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April 2014
Economic Review 2014
Advertising Review (IPA Bellwether Q4 2013)
Insight Tools OCS6
- Out-of-Home Consumer Survey
Mobile Insights
- Convergent Solutions for High Street Retailers
Consumer and Digital Trends for 2014
Media Owner Insights
JCDecaux Airport
- Airport Research Identifies How High Net Worth Business
Travellers are at the Forefront of Social and Technology Adoption
Clear Channel
- Clear Channel Identifies the “Spend Now Save Later” Mentality
of the Ngen Audience
Exterion Media
- Exterion Media Make it Easy to Access Urban Audience Insights
- Primesight Continue to Promote Their “Results are our Culture” Approach
- JCDecaux Mobile Geo-Fencing Research Confirms the Importance
of Size and Stature in the Mall Environment
- Admedia Research Demonstrates the Prevalence, Value and
Desires of Mall Shopping Amongst the Student Population
Contents GDP Growth
Q2 Q3 Q4
Quarterly Changes in GDP 2008 - 2013
Internet as a % of all Retail Sales
(January Monthly Figures for Each Year)
8.7 9.4
10.5 10.7
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
8.7 9.4
10.5 10.7
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Talk to us: /
#clearthinking / @clearchanneluk
Clear Channel UK33 Golden Square /London / W1F 9JT / United Kingdom
T +
44 (0)20 7478 2200
Matthew Walker
D +44(0)2074782941
D +44(0)2074782970
JamesChipm an
D +44(0)2074782343
E james.chipm
Where bigideas arewelcome
Voucher or
Free Wi-Fi Competition To find out
about more
about the
Fill some
time while
I wait for
e.g. music/
Country: UK Date: May/June 2013 Base: Total Respondents (265)
Just to see
how it works
Play a game To pay for/
order goods/
Comment via
social media
Reasons for interacting with OOH
Control Group
No Mall
Spontaneous Brand Awareness for
Dior (Beauty/Fragrance Category) 19% 39% 40%
Spontaneous Advertising Awareness
for Dior (Beauty/Fragrance Category) 18% 29% 29%
Advertising Awareness for Dior
attributed to OOH in Shopping Mall n/a 24% 33%
Prompted Advertising Recall for Dior 55% 64% 66%
Premium Brand Perceptions for Dior
“High End”
Dior Consideration 19% 22% 26%
Dior Recommendation 28% 36% 43%21
GDP Growth
Q2 Q3 Q4
Economic Review 2014
Source: Office for National Statistics
2013 UK Economy Grew at Twice the Rate Previously
Forecasted by HM Treasury
The UK economy grew by 0.7% in the fourth quarter of 2013, bringing the annual growth rate to 1.9%,
according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). This figure was double the 0.9% previously forecast
for the year by HM Treasury.
This rosier GDP figure has been portrayed as a sign of recovery by the government, albeit a cautious and
precarious one: “The economy is growing robustly as lifting uncertainty and thawing credit conditions
start to unlock pent-up demand. But significant headwinds — both at home and abroad — remain, and
there is a long way to go before the aftermath of the financial crisis has cleared and economic conditions
normalise” (Bank of England).
The picture for 2014 appears more positive too, with new forecasts placing UK GDP growth at 2.7%
(HM Treasury). According to a snapshot of views of the UK’s top economists from the BBC, interest
rates in the UK are unlikely to rise this year. An overwhelming majority, 93% of the 28 economists polled,
think rates will still be 0.5% at the end of 2014, with more than half predicting the first rise will be in the
second half of 2015. More than 40% believe unemployment will fall to 7% in 2014, from 7.2% now.
Global growth is projected to strengthen moderately. This is driven largely from the advanced economies,
where output is expected to expand at a pace of circa 2% in 2014, about 0.75% more than in 2013.
However growth in the Euro area will be held back by the very weak economies in the periphery, whilst
emerging markets and developing economies are projected to expand by about 5% in 2014 (IMF, 2014).
Quarterly Changes in UK GDP 2008 - 2013
UK GDP Growth
Advertising Review
Source: Nielsen adDynamix
Continued Growth in OOH with Positive Predictions for
Both OOH and the Market in 2014
Warc’s Consensus Forecast is an aggregate based on a weighted average of predictions from various
sources, including advertising agencies, media monitoring companies and industry bodies. For all media,
they predict a 5.4% growth for 2014. In monetary terms, UK adspend is now expected to reach a total of
£18.8bn in 2014.
With regards to outdoor, Q4 2013 OOH expenditure figure of £277.3m represents a growth of 7.2%
YoY and was the largest revenue ever reported for a quarter in the UK (OMC). Digital revenue amounted
to £64.6m, up 15% YoY, and also the largest revenue for a quarter, accounting for 23% of the total.
For the year as a whole, OOH revenues were up 2.0% in 2013 and now stand on the brink of breaking
the billion-pound mark, at £990m. The Warc/Ad Association forecasts state that outdoor now represents
10.1% of total display, considerably higher than a decade ago.
Underpinning this growth has been a continued period of sustained investment by more than a dozen
media owners, chiefly in new digital sites. Around £50m is estimated to have been invested in the past
year in sites across, for example, airports, malls, railway stations, roadside, supermarkets, free-standing
units in pedestrian precincts, and an ever expanding array of spectacular large format sites in Britain’s
major cities.
Looking at category spend within OOH, motoring made a welcome return in 2013 with the launch of 22
new car models significantly increasing spend by 16%. While this volume is unlikely to be repeated in
2014, the relevance of OOH for this category has been re-established. Entertainment & Leisure is still
the leading category accounting for 20% of OOH spend and forecasts are strong for 2014. Finance also
climbed back in 2013 with a +36% YoY growth which is expected to continue in 2014. The Telecoms
category remains the second biggest category for OOH despite decreasing spend YoY and again is
expected to be a driver of growth in 2014.
OOH Top Ten Spend Categories in 2013 vs 2012
IPA Bellwether Q4 2013
Source: IPA Bellwether January 2014
The Last Two Quarters in 2013 Generated the Highest Ever
Marketing Budget Revisions in IPA Bellwether’s History
The Bellwether survey signalled a further upward revision to marketing budgets, extending the current
run of growth to five quarters. The net balance (% companies reporting an increase minus % companies
reporting a decrease) of +11% was the second highest in the survey’s history (the highest being recorded
at +12.3% in the previous Q3 2013). This reflected another marked upward revision to budgets as the
calendar year came to a close.
Continued upward revisions to total marketing budgets during the fourth quarter coincided with companies
remaining highly confident about their own financial prospects and that of their wider industry. The net
balance of companies that have become more optimistic regarding their own financial prospects was +47%.
In line with the better economic environment, which has tended to support general business confidence
in recent quarters, companies are also positive about industry financial prospects in the coming months.
The net balance was unmoved at a series-record high of +35.4% in Q4, with around 43% of the survey
panel growing more confident about industry financial prospects.
Ongoing strong upward revisions to marketing budgets and continued confidence in Q4 suggests that
2013 financial year budgets will indeed have come in higher than seen in 2012. Executives had flagged
early last year positive plans for 2013 budgets, with a net balance of +13.5% of companies expecting to
see a rise relative to 2012.
Meanwhile, provisional data for 2014 financial year budget plans suggests marketing executives are
confident of further growth. A net balance of +25.8% of companies have seen their initial budgets rise
for 2014, which is the most optimistic reading since 2008.
Marketing budgets and business confidence
Budget revisions, % net balance
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Financial prospects for your com pany
Total m arketing budget revisions
Financial prospects, % net balance Both series shown on the left
are derived from the Bellwether
survey panel of 300 marketing
Financial prospects:
“Taking all things into
less optimistic about the financial
prospects for your company than
you did three months ago?”
Marketing budgets:
“In the last three months, has
your total marketing budget for
the current financial year been
revised up or down, or is it
Posterscope launched the 6th edition of its Out-of-Home Consumer Survey (OCS) in February 2014.
This survey based on over 6,800 adults includes many valuable new planning insights particularly around
moods and mindsets, grocery shopping and the use of mobile platforms for researching products and services.
Mindset planning in OOH
In OCS, for nine different activities such as commuting, socialising, exercising and doing the school run,
we are able to identify what consumers are predominantly thinking about across 28 different topic areas.
So, for example, commuting is a key time for escapism and day dreaming about holidays and your love
life, whilst family and the evening meal are the main things on parents’ minds when doing the school run.
OCS also allows us to see how moods vary across 21 different activities and travel times such as
shopping on the high street or travelling by rail. For example, below we identified how consumers’ moods
at airports varied based on their reason for travel. Those travelling for leisure are excited and happy, yet
the most prominent mood for business travel is boredom.
Business Travellers
Insight Tools OCS6
Think better of brand
that sponsored free
Wi-Fi in OOH location
(Index 140)
I sometimes use
free Wi-Fi offered
in OOH locations
(Index 157)
Out-Of-Home Consumer Survey 6 Generates Valuable
Insights on Mindset and Mobile Planning in the OOH Space
Source: OCS
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Waiting in an airport for a reason other than work Waiting in an airport for a work/study trip
Retail therapy is an obvious cure for this but more and more brands are offering experiential events or
services, such as sponsored Wi-Fi to entertain travellers. OCS insight tells us that business travellers
often use free Wi-Fi in OOH locations and think better of brands that sponsor this.
In 2013 Credit Suisse offered business travellers at London City Airport free Wi-Fi and used table
placement advertising to inform passengers of the service. On accessing the Wi-Fi landing page click
through rates to the Credit Suisse website were three times higher amongst business travellers who had
seen the table placement advertising than those who accessed the Wi-Fi of their own accord.
For more information about Posterscope’s international offering around airports please visit
PSI’s website at
Personality segmentation that determines consumer behaviour and attitudes
to advertising
In OCS6 there is also a new segmentation around Personality types founded on the psychological
principle of Trait Theory. 5 core factors are identified around personality and consumers are classified
from level 1-5 for each of these.
There are many planning applications of this personality segmentation from understanding target audiences
in more depth, to more specific OOH applications such as identifying the type of people who are most likely to
engage with OOH advertising opportunities.
For example, 75% of those who score very highly (Level 5) for “Extroversion” agree they would take part in
experiential events if they were fun/exciting (Index 144). Not only would these people get involved, but 60%
would also consider purchasing the product/service after being present at the experiential event (Index 144)
and 36% would share their experience online (Index 185).
For more information about Posterscope’s experiential offering please visit psLIVE’s website at:
(Level 1/2) Factor
(Level 4/5)
Mobile planning in the OOH space
The new OCS survey also includes many more questions on digital and mobile such as the product and
service categories consumers are researching on different devices such as laptops, tablets and smartphones.
For example the chart below demonstrates what the most highly researched products or services are on
smartphones, amongst those who regularly use their smartphones for research purposes.
Using OCS data we can therefore easily identify which consumers regularly research an individual
product or service category (e.g. clothes/fashion) on their smartphone. From this we can then understand their
attitudes, how they travel and more importantly in what locations they notice and respond to OOH advertising.
Since Posterscope has recently forged a partnership with the UK’s largest mobile network, EE, this OCS
insight can then be analysed in tandem with targeted location data of smartphone usage for specific
product categories. This EE data will help to identify and select sites in geographical locations which are
hotspots for consumers accessing websites or apps relevant to a particular retailer category such as fashion.
By combining the insight from OCS and selecting hyper-targeted posters from EE mobile data,
Posterscope aims to give advertisers the best possible chance of their advert evoking a consumer response.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Gardening equipment
Musical equipment
Domestic appliances (e.g. fridge, washing machine)
Household utilities (e.g. Gas, Electricity)
Sports and Leisurewear/trainers
Personal electronic products (e.g. electric razors)
Computer Hardware
Airline tickets
Local Government Services
Theatre tickets
Sports equipment
Consumer electronics (e.g. TVs, Stereos)
Computer Software or programmes
Household electrical products
Hotel reservations
Travel tickets (non airline)
Computer/Video games
Personal Care
Mobile phones/mobile accessories
Tickets for events
Days out
Music (e.g. CDs, MP3s)
Cinema tickets
Eating out
Understanding how consumers use their smartphones is key to how Posterscope plans OOH from a
convergence point of view and our recent partnership with EE embodies this philosophy.
In the article below we draw on a number of insight projects which have helped to formulate our view on the
importance and role of smartphones in today’s retail landscape and how this converges with OOH.
Physical retailers remain the dominant place for purchasing with almost £9 out of £10 spent in store
Every year as retailers compete for Christmas sales and positive end of year results, many articles appear
in the press around the growth in e-commerce at the expense of the high street. This year there was a
particular focus on m-commerce which highlighted how smartphones are now a threat to physical high
street stores.
There can be no debate around the rise of e-commerce and m-commerce and the importance and use
of smartphones in the consumer decision making process. However, we argue that the specific act of
purchasing for the retail category is still dominated by physical stores in high street, malls and out-of-
town locations.
E-commerce is growing and understandably this will affect high street sales. The British Retail Consortium
revealed that online retail sales were up 19% in December 2013 compared to December 2012 and high
street footfall was down 2.4%. However large percentage increases YoY can be misleading and it is useful
to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.
The Office of National Statistics (ONS)
demonstrates that in December 2013 online
sales only accounted for 12% of all retail
sales. So almost £9 out of £10 spent on
retail still takes place in physical stores.
This obviously varies by retail category but
still puts the importance of physical stores
into perspective.
Similarly, Christmas is an anomaly and always
dictates a higher proportion of online sales.
When looking at ONS data for the last 5
years, online as a % of all retail sales is
always over a fifth higher in December when
compared to June of the same year. There
could be many factors affecting this but the
Christmas gifting market is probably the
dominant reason.
Mobile Insights
Smartphones and OOH Advertising –
A Convergent Solution for High Street Retailers
6.9 6.4
+ 23%
+ 33%
+ 22% + 28%
+ 21%
Internet as a % of all Retail Sales
(January Monthly Figures for Each Year)
Internet as a % of all Retail Sales (June and
December Monthly Figures for Each Year)
8.7 9.4
10.5 10.7
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
8.7 9.4
10.5 10.7
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Smartphones are predominantly used for browsing not buying and play a major
role in Influencing sales in physical stores
When it comes to online sales it is laptops/PCs and in fact tablets over smartphones that are the key
drivers of this. Data released by Affiliate Window for October 2013 demonstrated that m-commerce
is growing rapidly with almost 23% of sales taking place on their affiliate web sites on mobile devices,
double the 11% in October 2012. However of this only 7.9% were on smartphones, 14.6% on tablets and
77.5% were still on desktops. Considering the penetration of smartphones is still far higher than tablets,
this is more testament to the phenomenal rise in purchasing on tablets.
So when it comes to smartphones we believe their current role in retail is predominantly one of
researching products and services, comparing prices and reading reviews rather than as a sales platform.
Smartphones can be a threat to physical retailers via showrooming, but we believe that they play an
even greater role as a key influencer of in-store sales and we have used a variety of research studies to
demonstrate this.
In November 2013, Google released their Mobile Path to Purchase Research commissioned with Nielsen
amongst 950 smartphone users, all of whom had made a purchase in the last 30 days. It corroborated our
view that most items that were researched on smartphones were not actually bought on these devices.
Across all the different product categories 82% had purchased in-store, 45% bought online (desktop/
tablet) and only 17% purchased via a smartphone.
Another great piece of research was commissioned by Deloitte in 2013 called Mobile Influence. In this
report Deloitte demonstrated how smartphones should be considered more as a driver of stores sales
than as a sales platform. They term this the ‘Mobile Influence Factor’ which is the percentage of store
sales where smartphones were used as part of the shopping journey.
In 2013 they believe the Mobile Influence Factor stood at almost 7% of store sales which is the equivalent
of generating £18bn. As seen in the graphic below, this is almost 4 times the £5bn of m-commerce
(mobile/tablets) and really proves the importance that consumers place on using their smartphones to
help them make purchase decisions in physical stores
Deloitte predicts the Mobile Influence Factor to grow significantly in the coming years and by 2017
smartphones could be influencing up to 15% of all store sales with a value of over £40bn.
The Mobile Influence Factor for each retailer
category is calculated individually and as expected
the importance varies hugely dependent on the
category. It appears particularly important for
categories where more research is required in
the decision making process. So for example
Electronics has a Mobile Influence Factor of 13%
and Home Furnishings 10%, compared to an
average of 7% for all retailer categories. By 2017
Deloitte predicts that the Mobile Influence Factors
for these categories may have risen to over 33%
(1 in 3 purchases) for Electronics and 22% (1 in 4
purchases) for Home Furnishings.
When these figures are considered, media
strategies that incorporate an understanding and
application of this mobile insight are no longer a
nice to have, but a necessity.
Immediacy – What OOH advertising and mobile have in common
What both OOH advertising and mobiles have in common is immediacy. Through smartphones
consumers now have the ability to act immediately on impulses, desires and triggers using their
smartphones as a portable encyclopedia, map, comparison and review guide.
Similarly, OOH advertising with its proximity to retailers, can illicit an immediate response in the form of
driving consumers in store. Posterscope’s latest OCS survey demonstrates that 11% of consumers have
actually made a purchase in a physical shop/supermarket/restaurant or cinema in the last 7 days as a
direct result of seeing an OOH advert.
But the real advantage for both brands and consumers is when the two mediums converge. We now live
in a society where consumers are exposed to more content and communications than ever before and
patience is not a virtue as far as consumers are concerned. An immediate response is often vital to drive
a consumer from the awareness to the involvement stage in the purchasing journey, maintaining the level
of engagement generated by communications.
OOH advertising is often the inspiration and trigger for consumers when out and about to drive them
onto their smartphones. It is here that they can immediately gather information or access a promotion
that encourages them to visit a physical store there and then.
online response
OOH adverts
store visit response
Moment of
Active evaluation
Information gathering, shopping
Post-purchase experience
Ongoing exposure
Loyalty loop
Moreover the Google Path to Purchase research demonstrated that consumers using a smartphone for
shopping related activities have a desire to make a purchase in the immediate future: 55% within the
hour and 83% within a day. It also proved that 71% of smartphone owners had used a store locator.
Google also conducted another piece of research on “The Role of Click to Call” in September 2013
amongst 3,000 smartphone users who regularly use mobile search. This highlighted the fact that 7 in 10
had used the click to call button for retailer questions such as business hours, making a reservation or
inquiring about availability or inventory.
So considering all this insight, smartphones could actually be the saviour for physical stores, compared
to their online desktop and tablet equivalents. They are often used by consumers to do shopping related
research when they are out and about and with a desire to purchase. Smartphones not only encourage
them to visit a store in their vicinity but also give them the reassurance and confidence to make a
purchase. And OOH advertising with its proximity to stores can be the ideal trigger to drive consumers
onto their smartphones.
OOH and Mobile Convergent Opportunities
Posterscope believes the convergence of OOH advertising and mobile is paramount in the media
landscape. It is particularly appropriate for bricks and mortar retailers along with the brands and products
they sell and one role for OOH and mobile is to make the consumer shopping journey as easy and
seamless as possible.
This could be in the form of providing opportunities for consumers to interact with posters in the proximity
to retailers and using their smartphones to access local information, directions, download special offers/
vouchers and to compare prices. All of which can encourage consumers to visit local retailers.
Another opportunity is to utilise data in planning, such as with EE’s mobile data. This helps to select
targeted poster sites in locations that are identified as hotspots for online mobile activity for a particular
retail category and are therefore more likely to reach consumers in a responsive frame of mind.
Such convergent opportunities are especially important over the next few years, particularly as Deloitte
predicts that by 2017 in-store sales will still account for over 80% of all retail sales and smartphones will
directly be influencing up to 15% of this with an annual value of £40bn.
To access the full presentation please click on the following link: Retail, Mobile and OOH
Please click on the following link to access the Deloitte Mobile Influence Report
Please click on the following link to access the Google Mobile Path to Purchase
Of consumers using mobile to
research, want to purchase
within the hour55%
Want to purchase
within a day
Consumer and Digital Trends
for 2014
Key Consumer and Digital Trends with Relevant
Opportunities in the OOH Space
Many recently released reports have been predicting the hottest trends for 2014. Below Posterscope
has highlighted some of the key consumer and digital trends from these reports that we feel are
particularly relevant to consumers in the OOH space.
Immersive Experiences:
Entertainment, narratives and
brand experiences will become
more immersive and altogether
more enveloping in a bid to
capture consumers’ imagination
and attention (JWT).
psLIVE have been delivering
award winning brand
experiences across all of 2013.
For more information about
Posterscope’s experiential
offering please visit psLIVE’s
website at
The Age of Impatience:
With the mainstreaming of the
on-demand economy and our
always-on culture, consumer
expectations for speed and
ease are rising exponentially.
As businesses respond in
kind, making the availability
of their products and services
more instant, impatience
and impulsiveness will only
continue to increase (JWT).
Both OOH and mobile have
the concept of immediacy in
common and can converge to
encourage consumers to visit
in-store retailers.
Social Commerce:
Social media influences
e-commerce in many ways.
In particular it provides a
platform for consumers to stay
connected to their peers when
decision making, and helps
provide reassurance when
purchasing (Trend Hunter).
Posterscope and LIVEPOSTER
can integrate social feeds
into digital OOH, which could
provide the social proof
required by consumers to give
them the confidence to make a
For more information, please
give your Posterscope contact
a call.
Functional Out-of-Home:
Brands are adopting useful
“physical” and “interactive”
advertisements to benefit
consumers. Such campaigns
take things to a tangible level,
giving consumers a reason
to engage with a brand’s
message both physically and
mentally. Such functional out-
of-home ads provide a real
benefit to consumers and are
a memorable, engaging and
powerful form of advertising
(Trend Hunter).
Posterscope’s Hyperspace
team have been delivering
award winning brand
innovations for years. For
more information please go to
the Hyperspace site at www.
Actionable Data Becomes
A Key Difference Maker:
Marketeers need to be able to
listen to customer and prospect
behaviours in order to respond
at the right time and place with
the right message. In order to
accomplish this using big data,
this data needs to be easily
accessible within a marketing
platform and not left in an
aggregated, siloed form in a
data warehouse (Silverpop).
Posterscope recently formed
a partnership with the EE
Network providing access to
mobile data which will shape
OOH campaigns through a
hyper-targeted approach.
Location and Local: Knowing
where your customers are is
an immensely powerful part of
delivering the right message at
the right time. OOH by its very
nature is the key ATL location-
based medium, but more
recently mobile advertising
is becoming locally targeted
with more precision. Forward-
thinking marketers have started
communicating with customers
based on whether they crossed
a geofence or checked in via
Foursquare or Facebook. As
pioneers in OOH, Posterscope
has just announced a first-
of-its-kind converged OOH
and mobile display media
offering. Co-developed with
xAd, this partnership combines
OOH and hyper-local mobile
targeting. This would, for
example, allow mobile ads to
be served to those who have
passed OOH panels, providing
a re-targeting opportunity
for advertisers.
To access the full trends reports please scan the following links:
JWT 10 trends for 2014
Trend Hunter 2014
Silverpop – 7 Key Marketing Trends for 2014
Carat Trends – Dan Calladine (WARC)
Airport Research Identifies How High Net Worth
Business Travellers Are at the Forefront of Social
and Technology Adoption
In 2011 JCDecaux Airport launched Business Traveller, the first survey of its kind conducted by
an outdoor media company. The research focused on regular elite business flyers and explored
their profile, relationship with technology and opinions on advertising. As a result of the success
of the research, an updated version, Business Traveller 2, launched in October 2013. The findings
of Business Traveller 2 add another layer to the understanding of JCDecaux Airport’s travellers
and their sophisticated approach to finance, key decision making and airport experiences. It also
unveils key insights into business travellers’ symbiotic relationship with technology and social
media, and their opinions on global business.
Key findings on the Airports Business audience include:
• Over 1/4 have a net worth over £1m+
• 70% own tablets and 86% use apps
• Over 1/3 access business news through links posted on social media websites
• 73% have posted comments about products or services online, 74% read them
• 62% notice advertising in airports all/most of the time
• 60% think airports are the most effective place to advertise international B2B brands
Business Traveller 2 highlights how advertising with JCDecaux Airport opens up a
world of business influence amongst the hard-to-reach ‘business vanguard’.
To find out more and read the full presentation for this research please visit: or contact Steve Cox at
Media Owner Insights
In a recent edition of Clear Thinking, Clear Channel highlights some of the
main insights from their Ngen research that took place throughout 2013.
Run in collaboration with Crowd DNA and the Trajectory Partnership,
the Ngen community consisted of 400 engaged and connected 18-34
year olds from eight major UK cities. The community ran for 18 weeks,
alongside two waves of quantitative online research. The research focused
on the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of a generation that represents
the future of the UK. By working closely with 8 brands partners including
Dixons Store Group and Channel 5 it generated the following insight:
Clear Channel Identifies the “Spend Now Save
Later” Mentality of the Ngen Audience
• 95% Ngens still shop on the high street with the corresponding figure of 71% for online.
Smartphones are also key with nearly half using smartphones for shopping related purposes
• 52% of Ngens rated their smartphone as the technology they would keep above all else
• 63% of Ngens agree advertising is important to a brand’s identity and almost half say they prefer targeted
communication over general advertising. The contextual opportunities provided by OOH advertising is
therefore key to this audience
• Ngens are also one of the audiences that are key to the UK economy returning to positive growth.
They have continued to spend and often think about the now rather than the future with 59% not
contributing to a pension and 65% spending the same if not more on retail in areas such as clothing,
footwear and consumer technology
For more detail on the Ngen research or a copy of “Clear Thinking” please contact Lynne Jarrett at
Detailed infographics on other Clear Channel audiences can also be found at Clear Channel Audiences -
Exterion Media Make It Easy to Access Urban
Audience Insights
Exterion Media’s panel is continuing to generate a deeper understanding of the urban
audience in terms of behaviour, lifestyle, attitudes and motivations.
With three surveys sent out per month to the urban panel of over 10,000 active members, wide ranging
category Insight is regularly produced and made easily available to planners and advertisers through
various channels such as interactive dashboards or category brochures. interactive dashboard:
The interactive dashboard allows you to analyse category insight by a specific target audience.
For more detail on the or for copies of any of the brochures please contact Gemma Proctor
at Category Brochures
Insight for some individual categories is also available through brochures such as The Look Book and Urban Food.
The Look Book gives ideas and inspiration around Fashion & Beauty from market trends to purchase
journeys for specific fashion segmentations.
Urban Food delves deep into city dwellers eating behaviours for all the main meals of breakfast, lunch
and dinner to snacking mid-morning, mid-afternoon and in the evening.
Primesight have continued to live up to their “Results are our Culture” (#resultsareourculture) mantra
and are utilising various research methodologies to evaluate campaigns. Measurements include EPOS
data, uplifts in web traffic using Experian Hitwise data and “Primemobile”, which evaluates consumers’
awareness and attitudes towards OOH campaigns using smartphone mobile research.
There are a large number of case studies that are readily available on
These highlight campaigns that have run on roadside, retail, lifestyle and transport as well as those featuring
spectaculars, digital and interactive formats.
In 2013, Primesight also focused a lot of their research around interactive campaigns.
Primesight have run a number of interactive digital
6 sheet campaigns in cinema foyers. Across 5
different campaigns and 100 digital screens in
total, 100,000 interactions were generated with
an average of 1,000 interactions per screen.
Primesight Continue to Promote Their “Results are
Our Culture” Approach
Client Period Screens Footfall Interactions
April 5 301,164
(2.1% of footfall)
(11 days)
65 1.4 million
(3% of footfall)
(2 weeks)
10 280,000
(1.8% of footfall)
(4 weeks)
16 448,000
(6.8% of footfall)
(4 weeks)
4 224,000
(6.7% of footfall)
For more information on these tools or insight please give your Posterscope contact a call or contact
Ross Wilson at Primesight on
Primesight research amongst smartphone
owners generated further insight on the main
reasons for interacting with OOH posters.
These were largely functional benefits such as
accessing vouchers/coupons, free access to
wi-fi, entering competitions and research into
products and services.
These findings collaborated Posterscope’s own
research around NFC/QR Code Interactions.
Voucher or
Free Wi-Fi Competition To find out
about more
about the
Fill some
time while I
wait for film/
e.g. music/video
Just to see
how it works
Country: UK Date: May/June 2013 Base: Total Respondents (265)
Play a game To pay for/
order goods/
Comment via
social media
Reasons for interacting with OOHInteractive digital 6 sheets in cinema foyers
• Control - Had visited a mall over the campaign period where Dior advertising was not active
• Test 1 - Visited a mall over the campaign period where Dior advertising featured on digital 6 sheets (D6)
• Test 2 - Visited a mall over the campaign period where Dior advertising featured on both digital 6 sheets
(D6) and M-Vision (large format mall)
The results, summarised in the table
opposite, were particularly interesting.
The Mall D6s shifted many brand
metrics often associated with frequency
such as increasing spontaneous brand
and advertising awareness as well as
increasing brand consideration and
However, the addition of large format
M-Vision generated impact. This led to
higher levels of spontaneous advertising
recall for Dior being attributed to
mall advertising. M-Vision also had a
significant impact on increasing premium
brand perceptions and subsequent
consideration and recommendation for
the brand.
The mall campaign took
place over 2 weeks at the
start of December 2013, a
period cluttered with fragrance
communications. To provide
further context, 50% of all
advertising for the fragrance
category in 2013 took place
during November and December.
D6 M-Vision
JCDecaux have recently released “The Power of Big 3” which utilised mobile geo-fencing to send
surveys to consumers an hour after they had visited a shopping mall. Over 450 respondents were split
into three groups based on their relative exposure to mall advertising for the test client Dior.
JCDecaux Mobile Geo-Fencing Research Confirms the
Importance of Size and Stature in the Mall Environment
Control Group
No Mall
Spontaneous Brand Awareness for
Dior (Beauty/Fragrance Category) 19% 39% 40%
Spontaneous Advertising Awareness
for Dior (Beauty/Fragrance Category) 18% 29% 29%
Advertising Awareness for Dior
attributed to OOH in Shopping Mall n/a 24% 33%
Prompted Advertising Recall for Dior 55% 64% 66%
Premium Brand Perceptions for Dior
“High End”
Dior Consideration 19% 22% 26%
Dior Recommendation 28% 36% 43%
For more information about this case study please contact Lisa West at JCDecaux on
Admedia Research Demonstrates the Prevalence,
Value and Desires of Mall Shopping Amongst the
Student Population
The Admedia student panel
consists of an online community of
500 university students who take
part in online surveys about a range
of subjects.
The latest report considers the
importance of students to retailers,
in particular focusing on how
students regularly frequent and
behave in shopping malls.
There are almost 2.5 million students in the UK and what was once deemed as the ‘poor’ generation
is now estimated to contribute around £20 billion to the economy every year. With such high spending
power and more free time on their hands which is often spent on leisure activities, many brands aim to
engage with this key shopping audience through OOH.
The latest report from Admedia delivers some interesting insights on this audience including:
• Their relationship with e-Commerce and shopping in physical stores
• How students are heavy impulse shoppers especially during the holiday season
• What encourages students to visit physical stores and how the experience in shopping malls is 		
highly valued with modern technology often enhancing this
• Links to other reports on consumer shopping and technology from the likes of Accenture 			
and Microsoft which highlight trends such as “seamless retail“, “enhancing the real” and
“the age of serendipity”
For a copy of the report please contact Louise Fisher at
2nd floor, The Qube,
90 Whitfied Street,
London, W1T 4EZ

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Posterscope Media Digest - April 2014

  • 2.
  • 3. Economic Review 2014 Advertising Review (IPA Bellwether Q4 2013) Insight Tools OCS6 - Out-of-Home Consumer Survey Mobile Insights - Convergent Solutions for High Street Retailers Consumer and Digital Trends for 2014 Media Owner Insights JCDecaux Airport - Airport Research Identifies How High Net Worth Business Travellers are at the Forefront of Social and Technology Adoption Clear Channel - Clear Channel Identifies the “Spend Now Save Later” Mentality of the Ngen Audience Exterion Media - Exterion Media Make it Easy to Access Urban Audience Insights Primesight - Primesight Continue to Promote Their “Results are our Culture” Approach JCDecaux - JCDecaux Mobile Geo-Fencing Research Confirms the Importance of Size and Stature in the Mall Environment Admedia - Admedia Research Demonstrates the Prevalence, Value and Desires of Mall Shopping Amongst the Student Population Page 4 5-6 7-9 10-13 14-16 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 Contents GDP Growth Q2 Q3 Q4 Quarterly Changes in GDP 2008 - 2013 4 Internet as a % of all Retail Sales (January Monthly Figures for Each Year) 4.4 6 7.1 8.7 9.4 10.5 10.7 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 % 11% 89% 4.4 6 7.1 8.7 9.4 10.5 10.7 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 % 11% 89% 10 14 17 Talk to us: / #clearthinking / @clearchanneluk Clear Channel UK33 Golden Square /London / W1F 9JT / United Kingdom T + 44 (0)20 7478 2200 Contacts Matthew Walker D +44(0)2074782941 E GuyMelzack D +44(0)2074782970 E Design JamesChipm an D +44(0)2074782343 E james.chipm Where bigideas arewelcome 18 Voucher or coupon Free Wi-Fi Competition To find out about more about the product/brand Fill some time while I wait for film/bus/train etc.... Download content e.g. music/ video Country: UK Date: May/June 2013 Base: Total Respondents (265) Just to see how it works Play a game To pay for/ order goods/ services Comment via social media Reasons for interacting with OOH 20 Control Group No Mall advertising Test  Group  1                               Digital  6  sheets   (D6)   Test  Group  2   Digital  6  sheets   (D6)   &  M-­‐Vision   Spontaneous Brand Awareness for Dior (Beauty/Fragrance Category) 19% 39% 40% Spontaneous Advertising Awareness for Dior (Beauty/Fragrance Category) 18% 29% 29% Advertising Awareness for Dior attributed to OOH in Shopping Mall n/a 24% 33% Prompted Advertising Recall for Dior 55% 64% 66% Premium Brand Perceptions for Dior “High End” “Luxury” 69% 63% 75% 64% 85% 73% Dior Consideration 19% 22% 26% Dior Recommendation 28% 36% 43%21 19 22
  • 4. POSTERSCOPE MEDIA DIGEST - 2014 4 GDP Growth Q2 Q3 Q4 Economic Review 2014 Source: Office for National Statistics 2013 UK Economy Grew at Twice the Rate Previously Forecasted by HM Treasury The UK economy grew by 0.7% in the fourth quarter of 2013, bringing the annual growth rate to 1.9%, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). This figure was double the 0.9% previously forecast for the year by HM Treasury. This rosier GDP figure has been portrayed as a sign of recovery by the government, albeit a cautious and precarious one: “The economy is growing robustly as lifting uncertainty and thawing credit conditions start to unlock pent-up demand. But significant headwinds — both at home and abroad — remain, and there is a long way to go before the aftermath of the financial crisis has cleared and economic conditions normalise” (Bank of England). The picture for 2014 appears more positive too, with new forecasts placing UK GDP growth at 2.7% (HM Treasury). According to a snapshot of views of the UK’s top economists from the BBC, interest rates in the UK are unlikely to rise this year. An overwhelming majority, 93% of the 28 economists polled, think rates will still be 0.5% at the end of 2014, with more than half predicting the first rise will be in the second half of 2015. More than 40% believe unemployment will fall to 7% in 2014, from 7.2% now. Global growth is projected to strengthen moderately. This is driven largely from the advanced economies, where output is expected to expand at a pace of circa 2% in 2014, about 0.75% more than in 2013. However growth in the Euro area will be held back by the very weak economies in the periphery, whilst emerging markets and developing economies are projected to expand by about 5% in 2014 (IMF, 2014). Quarterly Changes in UK GDP 2008 - 2013 UK GDP Growth
  • 5. POSTERSCOPE MEDIA DIGEST - 2014 55 POSTERSCOPE MEDIA DIGEST - 2014 Advertising Review Source: Nielsen adDynamix Continued Growth in OOH with Positive Predictions for Both OOH and the Market in 2014 Warc’s Consensus Forecast is an aggregate based on a weighted average of predictions from various sources, including advertising agencies, media monitoring companies and industry bodies. For all media, they predict a 5.4% growth for 2014. In monetary terms, UK adspend is now expected to reach a total of £18.8bn in 2014. With regards to outdoor, Q4 2013 OOH expenditure figure of £277.3m represents a growth of 7.2% YoY and was the largest revenue ever reported for a quarter in the UK (OMC). Digital revenue amounted to £64.6m, up 15% YoY, and also the largest revenue for a quarter, accounting for 23% of the total. For the year as a whole, OOH revenues were up 2.0% in 2013 and now stand on the brink of breaking the billion-pound mark, at £990m. The Warc/Ad Association forecasts state that outdoor now represents 10.1% of total display, considerably higher than a decade ago. Underpinning this growth has been a continued period of sustained investment by more than a dozen media owners, chiefly in new digital sites. Around £50m is estimated to have been invested in the past year in sites across, for example, airports, malls, railway stations, roadside, supermarkets, free-standing units in pedestrian precincts, and an ever expanding array of spectacular large format sites in Britain’s major cities. Looking at category spend within OOH, motoring made a welcome return in 2013 with the launch of 22 new car models significantly increasing spend by 16%. While this volume is unlikely to be repeated in 2014, the relevance of OOH for this category has been re-established. Entertainment & Leisure is still the leading category accounting for 20% of OOH spend and forecasts are strong for 2014. Finance also climbed back in 2013 with a +36% YoY growth which is expected to continue in 2014. The Telecoms category remains the second biggest category for OOH despite decreasing spend YoY and again is expected to be a driver of growth in 2014. OOH Top Ten Spend Categories in 2013 vs 2012 -14%+17%+33% -9% -12% +16% -2% +36% -9% +13%
  • 6. POSTERSCOPE MEDIA DIGEST - 2014 6 IPA Bellwether Q4 2013 Source: IPA Bellwether January 2014 The Last Two Quarters in 2013 Generated the Highest Ever Marketing Budget Revisions in IPA Bellwether’s History The Bellwether survey signalled a further upward revision to marketing budgets, extending the current run of growth to five quarters. The net balance (% companies reporting an increase minus % companies reporting a decrease) of +11% was the second highest in the survey’s history (the highest being recorded at +12.3% in the previous Q3 2013). This reflected another marked upward revision to budgets as the calendar year came to a close. Continued upward revisions to total marketing budgets during the fourth quarter coincided with companies remaining highly confident about their own financial prospects and that of their wider industry. The net balance of companies that have become more optimistic regarding their own financial prospects was +47%. In line with the better economic environment, which has tended to support general business confidence in recent quarters, companies are also positive about industry financial prospects in the coming months. The net balance was unmoved at a series-record high of +35.4% in Q4, with around 43% of the survey panel growing more confident about industry financial prospects. Ongoing strong upward revisions to marketing budgets and continued confidence in Q4 suggests that 2013 financial year budgets will indeed have come in higher than seen in 2012. Executives had flagged early last year positive plans for 2013 budgets, with a net balance of +13.5% of companies expecting to see a rise relative to 2012. Meanwhile, provisional data for 2014 financial year budget plans suggests marketing executives are confident of further growth. A net balance of +25.8% of companies have seen their initial budgets rise for 2014, which is the most optimistic reading since 2008. Marketing budgets and business confidence -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 Budget revisions, % net balance 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Financial prospects for your com pany Total m arketing budget revisions -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 Financial prospects, % net balance Both series shown on the left are derived from the Bellwether survey panel of 300 marketing executives: Financial prospects: “Taking all things into consideration,doyoufeelmoreor less optimistic about the financial prospects for your company than you did three months ago?” Marketing budgets: “In the last three months, has your total marketing budget for the current financial year been revised up or down, or is it unchanged?”
  • 7. POSTERSCOPE MEDIA DIGEST - 2014 7 Posterscope launched the 6th edition of its Out-of-Home Consumer Survey (OCS) in February 2014. This survey based on over 6,800 adults includes many valuable new planning insights particularly around moods and mindsets, grocery shopping and the use of mobile platforms for researching products and services. Mindset planning in OOH In OCS, for nine different activities such as commuting, socialising, exercising and doing the school run, we are able to identify what consumers are predominantly thinking about across 28 different topic areas. So, for example, commuting is a key time for escapism and day dreaming about holidays and your love life, whilst family and the evening meal are the main things on parents’ minds when doing the school run. OCS also allows us to see how moods vary across 21 different activities and travel times such as shopping on the high street or travelling by rail. For example, below we identified how consumers’ moods at airports varied based on their reason for travel. Those travelling for leisure are excited and happy, yet the most prominent mood for business travel is boredom. Business Travellers Insight Tools OCS6 Think better of brand that sponsored free Wi-Fi in OOH location 51% (Index 140) I sometimes use free Wi-Fi offered in OOH locations 65% (Index 157) Out-Of-Home Consumer Survey 6 Generates Valuable Insights on Mindset and Mobile Planning in the OOH Space Source: OCS 2 8 12 13 17 18 22 34 1 6 23 8 37 17 22 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Sad/Unhappy Tired Happy Focused Excited Tense/stressed Relaxed Bored Waiting in an airport for a reason other than work Waiting in an airport for a work/study trip
  • 8. POSTERSCOPE MEDIA DIGEST - 2014 8 Retail therapy is an obvious cure for this but more and more brands are offering experiential events or services, such as sponsored Wi-Fi to entertain travellers. OCS insight tells us that business travellers often use free Wi-Fi in OOH locations and think better of brands that sponsor this. In 2013 Credit Suisse offered business travellers at London City Airport free Wi-Fi and used table placement advertising to inform passengers of the service. On accessing the Wi-Fi landing page click through rates to the Credit Suisse website were three times higher amongst business travellers who had seen the table placement advertising than those who accessed the Wi-Fi of their own accord. For more information about Posterscope’s international offering around airports please visit PSI’s website at Personality segmentation that determines consumer behaviour and attitudes to advertising In OCS6 there is also a new segmentation around Personality types founded on the psychological principle of Trait Theory. 5 core factors are identified around personality and consumers are classified from level 1-5 for each of these. There are many planning applications of this personality segmentation from understanding target audiences in more depth, to more specific OOH applications such as identifying the type of people who are most likely to engage with OOH advertising opportunities. For example, 75% of those who score very highly (Level 5) for “Extroversion” agree they would take part in experiential events if they were fun/exciting (Index 144). Not only would these people get involved, but 60% would also consider purchasing the product/service after being present at the experiential event (Index 144) and 36% would share their experience online (Index 185). For more information about Posterscope’s experiential offering please visit psLIVE’s website at: Extroversion Neuroticism Openness Agreeableness Conscientiousness ExtrovertIntrovert NeuroticStable CreativeConventional AgreeableDisagreeable (Level 1/2) Factor ConscientiousUnconscientious (Level 4/5)
  • 9. POSTERSCOPE MEDIA DIGEST - 2014 9 Mobile planning in the OOH space The new OCS survey also includes many more questions on digital and mobile such as the product and service categories consumers are researching on different devices such as laptops, tablets and smartphones. For example the chart below demonstrates what the most highly researched products or services are on smartphones, amongst those who regularly use their smartphones for research purposes. Using OCS data we can therefore easily identify which consumers regularly research an individual product or service category (e.g. clothes/fashion) on their smartphone. From this we can then understand their attitudes, how they travel and more importantly in what locations they notice and respond to OOH advertising. Since Posterscope has recently forged a partnership with the UK’s largest mobile network, EE, this OCS insight can then be analysed in tandem with targeted location data of smartphone usage for specific product categories. This EE data will help to identify and select sites in geographical locations which are hotspots for consumers accessing websites or apps relevant to a particular retailer category such as fashion. By combining the insight from OCS and selecting hyper-targeted posters from EE mobile data, Posterscope aims to give advertisers the best possible chance of their advert evoking a consumer response. 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 19 20 20 22 23 24 26 26 30 33 34 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Flowers/Plants Gardening equipment Musical equipment Beer/Wine/Spirits Domestic appliances (e.g. fridge, washing machine) Household utilities (e.g. Gas, Electricity) Furniture Sports and Leisurewear/trainers Personal electronic products (e.g. electric razors) Vehicles Computer Hardware Airline tickets Local Government Services Theatre tickets Sports equipment Property Consumer electronics (e.g. TVs, Stereos) Computer Software or programmes Household electrical products Toys Hotel reservations Travel tickets (non airline) Holidays Groceries Videos/DVDs/MP4 Computer/Video games Personal Care Mobile phones/mobile accessories Tickets for events Books Days out Finance Music (e.g. CDs, MP3s) Clothes/Accessories Cinema tickets Eating out
  • 10. POSTERSCOPE MEDIA DIGEST - 2014 10 Understanding how consumers use their smartphones is key to how Posterscope plans OOH from a convergence point of view and our recent partnership with EE embodies this philosophy. In the article below we draw on a number of insight projects which have helped to formulate our view on the importance and role of smartphones in today’s retail landscape and how this converges with OOH. Physical retailers remain the dominant place for purchasing with almost £9 out of £10 spent in store Every year as retailers compete for Christmas sales and positive end of year results, many articles appear in the press around the growth in e-commerce at the expense of the high street. This year there was a particular focus on m-commerce which highlighted how smartphones are now a threat to physical high street stores. There can be no debate around the rise of e-commerce and m-commerce and the importance and use of smartphones in the consumer decision making process. However, we argue that the specific act of purchasing for the retail category is still dominated by physical stores in high street, malls and out-of- town locations. E-commerce is growing and understandably this will affect high street sales. The British Retail Consortium revealed that online retail sales were up 19% in December 2013 compared to December 2012 and high street footfall was down 2.4%. However large percentage increases YoY can be misleading and it is useful to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. The Office of National Statistics (ONS) demonstrates that in December 2013 online sales only accounted for 12% of all retail sales. So almost £9 out of £10 spent on retail still takes place in physical stores. This obviously varies by retail category but still puts the importance of physical stores into perspective. Similarly, Christmas is an anomaly and always dictates a higher proportion of online sales. When looking at ONS data for the last 5 years, online as a % of all retail sales is always over a fifth higher in December when compared to June of the same year. There could be many factors affecting this but the Christmas gifting market is probably the dominant reason. Mobile Insights Smartphones and OOH Advertising – A Convergent Solution for High Street Retailers 5.6 6.9 6.4 8.5 7.7 9.4 8.5 10.9 9.7 11.7 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2009 June 2009 Dec 2010 June 2010 Dec 2011 June 2011 Dec 2012 June 2012 Dec 2013 June 2013 Dec + 23% + 33% + 22% + 28% + 21% Internet as a % of all Retail Sales (January Monthly Figures for Each Year) Internet as a % of all Retail Sales (June and December Monthly Figures for Each Year) 4.4 6 7.1 8.7 9.4 10.5 10.7 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 % 11% 89% 4.4 6 7.1 8.7 9.4 10.5 10.7 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 % 11% 89%
  • 11. POSTERSCOPE MEDIA DIGEST - 2014 11 Smartphones are predominantly used for browsing not buying and play a major role in Influencing sales in physical stores When it comes to online sales it is laptops/PCs and in fact tablets over smartphones that are the key drivers of this. Data released by Affiliate Window for October 2013 demonstrated that m-commerce is growing rapidly with almost 23% of sales taking place on their affiliate web sites on mobile devices, double the 11% in October 2012. However of this only 7.9% were on smartphones, 14.6% on tablets and 77.5% were still on desktops. Considering the penetration of smartphones is still far higher than tablets, this is more testament to the phenomenal rise in purchasing on tablets. So when it comes to smartphones we believe their current role in retail is predominantly one of researching products and services, comparing prices and reading reviews rather than as a sales platform. Smartphones can be a threat to physical retailers via showrooming, but we believe that they play an even greater role as a key influencer of in-store sales and we have used a variety of research studies to demonstrate this. In November 2013, Google released their Mobile Path to Purchase Research commissioned with Nielsen amongst 950 smartphone users, all of whom had made a purchase in the last 30 days. It corroborated our view that most items that were researched on smartphones were not actually bought on these devices. Across all the different product categories 82% had purchased in-store, 45% bought online (desktop/ tablet) and only 17% purchased via a smartphone. Another great piece of research was commissioned by Deloitte in 2013 called Mobile Influence. In this report Deloitte demonstrated how smartphones should be considered more as a driver of stores sales than as a sales platform. They term this the ‘Mobile Influence Factor’ which is the percentage of store sales where smartphones were used as part of the shopping journey. In 2013 they believe the Mobile Influence Factor stood at almost 7% of store sales which is the equivalent of generating £18bn. As seen in the graphic below, this is almost 4 times the £5bn of m-commerce (mobile/tablets) and really proves the importance that consumers place on using their smartphones to help them make purchase decisions in physical stores Deloitte predicts the Mobile Influence Factor to grow significantly in the coming years and by 2017 smartphones could be influencing up to 15% of all store sales with a value of over £40bn. The Mobile Influence Factor for each retailer category is calculated individually and as expected the importance varies hugely dependent on the category. It appears particularly important for categories where more research is required in the decision making process. So for example Electronics has a Mobile Influence Factor of 13% and Home Furnishings 10%, compared to an average of 7% for all retailer categories. By 2017 Deloitte predicts that the Mobile Influence Factors for these categories may have risen to over 33% (1 in 3 purchases) for Electronics and 22% (1 in 4 purchases) for Home Furnishings. When these figures are considered, media strategies that incorporate an understanding and application of this mobile insight are no longer a nice to have, but a necessity.
  • 12. POSTERSCOPE MEDIA DIGEST - 2014 12 Immediacy – What OOH advertising and mobile have in common What both OOH advertising and mobiles have in common is immediacy. Through smartphones consumers now have the ability to act immediately on impulses, desires and triggers using their smartphones as a portable encyclopedia, map, comparison and review guide. Similarly, OOH advertising with its proximity to retailers, can illicit an immediate response in the form of driving consumers in store. Posterscope’s latest OCS survey demonstrates that 11% of consumers have actually made a purchase in a physical shop/supermarket/restaurant or cinema in the last 7 days as a direct result of seeing an OOH advert. But the real advantage for both brands and consumers is when the two mediums converge. We now live in a society where consumers are exposed to more content and communications than ever before and patience is not a virtue as far as consumers are concerned. An immediate response is often vital to drive a consumer from the awareness to the involvement stage in the purchasing journey, maintaining the level of engagement generated by communications. OOH advertising is often the inspiration and trigger for consumers when out and about to drive them onto their smartphones. It is here that they can immediately gather information or access a promotion that encourages them to visit a physical store there and then. Immediate online response Inspiration OOH adverts Immediate store visit response Moment of purchase Active evaluation Information gathering, shopping Post-purchase experience Ongoing exposure Loyalty loop Initial- consideration set Trigger
  • 13. POSTERSCOPE MEDIA DIGEST - 2014 13 Moreover the Google Path to Purchase research demonstrated that consumers using a smartphone for shopping related activities have a desire to make a purchase in the immediate future: 55% within the hour and 83% within a day. It also proved that 71% of smartphone owners had used a store locator. Google also conducted another piece of research on “The Role of Click to Call” in September 2013 amongst 3,000 smartphone users who regularly use mobile search. This highlighted the fact that 7 in 10 had used the click to call button for retailer questions such as business hours, making a reservation or inquiring about availability or inventory. So considering all this insight, smartphones could actually be the saviour for physical stores, compared to their online desktop and tablet equivalents. They are often used by consumers to do shopping related research when they are out and about and with a desire to purchase. Smartphones not only encourage them to visit a store in their vicinity but also give them the reassurance and confidence to make a purchase. And OOH advertising with its proximity to stores can be the ideal trigger to drive consumers onto their smartphones. OOH and Mobile Convergent Opportunities Posterscope believes the convergence of OOH advertising and mobile is paramount in the media landscape. It is particularly appropriate for bricks and mortar retailers along with the brands and products they sell and one role for OOH and mobile is to make the consumer shopping journey as easy and seamless as possible. This could be in the form of providing opportunities for consumers to interact with posters in the proximity to retailers and using their smartphones to access local information, directions, download special offers/ vouchers and to compare prices. All of which can encourage consumers to visit local retailers. Another opportunity is to utilise data in planning, such as with EE’s mobile data. This helps to select targeted poster sites in locations that are identified as hotspots for online mobile activity for a particular retail category and are therefore more likely to reach consumers in a responsive frame of mind. Such convergent opportunities are especially important over the next few years, particularly as Deloitte predicts that by 2017 in-store sales will still account for over 80% of all retail sales and smartphones will directly be influencing up to 15% of this with an annual value of £40bn. To access the full presentation please click on the following link: Retail, Mobile and OOH Please click on the following link to access the Deloitte Mobile Influence Report Please click on the following link to access the Google Mobile Path to Purchase Of consumers using mobile to research, want to purchase within the hour55% Want to purchase within a day 83%
  • 14. POSTERSCOPE MEDIA DIGEST - 2014 14 Consumer and Digital Trends for 2014 Key Consumer and Digital Trends with Relevant Opportunities in the OOH Space Many recently released reports have been predicting the hottest trends for 2014. Below Posterscope has highlighted some of the key consumer and digital trends from these reports that we feel are particularly relevant to consumers in the OOH space. Immersive Experiences: Entertainment, narratives and brand experiences will become more immersive and altogether more enveloping in a bid to capture consumers’ imagination and attention (JWT). psLIVE have been delivering award winning brand experiences across all of 2013. For more information about Posterscope’s experiential offering please visit psLIVE’s website at The Age of Impatience: With the mainstreaming of the on-demand economy and our always-on culture, consumer expectations for speed and ease are rising exponentially. As businesses respond in kind, making the availability of their products and services more instant, impatience and impulsiveness will only continue to increase (JWT). Both OOH and mobile have the concept of immediacy in common and can converge to encourage consumers to visit in-store retailers.
  • 15. POSTERSCOPE MEDIA DIGEST - 2014 15 Social Commerce: Social media influences e-commerce in many ways. In particular it provides a platform for consumers to stay connected to their peers when decision making, and helps provide reassurance when purchasing (Trend Hunter). Posterscope and LIVEPOSTER can integrate social feeds into digital OOH, which could provide the social proof required by consumers to give them the confidence to make a purchase. For more information, please give your Posterscope contact a call. Functional Out-of-Home: Brands are adopting useful “physical” and “interactive” advertisements to benefit consumers. Such campaigns take things to a tangible level, giving consumers a reason to engage with a brand’s message both physically and mentally. Such functional out- of-home ads provide a real benefit to consumers and are a memorable, engaging and powerful form of advertising (Trend Hunter). Posterscope’s Hyperspace team have been delivering award winning brand innovations for years. For more information please go to the Hyperspace site at www. hyperspaceportfolio.wordpress. com
  • 16. POSTERSCOPE MEDIA DIGEST - 2014 16 Actionable Data Becomes A Key Difference Maker: Marketeers need to be able to listen to customer and prospect behaviours in order to respond at the right time and place with the right message. In order to accomplish this using big data, this data needs to be easily accessible within a marketing platform and not left in an aggregated, siloed form in a data warehouse (Silverpop). Posterscope recently formed a partnership with the EE Network providing access to mobile data which will shape OOH campaigns through a hyper-targeted approach. Location and Local: Knowing where your customers are is an immensely powerful part of delivering the right message at the right time. OOH by its very nature is the key ATL location- based medium, but more recently mobile advertising is becoming locally targeted with more precision. Forward- thinking marketers have started communicating with customers based on whether they crossed a geofence or checked in via Foursquare or Facebook. As pioneers in OOH, Posterscope has just announced a first- of-its-kind converged OOH and mobile display media offering. Co-developed with xAd, this partnership combines OOH and hyper-local mobile targeting. This would, for example, allow mobile ads to be served to those who have passed OOH panels, providing a re-targeting opportunity for advertisers. To access the full trends reports please scan the following links: JWT 10 trends for 2014 Trend Hunter 2014 Silverpop – 7 Key Marketing Trends for 2014 Carat Trends – Dan Calladine (WARC)
  • 17. POSTERSCOPE MEDIA DIGEST - 2014 17 Airport Research Identifies How High Net Worth Business Travellers Are at the Forefront of Social and Technology Adoption In 2011 JCDecaux Airport launched Business Traveller, the first survey of its kind conducted by an outdoor media company. The research focused on regular elite business flyers and explored their profile, relationship with technology and opinions on advertising. As a result of the success of the research, an updated version, Business Traveller 2, launched in October 2013. The findings of Business Traveller 2 add another layer to the understanding of JCDecaux Airport’s travellers and their sophisticated approach to finance, key decision making and airport experiences. It also unveils key insights into business travellers’ symbiotic relationship with technology and social media, and their opinions on global business. Key findings on the Airports Business audience include: • Over 1/4 have a net worth over £1m+ • 70% own tablets and 86% use apps • Over 1/3 access business news through links posted on social media websites • 73% have posted comments about products or services online, 74% read them • 62% notice advertising in airports all/most of the time • 60% think airports are the most effective place to advertise international B2B brands Business Traveller 2 highlights how advertising with JCDecaux Airport opens up a world of business influence amongst the hard-to-reach ‘business vanguard’. To find out more and read the full presentation for this research please visit: or contact Steve Cox at Media Owner Insights
  • 18. POSTERSCOPE MEDIA DIGEST - 2014 18 In a recent edition of Clear Thinking, Clear Channel highlights some of the main insights from their Ngen research that took place throughout 2013. Run in collaboration with Crowd DNA and the Trajectory Partnership, the Ngen community consisted of 400 engaged and connected 18-34 year olds from eight major UK cities. The community ran for 18 weeks, alongside two waves of quantitative online research. The research focused on the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of a generation that represents the future of the UK. By working closely with 8 brands partners including Dixons Store Group and Channel 5 it generated the following insight: Clear Channel Identifies the “Spend Now Save Later” Mentality of the Ngen Audience • 95% Ngens still shop on the high street with the corresponding figure of 71% for online. Smartphones are also key with nearly half using smartphones for shopping related purposes • 52% of Ngens rated their smartphone as the technology they would keep above all else • 63% of Ngens agree advertising is important to a brand’s identity and almost half say they prefer targeted communication over general advertising. The contextual opportunities provided by OOH advertising is therefore key to this audience • Ngens are also one of the audiences that are key to the UK economy returning to positive growth. They have continued to spend and often think about the now rather than the future with 59% not contributing to a pension and 65% spending the same if not more on retail in areas such as clothing, footwear and consumer technology For more detail on the Ngen research or a copy of “Clear Thinking” please contact Lynne Jarrett at Detailed infographics on other Clear Channel audiences can also be found at Clear Channel Audiences -
  • 19. POSTERSCOPE MEDIA DIGEST - 2014 19 Exterion Media Make It Easy to Access Urban Audience Insights Exterion Media’s panel is continuing to generate a deeper understanding of the urban audience in terms of behaviour, lifestyle, attitudes and motivations. With three surveys sent out per month to the urban panel of over 10,000 active members, wide ranging category Insight is regularly produced and made easily available to planners and advertisers through various channels such as interactive dashboards or category brochures. interactive dashboard: The interactive dashboard allows you to analyse category insight by a specific target audience. For more detail on the or for copies of any of the brochures please contact Gemma Proctor at Category Brochures Insight for some individual categories is also available through brochures such as The Look Book and Urban Food. The Look Book gives ideas and inspiration around Fashion & Beauty from market trends to purchase journeys for specific fashion segmentations. Urban Food delves deep into city dwellers eating behaviours for all the main meals of breakfast, lunch and dinner to snacking mid-morning, mid-afternoon and in the evening. The
  • 20. POSTERSCOPE MEDIA DIGEST - 2014 20 Primesight have continued to live up to their “Results are our Culture” (#resultsareourculture) mantra and are utilising various research methodologies to evaluate campaigns. Measurements include EPOS data, uplifts in web traffic using Experian Hitwise data and “Primemobile”, which evaluates consumers’ awareness and attitudes towards OOH campaigns using smartphone mobile research. There are a large number of case studies that are readily available on These highlight campaigns that have run on roadside, retail, lifestyle and transport as well as those featuring spectaculars, digital and interactive formats. Primeproof In 2013, Primesight also focused a lot of their research around interactive campaigns. Primesight have run a number of interactive digital 6 sheet campaigns in cinema foyers. Across 5 different campaigns and 100 digital screens in total, 100,000 interactions were generated with an average of 1,000 interactions per screen. Primesight Continue to Promote Their “Results are Our Culture” Approach Client Period Screens Footfall Interactions April 5 301,164 6,432 (2.1% of footfall) March (11 days) 65 1.4 million 42,000 (3% of footfall) December (2 weeks) 10 280,000 5,260 (1.8% of footfall) October (4 weeks) 16 448,000 30,679 (6.8% of footfall) October (4 weeks) 4 224,000 15,126 (6.7% of footfall) For more information on these tools or insight please give your Posterscope contact a call or contact Ross Wilson at Primesight on Primesight research amongst smartphone owners generated further insight on the main reasons for interacting with OOH posters. These were largely functional benefits such as accessing vouchers/coupons, free access to wi-fi, entering competitions and research into products and services. These findings collaborated Posterscope’s own research around NFC/QR Code Interactions. Voucher or coupon Free Wi-Fi Competition To find out about more about the product/brand Fill some time while I wait for film/ bus/trainetc.... Download content e.g. music/video Just to see how it works Country: UK Date: May/June 2013 Base: Total Respondents (265) Play a game To pay for/ order goods/ services Comment via social media Reasons for interacting with OOHInteractive digital 6 sheets in cinema foyers
  • 21. POSTERSCOPE MEDIA DIGEST - 2014 21 • Control - Had visited a mall over the campaign period where Dior advertising was not active • Test 1 - Visited a mall over the campaign period where Dior advertising featured on digital 6 sheets (D6) • Test 2 - Visited a mall over the campaign period where Dior advertising featured on both digital 6 sheets (D6) and M-Vision (large format mall) The results, summarised in the table opposite, were particularly interesting. The Mall D6s shifted many brand metrics often associated with frequency such as increasing spontaneous brand and advertising awareness as well as increasing brand consideration and recommendation. However, the addition of large format M-Vision generated impact. This led to higher levels of spontaneous advertising recall for Dior being attributed to mall advertising. M-Vision also had a significant impact on increasing premium brand perceptions and subsequent consideration and recommendation for the brand. The mall campaign took place over 2 weeks at the start of December 2013, a period cluttered with fragrance communications. To provide further context, 50% of all advertising for the fragrance category in 2013 took place during November and December. D6 M-Vision JCDecaux have recently released “The Power of Big 3” which utilised mobile geo-fencing to send surveys to consumers an hour after they had visited a shopping mall. Over 450 respondents were split into three groups based on their relative exposure to mall advertising for the test client Dior. JCDecaux Mobile Geo-Fencing Research Confirms the Importance of Size and Stature in the Mall Environment Control Group No Mall advertising Test  Group  1                               Digital  6  sheets   (D6)   Test  Group  2   Digital  6  sheets   (D6)   &  M-­‐Vision   Spontaneous Brand Awareness for Dior (Beauty/Fragrance Category) 19% 39% 40% Spontaneous Advertising Awareness for Dior (Beauty/Fragrance Category) 18% 29% 29% Advertising Awareness for Dior attributed to OOH in Shopping Mall n/a 24% 33% Prompted Advertising Recall for Dior 55% 64% 66% Premium Brand Perceptions for Dior “High End” “Luxury” 69% 63% 75% 64% 85% 73% Dior Consideration 19% 22% 26% Dior Recommendation 28% 36% 43% For more information about this case study please contact Lisa West at JCDecaux on
  • 22. POSTERSCOPE MEDIA DIGEST - 2014 22 Admedia Research Demonstrates the Prevalence, Value and Desires of Mall Shopping Amongst the Student Population The Admedia student panel consists of an online community of 500 university students who take part in online surveys about a range of subjects. The latest report considers the importance of students to retailers, in particular focusing on how students regularly frequent and behave in shopping malls. There are almost 2.5 million students in the UK and what was once deemed as the ‘poor’ generation is now estimated to contribute around £20 billion to the economy every year. With such high spending power and more free time on their hands which is often spent on leisure activities, many brands aim to engage with this key shopping audience through OOH. The latest report from Admedia delivers some interesting insights on this audience including: • Their relationship with e-Commerce and shopping in physical stores • How students are heavy impulse shoppers especially during the holiday season • What encourages students to visit physical stores and how the experience in shopping malls is highly valued with modern technology often enhancing this • Links to other reports on consumer shopping and technology from the likes of Accenture and Microsoft which highlight trends such as “seamless retail“, “enhancing the real” and “the age of serendipity” For a copy of the report please contact Louise Fisher at
  • 23. 2nd floor, The Qube, 90 Whitfied Street, London, W1T 4EZ