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PPT - 5Th Grade Persuasive Essay
Topics PowerPoint Pr
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PPT - 5Th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics PowerPoint Pr PPT - 5Th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics PowerPoint Pr
Why People Should Limit The Junk Food
When it comes to America and death, heart failure invites the Grim Reaper even more than cancer.
Heart disease is the number one leading cause of death in America, leaving a yearly toll of 720,000
heart attacks and 600,000 deaths. To help prevent heart failure, one should eat a diet low in total fat,
saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium. Yet, is the toll of heart failure truly a surprise after looking at all
of what America is really eating? Life in America is all about the delicious junk food, whether or not it
is slowly killing the consumer. This is why people should limit the junk food that they consume; it is
simply a death sentence to the body, mind, environment and economy. Many people do not even
consider junk food as real food. It is made to be prepared and served as quickly as possible. While
consisting of preheated or precooked ingredients, it is served to the customer in a packaged form in
order for a quick and easy take out. Junk food is sold nearly everywhere. A person can find it at
restaurants, snack bars, stores, drive throughs, zoos, elementary and high schools, universities,
stadiums, airports, hospital cafeterias and so much more. When a person sees junk food at every
building around them, it is no wonder why people consume so much of it. Millions of millions of
people buy junk food every day. They do not give their meals much thought, such as what it does to
their body or the environment which they and everyone else lives in, how junk food is made,
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The California Education System
California has had a long and controversial history in education. Some would argue that the State s
educational system is doing more harm than good. However, the problems that the State faces are in
the underlining of past and current issues. The major issues faced by the public education system
include the common core standards, poverty, and the decrease of funding.
Rethinking the common core standards. The common core is hailed as the next big thing in school
reform, but is it the next big thing? The reform was implemented to resurrect a failing school system,
brought on by No Child Left Behind once the reform was put into action it was supposed to make
some extensive improvements; however, this change brought about some unsuspected ... Show more
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Every year the state of California faces a crisis in the name of budget cuts. As a result, the state is
producing less and less qualified teachers, by laying off great teachers, just before the tenor mark. So
they can hire less qualified teachers and pay them less in the name of saving money. Grades K 12
relies heavily on state aids. Since the beginning of the school year California as made widespread cuts
to the education system; which means that there is less money allocated per student. This means less
money for books, and new computers, but more money for our district offices. The big picture, the
educational system in California is failing our students. Given these points, among all of the chaos that
the state of California has put on the educational system; all hope is not lost there are
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Investigating The Biochemical Systems Evolved
By looking at the basic biochemistry most organisms share, we can start putting together how the
biochemical systems evolved. However, up until the eighties, scientists were still baffled by a chicken
and egg debate. All modern organisms require nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) to build proteins (Leslie
99), and the proteins are needed in the formation of nucleic acids. The mystery of which came first:
RNA or DNA was solved when a new property of RNA was discovered. There are some RNAs that
are capable of catalyzing chemical reactions. This means that RNA is capable of storing genetic
information, as well as cause chemical reactions vital for self replication. This breakthrough
tentatively solved the mystery of which came first: RNA or DNA. ... Show more content on ...
Analyzing ATP together with other molecular fossils, scientists have discovered that catalytic RNA
and molecular fossils are closely related to nucleic acids; suggesting that RNA was crucial to earth s
first life. This observations support the RNA world hypothesis, that earth s first life used RNA for
basic cellular process rather than the mix of proteins, DNA and RNA used by current organisms
(Lazcano et al. 283).
Genetics with inheritable evolutionary selection could have come into place with RNA servicing as a
self replicator, hence uniting the properties a replicator capable of inheriting information at the same
time having the ability to evolve (Leslie 100). Explaining how RNA molecules came about on the
basis of prebiotic chemistry is challenging but possible (Choudhary 655). Therefore, experiments have
illustrated that RNA can form self replicating molecules, and RNA has been applied successfully in
directed evolution experiments (Biebricher et al., 630). In addition, there are numerous potential traces
of RNA world present in modern cells. Several viruses use RNA as their genetic material; this proves
that RNA is capable of carrying genetic information. RNA can also reversely transcribed into DNA,
and the biological synthesis process leading to deoxynucleotides is founded on desoxylation of
ribonucleotides, showing that RNA preceded DNA. Additionally, RNA is a functional and structural
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Life Coaching Certification Essay
5 Actions That Bring You Success Beyond Your Life Coaching Certification
By David Gikandi
Feb 3, 2013
Sure, life coaching certification does enable a life coach to stand out from the crowd and add value to
their work and their brand. However, certification is not absolutely necessary if you want to become a
good or even a great life coach. If you re looking for more achievement and recognition, you can
improve your life coaching practice dramatically with the following 5 simple actions, which will get
you much further than any life coaching certification can. Although these suggestions are
straightforward, most of them will require constant attention for a little while until they become
habitual. Once they become automatic, though, you ll be thrilled with your progress. ... Show more
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They also keep the bigger picture in mind, so minor challenges are just that minor.
If you want to be wealthy, do you have positive attitudes about wealth and wealthy people? If you
want to be healthy, do you have a positive outlook about that? Your attitudes must be congruent with
your objectives.
3. Everything starts internally; seeing outside changes in your life takes time.
4. Be organized and focused. Before you go to bed each night, make a list with all the things you want
to accomplish the next day. Doing this at night gives your brain a chance to work on things in your
sleep. Also, you ll feel much better when you can start the day with a clear objective instead of
spending time trying to figure out what to do.
5. Have goals. Your brain is tremendously good at finding solutions. You can help it out by doing a
good job of outlining and prioritizing your objectives. The simplest way to do this is to write down
your goal and include a deadline. Now your brain knows what to work on and when to have it
accomplished. You can do this for your own matters or for finding solutions for your
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Necrophilia Cults
As defined by the American Heritage Dictionary a cult is 1) a system or community of religious
worship and ritual 2a) a devoted attachment to, or extravagant admiration for, a person, principle, etc.,
especially when regarded as a fad b) the object of such attachment 3) a group of followers; (Aronoff,
Some of the major features of cults as described by Whitsett et al. include family dynamics within
cults, child abuse, health issues, and moral development. A common/devastating repercussion of cult
participation is losing complete control by subjecting to leadership. Cult leaders are so controlling
they typically curtail and demolish relationships between families when they feel their loyalty is being
threatened. Members of cults are denied independence and all parental authority is diminished. Cults
tear families apart, take children away from their parents, and demand complete control over all of the
An alarming ramification of participating in a cult is that the members are regularly facing feelings of
extreme shame and humiliation, in the community and at home. Children are forced into feelings of
humiliation and parental abandonment so that in turn they search for someone to look up to and
admire, in this case the cult leader. While, the adults within the cult are shamed into feeling less ...
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This disorder has been around for a long time and is characterized in the DSM IV as an unspecified
paraphilia with no generally agreed upon specific diagnostic criteria except for postmortem sexual
activity with a body (Stein, 2010). Scientist Richard von Krafft Ebing was the first to recognize the
connection between sexual homicide and necrophilia. One theory describing the connection states that
the offenders long for a submissive sexual partner who is unable to reject them. Another theory states
that the offender s aspiration is to further demolish and demean there already deceased
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Statement Of Educational Goals
500 700 words telling the committee about your background, your educational goals and how this
scholarship will help you achieve these goals.
I am twenty years old and currently attend Illinois Central College (ICC). I have a mother, a father,
and two older siblings. I have lived in Germantown Hills, Illinois my entire life and have never moved
into a different home. Both of my parents have taught in the past and are both currently coaching at
Metamora Township High School. They pushed me to excel in school and sports during my high
school career. My passion during high school was football and wrestling. Unfortunately, I got injured
multiple times and could not continue participation in them. It was very difficult to go through that,
and it still is hard for me to contend with my injuries. After getting injured, my primary focus became
my grades and pushing myself to do the best as possible. During my last semester in high school, I
received a 4.1 GPA. During that time, I was on the Student Council Board and was the Class President
all four years. I enjoyed helping my school, but I would do anything to be a part of ... Show more
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I have been trying to save as much money as possible, but any amount that I could receive in the form
of a scholarship, would be extremely beneficial. My parents have already done their best trying to help
both of my siblings through college. I am the youngest and the cost of college has risen dramatically.
It would be a financial burden for me to receive a bachelor s degree without a scholarship. Going to
ICC and then transferring to a Bradley will be expensive. Any type of financial assistance would be an
enormous help in furthering my education and achieving my goals. A degree in today s society is
crucial to the success and the advancement of any individual in the workforce. A scholarship to most
people is just free money. A scholarship for me, however, is opening a door to my
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Blind Perceptions
Ever since I was eight years old, the dance studio has been my second home. I assiduously worked
and dedicated unconditional effort to this extremely strict discipline. I was never blind to the fact that I
lacked some of the required abilities a ballerina should have. The idea of me becoming a professional
dancer was greatly questioned by my ballet teachers but this did not stop me. After a ballet summer
intensive in New York City, I received an unexpected email. I was invited to study at the prestigious
Bolshoi Ballet Academy in Moscow, Russia. This school is known as one of the best ballet schools
worldwide. Many people dream about attending, and very few get invited. The Bolshoi Ballet
Academy, also known as Moscow State Academy of Choreography, ... Show more content on ...
Walker Percy, in his article The Loss of the creature , presents the case how preconceived notions vary
the way we, creatures , may perceive certain circumstances and experiences. He expresses his
concerns for blind conformity, which can create a symbolic complex in each creatures mind , causing
them to lose the true essence behind it. As a matter of fact, he emphasizes that we are biased without
even knowing. For instance, Percy introduces in his ideas with the help of an example. He describes
the renowned landmark the Grand Canyon. He explains how the Gran Canyon; or, in my case,
Bolshoi, have already been lost just because of the set of predetermined ideas in the mind of the
sightseer or visitor. According to Percy, in his article The Loss of the creature (work) , he points out
that the highest point, the term of the sightseer s satisfaction, is not the sovereign discovery of the
things before him; it is rather the measuring up of the thing to the criterion of the preformed symbolic
complex (Percy 2) . The pre formulated concepts in the sightseer s mind produce a loss of sovereignty,
that the own sightseer is not even able
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Interview With Inspirey
The CEO and Co founder of Seattle Genetics, Dr. Clay Siegall, recently sat down for an interview
with Inspirey. Seattle Genetics is a biotech firm whose specialty is developing drugs to help combat
fatal diseases like cancer where there has not been significant drug improvement for decades. Dr.
Siegall who holds a Ph.D. in Genetics from George Washington University and a B.S. Degree in
Zoology from the University of Maryland stated in his interview with Inspirey that he has always had
an interested in medicine and the use of technology. This interest led him to fulfill a desire of
becoming his own boss, by taking control of his own patents, products, and developments.
During his interview with Inspirey, he goes on to give a very personal
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Paper Airplanes
Paper Airplanes
Project Design Plan: * I want to know what type of paper airplane model will fly the farthest. I believe
airplane design is very important when trying to see how far a paper airplane will fly. The different
shape and narrowness or width as well as weight distribution are all factors in flight distance. So if I
have a narrow paper airplane, a very wide one, and one in between, which on will fly the farthest? *
The relevance of this experiment is similar to understanding a real airplane. Paper airplane models are
derived from an actual plane these days. The design of an airplane has so much to do with distance,
hang time, speed, and many other factors. Understanding the models I have chosen to make help me ...
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Keep your folds as tight and even as possible. | | 4. Flip the paper airplane over and fold it in half. | | 5.
Fold down both wings parallel to the middle crease and about 1 inch away from it. Make sure both
wings are even. * I just did a simple over hand throw with every paper airplane and tried to use the
same power in every throw. | |
* In every experiment there are variables that affect the way an experiment will go. The three types of
variables that are measured are Independent, Dependent, and Controllable variables. In my experiment
the Independent variable is the three different models of paper airplanes that I have chosen to make
and experiment with. The Dependent variable includes the distance the paper airplane goes. The
Controlled variable is me making sure that I throw the paper airplanes from the same starting point a
well as the same weather conditions. The controlled variable is the one that cannot be changed
because it would affect the other two variables. In this case I threw them in my house since I have a
very long hallway that leads into the front family room and there is no furniture that would interfere
with the results. * To reduce threats to internal validity I cannot be biased toward one design more
than another. I did not choose a paper airplane that I had seen before. I chose three paper airplane
models at random so I wouldn t have a chance to think one was better than the other. I also do not
want to change anything
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Analysis Of Isaiah Berlin s Two Concepts Of Liberty
In Two Concepts of Liberty , Isaiah Berlin examines two different conceptions of freedom: positive
and negative liberty. He begins by discussing negative freedom, which he defines as the area within
which the subject ... is or should be left to do or be what he is able to do or be, without interference by
other persons (169). Under this definition, an individual is not free if he is coerced by another
individual from making a decision he or she would naturally make. When discussing negative
freedom, Berlin acknowledges that there is a fundamental level of freedom that is necessary for
personal development that should not be intruded on by others (174). He contrasts this conception of
negative freedom with positive freedom, which is concerned with the source of control or interference
that can determine someone to do, or be, this rather than that (169). When discussing positive
freedom, Berlin introduces the concept of the divided self, where an individual has two selves, a
higher, rational self and a lower, instinctual self (180). Positive freedom focuses on the ability to
develop the self mastery over the lower self and appeals to the higher self. Berlin argues that the
positive conception of liberty is flawed because the concept of appealing to the higher self can be
abused when the idea of a higher and lower self is applied to a collective group or society (181). An
authoritarian government can use the rhetoric of appealing to an individual s or group s higher self to
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My Understanding Of Personality Theory
To demonstrate my understanding of personality theory, I choose to create a personality profile for a
close friend. She is a very driven individual with some unique interests. I wanted to evaluate her
personality because she is a very close friend of mine and I know her vary well. I chose Allport s trait
theory because he uses 3 types of traits to describe people. I liked the way he organized traits in to
types of traits. I think its easier to understand his theory because of the organization. I organized my
friend s traits in to 3 categories: central, secondary, and cardinal. Allport s theory focuses on individual
differences. His theory suggest that individuals differ in the traits that predominate in there
personalities. some traits are common; others are unique (Cloninger 2013 page 128). He goes on to
explain that some traits are individual or unique while others are common. Central traits can affect
everyday behaviors. these are traits that your close friends or family would be able to point out if
asked. Examples of my friends central traits would be: optimistic, out spoken, individualistic, and
extroverted. I use these terms to describe her because I have noticed them consistently. Over time and
various situations, I have seen her behavior follow these traits. My friend is on the executive board of
an RSO. She enjoys talking to can spending time with the other members of her RSO. She also likes
talking to new and potential members about her experiences. This,
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British Cuisine
Some time ago Somerset Maugham said that ‘to eat well in England, you should have breakfast three
times a day. To be perfectly honest, most British food was considered by many people as terrible. It
included overcooked vegetables, boring sandwiches and greasy sausages. It was definitely not an
enjoyable experience. However, these are now only stereotypes. Things have changed a lot and food
has become very important in British culture. Not only TV cooks are more famous than writers, but
also their recipes and books are well known across the Europe. The ‘New British cuisine is changing
the ‘fish and chips image and has become multicultural. There are about 80 different international
cuisines and British restaurants may compete with those ... Show more content on ...
Many people like Italian pizza and pasta dishes.
Even though many people believe that there is nothing like typical traditional English dish and that
Britain has the fast food reputation, the traditional cuisine has survived. It is practiced mainly in the
countryside and among the British upper classes. It includes: roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, toad in
the hole, pie and mash, black pudding, roast chicken, roast lamb, bangers and mash, bubble and
squeak ploughman s lunch, hotpot, shepherds pie, Welsh faggots, syllabub, cock a leekie,
mulligatawny soup and many other. What is worth mentioning here is that some world known food
was invented in Britain. For instance, mayonnaise, HP sauce, marmite or simple sandwich. Many
people also believe that steaks originated in the USA. However, they are so much British that in the
past times British ‘elite troops were referred to as beefeaters. Additionally, Britons try to guard their
‘inventions. Traditional food and drinks are protected under European Union Law.
From the end of World War II, large numbers of population have turned vegetarian. In 2003 it was
estimated that ‘there are between 3 and 4 million vegetarians in the UK. It is one of the highest
figures noted in this time in the western world. What is more, ‘Guinness Survey of pub food done in
Jan 1991 showed that 96% of British pubs now cater for vegetarians. Though
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Beauty Of Climbing In Yosemite National Park
Beauty of Climbing
In the early days, you noticed El Cap, but we didn t pay much attention to it because it was kinda
quote unquote out of the question. Royal Robbins
A climber said this meaning there are things impossible to climb but if you dedicate enough time and
effort, you can do it. This was said by the first person to team and climb the west face and Salathe wall
of El Capitan. This shows any climber can do anything, you just have to work.
No matter how much or how little skill a rock climber has, climbing in Yosemite National Park can
give some amazing views, stories, a feel of the history. But to have these experiences the climber must
know climbing types.
In climbing there are 3 main types of climbing including sport, ... Show more content on ...
There are climbers like Dean Potter, TM Herbert, and Alex Honnold, Royal Robbins, Tommy
Caldwell, and Kevin Jorgeson. Dean Potter is known for free soloing, base jumping, ascent s, speed
ascent s. But sadly he died recently in a base jumping incident where he flew into a cliff with his
buddy who also died. TM Hebert and Royal Robbins reengineered rock climbing in Yosemite by
making the first ascents up (the) certain face(s) of Washington Column, Half Dome, and the notorious
El Cap. Alex Honnold is notorious for scaling El Cap s nose in 2½ hours. He also scaled Yosemite
Triple Crown in 18 hours and 50 minutes. Then Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson free climbed
the Dawn wall which was the first time this had ever happened. It was deemed impossible to do, yet it
was completed. But there are still so many challenges not yet completed in Yosemite. There is so
much to climb, it is just beautiful. So many people go hiking and see this beauty, but when you rock
climb for days at a time to get to a spot that takes 8 hours to hike too. It is exhilarating to know you
can do what what others don t dare. But along with this excitement, people that want to experience
this and don t train are a
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The Influx Of Children From Central America
The influx of children to the United States from Central America and how the U.S. is handling it
Between 1st October, 2013 and 31 July, 2014, the United States Customs and Border Protection
reported that likely 63 thousand unaccompanied children, most of them coming from the Central
America region, crossed into the United States through the southern border. The figure is a
representation of double the total number of children who immigrated to the US in similar period on
the previous years, 2012 (Greenhill). The increasing number of children immigrants into the US has
revitalized a rancorous nationwide debate regarding the US policies on immigration. President Obama
s critics have been proposing for major immigration reforms to curb the increasing number of children
immigrants into the US (Lightfoot). They argue that the situation has stretched the legal and social
services receiving the migrants which in turn incurs costs on the tax payers money. The issue of influx
of children into the US comes from Central America comes at a time when the authorities at the
southern body record a historic lowest overall detentions of undocumented immigrants.
Some people have termed the increasing influx of children into the US has been termed as a
humanitarian crisis and others referring to it as national security threat (Dart). According to, the influx
of the children is due to the increasing levels of poverty and violence especially in countries such as
Mexico that prompt children to
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Thai Language And Thai Culture
Thailand, the only Southeast Asian country that has never been colonized by an European country,
name their language Thai which means free. The language is believed to have originated from Burma
(Myanmar), Northern Vietnam, Yunnan, Chinese and Laos. Many historian believe that Thai people
are actually descended from China immigrant who had made their way from China and toward the
southeast part of Asia. The Chinese Thai community is consider to be one of the largest community in
Thailand. Needless to say, the Chinese language have such a great influence on the Thai language.
The origin of Thai script is believed to be derived from the Khmer script , which originated from
Brahmic script from the Indic family. In 1826BE (or 1283AD), King Ramkhamhaeng adopted and
modified the Khmer script to create Thai s first writing system. Considered to be one of the greatest
king of all time, under King Ramkhampaeng s rules, the Thai culture became a vibrant culture.
Sukothai, located between Bangkok and Chiang Mai, is the town where many historians would
consider to be a very historical town due to it being the place where the Thai writing systems started
as well as where the culture became more intact with the political world. Although Thai language was
largely influenced by Khmer s language, the grammar writing style is something very close to Laos.
Due to where Laos is located, which is towards the northeastern part of Thailand, Thai people from
the Northeastern of Thailand
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The Peloponnesian As A Noble Empire
Thucydides believes war teaches that although humans are able to strive to a high standard of
civilization conflict will bring human s downfall to chaos. Homer, however, depicts humanity as often
failing to reach their standards, but having empathy in the end. Athens introduces itself in The History
of the Peloponnesian as a noble empire. The Athenians state that We consider that we are worthy of
our power (HPW, 76) to argue that although Athens took power they have done nothing wrong since
they still consider justice in affairs with their subjects instead of using force (HPW, 80). This
impromptu speech of the Athenians in Sparta shows the values of the polis. This was not a planned
speech or even an embassy of the state yet they still spoke of justice, consideration for the weak, and
thoughtful decision making. These are the standards that Athens held itself to before the war.
Thucydides includes this speech to give a reference point for the following events.
The values of culture, art, and philosophy are communicated through Pericles during the Funeral
Oration. Pericles praises Athens as a model to others and an education to Greece for its democracy,
speeches, equality, and individuality (Discussion, Sept 12). Although Thucydides includes the speech
to demonstrate Athens s superiority over the rest of the Hellenic world, he juxtaposes it with the
plague. During the plague the citizen desecrate the bodies of their loved ones and No fear of god or
law of man had
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The Motor Effect
2.1 Motors use the effect of forces on current carrying conductors in magnetic fields
2.1.1 The motor effect
The motor effect is where a force acts on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field.
The right hand palm rule is used to find certain properties: fingers point to magnetic field, thumb
points in DC direction and palm points to direction of the force.
2.1.2 Factors affecting the force acting on the current carrying conductor Forces are experienced by
the electrons in the conductor and are affected by: * Length of conductor (longer conductor means
more electrons hence more electrons experiencing the force) * Strength of magnetic field (more force
on electrons) * Amount of current in conductor (more current ... Show more content on ...
ie there is a change of magnetic flux through a circuit. Faraday s experiment: Connect a coil of many
turns to a zero centered galvanometer. Move a small magnet in and out of the coil and we can observe
a small current is produced when the magnet is moved but no current when there was no movement.
By varying the speed (relative motion) of the movement and strength of magnet, the galvanometer
flickered more therefore more current produced. Distance also affects this.
2.2.2 Magnetic field strength and magnetic flux density Magnetic flux density (B) is a measure of the
number of lines of force per unit area. It is also equivalent to the strength of the magnetic field and is
measured in Weber (Wb)
2.2.3 Magnetic flux Magnetic flux (φ) is a measure of the number of lines of force emerging through
an area. It is the product of magnetic flux density and area : φ=BA measured in Webers (Wb)
2.2.4 Size of the induced emf The induced emf is proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux
through the circuit.
2.2.5 Len s Law Len s law: the direction of the induced emf is such that it opposes the change that
produced it. Len s law is a consequence of the law of conservation of energy because if the induced
emf aided the motion, then the conductor would accelerate causing a greater emf, which would cause
further acceleration, etc ... an infinite amount of energy would be created.
2.2.6 Len s Law and back emf
2.2.7 Back emf in electric motors
2.2.8 Eddy
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Amish Technology
Technology has been ruining our lives since its inception back in the 23,460 BCE revolution of the
cavemen, when the people rushed to the mall to buy the new iOoga (now with more stone). You may
be thinking Hasn t technology made our lives easier? I can get any information in 30 seconds! . You
may even be right (shocker). However, this kind of information is the very cause of our downfall. It
ruins our lives by killing us, taking our jobs and happiness, and killing the environment. I humbly
offer a solution that all citizens of the world are to be made Amish, and block technology from our
lives all together. The Amish are a very peaceful, old fashioned religious society where most, if not all
technology is banned.
Most importantly, a vast ... Show more content on ...
With the use of cars, gasoline and electric (yes, even your Prius or Tesla is not helping), the ozone
layer is depleted more and more, and permanently. Electric cars still require the same amount of metal
and leather and other resources to build as non electric cars, so they are not better in that vein. Your
electric car doesn t need gas, but it still might get its energy from burning carbon. It depends on how
your local grid generates electricity. If you use coal fired power plants to produce the electricity, then
all electrics don t even look that much better than a traditional vehicle in terms of greenhouse gases
(Wade, par 4). As these cars are not more environmentally friendly than cars and other motorized
vehicles, the horse and buggy proves to be a much more superior choice of transport, powering over
even the one of a kind Lamborghini Aventador (which has 750 horsepower, impeccable brakes, and
phenomenal steering). The Amish way of life is far cleaner to the environment, and if the world s
humans convert immediately, then the world may yet be saved. Scientists have concluded that most of
the observed warming is very likely due to the burning of coal, oil, and gas (Carroll, par 1). The
Amish do not need to mass farm fish or whale oil. They do not need to melt the ice caps in their path
of survival, and they
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Analysis Of Toyota s Cleaner And Greener Initiative
Social responsibility as defined in the textbook means that organizations are part of a larger society
and are accountable to that society for their actions. Toyota s cleaner and greener initiative strives to
create an economically vibrant, efficient fuel technologies, and strategic partnerships to accomplish a
mobile society in harmony with the einvornment. (Kerin, 2015).
Profit Responsibility A company is profit responsible when they take the proper steps to ensure profits
are maximized for owners and stockholders and by doing so in an ethical manner. Toyota has
increased profits and has become the top selling brand in the country with over 27 million purchased
vehicles in more than 140 countries. Today, Toyota is world s largest ... Show more content on ...
The National Park Project was created to bring awareness to creating and restoring a cleaner
environment. This initiative donated hybrid cars to national parks to promote a greener and cleaner
environment. It also focused on educating and informing park attendees the importance of sustainable
mobility. This initiative reached many more consumers than a typical marketing campaign.
The National Park Project has strengthened Toyota s image and an environmental leader, gain respect
amongst its competitors, became an environmental steward, and increased awareness on advanced
vehicle awareness. The program has proved successful with recent surveys ranking Toyota the highest
in Leader in High MPG, Leader in Technology Development, Environmentally Friendly Vehicles, and
Wins Environmental Awards.
Critical Thinking and Application
Being corporate responsible to the earth or your immediate surroundings says plenty about the type of
company you are and the type of leaders that run it. It shows a level of respect which is one of two
values of the Toyota Way .
Companies that provide some form of initiative to support a meaningful cause or organization will
have a lasting and domino effect. For example, I work in behavioral health and the month of May is
Mental Health Awareness month and by the suggestion of an employee we managed to promote extra
jean days for the cost of $5 dollars on both Methodist and
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The Ironic Theories Of Mind
For centuries, inquisitive minds have struggled to comprehend the notion of a non physical soul. They
attempted to explain the soul using tangible, representative parts of the human body. Throughout
history, scientists and philosophers have explained the representative theories of mind using a variety
of logical and experimental techniques. The logical arguments produced cardiovascular and ventricle
theories of the mind, and the experimental techniques led to the encephalic theory of mind and
medical practices like phrenology and more recently MRI brain scanning.
The Greek philosopher Empedocles presented the first mind/soul theory, suggesting the heart and
blood were the physical embodiment of the mind/soul. Empedocles cardiocentric view was later
termed the cardiovascular theory. Empedocles believed the mind/soul resided in the heart and blood
because both were centrally located within the body. Another well known philosopher, Aristotle,
agreed with Empedocles belief, but used anatomical observation, instead of logic, to support his claim.
Aristotle observed a warm heart and a cold brain while conducting dissections of the deceased. During
Aristotle s ... Show more content on ...
The encephalic view, popularized by Alcmaeon of Croton, considered the brain to be the physical
expression of the soul/mind. The great physician, Hippocrates, reinforced Alcmaeon of Croton with
his clinical study of epilepsy. Epilepsy, at the time, was perceived as a spiritual problem. However,
Hippocrates strayed from the church s teaching, believing the disease could be explained by natural
causes within the brain. The Greek anatomist, Herophilus, gathered further information supporting the
encephalic view through careful observation of specialized brain structures. Erasistratus, another
Greek anatomist, supported the encephalic view with his study of comparative
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Jake Ruzic Poem
Poetry Across the Ages, Jake Ruzic
Death is not a foe, but an inevitable adventure. These words expressed by Oliver Lodge perfectly
encompasses the idea that although death is imminent, the adventure of life is what to cherish.
Death is an issue every person will have to face at some point in their life, no matter how hard you try
to avoid it or how impossible it seems. The coming of death may seem unfair or unjust particularly to
loose someone prematurely or the death of one s child. However, the person will live on forever
through memory s or even through written word such as a poem.
Hello I am Jake Ruzic, a lecturer on renaissance poetry and I would like to thank you for inviting me
to the Brisbane Writer s Festival for 2018, to discuss ... Show more content on ...
It has taught us how people have reacted and interpreted certain situations, such as death. Ben Jonson
s On my First Sonne has taught us the devastation the death of a loved one can bring and John Donne
s Death be not proud has shown that we need not be afraid of death, but to embrace life. I believe John
Donne has conveyed this message the best as it makes us rethink how we see life and challenge us to
not fear death. These texts will be relevant throughout time as death will always be around us for our
entire lives no matter when you are
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Family In The Outsiders By S. E. Hinton
In the novel The Outsiders by S.E Hinton, a major concept is Family. This helps the reader to
understand that Darry saved Ponyboy when he got jumped, that Ponyboy thought that Darry treats him
awful because he hates him, and that in end of the book Darry and Ponyboy made up their
relationship. Ponyboy got saved by Darry while Ponyboy was getting jumped. After leaving the
movies, Ponyboy was jumped by the Socs. The Socs almost beat him up but Darry came and saved
him. Then someone had me under the armpits and was hauling me to my feet. It was Darry. (pg 6)
This explains how Darry came and saved him from the Socs while when Ponyboy was getting jumped.
In real life we have to be their for our younger siblings when they need us in difficult
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Social Status In Crick Crack Monkey By Merle Hodges
Crick Crack Monkey The book Crick Crack Monkey by Merle Hodges was first published in 1970.
Crick Crack Monkey is a story of a young girl name Tee who was raised in Trinidad Tobago. Tee
mother Elizabeth passed away giving birth. Tee father right away migrated to England after Tee
mother s death. After the death of her mother, Tee was stuck in between two completely different
worlds. Tee and her brother Toddan immediately was left in their Aunt s care Tantie. Tantie who was
the sister of Tee s father was poor, uneducated and black. While in her Aunt Tantie care, Tee had to
learn how to be independent and take up for her own self. In the meantime, Beatrice who is Elizabeth
sister was the completely opposite. She was high class, educated and light skin. During the stay at
Tantie house Beatrice was fighting for custody of Tee and her brother. She felt that Tantie did not have
enough class nor the level of education to raise Tee and her brother as well. Throughout the novel
Merle Hodges demonstrate the effect social status can have on a person. Social Status was a main key
factor in the novel. Throughout the novel Merle Hodges demonstrates how important having a social
status was in the Caribbean. Despite the way that Beatrice felt about Tantie, Tantie was still doing
everything in her will to raise Tee and her brother toddan the right way. At first Tee and Aunt Tantie
were getting along just fine. Tee even reveals how much she was enjoying her time staying with
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What Are The Causes Of The Haitian Revolution
In 1791, the Haitian Revolution began. This revolution was the largest slave rebellion in the western
hemisphere. Since the start of forced slavery in the Caribbean, there have been many resistance
against slavery, revolutions and revolts. Haiti had the most successful in the Caribbean and by the year
1804 slavery was demolished. The results of this revolution have produced a historical memorial that
has influenced civil right movements all over the world up to this day. Such a revolution and its effect
must have been considered a surprise and an ordinary rebellion that could have been overrun at the
time it began. However, circumstances in the Haitian society such as the social hierarchy, ill treatment
of slaves and the French revolution, ... Show more content on ...
After the rumours of the ill treatment of enslaves in the colonies, the French government was aiming
to enforce laws to increase the working conditions that enslaves of St. Dominique were working
under. Thus, white planters wanted a form of independence because they didn t agree with the laws
that the government were putting in place. They thought that their way of treating enslaves was the
best to get the most amount of effort from enslaves. Although the free people of colour were members
of a free and educated propertied class the system prevented them from occupying many public
headquarters because of their colour. In addition, they were forced to join the French military which
most was hesitant to do. Even though they were still struggling for full rights of citizenship, the
concept of the equality embedded in the doctrine of The Rights of Man attracted them. Some of these
free d colour even made voyages to France to speak on behalf of enslaves for its ending. Some of the
poor whites hated the fact that did were not financially stable and coloured people were treated better
than them. The bitterness in slaves grew because there was still abuse. In such a society no one could
have lived in peace, so tension grew and a political disaster and conflict
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Jesus Of Nazareth Research Paper
Today we want to look at the causality that took place in the Garden Tomb during the 6 day war. Two
people were buried in the Garden. 1. Jesus of Nazareth.
Buried in the tomb of Arimathaea. 2. Mr. Mattar, Palestinian Arabs. Buried in a grave, in the garden
near the tomb of Christ. This was the causality of the 6 day war. Both graves are empty. Jesus, was
Crucified and rose the third day, leaving his tomb empty. Mr. Mattar, was shot and killed by Jordanian
gunfire during the 6 day war and buried in the Garden. His body was exhumed and re interred in a
Protestant Cemetery, leaving his tomb empty. There are two places in Jerusalem that claim to be the
tomb of Jesus. 1. The Church ... Show more content on ...
Mattar who died in the Garden Tomb in June, 1967 as you recall. I will attach an account of his death
to this letter as I have just completed a book with the history of the Garden of which this is an excerpt.
The following is part of that letter: From the book by Patricia St John, the celebrated children s writer:
Patricia St John Tells Her own story. Send the Light publications. The Mattars kept us spellbound with
the story of their recent lives. They were Palestinian Arabs who had come to Jerusalem on holiday
with their nine children. While there the war broke out between the Jews and Arabs and it became
impossible to get back home. Their money was dwindling and the banks were unable to transfer. They
and many like them were faced with the problem of real hunger. Mr. Mattar visited the bank daily, but
nothing was coming through. A day came when they finished the last of their food for breakfast. So
Mr. Mattar gathered his nine children around him and read to them God s promise of provision in the
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Explain The Five Sources Of Law
WEEK 11: Discussion board
As mentioned in the text Law is a body of rules established by government officials that bind
government, individuals, and nongovernment organization. These rules were established to maintain
stability and justice. The five sources of law are common law, constitutional law, legislation, executive
orders and administrative law. Common law is judge made and is grounded in tradition and previous
judicial decisions, instead of in written laws. It was a tradition beginning in England as the United
States had former ties to England, they were influenced by it. Constitutional law is the body of law
that comes out of the courts in cases involving the interpretation of the constitution. The highest court
is the Supreme Court.
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Hewlett-Packard Case Assignment
Hewlett Packard Case Assignment
Iman Abdur Rahim
Prof. Brian Grizzell
Principles of Management BUS302
August 19th, 2011
The first problem that I noticed when I read the case was the fact it mentioned that HP was under
managed. In 2001, HP had 84,400 employees while Carly Fiorina was Chief Executive Officer ¹. This
fact lets me know that there should have been various levels of management from the CEO on down
to the first level employees. In order for a company to be successful there has to be a vision and
direction should be provided to carry out that vision. As CEO, Carly Fiorina took care of being the
face of the company but neglected to provide that much needed direction internally. She could have
organized a senior leadership ... Show more content on ...
It would appear that HP made the right decision by bringing on Mark Hurd as its new Chief Executive
Officer. He was brought in to correct a lot of the management deficiencies that Carly Fiorina left
behind. Mark Hurd brought with him a focus on execution and he began working from the bottom up.
I think that his method was needed at that time because it works well when dealing with a vertical
management structure. All levels must feel important and involved in making the company successful.
Although Mark Hurd maybe the face of the company, he is not the only person that keeps it going. As
a good leader does, he kept what worked. In this case it was keeping the overall strategy that Carly
Fiorina had in place but he provided specific visionary purposes. He had to restructure divisions and
ultimately lay off over 14,000 employees to maintain the company s budget goals. In the long run,
Mark Hurd made the difficult decisions that needed to be made to bring the company back on track.
His actions earned the trust of his employees and therefore I would conclude that he boosted the
overall morale of his employees.
References 1. Boxer, Barbara. (2010). Ad from sen. barbara boxer attacks carly fiorina for layoffs at
hp. Truth O Meter, Retrieved from o
meter/statements/2010/sep/17/barbara boxer/ad sen barbara boxer attacks carly fiorina layoffs 2.
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Salvador Dali Research Paper
On May 11, 1904, Salvador Dali was born in a town called Figueres located in Catalonia, Spain. Dali
started painting when he was six years old. He is a surrealist so his paintings are unreal and
unpredictable. His mother was fully supportive about him choosing art as a career. However, his father
supported his talent, but he did not believe that art would not lead to a successful life. Dali was a very
unique individual. He expressed his dreams through fascinating paintings. I have learned a lot about
Dali from this trip. The most interesting thing to me was that he got expelled from college because he
refused to take an exam. He was almost done with college but refused to take the exam anyway. It
showed that he is filled with courage. He is his own person and no one could tell him different. It also
proves to his father that a college degree is not necessary to succeed in life. I admire that courage
because all my life, the people around me would always tell me that education is the only way to
success. It bothers me because they degrade those who do not go to school. Dali did whatever he
believed in, ... Show more content on ...
One of his methods is to fall asleep on a couch with his arms dangling on the sides and holing a key in
one of his hands. He also placed a plate right under the key so that the key will drop and hit the plate
to wake him up before he start to fall into REM sleep. I think that is a smart method to record dreams.
When we are awake, we are fully conscious about everything going on so our mind is controlled and
our thinking is limited. We make connections with what we already know, our brains think and do
work. When we are asleep, we are unconscious so our minds can make connections without any limit.
I believe that dreams work differently for everyone. Dreams sometimes reflect what we feel and
experienced that day, but it may take a different path than what we
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Leadership Is Effective And Ineffective
Explain what leadership is, when leaders are effective and ineffective, and the sources of power that
enable managers to be effective leaders
Leadership is effective positive influence by inspiring, motivating and directing other effectively. To
achieve the goals of the organization and their personal goal. Effective leadership is the process by
which leaders increase the organizations ability to eliminate barriers and enhance engagements.
According to our text, Leaders are influential by use of Power. The academic term for power is getting
others to accomplish a goal individually or in a group. In theory, Leaders are effective by the way they
affect others. Legitimate, Reward, Coercive, Expert and Referent power are all textbook terms to
explain how leaders engage others to meet organizational goals. Whether, hiring or firing, bonuses,
reprimand, technical expertise and character or respect of the leader.
In my opinion, Exact Networking replaces power in the post modern era. Which includes a high level
of empowerment. Shareholders and stakeholders whom have greater knowledge, training and decisive
decision making ability are able to perform without very little leadership. Engagements are based on
engagements to the organization, which is determined by leadership strategies.
At Audocs, we Enable Effective leadership and Empower users or clients. Implementing leadership
Strategies that are based on a Consistent automated workflow and platform, Audocs and its
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American Beauty Movie Review
Final Essay
Diva Denissov
American Beauty is a classic example of a family in deep seated conflict and conflict management.
The four horsemen are employed here regularly by the main character of Kevin Spacey who plays the
role of Lester Burnham, a depressed suburban father in a mid life crisis and a badgered and repressed
husband who is absolutely contemptuous of his wife Caroline Burnham who is played by Annette
Benning. Caroline is likewise contemptuous of Lester and his laizze faire way of negotiating through
life. Caroline is a Realtor who is seeking status and approval from the outside world, her friends and
her peers. Lester on the other hand is not seeking anything but to be comfortable and to find some
semblance of balance in his ... Show more content on ...
The neighbors are mirrors of each other, but the express their dysfunctions differently. The main
theme here is the dysfunctional nature of these two families who live right next door.
Lester is a man of character and principles, but he is simply disempowered by his conflict styles and
tactics. He is out of touch with himself and his wife, because he does not know what he wants out of
his life. He is out of touch entirely with his world and hates his job, does not know his daughter any
more and despises his wife for how she has changed from the hippie girl he married 20 years
previously. They do not talk about anything of importance, they do not talk about plans or goals or
wants or things that make them happy. They only talk about or discuss the things that irritate and
annoy each other.
They are both confrontational and also avoiding of their feelings. Caroline is inflexible and dominant
but yet she is passive aggressive over things that are trivial and of no real consequence. She is
completely consumed with attaining the acknowledgment of her peers in her profession. She thinks of
that as being the most important thing she can work towards or attain. She is completely unavailable
for her daughter and her daughter is going though a very challenging
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Transportation And Warehouse Management Essay
Transportation and Warehouse Management
The report is on how transportation and warehouse management plays a vital role in the supply chain,
different modes of transports that involve in the freight movement from one location to another. The
amount of time to deliver a product to customers will show the effect on company s future, so the
company has to follow some steps to have a better mode of transportation for less cost and delivery
time. The primary objective of this project is to show how the transportation and warehouse
management systems are used to overcome the problems that are faced in transportation and storage
quickly and some of the key elements in WMS and TMS.
Transportation management:
Globalization has increased the importance and role of transportation in supply chain management.
Transportation plays a vital role in increasing the Gross Domestic product. It involves the movement
of the manufactured product from one location to the another location or the customer safely.
Transportation plays a vital role in the supply chain because the probability of using the produced
product on the same site is almost negligible. Now, transportation is one of the primary factors which
can affect the economy of the company when it is not efficient, safe and reliable. Delivering the
products on time directly to the customers has been increasing significantly in these recent years
which can be accomplished only with transportation management, resulting
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The Effects Of The Forbidden City And The Forbidden City
A 7.8 Million square foot city, the Forbidden City home to 24 emperors was built by the Ming
Dynasty in the 15th century. Building such a massive palace and city calls for many different ideas to
build such city. This may consist of the symmetry of the city, as well as the strategically placed
palaces and homes throughout it. While the Forbidden City was closed off too most people, anyone
that did have the amazing opportunity to enter the Forbidden City were thoroughly impressed by the
astonishing architecture and extravagant art work that filled the palaces to the brim. Those that were
allowed in were required to dismount their horses and proceed on foot into the courtyard, where they
were all greeted by the five marble bridges giving them passage across what was called the Golden
River. While the Forbidden City has been built upon symmetry and power it also shows the separation
of the public and private sectors very well, and while this architecture is quite extravagant it provides
and shows different effects on the socialization between the public and private sectors of the
Forbidden City. The Forbidden City has been built upon symmetry, shown in figure 1 the city is
surrounded by a wall, approximately 30 feet high. There is only one entrance and one exit, in the front
of the city, The Meridian Gate. Upon entering the Meridian Gate at the front of the Forbidden City, a
common area is presented to the guests, where a small river moves quietly and peacefully throughout
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Relationship Between Female And Economic Growth Essay
A Research about the Relationship between Female Rights and Economic Growth
Yingru Ouyang
April, 2015
Previous research has provided robust evidence for proving the positive correlation between education
and economic development. However, those studies do not specifically analyze how the female s
availability to education rights has changed over time and the implications of those changes in relation
to the economic development. Furthermore, I will also discuss how women s other rights change
contribute to economic development. Initially, to assess women s availability to these rights, I use
administrative records from CIRI Human Rights Project. I find substantial changes in the female s
rights affect the economic growth between 2005 and 2014. Those changes are used to conclude that
the progress of women s rights has a negative impact on economic growth.
Keywords: (Women s economic rights women s political rights women s social rights economic
Introduction Nowadays, women enjoyed their equal legal rights with men. But this phenomenon was
not the same as the old time. In a long period of time ago, most of the women in the world are
considered as people who do not deserve to have rights, no matter women in the richest countries or
the poorest countries. For example, in 1772 B.C., one of the most civilised countries, Babylonia has
issued the world s first law called Code of Hammurabi. Code of Hammurabi combined a lot of judicial
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Is The Flimsy Switch Morally Wrong
Now, considering what Chituc and Henne have written there, consider the following trolley scenario
of my own. You can call it The Flimsy Switch: Version A: Smith is standing next to a signal switch
and notices a trolley is heading toward five men (all strangers to her) who will die if nothing is done.
Smith realizes that turning this switch will send the out of control train down a side track, where there
is a single person tied to the track, who she recognizes as her good friend Ramirez, and who will
inevitably die if Smith throws the switch. Unbeknownst to Smith, the switch is actually quite flimsy,
and when she decides to throw the switch, it breaks and the trolley careens into the five, killing them
all. Now, answer the following question: Immediately after the switch breaks (rendering it inoperable),
and before the trolley has passed, ought Smith throw the switch? Explain your response. Has Smith
done anything wrong? ... Show more content on ...
It s the same because she doesn t know the switch is flimsy. I would say it is morally justified to throw
the switch because there still (in her mind) would be a chance for her friend to get out of the way.
Smith has done nothing morally wrong because she couldn t have known the five would still die;
although, I m not sure Ramirez would still be her good friend if she found out Smith was going to
sacrifice her. Smith did not intentionally try killing Ramirez in this situation and has therefore done
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Essay Brazil s Development Without Long Term Damage to the...
Brazil s Development Without Long Term Damage to the Amazon
As part of this essay I will be discussing the issues involved with Brazil s Amazon rainforest and how
they as a country can use the rainforests resources for their development, without impairing the ability
to use those resources in the future. In other words it is saying that Brazil should not cause long term
damage to the rainforest when extracting resources. This is called sustainable development, and as it
suggests, it means to sustain the environment whilst also continuing to develop their needs. However,
there are several issues surrounding this, some people are for sustainable development and others
disagree and ... Show more content on ...
Staring with the arguments against development using the rainforest, these are mainly viewed by
conservationists, environmentalists and researchers. They feel that deforestation will have major
consequences on the planet in the future. The damage is most threatening to the ecosystem, which all
have knock on effects. For example, once the trees are cut down it firstly causes many species of life
to lose their habitats, without the covering canopy of trees it also exposes the soil. With the heavy
rainfall on the soil it causes flooding and erosion. The actual climate is also disturbed because it does
not allow the constant evaporation and transpiration, disrupting rainfall. It can all eventually lead to
The lack of trees will also increase the levels of carbon dioxide in the air and accelerate global
warming. This is what many people fear to lose, as well as the many range of plants that provide us
with chocolate and also some of the most important medicines and cures.
However, there are also many beneficial factors of development. Some people argue that why have the
different plants and trees that give us fine furniture, chocolate and coffee if they are not going to be
used in development to eventually be sold to us. The people of Brazil rely on this development to
maintain what is their daily life. As Brazil is an LEDC it needs to exploit the
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Jfk Assassination Theories
And just as the president got straight in front of us... the third shot rang out. And I can remember
seeing the side of President Kennedy s head come off ( The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza 27).
On November 22, 1963 President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, and since that day people have
debated who actually killed him. There are many theories on how he was killed and who killed John F.
Kennedy, the many theories are the lone assassin theory that the Warren Commission used stating that
Lee Harvey Oswald was the only shooter and he killed John F. Kennedy there are theories that claim
the Mafia had John F. Kennedy killed, and there are theories that the CIA had John F. Kennedy killed.
To start of this paragraph will cover the trip that ... Show more content on ...
The CIA had reasons to want John F. Kennedy not to be president. Because of what happened at the
Bay of Pigs JFK reached his maximum dislike for the agency and it was said John F. Kennedy had
made it clear that he planned to destroy the CIA... (Kennedy) said that he wanted to splinter the CIA in
a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds (Lane 93). And JFK believed that after the 1964
election, he would be able to resolve the issue with the CIA by forcing J. Edgar Hoover to resign and
he would be able to create a new international intelligence agency. (Lane 97). The CIA could have
kept the true information about the assassination a secret from the public because The justice
department s softness on the CIA dates from a 1954 agreement between the two agencies which, in
effect, gave the CIA the right to block prosecution or keep a crime a secret in the name of national
security (Lane 114) Three years after the report had been issued, President Johnson told his White
house staff member and political operative Marvin Watson that he was convinced that there was a plot
in connection with the assassination. He added that he felt that the CIA had something to do with this
plot (Lane 109). With the CIA s abilities, they could have easily covered up that they were the ones
that killed John F. Kennedy and it was easy to blame it on Lee Harvey Oswald because he defected to
Russia and he had ties to Cuba. Also, they had the motive to kill JFK if they knew that he wanted to
dismantle the
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The Diversity Policies Of Australia
Disability Discrimination is a behaviour that is unlawful and unacceptable toward people that have a
disability. Besides that, there is over four million Australians that have disability living in Australia
(1). Therefore, Disability Discrimination Act 1992 was launched in order to protect people with
disabilities so that they can have normal life as others.
Australia Post was chosen in order to explain in details about the Act as well as diversity policies that
the company uses within the company.
Australia Post is one of the most culturally diverse workforce in Australia with 32,732 employees, 136
nationalities and speak 65+ languages (2). The statistic in their Annual Report shows that they have
39.1% women, 1.6% Indigenous ... Show more content on ...
It also makes all behaviours that discriminate disabled people by any person, business or authority
become illegal (10). The Act makes sure that disabled people that will have the same opportunities and
chances in employment, education, transport etc. with people that do not have disability (10)
The legislation has its influence on people s behaviour, organisation s workforce policies and
community including:
Access to premises used by the public
Provision of goods, services and facilities
Buying land.
Activities of clubs and associations.
Administration of Commonwealth Government laws and programs.
3.How does the Act promote diversity within an organisation s workforce?
Disability Discrimination Act 1992 was created to protect people with disability. Therefore, in order to
follow the law, eliminate disability discrimination in the workforce as well as improve productivity
and increase efficiency of the company, the organisation has to review and create new policies and
procedure and disability action plan that are under human rights and anti discrimination law (6)
The organisation has to offer some training and assistance to employees so that they can understand
and work well with disabled people. Besides that, the company also has to consider about working
time flexibility for disabled people because some people need to use medicine that can affect
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Regional Integration And International Business
There are many definitions that could pertain to what Regional Integration means depending on the
context, but generally it implies two things. First, integration can be the combination of parts into a
whole or in other words it could mean the completion of an object by combining parts together and
secondly region suggests an area having definable boundaries or characteristics. Having both regional
integration combined in the context of international business, implies the attempt to create free trade
between two of more nations, becoming a staple to harmonizing tariff rates, freedom of movement of
goods and services, persons and capital. The need for regional integration dates back all the way to
ancient civilizations from allowing for its economic prosperity, political influence, and recently for its
creation and maintaining peace amongst nations. With a law of this magnitude it is important for
business persons to be aware when conducting foreign business in an integrated region, because it is
the integration law that supersedes a countries law, an example could be Germany s law could be on a
lesser level then the law of the European Union. Now the magnitude of the integrated region can be
evaluated on the agreed upon level between countries, there are currently six progressive levels of
regional integration starting with Free Trade Area, and building upon the free trade area each level
adds additional laws that would help create a closer relationship between two nations
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The Life and Times of Sir Isaac Newton Essay
Sir Isaac Newton was born on January 4, 1643 (based on the Gregorian calendar) in Woolsthorpe,
Lincolnshire, England. Growing up, he was never really close to his parents because his biological
father died three months before he was born. Then, his mother remarried and left him to be raised by
his grandparents. It was not until 1661, when Newton started studying at Cambridge University, that
Newton took an interest in math and science. Then, in 1665, Newton was forced to go home because
of an epidemic outbreak. During his time away from school, Newton started studying optics, math,
and gravity. In addition, he started to create Calculus. Newton was allowed to return to Cambridge in
1667, and in 1669, he became a math professor. In ... Show more content on ...
A few scientists who lived just before Newton s life were Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Robert
Hooke. Copernicus discovered the heliocentric theory. This idea was revolutionary because before his
theory, people believed that the sun revolved around the earth (geocentric theory). However,
Copernicus presented the theory that the earth revolved around the sun (heliocentric theory). Another
scientist, Galileo Galilei, created the first telescope. Thus, with his new invention, he was able to see
the Milky Way, features of the Moon, and Jupiter s moons. While observing Jupiter s moons, he saw
that the moons orbited around Jupiter, not earth. With this new information, he was able to disprove
the geocentric theory because Jupiter s moons did not orbit around Earth, but rather Jupiter. Galileo
also found that everything fell at the same speed. He tested this theory by dropping two balls (one
heavier and one lighter) off of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. They both hit the ground at the same time (
Astronomy and Space for Kids ). In addition, Galileo proposed the idea of inertia ( The Scientific
Revolution ). Robert Hooke was another notable scientist of that time. Hooke created the law of
elasticity. This law states that, the stretching of a solid body (e.g., metal, wood) is proportional to the
force applied to it (The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica). Hooke also invented the Gregorian
reflecting telescope. Through this invention
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A GSM Base Device
1 Problem Statement
A GSM base device creates severe interference with a wireless infrastructure. It can be used to activate
any explosive device in an indoor environment. Moreover, a GSM signal is also very likely to
interfere with wireless network, employed by emergency and/or confidential departments.
2 Aims Objectives
The motive of this paper is to propose a novel band stop Frequency Selective Surface (FSS). The
proposed FSS provides security to wireless networks used by sensitive areas. It also provides security
to explosive devices by blocking both GSM 900 and GSM 1800 frequency bands.
A ringing cell phone can be very irritating in places of adoration, classrooms, and hospitals.
Trans European Trunked Radio GSM (TETRA GSM) is a bidirectional communication technology
informally known to Walkie Talkie. This well known technology used by emergency amenities, armed
forces, law enforcement and other government agencies.
Moreover, a mobile phone signal can be used to explode an ammunition lorry, an incendiary bomb or
any other explosive device, in an indoor environment or other extremely sensitive areas. Many of
these areas usually use jammers and other variants of reflectors to reflect and/or block GSM signal.
However, these reflectors have limitation in sense that they disturb other type of wireless
communication too. Therefore, there is a need to design an innovative reflector which can block only
desired signals.
3 Literature Review
The rapid
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The History Of Greek Mythology
Greek mythology is used for the explanation on how humankind lived. Religion was the main source
of myths. There were many things it was used for like the explanation on how Gods, Goddesses,
monsters and mythical creatures lived in ancient times. This mythology explained the origin of gods
and their lifestyle and where humanity would go after death. The original gods were Uranus and Gaia.
They had a total twelve Titans, one of the most known and powerful Titan was named Iapetus, he repr.
During the Golden Age when Uranus was defeated, Iapetus was in charge of the Western part of the
mythological world, until he was defeated by Zeus and imprisoned. Iapetus was a Titan god from
Greek mythology, from the preceding generation to Zeus and other olympians. Iapetus was the son of
Ouranos (sky) and Gaia (earth) ... Show more content on ...
When Zeus fought against his father Cronus and other Titans, the Golden Age finalized. Iapetus was
one of the best and destructive fighters. Iapetus and Zeus at one point fought against each other. Zeus
punished the Titans by sending them to Tartarus, where they were imprisoned. Iapetus and Cronus
were not the exception. These events between Titan and Olympians lasted ten years of war during the
Titanomachy. Iapetus had four children, Atlas, Prometheus, Epimetheus, Menoetius from a second
generation of Titans. They would make Zeus angry and were punished to a degree depending on their
acts. Iapetus ironically lost his power against Zeus although him being considered the most destructive
and powerful.
As one can see, Greeks used Greek Mythology to help people understand how the world was created
and how things came to be. Although there are many myths, Iapetus the god of mortality was a very
important and fascinating mythical creature because he was one of the first twelve titans. His myth
was important to greek mythology because he represented mortality as well as
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Securities Market
The terms securities market in Viet Nam is quite strange to the public while in many countries in the
world, it have been developing dynamically. The securities market has its own attraction because of its
important role to a national economy and interest for investors. Investing and growing securities
market is one of the best ways to enrich our economy and create many opportunities for us. It can be
only flourished if there are lots of investors with enough knowledge about securities. This report will
provide some information about securities market in Viet Nam, make clear kinds of securities and
introduce some major participants in Viet Nam capital market. Realizing the importance of securities
market, we should spend more ... Show more content on ...
Yields on municipal bonds are often lower than corporate or Treasurybonds with comparable
maturities, because of the important advantage of not being taxed at the government level. The feature
of this bond is low default risk, may be exempt from local authorities taxes and not very attractive.
c. Corporate bond
A type of bonds is issued by a corporation.Corporate bonds often pay higher rates than government or
municipal bonds, because they tend to be riskier. The bondholder receives interest payments (yield)
and the principal, usually 100,000VND, is repaid on a fixed maturity date (bonds can mature
anywhere between 1 to 30 years). Generally, changes in interest rates are reflected in bond prices.
Bonds are considered to be less risky than stocks, since the company has to pay off all its debts
(including bonds) before it handles its obligations to stockholders. Corporate bonds have a wide range
of ratings and yields because the financial health of the issuers can vary widely. The most popular
types of this bond is convertible bonds. However, nowadays, many corporations choose to issue
floating rate bonds; MOF estimated that there were about 18,000 floating rate bonds are issued in
2011. The feature of this bond is time saving, reducing cost
... Get more on ...
Holt Renfrew and Co Limited SWOT Analysis Essay
Holt Renfrew
Situational Analysis Item | So What? | Holt Renfrew is owned by The Wittington Group, headed by
Canadian business leader Galen Weston | The owner of Holt Renfrew is quite large, likely has the
financial resources available to back up any capital investments required. | Tony Kelly is a new
employee to Holt Renfrew | New employees in an organization are often more likely to pick up on
areas for improvement than someone who has been in that environment for so long. More able and
willing to promote and implement radical change. | They stores peak seasons are March/April,
July/August, November/December | This means that 6 months of the time Holt Renfrew sales fall
significantly. This is half of the year! Significant ... Show more content on ...
The majority of Canadians cannot afford the high end designer cosmetics and fragrances they sell. *
They are a major competitor in their market, in Canada they are the only retailer I can think of that
sells the level of high end designer goods. * They have a significant inventory problem which is likely
covering up other operational problems * Holt Renfrew orders product several months in advance,
reducing the supply base will allow them to build closer relationships with suppliers. A result may be
reduced lead time. * $40 to $60 Million in inventory is received in the DC each month. This is
obviously too much as merchandise not sold is taken to the secondary warehouse. The secondary
warehouse is full. * Staff in store spend a lot of time expediting shipments likely because of the
distribution centers inventory problem , they do not seem to have a system, either random, fixed or
hybrid * Staff are constantly following up on order delivery status with suppliers and transportation
service providers. There is no order confirmation method so they do not have any idea when orders are
coming in or rather should be coming in. Implementing a supplier order confirmation, supplier
management, system could significantly improve visibility of expected delivery dates of orders so
planners/buyers can be aware of when expedites are required * Every time a store called to track down
... Get more on ...
Compare Shakespeare s Relationship To Other Characters In...
Hamlet Related to Others by Shakespeare How does Shakespeare relate Hamlet to other characters in
the first two acts? What about Hamlet is the same or different about the other characters? In the first
two acts, Shakespeare creates Hamlet s character in relation to other characters like Gertrude,
Claudius, and Laertes. Shakespeare relates Hamlet to Gertrude, Hamlet s mother. First, But two
months dead nay, not so much, not two./So excellent a king, that was to this/ Hyperion to a satyr,
(Shakespeare 26). This could conclude that Hamlet thinks very highly of his father, but Gertrude
doesn t think the same since she remarried so quickly.Next, Frailty, thy name is woman! ,
(Shakespeare 28). The reader could interpret this as Hamlet thinks his mom is weak and dislikes her
more and more for the things she has done towards his dead father. Lastly, O most wicked speed, to
post/With such dexterity to incesutous sheets! , (Shakespeare 28). Hamlet thinks his mother is in an
act of incest and thinks she is wrong for sleeping with him, but Gertrude clearly doesn t think the same
since ... Show more content on ...
For example, So excellent a king, that was to this/Hyperion to a satyr, (Shakespeare 26). The reader
could conclude that Hamlet thinks Claudius is nothing compared to King Hamlet, and Claudius doesn
t feel the same way. Claudius even asks Hamlet to call him father. In addition, married with my
uncle,/My father s brother, but no more like my father/ Than I to Hercules, (Shakespeare 28). Hamlet
thinks Claudius compared to King Hamlet is like Hamlet to Hercules. Meaning Claudius is nowhere
as good as King Hamlet in Hamlet s eyes. Finally, But to persever/ In obstinate condolement is a
course/ Of impious stubbornness. Tis unmanly grief, (Shakespeare 24). Claudius thinks Hamlet is
overdoing his mourning and thinks he should get over his father s death. Claudius and Hamlet don t
get along because Claudius thinks he is better than King
... Get more on ...
Navajo Immersion Study
The Navajo immersion programs in the American Southwest are very interesting because they have
been very successful in teaching Navajo without sacrificing the student s academic performance or
their proficiency in English. McCarty (2013) noted that The Tséhootsooí Diné Bí ólta is one such
immersion school where Navajo immersion students consistently outperform students from English
only classrooms on standardardized tests. Another immersion program, Puente de Hózhó, has also
consistently outperformed their peers in more traditional monolingual English programs. These
immersion programs have had many challenges receiving funding, maintaining their right to teach
Native languages in public schools, and scoring well enough to not invite outside criticism.
The educators working at these schools are motivated to keep their academic performance high in
order to ... Show more content on ...
However, within the United States, I think it would also be beneficial to promote immersion schools
modeled after the Navajo immersion programs. When speaking about Puente de Hózhó, the school s
co founder Michael Fillerup claimed that, the vision was to create a school where each child s
language and culture was regarded not as a problem to be solved but as an indispensable resource
(2013, p. 132). It would be interesting to see if academic performance is increased because there is
some flexibility for students who aren t native speakers of English, or if English speaking students
also benefit from learning an additional language. I suspect there are a lot of benefits that can be
gained for students of all language backgrounds, and the United States should be more open to
instructing students based on the needs of local
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The Theme of Loneliness in I Am the King of the Castle Essay
The novel I am the King of the Castle clearly explores the themes of loneliness, sadness and
depression in its plot. All of the main characters have difficulties with relationships and end up facing
depressive moments and experiences, some insignificant but some crucial and terrifying.
Joseph Hooper (father), Edmund Hooper (son) and Charles Kingshaw are three characters showing
explicit loneliness almost throughout the whole novel. Their loneliness is shown by several reasons
and caused by a large number of factors, most involving family issues.
Joseph Hooper s loneliness is caused mainly by his everyday lifestyle and habits. The loss of his wife
made him deserted and very distant from his own son, Edmund Hooper. He is ... Show more content
on ...
When he says to Miss
Kingshaw I am a lonely man right after he meets her, we can immediately spot his sexual urge. Joseph
Hooper is a portrait of failure. His lack of action towards his son and Miss Kingshaw shows he is a
very reserved guy, but actually this is not the way he wanted to be. His fears of being rejected and
abandoned control him even though on the inside he wants to take action. He lacks confidence. We
can see his deficiency towards Edmund when instead of controling him and punishing after a fight he
thinks to himslef Perhaps I should strike him. Perhaps it is very foolish to let him get the upper hand.
Edmund, even when he feels sad, rejects intimacy with Mr Hooper when he says It is fine, I am all
right after his father questions him about his state , pushing there relationship further away. He
competes with his own son which demonstrates weakness.
Charles Kingshaw is the son of Helena Kingshaw. He has lost his father and is also not close to his
mother at all. She tries to educate him but in a very superficial way and has inability to understand
him. It even seems as if it is an obligation of her part and her life is more important than any other
thing. Kingshaw hates everything at Warnings at his first impressions. His mom doesen t have any
proper affection for him and dosen t even notice he hates Warnings and really suffers there. He
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The Idea Of Natural Selection
The idea of anthropocentrism provides comfort to humans. It posits that in this messy,
incomprehensible world, we are still the central species. This idea allows, and even encourages,
humans to view the world through a very anthropological lens and assume that, because we are the
dominant and most important species, nature works in human terms and is the domain of man. The
idea of creationism is very anthropocentric itself. In the Hebrew Bible, man was created before all
other animals and designed in God s image. He was given domain over nature by God as well. This
idea of human supremacy and exceptionalism has persisted into modernity, but the advent of Darwin s
evolutionary theory altered human s perception of themselves and the natural world.
The typical belief in human dominance was shaken through Darwin s idea of natural selection and
evolution which posited that humans, just as all other species descended from some one prototype
(484). The descendants of this one prototype evolved based on natural selection. Evolution led to the
creation of all organisms, living and extinct, including humans. The theory of evolution challenged the
ideas of human exceptionalism and anthropocentrism by including humans in the same category as all
other organisms, organisms that we as humans feel superior to. In evolutionary theory, humans
become simply another species that managed to survive the struggle for existence rather than a master
of nature created in the image of
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The Central Problem Of Depression Prevention
In 2003, Robert Lucas an esteemed professor at the university of Chicago and winner of the 1995
Nobel memorial prize in economics gave the presidential address at the annual meetings of the
American Economics Association. The central problem of depression prevention , he declared, Has
been solved for all practical purposes . He asserted that macro economics had not so much
extinguished the cycle of recession but had some what tamed it, it was now time to focus on long term
economic growth. (Krugman:2008)
On 15th September , 2008, Lehman brothers went under. In the following weeks, the Federal Reserve
(FED) and the United States treasury nationalized Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac(the two largest
mortgage companies) and they took over the ... Show more content on ...
What investors and officials believed to be the storm in entitreity was merely a false alarm, the
catalyst for what would follow less than a decade later. Between April 1997 and June 2003, the bubble was witnessed, where a series of investors contributed to technology services and
internet start up companies in anticipation of a success which was not entirely delivered.
( After the bubble had burst, the American and global economy appeared
like it would endure a period of stability under the speculation of many senior economist, following
2001 however, the housing market and the American dream became the New thing with a backdrop of
securitization bonds and CDO s. (USA Journal)
The federal reserve and Robert Greenspan contributed to the craze, a response to the prior
bust. The central bank kept short term interest rates low and created liquidity, it produced a credit
fueled boom where the general consensus was that borrowing was the only way to live, in the UK for
example, household debt as a percentage of post tax income was at an average 100 percent prior to
2000, by 2007 however, it had nearly reached 175 percent.
Not only were people who could not previously afford mortgages taking part, but the middle class also
began to accumulate housing assets, middle class households used the rising value of their homes to
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PPT - 5Th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics PowerPoint Pr

  • 1. PPT - 5Th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics PowerPoint Pr 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. PPT - 5Th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics PowerPoint Pr PPT - 5Th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics PowerPoint Pr
  • 2. Why People Should Limit The Junk Food When it comes to America and death, heart failure invites the Grim Reaper even more than cancer. Heart disease is the number one leading cause of death in America, leaving a yearly toll of 720,000 heart attacks and 600,000 deaths. To help prevent heart failure, one should eat a diet low in total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium. Yet, is the toll of heart failure truly a surprise after looking at all of what America is really eating? Life in America is all about the delicious junk food, whether or not it is slowly killing the consumer. This is why people should limit the junk food that they consume; it is simply a death sentence to the body, mind, environment and economy. Many people do not even consider junk food as real food. It is made to be prepared and served as quickly as possible. While consisting of preheated or precooked ingredients, it is served to the customer in a packaged form in order for a quick and easy take out. Junk food is sold nearly everywhere. A person can find it at restaurants, snack bars, stores, drive throughs, zoos, elementary and high schools, universities, stadiums, airports, hospital cafeterias and so much more. When a person sees junk food at every building around them, it is no wonder why people consume so much of it. Millions of millions of people buy junk food every day. They do not give their meals much thought, such as what it does to their body or the environment which they and everyone else lives in, how junk food is made, ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The California Education System California has had a long and controversial history in education. Some would argue that the State s educational system is doing more harm than good. However, the problems that the State faces are in the underlining of past and current issues. The major issues faced by the public education system include the common core standards, poverty, and the decrease of funding. Rethinking the common core standards. The common core is hailed as the next big thing in school reform, but is it the next big thing? The reform was implemented to resurrect a failing school system, brought on by No Child Left Behind once the reform was put into action it was supposed to make some extensive improvements; however, this change brought about some unsuspected ... Show more content on ... Every year the state of California faces a crisis in the name of budget cuts. As a result, the state is producing less and less qualified teachers, by laying off great teachers, just before the tenor mark. So they can hire less qualified teachers and pay them less in the name of saving money. Grades K 12 relies heavily on state aids. Since the beginning of the school year California as made widespread cuts to the education system; which means that there is less money allocated per student. This means less money for books, and new computers, but more money for our district offices. The big picture, the educational system in California is failing our students. Given these points, among all of the chaos that the state of California has put on the educational system; all hope is not lost there are ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Investigating The Biochemical Systems Evolved By looking at the basic biochemistry most organisms share, we can start putting together how the biochemical systems evolved. However, up until the eighties, scientists were still baffled by a chicken and egg debate. All modern organisms require nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) to build proteins (Leslie 99), and the proteins are needed in the formation of nucleic acids. The mystery of which came first: RNA or DNA was solved when a new property of RNA was discovered. There are some RNAs that are capable of catalyzing chemical reactions. This means that RNA is capable of storing genetic information, as well as cause chemical reactions vital for self replication. This breakthrough tentatively solved the mystery of which came first: RNA or DNA. ... Show more content on ... Analyzing ATP together with other molecular fossils, scientists have discovered that catalytic RNA and molecular fossils are closely related to nucleic acids; suggesting that RNA was crucial to earth s first life. This observations support the RNA world hypothesis, that earth s first life used RNA for basic cellular process rather than the mix of proteins, DNA and RNA used by current organisms (Lazcano et al. 283). Genetics with inheritable evolutionary selection could have come into place with RNA servicing as a self replicator, hence uniting the properties a replicator capable of inheriting information at the same time having the ability to evolve (Leslie 100). Explaining how RNA molecules came about on the basis of prebiotic chemistry is challenging but possible (Choudhary 655). Therefore, experiments have illustrated that RNA can form self replicating molecules, and RNA has been applied successfully in directed evolution experiments (Biebricher et al., 630). In addition, there are numerous potential traces of RNA world present in modern cells. Several viruses use RNA as their genetic material; this proves that RNA is capable of carrying genetic information. RNA can also reversely transcribed into DNA, and the biological synthesis process leading to deoxynucleotides is founded on desoxylation of ribonucleotides, showing that RNA preceded DNA. Additionally, RNA is a functional and structural ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Life Coaching Certification Essay 5 Actions That Bring You Success Beyond Your Life Coaching Certification By David Gikandi Feb 3, 2013 Sure, life coaching certification does enable a life coach to stand out from the crowd and add value to their work and their brand. However, certification is not absolutely necessary if you want to become a good or even a great life coach. If you re looking for more achievement and recognition, you can improve your life coaching practice dramatically with the following 5 simple actions, which will get you much further than any life coaching certification can. Although these suggestions are straightforward, most of them will require constant attention for a little while until they become habitual. Once they become automatic, though, you ll be thrilled with your progress. ... Show more content on ... They also keep the bigger picture in mind, so minor challenges are just that minor. If you want to be wealthy, do you have positive attitudes about wealth and wealthy people? If you want to be healthy, do you have a positive outlook about that? Your attitudes must be congruent with your objectives. 3. Everything starts internally; seeing outside changes in your life takes time. 4. Be organized and focused. Before you go to bed each night, make a list with all the things you want to accomplish the next day. Doing this at night gives your brain a chance to work on things in your sleep. Also, you ll feel much better when you can start the day with a clear objective instead of spending time trying to figure out what to do. 5. Have goals. Your brain is tremendously good at finding solutions. You can help it out by doing a good job of outlining and prioritizing your objectives. The simplest way to do this is to write down your goal and include a deadline. Now your brain knows what to work on and when to have it accomplished. You can do this for your own matters or for finding solutions for your ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Necrophilia Cults As defined by the American Heritage Dictionary a cult is 1) a system or community of religious worship and ritual 2a) a devoted attachment to, or extravagant admiration for, a person, principle, etc., especially when regarded as a fad b) the object of such attachment 3) a group of followers; (Aronoff, 2000). Some of the major features of cults as described by Whitsett et al. include family dynamics within cults, child abuse, health issues, and moral development. A common/devastating repercussion of cult participation is losing complete control by subjecting to leadership. Cult leaders are so controlling they typically curtail and demolish relationships between families when they feel their loyalty is being threatened. Members of cults are denied independence and all parental authority is diminished. Cults tear families apart, take children away from their parents, and demand complete control over all of the members. An alarming ramification of participating in a cult is that the members are regularly facing feelings of extreme shame and humiliation, in the community and at home. Children are forced into feelings of humiliation and parental abandonment so that in turn they search for someone to look up to and admire, in this case the cult leader. While, the adults within the cult are shamed into feeling less ... Show more content on ... This disorder has been around for a long time and is characterized in the DSM IV as an unspecified paraphilia with no generally agreed upon specific diagnostic criteria except for postmortem sexual activity with a body (Stein, 2010). Scientist Richard von Krafft Ebing was the first to recognize the connection between sexual homicide and necrophilia. One theory describing the connection states that the offenders long for a submissive sexual partner who is unable to reject them. Another theory states that the offender s aspiration is to further demolish and demean there already deceased ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Statement Of Educational Goals 500 700 words telling the committee about your background, your educational goals and how this scholarship will help you achieve these goals. I am twenty years old and currently attend Illinois Central College (ICC). I have a mother, a father, and two older siblings. I have lived in Germantown Hills, Illinois my entire life and have never moved into a different home. Both of my parents have taught in the past and are both currently coaching at Metamora Township High School. They pushed me to excel in school and sports during my high school career. My passion during high school was football and wrestling. Unfortunately, I got injured multiple times and could not continue participation in them. It was very difficult to go through that, and it still is hard for me to contend with my injuries. After getting injured, my primary focus became my grades and pushing myself to do the best as possible. During my last semester in high school, I received a 4.1 GPA. During that time, I was on the Student Council Board and was the Class President all four years. I enjoyed helping my school, but I would do anything to be a part of ... Show more content on ... I have been trying to save as much money as possible, but any amount that I could receive in the form of a scholarship, would be extremely beneficial. My parents have already done their best trying to help both of my siblings through college. I am the youngest and the cost of college has risen dramatically. It would be a financial burden for me to receive a bachelor s degree without a scholarship. Going to ICC and then transferring to a Bradley will be expensive. Any type of financial assistance would be an enormous help in furthering my education and achieving my goals. A degree in today s society is crucial to the success and the advancement of any individual in the workforce. A scholarship to most people is just free money. A scholarship for me, however, is opening a door to my ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Blind Perceptions Ever since I was eight years old, the dance studio has been my second home. I assiduously worked and dedicated unconditional effort to this extremely strict discipline. I was never blind to the fact that I lacked some of the required abilities a ballerina should have. The idea of me becoming a professional dancer was greatly questioned by my ballet teachers but this did not stop me. After a ballet summer intensive in New York City, I received an unexpected email. I was invited to study at the prestigious Bolshoi Ballet Academy in Moscow, Russia. This school is known as one of the best ballet schools worldwide. Many people dream about attending, and very few get invited. The Bolshoi Ballet Academy, also known as Moscow State Academy of Choreography, ... Show more content on ... Walker Percy, in his article The Loss of the creature , presents the case how preconceived notions vary the way we, creatures , may perceive certain circumstances and experiences. He expresses his concerns for blind conformity, which can create a symbolic complex in each creatures mind , causing them to lose the true essence behind it. As a matter of fact, he emphasizes that we are biased without even knowing. For instance, Percy introduces in his ideas with the help of an example. He describes the renowned landmark the Grand Canyon. He explains how the Gran Canyon; or, in my case, Bolshoi, have already been lost just because of the set of predetermined ideas in the mind of the sightseer or visitor. According to Percy, in his article The Loss of the creature (work) , he points out that the highest point, the term of the sightseer s satisfaction, is not the sovereign discovery of the things before him; it is rather the measuring up of the thing to the criterion of the preformed symbolic complex (Percy 2) . The pre formulated concepts in the sightseer s mind produce a loss of sovereignty, that the own sightseer is not even able ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Interview With Inspirey The CEO and Co founder of Seattle Genetics, Dr. Clay Siegall, recently sat down for an interview with Inspirey. Seattle Genetics is a biotech firm whose specialty is developing drugs to help combat fatal diseases like cancer where there has not been significant drug improvement for decades. Dr. Siegall who holds a Ph.D. in Genetics from George Washington University and a B.S. Degree in Zoology from the University of Maryland stated in his interview with Inspirey that he has always had an interested in medicine and the use of technology. This interest led him to fulfill a desire of becoming his own boss, by taking control of his own patents, products, and developments. During his interview with Inspirey, he goes on to give a very personal ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Paper Airplanes Paper Airplanes Project Design Plan: * I want to know what type of paper airplane model will fly the farthest. I believe airplane design is very important when trying to see how far a paper airplane will fly. The different shape and narrowness or width as well as weight distribution are all factors in flight distance. So if I have a narrow paper airplane, a very wide one, and one in between, which on will fly the farthest? * The relevance of this experiment is similar to understanding a real airplane. Paper airplane models are derived from an actual plane these days. The design of an airplane has so much to do with distance, hang time, speed, and many other factors. Understanding the models I have chosen to make help me ... Show more content on ... Keep your folds as tight and even as possible. | | 4. Flip the paper airplane over and fold it in half. | | 5. Fold down both wings parallel to the middle crease and about 1 inch away from it. Make sure both wings are even. * I just did a simple over hand throw with every paper airplane and tried to use the same power in every throw. | | * In every experiment there are variables that affect the way an experiment will go. The three types of variables that are measured are Independent, Dependent, and Controllable variables. In my experiment the Independent variable is the three different models of paper airplanes that I have chosen to make and experiment with. The Dependent variable includes the distance the paper airplane goes. The Controlled variable is me making sure that I throw the paper airplanes from the same starting point a well as the same weather conditions. The controlled variable is the one that cannot be changed because it would affect the other two variables. In this case I threw them in my house since I have a very long hallway that leads into the front family room and there is no furniture that would interfere with the results. * To reduce threats to internal validity I cannot be biased toward one design more than another. I did not choose a paper airplane that I had seen before. I chose three paper airplane models at random so I wouldn t have a chance to think one was better than the other. I also do not want to change anything ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Analysis Of Isaiah Berlin s Two Concepts Of Liberty In Two Concepts of Liberty , Isaiah Berlin examines two different conceptions of freedom: positive and negative liberty. He begins by discussing negative freedom, which he defines as the area within which the subject ... is or should be left to do or be what he is able to do or be, without interference by other persons (169). Under this definition, an individual is not free if he is coerced by another individual from making a decision he or she would naturally make. When discussing negative freedom, Berlin acknowledges that there is a fundamental level of freedom that is necessary for personal development that should not be intruded on by others (174). He contrasts this conception of negative freedom with positive freedom, which is concerned with the source of control or interference that can determine someone to do, or be, this rather than that (169). When discussing positive freedom, Berlin introduces the concept of the divided self, where an individual has two selves, a higher, rational self and a lower, instinctual self (180). Positive freedom focuses on the ability to develop the self mastery over the lower self and appeals to the higher self. Berlin argues that the positive conception of liberty is flawed because the concept of appealing to the higher self can be abused when the idea of a higher and lower self is applied to a collective group or society (181). An authoritarian government can use the rhetoric of appealing to an individual s or group s higher self to ... Get more on ...
  • 12. My Understanding Of Personality Theory To demonstrate my understanding of personality theory, I choose to create a personality profile for a close friend. She is a very driven individual with some unique interests. I wanted to evaluate her personality because she is a very close friend of mine and I know her vary well. I chose Allport s trait theory because he uses 3 types of traits to describe people. I liked the way he organized traits in to types of traits. I think its easier to understand his theory because of the organization. I organized my friend s traits in to 3 categories: central, secondary, and cardinal. Allport s theory focuses on individual differences. His theory suggest that individuals differ in the traits that predominate in there personalities. some traits are common; others are unique (Cloninger 2013 page 128). He goes on to explain that some traits are individual or unique while others are common. Central traits can affect everyday behaviors. these are traits that your close friends or family would be able to point out if asked. Examples of my friends central traits would be: optimistic, out spoken, individualistic, and extroverted. I use these terms to describe her because I have noticed them consistently. Over time and various situations, I have seen her behavior follow these traits. My friend is on the executive board of an RSO. She enjoys talking to can spending time with the other members of her RSO. She also likes talking to new and potential members about her experiences. This, ... Get more on ...
  • 13. British Cuisine Some time ago Somerset Maugham said that ‘to eat well in England, you should have breakfast three times a day. To be perfectly honest, most British food was considered by many people as terrible. It included overcooked vegetables, boring sandwiches and greasy sausages. It was definitely not an enjoyable experience. However, these are now only stereotypes. Things have changed a lot and food has become very important in British culture. Not only TV cooks are more famous than writers, but also their recipes and books are well known across the Europe. The ‘New British cuisine is changing the ‘fish and chips image and has become multicultural. There are about 80 different international cuisines and British restaurants may compete with those ... Show more content on ... Many people like Italian pizza and pasta dishes. Even though many people believe that there is nothing like typical traditional English dish and that Britain has the fast food reputation, the traditional cuisine has survived. It is practiced mainly in the countryside and among the British upper classes. It includes: roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, toad in the hole, pie and mash, black pudding, roast chicken, roast lamb, bangers and mash, bubble and squeak ploughman s lunch, hotpot, shepherds pie, Welsh faggots, syllabub, cock a leekie, mulligatawny soup and many other. What is worth mentioning here is that some world known food was invented in Britain. For instance, mayonnaise, HP sauce, marmite or simple sandwich. Many people also believe that steaks originated in the USA. However, they are so much British that in the past times British ‘elite troops were referred to as beefeaters. Additionally, Britons try to guard their ‘inventions. Traditional food and drinks are protected under European Union Law. From the end of World War II, large numbers of population have turned vegetarian. In 2003 it was estimated that ‘there are between 3 and 4 million vegetarians in the UK. It is one of the highest figures noted in this time in the western world. What is more, ‘Guinness Survey of pub food done in Jan 1991 showed that 96% of British pubs now cater for vegetarians. Though ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Beauty Of Climbing In Yosemite National Park Beauty of Climbing In the early days, you noticed El Cap, but we didn t pay much attention to it because it was kinda quote unquote out of the question. Royal Robbins A climber said this meaning there are things impossible to climb but if you dedicate enough time and effort, you can do it. This was said by the first person to team and climb the west face and Salathe wall of El Capitan. This shows any climber can do anything, you just have to work. No matter how much or how little skill a rock climber has, climbing in Yosemite National Park can give some amazing views, stories, a feel of the history. But to have these experiences the climber must know climbing types. In climbing there are 3 main types of climbing including sport, ... Show more content on ... There are climbers like Dean Potter, TM Herbert, and Alex Honnold, Royal Robbins, Tommy Caldwell, and Kevin Jorgeson. Dean Potter is known for free soloing, base jumping, ascent s, speed ascent s. But sadly he died recently in a base jumping incident where he flew into a cliff with his buddy who also died. TM Hebert and Royal Robbins reengineered rock climbing in Yosemite by making the first ascents up (the) certain face(s) of Washington Column, Half Dome, and the notorious El Cap. Alex Honnold is notorious for scaling El Cap s nose in 2½ hours. He also scaled Yosemite Triple Crown in 18 hours and 50 minutes. Then Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson free climbed the Dawn wall which was the first time this had ever happened. It was deemed impossible to do, yet it was completed. But there are still so many challenges not yet completed in Yosemite. There is so much to climb, it is just beautiful. So many people go hiking and see this beauty, but when you rock climb for days at a time to get to a spot that takes 8 hours to hike too. It is exhilarating to know you can do what what others don t dare. But along with this excitement, people that want to experience this and don t train are a ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Influx Of Children From Central America The influx of children to the United States from Central America and how the U.S. is handling it Between 1st October, 2013 and 31 July, 2014, the United States Customs and Border Protection reported that likely 63 thousand unaccompanied children, most of them coming from the Central America region, crossed into the United States through the southern border. The figure is a representation of double the total number of children who immigrated to the US in similar period on the previous years, 2012 (Greenhill). The increasing number of children immigrants into the US has revitalized a rancorous nationwide debate regarding the US policies on immigration. President Obama s critics have been proposing for major immigration reforms to curb the increasing number of children immigrants into the US (Lightfoot). They argue that the situation has stretched the legal and social services receiving the migrants which in turn incurs costs on the tax payers money. The issue of influx of children into the US comes from Central America comes at a time when the authorities at the southern body record a historic lowest overall detentions of undocumented immigrants. Some people have termed the increasing influx of children into the US has been termed as a humanitarian crisis and others referring to it as national security threat (Dart). According to, the influx of the children is due to the increasing levels of poverty and violence especially in countries such as Mexico that prompt children to ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Thai Language And Thai Culture Thailand, the only Southeast Asian country that has never been colonized by an European country, name their language Thai which means free. The language is believed to have originated from Burma (Myanmar), Northern Vietnam, Yunnan, Chinese and Laos. Many historian believe that Thai people are actually descended from China immigrant who had made their way from China and toward the southeast part of Asia. The Chinese Thai community is consider to be one of the largest community in Thailand. Needless to say, the Chinese language have such a great influence on the Thai language. The origin of Thai script is believed to be derived from the Khmer script , which originated from Brahmic script from the Indic family. In 1826BE (or 1283AD), King Ramkhamhaeng adopted and modified the Khmer script to create Thai s first writing system. Considered to be one of the greatest king of all time, under King Ramkhampaeng s rules, the Thai culture became a vibrant culture. Sukothai, located between Bangkok and Chiang Mai, is the town where many historians would consider to be a very historical town due to it being the place where the Thai writing systems started as well as where the culture became more intact with the political world. Although Thai language was largely influenced by Khmer s language, the grammar writing style is something very close to Laos. Due to where Laos is located, which is towards the northeastern part of Thailand, Thai people from the Northeastern of Thailand ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Peloponnesian As A Noble Empire Thucydides believes war teaches that although humans are able to strive to a high standard of civilization conflict will bring human s downfall to chaos. Homer, however, depicts humanity as often failing to reach their standards, but having empathy in the end. Athens introduces itself in The History of the Peloponnesian as a noble empire. The Athenians state that We consider that we are worthy of our power (HPW, 76) to argue that although Athens took power they have done nothing wrong since they still consider justice in affairs with their subjects instead of using force (HPW, 80). This impromptu speech of the Athenians in Sparta shows the values of the polis. This was not a planned speech or even an embassy of the state yet they still spoke of justice, consideration for the weak, and thoughtful decision making. These are the standards that Athens held itself to before the war. Thucydides includes this speech to give a reference point for the following events. The values of culture, art, and philosophy are communicated through Pericles during the Funeral Oration. Pericles praises Athens as a model to others and an education to Greece for its democracy, speeches, equality, and individuality (Discussion, Sept 12). Although Thucydides includes the speech to demonstrate Athens s superiority over the rest of the Hellenic world, he juxtaposes it with the plague. During the plague the citizen desecrate the bodies of their loved ones and No fear of god or law of man had ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Motor Effect 2.1 Motors use the effect of forces on current carrying conductors in magnetic fields 2.1.1 The motor effect The motor effect is where a force acts on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field. The right hand palm rule is used to find certain properties: fingers point to magnetic field, thumb points in DC direction and palm points to direction of the force. 2.1.2 Factors affecting the force acting on the current carrying conductor Forces are experienced by the electrons in the conductor and are affected by: * Length of conductor (longer conductor means more electrons hence more electrons experiencing the force) * Strength of magnetic field (more force on electrons) * Amount of current in conductor (more current ... Show more content on ... ie there is a change of magnetic flux through a circuit. Faraday s experiment: Connect a coil of many turns to a zero centered galvanometer. Move a small magnet in and out of the coil and we can observe a small current is produced when the magnet is moved but no current when there was no movement. By varying the speed (relative motion) of the movement and strength of magnet, the galvanometer flickered more therefore more current produced. Distance also affects this. 2.2.2 Magnetic field strength and magnetic flux density Magnetic flux density (B) is a measure of the number of lines of force per unit area. It is also equivalent to the strength of the magnetic field and is measured in Weber (Wb) 2.2.3 Magnetic flux Magnetic flux (φ) is a measure of the number of lines of force emerging through an area. It is the product of magnetic flux density and area : φ=BA measured in Webers (Wb) 2.2.4 Size of the induced emf The induced emf is proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux through the circuit. 2.2.5 Len s Law Len s law: the direction of the induced emf is such that it opposes the change that produced it. Len s law is a consequence of the law of conservation of energy because if the induced emf aided the motion, then the conductor would accelerate causing a greater emf, which would cause further acceleration, etc ... an infinite amount of energy would be created. 2.2.6 Len s Law and back emf 2.2.7 Back emf in electric motors 2.2.8 Eddy ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Amish Technology Technology has been ruining our lives since its inception back in the 23,460 BCE revolution of the cavemen, when the people rushed to the mall to buy the new iOoga (now with more stone). You may be thinking Hasn t technology made our lives easier? I can get any information in 30 seconds! . You may even be right (shocker). However, this kind of information is the very cause of our downfall. It ruins our lives by killing us, taking our jobs and happiness, and killing the environment. I humbly offer a solution that all citizens of the world are to be made Amish, and block technology from our lives all together. The Amish are a very peaceful, old fashioned religious society where most, if not all technology is banned. Most importantly, a vast ... Show more content on ... With the use of cars, gasoline and electric (yes, even your Prius or Tesla is not helping), the ozone layer is depleted more and more, and permanently. Electric cars still require the same amount of metal and leather and other resources to build as non electric cars, so they are not better in that vein. Your electric car doesn t need gas, but it still might get its energy from burning carbon. It depends on how your local grid generates electricity. If you use coal fired power plants to produce the electricity, then all electrics don t even look that much better than a traditional vehicle in terms of greenhouse gases (Wade, par 4). As these cars are not more environmentally friendly than cars and other motorized vehicles, the horse and buggy proves to be a much more superior choice of transport, powering over even the one of a kind Lamborghini Aventador (which has 750 horsepower, impeccable brakes, and phenomenal steering). The Amish way of life is far cleaner to the environment, and if the world s humans convert immediately, then the world may yet be saved. Scientists have concluded that most of the observed warming is very likely due to the burning of coal, oil, and gas (Carroll, par 1). The Amish do not need to mass farm fish or whale oil. They do not need to melt the ice caps in their path of survival, and they ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Analysis Of Toyota s Cleaner And Greener Initiative Social responsibility as defined in the textbook means that organizations are part of a larger society and are accountable to that society for their actions. Toyota s cleaner and greener initiative strives to create an economically vibrant, efficient fuel technologies, and strategic partnerships to accomplish a mobile society in harmony with the einvornment. (Kerin, 2015). Profit Responsibility A company is profit responsible when they take the proper steps to ensure profits are maximized for owners and stockholders and by doing so in an ethical manner. Toyota has increased profits and has become the top selling brand in the country with over 27 million purchased vehicles in more than 140 countries. Today, Toyota is world s largest ... Show more content on ... The National Park Project was created to bring awareness to creating and restoring a cleaner environment. This initiative donated hybrid cars to national parks to promote a greener and cleaner environment. It also focused on educating and informing park attendees the importance of sustainable mobility. This initiative reached many more consumers than a typical marketing campaign. The National Park Project has strengthened Toyota s image and an environmental leader, gain respect amongst its competitors, became an environmental steward, and increased awareness on advanced vehicle awareness. The program has proved successful with recent surveys ranking Toyota the highest in Leader in High MPG, Leader in Technology Development, Environmentally Friendly Vehicles, and Wins Environmental Awards. Critical Thinking and Application Being corporate responsible to the earth or your immediate surroundings says plenty about the type of company you are and the type of leaders that run it. It shows a level of respect which is one of two values of the Toyota Way . Companies that provide some form of initiative to support a meaningful cause or organization will have a lasting and domino effect. For example, I work in behavioral health and the month of May is Mental Health Awareness month and by the suggestion of an employee we managed to promote extra jean days for the cost of $5 dollars on both Methodist and ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Ironic Theories Of Mind For centuries, inquisitive minds have struggled to comprehend the notion of a non physical soul. They attempted to explain the soul using tangible, representative parts of the human body. Throughout history, scientists and philosophers have explained the representative theories of mind using a variety of logical and experimental techniques. The logical arguments produced cardiovascular and ventricle theories of the mind, and the experimental techniques led to the encephalic theory of mind and medical practices like phrenology and more recently MRI brain scanning. The Greek philosopher Empedocles presented the first mind/soul theory, suggesting the heart and blood were the physical embodiment of the mind/soul. Empedocles cardiocentric view was later termed the cardiovascular theory. Empedocles believed the mind/soul resided in the heart and blood because both were centrally located within the body. Another well known philosopher, Aristotle, agreed with Empedocles belief, but used anatomical observation, instead of logic, to support his claim. Aristotle observed a warm heart and a cold brain while conducting dissections of the deceased. During Aristotle s ... Show more content on ... The encephalic view, popularized by Alcmaeon of Croton, considered the brain to be the physical expression of the soul/mind. The great physician, Hippocrates, reinforced Alcmaeon of Croton with his clinical study of epilepsy. Epilepsy, at the time, was perceived as a spiritual problem. However, Hippocrates strayed from the church s teaching, believing the disease could be explained by natural causes within the brain. The Greek anatomist, Herophilus, gathered further information supporting the encephalic view through careful observation of specialized brain structures. Erasistratus, another Greek anatomist, supported the encephalic view with his study of comparative ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Jake Ruzic Poem Poetry Across the Ages, Jake Ruzic Death is not a foe, but an inevitable adventure. These words expressed by Oliver Lodge perfectly encompasses the idea that although death is imminent, the adventure of life is what to cherish. Death is an issue every person will have to face at some point in their life, no matter how hard you try to avoid it or how impossible it seems. The coming of death may seem unfair or unjust particularly to loose someone prematurely or the death of one s child. However, the person will live on forever through memory s or even through written word such as a poem. Hello I am Jake Ruzic, a lecturer on renaissance poetry and I would like to thank you for inviting me to the Brisbane Writer s Festival for 2018, to discuss ... Show more content on ... It has taught us how people have reacted and interpreted certain situations, such as death. Ben Jonson s On my First Sonne has taught us the devastation the death of a loved one can bring and John Donne s Death be not proud has shown that we need not be afraid of death, but to embrace life. I believe John Donne has conveyed this message the best as it makes us rethink how we see life and challenge us to not fear death. These texts will be relevant throughout time as death will always be around us for our entire lives no matter when you are ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Family In The Outsiders By S. E. Hinton In the novel The Outsiders by S.E Hinton, a major concept is Family. This helps the reader to understand that Darry saved Ponyboy when he got jumped, that Ponyboy thought that Darry treats him awful because he hates him, and that in end of the book Darry and Ponyboy made up their relationship. Ponyboy got saved by Darry while Ponyboy was getting jumped. After leaving the movies, Ponyboy was jumped by the Socs. The Socs almost beat him up but Darry came and saved him. Then someone had me under the armpits and was hauling me to my feet. It was Darry. (pg 6) This explains how Darry came and saved him from the Socs while when Ponyboy was getting jumped. In real life we have to be their for our younger siblings when they need us in difficult ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Social Status In Crick Crack Monkey By Merle Hodges Crick Crack Monkey The book Crick Crack Monkey by Merle Hodges was first published in 1970. Crick Crack Monkey is a story of a young girl name Tee who was raised in Trinidad Tobago. Tee mother Elizabeth passed away giving birth. Tee father right away migrated to England after Tee mother s death. After the death of her mother, Tee was stuck in between two completely different worlds. Tee and her brother Toddan immediately was left in their Aunt s care Tantie. Tantie who was the sister of Tee s father was poor, uneducated and black. While in her Aunt Tantie care, Tee had to learn how to be independent and take up for her own self. In the meantime, Beatrice who is Elizabeth sister was the completely opposite. She was high class, educated and light skin. During the stay at Tantie house Beatrice was fighting for custody of Tee and her brother. She felt that Tantie did not have enough class nor the level of education to raise Tee and her brother as well. Throughout the novel Merle Hodges demonstrate the effect social status can have on a person. Social Status was a main key factor in the novel. Throughout the novel Merle Hodges demonstrates how important having a social status was in the Caribbean. Despite the way that Beatrice felt about Tantie, Tantie was still doing everything in her will to raise Tee and her brother toddan the right way. At first Tee and Aunt Tantie were getting along just fine. Tee even reveals how much she was enjoying her time staying with Tantie. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. What Are The Causes Of The Haitian Revolution In 1791, the Haitian Revolution began. This revolution was the largest slave rebellion in the western hemisphere. Since the start of forced slavery in the Caribbean, there have been many resistance against slavery, revolutions and revolts. Haiti had the most successful in the Caribbean and by the year 1804 slavery was demolished. The results of this revolution have produced a historical memorial that has influenced civil right movements all over the world up to this day. Such a revolution and its effect must have been considered a surprise and an ordinary rebellion that could have been overrun at the time it began. However, circumstances in the Haitian society such as the social hierarchy, ill treatment of slaves and the French revolution, ... Show more content on ... After the rumours of the ill treatment of enslaves in the colonies, the French government was aiming to enforce laws to increase the working conditions that enslaves of St. Dominique were working under. Thus, white planters wanted a form of independence because they didn t agree with the laws that the government were putting in place. They thought that their way of treating enslaves was the best to get the most amount of effort from enslaves. Although the free people of colour were members of a free and educated propertied class the system prevented them from occupying many public headquarters because of their colour. In addition, they were forced to join the French military which most was hesitant to do. Even though they were still struggling for full rights of citizenship, the concept of the equality embedded in the doctrine of The Rights of Man attracted them. Some of these free d colour even made voyages to France to speak on behalf of enslaves for its ending. Some of the poor whites hated the fact that did were not financially stable and coloured people were treated better than them. The bitterness in slaves grew because there was still abuse. In such a society no one could have lived in peace, so tension grew and a political disaster and conflict ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Jesus Of Nazareth Research Paper Today we want to look at the causality that took place in the Garden Tomb during the 6 day war. Two people were buried in the Garden. 1. Jesus of Nazareth. Buried in the tomb of Arimathaea. 2. Mr. Mattar, Palestinian Arabs. Buried in a grave, in the garden near the tomb of Christ. This was the causality of the 6 day war. Both graves are empty. Jesus, was Crucified and rose the third day, leaving his tomb empty. Mr. Mattar, was shot and killed by Jordanian gunfire during the 6 day war and buried in the Garden. His body was exhumed and re interred in a Protestant Cemetery, leaving his tomb empty. There are two places in Jerusalem that claim to be the tomb of Jesus. 1. The Church ... Show more content on ... Mattar who died in the Garden Tomb in June, 1967 as you recall. I will attach an account of his death to this letter as I have just completed a book with the history of the Garden of which this is an excerpt. The following is part of that letter: From the book by Patricia St John, the celebrated children s writer: Patricia St John Tells Her own story. Send the Light publications. The Mattars kept us spellbound with the story of their recent lives. They were Palestinian Arabs who had come to Jerusalem on holiday with their nine children. While there the war broke out between the Jews and Arabs and it became impossible to get back home. Their money was dwindling and the banks were unable to transfer. They and many like them were faced with the problem of real hunger. Mr. Mattar visited the bank daily, but nothing was coming through. A day came when they finished the last of their food for breakfast. So Mr. Mattar gathered his nine children around him and read to them God s promise of provision in the ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Explain The Five Sources Of Law WEEK 11: Discussion board As mentioned in the text Law is a body of rules established by government officials that bind government, individuals, and nongovernment organization. These rules were established to maintain stability and justice. The five sources of law are common law, constitutional law, legislation, executive orders and administrative law. Common law is judge made and is grounded in tradition and previous judicial decisions, instead of in written laws. It was a tradition beginning in England as the United States had former ties to England, they were influenced by it. Constitutional law is the body of law that comes out of the courts in cases involving the interpretation of the constitution. The highest court is the Supreme Court. ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Hewlett-Packard Case Assignment Hewlett Packard Case Assignment Iman Abdur Rahim Prof. Brian Grizzell Principles of Management BUS302 August 19th, 2011 The first problem that I noticed when I read the case was the fact it mentioned that HP was under managed. In 2001, HP had 84,400 employees while Carly Fiorina was Chief Executive Officer ¹. This fact lets me know that there should have been various levels of management from the CEO on down to the first level employees. In order for a company to be successful there has to be a vision and direction should be provided to carry out that vision. As CEO, Carly Fiorina took care of being the face of the company but neglected to provide that much needed direction internally. She could have organized a senior leadership ... Show more content on ... It would appear that HP made the right decision by bringing on Mark Hurd as its new Chief Executive Officer. He was brought in to correct a lot of the management deficiencies that Carly Fiorina left behind. Mark Hurd brought with him a focus on execution and he began working from the bottom up. I think that his method was needed at that time because it works well when dealing with a vertical management structure. All levels must feel important and involved in making the company successful. Although Mark Hurd maybe the face of the company, he is not the only person that keeps it going. As a good leader does, he kept what worked. In this case it was keeping the overall strategy that Carly Fiorina had in place but he provided specific visionary purposes. He had to restructure divisions and ultimately lay off over 14,000 employees to maintain the company s budget goals. In the long run, Mark Hurd made the difficult decisions that needed to be made to bring the company back on track. His actions earned the trust of his employees and therefore I would conclude that he boosted the overall morale of his employees. References 1. Boxer, Barbara. (2010). Ad from sen. barbara boxer attacks carly fiorina for layoffs at hp. Truth O Meter, Retrieved from o meter/statements/2010/sep/17/barbara boxer/ad sen barbara boxer attacks carly fiorina layoffs 2. ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Salvador Dali Research Paper On May 11, 1904, Salvador Dali was born in a town called Figueres located in Catalonia, Spain. Dali started painting when he was six years old. He is a surrealist so his paintings are unreal and unpredictable. His mother was fully supportive about him choosing art as a career. However, his father supported his talent, but he did not believe that art would not lead to a successful life. Dali was a very unique individual. He expressed his dreams through fascinating paintings. I have learned a lot about Dali from this trip. The most interesting thing to me was that he got expelled from college because he refused to take an exam. He was almost done with college but refused to take the exam anyway. It showed that he is filled with courage. He is his own person and no one could tell him different. It also proves to his father that a college degree is not necessary to succeed in life. I admire that courage because all my life, the people around me would always tell me that education is the only way to success. It bothers me because they degrade those who do not go to school. Dali did whatever he believed in, ... Show more content on ... One of his methods is to fall asleep on a couch with his arms dangling on the sides and holing a key in one of his hands. He also placed a plate right under the key so that the key will drop and hit the plate to wake him up before he start to fall into REM sleep. I think that is a smart method to record dreams. When we are awake, we are fully conscious about everything going on so our mind is controlled and our thinking is limited. We make connections with what we already know, our brains think and do work. When we are asleep, we are unconscious so our minds can make connections without any limit. I believe that dreams work differently for everyone. Dreams sometimes reflect what we feel and experienced that day, but it may take a different path than what we ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Leadership Is Effective And Ineffective Notes: Explain what leadership is, when leaders are effective and ineffective, and the sources of power that enable managers to be effective leaders Leadership is effective positive influence by inspiring, motivating and directing other effectively. To achieve the goals of the organization and their personal goal. Effective leadership is the process by which leaders increase the organizations ability to eliminate barriers and enhance engagements. According to our text, Leaders are influential by use of Power. The academic term for power is getting others to accomplish a goal individually or in a group. In theory, Leaders are effective by the way they affect others. Legitimate, Reward, Coercive, Expert and Referent power are all textbook terms to explain how leaders engage others to meet organizational goals. Whether, hiring or firing, bonuses, reprimand, technical expertise and character or respect of the leader. In my opinion, Exact Networking replaces power in the post modern era. Which includes a high level of empowerment. Shareholders and stakeholders whom have greater knowledge, training and decisive decision making ability are able to perform without very little leadership. Engagements are based on engagements to the organization, which is determined by leadership strategies. At Audocs, we Enable Effective leadership and Empower users or clients. Implementing leadership Strategies that are based on a Consistent automated workflow and platform, Audocs and its ... Get more on ...
  • 31. American Beauty Movie Review Final Essay Diva Denissov American Beauty is a classic example of a family in deep seated conflict and conflict management. The four horsemen are employed here regularly by the main character of Kevin Spacey who plays the role of Lester Burnham, a depressed suburban father in a mid life crisis and a badgered and repressed husband who is absolutely contemptuous of his wife Caroline Burnham who is played by Annette Benning. Caroline is likewise contemptuous of Lester and his laizze faire way of negotiating through life. Caroline is a Realtor who is seeking status and approval from the outside world, her friends and her peers. Lester on the other hand is not seeking anything but to be comfortable and to find some semblance of balance in his ... Show more content on ... The neighbors are mirrors of each other, but the express their dysfunctions differently. The main theme here is the dysfunctional nature of these two families who live right next door. Lester is a man of character and principles, but he is simply disempowered by his conflict styles and tactics. He is out of touch with himself and his wife, because he does not know what he wants out of his life. He is out of touch entirely with his world and hates his job, does not know his daughter any more and despises his wife for how she has changed from the hippie girl he married 20 years previously. They do not talk about anything of importance, they do not talk about plans or goals or wants or things that make them happy. They only talk about or discuss the things that irritate and annoy each other. They are both confrontational and also avoiding of their feelings. Caroline is inflexible and dominant but yet she is passive aggressive over things that are trivial and of no real consequence. She is completely consumed with attaining the acknowledgment of her peers in her profession. She thinks of that as being the most important thing she can work towards or attain. She is completely unavailable for her daughter and her daughter is going though a very challenging ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Transportation And Warehouse Management Essay Transportation and Warehouse Management SUMMARY The report is on how transportation and warehouse management plays a vital role in the supply chain, different modes of transports that involve in the freight movement from one location to another. The amount of time to deliver a product to customers will show the effect on company s future, so the company has to follow some steps to have a better mode of transportation for less cost and delivery time. The primary objective of this project is to show how the transportation and warehouse management systems are used to overcome the problems that are faced in transportation and storage quickly and some of the key elements in WMS and TMS. Transportation management: Globalization has increased the importance and role of transportation in supply chain management. Transportation plays a vital role in increasing the Gross Domestic product. It involves the movement of the manufactured product from one location to the another location or the customer safely. Transportation plays a vital role in the supply chain because the probability of using the produced product on the same site is almost negligible. Now, transportation is one of the primary factors which can affect the economy of the company when it is not efficient, safe and reliable. Delivering the products on time directly to the customers has been increasing significantly in these recent years which can be accomplished only with transportation management, resulting ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Effects Of The Forbidden City And The Forbidden City A 7.8 Million square foot city, the Forbidden City home to 24 emperors was built by the Ming Dynasty in the 15th century. Building such a massive palace and city calls for many different ideas to build such city. This may consist of the symmetry of the city, as well as the strategically placed palaces and homes throughout it. While the Forbidden City was closed off too most people, anyone that did have the amazing opportunity to enter the Forbidden City were thoroughly impressed by the astonishing architecture and extravagant art work that filled the palaces to the brim. Those that were allowed in were required to dismount their horses and proceed on foot into the courtyard, where they were all greeted by the five marble bridges giving them passage across what was called the Golden River. While the Forbidden City has been built upon symmetry and power it also shows the separation of the public and private sectors very well, and while this architecture is quite extravagant it provides and shows different effects on the socialization between the public and private sectors of the Forbidden City. The Forbidden City has been built upon symmetry, shown in figure 1 the city is surrounded by a wall, approximately 30 feet high. There is only one entrance and one exit, in the front of the city, The Meridian Gate. Upon entering the Meridian Gate at the front of the Forbidden City, a common area is presented to the guests, where a small river moves quietly and peacefully throughout ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Relationship Between Female And Economic Growth Essay A Research about the Relationship between Female Rights and Economic Growth Yingru Ouyang April, 2015 Economics Abstract Previous research has provided robust evidence for proving the positive correlation between education and economic development. However, those studies do not specifically analyze how the female s availability to education rights has changed over time and the implications of those changes in relation to the economic development. Furthermore, I will also discuss how women s other rights change contribute to economic development. Initially, to assess women s availability to these rights, I use administrative records from CIRI Human Rights Project. I find substantial changes in the female s rights affect the economic growth between 2005 and 2014. Those changes are used to conclude that the progress of women s rights has a negative impact on economic growth. Keywords: (Women s economic rights women s political rights women s social rights economic development) Introduction Nowadays, women enjoyed their equal legal rights with men. But this phenomenon was not the same as the old time. In a long period of time ago, most of the women in the world are considered as people who do not deserve to have rights, no matter women in the richest countries or the poorest countries. For example, in 1772 B.C., one of the most civilised countries, Babylonia has issued the world s first law called Code of Hammurabi. Code of Hammurabi combined a lot of judicial ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Is The Flimsy Switch Morally Wrong Now, considering what Chituc and Henne have written there, consider the following trolley scenario of my own. You can call it The Flimsy Switch: Version A: Smith is standing next to a signal switch and notices a trolley is heading toward five men (all strangers to her) who will die if nothing is done. Smith realizes that turning this switch will send the out of control train down a side track, where there is a single person tied to the track, who she recognizes as her good friend Ramirez, and who will inevitably die if Smith throws the switch. Unbeknownst to Smith, the switch is actually quite flimsy, and when she decides to throw the switch, it breaks and the trolley careens into the five, killing them all. Now, answer the following question: Immediately after the switch breaks (rendering it inoperable), and before the trolley has passed, ought Smith throw the switch? Explain your response. Has Smith done anything wrong? ... Show more content on ... It s the same because she doesn t know the switch is flimsy. I would say it is morally justified to throw the switch because there still (in her mind) would be a chance for her friend to get out of the way. Smith has done nothing morally wrong because she couldn t have known the five would still die; although, I m not sure Ramirez would still be her good friend if she found out Smith was going to sacrifice her. Smith did not intentionally try killing Ramirez in this situation and has therefore done nothing ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Essay Brazil s Development Without Long Term Damage to the... Brazil s Development Without Long Term Damage to the Amazon Introduction As part of this essay I will be discussing the issues involved with Brazil s Amazon rainforest and how they as a country can use the rainforests resources for their development, without impairing the ability to use those resources in the future. In other words it is saying that Brazil should not cause long term damage to the rainforest when extracting resources. This is called sustainable development, and as it suggests, it means to sustain the environment whilst also continuing to develop their needs. However, there are several issues surrounding this, some people are for sustainable development and others disagree and ... Show more content on ... Staring with the arguments against development using the rainforest, these are mainly viewed by conservationists, environmentalists and researchers. They feel that deforestation will have major consequences on the planet in the future. The damage is most threatening to the ecosystem, which all have knock on effects. For example, once the trees are cut down it firstly causes many species of life to lose their habitats, without the covering canopy of trees it also exposes the soil. With the heavy rainfall on the soil it causes flooding and erosion. The actual climate is also disturbed because it does not allow the constant evaporation and transpiration, disrupting rainfall. It can all eventually lead to desertification. The lack of trees will also increase the levels of carbon dioxide in the air and accelerate global warming. This is what many people fear to lose, as well as the many range of plants that provide us with chocolate and also some of the most important medicines and cures. However, there are also many beneficial factors of development. Some people argue that why have the different plants and trees that give us fine furniture, chocolate and coffee if they are not going to be used in development to eventually be sold to us. The people of Brazil rely on this development to maintain what is their daily life. As Brazil is an LEDC it needs to exploit the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Jfk Assassination Theories And just as the president got straight in front of us... the third shot rang out. And I can remember seeing the side of President Kennedy s head come off ( The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza 27). On November 22, 1963 President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, and since that day people have debated who actually killed him. There are many theories on how he was killed and who killed John F. Kennedy, the many theories are the lone assassin theory that the Warren Commission used stating that Lee Harvey Oswald was the only shooter and he killed John F. Kennedy there are theories that claim the Mafia had John F. Kennedy killed, and there are theories that the CIA had John F. Kennedy killed. To start of this paragraph will cover the trip that ... Show more content on ... The CIA had reasons to want John F. Kennedy not to be president. Because of what happened at the Bay of Pigs JFK reached his maximum dislike for the agency and it was said John F. Kennedy had made it clear that he planned to destroy the CIA... (Kennedy) said that he wanted to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds (Lane 93). And JFK believed that after the 1964 election, he would be able to resolve the issue with the CIA by forcing J. Edgar Hoover to resign and he would be able to create a new international intelligence agency. (Lane 97). The CIA could have kept the true information about the assassination a secret from the public because The justice department s softness on the CIA dates from a 1954 agreement between the two agencies which, in effect, gave the CIA the right to block prosecution or keep a crime a secret in the name of national security (Lane 114) Three years after the report had been issued, President Johnson told his White house staff member and political operative Marvin Watson that he was convinced that there was a plot in connection with the assassination. He added that he felt that the CIA had something to do with this plot (Lane 109). With the CIA s abilities, they could have easily covered up that they were the ones that killed John F. Kennedy and it was easy to blame it on Lee Harvey Oswald because he defected to Russia and he had ties to Cuba. Also, they had the motive to kill JFK if they knew that he wanted to dismantle the ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Diversity Policies Of Australia Disability Discrimination is a behaviour that is unlawful and unacceptable toward people that have a disability. Besides that, there is over four million Australians that have disability living in Australia (1). Therefore, Disability Discrimination Act 1992 was launched in order to protect people with disabilities so that they can have normal life as others. Australia Post was chosen in order to explain in details about the Act as well as diversity policies that the company uses within the company. Australia Post is one of the most culturally diverse workforce in Australia with 32,732 employees, 136 nationalities and speak 65+ languages (2). The statistic in their Annual Report shows that they have 39.1% women, 1.6% Indigenous ... Show more content on ... (11) It also makes all behaviours that discriminate disabled people by any person, business or authority become illegal (10). The Act makes sure that disabled people that will have the same opportunities and chances in employment, education, transport etc. with people that do not have disability (10) The legislation has its influence on people s behaviour, organisation s workforce policies and community including: Employment. Education. Access to premises used by the public Provision of goods, services and facilities Accommodation. Buying land. Activities of clubs and associations. Sport. Administration of Commonwealth Government laws and programs. (12) 3.How does the Act promote diversity within an organisation s workforce? Disability Discrimination Act 1992 was created to protect people with disability. Therefore, in order to follow the law, eliminate disability discrimination in the workforce as well as improve productivity and increase efficiency of the company, the organisation has to review and create new policies and procedure and disability action plan that are under human rights and anti discrimination law (6) The organisation has to offer some training and assistance to employees so that they can understand and work well with disabled people. Besides that, the company also has to consider about working time flexibility for disabled people because some people need to use medicine that can affect ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Regional Integration And International Business There are many definitions that could pertain to what Regional Integration means depending on the context, but generally it implies two things. First, integration can be the combination of parts into a whole or in other words it could mean the completion of an object by combining parts together and secondly region suggests an area having definable boundaries or characteristics. Having both regional integration combined in the context of international business, implies the attempt to create free trade between two of more nations, becoming a staple to harmonizing tariff rates, freedom of movement of goods and services, persons and capital. The need for regional integration dates back all the way to ancient civilizations from allowing for its economic prosperity, political influence, and recently for its creation and maintaining peace amongst nations. With a law of this magnitude it is important for business persons to be aware when conducting foreign business in an integrated region, because it is the integration law that supersedes a countries law, an example could be Germany s law could be on a lesser level then the law of the European Union. Now the magnitude of the integrated region can be evaluated on the agreed upon level between countries, there are currently six progressive levels of regional integration starting with Free Trade Area, and building upon the free trade area each level adds additional laws that would help create a closer relationship between two nations ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Life and Times of Sir Isaac Newton Essay Sir Isaac Newton was born on January 4, 1643 (based on the Gregorian calendar) in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England. Growing up, he was never really close to his parents because his biological father died three months before he was born. Then, his mother remarried and left him to be raised by his grandparents. It was not until 1661, when Newton started studying at Cambridge University, that Newton took an interest in math and science. Then, in 1665, Newton was forced to go home because of an epidemic outbreak. During his time away from school, Newton started studying optics, math, and gravity. In addition, he started to create Calculus. Newton was allowed to return to Cambridge in 1667, and in 1669, he became a math professor. In ... Show more content on ... A few scientists who lived just before Newton s life were Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Robert Hooke. Copernicus discovered the heliocentric theory. This idea was revolutionary because before his theory, people believed that the sun revolved around the earth (geocentric theory). However, Copernicus presented the theory that the earth revolved around the sun (heliocentric theory). Another scientist, Galileo Galilei, created the first telescope. Thus, with his new invention, he was able to see the Milky Way, features of the Moon, and Jupiter s moons. While observing Jupiter s moons, he saw that the moons orbited around Jupiter, not earth. With this new information, he was able to disprove the geocentric theory because Jupiter s moons did not orbit around Earth, but rather Jupiter. Galileo also found that everything fell at the same speed. He tested this theory by dropping two balls (one heavier and one lighter) off of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. They both hit the ground at the same time ( Astronomy and Space for Kids ). In addition, Galileo proposed the idea of inertia ( The Scientific Revolution ). Robert Hooke was another notable scientist of that time. Hooke created the law of elasticity. This law states that, the stretching of a solid body (e.g., metal, wood) is proportional to the force applied to it (The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica). Hooke also invented the Gregorian reflecting telescope. Through this invention ... Get more on ...
  • 41. A GSM Base Device 1 Problem Statement A GSM base device creates severe interference with a wireless infrastructure. It can be used to activate any explosive device in an indoor environment. Moreover, a GSM signal is also very likely to interfere with wireless network, employed by emergency and/or confidential departments. 2 Aims Objectives The motive of this paper is to propose a novel band stop Frequency Selective Surface (FSS). The proposed FSS provides security to wireless networks used by sensitive areas. It also provides security to explosive devices by blocking both GSM 900 and GSM 1800 frequency bands. A ringing cell phone can be very irritating in places of adoration, classrooms, and hospitals. Trans European Trunked Radio GSM (TETRA GSM) is a bidirectional communication technology informally known to Walkie Talkie. This well known technology used by emergency amenities, armed forces, law enforcement and other government agencies. Moreover, a mobile phone signal can be used to explode an ammunition lorry, an incendiary bomb or any other explosive device, in an indoor environment or other extremely sensitive areas. Many of these areas usually use jammers and other variants of reflectors to reflect and/or block GSM signal. However, these reflectors have limitation in sense that they disturb other type of wireless communication too. Therefore, there is a need to design an innovative reflector which can block only desired signals. 3 Literature Review The rapid ... Get more on ...
  • 42. The History Of Greek Mythology Greek mythology is used for the explanation on how humankind lived. Religion was the main source of myths. There were many things it was used for like the explanation on how Gods, Goddesses, monsters and mythical creatures lived in ancient times. This mythology explained the origin of gods and their lifestyle and where humanity would go after death. The original gods were Uranus and Gaia. They had a total twelve Titans, one of the most known and powerful Titan was named Iapetus, he repr. During the Golden Age when Uranus was defeated, Iapetus was in charge of the Western part of the mythological world, until he was defeated by Zeus and imprisoned. Iapetus was a Titan god from Greek mythology, from the preceding generation to Zeus and other olympians. Iapetus was the son of Ouranos (sky) and Gaia (earth) ... Show more content on ... When Zeus fought against his father Cronus and other Titans, the Golden Age finalized. Iapetus was one of the best and destructive fighters. Iapetus and Zeus at one point fought against each other. Zeus punished the Titans by sending them to Tartarus, where they were imprisoned. Iapetus and Cronus were not the exception. These events between Titan and Olympians lasted ten years of war during the Titanomachy. Iapetus had four children, Atlas, Prometheus, Epimetheus, Menoetius from a second generation of Titans. They would make Zeus angry and were punished to a degree depending on their acts. Iapetus ironically lost his power against Zeus although him being considered the most destructive and powerful. As one can see, Greeks used Greek Mythology to help people understand how the world was created and how things came to be. Although there are many myths, Iapetus the god of mortality was a very important and fascinating mythical creature because he was one of the first twelve titans. His myth was important to greek mythology because he represented mortality as well as ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Securities Market Abstract The terms securities market in Viet Nam is quite strange to the public while in many countries in the world, it have been developing dynamically. The securities market has its own attraction because of its important role to a national economy and interest for investors. Investing and growing securities market is one of the best ways to enrich our economy and create many opportunities for us. It can be only flourished if there are lots of investors with enough knowledge about securities. This report will provide some information about securities market in Viet Nam, make clear kinds of securities and introduce some major participants in Viet Nam capital market. Realizing the importance of securities market, we should spend more ... Show more content on ... Yields on municipal bonds are often lower than corporate or Treasurybonds with comparable maturities, because of the important advantage of not being taxed at the government level. The feature of this bond is low default risk, may be exempt from local authorities taxes and not very attractive. c. Corporate bond A type of bonds is issued by a corporation.Corporate bonds often pay higher rates than government or municipal bonds, because they tend to be riskier. The bondholder receives interest payments (yield) and the principal, usually 100,000VND, is repaid on a fixed maturity date (bonds can mature anywhere between 1 to 30 years). Generally, changes in interest rates are reflected in bond prices. Bonds are considered to be less risky than stocks, since the company has to pay off all its debts (including bonds) before it handles its obligations to stockholders. Corporate bonds have a wide range of ratings and yields because the financial health of the issuers can vary widely. The most popular types of this bond is convertible bonds. However, nowadays, many corporations choose to issue floating rate bonds; MOF estimated that there were about 18,000 floating rate bonds are issued in 2011. The feature of this bond is time saving, reducing cost ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Holt Renfrew and Co Limited SWOT Analysis Essay Holt Renfrew Situational Analysis Item | So What? | Holt Renfrew is owned by The Wittington Group, headed by Canadian business leader Galen Weston | The owner of Holt Renfrew is quite large, likely has the financial resources available to back up any capital investments required. | Tony Kelly is a new employee to Holt Renfrew | New employees in an organization are often more likely to pick up on areas for improvement than someone who has been in that environment for so long. More able and willing to promote and implement radical change. | They stores peak seasons are March/April, July/August, November/December | This means that 6 months of the time Holt Renfrew sales fall significantly. This is half of the year! Significant ... Show more content on ... The majority of Canadians cannot afford the high end designer cosmetics and fragrances they sell. * They are a major competitor in their market, in Canada they are the only retailer I can think of that sells the level of high end designer goods. * They have a significant inventory problem which is likely covering up other operational problems * Holt Renfrew orders product several months in advance, reducing the supply base will allow them to build closer relationships with suppliers. A result may be reduced lead time. * $40 to $60 Million in inventory is received in the DC each month. This is obviously too much as merchandise not sold is taken to the secondary warehouse. The secondary warehouse is full. * Staff in store spend a lot of time expediting shipments likely because of the distribution centers inventory problem , they do not seem to have a system, either random, fixed or hybrid * Staff are constantly following up on order delivery status with suppliers and transportation service providers. There is no order confirmation method so they do not have any idea when orders are coming in or rather should be coming in. Implementing a supplier order confirmation, supplier management, system could significantly improve visibility of expected delivery dates of orders so planners/buyers can be aware of when expedites are required * Every time a store called to track down a ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Compare Shakespeare s Relationship To Other Characters In... Hamlet Related to Others by Shakespeare How does Shakespeare relate Hamlet to other characters in the first two acts? What about Hamlet is the same or different about the other characters? In the first two acts, Shakespeare creates Hamlet s character in relation to other characters like Gertrude, Claudius, and Laertes. Shakespeare relates Hamlet to Gertrude, Hamlet s mother. First, But two months dead nay, not so much, not two./So excellent a king, that was to this/ Hyperion to a satyr, (Shakespeare 26). This could conclude that Hamlet thinks very highly of his father, but Gertrude doesn t think the same since she remarried so quickly.Next, Frailty, thy name is woman! , (Shakespeare 28). The reader could interpret this as Hamlet thinks his mom is weak and dislikes her more and more for the things she has done towards his dead father. Lastly, O most wicked speed, to post/With such dexterity to incesutous sheets! , (Shakespeare 28). Hamlet thinks his mother is in an act of incest and thinks she is wrong for sleeping with him, but Gertrude clearly doesn t think the same since ... Show more content on ... For example, So excellent a king, that was to this/Hyperion to a satyr, (Shakespeare 26). The reader could conclude that Hamlet thinks Claudius is nothing compared to King Hamlet, and Claudius doesn t feel the same way. Claudius even asks Hamlet to call him father. In addition, married with my uncle,/My father s brother, but no more like my father/ Than I to Hercules, (Shakespeare 28). Hamlet thinks Claudius compared to King Hamlet is like Hamlet to Hercules. Meaning Claudius is nowhere as good as King Hamlet in Hamlet s eyes. Finally, But to persever/ In obstinate condolement is a course/ Of impious stubbornness. Tis unmanly grief, (Shakespeare 24). Claudius thinks Hamlet is overdoing his mourning and thinks he should get over his father s death. Claudius and Hamlet don t get along because Claudius thinks he is better than King ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Navajo Immersion Study The Navajo immersion programs in the American Southwest are very interesting because they have been very successful in teaching Navajo without sacrificing the student s academic performance or their proficiency in English. McCarty (2013) noted that The Tséhootsooí Diné Bí ólta is one such immersion school where Navajo immersion students consistently outperform students from English only classrooms on standardardized tests. Another immersion program, Puente de Hózhó, has also consistently outperformed their peers in more traditional monolingual English programs. These immersion programs have had many challenges receiving funding, maintaining their right to teach Native languages in public schools, and scoring well enough to not invite outside criticism. The educators working at these schools are motivated to keep their academic performance high in order to ... Show more content on ... However, within the United States, I think it would also be beneficial to promote immersion schools modeled after the Navajo immersion programs. When speaking about Puente de Hózhó, the school s co founder Michael Fillerup claimed that, the vision was to create a school where each child s language and culture was regarded not as a problem to be solved but as an indispensable resource (2013, p. 132). It would be interesting to see if academic performance is increased because there is some flexibility for students who aren t native speakers of English, or if English speaking students also benefit from learning an additional language. I suspect there are a lot of benefits that can be gained for students of all language backgrounds, and the United States should be more open to instructing students based on the needs of local ... Get more on ...
  • 47. The Theme of Loneliness in I Am the King of the Castle Essay The novel I am the King of the Castle clearly explores the themes of loneliness, sadness and depression in its plot. All of the main characters have difficulties with relationships and end up facing depressive moments and experiences, some insignificant but some crucial and terrifying. Joseph Hooper (father), Edmund Hooper (son) and Charles Kingshaw are three characters showing explicit loneliness almost throughout the whole novel. Their loneliness is shown by several reasons and caused by a large number of factors, most involving family issues. Joseph Hooper s loneliness is caused mainly by his everyday lifestyle and habits. The loss of his wife made him deserted and very distant from his own son, Edmund Hooper. He is ... Show more content on ... When he says to Miss Kingshaw I am a lonely man right after he meets her, we can immediately spot his sexual urge. Joseph Hooper is a portrait of failure. His lack of action towards his son and Miss Kingshaw shows he is a very reserved guy, but actually this is not the way he wanted to be. His fears of being rejected and abandoned control him even though on the inside he wants to take action. He lacks confidence. We can see his deficiency towards Edmund when instead of controling him and punishing after a fight he thinks to himslef Perhaps I should strike him. Perhaps it is very foolish to let him get the upper hand. Edmund, even when he feels sad, rejects intimacy with Mr Hooper when he says It is fine, I am all right after his father questions him about his state , pushing there relationship further away. He competes with his own son which demonstrates weakness. Charles Kingshaw is the son of Helena Kingshaw. He has lost his father and is also not close to his mother at all. She tries to educate him but in a very superficial way and has inability to understand him. It even seems as if it is an obligation of her part and her life is more important than any other thing. Kingshaw hates everything at Warnings at his first impressions. His mom doesen t have any proper affection for him and dosen t even notice he hates Warnings and really suffers there. He ... Get more on ...
  • 48. The Idea Of Natural Selection The idea of anthropocentrism provides comfort to humans. It posits that in this messy, incomprehensible world, we are still the central species. This idea allows, and even encourages, humans to view the world through a very anthropological lens and assume that, because we are the dominant and most important species, nature works in human terms and is the domain of man. The idea of creationism is very anthropocentric itself. In the Hebrew Bible, man was created before all other animals and designed in God s image. He was given domain over nature by God as well. This idea of human supremacy and exceptionalism has persisted into modernity, but the advent of Darwin s evolutionary theory altered human s perception of themselves and the natural world. The typical belief in human dominance was shaken through Darwin s idea of natural selection and evolution which posited that humans, just as all other species descended from some one prototype (484). The descendants of this one prototype evolved based on natural selection. Evolution led to the creation of all organisms, living and extinct, including humans. The theory of evolution challenged the ideas of human exceptionalism and anthropocentrism by including humans in the same category as all other organisms, organisms that we as humans feel superior to. In evolutionary theory, humans become simply another species that managed to survive the struggle for existence rather than a master of nature created in the image of ... Get more on ...
  • 49. The Central Problem Of Depression Prevention In 2003, Robert Lucas an esteemed professor at the university of Chicago and winner of the 1995 Nobel memorial prize in economics gave the presidential address at the annual meetings of the American Economics Association. The central problem of depression prevention , he declared, Has been solved for all practical purposes . He asserted that macro economics had not so much extinguished the cycle of recession but had some what tamed it, it was now time to focus on long term economic growth. (Krugman:2008) On 15th September , 2008, Lehman brothers went under. In the following weeks, the Federal Reserve (FED) and the United States treasury nationalized Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac(the two largest mortgage companies) and they took over the ... Show more content on ... What investors and officials believed to be the storm in entitreity was merely a false alarm, the catalyst for what would follow less than a decade later. Between April 1997 and June 2003, the bubble was witnessed, where a series of investors contributed to technology services and internet start up companies in anticipation of a success which was not entirely delivered. ( After the bubble had burst, the American and global economy appeared like it would endure a period of stability under the speculation of many senior economist, following 2001 however, the housing market and the American dream became the New thing with a backdrop of securitization bonds and CDO s. (USA Journal) The federal reserve and Robert Greenspan contributed to the craze, a response to the prior bust. The central bank kept short term interest rates low and created liquidity, it produced a credit fueled boom where the general consensus was that borrowing was the only way to live, in the UK for example, household debt as a percentage of post tax income was at an average 100 percent prior to 2000, by 2007 however, it had nearly reached 175 percent. Not only were people who could not previously afford mortgages taking part, but the middle class also began to accumulate housing assets, middle class households used the rising value of their homes to pay ... Get more on ...