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Pdf) The Forensic Anthropology
Report: A Pr
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Pdf) The Forensic Anthropology Report: A Pr Pdf) The Forensic Anthropology Report: A Pr
Television And Its Impact On The World War II
In 1926 John Logie Baird transmitted his first image with his new mechanical television. As the 4 x2
image of his business partner illuminated his face, Baird was completely unaware of the influence this
new medium would have on the opinions and attitudes of the people of the world. Television
represented a new opportunity to bring not only audio like radio but to place an image in every home.
Along with the work of many other inventors television was soon to become a viable medium of
entertainment and news but it did face many setbacks. At first television was a novelty, completely
overshadowed by the established medium of radio. Before World War II very few homes contained a
television and broadcasters mostly aired 15 minute segments and were limited in technology. Then on
September 1, 1939 Hitler and Germany invaded Poland and the world plunged into World War II. The
FCC issued a ban on the construction of television equipment causing the growth of television to
stagnate. At the end of the war economic prosperity and a rising middle class opened the door for a
new rise in the purchase of goods. One such good was the television. In 1947 only a few thousand
homes owned a television. By 1950 six million homes contained a television, and in 1960 around 60
million homes contained a television. During this period a new war was being waged: the Cold War.
In this battle between United States and the Soviet Union ideals propaganda was the main way to
grow support for their cause
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How Language Changes Start and Spread Essay
Language change happens every day. New words are constantly being added and new dialects are
forming. People have always argued about the causes of language change and tried to control the
changes that occurred but ultimately they accomplished nothing. Languages changes and spread as a
result of the people who use it daily. African American English and California English are both
examples of the different ways language can change. People try to resist the changes in their language
because they do not want to see it change. Language change is a natural process that can be affected
by others but never stopped. This course has done an excellent job explaining how language change
starts and spreads.
Language change can be caused by numerous ... Show more content on ...
As different dialects of a language develop they are shared with the people of the area. People often
use the dialect of those that they interact with most. To explain this simply, a person who only speaks
Chicano English is fine in their daily interactions with other speakers of the dialect but they may have
trouble speaking with a Northern Dialect. The spread of language change depends on the factors that
are causing it. The natural change in language over time smarts in a small area and spreads to
everyone that it comes in contact with.
This course focused on a numerous languages that were undergoing change. The simplest and most
relevant for many Americans are the changes that are occurring in English. America is a great melting
pot of different people and as such English s multiple dialects reflect cultural diversity. One of the
most studied and still not understood dialects is African American English. The point of contention
between the ideas for the origin of African American English is whether it was based on an existing
dialect in the south or if it was creole of English and different West African languages. Either way this
is an example of a rapid language change that has persisted over time. It is illogical to believe that the
slaves who were forced to learn English did not incorporate some of their own language. How else
could they have communicated before they fully understood English. An example of slower language
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual property rights are a bundle of exclusive legal rights over creations of the mind, both
artistic and commercial. These rights give statutory expression to the moral and economic rights of
creators in their creations. Intellectual property rights safeguard creators and other producers of
intellectual goods and services by granting them certain time limited rights to control the use made of
those productions. These rights also promote creativity and the dissemination and application of its
results and encourage fair trading, which also contributes to economic and social development. . With
the wave of globalisation emerged a need of uniform intellectual property laws all over the world. To
achieve this aim WTO stepped in through ... Show more content on ...
Every year 14 million people die due to infectious diseases that to mostly in developing countries.
Factors such as poverty and lack of access to health services worsen the situation. The high prices of
medicines has made it inaccessible to various developing countries The high prices are a result of
patents, which give their holders the right to restrict competition and therefore sell a certain innovation
and information flows. The 20 year protection for pharmaceutical products and processes made the
production of genetic drugs equivalent to expensive branded drugs. Also implementation of TRIP s put
an end to the practise of reverse engineering (practise where developing countries did not use to grant
product patents but process patents for pharmaceuticals, enabling domestic researchers to develop
similar products through a process of reverse engineering ) practised in various developing countries.
Article 7 of TRIPs agreement which is one of the objectives of TRIPS agreement says that the
protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights should contribute to the promotion of
technological innovation and to the transfer and dissemination of technology, to the mutual advantage
of producers and users of technological knowledge and in a manner conducive to social and economic
welfare, and to a balance of rights and obligations. Following the objective laid down in article 7
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Life of Prophet Jeremiah
Life and times Jeremiah was born and grew up in the village of Anathoth, a few miles northeast of
Jerusalem, in a priestly family. In his childhood he must have learned some of the traditions of his
people, particularly the prophecies of Hosea, whose influence can be seen in his early messages. The
era in which Jeremiah lived was one of transition for the ancient Near East. The Assyrian empire,
which had been dominant for two centuries, declined and fell. Its capital, Nineveh, was captured in
612 by the Babylonians and Medes. Egypt had a brief period of resurgence under the 26th dynasty
(664 525) but did not prove strong enough to establish an empire. The new world power was the Neo
Babylonian empire, ruled by a Chaldean dynasty whose best ... Show more content on
In the opinion of such scholars, Jeremiah began to prophesy toward the end of the reign of Josiah or at
the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim (609 598). Early in the reign of Jehoiakim, Jeremiah delivered
his famous Temple sermon, of which there are two versions, one in Jeremiah, chapter 7, verses 1 to
15, the other in chapter 26, verses 1 to 24. He denounced the people for their dependence on the
Temple for security and called on them to effect genuine ethical reform. He predicted that God would
destroy the Temple of Jerusalem, as he had earlier destroyed that of Shiloh, if they continued in their
present path. Jeremiah was immediately arrested and tried on a capital charge. He was acquitted but
may have been forbidden to preach again in the Temple. The reign of Jehoiakim was an active and
difficult period in Jeremiah s life. That king was very different from his father, the reforming Josiah,
whom Jeremiah commended for doing justice and righteousness. Jeremiah denounced Jehoiakim
harshly for his selfishness, materialism, and practice of social injustice. Near the time of the Battle of
Carchemish, in 605, when the Babylonians decisively defeated the Egyptians and the remnant of the
Assyrians, Jeremiah delivered an oracle against Egypt. Realizing that this battle made a great
difference in the world situation, Jeremiah soon dictated to his scribe, Baruch, a scroll containing all
of the messages he
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All Three Books Demand Connection Not Only Because Essay
All three books demand connection not only because they are printed together, but also because of
their relevance to their respective stories as seen above. This distinction is important to make because
without it there is no need to question if they enhance or hinder the story. If each form only resided
beside the narratives because the author said so then they would simply be a hindrance. Without this
distinction, it would be justifiable to skip U.S.A. s various forms so that readers could return to Mac s
or Charley s adventure. Even though there are times when the relevance of these forms comes into
question, their overwhelming presence in the book, and the clear relevance shown above, mean they
cannot be skipped over. Nonetheless, there is a reason for finding the various forms to be a nuisance.
Is this my intro???After proving the necessity of the various forms to keep the books whole, it will be
necessary to use that information and determine if their presence enhances each book as well or if they
end up hindering the books.
The relevance of the various forms within all three of these books becomes obvious at different times.
Dos Passos U.S.A. usage of various forms is the clearest cut of the three books. Since each book is
labeled as a novel in the trilogy there is no need to question the inclusion of the newsreels and camera
eyes; at least, there is no need to question if their purpose in the book is to serve the novel as a whole
or as to exists as separated parts
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Core Guiding Values
Core Guiding Values My success is predicated on the intangible core guided values that reflect the
following comprehensive traits and qualities listed below. This list respectively reflects the six
encompassing disciplines that I consider paramount for both professional and personal growth in
fulfilling my goals and aspirations in life. Moreover, following these core guided values will be the
baseline in order for me to establish strategies so I can develop a system (Maxwell, 2014, p. 107).
Mentally having my priorities right will help ensure that I can stay on the right critical path (i.e.
staying the course when achieving my own ideal self goals by reaching realistic millstones) that will
perpetuate my own future success and personal endeavors. Honor: Living up to your values and
personal convictions; Duty: Fulfilling your obligation; Personal Courage: Facing your personal fears,
dangers, and adversities; Loyalty: Bearing true faith and allegiance; Respect: The Golden Rule.
treating people with kindness, fairness, and with dignity; Selfless Service: Being associated with
something bigger than yourself, serving in the capacity of put the welfare of others needs before your
own. I am currently in the process of trying to reinvent myself in both of my professions as a safety
professional and also in my military career. I am concurrently going through the motions of trying to
perpetrate myself for success in accomplishing two major feats that
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Scapegoats In Lord Of The Flies
Lord of the Flies Essay The use of scapegoats impacts our society to large extent because it impacts
many of our set ideals placed in American society today. Although there are different sides of
scapegoating, the one that falls into the parameters of prejudices in today s society. Many innocent
victims fall to the idea of scapegoating, by trying to avoid punishment. For example: Are all Anglos,
Republican?Are all Muslims, terrorists? Are all African Americans and Hispanics in gangs? Are all
minorities on welfare?Are all Italians in the Mafia? Are all Hispanics here illegally?Although we have
learned to call these type of statements stereotypical and in some cases profiling. Scapegoating is an
act in which a person unfairly blames someone ... Show more content on ...
The word scapegoat is described in the Bible s Book of Leviticus. The passage goes something like
this: On the Day of Atonement a live goat was chosen by lot. The high priest, robed in linen garments,
laid both his hands on the goat s head, and confessed over it the iniquities of the children of Israel. The
sins of the people thus symbolically transferred to the beast, it was taken out into the wilderness and
let go. The people felt purged, and for the time being, guiltless. Since the biblical times the term/word
scapegoat has changed to refer to individuals or people who are made to suffer the problems and faults
of others. Scapegoating seems to be a psychological act, in which it allows the perpetrator to eliminate
negative feelings about him or himself and provides a sense of relief. There have been many incidents
of scapegoating in the past year itself. One of the most used scapegoats would be God , Conversely,
God is also a convenient scapegoat. According to people s logic, if God is so perfect, why does he
allow bad things to happens to people who serve him? In fact as many as ⅔ of americans surveyed
have blamed god for their
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Joining a Discourse Community
Life is full of different paths that each person has to take to achieve their goals. In those roads, people
might find groups that share ideas, knowledge, culture, or tastes with them, called discourse
communities, which can lead to live experiences that might turn unforgettable. People can join an
infinite number of these groups, however in order to accomplish that they must convince its members
by applying some techniques taught in this class of English 1301, for example, knowing the group s
rhetorical situation, i.e. its cultural context, motivations, the audience itself, etc. or applying the
different Aristotelian appeals such as ethos (appeal to credentials and experience), pathos (appeal to
emotions) or logos (appeal ... Show more content on ...
So joining a Discourse community is a major part of life, because it can help you to grow as a human
being, and to learn a lot of things that can turn helpful to become successful in the future, therefore
through personal experiences one can demonstrate the importance of joining these communities thus
to convey young people to understand that living this experience would give them the chance to share
with self opinionated people, that while arguing with them, they can reach into conclusions that could
change their way of thinking and seeing life. Consequently by presenting my personal experience, I
can let people know how essential joining a discourse community can be. Gaitas is a musical rhythm
created in Zulia, Venezuela, which is played especially in the month of December as a celebration of
the Christmas holiday; it is composed by a melody of different instruments, such as cuatro, maracas,
charrasca, tambora and furruco, which are traditional Caribbean instruments, but can be found in other
parts of the world since they can be used in other music styles like Samba in Brazil or African dances.
Its lyrics have a varied range of subjects raging from love, religion and politics, but always presented
in a cheerful rhythm full of hope and hope to enhance the celebration of Christmas that is lived with
great excitement and spirit of fiesta in Venezuela. It is also a tradition that at the senior year
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The Pros And Cons Of Atomic Bombing
The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are encased in one of the most controversial
presidential decisions of America s history. The war on the European front was coming to an end, but
Japan still held a firm fighting position against the Allied Powers. With each Japanese island the U.S.
Army seized, American casualties increased. As the supply of American soldiers dwindled, alternative
solutions had to be discussed before proceeding with one of the most costly invasions America would
undertake. America s chief priorities consisted of victoriously ending the war in the shortest time
possible, and saving the most lives Japanese and American alike. The only possible way to meet this
was through the use of atomic energy. If it were ... Show more content on ...
It was about what could shock the Japanese into thinking their pride meant little to nothing. At this
point, war was no longer about physical strength, but instead about intelligence, and the real fear of
losing everything. With conventional warfare Japan thought they had a chance to win, or at least
severely damage America, no matter how bad Japanese losses were. When an entirely new age of
weaponry was unleashed onto Japan, they simply submitted within a few days. World War II was
officially over, and millions of lives were saved in the process of using atomic energy. Since other
nations gained knowledge of the atomic process, it only made sense for America to use the bomb.
Although the war was over, powerful nations would now be arming themselves to the teeth with new
age atomic weapons, in order to not be vulnerable like Japan. The controversy of whether it was moral
to use the atomic bomb is ill conceived on two aspects: 1. The bomb saved millions of lives despite
the hundreds of thousands that died as a result, and were dying every day to air raids much like Tokyo.
2. Atomic energy was widely known throughout the world, so it was only a race to determine which
nations mastered the process first. There was no other better way America could have handled the
situation without losing the lives of
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The Integration And Combined Utilization Of Renewable...
Several researches have discussed the Integration and combined utilization of renewable energy
sources such as solar energy, wind energy, small hydropower and their hybrid configurations.
Different authors used different Technology option and approaches for a range of hybrid systems at
different times, locations and different countries for determination of the optimal design of the hybrid
system in terms of cost and the reliability that has become of great importance with the increasing in
using of hybrid renewable energy systems, especially in remote area electrification. There have been a
number of researches carried out in this regard over the last few decades.
Dufo López et al, [1] used Monte Carlo simulation to consider the uncertainties of irradiation and load
for the optimization of the electrical supply of a hospital existed far from the electric grid in Kalong
(Democratic Republic of the Congo), which is presently powered by a diesel battery system. The
optimization process based on IHOGA software and the results showed that adding solar photovoltaic
(PV) to a diesel battery system to supply the loads could obtain a 28% reduction in energy cost, 54%
reduction in the fuel consumption and reducing in CO2 emissions lower than the current diesel battery
M. Fadaeenejad et al, [2] presented an analysis and optimization for a hybrid system (PV/ wind/
batteries) which designed for rural electrification in Malaysia. The evaluation of the optimization
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Summary Of The Beautiful North
A Journey to the North Into the Beautiful north is an awesome novel that relates they story of Nayeli,
a nineteen years old girl and her three friends that decided to migrate to the United States to hire seven
men to defend their little town from some drug traffickers that arrived to their village. But going north
was not an easy journey for Nayeli and her friends. They have so many trouble on their way to
Tijuana. In this research paper there is a review of the scenes in the Tijuana garbage dump in chapter
12, where immigrants belongings were stolen and they have to face several dangerous situations.
When they arrived to Tijuana, they found out their baggage got lost, and the driver did not respond for
it. So there they are, with no personal belongings and very little money. Luckily, they meet Don
Porfirio and his wife Aracely who offered them a place to sleep. Aracely and Don Porfirio are a
Mixtec Indian couple that come north to Tijuana to find work and earn some money. Nayeli did not
know if she can trust them, but she had no other options. She and her friends accepted the offer and
took the buss with Don Porfirio and Aracely towards, what they described as, a humble home. The bus
stopped near a trash dump. Don Porfirio described the dump as Home . In fact, Urrea relates that
Baptist missionaries have built their home out of old garage doors smuggled in from San Diego. For
Nayeli it was a long sad place. A volcano of smelly garbage, but at least they will be
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Similarities Between Casey At The Bat And David And Goliath
In the passages, Casey at the Bat and David and Goliath David and Casey show a lot of similarities
and differences. One similarity is that they both had to face many conflicts. The poem, Casey at the
Bat , states, That ain t my style, said Casey. Strike one, the umpire said. The passage David and
Goliath states, When Goliath saw that David was just a healthy, good looking boy, he made fun of
him. Casey was continuing to strike out and causing his team to lose and Goliath was way bigger than
David. These are both problems Casey and David had to face. Another similarity is that they both have
tons of pressure on them. Casey at the Bat states, Five thousand tongues applauded when he wiped
them on his shirt. David and
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Erik Homberger Erikson s Life Of The Lakota And The Yurok
Erik Homberger Erikson was born on June 15, 1902 in Frankfort, Germany. Erikson was born to his
Jewish mother Karla Abrahamsen, and his biological father who was an unnamed Danish man who
abandoned him before he was born. During his school years, he studied art and different languages
instead of chemistry and biology. When he graduated he was interested in becoming an artist. During
the 1920 s he decided to travel Europe, where he had to sleep under bridges. After traveling around
Europe for a year, he decided to enroll in an art school back in Germany. He stayed at the art school
for several years. Then he began to teach art and other subjects to American children who came to
Vienna for Freudian training. Erikson was admitted to the Vienna Psychoanalytic Institute. In 1933 he
moved to Boston, where he filled a position at Harvard medical school as America s first child analyst.
While he taught at Yale and Berkley, he did his famous studies on the modern life of the Lakota and
the Yurok. Erikson is known for being a prolific writer. He has wrote many books and essays such as
Childhood and Society (1950), Youngman Luther (1958), Youth: change and challenge (1963), Etc.
Erikson went on to teach at a clinic in Massachusetts then back to Harvard before he retired in 1970.
In 1994 Erikson passed away at the age of 92. Erikson s main contribution to psychology was his
developmental theory. He developed eight psychosocial stages of development and believed that each
stage presents
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The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
Employment Guarantee and Migration Koshtub Vohra, MPP 11 Introduction The National Rural
Employment Guarantee Act, the lead welfare project of the UPA Government was passed by the
Parliament in August 2005 and became effective on fifth September 2005. It has been criticized by
numerous as yet another instance of a vast lump of public money being flushed down the channel in
pointless rural development works. Reports of plans comprising of the NREGA workers burrowing
trench and after that re filling them at work sites, of labourers not being paid their wages, of swelled
muster rolls with non existent labours and substantial sums being cheated out of the system which is
sufficiently funded by the Center, and most recently, the abhorrent ... Show more content on ...
Amid 2006 07 against the aggregate accessible funds of Rs. 12073.56 Crore with the states, Rs.
8823.36 Crore was used. The normal fund use every region was Rs. 44.12 Crore in 2006 07. For 2007
08 the government made a budget procurement of Rs 12000 Crore. Out of this Rs. 8303.82 Crores
have been discharged up to fourteenth November 2007. Out of this, Rs. 5365.99 Crore have been
discharged to the Phase I 200 districts and Rs. 2937.92 Crore have been discharged to the Phase II 131
districts. Amid 2006 07, 2.12 Crore households had requested employment, out of which 2.10 Crore
households were given employment. Amid the year 90.51 Crore individual days of employment was
given under the project. Midpoints of 45.2 lakh individual days of employment every districts have
been created. Out of aggregate 90.51 Crore individual days, the share of Scheduled Castes was 22.95
Crore individual days (25.36%) and Scheduled Tribes was 32.99 (36.45%) constituting a sum of 55.94
Crore individual days for SCs/STs which comes to about 62%. According to the NREGA, the share of
ladies individual days ought to be 1/3rd and the same was 36.79 Crore individual days, which is about
41%. Amid 2007 08 (up to September 2007), 1.97 Crore households have requested employment and
1.88 Crore households have been given employment. An aggregate of 56.14 Crore individual days of
employment has been created under the Program. Out of this, the offer
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1. Situation. On 15 November 2017 at 0730, all full duty status Marines attached to ATC DET B will
participate and run through the obstacle course at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Miramar. 2.
Mission. To implement unit cohesion and camaraderie through enhanced unit physical training (PT)
combat conditioning for Air Traffic Control Detachment Bravo (ATC DET B). Physical fitness for
Marines is inherent to the Marine Corps to meet the new physical standards set forth and unit combat
readiness. This physical fitness event shall challenge each Marines physical strength, confidence, and
ability to run through the obstacle course in a timely manner. 3. Execution: a. Commander s Intent. To
promote ATC DET B combat readiness, by performing the obstacle course helping strengthen unit
cohesion, promote good morale, and camaraderie. ... Show more content on ...
Tasks: (1) ATC DET B: (a) All Marines who are full duty status shall be present at the obstacle course,
see enclosure (1). (b) All Work Section Supervisors shall obtain accountability of their section and
report it to the Platoon Sergeant. (2) Corporal Gibbons: (a) Designate (1) Martial Arts Instructor
(MAI) to instruct and perform the obstacle course event. (b) Designate (2) safety officers or combat
life savers (CLS). (c) Designate (2) Marines E 3 and below to drive safety government vehicle to
obstacle course, see enclosure (1). d. Coordinating Instructions. At 0715, ATC DET B will muster at
the obstacle course, see enclosure (1). The Platoon Sergeant will obtain morning accountability of all
work sections, and then report accountability to Maintenance SNCOIC and Operations SNCOIC no
later than 0730. (1) Timeline. Timeline for this event will be as follows: Wednesday, November 15th
0715 0730: Muster and accountability, see enclosure (1) 0730 0830: Obstacle
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Racial Discrimination On Minority Groups
Practically, every country in the universe has a minority populace that can be either national, ethnic,
linguistic, or a religious group. Minority concerns have been on the itinerary of the United Nations for
more than half a century. In 1948, the General Assembly asserted that the United Nations could not
remain detached to the providence of minorities. That explicates why the 2005 World Summit
Outcome reaffirmed the rights of minorities and advocacy to the efforts of the United Nations (Zanden
and James 153). Does discrimination on minority groups have a basis in our daily lives? It is from that
rationale that this paper will endeavor at elucidating on the motives why I think discrimination on
minority groups has no grounds in our society. By venturing into various forms of prejudice, such as
racial differences, gay, lesbians, transgender, and the disabled people, we will be able to understand
the role these groups of people play in our society.
Racial prejudice is a stealth moral and a social cancer influencing individuals and populations
globally, especially racial minorities. It can be detected by the indexing of its many symptoms and
visitations that comprise trepidation, parochialism, alienation, segregation, prejudice, and loathing.
From a personal point of understanding, ignorance denotes the single reason racism exists worldwide.
If an individual grows up doing a concrete thing, his or her entire life and everyone within their
vicinity does the same thing, it may
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Nicholas II Biography
Nicholas II was born on May 6, 1868, in Pushkin, Russia. He was the son of Tsar Alexander III and
Maria Feodorovna. Nicholas II was the oldest son of Alexander III, which later made him the ruler of
the Russian Empire. Nicholas II was taught by Russian academics at home by private tutors. He knew
several languages and had a wide knowledge of history, he also grasped military science. Nicholas II
took the throne at age 26 after his father s unexpected death because of Kidney disease in 1894.
Nicholas later married a German Princess Alix of Hesse, who later then took the name of Alexandra
Feodorovna. Nicholas II and Alexandra ended up having five children: Olga, Tatyana, Maria,
Anastasia, and Aleksey. It is known that Aleksey was the only boy ... Show more content on ...
Nicholas II stated I am not prepared to be a tsar. I never wanted to become one. I know nothing of the
business of ruling That greatly showed once he took the throne. Nicholas II s handling of Bloody
Sunday and World War I incensed his subjects and led to his abdication. The Bolsheviks executed him
and his family on the night of July 16 17, 1918, in Yekaterinburg, Russia, under Vladimir Lenin. In
1904 Japan attacked Russia. In December of that year, Nicholas II s army was forced to surrender at
Port Arthur. At the start of World War I, Russia performed terribly. Nicholas II decided to make
himself commander in chief, so he could take personal control of the military from Grand Duke
Nicholas. Russia underwent major losses and was put in poverty and high inflation. The Russian
public blamed Nicholas II for poor military decisions. Nicholas had to quit the throne on March 15,
1917. According to the article Tsar/Tsarina (1868 1918) Historians have long speculated as to whether
Nicholas II s daughter, Anastasia, might have survived the shooting but in 2007, a DNA analysis
conclusively identified her body. Nicholas II was the last Emperor of Russia. (Tsar/Tsarina (1868
1918)). It seemed that Nicholas II wasn t liked by the people in Russia. He didn t fulfill his duties as
Emperor and led his military to a loss. Nicholas II was the last emperor of
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Effects Of Ship Pollution
Abstract: Life itself arose from the oceans. The ocean is vast, covering 140 million square miles, some
72 per cent of the earth s surface. Not only has the oceans always been a prime source of nourishment
for the life it helped generate, but from earliest recorded history it has served for trade and commerce,
adventure and discovery. It has kept people apart and brought them together. Humans have always had
a close relationship with the aquatic environment, including the early use of the sea for food
harvesting and communication. Today, the sea is an important component of the transportation system,
with large amounts of cargo and passengers. This chapter provides a short introduction to ships and
shipping also introduces the environmental impacts related to ship operations. Ship transportation has
increased tremendously since the industrial revolution, which has resulted in increased emissions due
to shipping and increased stresses on the environment. Keywords: Ship, Shipping transportation,
Environment, Earth s, Ecosystems, Marine pollution. Maritime industry and International Maritime
Organization (IMO)
The world s water plays a very important role in all aspects of our lives, providing food, employment
and other benefits. Over two thirds of the world s population lives within 400 km of the sea, and just
over half of the world s population lives in a coastal strip 120 miles
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A Comparison Of Frankendoodle And Frankenstein
Frankendoodle in Comparison to the Original text Frankenstein
Frankenstein is a classic science fiction novel written by Mary Shelley, through the ages, many
adaptations have taken the story through various forms of popular culture. SpongeBob Squarepants, a
popular children s television show often alludes to classic literature, and makes it entertaining for all
ages. While this example is quite comical, it does hold classical elements associated with
Frankenstein, but takes a spin on the classic science fiction novel. In this essay I will consider the
similarities and differences between the two texts; Frankendoodle as well as Frankenstein. By looking
at the allusion apparent in Frankendoodle , it is clear to see that many of the ... Show more content on ...
Being an artist is a heavy responsibility. Each work of art is like a child and must be treated as such.
(Frankendoodle Transcript line 34) Patrick continues on and draws and one of SpongeBob s
neighbours Squidward. When the drawing comes to life, both SpongeBob and Patrick decide it is
[...]kind of creepy when it moves (Frankendoodle Transcript line 38), and decide to erase and allow
their minds to be at ease. Following, SpongeBob decides to make a replica of himself named
Doodlebob (also known as Frankendoodle) which they use to frighten his neighbour for entertainment.
As both Patrick and SpongeBob watch their creation scare their neighbour, Squidward is being
brutally beaten by Doodlebob. It s revealed that both SpongeBob and Patrick are completely terrified
of Doodlebob, and Patrick outright refuses to confront him, until being convinced by SpongeBob. At
this point in the text, Doodlebob has stolen the pencil that gave him life and even recreates
SpongeBob s house, proving that although he is unable to communicate, he bares enough intelligence
to be spiteful of his creator. SpongeBob gains the upper hand while all three dual for the ownage of
the magic pencil and erases DoodleBob face while exclaiming: I brought you into this world and now
I m gonna take you out. Any last words? (Frankendoodle Transcript line 77) SpongeBob
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Essay On Open Source Software
6 Benefits to Using Open Source Software as a Small Business
Small businesses have to be smart with their money. Your resources are limited and you can t afford to
spend a lot of time testing and trialling different technologies. However, surviving in the modern
world without technology is nearly impossible. Therefore, small businesses must be able to latch on to
any opportunity they find and make the most of software around them. For this, open source software
is the best possible option.
But what is open source software and how can a small business benefit from it?
Open source software in a nutshell
According to the official definition by the Open Source Initiative, open source software is computer
software which is distributed ... Show more content on ...
2. Reliable and secure
Open source software also has a reputation of being secure and reliable. Because the source code is
under constant public scrutiny, the quality of development remains high and problems in the code tend
to get fixed fast. Thousands of developers test the code continuously, meaning that any performance or
security related problems get resolved quickly.
3. Transparency
Related the above point is the transparency you can enjoy with open source software. Since the source
code is available for anyone to see, you don t have to worry about hidden features that might put your
small business information at risk. If you use traditional software, you essentially need to trust the
vendor s word you have no way of knowing what the code will actually do or the information it
gathers. With the public source code, you are always able to check exactly what the software does and
what this means to your data.
4. Flexible
Since you are free to change, tweak and use the open source software as you please, it gives a lot of
flexibility to small businesses. You don t need to worry about the vendor changing terms of use or
adding new elements to the software that you don t want to use. Furthermore, there is no fear of the
vendor withdrawing support from the software and thus creating a problem for your small business.
Your business is free to use the product and due to the near zero initial set up cost, you are flexible to
change to another software if you want
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Essay On I Have The Right To Bear Arms
Within the past half century, gun control has become a heated debate topic between Americans.
The United States Federal government should not increase gun control regulations. The second
Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states, A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of
a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. By this, it is
understood that each citizen has the right to possess firearms and use them under the realms of a
cautious manner. This amendment was written under the intentions of protecting Americans from
dangers, both foreign and domestic. After experiencing the tyranny of Britain, Americans wanted to
ensure protection for both themselves and their loved ones from ... Show more content on ...
At certain points in history, gun sales to civilians have been prohibited by law. In 1976, Washington
D.C. implemented a gun ban that potentially worsened the city s homicide rate. According to the
Metropolitan Police Department, annual homicides rose from 188 in 1976 to 364 in 1988 and
continued increasing to 454 in 1993. The gun ban was struck down by the Supreme Court in District
of Columbia v. Heller and since, homicides have steadily declined to 88 annual murders in 2012. This
statistic shows that depriving the right to bear arms from law abiding citizens is ineffective in
decreasing the number of homicides as criminals will find a way to obtain a gun even with a gun ban
in place. The law abiding citizens will be left vulnerable as the criminals will have defenseless victims
to attack. The United States has attempted to put gun bans into place in the past. However, these
regulations have been repetitively ineffective. Because of the ineffectiveness of gun bans and the
overall counter result of an increase in homicides, it would be in best interest, for the safety of
Americans, to not implement an increase on Federal gun control
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Structure, Sign And Play On The Discourse Of Human Sciences
Derrida: Structure, sign and play in the discourse of human sciences.
While understanding Derrida, many scholars consider early life of Derrida as a marginalized European
and being a Jew has special significance1. He later theorized that marginalization in terms of absence ,
a loaded term in Derrida s works which we will visit later in this chapter. It was a high time for
existentialism, phenomenology and structuralism represented many renowned thinkers like Husserl,
Sartre, Strauss, and others. While the concern of structural linguistics was to formulate scientific
understanding of language as structured expression/entity, others were skeptic about fundamental
presuppositions of neutral binaries, the virtuality of the center and who rejected subjective humanism
of existentialists.
Deconstruction is literary technique derived by Derrida to show that there are many unquestioned
metaphysical notions that we use in structured language, and arbitrary hierarchy is maintained
between various binaries. Speaking in terms of linguistics, relation between signified and signifier is
anything but neutral, as it privileges one constituent of binary over other. For example, privilege of
speaking voice over written text, privilege of presence over absence, privilege of masculine over
feminine and so on. Thus for Derrida logocentrism is invariably present in the history of western
metaphysics which somewhere privileges author over his text.
Derrida s method is to look for
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Shortcomings Of Social Media
Communication is an integral aspect in organizational success. The efficiency of both the internal and
the external communication determine the success of a given organization. As such, use of the most
effective means of communication is fundamental to the success of organizations (Benson, 2016). In
this excerpt, an examination of the benefits and shortcomings of using social media as well as having
kick off meetings will be analyzed.
Think of a time that social media was used on a project. Describe what was used and the purpose of
communication (inform, persuade, motivate, interact, inspire). What were the benefits and challenges
of using that social media? Citing a case in context, our organization aimed at motivating people to
participate in a corporate social responsibility (CSR) program. The members of the workforce were to
attend a tree planting event. However, much of the members were opposed to the idea as they
preferred attending a team building retreat. Therefore, the communication department was charged
with the duty of motivating the members to develop a positive attitude towards the corporate social
responsibility (CSR) event. Therefore, the communication team consistently posted positive effects of
participating in CSR. In this undertaking, the posts were made emotional hence touching the players
by both benefits and shortcomings of using the social media were manifested. It was meant to reach
all the members of staff almost immediately. Comments from
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War Room Religion
What is the most powerful weapon we have as a Christian? (Pause) What can we as Christians do.., to
pull down strongholds. (Pause) When our world feels like it is falling in on us.., what can we do about
it as Christians? (Pause) Prayer is what we do to win battles against the forces of evil.., to ward off
satan s schemes. You gotta get on your knees. To win the battle. You begin by getting on your knees.
Has anyone ever seen the movie, War Room? There is a scene where a lady name Elizabeth that s a
realtor, played by Priscilla Shirer. In this scene she s trying to show and ask Mrs. Clara, played by
Karen Abercrombie, the suggested selling price of her home in the area. And.., every time Elizabeth
would ask Mrs. Clara what she thinks about the suggested selling price. Mrs. Clara responds with a
question about her family. Towards the end of that scene.., Mrs. Clara asks Elizabeth what her prayer
life was like. Would she respond by saying it was hot or cold. Elizabeth is thrown back by the all these
questions. She tells Mrs. Clara ... Show more content on ...
46 And after he had taken leave of them, he went up on the mountain to PRAY. 47 And when evening
came, the boat was out on the sea, and he was alone on the land. 48 And he saw that they were making
headway painfully, for the wind was against them. And about the fourth watch of the night. He came
to them, walking on the sea. He meant to pass by them, 49 but when they saw him walking on the sea
they thought it was a ghost, and cried out, 50 for they all saw him and were terrified. But immediately
he spoke to them and said, Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid. 51 And he got into the boat with them,
and the wind ceased. And they were utterly astounded, 52 for they did not understand about the
loaves, but their hearts gwere
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Hypothesis-Pepsi vs Coke
Running head: COKE
A Coke is a Coke
ITT Tech
PROBLEM Why do some of us have such strong soda preferences? There s all this uproar of Coke vs.
Pepsi, and really looking at the ingredients, the products aren t all that different. Both are made of
carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, caramel color, sugar, phosphoric acid, caffeine, citric acid
and natural flavors (Pendergrast, 2000, p.6). The natural flavors are where they differ. Coke includes a
secret ingredient known as Merchandise 7X, which sounds all mysterious and daring (Pendergrast,
p.6). According to Pendergrast, the slightest bit can make a big difference! But it s hard to say why
one person likes something while another person can t stand it. Though each ... Show more content on ...
However, a consumer backlash led to Coca Cola quickly introducing a modified version of the
original formula (removing the expensive Haitian lime oil and changing the sweetener to corn syrup)
as Coke Classic (Blakesleen, p.3). Overall, Coca Cola continues to outsell Pepsi in almost all areas of
the world.
HYPOTHESIS When it comes to the Coke vs. Pepsi challenge, I always prefer Coke. I think it has
less of a sugary aftertaste. People say they can tell the difference between Pepsi and Coke, in my
opinion they both taste the same! I believe that based on 30 people (half male/half female), women
will be the ones who will be able to differentiate between Coke and Pepsi. The subjects for the
challenge differed on their choices but all figured they could identify their favorite cola in a blind test.
So I challenged them.
[pic] [pic] I divided the taste test between male and female, 15 male and 15 female. I chilled both the
Pepsi can and the Coke can at 53 degrees Fahrenheit and served 4 oz of each in clear plastic cups
labeled Sample A and Sample B . In between the soda tests I gave the test subjects water (and saltine
crackers) to wash down the after taste. I observed reactions and body language of each taste subject
when test was given. I asked the test subjects to answer these questions before given the sample:
1. Current Age:
2. Male/Female: Male Female
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Romantic Relationship Patterns In Adolescence
Boisvert, S., Poulin, F. (2016). Romantic relationship patterns from adolescence to emerging
adulthood: Associations with family and peer experiences in early adolescence. Journal of Youth and
45(5), 945 958. doi: 016 0435 0
From ( removed HTML ) Overview: This study focuses on a longitudinal study, observing similar
patterns between romantic relationships, peer and family relationships. To do so, those patterns must
be identified before the individual becomes involved with a romantic partner. Boisvert wanted to
know of the patterns displayed n romantic relationships are influenced or reflected on patterns with
family and peer groups (2016). Assessment
In early adolescents romantic relationships become an imperative source of development (Carver et
al., 2003)
Due to adolescent curiosity with exploring romantic relationships, similar patterns continue into their
adulthood (Orphinas et al., 2013)
Before the commence of romantic relationships, the relationship of peers and friendship should also be
examined to identify if they have similar patterns as well (Furman Shafer, 2003)
Early relationship, e.g., family may inhibit or promote developmental interpersonal skills needed for
successful romantic relationships in adulthood (Bryant Conger, 2002) Participants
Longitudinal study that began in 2001 with 390, 6th graders
Ages average 12 13
From French language schools
90% are Canadian born
72% have
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Introduction . Ever Since Charles Babbage Invented The
Ever since Charles Babbage invented the first computer in the early 19th century, people have started
their whole company with computers. One well known company that we will talk about is Microsoft.
Microsoft is a company that keeps improving their inventions and keeps growing. Microsoft also has
the fourth largest website per media Metrix powered by internal and external servers. In an article
named Microsoft, Google, and Apple: which one faces doom in 2017? , I found out that Microsoft will
release an average of 340 million devices per year. This is equal to 1.7 billion new devices through the
years 2013 2017. They called this the Window 8 era (Bott, 2013). Today we will talk about the history
of Microsoft. Second, I will ... Show more content on ...
Microsoft is well known for their computer operation system and their great deals. An example of this
is when Microsoft talked to IBM and got IBM to let Microsoft retain the license for MS DOS. MS
DOS is an operation system IBM used for their new computers. With the MS DOS Microsoft
blossomed and made a fortune with this license. The year they retained MS DOS was in 1981 and by
the year 1990 s Microsoft sold more than 100 million copies (Gregg Pascal Zachary, 2015). In the year
1981 Tim Paterson, The creator of the MS DOS quite Seattle s Computers. The reason I included this
person in this paper, is because he then got a job at Microsoft. He then started working on the DOS
and the DOS 1.1 (.Net, 2006). A quote that I really thought interesting is Life begins with a disk drive.
At this case, it was true because with this one disk drive he achieved a lot of personal goals. Tim
Paterson life didn t end their he left Microsoft and went back to Seattle s computers. In November
1983 Microsoft introduced window for 99$ and I put a picture I found from the original case It came
in. this window came with a notepad, calendar, clock, card file, terminal application, file manager, a
game of reverse, windows write, and window paint (Hollister, 2012). In 1985 Microsoft released
windows versions 1.0. The window 1.0 was a DOS application that provided a weird graphic interface
and windowing environment. They also released 6 more window application, an application
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How Beowulf Is A Hero
Beowulf; a man whose greatness begun when he saved an entire kingdom from the clutches of the vile
monster Grendel. Beowulf was known for countlessly putting his body and his life on the line to save
his people. His courage and determination is what kept his legacy alive for all of these years. Not only
that, but the respect he had for the people around him made him a remembered warrior as well. That s
what I think makes a hero. Being determined to get a job done, having the courage to step in and
complete that job, and having enough respect for your people to still obey their wishes despite your
apparent fame. The hero I will be writing about is the fictional Marvel Comics character known as the
Black Panther (real name T Challa). He and Beowulf ... Show more content on ...
Time and time again, the Black Panther must represent his nation in front of the entire globe. Because
of this, everyone has knowledge of the Black Panther a.k.a T Challa. Black Panther s respect for his
people is shown particularly when Wakanda was invited to a very important panel that would be aired
in front of the world. This panel would include the likes of Reed Richards, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers,
and many more Big Name heroes. Panther brought along two colleagues from Wakanda to sit with
him on the panel Okoye and Nareema. When the panel intensified, it was the Black Panther turn to
offer up some resolutions. During this moment, Okoye and Nareema suggested some of their thoughts
to T Challa and the rest of the panel. Even though Stark and company tried to downplay their
suggestions, their King stepped up for them, allowing their points to be heard worldwide. No you may
not Mr. Stark, my companions will be heard! Because of T Challa s respect, he enabled Okoye and
Nareema to cultivate a sensible solution, which was eventually used to help prevent an oncoming
conflict. The Black Panther is such a great hero because he utilizes these three traits effectively. When
he sees a problem he has the courage to confront it. And no matter how much the tides seem to be
turning against him, he s always determine to find a way to save his kingdom! But what really makes
heroes like Beowulf and the Black Panther remembered, is the respect they have for those around
them. Using these three traits, their legacies will never
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Analysis Of All But My Life By Gerda Weissmann
This book is called All But My Life. The author is Gerda Weissmann. Gerda Weissmann Klein is one
of many survivors of the Holocaust. During the holocaust many Jewish people were killed. Gerda was
the only one that survived out of all her family. There were a number of reasons she survived this
horrible event. She survived the holocaust because of luck, family, and courage.
The first reason why she survived the holocaust was because of luck. There have been many things
that predicted or showed that Gerda was lucky during this time. One example was when Gerda were
using cards and it told Ilse that she was unlucky and told Gerda that she was lucky. Ilse says to Gerda,
Remember the cards in Bolkenhain. They told us I am unlucky, but you you
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Rome And Greek Democracies
Rome and Greece were milestones in human history, the reason was they were the imitators of the
democracies. Even though Roman and Greek political systems were both democracies, the origins and
specific details of their politics were different. In fact, Athens, since Greek was a city states country,
so different cities had different political systems, the one ruled through democracies was called
Athens. Because of population increment and economic expression caused huge pressure to the
government, in order to release pressures, the nobilities of Athens negotiated orders by considering the
interests of the polis s various constituencies, and this process was called direct rule. And their system
approved all adult males to vote for governors ... Show more content on ...
The most obvious and important difference was culture, which had also influenced us today. Because
of the philosophies of Greece, to find out the only truth, speeches or debates were popular in western
countries, many impressive and intelligent citizens would gather at the forum of the senate to argue
about everything, specially politics. However, in China, the most common were books, stories, and
poetries because of Confucianism, people practice their logical through reading these books, and the
final purpose was to explain Confucian thought and also to try be a governor through testing.
Meanwhile, their economic systems were also totally different. In western civilization, agriculture was
the duty of slavery who worked for free, the money for government came form trading and even
opening their own shops. China separated lands into individuals to let them feed themselves, and the
money of government mainly came form taxes. Therefore, the main differences between Western
civilizations and Chinese civilizations were cultures and economic
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Impact Of Prematurity On Development Essay example
Impact of Premature Birth on Development
Years ago, premature birth almost always meant death for the baby. Today, however, we have the
technology to nurture these infants development, and many of them survive to lead normal, healthy
lives. Although, very premature infants (that is, those born before about the fifth month) are still not
likely to survive, many born at five months and older will thrive. Some preterm babies, however, do
have many obstacles to overcome. There are a variety of medical problems that affect some of them,
they may have impaired mental or physical conditions, and they may be looked upon by others in their
environment as slow, or they might be treated differently because they were ... Show more content on ...
This still puts them in the same IQ range as their full term peers. They are more likely to need special
education classes later in life, though, and more likely to have to repeat a grade in school. This is most
likely because some premature infants have been shown to have some cognitive impairment when
compared to full term infants of the same age. Their memories are not as good, and their information
processing speed is significantly lower.
There have been many studies performed that compare the cognitive performance of preterm infants
with full term infants. One study in particular, performed by Susan A. Rose and Judith F. Feldman,
tested the memory and the processing speed of preterm children versus full term children at the age of
eleven. They used the Colorado Specific Abilities Test, which is a comparison of eight paper and
pencil tasks the child must perform. This test showed the degree of these four abilities: memory,
perceptual speed, spatial ability, and verbal ability. They also used the Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT)
which is a detailed exam of memory and speed. This test shows us exactly what aspects of speed and
memory it is that pre and full term children differ in, and how much this difference actually affects
them. It is comprised of a set of basic cognitive tasks used to study the individual elements of
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Pros And Cons Of Omnivore s Dilemma
Throughout the US there has been the big concern of where the food we eat comes from and if it is
healthy. Everyone wants healthy food, yet we fail to eat the healthy food that is right in front of us,
instead we eat industrial made food that causes the death of thousands of people each year. In the
Omnivore s Dilemma by Michael Pollan, you explore the pros and cons of our five main food chains;
industrial,industrial organic, organic, sustainable, and hunter gatherer. In all ways, the sustainable food
chain is the best food chain to feed the US. Animals and plants are developed naturally without any
chemicals or pesticides and all of the produce is grown and sold locally and harvested by hand.
Animals at sustainable farms are healthy and ... Show more content on ...
The customers that buy from local sustainable farms know how their food is grown and harvested. At
the Polyface farm Joel does not have walls on his slaughter house, this way people can come and see
how their next meal is killed in a humane way. The people don t need USDA to ensure that the meat
they re buying has been humanely and cleanly processed, (208) because they can watch with their own
eyes how the meat is slaughtered. Industrial industries protest that selling produce locally can not get
food to everyone around the US. Shipping produce across the country effects the foods taste. Also
when customers go to the far, to pick out their own food they get the produce fresh and local. Local
farmers on sustainable farms will make a bigger profit out of their produce because they do not have
to put all their money into buying chemicals and fertilizers, this is good for the produce and farmers.
Overall the sustainable food chain is the best food chain to feed the US. The food grown is fresh and
healthy. There are no chemicals, pesticides, or fossil fuels used to produce crops and the farmers on
sustainable farms look at the natural instincts of the animals and care for their animals, which means
they are feed grass, an animal s natural food, not corn and added growth hormones. Sustainable farms
are more than
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Fog In High School Essay
The fog hangs low. It s 7:00A.M., time for work. Exhausted, I climb into my car, careful not to
venture into the thick, white, fog, as it is still clinging to the ground. I turn on my headlights, and
slowly, make my way to Mcleston Elementary. I reach my school and enter it brace myself for a long
day at work. As I prepare myself for the lesson I notice a yellowed, aged, slip of yellow, frayed, paper
wedged in between the thick, history textbooks. I pick it up to read it. Suddenly, a hot burst of pain
shoots through my head, like white hot needles, driving through my brain, but as quickly as it had
come, the pain had disappeared. The fog hung low. It was 7:00A.M., time to go to school. I climb into
my mom s car, all while noticing that ... Show more content on ...
The fog hung low. It was 12:00 P.M., time for lunch. We were reminded to stay inside for lunch. I
racked my brain, trying to overcome the annoying block in my head, that was preventing me from
remembering the news article. What happened? Who was murdered? When, where, and how? After an
eternity of waiting for the students to hand in there work sheets, the bell finally rings, signalling the
end of class. I had stood in front of my drowsy, sluggish, class for what seemed like eternity, lecturing
about conspiracies, and urging the clock to resort back to normal speed. At last, the children had
finished filling out of the hot musty classroom, and I was free to go out for some fresh air. I drag my
feet to the doorway when a piece of paper flutters to the ground. I pick it up to put back in my pocket,
but I couldn t resist the temptation to glance at the writing. As I read it, I collapse onto the ground. The
fog hung low. It was 3:00 P.M., the end of school. I was the first person out. I raced out of the school, I
was an Olympic athlete. I came crashing through the doors faster than you could say mystery. I ran so
fast, that I had no time to stop my momentum as I barreled into a large cloud of fog. I
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Zacharias Jansen and The First Compound Microscope Essay
Compound Microscopes have assisted scientists in the research of objects invisible to the naked eye
for more than four hundred years and have greatly influenced our understanding of the world around
us. As technology has progressed, Light Microscopy has significantly improved. These improvements
include illumination methods, the Resolution lens quality and the use of oil immersion.
The first compound microscope was invented by Zacharias Jansen and his father Hans in 1595. Whilst
experimenting with lenses in a tube Zacharias and his father made an important discovery, where the
image of and object at the end of the tube seemed greatly enlarged (history of the
This microscope was made of two lenses positioned at each end of ... Show more content on ...
Chromatic aberration is cause by the dispersion of a lens and the different colours of light travelling at
different speeds. This causes the image of an object to appear with coloured edges or to be blurred
( Resolution is the most important variable in producing a quality, detailed
image. The formula for resolution in a microscope is: R=λ/2NA where λ is the wavelength of light and
NA is the numerical aperture of the objective lens. A higher value equated for R will give a poor
resolution, whereas a lower value will form a more detailed resolution. A higher NA will produce a
superior resolution because R will be reduced. Also, the smaller the wavelength, the lesser R will be,
generating more detailed resolution. Because of this, the wavelength of blue/violet light is
significantly smaller and will produce a very highly detailed resolution. From this, it can be
understood that methods of illumination have significantly developed since the first compound
microscope and shorter wavelengths of light produce much more superior quality images and are ideal
for use in microscopes. (
The first microscope used glass lenses. In comparison, compound microscopes of today use special
lenses of optical glass. These lenses are made of silicone dioxide, a quartz crystal and the most
common mineral found. Quartz is used for its various
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Pdf) The Forensic Anthropology Report A Pr

  • 1. Pdf) The Forensic Anthropology Report: A Pr 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Pdf) The Forensic Anthropology Report: A Pr Pdf) The Forensic Anthropology Report: A Pr
  • 2. Television And Its Impact On The World War II In 1926 John Logie Baird transmitted his first image with his new mechanical television. As the 4 x2 image of his business partner illuminated his face, Baird was completely unaware of the influence this new medium would have on the opinions and attitudes of the people of the world. Television represented a new opportunity to bring not only audio like radio but to place an image in every home. Along with the work of many other inventors television was soon to become a viable medium of entertainment and news but it did face many setbacks. At first television was a novelty, completely overshadowed by the established medium of radio. Before World War II very few homes contained a television and broadcasters mostly aired 15 minute segments and were limited in technology. Then on September 1, 1939 Hitler and Germany invaded Poland and the world plunged into World War II. The FCC issued a ban on the construction of television equipment causing the growth of television to stagnate. At the end of the war economic prosperity and a rising middle class opened the door for a new rise in the purchase of goods. One such good was the television. In 1947 only a few thousand homes owned a television. By 1950 six million homes contained a television, and in 1960 around 60 million homes contained a television. During this period a new war was being waged: the Cold War. In this battle between United States and the Soviet Union ideals propaganda was the main way to grow support for their cause ... Get more on ...
  • 3. How Language Changes Start and Spread Essay Language change happens every day. New words are constantly being added and new dialects are forming. People have always argued about the causes of language change and tried to control the changes that occurred but ultimately they accomplished nothing. Languages changes and spread as a result of the people who use it daily. African American English and California English are both examples of the different ways language can change. People try to resist the changes in their language because they do not want to see it change. Language change is a natural process that can be affected by others but never stopped. This course has done an excellent job explaining how language change starts and spreads. Language change can be caused by numerous ... Show more content on ... As different dialects of a language develop they are shared with the people of the area. People often use the dialect of those that they interact with most. To explain this simply, a person who only speaks Chicano English is fine in their daily interactions with other speakers of the dialect but they may have trouble speaking with a Northern Dialect. The spread of language change depends on the factors that are causing it. The natural change in language over time smarts in a small area and spreads to everyone that it comes in contact with. This course focused on a numerous languages that were undergoing change. The simplest and most relevant for many Americans are the changes that are occurring in English. America is a great melting pot of different people and as such English s multiple dialects reflect cultural diversity. One of the most studied and still not understood dialects is African American English. The point of contention between the ideas for the origin of African American English is whether it was based on an existing dialect in the south or if it was creole of English and different West African languages. Either way this is an example of a rapid language change that has persisted over time. It is illogical to believe that the slaves who were forced to learn English did not incorporate some of their own language. How else could they have communicated before they fully understood English. An example of slower language ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Intellectual Property Rights Intellectual property rights are a bundle of exclusive legal rights over creations of the mind, both artistic and commercial. These rights give statutory expression to the moral and economic rights of creators in their creations. Intellectual property rights safeguard creators and other producers of intellectual goods and services by granting them certain time limited rights to control the use made of those productions. These rights also promote creativity and the dissemination and application of its results and encourage fair trading, which also contributes to economic and social development. . With the wave of globalisation emerged a need of uniform intellectual property laws all over the world. To achieve this aim WTO stepped in through ... Show more content on ... Every year 14 million people die due to infectious diseases that to mostly in developing countries. Factors such as poverty and lack of access to health services worsen the situation. The high prices of medicines has made it inaccessible to various developing countries The high prices are a result of patents, which give their holders the right to restrict competition and therefore sell a certain innovation and information flows. The 20 year protection for pharmaceutical products and processes made the production of genetic drugs equivalent to expensive branded drugs. Also implementation of TRIP s put an end to the practise of reverse engineering (practise where developing countries did not use to grant product patents but process patents for pharmaceuticals, enabling domestic researchers to develop similar products through a process of reverse engineering ) practised in various developing countries. Article 7 of TRIPs agreement which is one of the objectives of TRIPS agreement says that the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights should contribute to the promotion of technological innovation and to the transfer and dissemination of technology, to the mutual advantage of producers and users of technological knowledge and in a manner conducive to social and economic welfare, and to a balance of rights and obligations. Following the objective laid down in article 7 ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Life of Prophet Jeremiah Life and times Jeremiah was born and grew up in the village of Anathoth, a few miles northeast of Jerusalem, in a priestly family. In his childhood he must have learned some of the traditions of his people, particularly the prophecies of Hosea, whose influence can be seen in his early messages. The era in which Jeremiah lived was one of transition for the ancient Near East. The Assyrian empire, which had been dominant for two centuries, declined and fell. Its capital, Nineveh, was captured in 612 by the Babylonians and Medes. Egypt had a brief period of resurgence under the 26th dynasty (664 525) but did not prove strong enough to establish an empire. The new world power was the Neo Babylonian empire, ruled by a Chaldean dynasty whose best ... Show more content on ... In the opinion of such scholars, Jeremiah began to prophesy toward the end of the reign of Josiah or at the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim (609 598). Early in the reign of Jehoiakim, Jeremiah delivered his famous Temple sermon, of which there are two versions, one in Jeremiah, chapter 7, verses 1 to 15, the other in chapter 26, verses 1 to 24. He denounced the people for their dependence on the Temple for security and called on them to effect genuine ethical reform. He predicted that God would destroy the Temple of Jerusalem, as he had earlier destroyed that of Shiloh, if they continued in their present path. Jeremiah was immediately arrested and tried on a capital charge. He was acquitted but may have been forbidden to preach again in the Temple. The reign of Jehoiakim was an active and difficult period in Jeremiah s life. That king was very different from his father, the reforming Josiah, whom Jeremiah commended for doing justice and righteousness. Jeremiah denounced Jehoiakim harshly for his selfishness, materialism, and practice of social injustice. Near the time of the Battle of Carchemish, in 605, when the Babylonians decisively defeated the Egyptians and the remnant of the Assyrians, Jeremiah delivered an oracle against Egypt. Realizing that this battle made a great difference in the world situation, Jeremiah soon dictated to his scribe, Baruch, a scroll containing all of the messages he ... Get more on ...
  • 6. All Three Books Demand Connection Not Only Because Essay All three books demand connection not only because they are printed together, but also because of their relevance to their respective stories as seen above. This distinction is important to make because without it there is no need to question if they enhance or hinder the story. If each form only resided beside the narratives because the author said so then they would simply be a hindrance. Without this distinction, it would be justifiable to skip U.S.A. s various forms so that readers could return to Mac s or Charley s adventure. Even though there are times when the relevance of these forms comes into question, their overwhelming presence in the book, and the clear relevance shown above, mean they cannot be skipped over. Nonetheless, there is a reason for finding the various forms to be a nuisance. Is this my intro???After proving the necessity of the various forms to keep the books whole, it will be necessary to use that information and determine if their presence enhances each book as well or if they end up hindering the books. The relevance of the various forms within all three of these books becomes obvious at different times. Dos Passos U.S.A. usage of various forms is the clearest cut of the three books. Since each book is labeled as a novel in the trilogy there is no need to question the inclusion of the newsreels and camera eyes; at least, there is no need to question if their purpose in the book is to serve the novel as a whole or as to exists as separated parts ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Core Guiding Values Core Guiding Values My success is predicated on the intangible core guided values that reflect the following comprehensive traits and qualities listed below. This list respectively reflects the six encompassing disciplines that I consider paramount for both professional and personal growth in fulfilling my goals and aspirations in life. Moreover, following these core guided values will be the baseline in order for me to establish strategies so I can develop a system (Maxwell, 2014, p. 107). Mentally having my priorities right will help ensure that I can stay on the right critical path (i.e. staying the course when achieving my own ideal self goals by reaching realistic millstones) that will perpetuate my own future success and personal endeavors. Honor: Living up to your values and personal convictions; Duty: Fulfilling your obligation; Personal Courage: Facing your personal fears, dangers, and adversities; Loyalty: Bearing true faith and allegiance; Respect: The Golden Rule. treating people with kindness, fairness, and with dignity; Selfless Service: Being associated with something bigger than yourself, serving in the capacity of put the welfare of others needs before your own. I am currently in the process of trying to reinvent myself in both of my professions as a safety professional and also in my military career. I am concurrently going through the motions of trying to perpetrate myself for success in accomplishing two major feats that ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Scapegoats In Lord Of The Flies Lord of the Flies Essay The use of scapegoats impacts our society to large extent because it impacts many of our set ideals placed in American society today. Although there are different sides of scapegoating, the one that falls into the parameters of prejudices in today s society. Many innocent victims fall to the idea of scapegoating, by trying to avoid punishment. For example: Are all Anglos, Republican?Are all Muslims, terrorists? Are all African Americans and Hispanics in gangs? Are all minorities on welfare?Are all Italians in the Mafia? Are all Hispanics here illegally?Although we have learned to call these type of statements stereotypical and in some cases profiling. Scapegoating is an act in which a person unfairly blames someone ... Show more content on ... The word scapegoat is described in the Bible s Book of Leviticus. The passage goes something like this: On the Day of Atonement a live goat was chosen by lot. The high priest, robed in linen garments, laid both his hands on the goat s head, and confessed over it the iniquities of the children of Israel. The sins of the people thus symbolically transferred to the beast, it was taken out into the wilderness and let go. The people felt purged, and for the time being, guiltless. Since the biblical times the term/word scapegoat has changed to refer to individuals or people who are made to suffer the problems and faults of others. Scapegoating seems to be a psychological act, in which it allows the perpetrator to eliminate negative feelings about him or himself and provides a sense of relief. There have been many incidents of scapegoating in the past year itself. One of the most used scapegoats would be God , Conversely, God is also a convenient scapegoat. According to people s logic, if God is so perfect, why does he allow bad things to happens to people who serve him? In fact as many as ⅔ of americans surveyed have blamed god for their ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Joining a Discourse Community Life is full of different paths that each person has to take to achieve their goals. In those roads, people might find groups that share ideas, knowledge, culture, or tastes with them, called discourse communities, which can lead to live experiences that might turn unforgettable. People can join an infinite number of these groups, however in order to accomplish that they must convince its members by applying some techniques taught in this class of English 1301, for example, knowing the group s rhetorical situation, i.e. its cultural context, motivations, the audience itself, etc. or applying the different Aristotelian appeals such as ethos (appeal to credentials and experience), pathos (appeal to emotions) or logos (appeal ... Show more content on ... So joining a Discourse community is a major part of life, because it can help you to grow as a human being, and to learn a lot of things that can turn helpful to become successful in the future, therefore through personal experiences one can demonstrate the importance of joining these communities thus to convey young people to understand that living this experience would give them the chance to share with self opinionated people, that while arguing with them, they can reach into conclusions that could change their way of thinking and seeing life. Consequently by presenting my personal experience, I can let people know how essential joining a discourse community can be. Gaitas is a musical rhythm created in Zulia, Venezuela, which is played especially in the month of December as a celebration of the Christmas holiday; it is composed by a melody of different instruments, such as cuatro, maracas, charrasca, tambora and furruco, which are traditional Caribbean instruments, but can be found in other parts of the world since they can be used in other music styles like Samba in Brazil or African dances. Its lyrics have a varied range of subjects raging from love, religion and politics, but always presented in a cheerful rhythm full of hope and hope to enhance the celebration of Christmas that is lived with great excitement and spirit of fiesta in Venezuela. It is also a tradition that at the senior year ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Pros And Cons Of Atomic Bombing The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are encased in one of the most controversial presidential decisions of America s history. The war on the European front was coming to an end, but Japan still held a firm fighting position against the Allied Powers. With each Japanese island the U.S. Army seized, American casualties increased. As the supply of American soldiers dwindled, alternative solutions had to be discussed before proceeding with one of the most costly invasions America would undertake. America s chief priorities consisted of victoriously ending the war in the shortest time possible, and saving the most lives Japanese and American alike. The only possible way to meet this was through the use of atomic energy. If it were ... Show more content on ... It was about what could shock the Japanese into thinking their pride meant little to nothing. At this point, war was no longer about physical strength, but instead about intelligence, and the real fear of losing everything. With conventional warfare Japan thought they had a chance to win, or at least severely damage America, no matter how bad Japanese losses were. When an entirely new age of weaponry was unleashed onto Japan, they simply submitted within a few days. World War II was officially over, and millions of lives were saved in the process of using atomic energy. Since other nations gained knowledge of the atomic process, it only made sense for America to use the bomb. Although the war was over, powerful nations would now be arming themselves to the teeth with new age atomic weapons, in order to not be vulnerable like Japan. The controversy of whether it was moral to use the atomic bomb is ill conceived on two aspects: 1. The bomb saved millions of lives despite the hundreds of thousands that died as a result, and were dying every day to air raids much like Tokyo. 2. Atomic energy was widely known throughout the world, so it was only a race to determine which nations mastered the process first. There was no other better way America could have handled the situation without losing the lives of ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Integration And Combined Utilization Of Renewable... Several researches have discussed the Integration and combined utilization of renewable energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy, small hydropower and their hybrid configurations. Different authors used different Technology option and approaches for a range of hybrid systems at different times, locations and different countries for determination of the optimal design of the hybrid system in terms of cost and the reliability that has become of great importance with the increasing in using of hybrid renewable energy systems, especially in remote area electrification. There have been a number of researches carried out in this regard over the last few decades. Dufo López et al, [1] used Monte Carlo simulation to consider the uncertainties of irradiation and load for the optimization of the electrical supply of a hospital existed far from the electric grid in Kalong (Democratic Republic of the Congo), which is presently powered by a diesel battery system. The optimization process based on IHOGA software and the results showed that adding solar photovoltaic (PV) to a diesel battery system to supply the loads could obtain a 28% reduction in energy cost, 54% reduction in the fuel consumption and reducing in CO2 emissions lower than the current diesel battery system. M. Fadaeenejad et al, [2] presented an analysis and optimization for a hybrid system (PV/ wind/ batteries) which designed for rural electrification in Malaysia. The evaluation of the optimization accomplished ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Summary Of The Beautiful North A Journey to the North Into the Beautiful north is an awesome novel that relates they story of Nayeli, a nineteen years old girl and her three friends that decided to migrate to the United States to hire seven men to defend their little town from some drug traffickers that arrived to their village. But going north was not an easy journey for Nayeli and her friends. They have so many trouble on their way to Tijuana. In this research paper there is a review of the scenes in the Tijuana garbage dump in chapter 12, where immigrants belongings were stolen and they have to face several dangerous situations. When they arrived to Tijuana, they found out their baggage got lost, and the driver did not respond for it. So there they are, with no personal belongings and very little money. Luckily, they meet Don Porfirio and his wife Aracely who offered them a place to sleep. Aracely and Don Porfirio are a Mixtec Indian couple that come north to Tijuana to find work and earn some money. Nayeli did not know if she can trust them, but she had no other options. She and her friends accepted the offer and took the buss with Don Porfirio and Aracely towards, what they described as, a humble home. The bus stopped near a trash dump. Don Porfirio described the dump as Home . In fact, Urrea relates that Baptist missionaries have built their home out of old garage doors smuggled in from San Diego. For Nayeli it was a long sad place. A volcano of smelly garbage, but at least they will be ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Similarities Between Casey At The Bat And David And Goliath In the passages, Casey at the Bat and David and Goliath David and Casey show a lot of similarities and differences. One similarity is that they both had to face many conflicts. The poem, Casey at the Bat , states, That ain t my style, said Casey. Strike one, the umpire said. The passage David and Goliath states, When Goliath saw that David was just a healthy, good looking boy, he made fun of him. Casey was continuing to strike out and causing his team to lose and Goliath was way bigger than David. These are both problems Casey and David had to face. Another similarity is that they both have tons of pressure on them. Casey at the Bat states, Five thousand tongues applauded when he wiped them on his shirt. David and ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Erik Homberger Erikson s Life Of The Lakota And The Yurok Erik Homberger Erikson was born on June 15, 1902 in Frankfort, Germany. Erikson was born to his Jewish mother Karla Abrahamsen, and his biological father who was an unnamed Danish man who abandoned him before he was born. During his school years, he studied art and different languages instead of chemistry and biology. When he graduated he was interested in becoming an artist. During the 1920 s he decided to travel Europe, where he had to sleep under bridges. After traveling around Europe for a year, he decided to enroll in an art school back in Germany. He stayed at the art school for several years. Then he began to teach art and other subjects to American children who came to Vienna for Freudian training. Erikson was admitted to the Vienna Psychoanalytic Institute. In 1933 he moved to Boston, where he filled a position at Harvard medical school as America s first child analyst. While he taught at Yale and Berkley, he did his famous studies on the modern life of the Lakota and the Yurok. Erikson is known for being a prolific writer. He has wrote many books and essays such as Childhood and Society (1950), Youngman Luther (1958), Youth: change and challenge (1963), Etc. Erikson went on to teach at a clinic in Massachusetts then back to Harvard before he retired in 1970. In 1994 Erikson passed away at the age of 92. Erikson s main contribution to psychology was his developmental theory. He developed eight psychosocial stages of development and believed that each stage presents ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act Employment Guarantee and Migration Koshtub Vohra, MPP 11 Introduction The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, the lead welfare project of the UPA Government was passed by the Parliament in August 2005 and became effective on fifth September 2005. It has been criticized by numerous as yet another instance of a vast lump of public money being flushed down the channel in pointless rural development works. Reports of plans comprising of the NREGA workers burrowing trench and after that re filling them at work sites, of labourers not being paid their wages, of swelled muster rolls with non existent labours and substantial sums being cheated out of the system which is sufficiently funded by the Center, and most recently, the abhorrent ... Show more content on ... Amid 2006 07 against the aggregate accessible funds of Rs. 12073.56 Crore with the states, Rs. 8823.36 Crore was used. The normal fund use every region was Rs. 44.12 Crore in 2006 07. For 2007 08 the government made a budget procurement of Rs 12000 Crore. Out of this Rs. 8303.82 Crores have been discharged up to fourteenth November 2007. Out of this, Rs. 5365.99 Crore have been discharged to the Phase I 200 districts and Rs. 2937.92 Crore have been discharged to the Phase II 131 districts. Amid 2006 07, 2.12 Crore households had requested employment, out of which 2.10 Crore households were given employment. Amid the year 90.51 Crore individual days of employment was given under the project. Midpoints of 45.2 lakh individual days of employment every districts have been created. Out of aggregate 90.51 Crore individual days, the share of Scheduled Castes was 22.95 Crore individual days (25.36%) and Scheduled Tribes was 32.99 (36.45%) constituting a sum of 55.94 Crore individual days for SCs/STs which comes to about 62%. According to the NREGA, the share of ladies individual days ought to be 1/3rd and the same was 36.79 Crore individual days, which is about 41%. Amid 2007 08 (up to September 2007), 1.97 Crore households have requested employment and 1.88 Crore households have been given employment. An aggregate of 56.14 Crore individual days of employment has been created under the Program. Out of this, the offer ... Get more on ...
  • 16. ATC DET B Essay 1. Situation. On 15 November 2017 at 0730, all full duty status Marines attached to ATC DET B will participate and run through the obstacle course at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Miramar. 2. Mission. To implement unit cohesion and camaraderie through enhanced unit physical training (PT) combat conditioning for Air Traffic Control Detachment Bravo (ATC DET B). Physical fitness for Marines is inherent to the Marine Corps to meet the new physical standards set forth and unit combat readiness. This physical fitness event shall challenge each Marines physical strength, confidence, and ability to run through the obstacle course in a timely manner. 3. Execution: a. Commander s Intent. To promote ATC DET B combat readiness, by performing the obstacle course helping strengthen unit cohesion, promote good morale, and camaraderie. ... Show more content on ... Tasks: (1) ATC DET B: (a) All Marines who are full duty status shall be present at the obstacle course, see enclosure (1). (b) All Work Section Supervisors shall obtain accountability of their section and report it to the Platoon Sergeant. (2) Corporal Gibbons: (a) Designate (1) Martial Arts Instructor (MAI) to instruct and perform the obstacle course event. (b) Designate (2) safety officers or combat life savers (CLS). (c) Designate (2) Marines E 3 and below to drive safety government vehicle to obstacle course, see enclosure (1). d. Coordinating Instructions. At 0715, ATC DET B will muster at the obstacle course, see enclosure (1). The Platoon Sergeant will obtain morning accountability of all work sections, and then report accountability to Maintenance SNCOIC and Operations SNCOIC no later than 0730. (1) Timeline. Timeline for this event will be as follows: Wednesday, November 15th 0715 0730: Muster and accountability, see enclosure (1) 0730 0830: Obstacle ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Racial Discrimination On Minority Groups Practically, every country in the universe has a minority populace that can be either national, ethnic, linguistic, or a religious group. Minority concerns have been on the itinerary of the United Nations for more than half a century. In 1948, the General Assembly asserted that the United Nations could not remain detached to the providence of minorities. That explicates why the 2005 World Summit Outcome reaffirmed the rights of minorities and advocacy to the efforts of the United Nations (Zanden and James 153). Does discrimination on minority groups have a basis in our daily lives? It is from that rationale that this paper will endeavor at elucidating on the motives why I think discrimination on minority groups has no grounds in our society. By venturing into various forms of prejudice, such as racial differences, gay, lesbians, transgender, and the disabled people, we will be able to understand the role these groups of people play in our society. Racial prejudice is a stealth moral and a social cancer influencing individuals and populations globally, especially racial minorities. It can be detected by the indexing of its many symptoms and visitations that comprise trepidation, parochialism, alienation, segregation, prejudice, and loathing. From a personal point of understanding, ignorance denotes the single reason racism exists worldwide. If an individual grows up doing a concrete thing, his or her entire life and everyone within their vicinity does the same thing, it may ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Nicholas II Biography Nicholas II was born on May 6, 1868, in Pushkin, Russia. He was the son of Tsar Alexander III and Maria Feodorovna. Nicholas II was the oldest son of Alexander III, which later made him the ruler of the Russian Empire. Nicholas II was taught by Russian academics at home by private tutors. He knew several languages and had a wide knowledge of history, he also grasped military science. Nicholas II took the throne at age 26 after his father s unexpected death because of Kidney disease in 1894. Nicholas later married a German Princess Alix of Hesse, who later then took the name of Alexandra Feodorovna. Nicholas II and Alexandra ended up having five children: Olga, Tatyana, Maria, Anastasia, and Aleksey. It is known that Aleksey was the only boy ... Show more content on ... Nicholas II stated I am not prepared to be a tsar. I never wanted to become one. I know nothing of the business of ruling That greatly showed once he took the throne. Nicholas II s handling of Bloody Sunday and World War I incensed his subjects and led to his abdication. The Bolsheviks executed him and his family on the night of July 16 17, 1918, in Yekaterinburg, Russia, under Vladimir Lenin. In 1904 Japan attacked Russia. In December of that year, Nicholas II s army was forced to surrender at Port Arthur. At the start of World War I, Russia performed terribly. Nicholas II decided to make himself commander in chief, so he could take personal control of the military from Grand Duke Nicholas. Russia underwent major losses and was put in poverty and high inflation. The Russian public blamed Nicholas II for poor military decisions. Nicholas had to quit the throne on March 15, 1917. According to the article Tsar/Tsarina (1868 1918) Historians have long speculated as to whether Nicholas II s daughter, Anastasia, might have survived the shooting but in 2007, a DNA analysis conclusively identified her body. Nicholas II was the last Emperor of Russia. (Tsar/Tsarina (1868 1918)). It seemed that Nicholas II wasn t liked by the people in Russia. He didn t fulfill his duties as Emperor and led his military to a loss. Nicholas II was the last emperor of ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Effects Of Ship Pollution ISSUES AND CHALLENGES OF SHIPPING IN MITIGATING THE ENVIRONMENT POLLUTION Abstract: Life itself arose from the oceans. The ocean is vast, covering 140 million square miles, some 72 per cent of the earth s surface. Not only has the oceans always been a prime source of nourishment for the life it helped generate, but from earliest recorded history it has served for trade and commerce, adventure and discovery. It has kept people apart and brought them together. Humans have always had a close relationship with the aquatic environment, including the early use of the sea for food harvesting and communication. Today, the sea is an important component of the transportation system, with large amounts of cargo and passengers. This chapter provides a short introduction to ships and shipping also introduces the environmental impacts related to ship operations. Ship transportation has increased tremendously since the industrial revolution, which has resulted in increased emissions due to shipping and increased stresses on the environment. Keywords: Ship, Shipping transportation, Environment, Earth s, Ecosystems, Marine pollution. Maritime industry and International Maritime Organization (IMO) 1. INTRODUCTION: The world s water plays a very important role in all aspects of our lives, providing food, employment and other benefits. Over two thirds of the world s population lives within 400 km of the sea, and just over half of the world s population lives in a coastal strip 120 miles ... Get more on ...
  • 20. A Comparison Of Frankendoodle And Frankenstein Frankendoodle in Comparison to the Original text Frankenstein Frankenstein is a classic science fiction novel written by Mary Shelley, through the ages, many adaptations have taken the story through various forms of popular culture. SpongeBob Squarepants, a popular children s television show often alludes to classic literature, and makes it entertaining for all ages. While this example is quite comical, it does hold classical elements associated with Frankenstein, but takes a spin on the classic science fiction novel. In this essay I will consider the similarities and differences between the two texts; Frankendoodle as well as Frankenstein. By looking at the allusion apparent in Frankendoodle , it is clear to see that many of the ... Show more content on ... Being an artist is a heavy responsibility. Each work of art is like a child and must be treated as such. (Frankendoodle Transcript line 34) Patrick continues on and draws and one of SpongeBob s neighbours Squidward. When the drawing comes to life, both SpongeBob and Patrick decide it is [...]kind of creepy when it moves (Frankendoodle Transcript line 38), and decide to erase and allow their minds to be at ease. Following, SpongeBob decides to make a replica of himself named Doodlebob (also known as Frankendoodle) which they use to frighten his neighbour for entertainment. As both Patrick and SpongeBob watch their creation scare their neighbour, Squidward is being brutally beaten by Doodlebob. It s revealed that both SpongeBob and Patrick are completely terrified of Doodlebob, and Patrick outright refuses to confront him, until being convinced by SpongeBob. At this point in the text, Doodlebob has stolen the pencil that gave him life and even recreates SpongeBob s house, proving that although he is unable to communicate, he bares enough intelligence to be spiteful of his creator. SpongeBob gains the upper hand while all three dual for the ownage of the magic pencil and erases DoodleBob face while exclaiming: I brought you into this world and now I m gonna take you out. Any last words? (Frankendoodle Transcript line 77) SpongeBob ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Essay On Open Source Software 6 Benefits to Using Open Source Software as a Small Business Small businesses have to be smart with their money. Your resources are limited and you can t afford to spend a lot of time testing and trialling different technologies. However, surviving in the modern world without technology is nearly impossible. Therefore, small businesses must be able to latch on to any opportunity they find and make the most of software around them. For this, open source software is the best possible option. But what is open source software and how can a small business benefit from it? Open source software in a nutshell According to the official definition by the Open Source Initiative, open source software is computer software which is distributed ... Show more content on ... 2. Reliable and secure Open source software also has a reputation of being secure and reliable. Because the source code is under constant public scrutiny, the quality of development remains high and problems in the code tend to get fixed fast. Thousands of developers test the code continuously, meaning that any performance or security related problems get resolved quickly. 3. Transparency Related the above point is the transparency you can enjoy with open source software. Since the source code is available for anyone to see, you don t have to worry about hidden features that might put your small business information at risk. If you use traditional software, you essentially need to trust the vendor s word you have no way of knowing what the code will actually do or the information it gathers. With the public source code, you are always able to check exactly what the software does and what this means to your data. 4. Flexible Since you are free to change, tweak and use the open source software as you please, it gives a lot of flexibility to small businesses. You don t need to worry about the vendor changing terms of use or adding new elements to the software that you don t want to use. Furthermore, there is no fear of the vendor withdrawing support from the software and thus creating a problem for your small business. Your business is free to use the product and due to the near zero initial set up cost, you are flexible to change to another software if you want
  • 22. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Essay On I Have The Right To Bear Arms Within the past half century, gun control has become a heated debate topic between Americans. The United States Federal government should not increase gun control regulations. The second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states, A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. By this, it is understood that each citizen has the right to possess firearms and use them under the realms of a cautious manner. This amendment was written under the intentions of protecting Americans from dangers, both foreign and domestic. After experiencing the tyranny of Britain, Americans wanted to ensure protection for both themselves and their loved ones from ... Show more content on ... At certain points in history, gun sales to civilians have been prohibited by law. In 1976, Washington D.C. implemented a gun ban that potentially worsened the city s homicide rate. According to the Metropolitan Police Department, annual homicides rose from 188 in 1976 to 364 in 1988 and continued increasing to 454 in 1993. The gun ban was struck down by the Supreme Court in District of Columbia v. Heller and since, homicides have steadily declined to 88 annual murders in 2012. This statistic shows that depriving the right to bear arms from law abiding citizens is ineffective in decreasing the number of homicides as criminals will find a way to obtain a gun even with a gun ban in place. The law abiding citizens will be left vulnerable as the criminals will have defenseless victims to attack. The United States has attempted to put gun bans into place in the past. However, these regulations have been repetitively ineffective. Because of the ineffectiveness of gun bans and the overall counter result of an increase in homicides, it would be in best interest, for the safety of Americans, to not implement an increase on Federal gun control ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Structure, Sign And Play On The Discourse Of Human Sciences Derrida: Structure, sign and play in the discourse of human sciences. While understanding Derrida, many scholars consider early life of Derrida as a marginalized European and being a Jew has special significance1. He later theorized that marginalization in terms of absence , a loaded term in Derrida s works which we will visit later in this chapter. It was a high time for existentialism, phenomenology and structuralism represented many renowned thinkers like Husserl, Sartre, Strauss, and others. While the concern of structural linguistics was to formulate scientific understanding of language as structured expression/entity, others were skeptic about fundamental presuppositions of neutral binaries, the virtuality of the center and who rejected subjective humanism of existentialists. Deconstruction is literary technique derived by Derrida to show that there are many unquestioned metaphysical notions that we use in structured language, and arbitrary hierarchy is maintained between various binaries. Speaking in terms of linguistics, relation between signified and signifier is anything but neutral, as it privileges one constituent of binary over other. For example, privilege of speaking voice over written text, privilege of presence over absence, privilege of masculine over feminine and so on. Thus for Derrida logocentrism is invariably present in the history of western metaphysics which somewhere privileges author over his text. Derrida s method is to look for ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Shortcomings Of Social Media Communication is an integral aspect in organizational success. The efficiency of both the internal and the external communication determine the success of a given organization. As such, use of the most effective means of communication is fundamental to the success of organizations (Benson, 2016). In this excerpt, an examination of the benefits and shortcomings of using social media as well as having kick off meetings will be analyzed. Think of a time that social media was used on a project. Describe what was used and the purpose of communication (inform, persuade, motivate, interact, inspire). What were the benefits and challenges of using that social media? Citing a case in context, our organization aimed at motivating people to participate in a corporate social responsibility (CSR) program. The members of the workforce were to attend a tree planting event. However, much of the members were opposed to the idea as they preferred attending a team building retreat. Therefore, the communication department was charged with the duty of motivating the members to develop a positive attitude towards the corporate social responsibility (CSR) event. Therefore, the communication team consistently posted positive effects of participating in CSR. In this undertaking, the posts were made emotional hence touching the players by both benefits and shortcomings of using the social media were manifested. It was meant to reach all the members of staff almost immediately. Comments from ... Get more on ...
  • 26. War Room Religion What is the most powerful weapon we have as a Christian? (Pause) What can we as Christians do.., to pull down strongholds. (Pause) When our world feels like it is falling in on us.., what can we do about it as Christians? (Pause) Prayer is what we do to win battles against the forces of evil.., to ward off satan s schemes. You gotta get on your knees. To win the battle. You begin by getting on your knees. Has anyone ever seen the movie, War Room? There is a scene where a lady name Elizabeth that s a realtor, played by Priscilla Shirer. In this scene she s trying to show and ask Mrs. Clara, played by Karen Abercrombie, the suggested selling price of her home in the area. And.., every time Elizabeth would ask Mrs. Clara what she thinks about the suggested selling price. Mrs. Clara responds with a question about her family. Towards the end of that scene.., Mrs. Clara asks Elizabeth what her prayer life was like. Would she respond by saying it was hot or cold. Elizabeth is thrown back by the all these questions. She tells Mrs. Clara ... Show more content on ... 46 And after he had taken leave of them, he went up on the mountain to PRAY. 47 And when evening came, the boat was out on the sea, and he was alone on the land. 48 And he saw that they were making headway painfully, for the wind was against them. And about the fourth watch of the night. He came to them, walking on the sea. He meant to pass by them, 49 but when they saw him walking on the sea they thought it was a ghost, and cried out, 50 for they all saw him and were terrified. But immediately he spoke to them and said, Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid. 51 And he got into the boat with them, and the wind ceased. And they were utterly astounded, 52 for they did not understand about the loaves, but their hearts gwere ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Hypothesis-Pepsi vs Coke Running head: COKE A Coke is a Coke ITT Tech PROBLEM Why do some of us have such strong soda preferences? There s all this uproar of Coke vs. Pepsi, and really looking at the ingredients, the products aren t all that different. Both are made of carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, caramel color, sugar, phosphoric acid, caffeine, citric acid and natural flavors (Pendergrast, 2000, p.6). The natural flavors are where they differ. Coke includes a secret ingredient known as Merchandise 7X, which sounds all mysterious and daring (Pendergrast, p.6). According to Pendergrast, the slightest bit can make a big difference! But it s hard to say why one person likes something while another person can t stand it. Though each ... Show more content on ... However, a consumer backlash led to Coca Cola quickly introducing a modified version of the original formula (removing the expensive Haitian lime oil and changing the sweetener to corn syrup) as Coke Classic (Blakesleen, p.3). Overall, Coca Cola continues to outsell Pepsi in almost all areas of the world. HYPOTHESIS When it comes to the Coke vs. Pepsi challenge, I always prefer Coke. I think it has less of a sugary aftertaste. People say they can tell the difference between Pepsi and Coke, in my opinion they both taste the same! I believe that based on 30 people (half male/half female), women will be the ones who will be able to differentiate between Coke and Pepsi. The subjects for the challenge differed on their choices but all figured they could identify their favorite cola in a blind test. So I challenged them. METHODOLOGY [pic] [pic] I divided the taste test between male and female, 15 male and 15 female. I chilled both the Pepsi can and the Coke can at 53 degrees Fahrenheit and served 4 oz of each in clear plastic cups labeled Sample A and Sample B . In between the soda tests I gave the test subjects water (and saltine crackers) to wash down the after taste. I observed reactions and body language of each taste subject when test was given. I asked the test subjects to answer these questions before given the sample: Questions: 1. Current Age: 2. Male/Female: Male Female 3. ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Romantic Relationship Patterns In Adolescence Boisvert, S., Poulin, F. (2016). Romantic relationship patterns from adolescence to emerging adulthood: Associations with family and peer experiences in early adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45(5), 945 958. doi: 016 0435 0 From ( removed HTML ) Overview: This study focuses on a longitudinal study, observing similar patterns between romantic relationships, peer and family relationships. To do so, those patterns must be identified before the individual becomes involved with a romantic partner. Boisvert wanted to know of the patterns displayed n romantic relationships are influenced or reflected on patterns with family and peer groups (2016). Assessment In early adolescents romantic relationships become an imperative source of development (Carver et al., 2003) Due to adolescent curiosity with exploring romantic relationships, similar patterns continue into their adulthood (Orphinas et al., 2013) Before the commence of romantic relationships, the relationship of peers and friendship should also be examined to identify if they have similar patterns as well (Furman Shafer, 2003) Early relationship, e.g., family may inhibit or promote developmental interpersonal skills needed for successful romantic relationships in adulthood (Bryant Conger, 2002) Participants Longitudinal study that began in 2001 with 390, 6th graders Ages average 12 13 From French language schools 90% are Canadian born 72% have ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Introduction . Ever Since Charles Babbage Invented The Introduction Ever since Charles Babbage invented the first computer in the early 19th century, people have started their whole company with computers. One well known company that we will talk about is Microsoft. Microsoft is a company that keeps improving their inventions and keeps growing. Microsoft also has the fourth largest website per media Metrix powered by internal and external servers. In an article named Microsoft, Google, and Apple: which one faces doom in 2017? , I found out that Microsoft will release an average of 340 million devices per year. This is equal to 1.7 billion new devices through the years 2013 2017. They called this the Window 8 era (Bott, 2013). Today we will talk about the history of Microsoft. Second, I will ... Show more content on ... Microsoft is well known for their computer operation system and their great deals. An example of this is when Microsoft talked to IBM and got IBM to let Microsoft retain the license for MS DOS. MS DOS is an operation system IBM used for their new computers. With the MS DOS Microsoft blossomed and made a fortune with this license. The year they retained MS DOS was in 1981 and by the year 1990 s Microsoft sold more than 100 million copies (Gregg Pascal Zachary, 2015). In the year 1981 Tim Paterson, The creator of the MS DOS quite Seattle s Computers. The reason I included this person in this paper, is because he then got a job at Microsoft. He then started working on the DOS and the DOS 1.1 (.Net, 2006). A quote that I really thought interesting is Life begins with a disk drive. At this case, it was true because with this one disk drive he achieved a lot of personal goals. Tim Paterson life didn t end their he left Microsoft and went back to Seattle s computers. In November 1983 Microsoft introduced window for 99$ and I put a picture I found from the original case It came in. this window came with a notepad, calendar, clock, card file, terminal application, file manager, a game of reverse, windows write, and window paint (Hollister, 2012). In 1985 Microsoft released windows versions 1.0. The window 1.0 was a DOS application that provided a weird graphic interface and windowing environment. They also released 6 more window application, an application ... Get more on ...
  • 30. How Beowulf Is A Hero Beowulf; a man whose greatness begun when he saved an entire kingdom from the clutches of the vile monster Grendel. Beowulf was known for countlessly putting his body and his life on the line to save his people. His courage and determination is what kept his legacy alive for all of these years. Not only that, but the respect he had for the people around him made him a remembered warrior as well. That s what I think makes a hero. Being determined to get a job done, having the courage to step in and complete that job, and having enough respect for your people to still obey their wishes despite your apparent fame. The hero I will be writing about is the fictional Marvel Comics character known as the Black Panther (real name T Challa). He and Beowulf ... Show more content on ... Time and time again, the Black Panther must represent his nation in front of the entire globe. Because of this, everyone has knowledge of the Black Panther a.k.a T Challa. Black Panther s respect for his people is shown particularly when Wakanda was invited to a very important panel that would be aired in front of the world. This panel would include the likes of Reed Richards, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and many more Big Name heroes. Panther brought along two colleagues from Wakanda to sit with him on the panel Okoye and Nareema. When the panel intensified, it was the Black Panther turn to offer up some resolutions. During this moment, Okoye and Nareema suggested some of their thoughts to T Challa and the rest of the panel. Even though Stark and company tried to downplay their suggestions, their King stepped up for them, allowing their points to be heard worldwide. No you may not Mr. Stark, my companions will be heard! Because of T Challa s respect, he enabled Okoye and Nareema to cultivate a sensible solution, which was eventually used to help prevent an oncoming conflict. The Black Panther is such a great hero because he utilizes these three traits effectively. When he sees a problem he has the courage to confront it. And no matter how much the tides seem to be turning against him, he s always determine to find a way to save his kingdom! But what really makes heroes like Beowulf and the Black Panther remembered, is the respect they have for those around them. Using these three traits, their legacies will never ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Analysis Of All But My Life By Gerda Weissmann This book is called All But My Life. The author is Gerda Weissmann. Gerda Weissmann Klein is one of many survivors of the Holocaust. During the holocaust many Jewish people were killed. Gerda was the only one that survived out of all her family. There were a number of reasons she survived this horrible event. She survived the holocaust because of luck, family, and courage. The first reason why she survived the holocaust was because of luck. There have been many things that predicted or showed that Gerda was lucky during this time. One example was when Gerda were using cards and it told Ilse that she was unlucky and told Gerda that she was lucky. Ilse says to Gerda, Remember the cards in Bolkenhain. They told us I am unlucky, but you you ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Rome And Greek Democracies Rome and Greece were milestones in human history, the reason was they were the imitators of the democracies. Even though Roman and Greek political systems were both democracies, the origins and specific details of their politics were different. In fact, Athens, since Greek was a city states country, so different cities had different political systems, the one ruled through democracies was called Athens. Because of population increment and economic expression caused huge pressure to the government, in order to release pressures, the nobilities of Athens negotiated orders by considering the interests of the polis s various constituencies, and this process was called direct rule. And their system approved all adult males to vote for governors ... Show more content on ... The most obvious and important difference was culture, which had also influenced us today. Because of the philosophies of Greece, to find out the only truth, speeches or debates were popular in western countries, many impressive and intelligent citizens would gather at the forum of the senate to argue about everything, specially politics. However, in China, the most common were books, stories, and poetries because of Confucianism, people practice their logical through reading these books, and the final purpose was to explain Confucian thought and also to try be a governor through testing. Meanwhile, their economic systems were also totally different. In western civilization, agriculture was the duty of slavery who worked for free, the money for government came form trading and even opening their own shops. China separated lands into individuals to let them feed themselves, and the money of government mainly came form taxes. Therefore, the main differences between Western civilizations and Chinese civilizations were cultures and economic ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Impact Of Prematurity On Development Essay example Impact of Premature Birth on Development Years ago, premature birth almost always meant death for the baby. Today, however, we have the technology to nurture these infants development, and many of them survive to lead normal, healthy lives. Although, very premature infants (that is, those born before about the fifth month) are still not likely to survive, many born at five months and older will thrive. Some preterm babies, however, do have many obstacles to overcome. There are a variety of medical problems that affect some of them, they may have impaired mental or physical conditions, and they may be looked upon by others in their environment as slow, or they might be treated differently because they were ... Show more content on ... This still puts them in the same IQ range as their full term peers. They are more likely to need special education classes later in life, though, and more likely to have to repeat a grade in school. This is most likely because some premature infants have been shown to have some cognitive impairment when compared to full term infants of the same age. Their memories are not as good, and their information processing speed is significantly lower. There have been many studies performed that compare the cognitive performance of preterm infants with full term infants. One study in particular, performed by Susan A. Rose and Judith F. Feldman, tested the memory and the processing speed of preterm children versus full term children at the age of eleven. They used the Colorado Specific Abilities Test, which is a comparison of eight paper and pencil tasks the child must perform. This test showed the degree of these four abilities: memory, perceptual speed, spatial ability, and verbal ability. They also used the Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT) which is a detailed exam of memory and speed. This test shows us exactly what aspects of speed and memory it is that pre and full term children differ in, and how much this difference actually affects them. It is comprised of a set of basic cognitive tasks used to study the individual elements of cognitive ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Pros And Cons Of Omnivore s Dilemma Throughout the US there has been the big concern of where the food we eat comes from and if it is healthy. Everyone wants healthy food, yet we fail to eat the healthy food that is right in front of us, instead we eat industrial made food that causes the death of thousands of people each year. In the Omnivore s Dilemma by Michael Pollan, you explore the pros and cons of our five main food chains; industrial,industrial organic, organic, sustainable, and hunter gatherer. In all ways, the sustainable food chain is the best food chain to feed the US. Animals and plants are developed naturally without any chemicals or pesticides and all of the produce is grown and sold locally and harvested by hand. Animals at sustainable farms are healthy and ... Show more content on ... The customers that buy from local sustainable farms know how their food is grown and harvested. At the Polyface farm Joel does not have walls on his slaughter house, this way people can come and see how their next meal is killed in a humane way. The people don t need USDA to ensure that the meat they re buying has been humanely and cleanly processed, (208) because they can watch with their own eyes how the meat is slaughtered. Industrial industries protest that selling produce locally can not get food to everyone around the US. Shipping produce across the country effects the foods taste. Also when customers go to the far, to pick out their own food they get the produce fresh and local. Local farmers on sustainable farms will make a bigger profit out of their produce because they do not have to put all their money into buying chemicals and fertilizers, this is good for the produce and farmers. Overall the sustainable food chain is the best food chain to feed the US. The food grown is fresh and healthy. There are no chemicals, pesticides, or fossil fuels used to produce crops and the farmers on sustainable farms look at the natural instincts of the animals and care for their animals, which means they are feed grass, an animal s natural food, not corn and added growth hormones. Sustainable farms are more than ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Fog In High School Essay The fog hangs low. It s 7:00A.M., time for work. Exhausted, I climb into my car, careful not to venture into the thick, white, fog, as it is still clinging to the ground. I turn on my headlights, and slowly, make my way to Mcleston Elementary. I reach my school and enter it brace myself for a long day at work. As I prepare myself for the lesson I notice a yellowed, aged, slip of yellow, frayed, paper wedged in between the thick, history textbooks. I pick it up to read it. Suddenly, a hot burst of pain shoots through my head, like white hot needles, driving through my brain, but as quickly as it had come, the pain had disappeared. The fog hung low. It was 7:00A.M., time to go to school. I climb into my mom s car, all while noticing that ... Show more content on ... The fog hung low. It was 12:00 P.M., time for lunch. We were reminded to stay inside for lunch. I racked my brain, trying to overcome the annoying block in my head, that was preventing me from remembering the news article. What happened? Who was murdered? When, where, and how? After an eternity of waiting for the students to hand in there work sheets, the bell finally rings, signalling the end of class. I had stood in front of my drowsy, sluggish, class for what seemed like eternity, lecturing about conspiracies, and urging the clock to resort back to normal speed. At last, the children had finished filling out of the hot musty classroom, and I was free to go out for some fresh air. I drag my feet to the doorway when a piece of paper flutters to the ground. I pick it up to put back in my pocket, but I couldn t resist the temptation to glance at the writing. As I read it, I collapse onto the ground. The fog hung low. It was 3:00 P.M., the end of school. I was the first person out. I raced out of the school, I was an Olympic athlete. I came crashing through the doors faster than you could say mystery. I ran so fast, that I had no time to stop my momentum as I barreled into a large cloud of fog. I ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Zacharias Jansen and The First Compound Microscope Essay Compound Microscopes have assisted scientists in the research of objects invisible to the naked eye for more than four hundred years and have greatly influenced our understanding of the world around us. As technology has progressed, Light Microscopy has significantly improved. These improvements include illumination methods, the Resolution lens quality and the use of oil immersion. The first compound microscope was invented by Zacharias Jansen and his father Hans in 1595. Whilst experimenting with lenses in a tube Zacharias and his father made an important discovery, where the image of and object at the end of the tube seemed greatly enlarged (history of the This microscope was made of two lenses positioned at each end of ... Show more content on ... Chromatic aberration is cause by the dispersion of a lens and the different colours of light travelling at different speeds. This causes the image of an object to appear with coloured edges or to be blurred ( Resolution is the most important variable in producing a quality, detailed image. The formula for resolution in a microscope is: R=λ/2NA where λ is the wavelength of light and NA is the numerical aperture of the objective lens. A higher value equated for R will give a poor resolution, whereas a lower value will form a more detailed resolution. A higher NA will produce a superior resolution because R will be reduced. Also, the smaller the wavelength, the lesser R will be, generating more detailed resolution. Because of this, the wavelength of blue/violet light is significantly smaller and will produce a very highly detailed resolution. From this, it can be understood that methods of illumination have significantly developed since the first compound microscope and shorter wavelengths of light produce much more superior quality images and are ideal for use in microscopes. ( Lenses The first microscope used glass lenses. In comparison, compound microscopes of today use special lenses of optical glass. These lenses are made of silicone dioxide, a quartz crystal and the most common mineral found. Quartz is used for its various ... Get more on ...