce the kicks dynamic range even further. The author made a boost of 4.5dB to 70Hz to provide the kick with more thud. The M88 picked up the kicks beater very well and the author did not need to find that punchy frequency through EQ. In order to separate the bass and the kick drum, the author added a second EQ and found each tracks most prominent low end frequency, then notched them out of the each others
  • 25. Mental Health Status Mental Health is based on emotional, psychological, and social well being. These factors are based on social interactions, actions, and thoughts. There are various factors that can influence an individual s mental health such as biological factors, social exclusion, and inclusion, as well as societal pressures. However, someone s mental healthcan be compromised when they encounter physical abuse, sexual abuse, and depression. This can cause the individual to develop PTSD which generally cultivates after facing a traumatic situation such as a near death experience. Consequently, when proper care and resources aren t given to people in need they are unable to function to the best of their ability. Though, PTSD can be largely considered an issue... Show more content on ... Since this is an issue amongst children who have grown up in homes of neglect, programs for after schools should be integrated. Programs such as Big Brother/Big Sister have been instituted to help students who are in risk of facing judicial issues amongst other issues. However, there is challenges associated with creating these programs because of funding. In order to get additional funding for programs such as after schools they re needs to be enough money in the budget to pay the employer s, pay for necessary equipment, and other expenses. Generally, single income households and neglectful homes are usually lower income households; therefore, the program would have to be free or at a reduced price which can also pose as an issue. The importance of help for people in juvenile detention halls is very important and can be very dire. Programs and prevention programs need to be instituted for proper care to be given so that help can be received and so when the rejoin society they can be flourishing
  • 26. Effective Business Communication Research Study on Effective Business Communication At American Express Financial Centre TABLE OF TABLE Table 1: Recruitment Methods13 Table 2: Forms of written communication15 Table 3: Formal Meetings15 Table 4: External Communications16 Table 5: Informal channels of communication21 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENT4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY5 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS COMMUNICATION6 LITERATURE REVIEW6 PROBLEM OF STUDY7 OBJECTIVE OF STUDY7 KEY TERMS8 BRIEF OUTLINE OF CHAPTERS9 METHODOLGY10 UNIVERSE OF THE STUDY10 LOCALE OF THE STUDY10 SAMPLE SELECTION10 DATA COLLECTION10 ORGANISATION OF DATA11 ANALYSIS OF DATA11 INTRAPERSONAL AND INTERNAL COMMUNICATION12 INTRAPERSONAL COMMUNICATION12... Show more content on ... Communication is a two way activity between two or more people and occurs through various modes, some of which are used more commonly in some workplaces than others. Communication requires that all parties understand a common language that is exchanged with each other. Business Communication is communication used to promote a product, service, or organization. The business communication message is conveyed through various channels of communication, including the internet, print, radio, television, outdoor, and word of mouth. Business communication helps to bridge the gap between planning and execution. Efficient communication matters because business organizations are made up of people and also effective communication within organisation or outside the organisation increase the image as well as goodwill of the organisation in the mind of business partner, employees and consumer. Various research studies have been conducted on this subject and each study has consistently ranked communication skills as crucial for managers. Typically, managers spend 75 to 80 percent of their time engaged in some form of
  • 27. written or oral communication. Business wants and need people with good communication skills. Although often termed a soft skill, communication in a business organization provides the critical link between core functions. 1.1 LITERATURE REVIEW Several experts and authors have worked on the dynamics of business communication. Various studies have indicated
  • 28. A Journey Summary A Journey is a short story written by Edith Wharton in 1899 as part of her collection of short stories called The Greater Inclination. This short story is about a wife and husband traveling from Colorado to New York. They travel in turmoil, due to the husband being very sick. He consequently dies, leaving the wifeto reach New York on her own, while at the same time, covering up the death of her husbandso she does not get booted off the train. While on the train, the wife has several encounters with the porter and passengers, in which she begins to falter and hesitate when talking to them. In A Journey, Edith Wharton s use of tone and imagery revolving around the wife, conveys the negative impact the death of a husband has on a womanto interact with others in a calm manner. One person the wife struggles to interact with in a calm manner is the porter because through the tone and imagery revolving around the wife when talking to the porter, it shows how the porter s presence causes her to struggle defending herself. The first contact between the wife and porter occurs when the porter begins checking up on the passengers to see if they needed any help. He ends up startling her. The wife then looks at the porter helplessly, while his smile almost corrupts her speech. The porter starts by saying, Are you very tired? followed by the wife replying, No, not very. The porter then says, We ll be there soon now. The wife responds with Yes, very soon. (Wharton 418).
  • 29. Informative Speech Outline on Investing in the Stock Market Chris S COMM 105 Informative Speech 02/07/11 Investing in the Stock Market Introduction I. There is a smile on my face, a tingling feeling throughout my entire body, my day has just turned from mediocre to marvelous as if I had won the Ohio Lottery. II. This is the feeling I have when at 9 AM I check my stock portfolio to see my money grow daily. III. During my deployment with the Army in 2008, I decided that there was no better time to invest in the stock market, and I have been doing so ever since. IV. Today I would like to inform you why to invest in stocks, give you a brief history of recent stock market events, and explain why now is the best time to invest. (Transition): First, I will explain why you should... Show more content on ... 1) For example, if you were to buy 5000 shares of Citigroup stock today, it would cost $24,200. a.) If you were to sell that same amount of stock in a few years at $55.12 per share, you would profit a total of $251,400. Conclusion 1.) As I have explained, stocks have the highest return of any investment. 2.) Fortunately, it is not too late to buy in and make a substantial profit. 3.) In conclusion, buying stocks now can make a poor person very wealthy in years to come given proper research and the tools to do so. Bibliography 1. Anderson, T. M. (2008, November). Best of the Online Brokers. OhioLinks . Academic Search Complete. 2. Davies, P. J. (2008). Liquidity and Leverage: the old fashioned drivers of a very modern meltdown. Critical Quarterly , 50 (4), 94 106. 3. Kantz, M. (2011). Some investors miss bull s rewards . USA Today , 03b. 4. Keown, A. J. (2010). Personal Finance: Turning Money into Wealth. Boston, MA: Prentice
  • 30. Analysis Of The Book Zadie Smith Zadie Smith is a British African writer, she was born October 25, 1975 in the United Kingdom. Some of her most well known books are: On Beauty, White Teeth, NW, The Autographed Man, and latest book, Swing Time. When she wrote White Teeth she was known as a strong and powerful writer. She wrote White Teeth when she was 24. Her latest work Swing Time is the first piece of work that is written in first person. In her books there are many themes that she has in her book, she has relationships with friends and family members and how humans interact with each other. People said that that book is the strongest. Aside from this NW one of her strong books tells a lot about Zadie Smith; when she wrote this her father died, her daughter was born, and... Show more content on ... Her first point that she makes is that NW takes on things that she takes on different people who are from different races and have different voices. I believe that this is true because Zadie Smith has different characters in her book that show different types of people. In her life she also liked to be around many books and her life changed a lot, which shape the different characters in NW. Zadie Smith s life is like her character, Felix who used to get in a lot of trouble when he was young, but now it seems like he has everything together. Zadie Smith in the novel NW, says, Hollywood had nothing on Felix when it came to imagining the future (Smith 157). This shows that Felix was just like Zadie Smith. When Zadie Smith like Felix was young did not at all think about what they were going to do in the future. Zadie Smith wanted to become a actress but she liked to read. She then became a writer. This kind of shows the opposite of what Smith wanted; she was into drugs and now she is very successful. Another point that Pes makes is that images of breaking glass and things going to pieces are supposed to show the coming apart of friendships and relationships between people in the novel. In the journal Annalisa Pes says, The chaos, fragmentation and unruliness in which all the characters of NW live are also suggested by metaphorical devices: images of objects breaking, glasses splintering, dishes going to pieces are juxtaposed to scenes of human
  • 31. The Simpson Reflection If we look at Season 12 episode 9 Homr , Homer becomes inspired by the animation convention that s in town. Generating his first impulse by removing all his life savings from his joint account with Marge to invest in the company without any knowledge of the stock market other than his own perception of the product. Even as the teller informs Homer that he would need to have his wife sign, he goes behind a plant to impersonate Marge to sign and Lisa to get some candy. He even tries to leave after accepting the candy without getting the money that he went in for. After losing his investment he decides to become a medical guinea pig to get some extra cash, this lead to the discovery of a childhood crayon being lodge in his brain. This becomes one of the components of what has made Homer so asinine, yet after removing the crayon he is left with a high level IQ but is unable to cope with the world of low intelligence. He does recognize that his intelligence creates a strong bond with Lisa so he writes her a letter before Moe puts another crayon in his brain. In season 9 episode 17 Lisa the Simpson , we see the reversed of Homer in which Lisa is now trying to cope with being unintelligent after she is left unable to resolve a puzzled that everyone but her could do in seconds. Grandpa Simpson explains how it is the Simpsonsgene that makes them dumb which happens around Lisa s age. Grandpa Simpson shows the decline in both Homer and Bart s academic years. This deterioration
  • 32. The Crisis Of Water Privatization The Crisis of Water Privatization Water privatization is a considerable problem in the world, and companies like NestlГ© are declaring that water is not a human right and opening up water to be sold to the highest bidder. Private companies must be highly regulated before we hand over a significant amount of water. Everyone can agree we are in a fresh water crisiswith lakes, rivers and streams drying up, and the rest getting polluted. Mother nature cannot keep up with our consumption and many underdeveloped countries are suffering the worst. In the article World Bank Wants Water Privatized, Despite Risks , Anna LappГ© is a widely respected author and educator, known for her work as an expert on food systems and as a sustainable food advocate who gives us a harsh reality. A quarter of the world s people do not have access to clean drinking water, and more people die from waterborne illnesses, than from all forms of violence combined. Anna also tells us the United Nations estimates, 240 babies die from unsafe water every hour. Humans can survive weeks without food, but only days without water in some conditions, only hours. It may sound clichГ©d, but it s no hyperbole: Water is life (LappГ©). It s hard to think of a more important topic. We face a global water crisis, made worse by the warming temperatures of climate change (LappГ©). I have to agree with Anna, and I will add in population into that equation. In the run up to its annual spring meeting this month (April
  • 33. White Horse Descriptive Writing What just happened? I sat at the window, wondering about what I just saw. It was 3 am when I woke up, in the middle of a thunderstorm. Carefully, I went to sit on the window seat to gaze at the dark, rolling clouds above. Lightning flashed and thunder roared. Wait! What was that? It was a white horse. Standing in the pasture, staring right at me. He was calm, almost as if he was waiting for someone, or something. Suddenly, a huge lightning bolt flared. Momentarily, I was blinded. When I looked back at where the horse was, I was astonished. Nothing!! Where did he go? Still confused, I get back into bed and drift into a deep sleep filled with white horses galloping through the sky. The next morning, I sit up and yawn. All at once, I remember... Show more content on ... I race down the loft ladder and out of the barn to find the mysterious white horse heavily panting as he pulls and thrashes, trying to free his hoof from the fence. However, the most shocking thing is that flailing in the air are two wings, practically glowing with an unearthly light. Carefully, I calm the horse down, muttering soothing words to him, and he looks up at me with trusting liquid eyes. Scrambling around Pegasus, I reach underneath the tightly wedged hoof and wiggle it from between the posts. At last, Pegasus is free. With a glance in my direction, he trots towards the clouds in the distance. I begin to follow, but an unknown force sweeps me off my feet and carries me into the sky. I look up at the force, and see an enormous bird carrying me into the sky. Abruptly, I see a flash of white and I am falling from the sky. Pegasus swoops under and catches me, then carries me back into the sky above. We peacefully glide above the clouds, gathering speed until the world around me is a blur. The blur slows down slowly, and I find Pegasus and myself flying towards a majestic mountain with a Greek palace on top of it. Somehow, I hear a gentle voice inside my head that whispers, Welcome to Olympus, Kingdom of the Gods. As Pegasus and
  • 34. Online Reservation System and Booking Chapter I Introduction Rationale of the Study Every problem has a solution. In order to come up with a good solution, the root of the problem has to be determined. The scope of the problem must be established well before making the first few steps of the study. One has to get a hold of the basic theories and principles regarding the problem, justify the impact of the problem to the society, and consider the future customers of that would be solution. Before designing solutions, related literature must be examined first. This may ease off confusion as to where and how to start. Lastly, a standard and appropriate methodology must guide everything until the solution is achieved. Technology has gone a long way, improving... Show more content on ... The proponents make use of some tools and techniques to build the project. The system uses Graphical User Interface(GUI) to help the user give instruction to the computer. The system once implemented it will solve the most common problems that the Hotels encounter. Features: online reservation add/edit/delete guest reservation information
  • 35. prepaid card reloadable guest account numbers generate monthly sales income(reports) Objectives of the project The goal of the study is to analyze, design, develop and implement a online reservation system for Sogo Hotel that will help improve the current system. This study aims to solve the problem with low guest occupancy of the hotel by offering affordable and accessible online reservation prepaid system. Specifically, this study aims to create a reservation system that offers the following: 1. to increase the number of hotel guests; 2. to lessen the time consumed during reservation. 3. to highly integrate data. 4. to spend less time in searching and retrieving of files. 5. to create monthly sales report; and 6. to keep up with competitors by cater wider markets. Scope and limitation of the project The study focuses only on the hotel reservation system area, both the server and the client. For the server, it tries to eliminate booking complexities through the use of an internet in doing a reservation request, since
  • 36. Physics for Industries INTRODUCTION Physics attempts to describe the fundamental nature of the universe and how it works, always striving for the simplest explanations common to the most diverse behaviour. For example, physics explains why rainbows have colours, what keeps a satellite in orbit, and what atoms and nuclei are made of. The goal of physics is to explain as many things as possible using as few laws as possible, revealing nature s underlying simplicity and beauty. Physics has been applied in many industrial fields, which include the air industry, construction industry, automobile industry, manufacturing industry and many others. All these industries apply physics in one way or another. For example a car that moves from one point to another has to ... Show more content on ... The fluid moving over the top travels a greater distance than the moving just under the bottom of the wing. Consequently, the fluid moving over the top must travel faster in order to conform to the shape of the wing and still maintain the natural streamline. The shape of the wing also crowds the streamlines together above the wing, just as in the case of a constructing pipe. The result is that of the region immediately above the wing. Because the downward force on the top of the wing is less than the upward force on the bottom, a net upward force, or lift, arises from the airflow. (Beyond the airfoil the flowing air has a downward component of velocity. By Newton s third law, the reaction force to the net downward force exerted on the air is the lift.) For lift to occur, a flow of air is required relative to the wing. The lift occurs equally well for a wing moving through stationary air or for moving past a stationary wing. In general, as the flow of air past the wing increases, both the lift force and the drag force (the resistance to forward motion) increases. According to Breithaipt (2000), aircraft wings are designed so that pilots can change the wing shape during flight, producing greater lift for the slower speeds of takeoff and landing and producing less drag at cruising extended
  • 37. Analysis of Setting and Characterization in Greasy Lake ... In his short story Greasy Lake, the lake with the community teenagers create a stereotypical scene of current youth pop culture. Many youth who read this story can find the ironic references and similarities with their lifestyle in today s world. T. Coraghessan Boyle uses the setting of the story to expose a world lacking self discipline and showing immorality amongst a community youth, which can sometimes be rather common today. This also aids in creating an atmosphere that surrounds suspense and impaired judgement to better develop the characters of the story. Boyle is able to achieve this by creating a setting with the story of the Greasy Lake and describing the Lake as both a setting and main character. Greasy Lake is described by the narrator as an aura of possessiveness and suspense to the average reader. However, while somewhat stereotypical, the narrator and his friends see the lake as the most ideal location to get together on late nights. This can be translated as the beginning of setting a scene for a location in which the adolescent youth can meet, with the reference to Bruce Springsteen s words from a song that opens the story: It s about a mile down on the dark side of Route 88 (Boyle, 125). The words from the song create a scene of how the youth had essentially treated the lake as their own place. The image is further made clear when the faint island in the middle of the lake is described as a single ravaged island a hundred yards from
  • 38. The Day That Changed My Life Forever The Day That Changed My Life Forever It was a bone chilling January night; my mom received a call at about 11:15 PM, a call that changed my life forever. My Aunt June was on the other line. She was crying so hard my mother could barely understand her. Through the sobbing my mom finally understood that Brian, my cousin, had been in a horrible accident and she didn t know how bad it was. My mother jumped out of the bed after she hung up the phone. She screamed up the stairs at my sister and me; it was a nerve shrilling scream. I could hear fear in her voice. My mom was always yelling at us growing up if we forgot to do something. She would even get us out of bed to finish something that wasn t done completely. This particular... Show more content on ... The phone rang again. Hoping for good news, yet again I was disappointed. It was my mom; she said she was following our pastor to my grandmother s house. She said, We are going to tell Grandma he s gone . I knew this would be one of the hardest things to do; it was her birthday after all. The three of us jumped in the car. We drove up to Grandma s house. I remember Tosha running into the house and falling into her arms. Everyone tried to pull themselves together, but how could this be? This had never happened to us before. The wheel was broken. I do not clearly remember the next few days leading up to the funeral. I know no one was sleeping and emotions were running high. On the day of the funeral, we all were allowed to see him for the first time since the accident. We were instructed to look, but do not touch him no matter what. The accident mangled him so badly on the inside that just one touch and his body would cave in. As I looked upon him, just barely 23, I was in complete denial. I looked him over and over. It s not him , I said to myself. After the family left, they closed the casket; he would not be open for the public. At one o clock, January 16, 2001, his funeral began. I remember each part of the service. I remember every word that was spoken and every song that was sung. As the last song played, Dixie Chicks Wide Open Spaces , four people in black walked down the aisle toward the casket. The looks in their faces were
  • 39. Social Mobility And The Social Class Social mobility is a movement of upper or lower position in the social classes. The social class exists in our society and it is usually decided by money, status, or education. Moreover, we almost never change our class to others especially to upper class. Throughout this story, the author said that social limitation and social mobility make a huge gap that cannot narrow easily between the wealthy people and the poor people in our society. Also these systems keep making the gap bigger and it showed in the story by using the monkey, bills, and the people in the party. Therefore, the rich has too many advantages than the non rich, it is unfair. So, if everyone not get the same opportunities, then society will not grow up. In common, the rich people have more power and abilities. Monkey at a birthday? Her mother had sneered (1), and Get away with you, believing any nonsense you re told! (1). It is an unimaginable thought that inviting a magician and a monkey only for a kid s birthday party as a side view of a normal person. The mother sneered her head because you couldn t believe it; but, the protagonist felt more interesting, exciting and hankered more about the rich because it s very unusual in her life as not a rich person. Even in today, it is very shocking for the poor hiring a monkey for a kid s birthday party. But they are flaunt their wealth and power through with the luxury. This allows to feel a huge gap that non rich cannot reach and does not even go near, and
  • 40. Animal Rights Against Animals magine eating a delicious piece of bacon with the fat juice dripping off while biting into the bacon, it crunches. Now imagine the pig that the bacon came from. An innocent creature now has been shocked with electric prods, had its throat cut, and has bled out to death. Pigs are not the only creatures to suffer such a despicable death. Animals like sheep, cows, chickens, and goats are slaughtered for their meat. The animalsare all butchered in a place called a slaughterhouse. Slaughterhouses are horrible places where humans believe they have the right to treat animals any way they want as long as they get the meat they need. People who eat meat need to understand what happens to an animal before it winds up on a plate.Animals can not defend themselves against humans. Therefore, someone else must defend the animals. Slaughterhouses must be stopped. Slaughterhouses are the cheapest ways for humans to get meat. Rather than paying large sums of money to put the animals down humanely, they are just murdered. Animals are separated in slaughterhouses from their families after being with them for weeks. Imagine one never getting to know his mother, then being ripped away from their child, while trying to manage to survive.Animals should have rights just like humans do. Animals hearts beat just like any human s.If animals have to be raised and die, they should not suffer. Most animal s natural instincts are to protect their children, and that is ripped away from them with their
  • 41. Designing An Advertisement For Adobe Fireworks Introduction Part A In this Assignment, I create an advertisement in adobe Fireworks that is 1500x2100 and 300dpi .In this advertisement I use some raster and vector Images. There are Number of tools in adobe firework but, I use mainly Pen tool ,shape tool, paint bucket tool, eyedropper, vector path and Select tool. The Effective Tools In this Assignment, I worked on Adobe Firework which is a powerful software to create , posters, Vector creation. there another which is knows pencil tool which is for marking things and creating some design .There is a text tool which help to make text and edit. In the text tool there are different type of font styles, sizes. The eraser is very powerful tool, this tool can erase any thing and helpful to crop the selective and have different sizes of eraser. So that is a very powerful tool for editing The Move Tool is very helpful tool which make the element to move from one point to another by dragging it by moving mouse or by keyboard .There is Scale tool which also help to move elements and can modify the size and shape of the element. The scale tool help to rotate the picture according to their use. There is skew tool which also have a same function but this tool have some function like change the shape by selecting particular area. The shortcut key in the keyboard to modify by pressing CTRL+T. There is paint bucket tool which help to put many colours in on element or picture Select Tools By Click the object s stroke or fill
  • 42. How Far Does Google Limit Aucians Perception Of The... Annotated Bibliography Research Question: How Far does Google limit AUCians perception of the universe? o Are AUCians aware of such monitoring and tracking? o Are AUCians aware that they are given the part of the information relative to their own point of view? 1)Source One: (Primary) Pan, B., Hembrooke, H., Joachims, T., Lorigo, L., Gay, G., Granka, L. (2007, April). In google we trust: Users decisions on rank, position, and relevance. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, Vol. 12, No. 3, 801 823. doi:10.1111/j.1083 6101.2007.00351 (http:/ / 6101.2007.00351.x/full) This study by Pan, Hembrooke, Joachims, Lorigo, Gay Granka was done to evaluate college students trust in Google s capability to rank results by their spot on applicability to the search inquiry. This study was carried out on 22 undergraduate students around the age of 20 who claimed they used Google as their main search engine. The students had to calibrate eye trackers so that the researchers would be able to monitor their eye movements regarding the search results. Search results were slightly modified to manipulate their order so as to see the response of the students towards that. The results indicated that students chose the result that was higher in position even if the abstract was unrelated. These findings are rather relevant to the study as it shows how students have great trust in Google s search algorithms. 2)Source
  • 43. Essay On Romanticism Introduction Because we did not do the presentation for The Cultural Dimension of Europe, we now made a make up assignment. In this make up assignment we made a discussion paper over romanticism as a way of looking at the world. First we have an introduction about romanticism and then we have four debating points to discuss. Firstly does history repeat itself, focusing at the reaction of romanticism on events in the 18th century to the reaction of romanticism on events nowadays? Secondly is a green world a good world? Thirdly if you are religious, are you a romanticist? And fourthly are politics and the economy created by rationalization? Body First an introduction about, romanticism. Romanticism started about 200 years ago. This was the ... Show more content on ... But why was nature so important for romanticists? Romanticism and nature are connected because the artists and philosophers of the romantic period emphasized the glory and beauty of nature, and the power of the natural world. Some scholars of romanticism believe that the romanticists treated nature in an almost religious way. Reasons for the development of this strong connection between nature and romanticism include the Industrial Revolution, which led many people to leave rural areas and live in cities, separated from the natural world. In addition, during the 18th and 19th centuries when romanticism was popular, large areas of European and North American wilderness had been tamed, so that it had become generally much safer for people to travel into these areas and observe their natural wonders. The connection between romanticism and nature may have also risen in part as a backlash against the scientific emphasis of enlightenment philosophy, and against the cultural norms of that period. Many romanticist artists, writers, and philosophers believe in the natural world as a source of healthy emotions and ideas. By contrast, the emerging urban, industrialized world was often portrayed as a source of unhealthy emotions, morals, and thoughts. Romanticists such as Henry David Thoreau believed that humans were meant to live in the world of nature, rather than the urban world. The connection between Romanticism and nature was largely formed with this core concept that man s true self can be found in the wilderness, rather than in the
  • 44. Determining Optimum Temperature and Ph for Enzymatic... Enzymes lower the activation energy of chemical reactions but they themselves are not consumed or altered when doing so. These catalysts work best at optimum temperatures and pH s. The temperature and pH at which the reaction occurs the quickest is the ideal condition for the enzymatic reaction. Alpha amylase converts starch into glucose and when starch is combined with I2KI indicator a dark purple solution forms. As the enzyme breaks down the starch the absorbency will decrease. The absorbency is measured through the spectrophotometer which reads the transmittance of the wavelengths that pass through the solution. In order to determine the optimum temperature for the enzymatic reaction water bath of varying temperatures were made. To ... Show more content on ... Materials and Methods A blank cuvette was created in order to set the spectrophotometers absorbance to zero. Contained in this cuvette was 5mL of distilled water and 0.1mL of I2KI indicator. This was used to recalibrate the spectrophotometer between the temperature and pH trials (Vliet, 2007). To determine the most favorable temperature for the reaction of alpha amylase s enzymatic conversion of starch to glucose water baths of various temperatures were used. First a stock solution was prepared prior to the experiment; it included alpha amylase, I2KI indicator and .0033 g/ml of starch. Thirty five mL of this solution was then combined with 35mL of distilled water into an Erlenmeyer flask in order to create the reaction flask. The flask was then added into one of the various water bath temperatures, 15, 35, 45, 55, 65 and 70 #61616; C. The reaction flask needed to be in the water baths long enough for it to reach the required temperature before the enzyme was added. 0.1mL of I2KI indicator was then added to each of the twelve cuvettes which were used in the timed readings. Then 5mL of the solution from the reaction flask was transferred into one of the cuvettes which contained I2KI indicator. Next, the starch iodine complexes absorbance were read on the spectrophotometer and recorded onto the appropriate table. Then, 1mL of alpha amylase was added into the reaction flask to begin the reaction, once
  • 45. Destruction Of Anti-Intellectualism In The United States Intellectuals Destruction Anti Intellectualism is defined as a person opposed to or hostile toward intellectuals and the modern academic, artistic, social, religious, and other theories associated with them. Anti intellectualism defines a person who believes that intellect and reason are less important than actions and emotions in solving practical problems and understanding reality. Anti Intellectualism is an epidemic worth acknowledging; its prevalence in America is one of the nations most major hindrances to solving the problems it faces collectively. Anti intellectualsentiment has its basis mostly in misunderstanding, but a persistent stream of misinformation spewed by the impassioned yet hollow rhetoric of shallow politicians and self proclaimed orators has only served to maintain ignorance. Here I hope to explain the history and causes of anti intellectual belief as it has manifested and grown in the United States of America and to demonstrate the detrimental effect it has had and will have on our nation, continuing on to encourage whoever might view this essay to reverse this trend by embracing objective problem solving and developing an interest in critical thinking and the sciences. America, although still young, has grown further into industrialization and exceeded in momentous discoveries in science and mathematics; yet still harbors ill will against intellectuals and knowledge. The population of America was still largely rural in the 19th century, agricultural
  • 46. Advantages Of Trickle Car Charger What are best trickle car battery charger and How to use it? At any moment your car battery is stored or continues idle for extended time periods, there s a significant possibility the battery will be fully utilized up when you try to start your vehicle up. Best trickle chargers can keep the battery alive, but can also harm it if left connected for extended periods of time. Each of the following picks is the best choice. For drivers who need the help or convenience of the charger that can stay secured up all the time. We have made our choices based on best car battery charger/maintainers capability to be secured up and left alone for a period, gratefulness to characteristics such as an onboard microprocessor which enables the charge cycle to become automatic, stopping overcharging of the battery. Most of our picks are also portable or compact enough to be utilized for a broad diversity of applications whereas being easy to use thanks to their scheme. While price changes, we ve included options to fit a range of budgets, without compromising on performance or safety. What is best trickle car battery charger? A car battery trickle charger provides a more sustainable charge than a quick jump start. Learn about the advantages and best practices to using the best trickle charger. The term best trickle charger ... Show more content on ... Too fast charging or the battery can damage overload. It is very easy to charge a car battery charger. The best car battery chargers contain a single box (where the inside of the charger is), a power cord and two alligator clips. Before connecting any, you need to adjust the voltage and current level for your battery. Check switch and button charger box and put it before the charger is connected to a power
  • 47. My Personal Code Of Ethics Essay A. My Personal Code of Ethics 1. Core Values I am an Accounting student at the University of Baltimore. I have a list of core values in my mind, and I try to follow these values every day. When I make decisions in my life, I look at these values to make sure my decisions align with my values. My top three core values are career, family and friends, and personal growth. Within each core value, there are other values that I like to consider in my daily life. My first core value is career. I moved abroad at very young age by myself in order to improve my second language. I worked hard for two years, started and finished my A.A. with summa cum lauder status, and I am now working towards my Bachelor in Accounting. All these decisions were based on my ambition in career. I want to be a recognized professional in my field, which is Accounting. I study very hard to do that. In living in this country, I not only proficiency my English as a second language, I also learned a third language which is Spanish. Within this value, I value willingness to learn, diligence, and financial independence. My second core value is family and friends. My family supports my decisions, and this is very important to me. Since I live far from my parents and siblings, in this country I also value my friends. My friends are my family. Every decision that I make, I try to think: would my family and friends approve of this decision . And they do. They know that my first core value is my career and
  • 48. African American Student Relationships With Faculty Of... Theoretical Framework OtherMothering Similarly, Strayhorn et al (2008) undertook the task of looking at African American student relationships with faculty of color and the benefits of these relationships. Through the author s exploration, the theoretical framework of Othermothering emerged (Strayhorn et al, 2008). According to Strayhorn et al (2008), Othermothering is a pattern of care that dates back to slavery, where mothers had to entrust the care of their children to other individuals. This same compassion for others has become the role of some faculty and administrators in institutions today. According to the authors, African American students are viewed as family, and the relationships forged go beyond just caring; a moral and ethical obligation to advocate for African American Students (Strayhorn et al, 2008). Under this theory, African Americans are motivated to develop these relationships to help move college students through their experiences successfully. Moreover, there is a moral need to give back to the community by pushing African American students to perform at best potential. In this study, the researcher hopes to explore if this concept of Othermothering exists within African American faculty, students, and administrators here at South University. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction After reviewing the literature, the following sections will be discussed in this literature review: (a) the status of African American males in higher
  • 49. Marie Curie s Accomplishments At The Front Of The Nuclear... NAME: Marie Curie (born Maria Salomea Sklodowska) BORN: 7th November 1867 FROM: Warsaw, Poland DIED: 4th of July 1934 DISCOVERIES: She was credited with the discovery of Radium and Polonium (named after her own country of Poland). AWARDS: Some of the awards she received included Nobel Prizes for Physics (1903), Chemistry (1911) and also the Benjamin Franklin Medal from the American Philosophical Society in 1921. Marie Curies studies put her at the front of the nuclear age. Her studies of all the compounds containing known radioactive elements, which included uranium and thorium, which was later found to be radioactive, lead her to the conclusion that, The strength of radiation from uranium can be exactly
  • 50. Abortion And The Effect On Crime Rate Abortion and the Effect on Crime Rate When you take a glance at the two relating topics of abortion and crime rate, there are going to be several credible sources that will have plenty of data that will either support the claim or prove the claim wrong. With the peculiar comparison of crime and abortion, we look at what authors Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner writes in their book Freakonomics and what Dr. Brian Clowes, director of education and research at Human Life International, writes in his article Does Abortion Really Reduce Crime? . The most significant debate contrasting among the two sources is if abortion is the cause of the diminishment of the crime rate. Levitt and Dubner claim that high abortion rates in a nation diminishes crime, while Clowes claims that there are multiple fundamental issues when concluding that legalized abortion leads to cutbacks in crime. By comparing and contrasting the two sources, there will be a sufficient amount of information to determine how abortion rates affect crime. Steven Levitt s and Stephen Dubner s focus on their book Freakonomics is revealing to their audience eccentric ways to correspond to a variety of outlandish, yet controversial issues that are unaware and oblivious to our society. Specifically in chapter 4 titled Where Have All the Criminals Gone? , they distinctly talk about the sudden drop in crime rates in the 1990s, which was caused primarily by the legalization of abortion. Additionally, they analyze other
  • 51. The Haunting Of Hill House Analysis The Themes of the Haunting of Hill House The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson is the classics of the horror story, the novel, by which many other horror writers of the 20th century have taken an example. It is a striking, impressive novel with quite a lot of controversial themes brought up. Of particular interest are themes of home and the haunting nature of Hill House, however, from the perspective of the novel s protagonist, Eleanor Vance. If seen from the angle of her personality, these themes relate much more to her psychological condition that to anything supernatural. Notwithstanding, the supernatural is in the story, without a doubt, considering it is a horror story. The first is the theme of the haunting nature of Hill... Show more content on ... Eleanor has no home in its true meaning, so important for a social human being. Her family has been a wreck; her mother has had her for a personal tender for eleven years, having deprived the girl of her personal life, and in the meantime making her life as miserable as can be. Eleanor s sister and her family have never considered Eleanor a grown up, never offered her support or understanding, so she has never really felt attachment towards them. Readers see Eleanor as a person without her family to rely on and actually without her home, for she keeps repeating that all she has is her suitcase of clothes and a carton at the back seat of her car, stolen from her sister (Jackson 197). Eleanor s search for the home continues through the story, and Shirley Jackson emphasizes on it, especially in the beginning, describing Eleanor s fantasies about her living in different houses, which she sees along the road. Every mansion has its atmosphere, and Eleanor daydreams about what her life could have been in each of them among the oleanders, or in the house with lions at the porch, or in a tiny cottage with the garden (Jackson 13 17). The young woman longs for having some place to go, but life seems blurry and uncertain at present, so Eleanor prefers to catch the moment. Her dreams of a perfect home develop when she tells Theodora about the imaginary little apartment. She simply makes it up, following Theo s pattern and story, and tricks the companion into believing she has a place to return, a little place of my own, as she calls it (Jackson 71). Hill House becomes her home in an unexpected way. When Eleanor starts losing her connection with the reality, when she buries in her thoughts, and hears something sing to her, feels its touches, recognizes the presence, she seems to dissolve in the house, to mingle with it. On a variety of occasions, she feels her connection
  • 52. The Importance Of Perfectionism Human has created by God perfectly, but human being fell in Eden garden, then human became imperfect, so the imperfect human being can t from perfect feats. No human accomplishments can be qualified perfectly, thus to seek perfectionism is a dream or utopia. Moreover, the research shows us a lot of theories need to be enhanced in exact sciences; mathematics, physics biology, also in social sciences. Therefore, the problem with perfectionism is as to cut the air in the hands. However, a humancan realize the extraordinary feats in timeand space. Although perfectionism undermines excellence, the history and the present are still the witness of the perfectionist talents as James Watt, who modified the steam machine of Newcomen and Savery, Michelangelo, and Steve Jobs for Apple s and iPhone, so on, which perfectionist endeavors contributed to impact the society positively. However, the problem with the perfectionists needs to recognize the human being limit which can t create perfect efforts. Perfectionism is an obstacle for the creativity because it spotlights the efforts to attain the result out of the achievement. Furthermore, because perfectionists often focus on problems and weaknesses, rather than strengths and opportunities, this can create a highly negative climate (Livesey, 2016). Sieving people capacities to generate the innovative ideas, perfectionism makes people afraid to effort doing an endeavor that the world can judge you unable creating additional items.
  • 53. Medieval Ages Research Paper The Medieval Ages The Medieval Ages that descended upon the Europeans following the deconstruction and devolution of the formerly grand institutions of the Roman Empire left a world darkened to the eyes of history. The world lost touch with simple concepts to a modern history student of writing, economy, culture, and government #8212;the mainstay of that which we cannot see ourselves without #8212;civilization. What was left of Europe was a state of chaos. In all other periods of human history I have studied there were similarities among them from which I could draw conclusions upon the condition of the respective times. The Text helped to give order to the progression of European history from the ancient to the modern drawing ... Show more content on ... Without stability security is harder to maintain and both are needed to promote profitable economic activity. Roman society in the western Empire had slowly developed into a subsistence plantation society comparable to the American antebellum southern society of the 19th century. Government institutions slowly died out, as did any form of an economic market. The majority of the population was enslaved. There was little civilization save the aristocracy for the Germans to destroy even when they came to the area. Rome had become a corrupt political center, to become Emperor was to sign your own death warrant, therefore the only people interested were the most unskilled the empire had yet seen. When the Germans finally came to dominate Western Europe there was virtually no academics or literacy. The historical record from this point is cloudy. The main source of knowledge comes from the church and its scribe monks. This obviously gives their interpretation of the events of the time a less than secular point of view. The church in fact quickly assumed the reins of a European political vacuum. Churches and monasteries usually were the only centers of knowledge and trade and of community. Eventually a reorganization of the political order developed locally with feudalism. It was a cheap, local and efficient from of government. It didn t offer much more than order and
  • 54. Collaborative Public Policy Analysis A network can be roughly defined as a group of actors who each have an invested interest or stake in a particular area. In the policy arena, networks are considered as complex policy settings in which multiple actors (public agencies, interest groups, legislative sectors, corporations, nonprofits, etc.) interact and make policy decisions to ensure that policy outcomes will suit their interest. These networks are stable, yet informal and can take place among public, private and quasigovernmental agencies and organizations on a local, national or worldwide level. Through the various readings we see that networks tend to have (1) resource interdependence between actors (2) the involvement of multiple actors, each with their own interests and... Show more content on ... These are called collaborative networks and in the article Collaborative Public Management: New Strategies for Local Governments (Agranoff and McGuire, 2003) they are discussed a bit. According to the authors, collaborative networks include government agencies, nonprofits, and for profits that work together to provide a public good, service, or value when a single public agency is unable to create the good or service on its own and/or the private sector is unable or unwilling to provide the goods or services in the desired quantities (Agranoff and McGuire, 2003). An issue that a collaborative network might form around to influence public policy is healthcare. In the article A Preliminary Theory of Interorganizational Network Effectiveness: A Comparative Study of Four Community Mental Health Systems (Provan Milward, 1995), the authors explained the structural component to effectively providing quality healthcare through a collaborative network. They summed it up best with the quote although individual agencies obviously have an important role to play in service delivery and some agencies will clearly be more involved and provide higher quality services than others, if overall client well being depends on receiving different services provided by multiple agencies, client outcomes should be explained by focusing on network level activities and structures (Provan Milward,
  • 55. Anger In A Doll s House Anger is perhaps not well understood because it is omnipresent; anger is so familiar that we assume we know what it is. Anger may be partly physiological, cognitive and psychological, yet it is also deeply ideological. Anger can be manifested in art or literature as a communal sensation towards social, political or economical conditions. (Sue J. 6) It is wise to direct your anger towards problems not people; to focus your energies on answers not excuses, said William Arthur Ward (Ward 24), and so much can be said for the authors, dramatists and novelists, in the modern era who attempted, through their writings, to crack the shell that is the literary restrictions on writing, and expressed their anger toward all their surroundings. In ... Show more content on ... At the turn of the century, Expressionism and Symbolism were important, especially in Northern Europe. Both involved non realistic styles of acting, staging, and language, with expressionism concentrating on using unusual technical devices to project the interior states of characters. Surrealist drama, including the work of Eugene Ionesco, is an outgrowth of Expressionism, but no longer presumes internal coherence and follows the illogic of dream states or random occurrences. Another group of plays focused on social and political critique, in the case of Berthold Brecht combined with techniques of alienation (which emphasize the unreal nature of the play) to force the audience to think critically rather than empathetically. After the World War I western mostly lost its separate literary identity and more internationally unified. Realism, naturalism and symbolism continued to dominate the plays. In English drama John Galsworthy s plays are considered to be plays of naturalism. Another important movement in early 20th century drama was expressionism. They tried to depict the dehumanizing aspects of 20th century technological life. Even though we cannot find much playwrights of expressionism in English other western writers followed this. The Angry Young Men of England also engage in socially aware portraits of the working class but in a more aesthetically conservative style. In a negative description,