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Media Violence Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Media Violence" can be both challenging and thought-
provoking. The intricacy lies not only in the need to conduct extensive research to gather relevant
data but also in navigating the diverse perspectives surrounding this contentious issue. The topic
demands a nuanced approach, requiring the writer to critically analyze the impact of media
violence on society, considering psychological, sociological, and cultural dimensions.
One of the primary challenges is maintaining a balanced tone throughout the essay. Addressing
the potential influence of media violence on behavior without oversimplifying or exaggerating its
effects is crucial. Striking this balance ensures that the essay remains academically rigorous and
intellectually honest.
Moreover, grappling with the evolving nature of media itself adds another layer of complexity.
The ever-expanding landscape of digital media, video games, and online platforms necessitates
staying current with the latest research and trends. This dynamic nature of the subject requires
the essayist to be adaptable and open-minded, ready to incorporate new insights and perspectives
into their analysis.
The ethical considerations surrounding the topic also pose a challenge. Discussing violent
content in media requires sensitivity to the potential real-world consequences, and the writer
must approach the subject responsibly to avoid perpetuating harm or contributing to
In conclusion, composing an essay on media violence involves navigating a complex web of
information, perspectives, and ethical considerations. It requires a keen understanding of the
topic, critical thinking skills, and the ability to communicate ideas effectively. Those seeking
assistance or additional insights on similar topics may explore platforms,
where a variety of essays and resources can be found to aid in the writing process.
Media Violence EssayMedia Violence Essay
The Importance Of Settlement In North America
The first main example in this case is the discovery of the different skeletal remains
that allowed for the different kinds of opinions to be expressed concerning the
settlement in the North America. There is a common belief that the first people to
settle in North America were the Pale Indians. The era that then followed was the
Archaic era that was keenly followed with the radical development in the agriculture.
This can be regarded as the most significant development since the agriculture that
was settled allowed for the start of the sedentary existence with no need of pursuing
the animals that are herd. Since the food source could not now be fully provided by
a way of growing crops alone the Pre Columbian era followed. This saw the
The Trade and Use of Drugs in Latin America Essay
Films often depict the trade and use of drugs in Latin America as an extremely violent
situation. Countries like Columbia or Mexico are usually where the drugs come from
while the United States are the destination. More times than not, Latin America plays
the role of an antagonist while the United States plays the protagonist. A film about
Latin America, when pertaining to the United States, can fall into one of three
categories: fully Latin American, a joint effort between Latin American countries
and the United States, or a film by the United States. Gerado Naranjo s Miss Bala
(2011), is a Mexican film that is set in Tijuana, Mexico, and follows a young Mexican
pageant girl as she becomes mixed up in the Mexican drug cartels. Maria Full... Show
more content on ...
Main differences in these films are not in the depictions of the drug cartel, most likely
because they are, in actuality, as bad as they seem on film. Differences arise in
how the drugs relate to those using them or moving them, how they impact the
characters, and the role the United States plays in relation to the characters and
cartel. Drug cartels, in reality, are just as bad as they appear on film. Authorities
estimate that between eighteen and thirty nine billion dollars are brought in from
drug sales to the United States each year (Keefe). It is also estimated that the war
on drugs has caused over 50,000 deaths in Mexico alone since 2006 (Keefe).
Deaths are often overlooked because they are not compiled by thousands at once,
but gradually over a large area. Other illegal activity such as kidnapping and oil
theft have came about from the cartel (Mexico s Drug Trafficking Organizations:
Source and Scope of the Violence). All three films, Miss Bala, Maria Full of
Grace, and Traffic give similar accounts to the way the cartel takes people s lives,
only in different areas of the drug moving process. Miss Bala shows a firefight
between the DEA (drug enforcement agency) and the Tijuana cartel. This firefight
contains heavy weaponry and lots of gunshots, but few people. Less than twenty
cartel members can be seen in this firefight while even fewer DEA agents are seen. A
beautiful young woman, Laura Guerrero (Stephanie Sigman), is the main
Identity And True Identity In The Movie Finding Forrester
Expository Essay
In everyone s there is your character and your identity. Some people choose to
express their true identity and true self, others hide their intentions and attitude to
protect themselves. Their actions to hide their personality could have been
possibly decided by experiences or lifestyles. In the movie Finding Forrester, the
character Jamal Wallace is a 16 year old African American boy from the Bronx.
Where Jamal is from success in academics is not important and is not a necessity. In
order to merge into the norm Jamal purposing flunks his grades to not expose his
talent of literacy. While playing basketballJamal is dared by his friends to break into
an apartment that overlooks the courts. That night he broke in he was caught by
the owner of the apartment William Forrester, as he dashed out he dropped his
bag. The next day his bag was tossed at him as he crossed the street to the courts.
Later that day he noticed his writing was corrected and marked with errors. Since
that point on Jamal and William worked together to expand and exploit Jamal s gift.
In the movie Finding Forrester, lifestyles and experiences shape people s outside
character, instead of exploiting their true selves. Different characters find different
mechanisms to hide their true selves to avoid reactions. In the movie Finding
Forrester the main character Jamal Wallace, a 16 year old African American kid from
the Bronx is challenged. During his time attending a public school in the Bronx,
Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving
Getting behind the wheel is so dangerous if we think about it. We are not just
trusting ourselves, but everyone else on the road. We actually put ourselves at risk
when we get on the roads. We all hear about drunk drivers, and the results of their
actions. Deaths, accidents, regrets, but how about texting and driving? I remember
several months ago, I pulled up to a stop sign, and was stopped for only about one
second. The sign was down a little hill, so it was not noticeable from the distance.
As stopped, I saw in my rearview mirror, a car coming in fast, and before he could
react, he slammed into the back of me. The cause of it? He was going down that
road fast, and on his phone. While he was looking down on his phone, probably
sending a text, he did not see the sign that advised there was a stop sign ahead. If
he was not distracted, the accident could have easily been avoided. The National
Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million
crashes each year. Imagine if cell phones weren t around like years ago, these
incidents would not be happening. The driver takes their eyes off the road for 10
seconds. Is that message really important of what you had to say? It is not even
just messages in todays society, people especially teenagers are looking at their
phone to change the songs. I am guilty for this, and I know many people who I have
drove with also are. We can decrease the risk of this. The transtheorectical model is
the model of
Moral Dilemmas In Remember The Titans
Good morning Mr Harrop and fellow peers. Today I will be analysing the moral
issues and moral dilemmas in non literary texts, so that we can understand and
evaluate how test structures, language and visual features can be used to influence an
audience response. An exemplar of many moral and ethical dilemmas is shown
through popular sport inspiring movie, Remember The Titans (Yakin, 2000) directed
by Boaz Yakin. Yakins has a gift for dealing with controversial human issues, by
facing the characters with racism, peer pressure and selfishness. Alongside the writer
Gregory Allen Howard, they have utilized textual structures, language features and
visual features to influence the audience s response. Remember The Titans follows
the problem... Show more content on ...
He seems to want the audience to respond with shock and sympathy as they
witness how vile the black people are treated. One of the few racism dilemma s is
shown after Gerry, Alan and Ray are returned to the high school after coach Yoast
stops them from joining the city riots. Infuriated with the black people fighting
back, Gerry instigates the racism and discrimination, snarling, Hell why don t you
just kick em all off the team. I don t wanna play with any of them black animals.
This scene was very effective and coincided with the use of close up camera shots
to enhance Gerry s emotions, whilst reinforcing Yakin s message that black people
were treated poorly and erratically. After Gerry s disastrous car accident, Coach
Boone is faced with the moral dilemma of selfishness. Boone has always been a
coach who strives to win, not only for himself, but for the team, however after the
accident, he lacks empathy for the boys and thinks more about what he wants. When
he suggests that the team incorporate more training to cope with the changes so that
they can win, Yoast feels that Boone is being selfish and lacking consideration of
the team s loss, so confronts him with the questions Is this even about football
anymore? Or is it just about you? To express his reaction to being described as
selfish, the
Epilogue Of The Invisible Man Essay
In literature, the prologue of a novel often consists of an opening speech or
introduction that establishes the stage for important events later to come. However,
in Ralph Ellison s novel, The Invisible Man, the prologue serves as the beginning of
the end, in preparation for an epilogue that revisits the narrator s original inner
conflict at the end of a personal narrative. Situated in a hidden underground cellar, the
main character, the Invisible Manrecounts the journey of his naive youth from the
American south to the seemingly optimistic north in Harlem, New York. However,
through several unjust experiences, the Invisible Mandoubts the possibility of hope
and action, withdrawing from society by hiding in recluse and writing a... Show more
content on ...
As a newspaper article later in the week reports, the blond man had been mugged ,
artificially molding the Invisible Man into an abstract, unknown concept. Reflecting
upon the irony of his situation, the narrator s writing contains indignation but also
bitter humor. The angst and misery of the Invisible Man emotions thus become
purely expressed in his personal narrative. Throughout the novel, all of the Invisible
Man s narrative is produced in an underground dwelling. At the center of all light
and exposure to the upper world are the 1369 lightbulbs hanging above the
establishment, a literal and figurative display of defiance and truth. Siphoning of
energy from the Monopolated Light and Power Company, the Invisible Man wages a
secret war with the company, noting Oh, they suspect that power is being drained off,
but they don t know where (Ellison 5). Taking advantage of his invisibility, the
Invisible Man actively challenges his non existence and seeks to actively exploit it
for his advantage. The importance of light as a motif throughout the novel is thus
introduced in the prologue, as the Invisible Man not only physically steals light from
an energy corporation funded by white power but also figuratively establishes his
invisibility in relation to light and truth, noting Light confirms my reality, gives birth
to my form.... Without light I am not only invisible, but formless as well; and to be
unaware of one s form is to
Nurse Informatic Importance
The Importance of Nurse Informaticists in Healthcare The world expects healthcare
professionals especially nurses to be knowledgeable, critical thinkers and artistic.
Nursing is a self fulfilling, and lucrative profession that requires certification through
education. With the essential core values determined through the Essentials of
Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice by the American
Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), nursing became a more recognized
profession. These core values are valid and essential to being a professional nurse, but
incomplete without nursing informatics. Nurse informaticist professionals that
incorporate informatics in their practice positively impact healthcare and the society.
To understand the importance of nurse informaticists, one must first understand what
nursing informatic is. Nursing Informatics is a new, fast growing specialty in
nursing, and by far the backbone of the modernized nursing. McGonigle and Mastrian
(2018) defines nursing informatics as: the synthesis of nursing science, information
science, computer science and cognitive science for the purpose of managing,
disseminating, and enhancing healthcare data, information, knowledge and wisdom
to improve collaboration and decision making, provide high quality patient care, and
advance the profession of nursing. (McGonigle Mastrian, 2018, p.141) Nursing
informatics encompass science, data and knowledge effective in today s nursing
practices. The
Examples Of Rationale In An Inspector Calls
This pieces of writing is relating to An Inspector Call , J.B Priestly s play. The
Birlings were having dinner together and talking about the marriage between Shelia
and Gerald. My aim for this assignment is to show the change of Sheila and Mrs.
Birling and the inspector s impact on the family. These two characteristics are
showed in this text through what they said. There are two themes that are related to
this dialogue. The first one is class. Mrs. Birling and Sheila are living in a high
quality life with a high social standard. Some comparisons can be made between
them and Eva Smith by showing the discrimination from Sheila and Mrs. Birling to
Eva Smith because of jealousy. Another theme is the lack of social responsibility of
Mrs. Birling. For instance, though she was the leader of the charity, she treated Eva ...
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Birling [loudly]: Shut up both of you. Eric, go find your father and let him deal with
[Eric goes out]
Sheila [comfortably ]:He will never see the beauty the usefulness of these clothing.
Mrs. Birling: Yeah, these men would never understand our preference and our
Sheila[smiling]: Even Gerald, he never understand what is in my mind. He never
agreed my taste on my clothing style. How was work, mom?
Mrs. Birling [give a glass of water to Sheila and one for herself]: As usual, increasing
number of idiots are coming and asking for money with plenty of ridiculous reasons
like no opportunity for working and no family around. Dealing with these kinds of
stories is quite annoying and a waste of time.
Sheila [Surprisingly]: Poor women if those stories are true.
Mrs. Birling: Oh, my dear. I promise that after years of listening to these non scenes
stories, you will figure out a way of what is true and what is false.
Sheila [Laughing]: Yeah, I think I may need this kind of skills in the future.
Mrs. Birling: It is getting harder nowadays for charitable activities....Where did you
get your shirts? They look fantastic on
Managing Change at SLMC Essay
If organizations are to thrive and be sustaining, they need to respond to the dynamics
of their environment with change. However, change is not a singular event with an
isolated focus (Spector, 2007). Effective strategic renewal is a combination of the
three faces of change turnaround, which targets costs; technology, which targets
internal process; and behavioral, which targets employee actions and interactions
(Spector, 2007). In a discussion on change management, particularly management by
control versus management by shaping, Palmer, et al. (2009) draw a similar
conclusion that organizations and human systems are complex and evolving and
therefore cannot be reduced to a single, linear objective of maximizing shareholder...
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Next, the new leadership team at Sloans recognized that the employees needed to
believe that they were part of a team. Mutual engagement allows employees to
participate in designing the changes and making the changes (Emergence Consulting,
06). This helped the employees feel more comfortable with the change by allowing
them to experience a certain degree of control, therefore, eliminating the unknown.
The empowerment and participation of employees is motivational because it meets
the human need for autonomy, responsibility, challenge, esteem, social interaction,
and personal development (Hofler, 2009). Sloans created effective downward
communication by constantly communicating the company s vision through multiple
channels, which helped employees understand the significance of the organization s
purpose. Furthermore, the collaborative effort used in creating the mission created
and allowed for good upward communication, which enabled employees to realize
that the company s leadership valued their knowledge and opinions. This upward
communication was important, because successful organizations need good upward
communication (Kotter, 1996).
By utilizing employee participation and a good communication plan Sloans created a
behavioral model for how the business would respond to the shift in organizational
strategy in order to achieve and maintain outstanding performance. Next, the
5th Amendment Case Summary
Nicholas Williams MOD:2B 3/14
Title: Miranda v. Arizona
Citation: 384 US 436 (1966)
Facts: Miranda gave incriminating evidence during police interrogations without
prior notification of their fights under the 5th amendment.
Issue: is the government required to notify the arrested defendants of their 5th
amendment before an interrogation?
Holding: Yes, the government is required to notify the arrested defendants of their 5th
amendment before an interrogation?
Reason: Interrogations are psychologically than physically so the defendant must be
aware of what s happening.
Title: Atkins v. Virginia
Citation: 536 US 304(2002)
Fact: Atkins is a mentally retarded criminal who killed someone and was sentenced to
death. this was cruel and unusual punishment which goes against the 8th amendment,
at the time his IQ was 59. ... Show more content on ...
Holding: yes the 8th amendment does protect mentally retarded criminals from
capital punishment as cruel and unusual.
The supreme court in Atkins observed that the execution of mentally retarded
criminals in the states that permitted it was not common these acts were unfair.
Title: Plessy v. Ferguson
Citation: 163 US 537
Facts: In Louisiana, Plessy sat in an all white railroad car and refused to move when
he was told to move and refused which lead to his arrest.
Issue: Is louisiana s mandating racial segregation on its trains unconstitutional
infringment on both privileges and the equal protection clauses of the 14th
Holding: No
Reasoning : Equal but separate accommodations for whites and blacks imposed by
louisiana do not violate the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment.
Title:Korematsu v. United States (1944)
Citation: 323 US 214
How To Read The Book Animal Farm By George Orwell
When I was younger, history was never appealing to me. It always seemed like it
was an unnecessary subject until my sophomore year of high school. My life
drastically changed when I read Animal Farm by George Orwell. His satire gave me
great insight that inspired me into reading his book 1984. It gave me a thirst that I
could not satisfy. I started doing something I never did before; I enjoyed and
understood what my historyteachers were saying. My next year of high schoolI took
United States history where my over enthusiastic teacher intensified my appetite to
learn more. This allowed me to better understand the concepts. I aced every test I
took; it gave me great joy when my fellow classmates begin to ask for my help. It
was not long till
Junior Rearden
Please God, please don t kill my daddy (203). People have very different beliefs and
ways to show their beliefs. Junior shows his belief in God by praying for his father
to arrive safely at the school. After losing multiple people that he cares about he
became so upset and cold and he needed hope from God that he wouldn t lose his
father as well. Some people do not believe that prayer works and use different ways
to ask for things. Junior was so happy to see his father he started laughing. He knew
that if he had a lot hope for his father to arrive safely that he would. 2. Goals and
I felt important with a pen in my hand. I feel like I might grow up to be somebody
important. An artist. Maybe a famous artist. Maybe a rich artist (6). Everyone has
a dream job that they ve always wanted to have. Junior has a dream to be an artist.
He encourages that dream by leaving the reservation and going to Rearden, he is
breaking out of his small town shell to become more successful. He enjoys creating
cartoons because it makes him feel special. He likes to portray how he feels in
cartoons, instead of words because images are limitless. Junior dreams of being
someone important and not just a small town Indian. Junior lives his current life in
poverty and he wants to be rich when he is older. ... Show more content on ...
Education Rearden was the opposite of the rez (56). This evidence shows how all
schools educate students differently. Rearden had a great education which is why
Mr. P wanted Junior to go to Rearden so he could be more successful with is
education because he is so intelligent. Mr. P saw potential in Junior and thinks he
can go far. In comparison, the reservation school was not as nice nor as good of an
education. They did not have a lot of funding for the school because it is in an area
of poverty for example, the books at the reservation were so old that they were same
books that Junior s mother
Why Malaysia Is More Advanced Than Indonesia
Introduction The research paper aims to study the reasons why Malaysia is more
advanced than Indonesia despite the fact that Malaysia gained their independence
years after Indonesia had gained hers. Moreover, it aims to look at the reasons its
economy is failing, effects of the reasons and how to recover from the effects. It will
act as a guide to not only Indonesia, but to other countries that may be lagging behind
in terms of development. The findings of the study will enhance better understanding
of the economic situation of the two countries and in the world, which will help not
only leaders and the affected country, but also other countries in the world. Results
will guide policy formulations in the countries to help improve their economy.
Additionally, the paper aims to understand the Malaysian and Indonesian domestic
political processes involved in the formulation of foreign policies and appreciate the
history of the two countries. Finally, it will discuss the different causes of variant
GDPs in the two nations. The history of the two countries gets intertwined at some
point; for many years, there have been relations, migrations, and interactions between
these two countries such that their citizens can trace their relatives or origins from
either country. Expounding on the similarities between the two countries will be vital
in the research. First and foremost, the two countries are located in the continent of
Asia and they have an almost similar national language,
Cloud Rainforest
Cloud forests are very diverse ecosystems, but very vulnerable to disturbances.
Although these forests are patchily distributed across only 1% of Earth s landscape,
they support high levels of endemism, which requires a delicate balance of
environmental and ecological factors (Doumenge, Gilmour, PГ©rez, Blockhus,
1995). However, increasing technology and human population growth have initiated
many ecological disturbances worldwide (Fabry, Lapointe, 2015). Cloud forests are
particularly susceptible to climate change, which has detrimental impacts on
temperature, cloud cover, and disease spread, and human migration, which
contributes to deforestationand the introduction of exotic species (Auld and
Leishman, 2014). This essay will examine... Show more content on ...
The dramatic growth of the pathogenic chytrid fungus was directly linked to a
warmer than average climate from 1986 1987, the result of an abnormal El NiГ±o
event (Anchukaitis and Evans 2010). Increased temperatures, due to anthropogenic
global warming, further reduced cloud cover and allowed the fungus to persist and
spread after the initial El NiГ±o bloom. Cloud forests are further threatened by
diminished moisture because of increased drought (Hu Riveros Iregui, 2016).
Alternatively, black rats were unintentionally transported by humans to Asian and
Australian cloud forests about 100 years ago. Human migration, colonization, and
growth continues to create repercussions in cloud forest ecosystems mostly through
increased deforestation, which fragments local areas and shifts the likelihood of
survival to species with small territory requirements (Ponce Reyes et al., 2013).
Epidemic pathogen outbreaks and the introduction of alien species do not occur
frequently. However, cloud forests are very vulnerable to change, because of their
patchy distribution and high moisture requirements. The loss of endemic amphibians,
and palm trees to the chytrid fungus and the black rat respectively, had detrimental
effects on the ecology and survival of cloud forest species. Both disturbances have
also been connected to
Argumentative Essay About Marijuana
Wonderful Weed The dispute regarding weed, more formally known as Cannabis
Sativa, has been a topic of discussion throughout the years as people can t seem to
come to a conclusion about it. One side of the argument claims that people are
addicted to this drug and its destroying brain cells of the users, and other people
claim it not to be as overbearing as other drugs and it is harmless to use. Upon
further research the answer is simple. Weed indeed proves to be beneficial and
should not be prohibited or illegal. Society shames Cannabissmokers because it is
inhaled the same way as tobacco, and those that are against it have developed the
notion that it is bad for people s health.... Show more content on ...
People who are strongly against weed legalization also like to throw children into the
equation, saying that if legal, it would be easier to obtain, thus corrupting the minds
of our young ones. Logically speaking, the results are quite contrary to the claims.
Another Huffington Post article states that, ...the fact that marijuana studies so often
show conflicting findings is a sign of how much more research is needed in this area
and how important those answers are, (Ferner Wing). Those that oppose the
legalization of Marijuana provide blanketed statements as to why they shouldn t do
the drug instead of providing factual evidence and teaching them how to approach it
responsibly. Reason being, they themselves don t have the answers. There are so
many unanswered questions in adolescent marijuana, so teenage use of cannabis
shouldn t be supported or scolded until further evidence is provided. In regards to
the drug being more accessible to teenagers, this statement is also false as the drug
is already incredibly easy to obtain. In addressing the lyrics of Prince Ea, a
youtuber who created a research based song upon the dispute, he emphasizes that,
It s easier for kids to buy weed than it is to buy beer or cigarettes. Is that surprising?
Think about it, sir, how many drug dealers you know ask for ID, (Ea). The thought
provoking rapper establishes a solid
Summary Of Michael Jordan And The New Global
In the novel, Michael Jordan and the New Global Capitalism , the author, Walter
LaFerber compares the co founder of Nike, Phil Knight, to former American
magnates such as John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and various other
industrialists in order to successfully label him as a modern day Robber Baron .
The comparisons between Knight and earlier moguls comprise a large part of the
novel. It began when Knight realized the opportunity he had when Michael Jordan
began to become a more visible figure in the sports world. Like many successful
entrepreneurs before him, Knight quickly latched on to the star and began promoting
his product in a way that could reach a multitude of people, and advertise his athletic
products in a way that would cause them to sell in great numbers, Nike was
steamrolling its competitors out of the market. The first step had been ... Show more
content on ...
In a sense, this can be compared to the way in which Robber Barons before Knight
saw opportunities in the market, and quickly jumped on them in order to maximize
their profit, and push competitors to the wayside. Furthermore, Knight did not simply
stop with signing the most visible athletes, in order to steadily push his competition
further out of the way he went on to sign entire teams, He signed not just individual
stars, but entire colleges. These schools, famous for their sports teams, promised to
use Nike equipment nearly exclusively in return for large sums of money (65).
Knights tactics in steamrolling the competition are comparable to the way
Rockefeller formed Standard Oil which put other such companies out of
The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks Death Analysis
Death is the action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or
organism. Henrietta Lacks dies of cervical cancer at the end of Part one, and part
two is called death because it is after she dies, and it s about what happens after her
death. Part two explains what happens to Henrietta and her cells after she dies, and
how the cells were changing medicine. Part two of The Immortal Life of Henrietta
Lacks relates to deathby Cliff showing Skloot the whereabouts of where Henrietta
was buried and Henrietta s red toenails being chipped during her autopsy. Those
reasons are just a few reasons why part two is called death and how the definition
Cliff shows Skloot where Henrietta s burial site represents death by ... Show more
content on ...
Henrietta was buried in Clover next to her mom s grave; however, when they went,
Cliff and Skloot didn t know exactly where Henrietta was buried. In chapter 16,
Cootie tells Skloot to talk to Cliff, Henrietta s cousin, became he will know more
about her death. Henrietta was buried without a stone to make where it was, but
they know she was near her mother. He pointed to three body sized indentations in
the clearing and said, Any one of those could be Henrietta. (Skloot 121). That quotes
shows how no one knows exactly where Henrietta was buried. That is how Cliff
showing Skloot the grave site of Henrietta relates to death.
During the autopsy, Mary, the nurse, noticed red nail polish chipped of Henrietta s
toenails. When Skloot talked to Sadie in Part one, she said that Henrietta was
always touching up her red toenails and spent hours taking care of them. Henrietta
would never have her toenails chipped. When Mary saw the chipped nail polish
she realized that the cells came from an actual person, who is now dead. Then
Mary s gaze fell on Henrietta s feet, and she gasped: Henrietta s toenails were
covered in chipped bright red nail polish (Skloot 90). That quote shows how during
the autopsy Henrietta s toenails were chipped. Henrietta s nails would never be
chipped they were always perfect and had no chips. So, the author telling us that her
toenails were chipped it shows how she was dead. That resembles death because
Does The Form Ask All To Determine What The Client s...
Does the form ask all of the necessary questions to determine what the client s
presenting problem is? The form has a question that asks what the problem(s) are that
the person is seeking help for and includes 3 numbered lines for the response.
However, this is not adequate to determine what the client s presenting problems are.
This format assumes that the client is fully aware of the problems presented and that
the client can articulate the problems easily and in a limited space. There is not
enough room to adequately describe the presenting problem or problems and not
enough prompting questions to uncover the problems if the client has a difficult time
articulating them.
Are there too many or too few questions? The form has too many ... Show more
content on ...
The population in the area the organization serves is overwhelmingly English
speaking and there is no indication on the organization s website that there is any
bilingual staff available. It does not appear that the organization intends to serve
anyone that is not English speaking. For this reason, a form that is available solely in
English seems appropriate. If there are individuals in the area that are monolingual in
a language other than English, interpretation services would be needed.
Is there enough space to write in what is needed in each answer space? There is not
enough space to write in what is needed to provide an adequate response in each
answer space. The font is small and there are no spaces between questions in many
areas of the form. The length of blank lines provided for answers is determined by
how close the last word of the question is to the end of the page and does not appear
to be based on the amount of space needed to adequately answer the question.
Should the intake form be reformatted so it is easier to read? The intake form
should be reformatted so it is easier to read. The font is small and there are no
spaces between questions in most areas. This makes the form look overwhelming at
first glance. If someone was vision impaired, it would be difficult to see the
questions. In some areas the layout of the form makes it easy to lose your place
when answering questions. This is especially apparent in the areas requesting
Malcolm Gladwell Factors Of Success Analysis
( removed HTML )
Malcolm Gladwell said: Practice isn t the thing you do once you re good. It s the
thing you do that makes you good. Journalist and author, Malcolm Gladwell is best
known for writing The Outliers, a book which challenges readers definitions of
success by claiming special chances, hidden potentials, and cultural legacies lead to
success. He asserts that if you work hard enough, assert yourself, and use your mind
and imagination, you can shape the world to your desires. (Gladwell, 2013) The first
relevant example is Bill Joy and Bill Gates and their I.T. success. Second, the Beatles,
a group of musicians, used their minds and imaginations to challenge the music
industry. Lastly, some individuals refused to... Show more content on
(2013). Outliers. 1st ed. New York: Back Bay Books, Little, Brown and Company,
Gladwell, M. (2013). Outliers. 1st ed. New York: Back Bay Books, Little, Brown and
Company, p.35 ~ 36, 46~ 47 .
Lenny, B., Whitener, M. and Paterson, G. (n.d.). Please Please Me. [online] The
Beatles Bible. Available at: please me
/ [Accessed 7 Dec. 2017].
Wyman, B. (2017). All 213 Beatles Songs, Ranked From Worst to Best. [online]
Vulture. Available at: 213 beatles songs ranked
from worst to best.html [Accessed 21 Nov. 2017].
Olympics at Sports (n.d.). Ray Ewry Bio, Stats, and Results. [online]
Available at: https://www.sports ewry 1.html
[Accessed 29 Oct. 2017]. (2016). 12 Incredibly Successful People Who Overcame Adversity. [online]
Available at: spodek/12 incredible people who
succeeded despite adversity.html [Accessed 5 Nov.
Child Observation Paper
Per Reporter: Caitlin and the child lived with Lorraine for a while. Lorraine and
Caitlin used to work together. While in the home with Lorraine, Caitlin was caught
medicating the child with Benadryl or anything that cause drowsiness to make the
child sleep at night. Caitlin would leave the child screaming at night. Caitlin
screamed and cursed at the child due to her not wanting to deal with the her.
Caitlin and the child moved in with Steven (Caitlin s Ex) for a while. Steven stated
that he was the primary caretaker for the child while at his home; Caitlin wouldn t
properly care for the child. Caitlin lost custody of her son (Caden) due to neglect as
well. Caden is in the care of his father (Josh). On March 14, 2017, Caitlin left the
European Court of Justice
We have chosen to write this assignment on the European Court of Justice (ECJ),
looking into its role in the European integration process, and how its rulings and
judgments have affected the business framework. We will also be looking into the
effects of its rulings on state sovereignty, and how in some cases its rulings have
limited states power over certain policy areas and handed them to the European Union
. We will start by looking at the radical jurisprudence of the European court of justice,
and what political reactions have arisen to that, and how that has changed/affected the
integration process. To get a better understanding, we will incorporate the use of neo
functionalism and rational choice new ... Show more content on ...
The main reason behind the spillover effect is increased effectiveness. Two
important spillovers here are functional and political. This allows institutions to
expand their activities to areas not under their jurisdiction/mandate so they can
function more effectively. In cases regarding free trade there is bound to be an
increasing amount of spillover, due to the wide ranging nature of the economic
issues, especially on issues such as trade barriers and tariffs. This has been evident
from the verdict in the case of Cassis de Dijon which we will return to later on.
Based on various rulings the ECJ could be seen as an active promoter of the spillover
In the Maastricht treaty the principle of subsidiarity was incorporated into the treaty,
which the British government pushed for. The reason for this was to limit the
transfer of power from the member states to the EU institutions. The decisions
should be taken at the lowest possible level, closest to the citizen. However, the
concept of subsidiarity remains to be defined clearly, and thus holds immense
ambiguity. As a consequence, subsidiarity can be used as an argument both by those
who desire greater autonomy for member states and by those who want the EU to
become a federation.
Neofunctionalism argues that actors, whether
Chemistry (Redox)
Experiment 1 : Redox Titration Using Sodium Thiosulphate
This experiment is to determine the concentration of oxidizing solution using the
iodine/ thiosulphate titration where the reducing solution is potassium iodate
solution and the oxidizing solution is sodium thiosulphate solution. Potassium iodate
solution which is an oxidizing agent is added into an excess solution of acidified
potassium iodide. This reaction will release iodine. Potassium iodide is acidified with
sulphuric acid and the iodine released quickly titrated with sodium thiosulphate until
it become light yellow. The iodine then detected with starch solution and it turn into
dark blue solution and titrated again with sodium thiosulphate until colourless. From
... Show more content on ...
B.Standardization of 0.1M sodium thiosulphate solution 1. A burette is filled with
the 0.1M sodium thiosulphate solution to be standardized. There are no air
bubbles in the burette. 2. The initial reading of the burette is recorded in table 1.1.
3. 25 mL of standard potassium iodate solution prepared in part A are pipetted into
a 250 mL conical flask and a magnetic flea is added into conical flask. 4. 1 g of
potassium iodide, KI, is weighed approximately and it is placed in a 50 mL beaker.
5. 10.0 mL of 1.0M sulphuric acid solution are added and are swirled until all the KI
dissolved. 6. This solution is added to the conical flask containing the potassium
iodate solution and it is immediately titrated with the sodium thiosulphate solution,
while it is stirred using a stirrer hot plate, until a ligth yellow solution is obtained.
Then, the solution is diluted with distilled water until the total volume is about 100
mL. Then, 1.0 mL of starch solution is added and the titration is continued until the
blue colour disappears and the solution become colourless. 7. The final reading of
the burette is recorded in the table 1.1 . The procedures are repeated twice as the
results is more accurate.
1. Complete chemical reaction equation for reaction between ; i. iodate and iodide
Observation In Good Country People, By Flannery O
Observation In her story Good Country People, Flannery O Connor writes of
Hulga Hopewell s unfortunate experience where her confidence in her intellect
leads her to make wrong conclusions of other people s character. Living in self pity
and despair after the accident that takes away her leg, Hulga Hopewell maintains a
negative view of life, herself, and others around her. In the story, her mother, Mrs.
Hopewell writes She grew less like other people and more like herself bloated, rude,
and squint eyed (O Connor 487). In addition to believing herself ugly, Hulga does not
believe in God and depends on her own Ph.D. in philosophy for advanced knowledge
to explain the world and other people s behavior. However, as Mrs. Hopewell
perfectly... Show more content on ...
They come to you in sheep s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By
their fruit you will recognize them...every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree
bears bad fruit...Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them (NIV). As Peter
warns the believers about false teachers, he says With eyes full of adultery, they
[false teachers] never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in
greed an accursed brood (2 Peter 2: 40, NIV) In this story, Hulga believes in
Pointer s good character because of the kind, Christian attitude he initially shows
when she first meets him. However, she fails to realize that the man s behavior
toward her during their walk together did not reflect the fruits of the spirit. As a
result, she falls into the trap of letting him steal her heart and then her leg. As this
story warns, we as Christians need to stay firm in our faith and not let others lead
us astray with a false show of outer spirituality. In 1 John 4:1, John writes Dear
friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from
God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world (NIV). If Hulga had
not denied God s knowledge, she would have not been led so easily astray by Pointer
s façade of
Sacrifice In The Odyssey
Homer might just be the greatest narrative author to have ever put ink on paper,
but what is truly undeniable is how much depth is put into his characters,
especially his heroes. The heroes of the Iliad and Odyssey are larger than life and
they embody what it means to be a Greek Hero. We would expect these heroes to be
everything great about man and not suffer any of the same things that the other
mortals experience. But Homer s heroes cry and they don t just cry, they weep. They
weep for loved ones, cry for the brutality of fate, and the lament the loss of that most
important thing: honor. In book one of the Iliadwe find Achilleus in a desperate
He led forth from the hut Briseis of the fair cheeks and gave her to be taken away; .
. . But Achilleus weeping went and sat in sorrow apart from his companions beside
the beach of the gray sea looking out on the infinite water.
Many times stretching forth his hands he called on his mother:
Since, my mother, you bore me to be a man with a short life,
Therefore Zeus of the loud thunder on Olympos should grant me
Honor at least. But now he has given me not even a little.
Now the son of Atreus, powerful Agamemnon,
Has dishonored me, since he has taken away my prize and keeps it. 1
Achilleus, the greatest fighter in the Iliad, is weeping on the beach, certainly this is
not the hero we are meant to idealize. But if one pushes past the surface we see that
Homer is attempting to teach us something cosmic about tears, a ... Show more
content on ...
By nights he would lie beside her, of necessity,
In the hollow caverns, against his will, by one who was willing,
But all the days he would sit upon the rocks, at the seaside,
Breaking his heart in tears and lamentation and sorrow
As weeping tears he looked out over the barren
Animal Hoarding Essay
Animal hoarding is an issue in every division of society around the world
(Donaghey 2011). Whether rich or poor, there may still be an animal hoarder
living right next door (Donaghey 2011). In some situations there may be obvious
signs that a person is a hoarder; however, others live seemingly regular lives to the
public eye and the problem is growing. Animal hoarding is a growing problem
because of the lack of understanding of the issue and lack of action. The general
public has a lack of understanding of animal hoarding. Many citizens do not realize
that anyone can report abuse (Donaghey 2011). There are ...900 to 2,000 new cases
[found] every year... with a quarter million animalsfalling victim in the United States
alone (Animal). If... Show more content on ...
Donaghey stated that, research has shown that hard core criminals who do crimes
such as rape, battery, and murder often claim to have started abusing animals before
humans . This is yet another reason she says that education of our children would
greatly help the community (Donaghey 2011). Researchers have found that animal
hoarding is a mental illness equivalent to schizophrenia. It can be characterized by
having more than the typical number of companion animals , and obsessive attempts
to [ ] maintain a collection of animals in to face of deteriorating conditions having an
inability to provide even minimal standards of nutrition, sanitation, shelter, and
veterinary care with this neglect often resulting in starvation, illness, and death
(Animal) (Castrodale). Animal hoarders also are in denial of the inability to provide
this minimum care and the impact of that failure on the animals, the household, and
human occupants of the dwelling (Animal). People who hoard and abuse animals
once usually hoard again as shown in a case in England (Donaghey 2011) (Cruelty).
Studies done on animal hoarding show that human health is not taken into
consideration when dealing with hoarding situations. In 2 independent studies done
of 54 cases, the majority of animal care agencies failed to address human health
concerns associated with the case (Arluke). More studies found that in 11
Lush s Animal Cruelty
Lush has been fighting animal testing for many years. The founders of Lush, Mark
Constantine and Liz Weir, started opposing animal testing prior to opening Lush,
with their original business, Cosmetics To Go. (, 2002). They ve
continued supporting this cause, and have been successful in the sector of anti
animal testing. Lush has been working with various animal pressure groups, and have
been very successful over the years. (Lush Fresh Handmade CosmeticsUK, 2017). In
1993, the founders helped pass the Cosmetics Directive that restricts cosmetic
companies from testing their products on animals (Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics
that, they founded Lush in 1995 (, 2002). With the foundation of Lush,
the support of anti animal cruelty grew bigger. This enabled Lush to go on a
campaign to collect signatures for the new... Show more content on ...
In this case, their main belief is in creating products without the use of animal testing.
To achieve this Lush uses various tactics. With the age of technology, social media is
the most effective way to communicate with the public. Lush utilises Twitter,
Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat and blogs to spread their values and
campaign (Skoerne, 2012). Interestingly, Lush has no budget for advertising, and yet
the company has been incredibly successful (Omond, 2012). Their marketing
technique consists mostly of social media usage, as it is a free medium, as well as
word of mouth. Lush has also made a Twitter account specifically dedicated to the
animal cruelty that is occurring. Another tactic Lush has adopted is shock value,
which is a tactic used to disgust or shock the viewer leaving them with a strong
message. An example of Lush utilizing this technique was seen during the human
demonstration at Lush Regent Street. Lush s campaign within the EU was considered
a success. They have helped pass the
Essay on Experiment and De100 Module Team
Tma05, Introduction to a de100 project on the likeness of a logo A fictitious
educational experiment was created and conducted by a team on the DE100 module
and therefore they had to maintain plan and undertake a project to pinpoint their
potential findings; this therefore meant launching a logo for internet TV channel in
order to address whether or not evaluative conditioning works in either
experimental or control conditions. The logo was used to question if it would
attract an audience and if they liked it. Evaluate conditioning is where a person is
likely to like or dislike something because it has been associated with something
positive or negative (Brace N, 2014, P 159). We can be unaware of evaluate
conditioning and exactly... Show more content on ...
This validates the position that evaluative conditioning mechanisms can endorse
positive attitudes (The Open University).
Evaluative conditioning operative comes from Brace who had suggested that
people make associations either positively or negatively when they are transferred.
An interesting example is used by Brace who explains that people take a dislike to
other people s names, it is suggested that this is caused by a like or dislike to a
particular name and it therefore becomes associated to a certain person. This can then
affect an individual s behaviour and attitude without being aware of it.
Chen et al verified this by sharing similarities with findings to those that were found
by the DE100 module team. Chen et al was interested in whether or not the findings
would differ when pairing the sporting event with a sporting celebrity compared to a
non sporting celebrity would make a difference in participant s attitudes. The
participants who were in the experimental condition with a celebrity who had viewed
the slides had developed a positive attitude than those in the control condition with no
celebrity and sports. The method used in both DE100 module team s and the Chen s
study were straightforward this therefore shows a strength and it now means that any
future replications can be conducted with ease. The participants who took part were
known to the experimenter may
Dexter Morgan Killing
Fictional television shows were created to entertain the public. For some television
is an escape from reality were someone s imagination can get the best of them. For
others, it s just a fictional program that has no effect in their lives, or so they think.
Watching fictional television can manipulate the mind into believing that something
is good. For example, the TV show Dexter tell the story of a man who is a killer but
the audience wants to see him succeed. Dexter Morgan shows viewers that murder
can sometimes be justified because he only killing those who truly deserved it which
keeps killers off the streets in the society.
Dexter s urge to kill was introduced at a very young age. The older he got the more
he wanted to kill. Dexter has a code that he lives by that justifies his killing. This
code was created by his foster father Harry who ... Show more content on ...
Every episode there is a different murder that happens in the city and the police are
trying to figure out the who did it while Dexter tries to pretend to be happy and
blend in with the rest of society. Because there is a big criminal population in
Florida, Dexter has a lot of potential victims. Dexter disposes of the bodies by cutting
them up into pieces and putting them into a plastic bag and throwing them out in the
middle of the ocean. The ocean helps him from being seen and hiding his victims so
he couldn t be caught.
Living in Miami, Dexter tell his story of how he must fake his emotions and
interactions with others. Dexter has two different kinds of personality. The one he
shows everyone, a helpful, smart, and hardworking man. These traits help him seem
normal to everyone around him and doesn t make people suspicious. The side of him
he doesn t show anyone is the very secretive, observant, meticulous. These traits help
Dexter make sure he has the right person and understands his surrounding just in case
he runs into any
Theme Of Desertion In Jay Mcinerney s Bright Lights, Big
Bright Lights, Big City, by Jay McInerney, continually reinforces the idea that
being left behind can drastically alter someone as a person. The Narrator in this
book is a basket case due to the break up of him and his wife, Amanda. In Fight
Club, the Narrator is abandoned by his father; he, however, takes it out a different
way; violence. McInerney s noveland Palahniuk s segment both display the theme
that abandonment and desertion can lead a person to become lost and astray. Neither
author ever reveals the narrator s name, which embodies the absentness in each
characterand gives the reader the impression that they are lost. In Bright Lights, Big
City the narrator tries to run from the pain of an unsatisfying reality by going out
to the clubs every night, drinking alcohol and snorting cocaine. The narrator s
wife, Amanda, called him one day from Paris, where she was doing a photo shoot
to tell him that she wouldn t be coming home, that she was leaving him. He dwells
over this the entire novel, and his way of coping with it is to go out and alleviate
the pain through the use of drugs, All might come clear if you could just slip into
the bathroom and do a little more Bolivian marching powder (McInerney 1). Towards
the beginning of the novel, the narrator is high off of cocaine and concealed within
the shadows of... Show more content on ...
In each novel the narrator has lost a significant figure, which has led them to live
the way they do. One big difference though is that in Big City, Bright Lights, the
narrator and his wife were separated which caused him to rely on drugs, booze and
women to mask actuality. Whereas in Fight Club the narrator grew up without a
father, this ultimately led him to fight club. Maybe we didn t need a father to
complete ourselves. There s nothing personal about who you fight in fight club. You
fight to fight (Palahniuk 54). Fight club is his way to get around
The Role Of Father Mike In Duluth
The prophet we choose is Father Mike Schmitz. Father Mike is from Duluth,
Minnesota, however, he currently resides in Duluth, Minnesota. God calls Father
Mike to teach the faith and lead his church. Father does this through his online
videos and books that are enjoyable for all ages. His message is delivered through his
inspirational speeches. He inspires us all to follow in God. Other than being a priest,
he runs the Newman Center at the University of Minnesota Duluth as well as
holding the position of the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry in his
diocese. On his spare time, Father Mike films YouTube videos describing God s
teaching every week as well as writing spiritual books for all ages. Father Mike is
called by God to spread
The Franchise Model Requires Regular Payments
The franchise model requires regular payments to the Subway Corporation. This
will eat into profit margins each year and decrease the potential upside that might
have been realized from running a standalone restaurant. However, it will also
allow the owner to build equity in the restaurant, and enable the potential sale the
restaurant at a later date if it is successful (Amit Zott, 2012). Importantly, there are
restrictions on how many stores an investor can own and operate. Subway is not
like Chick fil a in that they limit all owners to only a single store, but they do want
to make sure that people are going to be successful at running a store before they
will allow that person to take on many stores. This can limit the upside and... Show
more content on ...
In addition to the training one receives which is both training and a test to ensure
that people are a good fit for the franchise model one receives critical support on
marketing matters and other issues. This is ideal for a person who has not yet
worked in the sandwich shop industry. It is like having a leg up on people who have
decided to just test the waters and attempt to start a shop with no assistance. The
ability to pool resources to come up with clever marketing pitches is also critical.
Some might argue that this marketing approach is bad for small business owners
because it takes away some of their ability to use local, customized marketing. This
is not a fair criticism, however. One can still engage in community based marketing
as an owner of a Subway franchise. This provides the opportunity for the best of both
worlds. The Subway can lean on the national messaging to build brand awareness and
draw people to the store while at the same time going out and establishing good will
in the community through various efforts. In addition, the franchise model allows a
business owner to just focus on execution rather than having to constantly scheme
with new ideas. Many small business owners fail because they have to be visionaries
at all points. They have to see the bigger trends coming in the industry while also
thinking of new and creative ways to connect with the needs of consumers. This is all
in addition to
Essay on Comprehensive assignment
1. (5 pts) Describe the metabolic process providing your energy while you were
walking (at an easy pace) before the bee stung you. Include which molecules are being
The metabolic process providing my energy while I was walking at an easy pace is
aerobic metabolism. During aerobic metabolism, mitochondria absorb from the
surrounding cytoplasm these molecules: ADP, phosphate ions, O2, and organic
substances like pyruvate. These molecules go through the citric acid cycle. The
electron transport chain is also involved to create ATP. For each molecule of
pyruvate that goes into the citric acid cycle, the cell gains 17 ATP molecules.
Glycogen reserves can also be used and converted to glucose. Glycolysis breaks down
glucose ... Show more content on ...
339 341)
4. (6 pts) Move your eyes and look at the bee. (Create a table that describes which
nerves control which muscles to cause the needed eye movements).
Eye looks downInferior RectusSphenoid around optic canalInferior, medial surface of
eyeballOculomotor Nerve III
Eye looks laterallyLateral RectusSphenoid around optic canalLateral surface of
eyeballAbducens Nerve VI
Eye rolls, looks down and laterallySuperior ObliqueSphenoid around optic
canalSuperior, lateral surface of eyeballTrochlear Nerve IV
( The Muscular System P. 335)
5. (8 pts) Trace the image of the bee to perception. (Include all focusing, transduction,
transmission and perception processes and structures).
After a retinal molecule absorbs light, the normally 11 cis form of the bound retinal
molecule straightens to become the 11 trans from. This change activated the opsin
molecule. Opsin activates transducin which is a G protein. This G protein then
activates phosphodiesterase. Phosphodiesterase is an enzyme that breaks down cyclic
GMP. The break down of cyclic GMP removes them from the gated sodium channels
and makes the gated sodium channels inactive. Because of this, sodium ion entry into
the cytoplasm decreases.
Companies And Partnership Law Assessment
Companies and partnership law assessment Question1: Liability is made of
contractual liability and tort liability. Creditors have only one opportunity to sue
partners who have jointly liable for contractual obligations . However, creditors can
sue several times in tort liability. There are different situation in the contract about the
liability. Firstly, if the partner signs contract with actual authority and for purpose of
the partnership , so all partners have jointly liable . Secondly, if the partner signs
contract without the notice of another partner, but the third party trust him to sign the
contract (apparent authority) in the usual way of this kind of partnership business,
therefore all partners have jointly liable . Finally, if... Show more content on ...
For example, if a company have lots of liabilities, he as a limited partner has no
authority to pay the liabilities using own assets like house. If a limited partner
takes an active role in the company, he or she may be become personally liable.
Based on the PA, the requirements of this part relating to the limitation on the
liability of a limited partner may not be diversified by the partnership agreement or
the consent of the partners. Word count: 158 Question 3: Issues: The issues are
whether Oola, Spike and Tex are partners and who is liable for Reena s costs.
Rules: A partnership is the relation which exists between persons carrying on a
business in common with a view of profit. Business includes any trade, occupation
or profession. A relationship subsists profit sharing which means that it is a
partnership. (It is strong indicator but not definitive) All partners liable for any
wrongful act or omission of any partner acting in the ordinary course of the
business of the firm, or with the authority of the other partners. Every partner in a
firm other than an incorporated limited partnership is liable jointly with the partner
s co partners, and also severally. Application: Existence of partnership Oola, Spike
and Tex are persons that have some sort of relationship, but the other elements of
the definition in s 1 (1) PA also needs to be present: Carrying on business: Based on s
1 B (1) PA Business includes any
Growing Up In Poverty In The United States
Poverty is the condition of being without adequate food or money. American
Psychological Association (MLA): Poverty is not having enough money to have the
basic necessities in life. It is an issue within the United States and the world. There
are many children that grow up in poverty and the effects can last throughout the life.
When growing up in povertythere can be high risk of teen pregnancy, poor heath,
crime, Drug use and a lack of education. (Boyden)
Poverty and poor health worldwide are inseparably related. Poor health is a direct
effect of growing up in poverty; as children living in low economic families may not
have access to adequate medical health coverage. Which means the child will not
have proper immunization and checkup that they need to ensure good health. Studies
show when a child grows up in poverty the child can be underweight (Boyden). Poor
under lined illness may also lead to issues throughout a lifespan. Poverty increases
neglect of health issues. That causes more health problems which ends in death.
Statistics also show that living in poor rule areas, with low quality schools. Even if
the parents are highly educated and employed, the employment ... Show more content
on ...
People who live in low economic and rule areas with less social standings are those
who are considered to be in poverty. Someone who is suffering from poverty may
have to live in cramped, inadequate houses or they could be homeless. Those who
are unemployed or live in low economic areas are more likely to have unstable
family life, broken relationships, with less involvement in their community, and low
aspirations with alcoholism and drug addiction. We assume poverty is unlikely the
cause of high crime in rule areas and for drug and alcohol addiction. But studies show
people that are in poverty find themselves using their circumstance for an excuse to
commit crimes and the use drugs and
Monitoring And Reviewing Quality Assurance Programs
The IQA role should be considered to be a privileged one, with high levels of personal
responsibility required when accessing, handling (including appropriate sharing) and
storing information in all of the formats the information may take electronic, printed
material, discussion. When planning, implementing, monitoring and reviewing
quality assurance programs, I will be privy to not insignificant amounts of
information. This information can be personal in its nature when relating to the
assessment practitioners and to qualification candidates, or can be commercially
sensitive when the information relates to the internal policies and procedures
operated by my own organisation, the centre undergoing the quality assurance cycle,
and the qualification awarding organisations. My responsibilities relating to the
correct handling of all types of data are not only established best practice, but
demanded by law. The individuals and organisations involved in quality assurance
activities must enjoy absolute confidence in my gathering and utilisation of their
information. Without this confidence in the sharing of data, as an IQA I will not be
in receipt of all the data I require in order to make reasoned, and secure determinations
the likely consequence being the invalidity of the entire assessment quality assurance
program. The gathering, use and retention of information by an individual or
organisation is regulated in the United Kingdom by the Data Protection Act of 1998.
Essay about Fiction Fused With Reality
Yann Martel s magic realism novel Life of Pi (2006) and Guillermo Del Toro s dark
fantasy film Pan s Labyrinth (2002) fuses fiction with reality as they explore shared
concerns such as faith, survival and the importance of narration. These
bildungsroman tales feature teenage protagonists who undergo profound
transformations as they strive to overcome confronting challenges.
Yann Martel is able to blend real elements with the surreal through the use of
storytelling. Without Richard Parker, I wouldn t be alive today to tell you my story.
Yann Martel not only forewarns of the future events but also demonstrates the
characteristics that Piscine has. Animal allegories are used as a recurring motif in the
novel and are used to symbolise ... Show more content on ...
Like Martel, Del Toro forewarns the responder of the battles that Ofelia and Spain
are going to go through. Because it is in pain that we find the meaning of life Del
Toro uses Ofelia to symbolise Spain and the horrible violence that happened during
the 1930 s.Ofelia s parallel worlds provide a metaphor for two possible outcomes.
The fictitious world provides the ending that would occur if the socialist s won the
war, meaning a free world. The real world is symbolic for the outcome that would
occur when the fascist s won, a cold controlled dictatorship in which the everyday
person was oppressed by a dictator.
Religion is used as a key issue in Life of Pi, which states that all religions lead to the
same goal. All religions are true. I just want to love God. This idea is carried
throughout the book and is firmly believed by the main protagonist Piscine. Piscine
s belief in God is tested regularly with obstacles that hinder his path towards
salvation. The island which Piscine inhabits for a period of a time symbolises the
binary oppositions of religion. The island is carnivorous during the night and self
sufficient and benevolent during the day. Martel suggests the darker side of religion
can destroy its surroundings and in the end destroy itself. Pi has a unique aspect to
share with the reader as he is born a Hindu but decides to practise Islam and
Christianity. This emphasises the commonality of
Galton s Theory Of Intelligence Essay
Either way, Galton influenced researchers to consider taking a scientific focus on
their theories of intelligence. One of the researchers Galton influenced was James
McKeen Cattell who brought Galton s ideas to the United States and proposed a
series of 50 psychophysical tests (1890). As a matter of fact, Cattell s psychophysical
tests could later not be validated by his student, Clark Wissler (1901). Even theorists
that have focused their theories of intelligenceon Galton s views have recognized that
Galton had very simplistic views (e.g., Hunt, Frost, Lunneborg, 1973). All things
considered, Galton s controversial views of intelligence (which has since been
carried down to present day) have had a profound impact on the area of
intelligence. Binet. Another key individual in the development of intelligence is
Alfred Binet, who was a very influential psychologist of the early twentieth century.
He was a French psychologist who is known especially for his work with
intelligence and is remembered as the father of the first intelligence test (Binet,
1903). He was a self taught psychologist who was studying medicine (but did not
finish his medical studies) and later shifted into psychology because it was much an
interest to him (Zusne, 1957). He was interested in the development of his children
and in 1903 he published a book L Г©tude expГ©rimentale de I intelligence (Binet,
1903) which included empirical data of the observations he made with his children
and an extensive
In Hans Christian Anderson’s 1830s fairy tale
In Hans Christian Anderson s 1830s fairy tale Thumbelina, the narrator brings
Thumbelina or Tiny for short, on a series of misfortunate events. An ugly toad stole
Thumbelina and tried to marry her to her even more unsightly son. After she
escaped the toad, a cockchafer forced her to be his date to a party, almost perished
in the lonely winter months, and again is nearly forced to marry an unappealing
mole. Although after a rainstorm of bad events, a rainbow appears. After Tiny s
tragic events, Tiny is finally wed to a handsome, fairy prince. Tiny s character traits
and build carried the story. Although a few characters drove the tale of Thumbelinaby
Hans Christian Anderson, Thumbelina s small delicate stature influenced the story the
... Show more content on ...
Tiny told sung and told stories her. Unfortunately the mouse s neighbor, a blind mole,
liked singing and stories too. After hearing her sing, the mole fell madly in love with
the little girl and wanted to marry her. The narrator said, She was herself so frail
and delicate, that poor little Tiny was nearly frozen to death. This quote all in itself
says Tiny was so small, that the winter almost killed her. If Tiny were larger, she
would have had an easier time regulating her body temperature and the snow falling
would not have affected her as much. Therefore, Tiny would not have been almost
dead, and the mouse and the mole would have never met her.
The final event that was caused by Tiny s small stature was marrying the fairy prince.
Although incompatible for their love of sunshine, the mole wanted to marry
Thumbelina, regardless of what she wanted. With the wedding day approaching
quickly, Tiny knew she could not marry the mole, no matter how wealthy he was.
He liked dark, emptiness. Thumbelina loved light, warm sunlight. She befriended
an injured swallow and he took Tiny away before the wedding. Shortly after having
reached a place where the sun always shines, she saw a man, rather a tiny king. The
only difference was that he had wings. Instantly, Tiny was taken by how handsome
he was and vice versa. The fairy prince married Tiny. If Tiny were not as small as she
was, the swallow wouldn t have been able to lift her
Essay on Theme of Heroes in Rebecca by Daphne
In a world of manifest superheroes, Mrs. de Winter, in Daphne du Maurier s novel,
Rebecca, though quite an unanticipated heroine, proves to be selfless and
courageous, the very definition of a hero. Her name never being mentioned, Mrs. de
Winter, also the story s narrator, stands in direct contrast to the story s vilest
character, Rebecca, and her sinister housekeeper, Mrs. Danvers. By observing the
characters and setting of Rebecca, we manage to catch a glimpse of the author s
personal life and how it may have influenced the writing of her novel.
The daughter of two actors, Sir Gerald du Maurier and Muriel Beaumont, Daphne du
Maurier grew up in the Menabilly mansion in Cornwall, England. Her childhood
home is thought to be represented ... Show more content on ...
Rebecca was just that with its vivid poetry and scheming plot, Rebecca was able to
transport its readers to another world.
Though having been published at such a strenuous time when society more easily
focused on the negative aspects of life, by writing a novel like Rebecca, du
Maurier proved that even though it wasn t apparent, if you looked hard enough
you could find some good amidst the evil, there was a hero among the monsters.
By never mentioning Mrs. de Winter s first name, du Maurier gives her heroine a
certain amount of anonymity and makes her a type of backdoor heroine .
Throughout the novel, the reader s attention is immersed in the mystery that is
Rebecca. Although the story is narrated by Mrs. de Winter and every event is
wrapped around its effect on her character, even so, one manages to focus more
readily on Rebecca. However, if one analyses the novel then it becomes evident
that du Maurier s purpose was for the reader to identify Mrs. de Winter as the
heroine and she does this by intentionally leaving out her name as an effective way
of making the character appear to be a lesser person than Rebecca, so that she is
less confidant, less capable, less attractive to Maxim, not even a significant enough
person to be named (Willmore). All this, to place an even greater emphasis on Mrs.
de Winter s selflessness.
In contrast to Mrs. de Winter s selfless qualities, Mrs.
Dale Chihuly
One of the collections in the OKC Museum of Art is an exhibition of glass and
drawings by Dale Chihuly. Currently the Oklahoma City Museum of Art is home to
one of the largest collections of Chihuly glass in the world. Chihuly s background
includes a B.A. in interior design from the University of Washington, a M.S. in
sculpturefrom the University of Wisconsin Madison, a M.F.A. in sculpture from the
Rhode Island School of Design, honorary doctorates from the University of Puget
Sound the Rhode Island School of Design. Chihuly is a very experienced artist to
say the least. He was awarded a Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation grant for work in
glassand studied in Italy at the Venini glass factory on a Fulbright Fellowship. This
museum holds over three decades of Chihuly s finest work. All of his work is very
eye catching and mesmerizing. His pieces also do not lack in color, and the way the
light passes through the glass sets the tone for his work. You can tell that all of these
pieces is the work of the same artists, Dale Chihuly.... Show more content on ...
This collection includes works on paper from the sixteenth century to the present.
However, this collection consists mainly of works by 20th century American
artists. For example Josef Albers Golden Gate which is a simple print done with
several boxes of different tones of yellow that turns into gold. There is also a piece
done by Andy Warhol called Cheddar Cheese from Campbell s Soup. This is a print
that is done with a can of campbell s soup, what look like what could possibly be an
add. Something that is commonly done by Andy
Nucleic Acid Sequence-Based Amplification ( NASBA )...
Nucleic acid sequence based amplification (NASBA) assay involves the non PCR
based amplification of viral RNA of all four dengue virus serotypes using universal
primers at 41В°C and to type the amplified products by serotype specific capture
probes by electrochemiluminescence (Wu et al. 2001). The method is unique in its
cost effectiveness, 98.5 % sensitivity, 100 % sensitivity and short time of one day for
investigation (Usawattanakul et al. 2002).
Viral RNA detection using RNA guided clustered regularly interspersed palindromic
repeats (CRISPR) along with Cas13a proteins have been recently developed for the
detection of dengue and zika viruses (Gootenberg et al. 2017). The target viral RNA
sequence to be detected is identified with a ... Show more content on
2014).The development of a dengue NS1 antigen specific capture enzyme linked
immunosorbent assay capable of detecting all the four serotypes of dengue virus
was tested with patient serum samples from Tamil Nadu and gave positive results
till 7 days of infections (Kathiresan et al. 2017). Validation of the above results was
done with RT PCR, MAC ELISA and commercially available NS1 antigen detection
kits. The method was also useful in NS1 antigenic screening in mosquitoes the
vectors of the disease.
The in silico synthesis and serotyping using multiantigenic peptides of dengue virus
proteins as tools for dengue diagnosis have been recently described (Rai et al. 2017).
Epitopes on the envelope protein and NS1 protein were selected for the synthesis of
multiantigenic peptide in the above study. Results indicated that among 157
patients studied almost 96 % positive reactions against MAP1 for IgM positive
serum and 94 % against MAP 3 for IgM positive serum. However, a reduction in
detection levels were also observed to around 60% IgG positive serums.
Antibody based detection
Antibody based detection of dengue infection can be done using serum samples both
for primary and secondary infections from the 2nd day of infection. The antibody
Protagonist Argumentative Essay
understandable picture of Erudite people stream from the buildings, evacuating as
the group less and Dauntless assault. The color blue binds them mutually, and most
obvious is the whites of their eyes. This picture is particularly awful to Protagonist,
since lots of these public are blameless; through this explanation, readers can get a
improved sense of the surprise she feels while inspecting them. After behaving
brutally with Jeanine, Protagonist takes memo of each aspect of her features
because the blood and cut marks are proof that for once, Protagonist has managed to
strike Jeanine. Even if it was simply in this second, she ruined her, and the
verification of Jeanine s weak point shows on her distorted face. This complete
Healthcare Professional Education Is Expensive
Healthcare professional education is expensive. [1] However it is of high value. The
outcomes of healthcare professional education are also expensive fully qualified
healthcare professionals that command high wages. However the outcomes of
healthcare professional are of high value too healthcare professionals are the
foundations of our health service and our healthy society. [2] Healthcare professional
education ultimately produces a workforce and that workforce is governed by the
rules of labour economicslike any other workforce. Despite all of these largely
incontrovertible facts, there has been remarkably little interest in the relationship
between healthcare professional education and labour economics. This is surprising
in view... Show more content on ...
[4] Healthcare professional education and labour economics are in essence a matter
of supply and demand. However at times there is oversupply and at times
undersupply. Let s look at oversupply first. Oversupply of healthcare professionals
in a certain specialities is a waste. The expense of education that has been provided
has gone to waste and now the healthcare professional is a burden on the taxpayer.
So it is a double hit for the healthcare service. However there may be a case for
having a small oversupply. The future of the health service is unpredictable and so
it is probably wiser to have a small oversupply than an undersupply which will mean
that patients cannot receive the care that they need. A small oversupply will also
mean that there is some competition for training places and specialist posts this
should be a driver for learners to achieve more and thus to improve quality. Moving
on to undersupply, there are few arguments for having an undersupply of healthcare
professionals. There will be savings in the education budgets but these savings will
be far outweighed by the costs of untreated acute illness and chronic disease.
However a complicating factor is elasticity of supply. In labour markets supply of
workers can be of high elasticity or low elasticity. The supply
Inguinal Hernia
1. The recorded reference to inguinal hernia dates back to 1522 BC. The Egyptian
papyrus of Ebers (1552 BC) refers to the observation of this disease as a swelling on
the surface of the belly caused by coughing (Chowbey, 2012). In 400 BC,
Hippocrates (a Greek physician, 460 BC 370 BC) described the identification
between hernia and hydrocele testis.
2. In 50 BC, Aulus Cornelius Celsus (25 BC 50 AD) brought the ancient Greek
medicine to Rome and hernia trusses were widely used. Surgery was recommended to
those patients with pain. The hernia sac, after separated from the spermatic cord, was
excised through a scrotal incision below pubic bone. The wound was then left to
granulate and form scar tissue. Bigger wound would be burnt to promote scar
formation. In the operation, ... Show more content on ...
William of Salicet (1210 1277), in about 1250, clearly put forward the preservation of
testicles in surgery. In 1363, Guy de Chauliac (1300 1368) was the first surgeon
differentiating femoral from inguinal hernia. The Renaissance brought burgeoning
anatomic knowledge and people comprehended more about hernia, which contributed
to the fundamental development of hernia treatment.
6. Ambroise Pare (1510 1590), a French surgeon who was regarded as the founder of
modern surgery, advocated using vascular ligation to replace the use of hot oil or
cauterization for hemostasis. In his book, The Apologie and the Treatise, he recorded
the operation of reducing the content of sac into belly and ligaturing peritoneum by
golden thread and condemned orchidectomy.
7. Pierre Franco (1500 1565), a French surgeon, gave detailed descriptions of hernia
operation, including some early techniques on preventing testicles and spermatic cord
from injury and the treatment of incarcerated hernia. He pointed out that incarcerated
hernia could be fatal and advocated that an operation of relief should be given when
strangulation occurred. He also invented a grooved dissector to relief the strangulated
All Cargo Logistics International ( Acli )
ENTERPRENURE Shashi Kiran Shetty
All Cargo Logistics International (ACLI) is in business of providing of
international air freight and ocean freight with a worldwide network of partners
and a team of top transport logistics operators. Comapny is experienced in all
aspects of worldwide freight shipping and logistics, ACLI offers a wide range of
services for the secure and efficient transport of any parcels entrusted to them.
Company had experience and dedication to detail that ensures that every project is
successfully managed from start to end. Company deals on offering customers a
different range of services that are self made to suit their unique and specific needs on
all fields pertaining to global freight shipping.
Shashi Kiran Shetty comes in Mumbai in 1978 a young, bright future teenager on the
lookout for a job. His search for finding job led him to the Mumbai port where he
fell in love with ships at the first glance. Luckily, with god s grace he got hired by
small shipping company name Intermodal Transport and Trading Systems. He
knew nothing about ships as he is new, but he worked hard to learn. From there, he
joined Tata Group s Forbes Gokak. He worked for 4 years in the Mumbai dockyards
as an executive in operations. He used his time as an employee productively, making
friends and building networks in the industry. He met everybody like captains,
managers, staff of dockyard and truck owners who transported the cargo to
Effects Of Falling Gas Prices On Operation Management...
The Effects of Falling Gas Prices on Operation Management Decision Making
Dylan Knight
Robert Morris University
Abstract This paper briefly takes a look at how the price of gas has changed over
the past ten years and what has caused the drop in fuel prices within the past few
years. It then looks at the fuel price s effect on business operation through the eyes
of the Operations Manager and the key aspects in decision making that they have to
consider when the gas prices fall, like they have recently. I then give you an idea of
how the falling prices effect the Apartment Management industry and the operations
involved in renting and renovating apartments.
Falling Gas Prices Effect on Operations ... Show more content on ...
The one downfall of the increased production here in the United States is the
drilling has slowed down drastically leaving many oil workers without a job and
forcing some companies out of business. (Krauss) Another cause of the gas prices
dropping, according to an article on CNN, is the economic slowdown of the
Chinese economy. They also mentioned the increased production in the United
States and finally the tentative nuclear deal which would make their oil more
readily available to our country. In the article they also predicted that by the time
football season came around that tens of thousands of gas stations across the
country will be below the $2 a gallon mark. (Isidore) Even though we have seen it
come close here in Pennsylvania, it has not gone below $2 here in the greater
Pittsburgh area. A few times that I have been home in Ohio I have seen it drop
below $2 but it ultimately just depends on which area you are in. With winter
quickly approaching gas prices are expected to continue to drop as stations mix a less
expensive blend of gas for the winter months. (Isidore) So it is a possibility that we
could see prices here in the Pittsburgh area fall to the $2 a gallon area. If I were
placed as the Operations Manager in any industry gas prices play a huge factor in
business and
Mobile Application Development Frameworks And Tools
A Survey on Mobile Application Development Frameworks and Tools
The selected topic: Mobile application development
Venkata Sai Girish Konda
CSE 598: Distributed Software Development
Dr. Yinong Chen
Now a days smart phones became an integral part of human life and so the mobile
applications. Mobile application development is the latest trend and easiest ways to
reach out to more number of people. Developing applications for mobiles is
becoming challenging with various frameworks and tools. In this paper, I am going
to present a survey on different well known frameworks and tools available for
mobile application development.
Keywords: Mobile application development, framework, tools, cross platform.
1. Introduction
With ... Show more content on ...
Apart from this they are also provided with a variety of sensors such as multi touch
screens, high resolution cameras, gyroscope sensors, advanced sound systems etc.
which are not available in older generation phones.
Currently there are many platforms available for smart phones of which Android,
Apple iOS, Windows phone and Blackberry are well known platforms.
Development of applications for each platform requires in depth knowledge of the
platforms and their SDKs. This takes a lot of money and time for developers to
develop applications for various platforms. This led to development of various cross
platform frameworks and tools such as Phone Gap, Titanium, JQuery mobile etc.
Table 1 compares the development approaches among native, mobile web and cross
platforms [7].
Table1. Comparison of various development approaches
Decision criterionNative approachMobile web approachCross platform approach
UX qualityExcellentVery goodNot as good as native approach
App qualityHighMediumMedium to low
Potential usersLimitedMaximumLarge
Development cost of appHighLowMedium to low
App securityExcellentDepends on browser securityNot good
SupportabilityComplexSimpleMedium to complex
Updating supportComplexSimpleMedium to complex
Time to publishHighMediumShort
Mobile software engineering differs from traditional software engineering in many
ways. In mobile computing context awareness, screen
Minorities In America Essay
When people think of the United States of America they think of a country that
consists of a majority of whites. However, the U.S. which is believed to be a
majority white country is changing whether some people like it or not. These races
that were seen as minorities are gaining in number. Minorities in America are slowly
becoming the majority. Some whites are concerned with this realization because they
cannot fathom not being the majority anymore. This change has a domino effect.
There is an increase of these immigrants which causes there to be more marriages of
different races. Which can cause more babies to be born with that same raceor
multirace. This increase also causes more of the minorities today will be voting in the
future,... Show more content on ...
They are looking for jobs and a new place to live. Whites are now becoming the
minority. For example from 1960 to 2010, the percentages of Americans identifying
themselves as Black, Hispanic, Asian, or other increased from just 15 percent of
the population to 36 percent of the population (Moreno). The beginning percentage
more than doubled in 50 years. Right now it is 2017 and that number could be close
to or over 40 percent. These numbers continue to grow because of the amount of
minority babies being born, and According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2014 there
were more than 20 million children under 5 years old living in the U.S., and 50.2
percent of them were minorities (Wazwaz). That means that half of the children who
are being born that will make up the United States are children who are considered
part of a minority. Because of this observation, The minority population is expected
to rise to 56 percent of the total population in 2060, compared with 38 percent last
year (Wazwaz). The American population will decrease more and more. The face of
America used to be white but will become multiracial. With the rise in the minority,
the white population will become 43 percent of the US population by 2060
(Moreno). The is just starting today with more immigrants coming to the US. These
immigrants come for a new life and come to build a
Holden Caulfield Happiness
In the fiction novel The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, the author perfectly
captures Holden Caulfield who is a troubled teen trying to work his way through
adolescence in a world peopled by phonies and is trying to rescue others, while
failing to rescue himself. Along with these two themes, Salinger depicts the behavior
of how people are what they want to be, and they should live a life which makes
them happy. In this novel, the main character seventeen year old Holden Caulfield
finds the hypocrisy and ugliness of the world around him almost intolerable.
Therefore, he tries to protect himself from the pain and disappointment of the adult
world. In the novel, the readers get to read about Allie, Holden s younger brother,
who died of leukemia. He believes that adults, and his parents in general, are phony
because they must move forward with their lives, even beyond the tragedy of their
son s death. As the story continues, Salinger writes Certain things, they should stay
the way they are. You ought to be able to stick them in one of those big glass cases
and just leave them alone ... Show more content on ...
For example, when Holden has his encounter with a prostitute, he pities her and
does not desire to do anything sexual with her. He treats women as though he is
trying to save their sexual purity. However, the criticisms that Holden aims at
people around him are also aimed at himself. He is uncomfortable with his own
weaknesses, and at times displays as much phoniness as anyone else in the book.
Holden refuses to grow up. This is phony as he is a young adult and still acts as if he
is twelve. He says, Hello? I said. I made my voice quite deep so that she wouldn t
suspect my age or anything. I have a pretty deep voice anyway (Stalinger 71 72).
Here, the author conveys the message
Examining The Life Of Sylvia Plath As Seen Within
Examining the Life of Sylvia Plath as Seen Within Lady Lazarus Sylvia Plath s
poem, Lady Lazarus , was greatly about the author s life: the influence by her
suicide attempts, years of troubled mental health, and stressed relationships with her
father and husband. The opening lines of Lady Lazarus read I have done it again.
/ One year in every ten (Plath 1 2). These two lines immediately reference Plath s
suicide attempts, her first of three being in 1953 when she was just a university
student, where she took a bottle of sleeping pills, water, and a blanket down to her
cellar and proceeded to down sleeping pills until she became unconscious (Steinberg).
Throughout Plath s life, she seemed to have an interesting relationship with death,...
Show more content on ...
/ This is Number Three (21 22) referring to her first two suicide attempts, the poem
being written only four months before her third and final suicide attempt
(Herrman). However, strangely enough, it is debated as to whether her suicide
attempts were supposed to be just that, attempts, and not with the final goal of
ending her life. It is argued that Plath intended to be found, even leaving a note for
her neighbor, whom she knew would be home, listing her doctor s contact
information, and hiring a nanny to look after the children, further exemplifying
her strange relationship with death (Steinberg). However, the gas from the stove,
which she used to kill herself, also seeped through the floor, knocking out her
neighbor below (Steinberg). This factor of her suicide attempt was not planned
for, and may have been what ultimately resulted in her death. Though theatrical, it
is worth noting that the women on her father s side had a history of mental health
issues (Herrman). Plath herself even calls out the theatrics: [i]t s the theatrical /
/ Comeback in broad day / To the same place, the same face, the same brute / Amused
shout: // A miracle! / That knocks me out (51 56). Earlier in the poem, she even
writes of spectators to these acts: The peanut crunching crowd / Shoves in to see /
/ Them unwrap me hand and foot / The big strip tease (26 29). She also talks of being
a large scale work of
The Themes Of Art Spiegelman
Art Spiegelman has arguably one of the most interesting depictions and
autobiographies that we have in the world of literature. He changed the way we
thought that we could tell certain stories or information. Not everything has to be
conveyed in which we always thought. Art s work didn t reinvent the wheel, but it
did, have a major piece in getting the ball rolling and the dissecting the original ways
in which we tell stories that require such emotion and pain.
As those that have read Maus know, this is a work that sets its self apart from
traditional works in its same subject matter. If we look to books like The Diaries of
Anne Frank. There is a stark difference in the way they re represented and their
telling. This perhaps one of the reasons that Maus did so well. As we know the
story of Anne Frank, its her diary, her personal recounts of what happen to her and
her family during a two year period; all the while hiding from the Nazi regime in
their occupation of the Netherlands. Then we have a ... Show more content on ...
The theme of racism is one that is heavily (for obvious reason) played with the
separation of Jews and Germans. Spiegelman makes a clear separation by drawing
the Jews as mice and the Germans as cats. R.C. Harvey was a heavy commentator
on his work and said that he nonetheless employed a metaphor that can be
interpreted as perpetuating a stereotypical image of Jews (244). The Germans as
we know, referred to the Jews as vermin to be exterminated, and Harvey felt that
Spiegelman played to heavily on this notion. To the affect that it was his visual
simplification renders all Jews in virtually the same way...individuality is thereby was precisely this sort of dehumanizing of Jews that had to take place
before the Nazis could persuade themselves to exterminate the vermin (Harvey 244).
There were several key people that heavily criticized the novel, but ultimately, they
were a small
The Issue Of The Juvenile Justice System Essay
The term juvenile is derived from a Latin word Juvenis meaning Young (who has not
attained the age of 18 years). A Children have been recognized supremely assets of the
Nation. The government of India through its National Policy for Children stated that
their nurture and solicitude are our responsibility. Equal opportunities for
development to all children during the period of growth should be our aim, for this
would serve our larger purpose of reducing inequality and ensuring social justice.
Children ought to have been the subject of prime focus of development planning,
research, and welfare in India but unfortunately, it has not been so. Despite the
Constitutional vision of a healthy and happy child protected against abuse and
exploitation, and a National Policy for Children, the majority of children in India
continue to live without a cared, protected and meaningful childhood. The juvenile
justice system as conceived by legislation aims at providing care, protection,
treatment, development, and rehabilitation of delinquent and neglected juvenile.
India is a signatory to UN Declaration on The Rights of the Child, 1959 which
defined and recognized various Rights of the children namely: The right to health and
care, the right to protection from abuse, the right to protection from exploitation, right
to protection from neglect, right to information, right to expression and right to
nutrition etc have been defined as basic rights of children by the
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Media Violence Essay

  • 1. Media Violence Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of "Media Violence" can be both challenging and thought- provoking. The intricacy lies not only in the need to conduct extensive research to gather relevant data but also in navigating the diverse perspectives surrounding this contentious issue. The topic demands a nuanced approach, requiring the writer to critically analyze the impact of media violence on society, considering psychological, sociological, and cultural dimensions. One of the primary challenges is maintaining a balanced tone throughout the essay. Addressing the potential influence of media violence on behavior without oversimplifying or exaggerating its effects is crucial. Striking this balance ensures that the essay remains academically rigorous and intellectually honest. Moreover, grappling with the evolving nature of media itself adds another layer of complexity. The ever-expanding landscape of digital media, video games, and online platforms necessitates staying current with the latest research and trends. This dynamic nature of the subject requires the essayist to be adaptable and open-minded, ready to incorporate new insights and perspectives into their analysis. The ethical considerations surrounding the topic also pose a challenge. Discussing violent content in media requires sensitivity to the potential real-world consequences, and the writer must approach the subject responsibly to avoid perpetuating harm or contributing to misinformation. In conclusion, composing an essay on media violence involves navigating a complex web of information, perspectives, and ethical considerations. It requires a keen understanding of the topic, critical thinking skills, and the ability to communicate ideas effectively. Those seeking assistance or additional insights on similar topics may explore platforms, where a variety of essays and resources can be found to aid in the writing process. Media Violence EssayMedia Violence Essay
  • 2. The Importance Of Settlement In North America The first main example in this case is the discovery of the different skeletal remains that allowed for the different kinds of opinions to be expressed concerning the settlement in the North America. There is a common belief that the first people to settle in North America were the Pale Indians. The era that then followed was the Archaic era that was keenly followed with the radical development in the agriculture. This can be regarded as the most significant development since the agriculture that was settled allowed for the start of the sedentary existence with no need of pursuing the animals that are herd. Since the food source could not now be fully provided by a way of growing crops alone the Pre Columbian era followed. This saw the development
  • 3. The Trade and Use of Drugs in Latin America Essay Films often depict the trade and use of drugs in Latin America as an extremely violent situation. Countries like Columbia or Mexico are usually where the drugs come from while the United States are the destination. More times than not, Latin America plays the role of an antagonist while the United States plays the protagonist. A film about Latin America, when pertaining to the United States, can fall into one of three categories: fully Latin American, a joint effort between Latin American countries and the United States, or a film by the United States. Gerado Naranjo s Miss Bala (2011), is a Mexican film that is set in Tijuana, Mexico, and follows a young Mexican pageant girl as she becomes mixed up in the Mexican drug cartels. Maria Full... Show more content on ... Main differences in these films are not in the depictions of the drug cartel, most likely because they are, in actuality, as bad as they seem on film. Differences arise in how the drugs relate to those using them or moving them, how they impact the characters, and the role the United States plays in relation to the characters and cartel. Drug cartels, in reality, are just as bad as they appear on film. Authorities estimate that between eighteen and thirty nine billion dollars are brought in from drug sales to the United States each year (Keefe). It is also estimated that the war on drugs has caused over 50,000 deaths in Mexico alone since 2006 (Keefe). Deaths are often overlooked because they are not compiled by thousands at once, but gradually over a large area. Other illegal activity such as kidnapping and oil theft have came about from the cartel (Mexico s Drug Trafficking Organizations: Source and Scope of the Violence). All three films, Miss Bala, Maria Full of Grace, and Traffic give similar accounts to the way the cartel takes people s lives, only in different areas of the drug moving process. Miss Bala shows a firefight between the DEA (drug enforcement agency) and the Tijuana cartel. This firefight contains heavy weaponry and lots of gunshots, but few people. Less than twenty cartel members can be seen in this firefight while even fewer DEA agents are seen. A beautiful young woman, Laura Guerrero (Stephanie Sigman), is the main
  • 4. Identity And True Identity In The Movie Finding Forrester Expository Essay In everyone s there is your character and your identity. Some people choose to express their true identity and true self, others hide their intentions and attitude to protect themselves. Their actions to hide their personality could have been possibly decided by experiences or lifestyles. In the movie Finding Forrester, the character Jamal Wallace is a 16 year old African American boy from the Bronx. Where Jamal is from success in academics is not important and is not a necessity. In order to merge into the norm Jamal purposing flunks his grades to not expose his talent of literacy. While playing basketballJamal is dared by his friends to break into an apartment that overlooks the courts. That night he broke in he was caught by the owner of the apartment William Forrester, as he dashed out he dropped his bag. The next day his bag was tossed at him as he crossed the street to the courts. Later that day he noticed his writing was corrected and marked with errors. Since that point on Jamal and William worked together to expand and exploit Jamal s gift. In the movie Finding Forrester, lifestyles and experiences shape people s outside character, instead of exploiting their true selves. Different characters find different mechanisms to hide their true selves to avoid reactions. In the movie Finding Forrester the main character Jamal Wallace, a 16 year old African American kid from the Bronx is challenged. During his time attending a public school in the Bronx,
  • 5. Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving Getting behind the wheel is so dangerous if we think about it. We are not just trusting ourselves, but everyone else on the road. We actually put ourselves at risk when we get on the roads. We all hear about drunk drivers, and the results of their actions. Deaths, accidents, regrets, but how about texting and driving? I remember several months ago, I pulled up to a stop sign, and was stopped for only about one second. The sign was down a little hill, so it was not noticeable from the distance. As stopped, I saw in my rearview mirror, a car coming in fast, and before he could react, he slammed into the back of me. The cause of it? He was going down that road fast, and on his phone. While he was looking down on his phone, probably sending a text, he did not see the sign that advised there was a stop sign ahead. If he was not distracted, the accident could have easily been avoided. The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. Imagine if cell phones weren t around like years ago, these incidents would not be happening. The driver takes their eyes off the road for 10 seconds. Is that message really important of what you had to say? It is not even just messages in todays society, people especially teenagers are looking at their phone to change the songs. I am guilty for this, and I know many people who I have drove with also are. We can decrease the risk of this. The transtheorectical model is the model of
  • 6. Moral Dilemmas In Remember The Titans Good morning Mr Harrop and fellow peers. Today I will be analysing the moral issues and moral dilemmas in non literary texts, so that we can understand and evaluate how test structures, language and visual features can be used to influence an audience response. An exemplar of many moral and ethical dilemmas is shown through popular sport inspiring movie, Remember The Titans (Yakin, 2000) directed by Boaz Yakin. Yakins has a gift for dealing with controversial human issues, by facing the characters with racism, peer pressure and selfishness. Alongside the writer Gregory Allen Howard, they have utilized textual structures, language features and visual features to influence the audience s response. Remember The Titans follows the problem... Show more content on ... He seems to want the audience to respond with shock and sympathy as they witness how vile the black people are treated. One of the few racism dilemma s is shown after Gerry, Alan and Ray are returned to the high school after coach Yoast stops them from joining the city riots. Infuriated with the black people fighting back, Gerry instigates the racism and discrimination, snarling, Hell why don t you just kick em all off the team. I don t wanna play with any of them black animals. This scene was very effective and coincided with the use of close up camera shots to enhance Gerry s emotions, whilst reinforcing Yakin s message that black people were treated poorly and erratically. After Gerry s disastrous car accident, Coach Boone is faced with the moral dilemma of selfishness. Boone has always been a coach who strives to win, not only for himself, but for the team, however after the accident, he lacks empathy for the boys and thinks more about what he wants. When he suggests that the team incorporate more training to cope with the changes so that they can win, Yoast feels that Boone is being selfish and lacking consideration of the team s loss, so confronts him with the questions Is this even about football anymore? Or is it just about you? To express his reaction to being described as selfish, the
  • 7. Epilogue Of The Invisible Man Essay In literature, the prologue of a novel often consists of an opening speech or introduction that establishes the stage for important events later to come. However, in Ralph Ellison s novel, The Invisible Man, the prologue serves as the beginning of the end, in preparation for an epilogue that revisits the narrator s original inner conflict at the end of a personal narrative. Situated in a hidden underground cellar, the main character, the Invisible Manrecounts the journey of his naive youth from the American south to the seemingly optimistic north in Harlem, New York. However, through several unjust experiences, the Invisible Mandoubts the possibility of hope and action, withdrawing from society by hiding in recluse and writing a... Show more content on ... As a newspaper article later in the week reports, the blond man had been mugged , artificially molding the Invisible Man into an abstract, unknown concept. Reflecting upon the irony of his situation, the narrator s writing contains indignation but also bitter humor. The angst and misery of the Invisible Man emotions thus become purely expressed in his personal narrative. Throughout the novel, all of the Invisible Man s narrative is produced in an underground dwelling. At the center of all light and exposure to the upper world are the 1369 lightbulbs hanging above the establishment, a literal and figurative display of defiance and truth. Siphoning of energy from the Monopolated Light and Power Company, the Invisible Man wages a secret war with the company, noting Oh, they suspect that power is being drained off, but they don t know where (Ellison 5). Taking advantage of his invisibility, the Invisible Man actively challenges his non existence and seeks to actively exploit it for his advantage. The importance of light as a motif throughout the novel is thus introduced in the prologue, as the Invisible Man not only physically steals light from an energy corporation funded by white power but also figuratively establishes his invisibility in relation to light and truth, noting Light confirms my reality, gives birth to my form.... Without light I am not only invisible, but formless as well; and to be unaware of one s form is to
  • 8. Nurse Informatic Importance The Importance of Nurse Informaticists in Healthcare The world expects healthcare professionals especially nurses to be knowledgeable, critical thinkers and artistic. Nursing is a self fulfilling, and lucrative profession that requires certification through education. With the essential core values determined through the Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), nursing became a more recognized profession. These core values are valid and essential to being a professional nurse, but incomplete without nursing informatics. Nurse informaticist professionals that incorporate informatics in their practice positively impact healthcare and the society. To understand the importance of nurse informaticists, one must first understand what nursing informatic is. Nursing Informatics is a new, fast growing specialty in nursing, and by far the backbone of the modernized nursing. McGonigle and Mastrian (2018) defines nursing informatics as: the synthesis of nursing science, information science, computer science and cognitive science for the purpose of managing, disseminating, and enhancing healthcare data, information, knowledge and wisdom to improve collaboration and decision making, provide high quality patient care, and advance the profession of nursing. (McGonigle Mastrian, 2018, p.141) Nursing informatics encompass science, data and knowledge effective in today s nursing practices. The
  • 9. Examples Of Rationale In An Inspector Calls Rationale This pieces of writing is relating to An Inspector Call , J.B Priestly s play. The Birlings were having dinner together and talking about the marriage between Shelia and Gerald. My aim for this assignment is to show the change of Sheila and Mrs. Birling and the inspector s impact on the family. These two characteristics are showed in this text through what they said. There are two themes that are related to this dialogue. The first one is class. Mrs. Birling and Sheila are living in a high quality life with a high social standard. Some comparisons can be made between them and Eva Smith by showing the discrimination from Sheila and Mrs. Birling to Eva Smith because of jealousy. Another theme is the lack of social responsibility of Mrs. Birling. For instance, though she was the leader of the charity, she treated Eva ... Show more content on ... Birling [loudly]: Shut up both of you. Eric, go find your father and let him deal with you. [Eric goes out] Sheila [comfortably ]:He will never see the beauty the usefulness of these clothing. Mrs. Birling: Yeah, these men would never understand our preference and our pleasure. Sheila[smiling]: Even Gerald, he never understand what is in my mind. He never agreed my taste on my clothing style. How was work, mom? Mrs. Birling [give a glass of water to Sheila and one for herself]: As usual, increasing number of idiots are coming and asking for money with plenty of ridiculous reasons like no opportunity for working and no family around. Dealing with these kinds of stories is quite annoying and a waste of time. Sheila [Surprisingly]: Poor women if those stories are true. Mrs. Birling: Oh, my dear. I promise that after years of listening to these non scenes stories, you will figure out a way of what is true and what is false. Sheila [Laughing]: Yeah, I think I may need this kind of skills in the future. Mrs. Birling: It is getting harder nowadays for charitable activities....Where did you get your shirts? They look fantastic on
  • 10. Managing Change at SLMC Essay If organizations are to thrive and be sustaining, they need to respond to the dynamics of their environment with change. However, change is not a singular event with an isolated focus (Spector, 2007). Effective strategic renewal is a combination of the three faces of change turnaround, which targets costs; technology, which targets internal process; and behavioral, which targets employee actions and interactions (Spector, 2007). In a discussion on change management, particularly management by control versus management by shaping, Palmer, et al. (2009) draw a similar conclusion that organizations and human systems are complex and evolving and therefore cannot be reduced to a single, linear objective of maximizing shareholder... Show more content on ... Next, the new leadership team at Sloans recognized that the employees needed to believe that they were part of a team. Mutual engagement allows employees to participate in designing the changes and making the changes (Emergence Consulting, 06). This helped the employees feel more comfortable with the change by allowing them to experience a certain degree of control, therefore, eliminating the unknown. The empowerment and participation of employees is motivational because it meets the human need for autonomy, responsibility, challenge, esteem, social interaction, and personal development (Hofler, 2009). Sloans created effective downward communication by constantly communicating the company s vision through multiple channels, which helped employees understand the significance of the organization s purpose. Furthermore, the collaborative effort used in creating the mission created and allowed for good upward communication, which enabled employees to realize that the company s leadership valued their knowledge and opinions. This upward communication was important, because successful organizations need good upward communication (Kotter, 1996). By utilizing employee participation and a good communication plan Sloans created a behavioral model for how the business would respond to the shift in organizational strategy in order to achieve and maintain outstanding performance. Next, the organization
  • 11. 5th Amendment Case Summary Nicholas Williams MOD:2B 3/14 Jeremiah issgga Edward Quentin 1. Title: Miranda v. Arizona Citation: 384 US 436 (1966) Facts: Miranda gave incriminating evidence during police interrogations without prior notification of their fights under the 5th amendment. Issue: is the government required to notify the arrested defendants of their 5th amendment before an interrogation? Holding: Yes, the government is required to notify the arrested defendants of their 5th amendment before an interrogation? Reason: Interrogations are psychologically than physically so the defendant must be aware of what s happening. 2. Title: Atkins v. Virginia Citation: 536 US 304(2002) Fact: Atkins is a mentally retarded criminal who killed someone and was sentenced to death. this was cruel and unusual punishment which goes against the 8th amendment, at the time his IQ was 59. ... Show more content on ... Holding: yes the 8th amendment does protect mentally retarded criminals from capital punishment as cruel and unusual. Reason: The supreme court in Atkins observed that the execution of mentally retarded criminals in the states that permitted it was not common these acts were unfair. ____________________________________ 3. Title: Plessy v. Ferguson Citation: 163 US 537 Facts: In Louisiana, Plessy sat in an all white railroad car and refused to move when
  • 12. he was told to move and refused which lead to his arrest. Issue: Is louisiana s mandating racial segregation on its trains unconstitutional infringment on both privileges and the equal protection clauses of the 14th amendment? Holding: No Reasoning : Equal but separate accommodations for whites and blacks imposed by louisiana do not violate the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment. 4. Title:Korematsu v. United States (1944) Citation: 323 US 214
  • 13. How To Read The Book Animal Farm By George Orwell When I was younger, history was never appealing to me. It always seemed like it was an unnecessary subject until my sophomore year of high school. My life drastically changed when I read Animal Farm by George Orwell. His satire gave me great insight that inspired me into reading his book 1984. It gave me a thirst that I could not satisfy. I started doing something I never did before; I enjoyed and understood what my historyteachers were saying. My next year of high schoolI took United States history where my over enthusiastic teacher intensified my appetite to learn more. This allowed me to better understand the concepts. I aced every test I took; it gave me great joy when my fellow classmates begin to ask for my help. It was not long till
  • 14. Junior Rearden Religion Please God, please don t kill my daddy (203). People have very different beliefs and ways to show their beliefs. Junior shows his belief in God by praying for his father to arrive safely at the school. After losing multiple people that he cares about he became so upset and cold and he needed hope from God that he wouldn t lose his father as well. Some people do not believe that prayer works and use different ways to ask for things. Junior was so happy to see his father he started laughing. He knew that if he had a lot hope for his father to arrive safely that he would. 2. Goals and Dreams I felt important with a pen in my hand. I feel like I might grow up to be somebody important. An artist. Maybe a famous artist. Maybe a rich artist (6). Everyone has a dream job that they ve always wanted to have. Junior has a dream to be an artist. He encourages that dream by leaving the reservation and going to Rearden, he is breaking out of his small town shell to become more successful. He enjoys creating cartoons because it makes him feel special. He likes to portray how he feels in cartoons, instead of words because images are limitless. Junior dreams of being someone important and not just a small town Indian. Junior lives his current life in poverty and he wants to be rich when he is older. ... Show more content on ... Education Rearden was the opposite of the rez (56). This evidence shows how all schools educate students differently. Rearden had a great education which is why Mr. P wanted Junior to go to Rearden so he could be more successful with is education because he is so intelligent. Mr. P saw potential in Junior and thinks he can go far. In comparison, the reservation school was not as nice nor as good of an education. They did not have a lot of funding for the school because it is in an area of poverty for example, the books at the reservation were so old that they were same books that Junior s mother
  • 15. Why Malaysia Is More Advanced Than Indonesia Introduction The research paper aims to study the reasons why Malaysia is more advanced than Indonesia despite the fact that Malaysia gained their independence years after Indonesia had gained hers. Moreover, it aims to look at the reasons its economy is failing, effects of the reasons and how to recover from the effects. It will act as a guide to not only Indonesia, but to other countries that may be lagging behind in terms of development. The findings of the study will enhance better understanding of the economic situation of the two countries and in the world, which will help not only leaders and the affected country, but also other countries in the world. Results will guide policy formulations in the countries to help improve their economy. Additionally, the paper aims to understand the Malaysian and Indonesian domestic political processes involved in the formulation of foreign policies and appreciate the history of the two countries. Finally, it will discuss the different causes of variant GDPs in the two nations. The history of the two countries gets intertwined at some point; for many years, there have been relations, migrations, and interactions between these two countries such that their citizens can trace their relatives or origins from either country. Expounding on the similarities between the two countries will be vital in the research. First and foremost, the two countries are located in the continent of Asia and they have an almost similar national language,
  • 16. Cloud Rainforest Cloud forests are very diverse ecosystems, but very vulnerable to disturbances. Although these forests are patchily distributed across only 1% of Earth s landscape, they support high levels of endemism, which requires a delicate balance of environmental and ecological factors (Doumenge, Gilmour, PГ©rez, Blockhus, 1995). However, increasing technology and human population growth have initiated many ecological disturbances worldwide (Fabry, Lapointe, 2015). Cloud forests are particularly susceptible to climate change, which has detrimental impacts on temperature, cloud cover, and disease spread, and human migration, which contributes to deforestationand the introduction of exotic species (Auld and Leishman, 2014). This essay will examine... Show more content on ... The dramatic growth of the pathogenic chytrid fungus was directly linked to a warmer than average climate from 1986 1987, the result of an abnormal El NiГ±o event (Anchukaitis and Evans 2010). Increased temperatures, due to anthropogenic global warming, further reduced cloud cover and allowed the fungus to persist and spread after the initial El NiГ±o bloom. Cloud forests are further threatened by diminished moisture because of increased drought (Hu Riveros Iregui, 2016). Alternatively, black rats were unintentionally transported by humans to Asian and Australian cloud forests about 100 years ago. Human migration, colonization, and growth continues to create repercussions in cloud forest ecosystems mostly through increased deforestation, which fragments local areas and shifts the likelihood of survival to species with small territory requirements (Ponce Reyes et al., 2013). Epidemic pathogen outbreaks and the introduction of alien species do not occur frequently. However, cloud forests are very vulnerable to change, because of their patchy distribution and high moisture requirements. The loss of endemic amphibians, and palm trees to the chytrid fungus and the black rat respectively, had detrimental effects on the ecology and survival of cloud forest species. Both disturbances have also been connected to
  • 17. Argumentative Essay About Marijuana Wonderful Weed The dispute regarding weed, more formally known as Cannabis Sativa, has been a topic of discussion throughout the years as people can t seem to come to a conclusion about it. One side of the argument claims that people are addicted to this drug and its destroying brain cells of the users, and other people claim it not to be as overbearing as other drugs and it is harmless to use. Upon further research the answer is simple. Weed indeed proves to be beneficial and should not be prohibited or illegal. Society shames Cannabissmokers because it is inhaled the same way as tobacco, and those that are against it have developed the notion that it is bad for people s health.... Show more content on ... People who are strongly against weed legalization also like to throw children into the equation, saying that if legal, it would be easier to obtain, thus corrupting the minds of our young ones. Logically speaking, the results are quite contrary to the claims. Another Huffington Post article states that, ...the fact that marijuana studies so often show conflicting findings is a sign of how much more research is needed in this area and how important those answers are, (Ferner Wing). Those that oppose the legalization of Marijuana provide blanketed statements as to why they shouldn t do the drug instead of providing factual evidence and teaching them how to approach it responsibly. Reason being, they themselves don t have the answers. There are so many unanswered questions in adolescent marijuana, so teenage use of cannabis shouldn t be supported or scolded until further evidence is provided. In regards to the drug being more accessible to teenagers, this statement is also false as the drug is already incredibly easy to obtain. In addressing the lyrics of Prince Ea, a youtuber who created a research based song upon the dispute, he emphasizes that, It s easier for kids to buy weed than it is to buy beer or cigarettes. Is that surprising? Think about it, sir, how many drug dealers you know ask for ID, (Ea). The thought provoking rapper establishes a solid
  • 18. Summary Of Michael Jordan And The New Global Capitalism In the novel, Michael Jordan and the New Global Capitalism , the author, Walter LaFerber compares the co founder of Nike, Phil Knight, to former American magnates such as John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and various other industrialists in order to successfully label him as a modern day Robber Baron . The comparisons between Knight and earlier moguls comprise a large part of the novel. It began when Knight realized the opportunity he had when Michael Jordan began to become a more visible figure in the sports world. Like many successful entrepreneurs before him, Knight quickly latched on to the star and began promoting his product in a way that could reach a multitude of people, and advertise his athletic products in a way that would cause them to sell in great numbers, Nike was steamrolling its competitors out of the market. The first step had been ... Show more content on ... In a sense, this can be compared to the way in which Robber Barons before Knight saw opportunities in the market, and quickly jumped on them in order to maximize their profit, and push competitors to the wayside. Furthermore, Knight did not simply stop with signing the most visible athletes, in order to steadily push his competition further out of the way he went on to sign entire teams, He signed not just individual stars, but entire colleges. These schools, famous for their sports teams, promised to use Nike equipment nearly exclusively in return for large sums of money (65). Knights tactics in steamrolling the competition are comparable to the way Rockefeller formed Standard Oil which put other such companies out of
  • 19. The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks Death Analysis Death is the action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism. Henrietta Lacks dies of cervical cancer at the end of Part one, and part two is called death because it is after she dies, and it s about what happens after her death. Part two explains what happens to Henrietta and her cells after she dies, and how the cells were changing medicine. Part two of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks relates to deathby Cliff showing Skloot the whereabouts of where Henrietta was buried and Henrietta s red toenails being chipped during her autopsy. Those reasons are just a few reasons why part two is called death and how the definition relates. Cliff shows Skloot where Henrietta s burial site represents death by ... Show more content on ... Henrietta was buried in Clover next to her mom s grave; however, when they went, Cliff and Skloot didn t know exactly where Henrietta was buried. In chapter 16, Cootie tells Skloot to talk to Cliff, Henrietta s cousin, became he will know more about her death. Henrietta was buried without a stone to make where it was, but they know she was near her mother. He pointed to three body sized indentations in the clearing and said, Any one of those could be Henrietta. (Skloot 121). That quotes shows how no one knows exactly where Henrietta was buried. That is how Cliff showing Skloot the grave site of Henrietta relates to death. During the autopsy, Mary, the nurse, noticed red nail polish chipped of Henrietta s toenails. When Skloot talked to Sadie in Part one, she said that Henrietta was always touching up her red toenails and spent hours taking care of them. Henrietta would never have her toenails chipped. When Mary saw the chipped nail polish she realized that the cells came from an actual person, who is now dead. Then Mary s gaze fell on Henrietta s feet, and she gasped: Henrietta s toenails were covered in chipped bright red nail polish (Skloot 90). That quote shows how during the autopsy Henrietta s toenails were chipped. Henrietta s nails would never be chipped they were always perfect and had no chips. So, the author telling us that her toenails were chipped it shows how she was dead. That resembles death because Henrietta
  • 20. Does The Form Ask All To Determine What The Client s... Does the form ask all of the necessary questions to determine what the client s presenting problem is? The form has a question that asks what the problem(s) are that the person is seeking help for and includes 3 numbered lines for the response. However, this is not adequate to determine what the client s presenting problems are. This format assumes that the client is fully aware of the problems presented and that the client can articulate the problems easily and in a limited space. There is not enough room to adequately describe the presenting problem or problems and not enough prompting questions to uncover the problems if the client has a difficult time articulating them. Are there too many or too few questions? The form has too many ... Show more content on ... The population in the area the organization serves is overwhelmingly English speaking and there is no indication on the organization s website that there is any bilingual staff available. It does not appear that the organization intends to serve anyone that is not English speaking. For this reason, a form that is available solely in English seems appropriate. If there are individuals in the area that are monolingual in a language other than English, interpretation services would be needed. Is there enough space to write in what is needed in each answer space? There is not enough space to write in what is needed to provide an adequate response in each answer space. The font is small and there are no spaces between questions in many areas of the form. The length of blank lines provided for answers is determined by how close the last word of the question is to the end of the page and does not appear to be based on the amount of space needed to adequately answer the question. Should the intake form be reformatted so it is easier to read? The intake form should be reformatted so it is easier to read. The font is small and there are no spaces between questions in most areas. This makes the form look overwhelming at first glance. If someone was vision impaired, it would be difficult to see the questions. In some areas the layout of the form makes it easy to lose your place when answering questions. This is especially apparent in the areas requesting
  • 21. Malcolm Gladwell Factors Of Success Analysis ( removed HTML ) Malcolm Gladwell said: Practice isn t the thing you do once you re good. It s the thing you do that makes you good. Journalist and author, Malcolm Gladwell is best known for writing The Outliers, a book which challenges readers definitions of success by claiming special chances, hidden potentials, and cultural legacies lead to success. He asserts that if you work hard enough, assert yourself, and use your mind and imagination, you can shape the world to your desires. (Gladwell, 2013) The first relevant example is Bill Joy and Bill Gates and their I.T. success. Second, the Beatles, a group of musicians, used their minds and imaginations to challenge the music industry. Lastly, some individuals refused to... Show more content on ... (2013). Outliers. 1st ed. New York: Back Bay Books, Little, Brown and Company, p.151. Gladwell, M. (2013). Outliers. 1st ed. New York: Back Bay Books, Little, Brown and Company, p.35 ~ 36, 46~ 47 . Lenny, B., Whitener, M. and Paterson, G. (n.d.). Please Please Me. [online] The Beatles Bible. Available at: please me / [Accessed 7 Dec. 2017]. Wyman, B. (2017). All 213 Beatles Songs, Ranked From Worst to Best. [online] Vulture. Available at: 213 beatles songs ranked from worst to best.html [Accessed 21 Nov. 2017]. Olympics at Sports (n.d.). Ray Ewry Bio, Stats, and Results. [online] Available at: https://www.sports ewry 1.html [Accessed 29 Oct. 2017]. (2016). 12 Incredibly Successful People Who Overcame Adversity. [online] Available at: spodek/12 incredible people who succeeded despite adversity.html [Accessed 5 Nov.
  • 22. Child Observation Paper Per Reporter: Caitlin and the child lived with Lorraine for a while. Lorraine and Caitlin used to work together. While in the home with Lorraine, Caitlin was caught medicating the child with Benadryl or anything that cause drowsiness to make the child sleep at night. Caitlin would leave the child screaming at night. Caitlin screamed and cursed at the child due to her not wanting to deal with the her. Caitlin and the child moved in with Steven (Caitlin s Ex) for a while. Steven stated that he was the primary caretaker for the child while at his home; Caitlin wouldn t properly care for the child. Caitlin lost custody of her son (Caden) due to neglect as well. Caden is in the care of his father (Josh). On March 14, 2017, Caitlin left the child
  • 23. European Court of Justice Introduction: We have chosen to write this assignment on the European Court of Justice (ECJ), looking into its role in the European integration process, and how its rulings and judgments have affected the business framework. We will also be looking into the effects of its rulings on state sovereignty, and how in some cases its rulings have limited states power over certain policy areas and handed them to the European Union . We will start by looking at the radical jurisprudence of the European court of justice, and what political reactions have arisen to that, and how that has changed/affected the integration process. To get a better understanding, we will incorporate the use of neo functionalism and rational choice new ... Show more content on ... The main reason behind the spillover effect is increased effectiveness. Two important spillovers here are functional and political. This allows institutions to expand their activities to areas not under their jurisdiction/mandate so they can function more effectively. In cases regarding free trade there is bound to be an increasing amount of spillover, due to the wide ranging nature of the economic issues, especially on issues such as trade barriers and tariffs. This has been evident from the verdict in the case of Cassis de Dijon which we will return to later on. Based on various rulings the ECJ could be seen as an active promoter of the spillover effect. In the Maastricht treaty the principle of subsidiarity was incorporated into the treaty, which the British government pushed for. The reason for this was to limit the transfer of power from the member states to the EU institutions. The decisions should be taken at the lowest possible level, closest to the citizen. However, the concept of subsidiarity remains to be defined clearly, and thus holds immense ambiguity. As a consequence, subsidiarity can be used as an argument both by those who desire greater autonomy for member states and by those who want the EU to become a federation. Neofunctionalism argues that actors, whether
  • 24. Chemistry (Redox) Experiment 1 : Redox Titration Using Sodium Thiosulphate Abstract This experiment is to determine the concentration of oxidizing solution using the iodine/ thiosulphate titration where the reducing solution is potassium iodate solution and the oxidizing solution is sodium thiosulphate solution. Potassium iodate solution which is an oxidizing agent is added into an excess solution of acidified potassium iodide. This reaction will release iodine. Potassium iodide is acidified with sulphuric acid and the iodine released quickly titrated with sodium thiosulphate until it become light yellow. The iodine then detected with starch solution and it turn into dark blue solution and titrated again with sodium thiosulphate until colourless. From ... Show more content on ... B.Standardization of 0.1M sodium thiosulphate solution 1. A burette is filled with the 0.1M sodium thiosulphate solution to be standardized. There are no air bubbles in the burette. 2. The initial reading of the burette is recorded in table 1.1. 3. 25 mL of standard potassium iodate solution prepared in part A are pipetted into a 250 mL conical flask and a magnetic flea is added into conical flask. 4. 1 g of potassium iodide, KI, is weighed approximately and it is placed in a 50 mL beaker. 5. 10.0 mL of 1.0M sulphuric acid solution are added and are swirled until all the KI dissolved. 6. This solution is added to the conical flask containing the potassium iodate solution and it is immediately titrated with the sodium thiosulphate solution, while it is stirred using a stirrer hot plate, until a ligth yellow solution is obtained. Then, the solution is diluted with distilled water until the total volume is about 100 mL. Then, 1.0 mL of starch solution is added and the titration is continued until the blue colour disappears and the solution become colourless. 7. The final reading of the burette is recorded in the table 1.1 . The procedures are repeated twice as the results is more accurate. CALCULATIONS : 1. Complete chemical reaction equation for reaction between ; i. iodate and iodide
  • 25. Observation In Good Country People, By Flannery O Connor Observation In her story Good Country People, Flannery O Connor writes of Hulga Hopewell s unfortunate experience where her confidence in her intellect leads her to make wrong conclusions of other people s character. Living in self pity and despair after the accident that takes away her leg, Hulga Hopewell maintains a negative view of life, herself, and others around her. In the story, her mother, Mrs. Hopewell writes She grew less like other people and more like herself bloated, rude, and squint eyed (O Connor 487). In addition to believing herself ugly, Hulga does not believe in God and depends on her own Ph.D. in philosophy for advanced knowledge to explain the world and other people s behavior. However, as Mrs. Hopewell perfectly... Show more content on ... They come to you in sheep s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them...every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit...Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them (NIV). As Peter warns the believers about false teachers, he says With eyes full of adultery, they [false teachers] never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in greed an accursed brood (2 Peter 2: 40, NIV) In this story, Hulga believes in Pointer s good character because of the kind, Christian attitude he initially shows when she first meets him. However, she fails to realize that the man s behavior toward her during their walk together did not reflect the fruits of the spirit. As a result, she falls into the trap of letting him steal her heart and then her leg. As this story warns, we as Christians need to stay firm in our faith and not let others lead us astray with a false show of outer spirituality. In 1 John 4:1, John writes Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world (NIV). If Hulga had not denied God s knowledge, she would have not been led so easily astray by Pointer s faГ§ade of
  • 26. Sacrifice In The Odyssey Homer might just be the greatest narrative author to have ever put ink on paper, but what is truly undeniable is how much depth is put into his characters, especially his heroes. The heroes of the Iliad and Odyssey are larger than life and they embody what it means to be a Greek Hero. We would expect these heroes to be everything great about man and not suffer any of the same things that the other mortals experience. But Homer s heroes cry and they don t just cry, they weep. They weep for loved ones, cry for the brutality of fate, and the lament the loss of that most important thing: honor. In book one of the Iliadwe find Achilleus in a desperate situation: He led forth from the hut Briseis of the fair cheeks and gave her to be taken away; . . . But Achilleus weeping went and sat in sorrow apart from his companions beside the beach of the gray sea looking out on the infinite water. Many times stretching forth his hands he called on his mother: Since, my mother, you bore me to be a man with a short life, Therefore Zeus of the loud thunder on Olympos should grant me Honor at least. But now he has given me not even a little. Now the son of Atreus, powerful Agamemnon, Has dishonored me, since he has taken away my prize and keeps it. 1 Achilleus, the greatest fighter in the Iliad, is weeping on the beach, certainly this is not the hero we are meant to idealize. But if one pushes past the surface we see that Homer is attempting to teach us something cosmic about tears, a ... Show more content on ... By nights he would lie beside her, of necessity, In the hollow caverns, against his will, by one who was willing, But all the days he would sit upon the rocks, at the seaside, Breaking his heart in tears and lamentation and sorrow As weeping tears he looked out over the barren
  • 27. Animal Hoarding Essay Animal hoarding is an issue in every division of society around the world (Donaghey 2011). Whether rich or poor, there may still be an animal hoarder living right next door (Donaghey 2011). In some situations there may be obvious signs that a person is a hoarder; however, others live seemingly regular lives to the public eye and the problem is growing. Animal hoarding is a growing problem because of the lack of understanding of the issue and lack of action. The general public has a lack of understanding of animal hoarding. Many citizens do not realize that anyone can report abuse (Donaghey 2011). There are ...900 to 2,000 new cases [found] every year... with a quarter million animalsfalling victim in the United States alone (Animal). If... Show more content on ... Donaghey stated that, research has shown that hard core criminals who do crimes such as rape, battery, and murder often claim to have started abusing animals before humans . This is yet another reason she says that education of our children would greatly help the community (Donaghey 2011). Researchers have found that animal hoarding is a mental illness equivalent to schizophrenia. It can be characterized by having more than the typical number of companion animals , and obsessive attempts to [ ] maintain a collection of animals in to face of deteriorating conditions having an inability to provide even minimal standards of nutrition, sanitation, shelter, and veterinary care with this neglect often resulting in starvation, illness, and death (Animal) (Castrodale). Animal hoarders also are in denial of the inability to provide this minimum care and the impact of that failure on the animals, the household, and human occupants of the dwelling (Animal). People who hoard and abuse animals once usually hoard again as shown in a case in England (Donaghey 2011) (Cruelty). Studies done on animal hoarding show that human health is not taken into consideration when dealing with hoarding situations. In 2 independent studies done of 54 cases, the majority of animal care agencies failed to address human health concerns associated with the case (Arluke). More studies found that in 11
  • 28. Lush s Animal Cruelty Lush has been fighting animal testing for many years. The founders of Lush, Mark Constantine and Liz Weir, started opposing animal testing prior to opening Lush, with their original business, Cosmetics To Go. (, 2002). They ve continued supporting this cause, and have been successful in the sector of anti animal testing. Lush has been working with various animal pressure groups, and have been very successful over the years. (Lush Fresh Handmade CosmeticsUK, 2017). In 1993, the founders helped pass the Cosmetics Directive that restricts cosmetic companies from testing their products on animals (Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics UK a, 2017; COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT, 2013). Soon after that, they founded Lush in 1995 (, 2002). With the foundation of Lush, the support of anti animal cruelty grew bigger. This enabled Lush to go on a campaign to collect signatures for the new... Show more content on ... In this case, their main belief is in creating products without the use of animal testing. To achieve this Lush uses various tactics. With the age of technology, social media is the most effective way to communicate with the public. Lush utilises Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat and blogs to spread their values and campaign (Skoerne, 2012). Interestingly, Lush has no budget for advertising, and yet the company has been incredibly successful (Omond, 2012). Their marketing technique consists mostly of social media usage, as it is a free medium, as well as word of mouth. Lush has also made a Twitter account specifically dedicated to the animal cruelty that is occurring. Another tactic Lush has adopted is shock value, which is a tactic used to disgust or shock the viewer leaving them with a strong message. An example of Lush utilizing this technique was seen during the human demonstration at Lush Regent Street. Lush s campaign within the EU was considered a success. They have helped pass the
  • 29. Essay on Experiment and De100 Module Team Tma05, Introduction to a de100 project on the likeness of a logo A fictitious educational experiment was created and conducted by a team on the DE100 module and therefore they had to maintain plan and undertake a project to pinpoint their potential findings; this therefore meant launching a logo for internet TV channel in order to address whether or not evaluative conditioning works in either experimental or control conditions. The logo was used to question if it would attract an audience and if they liked it. Evaluate conditioning is where a person is likely to like or dislike something because it has been associated with something positive or negative (Brace N, 2014, P 159). We can be unaware of evaluate conditioning and exactly... Show more content on ... This validates the position that evaluative conditioning mechanisms can endorse positive attitudes (The Open University). Evaluative conditioning operative comes from Brace who had suggested that people make associations either positively or negatively when they are transferred. An interesting example is used by Brace who explains that people take a dislike to other people s names, it is suggested that this is caused by a like or dislike to a particular name and it therefore becomes associated to a certain person. This can then affect an individual s behaviour and attitude without being aware of it. Chen et al verified this by sharing similarities with findings to those that were found by the DE100 module team. Chen et al was interested in whether or not the findings would differ when pairing the sporting event with a sporting celebrity compared to a non sporting celebrity would make a difference in participant s attitudes. The participants who were in the experimental condition with a celebrity who had viewed the slides had developed a positive attitude than those in the control condition with no celebrity and sports. The method used in both DE100 module team s and the Chen s study were straightforward this therefore shows a strength and it now means that any future replications can be conducted with ease. The participants who took part were known to the experimenter may
  • 30. Dexter Morgan Killing Fictional television shows were created to entertain the public. For some television is an escape from reality were someone s imagination can get the best of them. For others, it s just a fictional program that has no effect in their lives, or so they think. Watching fictional television can manipulate the mind into believing that something is good. For example, the TV show Dexter tell the story of a man who is a killer but the audience wants to see him succeed. Dexter Morgan shows viewers that murder can sometimes be justified because he only killing those who truly deserved it which keeps killers off the streets in the society. Dexter s urge to kill was introduced at a very young age. The older he got the more he wanted to kill. Dexter has a code that he lives by that justifies his killing. This code was created by his foster father Harry who ... Show more content on ... Every episode there is a different murder that happens in the city and the police are trying to figure out the who did it while Dexter tries to pretend to be happy and blend in with the rest of society. Because there is a big criminal population in Florida, Dexter has a lot of potential victims. Dexter disposes of the bodies by cutting them up into pieces and putting them into a plastic bag and throwing them out in the middle of the ocean. The ocean helps him from being seen and hiding his victims so he couldn t be caught. Living in Miami, Dexter tell his story of how he must fake his emotions and interactions with others. Dexter has two different kinds of personality. The one he shows everyone, a helpful, smart, and hardworking man. These traits help him seem normal to everyone around him and doesn t make people suspicious. The side of him he doesn t show anyone is the very secretive, observant, meticulous. These traits help Dexter make sure he has the right person and understands his surrounding just in case he runs into any
  • 31. Theme Of Desertion In Jay Mcinerney s Bright Lights, Big City Bright Lights, Big City, by Jay McInerney, continually reinforces the idea that being left behind can drastically alter someone as a person. The Narrator in this book is a basket case due to the break up of him and his wife, Amanda. In Fight Club, the Narrator is abandoned by his father; he, however, takes it out a different way; violence. McInerney s noveland Palahniuk s segment both display the theme that abandonment and desertion can lead a person to become lost and astray. Neither author ever reveals the narrator s name, which embodies the absentness in each characterand gives the reader the impression that they are lost. In Bright Lights, Big City the narrator tries to run from the pain of an unsatisfying reality by going out to the clubs every night, drinking alcohol and snorting cocaine. The narrator s wife, Amanda, called him one day from Paris, where she was doing a photo shoot to tell him that she wouldn t be coming home, that she was leaving him. He dwells over this the entire novel, and his way of coping with it is to go out and alleviate the pain through the use of drugs, All might come clear if you could just slip into the bathroom and do a little more Bolivian marching powder (McInerney 1). Towards the beginning of the novel, the narrator is high off of cocaine and concealed within the shadows of... Show more content on ... In each novel the narrator has lost a significant figure, which has led them to live the way they do. One big difference though is that in Big City, Bright Lights, the narrator and his wife were separated which caused him to rely on drugs, booze and women to mask actuality. Whereas in Fight Club the narrator grew up without a father, this ultimately led him to fight club. Maybe we didn t need a father to complete ourselves. There s nothing personal about who you fight in fight club. You fight to fight (Palahniuk 54). Fight club is his way to get around
  • 32. The Role Of Father Mike In Duluth The prophet we choose is Father Mike Schmitz. Father Mike is from Duluth, Minnesota, however, he currently resides in Duluth, Minnesota. God calls Father Mike to teach the faith and lead his church. Father does this through his online videos and books that are enjoyable for all ages. His message is delivered through his inspirational speeches. He inspires us all to follow in God. Other than being a priest, he runs the Newman Center at the University of Minnesota Duluth as well as holding the position of the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry in his diocese. On his spare time, Father Mike films YouTube videos describing God s teaching every week as well as writing spiritual books for all ages. Father Mike is called by God to spread
  • 33. The Franchise Model Requires Regular Payments The franchise model requires regular payments to the Subway Corporation. This will eat into profit margins each year and decrease the potential upside that might have been realized from running a standalone restaurant. However, it will also allow the owner to build equity in the restaurant, and enable the potential sale the restaurant at a later date if it is successful (Amit Zott, 2012). Importantly, there are restrictions on how many stores an investor can own and operate. Subway is not like Chick fil a in that they limit all owners to only a single store, but they do want to make sure that people are going to be successful at running a store before they will allow that person to take on many stores. This can limit the upside and... Show more content on ... In addition to the training one receives which is both training and a test to ensure that people are a good fit for the franchise model one receives critical support on marketing matters and other issues. This is ideal for a person who has not yet worked in the sandwich shop industry. It is like having a leg up on people who have decided to just test the waters and attempt to start a shop with no assistance. The ability to pool resources to come up with clever marketing pitches is also critical. Some might argue that this marketing approach is bad for small business owners because it takes away some of their ability to use local, customized marketing. This is not a fair criticism, however. One can still engage in community based marketing as an owner of a Subway franchise. This provides the opportunity for the best of both worlds. The Subway can lean on the national messaging to build brand awareness and draw people to the store while at the same time going out and establishing good will in the community through various efforts. In addition, the franchise model allows a business owner to just focus on execution rather than having to constantly scheme with new ideas. Many small business owners fail because they have to be visionaries at all points. They have to see the bigger trends coming in the industry while also thinking of new and creative ways to connect with the needs of consumers. This is all in addition to
  • 34. Essay on Comprehensive assignment 1. (5 pts) Describe the metabolic process providing your energy while you were walking (at an easy pace) before the bee stung you. Include which molecules are being consumed. The metabolic process providing my energy while I was walking at an easy pace is aerobic metabolism. During aerobic metabolism, mitochondria absorb from the surrounding cytoplasm these molecules: ADP, phosphate ions, O2, and organic substances like pyruvate. These molecules go through the citric acid cycle. The electron transport chain is also involved to create ATP. For each molecule of pyruvate that goes into the citric acid cycle, the cell gains 17 ATP molecules. Glycogen reserves can also be used and converted to glucose. Glycolysis breaks down glucose ... Show more content on ... 339 341) 4. (6 pts) Move your eyes and look at the bee. (Create a table that describes which nerves control which muscles to cause the needed eye movements). Action:Muscle:Origin:Insertion:Nerve: Eye looks downInferior RectusSphenoid around optic canalInferior, medial surface of eyeballOculomotor Nerve III Eye looks laterallyLateral RectusSphenoid around optic canalLateral surface of eyeballAbducens Nerve VI Eye rolls, looks down and laterallySuperior ObliqueSphenoid around optic canalSuperior, lateral surface of eyeballTrochlear Nerve IV ( The Muscular System P. 335) 5. (8 pts) Trace the image of the bee to perception. (Include all focusing, transduction, transmission and perception processes and structures). After a retinal molecule absorbs light, the normally 11 cis form of the bound retinal molecule straightens to become the 11 trans from. This change activated the opsin molecule. Opsin activates transducin which is a G protein. This G protein then activates phosphodiesterase. Phosphodiesterase is an enzyme that breaks down cyclic GMP. The break down of cyclic GMP removes them from the gated sodium channels and makes the gated sodium channels inactive. Because of this, sodium ion entry into the cytoplasm decreases.
  • 35. Companies And Partnership Law Assessment Companies and partnership law assessment Question1: Liability is made of contractual liability and tort liability. Creditors have only one opportunity to sue partners who have jointly liable for contractual obligations . However, creditors can sue several times in tort liability. There are different situation in the contract about the liability. Firstly, if the partner signs contract with actual authority and for purpose of the partnership , so all partners have jointly liable . Secondly, if the partner signs contract without the notice of another partner, but the third party trust him to sign the contract (apparent authority) in the usual way of this kind of partnership business, therefore all partners have jointly liable . Finally, if... Show more content on ... For example, if a company have lots of liabilities, he as a limited partner has no authority to pay the liabilities using own assets like house. If a limited partner takes an active role in the company, he or she may be become personally liable. Based on the PA, the requirements of this part relating to the limitation on the liability of a limited partner may not be diversified by the partnership agreement or the consent of the partners. Word count: 158 Question 3: Issues: The issues are whether Oola, Spike and Tex are partners and who is liable for Reena s costs. Rules: A partnership is the relation which exists between persons carrying on a business in common with a view of profit. Business includes any trade, occupation or profession. A relationship subsists profit sharing which means that it is a partnership. (It is strong indicator but not definitive) All partners liable for any wrongful act or omission of any partner acting in the ordinary course of the business of the firm, or with the authority of the other partners. Every partner in a firm other than an incorporated limited partnership is liable jointly with the partner s co partners, and also severally. Application: Existence of partnership Oola, Spike and Tex are persons that have some sort of relationship, but the other elements of the definition in s 1 (1) PA also needs to be present: Carrying on business: Based on s 1 B (1) PA Business includes any
  • 36. Growing Up In Poverty In The United States Poverty is the condition of being without adequate food or money. American Psychological Association (MLA): Poverty is not having enough money to have the basic necessities in life. It is an issue within the United States and the world. There are many children that grow up in poverty and the effects can last throughout the life. When growing up in povertythere can be high risk of teen pregnancy, poor heath, crime, Drug use and a lack of education. (Boyden) Poverty and poor health worldwide are inseparably related. Poor health is a direct effect of growing up in poverty; as children living in low economic families may not have access to adequate medical health coverage. Which means the child will not have proper immunization and checkup that they need to ensure good health. Studies show when a child grows up in poverty the child can be underweight (Boyden). Poor under lined illness may also lead to issues throughout a lifespan. Poverty increases neglect of health issues. That causes more health problems which ends in death. Statistics also show that living in poor rule areas, with low quality schools. Even if the parents are highly educated and employed, the employment ... Show more content on ... People who live in low economic and rule areas with less social standings are those who are considered to be in poverty. Someone who is suffering from poverty may have to live in cramped, inadequate houses or they could be homeless. Those who are unemployed or live in low economic areas are more likely to have unstable family life, broken relationships, with less involvement in their community, and low aspirations with alcoholism and drug addiction. We assume poverty is unlikely the cause of high crime in rule areas and for drug and alcohol addiction. But studies show people that are in poverty find themselves using their circumstance for an excuse to commit crimes and the use drugs and
  • 37. Monitoring And Reviewing Quality Assurance Programs The IQA role should be considered to be a privileged one, with high levels of personal responsibility required when accessing, handling (including appropriate sharing) and storing information in all of the formats the information may take electronic, printed material, discussion. When planning, implementing, monitoring and reviewing quality assurance programs, I will be privy to not insignificant amounts of information. This information can be personal in its nature when relating to the assessment practitioners and to qualification candidates, or can be commercially sensitive when the information relates to the internal policies and procedures operated by my own organisation, the centre undergoing the quality assurance cycle, and the qualification awarding organisations. My responsibilities relating to the correct handling of all types of data are not only established best practice, but demanded by law. The individuals and organisations involved in quality assurance activities must enjoy absolute confidence in my gathering and utilisation of their information. Without this confidence in the sharing of data, as an IQA I will not be in receipt of all the data I require in order to make reasoned, and secure determinations the likely consequence being the invalidity of the entire assessment quality assurance program. The gathering, use and retention of information by an individual or organisation is regulated in the United Kingdom by the Data Protection Act of 1998. This
  • 38. Essay about Fiction Fused With Reality Yann Martel s magic realism novel Life of Pi (2006) and Guillermo Del Toro s dark fantasy film Pan s Labyrinth (2002) fuses fiction with reality as they explore shared concerns such as faith, survival and the importance of narration. These bildungsroman tales feature teenage protagonists who undergo profound transformations as they strive to overcome confronting challenges. Yann Martel is able to blend real elements with the surreal through the use of storytelling. Without Richard Parker, I wouldn t be alive today to tell you my story. Yann Martel not only forewarns of the future events but also demonstrates the characteristics that Piscine has. Animal allegories are used as a recurring motif in the novel and are used to symbolise ... Show more content on ... Like Martel, Del Toro forewarns the responder of the battles that Ofelia and Spain are going to go through. Because it is in pain that we find the meaning of life Del Toro uses Ofelia to symbolise Spain and the horrible violence that happened during the 1930 s.Ofelia s parallel worlds provide a metaphor for two possible outcomes. The fictitious world provides the ending that would occur if the socialist s won the war, meaning a free world. The real world is symbolic for the outcome that would occur when the fascist s won, a cold controlled dictatorship in which the everyday person was oppressed by a dictator. Religion is used as a key issue in Life of Pi, which states that all religions lead to the same goal. All religions are true. I just want to love God. This idea is carried throughout the book and is firmly believed by the main protagonist Piscine. Piscine s belief in God is tested regularly with obstacles that hinder his path towards salvation. The island which Piscine inhabits for a period of a time symbolises the binary oppositions of religion. The island is carnivorous during the night and self sufficient and benevolent during the day. Martel suggests the darker side of religion can destroy its surroundings and in the end destroy itself. Pi has a unique aspect to share with the reader as he is born a Hindu but decides to practise Islam and Christianity. This emphasises the commonality of
  • 39. Galton s Theory Of Intelligence Essay Either way, Galton influenced researchers to consider taking a scientific focus on their theories of intelligence. One of the researchers Galton influenced was James McKeen Cattell who brought Galton s ideas to the United States and proposed a series of 50 psychophysical tests (1890). As a matter of fact, Cattell s psychophysical tests could later not be validated by his student, Clark Wissler (1901). Even theorists that have focused their theories of intelligenceon Galton s views have recognized that Galton had very simplistic views (e.g., Hunt, Frost, Lunneborg, 1973). All things considered, Galton s controversial views of intelligence (which has since been carried down to present day) have had a profound impact on the area of intelligence. Binet. Another key individual in the development of intelligence is Alfred Binet, who was a very influential psychologist of the early twentieth century. He was a French psychologist who is known especially for his work with intelligence and is remembered as the father of the first intelligence test (Binet, 1903). He was a self taught psychologist who was studying medicine (but did not finish his medical studies) and later shifted into psychology because it was much an interest to him (Zusne, 1957). He was interested in the development of his children and in 1903 he published a book L Г©tude expГ©rimentale de I intelligence (Binet, 1903) which included empirical data of the observations he made with his children and an extensive
  • 40. In Hans Christian Anderson’s 1830s fairy tale Thumbelina,... In Hans Christian Anderson s 1830s fairy tale Thumbelina, the narrator brings Thumbelina or Tiny for short, on a series of misfortunate events. An ugly toad stole Thumbelina and tried to marry her to her even more unsightly son. After she escaped the toad, a cockchafer forced her to be his date to a party, almost perished in the lonely winter months, and again is nearly forced to marry an unappealing mole. Although after a rainstorm of bad events, a rainbow appears. After Tiny s tragic events, Tiny is finally wed to a handsome, fairy prince. Tiny s character traits and build carried the story. Although a few characters drove the tale of Thumbelinaby Hans Christian Anderson, Thumbelina s small delicate stature influenced the story the ... Show more content on ... Tiny told sung and told stories her. Unfortunately the mouse s neighbor, a blind mole, liked singing and stories too. After hearing her sing, the mole fell madly in love with the little girl and wanted to marry her. The narrator said, She was herself so frail and delicate, that poor little Tiny was nearly frozen to death. This quote all in itself says Tiny was so small, that the winter almost killed her. If Tiny were larger, she would have had an easier time regulating her body temperature and the snow falling would not have affected her as much. Therefore, Tiny would not have been almost dead, and the mouse and the mole would have never met her. The final event that was caused by Tiny s small stature was marrying the fairy prince. Although incompatible for their love of sunshine, the mole wanted to marry Thumbelina, regardless of what she wanted. With the wedding day approaching quickly, Tiny knew she could not marry the mole, no matter how wealthy he was. He liked dark, emptiness. Thumbelina loved light, warm sunlight. She befriended an injured swallow and he took Tiny away before the wedding. Shortly after having reached a place where the sun always shines, she saw a man, rather a tiny king. The only difference was that he had wings. Instantly, Tiny was taken by how handsome he was and vice versa. The fairy prince married Tiny. If Tiny were not as small as she was, the swallow wouldn t have been able to lift her
  • 41. Essay on Theme of Heroes in Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier In a world of manifest superheroes, Mrs. de Winter, in Daphne du Maurier s novel, Rebecca, though quite an unanticipated heroine, proves to be selfless and courageous, the very definition of a hero. Her name never being mentioned, Mrs. de Winter, also the story s narrator, stands in direct contrast to the story s vilest character, Rebecca, and her sinister housekeeper, Mrs. Danvers. By observing the characters and setting of Rebecca, we manage to catch a glimpse of the author s personal life and how it may have influenced the writing of her novel. The daughter of two actors, Sir Gerald du Maurier and Muriel Beaumont, Daphne du Maurier grew up in the Menabilly mansion in Cornwall, England. Her childhood home is thought to be represented ... Show more content on ... Rebecca was just that with its vivid poetry and scheming plot, Rebecca was able to transport its readers to another world. Though having been published at such a strenuous time when society more easily focused on the negative aspects of life, by writing a novel like Rebecca, du Maurier proved that even though it wasn t apparent, if you looked hard enough you could find some good amidst the evil, there was a hero among the monsters. By never mentioning Mrs. de Winter s first name, du Maurier gives her heroine a certain amount of anonymity and makes her a type of backdoor heroine . Throughout the novel, the reader s attention is immersed in the mystery that is Rebecca. Although the story is narrated by Mrs. de Winter and every event is wrapped around its effect on her character, even so, one manages to focus more readily on Rebecca. However, if one analyses the novel then it becomes evident that du Maurier s purpose was for the reader to identify Mrs. de Winter as the heroine and she does this by intentionally leaving out her name as an effective way of making the character appear to be a lesser person than Rebecca, so that she is less confidant, less capable, less attractive to Maxim, not even a significant enough person to be named (Willmore). All this, to place an even greater emphasis on Mrs. de Winter s selflessness. In contrast to Mrs. de Winter s selfless qualities, Mrs.
  • 42. Dale Chihuly One of the collections in the OKC Museum of Art is an exhibition of glass and drawings by Dale Chihuly. Currently the Oklahoma City Museum of Art is home to one of the largest collections of Chihuly glass in the world. Chihuly s background includes a B.A. in interior design from the University of Washington, a M.S. in sculpturefrom the University of Wisconsin Madison, a M.F.A. in sculpture from the Rhode Island School of Design, honorary doctorates from the University of Puget Sound the Rhode Island School of Design. Chihuly is a very experienced artist to say the least. He was awarded a Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation grant for work in glassand studied in Italy at the Venini glass factory on a Fulbright Fellowship. This museum holds over three decades of Chihuly s finest work. All of his work is very eye catching and mesmerizing. His pieces also do not lack in color, and the way the light passes through the glass sets the tone for his work. You can tell that all of these pieces is the work of the same artists, Dale Chihuly.... Show more content on ... This collection includes works on paper from the sixteenth century to the present. However, this collection consists mainly of works by 20th century American artists. For example Josef Albers Golden Gate which is a simple print done with several boxes of different tones of yellow that turns into gold. There is also a piece done by Andy Warhol called Cheddar Cheese from Campbell s Soup. This is a print that is done with a can of campbell s soup, what look like what could possibly be an add. Something that is commonly done by Andy
  • 43. Nucleic Acid Sequence-Based Amplification ( NASBA )... Nucleic acid sequence based amplification (NASBA) assay involves the non PCR based amplification of viral RNA of all four dengue virus serotypes using universal primers at 41В°C and to type the amplified products by serotype specific capture probes by electrochemiluminescence (Wu et al. 2001). The method is unique in its cost effectiveness, 98.5 % sensitivity, 100 % sensitivity and short time of one day for investigation (Usawattanakul et al. 2002). Viral RNA detection using RNA guided clustered regularly interspersed palindromic repeats (CRISPR) along with Cas13a proteins have been recently developed for the detection of dengue and zika viruses (Gootenberg et al. 2017). The target viral RNA sequence to be detected is identified with a ... Show more content on ... 2014).The development of a dengue NS1 antigen specific capture enzyme linked immunosorbent assay capable of detecting all the four serotypes of dengue virus was tested with patient serum samples from Tamil Nadu and gave positive results till 7 days of infections (Kathiresan et al. 2017). Validation of the above results was done with RT PCR, MAC ELISA and commercially available NS1 antigen detection kits. The method was also useful in NS1 antigenic screening in mosquitoes the vectors of the disease. The in silico synthesis and serotyping using multiantigenic peptides of dengue virus proteins as tools for dengue diagnosis have been recently described (Rai et al. 2017). Epitopes on the envelope protein and NS1 protein were selected for the synthesis of multiantigenic peptide in the above study. Results indicated that among 157 patients studied almost 96 % positive reactions against MAP1 for IgM positive serum and 94 % against MAP 3 for IgM positive serum. However, a reduction in detection levels were also observed to around 60% IgG positive serums. Antibody based detection Antibody based detection of dengue infection can be done using serum samples both for primary and secondary infections from the 2nd day of infection. The antibody titres
  • 44. Protagonist Argumentative Essay understandable picture of Erudite people stream from the buildings, evacuating as the group less and Dauntless assault. The color blue binds them mutually, and most obvious is the whites of their eyes. This picture is particularly awful to Protagonist, since lots of these public are blameless; through this explanation, readers can get a improved sense of the surprise she feels while inspecting them. After behaving brutally with Jeanine, Protagonist takes memo of each aspect of her features because the blood and cut marks are proof that for once, Protagonist has managed to strike Jeanine. Even if it was simply in this second, she ruined her, and the verification of Jeanine s weak point shows on her distorted face. This complete explanation
  • 45. Healthcare Professional Education Is Expensive Healthcare professional education is expensive. [1] However it is of high value. The outcomes of healthcare professional education are also expensive fully qualified healthcare professionals that command high wages. However the outcomes of healthcare professional are of high value too healthcare professionals are the foundations of our health service and our healthy society. [2] Healthcare professional education ultimately produces a workforce and that workforce is governed by the rules of labour economicslike any other workforce. Despite all of these largely incontrovertible facts, there has been remarkably little interest in the relationship between healthcare professional education and labour economics. This is surprising in view... Show more content on ... [4] Healthcare professional education and labour economics are in essence a matter of supply and demand. However at times there is oversupply and at times undersupply. Let s look at oversupply first. Oversupply of healthcare professionals in a certain specialities is a waste. The expense of education that has been provided has gone to waste and now the healthcare professional is a burden on the taxpayer. So it is a double hit for the healthcare service. However there may be a case for having a small oversupply. The future of the health service is unpredictable and so it is probably wiser to have a small oversupply than an undersupply which will mean that patients cannot receive the care that they need. A small oversupply will also mean that there is some competition for training places and specialist posts this should be a driver for learners to achieve more and thus to improve quality. Moving on to undersupply, there are few arguments for having an undersupply of healthcare professionals. There will be savings in the education budgets but these savings will be far outweighed by the costs of untreated acute illness and chronic disease. However a complicating factor is elasticity of supply. In labour markets supply of workers can be of high elasticity or low elasticity. The supply
  • 46. Inguinal Hernia 1. The recorded reference to inguinal hernia dates back to 1522 BC. The Egyptian papyrus of Ebers (1552 BC) refers to the observation of this disease as a swelling on the surface of the belly caused by coughing (Chowbey, 2012). In 400 BC, Hippocrates (a Greek physician, 460 BC 370 BC) described the identification between hernia and hydrocele testis. 2. In 50 BC, Aulus Cornelius Celsus (25 BC 50 AD) brought the ancient Greek medicine to Rome and hernia trusses were widely used. Surgery was recommended to those patients with pain. The hernia sac, after separated from the spermatic cord, was excised through a scrotal incision below pubic bone. The wound was then left to granulate and form scar tissue. Bigger wound would be burnt to promote scar formation. In the operation, ... Show more content on ... William of Salicet (1210 1277), in about 1250, clearly put forward the preservation of testicles in surgery. In 1363, Guy de Chauliac (1300 1368) was the first surgeon differentiating femoral from inguinal hernia. The Renaissance brought burgeoning anatomic knowledge and people comprehended more about hernia, which contributed to the fundamental development of hernia treatment. 6. Ambroise Pare (1510 1590), a French surgeon who was regarded as the founder of modern surgery, advocated using vascular ligation to replace the use of hot oil or cauterization for hemostasis. In his book, The Apologie and the Treatise, he recorded the operation of reducing the content of sac into belly and ligaturing peritoneum by golden thread and condemned orchidectomy. 7. Pierre Franco (1500 1565), a French surgeon, gave detailed descriptions of hernia operation, including some early techniques on preventing testicles and spermatic cord from injury and the treatment of incarcerated hernia. He pointed out that incarcerated hernia could be fatal and advocated that an operation of relief should be given when strangulation occurred. He also invented a grooved dissector to relief the strangulated
  • 47. All Cargo Logistics International ( Acli ) ACLI ENTERPRENURE Shashi Kiran Shetty All Cargo Logistics International (ACLI) is in business of providing of international air freight and ocean freight with a worldwide network of partners and a team of top transport logistics operators. Comapny is experienced in all aspects of worldwide freight shipping and logistics, ACLI offers a wide range of services for the secure and efficient transport of any parcels entrusted to them. Company had experience and dedication to detail that ensures that every project is successfully managed from start to end. Company deals on offering customers a different range of services that are self made to suit their unique and specific needs on all fields pertaining to global freight shipping. Shashi Kiran Shetty comes in Mumbai in 1978 a young, bright future teenager on the lookout for a job. His search for finding job led him to the Mumbai port where he fell in love with ships at the first glance. Luckily, with god s grace he got hired by small shipping company name Intermodal Transport and Trading Systems. He knew nothing about ships as he is new, but he worked hard to learn. From there, he joined Tata Group s Forbes Gokak. He worked for 4 years in the Mumbai dockyards as an executive in operations. He used his time as an employee productively, making friends and building networks in the industry. He met everybody like captains, managers, staff of dockyard and truck owners who transported the cargo to
  • 48. Effects Of Falling Gas Prices On Operation Management... The Effects of Falling Gas Prices on Operation Management Decision Making Dylan Knight Robert Morris University Abstract This paper briefly takes a look at how the price of gas has changed over the past ten years and what has caused the drop in fuel prices within the past few years. It then looks at the fuel price s effect on business operation through the eyes of the Operations Manager and the key aspects in decision making that they have to consider when the gas prices fall, like they have recently. I then give you an idea of how the falling prices effect the Apartment Management industry and the operations involved in renting and renovating apartments. Falling Gas Prices Effect on Operations ... Show more content on ... The one downfall of the increased production here in the United States is the drilling has slowed down drastically leaving many oil workers without a job and forcing some companies out of business. (Krauss) Another cause of the gas prices dropping, according to an article on CNN, is the economic slowdown of the Chinese economy. They also mentioned the increased production in the United States and finally the tentative nuclear deal which would make their oil more readily available to our country. In the article they also predicted that by the time football season came around that tens of thousands of gas stations across the country will be below the $2 a gallon mark. (Isidore) Even though we have seen it come close here in Pennsylvania, it has not gone below $2 here in the greater Pittsburgh area. A few times that I have been home in Ohio I have seen it drop below $2 but it ultimately just depends on which area you are in. With winter quickly approaching gas prices are expected to continue to drop as stations mix a less expensive blend of gas for the winter months. (Isidore) So it is a possibility that we could see prices here in the Pittsburgh area fall to the $2 a gallon area. If I were placed as the Operations Manager in any industry gas prices play a huge factor in business and
  • 49. Mobile Application Development Frameworks And Tools A Survey on Mobile Application Development Frameworks and Tools The selected topic: Mobile application development Venkata Sai Girish Konda CSE 598: Distributed Software Development Dr. Yinong Chen Abstract Now a days smart phones became an integral part of human life and so the mobile applications. Mobile application development is the latest trend and easiest ways to reach out to more number of people. Developing applications for mobiles is becoming challenging with various frameworks and tools. In this paper, I am going to present a survey on different well known frameworks and tools available for mobile application development. Keywords: Mobile application development, framework, tools, cross platform. 1. Introduction With ... Show more content on ... Apart from this they are also provided with a variety of sensors such as multi touch screens, high resolution cameras, gyroscope sensors, advanced sound systems etc. which are not available in older generation phones. Currently there are many platforms available for smart phones of which Android, Apple iOS, Windows phone and Blackberry are well known platforms. Development of applications for each platform requires in depth knowledge of the platforms and their SDKs. This takes a lot of money and time for developers to develop applications for various platforms. This led to development of various cross platform frameworks and tools such as Phone Gap, Titanium, JQuery mobile etc. Table 1 compares the development approaches among native, mobile web and cross platforms [7]. Table1. Comparison of various development approaches Decision criterionNative approachMobile web approachCross platform approach UX qualityExcellentVery goodNot as good as native approach App qualityHighMediumMedium to low Potential usersLimitedMaximumLarge Development cost of appHighLowMedium to low App securityExcellentDepends on browser securityNot good SupportabilityComplexSimpleMedium to complex Updating supportComplexSimpleMedium to complex
  • 50. Time to publishHighMediumShort Mobile software engineering differs from traditional software engineering in many ways. In mobile computing context awareness, screen
  • 51. Minorities In America Essay When people think of the United States of America they think of a country that consists of a majority of whites. However, the U.S. which is believed to be a majority white country is changing whether some people like it or not. These races that were seen as minorities are gaining in number. Minorities in America are slowly becoming the majority. Some whites are concerned with this realization because they cannot fathom not being the majority anymore. This change has a domino effect. There is an increase of these immigrants which causes there to be more marriages of different races. Which can cause more babies to be born with that same raceor multirace. This increase also causes more of the minorities today will be voting in the future,... Show more content on ... They are looking for jobs and a new place to live. Whites are now becoming the minority. For example from 1960 to 2010, the percentages of Americans identifying themselves as Black, Hispanic, Asian, or other increased from just 15 percent of the population to 36 percent of the population (Moreno). The beginning percentage more than doubled in 50 years. Right now it is 2017 and that number could be close to or over 40 percent. These numbers continue to grow because of the amount of minority babies being born, and According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2014 there were more than 20 million children under 5 years old living in the U.S., and 50.2 percent of them were minorities (Wazwaz). That means that half of the children who are being born that will make up the United States are children who are considered part of a minority. Because of this observation, The minority population is expected to rise to 56 percent of the total population in 2060, compared with 38 percent last year (Wazwaz). The American population will decrease more and more. The face of America used to be white but will become multiracial. With the rise in the minority, the white population will become 43 percent of the US population by 2060 (Moreno). The is just starting today with more immigrants coming to the US. These immigrants come for a new life and come to build a
  • 52. Holden Caulfield Happiness In the fiction novel The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, the author perfectly captures Holden Caulfield who is a troubled teen trying to work his way through adolescence in a world peopled by phonies and is trying to rescue others, while failing to rescue himself. Along with these two themes, Salinger depicts the behavior of how people are what they want to be, and they should live a life which makes them happy. In this novel, the main character seventeen year old Holden Caulfield finds the hypocrisy and ugliness of the world around him almost intolerable. Therefore, he tries to protect himself from the pain and disappointment of the adult world. In the novel, the readers get to read about Allie, Holden s younger brother, who died of leukemia. He believes that adults, and his parents in general, are phony because they must move forward with their lives, even beyond the tragedy of their son s death. As the story continues, Salinger writes Certain things, they should stay the way they are. You ought to be able to stick them in one of those big glass cases and just leave them alone ... Show more content on ... For example, when Holden has his encounter with a prostitute, he pities her and does not desire to do anything sexual with her. He treats women as though he is trying to save their sexual purity. However, the criticisms that Holden aims at people around him are also aimed at himself. He is uncomfortable with his own weaknesses, and at times displays as much phoniness as anyone else in the book. Holden refuses to grow up. This is phony as he is a young adult and still acts as if he is twelve. He says, Hello? I said. I made my voice quite deep so that she wouldn t suspect my age or anything. I have a pretty deep voice anyway (Stalinger 71 72). Here, the author conveys the message
  • 53. Examining The Life Of Sylvia Plath As Seen Within Examining the Life of Sylvia Plath as Seen Within Lady Lazarus Sylvia Plath s poem, Lady Lazarus , was greatly about the author s life: the influence by her suicide attempts, years of troubled mental health, and stressed relationships with her father and husband. The opening lines of Lady Lazarus read I have done it again. / One year in every ten (Plath 1 2). These two lines immediately reference Plath s suicide attempts, her first of three being in 1953 when she was just a university student, where she took a bottle of sleeping pills, water, and a blanket down to her cellar and proceeded to down sleeping pills until she became unconscious (Steinberg). Throughout Plath s life, she seemed to have an interesting relationship with death,... Show more content on ... / This is Number Three (21 22) referring to her first two suicide attempts, the poem being written only four months before her third and final suicide attempt (Herrman). However, strangely enough, it is debated as to whether her suicide attempts were supposed to be just that, attempts, and not with the final goal of ending her life. It is argued that Plath intended to be found, even leaving a note for her neighbor, whom she knew would be home, listing her doctor s contact information, and hiring a nanny to look after the children, further exemplifying her strange relationship with death (Steinberg). However, the gas from the stove, which she used to kill herself, also seeped through the floor, knocking out her neighbor below (Steinberg). This factor of her suicide attempt was not planned for, and may have been what ultimately resulted in her death. Though theatrical, it is worth noting that the women on her father s side had a history of mental health issues (Herrman). Plath herself even calls out the theatrics: [i]t s the theatrical / / Comeback in broad day / To the same place, the same face, the same brute / Amused shout: // A miracle! / That knocks me out (51 56). Earlier in the poem, she even writes of spectators to these acts: The peanut crunching crowd / Shoves in to see / / Them unwrap me hand and foot / The big strip tease (26 29). She also talks of being a large scale work of
  • 54. The Themes Of Art Spiegelman Art Spiegelman has arguably one of the most interesting depictions and autobiographies that we have in the world of literature. He changed the way we thought that we could tell certain stories or information. Not everything has to be conveyed in which we always thought. Art s work didn t reinvent the wheel, but it did, have a major piece in getting the ball rolling and the dissecting the original ways in which we tell stories that require such emotion and pain. As those that have read Maus know, this is a work that sets its self apart from traditional works in its same subject matter. If we look to books like The Diaries of Anne Frank. There is a stark difference in the way they re represented and their telling. This perhaps one of the reasons that Maus did so well. As we know the story of Anne Frank, its her diary, her personal recounts of what happen to her and her family during a two year period; all the while hiding from the Nazi regime in their occupation of the Netherlands. Then we have a ... Show more content on ... The theme of racism is one that is heavily (for obvious reason) played with the separation of Jews and Germans. Spiegelman makes a clear separation by drawing the Jews as mice and the Germans as cats. R.C. Harvey was a heavy commentator on his work and said that he nonetheless employed a metaphor that can be interpreted as perpetuating a stereotypical image of Jews (244). The Germans as we know, referred to the Jews as vermin to be exterminated, and Harvey felt that Spiegelman played to heavily on this notion. To the affect that it was his visual simplification renders all Jews in virtually the same way...individuality is thereby was precisely this sort of dehumanizing of Jews that had to take place before the Nazis could persuade themselves to exterminate the vermin (Harvey 244). There were several key people that heavily criticized the novel, but ultimately, they were a small
  • 55. The Issue Of The Juvenile Justice System Essay 1.1Introduction The term juvenile is derived from a Latin word Juvenis meaning Young (who has not attained the age of 18 years). A Children have been recognized supremely assets of the Nation. The government of India through its National Policy for Children stated that their nurture and solicitude are our responsibility. Equal opportunities for development to all children during the period of growth should be our aim, for this would serve our larger purpose of reducing inequality and ensuring social justice. Children ought to have been the subject of prime focus of development planning, research, and welfare in India but unfortunately, it has not been so. Despite the Constitutional vision of a healthy and happy child protected against abuse and exploitation, and a National Policy for Children, the majority of children in India continue to live without a cared, protected and meaningful childhood. The juvenile justice system as conceived by legislation aims at providing care, protection, treatment, development, and rehabilitation of delinquent and neglected juvenile. India is a signatory to UN Declaration on The Rights of the Child, 1959 which defined and recognized various Rights of the children namely: The right to health and care, the right to protection from abuse, the right to protection from exploitation, right to protection from neglect, right to information, right to expression and right to nutrition etc have been defined as basic rights of children by the