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A Year Later
                    Reflections on Developing with ExtBase and Fluid

                    Date: June 10, 2011
                    Author: Zach Davis, Cast Iron Coding, Inc.

       Slide #1                                                  Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
                                                                                                                      About CIC, about this talk

             About Cast Iron Coding and how we came to TYPO3

             • Located in Portland, Oregon
             • Founded in 2004 with two employees; now at seven employees (six
               developers) plus local sub-contractors
             • 95% of all sites we build are built with TYPO3
             • While we are a full-service agency, CIC’s core competency is
               development; we have developed hundreds of TYPO3 extensions for
               our clients.
             • Our clients are drawn from a variety of industries but we have some
               specialization in non-profit and higher education sites

             The goal of today’s talk is to share some of our experiences with ExtBase/Fluid and to discuss
             specific uses of ExtBase/Fluid that have been helpful on recent projects.

       Slide #2                                         Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
                                                                                                                           Our first attempt at MVC in TYPO3

             CICMVC: Our first attempt at MVC in TYPO3
             In 2008, we needed a way to reduce development time and costs to remain competitive with
             other open source systems such as Wordpress (for smaller projects) and Drupal or Joomla (for
             larger projects)

             There were a number of challenges that we experienced working with TYPO3 in 2008 and
             • Low quality extension—hard to configure, lack of Typoscript abstraction, presentation layer hard-coded into code—
               extensions in the extension library meant that for most projects we ended up developing custom extensions for clients.
             • Consequently, the cost associated with pretty standard features was often too high for clients, especially for smaller clients
               on tight budgets
             • This made it increasingly more difficult for us to compete with Wordpress , which has increasingly come to be seen as a
               viable CMS, on smallish (under 15k) projects.
             • Instead of hoping for better extensions in the TER, we chose to devote time to finding a way to a) reduce the time required to
               develop extensions and b) increase the amount of code that was reusable between projects (or make sure we were writing
               code that was focused on the domain)

       Slide #3                                        Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
                                                                                                                              Our first attempt at MVC in TYPO3

             CICMVC: Our first attempt at MVC in TYPO3
             In response to these challenges, CIC developed CICMVC to replace piBase.

             CICMVC is a light-weight, high-performance MVC layer that sits on top of piBase. Some parts of
             it worked really well for us:

             • Few constraints, which isn’t always a bad thing! Because we can ensure quality control in-house, we didn’t need to include
               the sorts of constraints that are present in FLUID and ExtBase.
             • Therefore, CICMVC uses PHP views—not so popular these days, perhaps, but not much more syntactically difficult than
               FLUID, and quite a bit faster.
             • Core classes of CICMVC include: controller, model, helper, view, peer, query, form, requests, request filters, exceptions, email
               and partials.
             • Built-in models and peers for common objects (Digital asset and digital asset peer, user models, countries and states, etc).
             • Separate pi classes (pi1, pi2, etc) and page types are used for different output modes (HTML, JSON, XML, etc).

       Slide #4                                         Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
                                                                                                                              Our first attempt at MVC in TYPO3

             CICMVC: Our first attempt at MVC in TYPO3
             Some parts of it worked really well for us:

             • Database accessed by way of “peer” classes which relied on query objects. In most cases, records could be received easily
               without writing much SQL . The query object used arrays to store the query components. In more complicated cases, the
               query object and the peer class offer easy, direct access to the underlying TYPO3 DB class. We _never_ ran into performance
               problems in relation to database access.
             • Basic security accomplished with basic request filters. Variables coming from GET or POST need to be defined as strings,
               integers, etc, and are validated as such before being passed to controllers. For most extensions, this was sufficient.
             • CICMVC was not an academic exercise. It was a real-world attempt to dramatically reduce development time in order to
               increase company revenue while also reducing client cost
             • More lightweight than ExtBase, feels significantly faster and more responsive.
             • The year after we started using CICMVC widely across all projects, we saw revenue increase by about 75% while the
               company stayed relatively small. Without wanting to mistake correlation for causation, our strong sense is that CICMVC had a
               huge effect on CIC’s bottom line.

       Slide #5                                           Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
                                                                                                                              Our first attempt at MVC in TYPO3

             CICMVC: Our first attempt at MVC in TYPO3
             Other parts weren’t so great...
             • Lack of an ORM meant that persisting objects from the TYPO3 front-end was never as easy as it should have been. Instead of
               persisting objects automatically, we built a form class that made error handling, validation, etc easier. (Creating and persisting
               objects from a front-end form was the developer’s responsibility—not the framework’s—which made sense because there
               often is not a simple 1-1 relationship between form and model.)
             • Because it was a custom solution without a community behind it, our clients had to place a great deal of trust in their long-
               term relationship with CIC in order to use CICMVC as the foundation for a large project.
             • CICMVC was not an academic exercise. If developers weren’t careful, business logic could wind up in a view or presentation
               logic could wind up in a model. Lack of constraints required CIC to place a lot of trust in its developers, even with internal QA
             •Limited feature set and lack of configurability
             •Lack of modularity: view helpers were stored in one large “helper” class rather than as individual classes
             •Magic getters and setters on models were both a blessing and a curse

       Slide #6                                          Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
                                                                                             A few examples

                         Some CICMVC Examples
                        Emory Center for the Study of Law and Religion

       Slide #7                Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
                                                                                        A few examples

                        Some CICMVC Examples
                          Carnegie Corporation of New York

       Slide #8           Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
                                                                                        A few examples

                        Some CICMVC Examples
                          Carnegie Corporation of New York




       Slide #9           Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
Goodbye CICMVC, hello ExtBase!
                                                                                                                                         We make the leap

              In mid-2010, we drop CICMVC and switch to ExtBase

                        Custom ExtBase Content            Tides: Project Directory and                          Tides: Impact Stories
                              Elements                                SFDC

                        Oracle Storage Backend                   Fluid Page Templates                          Backend Reporting Tools

       Slide #10                                 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
Goodbye CICMVC, hello ExtBase!
                                                                                                                                        We make the leap

              In mid-2010, we drop CICMVC and switch to ExtBase
             We had a number of reasons for making the leap

             • We wanted clients to have a solutions that other TYPO3 developers could support. It’s already a challenge to sell US
               customers on TYPO3 with only a handful of vendors here; further lock-in due to a custom extension framework makes that
               pitch even more difficult.
             •We wanted to give back to the TYPO3 project, which we didn’t feel was possible with CICMVC. Originally, before ExtBase,
               we thought we might be able to share CICMVC eventually. However, once ExtBase took off, it was clear that another MVC
               solution wouldn’t be helpful.
             •We bought into the thinking behind Domain Driven Design. Staying current in terms of best practices and writing code that
               can be changed without extensive refactoring keeps us competitive. DDD pushes us to think more conceptually, which
               makes us better developers (and, IMO, better thinkers!)

       Slide #11                                       Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
Goodbye CICMVC, hello ExtBase!
                                                                                                                                        We make the leap

              In mid-2010, we drop CICMVC and switch to ExtBase
             And some concerns...
             •Performance, performance, performance! Would our clients perceive ExtBase extensions as slow and under performing?
             •We were concerned about decreased productivity. The kickstarter wasn’t quite there yet, which meant having to do more
               work to setup tables. Writing getters and setters on models is a pain. Fluid syntax took some getting used to and writing view
               helpers can be time consuming.
             •We were concerned that ExtBase wasn’t stable enough, even in late 2010, and that APIs would change after we’d done a
             •We worried that the persistence layer was too restrictive, and that some of the approaches expected by DDD were not well
               suited for real-world applications.
             •We suspected that ExtBase would not play nice with other key TYPO3 features, especially localization and Workspaces.

       Slide #12                                       Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
ExtBase Content Elements
                                                                                                        Hard to do with piBase, easy with ExtBase

             Our first attempt: ExtBase content elements
             We thought we’d take something difficult—creating editor-friendly, custom content elements
             —and see if we could make it easier by using ExtBase

       Slide #13                          Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
ExtBase Content Elements
                                                                                            Hard to do with piBase, easy with ExtBase

            Sidebar Callout
            Content Element

       Slide #14              Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
ExtBase Content Elements
                                                                                                Hard to do with piBase, easy with ExtBase

             Custom content elements defined in ext_tables.php


       Slide #15                  Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
ExtBase Content Elements
                                                                                            Hard to do with piBase, easy with ExtBase

             Define actions in ContentController class

       Slide #16              Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
ExtBase Content Elements
                                                                                            Hard to do with piBase, easy with ExtBase

             Setup a Fluid view for the content element

       Slide #17              Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
ExtBase Content Elements
                                                                                                         Hard to do with piBase, easy with ExtBase

             Our first attempt: ExtBase content elements
             Using the same approach, we created a handful of similar elements.

       Slide #18                           Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
ExtBase Content Elements
                                                                                                                         Hard to do with piBase, easy with ExtBase

             Our first attempt: ExtBase content elements
             We learned a few things from these custom content elements

             •Editors LOVE these content elements. Without much work on our part, clients get a library of custom content elements that
               force them to be consistent without being overly constrained.
             •After you create the first one, additional custom content elements are very cost effective. We include a placeholder
               extension called “t3site” in our starter package that contains a controller for custom content elements and a sample custom
               content element. The ext_tables config can be easily reproduced and new content elements can be created that use the
               same controller.
             •Someday, we should create a model for tt_content records that could be shared across these different content element
             •We save time (thereby making our work more profitable) because we don’t have to set up classes in the RTE that allow
               editors to create similar element with <P> tags and whatnot, and because we don’t have to map and maintain a bunch of
             •Editors get a better user interface because instead of flexforms, they get standard TYPO3 tt_content records with the
               conventional fields that they’re used to.

       Slide #19                                           Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
ExtBase Front-end Plugins
                                                                                                                              A typical ExtBase use case

             Our second attempt: a standard extBase search/list
             Structurally similar to the Carnegie publications plug-in, Tides project directory and impact
             stories seemed like a good candidate for moving away from CICMVC

             •Built around quite a few simple models: Constituents, GeographicScopes, Issues, Programs, Projects, Strategies, Services,
               and Stories
             •Data for project directory is stored in Salesforce, pulled into TYPO3 every couple hours via Salesforce’s SOAP web service
             • Story views include issue list, list of stories, search results (for AJAX requests), single story, and story teaser box
             •Project directory views include list of projects, lat/long coordinates (for Google Maps request, output as JSON), search
               results (for AJAX requests), and single project.

       Slide #20                                        Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
ExtBase Front-end Plugins
                                                                                                    A typical ExtBase use case

             Tides Project Directory

       Slide #21              Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
ExtBase Front-end Plugins
                                                                                                    A typical ExtBase use case

             Tides Issues Stories

       Slide #22              Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
ExtBase Front-end Plugins
                                                                                                                  A typical ExtBase use case

             Our second attempt: a standard extBase search/list
             One of ExtBase’s most important (and overlooked) capabilities is that it can unify back-end and
             front-end functionality. There’s some hackery involved, but using the same repositories in both
             sides of TYPO3 as well as ExtBase’s persistence layer saves considerable time.

       Slide #23                            Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
ExtBase Front-end Plugins
                                                                                                                  A typical ExtBase use case

             Our second attempt: a standard extBase search/list
             Nonetheless, ExtBase’s persistence layer wasn’t sufficient for handling the complex queries
             (not all that complex, perhaps?) generated by the search interface.

       Slide #24                            Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
Oracle Storage Backend for ExtBase
                                                                                                                                     It worked!

             Our third attempt: Oracle ExtBase Storage Backend
             Client needed a searchable white paper/video library. We couldn’t, in good conscience, create
             piBase extensions for this, and felt that we had to use ExtBase. One requirement was that
             TYPO3 be running on an Oracle DB

       Slide #25                            Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
Oracle Storage Backend for ExtBase
                                                                                                                                                  It worked!

             Our third attempt: Oracle ExtBase Persistence Layer
             Our approach:

             • Out of the box, DBAL pretty much ignores ExtBase because ExtBase pretty much ignores the TYPO3 DB class. Instead of using
               methods like exec_SELECTquery, the ExtBase persistence layer uses passes SQL directly to the sql_query method on TYPO3’s
               DB class. DBAL, as I understand it, doesn’t really parse these queries.
             • So, instead of trying to use these DB methods, we followed ExtBase’s example and made a OracleDBBackend Class that
               generates queries that conform to Oracle’s query syntax.
             • Because the objects don’t change on the front-end, we didn’t implement addRow, updateRow or other save-related
               methods. Those are on our roadmap
             • Setting a different storage backend for Extbase in ext_localconf isn’t hard (and while it works, this probably shouldn’t be
               considered a public API):

       Slide #26                                         Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
Oracle Storage Backend for ExtBase
                                                                                                                                                 It worked!

             Our third attempt: Oracle ExtBase Persistence Layer
             What we learned:

             • Avoiding DBAL as much as possible is definitely the way to go. Instead of making DBAL smarter about parsing ExtBase
               queries, it’s easier to just make ExtBase generate syntactically correct Oracle queries.
             • We ran into more problems with TYPO3/Oracle/DBAL in general than we did with ExtBase specifically, once we
               implemented our storage backend.
             • Performance, while not great, is tolerable. Because of the keyword search, the output is essentially uncached
             • Work involved with this was really not all that difficult. We probably spent about 2 developer days on this.
             • Not ExtBase related, per se, but worth mentioning: if TYPO3 is to truly succeed as an “enterprise” CMS, it needs better
               Oracle support. Developers who have worked on DBAL have done a great job, but there’s more to do. Would be nice if
               companies using TYPO3 and Oracle could pool resources.

       Slide #27                                        Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
Fluid Page Templates
                                                                                                                     Lots of possibilities for continued development

             Our fourth attempt: Fluid Page Templates
             We’ve never been entirely satisfied with TemplaVoila. FCEs mean flexforms, and flexforms
             provide an inconsistent UI for editors. TV stores configuration (mapping) in the DB, so we can’t
             easily track it in Git. The classic page module and it’s limitations was a non-starter.

             We needed a new approach, so we started building the fluid pages extension.

             • Uses FLUID for page templates
             • Does not require mapping mechanisms like TV, automaketemplate, parts and subparts, and other approaches
             • Instead, Typoscript Objects are made available to the Fluid page template, just as objects are made available to fluid
               templates in ExtBase
             • Editors use backend layouts for the editing interface, which is more consistent with TYPO3’s overall back-end UI than TV
             • FCEs are no longer needed because we have custom content elements, which are just as easy to setup, easier to use, and
               easier to track in Git
             • We’re looking for a column solution (like Bernhard’s nested content elements extension or Snowflake’s columns extension in
               the TER).
             • Relationship between tt_content and pages is obscured in XML, which makes some tasks difficult

       Slide #28                                       Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
Fluid Page Templates
                                                                                           Lots of possibilities for continued development

             Our fourth attempt: Fluid Page Templates

       Slide #29             Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
                                                                                            A little ExtBase, a lot of ExtJs and ExtDirect

             Our fifth attempt: Reports

       Slide #30              Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
                                                                                                                           Our first attempt at MVC in TYPO3

             Overall, results are positive. We’ll continue using ExtBase!

             • On low to medium traffic sites, with relatively flat data, ExtBase is clearly a better choice than piBase
             • Even with more complex data or with larger sets of data, there’s a good chance that you can circumvent ExtBase’s storage
               backend in your repositories by writing your own queries, especially if the application is read-only on the front-end.
             • We get greater code reusability in ExtBase as we add models, services, and view helpers to our own ExtBase helper
             • We think that Fluid, in particular, should be more widely used throughout TYPO3. It’s silly (and super-confusing for
               newcomers) that we have so many templating methods in TYPO3 (TemplaVoila, parts/subparts/markers, and FLUID). TYPO3
               should try to standardize on FLUID and continue to develop the FLUID TEMPLATE cObj so that it can be more useful as a tool
               for page templates.

       Slide #31                                       Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011
                                                                                                                              Our first attempt at MVC in TYPO3

             Overall, results are positive. We’ll continue using ExtBase!

             • Sharing models and repositories between the front-end and the back-end can be a huge time saver, especially when you
               have to import data into TYPO3 from an external system for display on the front-end
             • As recent discussions have shown, the persistence layer is a real pain point for ExtBase developers. Given TYPO3’s
               idiosyncrasies, I have my doubts about the possibilities offered by Doctrine. Instead, I’d like it to be EASIER for developers to
               get low-level database access and to create objects out of query results in the repositories (thereby moving away from the
               one-to-one model / DB table relationship).

       Slide #32                                         Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2011

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One Year Later: Reflections on Developing with Extbase and Fluid

  • 1. A Year Later Reflections on Developing with ExtBase and Fluid Date: June 10, 2011 Author: Zach Davis, Cast Iron Coding, Inc. Slide #1 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 2. Background About CIC, about this talk Background About Cast Iron Coding and how we came to TYPO3 • Located in Portland, Oregon • Founded in 2004 with two employees; now at seven employees (six developers) plus local sub-contractors • 95% of all sites we build are built with TYPO3 • While we are a full-service agency, CIC’s core competency is development; we have developed hundreds of TYPO3 extensions for our clients. • Our clients are drawn from a variety of industries but we have some specialization in non-profit and higher education sites The goal of today’s talk is to share some of our experiences with ExtBase/Fluid and to discuss specific uses of ExtBase/Fluid that have been helpful on recent projects. Slide #2 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 3. CICMVC Our first attempt at MVC in TYPO3 CICMVC: Our first attempt at MVC in TYPO3 In 2008, we needed a way to reduce development time and costs to remain competitive with other open source systems such as Wordpress (for smaller projects) and Drupal or Joomla (for larger projects) There were a number of challenges that we experienced working with TYPO3 in 2008 and 2009: • Low quality extension—hard to configure, lack of Typoscript abstraction, presentation layer hard-coded into code— extensions in the extension library meant that for most projects we ended up developing custom extensions for clients. • Consequently, the cost associated with pretty standard features was often too high for clients, especially for smaller clients on tight budgets • This made it increasingly more difficult for us to compete with Wordpress , which has increasingly come to be seen as a viable CMS, on smallish (under 15k) projects. • Instead of hoping for better extensions in the TER, we chose to devote time to finding a way to a) reduce the time required to develop extensions and b) increase the amount of code that was reusable between projects (or make sure we were writing code that was focused on the domain) Slide #3 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 4. CICMVC Our first attempt at MVC in TYPO3 CICMVC: Our first attempt at MVC in TYPO3 In response to these challenges, CIC developed CICMVC to replace piBase. CICMVC is a light-weight, high-performance MVC layer that sits on top of piBase. Some parts of it worked really well for us: • Few constraints, which isn’t always a bad thing! Because we can ensure quality control in-house, we didn’t need to include the sorts of constraints that are present in FLUID and ExtBase. • Therefore, CICMVC uses PHP views—not so popular these days, perhaps, but not much more syntactically difficult than FLUID, and quite a bit faster. • Core classes of CICMVC include: controller, model, helper, view, peer, query, form, requests, request filters, exceptions, email and partials. • Built-in models and peers for common objects (Digital asset and digital asset peer, user models, countries and states, etc). • Separate pi classes (pi1, pi2, etc) and page types are used for different output modes (HTML, JSON, XML, etc). Slide #4 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 5. CICMVC Our first attempt at MVC in TYPO3 CICMVC: Our first attempt at MVC in TYPO3 Some parts of it worked really well for us: • Database accessed by way of “peer” classes which relied on query objects. In most cases, records could be received easily without writing much SQL . The query object used arrays to store the query components. In more complicated cases, the query object and the peer class offer easy, direct access to the underlying TYPO3 DB class. We _never_ ran into performance problems in relation to database access. • Basic security accomplished with basic request filters. Variables coming from GET or POST need to be defined as strings, integers, etc, and are validated as such before being passed to controllers. For most extensions, this was sufficient. • CICMVC was not an academic exercise. It was a real-world attempt to dramatically reduce development time in order to increase company revenue while also reducing client cost • More lightweight than ExtBase, feels significantly faster and more responsive. • The year after we started using CICMVC widely across all projects, we saw revenue increase by about 75% while the company stayed relatively small. Without wanting to mistake correlation for causation, our strong sense is that CICMVC had a huge effect on CIC’s bottom line. Slide #5 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 6. CICMVC Our first attempt at MVC in TYPO3 CICMVC: Our first attempt at MVC in TYPO3 Other parts weren’t so great... • Lack of an ORM meant that persisting objects from the TYPO3 front-end was never as easy as it should have been. Instead of persisting objects automatically, we built a form class that made error handling, validation, etc easier. (Creating and persisting objects from a front-end form was the developer’s responsibility—not the framework’s—which made sense because there often is not a simple 1-1 relationship between form and model.) • Because it was a custom solution without a community behind it, our clients had to place a great deal of trust in their long- term relationship with CIC in order to use CICMVC as the foundation for a large project. • CICMVC was not an academic exercise. If developers weren’t careful, business logic could wind up in a view or presentation logic could wind up in a model. Lack of constraints required CIC to place a lot of trust in its developers, even with internal QA processes. •Limited feature set and lack of configurability •Lack of modularity: view helpers were stored in one large “helper” class rather than as individual classes •Magic getters and setters on models were both a blessing and a curse Slide #6 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 7. CICMVC A few examples Some CICMVC Examples Emory Center for the Study of Law and Religion Slide #7 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 8. CICMVC A few examples Some CICMVC Examples Carnegie Corporation of New York Slide #8 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 9. CICMVC A few examples Some CICMVC Examples Carnegie Corporation of New York Models and Peers Modules Publication Views Slide #9 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 10. Goodbye CICMVC, hello ExtBase! We make the leap In mid-2010, we drop CICMVC and switch to ExtBase Custom ExtBase Content Tides: Project Directory and Tides: Impact Stories Elements SFDC Oracle Storage Backend Fluid Page Templates Backend Reporting Tools Slide #10 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 11. Goodbye CICMVC, hello ExtBase! We make the leap In mid-2010, we drop CICMVC and switch to ExtBase We had a number of reasons for making the leap • We wanted clients to have a solutions that other TYPO3 developers could support. It’s already a challenge to sell US customers on TYPO3 with only a handful of vendors here; further lock-in due to a custom extension framework makes that pitch even more difficult. •We wanted to give back to the TYPO3 project, which we didn’t feel was possible with CICMVC. Originally, before ExtBase, we thought we might be able to share CICMVC eventually. However, once ExtBase took off, it was clear that another MVC solution wouldn’t be helpful. •We bought into the thinking behind Domain Driven Design. Staying current in terms of best practices and writing code that can be changed without extensive refactoring keeps us competitive. DDD pushes us to think more conceptually, which makes us better developers (and, IMO, better thinkers!) Slide #11 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 12. Goodbye CICMVC, hello ExtBase! We make the leap In mid-2010, we drop CICMVC and switch to ExtBase And some concerns... •Performance, performance, performance! Would our clients perceive ExtBase extensions as slow and under performing? •We were concerned about decreased productivity. The kickstarter wasn’t quite there yet, which meant having to do more work to setup tables. Writing getters and setters on models is a pain. Fluid syntax took some getting used to and writing view helpers can be time consuming. •We were concerned that ExtBase wasn’t stable enough, even in late 2010, and that APIs would change after we’d done a project. •We worried that the persistence layer was too restrictive, and that some of the approaches expected by DDD were not well suited for real-world applications. •We suspected that ExtBase would not play nice with other key TYPO3 features, especially localization and Workspaces. Slide #12 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 13. ExtBase Content Elements Hard to do with piBase, easy with ExtBase Our first attempt: ExtBase content elements We thought we’d take something difficult—creating editor-friendly, custom content elements —and see if we could make it easier by using ExtBase Slide #13 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 14. ExtBase Content Elements Hard to do with piBase, easy with ExtBase Sidebar Callout Content Element Slide #14 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 15. ExtBase Content Elements Hard to do with piBase, easy with ExtBase Custom content elements defined in ext_tables.php ext_tables.php: ext_localconf.php: Slide #15 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 16. ExtBase Content Elements Hard to do with piBase, easy with ExtBase Define actions in ContentController class Slide #16 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 17. ExtBase Content Elements Hard to do with piBase, easy with ExtBase Setup a Fluid view for the content element Slide #17 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 18. ExtBase Content Elements Hard to do with piBase, easy with ExtBase Our first attempt: ExtBase content elements Using the same approach, we created a handful of similar elements. Slide #18 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 19. ExtBase Content Elements Hard to do with piBase, easy with ExtBase Our first attempt: ExtBase content elements We learned a few things from these custom content elements •Editors LOVE these content elements. Without much work on our part, clients get a library of custom content elements that force them to be consistent without being overly constrained. •After you create the first one, additional custom content elements are very cost effective. We include a placeholder extension called “t3site” in our starter package that contains a controller for custom content elements and a sample custom content element. The ext_tables config can be easily reproduced and new content elements can be created that use the same controller. •Someday, we should create a model for tt_content records that could be shared across these different content element types. •We save time (thereby making our work more profitable) because we don’t have to set up classes in the RTE that allow editors to create similar element with <P> tags and whatnot, and because we don’t have to map and maintain a bunch of FCEs. •Editors get a better user interface because instead of flexforms, they get standard TYPO3 tt_content records with the conventional fields that they’re used to. Slide #19 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 20. ExtBase Front-end Plugins A typical ExtBase use case Our second attempt: a standard extBase search/list plug-in Structurally similar to the Carnegie publications plug-in, Tides project directory and impact stories seemed like a good candidate for moving away from CICMVC •Built around quite a few simple models: Constituents, GeographicScopes, Issues, Programs, Projects, Strategies, Services, and Stories •Data for project directory is stored in Salesforce, pulled into TYPO3 every couple hours via Salesforce’s SOAP web service • Story views include issue list, list of stories, search results (for AJAX requests), single story, and story teaser box •Project directory views include list of projects, lat/long coordinates (for Google Maps request, output as JSON), search results (for AJAX requests), and single project. Slide #20 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 21. ExtBase Front-end Plugins A typical ExtBase use case Tides Project Directory Slide #21 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 22. ExtBase Front-end Plugins A typical ExtBase use case Tides Issues Stories Slide #22 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 23. ExtBase Front-end Plugins A typical ExtBase use case Our second attempt: a standard extBase search/list plug-in One of ExtBase’s most important (and overlooked) capabilities is that it can unify back-end and front-end functionality. There’s some hackery involved, but using the same repositories in both sides of TYPO3 as well as ExtBase’s persistence layer saves considerable time. Slide #23 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 24. ExtBase Front-end Plugins A typical ExtBase use case Our second attempt: a standard extBase search/list plug-in Nonetheless, ExtBase’s persistence layer wasn’t sufficient for handling the complex queries (not all that complex, perhaps?) generated by the search interface. Slide #24 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 25. Oracle Storage Backend for ExtBase It worked! Our third attempt: Oracle ExtBase Storage Backend Client needed a searchable white paper/video library. We couldn’t, in good conscience, create piBase extensions for this, and felt that we had to use ExtBase. One requirement was that TYPO3 be running on an Oracle DB Slide #25 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 26. Oracle Storage Backend for ExtBase It worked! Our third attempt: Oracle ExtBase Persistence Layer Our approach: • Out of the box, DBAL pretty much ignores ExtBase because ExtBase pretty much ignores the TYPO3 DB class. Instead of using methods like exec_SELECTquery, the ExtBase persistence layer uses passes SQL directly to the sql_query method on TYPO3’s DB class. DBAL, as I understand it, doesn’t really parse these queries. • So, instead of trying to use these DB methods, we followed ExtBase’s example and made a OracleDBBackend Class that generates queries that conform to Oracle’s query syntax. • Because the objects don’t change on the front-end, we didn’t implement addRow, updateRow or other save-related methods. Those are on our roadmap • Setting a different storage backend for Extbase in ext_localconf isn’t hard (and while it works, this probably shouldn’t be considered a public API): Slide #26 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 27. Oracle Storage Backend for ExtBase It worked! Our third attempt: Oracle ExtBase Persistence Layer What we learned: • Avoiding DBAL as much as possible is definitely the way to go. Instead of making DBAL smarter about parsing ExtBase queries, it’s easier to just make ExtBase generate syntactically correct Oracle queries. • We ran into more problems with TYPO3/Oracle/DBAL in general than we did with ExtBase specifically, once we implemented our storage backend. • Performance, while not great, is tolerable. Because of the keyword search, the output is essentially uncached • Work involved with this was really not all that difficult. We probably spent about 2 developer days on this. • Not ExtBase related, per se, but worth mentioning: if TYPO3 is to truly succeed as an “enterprise” CMS, it needs better Oracle support. Developers who have worked on DBAL have done a great job, but there’s more to do. Would be nice if companies using TYPO3 and Oracle could pool resources. Slide #27 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 28. Fluid Page Templates Lots of possibilities for continued development Our fourth attempt: Fluid Page Templates We’ve never been entirely satisfied with TemplaVoila. FCEs mean flexforms, and flexforms provide an inconsistent UI for editors. TV stores configuration (mapping) in the DB, so we can’t easily track it in Git. The classic page module and it’s limitations was a non-starter. We needed a new approach, so we started building the fluid pages extension. • Uses FLUID for page templates • Does not require mapping mechanisms like TV, automaketemplate, parts and subparts, and other approaches • Instead, Typoscript Objects are made available to the Fluid page template, just as objects are made available to fluid templates in ExtBase • Editors use backend layouts for the editing interface, which is more consistent with TYPO3’s overall back-end UI than TV • FCEs are no longer needed because we have custom content elements, which are just as easy to setup, easier to use, and easier to track in Git • We’re looking for a column solution (like Bernhard’s nested content elements extension or Snowflake’s columns extension in the TER). • Relationship between tt_content and pages is obscured in XML, which makes some tasks difficult Slide #28 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 29. Fluid Page Templates Lots of possibilities for continued development Our fourth attempt: Fluid Page Templates Slide #29 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 30. Reports A little ExtBase, a lot of ExtJs and ExtDirect Our fifth attempt: Reports Slide #30 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 31. Conclusions Our first attempt at MVC in TYPO3 Conclusions! Overall, results are positive. We’ll continue using ExtBase! • On low to medium traffic sites, with relatively flat data, ExtBase is clearly a better choice than piBase • Even with more complex data or with larger sets of data, there’s a good chance that you can circumvent ExtBase’s storage backend in your repositories by writing your own queries, especially if the application is read-only on the front-end. • We get greater code reusability in ExtBase as we add models, services, and view helpers to our own ExtBase helper extension. • We think that Fluid, in particular, should be more widely used throughout TYPO3. It’s silly (and super-confusing for newcomers) that we have so many templating methods in TYPO3 (TemplaVoila, parts/subparts/markers, and FLUID). TYPO3 should try to standardize on FLUID and continue to develop the FLUID TEMPLATE cObj so that it can be more useful as a tool for page templates. Slide #31 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011
  • 32. Conclusions Our first attempt at MVC in TYPO3 Conclusions! Overall, results are positive. We’ll continue using ExtBase! • Sharing models and repositories between the front-end and the back-end can be a huge time saver, especially when you have to import data into TYPO3 from an external system for display on the front-end • As recent discussions have shown, the persistence layer is a real pain point for ExtBase developers. Given TYPO3’s idiosyncrasies, I have my doubts about the possibilities offered by Doctrine. Instead, I’d like it to be EASIER for developers to get low-level database access and to create objects out of query results in the repositories (thereby moving away from the one-to-one model / DB table relationship). Slide #32 Zach Davis - June 10, 2011 - San Francisco TYPO3 Conference Friday, June 10, 2011