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My Favorite Animal Dog Essay In
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My Favorite Animal Dog Essay In MarathiMy Favorite Animal Dog Essay In Marathi
Oral Piercings And Tattoos Have Become A Form Of Self...
Oral piercings are any piercings of the tongue, lips, or cheek. In recent years, oral piercings and
tattoos have become a form of self expression. Oral piercings and tattoos may look cool, but they
can be dangerous to your health. Many people are not aware of the potential side effects of oral
piercings. Some of these include infection, prolonged bleeding, pain and swelling, chipped or
cracked teeth, injury to the gums, interference with normal oral function, bloodborne diseases, and
endocarditis. These side effects occur because the mouth contains millions of bacteria, which makes
it easy for infection and swelling to occur with mouth piercings. If one were to pierce their tongue,
lips, cheek or uvula, it could... Show more content on ...
Oral piercings also cause dental appointment difficulties. The jewelry can get in the way of
dental care by blocking x rays. If one were to experience any of these side effects caused by an
oral piercing, the best thing for them to do is contact their dentist or physician immediately.
Following that, as with oral piercings, tattoos have also become popular in today s society and
are viewed as a form of self expression. Although tattoos are very creative and beautiful, they
also pose many risks. One of these risks can be an allergic reaction. Tattoo ink contains several
ingredients and chemicals that a person may be allergic to. An allergy to any of the substances
included in the ink can cause an allergic reaction once the ink gets into the skin. A tattoo allergy
can take a number of different forms, one of these forms is known as an Acute Inflammatory
allergic reaction. This means the skin becomes red, slightly swollen, and irritated at the site of the
tattoo. Many people who get tattoos can experience this form of reaction. This form is generally
not serious and subsides within about two to three weeks. Another form of allergic reaction is
Photosensitivity. This means tattoos that are exposed to the sun may result in an allergic reaction,
particularly those that contain Cadmium Sulfide which can cause an allergic reaction to the sun.
Granulomas are small bumps that can also appear as a result of an allergic reaction as well. These
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Wiser, By Reid Hastie
Reid Hastie, in his book Wiser, discusses many of the common points of how groups succeed and
fail mainly due to group think. Throughout his years of research, he found a number of attributes
that effective teams have in common. From his book, we have extracted ten important lessons that
we believe are the most important for teams to learn and implement to be high performing. These
findings also relate to the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team that are outlined by Patrick Lencioni. Teachings
taken from Wiser are symptoms, or indicators, of dysfunctions within a team, and many of his
solutions help teams to overcome certain dysfunctions.
The first learning we took from the book is the cascading effect within teams. This effect is created
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With such clear goals to reach, teams or individuals can create amazing results. Tournaments create
these results, because it focuses on the results and not the process. It spreads teams across the
company, or even the globe, making independent decisions from one another, and the teams do not
share their methods only the results. By not having every team deliberate with one another, each
individual team is able to come up with their solution and present it without having to get a group to
agree with them. With tournaments, cascades and polarization is not an issue, but information can
still be shared.
Another way to avoid issues within deliberating groups is through averages. Taking a statistical
average response or answer is better than a group deliberating on an issue. It takes the emotions
and flaws that comes from being human out of the equation and just focuses on logic. In most
groups taking the average might be the best way to go. When responses are taken without
deliberation, but statistics people are more inclined to vote based on what they know, and not on
the feelings or views of others. The average of these responses has been found to, in many cases, be
better than any individual.
A failure teams must be on the lookout for is hidden profiles. Hidden Profiles occur when common
knowledge information is more likely to be shared than information held by only a few people.
Common knowledge that the whole group knows carries much
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My Favorite Case We Went Over In Constitutional Law This
My favorite case we went over in constitutional law this year is Lochner v. New York because of
the display of power by the justices joined in the majority and the fervent dissent countering their
reasoning. I have described Lochner above in the context of the Commerce clause above but my
focus for this question is the case in context of the Substantive due processsection of the class. The
substantive due process clause deals with the law itself and not the process, substantive rights are
protected under the Due Process Clause. This clause has come to encompass more and more
rights, such as abortion, the right to die, and many other. No state shall deprive any person of life,
liberty or property, without due process of law (U.S. Const.... Show more content on
The general right to make a contract in relation to business is protected by the 14th amendment
because it was read into liberty of the due process clause. Justice Peckham established that The
right to purchase or to sell labor is part of the liberty protected by this amendment, unless there are
circumstances which exclude the right (Lochner 809). The court found that the right to contract
was a fundamental liberty, expanding the mean of that word to something more than just bodily
freedom. A reason I think this is one of my favorite case is because this is one of the earlier cases
of Judicial Activism. I tend to agree with Holmes dissent more because he argues that the
constitution should not be used to limit governmental regulation under the guise of the 14th
amendment to promote a Laissez fair form of economics. But a constitution is not intended to
embody a particular economic theory, whether or paternalism and the organic relation of the citizen
to the state or laissez fair (Lochner 813). He states that Every opinion tends to become a law. I think
that the word liberty in the Fourteenth Amendment is perverted when it is held to prevent the
natural outcome of a dominant opinion.... (Lochner 813). He disagreed with the majority Justice s
conclusion that creates law from the bench. It is the job of the legislature to create laws
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Essay on The Patriot Act is Unconstitutional
The Patriot Act was established after the tragedy of September, 11, 2001 in a moment of weakness.
It gave unprecedented and unnecessary powers to intelligence agencies under the wide umbrella of
national security. The Patriot Act has used an us vs them mentality as well as pro American
propaganda to accomplish its goals. This new authority of the intelligence agencies has gone too far,
is unjustified, unconstitutional, and infringes on the privacyof the American people, as well as
others in the world. The Patriot Act should be weakened in order to preserve the rights of the
American people and to reaffirm to the world that the U.S will not tolerate violations of human
rights. On September, 11th, 2001, the United... Show more content on ...
The other purposes section of that is incredibly vague, modifying laws concerning money
laundering, education, financing, credit reporting, computer fraud, electronic communications, and
others ( The USA Patriot ). One section of the Patriot Act pertaining to the NSA surveillance
revealed by Edward Snowden is an amendment to FISA Act of 1978, increasing surveillance
authority by allowing the collection of certain business records for foreign intelligence and
international terrorism investigations ( Uniting and Strengthening ). This gave the NSA and other
intelligence agencies a broad authority to collect data from corporations. This has been
intentionally and willfully abused , with some workers spying on lovers, ex lovers, and others,
for practice , out of curiosity , and other reasons . There have been no reported employee
terminations due to this (Moyer). It wasn t just family, friends or ex lovers that the NSA agents
had the capability to spy on. When Edward Snowden leaked his information, he informed the
public, I, sitting at my desk, certainly had the authorities to wiretap anyone, from you, or your
accountant, to a federal judge, to even the President if I had a personal email (Masnick). For the
agents to collect information, except certain types of information, they had
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Old World Monkeys
Monkey, any of a large and varied group of mammals of the primate order. The term monkey
includes all primates that do not belong to the categories human, ape, or prosimian; however,
monkeys do have certain common features. All are excellent climbers, and most are primarily
arboreal. Nearly all live in tropical or subtropical climates. Unlike most of the prosimians, or lower
primates, they are almost all day active animals. Their faces are usually flat and rather humanin
appearance, their eyes point forward, and they have stereoscopic color vision. Their hands and
feet are highly developed for grasping; the big toes and, where present, the thumbs are opposable.
Nearly all have flat nails. Monkeys habitually sit in an erect posture. Unlike the apes, most cannot
swing arm over arm (the spider monkeyis an exception) but move about in trees by running along
the branches on all fours; their skeletal structure is similar to that of other four footed animals.
Monkeys live in troops of up to several hundred individuals and travel about in search of food,
having no permanent shelter. As in apes and humans, the female has a monthly reproductive cycle,
and... Show more content on ...
Most are arboreal, but a few, such as baboons and some macaque species, are ground dwellers.
Some Old World monkeys lack tails; when a tail is present it may be long or short but is never
prehensile (grasping). The nostrils are close together and tend to point downward. Many species
have cheek pouches for holding food, and many have thick pads (called ischial callosities), on the
buttocks. Their gestation period is five to nine months. Adult Old World monkeys have 32 teeth.
The Old World monkeys, sometimes called true monkeys, are more closely related to the apes and
humans than they are to the New World monkeys; the two monkey groups probably evolved
separately from ancestral
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The Springfield Noreasters Maximizing Revenues in the...
Business Overview
From: Marketing Consultant
To: President, General Manager Bob Cortez and Board Directors
A new Class A minor league baseball team called the Nor easters is coming to Springfield, MA.
News around town was that another professional sports team, the Falcons, was having trouble
drawing revenue. Since the Nor easters are a new team it ll be challenging for them to draw
fans. Springfield is located 90 miles away from Boston and is the third largest city in
Massachusetts. Springfield had lost many high wage residents resulting in 3.6% drop in average
wages since 1990. Median income of a family of three was $37,800 and median household income
was $31,046. Springfield Nor easters would need to bring die hard ... Show more content on ...
This idea would be a great alternative since it brings in more fans and revenue without using
many seats to do so and also increases the Springfield Nor easters entertainment value and name
as a fun location for kids. In addition to fun, we ll sell food from concession stands or cater to
the parties needs. We would designate a section of the stadium for large groups to rent if they just
want to sit down and watch the game. These sections in the stadium are located in the left and
right field lines of the stadium oppose of each other. Space is plentiful as we estimate attendance
to increase. Kid s parties may bring in 20 30 students in their class along with 2 parents. This will
increase attendance an estimated 60 90 people per party. If you include siblings, friends, or facility
members, attendance can potentially amount to over 100/party. An estimated 100 in attendance
with an average concession stand rate of $11 $13/person can amount to roughly to $1,100 $1,300 in
increase revenue not including the rental of the party zone location.
Solution 2:
Shuttle service Another solution consists of providing shuttle buses for college students as the case
provided students didn t have proper transportation to the baseball stadium. To fill in stands at the
stadium I recommend we discount these tickets for students since they don t really have a lot of
money to spend.
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A Comparison Of Life And Respiration For Speech
A Comparison of Respiration for Life and Respiration for Speech Respiration is a necessary bodily
function in sustaining life. Its basic objective is to oxygenate blood and remove carbon dioxide by
way of four stages: ventilation, distribution, perfusion, and diffusion (Seikel, Drumright, King,
2016, p. 147). Respirationis also vital to the production of speech, but the way in which respiration
occurs while producing speech is different than the process of respiration for life in a few ways.
Respiration for life is a passive process while respiration for speech is an active process, requiring
some conscious effort. During respiration for speech, the respiration cycle is altered in order to
maintain appropriate pressures and volumes needed... Show more content on ...
Thoracic muscles involved in forced expiration include the interosseous portion of the internal
intercostals, innermost intercostals, transversus thoracis, subcostals, and serratus posterior inferior.
The function of the interosseous portion of the internal intercostals and the innermost intercostals is
to depress ribs 1 11. The transversus thoracis are found on the inner surface of the rib cage and
function to depress the rib cage for forced expiration. Within the inner wall of the thorax the
subcostals can be found, functioning to depress the thorax. Contraction of the serratus posterior
inferior muscles helps to pull the rib cage down, supporting expiration. Abdominal muscles of
expiration include the transversus abdominis, internal oblique abdominis, external oblique
abdominis, rectus abdominis, and quadratus lumborum. Of all the anterior abdominal muscles, the
transversus abdominis is the deepest and its function is to compress the abdomen. Positioned in
between the transversus abdominis and the external oblique abdominis, the internal oblique
abdominis rotates and flexes the trunk as well as compresses the abdomen. The most superficial
and biggest group of abdominal muscles are the external oblique abdominis. When these muscles
contract bilaterally, they flex the vertebral column and compress the abdomen. When they are
contracted unilaterally, they rotate the trunk. The rectus abdominis muscles run along the midline
of the body and are responsible for flexion of the vertebral
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Management of Information Systems
Chapter 1
Information Systems in Global Business Today
Toyota has flourished in a highly competitive environment because it has created a set of finely
tuned business processes and information systems that simultaneously promote agility, efficiency,
and quality. It can respond instantly to customers and changes in the marketplace as events unfold,
while working closely with suppliers and retailers. The experience of Toyota and other companies
described in this text will help you learn how to make your own business more competitive,
efficient, and profitable.
As part of its ongoing effort to monitor quality, efficiency and costs, Toyota... Show more content
on ...
It seems like every week we hear about thousands and thousands of people losing their jobs. Back
in the 1980s most of the job losses were in the blue collar sector. In the 1990s it seems many of the
cuts were made in the white collar, management jobs. Why? Think about it. Technology, to a large
extent, has driven organizations to change the way they operate and that includes the way they
manage. We re going to take an in depth look at how organizations work and how they ve been
transformed by technology on the world stage.
Information systems are the foundation for conducting business today. In many industries, survival
and even existence is difficult without extensive use of information technology. No longer can we
imagine going to work and conducting business without them. As a society we have come to rely
extensively on the use of information appliances such as cell phones, BlackBerrys, handhelds, and
other hardware. Communicating and conducting business is increasingly being carried out through
the use of e mail, online conferencing, and international teleconferencing over the Internet have all
become essential tools of business.
Next time you purchase a product, any product, look at the fine print and see where it s made. It
could be China, or the Philippines, or a South American company, or even in the United States. You
can disagree with the fact that many manufacturing jobs are being moved from the United States to
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My Own Childhood Care And Education Program For Each Of...
1.Describe two specific strategies that you would use in your own childhood care and education
program for each of Epstein s six types of family involvement. (10 points). One of the strategies I
would use in my own childhood care/education program is to make each student feel safe and
welcome. This strategy will help me a lot in demonstrating each children s a parenting style.
Another strategy would be communication, for instance, involving each children s familyto come
and volunteer. I would like to include each family to come for parent s conference to know more
about their children s evolution in the classroom. Also, to send home activities. That way parents
help their child s learn at home. Last strategy would be collaborating with the community in
collecting cans, clothes, money, and other resources to help the community.
2.Write a reflective listening statement to respond to a parent of a four year old who says to
you: What kind of teaching is this? You re not getting her ready for Kindergarten because all she
do is play at preschool. (5 points). Let me reflect; what are you trying to say is That your preschool
daughter will not be ready for Kindergarten, because all she does is play while she is here, plus
what kind of teaching is this? Am I correct?
3.Discuss fully three of the major characteristics of modern American families that your textbook
has identified and two strategies for each characteristic that you will employ as a teacher because of
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Discuss the Strengths Weaknesses of Anti – Social...
For the 10 years that the Labour government has been in power, it has strived to reduce crime all
over the UK. One of the main targets of the Labour Party was the rising number of Anti Social
incidents reported to the police every day. In order to combat this growing phenomenon that is
today s Youth Culture , the ASBO was created. The ASBO or Anti Social Behaviour Order, to
quote its official name is a civil order made against a person who has been shown to have
participated or initiated in anti social behaviour. This is defined as conduct which caused or was
likely to cause alarm, harassment, or distress to one or more persons not of the same household as
him or herself and where an ASBO is seen as necessary to protect relevant... Show more content on ...
Many people feel the ASBO is an unnecessary form of harassment and they are not researched
properly before being issued. A prime example of this is the case of Mrs X who was served an
ASBO purely on false allegations. She wasn t made aware of the ASBO allegations until the
papers were served to her for a hearing in December 2004. Thankfully, the ASBO was overturned
by the court and Mrs X was compensated but the council was criticised by the Local Government
Ombudsman for abuse of power of nightmarish proportions (BBC News 05/07/2007). This report
does little to alleviate the public s worries with regards to the ASBO especially when the uses for
ASBOs are now getting more and more obscure with more and more government funding
spent:Running a business from homeParking Illegally abandoned vehiclesOvergrown, unkempt
gardensNuisance AnimalsAnd then when you look at the more serious issues an ASBO can be
issued for, then people can be forgiven for wondering what police work actually carries an official
custodial sentence?Kerb crawling and prostitutionArsonAssaultCriminal BehaviourCriminal
DamageHandling stolen propertyStalkingRacist Behaviour / Racial HarassmentDomestic
ViolenceJoy riders(Anti Social Behaviour Directory Copyright 2005 2007)When we look at the
above named issues, it is fair to say they are normally custodial sentence offenses usually with a
sentence above 5 years. So,
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Personal Narrative Of The Battle Of Gettysburg
In 1862, I entered the battle of Gettysburg as a Confederate soldier. My post was assigned to me
as a passenger in a covered wagon. A cannonball hit a wheel and we were forced to abandon the
wagon. Luckily, nearby was a fallen tree that provided some cover. All of us scrambled over
except two other that were still in the wagon. Just following a loud pop a shell exploded on the
wagon killing both men. Then the least expected thing happens I saw my favorite cousin; Joe
Palsha. He was in an assault with five other men. Although they looked motivated, they also
looked frightened. Nevertheless, they all dropped dead like flies, but not Joe. He had clever hid
behind a covered wagon that had been reduced to a pile of wood shavings. I suddenly felt
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Mybridge Comes To America Analysis
IntroductionDocumentary film, a term coined by John Grierson, the father of the documentary film
movement in the English speaking world, (Barsam, 1973, p. 77), concerns a genre that is unlike
other forms of cinema. There are no actors and the plot reveals itself in authentic actions rather than
dialogue. The people concerned are the characters, their lives the setting. In the years leading up to
Robert Flaherty s Nanook of the North, the first such feature length film, the medium was
immensely popular, with audiences clamoring to see the far reaches of the globe from their local
theater or exhibition house. While narrative film in the modern day is considered the default mode
of moviemaking, documentaries still capture the imagination and take the viewer into real lives
they have not experienced, rather than lives imagined on a page. Without these historic
documentaries, film itself may not have reached the heights of culture it inhabits today. The early
history of documentary filmis inseparable from the history of film itself.
Muybridge Comes to America The work of photographer Eadweard Muybridge is commonly
regarded as the origins of the cinema. Muybridge was an English emigrant to the United States
who settled in California during the Gold Rush. An entrepreneur like many of the area s new
arrivals, he opened a successful bookstore ... Show more content on ...
But motion pictures had captured the imagination of the public, not least of which was famous
inventor (and credit taker) Thomas Edison. Edison company photographer William Dickson was
put to work on creating what would be called the Kinetograph. Edison intended for the machine to
do for the eyes what the phonograph does for the ear. Though he credited himself with the
invention, Dickson did the major legwork in building the actual machine
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The Ecology Of The Deep Sea Species
The Ecology of the Deep sea Frilled shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus)
The off shore marine environment changes intensively with the change in the ocean depth.
There is three distinctive zones that can be classified the Epipelagic which extends from the sea
surface to a depth of 200 meters, the mesopelagic which extends from a depth of 200 meters to a
depth of a 1000 meters and then the Deep sea which extends from a depth of a 1000 meters to
the sea floor (Castro Huber, 2010). The Deep sea can then be divided into a further three zones
(Figure 01) Bathypelagic which extends from a depth of a 1000 meters to 4000 meters,
Abyssopelagic which extends from a depth of 4000 meters to 6000 meters and Hadopelagic which
extends which extends from a depth of 6000 meters to the sea floor (Castro Huber, 2010). Figure
01: Ocean depth layers (
The Deep sea ecosystem has been classified as the largest ecosystem from all other ecosystems
within the world (Martin, 2003). The main characteristics of this ecosystem is that it experiences
very low oxygen levels, the water temperature is extremely cold, the pressure within this area is
very high and sunlight do not penetrate to these depths. The species that do live within this
environment are highly adapted to these harsh conditions such as the Cookie cutter Shark (Isistius
brasiliensis) (Figure 02). This essay will be focusing on the Cookie cutter Shark as well as the
importance of these species
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Personal Narratives Have Deep Origins In Ancient History.
Personal narratives have deep origins in ancient history. Narratives and personal essays were
used by ancient writers and philosophers like Cicero, Seneca, and Plutarch to reflect on their
individual experiences. The actual idea of the personal essay was named and perfected by late
16th century writer Michel de Montaigne, who attempted, or essayed, to describe his experiences
in the context of the world around him. He claimed that the subject of my work is me. In other
words, the purpose of the personal essay or narrative is to incorporate self experiences in informal
reflections about the world. In the modern age, the focus of art, literature, and philosophy shifted
towards the individual and the importance of self, the emotions, and... Show more content on ...
In the account, Dillard recalls a memory from her youth of the events of one winter day. Young
Dillard and her friends were throwing snowballs at passing cars. One car owner actually got out of
his car and chased Dillard and her friends through their neighborhood, before finally catching and
then letting them go. Dillard uses a personal experience from her youth to impart the lesson that
one must fling themselves at something in order to get it. While Annie Dillard s The Chase recalls
a childhood memory, George Orwell s Shooting an Elephant refers to Orwell s experience from his
adult life. At the time of the narrative, Orwell was a sub divisional police officer in Burma. He is
faced with the choice of shooting an elephant that had gone rogue to gain the respect of the
natives or letting the elephant be and returning it to its holder. Orwell chooses to shoot the
elephant in order to appease the natives. In his narrative, Orwell explores the idea of power
through his own experience as an adult. In personal narratives, authors typically use description to
make the story more relatable and engaging to the audience. This is done, in part, by sensory
details. Sensory details enable the author to recreate their personal experience for the reader. In
addition, the descriptions help the reader better relate to the author. Sensory details also enable
understanding, as understanding can be a
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Iran and Access to Nuclear Weapons
Currently, Iran does not have the capacity to launch a missile directly at the United States ( The
Iranian nuclear, 2013). This, however, may change. If the Iranians develop a nuclear weapon, they
are most likely going to develop a vehicle to deliver the warhead. This is where a direct threat to
the United States lies. Even without an ICBM, Irancan still load a nuclear device into a shipping
container, or even launch a missile off a ship from the coast. Iran would also most likely hand
over information on nuclear weapons to one of its state sponsored terrorist groups. In turn, the
terrorists would use the weapons against the U.S. and its allies all over the world. The President
has stated that America will not allow Iran to pursue a nuclear weapon, and that he is prepared to
use all available American power to prevent that from happening (Sherman, 2013). This begins with
the strict sanctions imposed on the country. Iran is currently under a lot of pressure to discontinue
its uraniumenrichment. If Iran were to hand over any developed nuclear weapons information to
its terrorist groups, that would cause alarm for the entire world. Extremists with the most deadly
weapon ever could potentially destroy thousands, if not millions of innocent lives. This type of
fear would give Iran and its terrorists an edge on the world stage. The fear of launching a nuclear
attack would drastically change how the U.S. and its allies deal with Iran. To stop that, the U.S. and
its allies
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The Importance Of Diversity In Post-Secondary Schools
As teacher I look forward to teaching in the DMPS area because of the diversity within these
schools. One of the school s I would like to teach at is East High School. East is located on 14th
street near downtown. It is literally in the middle of the city and because of its location the students
there come from all kinds of ethnic, culture, and economic backgrounds. One of the mission
statements for this school is Using research based strategies, along with high expectations, to
increase student achievement and prepare students for post secondary education and/or the world
of work. Though I agree with somethings in this mission statement I also disagree with much of it
as well. I do not agree with including that the school looks to prepare
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The Prologue And Part One Of The Book Nietzsche
Whether the happening be good or bad, humans tend to rationalize the circumstance and make it
an event that served a greater purpose. In Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche,
Zarathustra describes this behavior, along with many others, as life denying as he was mainly
concerned with ethics. The prologue tells the story of how Zarathustra went up a mountain and
spent ten years there gaining wisdom; he then descends to share his wisdom but the people
laugh at him and he comes to realize that they did not and would not take him seriously because
they were too far gone with old beliefs. He also came to the conclusion that he did not want
people who conform and do not think for themselves, or followers, but rather people who desire
to go in the same direction he is going. Throughout the prologue and part one of the book
Nietzsche is trying to teach those who can think for themselves about how to live well and without
excuses. The prologue mainly consists of Zarathustra descending from the mountain back into the
town and realizing that no one takes him seriously. Zarathustra is discouraged at first but then
realizes that he was not targeting the right audience and begins again. He starts off by establishing
an overman, who is someone who can affirm and embrace life completely without any excuses.
Consecutively he establishes a last man, who is said to be someone who has no questions, no
chaos, no creativity, and seeks comfort and security. His view of man is a cross
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Community Policing Within The United States Department Of...
Over time the policing community has faced many different changes to be able to keep up with the
new times. The system has adapted many new techniques and a different approach to how they
solve problems. Community policing has taken on a number of definition, but put simply it is a
working partnership with a community that helps make the area a better environment to subside in.
The main goals of community policing is to reduce neighborhood crime, help reduce fear of crime
and enhance the quality of life in the community. The United States Department of Justice has
defined community policing as a philosophy that focuses on crime and social disorder through the
delivery of policeservices that includes aspects of traditional law enforcement, as well as
prevention, problem solving, community engagement, and partnerships. However, community
policing can be looked at as not so much a strategy, but a philosophy about how things should be
done. According to The Unites States Department of Justice At its core, community oriented
policing is based on law enforcement and the community joining together to identify and address
issues of crime and social disorder. With new advances and community oriented policing, law
enforcement is taking steps in the right direction.
Over the course of the semester there have been many instances in which shows that new
technology advances have proven to be nothing but beneficial for law enforcement. In an article
written by Ron Sloan, Robert
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Education For Leisure Carol Ann Duffy
In her poem Education for Leisure , Carol Ann Duffy gives insight on troubled teenagers, by
portraying an extremely despondent narrator. The troubled disposition, is a direct result of
constantly being neglected by those around, as the narrator himself states: I have had enough of
being ignored. His ensuing killing spree, is therefore an attempt to make his voice heard, and
through this Duffy makes a powerful statement: that those who are scorned by society, may attempt
to gain the attention they desire, by using even the most unorthodox of methods. The dreary
atmosphere portrayed in his words, along with his morose descriptions of the world around him,
capture the narrators melancholy, and it is thus Duffy s brilliant choices regarding... Show more
content on ...
Having been constantly neglected, the narrator describes the world around him as a sort of grey
with boredom , and this is perhaps a fair reflection of the dullness he feels in his life. Like the
narrator s journey, the poem begins in a dark manner, and spirals downwards, becoming before
depressing, until the we are left with an uncertain, twisted and ultimately haunting conclusion. The
narrator s dismal intentions are matched by an equally dreary tone, as we are aware from the
beginning that he has been driven to the point of killing in order to gain attention, and as the events
leading to the homicide ensue, we begin to understand the circumstances of the narrator, and the
tone becomes increasingly desolate, in order to reflect the emptiness he feels as a result of his
neglection. The ambiguous ending of the poem is reflected in the twisted realization of the narrator,
as he finds some sort of enlightenment in killing. The pavements glitter suddenly and he moves
forward to kill with newfound
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How Did The Enlightenment Philosophers Impact On Society
Philosopher s Impact During the late 17th and 18th century in Europe, bright thinkers met in
French salons to discuss ideas that influenced their society. Four influential philosophers, Voltaire,
John Locke, Adam Smith, and Mary Wollstonecraft, made an impact on major societal issues
during the enlightenment period. During this period, the philosophers were people who offered
views or theories on serious questions. The Enlightenment philosopher s had an impact on religion,
the government, the economy, and women s rights. All the four leaders carry the same thought
process that the people should have the freedom to make their own choices. One of the
philosophers, Voltaire, was a strong believer of religious freedom in the 1700 s. He states, If one
religion only were allowed in England, the government would very possibly become orbitrary...
but as there are such a multitude, they all live happy and in peace. The prolific writer was
convinced that people s lives would be much easier and content if they had the right to whatever
religion they chose and the exact opposite if they were assigned to one religion. This seems to be
true with most... Show more content on ...
During the Age of Reason, society expected their government to protect their natural rights, which
are life, liberty, and property. Everyone is born with them and they apply to all people with no
exceptions. On the other hand, there is a social contract that humans enter into with their
government that agrees if they follow the rules they will be protected. Not only is the government
supposed to preserve our rights, but the citizens have to be obedient under their regulations too.
Moreover, the philosophers main idea was to give people human rights that gave them freedom to
make their own decisions. These thinkers, made a substantial influence on religion, the government,
the economy, and women s
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What an American Is Essays
What an American Is
Webster?s Dictionary defines American as or its inhabitants. But is that all America and an
American truly is? Is a person American simply because of geography? According to Identities,
?America is a confluence of cultures.? Americans are people whose lives depict men and women
who are trying to be as successful and robust as possible, this quest is symbolic to citizens of many
other countries. This is why America illustrates the Statue of Liberty, a structure that symbolizes
freedom throughout the world. America is composed not only of these peoples, but the cultures and
the ways of life of these people.
The Statue of Liberty symbolizes a fearless and powerful figure. Steinbeck agrees that Americans
are ... Show more content on ...
Third, it has one hand raised in a charismatic fashion, symbolizing fearlessness and powerfullness.
Steinbeck writes ?no one can define the American Wayof Life or point to any person or group who
lives in it, but it is real nevertheless.? The way an American lives their life differs from person to
person. Two Americans from the same country, living on the same street, have different ways of
practicing their religions, celebrating holidays, and pursuing their culture in general. Americans
can act freely, just as the Statue of Liberty depicts freedom to Americans. The Statue of Liberty is
a statue of freedom, giving Americans the right to live and practice their culture however they
want. There is no such thing as a true American identity. According to the essay Identities,
?Identity has always been a difficult question nagging the collective American mind.? No two
Americans are the same, no two live in the same manner. One person cannot tell another how to
live ones life; one person cannot define him/herself as living the American way of life. This is
because the Statue of Liberty symbolizes to people all over that America is the land of the free.
Americans are free to make their decisions about what it is to be an American and how one lives.
According to Identities ?Americans have argued and wondered about who they are.? The Statue of
Liberty once was the first thing that immigrants saw
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Ethnographic Analysis Of A Park
1.0 Introduction
Information from the informant and the urban residents provides background information
concerning the park, analyzing the importance of the park over the years, and also getting opinions
and attitudes of the park users. Based on this information, analysis of the goals for the park are
developed and articulated in well architectural drawings that will play part in setting the platform
for the eventual redesign and development of the park.
1.1 Architecture
Architecture can be seen as the process and product of planning and designing. For instance,
architectural designs and plans often give constructors the overall view of how buildings and other
structures need to be constructed. Architectural designs and drawings are also used ... Show more
content on ...
By so doing creation of sustainable revenue for the park will be achieved leading to creation of
healthy balance between active and passive spaces within the park.
2.2.1 Provision of greater accessibility to the park
Major improvements in this area should be made with the help of qualified architectural
designers who will design and plan how the park should accommodate the ease flow of people
within the park. The park should be upgraded to provide for improved parking lots and access and
also provide for a more centralized public transportation access within the park.
2.2.2 Creation of more active and passive space
Parks have always been classified as either active or passive spaces. Active spaces within the
park are typically those that provide for formal recreational areas and organized for activities such
as sporting activities.Hard non green spaces, such as basketball and tennis courts can be referred
to as active spaces, which enable people to exercise physical activities that enhance their healthy
living. On the other side, passive public open spaces include those areas with certain feature such
as trees, geographical landscape, picnic areas, walking
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We Need Electronic Surveillance Essay
Our society would not survive in the 21st century without the help of electronic surveillance.
Safety is one of the main purposes of electronic surveillance. Safety is the state of being secure and
free from danger of any sort. Today, many would rather give up their privacy for safety
(Smithsimon). In fact, surveillancegadgets such as cameras, radio tracking chips and house alarms
are used in many places to ensure safety. For instance, a parent can easily place a hidden camera
in a stuffed animal in order to see how the babysitter handles his or her child (Public Places Have
Eyes). Cameras are also used to ensure safety on school premises. According to the GCC College
Safety website, the college has an extensive system of surveillance... Show more content on ...
Some say that the key to success on preventing terrorism, or any crime for that matter, is the use
of massive surveillance enforcement (Someone s Watching). For instance, airlines have used
the Computer Assisted Pre Screening System (CAPS) to spot any dangerous passengers that
have checked into the airline. Additionally, metal detectors are heavily used in airlines to check
for any weapons that a terrorist might use. Video cameras that capture faces and license plates
found all throughout the airport are now equipped with a software that allows images to be
recognized and matched with several databases (Public Places Have Eyes). Cameras in general
are present in every corner of the airport to monitor all irregular activities. Some also believe that
having a floating eye in the sky could prove to be a major deterrent in the war on terror when
talking about aerial surveillance (Surveillance Tech). Moreover, these surveillance tools are not
only used in airlines to prevent crime. These surveillance gadgets can also be used to prevent
other crimes such as robberies, trespassing, assaults, and shopliftings everywhere. In fact, with
the help of aerial cameras, the Tampa Florida Police Aviation Unit was able to perform 500
arrests in the year of 2003 (Surveillance Tech). As for metal detectors, they are found at the
entrances of almost every store we go to as well as school premises that push for a weapon free
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The American Civil Liberties Union
without consequences. This practice is corrupt and police officers who act in these ways should
be reprimanded and potentially fired for these actions. Some officers go beyond the law in ways
they should be incarcerated as well. America s governmental practice of excluding these police
officers is only promoting these behaviors, and a stop should be put to them. By implementing
stricter consequences, officers would be more conscious in their actions but now, it affects them as
Another strong bias displayed in the judicial system is the obvious bias in criminal sentencing in
the court. Many studies support the conclusion that people of color are sentenced longer in prison
for the same crime as a white person (McElrath, Tran, and ... Show more content on
The problem usually with wrongful convictions is impulsivity. The fact that the person on trial is a
person of color drastically improves the chances of being convicted without going through all
motives of an investigation, which obviously are given to white people because of their lower
chance of getting convicted wrongly. This is a prominent bias, that a person of color is always
guilty of their crime. These findings show that people of color and white people are not being
treated the same in the eyes of the law. How is it possible to feel safe with all of these findings
stacked up against you? It just isn t feasible. Kenneth Rouse still remains on death row to this day.
Some possible solutions to this is simply more diversity in the judicial bench. America needs to
have a criminal justice system that represents the diversity of America. When people think of
America, they think of the many faces that occupy our country. Unfortunately, this is only
embraced by some. It is impossible for someone to completely understand all circumstances of
someone s situation without first experiencing similar or the same realities. A white person simply
does not know what it is like to be a black person in society. This goes along with the concept of
privilege, something everyone has in different amounts, and something in which few people will
acknowledge. This goes along with gender, and sexuality. A center for American
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Unit 11 Assignment 2 Cardiovascular And Transport Systems
Unit 11 Assignment 2: Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems M2. Explain the need for a
transport system in a multi cellular organism There are two types of cellular organisms:
Unicellular organism Multi cellular organism Unicellular Organism A unicellular organism is a
single celled organism (one cell), which is to rely on the process of diffusion, when moving
different substances in and out of other cells, due to its structure it has a larger surface area in
comparison to its volume; this is because each organism is built for a specific function. However,
they transport materials such as oxygen and urea in and out of bodies, through diffusion and
osmosis. Multi cellular Organism A multi cellular is consists of more than one cell, it has a small
surface area, compared to its volume. This means that its structure is specialised to do more than
one function, especially exchanging surfaces, such as lungs, and transporting systems. Its
transportation system requires food and oxygen to be transported from one place to another. Why
do we need a transport system? The reason for having a transport system is because the single
celled organisms, also known as unicellular organism are small, meaning that they have a large
surface area, in comparison to their volume; a large surface area to volume ratio. As they are
known for having one cell, the substances diffuse through their relatively large plasma membrane.
This also means that they are able to diffuse
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Sickle Cell Research Paper
While people are trying to find a breakthrough cure for diseases such as Cancer, Sickle Cell
patients feel that they are left in the dark of the public s eye. Each day thousands of people are
being faced with the shocking truth of having to live a very hard, tiresome, and very painful life.
According to researchers about one in four hundred African American is affected with SickleCell.
Therefore it is felt that there should be a greater effort in trying to find a cure for this disease.
Sickle Cell disease also known as SCD is a genetic disease of a person s red blood cells. The shape
of a normal person s RBC is shaped like a disk. This shape of the red blood cells allows for the
flexibility that helps the cells move through blood vessels. ... Show more content on
These problems include but are not limited to breathing problems, eye problems, leg ulcers, and
also organ failure(s).Patients who are known for having SCD may also have a history of having
breathing problems. Patients may suffer from Pulmonary Hypertension. This results from when
a patient has high blood pressure that occurs in the lungs. If this becomes too severe or goes left
untreated it may be fatal. Besides having breathing problems a patient may also suffer problems
with seeing. In the case that there is blood clotting in the patient s eye this can result in the
patient becoming blind. A leg ulcer usually starts to show up on the patient s lower leg and /or
ankle and may sometimes go untreated because the patient may think is just a normal scratch or
cut. Leg ulcers usually are the result of poor blood circulation to that particular area. Delayed
growth usually occurs in most or all patients with Sickle Cell. Another problem that sickle cell
patients may have to face is organ failures. The organs that are most common to fail are the lungs,
liver, kidney and spleen. The failure of these organs may stem from other health problems related to
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Difference Between Theological Fatalism And Free Will Essay
In this paper, I will argue that it is almost impossible for someone to be free while all of his/her
actions are predicted by a higher being in such a way that he/she does not have the choice of
choosing between various courses of actions. In other words, I don t think that the concept of a
fore knowledgeable god and the concept of free willcan be maintained together. First, I will
broadly describe free will. Second, I will explain, through the argument of theological fatalist, why
there might be a possibility, regardless of their opinion, have ever been free. Then, I will explain the
dilemma that there is between theological fatalism and free will. In addition, the Frankfurt solution
will be explained. Finally, critics of the Frankfurt solution will be mentioned and critiqued.
To begin with, free will is broadly defined as being able to choose between different courses of
actions without being restrained by any physical or divine forces ( Free Will , n.d.).
In addition, there is an argument called the theological fatalism argument that states that there is a
perfect supreme being who predicts all human courses of actions ( Fore Knowledge and Free
Will , n.d.). From this argument, we might conclude that none of us have ever been free since all
human acts were predicted in advance by a divine being. Thus, leaving us unfree of choosing
between various possible courses of actions. Here are the basic premises of theological fatalism:
1)Yesterday God infallibly believed that a
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The 1905 Act
Indigenous Australians developed trust issues during colonisation. When the settlers invaded, life
would never be the same for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people. Land that had been theirs
for roughly 40,000 years was stripped from the Indigenous Australians and all rights were taken
away. Most settlers were extremely racist and wanted the Indigenous Australiansgone. One settler
from Hunter Valley went as far as comparing the Aborigines to apes (Wilson Miller, 2011). The
1905 Act in Western Australia
was then drawn up to provide the Aborigines care and protection. The
1905 Act with its long list of rules and regulations did everything but provide care and protection.
Aborigines were carefully watched and everything they did was monitored.
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Lord Capulet Abusive Quotes
Romeo and Juliet In the play, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Lord Capulet is most
to blame for Juliet s death because he is verbally abusive and fickle. Lord Capulet shows change
throughout the play and proves that his actions have consequences. Lord Capulet is responsible
for Juliet s death because he is verbally abusive. Lord Capulet has a high temper towards Juliet
for her opinions . For example, As Lord Capulet enters Juliet s room and hears that Juliet refuses
to marry Paris his smile disappears and becomes angry and irritated. As Lord Capulet is yelling at
Juliet for being ungrateful he says, Speak not; reply not; do not answer me. My fingers itch
(3.5.169 170). Lord Capulet is telling Juliet to not say anything, such... Show more content on ...
He changes his mind very quickly and can flip flop between what he wants for Juliet. For
example, as Paris and Capulet are talking to each other Paris asks Lord Capulet for his
permission to marry Juliet. Capulet then replies, My will to her consent is but a part. And, she
agreed, within her scope of choice lies my consent and fair according voice. (1.2.17 19). In this
quote, Lord Capulet is saying that his decision is only a part and if Juliet agrees to marry Paris his
blessing will confirm her choice. Soon after Tybalts death, Capulet and Paris speak to one another
once again. Tybalt suggests marrying Juliet to stop her mourning over the death of her cousin,
Tybalt, and Lord Capulet agrees. Once Lord Capulet hears Juliet s perspective on not marrying
Paris he threatens her by saying, I tell thee what: get thee to church o Thursday, or never after
look me in the face (3.5.167 168). This quote shows that Lord Capulet is forcing Juliet to marry
Paris or else she cannot return back home. He doesn t listen to Juliet s opinion and seems to not
care if she is happy or not with the marriage. This proves that Lord Capulet is fickle and is most
responsible for Juliet s
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The Italian People, Culture and Cities in Movies,...
(1) How do the films discussed link the concepts of ‚crime and ‚travelling ? What makes
travelling such an interesting phenomenon within the crime genre? Please also refer to the
narrative structure of crime films. Travelling has used to be an activity that entirely differs from
our everyday life, an escape in order to find authenticity. Travelling forces people from their
comfort zones and lead to new emotions, new actions, new perceptions, acquired through the
prism of another reality. For a long time it has been a privilege available only for a group of
eligible. Not surprisingly, the idea of interconnectivity between crime and travelling is highly
exploited in the movie industry exposing the gap between expectations and reality, between dream
world and real world. Both the notion of crime and travelling are built around the idea of
observing spaces and places, people and their actions with the possibility of expectations being
destroyed at any moment. Often tourists try to plan their trips with the smallest details to avoid any
unpredictable situation, especially nowadays in the time of the easy accessible images and reviews
about destinations. They are very persistent in their attempts to establish an order on a world. Crime
stories are also concerned with this idea. The most thrilling effect in movies can be achieved by
putting crime and travelling into one story. When touristic stereotypes are destroyed, anticipated
actions are not performed, seeming strong
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Media Violence Essay
There has been far reaching research on the link between televised violence and violent behavior
amongst adolescents. Current studies have shown a direct correlation between aggressive conduct
and watching violence depicted in many media services and suggest that media is a variable that
put children at risk of aggressive behavior (Huesmann, Moise Titus, Podolski, Eron, 1992).
According to the American Psychological Association, watching playing violent scenes them on
games and television, can desensitize children to the suffering and pain of others and may be a
greater risk of acting aggressively toward others and they re less bothered by violencein general and
less likely to see anything wrong with it. Studies disclose that children... Show more content on ...
Many argue that media violence is at least partly to blame for the school shootings in Littleton,
Colorado, Taber, Alberta and Erfurt, Germany.
Proponents of the idea that violence depicted on both television and video games affects the
behavior of children state that, contrary to other beliefs, these scenes teach a higher sense of the
justification of the use of violence in different situations (Tompkins, 2003). It teaches that violence
is a correct avenue to solve differences, which is not an acceptable action within real life
situations. The classic setting of using violence for a virtuous cause may interpret in daily life into
a validation for using violence to even the score against supposed victimizers. Consequently,
defenseless youth who have been maltreated may be tempted to use aggressive means to resolve
The hero in most of these scenes also teaches them that violence has no consequences because he
/she never gets in trouble for their actions. Most psychologists agree that experiences teach children
during their early years and have a longstanding effect on their lives. Toddlers between the ages of
eighteen to sixteen months are intelligent enough to comprehend the significance of the programs
(Tompkins, 2003) that they watch and respond in the same manner to both actual and acted
violence since their link between dream and actuality is still not strong. Furthermore, toddlers
between the ages of three and five years are
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Baseball Is The Oldest Professional Sport
Peanuts, bratwursts, and fireworks after a home team win are everything that reminds all of us
of Major League Baseball. Baseball is the oldest professional sport played in the United States.
The Majors have two leagues known as the National and the American League. Each MLB year
is composed of a spring training, a regular season, an All Star break, a postseason, and an off
season. Hoboken, New Jersey hosted the first official game between the New York Nine and New
York Knickerbockers with the New York Nine winning twenty three to one in four innings.
However, it wasn t until 1869, when the Cincinnati Red Stockings became the first professionally
founded team. A few years later the National Association of Professional Base Ball Players... Show
more content on ...
Opening day rings in the beginning of another long, stressful one hundred and sixty two game
regular season. Many teams do not play on opening day, therefore, opening day is extended a week
from the first game. In fact, former St. Louis Cardinal Ozzie Smith with Anheuser Busch started a
petition on, stating that Opening Day should be considered an official holiday.
The regular season of major league baseball is composed of one hundred and sixty two games for
thirty teams ranging from April October. Twenty of these games is between the American and
National league called interleague play. Each of these games are a minimum of nine innings
and twenty seven outs. However, if the game was tied in the 9th inning, it continues until the
winning run comes across home plate. These games lead up to the famous All Star Home Run
Derby and the All Star Game in the second or third Tuesday in July. At the mid point of the
regular season, there is an All Star break. Besides the postseason, this break is known for the All
Star Home Run Derby and the All Star Game. The players are elected by fans, coaches, and
players. The team managers from the previous World Series are selected as the managers for the
All Star game. The break begins a day before and extends to the day after giving enough rest for
players and coaches. The Home Run Derby has a total of ten players, 5 from the American
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Arizona Snowbowl
One way people can support Native Americans is by proposing policy changes that encourage the
federal and state governments to respect the rights of the Native people. For example, many
supporters have joined protests against Native injustices. Native American activism boosted during
the late 1960s following the Civil Rights Movement. On February 2, 2004, when the Save the
Peaks Coalition discussed the environmental and human rights issues over the Arizona Snowbowl s
plan to expand a ski resort on the San Francisco Peaks. The land has spiritual and cultural value to
the 13 surrounding tribes, yet the protest was not only composed of tribal and spiritual leaders, but
also concerned citizens, agencies, businesses, and conservationists who were against the
development. Yet... Show more content on ...
Today, the Standing Rock Sioux have been joined by members of over 200 other Native American
tribes and allies in fighting against the DAPL. The protest was able to gain great attention from the
media, the citizens, and the White House. In a surprising and historic decision, the Obama
Administration temporarily blocked the DAPL in 2016, to the joy of the protesters. Additionally,
the Obama Administration invited tribes to a formal consultations that fall to discuss whether any
federal regulations surrounding national infrastructure projects, like the DAPL, should be
reformed to protect tribal resources and rights. Because of the protest and support, Obama s visit
to the Sinox North Dakota reservation became the first by a sitting president to any reservation
since 1999 and the third presidential visit overall in the nation s history. Yet this progress was
short lived. Current President Donald J. Trump has already greenlighted the DAPL, along with the
Keystone XL pipeline. On June 1, 2017, the DAPL began shipping oil Thursday, yet the fight is far
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Examples Of Insider Advice For Shopping Smarter
8 Hacks to fill up your wardrobe when running out of money
Shopping is what every girl thrives for. No girl wants to wear the same old clothes. We even get
tired of wearing an outfit even if we have worn it just twice. But money always gets in the way,
more clothes mean more expenditure. But not anymore, here is some insider advice for you to get
new clothes but spend a little!
Here is some insider advice for shopping smarter:
1.It s not always malls where you find amazing clothes
In markets like Janpath and Sarojini Nagar you get to do the best of street shopping. The clothes
are generally export surplus sold at cheap rates. You will get products like ethnic wear, daily wear,
dresses, junk jewelry, silver jewelry, leather footwear in janpath.... Show more content on ...
Try pairing up your tops and tees with different pair of jeans and skirts. Accessorizing differently
with the same outfits can also make you look all shiny since the people will focus more on the
accessory rather than those clothes. You can wear the same dress again just by teaming it up with
some shrug or jacket and turn your otherwise boring outfit something fun.
7.C mon! You can let go of those old clothes now.
You can compensate money for new clothes by selling off the old ones on sites like EBay. With
so much social media these days, it s not hard to find girls who d go crazy about those clothes you
ve outgrown or gotten bored of. What else? You can even buy some there!
But make sure those clothes you are trying to sold are not too old and are in good shape.
8.When will those cousins and best friends help?
Do you like the way your best friend or that cousin of yours dresses up? If you are the same size
as your cousin and she lives in some other town and if your friends are in different colleges then
you can always exchange your clothes with them and score some amazing outfits without spending
a single penny. And who knows? Maybe her clothes suit you
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Ancient Persia Research Paper
Ancient Persia were one of the most influential and most powerful empires of its time.This empire
was its known for tolerance of its conquered peoples and it literary,educational,mathematical,and
governmental achievements. Cementing its place forever in history and landing it a spot among
one of the world s most powerful empires.
One of Persia achievements was the skill of building roads for travel and trading. One of these
roads was the Persian royal road which spread from Anatolia to Aegean Sea is it the distance of
more than 1,500 miles. This obviously required a strong and central government that can gather the
people and resources to build and maintain the roads. During this time building roads like this was
considered really impressive.This ... Show more content on ...
This help prevented any uprisings from forming because this allowed people still to live their daily
lives and not drastically change it.The first person to establish was Cyrus the Great he did this in
order to unite the land for his empire many people respect him for this when Cyrus conquered
Babylon many people received him well due to his religious tolerance of other peoples. One of
the reason that some people liked Persia s rule more than others because it freed them from
tyrants.In Babylon at the time tthe Babaloynian king Nabonidus was considered a tyrant at the
time and when Cyrus conquered them through his toloerance they lived a more happy and free
life. Through Persia s tolerance even Babylonian prisoners of war were set free back to their
Another one of the Persia s achievements is their use of measurements and weights which
allowed them to gain more accurate sizes and weights. This help the economy when it came to
buying produce and other things. An example is say you buy some meat you put it on a scale
and according the weight of the meat that is how much you pay. This also could be use to scam
people by adjusting the weights in your or not your favor. One of measuring units is the shekel
which equals to about 8.40 grams. This is also another one persia s great
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The Importance and Uses of Magnesium Essay
In chemistry and in our world there are elements that are needed for survival in our everyday life,
and one essential element that both humans and plants need is magnesium. Magnesium is an
alkaline earth metal that is the second element found in group two on the periodic table.
Magnesium is an important element that is used in our everyday society and found in the industry,
agriculture, research, and medical areas. Magnesiumis a hard, silvery white metal that is the lightest
weight element used for making objects that need to have a strong metal to keep it together. Its
symbol is Mg and its atomic number, the number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom, is
twelve ( Magnesium Periodic). Magnesium is one of the more commonly used... Show more content
on ...
The reaction that Magnesium Chloride makes is MgCl2 в†’ Mg + Cl2 (Uttley). A Magnesium
compound that helps with the heating in your home is Magnesium Oxide (MgO). It is a good
insulating material and heating refractory. The balance equation for this is: 2Mg + O2 в†’ 2MgO.
Also, when using cotton and wool fabrics, cement, or ceramics people need Magnesium Citrate
(Mg3(C6H5O7)2. ( Magnesium Today s). Other compounds that are in industry are magnesium
fluoride and magnesium oxide that produce glass and ceramics, magnesium hexafluorosilicate that
is mothprooding of textiles, magnesium phosphate that can be used for fireproofing wood for
construction, and magnesium sulfite that is used in manufacturing paper (Newton). Since
magnesium is easily reactive it can combine with other elements to form several useful compounds.
One specific use of Mg compounds in our society is the functions of magnesium alloys in the
industry field. An alloy is a mixture of two or more metals with properties different from those of
the individual metals (Newton). For example, since magnesium is a lightweight metal and
aluminum is a heavier metal magnesium can alloy with Aluminum. Magnesium and aluminum
alloys create airplanes, automobiles, ladders, artificial limbs, vaccum cleaners, lawn mowers,
some portable power and gardening tools, car wheels, soda cans, and skis. Since Mg is one of the
lightest metals it is used in vehicles so that there can be less fuel (Uttley).
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The API 20E is used for the identification of...
The API 20E is used for the identification of gram negative bacteria and specially of the family
Enterobacteriaceae. This system utilizes a plastic compartmentalized in 20 spaces. Those
compartments are a cupule and a small tube that contains a specific dehydrated substance. After you
inoculated each compartment with an unknown bacteria, a reaction will occur in 18 24hours. The
results were organized in a Reading Table and given a number based on the results. With this
number it is possible to identify the bacteria.
Urease test (URE): The substrate is the urea and urease is an enzyme that catalyses the hydrolysis of
urea into carbon dioxide and ammonia. The function is to increase the pH of the environment due
to the production of ammonia. ... Show more content on ...
You will not expect all the same API index numbers because each sample of E.cloacae coming from
different host means that the environment will differ from each other and depending on the
substrate different enzymes can be expressed. In a clinical context that can be important because
you can analyze the characteristics of the bacteria and which nutrients are essential for it grows.
a) Primer X
Tm= 2x (A+T)+4x(G+C)= 16+40=
56degrees Celsius
Primer Y
ЂЁTm= 20+24= 44degrees

b) You cannot always expect the product with the same length because a few bases
of the variable region of the 16SRNA can differ due to mutations that can add different bases.
The sequence of the 16S rRNA was obtained and analysed in some steps. Firstly the bacteria was
lysed to release the DNA for the 16SrRNA gene and by centrifugation they got the pellet of
bacterial that remains separated from the DNA. The next step is amplify the DNA and that could
be done by Readymix and PCR method the Polymerase chain reaction, you can amplify specific
regions of DNA in the organism genome catalyzing the replication of specific regions, in this
process you need five essential components that are the DNA polymerase (enzyme that catalysis the
DNA syntheses process), DNA template, DNA with target sequence, Primers (sequence of single
stranded DNA
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Guilt In Macbeth And The Tell-Tale Heart
Guilt is a feeling that everyone is familiar with. The intensity and shame that comes with guilt is
stronger than anything a person can consciously convey. In the play The Tragedy of Macbeth by
William Shakespeare and in the short story The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe, guilt plays an
exceedingly big role in the life of two main characters; Lady Macbeth and the narrator. No matter
what is done, guiltis impossible to avoid, and will engulf the state of mind leading to an inexorable
downfall. Firstly, the two characters are in denial after the crime they committed, and they try to
comfort themselves by not accepting the truth. Secondly, they are extremely paranoid and they start
to envision and hear things. Lastly, the build up... Show more content on ...
Both, Lady Macbeth and the narrator, cannot handle living with the guilt anymore; therefore,
they admit their crime. Firstly, Lady Macbeth confesses about the killing of King Duncan. One
night as the Doctor and the Gentlewoman, observe Lady Macbeth sleepwalking, they know that
what she has done cannot be undone , after hearing her confess about the killing of the King. (V,
i, 71). She is ashamed with herself; however, she knows that she cannot repeat the past and clear
her mind of the guilt. For this reason, admitting her crime, subconsciously, is her way of coping
with the guilt. In the end, Lady Macbeth cannot handle the guilt inside of her; therefore, she
commits suicide to relieve her from her dreadful life. One of Macbeth servant delivers the news
that the Queen ... is dead ; referring to Lady Macbeth (V, v, 19). This shows that killing herself is
the only way to escape from her guilt. Secondly, the narrator blurts out that he has committed
murder. When the cops come knocking on his door after the killing has occurred, the narrator
tries to keep clam. The policemen are convinced he is innocent until the narrator admit the deed
and tells them to ... tear up the planks where he has hidden the corpse (para 18). As a result of
guilt, his confession is like removing weights off his chest. Living with what he has done is
impossible for him to control and deal with. In
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British Theatre and Cinema
British theatres
One of the world s major centers for theatre, Britain has a centuries old dramatic tradition and about
300 theatres. There are several thousand amateur dramatic societies in Britain. The Royal
Shakespeare Company performs in Stratford upon Avon and at the Barbican Centre in London. A
modern reconstruction of the Globe Theatre, close to its original site, is under way.
Most cities and towns in Britain have at least one theatre. There are 500 youth theatres in England
alone. The Unicorn Theatre for Children and Polka Children s Theatre, both in London, present
plays written specially for children, and the Young Vic Company in London and Contact Theatre
Company in Manchester stage plays for young people.
Until recently the ... Show more content on ...
The RSC is currently celebrating its fiftieth birthday season, which runs from April December
2011, with two companies of actors presenting the first productions designed specifically for the
new Royal Shakespeare and Swan Theatre stages. The 2011 season began with performances of
Macbeth and a re imagined lost play The History of Cardenio. The fiftieth birthday season also
features The Merchant of Venice with Sir Patrick Stewart and revivals of some of the RSC s
greatest plays, including a new staging of Marat/Sade.
The Royal Opera House is an opera house and major performing arts venue in Covent Garden,
central London. The large building is often referred to as simply Covent Garden , after a
previous use of the site of the opera house s original construction in 1732. It is the home of The
Royal Opera, The Royal Ballet, and the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House. Originally called the
Theatre Royal, it served primarily as a playhouse for the first hundred years of its history. In 1734,
the first ballet was presented. A year later, Handel s first season of operas began. Many of his
operas and oratorios were specifically written for Covent Garden and had their premieres there.
The current building is the third theatre on the site following disastrous
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Milligan s Cafeterias
Cafeterias are the main source of food for college students who live on campus. They have
different food options provided for the college students. However, not all of the food choices are
healthy. For example, food in Milligan s cafeteria is cooked in fats and served greasy to the
students. There are not a lot of healthy options in the cafeteria to choose from. Every day the
salad bar is set out for students as a healthy side or meal, however the ingredients are not always
fresh. Sometimes the lettuce provided is wilted, the vegetable toppers are brown and stale, and
overall do not appear appetizing. Sometimes they have special healthy choices like a make your
own tossed salad, or even a sizzling salad, but those options are only offered for one day every
other week.... Show more content on ...
This a serious problem for many people. For instance, what if a person is allergic to a certain food
item or a diabetic person is attempting to give themselves the right amount of insulin. The lack of
labels for the food can be problematic. The abundant amount of starch filled food in the cafeteria is
not healthy whatsoever. This can lead to health issues in the future and will cause a great deal of
weight gain which can lead to weight gain. Despite a lack of healthy cafeteria options and a lack
of money, can Milligan College students avoid gaining weight? Yes Milligan students can avoid
gaining weight by choosing healthy and affordable snacks, by their cafeteria food choices, and by
reducing stress
... Get more on ...
My Experience At Erin s Place
My breathing is steady and shallow, the exhales causing slight disturbances in the fog around me,
my shoes making a constant smack, smack on the pavement. The mist acts like a thin blanket,
dampening my senses, making the world just a little quieter, a little calmer. All around me are the
sounds and smells of pure, serene nighttime. To my left is the pond; ducks are huddled along the
shoreline, sometimes ruffling their feathers or making a sleepy murmur. I just passed the campus
daycare, the windows are all dark and the playground is empty; the swing creaks back and forth
slightly... There must be a breeze.
I m on my way back from a long night of studying. It s around 2AM, the cafeteria in the
university hall is open all the time so students can study late for upcoming finals. I m not much of
a cram studier so I m way ahead and I don t have any exams for a few days.
I should have made plans to stay at Erin s place. She lives on campus in the dorms and she gave
me a copy of her key (which is completely against the rules, by the way, but she figured I might
need a place to crash if I ever got too drunk at a campus party), but I m pretty sure she won t
appreciate me storming in at 2AM when she, unlike me, has an exam in the morning. I brought the
key with me in case I was too tired to walk home; but alas, coffee is a brilliant invention, and if
anything I feel wide awake, so I silently review the topics I m finished going over... Riemann
Sums... multivariable integration... domain
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A Historical, Political And Social Contextual View Of Dada
A historical, political and social contextual view of Dada
World War 1 started in 1914. It was a time of political unrest, when nobody was certain what would
become of their nations. This sprouted a number of radical movements, all looking to comprehend
and untangle the disorder that invaded the society they knew.
Preceding this was a time of increased mass production and fast technological advancements
compared to previous centuries. The Aeroplane in 1903 paved a way for advanced methods of
warfare along with the more obvious tank in the same year. Although in the 1907 Hague
Convention on Land Warfare the use of poisoned weapons or poison itself during war was
forbidden, chemical weapons themselves were not. This lead to a dramatic ... Show more content on ...
1996 p.91). This influenced them, any other key artists to turn to a left wing, anti war movement
that wanted to start afresh from a society that could commit, and then commit to something so
atrocious (Tate, 2014).
Dada wanted to move away from the atrocities society had come to commit by seeking a fresh
start, and creating new art to be enjoyed by the new society. This involved popularising and
creating new ways to create art, and new ways to define it. Marcel Janco, one of the founders of
the Dada movement in Zurich, considered that humanity was impossible to fix and that the only
way to improve was to destroy society and rebuild something completely new.
The true beginnings of Dada are only vaguely known. Although Hugo Ball was the one to write
the original Dada manifesto in July 1916, and Tzara was an unofficial leader, especially of
Zurich, Picabia was listed as the true beginning of the movement by Claude RiviГЁre, In his
[Picabia s] journey to the Jura in 1913, we can observe the first beginnings of what was later to be
called the Dada movement. (Richter 1997, p.11).
As a movement, Dada s origins in Zurich can be traced back to Hugo Ball, who opened Cabaret
Voltaire and recited a manifesto in 1916, a year later from the opening of the locale. Dawtrey state
in 1996 it might also be claimed Dada manifestations were no more than an inevitable product of
the disaster and dislocation of the first world war, conditions that in
... Get more on ...
Evaluation of Baumol s Model
Introduction Generally in business, there is a trade off between selling many units at a low price
and selling only a few units at a high price. There are different managerial models in a firm
embodying different assumptions like the Profit Maximization Model which is a traditional model,
the Marris Model, the Williamson Model and the Baumol Model. This write up will focus on
understanding management preferences in terms of price, revenue and profit maximization,
critically evaluate the management model of Baumol and review the extent to which the Baumol
model provides a more useful insight into pricing and output decisions of modern management....
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In this respect, certain characteristics are identifiable about the internal and external processes
involved for organizations within such markets. Baumol recognizes that since it is large
organizations that are most likely to be competitors within an oligopoly, then the chains of control
and decision making are likely to be elongated. It is therefore considered that more likely that it will
take longer to arrive at and implement decisions within such organizations than within smaller
competitors. Within the market, it is claimed that there is tacit collusion between organizations to
maintain the status quo. These incumbents, once the oligopoly has settled down into an equilibrium
position, are able to enjoy a quiet life and split the profits between them. Additionally, there may be
a general lack of interest on the part of organizations to compete in their markets unless actions are
undertaken by others to upset the current situation. Other justifications for the sales revenue
maximization model include: The imposition of a minimum profit constraint on management by
shareholders ensures that their concerns are met, while it would be more difficult to set and
measure a maximum requirement. Increasing level of sales are
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Arguments Against Cloning
Should mankind really become corrupt all because humans want to clone others and perfect them,
out right defying nature? Cloning is when you create similar populations with genetically identical
beings. Cloning, for example, is when you have a cow and produce another cow that is identical to
the original cow. To clone an animal, you must extract DNA from the cellof the animal and place
that DNA onto an egg cell from another animal. Who actually thought of and started cloningis
unclear. Scientist debate whether cloning is moral or not. Even though cloning can cure genetic
diseases, one s life span shortens. The overall result is that cloning is unethical since it goes against
nature. Cloning cures genetic diseases that are currently incurable. If you clone a living thing, the
replication of the living thing would have been cleared of its diseases. First you must produce an
embryo through vitro fertilization, a complicated series of procedures used to investigate... Show
more content on ...
The clone is similar, if not identical, to the living thing it was cloned from. Even though the clone
would have unique preferences, the individuality would be lost because it is just a twin of someone
else, no matter what the age each one is. If there was human cloning, there is a possibility that the
value of human life would deteriorate. If a parent doesn t like their child, then they can just
discard their child and clone a new one to perfection. And perfected clones might be treated
differently than naturally made humans who contain flaws. There would be without a doubt
bullying directed at clones. Not only is individuality lost and the reduction of value of human life,
your life span shortens when you are cloned. Since older cells are often being used to create
clones, there is a possibility that the old age could be planted on the growing embryo. This would
lead to premature aging and even premature death, all because of the cloning process
... Get more on ...
Explain Why Did The Frankfurt Parliament Fail
Why did the Frankfurt parliament fail? Throughout the 1840 s many German states were under
pressure from liberal demonstrators and nationalists who wanted a revolutionary change and greater
political representation. Those standing for a unified Germany recognised that a unified Germany
with a constitution and election would be the most efficient way of securing their political freedom.
However, German monarchs such as the king of Prussia, Frederick William IV feared that a united
Germanyunder nationalists conditions would cause Germany to lose its power and influence in
their land and territories. After the ferocious demonstration in not only Berlin in 1848 but also in
other states and nations, the king agreed to draft a prussian constitution... Show more content on ...
The Frankfurt parliament failed to accomplish its goals, the attempt of creating a unified Germany
through political reform did not work as it was intended to. One can argue that there are multiple
reasons for why the parliament failed but the strength of the conservative forces, the divisions
within the parliament and its inability to make decisions were significant causes as to why the
parliaments weaknesses were overpowering and caused it to fail.
One of the contributing factors to the failure of the Frankfurt parliament was the divisions within
the parliament itself. The parliament was mainly built upon liberals in the middle class who
happened to be males that had to be1 of a certain age as well as being economically stable, i.e it
did not represent the people as a whole. This was a problem itself as only one of the classes was
being represented, leaving the other two omitted which arguably caused problems within and
outside of the parliament. The parliament arguably consisted of three different groups, the liberals
who wanted to safeguard the rights of the central government and the individual rights, the radicals
who wanted to replace the princes and form a unified republic and thirdly the conservatives who did
not want the central government or
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Hyperthermia Research Paper
Let s face it, it is nearly impossible to avoid heat. However, people forget there can be serious
consequences from too much heat intake. The most common reaction to overheating is heat stroke,
medically referred to as Hyperthermia. Hyperthermia occurs when the body is absorbing more heat
than it can give off. The body s temperaturekeeps climbing due to failed thermoregulation.
Thermoregulation is a homeostatic mechanism used by all living organisms to keep a stable
internal core temperature. All mechanisms function for one reason, to maintain homeostasis. When
the body is experiencing a lower or higher core temperature, it sends signals to the glands, muscles,
organs and parts of the nervous system. Instructions for the nervous system start... Show more
content on ...
That being said, it takes an abnormally high body temperature to be classified as hyperthermia.
Usually the body reaches an internal temperature of 104В°F before it goes into shock and dies. It
can be caused from extreme weather conditions, drug use, other medical conditions could cause the
body to not be able to stabilize the internal core temperature. In order to treat hyperthermia, doctors
need to restore the temperature back to its normal 98.6В°F. Serious consequences can come from
hyperthermia, including tissue damage, organ damage if the tissues are damaged severely, lesions
on internal organs, and sometimes fatality. Heatstroke occurs in both male and female. The illness
effects people who are over 50 more severely, because they are unable to fight off the increasing
heat. Circulation is also poor in elderly people due to deteriorating artery walls. This is a huge issue
when dealing with hyperthermia because older people will have a harder time circulating more
blood cells to damaged sites. Small children often suffer from heat stroke because they have a larger
surface to weight ratio. Treatment for hyperthermia is to cool down the body, but not to the point
where the patient will become hypothermic. Doctors use both internal and external techniques in
order to balance the temperature. A few signs and symptoms include dizziness, confusion from the
heat affecting the mental state of the patient and nausea. So remember to take caution when sitting
out in the sun for long periods of time. Your body is susceptible for hyperthermia and potentially
other health
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Lupe Garz An Ethical Dilemmas
An ethical dilemma is defined as a moral issue, where a situation has two equivalent undesirable
alternatives and neither choice will resolve the ethical predicament. Lupe Garza, mother of two
children, is a temporary employee at a plant. Garza is an excellent and talented worker, and
supervisors have taken notice in her skills. A human resource specialist named Sara Jones, mislead
Garza in thinking she would unquestionably obtain a permanent job position at the plant, causing
Garza to turn down another job opportunity. During the interview, Garza is truthful and informs
Mark Solomon, a human resource specialist, that she is currently using someone else s identity in
order to work legally and her real name is Carmen Mendoza. Mark tell... Show more content on ...
Mark Solomon s conflict is whether he should hire or let go of the illegal worker, turn Garza
into the authorities, or just ignore the situation. After the interview, Mark is faced with an
additional ethical dilemma, the knowledge of other workers working in the plant under different
names. Now, the human resource specialist must face, whether the plant should stop hiring
temporary illegal workers and run into staffing problems, or continue hiring these workers and
face legal allegations by breaking the law. The plant is breaking the Immigration Reform and
Control Act (IRCA). The law was passed to control or prevent illegal immigration in the United
States. Furthermore, the law prohibits employers to knowingly hire unauthorized workers. The
plant is breaking the law because they are responsible for reviewing, confirming, and verifying
employee s eligibility. The plant needs to use the I 9, Employment Eligibility Verification, which
assist employers in identifying if workers are citizen or non citizens of the United States. Another
law the plant may be violating is the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act. This law forbids discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin
(Noe, Hollenback, Gerhart Wright, 2011). According to the case, the plant employs approximately
1,500 workers and one third of the workforce is Hispanic (Fransson, Gareett Noll, 2005). The plant
mostly hires Hispanic to
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Pros And Cons Of No-Platforming
In Thomas Hobbes s famous work, The Leviathan he created his famous social contract theory ,
that states individuals will need to give up some of their own personal autonomy to ensure the
security of the state. Looking at this social contract as a spectrum, with security on one end and
liberty on the other, one must find a balance between the two. In 2017 there are still on going
debates where people want their society to fall on that spectrum, some would rather have more
liberty and others more security. In 2016 the Free Speech Debateput out a video debating whether
no platforming should be practised at universities. No platforming can be defined a strategy that
argues that certain peoples should not be given a platform to speak in a certain social space due to
their rhetoric constituting hate speech . Both sides of the debate, the pro no platforming and the
anti no platforming teams, gave great points on how serious this issue is, and that there can be real
life benefits and consequences on either side of the debate.
Pro No Platforming The main argument of No Platforming is that there is an unfair power dynamic
at play. A platform gives speakers a medium to amplify their message without having to debate
against protestors; this unfair as it gives those already in power, that have the resources to platform,
an advantage in that they have a greater ability to get their point across, creating a cycle that
perpetuates the dominant group of societies message and
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John Dau Lost Boys Analysis
I went into this assignment blind; I knew nothing about the Lost Boys of Sudan. This is an
incredible story; mind blowing even. I assumed that they were hurting over there I just didn t
think it was to the extent it was. John Dau was one of the well known Lost Boys. He was twelve
years old when the civil war went through his village and destroyed it. As things were being
destroyed and people were being killed he ran into the darkness of the night. John Dau traveled
thousands of miles with 27,000 others to safety. The 27,000 put forth their best effort to make it to
Kenyan and Ethiopian borders only half have the strength to make it; either killed by starvation,
diseases or bombing raids. Through all the hard ship they finally make it to
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Informative Essay On Outdoor Dining
Focus keyword: outdoor dining Meta description: Title: Blog post: (photo?) The dining table has
become an iconic gathering place for decades. It s where people come to be together, share in a
meal and connect over conversation. Dinner time is a special time to bond, to relax, to build
memories, and enjoy. The dining table has become a universal symbol of togetherness, and in South
Florida, we like to take that tradition outside. There are so many options for dining al fresco, and so
many opportunities to enjoy it. Dining tables symbolize community, unity, celebration and so much
more. Taking all those symbols to the outdoors only maximizes the effect. Add the sun, the breeze,
and all the fun of the outdoors can make any gathering
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Compare And Contrast Antigone And The Whale Rider
Antigone and the Whale Rider Compare / Contrast Essay
A brother lies dead on a battlefield unburied. A culture unknown to a child screams for discovery.
Two girls with two different fates will go through difficult trials to accomplish contrasting goals.
Antigone and Pai were two young girls who disobeyed respected and authoritative figures.
Antigone challenged the King of Thebes edict and Pai ignored the chief of her local townspeople
s order. Antigone was sentenced to death while Pai was punished with expulsion of chief in
training activities and scorn from her grandfather. The differences and similarities between
Antigone and Pai s actions and punishments as well as their wrongdoings in their cultures are
striking and clear. First of all, Antigone and Pai both audaciously committed an offense by
ignoring their superiors. Antigone tried to bury her brother and Pai sat down at the front of the
class . Pai and Antigone did not concoct any type of hearsay or false information about their
superiors. However, Pai continued to disobey her grandfather behind his back by learning the ways
of the chief, even though he had forbidden her from doing so. Antigone had admitted to the deed
and basically turned herself into authorities. Pai did not let her grandfather know that she was
defying him; he saw Pai using techniques taught in his class. All the same, Pai and Antigone took
similar action in disobeying a respected figure, but their actions after the initial misdeed were rather
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My Favorite Animal Dog Essay In Marathi

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My Favorite Animal Dog Essay In Marathi

  • 1. My Favorite Animal Dog Essay In Marathi 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. My Favorite Animal Dog Essay In MarathiMy Favorite Animal Dog Essay In Marathi
  • 2. Oral Piercings And Tattoos Have Become A Form Of Self... Oral piercings are any piercings of the tongue, lips, or cheek. In recent years, oral piercings and tattoos have become a form of self expression. Oral piercings and tattoos may look cool, but they can be dangerous to your health. Many people are not aware of the potential side effects of oral piercings. Some of these include infection, prolonged bleeding, pain and swelling, chipped or cracked teeth, injury to the gums, interference with normal oral function, bloodborne diseases, and endocarditis. These side effects occur because the mouth contains millions of bacteria, which makes it easy for infection and swelling to occur with mouth piercings. If one were to pierce their tongue, lips, cheek or uvula, it could... Show more content on ... Oral piercings also cause dental appointment difficulties. The jewelry can get in the way of dental care by blocking x rays. If one were to experience any of these side effects caused by an oral piercing, the best thing for them to do is contact their dentist or physician immediately. Following that, as with oral piercings, tattoos have also become popular in today s society and are viewed as a form of self expression. Although tattoos are very creative and beautiful, they also pose many risks. One of these risks can be an allergic reaction. Tattoo ink contains several ingredients and chemicals that a person may be allergic to. An allergy to any of the substances included in the ink can cause an allergic reaction once the ink gets into the skin. A tattoo allergy can take a number of different forms, one of these forms is known as an Acute Inflammatory allergic reaction. This means the skin becomes red, slightly swollen, and irritated at the site of the tattoo. Many people who get tattoos can experience this form of reaction. This form is generally not serious and subsides within about two to three weeks. Another form of allergic reaction is Photosensitivity. This means tattoos that are exposed to the sun may result in an allergic reaction, particularly those that contain Cadmium Sulfide which can cause an allergic reaction to the sun. Granulomas are small bumps that can also appear as a result of an allergic reaction as well. These bumps ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Wiser, By Reid Hastie Wiser Reid Hastie, in his book Wiser, discusses many of the common points of how groups succeed and fail mainly due to group think. Throughout his years of research, he found a number of attributes that effective teams have in common. From his book, we have extracted ten important lessons that we believe are the most important for teams to learn and implement to be high performing. These findings also relate to the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team that are outlined by Patrick Lencioni. Teachings taken from Wiser are symptoms, or indicators, of dysfunctions within a team, and many of his solutions help teams to overcome certain dysfunctions. The first learning we took from the book is the cascading effect within teams. This effect is created ... Show more content on ... With such clear goals to reach, teams or individuals can create amazing results. Tournaments create these results, because it focuses on the results and not the process. It spreads teams across the company, or even the globe, making independent decisions from one another, and the teams do not share their methods only the results. By not having every team deliberate with one another, each individual team is able to come up with their solution and present it without having to get a group to agree with them. With tournaments, cascades and polarization is not an issue, but information can still be shared. Another way to avoid issues within deliberating groups is through averages. Taking a statistical average response or answer is better than a group deliberating on an issue. It takes the emotions and flaws that comes from being human out of the equation and just focuses on logic. In most groups taking the average might be the best way to go. When responses are taken without deliberation, but statistics people are more inclined to vote based on what they know, and not on the feelings or views of others. The average of these responses has been found to, in many cases, be better than any individual. A failure teams must be on the lookout for is hidden profiles. Hidden Profiles occur when common knowledge information is more likely to be shared than information held by only a few people. Common knowledge that the whole group knows carries much ... Get more on ...
  • 4. My Favorite Case We Went Over In Constitutional Law This My favorite case we went over in constitutional law this year is Lochner v. New York because of the display of power by the justices joined in the majority and the fervent dissent countering their reasoning. I have described Lochner above in the context of the Commerce clause above but my focus for this question is the case in context of the Substantive due processsection of the class. The substantive due process clause deals with the law itself and not the process, substantive rights are protected under the Due Process Clause. This clause has come to encompass more and more rights, such as abortion, the right to die, and many other. No state shall deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law (U.S. Const.... Show more content on ... The general right to make a contract in relation to business is protected by the 14th amendment because it was read into liberty of the due process clause. Justice Peckham established that The right to purchase or to sell labor is part of the liberty protected by this amendment, unless there are circumstances which exclude the right (Lochner 809). The court found that the right to contract was a fundamental liberty, expanding the mean of that word to something more than just bodily freedom. A reason I think this is one of my favorite case is because this is one of the earlier cases of Judicial Activism. I tend to agree with Holmes dissent more because he argues that the constitution should not be used to limit governmental regulation under the guise of the 14th amendment to promote a Laissez fair form of economics. But a constitution is not intended to embody a particular economic theory, whether or paternalism and the organic relation of the citizen to the state or laissez fair (Lochner 813). He states that Every opinion tends to become a law. I think that the word liberty in the Fourteenth Amendment is perverted when it is held to prevent the natural outcome of a dominant opinion.... (Lochner 813). He disagreed with the majority Justice s conclusion that creates law from the bench. It is the job of the legislature to create laws ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Essay on The Patriot Act is Unconstitutional The Patriot Act was established after the tragedy of September, 11, 2001 in a moment of weakness. It gave unprecedented and unnecessary powers to intelligence agencies under the wide umbrella of national security. The Patriot Act has used an us vs them mentality as well as pro American propaganda to accomplish its goals. This new authority of the intelligence agencies has gone too far, is unjustified, unconstitutional, and infringes on the privacyof the American people, as well as others in the world. The Patriot Act should be weakened in order to preserve the rights of the American people and to reaffirm to the world that the U.S will not tolerate violations of human rights. On September, 11th, 2001, the United... Show more content on ... The other purposes section of that is incredibly vague, modifying laws concerning money laundering, education, financing, credit reporting, computer fraud, electronic communications, and others ( The USA Patriot ). One section of the Patriot Act pertaining to the NSA surveillance revealed by Edward Snowden is an amendment to FISA Act of 1978, increasing surveillance authority by allowing the collection of certain business records for foreign intelligence and international terrorism investigations ( Uniting and Strengthening ). This gave the NSA and other intelligence agencies a broad authority to collect data from corporations. This has been intentionally and willfully abused , with some workers spying on lovers, ex lovers, and others, for practice , out of curiosity , and other reasons . There have been no reported employee terminations due to this (Moyer). It wasn t just family, friends or ex lovers that the NSA agents had the capability to spy on. When Edward Snowden leaked his information, he informed the public, I, sitting at my desk, certainly had the authorities to wiretap anyone, from you, or your accountant, to a federal judge, to even the President if I had a personal email (Masnick). For the agents to collect information, except certain types of information, they had ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Old World Monkeys Monkey, any of a large and varied group of mammals of the primate order. The term monkey includes all primates that do not belong to the categories human, ape, or prosimian; however, monkeys do have certain common features. All are excellent climbers, and most are primarily arboreal. Nearly all live in tropical or subtropical climates. Unlike most of the prosimians, or lower primates, they are almost all day active animals. Their faces are usually flat and rather humanin appearance, their eyes point forward, and they have stereoscopic color vision. Their hands and feet are highly developed for grasping; the big toes and, where present, the thumbs are opposable. Nearly all have flat nails. Monkeys habitually sit in an erect posture. Unlike the apes, most cannot swing arm over arm (the spider monkeyis an exception) but move about in trees by running along the branches on all fours; their skeletal structure is similar to that of other four footed animals. Monkeys live in troops of up to several hundred individuals and travel about in search of food, having no permanent shelter. As in apes and humans, the female has a monthly reproductive cycle, and... Show more content on ... Most are arboreal, but a few, such as baboons and some macaque species, are ground dwellers. Some Old World monkeys lack tails; when a tail is present it may be long or short but is never prehensile (grasping). The nostrils are close together and tend to point downward. Many species have cheek pouches for holding food, and many have thick pads (called ischial callosities), on the buttocks. Their gestation period is five to nine months. Adult Old World monkeys have 32 teeth. The Old World monkeys, sometimes called true monkeys, are more closely related to the apes and humans than they are to the New World monkeys; the two monkey groups probably evolved separately from ancestral ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Springfield Noreasters Maximizing Revenues in the... Business Overview From: Marketing Consultant To: President, General Manager Bob Cortez and Board Directors A new Class A minor league baseball team called the Nor easters is coming to Springfield, MA. News around town was that another professional sports team, the Falcons, was having trouble drawing revenue. Since the Nor easters are a new team it ll be challenging for them to draw fans. Springfield is located 90 miles away from Boston and is the third largest city in Massachusetts. Springfield had lost many high wage residents resulting in 3.6% drop in average wages since 1990. Median income of a family of three was $37,800 and median household income was $31,046. Springfield Nor easters would need to bring die hard ... Show more content on ... This idea would be a great alternative since it brings in more fans and revenue without using many seats to do so and also increases the Springfield Nor easters entertainment value and name as a fun location for kids. In addition to fun, we ll sell food from concession stands or cater to the parties needs. We would designate a section of the stadium for large groups to rent if they just want to sit down and watch the game. These sections in the stadium are located in the left and right field lines of the stadium oppose of each other. Space is plentiful as we estimate attendance to increase. Kid s parties may bring in 20 30 students in their class along with 2 parents. This will increase attendance an estimated 60 90 people per party. If you include siblings, friends, or facility members, attendance can potentially amount to over 100/party. An estimated 100 in attendance with an average concession stand rate of $11 $13/person can amount to roughly to $1,100 $1,300 in increase revenue not including the rental of the party zone location. Solution 2: Shuttle service Another solution consists of providing shuttle buses for college students as the case provided students didn t have proper transportation to the baseball stadium. To fill in stands at the stadium I recommend we discount these tickets for students since they don t really have a lot of money to spend. ... Get more on ...
  • 8. A Comparison Of Life And Respiration For Speech A Comparison of Respiration for Life and Respiration for Speech Respiration is a necessary bodily function in sustaining life. Its basic objective is to oxygenate blood and remove carbon dioxide by way of four stages: ventilation, distribution, perfusion, and diffusion (Seikel, Drumright, King, 2016, p. 147). Respirationis also vital to the production of speech, but the way in which respiration occurs while producing speech is different than the process of respiration for life in a few ways. Respiration for life is a passive process while respiration for speech is an active process, requiring some conscious effort. During respiration for speech, the respiration cycle is altered in order to maintain appropriate pressures and volumes needed... Show more content on ... Thoracic muscles involved in forced expiration include the interosseous portion of the internal intercostals, innermost intercostals, transversus thoracis, subcostals, and serratus posterior inferior. The function of the interosseous portion of the internal intercostals and the innermost intercostals is to depress ribs 1 11. The transversus thoracis are found on the inner surface of the rib cage and function to depress the rib cage for forced expiration. Within the inner wall of the thorax the subcostals can be found, functioning to depress the thorax. Contraction of the serratus posterior inferior muscles helps to pull the rib cage down, supporting expiration. Abdominal muscles of expiration include the transversus abdominis, internal oblique abdominis, external oblique abdominis, rectus abdominis, and quadratus lumborum. Of all the anterior abdominal muscles, the transversus abdominis is the deepest and its function is to compress the abdomen. Positioned in between the transversus abdominis and the external oblique abdominis, the internal oblique abdominis rotates and flexes the trunk as well as compresses the abdomen. The most superficial and biggest group of abdominal muscles are the external oblique abdominis. When these muscles contract bilaterally, they flex the vertebral column and compress the abdomen. When they are contracted unilaterally, they rotate the trunk. The rectus abdominis muscles run along the midline of the body and are responsible for flexion of the vertebral ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Management of Information Systems Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today (OPENING CASE: SMART SYSTEMS AND SMART WAYS OF WORKING HELP TOYOTA BECOME NUMBER ONE Toyota has flourished in a highly competitive environment because it has created a set of finely tuned business processes and information systems that simultaneously promote agility, efficiency, and quality. It can respond instantly to customers and changes in the marketplace as events unfold, while working closely with suppliers and retailers. The experience of Toyota and other companies described in this text will help you learn how to make your own business more competitive, efficient, and profitable. As part of its ongoing effort to monitor quality, efficiency and costs, Toyota... Show more content on ... It seems like every week we hear about thousands and thousands of people losing their jobs. Back in the 1980s most of the job losses were in the blue collar sector. In the 1990s it seems many of the cuts were made in the white collar, management jobs. Why? Think about it. Technology, to a large extent, has driven organizations to change the way they operate and that includes the way they manage. We re going to take an in depth look at how organizations work and how they ve been transformed by technology on the world stage. Information systems are the foundation for conducting business today. In many industries, survival and even existence is difficult without extensive use of information technology. No longer can we imagine going to work and conducting business without them. As a society we have come to rely extensively on the use of information appliances such as cell phones, BlackBerrys, handhelds, and other hardware. Communicating and conducting business is increasingly being carried out through the use of e mail, online conferencing, and international teleconferencing over the Internet have all become essential tools of business. GLOBALIZATION OPPORTUNITIES Next time you purchase a product, any product, look at the fine print and see where it s made. It could be China, or the Philippines, or a South American company, or even in the United States. You can disagree with the fact that many manufacturing jobs are being moved from the United States to ... Get more on ...
  • 10. My Own Childhood Care And Education Program For Each Of... 1.Describe two specific strategies that you would use in your own childhood care and education program for each of Epstein s six types of family involvement. (10 points). One of the strategies I would use in my own childhood care/education program is to make each student feel safe and welcome. This strategy will help me a lot in demonstrating each children s a parenting style. Another strategy would be communication, for instance, involving each children s familyto come and volunteer. I would like to include each family to come for parent s conference to know more about their children s evolution in the classroom. Also, to send home activities. That way parents help their child s learn at home. Last strategy would be collaborating with the community in collecting cans, clothes, money, and other resources to help the community. 2.Write a reflective listening statement to respond to a parent of a four year old who says to you: What kind of teaching is this? You re not getting her ready for Kindergarten because all she do is play at preschool. (5 points). Let me reflect; what are you trying to say is That your preschool daughter will not be ready for Kindergarten, because all she does is play while she is here, plus what kind of teaching is this? Am I correct? 3.Discuss fully three of the major characteristics of modern American families that your textbook has identified and two strategies for each characteristic that you will employ as a teacher because of this ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Discuss the Strengths Weaknesses of Anti – Social... For the 10 years that the Labour government has been in power, it has strived to reduce crime all over the UK. One of the main targets of the Labour Party was the rising number of Anti Social incidents reported to the police every day. In order to combat this growing phenomenon that is today s Youth Culture , the ASBO was created. The ASBO or Anti Social Behaviour Order, to quote its official name is a civil order made against a person who has been shown to have participated or initiated in anti social behaviour. This is defined as conduct which caused or was likely to cause alarm, harassment, or distress to one or more persons not of the same household as him or herself and where an ASBO is seen as necessary to protect relevant... Show more content on ... Many people feel the ASBO is an unnecessary form of harassment and they are not researched properly before being issued. A prime example of this is the case of Mrs X who was served an ASBO purely on false allegations. She wasn t made aware of the ASBO allegations until the papers were served to her for a hearing in December 2004. Thankfully, the ASBO was overturned by the court and Mrs X was compensated but the council was criticised by the Local Government Ombudsman for abuse of power of nightmarish proportions (BBC News 05/07/2007). This report does little to alleviate the public s worries with regards to the ASBO especially when the uses for ASBOs are now getting more and more obscure with more and more government funding spent:Running a business from homeParking Illegally abandoned vehiclesOvergrown, unkempt gardensNuisance AnimalsAnd then when you look at the more serious issues an ASBO can be issued for, then people can be forgiven for wondering what police work actually carries an official custodial sentence?Kerb crawling and prostitutionArsonAssaultCriminal BehaviourCriminal DamageHandling stolen propertyStalkingRacist Behaviour / Racial HarassmentDomestic ViolenceJoy riders(Anti Social Behaviour Directory Copyright 2005 2007)When we look at the above named issues, it is fair to say they are normally custodial sentence offenses usually with a sentence above 5 years. So, ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Personal Narrative Of The Battle Of Gettysburg In 1862, I entered the battle of Gettysburg as a Confederate soldier. My post was assigned to me as a passenger in a covered wagon. A cannonball hit a wheel and we were forced to abandon the wagon. Luckily, nearby was a fallen tree that provided some cover. All of us scrambled over except two other that were still in the wagon. Just following a loud pop a shell exploded on the wagon killing both men. Then the least expected thing happens I saw my favorite cousin; Joe Palsha. He was in an assault with five other men. Although they looked motivated, they also looked frightened. Nevertheless, they all dropped dead like flies, but not Joe. He had clever hid behind a covered wagon that had been reduced to a pile of wood shavings. I suddenly felt ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Mybridge Comes To America Analysis IntroductionDocumentary film, a term coined by John Grierson, the father of the documentary film movement in the English speaking world, (Barsam, 1973, p. 77), concerns a genre that is unlike other forms of cinema. There are no actors and the plot reveals itself in authentic actions rather than dialogue. The people concerned are the characters, their lives the setting. In the years leading up to Robert Flaherty s Nanook of the North, the first such feature length film, the medium was immensely popular, with audiences clamoring to see the far reaches of the globe from their local theater or exhibition house. While narrative film in the modern day is considered the default mode of moviemaking, documentaries still capture the imagination and take the viewer into real lives they have not experienced, rather than lives imagined on a page. Without these historic documentaries, film itself may not have reached the heights of culture it inhabits today. The early history of documentary filmis inseparable from the history of film itself. Muybridge Comes to America The work of photographer Eadweard Muybridge is commonly regarded as the origins of the cinema. Muybridge was an English emigrant to the United States who settled in California during the Gold Rush. An entrepreneur like many of the area s new arrivals, he opened a successful bookstore ... Show more content on ... But motion pictures had captured the imagination of the public, not least of which was famous inventor (and credit taker) Thomas Edison. Edison company photographer William Dickson was put to work on creating what would be called the Kinetograph. Edison intended for the machine to do for the eyes what the phonograph does for the ear. Though he credited himself with the invention, Dickson did the major legwork in building the actual machine ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Ecology Of The Deep Sea Species The Ecology of the Deep sea Frilled shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus) The off shore marine environment changes intensively with the change in the ocean depth. There is three distinctive zones that can be classified the Epipelagic which extends from the sea surface to a depth of 200 meters, the mesopelagic which extends from a depth of 200 meters to a depth of a 1000 meters and then the Deep sea which extends from a depth of a 1000 meters to the sea floor (Castro Huber, 2010). The Deep sea can then be divided into a further three zones (Figure 01) Bathypelagic which extends from a depth of a 1000 meters to 4000 meters, Abyssopelagic which extends from a depth of 4000 meters to 6000 meters and Hadopelagic which extends which extends from a depth of 6000 meters to the sea floor (Castro Huber, 2010). Figure 01: Ocean depth layers ( The Deep sea ecosystem has been classified as the largest ecosystem from all other ecosystems within the world (Martin, 2003). The main characteristics of this ecosystem is that it experiences very low oxygen levels, the water temperature is extremely cold, the pressure within this area is very high and sunlight do not penetrate to these depths. The species that do live within this environment are highly adapted to these harsh conditions such as the Cookie cutter Shark (Isistius brasiliensis) (Figure 02). This essay will be focusing on the Cookie cutter Shark as well as the importance of these species ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Personal Narratives Have Deep Origins In Ancient History. Personal narratives have deep origins in ancient history. Narratives and personal essays were used by ancient writers and philosophers like Cicero, Seneca, and Plutarch to reflect on their individual experiences. The actual idea of the personal essay was named and perfected by late 16th century writer Michel de Montaigne, who attempted, or essayed, to describe his experiences in the context of the world around him. He claimed that the subject of my work is me. In other words, the purpose of the personal essay or narrative is to incorporate self experiences in informal reflections about the world. In the modern age, the focus of art, literature, and philosophy shifted towards the individual and the importance of self, the emotions, and... Show more content on ... In the account, Dillard recalls a memory from her youth of the events of one winter day. Young Dillard and her friends were throwing snowballs at passing cars. One car owner actually got out of his car and chased Dillard and her friends through their neighborhood, before finally catching and then letting them go. Dillard uses a personal experience from her youth to impart the lesson that one must fling themselves at something in order to get it. While Annie Dillard s The Chase recalls a childhood memory, George Orwell s Shooting an Elephant refers to Orwell s experience from his adult life. At the time of the narrative, Orwell was a sub divisional police officer in Burma. He is faced with the choice of shooting an elephant that had gone rogue to gain the respect of the natives or letting the elephant be and returning it to its holder. Orwell chooses to shoot the elephant in order to appease the natives. In his narrative, Orwell explores the idea of power through his own experience as an adult. In personal narratives, authors typically use description to make the story more relatable and engaging to the audience. This is done, in part, by sensory details. Sensory details enable the author to recreate their personal experience for the reader. In addition, the descriptions help the reader better relate to the author. Sensory details also enable understanding, as understanding can be a ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Iran and Access to Nuclear Weapons Currently, Iran does not have the capacity to launch a missile directly at the United States ( The Iranian nuclear, 2013). This, however, may change. If the Iranians develop a nuclear weapon, they are most likely going to develop a vehicle to deliver the warhead. This is where a direct threat to the United States lies. Even without an ICBM, Irancan still load a nuclear device into a shipping container, or even launch a missile off a ship from the coast. Iran would also most likely hand over information on nuclear weapons to one of its state sponsored terrorist groups. In turn, the terrorists would use the weapons against the U.S. and its allies all over the world. The President has stated that America will not allow Iran to pursue a nuclear weapon, and that he is prepared to use all available American power to prevent that from happening (Sherman, 2013). This begins with the strict sanctions imposed on the country. Iran is currently under a lot of pressure to discontinue its uraniumenrichment. If Iran were to hand over any developed nuclear weapons information to its terrorist groups, that would cause alarm for the entire world. Extremists with the most deadly weapon ever could potentially destroy thousands, if not millions of innocent lives. This type of fear would give Iran and its terrorists an edge on the world stage. The fear of launching a nuclear attack would drastically change how the U.S. and its allies deal with Iran. To stop that, the U.S. and its allies ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Importance Of Diversity In Post-Secondary Schools As teacher I look forward to teaching in the DMPS area because of the diversity within these schools. One of the school s I would like to teach at is East High School. East is located on 14th street near downtown. It is literally in the middle of the city and because of its location the students there come from all kinds of ethnic, culture, and economic backgrounds. One of the mission statements for this school is Using research based strategies, along with high expectations, to increase student achievement and prepare students for post secondary education and/or the world of work. Though I agree with somethings in this mission statement I also disagree with much of it as well. I do not agree with including that the school looks to prepare ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Prologue And Part One Of The Book Nietzsche Whether the happening be good or bad, humans tend to rationalize the circumstance and make it an event that served a greater purpose. In Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche, Zarathustra describes this behavior, along with many others, as life denying as he was mainly concerned with ethics. The prologue tells the story of how Zarathustra went up a mountain and spent ten years there gaining wisdom; he then descends to share his wisdom but the people laugh at him and he comes to realize that they did not and would not take him seriously because they were too far gone with old beliefs. He also came to the conclusion that he did not want people who conform and do not think for themselves, or followers, but rather people who desire to go in the same direction he is going. Throughout the prologue and part one of the book Nietzsche is trying to teach those who can think for themselves about how to live well and without excuses. The prologue mainly consists of Zarathustra descending from the mountain back into the town and realizing that no one takes him seriously. Zarathustra is discouraged at first but then realizes that he was not targeting the right audience and begins again. He starts off by establishing an overman, who is someone who can affirm and embrace life completely without any excuses. Consecutively he establishes a last man, who is said to be someone who has no questions, no chaos, no creativity, and seeks comfort and security. His view of man is a cross ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Community Policing Within The United States Department Of... Over time the policing community has faced many different changes to be able to keep up with the new times. The system has adapted many new techniques and a different approach to how they solve problems. Community policing has taken on a number of definition, but put simply it is a working partnership with a community that helps make the area a better environment to subside in. The main goals of community policing is to reduce neighborhood crime, help reduce fear of crime and enhance the quality of life in the community. The United States Department of Justice has defined community policing as a philosophy that focuses on crime and social disorder through the delivery of policeservices that includes aspects of traditional law enforcement, as well as prevention, problem solving, community engagement, and partnerships. However, community policing can be looked at as not so much a strategy, but a philosophy about how things should be done. According to The Unites States Department of Justice At its core, community oriented policing is based on law enforcement and the community joining together to identify and address issues of crime and social disorder. With new advances and community oriented policing, law enforcement is taking steps in the right direction. Over the course of the semester there have been many instances in which shows that new technology advances have proven to be nothing but beneficial for law enforcement. In an article written by Ron Sloan, Robert ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Education For Leisure Carol Ann Duffy In her poem Education for Leisure , Carol Ann Duffy gives insight on troubled teenagers, by portraying an extremely despondent narrator. The troubled disposition, is a direct result of constantly being neglected by those around, as the narrator himself states: I have had enough of being ignored. His ensuing killing spree, is therefore an attempt to make his voice heard, and through this Duffy makes a powerful statement: that those who are scorned by society, may attempt to gain the attention they desire, by using even the most unorthodox of methods. The dreary atmosphere portrayed in his words, along with his morose descriptions of the world around him, capture the narrators melancholy, and it is thus Duffy s brilliant choices regarding... Show more content on ... Having been constantly neglected, the narrator describes the world around him as a sort of grey with boredom , and this is perhaps a fair reflection of the dullness he feels in his life. Like the narrator s journey, the poem begins in a dark manner, and spirals downwards, becoming before depressing, until the we are left with an uncertain, twisted and ultimately haunting conclusion. The narrator s dismal intentions are matched by an equally dreary tone, as we are aware from the beginning that he has been driven to the point of killing in order to gain attention, and as the events leading to the homicide ensue, we begin to understand the circumstances of the narrator, and the tone becomes increasingly desolate, in order to reflect the emptiness he feels as a result of his neglection. The ambiguous ending of the poem is reflected in the twisted realization of the narrator, as he finds some sort of enlightenment in killing. The pavements glitter suddenly and he moves forward to kill with newfound ... Get more on ...
  • 21. How Did The Enlightenment Philosophers Impact On Society Philosopher s Impact During the late 17th and 18th century in Europe, bright thinkers met in French salons to discuss ideas that influenced their society. Four influential philosophers, Voltaire, John Locke, Adam Smith, and Mary Wollstonecraft, made an impact on major societal issues during the enlightenment period. During this period, the philosophers were people who offered views or theories on serious questions. The Enlightenment philosopher s had an impact on religion, the government, the economy, and women s rights. All the four leaders carry the same thought process that the people should have the freedom to make their own choices. One of the philosophers, Voltaire, was a strong believer of religious freedom in the 1700 s. He states, If one religion only were allowed in England, the government would very possibly become orbitrary... but as there are such a multitude, they all live happy and in peace. The prolific writer was convinced that people s lives would be much easier and content if they had the right to whatever religion they chose and the exact opposite if they were assigned to one religion. This seems to be true with most... Show more content on ... During the Age of Reason, society expected their government to protect their natural rights, which are life, liberty, and property. Everyone is born with them and they apply to all people with no exceptions. On the other hand, there is a social contract that humans enter into with their government that agrees if they follow the rules they will be protected. Not only is the government supposed to preserve our rights, but the citizens have to be obedient under their regulations too. Moreover, the philosophers main idea was to give people human rights that gave them freedom to make their own decisions. These thinkers, made a substantial influence on religion, the government, the economy, and women s ... Get more on ...
  • 22. What an American Is Essays What an American Is Webster?s Dictionary defines American as or its inhabitants. But is that all America and an American truly is? Is a person American simply because of geography? According to Identities, ?America is a confluence of cultures.? Americans are people whose lives depict men and women who are trying to be as successful and robust as possible, this quest is symbolic to citizens of many other countries. This is why America illustrates the Statue of Liberty, a structure that symbolizes freedom throughout the world. America is composed not only of these peoples, but the cultures and the ways of life of these people. The Statue of Liberty symbolizes a fearless and powerful figure. Steinbeck agrees that Americans are ... Show more content on ... Third, it has one hand raised in a charismatic fashion, symbolizing fearlessness and powerfullness. Steinbeck writes ?no one can define the American Wayof Life or point to any person or group who lives in it, but it is real nevertheless.? The way an American lives their life differs from person to person. Two Americans from the same country, living on the same street, have different ways of practicing their religions, celebrating holidays, and pursuing their culture in general. Americans can act freely, just as the Statue of Liberty depicts freedom to Americans. The Statue of Liberty is a statue of freedom, giving Americans the right to live and practice their culture however they want. There is no such thing as a true American identity. According to the essay Identities, ?Identity has always been a difficult question nagging the collective American mind.? No two Americans are the same, no two live in the same manner. One person cannot tell another how to live ones life; one person cannot define him/herself as living the American way of life. This is because the Statue of Liberty symbolizes to people all over that America is the land of the free. Americans are free to make their decisions about what it is to be an American and how one lives. According to Identities ?Americans have argued and wondered about who they are.? The Statue of Liberty once was the first thing that immigrants saw ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Ethnographic Analysis Of A Park 1.0 Introduction Information from the informant and the urban residents provides background information concerning the park, analyzing the importance of the park over the years, and also getting opinions and attitudes of the park users. Based on this information, analysis of the goals for the park are developed and articulated in well architectural drawings that will play part in setting the platform for the eventual redesign and development of the park. 1.1 Architecture Architecture can be seen as the process and product of planning and designing. For instance, architectural designs and plans often give constructors the overall view of how buildings and other structures need to be constructed. Architectural designs and drawings are also used ... Show more content on ... By so doing creation of sustainable revenue for the park will be achieved leading to creation of healthy balance between active and passive spaces within the park. 2.2.1 Provision of greater accessibility to the park Major improvements in this area should be made with the help of qualified architectural designers who will design and plan how the park should accommodate the ease flow of people within the park. The park should be upgraded to provide for improved parking lots and access and also provide for a more centralized public transportation access within the park. 2.2.2 Creation of more active and passive space Parks have always been classified as either active or passive spaces. Active spaces within the park are typically those that provide for formal recreational areas and organized for activities such as sporting activities.Hard non green spaces, such as basketball and tennis courts can be referred to as active spaces, which enable people to exercise physical activities that enhance their healthy living. On the other side, passive public open spaces include those areas with certain feature such as trees, geographical landscape, picnic areas, walking ... Get more on ...
  • 24. We Need Electronic Surveillance Essay Our society would not survive in the 21st century without the help of electronic surveillance. Safety is one of the main purposes of electronic surveillance. Safety is the state of being secure and free from danger of any sort. Today, many would rather give up their privacy for safety (Smithsimon). In fact, surveillancegadgets such as cameras, radio tracking chips and house alarms are used in many places to ensure safety. For instance, a parent can easily place a hidden camera in a stuffed animal in order to see how the babysitter handles his or her child (Public Places Have Eyes). Cameras are also used to ensure safety on school premises. According to the GCC College Safety website, the college has an extensive system of surveillance... Show more content on ... Some say that the key to success on preventing terrorism, or any crime for that matter, is the use of massive surveillance enforcement (Someone s Watching). For instance, airlines have used the Computer Assisted Pre Screening System (CAPS) to spot any dangerous passengers that have checked into the airline. Additionally, metal detectors are heavily used in airlines to check for any weapons that a terrorist might use. Video cameras that capture faces and license plates found all throughout the airport are now equipped with a software that allows images to be recognized and matched with several databases (Public Places Have Eyes). Cameras in general are present in every corner of the airport to monitor all irregular activities. Some also believe that having a floating eye in the sky could prove to be a major deterrent in the war on terror when talking about aerial surveillance (Surveillance Tech). Moreover, these surveillance tools are not only used in airlines to prevent crime. These surveillance gadgets can also be used to prevent other crimes such as robberies, trespassing, assaults, and shopliftings everywhere. In fact, with the help of aerial cameras, the Tampa Florida Police Aviation Unit was able to perform 500 arrests in the year of 2003 (Surveillance Tech). As for metal detectors, they are found at the entrances of almost every store we go to as well as school premises that push for a weapon free ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The American Civil Liberties Union without consequences. This practice is corrupt and police officers who act in these ways should be reprimanded and potentially fired for these actions. Some officers go beyond the law in ways they should be incarcerated as well. America s governmental practice of excluding these police officers is only promoting these behaviors, and a stop should be put to them. By implementing stricter consequences, officers would be more conscious in their actions but now, it affects them as well. Another strong bias displayed in the judicial system is the obvious bias in criminal sentencing in the court. Many studies support the conclusion that people of color are sentenced longer in prison for the same crime as a white person (McElrath, Tran, and ... Show more content on ... The problem usually with wrongful convictions is impulsivity. The fact that the person on trial is a person of color drastically improves the chances of being convicted without going through all motives of an investigation, which obviously are given to white people because of their lower chance of getting convicted wrongly. This is a prominent bias, that a person of color is always guilty of their crime. These findings show that people of color and white people are not being treated the same in the eyes of the law. How is it possible to feel safe with all of these findings stacked up against you? It just isn t feasible. Kenneth Rouse still remains on death row to this day. Some possible solutions to this is simply more diversity in the judicial bench. America needs to have a criminal justice system that represents the diversity of America. When people think of America, they think of the many faces that occupy our country. Unfortunately, this is only embraced by some. It is impossible for someone to completely understand all circumstances of someone s situation without first experiencing similar or the same realities. A white person simply does not know what it is like to be a black person in society. This goes along with the concept of privilege, something everyone has in different amounts, and something in which few people will acknowledge. This goes along with gender, and sexuality. A center for American ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Unit 11 Assignment 2 Cardiovascular And Transport Systems Unit 11 Assignment 2: Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems M2. Explain the need for a transport system in a multi cellular organism There are two types of cellular organisms: Unicellular organism Multi cellular organism Unicellular Organism A unicellular organism is a single celled organism (one cell), which is to rely on the process of diffusion, when moving different substances in and out of other cells, due to its structure it has a larger surface area in comparison to its volume; this is because each organism is built for a specific function. However, they transport materials such as oxygen and urea in and out of bodies, through diffusion and osmosis. Multi cellular Organism A multi cellular is consists of more than one cell, it has a small surface area, compared to its volume. This means that its structure is specialised to do more than one function, especially exchanging surfaces, such as lungs, and transporting systems. Its transportation system requires food and oxygen to be transported from one place to another. Why do we need a transport system? The reason for having a transport system is because the single celled organisms, also known as unicellular organism are small, meaning that they have a large surface area, in comparison to their volume; a large surface area to volume ratio. As they are known for having one cell, the substances diffuse through their relatively large plasma membrane. This also means that they are able to diffuse ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Sickle Cell Research Paper While people are trying to find a breakthrough cure for diseases such as Cancer, Sickle Cell patients feel that they are left in the dark of the public s eye. Each day thousands of people are being faced with the shocking truth of having to live a very hard, tiresome, and very painful life. According to researchers about one in four hundred African American is affected with SickleCell. Therefore it is felt that there should be a greater effort in trying to find a cure for this disease. Sickle Cell disease also known as SCD is a genetic disease of a person s red blood cells. The shape of a normal person s RBC is shaped like a disk. This shape of the red blood cells allows for the flexibility that helps the cells move through blood vessels. ... Show more content on ... These problems include but are not limited to breathing problems, eye problems, leg ulcers, and also organ failure(s).Patients who are known for having SCD may also have a history of having breathing problems. Patients may suffer from Pulmonary Hypertension. This results from when a patient has high blood pressure that occurs in the lungs. If this becomes too severe or goes left untreated it may be fatal. Besides having breathing problems a patient may also suffer problems with seeing. In the case that there is blood clotting in the patient s eye this can result in the patient becoming blind. A leg ulcer usually starts to show up on the patient s lower leg and /or ankle and may sometimes go untreated because the patient may think is just a normal scratch or cut. Leg ulcers usually are the result of poor blood circulation to that particular area. Delayed growth usually occurs in most or all patients with Sickle Cell. Another problem that sickle cell patients may have to face is organ failures. The organs that are most common to fail are the lungs, liver, kidney and spleen. The failure of these organs may stem from other health problems related to the ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Difference Between Theological Fatalism And Free Will Essay In this paper, I will argue that it is almost impossible for someone to be free while all of his/her actions are predicted by a higher being in such a way that he/she does not have the choice of choosing between various courses of actions. In other words, I don t think that the concept of a fore knowledgeable god and the concept of free willcan be maintained together. First, I will broadly describe free will. Second, I will explain, through the argument of theological fatalist, why there might be a possibility, regardless of their opinion, have ever been free. Then, I will explain the dilemma that there is between theological fatalism and free will. In addition, the Frankfurt solution will be explained. Finally, critics of the Frankfurt solution will be mentioned and critiqued. To begin with, free will is broadly defined as being able to choose between different courses of actions without being restrained by any physical or divine forces ( Free Will , n.d.). In addition, there is an argument called the theological fatalism argument that states that there is a perfect supreme being who predicts all human courses of actions ( Fore Knowledge and Free Will , n.d.). From this argument, we might conclude that none of us have ever been free since all human acts were predicted in advance by a divine being. Thus, leaving us unfree of choosing between various possible courses of actions. Here are the basic premises of theological fatalism: 1)Yesterday God infallibly believed that a ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The 1905 Act Indigenous Australians developed trust issues during colonisation. When the settlers invaded, life would never be the same for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people. Land that had been theirs for roughly 40,000 years was stripped from the Indigenous Australians and all rights were taken away. Most settlers were extremely racist and wanted the Indigenous Australiansgone. One settler from Hunter Valley went as far as comparing the Aborigines to apes (Wilson Miller, 2011). The 1905 Act in Western Australia was then drawn up to provide the Aborigines care and protection. The 1905 Act with its long list of rules and regulations did everything but provide care and protection. Aborigines were carefully watched and everything they did was monitored. ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Lord Capulet Abusive Quotes Romeo and Juliet In the play, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Lord Capulet is most to blame for Juliet s death because he is verbally abusive and fickle. Lord Capulet shows change throughout the play and proves that his actions have consequences. Lord Capulet is responsible for Juliet s death because he is verbally abusive. Lord Capulet has a high temper towards Juliet for her opinions . For example, As Lord Capulet enters Juliet s room and hears that Juliet refuses to marry Paris his smile disappears and becomes angry and irritated. As Lord Capulet is yelling at Juliet for being ungrateful he says, Speak not; reply not; do not answer me. My fingers itch (3.5.169 170). Lord Capulet is telling Juliet to not say anything, such... Show more content on ... He changes his mind very quickly and can flip flop between what he wants for Juliet. For example, as Paris and Capulet are talking to each other Paris asks Lord Capulet for his permission to marry Juliet. Capulet then replies, My will to her consent is but a part. And, she agreed, within her scope of choice lies my consent and fair according voice. (1.2.17 19). In this quote, Lord Capulet is saying that his decision is only a part and if Juliet agrees to marry Paris his blessing will confirm her choice. Soon after Tybalts death, Capulet and Paris speak to one another once again. Tybalt suggests marrying Juliet to stop her mourning over the death of her cousin, Tybalt, and Lord Capulet agrees. Once Lord Capulet hears Juliet s perspective on not marrying Paris he threatens her by saying, I tell thee what: get thee to church o Thursday, or never after look me in the face (3.5.167 168). This quote shows that Lord Capulet is forcing Juliet to marry Paris or else she cannot return back home. He doesn t listen to Juliet s opinion and seems to not care if she is happy or not with the marriage. This proves that Lord Capulet is fickle and is most responsible for Juliet s ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Italian People, Culture and Cities in Movies,... (1) How do the films discussed link the concepts of ‚crime and ‚travelling ? What makes travelling such an interesting phenomenon within the crime genre? Please also refer to the narrative structure of crime films. Travelling has used to be an activity that entirely differs from our everyday life, an escape in order to find authenticity. Travelling forces people from their comfort zones and lead to new emotions, new actions, new perceptions, acquired through the prism of another reality. For a long time it has been a privilege available only for a group of eligible. Not surprisingly, the idea of interconnectivity between crime and travelling is highly exploited in the movie industry exposing the gap between expectations and reality, between dream world and real world. Both the notion of crime and travelling are built around the idea of observing spaces and places, people and their actions with the possibility of expectations being destroyed at any moment. Often tourists try to plan their trips with the smallest details to avoid any unpredictable situation, especially nowadays in the time of the easy accessible images and reviews about destinations. They are very persistent in their attempts to establish an order on a world. Crime stories are also concerned with this idea. The most thrilling effect in movies can be achieved by putting crime and travelling into one story. When touristic stereotypes are destroyed, anticipated actions are not performed, seeming strong ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Media Violence Essay There has been far reaching research on the link between televised violence and violent behavior amongst adolescents. Current studies have shown a direct correlation between aggressive conduct and watching violence depicted in many media services and suggest that media is a variable that put children at risk of aggressive behavior (Huesmann, Moise Titus, Podolski, Eron, 1992). According to the American Psychological Association, watching playing violent scenes them on games and television, can desensitize children to the suffering and pain of others and may be a greater risk of acting aggressively toward others and they re less bothered by violencein general and less likely to see anything wrong with it. Studies disclose that children... Show more content on ... Many argue that media violence is at least partly to blame for the school shootings in Littleton, Colorado, Taber, Alberta and Erfurt, Germany. Proponents of the idea that violence depicted on both television and video games affects the behavior of children state that, contrary to other beliefs, these scenes teach a higher sense of the justification of the use of violence in different situations (Tompkins, 2003). It teaches that violence is a correct avenue to solve differences, which is not an acceptable action within real life situations. The classic setting of using violence for a virtuous cause may interpret in daily life into a validation for using violence to even the score against supposed victimizers. Consequently, defenseless youth who have been maltreated may be tempted to use aggressive means to resolve problems. The hero in most of these scenes also teaches them that violence has no consequences because he /she never gets in trouble for their actions. Most psychologists agree that experiences teach children during their early years and have a longstanding effect on their lives. Toddlers between the ages of eighteen to sixteen months are intelligent enough to comprehend the significance of the programs (Tompkins, 2003) that they watch and respond in the same manner to both actual and acted violence since their link between dream and actuality is still not strong. Furthermore, toddlers between the ages of three and five years are ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Baseball Is The Oldest Professional Sport Peanuts, bratwursts, and fireworks after a home team win are everything that reminds all of us of Major League Baseball. Baseball is the oldest professional sport played in the United States. The Majors have two leagues known as the National and the American League. Each MLB year is composed of a spring training, a regular season, an All Star break, a postseason, and an off season. Hoboken, New Jersey hosted the first official game between the New York Nine and New York Knickerbockers with the New York Nine winning twenty three to one in four innings. However, it wasn t until 1869, when the Cincinnati Red Stockings became the first professionally founded team. A few years later the National Association of Professional Base Ball Players... Show more content on ... Opening day rings in the beginning of another long, stressful one hundred and sixty two game regular season. Many teams do not play on opening day, therefore, opening day is extended a week from the first game. In fact, former St. Louis Cardinal Ozzie Smith with Anheuser Busch started a petition on, stating that Opening Day should be considered an official holiday. The regular season of major league baseball is composed of one hundred and sixty two games for thirty teams ranging from April October. Twenty of these games is between the American and National league called interleague play. Each of these games are a minimum of nine innings and twenty seven outs. However, if the game was tied in the 9th inning, it continues until the winning run comes across home plate. These games lead up to the famous All Star Home Run Derby and the All Star Game in the second or third Tuesday in July. At the mid point of the regular season, there is an All Star break. Besides the postseason, this break is known for the All Star Home Run Derby and the All Star Game. The players are elected by fans, coaches, and players. The team managers from the previous World Series are selected as the managers for the All Star game. The break begins a day before and extends to the day after giving enough rest for players and coaches. The Home Run Derby has a total of ten players, 5 from the American ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Arizona Snowbowl One way people can support Native Americans is by proposing policy changes that encourage the federal and state governments to respect the rights of the Native people. For example, many supporters have joined protests against Native injustices. Native American activism boosted during the late 1960s following the Civil Rights Movement. On February 2, 2004, when the Save the Peaks Coalition discussed the environmental and human rights issues over the Arizona Snowbowl s plan to expand a ski resort on the San Francisco Peaks. The land has spiritual and cultural value to the 13 surrounding tribes, yet the protest was not only composed of tribal and spiritual leaders, but also concerned citizens, agencies, businesses, and conservationists who were against the development. Yet... Show more content on ... Today, the Standing Rock Sioux have been joined by members of over 200 other Native American tribes and allies in fighting against the DAPL. The protest was able to gain great attention from the media, the citizens, and the White House. In a surprising and historic decision, the Obama Administration temporarily blocked the DAPL in 2016, to the joy of the protesters. Additionally, the Obama Administration invited tribes to a formal consultations that fall to discuss whether any federal regulations surrounding national infrastructure projects, like the DAPL, should be reformed to protect tribal resources and rights. Because of the protest and support, Obama s visit to the Sinox North Dakota reservation became the first by a sitting president to any reservation since 1999 and the third presidential visit overall in the nation s history. Yet this progress was short lived. Current President Donald J. Trump has already greenlighted the DAPL, along with the Keystone XL pipeline. On June 1, 2017, the DAPL began shipping oil Thursday, yet the fight is far from ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Examples Of Insider Advice For Shopping Smarter 8 Hacks to fill up your wardrobe when running out of money Shopping is what every girl thrives for. No girl wants to wear the same old clothes. We even get tired of wearing an outfit even if we have worn it just twice. But money always gets in the way, more clothes mean more expenditure. But not anymore, here is some insider advice for you to get new clothes but spend a little! Here is some insider advice for shopping smarter: 1.It s not always malls where you find amazing clothes In markets like Janpath and Sarojini Nagar you get to do the best of street shopping. The clothes are generally export surplus sold at cheap rates. You will get products like ethnic wear, daily wear, dresses, junk jewelry, silver jewelry, leather footwear in janpath.... Show more content on ... Try pairing up your tops and tees with different pair of jeans and skirts. Accessorizing differently with the same outfits can also make you look all shiny since the people will focus more on the accessory rather than those clothes. You can wear the same dress again just by teaming it up with some shrug or jacket and turn your otherwise boring outfit something fun. 7.C mon! You can let go of those old clothes now. You can compensate money for new clothes by selling off the old ones on sites like EBay. With so much social media these days, it s not hard to find girls who d go crazy about those clothes you ve outgrown or gotten bored of. What else? You can even buy some there! But make sure those clothes you are trying to sold are not too old and are in good shape. 8.When will those cousins and best friends help? Do you like the way your best friend or that cousin of yours dresses up? If you are the same size as your cousin and she lives in some other town and if your friends are in different colleges then you can always exchange your clothes with them and score some amazing outfits without spending a single penny. And who knows? Maybe her clothes suit you ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Ancient Persia Research Paper Ancient Persia were one of the most influential and most powerful empires of its time.This empire was its known for tolerance of its conquered peoples and it literary,educational,mathematical,and governmental achievements. Cementing its place forever in history and landing it a spot among one of the world s most powerful empires. One of Persia achievements was the skill of building roads for travel and trading. One of these roads was the Persian royal road which spread from Anatolia to Aegean Sea is it the distance of more than 1,500 miles. This obviously required a strong and central government that can gather the people and resources to build and maintain the roads. During this time building roads like this was considered really impressive.This ... Show more content on ... This help prevented any uprisings from forming because this allowed people still to live their daily lives and not drastically change it.The first person to establish was Cyrus the Great he did this in order to unite the land for his empire many people respect him for this when Cyrus conquered Babylon many people received him well due to his religious tolerance of other peoples. One of the reason that some people liked Persia s rule more than others because it freed them from tyrants.In Babylon at the time tthe Babaloynian king Nabonidus was considered a tyrant at the time and when Cyrus conquered them through his toloerance they lived a more happy and free life. Through Persia s tolerance even Babylonian prisoners of war were set free back to their families. Another one of the Persia s achievements is their use of measurements and weights which allowed them to gain more accurate sizes and weights. This help the economy when it came to buying produce and other things. An example is say you buy some meat you put it on a scale and according the weight of the meat that is how much you pay. This also could be use to scam people by adjusting the weights in your or not your favor. One of measuring units is the shekel which equals to about 8.40 grams. This is also another one persia s great ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Importance and Uses of Magnesium Essay In chemistry and in our world there are elements that are needed for survival in our everyday life, and one essential element that both humans and plants need is magnesium. Magnesium is an alkaline earth metal that is the second element found in group two on the periodic table. Magnesium is an important element that is used in our everyday society and found in the industry, agriculture, research, and medical areas. Magnesiumis a hard, silvery white metal that is the lightest weight element used for making objects that need to have a strong metal to keep it together. Its symbol is Mg and its atomic number, the number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom, is twelve ( Magnesium Periodic). Magnesium is one of the more commonly used... Show more content on ... The reaction that Magnesium Chloride makes is MgCl2 в†’ Mg + Cl2 (Uttley). A Magnesium compound that helps with the heating in your home is Magnesium Oxide (MgO). It is a good insulating material and heating refractory. The balance equation for this is: 2Mg + O2 в†’ 2MgO. Also, when using cotton and wool fabrics, cement, or ceramics people need Magnesium Citrate (Mg3(C6H5O7)2. ( Magnesium Today s). Other compounds that are in industry are magnesium fluoride and magnesium oxide that produce glass and ceramics, magnesium hexafluorosilicate that is mothprooding of textiles, magnesium phosphate that can be used for fireproofing wood for construction, and magnesium sulfite that is used in manufacturing paper (Newton). Since magnesium is easily reactive it can combine with other elements to form several useful compounds. One specific use of Mg compounds in our society is the functions of magnesium alloys in the industry field. An alloy is a mixture of two or more metals with properties different from those of the individual metals (Newton). For example, since magnesium is a lightweight metal and aluminum is a heavier metal magnesium can alloy with Aluminum. Magnesium and aluminum alloys create airplanes, automobiles, ladders, artificial limbs, vaccum cleaners, lawn mowers, some portable power and gardening tools, car wheels, soda cans, and skis. Since Mg is one of the lightest metals it is used in vehicles so that there can be less fuel (Uttley). ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The API 20E is used for the identification of... The API 20E is used for the identification of gram negative bacteria and specially of the family Enterobacteriaceae. This system utilizes a plastic compartmentalized in 20 spaces. Those compartments are a cupule and a small tube that contains a specific dehydrated substance. After you inoculated each compartment with an unknown bacteria, a reaction will occur in 18 24hours. The results were organized in a Reading Table and given a number based on the results. With this number it is possible to identify the bacteria. Urease test (URE): The substrate is the urea and urease is an enzyme that catalyses the hydrolysis of urea into carbon dioxide and ammonia. The function is to increase the pH of the environment due to the production of ammonia. ... Show more content on ... You will not expect all the same API index numbers because each sample of E.cloacae coming from different host means that the environment will differ from each other and depending on the substrate different enzymes can be expressed. In a clinical context that can be important because you can analyze the characteristics of the bacteria and which nutrients are essential for it grows. a) Primer X
Tm= 2x (A+T)+4x(G+C)= 16+40= 56degrees Celsius
Primer Y
5 AACTACTGGAAACGGTAG 3 в ЂЁTm= 20+24= 44degrees Celsius

b) You cannot always expect the product with the same length because a few bases of the variable region of the 16SRNA can differ due to mutations that can add different bases. The sequence of the 16S rRNA was obtained and analysed in some steps. Firstly the bacteria was lysed to release the DNA for the 16SrRNA gene and by centrifugation they got the pellet of bacterial that remains separated from the DNA. The next step is amplify the DNA and that could be done by Readymix and PCR method the Polymerase chain reaction, you can amplify specific regions of DNA in the organism genome catalyzing the replication of specific regions, in this process you need five essential components that are the DNA polymerase (enzyme that catalysis the DNA syntheses process), DNA template, DNA with target sequence, Primers (sequence of single stranded DNA ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Guilt In Macbeth And The Tell-Tale Heart Guilt is a feeling that everyone is familiar with. The intensity and shame that comes with guilt is stronger than anything a person can consciously convey. In the play The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare and in the short story The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe, guilt plays an exceedingly big role in the life of two main characters; Lady Macbeth and the narrator. No matter what is done, guiltis impossible to avoid, and will engulf the state of mind leading to an inexorable downfall. Firstly, the two characters are in denial after the crime they committed, and they try to comfort themselves by not accepting the truth. Secondly, they are extremely paranoid and they start to envision and hear things. Lastly, the build up... Show more content on ... Both, Lady Macbeth and the narrator, cannot handle living with the guilt anymore; therefore, they admit their crime. Firstly, Lady Macbeth confesses about the killing of King Duncan. One night as the Doctor and the Gentlewoman, observe Lady Macbeth sleepwalking, they know that what she has done cannot be undone , after hearing her confess about the killing of the King. (V, i, 71). She is ashamed with herself; however, she knows that she cannot repeat the past and clear her mind of the guilt. For this reason, admitting her crime, subconsciously, is her way of coping with the guilt. In the end, Lady Macbeth cannot handle the guilt inside of her; therefore, she commits suicide to relieve her from her dreadful life. One of Macbeth servant delivers the news that the Queen ... is dead ; referring to Lady Macbeth (V, v, 19). This shows that killing herself is the only way to escape from her guilt. Secondly, the narrator blurts out that he has committed murder. When the cops come knocking on his door after the killing has occurred, the narrator tries to keep clam. The policemen are convinced he is innocent until the narrator admit the deed and tells them to ... tear up the planks where he has hidden the corpse (para 18). As a result of guilt, his confession is like removing weights off his chest. Living with what he has done is impossible for him to control and deal with. In ... Get more on ...
  • 40. British Theatre and Cinema British theatres One of the world s major centers for theatre, Britain has a centuries old dramatic tradition and about 300 theatres. There are several thousand amateur dramatic societies in Britain. The Royal Shakespeare Company performs in Stratford upon Avon and at the Barbican Centre in London. A modern reconstruction of the Globe Theatre, close to its original site, is under way. Most cities and towns in Britain have at least one theatre. There are 500 youth theatres in England alone. The Unicorn Theatre for Children and Polka Children s Theatre, both in London, present plays written specially for children, and the Young Vic Company in London and Contact Theatre Company in Manchester stage plays for young people. Until recently the ... Show more content on ... The RSC is currently celebrating its fiftieth birthday season, which runs from April December 2011, with two companies of actors presenting the first productions designed specifically for the new Royal Shakespeare and Swan Theatre stages. The 2011 season began with performances of Macbeth and a re imagined lost play The History of Cardenio. The fiftieth birthday season also features The Merchant of Venice with Sir Patrick Stewart and revivals of some of the RSC s greatest plays, including a new staging of Marat/Sade. The Royal Opera House is an opera house and major performing arts venue in Covent Garden, central London. The large building is often referred to as simply Covent Garden , after a previous use of the site of the opera house s original construction in 1732. It is the home of The Royal Opera, The Royal Ballet, and the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House. Originally called the Theatre Royal, it served primarily as a playhouse for the first hundred years of its history. In 1734, the first ballet was presented. A year later, Handel s first season of operas began. Many of his operas and oratorios were specifically written for Covent Garden and had their premieres there. The current building is the third theatre on the site following disastrous ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Milligan s Cafeterias Cafeterias are the main source of food for college students who live on campus. They have different food options provided for the college students. However, not all of the food choices are healthy. For example, food in Milligan s cafeteria is cooked in fats and served greasy to the students. There are not a lot of healthy options in the cafeteria to choose from. Every day the salad bar is set out for students as a healthy side or meal, however the ingredients are not always fresh. Sometimes the lettuce provided is wilted, the vegetable toppers are brown and stale, and overall do not appear appetizing. Sometimes they have special healthy choices like a make your own tossed salad, or even a sizzling salad, but those options are only offered for one day every other week.... Show more content on ... This a serious problem for many people. For instance, what if a person is allergic to a certain food item or a diabetic person is attempting to give themselves the right amount of insulin. The lack of labels for the food can be problematic. The abundant amount of starch filled food in the cafeteria is not healthy whatsoever. This can lead to health issues in the future and will cause a great deal of weight gain which can lead to weight gain. Despite a lack of healthy cafeteria options and a lack of money, can Milligan College students avoid gaining weight? Yes Milligan students can avoid gaining weight by choosing healthy and affordable snacks, by their cafeteria food choices, and by reducing stress ... Get more on ...
  • 42. My Experience At Erin s Place My breathing is steady and shallow, the exhales causing slight disturbances in the fog around me, my shoes making a constant smack, smack on the pavement. The mist acts like a thin blanket, dampening my senses, making the world just a little quieter, a little calmer. All around me are the sounds and smells of pure, serene nighttime. To my left is the pond; ducks are huddled along the shoreline, sometimes ruffling their feathers or making a sleepy murmur. I just passed the campus daycare, the windows are all dark and the playground is empty; the swing creaks back and forth slightly... There must be a breeze. I m on my way back from a long night of studying. It s around 2AM, the cafeteria in the university hall is open all the time so students can study late for upcoming finals. I m not much of a cram studier so I m way ahead and I don t have any exams for a few days. I should have made plans to stay at Erin s place. She lives on campus in the dorms and she gave me a copy of her key (which is completely against the rules, by the way, but she figured I might need a place to crash if I ever got too drunk at a campus party), but I m pretty sure she won t appreciate me storming in at 2AM when she, unlike me, has an exam in the morning. I brought the key with me in case I was too tired to walk home; but alas, coffee is a brilliant invention, and if anything I feel wide awake, so I silently review the topics I m finished going over... Riemann Sums... multivariable integration... domain ... Get more on ...
  • 43. A Historical, Political And Social Contextual View Of Dada A historical, political and social contextual view of Dada World War 1 started in 1914. It was a time of political unrest, when nobody was certain what would become of their nations. This sprouted a number of radical movements, all looking to comprehend and untangle the disorder that invaded the society they knew. Preceding this was a time of increased mass production and fast technological advancements compared to previous centuries. The Aeroplane in 1903 paved a way for advanced methods of warfare along with the more obvious tank in the same year. Although in the 1907 Hague Convention on Land Warfare the use of poisoned weapons or poison itself during war was forbidden, chemical weapons themselves were not. This lead to a dramatic ... Show more content on ... 1996 p.91). This influenced them, any other key artists to turn to a left wing, anti war movement that wanted to start afresh from a society that could commit, and then commit to something so atrocious (Tate, 2014). Dada wanted to move away from the atrocities society had come to commit by seeking a fresh start, and creating new art to be enjoyed by the new society. This involved popularising and creating new ways to create art, and new ways to define it. Marcel Janco, one of the founders of the Dada movement in Zurich, considered that humanity was impossible to fix and that the only way to improve was to destroy society and rebuild something completely new. The true beginnings of Dada are only vaguely known. Although Hugo Ball was the one to write the original Dada manifesto in July 1916, and Tzara was an unofficial leader, especially of Zurich, Picabia was listed as the true beginning of the movement by Claude RiviГЁre, In his [Picabia s] journey to the Jura in 1913, we can observe the first beginnings of what was later to be called the Dada movement. (Richter 1997, p.11). As a movement, Dada s origins in Zurich can be traced back to Hugo Ball, who opened Cabaret Voltaire and recited a manifesto in 1916, a year later from the opening of the locale. Dawtrey state in 1996 it might also be claimed Dada manifestations were no more than an inevitable product of the disaster and dislocation of the first world war, conditions that in ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Evaluation of Baumol s Model Introduction Generally in business, there is a trade off between selling many units at a low price and selling only a few units at a high price. There are different managerial models in a firm embodying different assumptions like the Profit Maximization Model which is a traditional model, the Marris Model, the Williamson Model and the Baumol Model. This write up will focus on understanding management preferences in terms of price, revenue and profit maximization, critically evaluate the management model of Baumol and review the extent to which the Baumol model provides a more useful insight into pricing and output decisions of modern management.... Show more content on ... In this respect, certain characteristics are identifiable about the internal and external processes involved for organizations within such markets. Baumol recognizes that since it is large organizations that are most likely to be competitors within an oligopoly, then the chains of control and decision making are likely to be elongated. It is therefore considered that more likely that it will take longer to arrive at and implement decisions within such organizations than within smaller competitors. Within the market, it is claimed that there is tacit collusion between organizations to maintain the status quo. These incumbents, once the oligopoly has settled down into an equilibrium position, are able to enjoy a quiet life and split the profits between them. Additionally, there may be a general lack of interest on the part of organizations to compete in their markets unless actions are undertaken by others to upset the current situation. Other justifications for the sales revenue maximization model include: The imposition of a minimum profit constraint on management by shareholders ensures that their concerns are met, while it would be more difficult to set and measure a maximum requirement. Increasing level of sales are ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Arguments Against Cloning Should mankind really become corrupt all because humans want to clone others and perfect them, out right defying nature? Cloning is when you create similar populations with genetically identical beings. Cloning, for example, is when you have a cow and produce another cow that is identical to the original cow. To clone an animal, you must extract DNA from the cellof the animal and place that DNA onto an egg cell from another animal. Who actually thought of and started cloningis unclear. Scientist debate whether cloning is moral or not. Even though cloning can cure genetic diseases, one s life span shortens. The overall result is that cloning is unethical since it goes against nature. Cloning cures genetic diseases that are currently incurable. If you clone a living thing, the replication of the living thing would have been cleared of its diseases. First you must produce an embryo through vitro fertilization, a complicated series of procedures used to investigate... Show more content on ... The clone is similar, if not identical, to the living thing it was cloned from. Even though the clone would have unique preferences, the individuality would be lost because it is just a twin of someone else, no matter what the age each one is. If there was human cloning, there is a possibility that the value of human life would deteriorate. If a parent doesn t like their child, then they can just discard their child and clone a new one to perfection. And perfected clones might be treated differently than naturally made humans who contain flaws. There would be without a doubt bullying directed at clones. Not only is individuality lost and the reduction of value of human life, your life span shortens when you are cloned. Since older cells are often being used to create clones, there is a possibility that the old age could be planted on the growing embryo. This would lead to premature aging and even premature death, all because of the cloning process ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Explain Why Did The Frankfurt Parliament Fail Why did the Frankfurt parliament fail? Throughout the 1840 s many German states were under pressure from liberal demonstrators and nationalists who wanted a revolutionary change and greater political representation. Those standing for a unified Germany recognised that a unified Germany with a constitution and election would be the most efficient way of securing their political freedom. However, German monarchs such as the king of Prussia, Frederick William IV feared that a united Germanyunder nationalists conditions would cause Germany to lose its power and influence in their land and territories. After the ferocious demonstration in not only Berlin in 1848 but also in other states and nations, the king agreed to draft a prussian constitution... Show more content on ... The Frankfurt parliament failed to accomplish its goals, the attempt of creating a unified Germany through political reform did not work as it was intended to. One can argue that there are multiple reasons for why the parliament failed but the strength of the conservative forces, the divisions within the parliament and its inability to make decisions were significant causes as to why the parliaments weaknesses were overpowering and caused it to fail. One of the contributing factors to the failure of the Frankfurt parliament was the divisions within the parliament itself. The parliament was mainly built upon liberals in the middle class who happened to be males that had to be1 of a certain age as well as being economically stable, i.e it did not represent the people as a whole. This was a problem itself as only one of the classes was being represented, leaving the other two omitted which arguably caused problems within and outside of the parliament. The parliament arguably consisted of three different groups, the liberals who wanted to safeguard the rights of the central government and the individual rights, the radicals who wanted to replace the princes and form a unified republic and thirdly the conservatives who did not want the central government or ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Hyperthermia Research Paper Let s face it, it is nearly impossible to avoid heat. However, people forget there can be serious consequences from too much heat intake. The most common reaction to overheating is heat stroke, medically referred to as Hyperthermia. Hyperthermia occurs when the body is absorbing more heat than it can give off. The body s temperaturekeeps climbing due to failed thermoregulation. Thermoregulation is a homeostatic mechanism used by all living organisms to keep a stable internal core temperature. All mechanisms function for one reason, to maintain homeostasis. When the body is experiencing a lower or higher core temperature, it sends signals to the glands, muscles, organs and parts of the nervous system. Instructions for the nervous system start... Show more content on ... That being said, it takes an abnormally high body temperature to be classified as hyperthermia. Usually the body reaches an internal temperature of 104В°F before it goes into shock and dies. It can be caused from extreme weather conditions, drug use, other medical conditions could cause the body to not be able to stabilize the internal core temperature. In order to treat hyperthermia, doctors need to restore the temperature back to its normal 98.6В°F. Serious consequences can come from hyperthermia, including tissue damage, organ damage if the tissues are damaged severely, lesions on internal organs, and sometimes fatality. Heatstroke occurs in both male and female. The illness effects people who are over 50 more severely, because they are unable to fight off the increasing heat. Circulation is also poor in elderly people due to deteriorating artery walls. This is a huge issue when dealing with hyperthermia because older people will have a harder time circulating more blood cells to damaged sites. Small children often suffer from heat stroke because they have a larger surface to weight ratio. Treatment for hyperthermia is to cool down the body, but not to the point where the patient will become hypothermic. Doctors use both internal and external techniques in order to balance the temperature. A few signs and symptoms include dizziness, confusion from the heat affecting the mental state of the patient and nausea. So remember to take caution when sitting out in the sun for long periods of time. Your body is susceptible for hyperthermia and potentially other health ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Lupe Garz An Ethical Dilemmas An ethical dilemma is defined as a moral issue, where a situation has two equivalent undesirable alternatives and neither choice will resolve the ethical predicament. Lupe Garza, mother of two children, is a temporary employee at a plant. Garza is an excellent and talented worker, and supervisors have taken notice in her skills. A human resource specialist named Sara Jones, mislead Garza in thinking she would unquestionably obtain a permanent job position at the plant, causing Garza to turn down another job opportunity. During the interview, Garza is truthful and informs Mark Solomon, a human resource specialist, that she is currently using someone else s identity in order to work legally and her real name is Carmen Mendoza. Mark tell... Show more content on ... Mark Solomon s conflict is whether he should hire or let go of the illegal worker, turn Garza into the authorities, or just ignore the situation. After the interview, Mark is faced with an additional ethical dilemma, the knowledge of other workers working in the plant under different names. Now, the human resource specialist must face, whether the plant should stop hiring temporary illegal workers and run into staffing problems, or continue hiring these workers and face legal allegations by breaking the law. The plant is breaking the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA). The law was passed to control or prevent illegal immigration in the United States. Furthermore, the law prohibits employers to knowingly hire unauthorized workers. The plant is breaking the law because they are responsible for reviewing, confirming, and verifying employee s eligibility. The plant needs to use the I 9, Employment Eligibility Verification, which assist employers in identifying if workers are citizen or non citizens of the United States. Another law the plant may be violating is the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. This law forbids discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin (Noe, Hollenback, Gerhart Wright, 2011). According to the case, the plant employs approximately 1,500 workers and one third of the workforce is Hispanic (Fransson, Gareett Noll, 2005). The plant mostly hires Hispanic to ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Pros And Cons Of No-Platforming In Thomas Hobbes s famous work, The Leviathan he created his famous social contract theory , that states individuals will need to give up some of their own personal autonomy to ensure the security of the state. Looking at this social contract as a spectrum, with security on one end and liberty on the other, one must find a balance between the two. In 2017 there are still on going debates where people want their society to fall on that spectrum, some would rather have more liberty and others more security. In 2016 the Free Speech Debateput out a video debating whether no platforming should be practised at universities. No platforming can be defined a strategy that argues that certain peoples should not be given a platform to speak in a certain social space due to their rhetoric constituting hate speech . Both sides of the debate, the pro no platforming and the anti no platforming teams, gave great points on how serious this issue is, and that there can be real life benefits and consequences on either side of the debate. Pro No Platforming The main argument of No Platforming is that there is an unfair power dynamic at play. A platform gives speakers a medium to amplify their message without having to debate against protestors; this unfair as it gives those already in power, that have the resources to platform, an advantage in that they have a greater ability to get their point across, creating a cycle that perpetuates the dominant group of societies message and ... Get more on ...
  • 50. John Dau Lost Boys Analysis I went into this assignment blind; I knew nothing about the Lost Boys of Sudan. This is an incredible story; mind blowing even. I assumed that they were hurting over there I just didn t think it was to the extent it was. John Dau was one of the well known Lost Boys. He was twelve years old when the civil war went through his village and destroyed it. As things were being destroyed and people were being killed he ran into the darkness of the night. John Dau traveled thousands of miles with 27,000 others to safety. The 27,000 put forth their best effort to make it to Kenyan and Ethiopian borders only half have the strength to make it; either killed by starvation, diseases or bombing raids. Through all the hard ship they finally make it to ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Informative Essay On Outdoor Dining Focus keyword: outdoor dining Meta description: Title: Blog post: (photo?) The dining table has become an iconic gathering place for decades. It s where people come to be together, share in a meal and connect over conversation. Dinner time is a special time to bond, to relax, to build memories, and enjoy. The dining table has become a universal symbol of togetherness, and in South Florida, we like to take that tradition outside. There are so many options for dining al fresco, and so many opportunities to enjoy it. Dining tables symbolize community, unity, celebration and so much more. Taking all those symbols to the outdoors only maximizes the effect. Add the sun, the breeze, and all the fun of the outdoors can make any gathering ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Compare And Contrast Antigone And The Whale Rider Antigone and the Whale Rider Compare / Contrast Essay A brother lies dead on a battlefield unburied. A culture unknown to a child screams for discovery. Two girls with two different fates will go through difficult trials to accomplish contrasting goals. Antigone and Pai were two young girls who disobeyed respected and authoritative figures. Antigone challenged the King of Thebes edict and Pai ignored the chief of her local townspeople s order. Antigone was sentenced to death while Pai was punished with expulsion of chief in training activities and scorn from her grandfather. The differences and similarities between Antigone and Pai s actions and punishments as well as their wrongdoings in their cultures are striking and clear. First of all, Antigone and Pai both audaciously committed an offense by ignoring their superiors. Antigone tried to bury her brother and Pai sat down at the front of the class . Pai and Antigone did not concoct any type of hearsay or false information about their superiors. However, Pai continued to disobey her grandfather behind his back by learning the ways of the chief, even though he had forbidden her from doing so. Antigone had admitted to the deed and basically turned herself into authorities. Pai did not let her grandfather know that she was defying him; he saw Pai using techniques taught in his class. All the same, Pai and Antigone took similar action in disobeying a respected figure, but their actions after the initial misdeed were rather ... Get more on ...