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Physical Education Essay Topics
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Physical Education Essay Topics" can be both challenging
and rewarding. The difficulty lies in navigating the vast expanse of potential topics within the
broader theme of physical education. While the subject is inherently dynamic and multifaceted,
it can pose a challenge to find a specific angle or focus that not only engages the reader but also
allows for in-depth exploration.
One hurdle is selecting a topic that is not only interesting to the writer but also relevant and
meaningful within the context of physical education. The field encompasses a wide range of
subjects, from the importance of physical activity in schools to the role of technology in modern
physical education programs. Finding a unique perspective that adds value to the existing
discourse requires careful consideration and research.
Furthermore, the essay must strike a balance between theoretical concepts and practical
applications. It should not only delve into the theoretical underpinnings of physical education
but also provide concrete examples and case studies to illustrate the points being made. This
demands a comprehensive understanding of both the academic literature and real-world
implementations of physical education initiatives.
Organizing the essay effectively is another challenge. The structure must be coherent, with a
clear introduction, well-developed body paragraphs, and a strong conclusion. Achieving a
seamless flow of ideas while maintaining clarity and conciseness is no small feat.
Moreover, staying updated with the latest research and trends in physical education is crucial.
The field is dynamic, with new developments and studies emerging regularly. Ensuring that the
essay reflects the most current information requires ongoing research and a commitment to
staying informed.
In conclusion, while writing an essay on "Physical Education Essay Topics" presents its share of
challenges, the process is also an opportunity for personal growth and knowledge acquisition. It
requires a thoughtful selection of a relevant and engaging topic, a deep understanding of both
theoretical concepts and practical applications, effective organization, and a commitment to
staying abreast of the latest developments in the field. Through overcoming these challenges, the
writer not only produces a compelling essay but also enhances their understanding of the vital
role physical education plays in our society.
For those seeking assistance in tackling similar essays or exploring a broader range of topics,
various resources are available. Services offer opportunities to order
custom essays, providing tailored support for individuals navigating the complexities of
academic writing.
Physical Education Essay TopicsPhysical Education Essay Topics
The Identity Of The Zoot Suit Riots
...About eight sailors got me outside of the theater and they started beating me up.
It happened so fast, I passed out. I woke up with a cracked rib, a broken nose, black
and blue all over. I was really beat. (Alvarez, 2006, p.155) During the 1940s, the
public had generated stereotypes of the Pachucos and zoot suits, which were
eventually transferred to all Mexican Americans. Many young men like Vicente
Morales were attacked, humiliated, and stripped from their fashionable clothes by
servicemen. However, to what extent did the fashionable expression of the zooters
and the culture of the Pachucos influence the Zoot Suit Riots?
An important factor, which contributed to the Zoot Suit Riots, was the influence of the
media. Newspapers and propaganda began to detriment the appearance of Pachucos
and zoot suits. This dynamic added to the strong anti Mexican sentiment, and led to
the spread of hysteria during the war. In addition, the encouragement from the Los
Angeles Police Department (LAPD), as well as the presence of the servicemen in Los
Angeles immediately led to the riots. Although all these factors contributed to the
riots, they all fail to address the important underlying psychological stressors, which
caused tension against the Pachucos style. Therefore, I claim that that the Girardian
persecution dynamic, based on lack of difference between the Pachucos and the
patriotic Americans, contributed mainly to the riots.
In this paper, I will first introduce the
Bronchitis And Its Effect On The Respiratory System
Many things can have a negative effect on the respiratory system; ranging from
irritants to genetic causes. Asthma is a disease that causes the lungs to become
inflamed. With asthma when the lungs come in contact with irritants such as smoke
or dust the airways to tighten and narrow. Another problem that could occur with the
respiratory systemis bronchitis. When a human has got bronchitis, the membrane
lining of the bronchial tubes becomes inflamed and more mucus is produced. One of
the main causes for bronchitis is smoking. Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease
affecting the lungs. Cystic Fibrosis causes mucus in the body to be abnormally thick.
The mucus can clog the airways in the lungs and therefore make people more prone
to getting
Reflective Essay On The Written Work Process
In spite of the fact that writing in school is intense at a first begin, Arrangement is
the most troublesome piece of the written work process on the grounds that
numerous understudies have the issue of coming up short on thoughts and they
don t know where to put their writing in their paper all together for their article to
be perused easily. I need to educate you concerning how I used to mastermind my
papers amid the composition procedure. In secondary school, I generally had
coordinated works, so I needed to consider thoughts quick. That is the reason I
utilized foundation learning from data that I officially learned. In any case, it was
hard for me to consider new plans to add to my paper because of the way that the
greater part of my written work prompts were coordinated and nobody was
permitted to utilize open book to look into any new data, which is the reason
numerous understudies battled amid the composition procedure and quickly came up
short on thoughts. Presently since I m in school and my composition isn t planned, I
intend to add more plans to my paper through research, for example, the Internet,
magazines, podcasts, books, and so forth for any theme. Truth be told, in the event
that I have a written work task that contains two prompts and I have the alternative to
switch themes, I may do that too in light of the fact that numerous understudies may
change starting with one point then onto the next on the grounds that they either
feel more great with the subject and they can think of a bigger number of thoughts
for their paper than the theme that they were at that point stayed with. My teachers
once disclosed to me that it is smarter to have a greater number of thoughts than to
simply stick to just a single subject since one point won t not work and you may
not think of a lot of thoughts. Before concocting any thoughts for my paper, the
best technique for me to organize my thoughts was on a web graph on a different
sheet of paper. This strategy is superior to anything beginning to freewrite
immediately on a bit of paper since when you initially compose, you re composing
won t not bode well and after that there s the complexities of modification.
Additionally, it is valuable to make a web chart
Mayrston Character Analysis Essay
Although Janie is raised by Nanny, her grandmother, as a child, both Janie and
Nanny lived in the backyard house of a white couple named the Washburns.
Growing up, Janie went to a predominantly black elementary school and was
constantly teased for her physical appearance, especially by one of her classmates,
Mayrella. During Janie s childhood, [d]ere wuz uh knotty head gal name Mayrella
dat useter git mad every time she look at [her] (Hurston 9). Here, Mayrella s
character towards Janie can be seen through the porch of Eatonville. Both Mayrella
and the porch sitters embody judgment and envy towards Janie because of the same
reason her physical appearance. At school, Janie is viewed as an outcast because she
grew up in a predominantly white environment at home,... Show more content on ...
Here, the porch sitters speculate on how Janie left Eatonville with a blue satin
dress but has surprisingly come back in dirty overalls. Because she was last seen
leaving Eatonville with Tea Cake, the townspeople are filled with curiosity about
Janie s story after she left their town. They begin to exhibit this curiosity amongst
themselves and their peers on the porch by criticizing Janie out of pure envy. The
porch is a symbol of envy and judgment amongst black communities. Because most
residents of Eatonville are lower class full day laborers and are envious about Janie s
social mobility privilege, they gossip and resent Janie, especially her physical beauty.
The townspeople s envy of Janie is rooted in internalized racism one that favors light
skin and other Eurocentric facial features. The porch sitters of Eatonville also find
it strange that Janie, who was at a higher social class before she met Tea Cake, come
back to Eatonville and present herself in a way typical of a laborer.
Guernica In Picasso And The Life Of Pablo Picasso
In the midst of political disparity in Spain between Nationalists and the Spanish
Republic there was a great act of terror. In a time when no combat had been seen
since that first world war, an act of unprovoked horror rained upon the small town of
Guernica in northern Spain. The act of intimidation was taking with disgust in the
eye of Picasso, which enacted his artistic statement. Guernica in Picasso s artistic life
represented his sentiments on terror and his people. Pablo Picassowas born a
Spaniard in the city of Malaga in 1881 to a professor of drawing, Jose Ruiz and
Maria Picasso. Pablo was naturally artistically talented and by the age of thirteen
he had surpassed the abilities of his father. By sixteen he had made a name for
himself after being awarded an honorable mention in a Fine Arts Exhibition in
Madrid. In the following years, Picasso suffered from the loss of close friend,
Carlos Casagemas, which strongly impacted his work. Marilyn McCully, a
biographical author, claimed that the death of Casagemas gave Picasso, the
emotional experience and the material that would stimulate the powerful
expressiveness of the works of the so called Blue Period (1). Picasso s Blue Period
is noted for its blue color and its characteristic expressive nature. In the works of
Picasso s Blue Period there is a common theme of strong emotional sorrow and
reflection which is relative to the artistic impact described by McCully. After moving
permanently to Paris, Picasso found new
Tweens Essay
1.If you had to reach a customer segment of tweens (kids between 8 and 13), which
medium would you choose? What about for men in their 30s? Men in their 60s? In
which medium would you advertise if you ran one of your city s performing arts
centers? Different age groups require different mediums for the marketers to reach
these segments. The first segment is tweens . Today the tweens age group watches
more television than any other age group. At that age they do not understand the
main difference between watching the television show and the commercials that
are being aired in between segments of the show. This segment can be reached
through television that will relay into asking their parents to but these products.
The kids in this segment will see the products and nag their parents to purchase
them. Over time the parents give in and purchase some of these products. The
second segment is men in their 30s. This segment is the generation that is on the
computer the most. The best way for marketers to reach this segment is through
email. In the reading it states that, 35 to 44 year olds were the most likely to prefer
email 78% (Burstein, 2015). Majority of the men in this segment have jobs and
some require them to have an email address. Most of the email systems do not
organize the incoming emails in work and advertising categories. If the man is
interested in a product and has made a purchase online, many times they are required
to include an email address in their
A Short Note On Non Alcoholic Beverage Company
Company SWOT Analysis
Company Description
The name of My Non Alcoholic Beverage Company is Revitalize Energy Drink . I
decided on this particular name because it should connect with consumers and the
name speaks for itself. The drink will consist of all natural products to help give
users a boost of energy and assist them to consume natural vitamins and minerals
their bodies need. Our mission is to serve men and women of all ages by providing
an all natural quality energy drink that will fuel their bodies and mind. Our mission is
to provide a high quality all natural products that individuals can enjoy and provide
their bodies with nutritional vitamins. We at Revitalize Company truly believe in our
mission statement and will do our best ... Show more content on ...
Non alcoholic Beverage Industry Trends and Justification
Industry Trends
Today Non alcoholic Beverage Industry continues to grow due to the growing
population and rise of the middle class, especially in emerging markets, and
disposable income. All these are key growth drivers for non alcoholic beverage
companies to thrive. According to the Market Intelligence firm Euromonitor
International predicts the middle class around the country will make up 1.5 billion
households by 2020, a 25% rise since 2012. According to the Bureau of Economic
Analysis report, U.S. consumption accounts for over two thirds of the country s
gross domestic product (or GDP). Individuals tend to spend more with a rise in
their disposable income. The increase in consumer confidence also increases
consumption expenditure ( Another reason non alcoholic
beverage is on the growth because consumers are more health conscious, and
sugary drinks are on the decline. According to the Center for Disease Control and
Prevention, calories from added sugars in soda are down 39 percent since 2000
because Americans are more conscious about their weight and the rising obesity
rates. Two Thirds of U.S. adults prove to be overweight or obese, a number that has
been rising steadily for the past three decades ( According to the
latest Energy Drink
Disadvantages Of Menu Planning
Menu Planning
Menu is a list of dishes to be served in a given meal. Menu planning is the selection of
a menu for an event or some special dinner, such as picking out the dinner for your
wedding or even a meal at a Birthday party. The importance of menu planning
involved customer satisfaction, facilitating costing, facilitating pricing, reference my
customer and management, guide production, and facilitate evaluation and
The type of menu are between Table d hГґte and A La Carte. About Table d hГ
ґte, are
a set of menu forming a complete meal at a set price. A choice of dishes may be
offered at all courses, choice and number of courses is limited to two, three, four or
more than that. Besides, the A La Carte is the menu with all the dishes individually
priced. Customers can compile their own menu from the list.
The meal is cooked to order. The customer must be prepare to wait for this service,
because the meals cook after the order.
Purchasing is means purchasing goods and services from some outside agency. The
goal of the purchasing department is to organize the supply of materials, spare parts
and services or semi finished products required by the organization in order to
produce the required products from some institutions or sources outside the
organization (Chand, 2016). ... Show more content on ...
These thermometers use infrared technology to check the temperature of the food.
They do not have direct contact with food. The minimum internal temperature for
frozen foods should be 0 В° F (18 В° C) or below. Fresh food should be kept at 41 В°
F (5 В° C) or below. Foods that do not meet these safety standards should not be
accepted. Other than that, dollies are used to move items from the receiving area to
the storage area. The cart is a small wheeled cart that helps to move heavy boxes
from one place to another. Dollies help food service professionals work more
Volkswagen Of Americ Managing It Priorities
Team 11
Volkswagen of AmericaВManaging IT Priorities
1. What is your assessment of the new process for managing priorities at Volkswagen
of America? Are the criticisms justified? Is it an improvement over the old process?
We believe that the new process for managing priorities was well structured and
aligned with the business goals but with few exceptions. Let s try to understand why?
VWoA laid out their five next round of growth goals (NRG) and built a business
architecture with the help of different organizational entities to manage priorities of
different projects in order to implement these goals. The ELT was given the
primary responsibility along with ITSC, PMO, BPTO and DBC playing important
roles while selecting and prioritizing projects. The Digital Business Council was to
play the most challenging role here as it would work with different Business Unit
managers in order to select and prioritize projects, keeping in mind a way to
categorize projects, assess their business impact, aligning project with business goals
and making tradeoff decisions. The process played out in three phases initiated by
PMO. Thus, this process is well structured and would help DBC to consider different
trade offs while selecting and prioritizing projects.
The only exception is that we would recommend to include members of VWG while
drafting the goal portfolios of the company so that certain projects that impacted on
the global level could also be funded. If they had included them, then
Hank Aaron Biography Essay
Henry Louis Aaron
(Hank) Aaron
Date of Birth: February 5, 1934(the day before Babe Ruth turned 39).
Birthplace: Mobile, Alabama, United States
Date. Circumstances of Death: Living
Early Life: The second of nine of Herbert and Estella Aaron s , he weighed just 2
and 1/4 pounds at birth. Hank was a quiet boy who just had one or two friends in
the neighborhood. When Hank was eight he saw his first major league game. After
the game he knew he wanted to be a major league baseball player which is a good
dream because it makes you work hard to make it come true. Hank would sometimes
skip school and go down to the baseball bleachers and liked watch players like Joe
Dimagio, and Micky Mantel. When his parents found out that ... Show more content
on ...
Accomplishments: He broke ground for the participation of African Americans in
professional sports. Hank Aaron broke Babe Ruth s career home run record, although
he hit a respectable .280 with 13 home runs before breaking an ankle in September.
In 1955, Aaron became the Braves starting right fielder and he won the NL batting
title in 1956 with a .328 average and 26 home runs. His all time career mark of 755
home runs was built on a remarkable 20 season stretch from 1955 through 1974. He
hit 40 or more home runs in 8 of those seasons, 30 or more in 15, and 20 or more in
all 20. He also batted over .300 fourteen times. His top batting average was .355 in
1959; his best home run season was 1971, when he had 47. Fascinatingly, he hit 44
home runs his uniform number in three different seasons, 1957, 1963, and 1965.
The Braves, who had moved to Atlanta in 1966, announced that he would be held
out of the opening series in Cincinnati so he would have a chance to break the
record before his home fans. However, Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn
ordered the team to use Aaron in Cincinnati, and he tied the record in his first trip
to the plate. When he retired, he held all time major league records for extra base
hits, 1,477; total bases, 6,856; and runs batted in, 2,297. Aaron then returned to
Atlanta to work in the Braves front office, where he became one of the first blacks in
upper level
How Does Cole Show Transcendentalism
When looking for a man from modern pop culture who shares Transcendental traits
with Chris McCandless, one name quickly comes to mind: Jermaine Lamarr Cole,
better known by his stage name of J Cole. This hip hop artist is united with nature
under the idea that God is omnipresent, or everywhere at once. Additionally,
Jermaine learned from his past experiences of growing up in a dangerous, deadly
city. J Cole invites the future by making musicthat shares his experiences and helps
others who possibly have had the same struggles. Lastly, Jermaine shows
nonconformity through his enjoyment in being different and going against how
society tells him to be. Jermaine Cole is one with nature in a different way than the
other Transcendentalist previously mentioned, as he is united with nature through the
idea that God is omnipresent. When speaking of God, omnipresent means that He is
present everywhere within everything and everyone at every single moment of time.
J Cole expresses this idea of God being everywhere in one of his songs named...
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An excellent example of how J Cole disregards the opinion s of others is mentioned
in his song Crooked Smile . In this song, Jermaine raps, They tell me I should fix
my grill cause I got money now/... I keep my twisted grill, just to show the kids it s
real/We ain t picture perfect, but we worth the picture still (J Cole, Crooked Smile
). Through these lyrics, Jermaine is disregarding how society wants him to fix his
teeth which many think are ugly, sloppy, and unappealing. Instead, he says how he
keeps his teeth the way they are just to be different and inspire others. This act
greatly shows how Jermaine expresses nonconformity, as it proves how he does what
he wants to, and not what society wants him to do. This type of thinking is a large
part of Transcendentalism and its emphasis on the
Everyday Use Culture
Is culture the reason behind why people perform their actions?In the short story
Everyday Use, by alice walker, one of the daughters denies her culture. In the essay
An Indian Father s Plea, by Robert Lake, the other students and teacher makes fun of
the son, Wind Wolf. In the Novel excerpt Two Kinds, by Amy tan, Jing mei s mother
expects her daughter to keep to her mother s perspective of culture. Culture
influences people s views on life. Culture influences people because a person might
not like their economic level. In the short story Everyday Use, Dee is ashamed of
her culture because she said I couldn t bear it any longer, being named after the
people who oppress me. Dee decided to change her name to muslim so that people
wouldn t... Show more content on ...
In the Novel excerpt Two Kinds, the mother believes that her daughter should obey
her mother because she said Only two kinds of daughters she shouted in chinese.
those who are obedient and those who follow their own mind! Only one kind of
daughter can live in this house! Obedient daughter! This states that the mother was
raised in a perspective that daughters can only be obedient where as Jing mei
believes that she can do whatever she wants to do. The two generations don t see eye
to eye because their generation s viewed culture differently.
However, race doesn t affect how people view life. In the essay An Indian Father s
Plea, The teacher complains that Wind Wolf is not like the other students because the
father said he is 5 years old, in kindergarten, and I can t understand
Although race doesn t change many views about culture, in many cases, race does
change many views about culture. Going back to Indian Father s Plea, Wind Wolf
becomes ashamed of his culture because the father states But the boy s mother
lashed out: It is ok if you have to play with him at school, but we don t allow those
kind of people in our house! when my wife asked why not, the other boy s mother
answered because you are Indians and we are white, and I don t want my kids
growing up with your kind of people. So Wind Wolf got his haircut and abandoned
his traditions because the children and teacher humiliated him of
Essay on A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens was born in Landport, Hampshire, in 1812 and died in
1870. His father was a clerk in the navy pay office and family life was occasionally
hard, especially when his father had to go to the debtor s prison. The young twelve
year old Charles became the main money maker in the family at this time and worked
in a blocking factory. Charles father was released a year later and Charles was able to
go to school.
After school he became a clerk for solicitors, later becoming a journalist, a reporter
at Doctors Commons and at 22 joined a London newspaper. He published various
papers in the Monthly Magazine, following this up with sketches and articles for the
... Show more content on ...
Charles wrote A ChristmasCarol in 1843. This short novel has a
Christmas theme and has been popular since it was first published.
This moral story is about an old man called Scrooge who hates
Christmas and is mean to everyone, but he is transformed. The lessons he learns
are as much for the reader to benefit from as Scrooge. His transformation is the key
event in the novel and the reader clearly sees Scrooge before and after his
experiences. This process will now be explored more fully.
A Christmas Carol , by Charles Dickens
When we first meet Scrooge he is described as a cold hearted, selfish, evil man. He
was a Tight fisted hand at the grindstone , A squeezing, wrenching, grasping,
scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner! . He is also described as a very cold man,
A frosty rime was on his head, on his eyebrows and on his wiry chin. He carried his
own temperature always about with him . The reader gets the impression that
whenever somebody may walk past him they would shiver or shudder.
When the reader thinks of cold they may think of chilly or they may think
symbolically of cold in a person, as in no passion or feeling.
When other people meet Scrooge their reaction was to avoid talking to him, nobody
asked him even for a little amount of money or what the time was. This was because
they knew his answer would be a negative one. Perhaps they thought that if they
ignored Scrooge he would go away. It seems as if
My Home Country Saudi Arabia
Last summer, I was moving out of D.C. to my home country Saudi Arabia. Since
selling furniture is cheaper than keeping it in storage, I decided that I was going to
leave my apartment and sell everything that I had, for the reason that I did not know
if I was coming back to the U.S again or not. I was not expecting that selling
furniture is just a headache. People were not willing to pay, they just wanted to use
you because they know that you need to move out soon and get rid of your furniture.
The process of me selling my furniture did generate a lot of emotions, especially anger
and disappointment. Emotions can affect the negotiations either in a positive or a
negative way. Frustration, dissatisfaction and disappointment all of... Show more
content on ...
I agreed on selling both the bookshelf and the sofa bed for $450 when my initial
offer was $400 for the sofa bed and $150 for the bookshelf. I decided that since he
was buying both I would lower my price and give him the price he asked for.
Especially that at that time all what I was thinking of that a burden was getting off
my shoulders, meaning that I would have less furniture to worry about. Anyway
when the next day came, he started to negotiate with me again with a ridiculous
price this time. He told me that he can only afford the couch for $200. Honestly, I
was so mad and insulted that I did not respond to him. I had other offers on the
sofa bed so I knew that I would not have a problem selling it. In Fisher s book, he
talks about how having a bottom line will affect the negotiation negatively in terms
of that it will limit my imagination of thinking of another options (Fisher, Urn
Patton, 2011). While I do agree with him on this point, in my situation I believe
that having a bottom line helped me not to surrender and accept an offer that is
below my bottomline. At the same time did not stop me from thinking of other
options. I reconsidered my bottom line when I received a reasonable offer like the
case with the guy who wanted to buy the sofa and the bookshelf. I did accept his
original offer even though it was lower than my bottom line, but it was a reasonable
one to me. The other offer that I managed to sell the sofa with was from a young lady
Syste Heart Rate
P.Vignesh1, M.Karkodan2, B.Lakshadeep3, M.MadhanKumar4
1Assistant Professor/ECE, 2, 3, 4 UG Students/ECE
Abstract An increase in world population along with a significant aging portion is
forcing rapid rises in healthcare costs. The healthcare system is going through a
transformation in which continuous monitoring of inhabitants is possible even
without hospitalization. Now we are using advanced sensing systems to monitor the
heart patients and provide first aid to them in case of emergency. We now
demonstrate the real time application in heart rate beat analysing by heart rate
monitor and ensure proper working of heart. This paper reviews the latest ... Show
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Normally heart beat is measured in beats per minute bpm . Heart beat is the number
of contractions (heart beats) of heart in one minute.
Heart beat varies for everyone as listed follows :
Childhood : 120 bpm
`Adult male: 70 bpm
Adult female: 75 bpm
But the reference range is between 60 bpm (bradycardia) 100 bpm (tachycardia) for
aged people.
Pulse rate is the direct way to measure heart rate, but it can vary when some heart
beats do not have much cardiac output. At that time heart rate may be higher than the
pulse rate.
An external pacemaker that has a pulse generator to generate an extrinsic electrical
impulse, causing the heart muscle to depolarise and then contract ; its rate is preset
regardless of the heart s intrinsic activity. It can be temporary or implanted
An artificial pacemaker located outside the body, the primary types are transcutaneous
and transvenous.
The progress in science technology is a non stop process. New things and new
technology are being invented. As the technology grows day by day, we can imagine
about the future in which thing we may occupy every
Common Themes Revealed In Dirk The Protector
It s raining cats and dogs! Wouldn t it be amazing if that really could happen? Why
would it be amazing, though? Well, imagine if we didn t even have cats, dogs, or
any pets at all. Animals do so much for us in ways we don t realize. In Dirk the
Protector, there is a sense of protection. In The Last Dog, there is a sense of
companionship. In Animal Influence, there is proven research on animals helping
special needs people. These three short stories all have a common theme: animals
help and influence us in ways such as getting a backbone, companionship, and
First of all, in Dirk the Protector, Gary Paulsen was a street kid who found a dog as a
companion, and of course, a protector. It was great. Maybe one of the great
moments in my life. I had a bodyguard, Paulsen states when Dirk saves him from
Happy and his gang. Dirk was a protector and a friend, which was exactly what
Paulsen needed at this stage in his life. Dirk influenced Paulsen to stand up for
himself, maybe because Paulsen seemed to be living a life similar to Dirk s. ... Show
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As stated in the text, Nothing was as wonderful as feeling this warmth toward
another creature. Brock and Brog grew closer to one another as the days went and
when the scientist wanted to clone Brog, Brock went to extreme measures to save
them both. Brog certainly influenced and sparked some of Brock s emotions toward
Analysis of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde...
Analysis of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
In an attempt to consider the duality tale, one narrative inevitably finds its way to
the top of the heap as the supreme archetype: Robert Louis Stevenson s The Strange
Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Immense disagreement permeates the pages of
literary criticism relevant to the meaning of the story. Yet, for all of the wrangling
focused on the psychology, morality, spirituality, and sociality of the story, it has
remained, since 1886, a novella that according to the Reverend W. J. Dawson, gives
Stevenson a place apart, and high above all contemporaries, as an interpreter of the
deepest things of the soul (qtd. in Abbey 318).
Not content to merely ... Show more content on ...
He was determined to be more a man of letters than of numbers and ultimately broke
out of the engineering/law mold and devoted himself to the written word.
Stevenson was first published in 1876, in his mid twenties, as his essays began to
appear in Cornhill Magazine (Columbia). His work was first published in book
form in 1878 when the travel story An Inland Voyage was made available to
English readers. After his marriage in 1880 to Frances Osbourne (known to him as
Fanny), Stevenson s popularity grew with the publication of Treasure Island (1883)
and A Child s Garden of Verses (1885), a volume never out of print. His financial
success, however, was secured in 1886 with the novels Kidnapped and The Strange
Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Jekyll and Hyde had originally belonged to a genre known as the shilling shocker
(Stephen 1137). But soon after its publication, the public learned that Stevenson
was not merely a writer of adventure romances and children s rhymes. In a letter to
W. H. Low, in January of 1886, Stevenson had referred to his novella as a Gothic
Gnome (qtd. in Abbey 311). And in this gnome of prose the public experienced the
literary prowess of an author who could take a theme as profound as the dual nature
of man, one that had been a part of western thinking since at least the Apostle Paul[1],
Frankish Culture
There were many topics that held my interest but many have already been fully
fleshed out in academic literature. Something that has not been fully explored and
still debated is the relationship of the settled Franks and the native people of the
Levant. The crusades were nothing less than a full on invasion into a foreign and
harsh landscape with minimal knowledge of the culture and landscapes they would
have soon encounter. It was incredibly important to the survival of the initial
crusaders and then the crusaders states that they had to adapt from their own
European customs to those of the native Arab populations. The Crusaders became a
ruling minority, but not without the Arabization of their own culture into something
that became unique... Show more content on ...
When researching a topic pertaining to culture it will be imperative to research from
both sides of the culture. To dissuade against bias it was be equally important to
include contemporary accounts from contemporary arabs and muslims. One
important primary source is Travels by Ibn Jubayr s who lived in the twelfth century.
Ibn Jubayr was a geographer who travelled around the Levant while recording what
he saw and experienced, including references to the assimilation of the franks into
Muslim culture. For secondary sources I have requested a few books that relate to the
cultures of the crusades and the interactions between them. One such book is The
crusades, christianity and islam by Jonathan Riley Smith is a short summary of the
dynamic between the two cultures. I have also requested a thesis by a URI graduate
student about the arabization of the knights templar. The thesis does not directly
relate because it deals with the military order but it does explore the same underlying
theme of the transition of europeans into something more
Short Essay On Ham
It s Thanksgiving week in the Premier League, but not everyone in the league may
be feeling the holiday spirit. David Moyes life with West Ham started the same
way it did during his previous managerial tenure in the league with a loss. There
was so much disdain for the Hammers 2 0 loss to Watford on Sunday, West Ham
fans dialed the Essex Police Force to spew their grievances. Elsewhere, a 4 0 loss to
Chelsea last weekend cost former West Brom manager Tony Pulis his job, while
Southampton produced yet another sorry effort in a 3 0 loss to Liverpool. On a
brighter note, Arsenal earned bragging rights over Tottenham with a 2 0 win in last
weekend s North London Derby, while Bournemouth remarkably smashed
Huddersfield Town, putting four... Show more content on ...
The Swans are two points away from safety and at risk of continuing their four
game league losing streak. Swansea have too often relied on Tammy Abraham,
which has brought their struggles, while Paul Clement s job is truly at risk. With
Cherries striker Callum Wilson in hot form, this should be a closely contested
game. As for a shocking result, Manchester City or Arsenal could experience the
designation. City visits a Huddersfield side that has already beaten their neighbors,
Manchester Untied, at home this season. With City not looking overly convincing
in their last few games, this could be an excellent opportunity for David Wagner s
Terriers to move up the table. Meanwhile, Arsenal will visit a Burnley side with
excellent form this season, as both teams have 22 points in the table. A Burnley
win could cement them as a true contender for the top 4. It s games like this that
could be the difference in Sean Dyche getting a crack at the Everton job or a better
team, so expect it to be a great contest. Below are this weekend s fixtures and have
a happy Thanksgiving! Friday, Nov. 24, 2017 West Ham United (2 3 7) vs.
Leicester City (3 4 5) | 3 p.m. Eastern Time, 8 p.m. British Time Saturday, Nov. 25,
2017 Tottenham Hotspur (7 2 3) vs. West Bromwich Albion (2 4 6) | 10 a.m.
Eastern Time, 3 p.m. British Time Manchester United (8 2 2) vs. Brighton Hove
Albion (4 4 4) | 10 a.m. Eastern Time, 3 p.m. British Time Newcastle United
Distinctively Visual Learning and Teaching Program
ngTitle: Distinctively Visual | Concept: How are images we see and visualise in texts
created?| Language Modes: speaking, reading, writing, listening, viewing, ICT|
Outcomes: | | | 1.A student demonstrates understanding of how relationships between
composer, responder, text and context shape meaning.2.A studentdemonstrates
understanding of the relationships among texts. 5.A student analyses the effect of
technology and medium on meaning. 6.A student engages with the details of text
in order to respond critically and personally. | Key Question: How do different
composers use imagery and images to provoke responses?| Texts: * Core Text:
Maestro * Additional: Wide Open Road * Beneath Clouds| | Key... Show more content
on ...
2.A student demonstrates understanding of the relationships among texts. 6.A student
engages with the details of text in order to respond critically and personally.1.A
student demonstrates understanding of how relationships between composer,
responder, text and context shape meaning.2.A student demonstrates understanding of
the relationships among texts. 6.A student engages with the details of text in order to
respond critically and personally.1.A student demonstrates understanding of how
relationships between composer, responder, text and context shape meaning.2.A
student demonstrates understanding of the relationships among texts. 6.A student
engages with the details of text in order to respond critically and personally.5.A
student analyses the effect of technology and medium on meaning. 1.A student
demonstrates understanding of how relationships between composer, responder, text
and context shape meaning.2.A student demonstrates understanding of the
relationships among texts. 6.A student engages with the details of text in order to
respond critically and personally.5.A student analyses the effect of technology and
medium on meaning. 1.A student demonstrates understanding of how relationships
between composer, responder, text and context shape meaning.2.A student
demonstrates understanding of the relationships among texts. 6.A student engages
with the details of text in order to respond critically and personally.5.A student
J. D. Salinger Essay
J. D. Salinger
J. D. Salinger The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away
from it. James Bryce* In 1945, a novel was published that would forever change
the way society views itself. The book, entitled The Catcher in the Rye, would
propel a man named Jerome David Salinger to fame as one of the most famous
authors of the twentieth century. This same man, not ten years after the publication
and while still in the peak of his career, would depart from this society the one that
he so greatly changed leaving nothing but his literature to be his lasting voice.
However one may view this mysterious life of J. D. Salinger, there is but one thing
for certain: J. D. Salinger has provided the reader with a ... Show more content on ...
After receiving an English degree at Columbia, Salinger worked briefly as an
entertainer on the Swedish Liner MS Kungsholm in the Caribbean in 1941. In
1942 Salinger enlisted in the United States Army and fought in World War II,
where he eventually became a staff sergeant earning five battle stars. The time spent
overseas played a major role in what would ultimately be the basis of most of
Salinger s short stories. World War II is also where Salinger met one of his major
literary influences, Ernest Hemingway. Although Salinger s style stems from
Hemingway, their first encounter was not one that sat well on Salingers s mind. The
story goes that while Hemingway was serving as an author correspondent, he visited
Salinger s regiment and that Salinger became disgusted when Hemingway shot the
head off a chicken to demonstrate the merits of a German Lager (French 25). The
incident so affected Salinger that he incorporates it into his short story, For Esme:
with Love and Squalor, with a corporal named Clay shooting the head off a cat and
constantly dwelling upon the senseless act. The relationship between Hemingway
and Salinger would last until Hemingway s death in 1961. Despite having a personal
relationship with Hemingway, according to Harold Bloom, ...[Salinger s work
actually] derives from F. Scott Fitzgerald(qtd. in Salinger SSC 2: 318). Such a
conclusion can be drawn for a number of reasons. First, Salinger s narrative
What Is The Food Service Industry
1.1 Overview in Food Service Industry
The restaurant industry is continuously growing rapidly in the entire world.
Restaurant industry is business that prepare and serves food and drink to customer.
The food that customers purchase at restaurant can be eaten on site, taken out or
delivered. According Helen Akers, the restaurant industry is segmented according to
the level of service customers receive. As the number of restaurants increase, people
have many options for choosing a restaurant. When guests dine out from the
restaurant, they starting to evaluate what they experience According to the National
Restaurant Association, the food service industry are still one of the economy s top
employers. The major segments of restaurant industry are full service industry, quick
industry, fine dining, casual dining and others. On the website of the National
Restaurant Association 2015, food service industry sales are highly expected to hit a
record high in 2015. ... Show more content on ...
Some things they are looking for is speedy drive through at limited service
restaurants, elegant ambience and cuisine provided at fine dining establishments, the
coffee shop, and the relaxed atmosphere of a casual dining concept .Food service
industry is segment in to many categories, for example full service restaurant, cafГ©,
bars, street stalls, kiosks, fast food restaurant and self service cafeterias. Foodservice
Profile Malaysia (July 2014) .According to the Frost Sullivan Report, the food
service industry in Hong Kong and China can be further categorized based on the
models of restaurants and types of cuisine such as fine dining, casual dining, fast
food and other food service
Ethnic Identity And Racial Identity
Ethnic identity remains one of the most extensively studied topics in the social
sciences. The book Studying Ethnic Identity provides insight into the dynamic
process that goes into the formation of ethnic racial identity by psychological
researchers. Ethnic and racial identity is a subject that is important to study because
it has been associated with positive well being, psychological distress, and academic
attitudes (Rivas Drake, Syed, et al, 2014; Smith Silva, 2011). Past research has tried
to define ethnic identity as a link to one s own ethnic group(e.g. Latino, African
American) (Umana Taylor et al., 2014). This definition has proven to have its
limitations, since it it does not take into account within group variability that might
exist among individuals that feel marginalized from their own ethnic group. Early
definitions have failed to acknowledge ethnic identity has a multifaceted and complex
construct, which this book discusses. Although several studies on ethnic identify
have broaden our understanding of outcomes variables after the formation process,
there is still limited areas of ethnic identity to investigate.
This book has a collection of scientist articles that bring together a diverse collection
of approaches, definitions, and measurement strategies to research ethnic identity.
Each chapter identifies some of the many ways researchers can use specific
frameworks to try to conceptualize and investigate ethnic and racial identity. Each
Agency Report
Crossroads of Delaware Thaddeus Williams Delaware Technical Community
College Directed Practice 2 244 6H1 March 15, 2014 Agency Purpose This report
will provide a description of Crossroads of Delaware and the services they provide
for adolescents who suffer from substance abuse and mental health problems.
Crossroads offer a continuum of care services for adolescents and their families
who reside in Delaware. Historical Background Crossroads founded in 1992 by, Dr.
Mike Barbieri, MSW, LCSW, and Alberta Crowley, MHS, LCDP, to serve the needs
of the substance abusing populations in Wilmington and New Castle County
Delaware. In 2012, the founders of Crossroads decided to expand their services to
Kent and Sussex County by opening... Show more content on ...
These services help strengthen the family system and assist all members in
developing the skills to support the recovery of the adolescent (p. 3). Organization
Management Structure Board of Directors The Board of Directors oversees the
operation of Strategic Management Ltd., and the work of Crossroads of
Delaware. Their primary duty is to review and approve the budget, goals,
objectives, policies, procedures, performance and the strategic plan. This board
appoints the chief operating officer to oversee the operation of the company
(Delaware, Policy Procedures Binder 1, 2013). Chief Executive Officer The Chief
Executive Officer is responsible for the development of the budget, goals,
objectives, policies, procedures, performance and the strategic plan. The CEO
presents this information at the quarterly meeting for review and approval by The
Board of Directors. The CEO is also responsible for negotiating and executing all
contracts and agreements between Crossroads and the property owners, payers,
and referral sources (Policy Procedures Binder 1, 2013). Executive Director The
Executive Director is responsible for the daily oversight of all programs and
services provided by Crossroads of Delaware. The Executive Director directs the all
clinical and program activities this includes, managing the supervision of all staff,
management staff (Policy Procedures Binder 1, 2013). Operations
If Offenders, Young People Are Expected Act Like A...
If offenders, young people are expected to act like a standard person of their age.
In Mullin v Richards, 1998, Teresa Mullin and Heidi Richards, who were friends,
were sitting next to each other at a desk in school. While playing fighting with
plastic rules, using them as swards, Teresa Mullin was injured by a fragment of the
rule, which snapped and went in her right eye, causing her to loose most of her eye
sight. Teresa sued the school for negligence, as well as Heidy. However, it was
decided by the court that Heidy was expected, as standard, to act like a 15 years old
student, and not like a reasonable adult. Concluding with the judges deciding that
Heidy was not in breach of duty, as she had met the standards of a 15 years old...
Show more content on ...
This causation is identified with the but for test, in other words, but for the
defendant s breach of duty would the damage or injury have occurred? the main case
would be Barnett v Chelsea and Kensington Hospital Management Committee, 1968,
where the husband of the claimant went to the hospital due to strong stomach pain
and vomiting. He was sent home after the Accident and Emergency department
refused to examine him. After five hours, he died due to arsenic poisoning. The
hospital owed the man duty of care and were also in breach after refusing to
examine him. However, they were not liable as even if they had conducted the
examinations the man would have died prior the results and treatment. Meaning that
he would have died if the breach was or was not present, as their breach did not
cause him to die.
Remoteness of damage consists in establishing whether the offender is liable for only
the damages, if the consequences were foreseeable from the breach of duty. In other
words, the judges have to be able to establish where and when do the consequence
act start and finish, as some may be too remote to be included as they may happen
years after if not earlier, depending on the circumstances. For example, in The Wagon
Mound case, a test of reasonable foreseeability was established. This case consisted
in the offender accidently spilling oil in the claimant s wharf, while he was fueling
another ship. At the time, there were welding
A Research Study On The Social Sciences
The Social Sciences consist of a variety of disciplines that aim to understand the
behaviour, interactions and relationships between individuals and society. Social
scientists conduct research in order to gain a deeper insight into the factors that
affect individuals. They do so by using systematic methods of investigation that
allow them to analyse and interpret their findings, and thus create a new theory of
knowledge or expand upon the existing knowledge of a theory (Giddens Sutton,
2013). Researchers may use a variety of processes that provide a solid and coherent
structure to their researchthat ensures its validity and reliability. Choosing the right
process will aid the researcher in better understanding the area of research and thus
may allow them to apply their findings to the workings of the wider social world.
Irwin Elley s (2011) Concerted Cultivation? Parenting Values, Education and Class
Diversity, is a study into the effects of class diversity and parental values of the
importance of modern child education, uses a mixed method of investigation. The
research takes into account previous studies into class diversity and parental roles in
children s development and socialisation. The research question of the study is not
made clear at the beginning of the article to suggest an aim as to what the study seeks
to explain, though a hypothesis is offered within the findings of the study. The
research also uses quantitative and qualitative data gathering
National Incident Management System Analysis
Major emergencies, acts of terrorism and disasters have become more frequent in
recent decades. These disasters affect more and more people, taxing local state and
federal resources. Mass casualty incidents are commonly classified as disasters due
to a large number of individuals affected by the event. Many lives are saved if the
affected communities are prepared organized and have developed emergency
response plans in place before the disaster. Also, survivors of mass casualty
incidents often suffer from ill health and disabilities placing, even more strain on
emergency responders. In these disaster situations, the local emergency responders
are the first to arrive on the scene and began rescue efforts. As the incident escalates,
more resources from local, private, state and federal levels respond to the scene. Due
to a large number of people affected by the incident,... Show more content on ...
The challenges associated with MCI s can be mitigated with thorough and practiced
emergency operation plans. These plans should utilize the National Incident
Management System (NIMS) as the foundation for the development of the plan.
Using the NIMS will allow responders to tailor the plan according to how many
patients, casualties, and a large number of walking wounded that will need treatment.
When sufficient warning is provided the number of patients will be minimized, but
plans must accommodate a large number of evacuees. These evacuees will need
timely and pertinent information to evacuate safely and efficiently. Developing
emergency operation plans well in advance of any disaster or mass casualty incident
will ensure sufficient and appropriate resources will be
Sport Descriptive Essay
The work is worth it! shouted my coach before hitting the mat. My whole team s
stomachs are in giant knots. Sweat drips down our faces. Thousands and thousands
of people cheering. Cheer Extreme Chicago Obsession may take the floor said the
announcer. This was the moment we ve been working towards for nine months. Full
out after full out. We all had one goal which was to win.
Ever since I was four years old, I ve done all star cheerleading,a very competitive
sport. Ever since I started doing it, I knew why I wanted to. I did Cheerleading at a
gym called Cheer Extreme Chicago located in Addison, IL. I was on a junior 5
team called Obsession. The day we started practicing, we prepared for one
competition. The competition is called NCA (National Cheerleading Association).
NCA is located in Dallas, TX. There are 1,143 teams, 25,484 athletes, 38,000
spectators, 41 states, and five countries. After the nine months passed, it finally
came. When I woke up Thursday morning we drove to Chicago O Hare Airport. We
then got our plane tickets from the kiosk and headed to the flight door. We waited
about an hour till we were allowed to board. As we sat down in our seats, I spotted
many cheerleaders from different gyms crowding the airplane. It made me realize
what I was walking into and how many athletes were going to be in Dallas. The plane
finally took off and after a few hours passed and we were in Dallas, Texas.
The competition was Saturday and Sunday, but we got there Thursday
How Technology Has The Best Decision For School Districts
I don t think tablets are where we should be focused. But I do think they could end
up being an efficient way of delivering textbooks. They re just not really that, yet.
There s all sorts of poisons and mined minerals and carnage that goes on to make a
tablet. Way more than to print a book... (Rushkoff). There is heated debate going on
in school districts across the nation, but it is not over dress code or standardized
testing. It is over whether schools should shift to tablets instead of dated textbooks.
Within the last ten years, the advancement of technology has caused an increase in
controversy over which one is the best option. Weighing pros against cons, it would
ultimately be the best decision for school districts to continue... Show more content on ...
By 2009, 97% of classrooms had one or more computers, and 93% of classroom
computers had Internet access. For every 5 students, there was one computer.
Instructors stated that 40% of students used computers, often in their educational
methods, in addition to interactive whiteboards and digital cameras (Educational
technology). The country is on the threshold of the most radical change in American
education in over a century. It is clear that technology is increasing and is now
woven through education as well. Most people know the feeling getting in their
comfy clothes and sitting down to watch a new episode of their favorite tv show on
the laptop. The popcorn laying by ones s side. Their butter fingers across the keys,
while each image is illuminating your face. Their phone is buzzing from the
Snapchats. In this generation, people cling to some type of electronic device.
According to the US Department of Education and studies by the National Training
and Simulation Association Technology based instruction can reduce the time
students take to reach a learning objective by 30 80% ( In a classroom,
teachers are able to take their class around the world electronically to look at the
development of civilizations in Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Latin America. Also,
students are able to take virtual trips and collaborate with other students around the
world and research in the best libraries
All-Terrain Car Essay
Affiliated S.P.B. Patel Engineering College A Report On Design and Testing of an
All Terrain Vehicle it s Sub system using Analytical Calculation, Design
Fundamentals, Simulation Vehicle Dynamics Under subject of Final Year Project
(UDP) B. E. IV, Semester VII (Mechanical Branch) Submitted by: TEAM ZWEI
Team No.: 70333 Sr. No. Team Member ER. No. 1 Nikhil A. Gondlia
130390119034 2 Savan V. Sanariya 130390119109 FACULTY GUIDE:
Chitralekha Nahar Chitralekha Nahar Head of the Department, Mechanical
Engineering Academic year (2016 2017) Certificate This is to certify that the
below mentioned students have completed the workshop and course of Final Year
Project during the year 2016 17 and are from B.E. 7th semester in the branch of
Mechanical Engineering. Team Member ER. No. Nikhil A. Gondlia
130390119034 Savan V. Sanariya 130390119109 The workshop and the course
have been completed under my supervision to my satisfaction at the Saffrony
Institute of Technology, S.P.B. Patel Engineering College . Faculty Guide: Prof.
Chitralekha Nahar Head of DepartmentExternal Faculty Index SR. NO.
CONTENTS PAGE NO. 1 Introduction 4 1.1 Problem Summary 4 1.2 Aims and
Objectives of Projects 4 1.3 Problem Specification 4 1.4 Literature Review 5 2
Design Engineering Canvas 6 2.1 AEIOU Summary 6 2.2 Empathy Canvas 7 2.3
Ideation Canvas 8 2.4
†After Midnight’ makes you feel as if you were
living in...
After Midnight makes you feel as if you were living in Harlem during the 30s.
The by gone era of 1920s and 30s, jam packed with illicit alcohol, street cars and loud
noises, are often remembered as a time when music was more important than content.
If that is true, then After Midnight is definitely a product of its time.
After midnight is an effervescent new Lincoln center jazz venue performed at the
Brooks Atkinson Theatre. The production will mimic the highly acclaimed musical,
Cotton Club Parade by inviting special celebrities to take the stage, starring American
idol winner Fantasia Barrino, Emmy nominee DulГ© Hill and Tony winner Adriane
Lenox. It was an era when swing was big in Harlem, after Midnight is a jazz ... Show
more content on ...
In a present day twist, everything about the plot and the characters has been
recycled from the old days. The performers are energetic and smiling all through the
play and there are many things that bring a smile to even the weariest faces, such as
balloons, trumpets, tap dancers and a bit of romantic comedy; it all creates stage
magic. Another key component that adds a lot of character to this modern spin of the
Harlem Renaissance is the exceptional costumes by a Cuban designer, Isabel Toledo;
she found enough sparkle, feathers and beads to dress a flapper army.
Although the true stars of this play are the performers from the Jazz at Lincoln
Center All stars, it s clear that the stage gets caught on fire when Fantasia Barrino
performed I Can t Give You Anything but Love, her smooth yet fierce voice
embraced Dorothy Fields and Jimmy McHugh classic with obvious fondness.
Isabel Toledo evidently likes Fantasia s curvy body, designing to her a well fitting,
electric blue, lampshade skirt. She also interacts with the public when she sang the
lesser known Zaz Zuh Zaz (by Cab Calloway and Harry White), inviting the public to
be a part of this fantastic Jazz extravaganza.
It feels like the show, did not want to be seen as an old copy, and indeed, the tricks
there are self explanatory. The notion of combining old school with today s era has an
obvious effect of spicing up the foundation. Yet, it does not eliminate the thought that
the cast could ve
The Mortality Rate Of Sex Workers Essay
Regarding the mortality rate of sex workers, One study found that workplace murder
risk is 51 times greater [for prostitutes] than for the next most dangerous profession
which is operating a liquor store (Dir. J. K. Wasson and J. Wells). Because
prostitution is ultimately seen as a consensual profession, some may interpret this
information with indifference, believing that the sex workers were willing
participants. More often than not, however, sex workers are being coerced into the
industry by some form of force; leading them to be exploited for physical and
economic gain. In order to convince someone that the prostitutionindustry influences
the victimization of women, I would need to counteract the notions endowed onto us
by society that lead people to believe that prostitution is a fair system.
Ethnomethodology, Symbolic interaction, and conflict theory have contributed to the
the false impression of sex workers endorsed by the mainstream.
Ethnomethodology is the study of everyday actions of people as an expression of
their reality. Every reality contains five features that describe how one s perspective
is maintained and occasionally transformed. In order to change the reality of people
who believe that sex workers are independently engaging in prostitution, I would
need to address the five features of reality. The first feature, reflexivity, states that
reality is maintained by the process of absorbing interactions and bending them to fit
one s incorrigible
Biologically Diverse Coral Reef
In the article Continental drift created biologically diverse coral reefs it explains
how researchers study the evolution of many marine species and how they were
affected by plate tectonics. The scientists used 100 million years of Earth s history
and the history of continental drifts to create a computer model of patterns of new
marine species. From this computer model scientists were able to show that the drift
of the continental plates was the likely driving force behind the emergence of new
species (ETH Zurich). Researchers concluded that continental drift increased the
biodiversity of marine species. If a reef is divided into two separate reefs due to plate
tectonics, for example, the two populations in each patch would continue
Essay about Psychology-Naturalistic Observation
Naturalistic Observation
Primary Reference Source
Loucopoulos P and V Karakostas (1995) System Requirements Engineering. McGraw
Hill International.
Summary description
Observational methods involve an investigator viewing users as they work and taking
notes on the activity which takes place. Observation may be either direct, where the
investigator is actually present during the task, or indirect, where the task is viewed
by some other means such as through use of a video camera.
Typical Application Areas
Useful early in specification for obtaining qualitative data. This method is an
alternative (non involving) version of Contextual Inquiry. It is useful for studying
currently executed tasks and processes. It has been extensively ... Show more content
on ...
2.Gain contacts and especially their co operation with the process of Naturalistic
Observation that you intend to carry out establish the times, places, and people who
will be observed. Note that in some countries, the law may prohibit you from taking
video films of people without their explicit written consent.
3.Decide on the recording technique you will use. Will you rely on hand written
notes (traditional), audio, or video and audio records? Note that the more complete
your record, the longer it takes to analyze. It is useful to be able to make some kind
of first cut analysis during observation
4.Analyse, summarize, and report in relation to the objectives set out at the start.
Observation as an approach in a laboratory setting is instantiated quite specifically
using the Laboratory Based Observation approach. A variation of single user
observation is two user observation where pairs of users are invited to work
together and the above process is carried out on the pair. One of the users in two user
observation may be a member of the design team, and this is particularly useful in
situations where there may be an unstable prototype.
Laboratory Based Observation
Primary Reference Sources
Rubin, J. (1994) Handbook of Usability Testing. John Wiley, NY.
Nielsen, J (1993) Guerilla HCI: Using discount usability engineering . In R Bias and
D Mayhew (Eds) Cost Justifying
A Study On The Mapping Process Of Mapping The
ABSTRACT Named entity disambiguation is a very interesting problem having wide
ranging applications. It is the process of mapping the mentions of persons,
organisations, events etc. in textual documents to real world entities. The mapping
process becomes tedious when these mentions in the text are commonly used to
describe more than one real world entities. It is then said that the mention is
ambiguous. If the mentions can be correctly mapped to the corresponding real world
entities, then it can lead to a more informative and intuitive web experience where
the textual documents can be linked to other knowledge bases which contain more
information on various entities described in the document. In this report, we have
surveyed well known research papers in the field of named entity disambiguation
and have described the approaches suggested in them. Successive sections of report
aim to solve the shortcomings of the algorithms discussed in the previous sections.
INTRODUCTION The recent years have seen a huge increase in the number of
online documents. This has resulted in a huge amount of information being available
at the click of a mouse. But, at the same time, the retrieval of relevant information
from this collection of unstructured documents has emerged as a challenging task and
is a topic of research. A major part of retrieving information out of a document is
finding out the words or phrases of significance in the article like the persons,
organization, location,
Examples Of Realism In Breaking Bad
Breaking Bad
In order to understand the world politics in each way, we have to learn various
international relations theory because it provides a conceptual framework, which is
used to analyse international relations. Realism, liberalism, constructivism are one of
the most well known theory. Breaking Bad is an American television series. It
narrates a life of Walter White, a high school chemistry with lung cancer. He and his
former student, Jesse Pinkman, try to produce and sell crystal meth to support his
family. International relations theory can be used to analyse why each character act in
a particular way by comparing each individual as a state. This essay will analyse this
series based on realism.
First and foremost, according to realism ... Show more content on ...
States should heighten their security, for instance, by increasing military strength or
making alliances with others. In this series, after the death of Gonzo, Jesse is afraid
that Tuco will kill him next. As a consequence, he buys a gunto protect himself from
this brutal man. In spite of the fact that he can make a lot of money from him by
producing and selling meth, his security comes first. In that moment, he does not
care about how much money that he can earn in the future because if he dies,
money will not be important anymore. Thus, he tries to convince Walter to help
him to kill Tuco. This is when he tries to make an alliance with his partner. Walter
does concur with him because there is a possibility that Tuco will go after him and
his family also. Consequently, they try to make a plan to kill this erratic violent
drug dealer. Both do not consider wealth more important than their and their
beloved lives, which is same as Tuco. He value his life firstly. It can be seen that
this character always carry a gun. For example, in season 2, episode 1, Tuco
captures Walter and Jesse in the house where is far away from people. Although in
this house only has four people, Walter, Jesse, his disabled uncle and him, he still
carries 2 guns, a handgun and a rifle, with him. The reason that he carry many
firearms might be because at that moment DEA is going after him, and he does not
truly trust Walter and Jesse as he barely
A Short Note On Intensive Care And The Elderly Essay
1.Horn J. Intensive care and the elderly. Archives of gerontology and geriatrics.
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2.Angus DC, Barnato AE, Linde Zwirble WT, et al. Use of intensive care at the end
of life in the United States: an epidemiologic study. Crit Care Med. 2004;32(3):638
3.Bagshaw SM, Webb SA, Delaney A, et al. Very old patients admitted to intensive
care in Australia and New Zealand: a multi centre cohort analysis. Critical Care.
4.Kim PK, Kauder DR, Schwab CW. Acute Care Surgeryand the Elderly. Acute Care
Surgery: Springer; 2007:187 193.
5.Levkoff SE, Cleary PD, Wetle T, Besdine RW. Illness behavior in the aged. Journal
of the American Geriatrics Society. 1988;36(7):622 629.
6.Watters JM, Blakslee JM, March RJ, Redmond ML. The influence of age on the
severity of peritonitis. Canadian journal of surgery. 1996;39(2):142.
7.Radtke F, Franck M, Hagemann L, Seeling M, Wernecke K, Spies C. Risk factors
for inadequate emergence after anesthesia: emergence delirium and hypoactive
emergence. Minerva anestesiologica. 2010;76(6):394 403.
8.Young J, Inouye SK. Delirium in older people. BMJ: British Medical Journal.
9.Ansaloni L, Catena F, Chattat R, et al. Risk factors and incidence of postoperative
delirium in elderly patients after elective and emergency surgery. British Journal of
Surgery. 2010;97(2):273 280.
10.Lagoo Deenadayalan SA, Newell MA, Pofahl WE. Common perioperative
complications in older patients. Principles
They Re Not Your Husband Summary
They re Not Your Husband is a short story written by Raymond Carver and
published in 1973. Raymond Carver is a minimalist writer, which provides his short
stories with an economy with words, adverbs and a focus on surface description.
This allows the context to dictate meaning. Therefore, the reader has an active role in
the creation of the short story; to choose side based on inclined innuendo and hints.
The story reveals an unemployed salesman, Earl Ober, who feels obligated to get his
wife, Doreen Ober, to lose weight, due to two men s negative statements about his
wife s body; look at the ass on that, will you? I don t believe it. The other man
laughed I ve seen better . The two men in business suits makes this uncalled for
remarks ... Show more content on ...
They are not completely poor since they have money to finance a house,
transportation and a television.
Essay On The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet
Throughout time, there have been many tragedies caused by romance. William
Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet is an example of a romantic tragedy, in which two
feuding families cause the deaths of their children, Romeo Montague and Juliet
Capulet. The play contrasts hatred and revenge with love and a secret marriage,
ending with the young lovers tragically dying. The deaths of Romeo and Juliet can
be blamed upon Friar Lawrence, the parents of Romeo and Juliet, and Tybalt. To
begin, Romeo and Juliet s deaths should be blamed upon Friar Lawrence. In the
play, Romeo asks Friar Lawrence to marry him to Juliet. The friar tells Romeo to
slow down and think about this decision, but he still agrees to marry them.
Shakespeare writes, I ll thy assistant... Show more content on ...
They may feel that Romeo and Juliet should have made better, more rational
decisions because the evidence shows that after they meet, they want to be married
immediately, but keep it a secret from everyone in Verona (в…
Ў.iii.57 64). However,
the deaths of these teenagers should be blamed upon the parents of Romeo and
Juliet because they wouldn t have to make those decisions if the parents ongoing
feud was not existent. The text shows, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny/...
And the continuance of their parents rage,/ Which, but their children s end, naught
could remove (Prologue.3 11). This explains the parents are the reason for all the
bad decisions because their feud only ended because their children died. In addition,
after Romeo and Juliet are found dead, the parents and Prince discuss the situation.
According to the play, the Prince states, See what a scourge is laid upon your hate,
/ That heaven finds means to kill your joys with love (в…¤.iii.291 293). The quote
indicates Prince is telling the parents that if they had ended the feud or never had it
no of this would have happened. Therefore, the parents of Romeo and Juliet should
be held accountable for the deaths of the two teenagers because of their unnecessary
The Role Of Anxiety Disorders In Veterans
The Department of Veterans Affairs says that anger is a common complaint of
people who are diagnosed with PTSD, which is an anxiety disorder. And
researchers from Cordova University believe anger and anxiety are related. If you
have been diagnosed with PTSD or other anxiety disorder, it s important for you to
understand anger.
The causes and triggers of anger
People with anxiety have a heightened sense of awareness to what they perceive are
threats. When they feel threatened they have anxiety attacks and/or flashbacks.
Researchers believe they may have found the cause of flashbacks and it has to do
with serotonin, which many people recognize as a hormone that makes you happy.
However, serotonin has also been found to play a role in the storing
Mercedes Benz Research
Mercedes Benz Mercedes Benz 1
Mercedes Benz 2
Mercedes Benz is a German automotive company that dates back to the early 1900 s.
In 1901, Karl Benz started the Mercedes Benz company. Though he had previously
built his first automobile in 1886, The Mercedes Benz brand was not established till
1901. In the first year of the company s existence, Karl Benz released his first
Mercedes. The European market did not gravitate to the idea, thus it had very little
success. With limited success, Karl Benz decided to merge with Daimler to help
develop a better automobile. In 1926, they released the ... Show more content on ...
The Political risk can be contributed to government interference in the business
affairs of the foreign persons doing business in a particular country. Political risk
can also surface as firm specific risk. This form of risk targets a specific business
or class. There can also be country specific risk where the entire country or region is
affected. Given that political risk will exist, if I were a political consultant for
Mercedes Benz, I would suggest relocating any business venture that was located
in areas that are susceptible of being stagnated by political strife. As with any
corporation, Mercedes Benz has its share of stakeholders and it may not be an easy
task to satisfy them all. Mercedes Benz has its internal stakeholders that consist of
owners, managers and workers. Then there are the external stakeholders. These
would be the Mercedes Benz 6 customers, suppliers and the communities Mercedes
does business in. With a corporation as global as Mercedes Benz, all pose different
needs and requirements. Communication tends to be the bridge that binds or
separates the stakeholders from the corporation. The corporation must find a means
of communication and listening to each group or individual that expresses concerns
and ideas. Mercedes Benz follows a strict code of conduct. Compliance is expected
to be at 100%. The leadership of Mercedes Benz understands that conformity is a
The Story Of Martin Luther
The story of Martin Luther life .
Martin Luther was born in the town of Eisleben in east central Germany. We
should however speak of Germany as it was spoken of it that era, because
Germany was a geographical expression used in the Middle Ages, so instead of
saying Germany the correct expression would be German lands. These lands were
divided again and again .they were also ruled and misruled by many princes in the
land. The princes rich or poor would compete with each other for the most local
power. There were however a few imperial cities, like Nuremberg and Strasbourg
governed by small town councils. These special towns were responsible for reporting
to the Emperor himself. These towns were virtually independent. There were
however a few German territories, like Austria. Germany was a violent. Many battles
began for worthless honor and empty spoils.
Mr. Luther was born on the night of November/10/ 1483, into an Age controlled by
the Roman Catholic Church. In Luther s region the people were extremely ignorant
and very superstitious. As Luther grew witchcraft ran rampant throughout his life.
Many men in Luther s life believed in witchcraft and its many powers. Luther s
father decided that Luther should be educated. In that age the son of the family was
a spitting image of their father, which by default means if the son was a failure.
People would think the same of the father. To prevent this from ever happening his
father had him study the law. So Luther could take
The Boy Who Never Grew Up Essay
The Boy Who Never Grew Up
John C.W. Young
California Baptist University
Sigmund Freud s psychoanalytic theory is used to explore Peter Pan and his
inability to take his place in a responsible world. Freud s Oedipus complex is
discussed and used to determine the cause of the disconnect from his adulthood and
the treatment in which Freud suggests that would able to correct the repressed
childhood conflicts that are present due to fears and repressed memories as it s
contributing to Peter s inability to grow limits him in his overall life and development.
Keywords: Sigmund Freud, Oedipus, Christian Worldview, psychoanalytic, childhood
The Boy Who Never Grew Up I don t ever want to grow up! , has been a famous
quote from the iconic storytelling of Peter Pan since his introduction in 1902 by
Scottish writer James Matthew Barrie. He has been a character the encompasses a
great deal of emotional distress. Sigmund Freud s psychoanalytic theory is used to
explore Peter Pan and his inability to take his place in a responsible world. Due to
his lack of love and parental guidance he continues to stay in a childlike state which
is prohibiting his overall ability to grow which has harmful effects when going into
adulthood. The lack of nurturing and modeling prevents Peter from being able to
remove himself from his childlike behaviors to adulthood in a successful manner due
to his lack of exposure to assurances in which he would have been able to receive
from his mother.

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Physical Education Essay Topics

  • 1. Physical Education Essay Topics Crafting an essay on the subject of "Physical Education Essay Topics" can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty lies in navigating the vast expanse of potential topics within the broader theme of physical education. While the subject is inherently dynamic and multifaceted, it can pose a challenge to find a specific angle or focus that not only engages the reader but also allows for in-depth exploration. One hurdle is selecting a topic that is not only interesting to the writer but also relevant and meaningful within the context of physical education. The field encompasses a wide range of subjects, from the importance of physical activity in schools to the role of technology in modern physical education programs. Finding a unique perspective that adds value to the existing discourse requires careful consideration and research. Furthermore, the essay must strike a balance between theoretical concepts and practical applications. It should not only delve into the theoretical underpinnings of physical education but also provide concrete examples and case studies to illustrate the points being made. This demands a comprehensive understanding of both the academic literature and real-world implementations of physical education initiatives. Organizing the essay effectively is another challenge. The structure must be coherent, with a clear introduction, well-developed body paragraphs, and a strong conclusion. Achieving a seamless flow of ideas while maintaining clarity and conciseness is no small feat. Moreover, staying updated with the latest research and trends in physical education is crucial. The field is dynamic, with new developments and studies emerging regularly. Ensuring that the essay reflects the most current information requires ongoing research and a commitment to staying informed. In conclusion, while writing an essay on "Physical Education Essay Topics" presents its share of challenges, the process is also an opportunity for personal growth and knowledge acquisition. It requires a thoughtful selection of a relevant and engaging topic, a deep understanding of both theoretical concepts and practical applications, effective organization, and a commitment to staying abreast of the latest developments in the field. Through overcoming these challenges, the writer not only produces a compelling essay but also enhances their understanding of the vital role physical education plays in our society. For those seeking assistance in tackling similar essays or exploring a broader range of topics, various resources are available. Services offer opportunities to order custom essays, providing tailored support for individuals navigating the complexities of academic writing. Physical Education Essay TopicsPhysical Education Essay Topics
  • 2. The Identity Of The Zoot Suit Riots Introduction ...About eight sailors got me outside of the theater and they started beating me up. It happened so fast, I passed out. I woke up with a cracked rib, a broken nose, black and blue all over. I was really beat. (Alvarez, 2006, p.155) During the 1940s, the public had generated stereotypes of the Pachucos and zoot suits, which were eventually transferred to all Mexican Americans. Many young men like Vicente Morales were attacked, humiliated, and stripped from their fashionable clothes by servicemen. However, to what extent did the fashionable expression of the zooters and the culture of the Pachucos influence the Zoot Suit Riots? An important factor, which contributed to the Zoot Suit Riots, was the influence of the media. Newspapers and propaganda began to detriment the appearance of Pachucos and zoot suits. This dynamic added to the strong anti Mexican sentiment, and led to the spread of hysteria during the war. In addition, the encouragement from the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), as well as the presence of the servicemen in Los Angeles immediately led to the riots. Although all these factors contributed to the riots, they all fail to address the important underlying psychological stressors, which caused tension against the Pachucos style. Therefore, I claim that that the Girardian persecution dynamic, based on lack of difference between the Pachucos and the patriotic Americans, contributed mainly to the riots. In this paper, I will first introduce the
  • 3. Bronchitis And Its Effect On The Respiratory System Many things can have a negative effect on the respiratory system; ranging from irritants to genetic causes. Asthma is a disease that causes the lungs to become inflamed. With asthma when the lungs come in contact with irritants such as smoke or dust the airways to tighten and narrow. Another problem that could occur with the respiratory systemis bronchitis. When a human has got bronchitis, the membrane lining of the bronchial tubes becomes inflamed and more mucus is produced. One of the main causes for bronchitis is smoking. Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease affecting the lungs. Cystic Fibrosis causes mucus in the body to be abnormally thick. The mucus can clog the airways in the lungs and therefore make people more prone to getting
  • 4. Reflective Essay On The Written Work Process In spite of the fact that writing in school is intense at a first begin, Arrangement is the most troublesome piece of the written work process on the grounds that numerous understudies have the issue of coming up short on thoughts and they don t know where to put their writing in their paper all together for their article to be perused easily. I need to educate you concerning how I used to mastermind my papers amid the composition procedure. In secondary school, I generally had coordinated works, so I needed to consider thoughts quick. That is the reason I utilized foundation learning from data that I officially learned. In any case, it was hard for me to consider new plans to add to my paper because of the way that the greater part of my written work prompts were coordinated and nobody was permitted to utilize open book to look into any new data, which is the reason numerous understudies battled amid the composition procedure and quickly came up short on thoughts. Presently since I m in school and my composition isn t planned, I intend to add more plans to my paper through research, for example, the Internet, magazines, podcasts, books, and so forth for any theme. Truth be told, in the event that I have a written work task that contains two prompts and I have the alternative to switch themes, I may do that too in light of the fact that numerous understudies may change starting with one point then onto the next on the grounds that they either feel more great with the subject and they can think of a bigger number of thoughts for their paper than the theme that they were at that point stayed with. My teachers once disclosed to me that it is smarter to have a greater number of thoughts than to simply stick to just a single subject since one point won t not work and you may not think of a lot of thoughts. Before concocting any thoughts for my paper, the best technique for me to organize my thoughts was on a web graph on a different sheet of paper. This strategy is superior to anything beginning to freewrite immediately on a bit of paper since when you initially compose, you re composing won t not bode well and after that there s the complexities of modification. Additionally, it is valuable to make a web chart
  • 5. Mayrston Character Analysis Essay Although Janie is raised by Nanny, her grandmother, as a child, both Janie and Nanny lived in the backyard house of a white couple named the Washburns. Growing up, Janie went to a predominantly black elementary school and was constantly teased for her physical appearance, especially by one of her classmates, Mayrella. During Janie s childhood, [d]ere wuz uh knotty head gal name Mayrella dat useter git mad every time she look at [her] (Hurston 9). Here, Mayrella s character towards Janie can be seen through the porch of Eatonville. Both Mayrella and the porch sitters embody judgment and envy towards Janie because of the same reason her physical appearance. At school, Janie is viewed as an outcast because she grew up in a predominantly white environment at home,... Show more content on ... Here, the porch sitters speculate on how Janie left Eatonville with a blue satin dress but has surprisingly come back in dirty overalls. Because she was last seen leaving Eatonville with Tea Cake, the townspeople are filled with curiosity about Janie s story after she left their town. They begin to exhibit this curiosity amongst themselves and their peers on the porch by criticizing Janie out of pure envy. The porch is a symbol of envy and judgment amongst black communities. Because most residents of Eatonville are lower class full day laborers and are envious about Janie s social mobility privilege, they gossip and resent Janie, especially her physical beauty. The townspeople s envy of Janie is rooted in internalized racism one that favors light skin and other Eurocentric facial features. The porch sitters of Eatonville also find it strange that Janie, who was at a higher social class before she met Tea Cake, come back to Eatonville and present herself in a way typical of a laborer.
  • 6. Guernica In Picasso And The Life Of Pablo Picasso In the midst of political disparity in Spain between Nationalists and the Spanish Republic there was a great act of terror. In a time when no combat had been seen since that first world war, an act of unprovoked horror rained upon the small town of Guernica in northern Spain. The act of intimidation was taking with disgust in the eye of Picasso, which enacted his artistic statement. Guernica in Picasso s artistic life represented his sentiments on terror and his people. Pablo Picassowas born a Spaniard in the city of Malaga in 1881 to a professor of drawing, Jose Ruiz and Maria Picasso. Pablo was naturally artistically talented and by the age of thirteen he had surpassed the abilities of his father. By sixteen he had made a name for himself after being awarded an honorable mention in a Fine Arts Exhibition in Madrid. In the following years, Picasso suffered from the loss of close friend, Carlos Casagemas, which strongly impacted his work. Marilyn McCully, a biographical author, claimed that the death of Casagemas gave Picasso, the emotional experience and the material that would stimulate the powerful expressiveness of the works of the so called Blue Period (1). Picasso s Blue Period is noted for its blue color and its characteristic expressive nature. In the works of Picasso s Blue Period there is a common theme of strong emotional sorrow and reflection which is relative to the artistic impact described by McCully. After moving permanently to Paris, Picasso found new
  • 7. Tweens Essay 1.If you had to reach a customer segment of tweens (kids between 8 and 13), which medium would you choose? What about for men in their 30s? Men in their 60s? In which medium would you advertise if you ran one of your city s performing arts centers? Different age groups require different mediums for the marketers to reach these segments. The first segment is tweens . Today the tweens age group watches more television than any other age group. At that age they do not understand the main difference between watching the television show and the commercials that are being aired in between segments of the show. This segment can be reached through television that will relay into asking their parents to but these products. The kids in this segment will see the products and nag their parents to purchase them. Over time the parents give in and purchase some of these products. The second segment is men in their 30s. This segment is the generation that is on the computer the most. The best way for marketers to reach this segment is through email. In the reading it states that, 35 to 44 year olds were the most likely to prefer email 78% (Burstein, 2015). Majority of the men in this segment have jobs and some require them to have an email address. Most of the email systems do not organize the incoming emails in work and advertising categories. If the man is interested in a product and has made a purchase online, many times they are required to include an email address in their
  • 8. A Short Note On Non Alcoholic Beverage Company Company SWOT Analysis Company Description The name of My Non Alcoholic Beverage Company is Revitalize Energy Drink . I decided on this particular name because it should connect with consumers and the name speaks for itself. The drink will consist of all natural products to help give users a boost of energy and assist them to consume natural vitamins and minerals their bodies need. Our mission is to serve men and women of all ages by providing an all natural quality energy drink that will fuel their bodies and mind. Our mission is to provide a high quality all natural products that individuals can enjoy and provide their bodies with nutritional vitamins. We at Revitalize Company truly believe in our mission statement and will do our best ... Show more content on ... Non alcoholic Beverage Industry Trends and Justification Industry Trends Today Non alcoholic Beverage Industry continues to grow due to the growing population and rise of the middle class, especially in emerging markets, and disposable income. All these are key growth drivers for non alcoholic beverage companies to thrive. According to the Market Intelligence firm Euromonitor International predicts the middle class around the country will make up 1.5 billion households by 2020, a 25% rise since 2012. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis report, U.S. consumption accounts for over two thirds of the country s gross domestic product (or GDP). Individuals tend to spend more with a rise in their disposable income. The increase in consumer confidence also increases consumption expenditure ( Another reason non alcoholic beverage is on the growth because consumers are more health conscious, and sugary drinks are on the decline. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, calories from added sugars in soda are down 39 percent since 2000 because Americans are more conscious about their weight and the rising obesity rates. Two Thirds of U.S. adults prove to be overweight or obese, a number that has been rising steadily for the past three decades ( According to the latest Energy Drink
  • 9. Disadvantages Of Menu Planning Menu Planning Menu is a list of dishes to be served in a given meal. Menu planning is the selection of a menu for an event or some special dinner, such as picking out the dinner for your wedding or even a meal at a Birthday party. The importance of menu planning involved customer satisfaction, facilitating costing, facilitating pricing, reference my customer and management, guide production, and facilitate evaluation and improvements. The type of menu are between Table d hГґte and A La Carte. About Table d hГ ґte, are a set of menu forming a complete meal at a set price. A choice of dishes may be offered at all courses, choice and number of courses is limited to two, three, four or more than that. Besides, the A La Carte is the menu with all the dishes individually priced. Customers can compile their own menu from the list. The meal is cooked to order. The customer must be prepare to wait for this service, because the meals cook after the order. Purchasing Purchasing is means purchasing goods and services from some outside agency. The goal of the purchasing department is to organize the supply of materials, spare parts and services or semi finished products required by the organization in order to produce the required products from some institutions or sources outside the organization (Chand, 2016). ... Show more content on ... These thermometers use infrared technology to check the temperature of the food. They do not have direct contact with food. The minimum internal temperature for frozen foods should be 0 В° F (18 В° C) or below. Fresh food should be kept at 41 В° F (5 В° C) or below. Foods that do not meet these safety standards should not be accepted. Other than that, dollies are used to move items from the receiving area to the storage area. The cart is a small wheeled cart that helps to move heavy boxes from one place to another. Dollies help food service professionals work more
  • 10. Volkswagen Of Americ Managing It Priorities Team 11 Volkswagen of AmericaВManaging IT Priorities 1. What is your assessment of the new process for managing priorities at Volkswagen of America? Are the criticisms justified? Is it an improvement over the old process? We believe that the new process for managing priorities was well structured and aligned with the business goals but with few exceptions. Let s try to understand why? VWoA laid out their five next round of growth goals (NRG) and built a business architecture with the help of different organizational entities to manage priorities of different projects in order to implement these goals. The ELT was given the primary responsibility along with ITSC, PMO, BPTO and DBC playing important roles while selecting and prioritizing projects. The Digital Business Council was to play the most challenging role here as it would work with different Business Unit managers in order to select and prioritize projects, keeping in mind a way to categorize projects, assess their business impact, aligning project with business goals and making tradeoff decisions. The process played out in three phases initiated by PMO. Thus, this process is well structured and would help DBC to consider different trade offs while selecting and prioritizing projects. The only exception is that we would recommend to include members of VWG while drafting the goal portfolios of the company so that certain projects that impacted on the global level could also be funded. If they had included them, then
  • 11. Hank Aaron Biography Essay Henry Louis Aaron (Hank) Aaron Date of Birth: February 5, 1934(the day before Babe Ruth turned 39). Birthplace: Mobile, Alabama, United States Date. Circumstances of Death: Living Early Life: The second of nine of Herbert and Estella Aaron s , he weighed just 2 and 1/4 pounds at birth. Hank was a quiet boy who just had one or two friends in the neighborhood. When Hank was eight he saw his first major league game. After the game he knew he wanted to be a major league baseball player which is a good dream because it makes you work hard to make it come true. Hank would sometimes skip school and go down to the baseball bleachers and liked watch players like Joe Dimagio, and Micky Mantel. When his parents found out that ... Show more content on ... Accomplishments: He broke ground for the participation of African Americans in professional sports. Hank Aaron broke Babe Ruth s career home run record, although he hit a respectable .280 with 13 home runs before breaking an ankle in September. In 1955, Aaron became the Braves starting right fielder and he won the NL batting title in 1956 with a .328 average and 26 home runs. His all time career mark of 755 home runs was built on a remarkable 20 season stretch from 1955 through 1974. He hit 40 or more home runs in 8 of those seasons, 30 or more in 15, and 20 or more in all 20. He also batted over .300 fourteen times. His top batting average was .355 in 1959; his best home run season was 1971, when he had 47. Fascinatingly, he hit 44 home runs his uniform number in three different seasons, 1957, 1963, and 1965. The Braves, who had moved to Atlanta in 1966, announced that he would be held out of the opening series in Cincinnati so he would have a chance to break the record before his home fans. However, Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn ordered the team to use Aaron in Cincinnati, and he tied the record in his first trip to the plate. When he retired, he held all time major league records for extra base hits, 1,477; total bases, 6,856; and runs batted in, 2,297. Aaron then returned to Atlanta to work in the Braves front office, where he became one of the first blacks in upper level
  • 12. How Does Cole Show Transcendentalism When looking for a man from modern pop culture who shares Transcendental traits with Chris McCandless, one name quickly comes to mind: Jermaine Lamarr Cole, better known by his stage name of J Cole. This hip hop artist is united with nature under the idea that God is omnipresent, or everywhere at once. Additionally, Jermaine learned from his past experiences of growing up in a dangerous, deadly city. J Cole invites the future by making musicthat shares his experiences and helps others who possibly have had the same struggles. Lastly, Jermaine shows nonconformity through his enjoyment in being different and going against how society tells him to be. Jermaine Cole is one with nature in a different way than the other Transcendentalist previously mentioned, as he is united with nature through the idea that God is omnipresent. When speaking of God, omnipresent means that He is present everywhere within everything and everyone at every single moment of time. J Cole expresses this idea of God being everywhere in one of his songs named... Show more content on ... An excellent example of how J Cole disregards the opinion s of others is mentioned in his song Crooked Smile . In this song, Jermaine raps, They tell me I should fix my grill cause I got money now/... I keep my twisted grill, just to show the kids it s real/We ain t picture perfect, but we worth the picture still (J Cole, Crooked Smile ). Through these lyrics, Jermaine is disregarding how society wants him to fix his teeth which many think are ugly, sloppy, and unappealing. Instead, he says how he keeps his teeth the way they are just to be different and inspire others. This act greatly shows how Jermaine expresses nonconformity, as it proves how he does what he wants to, and not what society wants him to do. This type of thinking is a large part of Transcendentalism and its emphasis on the
  • 13. Everyday Use Culture Is culture the reason behind why people perform their actions?In the short story Everyday Use, by alice walker, one of the daughters denies her culture. In the essay An Indian Father s Plea, by Robert Lake, the other students and teacher makes fun of the son, Wind Wolf. In the Novel excerpt Two Kinds, by Amy tan, Jing mei s mother expects her daughter to keep to her mother s perspective of culture. Culture influences people s views on life. Culture influences people because a person might not like their economic level. In the short story Everyday Use, Dee is ashamed of her culture because she said I couldn t bear it any longer, being named after the people who oppress me. Dee decided to change her name to muslim so that people wouldn t... Show more content on ... In the Novel excerpt Two Kinds, the mother believes that her daughter should obey her mother because she said Only two kinds of daughters she shouted in chinese. those who are obedient and those who follow their own mind! Only one kind of daughter can live in this house! Obedient daughter! This states that the mother was raised in a perspective that daughters can only be obedient where as Jing mei believes that she can do whatever she wants to do. The two generations don t see eye to eye because their generation s viewed culture differently. However, race doesn t affect how people view life. In the essay An Indian Father s Plea, The teacher complains that Wind Wolf is not like the other students because the father said he is 5 years old, in kindergarten, and I can t understand Although race doesn t change many views about culture, in many cases, race does change many views about culture. Going back to Indian Father s Plea, Wind Wolf becomes ashamed of his culture because the father states But the boy s mother lashed out: It is ok if you have to play with him at school, but we don t allow those kind of people in our house! when my wife asked why not, the other boy s mother answered because you are Indians and we are white, and I don t want my kids growing up with your kind of people. So Wind Wolf got his haircut and abandoned his traditions because the children and teacher humiliated him of
  • 14. Essay on A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Introduction Charles Dickens was born in Landport, Hampshire, in 1812 and died in 1870. His father was a clerk in the navy pay office and family life was occasionally hard, especially when his father had to go to the debtor s prison. The young twelve year old Charles became the main money maker in the family at this time and worked in a blocking factory. Charles father was released a year later and Charles was able to go to school. After school he became a clerk for solicitors, later becoming a journalist, a reporter at Doctors Commons and at 22 joined a London newspaper. He published various papers in the Monthly Magazine, following this up with sketches and articles for the ... Show more content on ... Charles wrote A ChristmasCarol in 1843. This short novel has a Christmas theme and has been popular since it was first published. This moral story is about an old man called Scrooge who hates Christmas and is mean to everyone, but he is transformed. The lessons he learns are as much for the reader to benefit from as Scrooge. His transformation is the key event in the novel and the reader clearly sees Scrooge before and after his experiences. This process will now be explored more fully. A Christmas Carol , by Charles Dickens When we first meet Scrooge he is described as a cold hearted, selfish, evil man. He was a Tight fisted hand at the grindstone , A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner! . He is also described as a very cold man, A frosty rime was on his head, on his eyebrows and on his wiry chin. He carried his own temperature always about with him . The reader gets the impression that whenever somebody may walk past him they would shiver or shudder. When the reader thinks of cold they may think of chilly or they may think symbolically of cold in a person, as in no passion or feeling. When other people meet Scrooge their reaction was to avoid talking to him, nobody asked him even for a little amount of money or what the time was. This was because they knew his answer would be a negative one. Perhaps they thought that if they ignored Scrooge he would go away. It seems as if
  • 15. My Home Country Saudi Arabia Last summer, I was moving out of D.C. to my home country Saudi Arabia. Since selling furniture is cheaper than keeping it in storage, I decided that I was going to leave my apartment and sell everything that I had, for the reason that I did not know if I was coming back to the U.S again or not. I was not expecting that selling furniture is just a headache. People were not willing to pay, they just wanted to use you because they know that you need to move out soon and get rid of your furniture. The process of me selling my furniture did generate a lot of emotions, especially anger and disappointment. Emotions can affect the negotiations either in a positive or a negative way. Frustration, dissatisfaction and disappointment all of... Show more content on ... I agreed on selling both the bookshelf and the sofa bed for $450 when my initial offer was $400 for the sofa bed and $150 for the bookshelf. I decided that since he was buying both I would lower my price and give him the price he asked for. Especially that at that time all what I was thinking of that a burden was getting off my shoulders, meaning that I would have less furniture to worry about. Anyway when the next day came, he started to negotiate with me again with a ridiculous price this time. He told me that he can only afford the couch for $200. Honestly, I was so mad and insulted that I did not respond to him. I had other offers on the sofa bed so I knew that I would not have a problem selling it. In Fisher s book, he talks about how having a bottom line will affect the negotiation negatively in terms of that it will limit my imagination of thinking of another options (Fisher, Urn Patton, 2011). While I do agree with him on this point, in my situation I believe that having a bottom line helped me not to surrender and accept an offer that is below my bottomline. At the same time did not stop me from thinking of other options. I reconsidered my bottom line when I received a reasonable offer like the case with the guy who wanted to buy the sofa and the bookshelf. I did accept his original offer even though it was lower than my bottom line, but it was a reasonable one to me. The other offer that I managed to sell the sofa with was from a young lady
  • 16. Syste Heart Rate IMPLEMENTATION OF EXTERNAL PACEMAKER FOR ELDERLY AND HEART PATIENTS USING PIC P.Vignesh1, M.Karkodan2, B.Lakshadeep3, M.MadhanKumar4 1Assistant Professor/ECE, 2, 3, 4 UG Students/ECE SELVAM COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY, NAMAKKAL Abstract An increase in world population along with a significant aging portion is forcing rapid rises in healthcare costs. The healthcare system is going through a transformation in which continuous monitoring of inhabitants is possible even without hospitalization. Now we are using advanced sensing systems to monitor the heart patients and provide first aid to them in case of emergency. We now demonstrate the real time application in heart rate beat analysing by heart rate monitor and ensure proper working of heart. This paper reviews the latest ... Show more content on ... Normally heart beat is measured in beats per minute bpm . Heart beat is the number of contractions (heart beats) of heart in one minute. Heart beat varies for everyone as listed follows : Childhood : 120 bpm `Adult male: 70 bpm Adult female: 75 bpm But the reference range is between 60 bpm (bradycardia) 100 bpm (tachycardia) for aged people. Pulse rate is the direct way to measure heart rate, but it can vary when some heart beats do not have much cardiac output. At that time heart rate may be higher than the pulse rate. 3.PACEMAKER An external pacemaker that has a pulse generator to generate an extrinsic electrical impulse, causing the heart muscle to depolarise and then contract ; its rate is preset regardless of the heart s intrinsic activity. It can be temporary or implanted An artificial pacemaker located outside the body, the primary types are transcutaneous and transvenous. V.CONCLUSION The progress in science technology is a non stop process. New things and new technology are being invented. As the technology grows day by day, we can imagine about the future in which thing we may occupy every
  • 17. Common Themes Revealed In Dirk The Protector It s raining cats and dogs! Wouldn t it be amazing if that really could happen? Why would it be amazing, though? Well, imagine if we didn t even have cats, dogs, or any pets at all. Animals do so much for us in ways we don t realize. In Dirk the Protector, there is a sense of protection. In The Last Dog, there is a sense of companionship. In Animal Influence, there is proven research on animals helping special needs people. These three short stories all have a common theme: animals help and influence us in ways such as getting a backbone, companionship, and control. First of all, in Dirk the Protector, Gary Paulsen was a street kid who found a dog as a companion, and of course, a protector. It was great. Maybe one of the great moments in my life. I had a bodyguard, Paulsen states when Dirk saves him from Happy and his gang. Dirk was a protector and a friend, which was exactly what Paulsen needed at this stage in his life. Dirk influenced Paulsen to stand up for himself, maybe because Paulsen seemed to be living a life similar to Dirk s. ... Show more content on ... As stated in the text, Nothing was as wonderful as feeling this warmth toward another creature. Brock and Brog grew closer to one another as the days went and when the scientist wanted to clone Brog, Brock went to extreme measures to save them both. Brog certainly influenced and sparked some of Brock s emotions toward the
  • 18. Analysis of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde... Analysis of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson In an attempt to consider the duality tale, one narrative inevitably finds its way to the top of the heap as the supreme archetype: Robert Louis Stevenson s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Immense disagreement permeates the pages of literary criticism relevant to the meaning of the story. Yet, for all of the wrangling focused on the psychology, morality, spirituality, and sociality of the story, it has remained, since 1886, a novella that according to the Reverend W. J. Dawson, gives Stevenson a place apart, and high above all contemporaries, as an interpreter of the deepest things of the soul (qtd. in Abbey 318). Not content to merely ... Show more content on ... He was determined to be more a man of letters than of numbers and ultimately broke out of the engineering/law mold and devoted himself to the written word. Stevenson was first published in 1876, in his mid twenties, as his essays began to appear in Cornhill Magazine (Columbia). His work was first published in book form in 1878 when the travel story An Inland Voyage was made available to English readers. After his marriage in 1880 to Frances Osbourne (known to him as Fanny), Stevenson s popularity grew with the publication of Treasure Island (1883) and A Child s Garden of Verses (1885), a volume never out of print. His financial success, however, was secured in 1886 with the novels Kidnapped and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Jekyll and Hyde had originally belonged to a genre known as the shilling shocker (Stephen 1137). But soon after its publication, the public learned that Stevenson was not merely a writer of adventure romances and children s rhymes. In a letter to W. H. Low, in January of 1886, Stevenson had referred to his novella as a Gothic Gnome (qtd. in Abbey 311). And in this gnome of prose the public experienced the literary prowess of an author who could take a theme as profound as the dual nature of man, one that had been a part of western thinking since at least the Apostle Paul[1], and
  • 19. Frankish Culture There were many topics that held my interest but many have already been fully fleshed out in academic literature. Something that has not been fully explored and still debated is the relationship of the settled Franks and the native people of the Levant. The crusades were nothing less than a full on invasion into a foreign and harsh landscape with minimal knowledge of the culture and landscapes they would have soon encounter. It was incredibly important to the survival of the initial crusaders and then the crusaders states that they had to adapt from their own European customs to those of the native Arab populations. The Crusaders became a ruling minority, but not without the Arabization of their own culture into something that became unique... Show more content on ... When researching a topic pertaining to culture it will be imperative to research from both sides of the culture. To dissuade against bias it was be equally important to include contemporary accounts from contemporary arabs and muslims. One important primary source is Travels by Ibn Jubayr s who lived in the twelfth century. Ibn Jubayr was a geographer who travelled around the Levant while recording what he saw and experienced, including references to the assimilation of the franks into Muslim culture. For secondary sources I have requested a few books that relate to the cultures of the crusades and the interactions between them. One such book is The crusades, christianity and islam by Jonathan Riley Smith is a short summary of the dynamic between the two cultures. I have also requested a thesis by a URI graduate student about the arabization of the knights templar. The thesis does not directly relate because it deals with the military order but it does explore the same underlying theme of the transition of europeans into something more
  • 20. Short Essay On Ham It s Thanksgiving week in the Premier League, but not everyone in the league may be feeling the holiday spirit. David Moyes life with West Ham started the same way it did during his previous managerial tenure in the league with a loss. There was so much disdain for the Hammers 2 0 loss to Watford on Sunday, West Ham fans dialed the Essex Police Force to spew their grievances. Elsewhere, a 4 0 loss to Chelsea last weekend cost former West Brom manager Tony Pulis his job, while Southampton produced yet another sorry effort in a 3 0 loss to Liverpool. On a brighter note, Arsenal earned bragging rights over Tottenham with a 2 0 win in last weekend s North London Derby, while Bournemouth remarkably smashed Huddersfield Town, putting four... Show more content on ... The Swans are two points away from safety and at risk of continuing their four game league losing streak. Swansea have too often relied on Tammy Abraham, which has brought their struggles, while Paul Clement s job is truly at risk. With Cherries striker Callum Wilson in hot form, this should be a closely contested game. As for a shocking result, Manchester City or Arsenal could experience the designation. City visits a Huddersfield side that has already beaten their neighbors, Manchester Untied, at home this season. With City not looking overly convincing in their last few games, this could be an excellent opportunity for David Wagner s Terriers to move up the table. Meanwhile, Arsenal will visit a Burnley side with excellent form this season, as both teams have 22 points in the table. A Burnley win could cement them as a true contender for the top 4. It s games like this that could be the difference in Sean Dyche getting a crack at the Everton job or a better team, so expect it to be a great contest. Below are this weekend s fixtures and have a happy Thanksgiving! Friday, Nov. 24, 2017 West Ham United (2 3 7) vs. Leicester City (3 4 5) | 3 p.m. Eastern Time, 8 p.m. British Time Saturday, Nov. 25, 2017 Tottenham Hotspur (7 2 3) vs. West Bromwich Albion (2 4 6) | 10 a.m. Eastern Time, 3 p.m. British Time Manchester United (8 2 2) vs. Brighton Hove Albion (4 4 4) | 10 a.m. Eastern Time, 3 p.m. British Time Newcastle United
  • 21. Distinctively Visual Learning and Teaching Program ngTitle: Distinctively Visual | Concept: How are images we see and visualise in texts created?| Language Modes: speaking, reading, writing, listening, viewing, ICT| Outcomes: | | | 1.A student demonstrates understanding of how relationships between composer, responder, text and context shape meaning.2.A studentdemonstrates understanding of the relationships among texts. 5.A student analyses the effect of technology and medium on meaning. 6.A student engages with the details of text in order to respond critically and personally. | Key Question: How do different composers use imagery and images to provoke responses?| Texts: * Core Text: Maestro * Additional: Wide Open Road * Beneath Clouds| | Key... Show more content on ... 2.A student demonstrates understanding of the relationships among texts. 6.A student engages with the details of text in order to respond critically and personally.1.A student demonstrates understanding of how relationships between composer, responder, text and context shape meaning.2.A student demonstrates understanding of the relationships among texts. 6.A student engages with the details of text in order to respond critically and personally.1.A student demonstrates understanding of how relationships between composer, responder, text and context shape meaning.2.A student demonstrates understanding of the relationships among texts. 6.A student engages with the details of text in order to respond critically and personally.5.A student analyses the effect of technology and medium on meaning. 1.A student demonstrates understanding of how relationships between composer, responder, text and context shape meaning.2.A student demonstrates understanding of the relationships among texts. 6.A student engages with the details of text in order to respond critically and personally.5.A student analyses the effect of technology and medium on meaning. 1.A student demonstrates understanding of how relationships between composer, responder, text and context shape meaning.2.A student demonstrates understanding of the relationships among texts. 6.A student engages with the details of text in order to respond critically and personally.5.A student
  • 22. J. D. Salinger Essay J. D. Salinger J. D. Salinger The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it. James Bryce* In 1945, a novel was published that would forever change the way society views itself. The book, entitled The Catcher in the Rye, would propel a man named Jerome David Salinger to fame as one of the most famous authors of the twentieth century. This same man, not ten years after the publication and while still in the peak of his career, would depart from this society the one that he so greatly changed leaving nothing but his literature to be his lasting voice. However one may view this mysterious life of J. D. Salinger, there is but one thing for certain: J. D. Salinger has provided the reader with a ... Show more content on ... After receiving an English degree at Columbia, Salinger worked briefly as an entertainer on the Swedish Liner MS Kungsholm in the Caribbean in 1941. In 1942 Salinger enlisted in the United States Army and fought in World War II, where he eventually became a staff sergeant earning five battle stars. The time spent overseas played a major role in what would ultimately be the basis of most of Salinger s short stories. World War II is also where Salinger met one of his major literary influences, Ernest Hemingway. Although Salinger s style stems from Hemingway, their first encounter was not one that sat well on Salingers s mind. The story goes that while Hemingway was serving as an author correspondent, he visited Salinger s regiment and that Salinger became disgusted when Hemingway shot the head off a chicken to demonstrate the merits of a German Lager (French 25). The incident so affected Salinger that he incorporates it into his short story, For Esme: with Love and Squalor, with a corporal named Clay shooting the head off a cat and constantly dwelling upon the senseless act. The relationship between Hemingway and Salinger would last until Hemingway s death in 1961. Despite having a personal relationship with Hemingway, according to Harold Bloom, ...[Salinger s work actually] derives from F. Scott Fitzgerald(qtd. in Salinger SSC 2: 318). Such a conclusion can be drawn for a number of reasons. First, Salinger s narrative
  • 23. What Is The Food Service Industry 1.1 Overview in Food Service Industry The restaurant industry is continuously growing rapidly in the entire world. Restaurant industry is business that prepare and serves food and drink to customer. The food that customers purchase at restaurant can be eaten on site, taken out or delivered. According Helen Akers, the restaurant industry is segmented according to the level of service customers receive. As the number of restaurants increase, people have many options for choosing a restaurant. When guests dine out from the restaurant, they starting to evaluate what they experience According to the National Restaurant Association, the food service industry are still one of the economy s top employers. The major segments of restaurant industry are full service industry, quick industry, fine dining, casual dining and others. On the website of the National Restaurant Association 2015, food service industry sales are highly expected to hit a record high in 2015. ... Show more content on ... Some things they are looking for is speedy drive through at limited service restaurants, elegant ambience and cuisine provided at fine dining establishments, the coffee shop, and the relaxed atmosphere of a casual dining concept .Food service industry is segment in to many categories, for example full service restaurant, cafГ©, bars, street stalls, kiosks, fast food restaurant and self service cafeterias. Foodservice Profile Malaysia (July 2014) .According to the Frost Sullivan Report, the food service industry in Hong Kong and China can be further categorized based on the models of restaurants and types of cuisine such as fine dining, casual dining, fast food and other food service
  • 24. Ethnic Identity And Racial Identity Ethnic identity remains one of the most extensively studied topics in the social sciences. The book Studying Ethnic Identity provides insight into the dynamic process that goes into the formation of ethnic racial identity by psychological researchers. Ethnic and racial identity is a subject that is important to study because it has been associated with positive well being, psychological distress, and academic attitudes (Rivas Drake, Syed, et al, 2014; Smith Silva, 2011). Past research has tried to define ethnic identity as a link to one s own ethnic group(e.g. Latino, African American) (Umana Taylor et al., 2014). This definition has proven to have its limitations, since it it does not take into account within group variability that might exist among individuals that feel marginalized from their own ethnic group. Early definitions have failed to acknowledge ethnic identity has a multifaceted and complex construct, which this book discusses. Although several studies on ethnic identify have broaden our understanding of outcomes variables after the formation process, there is still limited areas of ethnic identity to investigate. This book has a collection of scientist articles that bring together a diverse collection of approaches, definitions, and measurement strategies to research ethnic identity. Each chapter identifies some of the many ways researchers can use specific frameworks to try to conceptualize and investigate ethnic and racial identity. Each perceptive
  • 25. Agency Report Crossroads of Delaware Thaddeus Williams Delaware Technical Community College Directed Practice 2 244 6H1 March 15, 2014 Agency Purpose This report will provide a description of Crossroads of Delaware and the services they provide for adolescents who suffer from substance abuse and mental health problems. Crossroads offer a continuum of care services for adolescents and their families who reside in Delaware. Historical Background Crossroads founded in 1992 by, Dr. Mike Barbieri, MSW, LCSW, and Alberta Crowley, MHS, LCDP, to serve the needs of the substance abusing populations in Wilmington and New Castle County Delaware. In 2012, the founders of Crossroads decided to expand their services to Kent and Sussex County by opening... Show more content on ... These services help strengthen the family system and assist all members in developing the skills to support the recovery of the adolescent (p. 3). Organization Management Structure Board of Directors The Board of Directors oversees the operation of Strategic Management Ltd., and the work of Crossroads of Delaware. Their primary duty is to review and approve the budget, goals, objectives, policies, procedures, performance and the strategic plan. This board appoints the chief operating officer to oversee the operation of the company (Delaware, Policy Procedures Binder 1, 2013). Chief Executive Officer The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the development of the budget, goals, objectives, policies, procedures, performance and the strategic plan. The CEO presents this information at the quarterly meeting for review and approval by The Board of Directors. The CEO is also responsible for negotiating and executing all contracts and agreements between Crossroads and the property owners, payers, and referral sources (Policy Procedures Binder 1, 2013). Executive Director The Executive Director is responsible for the daily oversight of all programs and services provided by Crossroads of Delaware. The Executive Director directs the all clinical and program activities this includes, managing the supervision of all staff, management staff (Policy Procedures Binder 1, 2013). Operations
  • 26. If Offenders, Young People Are Expected Act Like A... If offenders, young people are expected to act like a standard person of their age. In Mullin v Richards, 1998, Teresa Mullin and Heidi Richards, who were friends, were sitting next to each other at a desk in school. While playing fighting with plastic rules, using them as swards, Teresa Mullin was injured by a fragment of the rule, which snapped and went in her right eye, causing her to loose most of her eye sight. Teresa sued the school for negligence, as well as Heidy. However, it was decided by the court that Heidy was expected, as standard, to act like a 15 years old student, and not like a reasonable adult. Concluding with the judges deciding that Heidy was not in breach of duty, as she had met the standards of a 15 years old... Show more content on ... This causation is identified with the but for test, in other words, but for the defendant s breach of duty would the damage or injury have occurred? the main case would be Barnett v Chelsea and Kensington Hospital Management Committee, 1968, where the husband of the claimant went to the hospital due to strong stomach pain and vomiting. He was sent home after the Accident and Emergency department refused to examine him. After five hours, he died due to arsenic poisoning. The hospital owed the man duty of care and were also in breach after refusing to examine him. However, they were not liable as even if they had conducted the examinations the man would have died prior the results and treatment. Meaning that he would have died if the breach was or was not present, as their breach did not cause him to die. Remoteness of damage consists in establishing whether the offender is liable for only the damages, if the consequences were foreseeable from the breach of duty. In other words, the judges have to be able to establish where and when do the consequence act start and finish, as some may be too remote to be included as they may happen years after if not earlier, depending on the circumstances. For example, in The Wagon Mound case, a test of reasonable foreseeability was established. This case consisted in the offender accidently spilling oil in the claimant s wharf, while he was fueling another ship. At the time, there were welding
  • 27. A Research Study On The Social Sciences The Social Sciences consist of a variety of disciplines that aim to understand the behaviour, interactions and relationships between individuals and society. Social scientists conduct research in order to gain a deeper insight into the factors that affect individuals. They do so by using systematic methods of investigation that allow them to analyse and interpret their findings, and thus create a new theory of knowledge or expand upon the existing knowledge of a theory (Giddens Sutton, 2013). Researchers may use a variety of processes that provide a solid and coherent structure to their researchthat ensures its validity and reliability. Choosing the right process will aid the researcher in better understanding the area of research and thus may allow them to apply their findings to the workings of the wider social world. Irwin Elley s (2011) Concerted Cultivation? Parenting Values, Education and Class Diversity, is a study into the effects of class diversity and parental values of the importance of modern child education, uses a mixed method of investigation. The research takes into account previous studies into class diversity and parental roles in children s development and socialisation. The research question of the study is not made clear at the beginning of the article to suggest an aim as to what the study seeks to explain, though a hypothesis is offered within the findings of the study. The research also uses quantitative and qualitative data gathering
  • 28. National Incident Management System Analysis Major emergencies, acts of terrorism and disasters have become more frequent in recent decades. These disasters affect more and more people, taxing local state and federal resources. Mass casualty incidents are commonly classified as disasters due to a large number of individuals affected by the event. Many lives are saved if the affected communities are prepared organized and have developed emergency response plans in place before the disaster. Also, survivors of mass casualty incidents often suffer from ill health and disabilities placing, even more strain on emergency responders. In these disaster situations, the local emergency responders are the first to arrive on the scene and began rescue efforts. As the incident escalates, more resources from local, private, state and federal levels respond to the scene. Due to a large number of people affected by the incident,... Show more content on ... The challenges associated with MCI s can be mitigated with thorough and practiced emergency operation plans. These plans should utilize the National Incident Management System (NIMS) as the foundation for the development of the plan. Using the NIMS will allow responders to tailor the plan according to how many patients, casualties, and a large number of walking wounded that will need treatment. When sufficient warning is provided the number of patients will be minimized, but plans must accommodate a large number of evacuees. These evacuees will need timely and pertinent information to evacuate safely and efficiently. Developing emergency operation plans well in advance of any disaster or mass casualty incident will ensure sufficient and appropriate resources will be
  • 29. Sport Descriptive Essay The work is worth it! shouted my coach before hitting the mat. My whole team s stomachs are in giant knots. Sweat drips down our faces. Thousands and thousands of people cheering. Cheer Extreme Chicago Obsession may take the floor said the announcer. This was the moment we ve been working towards for nine months. Full out after full out. We all had one goal which was to win. Ever since I was four years old, I ve done all star cheerleading,a very competitive sport. Ever since I started doing it, I knew why I wanted to. I did Cheerleading at a gym called Cheer Extreme Chicago located in Addison, IL. I was on a junior 5 team called Obsession. The day we started practicing, we prepared for one competition. The competition is called NCA (National Cheerleading Association). NCA is located in Dallas, TX. There are 1,143 teams, 25,484 athletes, 38,000 spectators, 41 states, and five countries. After the nine months passed, it finally came. When I woke up Thursday morning we drove to Chicago O Hare Airport. We then got our plane tickets from the kiosk and headed to the flight door. We waited about an hour till we were allowed to board. As we sat down in our seats, I spotted many cheerleaders from different gyms crowding the airplane. It made me realize what I was walking into and how many athletes were going to be in Dallas. The plane finally took off and after a few hours passed and we were in Dallas, Texas. The competition was Saturday and Sunday, but we got there Thursday
  • 30. How Technology Has The Best Decision For School Districts I don t think tablets are where we should be focused. But I do think they could end up being an efficient way of delivering textbooks. They re just not really that, yet. There s all sorts of poisons and mined minerals and carnage that goes on to make a tablet. Way more than to print a book... (Rushkoff). There is heated debate going on in school districts across the nation, but it is not over dress code or standardized testing. It is over whether schools should shift to tablets instead of dated textbooks. Within the last ten years, the advancement of technology has caused an increase in controversy over which one is the best option. Weighing pros against cons, it would ultimately be the best decision for school districts to continue... Show more content on ... By 2009, 97% of classrooms had one or more computers, and 93% of classroom computers had Internet access. For every 5 students, there was one computer. Instructors stated that 40% of students used computers, often in their educational methods, in addition to interactive whiteboards and digital cameras (Educational technology). The country is on the threshold of the most radical change in American education in over a century. It is clear that technology is increasing and is now woven through education as well. Most people know the feeling getting in their comfy clothes and sitting down to watch a new episode of their favorite tv show on the laptop. The popcorn laying by ones s side. Their butter fingers across the keys, while each image is illuminating your face. Their phone is buzzing from the Snapchats. In this generation, people cling to some type of electronic device. According to the US Department of Education and studies by the National Training and Simulation Association Technology based instruction can reduce the time students take to reach a learning objective by 30 80% ( In a classroom, teachers are able to take their class around the world electronically to look at the development of civilizations in Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Latin America. Also, students are able to take virtual trips and collaborate with other students around the world and research in the best libraries
  • 31. All-Terrain Car Essay GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Chandkheda, Ahmedabad Affiliated S.P.B. Patel Engineering College A Report On Design and Testing of an All Terrain Vehicle it s Sub system using Analytical Calculation, Design Fundamentals, Simulation Vehicle Dynamics Under subject of Final Year Project (UDP) B. E. IV, Semester VII (Mechanical Branch) Submitted by: TEAM ZWEI Team No.: 70333 Sr. No. Team Member ER. No. 1 Nikhil A. Gondlia 130390119034 2 Savan V. Sanariya 130390119109 FACULTY GUIDE: Chitralekha Nahar Chitralekha Nahar Head of the Department, Mechanical Engineering Academic year (2016 2017) Certificate This is to certify that the below mentioned students have completed the workshop and course of Final Year Project during the year 2016 17 and are from B.E. 7th semester in the branch of Mechanical Engineering. Team Member ER. No. Nikhil A. Gondlia 130390119034 Savan V. Sanariya 130390119109 The workshop and the course have been completed under my supervision to my satisfaction at the Saffrony Institute of Technology, S.P.B. Patel Engineering College . Faculty Guide: Prof. Chitralekha Nahar Head of DepartmentExternal Faculty Index SR. NO. CONTENTS PAGE NO. 1 Introduction 4 1.1 Problem Summary 4 1.2 Aims and Objectives of Projects 4 1.3 Problem Specification 4 1.4 Literature Review 5 2 Design Engineering Canvas 6 2.1 AEIOU Summary 6 2.2 Empathy Canvas 7 2.3 Ideation Canvas 8 2.4
  • 32. †After Midnight’ makes you feel as if you were living in... After Midnight makes you feel as if you were living in Harlem during the 30s. BY VANESSA FARIA The by gone era of 1920s and 30s, jam packed with illicit alcohol, street cars and loud noises, are often remembered as a time when music was more important than content. If that is true, then After Midnight is definitely a product of its time. After midnight is an effervescent new Lincoln center jazz venue performed at the Brooks Atkinson Theatre. The production will mimic the highly acclaimed musical, Cotton Club Parade by inviting special celebrities to take the stage, starring American idol winner Fantasia Barrino, Emmy nominee DulГ© Hill and Tony winner Adriane Lenox. It was an era when swing was big in Harlem, after Midnight is a jazz ... Show more content on ... In a present day twist, everything about the plot and the characters has been recycled from the old days. The performers are energetic and smiling all through the play and there are many things that bring a smile to even the weariest faces, such as balloons, trumpets, tap dancers and a bit of romantic comedy; it all creates stage magic. Another key component that adds a lot of character to this modern spin of the Harlem Renaissance is the exceptional costumes by a Cuban designer, Isabel Toledo; she found enough sparkle, feathers and beads to dress a flapper army. Although the true stars of this play are the performers from the Jazz at Lincoln Center All stars, it s clear that the stage gets caught on fire when Fantasia Barrino performed I Can t Give You Anything but Love, her smooth yet fierce voice embraced Dorothy Fields and Jimmy McHugh classic with obvious fondness. Isabel Toledo evidently likes Fantasia s curvy body, designing to her a well fitting, electric blue, lampshade skirt. She also interacts with the public when she sang the lesser known Zaz Zuh Zaz (by Cab Calloway and Harry White), inviting the public to be a part of this fantastic Jazz extravaganza. It feels like the show, did not want to be seen as an old copy, and indeed, the tricks there are self explanatory. The notion of combining old school with today s era has an obvious effect of spicing up the foundation. Yet, it does not eliminate the thought that the cast could ve
  • 33. The Mortality Rate Of Sex Workers Essay Regarding the mortality rate of sex workers, One study found that workplace murder risk is 51 times greater [for prostitutes] than for the next most dangerous profession which is operating a liquor store (Dir. J. K. Wasson and J. Wells). Because prostitution is ultimately seen as a consensual profession, some may interpret this information with indifference, believing that the sex workers were willing participants. More often than not, however, sex workers are being coerced into the industry by some form of force; leading them to be exploited for physical and economic gain. In order to convince someone that the prostitutionindustry influences the victimization of women, I would need to counteract the notions endowed onto us by society that lead people to believe that prostitution is a fair system. Ethnomethodology, Symbolic interaction, and conflict theory have contributed to the the false impression of sex workers endorsed by the mainstream. Ethnomethodology is the study of everyday actions of people as an expression of their reality. Every reality contains five features that describe how one s perspective is maintained and occasionally transformed. In order to change the reality of people who believe that sex workers are independently engaging in prostitution, I would need to address the five features of reality. The first feature, reflexivity, states that reality is maintained by the process of absorbing interactions and bending them to fit one s incorrigible
  • 34. Biologically Diverse Coral Reef In the article Continental drift created biologically diverse coral reefs it explains how researchers study the evolution of many marine species and how they were affected by plate tectonics. The scientists used 100 million years of Earth s history and the history of continental drifts to create a computer model of patterns of new marine species. From this computer model scientists were able to show that the drift of the continental plates was the likely driving force behind the emergence of new species (ETH Zurich). Researchers concluded that continental drift increased the biodiversity of marine species. If a reef is divided into two separate reefs due to plate tectonics, for example, the two populations in each patch would continue
  • 35. Essay about Psychology-Naturalistic Observation Naturalistic Observation Primary Reference Source Loucopoulos P and V Karakostas (1995) System Requirements Engineering. McGraw Hill International. Summary description Observational methods involve an investigator viewing users as they work and taking notes on the activity which takes place. Observation may be either direct, where the investigator is actually present during the task, or indirect, where the task is viewed by some other means such as through use of a video camera. Typical Application Areas Useful early in specification for obtaining qualitative data. This method is an alternative (non involving) version of Contextual Inquiry. It is useful for studying currently executed tasks and processes. It has been extensively ... Show more content on ... 2.Gain contacts and especially their co operation with the process of Naturalistic Observation that you intend to carry out establish the times, places, and people who will be observed. Note that in some countries, the law may prohibit you from taking video films of people without their explicit written consent. 3.Decide on the recording technique you will use. Will you rely on hand written notes (traditional), audio, or video and audio records? Note that the more complete your record, the longer it takes to analyze. It is useful to be able to make some kind of first cut analysis during observation 4.Analyse, summarize, and report in relation to the objectives set out at the start. Observation as an approach in a laboratory setting is instantiated quite specifically using the Laboratory Based Observation approach. A variation of single user observation is two user observation where pairs of users are invited to work together and the above process is carried out on the pair. One of the users in two user observation may be a member of the design team, and this is particularly useful in situations where there may be an unstable prototype. Laboratory Based Observation Primary Reference Sources Rubin, J. (1994) Handbook of Usability Testing. John Wiley, NY. Nielsen, J (1993) Guerilla HCI: Using discount usability engineering . In R Bias and D Mayhew (Eds) Cost Justifying
  • 36. A Study On The Mapping Process Of Mapping The Coordinates... ABSTRACT Named entity disambiguation is a very interesting problem having wide ranging applications. It is the process of mapping the mentions of persons, organisations, events etc. in textual documents to real world entities. The mapping process becomes tedious when these mentions in the text are commonly used to describe more than one real world entities. It is then said that the mention is ambiguous. If the mentions can be correctly mapped to the corresponding real world entities, then it can lead to a more informative and intuitive web experience where the textual documents can be linked to other knowledge bases which contain more information on various entities described in the document. In this report, we have surveyed well known research papers in the field of named entity disambiguation and have described the approaches suggested in them. Successive sections of report aim to solve the shortcomings of the algorithms discussed in the previous sections. INTRODUCTION The recent years have seen a huge increase in the number of online documents. This has resulted in a huge amount of information being available at the click of a mouse. But, at the same time, the retrieval of relevant information from this collection of unstructured documents has emerged as a challenging task and is a topic of research. A major part of retrieving information out of a document is finding out the words or phrases of significance in the article like the persons, organization, location,
  • 37. Examples Of Realism In Breaking Bad Breaking Bad In order to understand the world politics in each way, we have to learn various international relations theory because it provides a conceptual framework, which is used to analyse international relations. Realism, liberalism, constructivism are one of the most well known theory. Breaking Bad is an American television series. It narrates a life of Walter White, a high school chemistry with lung cancer. He and his former student, Jesse Pinkman, try to produce and sell crystal meth to support his family. International relations theory can be used to analyse why each character act in a particular way by comparing each individual as a state. This essay will analyse this series based on realism. First and foremost, according to realism ... Show more content on ... States should heighten their security, for instance, by increasing military strength or making alliances with others. In this series, after the death of Gonzo, Jesse is afraid that Tuco will kill him next. As a consequence, he buys a gunto protect himself from this brutal man. In spite of the fact that he can make a lot of money from him by producing and selling meth, his security comes first. In that moment, he does not care about how much money that he can earn in the future because if he dies, money will not be important anymore. Thus, he tries to convince Walter to help him to kill Tuco. This is when he tries to make an alliance with his partner. Walter does concur with him because there is a possibility that Tuco will go after him and his family also. Consequently, they try to make a plan to kill this erratic violent drug dealer. Both do not consider wealth more important than their and their beloved lives, which is same as Tuco. He value his life firstly. It can be seen that this character always carry a gun. For example, in season 2, episode 1, Tuco captures Walter and Jesse in the house where is far away from people. Although in this house only has four people, Walter, Jesse, his disabled uncle and him, he still carries 2 guns, a handgun and a rifle, with him. The reason that he carry many firearms might be because at that moment DEA is going after him, and he does not truly trust Walter and Jesse as he barely
  • 38. A Short Note On Intensive Care And The Elderly Essay References: 1.Horn J. Intensive care and the elderly. Archives of gerontology and geriatrics. 1997;25(1):101 110. 2.Angus DC, Barnato AE, Linde Zwirble WT, et al. Use of intensive care at the end of life in the United States: an epidemiologic study. Crit Care Med. 2004;32(3):638 643. 3.Bagshaw SM, Webb SA, Delaney A, et al. Very old patients admitted to intensive care in Australia and New Zealand: a multi centre cohort analysis. Critical Care. 2009;13(2):R45. 4.Kim PK, Kauder DR, Schwab CW. Acute Care Surgeryand the Elderly. Acute Care Surgery: Springer; 2007:187 193. 5.Levkoff SE, Cleary PD, Wetle T, Besdine RW. Illness behavior in the aged. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 1988;36(7):622 629. 6.Watters JM, Blakslee JM, March RJ, Redmond ML. The influence of age on the severity of peritonitis. Canadian journal of surgery. 1996;39(2):142. 7.Radtke F, Franck M, Hagemann L, Seeling M, Wernecke K, Spies C. Risk factors for inadequate emergence after anesthesia: emergence delirium and hypoactive emergence. Minerva anestesiologica. 2010;76(6):394 403. 8.Young J, Inouye SK. Delirium in older people. BMJ: British Medical Journal. 2007;334(7598):842. 9.Ansaloni L, Catena F, Chattat R, et al. Risk factors and incidence of postoperative delirium in elderly patients after elective and emergency surgery. British Journal of Surgery. 2010;97(2):273 280. 10.Lagoo Deenadayalan SA, Newell MA, Pofahl WE. Common perioperative complications in older patients. Principles
  • 39. They Re Not Your Husband Summary They re Not Your Husband is a short story written by Raymond Carver and published in 1973. Raymond Carver is a minimalist writer, which provides his short stories with an economy with words, adverbs and a focus on surface description. This allows the context to dictate meaning. Therefore, the reader has an active role in the creation of the short story; to choose side based on inclined innuendo and hints. The story reveals an unemployed salesman, Earl Ober, who feels obligated to get his wife, Doreen Ober, to lose weight, due to two men s negative statements about his wife s body; look at the ass on that, will you? I don t believe it. The other man laughed I ve seen better . The two men in business suits makes this uncalled for remarks ... Show more content on ... They are not completely poor since they have money to finance a house, transportation and a television.
  • 40. Essay On The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet Throughout time, there have been many tragedies caused by romance. William Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet is an example of a romantic tragedy, in which two feuding families cause the deaths of their children, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. The play contrasts hatred and revenge with love and a secret marriage, ending with the young lovers tragically dying. The deaths of Romeo and Juliet can be blamed upon Friar Lawrence, the parents of Romeo and Juliet, and Tybalt. To begin, Romeo and Juliet s deaths should be blamed upon Friar Lawrence. In the play, Romeo asks Friar Lawrence to marry him to Juliet. The friar tells Romeo to slow down and think about this decision, but he still agrees to marry them. Shakespeare writes, I ll thy assistant... Show more content on ... They may feel that Romeo and Juliet should have made better, more rational decisions because the evidence shows that after they meet, they want to be married immediately, but keep it a secret from everyone in Verona (в… Ў.iii.57 64). However, the deaths of these teenagers should be blamed upon the parents of Romeo and Juliet because they wouldn t have to make those decisions if the parents ongoing feud was not existent. The text shows, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny/... And the continuance of their parents rage,/ Which, but their children s end, naught could remove (Prologue.3 11). This explains the parents are the reason for all the bad decisions because their feud only ended because their children died. In addition, after Romeo and Juliet are found dead, the parents and Prince discuss the situation. According to the play, the Prince states, See what a scourge is laid upon your hate, / That heaven finds means to kill your joys with love (в…¤.iii.291 293). The quote indicates Prince is telling the parents that if they had ended the feud or never had it no of this would have happened. Therefore, the parents of Romeo and Juliet should be held accountable for the deaths of the two teenagers because of their unnecessary
  • 41. The Role Of Anxiety Disorders In Veterans The Department of Veterans Affairs says that anger is a common complaint of people who are diagnosed with PTSD, which is an anxiety disorder. And researchers from Cordova University believe anger and anxiety are related. If you have been diagnosed with PTSD or other anxiety disorder, it s important for you to understand anger. The causes and triggers of anger People with anxiety have a heightened sense of awareness to what they perceive are threats. When they feel threatened they have anxiety attacks and/or flashbacks. Researchers believe they may have found the cause of flashbacks and it has to do with serotonin, which many people recognize as a hormone that makes you happy. However, serotonin has also been found to play a role in the storing
  • 42. Mercedes Benz Research Mercedes Benz Mercedes Benz 1 Mercedes Benz 2 Overview Mercedes Benz is a German automotive company that dates back to the early 1900 s. In 1901, Karl Benz started the Mercedes Benz company. Though he had previously built his first automobile in 1886, The Mercedes Benz brand was not established till 1901. In the first year of the company s existence, Karl Benz released his first Mercedes. The European market did not gravitate to the idea, thus it had very little success. With limited success, Karl Benz decided to merge with Daimler to help develop a better automobile. In 1926, they released the ... Show more content on ... The Political risk can be contributed to government interference in the business affairs of the foreign persons doing business in a particular country. Political risk can also surface as firm specific risk. This form of risk targets a specific business or class. There can also be country specific risk where the entire country or region is affected. Given that political risk will exist, if I were a political consultant for Mercedes Benz, I would suggest relocating any business venture that was located in areas that are susceptible of being stagnated by political strife. As with any corporation, Mercedes Benz has its share of stakeholders and it may not be an easy task to satisfy them all. Mercedes Benz has its internal stakeholders that consist of owners, managers and workers. Then there are the external stakeholders. These would be the Mercedes Benz 6 customers, suppliers and the communities Mercedes does business in. With a corporation as global as Mercedes Benz, all pose different needs and requirements. Communication tends to be the bridge that binds or separates the stakeholders from the corporation. The corporation must find a means of communication and listening to each group or individual that expresses concerns and ideas. Mercedes Benz follows a strict code of conduct. Compliance is expected to be at 100%. The leadership of Mercedes Benz understands that conformity is a must
  • 43. The Story Of Martin Luther The story of Martin Luther life . Martin Luther was born in the town of Eisleben in east central Germany. We should however speak of Germany as it was spoken of it that era, because Germany was a geographical expression used in the Middle Ages, so instead of saying Germany the correct expression would be German lands. These lands were divided again and again .they were also ruled and misruled by many princes in the land. The princes rich or poor would compete with each other for the most local power. There were however a few imperial cities, like Nuremberg and Strasbourg governed by small town councils. These special towns were responsible for reporting to the Emperor himself. These towns were virtually independent. There were however a few German territories, like Austria. Germany was a violent. Many battles began for worthless honor and empty spoils. Mr. Luther was born on the night of November/10/ 1483, into an Age controlled by the Roman Catholic Church. In Luther s region the people were extremely ignorant and very superstitious. As Luther grew witchcraft ran rampant throughout his life. Many men in Luther s life believed in witchcraft and its many powers. Luther s father decided that Luther should be educated. In that age the son of the family was a spitting image of their father, which by default means if the son was a failure. People would think the same of the father. To prevent this from ever happening his father had him study the law. So Luther could take
  • 44. The Boy Who Never Grew Up Essay The Boy Who Never Grew Up John C.W. Young California Baptist University Abstract Sigmund Freud s psychoanalytic theory is used to explore Peter Pan and his inability to take his place in a responsible world. Freud s Oedipus complex is discussed and used to determine the cause of the disconnect from his adulthood and the treatment in which Freud suggests that would able to correct the repressed childhood conflicts that are present due to fears and repressed memories as it s contributing to Peter s inability to grow limits him in his overall life and development. Keywords: Sigmund Freud, Oedipus, Christian Worldview, psychoanalytic, childhood The Boy Who Never Grew Up I don t ever want to grow up! , has been a famous quote from the iconic storytelling of Peter Pan since his introduction in 1902 by Scottish writer James Matthew Barrie. He has been a character the encompasses a great deal of emotional distress. Sigmund Freud s psychoanalytic theory is used to explore Peter Pan and his inability to take his place in a responsible world. Due to his lack of love and parental guidance he continues to stay in a childlike state which is prohibiting his overall ability to grow which has harmful effects when going into adulthood. The lack of nurturing and modeling prevents Peter from being able to remove himself from his childlike behaviors to adulthood in a successful manner due to his lack of exposure to assurances in which he would have been able to receive from his mother.