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Public Policy And Advocacy
Please take a few minutes to complete the survey regarding your responsibilities to participate in public policy and advocacy work. This purpose of
this survey is to get an understanding of how you and our organization value civic and public policy engagement. We want your honest thoughts and
opinions to these questions. This survey is voluntarily and anonymous. Advocacy is a political process by an individual or organization, which aims to
influence decisions within political, economic, and social systems and institutions. Advocacy work can include many activities that you and your
organization embarks upon including media campaigns, public speaking, publishing research, or the filing of an amicus brief. Lobbying is a form of
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Reflection Paper On Advocacy
Introduction This paper represents the culmination of my journey into advocacy this semester. This journey is the crowning touch of a degree in
social work. It is an evolution of awareness and the beginning of an appreciation for a bigger cause. When I started this, I had no idea what would
evolve and even less about what the implications would be; a larger, broader view of privilege and power within a nonprofit organization was not on
the agenda. A sense of more was delivered to this student and a bigger picture became clear. This in turn was a revelation and a true self discovery of
Scanning the Environment When scanning the environment for the purpose of advocacy I knew it was going to have to be something I was already more content...
I did not expect to change the ordinance on panhandling. I thought conceivably a conversation would bring attention to the oppression and a solution
could be attempted to lessen the arrests. There is little to no difference between those that solicit for a charity and those that solicit for survival Loper
v. New York City Police Dep't, 999 F.2d 699 (1993), Schaumburg v. Citizens for a Better Environment, 444 U.S. 620 (1980). To target the individual
and reward a charity for the same act seems unfair.
Panhandlers put themselves in a precarious position to be degraded, and humiliated, they are already vulnerable, down on their luck, and criminalized,
why would we think that anyone would on purpose put themselves through this (Lankenau, 1999, p. 289). Having said that, to ban panhandling may
not be the answer society is looking for (Wheeler, 2017, p. 5). Panhandling is a symptom of low employment opportunities and homelessness. When
employment is not available or when homeless people do not have access to public benefits panhandling may be the only option for a person (Bauman,
2014, p. 21).
Adopting this view was when the advocacy started formulating, and the mindset was changed for me. To understand the different perspectives, I
decided to interview a lot of people. Write a letter to the Mayor of Norfolk and see where this took me. I did this because at least this city had an
ordinance and not a code just prohibiting
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Advocacy In Health And Social Care
Drawing on your current and previous social care experience, theoretical perspectives and knowledge acquired through the DPP2 module, present a
discussion of your understanding of these concepts and, their relevance to your own developing professional practice.
This assignment will examine the concepts of Advocacy, Partnership Working and Empowerment. It will firstly describe the three concepts
individually and then, in order to examine the topic in more depth, scrutinise how the concepts link and are relevant to each other. The complexities
and tensions regarding these connections and how these may impact on service users, social workers and social care agencies will also be examined.
Examples of professional working more content...
'Advocacy signals the necessity to validate the experience of clients and patients and ensure that their rights, wishes and needs are met' (Adams et al,
2002, p.207). Social Work should not focus on the service users presumed inadequacies but to the barriers which are placed in the way of them
taking control of their lives. The focus should be shifted from charity and sympathy to advocacy and rights (Thompson, 2001) In order for advocacy
to be a justifiable part of social work, it is essential that the professional feels confident in the role and that adequate training and support have been
provided by the agency (Trevithick, 2002). Some professionals do not have the confidence or the correct knowledge around the subject in order to
advocate on a service users behalf and this can be detrimental to the process (Braye and Preston–Shoot, 1998). There can be a danger when a
professional advocates for a client, that the client is disempowered by the process. This can be because the professional has taken over the situation
and the client has lost the chance to learn to empower themselves, so it is essential that adequate and thorough training is provided in order to train
workers who deal in advocacy (Dalyramble and Burke, 2003). Like other social work skills, Advocacy is a skill which can be learnt and which can be
developed over time through experience and resulting confidence. Partnership Working
There are two forms of partnership working, one being
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Examples Of Self Advocacy
In the following essay I will provide a brief overview Advocacy, following on from this I will briefly out line self–advocacy and rights based
approaches. I shall compare and contrast both approaches, in concluding I shall comment on my research and provide recommendations to enhance
service provision within the social care field.
As an emerging social care professional one of our main roles is advocating on behalf of some of the most vulnerable members of our society, first
priority to service users is that we ensure we abide by ethical, legal and moral framework, while ensuring we empower them to have their voices
heard. Advocacy is an important element within social care, it strives to empower, safeguard and protect the vulnerable. As wilks has proposed
defining advocacy is difficult, what emerges is the range and diversity of services it provides and is very much service user led, ultimately keeping
their independence at the very heart of it. ( 2012.p1). the following definitions provided by SEAP, offers a simplistic explanation of what it entails. more content...
An advocate might help you access information you need or go with you to meetings or interviews, in a supportive role. You may want your advocate
to write letters on your behalf, or speak for you in situations where you don't feel able to speak for yourself." (SEAP, 2016).
In the following essay I have chosen two models of advocacy, I aim to briefly out line self–advocacy and rights based approaches. I shall compare and
contrast both approaches, in concluding I shall comment on my research and provide recommendations to enhance service provision within the social
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Essay On Advocacy Strategies
The advocacy strategy must be evaluated because advocacy often only provides results partially, an advocacy team needs to measure and monitor
regularly and objectively what has been accomplished and what more important to be done. Primarily, evaluation is important in terms of
accountability means to examine whether a case can be made that an advocacy effort produced its intended results and also to ensure the advocacy
efforts are doing what they said they would do and that the well–managed resources. Another reason is informing decision–making in terms of
providing data will inform and strengthen advocacy efforts while they are happening. Finally, evaluation is for national and global learning which
means to use monitoring and more content...
1). Besides this, the most effective strategy should be theory–driven, address social norms around alcohol use, and build personal and social skills. The
time management during undertaking interventions is also essential and planning must be made with confidence. Instead of that, as the leader, by
staying calm and confident, will help keep the team feeling the same and the positive attitude help the team motivated towards the specific goal. The
effective communication within a team during implementation and planning is necessary to make good decisions and being able to clearly and
succinctly illustrate what we want to be done is extremely an important. The planning should be done within budget for effective planning and
interventions. At the end, alcohol typically uses, begins during adolescents so schools can be important setting for intervention to reduce alcohol use
among youth.
ANS8. The action plan for alcohol can be done in many ways firstly, to reduce the exposure to alcohol promotion in young people in terms of
removing alcohol advertising from public transport, involving schools and other buses and bus stops and also remove alcohol advertising product from
other governments owned sites, and supporting grounds. Secondly, by reducing underage access to alcohol including police requests support for
purchase operations controlled to ensure
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In the Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, Brown, Livermore and Ball state that advocacy is defined as an "action on behalf of an aggrieved
individual, group or class of individuals–people subject to discrimination and injustice" (Brown, Livermore & Ball, 2015). Advocacy is one of the key
components to separating social work from all other heath professions (Brown et al., 2015). Types of Advocacy Advocacy is nonexclusive to certain
subjects and continues to grow progressively through time. However, British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD) categorizes advocacy into six
groups. The first category they describe is case advocacy. This type of advocacy is often short–termed and used in legal situations such as "child
protection" or "financial matters" (Types of advocacy, 2016). The second is self–advocacy. BILD states that self–advocacy contrasts from other types
of advocacy in the fact that a person recognizes their own needs and takes a stand on their own (Types of advocacy, 2016). Third is peer advocacy.
This is when the advocate has been through a similar situation or issues much like that of the person needing advocating for (Types of advocacy, 2016).
Fourth, they list paid independent more content...
Being an advocate for CASA is considered case advocacy. This book describes how advocates represent their children not only in the legal court
system, but also within their everyday lives. One story from the book is title Wonder Woman. The child, a teenager when he wrote the essay, called
his CASA worker his "Wonder Woman" (National, 2004). He states that when no one was else was present in his life, she was. She helped him
through his hurt, his pain and his suffering. His CASA served as the only stable person in his life. Near the end of his essay, he states, "She was
always there for my family and me, and she still is" (National,
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Ethical Principles Of Advocacy
What will you do? What motivates your decision?
Answer: One of the mean goals of the hospice nurse is to provide comfort measure to your patients not cure. Therefore, the biggest concern for Mr.J at
this time is ensuring he is not experiencing any discomfort or pain while providing him my presence on the farewell. By doing so, the nurse respects the
ethical principles of Advocacy which mean to understand the patient and provide help and comfort. Sometimes, touch therapy could be an option to
maintain the palliative care for your patient.
2. How would you articulate your reasoning to your colleagues?
Answer: I will articulate my reasoning by presenting nursing on both aspects science and art. Nursing as a science used evidence–based
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Advocacy for family and Youth Essay
Josie's Case Study Josie is an 11 year old bi–racial adolescent who lives with her single mother. Josie has been known to have learning and behavioral
problems in school, home and community. Due to her behavioral issues, Josie was asked not to return to her soccer team and is no longer permitted
at their school program. While counseling Josie, she stated that she has been extremely depressed and she does not care about life. As a human
service professional, the ecological model that I will apply to Josie case is being able to develop a broad understanding of her problems. This model
sometimes is referred to as person –in– situation or person–in–environment model, which looks at the individual client in the context (Summer, 2011
pg.71) more content...
This is because when a client talks to me there are two aspects to which i can listen and respond, and it is the content of what the client has said and
the feelings that underline what the client has said (Summers, 2011, pg. 154). Due to Josie's depression, she needs someone to respond to her
feelings and by doing this Josie is being assured that she will get the proper support she desperately needs, which will make it easier for me to talk
to her about her problems and issues. As a professional, I am responsible for creating an environment that makes my client feel comfortable and
safe enough to be sharing her feelings without being judged by others. Therefore, I am in charge of communicating in a way that builds rapport
and collaboration in regard to Josie problems, this actually means I need to think carefully about how I am going to respond to Josie's problems
before I actually do so. Roadblocks that could occur to be a successful advocacy for this scenario can be due to lack of confidentiality, transportation
and money. I feel as young as Josie is; she is not able to be confidential. Thus, for this scenario, Josie's mother is urged to sign a blanket release of
information, so that when the school requests information on Josie situation, all the information is sent to the school (Summers, 2011). Usually it is
stamped in red letters with the word confidential. As a professional, this responsibility
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Domestic Violence Advocacy Paper
Societal Issue
The goal for domestic violence is to reduce these social norms and create an environment that will allow women and children to live their lives
without the fear of violence. Relationships between victims of domestic violence and their abusers are full of power differences. Ordinarily, men have
power economically and physically. These realities further make it difficult for the victims to negotiate on equal balance with their abusers (National
Resource Ctr on Domestic Violence, & United States of America. (2005). This only leads to the idea that women are oppressed by male power in our
society, which includes marriage.
Three Distinctions between Change and Advocacy Perspectives to Domestic Violence
Homan (2011) states "advocacy gives voice to our knowledge and values on behalf of and in partnership with those whose voices are not often
heard" (p. 404). Advocacy for domestic violence involves advocating for domestic violence victims, those who are powerless to advocate for services
they need, it also involves advocating to empower them to advocate for themselves and their families, more content...
However in order to bring about social change it requires some form of advocacy to do so, whether advocating for individuals or groups of people
(Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009). In relations to domestic violence, social change is political and it requires critical examination
of power and control within society. It also requires moving pro–actively to create systemic and cultural transformation based on respect. Advocacy as
it relates to domestic violence is being able to understand the societal and personal impact of oppression and internalized oppression, then working hard
to bring about change (National Resource Ctr on Domestic Violence, & United States of America.
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The Importance of Patient Advocacy Essay
In Nursing, there will always be instances where the patient's nurse needs to advocate for their patient. There are numerous reasons why a nurse would
advocate for their patient ranging from getting the doctor to change the patient's orders, helping the patient's treatment team understand what it is the
patient is requiring for the day, to expressing the patient's last wishes before death. In every situation, the nurse should do what is in the patient's best
interest. Tomajan (2012), "Advocacy skills are the ability to successfully support a cause or interest on one's own behalf or that of another. Advocacy
requires a set of skills that include problem solving, communication, influence, and collaboration"(p. 2). With those skills, more content...
Another example is when a doctor just transcribed a lot of new orders and the patient doesn't know what some of the tests are and the nurse doesn't
know why the doctor ordered them. The nurse then needs to hunt down the doctor and advocate for their patient. Once the nurse speaks to the doctor
and they ask them to come and explain the tests and reasoning to the patient that is the first step of advocating for their patient. When the doctor goes
to talk to the patient, the patient asks many questions and agrees to have the tests done. This was a problem but once the problem was identified, the
patient understood what was going on and felt like they had a say in it. The second core attribute is acting on behalf of the patient that includes
representing patients' values, benefits, and rights. (Bu & Jezewski, 2006) Since it is the patients right to know why certain things are being done, it
was appropriate for the nurse to ask the doctor to go speak to the patient. The last core attribute championing social justice in the provisional of health
care is ethics of justice where in this case it doesn't apply. Basically what it is though is nurses becoming social activists and standing up for what is
right. Since the healthcare team and the patient worked together, the problem was solved almost instantly and the patient was happy with the outcome.
Communication is
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Patient Advocacy Essay
Nurses are in a great position to advocate for the patient when working with the other members of the healthcare team, and even the patient
themselves to achieve a focused outcome. As a student nurse, I keep the patient at the center of my care regardless of the situation. This can be hard,
as sometimes in the healthcare field the lines can be blurred by differences in the opinions of healthcare workers and family members, as well as
influences of circumstantial factors. The way that I advocate for my patients is by being aware of my patient's needs and want, and expressing these
needs when the patient can't.
A great example of this, was during my nursing leadership clinicals at the Augustanahealth Care Facility in downtown Minneapolis. This facility is a
large organization that serves the more content...
Some nurse leaders recognize patient advocacy as a role integral to the moral values system in nursing, enhanced by the nurse–patient relationship.
Building that relationship is vital for advocating because is it really allows the nurse to know what the patient's want and needs. The belief in advocacy
as an appropriate role for nurses has evolved by justice and human rights, equal opportunities for all, and individual accountability for control (Altun &
Ersoy, 2003). The ethics by which nursing is founded, support the notion that nurses are patient advocates. A study was done in 2003 with nursing
students. Because advocacy is such an important part of nursing, the study found that nursing schools should incorporate patient advocacy into the
teaching of nursing practice to develop the students' sensitivity to advocate for patients' rights (Altun & Ersoy, 2003). By recognizing early on the
importance of keeping our patient's wants and needs at the forefront of our care, it will be easier to navigate through the difficult circumstances that can
arise in health
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Social Workers and Policy Advocacy Essay
As a social worker it is important to engage in policy practice. It is a part of the profession, whether you like it or not. It is an aspect that can
change the way things are done for clients in a good way or bad. If you want to be more affective in practice, advocating for policies is one way of
making sure your clients receive what they deserve. Chapin (2011) talks about how as a social worker you cannot take on every social policy issue,
but it is important to consider the policies that affect your client population. In light of Chapin (2011) my client population is students in an alternative
school, ages 17–20. The current policy that will affect them most in their school career is the Common Core State Standards. This is a
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In the House the K–12 subcommittee, education appropriations subcommittee, and the education committee reviewed it. In the Senate the
appropriations, education, and appropriations subcommittee on education reviewed the bill. Both of the bills were "killed" in one of the
committees it was read to. This shows that there is still a need for more advocacy for this bill to be passed. One of the members on the House
education committee is Joe Saunders. He is a supporter of this bill and wants to see it passed this time during legislation. When he spoke about
this in class you could tell how passionate he was, he values education and wants to see the state of Florida improve in that area for the younger
generations. Also, CPALMS is in support of this policy; this is the source for the standards in Florida (Common Core State Standards). On the other
hand, like with any policy there will be opposition as well. In the state of Florida there are a lot of older adults making up the population. Since they
are retired they may not think about the value of education for the younger population in the state. This is where there would need to be the most
advocacy to get this population on board to pass this policy. The first step in the advocacy plan would be to talk with Joe Saunders, the representative
in my district. It is important to voice your thoughts to a legislator who will support what you want to see
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What Is Active Advocacy
Isaiah, Thanks for the generative post. You write, "These goals cannot be met from studying, but, instead, they can only be met through advocacy." I
agree with the importance of action, especially through active advocacy, but I also believe it is imperative that we continually be studying, too. As
we depart from this class as advocates for the goals that you mentioned, there will be opposition and counteraction. If there is not, we are not
everywhere that we are needed. This inevitable resistance thrives off of ignorant advocacy, and it will inevitable require that we are well studied and
unafraid. Your mentioning of "only...advocacy" reminds me of a quote from Angela Davis from 13th: "Historically, when one looks at efforts to create
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Social Worker Advocacy
The relevance of this problem to social work is that social workers are able to advocate for these children. The lack of mental screening of children
placed into foster care is becoming a concern. There is a growing need for thorough observation and identification of children with emotional and
behavioral issues. In order for children to get the proper help and care they have to be properly examined, diagnosed, and treated. Adolescents in foster
care are all assigned a social worker who is to advocate for them. Social workers would attempt to improve child welfare practices and policies (Pecora
et al., 2009). As the Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) developed long–term relationships with foster care children social workers would
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Client Advocacy Essay
Advocacy in the Counseling Profession My understanding of a definition of advocacy concerning counseling is the steps taken to assist others in
reaching their optimal well–being while removing any barriers; this is a crucial part of the counseling profession. "Being and becoming active in
advocacy has become part of the professional identity of a counselor and remains an imperative if the profession is to survive in a competitive
marketplace" (Myers, Sweeny, & White, 2002, p. 398). Since the counseling profession is still a relatively new sector in the helping professions, it is
essential that old, as well as, new up and coming counselors advocate for our profession. We need to get our titles into society so that the public may
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In our scope of practice, many lines of our work exist on a continuum, and likewise, our advocacy role contains everything from designing
interventions to influencing public policy and systemic changes (Gladding & Newsome, 2018, p. 179). At times, we will face clients possibly
living in conditions that are hindering them from reaching their full potential. As a counselor and advocate, we must remember that specific groups
are faced with more challenges than others, for illustration, Muslims, and Hispanics. Counselors should take a leap toward social justice for these
two groups, and any others in their clientele. According to Gladding & Newsome (2018), becoming involved with empowerment, outreach, social
justice and social action are ways in which we can aim to help society and not just individual clients. To conclude, advocacy is essential in the
counseling profession because counseling can be a lengthy process and there is no one fit all solution when it comes to our clients. Each case is
unique, and we must find ways to deliver favorable results. Additionally, advocating for our profession's title publicly instead of just trying to pass off
as a social worker or therapist is imperative to the growth of our profession (Myers et al., 2002). The continuation and growth of our profession are
dependent upon current
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Advocacy: The Role Of Advocacy In Health Care
An advocator is a person who pleads the cause for others and as patient advocators; it would be for their rights. Mallik (1997), noted a difference in
the structure of the advocacy relationship in law and in nursing. Whilst in law the etymology of the word advocacy relates to a "calling to" and the
establishment of a contract between the parties. In nursing the action tends to reflect more a "giving of" helping an individual. Nursing advocacy had
been defined as "communicating with and informing patients and building relationships with patients" (Hanks, 2008). Nygardth et al. (2011)
highlighted a range of nursing definitions of advocacy; one of it is protecting patients' rights and empowering them in decision making.
Advocacy in health care
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Example Of A Advocacy Research Paper
I do believe advocacy is important in carrying out the core functions of public heath.Advocacy is what one thinks and needs to be done. A good
advocacy and a good leader can create a shared vision at the individual, organizational and community level to accomplish the three core functions of
public health. A good advocacy can energize and inspire people to achieve thepublic health goal through the team
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Advocacy As A Social Worker
Advocacy is essential to a social worker career. They advocate frequently for others, who feel like their voices are not being heard; therefore,
advocating is used to promote change in people lives. Advocacy help individuals, groups, or communities by contributing empowerment to those who
need a change in their environment. Social workers normally advocate for people who live in impoverished communities, children's or people with
disabilities. Most of the time, people living in impoverished communities are disadvantaged because of limited resources. Children because they have
no voice and may not be aware of unfairness. Also, in my opinion, people with disabilities do not get heard because of the stigma that is attached to a
person with a disability.
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Career Interest : Child Advocacy Essay
Career Interest: Child Advocacy Career
The area that I am interested in serving in is the Child Advocacy area. I have a heart for children and if I can do more for children in need that is
something that I want to devote my time to. Child Advocacy is a career that specializes in the placement of child that have been removed from their
homes and placed in the foster care system due to situations that may have involved abuse, neglect, or even the passing away of the parents with no
other relatives to care for them. In this paper I will review the duties of the Child Advocate, the population that they serve in this area, and any
special needs that they have. I will also elaborate on my personal and professional characteristics that I feel may need to be improved to efficiently
help in this area, what social welfare programs I feel could help my clients and how many they have helped. Finally, I will review the Human Service
ethical codes that I feel impact this area of service and how I will ensure ethical adherence in this area.
A Child Advocate is an important role for a Human Service worker as well as the client. In this case the client is a child who has been removed from
their family and placed in the foster care system. They may have been abused, neglected, or abandoned. They often tend to have emotional or physical
injuries, so it is vital that these children have the opportunity to find a placement with a foster or permanent home that
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Public Policy And Advocacy

  • 1. Public Policy And Advocacy Please take a few minutes to complete the survey regarding your responsibilities to participate in public policy and advocacy work. This purpose of this survey is to get an understanding of how you and our organization value civic and public policy engagement. We want your honest thoughts and opinions to these questions. This survey is voluntarily and anonymous. Advocacy is a political process by an individual or organization, which aims to influence decisions within political, economic, and social systems and institutions. Advocacy work can include many activities that you and your organization embarks upon including media campaigns, public speaking, publishing research, or the filing of an amicus brief. Lobbying is a form of advocacy Get more content on
  • 2. Reflection Paper On Advocacy Introduction This paper represents the culmination of my journey into advocacy this semester. This journey is the crowning touch of a degree in social work. It is an evolution of awareness and the beginning of an appreciation for a bigger cause. When I started this, I had no idea what would evolve and even less about what the implications would be; a larger, broader view of privilege and power within a nonprofit organization was not on the agenda. A sense of more was delivered to this student and a bigger picture became clear. This in turn was a revelation and a true self discovery of purpose. Scanning the Environment When scanning the environment for the purpose of advocacy I knew it was going to have to be something I was already more content... I did not expect to change the ordinance on panhandling. I thought conceivably a conversation would bring attention to the oppression and a solution could be attempted to lessen the arrests. There is little to no difference between those that solicit for a charity and those that solicit for survival Loper v. New York City Police Dep't, 999 F.2d 699 (1993), Schaumburg v. Citizens for a Better Environment, 444 U.S. 620 (1980). To target the individual and reward a charity for the same act seems unfair. Panhandlers put themselves in a precarious position to be degraded, and humiliated, they are already vulnerable, down on their luck, and criminalized, why would we think that anyone would on purpose put themselves through this (Lankenau, 1999, p. 289). Having said that, to ban panhandling may not be the answer society is looking for (Wheeler, 2017, p. 5). Panhandling is a symptom of low employment opportunities and homelessness. When employment is not available or when homeless people do not have access to public benefits panhandling may be the only option for a person (Bauman, 2014, p. 21). Adopting this view was when the advocacy started formulating, and the mindset was changed for me. To understand the different perspectives, I decided to interview a lot of people. Write a letter to the Mayor of Norfolk and see where this took me. I did this because at least this city had an ordinance and not a code just prohibiting Get more content on
  • 3. Advocacy In Health And Social Care Drawing on your current and previous social care experience, theoretical perspectives and knowledge acquired through the DPP2 module, present a discussion of your understanding of these concepts and, their relevance to your own developing professional practice. This assignment will examine the concepts of Advocacy, Partnership Working and Empowerment. It will firstly describe the three concepts individually and then, in order to examine the topic in more depth, scrutinise how the concepts link and are relevant to each other. The complexities and tensions regarding these connections and how these may impact on service users, social workers and social care agencies will also be examined. Examples of professional working more content... 'Advocacy signals the necessity to validate the experience of clients and patients and ensure that their rights, wishes and needs are met' (Adams et al, 2002, p.207). Social Work should not focus on the service users presumed inadequacies but to the barriers which are placed in the way of them taking control of their lives. The focus should be shifted from charity and sympathy to advocacy and rights (Thompson, 2001) In order for advocacy to be a justifiable part of social work, it is essential that the professional feels confident in the role and that adequate training and support have been provided by the agency (Trevithick, 2002). Some professionals do not have the confidence or the correct knowledge around the subject in order to advocate on a service users behalf and this can be detrimental to the process (Braye and Preston–Shoot, 1998). There can be a danger when a professional advocates for a client, that the client is disempowered by the process. This can be because the professional has taken over the situation and the client has lost the chance to learn to empower themselves, so it is essential that adequate and thorough training is provided in order to train workers who deal in advocacy (Dalyramble and Burke, 2003). Like other social work skills, Advocacy is a skill which can be learnt and which can be developed over time through experience and resulting confidence. Partnership Working There are two forms of partnership working, one being Get more content on
  • 4. Examples Of Self Advocacy In the following essay I will provide a brief overview Advocacy, following on from this I will briefly out line self–advocacy and rights based approaches. I shall compare and contrast both approaches, in concluding I shall comment on my research and provide recommendations to enhance service provision within the social care field. As an emerging social care professional one of our main roles is advocating on behalf of some of the most vulnerable members of our society, first priority to service users is that we ensure we abide by ethical, legal and moral framework, while ensuring we empower them to have their voices heard. Advocacy is an important element within social care, it strives to empower, safeguard and protect the vulnerable. As wilks has proposed defining advocacy is difficult, what emerges is the range and diversity of services it provides and is very much service user led, ultimately keeping their independence at the very heart of it. ( 2012.p1). the following definitions provided by SEAP, offers a simplistic explanation of what it entails. more content... An advocate might help you access information you need or go with you to meetings or interviews, in a supportive role. You may want your advocate to write letters on your behalf, or speak for you in situations where you don't feel able to speak for yourself." (SEAP, 2016). In the following essay I have chosen two models of advocacy, I aim to briefly out line self–advocacy and rights based approaches. I shall compare and contrast both approaches, in concluding I shall comment on my research and provide recommendations to enhance service provision within the social care Get more content on
  • 5. Essay On Advocacy Strategies The advocacy strategy must be evaluated because advocacy often only provides results partially, an advocacy team needs to measure and monitor regularly and objectively what has been accomplished and what more important to be done. Primarily, evaluation is important in terms of accountability means to examine whether a case can be made that an advocacy effort produced its intended results and also to ensure the advocacy efforts are doing what they said they would do and that the well–managed resources. Another reason is informing decision–making in terms of providing data will inform and strengthen advocacy efforts while they are happening. Finally, evaluation is for national and global learning which means to use monitoring and more content... 1). Besides this, the most effective strategy should be theory–driven, address social norms around alcohol use, and build personal and social skills. The time management during undertaking interventions is also essential and planning must be made with confidence. Instead of that, as the leader, by staying calm and confident, will help keep the team feeling the same and the positive attitude help the team motivated towards the specific goal. The effective communication within a team during implementation and planning is necessary to make good decisions and being able to clearly and succinctly illustrate what we want to be done is extremely an important. The planning should be done within budget for effective planning and interventions. At the end, alcohol typically uses, begins during adolescents so schools can be important setting for intervention to reduce alcohol use among youth. ANS8. The action plan for alcohol can be done in many ways firstly, to reduce the exposure to alcohol promotion in young people in terms of removing alcohol advertising from public transport, involving schools and other buses and bus stops and also remove alcohol advertising product from other governments owned sites, and supporting grounds. Secondly, by reducing underage access to alcohol including police requests support for purchase operations controlled to ensure Get more content on
  • 6. Advocacy In the Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, Brown, Livermore and Ball state that advocacy is defined as an "action on behalf of an aggrieved individual, group or class of individuals–people subject to discrimination and injustice" (Brown, Livermore & Ball, 2015). Advocacy is one of the key components to separating social work from all other heath professions (Brown et al., 2015). Types of Advocacy Advocacy is nonexclusive to certain subjects and continues to grow progressively through time. However, British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD) categorizes advocacy into six groups. The first category they describe is case advocacy. This type of advocacy is often short–termed and used in legal situations such as "child protection" or "financial matters" (Types of advocacy, 2016). The second is self–advocacy. BILD states that self–advocacy contrasts from other types of advocacy in the fact that a person recognizes their own needs and takes a stand on their own (Types of advocacy, 2016). Third is peer advocacy. This is when the advocate has been through a similar situation or issues much like that of the person needing advocating for (Types of advocacy, 2016). Fourth, they list paid independent more content... Being an advocate for CASA is considered case advocacy. This book describes how advocates represent their children not only in the legal court system, but also within their everyday lives. One story from the book is title Wonder Woman. The child, a teenager when he wrote the essay, called his CASA worker his "Wonder Woman" (National, 2004). He states that when no one was else was present in his life, she was. She helped him through his hurt, his pain and his suffering. His CASA served as the only stable person in his life. Near the end of his essay, he states, "She was always there for my family and me, and she still is" (National, Get more content on
  • 7. Ethical Principles Of Advocacy What will you do? What motivates your decision? Answer: One of the mean goals of the hospice nurse is to provide comfort measure to your patients not cure. Therefore, the biggest concern for Mr.J at this time is ensuring he is not experiencing any discomfort or pain while providing him my presence on the farewell. By doing so, the nurse respects the ethical principles of Advocacy which mean to understand the patient and provide help and comfort. Sometimes, touch therapy could be an option to maintain the palliative care for your patient. 2. How would you articulate your reasoning to your colleagues? Answer: I will articulate my reasoning by presenting nursing on both aspects science and art. Nursing as a science used evidence–based Get more content on
  • 8. Advocacy for family and Youth Essay Josie's Case Study Josie is an 11 year old bi–racial adolescent who lives with her single mother. Josie has been known to have learning and behavioral problems in school, home and community. Due to her behavioral issues, Josie was asked not to return to her soccer team and is no longer permitted at their school program. While counseling Josie, she stated that she has been extremely depressed and she does not care about life. As a human service professional, the ecological model that I will apply to Josie case is being able to develop a broad understanding of her problems. This model sometimes is referred to as person –in– situation or person–in–environment model, which looks at the individual client in the context (Summer, 2011 pg.71) more content... This is because when a client talks to me there are two aspects to which i can listen and respond, and it is the content of what the client has said and the feelings that underline what the client has said (Summers, 2011, pg. 154). Due to Josie's depression, she needs someone to respond to her feelings and by doing this Josie is being assured that she will get the proper support she desperately needs, which will make it easier for me to talk to her about her problems and issues. As a professional, I am responsible for creating an environment that makes my client feel comfortable and safe enough to be sharing her feelings without being judged by others. Therefore, I am in charge of communicating in a way that builds rapport and collaboration in regard to Josie problems, this actually means I need to think carefully about how I am going to respond to Josie's problems before I actually do so. Roadblocks that could occur to be a successful advocacy for this scenario can be due to lack of confidentiality, transportation and money. I feel as young as Josie is; she is not able to be confidential. Thus, for this scenario, Josie's mother is urged to sign a blanket release of information, so that when the school requests information on Josie situation, all the information is sent to the school (Summers, 2011). Usually it is stamped in red letters with the word confidential. As a professional, this responsibility Get more content on
  • 9. Domestic Violence Advocacy Paper Societal Issue The goal for domestic violence is to reduce these social norms and create an environment that will allow women and children to live their lives without the fear of violence. Relationships between victims of domestic violence and their abusers are full of power differences. Ordinarily, men have power economically and physically. These realities further make it difficult for the victims to negotiate on equal balance with their abusers (National Resource Ctr on Domestic Violence, & United States of America. (2005). This only leads to the idea that women are oppressed by male power in our society, which includes marriage. Three Distinctions between Change and Advocacy Perspectives to Domestic Violence Homan (2011) states "advocacy gives voice to our knowledge and values on behalf of and in partnership with those whose voices are not often heard" (p. 404). Advocacy for domestic violence involves advocating for domestic violence victims, those who are powerless to advocate for services they need, it also involves advocating to empower them to advocate for themselves and their families, more content... However in order to bring about social change it requires some form of advocacy to do so, whether advocating for individuals or groups of people (Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009). In relations to domestic violence, social change is political and it requires critical examination of power and control within society. It also requires moving pro–actively to create systemic and cultural transformation based on respect. Advocacy as it relates to domestic violence is being able to understand the societal and personal impact of oppression and internalized oppression, then working hard to bring about change (National Resource Ctr on Domestic Violence, & United States of America. Get more content on
  • 10. The Importance of Patient Advocacy Essay In Nursing, there will always be instances where the patient's nurse needs to advocate for their patient. There are numerous reasons why a nurse would advocate for their patient ranging from getting the doctor to change the patient's orders, helping the patient's treatment team understand what it is the patient is requiring for the day, to expressing the patient's last wishes before death. In every situation, the nurse should do what is in the patient's best interest. Tomajan (2012), "Advocacy skills are the ability to successfully support a cause or interest on one's own behalf or that of another. Advocacy requires a set of skills that include problem solving, communication, influence, and collaboration"(p. 2). With those skills, more content... Another example is when a doctor just transcribed a lot of new orders and the patient doesn't know what some of the tests are and the nurse doesn't know why the doctor ordered them. The nurse then needs to hunt down the doctor and advocate for their patient. Once the nurse speaks to the doctor and they ask them to come and explain the tests and reasoning to the patient that is the first step of advocating for their patient. When the doctor goes to talk to the patient, the patient asks many questions and agrees to have the tests done. This was a problem but once the problem was identified, the patient understood what was going on and felt like they had a say in it. The second core attribute is acting on behalf of the patient that includes representing patients' values, benefits, and rights. (Bu & Jezewski, 2006) Since it is the patients right to know why certain things are being done, it was appropriate for the nurse to ask the doctor to go speak to the patient. The last core attribute championing social justice in the provisional of health care is ethics of justice where in this case it doesn't apply. Basically what it is though is nurses becoming social activists and standing up for what is right. Since the healthcare team and the patient worked together, the problem was solved almost instantly and the patient was happy with the outcome. Communication Communication is Get more content on
  • 11. Patient Advocacy Essay Nurses are in a great position to advocate for the patient when working with the other members of the healthcare team, and even the patient themselves to achieve a focused outcome. As a student nurse, I keep the patient at the center of my care regardless of the situation. This can be hard, as sometimes in the healthcare field the lines can be blurred by differences in the opinions of healthcare workers and family members, as well as influences of circumstantial factors. The way that I advocate for my patients is by being aware of my patient's needs and want, and expressing these needs when the patient can't. A great example of this, was during my nursing leadership clinicals at the Augustanahealth Care Facility in downtown Minneapolis. This facility is a large organization that serves the more content... Some nurse leaders recognize patient advocacy as a role integral to the moral values system in nursing, enhanced by the nurse–patient relationship. Building that relationship is vital for advocating because is it really allows the nurse to know what the patient's want and needs. The belief in advocacy as an appropriate role for nurses has evolved by justice and human rights, equal opportunities for all, and individual accountability for control (Altun & Ersoy, 2003). The ethics by which nursing is founded, support the notion that nurses are patient advocates. A study was done in 2003 with nursing students. Because advocacy is such an important part of nursing, the study found that nursing schools should incorporate patient advocacy into the teaching of nursing practice to develop the students' sensitivity to advocate for patients' rights (Altun & Ersoy, 2003). By recognizing early on the importance of keeping our patient's wants and needs at the forefront of our care, it will be easier to navigate through the difficult circumstances that can arise in health Get more content on
  • 12. Social Workers and Policy Advocacy Essay As a social worker it is important to engage in policy practice. It is a part of the profession, whether you like it or not. It is an aspect that can change the way things are done for clients in a good way or bad. If you want to be more affective in practice, advocating for policies is one way of making sure your clients receive what they deserve. Chapin (2011) talks about how as a social worker you cannot take on every social policy issue, but it is important to consider the policies that affect your client population. In light of Chapin (2011) my client population is students in an alternative school, ages 17–20. The current policy that will affect them most in their school career is the Common Core State Standards. This is a more content... In the House the K–12 subcommittee, education appropriations subcommittee, and the education committee reviewed it. In the Senate the appropriations, education, and appropriations subcommittee on education reviewed the bill. Both of the bills were "killed" in one of the committees it was read to. This shows that there is still a need for more advocacy for this bill to be passed. One of the members on the House education committee is Joe Saunders. He is a supporter of this bill and wants to see it passed this time during legislation. When he spoke about this in class you could tell how passionate he was, he values education and wants to see the state of Florida improve in that area for the younger generations. Also, CPALMS is in support of this policy; this is the source for the standards in Florida (Common Core State Standards). On the other hand, like with any policy there will be opposition as well. In the state of Florida there are a lot of older adults making up the population. Since they are retired they may not think about the value of education for the younger population in the state. This is where there would need to be the most advocacy to get this population on board to pass this policy. The first step in the advocacy plan would be to talk with Joe Saunders, the representative in my district. It is important to voice your thoughts to a legislator who will support what you want to see Get more content on
  • 13. What Is Active Advocacy Isaiah, Thanks for the generative post. You write, "These goals cannot be met from studying, but, instead, they can only be met through advocacy." I agree with the importance of action, especially through active advocacy, but I also believe it is imperative that we continually be studying, too. As we depart from this class as advocates for the goals that you mentioned, there will be opposition and counteraction. If there is not, we are not everywhere that we are needed. This inevitable resistance thrives off of ignorant advocacy, and it will inevitable require that we are well studied and unafraid. Your mentioning of "only...advocacy" reminds me of a quote from Angela Davis from 13th: "Historically, when one looks at efforts to create reforms, Get more content on
  • 14. Social Worker Advocacy The relevance of this problem to social work is that social workers are able to advocate for these children. The lack of mental screening of children placed into foster care is becoming a concern. There is a growing need for thorough observation and identification of children with emotional and behavioral issues. In order for children to get the proper help and care they have to be properly examined, diagnosed, and treated. Adolescents in foster care are all assigned a social worker who is to advocate for them. Social workers would attempt to improve child welfare practices and policies (Pecora et al., 2009). As the Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) developed long–term relationships with foster care children social workers would have Get more content on
  • 15. Client Advocacy Essay Advocacy in the Counseling Profession My understanding of a definition of advocacy concerning counseling is the steps taken to assist others in reaching their optimal well–being while removing any barriers; this is a crucial part of the counseling profession. "Being and becoming active in advocacy has become part of the professional identity of a counselor and remains an imperative if the profession is to survive in a competitive marketplace" (Myers, Sweeny, & White, 2002, p. 398). Since the counseling profession is still a relatively new sector in the helping professions, it is essential that old, as well as, new up and coming counselors advocate for our profession. We need to get our titles into society so that the public may become more content... In our scope of practice, many lines of our work exist on a continuum, and likewise, our advocacy role contains everything from designing interventions to influencing public policy and systemic changes (Gladding & Newsome, 2018, p. 179). At times, we will face clients possibly living in conditions that are hindering them from reaching their full potential. As a counselor and advocate, we must remember that specific groups are faced with more challenges than others, for illustration, Muslims, and Hispanics. Counselors should take a leap toward social justice for these two groups, and any others in their clientele. According to Gladding & Newsome (2018), becoming involved with empowerment, outreach, social justice and social action are ways in which we can aim to help society and not just individual clients. To conclude, advocacy is essential in the counseling profession because counseling can be a lengthy process and there is no one fit all solution when it comes to our clients. Each case is unique, and we must find ways to deliver favorable results. Additionally, advocating for our profession's title publicly instead of just trying to pass off as a social worker or therapist is imperative to the growth of our profession (Myers et al., 2002). The continuation and growth of our profession are dependent upon current Get more content on
  • 16. Advocacy: The Role Of Advocacy In Health Care An advocator is a person who pleads the cause for others and as patient advocators; it would be for their rights. Mallik (1997), noted a difference in the structure of the advocacy relationship in law and in nursing. Whilst in law the etymology of the word advocacy relates to a "calling to" and the establishment of a contract between the parties. In nursing the action tends to reflect more a "giving of" helping an individual. Nursing advocacy had been defined as "communicating with and informing patients and building relationships with patients" (Hanks, 2008). Nygardth et al. (2011) highlighted a range of nursing definitions of advocacy; one of it is protecting patients' rights and empowering them in decision making. Advocacy in health care Get more content on
  • 17. Example Of A Advocacy Research Paper I do believe advocacy is important in carrying out the core functions of public heath.Advocacy is what one thinks and needs to be done. A good advocacy and a good leader can create a shared vision at the individual, organizational and community level to accomplish the three core functions of public health. A good advocacy can energize and inspire people to achieve thepublic health goal through the team Get more content on
  • 18. Advocacy As A Social Worker Advocacy is essential to a social worker career. They advocate frequently for others, who feel like their voices are not being heard; therefore, advocating is used to promote change in people lives. Advocacy help individuals, groups, or communities by contributing empowerment to those who need a change in their environment. Social workers normally advocate for people who live in impoverished communities, children's or people with disabilities. Most of the time, people living in impoverished communities are disadvantaged because of limited resources. Children because they have no voice and may not be aware of unfairness. Also, in my opinion, people with disabilities do not get heard because of the stigma that is attached to a person with a disability. Get more content on
  • 19. Career Interest : Child Advocacy Essay Career Interest: Child Advocacy Career The area that I am interested in serving in is the Child Advocacy area. I have a heart for children and if I can do more for children in need that is something that I want to devote my time to. Child Advocacy is a career that specializes in the placement of child that have been removed from their homes and placed in the foster care system due to situations that may have involved abuse, neglect, or even the passing away of the parents with no other relatives to care for them. In this paper I will review the duties of the Child Advocate, the population that they serve in this area, and any special needs that they have. I will also elaborate on my personal and professional characteristics that I feel may need to be improved to efficiently help in this area, what social welfare programs I feel could help my clients and how many they have helped. Finally, I will review the Human Service ethical codes that I feel impact this area of service and how I will ensure ethical adherence in this area. THE ROLE OF A CHILD ADVOCATE A Child Advocate is an important role for a Human Service worker as well as the client. In this case the client is a child who has been removed from their family and placed in the foster care system. They may have been abused, neglected, or abandoned. They often tend to have emotional or physical injuries, so it is vital that these children have the opportunity to find a placement with a foster or permanent home that Get more content on