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Njhs Essay Sample
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Njhs Essay Sample" can be quite challenging, as it requires a
delicate balance between showcasing your achievements and qualifications while adhering to the
specific criteria set by the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS). The process involves
introspection and careful consideration of your experiences, leadership skills, and commitment to
One of the difficulties lies in effectively communicating your dedication to the principles of
scholarship, leadership, character, service, and citizenship, which are the core values of the
NJHS. It demands a nuanced approach, where you must highlight your academic
accomplishments, demonstrate your leadership capabilities, and emphasize your character and
Moreover, striking the right tone is crucial. The essay should convey your passion for community
service and your understanding of its importance. However, it should avoid sounding overly
rehearsed or insincere. Striking this balance requires thoughtful language and genuine reflection.
Another challenge is ensuring that your essay stands out among the numerous applications the
selection committee receives. It's essential to present unique and compelling anecdotes that
effectively illustrate your commitment to the NJHS principles.
Additionally, adhering to any word or page limits set by the application guidelines poses its own
set of challenges. Conveying all the necessary information concisely while maintaining
coherence and impact requires careful editing and revising.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Njhs Essay Sample" demands a strategic
approach, involving self-reflection, effective storytelling, and adherence to specific guidelines. It
is a process that requires time, patience, and a keen understanding of the values and expectations
of the National Junior Honor Society.
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Njhs Essay Sample Njhs Essay Sample
A Reflective Report on Interpersonal Management
A Reflective Report on Interpersonal Management Skills
Module Code: 7BSP1010
Course: Interpersonal Management Skills
1 Tutor: Helen MacKinlay
Student Name: XU ZHANGYONG
Student Number: 13030219
Words: 1046
December 26th 2014
The purposes of this essay is to analyse the improtances of Interpersonal management
skills for successful management, and to reflect on a verbal interpersonal cultural
based difference people have personally experienced and how develop the cross
cultural awareness for more effective management.
Interpersonal management skills for successful management
In the last decade, with the fast development of the business in the world, the
interpersonal management skills have become important increasingly both ... Show
more content on ...
Therefore, developing the self management skills also should be paid more attention.
Verbal interpersonal cultural Cross cultural awareness
In modern society, interpersonal communications refer to communication betwee two
or more people. Meanwhile the verbal interpersonal communication is one of the
major element for interpersonal communication, such as sounds and word choice, and
it is the oral, spoken and unwritten way of the communication (Beebe, 2002). During
the process of communication, most people will meet the situattion about the cross
cultural. cross cultural can be defined as the interaction and comparison of different
cultures (Beebe, 2002). Therefore, the verbal interpersonal communication and cross
cultural awareness will be useful. In the following, I will reflect on the verbal
interpersonal cultural based my experience and analyse how to develop cross cultural
Due to the cultural differences, some people who come from different counties will
often have some misunderstanding in the team work or cooperation. I also meet this
kind of problems in the presentation s teamwork. In the process of cooperation, we
have a lots of verbal communication, while some questions have different means for
us. For example, where are you going? and do you eat dinner? , all of these questions
are just greetings, but for my team members, these questions are their privacy. Thus,
Caribbean American Women
Carole Boyce Davies discussion on Zora Neale Hurston s essay How It Feels to be
Colored Me she uses posits Hurston s proffering to travel piece of the way with
visitors as new way of thinking about the periphery in academia . Beginning her
chapter Coming to Terms with Theory, Boyce expresses how outdates and inefficient
the current theoretical practices have become. She states that scholars are
intellectually trapped by the hierarchical systems within scholarship. Her main
critique comes from the reality of upcoming scholars having to laboriously quote
Euro American male scholars in order to establish them within their field. Under this
standard what we find is that in the constant referencing of these European scholars
the racial and cultural hierarchy of western society is sustained. Boyce suggests that
common favoring of European scholarly contributions reinforces structural biases
towards the consciousness of those in the periphery. As a result, western
epistemology is continues to drive current scholarship through its standardization.
And, moreover, is falsely and forcibly applied to the estranged consciousnesses.
The standardization of European scholarship places limitations of how the marginal
subject can articulate its existence. Barbara Christian s The Race for Theory asks
For whom are we doing what we are doing when we do literary criticism? Davies
would respond to this query by stating that current scholarship is writing to and for
the center. Based on
Research Paper On Energy Drinks
Energy drink (I)
I saw this video about 3 persons, who told us about their opinion about energy drinks.
The first 2 had no problem with energy drinks, they drank it themselves when they
where out with friends, but the last one didn t drink it, he thought it was dangerous
for our body s.
I think the last one has right, I also thinks that energy drinks are unhealthy for our
bodies, because of all the sugar and additive. I never drink energy drinks, only in
rarely situations
Sugar (He/she + I)
Lulu was interviewing Sain about how much sugar she ate a day. First Sain told us
about her breakfast, their next about her midmorning coffee, their next about her
lunch, and last about her evening. At the end she was very choked about how much
Play Me False Essay
John Kunat s article Play me false : Rape, Race, and Conquest in The Tempest puts
a focus on a theme that appears throughout the play that, while reading may be
glossed over and be put away to the time the literature was written in. Many writers
often grasp for deep meaning to substantiate their claims it did not feel like this was
the case. Kunat makes the case that Caliban isn t enslaved due to his raceor ethnicity
but rather due to his actions which lead to his punishments throughout the play. This
is reinforced by textual examples and laws of the time. The main crime Caliban
committed was rape or attempt of rape against Miranda. Caliban is then put to do
menial labor for Prospero. This was after Caliban went after Miranda. This refers...
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After being accused of falsely holding the title of king, Ferdinand draws his sword
which Prospero sees as a crime and leads to Ferdinand s labor. This gives a legal
precedent which rationalize what he does and when he uses it against his own
kinsman it feels that it is less racially motivated and more to further Prospero s
plan. Kunat is expanding his argument by saying that Caliban was taught language
was near family before he tried to rape Miranda. Throughout the play it seems that
Prospero is just trying to manipulate people. The only issue I see with this is
everyone else around the island. When Antonio is marrying off his daughter to the
king of Tunis he was met with a large wave of disapproval. Sir, you may thank
yourself for this great loss, That would not bless our Europe with your daughter,
But rather lose her to an African; Where she at least is banish d from your eye, Who
hath cause to wet the grief on t. This is the same court that Prospero comes from.
Here lie my doubts, where Antonio had political reasons to choose the King of Tunis
but his closest advisors met that with such resistance it makes me doubtful that there
is no racial motivation between Prospero and
John Brown Martyr Essay
John Brown was many things when he was alive, an abolitionist, a father and a
husband. Most of all he was a martyr; a vigilante someone who acts outside the law.
Brown acted outside the law for a cause that he strongly believed in. He is a martyr
by opinion and definition.
The abolitionist movement used to be miniscule compared to the pro slavery stance.
John Brown was one of a handful of white people who were anti slavery. It was a
cause he was willing to die for. A cause he had an enormous amount of passion for.
Brown in 1855 had assisted in the escape of several slaves. An act that was selfless.
He during the time had a sizeable amount of lawsuits against him, all of which
relating to his employment in the wool industry. The lawsuits are of relevance when
portraying Brown as a martyr; even though he had all these problems in his present
he still fought for what he believed in. He later appointed himself captain of the anti
slavery forces on Osawatomie Creek. Brown s position of captain suggests
leadership qualities he possessed. He in ... Show more content on ...
This brought more to join him and his efforts. The event that would solidify John
Brown as a martyr was the incident as Harpers Ferry. October 16th with his army
and attacked the federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry. The incident at Harpers Ferry
proved that he was willing to do anything even risk his life for the cause he
believed in. Quickly militia surrounded brown and his followers. Brown was
overrun and ten of his followers were killed. John was wounded and captured. The
news of the raid made the South furious. Brown was later tried and convicted of
treason. His defence inspired others with his reasoning for doing what he did. John
Brown ignited the revolution against slavery; by doing this he had helped energize
the North to fight. Despite support in the North he was hanged on December 2, 1859.
The act showed that he died for his
The Civil Right Act Of 1964
1.What were the legal issues in this case?
Dunlop sued Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) under the Title VII of the Civil Right
Act of 1964, and both under the Disparate Treatment and Disparate Impact. Dunlap
feels that he has been discriminated during the interview process. The district court
concluded that TVAs subjective hiring process permitted racial bias against the
plaintiff and other black job applicants. Tennessee Valley Authorities was found guilty
of discrimination against the plaintiff.
The Title Vii of the Civil Right Act of 1964 enforces the constitutional right to vote, to
confer jurisdiction upon the district courts of the United States to provide injective
relief against discrimination in public accommodations to authorized the attorney
general to institute suits to protect constitutional rights in public facilities and public
education, to extent he Commission on Civil Rights to prevent discrimination in
federal assisted programs, to established a Commission on Equal Employment, and
for other purposes .Under this law, sec 2000e [Section 701e], the plaintiff is being
protected against discrimination act. A labor organization should deemed to be
engages in an industry affect maintains or operates a hiring hall or office
which procures employees opportunities to work for an employee (https:/
Dunlop feels that the interview has been manipulated to select lower qualified
candidates with favoritism toward family
A Research Study On College Students
On a daily basis you are introduced to new people around you. The connections you
make with the people you meet are relationships. Relationships can vary from
person to person based on the type of connection you have with them. There are the
relationships with family, relationships with friends, and then the relationship with
a significant other. With sufficient amounts of research being done daily on all
aspects of relationships and how they work, there is a significant gap in the study
of college students and how they view the importance of a committed relationship.
With the appearance of this gap, I am doing my research in this field and on
college aged students. The key concept when developing this study is how serious
and committed relationships are built and treated among college students. This
study will examine the way males and females in college perceive the importance
of relationships and how they participate in the different variations and if these
variations change the way students look at relationships. Recent research barely
touched on relationship styles, especially in college age males and females. I would
like to know what males and females in their freshman and senior year in college are
looking for in an intimate type of relationship. The purpose of this study is to identify
how males opinions about serious committed relationships change from their
freshman year in college to their senior year in college and how females opinions
about serious committed
Analysis Of The Most Dangerous Game And Porphyria s
From the beginning men used God to justify the unjustifiable. Salman Rushdie, The
Satanic Verses. Salman Rushdie points are truly stated and are seen in literature
work. The two stories The Most Dangerous Game and Porphyria s Lover , both
portray the characters, General Zaroff and Porphyria s Lover, as murderers who think
they have done nothing wrong. The authors Connell and Browning use conflict and
characterization to convey that some find it easy to justify murder. Through the use
of external conflict between Zaroff and Rainsford s hunting prowess, and Porphyria s
Lover strangling Porphyria, the authors show how each can easily justify murder.
Rainsford, the main character, fell off his boat and swam ashore a mysterious
island. When he arrived he came across a fortress of sorts, and meet the man in
charge, General Zaroff. Zaroff is talking to Rainsford about his past and the island he
lives on. Zaroff tells Rainsford about his hunting experiences when he says Hunting
was beginning to bore me! And hunting, remember, had been my life(33). This is
when Zaroff s internal conflict arises, suffers from ennui in hunting and wants
something more of a challenge to kill. He has been hunting for as long as he can
remember and every beast he has faced, he overcame and killed it, until there was no
animal he couldn t kill. This is what caused Zaroff to want a challenge, something
that must have courage, cunning and, above all, it must be able to reason. (34) To this
The Pathophysiology And Etiology Of The Disease
Schizophrenia effects approximately 1% of the human population, despite the high
number of individuals being affected, not much is known about the pathophysiology
and etiology of the disease. Through the use of pharmacological models such as
ketamine and amphetamine, it allows us to purse the dopamine and glutamate
hypothesis. The rise of these hypotheses is due to the nature of the disease, hence
heterogeneous disorder not all patients exerts all the symptoms of the disease. As a
result there is different ways in attaining schizophrenic animal models. One way is
through ketamine administration which affects glutamate NMDA receptors. Another
way is through amephetamine which increases the level of dopamine which affects
the D¬2 ... Show more content on ...
Animal models have been used as a primary research tool in investigating
pathogenesis and developing treatments for human diseases. To mimic
neuropsychiatric disorders in animal models, especially in the case of a complex
disorders such as schizophrenia have been a tough task. This challenge persists due to
the uncertainty of the pathophysiology and etiology that is presented with the
disease. In addition to the unpredictability of the manifestation of the disease,
symptoms that do occur in humans cannot be directly correlated with animal models.
This presents a challenge where symptoms cannot be directly measured in animals
more precisely in rodents. Despite the challenges that were present, researchers have
went on forth to examine the disease using subtle approaches. Hence rodents don t
naturally develop schizophrenia, scientists must induce this through pharmacological,
genetic, or environmental manipulations. The tools that are most used in
pharmacological manipulations to induce schizophrenia are: ketamine and
amphetamine. In this perspective, we will focus on how reliable pharmacological
manipulations are in construct validity, face validity and predictive validity in respect
to ketamine and amphetamine. Understanding the validity of the animal models will
help understand the pathogenesis of the disease and bring novel insights for
treatment. The sooner we construct a better representable model of schizophrenia, it
Mass Hysteria And Mccarthyism In The Crucible By
In his timeless play, The Crucible, Arthur Miller unflinchingly illuminates social
issues through his candid exploration of characterization in an effort to ultimately
bring the reader to the realization that Miller is paralleling 1950s to the Puritan Era
while he criticizes Herd Behavior Mass Hysteria and McCarthyism, which played a
vital role in society. In the 1950s, McCarthyism became an epidemic of false
accusation towards others in regards to Communism. Joe McCarthy ... thoroughly
infiltrated ... Communists ... managed to plunge the country into a cesspool of
paranoia and fascism... Thousands of people ... lost their jobs because they either
wouldn t sign loyalty oaths, or because they wouldn t inform on their friends and
neighbors, or because someone saw them actually reading a book (Steinski). A
communist government is one where all citizens, no matter what job, are all paid the
same amount and... Show more content on ...
Just as in Salem, many people were wrongfully accused. However, the people of
Salem lost their lives instead of their jobs . Since the people of America, in the
1950s, were overwhelmed with the thought of communism being the worst thing that
could infiltrate the US Government, they decided to accuse people just as
McCarthy. Related to the events that occurred in Salem, a young lady, Abigail was
the very first person to pinpoint someone; she acts as an informant, just as McCarthy.
Throughout the play, Abigail led the witch hunt knowing she was full of hatred and
envy towards John Proctor s wife, Elizabeth. On the other hand , the procedure taken
in order to find out was practicing witchcraft was similar that of in the 1950s. In
1947, President Truman requested a background check on every civilian in
Theme Of Ignorance In 1984 And 1984
first reason for people s slavery is our ignorance, and above all, our ignorance of
ourselves. Gurdijeff, George (p5). There are only a few things in life than damage
more than ignorance does. While many of us have heard people saying ignorance is a
bliss , however, it is just as real as boys are stronger than girls or the client is always
right . Ignorance can often involve when we lack adequate exposure to multiple
viewpoints, and when we allow another to think on our behalf, as can be observed in
Orwell s 1984 , as well as Plato s Allegory of the
Cave .
To begin with, the notion of ignorance has existed for a long time. As defined in
Cambridge Dictionary, ignorance is: lack of knowledge, understanding, or
information about ... Show more content on ...
The story begins with a description of the scene. There is an underground Cave and
inside of it, there are prisoners whose hands and legs have been chained since they
were born. Behind them, a fire is burning,
between the prisoners and the fire, there is a sidewalk, where different statues are
placed. These statutes are manipulated by another group of people. As a result of
the fire, blindsided prisoners watch the shows these statues shadows play out. A
prisoner is released, he sees the fire and statues. He is confused and feels pains,
because of the light of the fire. He snatches how the shadows are caused. This
represents the belief. Next, he goes out of The Cave. At first, he is dazed and
confused. He can t see clearly, because of the light, therefore he sees the shadows,
after that the reflection on the water, and finally the objects themselves. Now, he
knows that there is more than those statues and that they were only a copy of these
Forms. This epitomizes a cognitive stage of thought. At this point, he is aware that
The Sun is what causes seasons,
The Role Of Women In Aristophanes s Lysistrata
Aristophanes s play Lysistrata is about a sex strike and describes women working
around their inferior status in society to fulfill their primary duty to their country by
putting other duties to the side to persuade men to end the war. This illustrates the
duties of both women and men with an emphasis on the duties of the woman while
also detailing a few key differences between genders. While these duties and
differences are described throughout the entirety of the play, the interactions of
Lysistrata, Myrrhine, and Kinesias in scene five illustrate them with clearer detail.
This implies that while women may be inferior citizens in a society, they have
loyalties and responsibilities, and they prove to be intellectual, rational equals to male
citizens. Lysistrata describes each genders basic community obligations through
dialogue between characters. Because the play is primarily written as sympathetic to
the women s cause, it puts more of an emphasis on the woman s duties, but it does
reference the men s duties as well.
The primary duties of women can be simplified to a few topics: honor, country,
household, husband, and children. The primary obligations, however, seem to rest
firmly in honor and country as shown by Myrrhine s repeated mention of her oath
when her husband tries to persuade her to sleep with him (page 88, lines 900 20).
The oath that Myrrhine refers to was formed in scene one, when she agreed with
other women to go on a sex strike in order to stop the war
King And Douglass Similarities
Have you ever heard of the speech I Have a Dream from the late Martin Luther King
You d be pretty sure many people have heard of it, but has anyone ever really read
it and thought about it? This could be like The Hypocrisy of American Slavery, a
piece of work produced by Frederick Douglass. They both argued that African
Americans have a natural right to equality (Renfro 1). Douglass once said, The white
man s happiness cannot be purchased by the black man s misery. Here is just another
point of there not being enough equality for being an African Americanduring those
times of struggle. The fact that King and Douglass had used their oral power to try
and fight throughout their lives was a very substantial task. They are ... Show more
content on ...
They came to be very influential people for the people of their time and for many
years up to now. King and Douglass also had their staple in time for being great
Civil Rights activists. They played key parts in the fight to lead blacks from their
lack of power and equality for themselves. Having the struggles to deal with within
slavery and segregated times, blacks wanted to band together. King was vital in the
making of acts during those times, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ( Martin
Luther King Jr. 2). This act was what outlawed most of the discrimination for
colored people. Douglass had his own contributions, but they were in some cases
not as major as the things King put forward to gain equality for blacks. As time
went on the two began earning their unparalleled oratory skills. With the power of
just their voices and hands they were granted with so much more notoriety. Both
of them have similar oratory styles. They both had the amazing ability to move
their audience to action (Renfro 1). They were also publishers and produced many
great pieces of work. Douglass published three versions of his autobiography during
his lifetime, revising and expanding on his work each time. My Bondage and My
Freedom appeared in 1855. In 1881, Douglass published Life and Times of Frederick
Douglass, which he revised in 1892 ( Frederick
The Problem Of The Foreclosure Crisis
The burst of the housing bubble in 2006 left millions of homeowners helpless to
inevitable foreclosure. Current lending practices make it difficult for potential
borrowers with tarnished credit histories (like foreclosure) to qualify for a loan.
Since traditional sources of home financing are unavailable to so many people,
alternatives have begun to flourish in the economy to meet the demand of people
wishing to purchase homes with less than perfect credit histories. The primary
options boomerang buyers have at their disposals to obtain home ownership again
are: lease to own, seller financing, hard money, and sub prime. Each of these paths
toward home ownership comes with unique sets of benefits and costs. This paper will
explore each.
It ... Show more content on ...
The implementation of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) regulations
has removed a lot of the abuse that helped spur the housing crisis of 2006. With
increased oversight and regulation, borrowers can now safely navigate sub prime
lending options which usually come at a higher cost than traditional mortgages.
Typically these options are available to borrowers that have a large down payment, or
equity position, which gives the investor more security in their investment. These
loans may also come with higher interest rates and additional origination charges or
It may be difficult for many borrowers to seriously consider sub prime lending
options given their high cost and high capital requirements. Many homeowners are
dependent on low down payment options like FHA loans because they are unable to
save enough for a twenty percent down payment. This is the largest barrier to
obtaining a sub prime mortgage product. Also, because higher interest rates tend to
mean higher monthly payments, there are a lot of borrowers who are unable to
qualify to make the monthly payment.
Many of the benefits to obtaining a sub prime lending product are shared with the
other options discussed below. First and foremost is the ability to obtain amortgage
and purchase a home when a conventional loan program is not an option. It is less
common for loan programs to have prepayment penalties after CFPB
Gollum And Bilbo Baggins Similarities
Bilbo Baggins and Gollum
Bilbo Baggins and Gollum will share both similarities and differences. They are
both very unique characters in their own ways. Bilbo is a wee hobbit who is too
hesitant to do anything out of the ordinary while Gollum is a crazy killing machine.
Bilbo and Gollum definitely do not seem like the type of characters to share anything
in common, but nonetheless they will have traits that are alike to each other. In this
essay we will justify both these similarities and differences portrayed by Bilbo
Baggins and Gollum.
The characters Bilbo and Gollum share quite a few similar qualities. One quality that
they share is that they are both very clever. An example of when both their cleverness
trait took place was when they tried
Persian Mausoleum Essay
Creating A Persian Mausoleum
This essay is a How To guide on how to make a Persian Mausoleum. The most well
known Mausoleum is Cyrus the Great s. Creating a Mausoleum of the same style as
Cyrus the Great s is simple and easy. Even with all the technology of the time the
tomb is both minimalistic and modest. The real wealth of the tomb was the treasure
that was placed inside. The building of the tomb was easy and simplistic to erect. In
this guide you ll see its resemblance to the Egyptian pyramid design. The scale of the
structure is much smaller than the Egyptian tombs but serves the same purpose. The
structure also was as significant to the Persians as much as the pyramids to the
To begin with, the structure was made of limestone rectangles which were carved
and placed together to form a step like structure. There are seven pyramid succeeding
steps which are irregular in shape. The seven stones are significant in that they were
... Show more content on ...
The pediment is found in classical Greek temples, renaissance, and neoclassical
architecture. A prominent example is the Parthenon, where it contains a tympanum
decorated with figures in relief sculpture. Dictionary of Ornament by Philippa
Lewis Gillian Darley (1986) NY: Pantheon. The structure is a somewhat elongated
square. The slanted roof above the square construction also made of limestone, as is
most of the structure. One of the most prominent features of the tomb was an
engraving on one of its walls. The tomb was originally ornamented with an
inscription, according to Strabo (and other ancient sources), stated: O man! I am
Cyrus the Great, who gave the Persians an empire and was the king of Asia. Grudge
me not therefore this monument. Gates, Charles. Persian People. Persian People |
World EBook Library | Read EBooks Online, Psychology Press, 2003,
The Bush Doctrine
The Bush Doctrine Analysis On March 16, 2006, the White House released
President George W. Bush s second term National Security Strategy (NSS), which
later come to be regarded as the Bush doctrine. The doctrine was developed
predominantly in response to the most unforgettable day in the American history the
terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. He comes up with the two major pillars of
the National Security Strategy which consist of the promotion of freedom, democracy
and also he used the globalized approach to extinguish terrorism due to the global
security. On the other hand, President Washington and President Eisenhower
emphasizes different arguments on how does that military based global approach
would be indeed beneficial and... Show more content on ...
The three Presidents might have their own startegy to response to any act of threat,
but we definitely know that Bush has the most viral strategy among all. Not trying to
mention that Bush s is dangerous or mischievous, but at least he has done something
to get everything fixed rather than just spending too much time thinking of it.
Nevertheless, an immediate act and response should not be neglected here. And we
re all know that Bush has completed that task eventhough Washington and
Eisenhower might have disagree with him if they were still alive. But, again, both
Washington and Eisenhower should not come into such a judgement because they
were not there in the era of Bush precidency. So they do not have any idea how does
it feels like to be in Bush shoes. They do not know how it feels to face those massive
attack of terrors that has created a huge scar to every
Olaudah Equiano
My book is called The Slave who bought his Freedom . It was written by Olaudah
Equiano. He was born in 1745. I believe that he wrote this book to show people
how he and many other African Americans struggled. I also believe that he is trying
to paint a picture of what Africa looked like and how it felt to be torn away from its
cultured landscape.
Only a small part of Equiano s childhood was enjoyable. He talks about his
religious beliefs. Which is a god that they called by the name of Chukwu. He, and
his people believed that Chukwu lived in the sun and that he was the one and only
god. Equianos s father was one of the chiefs in his village and he was a great
leader. When Equiano was younger he wanted to be just like him. He deeply loved
his parents and his younger sister, Owi, who is a year younger than him.
In one day, his life was taken away from him. When he was eight years old, he was
playing with Owi in the sand. All of a sudden they were both stuffed in sacks and
dragged away. They were captives of the Oye Eboe. The Oye Eboe are Indians. He
said that as a small child he was frightened by them. They were instantly separated
from each other. They united again in Africa, but that was the last time that they saw
each other. Equiano was sold many times before they took him away from Africa. As
a slave he worked all the time. ... Show more content on ...
His new name was Gustavus Vassa. This was established from his master in
England. He traveled to many places. As a slave and free. He gained each of his
masters trust and even though he hated slavery he never tried to escape. Instead he
decided to work hard and buy his own freedom which is what he ended up doing.
He faced many hardships at sea, became a Christian, and educated himself. He even
became a hair stylist at a time. Even though he went to the remotest spots on the
world he was never able to come back to Africa. He died between the times of 1797
Triangular Slave Trade Research Paper
The Atlantic Slave Trade
For my research paper, I chose the topic of the Atlantic Slave Trade, how it affected
American plantations, and what work was like before slavery in places like
factories. This is an important part of the shaping of how America is seen today.
The United States is one of the most advanced nations of the modern world, and one
of the reasons it is that way is because of slave transporting and labor. The Atlantic
Slave Trade, the first leg of the triangular trade occurring from the opening of the 15th
century to the beginning of the 19th century, was the beginning of an expansionist
age revolving around slavery, which was very different compared to the customs of
American factories and plantations before slavery, which ... Show more content on ...
In the South, it seemed like the complete opposite. They wanted and depended
greatly upon slavery in many ways. Their very economic success came from
slavery. In the years following the American Revolution, slavery, which had never
been so prevalent or economically important in the North as in the South, became
the South s peculiar institution. Between 1774 and 1804, all the northern states
took the side attempting to abolish slavery. In some states freedom was immediate,
but more often, for example in New York and New Jersey, it was gradual. Slaves
who were born after passage of the state s emancipation act were released when they
reached a specific age. But despite widespread questioning of its morality and an
explosion of private manumissions in the Upper South during the revolutionary era,
bondage actually expanded in the southern states. The spread of cotton production
following the invention of the cotton gin in 1793 abruptly increased the demand for
slave labor and made possible the rise of a vast new slave empire as southerners
moved west. At the outbreak of the Revolution, the United States contained about half
a million slaves, North and South. However, on the eve of the Civil War, the country
held almost 4 million slaves, confined entirely to the South.
Maze Runner
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be kidnapped, and against your will
be sent to a prison for doing nothing wrong? In addition, you would only be between
the ages of 12 18. This sounds unbelievable but in the book the Maze Runner, this
crazy tale comes true. Thomas is a 16 year old boy who woke up in an elevator and
all he heard was CLICK CLICK CLICK.в є It was the sound of the elevator moving
up, and it was pitch black so he was unable to see anything. When Thomas reached
the top, he knew nothing about himself but his name. All he saw was 100 kids
surrounding him whispering. Then the leader, Alby, steps towards him and says,
Welcome to the Glades Shank (Dashner 12). Thomas met a new boy named Chuck,
who quickly became his new... Show more content on ...
When Thomas arrived at the Glades he remembered nothing of his previous life.
However, when Teresa arrived, she had vague memories of her and Thomas
together. Upon Teresa s arrival, she went into a deep coma. When Teresa arose
from her coma, the first person she saw was Thomas and she remembered
everything. They had a telekinetic connection and were able to speak through the
brain. All things happen for a purpose, she said, any sign of malice now done from
her voice. you must understand this. (Dashner 267) In this quote, they are talking
about how they wish they never were in the Glades. Although, Teresa believes that
they were sent there for a reason whether they like it or not, and there is nothing they
can do about it. Thomas and Teresa are very much like brother and sister. During
several points in the book, they were fighting, but they always look out for each other.
During the final chapters of the book, Thomas purposely had himself get bit by a
Griever. Thomas did this so he could meet the creators when he went through the
process of Changing. Throughout this period of time, Teresa and Thomas were
constantly talking to each other telepathically. Teresa helped him through every step
in the process and stayed up all night to make sure he was okay. The last thing that
shows how interesting their relationship is that when Thomas got out of the
Changing, Teresa cooked him breakfast, made his hut, and
Report on the Security System at Natividad Medical Center
Security plan
This final part of the project contains an in depth and comprehensive report on the
security system at Natividad Medical Center. Using relevant peer reviewed and
technical reports, I devise an analysis plan that explains thoroughly, how I will
analyze as well as evaluate Natividad Medical Center s Hospital Computer
Information Systems (HCIS) network and its hospital grade systems infrastructure
and technology components. In this comprehensive report, the details of what is
going to be analyzed is presented as well as how I am going to analyze the systems
(process and tools). The criterion for measuring the various elements is also
presented. The rationale behind the choice of the elements is also presented.
What is to be analyzed in the system?
The analysis is going to involve a scrutiny of the Natividad Medical Center s Hospital
Computer Information Systems (HCIS) network and its hospital grade systems
infrastructure and technology components. The analysis is going to be carried out in
line with the requirements of Patient Safety and Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability (HIPAA) Acts, the Joint Commission (TJC) as well as other national
and international regulatory bodies. All elements of information assurance and
security are to be ascertained. In this regard, information availability, confidentiality,
integrity and security are our primary concerns (Dennis,2005).As indicated earlier,
the hospital industry is governed by tough laws and
Argumentative Essay On Water Bottles
Water Bottles Since the 1990 s Americans are drinking less soft drinks and are now
consuming more bottled water than ever. Currently, Americans are drinking over
50% more bottled water than they did in 2001 ( A reason for this
could be that more Americans are aware of the health issues soft drinks create.
Although the resurgence and emphasis on a healthier society is a positive aspect of
the popularity of water bottles, it does also bring negative aspects. For example, 80
million bottles of water are sold daily in the US daily which means that 80 million
plastic bottles need to be disposed. Recycling is what many people believe combats
the issue of disposing of so many water bottles but only 20% of those plastic
bottles actually get recycled leaving the other 80% to end up in the ocean or even a
landfill. This harms the environment, as landfills tend to remove the oxygen from
the ground and release methane, a greenhouse gas, harming the ozone layer. A
depleting ozone layer causes global warming, the ice caps to melt, and an increased
risk in skin cancer. As for the oceans, the plastic bottles degrade then conjoin to
create plastic masses as large as the state of Texas. This harms the coral reef and not
only pollutes the ocean but also people s food supply as many fish ingest the plastic
then people ingests the fish. Although water bottles harm the environment, there are
many positives of having bottled water. For example, many Americans work around
40 hours a week with an average commute lasting 26 minutes
( This creates a need for an on the go drink and bottled
water is an affordable healthy choice. Also in April of 2014, the Flint Water crisis
began and is continuing today. The citizens of Flint cannot drink the water in their
faucets and humans need to drink water to survive. Many of the citizens in Flint,
Michigan are of lower socioeconomic standing and cannot afford to move out of the
city as they do not have the income to purchase a new home and there is no resell
value in their house as they do not even have water. This means that those people
must rely on bottled water in order to have clean drinking water. Plastic bottles
The Love For The Old South In William Faulkner s A Rose...
William Faulkner s A Rose for Emily indicates that no matter how stubborn or
grotesque the methods, clinging to the past will not stop progress. While love,
death, and control are also part of the story; the underlying message is ultimately
about change. The Rose that is mentioned only in the title of the story is the love
for the Old South and William Faulkner uses the town of Jefferson, Mississippi to
portray the end of the aristocratic Southern culture by using imagery, symbols,
allusions and metaphors. The imagery of the home in which the story is centered
represents the Old South. The house was once beautiful decorated with cupolas
and spires and scrolled balconies. Located on a most select street [437] as the
South was pre Civil War a genteel noble society that was full of sophistication and
tradition. The times have changed and so has the appearance of the house which is
now an eyesore among eyesore [437]. The traditions that the South treasured, like
slavery, are no longer acceptable. The house which has stayed in the same place, yet
the world outside has changed and instead of being in a residential neighborhood it
is now located between the garages and cotton gins [437] in an industrialized part of
town. The niche of the house reflects the Southern people who hold on to the past
while the new world is taking place around them. The dust symbolically clings to the
story shows the lack of movement in the Old Southern society and its resistance to
change. Dust
Uses Of Quantification In Swift-SwiftBy William Swift
1.Swift wants the reader to view the speaker as a compassionate, reasonable
individual with a clear view regarding the concern of the numerous Irish lives
populating the community, crowding the streets ... with beggars of the female sex,
followed by three, four, or six children... (Swift 1). In contrast, the persona he adopts
is cold and merciless, which is evident through the depersonalizing diction in which
he refers to the wives of couples as breeders (Swift 7). 2.Dehumanization is used to
emphasize the wasted energy and costs associated with raising children in an overly
populated environment that is devastating to many, proposing that rather than ...
being a change upon their parents... they shall on the contrary contribute to the
feeding, and partly to the clothing, of many thousands (Swift 5). The number of
souls in this kingdom being usually reckoned one million and a half... there may be
about two hundred thousand couple whose wives are breeders... although I
apprehend there cannot be so many, under the present distresses of the kingdom
(Swift 7) is an example of quantification as it expresses the countless Irish lives and
how this large community is subjected to the desensitizing gaze of society. 3.In
deploying this rhetorical strategy, it enables Swift to persuade his audience that his
proposal will yield effective outcomes, forcing them to feel obligated to support his
initiative. Furthermore, he also draws on the audience s values of limiting the rights
of the
Self Evaluation Essay On Fettuccine Alfredo
Adult Comment: The fettuccine alfredo was delicious! The lemon juice in this
recipe gave the dish a nice balance between salty, sweet and sour. Also, the nutmeg
gave the dish an amazing depth of flavour. The appearance of the plate was also
really well presented. It was simple and clean with no sauce on the outer parts of
the plate. Amanda also prepared this recipe really well. At the beginning she made
sure she had all of her ingredients and right measurements and had all her equipment
needed. The cleanup went really well. She cleaned all the dishes and tools used and
put them back in the drawers. Amanda also wiped down the counters to make
everything spotless! This dish was really delicious!
Self Evaluation: I think this dish went pretty well! The fettuccine alfredo tasted really
good however, I think there was a bit too much of lemon juice. But overall, I think it
tasted good. I believe that the dish ... Show more content on ...
I m personally a fan of lemon so this was just amazing. The amount of lemon was
perfect to give it the perfect zing . The cookie had an incredibly smooth texture and
the glaze was simply perfect. They also looked really nice. The bits of lemon zest
gave them a pop of colour. Just like the other dishes, Amanda made sure to have all
of her equipment and ingredients ready. The cleanup was also really well done. She
put away of everything she used and wiped down the counters! These cookies were
Self Evaluation: I enjoyed this recipe the most! I really liked the way they cookies
came out. The cookies and glaze had the perfect consistency. This recipe also had
the perfect amount of lemon in it. They also look really nice! The majority of
cookies turned out the same size and shape. I chose this dish because my mom and I
love lemon! I prepared this recipe by taking out the equipment and ingredients I
needed. I cleaned up everything I used and wiped down the counters. Loved these
beach erosion Essay examples
. Cape Hatteras Lighthouse is the 208 foot tall landmark was just hauled more than
a quarter mile back from its former perch, where it was threatened by the
encroaching sea. Coastal erosion chewed away about 1,300 feet of beach, bringing
the waves to within 150 feet of the 4,800 ton sentinel. When the light was erected in
1870, it stood about 1,500 feetback from the waves. The lighthouse, on the Outer
Banks, North Carolina s long barrier beach, was built to warn ships from waters
called quot;the graveyard of the Atlantic. quot; Ironically, the move should serve as a
warning about the growing problem of coastal erosion. Erosion is not just... Show
more content on ...
В· The gradual sinking of coastal land (since the height of the land and the sea are
both changing, we use quot;relative sea level rise quot; to describe the rise of the
ocean compared to the height of land in a particular location). В· Efforts to reduce
erosion that have backfired and instead increased it. В· Global warming, which is
expected to accelerate the rise in sea level. The upshot is a threat to beaches and
coastal communities around the world. At stake is far more than a movie mogul s
mansion. New Orleans, now several feet below sea level, would face a greater
threat of annihilation. Island nations across the Pacific Ocean could disappear
beneath the waves. Millions of Bangladeshis, already exposed to typhoons that
drown hundreds of thousands at a time, would have to find new homes in one of
the Earth s most crowded nations. The predictions growing out of global warming
studies are unsettling. Much of Long Island s extensive barrier beach, including not
just the homes of the rich and famous in the Hamptons, but also public treasures
like the vastly popular park at Jones Beach, would be submerged if sea levels rise
by three feet, according to a projection by the National Environmental Trust, a
Washington, DC, advocacy group. A three foot rise over the next 50 to 100 years is
possible, but extremely unlikely, according to current predictions. Coastal
Purpose Of The Townshend Act
The Townshend Acts were a series of acts named after Charles Townshend, that
were passed by the British in 1767. The act placed a tax on all goods that the
colonies imported from Britain. Some of these taxed goods were glass, paint, paper
and tea. Charles Townshend believed that the bad behavior of the colonists made it
more important to keep an army in the colonies. Because of that, he proposed the
Townshend Actsto the Parliament.
The purpose of the Townshend Acts were to increase the revenue earned in the
colonies. The revenue would be used to pay governors and judges, so that they will
remain loyal to Britain. The British empire taxed British America because they were
in significant debt after the seven years war. The acts were also passed ... Show more
content on ...
In the Boston Tea Party, colonists disguised as Native Americans destroyed an entire
shipment of tea sent by the British East India Company. The colonists boarded the
ships, and threw the entire shipment of 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor. This
was done, because the colonists protested against the tea act.
The colonists objected to the Tea Act because they believed that the act had violated
their rights as Englishmen. Other protestors had successfully prevented the unloading
of tea in three other colonies. The Royal Governor refused to allow the tea to return
to Britain. Because of that, they had to somehow remove the tea from the ship, or
prevent the ship from going back to Britain. The British thought that they could trick
the colonists into buying taxed tea by making it so cheap, but they were not fooled.
The colonists were also mad at Britain because they didn t wanted any taxes, and the
British taxed the colonists on
Community Relations Efforts Of Nike Inc. Essay
Isuri Rajapaksa
Dr. Quinn
Case Studies
12th December 16
Title: Community Relations for NIKE
Author: Isuri Rajapaksa
Faculty Sponsor: Katrina J. Quinn
This case study examines the community relations efforts of Nike Inc. This project
gives an overview of the company and shows how the community relations programs
can be developed globally. It also consists of the comparison between Nike and Toms.
Finally this case study also includes and insight on an interview, suggestions and an
Nike is a multinational corporation founded by Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman in
1964. Nike produces, markets and sells athletic footwear, apparel and other
accessories. Even though they have a great reputation with their products, Nike is
not seen as a good corporate citizen. Nike does not have enough campaigns that
they do globally, especially in Asia after allegedly being accused of Violating
Labour Laws in 1996. Nike was involved in Child labour. The only active campaign
they have running globally is the Active Schools Campaign.
There are many strategies and tactics that Nike could use to build back their
reputation and regain the consumer base they lost when this issue started. With the
large social media platforms Nike has, They are able to show the campaigns that they
do and the causes that they believe in.
Toms being a smaller company compared to Nike, do so much more for the
community they have many corporate social responsibility programs. Nike still
Father Son Relationships In Night By Elie Wiesel
Night: The Importance of Father Son Relationships In the book Night by Elie
Wiesel, the father and son relationships are extremely important. The Jews headed
to concentration camps were separated by gender. Therefore, as they endured their
difficult journey in hopes of surviving, the only close family relationships they had
were between fathers and sons. These relationships could be harmful or helpful,
depending on their situation. In one situation, Wiesel mentions seeing a thirteen
year old boy beating his father for not making his bed correctly. He even threatened
to cut off his father s food supply if he didn t stop crying (Wiesel 70). This father
and son relationship was harmful to the father because he was beaten, almost had his
food supply taken... Show more content on ...
Wiesel s father wants to give up. I can t go on. . . . This is the end. . . . I m going
to die here. . . . (qtd. In Wiesel 110). When Wiesel s father said that, Wiesel was
desperate to save him, yelling Father! Get up from here! Immediately! You re
killing yourself. . . . (Wiesel 110). Wiesel thought I felt that I was not arguing with
him, but with death itself, with the death he had already chosen. Then there was
an alert, and Wiesel left his father in the cold and snow, and went to sleep in the
blocks. The next morning, Wiesel went to look for him. But a thought came into
his head: Don t let me find him! If only I could get rid of this dead weight, so that I
could use all of my strength to struggle for my own survival, and only worry about
myself. He was immediately ashamed, and would be forever (Wiesel 111). Then
Wiesel found his father. In this case, their father son relationship is both helpful and
harmful. It was helpful because if it weren t for Wiesel, Wiesel s father Chlomo
would have died. It was harmful to Wiesel though, because Wiesel was ashamed of
himself forever for not wanting to find his
Analysis Of The Movie Rent
Samantha Wong
Intro to Fine Arts
25 January 2016
Critique 1
Theatre/Cinema: Rent (2005, Taye Diggs Rosario Dawson) On February 15, 2016,
I watched the movie rent. The setting of the movie is based on a documentary of the
AIDS epidemic in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The movie theme depicts eight
individuals who struggle with poverty, homosexuality, death, and hardships of life in
New York City. I believe Rent did a great job utilizing the costumes, lighting, and
props and furniture to get the message across. The costumes in the movie reflect the
character s personality and developed a vision for the audience. For the most part the
women wore brighter colors, such as red, orange, and animal print, while the men
stuck to the basic
Analysis Of Beyonce s Song Pretty Hurts
Life, True Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness:
Beyonce s Portrayal of the American Beauty Standard
America is supposed to be the land of the free and the home of the brave. Instead, it
is oppressed with a disease that attacks the self esteem of its entire people. Women,
in particular, are affected. Because society sets ridiculous expectations for beauty,
women strive to achieve them but, never will.Beyonce s song Pretty Hurts was co
written by Joshua Coleman, Sia Fuller and Beyonce Knowles. As the music video
begins, the spotlight turns onto Miss Third Ward, Beyonce s character, and she
smiles. Throughout the video, the spotlight is always the cue for Miss Third Ward to
put on a happy face. She only smiles in the spotlight. As Miss Third ... Show more
content on ...
The video clearly suggests that it is the white population, or the majority, that sets
the standard of beauty. Although some of the contestants are white, all of the
spectators in the video are also white by race. The judges in the pageant are white
men, the lady who spray tans Miss Third Ward is also white. Because all the judges
are white men, the video speaks that white men are the ones who formed the mold
for American women to fit. Women of every race are subject to the white man s
view of beauty. It is ironic that while Miss Third Ward naturally has tanned skin, a
the white woman is spray tanning her, suggesting that Miss Third Ward is only
allowed to be an artificial copy of the real her. People with pale skin lay in tanning
beds or spray tan to get a certain look during the summer months but reject the
quality during the cooler season. Tanned skin has become a trend. The artist goes
even further to make the pageant coach a tall, lanky albino black man. The winner
of the pageant, Miss Shaolin, is also an albino black woman. The two albino blacks
are the counterpart to spray tanning the natually tanned. The video insists that white
is beautiful. Miss Shaolin wears a ton of makeup and seems to look over worked
with plastic surgery and botox. She has bleached blonde hair and looks malnourished.
Throughout the video, there are scenes where Miss Third Ward is sitting at her vanity
in the dressing room,
Project Quality Management Chapter 8 Discussion
Q1.Discuss some of the examples of poor quality in information technology projects
presented in the What Went Wrong? section. Could most of these problems have
been avoided? Why do you think there are so many examples of poor quality in
information technology projects?
Answer: Many of these problems could be avoided by performing better quality
management. One problem is that software and hardware is hitting the market too
fast, so people selling these might be more concerned about money than safety or
wellbeing of the consumers or the company in the long term.
Q2.What are the main processes included in planning project quality management?
Answer: The project quality ... Show more content on ...
Describe typical benchmarks associated with a college or university.
Answer: Benchmarking generates ideas for quality improvements by comparing
specific project practices or product characteristics to those of other projects or
products within or outside the performing organization.
Benchmarks help you compare project practices or product characteristics to others
within or outside the organization. Typical benchmarks with a college or university
include rankings, student/faculty ratio, acceptance rate, graduation rate, percentage
of faculty with Ph.D.s, etc.
Q5.What are the three main categories of outputs of quality control?
Answer: * The main outputs of quality control are: * Acceptance decisions * Rework
* Process adjustments * There are Seven Basic Tools of Quality that help in
performing quality control
Q6.Provide examples of when you would use the Seven Basic Tools of Quality on an
information technology project.
Answer: The seven tools are: * Cause and Effect Diagrams used to identify the
underlying symptoms of a problem or effect as a means of finding the root cause.
* Pareto Charts: Based upon the Pareto Principle that states that 80% of a problem
is attributable to 20% of its causes, or inputs, a Pareto Chart organizes and displays
information in order to show the relative importance of various problems or causes
of problems. * Flow
The Use Of Shakespeare Used So Many Sources In...
In my opinion, the fact that Shakespeare used so many sources does make him less
talented. In school, we are taught that you have to come up with your own ideas
and we learn the idea of plagiarizing. Unlike today, plagiarism was not a big
problem to people back in Shakespeare s time. The fact that Shakespeare used so
many sources, means that he did not come up with the plot, so therefore he did not
have many original ideas although he was still a great poet/playwright. Many of
Shakespeare s plays were based on other plays or books although he always
changed some aspects of the characters. I think that if Shakespeare wrote his plays
in this day and time, he would not have become as famous as he did because he
plagiarize many things. He would
Fascism In Russia
After World War One, many people yearned to return to normalcy; however, those
desires were rendered by the carnage and destruction caused by the war. In the
twentieth century, fascism was a response to many complicated social challenges
and to the spread of Western liberal democracy. For the growing fascist movements,
the period after the First World War was seen as a time to bring change to the nature
of society, state, and international policies and laws. The rise of fascismin Europe
started in the early 1900 s due to cultural pessimism, the tragic consequences caused
by the war, and the incapability of liberal democratic regimes to cope with the war s
consequences. After the Second World War, people can argue that fascism has long
disappeared... Show more content on ...
The current global economic and political climate has promoted the question of
whether fascism is on the rise again. Vladimir Putin is one of the few current world
leaders who has shown fascist tendencies. Putin s Russia has many elements that are
reminiscent of the early 1900 s fascism. There are many similarities between Putin
s Russia and the fundamental principles of classical fascism. Putin asserts Russian
power by putting pressure on weak neighboring states, and slams the West s
criticism of his policies and actions. By annexing Crimea and supporting pro
Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine in 2014, Russia was able to justify its
military patriotic mobilization of society and the transformation of Russia into a
besieged fortress (Motyl, 2016, pg. 29). The annexation of Crimea made Russian
citizens feel a wave of vicarious optimism. Putin s bully attitude and aggression are
supposed to manifest Russian ethnic and cultural revitalization after decades of
decline. Similar to Mussolini, Putin is building his regime on the promises of
greatness, the display of military force, and the campaign to make Russia great
again. Putin s actions and policies provide the Russian citizens with a sense of
national pride, which has been lacking since the post Soviet era. He continues to
pursue strategies and policies that restore Russian pride while consolidating power
and influence in Russia. Putin lacks of interest in engaging with Western politics has
also contributed to the rise of his popularity at
Palace Of Westminster Research Paper
Imagine it s 1834 in London and the Palace of Westminster had just caught ablaze and
is burned almost to the ground by a massive fire.Now imagine yourself winning a
competition and being allowed to create a master peice that would stand for years to
come.Architecht Sir Charles Barry and gothic architect Augustus Pugin won the
competition and got the chance to design the new Palace of Westminster.The Palace
of Westminter is comonly known as the House of Parliament and holds the U.K
parliament, but used to be home to the royal famileys back in the medieval era.The
Palace of Westminster is a true piece of architectural history and is one of the first big
victorian/gothic structures in architectural history.
The Palace of Westminster was built in London,1835 and was completed in 1859.It
took about 24 years to construct, and it is a true piece of art that will stand for
years.The building stands alonside the River Thames in Westminster, giving it the
name The Palace of Westminster.One of the usages of the palace is to hold meetings
for the U.K Parliament
The Usage Of Tzu s Leadership Strategy Of Preparation
After a devastating lost, barely scrubbing off stains of red paint, I decided to make
a change in our actions during the call of duty that will give the battalion a win on
future combats. According to the some polls that used the spectator popular vote
our pinball team had the biggest chance of taking home the five thousand dollar
prize from the tournament. Even though our team had the more skilled player than
all of the other competitors combined. We still managed to lose. After that, I decide
to do some research, and now I am convinced that the usage of Tzu s leadership
strategy of preparation and pathos will cause the team to win the most tournaments.
As a leader, one needs to understand that the best way to persuade people into
anything is by appealing to their emotions. After countless losses my compatriots
are losing hope and by losing hope they also lose faith in my leadership. For this
reason, for them to believe in my leadership, I would use pathos by making a speech
with vivid stories with very descriptive wording and emotional emphasis, it creates
the emotionof belonging. At some point during the story, I would reveal to the team
how preparation is going to help us win more. I could go into further detail of how
the speech would be structured, or what kinds of stories tell them but it would be too
long and irrelevant. Just imagine a speech influenced by the infamous Ronald Regan
s speech on fighting the evil, and also influenced by the advertisement one sees on
Research Paper On The Wizard Of Oz
I will get you my pretty, and your little dog too! The Wizard of Oz is probably one
of the best known movies of all time, and it is a timeless classic. Generations all
remember the little farm girl Dorothy who is swept away to the mystical land of Oz.
While in Oz, she encounters the Wicked Witch of the West who will stop at nothing
to destroy Dorothy. On the dangerous journey, Dorothy teams up with a brainless
scarecrow, a heartless tin man, and a cowardly lionto reach to the Emerald City to
find a way back to Kansas. The Wizard of Ozis known to be a family fun, musical
fantasy which teaches people everywhere that there is no place like home.
Although the Wizard of Oz is a timeless classic, if one person looks closely at this
story and at the characters, one would see the Wizard of Oz is not merely a family
friendly musical adventure, but rather it is more of a chick flick. Although there is
no love story in this movie, it is a chick flick because it is about two crazy women
who are fighting over something women love, shoes. Yes, a pair of shoes, ruby red
slippers to be exact, cause two women to battle each other as if it was the last pair of
shoes in a Black Friday sale. To make matters worse, one dies in result of this feud
over .... Show more content on ...
The Wizard of Oz explores the extreme measures a woman would go to attain a
beautiful pair of shoes. In the film, Dorothy takes the ruby red slippers off a dead
woman s body. They were just so beautiful, she just could not resist desecrating a
dead woman. When the Wicked Witch of the West appears, she does not become
angry over the death of her sister, but over the fact that Dorothy stole her sister s
shoes. The Wicked Witch shows no sorrow or anger about her sister s death. The
witch becomes furious to see that Dorothy has the shoes. So, it is pretty pathetic that
the Wicked Witch does not mourn her sister, but she mourns the loss of the ruby red
Arming Teachers
Is arming teachers a productive solution against future school shootings? Teachers
carrying guns in school is currently a controversial issue in America, especially after
a mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida,
which killed seventeen people on February 14th, 2018. Many people firmly
encourage the idea that teachers should be allowed to bring guns to schoolbecause
teachers can protect students if a shooting happens on campus. Nevertheless, a lot of
people wrestle with the idea of armed educators. Specifically, a strong disagreement
from many teachers is because teachers duty is to educate students, and teachers are
not police officers. Another opposition from students is they believe that arming
teachers... Show more content on ...
In South Dakota, educators have joined the program named school sentinels that
allows them to be armed with weapons. In order to qualify this program, teachers
have to not only be approved by the school board or a law enforcement agency, but
also be trained eighty hours of use of force, weapons proficiency, legal aspects and
first aid classes (Chavez 2018). After taking an eighty hour firearm course,
teachers can legally carry guns in classes. I believe that eighty hours of training is
a small amount for educators to be able to effectively control gun. Moreover, when
joining the gun control courses, they practice using guns with a comfortable
mentality of practicing. Then, how can they accurately shoot the right targets in
stressful situations like firearms on campuses, in that they have to make right
decisions in a few minutes? Teachers are not police officers; they are educators. To
become a police officer, he or she is taught on how to confidently deal with guns
for more than four years in universities. According to Vox, police academies spend
at least 110 hours on firearms and self defense (Chang 2016). Let s make a quick
comparison of gun training courses duration for teachers and for police officers.
Teachers, whose main job is to teach, can use gun after they
Term Limits Should Not Be Beneficial
Debate Paper
Putting limits on the amount of terms a member of Congress can serve is a highly
debated issue. Many people are against term limits. They argue that term limits are
unconstitutional and that they infringe on the rights of the American people to
choose who they want to represent their states. However, many people also argue
that term limits would be beneficial. Term limits would be beneficial because it
would put an end to career politicians, give new people a chance to solve the nation s
problems, and limit corruption.
The founding fathers left nothing about term limits for any political office in the
Constitution. George Washington set the precedent for term limits when he retired
after two terms in office. Most presidents after him also stopped running after two
terms. Franklin Roosevelt was the only president with more than two terms. He ran
and was elected four times, though he died in the beginning of his fourth term. After
his four terms, the twenty second amendment was passed in 1951. The amendment
says that no one should be elected to office more than twice. In 1995, the idea of term
limits in Congress was brought to the United States Supreme Court. An article in the
Arkansas constitution denied ballot access to any candidate who had already served
three terms in the United States Congress. In a case INC versus Thornton, the Supreme
Court ruled that it was unconstitutional for states to impose restrictions on term
limits. While states
Object And Scope Of The Hindu Succession Act 1956
3.2.2Object and Scope of the Act Object. The Hindu Succession Act, 1956 has
been passed to meet the needs of a progressive society. The old law despite several
innovations brought about in it by legislations and judicial decisions did not fulfil
the desired ends and remained hardly acceptable to a dynamic Hindu society of
contemporary era Hence there was a need for a uniform system of law of which
may be acceptable to all sections of Hindus and be equally upon them. With this end
in view the Hindu Succession Act 1956 came into existence. It removes inequities
between men and women with respect to rights in property and it down a common
list of heirs entitled to succeed on intestacy. The Act has been passed to amend and
codify the entire law of... Show more content on ...
The Hindu Succession Act 1956 applies to any person, who is a Hindu by religion
in any of its forms or developments, including a Virashaiva, a Lingayat or a follower
of the Brahmo, Prarthana or Arya Samaj and to any person who is a Buddhist,
Jaina or Sikh by religion; and also to any other person who is not a Muslim,
Christian, Parsi or Jew by religion, unless it is proved that any such person would
not have been governed by the Hindu law or by any custom or usage as part of that
law in respect of any of the matter dealt with herein if this Act had not been passed .
There are some exceptions that the Act applies to the members of any Scheduled
Tribe within the meaning of Clause (25) of Article 366 of the Constitution unless the
Central Government, by notification in the Official Gazette, otherwise
Argumentative Essay On Maternity Leave
Studies show that women who take 12 weeks maternity leave have an improvement
of overall mental health. In recent studies women that were given an extended time
of paid maternity leave were 18% less likely to suffer from depression in the coming
years of their life. In the long run, paid maternity leave may benefit society in many
ways. It is up to the government to change the outdated laws from unpaid leaveto paid
Personal Perspective Personally, I feel that there needs to be change to the Family
and Medical Leave Act. It is outdated and does not fit it with the current time. I feel
as if women should be afforded paid leave in order to take care of their children and
their own well being. Many women do not participate in maternity leave because it is
unpaid and they aren t able to afford proper living expenses. For example, my sister
has recently had a baby. Although she works for a company that offers unpaid
leave for new mothers, she lacks money and cannot afford to take unpaid leave.
Although her husband would still be able to work, he does not make enough
money to provide for the both of them on his own. He relies on her to help him out
and therefore she has to work instead of take time off. They still have to pay money
some days for daycare. Paid ... Show more content on ...
Also, many women do not qualify for unpaid maternity leave due to company size.
We have learned that many women do not even take the offered maternity leave
because they cannot afford necessities. This paper has given an in depth look on
how paid maternity leave may be useful for women in the workplace. The positives
of paid maternity leave definitely outweigh the negative effects of unpaid leave. Paid
leave can not only benefit the company in the long run, but also the health of the
baby and mother. Paid maternity leave should exist in the United States and the
Family and Medical Leave Act should be

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Njhs Essay Sample

  • 1. Njhs Essay Sample Crafting an essay on the topic of "Njhs Essay Sample" can be quite challenging, as it requires a delicate balance between showcasing your achievements and qualifications while adhering to the specific criteria set by the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS). The process involves introspection and careful consideration of your experiences, leadership skills, and commitment to service. One of the difficulties lies in effectively communicating your dedication to the principles of scholarship, leadership, character, service, and citizenship, which are the core values of the NJHS. It demands a nuanced approach, where you must highlight your academic accomplishments, demonstrate your leadership capabilities, and emphasize your character and integrity. Moreover, striking the right tone is crucial. The essay should convey your passion for community service and your understanding of its importance. However, it should avoid sounding overly rehearsed or insincere. Striking this balance requires thoughtful language and genuine reflection. Another challenge is ensuring that your essay stands out among the numerous applications the selection committee receives. It's essential to present unique and compelling anecdotes that effectively illustrate your commitment to the NJHS principles. Additionally, adhering to any word or page limits set by the application guidelines poses its own set of challenges. Conveying all the necessary information concisely while maintaining coherence and impact requires careful editing and revising. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Njhs Essay Sample" demands a strategic approach, involving self-reflection, effective storytelling, and adherence to specific guidelines. It is a process that requires time, patience, and a keen understanding of the values and expectations of the National Junior Honor Society. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, various services are available. One such option is, where you can find support for crafting essays and more. Njhs Essay Sample Njhs Essay Sample
  • 2. A Reflective Report on Interpersonal Management A Reflective Report on Interpersonal Management Skills Module Code: 7BSP1010 Course: Interpersonal Management Skills 1 Tutor: Helen MacKinlay Student Name: XU ZHANGYONG Student Number: 13030219 Words: 1046 December 26th 2014 The purposes of this essay is to analyse the improtances of Interpersonal management skills for successful management, and to reflect on a verbal interpersonal cultural based difference people have personally experienced and how develop the cross cultural awareness for more effective management. Interpersonal management skills for successful management In the last decade, with the fast development of the business in the world, the interpersonal management skills have become important increasingly both ... Show more content on ... Therefore, developing the self management skills also should be paid more attention. Verbal interpersonal cultural Cross cultural awareness In modern society, interpersonal communications refer to communication betwee two or more people. Meanwhile the verbal interpersonal communication is one of the major element for interpersonal communication, such as sounds and word choice, and it is the oral, spoken and unwritten way of the communication (Beebe, 2002). During the process of communication, most people will meet the situattion about the cross cultural. cross cultural can be defined as the interaction and comparison of different cultures (Beebe, 2002). Therefore, the verbal interpersonal communication and cross cultural awareness will be useful. In the following, I will reflect on the verbal interpersonal cultural based my experience and analyse how to develop cross cultural awareness. Due to the cultural differences, some people who come from different counties will often have some misunderstanding in the team work or cooperation. I also meet this kind of problems in the presentation s teamwork. In the process of cooperation, we have a lots of verbal communication, while some questions have different means for us. For example, where are you going? and do you eat dinner? , all of these questions are just greetings, but for my team members, these questions are their privacy. Thus, these
  • 3. Caribbean American Women Carole Boyce Davies discussion on Zora Neale Hurston s essay How It Feels to be Colored Me she uses posits Hurston s proffering to travel piece of the way with visitors as new way of thinking about the periphery in academia . Beginning her chapter Coming to Terms with Theory, Boyce expresses how outdates and inefficient the current theoretical practices have become. She states that scholars are intellectually trapped by the hierarchical systems within scholarship. Her main critique comes from the reality of upcoming scholars having to laboriously quote Euro American male scholars in order to establish them within their field. Under this standard what we find is that in the constant referencing of these European scholars the racial and cultural hierarchy of western society is sustained. Boyce suggests that common favoring of European scholarly contributions reinforces structural biases towards the consciousness of those in the periphery. As a result, western epistemology is continues to drive current scholarship through its standardization. And, moreover, is falsely and forcibly applied to the estranged consciousnesses. The standardization of European scholarship places limitations of how the marginal subject can articulate its existence. Barbara Christian s The Race for Theory asks For whom are we doing what we are doing when we do literary criticism? Davies would respond to this query by stating that current scholarship is writing to and for the center. Based on
  • 4. Research Paper On Energy Drinks Energy drink (I) I saw this video about 3 persons, who told us about their opinion about energy drinks. The first 2 had no problem with energy drinks, they drank it themselves when they where out with friends, but the last one didn t drink it, he thought it was dangerous for our body s. I think the last one has right, I also thinks that energy drinks are unhealthy for our bodies, because of all the sugar and additive. I never drink energy drinks, only in rarely situations Sugar (He/she + I) Lulu was interviewing Sain about how much sugar she ate a day. First Sain told us about her breakfast, their next about her midmorning coffee, their next about her lunch, and last about her evening. At the end she was very choked about how much sugar
  • 5. Play Me False Essay John Kunat s article Play me false : Rape, Race, and Conquest in The Tempest puts a focus on a theme that appears throughout the play that, while reading may be glossed over and be put away to the time the literature was written in. Many writers often grasp for deep meaning to substantiate their claims it did not feel like this was the case. Kunat makes the case that Caliban isn t enslaved due to his raceor ethnicity but rather due to his actions which lead to his punishments throughout the play. This is reinforced by textual examples and laws of the time. The main crime Caliban committed was rape or attempt of rape against Miranda. Caliban is then put to do menial labor for Prospero. This was after Caliban went after Miranda. This refers... Show more content on ... After being accused of falsely holding the title of king, Ferdinand draws his sword which Prospero sees as a crime and leads to Ferdinand s labor. This gives a legal precedent which rationalize what he does and when he uses it against his own kinsman it feels that it is less racially motivated and more to further Prospero s plan. Kunat is expanding his argument by saying that Caliban was taught language was near family before he tried to rape Miranda. Throughout the play it seems that Prospero is just trying to manipulate people. The only issue I see with this is everyone else around the island. When Antonio is marrying off his daughter to the king of Tunis he was met with a large wave of disapproval. Sir, you may thank yourself for this great loss, That would not bless our Europe with your daughter, But rather lose her to an African; Where she at least is banish d from your eye, Who hath cause to wet the grief on t. This is the same court that Prospero comes from. Here lie my doubts, where Antonio had political reasons to choose the King of Tunis but his closest advisors met that with such resistance it makes me doubtful that there is no racial motivation between Prospero and
  • 6. John Brown Martyr Essay John Brown was many things when he was alive, an abolitionist, a father and a husband. Most of all he was a martyr; a vigilante someone who acts outside the law. Brown acted outside the law for a cause that he strongly believed in. He is a martyr by opinion and definition. The abolitionist movement used to be miniscule compared to the pro slavery stance. John Brown was one of a handful of white people who were anti slavery. It was a cause he was willing to die for. A cause he had an enormous amount of passion for. Brown in 1855 had assisted in the escape of several slaves. An act that was selfless. He during the time had a sizeable amount of lawsuits against him, all of which relating to his employment in the wool industry. The lawsuits are of relevance when portraying Brown as a martyr; even though he had all these problems in his present he still fought for what he believed in. He later appointed himself captain of the anti slavery forces on Osawatomie Creek. Brown s position of captain suggests leadership qualities he possessed. He in ... Show more content on ... This brought more to join him and his efforts. The event that would solidify John Brown as a martyr was the incident as Harpers Ferry. October 16th with his army and attacked the federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry. The incident at Harpers Ferry proved that he was willing to do anything even risk his life for the cause he believed in. Quickly militia surrounded brown and his followers. Brown was overrun and ten of his followers were killed. John was wounded and captured. The news of the raid made the South furious. Brown was later tried and convicted of treason. His defence inspired others with his reasoning for doing what he did. John Brown ignited the revolution against slavery; by doing this he had helped energize the North to fight. Despite support in the North he was hanged on December 2, 1859. The act showed that he died for his
  • 7. The Civil Right Act Of 1964 1.What were the legal issues in this case? Dunlop sued Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) under the Title VII of the Civil Right Act of 1964, and both under the Disparate Treatment and Disparate Impact. Dunlap feels that he has been discriminated during the interview process. The district court concluded that TVAs subjective hiring process permitted racial bias against the plaintiff and other black job applicants. Tennessee Valley Authorities was found guilty of discrimination against the plaintiff. The Title Vii of the Civil Right Act of 1964 enforces the constitutional right to vote, to confer jurisdiction upon the district courts of the United States to provide injective relief against discrimination in public accommodations to authorized the attorney general to institute suits to protect constitutional rights in public facilities and public education, to extent he Commission on Civil Rights to prevent discrimination in federal assisted programs, to established a Commission on Equal Employment, and for other purposes .Under this law, sec 2000e [Section 701e], the plaintiff is being protected against discrimination act. A labor organization should deemed to be engages in an industry affect maintains or operates a hiring hall or office which procures employees opportunities to work for an employee (https:/ / Dunlop feels that the interview has been manipulated to select lower qualified candidates with favoritism toward family
  • 8. A Research Study On College Students On a daily basis you are introduced to new people around you. The connections you make with the people you meet are relationships. Relationships can vary from person to person based on the type of connection you have with them. There are the relationships with family, relationships with friends, and then the relationship with a significant other. With sufficient amounts of research being done daily on all aspects of relationships and how they work, there is a significant gap in the study of college students and how they view the importance of a committed relationship. With the appearance of this gap, I am doing my research in this field and on college aged students. The key concept when developing this study is how serious and committed relationships are built and treated among college students. This study will examine the way males and females in college perceive the importance of relationships and how they participate in the different variations and if these variations change the way students look at relationships. Recent research barely touched on relationship styles, especially in college age males and females. I would like to know what males and females in their freshman and senior year in college are looking for in an intimate type of relationship. The purpose of this study is to identify how males opinions about serious committed relationships change from their freshman year in college to their senior year in college and how females opinions about serious committed
  • 9. Analysis Of The Most Dangerous Game And Porphyria s Lover From the beginning men used God to justify the unjustifiable. Salman Rushdie, The Satanic Verses. Salman Rushdie points are truly stated and are seen in literature work. The two stories The Most Dangerous Game and Porphyria s Lover , both portray the characters, General Zaroff and Porphyria s Lover, as murderers who think they have done nothing wrong. The authors Connell and Browning use conflict and characterization to convey that some find it easy to justify murder. Through the use of external conflict between Zaroff and Rainsford s hunting prowess, and Porphyria s Lover strangling Porphyria, the authors show how each can easily justify murder. Rainsford, the main character, fell off his boat and swam ashore a mysterious island. When he arrived he came across a fortress of sorts, and meet the man in charge, General Zaroff. Zaroff is talking to Rainsford about his past and the island he lives on. Zaroff tells Rainsford about his hunting experiences when he says Hunting was beginning to bore me! And hunting, remember, had been my life(33). This is when Zaroff s internal conflict arises, suffers from ennui in hunting and wants something more of a challenge to kill. He has been hunting for as long as he can remember and every beast he has faced, he overcame and killed it, until there was no animal he couldn t kill. This is what caused Zaroff to want a challenge, something that must have courage, cunning and, above all, it must be able to reason. (34) To this
  • 10. The Pathophysiology And Etiology Of The Disease Abstract Schizophrenia effects approximately 1% of the human population, despite the high number of individuals being affected, not much is known about the pathophysiology and etiology of the disease. Through the use of pharmacological models such as ketamine and amphetamine, it allows us to purse the dopamine and glutamate hypothesis. The rise of these hypotheses is due to the nature of the disease, hence heterogeneous disorder not all patients exerts all the symptoms of the disease. As a result there is different ways in attaining schizophrenic animal models. One way is through ketamine administration which affects glutamate NMDA receptors. Another way is through amephetamine which increases the level of dopamine which affects the DВ¬2 ... Show more content on ... 1.Introduction Animal models have been used as a primary research tool in investigating pathogenesis and developing treatments for human diseases. To mimic neuropsychiatric disorders in animal models, especially in the case of a complex disorders such as schizophrenia have been a tough task. This challenge persists due to the uncertainty of the pathophysiology and etiology that is presented with the disease. In addition to the unpredictability of the manifestation of the disease, symptoms that do occur in humans cannot be directly correlated with animal models. This presents a challenge where symptoms cannot be directly measured in animals more precisely in rodents. Despite the challenges that were present, researchers have went on forth to examine the disease using subtle approaches. Hence rodents don t naturally develop schizophrenia, scientists must induce this through pharmacological, genetic, or environmental manipulations. The tools that are most used in pharmacological manipulations to induce schizophrenia are: ketamine and amphetamine. In this perspective, we will focus on how reliable pharmacological manipulations are in construct validity, face validity and predictive validity in respect to ketamine and amphetamine. Understanding the validity of the animal models will help understand the pathogenesis of the disease and bring novel insights for treatment. The sooner we construct a better representable model of schizophrenia, it
  • 11. Mass Hysteria And Mccarthyism In The Crucible By Arthur... In his timeless play, The Crucible, Arthur Miller unflinchingly illuminates social issues through his candid exploration of characterization in an effort to ultimately bring the reader to the realization that Miller is paralleling 1950s to the Puritan Era while he criticizes Herd Behavior Mass Hysteria and McCarthyism, which played a vital role in society. In the 1950s, McCarthyism became an epidemic of false accusation towards others in regards to Communism. Joe McCarthy ... thoroughly infiltrated ... Communists ... managed to plunge the country into a cesspool of paranoia and fascism... Thousands of people ... lost their jobs because they either wouldn t sign loyalty oaths, or because they wouldn t inform on their friends and neighbors, or because someone saw them actually reading a book (Steinski). A communist government is one where all citizens, no matter what job, are all paid the same amount and... Show more content on ... Just as in Salem, many people were wrongfully accused. However, the people of Salem lost their lives instead of their jobs . Since the people of America, in the 1950s, were overwhelmed with the thought of communism being the worst thing that could infiltrate the US Government, they decided to accuse people just as McCarthy. Related to the events that occurred in Salem, a young lady, Abigail was the very first person to pinpoint someone; she acts as an informant, just as McCarthy. Throughout the play, Abigail led the witch hunt knowing she was full of hatred and envy towards John Proctor s wife, Elizabeth. On the other hand , the procedure taken in order to find out was practicing witchcraft was similar that of in the 1950s. In 1947, President Truman requested a background check on every civilian in
  • 12. Theme Of Ignorance In 1984 And 1984 first reason for people s slavery is our ignorance, and above all, our ignorance of ourselves. Gurdijeff, George (p5). There are only a few things in life than damage more than ignorance does. While many of us have heard people saying ignorance is a bliss , however, it is just as real as boys are stronger than girls or the client is always right . Ignorance can often involve when we lack adequate exposure to multiple viewpoints, and when we allow another to think on our behalf, as can be observed in Orwell s 1984 , as well as Plato s Allegory of the Cave . To begin with, the notion of ignorance has existed for a long time. As defined in Cambridge Dictionary, ignorance is: lack of knowledge, understanding, or information about ... Show more content on ... The story begins with a description of the scene. There is an underground Cave and inside of it, there are prisoners whose hands and legs have been chained since they were born. Behind them, a fire is burning, 2 between the prisoners and the fire, there is a sidewalk, where different statues are placed. These statutes are manipulated by another group of people. As a result of the fire, blindsided prisoners watch the shows these statues shadows play out. A prisoner is released, he sees the fire and statues. He is confused and feels pains, because of the light of the fire. He snatches how the shadows are caused. This represents the belief. Next, he goes out of The Cave. At first, he is dazed and confused. He can t see clearly, because of the light, therefore he sees the shadows, after that the reflection on the water, and finally the objects themselves. Now, he knows that there is more than those statues and that they were only a copy of these Forms. This epitomizes a cognitive stage of thought. At this point, he is aware that The Sun is what causes seasons,
  • 13. The Role Of Women In Aristophanes s Lysistrata Aristophanes s play Lysistrata is about a sex strike and describes women working around their inferior status in society to fulfill their primary duty to their country by putting other duties to the side to persuade men to end the war. This illustrates the duties of both women and men with an emphasis on the duties of the woman while also detailing a few key differences between genders. While these duties and differences are described throughout the entirety of the play, the interactions of Lysistrata, Myrrhine, and Kinesias in scene five illustrate them with clearer detail. This implies that while women may be inferior citizens in a society, they have loyalties and responsibilities, and they prove to be intellectual, rational equals to male citizens. Lysistrata describes each genders basic community obligations through dialogue between characters. Because the play is primarily written as sympathetic to the women s cause, it puts more of an emphasis on the woman s duties, but it does reference the men s duties as well. The primary duties of women can be simplified to a few topics: honor, country, household, husband, and children. The primary obligations, however, seem to rest firmly in honor and country as shown by Myrrhine s repeated mention of her oath when her husband tries to persuade her to sleep with him (page 88, lines 900 20). The oath that Myrrhine refers to was formed in scene one, when she agreed with other women to go on a sex strike in order to stop the war
  • 14. King And Douglass Similarities Have you ever heard of the speech I Have a Dream from the late Martin Luther King Jr.? You d be pretty sure many people have heard of it, but has anyone ever really read it and thought about it? This could be like The Hypocrisy of American Slavery, a piece of work produced by Frederick Douglass. They both argued that African Americans have a natural right to equality (Renfro 1). Douglass once said, The white man s happiness cannot be purchased by the black man s misery. Here is just another point of there not being enough equality for being an African Americanduring those times of struggle. The fact that King and Douglass had used their oral power to try and fight throughout their lives was a very substantial task. They are ... Show more content on ... They came to be very influential people for the people of their time and for many years up to now. King and Douglass also had their staple in time for being great Civil Rights activists. They played key parts in the fight to lead blacks from their lack of power and equality for themselves. Having the struggles to deal with within slavery and segregated times, blacks wanted to band together. King was vital in the making of acts during those times, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ( Martin Luther King Jr. 2). This act was what outlawed most of the discrimination for colored people. Douglass had his own contributions, but they were in some cases not as major as the things King put forward to gain equality for blacks. As time went on the two began earning their unparalleled oratory skills. With the power of just their voices and hands they were granted with so much more notoriety. Both of them have similar oratory styles. They both had the amazing ability to move their audience to action (Renfro 1). They were also publishers and produced many great pieces of work. Douglass published three versions of his autobiography during his lifetime, revising and expanding on his work each time. My Bondage and My Freedom appeared in 1855. In 1881, Douglass published Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, which he revised in 1892 ( Frederick
  • 15. The Problem Of The Foreclosure Crisis The burst of the housing bubble in 2006 left millions of homeowners helpless to inevitable foreclosure. Current lending practices make it difficult for potential borrowers with tarnished credit histories (like foreclosure) to qualify for a loan. Since traditional sources of home financing are unavailable to so many people, alternatives have begun to flourish in the economy to meet the demand of people wishing to purchase homes with less than perfect credit histories. The primary options boomerang buyers have at their disposals to obtain home ownership again are: lease to own, seller financing, hard money, and sub prime. Each of these paths toward home ownership comes with unique sets of benefits and costs. This paper will explore each. It ... Show more content on ... The implementation of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) regulations has removed a lot of the abuse that helped spur the housing crisis of 2006. With increased oversight and regulation, borrowers can now safely navigate sub prime lending options which usually come at a higher cost than traditional mortgages. Typically these options are available to borrowers that have a large down payment, or equity position, which gives the investor more security in their investment. These loans may also come with higher interest rates and additional origination charges or points. It may be difficult for many borrowers to seriously consider sub prime lending options given their high cost and high capital requirements. Many homeowners are dependent on low down payment options like FHA loans because they are unable to save enough for a twenty percent down payment. This is the largest barrier to obtaining a sub prime mortgage product. Also, because higher interest rates tend to mean higher monthly payments, there are a lot of borrowers who are unable to qualify to make the monthly payment. Many of the benefits to obtaining a sub prime lending product are shared with the other options discussed below. First and foremost is the ability to obtain amortgage and purchase a home when a conventional loan program is not an option. It is less common for loan programs to have prepayment penalties after CFPB
  • 16. Gollum And Bilbo Baggins Similarities Bilbo Baggins and Gollum Bilbo Baggins and Gollum will share both similarities and differences. They are both very unique characters in their own ways. Bilbo is a wee hobbit who is too hesitant to do anything out of the ordinary while Gollum is a crazy killing machine. Bilbo and Gollum definitely do not seem like the type of characters to share anything in common, but nonetheless they will have traits that are alike to each other. In this essay we will justify both these similarities and differences portrayed by Bilbo Baggins and Gollum. The characters Bilbo and Gollum share quite a few similar qualities. One quality that they share is that they are both very clever. An example of when both their cleverness trait took place was when they tried
  • 17. Persian Mausoleum Essay Creating A Persian Mausoleum This essay is a How To guide on how to make a Persian Mausoleum. The most well known Mausoleum is Cyrus the Great s. Creating a Mausoleum of the same style as Cyrus the Great s is simple and easy. Even with all the technology of the time the tomb is both minimalistic and modest. The real wealth of the tomb was the treasure that was placed inside. The building of the tomb was easy and simplistic to erect. In this guide you ll see its resemblance to the Egyptian pyramid design. The scale of the structure is much smaller than the Egyptian tombs but serves the same purpose. The structure also was as significant to the Persians as much as the pyramids to the Egyptians. To begin with, the structure was made of limestone rectangles which were carved and placed together to form a step like structure. There are seven pyramid succeeding steps which are irregular in shape. The seven stones are significant in that they were ... Show more content on ... The pediment is found in classical Greek temples, renaissance, and neoclassical architecture. A prominent example is the Parthenon, where it contains a tympanum decorated with figures in relief sculpture. Dictionary of Ornament by Philippa Lewis Gillian Darley (1986) NY: Pantheon. The structure is a somewhat elongated square. The slanted roof above the square construction also made of limestone, as is most of the structure. One of the most prominent features of the tomb was an engraving on one of its walls. The tomb was originally ornamented with an inscription, according to Strabo (and other ancient sources), stated: O man! I am Cyrus the Great, who gave the Persians an empire and was the king of Asia. Grudge me not therefore this monument. Gates, Charles. Persian People. Persian People | World EBook Library | Read EBooks Online, Psychology Press, 2003,
  • 18. The Bush Doctrine The Bush Doctrine Analysis On March 16, 2006, the White House released President George W. Bush s second term National Security Strategy (NSS), which later come to be regarded as the Bush doctrine. The doctrine was developed predominantly in response to the most unforgettable day in the American history the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. He comes up with the two major pillars of the National Security Strategy which consist of the promotion of freedom, democracy and also he used the globalized approach to extinguish terrorism due to the global security. On the other hand, President Washington and President Eisenhower emphasizes different arguments on how does that military based global approach would be indeed beneficial and... Show more content on ... The three Presidents might have their own startegy to response to any act of threat, but we definitely know that Bush has the most viral strategy among all. Not trying to mention that Bush s is dangerous or mischievous, but at least he has done something to get everything fixed rather than just spending too much time thinking of it. Nevertheless, an immediate act and response should not be neglected here. And we re all know that Bush has completed that task eventhough Washington and Eisenhower might have disagree with him if they were still alive. But, again, both Washington and Eisenhower should not come into such a judgement because they were not there in the era of Bush precidency. So they do not have any idea how does it feels like to be in Bush shoes. They do not know how it feels to face those massive attack of terrors that has created a huge scar to every
  • 19. Olaudah Equiano My book is called The Slave who bought his Freedom . It was written by Olaudah Equiano. He was born in 1745. I believe that he wrote this book to show people how he and many other African Americans struggled. I also believe that he is trying to paint a picture of what Africa looked like and how it felt to be torn away from its cultured landscape. Only a small part of Equiano s childhood was enjoyable. He talks about his religious beliefs. Which is a god that they called by the name of Chukwu. He, and his people believed that Chukwu lived in the sun and that he was the one and only god. Equianos s father was one of the chiefs in his village and he was a great leader. When Equiano was younger he wanted to be just like him. He deeply loved his parents and his younger sister, Owi, who is a year younger than him. In one day, his life was taken away from him. When he was eight years old, he was playing with Owi in the sand. All of a sudden they were both stuffed in sacks and dragged away. They were captives of the Oye Eboe. The Oye Eboe are Indians. He said that as a small child he was frightened by them. They were instantly separated from each other. They united again in Africa, but that was the last time that they saw each other. Equiano was sold many times before they took him away from Africa. As a slave he worked all the time. ... Show more content on ... His new name was Gustavus Vassa. This was established from his master in England. He traveled to many places. As a slave and free. He gained each of his masters trust and even though he hated slavery he never tried to escape. Instead he decided to work hard and buy his own freedom which is what he ended up doing. He faced many hardships at sea, became a Christian, and educated himself. He even became a hair stylist at a time. Even though he went to the remotest spots on the world he was never able to come back to Africa. He died between the times of 1797 and
  • 20. Triangular Slave Trade Research Paper The Atlantic Slave Trade For my research paper, I chose the topic of the Atlantic Slave Trade, how it affected American plantations, and what work was like before slavery in places like factories. This is an important part of the shaping of how America is seen today. The United States is one of the most advanced nations of the modern world, and one of the reasons it is that way is because of slave transporting and labor. The Atlantic Slave Trade, the first leg of the triangular trade occurring from the opening of the 15th century to the beginning of the 19th century, was the beginning of an expansionist age revolving around slavery, which was very different compared to the customs of American factories and plantations before slavery, which ... Show more content on ... In the South, it seemed like the complete opposite. They wanted and depended greatly upon slavery in many ways. Their very economic success came from slavery. In the years following the American Revolution, slavery, which had never been so prevalent or economically important in the North as in the South, became the South s peculiar institution. Between 1774 and 1804, all the northern states took the side attempting to abolish slavery. In some states freedom was immediate, but more often, for example in New York and New Jersey, it was gradual. Slaves who were born after passage of the state s emancipation act were released when they reached a specific age. But despite widespread questioning of its morality and an explosion of private manumissions in the Upper South during the revolutionary era, bondage actually expanded in the southern states. The spread of cotton production following the invention of the cotton gin in 1793 abruptly increased the demand for slave labor and made possible the rise of a vast new slave empire as southerners moved west. At the outbreak of the Revolution, the United States contained about half a million slaves, North and South. However, on the eve of the Civil War, the country held almost 4 million slaves, confined entirely to the South.
  • 21. Maze Runner Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be kidnapped, and against your will be sent to a prison for doing nothing wrong? In addition, you would only be between the ages of 12 18. This sounds unbelievable but in the book the Maze Runner, this crazy tale comes true. Thomas is a 16 year old boy who woke up in an elevator and all he heard was CLICK CLICK CLICK.в є It was the sound of the elevator moving up, and it was pitch black so he was unable to see anything. When Thomas reached the top, he knew nothing about himself but his name. All he saw was 100 kids surrounding him whispering. Then the leader, Alby, steps towards him and says, Welcome to the Glades Shank (Dashner 12). Thomas met a new boy named Chuck, who quickly became his new... Show more content on ... When Thomas arrived at the Glades he remembered nothing of his previous life. However, when Teresa arrived, she had vague memories of her and Thomas together. Upon Teresa s arrival, she went into a deep coma. When Teresa arose from her coma, the first person she saw was Thomas and she remembered everything. They had a telekinetic connection and were able to speak through the brain. All things happen for a purpose, she said, any sign of malice now done from her voice. you must understand this. (Dashner 267) In this quote, they are talking about how they wish they never were in the Glades. Although, Teresa believes that they were sent there for a reason whether they like it or not, and there is nothing they can do about it. Thomas and Teresa are very much like brother and sister. During several points in the book, they were fighting, but they always look out for each other. During the final chapters of the book, Thomas purposely had himself get bit by a Griever. Thomas did this so he could meet the creators when he went through the process of Changing. Throughout this period of time, Teresa and Thomas were constantly talking to each other telepathically. Teresa helped him through every step in the process and stayed up all night to make sure he was okay. The last thing that shows how interesting their relationship is that when Thomas got out of the Changing, Teresa cooked him breakfast, made his hut, and
  • 22. Report on the Security System at Natividad Medical Center Security plan This final part of the project contains an in depth and comprehensive report on the security system at Natividad Medical Center. Using relevant peer reviewed and technical reports, I devise an analysis plan that explains thoroughly, how I will analyze as well as evaluate Natividad Medical Center s Hospital Computer Information Systems (HCIS) network and its hospital grade systems infrastructure and technology components. In this comprehensive report, the details of what is going to be analyzed is presented as well as how I am going to analyze the systems (process and tools). The criterion for measuring the various elements is also presented. The rationale behind the choice of the elements is also presented. What is to be analyzed in the system? The analysis is going to involve a scrutiny of the Natividad Medical Center s Hospital Computer Information Systems (HCIS) network and its hospital grade systems infrastructure and technology components. The analysis is going to be carried out in line with the requirements of Patient Safety and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA) Acts, the Joint Commission (TJC) as well as other national and international regulatory bodies. All elements of information assurance and security are to be ascertained. In this regard, information availability, confidentiality, integrity and security are our primary concerns (Dennis,2005).As indicated earlier, the hospital industry is governed by tough laws and
  • 23. Argumentative Essay On Water Bottles Water Bottles Since the 1990 s Americans are drinking less soft drinks and are now consuming more bottled water than ever. Currently, Americans are drinking over 50% more bottled water than they did in 2001 ( A reason for this could be that more Americans are aware of the health issues soft drinks create. Although the resurgence and emphasis on a healthier society is a positive aspect of the popularity of water bottles, it does also bring negative aspects. For example, 80 million bottles of water are sold daily in the US daily which means that 80 million plastic bottles need to be disposed. Recycling is what many people believe combats the issue of disposing of so many water bottles but only 20% of those plastic bottles actually get recycled leaving the other 80% to end up in the ocean or even a landfill. This harms the environment, as landfills tend to remove the oxygen from the ground and release methane, a greenhouse gas, harming the ozone layer. A depleting ozone layer causes global warming, the ice caps to melt, and an increased risk in skin cancer. As for the oceans, the plastic bottles degrade then conjoin to create plastic masses as large as the state of Texas. This harms the coral reef and not only pollutes the ocean but also people s food supply as many fish ingest the plastic then people ingests the fish. Although water bottles harm the environment, there are many positives of having bottled water. For example, many Americans work around 40 hours a week with an average commute lasting 26 minutes ( This creates a need for an on the go drink and bottled water is an affordable healthy choice. Also in April of 2014, the Flint Water crisis began and is continuing today. The citizens of Flint cannot drink the water in their faucets and humans need to drink water to survive. Many of the citizens in Flint, Michigan are of lower socioeconomic standing and cannot afford to move out of the city as they do not have the income to purchase a new home and there is no resell value in their house as they do not even have water. This means that those people must rely on bottled water in order to have clean drinking water. Plastic bottles
  • 24. The Love For The Old South In William Faulkner s A Rose... William Faulkner s A Rose for Emily indicates that no matter how stubborn or grotesque the methods, clinging to the past will not stop progress. While love, death, and control are also part of the story; the underlying message is ultimately about change. The Rose that is mentioned only in the title of the story is the love for the Old South and William Faulkner uses the town of Jefferson, Mississippi to portray the end of the aristocratic Southern culture by using imagery, symbols, allusions and metaphors. The imagery of the home in which the story is centered represents the Old South. The house was once beautiful decorated with cupolas and spires and scrolled balconies. Located on a most select street [437] as the South was pre Civil War a genteel noble society that was full of sophistication and tradition. The times have changed and so has the appearance of the house which is now an eyesore among eyesore [437]. The traditions that the South treasured, like slavery, are no longer acceptable. The house which has stayed in the same place, yet the world outside has changed and instead of being in a residential neighborhood it is now located between the garages and cotton gins [437] in an industrialized part of town. The niche of the house reflects the Southern people who hold on to the past while the new world is taking place around them. The dust symbolically clings to the story shows the lack of movement in the Old Southern society and its resistance to change. Dust
  • 25. Uses Of Quantification In Swift-SwiftBy William Swift 1.Swift wants the reader to view the speaker as a compassionate, reasonable individual with a clear view regarding the concern of the numerous Irish lives populating the community, crowding the streets ... with beggars of the female sex, followed by three, four, or six children... (Swift 1). In contrast, the persona he adopts is cold and merciless, which is evident through the depersonalizing diction in which he refers to the wives of couples as breeders (Swift 7). 2.Dehumanization is used to emphasize the wasted energy and costs associated with raising children in an overly populated environment that is devastating to many, proposing that rather than ... being a change upon their parents... they shall on the contrary contribute to the feeding, and partly to the clothing, of many thousands (Swift 5). The number of souls in this kingdom being usually reckoned one million and a half... there may be about two hundred thousand couple whose wives are breeders... although I apprehend there cannot be so many, under the present distresses of the kingdom (Swift 7) is an example of quantification as it expresses the countless Irish lives and how this large community is subjected to the desensitizing gaze of society. 3.In deploying this rhetorical strategy, it enables Swift to persuade his audience that his proposal will yield effective outcomes, forcing them to feel obligated to support his initiative. Furthermore, he also draws on the audience s values of limiting the rights of the
  • 26. Self Evaluation Essay On Fettuccine Alfredo Adult Comment: The fettuccine alfredo was delicious! The lemon juice in this recipe gave the dish a nice balance between salty, sweet and sour. Also, the nutmeg gave the dish an amazing depth of flavour. The appearance of the plate was also really well presented. It was simple and clean with no sauce on the outer parts of the plate. Amanda also prepared this recipe really well. At the beginning she made sure she had all of her ingredients and right measurements and had all her equipment needed. The cleanup went really well. She cleaned all the dishes and tools used and put them back in the drawers. Amanda also wiped down the counters to make everything spotless! This dish was really delicious! Self Evaluation: I think this dish went pretty well! The fettuccine alfredo tasted really good however, I think there was a bit too much of lemon juice. But overall, I think it tasted good. I believe that the dish ... Show more content on ... I m personally a fan of lemon so this was just amazing. The amount of lemon was perfect to give it the perfect zing . The cookie had an incredibly smooth texture and the glaze was simply perfect. They also looked really nice. The bits of lemon zest gave them a pop of colour. Just like the other dishes, Amanda made sure to have all of her equipment and ingredients ready. The cleanup was also really well done. She put away of everything she used and wiped down the counters! These cookies were amazing! Self Evaluation: I enjoyed this recipe the most! I really liked the way they cookies came out. The cookies and glaze had the perfect consistency. This recipe also had the perfect amount of lemon in it. They also look really nice! The majority of cookies turned out the same size and shape. I chose this dish because my mom and I love lemon! I prepared this recipe by taking out the equipment and ingredients I needed. I cleaned up everything I used and wiped down the counters. Loved these
  • 27. beach erosion Essay examples . Cape Hatteras Lighthouse is the 208 foot tall landmark was just hauled more than a quarter mile back from its former perch, where it was threatened by the encroaching sea. Coastal erosion chewed away about 1,300 feet of beach, bringing the waves to within 150 feet of the 4,800 ton sentinel. When the light was erected in 1870, it stood about 1,500 feetback from the waves. The lighthouse, on the Outer Banks, North Carolina s long barrier beach, was built to warn ships from waters called quot;the graveyard of the Atlantic. quot; Ironically, the move should serve as a warning about the growing problem of coastal erosion. Erosion is not just... Show more content on ... В· The gradual sinking of coastal land (since the height of the land and the sea are both changing, we use quot;relative sea level rise quot; to describe the rise of the ocean compared to the height of land in a particular location). В· Efforts to reduce erosion that have backfired and instead increased it. В· Global warming, which is expected to accelerate the rise in sea level. The upshot is a threat to beaches and coastal communities around the world. At stake is far more than a movie mogul s mansion. New Orleans, now several feet below sea level, would face a greater threat of annihilation. Island nations across the Pacific Ocean could disappear beneath the waves. Millions of Bangladeshis, already exposed to typhoons that drown hundreds of thousands at a time, would have to find new homes in one of the Earth s most crowded nations. The predictions growing out of global warming studies are unsettling. Much of Long Island s extensive barrier beach, including not just the homes of the rich and famous in the Hamptons, but also public treasures like the vastly popular park at Jones Beach, would be submerged if sea levels rise by three feet, according to a projection by the National Environmental Trust, a Washington, DC, advocacy group. A three foot rise over the next 50 to 100 years is possible, but extremely unlikely, according to current predictions. Coastal
  • 28. Purpose Of The Townshend Act The Townshend Acts were a series of acts named after Charles Townshend, that were passed by the British in 1767. The act placed a tax on all goods that the colonies imported from Britain. Some of these taxed goods were glass, paint, paper and tea. Charles Townshend believed that the bad behavior of the colonists made it more important to keep an army in the colonies. Because of that, he proposed the Townshend Actsto the Parliament. The purpose of the Townshend Acts were to increase the revenue earned in the colonies. The revenue would be used to pay governors and judges, so that they will remain loyal to Britain. The British empire taxed British America because they were in significant debt after the seven years war. The acts were also passed ... Show more content on ... In the Boston Tea Party, colonists disguised as Native Americans destroyed an entire shipment of tea sent by the British East India Company. The colonists boarded the ships, and threw the entire shipment of 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor. This was done, because the colonists protested against the tea act. The colonists objected to the Tea Act because they believed that the act had violated their rights as Englishmen. Other protestors had successfully prevented the unloading of tea in three other colonies. The Royal Governor refused to allow the tea to return to Britain. Because of that, they had to somehow remove the tea from the ship, or prevent the ship from going back to Britain. The British thought that they could trick the colonists into buying taxed tea by making it so cheap, but they were not fooled. The colonists were also mad at Britain because they didn t wanted any taxes, and the British taxed the colonists on
  • 29. Community Relations Efforts Of Nike Inc. Essay Isuri Rajapaksa Dr. Quinn Case Studies 12th December 16 Title: Community Relations for NIKE Author: Isuri Rajapaksa Faculty Sponsor: Katrina J. Quinn Abstract: This case study examines the community relations efforts of Nike Inc. This project gives an overview of the company and shows how the community relations programs can be developed globally. It also consists of the comparison between Nike and Toms. Finally this case study also includes and insight on an interview, suggestions and an evaluation. Nike is a multinational corporation founded by Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman in 1964. Nike produces, markets and sells athletic footwear, apparel and other accessories. Even though they have a great reputation with their products, Nike is not seen as a good corporate citizen. Nike does not have enough campaigns that they do globally, especially in Asia after allegedly being accused of Violating Labour Laws in 1996. Nike was involved in Child labour. The only active campaign they have running globally is the Active Schools Campaign. There are many strategies and tactics that Nike could use to build back their reputation and regain the consumer base they lost when this issue started. With the large social media platforms Nike has, They are able to show the campaigns that they do and the causes that they believe in. Toms being a smaller company compared to Nike, do so much more for the community they have many corporate social responsibility programs. Nike still
  • 30. Father Son Relationships In Night By Elie Wiesel Night: The Importance of Father Son Relationships In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, the father and son relationships are extremely important. The Jews headed to concentration camps were separated by gender. Therefore, as they endured their difficult journey in hopes of surviving, the only close family relationships they had were between fathers and sons. These relationships could be harmful or helpful, depending on their situation. In one situation, Wiesel mentions seeing a thirteen year old boy beating his father for not making his bed correctly. He even threatened to cut off his father s food supply if he didn t stop crying (Wiesel 70). This father and son relationship was harmful to the father because he was beaten, almost had his food supply taken... Show more content on ... Wiesel s father wants to give up. I can t go on. . . . This is the end. . . . I m going to die here. . . . (qtd. In Wiesel 110). When Wiesel s father said that, Wiesel was desperate to save him, yelling Father! Get up from here! Immediately! You re killing yourself. . . . (Wiesel 110). Wiesel thought I felt that I was not arguing with him, but with death itself, with the death he had already chosen. Then there was an alert, and Wiesel left his father in the cold and snow, and went to sleep in the blocks. The next morning, Wiesel went to look for him. But a thought came into his head: Don t let me find him! If only I could get rid of this dead weight, so that I could use all of my strength to struggle for my own survival, and only worry about myself. He was immediately ashamed, and would be forever (Wiesel 111). Then Wiesel found his father. In this case, their father son relationship is both helpful and harmful. It was helpful because if it weren t for Wiesel, Wiesel s father Chlomo would have died. It was harmful to Wiesel though, because Wiesel was ashamed of himself forever for not wanting to find his
  • 31. Analysis Of The Movie Rent Samantha Wong Intro to Fine Arts 25 January 2016 Critique 1 Theatre/Cinema: Rent (2005, Taye Diggs Rosario Dawson) On February 15, 2016, I watched the movie rent. The setting of the movie is based on a documentary of the AIDS epidemic in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The movie theme depicts eight individuals who struggle with poverty, homosexuality, death, and hardships of life in New York City. I believe Rent did a great job utilizing the costumes, lighting, and props and furniture to get the message across. The costumes in the movie reflect the character s personality and developed a vision for the audience. For the most part the women wore brighter colors, such as red, orange, and animal print, while the men stuck to the basic
  • 32. Analysis Of Beyonce s Song Pretty Hurts Life, True Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness: Beyonce s Portrayal of the American Beauty Standard America is supposed to be the land of the free and the home of the brave. Instead, it is oppressed with a disease that attacks the self esteem of its entire people. Women, in particular, are affected. Because society sets ridiculous expectations for beauty, women strive to achieve them but, never will.Beyonce s song Pretty Hurts was co written by Joshua Coleman, Sia Fuller and Beyonce Knowles. As the music video begins, the spotlight turns onto Miss Third Ward, Beyonce s character, and she smiles. Throughout the video, the spotlight is always the cue for Miss Third Ward to put on a happy face. She only smiles in the spotlight. As Miss Third ... Show more content on ... The video clearly suggests that it is the white population, or the majority, that sets the standard of beauty. Although some of the contestants are white, all of the spectators in the video are also white by race. The judges in the pageant are white men, the lady who spray tans Miss Third Ward is also white. Because all the judges are white men, the video speaks that white men are the ones who formed the mold for American women to fit. Women of every race are subject to the white man s view of beauty. It is ironic that while Miss Third Ward naturally has tanned skin, a the white woman is spray tanning her, suggesting that Miss Third Ward is only allowed to be an artificial copy of the real her. People with pale skin lay in tanning beds or spray tan to get a certain look during the summer months but reject the quality during the cooler season. Tanned skin has become a trend. The artist goes even further to make the pageant coach a tall, lanky albino black man. The winner of the pageant, Miss Shaolin, is also an albino black woman. The two albino blacks are the counterpart to spray tanning the natually tanned. The video insists that white is beautiful. Miss Shaolin wears a ton of makeup and seems to look over worked with plastic surgery and botox. She has bleached blonde hair and looks malnourished. Throughout the video, there are scenes where Miss Third Ward is sitting at her vanity in the dressing room,
  • 33. Project Quality Management Chapter 8 Discussion Questions... Project Quality Management CHAPTER 8 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Q1.Discuss some of the examples of poor quality in information technology projects presented in the What Went Wrong? section. Could most of these problems have been avoided? Why do you think there are so many examples of poor quality in information technology projects? Answer: Many of these problems could be avoided by performing better quality management. One problem is that software and hardware is hitting the market too fast, so people selling these might be more concerned about money than safety or wellbeing of the consumers or the company in the long term. Q2.What are the main processes included in planning project quality management? Answer: The project quality ... Show more content on ... Describe typical benchmarks associated with a college or university. Answer: Benchmarking generates ideas for quality improvements by comparing specific project practices or product characteristics to those of other projects or products within or outside the performing organization. Benchmarks help you compare project practices or product characteristics to others within or outside the organization. Typical benchmarks with a college or university include rankings, student/faculty ratio, acceptance rate, graduation rate, percentage of faculty with Ph.D.s, etc. Q5.What are the three main categories of outputs of quality control? Answer: * The main outputs of quality control are: * Acceptance decisions * Rework * Process adjustments * There are Seven Basic Tools of Quality that help in performing quality control Q6.Provide examples of when you would use the Seven Basic Tools of Quality on an information technology project. Answer: The seven tools are: * Cause and Effect Diagrams used to identify the underlying symptoms of a problem or effect as a means of finding the root cause. * Pareto Charts: Based upon the Pareto Principle that states that 80% of a problem is attributable to 20% of its causes, or inputs, a Pareto Chart organizes and displays information in order to show the relative importance of various problems or causes of problems. * Flow
  • 34. The Use Of Shakespeare Used So Many Sources In... In my opinion, the fact that Shakespeare used so many sources does make him less talented. In school, we are taught that you have to come up with your own ideas and we learn the idea of plagiarizing. Unlike today, plagiarism was not a big problem to people back in Shakespeare s time. The fact that Shakespeare used so many sources, means that he did not come up with the plot, so therefore he did not have many original ideas although he was still a great poet/playwright. Many of Shakespeare s plays were based on other plays or books although he always changed some aspects of the characters. I think that if Shakespeare wrote his plays in this day and time, he would not have become as famous as he did because he plagiarize many things. He would
  • 35. Fascism In Russia After World War One, many people yearned to return to normalcy; however, those desires were rendered by the carnage and destruction caused by the war. In the twentieth century, fascism was a response to many complicated social challenges and to the spread of Western liberal democracy. For the growing fascist movements, the period after the First World War was seen as a time to bring change to the nature of society, state, and international policies and laws. The rise of fascismin Europe started in the early 1900 s due to cultural pessimism, the tragic consequences caused by the war, and the incapability of liberal democratic regimes to cope with the war s consequences. After the Second World War, people can argue that fascism has long disappeared... Show more content on ... The current global economic and political climate has promoted the question of whether fascism is on the rise again. Vladimir Putin is one of the few current world leaders who has shown fascist tendencies. Putin s Russia has many elements that are reminiscent of the early 1900 s fascism. There are many similarities between Putin s Russia and the fundamental principles of classical fascism. Putin asserts Russian power by putting pressure on weak neighboring states, and slams the West s criticism of his policies and actions. By annexing Crimea and supporting pro Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine in 2014, Russia was able to justify its military patriotic mobilization of society and the transformation of Russia into a besieged fortress (Motyl, 2016, pg. 29). The annexation of Crimea made Russian citizens feel a wave of vicarious optimism. Putin s bully attitude and aggression are supposed to manifest Russian ethnic and cultural revitalization after decades of decline. Similar to Mussolini, Putin is building his regime on the promises of greatness, the display of military force, and the campaign to make Russia great again. Putin s actions and policies provide the Russian citizens with a sense of national pride, which has been lacking since the post Soviet era. He continues to pursue strategies and policies that restore Russian pride while consolidating power and influence in Russia. Putin lacks of interest in engaging with Western politics has also contributed to the rise of his popularity at
  • 36. Palace Of Westminster Research Paper Imagine it s 1834 in London and the Palace of Westminster had just caught ablaze and is burned almost to the ground by a massive fire.Now imagine yourself winning a competition and being allowed to create a master peice that would stand for years to come.Architecht Sir Charles Barry and gothic architect Augustus Pugin won the competition and got the chance to design the new Palace of Westminster.The Palace of Westminter is comonly known as the House of Parliament and holds the U.K parliament, but used to be home to the royal famileys back in the medieval era.The Palace of Westminster is a true piece of architectural history and is one of the first big victorian/gothic structures in architectural history. The Palace of Westminster was built in London,1835 and was completed in 1859.It took about 24 years to construct, and it is a true piece of art that will stand for years.The building stands alonside the River Thames in Westminster, giving it the name The Palace of Westminster.One of the usages of the palace is to hold meetings for the U.K Parliament
  • 37. The Usage Of Tzu s Leadership Strategy Of Preparation And... After a devastating lost, barely scrubbing off stains of red paint, I decided to make a change in our actions during the call of duty that will give the battalion a win on future combats. According to the some polls that used the spectator popular vote our pinball team had the biggest chance of taking home the five thousand dollar prize from the tournament. Even though our team had the more skilled player than all of the other competitors combined. We still managed to lose. After that, I decide to do some research, and now I am convinced that the usage of Tzu s leadership strategy of preparation and pathos will cause the team to win the most tournaments. As a leader, one needs to understand that the best way to persuade people into anything is by appealing to their emotions. After countless losses my compatriots are losing hope and by losing hope they also lose faith in my leadership. For this reason, for them to believe in my leadership, I would use pathos by making a speech with vivid stories with very descriptive wording and emotional emphasis, it creates the emotionof belonging. At some point during the story, I would reveal to the team how preparation is going to help us win more. I could go into further detail of how the speech would be structured, or what kinds of stories tell them but it would be too long and irrelevant. Just imagine a speech influenced by the infamous Ronald Regan s speech on fighting the evil, and also influenced by the advertisement one sees on
  • 38. Research Paper On The Wizard Of Oz I will get you my pretty, and your little dog too! The Wizard of Oz is probably one of the best known movies of all time, and it is a timeless classic. Generations all remember the little farm girl Dorothy who is swept away to the mystical land of Oz. While in Oz, she encounters the Wicked Witch of the West who will stop at nothing to destroy Dorothy. On the dangerous journey, Dorothy teams up with a brainless scarecrow, a heartless tin man, and a cowardly lionto reach to the Emerald City to find a way back to Kansas. The Wizard of Ozis known to be a family fun, musical fantasy which teaches people everywhere that there is no place like home. Although the Wizard of Oz is a timeless classic, if one person looks closely at this story and at the characters, one would see the Wizard of Oz is not merely a family friendly musical adventure, but rather it is more of a chick flick. Although there is no love story in this movie, it is a chick flick because it is about two crazy women who are fighting over something women love, shoes. Yes, a pair of shoes, ruby red slippers to be exact, cause two women to battle each other as if it was the last pair of shoes in a Black Friday sale. To make matters worse, one dies in result of this feud over .... Show more content on ... The Wizard of Oz explores the extreme measures a woman would go to attain a beautiful pair of shoes. In the film, Dorothy takes the ruby red slippers off a dead woman s body. They were just so beautiful, she just could not resist desecrating a dead woman. When the Wicked Witch of the West appears, she does not become angry over the death of her sister, but over the fact that Dorothy stole her sister s shoes. The Wicked Witch shows no sorrow or anger about her sister s death. The witch becomes furious to see that Dorothy has the shoes. So, it is pretty pathetic that the Wicked Witch does not mourn her sister, but she mourns the loss of the ruby red
  • 39. Arming Teachers Is arming teachers a productive solution against future school shootings? Teachers carrying guns in school is currently a controversial issue in America, especially after a mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, which killed seventeen people on February 14th, 2018. Many people firmly encourage the idea that teachers should be allowed to bring guns to schoolbecause teachers can protect students if a shooting happens on campus. Nevertheless, a lot of people wrestle with the idea of armed educators. Specifically, a strong disagreement from many teachers is because teachers duty is to educate students, and teachers are not police officers. Another opposition from students is they believe that arming teachers... Show more content on ... In South Dakota, educators have joined the program named school sentinels that allows them to be armed with weapons. In order to qualify this program, teachers have to not only be approved by the school board or a law enforcement agency, but also be trained eighty hours of use of force, weapons proficiency, legal aspects and first aid classes (Chavez 2018). After taking an eighty hour firearm course, teachers can legally carry guns in classes. I believe that eighty hours of training is a small amount for educators to be able to effectively control gun. Moreover, when joining the gun control courses, they practice using guns with a comfortable mentality of practicing. Then, how can they accurately shoot the right targets in stressful situations like firearms on campuses, in that they have to make right decisions in a few minutes? Teachers are not police officers; they are educators. To become a police officer, he or she is taught on how to confidently deal with guns for more than four years in universities. According to Vox, police academies spend at least 110 hours on firearms and self defense (Chang 2016). Let s make a quick comparison of gun training courses duration for teachers and for police officers. Teachers, whose main job is to teach, can use gun after they
  • 40. Term Limits Should Not Be Beneficial Debate Paper Putting limits on the amount of terms a member of Congress can serve is a highly debated issue. Many people are against term limits. They argue that term limits are unconstitutional and that they infringe on the rights of the American people to choose who they want to represent their states. However, many people also argue that term limits would be beneficial. Term limits would be beneficial because it would put an end to career politicians, give new people a chance to solve the nation s problems, and limit corruption. The founding fathers left nothing about term limits for any political office in the Constitution. George Washington set the precedent for term limits when he retired after two terms in office. Most presidents after him also stopped running after two terms. Franklin Roosevelt was the only president with more than two terms. He ran and was elected four times, though he died in the beginning of his fourth term. After his four terms, the twenty second amendment was passed in 1951. The amendment says that no one should be elected to office more than twice. In 1995, the idea of term limits in Congress was brought to the United States Supreme Court. An article in the Arkansas constitution denied ballot access to any candidate who had already served three terms in the United States Congress. In a case INC versus Thornton, the Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional for states to impose restrictions on term limits. While states
  • 41. Object And Scope Of The Hindu Succession Act 1956 3.2.2Object and Scope of the Act Object. The Hindu Succession Act, 1956 has been passed to meet the needs of a progressive society. The old law despite several innovations brought about in it by legislations and judicial decisions did not fulfil the desired ends and remained hardly acceptable to a dynamic Hindu society of contemporary era Hence there was a need for a uniform system of law of which may be acceptable to all sections of Hindus and be equally upon them. With this end in view the Hindu Succession Act 1956 came into existence. It removes inequities between men and women with respect to rights in property and it down a common list of heirs entitled to succeed on intestacy. The Act has been passed to amend and codify the entire law of... Show more content on ... The Hindu Succession Act 1956 applies to any person, who is a Hindu by religion in any of its forms or developments, including a Virashaiva, a Lingayat or a follower of the Brahmo, Prarthana or Arya Samaj and to any person who is a Buddhist, Jaina or Sikh by religion; and also to any other person who is not a Muslim, Christian, Parsi or Jew by religion, unless it is proved that any such person would not have been governed by the Hindu law or by any custom or usage as part of that law in respect of any of the matter dealt with herein if this Act had not been passed . There are some exceptions that the Act applies to the members of any Scheduled Tribe within the meaning of Clause (25) of Article 366 of the Constitution unless the Central Government, by notification in the Official Gazette, otherwise
  • 42. Argumentative Essay On Maternity Leave Studies show that women who take 12 weeks maternity leave have an improvement of overall mental health. In recent studies women that were given an extended time of paid maternity leave were 18% less likely to suffer from depression in the coming years of their life. In the long run, paid maternity leave may benefit society in many ways. It is up to the government to change the outdated laws from unpaid leaveto paid leave. Personal Perspective Personally, I feel that there needs to be change to the Family and Medical Leave Act. It is outdated and does not fit it with the current time. I feel as if women should be afforded paid leave in order to take care of their children and their own well being. Many women do not participate in maternity leave because it is unpaid and they aren t able to afford proper living expenses. For example, my sister has recently had a baby. Although she works for a company that offers unpaid leave for new mothers, she lacks money and cannot afford to take unpaid leave. Although her husband would still be able to work, he does not make enough money to provide for the both of them on his own. He relies on her to help him out and therefore she has to work instead of take time off. They still have to pay money some days for daycare. Paid ... Show more content on ... Also, many women do not qualify for unpaid maternity leave due to company size. We have learned that many women do not even take the offered maternity leave because they cannot afford necessities. This paper has given an in depth look on how paid maternity leave may be useful for women in the workplace. The positives of paid maternity leave definitely outweigh the negative effects of unpaid leave. Paid leave can not only benefit the company in the long run, but also the health of the baby and mother. Paid maternity leave should exist in the United States and the Family and Medical Leave Act should be