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“Outside the Box”
How to deliver best-in-class distribution performance
       roduct distribution is critical to top-line growth and bottom-line
       performance for manufacturers and their channel partners across
       virtually all industries. An efficient and competitive distribution
operation can increase profits, while an inefficient operation can inflate
costs and depress top line potential. Companies that achieve best-in-
class distribution are more flexible, can realize a 15 to 30 percent cost
advantage over average peers, provide customers with better quality
and lead times, and are more able to adapt to change.

When Toys "R" Us entered the online retail            petitor Lowe’s. Since Home Depot migrated
business in the late 1990s, it lacked the requisite   its DSD network in favor of in-house distribu-
distribution capabilities and experience to support   tion, the results have been positive — plus the
the new channel. The company tried various            company has leap-frogged the conventional
distribution operating models, beginning with         stock-and-pick distribution model to go with a
in-house distribution, then migrated to an out-       flow-based model.
sourced relationship with Amazon, and finally              How did these companies finally succeed
parted ways with Amazon in 2006 to partner            after years of distribution setbacks? Both compa-
with Exel, a third-party logistics provider. Today,   nies learned to think outside the box and thus
comfortably delivering products via its online        improve their distribution performance.
channel, the toy company still bemoans “the lost
years” when it was unable to achieve its top line     Thinking in Three Dimensions
e-commerce market penetration goals.                  What allows certain companies to deliver best-in-
     Home Depot also had its share of distrib-        class distribution performance while others deliver
ution headaches. The do-it-yourself behemoth          average performance or fail altogether? From our
spent 20 years opening new stores and establish-      work in this area, the leaders in distribution —
ing regional store clusters supported by a direct-    those that deliver on a defined set of quality and
to-store delivery (DSD) model. Never getting          service levels at the best possible cost — consis-
a total store net-work perspective, by the mid-       tently think “outside the box.” They push their
2000s its fragmented supply chain was harming         competitiveness to an efficiency frontier, achieving
profits and causing customers to shop at com-         a 15 to 30 percent distribution cost advantage

                                                           “OUTSIDE THE BOX” DISTRIBUTION      |   A.T. Kearney   1
over competitors while delivering equal or better                of complacency. The leaders understand their true
    levels of service. Some of these leaders go a step               peer group and compare their distribution perfor-
    further to improve performance across the entire                 mance against these peers.
    value chain—from demand planning, to inven-                           Determining which companies are your true
    tory and logistics—both to improve the top-line                  peers can be somewhat difficult, however. It is not
    and unlock additional savings. For example,                      unusual to find after years of benchmarking that
    restructuring delivery programs can reduce inven-                you’ve been comparing performance against the
    tory carrying and freight costs.                                 wrong peer group. For example, a firm in the
         We call this “3D” outside-the-box thinking                  motor-vehicle sector historically benchmarked its
    because it requires the following three dimensions:              after-market distribution against the automotive
                                                                     industry and ranked its cost-to-serve in the top
    1. Benchmark Beyond Industry Boundaries                          90th percentile. This is illustrated in the top
    Solid distribution requires first establishing an                panel of figure 1. Was this motor-vehicle firm
    accurate picture of your distribution competitive-               really performing in the 90th percentile? We
    ness vis-à-vis true peers. The leaders establish                 didn’t think so. This company, like many others,
    a competitive gap assessment whereby they                        was mistakenly defining its peer group largely
    neither underestimate their distribution capa-                   by its overall business profile rather than by
    bilities (devoting valuable resources without an                 its after-market business requirements. When
    adequate return on investment) nor overestimate                  benchmarked against firms in other industries
    their performance and get lulled into a false sense              with similar distribution requirements — mid-

    Figure 1
    Benchmarking against the right peer group is essential to informed decision making

              Approach                                 Cost benchmarking ($/grab unit)        Result
              • Select peers within                                                           • Assume in-house operations
                the industry sector                                                             are competitive

              • Compare performance                                                           • Obtain a false sense of
                against leading auto                                                            security
                and industrial vehicle

                                                            Client       Leading peers

              Approach                                 Cost benchmarking ($/grab unit)        Result
              • Select peers with similar                                                     • Identify significant cost
                distribution profile and                                                        gaps and improvement
                characteristics regardless                                                      potential

                of industry
                                                                                              • Reevaluate the rationale and
              • Compare performance                                                             limitations of an in-house
                against mid-tier apparel                                                        distribution model
                retailers and after-market
                parts providers                             Client       Leading peers

                                                                                                         Source: A.T. Kearney analysis

2   “OUTSIDE THE BOX” DISTRIBUTION           |   A.T. Kearney
scale apparel retailers and after-market parts                                2. Challenge Preconceived Views
firms — the company discovered its distribu-                                  Determining what is the right level of technology,
tion performance was lagging well behind others.                              or whether or not it makes sense to outsource or
The results are shown in the bottom panel of                                  insource (make versus buy) are key decisions that
figure 1.
     Rather than rely on proxies for
selecting a peer group for bench-
marking such as “what industry do                                           Distribution leaders push
I play in?” or “who are my direct
competitors?,” distribution leaders                                         their competitiveness to an
use segmentation metrics to identify
the correct benchmark peer group.                                           efficiency frontier — achiev-
Figure 2 illustrates some possible
dimensions and metrics to look for
                                                                            ing a 15 to 30 percent cost
in peer selection: scale, order han-
dling, product and service profiles,
                                                                            advantage over competitors.
and even the geographic region the
customer base is in. The segmenta-
tion variables should have sufficient detail to:                              affect distribution. The right solution in fact has
capture the key operational dimensions that                                   both components: technology and a make-versus-
characterize the underlying distribution require-                             buy assessment. Let’s discuss each:
ments, and align with the company’s overall                                        Selecting fit for purpose technology. Dis-
business strategy as well as customers’ needs.                                tribution technology includes a holistic suite of

Figure 2
Dimensions and metrics to consider in peer selection

   Dimension                                      Associated metrics                                           Rationale
  Scale                     • Number of outbound order lines per year*                     • Creates baseline for total outbound labor
                                                                                             handling requirements

  Order handling            • Distribution of outbound orders across picking/packing       • Determines labor requirement for picking,
                              handling categories, namely: full case picking, break pack     packing and shipping orders
                              unit picking, break pack pre-packed picking

  Product profile           • Number of unique stock-keeping units (SKUs)                  • Gauges how product size and dimensions affect
                            • SKU distribution across the high-, medium- and low-            productivity and labor requirements across all
                              velocity profile                                               activities
                            • Physical dimension of SKUs

  Service level             • Percentage of outbound orders across lead time cutoffs       • Assesses how service level affects order lead
                              (for example, next-day air or three-day guarantee)             time requirements

  Customer                  • Number of customers segmented by geographic regions          • Considers freight mode versus lead time tradeoffs

Note: *An order line is an SKU-based line on the order receipt                                                            Source: A.T. Kearney analysis

                                                                                       “OUTSIDE THE BOX” DISTRIBUTION                |   A.T. Kearney     3
Figure 3
    Issues to consider when determining appropriate level of distribution technology

                                                                                                   Technology level
                                                       Low                                                Medium                                          High

                                 Pick zone          Manual carts            • Partial conveyer system (in high velocity   • Full conveyer system
                                routing and                                   picking zones)                              • Automated robotic systems
                                  passing                                   • Pallet runners and forklifts

                                                    Paper picking           • Smart carts (mobile radio frequency (RF)    •   Fixed pick-to-light zones
                                                                              or pick-to-light on carts)                  •   Fixed laser pick zones
                                  or unit
                                                                            • Voice-based pick zones                      •   RF pick zones (wireless bluetooth)
      Distribution                                                                                                        •   Automated robotic systems
      categories                                    Manual order            • Automated storage and retrieval systems     • Automated conveyer sorting
                                  Packing           consolidation             (AS/RS) and carousel tote systems             and zone diverts
                                    and             and verification        • Manual conveyer sorts                       • Automated weight checking
                                  shipping                                  • Automated weight checking

                                                    Spreadsheet             • Order batching and stock                    • Enterprise WMS
                                   WMS*             based; limited            keeping unit (SKU) slotting                 • EDI and XML data integration
                                   and IT           integration             • Enterprise WMS                              • RFID tracking
                                                                            • EDI and XML data integration                • ERP integration

    Notes: *WMS is warehouse management systems; EDI is electronic data interchange; XML is extensible markup language;                  Source: A.T. Kearney analysis
    RFID is radio frequency identification; ERP is enterprise resource planning

    warehouse automation, material handling systems                                       smarter: The company plays in an industry with
    and warehouse management system (WMS) soft-                                           well-defined customer segments characterized by
    ware that collectively enable distribution, from                                      large-scale orders and a significant amount of com-
    product receiving to shipping (see figure 3).                                         plexity. There are multiple stock-keeping units
    Determining the appropriate level of distribution                                     (SKUs) per order and few opportunities to consol-
    technology, or whether or not you need it at all,                                     idate orders. Therefore, an automated process
    requires considering several trade-offs, including                                    would offer a better cost-value tradeoff.
    capital investments, productivity, and longer term                                         What is the lesson from this example? There
    flexibility. To illustrate, executives of an industrial                               is a long list of issues to consider when making
    machinery company asked whether they needed                                           a distribution technology decision. The technol-
    an automated system and decided against it.                                           ogy should align with the distribution require-
    Instead, the firm implemented a largely manual                                        ments as dictated by order profiles of current and
    distribution center (DC) solution. When pressed                                       future customer segments. The key considerations
    for an explanation, the main decision makers said                                     are the complexity that a given distribution center
    it was primarily because of the company’s corpo-                                      must support and the need for flexibility. Figure 4
    rate policy of rationalizing capital investments in                                   depicts the key criteria to inform the degree of
    “non-core” competencies. Their decision, how-                                         flexibility versus the degree of complexity.
    ever, was not the right one.                                                               Note that the optimal configuration may
         Indeed, there was sufficient evidence to sug-                                    not require a homogeneous solution across the
    gest an automated solution would have been                                            entire distribution network. Certain network nodes

4   “OUTSIDE THE BOX” DISTRIBUTION                          |   A.T. Kearney
Figure 4
Mapping distribution center technology to distribution requirements

            Distribution complexity and scale
 • Geographic coverage (regional or national customers served)                                         Low-tech
 • Number of distribution channels served                                                               solution
 • Number of orders and breakdown of labor-intensive activities

                                                                       Flexibility requirement
   (break pack and unit picking)
 • Order fulfillment lead time (average time and variance from
   order drop to shipment)
 • Daily orders predictability
 • Variation in order basket
 • Inbound suppliers and shipment variation                                                                        Medium-tech

                      Flexibility requirement
 • Percentage of volume from stable business compared to                                                                      solution
   emerging or risky business
 • Role for distribution center in context of the long-term
   business strategy
 • Material change in channel mix (for example, growth in               Low
   the online channel)                                                                           Low                                        High
                                                                                                            Complexity and scale
Source: A.T. Kearney analysis

(or distribution centers) can have a less automated,              tions and improve delivery time. In addition, by
less technological setup while others can have a                  expanding their distribution network, they could
more automated high-tech configuration.                           also lower freight costs as a portion of outbound
     Performing the make-vs.-buy assessment.                      orders could switch from air to land parcel (due to
Distribution gaps can be closed by tapping into                   closer proximity to customers).
the external market for key capabilities. For                          Finding the optimal make-versus-buy balance
example, third-party logistics providers can help                 and then executing an outsourcing initiative
reduce costs and allow companies to offer differ-                 requires the following:
entiated services.                                                     Adopt a strategic view. Before dismissing
     We can use another example from the motor                    outsourcing as too risky or embracing it as a silver
vehicle industry to illustrate this. This vehicle                 bullet to achieve best-in-class competitiveness,
company handles distribution in-house, and while                  the risks and the benefits should be systemati-
executives have considered using a third-party                    cally weighed, as shown in Figure 5 on page 6.
provider for distribution, strong internal hurdles                The three main questions to answer: Is product
such as a unionized workforce always prevented it.                distribution a core competency? Is there a cost
The recent economic downturn provided an oppor-                   advantage to outsourcing? Is there a third-party
tunity to perform a make-versus-buy assessment,                   provider that could handle the job? Answering
and executives jumped at the chance. They found                   these questions will help develop a good under-
that by outsourcing aftermarket distribution, they                standing of the cost benefits and risks associated
could save more than 20 percent in DC opera-                      with outsourcing.

                                                                       “OUTSIDE THE BOX” DISTRIBUTION                            |   A.T. Kearney   5
Figure 5
    The framework for making a “make versus buy” decision

              Strategic                                Economic                           Value capture

      Is product distribution                  Is there a cost                         Is there a third-party
      a core competency?                       advantage to adopting                   distribution provider
                                               or migrating to an                      that could handle
      • Do you rely on product                 outsourced model?                       the job?
        distribution as a key
        competitive advantage?            No                                     Yes                                    Yes   Outsource
                                               • Is this cost advantage                • Do you possess
                                                 net of switching costs                  sufficient bargaining
      • Do you possess the
                                                 (considering capital                    power vis-à-vis vendors
        critical technology
                                                 outlay and restructuring                to capture the cost
        or proprietary infor-
                                                 costs)?                                 advantage ?
        mation processing
        in distribution?                       • Is the cost advantage

                                    Yes                                     No                                     No
                                               In-house                                In-house                               In-house
    Source: A.T. Kearney analysis

        Understand the third-party logistics market                         the low-cost or the most high-tech provider, the
    trends and capacity early. Third-party logistics                        ideal 3PL has a solution and technology that is
    provider, also called 3PL, capacity must be under-                      aligned with your distribution requirements.
    stood at both the industry and individual levels.                            Consider strategic fit in the due-diligence
    A provider with limited capacity could drastically                      process. During 3PL selection and due diligence,
    temper a firm’s bargaining power during negotia-                        the intangibles matter — looking at the strategic
    tions or may even rule out outsourcing as a viable                      fit of your business through the lens of the 3PL.
    option. Performing a capacity assessment early                          There are a few questions to ask: Are my distribu-
    on—before launching an official supplier bid                            tion requirements and capabilities a focus area for
    process and due diligence—can save significant                          the 3PL? How will my business affect the 3PL’s
    time and resources and better inform downstream                         overall revenue base? Is my industry vertical a key
    bargaining power, which is crucial to capturing                         sector for the 3PL? Answers to such questions will
    cost advantages from outsourcing.                                       not only provide a stronger bargaining position
        Recognize technology differentiation in the                         but also ensure that the 3PL continues to be
    3PL market. Although all large integrated third-                        responsive and flexible after the contract is signed.
    party logistics providers possess broad capabilities                         Given the high switching costs and steep
    and can arguably play across the entire technology                      learning curve associated with outsourcing dis-
    spectrum, many tend to have a technology “sweet                         tribution operations, doing a rigorous 3PL due
    spot.” Figure 6 shows the leading 3PLs and their                        diligence and selecting the right partner is pivotal
    core technology sweet spots. Rather than go with                        to success.

6   “OUTSIDE THE BOX” DISTRIBUTION                |   A.T. Kearney
3. Trigger Chain Reaction in Supply Chain                    Figure 7 on page 8 outlines some of the
Optimization                                            implications of inventory carrying costs dis-
Early successes in distribution can be a catalyst for   covered while redesigning a distribution network.
change. Transformational change usually requires        It could reveal poor inventory turns and inaccu-
first getting past organizational impediments such      rate cycle counts as underlying root causes of
as silos where key decision makers sit in different     supply chain inefficiencies, or inventory prob-
functions and departments and there is very little      lems could be symptoms of poor compliance
collaboration among the groups. Focusing on a           of inbound shipment suppliers. Going through
particular activity such as distribution can create a   a simple exercise can uncover improvement areas
“wedge” to break down organizational and func-          in the overall supply chain and encourage cross-
tional silos and drive broader transformation           functional collaboration.
across the entire supply chain—from demand                   A recent client example will help explain this
forecasting to inventory and freight management.        point. This company consistently grappled with a
We have created situations in which the inventory       75 to 100 percent gap in inventory turns com-
management group is brought in to discuss the           pared to its top competitors. Executives blamed
implications of footprint redesign on inventory         the poor performance (and inability to fix it) on
stocking and carrying costs. This conversation          organizational constraints and supply chain com-
leads to other questions and uncovers additional        plexity. The organizational constraints essentially
opportunities in inventory management that can          put the logistics group in charge of distribution
dwarf the original distribution opportunity.            and logistics, while the product group managed

Figure 6
Core technology “sweet spot” for leading third-party logistics providers (illustrative)

                                     Philosophy on solutions technology
    Low                                                                                                High






Source: A.T. Kearney analysis

                                                             “OUTSIDE THE BOX” DISTRIBUTION     |   A.T. Kearney   7
Figure 7
Distribution can be the catalyst for a value chain transformation

                                                                                                Starting point

                        Category                 Inventory                                       Distribution               Logistics
                                                                        and supplier
                       management              management                                        (operations)             (operations)
                       (marketing)              (inventory)            (procurement)

                                                                     IT and finance

                     • Demand planning       • Demand forecasting     • Materials sourcing    • Distribution center    • Import and export
 Improvement areas

                     • Assortment planning   • Order management                                 technology and           planning
                     • Product life-cycle    • Replenishment    3     • Supplier compliance     solution engineering   • Shipment reliability
                       planning                                                                                        • Freight and load
                                                       2                                                                 consolidation
                                             • Inventory carrying              1              • Distribution foot-     • Shipment tracking
                                               and stocking           • Supplier base           print and network
                                             • Replenishment
                                             • SKU rationalization

Source: A.T. Kearney analysis

inventory policies. The reasons for the problems                               Challenging Entrenched Perspectives
were becoming clear. The logistics group could                                 As companies continue to enter new market seg-
not improve its distribution operations since they                             ments, create new channels to markets, and roll
were so tightly intertwined with inventory (for                                out additional products and services, distribution
example, the tradeoffs between number of distri-                               will always be essential to profitable growth. Best-
bution centers in a network versus inventory car-                              in-class performance requires thinking outside the
rying costs), and the product group was not that                               box and challenging entrenched perspectives.
interested in improving inventory turns. The steer-                            Benchmarking across industry boundaries to
ing committee used a DC improvement initiative                                 identify true distribution gaps and potential,
as a catalyst to improve total operations—expand-                              conducting rigorous assessments of technology
ing the scope of this one initiative to launch a                               needs and make-versus-buy decisions and closing
holistic distribution network restructuring that                               performance gaps can drive broader transforma-
included revamping inventory carrying policies.                                tions across the entire supply chain.

Joachim Ebert is a partner in the operations practice and head of the firm’s complexity management practice. Based in the
Chicago office, he can be reached at
Kumar Venkataraman is a principal in the firm’s operations practice. Based in the Chicago office, he can be reached at
Michael Hu is a consultant in the firm’s Chicago office and can be reached at
A.T. Kearney is a global management consulting firm that uses strategic                                          For information on obtaining
insight, tailored solutions and a collaborative working style to help clients                                    additional copies, permission
achieve sustainable results. Since 1926, we have been trusted advisors on                                        to reprint or translate this work,
CEO-agenda issues to the world’s leading corporations across all major                                           and all other correspondence,
industries. A.T. Kearney’s offices are located in major business centers                                         please contact:
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Outside The Box Distribution - Three Dimensions for Distribution Excellence

  • 1. “Outside the Box” Distribution How to deliver best-in-class distribution performance
  • 2.
  • 3. P roduct distribution is critical to top-line growth and bottom-line performance for manufacturers and their channel partners across virtually all industries. An efficient and competitive distribution operation can increase profits, while an inefficient operation can inflate costs and depress top line potential. Companies that achieve best-in- class distribution are more flexible, can realize a 15 to 30 percent cost advantage over average peers, provide customers with better quality and lead times, and are more able to adapt to change. When Toys "R" Us entered the online retail petitor Lowe’s. Since Home Depot migrated business in the late 1990s, it lacked the requisite its DSD network in favor of in-house distribu- distribution capabilities and experience to support tion, the results have been positive — plus the the new channel. The company tried various company has leap-frogged the conventional distribution operating models, beginning with stock-and-pick distribution model to go with a in-house distribution, then migrated to an out- flow-based model. sourced relationship with Amazon, and finally How did these companies finally succeed parted ways with Amazon in 2006 to partner after years of distribution setbacks? Both compa- with Exel, a third-party logistics provider. Today, nies learned to think outside the box and thus comfortably delivering products via its online improve their distribution performance. channel, the toy company still bemoans “the lost years” when it was unable to achieve its top line Thinking in Three Dimensions e-commerce market penetration goals. What allows certain companies to deliver best-in- Home Depot also had its share of distrib- class distribution performance while others deliver ution headaches. The do-it-yourself behemoth average performance or fail altogether? From our spent 20 years opening new stores and establish- work in this area, the leaders in distribution — ing regional store clusters supported by a direct- those that deliver on a defined set of quality and to-store delivery (DSD) model. Never getting service levels at the best possible cost — consis- a total store net-work perspective, by the mid- tently think “outside the box.” They push their 2000s its fragmented supply chain was harming competitiveness to an efficiency frontier, achieving profits and causing customers to shop at com- a 15 to 30 percent distribution cost advantage “OUTSIDE THE BOX” DISTRIBUTION | A.T. Kearney 1
  • 4. over competitors while delivering equal or better of complacency. The leaders understand their true levels of service. Some of these leaders go a step peer group and compare their distribution perfor- further to improve performance across the entire mance against these peers. value chain—from demand planning, to inven- Determining which companies are your true tory and logistics—both to improve the top-line peers can be somewhat difficult, however. It is not and unlock additional savings. For example, unusual to find after years of benchmarking that restructuring delivery programs can reduce inven- you’ve been comparing performance against the tory carrying and freight costs. wrong peer group. For example, a firm in the We call this “3D” outside-the-box thinking motor-vehicle sector historically benchmarked its because it requires the following three dimensions: after-market distribution against the automotive industry and ranked its cost-to-serve in the top 1. Benchmark Beyond Industry Boundaries 90th percentile. This is illustrated in the top Solid distribution requires first establishing an panel of figure 1. Was this motor-vehicle firm accurate picture of your distribution competitive- really performing in the 90th percentile? We ness vis-à-vis true peers. The leaders establish didn’t think so. This company, like many others, a competitive gap assessment whereby they was mistakenly defining its peer group largely neither underestimate their distribution capa- by its overall business profile rather than by bilities (devoting valuable resources without an its after-market business requirements. When adequate return on investment) nor overestimate benchmarked against firms in other industries their performance and get lulled into a false sense with similar distribution requirements — mid- Figure 1 Benchmarking against the right peer group is essential to informed decision making Approach Cost benchmarking ($/grab unit) Result • Select peers within • Assume in-house operations the industry sector are competitive Before • Compare performance • Obtain a false sense of against leading auto security and industrial vehicle manufacturers Client Leading peers Approach Cost benchmarking ($/grab unit) Result • Select peers with similar • Identify significant cost distribution profile and gaps and improvement characteristics regardless potential After of industry • Reevaluate the rationale and • Compare performance limitations of an in-house against mid-tier apparel distribution model retailers and after-market parts providers Client Leading peers Source: A.T. Kearney analysis 2 “OUTSIDE THE BOX” DISTRIBUTION | A.T. Kearney
  • 5. scale apparel retailers and after-market parts 2. Challenge Preconceived Views firms — the company discovered its distribu- Determining what is the right level of technology, tion performance was lagging well behind others. or whether or not it makes sense to outsource or The results are shown in the bottom panel of insource (make versus buy) are key decisions that figure 1. Rather than rely on proxies for selecting a peer group for bench- marking such as “what industry do Distribution leaders push I play in?” or “who are my direct competitors?,” distribution leaders their competitiveness to an use segmentation metrics to identify the correct benchmark peer group. efficiency frontier — achiev- Figure 2 illustrates some possible dimensions and metrics to look for ing a 15 to 30 percent cost in peer selection: scale, order han- dling, product and service profiles, advantage over competitors. and even the geographic region the customer base is in. The segmenta- tion variables should have sufficient detail to: affect distribution. The right solution in fact has capture the key operational dimensions that both components: technology and a make-versus- characterize the underlying distribution require- buy assessment. Let’s discuss each: ments, and align with the company’s overall Selecting fit for purpose technology. Dis- business strategy as well as customers’ needs. tribution technology includes a holistic suite of Figure 2 Dimensions and metrics to consider in peer selection Dimension Associated metrics Rationale Scale • Number of outbound order lines per year* • Creates baseline for total outbound labor handling requirements Order handling • Distribution of outbound orders across picking/packing • Determines labor requirement for picking, handling categories, namely: full case picking, break pack packing and shipping orders unit picking, break pack pre-packed picking Product profile • Number of unique stock-keeping units (SKUs) • Gauges how product size and dimensions affect • SKU distribution across the high-, medium- and low- productivity and labor requirements across all velocity profile activities • Physical dimension of SKUs Service level • Percentage of outbound orders across lead time cutoffs • Assesses how service level affects order lead (for example, next-day air or three-day guarantee) time requirements Customer • Number of customers segmented by geographic regions • Considers freight mode versus lead time tradeoffs geography Note: *An order line is an SKU-based line on the order receipt Source: A.T. Kearney analysis “OUTSIDE THE BOX” DISTRIBUTION | A.T. Kearney 3
  • 6. Figure 3 Issues to consider when determining appropriate level of distribution technology Technology level Low Medium High Pick zone Manual carts • Partial conveyer system (in high velocity • Full conveyer system routing and picking zones) • Automated robotic systems passing • Pallet runners and forklifts Paper picking • Smart carts (mobile radio frequency (RF) • Fixed pick-to-light zones Piece or pick-to-light on carts) • Fixed laser pick zones or unit • Voice-based pick zones • RF pick zones (wireless bluetooth) picking Distribution • Automated robotic systems technology categories Manual order • Automated storage and retrieval systems • Automated conveyer sorting Packing consolidation (AS/RS) and carousel tote systems and zone diverts and and verification • Manual conveyer sorts • Automated weight checking shipping • Automated weight checking Spreadsheet • Order batching and stock • Enterprise WMS WMS* based; limited keeping unit (SKU) slotting • EDI and XML data integration and IT integration • Enterprise WMS • RFID tracking • EDI and XML data integration • ERP integration Notes: *WMS is warehouse management systems; EDI is electronic data interchange; XML is extensible markup language; Source: A.T. Kearney analysis RFID is radio frequency identification; ERP is enterprise resource planning warehouse automation, material handling systems smarter: The company plays in an industry with and warehouse management system (WMS) soft- well-defined customer segments characterized by ware that collectively enable distribution, from large-scale orders and a significant amount of com- product receiving to shipping (see figure 3). plexity. There are multiple stock-keeping units Determining the appropriate level of distribution (SKUs) per order and few opportunities to consol- technology, or whether or not you need it at all, idate orders. Therefore, an automated process requires considering several trade-offs, including would offer a better cost-value tradeoff. capital investments, productivity, and longer term What is the lesson from this example? There flexibility. To illustrate, executives of an industrial is a long list of issues to consider when making machinery company asked whether they needed a distribution technology decision. The technol- an automated system and decided against it. ogy should align with the distribution require- Instead, the firm implemented a largely manual ments as dictated by order profiles of current and distribution center (DC) solution. When pressed future customer segments. The key considerations for an explanation, the main decision makers said are the complexity that a given distribution center it was primarily because of the company’s corpo- must support and the need for flexibility. Figure 4 rate policy of rationalizing capital investments in depicts the key criteria to inform the degree of “non-core” competencies. Their decision, how- flexibility versus the degree of complexity. ever, was not the right one. Note that the optimal configuration may Indeed, there was sufficient evidence to sug- not require a homogeneous solution across the gest an automated solution would have been entire distribution network. Certain network nodes 4 “OUTSIDE THE BOX” DISTRIBUTION | A.T. Kearney
  • 7. Figure 4 Mapping distribution center technology to distribution requirements High Distribution complexity and scale • Geographic coverage (regional or national customers served) Low-tech • Number of distribution channels served solution • Number of orders and breakdown of labor-intensive activities Flexibility requirement (break pack and unit picking) • Order fulfillment lead time (average time and variance from order drop to shipment) • Daily orders predictability • Variation in order basket • Inbound suppliers and shipment variation Medium-tech solution Flexibility requirement High-tech • Percentage of volume from stable business compared to solution emerging or risky business • Role for distribution center in context of the long-term business strategy • Material change in channel mix (for example, growth in Low the online channel) Low High Complexity and scale Source: A.T. Kearney analysis (or distribution centers) can have a less automated, tions and improve delivery time. In addition, by less technological setup while others can have a expanding their distribution network, they could more automated high-tech configuration. also lower freight costs as a portion of outbound Performing the make-vs.-buy assessment. orders could switch from air to land parcel (due to Distribution gaps can be closed by tapping into closer proximity to customers). the external market for key capabilities. For Finding the optimal make-versus-buy balance example, third-party logistics providers can help and then executing an outsourcing initiative reduce costs and allow companies to offer differ- requires the following: entiated services. Adopt a strategic view. Before dismissing We can use another example from the motor outsourcing as too risky or embracing it as a silver vehicle industry to illustrate this. This vehicle bullet to achieve best-in-class competitiveness, company handles distribution in-house, and while the risks and the benefits should be systemati- executives have considered using a third-party cally weighed, as shown in Figure 5 on page 6. provider for distribution, strong internal hurdles The three main questions to answer: Is product such as a unionized workforce always prevented it. distribution a core competency? Is there a cost The recent economic downturn provided an oppor- advantage to outsourcing? Is there a third-party tunity to perform a make-versus-buy assessment, provider that could handle the job? Answering and executives jumped at the chance. They found these questions will help develop a good under- that by outsourcing aftermarket distribution, they standing of the cost benefits and risks associated could save more than 20 percent in DC opera- with outsourcing. “OUTSIDE THE BOX” DISTRIBUTION | A.T. Kearney 5
  • 8. Figure 5 The framework for making a “make versus buy” decision Strategic Economic Value capture Is product distribution Is there a cost Is there a third-party a core competency? advantage to adopting distribution provider or migrating to an that could handle • Do you rely on product outsourced model? the job? distribution as a key competitive advantage? No Yes Yes Outsource • Is this cost advantage • Do you possess net of switching costs sufficient bargaining • Do you possess the (considering capital power vis-à-vis vendors critical technology outlay and restructuring to capture the cost or proprietary infor- costs)? advantage ? mation processing in distribution? • Is the cost advantage sustainable? Yes No No In-house In-house In-house Source: A.T. Kearney analysis Understand the third-party logistics market the low-cost or the most high-tech provider, the trends and capacity early. Third-party logistics ideal 3PL has a solution and technology that is provider, also called 3PL, capacity must be under- aligned with your distribution requirements. stood at both the industry and individual levels. Consider strategic fit in the due-diligence A provider with limited capacity could drastically process. During 3PL selection and due diligence, temper a firm’s bargaining power during negotia- the intangibles matter — looking at the strategic tions or may even rule out outsourcing as a viable fit of your business through the lens of the 3PL. option. Performing a capacity assessment early There are a few questions to ask: Are my distribu- on—before launching an official supplier bid tion requirements and capabilities a focus area for process and due diligence—can save significant the 3PL? How will my business affect the 3PL’s time and resources and better inform downstream overall revenue base? Is my industry vertical a key bargaining power, which is crucial to capturing sector for the 3PL? Answers to such questions will cost advantages from outsourcing. not only provide a stronger bargaining position Recognize technology differentiation in the but also ensure that the 3PL continues to be 3PL market. Although all large integrated third- responsive and flexible after the contract is signed. party logistics providers possess broad capabilities Given the high switching costs and steep and can arguably play across the entire technology learning curve associated with outsourcing dis- spectrum, many tend to have a technology “sweet tribution operations, doing a rigorous 3PL due spot.” Figure 6 shows the leading 3PLs and their diligence and selecting the right partner is pivotal core technology sweet spots. Rather than go with to success. 6 “OUTSIDE THE BOX” DISTRIBUTION | A.T. Kearney
  • 9. 3. Trigger Chain Reaction in Supply Chain Figure 7 on page 8 outlines some of the Optimization implications of inventory carrying costs dis- Early successes in distribution can be a catalyst for covered while redesigning a distribution network. change. Transformational change usually requires It could reveal poor inventory turns and inaccu- first getting past organizational impediments such rate cycle counts as underlying root causes of as silos where key decision makers sit in different supply chain inefficiencies, or inventory prob- functions and departments and there is very little lems could be symptoms of poor compliance collaboration among the groups. Focusing on a of inbound shipment suppliers. Going through particular activity such as distribution can create a a simple exercise can uncover improvement areas “wedge” to break down organizational and func- in the overall supply chain and encourage cross- tional silos and drive broader transformation functional collaboration. across the entire supply chain—from demand A recent client example will help explain this forecasting to inventory and freight management. point. This company consistently grappled with a We have created situations in which the inventory 75 to 100 percent gap in inventory turns com- management group is brought in to discuss the pared to its top competitors. Executives blamed implications of footprint redesign on inventory the poor performance (and inability to fix it) on stocking and carrying costs. This conversation organizational constraints and supply chain com- leads to other questions and uncovers additional plexity. The organizational constraints essentially opportunities in inventory management that can put the logistics group in charge of distribution dwarf the original distribution opportunity. and logistics, while the product group managed Figure 6 Core technology “sweet spot” for leading third-party logistics providers (illustrative) Philosophy on solutions technology Low High Exel Cat Logistics Genco Ceva Uti Source: A.T. Kearney analysis “OUTSIDE THE BOX” DISTRIBUTION | A.T. Kearney 7
  • 10. Figure 7 Distribution can be the catalyst for a value chain transformation Starting point Sourcing Category Inventory Distribution Logistics and supplier management management (operations) (operations) management (marketing) (inventory) (procurement) IT and finance • Demand planning • Demand forecasting • Materials sourcing • Distribution center • Import and export Improvement areas • Assortment planning • Order management technology and planning • Product life-cycle • Replenishment 3 • Supplier compliance solution engineering • Shipment reliability planning • Freight and load 2 consolidation • Inventory carrying 1 • Distribution foot- • Shipment tracking and stocking • Supplier base print and network configuration • Replenishment • SKU rationalization Source: A.T. Kearney analysis inventory policies. The reasons for the problems Challenging Entrenched Perspectives were becoming clear. The logistics group could As companies continue to enter new market seg- not improve its distribution operations since they ments, create new channels to markets, and roll were so tightly intertwined with inventory (for out additional products and services, distribution example, the tradeoffs between number of distri- will always be essential to profitable growth. Best- bution centers in a network versus inventory car- in-class performance requires thinking outside the rying costs), and the product group was not that box and challenging entrenched perspectives. interested in improving inventory turns. The steer- Benchmarking across industry boundaries to ing committee used a DC improvement initiative identify true distribution gaps and potential, as a catalyst to improve total operations—expand- conducting rigorous assessments of technology ing the scope of this one initiative to launch a needs and make-versus-buy decisions and closing holistic distribution network restructuring that performance gaps can drive broader transforma- included revamping inventory carrying policies. tions across the entire supply chain. Authors Joachim Ebert is a partner in the operations practice and head of the firm’s complexity management practice. Based in the Chicago office, he can be reached at Kumar Venkataraman is a principal in the firm’s operations practice. Based in the Chicago office, he can be reached at Michael Hu is a consultant in the firm’s Chicago office and can be reached at
  • 11. A.T. Kearney is a global management consulting firm that uses strategic For information on obtaining insight, tailored solutions and a collaborative working style to help clients additional copies, permission achieve sustainable results. Since 1926, we have been trusted advisors on to reprint or translate this work, CEO-agenda issues to the world’s leading corporations across all major and all other correspondence, industries. A.T. Kearney’s offices are located in major business centers please contact: in 36 countries. A.T. Kearney, Inc. AMERICAS Atlanta | Boston | Chicago | Dallas | Detroit | Mexico City Marketing & Communications New York | San Francisco | São Paulo | Toronto | Washington, D.C. 222 West Adams Street EUROPE Amsterdam | Berlin | Brussels | Bucharest | Copenhagen Chicago, Illinois 60606 U.S.A. Düsseldorf | Frankfurt | Helsinki | Kiev | Lisbon | Ljubljana 1 312 648 0111 London | Madrid | Milan | Moscow | Munich | Oslo | Paris email: Prague | Rome | Stockholm | Stuttgart | Vienna | Warsaw | Zurich ASIA Bangkok | Beijing | Hong Kong | Jakarta | Kuala Lumpur PACIFIC Melbourne | Mumbai | New Delhi | Seoul | Shanghai Singapore | Sydney | Tokyo MIDDLE Abu Dhabi | Dubai | Manama | Riyadh EAST Copyright 2009, A.T. Kearney, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the copyright holder. A.T. Kearney® is a registered mark of A.T. Kearney, Inc. A.T. Kearney, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.