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Movie Critique Essay
Crafting a Movie Critique Essay can be a challenging endeavor that requires a delicate balance of
subjective interpretation and objective analysis. It goes beyond summarizing the plot or
expressing personal opinions; instead, it demands a thoughtful evaluation of various cinematic
Firstly, one must watch the movie attentively, noting intricate details in cinematography, sound
design, acting, and overall storytelling. This requires multiple viewings to capture nuances that
might be missed initially. Analyzing these components demands a keen eye and a deep
understanding of film language.
The challenge intensifies when translating these observations into a coherent written form.
Expressing subjective reactions while maintaining an objective tone is a tightrope walk. Ensuring
that personal opinions are supported by concrete examples and critical analysis adds another
layer of difficulty.
Moreover, crafting a compelling introduction that grabs the reader's attention, a well-structured
body that seamlessly integrates analysis, and a conclusion that synthesizes the key points is no
small feat. Each paragraph should contribute to the overall argument and flow logically from one
to the next.
In addition, it's essential to situate the movie within its cultural and historical context.
Understanding the director's intentions, the socio-political climate during the production, and the
film's impact on the industry all contribute to a comprehensive critique. This research aspect can
be time-consuming but is crucial for a well-rounded analysis.
Furthermore, maintaining a critical yet respectful tone is imperative. Constructive criticism is the
goal, and this requires delicacy in navigating potential areas of improvement without resorting to
harsh judgment.
In conclusion, writing a Movie Critique Essay demands a multifaceted approach, combining keen
observational skills, deep analytical thinking, and effective communication. It is not merely
summarizing a film but interpreting its various elements and presenting a well-reasoned
evaluation. Success in this task requires dedication, time, and a genuine passion for cinema.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic tasks, various resources are
available. Services like offer support in crafting essays and academic papers.
Professional writers can provide guidance, ensuring that your essays meet the desired standards
and alleviate some of the challenges associated with academic writing.
Movie Critique Essay Movie Critique Essay
Bronfenbrenner s Ecological Theory of Development
Graduate School and the influences that shaped the decision
Survey of Research in Human Development and Behavior
Bronfrenbenner s Ecological Theory Urie Bronfrenbenner (1971 2005) created the
ecological theory based on different levels to indicate how a child s environment
affects his/her development as well as minor and major life decisions.
Bronfenbrenner categorized his theory into four levels: the microsystem, the
mesosystem, the exosystem, and the macrosystem. Each level of the theory plays a
role in the decision making process and situations throughout a child s development,
which ultimately shape that child into a content, happy, bitter or sad adult. The
microsystem is the small, immediate environment the child lives ... Show more
content on ...
I was involved in several physical altercations and numerous minor and major
behavioral issues including walking out of class, using profanity towards the teachers,
etc. My mother s authoritarian parenting style emphasized obedience, even at the
expense of my autonomy. Despite several interferences within my early
development, I finally began transitioning into college girl mindset. The decision
to apply to undergraduate college commenced from a dream that my twin sister
and I came up with. Our preliminary plans were to attend college together, obtain
our Bachelor s in Accounting, and open a firm to work with big corporations as
top accountants. While the dream to attend college remained stagnant, the degree
choice changed after our first semester in school. Right at four years on the head, I
graduated with my first Bachelor s of Social Work, and re enrolled in school to
pursue Criminal Justice. During my junior and senior year in college, my passion for
learning about and working with juvenile offenders intensified, which eventually led
to my second Bachelor s in Criminal Justice. After receiving two undergraduate
degrees, I was under the impression that furthering my education was a colossal
waste of time. I entered the work force with the education I obtained from in
classroom learning and my social work field placement.
The Exosystem Level The exosystem level includes the other people and places that
the child herself may not interact with often
Genetic Disease And The Medical World
Genetics plays a large role in the medical world, specifically when dealing with
disease. Some genetic diseases remain a mystery as to their specific origins, but this
only highlights the importance of continued research and an accurate and complete
knowledge of one s family medical history. This paper will cover one inherited
genetic disease for which there is no cure, Fatal Familial Insomnia( Self management
of Fatal Familial Insomnia. Part 1: What is FFI? , 2006, p. 65). This particular
disease was chosen due to its severity, swiftness with which it ends life, and its ability
to exist undetected without symptoms for decades unless one s family history is
known. Fatal Familial Insomnia, (FFI), is a neurodegenerative priondisease classified
as a Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy, (TSE), meaning that it is genetically
transmitted (Belay, 1999, p. 284). FFI is autosomal dominant (Xie et al., 2013,
p81 90), meaning that an individual with A or AA alleles, a component of a gene
pair, could carry this gene (Ireland, 2013). The capital, A or AA , denotes a
dominant genetic trait (Ireland, 2013). The carrier will usually only present with
one mutated gene and one normal gene in these cases which would be symbolized
as, Aa , meaning the genotype is heterozygous, one dominant coded allele and one
recessive (Ireland, 2013). Due to this 50 50 presentation of the gene itself, the
likelihood of passing an autosomal dominant disorder or gene to offspring is also 50
50. The
Principles Of A Group Dynamics
G.6.a. Approach to principles of a group dynamics, group process, development stage
philosophies, group members roles and behaviors, and therapeutic factors of group.
Through the use of Textbooks , this CACPRE standard (2009) helped me to
comprehend the process of all items that are basic to the unfolding of group from the
beginning to end. For example, group norms, generating trust, how conflict emerges
in a group, patterns of resistance, and shared goals that characterize a particular social
group. Furthermore, I understand that group dynamics can provide an empirical
validation for pre screening, the forming, storming, norming, performing, and
adjourning phases (Corey, Corey, and Corey, 2014). In addition, tools for assessing,
the use of a Likert, Zung Depression Questionnaire and Suicide Behaviors
Questionnaire Revise (SBQR), can help build an organized and well balanced group.
G.6.b. Group leadership or facilitation styles and approaches, plus characteristics of
various categories of group leaders and leadership styles.
The use of Textbooks ASGW code of ethics, in class experience and discussions. I
have learned that each leader should talk about their theoretical orientations and how
one perceives group work (Thomas, Pender, 2008). In addition, are the leaders
experienced in leading a group? In other words, discuss each other s cultural and
ethnic backgrounds; be honest about their values are utmost important. Hence, one
point that can be overlooked is
Edward Teller Essay
Home Life: Edward Teller was born to Jewish parents Max and Ilona Teller
January 15, 1908 in Budapest, Hungary. The Tellers were an upper middle class
family due to Edward s father being a lawyer. The tellers also had a daughter Emmi
who was twenty months older than Edward. Until Edward was four he showed few
signs of being exceptionally intelligent in fact there was concern that he may lack
even normal intelligence. At four however Edward began to speak in full sentences
and show great promise. By age six he was laying in bed at night and work
multiplication problems. He soon also showed great promise as a pianist, something
he would enjoy throughout his lifetime. By seventeen young Edward had found the
young woman whom he... Show more content on ...
He also had difficulty in math but not due to a lack of ability but boredom. This
ws illustrated by Edward suggesting a better solution to a problem that the one
provided by the instructor. This lead the instructor Dr. Karl Oberle to state, So,
you are a genius Well, I don t like geniuses. Edward began his university education
close to home, bowing to his mothers insistence, at the University of Budapest. His
father had talked him into studying engineering instead of math as his main
subject. After a dissatisfying period at the university in 1926 Edward enrolled at
the Institute of Technology in Karlsruhe, Germany. In 1928 Edward again
switched schools to the University of Munich, where he would study physics. In
1928 Edward had an accident leaving a moving street car which led to part of his
foot being amputated. This delay in his education would also lead to Edward s
final switch of schools before receiving his Ph.D. Edward transferred to the
University of Leipzig. He received his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics in 1930. Getting
started: Teller s first position was an assistantship at the University of Gottingen.
Edward would leave Gottingen due to the increasing level of anti Semitism in
Germany. Edward joined a growing exodus of jews leaving for safer countries like
England and the United States. Teller took an assistantship in physics at the
University College in London which fulfilled requirements that allowed him to Win a
The Real Heroine in the book, In the Time of Butterflies...
The Real Heroine
Do you always stand up for what you believe in? Minerva and all of the Mirabal
sisters stand up for what they believe in is right, but Minerva stands up for what she
believes in throughout all of her life, not just a specific time. Minerva is the biggest
heroine out of all of the
Mirabal sisters. Minerva wants to go to law school, therefore she asks Trujillo for
his permission to go to law school. Minerva starts liking a young man, mostly
because he stands up for what he believes in. Minerva also ends up marrying the love
of her life and they end up starting a revolution over what they believe is right.
Why do you think Minerva does not follow Trujillo s ideas? Trujillo states, I am
speaking of the national ... Show more content on ...
Minerva and Lio go out secretly, until he has to flee from his town for the
government is searching for him. Lio meets
Dede and tells her I came to give this to Minerva (82) In the letter Lio wrote for
Minerva, he asks her to run away with him, to flee the country and leave
everything else behind. Dede read the note then turned it to ashes. It was the only
way to protect Minerva. Dede just knew Minerva would leave with Lio and she just
wanted her sister to be safe. Minerva starts to believe she will never find another man
like Lio. She worries she will never find a sneaky complicated love, ever again. But,
Minerva is wrong.
Minerva falls in love and starts a revolution with the love of her life. Minerva told
her little sister she had met someone at the capital, before she had told anyone else.
Then of course
Mate told everyone, She met someone very special in Jarabacoa (123) Minerva and
her special someone, Monolo, don t waste much time at all, they got married very
soon after they met. It was truly love at first sight. As their wedding day
approaches, Mate states Today is the big day! (133) Minerva is finally getting
married to the love of her life. Mate and Minerva grow very close of the months.
Mate stays with Minerva, Monolo, and their children often. Mate noticed something
strange was
First Time Homebuyer Guide For Buying A Home
First Time Homebuyer Guide Buying a home is arguably one of the most
important decisions any adult will make. Not only do you want to find a home
you love and that meets your needs, but you also need to find a home that works
for your financial situation. Although this process may be stressful and
intimidating, it is absolutely possible to get through it successfully. The purpose
of this guide is to help you through the steps to purchase your home, from finding a
realtor all the way to closing. 1.Finding a Realtor and Laying the Groundwork
Choosing a Realtor Choosing a capable, trustworthy realtor can make the home
buying process so much easier. Start by searching online for real estate agencies in
the area or asking friends, family, and colleagues for recommendations. Look for an
agent that is experienced, knowledgeable, and has a personality that meshes
comfortably with yours. You will be working extensively with this person so having
a good rapport is just as important as their professional credentials. When you meet
with an agent, there are some important questions you need to ask. Ask the agent to
explain the entire buying process and ask questions about what services the agent
will provide at each step. Don t forget to ask the agent about their fee structure.
Additionally, inquire about how long the agent has been working in the field. A less
experienced agent may not necessarily be incapable but do make sure that they are
knowledgeable and savvy. Reputable agents
Essay on Animal Rights
Animal Rights
The 20th century has had more medical breakthroughs than any other hundred years
in history. But there is a price. No significant discovery in this time has occurred
without the use of animals in biological research experiments. Heart surgery, polio,
osteoporosis, diabetes, AIDS, and cancer have all had significant breakthroughs
thanks to these experiments(McCarty 15).
The use of animals in today s world is highly controversial. Our society eats animals
and their products, wears them, uses them for entertainment, and kills some species,
such as rats and mice for being a nuisance. In a society which uses animals in all
these different ways, it is ethical to use animals in medical research. Many medical
advances rely ... Show more content on ...
Even though the direct cost of the animals is small, around 20% of all projects will
involve an element of animal studies in amongst the other research techniques. When
animals are used in research there are strict regulations to ensure a minimum of pain
and suffering for the subjects(UNMC). Ultimately our overall understanding of
diseases rests heavily upon studies of living systems, including animals. In the fight
to save human lives, animals are vital.
The Hot Zone reveals that animal research inadvertently led to an outbreak of
Ebola near Washington DC. But this is a unique case where research has harmed
humankind. The U.S. has recognized the importance of animal research and were it
not for the Animals (Scientific) Research Act of 1986 most scientists would have
been charged with cruelty to animals by now. Because of these laws new drugs are
tested on approximately 1,000 animals before they can be released on the
market(McCarty 81). This law would not exist if government officials thought these
experiments would harm their citizens. In fact due to animal research the human life
span has been increased by an average of 28 years(McCarty 15).
Though animal research has benefited millions of people world wide it has its
detractors. Hollywood celebrities are using their free time to pose naked for
billboards. To protest the use of animals in their make up and garment s
Butler s Life Cycle Model Essay
Knowing Macau with Butler s Life Cycle Model
The following literature is suggesting that how a tourist destination can be analyzed
with the help of Butler s Tourism Life Cycle Model. Butler (1980) introduced the
concept of the model which clarifies and extends earlier work by, for example,
Cristaller (1963), Noronha (1976) and Stansfield (1978). In doing so, Butler clearly
links the development cycle of tourism destinations to that of products in the product
life cycle model. This is one the best used management framework to know the
evolution in a tourism destination as described by Baum (1998), the original Butler s
model included:
В• Recognition of dynamism within the tourism environment В— at the time of its
inception, constant ... Show more content on ...
This re assessment is to imperative for destinations in the UK and the USA
(Cooper, 1992), now tourists are looking for new destinations and do suffering
from boredom by knowing and visiting those destinations which are standing from
decades. Macau, it is a new name in world s recognized tourist destinations. As
many tourists does not have any idea about this place ( and but
rest knows this place as an Asia s Las Vegas. Macao is a tiny special administrative
region (SAR), a former Portuguese colony, not far ago returned to China (in 1999)
under one country two systems model. In fact this tiny piece of land under
Chinese rule has become more prosperous and capitalist than during the time when
it formally was part of the West . In the years to come Macao may attract even
more foreign capitals and people, and may even outshine Las Vegas as world
prime place for gambling. Despite what is developing as competition in other Asian
countries, as far as Macao remains the only place in China where gambling is
allowed, this tiny region can look to the future with optimism. (
Previously, the Macau had just a handful of casinos all owned by the same man. But
now, many are under construction and with names that will be very familiar to
everyone in Las Vegas. The Chinese economy and gambling restrictions are few of
responsible attributes to develop this place as an emerging and a major gambling
playground for adults.
Minimum bets in
Facing The Face Of Perseus Research Paper
Facing the Face of Death: Perseus Well over a thousand years ago, people in
Greece believed in Polytheism. That is the belief in many gods. This is a paper to
tell you about the story of one of the many gods, Perseus. Although Perseus wasn t a
full god, he was a semi god and his story is still very important in Greek Mythology.
There was once a king, his name was Acrisius and he had a beautiful daughter. His
daughter s name was Danae ( Now, Danae s father Acrisius
did not want her to marry or have any children so he locked her in a bronze tower.
The reason being, Apollo, the god of music, told Acrisius that there would come a
day when Danae s son would kill him. The tower had no doors, just a very small
window ... Show more content on ...
The Graeae were three women who shared a single eye among all of them. When it
was time to change the eyes for the Graeae Perseus grabbed it out their hands and
blackmailed them to give directions to where Medusa s lair was and also informed
him of where to get the Cap of Darkness which would make him invisible, as well as
a magic bag that he could put Medusa s head into.
After getting the two items from the Nymphs of the North, he found Medusa s lair.
When Perseus finally entered Medusa s lair he found Medusa and her sisters who
were sleeping. Perseus, using the Cap of Darkness, unseenly managed to kill
Medusa, while she was sleeping, using the sickle that Athena had given him; he
then used the bag that he had also retrieved from Athena and put her head into it.
Even though Medusa was dead, her head was not. Her head indeed, was very alive.
Medusa s sisters had woken up and attacked Perseus, but he managed to fly away
using the winged sandals that Hermes had given him. That s where Perseus gets his
symbol, Medusa s
Essay on HRM 587 Final Exam
HRM 587 Final Exam
1. (TCO All) For the next set of questions, you will first select ONE of the TCOs of
the course. Then, you will be asked to write an essay about the project you worked
on this term over your two companies change program based on the TCO you
selected above. Select the TCO your essay question will cover:
TCO A Given that progressive and successful companies require their employees to
embrace change, examine how changing work conditions impact the employees.
TCO B Given the inherent reality that all organizations must experience change in
order to improve, demonstrate how models are used in Change Management, for
diagnosing an organization s need for change.
TCO C Given external, ... Show more content on ...
For your answer, be sure to reference the names of the companies you studied in your
project this term to help your instructor determine the score of your response. You
will assess the sustainability of the changes which occurred in the companies you
studied. Select ONE of the company change programs for your answer to this
question and state it here. Assess the change project. Was it successful or
unsuccessful in your opinion? What will it take (what are some steps the company
can, should, or DID take) to make it SUSTAINABLE? What theories did you
consider in coming to this conclusion? Do you think this change will still be in place
in one, five, or ten years? Why or why not?(Points : 35)
As for the People, it should be determined whether the organization has the right
skills and talents for the change to be supported and for the organization to achieve
its strategic goal. For example, if the strategic goal is to increase revenue through
increased sales then the company sales people should be given sufficient training
about the company s own and acquired products as this will enable the sales staff to
more easily sell the company s products.
I feel that the changes made in SAP will stay in place for years to come. Now that
steps have been gathered to analyze large amounts of employees, customers, and
sales data being generated by companies it will enable SAP to create new processes
and applications that will strength
The Factors That Contribute to the Restriction in Freedom...
1.1 Introduction
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes
freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. (The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19, 1948).
Freedom of speech and information is the one of the rights to every people in the
civilized nation. Freedom of speech and information can be describe as the freedom
of each of the citizen to voice out their opinion in the appropriate way and gain the
access to the useful information without any ... Show more content on
The un expose to the information and knowledge has made the students unaware
about the importance of the freedom of speech. Thus influence the interaction among
them in their daily life.
Dutton s 2004 say: This publication argues for a fresh approach that moves beyond
the limitations of the information society concept that has been the most common
way of signifying the broad, interconnected range of social and economic changes
tied to ICTs.
Rethinking access in the way proposed here opens a broader understanding of the
term access in relation to ICTs than the traditional definition that referred primarily to
physical access to ICT infrastructures, systems, and devices. It also widens the object
of that access from information, as implied by the term information society , to
include people, services, and technologies. (p. 22)
The restriction to the access of information has made the student unaware about the
right to the freedom of speech and information. Thus, they will not make this as one
of the topics of conversation in their daily life interactions.
The restriction in term of laws and legislation for the freedom of speech and
information among the students.
All the treaties about human rights allow limitations on freedom of expression when
national security is discussed. Again in almost all states where freedom of
information is being
Tribal Gambling Research Paper
Tribal Involvement in Organized Gambling The development of tribal casinos or
what is commonly referred to as organized gambling can be credited to Native
American reservations. Gaming operations have brought phenomenal success to
many native tribes in America, and there has been a new dimension to the existing
debate regarding Native American sovereignty in organized gambling. There are over
310 casinos ran by about one third the nations federally recognized tribes, and
generate around $10 billion in revenue which is one sixth of all revenue generated
through legal gaming in the country (Evans, Topoleski, 2002). Many of the tribes are
now able to provide for themselves essential services rather than wait for the
government. However, most... Show more content on ...
This is important because the Native American nation s self governance remains
deeply ingrained in America s jurisprudence. In turn, this provides a crucial backdrop
against which analysis of any state law can be contrasted. A wide difference of
opinion exists about the costs and benefits among both Indians and non Indians.
However, gaming on reservations has grown rapidly since 1988 with experts stating
that the trend will continue the same way for some time. This means that the
sovereignty issue remains the greatest significance for Native American tribes and
state governments. State governments will be affected due to the newly empowered
assertions of Native American sovereignty. A good example is the recent ratification
by California Senate and Assembly of the new tribal gaming compact. This case that
was between the state and the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians was a great
revelation on how good work can be accomplished through government to government
negotiations (Evans, Topoleski,
Lizabeth Marigold Summary
In the Story Marigolds Lizabeth starts off as a child and ends up close to being an
adult. Lizabeth figures out that there is more to life than yourself and you should
be aware of it. Lizabeth learns from her mistakes in this story from her childhood,
which will make her a better person in adultery. When Lizabeth was younger, she
only thought of herself and her friends and not others. On page 219 it said, zing an
expertly thrown aimed stone cut the head off one of the blossoms. Then later in
the story on page 223 it said, Whatever was of love and beauty and joy that had not
been squeezed out of life, had been there in the marigolds she had so tenderly cared
for. This show how when she was more of a child, she would only think about
herself and not others, or what she is doing and how it will affect others. In this
case causing Miss Lottie to lose all of her little joy in life, because lizabeth... Show
more content on ...
Lizabeth at the end of the story is noticing more than just herself. She also notices
that the act of pulling out the marigold was foolish and would be, the last act of
childhood. This last act caused her to become more like an adult because it taught
her to see more than before and to see the truth. On page 223 it said, The witch was
no longer a witch but only a broken old woman. This show she learned because she
can now see that Miss Lottie was just trying to have some happiness in a life of
darkness not a witch that has something too beautiful to be there and must be
removed. Lizabeth learns that in adulthood you have to have compassion and not
innocence. She learns this when she thinks about Miss Lottie as a broken old
woman and felt sorry for what she done. Before on page 220, she would run out of
the bushes and calls Miss Lottie names like Old lady witch and curses at her and felt
okay with herself. Now Lizabeth has learned to be compassionate to others besides
Native Americans And The American Revolution
The American Revolution has had a profound impact on the demographic evolution
of this continent; it might be the single most influential historical event to affect
North America. Perhaps, the group most affected by the American Revolution is
Native Americans. As is too often the case, history was written by the victors and in
the case of Native Americans, whether they fought for the British or the Patriots,
these original inhabitants of our land were most certainly not victorious. Realizing
the impact an independent United Statesof America would have on their own
survival, many Native American tribes chose to ally themselves to the British.
Cherokees, Creeks and Mohawks, among others, foresaw the westward expansion
and population growth that an America, unchecked by British rule, would realize. To
say every Native American tribe played the same role in The Revolution would be
contrary to fact, but without a doubt in the end, whether friend or foe, they all
realized a similar fate.
The interactions between American colonists and Native Americans began well
before the American Revolution was even a whisper on the lips of Patriots. From the
moment Europeans set foot on this continent, they would be interacting with Native
Americans. At times proving disastrous, relations between Native Americans and
Europeans were a constant delicate balance between trade and alliance, betrayal and
massacre, and a clash of two cultures so different it can be challenging to see how
The Headless Horseman
On this humid and dusky night, with the trees whistling in the wind, the village of
Sleepy Hollow stood still. The silence of the town would consistently be interrupted
by the loud echoes of disturbing crows.The stillness invites the evils that lurk at
night. Sitting atop a magnificent and graceful, yet demanding creature, lied a
beautifully built soldier. However, this soldier carried a sinister aura around him
and, with a closer look, it appeared that he carried a strange replacement for his
missing head and that is what he lurked about this town for. Once nightfall hit, the
haunting of The Headless Horseman began. Willing to killanyone in his way, he
stopped at nothing to complete his task. The rise of the sun was his one and only
Artistry In Annie Dillard s The Writing Life
In The Writing Life , by Annie Dillard, the author weaves a magnificent and
compelling picture of the artistry created by the stunt pilot, Dave Rahm. One could
argue that comparing art to flying is most certainly unusual, yet one is equally
obliged to acknowledge that Dillard s imagery has successfully achieved this. Dillard
compares and contrasts the art of Rahm, to the artistry of authors, musicians, and
dancers alike. Dillard probes the motivation of what drives humans to search out and
produce such beautiful achievements and yet, transcends beyond the motivation of
that which compels, to what is even more compelling; the fact that this artistry is
transient making it an object of even greater value. Despite the fact that Rahm
operated in a medium not usually associated with art, Dillard effectively and
regularly compares the movements of Rahm s plane with various types of art. For
instance, she compares his plane to a paintbrush, a dancer, and even to music. Dillard
s comparison effectively paints a picture of mastery in concert with creativity... Show
more content on ...
Nevertheless, this is not a cautionary tale, indeed Dillard points to pushing the
limits of what is possible, that inspiration should seek to do the impossible; to
move back the boundaries of the humanly possible once more (Dillard, 214).
Despite the temporary nature of Rahm s art, the value of his art is only enhanced by
the mere fact that it was so fleeting and transient. Once completed, all trace of his
masterpiece was gone from sight. Nonetheless, as Dillard noted, [a]ny other art may
be permanent, instead Rahm s plane shed a ribbon in space, a ribbon whose end
unraveled in memory while its beginning unfurled as surprise (Dillard, 220). Thus,
despite his art not being physically permanent, the beauty of his artistry remains
forever etched in the mind, and this is what makes Rahm s artistry extremely
Religion And Politics And Religion
Religion and politics are two topics that should never be discussed. The reasoning
behind this statement is because both are very controversial, especially religion. The
term religion in itself does not have a proper definition because it varies based on
what an individuals response the question of: what is religion? Throughout history,
religions and belief systems have been associated with wars, persecution, diasporas,
etc., which ultimately infers that religion is at the core of violence, hatred and
exclusion. A main reason for these emotions of such negatively is due to the
incapability of individuals to be understanding of the beliefs of others, and the
ignorance that surrounds what religions consist of. The essence of religion is
classified as faith, which ultimately leads to ignorance on the behalf of the one with
faith and on society as a whole, due to lack of evidence and a preconceived notion to
whom God truly is.
Understanding religion means understanding the discrepancies within a majority of
sacred scripture. The reason to specifically focus on scripture is due to it being the
core of many religions, especially those that evolved from Abraham. According to
Oxford Dictionaries, the term ignorance refers to: lack of knowledge or information.
Alongside that definition the term faith means: strong belief in God or in the
doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. Every
religion is about a lack of evidence to support certain
Differences Between Minority And Minority Groups
This study explores the relationships between majority and minority groups and their
awareness of blatant and subtle prejudice, by priming either common or dual identity.
It was hypothesized that due to their marginalization, minority groups will be more
aware of both subtle and blatant prejudice and that those primed with dual identity
will show a similar heightened awareness. The results demonstrated that majority
groups were more aware of both types of prejudice, contradicting many previous
results in this area. This study was conducted on an Australian population, making it
unique, and possibly explaining the contrary results. However, it has also been
suggested that the social stigma surrounding racism in our society has increased the
awareness by majority groups, as they strive to be politically correct and avoid
judgment by their peers. Another worthy discussion point is the internalization of
prejudice by minority groups living in a majority dominated society.
How Common and Dual Identity Can Influence Majority and Minority Awareness of
Subtle and Blatant Prejudice
In modern society, prejudiced ideas and values are present amongst majority
dominated societies (Banaji Devos, 2005). Minority groups, and individuals with a
heightened sense of cultural affiliation to their ethnicity, have been shown to be
more aware of subtle prejudice than majority groups (Operario Fiske, 2001). Previous
research in the area of racial prejudice has also
The Encoding of Contextual Fear Conditioning
The formation of new memories requires protein synthesis dependent changes in
synaptic structure and plasticity in the hippocampus. Studies in humans and animals
suggest that these memories are initially stored in hippocampus but later transferred
to cortex for permanent storage. This phenomenon is described as systems
consolidation of memories. While the specific role for new proteinsynthesis in
hippocampus in early encoding of memories is established, whether protein synthesis
in medial prefrontal cortex play a major role in encoding of memories is unclear. To
address this question, we used contextual fear conditioning (CFC) of mouse, a
behavior training that induce long lasting memories. A single training session
produces robust lifelong memory(8) that can be measured using automated procedures
(9). Several studies have used CFC training as a model to study hippocampal cortical
communications and mechanisms underlying systems consolidation of memories.
Contextual fear memories are initially stored in hippocampus and then moved to
medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) for long term storage.
We assume that if encoding of contextual fear memories require protein synthesis at
both hippocampus and PFC, we will be able to identify translationally active mRNAs
in hippocampus and PFC. Because RNAs associated with polyribosomes indicate
translational activation, we first isolated polyribosomes from mPFC and
hippocampus at two time points (one hour and six hours, hereafter T1 and T2
Analizing Gender Roles Essay
Analyzing Gender Roles in Anchorman
Natalia Pimushkina
DeVry University
Analyzing Gender Roles in Anchorman
Gender is society s idea of what it means to be male or female, of the appropriate
roles for each sex to play. Society transforms biological sexuality, when a person is
genetically declared as a male or a female, into beings of human activity. In this
essay, I would like to analyze gender roles using the example of the main characters
from the comedy movie, Anchorman (2004). I would like to look into female and
male characters individually and compare the similarities and contrast the differences
between them. Veronica Coringstone... Show more content on ...
However, Mr. Burgundy still has human feelings. When Veronica fell in a cage
with the bears, Ron, like a hero, comes to help her, risks his own life and saves her.
They feel natural balance: she is weak and he is strong. They ended up being
partners not only at the work, but also even in life. They both are very ambitious,
professional, and have passion for a career, but when it comes to logic, Ron
Burgundy is losing because, he originally has the wrong attitude. This piece of
conversation from the movie helps us to understand their gender equality problem:
Veronica Coringstone: Mr. Burgundy. I am a professional, and I would like to be able
to do my job.
Ron Burgundy: Well, big deal. I act very professional.
Veronica Coringstone: Mr. Burgundy you are acting like a baby.
Ron Burgundy: I m not a baby, I m a man! I am an anchorman!
Veronica Coringstone: You are not a man, you are a big fat joke.
Ron Burgundy: I m a man who discovered the wheel, and built the Eiffel Tower out
of metal and brawn. That s what kind of man I am. You re just a woman with a
small brain. With a brain a 1/3 the size of us...It s science. Ron feels that he proves
his masculinity by using these facts about the Eiffel Tower and the wheel. He is just
shouting, while Veronica is calmly making her argument. Even Veronica did things
to destroy Ron s career, I don t blame her, because she was defending herself. In my
Rightful Ownership Of Ancient Artifacts And Treasures
Currently, there is a global debate about the competing claims to rightful ownership
of many ancient artifacts and treasures. Many times, for a variety of reasons, such
objects are housed in museums in countries other than the country where the treasures
were discovered or made. If the country of origin decides that it wants a museum to
return these treasures, does a museum ever have a right to refuse that request? Some
people feel that refusing such a request is truly cultural theft. Others, however,
arguethat there are cases when the museum, not the nation, has a stronger right to
ownership. Museums should have to give the artifacts back.The magic of museums is
that they transport visitors both back in time and across continents. Museums... Show
more content on ...
This is not to say that the museums intentionally stole these precious artifacts. In
many cases, protecting the artifacts motivated the acquisition. For example, the
stunning marble sculptures that once adorned the Parthenon temple in Greece were
removed in the 1800s and transported to the British Museum to preserve them from
further damage. The Turkish government, which then controlled Greece, gave
permission to take it. However, Greece has long since regained its independence and
now has urgently petitioned the British Museum to return this historic art. Greece is
eager to undertake the preservation of these priceless marbles. In fact a new Greek
museum has a special room designed to house these statues in the hope that the
country s wishes and rights will be honored. Like Greece, Egypt also wants to recover
its historical treasures. The country is negotiating with France, England, Germany,
the United States, and other countries for the return of priceless pieces of its history.
In some cases, the archaeologists who discovered these treasures brought them to the
Advantages And Disadvantages Of DSLR
DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) cameras have redefined motion picture
photography. Today they offer more than what we ever thought off. Technological
revolutions have swept the world like never before and today, a camera stands for
more than just a tool to capture family functions. Who knew that major feature films
and television shows would eventually start shooting with cameras that primarily
marketed for consumers and prosumers?
The movie mode of a DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) camera is a revolutionary
movie making technology as important like the invention of emulsion and colour film
in photography, 16mm and
35mm films for motion picture photography. Nikon D90 is the first DSLR to
introduce video recording facility. ... Show more content on ...
There is nothing like an all purpose lens. Each lens is suitable for a particular purpose.
Each lens has some pro and cons.
Different lenses render how we perceive the subject and setting descriptively,
emotionally and aesthetically. Different lenses give the freedom of choosing the
angle of view according to the subject and are measured by the focal length. Focal
length of a DSLR camera is the distance between the optical centre of a lens to the
imaging sensor when the lens is focused at infinity.
The two main choices of a film maker while choosing lens is either a prime lens
(lens with a fixed focal length) or a zoom lens (lens with a variable focal length).
For narrative film making prime lenses are best. Prime lenses are faster as
compared to zoom lenses. Fast refers to the maximum opening (aperture) of the
lens. Fast lenses (such as f/1.4 or f/1.8) allow shooting in low lighting conditions.
Fast lenses allow capturing footage with a dramatically shallow depth of field. It
gives more visual versatility. Prime lenses have fewer lens elements and give good
sharp images in comparison to zoom lenses. For documentaries zoom lenses are
better for their flexibility in creating
Jerry s Through The Tunnel
Jerry is one of the main characters in the short story, Through the Tunnel. Jerry is an
eleven year old, English boy who is trying to become more independent, but still
wants to please his mother. Throughout the story he struggles through getting through
the tunnel because he looks up to what he considers men passing through the tunnel.
He tries everyday and never gives up. He also is looking for his mothers appreciation
and approval at times. At the end of the story, Jerry feels that he has accomplished
some things such as holding his breath for about three minutes, however he still has
to work on the strength for traveling through the tunnel. Overtime Jerry finally felt
that he had enough courage to jump off the rocks and swim... Show more content on ...
Jerry looks up to them and so he never stops practicing. He wants to show them and
himself that he can accomplish his goal with no fear. Personally, I can relate to
this because many teens and myself want feel accepted by others. Most of all by
their parents and friends. I have struggled to deal with this, but I still think positive
and never give up. One time in my life I wanted to be accepted as a cool person. I
never was accepted but peer pressure made me fall for it. During my sixth grade
year, I was bullied for various things. I always look back to that because it is a
memory I won t ever forget. That s when I knew I wanted to be a coveted as
someone s friend. Today, I want to be accepted by my parents. They have had their
difficulties so I just try to deal with it day by day. Jerry does the same. He wants to
show the local older boys that he can do swim through the tunnel too just like
them. He is wanting attention and approval from them, but most of all he wants to
accomplish his goal. Jewry wants to show himself that he can do anything if he
sets his mind to it. He wants to succeed by swimming through the tunnel. He wants
to face his fears. Jerry may also feel that he has to be stronger and more mature
because he doesn t have a father. He wants to show his mother that he could be the
new man of the house. Jerry may also feel hurt that he has no male figure to look
up. I can also relate to this because sometimes I wish I had a male figure to look up
to, but I don t have one so I can feel how the emotional pain is. It hurts, but it s life.
You have to deal with it. It may hurt at times, but you have to get through all the
pain emotionally. Jerry could have also felt that he had to mature because of the
loss of his father. I sometimes feel this way, however I had to mature at a younger
age due to circumstances. All in all Jerry risked
Persuasive Essay Refugees
This world has its flaws. There are wars, displaced people, poverty, etc. Therefore,
nations are required to help those in need and attempt to find solutions. From what
has been debated around the world, it seems that despite all the risks, prosperous
European and North American countries have a moral responsibility to allow
refugees to seek asylum in their countries. It is the duty of first world countries to
help war torn and disaster struck area victims, as it is a benefit for them in the greater
picture. Denying refugees this privilege causes jihadi terrorist groups to become that
much stronger. Moreover, a country that allows in these refugees can be subject to
further flourishing socially and economically.
Not allowing refugees into ... Show more content on ...
A country that accepts refugees can create good foreign relations and alliances with
nations that could benefit it in the future. If to say the war in these countries were to
end, that country would be indebted to the European or North American nation that
took in their people. In the future, if that prosperous country were to require aid or
wanted to gain more goods, the previous country would help them out of gratitude
and alliances. In addition, refugees can help create cultural diversity in a country and
increase population, which could lead to economic prosperity. For example, as
Madame Louise Arbour argued in the Munk Debate on the global refugee crisis,
Canada prides itself on being a culture mosaic. The Canadian culture is one where
everyone comes from different walks of life but can still unite as one. Also,
Canada has a low population, which it tries to increase with immigration. If
refugees were to come to a country like Canada, they could add to the work force
and help the economy. In the social perspective, country that takes in these refugees
gains a bigger appreciation of other cultures and can get rid of misunderstanding for
cultures that seem foreign. How could one stereotype a certain culture based on what
one heard if one could see for his
The Theme Of Poverty In A Christmas Carol By Charles
Charles Dickens own experiences of growing up in poverty in Victorian Era
London, are likely to have pushed him to pursue the themes in his novel A
Christmas Carol. His father was sent to prison for not paying his debts, which left
Dickens the job of producing the family income at the age of 12, giving him a
firsthand view of poverty and the struggles that come with it. These events seemingly
effected Dickens greatly, and Dickens novels were likely his form of charitable work,
as the messages scribed within, brought to light the vast disparity between the rich
and poor in this era. Dickens shows clearly that there is a definite class distinction
between the poor and the rich through the uses of his characters and their
characteristic throughout... Show more content on ...
This idea is greatly embedded in the Cratchit family, in particular Bob Cratchit. In
the form of the character, Bob Cratchit, Dickens tries to represent that money, class
and rank are unreliable guides to determining a human beings worth and happiness
especially among those who have nothing. Further to this, Dickens explores the
happiness and jovial spirits of the lower classes, represented in the acts of Bob
Cratchit slaving away for a meagre earning to barely be able to feed his family.
However, though despite this there is still shown a table that is full of hope and
love represented fluently throughout the family. Bob Cratchit s priorities are
properly focused on family, love and companionship. A merry Christmas to us all,
my dears. God bless us! By capturing the responses of the Cratchit family Dickens
shows that the poor can be jubilant and jolly even though they are suffering
hardships. Dickens also writes about the Christmas spirit within the Cratchit
family after a while they played at forfeits for it is good to be children at Christmas
which is used to represent, not all in life has monetary value. Tiny Tim, the
Cratchit s crippled and vulnerable, yet equally loved child, Bob held his withered
little hand in his, as if he loved the child and wished to keep him by his side , is
expressed by Dickens as a directive to the
Born Into Brothels
Born Into Brothels Just thinking about being borned into a brothel and spending
rest of our lives there scares me. There are many kids who have grown up in the
brothels and pretty much spent their whole life there and proceeded to the same
line as there family. To show how life is at brothels and what it is like for the kids,
Zana Briski and Ross Kauffman decided to make a short documentary film on kids
who were Born Into the brothels of Calcutta. There are many people who like and
dislike this movie, they all have there own opinions. Living most of my childhood in
India, listening to all the students talk about brothels and prostitutes gave me a
pretty good idea of what a documentary on brothels would be like. I have seen girls
being sold
Analysis of Ford and the World Automobile Industry in 2007
History of Ford and the world Automobile Industry:
1.Sociocultural: A few sociocultural factors have led back the automobile industry.
Ford had suffered 10% fall in unit sales year on year with sharp declines in sales due
to inaffective execution of the companies strartegies. The survival of ford depends
critically on yhe state of the world auto industry.
2. Technological: Earlier horseless carriages were used as a source of conveyance.
With the upgradation of technology the Ford Model T was introduced in the market. It
was the first dominant design in automobiles. With the passage of time more new
designs like VW Beetle with its rear, air cooled engine, the citrogen 2 CV and its
idiosyncratic braking and suspension ... Show more content on ...
Economies fron sharing development costs also encouraged increased collaboration
and joint venture : Renault and Peugeot established joint engine manufacturing, GM
with Suzuki, build cars and share platforms and components. Flexible
manufacturing technology together with modular designs reduced the extent of scale
of economies in assembly since different models could be manufactured within the
same plant. To enter into the automobile industry requires a huge amount of
investment in automobiles, certification to set up plant and marketing.
Rivalry among existing firms: With the convergance of new designs and
technologies, the range of new vehicle types has increased. New vehicles include
passenger vans, SUVs, micro cars, etc. All the emphasis by manufactures was on
global models, national markets were characterized by their differences than by their
similarities. A major problem for the industry was the tendency for the growth of
production capacity to outstrip the growth in the demand for cars. In the market
where the demand was growing faster , growth of production capacity outsripped
growth in demand.
Threats of substitute products/Services: Generally people prefer to travel by their
own convenience that can be car etc. There is little more public transportation also
Hydrogen Fusion Research Paper
Page 335
12. Why do thermonuclear reactions in the Sun take place only in its core?
Thermonuclear reactions take place when the nuclei of atoms are fused together due
to extreme temperatures (G 13). The temperature of the Suns core is 15.5 X 10^6
and at temperatures above 10 X 10^6 hydrogen fuses into the element helium
(hydrogen fusion). Therefore the core is the only place on the Sun where
Thermonuclear reactions are able to take place. Additionally the fusion that occurs in
the Suns core is enough to account for all of the energy that is emitted to the Sun
13. What is hydrogen fusion? This process is sometimes called hydrogen burning .
How is hydrogen burning fundamentally unlike the burning of a log in the fire place?
Hydrogen Fusion is a thermonuclear process which produces the Suns energy. During
the process four hydrogen nuclei release energy when they fuse together in order to
create a single helium nucleus (334). Hydrogen burning is unlike the ... Show more
content on ...
What prevents a neutron star from collapsing? They have no electric charge and
very little mass and for a star to be able to collapse it must have a high mass (414).
Therefore neutron stars cannot collapse.
7. What is a planetary nebula, and how does it form? A planetary nebula is a
luminous shell of gas that comes out of an old star with a low mass (G 9). When
enough of the gas leaves a star for the core to become visible, the expanding dust
and gases form a planetary nebula (408). 12. What is the mass range of neutron
stars? The range of neutron stars is millisecond pulsars. Millisecond pulsars is the
name of companions pulsars which connect the mass of a star but not necessarily a
neutron star. The extra weight after the connection allows the star to gain a faster
speed while falling (434 9th edition).
Page 454
3. Which feature is found with Kerr black holes but not Schwarzschild black holes?
An Ergoregion is found with Kerr black holes but not with Schwarzchild black holes
Music Censorship In Music
Censorship in Music
Music gives an intense type of expression that at its most essential level stimulates
while containing the ability to bring about unrests both social and political. Music s
intrinsic force panics a few individuals who fear the effective potential to shape
demeanors and convictions. The banning of music sets a perilous point of reference
for the control of different types of expression with unsafe results for a free society.
Why is music censored? Variables might incorporate conflicting good values, racial
inspirations, generational worth crevices, and trepidation.
Music has verifiably been, and keeps on being, edited trying to uphold profound
quality. It s not a fortuitous event that music oversight in America started... Show
more content on ...
More seasoned eras utilize their energy to attempt to edit the music of more
youthful eras in light of the fact that the new music doesn t mirror the estimations
of the old. The R B and rock n roll of the 1950s and mid 1960s stood out
extraordinarily from the estimations of the best era, which grew up amid the Great
Depression, battled in World War II, and began the creation that prompted America s
worldwide monetary predominance. Subsequently, dutifulness, regard for power, and
request were vital qualities for this era. Alternately, the music being made amid the
mid 1950s and mid 1960s reflected states of mind wanting singularity, addressing
power, and investigating opportunity, medications, and sex. Truth be told,
commonly the music displayed these things to society s senior citizens. For
example, in 1965, the Rolling Stones and the Who were banned from radio stations
nationwide because of sexual references in their songs (Sparrow).` In 1968, The
Doors song Unknown Soldier was banned from many stations because of its anti war
theme (Sparrow). In 1971, the FCC threatened to take away broadcast licenses from
stations playing songs that glorified drugs. The generational value gap continued in
the 1970s and 1980s, when heavy metal rock and rap music were particular targets of
moral authorities. A Prince album caused controversy at a 1984 PTA meeting in
Cincinnati, Ohio (Sparrow).The incident helped spark the debate for government
censorship of music. The National Coalition on Television, which monitored the level
of violence in music videos, asked for the federal government to regulate rock music
on television (Nuzum). Despite the fact that the solicitation at last wasn t followed up
on, the interest shows the push from a few fragments of the populace, for the most
part preservationist, for elected administrative activity. The following year, the
Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC), pushed the
Global Warming
Global Warming Is It Man Made or Mother Nature or Both?
Global warming is define as the global increase in the average temperature of the
earth, that near the air surface and the oceans which caused by the emission of the
gases. These include carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen that trap the sun s heat in
the earth. It s happened since the mid twentieth century and its projected would be
continuation. Global warming is an extremely severe problem facing the world
today. Its effects and causes have been on the rise and people need to do something
about it before the problem gets any worse.Global warming is an increase in the
earth s temperature, which can be caused by the use of fossil fuels, and industrial or
agricultural processes. ... Show more content on ...
The heat wave caused forest fires and the forest fires are also affecting the atmosphere
due to heat and specially smoke, on the other hand the destruction of forests is
initiating a cycle of heat, which will cause global warming and global warming
will cause forest fire and so on to hold over toxic clouds in the air. Again the non
believers would say this was just a natural occurrence. Believer would say global
warming had a part in the weather patterns which has changed and caused this heat
The massive record breaking snow storms in past five winters had a lot of the east
Europe buried under large amounts of snow. Doubters of global warming just
pointed out what they saw was just plain older Mother Nature doing her thing and the
believers of global warming would say this was caused by man. Usually these unusual
weather happenings tell us there are some climate changes happening already.
For the past several years skeptics and believers alike have debated back and forth
about the causes of global warming. The believers say that if the man made causes
are left untouched and steadily get worse these causes may not be able to be
reversed. A few examples of these are: the rainforest reductions, depletion of the
ozone, and the use of fossil fuels. Doubters claim that the warming of the earth is just
a natural process and that the overall effect man has on nature is vastly overrated. The
Lord Acton s Lack Of Corruption And Absolute Power...
Lord Acton wrote in 1887 that, Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts
absolutely. Studies have shown that, while Lord Acton s statement may not be
entirely true (depending on numerous factors), it is, at the very least true to a degree.
Corruption always involves power that is misused for personal gain. While corruption
is generally associated with politics and political figures, it also occurs in businesses,
particularly within the management with emphasis seen in upper management. The
managers exhibit different types of management styles as well as forms of
corruption. Evidence suggests that as many as half of all upper level managers are
both incompetent and, ultimately, failures. It, therefore, is of utmost importance to
identify both the causes of and cure for (if there be such) corruption within the
ranks. Causes may range from the predisposition for dishonesty of certain people
to Lord Acton s premise of absolute corruption being unavoidable when a person
wields absolute power. There have been no proof positive methods for eradicating
corruption in management, but, perhaps, the best starting point is to have strict
oversight by people who are as morally sound as possible. Sir John Dalberg Acton
wrote in his 1887 letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton, Power tends to corrupt and
absolute power corrupts absolutely (Kaplan, 1992, p. 521). While Lord Acton s
statement is profoundly true in the world of politics, a more interesting analysis
The Role Of Mental Health
Mental health has become a pervasive topic in society. According to Mary Jo
Thomas, mental health is defined as a state of successful performance of mental
function, resulting in productive activities, fulfilling relationships with other people,
and the ability to adapt to change and cope with adversity (Thomas). In essence,
Thomas describes how the role of mental health and stability supports daily life. One
in five adults have a mental health condition, which equates to forty million
Americans affected by disorders, ranging from mild to severe (State of Mental).
Currently, there is no one cure for treating mental illness; however, there are many
different forms of treatment available (PsychiatryAdmits It). Over 64.8% of mental
health patients receive treatment treatment over time, but the treatment remains
delayed and inadequate (Mental... Show more content on ...
At the time, Lobotomies were known as popular cure for mental illness. Doctor
Lerner, a medical historian and professor at NYU Langone Medical Center said, The
behaviors [doctors] were trying to fix, they thought, were set down in neurological
connections. The idea was, if you could damage those connections, you could stop the
bad behaviors (Lewis). Although some people believed Doctors Freeman and Moniz,
front runners in the lobotomy procedure, methods were barbaric, others were
intrigued by the idea that the frontal lobe and the rest of the brain could be separated,
resulting in schizophrenic people, relieved of their emotional distress (Newt).
Lobotomies were thought to treat the conditions of: mood disorders, schizophrenia,
depression, mood fluctuations, violence to self or others, hallucinations, importunate
actions, and self mutilation (Г–gren). Looked at as a cure all for severe cognitive
disorders, lobotomies represented an unverified procedure for patients; only after a
lobotomy did the doctors know the success
The Body Language
The term kinesics was coined by anthropologist Ray Birdwhistell in 1952 and refers
to the interpretation of body movements, facial expressions, and gestures.
Understanding the grammar of kinesics can be difficult because it requires careful
longitudinal observations and are situationally dependent. To add to the issues not
everyone has the same body language, however, some nonverbal behaviors are
believed to originate from the limbic brain and are universal.
Much of the interpretation of kinesics seems to be in some cases speculative
offering a range of possibilities and other interpretations are obvious. For example
nail biting is obviously nervous behavior that I think all people recognize. However,
Joe Navarro claims that bouncing ... Show more content on ...
It records memories of behaviors and is responsible for what we call emotions. The
hippocampus, amygdala, and hypothalamus are the main components of the limbic
brain. The limbic brain is where make value judgments that influence on our behavior.
It is thought that this part of the brain reacts reflexively and is difficult to disguise or
The neocortex first appeared in primates and is most developed in humans. These
developed hemispheres are thought to be responsible for the development of
language, abstract thought, and consciousness. The neocortex has almost limitless
learning abilities. However, the reptilian, limbic, and neocortex do not operate
independently. They have many connections with one another.
Terms for these parts of the brain originated in the 1940s, and some neuroscientists
have suggested that the concept should be abandoned. However, while the limbic
system remains the predominate explanation (both in neuroscience and popular
culture) of how the brain makes emotion, it is a flawed and inadequate theory of the
emotional brain (LeDoux 2003). The limbic system theory has trouble explaining
why damage to limbic areas like the hippocampus can result in deficits with cognition
and memory. When the limbic system is activated in a purely cognitive task it is
assumed that there must have been some emotional component to the task. Many
researchers seem to think this explanation is based in tradition rather than facts.
All in the Timing
All In The Timing
The plays of David Ives are certainly clever and comic. There is no doubt that Ives
gives us inventive scenarios that smartly use language and test our knowledge before
we chuckle. But what does it all mean, anyway? What do we gain from the
techniques he uses in the one act plays of All in the Timing? Are they meaningful
works, or simply highfalutin vignettes? To answer these questions, let s consider
three of his plays: Words, Words, Words, Variations on the Death of Trotsky, and The
Philadelphia. By examining these works, it will be clear that the devices Ives uses do
little more than facilitate the telling of humorous sketches, and that they don t
generate any substance or lasting meaning.
Words, Words,... Show more content on ...
Another very clever play, The Philadelphia, attempts to explain the pitfalls and
denials of life as the result of metaphysically falling into another city and another state
of mind. It opens with Al, who is happily in a Los Angeles; and then in comes Mark,
stuck in a state of punishment: a Philadelphia, where no matter what you ask for,
you can t get it (72). This is an intriguing explanation for life s problems, and one
that provides a handful of laughs. It also offers us some interesting thoughts on
language, and how effective it is in the world. For we ve all had days when it
seems the words we utter are powerless. But in the end, the play seems more like a
comedy sketch or skit that fails to give any insight into life other than the chance to
laugh. Not that laughing isn t of value, but it doesn t prove that Ives approach has
brought any great meaning into the play. How many times can this play be watched
or read before its novelty wears off?
In conclusion, it s certain Ives work is intriguing and full of wit. What is in question
is if the techniques he uses achieve a greater, lasting meaning in his plays. What s
clear is that these techniques are inventive and clever, but that they don t generate any
truly meaningful plays that people can return to again and again and get something
more, something new each time. It s interesting that Words, Words, Words parodies
Hamlet, which is a play that is unquestionably meaningful. Hamlet is a play that
Dementia Literature Review
Literature Review: The Effectiveness of the use of Sensory Therapy for Elderly
Adults Diagnosed with Dementia. The purpose of this literature review is to show
the need for more research into the effectiveness of utilizing sensory therapy with
elderly adults living with dementia. There has been a significant amount of research
and studies conducted on other mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety,
however, there is a gap in the research regarding sensory therapyand dementia.
Having this research conducted could possibly help with the symptoms associated
with this debilitating illness. Nearly 135 million people worldwide will be
impacted by dementia by 2050 (Robinson, Tang, Taylor,. 2015). Dementia is not a
disease, it is an overall term that describes a wide range of symptoms associated
with the decline in memory and thinking skills. Dementia is a progressive illness
that results in the loss of one s sense of self (Burns, Byrne, Ballard, Holmes, 2002).
The two most common forms of dementia are Alzheimer s disease and Vascular
dementia. Dementia is progressive and people with dementia experience
complications with short term memory, keeping track of personal items, paying
bills, taking care of themselves and daily tasks (Haigh, Mytton, 2016). Due to the
rising number of individuals developing dementia, it is causing major challenges in
the healthcare systems and society (Angermeter, Luck, Then, Riedel Heller, 2016).
Utilizing psychotropic medications are often ineffective or harmful to the
individual, therefore, many patients decide to utilize sensory therapy as a form of
treatment instead (Livingston, Kelly olmes, et al., 2014). Caregivers of individuals
with dementia can also experience health consequences related to caregiving at the
end of life. Spousal caregivers are 40.5% higher odds of experiencing frailty as a
result of caregiving (Carr, Dassel, 2017). Dementia does not only affect the
individual, it affects those around them, society, and the healthcare system. Sensory
therapy uses everyday objects to arouse one or more of the five senses (hearing,
smell, taste, and touch) in order to evoke positive outcomes of feelings (Gilbert,
2001). The use of sensory stimulation can improve an
European Discrimination In America
American culture can be summed up into one word, discrimination. From the time
Europeans first came to the Americas, prejudice has been a part of the life in the
Americas. In 1492 Columbus landed on an island in the Bahamas, and found it to be
easily conquered and the people taken advantage of. Slavery was a part of colonial
America, written into the Constitution of the United States, remained legal until
1865, and the state of Mississippi did not officially abolish slaveryuntil 2013. Civil
rights have been an ongoing struggle for many groups in America since its inception,
even if you were white and European, it did not automatically ensure you rights in the
United States. The list of groups discriminated on by those living in America... Show
more content on ...
The treatment of the Japanese during WWII is a stain on Americas legacy, one of
many which will never wash away. We were fighting war against Germany because
of the treatment of Jews in Europe, but interred Japanese Americans here that had
done nothing more than live here, some for generations. The America government
stripped them of property and sent them far away to live in camps. The American
government once again, with malice and forethought, discriminated against other
Americans, because of how they looked. The camp conditions were described in the
book Women in America: refocusing the Past, the condition of camp life profoundly
altered family relations and affected women of all ages and backgrounds. Family
unity deteriorated in the crude communal facilities and cramped barracks. Moving
forward in time some American have the same mind set, but have turned it towards
the Muslim community in the United States. Many politicians in the United States
today have made disparaging remarks about Muslims whether they are American
citizens or not. These people are our leaders, and have a duty to lead us in a
direction which is in line with the spirit of freedom which Americans espouse as their
The Theory Of Mind Mechanism ( Tomm )
Though many of us may not realize it, humans have a remarkable set of abilities
that allows us to understand, empathize with, and predict others thoughts and
feelings. In other words, the average person is able to put himself in another s
shoes. In our daily lives we tend to take this skill for granted. It is only when
something goes wrong that we realize how important it actually is. For autistic
individuals, this mindreading deficit is all too real. In fact, an inability to engage in
this type of understanding of other s mental states is often taken as the hallmark sign
of autism. Mindreading is defined as the ability to make sense of other people and to
coordinate our behavior with theirs (Bermudez, 354). Many cognitive scientists
believe the theory of mindmechanism (TOMM) is important to mindreading. These
scientists contend that autistic individuals suffer from an impairment to this theory
of mind module. However, others have argued that theory of mind, which is the
ability to form beliefs about the mental states of others , is not a modular ability, but
instead the result of the interaction of many different cognitive skills. In their paper
Generous or Parsimonious Cognitive Architecture? Cognitive Neuroscience and
Theory of Mind, Philip Gerrans and Valerie E. Stone take this view of theory of
mind. I will review this paper and its arguments, then address the response to Gerrans
and Stone made by Carl Hildebrand. Gerrans s and Stone s argument consists of
Nonverbal Communication In Rush Hour
The link above will direct you to the scene in the movie Rush Hour. This scene is
titled, Do You Understand the Words That Are Coming Out of My Mouth? Spoiler
alert, this movie is all about two inspectors that have been partnered up together to
save the Chinese councilman s daughter. The scene is shown by demonstrating
Inspector Lee coming off the airplane from China to assist Agent Carter in the
investigation. In addition, Inspector Lee is a great friend and agent that has been
with the Chinese councilman for a very long time. The councilman suggests to the
FBI that he wants one of his own to work on the investigation because of the trust
and connection he has with him. Anyway, let s get back to the scene in the movie.
Agent Carter tries to talk to Inspector Lee in a way that he can understand, but there is
... Show more content on ...
Nonverbal communication is the process in which facial expressions, eyes,
touching, tone of voice, and posture is shown among two or more people
(Mandelbaum, 2017). Agent Carter seems to be a little hesitant in approaching
Inspector Lee and uses eye contact to gaze over the flight attendant and pilot
maybe to see if they would speak. Nonetheless, Agent Carter continues in his
conversation and it seems that Inspector Lee looks confused and his facial
expression shows us that he is surprised maybe by the way he speaks which is sort
of loud. Remember, Inspector Lee is coming from another country so maybe he is
not accustomed to Agent Carter s voice. It seems to be true that they are agents due
to the way they are dressed and their physic. Later on, Agent Carter starts to use
hand gestures and point towards his mouth, so that Inspector Lee can try to
understand a little better. Agent Carter starts to become angry and it seen by his
facial expression and his hands on his hips as body movements. Inspector Lee can
still be seen staring at him and he continues to devote eye contact all the
Top Glove Company Background
Company Background.
Established in 1991 with only one factory and three production lines, Top Glove has
since grown by leaps and bounds to become the world s largest rubber glove
Top Glove places customer satisfaction at the very heart of its business; hence has put
a great deal of emphasis on research and development to ensure continual
improvement in its product quality and production efficiency.
In order to stay ahead of the curve in product development, it collaborates closely
with government agencies and ministries to keep itself abreast of the latest
development in rubber research technology. It has now earned itself a reputation of
being a one stop glove sourcing center offering an extensive and complete range ...
Show more content on ...
Top Glove will be embarking on a 3 year rapid expansion in production lines by
adding another 55 lines in FY8/05, 66 lines in FY8/06 and 56 lines in FY8/07, in
its Phuket, Hatyai, Shanghai and Klang factories. This would require a capex of
about RM60m and RM66m in FY8/05 and FY/06 respectively.
II. Penetration into new markets. Top Glove targets to have a customer base of 600
by December 2005 from 500 at present by increasing its export destinations to 160
from 145 currently. Countries providing further potential include Russia, Brazil,
Portugal, Middle East and the US.
III. Shifting towards more value added products. In line with the industry s trend
of favouring powder free gloves, Top Glove is increasing its powder free lines
resulting in a product mix of 30% by the year 2006 from the current 17%. Apart
from that, Top Glove will be producing more higher margin products such as nitrile
and surgical gloves when its future capacity is in place.
IV. One Stop Glove Sourcing Centre . Top Glove would still maintain its role as a
One Stop Glove Sourcing Centre which has altogether a mix of 12 product range
although it will be emphasizing on the more value added range. Compared to other
glove manufacturers, Top Glove is the only company in Malaysia that is able to
manufacture all the varieties of gloves for healthcare, dental, food packaging,
household, industrial, cleanroom as well as operation room. The broad choices has
also made it convenient for existing
Wrigley Company Essay
The Wrigley Company is a market listed US company. And it has more than 40
Branch offices or factories all over the world. William Wrigley Jr. established the
company in Chicago in 1891. In the beginning, the company was selling soap and
baking powder. One day, Wrigley decided to change his business to chewing gum.
He introduced the Juicy Fruit and Wrigley s Spearmint in 1893. Use those two
products the company began to profit and became famous. Those two brands are
very success. Wrigley s Spearmint became best selling chewing gum in America in
1910 and Juicy fruit became kids favorite chewing gum. Today, Juicy Fruit and
Wrigley s Spearmint already sold round the world. In 1914, Doublemint is introduced.
The advertising slogan for Doublemint: Double Strength Peppermint Flavor, Double
Wrapped Always Fresh and Clean . In 1939 the company used The Doublemint Twins
to advertise the Doublemint ... Show more content on ...
mortgaged everything he owns for advertising. That strategy made the company
through the financial crisis and has a bright future. In 1910, and the company
began to explore the global market. The first outside factory was in established in
Toronto, Canada. After that it continued expansion outside market. It s expansion
into Australia in 1915, Great Britain 1927 and New Zealand in 1939. When
William Wrigley III became the CEO of Wrigley Company, he s strategic made
Wrigley Company expansion faster. During his tenure, he built production facilities
in 9 different countries and sold to more than 180 countries. In 1989, the first
factory in China was built. Later, with the fall of the Berlin Wall, it sold its product
to Eastern Bloc countries. Today China becomes the second market in the world. In
2008, Mars, Incorporated acquired Wrigley Company. The Martin Radvan became
the CEO of Wrigley Company in 2011. And he lead the company till 2014 then
Thomas Wrigley became the CEO and lead the Wrigley Company till
History Of Seminole County
Seminole County
Seminole county is located in the state of Florida. Seminole county s location
became one of the quickest increasing counties in Florida. The term Seminole is
originated from Cimarron it means wild men in Spanish. The original Seminoles
were Indians who escaped from Britain in slavery. They came to Florida because
Hispanic people who were already there had no intentions to return slaves.
At that time, many of the tribes in Florida were removed by the presence of
Hispanic people. The first usage of the name Seminole was recorded shortly after the
upper creeks from Alabama settled in the Tampa area. Today, the government now
functioning under a county charter initially started in 1989 and altered in November,
1994. The
How Technology Can Be Controlled Vehicles On The Roads
Autonomous technology has been slowly rising up in the market, beginning with
automatic stop brakes to parking assists. The one thing technology researchers are
trying to advance on is full on, automatic driving with no manual backing.
Although this technology is not on the market yet, it will be in the near future.
Google specifically has started their own self driving project six years ago,
introducing their own line of autonomous vehicles they call Google Blobs. The
main reason self driving vehicles are in such a high demand to be made available
for the public is because they are claimed to be a much safer alternative to human
driving. More than thirty thousand people die each year in vehicle accidents and
ninety percent of all car... Show more content on ...
Why do we value human error over machine error? It may be because we are able
to form emotional connections with our drivers; you cannot connect with a
computer the same way you connect with a human. Usually, the passengers of a
car will already know the driver in some form. The only way people can trust self
driving cars is if they learn to do so (consumer reports). Google s self driving
project began six years ago and since then have driven 1.7 million miles with the
self driving vehicles, and will occasionally be driven by their safety drivers. With
over twenty of their vehicles on the road, out of the eleven minor accidents that the
vehicles have been involved in, none were caused by the self driving car. Even
when our software and sensors can detect a sticky situation and take action earlier
and faster than an alert human driver, sometimes we will not be able to overcome
the realities of speed and distance; sometimes we will get hit just waiting for a light
to change. And that is important context for communities with self driving cars on
their streets; although we wish we could avoid all accidents, some will be
unavoidable. Accidents will still occur when autonomous and manual drivers share
the road. It is only a matter of time before autonomous vehicles are the only thing on
the road, and till then will accidents be a rare cause. Since self driving vehicles were
created to exist in
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Liquefied Natural Gas...
Mbali Mokgatla
PCE 311 WAC Assignment
Liquefied Natural Gas Transportation and Its Risks
Mother Nature gave us natural resources to patronize and natural gas is one of them.
Small quantities of ethane, propane, butane and pentane are found in the natural gas
composition but it is mostly made up of methane. The high volume of pipeline gas
makes it difficult for it to be transported in its gaseous form. This is the reason why
the oil industry is dominating because of how easy it can be transported. Pipelines
are suitable for transporting pipeline natural gas but constructing the suitable
infrastructure is very expensive and not technically feasible for global
transportation.1 In addition, for you to be able to make it in the gas industry you
need trading partners to buy your natural gas. Having said that, one can deduce that
the only way to make a ... Show more content on ...
The advantage of LNG is that it can be regasified when it gets to the end user. More
companies are getting into the LNG market as it is more profitable and less
expensive with less hazardous emissions to the atmosphere. Countries that do not
have natural gas import it from other countries as liquefied gas and regasify it.
Importing LNG is advantageous for developing countries as LNG is good for
boosting the economy of a country. It does that by allowing foreign direct
investment where other countries open and run natural gas companies in other
countries. Shell is a foreign company in Nigeria but it boosts the economy of
Nigeria by increasing the gross domestic product and the total income in Nigeria.
The growth of the LNG market creates jobs through construction of natural gas plans
and other facilities that need to be in place for storage and regasification process.2
LNG helps oil companies to increase their revenue by selling the natural gas that
comes with oil other than flaring it to the atmosphere hence decreasing harmful
The Career Fields Of Accounting
Many students eventually come to a point in their collegiate career that they must
decide what path to pursue in their professional careers. For the majority of
accounting students, this could not be more challenging since there are such a large
variety of career paths to choose from. To further complicate this decision making
process, many of the career fields in accounting mandate the individual to obtain
certain field related certifications that are essential to that particular field of study.
Examples of these certifications are as follows: Certified Financial Manager (CFM),
Certificated Public Accountant(CPA), and Certified Management Accountant (CMA).
These accounting certifications can sometime prove to be incredibly difficult to
The majority of the available certifications required exam preparation, fees to be paid,
background checks, character references, and the exam itself. Once an individual
passes the exam and obtains the other required credentials, he or she must be able to
maintain their certification. In most instances accountants usually must seek
continuing professional education (CPE) classes and pay membership dues annually
in order to maintain these certifications. We will examine some of these previously
mentioned certifications and others in the follow text. In addition, we will compare
the similarities and differences of these certifications in order to assist UHD
graduates in this complicated decision.
Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) vs.
Theme Of War In A Separate Peace
The beginning of a friendship is the beginning of keenness, jealousy, and often times
hatred. One may become naive in the course of friendship and never realize by the
end that a friend may become an enemy. In A Separate Peace by John Knowles this is
just the case, a friendship that consists of two complete polar opposites, Gene and
Finny, one athletic the other a brainiac. Gene and Finny go to Devon School and
through thick and thin these two have stuck together, however during the summer
into junior year their relationship hits some turbulence. John Knowlesembodies the
reality of warwithin the relationship of Gene and Finny, as well as, how the fear of
war, surroundings of war, and violence can affect several relationships.
i. Gene s Confession Gene returns to the ... Show more content on ...
Gene states, ...never before experienced a student who combined a calm ignorance
of the rules with a winning urge to be good. (Knowles 1959). Gene talks about
Finny as though he had drawn a blurred line between what was good and what was
meant to be good, but ended with major consequences. Knowles here draws a point
that conflicts in oneself can affect what is occurring externally, because of ignorance
the consequences extended beyond reach.
Furthermore, Gene does not simply see Finny as a friend but a partner in crime.
Finny trapped me again in his strongest trap, that is, I suddenly became his
collaborator ( Knowles 1959). Gene and Finny are allies, it is them against the rest of
the world, Knowles is highlighting the fact that although these two are friends Finny
can manipulate Gene in any which way he chooses making them moreso enemies.
Gene is blinded by Finny s wit and charming manner, but the surroundings in Devon
have an equally heavy effect on their relationship. ii. Devon School is surrounded by
Huntsville Hospital Executive Summary
Huntsville Hospital maintains the purpose of the utilization committee is to strive to
provide efficient and appropriate health care services in the least costly manner.
Collaborating professionals employ recognized standards while maintaining the
quality of healthcare.
Utilization Review (UR) plans, essential for providing an outlet to examine important
utilization concerns, ultimately improve operations and decrease health care costs
(Anonymous 2013). Huntsville Hospital s UR plan consist of determing the efficiency
and appropriateness of treatments, identifying patterns of over and under utilization,
employing improvement plans while educating hospital employees, medical staff,
administration and the governing board of the hospital. ... Show more content on ...
In both plans a physician advisor reviews cases but within HH the case manager
compiles all the clinical data and reviews, seeking the advice of physician advisor if
necessary. Equally, the plans provide for utilization review to be initiated within the
first twenty four hours of the patient s admission, if not prior to admission. In
addition, both plans provide opportunities for the admitting physician to provide
proof or argument for discrepancies in treatments or length of stays. Although the UK
HealthCare UR plan provides a single physician review of inadequate treatment or
length of stay, HH UR plan stipulates a minimum of two physician members review
additional information submitted via the admitting physician. Specifically, in the HH
UR plan exists a component of a continuous medical care evaluation studies to
provide provisions for the Continuous Quality Improvement Committee. In addition,
physicians continually need to be educated on detail specific care in HH, as
physicians occasionally do not want the prescribed orders challenged. Pre printed
patient progress notes with check boxes assist some of HH s physicians in
considering necessary or unnecessary treatments
How Is Sonnet 21 Allegory
The Aspect of Love as Anoesis (pure), and Assertion (certain) and equal acceptance
There is nothing sweeter than a love as pure as gold and a love lovelier than a man
s certainty of emotions towards a woman. Indeed in Elizabeth Browning s Sonnet 21,
it portrays the assurance of an individual s declaration of love. It also gives you an
idea about the purity and loyalty of Robert s and Elizabeth s love for one another
amidst all the obstacles they have faced.
Say over again, and yet once over again,
That thou dost love me. Though the word repeated
Should seem a cuckoo song, as thou dost treat it,
Remember, never to the hill or plain,
Valley and wood, without her cuckoo strain
Comes the fresh Spring in all her green completed.
People ask ... Show more content on ...
An allegory is a symbolism device where the meaning of a greater, often abstract,
concept is conveyed with the aid of a more corporeal object or idea being used as
an example. Usually a rhetoric device, an allegory suggests a meaning via metaphoric
examples (http://literary Elizabeth Browning made
use of an allegory to treat Robert s declaration love a
Furthermore, it turns out that this request became a mantra solely because Robert
treats it like a cuckoo song. In the third line, Elizabeth Most men can t express
themselves through flowery words in contrast with women. It s because men strongly
agrees with the passage, Action speaks louder than words, conversely, women think
otherwise. From time to time, a man should reiterate his declaration of love towards
the woman in order for her to ease her doubts regarding his feelings. A symbol is
literary device that contains several layers of meaning, often concealed at first sight,
and is representative of several other aspects, concepts or traits than those that are
visible in the literal translation alone. Symbol is using an object or action that means
something more than its literal
Essay On The Wizard
The next few days Santa and the elves practiced tightening and relaxing their
muscles time after time until everyone can find that place to relax in their mind.
Starting each session with the breathing and stretching routines everyone is feeling
better about themselves. Moving the objects around the room takes up most of the
next day. Using the old horn hanging on the wall, they worked out a game of
Sunbeam musical chairs. Moving even the heaviest piece of furniture in the room,
Sly s desk is easy for Santa to do. For Orrie and Orville, however, it takes a little more
time before they can move something that heavy. The next big challenge, Sly
explains will be to move someone else from place to place. Santa looks at... Show
more content on ...
This is amazing, Santa said. The elves are so excited they all they could say was,
Wow! Turning to each other they touched knuckles. Look, Isidone said, pointing to
the southeast, I can see my house from here. Ok troops, it is time for us to return to
the lab, Sly said giving the instructions for their return. Think of the inside of this
building, put your right forefinger to your nose, and once again breathe out. Again,
no sound just a few twinkles of light and they are standing inside the building.
After several trips to the top of the building and to the right side and the back of the
building, places where no one would see them when they materialize. Now, Sly
says, everybody, pick up your stool and hold it next to your body. Let s take it with
us and go back to the top of the building, ready, go. Sitting on his stool as the other
appeared, Sly said, Welcome again to the rooftop How did you get here so fast?
Orville asked. Experience, Sly said. Now let s go back. After a few more trips,
Santa walks over putting his right hand on Sly s desk. Taking a deep breath, he
touches his nose with his left forefinger, Santa and the desk disappear. Sly and the
others touched their nose and the next thing they know they are standing next to
Santa and the desk on top of the building, Very good, Sly, said. Now who wants to
move the desk back
Looking At A Few Of Them
Throughout the last twenty five years, the notable director of animated films, Hayao
Miyazaki, has brought not only exhilarating and mysterious stories to life, but also
multiple issues that he tries to convey through each of his films. Looking at a few of
them, Miyazaki expresses issues about feminism, war, environmental issues, and
much more. The question that will try to be answered throughout this essay is, how
does Hayao Miyazaki use the elements and principles of art to express environmental
issues and impacts within his films? Through the use of color, scene composition, and
motion, Hayao Miyazaki is able to portray the earth s natural beauty while also
conveying human waste and destruction of the environment and its ... Show more
content on ...
This is an important and yet, traumatic memory for Miyazaki. He expresses its
significance in his life by incorporating it within the films, My Neighbor Totoro
and also his latest movie, The Wind Rises. The characters with tuberculosis are
both female and struggle with being diagnosed with it. He tries to portray the love,
sadness, and possible hope for a cure for tuberculosis within those films. What
inspired Miyazaki and also directed him towards the path of animation and the
world of manga (Japanese comics) was in 1958 when he watched the colored film
Hakuja Den ( Hayao Miyazaki Biography ). Surprisingly, instead of acquiring a
degree in the arts, he went to Gakushuiin University and graduated with a Political
Science and Economics degree ( Hayao Miyazaki Biography ). Miyazaki chose this
degree because he thought it was practical and he had planned on helping
reestablish Japans economy and recovery from war ( Hayao Miyazaki
Newsmakers). However, during his time in university and his strong passion for
drawing, he joined the children s literature research club ( Hayao Miyazaki
Biography ). This had been the closest thing to comics at the time ( Hayao Miyazaki
Biography ). It exposed him to many fairytales, myths, and mysteries around the
world and is probably the reason why his stories mainly involve children, are mainly
fantasy based, and incorporate old tales. The same year he graduated, he quickly
entered his animation
Life After Death Millicent
Life after Death
The enzymes that once consumed your dinner begin to eat you within three days of
death. (Borreli) I believe death is universal and irreversible; therefore, death is not
transitory, it s evermore; however, death can also give you a new likelihood of life.
All things considered, death is a way of life, and until you accept it you cannot live a
life that is meaningful. I can accept the idea of my own demise, but I am unable to
accept the death of anyone else. (Angelou) Freedom through pain, Written by
Millicent in 2008, is about finding the freedom to live life after death. The author
begins by expressing her greatest fear of losing her mother. Regrettably, Millicent
mother, who was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, ... Show more content on ...
Don t get me wrong, it was the worst pain I have ever felt and I know at that time it
didn t seem like it was going to change how I felt about my own life but it did.
More importantly, I have learned from my father s passing is that you can not let
someone s death determine yours. The journey that I have encountered after my
father s passing has been long and painful and very self satisfying to be able to live
a life that I once thought was destroyed. The death of my father brought a quietus
to the pain that I was living and gave me a new life to begin. Even in death, my
father has taught me about love, life, and freedom that I never knew the true
meaning of. To truly be free after the death of a loved one is knowing and believing
that life is purposeful. For that reason, I found the freedom to exist after death
because of my
Movie Critique Essay

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Movie Critique Essay

  • 1. Movie Critique Essay Crafting a Movie Critique Essay can be a challenging endeavor that requires a delicate balance of subjective interpretation and objective analysis. It goes beyond summarizing the plot or expressing personal opinions; instead, it demands a thoughtful evaluation of various cinematic elements. Firstly, one must watch the movie attentively, noting intricate details in cinematography, sound design, acting, and overall storytelling. This requires multiple viewings to capture nuances that might be missed initially. Analyzing these components demands a keen eye and a deep understanding of film language. The challenge intensifies when translating these observations into a coherent written form. Expressing subjective reactions while maintaining an objective tone is a tightrope walk. Ensuring that personal opinions are supported by concrete examples and critical analysis adds another layer of difficulty. Moreover, crafting a compelling introduction that grabs the reader's attention, a well-structured body that seamlessly integrates analysis, and a conclusion that synthesizes the key points is no small feat. Each paragraph should contribute to the overall argument and flow logically from one to the next. In addition, it's essential to situate the movie within its cultural and historical context. Understanding the director's intentions, the socio-political climate during the production, and the film's impact on the industry all contribute to a comprehensive critique. This research aspect can be time-consuming but is crucial for a well-rounded analysis. Furthermore, maintaining a critical yet respectful tone is imperative. Constructive criticism is the goal, and this requires delicacy in navigating potential areas of improvement without resorting to harsh judgment. In conclusion, writing a Movie Critique Essay demands a multifaceted approach, combining keen observational skills, deep analytical thinking, and effective communication. It is not merely summarizing a film but interpreting its various elements and presenting a well-reasoned evaluation. Success in this task requires dedication, time, and a genuine passion for cinema. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic tasks, various resources are available. Services like offer support in crafting essays and academic papers. Professional writers can provide guidance, ensuring that your essays meet the desired standards and alleviate some of the challenges associated with academic writing. Movie Critique Essay Movie Critique Essay
  • 2. Bronfenbrenner s Ecological Theory of Development Graduate School and the influences that shaped the decision HS5002 Survey of Research in Human Development and Behavior Bronfrenbenner s Ecological Theory Urie Bronfrenbenner (1971 2005) created the ecological theory based on different levels to indicate how a child s environment affects his/her development as well as minor and major life decisions. Bronfenbrenner categorized his theory into four levels: the microsystem, the mesosystem, the exosystem, and the macrosystem. Each level of the theory plays a role in the decision making process and situations throughout a child s development, which ultimately shape that child into a content, happy, bitter or sad adult. The microsystem is the small, immediate environment the child lives ... Show more content on ... I was involved in several physical altercations and numerous minor and major behavioral issues including walking out of class, using profanity towards the teachers, etc. My mother s authoritarian parenting style emphasized obedience, even at the expense of my autonomy. Despite several interferences within my early development, I finally began transitioning into college girl mindset. The decision to apply to undergraduate college commenced from a dream that my twin sister and I came up with. Our preliminary plans were to attend college together, obtain our Bachelor s in Accounting, and open a firm to work with big corporations as top accountants. While the dream to attend college remained stagnant, the degree choice changed after our first semester in school. Right at four years on the head, I graduated with my first Bachelor s of Social Work, and re enrolled in school to pursue Criminal Justice. During my junior and senior year in college, my passion for learning about and working with juvenile offenders intensified, which eventually led to my second Bachelor s in Criminal Justice. After receiving two undergraduate degrees, I was under the impression that furthering my education was a colossal waste of time. I entered the work force with the education I obtained from in classroom learning and my social work field placement. The Exosystem Level The exosystem level includes the other people and places that the child herself may not interact with often
  • 3. Genetic Disease And The Medical World Genetics plays a large role in the medical world, specifically when dealing with disease. Some genetic diseases remain a mystery as to their specific origins, but this only highlights the importance of continued research and an accurate and complete knowledge of one s family medical history. This paper will cover one inherited genetic disease for which there is no cure, Fatal Familial Insomnia( Self management of Fatal Familial Insomnia. Part 1: What is FFI? , 2006, p. 65). This particular disease was chosen due to its severity, swiftness with which it ends life, and its ability to exist undetected without symptoms for decades unless one s family history is known. Fatal Familial Insomnia, (FFI), is a neurodegenerative priondisease classified as a Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy, (TSE), meaning that it is genetically transmitted (Belay, 1999, p. 284). FFI is autosomal dominant (Xie et al., 2013, p81 90), meaning that an individual with A or AA alleles, a component of a gene pair, could carry this gene (Ireland, 2013). The capital, A or AA , denotes a dominant genetic trait (Ireland, 2013). The carrier will usually only present with one mutated gene and one normal gene in these cases which would be symbolized as, Aa , meaning the genotype is heterozygous, one dominant coded allele and one recessive (Ireland, 2013). Due to this 50 50 presentation of the gene itself, the likelihood of passing an autosomal dominant disorder or gene to offspring is also 50 50. The
  • 4. Principles Of A Group Dynamics G.6.a. Approach to principles of a group dynamics, group process, development stage philosophies, group members roles and behaviors, and therapeutic factors of group. Through the use of Textbooks , this CACPRE standard (2009) helped me to comprehend the process of all items that are basic to the unfolding of group from the beginning to end. For example, group norms, generating trust, how conflict emerges in a group, patterns of resistance, and shared goals that characterize a particular social group. Furthermore, I understand that group dynamics can provide an empirical validation for pre screening, the forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning phases (Corey, Corey, and Corey, 2014). In addition, tools for assessing, the use of a Likert, Zung Depression Questionnaire and Suicide Behaviors Questionnaire Revise (SBQR), can help build an organized and well balanced group. G.6.b. Group leadership or facilitation styles and approaches, plus characteristics of various categories of group leaders and leadership styles. The use of Textbooks ASGW code of ethics, in class experience and discussions. I have learned that each leader should talk about their theoretical orientations and how one perceives group work (Thomas, Pender, 2008). In addition, are the leaders experienced in leading a group? In other words, discuss each other s cultural and ethnic backgrounds; be honest about their values are utmost important. Hence, one point that can be overlooked is
  • 5. Edward Teller Essay Home Life: Edward Teller was born to Jewish parents Max and Ilona Teller January 15, 1908 in Budapest, Hungary. The Tellers were an upper middle class family due to Edward s father being a lawyer. The tellers also had a daughter Emmi who was twenty months older than Edward. Until Edward was four he showed few signs of being exceptionally intelligent in fact there was concern that he may lack even normal intelligence. At four however Edward began to speak in full sentences and show great promise. By age six he was laying in bed at night and work multiplication problems. He soon also showed great promise as a pianist, something he would enjoy throughout his lifetime. By seventeen young Edward had found the young woman whom he... Show more content on ... He also had difficulty in math but not due to a lack of ability but boredom. This ws illustrated by Edward suggesting a better solution to a problem that the one provided by the instructor. This lead the instructor Dr. Karl Oberle to state, So, you are a genius Well, I don t like geniuses. Edward began his university education close to home, bowing to his mothers insistence, at the University of Budapest. His father had talked him into studying engineering instead of math as his main subject. After a dissatisfying period at the university in 1926 Edward enrolled at the Institute of Technology in Karlsruhe, Germany. In 1928 Edward again switched schools to the University of Munich, where he would study physics. In 1928 Edward had an accident leaving a moving street car which led to part of his foot being amputated. This delay in his education would also lead to Edward s final switch of schools before receiving his Ph.D. Edward transferred to the University of Leipzig. He received his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics in 1930. Getting started: Teller s first position was an assistantship at the University of Gottingen. Edward would leave Gottingen due to the increasing level of anti Semitism in Germany. Edward joined a growing exodus of jews leaving for safer countries like England and the United States. Teller took an assistantship in physics at the University College in London which fulfilled requirements that allowed him to Win a
  • 6. The Real Heroine in the book, In the Time of Butterflies... The Real Heroine Do you always stand up for what you believe in? Minerva and all of the Mirabal sisters stand up for what they believe in is right, but Minerva stands up for what she believes in throughout all of her life, not just a specific time. Minerva is the biggest heroine out of all of the Mirabal sisters. Minerva wants to go to law school, therefore she asks Trujillo for his permission to go to law school. Minerva starts liking a young man, mostly because he stands up for what he believes in. Minerva also ends up marrying the love of her life and they end up starting a revolution over what they believe is right. Why do you think Minerva does not follow Trujillo s ideas? Trujillo states, I am speaking of the national ... Show more content on ... Minerva and Lio go out secretly, until he has to flee from his town for the government is searching for him. Lio meets Dede and tells her I came to give this to Minerva (82) In the letter Lio wrote for Minerva, he asks her to run away with him, to flee the country and leave everything else behind. Dede read the note then turned it to ashes. It was the only way to protect Minerva. Dede just knew Minerva would leave with Lio and she just wanted her sister to be safe. Minerva starts to believe she will never find another man like Lio. She worries she will never find a sneaky complicated love, ever again. But, Minerva is wrong. Minerva falls in love and starts a revolution with the love of her life. Minerva told her little sister she had met someone at the capital, before she had told anyone else. Then of course Mate told everyone, She met someone very special in Jarabacoa (123) Minerva and her special someone, Monolo, don t waste much time at all, they got married very soon after they met. It was truly love at first sight. As their wedding day approaches, Mate states Today is the big day! (133) Minerva is finally getting married to the love of her life. Mate and Minerva grow very close of the months. Mate stays with Minerva, Monolo, and their children often. Mate noticed something strange was
  • 7. First Time Homebuyer Guide For Buying A Home First Time Homebuyer Guide Buying a home is arguably one of the most important decisions any adult will make. Not only do you want to find a home you love and that meets your needs, but you also need to find a home that works for your financial situation. Although this process may be stressful and intimidating, it is absolutely possible to get through it successfully. The purpose of this guide is to help you through the steps to purchase your home, from finding a realtor all the way to closing. 1.Finding a Realtor and Laying the Groundwork Choosing a Realtor Choosing a capable, trustworthy realtor can make the home buying process so much easier. Start by searching online for real estate agencies in the area or asking friends, family, and colleagues for recommendations. Look for an agent that is experienced, knowledgeable, and has a personality that meshes comfortably with yours. You will be working extensively with this person so having a good rapport is just as important as their professional credentials. When you meet with an agent, there are some important questions you need to ask. Ask the agent to explain the entire buying process and ask questions about what services the agent will provide at each step. Don t forget to ask the agent about their fee structure. Additionally, inquire about how long the agent has been working in the field. A less experienced agent may not necessarily be incapable but do make sure that they are knowledgeable and savvy. Reputable agents
  • 8. Essay on Animal Rights Animal Rights The 20th century has had more medical breakthroughs than any other hundred years in history. But there is a price. No significant discovery in this time has occurred without the use of animals in biological research experiments. Heart surgery, polio, osteoporosis, diabetes, AIDS, and cancer have all had significant breakthroughs thanks to these experiments(McCarty 15). The use of animals in today s world is highly controversial. Our society eats animals and their products, wears them, uses them for entertainment, and kills some species, such as rats and mice for being a nuisance. In a society which uses animals in all these different ways, it is ethical to use animals in medical research. Many medical advances rely ... Show more content on ... Even though the direct cost of the animals is small, around 20% of all projects will involve an element of animal studies in amongst the other research techniques. When animals are used in research there are strict regulations to ensure a minimum of pain and suffering for the subjects(UNMC). Ultimately our overall understanding of diseases rests heavily upon studies of living systems, including animals. In the fight to save human lives, animals are vital. The Hot Zone reveals that animal research inadvertently led to an outbreak of Ebola near Washington DC. But this is a unique case where research has harmed humankind. The U.S. has recognized the importance of animal research and were it not for the Animals (Scientific) Research Act of 1986 most scientists would have been charged with cruelty to animals by now. Because of these laws new drugs are tested on approximately 1,000 animals before they can be released on the market(McCarty 81). This law would not exist if government officials thought these experiments would harm their citizens. In fact due to animal research the human life span has been increased by an average of 28 years(McCarty 15). Though animal research has benefited millions of people world wide it has its detractors. Hollywood celebrities are using their free time to pose naked for billboards. To protest the use of animals in their make up and garment s
  • 9. Butler s Life Cycle Model Essay Knowing Macau with Butler s Life Cycle Model The following literature is suggesting that how a tourist destination can be analyzed with the help of Butler s Tourism Life Cycle Model. Butler (1980) introduced the concept of the model which clarifies and extends earlier work by, for example, Cristaller (1963), Noronha (1976) and Stansfield (1978). In doing so, Butler clearly links the development cycle of tourism destinations to that of products in the product life cycle model. This is one the best used management framework to know the evolution in a tourism destination as described by Baum (1998), the original Butler s model included: В• Recognition of dynamism within the tourism environment В— at the time of its inception, constant ... Show more content on ... This re assessment is to imperative for destinations in the UK and the USA (Cooper, 1992), now tourists are looking for new destinations and do suffering from boredom by knowing and visiting those destinations which are standing from decades. Macau, it is a new name in world s recognized tourist destinations. As many tourists does not have any idea about this place ( and but rest knows this place as an Asia s Las Vegas. Macao is a tiny special administrative region (SAR), a former Portuguese colony, not far ago returned to China (in 1999) under one country two systems model. In fact this tiny piece of land under Chinese rule has become more prosperous and capitalist than during the time when it formally was part of the West . In the years to come Macao may attract even more foreign capitals and people, and may even outshine Las Vegas as world prime place for gambling. Despite what is developing as competition in other Asian countries, as far as Macao remains the only place in China where gambling is allowed, this tiny region can look to the future with optimism. ( Previously, the Macau had just a handful of casinos all owned by the same man. But now, many are under construction and with names that will be very familiar to everyone in Las Vegas. The Chinese economy and gambling restrictions are few of responsible attributes to develop this place as an emerging and a major gambling playground for adults. Minimum bets in
  • 10. Facing The Face Of Perseus Research Paper Facing the Face of Death: Perseus Well over a thousand years ago, people in Greece believed in Polytheism. That is the belief in many gods. This is a paper to tell you about the story of one of the many gods, Perseus. Although Perseus wasn t a full god, he was a semi god and his story is still very important in Greek Mythology. There was once a king, his name was Acrisius and he had a beautiful daughter. His daughter s name was Danae ( Now, Danae s father Acrisius did not want her to marry or have any children so he locked her in a bronze tower. The reason being, Apollo, the god of music, told Acrisius that there would come a day when Danae s son would kill him. The tower had no doors, just a very small window ... Show more content on ... The Graeae were three women who shared a single eye among all of them. When it was time to change the eyes for the Graeae Perseus grabbed it out their hands and blackmailed them to give directions to where Medusa s lair was and also informed him of where to get the Cap of Darkness which would make him invisible, as well as a magic bag that he could put Medusa s head into. After getting the two items from the Nymphs of the North, he found Medusa s lair. When Perseus finally entered Medusa s lair he found Medusa and her sisters who were sleeping. Perseus, using the Cap of Darkness, unseenly managed to kill Medusa, while she was sleeping, using the sickle that Athena had given him; he then used the bag that he had also retrieved from Athena and put her head into it. Even though Medusa was dead, her head was not. Her head indeed, was very alive. Medusa s sisters had woken up and attacked Perseus, but he managed to fly away using the winged sandals that Hermes had given him. That s where Perseus gets his symbol, Medusa s
  • 11. Essay on HRM 587 Final Exam DOWNLOAD HERE HRM 587 Final Exam 1. (TCO All) For the next set of questions, you will first select ONE of the TCOs of the course. Then, you will be asked to write an essay about the project you worked on this term over your two companies change program based on the TCO you selected above. Select the TCO your essay question will cover: TCO A Given that progressive and successful companies require their employees to embrace change, examine how changing work conditions impact the employees. TCO B Given the inherent reality that all organizations must experience change in order to improve, demonstrate how models are used in Change Management, for diagnosing an organization s need for change. TCO C Given external, ... Show more content on ... For your answer, be sure to reference the names of the companies you studied in your project this term to help your instructor determine the score of your response. You will assess the sustainability of the changes which occurred in the companies you studied. Select ONE of the company change programs for your answer to this question and state it here. Assess the change project. Was it successful or unsuccessful in your opinion? What will it take (what are some steps the company can, should, or DID take) to make it SUSTAINABLE? What theories did you consider in coming to this conclusion? Do you think this change will still be in place in one, five, or ten years? Why or why not?(Points : 35) As for the People, it should be determined whether the organization has the right skills and talents for the change to be supported and for the organization to achieve its strategic goal. For example, if the strategic goal is to increase revenue through increased sales then the company sales people should be given sufficient training about the company s own and acquired products as this will enable the sales staff to more easily sell the company s products. I feel that the changes made in SAP will stay in place for years to come. Now that steps have been gathered to analyze large amounts of employees, customers, and sales data being generated by companies it will enable SAP to create new processes and applications that will strength
  • 12. The Factors That Contribute to the Restriction in Freedom... CHAPTER 1 THE FACTORS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO THE RESTRICTION IN FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND INFORMATION IN MALAYSIA TOWARDS IUKL S LOCAL STUDENTS 1.1 Introduction Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. (The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19, 1948). Freedom of speech and information is the one of the rights to every people in the civilized nation. Freedom of speech and information can be describe as the freedom of each of the citizen to voice out their opinion in the appropriate way and gain the access to the useful information without any ... Show more content on ... Sociological: The un expose to the information and knowledge has made the students unaware about the importance of the freedom of speech. Thus influence the interaction among them in their daily life. Dutton s 2004 say: This publication argues for a fresh approach that moves beyond the limitations of the information society concept that has been the most common way of signifying the broad, interconnected range of social and economic changes tied to ICTs. Rethinking access in the way proposed here opens a broader understanding of the term access in relation to ICTs than the traditional definition that referred primarily to physical access to ICT infrastructures, systems, and devices. It also widens the object of that access from information, as implied by the term information society , to include people, services, and technologies. (p. 22) The restriction to the access of information has made the student unaware about the right to the freedom of speech and information. Thus, they will not make this as one of the topics of conversation in their daily life interactions. Legal: The restriction in term of laws and legislation for the freedom of speech and information among the students.
  • 13. All the treaties about human rights allow limitations on freedom of expression when national security is discussed. Again in almost all states where freedom of information is being
  • 14. Tribal Gambling Research Paper Tribal Involvement in Organized Gambling The development of tribal casinos or what is commonly referred to as organized gambling can be credited to Native American reservations. Gaming operations have brought phenomenal success to many native tribes in America, and there has been a new dimension to the existing debate regarding Native American sovereignty in organized gambling. There are over 310 casinos ran by about one third the nations federally recognized tribes, and generate around $10 billion in revenue which is one sixth of all revenue generated through legal gaming in the country (Evans, Topoleski, 2002). Many of the tribes are now able to provide for themselves essential services rather than wait for the government. However, most... Show more content on ... This is important because the Native American nation s self governance remains deeply ingrained in America s jurisprudence. In turn, this provides a crucial backdrop against which analysis of any state law can be contrasted. A wide difference of opinion exists about the costs and benefits among both Indians and non Indians. However, gaming on reservations has grown rapidly since 1988 with experts stating that the trend will continue the same way for some time. This means that the sovereignty issue remains the greatest significance for Native American tribes and state governments. State governments will be affected due to the newly empowered assertions of Native American sovereignty. A good example is the recent ratification by California Senate and Assembly of the new tribal gaming compact. This case that was between the state and the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians was a great revelation on how good work can be accomplished through government to government negotiations (Evans, Topoleski,
  • 15. Lizabeth Marigold Summary In the Story Marigolds Lizabeth starts off as a child and ends up close to being an adult. Lizabeth figures out that there is more to life than yourself and you should be aware of it. Lizabeth learns from her mistakes in this story from her childhood, which will make her a better person in adultery. When Lizabeth was younger, she only thought of herself and her friends and not others. On page 219 it said, zing an expertly thrown aimed stone cut the head off one of the blossoms. Then later in the story on page 223 it said, Whatever was of love and beauty and joy that had not been squeezed out of life, had been there in the marigolds she had so tenderly cared for. This show how when she was more of a child, she would only think about herself and not others, or what she is doing and how it will affect others. In this case causing Miss Lottie to lose all of her little joy in life, because lizabeth... Show more content on ... Lizabeth at the end of the story is noticing more than just herself. She also notices that the act of pulling out the marigold was foolish and would be, the last act of childhood. This last act caused her to become more like an adult because it taught her to see more than before and to see the truth. On page 223 it said, The witch was no longer a witch but only a broken old woman. This show she learned because she can now see that Miss Lottie was just trying to have some happiness in a life of darkness not a witch that has something too beautiful to be there and must be removed. Lizabeth learns that in adulthood you have to have compassion and not innocence. She learns this when she thinks about Miss Lottie as a broken old woman and felt sorry for what she done. Before on page 220, she would run out of the bushes and calls Miss Lottie names like Old lady witch and curses at her and felt okay with herself. Now Lizabeth has learned to be compassionate to others besides
  • 16. Native Americans And The American Revolution The American Revolution has had a profound impact on the demographic evolution of this continent; it might be the single most influential historical event to affect North America. Perhaps, the group most affected by the American Revolution is Native Americans. As is too often the case, history was written by the victors and in the case of Native Americans, whether they fought for the British or the Patriots, these original inhabitants of our land were most certainly not victorious. Realizing the impact an independent United Statesof America would have on their own survival, many Native American tribes chose to ally themselves to the British. Cherokees, Creeks and Mohawks, among others, foresaw the westward expansion and population growth that an America, unchecked by British rule, would realize. To say every Native American tribe played the same role in The Revolution would be contrary to fact, but without a doubt in the end, whether friend or foe, they all realized a similar fate. The interactions between American colonists and Native Americans began well before the American Revolution was even a whisper on the lips of Patriots. From the moment Europeans set foot on this continent, they would be interacting with Native Americans. At times proving disastrous, relations between Native Americans and Europeans were a constant delicate balance between trade and alliance, betrayal and massacre, and a clash of two cultures so different it can be challenging to see how outright
  • 17. The Headless Horseman On this humid and dusky night, with the trees whistling in the wind, the village of Sleepy Hollow stood still. The silence of the town would consistently be interrupted by the loud echoes of disturbing crows.The stillness invites the evils that lurk at night. Sitting atop a magnificent and graceful, yet demanding creature, lied a beautifully built soldier. However, this soldier carried a sinister aura around him and, with a closer look, it appeared that he carried a strange replacement for his missing head and that is what he lurked about this town for. Once nightfall hit, the haunting of The Headless Horseman began. Willing to killanyone in his way, he stopped at nothing to complete his task. The rise of the sun was his one and only opponent.
  • 18. Artistry In Annie Dillard s The Writing Life In The Writing Life , by Annie Dillard, the author weaves a magnificent and compelling picture of the artistry created by the stunt pilot, Dave Rahm. One could argue that comparing art to flying is most certainly unusual, yet one is equally obliged to acknowledge that Dillard s imagery has successfully achieved this. Dillard compares and contrasts the art of Rahm, to the artistry of authors, musicians, and dancers alike. Dillard probes the motivation of what drives humans to search out and produce such beautiful achievements and yet, transcends beyond the motivation of that which compels, to what is even more compelling; the fact that this artistry is transient making it an object of even greater value. Despite the fact that Rahm operated in a medium not usually associated with art, Dillard effectively and regularly compares the movements of Rahm s plane with various types of art. For instance, she compares his plane to a paintbrush, a dancer, and even to music. Dillard s comparison effectively paints a picture of mastery in concert with creativity... Show more content on ... Nevertheless, this is not a cautionary tale, indeed Dillard points to pushing the limits of what is possible, that inspiration should seek to do the impossible; to move back the boundaries of the humanly possible once more (Dillard, 214). Despite the temporary nature of Rahm s art, the value of his art is only enhanced by the mere fact that it was so fleeting and transient. Once completed, all trace of his masterpiece was gone from sight. Nonetheless, as Dillard noted, [a]ny other art may be permanent, instead Rahm s plane shed a ribbon in space, a ribbon whose end unraveled in memory while its beginning unfurled as surprise (Dillard, 220). Thus, despite his art not being physically permanent, the beauty of his artistry remains forever etched in the mind, and this is what makes Rahm s artistry extremely
  • 19. Religion And Politics And Religion Religion and politics are two topics that should never be discussed. The reasoning behind this statement is because both are very controversial, especially religion. The term religion in itself does not have a proper definition because it varies based on what an individuals response the question of: what is religion? Throughout history, religions and belief systems have been associated with wars, persecution, diasporas, etc., which ultimately infers that religion is at the core of violence, hatred and exclusion. A main reason for these emotions of such negatively is due to the incapability of individuals to be understanding of the beliefs of others, and the ignorance that surrounds what religions consist of. The essence of religion is classified as faith, which ultimately leads to ignorance on the behalf of the one with faith and on society as a whole, due to lack of evidence and a preconceived notion to whom God truly is. Understanding religion means understanding the discrepancies within a majority of sacred scripture. The reason to specifically focus on scripture is due to it being the core of many religions, especially those that evolved from Abraham. According to Oxford Dictionaries, the term ignorance refers to: lack of knowledge or information. Alongside that definition the term faith means: strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. Every religion is about a lack of evidence to support certain
  • 20. Differences Between Minority And Minority Groups Abstract This study explores the relationships between majority and minority groups and their awareness of blatant and subtle prejudice, by priming either common or dual identity. It was hypothesized that due to their marginalization, minority groups will be more aware of both subtle and blatant prejudice and that those primed with dual identity will show a similar heightened awareness. The results demonstrated that majority groups were more aware of both types of prejudice, contradicting many previous results in this area. This study was conducted on an Australian population, making it unique, and possibly explaining the contrary results. However, it has also been suggested that the social stigma surrounding racism in our society has increased the awareness by majority groups, as they strive to be politically correct and avoid judgment by their peers. Another worthy discussion point is the internalization of prejudice by minority groups living in a majority dominated society. How Common and Dual Identity Can Influence Majority and Minority Awareness of Subtle and Blatant Prejudice In modern society, prejudiced ideas and values are present amongst majority dominated societies (Banaji Devos, 2005). Minority groups, and individuals with a heightened sense of cultural affiliation to their ethnicity, have been shown to be more aware of subtle prejudice than majority groups (Operario Fiske, 2001). Previous research in the area of racial prejudice has also
  • 21. The Encoding of Contextual Fear Conditioning The formation of new memories requires protein synthesis dependent changes in synaptic structure and plasticity in the hippocampus. Studies in humans and animals suggest that these memories are initially stored in hippocampus but later transferred to cortex for permanent storage. This phenomenon is described as systems consolidation of memories. While the specific role for new proteinsynthesis in hippocampus in early encoding of memories is established, whether protein synthesis in medial prefrontal cortex play a major role in encoding of memories is unclear. To address this question, we used contextual fear conditioning (CFC) of mouse, a behavior training that induce long lasting memories. A single training session produces robust lifelong memory(8) that can be measured using automated procedures (9). Several studies have used CFC training as a model to study hippocampal cortical communications and mechanisms underlying systems consolidation of memories. Contextual fear memories are initially stored in hippocampus and then moved to medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) for long term storage. We assume that if encoding of contextual fear memories require protein synthesis at both hippocampus and PFC, we will be able to identify translationally active mRNAs in hippocampus and PFC. Because RNAs associated with polyribosomes indicate translational activation, we first isolated polyribosomes from mPFC and hippocampus at two time points (one hour and six hours, hereafter T1 and T2
  • 22. Analizing Gender Roles Essay Analyzing Gender Roles in Anchorman Natalia Pimushkina DeVry University Analyzing Gender Roles in Anchorman Gender is society s idea of what it means to be male or female, of the appropriate roles for each sex to play. Society transforms biological sexuality, when a person is genetically declared as a male or a female, into beings of human activity. In this essay, I would like to analyze gender roles using the example of the main characters from the comedy movie, Anchorman (2004). I would like to look into female and male characters individually and compare the similarities and contrast the differences between them. Veronica Coringstone... Show more content on ... However, Mr. Burgundy still has human feelings. When Veronica fell in a cage with the bears, Ron, like a hero, comes to help her, risks his own life and saves her. They feel natural balance: she is weak and he is strong. They ended up being partners not only at the work, but also even in life. They both are very ambitious, professional, and have passion for a career, but when it comes to logic, Ron Burgundy is losing because, he originally has the wrong attitude. This piece of conversation from the movie helps us to understand their gender equality problem: Veronica Coringstone: Mr. Burgundy. I am a professional, and I would like to be able to do my job. Ron Burgundy: Well, big deal. I act very professional. Veronica Coringstone: Mr. Burgundy you are acting like a baby. Ron Burgundy: I m not a baby, I m a man! I am an anchorman! Veronica Coringstone: You are not a man, you are a big fat joke. Ron Burgundy: I m a man who discovered the wheel, and built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn. That s what kind of man I am. You re just a woman with a small brain. With a brain a 1/3 the size of us...It s science. Ron feels that he proves his masculinity by using these facts about the Eiffel Tower and the wheel. He is just shouting, while Veronica is calmly making her argument. Even Veronica did things to destroy Ron s career, I don t blame her, because she was defending herself. In my point
  • 23. Rightful Ownership Of Ancient Artifacts And Treasures Currently, there is a global debate about the competing claims to rightful ownership of many ancient artifacts and treasures. Many times, for a variety of reasons, such objects are housed in museums in countries other than the country where the treasures were discovered or made. If the country of origin decides that it wants a museum to return these treasures, does a museum ever have a right to refuse that request? Some people feel that refusing such a request is truly cultural theft. Others, however, arguethat there are cases when the museum, not the nation, has a stronger right to ownership. Museums should have to give the artifacts back.The magic of museums is that they transport visitors both back in time and across continents. Museums... Show more content on ... This is not to say that the museums intentionally stole these precious artifacts. In many cases, protecting the artifacts motivated the acquisition. For example, the stunning marble sculptures that once adorned the Parthenon temple in Greece were removed in the 1800s and transported to the British Museum to preserve them from further damage. The Turkish government, which then controlled Greece, gave permission to take it. However, Greece has long since regained its independence and now has urgently petitioned the British Museum to return this historic art. Greece is eager to undertake the preservation of these priceless marbles. In fact a new Greek museum has a special room designed to house these statues in the hope that the country s wishes and rights will be honored. Like Greece, Egypt also wants to recover its historical treasures. The country is negotiating with France, England, Germany, the United States, and other countries for the return of priceless pieces of its history. In some cases, the archaeologists who discovered these treasures brought them to the
  • 24. Advantages And Disadvantages Of DSLR Introduction: DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) cameras have redefined motion picture photography. Today they offer more than what we ever thought off. Technological revolutions have swept the world like never before and today, a camera stands for more than just a tool to capture family functions. Who knew that major feature films and television shows would eventually start shooting with cameras that primarily marketed for consumers and prosumers? The movie mode of a DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) camera is a revolutionary movie making technology as important like the invention of emulsion and colour film in photography, 16mm and 35mm films for motion picture photography. Nikon D90 is the first DSLR to introduce video recording facility. ... Show more content on ... There is nothing like an all purpose lens. Each lens is suitable for a particular purpose. Each lens has some pro and cons. Different lenses render how we perceive the subject and setting descriptively, emotionally and aesthetically. Different lenses give the freedom of choosing the angle of view according to the subject and are measured by the focal length. Focal length of a DSLR camera is the distance between the optical centre of a lens to the imaging sensor when the lens is focused at infinity. The two main choices of a film maker while choosing lens is either a prime lens (lens with a fixed focal length) or a zoom lens (lens with a variable focal length). For narrative film making prime lenses are best. Prime lenses are faster as compared to zoom lenses. Fast refers to the maximum opening (aperture) of the lens. Fast lenses (such as f/1.4 or f/1.8) allow shooting in low lighting conditions. Fast lenses allow capturing footage with a dramatically shallow depth of field. It gives more visual versatility. Prime lenses have fewer lens elements and give good sharp images in comparison to zoom lenses. For documentaries zoom lenses are better for their flexibility in creating
  • 25. Jerry s Through The Tunnel Jerry is one of the main characters in the short story, Through the Tunnel. Jerry is an eleven year old, English boy who is trying to become more independent, but still wants to please his mother. Throughout the story he struggles through getting through the tunnel because he looks up to what he considers men passing through the tunnel. He tries everyday and never gives up. He also is looking for his mothers appreciation and approval at times. At the end of the story, Jerry feels that he has accomplished some things such as holding his breath for about three minutes, however he still has to work on the strength for traveling through the tunnel. Overtime Jerry finally felt that he had enough courage to jump off the rocks and swim... Show more content on ... Jerry looks up to them and so he never stops practicing. He wants to show them and himself that he can accomplish his goal with no fear. Personally, I can relate to this because many teens and myself want feel accepted by others. Most of all by their parents and friends. I have struggled to deal with this, but I still think positive and never give up. One time in my life I wanted to be accepted as a cool person. I never was accepted but peer pressure made me fall for it. During my sixth grade year, I was bullied for various things. I always look back to that because it is a memory I won t ever forget. That s when I knew I wanted to be a coveted as someone s friend. Today, I want to be accepted by my parents. They have had their difficulties so I just try to deal with it day by day. Jerry does the same. He wants to show the local older boys that he can do swim through the tunnel too just like them. He is wanting attention and approval from them, but most of all he wants to accomplish his goal. Jewry wants to show himself that he can do anything if he sets his mind to it. He wants to succeed by swimming through the tunnel. He wants to face his fears. Jerry may also feel that he has to be stronger and more mature because he doesn t have a father. He wants to show his mother that he could be the new man of the house. Jerry may also feel hurt that he has no male figure to look up. I can also relate to this because sometimes I wish I had a male figure to look up to, but I don t have one so I can feel how the emotional pain is. It hurts, but it s life. You have to deal with it. It may hurt at times, but you have to get through all the pain emotionally. Jerry could have also felt that he had to mature because of the loss of his father. I sometimes feel this way, however I had to mature at a younger age due to circumstances. All in all Jerry risked
  • 26. Persuasive Essay Refugees This world has its flaws. There are wars, displaced people, poverty, etc. Therefore, nations are required to help those in need and attempt to find solutions. From what has been debated around the world, it seems that despite all the risks, prosperous European and North American countries have a moral responsibility to allow refugees to seek asylum in their countries. It is the duty of first world countries to help war torn and disaster struck area victims, as it is a benefit for them in the greater picture. Denying refugees this privilege causes jihadi terrorist groups to become that much stronger. Moreover, a country that allows in these refugees can be subject to further flourishing socially and economically. Not allowing refugees into ... Show more content on ... A country that accepts refugees can create good foreign relations and alliances with nations that could benefit it in the future. If to say the war in these countries were to end, that country would be indebted to the European or North American nation that took in their people. In the future, if that prosperous country were to require aid or wanted to gain more goods, the previous country would help them out of gratitude and alliances. In addition, refugees can help create cultural diversity in a country and increase population, which could lead to economic prosperity. For example, as Madame Louise Arbour argued in the Munk Debate on the global refugee crisis, Canada prides itself on being a culture mosaic. The Canadian culture is one where everyone comes from different walks of life but can still unite as one. Also, Canada has a low population, which it tries to increase with immigration. If refugees were to come to a country like Canada, they could add to the work force and help the economy. In the social perspective, country that takes in these refugees gains a bigger appreciation of other cultures and can get rid of misunderstanding for cultures that seem foreign. How could one stereotype a certain culture based on what one heard if one could see for his
  • 27. The Theme Of Poverty In A Christmas Carol By Charles Dickens Charles Dickens own experiences of growing up in poverty in Victorian Era London, are likely to have pushed him to pursue the themes in his novel A Christmas Carol. His father was sent to prison for not paying his debts, which left Dickens the job of producing the family income at the age of 12, giving him a firsthand view of poverty and the struggles that come with it. These events seemingly effected Dickens greatly, and Dickens novels were likely his form of charitable work, as the messages scribed within, brought to light the vast disparity between the rich and poor in this era. Dickens shows clearly that there is a definite class distinction between the poor and the rich through the uses of his characters and their characteristic throughout... Show more content on ... This idea is greatly embedded in the Cratchit family, in particular Bob Cratchit. In the form of the character, Bob Cratchit, Dickens tries to represent that money, class and rank are unreliable guides to determining a human beings worth and happiness especially among those who have nothing. Further to this, Dickens explores the happiness and jovial spirits of the lower classes, represented in the acts of Bob Cratchit slaving away for a meagre earning to barely be able to feed his family. However, though despite this there is still shown a table that is full of hope and love represented fluently throughout the family. Bob Cratchit s priorities are properly focused on family, love and companionship. A merry Christmas to us all, my dears. God bless us! By capturing the responses of the Cratchit family Dickens shows that the poor can be jubilant and jolly even though they are suffering hardships. Dickens also writes about the Christmas spirit within the Cratchit family after a while they played at forfeits for it is good to be children at Christmas which is used to represent, not all in life has monetary value. Tiny Tim, the Cratchit s crippled and vulnerable, yet equally loved child, Bob held his withered little hand in his, as if he loved the child and wished to keep him by his side , is expressed by Dickens as a directive to the
  • 28. Born Into Brothels Born Into Brothels Just thinking about being borned into a brothel and spending rest of our lives there scares me. There are many kids who have grown up in the brothels and pretty much spent their whole life there and proceeded to the same line as there family. To show how life is at brothels and what it is like for the kids, Zana Briski and Ross Kauffman decided to make a short documentary film on kids who were Born Into the brothels of Calcutta. There are many people who like and dislike this movie, they all have there own opinions. Living most of my childhood in India, listening to all the students talk about brothels and prostitutes gave me a pretty good idea of what a documentary on brothels would be like. I have seen girls being sold
  • 29. Analysis of Ford and the World Automobile Industry in 2007 History of Ford and the world Automobile Industry: STEEP ANALYSIS: 1.Sociocultural: A few sociocultural factors have led back the automobile industry. Ford had suffered 10% fall in unit sales year on year with sharp declines in sales due to inaffective execution of the companies strartegies. The survival of ford depends critically on yhe state of the world auto industry. 2. Technological: Earlier horseless carriages were used as a source of conveyance. With the upgradation of technology the Ford Model T was introduced in the market. It was the first dominant design in automobiles. With the passage of time more new designs like VW Beetle with its rear, air cooled engine, the citrogen 2 CV and its idiosyncratic braking and suspension ... Show more content on ... Economies fron sharing development costs also encouraged increased collaboration and joint venture : Renault and Peugeot established joint engine manufacturing, GM with Suzuki, build cars and share platforms and components. Flexible manufacturing technology together with modular designs reduced the extent of scale of economies in assembly since different models could be manufactured within the same plant. To enter into the automobile industry requires a huge amount of investment in automobiles, certification to set up plant and marketing. Rivalry among existing firms: With the convergance of new designs and technologies, the range of new vehicle types has increased. New vehicles include passenger vans, SUVs, micro cars, etc. All the emphasis by manufactures was on global models, national markets were characterized by their differences than by their similarities. A major problem for the industry was the tendency for the growth of production capacity to outstrip the growth in the demand for cars. In the market where the demand was growing faster , growth of production capacity outsripped growth in demand. Threats of substitute products/Services: Generally people prefer to travel by their own convenience that can be car etc. There is little more public transportation also
  • 30. Hydrogen Fusion Research Paper Page 335 12. Why do thermonuclear reactions in the Sun take place only in its core? Thermonuclear reactions take place when the nuclei of atoms are fused together due to extreme temperatures (G 13). The temperature of the Suns core is 15.5 X 10^6 and at temperatures above 10 X 10^6 hydrogen fuses into the element helium (hydrogen fusion). Therefore the core is the only place on the Sun where Thermonuclear reactions are able to take place. Additionally the fusion that occurs in the Suns core is enough to account for all of the energy that is emitted to the Sun (326). 13. What is hydrogen fusion? This process is sometimes called hydrogen burning . How is hydrogen burning fundamentally unlike the burning of a log in the fire place? Hydrogen Fusion is a thermonuclear process which produces the Suns energy. During the process four hydrogen nuclei release energy when they fuse together in order to create a single helium nucleus (334). Hydrogen burning is unlike the ... Show more content on ... What prevents a neutron star from collapsing? They have no electric charge and very little mass and for a star to be able to collapse it must have a high mass (414). Therefore neutron stars cannot collapse. 7. What is a planetary nebula, and how does it form? A planetary nebula is a luminous shell of gas that comes out of an old star with a low mass (G 9). When enough of the gas leaves a star for the core to become visible, the expanding dust and gases form a planetary nebula (408). 12. What is the mass range of neutron stars? The range of neutron stars is millisecond pulsars. Millisecond pulsars is the name of companions pulsars which connect the mass of a star but not necessarily a neutron star. The extra weight after the connection allows the star to gain a faster speed while falling (434 9th edition). Page 454 3. Which feature is found with Kerr black holes but not Schwarzschild black holes? An Ergoregion is found with Kerr black holes but not with Schwarzchild black holes
  • 31. Music Censorship In Music Censorship in Music Music gives an intense type of expression that at its most essential level stimulates while containing the ability to bring about unrests both social and political. Music s intrinsic force panics a few individuals who fear the effective potential to shape demeanors and convictions. The banning of music sets a perilous point of reference for the control of different types of expression with unsafe results for a free society. Why is music censored? Variables might incorporate conflicting good values, racial inspirations, generational worth crevices, and trepidation. Music has verifiably been, and keeps on being, edited trying to uphold profound quality. It s not a fortuitous event that music oversight in America started... Show more content on ... More seasoned eras utilize their energy to attempt to edit the music of more youthful eras in light of the fact that the new music doesn t mirror the estimations of the old. The R B and rock n roll of the 1950s and mid 1960s stood out extraordinarily from the estimations of the best era, which grew up amid the Great Depression, battled in World War II, and began the creation that prompted America s worldwide monetary predominance. Subsequently, dutifulness, regard for power, and request were vital qualities for this era. Alternately, the music being made amid the mid 1950s and mid 1960s reflected states of mind wanting singularity, addressing power, and investigating opportunity, medications, and sex. Truth be told, commonly the music displayed these things to society s senior citizens. For example, in 1965, the Rolling Stones and the Who were banned from radio stations nationwide because of sexual references in their songs (Sparrow).` In 1968, The Doors song Unknown Soldier was banned from many stations because of its anti war theme (Sparrow). In 1971, the FCC threatened to take away broadcast licenses from stations playing songs that glorified drugs. The generational value gap continued in the 1970s and 1980s, when heavy metal rock and rap music were particular targets of moral authorities. A Prince album caused controversy at a 1984 PTA meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio (Sparrow).The incident helped spark the debate for government censorship of music. The National Coalition on Television, which monitored the level of violence in music videos, asked for the federal government to regulate rock music on television (Nuzum). Despite the fact that the solicitation at last wasn t followed up on, the interest shows the push from a few fragments of the populace, for the most part preservationist, for elected administrative activity. The following year, the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC), pushed the
  • 32. Global Warming Global Warming Is It Man Made or Mother Nature or Both? Global warming is define as the global increase in the average temperature of the earth, that near the air surface and the oceans which caused by the emission of the gases. These include carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen that trap the sun s heat in the earth. It s happened since the mid twentieth century and its projected would be continuation. Global warming is an extremely severe problem facing the world today. Its effects and causes have been on the rise and people need to do something about it before the problem gets any worse.Global warming is an increase in the earth s temperature, which can be caused by the use of fossil fuels, and industrial or agricultural processes. ... Show more content on ... The heat wave caused forest fires and the forest fires are also affecting the atmosphere due to heat and specially smoke, on the other hand the destruction of forests is initiating a cycle of heat, which will cause global warming and global warming will cause forest fire and so on to hold over toxic clouds in the air. Again the non believers would say this was just a natural occurrence. Believer would say global warming had a part in the weather patterns which has changed and caused this heat wave. The massive record breaking snow storms in past five winters had a lot of the east Europe buried under large amounts of snow. Doubters of global warming just pointed out what they saw was just plain older Mother Nature doing her thing and the believers of global warming would say this was caused by man. Usually these unusual weather happenings tell us there are some climate changes happening already. For the past several years skeptics and believers alike have debated back and forth about the causes of global warming. The believers say that if the man made causes are left untouched and steadily get worse these causes may not be able to be reversed. A few examples of these are: the rainforest reductions, depletion of the ozone, and the use of fossil fuels. Doubters claim that the warming of the earth is just a natural process and that the overall effect man has on nature is vastly overrated. The
  • 33. Lord Acton s Lack Of Corruption And Absolute Power... Abstract Lord Acton wrote in 1887 that, Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Studies have shown that, while Lord Acton s statement may not be entirely true (depending on numerous factors), it is, at the very least true to a degree. Corruption always involves power that is misused for personal gain. While corruption is generally associated with politics and political figures, it also occurs in businesses, particularly within the management with emphasis seen in upper management. The managers exhibit different types of management styles as well as forms of corruption. Evidence suggests that as many as half of all upper level managers are both incompetent and, ultimately, failures. It, therefore, is of utmost importance to identify both the causes of and cure for (if there be such) corruption within the ranks. Causes may range from the predisposition for dishonesty of certain people to Lord Acton s premise of absolute corruption being unavoidable when a person wields absolute power. There have been no proof positive methods for eradicating corruption in management, but, perhaps, the best starting point is to have strict oversight by people who are as morally sound as possible. Sir John Dalberg Acton wrote in his 1887 letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton, Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely (Kaplan, 1992, p. 521). While Lord Acton s statement is profoundly true in the world of politics, a more interesting analysis
  • 34. The Role Of Mental Health Mental health has become a pervasive topic in society. According to Mary Jo Thomas, mental health is defined as a state of successful performance of mental function, resulting in productive activities, fulfilling relationships with other people, and the ability to adapt to change and cope with adversity (Thomas). In essence, Thomas describes how the role of mental health and stability supports daily life. One in five adults have a mental health condition, which equates to forty million Americans affected by disorders, ranging from mild to severe (State of Mental). Currently, there is no one cure for treating mental illness; however, there are many different forms of treatment available (PsychiatryAdmits It). Over 64.8% of mental health patients receive treatment treatment over time, but the treatment remains delayed and inadequate (Mental... Show more content on ... At the time, Lobotomies were known as popular cure for mental illness. Doctor Lerner, a medical historian and professor at NYU Langone Medical Center said, The behaviors [doctors] were trying to fix, they thought, were set down in neurological connections. The idea was, if you could damage those connections, you could stop the bad behaviors (Lewis). Although some people believed Doctors Freeman and Moniz, front runners in the lobotomy procedure, methods were barbaric, others were intrigued by the idea that the frontal lobe and the rest of the brain could be separated, resulting in schizophrenic people, relieved of their emotional distress (Newt). Lobotomies were thought to treat the conditions of: mood disorders, schizophrenia, depression, mood fluctuations, violence to self or others, hallucinations, importunate actions, and self mutilation (Г–gren). Looked at as a cure all for severe cognitive disorders, lobotomies represented an unverified procedure for patients; only after a lobotomy did the doctors know the success
  • 35. The Body Language The term kinesics was coined by anthropologist Ray Birdwhistell in 1952 and refers to the interpretation of body movements, facial expressions, and gestures. Understanding the grammar of kinesics can be difficult because it requires careful longitudinal observations and are situationally dependent. To add to the issues not everyone has the same body language, however, some nonverbal behaviors are believed to originate from the limbic brain and are universal. Much of the interpretation of kinesics seems to be in some cases speculative offering a range of possibilities and other interpretations are obvious. For example nail biting is obviously nervous behavior that I think all people recognize. However, Joe Navarro claims that bouncing ... Show more content on ... It records memories of behaviors and is responsible for what we call emotions. The hippocampus, amygdala, and hypothalamus are the main components of the limbic brain. The limbic brain is where make value judgments that influence on our behavior. It is thought that this part of the brain reacts reflexively and is difficult to disguise or eliminate. The neocortex first appeared in primates and is most developed in humans. These developed hemispheres are thought to be responsible for the development of language, abstract thought, and consciousness. The neocortex has almost limitless learning abilities. However, the reptilian, limbic, and neocortex do not operate independently. They have many connections with one another. Terms for these parts of the brain originated in the 1940s, and some neuroscientists have suggested that the concept should be abandoned. However, while the limbic system remains the predominate explanation (both in neuroscience and popular culture) of how the brain makes emotion, it is a flawed and inadequate theory of the emotional brain (LeDoux 2003). The limbic system theory has trouble explaining why damage to limbic areas like the hippocampus can result in deficits with cognition and memory. When the limbic system is activated in a purely cognitive task it is assumed that there must have been some emotional component to the task. Many researchers seem to think this explanation is based in tradition rather than facts.
  • 36. All in the Timing All In The Timing The plays of David Ives are certainly clever and comic. There is no doubt that Ives gives us inventive scenarios that smartly use language and test our knowledge before we chuckle. But what does it all mean, anyway? What do we gain from the techniques he uses in the one act plays of All in the Timing? Are they meaningful works, or simply highfalutin vignettes? To answer these questions, let s consider three of his plays: Words, Words, Words, Variations on the Death of Trotsky, and The Philadelphia. By examining these works, it will be clear that the devices Ives uses do little more than facilitate the telling of humorous sketches, and that they don t generate any substance or lasting meaning. Words, Words,... Show more content on ... Another very clever play, The Philadelphia, attempts to explain the pitfalls and denials of life as the result of metaphysically falling into another city and another state of mind. It opens with Al, who is happily in a Los Angeles; and then in comes Mark, stuck in a state of punishment: a Philadelphia, where no matter what you ask for, you can t get it (72). This is an intriguing explanation for life s problems, and one that provides a handful of laughs. It also offers us some interesting thoughts on language, and how effective it is in the world. For we ve all had days when it seems the words we utter are powerless. But in the end, the play seems more like a comedy sketch or skit that fails to give any insight into life other than the chance to laugh. Not that laughing isn t of value, but it doesn t prove that Ives approach has brought any great meaning into the play. How many times can this play be watched or read before its novelty wears off? In conclusion, it s certain Ives work is intriguing and full of wit. What is in question is if the techniques he uses achieve a greater, lasting meaning in his plays. What s clear is that these techniques are inventive and clever, but that they don t generate any truly meaningful plays that people can return to again and again and get something more, something new each time. It s interesting that Words, Words, Words parodies Hamlet, which is a play that is unquestionably meaningful. Hamlet is a play that
  • 37. Dementia Literature Review Literature Review: The Effectiveness of the use of Sensory Therapy for Elderly Adults Diagnosed with Dementia. The purpose of this literature review is to show the need for more research into the effectiveness of utilizing sensory therapy with elderly adults living with dementia. There has been a significant amount of research and studies conducted on other mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety, however, there is a gap in the research regarding sensory therapyand dementia. Having this research conducted could possibly help with the symptoms associated with this debilitating illness. Nearly 135 million people worldwide will be impacted by dementia by 2050 (Robinson, Tang, Taylor,. 2015). Dementia is not a disease, it is an overall term that describes a wide range of symptoms associated with the decline in memory and thinking skills. Dementia is a progressive illness that results in the loss of one s sense of self (Burns, Byrne, Ballard, Holmes, 2002). The two most common forms of dementia are Alzheimer s disease and Vascular dementia. Dementia is progressive and people with dementia experience complications with short term memory, keeping track of personal items, paying bills, taking care of themselves and daily tasks (Haigh, Mytton, 2016). Due to the rising number of individuals developing dementia, it is causing major challenges in the healthcare systems and society (Angermeter, Luck, Then, Riedel Heller, 2016). Utilizing psychotropic medications are often ineffective or harmful to the individual, therefore, many patients decide to utilize sensory therapy as a form of treatment instead (Livingston, Kelly olmes, et al., 2014). Caregivers of individuals with dementia can also experience health consequences related to caregiving at the end of life. Spousal caregivers are 40.5% higher odds of experiencing frailty as a result of caregiving (Carr, Dassel, 2017). Dementia does not only affect the individual, it affects those around them, society, and the healthcare system. Sensory therapy uses everyday objects to arouse one or more of the five senses (hearing, smell, taste, and touch) in order to evoke positive outcomes of feelings (Gilbert, 2001). The use of sensory stimulation can improve an
  • 38. European Discrimination In America American culture can be summed up into one word, discrimination. From the time Europeans first came to the Americas, prejudice has been a part of the life in the Americas. In 1492 Columbus landed on an island in the Bahamas, and found it to be easily conquered and the people taken advantage of. Slavery was a part of colonial America, written into the Constitution of the United States, remained legal until 1865, and the state of Mississippi did not officially abolish slaveryuntil 2013. Civil rights have been an ongoing struggle for many groups in America since its inception, even if you were white and European, it did not automatically ensure you rights in the United States. The list of groups discriminated on by those living in America... Show more content on ... The treatment of the Japanese during WWII is a stain on Americas legacy, one of many which will never wash away. We were fighting war against Germany because of the treatment of Jews in Europe, but interred Japanese Americans here that had done nothing more than live here, some for generations. The America government stripped them of property and sent them far away to live in camps. The American government once again, with malice and forethought, discriminated against other Americans, because of how they looked. The camp conditions were described in the book Women in America: refocusing the Past, the condition of camp life profoundly altered family relations and affected women of all ages and backgrounds. Family unity deteriorated in the crude communal facilities and cramped barracks. Moving forward in time some American have the same mind set, but have turned it towards the Muslim community in the United States. Many politicians in the United States today have made disparaging remarks about Muslims whether they are American citizens or not. These people are our leaders, and have a duty to lead us in a direction which is in line with the spirit of freedom which Americans espouse as their own
  • 39. The Theory Of Mind Mechanism ( Tomm ) Though many of us may not realize it, humans have a remarkable set of abilities that allows us to understand, empathize with, and predict others thoughts and feelings. In other words, the average person is able to put himself in another s shoes. In our daily lives we tend to take this skill for granted. It is only when something goes wrong that we realize how important it actually is. For autistic individuals, this mindreading deficit is all too real. In fact, an inability to engage in this type of understanding of other s mental states is often taken as the hallmark sign of autism. Mindreading is defined as the ability to make sense of other people and to coordinate our behavior with theirs (Bermudez, 354). Many cognitive scientists believe the theory of mindmechanism (TOMM) is important to mindreading. These scientists contend that autistic individuals suffer from an impairment to this theory of mind module. However, others have argued that theory of mind, which is the ability to form beliefs about the mental states of others , is not a modular ability, but instead the result of the interaction of many different cognitive skills. In their paper Generous or Parsimonious Cognitive Architecture? Cognitive Neuroscience and Theory of Mind, Philip Gerrans and Valerie E. Stone take this view of theory of mind. I will review this paper and its arguments, then address the response to Gerrans and Stone made by Carl Hildebrand. Gerrans s and Stone s argument consists of
  • 40. Nonverbal Communication In Rush Hour The link above will direct you to the scene in the movie Rush Hour. This scene is titled, Do You Understand the Words That Are Coming Out of My Mouth? Spoiler alert, this movie is all about two inspectors that have been partnered up together to save the Chinese councilman s daughter. The scene is shown by demonstrating Inspector Lee coming off the airplane from China to assist Agent Carter in the investigation. In addition, Inspector Lee is a great friend and agent that has been with the Chinese councilman for a very long time. The councilman suggests to the FBI that he wants one of his own to work on the investigation because of the trust and connection he has with him. Anyway, let s get back to the scene in the movie. Agent Carter tries to talk to Inspector Lee in a way that he can understand, but there is ... Show more content on ... Nonverbal communication is the process in which facial expressions, eyes, touching, tone of voice, and posture is shown among two or more people (Mandelbaum, 2017). Agent Carter seems to be a little hesitant in approaching Inspector Lee and uses eye contact to gaze over the flight attendant and pilot maybe to see if they would speak. Nonetheless, Agent Carter continues in his conversation and it seems that Inspector Lee looks confused and his facial expression shows us that he is surprised maybe by the way he speaks which is sort of loud. Remember, Inspector Lee is coming from another country so maybe he is not accustomed to Agent Carter s voice. It seems to be true that they are agents due to the way they are dressed and their physic. Later on, Agent Carter starts to use hand gestures and point towards his mouth, so that Inspector Lee can try to understand a little better. Agent Carter starts to become angry and it seen by his facial expression and his hands on his hips as body movements. Inspector Lee can still be seen staring at him and he continues to devote eye contact all the
  • 41. Top Glove Company Background Company Background. History Established in 1991 with only one factory and three production lines, Top Glove has since grown by leaps and bounds to become the world s largest rubber glove manufacturer. Top Glove places customer satisfaction at the very heart of its business; hence has put a great deal of emphasis on research and development to ensure continual improvement in its product quality and production efficiency. In order to stay ahead of the curve in product development, it collaborates closely with government agencies and ministries to keep itself abreast of the latest development in rubber research technology. It has now earned itself a reputation of being a one stop glove sourcing center offering an extensive and complete range ... Show more content on ... Top Glove will be embarking on a 3 year rapid expansion in production lines by adding another 55 lines in FY8/05, 66 lines in FY8/06 and 56 lines in FY8/07, in its Phuket, Hatyai, Shanghai and Klang factories. This would require a capex of about RM60m and RM66m in FY8/05 and FY/06 respectively. II. Penetration into new markets. Top Glove targets to have a customer base of 600 by December 2005 from 500 at present by increasing its export destinations to 160 from 145 currently. Countries providing further potential include Russia, Brazil, Portugal, Middle East and the US. III. Shifting towards more value added products. In line with the industry s trend of favouring powder free gloves, Top Glove is increasing its powder free lines resulting in a product mix of 30% by the year 2006 from the current 17%. Apart from that, Top Glove will be producing more higher margin products such as nitrile and surgical gloves when its future capacity is in place. IV. One Stop Glove Sourcing Centre . Top Glove would still maintain its role as a One Stop Glove Sourcing Centre which has altogether a mix of 12 product range although it will be emphasizing on the more value added range. Compared to other glove manufacturers, Top Glove is the only company in Malaysia that is able to manufacture all the varieties of gloves for healthcare, dental, food packaging, household, industrial, cleanroom as well as operation room. The broad choices has also made it convenient for existing
  • 42. Wrigley Company Essay The Wrigley Company is a market listed US company. And it has more than 40 Branch offices or factories all over the world. William Wrigley Jr. established the company in Chicago in 1891. In the beginning, the company was selling soap and baking powder. One day, Wrigley decided to change his business to chewing gum. He introduced the Juicy Fruit and Wrigley s Spearmint in 1893. Use those two products the company began to profit and became famous. Those two brands are very success. Wrigley s Spearmint became best selling chewing gum in America in 1910 and Juicy fruit became kids favorite chewing gum. Today, Juicy Fruit and Wrigley s Spearmint already sold round the world. In 1914, Doublemint is introduced. The advertising slogan for Doublemint: Double Strength Peppermint Flavor, Double Wrapped Always Fresh and Clean . In 1939 the company used The Doublemint Twins to advertise the Doublemint ... Show more content on ... mortgaged everything he owns for advertising. That strategy made the company through the financial crisis and has a bright future. In 1910, and the company began to explore the global market. The first outside factory was in established in Toronto, Canada. After that it continued expansion outside market. It s expansion into Australia in 1915, Great Britain 1927 and New Zealand in 1939. When William Wrigley III became the CEO of Wrigley Company, he s strategic made Wrigley Company expansion faster. During his tenure, he built production facilities in 9 different countries and sold to more than 180 countries. In 1989, the first factory in China was built. Later, with the fall of the Berlin Wall, it sold its product to Eastern Bloc countries. Today China becomes the second market in the world. In 2008, Mars, Incorporated acquired Wrigley Company. The Martin Radvan became the CEO of Wrigley Company in 2011. And he lead the company till 2014 then Thomas Wrigley became the CEO and lead the Wrigley Company till
  • 43. History Of Seminole County Seminole County Seminole county is located in the state of Florida. Seminole county s location became one of the quickest increasing counties in Florida. The term Seminole is originated from Cimarron it means wild men in Spanish. The original Seminoles were Indians who escaped from Britain in slavery. They came to Florida because Hispanic people who were already there had no intentions to return slaves. At that time, many of the tribes in Florida were removed by the presence of Hispanic people. The first usage of the name Seminole was recorded shortly after the upper creeks from Alabama settled in the Tampa area. Today, the government now functioning under a county charter initially started in 1989 and altered in November, 1994. The
  • 44. How Technology Can Be Controlled Vehicles On The Roads Autonomous technology has been slowly rising up in the market, beginning with automatic stop brakes to parking assists. The one thing technology researchers are trying to advance on is full on, automatic driving with no manual backing. Although this technology is not on the market yet, it will be in the near future. Google specifically has started their own self driving project six years ago, introducing their own line of autonomous vehicles they call Google Blobs. The main reason self driving vehicles are in such a high demand to be made available for the public is because they are claimed to be a much safer alternative to human driving. More than thirty thousand people die each year in vehicle accidents and ninety percent of all car... Show more content on ... Why do we value human error over machine error? It may be because we are able to form emotional connections with our drivers; you cannot connect with a computer the same way you connect with a human. Usually, the passengers of a car will already know the driver in some form. The only way people can trust self driving cars is if they learn to do so (consumer reports). Google s self driving project began six years ago and since then have driven 1.7 million miles with the self driving vehicles, and will occasionally be driven by their safety drivers. With over twenty of their vehicles on the road, out of the eleven minor accidents that the vehicles have been involved in, none were caused by the self driving car. Even when our software and sensors can detect a sticky situation and take action earlier and faster than an alert human driver, sometimes we will not be able to overcome the realities of speed and distance; sometimes we will get hit just waiting for a light to change. And that is important context for communities with self driving cars on their streets; although we wish we could avoid all accidents, some will be unavoidable. Accidents will still occur when autonomous and manual drivers share the road. It is only a matter of time before autonomous vehicles are the only thing on the road, and till then will accidents be a rare cause. Since self driving vehicles were created to exist in
  • 45. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Liquefied Natural Gas... Mbali Mokgatla A00018165 PCE 311 WAC Assignment Liquefied Natural Gas Transportation and Its Risks Mother Nature gave us natural resources to patronize and natural gas is one of them. Small quantities of ethane, propane, butane and pentane are found in the natural gas composition but it is mostly made up of methane. The high volume of pipeline gas makes it difficult for it to be transported in its gaseous form. This is the reason why the oil industry is dominating because of how easy it can be transported. Pipelines are suitable for transporting pipeline natural gas but constructing the suitable infrastructure is very expensive and not technically feasible for global transportation.1 In addition, for you to be able to make it in the gas industry you need trading partners to buy your natural gas. Having said that, one can deduce that the only way to make a ... Show more content on ... The advantage of LNG is that it can be regasified when it gets to the end user. More companies are getting into the LNG market as it is more profitable and less expensive with less hazardous emissions to the atmosphere. Countries that do not have natural gas import it from other countries as liquefied gas and regasify it. Importing LNG is advantageous for developing countries as LNG is good for boosting the economy of a country. It does that by allowing foreign direct investment where other countries open and run natural gas companies in other countries. Shell is a foreign company in Nigeria but it boosts the economy of Nigeria by increasing the gross domestic product and the total income in Nigeria. The growth of the LNG market creates jobs through construction of natural gas plans and other facilities that need to be in place for storage and regasification process.2 LNG helps oil companies to increase their revenue by selling the natural gas that comes with oil other than flaring it to the atmosphere hence decreasing harmful
  • 46. The Career Fields Of Accounting Many students eventually come to a point in their collegiate career that they must decide what path to pursue in their professional careers. For the majority of accounting students, this could not be more challenging since there are such a large variety of career paths to choose from. To further complicate this decision making process, many of the career fields in accounting mandate the individual to obtain certain field related certifications that are essential to that particular field of study. Examples of these certifications are as follows: Certified Financial Manager (CFM), Certificated Public Accountant(CPA), and Certified Management Accountant (CMA). These accounting certifications can sometime prove to be incredibly difficult to obtain. The majority of the available certifications required exam preparation, fees to be paid, background checks, character references, and the exam itself. Once an individual passes the exam and obtains the other required credentials, he or she must be able to maintain their certification. In most instances accountants usually must seek continuing professional education (CPE) classes and pay membership dues annually in order to maintain these certifications. We will examine some of these previously mentioned certifications and others in the follow text. In addition, we will compare the similarities and differences of these certifications in order to assist UHD graduates in this complicated decision. Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) vs.
  • 47. Theme Of War In A Separate Peace The beginning of a friendship is the beginning of keenness, jealousy, and often times hatred. One may become naive in the course of friendship and never realize by the end that a friend may become an enemy. In A Separate Peace by John Knowles this is just the case, a friendship that consists of two complete polar opposites, Gene and Finny, one athletic the other a brainiac. Gene and Finny go to Devon School and through thick and thin these two have stuck together, however during the summer into junior year their relationship hits some turbulence. John Knowlesembodies the reality of warwithin the relationship of Gene and Finny, as well as, how the fear of war, surroundings of war, and violence can affect several relationships. Body i. Gene s Confession Gene returns to the ... Show more content on ... Gene states, ...never before experienced a student who combined a calm ignorance of the rules with a winning urge to be good. (Knowles 1959). Gene talks about Finny as though he had drawn a blurred line between what was good and what was meant to be good, but ended with major consequences. Knowles here draws a point that conflicts in oneself can affect what is occurring externally, because of ignorance the consequences extended beyond reach. Furthermore, Gene does not simply see Finny as a friend but a partner in crime. Finny trapped me again in his strongest trap, that is, I suddenly became his collaborator ( Knowles 1959). Gene and Finny are allies, it is them against the rest of the world, Knowles is highlighting the fact that although these two are friends Finny can manipulate Gene in any which way he chooses making them moreso enemies. Gene is blinded by Finny s wit and charming manner, but the surroundings in Devon have an equally heavy effect on their relationship. ii. Devon School is surrounded by
  • 48. Huntsville Hospital Executive Summary Huntsville Hospital maintains the purpose of the utilization committee is to strive to provide efficient and appropriate health care services in the least costly manner. Collaborating professionals employ recognized standards while maintaining the quality of healthcare. Utilization Review (UR) plans, essential for providing an outlet to examine important utilization concerns, ultimately improve operations and decrease health care costs (Anonymous 2013). Huntsville Hospital s UR plan consist of determing the efficiency and appropriateness of treatments, identifying patterns of over and under utilization, employing improvement plans while educating hospital employees, medical staff, administration and the governing board of the hospital. ... Show more content on ... In both plans a physician advisor reviews cases but within HH the case manager compiles all the clinical data and reviews, seeking the advice of physician advisor if necessary. Equally, the plans provide for utilization review to be initiated within the first twenty four hours of the patient s admission, if not prior to admission. In addition, both plans provide opportunities for the admitting physician to provide proof or argument for discrepancies in treatments or length of stays. Although the UK HealthCare UR plan provides a single physician review of inadequate treatment or length of stay, HH UR plan stipulates a minimum of two physician members review additional information submitted via the admitting physician. Specifically, in the HH UR plan exists a component of a continuous medical care evaluation studies to provide provisions for the Continuous Quality Improvement Committee. In addition, physicians continually need to be educated on detail specific care in HH, as physicians occasionally do not want the prescribed orders challenged. Pre printed patient progress notes with check boxes assist some of HH s physicians in considering necessary or unnecessary treatments
  • 49. How Is Sonnet 21 Allegory The Aspect of Love as Anoesis (pure), and Assertion (certain) and equal acceptance There is nothing sweeter than a love as pure as gold and a love lovelier than a man s certainty of emotions towards a woman. Indeed in Elizabeth Browning s Sonnet 21, it portrays the assurance of an individual s declaration of love. It also gives you an idea about the purity and loyalty of Robert s and Elizabeth s love for one another amidst all the obstacles they have faced. Say over again, and yet once over again, That thou dost love me. Though the word repeated Should seem a cuckoo song, as thou dost treat it, Remember, never to the hill or plain, Valley and wood, without her cuckoo strain Comes the fresh Spring in all her green completed. People ask ... Show more content on ... An allegory is a symbolism device where the meaning of a greater, often abstract, concept is conveyed with the aid of a more corporeal object or idea being used as an example. Usually a rhetoric device, an allegory suggests a meaning via metaphoric examples (http://literary Elizabeth Browning made use of an allegory to treat Robert s declaration love a Furthermore, it turns out that this request became a mantra solely because Robert treats it like a cuckoo song. In the third line, Elizabeth Most men can t express themselves through flowery words in contrast with women. It s because men strongly agrees with the passage, Action speaks louder than words, conversely, women think otherwise. From time to time, a man should reiterate his declaration of love towards the woman in order for her to ease her doubts regarding his feelings. A symbol is literary device that contains several layers of meaning, often concealed at first sight, and is representative of several other aspects, concepts or traits than those that are visible in the literal translation alone. Symbol is using an object or action that means something more than its literal
  • 50. Essay On The Wizard The next few days Santa and the elves practiced tightening and relaxing their muscles time after time until everyone can find that place to relax in their mind. Starting each session with the breathing and stretching routines everyone is feeling better about themselves. Moving the objects around the room takes up most of the next day. Using the old horn hanging on the wall, they worked out a game of Sunbeam musical chairs. Moving even the heaviest piece of furniture in the room, Sly s desk is easy for Santa to do. For Orrie and Orville, however, it takes a little more time before they can move something that heavy. The next big challenge, Sly explains will be to move someone else from place to place. Santa looks at... Show more content on ... This is amazing, Santa said. The elves are so excited they all they could say was, Wow! Turning to each other they touched knuckles. Look, Isidone said, pointing to the southeast, I can see my house from here. Ok troops, it is time for us to return to the lab, Sly said giving the instructions for their return. Think of the inside of this building, put your right forefinger to your nose, and once again breathe out. Again, no sound just a few twinkles of light and they are standing inside the building. After several trips to the top of the building and to the right side and the back of the building, places where no one would see them when they materialize. Now, Sly says, everybody, pick up your stool and hold it next to your body. Let s take it with us and go back to the top of the building, ready, go. Sitting on his stool as the other appeared, Sly said, Welcome again to the rooftop How did you get here so fast? Orville asked. Experience, Sly said. Now let s go back. After a few more trips, Santa walks over putting his right hand on Sly s desk. Taking a deep breath, he touches his nose with his left forefinger, Santa and the desk disappear. Sly and the others touched their nose and the next thing they know they are standing next to Santa and the desk on top of the building, Very good, Sly, said. Now who wants to move the desk back
  • 51. Looking At A Few Of Them Introduction Throughout the last twenty five years, the notable director of animated films, Hayao Miyazaki, has brought not only exhilarating and mysterious stories to life, but also multiple issues that he tries to convey through each of his films. Looking at a few of them, Miyazaki expresses issues about feminism, war, environmental issues, and much more. The question that will try to be answered throughout this essay is, how does Hayao Miyazaki use the elements and principles of art to express environmental issues and impacts within his films? Through the use of color, scene composition, and motion, Hayao Miyazaki is able to portray the earth s natural beauty while also conveying human waste and destruction of the environment and its ... Show more content on ... This is an important and yet, traumatic memory for Miyazaki. He expresses its significance in his life by incorporating it within the films, My Neighbor Totoro and also his latest movie, The Wind Rises. The characters with tuberculosis are both female and struggle with being diagnosed with it. He tries to portray the love, sadness, and possible hope for a cure for tuberculosis within those films. What inspired Miyazaki and also directed him towards the path of animation and the world of manga (Japanese comics) was in 1958 when he watched the colored film Hakuja Den ( Hayao Miyazaki Biography ). Surprisingly, instead of acquiring a degree in the arts, he went to Gakushuiin University and graduated with a Political Science and Economics degree ( Hayao Miyazaki Biography ). Miyazaki chose this degree because he thought it was practical and he had planned on helping reestablish Japans economy and recovery from war ( Hayao Miyazaki Newsmakers). However, during his time in university and his strong passion for drawing, he joined the children s literature research club ( Hayao Miyazaki Biography ). This had been the closest thing to comics at the time ( Hayao Miyazaki Biography ). It exposed him to many fairytales, myths, and mysteries around the world and is probably the reason why his stories mainly involve children, are mainly fantasy based, and incorporate old tales. The same year he graduated, he quickly entered his animation
  • 52. Life After Death Millicent Life after Death The enzymes that once consumed your dinner begin to eat you within three days of death. (Borreli) I believe death is universal and irreversible; therefore, death is not transitory, it s evermore; however, death can also give you a new likelihood of life. All things considered, death is a way of life, and until you accept it you cannot live a life that is meaningful. I can accept the idea of my own demise, but I am unable to accept the death of anyone else. (Angelou) Freedom through pain, Written by Millicent in 2008, is about finding the freedom to live life after death. The author begins by expressing her greatest fear of losing her mother. Regrettably, Millicent mother, who was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, ... Show more content on ... Don t get me wrong, it was the worst pain I have ever felt and I know at that time it didn t seem like it was going to change how I felt about my own life but it did. More importantly, I have learned from my father s passing is that you can not let someone s death determine yours. The journey that I have encountered after my father s passing has been long and painful and very self satisfying to be able to live a life that I once thought was destroyed. The death of my father brought a quietus to the pain that I was living and gave me a new life to begin. Even in death, my father has taught me about love, life, and freedom that I never knew the true meaning of. To truly be free after the death of a loved one is knowing and believing that life is purposeful. For that reason, I found the freedom to exist after death because of my