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Outline Of An Examination Of A Crime Scene
Examination of a crime scene
Written By: Faris Kattan
Student Number: 14064065
South wales university – Treforest Campus
BEng Fire Safety Engineering
2015 – 2016
Table of content Page
1.0 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................3
1.1 SCENARIO......................................................................3
1.2 RISK ASSESSMENT...........................................................4
1.3 PHOTOGRAPH OF THE SCENE.............................................4
2.0 SUCCESSFUL SUBMISSION OF COLLECTION LOG...............................5
3.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED FOR FURTHER ANALYSIS............................6
3.1 PACKAGING EVIDENCE.....................................................6
5.0 REFERENCE...................................................................................................10
During the past few years, physical evidence has become increasingly important in criminal investigations, these are referred to as trace evidence.
Scientists proven the physical, optical and chemical properties of trace evidence and use a variety of tools to find and compare samples.
The police have tasked CSI to investigate in murder case, the case investigator is Officer Faris Kattan (FK) he's responsible for the crime site, the
scene guard is Ian Brewster who is a sergeant.
This practical work will talk about a murder scene I have been to, and have wrote a scenario as well as it will outline a number of evidence collected
from the scene, sending it for further tests and I'm going to illustrate the best items to identify the right
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Essay on History and Physical Examination Case 4
Patient Name: Adela Torres
Patient ID: 132463 RM #: 541
Date of Admission: 06/22/––––
Admitting Physician: Leon Medina MD, Internal Medicine
Admitting Diagnosis: Stomatitis, possibly methotrexate related
CHIEF COMPLAINT: Swelling of lip causing difficulty swallowing
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: This patient is a 57 yr. old, Cuban woman with a long history ofrheumatoid arthritis. She has received
methotrexate on a weekly basis as an outpatient for many years, approximately 2 weeks ago she developed a respiratory infection for which she
received antibiotics and completed that course of antibiotics. She developed some ulcerations of her mouth and was instructed to discontinue
more content...
Skin– she has some mild equimosis on her skin and some anathema. She has patches but no obvious skin breakdown. She has no fissuring in the
buttocks crease.
Pulmonary– clear to procession and occultation bilaterally. Cardiovascular– no murmurs or gallops noted.
Abdomen– soft, none tender, protuberate, no organomegaly, and positive bells sounds.
Patient Name: Adela Torres
Patient ID: 132463 RM #: 541
Date of Admission: 06/22/––––
Page: 3
Neurologic examine– cranial nerves 2–12 are grossly intact, diffuse hyporeflexia.
Musculoskeletal– erosive destructive changes in the elbows, wrist, and hands consistent with rheumatoid arthritis, has bilateral total knee replacements
with stovepipe legs and perimalleolar pitting edema 1+. I feel no pluses distally in either leg.
Psychiatric– patient is a little anxious about these new symptoms and their significance. We discussed her situation and I offered her psychologic
services, she refused for now.
1.Swelling of lips and dysphasia with questionable early Stevens Johnson syndrome.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Examination
An examination is an official test of knowledge. We have exams everywhere around the world. Ivanah (2011) argues that "Examination is an
assessment intended to measure a test – taker's knowledge, skill, aptitude, physical fitness, classification in many other topics". (para 3) Young's and
adults can have exams; there is not a particular age to have exams. However, some don't agree that exams are important. This article will discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of having exams.
Firstly, a person will be able to know his performance. Exams encourage the performance of student. For instance if a person score low grade, it
encourage him to work hard in order to score high grade. And also it encourages people to work and learn, more content...
To illustrate "....Once the aim is set to get higher grades in exams, other abilities will have to be sacrificed....." ("disadvantages of examination", Apr
26, 2010. para. 5). For example, too much pressure of parents caused the student to penalize. Because there are many parents' day–to–day activities
which discourage the student's performance. The problem comes when the parent begins to identify too much with the child's accomplishments. The
parent feels embarrassed when their son or daughter doesn't measure up to some arbitrary and usually unrealistic standard set by the parent. This
creates unnecessary stress on the students and often leads to a self–image of inferiority. They grow up believing that they can never have a good
enough time to study in order to pass exams. Moreover, For instance what will happen if a person is sick or a dear one of his/her die? The answer is
that the person will be penalized.
Another drawback of having exams is problems with questions. If the question is not clear, the student didn't not pass the exams. For example there are
some bad questions which didn't make any meaningful to understand. (e.g between Hen and Egg which one came first). You can't write any answer till
you understand the question. Additionally, if the student doesn't have the right to ask question to the teacher, what happen? Student didn't not answer
the question clearly.
Lastly, grades are all that matters in an examination education system. Get a high grade
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Examination Malpractice
1.1Background to the Study Teachers at different stages use examination to assess and evaluate the academic achievement of students in the school
system. In all teaching and learning situations therefore, it is essential to find out from time to time how much the students are achieving from what
they are being taught. In order to do this effectively, teachers, examining bodies like the West African Examination Council (WAEC), National
Examination Council (NECO), National Teachers Institute (NTI) etc and classroom teachers assess the students by administering weekly, termly, end
of year test and final examinations. Bearing in mind the role that education is suppose to play in nation building, a nation stands the more
In other words, since punitive approach seems to have failed to deter students from engaging in examination malpractices, a preventive approach should
be considered through an investigation into the study habits and examination anxiety of students. Study habits and examination anxiety have been
found to affect academic performances either positively or negatively (Culler and Holahan, 1980; Spielberger and Vagg, 1987; Morakinyo, 1986;
Birenbaurn and Pinku, 1997; Kagu, 2000). These studies and a plethora of others, found that highly examination–anxious students typically have poor
study habits as well as negative, non–productive attitude towards academic work hence they perform poorly in examinations. These established that
student's study habits could either be good and effective or poor and ineffective. Generally, it has been observed that most of the new generation of
students all over the world do not like to study hard (Bauer, 2002; Larson, 2003). Students in Ughelli North Local Government Area are not excluded
from this observation. Some of them pay less attention when teachers are in their classes and spend much of their time in
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Examination Malpractice
The quest for exploration into "the effect of examination malpractice among the sociology student of University of Abuja" is borne out of the concern
for the need for improvement/provision of enabling a good conducive environment that is conducive for the writing of examination and to avoid
In any given society, there are rule guiding the behavior of individuals as well as rights which give the people the freedom to express them. So also is an
education environment, where student come to learn both in character and in learning and where they interact with other student lectures.
The education system is the instrument a society uses to equip its entire people to more content...
They engage in all forms of examination malpractice both during examination and post examination i.e. through the aid of the lecturers. This has been
attributed to many factors among which is inadequate exam invigilators in the hall, parental pressure for good results, societal approval of an
outstanding result that stand as a meal ticket and a means to climb the social ladder and be affiliated.
Therefore, an educational institution such as a University that does not uphold the conduct of a fair examination of its students is only breeding an
angry generation that will turn against it sooner or later. The situation is so pathetic that it needs to be adequately addressed. It is against this
background that this study is carried out.
Ideally, in every human organization including a university setting there is the need for an aptitude test to test the improvement and the acquisition on
knowledge that has been acquired over the period of learning. This is done to know the direction the education system is going, the learning and
assimilation rate of the student as well as to identify the weak ones and help improve them for a better future. This is done through the writing of an
aptitude test or examination. And there are stated guide line guiding the conduct of all students in every university, University of Abuja included, so as
to ensure a free
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National Examination Should be banned
Do you know what the most popular examination test in Indonesia is? National Examination is one of the well–known tests in Indonesia, because
almost every grade of school does the national examination when in the final grade. It also becomes a debate among citizen because there are some
people support it but the others don't need it. Until now, the debate is still going and we think it will never be the end because the idea and believe of
every people is different. There are some reasons why National Examination should be banned according to the people who don't support National
Examination, such as it's not a fair test, it's burdensome for student, and it's not necessary for student.
First, national examination is not fair test for some student, because their graduation only depends on some lesson and in a few days. We know that
we study many lesson and we do many tests for every lesson at school. Is that not enough test? And where will we put the others lesson? That's really
unfair. Moreover, there are many students at school who want to pass the exams, but some are difficult more content...
In a good side, it can be as the main data for students to support our score in enrolling higher education and as the measure tool to know how far we
understand the lesson that our teachers have taught for 3 years. However, the bad side is that may cause students feel stressed because of feeling under
pressure to pass it and do not appreciate students. In my opinion, government should give more attention to our education system, especially national
examination. Government should make an education system that support not only in lesson but also students' talent. And for national examination,
government should create examination which doesn't make student become stress of it. For example: building student's motivation or increasing
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Disadvantages Of Examination Malpractice
Examination has been identified as the most objective method of assessing an individual's capability and achievements and the effectiveness of
educational programs. It is also used to determine the effectiveness of a teacher or that of a teaching method. It is therefore a very important aspect of
the educational enterprise. It is because of the importance attached to it that people get test anxiety when there is any doubt regarding the outcome of
examination. Covenant University has been faced with a problem which is examination malpractice.
The principle goal of university education is to prepare students to get the essential information and abilities to empower them to contribute
successfully to national development (National Policy on Education, 2004)
This preparation requires occasional assessment and evaluation in form of examinations to determine the level more content...
In the pre–examination form, examination questions are obtained before the time of the examination. malpractice consist of impersonation, cheating
while examination is happening, giraffe, imitation of results slips, making use of unapproved materials in examination rooms, and outer help by people
(invigilators, supervisors, staff and other employed individuals). Post–examination malpractice, are those traceable to the staff. Basic structures at this
stage include:– Re–bundling of scripts to incorporate those written outside examination rooms in a joint effort with invigilators/supervisors, giving of
money to examiners for a few favors, including re–writing the examination, dishonest practices of computer administrators in examination bodies who
get money from students to change grades/scores, general "sorting", especially with officials of examination bodies and markers to post grades that
they never earned or justified. (Joshua, 2008; Ojerinde, in Obo,
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Essay about A Journey of Self Examination
As the wise Greek philosopher Socrates ever so boldly put it, "The unexamined life is not worth living." In essence, in a bit mellower of terms,
that is to say that if you do not take the time out to analyze the core values of your life, you are limiting the quality and depth of your life. In regards
to this matter, I'd like to turn to some advice from Robert Gerzon. Robert holds a Master's Degree in Psychology and is a licensed Mental Health
Counselor. He has also authored a book called, "Finding Serenity in an Age of Anxiety". "As a psychotherapist, I see so many tragic examples of the
effect of an unexamined life. The good news is that it is never too late to start examining our life more thoroughly – and to reap the rewards." (Gerzon) more content...
There are some irrefutable facts such as mathematical and logical truths. Any logical person, for example, would not attempt to deny an obvious fact
such as that triangles have three sides or that two plus two is equal to four. "The truths of mathematics or logic will always be true." (White)
The nature of reality is another philosophical issue which I had indeed considered before, although seemingly not carefully enough. I believe that the
study of philosophy has definitely broadened my horizons. It's also made me more cognizant of the fact that someone's concept of reality may be
plagued with false information and I also believe it has opened my eyes up to how much different people's realities may vary. The Matrix is a good
example of how realities may vary and how what one perceives as reality may in fact be an illusion. "In The Matrix, Neo discovers that what he
thinks is "reality" is simply "appearance" generated by electrical impulses to his brain from a "neural–interactive simulation" designed by a race of
machines to enslave humanity." (White) As humans, we really can't know with absolute certainty that we aren't in some type of controlled simulation
similar to that of The Matrix. However, we are rational human beings and as such, apply reason to come to the conclusion that this likely is not the
case. An additional philosophical issue that I believe mostly everyone has, myself included, pondered is the purpose of life. Why are we here on
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Physical Assessment And Health Assessment
The physical assessment is essential to all nursing care; it provides a baseline for the health assessment and determining the ultimately patient outcome.
The physical assessment is the first step in the nursing process; it is used to determine the nursing diagnoses in each succeeding step. Understanding
the purpose, importance and implementation of the physical assessment will promote better care for the patient. Physical examination is a systematic
process of evaluating the structures of the body. Evaluating the structure of the body allows the nurse to look at the different systems to determine
objective findings concerning the patient. These objective finding are obtained through four basic nursing components; observation, palpation,
percussion, and auscultation. These nursing techniques are used to complete the physical examination for each patient thus allowing the nurse to
develop an effective plan of care. The nurse will first observe the patient to see if there are any noticeable problems or complications that must be
addressed concerning the patients over all health. Secondly, the nurse will use the technique of palpitations to gather certain information about the
patient's physical condition. Palpitation includes touching the patient in a therapeutic manner to assess the patient skin, moisture and texture. The
nurse can also palpitate to detect certain cardiac issues, pulsations, crackling or rattling sounds and edema. Deep palpitations can be done to
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Respiratory Assessment Essay
Respiratory Examination I then needed to carry out a respiratory assessment. I observed Mr Brown's chest for any visible signs of scars or trauma.
This appeared normal. His chest was normal shape, with no signs of barrel or pigeon chest. With a barrel chest, the shape is abnormally round and
bulging. This can be the result of a patient suffering from COPD. A Patient with a pigeon chest has a sternum that protrudes beyond the front of the
abdomen (Publications, 2007). I also observed his ease of breathing there was no sign of him using his accessory muscles to aid breathing (IBID). The
frequent use of accessory muscles can indicate a respiratory problem especially if the patient purses their lips and flare their nostrils when breathing
(Publications, 2007). When more content...
On palpation there was no sign of sacral or peripheral oedema. This is assessed by looking for the size and colour of his ankles an also seeing if
they are bilaterally equal size, then gently pressing the skin with your finger to see if an indentation is left, which will slowly refill as the fluid
returns (IBID). Percussion The reason for percussing a chest is to set up vibrations which then become audible. This can then aid to assess areas
of varying density. The presence of fluids, solids or air will produce different resonances. Resonant is normal lung sound (Cross and Rimmer,
2007). Dull sound can mean fluid or tissue filled cavity Hyper resonant can indicate air trapping in lung cavity or pleura space (IBID). I found
nothing abnormal I then went onto percuss his chest in the appropriate places (see appendix 2 for places for percussion) using my two fingers to tap
on my second finger, which I had placed over his intercostal spaces. I was observing for Resonance, hyper resonance dull and very dull sounds
Nothing abnormal
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Importance And Importance Of Physical Examination
1build a relationship with your doctor
2.1 Significance in personal life:
It is very useful in our personal life as physical examination includes all the basic assessment which can give you an idea about your own health. It is
also very beneficial in terms of assessing your family members when they are in need or sick. This examination also helps you to maintain your and
your family's health in terms of your growth and development which includes BMI, Nutritional guidance etc.
2.2 Significance in Social Context:
Importance of Physical examination in society plays a great role in health promotion. Healthy life is always been a motive of health promotion and In
every society there are institutions which are focusing of health promotion. more content...
In many cases I observe that people are getting their checkup of physical examination done in every 6 months which is a good thing, they are very
much interested in healthy life style and are ready to maintain their health status.
2.3 Application in current Job:
As we are in nursing profession and working in clinical setting all the day, we encounter many patients and we used to do physical examination every
shift as per our hospital policy and we report document in their file the observations and then doctors revisit, so the continuity of care must be provided.
This again helps us in building competency in our assessment skill which will be beneficial for us and for the patients.
2.4 Current Research:
Many researches have been done on the importance of physical assessment and it also shows that regular physical examination helps in decreasing
morbidity and mortality rates. It also helps the health care workers to detect the diagnosis earlier and to treat them with promptness. Early identification
of Cancers are also been treated effectively and increase patients prognosis.
Concept 3: Assessment of Integumentary System
Integumentary system comprises of the skin and its appendages which includes hairs, scales, feathers, hooves, and nails.
Significance of the Integumentary
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An Examination of Standardized Testing Essay
Do standardized tests really improve the quality of public education? For years they have been used to judge schools' academic performance and assess
the needs of students. No longer can illiterates be graduated from high school. No longer can teachers pass a student from one grade to another without
having taught that student anything (Spellings). While these advances are beneficial, standardized exams often hurt already disadvantaged schools,
promote states to lower their standards of education, and cause schools to focus more on the exams themselves rather than on their students' actual
learning (Karp).
One of the major foundations of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, a national law requiring public schools to more content...
actual comprehension of the tested subjects. Many argue that the dramatic increase in test scores among students, as much as fourteen points for
African–American nine–year–olds in reading and seventeen points for Hispanic nine–year–olds in math, shows educational improvement (Spellings).
However, ?standardized tests are scientifically unreliable and provide little real useful information about the learning needs of students,? and thus
courses in test–taking combined with yearly discrepancies amongst exams could easily yield such results (Karp). An increase in test scores shows that
students can take tests more effectively, but does not necessarily demonstrate an increase in learning.
Not only do standardized tests frequently lead to a lack of learning, but they also limit the learning capabilities of more successful and motivated
districts. The requirements of the NCLB Act are strict enough that, in order to meet them, teachers must vastly reduce the depth and variety of their
curricula (Karp). As schools begin to view standardized exams as their sole opportunity for funding, and as teachers begin to see high test scores as
their only guarantee of not losing their job, schools limit their material to the narrow guidelines of the state (Orr). Creativity is suppressed, bright
students are unable to meet their potentials, and school time is wasted on test–taking strategies, all because of the national government?s threat of
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Essay on School Examinations Should Be Abolished
Examinations, as we know it, have emerged to be the main facet of modern education in the ever–changing landscape of academia. In an education
infrastructure that is as unpredictable as the clouds, it is somewhat ironic that the system of examinations as a means of judging a student's ability has
prevailed through the years. Every person, in their quest for knowledge, would inevitably encounter numerous modes of examinations throughout the
course of their academic journey. As much importance has been attached to it in virtually every academic institutions across the globe, the voices of
those who lobby for its eradication are seldom heard, let alone be considered seriously. There are various reasons for policymakers to initiate a rethink more content...
As the rigid examination system goes, he would be labeled and remembered for his mediocre results in the examination, and not for the sterling
performances he consistently displays in the daily assignments. It does not help that, through many years of societal developments and evolutions, the
adults of our world have grossly incorrect mindsets on the topic of examinations. More emphasis is placed on examinations just because they are the
sole mode of assessment that counts in the final grading. As much as the general public loves to refute, our society is driven by an extremely
judgmental mindset which marginalize those without distinctions or notable achievements in their academic pursuits. It is simply wrong and unjust to
base a student's intelligence and ability on a single examination.
The fact that daily assignments are neglected leaves us with another point to ponder over. If it has come to the student's realization that pieces of work
which are handed out daily are unimportant, won't he then turn a blind eye to punctuality and accountability? Procrastination, time's greatest thief,
would soon entail for his perception of these "irrelevant" assignments has been distorted to a great extent. This would, in turn, lead to many different
problems, for instance the constant reminder to hand in assignments and students losing any notion of urgency. As much as the student is not
benefiting from the homework, the
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Essay on My Examination as a Writer
My Examination as a Writer
The process of examining me as a writer is not easy. Writing, for me, has never been an easy task. Many times I sat for hours contemplating my blank
piece of paper just trying to figure out how to begin to write the creative writing assignment due in a few days for my high school English class. I knew
that learning to write well took patience and practice, much like learning any other skill. I remember the long hard hours I spent developing my skills
as a skateboarder. I knew that I had to find the same attitude to develop my writing skills. I knew also that I wanted to continue my education and
pursue a law degree. Definitely my writing skills had to be developed.
This September more content...
However, this semester has truly allowed me to develop my confidence as a writer. I was not asked to write something out of nothing. The writing
tasks have generated from already written selections. I have come to understand that reading and writing are interrelated. By becoming a better reader, I
become a better writer. Reading is, thus, a springboard to writing. This semester reading has provided the guidelines for my writing assignments. I had
to analyze something already written, internalize the meaning and re–write it in my own words. This strategy gave me the assurance I needed to
develop my English writing skills. I have grown in vocabulary and I have grown in my ability to express my ideas. Reading and then writing in
response to that reading gave me confidence because my response was my creation. Each person is unique in his/her manner of expression, thereby,
producing unique pieces of writing.
Throughout my college courses, I know that I will be called on to do much writing in response to material read. I will have to analyze the ideas
presented by different authors and react to them using my own words. I will also be asked to respond to literary works and I may, perhaps, have to
do creative writing of many kinds. This is the beginning of a lifelong program of reading and writing. I know that it is a sustained process of recursive
reading and writing where I will constantly evaluate my
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Breast Self Examination ( Bse )
Breast is a very vital portion of a female's body. Breast problems and diseases alike carcinoma get distress and sorrow to women and most women
would do everything in their capability to avoid its presence (Omoyeni, Oluwafeyikemi, & Irinoye, 2014).
According to American cancer society Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that starts in the cells of the breast. A malignant tumor is a set of cancer cells
that can develop into (invade) near tissues or spread (metastasize) to distant areas of the body. The disease occurs almost entirely in women (American
Cancer Society, 2015).
For early identification of breast cancer Breast Self–Examination (BSE) is an important and inexpensive method. Breast Self–Examination (BSE) is the
examination done by individuals to help identify any abnormality within the breasts. It involves visually and by hand examining the breasts. It should
be done at the age of 20 years and monthly; rather a few days after an individual's menstrual period when the breasts are slight swollen. Breast
Self–Examination (BSE) involves a process whereby women inspect their breasts regularly to detect any abnormal swelling and ready for taking
medical care. For the early recognition of breast cancer Breast self–examination is a useful tool (Omoyeni, etal., 2014).
.According to American Cancer Society the use the of finger pads of the 3 middle fingers on your left hand to feel for lumps in the right breast. While
standing in front of a mirror with your hands pressing
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The Evolution Of Examination System Essay
The Evolution of Examination System in China China, one of countries that can boast of an ancient civilization, has a long and mysterious history.
Throughout it history, the evolutions of Chinese examination system affects the destiny of China. In Chinese mythology, during the golden age of
antiquity, a legendary emperor, Yao, initiated the system of abdicating and handing over the crown to a worthy person. Because he thought his own
son unfit, Yao found a humble man called Shun as his successor. In order to observe Shun's behaviors, Yao married his two daughters to Shun and let
nine sons to serve Shun. After testing Shun for several years, Yao abdicated and handed over his power to Shun. From then on, a political system of
abdication in favor of a worth person was started. Afterward, since the contribution in flood control also pass Shun's test, Yu the great become the
successor of Shun. During the time of Xia, Shang, and Western Zhou Dynasties (2100 – 771BC), the abdication system was broken up and the
hereditary system started, which the throne was continuously passed to sons of the emperor, from generation to generation. At that time, the country
governed by "four categories of people": Emperor, Zhuhou (the nobles), Dafu (the gentlemen bureaucrats), and Shi (the yeomen), and different
responsibilities and duties were assigned to each "categories" or class. It is impossible for people who were born into the specific classes to rise by
their own efforts, and they can
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Reflection On Final Exam
Final Exam Essay The reflection quote at the beginning of the exam instructions is an interesting thought. I see myself reflecting more on the life
aspects of this quote versus the complexities of how it affects my writing abilities. I entered into this course with few expectations of my writing
abilities after my last composition course. There are still more flaws in my writing abilities than perfections. However, the confidence has been built to
be able to complete writing assignments for a future employer. My process in writing an essay, report, or proposal has remained the same from the
first composition course to this technical course. I can write adequately but do still struggle with different aspects of the composition process. My
expectations starting this class in May were extremely low after the struggles with the first composition course I completed. My goal was to do my
best and just try to maintain a passing grade. However, this course was different, there was a practicality involved that I crave to do my best work. It
was interesting to put together the financial plans of a non–existent company that in realty will never come to pass. The TV show "Shark Tank" makes
these presentations seem easy. But it does not show the many hours the owners must put in to make their presentations perfect. The PowerPoint
presentation assignment took me several hours and retakes to complete. In addition, the hours of research on long–arm quilting machines to make sure
that my
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Examination of the Newborn Essay
The purpose of this assignment is to explore the issue surrounding screening and examination of the new born from birth. The article will look at
why we perform this examination following birth and will pay particular attention to the examination of the eye. It is documented that the purpose of
the first examination of the new born is to confirm normality and to provide reassurance to the parents (MacKeith, 1995, Hall, 1999) and also to
identify any apparent physical abnormality (Buston and Durward 2001). However the question that we may wish to consider is 'what is normal in a
neonatal who is undergoing major physiological adaptations to extra uterine life (Blackburn and Loper, 1993) ? How as midwives can we fulfil this
expectation more content...
As well as the importance of good history taking and methodical reading of the medical notes in order to identify risk factors that may require
referral or simply make the examination outside the midwives role. Dezateux and Rosendahl (2007) stipulate that the overall effectiveness, harm and
benefits of the examination remain controversial. Furthermore the view of the UK National Screening Committee is that if the introduction of
screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip were considered now it "would probably not be accepted." However it is difficult to obtain clear
evidence about the effectiveness of the examination of the new born as it is deemed unethical to conduct a randomised controlled trial in which are
group of babies do not receive an examination (Townsend et al, 2004). However the fact that babies are examined in the immediate new born period
is "universally accepted as good practice" and supported by national guidance such as NICE routine postnatal care guidelines (2006), child health
promotion programme (DH 2008) and the UK National Screening Committee (2008) in its standards and competencies for practice. With this in mind
the next area of consideration is the timing of the examination. Almost immediately after birth the baby will be examined by the midwife to
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  • 1. Outline Of An Examination Of A Crime Scene Examination of a crime scene Written By: Faris Kattan Student Number: 14064065 South wales university – Treforest Campus BEng Fire Safety Engineering 2015 – 2016 Table of content Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................3 1.1 SCENARIO......................................................................3 1.2 RISK ASSESSMENT...........................................................4 1.3 PHOTOGRAPH OF THE SCENE.............................................4 2.0 SUCCESSFUL SUBMISSION OF COLLECTION LOG...............................5 3.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED FOR FURTHER ANALYSIS............................6 3.1 PACKAGING EVIDENCE.....................................................6 4.0 ASSESS HOW THE EVIDENCE IDENTIFIES THE OFFENDER.................8 5.0 REFERENCE...................................................................................................10 1.0Introduction During the past few years, physical evidence has become increasingly important in criminal investigations, these are referred to as trace evidence. Scientists proven the physical, optical and chemical properties of trace evidence and use a variety of tools to find and compare samples. The police have tasked CSI to investigate in murder case, the case investigator is Officer Faris Kattan (FK) he's responsible for the crime site, the scene guard is Ian Brewster who is a sergeant. This practical work will talk about a murder scene I have been to, and have wrote a scenario as well as it will outline a number of evidence collected
  • 2. from the scene, sending it for further tests and I'm going to illustrate the best items to identify the right Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on History and Physical Examination Case 4 HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Patient Name: Adela Torres Patient ID: 132463 RM #: 541 Date of Admission: 06/22/–––– Admitting Physician: Leon Medina MD, Internal Medicine Admitting Diagnosis: Stomatitis, possibly methotrexate related CHIEF COMPLAINT: Swelling of lip causing difficulty swallowing HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: This patient is a 57 yr. old, Cuban woman with a long history ofrheumatoid arthritis. She has received methotrexate on a weekly basis as an outpatient for many years, approximately 2 weeks ago she developed a respiratory infection for which she received antibiotics and completed that course of antibiotics. She developed some ulcerations of her mouth and was instructed to discontinue more content... Skin– she has some mild equimosis on her skin and some anathema. She has patches but no obvious skin breakdown. She has no fissuring in the buttocks crease. Pulmonary– clear to procession and occultation bilaterally. Cardiovascular– no murmurs or gallops noted. Abdomen– soft, none tender, protuberate, no organomegaly, and positive bells sounds. (Continued) HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Patient Name: Adela Torres Patient ID: 132463 RM #: 541 Date of Admission: 06/22/–––– Page: 3 Neurologic examine– cranial nerves 2–12 are grossly intact, diffuse hyporeflexia. Musculoskeletal– erosive destructive changes in the elbows, wrist, and hands consistent with rheumatoid arthritis, has bilateral total knee replacements
  • 4. with stovepipe legs and perimalleolar pitting edema 1+. I feel no pluses distally in either leg. Psychiatric– patient is a little anxious about these new symptoms and their significance. We discussed her situation and I offered her psychologic services, she refused for now. PROBLEMS 1.Swelling of lips and dysphasia with questionable early Stevens Johnson syndrome. 2.Rheumatoid Get more content on
  • 5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Examination An examination is an official test of knowledge. We have exams everywhere around the world. Ivanah (2011) argues that "Examination is an assessment intended to measure a test – taker's knowledge, skill, aptitude, physical fitness, classification in many other topics". (para 3) Young's and adults can have exams; there is not a particular age to have exams. However, some don't agree that exams are important. This article will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having exams. Firstly, a person will be able to know his performance. Exams encourage the performance of student. For instance if a person score low grade, it encourage him to work hard in order to score high grade. And also it encourages people to work and learn, more content... To illustrate "....Once the aim is set to get higher grades in exams, other abilities will have to be sacrificed....." ("disadvantages of examination", Apr 26, 2010. para. 5). For example, too much pressure of parents caused the student to penalize. Because there are many parents' day–to–day activities which discourage the student's performance. The problem comes when the parent begins to identify too much with the child's accomplishments. The parent feels embarrassed when their son or daughter doesn't measure up to some arbitrary and usually unrealistic standard set by the parent. This creates unnecessary stress on the students and often leads to a self–image of inferiority. They grow up believing that they can never have a good enough time to study in order to pass exams. Moreover, For instance what will happen if a person is sick or a dear one of his/her die? The answer is that the person will be penalized. Another drawback of having exams is problems with questions. If the question is not clear, the student didn't not pass the exams. For example there are some bad questions which didn't make any meaningful to understand. (e.g between Hen and Egg which one came first). You can't write any answer till you understand the question. Additionally, if the student doesn't have the right to ask question to the teacher, what happen? Student didn't not answer the question clearly. Lastly, grades are all that matters in an examination education system. Get a high grade Get more content on
  • 6. Examination Malpractice INTRODUCTION 1.1Background to the Study Teachers at different stages use examination to assess and evaluate the academic achievement of students in the school system. In all teaching and learning situations therefore, it is essential to find out from time to time how much the students are achieving from what they are being taught. In order to do this effectively, teachers, examining bodies like the West African Examination Council (WAEC), National Examination Council (NECO), National Teachers Institute (NTI) etc and classroom teachers assess the students by administering weekly, termly, end of year test and final examinations. Bearing in mind the role that education is suppose to play in nation building, a nation stands the more content... In other words, since punitive approach seems to have failed to deter students from engaging in examination malpractices, a preventive approach should be considered through an investigation into the study habits and examination anxiety of students. Study habits and examination anxiety have been found to affect academic performances either positively or negatively (Culler and Holahan, 1980; Spielberger and Vagg, 1987; Morakinyo, 1986; Birenbaurn and Pinku, 1997; Kagu, 2000). These studies and a plethora of others, found that highly examination–anxious students typically have poor study habits as well as negative, non–productive attitude towards academic work hence they perform poorly in examinations. These established that student's study habits could either be good and effective or poor and ineffective. Generally, it has been observed that most of the new generation of students all over the world do not like to study hard (Bauer, 2002; Larson, 2003). Students in Ughelli North Local Government Area are not excluded from this observation. Some of them pay less attention when teachers are in their classes and spend much of their time in Get more content on
  • 7. Examination Malpractice CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY The quest for exploration into "the effect of examination malpractice among the sociology student of University of Abuja" is borne out of the concern for the need for improvement/provision of enabling a good conducive environment that is conducive for the writing of examination and to avoid malpractice. In any given society, there are rule guiding the behavior of individuals as well as rights which give the people the freedom to express them. So also is an education environment, where student come to learn both in character and in learning and where they interact with other student lectures. The education system is the instrument a society uses to equip its entire people to more content... They engage in all forms of examination malpractice both during examination and post examination i.e. through the aid of the lecturers. This has been attributed to many factors among which is inadequate exam invigilators in the hall, parental pressure for good results, societal approval of an outstanding result that stand as a meal ticket and a means to climb the social ladder and be affiliated. Therefore, an educational institution such as a University that does not uphold the conduct of a fair examination of its students is only breeding an angry generation that will turn against it sooner or later. The situation is so pathetic that it needs to be adequately addressed. It is against this background that this study is carried out. 1.2STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Ideally, in every human organization including a university setting there is the need for an aptitude test to test the improvement and the acquisition on knowledge that has been acquired over the period of learning. This is done to know the direction the education system is going, the learning and assimilation rate of the student as well as to identify the weak ones and help improve them for a better future. This is done through the writing of an aptitude test or examination. And there are stated guide line guiding the conduct of all students in every university, University of Abuja included, so as to ensure a free Get more content on
  • 8. National Examination Should be banned Do you know what the most popular examination test in Indonesia is? National Examination is one of the well–known tests in Indonesia, because almost every grade of school does the national examination when in the final grade. It also becomes a debate among citizen because there are some people support it but the others don't need it. Until now, the debate is still going and we think it will never be the end because the idea and believe of every people is different. There are some reasons why National Examination should be banned according to the people who don't support National Examination, such as it's not a fair test, it's burdensome for student, and it's not necessary for student. First, national examination is not fair test for some student, because their graduation only depends on some lesson and in a few days. We know that we study many lesson and we do many tests for every lesson at school. Is that not enough test? And where will we put the others lesson? That's really unfair. Moreover, there are many students at school who want to pass the exams, but some are difficult more content... In a good side, it can be as the main data for students to support our score in enrolling higher education and as the measure tool to know how far we understand the lesson that our teachers have taught for 3 years. However, the bad side is that may cause students feel stressed because of feeling under pressure to pass it and do not appreciate students. In my opinion, government should give more attention to our education system, especially national examination. Government should make an education system that support not only in lesson but also students' talent. And for national examination, government should create examination which doesn't make student become stress of it. For example: building student's motivation or increasing Get more content on
  • 9. Disadvantages Of Examination Malpractice Examination has been identified as the most objective method of assessing an individual's capability and achievements and the effectiveness of educational programs. It is also used to determine the effectiveness of a teacher or that of a teaching method. It is therefore a very important aspect of the educational enterprise. It is because of the importance attached to it that people get test anxiety when there is any doubt regarding the outcome of examination. Covenant University has been faced with a problem which is examination malpractice. The principle goal of university education is to prepare students to get the essential information and abilities to empower them to contribute successfully to national development (National Policy on Education, 2004) This preparation requires occasional assessment and evaluation in form of examinations to determine the level more content... In the pre–examination form, examination questions are obtained before the time of the examination. malpractice consist of impersonation, cheating while examination is happening, giraffe, imitation of results slips, making use of unapproved materials in examination rooms, and outer help by people (invigilators, supervisors, staff and other employed individuals). Post–examination malpractice, are those traceable to the staff. Basic structures at this stage include:– Re–bundling of scripts to incorporate those written outside examination rooms in a joint effort with invigilators/supervisors, giving of money to examiners for a few favors, including re–writing the examination, dishonest practices of computer administrators in examination bodies who get money from students to change grades/scores, general "sorting", especially with officials of examination bodies and markers to post grades that they never earned or justified. (Joshua, 2008; Ojerinde, in Obo, Get more content on
  • 10. Essay about A Journey of Self Examination As the wise Greek philosopher Socrates ever so boldly put it, "The unexamined life is not worth living." In essence, in a bit mellower of terms, that is to say that if you do not take the time out to analyze the core values of your life, you are limiting the quality and depth of your life. In regards to this matter, I'd like to turn to some advice from Robert Gerzon. Robert holds a Master's Degree in Psychology and is a licensed Mental Health Counselor. He has also authored a book called, "Finding Serenity in an Age of Anxiety". "As a psychotherapist, I see so many tragic examples of the effect of an unexamined life. The good news is that it is never too late to start examining our life more thoroughly – and to reap the rewards." (Gerzon) more content... There are some irrefutable facts such as mathematical and logical truths. Any logical person, for example, would not attempt to deny an obvious fact such as that triangles have three sides or that two plus two is equal to four. "The truths of mathematics or logic will always be true." (White) The nature of reality is another philosophical issue which I had indeed considered before, although seemingly not carefully enough. I believe that the study of philosophy has definitely broadened my horizons. It's also made me more cognizant of the fact that someone's concept of reality may be plagued with false information and I also believe it has opened my eyes up to how much different people's realities may vary. The Matrix is a good example of how realities may vary and how what one perceives as reality may in fact be an illusion. "In The Matrix, Neo discovers that what he thinks is "reality" is simply "appearance" generated by electrical impulses to his brain from a "neural–interactive simulation" designed by a race of machines to enslave humanity." (White) As humans, we really can't know with absolute certainty that we aren't in some type of controlled simulation similar to that of The Matrix. However, we are rational human beings and as such, apply reason to come to the conclusion that this likely is not the case. An additional philosophical issue that I believe mostly everyone has, myself included, pondered is the purpose of life. Why are we here on Get more content on
  • 11. Physical Assessment And Health Assessment The physical assessment is essential to all nursing care; it provides a baseline for the health assessment and determining the ultimately patient outcome. The physical assessment is the first step in the nursing process; it is used to determine the nursing diagnoses in each succeeding step. Understanding the purpose, importance and implementation of the physical assessment will promote better care for the patient. Physical examination is a systematic process of evaluating the structures of the body. Evaluating the structure of the body allows the nurse to look at the different systems to determine objective findings concerning the patient. These objective finding are obtained through four basic nursing components; observation, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. These nursing techniques are used to complete the physical examination for each patient thus allowing the nurse to develop an effective plan of care. The nurse will first observe the patient to see if there are any noticeable problems or complications that must be addressed concerning the patients over all health. Secondly, the nurse will use the technique of palpitations to gather certain information about the patient's physical condition. Palpitation includes touching the patient in a therapeutic manner to assess the patient skin, moisture and texture. The nurse can also palpitate to detect certain cardiac issues, pulsations, crackling or rattling sounds and edema. Deep palpitations can be done to Get more content on
  • 12. Respiratory Assessment Essay Respiratory Examination I then needed to carry out a respiratory assessment. I observed Mr Brown's chest for any visible signs of scars or trauma. This appeared normal. His chest was normal shape, with no signs of barrel or pigeon chest. With a barrel chest, the shape is abnormally round and bulging. This can be the result of a patient suffering from COPD. A Patient with a pigeon chest has a sternum that protrudes beyond the front of the abdomen (Publications, 2007). I also observed his ease of breathing there was no sign of him using his accessory muscles to aid breathing (IBID). The frequent use of accessory muscles can indicate a respiratory problem especially if the patient purses their lips and flare their nostrils when breathing (Publications, 2007). When more content... On palpation there was no sign of sacral or peripheral oedema. This is assessed by looking for the size and colour of his ankles an also seeing if they are bilaterally equal size, then gently pressing the skin with your finger to see if an indentation is left, which will slowly refill as the fluid returns (IBID). Percussion The reason for percussing a chest is to set up vibrations which then become audible. This can then aid to assess areas of varying density. The presence of fluids, solids or air will produce different resonances. Resonant is normal lung sound (Cross and Rimmer, 2007). Dull sound can mean fluid or tissue filled cavity Hyper resonant can indicate air trapping in lung cavity or pleura space (IBID). I found nothing abnormal I then went onto percuss his chest in the appropriate places (see appendix 2 for places for percussion) using my two fingers to tap on my second finger, which I had placed over his intercostal spaces. I was observing for Resonance, hyper resonance dull and very dull sounds Nothing abnormal Get more content on
  • 13. Importance And Importance Of Physical Examination 1build a relationship with your doctor 2.1 Significance in personal life: It is very useful in our personal life as physical examination includes all the basic assessment which can give you an idea about your own health. It is also very beneficial in terms of assessing your family members when they are in need or sick. This examination also helps you to maintain your and your family's health in terms of your growth and development which includes BMI, Nutritional guidance etc. 2.2 Significance in Social Context: Importance of Physical examination in society plays a great role in health promotion. Healthy life is always been a motive of health promotion and In every society there are institutions which are focusing of health promotion. more content... In many cases I observe that people are getting their checkup of physical examination done in every 6 months which is a good thing, they are very much interested in healthy life style and are ready to maintain their health status. 2.3 Application in current Job: As we are in nursing profession and working in clinical setting all the day, we encounter many patients and we used to do physical examination every shift as per our hospital policy and we report document in their file the observations and then doctors revisit, so the continuity of care must be provided. This again helps us in building competency in our assessment skill which will be beneficial for us and for the patients. 2.4 Current Research: Many researches have been done on the importance of physical assessment and it also shows that regular physical examination helps in decreasing morbidity and mortality rates. It also helps the health care workers to detect the diagnosis earlier and to treat them with promptness. Early identification of Cancers are also been treated effectively and increase patients prognosis. Concept 3: Assessment of Integumentary System Introduction: Integumentary system comprises of the skin and its appendages which includes hairs, scales, feathers, hooves, and nails.
  • 14. Significance of the Integumentary Get more content on
  • 15. An Examination of Standardized Testing Essay Do standardized tests really improve the quality of public education? For years they have been used to judge schools' academic performance and assess the needs of students. No longer can illiterates be graduated from high school. No longer can teachers pass a student from one grade to another without having taught that student anything (Spellings). While these advances are beneficial, standardized exams often hurt already disadvantaged schools, promote states to lower their standards of education, and cause schools to focus more on the exams themselves rather than on their students' actual learning (Karp). One of the major foundations of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, a national law requiring public schools to more content... actual comprehension of the tested subjects. Many argue that the dramatic increase in test scores among students, as much as fourteen points for African–American nine–year–olds in reading and seventeen points for Hispanic nine–year–olds in math, shows educational improvement (Spellings). However, ?standardized tests are scientifically unreliable and provide little real useful information about the learning needs of students,? and thus courses in test–taking combined with yearly discrepancies amongst exams could easily yield such results (Karp). An increase in test scores shows that students can take tests more effectively, but does not necessarily demonstrate an increase in learning. Not only do standardized tests frequently lead to a lack of learning, but they also limit the learning capabilities of more successful and motivated districts. The requirements of the NCLB Act are strict enough that, in order to meet them, teachers must vastly reduce the depth and variety of their curricula (Karp). As schools begin to view standardized exams as their sole opportunity for funding, and as teachers begin to see high test scores as their only guarantee of not losing their job, schools limit their material to the narrow guidelines of the state (Orr). Creativity is suppressed, bright students are unable to meet their potentials, and school time is wasted on test–taking strategies, all because of the national government?s threat of sanctions Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on School Examinations Should Be Abolished Examinations, as we know it, have emerged to be the main facet of modern education in the ever–changing landscape of academia. In an education infrastructure that is as unpredictable as the clouds, it is somewhat ironic that the system of examinations as a means of judging a student's ability has prevailed through the years. Every person, in their quest for knowledge, would inevitably encounter numerous modes of examinations throughout the course of their academic journey. As much importance has been attached to it in virtually every academic institutions across the globe, the voices of those who lobby for its eradication are seldom heard, let alone be considered seriously. There are various reasons for policymakers to initiate a rethink more content... As the rigid examination system goes, he would be labeled and remembered for his mediocre results in the examination, and not for the sterling performances he consistently displays in the daily assignments. It does not help that, through many years of societal developments and evolutions, the adults of our world have grossly incorrect mindsets on the topic of examinations. More emphasis is placed on examinations just because they are the sole mode of assessment that counts in the final grading. As much as the general public loves to refute, our society is driven by an extremely judgmental mindset which marginalize those without distinctions or notable achievements in their academic pursuits. It is simply wrong and unjust to base a student's intelligence and ability on a single examination. The fact that daily assignments are neglected leaves us with another point to ponder over. If it has come to the student's realization that pieces of work which are handed out daily are unimportant, won't he then turn a blind eye to punctuality and accountability? Procrastination, time's greatest thief, would soon entail for his perception of these "irrelevant" assignments has been distorted to a great extent. This would, in turn, lead to many different problems, for instance the constant reminder to hand in assignments and students losing any notion of urgency. As much as the student is not benefiting from the homework, the Get more content on
  • 17. Essay on My Examination as a Writer My Examination as a Writer The process of examining me as a writer is not easy. Writing, for me, has never been an easy task. Many times I sat for hours contemplating my blank piece of paper just trying to figure out how to begin to write the creative writing assignment due in a few days for my high school English class. I knew that learning to write well took patience and practice, much like learning any other skill. I remember the long hard hours I spent developing my skills as a skateboarder. I knew that I had to find the same attitude to develop my writing skills. I knew also that I wanted to continue my education and pursue a law degree. Definitely my writing skills had to be developed. This September more content... However, this semester has truly allowed me to develop my confidence as a writer. I was not asked to write something out of nothing. The writing tasks have generated from already written selections. I have come to understand that reading and writing are interrelated. By becoming a better reader, I become a better writer. Reading is, thus, a springboard to writing. This semester reading has provided the guidelines for my writing assignments. I had to analyze something already written, internalize the meaning and re–write it in my own words. This strategy gave me the assurance I needed to develop my English writing skills. I have grown in vocabulary and I have grown in my ability to express my ideas. Reading and then writing in response to that reading gave me confidence because my response was my creation. Each person is unique in his/her manner of expression, thereby, producing unique pieces of writing. Throughout my college courses, I know that I will be called on to do much writing in response to material read. I will have to analyze the ideas presented by different authors and react to them using my own words. I will also be asked to respond to literary works and I may, perhaps, have to do creative writing of many kinds. This is the beginning of a lifelong program of reading and writing. I know that it is a sustained process of recursive reading and writing where I will constantly evaluate my Get more content on
  • 18. Breast Self Examination ( Bse ) Breast is a very vital portion of a female's body. Breast problems and diseases alike carcinoma get distress and sorrow to women and most women would do everything in their capability to avoid its presence (Omoyeni, Oluwafeyikemi, & Irinoye, 2014). According to American cancer society Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that starts in the cells of the breast. A malignant tumor is a set of cancer cells that can develop into (invade) near tissues or spread (metastasize) to distant areas of the body. The disease occurs almost entirely in women (American Cancer Society, 2015). For early identification of breast cancer Breast Self–Examination (BSE) is an important and inexpensive method. Breast Self–Examination (BSE) is the examination done by individuals to help identify any abnormality within the breasts. It involves visually and by hand examining the breasts. It should be done at the age of 20 years and monthly; rather a few days after an individual's menstrual period when the breasts are slight swollen. Breast Self–Examination (BSE) involves a process whereby women inspect their breasts regularly to detect any abnormal swelling and ready for taking medical care. For the early recognition of breast cancer Breast self–examination is a useful tool (Omoyeni, etal., 2014). .According to American Cancer Society the use the of finger pads of the 3 middle fingers on your left hand to feel for lumps in the right breast. While standing in front of a mirror with your hands pressing Get more content on
  • 19. The Evolution Of Examination System Essay The Evolution of Examination System in China China, one of countries that can boast of an ancient civilization, has a long and mysterious history. Throughout it history, the evolutions of Chinese examination system affects the destiny of China. In Chinese mythology, during the golden age of antiquity, a legendary emperor, Yao, initiated the system of abdicating and handing over the crown to a worthy person. Because he thought his own son unfit, Yao found a humble man called Shun as his successor. In order to observe Shun's behaviors, Yao married his two daughters to Shun and let nine sons to serve Shun. After testing Shun for several years, Yao abdicated and handed over his power to Shun. From then on, a political system of abdication in favor of a worth person was started. Afterward, since the contribution in flood control also pass Shun's test, Yu the great become the successor of Shun. During the time of Xia, Shang, and Western Zhou Dynasties (2100 – 771BC), the abdication system was broken up and the hereditary system started, which the throne was continuously passed to sons of the emperor, from generation to generation. At that time, the country governed by "four categories of people": Emperor, Zhuhou (the nobles), Dafu (the gentlemen bureaucrats), and Shi (the yeomen), and different responsibilities and duties were assigned to each "categories" or class. It is impossible for people who were born into the specific classes to rise by their own efforts, and they can Get more content on
  • 20. Reflection On Final Exam Final Exam Essay The reflection quote at the beginning of the exam instructions is an interesting thought. I see myself reflecting more on the life aspects of this quote versus the complexities of how it affects my writing abilities. I entered into this course with few expectations of my writing abilities after my last composition course. There are still more flaws in my writing abilities than perfections. However, the confidence has been built to be able to complete writing assignments for a future employer. My process in writing an essay, report, or proposal has remained the same from the first composition course to this technical course. I can write adequately but do still struggle with different aspects of the composition process. My expectations starting this class in May were extremely low after the struggles with the first composition course I completed. My goal was to do my best and just try to maintain a passing grade. However, this course was different, there was a practicality involved that I crave to do my best work. It was interesting to put together the financial plans of a non–existent company that in realty will never come to pass. The TV show "Shark Tank" makes these presentations seem easy. But it does not show the many hours the owners must put in to make their presentations perfect. The PowerPoint presentation assignment took me several hours and retakes to complete. In addition, the hours of research on long–arm quilting machines to make sure that my Get more content on
  • 21. Examination of the Newborn Essay The purpose of this assignment is to explore the issue surrounding screening and examination of the new born from birth. The article will look at why we perform this examination following birth and will pay particular attention to the examination of the eye. It is documented that the purpose of the first examination of the new born is to confirm normality and to provide reassurance to the parents (MacKeith, 1995, Hall, 1999) and also to identify any apparent physical abnormality (Buston and Durward 2001). However the question that we may wish to consider is 'what is normal in a neonatal who is undergoing major physiological adaptations to extra uterine life (Blackburn and Loper, 1993) ? How as midwives can we fulfil this expectation more content... As well as the importance of good history taking and methodical reading of the medical notes in order to identify risk factors that may require referral or simply make the examination outside the midwives role. Dezateux and Rosendahl (2007) stipulate that the overall effectiveness, harm and benefits of the examination remain controversial. Furthermore the view of the UK National Screening Committee is that if the introduction of screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip were considered now it "would probably not be accepted." However it is difficult to obtain clear evidence about the effectiveness of the examination of the new born as it is deemed unethical to conduct a randomised controlled trial in which are group of babies do not receive an examination (Townsend et al, 2004). However the fact that babies are examined in the immediate new born period is "universally accepted as good practice" and supported by national guidance such as NICE routine postnatal care guidelines (2006), child health promotion programme (DH 2008) and the UK National Screening Committee (2008) in its standards and competencies for practice. With this in mind the next area of consideration is the timing of the examination. Almost immediately after birth the baby will be examined by the midwife to Get more content on