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Persuasion Essay Topics
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Persuasion Essay Topics" can be quite challenging due to the
multifaceted nature of persuasion itself. Firstly, selecting a compelling and relevant topic
demands thorough research and a deep understanding of current trends, societal issues, or
academic debates. This process involves sifting through numerous potential ideas to find one that
not only interests the writer but also resonates with the intended audience.
Once the topic is chosen, the task of developing a persuasive thesis statement becomes
paramount. This statement must encapsulate the core argument and stance of the essay,
providing a clear roadmap for the reader to follow. Building a persuasive argument requires a
meticulous gathering of evidence, which often involves a comprehensive review of scholarly
articles, statistics, and expert opinions. The challenge lies in synthesizing this information into a
coherent and compelling narrative that supports the central thesis.
Furthermore, structuring the essay effectively is crucial. The introduction must captivate the
reader's attention, present the thesis, and establish the context of the topic. The body paragraphs
should unfold the argument logically, with each paragraph building upon the previous one. This
necessitates a keen awareness of transitions, ensuring a smooth flow of ideas. The conclusion
should reiterate the main points, reemphasize the thesis, and leave a lasting impression on the
Moreover, maintaining a persuasive tone throughout the essay is essential. This involves carefully
choosing words, anticipating potential counterarguments, and providing compelling rebuttals.
Balancing ethos, pathos, and logos – the three modes of persuasion – adds an additional
layer of complexity, requiring a nuanced approach to engage the audience emotionally, logically,
and ethically.
In summary, writing an essay on "Persuasion Essay Topics" demands a combination of research,
critical thinking, and effective communication skills. The process involves navigating through the
intricacies of topic selection, thesis development, evidence gathering, and persuasive writing.
However, for those seeking assistance, similar essays and much more can be ordered on, where professionals are ready to support and guide through the complexities
of academic writing.
Persuasion Essay TopicsPersuasion Essay Topics
Hydrogen Fuel Of The Future
With nations like Costa Rica, Albania, Paraguay, and Iceland all currently running on
100% renewable electricity, the notion of clean Audi e fuels rule and sustainable
energy is becoming a more realistic and feasible option in the minds of many.
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe and has been present since
the beginning of time. Hydrogen is the smallest element in the universe, hydrogen
consists as a diatomic, gaseous molecule with a single proton and a single electron.
Hydrogen does not exist in its pure form on the planet, but it is present as a
compound in molecules like water, glucose, natural gas, and even oil (Busby).
Because it is found in such a variety of sources, hydrogen is the perfect power source
for fuel cells.
What exactly are hydrogen fuel cells and why will they be the fuel of the future?
Hydrogen fuel cells are a mechanical device that convert the electrochemical energy
found in a fuel source, like hydrogen, into electrical energy, with the only byproducts
being heat and water (Hoffmann 6). In all fuel cells there are two electrodes, an
anode and a cathode, with an electrolyte, a membrane capable of moving ions, in
between the two (Sorenson 73). During their operation, hydrogen fuel is injected into
the anode side, while oxygen, usually from the air, is pumped to the cathode. The
hydrogen molecule disassociates, and the proton passes through the electrolyte to
join the oxygen, while the electron from the hydrogen molecule travels in an
Golf Course Research Paper
Did you ever think that a gentleman s game could relate so much to a seventeen
year old girls life? Turns out you can relate anything if you try hard enough. Every
day is a new day, similar to each hole and golf course is different. You never know
what the condition of the golf course will be and you don t know what the weather
might be while your playing. One of the biggest things I follow when I m playing golf
is to take one shot at a time just like the saying take one day at a time.
Imagine stepping up to the first tee of a golf course that you have never played
before, you tend to get up on the tee box looking to see where would be the best
place to hit your tee shot. This reminds me of starting freshmen year at a new school
and looking around the cafeteria to see ... Show more content on ...
As my senior year approaches just like my thoughts on the final hole I contemplated
which college I would like to attend. I wanted a college that was going to give me
the best opportunities after and during my college experience. I also knew that I
needed a coach that would push me. I wanted a coach and a golf team that would
be there to help me grow and work hard to achieve not only my personal goals but
helps the team achieve theirs. On that last hole of the golf game getting ready for
your final putt of the round you take a chance and chose the line that you want to
putt your ball on. When I discovered Colorado State University and Coach Annie I
felt I just chose the right line for myself. As the final ball rolls toward the hole and
coach Annie selected me as one of her new recruits I knew not only that I had the
right speed and the right line I knew I found the right college. I continue to stare
down the line and watch as my putt slowly falls in the hole, with my hands up I
knew that I picked the right line and have also made the best decision on wanting to
become a Ram for Colorado State
Depravity In Oryx And Crake
In the scene where the Crakers bring Snowman his weekly fish (as they are
required), Snowman notes that despite the Crakers having accepted Snowman s
monstrousness , they still can t help peeking. The spectacle of depravity is of
interest even to them, it seems, purified by chlorophyll though they are (Atwood
101). For all the horror and desecration in Oryx and Crake, this is the only use of
depravity . Interestingly, this is also the only use of purified . What does it mean
that these two words are set juxtaposed against each other, for the only time in the
novel? I tend to think of depravity more as a noun, or as a static state. As in,
something is depraved, along with its many connotations (it is evil, it is wicked,
etc.). Yet, it can also be less of a static state someone is trapped in, and can also be
an action someone is doing (or receiving) experiencing a privation towards evil,
towards wickedness). With that in mind, it is interesting to consider how the Crakers
are not just witnessing passively a scene of evil (involving a living being consuming
another living being), but perhaps are also becoming depraved... Show more content
on ...
This was their purpose in being created by Crake, and the situation this scene
describes does in some ways affirm their purity. With no reason beyond Crake says
so , they prepare and deliver a fish to Snowman. While they do kill the fish, it is
done out of a command and obedience but is this perhaps the beginning of their
falling , if they do indeed fall? Because shortly after, Snowman describes them
peeking at his spectacle of depravity . The spectacle is his furiously eating the fish
they killed; Snowman has corrupted the Crakers into killing, in order to appease his
human desires. Even though the Crakers do not have this desire to eat once living
things, being chlorophyll purified as they are, they still see cannot resist being drawn
into the
Kleeman s Short Story You, Disappearing
The short story You, Disappearing takes you into a apocalyptic world. The twist is
that it s not the type of apocalypse you think. The world does not bursting into flames
or even a swarm of zombies running around. The apocalypse seems quiet and
everything just slowly disappearing one item, thought, memory, or person at time.
The protagonist through out the story deals with the disappear of not only everything
around them but the lose of a relationship too. The protagonist keeps contemplating
why the worldcontinues towards an end of everything and if there seems to show a
pattern to it. The protagonist keeps going back to the old relationship before the
memory leaves. You, Disappearing is written in first person point of view that makes
you... Show more content on ...
The story s set in a now a days city, we can tell this by the use of cell phones and
walking next to bridges The walking path next to the highway passed under a
bridge. (Kleeman) I was calling you over and over on the cell phone... (Kleeman)
The social environment at the time of end of the world wasn t chaotic like what
we see in movies. It started with people freaking out then after a few weeks settling
down and accepting the fact that there was nothing we can do to stop it, you just
have to make the time you have left worth it. This setting adds to the story by
giving the reader an image that would be different then what they might have
thought the end of the world would look like. The setting also adds to the conflict
of the story. With the conflict being everything seems to be disappearing, literally
the setting disappears as we read through out the story. The setting adds suspense to
the story, keeping the reader on the edge of there seat wondering what was going to
disappear next. The writer shows uses a great form of imagery to get the reader to
understand the true emptiness of the setting this story is placed in Sound carried
further these days, tearing through the thin air like stone thrown as hard as you can
toward the sea. . The author puts the setting together perfectly to allow the reader to
put themselves into the environment of the story. Which is so important because the
setting provides the framework for what is being discussed.
Sonia Sotomayor s College Life
It was a freshmen year in college. When you worry about grades, appearance,
friends and places to study. Sonia Sotomayor from My Beloved World, she is
experiencing the college life. She is attending each classes and understanding her
mistakes then improving them. Since Sonia Sotomayor started Princeton, she have
come across to many challenges. Sonia Sotomayor have started her freshmen year
in Princeton. She took courses like sociology, psychology, history and molecular
biology. She did not like molecular biology, because they have to deal with rats.
When she found out the rats are cannibalism, she was grossed out. The grad student
overseeing my efforts intercepted me as I ran out of the room screaming (166). Even
if she was grossed, she still
Riboflavin Research Paper
Goal: to post information about 10 chemicals for a chemical supply company
Total Word Count In This Document: 1517
Title: A Guide To 10 Chemicals
Riboflavin, otherwise known as B2, is a type of B vitamin that is soluble in water,
which means that it is not stored in the body and therefore needs to be replenished
each day.
Riboflavin works with over B type vitamins to boost body growth, red blood cell
production, and breaking down proteins to release energy. Riboflavin can be found
in many foods, including dairy products like milk and cheese, eggs, green leafy
vegetables like kale, lean meats, organ meats like livers, legumes, and nuts.
Riboflavin can also be found in grains like bread and cereal, but the riboflavin ...
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However, it can also be used for gas in refrigerators, purifying water supplies, and the
manufacturing of many useful items like plastics, explosives, textiles, pesticides,
dyes and other chemicals, and household and industrial strength cleaning products.
8.Soybean Oil
Soybean oil is vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of soybeans. Soybean oil is one
of the most biodegradable and eco friendly chemicals commonly used for
commercial purposes. It is one of the most widely used and consumed cooking oils
in the food product industry, and as a drying oil, it can also be used as a chemical
base for printing inks and oil paints. It is also commonly used as a fixative for insect
9.Bees Wax
Like soybean oil, Bees Wax is one of the most biodegradable and eco friendly
chemicals commonly used for commercial purposes. Bees wax is a natural wax
produced by honey bees by being formed into scales by eight wax producing glands
in male honey bees which are then discarded in the honey bees hives, forming the
recognizable pentagonal honeycomb foundation. The chemical composition of bees
wax mainly consists of esters of fatty acids and many long chain
Communication, Career Path, And Roles Of A Nurse...
Advanced practice nurses are in high demand due to the increased pressure within
our evolving health care system, with a renewed emphasis on health and wellness.
According to the American Association College of Nursing, advanced practice
nurses must obtain a higher level of learning as well as having key competencies
and skills (American Association College of Nursing). The ultimate goal is to
achieve positive patient outcomes, resulting in an improved health care system. The
purpose of this paper is to provide valuable insights into the education, career path,
and roles of a nurse practitioner.
I conducted my interview with Dr. Karen Lehman, DNP, APRN. Dr. Lehman is a
nurse practitioner who currently works for Newton Medical Center as a hospitalist.
She also works as needed basis on the E.R. unit. She affiliates with other doctors and
physicians in other medical groups including; Newton Healthcare Corporation, and
Harry Hynes Hospice, where she also works as needed. Dr. Lehman always had an
interest in medicine, but didn t think she was smart enough to pursue a career in
nursing. She worked several odd jobs including that of a fitness trainer. She s not
really sure why she went into nursing, other than she always thought that she wanted
to work in an area where she could help people, and make a difference in their lives.
She finally decided to enter Wichita State s nursing program. After graduation, she
worked as an ER nurse at Wesley Medical
Roe Abbott Biography
In the chilly darkness the killer had been hanging out in the clubs parking lot while
the music pounded inside. Little did the audience know that they were about to
whiteness one of the most shocking moments in Metal history. On December 8 2004
in Columbus Ohio former Pantera guitarist Dimebag Darrell Abbott was shot dead
while preforming at the Alrosa Villa nightclub along with fan Nathan Bray,
Damageplan crew member Jeff Thompson, and club employee Erin Halk. This story
is going to be about the life and death of Dimebag Darrell Abbott and his journey and
a bit about his killer.
Younger Years
Darrell Lance Abbott was born on August 20 1966 in Ennis Texas.Abbott wanted
to play the guitar at a very young age, but his parents couldn t afford it no got him a
BMX bike but the next year he got his first guitar at twelve and was obsessed.After a
few years he had ... Show more content on ...
If you were to ask any person that ever knew Dime would say that he was an
extremely generous, and just a down right cool guy. The majority of metal fans
would tell you that he was and still is the greatest metal guitarist of all time, and
inspired people to want to play guitar.Nathan Gale was a quiet kid in school and
went to the marines at age 23, and was kicked out because of mental issues. Then
he joined a minor football league team, His former teammates would say that he
listen to Pantera before and after games.After all of this Dime will always be
considered one of the greatest ever.
So that was the story of Diamond , Dimebag Darrell Abbott. It s so sad that he had
to be murdered. If you were to ask anyone that knew him they would say that he
would treat anyone that he knew or just met like family, weather it was backstage or
even at his own home. The chilling thing about the murder is that it was on the 24th
anniversary of john Lennon s
The Rothko Chapel Essay
Mark Rothko is recognized as one of the greatest artists of the twentieth century and
during his lifetime was touted as a leading figure in postwar American painting. He
is one of the outstanding figures of Abstract Expressionism and one of the creators
of Color Field Painting. As a result of his contribution of great talent and the ability
to deliver exceptional works on canvas one of his final projects, the Rothko Chapel
offered to him by Houston philanthropists John and Dominique de Menil, would
ultimately anchor his name in the art world and in history. Without any one of the
three, the man, the work on canvas, or the dream, the Rothko Chapel would never
have been able to exist for the conceptualization of the artist, the creations on... Show
more content on ...
Rothko was well accepted in the New York art community, but experienced limited
success during this time. Needing to add to his income he took a position at the
Center Academy instructing sculpture and painting and maintained this position
from 1929 to 1952. As Rothko advanced in his painting style he began to
metamorphose from using imagery and symbolism to using colour fields.
Typically his paintings feature large rectangular expanses of colour arranged
parallel to each other, usually in a vertical arrangement. The edges of these shapes
are softly uneven, giving them a hazy, pulsating quality, and they seem to gently
hover or float over the canvas. The paintings are often very large and the effect
they produce is generally one of calmness and contemplation, but in spite of their
tranquility, they cost Rothko enormous emotional effort: I m not an abstract
artist...I m not interested in the relationship of colour or form or anything else. I m
interested only in expressing basic human emotions tragedy, ecstasy, doom and so
on. And the fact that a lot of people break down and cry when confronted with my
pictures show that I can communicate these basic human emotions...The people who
weep before my pictures are having the same religious experience as I had when I
painted them ( Chilvers 515). In 1960, for the first time, John and Dominique de
Menil visited Rothko in his studio in the Bowery of New York City. They had a
dream and they wanted his
Examples Of Innocence In A Tree Grows In Brooklyn
A common response to a child acting immaturely is to say grow up . People who
promote this phrase encourage maturity and better decision making, however, this is
not the right thing to say. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is set in Williamsburg,
Brooklyn in the early Twentieth Century. The protagonist, Frances (Francie) Mary
Nolan, is part of a working class American family but is able to see past the dust and
grime and into the beauty. In A Tree
Grows in Brooklyn Betty Smith raises the
question of whether it is better to stay innocent or become mature. Overall, through
Francie, Smith demonstrates that true understanding of the world stems from both
experiences of innocence and harsh realities of life. Only one of these would lead to
a too narrow minded view, limiting one s success.... Show more content on ...
An example of this is shown when Francie views some of the neighborhood stores.
Francie goes inside and observes the chinaman making change. While viewing this,
she says The best times were when he had to make change. He brought out a small
wooden frame with thin on which were blue, red, yellow and green balls. (Smith
138). This quote shows that Francie is mesmerized by simple things and thinks the
smallest things are fascinating. Another example of Francie doing this is when she
is going to go to school. Smith writes that Francie thinks The faucets were inverted
in the yard and she thought soda water came out instead of plain water. (Smith 143).
This quote demonstrates that Francie views everything as being special and
wondrous. Her sense of innocence is imperative to her development as a character
and a
The Three Branches
The plan to divide the government into three branches was proposed by James
Madison, at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. He modeled the division from
who he referred to as the Perfect Governor, as he read Isaiah 33:22; For the Lord is
our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; He will save us. http:/
/ The founding fathers of the
American Constitution divided the government up into the following three branches
to prevent the majority from ruling with an iron fist; legislative, judicial, and
executive. The three braches were created by the Constitution: Article 1, Legislative
branch made up of the House and the Senate, collectively known as Congress; Article
2, Executive... Show more content on ...
Constitution, and appoints federal judges by advice and consent of the Senate
(SITE, p.). The judicial branch is comprised of the Federal, District, and Appeals
Courts, which judge cases concerning federal law, but the Supreme Court decides
if the law agrees with the U.S. Constitution.
/index?qid=20080521155230AAz04SP Each of the three branches is controlled
by the other two in several ways. The president can veto a law which was passed
by Congress, yet Congress can override the veto with a two thirds vote of both
houses. Members of the Supreme Court, which are appointed by the president and
approved by Congress, can declare a law passed by Congress is unconstitutional.
The U.S. Constitution, Article 1 Section 1, states that the legislative branch be
created from two separate bodies: a House of Representatives and a Senate, together
is known as Congress. Legislative Branch The Legislative branch has the power to
pass federal laws, establish federal courts, override a Presidential veto, and impeach
the President. The size of the House of Representatives resulted out of the Great
Compromise. The number of Representatives is determined by Congress based on the
state population. At minimum each state would have one representative, with larger
states having more. When the House was created there was one representative for
every thirty thousand people, yet currently we have one
The Dependence of Our Society on Technology
During the past two decades technology has seen an explosive progression. In this
time we have come from very few people having personal computers, let alone those
that were able to connect to the internet to having the equivalent of multiple of these
machine in our pockets connected to the internet at all times. In today s society many
people opt to use their mobile deviceover a traditional computer and these devices
make it rather appealing and easy to do so. With applications that are built to make
life easier, games to waste a few minutes, movies and music at the touch of a finger
who wouldn t chose this over the alternative! The problem is when we become too
dependent on these devices. Do we really need to be connected twenty four hours a
day? Is this technology restricting our ability to be productive without it? Can the
users succeed in everyday activities like traveling without these devices? This is a
very new topic for argument but one that needs to be thought about and analyzed.
What society must realize is that we are becoming too dependent on these devices
and need to make reasonable concessions or preparations in the case of a failure.
When we take a look at the uses of these devices we will find that they have an
absolute plethora of uses. Smart phones can be used for the original use of making
phones calls, but that is really the simplest use of the device. We can actually use
these devices to replace GPS systems and aid in navigation, play video games,
Starbucks Total Reward Management Case Study
Total Reward Management Starbucks is one of the most recognized brands in the
country. It specializes in coffee brewing, although it has diversified its products to
include tea and milk based beverages. The company s total reward management
system includes both the traditional and the custom made benefits. The company s
total rewarding system is called Your Special Blend . It includes several perks,
assistance, and benefits. The company checks whether the partners are eligible twice
every year. In order for partners to qualify, they must have worked a minimum of 520
hours. The system utilized by the company offers professional growth opportunities
through the educational assistance program (Starbucks, 2012). The recognition
offered acts as... Show more content on ...
The students receive tuition discounts at the City University of Seattle and at
Strayer University. Partners also get tuition reimbursement for partners who are
already qualified to receive benefits and who have offered their services for one
continuous year. The company offers vacation benefits, which are dependent on a
partner s position, place of work, and length of service. Partners who choose to
work during holidays are paid one and a half times their base hourly rate. All the
partners who have worked in the company for at least ninety days are eligible for a
401(k) program. The company matches the workers contribution by adding 100% of
what the partners pay on the first 4% of the eligible pay. In addition, the company
has an equity reward program and a discounted stock purchase plan. Partners get
tuition assistance, education benefits, and paid vacations. Starbucks has a
recognition program. The company recognizes the contributions made by workers at
all levels of achievement. It offers discounts for in store merchandise. Partners do
not have to pay for the beverages they take while on their work breaks (Starbucks,
Linner Monologue
The average American has three square meals a day. I, on the hand, have four.
They are the following: breakfast, lunch, linner, and dinner. Sometimes linner is
not enough to hold me over for dinner. Especially during the summer where the
days are stretched out like a pregnant woman s stomach. It was one boring summer
day when I received the monologue that I would never forget. We were finish.
Over. Done with. So we changed and searched for the next activity. There was
absolutely not to do except for starting at the unchanging walls. It was around four
and dinner wasn t and isn t until six. I desperately needed a snack after our swim
break. But, sadly this eleven year old had to wait. My stepmother allowed me to have
a popsicle to hold me over.... Show more content on ...
I couldn t make out her words clearly. Would she confront me? Would I be in
trouble for something so little? She had one? , her voice rose to becoming clear
and I knew that I was in high waters. I went to the bathroom and started ringing out
my swimsuit and towel. I playing busy and attempted to distract myself from the
enviable conflict that was being brewed down stairs. But, when she called my
name that s when the floaty was popped and the shark was fast approaching. She
roared like a tiger. I quickly threw the towel up again in dismay because my
brilliant plan had failed. I remember trembling when she confronted me. Then, we
walked into my room. My old bedroom was a place of warmth most of the time.
She was my place of refuge. I would run and jump into her arms when the world did
me wrong. We made crafts and shifted through old memories together. Yet, she
acted differently when others were around. She took off her frames to reveal a new
layer. Her guest were bitter and harsh. They had a fuse shorter than kindergartner s
crayons. I wanted to excused her guest, but it wasn t my place. I wanted to leave, but
she didn t permit me. I had to let the guest do her critic, then she would leave us
The Social Responsibility of Positive Communication
The purpose of this report is to explore the social responsibility Graphic Designers
have regarding communication with the mass media. Berman remarks how
designers have a disproportionately large influence in these three areas: 1.How
messages intended to influence the behavior of large audiences are selected,
crafted, and delivered 2.How people are portrayed and represented visually 3.How
raw materials for designed objects are consumed (99). It will consider the influence
and power designer possess, the negative outcomes of bad communication, and how
designers can do good. This research is significant because the world today needs to
be accountable for the issues it has caused, one designer at a time, one person at a
time.... Show more content on ...
Although it s true that logos incorporate an influence and a branded personality,
there is a trouble in finding a multicultural common ground. According to Conroy,
people still value [their] cultural roots so it would be unwise to suppose that all
interpretations are going to be correct. Claiming that graphic designers can create a
global language through graphic imagery and typography is a bold statement. Since
it takes a sender and a receiver to communicate, we must acknowledge that although
the designer potentially has [influential] power, it depends on the viewer/audience
to give up some kind of control (Mazutinec). Therefore, Berman refers to Adbusters
magazine founder Kalle Lasn who implies we are only in part responsible by
claiming, that most North Americans can only identify 10 plants, but can recognize
1,000 corporate brands (53). It is also important to recognize that designers are a
small part of a large industry that only deserves either part of the credit, or part of the
blame. Either way, is it sad that throughout the world, the second most understood
word is Coke (Berman 31) and not love or hope? Responsibility to the environment
Issues regarding the planets global warming, the acceleration of cultural changes, and
overconsumption should be part of our society s main focus. Instead of promoting Go
Green through graphic communications, McDonough and Braungart suggest
designers need to instill why being less bad
Essay on Hospitality in The Hebrew Scriptures
To welcome the other, the friend or the stranger, is a fundamental aspect of human
society, friendship, love and life. It is the intersection of two lives, an event that can
fundamentally alter the paths of all those involved. This importance within the basic
functioning of human life makes the recognition of hospitality as a central theme of
the Hebrew Scriptures an unsurprising reality. With this in mind then, through this
essay we will examine the understanding of hospitality laid out in the canonical
scriptures of the Hebrew Bible. Through exploring the events of Abraham s meeting
guests in Genesis 18, the text of terror in Judges 19 in which hospitality is violated
and the story of the book of Ruth, we will elicit the role... Show more content on ...
These entwined moments of welcome add to the already high significance societies
place upon hospitality by alluding to a divine presence among those who meet,
reinforcing the importance of this practice for those who attempt to follow the
Hebrew Faith.
Perhaps on of the most important occurrences of the practice of hospitality in the
Hebrew Scriptures, and identified by some sources as paradigmatic , the encounter of
Abraham with three strangers in Genesis 18 reflects the divinely entwined hospitality
mentioned earlier. In this account, the patriarch Abraham is seen as offering the
idealized fulfillment of true hospitality through the overwhelming nature of his
actions and offerings. From the beginning of the story, we see Abraham go out of his
way to greet and welcome the guest, from the initial running to meet them before
bowing in their presence, through to the offer of bread and the reality of a far greater
feast, Abraham spares nothing in his encounter with the strangers. These actions take
on further meaning when referenced in light of the readers awareness that one of
these strangers is The Lord (Gen 18:1). Through the introduction of the divine
character, and this character s acceptance of Abraham s hospitality , a paradigm is
established in the story that is found throughout the rest of the Hebrew Scriptures.
Because of the paradigmatic model of
Imaginative creative activity complete
Imaginative creative activity Write what the purpose of an imaginative creative
activity is. What is imagination? What is an imaginative activity? What is the
purpose of an imaginative activity? Why are imaginative activities important? Why
would people take part in imaginative activities? Who would participate in
imaginative creative activities? Give clear examples of how they can take part
(give an example of an activity) and explain why they are suitable and why service
users will benefit from taking part in the activities. E.G children, adults, older service
users. Imagination is preforming new ideas, images or concepts of objects that are
not already present to the senses Creative activity Painting... Show more content on ...
Good for fighting against conditions such as Alzheimer s, because it makes their
memory stronger. Memory loss Painting will boosts imagination so they think more
widely and outside the box. Also strengthens the memory and expresses the brain to
explore and will encourage them to be more imaginative. Will be happier that they
remember things, making them more confident. Hearing impairment Will get them
more deep thinking about things and they will have a good strong concentration.
Feel joyful with people reactions and joyful when doing their painting. This will
help them gain self esteem. And they will be thoroughly emitted to painting. And
they will think of it as their hobby so they are not bored and feel alone. lack of
mobility sensory This can It help focus energy so you are mentally stable.
Introducing your body into a calmer, more focussed state of awareness, also healthy
for the brain because it helps them express their feeling through a painting piece. It
will help them be Less anxious, relaxed and not self conscious. Impairment Will
boost self confidence. Painting makes us more human, This way they will be more
confident because they will feel like they don t have nothing wrong with them. They
learn to communicate in different ways, will benefit people with lack of
communication or people that are shy and have autism or other disabilities.
Photography Photography is capturing a moment and fulfilling a lifetime of
memories. It s about capturing them once in
A Green Economic Plan For The Environment Essay
With the deterioration of numerous environments around the globe, and the increased
phenomena of anthropogenic climate change, it is evident that changes must take
course and the protection of the environment become a crucial aspect embedded in
social, political, and economic change. With this understanding, many nations across
the globe have adopted a green economic plan that aims to reduce the impact upon the
natural environment, whilst also ensuring economic benefit; however, establishing a
strong green economic plan that targets the reduction of impact upon the environment
can be a financially difficult process, particularly for nations that do not possess the
adequate funding. Considering this, many nations in this position partner up with
other nations so that the necessary funding can be fulfilled. Guyana is a sovereign
state situated in South America that is known to have exceptionally high rates of
deforestationfor the past several years. Considering this, Norway has taken on the
initiative to provide monetary incentives that will fuel Guyana s green economy on
the basis that deforestation rates are reduced. Exploring the GRIF project will provide
a unique outlook on specifically how economic investments can promote a green
economy, and, subsequently, propose a model that presents a scenario in which the
reduction of the global impact upon the natural environment can be achieved.
The Guyana REDD+ Investment Fund
Various initiatives, such as Reducing Emissions
I Am Using A Vans Off The Wall Ad Essay
Photographers, like writers, make conscious decisions in order to create meaning.
The varies techniques they use are able to touch the audience in different ways.
Advertisements have specific appeal they want use before they even think about a
photograph. For this analysis I m going to describe my physical ad, explain what is
the meaning, and point out what the photographer did to create this meaning.
I m using a Vans Off The Wall ad which was put in the Thrasher monthly
skateboarding magazine in 2007. In the photograph they have the professional
skateboarder, co owner of Flip Skateboards, and owner of the Civil ware Service
Corporation Geoff Rowley. Rowley is riding his skateboard down this long rail of a
huge set of stairs which is call grinding, because the skateboard is rubbing against
the rail. Based off the photo I can t tell if it was taken at a skatepark or not, but it
does look like a nice, clear summer day.
When you look at this Vans ad what does it mean to you? It may give off different
meaning depending on how you view it. I m sure to most viewers their receiving
that Vans waffle grip bottom has been around and working since 66. When looking
at the photo you can get a sense of adventure and risk or in skateboarders terms
sketchiness. As a former skateboarder I believes it s a way to express your daring,
maybe outgoing side; like street art/graffiti. Skateboarding and street art is very
similar depending on the person s view point. Street art/graffiti is
The World Bank And Imf
As a result of the inadequacies of the World Bank and IMF, Uganda today appears
to be no better off today then as they were in the year(s) prior to acquiring the
assistance in debt relief in 1998. According to Ana Eiras; Despite such a monstrous
display of resources, according to the index of economic freedom, the Bank s
money has done nothing to improve the economic freedom in recipient countries .
Erias goes on to make it clear that many of the country s who have received
assistance have seen no change or economic improvement and are just as poor as
they were many years ago. There is a distinct ineffectiveness on the part of the World
Bankand IMF to effectively utilize their plethora of economic intelligence,
strategic relationships, and technical and industrial knowledge to help a country to
an improved economic state. Uganda received as much as $650 million in US
dollars for the purposes of debt relief back in 1998. The relief was to provide
assistance in several ways to include an educational program, the purchase and
cancellation by HIPC Trust Fund of outstanding IDA credits the payment of debt
service by HIPC Trust Fund , savings on IDA charges associated with these
instruments , (Press Release 1998). In short the World Bank was to cover as much
as half of Uganda s annual debt. They were awarded this because they had met the
requirements , and Uganda was said to have the strongest performing economies in
Africa . (Press Release 1998) What was
Information Safety and the National Security Agency
Security information In the last 20 years, we had a boom in communication. The
industry of telecommunication and the velocity of internet has increased, in a way
that never happened. In the past the evolution of communication increased each
decade, today increase each second. In the past the only way for communication was
the voice, and sometimes, for example, they used animals to send a message, like a
bird, but it still take a long time to send a message. However each century brings
another ways to made a communication. The interception of message, is not a new, in
the past the people intercepted the messenger from another country to get
information. The communications increased so much, on the other hand, the ways to
intercept the message increased to. Nowadays, we living a age of information,
everything happens faster than other times. Consequently the interception of
information, in other words, the cases of espionage, become one of the biggest
worries for the nations around the world. Recently, Edward Snowden, an ex agent of
NSA (National SecurityAgency) from USA, leaks a largest number of documents
containing information about various countries. This leak sparked the warning
signal of the countries (Shoichet, 2013). The predecessor of NSA, was created in
April 28, 1917, when a code and cipher decryption unit was established as the Cable
and Telegraph Section, in the Military Information Section; I m August 26, 1918,
became a independent department called by
Gender Norms In Fulltime Housewife
The sengyo shufu sarariman (fulltime housewife salaryman) gender norms ultimately
arose following World War Two. This essay argues that this gender norm was
promoted due to Japan s aims of economic prosperity after their surrender. Both of
these roles complement and influence the other, making it difficult for Japan to
ultimately move away from these constrictive and ingrained genderroles. The
fullltime housewife serves to prop up its male counterpart of salaryman and the
desire to not be seen as lower class, and is encouraged by the blocked career paths
and discouragement from Japanese society as a whole. The salaryman aims to be the
sole breadwinner of the nuclear family household and is influenced by the insidious
promotion... Show more content on ...
They will often face extraordinarily long commutes, the lack of affordable child care
for children under age 3, expectations of frequent overtime, and job transfers... And
although some do chose to work alongside the full time housewife role, the time
allocated and the opportunities to work or learn do not take precedent over the main
nurturing role they add to it, but are slotted in between.
The fulltime housewife and the salary man obviously both fulfil the roles of the
nuclear family to a fault the sole breadwinner (the man) and the nurturing caregiver
(the woman). The exist on the basis that the other does, which is how the fulltime
housewife came into existance the economic boom that created the dedicated and
hardworking salaryman needed a nurturing and caring role to look after the physical
and mental health of the Japanese male and so the fulltime housewife came into
Managing Financial Principles and Techniques
This unit will give learners a foundation in financial principles and techniques
relevant to the strategic management process. It encourages learners to explore the
nature of cost based financial data and information, the impact of the budgeting
process on the organisation, and the development of cost reduction and management
procedures and processes. It also focuses on the management of these costs through
the use of forecasting, appraisal and financial reporting procedures. One of the main
objectives of this unit is for learners to develop the confidence to apply, analyse and
evaluate financial and cost information.
Areas of Learning
Be able to apply cost concepts to the decision making process ... Show more content
on ...
On the basis of the answers a, b c above, make justified strategic investment decision
for the PEG Limited and advice with reasons as to which machine should be
Define Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and state one way in which it can be arrived at.
Please explain with suitable graph.
(A.C 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3)
Task 6
For the year ending 30 April 2008 the comparative summarised financial data for two
companies in the same commercial sector was as follows:
Heath Ltd Fork Ltd $000 $000
Fixed assets (net) 52 54
Current assets:
Stock 48 64
Debtors 30 80
Cash 42 16 172 214
Less: Current liabilities
Morality Of Animals In Life Of Pi, By Yann Martel
Life of Pi, written by Yann Martel, follows the life of Piscine Molitor Patel who
physically endured over two hundred days on a directionless lifeboat with only a
Bengal tiger named Richard Parker as a companion. When Pi is first recovered
and put into a hospital, he is forced to recount his detailed story to a couple of
judgemental Japanese correspondents, Mr.Okamoto and Mr.Chiba, who not only
do not believe his story, but laugh in his face as he vocalizes it. They believe Pi s
tale is nothing more than just that; a fictional tale which he invented. Despite Pi
embellishing the events that occurred into almost complete fiction and
unbelievability, such events did happen, just not in the same way Pi explains.
With taking Mamaji s initial promise into consideration, Pi s story involving
animals is the better story. To begin Martel s novel Mamaji says that Pi s story was
one that would make one believe in God. The story without animals is not only
brutal, depressing, and traumatizing but it also disregards the fun of believing in
something for the sole purpose of wanting to. Pi Patel furthers this idea when he
says If you stumble at mere believability, what are you living for?...Love is hard to
believe, ask any lover. Life is hard to believe, ask any scientist. God is hard to
believe, ask any believer. (Martel 297). Pi explains it best, his story with animals
may be unbelievable;however, unbelievable things occur every day. He agrees
with the condescending Japanese men, in the aspect that his story is
unimaginable, yet challenges them by forcing them to think. The animals story
allowed Pi to believe the unbelievable in order to save his own humanity. Pi s belief
that Richard Parker was real, permitted him to push away the realistic trauma he
would ve endured if he faced the truth. In the beginning of Martel s novel, Pi is a
young, pure, innocent, pacifistic, vegetarian boy who just wants something to
believe in, a purpose. Pi allows Richard Parker, his very own, large orange symbol
of hope, be the survival side of himself that he has yet to accept. He is constantly
running from his behavior by placing it onto Richard Parker. This allows Pi to think
the tiger saves his inner past version of himself. It was
Mesoamerica Is A Complex Society
In Mesoamerica, the agriculture has many characteristics that contributes to the fact
that this society is a complex society. It is clear that the spread of agriculture
throughout the region, preservation of land, systemized cultivation, and an increase
in population shows how the societies, such as Olmec, in Mesoamericaare complex.
The people of TehuacГЎn, in modern day Puebla, Mexico, first started to harvest wild
grasses. As the Natufians started domesticating wheat with desirable characteristics in
Asia, the people of TehuacГЎn eventually developed a variety of maize around 7000
BCE. In TehuacГЎn used no draft animals and mainly relied on agriculture and some
hunting and gathering to support their society. This shows how many residents
The Leadership Pitfalls Of Leadership
Leaders Who Fall to the Pitfalls of Leadership
When an employee of an organization feels their performance and achievements do
not matter, that organization may ultimately suffer. Genuinely recognizing the
value of your employees will help stop a leader from falling into the pitfalls of
leadership, and having their employees enter into a dimension known as the critter
state . An employee that falls into this state is known to have their ideas and skills
fall short while they focus on a single question: What will keep me safe? (Comaford
C., 2013). Below, I will explore the leadership pitfalls and how to possibly avoid
Pitfall Number 1: Failing to Respond to Employee Emails
I can recall a situation at a former employer, where I sent an email to my supervisor
asking for the following day off from work. I sent the email early in the morning to
give my employer enough time to consider my request. By mid afternoon, I did not
have a response. My supervisor was busier than usual that day, but I sent her
another email incase she forgot to reply. I still had no response by the end of the
day. I finally approached her and asked if she had a chance to read my email. She
then told me she could not approve my request because our office would be short
staffed. I understood the reason but did not understand why she did not respond to
my email. I left work that day feeling I was not important enough for her to respond
to my email. A simple and quick reply would have
Cathedral Raymond Carver
Man Vu
Mr. Sharp
Comp. 1
13 Ferbuary 2017
Cathedral: An annotated bibliography
McManus, Dermot. Cathedral by Raymond Carver. The Sitting Bee, The Sitting Bee,
25 Dec. 2013, raymond carver/. Accessed 9 Feb. 2017.
This review of the short story Cathedral by Raymond Carver is very insightful. The
author points out the theme of the story right from the beginning. The theme includes
jealousy, insecurity, isolation, detachment, and connection. Then the author begins to
break down the symbolism of each sense in the story that Carver uses to create a
deeper level of meaning in his story. For example, when Robert asks the narrator to
describe a cathedral for him, the narrator is unable to think of anything to say and
couldn t ... Show more content on ...
His second hypothesis following the first one by saying that the cathedral is the most
glorious man made sight someone could witness. The last hypothesis we get from
the creator is that the cathedral is quiet and peaceful place. Without any conclusion,
the creator ended the video with an open question What was the reason that Carver
went with a cathedral? This ending has left a huge question in everyone who
watches the video, but it is also a great way to force those watchers to come up with
their own conclusion from what they have learned from the
Abused Men Research Paper
Abused Men believed to suffer from mental health problems as a result of the
violence, depression, and distress. In 2004 according to the National Crime
Victimization Survey 1.3 per 1,000 men had been assaulted by an intimate partner.
The National Violence Against Women Survey found that men were physically
assaulted by their current or former spouse at a rate of 0.8 %.
Unfortunately for these male victims, social stigma of masculinity and the lack of
awareness obstruct these men from reporting their abuse. If they do report the abuse,
the authorities rarely can be prevailed upon to take the man s side Furthermore, these
men are pressured to keep silent about the abuse because it is seen as unmanly and
weak. This is confirmed by a case
The Dominance of Microsoft’s Xbox 360
The Dominance of Microsoft s Xbox 360
The video game market has slowly and steadily created a larger presence for itself
in the entertainment industry. The largest part of the market s recent growth (from
2005 to the present) is undeniably due in part to the video game console created by
Microsoft called the Xbox 360. Microsoft was the first company to release what is
called the current generation console, and successfully beat Sony out of the gate.
Prior to the release of the Xbox 360, Sony had dominated the market with their
console, the PlayStation 2. It is because of Microsoft s ongoing innovations to
enhance player interactivity and large game catalogue (especially those with record
breaking sales) is why they are the dominant ... Show more content on ...
(Kubba) This amount of money is unheard of when it comes to music or film. In
comparison, the top most grossing films are Avatar and Titanic. (Internet Movie
Database) The film Avatar earned $760 million within three years, and Titanic
earned $658 million within six years, all of which are comprised of film earnings
at the box office and home video recordings like DVD or Blu ray. The technology
created by Microsoft for their Xbox 360 is the first of its kind. A perfect example
is a device called the Kinect. This device utilizes a microphone and multiple
cameras to enhance gamers experience, especially for game titles like Dance
Central. Kinect utilizes motion detection in order to spot interaction and display it
on the screen accordingly. Another function for the device is voice recognition.
Rather than using a controller, the player can simply speak the commands and the
Xbox will do the said action. But the use for the Kinect has also extended far beyond
its gaming origins, spurring advances in medical treatment. (Knight) Using the Kinect
for real world applications, including making medical diagnoses or three dimensional
modeling was an unintended side effect of the Kinect when it was released. At first,
Microsoft seemed hesitant to allow people to use the Kinect for something outside of
gaming, but soon it was apparent that it could be used
The Enigma Machine and How It Worked
The Enigma Machine and How it Worked. Ibrahim Rashid What is the Enigma
Machine: The enigma machine was a coding device that was used by the Germans
during World War 2 to write, send, and decipher encrypted messages. How did it
work: The enigma machine was a very complicated device. On the inside of the
machine there were three rotors that contained all 26 letters of the alphabet. What
would happen was that when someone would press a letter on the keyboard, a
different letter would pop up on the paper, such as A for E, D for G, F for Z, and so
on. These substitutions occur because of the positions of the rotors on the inside of
the machine. The rotors are first situated at any random letter in the alphabet and
when the button is... Show more content on ...
4 3 2 1 21. 4 3 1 2 22. 4 2 3 1 23. 4 2 1 3 24. 4 1 3 2 25. 4 1 2 3 Answer to Question 2:
There are 24 different combinations of rotors that could be used if we have 4 rotors
and 4 slots. This is proven above where I have written all possible combinations for
the Enigma machine with four rotors and four slots. Question 3: Will I be able to
predict how many combinations there are for 5 rotors and 5 slots? Answer: I predict
that there will be 120 different combinations of rotors to choose from and my support
for this prediction will come below. 5 Rotors: 5 Slots: 120 Combinations Rotors
Used: 1/2/3/4/5 1,2,3,4,5 1,2,3,5,4 1,2,4,3,5 1,2,4,5,3 1,2,5,3,4 1,2,5,4,3 1,3,2,4,5
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Colonism In Europe
It is evident that in 16th century Europe there existed both the motivation and the
means to explore and colonize territory across the seas. As it can be said, With the
dawn of the 16th century, there came together in Europe both the motivation and the
means to explore and colonize territory across the seas. This statement is true to a
large extent, especially in the areas of trade and technology. The physical means to
explore and colonize came from the advances in technology that the Europeans had
gone through, allowing them to sail far across the oceans and take over native
populations easily. The motivation, on the other hand, came from trade related
reasons, such as the desire to trade new resources, to find gold, and to find new trade
routes. Without the technology or trade at the dawn of the 16th century, there would
not have been the means nor the motivation for Europeans to explore and colonize
the New World. First, the Europeans had the means to explore and colonize the New
World mainly because of their advances in technology. As Schweikart put it, a wide
range of technologies coalesced to encourage long range voyages of discovery. For
example, the Arabs development of the astrolabe helped sailors establish the sun s
altitude above the horizon. Vikings farther north introduced new methods of hull
construction, allowing vessels to withstand violent ocean storms. Sailors on the
Baltic coast tinkered with larger and more controlled ship designs. Improved ships
What Did You Learn From The Harvard Managementor
EHTP Ponts Executive MBA MA 19 Module:Effective Communications
Professor:Gigi WANG Assignment:Pre Class Homework Name of
participant(s):Reda MAHMAJ Declaration of Authorship I (We) hereby declare
that I (we) have neither given nor received unauthorized help on this assignment,
that all work is my (our) own unless otherwise stated, and that all sources used in
the preparation of this assignment have been properly cited. Submitted on: Part 1:
Business writing 1.What did you learn from the Harvard ManageMentor Writing
Skills tutorial? (1) Besides the basics of an effective writing, the Harvard
ManageMentor Writing Skills tutorial gave me practical steps on how to plan the
task, how to develop its components and how to edit for content and style. In fact, it
taught me how essential a deep understanding of the task is. Before all, it is
important to consider the delivery strategy. Then, one must clarify his purpose, scope
the topic and analyze his audience by making himself in the reader s shoes, in order
to state a clear key message. Since I have always considered that starting writing is
the most challenging step, I found the getting started methods just inspiring. So
according to the contexts I must anticipate reader s questions, create a traditional
outline, use the brainstorm outline, or try a free writing. Likewise, I learned how to
choose the appropriate organizing method: Order of importance, Chronological,
Process and
Essay about UAC Food Ltd.
UAC Food Ltd. Choose an organisation in which you have worked and briefly
describe your place in the organisational structure the management style of your
immediate supervisor and the mechanism of control in operation do you believe
Bureaucratic control is an inevitable part of the organisation s design.
UAC food ltd is an organisation located in Nigeria. It one of Nigeria largest
supermarket food chains, operating more than twenty stores that provides people with
widest selection of food and other services. It has a well complex organisational
structure consisting of more than one hundred and fifth members of staffs.
Organisational structure as ... Show more content on ...
Flexibility for example you can just take a day off without following the correct
procedures. Staff at the bottom may feel the manager at the top has no idea what
they think or do. Each functional area has many staff who specialise in their own
job. UAC food hierarchical structure has five levels.
The Chief executive, chairman and deputy chairman are at the highest level in the
hierarchy and the rest like the managing director, manager, supervisor and the other
members of staff come under them level by level depending on the job. My place in
the organisational structure was at the bottom which was an assistant in the company.
Management style is an overall technique implemented by a leader or an
organisation in directing individuals or members of organisation. The style of
management in UAC food ltd is an autocratic and democratic style of management.
An autocratic style is situation whereby the leader makes all final and unilateral
decisions for the group[3], while a democratic style is a situation whereby the
leader allows subordinates to make decisions for themselves, share ideas and
opinions[4]. In UAC food ltd the supervisor has a style of management, which sets
out objectives allocates task and expects the work to be done exactly as required
Accounting for Pending Litigation and a Verdict
Accounting for Pending Litigation and a Verdict Overturned on Appeal Our team is
given the task to account for a pending litigation. We are to determine how pending
litigation should be reported on the current and future financial statements. M
Corporation was sued for patent infringement and we will present whether M
Corporation should accrue a liability, disclose a liability, do both, or do nothing.
The case accounting for the litigation and the subsequent overturned verdict was
ongoing for four years between M Corporation and W Corporation and, as litigation
is unpredictable, changes will have to be made accordingly. We will present how M
Corporation should a) account for the pending litigation in 2007 the year the claim
was... Show more content on ...
Based on this information, only an immaterial amount of companies actually accrue
a liability in their financial statement. Therefore, M Corporation will simply
provide disclosure of the contingency and an estimate of the possible loss or range
of loss for the future pending litigation in its 2007 financial statement under Note:
Contingencies and Commitments. If M Corporation accrued a liability on its 2007
financial statements, then the company becomes too transparent to opposing
counsel and it could have serious adverse effects on M s operations. Considering
real world practices, as well as in accordance with the conceptual framework from
the textbook, accrual of a loss from ongoing litigation is rare. Companies usually do
not record a loss until after the ultimate settlement has been reached. For example, the
Las Vegas Sands Corporation, in a recent quarterly report, disclosed but did not
accrue damages from a lawsuit it lost, even after the award was affirmed by the trial
court, because the company believe that it has valid bases in law and fact to overturn
or appeal the verdict. Consequently, M corporation should not accrue the contingency
loss but continually disclose the matter even when a judgment was reached against
the corporation to pay $18.5 million in 2009, given that the
Business Data And Using Medium Or High Tolerance For
Telecom offers three classes of service or queues for their One Office network, to
deliver different service levels regarding latency, delay, packet loss, jitter and
bandwidth depending on the application. The three classes are :
1.Real Time applications that need real time response (e.g. VoIP)
2.Interactive thin client apps with low delay and loss tolerance (e.g. Citrix)
3.Business Data applications with medium or high tolerance for delay and loss
While each class can use the bandwidth allocated to it, the business data class is
also able to burst into the other queues, if those do not utilize their bandwidth at
the time (Telecom New Zealand Ltd., 2005). Only the business data and real time
classes are used by Gen iand bandwidth is allocated to these classes depending on the
individual office. The offices with 2 Mbps links (Rotorua, Tauranga, Napier) for
instance reserve 400 or 256 Kbps for their voice traffic, whereas the Corporate
Telecom office has allocated 4.5 Mbps of their 10 Mbps link to real time traffic.
6.2 Site to site VPN and remote VPN Internet
Gen i uses virtual private network (VPN) connections between their Gisborne office
and Invercargill site as well as for the connection of remote users, such as at home or
on the road, to connect to their network resources through Invercargill. VPN
connections are established over the Internet, which Invercargill accesses through
Telecom s Corporate Internet Direct service (CID). This service provides fibre
Examples Of Toys In Toy Story 3
Toy Story 3: All good things must come to an End In the movie Toy Story 3, the
toys that were once loved and played with by Andy are sent off to a new home
where things seem great. They soon learn, however, that living at their new home
is far from their old life. The toys that have been used by Andy for years are
suddenly packed up and sent off to a new home, a daycare, with no reasoning. The
toys then meet a stuffed bear named Lots O who at first seemed to take the
leadership role in place of Woody, however, the toys soon learn the Lots O has other
plans for them. The toys are excited that they will be played with again at the
daycare, but the children turn out to be very aggressive and break some of the toys
that they play with. The... Show more content on ...
When Andy s toys learn that they are going to be given to the bad kids, they
attempt to rebel against Lots O. Lots O captures the toys and puts them inside of a
toy jail that he has been putting toys in for years. This jail is in the Caterpillar
Room , which is where the bad kids play. When the toys do get taken out to be
played with, it is rough, and not fun. At this point in the movie Lots O puts on a
fake persona that is almost too good to be true, which causes the toys to become
comfortable. Once he decides that they need to be given to the bad children he
sheds that persona and shows his true self. When Andy s toys arrive at the daycare,
it is the beginning of the children s recess. The toys watch the children run outside.
They are very happy to see that the children are smiling, laughing, and having fun.
When Lots O tells them they will be staying in the Caterpillar Room , they are
ecstatic because they haven t been played with in a long time. When the children
come in from recess, the toys are all laying in the bins ready to be played with.
This, however, is when the toys learn that the children in the Caterpillar Room are
very young and rough on toys. The children begin to tear apart some of the toys
that were in the room before them. Andy s toys run and hide so they won t be
broken and hurt. After the toys learn that this room is where the bad children go,
they realize what Lots O has done to them. Andy s toys believed that this daycare
was full of good
Tractor Essay
If you have a tractor with a flat or damaged tire, you are going to need to take it off
in order to fix or replace the tire. Taking a tire off of a tractor is very similar to taking
a tire off a regular vehicle. Here is what you are going to need to do.
Find A Flat Surface
The first thing you need to do is find a flat and even surface to park your tractor on.
You don t want your tractor to roll or move when you are working on it, so make
sure the surface is stable.
Secure Your Tractor
Once you have found a flat surface, you need to secure your trailer and make sure
that it doesn t move. Place bricks or wooden blocks behind and in front of all the
tires that you are not going to be changing. This will prevent your tractor from rolling.
Place The Jack
Don t use a regular jack; you are going to want to use a heavy duty jack that is
designed to cary a lot of extra weight. Place the jack under ... Show more content on ...
Take Off The Hub Cap
Next, you need to take off the hubcap that is keeping your tire in place. You are going
to need to use a tire iron to take the hubcap off your trailer. You are going to need to
put the tire iron under the top of the rim, and then work slowly to loosen and pull of
the hubcap. You should work around the tire in a clockwise direction.
Take Off The Lug Nuts
Finally, take off the lug nuts. You are going to need to use a lug wrench in order to
remove each lug nut. In order to loosen the lug nuts, you are going to need to turn
the wrench clockwise. Make sure you place the lug nuts aside so you can use them
Once you have removed the lug nuts, you can take off the damaged tire and place a
new tire on your tractor. You are going to need to first put the lug nuts back on, then
the hub cab, before you lower your tractor and remove the jack. If you need
assistance with this job you can take your tractor to your local
Mkt 421 Week 1
Defining Marketing
April 30, 2012
Defining Marketing
As a personal definition, marketing is a strategy to promote consumer awareness and
positive feelings towards a brand or product in order to encourage the consumer to
purchase or use that product. In more specific terms, the American Marketing
Association (2012) defines marketing as the activity, set of institutions, and processes
for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value
for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. A simpler definition of
marketing, as identified by the U.S. Small Business Administration (2012), are the
activities and strategies that result in making products available that satisfy customers
while making ... Show more content on ...
Prior to this marketing campaign, diamonds were not often used for the purpose of
engagement rings. The A Diamond is Forever ads made consumers think differently
about the product by associating the gift of a diamond with romance and eternal love.
Today, it is tradition for a man to present the woman he plans to marry with a
diamond engagement ring. Touted as one of the best advertising campaigns of the
twentieth century by Advertising Age magazine (1999), The De Beers Diamond
Company continues to use the ads to convey their message that diamonds are
timeless, valuable, and romantic.
State Farm s Marketing Ranked number one in insurance providers, State Farm
Insurance has been using their current marketing strategy Like a good neighbor,
State Farm is there for more than 40 years. This marketing strategy reinforces State
Farm s image as being a neighborhood company with neighborly agents. Current
president, Edward B. Rust, Jr. defined being a good neighbor as someone to be
trusted; a courteous, friendly source of help when help is needed; someone you can
count on; someone who cares (State Farm, 2012). This traditional marketing strategy
of good service resonates especially with the older generation who are willing to pay
a premium for good service.
Conclusion Overall, the measure of a good marketing strategy is not only the return
on investment but also whether the campaign
Civil Government, By Henry David Thoreau
Citizen Obligation to Government The establishment of the United States of America
s government was of the people, by the people, for the people. In Resistance to Civil
Government, Henry David Thoreau through the supplementing of rhetoric devices
perfectly argues the ineffectiveness of the government. In addition to outlining the
hypocrisy and corruption , Thoreau courageously dots the short comings,
responsibilities, as well as, expanding on effective and deliberate initiatives citizens
must initiate to implement a more stable and trustworthy government.
To start his argument, Thoreau explains the initial duties of the government
permitted as a society. From the start, the government was only the mode which the
people have chosen to execute their will is (said to be) equally liable to be abused
and perverted before the people can act through it for it has become run by a few
individuals using it (the standing government) as their tool (Thoreau 843). Thoreau,
through the use of special diction such as inexpedient and chosen, explains the
ineffectiveness of the government, due to the fact that the will of the people no
longer the main focus of the government. In the point of view of Thoreau, it will
greatly benefit the people to never allow this government, run by few, to itself further
any enterprise (Thoreau 843). Society as a whole must reject any legislation founded
on the benefit of the government alone. Thoreau uses anaphor as he list the
Fellowship Of The Ring Literary Analysis
A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself is
said by Joseph Campbell, an American mythologist, writer and lecturer, who easily
defines the hero. One of the most known heroes in literature is Frodo Baggins in
the English myth, Lord of the Rings. Frodo Baggins becomes the ringbearer to the
all powerful One Ring in which he has to take to the fires of Mount Doom to where
it was forged. The author of this magnum opus, J.R.R. Tolkien was born January 3rd,
1892 in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Receiving his education from King Edward s
School and then sent to Exeter s College in Oxford,Tolkien studied the classics, Latin
and Greek, and Anglo Saxon Literature and Middle English which later influenced
his creation of the Lord of the Ringsand the languages within it. Always wanting to
make an English myth, J.R.R. Tolkien took inspiration from the world around him
and his love of philology to create the Lord of the Rings.... Show more content on ...
An example being the protagonist, Frodo, as the archetypal hero and his companion
Sam as the loyal retainer. The Fellowship of the Ring follows the hero s journey.
Another work that follows this hero s journey is Star Wars. Star Wars is a famous
American myth created by George Lucas. Making his own myth, George Lucas
revolutionized the American movie industry and forever changed the world with his
inspirational impact through the vivacious Star Wars universe. In the Star Wars
trilogy, the archetypal hero, Luke Skywalker leaves his home Tatooine to save the
universe from the power of the Empire. Both following the hero s journey, Frodo and
Luke have the qualities that are required of the archetypal hero. Both archetypal
heroes in The Fellowship of the Ring and the Star Wars trilogy, Frodo Baggins and
Luke Skywalker, demonstrate the heroic qualities of courage, determination, and
The Effect Of Concentration On Rate Of Reaction
The Effect on Concentration on Rate of Reaction
Year 10 Term 1 Using Chemistry
Grace McKinlay
Year 10 Science Term 1 Using Chemistry
Teacher Ms. Roslyn Knight
Table of Contents
Risk Analysis5
Definitions of Essential Vocabulary13
Marble, or calcium carbonate, is a fairly insoluble compound with the chemical
formula CaCO3. This compound has a carbonate ion, which has a charge of 2 and
a calcium ion, which has a charge of +2. Calcium carbonate has a few forms
including chalk and limestone. The main use of these two materials is in the
making of concrete, which is used for many things including buildings. The rate of
the reaction is the speed that the reaction takes place; therefore, by measuring the
rate, the amount of time the reaction takes will be measured. Hydrochloric acid is a
stronger acid that is found in digestive juices in the human stomach and is also used
for cleaning metals before they are coated. When you mix a strong acid like HCl
with any carbonate you will have a chemical reaction in which CO2 gas is released.
This means that it will fizz indicating a chemical reaction. These two elements can
react with hydrochloric acid to yield carbon dioxide, calcium chloride and water. The
chemical reaction equation for hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate is:
2HCl + CaCO3 в†’ CaCl2 + H2O + CO2
Things that will affect the reaction
Comparing A Workaholic And Alcoholic
A workaholic and alcoholic have similar qualities. Each quality affects oneself and
those around physically, mentally, and socially. A workaholic is someone who has a
compulsive need to work, however; an alcoholic is someone who persistently needs
to drink alcohol. Although the desires are different, they still are affected by addiction
the same way.
One of the common effects of being a workaholic is experiencing exhaustion. The
long hours and the rigorous work load could harm or damage someone s body, as
well as drinking alcohol on a daily basis. When drunk one can experience
blackouts, dizziness, and shakiness. Both alcohol and consistent working can cause
one s body to give out on them. These two activities can hinder exercise and muscle
movement for long periods of time, which can be detrimental as someone s life
progresses. When one is drunk, they exhibit aggressive behavior which can result in
hurting others. Workaholics are usually absent from home, leaving a child
unattended and exposed to bodily harm. Physical effects are a major part in an addict
s life, but that s not the ... Show more content on ...
They become in denial about the situations they are facing. When someone is
dependent on a sole thing in order to live comfortably their psyche can be affected;
both of these addictions can cause psychiatric disorders. If someone is constantly
working, not making time for leisure or exercise they can develop Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), depression, anxiety, and obsessive compulsive
disorders. Alcoholics can develop various forms of OCD as well. Continuously
working and not being available in a loved one s life can cause depression. Some
alcoholics blackout and have no recollection for what they have done. During this
time they can say hurtful things to people they love and they won t even remember.
Not only can alcoholics and workaholics be physically and mentally affected by their
condition, they can be socially affected as
The Rainy River Summary
guilt of memories and shame. Although, these young men, these soldiers, start
thinking of being stateside with young women, and friends, they realize two
things could possibly be happening, one this is only imagination or the real world
still exist outside the horrors of Vietnam. While fulfilling their tour, Alpha
Company must learn how to deal with loss, fear and guilt that comes from the
death the war creates while watching people die. This outlook is like watching
someone with cancer, or a platoon glow from rounds of florescent gleam from that
of napalm. This assessment of an emotional weight remains somewhat to that of
one person who fell on a killer grenade and now remains surrounded with the smell
of death. Tim explains how as these men carry a large emotional load, they also
seem surrounded by many wounded grunts and demise. The rainfall and cold never
stop as it only sets in, making the cold settle into their aching bones like a dagger at
times. Tim imagined they all carry the land,... Show more content on
O Brien illuminates the fear in the protagonist, as he describes his (Tim s) fear of
the war but also, being an outcast within his own family Tim feels everything that
makes him who he is will be lost even if he survives the war. (O Brien, 1990, pg.
42). As the protagonists flees to Wisconsin on his way to Canada, to avoid the
draft, he came upon little cabin where this older person knew why he was there.
The old man lets Tim stay in the woods, there he cuts wood, fishes and repairs the
cabin while he makes peace with himself only to return home, not be cowardice, and
serve his country. Here the protagonists stayed several days thinking he can flee to
the border easier since it was just across the lake, then comes to his senses hence,
returns to face his fear of future death and
Yellowstone National Park Essay
Yellowstone National Park has some of the most beautiful and exiting things to do. It
has some of the most interesting Facts. Wyoming has some of the most beautiful
streams, geysers, and mountains in the US. There are some really neat things about
Yellowstone National Park is Service and a favorite to millions of visitors each
year. The park is a major stop to have a good vacation. By driving we could view
the park from the comfort of our vehicle and also take a rest at one of the many
roadside picnic areas. The park has thousands of miles of trails. Lewis and Clark
were the first whites to explore the Yellowstone region among them was one of the
most celebrated hunter and woodsman of that period, John Colter. ... Show more
content on ...
150 centuries ago the land beneath the sidewalk was covered by ice thousands of feet
thick. In Grand Teton National Park, on the same August day, you can view a
glacier. From the valley floor, the Teton Glacier is only 4.5 miles to the west and
7,000 feet up the mountain. More glaciers from the nearby Mt. Moran.
On the Pitchstone Plateau of Yellow stone, a hiker in August can find patches of
last winter s snow in the shade of the ledges, if they aren t already covered by the
new snows of autumn. The annual temperature at Lake Ranger Station in
Yellowstone is 33В° F, just a little above freezing. The most striking examples of
Yellowstone s deep cold are Yellowstone and Lewis lakes that remain frozen most
years from December to late May. Often Lewis Lake melts in early June.
Winter weather in northwest Wyomingis brisk. Temperatures around 40В° F mostly
occur at Old Faithful, and those in the town of Jackson, Wyoming, are often below
30В° E With these temperatures in , it is not difficult to imagine the cold, more
cloudy summers and temperature drops of 15В° F might have on the Yellowstone
National Park. At Yellowstone s youngest glacier, the Pinedale, the Bull Lake
Though there were eight or more earlier glaciations than Bull Lake in the
Yellowstone region. In Yellowstone national Park there a lot of land glaciers. At
land, forms the glaciers left behind these landforms and deposits were formed
millions of years ago.
Argumentative Speech On Little Brother Of War
The Little Brother of War
A.Attention Getter: What sports did you play while growing up? Was there a sport
that everyone in town was crazy about?
B.Tie to the Audience: Have you heard about The Little Brother of War or stickball? I
can almost guarantee you that this game is not for you if you are afraid to seriously
get injured.
C.Credentials: This traditional sport is very popular amongst the southeastern tribes,
mainly the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians in Philadelphia, Mississippi. I, as
part of this tribe, can tell you firsthand how special this sport is.
D.Purpose: Let me explain to you more details about The Little Brother of War .
E.Thesis Statement: Stickball is the oldest sport in America, rules have changed, and
it is ... Show more content on ...
The game use to last for days, but now the game is usually an hour and half long.
The only time it is longer is if there is a tie between two teams. MBCI reports their
games having four quarters with fifteen minutes in each quarter.
6.The winner is still determined by the most points to hit the goal post.
Transitional Phrase: Next, the stickball game have rules and some of the rules have
been changed over the years.
C.Main Point 3:
1.From my personal perspective, men usually makes the stickball sticks , also known
as kabocca, and the ball, or towa.
2.Sticks are made from hickory wood.
a.The wood is shaved and smoothed down to a broom like sticks except with a
squared end.
b.It can be long as arm length or whichever desired length one is most comfortable
c.One end of the stick is usually wrapped with tape for grip.
d.The other end is thinned down to bend and shaped into a ring of a cup. Once the
cup is made, it is tied down with the deer skin or leather.
3.The ball is easier to make.
a.To start off, get a small pebble and wrap the pebble really tight with stripped cloth
until the size of a golf ball.
b.Once wrapped, the ball is ready to be woven with the leather or deer

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Persuasion Essay Topics. Persuasive speech topics argumentative essay

  • 1. Persuasion Essay Topics Crafting an essay on the subject of "Persuasion Essay Topics" can be quite challenging due to the multifaceted nature of persuasion itself. Firstly, selecting a compelling and relevant topic demands thorough research and a deep understanding of current trends, societal issues, or academic debates. This process involves sifting through numerous potential ideas to find one that not only interests the writer but also resonates with the intended audience. Once the topic is chosen, the task of developing a persuasive thesis statement becomes paramount. This statement must encapsulate the core argument and stance of the essay, providing a clear roadmap for the reader to follow. Building a persuasive argument requires a meticulous gathering of evidence, which often involves a comprehensive review of scholarly articles, statistics, and expert opinions. The challenge lies in synthesizing this information into a coherent and compelling narrative that supports the central thesis. Furthermore, structuring the essay effectively is crucial. The introduction must captivate the reader's attention, present the thesis, and establish the context of the topic. The body paragraphs should unfold the argument logically, with each paragraph building upon the previous one. This necessitates a keen awareness of transitions, ensuring a smooth flow of ideas. The conclusion should reiterate the main points, reemphasize the thesis, and leave a lasting impression on the reader. Moreover, maintaining a persuasive tone throughout the essay is essential. This involves carefully choosing words, anticipating potential counterarguments, and providing compelling rebuttals. Balancing ethos, pathos, and logos – the three modes of persuasion – adds an additional layer of complexity, requiring a nuanced approach to engage the audience emotionally, logically, and ethically. In summary, writing an essay on "Persuasion Essay Topics" demands a combination of research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. The process involves navigating through the intricacies of topic selection, thesis development, evidence gathering, and persuasive writing. However, for those seeking assistance, similar essays and much more can be ordered on, where professionals are ready to support and guide through the complexities of academic writing. Persuasion Essay TopicsPersuasion Essay Topics
  • 2. Hydrogen Fuel Of The Future With nations like Costa Rica, Albania, Paraguay, and Iceland all currently running on 100% renewable electricity, the notion of clean Audi e fuels rule and sustainable energy is becoming a more realistic and feasible option in the minds of many. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe and has been present since the beginning of time. Hydrogen is the smallest element in the universe, hydrogen consists as a diatomic, gaseous molecule with a single proton and a single electron. Hydrogen does not exist in its pure form on the planet, but it is present as a compound in molecules like water, glucose, natural gas, and even oil (Busby). Because it is found in such a variety of sources, hydrogen is the perfect power source for fuel cells. What exactly are hydrogen fuel cells and why will they be the fuel of the future? Hydrogen fuel cells are a mechanical device that convert the electrochemical energy found in a fuel source, like hydrogen, into electrical energy, with the only byproducts being heat and water (Hoffmann 6). In all fuel cells there are two electrodes, an anode and a cathode, with an electrolyte, a membrane capable of moving ions, in between the two (Sorenson 73). During their operation, hydrogen fuel is injected into the anode side, while oxygen, usually from the air, is pumped to the cathode. The hydrogen molecule disassociates, and the proton passes through the electrolyte to join the oxygen, while the electron from the hydrogen molecule travels in an
  • 3. Golf Course Research Paper Did you ever think that a gentleman s game could relate so much to a seventeen year old girls life? Turns out you can relate anything if you try hard enough. Every day is a new day, similar to each hole and golf course is different. You never know what the condition of the golf course will be and you don t know what the weather might be while your playing. One of the biggest things I follow when I m playing golf is to take one shot at a time just like the saying take one day at a time. Imagine stepping up to the first tee of a golf course that you have never played before, you tend to get up on the tee box looking to see where would be the best place to hit your tee shot. This reminds me of starting freshmen year at a new school and looking around the cafeteria to see ... Show more content on ... As my senior year approaches just like my thoughts on the final hole I contemplated which college I would like to attend. I wanted a college that was going to give me the best opportunities after and during my college experience. I also knew that I needed a coach that would push me. I wanted a coach and a golf team that would be there to help me grow and work hard to achieve not only my personal goals but helps the team achieve theirs. On that last hole of the golf game getting ready for your final putt of the round you take a chance and chose the line that you want to putt your ball on. When I discovered Colorado State University and Coach Annie I felt I just chose the right line for myself. As the final ball rolls toward the hole and coach Annie selected me as one of her new recruits I knew not only that I had the right speed and the right line I knew I found the right college. I continue to stare down the line and watch as my putt slowly falls in the hole, with my hands up I knew that I picked the right line and have also made the best decision on wanting to become a Ram for Colorado State
  • 4. Depravity In Oryx And Crake In the scene where the Crakers bring Snowman his weekly fish (as they are required), Snowman notes that despite the Crakers having accepted Snowman s monstrousness , they still can t help peeking. The spectacle of depravity is of interest even to them, it seems, purified by chlorophyll though they are (Atwood 101). For all the horror and desecration in Oryx and Crake, this is the only use of depravity . Interestingly, this is also the only use of purified . What does it mean that these two words are set juxtaposed against each other, for the only time in the novel? I tend to think of depravity more as a noun, or as a static state. As in, something is depraved, along with its many connotations (it is evil, it is wicked, etc.). Yet, it can also be less of a static state someone is trapped in, and can also be an action someone is doing (or receiving) experiencing a privation towards evil, towards wickedness). With that in mind, it is interesting to consider how the Crakers are not just witnessing passively a scene of evil (involving a living being consuming another living being), but perhaps are also becoming depraved... Show more content on ... This was their purpose in being created by Crake, and the situation this scene describes does in some ways affirm their purity. With no reason beyond Crake says so , they prepare and deliver a fish to Snowman. While they do kill the fish, it is done out of a command and obedience but is this perhaps the beginning of their falling , if they do indeed fall? Because shortly after, Snowman describes them peeking at his spectacle of depravity . The spectacle is his furiously eating the fish they killed; Snowman has corrupted the Crakers into killing, in order to appease his human desires. Even though the Crakers do not have this desire to eat once living things, being chlorophyll purified as they are, they still see cannot resist being drawn into the
  • 5. Kleeman s Short Story You, Disappearing The short story You, Disappearing takes you into a apocalyptic world. The twist is that it s not the type of apocalypse you think. The world does not bursting into flames or even a swarm of zombies running around. The apocalypse seems quiet and everything just slowly disappearing one item, thought, memory, or person at time. The protagonist through out the story deals with the disappear of not only everything around them but the lose of a relationship too. The protagonist keeps contemplating why the worldcontinues towards an end of everything and if there seems to show a pattern to it. The protagonist keeps going back to the old relationship before the memory leaves. You, Disappearing is written in first person point of view that makes you... Show more content on ... The story s set in a now a days city, we can tell this by the use of cell phones and walking next to bridges The walking path next to the highway passed under a bridge. (Kleeman) I was calling you over and over on the cell phone... (Kleeman) The social environment at the time of end of the world wasn t chaotic like what we see in movies. It started with people freaking out then after a few weeks settling down and accepting the fact that there was nothing we can do to stop it, you just have to make the time you have left worth it. This setting adds to the story by giving the reader an image that would be different then what they might have thought the end of the world would look like. The setting also adds to the conflict of the story. With the conflict being everything seems to be disappearing, literally the setting disappears as we read through out the story. The setting adds suspense to the story, keeping the reader on the edge of there seat wondering what was going to disappear next. The writer shows uses a great form of imagery to get the reader to understand the true emptiness of the setting this story is placed in Sound carried further these days, tearing through the thin air like stone thrown as hard as you can toward the sea. . The author puts the setting together perfectly to allow the reader to put themselves into the environment of the story. Which is so important because the setting provides the framework for what is being discussed.
  • 6. Sonia Sotomayor s College Life It was a freshmen year in college. When you worry about grades, appearance, friends and places to study. Sonia Sotomayor from My Beloved World, she is experiencing the college life. She is attending each classes and understanding her mistakes then improving them. Since Sonia Sotomayor started Princeton, she have come across to many challenges. Sonia Sotomayor have started her freshmen year in Princeton. She took courses like sociology, psychology, history and molecular biology. She did not like molecular biology, because they have to deal with rats. When she found out the rats are cannibalism, she was grossed out. The grad student overseeing my efforts intercepted me as I ran out of the room screaming (166). Even if she was grossed, she still
  • 7. Riboflavin Research Paper Goal: to post information about 10 chemicals for a chemical supply company Total Word Count In This Document: 1517 Title: A Guide To 10 Chemicals 1.Riboflavin Riboflavin, otherwise known as B2, is a type of B vitamin that is soluble in water, which means that it is not stored in the body and therefore needs to be replenished each day. Riboflavin works with over B type vitamins to boost body growth, red blood cell production, and breaking down proteins to release energy. Riboflavin can be found in many foods, including dairy products like milk and cheese, eggs, green leafy vegetables like kale, lean meats, organ meats like livers, legumes, and nuts. Riboflavin can also be found in grains like bread and cereal, but the riboflavin ... Show more content on ... However, it can also be used for gas in refrigerators, purifying water supplies, and the manufacturing of many useful items like plastics, explosives, textiles, pesticides, dyes and other chemicals, and household and industrial strength cleaning products. 8.Soybean Oil Soybean oil is vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of soybeans. Soybean oil is one of the most biodegradable and eco friendly chemicals commonly used for commercial purposes. It is one of the most widely used and consumed cooking oils in the food product industry, and as a drying oil, it can also be used as a chemical base for printing inks and oil paints. It is also commonly used as a fixative for insect repellants. 9.Bees Wax Like soybean oil, Bees Wax is one of the most biodegradable and eco friendly chemicals commonly used for commercial purposes. Bees wax is a natural wax produced by honey bees by being formed into scales by eight wax producing glands in male honey bees which are then discarded in the honey bees hives, forming the recognizable pentagonal honeycomb foundation. The chemical composition of bees wax mainly consists of esters of fatty acids and many long chain
  • 8. Communication, Career Path, And Roles Of A Nurse... Advanced practice nurses are in high demand due to the increased pressure within our evolving health care system, with a renewed emphasis on health and wellness. According to the American Association College of Nursing, advanced practice nurses must obtain a higher level of learning as well as having key competencies and skills (American Association College of Nursing). The ultimate goal is to achieve positive patient outcomes, resulting in an improved health care system. The purpose of this paper is to provide valuable insights into the education, career path, and roles of a nurse practitioner. Interview I conducted my interview with Dr. Karen Lehman, DNP, APRN. Dr. Lehman is a nurse practitioner who currently works for Newton Medical Center as a hospitalist. She also works as needed basis on the E.R. unit. She affiliates with other doctors and physicians in other medical groups including; Newton Healthcare Corporation, and Harry Hynes Hospice, where she also works as needed. Dr. Lehman always had an interest in medicine, but didn t think she was smart enough to pursue a career in nursing. She worked several odd jobs including that of a fitness trainer. She s not really sure why she went into nursing, other than she always thought that she wanted to work in an area where she could help people, and make a difference in their lives. She finally decided to enter Wichita State s nursing program. After graduation, she worked as an ER nurse at Wesley Medical
  • 9. Roe Abbott Biography Introduction In the chilly darkness the killer had been hanging out in the clubs parking lot while the music pounded inside. Little did the audience know that they were about to whiteness one of the most shocking moments in Metal history. On December 8 2004 in Columbus Ohio former Pantera guitarist Dimebag Darrell Abbott was shot dead while preforming at the Alrosa Villa nightclub along with fan Nathan Bray, Damageplan crew member Jeff Thompson, and club employee Erin Halk. This story is going to be about the life and death of Dimebag Darrell Abbott and his journey and a bit about his killer. Younger Years Darrell Lance Abbott was born on August 20 1966 in Ennis Texas.Abbott wanted to play the guitar at a very young age, but his parents couldn t afford it no got him a BMX bike but the next year he got his first guitar at twelve and was obsessed.After a few years he had ... Show more content on ... If you were to ask any person that ever knew Dime would say that he was an extremely generous, and just a down right cool guy. The majority of metal fans would tell you that he was and still is the greatest metal guitarist of all time, and inspired people to want to play guitar.Nathan Gale was a quiet kid in school and went to the marines at age 23, and was kicked out because of mental issues. Then he joined a minor football league team, His former teammates would say that he listen to Pantera before and after games.After all of this Dime will always be considered one of the greatest ever. Conclusion So that was the story of Diamond , Dimebag Darrell Abbott. It s so sad that he had to be murdered. If you were to ask anyone that knew him they would say that he would treat anyone that he knew or just met like family, weather it was backstage or even at his own home. The chilling thing about the murder is that it was on the 24th anniversary of john Lennon s
  • 10. The Rothko Chapel Essay Mark Rothko is recognized as one of the greatest artists of the twentieth century and during his lifetime was touted as a leading figure in postwar American painting. He is one of the outstanding figures of Abstract Expressionism and one of the creators of Color Field Painting. As a result of his contribution of great talent and the ability to deliver exceptional works on canvas one of his final projects, the Rothko Chapel offered to him by Houston philanthropists John and Dominique de Menil, would ultimately anchor his name in the art world and in history. Without any one of the three, the man, the work on canvas, or the dream, the Rothko Chapel would never have been able to exist for the conceptualization of the artist, the creations on... Show more content on ... Rothko was well accepted in the New York art community, but experienced limited success during this time. Needing to add to his income he took a position at the Center Academy instructing sculpture and painting and maintained this position from 1929 to 1952. As Rothko advanced in his painting style he began to metamorphose from using imagery and symbolism to using colour fields. Typically his paintings feature large rectangular expanses of colour arranged parallel to each other, usually in a vertical arrangement. The edges of these shapes are softly uneven, giving them a hazy, pulsating quality, and they seem to gently hover or float over the canvas. The paintings are often very large and the effect they produce is generally one of calmness and contemplation, but in spite of their tranquility, they cost Rothko enormous emotional effort: I m not an abstract artist...I m not interested in the relationship of colour or form or anything else. I m interested only in expressing basic human emotions tragedy, ecstasy, doom and so on. And the fact that a lot of people break down and cry when confronted with my pictures show that I can communicate these basic human emotions...The people who weep before my pictures are having the same religious experience as I had when I painted them ( Chilvers 515). In 1960, for the first time, John and Dominique de Menil visited Rothko in his studio in the Bowery of New York City. They had a dream and they wanted his
  • 11. Examples Of Innocence In A Tree Grows In Brooklyn A common response to a child acting immaturely is to say grow up . People who promote this phrase encourage maturity and better decision making, however, this is not the right thing to say. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is set in Williamsburg, Brooklyn in the early Twentieth Century. The protagonist, Frances (Francie) Mary Nolan, is part of a working class American family but is able to see past the dust and grime and into the beauty. In A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Betty Smith raises the question of whether it is better to stay innocent or become mature. Overall, through Francie, Smith demonstrates that true understanding of the world stems from both experiences of innocence and harsh realities of life. Only one of these would lead to a too narrow minded view, limiting one s success.... Show more content on ... An example of this is shown when Francie views some of the neighborhood stores. Francie goes inside and observes the chinaman making change. While viewing this, she says The best times were when he had to make change. He brought out a small wooden frame with thin on which were blue, red, yellow and green balls. (Smith 138). This quote shows that Francie is mesmerized by simple things and thinks the smallest things are fascinating. Another example of Francie doing this is when she is going to go to school. Smith writes that Francie thinks The faucets were inverted in the yard and she thought soda water came out instead of plain water. (Smith 143). This quote demonstrates that Francie views everything as being special and wondrous. Her sense of innocence is imperative to her development as a character and a
  • 12. The Three Branches The plan to divide the government into three branches was proposed by James Madison, at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. He modeled the division from who he referred to as the Perfect Governor, as he read Isaiah 33:22; For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; He will save us. http:/ / The founding fathers of the American Constitution divided the government up into the following three branches to prevent the majority from ruling with an iron fist; legislative, judicial, and executive. The three braches were created by the Constitution: Article 1, Legislative branch made up of the House and the Senate, collectively known as Congress; Article 2, Executive... Show more content on ... Constitution, and appoints federal judges by advice and consent of the Senate (SITE, p.). The judicial branch is comprised of the Federal, District, and Appeals Courts, which judge cases concerning federal law, but the Supreme Court decides if the law agrees with the U.S. Constitution. /index?qid=20080521155230AAz04SP Each of the three branches is controlled by the other two in several ways. The president can veto a law which was passed by Congress, yet Congress can override the veto with a two thirds vote of both houses. Members of the Supreme Court, which are appointed by the president and approved by Congress, can declare a law passed by Congress is unconstitutional. The U.S. Constitution, Article 1 Section 1, states that the legislative branch be created from two separate bodies: a House of Representatives and a Senate, together is known as Congress. Legislative Branch The Legislative branch has the power to pass federal laws, establish federal courts, override a Presidential veto, and impeach the President. The size of the House of Representatives resulted out of the Great Compromise. The number of Representatives is determined by Congress based on the state population. At minimum each state would have one representative, with larger states having more. When the House was created there was one representative for every thirty thousand people, yet currently we have one
  • 13. The Dependence of Our Society on Technology During the past two decades technology has seen an explosive progression. In this time we have come from very few people having personal computers, let alone those that were able to connect to the internet to having the equivalent of multiple of these machine in our pockets connected to the internet at all times. In today s society many people opt to use their mobile deviceover a traditional computer and these devices make it rather appealing and easy to do so. With applications that are built to make life easier, games to waste a few minutes, movies and music at the touch of a finger who wouldn t chose this over the alternative! The problem is when we become too dependent on these devices. Do we really need to be connected twenty four hours a day? Is this technology restricting our ability to be productive without it? Can the users succeed in everyday activities like traveling without these devices? This is a very new topic for argument but one that needs to be thought about and analyzed. What society must realize is that we are becoming too dependent on these devices and need to make reasonable concessions or preparations in the case of a failure. When we take a look at the uses of these devices we will find that they have an absolute plethora of uses. Smart phones can be used for the original use of making phones calls, but that is really the simplest use of the device. We can actually use these devices to replace GPS systems and aid in navigation, play video games,
  • 14. Starbucks Total Reward Management Case Study Total Reward Management Starbucks is one of the most recognized brands in the country. It specializes in coffee brewing, although it has diversified its products to include tea and milk based beverages. The company s total reward management system includes both the traditional and the custom made benefits. The company s total rewarding system is called Your Special Blend . It includes several perks, assistance, and benefits. The company checks whether the partners are eligible twice every year. In order for partners to qualify, they must have worked a minimum of 520 hours. The system utilized by the company offers professional growth opportunities through the educational assistance program (Starbucks, 2012). The recognition offered acts as... Show more content on ... The students receive tuition discounts at the City University of Seattle and at Strayer University. Partners also get tuition reimbursement for partners who are already qualified to receive benefits and who have offered their services for one continuous year. The company offers vacation benefits, which are dependent on a partner s position, place of work, and length of service. Partners who choose to work during holidays are paid one and a half times their base hourly rate. All the partners who have worked in the company for at least ninety days are eligible for a 401(k) program. The company matches the workers contribution by adding 100% of what the partners pay on the first 4% of the eligible pay. In addition, the company has an equity reward program and a discounted stock purchase plan. Partners get tuition assistance, education benefits, and paid vacations. Starbucks has a recognition program. The company recognizes the contributions made by workers at all levels of achievement. It offers discounts for in store merchandise. Partners do not have to pay for the beverages they take while on their work breaks (Starbucks,
  • 15. Linner Monologue The average American has three square meals a day. I, on the hand, have four. They are the following: breakfast, lunch, linner, and dinner. Sometimes linner is not enough to hold me over for dinner. Especially during the summer where the days are stretched out like a pregnant woman s stomach. It was one boring summer day when I received the monologue that I would never forget. We were finish. Over. Done with. So we changed and searched for the next activity. There was absolutely not to do except for starting at the unchanging walls. It was around four and dinner wasn t and isn t until six. I desperately needed a snack after our swim break. But, sadly this eleven year old had to wait. My stepmother allowed me to have a popsicle to hold me over.... Show more content on ... I couldn t make out her words clearly. Would she confront me? Would I be in trouble for something so little? She had one? , her voice rose to becoming clear and I knew that I was in high waters. I went to the bathroom and started ringing out my swimsuit and towel. I playing busy and attempted to distract myself from the enviable conflict that was being brewed down stairs. But, when she called my name that s when the floaty was popped and the shark was fast approaching. She roared like a tiger. I quickly threw the towel up again in dismay because my brilliant plan had failed. I remember trembling when she confronted me. Then, we walked into my room. My old bedroom was a place of warmth most of the time. She was my place of refuge. I would run and jump into her arms when the world did me wrong. We made crafts and shifted through old memories together. Yet, she acted differently when others were around. She took off her frames to reveal a new layer. Her guest were bitter and harsh. They had a fuse shorter than kindergartner s crayons. I wanted to excused her guest, but it wasn t my place. I wanted to leave, but she didn t permit me. I had to let the guest do her critic, then she would leave us
  • 16. The Social Responsibility of Positive Communication Within... The purpose of this report is to explore the social responsibility Graphic Designers have regarding communication with the mass media. Berman remarks how designers have a disproportionately large influence in these three areas: 1.How messages intended to influence the behavior of large audiences are selected, crafted, and delivered 2.How people are portrayed and represented visually 3.How raw materials for designed objects are consumed (99). It will consider the influence and power designer possess, the negative outcomes of bad communication, and how designers can do good. This research is significant because the world today needs to be accountable for the issues it has caused, one designer at a time, one person at a time.... Show more content on ... Although it s true that logos incorporate an influence and a branded personality, there is a trouble in finding a multicultural common ground. According to Conroy, people still value [their] cultural roots so it would be unwise to suppose that all interpretations are going to be correct. Claiming that graphic designers can create a global language through graphic imagery and typography is a bold statement. Since it takes a sender and a receiver to communicate, we must acknowledge that although the designer potentially has [influential] power, it depends on the viewer/audience to give up some kind of control (Mazutinec). Therefore, Berman refers to Adbusters magazine founder Kalle Lasn who implies we are only in part responsible by claiming, that most North Americans can only identify 10 plants, but can recognize 1,000 corporate brands (53). It is also important to recognize that designers are a small part of a large industry that only deserves either part of the credit, or part of the blame. Either way, is it sad that throughout the world, the second most understood word is Coke (Berman 31) and not love or hope? Responsibility to the environment Issues regarding the planets global warming, the acceleration of cultural changes, and overconsumption should be part of our society s main focus. Instead of promoting Go Green through graphic communications, McDonough and Braungart suggest designers need to instill why being less bad
  • 17. Essay on Hospitality in The Hebrew Scriptures To welcome the other, the friend or the stranger, is a fundamental aspect of human society, friendship, love and life. It is the intersection of two lives, an event that can fundamentally alter the paths of all those involved. This importance within the basic functioning of human life makes the recognition of hospitality as a central theme of the Hebrew Scriptures an unsurprising reality. With this in mind then, through this essay we will examine the understanding of hospitality laid out in the canonical scriptures of the Hebrew Bible. Through exploring the events of Abraham s meeting guests in Genesis 18, the text of terror in Judges 19 in which hospitality is violated and the story of the book of Ruth, we will elicit the role... Show more content on ... These entwined moments of welcome add to the already high significance societies place upon hospitality by alluding to a divine presence among those who meet, reinforcing the importance of this practice for those who attempt to follow the Hebrew Faith. Perhaps on of the most important occurrences of the practice of hospitality in the Hebrew Scriptures, and identified by some sources as paradigmatic , the encounter of Abraham with three strangers in Genesis 18 reflects the divinely entwined hospitality mentioned earlier. In this account, the patriarch Abraham is seen as offering the idealized fulfillment of true hospitality through the overwhelming nature of his actions and offerings. From the beginning of the story, we see Abraham go out of his way to greet and welcome the guest, from the initial running to meet them before bowing in their presence, through to the offer of bread and the reality of a far greater feast, Abraham spares nothing in his encounter with the strangers. These actions take on further meaning when referenced in light of the readers awareness that one of these strangers is The Lord (Gen 18:1). Through the introduction of the divine character, and this character s acceptance of Abraham s hospitality , a paradigm is established in the story that is found throughout the rest of the Hebrew Scriptures. Because of the paradigmatic model of
  • 18. Imaginative creative activity complete Imaginative creative activity Write what the purpose of an imaginative creative activity is. What is imagination? What is an imaginative activity? What is the purpose of an imaginative activity? Why are imaginative activities important? Why would people take part in imaginative activities? Who would participate in imaginative creative activities? Give clear examples of how they can take part (give an example of an activity) and explain why they are suitable and why service users will benefit from taking part in the activities. E.G children, adults, older service users. Imagination is preforming new ideas, images or concepts of objects that are not already present to the senses Creative activity Painting... Show more content on ... Good for fighting against conditions such as Alzheimer s, because it makes their memory stronger. Memory loss Painting will boosts imagination so they think more widely and outside the box. Also strengthens the memory and expresses the brain to explore and will encourage them to be more imaginative. Will be happier that they remember things, making them more confident. Hearing impairment Will get them more deep thinking about things and they will have a good strong concentration. Feel joyful with people reactions and joyful when doing their painting. This will help them gain self esteem. And they will be thoroughly emitted to painting. And they will think of it as their hobby so they are not bored and feel alone. lack of mobility sensory This can It help focus energy so you are mentally stable. Introducing your body into a calmer, more focussed state of awareness, also healthy for the brain because it helps them express their feeling through a painting piece. It will help them be Less anxious, relaxed and not self conscious. Impairment Will boost self confidence. Painting makes us more human, This way they will be more confident because they will feel like they don t have nothing wrong with them. They learn to communicate in different ways, will benefit people with lack of communication or people that are shy and have autism or other disabilities. Photography Photography is capturing a moment and fulfilling a lifetime of memories. It s about capturing them once in
  • 19. A Green Economic Plan For The Environment Essay With the deterioration of numerous environments around the globe, and the increased phenomena of anthropogenic climate change, it is evident that changes must take course and the protection of the environment become a crucial aspect embedded in social, political, and economic change. With this understanding, many nations across the globe have adopted a green economic plan that aims to reduce the impact upon the natural environment, whilst also ensuring economic benefit; however, establishing a strong green economic plan that targets the reduction of impact upon the environment can be a financially difficult process, particularly for nations that do not possess the adequate funding. Considering this, many nations in this position partner up with other nations so that the necessary funding can be fulfilled. Guyana is a sovereign state situated in South America that is known to have exceptionally high rates of deforestationfor the past several years. Considering this, Norway has taken on the initiative to provide monetary incentives that will fuel Guyana s green economy on the basis that deforestation rates are reduced. Exploring the GRIF project will provide a unique outlook on specifically how economic investments can promote a green economy, and, subsequently, propose a model that presents a scenario in which the reduction of the global impact upon the natural environment can be achieved. The Guyana REDD+ Investment Fund Various initiatives, such as Reducing Emissions
  • 20. I Am Using A Vans Off The Wall Ad Essay Photographers, like writers, make conscious decisions in order to create meaning. The varies techniques they use are able to touch the audience in different ways. Advertisements have specific appeal they want use before they even think about a photograph. For this analysis I m going to describe my physical ad, explain what is the meaning, and point out what the photographer did to create this meaning. I m using a Vans Off The Wall ad which was put in the Thrasher monthly skateboarding magazine in 2007. In the photograph they have the professional skateboarder, co owner of Flip Skateboards, and owner of the Civil ware Service Corporation Geoff Rowley. Rowley is riding his skateboard down this long rail of a huge set of stairs which is call grinding, because the skateboard is rubbing against the rail. Based off the photo I can t tell if it was taken at a skatepark or not, but it does look like a nice, clear summer day. When you look at this Vans ad what does it mean to you? It may give off different meaning depending on how you view it. I m sure to most viewers their receiving that Vans waffle grip bottom has been around and working since 66. When looking at the photo you can get a sense of adventure and risk or in skateboarders terms sketchiness. As a former skateboarder I believes it s a way to express your daring, maybe outgoing side; like street art/graffiti. Skateboarding and street art is very similar depending on the person s view point. Street art/graffiti is
  • 21. The World Bank And Imf As a result of the inadequacies of the World Bank and IMF, Uganda today appears to be no better off today then as they were in the year(s) prior to acquiring the assistance in debt relief in 1998. According to Ana Eiras; Despite such a monstrous display of resources, according to the index of economic freedom, the Bank s money has done nothing to improve the economic freedom in recipient countries . Erias goes on to make it clear that many of the country s who have received assistance have seen no change or economic improvement and are just as poor as they were many years ago. There is a distinct ineffectiveness on the part of the World Bankand IMF to effectively utilize their plethora of economic intelligence, strategic relationships, and technical and industrial knowledge to help a country to an improved economic state. Uganda received as much as $650 million in US dollars for the purposes of debt relief back in 1998. The relief was to provide assistance in several ways to include an educational program, the purchase and cancellation by HIPC Trust Fund of outstanding IDA credits the payment of debt service by HIPC Trust Fund , savings on IDA charges associated with these instruments , (Press Release 1998). In short the World Bank was to cover as much as half of Uganda s annual debt. They were awarded this because they had met the requirements , and Uganda was said to have the strongest performing economies in Africa . (Press Release 1998) What was
  • 22. Information Safety and the National Security Agency Security information In the last 20 years, we had a boom in communication. The industry of telecommunication and the velocity of internet has increased, in a way that never happened. In the past the evolution of communication increased each decade, today increase each second. In the past the only way for communication was the voice, and sometimes, for example, they used animals to send a message, like a bird, but it still take a long time to send a message. However each century brings another ways to made a communication. The interception of message, is not a new, in the past the people intercepted the messenger from another country to get information. The communications increased so much, on the other hand, the ways to intercept the message increased to. Nowadays, we living a age of information, everything happens faster than other times. Consequently the interception of information, in other words, the cases of espionage, become one of the biggest worries for the nations around the world. Recently, Edward Snowden, an ex agent of NSA (National SecurityAgency) from USA, leaks a largest number of documents containing information about various countries. This leak sparked the warning signal of the countries (Shoichet, 2013). The predecessor of NSA, was created in April 28, 1917, when a code and cipher decryption unit was established as the Cable and Telegraph Section, in the Military Information Section; I m August 26, 1918, became a independent department called by
  • 23. Gender Norms In Fulltime Housewife The sengyo shufu sarariman (fulltime housewife salaryman) gender norms ultimately arose following World War Two. This essay argues that this gender norm was promoted due to Japan s aims of economic prosperity after their surrender. Both of these roles complement and influence the other, making it difficult for Japan to ultimately move away from these constrictive and ingrained genderroles. The fullltime housewife serves to prop up its male counterpart of salaryman and the desire to not be seen as lower class, and is encouraged by the blocked career paths and discouragement from Japanese society as a whole. The salaryman aims to be the sole breadwinner of the nuclear family household and is influenced by the insidious promotion... Show more content on ... They will often face extraordinarily long commutes, the lack of affordable child care for children under age 3, expectations of frequent overtime, and job transfers... And although some do chose to work alongside the full time housewife role, the time allocated and the opportunities to work or learn do not take precedent over the main nurturing role they add to it, but are slotted in between. The fulltime housewife and the salary man obviously both fulfil the roles of the nuclear family to a fault the sole breadwinner (the man) and the nurturing caregiver (the woman). The exist on the basis that the other does, which is how the fulltime housewife came into existance the economic boom that created the dedicated and hardworking salaryman needed a nurturing and caring role to look after the physical and mental health of the Japanese male and so the fulltime housewife came into Japanese
  • 24. Managing Financial Principles and Techniques ASSIGNMENT BRIEF Introduction This unit will give learners a foundation in financial principles and techniques relevant to the strategic management process. It encourages learners to explore the nature of cost based financial data and information, the impact of the budgeting process on the organisation, and the development of cost reduction and management procedures and processes. It also focuses on the management of these costs through the use of forecasting, appraisal and financial reporting procedures. One of the main objectives of this unit is for learners to develop the confidence to apply, analyse and evaluate financial and cost information. Areas of Learning Be able to apply cost concepts to the decision making process ... Show more content on ... On the basis of the answers a, b c above, make justified strategic investment decision for the PEG Limited and advice with reasons as to which machine should be purchased. Define Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and state one way in which it can be arrived at. Please explain with suitable graph. (A.C 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3) Task 6 For the year ending 30 April 2008 the comparative summarised financial data for two companies in the same commercial sector was as follows: Heath Ltd Fork Ltd $000 $000 Fixed assets (net) 52 54 Current assets: Stock 48 64 Debtors 30 80 Cash 42 16 172 214 Less: Current liabilities
  • 25. Morality Of Animals In Life Of Pi, By Yann Martel Life of Pi, written by Yann Martel, follows the life of Piscine Molitor Patel who physically endured over two hundred days on a directionless lifeboat with only a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker as a companion. When Pi is first recovered and put into a hospital, he is forced to recount his detailed story to a couple of judgemental Japanese correspondents, Mr.Okamoto and Mr.Chiba, who not only do not believe his story, but laugh in his face as he vocalizes it. They believe Pi s tale is nothing more than just that; a fictional tale which he invented. Despite Pi embellishing the events that occurred into almost complete fiction and unbelievability, such events did happen, just not in the same way Pi explains. With taking Mamaji s initial promise into consideration, Pi s story involving animals is the better story. To begin Martel s novel Mamaji says that Pi s story was one that would make one believe in God. The story without animals is not only brutal, depressing, and traumatizing but it also disregards the fun of believing in something for the sole purpose of wanting to. Pi Patel furthers this idea when he says If you stumble at mere believability, what are you living for?...Love is hard to believe, ask any lover. Life is hard to believe, ask any scientist. God is hard to believe, ask any believer. (Martel 297). Pi explains it best, his story with animals may be unbelievable;however, unbelievable things occur every day. He agrees with the condescending Japanese men, in the aspect that his story is unimaginable, yet challenges them by forcing them to think. The animals story allowed Pi to believe the unbelievable in order to save his own humanity. Pi s belief that Richard Parker was real, permitted him to push away the realistic trauma he would ve endured if he faced the truth. In the beginning of Martel s novel, Pi is a young, pure, innocent, pacifistic, vegetarian boy who just wants something to believe in, a purpose. Pi allows Richard Parker, his very own, large orange symbol of hope, be the survival side of himself that he has yet to accept. He is constantly running from his behavior by placing it onto Richard Parker. This allows Pi to think the tiger saves his inner past version of himself. It was
  • 26. Mesoamerica Is A Complex Society In Mesoamerica, the agriculture has many characteristics that contributes to the fact that this society is a complex society. It is clear that the spread of agriculture throughout the region, preservation of land, systemized cultivation, and an increase in population shows how the societies, such as Olmec, in Mesoamericaare complex. The people of TehuacГЎn, in modern day Puebla, Mexico, first started to harvest wild grasses. As the Natufians started domesticating wheat with desirable characteristics in Asia, the people of TehuacГЎn eventually developed a variety of maize around 7000 BCE. In TehuacГЎn used no draft animals and mainly relied on agriculture and some hunting and gathering to support their society. This shows how many residents
  • 27. The Leadership Pitfalls Of Leadership Leaders Who Fall to the Pitfalls of Leadership When an employee of an organization feels their performance and achievements do not matter, that organization may ultimately suffer. Genuinely recognizing the value of your employees will help stop a leader from falling into the pitfalls of leadership, and having their employees enter into a dimension known as the critter state . An employee that falls into this state is known to have their ideas and skills fall short while they focus on a single question: What will keep me safe? (Comaford C., 2013). Below, I will explore the leadership pitfalls and how to possibly avoid them. Pitfall Number 1: Failing to Respond to Employee Emails I can recall a situation at a former employer, where I sent an email to my supervisor asking for the following day off from work. I sent the email early in the morning to give my employer enough time to consider my request. By mid afternoon, I did not have a response. My supervisor was busier than usual that day, but I sent her another email incase she forgot to reply. I still had no response by the end of the day. I finally approached her and asked if she had a chance to read my email. She then told me she could not approve my request because our office would be short staffed. I understood the reason but did not understand why she did not respond to my email. I left work that day feeling I was not important enough for her to respond to my email. A simple and quick reply would have
  • 28. Cathedral Raymond Carver Man Vu Mr. Sharp Comp. 1 13 Ferbuary 2017 Cathedral: An annotated bibliography McManus, Dermot. Cathedral by Raymond Carver. The Sitting Bee, The Sitting Bee, 25 Dec. 2013, raymond carver/. Accessed 9 Feb. 2017. This review of the short story Cathedral by Raymond Carver is very insightful. The author points out the theme of the story right from the beginning. The theme includes jealousy, insecurity, isolation, detachment, and connection. Then the author begins to break down the symbolism of each sense in the story that Carver uses to create a deeper level of meaning in his story. For example, when Robert asks the narrator to describe a cathedral for him, the narrator is unable to think of anything to say and couldn t ... Show more content on ... His second hypothesis following the first one by saying that the cathedral is the most glorious man made sight someone could witness. The last hypothesis we get from the creator is that the cathedral is quiet and peaceful place. Without any conclusion, the creator ended the video with an open question What was the reason that Carver went with a cathedral? This ending has left a huge question in everyone who watches the video, but it is also a great way to force those watchers to come up with their own conclusion from what they have learned from the
  • 29. Abused Men Research Paper Abused Men believed to suffer from mental health problems as a result of the violence, depression, and distress. In 2004 according to the National Crime Victimization Survey 1.3 per 1,000 men had been assaulted by an intimate partner. The National Violence Against Women Survey found that men were physically assaulted by their current or former spouse at a rate of 0.8 %. Unfortunately for these male victims, social stigma of masculinity and the lack of awareness obstruct these men from reporting their abuse. If they do report the abuse, the authorities rarely can be prevailed upon to take the man s side Furthermore, these men are pressured to keep silent about the abuse because it is seen as unmanly and weak. This is confirmed by a case
  • 30. The Dominance of Microsoft’s Xbox 360 The Dominance of Microsoft s Xbox 360 The video game market has slowly and steadily created a larger presence for itself in the entertainment industry. The largest part of the market s recent growth (from 2005 to the present) is undeniably due in part to the video game console created by Microsoft called the Xbox 360. Microsoft was the first company to release what is called the current generation console, and successfully beat Sony out of the gate. Prior to the release of the Xbox 360, Sony had dominated the market with their console, the PlayStation 2. It is because of Microsoft s ongoing innovations to enhance player interactivity and large game catalogue (especially those with record breaking sales) is why they are the dominant ... Show more content on ... (Kubba) This amount of money is unheard of when it comes to music or film. In comparison, the top most grossing films are Avatar and Titanic. (Internet Movie Database) The film Avatar earned $760 million within three years, and Titanic earned $658 million within six years, all of which are comprised of film earnings at the box office and home video recordings like DVD or Blu ray. The technology created by Microsoft for their Xbox 360 is the first of its kind. A perfect example is a device called the Kinect. This device utilizes a microphone and multiple cameras to enhance gamers experience, especially for game titles like Dance Central. Kinect utilizes motion detection in order to spot interaction and display it on the screen accordingly. Another function for the device is voice recognition. Rather than using a controller, the player can simply speak the commands and the Xbox will do the said action. But the use for the Kinect has also extended far beyond its gaming origins, spurring advances in medical treatment. (Knight) Using the Kinect for real world applications, including making medical diagnoses or three dimensional modeling was an unintended side effect of the Kinect when it was released. At first, Microsoft seemed hesitant to allow people to use the Kinect for something outside of gaming, but soon it was apparent that it could be used
  • 31. The Enigma Machine and How It Worked The Enigma Machine and How it Worked. Ibrahim Rashid What is the Enigma Machine: The enigma machine was a coding device that was used by the Germans during World War 2 to write, send, and decipher encrypted messages. How did it work: The enigma machine was a very complicated device. On the inside of the machine there were three rotors that contained all 26 letters of the alphabet. What would happen was that when someone would press a letter on the keyboard, a different letter would pop up on the paper, such as A for E, D for G, F for Z, and so on. These substitutions occur because of the positions of the rotors on the inside of the machine. The rotors are first situated at any random letter in the alphabet and when the button is... Show more content on ... 4 3 2 1 21. 4 3 1 2 22. 4 2 3 1 23. 4 2 1 3 24. 4 1 3 2 25. 4 1 2 3 Answer to Question 2: There are 24 different combinations of rotors that could be used if we have 4 rotors and 4 slots. This is proven above where I have written all possible combinations for the Enigma machine with four rotors and four slots. Question 3: Will I be able to predict how many combinations there are for 5 rotors and 5 slots? Answer: I predict that there will be 120 different combinations of rotors to choose from and my support for this prediction will come below. 5 Rotors: 5 Slots: 120 Combinations Rotors Used: 1/2/3/4/5 1,2,3,4,5 1,2,3,5,4 1,2,4,3,5 1,2,4,5,3 1,2,5,3,4 1,2,5,4,3 1,3,2,4,5 1,3,2,5,4 1,3,4,2,5 1,3,4,5,2 1,3,5,2,4 1,3,5,4,2 1,4,2,3,5 1,4,2,5,3 1,4,3,2,5 1,4,3,5,2 1,4,5,2,3 1,4,5,3,2 1,5,2,3,4 1,5,2,4,3 1,5,3,2,4 1,5,3,4,2 1,5,4,2,3 1,5,4,3,2 2,1,3,4,5 2,1,3,5,4 2,1,4,3,5 2,1,4,5,3 2,1,5,3,4 2,1,5,4,3 2,3,1,4,5 2,3,1,5,4 2,3,4,1,5 2,3,4,5,1 2,3,5,1,4 2,3,5,4,1 2,4,1,3,5 2,4,1,5,3 2,4,3,1,5 2,4,3,5,1 2,4,5,1,3 2,4,5,3,1 2,5,1,3,4 2,5,1,4,3 2,5,3,1,4 2,5,3,4,1 2,5,4,1,3 2,5,4,3,1 3,1,2,4,5 3,1,2,5,4 3,1,4,2,5 3,1,4,5,2 3,1,5,2,4 3,1,5,4,2 3,2,1,4,5 3,2,1,5,4 3,2,4,1,5 3,2,4,5,1 3,2,5,1,4 3,2,5,4,1 3,4,1,2,5 3,4,1,5,2 3,4,2,1,5 3,4,2,5,1 3,4,5,1,2 3,4,5,2,1 3,5,1,2,4 3,5,1,4,2 3,5,2,1,4 3,5,2,4,1 3,5,4,1,2 3,5,4,2,1 4,1,2,3,5 4,1,2,5,3 4,1,3,2,5
  • 32. Colonism In Europe It is evident that in 16th century Europe there existed both the motivation and the means to explore and colonize territory across the seas. As it can be said, With the dawn of the 16th century, there came together in Europe both the motivation and the means to explore and colonize territory across the seas. This statement is true to a large extent, especially in the areas of trade and technology. The physical means to explore and colonize came from the advances in technology that the Europeans had gone through, allowing them to sail far across the oceans and take over native populations easily. The motivation, on the other hand, came from trade related reasons, such as the desire to trade new resources, to find gold, and to find new trade routes. Without the technology or trade at the dawn of the 16th century, there would not have been the means nor the motivation for Europeans to explore and colonize the New World. First, the Europeans had the means to explore and colonize the New World mainly because of their advances in technology. As Schweikart put it, a wide range of technologies coalesced to encourage long range voyages of discovery. For example, the Arabs development of the astrolabe helped sailors establish the sun s altitude above the horizon. Vikings farther north introduced new methods of hull construction, allowing vessels to withstand violent ocean storms. Sailors on the Baltic coast tinkered with larger and more controlled ship designs. Improved ships
  • 33. What Did You Learn From The Harvard Managementor Writing... EHTP Ponts Executive MBA MA 19 Module:Effective Communications Professor:Gigi WANG Assignment:Pre Class Homework Name of participant(s):Reda MAHMAJ Declaration of Authorship I (We) hereby declare that I (we) have neither given nor received unauthorized help on this assignment, that all work is my (our) own unless otherwise stated, and that all sources used in the preparation of this assignment have been properly cited. Submitted on: Part 1: Business writing 1.What did you learn from the Harvard ManageMentor Writing Skills tutorial? (1) Besides the basics of an effective writing, the Harvard ManageMentor Writing Skills tutorial gave me practical steps on how to plan the task, how to develop its components and how to edit for content and style. In fact, it taught me how essential a deep understanding of the task is. Before all, it is important to consider the delivery strategy. Then, one must clarify his purpose, scope the topic and analyze his audience by making himself in the reader s shoes, in order to state a clear key message. Since I have always considered that starting writing is the most challenging step, I found the getting started methods just inspiring. So according to the contexts I must anticipate reader s questions, create a traditional outline, use the brainstorm outline, or try a free writing. Likewise, I learned how to choose the appropriate organizing method: Order of importance, Chronological, Process and
  • 34. Essay about UAC Food Ltd. UAC Food Ltd. Choose an organisation in which you have worked and briefly describe your place in the organisational structure the management style of your immediate supervisor and the mechanism of control in operation do you believe Bureaucratic control is an inevitable part of the organisation s design. UAC food ltd is an organisation located in Nigeria. It one of Nigeria largest supermarket food chains, operating more than twenty stores that provides people with widest selection of food and other services. It has a well complex organisational structure consisting of more than one hundred and fifth members of staffs. Organisational structure as ... Show more content on ... Flexibility for example you can just take a day off without following the correct procedures. Staff at the bottom may feel the manager at the top has no idea what they think or do. Each functional area has many staff who specialise in their own job. UAC food hierarchical structure has five levels. The Chief executive, chairman and deputy chairman are at the highest level in the hierarchy and the rest like the managing director, manager, supervisor and the other members of staff come under them level by level depending on the job. My place in the organisational structure was at the bottom which was an assistant in the company. Management style is an overall technique implemented by a leader or an organisation in directing individuals or members of organisation. The style of management in UAC food ltd is an autocratic and democratic style of management. An autocratic style is situation whereby the leader makes all final and unilateral decisions for the group[3], while a democratic style is a situation whereby the leader allows subordinates to make decisions for themselves, share ideas and opinions[4]. In UAC food ltd the supervisor has a style of management, which sets out objectives allocates task and expects the work to be done exactly as required
  • 35. Accounting for Pending Litigation and a Verdict Overturned... Accounting for Pending Litigation and a Verdict Overturned on Appeal Our team is given the task to account for a pending litigation. We are to determine how pending litigation should be reported on the current and future financial statements. M Corporation was sued for patent infringement and we will present whether M Corporation should accrue a liability, disclose a liability, do both, or do nothing. The case accounting for the litigation and the subsequent overturned verdict was ongoing for four years between M Corporation and W Corporation and, as litigation is unpredictable, changes will have to be made accordingly. We will present how M Corporation should a) account for the pending litigation in 2007 the year the claim was... Show more content on ... Based on this information, only an immaterial amount of companies actually accrue a liability in their financial statement. Therefore, M Corporation will simply provide disclosure of the contingency and an estimate of the possible loss or range of loss for the future pending litigation in its 2007 financial statement under Note: Contingencies and Commitments. If M Corporation accrued a liability on its 2007 financial statements, then the company becomes too transparent to opposing counsel and it could have serious adverse effects on M s operations. Considering real world practices, as well as in accordance with the conceptual framework from the textbook, accrual of a loss from ongoing litigation is rare. Companies usually do not record a loss until after the ultimate settlement has been reached. For example, the Las Vegas Sands Corporation, in a recent quarterly report, disclosed but did not accrue damages from a lawsuit it lost, even after the award was affirmed by the trial court, because the company believe that it has valid bases in law and fact to overturn or appeal the verdict. Consequently, M corporation should not accrue the contingency loss but continually disclose the matter even when a judgment was reached against the corporation to pay $18.5 million in 2009, given that the
  • 36. Business Data And Using Medium Or High Tolerance For Delay... Telecom offers three classes of service or queues for their One Office network, to deliver different service levels regarding latency, delay, packet loss, jitter and bandwidth depending on the application. The three classes are : 1.Real Time applications that need real time response (e.g. VoIP) 2.Interactive thin client apps with low delay and loss tolerance (e.g. Citrix) 3.Business Data applications with medium or high tolerance for delay and loss While each class can use the bandwidth allocated to it, the business data class is also able to burst into the other queues, if those do not utilize their bandwidth at the time (Telecom New Zealand Ltd., 2005). Only the business data and real time classes are used by Gen iand bandwidth is allocated to these classes depending on the individual office. The offices with 2 Mbps links (Rotorua, Tauranga, Napier) for instance reserve 400 or 256 Kbps for their voice traffic, whereas the Corporate Telecom office has allocated 4.5 Mbps of their 10 Mbps link to real time traffic. 6.2 Site to site VPN and remote VPN Internet Gen i uses virtual private network (VPN) connections between their Gisborne office and Invercargill site as well as for the connection of remote users, such as at home or on the road, to connect to their network resources through Invercargill. VPN connections are established over the Internet, which Invercargill accesses through Telecom s Corporate Internet Direct service (CID). This service provides fibre
  • 37. Examples Of Toys In Toy Story 3 Toy Story 3: All good things must come to an End In the movie Toy Story 3, the toys that were once loved and played with by Andy are sent off to a new home where things seem great. They soon learn, however, that living at their new home is far from their old life. The toys that have been used by Andy for years are suddenly packed up and sent off to a new home, a daycare, with no reasoning. The toys then meet a stuffed bear named Lots O who at first seemed to take the leadership role in place of Woody, however, the toys soon learn the Lots O has other plans for them. The toys are excited that they will be played with again at the daycare, but the children turn out to be very aggressive and break some of the toys that they play with. The... Show more content on ... When Andy s toys learn that they are going to be given to the bad kids, they attempt to rebel against Lots O. Lots O captures the toys and puts them inside of a toy jail that he has been putting toys in for years. This jail is in the Caterpillar Room , which is where the bad kids play. When the toys do get taken out to be played with, it is rough, and not fun. At this point in the movie Lots O puts on a fake persona that is almost too good to be true, which causes the toys to become comfortable. Once he decides that they need to be given to the bad children he sheds that persona and shows his true self. When Andy s toys arrive at the daycare, it is the beginning of the children s recess. The toys watch the children run outside. They are very happy to see that the children are smiling, laughing, and having fun. When Lots O tells them they will be staying in the Caterpillar Room , they are ecstatic because they haven t been played with in a long time. When the children come in from recess, the toys are all laying in the bins ready to be played with. This, however, is when the toys learn that the children in the Caterpillar Room are very young and rough on toys. The children begin to tear apart some of the toys that were in the room before them. Andy s toys run and hide so they won t be broken and hurt. After the toys learn that this room is where the bad children go, they realize what Lots O has done to them. Andy s toys believed that this daycare was full of good
  • 38. Tractor Essay If you have a tractor with a flat or damaged tire, you are going to need to take it off in order to fix or replace the tire. Taking a tire off of a tractor is very similar to taking a tire off a regular vehicle. Here is what you are going to need to do. Find A Flat Surface The first thing you need to do is find a flat and even surface to park your tractor on. You don t want your tractor to roll or move when you are working on it, so make sure the surface is stable. Secure Your Tractor Once you have found a flat surface, you need to secure your trailer and make sure that it doesn t move. Place bricks or wooden blocks behind and in front of all the tires that you are not going to be changing. This will prevent your tractor from rolling. Place The Jack Don t use a regular jack; you are going to want to use a heavy duty jack that is designed to cary a lot of extra weight. Place the jack under ... Show more content on ... Take Off The Hub Cap Next, you need to take off the hubcap that is keeping your tire in place. You are going to need to use a tire iron to take the hubcap off your trailer. You are going to need to put the tire iron under the top of the rim, and then work slowly to loosen and pull of the hubcap. You should work around the tire in a clockwise direction. Take Off The Lug Nuts Finally, take off the lug nuts. You are going to need to use a lug wrench in order to remove each lug nut. In order to loosen the lug nuts, you are going to need to turn the wrench clockwise. Make sure you place the lug nuts aside so you can use them again. Once you have removed the lug nuts, you can take off the damaged tire and place a new tire on your tractor. You are going to need to first put the lug nuts back on, then the hub cab, before you lower your tractor and remove the jack. If you need assistance with this job you can take your tractor to your local
  • 39. Mkt 421 Week 1 Defining Marketing MKT/421 April 30, 2012 Defining Marketing As a personal definition, marketing is a strategy to promote consumer awareness and positive feelings towards a brand or product in order to encourage the consumer to purchase or use that product. In more specific terms, the American Marketing Association (2012) defines marketing as the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. A simpler definition of marketing, as identified by the U.S. Small Business Administration (2012), are the activities and strategies that result in making products available that satisfy customers while making ... Show more content on ... Prior to this marketing campaign, diamonds were not often used for the purpose of engagement rings. The A Diamond is Forever ads made consumers think differently about the product by associating the gift of a diamond with romance and eternal love. Today, it is tradition for a man to present the woman he plans to marry with a diamond engagement ring. Touted as one of the best advertising campaigns of the twentieth century by Advertising Age magazine (1999), The De Beers Diamond Company continues to use the ads to convey their message that diamonds are timeless, valuable, and romantic. State Farm s Marketing Ranked number one in insurance providers, State Farm Insurance has been using their current marketing strategy Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there for more than 40 years. This marketing strategy reinforces State Farm s image as being a neighborhood company with neighborly agents. Current president, Edward B. Rust, Jr. defined being a good neighbor as someone to be trusted; a courteous, friendly source of help when help is needed; someone you can count on; someone who cares (State Farm, 2012). This traditional marketing strategy of good service resonates especially with the older generation who are willing to pay a premium for good service. Conclusion Overall, the measure of a good marketing strategy is not only the return on investment but also whether the campaign
  • 40. Civil Government, By Henry David Thoreau Citizen Obligation to Government The establishment of the United States of America s government was of the people, by the people, for the people. In Resistance to Civil Government, Henry David Thoreau through the supplementing of rhetoric devices perfectly argues the ineffectiveness of the government. In addition to outlining the hypocrisy and corruption , Thoreau courageously dots the short comings, responsibilities, as well as, expanding on effective and deliberate initiatives citizens must initiate to implement a more stable and trustworthy government. To start his argument, Thoreau explains the initial duties of the government permitted as a society. From the start, the government was only the mode which the people have chosen to execute their will is (said to be) equally liable to be abused and perverted before the people can act through it for it has become run by a few individuals using it (the standing government) as their tool (Thoreau 843). Thoreau, through the use of special diction such as inexpedient and chosen, explains the ineffectiveness of the government, due to the fact that the will of the people no longer the main focus of the government. In the point of view of Thoreau, it will greatly benefit the people to never allow this government, run by few, to itself further any enterprise (Thoreau 843). Society as a whole must reject any legislation founded on the benefit of the government alone. Thoreau uses anaphor as he list the
  • 41. Fellowship Of The Ring Literary Analysis A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself is said by Joseph Campbell, an American mythologist, writer and lecturer, who easily defines the hero. One of the most known heroes in literature is Frodo Baggins in the English myth, Lord of the Rings. Frodo Baggins becomes the ringbearer to the all powerful One Ring in which he has to take to the fires of Mount Doom to where it was forged. The author of this magnum opus, J.R.R. Tolkien was born January 3rd, 1892 in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Receiving his education from King Edward s School and then sent to Exeter s College in Oxford,Tolkien studied the classics, Latin and Greek, and Anglo Saxon Literature and Middle English which later influenced his creation of the Lord of the Ringsand the languages within it. Always wanting to make an English myth, J.R.R. Tolkien took inspiration from the world around him and his love of philology to create the Lord of the Rings.... Show more content on ... An example being the protagonist, Frodo, as the archetypal hero and his companion Sam as the loyal retainer. The Fellowship of the Ring follows the hero s journey. Another work that follows this hero s journey is Star Wars. Star Wars is a famous American myth created by George Lucas. Making his own myth, George Lucas revolutionized the American movie industry and forever changed the world with his inspirational impact through the vivacious Star Wars universe. In the Star Wars trilogy, the archetypal hero, Luke Skywalker leaves his home Tatooine to save the universe from the power of the Empire. Both following the hero s journey, Frodo and Luke have the qualities that are required of the archetypal hero. Both archetypal heroes in The Fellowship of the Ring and the Star Wars trilogy, Frodo Baggins and Luke Skywalker, demonstrate the heroic qualities of courage, determination, and
  • 42. The Effect Of Concentration On Rate Of Reaction The Effect on Concentration on Rate of Reaction Year 10 Term 1 Using Chemistry Grace McKinlay Year 10 Science Term 1 Using Chemistry Teacher Ms. Roslyn Knight Table of Contents Background1 Aim3 Variables3 Hypothesis3 Materials4 Risk Analysis5 Method6 Diagram7 Discussion12 Conclusion12 Definitions of Essential Vocabulary13 Background Marble, or calcium carbonate, is a fairly insoluble compound with the chemical formula CaCO3. This compound has a carbonate ion, which has a charge of 2 and a calcium ion, which has a charge of +2. Calcium carbonate has a few forms including chalk and limestone. The main use of these two materials is in the making of concrete, which is used for many things including buildings. The rate of the reaction is the speed that the reaction takes place; therefore, by measuring the rate, the amount of time the reaction takes will be measured. Hydrochloric acid is a stronger acid that is found in digestive juices in the human stomach and is also used for cleaning metals before they are coated. When you mix a strong acid like HCl with any carbonate you will have a chemical reaction in which CO2 gas is released. This means that it will fizz indicating a chemical reaction. These two elements can react with hydrochloric acid to yield carbon dioxide, calcium chloride and water. The chemical reaction equation for hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate is: 2HCl + CaCO3 в†’ CaCl2 + H2O + CO2 Things that will affect the reaction
  • 43. Comparing A Workaholic And Alcoholic A workaholic and alcoholic have similar qualities. Each quality affects oneself and those around physically, mentally, and socially. A workaholic is someone who has a compulsive need to work, however; an alcoholic is someone who persistently needs to drink alcohol. Although the desires are different, they still are affected by addiction the same way. One of the common effects of being a workaholic is experiencing exhaustion. The long hours and the rigorous work load could harm or damage someone s body, as well as drinking alcohol on a daily basis. When drunk one can experience blackouts, dizziness, and shakiness. Both alcohol and consistent working can cause one s body to give out on them. These two activities can hinder exercise and muscle movement for long periods of time, which can be detrimental as someone s life progresses. When one is drunk, they exhibit aggressive behavior which can result in hurting others. Workaholics are usually absent from home, leaving a child unattended and exposed to bodily harm. Physical effects are a major part in an addict s life, but that s not the ... Show more content on ... They become in denial about the situations they are facing. When someone is dependent on a sole thing in order to live comfortably their psyche can be affected; both of these addictions can cause psychiatric disorders. If someone is constantly working, not making time for leisure or exercise they can develop Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), depression, anxiety, and obsessive compulsive disorders. Alcoholics can develop various forms of OCD as well. Continuously working and not being available in a loved one s life can cause depression. Some alcoholics blackout and have no recollection for what they have done. During this time they can say hurtful things to people they love and they won t even remember. Not only can alcoholics and workaholics be physically and mentally affected by their condition, they can be socially affected as
  • 44. The Rainy River Summary guilt of memories and shame. Although, these young men, these soldiers, start thinking of being stateside with young women, and friends, they realize two things could possibly be happening, one this is only imagination or the real world still exist outside the horrors of Vietnam. While fulfilling their tour, Alpha Company must learn how to deal with loss, fear and guilt that comes from the death the war creates while watching people die. This outlook is like watching someone with cancer, or a platoon glow from rounds of florescent gleam from that of napalm. This assessment of an emotional weight remains somewhat to that of one person who fell on a killer grenade and now remains surrounded with the smell of death. Tim explains how as these men carry a large emotional load, they also seem surrounded by many wounded grunts and demise. The rainfall and cold never stop as it only sets in, making the cold settle into their aching bones like a dagger at times. Tim imagined they all carry the land,... Show more content on ... O Brien illuminates the fear in the protagonist, as he describes his (Tim s) fear of the war but also, being an outcast within his own family Tim feels everything that makes him who he is will be lost even if he survives the war. (O Brien, 1990, pg. 42). As the protagonists flees to Wisconsin on his way to Canada, to avoid the draft, he came upon little cabin where this older person knew why he was there. The old man lets Tim stay in the woods, there he cuts wood, fishes and repairs the cabin while he makes peace with himself only to return home, not be cowardice, and serve his country. Here the protagonists stayed several days thinking he can flee to the border easier since it was just across the lake, then comes to his senses hence, returns to face his fear of future death and
  • 45. Yellowstone National Park Essay Yellowstone National Park has some of the most beautiful and exiting things to do. It has some of the most interesting Facts. Wyoming has some of the most beautiful streams, geysers, and mountains in the US. There are some really neat things about Yellowstone. Yellowstone National Park is Service and a favorite to millions of visitors each year. The park is a major stop to have a good vacation. By driving we could view the park from the comfort of our vehicle and also take a rest at one of the many roadside picnic areas. The park has thousands of miles of trails. Lewis and Clark were the first whites to explore the Yellowstone region among them was one of the most celebrated hunter and woodsman of that period, John Colter. ... Show more content on ... 150 centuries ago the land beneath the sidewalk was covered by ice thousands of feet thick. In Grand Teton National Park, on the same August day, you can view a glacier. From the valley floor, the Teton Glacier is only 4.5 miles to the west and 7,000 feet up the mountain. More glaciers from the nearby Mt. Moran. On the Pitchstone Plateau of Yellow stone, a hiker in August can find patches of last winter s snow in the shade of the ledges, if they aren t already covered by the new snows of autumn. The annual temperature at Lake Ranger Station in Yellowstone is 33В° F, just a little above freezing. The most striking examples of Yellowstone s deep cold are Yellowstone and Lewis lakes that remain frozen most years from December to late May. Often Lewis Lake melts in early June. Winter weather in northwest Wyomingis brisk. Temperatures around 40В° F mostly occur at Old Faithful, and those in the town of Jackson, Wyoming, are often below 30В° E With these temperatures in , it is not difficult to imagine the cold, more cloudy summers and temperature drops of 15В° F might have on the Yellowstone National Park. At Yellowstone s youngest glacier, the Pinedale, the Bull Lake Though there were eight or more earlier glaciations than Bull Lake in the Yellowstone region. In Yellowstone national Park there a lot of land glaciers. At land, forms the glaciers left behind these landforms and deposits were formed millions of years ago.
  • 46. Argumentative Speech On Little Brother Of War The Little Brother of War I.Introduction A.Attention Getter: What sports did you play while growing up? Was there a sport that everyone in town was crazy about? B.Tie to the Audience: Have you heard about The Little Brother of War or stickball? I can almost guarantee you that this game is not for you if you are afraid to seriously get injured. C.Credentials: This traditional sport is very popular amongst the southeastern tribes, mainly the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians in Philadelphia, Mississippi. I, as part of this tribe, can tell you firsthand how special this sport is. D.Purpose: Let me explain to you more details about The Little Brother of War . E.Thesis Statement: Stickball is the oldest sport in America, rules have changed, and it is ... Show more content on ... The game use to last for days, but now the game is usually an hour and half long. The only time it is longer is if there is a tie between two teams. MBCI reports their games having four quarters with fifteen minutes in each quarter. 6.The winner is still determined by the most points to hit the goal post. Transitional Phrase: Next, the stickball game have rules and some of the rules have been changed over the years. C.Main Point 3: 1.From my personal perspective, men usually makes the stickball sticks , also known as kabocca, and the ball, or towa. 2.Sticks are made from hickory wood. a.The wood is shaved and smoothed down to a broom like sticks except with a squared end. b.It can be long as arm length or whichever desired length one is most comfortable with. c.One end of the stick is usually wrapped with tape for grip. d.The other end is thinned down to bend and shaped into a ring of a cup. Once the cup is made, it is tied down with the deer skin or leather. 3.The ball is easier to make. a.To start off, get a small pebble and wrap the pebble really tight with stripped cloth until the size of a golf ball. b.Once wrapped, the ball is ready to be woven with the leather or deer