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Ned Kelly Hero Or Villain Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of whether Ned Kelly is a hero or a villain is a challenging
endeavor that requires a nuanced understanding of historical context, cultural perspectives, and
the ability to critically analyze conflicting accounts. Ned Kelly, an iconic figure in Australian
history, is a complex character with a polarizing legacy, making the task of presenting a well-
balanced argument particularly difficult.
To begin with, one must delve into the historical records surrounding Ned Kelly's life and the
events that shaped his notoriety. This involves thorough research into the socio-political
landscape of 19th-century Australia, examining the grievances that led to Kelly's criminal
activities and the subsequent conflicts with law enforcement. Interpreting historical documents,
eyewitness accounts, and contemporary accounts demands a keen eye for detail and a capacity
to sift through biased narratives.
Furthermore, the essay should explore the cultural significance of Ned Kelly, considering how he
is remembered and mythologized in Australian folklore. Analyzing different perspectives on
whether he should be hailed as a folk hero challenging authority or condemned as a dangerous
outlaw requires a deep understanding of societal values and the impact of Kelly's actions on the
collective memory.
Constructing a coherent and persuasive argument demands critical thinking skills to evaluate the
morality of Kelly's actions within the context of his time. Was he driven by genuine grievances
against injustice, or did his criminal activities warrant the label of a villain? Balancing empathy
with a critical analysis of the consequences of his actions adds an extra layer of complexity to
the essay.
In conclusion, tackling the topic of Ned Kelly's heroism or villainy is a formidable task that
demands historical acumen, cultural sensitivity, and analytical prowess. Successfully navigating
the complexities of this debate requires the ability to synthesize diverse perspectives and present
a compelling argument. Writing an essay on this topic involves more than a simple examination
of facts; it necessitates a deep dive into the intricacies of history, culture, and morality.
For assistance with similar essays and more, consider exploring the services offered on Their professional writers can provide support in crafting well-researched and
thought-provoking essays on a variety of topics.
Ned Kelly Hero Or Villain EssayNed Kelly Hero Or Villain Essay
How To Avoid In NASCAR
The start of the NASCAR season is always an exciting time with new teams and
even a new rule package for 2017. The Daytona 500 and the all the events of speed
week make for an entertaining and exciting start to spring. All this racing might
just spark the racing fire within you and there are go kart tracks near riverside that
will allow you to live out your racing dreams. Ask almost any NASCAR driver where
their career started and nearly all will say racing go karts. That is because it is the
easiest and most economical form of racing for beginners. It is also a fun and
exciting sport that is enjoyable for those looking to start a career or just those
wanting to be like their favorite NASCAR driver. Pole Position Raceway offers fast
Will Bury Business Proposal Essay
Running Head: [ [Will Bury Business Proposal] ]
Will Bury Business Proposal
Marisa Wachter
University of Phoenix
ECO 561
April 16th, 2012
In this paper we will discuss how to improve Will Bury s business. We will look at
ways to increase revenue; determine the fixed and variable costs for the business; and
determine how to maximize profit. We will also address the pricing structure,
product differentiation, and how to minimize the costs for the product. In all, we will
have complete business proposal that will help Will Bury s business become very
Company Background Will Bury predicts that very soon, everyone will be reading or
listening to everything digitally, including books that are only available in hard ...
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(McConnell, Brue, amp; amp; Flynn, 2009, p. 116) With this change in prices, Will
could expect to sell more of the older books at the lower cost, which would increase
revenue over time. He also could experience very little change in his sale of newer
books with the small $1 increase in price. By monitoring the consumers response
to the changes in price (known as price elasticity), Will can see rather quickly how
consumers are responding to the changes in pricing and adjust accordingly.
(McConnell, Brue, amp; amp; Flynn, 2009, p. 114) One way Will could sell more
books is by selling them online. He has already started by building a low cost
website which describes his product and offers his product for purchase. He could
also create an online store on a website such as EBay, and sell his product there. A
basic EBay store costs $15.95 a month to operate and a percentage fee based on the
amount of sales made each month. (Fees For Ebay Stores, 2012) Using technology
to sell his new technology makes the most sense and can be done for relatively low
prices. However, there are costs Will needs to consider before putting his product in
more locations for customers to purchase it. If the demand increases, Will may
consider hiring additional help. One way to keep the labor costs down is to hire
college students as interns to help him with the translations and assisting customers.
Often students look for low paying or
Reflection On Communication And Communication
In the genome editing class, we had to work with our lab partner, and almost all
tasks required us to work together as a team. Anyhow, we had several presentations
that needed to be done together as a team. On our first presentation, my lab partner
and I discussed which sections we would each cover, splitting the assignment in
exactly half. Therefore, deciding how we would divide the presentation was an
excellent start, but apparently, he felt that was all we needed to discuss.
Consequently, that was the extent of our communicationsince I did not hear from him
until the day of class when we were doing our presentation. In my mind, for all, I
knew he didn t even do his portion of the presentation, and I expected constant
communication while working on the project. Apparently, he felt that no
communication was appropriate, however, I felt nervous and uncomfortable.
Anyhow, I arrived at class and handed him my thumb drive with my portion of the
presentation. I told him we need to exchange numbers, and emails so when we
work on our other presentations that we can communicate and aid each other. I
explained to him that all weekend I had worried that he did not do his portion of
the project since I had no contact or communication with him at all. He replied why
wouldn t I work on my section? I replied I am not familiar with you or your work
ethic. Apparently, my communication approach was using the Theory X based on the
assumption that employees or people are inherently lazy
English Comp C456 Essay
Carbohydrates are Killing Us Softly
Thomas J. Engstrom
Western Governors University
WGU Student ID# 000529592
Carbohydrates are Killing Us Softly
The nutritional dietary consumption of carbohydrates is between 55 75% for the
vast majority of the global population as their main source of food intake and
energy. And the general populous continues to be misinformed by government
agencies regarding what a normal, healthy diet, should be, as well as what a
balanced diet looks like. Eating a low carb high fat, or ketogenic, diet of high fat,
adequate protein and low carbohydrates can provide many health benefits as
compared to the alternative of an unhealthy diet. Research suggests that a ketogenic
diet builds a healthier body than ... Show more content on ...
Ketosis is the metabolic state that most of the body s energy supply comes from
ketone bodies in the blood, contrasting to the state of glycolysis in which blood
glucose provides most of the energy (Taubes, 2011, 140 141). Ketosis might be
better known as acetone breath, a common symptom of progressing diabetes
mellitus type. It is characterized by serum concentrations of ketone bodies, with
low and stable levels of insulin and blood glucose. It is commonly generalized with
hyper ketonemia, which is an elevated level of ketone bodies in the blood
throughout the body. Ketone bodies are formed by ketogenesis as the liver
glycogen stores are depleted (Taubes, 2011, p.155). The ketone bodies used for
energy are acetoacetate and beta hydroxybutyrate, with that, the levels of ketone
bodies are regulated mainly by glucagon and insulin (p.156). Most cells can then be
used by both glucose and ketone bodies for fuel, and during ketosis, free fatty acids
and glucose synthesis fuel the rest.
According to Mark Sisson (2009), longer term ketosis can result from fasting or
staying on a low carbohydrate diet, and ketosis that s deliberately induced serves as a
medical intervention for epilepsy. In glycolysis, higher levels of insulin block release
of fat from adipose tissues and promote storage of body fat, while the body is in
ketosis, fat reserves are continually released and consumed as energy (Sisson, 2009,
p.47). This is why ketosis is referred to as
Analysis Of The Article Yeah, The Weather Has Been Weird
Article Yeah, The Weather Has Been Weird
Topic: climate change
Article thesis: People already care about the climate change and are aware of it. They
understand the problems it concerns; however, they are not connecting the current
climate changes with the effects of our surroundings or on ourselves
Where to begin the connect of the affect climate change
As Steven Amstrup a (Zoologist) on bears and his colleagues believe that humans are
causing climate change
Reasons why people are aware and care about climate change with our surroundings
It s because researchers go to other places to find what they re looking for when its
actually right in front of their face. People are noticing the changes within ourselves
and surroundings.
Research Paper On Prebiotics
A prebiotic is a non digestible food ingredient that beneficially affects the host by
selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity of one or a limited number of
bacteria in the colon thus improving host health. The prebiotic approach advocates
the administration of non viable entities. Dietary carbohydrates such as fibres are
candidate prebiotics, but most promise has been realised with non digestible
oligosaccharides, because of their selective metabolism. In particular, the ingestion of
fructo oligosaccharides (FOS) stimulates bifidobacteria in the lower gut. As
prebiotics exploit non viable food ingredients, their applicability in diets is wide
ranging. A further approach is synbiotics, where probiotics and prebiotics are
combined. Today, only bifidogenic, non digestible oligosaccharides (particularly
inulin, its hydrolysis product oligofructose, and (trans) galactooligosaccharides),
fulfill all the criteria for prebiotic classification. ... Show more content on ...
The main site of action is the colon. Thus, prebiotic should also resist the effects of
various digestive enzymes and acidic conditions of the gut. Once the prebiotic can
phase through all these conditions, it helps in the stimulation of growth and the
various metabolic activities of live probiotic bacteria by fermentation itself. The target
bacterial genera for the prebiotic actions are bifidobacteria and lactobacillus species.
These bacterial species are able to take as a diet of any prebiotics and then produces
various metabolic end products via the fermentation process. These fermented end
products have a direct effect on health through the stimulation of host immune system
as well as functions as a binding of receptor sites. The fermentation end products can
be organic acids or biologically active peptides. These fermented products have a
specific role in the direct antagonistic action against the harmful disease causing
Homeless Reader Response Letter
Hello, I d like to submit my CV for the Homelessness Editor. A multi faceted writer
based in San Francisco, my background is a diverse portfolio of editorial, social
media, advertising, digital media, and marketing. A Bay Area native, San Francisco
resident, and West Coast denizen, I have seen the effect of the homeless situation in
all the major cities and suburbs. I am an ambitious, team player that lives for facts,
deadlines, and clear communication. A former writer the SF Weekly, my column
Local Frequency highlighted Bay Area musicians and artists, while also contributing
editorial for national and international artists. Switching gears, my career took a turn
towards Social Media, Blogging, and Marketing. Making the switch to agency
American Recovery And Reinvestment Act Seventh
In the Address On the American Recovery Reinvestment Act Seventh Anniversary
by Barack Obama, people could see the use of descriptive assumptions about the
economy of America and the use of renewable energy policies that supports Obama s
Government. Those different assumptions performed are well received by the
audience. Or at least those assumptions caused a good reception in the thinking of
people respect to the recovery of the economy of America and the innovation in the
use of clean energy. Also, it is important to recognize some illogical assumptions in
this speech of Obama.
Obama used multiple assumptions from descriptive nature in different parts of his
speech to support the work of his government. In order to analyze Obama s
assumptions, people had to check that Obama started using real data to create a
feeling of confidence with the audience like And people here in Florida were
especially hard hit the unemployment ... Show more content on ...
Denmark, United Kingdom, Sweden, and other countries had better records than
America in the leading of clean energy. For example, Denmark set a new world
record for wind production in 2014, getting 39.1 percent of its overall electricity from
the clean energy source. (EcoWacth)
Third assumption, Clean energy is about unleashing the potential of all these new
technologies because we can figure some stuff out just about better than anybody
else Saying that America had the best equipment was a fallacy when we saw that a
country like Morocco had put all efforts to build the greatest super solar power on
the earth. In fact, it would be a fallacy to say that just the best minds were located in
the United States nowadays when its levels of education dropped in many different
fields compared with other state
Super Bowl Commercial Analysis
On Sunday, February 5, 2017 Super Bowl LI was played by the Atlanta Falcons
and the New England Patriots. At half time, the score was 3 21 with the Atlanta
Falcons in the lead. By the end of the game, the New England Patriots came back
by 25 points plus 6 more in overtime, winning the Super Bowl LI 34 28. This was
the first Super Bowl for anyone to come back from more than a ten point deficit
and also the first Super Bowl to go into overtime. According to Wikipedia, ...each
league was redesignated as a conference , and the game has since been played
between the conference champions to determine the NFL s league champion. The
Super Bowl was first played in 1967. Some Americans even say that the Super Bowl
is an unofficial American holiday. The Super Bowl is the second largest United States
food consumption day falling right under Thanksgiving. In 2015, the Super Bowl
XLIX became the most watched television program in history. The average came in
at 114.4 million viewers. International Business Time states,... Show more content on ...
The commercial starts out as a boy standing outside of a girl s house throwing
skittles in her window trying to get her attention while yelling, Katie! Little does
the boy know, Katie and her family are taking turns sitting on the floor catching the
skittles in their mouths. As the family moves down the line, a robber, a cop there to
take the robber away, and a gopher are joining in. This commercial copies the old,
boy throwing rocks at the girl s window, theme. The social media platforms being
used is the Twitter hashtag, #TasteTheRainbow. Skittles was very active within their
Twitter during the Super Bowl LI tweeting at other businesses. US Weekly tweeted a
gif of the Skittles commercial at Skittles and said KATIE! @Skittles #SB51
commercial brought the whole neighborhood together. Using their hashtag, Skittles
replied, All good friendships start with a bag of Skittles
History Of Haunted Trails Family Amusement Park
For decades, Haunted Trails Family Amusement Park remains as the main destination
for all family members throughout Chicago, thanks to its massive arrays entertaining
features. This is the place where families can have such warm and welcoming
celebrations like birthdays or other kinds of family gatherings. With special offers for
certain packages, Haunted Trails FamilyAmusement Parkalways entertains everyone,
at all ages.
The owner, J. Richard Oltmann is very much different, as compared to other
amusement park owners. Before it was launched in 1975, all the games that visitors
can find here at this moment, were evaluated thoroughly before they were launched
publicly. All of those games, which were his brainchild, were sold worldwide. One
Employee Productivity Is The Backbone Of Any Enterprise
Chapter 1: Problem Definition
Employee productivity, also known as workforce productivity, is the backbone of
any enterprise. According to Amabile and Kramer (2012), the source of
productivity at any company the individual knowledge workers who get
things done every day (para. 1). And according to Axilrod (2015), the typical
employee is at his or her desk for an average of approximately five hours a day, paid
for by the company. Thus, in the current climate of globalization, outsourcing,
downsizing, and pension reduction, it is vital for administration and management
to stay on top of what sustains employee loyalty and employee productivity.
Several elements contribute to effective employee productivity, including
employee job satisfaction and morale (Axilrod, 2015; Manson, 2014; Jarrow, 2013;
Kaupelyte, 2013; Turner, 2013; Amabile Kramer, 2012; Walters, 2010; Bowles
Cooper, 2009). Neely (2013) asserts that Regardless of the profession or type of
work, the central element that has had a stake in productivity, longevity and overall
success of any organization [is] employee morale (p. 13).
The technology sector is one of the fastest growing in the business, if not the fastest
growing sector. Like many others in other sectors, companies in the technology sector
are facing the challenges of employee productivity and are initiating actions toward
performance management (Axilrod, 2015) to ...focus... on the performance of
employees and [ensure] their
Overworking Nurses Results On Negative Patient Outcomes
Overworking Nurses Results In Negative Patient Outcomes A major issue in the
medical career field is the demand for nurses and this, of course, means that these
nurses will be working strenuous hours to meet the high demands. While this may
satisfy some issues it also creates others. Longer hours results in exhausted nurses
and this leads to negative patient outcomes. Nurses have many tasks to complete
while they are on the job. While these tasks may be simple they can also be harmful
if done wrong. For example, nurses have to distribute medication to patients. If the
nurseis overworked and tired he/she may distribute the wrong medication or mishap
and give them the wrong dosage. Something so small can make a world of difference
when it comes to the patient especially, if the patient is suffering from fatal
conditions. Another job that nurses partake is transcription, meaning they have to
transcribe what the doctor or physiciansays. This is extremely important because if
the nurse is not paying full attention they could miss a crucial part of what is said.
This, obviously, could lead to misdiagnosis or the wrong medication being
prescribed. One of the smaller tasks completed by nurses in charting. This could
result in the same way as the transcribing errors; the patient could be misdiagnosed or
not treated to their proper illness. ...Nurses working more than 12.5 consecutive hours
were three times more likely to make an error than nurses working shorter hours .....
Duquenois Test Lab Report
As expected, the marijuana bubbled after HCl was added, signifying the release of
CO2 (g). The LCD glowed fluorescent under the UV light, as hallucinogens tend to
show up as such. Another technique that could be used to detect the presence of
marijuana is the Duquenois test, in which 0.5 mL acetaldehyde, 1.0 g vanillin, and
50 mL ethanol are added to a sample and shaken. Extracting this with chloroform will
result in a purple or dark blue color if marijuana is present. The unknown contained
silver, as both the unknown and silver solutions turned red and formed red
precipitates with the addition of potassium chromate. With the addition of Dithizone,
both the unknown and silver formed colloidal solutions with gray particles, so the
unknown was likely silver. Discussion Conclusion... Show more content on ...
In doing so, we found that the unknown must contain silver ions, which formed a
red precipitate when potassium chromate was added. Both also formed a colloid
with gray particles when Dithizone was added. Lessons learned Our examination of
marijuana and LSD reaffirmed the information from the reading regarding their
characteristics. The calcium carbonate crystals at the base of marijuana leaf hairs
reacted the HCl to produce CO2 (g), as most carbonates will form CO2 (g) when
acids are added. The glowing LSD confirmed that hallucinogens have a tendency to
glow under ultraviolet light. Part II demonstrated the solubility rules and ion colors,
as seen by AgCl and PbCl, which both precipitated in our experiment. Sources of
Albus Dumbledore Letters
Albus Dumbledore sighed and looked at the pile of letters to be delivered to this
year s first years. When his fire place glowed green and three letters shout out and
landed on the hearth. Standing up he walked over to the fire place and picked up
the three letters and walked back to his desk and began to read. The first letter read
Albus Dumbledore, I have received word that Voldemort is trying to rise again,
and that he is not only after The Boy Who Lived but a wizard from England; Arthur
Kirkland, who not only possesses a rare type of magic but can also use Black
Magic. So as a request from the government he is to attend Hogwarts until said
otherwise. If you refuse this will be made an official government matter *Note Arthur
has the ability... Show more content on ...
So as a request from the government he is to attend Hogwarts until said otherwise.
If you refuse this will be made an official government matter *Note Vladimir has
the ability to attract bats* Petre Roman Prime Minister of Romania The third and
final letter came as a bit of a shock to Dumbledore Albus Dumbledore, I have
received word that Voldemort is trying to rise again, and that he is not only after
The Boy Who Lived but a wizard from Norway; Lukas Bondevik, who not only
possesses a rare type of ancient magic but can also use Black Magic. So as a
request from the government he is to attend Hogwarts until said otherwise. If you
refuse this will be made an official government matter *Note Lukas has the ability
to attract magical creatures such as Trolls, faes and Nisse* Gro Harlem Brundtland
Prime Minister of Norway Raising an eyebrow Dumbledore stood up with the letters
in his hand and walked out his office door to the staff room to find Professor
Minerva McGonagall and talk to her about the situation. Luckily before he reached
the staffroom he found McGonagall standing outside the staircase that lead to his
office. Hello Minerva Dumbledore
Glucose And Lactase Lab Report
Analysis It is concluded that there was a presence of glucose when lactase was
added to the lactose+maltose but this was not seen in lactose. Accordingly, lactose
was broken down into glucose and galactose in the existence of the enzyme lactase.
In addition to that, because one maltose disaccharide is two monosaccharides, it
was concluded to be positive for the benedict s solution. Due to this, maltose should
always be positive. A yellow color was seen in the solution during the experiment.
The control group for this experiment was the lactose solution which showed a
negative test and, therefore, remained in its original blue color as there was no
lactase to catalyze the chemical reaction in order for the bonds to break. Lastly, both
the lactose and maltose solution with lactase had a positive result of glucoseas the
benedict s solution turned a yellowish green color.
Discussion The main purpose of the lab was to investigate the effects of lactase
two sugars, lactose and maltose. It was concluded that adding lactase to lactose will
cause it to break down into its two components and this was indicated by adding
benedict s solution. In the presence of glucose, benedict s solution causes the color
to change to a red yellow solution, which is what was observed.
Gene expression can be used to ... Show more content on ...
When there is a lack of lactase in the small intestines, it results in lactose intolerance
which means the body cannot fully break down lactose. Most cases of lactose
intolerance occur later in life when activity of lactate gradually decreases causing
less lactase to bind to active sites, however, in rare cases some babies may be born
without the lactase enzyme. This intolerance caused by the lack of lactase leads to
the lactose being passed onto the color, where it is fermented by the bacteria present
and causes gas, diarrhea and bloating and can lead to sever
Cabeza De Vaca s La Relacion
In the story La Relacion by Alvar Cabeza de Vaca. Cabeza de Vaca s history of the 8
years living with the Native Americans in Texas and in the South West. He goes
through slavery, served as a trader and eventually became recognized as a great
healer and related to religion or soul leader by making a great disparity. Cabeza de
Vaca and his men were later forced to act as healers.
Cabeza de Vaca is writing to the Spaniards great commandeer, giving reasons for
the Indians way of living on how they are to do with man, even more so than they
are. The tribes are great communities that look out for each other. They do have some
damaging marks but not as shocking as one would have in mind. In this time the
male ruler and other persons from Europe ... Show more content on ...
It s a good starting point because it tells of the first because there was no before
knowledge. It has it s true knowledge and it is less opinionated. this starting point
can be thought out as a safe, good starting point because although it is from a
European point of view, The persons living in the country that De Vaca says
something about to as Indians are not made picture of as violent, slow in
development, savages, or of lower quality as in so many other texts. His position,
being one of a person in another s place, would make his viewpoint, one of a kind
feelings of the Indians that give them food, and would talk well of them. however,
he might have been somewhat over did and his account of the journey to the
island. He says that not five men could be positioned, but if that s the Case then
who would have been salvage of the ship? This shows that it is only his personal
rapport and holds no view our reactions of others. It fails to say the name of personal
lines and their feelings about the New earth.
The selected rhetorical devices that help to support his report that the shocking event
was not due to bad quality of being a chief or mistakes but truly to uncontrollable
factors that were an act of God, starvation, and bad
Senkaku Islands Controversy
Every day the world is dealing with issues that come and go or issues that have
existed and was never properly dealt with. The information we obtain is always
presented to us through a plethora of sources on a daily basis. Sometimes the
source of our information is biased and other times it is neutral. What is more
important is how the knowledge is relayed to us and how we consume it. The media
may influence how we consume information based on how they word the topic at
hand. In light of recent controversies there is an issue in the Pacific over claims of
the Senkaku Islandsor as the Chinese refer to as the Diaoyu Islands. This altercation is
mainly between Japan and China, however the United States has a role in this
The gist of this controversy is that according to BBC How uninhabited islands soured
China Japan ties China ... Show more content on ...
Japan however claims the Senkaku Islands belong to them because it was returned
to them by the U.S. in 1971, under the Okinawa reversion deal, after they renounced
the claims of the Islands after WW2. The islands are disputed over the fact that it is
a strategic location for trade routes, military bases, and potential oil/gas reserves.
The media has covered this issue again and again for years now. Both countries have
their arguments on why the islands belong to them, but the media still presents us
information differently. When a person looks at news media outside of the Western
hemisphere, such as the Japan Times or Shanghai Daily, it is possible to see the
difference in opinion based on the presentation of the subject matter. The media
presents and manipulates the information that is available to show a certain message.
When reading the article from Shanghai daily China unwavering on Diaoyu Islands it
can be observed that the article
The Attitude Toward The Publication Of Ugc
In terms of the attitude toward the publication of UGC, this dissertation begins by
reviewing publication in print. There were 340 community newspaper website
managers who answered the question about the importance generally of publishing
UGC. Of those 134, 39.4% of respondents stated publishing UGC was very important,
117, which represents 34.4% stated it was important, only 3 respondents stated that it
was unimportant to allow the public the opportunity to submit UGC. Overall, there
were 30 respondents, 8.8%, who believed it is somewhat to very unimportant to
publish UGC in print (see table 1). As it relates to photography, community
newspaper websitemanagers believed it was more important to allow the public to
submit photographs, 150... Show more content on ...
These descriptive statistics provide a baseline to show attitude toward UGC and
offer a line of comparison for answering RQ9, which seeks to explain the difference
in attitude of community newspaper website managers toward publishing UGC online.
The descriptive data shows a slightly different story when it comes to how important
community newspaper website managers consider publishing UGC online. When
these managers answered generally about the importance of publishing UGC online
there were 100 respondents, 30.7%, who consider it somewhat important to publish
UGC online. A total of 232, 71.2%, consider it at least somewhat important to publish
UGC online. There were 94 respondents, 28.8%, who considered it at least somewhat
unimportant to publish UGC online. This is more than three times the percentage of
respondents who had something representing a negative attitude toward the overall
importance of publishing of UGC in print. The trend toward a more negative attitude
toward publishing UGC online continued in terms of UGC photography. The largest
number of respondents 100, 30.4%, stated it was important to publish UGC
photography online. Overall, 252 respondents, 76.6%, of respondents possess a
positive attitude toward the publication of UGC photography online. Meanwhile, 77
respondents, 23.4%, considered the publication of UGC photography online
somewhat unimportant or less. In this instance, the respondents again were nearly
three times as
Criminal Trial Letter
I hope all is well. I am contacting you today to inform you of the judge s decision to
postpone your trial until the next trial calendar. We can t express enough how upset
we are at the judge s decision. We know that you are seeking closure and we want
the same thing. I want you to know that we did not accept this decision without a
fight. Please allow me the opportunity to express our attempts to prevent the judge
from postponing your trial and then outline what we intend to do moving forward to
fight for an earlier trial day. As you know, about a month ago, we were notified that a
new attorney would be representing the Defendant. The new attorney filed a leave of
absence with the court for January 17 22. The Fulton County State Court... Show
more content on ...
James Thompson is your physical therapist. He oversaw your physical therapy in
both your 2015 and 2016 wreck. His testimony is necessary to explain to the jury
how you became injured, why you still feel pain, and what your prognosis is for
the future. Dr. Thompson also has visuals that he will use to show the jury where
and why you still feel pain. For these reasons and more, we requested that the judge
allow us to proceed with the trial on Thursday, January 24th. Yesterday, at 11:30
a.m., we received an email from the judge. The judge informed us, and opposing
counsel, that it was unlikely that we would be going to trial on Thursday, January
24 for following reasons: 1. Opposing counsel s leave of absence for January 17
22. 2. The court s concern that the parties would not be able to complete the trial in
2 days given jury selection and the number of witnesses. In light of these concerns
we provided the judge with the following options for his consideration: 1. We
informed the judge that we were willing to have each party limit their jury selection
to 30 minutes as an effort to shorten the trial. 2. We informed the judge that outside
of our main witnesses, we were willing to limit our examination of all other
witnesses to 15 20 minutes per witness. (There are only 5 witnesses in this case and
opposing counsel has no witnesses other than the
The Characteristics Of Baroque Music
At first glance, a number of pieces of baroque music can seem pretty straightforward
and simplistic. When performed exactly as it is written, usually by amateurs, the
music may not be able to grab the listener s attention and it is easy to assume that
listeners back then had different musical ears that modern listeners do that gave them
the ability to tolerate such simplistic pieces. Could this really be the musicthat some
records have shown to drive people of the Baroqueera to tears and even the urge to
faint? It is when a vocalist begins to embellish and ornament the various notes and
give their own improvisational touches to the piece that it truly begins to have
character and grips the listener with it s pulchritudinous composition, such as is with
works such as Monteverdi s famous Ariadne s Lament, a gorgeous work capable of
moving most to tears; this is the importance of ornamentation when it comes to
musicians performing Baroque era music.
Unfortunately, there has been little research and discussion on what vocal
characteristics are suitable for the most authentic Baroque performance. A very
common misunderstanding is that Baroque music is innately limited, simple, or
uninspired; however, the truth of it is that the music of the Baroque gives the
performer the freedom personal expression and individualized that is unrivaled by
most other periods of music history. To further illustrate, the Baroque era is like the
instructor that assigns a creative writing
The Sea By Pablo Neruda
When I was a little girl at early of my age, I spent a wonderful time with my
grandma near a sea in my hometown during the last two months of her life. That
was the first time we saw the smile back to her face since we got the news that she
got intestine cancer. Back to that time I was deeply impressed by how being around
the sea was capable to change people s emotionin such a positive way. The poet,
Pablo Neruda, in his poem The Sea illustrates how the sea teaches a trapped man a
lesson on how to be released from struggling to find freedom and happiness. The
three crucial poem writing elements, sound, structure, and figurative language make
the power of sea more vivid just like a picture we could see and have physical
feelings about. And when we try to get a deeper understanding of the poem, it is the
sound that we hear first.
From a perspective of sound, it is obvious that there is a pattern in the poem that
could provide readers the same feel of the sea just by listening to it. The poet uses
two techniques basically to create that effect in terms of internal rhythm and soft
sounds. For example, in the line I love the sea because it teaches me and what it
taught me before, I keep , a consonance syllable ee has been used by Neruda. Also,
there are several words containing the syllables like s , sh , and w playing an
essential role in creating the whole mood of the poem. For example, Neruda writes If
it s a single wave or its vast existence, / or only its
A Report On Google s Driverless Car
Google s driverless car; are they the future, technologies most recent trumpet, world
s next thing or the latest catastrophe, next failure, biggest let down yet? Google has
produce multiple products over the years that were successful and some that lack
success. The latest product their trying to liftoff is the Google Car. A driverless
car that can rely on their sensors and software to drive themselves. The idea of a
car that drives without a driver is by far interesting, but is it good to have a person
life in the hands of a machine. Some people thinks this plan is a dead end: Ian
Pearson, a futurologist, says What Google is proposing is obsolete, Pearson, who
is also a fellow at the World Academy for Arts and Science, said. It doesn t exist yet,
but there isn t any point in going through that phase. There are two Italian
researchers are looking to release self driving pods. The pods, called Next, they re
driverless boxes that will take you anywhere. But even the Next pods fall short of
what Pearson foresees. For one, Next is a public transportation system that is
controlled by a third party. The pods will pick you up after you request one through
an app. (Muoio) So, there other things that are similar to driverless car that are
surfacing around the world. Not just driverless cars; but the concept that a computer
having to make so many complex choices is unsettling to some people. There are
obstacles that these mindful machines have to overcome to gain majority of
Product Review for Folding Hunter Lock- Back Knife Essay
h3 Buck Knives 110 9210 Folding Hunter Lock Back Knife /h3
The Buck Knives Hunter folding knife is a very simple pocket knife for everyday
use and outdoor activities such as hunting. The single stainless steel blade measures
out at 3 3/4 inches long, making it fitting for fans of medium sized knives. The
implementation of stainless steel allows the blade to last for years with everyday
wear and tear and even rough conditions outdoors. The blade for this particular knife
is a straight edge which is great for common uses such as self defense and everyday
cutting purposes.
The handle is made up of a combination of wood and brass to make for a sleek design
and a comfortable feeling while holding it.
For a point, we have the popular ... Show more content on ...
All of the tools, barring the magnifying glass, and the general construction of the
knife are made of stainless steel to provide the user with durability and strength to
deal with everyday and frequent outdoor use.
While the entirety of the knife s construction is made from stainless steel, the outer
shell comes in either a thick plastic or wood. You can also select colors such as black,
red and blue for the plastic covers.
As for the knives themselves, they re fairly standard blades that come with most
multi tool knives. They re both drop point blades with straight edges, but the
inclusion of two saws in the knife negate the disadvantages of not having a serrated
blade. The larger blade of the two is about three inches long, but it s not particularly
wide enough to do many big jobs.
The stainless steel construction also means that the knives will dull fairly easily, and
this may occur even more frequently if the knives tends to rub up against other tools
while closing.
Opening the knives can also be difficult for people with short fingernails as the
opening to grab the knife isn t very large. There s also no lock to prevent the knives
from accidentally closing, which could present a safety hazard.
Reginald F. Fellowship Analysis
Reginald F. Fellowship has drawn my attention for more than one reason. Of
course my number one interest in the fellowship is the fellowship is for those of a
minority. Secondly this opportunity will help me progress in the field I wish to
work in once I graduate; media production. I m sure this fellowship will give me a
chance to network as well as learn; meeting people who can help strengthen my
weak points whether it is production/work based or a lesson I can carry with me
through life. I am a continued student in life amongst other things with the
Reginald F. Fellowship I ll be able to grow as well as learn; best of both worlds! As I
am entering my last and final year of college with a million expectations for myself
and I m sure a million more from my family, being as though I am the very first of
my family who will be receiving a college degree. I m humble and forever grateful
to have had the chance to experience college and all it has granted me during the...
Show more content on ...
My open minded way of thinking; I know I don t know everything I always have
my ears open to soak in new ways of doing things or simply constructive criticism
on work I ve completed without taking any personal offense. Lastly, having the
opportunity to be a part of the first African American billionaire in the 1940 s is
amazing in itself. Similar to Mr. Lewis; I too, have had not such a smooth way of
growing up; not to the extent of segregation but in other ways where some
experiences I ve endured may have turned another child down a dark, hopeless,
unsuccessful path. However I have always chose a brighter path with a million
possibilities endless ambition to become successful despite a hectic childhood.
Anything is possible in life and nothing can ever hold me back from my dreams.
Again, I m forever a student in life I m looking for all the knowledge and experience
that can be gained being a part of this
Analysis Of Bret Murphy
(describe setting of interview)... Bret Murphy, warrior of the sea, With an
intimidating, bushy goatee and...... posters of marines plastered over his wall,
there s no doubt that Bret Murphy, isn t your average Bob, Joe, or Jim. Bret
Murphy is a strong, brave, and heroic veteran who gave 23 years of his life and
health to serve our beloved country. Can you imagine finally finishing high school,
and then going to boot camp (....something about a bus....)and having large men in
uniform scream in your face for 18 hours a day? Or having nothing to eat except
powdered eggs, and bland, tasteless, overboiled vegetables? Or being crammed into
hard, wooden, uncomfortable bunk beds with 80 other men? Can you imagine
witnessing the horror of dead people,
Essay Characterization in The Good Soldier
In The Good Soldier, Ford Maddox Ford does not fully develop any of the
characters. The reader is intended to use the narrator Dowell s disconnected and
inaccurate impressions to build a more complete version of who the characters are,
as well as form a more accurate view of what actually happens with the sad affair
(Ford 9) of Dowell s pathetic life. This use of a single character s various
perceptions creates a work that follows the style of literary impressionism, which,
to some extent, should be only a series of personal impressions that culminates in
the portrayal of reality as a subjective experience (van Gunsteren 239). This very
subjectivity of reality is clearly evident in Dowell s perception of other people and
events.... Show more content on ...
He also says that her heart had made him lead the life of the sedulous, strained
nurse (13), constantly needing to watch her and protect her from anything that
might possibly excite her or cause damage to her heart. While this apparently
constrictive relationship could be construed as irritating, Dowell does not seem to
have any objection to the role Florence has given him, even when he later realizes
that she had faked her heart condition to manipulate him. For the most part,
Florence even inspires some degree of pity in him, and she often becomes poor
dear Florence (12) in his mind. That he is capable of pity for such a manipulative
person is only explained by his oblivious nature. This particular version of Florence
shows the full extent of his lack of understanding as he attempts to explain things
to himself. It also shows the degree of his gullibility. Dowell also describes
Florence as weak and simple minded, saying that she was bright and she danced
(17). This portrays Florence as an essentially superficial person. However, this
superficiality does not really say anything directly about Florence, but illustrates
what Thomas C. Moser phrases as Dowell s conviction of the meaninglessness of
existence (Moser 354). Dowell s life consists entirely of a series of dinners and teas,
none of which he sees any point in, aside for
Financial Side Of A Good Profit
interprets the research according to his or her own biased view, which skews the data
gathered. Another disadvantage is that this research method is very time consuming
and can last for months or even years.
Finally, it is always important to ensure the financial side of the product are
understood and the product brings in a good profit also it is a good idea to set
promotional prices to enable the customer to have a taster of the product. This
meant Kellogg s were required to predict a forecast of the product, Kellogg s do
this by undergoing one final test prior to the new product launch. This is called the
In Home Usage Test . The consumers are given the product to try for several days
and this enables Kellogg s to capture how ... Show more content on ...
However market research that is gathered by any organisation could prove to be
irrelevant and inappropriate.
M3: Develop a coherent marketing mix that is targeted at a defined group of potential
What is marketing mix?
The marketing mix is a set of strategies to achieve an organisations objectives and
satisfy customers needs The marketing mix is included of the 4 P s which are
Product, Place, Price and promotion which work in together to achieve their
maximum potential. It is important that all the P s in a marketing mix are consistent
with one another otherwise it can affect the whole marketing mix. For example a
marketing mix which has an effective Product, Place and Promotion but an incorrect
price can affect the sales and overall success of a product.
The objective of marketing mix
An objective of a marketing mix is to help support the building of brands using the
4 P s as a strategy. An effective marketing mix will increase brand awareness and a
strong brand allows businesses to make more effective marketing strategies.
Another objective of a marketing mix is to focus the 4 P s on fulfilling the needs of
customers in the target market. If all 4 P s in a marketing mix satisfies the target
market, the product has an increased chance of
Experiences of World War One in All Quiet on the Western...
Wars have always been events that I enjoy learning about, reading about and just
discovering what went on. So when this project rolled around I had no problem
choosing the novel All Quiet on the Western Front, which was written by Erich
Maria Remarque. Erich had been a German soldier towards the end of WWI and
had, first hand experienced the pure terror that is war. I had heard of this book
through my father who is also a major war enthusiast. Him and I have had numerous
conversations about both World War Iand II, as he was the one that originally
suggested I read this book. I have to say that it was a tremendous suggestion in that
this novelto me seems to be one of the finest pieces of anti war literature ever
penned. The way the novel is able to portray the mindset of a soldier was beautifully
done and shows the complete deterioration that occurs over time. First to understand
more about the novel and its author, Erich Maria Remarque, it would be helpful to
learn about his life. Erich was born on June 22, 1898 (internet source 4) in the
town of Osnabruck Germany. He was born into a poor family to his father, Peter
Maria Kramer, and mother, Anna Marie Kramer (internet source 5). His father was
a bookbinder while Erich was a kid (internet source 5). He also had 2 other siblings
and his family as a whole moved at least 11 during his childhood. To say Erich had a
turbulent childhood would be an understatement; he grew up in circumstances most
people could not even begin
Mono Research Paper
Infectious Mononucleosis also known as Mono is known to be caused by the
Epstein Barr Virus (EBV). It is contagious. It is usually seen during childhood but
can extend to young adulthood ages 15 to 25. Ninety percent of the children who
have mono have the EBV
The signs and symptoms include fever, and general malaise, sore throat, and
swollen lymph nodes located in the neck and armpits, rash, and sometimes a
swollen liver or spleen or both ( However, these symptoms are not
visible until after the incubation period of four to six weeks. Serology tests that can
detect the IgM EBV antibodies are positive for EBV virus are used if a person is
symptomatic and has a negative mono test ( They may also show
increased ... Show more content on ...
Genera Lymphocryptovirus. (HHV 4). This virus has been known to be one of the
most common viruses in humans. It may cause a host of human diseases such as
chicken pox, shingles, multiple sclerosis, infectious mononucleosis, and Burkitts
lymphoma which is one of the human cancers. More than ninety percent of the adult
population have artificially acquired immunity
The portal of entry is the respiratory tract. The virus survives in the infected cells of
humans, and causes an infection to the B cells which are located in the lymphoid
tissues near the tonsils. Serology tests that can detect that the IgM EBV antibodies
are positive for EBV virus are used. Signs and symptoms include, fever, sore throat,
swollen and tender cervical lymph nodes, and extreme fatigue. Prevention should
include the treatment of symptoms and avoiding strenuous activity because there is
an increased risk of spleen rupture.
Cellist Of Sarajevo Essay
The theme of the cellist of Sarajevo is the psyche. Every character goes through a
mental change due to the war that they witness. It will change them as a person
It shows how much tragedy and hardship can affect the human mind. It also shows
different people deal with death. Some spend their times mourning and in sadness
loss of life and feel the need to express themselves. The cellist does that by making a
statement and playing music at the spot that the mortar when if so others are not able
forget the lives that were given. Others feel the need to stand up and do something
about it even if it will change them more than the events that have transpired already
have. Arrow does that by becoming a sniper ... Show more content on
He works at a local bakery.The setting of the
story takes places on Bosnia. The war has to due with the Serbs and Croats living in
Bosnia wanting to annex Bosnian territory for Serbia and Croatia. When the city is
attack it is forced to undergo a siege. The book is not written like most other stories
have read. Usually books have one main character. there are three perspectives in this
story. By showing three different perspectives the reader is able to have a better idea
everything going on throughout the town. They all also have their own stories. while
connect they each have different plot lines. The story choose to focus more on the
characters daily lives than the actual war. While their paths are different they all share
the same theme in the end which make I threes times as powerful as it would have
been with just one main character. the point of view is told in first person by each
character and switches between them during the story. They all have different events
that they have gone through so we are able to know a lot more about what is going on
in the story. It is good choice when dealing with a setting that has so many place and
event all occurring at the same
Research Paper On Virunga
Virunga National Park Essay The Virunga National Park is one of the most
biologically diverse areas on the planet and home to a short list of endangered
mountain gorillas. Currently, there are 880 mountain gorillas located in the forests
shared between the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda. Virunga
was the first national park founded by King Albert I of Belgium in Africa. The park
was founded in order to protect the mountain gorillas, but unfortunately poaching had
caused them to go extinct. The Democratic Republic of the Congois extremely rich in
natural resources, but is politically unstable, has a lack of infrastructure, and deep
corruption. The Congohad faced serious threats since the Civil War and wasn t
declared independent until 1960. In 1994, factions of african rebel groups are trying
to gain control of natural resources to sell to foreign corporations. Since parts of
Virunga lies on the eastern Congo, the park also lies within the natural resources that
European private corporations are highly interested. It wasn t until 2010 when oil
was discovered in the eastern Congo (Virunga National Park). The Virunga National
Park is known for its... Show more content on ...
Through its history, Virunga has been deeply affected by the country s political
climate. From poaching to war, the park rangers, key politicians, conservationists,
and concerned individuals had work hard for the park to survive. As of now,
people across the world are donating and signing petitions for the park to survive
and from ever being drilled again. The work ethic shown by the Virunga s rangers
demonstrates the love they have for the national park and the animals to live forever.
The greatest incentive for the park rangers is for the animals to live forever because
it s the only thing that keeps the national park living. Through the film, I was amazed
how how much empathy and sympathy the rangers have for their national
The Book Of Esther In The Hebrew Bible
The book of Esther appears in the Hebrew Bible as one of five scrolls that is read
on festivals or commemorative days of the Jewish year. Esther is the story of the
deliverance of the Jews from destruction and persecution from King Ahasuerus
official named Haman. In this story, Esther shows great courage and devotion to
her Jewish people, and even risks her own safety to help defend them against the
wrongdoings of Haman. This story interests me most because it is a story about a
woman s courage and strength that saved her people. When King Ahasuerus wife,
Queen Vashti, refused the king s orders to appear before him in court to show the
people and the officials her beauty, King Ahasuerus was enraged by her
disobedience. The king s officials informed him that this disobedience set an
example for the wives of the officials, and that they too would disobey if the king did
not write a law stating that Queen Vashti could never again come before the king, and
that her... Show more content on ...
He states that people believed in their time that these people would be excluded
from the protection of God because they were unworthy of being called Israelites.
Henry argues that this was never true, because God does not judge us on our
weaknesses. He also believes that it was Mordecai who wrote the book of Esther, and
although God is not mentioned in it, the finger of God is, directing many minute
events for the bringing about of his people s deliverance (Henry 1121). He
describes the particulars as not only surprising and very entertaining, but
enlightening and very encouraging to the faith and hope of God s people in the
most difficult and dangerous times. Henry does not give much of his opinion of
Queen Esther; he does, however, believe this book to be factual and serving as an
example of God s devotion and love for His
Jake Gyllenhaal Research Paper
Born in 1980, Jake Gyllenhaal is the son of director Stephen Gyllenhall and
screenwriter Naomi Foner. Since he was a child, he started acting when he was little.
His first screen debut is in City Slickers. One can say that acting was his first
education in life.
However, KR CR Tv has it that the Brokeback Mountain actor wouldn t be famous
today if he didn t drop out of Columbia. Jake Gyllenhaal is basically a famous drop
out. But starting from the beginning, his first exposure to filmmaking was because of
his family. His father is a director and his mother a screenwriter, both parents have
close ties to the acting industry. However, that did not mean he would always get the
chance to act. His parents allowed him to audition for roles but
How Do Animals Survive In The Tropical Rainforest
Rainforest insect or invertebrate includes the scorpion, spiders beetles and more
these are just some insects in the rainforest there are millions in the rainforest. The
rainforest is being destroyed and theses insects like the animals are losing their
homes. Insects are eating and being eaten they mostly get eaten because must have
no defences to fight back.This is where the population is just all deaf traits because
they die of being killed and from starving so it is decreasing because of other
animals .I will be explaining how they are eating what are eaten by and how they
survive in the wild rainforest. The rainforest still has wilder animals in the deep
forest. Animals like spiders and scorpions are not really not a target just because
they have more defences and offences. But they also get eaten by birds and wasps
they also kill the kill birds and other animals.they are more like the tertiary sources
food sources that is combined together with primary and secondary sources. The
insects are not the lowest on the food chain but they have a proud spot they are
needed for fertilizers sometimes and they help other more bigger animals like cats
and bigger birds theses insects are very brave because they have to live with these
big animals... Show more content on ...
The bugs of the rainforests are one of the most killing of the animals to survive
because they are the smallest and likely to get eaten because of the my
opinion i think the bugs should not eat each other they should work together to kill
more of the bigger more visouseanimails to have a bigger meal.but it s not really
possible because they bugs eat each other. The insects are what we would called a
cannibal and that s when you eat your own kind yes the bugs eat each other
sometimes even loved ones especially female insects they eat their mating partner.
The females get brung a meal and then they kill them by eating their heads after they
Exploring the Mormons Essay
Exploring the Mormons
Who were the Mormons?
The Mormons were a very different to other people they had a communal life and
this means they try to get other people to follow there religion. The man who
founded the Mormons was Joseph smith a son of a poor family in Vermont. Joseph
smith claimed he saw a vision of an angel in 1823 called Moroni. The vision he had
told him to find some secret hidden golden plates in a hillside called Cumorah in
Palmyra, in the New York state. The plates were then kept hidden for four years,
smith found the plates and four years later he translated what it said on them behind a
curtain, the inscription was written in the book of Mormon published in 1830. There
... Show more content on ...
The first objective smith was to accomplish was to build the HOLY CITY (city of
god). This was not going to be an easy task, Catholics attacked the Mormons
because of there different beliefs. Joseph smith plotted there first temple, after
smith founded a bank for Mormons and non Mormons but through a financial
crisis the bank collapsed. The Mormons were driven out by the non Mormons to
Kirtland; Joseph smith led the Mormons to Missouri where missionaries had
already created a small village. At first the Mormons wasn t accepted for there
religious differences, the people in the community were suspicious of the
Mormon leaders which they believed in communal ownership of there property.
Most Mormons came from the north so they didn t like slavery, and the farmers in
Missouri owned slaves so there were a lot of problems in the community. Violence
increased in the area and fights broke out, so the Mormons created a police force
called the Danites, they believed they were going to win the support of the Indian
tribes. When the Mormons left Missouri they went to Nauvoo Illinois led by smith.
In 1842 the Mormons army was at the size of 2,000. Some rumours were spread that
the Mormons would take over the United States of America because Joseph smith
made a run for president. In the month June 1844 smith and his brother, Hyrum were
sent to prison. From then on the race was run by Brigham
The Role Of Racism In Canada
The Government s Role
I carry a piece of identification in my wallet based on my ethnicity. Wab Kinew
(Huffington Post, 2016). The outcome of First Nation s funding for education, and
quality health care is based on their ethnicity. There are two forms racism in this
country, the rude name calling that is not as bad as it was back 50 years ago, but it
still exist in our day and age today. The other form is a more of a silent one that the
government performs which First Nations people are born into and are blind too.
And they try to keep this on the DL, which is sick. The lack of funding to first
nations education. Indigenous students receiving $4,000 less per pupil in annual
funding than every other Canadian kid. (Huffington Post, 2016). So obviously Canada
has a big problem on their hands.
Numbers are our Reality ... Show more content on ...
An unemployment that is twice the national rate, dropout rate of 23% (20 24 year
without a high school diploma, not in school), a median income that is $10,000
less than the average Canadian (Canada racism problem, 2015). When the Canadian
government does not do anything to improve these numbers, there is obviously
something wrong with the way our country is being run. Racism started with the
Government s of this continent. With the intentions of trying to kill the indian
with in the indian. The residential school era, has caused the children, to be
damaged. Not being raised by their parents, they were not taught the proper way to
raise a child. The child would also be lost in this knowledge, in raising a child. and
be damaged from an im proper uprising so what do they turn to? Alcohol, and drugs,
which now we see this in our day to day lives as First Nations people such as High
school dropouts, unemployment and low income to support
Selected Companies Pro Forma
Selected Companies Pro Forma
Apple has become very successful in the technology industry. The company has
increased its net sales from 2006 to 2007, which proves they are making good capital
budgeting decisions. A pro forma income statement and balance sheet showing the
future planning and growth of a company. The pro forma income statement and
balance sheet will explain a cash budget, underlying assumptions of calculations,
calculations of different ratio analysis, and make recommendations to management.
The most comprehensive means of financial forecasting is to develop a series of pro
forma, or projected, financial statements (2005, Block Hirt, p. 88, chap. 4).
Financial Statements
A set of financial statements include an income ... Show more content on ...
Provision of tax is not percentage of sales and calculates based in income before tax.
Since goodwill does not change with sales, it remains at the same level. The
percentage increase does not affect the acquired tangible assets so values remain the
same. Accounts payable receives adjustments in order to equalize the balance sheet.
Common stock will not change with assets and stays the same. The retained earnings
increase with the net income for 2008. Accumulated other comprehensive income
may not change with sales and is taken at the same level.
Ratio Analysis
The use of ratio analysis is rather like solving a mystery in which each clue leads to
a new area of inquiry (2005, Block Hirt, p. 55, chap. 3). These ratios help to make
pro forma determinations for future years. The first step to making any predictions
is to review the current year and past year ratios, making comparisons and
determining areas of strengths and weaknesses. Larger companies may require a
review of the past five year s ratios to obtain detailed analyses of these areas. For this
review, we are concentrating on the years 2007 and 2006 and have prepared the
following rations for review:
Liquidity Asset Utilization Ratios 2007 2006 Current Ratio Current Assets 21,956.00
14,509.00 Current
U.S. Government Need to Give Larger Funding NASA
Have you ever looked up into the night sky and wondered what life outside of Earth
would be like? Many people don t realize the scale of space. You are essentially a
grain of sand on an endless beach. NASA is a space exploration program dedicated to
discovering the beach we live in. However, it costs billions of dollars to explore
space. The United States government must raise the lowered funding of NASA,
allowing the program to perform larger missions at a faster rate. NASA is responsible
for putting a man on the Moon, landing rovers on the surface of Mars, and many
other astounding accomplishments. They perform all of these feats through funding
from the United States government. NASA shouldn t have to deal with budget cuts
because of the work they put in and the information they learn from space.
To begin with, funding for NASA has dramatically been reduced compared to the
1960s during the Space Race (Budget of NASA 1). In 1966, where the funding for
NASA peaked, the United States government gave NASA almost 6 billion dollars
which is about 37 billion dollars today (1). This was equal to about 4.4% of the
United States annual budget (1). The last official record of the NASA budget was
in 2012, a little over 18 billion dollars (1). This still sounds like a lot of money, which
it is, but the cut has reduced the budget by a third of what it used to be (1). NASA
has had to turn towards smaller, single purpose satellites and probes (Butler 59).
This is a good and bad
Resistance Training Program
Discussion #2
The importance of the endocrine system when designing a resistance training
The endocrine system releases hormones to help the body regulate and stabilize
internally. When designing a resistance training program, it is important to look at
the predicted outcome (for example: muscle growth) and see what hormones are
linked to that predicted outcome. The goal is to get the best hormonal response from
areas that will help guide you to the intended outcome of the program. If I was
designing a program for strength and muscle growth (using the knowledge I have of
the endocrine system), I know that human growth hormone and testosterone are the
hormones that will play a large role there. Since testosterone directly interacts
Segregation In African Americans Essay
Walls,Borders and Boundaries Assessment Despite its controversy in society, many
individuals still smoke marijuana recreationally. In November of 2016, eight states
of the U.S. legalized use of marijuana for both medical and recreational use. Black
rap music often has references to marijuana either directly or by using slang, and
these references have increased over the years. This has created an association
between the African American community and cannabis usage. Specifically, society
primarily focuses on drug crimes committed by black individuals solely because of
this false connotation. We conducted a survey centered around marijuana usage and
black rap music, with no emphasis on having participants of different races. While
analyzing... Show more content on ...
Segregation was a practice commonly used to separate the two races, white and
black, in a variety of social settings. Segregation was a form of racial stereotyping
that affected the lives of many innocent people of color because of the false mindset
that a certain race is better than all the other. These stereotypes resulted in the deaths
of thousands by the hands of the KKK and lynching, and a biased judicial system. In
the same vein, marijuana stereotyping has limited the lives of many African
Americans through bias in the education system, work force, and justice system to
name a few. By tearing down the wall of false stereotypes about African Americans,
the vast cultural implication would abolish incorrect preconceived notions in modern
society, therefore expanding the prospects of minorities and elevating social
standards to provide equality for all. The decrease in assumptions and the constant
search for truth impacts not only minority races, but can expand to other
demographics such as the poor, rich, or mentally insane, and even regions such as the
deep south or west coast inhabitants in the United States alone. By erasing the walls
and stereotypes between different social groups, ethically America would become a
more inclusive, less assuming, and overall a better
Women s Rights At Meriwether Lewis And William Clark
Throughout history there have been many honorable mentions of women all over
the world, from Abigail Adams to Margaret Mead. For example, look at
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark; history talks about their expedition across
the Louisiana Territory and how they helped expand America, but in truth it was
really Sacagawea s expedition. If Lewis and Clark had gone by themselves they
would have gotten lost, died of disease or killed by Indian tribes, however because
of Sacagawea s knowledge of the land, plants and surrounding Indian tribes the
expedition went good. How did this Native American womanhave all this
knowledge? The answer is simple, she learned all of this from her parents. Since
Sacagawea s parents took the time to teach her... Show more content on ...
The second one I chose to write about was Susan B. Anthony because of how she
was raised to stand up for her beliefs about men and women being equal. The last
one I chose to write about was Helen Keller because even though her parents did
not raise her, she had an amazing and kind caretaker named Anne Sullivan that
showed her that even though she was deaf and blind she could change the world for
the better. These women have rightfully earned their spots in history and should be
praised for the sacrifices they made to make America a better place for slaves,
women and the disabled.
Sojourner Truth
During the late seventeenth century if a person was not a land owning single white
male, they were treated horrible. This left women and slaves to be at the bottom of
the totem pole. Now imagine being a woman born into slavery, this would put the
woman even lower on the pole; close to being equal with dirt. However, this did not
stop Sojourner Truth from fighting for women s rights and being an abolitionist.
Nell Painter, author of Sojourner Truth: A Life, A Symbol writes about Sojourner
Truth s life and how she was used as a symbol for various movements. Painter
shows how religion was a major point in Truth s ministry about how slaves and
women should be treated fairly and equal to men. In Painter s book, she writes about
how Truth gained fame from the Akronwomen s rights conference because of her
giving her speech, Dat man over dar say dat woman needs to be helped into

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Ned Kelly Hero Or Villain Essay. Ned Kelly: Hero or Villain? Exposition Writing Sample

  • 1. Ned Kelly Hero Or Villain Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of whether Ned Kelly is a hero or a villain is a challenging endeavor that requires a nuanced understanding of historical context, cultural perspectives, and the ability to critically analyze conflicting accounts. Ned Kelly, an iconic figure in Australian history, is a complex character with a polarizing legacy, making the task of presenting a well- balanced argument particularly difficult. To begin with, one must delve into the historical records surrounding Ned Kelly's life and the events that shaped his notoriety. This involves thorough research into the socio-political landscape of 19th-century Australia, examining the grievances that led to Kelly's criminal activities and the subsequent conflicts with law enforcement. Interpreting historical documents, eyewitness accounts, and contemporary accounts demands a keen eye for detail and a capacity to sift through biased narratives. Furthermore, the essay should explore the cultural significance of Ned Kelly, considering how he is remembered and mythologized in Australian folklore. Analyzing different perspectives on whether he should be hailed as a folk hero challenging authority or condemned as a dangerous outlaw requires a deep understanding of societal values and the impact of Kelly's actions on the collective memory. Constructing a coherent and persuasive argument demands critical thinking skills to evaluate the morality of Kelly's actions within the context of his time. Was he driven by genuine grievances against injustice, or did his criminal activities warrant the label of a villain? Balancing empathy with a critical analysis of the consequences of his actions adds an extra layer of complexity to the essay. In conclusion, tackling the topic of Ned Kelly's heroism or villainy is a formidable task that demands historical acumen, cultural sensitivity, and analytical prowess. Successfully navigating the complexities of this debate requires the ability to synthesize diverse perspectives and present a compelling argument. Writing an essay on this topic involves more than a simple examination of facts; it necessitates a deep dive into the intricacies of history, culture, and morality. For assistance with similar essays and more, consider exploring the services offered on Their professional writers can provide support in crafting well-researched and thought-provoking essays on a variety of topics. Ned Kelly Hero Or Villain EssayNed Kelly Hero Or Villain Essay
  • 2. How To Avoid In NASCAR The start of the NASCAR season is always an exciting time with new teams and even a new rule package for 2017. The Daytona 500 and the all the events of speed week make for an entertaining and exciting start to spring. All this racing might just spark the racing fire within you and there are go kart tracks near riverside that will allow you to live out your racing dreams. Ask almost any NASCAR driver where their career started and nearly all will say racing go karts. That is because it is the easiest and most economical form of racing for beginners. It is also a fun and exciting sport that is enjoyable for those looking to start a career or just those wanting to be like their favorite NASCAR driver. Pole Position Raceway offers fast paced
  • 3. Will Bury Business Proposal Essay Running Head: [ [Will Bury Business Proposal] ] Will Bury Business Proposal Marisa Wachter University of Phoenix ECO 561 April 16th, 2012 In this paper we will discuss how to improve Will Bury s business. We will look at ways to increase revenue; determine the fixed and variable costs for the business; and determine how to maximize profit. We will also address the pricing structure, product differentiation, and how to minimize the costs for the product. In all, we will have complete business proposal that will help Will Bury s business become very successful. Company Background Will Bury predicts that very soon, everyone will be reading or listening to everything digitally, including books that are only available in hard ... Show more content on ... (McConnell, Brue, amp; amp; Flynn, 2009, p. 116) With this change in prices, Will could expect to sell more of the older books at the lower cost, which would increase revenue over time. He also could experience very little change in his sale of newer books with the small $1 increase in price. By monitoring the consumers response to the changes in price (known as price elasticity), Will can see rather quickly how consumers are responding to the changes in pricing and adjust accordingly. (McConnell, Brue, amp; amp; Flynn, 2009, p. 114) One way Will could sell more books is by selling them online. He has already started by building a low cost website which describes his product and offers his product for purchase. He could also create an online store on a website such as EBay, and sell his product there. A basic EBay store costs $15.95 a month to operate and a percentage fee based on the amount of sales made each month. (Fees For Ebay Stores, 2012) Using technology to sell his new technology makes the most sense and can be done for relatively low prices. However, there are costs Will needs to consider before putting his product in more locations for customers to purchase it. If the demand increases, Will may consider hiring additional help. One way to keep the labor costs down is to hire college students as interns to help him with the translations and assisting customers. Often students look for low paying or
  • 4. Reflection On Communication And Communication In the genome editing class, we had to work with our lab partner, and almost all tasks required us to work together as a team. Anyhow, we had several presentations that needed to be done together as a team. On our first presentation, my lab partner and I discussed which sections we would each cover, splitting the assignment in exactly half. Therefore, deciding how we would divide the presentation was an excellent start, but apparently, he felt that was all we needed to discuss. Consequently, that was the extent of our communicationsince I did not hear from him until the day of class when we were doing our presentation. In my mind, for all, I knew he didn t even do his portion of the presentation, and I expected constant communication while working on the project. Apparently, he felt that no communication was appropriate, however, I felt nervous and uncomfortable. Anyhow, I arrived at class and handed him my thumb drive with my portion of the presentation. I told him we need to exchange numbers, and emails so when we work on our other presentations that we can communicate and aid each other. I explained to him that all weekend I had worried that he did not do his portion of the project since I had no contact or communication with him at all. He replied why wouldn t I work on my section? I replied I am not familiar with you or your work ethic. Apparently, my communication approach was using the Theory X based on the assumption that employees or people are inherently lazy
  • 5. English Comp C456 Essay Carbohydrates are Killing Us Softly Thomas J. Engstrom Western Governors University WGU Student ID# 000529592 Carbohydrates are Killing Us Softly The nutritional dietary consumption of carbohydrates is between 55 75% for the vast majority of the global population as their main source of food intake and energy. And the general populous continues to be misinformed by government agencies regarding what a normal, healthy diet, should be, as well as what a balanced diet looks like. Eating a low carb high fat, or ketogenic, diet of high fat, adequate protein and low carbohydrates can provide many health benefits as compared to the alternative of an unhealthy diet. Research suggests that a ketogenic diet builds a healthier body than ... Show more content on ... Ketosis is the metabolic state that most of the body s energy supply comes from ketone bodies in the blood, contrasting to the state of glycolysis in which blood glucose provides most of the energy (Taubes, 2011, 140 141). Ketosis might be better known as acetone breath, a common symptom of progressing diabetes mellitus type. It is characterized by serum concentrations of ketone bodies, with low and stable levels of insulin and blood glucose. It is commonly generalized with hyper ketonemia, which is an elevated level of ketone bodies in the blood throughout the body. Ketone bodies are formed by ketogenesis as the liver glycogen stores are depleted (Taubes, 2011, p.155). The ketone bodies used for energy are acetoacetate and beta hydroxybutyrate, with that, the levels of ketone bodies are regulated mainly by glucagon and insulin (p.156). Most cells can then be used by both glucose and ketone bodies for fuel, and during ketosis, free fatty acids and glucose synthesis fuel the rest. According to Mark Sisson (2009), longer term ketosis can result from fasting or staying on a low carbohydrate diet, and ketosis that s deliberately induced serves as a medical intervention for epilepsy. In glycolysis, higher levels of insulin block release of fat from adipose tissues and promote storage of body fat, while the body is in ketosis, fat reserves are continually released and consumed as energy (Sisson, 2009, p.47). This is why ketosis is referred to as
  • 6. Analysis Of The Article Yeah, The Weather Has Been Weird Article Yeah, The Weather Has Been Weird Topic: climate change Article thesis: People already care about the climate change and are aware of it. They understand the problems it concerns; however, they are not connecting the current climate changes with the effects of our surroundings or on ourselves Where to begin the connect of the affect climate change As Steven Amstrup a (Zoologist) on bears and his colleagues believe that humans are causing climate change Reasons why people are aware and care about climate change with our surroundings It s because researchers go to other places to find what they re looking for when its actually right in front of their face. People are noticing the changes within ourselves and surroundings.
  • 7. Research Paper On Prebiotics Prebiotics A prebiotic is a non digestible food ingredient that beneficially affects the host by selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity of one or a limited number of bacteria in the colon thus improving host health. The prebiotic approach advocates the administration of non viable entities. Dietary carbohydrates such as fibres are candidate prebiotics, but most promise has been realised with non digestible oligosaccharides, because of their selective metabolism. In particular, the ingestion of fructo oligosaccharides (FOS) stimulates bifidobacteria in the lower gut. As prebiotics exploit non viable food ingredients, their applicability in diets is wide ranging. A further approach is synbiotics, where probiotics and prebiotics are combined. Today, only bifidogenic, non digestible oligosaccharides (particularly inulin, its hydrolysis product oligofructose, and (trans) galactooligosaccharides), fulfill all the criteria for prebiotic classification. ... Show more content on ... The main site of action is the colon. Thus, prebiotic should also resist the effects of various digestive enzymes and acidic conditions of the gut. Once the prebiotic can phase through all these conditions, it helps in the stimulation of growth and the various metabolic activities of live probiotic bacteria by fermentation itself. The target bacterial genera for the prebiotic actions are bifidobacteria and lactobacillus species. These bacterial species are able to take as a diet of any prebiotics and then produces various metabolic end products via the fermentation process. These fermented end products have a direct effect on health through the stimulation of host immune system as well as functions as a binding of receptor sites. The fermentation end products can be organic acids or biologically active peptides. These fermented products have a specific role in the direct antagonistic action against the harmful disease causing
  • 8. Homeless Reader Response Letter Hello, I d like to submit my CV for the Homelessness Editor. A multi faceted writer based in San Francisco, my background is a diverse portfolio of editorial, social media, advertising, digital media, and marketing. A Bay Area native, San Francisco resident, and West Coast denizen, I have seen the effect of the homeless situation in all the major cities and suburbs. I am an ambitious, team player that lives for facts, deadlines, and clear communication. A former writer the SF Weekly, my column Local Frequency highlighted Bay Area musicians and artists, while also contributing editorial for national and international artists. Switching gears, my career took a turn towards Social Media, Blogging, and Marketing. Making the switch to agency
  • 9. American Recovery And Reinvestment Act Seventh Anniversary... In the Address On the American Recovery Reinvestment Act Seventh Anniversary by Barack Obama, people could see the use of descriptive assumptions about the economy of America and the use of renewable energy policies that supports Obama s Government. Those different assumptions performed are well received by the audience. Or at least those assumptions caused a good reception in the thinking of people respect to the recovery of the economy of America and the innovation in the use of clean energy. Also, it is important to recognize some illogical assumptions in this speech of Obama. Obama used multiple assumptions from descriptive nature in different parts of his speech to support the work of his government. In order to analyze Obama s assumptions, people had to check that Obama started using real data to create a feeling of confidence with the audience like And people here in Florida were especially hard hit the unemployment ... Show more content on ... Denmark, United Kingdom, Sweden, and other countries had better records than America in the leading of clean energy. For example, Denmark set a new world record for wind production in 2014, getting 39.1 percent of its overall electricity from the clean energy source. (EcoWacth) Third assumption, Clean energy is about unleashing the potential of all these new technologies because we can figure some stuff out just about better than anybody else Saying that America had the best equipment was a fallacy when we saw that a country like Morocco had put all efforts to build the greatest super solar power on the earth. In fact, it would be a fallacy to say that just the best minds were located in the United States nowadays when its levels of education dropped in many different fields compared with other state
  • 10. Super Bowl Commercial Analysis On Sunday, February 5, 2017 Super Bowl LI was played by the Atlanta Falcons and the New England Patriots. At half time, the score was 3 21 with the Atlanta Falcons in the lead. By the end of the game, the New England Patriots came back by 25 points plus 6 more in overtime, winning the Super Bowl LI 34 28. This was the first Super Bowl for anyone to come back from more than a ten point deficit and also the first Super Bowl to go into overtime. According to Wikipedia, ...each league was redesignated as a conference , and the game has since been played between the conference champions to determine the NFL s league champion. The Super Bowl was first played in 1967. Some Americans even say that the Super Bowl is an unofficial American holiday. The Super Bowl is the second largest United States food consumption day falling right under Thanksgiving. In 2015, the Super Bowl XLIX became the most watched television program in history. The average came in at 114.4 million viewers. International Business Time states,... Show more content on ... The commercial starts out as a boy standing outside of a girl s house throwing skittles in her window trying to get her attention while yelling, Katie! Little does the boy know, Katie and her family are taking turns sitting on the floor catching the skittles in their mouths. As the family moves down the line, a robber, a cop there to take the robber away, and a gopher are joining in. This commercial copies the old, boy throwing rocks at the girl s window, theme. The social media platforms being used is the Twitter hashtag, #TasteTheRainbow. Skittles was very active within their Twitter during the Super Bowl LI tweeting at other businesses. US Weekly tweeted a gif of the Skittles commercial at Skittles and said KATIE! @Skittles #SB51 commercial brought the whole neighborhood together. Using their hashtag, Skittles replied, All good friendships start with a bag of Skittles
  • 11. History Of Haunted Trails Family Amusement Park For decades, Haunted Trails Family Amusement Park remains as the main destination for all family members throughout Chicago, thanks to its massive arrays entertaining features. This is the place where families can have such warm and welcoming celebrations like birthdays or other kinds of family gatherings. With special offers for certain packages, Haunted Trails FamilyAmusement Parkalways entertains everyone, at all ages. The owner, J. Richard Oltmann is very much different, as compared to other amusement park owners. Before it was launched in 1975, all the games that visitors can find here at this moment, were evaluated thoroughly before they were launched publicly. All of those games, which were his brainchild, were sold worldwide. One
  • 12. Employee Productivity Is The Backbone Of Any Enterprise Chapter 1: Problem Definition Background Employee productivity, also known as workforce productivity, is the backbone of any enterprise. According to Amabile and Kramer (2012), the source of productivity at any company the individual knowledge workers who get things done every day (para. 1). And according to Axilrod (2015), the typical employee is at his or her desk for an average of approximately five hours a day, paid for by the company. Thus, in the current climate of globalization, outsourcing, downsizing, and pension reduction, it is vital for administration and management to stay on top of what sustains employee loyalty and employee productivity. Several elements contribute to effective employee productivity, including employee job satisfaction and morale (Axilrod, 2015; Manson, 2014; Jarrow, 2013; Kaupelyte, 2013; Turner, 2013; Amabile Kramer, 2012; Walters, 2010; Bowles Cooper, 2009). Neely (2013) asserts that Regardless of the profession or type of work, the central element that has had a stake in productivity, longevity and overall success of any organization [is] employee morale (p. 13). The technology sector is one of the fastest growing in the business, if not the fastest growing sector. Like many others in other sectors, companies in the technology sector are facing the challenges of employee productivity and are initiating actions toward performance management (Axilrod, 2015) to ...focus... on the performance of employees and [ensure] their
  • 13. Overworking Nurses Results On Negative Patient Outcomes Overworking Nurses Results In Negative Patient Outcomes A major issue in the medical career field is the demand for nurses and this, of course, means that these nurses will be working strenuous hours to meet the high demands. While this may satisfy some issues it also creates others. Longer hours results in exhausted nurses and this leads to negative patient outcomes. Nurses have many tasks to complete while they are on the job. While these tasks may be simple they can also be harmful if done wrong. For example, nurses have to distribute medication to patients. If the nurseis overworked and tired he/she may distribute the wrong medication or mishap and give them the wrong dosage. Something so small can make a world of difference when it comes to the patient especially, if the patient is suffering from fatal conditions. Another job that nurses partake is transcription, meaning they have to transcribe what the doctor or physiciansays. This is extremely important because if the nurse is not paying full attention they could miss a crucial part of what is said. This, obviously, could lead to misdiagnosis or the wrong medication being prescribed. One of the smaller tasks completed by nurses in charting. This could result in the same way as the transcribing errors; the patient could be misdiagnosed or not treated to their proper illness. ...Nurses working more than 12.5 consecutive hours were three times more likely to make an error than nurses working shorter hours .....
  • 14. Duquenois Test Lab Report As expected, the marijuana bubbled after HCl was added, signifying the release of CO2 (g). The LCD glowed fluorescent under the UV light, as hallucinogens tend to show up as such. Another technique that could be used to detect the presence of marijuana is the Duquenois test, in which 0.5 mL acetaldehyde, 1.0 g vanillin, and 50 mL ethanol are added to a sample and shaken. Extracting this with chloroform will result in a purple or dark blue color if marijuana is present. The unknown contained silver, as both the unknown and silver solutions turned red and formed red precipitates with the addition of potassium chromate. With the addition of Dithizone, both the unknown and silver formed colloidal solutions with gray particles, so the unknown was likely silver. Discussion Conclusion... Show more content on ... In doing so, we found that the unknown must contain silver ions, which formed a red precipitate when potassium chromate was added. Both also formed a colloid with gray particles when Dithizone was added. Lessons learned Our examination of marijuana and LSD reaffirmed the information from the reading regarding their characteristics. The calcium carbonate crystals at the base of marijuana leaf hairs reacted the HCl to produce CO2 (g), as most carbonates will form CO2 (g) when acids are added. The glowing LSD confirmed that hallucinogens have a tendency to glow under ultraviolet light. Part II demonstrated the solubility rules and ion colors, as seen by AgCl and PbCl, which both precipitated in our experiment. Sources of
  • 15. Albus Dumbledore Letters Albus Dumbledore sighed and looked at the pile of letters to be delivered to this year s first years. When his fire place glowed green and three letters shout out and landed on the hearth. Standing up he walked over to the fire place and picked up the three letters and walked back to his desk and began to read. The first letter read Albus Dumbledore, I have received word that Voldemort is trying to rise again, and that he is not only after The Boy Who Lived but a wizard from England; Arthur Kirkland, who not only possesses a rare type of magic but can also use Black Magic. So as a request from the government he is to attend Hogwarts until said otherwise. If you refuse this will be made an official government matter *Note Arthur has the ability... Show more content on ... So as a request from the government he is to attend Hogwarts until said otherwise. If you refuse this will be made an official government matter *Note Vladimir has the ability to attract bats* Petre Roman Prime Minister of Romania The third and final letter came as a bit of a shock to Dumbledore Albus Dumbledore, I have received word that Voldemort is trying to rise again, and that he is not only after The Boy Who Lived but a wizard from Norway; Lukas Bondevik, who not only possesses a rare type of ancient magic but can also use Black Magic. So as a request from the government he is to attend Hogwarts until said otherwise. If you refuse this will be made an official government matter *Note Lukas has the ability to attract magical creatures such as Trolls, faes and Nisse* Gro Harlem Brundtland Prime Minister of Norway Raising an eyebrow Dumbledore stood up with the letters in his hand and walked out his office door to the staff room to find Professor Minerva McGonagall and talk to her about the situation. Luckily before he reached the staffroom he found McGonagall standing outside the staircase that lead to his office. Hello Minerva Dumbledore
  • 16. Glucose And Lactase Lab Report Analysis It is concluded that there was a presence of glucose when lactase was added to the lactose+maltose but this was not seen in lactose. Accordingly, lactose was broken down into glucose and galactose in the existence of the enzyme lactase. In addition to that, because one maltose disaccharide is two monosaccharides, it was concluded to be positive for the benedict s solution. Due to this, maltose should always be positive. A yellow color was seen in the solution during the experiment. The control group for this experiment was the lactose solution which showed a negative test and, therefore, remained in its original blue color as there was no lactase to catalyze the chemical reaction in order for the bonds to break. Lastly, both the lactose and maltose solution with lactase had a positive result of glucoseas the benedict s solution turned a yellowish green color. Discussion The main purpose of the lab was to investigate the effects of lactase two sugars, lactose and maltose. It was concluded that adding lactase to lactose will cause it to break down into its two components and this was indicated by adding benedict s solution. In the presence of glucose, benedict s solution causes the color to change to a red yellow solution, which is what was observed. Gene expression can be used to ... Show more content on ... When there is a lack of lactase in the small intestines, it results in lactose intolerance which means the body cannot fully break down lactose. Most cases of lactose intolerance occur later in life when activity of lactate gradually decreases causing less lactase to bind to active sites, however, in rare cases some babies may be born without the lactase enzyme. This intolerance caused by the lack of lactase leads to the lactose being passed onto the color, where it is fermented by the bacteria present and causes gas, diarrhea and bloating and can lead to sever
  • 17. Cabeza De Vaca s La Relacion In the story La Relacion by Alvar Cabeza de Vaca. Cabeza de Vaca s history of the 8 years living with the Native Americans in Texas and in the South West. He goes through slavery, served as a trader and eventually became recognized as a great healer and related to religion or soul leader by making a great disparity. Cabeza de Vaca and his men were later forced to act as healers. Cabeza de Vaca is writing to the Spaniards great commandeer, giving reasons for the Indians way of living on how they are to do with man, even more so than they are. The tribes are great communities that look out for each other. They do have some damaging marks but not as shocking as one would have in mind. In this time the male ruler and other persons from Europe ... Show more content on ... It s a good starting point because it tells of the first because there was no before knowledge. It has it s true knowledge and it is less opinionated. this starting point can be thought out as a safe, good starting point because although it is from a European point of view, The persons living in the country that De Vaca says something about to as Indians are not made picture of as violent, slow in development, savages, or of lower quality as in so many other texts. His position, being one of a person in another s place, would make his viewpoint, one of a kind feelings of the Indians that give them food, and would talk well of them. however, he might have been somewhat over did and his account of the journey to the island. He says that not five men could be positioned, but if that s the Case then who would have been salvage of the ship? This shows that it is only his personal rapport and holds no view our reactions of others. It fails to say the name of personal lines and their feelings about the New earth. The selected rhetorical devices that help to support his report that the shocking event was not due to bad quality of being a chief or mistakes but truly to uncontrollable factors that were an act of God, starvation, and bad
  • 18. Senkaku Islands Controversy Every day the world is dealing with issues that come and go or issues that have existed and was never properly dealt with. The information we obtain is always presented to us through a plethora of sources on a daily basis. Sometimes the source of our information is biased and other times it is neutral. What is more important is how the knowledge is relayed to us and how we consume it. The media may influence how we consume information based on how they word the topic at hand. In light of recent controversies there is an issue in the Pacific over claims of the Senkaku Islandsor as the Chinese refer to as the Diaoyu Islands. This altercation is mainly between Japan and China, however the United States has a role in this predicament. The gist of this controversy is that according to BBC How uninhabited islands soured China Japan ties China ... Show more content on ... Japan however claims the Senkaku Islands belong to them because it was returned to them by the U.S. in 1971, under the Okinawa reversion deal, after they renounced the claims of the Islands after WW2. The islands are disputed over the fact that it is a strategic location for trade routes, military bases, and potential oil/gas reserves. The media has covered this issue again and again for years now. Both countries have their arguments on why the islands belong to them, but the media still presents us information differently. When a person looks at news media outside of the Western hemisphere, such as the Japan Times or Shanghai Daily, it is possible to see the difference in opinion based on the presentation of the subject matter. The media presents and manipulates the information that is available to show a certain message. When reading the article from Shanghai daily China unwavering on Diaoyu Islands it can be observed that the article
  • 19. The Attitude Toward The Publication Of Ugc In terms of the attitude toward the publication of UGC, this dissertation begins by reviewing publication in print. There were 340 community newspaper website managers who answered the question about the importance generally of publishing UGC. Of those 134, 39.4% of respondents stated publishing UGC was very important, 117, which represents 34.4% stated it was important, only 3 respondents stated that it was unimportant to allow the public the opportunity to submit UGC. Overall, there were 30 respondents, 8.8%, who believed it is somewhat to very unimportant to publish UGC in print (see table 1). As it relates to photography, community newspaper websitemanagers believed it was more important to allow the public to submit photographs, 150... Show more content on ... These descriptive statistics provide a baseline to show attitude toward UGC and offer a line of comparison for answering RQ9, which seeks to explain the difference in attitude of community newspaper website managers toward publishing UGC online. The descriptive data shows a slightly different story when it comes to how important community newspaper website managers consider publishing UGC online. When these managers answered generally about the importance of publishing UGC online there were 100 respondents, 30.7%, who consider it somewhat important to publish UGC online. A total of 232, 71.2%, consider it at least somewhat important to publish UGC online. There were 94 respondents, 28.8%, who considered it at least somewhat unimportant to publish UGC online. This is more than three times the percentage of respondents who had something representing a negative attitude toward the overall importance of publishing of UGC in print. The trend toward a more negative attitude toward publishing UGC online continued in terms of UGC photography. The largest number of respondents 100, 30.4%, stated it was important to publish UGC photography online. Overall, 252 respondents, 76.6%, of respondents possess a positive attitude toward the publication of UGC photography online. Meanwhile, 77 respondents, 23.4%, considered the publication of UGC photography online somewhat unimportant or less. In this instance, the respondents again were nearly three times as
  • 20. Criminal Trial Letter I hope all is well. I am contacting you today to inform you of the judge s decision to postpone your trial until the next trial calendar. We can t express enough how upset we are at the judge s decision. We know that you are seeking closure and we want the same thing. I want you to know that we did not accept this decision without a fight. Please allow me the opportunity to express our attempts to prevent the judge from postponing your trial and then outline what we intend to do moving forward to fight for an earlier trial day. As you know, about a month ago, we were notified that a new attorney would be representing the Defendant. The new attorney filed a leave of absence with the court for January 17 22. The Fulton County State Court... Show more content on ... James Thompson is your physical therapist. He oversaw your physical therapy in both your 2015 and 2016 wreck. His testimony is necessary to explain to the jury how you became injured, why you still feel pain, and what your prognosis is for the future. Dr. Thompson also has visuals that he will use to show the jury where and why you still feel pain. For these reasons and more, we requested that the judge allow us to proceed with the trial on Thursday, January 24th. Yesterday, at 11:30 a.m., we received an email from the judge. The judge informed us, and opposing counsel, that it was unlikely that we would be going to trial on Thursday, January 24 for following reasons: 1. Opposing counsel s leave of absence for January 17 22. 2. The court s concern that the parties would not be able to complete the trial in 2 days given jury selection and the number of witnesses. In light of these concerns we provided the judge with the following options for his consideration: 1. We informed the judge that we were willing to have each party limit their jury selection to 30 minutes as an effort to shorten the trial. 2. We informed the judge that outside of our main witnesses, we were willing to limit our examination of all other witnesses to 15 20 minutes per witness. (There are only 5 witnesses in this case and opposing counsel has no witnesses other than the
  • 21. The Characteristics Of Baroque Music At first glance, a number of pieces of baroque music can seem pretty straightforward and simplistic. When performed exactly as it is written, usually by amateurs, the music may not be able to grab the listener s attention and it is easy to assume that listeners back then had different musical ears that modern listeners do that gave them the ability to tolerate such simplistic pieces. Could this really be the musicthat some records have shown to drive people of the Baroqueera to tears and even the urge to faint? It is when a vocalist begins to embellish and ornament the various notes and give their own improvisational touches to the piece that it truly begins to have character and grips the listener with it s pulchritudinous composition, such as is with works such as Monteverdi s famous Ariadne s Lament, a gorgeous work capable of moving most to tears; this is the importance of ornamentation when it comes to musicians performing Baroque era music. Unfortunately, there has been little research and discussion on what vocal characteristics are suitable for the most authentic Baroque performance. A very common misunderstanding is that Baroque music is innately limited, simple, or uninspired; however, the truth of it is that the music of the Baroque gives the performer the freedom personal expression and individualized that is unrivaled by most other periods of music history. To further illustrate, the Baroque era is like the instructor that assigns a creative writing
  • 22. The Sea By Pablo Neruda When I was a little girl at early of my age, I spent a wonderful time with my grandma near a sea in my hometown during the last two months of her life. That was the first time we saw the smile back to her face since we got the news that she got intestine cancer. Back to that time I was deeply impressed by how being around the sea was capable to change people s emotionin such a positive way. The poet, Pablo Neruda, in his poem The Sea illustrates how the sea teaches a trapped man a lesson on how to be released from struggling to find freedom and happiness. The three crucial poem writing elements, sound, structure, and figurative language make the power of sea more vivid just like a picture we could see and have physical feelings about. And when we try to get a deeper understanding of the poem, it is the sound that we hear first. From a perspective of sound, it is obvious that there is a pattern in the poem that could provide readers the same feel of the sea just by listening to it. The poet uses two techniques basically to create that effect in terms of internal rhythm and soft sounds. For example, in the line I love the sea because it teaches me and what it taught me before, I keep , a consonance syllable ee has been used by Neruda. Also, there are several words containing the syllables like s , sh , and w playing an essential role in creating the whole mood of the poem. For example, Neruda writes If it s a single wave or its vast existence, / or only its
  • 23. A Report On Google s Driverless Car Google s driverless car; are they the future, technologies most recent trumpet, world s next thing or the latest catastrophe, next failure, biggest let down yet? Google has produce multiple products over the years that were successful and some that lack success. The latest product their trying to liftoff is the Google Car. A driverless car that can rely on their sensors and software to drive themselves. The idea of a car that drives without a driver is by far interesting, but is it good to have a person life in the hands of a machine. Some people thinks this plan is a dead end: Ian Pearson, a futurologist, says What Google is proposing is obsolete, Pearson, who is also a fellow at the World Academy for Arts and Science, said. It doesn t exist yet, but there isn t any point in going through that phase. There are two Italian researchers are looking to release self driving pods. The pods, called Next, they re driverless boxes that will take you anywhere. But even the Next pods fall short of what Pearson foresees. For one, Next is a public transportation system that is controlled by a third party. The pods will pick you up after you request one through an app. (Muoio) So, there other things that are similar to driverless car that are surfacing around the world. Not just driverless cars; but the concept that a computer having to make so many complex choices is unsettling to some people. There are obstacles that these mindful machines have to overcome to gain majority of
  • 24. Product Review for Folding Hunter Lock- Back Knife Essay h3 Buck Knives 110 9210 Folding Hunter Lock Back Knife /h3 The Buck Knives Hunter folding knife is a very simple pocket knife for everyday use and outdoor activities such as hunting. The single stainless steel blade measures out at 3 3/4 inches long, making it fitting for fans of medium sized knives. The implementation of stainless steel allows the blade to last for years with everyday wear and tear and even rough conditions outdoors. The blade for this particular knife is a straight edge which is great for common uses such as self defense and everyday cutting purposes. The handle is made up of a combination of wood and brass to make for a sleek design and a comfortable feeling while holding it. For a point, we have the popular ... Show more content on ... All of the tools, barring the magnifying glass, and the general construction of the knife are made of stainless steel to provide the user with durability and strength to deal with everyday and frequent outdoor use. While the entirety of the knife s construction is made from stainless steel, the outer shell comes in either a thick plastic or wood. You can also select colors such as black, red and blue for the plastic covers. As for the knives themselves, they re fairly standard blades that come with most multi tool knives. They re both drop point blades with straight edges, but the inclusion of two saws in the knife negate the disadvantages of not having a serrated blade. The larger blade of the two is about three inches long, but it s not particularly wide enough to do many big jobs. The stainless steel construction also means that the knives will dull fairly easily, and this may occur even more frequently if the knives tends to rub up against other tools while closing. Opening the knives can also be difficult for people with short fingernails as the opening to grab the knife isn t very large. There s also no lock to prevent the knives from accidentally closing, which could present a safety hazard.
  • 25. Reginald F. Fellowship Analysis Reginald F. Fellowship has drawn my attention for more than one reason. Of course my number one interest in the fellowship is the fellowship is for those of a minority. Secondly this opportunity will help me progress in the field I wish to work in once I graduate; media production. I m sure this fellowship will give me a chance to network as well as learn; meeting people who can help strengthen my weak points whether it is production/work based or a lesson I can carry with me through life. I am a continued student in life amongst other things with the Reginald F. Fellowship I ll be able to grow as well as learn; best of both worlds! As I am entering my last and final year of college with a million expectations for myself and I m sure a million more from my family, being as though I am the very first of my family who will be receiving a college degree. I m humble and forever grateful to have had the chance to experience college and all it has granted me during the... Show more content on ... My open minded way of thinking; I know I don t know everything I always have my ears open to soak in new ways of doing things or simply constructive criticism on work I ve completed without taking any personal offense. Lastly, having the opportunity to be a part of the first African American billionaire in the 1940 s is amazing in itself. Similar to Mr. Lewis; I too, have had not such a smooth way of growing up; not to the extent of segregation but in other ways where some experiences I ve endured may have turned another child down a dark, hopeless, unsuccessful path. However I have always chose a brighter path with a million possibilities endless ambition to become successful despite a hectic childhood. Anything is possible in life and nothing can ever hold me back from my dreams. Again, I m forever a student in life I m looking for all the knowledge and experience that can be gained being a part of this
  • 26. Analysis Of Bret Murphy (describe setting of interview)... Bret Murphy, warrior of the sea, With an intimidating, bushy goatee and...... posters of marines plastered over his wall, there s no doubt that Bret Murphy, isn t your average Bob, Joe, or Jim. Bret Murphy is a strong, brave, and heroic veteran who gave 23 years of his life and health to serve our beloved country. Can you imagine finally finishing high school, and then going to boot camp (....something about a bus....)and having large men in uniform scream in your face for 18 hours a day? Or having nothing to eat except powdered eggs, and bland, tasteless, overboiled vegetables? Or being crammed into hard, wooden, uncomfortable bunk beds with 80 other men? Can you imagine witnessing the horror of dead people,
  • 27. Essay Characterization in The Good Soldier In The Good Soldier, Ford Maddox Ford does not fully develop any of the characters. The reader is intended to use the narrator Dowell s disconnected and inaccurate impressions to build a more complete version of who the characters are, as well as form a more accurate view of what actually happens with the sad affair (Ford 9) of Dowell s pathetic life. This use of a single character s various perceptions creates a work that follows the style of literary impressionism, which, to some extent, should be only a series of personal impressions that culminates in the portrayal of reality as a subjective experience (van Gunsteren 239). This very subjectivity of reality is clearly evident in Dowell s perception of other people and events.... Show more content on ... He also says that her heart had made him lead the life of the sedulous, strained nurse (13), constantly needing to watch her and protect her from anything that might possibly excite her or cause damage to her heart. While this apparently constrictive relationship could be construed as irritating, Dowell does not seem to have any objection to the role Florence has given him, even when he later realizes that she had faked her heart condition to manipulate him. For the most part, Florence even inspires some degree of pity in him, and she often becomes poor dear Florence (12) in his mind. That he is capable of pity for such a manipulative person is only explained by his oblivious nature. This particular version of Florence shows the full extent of his lack of understanding as he attempts to explain things to himself. It also shows the degree of his gullibility. Dowell also describes Florence as weak and simple minded, saying that she was bright and she danced (17). This portrays Florence as an essentially superficial person. However, this superficiality does not really say anything directly about Florence, but illustrates what Thomas C. Moser phrases as Dowell s conviction of the meaninglessness of existence (Moser 354). Dowell s life consists entirely of a series of dinners and teas, none of which he sees any point in, aside for
  • 28. Financial Side Of A Good Profit interprets the research according to his or her own biased view, which skews the data gathered. Another disadvantage is that this research method is very time consuming and can last for months or even years. Finally, it is always important to ensure the financial side of the product are understood and the product brings in a good profit also it is a good idea to set promotional prices to enable the customer to have a taster of the product. This meant Kellogg s were required to predict a forecast of the product, Kellogg s do this by undergoing one final test prior to the new product launch. This is called the In Home Usage Test . The consumers are given the product to try for several days and this enables Kellogg s to capture how ... Show more content on ... However market research that is gathered by any organisation could prove to be irrelevant and inappropriate. M3: Develop a coherent marketing mix that is targeted at a defined group of potential customers. What is marketing mix? The marketing mix is a set of strategies to achieve an organisations objectives and satisfy customers needs The marketing mix is included of the 4 P s which are Product, Place, Price and promotion which work in together to achieve their maximum potential. It is important that all the P s in a marketing mix are consistent with one another otherwise it can affect the whole marketing mix. For example a marketing mix which has an effective Product, Place and Promotion but an incorrect price can affect the sales and overall success of a product. The objective of marketing mix An objective of a marketing mix is to help support the building of brands using the 4 P s as a strategy. An effective marketing mix will increase brand awareness and a strong brand allows businesses to make more effective marketing strategies. Another objective of a marketing mix is to focus the 4 P s on fulfilling the needs of customers in the target market. If all 4 P s in a marketing mix satisfies the target market, the product has an increased chance of
  • 29. Experiences of World War One in All Quiet on the Western... Wars have always been events that I enjoy learning about, reading about and just discovering what went on. So when this project rolled around I had no problem choosing the novel All Quiet on the Western Front, which was written by Erich Maria Remarque. Erich had been a German soldier towards the end of WWI and had, first hand experienced the pure terror that is war. I had heard of this book through my father who is also a major war enthusiast. Him and I have had numerous conversations about both World War Iand II, as he was the one that originally suggested I read this book. I have to say that it was a tremendous suggestion in that this novelto me seems to be one of the finest pieces of anti war literature ever penned. The way the novel is able to portray the mindset of a soldier was beautifully done and shows the complete deterioration that occurs over time. First to understand more about the novel and its author, Erich Maria Remarque, it would be helpful to learn about his life. Erich was born on June 22, 1898 (internet source 4) in the town of Osnabruck Germany. He was born into a poor family to his father, Peter Maria Kramer, and mother, Anna Marie Kramer (internet source 5). His father was a bookbinder while Erich was a kid (internet source 5). He also had 2 other siblings and his family as a whole moved at least 11 during his childhood. To say Erich had a turbulent childhood would be an understatement; he grew up in circumstances most people could not even begin
  • 30. Mono Research Paper Infectious Mononucleosis also known as Mono is known to be caused by the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV). It is contagious. It is usually seen during childhood but can extend to young adulthood ages 15 to 25. Ninety percent of the children who have mono have the EBV The signs and symptoms include fever, and general malaise, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes located in the neck and armpits, rash, and sometimes a swollen liver or spleen or both ( However, these symptoms are not visible until after the incubation period of four to six weeks. Serology tests that can detect the IgM EBV antibodies are positive for EBV virus are used if a person is symptomatic and has a negative mono test ( They may also show increased ... Show more content on ... Genera Lymphocryptovirus. (HHV 4). This virus has been known to be one of the most common viruses in humans. It may cause a host of human diseases such as chicken pox, shingles, multiple sclerosis, infectious mononucleosis, and Burkitts lymphoma which is one of the human cancers. More than ninety percent of the adult population have artificially acquired immunity The portal of entry is the respiratory tract. The virus survives in the infected cells of humans, and causes an infection to the B cells which are located in the lymphoid tissues near the tonsils. Serology tests that can detect that the IgM EBV antibodies are positive for EBV virus are used. Signs and symptoms include, fever, sore throat, swollen and tender cervical lymph nodes, and extreme fatigue. Prevention should include the treatment of symptoms and avoiding strenuous activity because there is an increased risk of spleen rupture. Reference
  • 31. Cellist Of Sarajevo Essay The theme of the cellist of Sarajevo is the psyche. Every character goes through a mental change due to the war that they witness. It will change them as a person forever. It shows how much tragedy and hardship can affect the human mind. It also shows how different people deal with death. Some spend their times mourning and in sadness over loss of life and feel the need to express themselves. The cellist does that by making a statement and playing music at the spot that the mortar when if so others are not able to forget the lives that were given. Others feel the need to stand up and do something about it even if it will change them more than the events that have transpired already have. Arrow does that by becoming a sniper ... Show more content on ... He works at a local bakery.The setting of the story takes places on Bosnia. The war has to due with the Serbs and Croats living in Bosnia wanting to annex Bosnian territory for Serbia and Croatia. When the city is attack it is forced to undergo a siege. The book is not written like most other stories you have read. Usually books have one main character. there are three perspectives in this story. By showing three different perspectives the reader is able to have a better idea of everything going on throughout the town. They all also have their own stories. while the connect they each have different plot lines. The story choose to focus more on the characters daily lives than the actual war. While their paths are different they all share the same theme in the end which make I threes times as powerful as it would have
  • 32. been with just one main character. the point of view is told in first person by each main character and switches between them during the story. They all have different events that they have gone through so we are able to know a lot more about what is going on in the story. It is good choice when dealing with a setting that has so many place and event all occurring at the same
  • 33. Research Paper On Virunga Virunga National Park Essay The Virunga National Park is one of the most biologically diverse areas on the planet and home to a short list of endangered mountain gorillas. Currently, there are 880 mountain gorillas located in the forests shared between the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda. Virunga was the first national park founded by King Albert I of Belgium in Africa. The park was founded in order to protect the mountain gorillas, but unfortunately poaching had caused them to go extinct. The Democratic Republic of the Congois extremely rich in natural resources, but is politically unstable, has a lack of infrastructure, and deep corruption. The Congohad faced serious threats since the Civil War and wasn t declared independent until 1960. In 1994, factions of african rebel groups are trying to gain control of natural resources to sell to foreign corporations. Since parts of Virunga lies on the eastern Congo, the park also lies within the natural resources that European private corporations are highly interested. It wasn t until 2010 when oil was discovered in the eastern Congo (Virunga National Park). The Virunga National Park is known for its... Show more content on ... Through its history, Virunga has been deeply affected by the country s political climate. From poaching to war, the park rangers, key politicians, conservationists, and concerned individuals had work hard for the park to survive. As of now, people across the world are donating and signing petitions for the park to survive and from ever being drilled again. The work ethic shown by the Virunga s rangers demonstrates the love they have for the national park and the animals to live forever. The greatest incentive for the park rangers is for the animals to live forever because it s the only thing that keeps the national park living. Through the film, I was amazed how how much empathy and sympathy the rangers have for their national
  • 34. The Book Of Esther In The Hebrew Bible The book of Esther appears in the Hebrew Bible as one of five scrolls that is read on festivals or commemorative days of the Jewish year. Esther is the story of the deliverance of the Jews from destruction and persecution from King Ahasuerus official named Haman. In this story, Esther shows great courage and devotion to her Jewish people, and even risks her own safety to help defend them against the wrongdoings of Haman. This story interests me most because it is a story about a woman s courage and strength that saved her people. When King Ahasuerus wife, Queen Vashti, refused the king s orders to appear before him in court to show the people and the officials her beauty, King Ahasuerus was enraged by her disobedience. The king s officials informed him that this disobedience set an example for the wives of the officials, and that they too would disobey if the king did not write a law stating that Queen Vashti could never again come before the king, and that her... Show more content on ... He states that people believed in their time that these people would be excluded from the protection of God because they were unworthy of being called Israelites. Henry argues that this was never true, because God does not judge us on our weaknesses. He also believes that it was Mordecai who wrote the book of Esther, and although God is not mentioned in it, the finger of God is, directing many minute events for the bringing about of his people s deliverance (Henry 1121). He describes the particulars as not only surprising and very entertaining, but enlightening and very encouraging to the faith and hope of God s people in the most difficult and dangerous times. Henry does not give much of his opinion of Queen Esther; he does, however, believe this book to be factual and serving as an example of God s devotion and love for His
  • 35. Jake Gyllenhaal Research Paper Born in 1980, Jake Gyllenhaal is the son of director Stephen Gyllenhall and screenwriter Naomi Foner. Since he was a child, he started acting when he was little. His first screen debut is in City Slickers. One can say that acting was his first education in life. However, KR CR Tv has it that the Brokeback Mountain actor wouldn t be famous today if he didn t drop out of Columbia. Jake Gyllenhaal is basically a famous drop out. But starting from the beginning, his first exposure to filmmaking was because of his family. His father is a director and his mother a screenwriter, both parents have close ties to the acting industry. However, that did not mean he would always get the chance to act. His parents allowed him to audition for roles but
  • 36. How Do Animals Survive In The Tropical Rainforest Rainforest insect or invertebrate includes the scorpion, spiders beetles and more these are just some insects in the rainforest there are millions in the rainforest. The rainforest is being destroyed and theses insects like the animals are losing their homes. Insects are eating and being eaten they mostly get eaten because must have no defences to fight back.This is where the population is just all deaf traits because they die of being killed and from starving so it is decreasing because of other animals .I will be explaining how they are eating what are eaten by and how they survive in the wild rainforest. The rainforest still has wilder animals in the deep forest. Animals like spiders and scorpions are not really not a target just because they have more defences and offences. But they also get eaten by birds and wasps they also kill the kill birds and other animals.they are more like the tertiary sources food sources that is combined together with primary and secondary sources. The insects are not the lowest on the food chain but they have a proud spot they are needed for fertilizers sometimes and they help other more bigger animals like cats and bigger birds theses insects are very brave because they have to live with these big animals... Show more content on ... The bugs of the rainforests are one of the most killing of the animals to survive because they are the smallest and likely to get eaten because of the my opinion i think the bugs should not eat each other they should work together to kill more of the bigger more visouseanimails to have a bigger meal.but it s not really possible because they bugs eat each other. The insects are what we would called a cannibal and that s when you eat your own kind yes the bugs eat each other sometimes even loved ones especially female insects they eat their mating partner. The females get brung a meal and then they kill them by eating their heads after they penalise
  • 37. Exploring the Mormons Essay Exploring the Mormons Who were the Mormons? The Mormons were a very different to other people they had a communal life and this means they try to get other people to follow there religion. The man who founded the Mormons was Joseph smith a son of a poor family in Vermont. Joseph smith claimed he saw a vision of an angel in 1823 called Moroni. The vision he had told him to find some secret hidden golden plates in a hillside called Cumorah in Palmyra, in the New York state. The plates were then kept hidden for four years, smith found the plates and four years later he translated what it said on them behind a curtain, the inscription was written in the book of Mormon published in 1830. There ... Show more content on ... The first objective smith was to accomplish was to build the HOLY CITY (city of god). This was not going to be an easy task, Catholics attacked the Mormons because of there different beliefs. Joseph smith plotted there first temple, after smith founded a bank for Mormons and non Mormons but through a financial crisis the bank collapsed. The Mormons were driven out by the non Mormons to Kirtland; Joseph smith led the Mormons to Missouri where missionaries had already created a small village. At first the Mormons wasn t accepted for there religious differences, the people in the community were suspicious of the Mormon leaders which they believed in communal ownership of there property. Most Mormons came from the north so they didn t like slavery, and the farmers in Missouri owned slaves so there were a lot of problems in the community. Violence increased in the area and fights broke out, so the Mormons created a police force called the Danites, they believed they were going to win the support of the Indian tribes. When the Mormons left Missouri they went to Nauvoo Illinois led by smith. In 1842 the Mormons army was at the size of 2,000. Some rumours were spread that the Mormons would take over the United States of America because Joseph smith made a run for president. In the month June 1844 smith and his brother, Hyrum were sent to prison. From then on the race was run by Brigham
  • 38. The Role Of Racism In Canada The Government s Role I carry a piece of identification in my wallet based on my ethnicity. Wab Kinew (Huffington Post, 2016). The outcome of First Nation s funding for education, and quality health care is based on their ethnicity. There are two forms racism in this country, the rude name calling that is not as bad as it was back 50 years ago, but it still exist in our day and age today. The other form is a more of a silent one that the government performs which First Nations people are born into and are blind too. And they try to keep this on the DL, which is sick. The lack of funding to first nations education. Indigenous students receiving $4,000 less per pupil in annual funding than every other Canadian kid. (Huffington Post, 2016). So obviously Canada has a big problem on their hands. Numbers are our Reality ... Show more content on ... An unemployment that is twice the national rate, dropout rate of 23% (20 24 year without a high school diploma, not in school), a median income that is $10,000 less than the average Canadian (Canada racism problem, 2015). When the Canadian government does not do anything to improve these numbers, there is obviously something wrong with the way our country is being run. Racism started with the Government s of this continent. With the intentions of trying to kill the indian with in the indian. The residential school era, has caused the children, to be damaged. Not being raised by their parents, they were not taught the proper way to raise a child. The child would also be lost in this knowledge, in raising a child. and be damaged from an im proper uprising so what do they turn to? Alcohol, and drugs, which now we see this in our day to day lives as First Nations people such as High school dropouts, unemployment and low income to support
  • 39. Selected Companies Pro Forma Selected Companies Pro Forma Apple has become very successful in the technology industry. The company has increased its net sales from 2006 to 2007, which proves they are making good capital budgeting decisions. A pro forma income statement and balance sheet showing the future planning and growth of a company. The pro forma income statement and balance sheet will explain a cash budget, underlying assumptions of calculations, calculations of different ratio analysis, and make recommendations to management. The most comprehensive means of financial forecasting is to develop a series of pro forma, or projected, financial statements (2005, Block Hirt, p. 88, chap. 4). Financial Statements A set of financial statements include an income ... Show more content on ... Provision of tax is not percentage of sales and calculates based in income before tax. Since goodwill does not change with sales, it remains at the same level. The percentage increase does not affect the acquired tangible assets so values remain the same. Accounts payable receives adjustments in order to equalize the balance sheet. Common stock will not change with assets and stays the same. The retained earnings increase with the net income for 2008. Accumulated other comprehensive income may not change with sales and is taken at the same level. Ratio Analysis The use of ratio analysis is rather like solving a mystery in which each clue leads to a new area of inquiry (2005, Block Hirt, p. 55, chap. 3). These ratios help to make pro forma determinations for future years. The first step to making any predictions is to review the current year and past year ratios, making comparisons and determining areas of strengths and weaknesses. Larger companies may require a review of the past five year s ratios to obtain detailed analyses of these areas. For this review, we are concentrating on the years 2007 and 2006 and have prepared the following rations for review: Liquidity Asset Utilization Ratios 2007 2006 Current Ratio Current Assets 21,956.00 14,509.00 Current
  • 40. U.S. Government Need to Give Larger Funding NASA Have you ever looked up into the night sky and wondered what life outside of Earth would be like? Many people don t realize the scale of space. You are essentially a grain of sand on an endless beach. NASA is a space exploration program dedicated to discovering the beach we live in. However, it costs billions of dollars to explore space. The United States government must raise the lowered funding of NASA, allowing the program to perform larger missions at a faster rate. NASA is responsible for putting a man on the Moon, landing rovers on the surface of Mars, and many other astounding accomplishments. They perform all of these feats through funding from the United States government. NASA shouldn t have to deal with budget cuts because of the work they put in and the information they learn from space. To begin with, funding for NASA has dramatically been reduced compared to the 1960s during the Space Race (Budget of NASA 1). In 1966, where the funding for NASA peaked, the United States government gave NASA almost 6 billion dollars which is about 37 billion dollars today (1). This was equal to about 4.4% of the United States annual budget (1). The last official record of the NASA budget was in 2012, a little over 18 billion dollars (1). This still sounds like a lot of money, which it is, but the cut has reduced the budget by a third of what it used to be (1). NASA has had to turn towards smaller, single purpose satellites and probes (Butler 59). This is a good and bad
  • 41. Resistance Training Program Discussion #2 The importance of the endocrine system when designing a resistance training program: The endocrine system releases hormones to help the body regulate and stabilize internally. When designing a resistance training program, it is important to look at the predicted outcome (for example: muscle growth) and see what hormones are linked to that predicted outcome. The goal is to get the best hormonal response from areas that will help guide you to the intended outcome of the program. If I was designing a program for strength and muscle growth (using the knowledge I have of the endocrine system), I know that human growth hormone and testosterone are the hormones that will play a large role there. Since testosterone directly interacts
  • 42. Segregation In African Americans Essay Walls,Borders and Boundaries Assessment Despite its controversy in society, many individuals still smoke marijuana recreationally. In November of 2016, eight states of the U.S. legalized use of marijuana for both medical and recreational use. Black rap music often has references to marijuana either directly or by using slang, and these references have increased over the years. This has created an association between the African American community and cannabis usage. Specifically, society primarily focuses on drug crimes committed by black individuals solely because of this false connotation. We conducted a survey centered around marijuana usage and black rap music, with no emphasis on having participants of different races. While analyzing... Show more content on ... Segregation was a practice commonly used to separate the two races, white and black, in a variety of social settings. Segregation was a form of racial stereotyping that affected the lives of many innocent people of color because of the false mindset that a certain race is better than all the other. These stereotypes resulted in the deaths of thousands by the hands of the KKK and lynching, and a biased judicial system. In the same vein, marijuana stereotyping has limited the lives of many African Americans through bias in the education system, work force, and justice system to name a few. By tearing down the wall of false stereotypes about African Americans, the vast cultural implication would abolish incorrect preconceived notions in modern society, therefore expanding the prospects of minorities and elevating social standards to provide equality for all. The decrease in assumptions and the constant search for truth impacts not only minority races, but can expand to other demographics such as the poor, rich, or mentally insane, and even regions such as the deep south or west coast inhabitants in the United States alone. By erasing the walls and stereotypes between different social groups, ethically America would become a more inclusive, less assuming, and overall a better
  • 43. Women s Rights At Meriwether Lewis And William Clark Throughout history there have been many honorable mentions of women all over the world, from Abigail Adams to Margaret Mead. For example, look at Meriwether Lewis and William Clark; history talks about their expedition across the Louisiana Territory and how they helped expand America, but in truth it was really Sacagawea s expedition. If Lewis and Clark had gone by themselves they would have gotten lost, died of disease or killed by Indian tribes, however because of Sacagawea s knowledge of the land, plants and surrounding Indian tribes the expedition went good. How did this Native American womanhave all this knowledge? The answer is simple, she learned all of this from her parents. Since Sacagawea s parents took the time to teach her... Show more content on ... The second one I chose to write about was Susan B. Anthony because of how she was raised to stand up for her beliefs about men and women being equal. The last one I chose to write about was Helen Keller because even though her parents did not raise her, she had an amazing and kind caretaker named Anne Sullivan that showed her that even though she was deaf and blind she could change the world for the better. These women have rightfully earned their spots in history and should be praised for the sacrifices they made to make America a better place for slaves, women and the disabled. Sojourner Truth During the late seventeenth century if a person was not a land owning single white male, they were treated horrible. This left women and slaves to be at the bottom of the totem pole. Now imagine being a woman born into slavery, this would put the woman even lower on the pole; close to being equal with dirt. However, this did not stop Sojourner Truth from fighting for women s rights and being an abolitionist. Nell Painter, author of Sojourner Truth: A Life, A Symbol writes about Sojourner Truth s life and how she was used as a symbol for various movements. Painter shows how religion was a major point in Truth s ministry about how slaves and women should be treated fairly and equal to men. In Painter s book, she writes about how Truth gained fame from the Akronwomen s rights conference because of her giving her speech, Dat man over dar say dat woman needs to be helped into