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Profile Essay On A Person Outline
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Profile Essay On A Person OutlineProfile Essay On A Person Outline
3.What Contribution Did Mrs 540 The Church To 120 C.E.
3. What contribution did MRS 540 the Church to 120 C.E. make to your understanding of the
For me, the course, MRS 540 The Church to 120 C.E had helped me understand the early parts of
the ministry that Christ set here on here on Earth to spread the message of Hope, Love, and
Compassion that can found within his Gospel Message. As a student of History, this course had
For me pointed the many legends as I have learned within this course concerning the ministries and
deaths of Christ s apostles abound, but there is little Scriptural information of such. Therefore, what
the apostles did in their later years and how they died may be regarded as quite uncertain. Despite
some severe persecutions of which us here in America understand ... Show more content on ...
by being crucified upside down (that position being requested by him supposedly because of a
feeling of unworthiness to be crucified just as his Lord was). It is noteworthy that Christ did
predict a martyr s death for Peter (Jn. 21:18,19). It is thought that Paul was beheaded right outside
Rome in 68 A.D. (II Tim. 4: 6 8,16 18). John supposedly lived and labored in Ephesus during his
later years, being the only apostle allowed to die a natural death. The lives, ministries, and deaths
of the rest of the apostles are far more unknown. These realities do not consider the enormous
social differences are often existing in non Jewish congregations. A person who sold goods only
the wealthy bought and a Roman jailer in the same church (Acts 16:14 40)? A dirt poor person
and the owner of an expensive home in the same church (James 2:1 4)? A slave and his or her
owner in the same church meeting in the owner s home (Philemon)? A Jewish convert who refused
to eat anything sacrificed to an idol and a pagan convert who ate anything in the same church
(Galatians 2:11 14)? All those situations existed in the first century! The concepts that this course
show me was when the church assembled in the first century, some spoke in tongues, some
interpreted those tongues, some prophesied, some introduced a new song, some received a
revelation and some performed miracles. To them, those experiences were typical events. That is
my under from my studies that It is doubtful first century
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Sears Mission Statement
Problem or Need
Prior the 1980 s, Sears Holding Corporation (SHLD) managed to generate revenue and compete
among the top retailers in America (Kim, 2014). SHLD s current financial status reveals that they
are failing to maintain profitability. Having worked with SHLD for over two years, I have noticed
a slow decline in profits. The main reasons for SHLD mishaps are due to a lack of a satisfactory
mission statement (Sears Holding Corp, 2014), increased competition, insufficient marketing tools
and lack of bargaining power. All of these elements play a part in SHLD loss of profits.
Research Basis
SHLD profitability problem goes beyond person opinion and first hand experience. The level of
research needed to find solutions will require scholarly ... Show more content on ...
Although SHLD is attempting to cut costs and capitalize off of their newly appointed loyalty
program, the company continues to manufacture quarterly losses (Sharf, 2014). Their lack of
profitability stems from an inadequate mission statement, increased competition, inadequate
marketing and lack of bargaining power. However, all of these aspects can be fixed to ensure
that SHLD becomes profitable again. This is why research needs to be completed. I need to
research ways combat competition, revitalize their marketing approach and increase their
bargaining power. Furthermore, I need to ensure that SHLD s modified mission statement
provides guidelines for the entire organization to follow. Once all of these aspects of SHLD are
fixed, I will present my results to my General Manager of SHLD eastern region. Prior to
presenting a formal report to my General Manager, I plan to excavate information from sources
as follows: Wall Street Journal, Forbes, ABC news and much more. In addition to periodicals, I
will use UMUC s Library to extract financial trends and statistics. Moreover, I plan to conduct
interviews with general and store managers from Sears and K Mart stores to retrieve their reactions
to SHLD current financial
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Zeitoun
In his documentative account, Zeitoun, altruistic author Dave Eggers illustrates the experiences of
one muslim man, Abdulrahman Zeitoun, and his struggle to respond to and cope with the trials
facing society and nature following Hurricane Katrina. By describing the destructive flooding of
his home and his neighborhood, Eggers establishes a desperate tone, as a race against time ensues
to save what is left. As the physical landscape drastically changes, so do the very morals and
establishments that hold society together. Eggers utilizes several rhetorical strategies to highlight
the cruel and destructive stigmatization of Muslim Americans in a post 9 11 society, and that in
times of calm or chaos, the common man is the same despite the labels... Show more content on ...
As previously established using ethos, Eggers portrays Zeitoun as a reliable protagonist, a man
who shares many of the same morals and ethics with other human beings alike despite the small
label of being of arab descent and of the muslim fate. Similarly, Eggers relies upon the appeal of
pathos to render the reader sympathetic for Zeitoun, in order to achieve the same effect. When the
flood from the damaged levies reaches Zeitoun s neighborhood, Eggers demonizes the floodwater,
describing it as almost animalistic using verbs such as swallowed and crawled when referencing
the water flooding the property. This use of personification reveals Eggers motive to bring to light
the helplessness felt by Zeitoun to save what he has left from the damaging waters. In this Man
versus Nature situation, the reader feels the impact of the flood tearing away at what Zeitoun has
built for himself. The stigma that Eggers wishes to make redundant, and the same that would label
Zeitoun a terrorist need not apply here. The response Eggers wishes to trigger from the audience is
that of sympathy and
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Initial Public Offering
An initial public offering (IPO) is the process through which a privately held company issues
shares of stock to the public for the first time. Also known as going public, an IPO transforms a
small business from a privately owned and operated entity into one that is owned by public
stockholders. An IPO is a significant stage in the growth of many small businesses, as it provides
them with access to the public capital market and also increases their credibility and exposure.
Becoming a public entity involves significant changes for a small business, though, including a
loss of flexibility and control for management. In many cases, however, an IPO may be the only
means left of financing growth and expansion. The decision to go public is... Show more content on ...
A related advantage is that the public company may have enhanced credibility with its suppliers,
customers, and lenders, which may lead to improved credit terms.
Yet another advantage of going public involves the ability to use stock in creative incentive
packages for management and employees. Offering shares of stock and stock options as part of
compensation may enable a small business to attract better management talent, and to provide them
with an incentive to perform well. Employees who become part owners through a stock plan may
be motivated by sharing in the company s success. Finally, an initial public offering provides a
public valuation of a small business. This means that it will be easier for the company to enter into
mergers and acquisitions, because it can offer stock rather than cash.
Disadvantages of Going Public
The biggest disadvantages involved in going public are the costs and time involved. Experts note
that a company s management is likely to be occupied with little else during the entire IPO process,
which may last as long as two years. The small business owner and other top managers must prepare
registration statements for the SEC, consult with investment bankers, attorneys, and accountants,
and take part in the personal marketing of the stock. Many people find this to be an
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english quotation essay
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change yourself and the world.
There is a reason why every civilization throughout time has valued education,because it truly can
alter our collective condition and make our lives easier, simpler, and most crucially, happier!
From Egyptians learning to write on papyrus tablets to late nineteenth century scientists striving to
discover medicines like penicillin, there has always been an urge in humanity to be better and to
be more than what we have been before. Man s highest achievements the building of bridges and
overwhelming skyscrapers, to video chatting and space travel the marvels of modern day living
that we take for granted today, were once just mere ideas in people s ... Show more content on ...
The strength and force of education is visible to anyone who cares to look at the recent Egyptian
revolution, where young students, with minds opened to the wonders of democracy, through
education, helped overthrow the yoke of suffering that their parents had silently borne. Education is
the silent and effective weapon of nonviolence, which can help people and societies break the cycle
of oppression that many have historically suffered from. Many oppressed societies, where dictators
have thrived, have had a paucity of education avenues.
Education liberates the mind from its shackles and fears and encourages it to challenge and to
communicate with others. It is not without a reason that education is at the bottom of the priority
list of dictators. It was also not without reason that upon annexation of neighboring states. Many
dictators find it easy to unscrupulously deny people education or better still, manipulate education
to serve their own selfish interests. Throughout history, and even today, autocratic leaders censor
literature and books and prevent potent ideas from spreading since they realize that an idea is the
most powerful force in the world and can transform a human being completely. More importantly
though, to me, an educated person also has the capability to objectively analyze issues, recognize
and learn from existing flaws,
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Dangers Of Fighting In War
The Union and Confederate were fighting a bloody war against one another. The dangers they
encounter were increased by the lack of resources. Soldiers often went days without food. They
did not have adequate clothing and footwear. When a soldier was wounded, proper medical care
was nonexistent. Military doctors and nurses worked around the clock with limited resources to
help soldiers. Fighting in war supplies the opportunity to face danger; however, who would have
imagined basic human needs would go unmet? After a long day of marching through unknown
territory, a meal was what soldierwished for. Sadly, they often did not have any food. One soldier
wrote, I am glad to hear that your crops are as good and I hope that all the folks are good because
we don t have nothing to eat here, and so I hopes you have got something to eat there (soldiers).
Another soldier requested his... Show more content on ...
Whether they were ill due to poor conditions or from battle, doctors and nurses worked around
the clock. If soldiers became sick while marching they were left behind. One soldier wrote,
Many became ill from exposure and starvation, and were left on the road. The ambulances were
full, and the whole route was marked with a sick (soldiers). A doctor told his wife about the days
after a battle, How awful it is you have not can have until you see it any idea of affairs after a
battle. The dead appear sickening but they suffer no pain. But the poor wounded mutilated soldiers
that yet have life and sensation make a most horrid picture (soldiers). Medical staff were not
supplied with the pain medicine they required to keep patients comfortable. One soldier requested
his wife send him some pain medicine, If you get a chance to send me anything, send me some
cider put up in bottles, and some apples and a little bottle of pain killer (soldiers). The doctors and
nurses did the best they could with the resource s they were
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Critical Study of Animal Attacks and Government Policy
Jungles are calling: Critical Study of animal attacks and government policy
We are fond of progress, mines, speedy trains, luxurious homes, and of smooth roads and at the
same time we want a peace of mind where we can take a rest for few days in the jungles or in
remote area from the chaotic and tensed urban life. That clearly shows human being has fond of
development as well as environment. Over to the time this fact is accepted that sustainable
development and protection of environment are two side of one coin. Recent incidents shows that
supporters of both the side are conflicting with each other like these are enemies of each other s.
Recent statistics from Maharashtra shows that compensation amount which is given to the victims
of the animal attack is too high and that can be wisely and effectively invested into the
precautionary measures and for the rehabilitation of the animals. Many animals like elephants,
tigers, peacock etc. are getting unnatural death because of trains in many areas of country. We are
using the jungles to build dams, railway tracks and many things which are for the development of
the human fraternity, but at the same time we are not thoughtful about water places, ways of the
animals and which are resulted into the attack of the animals on people. Even then no one is
serious about preserving jungles. Indian railway has planned to cut down 2800 Km forest for the
widening the railway line in country and the same proposal is pending in the front
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Harper Lee s Kill A Mocking Bird
Most blacks are unable to speak English well. They cannot conjugate verbs. They have a poor
grasp of verb tenses. They have a limited vocabulary. They cannot speak without swearing. Many,
when they testify, show a complete lack of empathy and are unable to conceal a morality based on
the satisfaction of immediate, base needs. Most jurors are white and are appalled by the demeanor
of uneducated, criminal blacks .
The prevalent attitudes of the American Public in the 1930 s are brazenly conveyed in this quote.
Black people were viewed as the epitome of moral, physical and mental ugliness and were expected
to be uneducated and wholly beneath white citizens. Although this mindset was fundamentally
unavoidable for many at that time, ... Show more content on ...
Lee also presents the problems she witnessed through her Bildungsroman style narrative, allowing
Scout s maturity and morality to align with her conclusion to reject racial discrimination.
Harper Lee presents the problem of racism specifically in the trial of Tom Robinson a black man
unfairly convicted of rape by Mayella Ewell, Robert Ewell s daughter. The courtroom setting
entitles the reader to identify an extensive range of characters, with varying social statuses,
backgrounds and idiosyncrasies, representing a complete society itself. The heavy use of
dialogue and symbolism throughout the trial also enables the reader to view other s
predispositions of black people, as well as Scout s detached insight into the case as a young girl,
and her reflection of it as a woman, creating a contemplative chapter. When Tom is responding
questions asked by Judge Taylor, Atticus and Mr. Gilmer, he explains that Mayella approached
him, causing him to flee as he was scared. Tom stated, No suh, she she hugged me. She hugged me
round the waist . Here, Tom s use of suh displays his conditioned response when generally
conversing with white people. The accent representation on the vowel also shows the
differentiation between white and black at the time; uh is lower and more rounded, darker than ir , a
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Concepts Of Government In The Film Mr. Smith Goes To...
The main plot of the movie, Mr. Smith goes to Washington is a conflict between Jeff Smith,
Senator Paine, and Jim Taylor. A senator of a state passed away causing a new senator needing
to be appointed. Jim Taylor a local publicist who had pull around the Senate, pressured the
governor to select Jefferson Smith. He was appointed as the new Senator of the State, because
everyone thought that he was incompetent, naive, and would not get in their way. However when
Smith passed a clever bill that got in the way of Jim Taylor s scandal, Jim and Senator Paine tried
to do whatever they could to get Jeffrey expelled from the Senate. But with the help of Clarissa
Saunders, Jeffrey was able to stop them.
The movie explored many concepts of government that we ... Show more content on ...
One of the concepts that the movie touched on was the filibuster process. A filibuster is a
technique of prolonged speech in order to prevent a bill from being passed. In the movie
Clarissa advised Jeff to commence a filibuster in order to prevent a bill from getting passed, by
doing so he prevented his own expulsion and also exposed Jim Taylor and Senator Paine for
who they really were. Jeff saved his bill also by using the filibuster and cleared his name of all
the lies that were spread by Jim Taylor and his colleagues. In the movie they also went over the
process of how to get a bill passed. Senator Jeffrey s bill was to organize a camp for kids that
need help. First Senator Jefferson has to propose the bill in front of Senate after he is done
writing it, and after that it is sent into a committee to deem the importance of the bill. After that it
is sent back and forth from the House and the Senate and is amended and voted yes or no on. If
both the
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Police Foils
The police are often characterized as foils when compared to detectives due to their analytical
thinking that requires logical reasonings in order to solve a mystery, and a lack of creative thinking
that detectives use to place themselves in the mind of the criminal. As well, detectives will often
solve a mystery that otherwise discombobulates the police. In Edgar Allan Poe s The Murders in
the Rue Morgue and The Purloined Letter, It is evident that the inability for the police to solve a
case efficiently through their lack of creative thinking and a scarcity of analytical thinking
highlights Dupin s superiority in solving crimes more effectively than the police. In The Purloined
Letter, the Police effectively use clues to find the... Show more content on ...
Due to the gruesome nature of the crime scene, the Police overlook things and do not analyze
every possible idea, which includes not placing themselves in the psyche of the criminal.Their
unskilled methods are what cause the Police to be inconsistent with either being too detailed in
their search, or not detailed enough. Unlike Dupin, the Police do not have a particular method
and he suggests that the skill of the analyst is evinced. He makes, in silence, a host of
observations and inferences (Poe 67). The inconsistency of the Police search and the lack of
logical reasoning and creative thinking does not allow them to make a conclusion in the case.
Dupin steps in to play the role of the Police, using logical reasoning to search the crime scene, and
the detective by using creative thinking to come to a conclusion. It is evident that the Police are
inconsistent when they are not detailed in their search which highlights Dupin s
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Dave Pelzer s Childhood Abuse
A similar study taken in 2010 by Harvard Business School surveyed 136 countries. They came to
the conclusion that ones who are altruistic, and giving to one s less fortunate in this case people
who are donating financially to charity financially were much happier than others
A child called it provides a heart wrenching story of the firsthand experiences Dave Pelzer faced
with his childhood abuse. Pelzer writes an autobiography of a young boy who is beaten, starved,
and tortured by his mother for years. Despite his terrible upbringing from childhood up to
adolescence, he manages to turn his life around. Dave uses his hope, a positive attitude, and
determination to survive his mother s torture
[include a clear topic sentence that includes
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Evangelicalism Essay
Evangelicalism did not evolve or operate in a space. It is essential to consider the ways in which
members of this group participated in and changed their culture, and, conversely, to assess how its
social context provided both the ideas which evangelicalism adopted or transformed and those
which it actively rejected or resisted. As movements that came of age during the first half of the
nineteenth century, Evangelical Protestantism can be understood most clearly in the political,
economic, and religious contexts of post revolutionary American society. Although the movement
would come to effect profound changes in its society it was very much in a sense that the culture
had grown ripe for its emergence. The tension between ... Show more content on ...
Somewhat ironically, many of these social organizations took as their immediate goal the uplifting
of individuals. The focus of individual advancement and social responsibility found greatest
expression, however, in a religious uprising that shook the country during the early nineteenth
century. The basis of this religious transformation can be found in the longing of many people for
an intensity of spiritual experience.
The Second Great Awakening and Rise of Evangelicalism
Transformations in American economics, politics and intellectual culture found their parallel in a
transformation of American religion in the decades following independence. As a result, the United
States underwent a widespread flowering of religious sentiment and unprecedented expansion of
church membership known as the Second Great Awakening. The Awakening lasted some 50 years,
from the 1790s to the 1840s, and spanned the entire United States. The religious revitalization that
the Awakening represented manifested itself in different ways according to the local population and
church establishment, but was definitely a Protestant phenomenon. Methodist and Baptist
denominations experienced a surge of membership, often at the expense of other denominations,
prompting a move toward liberalization and competitiveness on the part of the Anglican,
Presbyterian and Congregationalist churches. The numerical success of
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The Four Elements Of Hip-Hop
1.4.1. The Art of the Streets
Hip Hop is a complex cultural movement formed during the early 1970s by African Americans in
the slums of South Bronx, New York (Dyson 6), it propagated outside of the African American
community in late 1980s, and by the opening of the 21th century it became the most spread culture
in the world. Hip Hop consists of four elements: Deejay, Break Dancing, Rapping, and Graffiti.
(Kenon 112)
1.4.2. Hip Hop Elements
The phenomenon of Hip Hop has reached every corner of the globe, due to its easy form of express
emotional or sociopolitical thoughts in a new and creative way, throughout its four elements:
Is a complex form of creating music samples from already existed ones, with the help of at least a
Turntable ... Show more content on ...
Is the most controversial element on hip hop, and tends to be its visual expression. The
definition of graffiti could be that it is a mural interpretation of the artists inner that can be
resulted in a drawing, writing, or a symbolic projection (Edwards 13 17). There are three types of
the graffiti art: the Tagging, which can be a simple form of one color only; second, is the Threw
Up in which the artist may use more than two colors, and the Spray is the third type where more
colors and complexity is used. (Gross 285)
The roots of graffiti started about 1971 by a Greek American who tagged TAKI 183 in all New
York subway system, he declared that he used graffiti to create an identity in which he is certain
about (Fortuna 3), then it emerged all around America and the world. (David 72)
Hip Hop isn t just four elements combined within a culture, it is also a way of life, a language, a
fashion, a set of values, and a unique perspective (Efrem 2), the hip hop basic and sub elements
have a strong impact in the American society mainly on its
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Resistance Conditioning Observation
My first observation was a strength and resistance conditioning class of about eighteen to twenty
students. This observation was with a professor I had during community college in San Antonio
Texas. Leland Hammonds has been a personal trainer for quite some time and I have taken three of
his classes. During this session the students did a circuit training routine. Leland did correct some
students that were not keeping their form correct throughout the workout. He had some students do
a cardio part and others do the strength/endurance part of the circuit since the equipment in the
room was limited. He walked through the workout provided to the students which included a warm
up on the treadmill, following renegade rows, air squats, jump rope,... Show more content on ...
The members have a competition on the 22nd so they are preparing for endurance/cardio run
and drills. During this class only seven or six members showed up and two members I did not
see the last session. Teri took these members through a squat press with kettlebells, a bent over
row, inch worms, hops, a jog, and supermans. The members did about four rounds of this circuit
for the first 30 minutes. The next 30 minutes the members went through abductions and
adduction exercises, planks, hops, and body weight squats. One of the members Teri noticed
that her knees were caving in while doing squats. Teri took a resistance band and put the band
above the member s knees and had the girl hold onto a wide beam over the grotto since we were
working out outside. She had the member go through squats and fixed her knees caving in and
her back rounding. The girl also has hypermobility in the knees that had her locking them so Teri
addressed how to fix this and also how her back needs to be straight and butt shooting out. Teri
has an app on her phone called hudle and this app records movement. This app also lets you draw
a line along the movement of the person so they can assess if they are moving out of the line
while doing a proper squat or exercise. She recorded her and pointed out what she needed to further
fix this issue. The member then got courage to take the band off and try it out a few more times.
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Don Giovanni, From Mozart s Beloved Opera
You know that they are more necessary to me than the bread I eat! Than the air I breathe! The
passionate and powerful person that says those words is not an individual one should praise. It is,
in fact, Don Giovanni, from Mozart s beloved opera Don Giovanni. The opera is the story of a
trickster who seduces women and escapes from them, stripping them from their honor. The first act
commences with the struggle of Donna Anna against Don Giovanni, who is hiding his identity
under a mask. As she shouts, her father, the Commendatore, is woken up and strives to confront the
man who has disowned his daughter. Consequently, they fight and Don Giovanni kills him. As the
continuing scenes develop, the character meets a past girl, Donna Elvira, who is in love with him
and believes to be his wife. Leporello, Giovanni s servant, tells her about the many women he has
been with. Still, she insists on stopping his future affairs by telling the women of Don Giovanni s
deeds. In the penultimate scene, the Don faces his inevitable fate, the inferno. It takes the divine
forces to take him down, represented in the moving statue of the Commendatore. Don Giovanni is a
quintessential example of the unfaithful man who lives a life of libertinage. Often, he has been
described a hero. What characteristics do heroes embody, then? A hero is an individual who is
esteemed for his courage, remarkable accomplishments, or honorable qualities. Therefore, Don
Giovanni is the antonym of hero, embodying the
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Medium Mass Star
The mass of a star dictates its whole life. Vega is a medium mass star, so it has about 10 billion
years to live overall. Vega about 25 light years away, as well. Vega has an absolute magnitude of
0.58, and a temperature of 9,602 K. This medium mass star follows on the same path as any other
medium mass star: First star birth, then through the main sequence, into a red giant, contracted into
a white dwarf, and finally cooled into a black dwarf. Vega started out its life just as any other star,
as a nebula. The cloud of dust and gas condenses and temperatures rise, until it is hot enough for
fusion of hydrogen into helium can take place. When Vega was able to fuse hydrogen into
helium, it was classified as a main sequence star, which is the phase in it s life cycle that it is
currently in. To be a main sequence star, the star must be capable of fusing hydrogen into helium,
which means Vega still hasn t run out of hydrogen to fuse.... Show more content on
Once this happens, outward pressure will stop and the star s core will start to collapse, and
temperatures will rise to a temperature that is hot enough to fuse helium into carbon and some
oxygen. At this point, Vega will no longer be in the main sequence, and will begin to expand into
a red giant, which is cool and bright. After Vega expands as far as it can, and runs out of helium
to fuse, outward pressure will increase, once again, and the outer layers of Vega will be pushed
away, causing a planetary nebula to be composed. The remaining core is a hot, dim white dwarf.
In the end, the white dwarf will cool into a black dwarf, which is mostly made of carbon and
oxygen. When Vega is a black dwarf, it will finished with it s life
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Weird Al Yankovic
Sasha Frere Jones an executive editor, writing weirdly popular, a story about Weird Al Yankovic
and his achievements in musical parodies and comedy. During life everyone finds their knick, or
a hobby they can excel at. Whether it s playing games or knitting a sweater, but Yankovic
expressed his time in rewriting popular hits to satisfy others. Yankovic seasoned himself in this
style and it led him to become known all throughout pop culture by selling over twelve million
albums of parodic versions of music. He was known well for bringing out the anxiety in music and
celebrating it. This thrilled many musicians and they were honored when Yankovic chose to do a
hit on their music. Yankovic not only sang and rewrote the music he also did music
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Case Study On Knee Replacement
1.My mother has knee pain for many years and recently it has worsened. She has some deformity
around the knees and can barely walk more than 10 15 minutes. What should be done?
Recent worsening of chronic knee pain and deformity probably indicates that knee arthritis has
reached advanced stage i.e. the protective lining of the joint is nearly completely worn out. At this
stage, pain medication often doesn t help much. Rather, one may suffer from dangerous side effects
of prolonged pain medication therapy on heart, liver, kidney, stomach and intestines. It is
recommended that one should consult a joint specialist and get certain X rays. If it is advanced
arthritis, then one should consider knee replacement to get rid of the problem.
2.What do you mean by knee replacement?
It is a surgical procedure in which the damaged or worn out cartilage lining of the joint is removed
and replaced with an artificial implant thus removing the cause of pain. The soft tissue tension
around the joint is balanced and the joint axis is restored to ... Show more content on ...
What is the role of physiotherapy and exercises after joint replacement?
At Paras Centre for Joint Replacement, we believe that every patient is unique. Therefore, we
customize the physiotherapy protocol for the patient during the post operative recuperating period
depending upon the intra operative observation of patient s bone soft tissue quality, soft tissue
balancing, deformity and so forth. So our team of expert rehabilitation specialists rigorously trains
the patients with the simplified protocols under the personal supervision of surgeons so that what
you get is Just what is precisely tailored for you . More than 95% patients (except the unreliable
ones) do not need supervision of physiotherapist at home as they are able to follow the custom
made exercise regimen taught to them during hospital stay at home very well. Our surgical team
vigilantly keeps track of the patient s performance at home by meticulous follow
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Incoming Junior Year
Junior year has taught me a lot on how to become a better student and better friend. To all the
incoming juniors, my advice to them would be stay focused. Junior year brings a lot of changes
in many students lives. It will test your strengths and weaknesses but it will reveal the type of
individual you are. One idea that I was able to understand better was that it s important to know
what your goals are. Having a goal will not only keep you focused in accomplishing said goal but it
will also be the thing that keeps you moving forward despite the obstacles, that as an incoming
junior, one will encounter throughout the year. Your goals do not have to be specific it can be
something minor such as just getting through high schoolbeing proud of
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Verbal Overhadowing Inaccuracies
Societies across the United States are comprised of many culturally diverse people. Each and every
individual possesses a distinct perception that differs from one another of events that have
transpired. For most people that desire to achieve a career in law enforcement, they depend heavily
on accurate, detailed eyewitness testimonials on a daily basis to apprehend the correct perpetrator
that had committed a crime. In fact, law officials frequently inquire about precise and dependable
depictions from bystanders within the community, as their ability to accurately identify the
perpetrator immensely assists law officials. In that regard, law enforcement officers are restricted
significantly by accurate eyewitness testimonies, within a particular... Show more content on ...
The study was conducted to demonstrate the magnitude and effect of verbal overshadowing
between delayed and immediate description retrieval conditions (Alonga et al., 1990). In the first
condition, the manipulation consisted of participants that were given an immediate description
task following the video of the perpetrator committing a crime (Alonga et al., 1990). In the
second condition, manipulation consisted of participants that were given 20 minute delayed
description tasks of the perpetrator committing a crime (Alonga et al., 1990). Results indicate
that the participants in the immediate description tasks were 4% less likely to select the correct
perpetrator in a police line up; whereas, participants in the 20 minute delayed description tasks
were 16% more likely to select the perpetrator in a lineup (Alonga et al., 1990). This study is
indicative to our findings concerning the effects of verbal overshadowing, as our results were
similar to the immediate description and delayed description in our study to illustrate the effects of
verbal overshadowing. Our study predicts that the effect of verbal overshadowing is prevalent in an
immediate description retrieval opposed to the delayed description retrieval in accurately
identifying the correct
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The Effect Of Product Branding On Profitability Of...
H0: There are no significant short run and long run impacts of trademarks on profit in Unilever
(Gh.) Limited.
H1: There are significant short run and long run impacts of trademarks on profit in Unilever (Gh.)
Limited. H0: There are no significant short run and long run impacts of brand awareness on profit
in Unilever (Gh.) Limited.
H1: There are significant short run and long run impacts of brand awareness on profit in Unilever
(Gh.) Limited.
3 Research Methods
3.1 Research Design
The study adopted quantitative research method to diagnose the effect of product branding on
profitability of Unilever (GH) Limited. This is because the hypothesis formulated in the study
could be best tested with mathematical models (Lisa, 2009). The study focused on Unilever (GH)
Limited. Unilever (GH) Limited is of the largest listed companies in Ghana with long trust records
of product branding, supported with coperate vision. The company owns more than 400 brands,
which are put into four main categories Refreshments, Foods, Personal Care and Home Care.
3.2 Data
Data was compiled on product brand and company s profit over the period of 1984 2014 Financial
Statements ascertained from Ghana Stock Exchange Database.
The study followed Bae (1997), Scott Morton (1999), Rudholm (2001) and Daunfeldt et al (2005)
and used sales revenue as proxy for profit. Elements of branding mostly used in empirical
researches include logo (Schmitt Smionson, 1997), packaging (Garber et al, 2003; Folk and
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Compare And Contrast Jefferson And Hamilton s View Of...
The original political parties, Federalist and Democratic Republicans, in America differed in their
view of strong federal government vs strong state government. One leader that helped run the
Federalist was Alexander Hamilton and Hamilton believed in a strong federal government.
Hamilton s plan was to pay off all state debt, pay off all the bonds, and to form a national bank,
and taxes. Which leads to why Hamilton believed we should have a strong federal government. The
federal government would help keep order among the people and unite struggling states. Hamilton s
view of the federal government is it had implied powers are powers that are suggested but not
directly given to the government. Hamilton s used the idea of implied powers to help justify a
national bank. Hamilton argued that the Constitution gave Congress the power to issue money and
regulate trade, and a national bank would clearly help the government carry out these
responsibilities. Thus, Hamilton believed that creating a national bank is within the constitutional
powers of congress. Hamilton wanted a national bank not only because we were in debt from the
war against Great Britain, but also stimulate the economy, by having a more stable paper currency.
In contrast, the Democratic Republican... Show more content on ...
That s why they wanted a strong state government to help advocate state s right and citizens rights.
Plus, Jefferson feared tyranny and thought in terms of freedom. Many feared it would fall under the
influence of wealthy, urban northeasterners and people from overseas. Also, both Thomas and
Madison believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution. Yes, they accepted implied powers,
but in a more limited sense than Hamilton s plan. They believed that implied powers are powers
that are absolutely necessary for congress to practice its state
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Practical Ethics Of Health Care Essay
THE CASE OF MRS. STACK1Week 5 The Case of Mrs. StackDaniel J. HildebrandtMHE 607
Practical Ethics in Health Care SettingsCreighton Graduate SchoolJuly 26, 2016
THE CASE OF MRS. STACK2The Case of Mrs. StackIn the case of Mrs. Stack presented by
(Post, L. Blustein, J., 2015), there aremany complex personal, social and medical decisions that
have to be made in hercase. Mrs. Stack finds herself in a difficult situation with has the
ultimateconsequence weighing in the balance of the decisions that need to be made. Giventhe
circumstances of the situation, it would be beneficial to be analyzed by ethicscommittee and/or and
ethics consultation. Using the Fletcher Moseley Format for aConsultation Report, the case of Mrs.
Stack will be analyzed.In past times, Mrs. Stack has stated her wishes that she would not like to
havechronic dialysis. However, after she suffered from cardiopulmonary arrest andrequired the
emergent initiation of dialysis the decision whether or not to continuedialysis is under
question.Some of the relevant contextual factors that are involved with this case onlymake the
decisions harder to process. The main contributing factor is pertaining toMrs. Stack s daughter,
who had died in the past, was on dialysis at the time of death.Although the daughter had died from
a heart attack and not from dialysis itself,there is the feeling from Joe Stack that Mrs. Stack is
fearful of dialysis because shethinks that dialysis is the reason for her daughter. Also, the Joe
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Example Of A Research Paper On Acne
Dezarae Gutierrez + Jasmine Jan
Mrs. Taylor
Period 2
19 October 2015
Disorder: Acne
Acne is a skin disorder consisting of hair follicles and sebum. It is a bacterial infection in the oil
glands. Usually starts at the age of puberty or sooner. Can be present in both men and women. They
can appear in the face, neck, chest, shoulders, back, buttocks, and upper arms.
There are several different ways to develop Acne. For example, over production of sebum, bacteria
left on the skin, and debris clogging the pores. Dead skin cells come out of the body through the
pores so they can be extracted, but if the glands produce too much oil, the pores can get blocked
with oil and bacteria on the skin along other debris. Causing acne to mature. According ... Show
more content on ...
The dermatologist will take note of what type of acne is present. The treatment of acne depends on
the severity of the acne. If mild acne is present such as, whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples. They
can be treated with non prescribed products that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Once
the acne is cleared it is best to continue the treatment to prevent further breakouts. There are
different ways to treat acne. You can apply products to the skin, intake medicine (antibiotics, birth
control pills, and isotretinoin), laser therapy, chemical peels, and acne removal.
To prevent acne, always wash your face, moisturize, try over the counter acne product, use make up
occasionally, and be careful for what products you put on your face, try to avoid touching your face,
stay out of the sun, eat healthy, exercise, and try not to stress too much.
The prognosis for acne is usually good. Most people say that they had severe acne in their teen
years and grew out of it.
Acne effects the integumentary system because the pores are being clogged with debris, bacteria
and excessive oil. It s occurring on the surface of the epidermal
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The Basic Tasks Of Journalism
Christians et al. classify the basic tasks of journalism in a democracy under three main headings:
1.The task of observing and informing, primarily as a service to the public
2.The task of participating in public life as an independent actor by way of critical comment,
advice, advocacy and expression of opinion
3.The task of providing a channel, forum, or platform for extramedia voices or sources to reach a
self chosen public (pp. 116).
This tasks could be developed and performed by journalism in four types of outlets, in their
specific media systems, characterized by Christians et al. as it follows (p. 117):
1.The internally pluralist and secular media that seek to maximize circulation, which appeal to a
wide range of audiences
2.The externally pluralist commercial media that seek to maximize circulation, but orienting its
content to a like minded audience
3.The partisan media, noncommercial and in a small scale, oriented to ideas of a particular group
4.The minority media of opinion and debate
The authors display these types of media in a diagram (p. 118) in order to organize and visualize
the way in which different outlets and journalism can be located in a continuum between open
access and closed access (to audiences) and the media as an observer or a participant (that can be
used as a weapon).
Within this landscape, Christians et al. point out the most typical journalistic roles, as it follows (p.
1.The monitorial role
2.The facilitative role
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The Case Of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
When there is a problem in ones life whether that be the country, at their job, or within their own
families everyone s first instinct is what can be done to fix it. An intervention is an action taken to
improve a situation. As defined by Public Health 101: Health People Healthy Populations, an
intervention is defined as the full range of strategies designed to protect health and prevent disease,
disability and death. Thus, high quality evidence needs to be based on the research, which can
establish efficacy in one particular population, but also on the effectiveness of the intervention in
the specific population. (Riegelman and Kirkwood, 2015). For many public health issues
interventions play a crucial role in getting such issues under control. In the case of Sudden Infant
Death Syndrome(SIDS) in Native American populations infants were ranked second highest in
SIDS deaths in the U.S. at 8.7 per 1000 live births (Alexander, Wingate Boulet, 2008, p. 5). The
cause of SIDS is unknown at the moment but there are a multitude of ways parents can help
prevent and reduce the risk of their child dying from SIDS.
Intervention I: SIDS Prevention through the Back to Sleep Campaign
The major risk factor of SIDS is recognized to be prone sleeping. The Back to Sleep (BTS)
campaign was brought on when research found that parents and caregivers were wrongly informed
that their children were safer and at lower risk for SIDS if they were placed in the prone sleeping
position. Around
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Essay about To My Dear and Loving Husband
To my Dear and Loving Husband
Romantic language in literature has been used for ages to express authors feelings for another
human being. This language has been developed through out the years to create ways in which
different types of romantic emotions can be expressed in writing. From the breath taking romantic
novels of today all the way back to the first writers of the Bible and the romantic books of Song of
Solomon and Psalms, romantic language has not only been used to express human emotions but
also the role of these emotions in the culture of the times. There have been numerous authors who
dared to go beyond what their society would have viewed as politically or morally correct. Anne
Bradstreet is one of these authors; ... Show more content on ...
The title, To my Dear and Loving Husband, clearly signifies that this poem was intended for her
husband alone. Bradstreet did not live in a time where woman authors would have been very
highly respected for their work; this allowed her the opportunity to create very personal pieces
because she believed that they would never be published. If Bradstreet had intended for her poetry
to become available for the public she would have been forced to write much differently.
Bradstreet understood the implications of writing her true emotions and never would have
done so if she had not felt that they would have been kept safe from the scrutiny of her fellow
puritans. The fear of being ridiculed, banished or killed would have stopped Bradstreet from
ever composing poetry for the public as racy as the poems she created for her family especially
her husband. Due to the fact that she believed no one would read this poem besides her husband
she was able to write more closely to how she truly felt without fear or trepidation, this is apparent
in the fact that this particular poem is much different from many of her other poems.
There are many aspects of the poem To my Dear and Loving Husband which set it apart from most
of Bradstreet s other poetry. The poem begins with one solid, short and concise sentence, this is far
different than most of her poems which begin with a vague idea or a much longer complex
statement. This shows a change in writing
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Cultural Response Of Chinese Population
Think about your community as a whole. What cultures are represented there? Choose a culture
and review the cultural response to male circumcision. Our community have a diverse culture with
the representations from different parts of the world. More than half of the population are Asians
coming from different countries such as India, China, Vietnam, and Japan. Of those most common
is the Chinese. Therefore, for this discussion, I m focusing on the views and cultural response of
Chinese population to male circumcision. Morris et al (2016) conducted a study to estimate the
prevalence of male circumcision in different countries as well as world wide. According to this
study, the global prevalence of circumcision is about 38.65%, and that of China, with the world s
largest population is around 14%. The percentage of circumcised males in the United States is
71.2%. It was found that cultural and religious factors played a major role in male circumcision
than the awareness of health benefits. Most circumcisions in different countries, especially in
Muslims, Jews, North Americans, and tribal Africans, are performed for social, cultural and
religious reasons. It is estimated that 68% of the circumcised men are Muslims, making them the
largest religious group to practice male circumcision. In China, circumcision is not a part of their
culture and they consider routine male circumcision as a foreign topic as it conflicts with their
cultural and social norms. Male circumcision is
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Sara Carter Research Paper
Interpersonal conflicts are not avoidable, and most of the critical disputes in someone life it
involves people intimately connected with work colleagues, family or romantic partners. What can
it be done to resolve conflict successfully and not allowed to escalate to the point that it can damage
the relationship?
In the show NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service, Sara Carter expresses struggle and
conveys her unhappiness about her mother s murder and how it was it handled. She demonstrated
her grief and distress by punching the door guard and getting herself arrested. Upon her arrest,
Sara forcers Special agent Gibbs to question her about the incident. Sara Carter begs Gibbs to
investigate her mother s murder (Chief Petty officer ... Show more content on ...
Sara engages in deception when she intentionally encoded her real purpose of meeting with an
agent. They are two main motivations for deception self centered and other centered deception
(Bevan Sole, 2014). Sara, deception motivation was the other centered deception to assist or benefit
another person, in this case, was her mother. Every communication has a dark side as this episode
presented and using the proper bright strategies for communicating competently in dark times to
express emotions and information constructively. Sara, fail to plan a good strategy for the
appropriate time and place to convey her struggle, she was unable to control her emotions and
organized all the facts and pertaining information. Expressing your thoughts and feelings
constructively by arranging emotions and choosing the appropriate time and place to express them
completely (Bevan Sole, 2014). Finding the proper strategy to resolve a conflict and improving
conflict management skills, by using positive well thought emotions and identifying the conflict
style to used avoidance, accommodation, competition, compromise, and
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Argumentative Essay On Gambling
Online Gambling
Most of us have heard of fantasy football. Online fantasy has risen in popularity over the past
couple of years, due to advances in technology. With this rise in popularity, it has raised eyebrows
at the state and federal government levels. There are many grey areas when it comes to gambling
online, that many people still don t understand. Many questions are being asked, such as legal
transactions with credit cards, is online gambling causing a problem with a rise in gambling
addiction? Over the course of this report, I will go over the good and the bad of making online
gambling legal and regulated.
Do you feel it is important to do what you want with your money, without federal or state
government telling you what you can and can t do? This is an argument that is very popular
among those who support online gambling legalization and regulation. They try to show the attack
on a free society. If five poker enthusiasts want to voluntarily play online, and if a private company
wants to provide the technology for that to happen in exchange for a fee, why do members of
Congress feel obligated to prevent that from happening? (Balko)
A lot of people also feel that the government is hypocritical when it comes to gambling. State
lotteries are a big subject to supporters of online gambling.
Last month [February 2006], police in Fairfax, Va., conducted a SWAT [Special Weapons and
Tactics] raid on Sal Culosi Jr., an optometrist suspected of running a sports gambling
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Evolution Of Race Analysis
This article is an examination of the invention of race. Throughout the article the author is trying to
enlighten the readers to the history of the creation of race and its evolution throughout history and it
progresses throughout time, from the Egyptians, to the 21st century. There were many important
points made throughout the article. Some of the main points and arguments, including the
discussion of where racebegan, the inconsistency in our ideas of race, racismin science, the use of
eugenics to identify race in biology and the disenfranchising of the connection of race and biology.
A huge part of the argument was telling the history of the creation of race and how it evolved into
what we know now. The idea that the government created... Show more content on
Throughout the entire paper the author would mention certain events or points, but move on
before he fully explained them. One example of this is when he quickly mentioned the study by
Kenneth Clark and psychological harm to black children caused by segregation. Without previous
knowledge of this study, you would not know how this connects to this particular subject. This
does not line up with the fact that in some circumstances, he goes into extreme detail about the
other topics. I would have loved for the author to go into more detail about the United Nations
Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization and the authors that they brought in for the
panel. I would have liked to know more about why these specific people were picked other than
the books that they had written. One part of this article that I do not agree with is the idea that
race is a completely terrible creation. By this, I do not mean that race is good, rather that it can
have positive situations. Without race, we would not have been able to identify that sickle cell
anemia is more common in African Americans. The positive attributes do not out way the
negatives, but they are still something to think about. Even though she points out all of these
problems with the notion of race, she never provides a single solution to any of
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Resistance To Change Analysis
assess during the change process, and also change direction if necessary.
The organization must implement specific strategies to identify and resolve resistance to change. O
Connor (1993) stated In an organization, resistance is opposition or witholding of support for
specific plans or ideas. It can either be intentional or unintentional, covert or overt (p. 30).
Employees will likely consider how change affects them personally and that may naturally cause
some resistance. One of the most important things an organization can do to minimize resistance is
to address these personal concerns. It is also important to identify any potential loss or gain that
comes from implementing, or not implementing, the change initiative. Leaders ... Show more
content on ...
Leaders have to give stakeholders the opportunity to properly digest information, and react to
change, especially if it affects them directly. Understanding that a disruption may occur also
provides the leaders with an opportunity to address issues and assess the need for training.
Properly allocating an honest timeframe for all stages of the change process gives the
organization an opportunity to set realistic goals. This means allowing for the training of
employees that may require it to be successful in projected goals. Treating employees fairly and
setting them up to be successful is not only good for them, but also for the productivity and
possibility of success of the organization as a whole. During the assessment phase leaders must
have an honest reflection of the entire process, considering the areas of both success and failure.
Leaders must be fair in their assessment of the outcomes and be able to take responsibility for
making decisions and the effects of those decisions (Stainer, 2004).
Properly responding to ethical issues include the following: recognizing the issue, using ethical
judgment in assessment of the issue, behaving ethically, and the moral intent (Jones, 1991; Rest,
1986). The organization must be transparent in identifying the problem and actively work to correct
the issue. Because regulations and laws are in place to protect people from any ethical
mistreatment, organizations
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The Novel, And As The Film Unfolds
I won t be a carer any more come the end of the year, and though I ve got a lot out of it, I have to
admit I ll welcome the chance to rest to stop and think and remember. I m sure it s at least partly
to do with that, to do with preparing for the change of pace, that I ve been getting this urge to
order all these old memories (Ishiguro, 34). Over the course of the novel, and as the film
unfolds, the whole story is told in a series of flashbacks as Kathy reencounters her life. Kathy
stumbles over every difficult memory as she grapples with her life while trying to gear up for
donations. Living in the past may be easier to do rather than digest that her life has reached its
peak. She has outlived Helsham, her best friends, and now is alone to watchover the dying and wait
for her timeto complete. The only way that she can go back and indulge in a time when things
were somewhat easier is by reliving her memories. There she can experience her time with
Tommy on repeat, and learn to muddle through all the things that she has lost and all that she has
left. Kathy balances on the line of experiencing her past and living in it. Although she claims that
when her time to complete is upon her she will welcome it and will comfort the rest from her
memories, but it seems that she uses the past as a coping mechanism. The past is easier, she lived
it, she had a good life and reliving it gives her a distraction from her impending fate. It may have
been nostalgia at first but then
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The Racial Struggles of Puerto Ricans Essay
The Racial Struggles of Puerto Ricans
Another large component of Puerto Ricanness is Race. All of the different cultures that have
throughout history combined to form Puerto Rico effect their nationality, history, lifestyles,
traditions, music, and foods.
The discovery or infiltration of the island of Borinquen (or Puerto Rico as it was later renamed) in
1493 by Spain resulted in the decimation of the native Taino population. With the loss of an
immediate source of cheap labor to work the fields for their sugar cane industry, they introduced
African culture into the region by importing slaves to replace the Taino field workers. In addition to
the introduction of African culture into Puerto Rico voluntary immigration brought ... Show more
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Not necessarily the history but the story or interpretation of the past as perceived by the elite.
Gonzalez suggests that the recreation of the history of Puerto Rican society can be expressed
metaphorically as the construction of a building. As the new layers of the history or floors are
added the foundation becomes more and more obscured from view (Figueroa 9/15). As the higher
levels continued to build they were able to create the illusion of a pure, white society by rejecting
and denying their Taino and African heritage.
The United States gained Puerto Rico in 1898 through the Treaty of Paris, signed after the Spanish
American. Although the Puerto Rican community initially embraced U.S. intervention in 1898,
hoping that the land of the free would finally bring liberty to the island, the following years were
full of disillusionment. The sad reality was that the U.S. had no intention of ever giving up control
of Puerto Rico because of its strategic location in the Caribbean. The United States government
tried to Americanize the island. Which was acceptable for the island in the eyes of the elite until
their power was being threatened. The elite s on the island looked to the Jibaro as their symbol of
national identity.
In response to this situation, certain intellectuals turned to the margins of their society, where they
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Nourishment Umbrellas
Have you ever asked why most nourishment trucks and stands have either an umbrella or shade?
There are numerous viable purposes for the establishment of an umbrella in each truck. What s
more, they are as per the following: * It s a wellbeing code necessity. At the point when setting up a
truck business, one needs to have a grant, permit, and approval acquired from correlated
neighborhood government offices, which incorporate the wellbeing office. The license from the
neighborhood wellbeing office is likely the most essential necessity you ought to have. For the most
part, the wellbeing division requires that every truck must have a high wind umbrella. Since
sustenance trucks more often than not are on walkways, they are liable to different nourishment
defilement and wellbeing perils. Therefore, they... Show more content on ...
Having a wide and huge umbrella over your head gives you protect from the glaring sun, rain, or
snow. On the off chance that you need extra scope, you can trade your umbrella for a more
extensive and greater overhang or get an additional umbrella. * It shields nourishment from blowing
trash, falling leaves, feathered creature droppings, and different contaminants. Nourishment
merchants are for the most part offering their stock outside. What s more, therefore, they are
inclined to catch garbage from up high, for example, flying creature droppings. Nobody could ever
need his or her sustenance to be embellished with that or with a dried fallen leaf. Having an
umbrella overhead offers insurance from these airborne contaminants. * It promotes your
sustenance truck business. Having a splendidly hued high twist umbrella over your nourishment
truck conveys consideration regarding your business. You can really have it redone and have it
printed with your business sign and logo. This will tell your potential clients the sort of sustenance
administration you offer. * It can be utilized to hang other
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The Power Of Isis Through Social Media Essay
The Power of ISIS Through Social Media As social media has become more prevalent in our
society, terrorist groups, such as ISIS, presence through platforms such as Twitter or Facebook
has increased as well. Over 46,000 accounts on Twitter were ISIS supporters as of 2015
(Merchant). These type of extremist accounts target users by promoting the dignifying aspect of
ISIS instead of the gory details about their jihadist culture. This strategy is very effective on
younger generations who appeal to the struggle of the messages displayed by the Islamic State.
Since social media apps such as, Twitter or Facebook, are so accessible, these terrorist
organizations have an even easier time taking advantage of the opportunity propagated by the
companies. Social Media provides an outlet for terrorist groups because it gives them a medium
to recruit people worldwide and implements and system where they can become untraceable.
ISIS is constantly changing but, the surplus of western recruits ISIS has access to through social
media is constant. Most terrorist groups only have a small effect on social media, while ISIS
...execution videos received tens of thousands of views within hours of going online (Hong).
These amounts of views are what give ISIS the power to spread their message to vulnerable
minds in the West. Youtube provides a great outlet for ISIS s videos, especially since they are
worldwide. On the other hand, terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda, who was mostly silenced by
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Cultural Mobility In America
In the United States, there were many immigrants, and there were opportunities to get jobs for
immigrants. Therefore, many immigrants believed that they spend better life in the U.S. than they
spend life in the home country. It is very important that cultural and social mobility increase in
citizens, especially poor people, and I foresee a timewhen I will be economically mobile for several
Cultural mobility is closely related to people s life. Cultural mobility provides entrance to various
institutions, goods, services, and practices (Beato 350). Nowadays, cultural mobility is increasing
in the U.S. because technology is developing, and technology development helps to improve
cultural mobility. Increasing cultural mobility helps ... Show more content on ...
In the United States, in the past, social mobility was low, so poor people were not able to move
out of poverty. For example, a poor parents child becomes a poor adult because parents do not
have enough money for a child s education. Likewise, A child born into a low income home hears
30 million fewer words than a child from a well off family (Obama 342). As a result, a child is
not educated, and a child cannot get a job that earns an average income, so this awful cycle
continues. However, some presidents solved social issues for poor people. Abraham Lincoln
started a system of land grant colleges all over this country so that any poor man s son could go
learn something new (Obama 339). Also, When millions died without health insurance, LBJ
fought for Medicare and Medicaid (Obama 339). Therefore, social mobility started to increase.
Some new jobs appeared, and it also helped to increase social mobility. As a result, citizens life
became better and better. People call this environment the American Dream. The American dream
is that if you work hard, you have a chance to get achieve (Obama 338).
However, Barack Obama argues that social mobility is decreasing recently. Also, Decreasing
mobility poses a fundamental threat to the American dream (Obama 341). He thinks the
American Dream is disappearing. However, Obama s argument is not correct because social
mobility is increasing bit by bit. Two Harvard economists, two Berkeley economists, and one U.S.
Treasury economist failed to find decreasing economic mobility (Beato 349). For example, people
s average income is higher than before generation s average income, so the American Dream is not
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The Fbi Is The United States Prime Federal Law Enforcement...
The Federal Bureau of Investigation or the FBI serves as the United States prime federal law
enforcement agency. The FBI employs nearly 35,000 people, including special agents and they
support professionals such as intelligence analysts, language specialists, scientists, and information
technology specialists. The FBI also employs many civilians who go through intense training. The
FBI works around the globe. The group s headquarters is in Washington, D.C. They have 56 field
offices located in major cities throughout the U.S., around 360 smaller offices called resident
agencies in cities and towns across the nation, and more than 60 international offices called legal
attachГ©s in U.S. embassies worldwide. The total direct funded budget is approximately $8.3
billion. The FBI is portrayed in many, TV shows, movies, books, and video games. Some examples
include, The TV show, Criminal Minds, and the movie, J. Edgar. The FBI is a huge organization,
that works to protect us Americans. The FBI protects the United States of America from terrorist
attacks, foreign intelligence operations and espionage, cyber based attacks and high technology
crimes. They combat public corruption, transnational/national criminal organizations and
enterprises, major white collar crime, and other significant crime. Most importantly they protect our
civil rights. The FBI serves the public by keeping us safe. They investigate and prosecute criminal
acts, such as cyber crimes, murder, and other serious
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The Representation of Young Black Men in the Media News
We live in a media saturated environment where everything we know and what we consider to be
important is often based on stories produced and displayed to us by the media, Brooks and Hebert
(2006). Much of what we know and care about is based on the images, symbols and narratives in
radio, television, film, music and other media systems. How individuals construct their social
identities, how they come to understand what it means to be male, female, Black, White, Asian,
Latino and Native America is shaped by commoditised texts produced by media for audiences that
are increasingly segmented by the social construction of race. In short the media are central to what
ultimately come to present our social realities. For example for many Whites and people from
other races and ethnicities the media s portrayal of young black men is the primary bias for their
knowledge and reaction. With a few notable examples in politics, most media present young black
men as figures to be admired for their athleticism, artistic, entertainment talent or feared for their
criminality. However this essay will focus on the way young black men are portrayed in news.
On the local news shows, young black men are disproportionately presented as criminals and white
young men as victims despite the egalitarian norms we purport to hold Dixton (2008). They are
many historical and contemporary examples of media portraying young black men in the way
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The Optimal Formula For Longevity And Healthiness
It is known that genetics and lifestyle determine health and length of life. The optimal formula for
longevity and healthiness was researched by National Geographic and National Institute of
Aging. The agencies performed a study examining the lifestyles of individuals who lived to be a
hundred years old or more. People who lived to be hundred years old or more have acquired the
name centenarians. The research indicated centenarians populated the following locations known as
Blue Zones: Ikaria, Greece; Loma Linda, California; Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; and Nicoya
Costa Rica. Dan Buettner, geographic reporter, travelled to the Blue Zones and interviewed
centenarians to discover the secret to living physical and mentally satisfying life. Buettner s
interviews revealed nine commonalities which focused on movement, purpose, mindfulness,
nutrition, and community. Blue Zone Power 9 information is widely published and readily
available, and while 60% of the United Statespopulation will at encounter long term care facility
living, the likely users of Buettner s research would be long term care facilities. However, the
United States long term care facilities do not implement Power 9 concepts to improve quality of
life in long term care settings. This paper will illustrate with examples how long term care as a
whole falls short of providing a Blue Zone Power9 environment for older adults.
The first Power9 secret to living a longer, fuller life is movement. According to Dan
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Civil War And The Black Suffrage
Post Civil War, Northern women became increasingly active in the Black suffrage movements in
the North. They strategized that by enforcing the right of suffrage for African Americans they
would automatically receive the right to vote. Their calculations were based off of the hierarchal
rules implied by the Jim Crow South. During the Jim Crow Era, segregationists feared that
reconstruction would mess with the inherent order of their society by making Black men equal to
White men and beneath them allowing Black women to be equal to White women. Their
restoration period stressed that the gender/racial hierarchy be preserved as follows: White men,
White women, Black men, and then Black women. The Northern women assumed that there was no
way they would give Black men the right to vote without giving White women the right to vote
first, since they were higher up on Jim Crow s hierarchy. However, their initial plan was unfeasible
due to mutual disagreement amongst men in regards to women s suffrage. Even the radical men
believed that supporting women s suffrage was pushing things too far and risked the nullification of
the fourteenth amendment. Regardless of, they pushed for its ratification.
In 1873 Suzan B. Anthony led the women to go up to the polls to cast votes as a form of protest.
Their plan was to go to the polls, get turned away, then sue on behalf of the fourteenth amendment
which equally protected them. To their dismay, Anthony was not turned away but instead was
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Porch Swing Bed Research Paper
If you are thinking that porch swing bed is only a seating unit, we urge you to think again.
Besides its overall seating utility, diversity in designs and numerous variations of itself, help you
add a dash to your comfortable home exterior. Available in both iron and wood forms, it can be
made more comfortable with a seating pad on it. Pamper your comfort sitting and choose the
smoother and softer pads.
Porch Swing Bed Ideas For House
Interesting ideas begin with adorning the bed with some decorative pads. A basic example is,
placing pads that are covered with a patterned fabric. To give it a natural look, most pads use a
floral fabric for porch beds. Making them purely natural and more divine are pad fabrics available
in leaves motifs design.
... Get more on ...
Radiologic Technologist Ethical Dilemmas
Ethical Dilemma An example of an ethical dilemma for a radiographer is presented in this essay. In
addition, the explanation of why the situation presents a dilemma and what is the expected ethical
behavior are also provided. Finally, the essay also contains the description of both unfavorable and
positive outcomes that are possible in this ethical situation. Example of an Ethical Dilemma During
a routine radiology procedure a radiologic technologist finds it very clear that the patient has a rare
form of bone disease. However, the doctor after casually glancing at the image comes to a
conclusion that there is nothing wrong with the patient, and the pain that the patient is complaining
about is just a common pain, that will go away without any medication or procedure. What can the
radiologic technologist do in this situation?... Show more content on ...
Who is to choose in this situation? The problem of conflicting professional duties is also present
in this case. On one side, the doctor is a professional colleague within the same hospital, and also
the expert in understanding the radiographic image and diagnosing the problem. A radiologic
technologist should not cross the professional boundary by questioning the doctor about his/her
diagnosis. On the other hand, it is the right of the patient to know the real problem, and get the
medical care that he/she deserves. Especially in case of radiologic procedures, the patient has no
way of determining whether the procedures have been performed properly or not. The
consequence of the misdiagnosis by a doctor can even be life threatening for the patient, if the
appropriate medical care is not provided at the correct time. Expected Ethical
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After The Deluge Theme
The theme of actions have consequences are presented in both After the Deluge and all of the
flood myths we read. These stories have the same theme because some of the same concepts
happen in the stories such as everything being taken or destroyed, and the character being able
to live after destruction. Water line, a parched land where water is a god that doles its favors by
the drop, and waiting is a way of life. Rebellion gleamed yet faintly in his eye traversing chrome
and platinum retreats. The dictator s actions led to many different things but using his fortune for
his own and being selfish is what led to most conflict. Yet he did help out with his people but it
wasn t known. ... His widow s mite, discreetly publicized. The
... Get more on ...
Essay Grief and Bereavement in The Catcher in the Rye
The Catcher in the Rye has been described, analyzed, rebuffed, and critiqued over the years. Each
writer expresses a different point of view: It is a story reflecting teen ager s talk thoughts emotions
actions; or angst. I believe it is an adult s reflection of his own unresolved grief and bereavements.
That adult is the author, J.D. Salinger. He uses his main character, Holden, as the voice to vent the
psychological misery he will not expose or admit to.
If there are 785 instances of profanity in the book, I contend there are well over a hundred scenes
where Holden used the word depressed. D Ambrosio presents this same thought saying, It should
be obvious by now that I don t see The Catcher in the Rye as ... Show more content on ...
He believes that there is something in Salinger s own life that is being portrayed through the
character Holden. Ambrosio does not believe that this is a coming of age, or the anxious life of
a teen ager story. Instead, he believes the story is a search for a disturbing and extreme loss of
identity. The book is, he claims, All about suicide and silence (31). I found Ambrosio s correlations
to be very telling and supportive of my thesis.
Early in Salinger s life, he faced one the cultural illnesses widespread in the North Eastern states
of America. It was the virulent disease of anti Semitism. Salinger lived in New York City, where
he was raised as the son of Jewish parents. The 1920 s and 1930 s were a time in America when
Anti Semitism was written into the policies of many institutions. His heritage automatically
deprived him from attending the best colleges: Harvard, Yale, and Dartmouth. He was prevented
from belonging to certain social clubs, from certain professions, and from the rank of officer in the
U. S. Military.
Reporters and editors, trying to interview Salinger about his early life, ran into a prickly silent
wall. Margaret, his daughter reveals why. During the Depression and World War 11, from 1939 to
1945, anti Semitism was at its peak. Jews met a wall of discrimination at colleges, clubs, and career
opportunities. Prior to 1948, it was not uncommon
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The Security Of The United States Security
After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, people in the United States knew that absolutely
anything could happen without even thinking about it. This event made the government realize that
the United States security was not the best it could be. There always has been security everywhere,
but today everything is taken to another level and is being controlled with a great amount of
precautions. Now there is a lot more airport security, which will help prevent any more hijacking of
planes or bombings. There has also been a lot more securityin New York City because of the terrorist
attack. There are also new technologies and programs that help with the security of this country.
After the attack in 2001, the United States government ... Show more content on ...
The Department of Homeland Security had also formed a division to analyze intelligence
gathered by the FBI, CIA, and many other police agencies and military agencies (Swanson,
Charles R., Territo, Leonard, Taylor, Robert W., 90). Barack Obama appointed Janet Napolitano as
the third secretary of the department and is also the governor in the area of terrorism and
immigration reform. Napolitano has played an important role in strengthening border security by
increasing forces along the border, and increasing resources and technology to aid in the fight
against terrorism (Swanson, Charles R., Territo, Leonard, Taylor, Robert W., 90). The DHS has
become an important role to the security of the public in the United States.
Within this department, there was a color coded threat system known as the Homeland Security
Advisory System. There was red for severe risk of terrorist attacks, orange for high risk of
terrorist attacks, yellow for significant risk of terrorist attacks, blue for general risk of terrorist
attacks, and green for low risk of terrorist attacks (Homeland Security News, 2011). This system is
being replaced by the National Terrorism Advisory System, which will more effectively
communicate information about terrorist threats by providing timely, detailed
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Buachaillin Should Be Banned
Listening Journal An Buachaillin Ban is a tune that is a sean nГІs, and thus considered a traditional
Irish song. There are no instruments and it is sung solo and in the Gaelic language. The melody
is unmetered with a varying rhythm in each verse and likely based on the young lady s own
pattern of speech. Because the song is unaccompanied, the singer is using a great deal of
ornamentation to give the tune more interest and aesthetic appeal. She has a small bit of nasal
timbre that is more noticeable at the end of certain phrases and, using some vibrato, she slides her
notes to join words or phrases together. The ornamentation differs in each verse adding character to
the very long and very stylized melody. She is telling a story and though... Show more content on ...
Around the 1:47 mark the tune changes and switches from The Reel of Rio to The Woman of
the House . Both tunes have an extremely fast rhythm and are written in 4/4 time making them
simple quadruple metered with 4 beats per measure. The rhythmic pattern appears to repeat
itself in binary form, though it is difficult to follow. The tone in The Reel of Rio distinctly
changes from low to high after two measures and in The Woman of the House the tone remains
mostly the same up to the end. Both tunes are reels , which is the most popular tune type within
the Irish dance music tradition (Reel). As with all reels, they have the same structure, consisting
largely of quaver (eighth note) movement with an accent on the first and third beats of the bar.
(Reel). These accents make it difficult for this writer to count out the beats and therefore, unable
to imagine dancing to these tunes. Bibliography Cervantees, Lorna Dee. Gaughan The World
Turned Upside Down for St. Paddy s Day. Lorna Dee Cervantes. N.p., 17 Mar. 2005. Web. 18
Sept. 2017. Eddie. A Fig for a Kiss (G). N.p., 31 Aug. 2014. Web. 18 Sept.
20171 Moxey, John. AAA Song Form. Songstuff. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2017. Reel (dance).
Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 06 Sept. 2017. Web. 18 Sept. 2017.(multiple contributors).
Spiegel, Max, and Antaine. Rocks of Bawn Meaning? The Mudcat Cafe, 10 Sept. 1998, 03:36
... Get more on ...

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Profile Essay On A Person Outline. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. Profile Essay On A Person Outline 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Profile Essay On A Person OutlineProfile Essay On A Person Outline
  • 2. 3.What Contribution Did Mrs 540 The Church To 120 C.E. 3. What contribution did MRS 540 the Church to 120 C.E. make to your understanding of the church? For me, the course, MRS 540 The Church to 120 C.E had helped me understand the early parts of the ministry that Christ set here on here on Earth to spread the message of Hope, Love, and Compassion that can found within his Gospel Message. As a student of History, this course had For me pointed the many legends as I have learned within this course concerning the ministries and deaths of Christ s apostles abound, but there is little Scriptural information of such. Therefore, what the apostles did in their later years and how they died may be regarded as quite uncertain. Despite some severe persecutions of which us here in America understand ... Show more content on ... by being crucified upside down (that position being requested by him supposedly because of a feeling of unworthiness to be crucified just as his Lord was). It is noteworthy that Christ did predict a martyr s death for Peter (Jn. 21:18,19). It is thought that Paul was beheaded right outside Rome in 68 A.D. (II Tim. 4: 6 8,16 18). John supposedly lived and labored in Ephesus during his later years, being the only apostle allowed to die a natural death. The lives, ministries, and deaths of the rest of the apostles are far more unknown. These realities do not consider the enormous social differences are often existing in non Jewish congregations. A person who sold goods only the wealthy bought and a Roman jailer in the same church (Acts 16:14 40)? A dirt poor person and the owner of an expensive home in the same church (James 2:1 4)? A slave and his or her owner in the same church meeting in the owner s home (Philemon)? A Jewish convert who refused to eat anything sacrificed to an idol and a pagan convert who ate anything in the same church (Galatians 2:11 14)? All those situations existed in the first century! The concepts that this course show me was when the church assembled in the first century, some spoke in tongues, some interpreted those tongues, some prophesied, some introduced a new song, some received a revelation and some performed miracles. To them, those experiences were typical events. That is my under from my studies that It is doubtful first century ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Sears Mission Statement Problem or Need Prior the 1980 s, Sears Holding Corporation (SHLD) managed to generate revenue and compete among the top retailers in America (Kim, 2014). SHLD s current financial status reveals that they are failing to maintain profitability. Having worked with SHLD for over two years, I have noticed a slow decline in profits. The main reasons for SHLD mishaps are due to a lack of a satisfactory mission statement (Sears Holding Corp, 2014), increased competition, insufficient marketing tools and lack of bargaining power. All of these elements play a part in SHLD loss of profits. Research Basis SHLD profitability problem goes beyond person opinion and first hand experience. The level of research needed to find solutions will require scholarly ... Show more content on ... Although SHLD is attempting to cut costs and capitalize off of their newly appointed loyalty program, the company continues to manufacture quarterly losses (Sharf, 2014). Their lack of profitability stems from an inadequate mission statement, increased competition, inadequate marketing and lack of bargaining power. However, all of these aspects can be fixed to ensure that SHLD becomes profitable again. This is why research needs to be completed. I need to research ways combat competition, revitalize their marketing approach and increase their bargaining power. Furthermore, I need to ensure that SHLD s modified mission statement provides guidelines for the entire organization to follow. Once all of these aspects of SHLD are fixed, I will present my results to my General Manager of SHLD eastern region. Prior to presenting a formal report to my General Manager, I plan to excavate information from sources as follows: Wall Street Journal, Forbes, ABC news and much more. In addition to periodicals, I will use UMUC s Library to extract financial trends and statistics. Moreover, I plan to conduct interviews with general and store managers from Sears and K Mart stores to retrieve their reactions to SHLD current financial ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Rhetorical Analysis Of Zeitoun In his documentative account, Zeitoun, altruistic author Dave Eggers illustrates the experiences of one muslim man, Abdulrahman Zeitoun, and his struggle to respond to and cope with the trials facing society and nature following Hurricane Katrina. By describing the destructive flooding of his home and his neighborhood, Eggers establishes a desperate tone, as a race against time ensues to save what is left. As the physical landscape drastically changes, so do the very morals and establishments that hold society together. Eggers utilizes several rhetorical strategies to highlight the cruel and destructive stigmatization of Muslim Americans in a post 9 11 society, and that in times of calm or chaos, the common man is the same despite the labels... Show more content on ... As previously established using ethos, Eggers portrays Zeitoun as a reliable protagonist, a man who shares many of the same morals and ethics with other human beings alike despite the small label of being of arab descent and of the muslim fate. Similarly, Eggers relies upon the appeal of pathos to render the reader sympathetic for Zeitoun, in order to achieve the same effect. When the flood from the damaged levies reaches Zeitoun s neighborhood, Eggers demonizes the floodwater, describing it as almost animalistic using verbs such as swallowed and crawled when referencing the water flooding the property. This use of personification reveals Eggers motive to bring to light the helplessness felt by Zeitoun to save what he has left from the damaging waters. In this Man versus Nature situation, the reader feels the impact of the flood tearing away at what Zeitoun has built for himself. The stigma that Eggers wishes to make redundant, and the same that would label Zeitoun a terrorist need not apply here. The response Eggers wishes to trigger from the audience is that of sympathy and ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Initial Public Offering An initial public offering (IPO) is the process through which a privately held company issues shares of stock to the public for the first time. Also known as going public, an IPO transforms a small business from a privately owned and operated entity into one that is owned by public stockholders. An IPO is a significant stage in the growth of many small businesses, as it provides them with access to the public capital market and also increases their credibility and exposure. Becoming a public entity involves significant changes for a small business, though, including a loss of flexibility and control for management. In many cases, however, an IPO may be the only means left of financing growth and expansion. The decision to go public is... Show more content on ... A related advantage is that the public company may have enhanced credibility with its suppliers, customers, and lenders, which may lead to improved credit terms. Yet another advantage of going public involves the ability to use stock in creative incentive packages for management and employees. Offering shares of stock and stock options as part of compensation may enable a small business to attract better management talent, and to provide them with an incentive to perform well. Employees who become part owners through a stock plan may be motivated by sharing in the company s success. Finally, an initial public offering provides a public valuation of a small business. This means that it will be easier for the company to enter into mergers and acquisitions, because it can offer stock rather than cash. Disadvantages of Going Public The biggest disadvantages involved in going public are the costs and time involved. Experts note that a company s management is likely to be occupied with little else during the entire IPO process, which may last as long as two years. The small business owner and other top managers must prepare registration statements for the SEC, consult with investment bankers, attorneys, and accountants, and take part in the personal marketing of the stock. Many people find this to be an ... Get more on ...
  • 6. english quotation essay Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change yourself and the world. There is a reason why every civilization throughout time has valued education,because it truly can alter our collective condition and make our lives easier, simpler, and most crucially, happier! From Egyptians learning to write on papyrus tablets to late nineteenth century scientists striving to discover medicines like penicillin, there has always been an urge in humanity to be better and to be more than what we have been before. Man s highest achievements the building of bridges and overwhelming skyscrapers, to video chatting and space travel the marvels of modern day living that we take for granted today, were once just mere ideas in people s ... Show more content on ... The strength and force of education is visible to anyone who cares to look at the recent Egyptian revolution, where young students, with minds opened to the wonders of democracy, through education, helped overthrow the yoke of suffering that their parents had silently borne. Education is the silent and effective weapon of nonviolence, which can help people and societies break the cycle of oppression that many have historically suffered from. Many oppressed societies, where dictators have thrived, have had a paucity of education avenues. Education liberates the mind from its shackles and fears and encourages it to challenge and to communicate with others. It is not without a reason that education is at the bottom of the priority list of dictators. It was also not without reason that upon annexation of neighboring states. Many dictators find it easy to unscrupulously deny people education or better still, manipulate education to serve their own selfish interests. Throughout history, and even today, autocratic leaders censor literature and books and prevent potent ideas from spreading since they realize that an idea is the most powerful force in the world and can transform a human being completely. More importantly though, to me, an educated person also has the capability to objectively analyze issues, recognize and learn from existing flaws, ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Dangers Of Fighting In War The Union and Confederate were fighting a bloody war against one another. The dangers they encounter were increased by the lack of resources. Soldiers often went days without food. They did not have adequate clothing and footwear. When a soldier was wounded, proper medical care was nonexistent. Military doctors and nurses worked around the clock with limited resources to help soldiers. Fighting in war supplies the opportunity to face danger; however, who would have imagined basic human needs would go unmet? After a long day of marching through unknown territory, a meal was what soldierwished for. Sadly, they often did not have any food. One soldier wrote, I am glad to hear that your crops are as good and I hope that all the folks are good because we don t have nothing to eat here, and so I hopes you have got something to eat there (soldiers). Another soldier requested his... Show more content on ... Whether they were ill due to poor conditions or from battle, doctors and nurses worked around the clock. If soldiers became sick while marching they were left behind. One soldier wrote, Many became ill from exposure and starvation, and were left on the road. The ambulances were full, and the whole route was marked with a sick (soldiers). A doctor told his wife about the days after a battle, How awful it is you have not can have until you see it any idea of affairs after a battle. The dead appear sickening but they suffer no pain. But the poor wounded mutilated soldiers that yet have life and sensation make a most horrid picture (soldiers). Medical staff were not supplied with the pain medicine they required to keep patients comfortable. One soldier requested his wife send him some pain medicine, If you get a chance to send me anything, send me some cider put up in bottles, and some apples and a little bottle of pain killer (soldiers). The doctors and nurses did the best they could with the resource s they were ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Critical Study of Animal Attacks and Government Policy Jungles are calling: Critical Study of animal attacks and government policy We are fond of progress, mines, speedy trains, luxurious homes, and of smooth roads and at the same time we want a peace of mind where we can take a rest for few days in the jungles or in remote area from the chaotic and tensed urban life. That clearly shows human being has fond of development as well as environment. Over to the time this fact is accepted that sustainable development and protection of environment are two side of one coin. Recent incidents shows that supporters of both the side are conflicting with each other like these are enemies of each other s. Recent statistics from Maharashtra shows that compensation amount which is given to the victims of the animal attack is too high and that can be wisely and effectively invested into the precautionary measures and for the rehabilitation of the animals. Many animals like elephants, tigers, peacock etc. are getting unnatural death because of trains in many areas of country. We are using the jungles to build dams, railway tracks and many things which are for the development of the human fraternity, but at the same time we are not thoughtful about water places, ways of the animals and which are resulted into the attack of the animals on people. Even then no one is serious about preserving jungles. Indian railway has planned to cut down 2800 Km forest for the widening the railway line in country and the same proposal is pending in the front ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Harper Lee s Kill A Mocking Bird Most blacks are unable to speak English well. They cannot conjugate verbs. They have a poor grasp of verb tenses. They have a limited vocabulary. They cannot speak without swearing. Many, when they testify, show a complete lack of empathy and are unable to conceal a morality based on the satisfaction of immediate, base needs. Most jurors are white and are appalled by the demeanor of uneducated, criminal blacks . The prevalent attitudes of the American Public in the 1930 s are brazenly conveyed in this quote. Black people were viewed as the epitome of moral, physical and mental ugliness and were expected to be uneducated and wholly beneath white citizens. Although this mindset was fundamentally unavoidable for many at that time, ... Show more content on ... Lee also presents the problems she witnessed through her Bildungsroman style narrative, allowing Scout s maturity and morality to align with her conclusion to reject racial discrimination. Harper Lee presents the problem of racism specifically in the trial of Tom Robinson a black man unfairly convicted of rape by Mayella Ewell, Robert Ewell s daughter. The courtroom setting entitles the reader to identify an extensive range of characters, with varying social statuses, backgrounds and idiosyncrasies, representing a complete society itself. The heavy use of dialogue and symbolism throughout the trial also enables the reader to view other s predispositions of black people, as well as Scout s detached insight into the case as a young girl, and her reflection of it as a woman, creating a contemplative chapter. When Tom is responding questions asked by Judge Taylor, Atticus and Mr. Gilmer, he explains that Mayella approached him, causing him to flee as he was scared. Tom stated, No suh, she she hugged me. She hugged me round the waist . Here, Tom s use of suh displays his conditioned response when generally conversing with white people. The accent representation on the vowel also shows the differentiation between white and black at the time; uh is lower and more rounded, darker than ir , a ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Concepts Of Government In The Film Mr. Smith Goes To... The main plot of the movie, Mr. Smith goes to Washington is a conflict between Jeff Smith, Senator Paine, and Jim Taylor. A senator of a state passed away causing a new senator needing to be appointed. Jim Taylor a local publicist who had pull around the Senate, pressured the governor to select Jefferson Smith. He was appointed as the new Senator of the State, because everyone thought that he was incompetent, naive, and would not get in their way. However when Smith passed a clever bill that got in the way of Jim Taylor s scandal, Jim and Senator Paine tried to do whatever they could to get Jeffrey expelled from the Senate. But with the help of Clarissa Saunders, Jeffrey was able to stop them. The movie explored many concepts of government that we ... Show more content on ... One of the concepts that the movie touched on was the filibuster process. A filibuster is a technique of prolonged speech in order to prevent a bill from being passed. In the movie Clarissa advised Jeff to commence a filibuster in order to prevent a bill from getting passed, by doing so he prevented his own expulsion and also exposed Jim Taylor and Senator Paine for who they really were. Jeff saved his bill also by using the filibuster and cleared his name of all the lies that were spread by Jim Taylor and his colleagues. In the movie they also went over the process of how to get a bill passed. Senator Jeffrey s bill was to organize a camp for kids that need help. First Senator Jefferson has to propose the bill in front of Senate after he is done writing it, and after that it is sent into a committee to deem the importance of the bill. After that it is sent back and forth from the House and the Senate and is amended and voted yes or no on. If both the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Police Foils The police are often characterized as foils when compared to detectives due to their analytical thinking that requires logical reasonings in order to solve a mystery, and a lack of creative thinking that detectives use to place themselves in the mind of the criminal. As well, detectives will often solve a mystery that otherwise discombobulates the police. In Edgar Allan Poe s The Murders in the Rue Morgue and The Purloined Letter, It is evident that the inability for the police to solve a case efficiently through their lack of creative thinking and a scarcity of analytical thinking highlights Dupin s superiority in solving crimes more effectively than the police. In The Purloined Letter, the Police effectively use clues to find the... Show more content on ... Due to the gruesome nature of the crime scene, the Police overlook things and do not analyze every possible idea, which includes not placing themselves in the psyche of the criminal.Their unskilled methods are what cause the Police to be inconsistent with either being too detailed in their search, or not detailed enough. Unlike Dupin, the Police do not have a particular method and he suggests that the skill of the analyst is evinced. He makes, in silence, a host of observations and inferences (Poe 67). The inconsistency of the Police search and the lack of logical reasoning and creative thinking does not allow them to make a conclusion in the case. Dupin steps in to play the role of the Police, using logical reasoning to search the crime scene, and the detective by using creative thinking to come to a conclusion. It is evident that the Police are inconsistent when they are not detailed in their search which highlights Dupin s ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Dave Pelzer s Childhood Abuse A similar study taken in 2010 by Harvard Business School surveyed 136 countries. They came to the conclusion that ones who are altruistic, and giving to one s less fortunate in this case people who are donating financially to charity financially were much happier than others A child called it provides a heart wrenching story of the firsthand experiences Dave Pelzer faced with his childhood abuse. Pelzer writes an autobiography of a young boy who is beaten, starved, and tortured by his mother for years. Despite his terrible upbringing from childhood up to adolescence, he manages to turn his life around. Dave uses his hope, a positive attitude, and determination to survive his mother s torture [include a clear topic sentence that includes ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Evangelicalism Essay Introduction Evangelicalism did not evolve or operate in a space. It is essential to consider the ways in which members of this group participated in and changed their culture, and, conversely, to assess how its social context provided both the ideas which evangelicalism adopted or transformed and those which it actively rejected or resisted. As movements that came of age during the first half of the nineteenth century, Evangelical Protestantism can be understood most clearly in the political, economic, and religious contexts of post revolutionary American society. Although the movement would come to effect profound changes in its society it was very much in a sense that the culture had grown ripe for its emergence. The tension between ... Show more content on ... Somewhat ironically, many of these social organizations took as their immediate goal the uplifting of individuals. The focus of individual advancement and social responsibility found greatest expression, however, in a religious uprising that shook the country during the early nineteenth century. The basis of this religious transformation can be found in the longing of many people for an intensity of spiritual experience. The Second Great Awakening and Rise of Evangelicalism Transformations in American economics, politics and intellectual culture found their parallel in a transformation of American religion in the decades following independence. As a result, the United States underwent a widespread flowering of religious sentiment and unprecedented expansion of church membership known as the Second Great Awakening. The Awakening lasted some 50 years, from the 1790s to the 1840s, and spanned the entire United States. The religious revitalization that the Awakening represented manifested itself in different ways according to the local population and church establishment, but was definitely a Protestant phenomenon. Methodist and Baptist denominations experienced a surge of membership, often at the expense of other denominations, prompting a move toward liberalization and competitiveness on the part of the Anglican, Presbyterian and Congregationalist churches. The numerical success of ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Four Elements Of Hip-Hop 1.4.1. The Art of the Streets Hip Hop is a complex cultural movement formed during the early 1970s by African Americans in the slums of South Bronx, New York (Dyson 6), it propagated outside of the African American community in late 1980s, and by the opening of the 21th century it became the most spread culture in the world. Hip Hop consists of four elements: Deejay, Break Dancing, Rapping, and Graffiti. (Kenon 112) 1.4.2. Hip Hop Elements The phenomenon of Hip Hop has reached every corner of the globe, due to its easy form of express emotional or sociopolitical thoughts in a new and creative way, throughout its four elements: A.Deejay Is a complex form of creating music samples from already existed ones, with the help of at least a Turntable ... Show more content on ... D.Graffiti Is the most controversial element on hip hop, and tends to be its visual expression. The definition of graffiti could be that it is a mural interpretation of the artists inner that can be resulted in a drawing, writing, or a symbolic projection (Edwards 13 17). There are three types of the graffiti art: the Tagging, which can be a simple form of one color only; second, is the Threw Up in which the artist may use more than two colors, and the Spray is the third type where more colors and complexity is used. (Gross 285) The roots of graffiti started about 1971 by a Greek American who tagged TAKI 183 in all New York subway system, he declared that he used graffiti to create an identity in which he is certain about (Fortuna 3), then it emerged all around America and the world. (David 72) Hip Hop isn t just four elements combined within a culture, it is also a way of life, a language, a fashion, a set of values, and a unique perspective (Efrem 2), the hip hop basic and sub elements have a strong impact in the American society mainly on its ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Resistance Conditioning Observation My first observation was a strength and resistance conditioning class of about eighteen to twenty students. This observation was with a professor I had during community college in San Antonio Texas. Leland Hammonds has been a personal trainer for quite some time and I have taken three of his classes. During this session the students did a circuit training routine. Leland did correct some students that were not keeping their form correct throughout the workout. He had some students do a cardio part and others do the strength/endurance part of the circuit since the equipment in the room was limited. He walked through the workout provided to the students which included a warm up on the treadmill, following renegade rows, air squats, jump rope,... Show more content on ... The members have a competition on the 22nd so they are preparing for endurance/cardio run and drills. During this class only seven or six members showed up and two members I did not see the last session. Teri took these members through a squat press with kettlebells, a bent over row, inch worms, hops, a jog, and supermans. The members did about four rounds of this circuit for the first 30 minutes. The next 30 minutes the members went through abductions and adduction exercises, planks, hops, and body weight squats. One of the members Teri noticed that her knees were caving in while doing squats. Teri took a resistance band and put the band above the member s knees and had the girl hold onto a wide beam over the grotto since we were working out outside. She had the member go through squats and fixed her knees caving in and her back rounding. The girl also has hypermobility in the knees that had her locking them so Teri addressed how to fix this and also how her back needs to be straight and butt shooting out. Teri has an app on her phone called hudle and this app records movement. This app also lets you draw a line along the movement of the person so they can assess if they are moving out of the line while doing a proper squat or exercise. She recorded her and pointed out what she needed to further fix this issue. The member then got courage to take the band off and try it out a few more times. After ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Don Giovanni, From Mozart s Beloved Opera You know that they are more necessary to me than the bread I eat! Than the air I breathe! The passionate and powerful person that says those words is not an individual one should praise. It is, in fact, Don Giovanni, from Mozart s beloved opera Don Giovanni. The opera is the story of a trickster who seduces women and escapes from them, stripping them from their honor. The first act commences with the struggle of Donna Anna against Don Giovanni, who is hiding his identity under a mask. As she shouts, her father, the Commendatore, is woken up and strives to confront the man who has disowned his daughter. Consequently, they fight and Don Giovanni kills him. As the continuing scenes develop, the character meets a past girl, Donna Elvira, who is in love with him and believes to be his wife. Leporello, Giovanni s servant, tells her about the many women he has been with. Still, she insists on stopping his future affairs by telling the women of Don Giovanni s deeds. In the penultimate scene, the Don faces his inevitable fate, the inferno. It takes the divine forces to take him down, represented in the moving statue of the Commendatore. Don Giovanni is a quintessential example of the unfaithful man who lives a life of libertinage. Often, he has been described a hero. What characteristics do heroes embody, then? A hero is an individual who is esteemed for his courage, remarkable accomplishments, or honorable qualities. Therefore, Don Giovanni is the antonym of hero, embodying the ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Medium Mass Star The mass of a star dictates its whole life. Vega is a medium mass star, so it has about 10 billion years to live overall. Vega about 25 light years away, as well. Vega has an absolute magnitude of 0.58, and a temperature of 9,602 K. This medium mass star follows on the same path as any other medium mass star: First star birth, then through the main sequence, into a red giant, contracted into a white dwarf, and finally cooled into a black dwarf. Vega started out its life just as any other star, as a nebula. The cloud of dust and gas condenses and temperatures rise, until it is hot enough for fusion of hydrogen into helium can take place. When Vega was able to fuse hydrogen into helium, it was classified as a main sequence star, which is the phase in it s life cycle that it is currently in. To be a main sequence star, the star must be capable of fusing hydrogen into helium, which means Vega still hasn t run out of hydrogen to fuse.... Show more content on ... Once this happens, outward pressure will stop and the star s core will start to collapse, and temperatures will rise to a temperature that is hot enough to fuse helium into carbon and some oxygen. At this point, Vega will no longer be in the main sequence, and will begin to expand into a red giant, which is cool and bright. After Vega expands as far as it can, and runs out of helium to fuse, outward pressure will increase, once again, and the outer layers of Vega will be pushed away, causing a planetary nebula to be composed. The remaining core is a hot, dim white dwarf. In the end, the white dwarf will cool into a black dwarf, which is mostly made of carbon and oxygen. When Vega is a black dwarf, it will finished with it s life ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Weird Al Yankovic Sasha Frere Jones an executive editor, writing weirdly popular, a story about Weird Al Yankovic and his achievements in musical parodies and comedy. During life everyone finds their knick, or a hobby they can excel at. Whether it s playing games or knitting a sweater, but Yankovic expressed his time in rewriting popular hits to satisfy others. Yankovic seasoned himself in this style and it led him to become known all throughout pop culture by selling over twelve million albums of parodic versions of music. He was known well for bringing out the anxiety in music and celebrating it. This thrilled many musicians and they were honored when Yankovic chose to do a hit on their music. Yankovic not only sang and rewrote the music he also did music ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Case Study On Knee Replacement 1.My mother has knee pain for many years and recently it has worsened. She has some deformity around the knees and can barely walk more than 10 15 minutes. What should be done? Recent worsening of chronic knee pain and deformity probably indicates that knee arthritis has reached advanced stage i.e. the protective lining of the joint is nearly completely worn out. At this stage, pain medication often doesn t help much. Rather, one may suffer from dangerous side effects of prolonged pain medication therapy on heart, liver, kidney, stomach and intestines. It is recommended that one should consult a joint specialist and get certain X rays. If it is advanced arthritis, then one should consider knee replacement to get rid of the problem. 2.What do you mean by knee replacement? It is a surgical procedure in which the damaged or worn out cartilage lining of the joint is removed and replaced with an artificial implant thus removing the cause of pain. The soft tissue tension around the joint is balanced and the joint axis is restored to ... Show more content on ... What is the role of physiotherapy and exercises after joint replacement? At Paras Centre for Joint Replacement, we believe that every patient is unique. Therefore, we customize the physiotherapy protocol for the patient during the post operative recuperating period depending upon the intra operative observation of patient s bone soft tissue quality, soft tissue balancing, deformity and so forth. So our team of expert rehabilitation specialists rigorously trains the patients with the simplified protocols under the personal supervision of surgeons so that what you get is Just what is precisely tailored for you . More than 95% patients (except the unreliable ones) do not need supervision of physiotherapist at home as they are able to follow the custom made exercise regimen taught to them during hospital stay at home very well. Our surgical team vigilantly keeps track of the patient s performance at home by meticulous follow ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Incoming Junior Year Junior year has taught me a lot on how to become a better student and better friend. To all the incoming juniors, my advice to them would be stay focused. Junior year brings a lot of changes in many students lives. It will test your strengths and weaknesses but it will reveal the type of individual you are. One idea that I was able to understand better was that it s important to know what your goals are. Having a goal will not only keep you focused in accomplishing said goal but it will also be the thing that keeps you moving forward despite the obstacles, that as an incoming junior, one will encounter throughout the year. Your goals do not have to be specific it can be something minor such as just getting through high schoolbeing proud of ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Verbal Overhadowing Inaccuracies Societies across the United States are comprised of many culturally diverse people. Each and every individual possesses a distinct perception that differs from one another of events that have transpired. For most people that desire to achieve a career in law enforcement, they depend heavily on accurate, detailed eyewitness testimonials on a daily basis to apprehend the correct perpetrator that had committed a crime. In fact, law officials frequently inquire about precise and dependable depictions from bystanders within the community, as their ability to accurately identify the perpetrator immensely assists law officials. In that regard, law enforcement officers are restricted significantly by accurate eyewitness testimonies, within a particular... Show more content on ... The study was conducted to demonstrate the magnitude and effect of verbal overshadowing between delayed and immediate description retrieval conditions (Alonga et al., 1990). In the first condition, the manipulation consisted of participants that were given an immediate description task following the video of the perpetrator committing a crime (Alonga et al., 1990). In the second condition, manipulation consisted of participants that were given 20 minute delayed description tasks of the perpetrator committing a crime (Alonga et al., 1990). Results indicate that the participants in the immediate description tasks were 4% less likely to select the correct perpetrator in a police line up; whereas, participants in the 20 minute delayed description tasks were 16% more likely to select the perpetrator in a lineup (Alonga et al., 1990). This study is indicative to our findings concerning the effects of verbal overshadowing, as our results were similar to the immediate description and delayed description in our study to illustrate the effects of verbal overshadowing. Our study predicts that the effect of verbal overshadowing is prevalent in an immediate description retrieval opposed to the delayed description retrieval in accurately identifying the correct ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Effect Of Product Branding On Profitability Of... H0: There are no significant short run and long run impacts of trademarks on profit in Unilever (Gh.) Limited. H1: There are significant short run and long run impacts of trademarks on profit in Unilever (Gh.) Limited. H0: There are no significant short run and long run impacts of brand awareness on profit in Unilever (Gh.) Limited. H1: There are significant short run and long run impacts of brand awareness on profit in Unilever (Gh.) Limited. 3 Research Methods 3.1 Research Design The study adopted quantitative research method to diagnose the effect of product branding on profitability of Unilever (GH) Limited. This is because the hypothesis formulated in the study could be best tested with mathematical models (Lisa, 2009). The study focused on Unilever (GH) Limited. Unilever (GH) Limited is of the largest listed companies in Ghana with long trust records of product branding, supported with coperate vision. The company owns more than 400 brands, which are put into four main categories Refreshments, Foods, Personal Care and Home Care. 3.2 Data Data was compiled on product brand and company s profit over the period of 1984 2014 Financial Statements ascertained from Ghana Stock Exchange Database. The study followed Bae (1997), Scott Morton (1999), Rudholm (2001) and Daunfeldt et al (2005) and used sales revenue as proxy for profit. Elements of branding mostly used in empirical researches include logo (Schmitt Smionson, 1997), packaging (Garber et al, 2003; Folk and ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Compare And Contrast Jefferson And Hamilton s View Of... The original political parties, Federalist and Democratic Republicans, in America differed in their view of strong federal government vs strong state government. One leader that helped run the Federalist was Alexander Hamilton and Hamilton believed in a strong federal government. Hamilton s plan was to pay off all state debt, pay off all the bonds, and to form a national bank, and taxes. Which leads to why Hamilton believed we should have a strong federal government. The federal government would help keep order among the people and unite struggling states. Hamilton s view of the federal government is it had implied powers are powers that are suggested but not directly given to the government. Hamilton s used the idea of implied powers to help justify a national bank. Hamilton argued that the Constitution gave Congress the power to issue money and regulate trade, and a national bank would clearly help the government carry out these responsibilities. Thus, Hamilton believed that creating a national bank is within the constitutional powers of congress. Hamilton wanted a national bank not only because we were in debt from the war against Great Britain, but also stimulate the economy, by having a more stable paper currency. In contrast, the Democratic Republican... Show more content on ... That s why they wanted a strong state government to help advocate state s right and citizens rights. Plus, Jefferson feared tyranny and thought in terms of freedom. Many feared it would fall under the influence of wealthy, urban northeasterners and people from overseas. Also, both Thomas and Madison believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution. Yes, they accepted implied powers, but in a more limited sense than Hamilton s plan. They believed that implied powers are powers that are absolutely necessary for congress to practice its state ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Practical Ethics Of Health Care Essay THE CASE OF MRS. STACK1Week 5 The Case of Mrs. StackDaniel J. HildebrandtMHE 607 Practical Ethics in Health Care SettingsCreighton Graduate SchoolJuly 26, 2016 THE CASE OF MRS. STACK2The Case of Mrs. StackIn the case of Mrs. Stack presented by (Post, L. Blustein, J., 2015), there aremany complex personal, social and medical decisions that have to be made in hercase. Mrs. Stack finds herself in a difficult situation with has the ultimateconsequence weighing in the balance of the decisions that need to be made. Giventhe circumstances of the situation, it would be beneficial to be analyzed by ethicscommittee and/or and ethics consultation. Using the Fletcher Moseley Format for aConsultation Report, the case of Mrs. Stack will be analyzed.In past times, Mrs. Stack has stated her wishes that she would not like to havechronic dialysis. However, after she suffered from cardiopulmonary arrest andrequired the emergent initiation of dialysis the decision whether or not to continuedialysis is under question.Some of the relevant contextual factors that are involved with this case onlymake the decisions harder to process. The main contributing factor is pertaining toMrs. Stack s daughter, who had died in the past, was on dialysis at the time of death.Although the daughter had died from a heart attack and not from dialysis itself,there is the feeling from Joe Stack that Mrs. Stack is fearful of dialysis because shethinks that dialysis is the reason for her daughter. Also, the Joe ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Example Of A Research Paper On Acne Dezarae Gutierrez + Jasmine Jan Mrs. Taylor Period 2 19 October 2015 Disorder: Acne Acne is a skin disorder consisting of hair follicles and sebum. It is a bacterial infection in the oil glands. Usually starts at the age of puberty or sooner. Can be present in both men and women. They can appear in the face, neck, chest, shoulders, back, buttocks, and upper arms. There are several different ways to develop Acne. For example, over production of sebum, bacteria left on the skin, and debris clogging the pores. Dead skin cells come out of the body through the pores so they can be extracted, but if the glands produce too much oil, the pores can get blocked with oil and bacteria on the skin along other debris. Causing acne to mature. According ... Show more content on ... The dermatologist will take note of what type of acne is present. The treatment of acne depends on the severity of the acne. If mild acne is present such as, whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples. They can be treated with non prescribed products that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Once the acne is cleared it is best to continue the treatment to prevent further breakouts. There are different ways to treat acne. You can apply products to the skin, intake medicine (antibiotics, birth control pills, and isotretinoin), laser therapy, chemical peels, and acne removal. To prevent acne, always wash your face, moisturize, try over the counter acne product, use make up occasionally, and be careful for what products you put on your face, try to avoid touching your face, stay out of the sun, eat healthy, exercise, and try not to stress too much. The prognosis for acne is usually good. Most people say that they had severe acne in their teen years and grew out of it. Acne effects the integumentary system because the pores are being clogged with debris, bacteria and excessive oil. It s occurring on the surface of the epidermal ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Basic Tasks Of Journalism Christians et al. classify the basic tasks of journalism in a democracy under three main headings: 1.The task of observing and informing, primarily as a service to the public 2.The task of participating in public life as an independent actor by way of critical comment, advice, advocacy and expression of opinion 3.The task of providing a channel, forum, or platform for extramedia voices or sources to reach a self chosen public (pp. 116). This tasks could be developed and performed by journalism in four types of outlets, in their specific media systems, characterized by Christians et al. as it follows (p. 117): 1.The internally pluralist and secular media that seek to maximize circulation, which appeal to a wide range of audiences 2.The externally pluralist commercial media that seek to maximize circulation, but orienting its content to a like minded audience 3.The partisan media, noncommercial and in a small scale, oriented to ideas of a particular group 4.The minority media of opinion and debate The authors display these types of media in a diagram (p. 118) in order to organize and visualize the way in which different outlets and journalism can be located in a continuum between open access and closed access (to audiences) and the media as an observer or a participant (that can be used as a weapon). Within this landscape, Christians et al. point out the most typical journalistic roles, as it follows (p. 12): 1.The monitorial role 2.The facilitative role 3. ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Case Of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome When there is a problem in ones life whether that be the country, at their job, or within their own families everyone s first instinct is what can be done to fix it. An intervention is an action taken to improve a situation. As defined by Public Health 101: Health People Healthy Populations, an intervention is defined as the full range of strategies designed to protect health and prevent disease, disability and death. Thus, high quality evidence needs to be based on the research, which can establish efficacy in one particular population, but also on the effectiveness of the intervention in the specific population. (Riegelman and Kirkwood, 2015). For many public health issues interventions play a crucial role in getting such issues under control. In the case of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome(SIDS) in Native American populations infants were ranked second highest in SIDS deaths in the U.S. at 8.7 per 1000 live births (Alexander, Wingate Boulet, 2008, p. 5). The cause of SIDS is unknown at the moment but there are a multitude of ways parents can help prevent and reduce the risk of their child dying from SIDS. Intervention I: SIDS Prevention through the Back to Sleep Campaign The major risk factor of SIDS is recognized to be prone sleeping. The Back to Sleep (BTS) campaign was brought on when research found that parents and caregivers were wrongly informed that their children were safer and at lower risk for SIDS if they were placed in the prone sleeping position. Around ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Essay about To My Dear and Loving Husband To my Dear and Loving Husband Romantic language in literature has been used for ages to express authors feelings for another human being. This language has been developed through out the years to create ways in which different types of romantic emotions can be expressed in writing. From the breath taking romantic novels of today all the way back to the first writers of the Bible and the romantic books of Song of Solomon and Psalms, romantic language has not only been used to express human emotions but also the role of these emotions in the culture of the times. There have been numerous authors who dared to go beyond what their society would have viewed as politically or morally correct. Anne Bradstreet is one of these authors; ... Show more content on ... The title, To my Dear and Loving Husband, clearly signifies that this poem was intended for her husband alone. Bradstreet did not live in a time where woman authors would have been very highly respected for their work; this allowed her the opportunity to create very personal pieces because she believed that they would never be published. If Bradstreet had intended for her poetry to become available for the public she would have been forced to write much differently. Bradstreet understood the implications of writing her true emotions and never would have done so if she had not felt that they would have been kept safe from the scrutiny of her fellow puritans. The fear of being ridiculed, banished or killed would have stopped Bradstreet from ever composing poetry for the public as racy as the poems she created for her family especially her husband. Due to the fact that she believed no one would read this poem besides her husband she was able to write more closely to how she truly felt without fear or trepidation, this is apparent in the fact that this particular poem is much different from many of her other poems. There are many aspects of the poem To my Dear and Loving Husband which set it apart from most of Bradstreet s other poetry. The poem begins with one solid, short and concise sentence, this is far different than most of her poems which begin with a vague idea or a much longer complex statement. This shows a change in writing ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Cultural Response Of Chinese Population Think about your community as a whole. What cultures are represented there? Choose a culture and review the cultural response to male circumcision. Our community have a diverse culture with the representations from different parts of the world. More than half of the population are Asians coming from different countries such as India, China, Vietnam, and Japan. Of those most common is the Chinese. Therefore, for this discussion, I m focusing on the views and cultural response of Chinese population to male circumcision. Morris et al (2016) conducted a study to estimate the prevalence of male circumcision in different countries as well as world wide. According to this study, the global prevalence of circumcision is about 38.65%, and that of China, with the world s largest population is around 14%. The percentage of circumcised males in the United States is 71.2%. It was found that cultural and religious factors played a major role in male circumcision than the awareness of health benefits. Most circumcisions in different countries, especially in Muslims, Jews, North Americans, and tribal Africans, are performed for social, cultural and religious reasons. It is estimated that 68% of the circumcised men are Muslims, making them the largest religious group to practice male circumcision. In China, circumcision is not a part of their culture and they consider routine male circumcision as a foreign topic as it conflicts with their cultural and social norms. Male circumcision is ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Sara Carter Research Paper Interpersonal conflicts are not avoidable, and most of the critical disputes in someone life it involves people intimately connected with work colleagues, family or romantic partners. What can it be done to resolve conflict successfully and not allowed to escalate to the point that it can damage the relationship? In the show NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service, Sara Carter expresses struggle and conveys her unhappiness about her mother s murder and how it was it handled. She demonstrated her grief and distress by punching the door guard and getting herself arrested. Upon her arrest, Sara forcers Special agent Gibbs to question her about the incident. Sara Carter begs Gibbs to investigate her mother s murder (Chief Petty officer ... Show more content on ... Sara engages in deception when she intentionally encoded her real purpose of meeting with an agent. They are two main motivations for deception self centered and other centered deception (Bevan Sole, 2014). Sara, deception motivation was the other centered deception to assist or benefit another person, in this case, was her mother. Every communication has a dark side as this episode presented and using the proper bright strategies for communicating competently in dark times to express emotions and information constructively. Sara, fail to plan a good strategy for the appropriate time and place to convey her struggle, she was unable to control her emotions and organized all the facts and pertaining information. Expressing your thoughts and feelings constructively by arranging emotions and choosing the appropriate time and place to express them completely (Bevan Sole, 2014). Finding the proper strategy to resolve a conflict and improving conflict management skills, by using positive well thought emotions and identifying the conflict style to used avoidance, accommodation, competition, compromise, and ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Argumentative Essay On Gambling Online Gambling Most of us have heard of fantasy football. Online fantasy has risen in popularity over the past couple of years, due to advances in technology. With this rise in popularity, it has raised eyebrows at the state and federal government levels. There are many grey areas when it comes to gambling online, that many people still don t understand. Many questions are being asked, such as legal transactions with credit cards, is online gambling causing a problem with a rise in gambling addiction? Over the course of this report, I will go over the good and the bad of making online gambling legal and regulated. Do you feel it is important to do what you want with your money, without federal or state government telling you what you can and can t do? This is an argument that is very popular among those who support online gambling legalization and regulation. They try to show the attack on a free society. If five poker enthusiasts want to voluntarily play online, and if a private company wants to provide the technology for that to happen in exchange for a fee, why do members of Congress feel obligated to prevent that from happening? (Balko) A lot of people also feel that the government is hypocritical when it comes to gambling. State lotteries are a big subject to supporters of online gambling. Last month [February 2006], police in Fairfax, Va., conducted a SWAT [Special Weapons and Tactics] raid on Sal Culosi Jr., an optometrist suspected of running a sports gambling ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Evolution Of Race Analysis This article is an examination of the invention of race. Throughout the article the author is trying to enlighten the readers to the history of the creation of race and its evolution throughout history and it progresses throughout time, from the Egyptians, to the 21st century. There were many important points made throughout the article. Some of the main points and arguments, including the discussion of where racebegan, the inconsistency in our ideas of race, racismin science, the use of eugenics to identify race in biology and the disenfranchising of the connection of race and biology. A huge part of the argument was telling the history of the creation of race and how it evolved into what we know now. The idea that the government created... Show more content on ... Throughout the entire paper the author would mention certain events or points, but move on before he fully explained them. One example of this is when he quickly mentioned the study by Kenneth Clark and psychological harm to black children caused by segregation. Without previous knowledge of this study, you would not know how this connects to this particular subject. This does not line up with the fact that in some circumstances, he goes into extreme detail about the other topics. I would have loved for the author to go into more detail about the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization and the authors that they brought in for the panel. I would have liked to know more about why these specific people were picked other than the books that they had written. One part of this article that I do not agree with is the idea that race is a completely terrible creation. By this, I do not mean that race is good, rather that it can have positive situations. Without race, we would not have been able to identify that sickle cell anemia is more common in African Americans. The positive attributes do not out way the negatives, but they are still something to think about. Even though she points out all of these problems with the notion of race, she never provides a single solution to any of ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Resistance To Change Analysis assess during the change process, and also change direction if necessary. Strategies The organization must implement specific strategies to identify and resolve resistance to change. O Connor (1993) stated In an organization, resistance is opposition or witholding of support for specific plans or ideas. It can either be intentional or unintentional, covert or overt (p. 30). Employees will likely consider how change affects them personally and that may naturally cause some resistance. One of the most important things an organization can do to minimize resistance is to address these personal concerns. It is also important to identify any potential loss or gain that comes from implementing, or not implementing, the change initiative. Leaders ... Show more content on ... Leaders have to give stakeholders the opportunity to properly digest information, and react to change, especially if it affects them directly. Understanding that a disruption may occur also provides the leaders with an opportunity to address issues and assess the need for training. Properly allocating an honest timeframe for all stages of the change process gives the organization an opportunity to set realistic goals. This means allowing for the training of employees that may require it to be successful in projected goals. Treating employees fairly and setting them up to be successful is not only good for them, but also for the productivity and possibility of success of the organization as a whole. During the assessment phase leaders must have an honest reflection of the entire process, considering the areas of both success and failure. Leaders must be fair in their assessment of the outcomes and be able to take responsibility for making decisions and the effects of those decisions (Stainer, 2004). Properly responding to ethical issues include the following: recognizing the issue, using ethical judgment in assessment of the issue, behaving ethically, and the moral intent (Jones, 1991; Rest, 1986). The organization must be transparent in identifying the problem and actively work to correct the issue. Because regulations and laws are in place to protect people from any ethical mistreatment, organizations ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Novel, And As The Film Unfolds I won t be a carer any more come the end of the year, and though I ve got a lot out of it, I have to admit I ll welcome the chance to rest to stop and think and remember. I m sure it s at least partly to do with that, to do with preparing for the change of pace, that I ve been getting this urge to order all these old memories (Ishiguro, 34). Over the course of the novel, and as the film unfolds, the whole story is told in a series of flashbacks as Kathy reencounters her life. Kathy stumbles over every difficult memory as she grapples with her life while trying to gear up for donations. Living in the past may be easier to do rather than digest that her life has reached its peak. She has outlived Helsham, her best friends, and now is alone to watchover the dying and wait for her timeto complete. The only way that she can go back and indulge in a time when things were somewhat easier is by reliving her memories. There she can experience her time with Tommy on repeat, and learn to muddle through all the things that she has lost and all that she has left. Kathy balances on the line of experiencing her past and living in it. Although she claims that when her time to complete is upon her she will welcome it and will comfort the rest from her memories, but it seems that she uses the past as a coping mechanism. The past is easier, she lived it, she had a good life and reliving it gives her a distraction from her impending fate. It may have been nostalgia at first but then ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Racial Struggles of Puerto Ricans Essay The Racial Struggles of Puerto Ricans Another large component of Puerto Ricanness is Race. All of the different cultures that have throughout history combined to form Puerto Rico effect their nationality, history, lifestyles, traditions, music, and foods. The discovery or infiltration of the island of Borinquen (or Puerto Rico as it was later renamed) in 1493 by Spain resulted in the decimation of the native Taino population. With the loss of an immediate source of cheap labor to work the fields for their sugar cane industry, they introduced African culture into the region by importing slaves to replace the Taino field workers. In addition to the introduction of African culture into Puerto Rico voluntary immigration brought ... Show more content on ... Not necessarily the history but the story or interpretation of the past as perceived by the elite. Gonzalez suggests that the recreation of the history of Puerto Rican society can be expressed metaphorically as the construction of a building. As the new layers of the history or floors are added the foundation becomes more and more obscured from view (Figueroa 9/15). As the higher levels continued to build they were able to create the illusion of a pure, white society by rejecting and denying their Taino and African heritage. The United States gained Puerto Rico in 1898 through the Treaty of Paris, signed after the Spanish American. Although the Puerto Rican community initially embraced U.S. intervention in 1898, hoping that the land of the free would finally bring liberty to the island, the following years were full of disillusionment. The sad reality was that the U.S. had no intention of ever giving up control of Puerto Rico because of its strategic location in the Caribbean. The United States government tried to Americanize the island. Which was acceptable for the island in the eyes of the elite until their power was being threatened. The elite s on the island looked to the Jibaro as their symbol of national identity. In response to this situation, certain intellectuals turned to the margins of their society, where they ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Nourishment Umbrellas Have you ever asked why most nourishment trucks and stands have either an umbrella or shade? There are numerous viable purposes for the establishment of an umbrella in each truck. What s more, they are as per the following: * It s a wellbeing code necessity. At the point when setting up a truck business, one needs to have a grant, permit, and approval acquired from correlated neighborhood government offices, which incorporate the wellbeing office. The license from the neighborhood wellbeing office is likely the most essential necessity you ought to have. For the most part, the wellbeing division requires that every truck must have a high wind umbrella. Since sustenance trucks more often than not are on walkways, they are liable to different nourishment defilement and wellbeing perils. Therefore, they... Show more content on ... Having a wide and huge umbrella over your head gives you protect from the glaring sun, rain, or snow. On the off chance that you need extra scope, you can trade your umbrella for a more extensive and greater overhang or get an additional umbrella. * It shields nourishment from blowing trash, falling leaves, feathered creature droppings, and different contaminants. Nourishment merchants are for the most part offering their stock outside. What s more, therefore, they are inclined to catch garbage from up high, for example, flying creature droppings. Nobody could ever need his or her sustenance to be embellished with that or with a dried fallen leaf. Having an umbrella overhead offers insurance from these airborne contaminants. * It promotes your sustenance truck business. Having a splendidly hued high twist umbrella over your nourishment truck conveys consideration regarding your business. You can really have it redone and have it printed with your business sign and logo. This will tell your potential clients the sort of sustenance administration you offer. * It can be utilized to hang other ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Power Of Isis Through Social Media Essay The Power of ISIS Through Social Media As social media has become more prevalent in our society, terrorist groups, such as ISIS, presence through platforms such as Twitter or Facebook has increased as well. Over 46,000 accounts on Twitter were ISIS supporters as of 2015 (Merchant). These type of extremist accounts target users by promoting the dignifying aspect of ISIS instead of the gory details about their jihadist culture. This strategy is very effective on younger generations who appeal to the struggle of the messages displayed by the Islamic State. Since social media apps such as, Twitter or Facebook, are so accessible, these terrorist organizations have an even easier time taking advantage of the opportunity propagated by the companies. Social Media provides an outlet for terrorist groups because it gives them a medium to recruit people worldwide and implements and system where they can become untraceable. ISIS is constantly changing but, the surplus of western recruits ISIS has access to through social media is constant. Most terrorist groups only have a small effect on social media, while ISIS ...execution videos received tens of thousands of views within hours of going online (Hong). These amounts of views are what give ISIS the power to spread their message to vulnerable minds in the West. Youtube provides a great outlet for ISIS s videos, especially since they are worldwide. On the other hand, terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda, who was mostly silenced by ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Cultural Mobility In America In the United States, there were many immigrants, and there were opportunities to get jobs for immigrants. Therefore, many immigrants believed that they spend better life in the U.S. than they spend life in the home country. It is very important that cultural and social mobility increase in citizens, especially poor people, and I foresee a timewhen I will be economically mobile for several reasons. Cultural mobility is closely related to people s life. Cultural mobility provides entrance to various institutions, goods, services, and practices (Beato 350). Nowadays, cultural mobility is increasing in the U.S. because technology is developing, and technology development helps to improve cultural mobility. Increasing cultural mobility helps ... Show more content on ... In the United States, in the past, social mobility was low, so poor people were not able to move out of poverty. For example, a poor parents child becomes a poor adult because parents do not have enough money for a child s education. Likewise, A child born into a low income home hears 30 million fewer words than a child from a well off family (Obama 342). As a result, a child is not educated, and a child cannot get a job that earns an average income, so this awful cycle continues. However, some presidents solved social issues for poor people. Abraham Lincoln started a system of land grant colleges all over this country so that any poor man s son could go learn something new (Obama 339). Also, When millions died without health insurance, LBJ fought for Medicare and Medicaid (Obama 339). Therefore, social mobility started to increase. Some new jobs appeared, and it also helped to increase social mobility. As a result, citizens life became better and better. People call this environment the American Dream. The American dream is that if you work hard, you have a chance to get achieve (Obama 338). However, Barack Obama argues that social mobility is decreasing recently. Also, Decreasing mobility poses a fundamental threat to the American dream (Obama 341). He thinks the American Dream is disappearing. However, Obama s argument is not correct because social mobility is increasing bit by bit. Two Harvard economists, two Berkeley economists, and one U.S. Treasury economist failed to find decreasing economic mobility (Beato 349). For example, people s average income is higher than before generation s average income, so the American Dream is not ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Fbi Is The United States Prime Federal Law Enforcement... The Federal Bureau of Investigation or the FBI serves as the United States prime federal law enforcement agency. The FBI employs nearly 35,000 people, including special agents and they support professionals such as intelligence analysts, language specialists, scientists, and information technology specialists. The FBI also employs many civilians who go through intense training. The FBI works around the globe. The group s headquarters is in Washington, D.C. They have 56 field offices located in major cities throughout the U.S., around 360 smaller offices called resident agencies in cities and towns across the nation, and more than 60 international offices called legal attachГ©s in U.S. embassies worldwide. The total direct funded budget is approximately $8.3 billion. The FBI is portrayed in many, TV shows, movies, books, and video games. Some examples include, The TV show, Criminal Minds, and the movie, J. Edgar. The FBI is a huge organization, that works to protect us Americans. The FBI protects the United States of America from terrorist attacks, foreign intelligence operations and espionage, cyber based attacks and high technology crimes. They combat public corruption, transnational/national criminal organizations and enterprises, major white collar crime, and other significant crime. Most importantly they protect our civil rights. The FBI serves the public by keeping us safe. They investigate and prosecute criminal acts, such as cyber crimes, murder, and other serious ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Representation of Young Black Men in the Media News THE REPRESENTATION OF YOUNG BLACK MEN IN THE MEDIA (NEWS) We live in a media saturated environment where everything we know and what we consider to be important is often based on stories produced and displayed to us by the media, Brooks and Hebert (2006). Much of what we know and care about is based on the images, symbols and narratives in radio, television, film, music and other media systems. How individuals construct their social identities, how they come to understand what it means to be male, female, Black, White, Asian, Latino and Native America is shaped by commoditised texts produced by media for audiences that are increasingly segmented by the social construction of race. In short the media are central to what ultimately come to present our social realities. For example for many Whites and people from other races and ethnicities the media s portrayal of young black men is the primary bias for their knowledge and reaction. With a few notable examples in politics, most media present young black men as figures to be admired for their athleticism, artistic, entertainment talent or feared for their criminality. However this essay will focus on the way young black men are portrayed in news. On the local news shows, young black men are disproportionately presented as criminals and white young men as victims despite the egalitarian norms we purport to hold Dixton (2008). They are many historical and contemporary examples of media portraying young black men in the way ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The Optimal Formula For Longevity And Healthiness It is known that genetics and lifestyle determine health and length of life. The optimal formula for longevity and healthiness was researched by National Geographic and National Institute of Aging. The agencies performed a study examining the lifestyles of individuals who lived to be a hundred years old or more. People who lived to be hundred years old or more have acquired the name centenarians. The research indicated centenarians populated the following locations known as Blue Zones: Ikaria, Greece; Loma Linda, California; Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; and Nicoya Costa Rica. Dan Buettner, geographic reporter, travelled to the Blue Zones and interviewed centenarians to discover the secret to living physical and mentally satisfying life. Buettner s interviews revealed nine commonalities which focused on movement, purpose, mindfulness, nutrition, and community. Blue Zone Power 9 information is widely published and readily available, and while 60% of the United Statespopulation will at encounter long term care facility living, the likely users of Buettner s research would be long term care facilities. However, the United States long term care facilities do not implement Power 9 concepts to improve quality of life in long term care settings. This paper will illustrate with examples how long term care as a whole falls short of providing a Blue Zone Power9 environment for older adults. The first Power9 secret to living a longer, fuller life is movement. According to Dan ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Civil War And The Black Suffrage Post Civil War, Northern women became increasingly active in the Black suffrage movements in the North. They strategized that by enforcing the right of suffrage for African Americans they would automatically receive the right to vote. Their calculations were based off of the hierarchal rules implied by the Jim Crow South. During the Jim Crow Era, segregationists feared that reconstruction would mess with the inherent order of their society by making Black men equal to White men and beneath them allowing Black women to be equal to White women. Their restoration period stressed that the gender/racial hierarchy be preserved as follows: White men, White women, Black men, and then Black women. The Northern women assumed that there was no way they would give Black men the right to vote without giving White women the right to vote first, since they were higher up on Jim Crow s hierarchy. However, their initial plan was unfeasible due to mutual disagreement amongst men in regards to women s suffrage. Even the radical men believed that supporting women s suffrage was pushing things too far and risked the nullification of the fourteenth amendment. Regardless of, they pushed for its ratification. In 1873 Suzan B. Anthony led the women to go up to the polls to cast votes as a form of protest. Their plan was to go to the polls, get turned away, then sue on behalf of the fourteenth amendment which equally protected them. To their dismay, Anthony was not turned away but instead was ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Porch Swing Bed Research Paper If you are thinking that porch swing bed is only a seating unit, we urge you to think again. Besides its overall seating utility, diversity in designs and numerous variations of itself, help you add a dash to your comfortable home exterior. Available in both iron and wood forms, it can be made more comfortable with a seating pad on it. Pamper your comfort sitting and choose the smoother and softer pads. Porch Swing Bed Ideas For House Interesting ideas begin with adorning the bed with some decorative pads. A basic example is, placing pads that are covered with a patterned fabric. To give it a natural look, most pads use a floral fabric for porch beds. Making them purely natural and more divine are pad fabrics available in leaves motifs design. ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Radiologic Technologist Ethical Dilemmas Ethical Dilemma An example of an ethical dilemma for a radiographer is presented in this essay. In addition, the explanation of why the situation presents a dilemma and what is the expected ethical behavior are also provided. Finally, the essay also contains the description of both unfavorable and positive outcomes that are possible in this ethical situation. Example of an Ethical Dilemma During a routine radiology procedure a radiologic technologist finds it very clear that the patient has a rare form of bone disease. However, the doctor after casually glancing at the image comes to a conclusion that there is nothing wrong with the patient, and the pain that the patient is complaining about is just a common pain, that will go away without any medication or procedure. What can the radiologic technologist do in this situation?... Show more content on ... Who is to choose in this situation? The problem of conflicting professional duties is also present in this case. On one side, the doctor is a professional colleague within the same hospital, and also the expert in understanding the radiographic image and diagnosing the problem. A radiologic technologist should not cross the professional boundary by questioning the doctor about his/her diagnosis. On the other hand, it is the right of the patient to know the real problem, and get the medical care that he/she deserves. Especially in case of radiologic procedures, the patient has no way of determining whether the procedures have been performed properly or not. The consequence of the misdiagnosis by a doctor can even be life threatening for the patient, if the appropriate medical care is not provided at the correct time. Expected Ethical ... Get more on ...
  • 45. After The Deluge Theme The theme of actions have consequences are presented in both After the Deluge and all of the flood myths we read. These stories have the same theme because some of the same concepts happen in the stories such as everything being taken or destroyed, and the character being able to live after destruction. Water line, a parched land where water is a god that doles its favors by the drop, and waiting is a way of life. Rebellion gleamed yet faintly in his eye traversing chrome and platinum retreats. The dictator s actions led to many different things but using his fortune for his own and being selfish is what led to most conflict. Yet he did help out with his people but it wasn t known. ... His widow s mite, discreetly publicized. The ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Essay Grief and Bereavement in The Catcher in the Rye The Catcher in the Rye has been described, analyzed, rebuffed, and critiqued over the years. Each writer expresses a different point of view: It is a story reflecting teen ager s talk thoughts emotions actions; or angst. I believe it is an adult s reflection of his own unresolved grief and bereavements. That adult is the author, J.D. Salinger. He uses his main character, Holden, as the voice to vent the psychological misery he will not expose or admit to. If there are 785 instances of profanity in the book, I contend there are well over a hundred scenes where Holden used the word depressed. D Ambrosio presents this same thought saying, It should be obvious by now that I don t see The Catcher in the Rye as ... Show more content on ... He believes that there is something in Salinger s own life that is being portrayed through the character Holden. Ambrosio does not believe that this is a coming of age, or the anxious life of a teen ager story. Instead, he believes the story is a search for a disturbing and extreme loss of identity. The book is, he claims, All about suicide and silence (31). I found Ambrosio s correlations to be very telling and supportive of my thesis. Early in Salinger s life, he faced one the cultural illnesses widespread in the North Eastern states of America. It was the virulent disease of anti Semitism. Salinger lived in New York City, where he was raised as the son of Jewish parents. The 1920 s and 1930 s were a time in America when Anti Semitism was written into the policies of many institutions. His heritage automatically deprived him from attending the best colleges: Harvard, Yale, and Dartmouth. He was prevented from belonging to certain social clubs, from certain professions, and from the rank of officer in the U. S. Military. Reporters and editors, trying to interview Salinger about his early life, ran into a prickly silent wall. Margaret, his daughter reveals why. During the Depression and World War 11, from 1939 to 1945, anti Semitism was at its peak. Jews met a wall of discrimination at colleges, clubs, and career opportunities. Prior to 1948, it was not uncommon ... Get more on ...
  • 47. The Security Of The United States Security After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, people in the United States knew that absolutely anything could happen without even thinking about it. This event made the government realize that the United States security was not the best it could be. There always has been security everywhere, but today everything is taken to another level and is being controlled with a great amount of precautions. Now there is a lot more airport security, which will help prevent any more hijacking of planes or bombings. There has also been a lot more securityin New York City because of the terrorist attack. There are also new technologies and programs that help with the security of this country. After the attack in 2001, the United States government ... Show more content on ... The Department of Homeland Security had also formed a division to analyze intelligence gathered by the FBI, CIA, and many other police agencies and military agencies (Swanson, Charles R., Territo, Leonard, Taylor, Robert W., 90). Barack Obama appointed Janet Napolitano as the third secretary of the department and is also the governor in the area of terrorism and immigration reform. Napolitano has played an important role in strengthening border security by increasing forces along the border, and increasing resources and technology to aid in the fight against terrorism (Swanson, Charles R., Territo, Leonard, Taylor, Robert W., 90). The DHS has become an important role to the security of the public in the United States. Within this department, there was a color coded threat system known as the Homeland Security Advisory System. There was red for severe risk of terrorist attacks, orange for high risk of terrorist attacks, yellow for significant risk of terrorist attacks, blue for general risk of terrorist attacks, and green for low risk of terrorist attacks (Homeland Security News, 2011). This system is being replaced by the National Terrorism Advisory System, which will more effectively communicate information about terrorist threats by providing timely, detailed ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Buachaillin Should Be Banned Listening Journal An Buachaillin Ban is a tune that is a sean nГІs, and thus considered a traditional Irish song. There are no instruments and it is sung solo and in the Gaelic language. The melody is unmetered with a varying rhythm in each verse and likely based on the young lady s own pattern of speech. Because the song is unaccompanied, the singer is using a great deal of ornamentation to give the tune more interest and aesthetic appeal. She has a small bit of nasal timbre that is more noticeable at the end of certain phrases and, using some vibrato, she slides her notes to join words or phrases together. The ornamentation differs in each verse adding character to the very long and very stylized melody. She is telling a story and though... Show more content on ... Around the 1:47 mark the tune changes and switches from The Reel of Rio to The Woman of the House . Both tunes have an extremely fast rhythm and are written in 4/4 time making them simple quadruple metered with 4 beats per measure. The rhythmic pattern appears to repeat itself in binary form, though it is difficult to follow. The tone in The Reel of Rio distinctly changes from low to high after two measures and in The Woman of the House the tone remains mostly the same up to the end. Both tunes are reels , which is the most popular tune type within the Irish dance music tradition (Reel). As with all reels, they have the same structure, consisting largely of quaver (eighth note) movement with an accent on the first and third beats of the bar. (Reel). These accents make it difficult for this writer to count out the beats and therefore, unable to imagine dancing to these tunes. Bibliography Cervantees, Lorna Dee. Gaughan The World Turned Upside Down for St. Paddy s Day. Lorna Dee Cervantes. N.p., 17 Mar. 2005. Web. 18 Sept. 2017. Eddie. A Fig for a Kiss (G). N.p., 31 Aug. 2014. Web. 18 Sept. 20171 Moxey, John. AAA Song Form. Songstuff. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2017. Reel (dance). Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 06 Sept. 2017. Web. 18 Sept. 2017.(multiple contributors). Spiegel, Max, and Antaine. Rocks of Bawn Meaning? The Mudcat Cafe, 10 Sept. 1998, 03:36 ... Get more on ...