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Prokaryotes Vs Eukaryotes Essay
In the replication process of DNA, there are similarities between the process of replication of a
Eukaryote cell and Prokaryote cell. There are also differences in both processes. The most notable
difference would have to start with the cell themselves, which may add to additional differences in the
processes. A prokaryote is a more simplistic cell with less DNA and a Eukaryote cell is much more
complex with vast amounts of DNA.
The replication process in the end has the same goal and that is to copy DNA and pass it along to a
new cell. The processes begin in a similar fashion, which is the DNA is unwound by an enzyme
known as DNA helicase (Boundless, 2016). Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes both employ the polymerases
to synthesis DNA. In both cases the replication begins within the cell wall or cell membrane. The
processes of replicating the DNA into a new cell occurs with the aid of leading strands and lagging
strands (Bank, E., 2016). A leading and lagging strand uses RNA prime that inserts the first genetic
code that is completed by a subsequent lagging strand, Okazaki fragment.
The differences between the two replications are abundant. Although the replication occurs within the
cell wall for the two processes they both occur in different locations. The prokaryote replication
occurs in cytoplasm. It also is destined to occur in that one location ... Show more content on ...
The speed at which replication occurs is speedy but the decrease in speed for Eukaryote cells may go
hand and hand with the complexity of the organism. The margin for error to complete multiple
processes with billions of lines of DNA would presumably be higher with increased speed. It may also
be true that having multiple points of origin could be more accurate at inserting code in the correct
position. Lastly, the end of a chromosome and the shortening of the chromosome may help to relieve
the world of people who have experienced everything and know
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Power, Authority and The State Essay
Waking up on the typical Monday morning, I feel groggy and confused. What day is today? I think it
over and realize it is the dreaded Monday. Wishing it was still Sunday, I slowly get up and, like a snail,
complete my morning routine. On my way to Hunter, everything is the usual waiting for the suddenly
delayed train, rushing through the massive horde of people trying to transfer trains, and finally
arriving at school along with hundreds of others. I notice that the train station has set up a table lined
with police officers checking passengers suspicious bags. The person in front of me gets called over
by the police and she complies, by allowing the police officer to look through her bag. I keep walking
as this is nothing out of the ... Show more content on ...
The first type of authority is legal, or rational authority. Weber writes, It is concerned with how a
political order is regarded as legal in the eyes of the population...and the legitimacy is maintained by
reference to a legal code (13). Individuals or groups with legal rational authority are functional
superiors or bureaucratic officials. This type of authority rules through the law, the government, and
established norms. The reason their authority is accepted is that people generally believe rules and
regulations are necessary in order to maintain a functioning society. Examples of legal authority
figures are members of Congress, the President, the Queen of England, and average police officers.
These authority figures are able to maintain their dominance because it has been accepted as a norm
and necessity to follow the law. The second type of authority is traditional authority. Weber states, this
type of authority is: resting on an established belief in the sanctity of immemorial traditions and
legitimacy of those exercising authority under rule (12). Those with traditional authority inherit their
position from long established traditions and customs. Examples of traditional authority figures are the
Pope, doctors, and teachers. This tradition of obedience has been passed on from generation to
generation and it is seen as customary to obey those in charge of your faith, health, and education. We
ve been taught by society and by our parents to
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The Importance Of Recess And Time For Physical Activity
Every day, adults manage their work days, which include breaks. While at work, adults do many tasks,
but typically do not focus on one task for a three hour period without taking a break. By not providing
breaks or recess, children are asked to focus for a longer period of time than most adults do in a day.
Everyone benefits from breaks in the day and these coffee or recess breaks allow people to return to a
task more focused and with improved concentration. Removing recess and unstructured physical
activity time from the school day can have a serious impact on children s health and well being.
Recess and time for physical activity is not only important to the overall health of children, it also
provides an outlet that helps with the social, emotional, and cognitive development of children. In
addition, it is also common for recess to be taken away from students who misbehave. Unfortunately,
it is these types of students who benefit most from recess, the physical activity, and breaks that is
provided away from classroom instruction ( Yay For Recess ). Physical activity and recess for
elementary school children should remain a part of the school day to improve academic performance
and decrease negative behavior.
Over the last ten years, the debate about the effect of recess and physical activity have frequently
changed. In the past, recess and physical activity were a standard part of the school day. Currently,
only 18% of states require elementary schools to have daily
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Gun Control and the Bill of Rights Essay
George Mason, a co author of the Bill of Rights, said To disarm the people is the best and most
effectual way to enslave them If this is true, why would anyone try to ban firearms in the U.S? Guns
have been a part of American history since we declared independence from Britain in 1776. Many
people believe that removing weapons from the hands of citizens is the only way to stop criminals
from shooting down people at malls and kids at schools, but this is not the case. Outlawing guns is not
the answer for effectively reducing gun crime.
According to Wikipedia, a firearm is a portable gun, being a barreled weapon that launches one or
more projectiles often driven by the action of an explosive force. The first firearms were invented in ...
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Murder by knives was first, followed by clubs, then strangulation. It seems that by banning guns,
people used other ways to kill. On the other hand, Switzerland s gun policy is very different than other
nations. It requires all men to go through militia training at age twenty and issue an assault rifle when
they complete it. Switzerland has the lowest gun crime rates in the world, despite giving everyone a
high powered, fully automatic firearm.
Another hot topic that politicians debate about is allowing assault rifles, or select fire guns (capable of
semi automatic or fully automatic fire),which have the ability to shoot rounds as long as you can hold
the trigger down, in the hand of American citizens. Currently, eight states have banned owning assault
weapons in some sense. Some may argue that these guns are overkill, and aren t practical for hunting
or self defense, whereas other firearms fill that position well. In some cases that might be true, but if
multiple intruders enter your home armed, a pistol with a low capacity clip may not suffice. Contrary
to popular belief, gun crime has dropped significantly over the past 20 years. Since 1993, violence
involving guns has gone down 49% according to Pew Research. The media is to blame for
sensationalizing shootings and with the internet s influence an argument that got out of hand can be
seen as an all out battle. The Second
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Write An Essay On Hypnosis
As researchers have discovered, recorded events of hypnosis goes back 2,500 years to the times of
ancient China and Egypt, and also to ancient Greece, where the physical remnants of the sleep healing
temple of Asklepios still exist. At the sleep healing temple, the physician Asklepios would heal people
using hypnosis; people who were wanting cured would ready themselves for their appointment days
before with purifying waters, baths, and fasting, and would learn to relax in a peaceful calm reverie.
When it was their time, they would enter into the Abaton, which was a dimly lit stone room holding a
stone bench called a klini, and the patients would lay on the klini, enter their calm reverie, and wait for
Asklepios to take away whatever illness or discomfort they had. Many ... Show more content on ...
When people are hypnotized, the rumor is they enter a hypnotic state, which is a state of
consciousness where the person s attention is focused and not on their surroundings. During this
hypnotic state, people are more ready to respond to suggestions. A hypnotic induction is a procedure
that is used to help someone to become hypnotized. An induction helps that person relax so they can
reach their hypnotic state. The difference between hypnotic state and suggestions is when you are
getting suggestions you don t have to be in hypnosis (but you can if you want). Suggestions is a way
to see the world in a different way; whether it be different through sensation, perception, thought,
emotion, or behavior. With suggestions, a successful response is where the effect feels like it is
happening all by itself and you are not making it happen voluntarily. However, while under hypnosis
or suggestion, hypnotic amnesia can take place; hypnotic amnesia is the inability to remember
occurrences that had happened while hypnotized. This is because the subjects could be told to forget
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The First Three Words Of Our Constitution
We the people... the first three words of our constitution have changed in meaning and who the people
represent also has changed over time. The U.S constitution laid out the framework for the future
government of our country, everything from the branches of our government to our rights as U.S
citizens. As our country has evolved from the institution of the constitution to our modern day country,
the representation of the the people has expanded and changed in the years since the establishment of
the U.S constitution. To begin, why did the framers choose to start the constitution with we the
people? During the creation process of the constitution the framers had one thing in mind and that was
to create a system of government that was anything but the tyranny Britain had. Perhaps the biggest
flaw Great Britain had been the lack of voice the citizens of England had. Not even the Articles of
Confederation began or even mentioned the people in the document. It only made sense for the
foundation of our country s future to revolve around the thing that allows our government to function.
The citizens run the government, if the citizens don t go out and fight for things to get done then
nothing will ever get done. This is why we have representatives in each state to listen to what the
people have to say on issues and laws. Another point referring to both the government of Britain and
the articles of confederation is that by saying we the people it shows that the constitution
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Tax Exemptions in America
Decades ago, state and federal legislatures began offering tax exemptions, including exemptions from
property tax, for nonprofit institutions that provide charitable services to communities. Nonprofit
hospitals that qualify for federal tax exemption under Internal Revenue Code §501(c)(3) are not
guaranteed state charitable tax exemptions. A hospital must provide some amount of charity in order
to be granted a state tax exemption, however historical statues have failed to quantify what amount of
charity is sufficient to meet the charitable purpose exemption . In recent times, nonprofit hospitals
repeatedly have to defend the amount of charity and benefit they provide to the community to
maintain their state property tax exempt status. There has been a recent, notable case where a hospital
lost its property tax exemption. In the case of Provena Covenant Medical Center V. Illinois
Department of Revenue, the Illinois Supreme Court held that PCMC does not provide enough charity
care to qualify for tax exemptions provided for nonprofit organizations that provide charity care .
Nonprofit hospitals are among the largest landowners in many communities, in the US, billions of
dollars in property is owned by nonprofit hospitals . Most hospitals would owe millions in taxes if
exempt properties were taxed. This report will examine the Illinois Supreme court decision in Provena
Covenant Medical Center v. Illinois Department of Revenue, Case No. 107328, and analyze the courts
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Karl Marx And The Productive Power
Karl Marx believed that growth is driven by the progression of the productive power by human. This
productive power was also the rise and fall of an economic structure according to how progression is
supported and downcast. Marx suggest that through communism it is possible to eliminate the
constraint that exploitation has on the society s laborers.
The mode of production involves the methods humans use to produce the resources to sustain the
provision for survival and to improve society as a whole. The two components to the mode of
production are the means of production (what is used) and the relation of production or property
(labor, capital). The mode of production is the union of creative powers and the relations of
production. ... Show more content on ...
The very definition of the term feudalism as it relates to the 19th century is that of a dominant social
system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military
service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (serfs) were obliged to live
on their lord s land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for
military protection. Thus, the feudalist mode of production was constructed on a mixture of the
enormous landholdings belonging to the feudal lords and the lesser smallholdings of the direct makers,
the serfs, who were misused by added economic restraint, as distinctive of feudalist power. This is a
form of stratification. Some Principles of Stratification by Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore
advocate that stratification is needed in order to make a society functional. The lords (upper class)
have the power while the serfs (middle/lower class) tends to the labor. However, Max Webber s Class,
Status, Party defines stratification as taking something which is not yours to take. This is a justified
cause to change the function of society. The lords demanded that the labor of the serfs be a right
belonging to the lords. The mode of production under feudalism permitted the exploitation of labor by
forcing the people to the very land that they worked and not rendering them the economic freedom
they deserved. The downfall of feudalism was due to the
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A Popular Example Of Slavery In Ancient Greek Society
Unfortunately, slavery was a very popular act in the Old Testament and in ancient Greek society. It is
shocking to know that slavery was acceptable back then and how it differs greatly from slavery in
other ancient times. The most popular example of slavery in the Bible was when the Israelites were
slaves to the Egyptians, and Moses was called by God to deliver them to the Promised Land (Exodus
14). Many times, people in the Bible will use their own indentured servants or actual servant as slaves.
The Bible uses these cover ups to make it seem like slavery was not everywhere, but in reality, it was.
Slavery in the Greek society was based on one s social status. Most of the slaves were prisoners of
war, people from other tribes, and people
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What Is Octavia Butler s Response To The Parable Of The Sower
Parable of the Sower Response (Chapters 1 11)
In an alternate reality eight years from now, America has become a ravaged landscape, dotted with
walled communities. Islands amongst a shark infested ocean. Stars scattered across the emptiness of
space. While this comparison may seem extreme, the similarities shared between Octavia Butler s post
apocalyptic vision and present day America can be made apparent. Are we really living in delusional
walled off communities? Many neighborhoods today are separated by both race and class. Like in the
book, all Americans look forward to change, and yet change is just an elusive dream that the future
will bring about a better tomorrow. Parable of the Sower is a reminder of how fragile we are as a
country, and how we ... Show more content on ...
One part that caught my attention the most was the ending of the space program by newly elected
President Donner. Space is a recurring theme, introduced near the beginning of the book when Lauren
talks to her grandmother about the visible stars in the sky, discussing how city pollution blocked out
the view of the stars in the past. This is a symbolization of how modernization and the rise of powerful
corporate companies envelopes people in the haze of normalcy and safety, depriving them of the drive
to change. This introduces a concept where people are blinded by external sources from reaching the
stars, where space and the stars represent truth, ambition, and curiosity. As mentioned before, the
presidential command to cut all involvement of funding space programs marks the abandonment of all
these values. In a way, the whole country of America is the walled off community of Robledo, afraid
to venture into the unknown, and living in ignorance through the thought that its inhabitants will
always live to see another day. Americans cannot progress by blinding themselves to the truth, and
must confront the fact that one day all things will come to an end. Lauren s father explains to her that,
You ve
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The Pros And Cons Of The Holy Trinity Doctrine
Once, there were words saying If you try to explain the Trinity, you will lose your mind, but if you
deny it, you will lose your soul . (Pritchard) The knowledge of God the Trinity is the center of the
Christian faith. Yet many believers have got confused in understanding the true natures of the
personalities and relationships of each person in God the Trinity. Endless questions continuously
appear, again and again, giving Christians a sense of extremely misty confusion towards the
magnificent attributes of every person in the Trinity. Who has an answer to these questions? None,
none but God Himself who has given us guidance through a lot of ways, as He is the supreme creator
and ruler of knowledge. The Bible itself is the strongest, richest, and most dependable source of ...
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Early saints or early Christian teachers, have been discussing the Trinity deeply and deliberately for
decades, as it is one of the most complex teachings written in the Bible. One of the most reliable
doctrines of the Trinity is The Holy Trinity Doctrine. The Holy Trinity Doctrine was one of the
doctrines created during the first few ages where Christianity just started developing. This doctrine
was created in the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. During this discussion, diverse points were given by
theologists. Thoughts named as Tritheism, Unitarism, and Arianism are present. Tritheism focuses that
there are three separate Gods, promoting polytheism, Unitarism focuses on God the Father most, and
separates Christ and the Holy Spirit into a different category of deity, thus changing their divinity, and
Arianism promotes Jesus Christ as a creation of God during the Creation. Other than these three, there
are also other strong doctrines about the Trinity from the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed which
came from the Council of Nicea, and the Athanasian
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The Capture Of Megiddo And The Suez Canal
The capture of Megiddo is the capture of a thousand towns. Campaign Records of Thutmose III
Strategic Chokepoint
The Yom Kippur war (‫כיפור‬ ‫יום‬ ‫)מלחמת‬ started on October sixth, 1973 when Egyptian forces crossed
the Suez Canal in concert with Syrian allies attacking Israel from the north (Dayan, 1976, p. 24).
Israeli Defense Forces responded, defeating and eventually chasing the Egyptians back across the
Sinai and the Suez Canal. Israel upon threatening the direct military control of a strategic chokepoint,
the Suez Canal; drew immediate response from Russian military forces. What had been the defense of
Israel s homeland, resulting from an unprovoked attack, in a regional conflict suddenly elicited
superpower intervention. ... Show more content on ...
The Jezreel Valley is shaped like a triangle with the bottom mirroring the Jordan River to the East and
top pointing toward the Mediterranean. The southern edge of the triangle, nearly 20 miles long, is
defined by the mountains of Carmel and Gilboa reaching almost to the Jordan River. In military
parlance, an area like Jezreel and Megiddo that reduces to a narrowed point (such as through the
Aruna Pass) is known as a fatal funnel . This is an area where an enemy can be fixed while maximized
use of weapons can be brought to bear. (Map of Megiddo Jezreel Valley) Thus, Megiddo was not only
a strategic chokepoint, but enjoyed special defensive capabilities; worthy of making Erwin Rommel to
voice his appreciation. With flat terrain to the north and mountains behind, Megiddo owners could at
any point attack from their defensive stronghold and risk almost nothing. Later, we will examine how
the geography of Megiddo affected strategic, tactical, and economic pursuits of nations.
Mobile Killing Ground
The flat terrain and open area, free of rocky outcroppings became a battleground suited for the speed,
physics, and power of chariot and cavalry warfare. The Bible records; The kings came, they fought;
then fought the kings of Canaan at Tanaach, by the waters of Megiddo setting the stage for a battle at
Megiddo (Judges
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Costa Ric A Central American Country
Costa Rica is a Central American country located between Panama and Nicaragua. The west and east
coast of Costa Rica are facing the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The main language spoken is Spanish,
although English is widely heard. This country is very popular among surfers because the most
powerful waves known to man are enjoyed in the town of Tamarindo. Costa Rica is the safest country
in the region because of its booming economy and general friendliness of the people. Also, majority of
the country covers jungles and rainforests. Many U.S. citizens travel here to experience the untouched
nature and study parts of it unique to man. The main city in Costa Rica is San Jose, located in the
center of the country. Many elderly people retire to ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, there are people selling these medicines on the streets. Why not see what Costa Rica is
all about? Why not see what this country has to offer? This Central American country will leave
people in awe. Life Expectancy Life expectancy in Costa Rica is actually higher than any other
Central American country. The average life expectancy is 80 years for both men and women. A quality
culture, cheap healthcare, and a low crime rate contribute to this high rate. Some of the most
dangerous Central American countries are near Costa Rica, but they mostly don t affect the country.
Life expectancy and quality of life is actually increasing every year in Costa Rica. This rate is
exceptionally high compared to the rest of the world, including the U.S. It has one of the best
healthcare systems which is why a lot of Westerners retire to this tropical country. On the flip side,
there are some natural borne diseases that derive from the rainforests areas, but whatever ailment a
traveler has there is a herb found in the jungles that can most likely cure it. Sometimes mosquito borne
diseases such Malaria is imminent in the swamp areas. On the bright side, there are no vaccinations
required to enter Costa Rica so that implies the country is generally safe. Main Health Issues Ash
floating in the air from active volcanoes in certain towns can cause respiratory problems. Normally, a
person has to live really close to a volcano for this to occur. Mild Dengue Fever To avoid
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Underlying Causes of WWI Essay
In the early 1900 s, the entirety of Europe was divided into various alliances and powers, most notably
the Triple Alliance (Germany, Astro Hungarian Empire, and Italy) and the Triple Entente (France,
Russia, and the United Kingdom), which ultimately fell into a hellish firestorm of mustard gas and
trench warfare in 1914 that left 18 million dead and Europe s economies and production decimated
manyfold (DBQ Project, Various Document D). The destruction of the turn of the century nations and
Empires that slaughtered over people stems from a chronological progression of ambitious
Imperialism, extreme Nationalism, and rapid Militarism. The first idea, Imperialism, began an ideal
that would begin pitting European nations at each ... Show more content on ...
Even in song, the Britons were as prideful as they were aggressive in colonization. Take, for example,
an excerpt of their National Anthem: When Britain first at Heaven s command / Arose from out the
azure main; / This was the charter of the land / And guardian angels sang this strain; / Rule Britannia!
Britannia, rule the waves: / Britons never will be slaves (James Thomson and Thomas Arne). The
above speaks of arrogance and superiority, by associating themselves with a higher power; they
insinuate that Britain is the Promised Land, and by the logic that there is only one Promised Land,
they underlay that everyone else is inferior. But, as much as extreme Nationalism does give a nice
sense of pride to the people, it s also very necessary to the theatre of politics and war. In a passage
from The Age of Nationalism and Reform, it is stated that, The extraordinary feeling that some people
seem to derive from the belief that they are members of a superior nation or race is undoubtedly one of
the great appeals of modern nationalism (Rich). General von Moltke of Germany intended to use
Nationalistic pride to his favor, saying, I believe war is unavoidable and the sooner the better. But we
ought to do more through the press to prepare the popularity of a war against Russia... (Mombauer).
Von Moltke wanted to prepare for war, and did so actively, but he needed the approval of the people.
So, he and Kasier Wilhelm II spent
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Fog Light Research Paper
Fog Light Installation Tips for Firefighters Add a picture of fog lights in and out of their box Tools
Firefighters Need to Install Fog Lights Installing fog lights is easy and doesn t require a great deal of
tools. Tools needed to install fog lights include: Ratchet or wrench Wiring diagram of vehicle Drill
Step 1: Open Fog Lights Box Obviously, the first step to fog light installation is opening the fog light
box. When opening the fog light box, make sure to do so carefully. After you empty the contents of the
box, lay out all of the contents of the box including the instructions. Add a picture of fog lights
unboxing Step 2: Park Vehicle on Even Surface When you are sure you have everything you need to
begin your fog light installation, you need to make sure your vehicle is parked on an even surface.
Make ... Show more content on ...
Add a picture of fog lights being disconnected from fog light housing Step 5: Remove Nut, Washer,
and Bolt Holding Fog Light in Place Next, you need to loosen and remove the nut, washer, and bolt
that is holding the original fog light in place. When you order most fog lights from an emergency light
retailer, you will get fog light assembly accessories. However, if your new fog lights didn t come with
installation equipment, you will need to keep the assembly accessories from the fog lights you just
removed. Add a picture of a fog light being removed from a vehicle Step 6: Insert New Fog Light
Assembly Now that the original fog light has been removed, you are ready to insert the new fog light
assembly. First, verify that the new fog lights are right for the vehicle you are installing them in. Next
prepare the fog light holes with a drill and appropriate drill bit. Add a picture of a fog light being
drilled. Step 7: Tighten Washer and
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Speech At The 2016 Play Conference Hosted By The Us Play
Fran, thank you for allowing me to attend the 2016 Play Conference hosted by the US Play Coalition.
I attended three sessions on Monday, April 4th, and the experience was highly beneficial for my future
career and built on many topics I have learned this semester so far. The exposure to Parks, Recreation,
and Tourism Management professionals allowed me to see possible futures for myself. The first
session I attended was on the education track; it was given by Debbie Stevens Smith and was entitled
The Kinesthetic Classroom: Why, How, and When. Ms. Smith, an early childhood professor at
Clemson University, spoke about why it is vital for teachers to create classrooms incorporating play
and movement, gave some advice on how to achieve this, and told us when we could incorporate
movement during the day. The most interesting new thing I learned during this session was about the
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor; she compared this to miracle grow for the brain. Basically,
exercise encourages the growth of new neurons and synapses, thus increasing brain mass and mood
regulation. She also spoke about Finland, a nation with the highest test scores in the world; their
teachers give students a 15 minute break for physical activity for every 45 minutes of instruction. This
shows that, despite what many educators and policymakers think, more recess time improves school
performance. Another interesting fact I learned was that 85 percent of children are kinesthetic learners,
so by
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Everything You Need to Know about Stars
A star is a sparkling bundle of gas bound by gravity into a solitary object and is fueled by atomic
combination at the center. There are trillions of stars in our universe and all are distinctive and
extraordinary. Their mass, color, shape makes them all distinctive but mass is the only thing that
makes them unique. There are numerous phases of stars life including main sequence stars, red giants,
white dwarfs, neutron stars, and dark holes. All stars additionally have a lot of varieties in each one
phase of life. The life of a star starts in a cloud, an incredible gathering of gas and dust. When enough
mass has aggregated into a solitary item, gravity compels the mass to crumple into the middle.
Because of weight and rubbing, the center gets so hot that it starts atomic combination and a protostar
is made.
HR Diagram
The age and the mass of stars enlighten everything concerning a stars physical properties and situation
into each of the classifications. The Hertzsprung Russell chart (HR Diagram) diagrams stars glows
over the stars phantom class. Radiance portrays how splendid the star is (I, II, III, IV, V); ghastly class
depicts its temperature (O, B, A, F, G, K, M). This chart is the most ideal approach to classify stars.
A protostar is structured in the beginnings of a star. The protostar s gravity is answerable for making
stars thick. As the gravity of the protostar builds so does the compression of mass. As the thickness
expanded so does the temperature. In
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Root Canal
Toothache and swelling are the two major complaints reported to the dentist. Also the carious pulpal
exposure, requiring endodontic intervention is one of the commonly encountered clinical situations.
Therefore, the key to success lies in alleviating these critical issues. Literature search reveals that up to
80% of patients with preoperative pain experience severe post operative pain as well.[1] Also studies
have confirmed that these patients have higher incidence of inter appointment flare up.[2 3] Over
instrumentation, extrusion of irrigant / medicament beyond apex, temporary or permanent restoration
in hyper occlusion or contamination of prepared canal space during root canal therapy are the
principal causes which often provoke an acute ... Show more content on ...
[23 24] Prednisolone and dexamethasone have already been tried pre operatively before root canal
treatment with mixed results. However, another long acting corticosteroid, betamethasone [25] has not
been evaluated for its potential use to counteract inter appointment flare up. Therefore, the present
study was aimed to evaluate the efficacy of two different preoperative single oral doses of
betamethasone for inter appointment flare up as well as postoperative discomfort in teeth with
periapical periodontitis, while the triple antibiotic paste was used as an intracanal
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To Kill A Mockingbird Presence Of Animals Essay
With a lightning strike, the long, lance like bill of a white stork jabs through the marsh grass and
snatches up the singing frog. In an instant, the tireless music maker becomes the dinner of a spy.
White storks are master eavesdroppers. They rely on the songs of moor frogs to guide them when they
re hunting. The birds are so skillful that they can stealthily follow frog sounds to within two or three
strides of an unsuspecting singer. Some spies can intercept signals sent by plants. Bright flowers invite
bees and other animals to come for a meal of pollen or nectar (and to pollinate the plants at the same
time). Scientists believe that the most symmetrical flowers where each half mirrors the other like two
sides of a face help ... Show more content on ...
They can tell the alarm from other songs and calls and will dash for cover when they hear it. Some
animal snoops are born recognizing the warning signals of different creatures; others, such as bonnet
macaques, have to learn. These monkeys of southern India often pal around with langur monkeys.
Langurs are good lookouts, and macaques will quickly scramble up a tree when they overhear a langur
warning cry as long as the macaques have learned the correct langur language. Scientists say bonnet
macaques at one animal reserve[9] respond to recorded Nilgiri langur alarm shrieks but are slower to
flee after a similar cry by Hanuman langurs which would rarely be seen there. Farther north, only
Hanuman langurs are common and bonnet macaques there have learned the opposite langur language.
They jump at the sound of Hanuman warnings but are less bothered by Nilgiri cries. Eavesdropping on
the alarm signals of other animals is useful, but spying on predators directly also has advantages.
Geometrid moths, for instance, are slow, night flying moths that can be easily overtaken by hunting
bats. To make up for their sluggish speed, the moths have espionage
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Perceived Desire Fulfilment Theory Essay
In this essay, I will explain and discuss four main theories of happiness, and defend why the perceived
desire fulfilment theory is my preferred theory of happiness, based on its usefulness for not only the
individual, but also society as a whole, and the fact that it lacks any very glaring faults. Firstly, I will
lay out and extrapolate upon the four popular theories of happiness that this essay will be discussing
hedonism, life satisfaction theory, objective list theory, and finally, my preferred choice; perceived
desire satisfaction theory. After this, I will explain the faults in the first three theories that prevent me
from preferring them, and how perceived desire satisfaction theory circumvents these faults. I will
then discuss various objections concerning the perceived desire fulfilment theory, and why I believe
that these objections are compared to the objections about the other theories presented not that
important. Finally, I will summarise the various ways in which I believe perceived desire fulfilment
theory is more useful and more easily applied than ... Show more content on ...
Happiness and efforts to objectively measure and define it is a topic that, to this day, remains hotly
debated and theorised. Trying to make objective something that is seen as inherently subjective is
difficult, if not impossible, but that fact has yet to deter philosophers putting forward theories for what
constitutes happiness, and how to achieve it. One popular happiness theory is that of hedonism.
Originally stemming from Bentham s utilitarianism theories, hedonism s argument for happiness is
very simple; a happy life is one where the person maximises feelings of pleasure and minimises
feelings of pain, similar to how a utilitarian would want to
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A Little Brief Background On The Family Farm By Sylvia...
Sylvia Bojcvuk, born to Alexander and Albina Bojcvuk on their family farm on January 19th, 1928 in
Ukraine. Little did this young baby girl know she was about to endure a tragic, yet adventurous life
that would impact generations. A little brief background on Ukraine at the time of Sylvia s youth in
1941 Germany and Romania invaded Ukraine changing the country to Romania, then 1944 Soviet
soldier s invaded naming it back to Ukraine, which seems to come full circle to today with the
constant battle of Russia attempting to merge Ukraine into Russia for good. Unfortunately, Soviet
soldiers have a dark history of raping many of the young girls when they invaded Ukraine in 1944.
Sylvia was sixteen at the time and her mother and father hid her in their local farm, this constant
hiding lead to Albina decided they could no longer remain in Ukraine, which is the beginning of
Sylvia Bojcvuk s pilgrimage to a better life. The Bojcvuk family began by taking a train out of
Ukraine, hoping to go South where both Sylvia s older brother and sister currently resided, but the
Soviet soldiers were blocking passage to the South so they had to go west, leaving behind Sylvia s
brother, Adolf, and sister, Eleanor. Unfortunately, Sylvia was never again reunited with her siblings.
Adolf Bojcvuk later died of brain cancer in the 1980 s, and Eleanor Bojcvuk resides in Romania today
in her ninety s. Taking the train west, the Bojcvuk s resided in Austria where Sylvia attended nursing
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Frank Norris Research Paper
Frank Norris Late 19th Century Novelist and Writer in the Progressive Era After reading the works of
Frank Norris, one might wonder what drove him to become a writer. It could have been simply that as
a child he often dreamed of becoming a world renowned author, or it could have been that writing
helped him escape from the real world , and it was a comfort zone for him. Frank Norris grew up as
the world would see a normal child , but what he did in his career path was not the normal for the
average human being. He was a writer with a knowledgeable attitude and a dedicated personality that
enabled him to succeed in his early life, to produce many notable works, and to leave a long lasting
legacy. Benjamin Frank Norris Jr. was born on March 5th, 1870 in Chicago, Illinois(,
and moved to San Francisco with his family at the age of fourteen ( At
seventeen years old, Frank moved to Paris for two years to further his education in art ( ... Show more
content on ...
Many of his accomplishments do remain to this day. They were very much read during his time and
are still studied. Several early movies were made from his stories ( Sadly, on October
25, 1902, he left behind his legacy to this world and passed away due complications of peritonitis
from a ruptured appendix ( His family and friends gathered around him
and said their final goodbyes. He was buried in California ( His
reputation was well remembered, not only by his family and friends, but also by the many people who
purchased his books and were impacted by them. Frank Norris may of lived a short life, but he knew
how to use his time wisely and how to make a career that enabled him to not only be a writer, but also
one who was an inspirational writer of the Progressive
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Social Protest Music
Alaura Gayle
Dr. Lindsey McMaster
ACAD 1601
Monday November 28, 2016
Protest Music
Music is a popular form of art that uses sounds to express ideas and emotions through the elements of
rhythm, melody, harmony, and color (Dictionary). Not only is it used for entertainment purposes but
artists also use music to voice their opinions and get messages across to their listeners. Protest songs
are based in the philosophy that social protest, intended to achieve social change, is the fundamental
purpose of music, states Lawrence M. Berger (Berger 58). Protest music is a form of nonviolent
protesting that raises awareness of social issues that occur in today s society in a peaceful manner.
This type of music comes in various forms and genres, including ... Show more content on ...
Some people may disagree with my view insisting that Kendrick Lamar should not be considered an
example of an artist that makes protest music, due to his heavy affiliation with the largely known
street gang, The Bloods. Although his history of gang affiliation is true, Lamar devotes his rapping
career to protesting about the police brutalities, domestic terrorisms and racism and was named one of
the 100 most influential people in the world in 2016 (Love 320). Lamar s album To Pimp a Butterfly
contains many songs discussing the Black Lives Matter movement and African American culture, as
well as protesting against racial inequality, police brutality and institutional discrimination (Love
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The Influence Of The English Language
French is the eleventh most widely spoken language in the world. It is the official language of 33
countries in the world and it is spoken in two of the G7 countries. 200 million people around the world
understand, speak, read or write French and the language is the mother tongue of 75 million people.
French is the official language of postal services across the world and is one of the official languages
of the International Red Cross. The French speaking Africa represents an area larger than the USA.
French is the most widely taught second language after English and over 20,000 English words have
their origins in French. In terms of number of words, French is the second largest language after
English. In the humanities and the social sciences many of the most important writings have come
from France.
Students and researchers who know French have access to these works for several years before they
are translated into English. Many significant works are never translated and remain accessible only to
those who know the language.
Historically France and the French language have had an enormous influence over American society.
France was the United States first ally. French thought played a dominant role among the founders of
the United States in the 18th century, and it continues to shape America today through the influence of
such intellectual currents as post structuralism and post modernism. In the humanities and the social
sciences, many of the most important writings have
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Psychological Research And Its Impact On Society
Drawing on examples from chapters 3, 4 and 8 of Investigating Psychology, examine and assess the
extent to which psychological research is of value to society. Psychological research describes
investigations psychologists undertake in order to review and analyse a specific hypothesis, (a theory
about the relationship between defined variables). Research allows theories to be confirmed, amended
or rejected and often leads to further research as requirements evolve. Psychological research can take
many forms, from laboratory based experiments to non invasive viewing of subjects in their own
environment. This research can take place using human or non human subjects and the analysed
results applied to human behaviour or experience within many disciplines including, education, legal
or occupational. Psychological research may be undertaken on a subset of society; however the
importance of the results may have an effect way beyond the group tested. The value of psychological
research varies and the same results can be used in different ways by different groups of society. I will
be looking at three areas of psychological research that affect the way we interact with and can be
affected by technological advances. These pieces of research were not undertaken as a result of current
hypotheses, but were the early examples of research within their areas and led onto further research. I
will be showing how psychological research can provide awareness, can be used to manipulate
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The Incredibles Film Analysis
Have you ever wondered what your family would be like with superhuman powers? The ability to go
beyond the standards of most is an amazing trait. Although, knowing your genetics are surging with an
insane, yet controllable, set of predetermined skills is outstanding. Brad Bird brings this complex
thought closer to reality in a civil animated, family, action, comedy title. The Incredibles is about a
seemingly simple modern day family. This family is one of few to have incredible superpowers. The
dad known as Mr. Incredible has always been a crime fighter. During his early years he is approached
by a small boy, his number one fan, who asks to be his side kick. Mr. Incredible insists that the kid
goes home instead of helping him. The movie focuses
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Summary Of The American Embassy
Summary: This book was a very interesting read. The story was written by the former award winning
correspondent for the Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post, Mr. Ronald Kessler in 1989. He
gave us an insight on how KGB, one of the world s most effective information gathering organization
penetrated the United States Embassy in Moscow (Moscow Station). A Marine by the name of Sgt
Clayton Lonetree, is known throughout the Marine Security Guard program, because of his conviction
of espionage against the United States. He was used by the KGB to access the most vulnerable parts of
the U.S. Embassy, and help provide a threat to our national security. The Russian spies used the term
which is called the honey pot to the Department of the State. A young lady by the name of ... Show
more content on ...
So Violetta knew she had him where she wanted him. She introduced Lonetree to her Uncle Sasha ,
who was in charge of the KGB at the time. They basically bribed Lonetree into helping them penetrate
the national security of the United States Embassy. He would walk around the Embassy and allowed
the Russian spies to place bugs in the most sensitive areas to gather classified information. Once his
relationship with Violetta went sour, and he realized he got taken advantage of, he turned himself in to
the CIA agents. Corporal Arnold Bracy and a few other Marines was arrested after months of
investigations for being the lookout for Lonetree, as he escorted the KGB throughout the hard lines of
the U.S. American Embassy, Moscow. This story is one of many that had been used as examples to the
new Marine Security Guards today. It gives us insight on how intelligent and smart our enemies are
compared to what we may think. In Marine Security Guard School, the instructors teach us to always
remain vigilant to our surroundings and who we talk to. The Clayton Lonetree Story is a prime
example of this lesson. If you fail to follow rules and regulations there will be serious
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The Importance Of The Hardest Working Students In College
The issue that I am prevailing is that college students are some of the hardest working people in
todays society, we are dedicated to achieve our goals to have a great future ahead of us. When a
student says there are busy, that most likely means that they do indeed have a good amount of school
work to do. One of the articles that helps support my argument is Researchers have worked out which
majors work the hardest in college (The Tab). The hardest working major according to this article is
architecture, working and studying 22 hours a week outside of the classroom. The second is the
engineering major, while architect work 22 hours a week this major puts in about 20 hours a week out
of class. These majors all definitely include required studying, writing, reading, doing home work or
lab work. These majors have been decided through a national survey taken by students. For this
certain issue I feel that I am considered a centrist on the political spectrum. I feel like I am centrist
because I have times that I have a lot of work one week but another I have more free time to do with
my free time. Most of my friends feel like they are in the center, between a busy schedule and then a
more free schedule. Although my family is more far right in the political spectrum because they know
we have a lot going on and do not want to feel to intervene in their studying. When I read the text
from the article I picked out from The Tab I originally felt like I was more busy at times and
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Symbolism In The Color Purple
To most, the color purple holds insignificant meaning. It is a simple intermediate color lying between
red and blue, with very little significance other than to be someone s favorite color. In all reality, the
color holds so much more meaning. In the novel, The Color Purple, the color is used as an allusion to
biblical reference. Aside from the color itself, other references were made through direct conversation
with God and the main characters struggle to maintain belief in a higher being despite her life s
troubles. The first reference we see to God is seen in the color purple. The color itself represents the
things in the world God created for man to enjoy; such as love. In the very beginning of the novel, the
main character does not seem to have much sense of anything let alone the color purple. She goes
through life trying to survive the cruel world she is put in, instead of enjoying life itself. It was not
until her many interactions with Shug Avery did she realize that the color is just an example of the
things that God created to give people pleasure. The irony lies in the title itself, purple represents
wealth and royalty while Celie is nothing close to that. The irony is demonstrated by Celie s life; she
is a poor black woman who has been raped and dehumanized throughout her entire life yet, towards
the end of the novel she finds peace and is finally able to acknowledge the purple . In this novel, the
simple color holds much more meaning to Celie s life
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Argumentative Essay On Gene Therapy
In 1990 the first gene therapy procedure gained approval and a four year old girl with SCIDs disease
was finally able to fight off a simple cold. She is now able to live a normal life with the help of
continued treatment of gene therapy. Although gene therapy is an innovative and ideally favorable
procedure when it comes to treating diseases, cancer, or inherited disorders, it is still a delicate
procedure and is continuously studied to insure it is not only effective but also and most importantly
safe. In order to insure the safety of patients a gene therapy drug must get the approval of the FDA
before becoming available, as every drug must do. Since gene therapy is still very experimental; there
are only a few gene therapy drugs that have been approved by the FDA to treat patients. However, on
August 30th, 2017 history was made when the FDA approved Kymriah, the first CAR T cell therapy
drug to be available in the United States. Kymriah is a one time treatment for patients with B cell
acute lymphoblastic leukemia, it was developed through the research collaboration of Novartis and the
University of Pennsylvania, and it is manufactured for each individual patient. Kymriah s only
drawback would be the price tag of $475,000 for a course of treatment, however Novartis plans to
wave the fee for patients where Kymriah is not successful. When a parent takes their child to the
doctor the last thing they want to hear is that their child has cancer. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon
for a child to be diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, also known as ALL. Acute
Lymphoblastic Leukemia is one of the most common forms of childhood cancer, and makes up
approximately 25% of cancer diagnoses among children under 15 years old (3). Children under five
years of age are at the most risk of developing ALL. Since it is an acute form of cancer once the onset
has begun the disease quickly begins to worsen, therefore patients must seek treatment as soon as
possible. ALL is different than other diseases in that it is not just a single disease but also rather a
group of related diseases with different subtypes (1). This uniqueness causes the treatment of ALL to
depend on the subtypes the patient has, therefore each
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Cosmetic Surgery In Tony Stark s My Beautiful Mommy
The media starts conditioning with our youth by the use of superheroes to sports. Boys are conditioned
to think that being physically aggressive with another boy is normal. Or that being successful with
work and being rich will likely make you successful with women. Girls are taught to find this as
normal and to be an attractive quality in a partner. This is portrayed from movies such as Iron Man.
Where Tony Stark who can be credited with being sophisticated but at the same token is a millionaire
playboy. You may ask the questions Aren t these children a little young to understand the concepts
here? or even Well don t boys at that age think girls are lame, why would they want to become rich to
get a girl? (Beck, 2009.) Now the question is posed to you. Don t these boys idolize their heroes and
want to grow up to be just like them? Action figures are clung to by the hands of our youth, giving
them something to aspire to become. Do we want our children to idolize those qualities? Can they be
blamed for their ... Show more content on ...
Which depicts a mother looking to undergo cosmetic surgery; tummy tuck, liposuction, and breast lift
also referred to as a mommy makeover . The mother is trying to explain it to her young daughter that
it will make her Not just different, my dear but prettier . Setting the standard that post pregnancy
bodies are in fact not beautiful or desired by their spouse. This book is aimed at four to seven year
olds, instilling in them not only did they ruin their mother s body but the fact that they or their future
spouse should follow suite and get a mommy makeover . In 2007 more than 400,000 women with
young children underwent cosmetic surgery (Abate, 2010). So in 2008 the writer, a cosmetic surgeon,
Michael Salzhauer and illustrator Victor Guiza released the book; on Mother s Day. Reinforcing the
male dominance in our society that a man will tell a woman and their children how she should
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Character Analysis Of Huck Finn In Catcher In The Rye
From the well known film Cool Hand Luke, Strother Martin s character who is a captain in a prison
warden says the infamous quote, What we ve got here is a failure to communicate (imdb). In the scene
Luke, who is the main character, is talking to the captain about what to expect from the prison life.
When Luke shoots back a sarcastically nice comment to the strict rules that were set, the captain feels
like he has not gotten his point of strict living across and how such behaviors will not be tolerated.
This relates to Holden, the main character who is a distraught teen, because throughout the novel The
Catcher in the Rye he fails to get his emotions and feelings across via his abnormal ways of
communication and also lack there of it. The ... Show more content on ...
While talking to Mr. Spencer, who is former teacher of Holden s, Holden does not really care to talk
and does not give much of a response to the questions asked by Mr. Spencer. When he decides he has
had enough of these questions he lies and says, I need to go right to the gym (15) Holden does not care
to chat with Mr. Spencer because Holden is kind of upset that he can not seem to do well in life and
keeps getting kicked out of school. Holden s brother D.B. is a very successful writer and his little
sister Phoebe is very smart, and Holden feels the pressure to do well like the rest of his family. Holden
is kind of ashamed and removed from others because of what has transpired and does not want to talk
about because it will only make him feel worse. At the end of the book while staying in a mental
hospital Holden tells the reader, Don t ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing
everybody (214) After being kicked out of Pencey Prep, Holden is riding the train home when he
engages in conversation with a woman who ends up being the mom of a fellow classmate. Instead of
telling her the truth as to why he is on his way home three days before breaks starts, he tells her, I have
this tiny little tumor on the brain
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Student Unrest in Nigerian Universities
Kamla Raj 2005
J. Soc. Sci., 10(1): 17 22 (2005)
Student Unrest in Nigerian Universities: Looking Back and Forward
Oyaziwo Aluede, Basil Jimoh, Beatrice O. Agwinede and Eunice O. Omoregie Department of
Educational Foundations, Ambrose Alli University, P.M.B. 14, Ekpoma 310001, Ekpoma, Nigeria E
KEYWORDS Student unrest; student services; student personnel administration; universities
ABSTRACT The authors examined the policies and factors that have in the past and at the present
precipitated student unrest in Nigerian university campuses. Predictions about the policies that are
likely to produce student protest in Nigerian university campuses in the near future are advanced.
Nigerian higher educational ... Show more content on ...
Similarly, Ajuluchukwu 1962 (as cited in Onwuejeogwu, 1991) note that from the inception, the
National Union of Nigerian Students (NUNS) embarked upon deliberate campaigns of fostering
national consciousness and inspiring a strong sense of militancy in the Nigerian people s liberation
struggle (Aluede, 1995; Babatope, 1974). Babatope (1974) and Onwuejeogwu (1991) note that the
students union was born and nurtured in the womb of colonial protest. Hence student unionism was
more of a protest union rather than student union, which was aimed at far reaching changes in the
society. One incident of student unrest in 1960 was essentially due to students dissatisfaction with
government insensitivity to national issues, and its inability to address them appropriately. Nigerian
students aware of the British government s intention to establish a military base in Nigeria and by so
doing perpetuate a neo colonial state, decided to stage a protest against the
Table 1: Incidents of student unrest in Nigeria Year 1981 1984 Institutions Ahmadu Bello University,
Zaria Many Nigerian tertiary institutions Many Universities in Nigeria Many Nigerian Universities
Several schools In many parts of Nigeria
proposed Anglo Nigerian Defence pact in Lagos on November 14, 1960. Another incident was
students dissatisfaction with newly introduced educational policies. Before independence, only mature
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The Titanic And The Titanic
The Titanic was one of a trio. Her sisters were the Olympic and the Gigantic. These ships were made
by the White Star Lines, all of their names ending with ic . The White Star Lines were known for
making the top of the line, most luxurious ship liners of their time. The point in making luxurious and
fast ship liners were to compete and beat the German ship liners. This ship race between Germany and
Britain went clear back to the 1860 s. As Britain kept getting out bested by Germany an American
trust builder named Junius Pierpont Morgan saw a chance to make money or a monopoly. Morgan
realized the rivalry and had already monopolized U.S railroads, and wanted to to take control over the
North Atlantic Shipping Lines. Morgan s first move in 1898 was when he bought the more ran down
Inman Line. The owner of the White Star Line, Thomas Ismay, foresaw a big rate war on the North
Atlantic and resisted Morgan until his death in 1899. After Ismay s death Morgan jumped at the
opportunity to get more control by purchasing a controlling interest from the German lines, Hamburg
Amerika and Norddeutscher Lloyd. Just a year later Morgan gained control of the Leyland Line, the
Dominion Line, and the Red Star Line. His next targets were the White Star Line, and the Cunard. For
competition Morgan cut fares until his lines were a third class passage to America for as little as two
euros, ($2.38). J. Bruce Ismay, the son of Thomas Ismay, resisted Morgan like his father.
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Analysis Of The FilmPony Excess And Friday Night Lights
Mostly all film s encounter variety amounts of elements to create a beneficial film. To obtain an
interesting design of a film, directors manipulate the different fundamentals of cinematography to
enhance a symbolic meaning. Some film s can be categorized into two types, which are realistic and
formalistic aesthetics. For instance, the film Pony Excess is a realist aesthetic film that proclaims the
actuality of a film, while the formalist aesthetic film, Friday Night Lights, focuses on the persuasion of
emotions. In the film s Pony Excess and Friday Night Lights, realist and formalist aesthetics are
conveyed through the fundamentals of a film, which are collision sound, fast and slow motion, real
people, and on camera interviews to portray the reality and inner connection of a movie. One of the
key elements in a film is nailing the affection of a particular sound to the audience during a scene. In
most formalist film s there are two types of sounds, synchronous and asynchronous sound that
produces a collision sound. Synchronous sound is shown in Friday Night Lights by involving the
actual collision sounds of two football players clashing while they are playing. These sounds make the
audience acknowledge the aggression of the football players and the viewers can try to develop an
idea of the pain that the blocking process of football may cause. In the film, asynchronous sound is
initiated when one of the players gets hurt. For instance, football player, Boobie, got
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  • 2. Prokaryotes Vs Eukaryotes Essay In the replication process of DNA, there are similarities between the process of replication of a Eukaryote cell and Prokaryote cell. There are also differences in both processes. The most notable difference would have to start with the cell themselves, which may add to additional differences in the processes. A prokaryote is a more simplistic cell with less DNA and a Eukaryote cell is much more complex with vast amounts of DNA. The replication process in the end has the same goal and that is to copy DNA and pass it along to a new cell. The processes begin in a similar fashion, which is the DNA is unwound by an enzyme known as DNA helicase (Boundless, 2016). Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes both employ the polymerases to synthesis DNA. In both cases the replication begins within the cell wall or cell membrane. The processes of replicating the DNA into a new cell occurs with the aid of leading strands and lagging strands (Bank, E., 2016). A leading and lagging strand uses RNA prime that inserts the first genetic code that is completed by a subsequent lagging strand, Okazaki fragment. The differences between the two replications are abundant. Although the replication occurs within the cell wall for the two processes they both occur in different locations. The prokaryote replication occurs in cytoplasm. It also is destined to occur in that one location ... Show more content on ... The speed at which replication occurs is speedy but the decrease in speed for Eukaryote cells may go hand and hand with the complexity of the organism. The margin for error to complete multiple processes with billions of lines of DNA would presumably be higher with increased speed. It may also be true that having multiple points of origin could be more accurate at inserting code in the correct position. Lastly, the end of a chromosome and the shortening of the chromosome may help to relieve the world of people who have experienced everything and know ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Power, Authority and The State Essay Waking up on the typical Monday morning, I feel groggy and confused. What day is today? I think it over and realize it is the dreaded Monday. Wishing it was still Sunday, I slowly get up and, like a snail, complete my morning routine. On my way to Hunter, everything is the usual waiting for the suddenly delayed train, rushing through the massive horde of people trying to transfer trains, and finally arriving at school along with hundreds of others. I notice that the train station has set up a table lined with police officers checking passengers suspicious bags. The person in front of me gets called over by the police and she complies, by allowing the police officer to look through her bag. I keep walking as this is nothing out of the ... Show more content on ... The first type of authority is legal, or rational authority. Weber writes, It is concerned with how a political order is regarded as legal in the eyes of the population...and the legitimacy is maintained by reference to a legal code (13). Individuals or groups with legal rational authority are functional superiors or bureaucratic officials. This type of authority rules through the law, the government, and established norms. The reason their authority is accepted is that people generally believe rules and regulations are necessary in order to maintain a functioning society. Examples of legal authority figures are members of Congress, the President, the Queen of England, and average police officers. These authority figures are able to maintain their dominance because it has been accepted as a norm and necessity to follow the law. The second type of authority is traditional authority. Weber states, this type of authority is: resting on an established belief in the sanctity of immemorial traditions and legitimacy of those exercising authority under rule (12). Those with traditional authority inherit their position from long established traditions and customs. Examples of traditional authority figures are the Pope, doctors, and teachers. This tradition of obedience has been passed on from generation to generation and it is seen as customary to obey those in charge of your faith, health, and education. We ve been taught by society and by our parents to ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Importance Of Recess And Time For Physical Activity Every day, adults manage their work days, which include breaks. While at work, adults do many tasks, but typically do not focus on one task for a three hour period without taking a break. By not providing breaks or recess, children are asked to focus for a longer period of time than most adults do in a day. Everyone benefits from breaks in the day and these coffee or recess breaks allow people to return to a task more focused and with improved concentration. Removing recess and unstructured physical activity time from the school day can have a serious impact on children s health and well being. Recess and time for physical activity is not only important to the overall health of children, it also provides an outlet that helps with the social, emotional, and cognitive development of children. In addition, it is also common for recess to be taken away from students who misbehave. Unfortunately, it is these types of students who benefit most from recess, the physical activity, and breaks that is provided away from classroom instruction ( Yay For Recess ). Physical activity and recess for elementary school children should remain a part of the school day to improve academic performance and decrease negative behavior. Over the last ten years, the debate about the effect of recess and physical activity have frequently changed. In the past, recess and physical activity were a standard part of the school day. Currently, only 18% of states require elementary schools to have daily ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Gun Control and the Bill of Rights Essay George Mason, a co author of the Bill of Rights, said To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them If this is true, why would anyone try to ban firearms in the U.S? Guns have been a part of American history since we declared independence from Britain in 1776. Many people believe that removing weapons from the hands of citizens is the only way to stop criminals from shooting down people at malls and kids at schools, but this is not the case. Outlawing guns is not the answer for effectively reducing gun crime. According to Wikipedia, a firearm is a portable gun, being a barreled weapon that launches one or more projectiles often driven by the action of an explosive force. The first firearms were invented in ... Show more content on ... Murder by knives was first, followed by clubs, then strangulation. It seems that by banning guns, people used other ways to kill. On the other hand, Switzerland s gun policy is very different than other nations. It requires all men to go through militia training at age twenty and issue an assault rifle when they complete it. Switzerland has the lowest gun crime rates in the world, despite giving everyone a high powered, fully automatic firearm. Another hot topic that politicians debate about is allowing assault rifles, or select fire guns (capable of semi automatic or fully automatic fire),which have the ability to shoot rounds as long as you can hold the trigger down, in the hand of American citizens. Currently, eight states have banned owning assault weapons in some sense. Some may argue that these guns are overkill, and aren t practical for hunting or self defense, whereas other firearms fill that position well. In some cases that might be true, but if multiple intruders enter your home armed, a pistol with a low capacity clip may not suffice. Contrary to popular belief, gun crime has dropped significantly over the past 20 years. Since 1993, violence involving guns has gone down 49% according to Pew Research. The media is to blame for sensationalizing shootings and with the internet s influence an argument that got out of hand can be seen as an all out battle. The Second ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Write An Essay On Hypnosis As researchers have discovered, recorded events of hypnosis goes back 2,500 years to the times of ancient China and Egypt, and also to ancient Greece, where the physical remnants of the sleep healing temple of Asklepios still exist. At the sleep healing temple, the physician Asklepios would heal people using hypnosis; people who were wanting cured would ready themselves for their appointment days before with purifying waters, baths, and fasting, and would learn to relax in a peaceful calm reverie. When it was their time, they would enter into the Abaton, which was a dimly lit stone room holding a stone bench called a klini, and the patients would lay on the klini, enter their calm reverie, and wait for Asklepios to take away whatever illness or discomfort they had. Many ... Show more content on ... When people are hypnotized, the rumor is they enter a hypnotic state, which is a state of consciousness where the person s attention is focused and not on their surroundings. During this hypnotic state, people are more ready to respond to suggestions. A hypnotic induction is a procedure that is used to help someone to become hypnotized. An induction helps that person relax so they can reach their hypnotic state. The difference between hypnotic state and suggestions is when you are getting suggestions you don t have to be in hypnosis (but you can if you want). Suggestions is a way to see the world in a different way; whether it be different through sensation, perception, thought, emotion, or behavior. With suggestions, a successful response is where the effect feels like it is happening all by itself and you are not making it happen voluntarily. However, while under hypnosis or suggestion, hypnotic amnesia can take place; hypnotic amnesia is the inability to remember occurrences that had happened while hypnotized. This is because the subjects could be told to forget ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The First Three Words Of Our Constitution We the people... the first three words of our constitution have changed in meaning and who the people represent also has changed over time. The U.S constitution laid out the framework for the future government of our country, everything from the branches of our government to our rights as U.S citizens. As our country has evolved from the institution of the constitution to our modern day country, the representation of the the people has expanded and changed in the years since the establishment of the U.S constitution. To begin, why did the framers choose to start the constitution with we the people? During the creation process of the constitution the framers had one thing in mind and that was to create a system of government that was anything but the tyranny Britain had. Perhaps the biggest flaw Great Britain had been the lack of voice the citizens of England had. Not even the Articles of Confederation began or even mentioned the people in the document. It only made sense for the foundation of our country s future to revolve around the thing that allows our government to function. The citizens run the government, if the citizens don t go out and fight for things to get done then nothing will ever get done. This is why we have representatives in each state to listen to what the people have to say on issues and laws. Another point referring to both the government of Britain and the articles of confederation is that by saying we the people it shows that the constitution ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Tax Exemptions in America Decades ago, state and federal legislatures began offering tax exemptions, including exemptions from property tax, for nonprofit institutions that provide charitable services to communities. Nonprofit hospitals that qualify for federal tax exemption under Internal Revenue Code §501(c)(3) are not guaranteed state charitable tax exemptions. A hospital must provide some amount of charity in order to be granted a state tax exemption, however historical statues have failed to quantify what amount of charity is sufficient to meet the charitable purpose exemption . In recent times, nonprofit hospitals repeatedly have to defend the amount of charity and benefit they provide to the community to maintain their state property tax exempt status. There has been a recent, notable case where a hospital lost its property tax exemption. In the case of Provena Covenant Medical Center V. Illinois Department of Revenue, the Illinois Supreme Court held that PCMC does not provide enough charity care to qualify for tax exemptions provided for nonprofit organizations that provide charity care . Nonprofit hospitals are among the largest landowners in many communities, in the US, billions of dollars in property is owned by nonprofit hospitals . Most hospitals would owe millions in taxes if exempt properties were taxed. This report will examine the Illinois Supreme court decision in Provena Covenant Medical Center v. Illinois Department of Revenue, Case No. 107328, and analyze the courts ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Karl Marx And The Productive Power Karl Marx believed that growth is driven by the progression of the productive power by human. This productive power was also the rise and fall of an economic structure according to how progression is supported and downcast. Marx suggest that through communism it is possible to eliminate the constraint that exploitation has on the society s laborers. The mode of production involves the methods humans use to produce the resources to sustain the provision for survival and to improve society as a whole. The two components to the mode of production are the means of production (what is used) and the relation of production or property (labor, capital). The mode of production is the union of creative powers and the relations of production. ... Show more content on ... Feudalism The very definition of the term feudalism as it relates to the 19th century is that of a dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (serfs) were obliged to live on their lord s land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection. Thus, the feudalist mode of production was constructed on a mixture of the enormous landholdings belonging to the feudal lords and the lesser smallholdings of the direct makers, the serfs, who were misused by added economic restraint, as distinctive of feudalist power. This is a form of stratification. Some Principles of Stratification by Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore advocate that stratification is needed in order to make a society functional. The lords (upper class) have the power while the serfs (middle/lower class) tends to the labor. However, Max Webber s Class, Status, Party defines stratification as taking something which is not yours to take. This is a justified cause to change the function of society. The lords demanded that the labor of the serfs be a right belonging to the lords. The mode of production under feudalism permitted the exploitation of labor by forcing the people to the very land that they worked and not rendering them the economic freedom they deserved. The downfall of feudalism was due to the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. A Popular Example Of Slavery In Ancient Greek Society Unfortunately, slavery was a very popular act in the Old Testament and in ancient Greek society. It is shocking to know that slavery was acceptable back then and how it differs greatly from slavery in other ancient times. The most popular example of slavery in the Bible was when the Israelites were slaves to the Egyptians, and Moses was called by God to deliver them to the Promised Land (Exodus 14). Many times, people in the Bible will use their own indentured servants or actual servant as slaves. The Bible uses these cover ups to make it seem like slavery was not everywhere, but in reality, it was. Slavery in the Greek society was based on one s social status. Most of the slaves were prisoners of war, people from other tribes, and people ... Get more on ...
  • 11. What Is Octavia Butler s Response To The Parable Of The Sower Parable of the Sower Response (Chapters 1 11) In an alternate reality eight years from now, America has become a ravaged landscape, dotted with walled communities. Islands amongst a shark infested ocean. Stars scattered across the emptiness of space. While this comparison may seem extreme, the similarities shared between Octavia Butler s post apocalyptic vision and present day America can be made apparent. Are we really living in delusional walled off communities? Many neighborhoods today are separated by both race and class. Like in the book, all Americans look forward to change, and yet change is just an elusive dream that the future will bring about a better tomorrow. Parable of the Sower is a reminder of how fragile we are as a country, and how we ... Show more content on ... One part that caught my attention the most was the ending of the space program by newly elected President Donner. Space is a recurring theme, introduced near the beginning of the book when Lauren talks to her grandmother about the visible stars in the sky, discussing how city pollution blocked out the view of the stars in the past. This is a symbolization of how modernization and the rise of powerful corporate companies envelopes people in the haze of normalcy and safety, depriving them of the drive to change. This introduces a concept where people are blinded by external sources from reaching the stars, where space and the stars represent truth, ambition, and curiosity. As mentioned before, the presidential command to cut all involvement of funding space programs marks the abandonment of all these values. In a way, the whole country of America is the walled off community of Robledo, afraid to venture into the unknown, and living in ignorance through the thought that its inhabitants will always live to see another day. Americans cannot progress by blinding themselves to the truth, and must confront the fact that one day all things will come to an end. Lauren s father explains to her that, You ve ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Pros And Cons Of The Holy Trinity Doctrine Once, there were words saying If you try to explain the Trinity, you will lose your mind, but if you deny it, you will lose your soul . (Pritchard) The knowledge of God the Trinity is the center of the Christian faith. Yet many believers have got confused in understanding the true natures of the personalities and relationships of each person in God the Trinity. Endless questions continuously appear, again and again, giving Christians a sense of extremely misty confusion towards the magnificent attributes of every person in the Trinity. Who has an answer to these questions? None, none but God Himself who has given us guidance through a lot of ways, as He is the supreme creator and ruler of knowledge. The Bible itself is the strongest, richest, and most dependable source of ... Show more content on ... Early saints or early Christian teachers, have been discussing the Trinity deeply and deliberately for decades, as it is one of the most complex teachings written in the Bible. One of the most reliable doctrines of the Trinity is The Holy Trinity Doctrine. The Holy Trinity Doctrine was one of the doctrines created during the first few ages where Christianity just started developing. This doctrine was created in the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. During this discussion, diverse points were given by theologists. Thoughts named as Tritheism, Unitarism, and Arianism are present. Tritheism focuses that there are three separate Gods, promoting polytheism, Unitarism focuses on God the Father most, and separates Christ and the Holy Spirit into a different category of deity, thus changing their divinity, and Arianism promotes Jesus Christ as a creation of God during the Creation. Other than these three, there are also other strong doctrines about the Trinity from the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed which came from the Council of Nicea, and the Athanasian ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Capture Of Megiddo And The Suez Canal The capture of Megiddo is the capture of a thousand towns. Campaign Records of Thutmose III Strategic Chokepoint The Yom Kippur war (‫כיפור‬ ‫יום‬ ‫)מלחמת‬ started on October sixth, 1973 when Egyptian forces crossed the Suez Canal in concert with Syrian allies attacking Israel from the north (Dayan, 1976, p. 24). Israeli Defense Forces responded, defeating and eventually chasing the Egyptians back across the Sinai and the Suez Canal. Israel upon threatening the direct military control of a strategic chokepoint, the Suez Canal; drew immediate response from Russian military forces. What had been the defense of Israel s homeland, resulting from an unprovoked attack, in a regional conflict suddenly elicited superpower intervention. ... Show more content on ... The Jezreel Valley is shaped like a triangle with the bottom mirroring the Jordan River to the East and top pointing toward the Mediterranean. The southern edge of the triangle, nearly 20 miles long, is defined by the mountains of Carmel and Gilboa reaching almost to the Jordan River. In military parlance, an area like Jezreel and Megiddo that reduces to a narrowed point (such as through the Aruna Pass) is known as a fatal funnel . This is an area where an enemy can be fixed while maximized use of weapons can be brought to bear. (Map of Megiddo Jezreel Valley) Thus, Megiddo was not only a strategic chokepoint, but enjoyed special defensive capabilities; worthy of making Erwin Rommel to voice his appreciation. With flat terrain to the north and mountains behind, Megiddo owners could at any point attack from their defensive stronghold and risk almost nothing. Later, we will examine how the geography of Megiddo affected strategic, tactical, and economic pursuits of nations. Mobile Killing Ground The flat terrain and open area, free of rocky outcroppings became a battleground suited for the speed, physics, and power of chariot and cavalry warfare. The Bible records; The kings came, they fought; then fought the kings of Canaan at Tanaach, by the waters of Megiddo setting the stage for a battle at Megiddo (Judges ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Costa Ric A Central American Country Costa Rica is a Central American country located between Panama and Nicaragua. The west and east coast of Costa Rica are facing the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The main language spoken is Spanish, although English is widely heard. This country is very popular among surfers because the most powerful waves known to man are enjoyed in the town of Tamarindo. Costa Rica is the safest country in the region because of its booming economy and general friendliness of the people. Also, majority of the country covers jungles and rainforests. Many U.S. citizens travel here to experience the untouched nature and study parts of it unique to man. The main city in Costa Rica is San Jose, located in the center of the country. Many elderly people retire to ... Show more content on ... Additionally, there are people selling these medicines on the streets. Why not see what Costa Rica is all about? Why not see what this country has to offer? This Central American country will leave people in awe. Life Expectancy Life expectancy in Costa Rica is actually higher than any other Central American country. The average life expectancy is 80 years for both men and women. A quality culture, cheap healthcare, and a low crime rate contribute to this high rate. Some of the most dangerous Central American countries are near Costa Rica, but they mostly don t affect the country. Life expectancy and quality of life is actually increasing every year in Costa Rica. This rate is exceptionally high compared to the rest of the world, including the U.S. It has one of the best healthcare systems which is why a lot of Westerners retire to this tropical country. On the flip side, there are some natural borne diseases that derive from the rainforests areas, but whatever ailment a traveler has there is a herb found in the jungles that can most likely cure it. Sometimes mosquito borne diseases such Malaria is imminent in the swamp areas. On the bright side, there are no vaccinations required to enter Costa Rica so that implies the country is generally safe. Main Health Issues Ash floating in the air from active volcanoes in certain towns can cause respiratory problems. Normally, a person has to live really close to a volcano for this to occur. Mild Dengue Fever To avoid ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Underlying Causes of WWI Essay In the early 1900 s, the entirety of Europe was divided into various alliances and powers, most notably the Triple Alliance (Germany, Astro Hungarian Empire, and Italy) and the Triple Entente (France, Russia, and the United Kingdom), which ultimately fell into a hellish firestorm of mustard gas and trench warfare in 1914 that left 18 million dead and Europe s economies and production decimated manyfold (DBQ Project, Various Document D). The destruction of the turn of the century nations and Empires that slaughtered over people stems from a chronological progression of ambitious Imperialism, extreme Nationalism, and rapid Militarism. The first idea, Imperialism, began an ideal that would begin pitting European nations at each ... Show more content on ... Even in song, the Britons were as prideful as they were aggressive in colonization. Take, for example, an excerpt of their National Anthem: When Britain first at Heaven s command / Arose from out the azure main; / This was the charter of the land / And guardian angels sang this strain; / Rule Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves: / Britons never will be slaves (James Thomson and Thomas Arne). The above speaks of arrogance and superiority, by associating themselves with a higher power; they insinuate that Britain is the Promised Land, and by the logic that there is only one Promised Land, they underlay that everyone else is inferior. But, as much as extreme Nationalism does give a nice sense of pride to the people, it s also very necessary to the theatre of politics and war. In a passage from The Age of Nationalism and Reform, it is stated that, The extraordinary feeling that some people seem to derive from the belief that they are members of a superior nation or race is undoubtedly one of the great appeals of modern nationalism (Rich). General von Moltke of Germany intended to use Nationalistic pride to his favor, saying, I believe war is unavoidable and the sooner the better. But we ought to do more through the press to prepare the popularity of a war against Russia... (Mombauer). Von Moltke wanted to prepare for war, and did so actively, but he needed the approval of the people. So, he and Kasier Wilhelm II spent ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Fog Light Research Paper Fog Light Installation Tips for Firefighters Add a picture of fog lights in and out of their box Tools Firefighters Need to Install Fog Lights Installing fog lights is easy and doesn t require a great deal of tools. Tools needed to install fog lights include: Ratchet or wrench Wiring diagram of vehicle Drill Step 1: Open Fog Lights Box Obviously, the first step to fog light installation is opening the fog light box. When opening the fog light box, make sure to do so carefully. After you empty the contents of the box, lay out all of the contents of the box including the instructions. Add a picture of fog lights unboxing Step 2: Park Vehicle on Even Surface When you are sure you have everything you need to begin your fog light installation, you need to make sure your vehicle is parked on an even surface. Make ... Show more content on ... Add a picture of fog lights being disconnected from fog light housing Step 5: Remove Nut, Washer, and Bolt Holding Fog Light in Place Next, you need to loosen and remove the nut, washer, and bolt that is holding the original fog light in place. When you order most fog lights from an emergency light retailer, you will get fog light assembly accessories. However, if your new fog lights didn t come with installation equipment, you will need to keep the assembly accessories from the fog lights you just removed. Add a picture of a fog light being removed from a vehicle Step 6: Insert New Fog Light Assembly Now that the original fog light has been removed, you are ready to insert the new fog light assembly. First, verify that the new fog lights are right for the vehicle you are installing them in. Next prepare the fog light holes with a drill and appropriate drill bit. Add a picture of a fog light being drilled. Step 7: Tighten Washer and ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Speech At The 2016 Play Conference Hosted By The Us Play Fran, thank you for allowing me to attend the 2016 Play Conference hosted by the US Play Coalition. I attended three sessions on Monday, April 4th, and the experience was highly beneficial for my future career and built on many topics I have learned this semester so far. The exposure to Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management professionals allowed me to see possible futures for myself. The first session I attended was on the education track; it was given by Debbie Stevens Smith and was entitled The Kinesthetic Classroom: Why, How, and When. Ms. Smith, an early childhood professor at Clemson University, spoke about why it is vital for teachers to create classrooms incorporating play and movement, gave some advice on how to achieve this, and told us when we could incorporate movement during the day. The most interesting new thing I learned during this session was about the Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor; she compared this to miracle grow for the brain. Basically, exercise encourages the growth of new neurons and synapses, thus increasing brain mass and mood regulation. She also spoke about Finland, a nation with the highest test scores in the world; their teachers give students a 15 minute break for physical activity for every 45 minutes of instruction. This shows that, despite what many educators and policymakers think, more recess time improves school performance. Another interesting fact I learned was that 85 percent of children are kinesthetic learners, so by ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Everything You Need to Know about Stars A star is a sparkling bundle of gas bound by gravity into a solitary object and is fueled by atomic combination at the center. There are trillions of stars in our universe and all are distinctive and extraordinary. Their mass, color, shape makes them all distinctive but mass is the only thing that makes them unique. There are numerous phases of stars life including main sequence stars, red giants, white dwarfs, neutron stars, and dark holes. All stars additionally have a lot of varieties in each one phase of life. The life of a star starts in a cloud, an incredible gathering of gas and dust. When enough mass has aggregated into a solitary item, gravity compels the mass to crumple into the middle. Because of weight and rubbing, the center gets so hot that it starts atomic combination and a protostar is made. HR Diagram The age and the mass of stars enlighten everything concerning a stars physical properties and situation into each of the classifications. The Hertzsprung Russell chart (HR Diagram) diagrams stars glows over the stars phantom class. Radiance portrays how splendid the star is (I, II, III, IV, V); ghastly class depicts its temperature (O, B, A, F, G, K, M). This chart is the most ideal approach to classify stars. Protostar A protostar is structured in the beginnings of a star. The protostar s gravity is answerable for making stars thick. As the gravity of the protostar builds so does the compression of mass. As the thickness expanded so does the temperature. In ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Root Canal Toothache and swelling are the two major complaints reported to the dentist. Also the carious pulpal exposure, requiring endodontic intervention is one of the commonly encountered clinical situations. Therefore, the key to success lies in alleviating these critical issues. Literature search reveals that up to 80% of patients with preoperative pain experience severe post operative pain as well.[1] Also studies have confirmed that these patients have higher incidence of inter appointment flare up.[2 3] Over instrumentation, extrusion of irrigant / medicament beyond apex, temporary or permanent restoration in hyper occlusion or contamination of prepared canal space during root canal therapy are the principal causes which often provoke an acute ... Show more content on ... [23 24] Prednisolone and dexamethasone have already been tried pre operatively before root canal treatment with mixed results. However, another long acting corticosteroid, betamethasone [25] has not been evaluated for its potential use to counteract inter appointment flare up. Therefore, the present study was aimed to evaluate the efficacy of two different preoperative single oral doses of betamethasone for inter appointment flare up as well as postoperative discomfort in teeth with periapical periodontitis, while the triple antibiotic paste was used as an intracanal ... Get more on ...
  • 20. To Kill A Mockingbird Presence Of Animals Essay With a lightning strike, the long, lance like bill of a white stork jabs through the marsh grass and snatches up the singing frog. In an instant, the tireless music maker becomes the dinner of a spy. White storks are master eavesdroppers. They rely on the songs of moor frogs to guide them when they re hunting. The birds are so skillful that they can stealthily follow frog sounds to within two or three strides of an unsuspecting singer. Some spies can intercept signals sent by plants. Bright flowers invite bees and other animals to come for a meal of pollen or nectar (and to pollinate the plants at the same time). Scientists believe that the most symmetrical flowers where each half mirrors the other like two sides of a face help ... Show more content on ... They can tell the alarm from other songs and calls and will dash for cover when they hear it. Some animal snoops are born recognizing the warning signals of different creatures; others, such as bonnet macaques, have to learn. These monkeys of southern India often pal around with langur monkeys. Langurs are good lookouts, and macaques will quickly scramble up a tree when they overhear a langur warning cry as long as the macaques have learned the correct langur language. Scientists say bonnet macaques at one animal reserve[9] respond to recorded Nilgiri langur alarm shrieks but are slower to flee after a similar cry by Hanuman langurs which would rarely be seen there. Farther north, only Hanuman langurs are common and bonnet macaques there have learned the opposite langur language. They jump at the sound of Hanuman warnings but are less bothered by Nilgiri cries. Eavesdropping on the alarm signals of other animals is useful, but spying on predators directly also has advantages. Geometrid moths, for instance, are slow, night flying moths that can be easily overtaken by hunting bats. To make up for their sluggish speed, the moths have espionage ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Perceived Desire Fulfilment Theory Essay In this essay, I will explain and discuss four main theories of happiness, and defend why the perceived desire fulfilment theory is my preferred theory of happiness, based on its usefulness for not only the individual, but also society as a whole, and the fact that it lacks any very glaring faults. Firstly, I will lay out and extrapolate upon the four popular theories of happiness that this essay will be discussing hedonism, life satisfaction theory, objective list theory, and finally, my preferred choice; perceived desire satisfaction theory. After this, I will explain the faults in the first three theories that prevent me from preferring them, and how perceived desire satisfaction theory circumvents these faults. I will then discuss various objections concerning the perceived desire fulfilment theory, and why I believe that these objections are compared to the objections about the other theories presented not that important. Finally, I will summarise the various ways in which I believe perceived desire fulfilment theory is more useful and more easily applied than ... Show more content on ... Happiness and efforts to objectively measure and define it is a topic that, to this day, remains hotly debated and theorised. Trying to make objective something that is seen as inherently subjective is difficult, if not impossible, but that fact has yet to deter philosophers putting forward theories for what constitutes happiness, and how to achieve it. One popular happiness theory is that of hedonism. Originally stemming from Bentham s utilitarianism theories, hedonism s argument for happiness is very simple; a happy life is one where the person maximises feelings of pleasure and minimises feelings of pain, similar to how a utilitarian would want to ... Get more on ...
  • 22. A Little Brief Background On The Family Farm By Sylvia... Sylvia Bojcvuk, born to Alexander and Albina Bojcvuk on their family farm on January 19th, 1928 in Ukraine. Little did this young baby girl know she was about to endure a tragic, yet adventurous life that would impact generations. A little brief background on Ukraine at the time of Sylvia s youth in 1941 Germany and Romania invaded Ukraine changing the country to Romania, then 1944 Soviet soldier s invaded naming it back to Ukraine, which seems to come full circle to today with the constant battle of Russia attempting to merge Ukraine into Russia for good. Unfortunately, Soviet soldiers have a dark history of raping many of the young girls when they invaded Ukraine in 1944. Sylvia was sixteen at the time and her mother and father hid her in their local farm, this constant hiding lead to Albina decided they could no longer remain in Ukraine, which is the beginning of Sylvia Bojcvuk s pilgrimage to a better life. The Bojcvuk family began by taking a train out of Ukraine, hoping to go South where both Sylvia s older brother and sister currently resided, but the Soviet soldiers were blocking passage to the South so they had to go west, leaving behind Sylvia s brother, Adolf, and sister, Eleanor. Unfortunately, Sylvia was never again reunited with her siblings. Adolf Bojcvuk later died of brain cancer in the 1980 s, and Eleanor Bojcvuk resides in Romania today in her ninety s. Taking the train west, the Bojcvuk s resided in Austria where Sylvia attended nursing school, ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Frank Norris Research Paper Frank Norris Late 19th Century Novelist and Writer in the Progressive Era After reading the works of Frank Norris, one might wonder what drove him to become a writer. It could have been simply that as a child he often dreamed of becoming a world renowned author, or it could have been that writing helped him escape from the real world , and it was a comfort zone for him. Frank Norris grew up as the world would see a normal child , but what he did in his career path was not the normal for the average human being. He was a writer with a knowledgeable attitude and a dedicated personality that enabled him to succeed in his early life, to produce many notable works, and to leave a long lasting legacy. Benjamin Frank Norris Jr. was born on March 5th, 1870 in Chicago, Illinois(, and moved to San Francisco with his family at the age of fourteen ( At seventeen years old, Frank moved to Paris for two years to further his education in art ( ... Show more content on ... Many of his accomplishments do remain to this day. They were very much read during his time and are still studied. Several early movies were made from his stories ( Sadly, on October 25, 1902, he left behind his legacy to this world and passed away due complications of peritonitis from a ruptured appendix ( His family and friends gathered around him and said their final goodbyes. He was buried in California ( His reputation was well remembered, not only by his family and friends, but also by the many people who purchased his books and were impacted by them. Frank Norris may of lived a short life, but he knew how to use his time wisely and how to make a career that enabled him to not only be a writer, but also one who was an inspirational writer of the Progressive ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Social Protest Music Alaura Gayle Dr. Lindsey McMaster ACAD 1601 Monday November 28, 2016 Protest Music Music is a popular form of art that uses sounds to express ideas and emotions through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color (Dictionary). Not only is it used for entertainment purposes but artists also use music to voice their opinions and get messages across to their listeners. Protest songs are based in the philosophy that social protest, intended to achieve social change, is the fundamental purpose of music, states Lawrence M. Berger (Berger 58). Protest music is a form of nonviolent protesting that raises awareness of social issues that occur in today s society in a peaceful manner. This type of music comes in various forms and genres, including ... Show more content on ... Some people may disagree with my view insisting that Kendrick Lamar should not be considered an example of an artist that makes protest music, due to his heavy affiliation with the largely known street gang, The Bloods. Although his history of gang affiliation is true, Lamar devotes his rapping career to protesting about the police brutalities, domestic terrorisms and racism and was named one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2016 (Love 320). Lamar s album To Pimp a Butterfly contains many songs discussing the Black Lives Matter movement and African American culture, as well as protesting against racial inequality, police brutality and institutional discrimination (Love ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Influence Of The English Language French is the eleventh most widely spoken language in the world. It is the official language of 33 countries in the world and it is spoken in two of the G7 countries. 200 million people around the world understand, speak, read or write French and the language is the mother tongue of 75 million people. French is the official language of postal services across the world and is one of the official languages of the International Red Cross. The French speaking Africa represents an area larger than the USA. French is the most widely taught second language after English and over 20,000 English words have their origins in French. In terms of number of words, French is the second largest language after English. In the humanities and the social sciences many of the most important writings have come from France. Students and researchers who know French have access to these works for several years before they are translated into English. Many significant works are never translated and remain accessible only to those who know the language. Historically France and the French language have had an enormous influence over American society. France was the United States first ally. French thought played a dominant role among the founders of the United States in the 18th century, and it continues to shape America today through the influence of such intellectual currents as post structuralism and post modernism. In the humanities and the social sciences, many of the most important writings have ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Psychological Research And Its Impact On Society Drawing on examples from chapters 3, 4 and 8 of Investigating Psychology, examine and assess the extent to which psychological research is of value to society. Psychological research describes investigations psychologists undertake in order to review and analyse a specific hypothesis, (a theory about the relationship between defined variables). Research allows theories to be confirmed, amended or rejected and often leads to further research as requirements evolve. Psychological research can take many forms, from laboratory based experiments to non invasive viewing of subjects in their own environment. This research can take place using human or non human subjects and the analysed results applied to human behaviour or experience within many disciplines including, education, legal or occupational. Psychological research may be undertaken on a subset of society; however the importance of the results may have an effect way beyond the group tested. The value of psychological research varies and the same results can be used in different ways by different groups of society. I will be looking at three areas of psychological research that affect the way we interact with and can be affected by technological advances. These pieces of research were not undertaken as a result of current hypotheses, but were the early examples of research within their areas and led onto further research. I will be showing how psychological research can provide awareness, can be used to manipulate ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Incredibles Film Analysis Have you ever wondered what your family would be like with superhuman powers? The ability to go beyond the standards of most is an amazing trait. Although, knowing your genetics are surging with an insane, yet controllable, set of predetermined skills is outstanding. Brad Bird brings this complex thought closer to reality in a civil animated, family, action, comedy title. The Incredibles is about a seemingly simple modern day family. This family is one of few to have incredible superpowers. The dad known as Mr. Incredible has always been a crime fighter. During his early years he is approached by a small boy, his number one fan, who asks to be his side kick. Mr. Incredible insists that the kid goes home instead of helping him. The movie focuses ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Summary Of The American Embassy Summary: This book was a very interesting read. The story was written by the former award winning correspondent for the Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post, Mr. Ronald Kessler in 1989. He gave us an insight on how KGB, one of the world s most effective information gathering organization penetrated the United States Embassy in Moscow (Moscow Station). A Marine by the name of Sgt Clayton Lonetree, is known throughout the Marine Security Guard program, because of his conviction of espionage against the United States. He was used by the KGB to access the most vulnerable parts of the U.S. Embassy, and help provide a threat to our national security. The Russian spies used the term which is called the honey pot to the Department of the State. A young lady by the name of ... Show more content on ... So Violetta knew she had him where she wanted him. She introduced Lonetree to her Uncle Sasha , who was in charge of the KGB at the time. They basically bribed Lonetree into helping them penetrate the national security of the United States Embassy. He would walk around the Embassy and allowed the Russian spies to place bugs in the most sensitive areas to gather classified information. Once his relationship with Violetta went sour, and he realized he got taken advantage of, he turned himself in to the CIA agents. Corporal Arnold Bracy and a few other Marines was arrested after months of investigations for being the lookout for Lonetree, as he escorted the KGB throughout the hard lines of the U.S. American Embassy, Moscow. This story is one of many that had been used as examples to the new Marine Security Guards today. It gives us insight on how intelligent and smart our enemies are compared to what we may think. In Marine Security Guard School, the instructors teach us to always remain vigilant to our surroundings and who we talk to. The Clayton Lonetree Story is a prime example of this lesson. If you fail to follow rules and regulations there will be serious ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Importance Of The Hardest Working Students In College The issue that I am prevailing is that college students are some of the hardest working people in todays society, we are dedicated to achieve our goals to have a great future ahead of us. When a student says there are busy, that most likely means that they do indeed have a good amount of school work to do. One of the articles that helps support my argument is Researchers have worked out which majors work the hardest in college (The Tab). The hardest working major according to this article is architecture, working and studying 22 hours a week outside of the classroom. The second is the engineering major, while architect work 22 hours a week this major puts in about 20 hours a week out of class. These majors all definitely include required studying, writing, reading, doing home work or lab work. These majors have been decided through a national survey taken by students. For this certain issue I feel that I am considered a centrist on the political spectrum. I feel like I am centrist because I have times that I have a lot of work one week but another I have more free time to do with my free time. Most of my friends feel like they are in the center, between a busy schedule and then a more free schedule. Although my family is more far right in the political spectrum because they know we have a lot going on and do not want to feel to intervene in their studying. When I read the text from the article I picked out from The Tab I originally felt like I was more busy at times and ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Symbolism In The Color Purple To most, the color purple holds insignificant meaning. It is a simple intermediate color lying between red and blue, with very little significance other than to be someone s favorite color. In all reality, the color holds so much more meaning. In the novel, The Color Purple, the color is used as an allusion to biblical reference. Aside from the color itself, other references were made through direct conversation with God and the main characters struggle to maintain belief in a higher being despite her life s troubles. The first reference we see to God is seen in the color purple. The color itself represents the things in the world God created for man to enjoy; such as love. In the very beginning of the novel, the main character does not seem to have much sense of anything let alone the color purple. She goes through life trying to survive the cruel world she is put in, instead of enjoying life itself. It was not until her many interactions with Shug Avery did she realize that the color is just an example of the things that God created to give people pleasure. The irony lies in the title itself, purple represents wealth and royalty while Celie is nothing close to that. The irony is demonstrated by Celie s life; she is a poor black woman who has been raped and dehumanized throughout her entire life yet, towards the end of the novel she finds peace and is finally able to acknowledge the purple . In this novel, the simple color holds much more meaning to Celie s life ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Argumentative Essay On Gene Therapy In 1990 the first gene therapy procedure gained approval and a four year old girl with SCIDs disease was finally able to fight off a simple cold. She is now able to live a normal life with the help of continued treatment of gene therapy. Although gene therapy is an innovative and ideally favorable procedure when it comes to treating diseases, cancer, or inherited disorders, it is still a delicate procedure and is continuously studied to insure it is not only effective but also and most importantly safe. In order to insure the safety of patients a gene therapy drug must get the approval of the FDA before becoming available, as every drug must do. Since gene therapy is still very experimental; there are only a few gene therapy drugs that have been approved by the FDA to treat patients. However, on August 30th, 2017 history was made when the FDA approved Kymriah, the first CAR T cell therapy drug to be available in the United States. Kymriah is a one time treatment for patients with B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, it was developed through the research collaboration of Novartis and the University of Pennsylvania, and it is manufactured for each individual patient. Kymriah s only drawback would be the price tag of $475,000 for a course of treatment, however Novartis plans to wave the fee for patients where Kymriah is not successful. When a parent takes their child to the doctor the last thing they want to hear is that their child has cancer. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a child to be diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, also known as ALL. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia is one of the most common forms of childhood cancer, and makes up approximately 25% of cancer diagnoses among children under 15 years old (3). Children under five years of age are at the most risk of developing ALL. Since it is an acute form of cancer once the onset has begun the disease quickly begins to worsen, therefore patients must seek treatment as soon as possible. ALL is different than other diseases in that it is not just a single disease but also rather a group of related diseases with different subtypes (1). This uniqueness causes the treatment of ALL to depend on the subtypes the patient has, therefore each ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Cosmetic Surgery In Tony Stark s My Beautiful Mommy The media starts conditioning with our youth by the use of superheroes to sports. Boys are conditioned to think that being physically aggressive with another boy is normal. Or that being successful with work and being rich will likely make you successful with women. Girls are taught to find this as normal and to be an attractive quality in a partner. This is portrayed from movies such as Iron Man. Where Tony Stark who can be credited with being sophisticated but at the same token is a millionaire playboy. You may ask the questions Aren t these children a little young to understand the concepts here? or even Well don t boys at that age think girls are lame, why would they want to become rich to get a girl? (Beck, 2009.) Now the question is posed to you. Don t these boys idolize their heroes and want to grow up to be just like them? Action figures are clung to by the hands of our youth, giving them something to aspire to become. Do we want our children to idolize those qualities? Can they be blamed for their ... Show more content on ... Which depicts a mother looking to undergo cosmetic surgery; tummy tuck, liposuction, and breast lift also referred to as a mommy makeover . The mother is trying to explain it to her young daughter that it will make her Not just different, my dear but prettier . Setting the standard that post pregnancy bodies are in fact not beautiful or desired by their spouse. This book is aimed at four to seven year olds, instilling in them not only did they ruin their mother s body but the fact that they or their future spouse should follow suite and get a mommy makeover . In 2007 more than 400,000 women with young children underwent cosmetic surgery (Abate, 2010). So in 2008 the writer, a cosmetic surgeon, Michael Salzhauer and illustrator Victor Guiza released the book; on Mother s Day. Reinforcing the male dominance in our society that a man will tell a woman and their children how she should ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Character Analysis Of Huck Finn In Catcher In The Rye From the well known film Cool Hand Luke, Strother Martin s character who is a captain in a prison warden says the infamous quote, What we ve got here is a failure to communicate (imdb). In the scene Luke, who is the main character, is talking to the captain about what to expect from the prison life. When Luke shoots back a sarcastically nice comment to the strict rules that were set, the captain feels like he has not gotten his point of strict living across and how such behaviors will not be tolerated. This relates to Holden, the main character who is a distraught teen, because throughout the novel The Catcher in the Rye he fails to get his emotions and feelings across via his abnormal ways of communication and also lack there of it. The ... Show more content on ... While talking to Mr. Spencer, who is former teacher of Holden s, Holden does not really care to talk and does not give much of a response to the questions asked by Mr. Spencer. When he decides he has had enough of these questions he lies and says, I need to go right to the gym (15) Holden does not care to chat with Mr. Spencer because Holden is kind of upset that he can not seem to do well in life and keeps getting kicked out of school. Holden s brother D.B. is a very successful writer and his little sister Phoebe is very smart, and Holden feels the pressure to do well like the rest of his family. Holden is kind of ashamed and removed from others because of what has transpired and does not want to talk about because it will only make him feel worse. At the end of the book while staying in a mental hospital Holden tells the reader, Don t ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody (214) After being kicked out of Pencey Prep, Holden is riding the train home when he engages in conversation with a woman who ends up being the mom of a fellow classmate. Instead of telling her the truth as to why he is on his way home three days before breaks starts, he tells her, I have this tiny little tumor on the brain ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Student Unrest in Nigerian Universities Kamla Raj 2005 J. Soc. Sci., 10(1): 17 22 (2005) Student Unrest in Nigerian Universities: Looking Back and Forward Oyaziwo Aluede, Basil Jimoh, Beatrice O. Agwinede and Eunice O. Omoregie Department of Educational Foundations, Ambrose Alli University, P.M.B. 14, Ekpoma 310001, Ekpoma, Nigeria E mail: KEYWORDS Student unrest; student services; student personnel administration; universities ABSTRACT The authors examined the policies and factors that have in the past and at the present precipitated student unrest in Nigerian university campuses. Predictions about the policies that are likely to produce student protest in Nigerian university campuses in the near future are advanced. Nigerian higher educational ... Show more content on ... Similarly, Ajuluchukwu 1962 (as cited in Onwuejeogwu, 1991) note that from the inception, the National Union of Nigerian Students (NUNS) embarked upon deliberate campaigns of fostering national consciousness and inspiring a strong sense of militancy in the Nigerian people s liberation struggle (Aluede, 1995; Babatope, 1974). Babatope (1974) and Onwuejeogwu (1991) note that the students union was born and nurtured in the womb of colonial protest. Hence student unionism was more of a protest union rather than student union, which was aimed at far reaching changes in the society. One incident of student unrest in 1960 was essentially due to students dissatisfaction with government insensitivity to national issues, and its inability to address them appropriately. Nigerian students aware of the British government s intention to establish a military base in Nigeria and by so doing perpetuate a neo colonial state, decided to stage a protest against the Table 1: Incidents of student unrest in Nigeria Year 1981 1984 Institutions Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Many Nigerian tertiary institutions Many Universities in Nigeria Many Nigerian Universities Several schools In many parts of Nigeria proposed Anglo Nigerian Defence pact in Lagos on November 14, 1960. Another incident was students dissatisfaction with newly introduced educational policies. Before independence, only mature ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Titanic And The Titanic The Titanic was one of a trio. Her sisters were the Olympic and the Gigantic. These ships were made by the White Star Lines, all of their names ending with ic . The White Star Lines were known for making the top of the line, most luxurious ship liners of their time. The point in making luxurious and fast ship liners were to compete and beat the German ship liners. This ship race between Germany and Britain went clear back to the 1860 s. As Britain kept getting out bested by Germany an American trust builder named Junius Pierpont Morgan saw a chance to make money or a monopoly. Morgan realized the rivalry and had already monopolized U.S railroads, and wanted to to take control over the North Atlantic Shipping Lines. Morgan s first move in 1898 was when he bought the more ran down Inman Line. The owner of the White Star Line, Thomas Ismay, foresaw a big rate war on the North Atlantic and resisted Morgan until his death in 1899. After Ismay s death Morgan jumped at the opportunity to get more control by purchasing a controlling interest from the German lines, Hamburg Amerika and Norddeutscher Lloyd. Just a year later Morgan gained control of the Leyland Line, the Dominion Line, and the Red Star Line. His next targets were the White Star Line, and the Cunard. For competition Morgan cut fares until his lines were a third class passage to America for as little as two euros, ($2.38). J. Bruce Ismay, the son of Thomas Ismay, resisted Morgan like his father. ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Analysis Of The FilmPony Excess And Friday Night Lights Mostly all film s encounter variety amounts of elements to create a beneficial film. To obtain an interesting design of a film, directors manipulate the different fundamentals of cinematography to enhance a symbolic meaning. Some film s can be categorized into two types, which are realistic and formalistic aesthetics. For instance, the film Pony Excess is a realist aesthetic film that proclaims the actuality of a film, while the formalist aesthetic film, Friday Night Lights, focuses on the persuasion of emotions. In the film s Pony Excess and Friday Night Lights, realist and formalist aesthetics are conveyed through the fundamentals of a film, which are collision sound, fast and slow motion, real people, and on camera interviews to portray the reality and inner connection of a movie. One of the key elements in a film is nailing the affection of a particular sound to the audience during a scene. In most formalist film s there are two types of sounds, synchronous and asynchronous sound that produces a collision sound. Synchronous sound is shown in Friday Night Lights by involving the actual collision sounds of two football players clashing while they are playing. These sounds make the audience acknowledge the aggression of the football players and the viewers can try to develop an idea of the pain that the blocking process of football may cause. In the film, asynchronous sound is initiated when one of the players gets hurt. For instance, football player, Boobie, got ... Get more on ...