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Primary Lined Thanksgiving
Writing Paper By Allison C
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Primary Lined Thanksgiving Writing Paper By Allison C Primary Lined Thanksgiving Writing Paper By Allison C
Analysis of October Sky Essay
Living Above Ground The inspirational true story of Homer Hickam in October Sky reminds us all to
strive for our goals and never give up, even in the face of adversity. However, Homer was fighting for
a great deal in his pursuit of rocketry, he was even fighting for his life. Born in a coal mining town,
son of a foreman, Homer seemed destined to work the mine when he grew up. But in October Sky,
Homer has to overcome what the mine represents: isolation and death. The life of a coal miner is often
isolated from several things that most people would take for granted. Due to the demand of coal,
towns are set up wherever the mines are opened. In the case of the movie, the main setting was in the
remote town of Coalwood, West Virginia. ... Show more content on ...
This provides an interesting dynamic and internal conflict in Homer. He is overcoming the isolation
from his father by mining, and John even considers him a man since he has done hard work in the
mine. However, he also becomes isolated from his friends that he has spent so much time with
recently. He is relegated to spending lunch breaks catching up with the other members of the rocket
boys. While being separated from the outside world and even family and friends may be one effect of
the mine, a larger impact may be the fact that the mine is a place of death in the mind of Homer.
Throughout the movie, Homer s fear of the mine is shown in cases like where the boys are shooting
Roy Lee s car and he mentions how O Dell s father died when the roof of the mine collapsed near him
and cut his head off. Allusions are made to the symbol of death throughout the movie. The elevator
could be seen as a coffin, an instrument of isolation. When Homer is going down into the mine for the
first time, the shot is of him being lowered into the mine shaft, much like that of being lowered into a
grave. Homer even begins to blame himself for the death of Ike Bykovsky later in the movie. Because
Bykovsky helped Homer build the first rocket, Homer s father sent him into the mine, where he was
later killed. Homer keeps Bykovsky s number tag as a reminder of what his future could
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The Pros And Cons Of Iwo Jima
The taking of the island of Iwo Jima was one of the most difficult and costly campaigns for the U.S.
during World War II. After the battle was over, the decision to take the island was heavily scrutinized
by the public, military officials, and members of the press. Many people felt that the island s
advantages were not worth the blood that was shed taking it. There are a select few historians who
believe that this campaign was not intended to be a strategic advantage against Japan but that it was a
competition between the different branches of the armed forces. Historian Robert Burrell feels that
this island was used as a testing ground for the various branches of the armed forces and as a test for
new war tactics. Although the taking of the ... Show more content on ...
During World War II this island was heavily defended by twenty three thousand Japanese troops in an
elaborate system of underground tunnels. This island also served as an early warning station for allied
bomber raids and provided a base for Japanese bombers to intercept the incoming bombers. The U.S
believed that the island would be able to be taken in a few weeks time due to the fact that it looked
very un fortified from aerial photos. This, however, was a grave mistake. The Japanese General,
Tadamichi Kuribayashi, had built the underground tunnels for the effect of making the island look
vulnerable. Knowing that defeat was unavoidable, the General had created the entrenchments to inflict
as many casualties as possible on the U.S before they captured the island, and to discourage the U.S
from attacking Japan. The fight for control of Iwo Jima lasted thirty eight days. Over that course of
time the U.S. lost almost six thousand Marines with another eighteen thousand men wounded. The
Japanese however lost around twenty one thousand men. This was the only battle during the war with
Japan when the U.S. suffered more casualties than the Japanese. Being one of the bloodiest battles of
the war, the taking of Iwo Jima served as a valuable lesson for the upcoming Okinawa campaign. In
the weeks following, the battle fell under heavy scrutiny from the press and the public. Many viewed
it as an unnecessary fight and loss of
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Should Animals Be Banned Of Animals Research
As a young child, you would probably remember your parents taking you to the circus where you
witnessed all your favourite animals preforming their tricks. As an innocent child you would not have
thought about what happens behind the scenes or the preparation these animals experience before
performing on stage.
The reality is that animals are trained by fear, suffering and disrespect, are kept in tiny cages where
they can barely move around and they travel most of their life time in severe temperatures which they
are not used to in their natural habitat. I strongly believe that circuses which make animals perform
should be banned.
Sink that hook into em ... when you hear that screaming, then you know you ve got their attention!
Feet of elephants are chained because of their size otherwise they might escape.
How Are They Trained?
Animals in the circus do not willingly stand on their heads, with two legs, on balls, jump through rings
on fire or ride bicycles. Animals don t normally do these useless acts in the wild or in their habitats.
Did you know that tigers are terrified of fire, but they would rather jump through it on rings than face
the consequences of the trainers?
I went undercover inside the Carson Barnes Circus, while a trainer was teaching his students their job
and training 3 defenceless elephants. I documented and observed extreme animal abuse, including the
elephants being beaten with baseball bats, pitchforks, shocked with electric prods; and hit on
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How Did Martin Luther King Influence The Civil Rights...
The Civil Rights movement gained recognition during the 1950s and 1960s. African Americans fought
for equality for many years but did not see any results. Even though slavery ended, there was still
segregation in public facilities and prejudice in the society. There was a drastic change in the
movement when the Supreme Court shut down segregation in schools. African Americans were
influenced by both Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, who ends up becoming their leader.
From the 1950s to 1960s, people saw a remarkable change in the movement through nonviolent
protests, the Supreme Court decision, Parks and Dr. King s influences. During the early 1950s, blacks
started questioning the segregated school systems. Thurgood Marshall fought a case with the support
of an organization called National Association for the Advancement of Colored People or NAACP.
Marshall was a lawyer, who fought against the segregation in law schools as well as other graduate
programs. Later, the graduate schools are desegregated. Another case known as Brown v. Board of
Education of Topeka questioned the separate but equal doctrine; it addressed the issues children face
due to segregation in schools. The Supreme Court said that racial segregation in schools violates the
constitution. However, this decision ... Show more content on ...
In Montgomery, Rosa Parks was forced to give up her seat on a bus for a white man. This caused
chaos in the black community. To deal with the issue, African Americans decided to boycott the
Montgomery bus system. This protest was one of the greatest against segregation and lasted more than
a year. People started carpooling and walking to their destinations. Many blacks faced danger because
they were assaulted while walking. Dr. King also took part in this protest, but he was arrested and
served a year in prison. In 1956, the Supreme Court stated that segregation on buses or any transport
system is
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Consumer Prescription Adverts
The pharmaceutical advancement into the medical mainframe having the space to directly sell or
prescribe drugs to consumer has raised the bar of concern. A number of factor have caused, especially
in regards to the advertisements of the products, the marketing bits, the profit orientation and such like
aspects that have made the pharmaceutical agencies to be on the spot of their role in over medication
among the consumers of the drugs they promote. The target group that the advertisements of these
drug major producers focus on, especially the young age segments is sometimes at the highest risks,
which have to take these drugs without the physician s assessment on the health implications. The
analysis of the general attitude, the awareness and the knowledge of direct to customer prescription
drug advertisements by these pharmaceuticals among the young people of the ages ranging from 18 to
24 years of age is important today. The specifics of the drugs known to this group are very suggestive,
most of which have mixed attitudes of the heavily adverts in general, especially the drugs ... Show
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(2002) argue in their study that most consumers, as a result of the emotional rather than informational
ads, request for the adverts they have seen. With the aim of examining the link between the drug
adverts and the patient s request for the prescription. The study shows that a good number of the
visiting patients to the hospitals normally request for the prescriptions that they have watched being
advertised in the televisions (p. 279). Most of these patients have a higher possibility of influencing
the decisions of the physicians, with a large number of the doctor having the highest tendency to agree
with them in the quest for the advertised drug. Therefore, it is true that he advertising prescriptions
through the direct consumer adverts has a greater appeal that also impact doctors when giving out
their decisional prescriptions to patients who insist on
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Historical And Ongoing Construction Of Aboriginal Women
Historical and Ongoing Construction of Aboriginal Women in Canada as a Problem Population
Holly Perkins
Criminology 302 Critical Criminology
November 26, 2014
Instructor: Gregory Simmons
Historical and Ongoing Construction of Aboriginal Women in Canada as a Problem Population
In August of 2014, Tina Fontaine, a 15 year old from the Sagkeeng First Nation in Winnipeg, was
murdered. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper s response was not to regard it as a sociological
phenomenon but as a crime against an individual that should be investigated (Canadian Press, 2014).
Harper is virtually alone in this. Those demanding an inquiry and the treatment of this singular murder
as part of the larger concern of ... Show more content on ...
There are a variety of theories that are useful in understanding this issue. The theories that will be used
here to explain the state of murdered and missing women in Canada and Harper s response to it are
societal reaction perspective and Spitzer s Marxian theory of deviance.
In order to understand the constructed identity of Aboriginal women in Canada today and in the past,
it is necessary to discuss ideas of empire, including Manifest Destiny and Terra Nullius. These
European concepts were and generally still form the ideology operating in Canada. Expansion of the
ruling class empire is taken for granted and divinely supported. This is the basis for European
exploration of the globe, claiming of already occupied lands and colonization of existing peoples.
Manifest Destiny was the 19th Century settler belief that it was their destiny to expand throughout
North America. Terra Nullius is the concept that land determined to be empty, in other words not
being used productively by a civilized people, could be occupied by those Europeans who found it. Of
course, both of these concepts belong to the ideology of European empire expansion which
indisputably devalued the existing Aboriginal communities. The French and English settlers pushed
their Christian beliefs onto Aboriginal peoples and succeeded in altering Aboriginal communities from
their matrilineal nature into
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The Complex Issue of Whales in Captivity in Blackfish by...
David Kirby s book describes the complex issues of whales in captivity. The death of a SeaWorld
trainer brought up many objective reasons of the training practices of this business were not effective
at keeping trainers safe in the water. Currently this debate is still being tested in a court of law. OSHA
claims that even with the precautions that SeaWorld tries to use, it still cannot guarantee the safety of
trainers in the water. This cultural topic has been gaining ground, and recently prompted a movie
based off this book titled, Blackfish. The audience of this book includes animal activists, followers of
David Kirby, and people that are interested in the topic of killer whales in captivity. Rob Grom was
contracted to create a book ... Show more content on ...
After all this is a family, theme park and favored vacation destination for many. Some people do not
want to see the darker side that this book represents, yet Grom s twist of the logos inspires individuals
to consider the proposal offered. Grom aims to acquire those people by introducing the friendly whale,
casually swimming on the cover. The photographer attempts to draw in the reader, with the subtitle,
SHAMU and The DARK SIDE of KILLER WHALES IN CAPTIVITY. The font is in all caps as if it
is screaming to the reader to look at the logos, or the logic of whales in captivity. Shamu is SeaWorld s
iconic trademark, and a recognized character accepted in the homes of families all over the world. Any
person that frequents the park learns that Shamu is a stage name and not the name of any of the
whales. The light blue font coming out of the dark blue background symbolizes the truth coming out
of the darkness. From a logos side of Grom s argument, one is stimulated to evaluate the claims of
whales in captivity. Grom is not attempting to use his own ethos to entice the reader to read the book.
Instead, he relies on the credibility of the writer, David Kirby to sell his story. The text on the book
draws the reader to notice this writer has other books, Evidence of Harm, and Animal Factory. David
Kirby s books
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The Pros And Cons Of Fairtrade
Imagine your a coffee farmer from Columbia, you love your plants and fields. You have spent
virtually your whole life tilling and caring for everything encompassed by your farm. However when
you go to sell your beans, that love you put into your work doesn t translate to good pay. In fact your
paid so low for your product that you have to choose between taking care of your family or taking care
of your crop for next year. Now implant FairTrade into the mix and you will see a happy farmer
getting paid higher prices. Over the course of this paper we will be discussing FairTrade. What it is
and how it works while also covering negatives and positives to the FairTrade experience, starting
with. So what is FairTrade and how does it work? FairTrade started out as the Alternative Trade
Organization back in the 1950s. Essentially they worked to cut out the middle man which meant more
money to the farmer. (Lamb, 2016) The problem is farmers sell their product to one buyer who then
sells it to another, this process loops numerous times until our coffee bean is ground and poured into a
mug. This means the farmer is forced to pay by taking a very small sales price.
Now over the course of time the Alternative Trade Organization began to morph and change first
adapting a label to identify FairTrade products. But also requiring an entity to certify and ... Show
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Another major issue has been the certifying process, since many of these farmers live in rural areas
that are hard to reach. Some have said that the certifying process has missed farms that were using
child labor and unauthorized farming techniques.(Lamb, 2016) This could lead to products being
listed as organic and not really being so, child labor would go against everything FairTrade stands
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A Good Plan Violently Executed Now Is Better Than A...
A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week. What is it about
this quote from General George S. Patton that some leaders are able to grasp and others cannot?
Throughout military history, untold number of plans have been developed and executed with both
success and failure. It is not the plan that moves entire Army s across a land mass or storms a country
s beach head, but the plan that is developed during a split second between rounds cracking over your
head that defines the battle at hand.
In today s Army, we as leaders have become inundated with having to know every little piece of
information out there that we have become afraid to make certain tactical decisions for fear of not
doing it ... Show more content on ...
The next day, the driver and I went out to the truck early just to make sure Murphy s Law hadn t
struck and everything was still set for the prisoner transport. We drove down a couple of dirt roads on
the FOB, less than a mile, and I found the NCOIC I was to link up with. He started off briefing me
what the timeline looked like and where I needed to be. My driver and I went inside to get the mission
brief, after we waited by the truck to be inspected. That s when the games begin. The Sergeant First
Class looked over our license and dispatch paperwork; that tarp that we didn t have just became a
problem I never foresaw coming. This SFC didn t think it was safe to put prisoners in the back with no
way to hide them. So, out came 1SG. Surely I figured she would be to say yes or no. I was sadly
mistaken because before it was over, I was answering questions from the Battalion Commander of this
unit. He explained that it wasn t safe to have prisoners being seen by the local populace, which made
no sense to me at all. I gave him a simple alternative to fold the seats up and the prisoners could sit on
the floor of the bed, thus not being able to be seen by other civilians. This solution didn t appease the
LTC because now the prisoners were not safe from a rollover. It took everything I had to not smart off
to him and say a canopy wouldn t protect
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The Dark Side Of Zombies
Darkness devoured everything in sight. A sea of lifeless moans crashed into the walls that kept me
prisoner. I could feel the hot breath of those creatures seeping through the walls. Paranoia invaded my
brain like the disease that infested those monsters. They were constantly trying to get in. They knew I
was here, I was a meal trapped in a cage and every intake of breath was a ring of the dinner bell.
Suddenly the snaps of rotting wood punched my ear drum. The snarling monsters came tumbling
through the gaps, their twisting bodies shuffling towards me. As their outstretched limbs searched for
my flesh I was ripped away by the ring of a phone. The television had sucked me in once again.
Casting me in the middle of the fictitious apocalypse. The concept of zombies has always been a
welcomed thought to me but why? Why am I and other humans fascinated with the thought of this life
threatening concept? These creatures are known by many names. The undead, zombies, even the
popular tv show The Walking Dead refers to them as walkers. Within history we find that the term
zombie comes from Haitian folklore where corpse reanimation was achieved mostly through magic. In
recent times radiation, mental disease, scientific accidents, etc. attribute to this reanimation.
The idea of zombies can be traced all the way back to 8th century. Voodoo priests used black magic to
possess their victims or so they say. They actually applied a deadly poison from a porcupine fish
known as
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Summary Of All Quiet On The Western Front
It was unpredictable. It was unsanitary. It caused many soldiers to lose their hope and their lives. It
was World War I. The horrors of World War I are shown clearly in Erich Maria Remarque s All Quiet
on the Western Front. Paul Baumer is the protagonist, he is just a regular young man who has not had
any major life experiences, until he enlists in the war. He goes from just a regular unexperienced
teenage boy to a mature adult in a short time. This novel is set in WWI behind the German frontlines
where Paul and his friends Katczinsky, Muller, Kropp, Tjaden, and Kemmerich are all assigned. These
six young men decided to enlist in the army because their school teacher Kantorek pressured them into
supporting their country and going to war. At first, the young men had a feeling of patriotism but later
figured out that Kantorek completely misguided them about what it would be like when they got there.
The lies eventually caused the men to hate and resent the schoolteacher that deceived them and make
them wish they never enlisted in the first place. Remarque uses dramatic irony, and suspense to
portray the detachment and problems with emotions in this novel. Baumer begins to realize that
nothing good is going to come out of this war, and that nothing will ever be the same again while
going home on leave and visiting Franz Kemmerich s mother. Paul decides to take it upon himself to
tell Mrs. Kemmerich about his death to ease her worry. **Mrs Kemmerich who was deeply
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Criminal Trial And The Judicial System Of England And Wales
In a criminal trial or a civil case, a jury or magistrate court in England and Wales is required to
determine and analyze the disputed factual issues. With such a requirement, expert witnesses in the
relevant field are called upon to assist the fact finding body interpret and understand evidence or
opinion with which such a body is unfamiliar. The current approach to the admissibility of expert
evidence within the judicial system of Wales and England is that of laissez faire (Akers, 2000). Within
laissez faire, a number of experts evidence or opinion are admitted in the jury or magistrate court
without adequate scrutiny since no clear guideless are applied to find out whether the expert opinion is
sufficiently admissible and whether it ... Show more content on ...
Hence, it gives equality in any decision made so after the hearing is adjourned, come different expert
opinion to enhance or influence the judge to make the right decision In the recent proposal for reform
in the admission of expert evidence, The Law Commission for England and Wales observed that the
the common law approach to the admissibility of expert opinion evidence is one of laissez faire, with
such evidence being admitted without sufficient regard to whether or not it is sufficiently reliable to be
considered by a jury (Akers, 2000). According to the Commission, this approach is unsatisfactory and
recommended that the admissibility of expert evidence should be considered in the criminal
investigation only if (1) it is provided beyond reasonable doubt that the person who is called upon as
an expert witness is skilled, experienced and qualified to give such evidence or testimonies and (2) the
court should properly scrutinize the expert evidence to ensure it contains scientific principles which
are admissible to the court and to the case in question. Under the proposal of the commission,
evidence, opinion or testimony over a crime will only be admitted if the strength of the evidence is
soundly based. For example, the experts evidence would not be admitted in the court of law if (a) it is
based on flawed data, (b) it is based on an unjustifiable assumption, (c)
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Margaret Pee Harper Short Biography
Margaret Pease Harper was born in St. Paul, Minnesota and was the daughter of Rollin and Lena Alma
Pease. She grew up around the arts, her father was an oratorio singer and performed in many historical
pageants. Harper grew up in Evanston, Illinois, and earned her bachelor s degree from the University
of Arizona, and she also received her master s degree from the University of Chicago. Some of her
professional occupations included a piano teacher and also worked for the administration of the
Colegio America in Callao, Peru. Mrs. Harper strongly believed that the geography and history of the
Panhandle of Texas should be expressed through performance. She convinced Pulitzer Prize winning
playwright, Paul Green to create the Palo Duro Canyon
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Comparing Trudeau s Polyethnic Background And Culture
Canada s identity is tremendously challenging to delineate, due to encompassing a vast population of
various cultures, traditions, and values spanning an enormous landmass. From various historical
perspectives, Canadian identity has changed over the course of the last century valuing discrete
ideologies through various time periods. Due to various government policies and acts, as well as
reformed beliefs and ideas regarding large social issues, Canada s identity has shifted and constantly
renewed its identity over the course of the past half century.
Major government policies and acts were headway into creating Canada s modern day identity. The
Immigration Act of 1976 changed Canada s perspective on immigration eligibility, and majorly
contributed towards structuring Canada s polyethnic background and culture. Prime Minister Pierre
Trudeau grew up in an extremely discriminatory climate, and believed that Canada should inherit
collective identity. Trudeau endorsed immigration to built Canada s diverse ethnic culture, and
accentuated third world immigrants to bring change to Canada s ... Show more content on ...
Its creation and history brought new meaning to Canada as a nation, and defined modern day Canada
as a distinct country through one of its most important national beliefs independence. Subsequent to
the Suez Canal Crisis, Egypt s disapproval of the Canadian flag (due to enemy British ties) caused
Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson to seriously reconsider Canada s national identity. Pearson stirred up
the Great Flag Debate, that led to a divide between the English and the French those who wanted to
keep symbolic British ties, and those who wanted to separate. By establishing a new non English, non
French related flag, Canada was given discrete identification amongst the world a step towards
independence, signifying Canadian
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The Establishment Of The European Union ( Eu )
How significant has been the development of the EU s policies concerning the protection of the
natural environmental and climate change? What problems have confronted policy makers in framing
and delivering such policies?
The establishment of the European Union (EU) enabled them to handle transnational activities among
the member states, including environmental policy. Its significance situates within its powers which
can manage any other organisations among the member states by virtue of the laws within the
European Union (Baker, 1996, p.215). As a result, it is broadly perceived that there is an increasing
impact from the EU on policy making in the member states. This tendency is particularly recognised
in environmental policy makings, because national standards in law needed to be questioned and
harmonised and policy developments at the European level influences the national aims, content and
settings of environmental policy within the member states (Heinelt et al., 2001). The area of
environmental policy was not established until the first Environmental Action Programme in 1973 as
the major aim for the European Economic Community s agenda was to build a common institutional
framework for mostly economic issues (Jorgensen, 2012). In the next decades, the development of the
area of environmental policy making was accelerated by the the Single European Act and by the
support from the public who tends to have an increasing concern towards environmental
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How Do Residential Schools Affect First Nations
Not many people are aware of how residential schools have affected First Nations people in Canada.
These Christian boarding schools, which were government sponsored and aimed at assimilating
Indigenous children, have deeply impacted the native population; and descendants of residential
school survivors share the same burdens as their ancestors, even though they didn t attend the schools
themselves. Because of residential schools, domestic abuse and violence is more frequent within
families, many have poor mental health and live in poverty, and finally, many of them are unable or
unwilling to teach their children native languages or other aspects of their culture.
Firstly, domestic abuse and violence is more frequent within families because several generations of
children have grown up without a nurturing family life. As a result, when they become adults, many of
them lack adequate parenting skills, and since they had only experienced abuse as a child, they start
abusing their own children and family members. Hence, the high rate of violence and abuse among
Aboriginal families often causes this vicious cycle to continue over generations. According to the
Manitoba Justice Institute, residential schools are the main ... Show more content on
This has resulted in high rates of alcoholism and substance abuse among First Nations people.
Statistics have also shown that aboriginal people in Canada have higher mortality rates, higher rates of
disease, higher rates of accidental deaths and much higher rates of suicide than the rest of the
Canadian population. In Canada, suicide and self inflicted injury is the number one cause of death
among natives aged 10 to 44. Additionally, native women attempt suicide eight times more often than
other Canadian women, and native men attempt suicide five times more often than other Canadian
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Evidences In The Crucible
The play The Crucible, created by Arthur Miller, gives people a mixed feeling about society in early
America. The play applied to everyday life in modern society where power and money drive people
crazy and they willing to do whatever it took to gain benefits for themselves. Presidential debate is
where people tried to do just that, they often tell lies to give other candidates a bad reputation so the
people could vote for them because of their amazing promises. The play The Crucible was wrote more
than fifty years ago but the events that happened in the play remain relevant to this day. Arthur Miller
also showed a broken Salem which caused by a lie. John Proctor, the protagonist of the play, stood up
tall despite the fact that there was a ... Show more content on ...
Donald Trump often time attack other politicians with his inaccurate evidences. He stupidly attacked
President Obama on his birth certificate because one had to be born on American soil to become a
president. At the end, the state of Hawaii released President Obama birth certificate proved that he is
American, put an end to Trump s birther movement (Nakaso). Another one from Trump s attack was
on Clinton s emails while she was a secretary of State, even though nobody knows about the emails
but he shouldn t be pointing it out because it is her privacy and he said that she should be put in jail for
them(Collison). Donald Trump s attack connected deeply in the play The Crucible in a lot of way.
When the judges demand John Proctor to sign his confession so they could nail it on the church said
that Proctor is dealing with the devil, but Proctor signed it and ripped it apart because the confession
was a lie. Proctor rather died than let a lie shattered his pride (Miller 1231). Proctor s wife also
accused for witchcraft because the doll found in her house. Abigail and Marry Warren set Elizabeth up
so she would end up in jail
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Effects Of Rms On The Weekly Calls
As RMS continues to indicate, based on our observations and more importantly on the review of
assets during our weekly calls with Altisource, RMS continues to believe on many of these assets, the
condition or location of the property is the primary driver behind not only the large reduction in list
price, but ultimately a sales price well below the initial list price, all of which contribute to extended
days on market and an increase in carrying costs incurred by the Trust. We believe one of the
contributors to this relates to the Altisource process where the listing agent is not local to the property
and typically has not personally visited the asset to assess the condition, the location, drive by the
comps and generally may not be ... Show more content on ...
Because Altisource cannot be directed to set the list price of an asset, RMS attempts to get Altisource
to recognize assets that are listed too high and to make appropriate adjustments that will generate
activity and offers.
RMS continues to review assets where we believe the list price set by Altisource is high relative to our
opinion of market value. On listed assets with DOM of more than 60 days, RMS and Altisource
discuss the list price and agent feedback to understand why purchase offers have not been received.
RMS targets these assets for review every 2 weeks.
Another recent observation is an increase in the number of assets in pending contract that fall out
because the buyer fails to return the purchase agreement. This trend has continued to increase over the
past several months. Although Altisource does not provide statistics regarding overall fallout, RMS
has seen an increase based on our observations and the weekly calls. We believe this relates to the
process by which Altisource sells REO assets (on the HUBZU website), where there is no economic
penalty to the bidder if they place an offer on a property but fail to deliver an executed purchase
agreement (similar to what would happen in a traditional sale transaction). In addition, we believe the
lack of agent to agent contact and knowledge of whether a buyer visits the property prior to making an
offer also play a role in the increased fallout. Altisource reports
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Essay on Project Critique
Analysis and Critique
The Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) project, undertaken by Electronic Data Communications
(EDC) is the biggest government undertaking of its kind. It aims to provide a single seamless network
which would provide a centralized communication to the Navy and Marine. It also aims to integrate
the legacy systems with the new secured environment. The NMCI project aimed to connect about
400,000 desktops into a common network, which would provide a unified communication to all Navy
and Marine bases (Calbreath, 2004).
Due to the magnitude of the project, it has been subject to much speculation. Despite of initial claims
by the EDS, there have been serious issues. EDS aimed to have 160,000 seats by 2002 ... Show more
content on ...
The Navy also developed a performance plan in order to measure and report the success of the NMCI
project. GAO s analysis further showed that the Navy had met only 15% of the performance targets. A
careful study of these results shows that if the Navy doesn t implement its performance plan, then
effective result and management cannot be achieved. The GAO analysis also reveals that the service
level agreements of the NMCI is of a mixed nature, with some agreements met, others not consistently
met, while still others not met at all.
GAO s analysis also gives suggestions for the Department of Defense, in order to adopt effective
practice. By adhering to the suggestions given by GAO, the Department of Defense is more like to get
a detailed understanding of significant issues, which will prove beneficial while making outsourcing
decisions, along with suggestions to be kept in mind while making such decisions (Information
Technology: DOD Needs to Leverage Lessons Learned from Its Outsourcing Projects, 2003).
In order to achieve
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The Three Important Aspects Of Elite Decision-Making
There are many different aspects of elite decisions that need to be considered by actors. When looking
at how elites make decisions, there is one theory that uses three important aspects of the decision
making process. Prospect theory looks at the domain that the actor is in during the decision making
process and that can determine whether or not they are likely to make risky conclusions along with
comparing utility and risk propensity to make informed resolutions. Prospect theory best explains elite
decision making and can be explained using Truman s choice to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
The combination of utility maximization, framing and risk propensity creates a parsimonious theory
that covers all major aspects of elite decision making. History of the Bomb The Manhattan Project
began in 1941 when President Franklin Roosevelt was convinced by Albert Einstein to start the
project. When Roosevelt died on April 12th, the bomb had not been tested and effects of the bomb
were widely contested between scientists. Harry Truman, who was known for his common sense
mentality and quick decision making, became president following Roosevelt s death. On April 24th,
Truman was given detailed information about the Manhattan Project, and the atomic bomb. Truman
was not sure of its practicality, but with the war raging on, he kept it in the back of his ... Show more
content on ...
The framing effect is observed when the description of options in terms of gains (positive frame)
rather than losses (negative frame) elicits systematically different choices. (Gonzalez 2005) The
classic example of this is what chances do you take in the event of a deadly outbreak. Imagine that the
United States is preparing for an outbreak of an unusual disease that is expected to kill 600 people.
Two alternative programs to combat the disease have been proposed. Scientific estimates of the
consequences are as follows: Positive
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Hannibal Lecter Character Traits
Man is the world s most dangerous animal. Though we do not possess sharp teeth, claws, poisonous
stingers, or the ability to perceive heat radiated by other creatures, we do possess an unsurpassed
ability to reason and think. Man has intelligence, the deadliest natural weapon of all. In Thomas Harris
The Silence of the Lambs, readers are introduced to Hannibal Lecter, the cannibalistic psychiatrist,
who fuses a razor honed intellect with the savage qualities of a beast. He is both man and monster, but
it is the balance of these two aspects that gives him the depth that still fascinates and horrifies to this
day. In order to reach this conclusion with significant arguments I will proceed to analyze the books
and different movies that refer to this interesting character.
First of all, I believe that it is important to start from the beginning of Hannibal`s life in order to
understand why he became the character that most people are fascinated by. The first movie in terms
of telling the childhood of Hannibal Lecter is Hannibal Rising which was directed by Peter Weber in
2006. This movie is very important in terms of answering the question ... Show more content on ...
However, because of the psychological aspect of these murders he gets help from a psychiatrist named
Hannibal Lecter. Later, he realizes that Lecter was the man he was looking for. After his arrest,
Hannibal is put in the Baltimore State Forensic Hospital, where he stays for eight years. In these years
he causes the death of a nurse and another patient who was staying in the next room, but, it is
important to mention, that he also helped the FBI to catch two other serial killers: Tooth Fairy and
Buffalo Bill. The second one takes place in the movie Silence of the Lambs , in which Hannibal
helped Clarice Starling, a FBI
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Establishing A Healthy Lifestyle For Children
Establishing Healthy Lifestyles in Childhood Establishing a healthy lifestyle in children is a very
relevant topic to U.S. parents and is the topic of my developmental program. This topic is a major
concern to the public because 25% of children under five are overweight or obese (Natale et al., 2014,
p. 378) and 16% of children ages six to nineteen are overweight (Lindsay, Sussner, Kim, Gortmaker,
2006, p. 173). This paper will summarize research on the topic of establishing a healthy lifestyle in
childhood specifically to prevent childhood obesity as well as successful interventions that have been
created to promote healthy lifestyles in childhood. There are many benefits to establishing a healthy
lifestyle early in childhood and these benefits can last the rest of the child s life. According to an
article entitled, Promoting healthy eating and an active lifestyle in schoolchildren, dietary habits
developed during childhood and adolescence can affect a child throughout adulthood and can
influence future preferences and behaviors related to food (O Connor, 2011, p. 48). This shows the
great importance of helping a child develop healthy dietary patterns during childhood so that the child
is set up for a healthy future in adulthood. This article goes on to state that, poor diet and poor
physical activity patterns in childhood can lead to problems that manifest later in life (O Connor, 2011,
p. 48). Examples given in the article include: heart disease, obesity, type two
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The Ethical Role Of Social Responsibility In The Police...
Social responsibility is built on a system of ethics, in which decisions and actions must be ethically
validated before proceeding. If the action or decision causes harm to society or the environment then it
would be considered to be socially irresponsible. Being socially responsible means that people and
organization must behave ethically and sensitivity towards, social, cultural, economic, and
environmental issues. Striving for social responsibility helps individuals, organization and government
to have a positive impact on development, business and society. Often, the ethical implication of
decision/action are overlooked for personal gain and the benefits are usually material. This frequently
manifest itself in companies that ... Show more content on ...
Due to Toyota s financial greed and unethical practice, vehicles were wrongly equipped with faulty
brakes, sticking pedals and poor quality door looks, which caused death of many Toyota customers
and hundreds of dollars in damages. When a company like Toyota acts in an ethically questionable
manner, it causes the company to lose customers and develop a negative reputation. Customer tend to
lose faith in the company and have to look for better service
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The Increasing Need for Urban Planning
1. Introduction Quantitative urban studies are becoming increasingly important for planners knowing
that in the year 2015 more than half the global population will be residing in cities [1]. Suitable urban
planning ought to be a top priority for future development but unfortunately sound planning has not
taken place especially in many African cities as heavy rural urban migration continues to cause cities
to expand at uncontrollable rates [2]. As a consequence, the urban population in Africa is increasing at
a much faster rate than in the rest of the world, contributing to the augmentation of the existing
problems such as unsuitable land use [3]. The concentration of population in cities comprises as much
as 60% of the total population in most countries. In these immense urban settlements the
environmental and social consequences are sometimes disastrous [4]. Large cities in Africa such as
Nakuru have experienced a fast growth rate of 13.3% between 1990 and 2006 [5]. The magnification
has been attributed to a number of factors, mainly the aperture of the new Naivasha Nakuru road,
which links the megacity of Nairobi. Post election violence is verbally expressed to be one of the
contributing factors, since many displaced people from neighboring towns migrated to Nakuru as a
safe shelter. The main consequences in these African cities include; urban sprawl, unsuitable land use,
inadequate transportation systems, air and water pollution, depletion of natural resources,
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Origin of Sidhu
Origin of Sidhu
Islam and most Sidhu jatts in India are Sikh
The ruling Sikh families of Patiala, Jind, Faridkot Nabha in the Punjab, which after Independence,
shortly came together as the Patiala and East Punjab States Union(PEPSU), were the famed Sidhu
who traced their origin to the Bhatti/Bhati / Bhattis Rajputs. Khiva Rao sired Sidhu Rao in around
1250. Sidhu Rao s descendants merged with the Jat community. Sidhu is the founder of the Sidhu
Clan. Sidhu was also married into a Gill Jat tribe. He sired six sons from this marriage: The heads of
these families are said to have received baptism and initiation into the Khalsa fold from Guru Gobind
Singh himself during his stay at Muktsar and areas in the vicinity.
Sidhu was also married ... Show more content on ...
After his death in 1560, the same was handed over to Mehraj. Mehraj s grandson Mohan was pestered
by Muslim Bhattis and he left Bidowali for some time in 1618 and came to the Bathinda area.
According to one description, Mohan and his son Roop Chand laid their lives in 1632 during a fight
with Muslim Bhattis. Mohan s son Kala was also an ardent follower of the sixth Guru. When Shah
Jehan s army attacked the Guru in 1635 at Lehra near Mehraj, Kala along with his clan sided firmly
with him. The Guru ended victorious. A happy Guru Har Gobind asked Kala Brar to fence as much
land he wanted to. By evening, Kala had marked twenty two villages and put his fence (Morhi) into
the ground. The Bhullar Jats, who considered themselves to be the original dwellers and owners of
this area removed his fence and threw it into a well. When Kala complained against this to the Guru,
he remarked: Bhai Kala, your roots have reached to the other world. Hence, Kala founded a village
and named it as Mehraj.
[edit] Phool
When Guru Har Rai visited this area, Kala along with his cousins, Phool and Sandal appeared for his
service. The Guru blessed Phool and Sandal with the privilege of affording to take his horse to the
Ganges and Yamuna rivers for drinking water. On growing up, Phool founded the village of Phool and
captured the areas surrounding it. Chowdhary Phool sired
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My Grandfather, Barney F. Stegall
My sponsor is my Grandfather, Barney F. Stegall. His military career began in June 1969. Once he
finished basic training and Tech School, he worked in Civil Engineering. He worked at a Radar site in
Maine and NC. In 1973, while in North Carolina, he was accepted into the Office of Special
Investigations. His first assignment as a Special Agent was with Defense Investigative Service (DIS)
at Dover Air Force Base. He served the Delmarva Peninsula and conducted background investigations
for security clearances. In 1978, while stationed at Dover Air Force Base he conducted criminal and
drug investigations. One Thanksgiving morning he assisted the FBI in identifying the remains of Jim
Jones and 913 other causilties recovered from the Jonestown ... Show more content on
He was the NCOIC working with local law enforcement regarding criminal investigations. His
detachment was selected as the Outstanding Small Detachment of the year in 1983. After one month
as the District Criminal Chief in District 45, Seoul Korea, my grandfather volunteered to work on the
Osan Air FOrce Base in Korea as the Superintendent of Detachment 4506. Once again, his detachment
was selected as the Outstanding Large Detachment of the Year in 1985. In 1986, he was reassigned to
District 21, where he worked as the Operations Superintendent at Langley Air Force Base where he
managed criminal and fraud investigations for 6 detachments and 2 operating locations. He was then
reassigned as the Superintendent for AFOSI Detachment 2140. During this assignment, he was
influential in the arrest and conviction of an Air Force Master Sergeant for the murder of his wife.
Irene Pence, true crime writer, wrote, A Clue from the Grave , about this case. It was profiled on the
TV series, Investigative Discovery.
His final AFOSI assignment took him to District 10, Randolph Air Force Base. There, he was the
Chief of the Criminal Investigations Division for one of the largest AFOSI District in the command.
They were responsible for 17 detachments. He retired from active duty in September 1991, after
serving for 22
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Yellowstone National Park Essay
Yellowstone National Park has some of the most beautiful and exiting things to do. It has some of the
most interesting Facts. Wyoming has some of the most beautiful streams, geysers, and mountains in
the US. There are some really neat things about Yellowstone.
Yellowstone National Park is Service and a favorite to millions of visitors each year. The park is a
major stop to have a good vacation. By driving we could view the park from the comfort of our
vehicle and also take a rest at one of the many roadside picnic areas. The park has thousands of miles
of trails. Lewis and Clark were the first whites to explore the Yellowstone region among them was one
of the most celebrated hunter and woodsman of that period, John Colter. ... Show more content on ...
150 centuries ago the land beneath the sidewalk was covered by ice thousands of feet thick. In Grand
Teton National Park, on the same August day, you can view a glacier. From the valley floor, the Teton
Glacier is only 4.5 miles to the west and 7,000 feet up the mountain. More glaciers from the nearby
Mt. Moran.
On the Pitchstone Plateau of Yellow stone, a hiker in August can find patches of last winter s snow in
the shade of the ledges, if they aren t already covered by the new snows of autumn. The annual
temperature at Lake Ranger Station in Yellowstone is 33° F, just a little above freezing. The most
striking examples of Yellowstone s deep cold are Yellowstone and Lewis lakes that remain frozen
most years from December to late May. Often Lewis Lake melts in early June.
Winter weather in northwest Wyoming is brisk. Temperatures around 40° F mostly occur at Old
Faithful, and those in the town of Jackson, Wyoming, are often below 30° E With these temperatures
in , it is not difficult to imagine the cold, more cloudy summers and temperature drops of 15° F might
have on the Yellowstone National Park. At Yellowstone s youngest glacier, the Pinedale, the Bull Lake
Though there were eight or more earlier glaciations than Bull Lake in the Yellowstone region. In
Yellowstone national Park there a lot of land glaciers. At land, forms the glaciers left behind these
landforms and deposits were formed millions of years ago.
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Animating Revolt
Films with sound have been around since 1927, and animated films have been around since the 1930s.
The main job of an animated film is to entertain, to captivate, and to fascinate the audience, typically
with no deeper meaning; however, with the new genre of Pixarvolt films the children s animation
genre has taken a turn leading toward deeper meanings and hidden messages throughout the movie.
Animating revolt is a new form of portraying children s movies, usually expressing something
progressive as a hidden message, to the disapproval or unbeknownst of a conservative parent, but to
the progressive. In the essay, Animating Revolt and Revolting Animation by Judith Halberstam, Judith
uncovers all of the hidden messages and subtle progressions ... Show more content on
What most of you parents don t see are the decoded messages that take place in front of your young
children every day while they watch their favorite cartoon show. If you don t let your 12 year old child
cross the street without permission or listen to the radio because of the curse words used, why would
you let him watch a show where the two main characters show a homoerotic relationship and have no
career aspirations other than being a worker at a fast food restaurant? Halberstam points out all of
radical, crafty messages included in these films, not just the cliché treat people how you want to be
treated messages, such as the homoerotics of SpongeBob s and Patrick s relationship. (Halberstam
289). This is an example of how Halberstam would view this television show, and how you are more
often than not unknowing of the radical content known as animating revolt. Not many people have
wrapped their head around the fact that SpongeBob and Patrick portray themselves to be in a same sex
relationship, and if you started to find out about the nature of this show you would surely not be
showing such progressive content to your young
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Mass Media And Co-Viewing Research
Mass media consumption is rarely in a social vacuum. Television and movies are often watched with
family and friends, books are passed along and discussed between friends, and newer media naturally
implement mediated conversations with people from across the world. Communication scholars have
known for a long time that the consumption of media is rarely an isolated experience, and is instead
typically social in nature (Katz Lazarsfeld, 1955) However, while many of the foundational research
in the field explored how media effects are intertwined with interpersonal influences (e.g., two step
flow; Katz, 1957), few current media effect researchers incorporate the social aspects of media
consumption into their studies. This is unfortunate as the social factors such as co viewing can play a
great role in attitude formation and emotional effects (Nathanson, 2001, Tal Or, 2016).
One of the gaps in the co viewing literature is how individual differences and motivations might play a
role in enjoyment of entertainment. This study attempts to explore this gap by analyzing the effects of
two individual traits in tangent with individual uses of media have on how one may conform to other s
enjoyment expression and attitudes. More specifically, this study will explored how tendency to
conform and sociability are associated with using movies for either entertainment or socializing, and
how these motivations relate to group conformity.
Literature Review
Entertainment scholars have had a
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J Paul Getty Museum
I visited the J Paul Getty Museum in Malibu, California in April of 2011. I was on a school trip and at
the beginning had no interest in going to this museum. However it being on the itinerary, I just went
along. Arriving at the Getty museum you could see how the building was a work of art itself. It was
like a sculpture jumping from ancient Greece mixed with a modern flare. Holding over 40,000 pieces I
did not know where to begin. Noticing a pamphlet with all the information about the more famous
paintings I saw the name Van Gogh and recognized it from the art class I was in at the time. Therefore
I made my way to this wing of the museum. The title of the Van Gogh piece I saw and what I m
choosing to write about is called Irises . As
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Home Depot Fixed Costs
The costs incurred by the Home Depot can be classified into two categories: fixed costs and variable
costs. Fixed costs are unaffected by changes in the level of activity are fixed costs (Edmonds, Tsay,
Olds, 2011). These costs are incurred regardless of whether or not units are produced. They are
expressed as a certain cost for a given range of sales levels. Fixed costs remain the same for any sales
level within a certain range. The net income indefinitely changes with a fluctuation in sales level even
when the fixed costs remain unchanged. A rise in the sales level increases the net income and a fall in
the sales level reduces the net income. Additionally, an increases in the fixed costs reduces the net
income, and a drop in the fixed costs
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My Brother s Gameboy Essay
As a child the things that meant the most to me were shiny, colorful, and utterly unattainable. From a
young age I was taught that taking what was not yours without asking was unbelievably wrong and
would result in a never ending timeout. Fearing an eternity spent sat in a corner thinking about what I
had just done I made an early habit of asking for things I wanted and forgetting about the things I
could not have. Unfortunately this lifestyle could only last so long and so at only four years old the
temptation became too much and I had convinced myself that the only solution was to take what was
not given to me. The year was 2001 and my older brother had recently been given a brand new
GameBoy Advanced. This incredible technological ... Show more content on ...
Confused I exclaimed You died. It s my turn! to which Joey quickly retorted I did not! They just
fainted there is no death in this game. You don t get a turn. Stunned, a feeling mixed between betrayal
and disappointment washed over me. I had asked nicely and yet I was denied the chance to play.
Unsure of what to do with myself now that I was not allowed to have the one thing I desired I found
my way to my room. Needing a place to think I rolled under my bed and let the emotions settle in.
Disappointment won out as the more overwhelming emotion and I began to plot a way to take what I
felt was rightfully mine. I soon realized that I had no real idea of how to enact my plan and became
more frustrated. I knew I needed a second opinion and intended to speak to Lucky when I realized that
in my fit of despair I had left him behind. I decided that a rescue mission was in order and climbed out
from under my bed. Sneaking through the house I reached my brother s room and was shocked to find
only Lucky there. I raced over lifting him from the bed and hugging him close knowing he was once
again safe. I turned to leave but right before I could I noticed a faint noise coming from within the
blankets. Lifting them I found true temptation. There sat Joey s GameBoy taunting me as I stared in
wonderment. It dawned on me that I could just go back to my room and find a different way to get the
chance to play but with no one in sight I decided that taking it now
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The Characteristics Of Odysseus In Homer s Odyssey
The main character in the Odyssey, Odysseus, displays many valuable traits throughout the novel,
which helped support the main idea that cunning, endurance, and loyalty are more valuable than brute
strength Odysseus was incredibly clever and cunning. He solved many problems this way which was
different than other heroes who relied on brute strength. Odysseus recalled the horror in a telling of his
encounter with Polyphemus his story is a gruesome story of cannibalism ...but starting up laid hands
on my companions...Tearing them limb from limb, he made supper, and ate as does a mountain lion...
(pg. 85) and he has to come up with a plan to stop Polyphemus. Odysseus was able to come up with a
plan to escape from Polyphemus and defeat him [Seized] the olive stake, sharp at the tip, they plunged
it in his eye (pg. 87)and him and his men were able to leave the island. Odysseus defeated Troy by
getting inside their gates with a symbol of surrender and then returning to defeat the Trojans, he gave
himself quite the reputation This is also the sort of deed that brave man [Odysseus] did and dared
within that wooden horse where all we Argive chiefs were lying, bearing to the Trojans death and
doom. (pg. 34) and he had stories told about his cleverness and cunning, even if his memory brought
the Trojans grief and misery when they heard his name. Odysseus sent his men to Circe s home, where
trusting her proved to be a detrimental mistake Now after she had given them
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Thanksgiving Baking Research Paper
The thought of Thanksgiving and Christmas makes one think of baking. It does not help that every
time the television is turned on there are several cooking programs being played. Whether it is a
television show that teaches one how to cook a variety of foods, or if it is a show with a cooking
competition ranging from Halloween Wars to Cupcake Wars. There are even episodes that have
competitions for those that are considered horrible cooks that they are nominated to be cast on The
Worst Cooks in America. One may feel motivated to try some of the food choices being demonstrated.
Even though baking might not come easy to some individuals, adhering to the three simple steps of
baking can make anyone an expert at constructing the perfect chocolate ... Show more content on ...
To start this step, one must first carefully take golden brown bars out of the oven with pot holders,
cautious of the hot appliance. Once out of the oven, let the chocolate chip cheesecake bars chill for
roughly 30 minutes. After the 30 minutes of cooling are up place the pan of chocolate chip cheesecake
bars in the refrigerator for about two hours so the dessert can completely chill. Following the two
hours of refrigeration, it s time to cut the bars chocolate chip cheesecake bars into evenly cut portions.
If a larger amount of guest are expected it is advised to cut the bars into smaller pieces. Now is the
time where one can serve their guests to these delicious treats. But first, there needs to be a platter to
serve the dessert on. Whether it s a favorite color plate or a decorative tray, the choices are unlimited.
A personal favorite is a red and green polka dot Christmas platter to serve the most favored desserts
on. All that is left is a cold glass of milk to drink while eating the sweet chocolate chip cheesecake
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Jean Hey’s Annunciation Essay examples
By most accounts, the year 1500 was in the midst of the height of the Italian Renaissance. In that year,
Flemmish artist Jean Hey, known as the Master of Moulins, painted The Annunciation to adorn a
section of an alter piece for his royal French patrons. The painting tells the story of the angel Gabriel s
visit to the Virgin Mary to deliver the news that she will give birth to the son of God. As the story
goes, Mary, an unwed woman, was initially terrified about the prospects of pregnancy, but eventually
accepts her fate as God s servant. The Annunciation is an oil painting on a modest canvas, three feet
tall and half as wide. The setting of the painting is a study, Mary sitting at a desk in the bottom right
hand corner ... Show more content on ...
The new emphasis on learning, especially via direct observation of the natural world, led to new
artistic techniques that allowed artists to mimic those of the ancients. The Early Renaissance was,
therefore, a progression of observing the works of the ancients, and undergoing a new process of trial
and error learning from prior mistakes and tracing the path of artistic creation. The aim of the artists
was to better their abilities at portraying human characteristics, both physical and emotional, while
creating a more ideal finished product, something that was as significant in presence as the natural
world itself. Much progress was made in these campaigns during the Early Renaissance, and the
emergence of the High Renaissance was characterized by the true mastery of the method of creating
mankind s body and emotions[1], and an artwork as balanced as nature itself. Jean Hey s The
Annunciation demonstrates the product of this final Renaissance transition.
One of the more intricate elements of the human form whose representation the High Renaissance
perfected was that of hands. The Annunciation is evidence of this. The proportions and general
structure of Gabriel and Mary s hands are true to nature but it is the meticulously accurate re creation
of anatomical detail
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The Cia s Potential Involvement
Which extended to the JFKs upper back and exited through his throat and then struck Governor John
Connally´s ribs breaking them, then shattering his wrist then finally resting on his thigh. Skeptics say
that the trajectory was fanciful and renamed it as the Magic bullet theory. It s just one reason why
conspiracy theorists think more than one shooter was involved(who killed JFK?). There is some
speculation over that people and groups are involved, but who would want to hurt the president?
These people and groups might have put Oswald up to do their dirty work or they just did it
themselves. There are two groups and one person that has the most targets on their back and why. The
CIA s potential involvement was frequently mentioned during ... Show more content on ...
David Shaw who was the Warren Commission chief staff investigator. Was not surprised that McCone
had personally held so much information about John F. Kennedys assassination and plots for Castro
(The CIA Director part of the JFK assassination cover up). McCone´s report might suggest a new
openness by the CIAs involvement in JFKS assassination (The CIA Director part of the JFK
assassination cover up). McCone did not want to kill Castro at all. Allen Dulles was setting a plot to
kill Castro like the president told him to but then McCone intervened and told him to stop (The CIA
Director part of the JFK assassination cover up).Another reason is that the CIA made the big harsh gap
in the investigation for the president s murder (The CIA Director part of the JFK assassination cover
up).McCones had lots of involvement with the murder and that put a huge target on his back and
Conspiracist says he might have been covering up for the CIAs involvement(The CIA Director part of
the JFK assassination cover up). After the bay of pigs invasion of Cuba in 1961kennedy and the CIA
agents were on rough terms(10 persistent kenned assassination theories).The CIA agents did not also
want to lose their jobs for disagreeing with the president on certain issues and with killing Castro(who
shot JFK? 6 conspiracy theories).Kennedy said, that he would splinter the CIA into a
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American Culture Research Paper
Basque Culture I grew up in a small town, which was highly populated with individuals of Basque
descent. My grandfather severed in the military and was stationed in Basque Country. Despite the
large Basque population surrounding me, I knew very little of the culture and traditions commonly
found within the Basque Country. The homeland of the Basque people, commonly called the Basque
Country, is located on the Bay of Biscay at the western end of the Pyrenees mountain range, straddling
the border of France and Spain. The nearly 8,000 square mile Basque Country is divided into seven
administrative districts, four in Spain and three in France. Basque culture is distinctive from that of the
rest of Spain in many ways (Thomas, par. 1). This assignment has allowed me the privilege to
interview and spend time with Maria Begona Narvaiza Peck. I was able to experience the Basque
culture through conversation, photographs, museum, and meals.
Begona, as she prefers to be addressed, immigrated to the United States with her family in 1975, she
was nine years old at the time. Her father, who was a sheepherder, moved to the United States ahead
of the rest of the family. He was working to earn passage for the family to be reunited once again. The
family was soon sponsored and began saving money for flights to America. She recalls this took quite
a long while, as her father made only $200 a month. Once saving the money they needed, her mother
and siblings began their journey to America
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Corey Clement Research Paper
It s been an exciting ride for Philadelphia Eagles rookie running back Corey Clement. Clement, a
Glassboro, N.J. native, was an undrafted free agent out of the University of Wisconsin last spring and
had to work diligently to get a spot on the team. Now the former Glassboro High star will be headed to
U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis, Minn. to face the New England Patriots in Super Bowl LII on
Sunday, Feb.4. Clement, a 5 foot 10, 220 pounder, is really thrilled to be making the trip to Minnesota
after helping the Eagles crush the Vikings, 38 7, to capture the NFC championship at Lincoln
Financial Field and to be playing in the biggest football game of the season. It s quite an
accomplishment for a player in his first season. It s a beautiful scene, Clement said. It s something I
got to thank my family and friends always supporting me. And the ... Show more content on ...
This season, he has rushed for 321 yards on 74 carries for four touchdowns. Clement also has 10
receptions for 123 yards and two touchdowns. In the victory over the Vikings, he had two carries for
20 yards and one reception for eight yards. But Clement was a part of a big play that produced a
spectacular touchdown by wide receiver Torrey Smith. It was the flea flicker. Eagles quarterback Nick
Foles handed the ball off to Clement who took a couple of steps and then pitched it back to Foles who
threw a 41 yard scoring strike to Smith. I got to thank Duce Staley [Eagles running back coach] for
allowing me to go out there and do that, Clement said. It s not just a play that you just let a rookie do
because everything is got to be down to the T. Just being locked in and being with the guys was an
awesome feeling. Foles was terrific completing 26 of 33 passes for 352 yards with three touchdowns
and no interceptions in the championship game. Clement was very impressed with Foles performance,
who has really stepped up in the
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Nai-Ni Chen and Taiwanese-American Modern Dance
Taiwan and America have always had strong relations since the early 1900s. However, during the Cold
War, they became even closer allies. During this time, many famous American dancers such as Alvin
Ailey, José Limón and Paul Taylor visited Taiwan. They brought along the ideas of American style
democracy embedded in the art form of modern dance, which also expressed individual freedom. In
addition, the United States aid to Taiwan during the 1950s and 1960s helped Taiwan create the
booming economy it enjoys today. In the 1970s, the growth of economic changes allowed for the
numbers of professionals and intellectuals to grow. This caused the middle class to expand, and the
Taiwanese people became interested in their culture, religion, and art, and how it was distinct from
that of China. Modern dance and Western classical music in Taiwan reflected the push for
modernization in society. The United States became the top training destination for young Taiwanese
dancers. Especially in 1987, after martial law in Taiwan was lifted, many dancers began setting up
their own troupes. One of the most famous American trained Taiwanese dancers would be Lin Hwai
min, who later returned to Taiwan and in 1973 founded the world acclaimed Cloud Gate Dance
Theater of Taiwan. However, this paper will be focusing on a lesser known Taiwanese American
modern dancer: Nai Ni Chen. Chen is currently a successful modern dancer in Fort Lee, New
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Syrian Civil War Is The Worst Humanitarian Crisis Of Our Time
Syria s Civil War is by far the worst humanitarian crisis of our time ( Quick Facts: What You Need to
Know about the Syria Crisis ). What started as anti government protests escalated into a full scale civil
war. Half the country s population more than 11 million people have been killed or forced to flee their
homes as a result of the Syrian Civil War(Asare, Patrick, Gritten, Offer, Rodgers). As forces loyal to
Dictator Bashar al Assad, those opposed to his rule, and jihadist militants from ISIS clash, the
innocent civilians impacted by the war are scrambling to find sanctuary. The recent crisis around the
influx of the Syrian refugees escaping the Syrian Civil War impacts all countries, particularly the
USA. The United States Congress has passed a bill that, as of January 2016, will permit 10,000 Syrian
refugees into the United States. Syria is extremely diverse in ethnic makeup, but relatively
homogeneous in regards to socioeconomic status, majority of Syrians lacking equal access to
economic opportunity. In fact, the Syrian Civil War has caused several issues that have ruined
prospective financial developments. As a result, the Syrian pound has depreciated to the lowest it has
ever been (Butter). By coming to the USA, Syrian refugees can find several opportunities where they
otherwise would have been threatened or marginalized. Although the number of Syrian refugees
coming into the USA is relatively small, they are helpful to the American economy, bringing important
... Get more on ...
Research And Development ( R D ) And Acquisitions
Research and development (R D) and acquisitions are a firm s core areas for innovation, which sets
the stage for its ability to compete in the market based on what cutting edge technology or ideas the
company has gathered. Accordingly, globalization and increased competition has led companies to
become more efficient and reevaluate whether to outsource R D or to innovate in house. When opting
to outsource, companies should look at their organization at a functional level, and identify the
processes and tasks in order to identify opportunities that can be gained from outsourcing versus
developing in house. Additionally, companies should focus not on where the innovation occurs, but
rather who will ultimately have control of the final ... Show more content on ...
Efficiency of a company turns on being able to produce in the shortest amount of time while
maintaining quality. Thus, outsourcing allows a company to be efficient where in house the same task
could not be accomplished in a reasonable amount of time.
Opting to outsource R D is also a good business strategy when the skillset is not found within the
organization. No matter how talented a company is, it simply cannot possess all the talent and
innovation under one roof. Thus, outsourcing R D allows companies to utilize talent pools from all
over the world. Companies may even outsource within their own country by hiring contractors or
freelancers. For example, in order to stay competitive, technology companies simply do not have the
time to conduct in house R D. Instead, it is more efficient to outsource or acquire unique technologies
of other companies to expand their technology portfolio relatively quickly and align itself with
talented people. For example, Yahoo, Inc., an internet search engine tool, acquired Flickr, a photo
sharing site a completely different component than its own. Acquisitions give companies the ability to
acquire a product that is already created; access to a talent pool that has experience employing the
technology; and a market that is familiar with the product. Acquisition is also a strategic way to
eliminate a competitor and become an active player in the competitive market rather than
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The Dangers Of The Holocaust
When learning about the Holocaust in school some teachers play videos or show pictures of the
carnage of a concentration camp, all the student really sees are either walking skeletons or dead
skeletons. Some soldiers say they can never forget the smell when they first walked into a camp, and
thousands of people visit the remaining camps and feel as if they are walking through a cemetery,
which they are really. It has been sixty years since the Holocaust ended, and over six million Jewish
people died in some of the worst possible ways. There are very few survivors left today, and even after
the camps were liberated the survivors were not treated humanely when they finally got to return
home. After all they went through they should have had more support to help them after their ordeal,
but to this day there are still people that deny that the Holocaust ever happened. Something as
terrifying as the Holocaust should not be questioned because someone does not believe mankind is
that cruel, that they just think survivors were mentally unstable and wanted to get publicity, and
mainly the reason is that they are anti Semitic. A person may not want to believe that mankind is that
cruel, but they have to know that it happened because something that awful must be known to prevent
it from happening again. Deborah Lipstadt s podcast, How Do You Stand Up to a Holocaust Denier,
focuses on what a person should do when encountering people that deny, not just the Holocaust,
though that is
... Get more on ...
Use Of Mobile Phones In School
Oh my gosh! I think I am about to die! I just found out that some schools do not allow students to
have cell phones in school. Modern cell phones are capable of much more than sending text messages
in class, now they are capable of calling someone in case of an emergency. If someone is in need of
help and no one has a cell phone, there is no way anyone could get them help, if someone is bleeding a
lot more than likely they would die if no one calls the emergency center. There is an average of ninety
four percent of students who goof around and play on their cell phones during class or school hours,
that is only six percent of students who could manage to not play on their cell phones until the end of
the day. If someone would like to see if they could manage to get through the day without using a cell
phone, they could try the no cell phone for a day challenge. The no cell phone for a day challenge is
when someone gives their cell phone to their parents and they could not have their cell phone back
until twenty four hours are up, if they could get a day without their cell phone, then they should be
proud of them because they have proved they could get through the day without their phones, If you
do not pass it then you are addicted to the phone and you need to get help. Teachers and principals
should let students have phones at school. Students need phones in school because if someone breaks
into the school, then they would need to call someone to get
... Get more on ...
The Evolution Of Species Extinction
Globally, most of the species (both flora and fauna) are under serious threat from direct and indirect
human activities; while the direct activities such as deforestation leads to species habitat fragmentation
and loss, on the other hand modifies climatic conditions coupled with gas emissions. The synergistic
impact of these human driven activities questions the survivability of organisms in the morphed
climatic environments. At one level fragmented habitats increase intra and inter species competitions,
resulting in decline of population of species, grouping them under rare and threatened category. At
other level, the amplified global temperatures in parallel with low precipitation rates, not only creates
unsuitable external habitat conditions but also impose internal changes in biological clock and
physiological processes of the organisms, in additions to their life history traits (Reynold et al. 2003,
Price and Gittleman, 2007). This kind of changed scenario both externally and internally, brings
incompatibility in the organism to cope with fluctuating climatic conditions, finally making the
species as vulnerable and forcing into the process of extinction.
The process of species extinction accelerated with rapid human activities and in the current scenario,
many species are in the queue of extinction. We are losing our uncounted valuable biodiversity, in a
sense, we still don t have exact idea of how many species are surviving globally, and we are losing
them before we
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Franklin Roosevelt Essay
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, (1882 1945), 32nd president of the United States. Roosevelt became
president in March 1933 at the depth of the Great Depression. He was reelected for three more terms,
and died in office in April 1945. He was a fascinating idealist whose confidence helped carry on the
American people during the strains of economic crisis and world war even though he had an attack of
poliomyelitis, which paralyzed his legs in 1921. He was one of America s most touchy leaders.
Though Roosevelt labored hard to end the Depression, he had not very much success. It was not until
1939 and 1940 that success returned. Roosevelt also showed limits in his handling of foreign policy.
In the 1930 s he did not warn right away the danger of ... Show more content on ...
Schools were closed because the states did not have enough money to fund them and people were
homeless and starving; living and dying on the very streets where just a few years ago America
experienced its first economic boom. This sets the stage for the most triumphant presidency this
country has ever seen. President Roosevelt s heritage traces all the way back to our great nation s
colonial times. Being of Dutch and English ancestry, his ancestor, Klaes Martensen had been a Dutch
immigrant, settling in New York in 1645. Almost two hundred years later, on January 30, 1882,
Franklin was born. Both of his parents had come from upper class families. His father, James
Roosevelt was the vice president of the Delaware and Hudson Railway Company. Franklin lived a life
almost all would envy, growing up about 100 miles north of New York City on his parents Hyde
Estate. The estate, totaling about 100 acres in size overlooked the Hudson River and had a amazing
view of the Catskill Mountains. He led a good life, going to high private schools. He attended Harvard
and later Colombia Law School. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;Franklin Roosevelt was elected for his
first term in 1933 During the first one hundred days Roosevelt spent in office he passed many bills,
setting up agencies like the WPA, Works Progress Administration. Roosevelt believed in giving aid to
the sick, poor and helpless, by providing hospital care
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Propaganda In Delirium
Delirium is a dystopian novel about a society set in Portland, Maine who strongly believe love is a
sickness. This disease is known as Amor Deliria Nervosa. To get rid of this infection, a cure was
created to prevent a person from feeling these strong emotions. Until cured, you are restricted from
making contact with other uncured of the opposite sex. One of the main characters, Lena Holoway had
always looked forward to the day when she would be cured. Throughout their lives, the government
drilled in them that life without love is a life without pain. Lena chose to focus on how her future
affected her family s reputation instead of the destruction love brought to them. She was told her
mother committed suicide because she fell in love and everyone was sure Lena would be just as
At her evaluation to determine her future career and husband, an incident occurred which invalidated
her results. During the chaos, she spotted a boy, Alex. She could instantly tell he was different ... Show
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In the beginning, Lena was determined to do as she was expected and to follow the rules so the
reputation of her family s past would not continue to haunt her. In the end, she was infected by love
and realized her life and beliefs were a lie. She began to question her societies motives due to all the
secrets unveiled. Lena and Alex attempted to leave to the Wilds together to get out of the government
corruption. Throughout the story, she became braver in her actions and gained confidence to live how
she wanted. I feel this is because she was awaken from being exposed to love and she started to form
her own opinions on what she felt was
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Cultural Differences And Family Bonds Collide
Cultural differences and family bonds collide in Tess de Loo s war time novel The Twins . Set
amongst the backdrop of WWII, The Twins tells the story of twins Anna and Lotte, one raised in
Germany and the other raised in The Netherlands. A beautiful look into the nature of separation The
Twins is more than an exploration of the ties which bind families, rather it confronts our expectations
of what nationalism is and if the crimes of the country can ever be forgiven. Separated at age six, after
the death of both their mother and father, the sickly Lotte was whisked away to the Netherlands to
recuperate with their uncle s family whilst Anna was forced to stay in Germany on a pig farm with
their grandfather. Over the years there s a constant yearning for their lost twin and neither can seem to
shake the idea that a deep, important parts of their lives is absent. Conversely the onset of Hitler s rise
to power and the subsequent war and bloodshed creates a rift between their lives that appears to be
insurmountable. The novel begins in the 1990 s; Anna and Lotte, now old women recuperating in a
health spa from their shared aliment of arthritis find themselves in each other s company after years of
detachment from the other. At first Lotte, the twin raised in The Netherlands is extremely reluctant to
engage with Anna. Whilst Anna, the twin raised in Germany is overjoyed to see her long lost sister,
viewing their chance encounter as fate bringing their lives together. The
... Get more on ...

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Primary Lined Thanksgiving Writing Paper By Allison C

  • 1. Primary Lined Thanksgiving Writing Paper By Allison C 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Primary Lined Thanksgiving Writing Paper By Allison C Primary Lined Thanksgiving Writing Paper By Allison C
  • 2. Analysis of October Sky Essay Living Above Ground The inspirational true story of Homer Hickam in October Sky reminds us all to strive for our goals and never give up, even in the face of adversity. However, Homer was fighting for a great deal in his pursuit of rocketry, he was even fighting for his life. Born in a coal mining town, son of a foreman, Homer seemed destined to work the mine when he grew up. But in October Sky, Homer has to overcome what the mine represents: isolation and death. The life of a coal miner is often isolated from several things that most people would take for granted. Due to the demand of coal, towns are set up wherever the mines are opened. In the case of the movie, the main setting was in the remote town of Coalwood, West Virginia. ... Show more content on ... This provides an interesting dynamic and internal conflict in Homer. He is overcoming the isolation from his father by mining, and John even considers him a man since he has done hard work in the mine. However, he also becomes isolated from his friends that he has spent so much time with recently. He is relegated to spending lunch breaks catching up with the other members of the rocket boys. While being separated from the outside world and even family and friends may be one effect of the mine, a larger impact may be the fact that the mine is a place of death in the mind of Homer. Throughout the movie, Homer s fear of the mine is shown in cases like where the boys are shooting Roy Lee s car and he mentions how O Dell s father died when the roof of the mine collapsed near him and cut his head off. Allusions are made to the symbol of death throughout the movie. The elevator could be seen as a coffin, an instrument of isolation. When Homer is going down into the mine for the first time, the shot is of him being lowered into the mine shaft, much like that of being lowered into a grave. Homer even begins to blame himself for the death of Ike Bykovsky later in the movie. Because Bykovsky helped Homer build the first rocket, Homer s father sent him into the mine, where he was later killed. Homer keeps Bykovsky s number tag as a reminder of what his future could ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Pros And Cons Of Iwo Jima The taking of the island of Iwo Jima was one of the most difficult and costly campaigns for the U.S. during World War II. After the battle was over, the decision to take the island was heavily scrutinized by the public, military officials, and members of the press. Many people felt that the island s advantages were not worth the blood that was shed taking it. There are a select few historians who believe that this campaign was not intended to be a strategic advantage against Japan but that it was a competition between the different branches of the armed forces. Historian Robert Burrell feels that this island was used as a testing ground for the various branches of the armed forces and as a test for new war tactics. Although the taking of the ... Show more content on ... During World War II this island was heavily defended by twenty three thousand Japanese troops in an elaborate system of underground tunnels. This island also served as an early warning station for allied bomber raids and provided a base for Japanese bombers to intercept the incoming bombers. The U.S believed that the island would be able to be taken in a few weeks time due to the fact that it looked very un fortified from aerial photos. This, however, was a grave mistake. The Japanese General, Tadamichi Kuribayashi, had built the underground tunnels for the effect of making the island look vulnerable. Knowing that defeat was unavoidable, the General had created the entrenchments to inflict as many casualties as possible on the U.S before they captured the island, and to discourage the U.S from attacking Japan. The fight for control of Iwo Jima lasted thirty eight days. Over that course of time the U.S. lost almost six thousand Marines with another eighteen thousand men wounded. The Japanese however lost around twenty one thousand men. This was the only battle during the war with Japan when the U.S. suffered more casualties than the Japanese. Being one of the bloodiest battles of the war, the taking of Iwo Jima served as a valuable lesson for the upcoming Okinawa campaign. In the weeks following, the battle fell under heavy scrutiny from the press and the public. Many viewed it as an unnecessary fight and loss of ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Should Animals Be Banned Of Animals Research As a young child, you would probably remember your parents taking you to the circus where you witnessed all your favourite animals preforming their tricks. As an innocent child you would not have thought about what happens behind the scenes or the preparation these animals experience before performing on stage. The reality is that animals are trained by fear, suffering and disrespect, are kept in tiny cages where they can barely move around and they travel most of their life time in severe temperatures which they are not used to in their natural habitat. I strongly believe that circuses which make animals perform should be banned. Sink that hook into em ... when you hear that screaming, then you know you ve got their attention! Feet of elephants are chained because of their size otherwise they might escape. How Are They Trained? Animals in the circus do not willingly stand on their heads, with two legs, on balls, jump through rings on fire or ride bicycles. Animals don t normally do these useless acts in the wild or in their habitats. Did you know that tigers are terrified of fire, but they would rather jump through it on rings than face the consequences of the trainers? I went undercover inside the Carson Barnes Circus, while a trainer was teaching his students their job and training 3 defenceless elephants. I documented and observed extreme animal abuse, including the elephants being beaten with baseball bats, pitchforks, shocked with electric prods; and hit on ... Get more on ...
  • 5. How Did Martin Luther King Influence The Civil Rights... The Civil Rights movement gained recognition during the 1950s and 1960s. African Americans fought for equality for many years but did not see any results. Even though slavery ended, there was still segregation in public facilities and prejudice in the society. There was a drastic change in the movement when the Supreme Court shut down segregation in schools. African Americans were influenced by both Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, who ends up becoming their leader. From the 1950s to 1960s, people saw a remarkable change in the movement through nonviolent protests, the Supreme Court decision, Parks and Dr. King s influences. During the early 1950s, blacks started questioning the segregated school systems. Thurgood Marshall fought a case with the support of an organization called National Association for the Advancement of Colored People or NAACP. Marshall was a lawyer, who fought against the segregation in law schools as well as other graduate programs. Later, the graduate schools are desegregated. Another case known as Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka questioned the separate but equal doctrine; it addressed the issues children face due to segregation in schools. The Supreme Court said that racial segregation in schools violates the constitution. However, this decision ... Show more content on ... In Montgomery, Rosa Parks was forced to give up her seat on a bus for a white man. This caused chaos in the black community. To deal with the issue, African Americans decided to boycott the Montgomery bus system. This protest was one of the greatest against segregation and lasted more than a year. People started carpooling and walking to their destinations. Many blacks faced danger because they were assaulted while walking. Dr. King also took part in this protest, but he was arrested and served a year in prison. In 1956, the Supreme Court stated that segregation on buses or any transport system is ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Consumer Prescription Adverts The pharmaceutical advancement into the medical mainframe having the space to directly sell or prescribe drugs to consumer has raised the bar of concern. A number of factor have caused, especially in regards to the advertisements of the products, the marketing bits, the profit orientation and such like aspects that have made the pharmaceutical agencies to be on the spot of their role in over medication among the consumers of the drugs they promote. The target group that the advertisements of these drug major producers focus on, especially the young age segments is sometimes at the highest risks, which have to take these drugs without the physician s assessment on the health implications. The analysis of the general attitude, the awareness and the knowledge of direct to customer prescription drug advertisements by these pharmaceuticals among the young people of the ages ranging from 18 to 24 years of age is important today. The specifics of the drugs known to this group are very suggestive, most of which have mixed attitudes of the heavily adverts in general, especially the drugs ... Show more content on ... (2002) argue in their study that most consumers, as a result of the emotional rather than informational ads, request for the adverts they have seen. With the aim of examining the link between the drug adverts and the patient s request for the prescription. The study shows that a good number of the visiting patients to the hospitals normally request for the prescriptions that they have watched being advertised in the televisions (p. 279). Most of these patients have a higher possibility of influencing the decisions of the physicians, with a large number of the doctor having the highest tendency to agree with them in the quest for the advertised drug. Therefore, it is true that he advertising prescriptions through the direct consumer adverts has a greater appeal that also impact doctors when giving out their decisional prescriptions to patients who insist on ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Historical And Ongoing Construction Of Aboriginal Women Historical and Ongoing Construction of Aboriginal Women in Canada as a Problem Population Holly Perkins 301041410 Criminology 302 Critical Criminology November 26, 2014 Instructor: Gregory Simmons Historical and Ongoing Construction of Aboriginal Women in Canada as a Problem Population In August of 2014, Tina Fontaine, a 15 year old from the Sagkeeng First Nation in Winnipeg, was murdered. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper s response was not to regard it as a sociological phenomenon but as a crime against an individual that should be investigated (Canadian Press, 2014). Harper is virtually alone in this. Those demanding an inquiry and the treatment of this singular murder as part of the larger concern of ... Show more content on ... There are a variety of theories that are useful in understanding this issue. The theories that will be used here to explain the state of murdered and missing women in Canada and Harper s response to it are societal reaction perspective and Spitzer s Marxian theory of deviance. In order to understand the constructed identity of Aboriginal women in Canada today and in the past, it is necessary to discuss ideas of empire, including Manifest Destiny and Terra Nullius. These European concepts were and generally still form the ideology operating in Canada. Expansion of the ruling class empire is taken for granted and divinely supported. This is the basis for European exploration of the globe, claiming of already occupied lands and colonization of existing peoples. Manifest Destiny was the 19th Century settler belief that it was their destiny to expand throughout North America. Terra Nullius is the concept that land determined to be empty, in other words not being used productively by a civilized people, could be occupied by those Europeans who found it. Of course, both of these concepts belong to the ideology of European empire expansion which indisputably devalued the existing Aboriginal communities. The French and English settlers pushed their Christian beliefs onto Aboriginal peoples and succeeded in altering Aboriginal communities from their matrilineal nature into ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Complex Issue of Whales in Captivity in Blackfish by... David Kirby s book describes the complex issues of whales in captivity. The death of a SeaWorld trainer brought up many objective reasons of the training practices of this business were not effective at keeping trainers safe in the water. Currently this debate is still being tested in a court of law. OSHA claims that even with the precautions that SeaWorld tries to use, it still cannot guarantee the safety of trainers in the water. This cultural topic has been gaining ground, and recently prompted a movie based off this book titled, Blackfish. The audience of this book includes animal activists, followers of David Kirby, and people that are interested in the topic of killer whales in captivity. Rob Grom was contracted to create a book ... Show more content on ... After all this is a family, theme park and favored vacation destination for many. Some people do not want to see the darker side that this book represents, yet Grom s twist of the logos inspires individuals to consider the proposal offered. Grom aims to acquire those people by introducing the friendly whale, casually swimming on the cover. The photographer attempts to draw in the reader, with the subtitle, SHAMU and The DARK SIDE of KILLER WHALES IN CAPTIVITY. The font is in all caps as if it is screaming to the reader to look at the logos, or the logic of whales in captivity. Shamu is SeaWorld s iconic trademark, and a recognized character accepted in the homes of families all over the world. Any person that frequents the park learns that Shamu is a stage name and not the name of any of the whales. The light blue font coming out of the dark blue background symbolizes the truth coming out of the darkness. From a logos side of Grom s argument, one is stimulated to evaluate the claims of whales in captivity. Grom is not attempting to use his own ethos to entice the reader to read the book. Instead, he relies on the credibility of the writer, David Kirby to sell his story. The text on the book draws the reader to notice this writer has other books, Evidence of Harm, and Animal Factory. David Kirby s books ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Pros And Cons Of Fairtrade Imagine your a coffee farmer from Columbia, you love your plants and fields. You have spent virtually your whole life tilling and caring for everything encompassed by your farm. However when you go to sell your beans, that love you put into your work doesn t translate to good pay. In fact your paid so low for your product that you have to choose between taking care of your family or taking care of your crop for next year. Now implant FairTrade into the mix and you will see a happy farmer getting paid higher prices. Over the course of this paper we will be discussing FairTrade. What it is and how it works while also covering negatives and positives to the FairTrade experience, starting with. So what is FairTrade and how does it work? FairTrade started out as the Alternative Trade Organization back in the 1950s. Essentially they worked to cut out the middle man which meant more money to the farmer. (Lamb, 2016) The problem is farmers sell their product to one buyer who then sells it to another, this process loops numerous times until our coffee bean is ground and poured into a mug. This means the farmer is forced to pay by taking a very small sales price. Now over the course of time the Alternative Trade Organization began to morph and change first adapting a label to identify FairTrade products. But also requiring an entity to certify and ... Show more content on ... Another major issue has been the certifying process, since many of these farmers live in rural areas that are hard to reach. Some have said that the certifying process has missed farms that were using child labor and unauthorized farming techniques.(Lamb, 2016) This could lead to products being listed as organic and not really being so, child labor would go against everything FairTrade stands ... Get more on ...
  • 10. A Good Plan Violently Executed Now Is Better Than A... A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week. What is it about this quote from General George S. Patton that some leaders are able to grasp and others cannot? Throughout military history, untold number of plans have been developed and executed with both success and failure. It is not the plan that moves entire Army s across a land mass or storms a country s beach head, but the plan that is developed during a split second between rounds cracking over your head that defines the battle at hand. In today s Army, we as leaders have become inundated with having to know every little piece of information out there that we have become afraid to make certain tactical decisions for fear of not doing it ... Show more content on ... The next day, the driver and I went out to the truck early just to make sure Murphy s Law hadn t struck and everything was still set for the prisoner transport. We drove down a couple of dirt roads on the FOB, less than a mile, and I found the NCOIC I was to link up with. He started off briefing me what the timeline looked like and where I needed to be. My driver and I went inside to get the mission brief, after we waited by the truck to be inspected. That s when the games begin. The Sergeant First Class looked over our license and dispatch paperwork; that tarp that we didn t have just became a problem I never foresaw coming. This SFC didn t think it was safe to put prisoners in the back with no way to hide them. So, out came 1SG. Surely I figured she would be to say yes or no. I was sadly mistaken because before it was over, I was answering questions from the Battalion Commander of this unit. He explained that it wasn t safe to have prisoners being seen by the local populace, which made no sense to me at all. I gave him a simple alternative to fold the seats up and the prisoners could sit on the floor of the bed, thus not being able to be seen by other civilians. This solution didn t appease the LTC because now the prisoners were not safe from a rollover. It took everything I had to not smart off to him and say a canopy wouldn t protect ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Dark Side Of Zombies Darkness devoured everything in sight. A sea of lifeless moans crashed into the walls that kept me prisoner. I could feel the hot breath of those creatures seeping through the walls. Paranoia invaded my brain like the disease that infested those monsters. They were constantly trying to get in. They knew I was here, I was a meal trapped in a cage and every intake of breath was a ring of the dinner bell. Suddenly the snaps of rotting wood punched my ear drum. The snarling monsters came tumbling through the gaps, their twisting bodies shuffling towards me. As their outstretched limbs searched for my flesh I was ripped away by the ring of a phone. The television had sucked me in once again. Casting me in the middle of the fictitious apocalypse. The concept of zombies has always been a welcomed thought to me but why? Why am I and other humans fascinated with the thought of this life threatening concept? These creatures are known by many names. The undead, zombies, even the popular tv show The Walking Dead refers to them as walkers. Within history we find that the term zombie comes from Haitian folklore where corpse reanimation was achieved mostly through magic. In recent times radiation, mental disease, scientific accidents, etc. attribute to this reanimation. HISTORY The idea of zombies can be traced all the way back to 8th century. Voodoo priests used black magic to possess their victims or so they say. They actually applied a deadly poison from a porcupine fish known as ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Summary Of All Quiet On The Western Front It was unpredictable. It was unsanitary. It caused many soldiers to lose their hope and their lives. It was World War I. The horrors of World War I are shown clearly in Erich Maria Remarque s All Quiet on the Western Front. Paul Baumer is the protagonist, he is just a regular young man who has not had any major life experiences, until he enlists in the war. He goes from just a regular unexperienced teenage boy to a mature adult in a short time. This novel is set in WWI behind the German frontlines where Paul and his friends Katczinsky, Muller, Kropp, Tjaden, and Kemmerich are all assigned. These six young men decided to enlist in the army because their school teacher Kantorek pressured them into supporting their country and going to war. At first, the young men had a feeling of patriotism but later figured out that Kantorek completely misguided them about what it would be like when they got there. The lies eventually caused the men to hate and resent the schoolteacher that deceived them and make them wish they never enlisted in the first place. Remarque uses dramatic irony, and suspense to portray the detachment and problems with emotions in this novel. Baumer begins to realize that nothing good is going to come out of this war, and that nothing will ever be the same again while going home on leave and visiting Franz Kemmerich s mother. Paul decides to take it upon himself to tell Mrs. Kemmerich about his death to ease her worry. **Mrs Kemmerich who was deeply ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Criminal Trial And The Judicial System Of England And Wales In a criminal trial or a civil case, a jury or magistrate court in England and Wales is required to determine and analyze the disputed factual issues. With such a requirement, expert witnesses in the relevant field are called upon to assist the fact finding body interpret and understand evidence or opinion with which such a body is unfamiliar. The current approach to the admissibility of expert evidence within the judicial system of Wales and England is that of laissez faire (Akers, 2000). Within laissez faire, a number of experts evidence or opinion are admitted in the jury or magistrate court without adequate scrutiny since no clear guideless are applied to find out whether the expert opinion is sufficiently admissible and whether it ... Show more content on ... Hence, it gives equality in any decision made so after the hearing is adjourned, come different expert opinion to enhance or influence the judge to make the right decision In the recent proposal for reform in the admission of expert evidence, The Law Commission for England and Wales observed that the the common law approach to the admissibility of expert opinion evidence is one of laissez faire, with such evidence being admitted without sufficient regard to whether or not it is sufficiently reliable to be considered by a jury (Akers, 2000). According to the Commission, this approach is unsatisfactory and recommended that the admissibility of expert evidence should be considered in the criminal investigation only if (1) it is provided beyond reasonable doubt that the person who is called upon as an expert witness is skilled, experienced and qualified to give such evidence or testimonies and (2) the court should properly scrutinize the expert evidence to ensure it contains scientific principles which are admissible to the court and to the case in question. Under the proposal of the commission, evidence, opinion or testimony over a crime will only be admitted if the strength of the evidence is soundly based. For example, the experts evidence would not be admitted in the court of law if (a) it is based on flawed data, (b) it is based on an unjustifiable assumption, (c) ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Margaret Pee Harper Short Biography Margaret Pease Harper was born in St. Paul, Minnesota and was the daughter of Rollin and Lena Alma Pease. She grew up around the arts, her father was an oratorio singer and performed in many historical pageants. Harper grew up in Evanston, Illinois, and earned her bachelor s degree from the University of Arizona, and she also received her master s degree from the University of Chicago. Some of her professional occupations included a piano teacher and also worked for the administration of the Colegio America in Callao, Peru. Mrs. Harper strongly believed that the geography and history of the Panhandle of Texas should be expressed through performance. She convinced Pulitzer Prize winning playwright, Paul Green to create the Palo Duro Canyon ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Comparing Trudeau s Polyethnic Background And Culture Canada s identity is tremendously challenging to delineate, due to encompassing a vast population of various cultures, traditions, and values spanning an enormous landmass. From various historical perspectives, Canadian identity has changed over the course of the last century valuing discrete ideologies through various time periods. Due to various government policies and acts, as well as reformed beliefs and ideas regarding large social issues, Canada s identity has shifted and constantly renewed its identity over the course of the past half century. Major government policies and acts were headway into creating Canada s modern day identity. The Immigration Act of 1976 changed Canada s perspective on immigration eligibility, and majorly contributed towards structuring Canada s polyethnic background and culture. Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau grew up in an extremely discriminatory climate, and believed that Canada should inherit collective identity. Trudeau endorsed immigration to built Canada s diverse ethnic culture, and accentuated third world immigrants to bring change to Canada s ... Show more content on ... Its creation and history brought new meaning to Canada as a nation, and defined modern day Canada as a distinct country through one of its most important national beliefs independence. Subsequent to the Suez Canal Crisis, Egypt s disapproval of the Canadian flag (due to enemy British ties) caused Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson to seriously reconsider Canada s national identity. Pearson stirred up the Great Flag Debate, that led to a divide between the English and the French those who wanted to keep symbolic British ties, and those who wanted to separate. By establishing a new non English, non French related flag, Canada was given discrete identification amongst the world a step towards independence, signifying Canadian ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Establishment Of The European Union ( Eu ) How significant has been the development of the EU s policies concerning the protection of the natural environmental and climate change? What problems have confronted policy makers in framing and delivering such policies? Introduction The establishment of the European Union (EU) enabled them to handle transnational activities among the member states, including environmental policy. Its significance situates within its powers which can manage any other organisations among the member states by virtue of the laws within the European Union (Baker, 1996, p.215). As a result, it is broadly perceived that there is an increasing impact from the EU on policy making in the member states. This tendency is particularly recognised in environmental policy makings, because national standards in law needed to be questioned and harmonised and policy developments at the European level influences the national aims, content and settings of environmental policy within the member states (Heinelt et al., 2001). The area of environmental policy was not established until the first Environmental Action Programme in 1973 as the major aim for the European Economic Community s agenda was to build a common institutional framework for mostly economic issues (Jorgensen, 2012). In the next decades, the development of the area of environmental policy making was accelerated by the the Single European Act and by the support from the public who tends to have an increasing concern towards environmental ... Get more on ...
  • 17. How Do Residential Schools Affect First Nations Not many people are aware of how residential schools have affected First Nations people in Canada. These Christian boarding schools, which were government sponsored and aimed at assimilating Indigenous children, have deeply impacted the native population; and descendants of residential school survivors share the same burdens as their ancestors, even though they didn t attend the schools themselves. Because of residential schools, domestic abuse and violence is more frequent within families, many have poor mental health and live in poverty, and finally, many of them are unable or unwilling to teach their children native languages or other aspects of their culture. Firstly, domestic abuse and violence is more frequent within families because several generations of children have grown up without a nurturing family life. As a result, when they become adults, many of them lack adequate parenting skills, and since they had only experienced abuse as a child, they start abusing their own children and family members. Hence, the high rate of violence and abuse among Aboriginal families often causes this vicious cycle to continue over generations. According to the Manitoba Justice Institute, residential schools are the main ... Show more content on ... This has resulted in high rates of alcoholism and substance abuse among First Nations people. Statistics have also shown that aboriginal people in Canada have higher mortality rates, higher rates of disease, higher rates of accidental deaths and much higher rates of suicide than the rest of the Canadian population. In Canada, suicide and self inflicted injury is the number one cause of death among natives aged 10 to 44. Additionally, native women attempt suicide eight times more often than other Canadian women, and native men attempt suicide five times more often than other Canadian ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Evidences In The Crucible The play The Crucible, created by Arthur Miller, gives people a mixed feeling about society in early America. The play applied to everyday life in modern society where power and money drive people crazy and they willing to do whatever it took to gain benefits for themselves. Presidential debate is where people tried to do just that, they often tell lies to give other candidates a bad reputation so the people could vote for them because of their amazing promises. The play The Crucible was wrote more than fifty years ago but the events that happened in the play remain relevant to this day. Arthur Miller also showed a broken Salem which caused by a lie. John Proctor, the protagonist of the play, stood up tall despite the fact that there was a ... Show more content on ... Donald Trump often time attack other politicians with his inaccurate evidences. He stupidly attacked President Obama on his birth certificate because one had to be born on American soil to become a president. At the end, the state of Hawaii released President Obama birth certificate proved that he is American, put an end to Trump s birther movement (Nakaso). Another one from Trump s attack was on Clinton s emails while she was a secretary of State, even though nobody knows about the emails but he shouldn t be pointing it out because it is her privacy and he said that she should be put in jail for them(Collison). Donald Trump s attack connected deeply in the play The Crucible in a lot of way. When the judges demand John Proctor to sign his confession so they could nail it on the church said that Proctor is dealing with the devil, but Proctor signed it and ripped it apart because the confession was a lie. Proctor rather died than let a lie shattered his pride (Miller 1231). Proctor s wife also accused for witchcraft because the doll found in her house. Abigail and Marry Warren set Elizabeth up so she would end up in jail ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Effects Of Rms On The Weekly Calls As RMS continues to indicate, based on our observations and more importantly on the review of assets during our weekly calls with Altisource, RMS continues to believe on many of these assets, the condition or location of the property is the primary driver behind not only the large reduction in list price, but ultimately a sales price well below the initial list price, all of which contribute to extended days on market and an increase in carrying costs incurred by the Trust. We believe one of the contributors to this relates to the Altisource process where the listing agent is not local to the property and typically has not personally visited the asset to assess the condition, the location, drive by the comps and generally may not be ... Show more content on ... Because Altisource cannot be directed to set the list price of an asset, RMS attempts to get Altisource to recognize assets that are listed too high and to make appropriate adjustments that will generate activity and offers. RMS continues to review assets where we believe the list price set by Altisource is high relative to our opinion of market value. On listed assets with DOM of more than 60 days, RMS and Altisource discuss the list price and agent feedback to understand why purchase offers have not been received. RMS targets these assets for review every 2 weeks. Another recent observation is an increase in the number of assets in pending contract that fall out because the buyer fails to return the purchase agreement. This trend has continued to increase over the past several months. Although Altisource does not provide statistics regarding overall fallout, RMS has seen an increase based on our observations and the weekly calls. We believe this relates to the process by which Altisource sells REO assets (on the HUBZU website), where there is no economic penalty to the bidder if they place an offer on a property but fail to deliver an executed purchase agreement (similar to what would happen in a traditional sale transaction). In addition, we believe the lack of agent to agent contact and knowledge of whether a buyer visits the property prior to making an offer also play a role in the increased fallout. Altisource reports ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Essay on Project Critique Analysis and Critique The Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) project, undertaken by Electronic Data Communications (EDC) is the biggest government undertaking of its kind. It aims to provide a single seamless network which would provide a centralized communication to the Navy and Marine. It also aims to integrate the legacy systems with the new secured environment. The NMCI project aimed to connect about 400,000 desktops into a common network, which would provide a unified communication to all Navy and Marine bases (Calbreath, 2004). Due to the magnitude of the project, it has been subject to much speculation. Despite of initial claims by the EDS, there have been serious issues. EDS aimed to have 160,000 seats by 2002 ... Show more content on ... The Navy also developed a performance plan in order to measure and report the success of the NMCI project. GAO s analysis further showed that the Navy had met only 15% of the performance targets. A careful study of these results shows that if the Navy doesn t implement its performance plan, then effective result and management cannot be achieved. The GAO analysis also reveals that the service level agreements of the NMCI is of a mixed nature, with some agreements met, others not consistently met, while still others not met at all. GAO s analysis also gives suggestions for the Department of Defense, in order to adopt effective practice. By adhering to the suggestions given by GAO, the Department of Defense is more like to get a detailed understanding of significant issues, which will prove beneficial while making outsourcing decisions, along with suggestions to be kept in mind while making such decisions (Information Technology: DOD Needs to Leverage Lessons Learned from Its Outsourcing Projects, 2003). In order to achieve ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Three Important Aspects Of Elite Decision-Making There are many different aspects of elite decisions that need to be considered by actors. When looking at how elites make decisions, there is one theory that uses three important aspects of the decision making process. Prospect theory looks at the domain that the actor is in during the decision making process and that can determine whether or not they are likely to make risky conclusions along with comparing utility and risk propensity to make informed resolutions. Prospect theory best explains elite decision making and can be explained using Truman s choice to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. The combination of utility maximization, framing and risk propensity creates a parsimonious theory that covers all major aspects of elite decision making. History of the Bomb The Manhattan Project began in 1941 when President Franklin Roosevelt was convinced by Albert Einstein to start the project. When Roosevelt died on April 12th, the bomb had not been tested and effects of the bomb were widely contested between scientists. Harry Truman, who was known for his common sense mentality and quick decision making, became president following Roosevelt s death. On April 24th, Truman was given detailed information about the Manhattan Project, and the atomic bomb. Truman was not sure of its practicality, but with the war raging on, he kept it in the back of his ... Show more content on ... The framing effect is observed when the description of options in terms of gains (positive frame) rather than losses (negative frame) elicits systematically different choices. (Gonzalez 2005) The classic example of this is what chances do you take in the event of a deadly outbreak. Imagine that the United States is preparing for an outbreak of an unusual disease that is expected to kill 600 people. Two alternative programs to combat the disease have been proposed. Scientific estimates of the consequences are as follows: Positive ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Hannibal Lecter Character Traits TERM PAPER SERIAL KILLERS AND ALIENS ANALYSIS OF HANNIBAL LECTER INTRODUCTION Man is the world s most dangerous animal. Though we do not possess sharp teeth, claws, poisonous stingers, or the ability to perceive heat radiated by other creatures, we do possess an unsurpassed ability to reason and think. Man has intelligence, the deadliest natural weapon of all. In Thomas Harris The Silence of the Lambs, readers are introduced to Hannibal Lecter, the cannibalistic psychiatrist, who fuses a razor honed intellect with the savage qualities of a beast. He is both man and monster, but it is the balance of these two aspects that gives him the depth that still fascinates and horrifies to this day. In order to reach this conclusion with significant arguments I will proceed to analyze the books and different movies that refer to this interesting character. SUMMARY OF THE FILMS First of all, I believe that it is important to start from the beginning of Hannibal`s life in order to understand why he became the character that most people are fascinated by. The first movie in terms of telling the childhood of Hannibal Lecter is Hannibal Rising which was directed by Peter Weber in 2006. This movie is very important in terms of answering the question ... Show more content on ... However, because of the psychological aspect of these murders he gets help from a psychiatrist named Hannibal Lecter. Later, he realizes that Lecter was the man he was looking for. After his arrest, Hannibal is put in the Baltimore State Forensic Hospital, where he stays for eight years. In these years he causes the death of a nurse and another patient who was staying in the next room, but, it is important to mention, that he also helped the FBI to catch two other serial killers: Tooth Fairy and Buffalo Bill. The second one takes place in the movie Silence of the Lambs , in which Hannibal helped Clarice Starling, a FBI ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Establishing A Healthy Lifestyle For Children Establishing Healthy Lifestyles in Childhood Establishing a healthy lifestyle in children is a very relevant topic to U.S. parents and is the topic of my developmental program. This topic is a major concern to the public because 25% of children under five are overweight or obese (Natale et al., 2014, p. 378) and 16% of children ages six to nineteen are overweight (Lindsay, Sussner, Kim, Gortmaker, 2006, p. 173). This paper will summarize research on the topic of establishing a healthy lifestyle in childhood specifically to prevent childhood obesity as well as successful interventions that have been created to promote healthy lifestyles in childhood. There are many benefits to establishing a healthy lifestyle early in childhood and these benefits can last the rest of the child s life. According to an article entitled, Promoting healthy eating and an active lifestyle in schoolchildren, dietary habits developed during childhood and adolescence can affect a child throughout adulthood and can influence future preferences and behaviors related to food (O Connor, 2011, p. 48). This shows the great importance of helping a child develop healthy dietary patterns during childhood so that the child is set up for a healthy future in adulthood. This article goes on to state that, poor diet and poor physical activity patterns in childhood can lead to problems that manifest later in life (O Connor, 2011, p. 48). Examples given in the article include: heart disease, obesity, type two ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Ethical Role Of Social Responsibility In The Police... Social responsibility is built on a system of ethics, in which decisions and actions must be ethically validated before proceeding. If the action or decision causes harm to society or the environment then it would be considered to be socially irresponsible. Being socially responsible means that people and organization must behave ethically and sensitivity towards, social, cultural, economic, and environmental issues. Striving for social responsibility helps individuals, organization and government to have a positive impact on development, business and society. Often, the ethical implication of decision/action are overlooked for personal gain and the benefits are usually material. This frequently manifest itself in companies that ... Show more content on ... Due to Toyota s financial greed and unethical practice, vehicles were wrongly equipped with faulty brakes, sticking pedals and poor quality door looks, which caused death of many Toyota customers and hundreds of dollars in damages. When a company like Toyota acts in an ethically questionable manner, it causes the company to lose customers and develop a negative reputation. Customer tend to lose faith in the company and have to look for better service ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Increasing Need for Urban Planning 1. Introduction Quantitative urban studies are becoming increasingly important for planners knowing that in the year 2015 more than half the global population will be residing in cities [1]. Suitable urban planning ought to be a top priority for future development but unfortunately sound planning has not taken place especially in many African cities as heavy rural urban migration continues to cause cities to expand at uncontrollable rates [2]. As a consequence, the urban population in Africa is increasing at a much faster rate than in the rest of the world, contributing to the augmentation of the existing problems such as unsuitable land use [3]. The concentration of population in cities comprises as much as 60% of the total population in most countries. In these immense urban settlements the environmental and social consequences are sometimes disastrous [4]. Large cities in Africa such as Nakuru have experienced a fast growth rate of 13.3% between 1990 and 2006 [5]. The magnification has been attributed to a number of factors, mainly the aperture of the new Naivasha Nakuru road, which links the megacity of Nairobi. Post election violence is verbally expressed to be one of the contributing factors, since many displaced people from neighboring towns migrated to Nakuru as a safe shelter. The main consequences in these African cities include; urban sprawl, unsuitable land use, inadequate transportation systems, air and water pollution, depletion of natural resources, ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Origin of Sidhu Origin of Sidhu Islam and most Sidhu jatts in India are Sikh The ruling Sikh families of Patiala, Jind, Faridkot Nabha in the Punjab, which after Independence, shortly came together as the Patiala and East Punjab States Union(PEPSU), were the famed Sidhu who traced their origin to the Bhatti/Bhati / Bhattis Rajputs. Khiva Rao sired Sidhu Rao in around 1250. Sidhu Rao s descendants merged with the Jat community. Sidhu is the founder of the Sidhu Clan. Sidhu was also married into a Gill Jat tribe. He sired six sons from this marriage: The heads of these families are said to have received baptism and initiation into the Khalsa fold from Guru Gobind Singh himself during his stay at Muktsar and areas in the vicinity. Sidhu was also married ... Show more content on ... After his death in 1560, the same was handed over to Mehraj. Mehraj s grandson Mohan was pestered by Muslim Bhattis and he left Bidowali for some time in 1618 and came to the Bathinda area. According to one description, Mohan and his son Roop Chand laid their lives in 1632 during a fight with Muslim Bhattis. Mohan s son Kala was also an ardent follower of the sixth Guru. When Shah Jehan s army attacked the Guru in 1635 at Lehra near Mehraj, Kala along with his clan sided firmly with him. The Guru ended victorious. A happy Guru Har Gobind asked Kala Brar to fence as much land he wanted to. By evening, Kala had marked twenty two villages and put his fence (Morhi) into the ground. The Bhullar Jats, who considered themselves to be the original dwellers and owners of this area removed his fence and threw it into a well. When Kala complained against this to the Guru, he remarked: Bhai Kala, your roots have reached to the other world. Hence, Kala founded a village and named it as Mehraj. [edit] Phool When Guru Har Rai visited this area, Kala along with his cousins, Phool and Sandal appeared for his service. The Guru blessed Phool and Sandal with the privilege of affording to take his horse to the Ganges and Yamuna rivers for drinking water. On growing up, Phool founded the village of Phool and captured the areas surrounding it. Chowdhary Phool sired ... Get more on ...
  • 27. My Grandfather, Barney F. Stegall My sponsor is my Grandfather, Barney F. Stegall. His military career began in June 1969. Once he finished basic training and Tech School, he worked in Civil Engineering. He worked at a Radar site in Maine and NC. In 1973, while in North Carolina, he was accepted into the Office of Special Investigations. His first assignment as a Special Agent was with Defense Investigative Service (DIS) at Dover Air Force Base. He served the Delmarva Peninsula and conducted background investigations for security clearances. In 1978, while stationed at Dover Air Force Base he conducted criminal and drug investigations. One Thanksgiving morning he assisted the FBI in identifying the remains of Jim Jones and 913 other causilties recovered from the Jonestown ... Show more content on ... He was the NCOIC working with local law enforcement regarding criminal investigations. His detachment was selected as the Outstanding Small Detachment of the year in 1983. After one month as the District Criminal Chief in District 45, Seoul Korea, my grandfather volunteered to work on the Osan Air FOrce Base in Korea as the Superintendent of Detachment 4506. Once again, his detachment was selected as the Outstanding Large Detachment of the Year in 1985. In 1986, he was reassigned to District 21, where he worked as the Operations Superintendent at Langley Air Force Base where he managed criminal and fraud investigations for 6 detachments and 2 operating locations. He was then reassigned as the Superintendent for AFOSI Detachment 2140. During this assignment, he was influential in the arrest and conviction of an Air Force Master Sergeant for the murder of his wife. Irene Pence, true crime writer, wrote, A Clue from the Grave , about this case. It was profiled on the TV series, Investigative Discovery. His final AFOSI assignment took him to District 10, Randolph Air Force Base. There, he was the Chief of the Criminal Investigations Division for one of the largest AFOSI District in the command. They were responsible for 17 detachments. He retired from active duty in September 1991, after serving for 22 ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Yellowstone National Park Essay Yellowstone National Park has some of the most beautiful and exiting things to do. It has some of the most interesting Facts. Wyoming has some of the most beautiful streams, geysers, and mountains in the US. There are some really neat things about Yellowstone. Yellowstone National Park is Service and a favorite to millions of visitors each year. The park is a major stop to have a good vacation. By driving we could view the park from the comfort of our vehicle and also take a rest at one of the many roadside picnic areas. The park has thousands of miles of trails. Lewis and Clark were the first whites to explore the Yellowstone region among them was one of the most celebrated hunter and woodsman of that period, John Colter. ... Show more content on ... 150 centuries ago the land beneath the sidewalk was covered by ice thousands of feet thick. In Grand Teton National Park, on the same August day, you can view a glacier. From the valley floor, the Teton Glacier is only 4.5 miles to the west and 7,000 feet up the mountain. More glaciers from the nearby Mt. Moran. On the Pitchstone Plateau of Yellow stone, a hiker in August can find patches of last winter s snow in the shade of the ledges, if they aren t already covered by the new snows of autumn. The annual temperature at Lake Ranger Station in Yellowstone is 33° F, just a little above freezing. The most striking examples of Yellowstone s deep cold are Yellowstone and Lewis lakes that remain frozen most years from December to late May. Often Lewis Lake melts in early June. Winter weather in northwest Wyoming is brisk. Temperatures around 40° F mostly occur at Old Faithful, and those in the town of Jackson, Wyoming, are often below 30° E With these temperatures in , it is not difficult to imagine the cold, more cloudy summers and temperature drops of 15° F might have on the Yellowstone National Park. At Yellowstone s youngest glacier, the Pinedale, the Bull Lake Though there were eight or more earlier glaciations than Bull Lake in the Yellowstone region. In Yellowstone national Park there a lot of land glaciers. At land, forms the glaciers left behind these landforms and deposits were formed millions of years ago. ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Animating Revolt Films with sound have been around since 1927, and animated films have been around since the 1930s. The main job of an animated film is to entertain, to captivate, and to fascinate the audience, typically with no deeper meaning; however, with the new genre of Pixarvolt films the children s animation genre has taken a turn leading toward deeper meanings and hidden messages throughout the movie. Animating revolt is a new form of portraying children s movies, usually expressing something progressive as a hidden message, to the disapproval or unbeknownst of a conservative parent, but to the progressive. In the essay, Animating Revolt and Revolting Animation by Judith Halberstam, Judith uncovers all of the hidden messages and subtle progressions ... Show more content on ... What most of you parents don t see are the decoded messages that take place in front of your young children every day while they watch their favorite cartoon show. If you don t let your 12 year old child cross the street without permission or listen to the radio because of the curse words used, why would you let him watch a show where the two main characters show a homoerotic relationship and have no career aspirations other than being a worker at a fast food restaurant? Halberstam points out all of radical, crafty messages included in these films, not just the cliché treat people how you want to be treated messages, such as the homoerotics of SpongeBob s and Patrick s relationship. (Halberstam 289). This is an example of how Halberstam would view this television show, and how you are more often than not unknowing of the radical content known as animating revolt. Not many people have wrapped their head around the fact that SpongeBob and Patrick portray themselves to be in a same sex relationship, and if you started to find out about the nature of this show you would surely not be showing such progressive content to your young ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Mass Media And Co-Viewing Research Mass media consumption is rarely in a social vacuum. Television and movies are often watched with family and friends, books are passed along and discussed between friends, and newer media naturally implement mediated conversations with people from across the world. Communication scholars have known for a long time that the consumption of media is rarely an isolated experience, and is instead typically social in nature (Katz Lazarsfeld, 1955) However, while many of the foundational research in the field explored how media effects are intertwined with interpersonal influences (e.g., two step flow; Katz, 1957), few current media effect researchers incorporate the social aspects of media consumption into their studies. This is unfortunate as the social factors such as co viewing can play a great role in attitude formation and emotional effects (Nathanson, 2001, Tal Or, 2016). One of the gaps in the co viewing literature is how individual differences and motivations might play a role in enjoyment of entertainment. This study attempts to explore this gap by analyzing the effects of two individual traits in tangent with individual uses of media have on how one may conform to other s enjoyment expression and attitudes. More specifically, this study will explored how tendency to conform and sociability are associated with using movies for either entertainment or socializing, and how these motivations relate to group conformity. Literature Review Entertainment scholars have had a ... Get more on ...
  • 31. J Paul Getty Museum I visited the J Paul Getty Museum in Malibu, California in April of 2011. I was on a school trip and at the beginning had no interest in going to this museum. However it being on the itinerary, I just went along. Arriving at the Getty museum you could see how the building was a work of art itself. It was like a sculpture jumping from ancient Greece mixed with a modern flare. Holding over 40,000 pieces I did not know where to begin. Noticing a pamphlet with all the information about the more famous paintings I saw the name Van Gogh and recognized it from the art class I was in at the time. Therefore I made my way to this wing of the museum. The title of the Van Gogh piece I saw and what I m choosing to write about is called Irises . As ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Home Depot Fixed Costs The costs incurred by the Home Depot can be classified into two categories: fixed costs and variable costs. Fixed costs are unaffected by changes in the level of activity are fixed costs (Edmonds, Tsay, Olds, 2011). These costs are incurred regardless of whether or not units are produced. They are expressed as a certain cost for a given range of sales levels. Fixed costs remain the same for any sales level within a certain range. The net income indefinitely changes with a fluctuation in sales level even when the fixed costs remain unchanged. A rise in the sales level increases the net income and a fall in the sales level reduces the net income. Additionally, an increases in the fixed costs reduces the net income, and a drop in the fixed costs ... Get more on ...
  • 33. My Brother s Gameboy Essay As a child the things that meant the most to me were shiny, colorful, and utterly unattainable. From a young age I was taught that taking what was not yours without asking was unbelievably wrong and would result in a never ending timeout. Fearing an eternity spent sat in a corner thinking about what I had just done I made an early habit of asking for things I wanted and forgetting about the things I could not have. Unfortunately this lifestyle could only last so long and so at only four years old the temptation became too much and I had convinced myself that the only solution was to take what was not given to me. The year was 2001 and my older brother had recently been given a brand new GameBoy Advanced. This incredible technological ... Show more content on ... Confused I exclaimed You died. It s my turn! to which Joey quickly retorted I did not! They just fainted there is no death in this game. You don t get a turn. Stunned, a feeling mixed between betrayal and disappointment washed over me. I had asked nicely and yet I was denied the chance to play. Unsure of what to do with myself now that I was not allowed to have the one thing I desired I found my way to my room. Needing a place to think I rolled under my bed and let the emotions settle in. Disappointment won out as the more overwhelming emotion and I began to plot a way to take what I felt was rightfully mine. I soon realized that I had no real idea of how to enact my plan and became more frustrated. I knew I needed a second opinion and intended to speak to Lucky when I realized that in my fit of despair I had left him behind. I decided that a rescue mission was in order and climbed out from under my bed. Sneaking through the house I reached my brother s room and was shocked to find only Lucky there. I raced over lifting him from the bed and hugging him close knowing he was once again safe. I turned to leave but right before I could I noticed a faint noise coming from within the blankets. Lifting them I found true temptation. There sat Joey s GameBoy taunting me as I stared in wonderment. It dawned on me that I could just go back to my room and find a different way to get the chance to play but with no one in sight I decided that taking it now ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Characteristics Of Odysseus In Homer s Odyssey The main character in the Odyssey, Odysseus, displays many valuable traits throughout the novel, which helped support the main idea that cunning, endurance, and loyalty are more valuable than brute strength Odysseus was incredibly clever and cunning. He solved many problems this way which was different than other heroes who relied on brute strength. Odysseus recalled the horror in a telling of his encounter with Polyphemus his story is a gruesome story of cannibalism ...but starting up laid hands on my companions...Tearing them limb from limb, he made supper, and ate as does a mountain lion... (pg. 85) and he has to come up with a plan to stop Polyphemus. Odysseus was able to come up with a plan to escape from Polyphemus and defeat him [Seized] the olive stake, sharp at the tip, they plunged it in his eye (pg. 87)and him and his men were able to leave the island. Odysseus defeated Troy by getting inside their gates with a symbol of surrender and then returning to defeat the Trojans, he gave himself quite the reputation This is also the sort of deed that brave man [Odysseus] did and dared within that wooden horse where all we Argive chiefs were lying, bearing to the Trojans death and doom. (pg. 34) and he had stories told about his cleverness and cunning, even if his memory brought the Trojans grief and misery when they heard his name. Odysseus sent his men to Circe s home, where trusting her proved to be a detrimental mistake Now after she had given them ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Thanksgiving Baking Research Paper The thought of Thanksgiving and Christmas makes one think of baking. It does not help that every time the television is turned on there are several cooking programs being played. Whether it is a television show that teaches one how to cook a variety of foods, or if it is a show with a cooking competition ranging from Halloween Wars to Cupcake Wars. There are even episodes that have competitions for those that are considered horrible cooks that they are nominated to be cast on The Worst Cooks in America. One may feel motivated to try some of the food choices being demonstrated. Even though baking might not come easy to some individuals, adhering to the three simple steps of baking can make anyone an expert at constructing the perfect chocolate ... Show more content on ... To start this step, one must first carefully take golden brown bars out of the oven with pot holders, cautious of the hot appliance. Once out of the oven, let the chocolate chip cheesecake bars chill for roughly 30 minutes. After the 30 minutes of cooling are up place the pan of chocolate chip cheesecake bars in the refrigerator for about two hours so the dessert can completely chill. Following the two hours of refrigeration, it s time to cut the bars chocolate chip cheesecake bars into evenly cut portions. If a larger amount of guest are expected it is advised to cut the bars into smaller pieces. Now is the time where one can serve their guests to these delicious treats. But first, there needs to be a platter to serve the dessert on. Whether it s a favorite color plate or a decorative tray, the choices are unlimited. A personal favorite is a red and green polka dot Christmas platter to serve the most favored desserts on. All that is left is a cold glass of milk to drink while eating the sweet chocolate chip cheesecake ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Jean Hey’s Annunciation Essay examples By most accounts, the year 1500 was in the midst of the height of the Italian Renaissance. In that year, Flemmish artist Jean Hey, known as the Master of Moulins, painted The Annunciation to adorn a section of an alter piece for his royal French patrons. The painting tells the story of the angel Gabriel s visit to the Virgin Mary to deliver the news that she will give birth to the son of God. As the story goes, Mary, an unwed woman, was initially terrified about the prospects of pregnancy, but eventually accepts her fate as God s servant. The Annunciation is an oil painting on a modest canvas, three feet tall and half as wide. The setting of the painting is a study, Mary sitting at a desk in the bottom right hand corner ... Show more content on ... The new emphasis on learning, especially via direct observation of the natural world, led to new artistic techniques that allowed artists to mimic those of the ancients. The Early Renaissance was, therefore, a progression of observing the works of the ancients, and undergoing a new process of trial and error learning from prior mistakes and tracing the path of artistic creation. The aim of the artists was to better their abilities at portraying human characteristics, both physical and emotional, while creating a more ideal finished product, something that was as significant in presence as the natural world itself. Much progress was made in these campaigns during the Early Renaissance, and the emergence of the High Renaissance was characterized by the true mastery of the method of creating mankind s body and emotions[1], and an artwork as balanced as nature itself. Jean Hey s The Annunciation demonstrates the product of this final Renaissance transition. One of the more intricate elements of the human form whose representation the High Renaissance perfected was that of hands. The Annunciation is evidence of this. The proportions and general structure of Gabriel and Mary s hands are true to nature but it is the meticulously accurate re creation of anatomical detail ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Cia s Potential Involvement Which extended to the JFKs upper back and exited through his throat and then struck Governor John Connally´s ribs breaking them, then shattering his wrist then finally resting on his thigh. Skeptics say that the trajectory was fanciful and renamed it as the Magic bullet theory. It s just one reason why conspiracy theorists think more than one shooter was involved(who killed JFK?). There is some speculation over that people and groups are involved, but who would want to hurt the president? These people and groups might have put Oswald up to do their dirty work or they just did it themselves. There are two groups and one person that has the most targets on their back and why. The CIA s potential involvement was frequently mentioned during ... Show more content on ... David Shaw who was the Warren Commission chief staff investigator. Was not surprised that McCone had personally held so much information about John F. Kennedys assassination and plots for Castro (The CIA Director part of the JFK assassination cover up). McCone´s report might suggest a new openness by the CIAs involvement in JFKS assassination (The CIA Director part of the JFK assassination cover up). McCone did not want to kill Castro at all. Allen Dulles was setting a plot to kill Castro like the president told him to but then McCone intervened and told him to stop (The CIA Director part of the JFK assassination cover up).Another reason is that the CIA made the big harsh gap in the investigation for the president s murder (The CIA Director part of the JFK assassination cover up).McCones had lots of involvement with the murder and that put a huge target on his back and Conspiracist says he might have been covering up for the CIAs involvement(The CIA Director part of the JFK assassination cover up). After the bay of pigs invasion of Cuba in 1961kennedy and the CIA agents were on rough terms(10 persistent kenned assassination theories).The CIA agents did not also want to lose their jobs for disagreeing with the president on certain issues and with killing Castro(who shot JFK? 6 conspiracy theories).Kennedy said, that he would splinter the CIA into a ... Get more on ...
  • 38. American Culture Research Paper Basque Culture I grew up in a small town, which was highly populated with individuals of Basque descent. My grandfather severed in the military and was stationed in Basque Country. Despite the large Basque population surrounding me, I knew very little of the culture and traditions commonly found within the Basque Country. The homeland of the Basque people, commonly called the Basque Country, is located on the Bay of Biscay at the western end of the Pyrenees mountain range, straddling the border of France and Spain. The nearly 8,000 square mile Basque Country is divided into seven administrative districts, four in Spain and three in France. Basque culture is distinctive from that of the rest of Spain in many ways (Thomas, par. 1). This assignment has allowed me the privilege to interview and spend time with Maria Begona Narvaiza Peck. I was able to experience the Basque culture through conversation, photographs, museum, and meals. Begona, as she prefers to be addressed, immigrated to the United States with her family in 1975, she was nine years old at the time. Her father, who was a sheepherder, moved to the United States ahead of the rest of the family. He was working to earn passage for the family to be reunited once again. The family was soon sponsored and began saving money for flights to America. She recalls this took quite a long while, as her father made only $200 a month. Once saving the money they needed, her mother and siblings began their journey to America ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Corey Clement Research Paper It s been an exciting ride for Philadelphia Eagles rookie running back Corey Clement. Clement, a Glassboro, N.J. native, was an undrafted free agent out of the University of Wisconsin last spring and had to work diligently to get a spot on the team. Now the former Glassboro High star will be headed to U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis, Minn. to face the New England Patriots in Super Bowl LII on Sunday, Feb.4. Clement, a 5 foot 10, 220 pounder, is really thrilled to be making the trip to Minnesota after helping the Eagles crush the Vikings, 38 7, to capture the NFC championship at Lincoln Financial Field and to be playing in the biggest football game of the season. It s quite an accomplishment for a player in his first season. It s a beautiful scene, Clement said. It s something I got to thank my family and friends always supporting me. And the ... Show more content on ... This season, he has rushed for 321 yards on 74 carries for four touchdowns. Clement also has 10 receptions for 123 yards and two touchdowns. In the victory over the Vikings, he had two carries for 20 yards and one reception for eight yards. But Clement was a part of a big play that produced a spectacular touchdown by wide receiver Torrey Smith. It was the flea flicker. Eagles quarterback Nick Foles handed the ball off to Clement who took a couple of steps and then pitched it back to Foles who threw a 41 yard scoring strike to Smith. I got to thank Duce Staley [Eagles running back coach] for allowing me to go out there and do that, Clement said. It s not just a play that you just let a rookie do because everything is got to be down to the T. Just being locked in and being with the guys was an awesome feeling. Foles was terrific completing 26 of 33 passes for 352 yards with three touchdowns and no interceptions in the championship game. Clement was very impressed with Foles performance, who has really stepped up in the ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Nai-Ni Chen and Taiwanese-American Modern Dance NAI NI CHEN AND TAIWANESE AMERICAN MODERN DANCE Taiwan and America have always had strong relations since the early 1900s. However, during the Cold War, they became even closer allies. During this time, many famous American dancers such as Alvin Ailey, José Limón and Paul Taylor visited Taiwan. They brought along the ideas of American style democracy embedded in the art form of modern dance, which also expressed individual freedom. In addition, the United States aid to Taiwan during the 1950s and 1960s helped Taiwan create the booming economy it enjoys today. In the 1970s, the growth of economic changes allowed for the numbers of professionals and intellectuals to grow. This caused the middle class to expand, and the Taiwanese people became interested in their culture, religion, and art, and how it was distinct from that of China. Modern dance and Western classical music in Taiwan reflected the push for modernization in society. The United States became the top training destination for young Taiwanese dancers. Especially in 1987, after martial law in Taiwan was lifted, many dancers began setting up their own troupes. One of the most famous American trained Taiwanese dancers would be Lin Hwai min, who later returned to Taiwan and in 1973 founded the world acclaimed Cloud Gate Dance Theater of Taiwan. However, this paper will be focusing on a lesser known Taiwanese American modern dancer: Nai Ni Chen. Chen is currently a successful modern dancer in Fort Lee, New ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Syrian Civil War Is The Worst Humanitarian Crisis Of Our Time Syria s Civil War is by far the worst humanitarian crisis of our time ( Quick Facts: What You Need to Know about the Syria Crisis ). What started as anti government protests escalated into a full scale civil war. Half the country s population more than 11 million people have been killed or forced to flee their homes as a result of the Syrian Civil War(Asare, Patrick, Gritten, Offer, Rodgers). As forces loyal to Dictator Bashar al Assad, those opposed to his rule, and jihadist militants from ISIS clash, the innocent civilians impacted by the war are scrambling to find sanctuary. The recent crisis around the influx of the Syrian refugees escaping the Syrian Civil War impacts all countries, particularly the USA. The United States Congress has passed a bill that, as of January 2016, will permit 10,000 Syrian refugees into the United States. Syria is extremely diverse in ethnic makeup, but relatively homogeneous in regards to socioeconomic status, majority of Syrians lacking equal access to economic opportunity. In fact, the Syrian Civil War has caused several issues that have ruined prospective financial developments. As a result, the Syrian pound has depreciated to the lowest it has ever been (Butter). By coming to the USA, Syrian refugees can find several opportunities where they otherwise would have been threatened or marginalized. Although the number of Syrian refugees coming into the USA is relatively small, they are helpful to the American economy, bringing important ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Research And Development ( R D ) And Acquisitions Research and development (R D) and acquisitions are a firm s core areas for innovation, which sets the stage for its ability to compete in the market based on what cutting edge technology or ideas the company has gathered. Accordingly, globalization and increased competition has led companies to become more efficient and reevaluate whether to outsource R D or to innovate in house. When opting to outsource, companies should look at their organization at a functional level, and identify the processes and tasks in order to identify opportunities that can be gained from outsourcing versus developing in house. Additionally, companies should focus not on where the innovation occurs, but rather who will ultimately have control of the final ... Show more content on ... Efficiency of a company turns on being able to produce in the shortest amount of time while maintaining quality. Thus, outsourcing allows a company to be efficient where in house the same task could not be accomplished in a reasonable amount of time. Opting to outsource R D is also a good business strategy when the skillset is not found within the organization. No matter how talented a company is, it simply cannot possess all the talent and innovation under one roof. Thus, outsourcing R D allows companies to utilize talent pools from all over the world. Companies may even outsource within their own country by hiring contractors or freelancers. For example, in order to stay competitive, technology companies simply do not have the time to conduct in house R D. Instead, it is more efficient to outsource or acquire unique technologies of other companies to expand their technology portfolio relatively quickly and align itself with talented people. For example, Yahoo, Inc., an internet search engine tool, acquired Flickr, a photo sharing site a completely different component than its own. Acquisitions give companies the ability to acquire a product that is already created; access to a talent pool that has experience employing the technology; and a market that is familiar with the product. Acquisition is also a strategic way to eliminate a competitor and become an active player in the competitive market rather than ... Get more on ...
  • 43. The Dangers Of The Holocaust When learning about the Holocaust in school some teachers play videos or show pictures of the carnage of a concentration camp, all the student really sees are either walking skeletons or dead skeletons. Some soldiers say they can never forget the smell when they first walked into a camp, and thousands of people visit the remaining camps and feel as if they are walking through a cemetery, which they are really. It has been sixty years since the Holocaust ended, and over six million Jewish people died in some of the worst possible ways. There are very few survivors left today, and even after the camps were liberated the survivors were not treated humanely when they finally got to return home. After all they went through they should have had more support to help them after their ordeal, but to this day there are still people that deny that the Holocaust ever happened. Something as terrifying as the Holocaust should not be questioned because someone does not believe mankind is that cruel, that they just think survivors were mentally unstable and wanted to get publicity, and mainly the reason is that they are anti Semitic. A person may not want to believe that mankind is that cruel, but they have to know that it happened because something that awful must be known to prevent it from happening again. Deborah Lipstadt s podcast, How Do You Stand Up to a Holocaust Denier, focuses on what a person should do when encountering people that deny, not just the Holocaust, though that is ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Use Of Mobile Phones In School Oh my gosh! I think I am about to die! I just found out that some schools do not allow students to have cell phones in school. Modern cell phones are capable of much more than sending text messages in class, now they are capable of calling someone in case of an emergency. If someone is in need of help and no one has a cell phone, there is no way anyone could get them help, if someone is bleeding a lot more than likely they would die if no one calls the emergency center. There is an average of ninety four percent of students who goof around and play on their cell phones during class or school hours, that is only six percent of students who could manage to not play on their cell phones until the end of the day. If someone would like to see if they could manage to get through the day without using a cell phone, they could try the no cell phone for a day challenge. The no cell phone for a day challenge is when someone gives their cell phone to their parents and they could not have their cell phone back until twenty four hours are up, if they could get a day without their cell phone, then they should be proud of them because they have proved they could get through the day without their phones, If you do not pass it then you are addicted to the phone and you need to get help. Teachers and principals should let students have phones at school. Students need phones in school because if someone breaks into the school, then they would need to call someone to get ... Get more on ...
  • 45. The Evolution Of Species Extinction Globally, most of the species (both flora and fauna) are under serious threat from direct and indirect human activities; while the direct activities such as deforestation leads to species habitat fragmentation and loss, on the other hand modifies climatic conditions coupled with gas emissions. The synergistic impact of these human driven activities questions the survivability of organisms in the morphed climatic environments. At one level fragmented habitats increase intra and inter species competitions, resulting in decline of population of species, grouping them under rare and threatened category. At other level, the amplified global temperatures in parallel with low precipitation rates, not only creates unsuitable external habitat conditions but also impose internal changes in biological clock and physiological processes of the organisms, in additions to their life history traits (Reynold et al. 2003, Price and Gittleman, 2007). This kind of changed scenario both externally and internally, brings incompatibility in the organism to cope with fluctuating climatic conditions, finally making the species as vulnerable and forcing into the process of extinction. The process of species extinction accelerated with rapid human activities and in the current scenario, many species are in the queue of extinction. We are losing our uncounted valuable biodiversity, in a sense, we still don t have exact idea of how many species are surviving globally, and we are losing them before we ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Franklin Roosevelt Essay Franklin Delano Roosevelt, (1882 1945), 32nd president of the United States. Roosevelt became president in March 1933 at the depth of the Great Depression. He was reelected for three more terms, and died in office in April 1945. He was a fascinating idealist whose confidence helped carry on the American people during the strains of economic crisis and world war even though he had an attack of poliomyelitis, which paralyzed his legs in 1921. He was one of America s most touchy leaders. Though Roosevelt labored hard to end the Depression, he had not very much success. It was not until 1939 and 1940 that success returned. Roosevelt also showed limits in his handling of foreign policy. In the 1930 s he did not warn right away the danger of ... Show more content on ... Schools were closed because the states did not have enough money to fund them and people were homeless and starving; living and dying on the very streets where just a few years ago America experienced its first economic boom. This sets the stage for the most triumphant presidency this country has ever seen. President Roosevelt s heritage traces all the way back to our great nation s colonial times. Being of Dutch and English ancestry, his ancestor, Klaes Martensen had been a Dutch immigrant, settling in New York in 1645. Almost two hundred years later, on January 30, 1882, Franklin was born. Both of his parents had come from upper class families. His father, James Roosevelt was the vice president of the Delaware and Hudson Railway Company. Franklin lived a life almost all would envy, growing up about 100 miles north of New York City on his parents Hyde Estate. The estate, totaling about 100 acres in size overlooked the Hudson River and had a amazing view of the Catskill Mountains. He led a good life, going to high private schools. He attended Harvard and later Colombia Law School. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;Franklin Roosevelt was elected for his first term in 1933 During the first one hundred days Roosevelt spent in office he passed many bills, setting up agencies like the WPA, Works Progress Administration. Roosevelt believed in giving aid to the sick, poor and helpless, by providing hospital care ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Propaganda In Delirium Delirium is a dystopian novel about a society set in Portland, Maine who strongly believe love is a sickness. This disease is known as Amor Deliria Nervosa. To get rid of this infection, a cure was created to prevent a person from feeling these strong emotions. Until cured, you are restricted from making contact with other uncured of the opposite sex. One of the main characters, Lena Holoway had always looked forward to the day when she would be cured. Throughout their lives, the government drilled in them that life without love is a life without pain. Lena chose to focus on how her future affected her family s reputation instead of the destruction love brought to them. She was told her mother committed suicide because she fell in love and everyone was sure Lena would be just as disgraceful. At her evaluation to determine her future career and husband, an incident occurred which invalidated her results. During the chaos, she spotted a boy, Alex. She could instantly tell he was different ... Show more content on ... In the beginning, Lena was determined to do as she was expected and to follow the rules so the reputation of her family s past would not continue to haunt her. In the end, she was infected by love and realized her life and beliefs were a lie. She began to question her societies motives due to all the secrets unveiled. Lena and Alex attempted to leave to the Wilds together to get out of the government corruption. Throughout the story, she became braver in her actions and gained confidence to live how she wanted. I feel this is because she was awaken from being exposed to love and she started to form her own opinions on what she felt was ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Cultural Differences And Family Bonds Collide Cultural differences and family bonds collide in Tess de Loo s war time novel The Twins . Set amongst the backdrop of WWII, The Twins tells the story of twins Anna and Lotte, one raised in Germany and the other raised in The Netherlands. A beautiful look into the nature of separation The Twins is more than an exploration of the ties which bind families, rather it confronts our expectations of what nationalism is and if the crimes of the country can ever be forgiven. Separated at age six, after the death of both their mother and father, the sickly Lotte was whisked away to the Netherlands to recuperate with their uncle s family whilst Anna was forced to stay in Germany on a pig farm with their grandfather. Over the years there s a constant yearning for their lost twin and neither can seem to shake the idea that a deep, important parts of their lives is absent. Conversely the onset of Hitler s rise to power and the subsequent war and bloodshed creates a rift between their lives that appears to be insurmountable. The novel begins in the 1990 s; Anna and Lotte, now old women recuperating in a health spa from their shared aliment of arthritis find themselves in each other s company after years of detachment from the other. At first Lotte, the twin raised in The Netherlands is extremely reluctant to engage with Anna. Whilst Anna, the twin raised in Germany is overjoyed to see her long lost sister, viewing their chance encounter as fate bringing their lives together. The ... Get more on ...