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1. W. Edwards Deming
2. Joseph M. Juran
3. Philip B. Crosby
4. Armand Vallin Feigenbaum
5. Kaoru Ishikawa
6. David A. Garvin
7. Shigeo Shingo
8. Genichi Taguchi
Despite there are eight gurus in assessing total quality
management , there are differences in their opinions.
Threegroupsof gurus
W. EdwardsDeming
Born:- October 14, 1990.
Died:- December 20, 1993
known as the father of
Dr. W. Edwards Deming is
Japanese post-war industrial
revival and was regarded by many
as the leading quality guru in the
United States.
• His expertise was used during
World War II to assist the United
States in its effort to improve the
quality of war materials
- He got his PHD in the states in physics and math's
- Get his first employment chance in an electricity
company in Chicago
- He taught physics , mathematics , statistics and quality
in Japan .
* Deming is best known for his management philosophy ,
establishing quality , productivity and competitive
position .
• Deming focus on 5 ideas :
1. Statistical process controlling (SPC)
2. Deming philosophy
3. Deming 14 points
4. Deming Cycle (for continuous improvements)
5. Seven deadly diseases of quality
1. Statistical process controlling: It’s a process which aims at
achieving good quality during manufacture through
prevention rather than detection .
It is concerned with controlling the process (machine)
which make the product through inspecting the machine
rather than the product itself.
• For example why the salesman can’t sell the same
amount every month ?
• SPC will answer this question by discovering and
analyzing these items :-
I. Common causes : which inherent to the process as
Machine fails
II. Special causes : Not inherent to the process and should
be defined such as poor performance
III. Natural Variation: producing certain amount of defects
IV. Significantly different variation: Discovering exactly
where it is by management.
Note. Deming said :
*80% depends on management
*20% depends on employee
2. Deming Philosophy : The quality and the productivity
increases when the process fluctuation Decreases
3. Deming 14 points:
• Create constancy of purpose for improving products and
• Adopt the new philosophy.
• Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality.
• End the practice of awarding business on price alone;
instead, minimize total cost by working with a single
• Improve constantly and forever every process for
planning, production and service.
• Institute training on the job.
• Adopt and institute leadership.
• Drive out fear.
• Break down barriers between staff areas.
• Eliminate slogans, exhortations and targets for the
• Eliminate numerical quotas for the workforce and
numerical goals for management.
• Remove barriers that rob people of pride of
workmanship, and eliminate the annual rating or merit
• Institute a vigorous program of education and self-
improvement for everyone.
• Put everybody in the company to work accomplishing
the transformation.
4. Deming's cycle
5. Deming's Seven Deadly Diseases
• Lack of constancy of purpose to plan product and service that
will have a market and keep the company in business, and
provide jobs.
Emphasis on short-term profits: short-term thinking (just the
opposite from constancy of purpose to stay in business), fed by
fear of unfriendly takeover, and by push from bankers and
owners for dividends.
Evaluation of performance, merit rating, or annual review.
Mobility of management; job hopping.
Management by use only of visible figures, with little or no
consideration of figures that are unknown or unknowable.
Excessive medical costs.
Excessive costs of liability, swelled by lawyers that work on
contingency fees.
JosephM. Juran
Born:- December 20, 1904
Died:- February 28, 2008
Joseph Juran is an internationally
acclaimed quality guru, similar to
Edwards Deming, strongly
influencing Japanese manufacturing
Joseph Juran’s belief that “quality
does not happen by accident” gave
rise to the quality trilogy.
Juran Ideas are :
1. Quality definition
2. Breakthrough concept
3. Internal customer
4. Quality Trilogy
5. Pareto analysis
6. Cost of quality
7. Quality council
1. Quality definition : ( Fitness of purpose)
The statement is not that much easy , as it requires asking
many questions like :
• What is the real purpose ?
• Are customer internal or external users ?
• Who are the possible customers ?
2. Breakthrough concept : sequences of process
improvements , which take two journeys
• journey from symptom to cause
• journey from cause to remedy
3. Internal customers : quality is associated with customer
satisfaction and dissatisfaction
• Satisfaction : occurs when the product has superior
performance and features
• Dissatisfaction : when we have defects and deficiencies
Customer satisfaction has two dimensions:
• Internal : Building the product and the service correctly
• External : matching customer requirements and meet
their expectations
4. Quality council : A group of experts who are
responsible for supervising in the application of quality
*Juran Big (Q) : quality doesn’t the concern of the
production or the total quality within the organization ,
but it extends to link between organization departments,
operations and services .
5. Juran quality cost :
• Appraisal Costs: Costs of activities designed to ensure
quality or uncover defects (inspection)
• Prevention Costs :All TQ training, TQ planning to prevent
defects from occurring
• Failure Costs - costs incurred by defective parts/products
or faulty services.
• Internal Failure Costs : Costs incurred to fix problems
that are detected before the product/service is delivered to
the customer.
• External Failure Costs : All costs incurred to fix
problems that are detected after the product/service is
delivered to the customer.
• Juran three role models : He assumed that every
process has an internal customer and supplier which
linked to each other through a process to reach the
optimum quality .
6. Juran Pareto analysis : A universal problem solving
methodology in which we list the key problems into a
table and ranking them from the highest to the lowest
and trying to solve the deficiencies
7. Quality Trilogy :
Quality planning : *determine the organization internal and
external customers * determine customer needs ,
requirements and expectations * design the product to
achieve customer satisfaction * prepare a design to
achieve a good quality
Quality controlling : *determine variation and make
decisions * measure performance and results * compare
the results with the stated objectives .
Quality improvements : * define quality goals * train the
workers * develop a problem solving statement
PhilipB. Crosby
* Known as The Fun Uncle of the
Quality Revolution
Born:- June 18, 1926
Died:- August 18, 2001
Where Philip Crosby excellence was
in finding a terminology for quality
that mere mortals could understand.
He popularized the idea of the "cost of
poor quality", that is, figuring out how
much it really costs to do things badly.
• Mr. Crosby defined quality as a conformity to certain
Crosby four absolutes are :
1. The definition of quality is conformance to requirements: It is not
appropriate to say good or bad quality as quality cant be measured
but conformance can be.
2. The system of the quality is prevention : Make a prevention
strategy and it should be supported by SPC in order to understand
the process and discover the default before occurring .
3. The performance is zero defects: Make the requirement right from
the first time , and make the quality accepted by a number of
standard items .
4. The measurements of quality is the price of Nonconformance :
Because cost quality is the prime motivation for management .
CROSBY quality costs :
• Price of NON conformance :All the costs involved in
not getting the product or a service right .
• Price of conformance : Costs for doing things right .
Crosby has 14 points like Deming , like :
Management commitment
Building awareness
Educating employees
Quality councils
And others but the main difference between Deming and
Crosby is that :
**Deming focus on quality management .
**Crosby focus on action plan and implementation process .
Armand Vallin Feigenbaum
Born:- April 6, 1922
Died:- November 13, 2014
He was an American quality
control expert and
Feigenbaum concept's of Total
Quality Control , known today
as total quality management ,
combines management methods
and economic theory with
organizational principles.
• He does not get the great attention that the others
(Deming, Juran, Ishikawa, etc.) get.
• Feigenbaum believed that quality was a way of operating
or a way of life, thus the term "Total Quality."
• Believes that quality has become the single most important
force leading to organizational success and growth.
• Feigenbaum defined total Quality control as an effective
system for integrating the quality development, quality
maintenance, and quality improvement efforts of the
various groups in an organization so as to enable
production and service at the most economical levels which
allow full customer satisfaction.
• Armand is also know for his concept of the “hidden plant”
the idea that so much extra work is performed in correcting
mistakes that there is effectively a hidden plant within any
• Accountability for quality: Because quality is everybody's
job, it may become nobody's job—the idea that quality
must be actively managed and have visibility at the highest
levels of management.
Feigenbaum believes that there are three elements
to quality:
• Quality Leadership the management in a company must
always be striving for quality. They must put items in place
that allow them to measure quality, control quality and
improve quality. There must be constant feedback and
oversight of the organization to assure that quality
Modern Quality Technology the quality function cannot
achieve quality without the help of others. Everyone must
be trained and led to quality.
Organizational Commitment everyone in the
organization must believe in quality.
David A. Garvin
David A. Garvin is the
Professor of Business
Administration at the
Harvard Business School.
"If quality isto bemanaged, it
must beunderstoodfirst."
• He studied one industry which was active in both
the United States and Japan -- the room air
conditioning industry -- analyzing the products to
determine which plants in which country were
turning out the highest quality. Then he analyzed
every step of the manufacturing process, to find
the differences that made the difference.
• His findings were often surprising. Some things that
everyone thought guaranteed higher quality (such
as exhaustive testing) did not, while some things
rarely mentioned in the literature (such as the way
the factory dealt with layoffs and seniority, and the
length of production runs) made a big difference.
The eight dimensions of quality
• Performance: Main operating characteristics such as
power, sound, speed etc.
Features: The extras that supplement the main
Reliability: How often it breaks down
Conformance: How close it is to the design
specification or service to the customers experience.
Durability: Length of life, toughness in use, service
frequency etc.
Serviceability: Ease, cost and friendliness of service.
Aesthetics: Appearance and impression.
Perceived quality: The feel, finish and manner in
which the customer is dealt with.
Born:- July 13, 1915
Died:- April 16, 1989
Kaoru Ishikawa was a Japanese
professor and influential quality
management innovator best
known in north America for the
Ishikawa or cause and effect
diagram (also known as
fishbone diagram) that are
used in the analysis of
industrial process.
Quality Contributions
• User Friendly Quality Control
• Fishbone Cause and Effect Diagram -
Ishikawa diagram
• Implementation of Quality Circles
• Emphasized the 'Internal Customer'
• Shared Vision
Quality Contributions
he was known for the use of the “seven basic tools of quality”:
• Pareto analysis: which are the big problems?
• Cause and effect diagrams: what causes the problems?
• Stratification: how is the data made up?
• Check sheets: how often it occurs or is done?
• Histograms: what do overall variations look like?
• Scatter charts: what are the relationships between factors?
• Process control charts: which variations to control and how?
The Ishikawa diagram (or fishbone diagram or also cause-
and-effect diagram) are diagrams, that shows the causes
of a certain event. A common use of the Ishikawa diagram
is in product design. Also it reveals key relationships
among various variables.
Categoriesof causes
• The 6 M's
– Machine, Method, Materials, Maintenance, Man and
Mother Nature (Environment) (recommended for the
manufacturing industry.
The 8 P's
– Price, Promotion, People, Processes, Place/Plant, Policies,
Procedures, and Product (or Service) (recommended for
the administration and service industries).
The 4 S's
– Surroundings, Suppliers, Systems, Skills (recommended for
the service industry(
Born:- 1909
Died:- 1990
Shigeo Shingo, born in Saga City,
He was a Japanese industrial
engineer who distinguished
himself as one of the world’s
leading experts on manufacturing
practices and The Toyota
Production System.
Shingo is known far more in the
West than in Japan.
Shigeo Shingo is strongly associated with Just-in-
Time manufacturing, and was the inventor of :
1) The single minute exchange of die (SMED)
system, in which set up times are reduced
from hours to minutes, and
2) The Poka-Yoke (mistake proofing) system. In
Poka Yoke, defects are examined, the
production system stopped and immediate
feedback given so that the root causes of the
problem may be identified and prevented
from occurring again.
He distinguished between “errors”, which are inevitable,
and “defects”, which result when an error reaches a
customer, and the aim of Poka-Yoke is to stop errors
becoming defects. Defects arise because errors are
made and there is a cause and effect relationship
between the two.
Zero quality control is the ideal production
system and this requires both Poka-Yoke and source
Genichi Taguchi
Born:- January 1, 1924
Died:- June 2, 2012
Genichi Taguchi was an engineer and
Taguchi developed a methodology for
applying statistics to improve the
quality of manufactured goods.
Taguchi methods have been
controversial among some
conventional Western statisticians,
but others have accepted many of the
concepts introduced by him as valid
extensions to the body of knowledge.
Taguchi methodology
“Taguchi methodology” is fundamentally a prototyping
method that enables the designer to identify the
optimal settings to produce a robust product that can
survive manufacturing time after time, piece after
piece, and provide what the customer wants. Today,
companies see a close link between Taguchi methods,
which can be viewed along a continuum, and quality
function deployment (QFD).
Taguchi contributions:
Taguchi has made a very influential contribution to
industrial statistics. The key elements of his quality
philosophy are:
• Taguchi loss function: used to measure financial loss
to society resulting from poor quality.
The philosophy of off-line quality control: designing
products and processes so that they are insensitive
to parameters outside the design engineer's control.
Innovations in the statistical design of experiments:
notably the use of an outer array for factors that are
uncontrollable in real life, but are systematically
varied in the experiment
Off-linequality control
Taguchi realized that the best opportunity to eliminate
variation is during the design of a product and its
manufacturing process and it consists of 3 stages:
System design
Parameter design
Tolerance design
• System design:- This is design at the conceptual level,
involving creativity and innovation.
Parameter design:- Once the concept is established,
the nominal values of the various dimensions and
design parameters need to be set. Taguchi's radical
insight was that the exact choice of values required is
under-specified by the performance requirements of
the system. This allows the parameters to be chosen
so as to minimize the effects on performance arising
from variation in manufacture, environment and
cumulative damage. This is sometimes called
Tolerance design:- With a successfully completed
parameter design, and an understanding of the effect
that the various parameters have on performance,
resources can be focused on reducing and controlling
variation in the critical few dimensions
Historical Evolution of Production and
Operations Management
For over two centuries operations and production management
has been recognised as an important factor in a country‟s economic
The traditional view of manufacturing management began in
eighteenth century when Adam Smith recognised the economic
benefits of specialisation of labour. He recommended breaking of jobs
down into subtasks and recognises workers to specialised tasks in which
they would become highly skilled and efficient. In the early twentieth
century, F.W. Taylor implemented Smith‟s theories and developed
scientific management. From then till 1930, many techniques were
developed prevailing the traditional view. Brief information about the
contributions to manufacturing management is shown in the Table 1.1.
Date Contribution Contributor
1776 Specialization of labour in manufacturing Adam Smith
1799 Interchangeable parts, cost accounting Eli Whitney and others
1832 Division of labour by skill; assignment of
jobs by skill; basics of time study
Charles Babbage
1900 Scientific management time study and
work study developed; dividing planning
and doing of work
Frederick W. Taylor
1900 Motion of study of jobs Frank B. Gilbreth
1901 Scheduling techniques for employees,
machines jobs in manufacturing
Henry L. Gantt
1915 Economic lot sizes for inventory control F. W. Harris
Date Contribution Contributor
1927 Human relations; the Hawthorne studies Elton Mayo
1931 Statistical inference applied to product
quality: quality control charts
W. A. Shewart
1935 Statistical sampling applied to quality
control: inspection sampling plans
H. F. Dodge and
H. G. Roming
1940 Operations research applications in World
War II
P. M. Blacker and
1946 Digital Computer John Mauchlly and
J. P. Eckert
1947 Linear Programming G. B. Dantzig, William
& others.
1950 Mathematical programming, on-linear and
stochastic processes
A. Charnes, W. W.
Cooper & others
1951 Commercial digital computer: large-scale
computations available.
Sperry Univac
Date Contribution Contributor
1960 Organizational behaviour: continued study
of people at work
L. Cummings, L. Porter
1970 Integrating operations into overall strategy
and policy, Computer applications to
manufacturing, Scheduling and control,
Material requirement planning (MRP)
W. Skinner J. Orlicky
and G. Wright
1980 Quality and productivity applications from
Japan: robotics, CAD-CAM
W. E. Deming and
J. Juran

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Mdule 1 ii- qualitygurus

  • 2. ManagementGurusandtheircontribution 1. W. Edwards Deming 2. Joseph M. Juran 3. Philip B. Crosby 4. Armand Vallin Feigenbaum 5. Kaoru Ishikawa 6. David A. Garvin 7. Shigeo Shingo 8. Genichi Taguchi Despite there are eight gurus in assessing total quality management , there are differences in their opinions.
  • 4. W. EdwardsDeming • • • Born:- October 14, 1990. Died:- December 20, 1993 known as the father of Dr. W. Edwards Deming is the Japanese post-war industrial revival and was regarded by many as the leading quality guru in the United States. • His expertise was used during World War II to assist the United States in its effort to improve the quality of war materials
  • 5. - He got his PHD in the states in physics and math's - Get his first employment chance in an electricity company in Chicago - He taught physics , mathematics , statistics and quality in Japan . * Deming is best known for his management philosophy , establishing quality , productivity and competitive position .
  • 6. • Deming focus on 5 ideas : 1. Statistical process controlling (SPC) 2. Deming philosophy 3. Deming 14 points 4. Deming Cycle (for continuous improvements) 5. Seven deadly diseases of quality
  • 7. 1. Statistical process controlling: It’s a process which aims at achieving good quality during manufacture through prevention rather than detection . It is concerned with controlling the process (machine) which make the product through inspecting the machine rather than the product itself. • For example why the salesman can’t sell the same amount every month ? • SPC will answer this question by discovering and analyzing these items :-
  • 8. I. Common causes : which inherent to the process as Machine fails II. Special causes : Not inherent to the process and should be defined such as poor performance III. Natural Variation: producing certain amount of defects IV. Significantly different variation: Discovering exactly where it is by management. Note. Deming said : *80% depends on management *20% depends on employee
  • 9. 2. Deming Philosophy : The quality and the productivity increases when the process fluctuation Decreases
  • 10. 3. Deming 14 points: • Create constancy of purpose for improving products and services. • Adopt the new philosophy. • Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. • End the practice of awarding business on price alone; instead, minimize total cost by working with a single supplier. • Improve constantly and forever every process for planning, production and service. • Institute training on the job.
  • 11. • Adopt and institute leadership. • Drive out fear. • Break down barriers between staff areas. • Eliminate slogans, exhortations and targets for the workforce. • Eliminate numerical quotas for the workforce and numerical goals for management. • Remove barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship, and eliminate the annual rating or merit system. • Institute a vigorous program of education and self- improvement for everyone. • Put everybody in the company to work accomplishing the transformation.
  • 13. 5. Deming's Seven Deadly Diseases • • • • • • • Lack of constancy of purpose to plan product and service that will have a market and keep the company in business, and provide jobs. Emphasis on short-term profits: short-term thinking (just the opposite from constancy of purpose to stay in business), fed by fear of unfriendly takeover, and by push from bankers and owners for dividends. Evaluation of performance, merit rating, or annual review. Mobility of management; job hopping. Management by use only of visible figures, with little or no consideration of figures that are unknown or unknowable. Excessive medical costs. Excessive costs of liability, swelled by lawyers that work on contingency fees.
  • 14. JosephM. Juran • • • • Born:- December 20, 1904 Died:- February 28, 2008 American Joseph Juran is an internationally acclaimed quality guru, similar to Edwards Deming, strongly influencing Japanese manufacturing practices. Joseph Juran’s belief that “quality does not happen by accident” gave rise to the quality trilogy. •
  • 15. Juran Ideas are : 1. Quality definition 2. Breakthrough concept 3. Internal customer 4. Quality Trilogy 5. Pareto analysis 6. Cost of quality 7. Quality council
  • 16. 1. Quality definition : ( Fitness of purpose) The statement is not that much easy , as it requires asking many questions like : • What is the real purpose ? • Are customer internal or external users ? • Who are the possible customers ?
  • 17. 2. Breakthrough concept : sequences of process improvements , which take two journeys • journey from symptom to cause • journey from cause to remedy 3. Internal customers : quality is associated with customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction • Satisfaction : occurs when the product has superior performance and features • Dissatisfaction : when we have defects and deficiencies
  • 18. Customer satisfaction has two dimensions: • Internal : Building the product and the service correctly • External : matching customer requirements and meet their expectations 4. Quality council : A group of experts who are responsible for supervising in the application of quality *Juran Big (Q) : quality doesn’t the concern of the production or the total quality within the organization , but it extends to link between organization departments, operations and services .
  • 19. 5. Juran quality cost : • Appraisal Costs: Costs of activities designed to ensure quality or uncover defects (inspection) • Prevention Costs :All TQ training, TQ planning to prevent defects from occurring • Failure Costs - costs incurred by defective parts/products or faulty services. • Internal Failure Costs : Costs incurred to fix problems that are detected before the product/service is delivered to the customer. • External Failure Costs : All costs incurred to fix problems that are detected after the product/service is delivered to the customer.
  • 20. • Juran three role models : He assumed that every process has an internal customer and supplier which linked to each other through a process to reach the optimum quality . 6. Juran Pareto analysis : A universal problem solving methodology in which we list the key problems into a table and ranking them from the highest to the lowest and trying to solve the deficiencies
  • 21. 7. Quality Trilogy : Quality planning : *determine the organization internal and external customers * determine customer needs , requirements and expectations * design the product to achieve customer satisfaction * prepare a design to achieve a good quality Quality controlling : *determine variation and make decisions * measure performance and results * compare the results with the stated objectives . Quality improvements : * define quality goals * train the workers * develop a problem solving statement
  • 22. PhilipB. Crosby * Known as The Fun Uncle of the Quality Revolution • • • • Born:- June 18, 1926 Died:- August 18, 2001 American Where Philip Crosby excellence was in finding a terminology for quality that mere mortals could understand. He popularized the idea of the "cost of poor quality", that is, figuring out how much it really costs to do things badly. •
  • 23. • Mr. Crosby defined quality as a conformity to certain specifications. Crosby four absolutes are : 1. The definition of quality is conformance to requirements: It is not appropriate to say good or bad quality as quality cant be measured but conformance can be. 2. The system of the quality is prevention : Make a prevention strategy and it should be supported by SPC in order to understand the process and discover the default before occurring . 3. The performance is zero defects: Make the requirement right from the first time , and make the quality accepted by a number of standard items . 4. The measurements of quality is the price of Nonconformance : Because cost quality is the prime motivation for management .
  • 24. CROSBY quality costs : • Price of NON conformance :All the costs involved in not getting the product or a service right . • Price of conformance : Costs for doing things right .
  • 25. Crosby has 14 points like Deming , like : - - - - Management commitment Building awareness Educating employees Quality councils And others but the main difference between Deming and Crosby is that : **Deming focus on quality management . **Crosby focus on action plan and implementation process .
  • 26. Armand Vallin Feigenbaum • • • Born:- April 6, 1922 Died:- November 13, 2014 He was an American quality control expert and businessman. Feigenbaum concept's of Total Quality Control , known today as total quality management , combines management methods and economic theory with organizational principles. •
  • 27. • He does not get the great attention that the others (Deming, Juran, Ishikawa, etc.) get. • Feigenbaum believed that quality was a way of operating or a way of life, thus the term "Total Quality." • Believes that quality has become the single most important force leading to organizational success and growth. • Feigenbaum defined total Quality control as an effective system for integrating the quality development, quality maintenance, and quality improvement efforts of the various groups in an organization so as to enable production and service at the most economical levels which allow full customer satisfaction.
  • 28. • Armand is also know for his concept of the “hidden plant” the idea that so much extra work is performed in correcting mistakes that there is effectively a hidden plant within any factory. • Accountability for quality: Because quality is everybody's job, it may become nobody's job—the idea that quality must be actively managed and have visibility at the highest levels of management.
  • 29. Feigenbaum believes that there are three elements to quality: • • • Quality Leadership the management in a company must always be striving for quality. They must put items in place that allow them to measure quality, control quality and improve quality. There must be constant feedback and oversight of the organization to assure that quality continues. Modern Quality Technology the quality function cannot achieve quality without the help of others. Everyone must be trained and led to quality. Organizational Commitment everyone in the organization must believe in quality.
  • 30. David A. Garvin David A. Garvin is the Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School. "If quality isto bemanaged, it must beunderstoodfirst."
  • 31. • He studied one industry which was active in both the United States and Japan -- the room air conditioning industry -- analyzing the products to determine which plants in which country were turning out the highest quality. Then he analyzed every step of the manufacturing process, to find the differences that made the difference. • His findings were often surprising. Some things that everyone thought guaranteed higher quality (such as exhaustive testing) did not, while some things rarely mentioned in the literature (such as the way the factory dealt with layoffs and seniority, and the length of production runs) made a big difference.
  • 32. The eight dimensions of quality • Performance: Main operating characteristics such as power, sound, speed etc. Features: The extras that supplement the main characteristics Reliability: How often it breaks down Conformance: How close it is to the design specification or service to the customers experience. Durability: Length of life, toughness in use, service frequency etc. Serviceability: Ease, cost and friendliness of service. Aesthetics: Appearance and impression. Perceived quality: The feel, finish and manner in which the customer is dealt with. • • • • • • •
  • 33. KaoruIshikawa • • • Born:- July 13, 1915 Died:- April 16, 1989 Kaoru Ishikawa was a Japanese professor and influential quality management innovator best known in north America for the Ishikawa or cause and effect diagram (also known as fishbone diagram) that are used in the analysis of industrial process.
  • 34. Quality Contributions • User Friendly Quality Control • Fishbone Cause and Effect Diagram - Ishikawa diagram • Implementation of Quality Circles • Emphasized the 'Internal Customer' • Shared Vision
  • 35. Quality Contributions he was known for the use of the “seven basic tools of quality”: • Pareto analysis: which are the big problems? • Cause and effect diagrams: what causes the problems? • Stratification: how is the data made up? • Check sheets: how often it occurs or is done? • Histograms: what do overall variations look like? • Scatter charts: what are the relationships between factors? • Process control charts: which variations to control and how?
  • 36. Ishikawadiagram The Ishikawa diagram (or fishbone diagram or also cause- and-effect diagram) are diagrams, that shows the causes of a certain event. A common use of the Ishikawa diagram is in product design. Also it reveals key relationships among various variables.
  • 37.
  • 38. Categoriesof causes • The 6 M's – Machine, Method, Materials, Maintenance, Man and Mother Nature (Environment) (recommended for the manufacturing industry. The 8 P's – Price, Promotion, People, Processes, Place/Plant, Policies, Procedures, and Product (or Service) (recommended for the administration and service industries). The 4 S's – Surroundings, Suppliers, Systems, Skills (recommended for the service industry( • •
  • 39. ShigeoShingo • • • Born:- 1909 Died:- 1990 Shigeo Shingo, born in Saga City, Japan. He was a Japanese industrial engineer who distinguished himself as one of the world’s leading experts on manufacturing practices and The Toyota Production System. Shingo is known far more in the West than in Japan. • •
  • 40. Shigeo Shingo is strongly associated with Just-in- Time manufacturing, and was the inventor of : 1) The single minute exchange of die (SMED) system, in which set up times are reduced from hours to minutes, and 2) The Poka-Yoke (mistake proofing) system. In Poka Yoke, defects are examined, the production system stopped and immediate feedback given so that the root causes of the problem may be identified and prevented from occurring again.
  • 41. He distinguished between “errors”, which are inevitable, and “defects”, which result when an error reaches a customer, and the aim of Poka-Yoke is to stop errors becoming defects. Defects arise because errors are made and there is a cause and effect relationship between the two.
  • 42. Poke-yoke Zero quality control is the ideal production system and this requires both Poka-Yoke and source inspections.
  • 43. Genichi Taguchi • • • Born:- January 1, 1924 Died:- June 2, 2012 Genichi Taguchi was an engineer and statistician. Taguchi developed a methodology for applying statistics to improve the quality of manufactured goods. Taguchi methods have been controversial among some conventional Western statisticians, but others have accepted many of the concepts introduced by him as valid extensions to the body of knowledge. • •
  • 44. Taguchi methodology “Taguchi methodology” is fundamentally a prototyping method that enables the designer to identify the optimal settings to produce a robust product that can survive manufacturing time after time, piece after piece, and provide what the customer wants. Today, companies see a close link between Taguchi methods, which can be viewed along a continuum, and quality function deployment (QFD).
  • 45. Taguchi contributions: Taguchi has made a very influential contribution to industrial statistics. The key elements of his quality philosophy are: • • • Taguchi loss function: used to measure financial loss to society resulting from poor quality. The philosophy of off-line quality control: designing products and processes so that they are insensitive to parameters outside the design engineer's control. Innovations in the statistical design of experiments: notably the use of an outer array for factors that are uncontrollable in real life, but are systematically varied in the experiment
  • 46. Off-linequality control Taguchi realized that the best opportunity to eliminate variation is during the design of a product and its manufacturing process and it consists of 3 stages: • • • System design Parameter design Tolerance design
  • 47. • System design:- This is design at the conceptual level, involving creativity and innovation. Parameter design:- Once the concept is established, the nominal values of the various dimensions and design parameters need to be set. Taguchi's radical insight was that the exact choice of values required is under-specified by the performance requirements of the system. This allows the parameters to be chosen so as to minimize the effects on performance arising from variation in manufacture, environment and cumulative damage. This is sometimes called robustification. Tolerance design:- With a successfully completed parameter design, and an understanding of the effect that the various parameters have on performance, resources can be focused on reducing and controlling variation in the critical few dimensions • •
  • 48. Historical Evolution of Production and Operations Management For over two centuries operations and production management has been recognised as an important factor in a country‟s economic growth. The traditional view of manufacturing management began in eighteenth century when Adam Smith recognised the economic benefits of specialisation of labour. He recommended breaking of jobs down into subtasks and recognises workers to specialised tasks in which they would become highly skilled and efficient. In the early twentieth century, F.W. Taylor implemented Smith‟s theories and developed scientific management. From then till 1930, many techniques were developed prevailing the traditional view. Brief information about the contributions to manufacturing management is shown in the Table 1.1.
  • 49. Date Contribution Contributor 1776 Specialization of labour in manufacturing Adam Smith 1799 Interchangeable parts, cost accounting Eli Whitney and others 1832 Division of labour by skill; assignment of jobs by skill; basics of time study Charles Babbage 1900 Scientific management time study and work study developed; dividing planning and doing of work Frederick W. Taylor 1900 Motion of study of jobs Frank B. Gilbreth 1901 Scheduling techniques for employees, machines jobs in manufacturing Henry L. Gantt 1915 Economic lot sizes for inventory control F. W. Harris
  • 50. Date Contribution Contributor 1927 Human relations; the Hawthorne studies Elton Mayo 1931 Statistical inference applied to product quality: quality control charts W. A. Shewart 1935 Statistical sampling applied to quality control: inspection sampling plans H. F. Dodge and H. G. Roming 1940 Operations research applications in World War II P. M. Blacker and Others. 1946 Digital Computer John Mauchlly and J. P. Eckert 1947 Linear Programming G. B. Dantzig, William & others. 1950 Mathematical programming, on-linear and stochastic processes A. Charnes, W. W. Cooper & others 1951 Commercial digital computer: large-scale computations available. Sperry Univac
  • 51. Date Contribution Contributor 1960 Organizational behaviour: continued study of people at work L. Cummings, L. Porter 1970 Integrating operations into overall strategy and policy, Computer applications to manufacturing, Scheduling and control, Material requirement planning (MRP) W. Skinner J. Orlicky and G. Wright 1980 Quality and productivity applications from Japan: robotics, CAD-CAM W. E. Deming and J. Juran