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Pay To Write An Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Pay To Write An Essay" presents a unique set of challenges
that go beyond the typical academic writing process. The intricacies lie not only in addressing
the technical aspects of essay composition but also in navigating the ethical and moral
dimensions associated with the topic.
To begin with, delving into the world of paid essay services requires a delicate balance between
acknowledging the existence of such services and critically examining the implications of their
usage. The writer must tread carefully to avoid endorsing or condemning these services outright,
as the issue is multifaceted and calls for a nuanced approach.
Furthermore, the difficulty arises from the necessity to explore the motivations behind
individuals seeking paid assistance in essay writing. Is it a matter of convenience, time
constraints, or a lack of confidence in one's writing abilities? The essay must delve into these
underlying factors while maintaining an objective and non-judgmental tone.
Addressing the ethical concerns surrounding paid essay services adds another layer of
complexity. It requires careful consideration of academic integrity, the consequences of
plagiarism, and the impact on the overall learning experience. Balancing these ethical
considerations with an analytical exploration of the reasons behind the prevalence of such
services demands a high level of finesse in argumentation.
Additionally, the essay should strive to provide a comprehensive overview of the potential
consequences of engaging with paid essay services, both for the individuals availing the services
and the academic institutions involved. This involves conducting thorough research and
presenting evidence-backed arguments to support the claims made throughout the essay.
In conclusion, tackling the intricacies of a "Pay To Write An Essay" essay requires a writer to
navigate a complex terrain involving technical, ethical, and moral considerations. Successfully
addressing these challenges involves a nuanced and well-researched approach, ensuring that the
essay fosters critical thinking without simplifying the issue. It's a task that demands a careful
balance between exploration and analysis, providing readers with a comprehensive
understanding of the subject matter.
For assistance with similar essays and a plethora of other topics, individuals can explore the
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Pay To Write An EssayPay To Write An Essay
American Red Cross Charity
Helping Those In Need
Lost in a Tornado
On May 3rd,1999, the weather forecasts in a city located in Oklahoma showed an
F5 tornado. Meteorologists had said that the tornado had the strongest winds to
ever be recorded. One family that was affected by this had their house ripped to
pieces, and they had to take shelter in their neighbor s basement. Debris rained on
top of them from every direction. They struggled to get out of a pit that was
covered in pieces of their destroyed home, wood, nails, glass, and crushed cement. A
propane tank had been damaged and was now spouting propane into the pit. The
family had to throw their two year old son over the edge so he would not be harmed
by the dangerous substance. The mother and father struggled ... Show more content
on ...
They are also constantly saving the lives of innocent people. They do a sufficient
job helping others by raising a lot of money, which 80% of goes directly to helping
other people. This organization should continue to help people, because when
there is a disaster, people have to rely on them to keep them alive. I think that this
organization is very useful, because it allows people who might not be able to help
themselves to be helped. If everyone in the world just donated a single dollar, they
would raise a total of over 7.125 billion U.S. dollars. I think that it is a great idea to
donate money to this charity because they are trustworthy, which makes them
deserving of your donations (The American Red Cross). Like the boy with the frog
and his family had to seek help from the American Red Cross, you might too one day
need help from a natural disaster. If that were to happen, wouldn t you want to be able
to feel confident that you and many others had donated money in order to help
What Is Hercules Greek Myth
The greek myth of Hercules is one of the most popular myths ever told. It tells of
his strength courage and perseverance. Throughout this essay, I will be writing
about Hercules life and back story, the trials he faced in his life from the mistakes he
made. Also, I will be explaining Hercules cultural significance to the Greek.
Hercules was most known for his strength When Hercules was born his Zeus wife,
Hera, which was Hercules stepmother, tried to kill him by sending two poisonous
snakes into his crib. However, Hercules managed to kill both snakes by strangling
both snakes, one in each hand. Hera would go on to torture Hercules mentally his
whole life until one day he went so crazy that he killed his wife and kids. To make up
for what
Struggle For Mastery And In The Call Of The Wild
Struggle for Survival and Mastery and in The Call of The Wild
In The Call of the Wild written by Jack London, Buck doesn t simply want to
survive, he wants to master his environment. His struggle for survival is accented
by Charles Darwin s idea of natural selection, another prominent idea in the story.
Likewise, Herbert Spencer s concept of Social Darwinism is present in the novel.
The themes of the struggle for survival as well as the struggle for mastery are
integrated throughout The Call of the Wild. The struggle for survival is a major
point throughout Buck s journey. From the very beginning Buck learns to lose his
morals to survive. He learns to steal food without getting caught and how to kill
other dogs. He learns to appease the dogs drivers as well as other dogs by following
The Law of Club and Fang . He learns how to endure the brutal environment.
However Buck doesn t just want to just survive the Northland, he wants to conquer it.
When Buck returns to camp after he kills a bull moose he finds that John Thornton,
his last tie to humanity, has been slaughtered by the Yeehats. He jumps on the Yeehat
Chief and tears his throat, quickly killing the leader. He discovers humans are not
very difficult to ... Show more content on ...
Natural Selection is the process in which animals that are able to adapt to certain
environments survive and live on to reproduce. There are many instances when
Buck physically adapts in order to survive the harsh conditions of the Northland.
When Buck is taken he has never seen snow and has never had to work before. He
begins to starve on the husky s diet until his stomach adjusts and is able to take
every ounce of nutrients from the food. His paws are bloodied and broken from the
long treks and difficult work but they gradually heal to become stronger and more
effective on the snow. Buck did not only have to adapt physically, he also had to adapt
Persuasive Essay On Breast Feeding
Imagine this, you re a mother or a father and your child is crying. No, the child is
screaming. He or she is hungry. For the first 6 months it s crucial for a newborn to
be breastfed. It s only natural to feed your child the food they need to grow and
develop. So of course you re going to give them the food they re crying for. People
will argue you can pump or use formula, except pumped milk only stays good for
so long, and formula costs money and isn t always a mother s first choice. Some will
use formula for their newborn while away and have a babysitter, except breastfeeding
helps them bond with their parent and is usually prefered among women.
Need Women are shamed for breastfeeding publicly everyday.
According to Kimberly Truong, in an article called, This woman was shamed by her
own family for breastfeeding in public. published ... Show more content on ...
We cannot force a mother to leave an area where she is allowed to breastfeed
according to the law.
B. Shaming breastfeeding is a widespread issue and is horrible.
According to Tracey M. DiLascio, public breastfeeding has been a debate for many
years now but wasn t always considered indecent or sexual like it is today, she
published this article July of 2016 and named it Breastfeeding in public: Overview.
Points of view: Breastfeeding in Public. Some men blame some of their sexual
tendencies and harassing women on the fact that their breasts are exposed.
A few men argue that a women showing off cleavage is hot while breastfeeding is
not, and then continue by saying that is why women shouldn t publicly breastfeed.
I don t pee in public, so why should a woman breastfeed? Is the wrong question to
ask if you want to make breastfeeding seem indecent. This is suggesting that eating
is considered dirty or a private act, which it is not. Urinating in public is considered
wrong because although it is a natural act, it is also a private
Essay on Holocaust
Introduction What, when, where, and why was the Holocaust? The Holocaust was
first called a religious rite in which an offer that gave to some one was burned in a
fire. The current definition of holocaust is any widespread human massacre. When it
is written Holocaust, it means when
Nazi Germany completely destroyed the Jewish. The Holocaust was during the period
January 30, 1933 to May 8, 1945. Hitler became Germany s chancellor when it first
started and the war ended on the last day of the Holocaust, or known as V E Day.
During that time frame,
Jews in Europe were killed in the worst way possibly and led to the death of
6,000,000 Jews and
5,000 communities destroyed. 1.5 million of those Jews killed ... Show more content
on ...
he fire caused the dismiss of the German democracy. The next day, under the pretense
of controlling the Communists, the government established individual rights and
Freedom of speech, assembly, and expression were the rights and protections that
were demolished. The Nazis won the majority in the government with nearly forty
four percent of the votes on March fifth. Moving swiftly the Nazis brought together
their power into a dictatorship. The Enabling
Act was passed on March twenty third. Hitler s dictatorial efforts were approved
and was now legally able to pursue them. Complex police and military force were
also developed. With the police now set in place, the nazis opponents were beaten,
terrorized, or sent to one of the concentration camps that the Germans had built. The
first camp built for the prisoners was Dachau, just outside of Munich. Over time
Dachau s purpose was changed and became another brutal camp for the Jews. Hitler
was in full control of Germany and his campaign against the Jews was in full force
by the end of 1934. According to the Nazis, the Jews destroyed the German culture
with their
foreign and mongrel influence. They saw the Jews as evil and cowardly and the
Germans as hardworking, honest, and courageous. The Jews claimed the Nazis,
which were heavily represented in finance, commerce, the press literature,
Essay On Bathing Ape
Do you ever wonder why people go crazy over Supreme and a Bathing Ape?
Fashion takes a big role in the world today. Think about it what person doesn t want
to go outside and have confidence that they look good in what they re wearing?
Did you know in all of the U.S there are only two Supreme shops one in LA and the
other in NYC. If we re talking worldwide there are only 9. A Bathing Ape (aka
Bape) there are 42 stores worldwide but like Supreme there are two in the U.S.
Supreme and Bape are huge in the streetwear industry they collaborate with so many
other companies. A Bathing Ape is a Japanese clothing company that is big in the
streetwear industry. Bape was started by a man named Nigo the brand was started in
the early 1990 s. Bape s
Definition Of Health
My definition of health is when one feels an overall sensation of healthiness across
all 7 aspects of health. A person who focuses independently on each aspect of health,
views them as separate entities, and in doing so tries to improve them each
individually without thoughts of the other aspects, will rarely ever reach a state of
good health. One achieves health through the recognition that all the aspects of health
are interconnected and changes in one aspect directly or indirectly influence others
and application of this knowledge to their everyday life. At this time in my life, not
all 7 dimensions of health are equal to me. As a stressed out first year science student
I am personally placing more emphasis on my intellectual/mental health, my
emotional health, and my occupational health. My ambition to learn and achieve high
grades has left me in a position where I find I often neglect my physical health, social
health, environmental health, and spiritual health by isolating... Show more content on ...
Considering that these are only two of the seven aspects of health, and that one
should be healthy in all seven aspects to be considered truly healthy, this statement is
false. An example of someone who is unhealthy yet looks fine and is not in pain
would perhaps be someone who is unsatisfied with their career and has taken to
isolating themselves from their family, friends, and coworkers; while they appear
physically fit and possibly even in good mental health, they are not healthy
occupationally or socially and if they stay in this situation long enough, they might
begin to see the negative effects of this unhealthiness in other aspects of their
The Loch Ness Monster Myth
While reading my book I learned that the loch ness monster myth was more popular
than I thought it was back when it was on newspapers for the first time. I found out
that the loch ness monster has been seen but no one has taken a clear picture of the
monster yet which raises suspicions if it is real or not. The Loch Nessis 754 feet deep
and is 24 miles long but only 1 mile wide. People usually see the loch ness monsteras
a large shadow under water, a long neck poking out of the water, or huge ripples
going through the water. The myth of the water horse was a surprise to learn about
that it was a myth originally from Scotland and were originally called kelpie. It
surprised me that people believed that the loch ness monster is a plesiosaurs
Computer Engineering, Engineering And Astronautical...
erospace engineering pertains to aircrafts and spacecraft, it involves researching,
developing, constructing. It can be split into two major fields; aeronautical
engineering and astronautical engineering. Aeronautics is concerned with aircraft
that fly within Earth s atmosphere whereas astronautics is concerned with
spacecrafts. The focus of this Aerospace Engineering(Aeronautics) project and
production was to build an aircraft. It was to increase maneuverability while
keeping control and stability. There was a need for a much more advanced
transportation. Over the last year, four major disasters have damaged the name of
the aeronautics. First, there were the two lost Malaysia Airlines 777s, one due to an
errant missile fired from a war zone, the other due to circumstances that are still
unclear. Then came the AirAsia crash, as well as the recent loss of a TransAsia
plane in Taiwan. In mobility everything is added to the flight and drop of a flying
In result of these disasters the Janejet AT 9 is equipped with two turbojet engines,
a avionics computer bay, shock absorber and a FAA certified auto pilot raft and a
2016 fly by wire system. It is made up of aluminum and two curricular rotor blades
inside the sides of the plane. With these assets the Janejet AT 9 will have the ability
to hover, ascend, descend, take off and be prepared for crash landing ease.
As time continues to go on more and more, as technology is evolving aircraft also
need to. There have been
White Collar Crime
Welcome to the age of white collar crime. A time when the words thieves and
businessmen go hand in hand. White collar criminals don t get their hands dirty in
their work. They use their heads to get what they want instead of using a little
muscle. These criminals are just as dangerous as the rapists and murderers. In these
times, even the most seemingly respectable people are suspected of white collar
crimes. President Clinton and the first lady Hillary Clinton have been tangled up in
the Whitewater and Travelgate business ventures. Although the two have not been
formally charged with any wrongdoing, there is a committee currently investigating
their dealings and charges are not out of the question for either of them. In Michael
Isikoff s... Show more content on ...
These people have more opportunities to commit a white collar crime than a person
with little authority. Peter Michelmore, a journalist for Readers Digest describes
this situation well in his article, On the Trail of a Scam He describes a savings and
loan scam and the man behind it all. Meyer learned that New Era was run by John
G. Bennet, Jr., a 57 year old evangelical Christian. (112) New Era was a getting
money from a private university, in which he promised huge returns on their
investment. New Era did show them huge profits, but only to gain their trust and
invest more money. The private university was gaining trust in New Era and
investing more money. Finally, when They had invested a large sum of money,
New Era collapsed and John Bennet walked away with the university s money. Mr.
Bennet is a prime example of our findings. He is a man over the age of eighteen
and he is in a position of power. People have entrusted him with their money. To
commit his crime, he needed to be in a position where he was trusted, or in authority.
After he won their trust, he took their money. White collar crimes are growing at an
alarming rate and must be curbed. There are many things that the nation can do to
slow the growth of these crimes. The white collar crime that affects the most people
is the scam. For that reason, scam prevention will be emphasized more than
embezzlement. I feel that the most effective weapon against these crimes is to
The Impact Of Rastafari On The Culture Through The
Chaneil Hall
Professor Edmondson
Independent Study: The Impact of Rastafari
May 13, 2015
Reggae as a Means of Social Transformation Through The Voices of the Rastafari
Jamaica, the third largest Caribbean island is not only home to tropical weather and
picturesque landscapes, but also to social unrest and perhaps some of the most
rebellious people. Since its existence, this nation has seen a series of revolutions and
riots in efforts to reverse the unjust social, economic, and political conditions. The
most influential of these revolutionary efforts contributed to the formation of Jamaica
s very own religious movement, Rastafarianism. With oppression serving as one of
the driving forces for the Rastafari Movement, it is understandable why its followers
are so adamant about professing their ideologies, beliefs and practices. The central
language used to express the grievances of Rastafarians is known globally as the
music genre, Reggae. It is not merely coincidental that the country pregnant with
such radical motives also gave birth to its own music brand. By examining the music
of artists such as Bob Marley, Dennis Brown, Luciano and more, we can deduce that
Reggae music served and continues to serve as the most prominent vehicle for the
spread of Rastafarianism.
The Rastafari Movement emerged in Jamaica in the 1930s out of desires to defeat the
crippling British colonial culture and to establish an identity based on the reclamation
of African heritage. The men credited for
Three Causes Of The Bhopal Chemical Plant Disaster In
Introduction Three causes of the Bhopal Chemical Plant disaster happening in India
in 1984 were long term financial difficulties, poor safety management and
inadequate emergency plans. The disaster occurred when water entered a methyl
isocyanate (MIC) storage tank, which led to a runaway reaction and then discharged
toxic MIC vapour into the atmosphere. The leak caused the death of more than
2,000 people and the health effects on about 200,000 locals in the surrounding
shanty towns (Kletz 2009, p. 338). Long term financial difficulties One cause of the
Bhopal chemical disaster was long term financial difficulties, resulting in limited
training and inadequate maintenance. limited training According to Joseph,
Kaszniak and Long (2005, p. 544), prior to the disaster, the company had been
facing a financial crisis for many years because the sale of pesticides had been
fallen. Mannan (2012, p. 2649) points out that due to the budget cuts, many plant
operators received insufficient training on operations and safety awareness. As
shown in figure 1, there was a decrease in the length of training programmes for plant
operators from 18 months in 1975 to only one month in December 1984, which is
mentioned by Chouhan (2005, p. 207). Therefore, Chouhan (2005, p. 207) indicates
that without the knowledge of runaway reactions occurring in the storage tank when
the accident happened, many workers could not immediately take any emergency
action to lessen the risk of the MIC escape from
Causes Of Alexander The Great
The Empire of Alexander lived on past the death of its founder, but soon
fragmented into numerous smaller kingdoms ruled by his generals. The
Macedonian homeland came under the control of the line of Antigonus I
Monophthalmus, a general and satrap under Alexander. The line of Antigonus
would rule Macedon into the middle of the second century BC, when the kingdom
was overcome by a myriad of problems, both internal and external. The reasons for
the decline and eventual annexation of the Kingdom of Macedon include the
weakening of the Macedonian army, the chaotic political order in Macedonia, and
the rising might of Rome. The downfall of the Kingdom took nearly 40 years to
achieve, and thus no single reason may be looked to as the cause of Macedon s
annihilation as an independent country. However, the combination, primarily, of
those three things as they will each in turn be highlighted, brought about the
undoing of homeland of history s greatest general. In the annals of history, few
leaders are as well remembered, as celebrated, as Alexander the Great. Indeed, his
epithet suggests much both about him as a leader and about popular opinion of
him. He among all other generals and kings in history forged a lasting reputation as
the greatest of generals. He held together a veteran army, and huge empire through
force of personality. The loyalty of his generals, the Diadochi, was his greatest
strength as a general, and his greatest weakness as a king. When Alexander died
suddenly at
Cane Toads In Australia
Have you ever heard the old wives tale about getting warts if you touch a toad?
How about the Chinese Folklore that says the toad is a sign of prosperity and
financial blessings? I m not sure if the people of Australia would see these creatures
as a blessing. According to Claire Moodie with ABC News, cane toads are spreading
quickly through northern Australiaand are leaving paths of destruction behind. The
Australian government even has a policy in place for dealing with these harmful
creatures. I chose to learn more about this topic because it seemed interesting, and I
didn t think it would have to do with politics. The other topics I researched during
this class made me sad or angry at times. I chose this topic because I thought it...
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The cane toads in Australia has become a national difficulty. The Australian
government has been providing funds to help with catching and destroying these
pests. Scientists have not been able to find any kind of way to biologically control
these toads. According to the Australian Government, Cane toads have an impact on
Australian Government controlled lands, including Kakadu National Park, several
World Heritage Areas and Indigenous Protected Areas . The Australian government
has written a policy on cane toads, has started a cane toad advisory group, funded
research on controlling and collecting the toads, funded research on the impact of the
toads on the Australian habitats and economy, and has educated the public about the
toads and how to deal with them. In the future, the government plans to continue to
do these same things as eradicating the toads does not seem feasible. All of these
efforts are being made to at least reduce the threats to humans and native species in
Physics of Karate Essay
The basic ideas behind any style of karate can in general be reduced to the goal of
achieving the most effective movements with the least effort. Specifically, with a
strike such as a punch, kick, knife hand or similar, the karateka attempts to move
smoothly through the strikes, conserving energy towards the impact point. When
thought about in terms of energy, the most common equation is that of rotational
kinetic energy, or KE=(1/2)mv^2 + (1/2)Iω^2.
Another way to think about a strike is to attempt to focus as much force as possible
at the point of impact. In many strikes, this is facilitated by drawing an almost
straight line with the striking tool from the original point of rest to the point of
impact. This is based on the ... Show more content on ...
The feet are placed about shoulder width apart, the front leg is bent so that the toes
cannot be seen, the back leg is straight, and there is constant pressure down through
the heel of the back leg. The upper body should be leaned very slightly forward in
preperation of movement, and the torso and hips dropped downwards to ground the
Because this is a stable stance, the various forces acting on the body must be
equalized somehow. The main force is the one caused by extension of the back leg
into the ground (a). This is held in check by dropping the torso into the stance and
allowing the friction on the front foot from the ground, Ојb + ~(1/3)Ојmg where Ој is
the coefficient of static friction, and b is the force of the body attempting to move
forward due to a, and the tensing of the front leg quads to keep the stance in place.
If the stance is correct, this force is easily released to throw into techniques, either by
using it as a spring to pull the reverse leg forward for a kick, or by rotating the body or
otherwise neutralizing the check imposed by the front leg to throw some other
technique, such as a punch.
Reverse Punch
О¤=IО± О±=a/r v=П‰r centripetal acc: a=(v^2)/r=П‰^2r
A reverse punch is a punch thrown over the back leg. For example, from a front
stance with the right leg back, a reverse punch would be executed with the right arm.
Punches, as with many
The Ultimate Management Challenge For A Family Business
In this week s chapter The Ultimate Management Challenge we read about
succession plans and what that can mean for a family business. According to the
reading about 40% of businesses in the world are family businesses that have more
than one generation working for them and will have to come up with a succession
plan if they don t already have one. A Succession plan is simply passing on the
businessleadership and power from one senior generation to another younger
generation. When reading this book I learned a lot about the rags to rags, shirtsleeves
to shirtsleeves phenomenon, and why it can and does occur, as well as 2 main things
a family business must have to be successful. If the new generation comes in with the
same enthusiasm and values as the previous generation then the transition to new
managementwill be much easier and in theory there will still be a company for the
upcoming generations to be a part of and profit from, this is the idea of rags to
riches. Sadly this isn t the most common way succession plans work, most commonly
the second or third generation comes in and doesn t share the enthusiasm, vision, or
values as the previous generation(s) had and runs the business into the ground. This
trend has many names: rags to rags, shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves, etc. however it all
has the same general meaning, the wealth or success of the business does not exceed
3 generations. Although I find the loss of enthusiasm, vision and/ or values tends to
be the most
Essay How to Get Prepared and Start My Own Business
How to Get Prepared and Start My Own Business
. All of us have a lot of ideas about the things that we think about; most of the time
we do not even recognize how millions of ideas got through our brains. Even now,
when I typed this sentence, it took a while for me to come up with an idea and put
it into words, so that all the readers get exactly what I want them to understand
after reading my writing. We use our ideas everywhere, since it is something that
lets us process and understand the information that we already own and get the
best result that is possible. People use ideas as their tool to make a right decision, and
as we all know, we have a lot of decisions to make in our life. For me, the right idea is
a treasure surrounded by ... Show more content on ...
Person who runs the business and person who assists and works for that person
experience different emotions and work to do, but both of these jobs have their
own cons and pros. Person who assists to run the business cares only about the
wage that he or she gets in the end of the month, while the businessman cares about
the whole organization, including staff, all the property, wages of his workers,
working environment, advertisement, and else. The more power and opportunity
you have, the more responsibility and problems you get. That one person who
runs the company should make a perfect environment to work, including people
who work for him, because they are a big part of his business that manage to
realize his ideas, and make them work properly. More than one million people
create their own business every year. All of them have an idea that they believe in,
because idea plays a huge role, but it is not the only thing. Business is more than
just an idea, and some people forget it and start without even being prepared. It
needs a lot of time to plan, and also it requires certain people. Furthermore, it needs
financial funding. Before even starting to prepare to be a business executive,
person should ask himself if he is ready for that. Do I have that personality and
skills to be successful in business? Do I have what it takes? I am sure that I do, so
do my parents. That is the reason why I am continuing to make
Imidazolinone Essay
Imidazolinone (C3H4N2O), a keto dihydro imidazole, is a 5 membered heterocyclic
with two nitrogen atoms at the first position and third position. It also contains a
C=O group which can be located either in second position, fourth position or fifth
position, namely 2 oxo imidazoline, 4 oxo imidazoline and 5 oxo imidazoline
respectively. Figure 1.1.i. (1) 2 oxo imidazoline, (2) 4 oxo imidazoline (3) 5 oxo
imidazoline Many literature reviews revealed that imidazolinone has wide and
important biological and pharmalogical activities, for instance, central nervous
system (CNS) depressant, antifungal, anti allergic, anti Parkinson, antihelmintic,
antiviral, anti inflammatory and antimicrobial. The researches for exploring newer
and safer drug are endless effort. In addition, the therapeutic activities and importance
of imidazolinone encouraged many researchers to synthesis new imidazolinone
derivatives with better efficacy and lesser side effects.... Show more content on ...
The serious medical problem aroused nowadays is the resistance of bacterial and
fungal to existing antimicrobial and antifungal agents. Besides that, many patients are
allergic to these current available antimicrobial and antifungal agents. Therefore, it is
important to develop other sources or alternatives drugs. Imidazolinone has been used
as herbicides in agriculture, however, imidazolinone is not incorporated as a medicine
for humans in the market yet, hence, and more researches on this imidazolinone must
be established in order to support this
The California State University, Fullerton ( Csuf )
Language is a universal mode of communication among humans that separates them
from other beings. Indeed, language can be verbalized or comprise of non verbal
cues. In addition, development of language of a sign of growth and development in
individuals and experts in a language are usually considered as proficient and
effective communicators because the meanings of their language are concise and thus
received as intended. Environments such as institutions of higher learning are a good
place to observe the use of language because they epitomize social learning
environments where people from different cultures interact linguistically. The
California State University, Fullerton (CSUF) is renowned for its creative arts
programs, sporting... Show more content on ...
As such, this discussion aims at addressing the assumptions and stereotypes that
people make about other people based on their language and behavior. The way
people speak and behave can help created and reinforce assumptions and stereotypes
about them from the perception of others. For instance, people who speak loudly and
fast, and gesticulate excessively are assumed aggressive, impatient, and
uncontrollable. On the other hand, quiet, meek, and polite people are perceived as
timid, patient, and even sometimes conniving. Some of the assumptions and
stereotypes have historical origins, and have been passed down through generations
even when they have lost their basis. When one looks at the student population at
CSUF, one cannot help noticing that there are subtle grouping is students depending
on their ethnicity, place of origin and common interests as well. For instance,
Hispanics, who form the majority of the student body, are the most obvious grouping,
although one quickly learns that there are subtle differences among these students
based on the country of origin, language accent, and even neighborhood of residence.
As such, Hispanics can be subdivided into Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Brazilians, and
Columbians among many others
Yay Mc Helper Case Analysis
What is your Minecraft username?
What gamemode do you most frequently play on?
How many hours would you be able to contribute to the position per day?
5 8 Hours Per Day
What strengths do you see in yourself that you could use to be a better Yay Mc helper?
1. One of my best assets that I could see me using to be a great helper is my
patience and my knowledge of how to detect a hacker. I have noticed that many
staff members are really unsure on if the person is hacking or is just really good. I
could help to ensure that the person being watched is not banned falsely or let go
when they were actually hacking. I am familiar with common screenshare tools
such as Blsquad and Sarefine SS tool. I know where to/how to find hacks and/or
illegal mods. If placed in a situation where I need to screenshare, I am able to easily
control and complete the screenshare in a timely manner. I can tell the difference
between laggers and hackers, which, sadly, some staff members I have met on other
servers can t. One last advantage that comes with my knowledge of screensharing, is
that I can do reverse psychology on most people. It s simple and sometimes reveals
that the player hacks. All you have to do is, when looking ... Show more content on ...
My fourth strength I am going to share on this application, is my ability to stay
active. I am on Minecraft almost all day on the weekends and around 4 5 hours on
weekdays. I do have other activities I like to do, so my estimates may be a little off,
but my playtime falls roughly in that time frame. I can always play with a web
browser tab open, making it easy to switch between minecraft and the forums. I am
familiar with the forums and how it functions. I can and will help forum members if
they need any assistance. Within my daily playtime, I could spend most of it being a
staff member and helping players, but I also like to play as a normal player
sometimes. I ll most likely play on an alt if I ever feel like PvPing instead of staffing,
The Importance Of A Bilingual Advantage For Terms Of...
Bialystok, Craik, and Luk (2012) investigated the growing body of evidence
examining the presence of a bilingual advantage in terms of enhanced executive
control: the group of cognitive skills involved in language switching, working
memory and inhibition. Furthermore, the researchers examined evidence supporting
the notion that differences in brainstructure and function helped to explain the
bilingual advantage (Bialystok et al., 2012). In regards to joint activation in
bilinguals, researchers found that both languages are always activated to some degree
(Bialystok et al., 2012) Though this may cause language interference errors,
bilinguals can select their target language with remarkable accuracy (Bialystok et al.,
2012). Upon review of the literature, they found that bilinguals frequently utilized
frontal systems (involved in executive control) to help manage attention to two
language systems (Bialystok et al., 2012). In other words, whenever a bilingual said
something, the executive control system was activated. To support this claim, fMRI
research revealed that the activities in the frontal regions form neural networks in the
brain that are unique to the bilingual s experience of managing two independent
language systems (Bialystok et al., 2012. In essence, the evidence supported the
notion that bilinguals exercise the executive control system when they have to say
something and, this over time, leads to modifications in the neural networks and
anatomical structures of
A Christmas Carol Character Analysis
Anybody can change their future. In A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, a sour,
old man, Ebenezer Scrooge is haunted for one night. Three spirits, Christmas past,
present, and future make Scrooge embrace Christmas so he can escape his fate, and
become a better person. Scrooge develops into a more cheerful man after his
interactions with the three spirits, and his journey through the past, present, and future.
Scrooge becomes a happier person when the first spirit shows him some of his old
Christmas s. One Christmas Scrooge relives is from when he was young and
lonely. He is sitting by himself when his little sister, Fan, bursts through the door
yelling, Dear, dear, brother. I have come to bring you home!... Home for ever and
ever . As Scrooge is revisiting this memory, he remembers Fan and how she was
one of the only people who ever cared for him. Scrooge knows that she was selfless
and sweet, the opposite of him now. Thinking back on it, he realizes how thankful
he was to have her, even if she is gone now. Scrooge understands that he used to cared
for, and he thinks that maybe people still care about him today. In another flashback,
Scrooge revisits one of his more Merrier Christmas s. When Scrooge worked for
Fezziwig, Christmas was a party, There were more dances, and there was cake, and
there was wine, and there was a great piece of cold roast, and there was a great piece
of cold boiled, and there were mince pies, and plenty of beer. As Scrooge remembers
Essay about European Gothic Architecture “Los
The history of Architecture started long time ago. The nomadic were groups of
people whom move from one place to another in order find shelter and food to
survive. As they progress, their techniques to survive evolve. The need for a
permanent shelter became vital for a better stability of the group. This is the time
when the first structures that provided protection appeared. Post and lintel were the
first forms of Architecture, that satisficed the basic needs. Architecture evolved to be
more sophisticated and fulfill the people s needs. Consequently, Architecture evolved
throughout different periods such as: Ancient architecture, Romanesque, The
medieval, Renaissance, Early modern, and the industrial age, Modernism and
Contemporary... Show more content on ...
These buildings would be the largest buildings that humans would admire for a long
period. Gothic Architecture is mainly relating to cathedrals and churches from that
time. The majestic building is very powerful when it comes to feelings and emotions.
Some of those main characteristics of the Gothic Architecture are the pointed arcs,
ribbed vaults and flying buttress, stained glass windows, complex decoration,
towers and some other details. The origins of the pointed arcs used in gothic
Architecture come from the pre Islamic and Islamic Architecture. Two barrel
vaults intersecting in a perpendicular way compose the ribbed vaults; this would
give more strength to the building allowing for more windows at higher places.
Flying buttress has to purpose to resist horizontal forces, by redirecting to force to
the ground. The stained glass windows were ecclesiastic windows that allow light
from the highest points of the building. Some of the complex decoration refers to
the amount of detail such as statues, paints, and scripts on the walls. All of the
above are the characteristics that the Gothic Architecture presented during that
period. Now days, some of the main concepts are being taken and applied to
modern buildings such as the Cathedral of our Lady of the Angels, also known as
the Cathedral of Los Angeles. It was design by the Spanish Architect JosГ© Rafael
Moneo (1937 present). In 1996, he was appointing
The Book Utopia By Thomas Moore
The next day as I walk through the school doors, I see Hunter glaring at me.
Remembering what my mom said, I continue walking to class. I go to my first two
periods and I read the book Utopia by Thomas Moore through both my classes.
When the lunch bell rings, I jump up from my seat and head to the cafeteria where
I sit down at my usual table alone. I start eating my peanut butter and jelly
sandwich as Hunter and a bunch of his friends enter the cafeteria. I freeze in fear
and I start to become enraged. My hands start to shake and my face turns bright red
with anger. Without thinking about it, I stand up towering over Hunter. Hunter s
friends begin to laugh at my idiotic decision. I become even more enraged as I hold
my hands up in front... Show more content on ...
Within a few seconds, we arrive in a living room. The living room is dimly lit with
the only source of light coming from a small window in the center of the wall. On
the white walls there are photographs of the teacher and people that I assume to be
his family and friends. As I am standing in room marveling over the pictures the
teacher motions for me to sit on the brown cushion couch. I take a seat on the
couch, while the teacher sits down on a light brown recliner across from me. I sit
and I stare at the teacher and for the first time I notice that he has the same tattoo as
my mom. The tattoo is on his wrist and it is of an equal sign inside a square. When
I asked my mom about the tattoo she just said it was just some cool design she got
for her birthday, but now I believe the tattoo has a deeper meaning. I open my
mouth to ask about the tattoo but the teacher interrupts me and says, I knew this
would happen. You are probably befuddled now and wondering what is going on. I
guess first I will introduce myself. My name is Eldrick Mentoris, but you can just
call me Mr. Mentoris or godfather. Your dad made me your godfather and he was,
I mean is an honorable man. The reason I said is, is because he is still alive, he
never fought for the US army. Suddenly I gasp in disbelief. Your dad, Mr. Mentoris
continues, actually fought for The New Empire, also known as TNE. I do not expect
to be familiar with TNE, your mom
The Diana Phenomenon Essay
The Diana Phenomenon
The sudden death of Diana Princess of Wales at the end of August 1997 sparked off
a massive display of emotion in the world, especially in Britain. The event provided
the opportunity for the expression of what appeared to be a short term and
superficial, but undoubtedly sincere, manner by a large number of people. An
emotion felt throughout the countryside was that many people saw themselves in
some way connected to this public figure and able to grieve for her as if she were an
acquaintance. (Lambert 54) However, there remained clear borderlines between what
the public, who thought they knew her, and the immediate family who did.
The Princess s funeral brought together a gathering of the powerful (English ... Show
more content on ...
We don t know mourners said. Our grief has surprised us, too. We didn t know how
much we loved her. (Lambert 50)
Long ago, in 1981 to be exact, Diana Spencer retired her role as kindergarten teacher
to become the future queen of England. It was like a Cinderella story right out of the
book. But this Cinderella s skirts were plaid, and her hair was chopped short. She
had a nervous giggle, and was the tiniest bit plump. She was normal, she was
regular, and everyone loved her for it. By the time she was 27 years old, she had
been married for eight years and had two beautiful sons. The fairy tale appeared to
still be there, but what the press, who hounded her day and night, failed to catch
was that her life was in a downward spiral even after the short weeks she was
married. She had been bulimic for years, she had tried to kill herself, and she and
Charles were living separate lives. In her telling, the marriage broke up because she
d had the impudence to demand a real fairness to Charles, he must
have felt the fairy tale got all mixed up: He kissed the princess and became a frog.
(Gaines 98)
Diana s enduring allure surprised everyone, including the princess herself. The
public s obsession with the smallest details of her smart clothes, her hair and her
sons made royal family life far more compelling and exploitable than any TV saga.
(London) She loved to pick up babies, whether or not they had AIDS. When she
Why Did The Revolutionary War Start
So many people think that the revolutionary started at Lexington and Concord. But
George Washington wouldn t have been on the national stage without the events that
happened in Western Pennsylvania during the French and Indian War Tom Headley.
The quote represents how important the struggle between the years of 1754 and 1763
was. It set up the entire revolutionary war. The French and Indian War was fought by
the British and their colonies against the French and Indians. The war took place in
North Eastern America and Europe. The British thought that the Ohio River Valley
was rightfully theirs because the area was important for trading so they attacked the
French. Little did they know that the French and Indians would fight with Guerilla
warfare.... Show more content on ...
The over taxation was caused by the the vast amounts of debt that the British
Monarchy had due to the French and Indian War. The British Parliament thought
that they had the right to tax only the colonies and not Britain. This angered the
colonies and caused them to rebel in small ways. This also led to them protesting
the fact that they had no representation in Parliament. The war costed almost
70,000,000 euros and doubled Britain s national debt to 140,000,000 euros. They
in turn increased the taxes on the colonies. The taxes were a huge part of the
Revolutionary war and they caused one of the key rebellions in the British
Colonies that sparked major conflict. This rebellion is known as the Boston Tea
Party. In the Boston Tea Party, a group of Patriots who called themselves the Sons
of Liberty dressed themselves as Native Americans and went to the Boston Harbor.
Once there they went aboard ships that were carrying tea and they threw 92,000
pounds(340 chests) of tean into the harbor. This act changed the world as the
colonists knew it. It sparked the Coercive acts, known as the intolerable acts in
America to be
Compare Pyramus And Thisbe And Romeo And Juliet
Have you ever desired to have something or someone so intensely that you would
do anything to have it? For example, in the movie Shrek, Shrek had a desire for
Princess Fiona so deeply that he did anything and everything to be with her. Well,
when I think about love and what a person would do for love two stories come to
mind, and they are Pyramus and Thisbe by Ovid and Romeo and Juliet by William
Shakespeare. These characters in the story have many obstacles, barriers, and
limitation that tried to challenge the love between two people. To begin with,
Pyramus and Thisbe and Romeo and Juliet both had a arduous time being in love
because their parents didn t approve or like the fact that their children wanted to
marry a certain person.... Show more content on ...
In Pyramus and Thisbe the mulberry tree was their symbol of love. The tree had
fruits which were white and turned red which symbolized the blood of Pyramus
and Thisbe when they killed themselves. In the story, they were separated by a
wall, however that still didn t stop them from being together or their love for each
other. Therefore, the branches represent them always being attached to each other.
According to the text, The everlasting memorial of these true lovers, and one urn
hold the ashes of the two whom not even death could part (Ovid 949). In Romeo
and Juliet, the statue was their symbol in the play. But I can give you more. I ll
raise her statue in pure gold. As long as this city is called Verona, there will be no
figure praised more than that of true and faithful
Penny-Personal Narrative
It all started on the morning of July 26, when I told my dear daughter Penny
Woods to go out and buy the groceries for dinner. She had been so excited to drive
by herself since she had just received her driver s licence. It was hard for me to let
her go to the store without me, but I knew I had to. The weather was nice, it was
sunny and the clouds dotted the sky. It made me feel better letting Penny go off all
alone. I wish I had known that it was the last goodbye I would ever say to her. After
Penny left I did my daily activities, but time had slipped by me. When the clock
struck twelve I thought it was a mistake, since Penny was not home yet. She had left
one hour before and never returned. In the midst of my confusion there came a...
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She came in and started investigating right away, from the floor to the furniture. Her
face looked tired from what seemed like working too many hours. She then asked
me who lives in the house and where they were at that moment. I responded saying
There are four people living in the house currently which include....myself, my
daughter Penny would who is missing sadly, Mr. Tiller who a the father and my
husband, and lastly our maid Beatrice, who went on vacation about two days ago.
Suddenly Dan interrupted our little meeting I hate to uh... disrupt this discussion.
He said sarcastically, but we should probably get to the market so we can find out
if Penny is safe. When he said this, I heard a little happiness in his voice, almost
like he wants to find her hurt. We started off to the area around the corner and
began our search. After we split up to find where she was, I found a note on the
ground in what looked like a blue paper that is indistinguishable from the collection
of paper she got for her birthday. I yelped with so many emotions that had built up
inside me, and took the blue paper to unravel it. The paper said eggs, milk, flour,
red peppers, one whole turkey, and potatoes. After I read the list I screamed so
loudly that I am pretty sure the others could here me from across the store. I was
right and they came over right away, both breathless. What happened, are you hurt or
did you find something. said the investigator with a
Game Theory and Oligopoly Fall
Econ 101: Principles of Microeconomics
Chapter 15 Oligopoly
Fall 2010
Herriges (ISU)
Ch. 15 Oligopoly
Fall 2010
1 / 25
Understanding Oligopolies
Game Theory The Prisoner s Dilemma Overcoming the Prisoner s Dilemma
Antitrust Policy
Herriges (ISU)
Ch. 15 Oligopoly
Fall 2010
2 / 25
The Oligopoly
Monopolies are quiet rare, in part due to regulatory efforts to discourage them.
However, there are many markets that are dominated by a relatively few п¬Ѓrms,
known as oligopolies. The term oligopoly comes from two Greek words: oligoi
meaning few and poleein meaning to sell . Examples of oligopolies include:
1 2 3 4
6 7
Airliner Manufacturing: Boeing and Airbus Food ... Show more content on ...
Efforts to model such strategic interactions has led to a whole branch of economics
and math known as game theory
Herriges (ISU)
Ch. 15 Oligopoly
Fall 2010
8 / 25
Understanding Oligopolies
The Duopoly
In order to understand some of the possible behaviors in the case of oligopolies,
consider the simplest case the duopoly (i.e., two п¬Ѓrms). Think, for example, of the
airliner industry, which is dominated by two п¬Ѓrms (Boeing and Airbus). Suppose
that the demand for airliners in any given month is given by
Price ($mill.) 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0
Herriges (ISU)
Quantity Demanded 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Total Revenue TR = P Г— Q 0 3.50 6.00 7.50 8.00 7.50 6.00 3.50 0
Ch. 15 Oligopoly
Marginal Revenue MR = ∆TR/∆Q 3.50 2.50 1.50 0.50 0.50 1.50 2.50 3.50
Fall 2010 9 / 25
If MC=1.75, how much would a monopoly produce? Q=2
Understanding Oligopolies
The Collusion Outcome
One alternative in the case of a duopoly would be for the two п¬Ѓrms to form a
cartel A cartel is an agreement among several producers to obey output restrictions in
order to increase their joint profit. Essentially, the cartel acts like a monopolist and
simply divides the market among members of the cartel. The most famous example
of this is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) OPEC was
formed in 1960 s in response to quotas instituted by President
Essay on Something about Flann O Brien
Flann O Brien s At Swim Two Birds is a multifarious work of purpose, at once an
experimental narrative that directly responds to James Joyce s modernist work
(acting as a forerunner of post modernist thought), and a study on the tortuous
challenges facing the dichotomies of Irish culture. At Swim is at its most
understated, a text of parodies. O Brien expertly strings together the many layers of
his novel s world to express a slew of critical observations about modernist ideology
and realism, as well as exposing a necessary dialogue on the formation and perception
of Irish culture.
A third major aspect of At Swim Two Birds lies closer to O Brien s own life
experience: this is a novel of Irish identity. The Irish identity that O Brien... Show
more content on ...
O Brien investigates the clash of ideologies carefully, having found himself in a
unique position which assisted in the observation of both sides. It is significant,
McKullen writes, that Flann O Brien who was born into that first, critical and
cosmopolitan, post independence generation was also paradoxically more familiar
with Irish traditions than many of the Revivalists who embraced them or the
Modernists that rejected them (McKullen, 76). O Brien, born Brian O Nuallain, was
the son of ardent Irish nationalists; he spoke the Irish language at home, vacationed in
the Gaeltacht (that is, the fringe of Western Ireland where Irish is predominantly
spoken), and studied old and middle Irish in college. As for his own feelings on the
subject, while At Swim Two Birds includes a myriad of old Irish folktale and
mythology, it also points to a dissatisfaction with the Cultural Protectionism that
was prevalent all around him. According to Dr. Joseph Brooker who writes on the
subject, in his own way, [O Brien] was one of the period s most penetrating critics
of Irish pride (Brooker, 31). Viewing the over determination of Cultural
Protectionism, O Brien could see the silliness of glorifying what must have
essentially become caricatures of the Irish heritage. Irish scholar Eihblin Evans adds
that, for O Brien, Irish identity had been hijacked by a set of official cliches with
disastrous effects (Evans, 104). At Swim Two Birds
Quantum Population Based Meta Heuristic
In physics gravitation is the tendency of agent with object to accelerate towards
each other. In the Newtonian law each object attracts every other object by a
gravitational force. Gravitational search algorithm is one of the newest stochastic
population based meta heuristic that has been inspired by newtanion laws of gravity
and motion. The algorithm is consisted of collection of searcher agents that interact
with each other through the gravity force. The agents are deliberated as objects and
their execution is measured by their masses. The gravity force induces a global
motion where all objects proceed towards other objects with heavier masses. The
slow motion of heavier masses guarantees the victimization step of the algorithm and
corresponds to good solutions. The masses are actually obeying the law of gravity as
shown in Equation (3.1) and the law of motion in Equation (3.2).
F = G (M1M2 / R2) (3.1) a = F/M (2) (3.2)
Based on Equation (3.1), F represents the magnitude of the gravitational force, G is
gravitational constant, M1 and M2 are the mass of the first and second objects and R
is the distance between the two objects. Equation (3.1) shows that in the Newton law
of gravity, the gravitational force between two objects is
Inhalation Anthrax Essay
Anthrax exists in nature. It can be produced in lab and use it as a weapon. United
States of America had an experience with anthrax attack in 2001. Inhalation anthrax
is the most serious form (CDC, 2014). The symptoms of inhalation anthrax are fever,
malaise, headache, cough, shortness of breath, and chest pain (U.SN of Library
Medicine, 2016).
Scenario 1: 1 October 2016 Kansas City Tattler, a Kansas City newspaper reporter
had symptoms similar to inhalation anthrax, such as sever respiratory very high fever
and shock. The reporter had previously received an envelope containing a whit
powder. On October 3th, 2016, the man has made recovery. The powder was tested
and proved to be a small of cornstarch. Thus, police are attempting to determine ...
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Police apprehended the driver and a passenger of a pick up truck driving through
Oak Park. The truck contained a large amount of white powder. The powder has
been sampled to investigate if it is serious. Public health officials report if it is
anthrax, there is possibility that 32000 persons may have been exposed.
Step 6: formulate a contingency plan to address public health for this new situation.
Write SMART objectives to direct the plan.
At this step, all the groups worked as national level and worked together with
professor. First of all, the three groups with professor determined the concerns about
Anthrax, which includes lots of infections, dispersal of powder, containment of
powder, who is/are behind the event, communication, and protection of public health
The groups with professor wrote SMART objective to direct plan as follows:
It is most important to protect public health workers, because they are first people
who deal with the situation.
1.Obtain and distribute Hepa filter masks for every public health workforce in
Chicago by close of business today.
2.Establish personnel decontamination protocol by close of business today.
3.Train 75% of the public health workforce in decontamination by close of business
Gas Line Repair
Gas Line Repair Sugar Land
Natural gas is a popular option in U.S. homes. It s typically cheaper than electric, is
considered environmentally friendly and is more efficient. However, natural gas does
require caution and observation due to its potential for explosion, fire and
suffocation. When natural gas using appliances and gas lines are maintained, there
is little to worry about. However, gas line repair in Sugar Land and gas line
installation should only be provided by a licensed, experienced professional.
Benjamin Franklin plumbers in Sugar Land can provide the expertise required for
gas line service.
Emergency Repairs
Gas line repair in Sugar Land requires a licensed professional plumber. You should
never attempt to provide a gas line repair yourself. When a gas emergency occurs,
call 911 a safe distance away form the gas leak and the odor of gas.
Natural gas lacks any odor in its natural state. Mercaptan is added to gas, providing
the classic rotten eggs odor that is recognized as natural gas. Once the gas has been
shut off, and the officials in charge determine your home is ... Show more content on ...
Another common sign is a hissing, whistling or roaring noise around a gas
appliance, or outside around the gas meter. In an outdoor gas leak, you may see
dirt, grass or leaves blowing into the air or being blown along the ground. Bubbles
in or standing water. Gas leaks can also lead to nearby wilting or dying plants or
grass. If suspect a gas leak, don t use any type of phone, or operate anything
electrical, including light switches or appliances. In the presence of gas, even
starting a car or other motor is dangerous. In addition, don t take the time to gather
belongings, instead immediately evacuate the home or building and call 911, and
your gas company from a safe distance away. Once the location is declared safety by
the authorities, contact us for gas line repair in Sugar
The Negative Role Of Women In The Great Gatsby
Women are capable of bringing human beings in this world, and they live a lot
longer than men. They are like the sun, the whole world needs women but in other
cases, this cannot be said for most women. Based on The Great Gatsby written by
F. Scott Fitzgerald and the motion picture Chicago directed by Rob Marshall, both
prove that during the 1920s, women had a negative influence in society. They were
seen as toys. They were manipulative over men and had a way of always getting
what they wanted using lust and acting a bit promiscuous. Rather than being seen as
human beings, they were seen as trophies and were not taken serious and were
ignorant. They would only care about money or fame. Even during the 1920 s
women are portrayed as always being competitive and jealous towards each other
when it comes to receiving attention. In The Great Gatsbyboth Daisy and Myrtle are
very different women, but as females they held the same role, meaning that they
both had in interest in money and were both were hungry for money. In the novel,
Gatsby described Daisy as having a voice full of money (120) meaning all she cares
about is money. For a long time, Gatsby tried his best to get Daisy to notice him. In
the past they were both in a relationship with each other, but there was a time when
Gatsby didn t have money, and joined the army. When that happened, Daisy lost
contact with him and began seeing other guys until she met Tom, the somewhat
perfect male that was suitable to her
Visits From Inside The Black Mirror
Visits from Inside the Black Mirror Over the last ten years, technology has
transformed almost every aspect of our lives before we ve had time to stop and
question it. We have access to all the information in the world but no brain space left
to absorb anything longer than 140 character tweets. Black Mirror TV Show, Charlie
Brooker, Channel 4. Within this quote, Brooker says that people have sold their own
ability to think independently just for all the information in the world at their
fingertips. Technologyhas only deepened its grasp on consumers by becoming a
necessity for conformity. The Visits from Inside the Black Mirrorwill interpret the
consumers desire for social acceptance.
From Victorian era mad scientists to modern day serial killers, new monsters appear
as American society evolves, paralleling fluctuating challenges to the cultural status
quo. (Poole). Today s modern monster is Technology. Technology controls people s
actions, their emotions, and influences their decisions. Take in the thought of
holidays and special events. During those times consumers race to their local Best
Buys and Apple stores just for the latest trends in technology. They spend hundreds
of dollars on these time wasters. That false hope of acceptance and peace makes the
drive for technology even more powerful.
In the year 2016 owning some form of technology is a necessity and without it the
consumer is kicked out of society forever. This is proven within the smartphone
The Controversy Of Holland Park
Being both a district and a public park in the Royal Borough of Kensington and
Chelsea, Holland Park escorts is located in west London and is known for its high
class shopping, restaurants and very attractive and large townhouses in Victorian
style. If you are interested in visiting near other strikingly prestigious London areas,
you will be pleased to know that they include Notting Hill, High Street Kensington
and Portobello Market. As far as the transport to this locale is concerned, it is
conceivable through Holland Park tube station, which is on Central line of the
London Underground. There are various things to see and do with the escorts in
Holland Park in the zone. Firstly, you can head to Holland Park s extensive Gardens
for a radiant,
Education Reform In Michigan
Michigan is a bottom 10 state in education performance, according to one key recent
measure. The state s fourth graders fell to 41st from 38th in the National Assessment
of Education Performance reading test; other grade levels and subjects posted
similarly dismal results. While other states are making some progress in improving
education quality, Michigan is stagnant. And don t think the numbers are skewed by
poor performing urban school districts suburban students also lag behind, with just
one third of white fourth graders hitting the proficient mark in reading. The latest
confirmation from the NAEP of the sorry state of Michigan s schools has a lot of
folks talking about what it will take to push the state back into the top tier. The...
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He s right for some teachers. The very best instructors should have no cap on their
earnings potential, and there should be a competitive market for their talent. The
problem with Karmanos idea is that there s no provision for merit pay in
Michigan, lousy teachers and great teachers make the same as long as they have
equal seniority and education. That s a recipe for mediocrity in any industry.
Teacher quality won t significantly improve until pay is linked directly to
performance. There s also a strong Luddite strain in Michigan s education
establishment. Technology is often seen not as a tool to better convey information,
but as a threat to teacher jobs. But if technology allows a district to make sure all
of its students learn from its very best teachers, it s a dereliction not to use it. More
than anything, education reform in Michigan is held back by a lack of urgency, a
state of denial about just how terribly the schools are performing. Parents aren t
screaming about those horrible NAEP scores. Michigan won t be a Top 10 education
state until they
Public Relations As A Regular Tradition
Due to the early accounts of public relations utilising manipulative practices as a
regular tradition, these tactics have thus overshadowed and continued to be the
predominant view of public relations within modern contexts. This essay will argue
that public relations has evolved considerably beyond the age of press agentry, yet
will still acknowledge the existence of some present day uses of these schemes.
Firstly, this essay will explore the history of public relationsto establish and enforce
the need for change within the profession. Secondly, this essay will discuss the
various new practices and procedures of public relations implied into modern society
and how this aligns with the continuing ethical development of this profession. Lastly,
the essay will analyse the use of methods associated with the press agentry period in
recent years.
Public relations is historically categorised in three stages known as manipulation,
information and mutual benefit, with each consisting of a different core set of
values, methods and desired outcomes. The manipulation period was known for its
continuous abuse of press agentry and publicity stunts to further its manipulative
attempt to gain the attention of the public through the media . To summarise the
manipulation era was infatuated with profit gain and often acted without a moral
compass by fabricating elaborate stories to entice the interest of the public, thus
furthering their financial success. An essential component and
Stereotypes And Discrimination In The Workplace
Workplace discrimination happens every day, but is almost never openly admitted.
To believe without hesitation that the personal beliefs of a potential employee have
never been the reason to deny a person a job is naГЇve, or even a sign of ignorance.
Practically every job application has a comment about how race, religion, or having
a disability will not be a factor in determining eligibility for a position; I cannot say
the same about an individual who has tattoos, piercings, or other body modifications
having the same confirmations. People now have to make a conscience decision of
whether or not it is worth getting art on their body and express their individuality.
You may not be aware, but many student nursing programs, even the one offered by
Quinsigamond, require the students to have their... Show more content on ...
No one should have to deal with dirty looks, or being suspected of being a criminal
because they chose to display art, or express their personality. This type of
discrimination does however happen all the time, and it doesn t just apply to
tattoos. People may give you dirty looks because you wear a graphic T Shirt with
images or phrases that differ from their own beliefs. In this country especially
people should be able to go out in public and express themselves without feeling
discriminated against. Stereotyping a person by the color of their skin is
considered wrong, racist, and can provide a legal nightmare for employers or
individuals. Personal appearance of a person should be held to the same standard,
and someone s choice to express themselves is just that, their choice. As a society
we need to be less judgmental of the appearance of people, and their personal
preferences of ways to express themselves. We need to, as a society, allow people the
option to express themselves, and keep any judgment of them towards their actions
The Solubility As A Measure
Science Fair Essay
chemist understands solubility as a measure
a chemist would say that solubility is the max solute that can be dissolved in the
solvent until it reaches equilibrium
when the solution reaches equilibrium, there can be no more solute added to the
solvent: it won t dissolve anymore, it will just rest at the bottom as residue
the chemical formula of salt is NaCI
1 ATM is standard air pressure for earth
the unit for solubility of water it for ex: 357.00 g/L
when the solubility is put in the solvent, the solution reaches equilibrium
every chemical substance has a fixed solubility
if something doesn t dissolve, it s solubility is 0
measures of solubility cannot be applied to immiscible substances
some substances can be mixed and create a homogeneous phase in any proportion:
the opposite is an immiscible substance
in dissolving, molecules of the solvent enter the solute and are surrounded many other
for the solute s molecules to be surrounded, the molecular bonds between the
molecules of the solute have to be broken and the molecular bonds of the solvent
have to be disrupted
energy given off in the process
then, when the solute dissolves into the solvent, new molecular bonds are created
but for the solute and solvent to dissolve, the molecular bonds have to be broken and
the energy output has to be immense
right when the solute is placed in the solvent, the concentrated solute, breaks into
then the molecules of the
Analysis Of Shakespeare s Antigone And Julius Caesar
Piper Jacobs
Literature Survey II Honors
Essay: Antigone and Julius Caesar Option 3
The involvement of women is very important in the two stories, Julius Caesar by
William Shakespeare and Antigone by Sophocles. Throughout each story it becomes
clear that the ideas and biases surrounding women play an important part in how
society views women, and how women see themselves. Readers also see these ideas
spread into the minds of women affecting what they do in their life, and how they act.
Antigone and Ismene, from Antigone, and Calpurnia and Portia, from Julius Caesar
are both examples of this major theme. These four women heavily influence their
play and the outcome. Because of this it is clear to see the importance and relevance
of women in Antigone and Julius Caesar.
In both Antigone and Julius Caesar the societal views that women are weak,
submissive and inferior play a major role in each story and their conclusions. In
Antigone, King Creon is shocked when he discovers that it is Antigone that disobeys
him. The betrayer was right under his nose, but he was too blind to see it. King
Creon was blinded by the belief that women are inferior.
Likewise, in Julius Caesar, women are considered inferior. When Portia, Brutus
wife, wants Brutus to trust her she has to prove herself strong by stabbing herself. It
is the societal view of women that makes her have to prove herself. Another major
example of this is when the threat of being considered weak by his peers

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  • 3. What Is Hercules Greek Myth The greek myth of Hercules is one of the most popular myths ever told. It tells of his strength courage and perseverance. Throughout this essay, I will be writing about Hercules life and back story, the trials he faced in his life from the mistakes he made. Also, I will be explaining Hercules cultural significance to the Greek. Hercules was most known for his strength When Hercules was born his Zeus wife, Hera, which was Hercules stepmother, tried to kill him by sending two poisonous snakes into his crib. However, Hercules managed to kill both snakes by strangling both snakes, one in each hand. Hera would go on to torture Hercules mentally his whole life until one day he went so crazy that he killed his wife and kids. To make up for what
  • 4. Struggle For Mastery And In The Call Of The Wild Struggle for Survival and Mastery and in The Call of The Wild In The Call of the Wild written by Jack London, Buck doesn t simply want to survive, he wants to master his environment. His struggle for survival is accented by Charles Darwin s idea of natural selection, another prominent idea in the story. Likewise, Herbert Spencer s concept of Social Darwinism is present in the novel. The themes of the struggle for survival as well as the struggle for mastery are integrated throughout The Call of the Wild. The struggle for survival is a major point throughout Buck s journey. From the very beginning Buck learns to lose his morals to survive. He learns to steal food without getting caught and how to kill other dogs. He learns to appease the dogs drivers as well as other dogs by following The Law of Club and Fang . He learns how to endure the brutal environment. However Buck doesn t just want to just survive the Northland, he wants to conquer it. When Buck returns to camp after he kills a bull moose he finds that John Thornton, his last tie to humanity, has been slaughtered by the Yeehats. He jumps on the Yeehat Chief and tears his throat, quickly killing the leader. He discovers humans are not very difficult to ... Show more content on ... Natural Selection is the process in which animals that are able to adapt to certain environments survive and live on to reproduce. There are many instances when Buck physically adapts in order to survive the harsh conditions of the Northland. When Buck is taken he has never seen snow and has never had to work before. He begins to starve on the husky s diet until his stomach adjusts and is able to take every ounce of nutrients from the food. His paws are bloodied and broken from the long treks and difficult work but they gradually heal to become stronger and more effective on the snow. Buck did not only have to adapt physically, he also had to adapt
  • 5. Persuasive Essay On Breast Feeding Imagine this, you re a mother or a father and your child is crying. No, the child is screaming. He or she is hungry. For the first 6 months it s crucial for a newborn to be breastfed. It s only natural to feed your child the food they need to grow and develop. So of course you re going to give them the food they re crying for. People will argue you can pump or use formula, except pumped milk only stays good for so long, and formula costs money and isn t always a mother s first choice. Some will use formula for their newborn while away and have a babysitter, except breastfeeding helps them bond with their parent and is usually prefered among women. Need Women are shamed for breastfeeding publicly everyday. According to Kimberly Truong, in an article called, This woman was shamed by her own family for breastfeeding in public. published ... Show more content on ... We cannot force a mother to leave an area where she is allowed to breastfeed according to the law. B. Shaming breastfeeding is a widespread issue and is horrible. According to Tracey M. DiLascio, public breastfeeding has been a debate for many years now but wasn t always considered indecent or sexual like it is today, she published this article July of 2016 and named it Breastfeeding in public: Overview. Points of view: Breastfeeding in Public. Some men blame some of their sexual tendencies and harassing women on the fact that their breasts are exposed. A few men argue that a women showing off cleavage is hot while breastfeeding is not, and then continue by saying that is why women shouldn t publicly breastfeed. I don t pee in public, so why should a woman breastfeed? Is the wrong question to ask if you want to make breastfeeding seem indecent. This is suggesting that eating is considered dirty or a private act, which it is not. Urinating in public is considered wrong because although it is a natural act, it is also a private
  • 6. Essay on Holocaust Holocaust Introduction What, when, where, and why was the Holocaust? The Holocaust was first called a religious rite in which an offer that gave to some one was burned in a fire. The current definition of holocaust is any widespread human massacre. When it is written Holocaust, it means when Nazi Germany completely destroyed the Jewish. The Holocaust was during the period of January 30, 1933 to May 8, 1945. Hitler became Germany s chancellor when it first started and the war ended on the last day of the Holocaust, or known as V E Day. During that time frame, Jews in Europe were killed in the worst way possibly and led to the death of 6,000,000 Jews and 5,000 communities destroyed. 1.5 million of those Jews killed ... Show more content on ... he fire caused the dismiss of the German democracy. The next day, under the pretense of controlling the Communists, the government established individual rights and protections. Freedom of speech, assembly, and expression were the rights and protections that were demolished. The Nazis won the majority in the government with nearly forty four percent of the votes on March fifth. Moving swiftly the Nazis brought together their power into a dictatorship. The Enabling Act was passed on March twenty third. Hitler s dictatorial efforts were approved and was now legally able to pursue them. Complex police and military force were also developed. With the police now set in place, the nazis opponents were beaten, terrorized, or sent to one of the concentration camps that the Germans had built. The first camp built for the prisoners was Dachau, just outside of Munich. Over time Dachau s purpose was changed and became another brutal camp for the Jews. Hitler was in full control of Germany and his campaign against the Jews was in full force by the end of 1934. According to the Nazis, the Jews destroyed the German culture with their foreign and mongrel influence. They saw the Jews as evil and cowardly and the Germans as hardworking, honest, and courageous. The Jews claimed the Nazis, which were heavily represented in finance, commerce, the press literature,
  • 7. Essay On Bathing Ape Do you ever wonder why people go crazy over Supreme and a Bathing Ape? Fashion takes a big role in the world today. Think about it what person doesn t want to go outside and have confidence that they look good in what they re wearing? Did you know in all of the U.S there are only two Supreme shops one in LA and the other in NYC. If we re talking worldwide there are only 9. A Bathing Ape (aka Bape) there are 42 stores worldwide but like Supreme there are two in the U.S. Supreme and Bape are huge in the streetwear industry they collaborate with so many other companies. A Bathing Ape is a Japanese clothing company that is big in the streetwear industry. Bape was started by a man named Nigo the brand was started in the early 1990 s. Bape s
  • 8. Definition Of Health My definition of health is when one feels an overall sensation of healthiness across all 7 aspects of health. A person who focuses independently on each aspect of health, views them as separate entities, and in doing so tries to improve them each individually without thoughts of the other aspects, will rarely ever reach a state of good health. One achieves health through the recognition that all the aspects of health are interconnected and changes in one aspect directly or indirectly influence others and application of this knowledge to their everyday life. At this time in my life, not all 7 dimensions of health are equal to me. As a stressed out first year science student I am personally placing more emphasis on my intellectual/mental health, my emotional health, and my occupational health. My ambition to learn and achieve high grades has left me in a position where I find I often neglect my physical health, social health, environmental health, and spiritual health by isolating... Show more content on ... Considering that these are only two of the seven aspects of health, and that one should be healthy in all seven aspects to be considered truly healthy, this statement is false. An example of someone who is unhealthy yet looks fine and is not in pain would perhaps be someone who is unsatisfied with their career and has taken to isolating themselves from their family, friends, and coworkers; while they appear physically fit and possibly even in good mental health, they are not healthy occupationally or socially and if they stay in this situation long enough, they might begin to see the negative effects of this unhealthiness in other aspects of their
  • 9. The Loch Ness Monster Myth While reading my book I learned that the loch ness monster myth was more popular than I thought it was back when it was on newspapers for the first time. I found out that the loch ness monster has been seen but no one has taken a clear picture of the monster yet which raises suspicions if it is real or not. The Loch Nessis 754 feet deep and is 24 miles long but only 1 mile wide. People usually see the loch ness monsteras a large shadow under water, a long neck poking out of the water, or huge ripples going through the water. The myth of the water horse was a surprise to learn about that it was a myth originally from Scotland and were originally called kelpie. It surprised me that people believed that the loch ness monster is a plesiosaurs
  • 10. Computer Engineering, Engineering And Astronautical... erospace engineering pertains to aircrafts and spacecraft, it involves researching, developing, constructing. It can be split into two major fields; aeronautical engineering and astronautical engineering. Aeronautics is concerned with aircraft that fly within Earth s atmosphere whereas astronautics is concerned with spacecrafts. The focus of this Aerospace Engineering(Aeronautics) project and production was to build an aircraft. It was to increase maneuverability while keeping control and stability. There was a need for a much more advanced transportation. Over the last year, four major disasters have damaged the name of the aeronautics. First, there were the two lost Malaysia Airlines 777s, one due to an errant missile fired from a war zone, the other due to circumstances that are still unclear. Then came the AirAsia crash, as well as the recent loss of a TransAsia plane in Taiwan. In mobility everything is added to the flight and drop of a flying machine. In result of these disasters the Janejet AT 9 is equipped with two turbojet engines, a avionics computer bay, shock absorber and a FAA certified auto pilot raft and a 2016 fly by wire system. It is made up of aluminum and two curricular rotor blades inside the sides of the plane. With these assets the Janejet AT 9 will have the ability to hover, ascend, descend, take off and be prepared for crash landing ease. As time continues to go on more and more, as technology is evolving aircraft also need to. There have been
  • 11. White Collar Crime Welcome to the age of white collar crime. A time when the words thieves and businessmen go hand in hand. White collar criminals don t get their hands dirty in their work. They use their heads to get what they want instead of using a little muscle. These criminals are just as dangerous as the rapists and murderers. In these times, even the most seemingly respectable people are suspected of white collar crimes. President Clinton and the first lady Hillary Clinton have been tangled up in the Whitewater and Travelgate business ventures. Although the two have not been formally charged with any wrongdoing, there is a committee currently investigating their dealings and charges are not out of the question for either of them. In Michael Isikoff s... Show more content on ... These people have more opportunities to commit a white collar crime than a person with little authority. Peter Michelmore, a journalist for Readers Digest describes this situation well in his article, On the Trail of a Scam He describes a savings and loan scam and the man behind it all. Meyer learned that New Era was run by John G. Bennet, Jr., a 57 year old evangelical Christian. (112) New Era was a getting money from a private university, in which he promised huge returns on their investment. New Era did show them huge profits, but only to gain their trust and invest more money. The private university was gaining trust in New Era and investing more money. Finally, when They had invested a large sum of money, New Era collapsed and John Bennet walked away with the university s money. Mr. Bennet is a prime example of our findings. He is a man over the age of eighteen and he is in a position of power. People have entrusted him with their money. To commit his crime, he needed to be in a position where he was trusted, or in authority. After he won their trust, he took their money. White collar crimes are growing at an alarming rate and must be curbed. There are many things that the nation can do to slow the growth of these crimes. The white collar crime that affects the most people is the scam. For that reason, scam prevention will be emphasized more than embezzlement. I feel that the most effective weapon against these crimes is to
  • 12. The Impact Of Rastafari On The Culture Through The Voices... Chaneil Hall Professor Edmondson Independent Study: The Impact of Rastafari May 13, 2015 Reggae as a Means of Social Transformation Through The Voices of the Rastafari Jamaica, the third largest Caribbean island is not only home to tropical weather and picturesque landscapes, but also to social unrest and perhaps some of the most rebellious people. Since its existence, this nation has seen a series of revolutions and riots in efforts to reverse the unjust social, economic, and political conditions. The most influential of these revolutionary efforts contributed to the formation of Jamaica s very own religious movement, Rastafarianism. With oppression serving as one of the driving forces for the Rastafari Movement, it is understandable why its followers are so adamant about professing their ideologies, beliefs and practices. The central language used to express the grievances of Rastafarians is known globally as the music genre, Reggae. It is not merely coincidental that the country pregnant with such radical motives also gave birth to its own music brand. By examining the music of artists such as Bob Marley, Dennis Brown, Luciano and more, we can deduce that Reggae music served and continues to serve as the most prominent vehicle for the spread of Rastafarianism. The Rastafari Movement emerged in Jamaica in the 1930s out of desires to defeat the crippling British colonial culture and to establish an identity based on the reclamation of African heritage. The men credited for
  • 13. Three Causes Of The Bhopal Chemical Plant Disaster In 1984 Introduction Three causes of the Bhopal Chemical Plant disaster happening in India in 1984 were long term financial difficulties, poor safety management and inadequate emergency plans. The disaster occurred when water entered a methyl isocyanate (MIC) storage tank, which led to a runaway reaction and then discharged toxic MIC vapour into the atmosphere. The leak caused the death of more than 2,000 people and the health effects on about 200,000 locals in the surrounding shanty towns (Kletz 2009, p. 338). Long term financial difficulties One cause of the Bhopal chemical disaster was long term financial difficulties, resulting in limited training and inadequate maintenance. limited training According to Joseph, Kaszniak and Long (2005, p. 544), prior to the disaster, the company had been facing a financial crisis for many years because the sale of pesticides had been fallen. Mannan (2012, p. 2649) points out that due to the budget cuts, many plant operators received insufficient training on operations and safety awareness. As shown in figure 1, there was a decrease in the length of training programmes for plant operators from 18 months in 1975 to only one month in December 1984, which is mentioned by Chouhan (2005, p. 207). Therefore, Chouhan (2005, p. 207) indicates that without the knowledge of runaway reactions occurring in the storage tank when the accident happened, many workers could not immediately take any emergency action to lessen the risk of the MIC escape from
  • 14. Causes Of Alexander The Great The Empire of Alexander lived on past the death of its founder, but soon fragmented into numerous smaller kingdoms ruled by his generals. The Macedonian homeland came under the control of the line of Antigonus I Monophthalmus, a general and satrap under Alexander. The line of Antigonus would rule Macedon into the middle of the second century BC, when the kingdom was overcome by a myriad of problems, both internal and external. The reasons for the decline and eventual annexation of the Kingdom of Macedon include the weakening of the Macedonian army, the chaotic political order in Macedonia, and the rising might of Rome. The downfall of the Kingdom took nearly 40 years to achieve, and thus no single reason may be looked to as the cause of Macedon s annihilation as an independent country. However, the combination, primarily, of those three things as they will each in turn be highlighted, brought about the undoing of homeland of history s greatest general. In the annals of history, few leaders are as well remembered, as celebrated, as Alexander the Great. Indeed, his epithet suggests much both about him as a leader and about popular opinion of him. He among all other generals and kings in history forged a lasting reputation as the greatest of generals. He held together a veteran army, and huge empire through force of personality. The loyalty of his generals, the Diadochi, was his greatest strength as a general, and his greatest weakness as a king. When Alexander died suddenly at
  • 15. Cane Toads In Australia Have you ever heard the old wives tale about getting warts if you touch a toad? How about the Chinese Folklore that says the toad is a sign of prosperity and financial blessings? I m not sure if the people of Australia would see these creatures as a blessing. According to Claire Moodie with ABC News, cane toads are spreading quickly through northern Australiaand are leaving paths of destruction behind. The Australian government even has a policy in place for dealing with these harmful creatures. I chose to learn more about this topic because it seemed interesting, and I didn t think it would have to do with politics. The other topics I researched during this class made me sad or angry at times. I chose this topic because I thought it... Show more content on ... The cane toads in Australia has become a national difficulty. The Australian government has been providing funds to help with catching and destroying these pests. Scientists have not been able to find any kind of way to biologically control these toads. According to the Australian Government, Cane toads have an impact on Australian Government controlled lands, including Kakadu National Park, several World Heritage Areas and Indigenous Protected Areas . The Australian government has written a policy on cane toads, has started a cane toad advisory group, funded research on controlling and collecting the toads, funded research on the impact of the toads on the Australian habitats and economy, and has educated the public about the toads and how to deal with them. In the future, the government plans to continue to do these same things as eradicating the toads does not seem feasible. All of these efforts are being made to at least reduce the threats to humans and native species in
  • 16. Physics of Karate Essay The basic ideas behind any style of karate can in general be reduced to the goal of achieving the most effective movements with the least effort. Specifically, with a strike such as a punch, kick, knife hand or similar, the karateka attempts to move smoothly through the strikes, conserving energy towards the impact point. When thought about in terms of energy, the most common equation is that of rotational kinetic energy, or KE=(1/2)mv^2 + (1/2)IП‰^2. Another way to think about a strike is to attempt to focus as much force as possible at the point of impact. In many strikes, this is facilitated by drawing an almost straight line with the striking tool from the original point of rest to the point of impact. This is based on the ... Show more content on ... The feet are placed about shoulder width apart, the front leg is bent so that the toes cannot be seen, the back leg is straight, and there is constant pressure down through the heel of the back leg. The upper body should be leaned very slightly forward in preperation of movement, and the torso and hips dropped downwards to ground the stance. Because this is a stable stance, the various forces acting on the body must be equalized somehow. The main force is the one caused by extension of the back leg into the ground (a). This is held in check by dropping the torso into the stance and allowing the friction on the front foot from the ground, Ојb + ~(1/3)Ојmg where Ој is the coefficient of static friction, and b is the force of the body attempting to move forward due to a, and the tensing of the front leg quads to keep the stance in place. If the stance is correct, this force is easily released to throw into techniques, either by using it as a spring to pull the reverse leg forward for a kick, or by rotating the body or otherwise neutralizing the check imposed by the front leg to throw some other technique, such as a punch. Reverse Punch Equations: F=ma О¤=IО± О±=a/r v=П‰r centripetal acc: a=(v^2)/r=П‰^2r A reverse punch is a punch thrown over the back leg. For example, from a front stance with the right leg back, a reverse punch would be executed with the right arm. Punches, as with many
  • 17. The Ultimate Management Challenge For A Family Business In this week s chapter The Ultimate Management Challenge we read about succession plans and what that can mean for a family business. According to the reading about 40% of businesses in the world are family businesses that have more than one generation working for them and will have to come up with a succession plan if they don t already have one. A Succession plan is simply passing on the businessleadership and power from one senior generation to another younger generation. When reading this book I learned a lot about the rags to rags, shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves phenomenon, and why it can and does occur, as well as 2 main things a family business must have to be successful. If the new generation comes in with the same enthusiasm and values as the previous generation then the transition to new managementwill be much easier and in theory there will still be a company for the upcoming generations to be a part of and profit from, this is the idea of rags to riches. Sadly this isn t the most common way succession plans work, most commonly the second or third generation comes in and doesn t share the enthusiasm, vision, or values as the previous generation(s) had and runs the business into the ground. This trend has many names: rags to rags, shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves, etc. however it all has the same general meaning, the wealth or success of the business does not exceed 3 generations. Although I find the loss of enthusiasm, vision and/ or values tends to be the most
  • 18. Essay How to Get Prepared and Start My Own Business How to Get Prepared and Start My Own Business . All of us have a lot of ideas about the things that we think about; most of the time we do not even recognize how millions of ideas got through our brains. Even now, when I typed this sentence, it took a while for me to come up with an idea and put it into words, so that all the readers get exactly what I want them to understand after reading my writing. We use our ideas everywhere, since it is something that lets us process and understand the information that we already own and get the best result that is possible. People use ideas as their tool to make a right decision, and as we all know, we have a lot of decisions to make in our life. For me, the right idea is a treasure surrounded by ... Show more content on ... Person who runs the business and person who assists and works for that person experience different emotions and work to do, but both of these jobs have their own cons and pros. Person who assists to run the business cares only about the wage that he or she gets in the end of the month, while the businessman cares about the whole organization, including staff, all the property, wages of his workers, working environment, advertisement, and else. The more power and opportunity you have, the more responsibility and problems you get. That one person who runs the company should make a perfect environment to work, including people who work for him, because they are a big part of his business that manage to realize his ideas, and make them work properly. More than one million people create their own business every year. All of them have an idea that they believe in, because idea plays a huge role, but it is not the only thing. Business is more than just an idea, and some people forget it and start without even being prepared. It needs a lot of time to plan, and also it requires certain people. Furthermore, it needs financial funding. Before even starting to prepare to be a business executive, person should ask himself if he is ready for that. Do I have that personality and skills to be successful in business? Do I have what it takes? I am sure that I do, so do my parents. That is the reason why I am continuing to make
  • 19. Imidazolinone Essay Imidazolinone (C3H4N2O), a keto dihydro imidazole, is a 5 membered heterocyclic with two nitrogen atoms at the first position and third position. It also contains a C=O group which can be located either in second position, fourth position or fifth position, namely 2 oxo imidazoline, 4 oxo imidazoline and 5 oxo imidazoline respectively. Figure 1.1.i. (1) 2 oxo imidazoline, (2) 4 oxo imidazoline (3) 5 oxo imidazoline Many literature reviews revealed that imidazolinone has wide and important biological and pharmalogical activities, for instance, central nervous system (CNS) depressant, antifungal, anti allergic, anti Parkinson, antihelmintic, antiviral, anti inflammatory and antimicrobial. The researches for exploring newer and safer drug are endless effort. In addition, the therapeutic activities and importance of imidazolinone encouraged many researchers to synthesis new imidazolinone derivatives with better efficacy and lesser side effects.... Show more content on ... The serious medical problem aroused nowadays is the resistance of bacterial and fungal to existing antimicrobial and antifungal agents. Besides that, many patients are allergic to these current available antimicrobial and antifungal agents. Therefore, it is important to develop other sources or alternatives drugs. Imidazolinone has been used as herbicides in agriculture, however, imidazolinone is not incorporated as a medicine for humans in the market yet, hence, and more researches on this imidazolinone must be established in order to support this
  • 20. The California State University, Fullerton ( Csuf ) Language is a universal mode of communication among humans that separates them from other beings. Indeed, language can be verbalized or comprise of non verbal cues. In addition, development of language of a sign of growth and development in individuals and experts in a language are usually considered as proficient and effective communicators because the meanings of their language are concise and thus received as intended. Environments such as institutions of higher learning are a good place to observe the use of language because they epitomize social learning environments where people from different cultures interact linguistically. The California State University, Fullerton (CSUF) is renowned for its creative arts programs, sporting... Show more content on ... As such, this discussion aims at addressing the assumptions and stereotypes that people make about other people based on their language and behavior. The way people speak and behave can help created and reinforce assumptions and stereotypes about them from the perception of others. For instance, people who speak loudly and fast, and gesticulate excessively are assumed aggressive, impatient, and uncontrollable. On the other hand, quiet, meek, and polite people are perceived as timid, patient, and even sometimes conniving. Some of the assumptions and stereotypes have historical origins, and have been passed down through generations even when they have lost their basis. When one looks at the student population at CSUF, one cannot help noticing that there are subtle grouping is students depending on their ethnicity, place of origin and common interests as well. For instance, Hispanics, who form the majority of the student body, are the most obvious grouping, although one quickly learns that there are subtle differences among these students based on the country of origin, language accent, and even neighborhood of residence. As such, Hispanics can be subdivided into Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Brazilians, and Columbians among many others
  • 21. Yay Mc Helper Case Analysis What is your Minecraft username? Privacyy What gamemode do you most frequently play on? Kits How many hours would you be able to contribute to the position per day? 5 8 Hours Per Day What strengths do you see in yourself that you could use to be a better Yay Mc helper? 1. One of my best assets that I could see me using to be a great helper is my patience and my knowledge of how to detect a hacker. I have noticed that many staff members are really unsure on if the person is hacking or is just really good. I could help to ensure that the person being watched is not banned falsely or let go when they were actually hacking. I am familiar with common screenshare tools such as Blsquad and Sarefine SS tool. I know where to/how to find hacks and/or illegal mods. If placed in a situation where I need to screenshare, I am able to easily control and complete the screenshare in a timely manner. I can tell the difference between laggers and hackers, which, sadly, some staff members I have met on other servers can t. One last advantage that comes with my knowledge of screensharing, is that I can do reverse psychology on most people. It s simple and sometimes reveals that the player hacks. All you have to do is, when looking ... Show more content on ... My fourth strength I am going to share on this application, is my ability to stay active. I am on Minecraft almost all day on the weekends and around 4 5 hours on weekdays. I do have other activities I like to do, so my estimates may be a little off, but my playtime falls roughly in that time frame. I can always play with a web browser tab open, making it easy to switch between minecraft and the forums. I am familiar with the forums and how it functions. I can and will help forum members if they need any assistance. Within my daily playtime, I could spend most of it being a staff member and helping players, but I also like to play as a normal player sometimes. I ll most likely play on an alt if I ever feel like PvPing instead of staffing,
  • 22. The Importance Of A Bilingual Advantage For Terms Of... Bialystok, Craik, and Luk (2012) investigated the growing body of evidence examining the presence of a bilingual advantage in terms of enhanced executive control: the group of cognitive skills involved in language switching, working memory and inhibition. Furthermore, the researchers examined evidence supporting the notion that differences in brainstructure and function helped to explain the bilingual advantage (Bialystok et al., 2012). In regards to joint activation in bilinguals, researchers found that both languages are always activated to some degree (Bialystok et al., 2012) Though this may cause language interference errors, bilinguals can select their target language with remarkable accuracy (Bialystok et al., 2012). Upon review of the literature, they found that bilinguals frequently utilized frontal systems (involved in executive control) to help manage attention to two language systems (Bialystok et al., 2012). In other words, whenever a bilingual said something, the executive control system was activated. To support this claim, fMRI research revealed that the activities in the frontal regions form neural networks in the brain that are unique to the bilingual s experience of managing two independent language systems (Bialystok et al., 2012. In essence, the evidence supported the notion that bilinguals exercise the executive control system when they have to say something and, this over time, leads to modifications in the neural networks and anatomical structures of
  • 23. A Christmas Carol Character Analysis Anybody can change their future. In A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, a sour, old man, Ebenezer Scrooge is haunted for one night. Three spirits, Christmas past, present, and future make Scrooge embrace Christmas so he can escape his fate, and become a better person. Scrooge develops into a more cheerful man after his interactions with the three spirits, and his journey through the past, present, and future. Scrooge becomes a happier person when the first spirit shows him some of his old Christmas s. One Christmas Scrooge relives is from when he was young and lonely. He is sitting by himself when his little sister, Fan, bursts through the door yelling, Dear, dear, brother. I have come to bring you home!... Home for ever and ever . As Scrooge is revisiting this memory, he remembers Fan and how she was one of the only people who ever cared for him. Scrooge knows that she was selfless and sweet, the opposite of him now. Thinking back on it, he realizes how thankful he was to have her, even if she is gone now. Scrooge understands that he used to cared for, and he thinks that maybe people still care about him today. In another flashback, Scrooge revisits one of his more Merrier Christmas s. When Scrooge worked for Fezziwig, Christmas was a party, There were more dances, and there was cake, and there was wine, and there was a great piece of cold roast, and there was a great piece of cold boiled, and there were mince pies, and plenty of beer. As Scrooge remembers this
  • 24. Essay about European Gothic Architecture “Los Angeles... The history of Architecture started long time ago. The nomadic were groups of people whom move from one place to another in order find shelter and food to survive. As they progress, their techniques to survive evolve. The need for a permanent shelter became vital for a better stability of the group. This is the time when the first structures that provided protection appeared. Post and lintel were the first forms of Architecture, that satisficed the basic needs. Architecture evolved to be more sophisticated and fulfill the people s needs. Consequently, Architecture evolved throughout different periods such as: Ancient architecture, Romanesque, The medieval, Renaissance, Early modern, and the industrial age, Modernism and Contemporary... Show more content on ... These buildings would be the largest buildings that humans would admire for a long period. Gothic Architecture is mainly relating to cathedrals and churches from that time. The majestic building is very powerful when it comes to feelings and emotions. Some of those main characteristics of the Gothic Architecture are the pointed arcs, ribbed vaults and flying buttress, stained glass windows, complex decoration, towers and some other details. The origins of the pointed arcs used in gothic Architecture come from the pre Islamic and Islamic Architecture. Two barrel vaults intersecting in a perpendicular way compose the ribbed vaults; this would give more strength to the building allowing for more windows at higher places. Flying buttress has to purpose to resist horizontal forces, by redirecting to force to the ground. The stained glass windows were ecclesiastic windows that allow light from the highest points of the building. Some of the complex decoration refers to the amount of detail such as statues, paints, and scripts on the walls. All of the above are the characteristics that the Gothic Architecture presented during that period. Now days, some of the main concepts are being taken and applied to modern buildings such as the Cathedral of our Lady of the Angels, also known as the Cathedral of Los Angeles. It was design by the Spanish Architect JosГ© Rafael Moneo (1937 present). In 1996, he was appointing
  • 25. The Book Utopia By Thomas Moore The next day as I walk through the school doors, I see Hunter glaring at me. Remembering what my mom said, I continue walking to class. I go to my first two periods and I read the book Utopia by Thomas Moore through both my classes. When the lunch bell rings, I jump up from my seat and head to the cafeteria where I sit down at my usual table alone. I start eating my peanut butter and jelly sandwich as Hunter and a bunch of his friends enter the cafeteria. I freeze in fear and I start to become enraged. My hands start to shake and my face turns bright red with anger. Without thinking about it, I stand up towering over Hunter. Hunter s friends begin to laugh at my idiotic decision. I become even more enraged as I hold my hands up in front... Show more content on ... Within a few seconds, we arrive in a living room. The living room is dimly lit with the only source of light coming from a small window in the center of the wall. On the white walls there are photographs of the teacher and people that I assume to be his family and friends. As I am standing in room marveling over the pictures the teacher motions for me to sit on the brown cushion couch. I take a seat on the couch, while the teacher sits down on a light brown recliner across from me. I sit and I stare at the teacher and for the first time I notice that he has the same tattoo as my mom. The tattoo is on his wrist and it is of an equal sign inside a square. When I asked my mom about the tattoo she just said it was just some cool design she got for her birthday, but now I believe the tattoo has a deeper meaning. I open my mouth to ask about the tattoo but the teacher interrupts me and says, I knew this would happen. You are probably befuddled now and wondering what is going on. I guess first I will introduce myself. My name is Eldrick Mentoris, but you can just call me Mr. Mentoris or godfather. Your dad made me your godfather and he was, I mean is an honorable man. The reason I said is, is because he is still alive, he never fought for the US army. Suddenly I gasp in disbelief. Your dad, Mr. Mentoris continues, actually fought for The New Empire, also known as TNE. I do not expect to be familiar with TNE, your mom
  • 26. The Diana Phenomenon Essay The Diana Phenomenon The sudden death of Diana Princess of Wales at the end of August 1997 sparked off a massive display of emotion in the world, especially in Britain. The event provided the opportunity for the expression of what appeared to be a short term and superficial, but undoubtedly sincere, manner by a large number of people. An emotion felt throughout the countryside was that many people saw themselves in some way connected to this public figure and able to grieve for her as if she were an acquaintance. (Lambert 54) However, there remained clear borderlines between what the public, who thought they knew her, and the immediate family who did. The Princess s funeral brought together a gathering of the powerful (English ... Show more content on ... We don t know mourners said. Our grief has surprised us, too. We didn t know how much we loved her. (Lambert 50) Long ago, in 1981 to be exact, Diana Spencer retired her role as kindergarten teacher to become the future queen of England. It was like a Cinderella story right out of the book. But this Cinderella s skirts were plaid, and her hair was chopped short. She had a nervous giggle, and was the tiniest bit plump. She was normal, she was regular, and everyone loved her for it. By the time she was 27 years old, she had been married for eight years and had two beautiful sons. The fairy tale appeared to still be there, but what the press, who hounded her day and night, failed to catch was that her life was in a downward spiral even after the short weeks she was married. She had been bulimic for years, she had tried to kill herself, and she and Charles were living separate lives. In her telling, the marriage broke up because she d had the impudence to demand a real fairness to Charles, he must have felt the fairy tale got all mixed up: He kissed the princess and became a frog. (Gaines 98) Diana s enduring allure surprised everyone, including the princess herself. The public s obsession with the smallest details of her smart clothes, her hair and her sons made royal family life far more compelling and exploitable than any TV saga. (London) She loved to pick up babies, whether or not they had AIDS. When she
  • 27. Why Did The Revolutionary War Start So many people think that the revolutionary started at Lexington and Concord. But George Washington wouldn t have been on the national stage without the events that happened in Western Pennsylvania during the French and Indian War Tom Headley. The quote represents how important the struggle between the years of 1754 and 1763 was. It set up the entire revolutionary war. The French and Indian War was fought by the British and their colonies against the French and Indians. The war took place in North Eastern America and Europe. The British thought that the Ohio River Valley was rightfully theirs because the area was important for trading so they attacked the French. Little did they know that the French and Indians would fight with Guerilla warfare.... Show more content on ... The over taxation was caused by the the vast amounts of debt that the British Monarchy had due to the French and Indian War. The British Parliament thought that they had the right to tax only the colonies and not Britain. This angered the colonies and caused them to rebel in small ways. This also led to them protesting the fact that they had no representation in Parliament. The war costed almost 70,000,000 euros and doubled Britain s national debt to 140,000,000 euros. They in turn increased the taxes on the colonies. The taxes were a huge part of the Revolutionary war and they caused one of the key rebellions in the British Colonies that sparked major conflict. This rebellion is known as the Boston Tea Party. In the Boston Tea Party, a group of Patriots who called themselves the Sons of Liberty dressed themselves as Native Americans and went to the Boston Harbor. Once there they went aboard ships that were carrying tea and they threw 92,000 pounds(340 chests) of tean into the harbor. This act changed the world as the colonists knew it. It sparked the Coercive acts, known as the intolerable acts in America to be
  • 28. Compare Pyramus And Thisbe And Romeo And Juliet Have you ever desired to have something or someone so intensely that you would do anything to have it? For example, in the movie Shrek, Shrek had a desire for Princess Fiona so deeply that he did anything and everything to be with her. Well, when I think about love and what a person would do for love two stories come to mind, and they are Pyramus and Thisbe by Ovid and Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. These characters in the story have many obstacles, barriers, and limitation that tried to challenge the love between two people. To begin with, Pyramus and Thisbe and Romeo and Juliet both had a arduous time being in love because their parents didn t approve or like the fact that their children wanted to marry a certain person.... Show more content on ... In Pyramus and Thisbe the mulberry tree was their symbol of love. The tree had fruits which were white and turned red which symbolized the blood of Pyramus and Thisbe when they killed themselves. In the story, they were separated by a wall, however that still didn t stop them from being together or their love for each other. Therefore, the branches represent them always being attached to each other. According to the text, The everlasting memorial of these true lovers, and one urn hold the ashes of the two whom not even death could part (Ovid 949). In Romeo and Juliet, the statue was their symbol in the play. But I can give you more. I ll raise her statue in pure gold. As long as this city is called Verona, there will be no figure praised more than that of true and faithful
  • 29. Penny-Personal Narrative It all started on the morning of July 26, when I told my dear daughter Penny Woods to go out and buy the groceries for dinner. She had been so excited to drive by herself since she had just received her driver s licence. It was hard for me to let her go to the store without me, but I knew I had to. The weather was nice, it was sunny and the clouds dotted the sky. It made me feel better letting Penny go off all alone. I wish I had known that it was the last goodbye I would ever say to her. After Penny left I did my daily activities, but time had slipped by me. When the clock struck twelve I thought it was a mistake, since Penny was not home yet. She had left one hour before and never returned. In the midst of my confusion there came a... Show more content on ... She came in and started investigating right away, from the floor to the furniture. Her face looked tired from what seemed like working too many hours. She then asked me who lives in the house and where they were at that moment. I responded saying There are four people living in the house currently which include....myself, my daughter Penny would who is missing sadly, Mr. Tiller who a the father and my husband, and lastly our maid Beatrice, who went on vacation about two days ago. Suddenly Dan interrupted our little meeting I hate to uh... disrupt this discussion. He said sarcastically, but we should probably get to the market so we can find out if Penny is safe. When he said this, I heard a little happiness in his voice, almost like he wants to find her hurt. We started off to the area around the corner and began our search. After we split up to find where she was, I found a note on the ground in what looked like a blue paper that is indistinguishable from the collection of paper she got for her birthday. I yelped with so many emotions that had built up inside me, and took the blue paper to unravel it. The paper said eggs, milk, flour, red peppers, one whole turkey, and potatoes. After I read the list I screamed so loudly that I am pretty sure the others could here me from across the store. I was right and they came over right away, both breathless. What happened, are you hurt or did you find something. said the investigator with a
  • 30. Game Theory and Oligopoly Fall Econ 101: Principles of Microeconomics Chapter 15 Oligopoly Fall 2010 Herriges (ISU) Ch. 15 Oligopoly Fall 2010 1 / 25 Outline 1 Understanding Oligopolies 2 Game Theory The Prisoner s Dilemma Overcoming the Prisoner s Dilemma 3 Antitrust Policy Herriges (ISU) Ch. 15 Oligopoly Fall 2010 2 / 25 The Oligopoly Monopolies are quiet rare, in part due to regulatory eп¬Ђorts to discourage them. However, there are many markets that are dominated by a relatively few п¬Ѓrms, known as oligopolies. The term oligopoly comes from two Greek words: oligoi meaning few and poleein meaning to sell . Examples of oligopolies include: 1 2 3 4 5
  • 31. 6 7 Airliner Manufacturing: Boeing and Airbus Food ... Show more content on ... Eп¬Ђorts to model such strategic interactions has led to a whole branch of economics and math known as game theory Herriges (ISU) Ch. 15 Oligopoly Fall 2010 8 / 25 Understanding Oligopolies The Duopoly In order to understand some of the possible behaviors in the case of oligopolies, consider the simplest case the duopoly (i.e., two п¬Ѓrms). Think, for example, of the airliner industry, which is dominated by two п¬Ѓrms (Boeing and Airbus). Suppose that the demand for airliners in any given month is given by Price ($mill.) 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0 Herriges (ISU) Quantity Demanded 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Revenue TR = P Г— Q 0 3.50 6.00 7.50 8.00 7.50 6.00 3.50 0 Ch. 15 Oligopoly Marginal Revenue MR = ∆TR/∆Q 3.50 2.50 1.50 0.50 0.50 1.50 2.50 3.50 Fall 2010 9 / 25 If MC=1.75, how much would a monopoly produce? Q=2 Understanding Oligopolies The Collusion Outcome One alternative in the case of a duopoly would be for the two п¬Ѓrms to form a cartel A cartel is an agreement among several producers to obey output restrictions in order to increase their joint proп¬Ѓt. Essentially, the cartel acts like a monopolist and simply divides the market among members of the cartel. The most famous example of this is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) OPEC was formed in 1960 s in response to quotas instituted by President
  • 32. Essay on Something about Flann O Brien Flann O Brien s At Swim Two Birds is a multifarious work of purpose, at once an experimental narrative that directly responds to James Joyce s modernist work (acting as a forerunner of post modernist thought), and a study on the tortuous challenges facing the dichotomies of Irish culture. At Swim is at its most understated, a text of parodies. O Brien expertly strings together the many layers of his novel s world to express a slew of critical observations about modernist ideology and realism, as well as exposing a necessary dialogue on the formation and perception of Irish culture. A third major aspect of At Swim Two Birds lies closer to O Brien s own life experience: this is a novel of Irish identity. The Irish identity that O Brien... Show more content on ... O Brien investigates the clash of ideologies carefully, having found himself in a unique position which assisted in the observation of both sides. It is significant, McKullen writes, that Flann O Brien who was born into that first, critical and cosmopolitan, post independence generation was also paradoxically more familiar with Irish traditions than many of the Revivalists who embraced them or the Modernists that rejected them (McKullen, 76). O Brien, born Brian O Nuallain, was the son of ardent Irish nationalists; he spoke the Irish language at home, vacationed in the Gaeltacht (that is, the fringe of Western Ireland where Irish is predominantly spoken), and studied old and middle Irish in college. As for his own feelings on the subject, while At Swim Two Birds includes a myriad of old Irish folktale and mythology, it also points to a dissatisfaction with the Cultural Protectionism that was prevalent all around him. According to Dr. Joseph Brooker who writes on the subject, in his own way, [O Brien] was one of the period s most penetrating critics of Irish pride (Brooker, 31). Viewing the over determination of Cultural Protectionism, O Brien could see the silliness of glorifying what must have essentially become caricatures of the Irish heritage. Irish scholar Eihblin Evans adds that, for O Brien, Irish identity had been hijacked by a set of official cliches with disastrous effects (Evans, 104). At Swim Two Birds
  • 33. Quantum Population Based Meta Heuristic In physics gravitation is the tendency of agent with object to accelerate towards each other. In the Newtonian law each object attracts every other object by a gravitational force. Gravitational search algorithm is one of the newest stochastic population based meta heuristic that has been inspired by newtanion laws of gravity and motion. The algorithm is consisted of collection of searcher agents that interact with each other through the gravity force. The agents are deliberated as objects and their execution is measured by their masses. The gravity force induces a global motion where all objects proceed towards other objects with heavier masses. The slow motion of heavier masses guarantees the victimization step of the algorithm and corresponds to good solutions. The masses are actually obeying the law of gravity as shown in Equation (3.1) and the law of motion in Equation (3.2). F = G (M1M2 / R2) (3.1) a = F/M (2) (3.2) Based on Equation (3.1), F represents the magnitude of the gravitational force, G is gravitational constant, M1 and M2 are the mass of the first and second objects and R is the distance between the two objects. Equation (3.1) shows that in the Newton law of gravity, the gravitational force between two objects is
  • 34. Inhalation Anthrax Essay Anthrax exists in nature. It can be produced in lab and use it as a weapon. United States of America had an experience with anthrax attack in 2001. Inhalation anthrax is the most serious form (CDC, 2014). The symptoms of inhalation anthrax are fever, malaise, headache, cough, shortness of breath, and chest pain (U.SN of Library Medicine, 2016). Scenario 1: 1 October 2016 Kansas City Tattler, a Kansas City newspaper reporter had symptoms similar to inhalation anthrax, such as sever respiratory very high fever and shock. The reporter had previously received an envelope containing a whit powder. On October 3th, 2016, the man has made recovery. The powder was tested and proved to be a small of cornstarch. Thus, police are attempting to determine ... Show more content on ... Police apprehended the driver and a passenger of a pick up truck driving through Oak Park. The truck contained a large amount of white powder. The powder has been sampled to investigate if it is serious. Public health officials report if it is anthrax, there is possibility that 32000 persons may have been exposed. Step 6: formulate a contingency plan to address public health for this new situation. Write SMART objectives to direct the plan. At this step, all the groups worked as national level and worked together with professor. First of all, the three groups with professor determined the concerns about Anthrax, which includes lots of infections, dispersal of powder, containment of powder, who is/are behind the event, communication, and protection of public health workers. The groups with professor wrote SMART objective to direct plan as follows: It is most important to protect public health workers, because they are first people who deal with the situation. 1.Obtain and distribute Hepa filter masks for every public health workforce in Chicago by close of business today. 2.Establish personnel decontamination protocol by close of business today. 3.Train 75% of the public health workforce in decontamination by close of business
  • 35. Gas Line Repair Gas Line Repair Sugar Land Natural gas is a popular option in U.S. homes. It s typically cheaper than electric, is considered environmentally friendly and is more efficient. However, natural gas does require caution and observation due to its potential for explosion, fire and suffocation. When natural gas using appliances and gas lines are maintained, there is little to worry about. However, gas line repair in Sugar Land and gas line installation should only be provided by a licensed, experienced professional. Benjamin Franklin plumbers in Sugar Land can provide the expertise required for gas line service. Emergency Repairs Gas line repair in Sugar Land requires a licensed professional plumber. You should never attempt to provide a gas line repair yourself. When a gas emergency occurs, call 911 a safe distance away form the gas leak and the odor of gas. Natural gas lacks any odor in its natural state. Mercaptan is added to gas, providing the classic rotten eggs odor that is recognized as natural gas. Once the gas has been shut off, and the officials in charge determine your home is ... Show more content on ... Another common sign is a hissing, whistling or roaring noise around a gas appliance, or outside around the gas meter. In an outdoor gas leak, you may see dirt, grass or leaves blowing into the air or being blown along the ground. Bubbles in or standing water. Gas leaks can also lead to nearby wilting or dying plants or grass. If suspect a gas leak, don t use any type of phone, or operate anything electrical, including light switches or appliances. In the presence of gas, even starting a car or other motor is dangerous. In addition, don t take the time to gather belongings, instead immediately evacuate the home or building and call 911, and your gas company from a safe distance away. Once the location is declared safety by the authorities, contact us for gas line repair in Sugar
  • 36. The Negative Role Of Women In The Great Gatsby Women are capable of bringing human beings in this world, and they live a lot longer than men. They are like the sun, the whole world needs women but in other cases, this cannot be said for most women. Based on The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald and the motion picture Chicago directed by Rob Marshall, both prove that during the 1920s, women had a negative influence in society. They were seen as toys. They were manipulative over men and had a way of always getting what they wanted using lust and acting a bit promiscuous. Rather than being seen as human beings, they were seen as trophies and were not taken serious and were ignorant. They would only care about money or fame. Even during the 1920 s women are portrayed as always being competitive and jealous towards each other when it comes to receiving attention. In The Great Gatsbyboth Daisy and Myrtle are very different women, but as females they held the same role, meaning that they both had in interest in money and were both were hungry for money. In the novel, Gatsby described Daisy as having a voice full of money (120) meaning all she cares about is money. For a long time, Gatsby tried his best to get Daisy to notice him. In the past they were both in a relationship with each other, but there was a time when Gatsby didn t have money, and joined the army. When that happened, Daisy lost contact with him and began seeing other guys until she met Tom, the somewhat perfect male that was suitable to her
  • 37. Visits From Inside The Black Mirror Visits from Inside the Black Mirror Over the last ten years, technology has transformed almost every aspect of our lives before we ve had time to stop and question it. We have access to all the information in the world but no brain space left to absorb anything longer than 140 character tweets. Black Mirror TV Show, Charlie Brooker, Channel 4. Within this quote, Brooker says that people have sold their own ability to think independently just for all the information in the world at their fingertips. Technologyhas only deepened its grasp on consumers by becoming a necessity for conformity. The Visits from Inside the Black Mirrorwill interpret the consumers desire for social acceptance. From Victorian era mad scientists to modern day serial killers, new monsters appear as American society evolves, paralleling fluctuating challenges to the cultural status quo. (Poole). Today s modern monster is Technology. Technology controls people s actions, their emotions, and influences their decisions. Take in the thought of holidays and special events. During those times consumers race to their local Best Buys and Apple stores just for the latest trends in technology. They spend hundreds of dollars on these time wasters. That false hope of acceptance and peace makes the drive for technology even more powerful. In the year 2016 owning some form of technology is a necessity and without it the consumer is kicked out of society forever. This is proven within the smartphone
  • 38. The Controversy Of Holland Park Being both a district and a public park in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, Holland Park escorts is located in west London and is known for its high class shopping, restaurants and very attractive and large townhouses in Victorian style. If you are interested in visiting near other strikingly prestigious London areas, you will be pleased to know that they include Notting Hill, High Street Kensington and Portobello Market. As far as the transport to this locale is concerned, it is conceivable through Holland Park tube station, which is on Central line of the London Underground. There are various things to see and do with the escorts in Holland Park in the zone. Firstly, you can head to Holland Park s extensive Gardens for a radiant,
  • 39. Education Reform In Michigan Michigan is a bottom 10 state in education performance, according to one key recent measure. The state s fourth graders fell to 41st from 38th in the National Assessment of Education Performance reading test; other grade levels and subjects posted similarly dismal results. While other states are making some progress in improving education quality, Michigan is stagnant. And don t think the numbers are skewed by poor performing urban school districts suburban students also lag behind, with just one third of white fourth graders hitting the proficient mark in reading. The latest confirmation from the NAEP of the sorry state of Michigan s schools has a lot of folks talking about what it will take to push the state back into the top tier. The... Show more content on ... He s right for some teachers. The very best instructors should have no cap on their earnings potential, and there should be a competitive market for their talent. The problem with Karmanos idea is that there s no provision for merit pay in Michigan, lousy teachers and great teachers make the same as long as they have equal seniority and education. That s a recipe for mediocrity in any industry. Teacher quality won t significantly improve until pay is linked directly to performance. There s also a strong Luddite strain in Michigan s education establishment. Technology is often seen not as a tool to better convey information, but as a threat to teacher jobs. But if technology allows a district to make sure all of its students learn from its very best teachers, it s a dereliction not to use it. More than anything, education reform in Michigan is held back by a lack of urgency, a state of denial about just how terribly the schools are performing. Parents aren t screaming about those horrible NAEP scores. Michigan won t be a Top 10 education state until they
  • 40. Public Relations As A Regular Tradition Due to the early accounts of public relations utilising manipulative practices as a regular tradition, these tactics have thus overshadowed and continued to be the predominant view of public relations within modern contexts. This essay will argue that public relations has evolved considerably beyond the age of press agentry, yet will still acknowledge the existence of some present day uses of these schemes. Firstly, this essay will explore the history of public relationsto establish and enforce the need for change within the profession. Secondly, this essay will discuss the various new practices and procedures of public relations implied into modern society and how this aligns with the continuing ethical development of this profession. Lastly, the essay will analyse the use of methods associated with the press agentry period in recent years. Public relations is historically categorised in three stages known as manipulation, information and mutual benefit, with each consisting of a different core set of values, methods and desired outcomes. The manipulation period was known for its continuous abuse of press agentry and publicity stunts to further its manipulative attempt to gain the attention of the public through the media . To summarise the manipulation era was infatuated with profit gain and often acted without a moral compass by fabricating elaborate stories to entice the interest of the public, thus furthering their financial success. An essential component and
  • 41. Stereotypes And Discrimination In The Workplace Workplace discrimination happens every day, but is almost never openly admitted. To believe without hesitation that the personal beliefs of a potential employee have never been the reason to deny a person a job is naГЇve, or even a sign of ignorance. Practically every job application has a comment about how race, religion, or having a disability will not be a factor in determining eligibility for a position; I cannot say the same about an individual who has tattoos, piercings, or other body modifications having the same confirmations. People now have to make a conscience decision of whether or not it is worth getting art on their body and express their individuality. You may not be aware, but many student nursing programs, even the one offered by Quinsigamond, require the students to have their... Show more content on ... No one should have to deal with dirty looks, or being suspected of being a criminal because they chose to display art, or express their personality. This type of discrimination does however happen all the time, and it doesn t just apply to tattoos. People may give you dirty looks because you wear a graphic T Shirt with images or phrases that differ from their own beliefs. In this country especially people should be able to go out in public and express themselves without feeling discriminated against. Stereotyping a person by the color of their skin is considered wrong, racist, and can provide a legal nightmare for employers or individuals. Personal appearance of a person should be held to the same standard, and someone s choice to express themselves is just that, their choice. As a society we need to be less judgmental of the appearance of people, and their personal preferences of ways to express themselves. We need to, as a society, allow people the option to express themselves, and keep any judgment of them towards their actions towards
  • 42. The Solubility As A Measure Science Fair Essay chemist understands solubility as a measure a chemist would say that solubility is the max solute that can be dissolved in the solvent until it reaches equilibrium when the solution reaches equilibrium, there can be no more solute added to the solvent: it won t dissolve anymore, it will just rest at the bottom as residue the chemical formula of salt is NaCI 1 ATM is standard air pressure for earth the unit for solubility of water it for ex: 357.00 g/L when the solubility is put in the solvent, the solution reaches equilibrium every chemical substance has a fixed solubility if something doesn t dissolve, it s solubility is 0 measures of solubility cannot be applied to immiscible substances some substances can be mixed and create a homogeneous phase in any proportion: miscible the opposite is an immiscible substance in dissolving, molecules of the solvent enter the solute and are surrounded many other molecules for the solute s molecules to be surrounded, the molecular bonds between the molecules of the solute have to be broken and the molecular bonds of the solvent have to be disrupted energy given off in the process then, when the solute dissolves into the solvent, new molecular bonds are created but for the solute and solvent to dissolve, the molecular bonds have to be broken and the energy output has to be immense right when the solute is placed in the solvent, the concentrated solute, breaks into pieces then the molecules of the
  • 43. Analysis Of Shakespeare s Antigone And Julius Caesar Piper Jacobs 12/23/2014 Literature Survey II Honors Essay: Antigone and Julius Caesar Option 3 The involvement of women is very important in the two stories, Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare and Antigone by Sophocles. Throughout each story it becomes clear that the ideas and biases surrounding women play an important part in how society views women, and how women see themselves. Readers also see these ideas spread into the minds of women affecting what they do in their life, and how they act. Antigone and Ismene, from Antigone, and Calpurnia and Portia, from Julius Caesar are both examples of this major theme. These four women heavily influence their play and the outcome. Because of this it is clear to see the importance and relevance of women in Antigone and Julius Caesar. In both Antigone and Julius Caesar the societal views that women are weak, submissive and inferior play a major role in each story and their conclusions. In Antigone, King Creon is shocked when he discovers that it is Antigone that disobeys him. The betrayer was right under his nose, but he was too blind to see it. King Creon was blinded by the belief that women are inferior. Likewise, in Julius Caesar, women are considered inferior. When Portia, Brutus wife, wants Brutus to trust her she has to prove herself strong by stabbing herself. It is the societal view of women that makes her have to prove herself. Another major example of this is when the threat of being considered weak by his peers