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Lower The Drinking Age To 18 Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of lowering the drinking age to 18 can be a challenging task that
requires careful consideration of various perspectives and arguments. The issue is a complex one,
involving legal, social, and health-related aspects. Crafting a well-structured essay involves
delving into the historical context of the drinking age, examining the potential consequences of a
lower drinking age, and considering the counterarguments against such a change.
Researching the topic thoroughly is essential, as it requires understanding the legal frameworks,
scientific studies on alcohol consumption and its effects, and societal attitudes towards the
drinking age. Balancing statistical data, expert opinions, and real-life examples adds depth to the
essay but also requires a critical evaluation of sources.
Furthermore, expressing one's own stance on the matter while acknowledging opposing views is
crucial for a well-rounded argument. It's important to anticipate potential objections and address
them effectively, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the complexities surrounding
the issue.
In conclusion, writing an essay on lowering the drinking age to 18 demands a nuanced approach,
requiring extensive research, critical thinking, and the ability to present a compelling argument.
It's a task that challenges the writer to navigate through legal, social, and health-related nuances
to provide a well-rounded perspective on the topic. If you find the task too challenging or time-
consuming, you might consider seeking assistance. There are various resources available, such as, where similar essays and more can be ordered to aid in your academic
Lower The Drinking Age To 18 EssayLower The Drinking Age To 18 Essay
Wealth Inequality In The Great Gatsby
During the 1920 s, when The Great Gatsby s setting took place, was a different
time. Where there were different views on certain subjects such as wealth.
Compared to today s society where history has changed people s opinions and views
on wealth. Not to mention, the responsibilities and social pressures of the wealthy
back in the 20 s and in our current society that impacts the perception of affluence.
There is also the wealthinequality that was in the 20 s and is still here to this day,
that influences the impact of wealth. In today s society, wealth is another word for
happiness. To be wealthy means to be able to do what you want, so that you can
achieve that happiness. It impacts society by making the people view wealth as an
easy way of life and in others,... Show more content on ...
Have lavish parties to make everyone adore you and have people respect you
because of how wealthy you are. Those who were wealthy knew the truth. Wealth
cannot get you the life you desire, only in some cases. To get what you want in life,
you have to do that yourself. You have to work hard to get what you want. In the
book, Gatsby worked his way to get wealthy and it ended up being the thing that
did not fulfill him. His wealth was not what he desired for his life. He perceived
wealth as a way to get what most say as the American dream. The perceptions of
wealth in our current society as the Association for Psychological Science (APS)
says is the people have, distorted grasp of wealth in America. Many people in our
society have distorted perceptions with wealth. Back in the 1920 s when The Great
Gatsby took place; wealth inequality had a huge impact on society just as it does
now. Many Americans in today s society view wealth as unequal and something that
should be fixed. People view wealth as something everyone should have, not just the 1
percent of Americans that control nearly half of the nation s
Democracies and Success in War Essay
Democracies and Success in War
Democratic governments have spread quickly around the world since the end of the
Cold War and fall of the Soviet Union. Democracy has become one of the most
desired regime types amongst states and is contributed to fostering wealth, stability,
and even peace. Dan Reiter and Allan Stam argue that democracies are the most
successful in war or military combat. In their book, Democracies at War, Stam and
Reiter argue that after observing conflicts since the 1800 s, democratic governments
tend to be more selective in choosing conflicts to participate in and democracies also
have a propensity to win more often than authoritarian regimes.
The purpose of this paper is to present a ... Show more content on ...
The case of Israel was chosen for two reasons. First, Stam and Reiter mention Israel
in their book and argue that this state is a prime example of how democracies are
better equipped, trained, motivated, and successful in war. Michael Desch questions
this claim by Stam and Reiter over Israel, especially the argument that they fight
more adequately and the soldiers of democracies are better trained. These
conflicting commits over Israel lays the foundation of an adequate need for a case
study to see if Israel is, as Stam and Reiter claims, more successful at war because
they are a democracy, or Desch s counter argument that Israel fought so well
because they were fighting for survival, not because of their regime. The second
reason why Israel has been chosen as the case study for this paper is because they
have arguably never lost a war since independence and seem to improve in conflict
through the years.
The greatest contribution I hope to make in this paper is a deeper understanding of
how democracies choose and fight wars. Due to time constraints, this paper is only
addressing one case study that deals with two wars. As in any case study the results
are limited to that particular case. However, the research creates more in depth
examination over the arguments by Stam and Reiter and, in a more general sense,
attempts to analyze propositions made by democratic theorist.
The methodology, as stated before
The Effects Of Alcohol Abuse On Alcohol
When I step into a college party, the first thing I see around me is alcohol. I often
notice underage adolescents drinking and I also distinguish how they become
different people when intoxicated by alcohol. They begin to walk funny and they
tend to slur their words, making it hard to comprehend anything they are saying. I
have watched family members who were so inebriated that they could not even
spell their own name or even pinpoint who they were. The questions I always ask
myself when I see these drunk college kids is Do these kids know the effects of
alcoholism? Kids are often abusing alcohol, but do not really understand the effects it
may have on their life. When overwhelming their bodies with alcohol, they should
ask themselves What causes me to drink so much? What are the outcomes of me
abusing alcohol? What can alcohol abuselead to? Plenty of people always seem to
ask what are the causes of alcohol abuse? As a matter of fact, there are many
origins that come to mind when actually thinking of why people drink alcohol
excessively. Alcohol abuse can run in a person s family, or sometimes it may be
caused by the environment a person is in or if someone is taking on stress
(WebMD). When people are frazzled or feel as though they are facing a serious
issue within their life, they tend to feel the need to turn towards drinking alcohol so
that they can get rid of all the pain they are feeling. Some people treat alcohol as an
escape from the grief they are
Paul Kalanithi s When Breath Becomes Air
Paul Kalanithi s When Breath Becomes Air illuminates a deep epistemological
tension between science, through the medical institution and philosophy. Kalanithi
shows through the medical field and the progression of death, that philosophy and
science are not diametrically opposed, but science has progresses through over
medicalization of the body while ignoring the philosophically constructed conception
of human nature. Moreover, outside the literary context of When Breath Becomes Air,
this dialogue is complicated, by the contemporary belief of the limitless nature of
scienceand human capacity to overcome death. The age of enlightenmentphilosophy
created the separation of humanity from the natural order by the defining factor of
rationality and agency, and the development of science. This contributed to the hyper
medicalization of the human body, and in many regards, humanity, creating a false
utopian vision of the cure, and scientific triumph over death. Thus, two definitions of
humanity occur within the progression of science. One that is used to justify
unethical experimentation through exclusion, and one that is ignored due to it not
fitting into the scientific epistemological view, creating an imperfect view of reality.
The philosophical ideologies established by the philosophers during the
enlightenment period, were necessary for the evolution of the sciences and the view
of human nature in modernity and the contemporary era. Primarily, enlightenment
The Effects Of Bacteria And Its Effects On The
Bacteria are important microorganisms because they are used by humans for many
reasons (Goel, 2014). For example, they are being use in the production of food such
as cheese and vinegar; production of medical substances such as drugs;
biotechnology, etcetera (Goel, 2014). Thus, such bacteriahave to be mass produced
to be exploited for many purposes in the industry (Goel, 2014). Batch culture, a
closed system with limited supply of nutrients for growth, is commonly used for large
scale production of microorganisms (Hall, et al., 2014; Maier, 2009). This suggest
that with the accumulation of toxic waste products, changing pH, oxygen tension,
and decreasing supply of nutrients, cell growth will be inhibited and the culture will
... Show more content on ...
Finally, bacteria cells enter the death phase as death rate exceeds growth rate (Hall,
et al., 2014; Maier, 2009). The knowledge of the patterns of growth under specified
conditions for any types of bacteria is necessary for large scale production of cheese,
drugs, etcetera (Goel, 2014; Maier, 2009).
Thus, the aim of the experiment is to show the typical phases of growth of a bacterial
population, Vibrio natriegens, as well as the calculation of the generation time. Also,
this experiment aims to determine how the availability of oxygen affects the growth
of a bacterial population, Vibrio natriegens. The population density will be
determined turbidometrically.
Materials and Methods
12 ml of Vibrio natriegens culture was added to 200 ml of BHI medium contained
in a pre warmed flask (either shaking, aerated, or non shaking, non aerated) in a
water bath at 37В°C. 2 ml of samples of the cultures were removed after inoculation
and at 10 min intervals for approximately 2 hours for measurement of turbidity by
Optical Density (OD) at 590 nm. OD readings were recorded and plotted using log
scale (ordinate) against time after inoculation (abscissa). The mean generation time ()
and mean growth rate (g) were calculated using the following equations respectively:
and .
To plot the growth curve of Vibrio natriegens under aerated or non aerated condition,
12 ml of Vibrio natriegens culture was first
Shadowhunters Research Paper
Everyone knows the world has an evil side but only a few know just how evil.
Demons exist, though a pure demon is now a rare thing, most of the bloodlines have
been tainted and are now full of half breeds called downworlders. Vampires, Fairies,
Wizards, Shifters, Werewolves and more walk the earth and mundanes, or humans,
see them as other humans. Only other downworlders or Shadowhunters can see them
in their true form.
Shadowhunters, now that is a special breed! They are an advanced race of humans
called Nephilim, born with angel blood. They have the ability to use magic runes,
burned into their bodies by an angel weapon called a stele, to help protect them and
give them strength. They were tasked with defending the mundanes, or humans, of
the world and keeping the downworlders in check. Their job was difficult and
dangerous and their numbers had dwindled greatly over the years. Though very few
of the Shadowhunters remained, they still did all they could ... Show more content on ...
Lucian and Valentine were parabatai a pair of Nephilim who take an oath to fight
side by side, willing to lay down their lives for one another without hesitation,
bound as fighting partners for life. Parabatai are rare as the pair has to be chosen
when they are under the age of eighteen. To have a Parabatai is considered a blessing
of the angel Raziel upon the pair and they must vow and unbreakable oath before the
Shadowhunter council.
Young and idealistic Valentine, Lucian, and Jocelyn felt that the Shadowhunter laws
needed to be updated and had begun the process of meeting with the Clave council to
voice their ideas. Of course, as they were young, they didn t feel like they were being
taken seriously and got frustrated. Lucian and Jocelyn were okay with continuing to
work at getting the council to change its mind but Valentine, he was not content to go
through the proper channels any
Not All College Majors Are Created Equal Summary
In her article Not all College Majors Are Created Equal , Singletary states that
engineering major with relevant internship within the innovation industry results in
higher chances of attracting a good job. Unemployment is higher among high school
dropouts compared to 22.9%, which represents the rate of unemployment among post
secondary graduates. Therefore, rates of employment among collegedegree holders
are much higher than the chances a high schooldiploma can fill at workplace because
of the differences in skills.
Lack of proper career planning is attributed to poor performance of graduates.
Moreover, lack of on the job training lead to poorly trained graduates who lack
expertise to deliver in the expected industry. Therefore, a university graduate is
expected to earn a degree that should translate to higher work opportunities and pay.
For example, the rates of salaries range from $55,000 among engineering majors
compared to 30,000 per year for majors in arts, education, and psychology.
There is a disconnection between graduate educational skills and the expectation of
the industry because of the lack of direct cooperation between employers and college
education. Singletary advices students to conduct a career planning to match the
course they select with current job opportunities. Besides, the argument is valid since
the author requires ... Show more content on ...
A college degree is very crucial to the development of the national skills to match the
market. However, the high cost of attaining the degree is driving many poor students
from taking courses in universities. The possibility of an international student
accessing equal education is the United States comes with a very high cost. For
example, while a California community college student pays $46 per unit, an
international student pays $250 per unit, which is very expensive and
Coastal Geographic Environment Analysis
How Natural Processes Operate at Coastal Geographic Environment
Natural Processes are actions or events that have natural causes, which result in
natural events. The three main coastal environment processes that operate at Muriwai
are Coastal Erosion, Coastal Transportation and Coastal Deposition.
The elements that interact to produce natural processes are wind, waves and tides.
Each phenomenon at Muriwai s coastal geographic environment has been produced
by interaction.
Coastal Erosion is a process at Muriwai that gradually wears away the rock particles
of the earth s surface, transporting them to another location. There are many types of
processes that cause erosion at Muriwai such as wave erosion, wind erosion and
wave refraction. ... Show more content on ...
These types of erosion have caused the formation of several phenomena at Muriwai.
Motutara Island (stack) was produced by the formation of two caves on either side
of the headland forming an arch and the roof slowly eroding away due to vertical
Fisherman s Rock was produced by cliff retreat when undercutting stones are thrust at
the cliff by wave action.
The blowhole was formed by vertical, hydraulic and mechanical erosion causing the
cracks and fissures to enlarge over time to produce this hole.
Types of wave erosion operating on the headland have produced the cave.
Wave Refraction is an important process as it influences wave erosion on
Otakamiro headland and on the beach at Muriwai (refer to Diagram 1). Wave
Transportation (Longshore Drift) varies spatially due to wave refraction. It is the
process by which waves alter their course as they interact in shallow water with the
seabed along the coastline. This process produces wave erosion, which focuses its
energy on Otakamiro Point.
Diagram 1
Constructive, Destructive and Dissipative are the types of waves that operate at
Muriwai that cause erosion.
Dissipative waves are the waves usually found at Muriwai they lose their energy
before they reach the shore as they usually break on the offshore bar. Constructive
waves are long waves with little height that leave material at the top of the beach,
building it up.
Destructive waves are erosive
The Brilliant Maze Of Dreams Essay
The Brilliant Maze of Dreams and Their Hidden Meanings The future belongs to
those who believe in the beauty of their dreams (Roosevelt n.p.). One s ambitions
and dreams can indeed be very beautiful things. If one has ever drifted into a deep
sleep wondering into a colorful world that defies all logic, then one has probably
wondered where one s dreams come from. Most everyone has woken up and
wondered what in the world caused them to dreamabout that one specific thing or
person. It is important to know what causes people to have dreams in order for one
to be able to understand what one thinks about, to help one realize one s desires
and a person s ambitions, and to aid one in processing events that have taken place
in a day. Knowing what causes one to have dreams is important in order for one to
know what one thinks about. What one thinks about is oftentimes a direct reflection
of how a person feels. The human mind is complex and beautiful and actually
processes pretty much everything one thinks about, even if one is not aware of it
(Hidalgo n.p.). One s dreams are the mind s way of subconsciously processing the
things one thinks about. Moreover, when one is in overdrive or very stressed out one
s mind is aware of that and filters through that... Show more content on ...
In the book Dreams, Tucker Shaw has the idea that dreams are one s unconscious
mind trying to tell one something (Shaw 4). Shaw also says that the mind creates
everyone s dreams from a blank slate (Shaw 4). With Shaw s reasoning about
dreams one can imagine one s mind creating a dream like a chef would make a
recipe. What this means is one s mind takes some of one s conscious feelings and
thoughts, a little of the day s events, a little of one s hidden wishes or aspersions,
and mixes everything together to make one s dreams. When one looks at one s
dreams close enough they can uncover desires and ambitions for one s life one did
not even see or acknowledge
Zombieland Analysis
The Postmodern Elements of Zombieland
A belief adopted in the 1960s, Postmodernism is a culture that questions the certainty
of identity. Unlike modernism, which questions the validity of knowledge,
postmodernism is skeptical of institutions. Zombieland is an example of a
postmodernist film directed by Ruben Fleischer that applies the postmodernism
principle of questioning personal identity among four survivors who doubt each other
after a plague converts Americans neighbors into zombies that prey on human flesh.
The most basic characteristic of the postmodern world is to question personal identity
within an illusionary desolate setting without the foundations of a family to create
normality. In fact, the devastated America by the virus attack... Show more content
on ...
The world that confronts the four survivors of the zombie destruction provides
attributes of postmodernism in reference to the mutually incompatible worlds that
exist before Columbus reality. In fact, zombies cooperate as human do to hunt down
normal people as witnessed from the scene in which two zombies are chasing
Columbus. Indeed, one can no longer speak about totality at all. Instead, we have a
plurality of worlds and multiple, often mutually incompatible (Geyh, Fred, and
Andrew XX). Columbus confronts a disorganized world without police enforcement
to ensure law and order and realizes that he must arise and protect himself from
zombies. The problem of extracting meaning through reasoning is inhibited
throughout the film, which forces Columbus to associate with the past memories of
a true life when people actually inhabited America. Pak claims that Zombieland
reveals the reaction of a socially awkward Columbus who isolated himself from
everyone coming to terms with the new world in which he must create a social bond
with Tallahassee, and the two sisters Little Rock and Wichita to satisfy his urge for a
real family (Pak 23). Moreover, Tallahassee represents an American with a
postmodernist mind since he makes it fun and playful killing zombies, which
highlights the fact that instead of understanding the world in its totality, he only
practices specific protection stunts to ensure his survival. Similarly, Little Rock longs
to make a journey to Pacific Playland, where she expects to experience normality and
a return to the original world with human beings. Contrastingly, when Wichita and
Little Rock run from other survivors and end up in the Pacific Playland, zombies
attack them until Columbus and Tallahassee come to their aid. Longing
Pollution In Los Angeles County
Los Angeles County ranks among the 10% worst air quality polluters in the US.
The hustle and bustle of public transportation and smog released by an over
populated commuter based region, have significantly lowered air quality standards.
Henceforth, health concerns have risen for all Angelinos. Research has observed
that there is a serious influx of pollutants in the air that could have damaging results
both on adults and children alike. However, different forms of renewable energy
over the years have facilitated an alternative to this issue. A movement away from an
urban sprawl Los Angeles to new urbanism has allotted us better living and breathing
conditions over the last several years. Smogpollutionby public transit and commuter
vehicles... Show more content on ...
CO2, CO, VOC, PM10). However, it is my opinion, that we can focus our efforts
to better materials as seen on the diagram and impact potentials. For example,
while Los Angeles is moving toward a new urbanism lay out and the benefits are
plenty, if buildings are wasting energy, or factories are using wrong materials to
process their work. Then ultimately, we are simply just breaking even at the end of
the day. The move of public transportation into a more renewable source of fuel is
great use of this methodology. Taking the present material and further extracting it
to its organic core. Through educating the community, and continuing the efforts to
push for a greener metropolitan area, Los Angeles could be a marvelous place to
live and grow. On a personal note, the strategy of giving the employee a stipend for
his or her effort in finding other means of transportation is a real motivation. I travel
through train when possible and have become acquainted to it. Riding the train and
talking to other locals, you begin to understand that there are people out there doing
their part in making home a little bit more healthier one train ride at a time. Seeing
the extra cash on payroll at the end of the week is also a
Intro to Sociology
Intro to Sociology 1/28 Book: Sidewalk by Dunier Available in NYU Bookstore
March 13 Midterm Exam 30% of Grade May 15 Final Exam (8 in the Morning)
Courses are central to the idea of concept ideas. Readings and course as whole
might test hypothesis like pink Floyd, Another Brick in the Wall (No M/C, small
essays). What is a Social Science? Empirical, Systematic, Conceptual. There are
other realms that people think like how people believe what a society is; i.e
religion, theology tests ethics of morality. Philosophy tries to derive truths about
social relationships by deducing premises as opposed to social science. Empirical
means evidence is based on experience, instead of having holy text,... Show more
content on ...
Smart? We know our context Is this triangle time? There was this girl who was
studying 4th grade students. The teacher held an object and asked what is this?
These students were shouting out answers. Some answered a sail of a sailboat, A
block, etc. These answers are correct and incorrect. The true answer was the
answer that should be given now. The answer was a triangle. If this was an art
class., these would acceptable creative classes, but because Ms. Jones was
teaching geometric concepts. The answer was a triangle. The right answer is the
capacity is to know the social concept without doing the thinking. Just knowing
that this was a triangle, then that is a talented child. Microscope to the Child
Consciousness. Macroscope on Soc 1, Cantor: Social Class: Where did we come
from? Hierarchy? (Domination?) Professor is always top. We are a brick in the
wall. It is because of the bureaucratic way of NYU that allows this. Government
:(grants, loans, civil liberties, no guns). Environment: just right (70 74 degrees) In
NYU Accra, the temperature does not get regulated like here. This isn t a night club,
but a proper environment for learning. Corporations: Trustees, donations (who is Mr.
Cantor and Mrs. Cantor?) The Sociological Imagination by C. Wright Mills Mills is
saying that to have S.I. is to understand that link. To understand the link between the
Macro and the Micro. What up with
Narrative Essay On Prison Break
Jason Rodrigues
Mr. Merrick
Lit/Writing Per. 4
20 November 2017
Prison Break!
All was quiet in Tongass National Forest, a remote region nestled in Southeast
Alaska. The silence was abruptly shattered with the appearance of a helicopter; its
metal blades slicing through the air and propelling it forward. A hail of bullets
rained down, supersonic rounds whistling by a battered cabin. A man emerged
stumbling and gripping onto another man as the smoke cleared. Al Kelly led a
remarkably peaceful life as a gunsmith in Pinedale, Wyoming. This peace was soon
disintegrated. It was a day like no other. Humming to himself, Al made his way
home, tapping his foot along to the beat. He heard sirens in the distance, but he did
not think much of it until the police lights flashed onto him. Guns were pointed at
him, surrounding him from all directions, police officers yelling at him to drop his
weapons.. Handcuffs were latched onto his wrists, as his Miranda rights were read.
* * *
Mr. Kelly? , the judge asked.
Yes? , he replied.
I find you guilty for 3 counts of murder in the 1st degree and sentence you to life in
prison and not eligible for parole.
I swear it wasn t me! Why would I kill my own family?! , he cried out but it was to
no avail. Two cops took him away.
* * *
I need to get out of here. Al complained to his friend Arthur. I m innocent
We all are . his friend scoffed, That s why I m locked up for life .
Al rolled his eyes and heaved a sigh. Joke all you
How Organizations Have Used Industrial Organizational...
Introduction: Employees form the basis of a successful organization, and the abilities
and behavior of workers can vary the performance of an organization significantly.
Certain job are unique in nature and require specific skill sets; Therefore, selecting
the right candidate is essential in the hiring process. The selection processes is
designed to seek out the most qualified candidate to accomplish the requirements of
the position. Whether it is from one simple phone interview or multiple interviews
with different managers of the company. There are an innumerable number of
selection methods that are used for recruitment, selection and training process of
employees. This essay aims to expound on two real world examples of how
organizations have used industrial organizational psychology to select and train
employees; namely, the United States Marine Corps(USMC) and the State Police
Department. In doing so, an examination of the methods used to measure the levels
of success of each training program. Lastly, a discussion of any legal or ethical
concerns that may arise in the implementation of each training program.
An example of how organizations have used industrial organizational psychology to
select and train employees are the Department of Defense s (DoD) use of an
industrial organizational psychologist to assist with the hiring and training of
military personnel in the United States Marine Corps. United States Marine Corps
serves as an expeditionary
Tattoo Culture In America
Tattoo s Culture Tattooing is not a fantastic thing in America, but in China, tattoos
always can arouse people s curiosity. As a Chinese, tattooees are rare, since people
always have prejudice for those body art because of traditional idea and social
impact. When I was in high school, I was attracted by tattoos because of a paster
that can post on body. I put them on collarbone, arm, and ankle, just like tattoos.
But my parent did t allow me to get a real one and said that would hamper me to get
a great job. To be honest, I can t understand such a traditional thought while I think
tattooing is a kind of art. Differently, in America, most young people have one at
least, as far as I can see. It seems like a fashion for young people today, whereas...
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The former is whose tattoos are visible by everybody, while the latter one gets the
tattoos are easy to hide by cloth. He finds more than ninety percent of American
belong to the people who have tattoos . So, there is a principal reason for tattooing,
demonstration. For me, If my parent allows me to tattoo, maybe I will want to get
a Leo symbol to show myself, or a little picture about something I like, such as rose,
sunflower, or a new moon. We can summarize three purpose for people tattooing.
First, some people are simplex for art, who just paint a small pattern or a big
picture for good looking. Moreover, many people said every tattoo has its own
story. That sort of pattern is for commemoration. Usually people like to remember
their past, so they put something they don t want to forget. According my personal
survey, Xuanzheng, a sophomore student in University of London, got his first
tattoo just few days, and that is several Roman numerals, which means his two twin
sisters birthday. Another group get tattoo for a virtue. Yue Fei, who is a hero in
Chinese history, bear four Chinese characters Jin Zhong Bao Guo on his back. Those
four words, which means he was willing to devoted to his country, signifies his loyal
and patriotic heart. Similarly, in the United States, there are many people getting a
flag or totem to
The Cause And Main Causes Of The American Revolution
The origins of the American Revolution came from both long term and immediate
causes between the thirteen colonies in North America and Great Britain. Factors that
played a critical role in the colonists desire for freedom ranged from political,
intellectual, geographical, religious to economic. These casues would set the context
for this eighteenth century American crisis, and also shape the foundation of the
United Statesof America. No single event was the main cause for the revolution, but
instead a long, gradual series of events and lists of grievances that led to this war. It
essentially began from the disagreement over the way the British monarch would
treat the colonies that suited Parliament versus the way the colonies felt they should
be treated, as their very own british subjects. However, to understand what led to this
great rebellion, it is important to see how the mindset of each colonist was
developed; these colonies went through a period known as the Enlightenment during
the 18th century. Also known as the Age of Reason, it was a time where thinkers,
philosophers, and colonists began to question the politics of government, the role of
the church, and human society. Revolutionary leaders were influenced by the major
writings of the Enlightenment, including those of John Locke and Benjamin Franklin,
that gleaned the concepts of the social contract, limited government, and the consent
of the governed. Locke s writings involved the natural law , that called
Water Is An Important Factor That Affects Sorption
Water is an important factor that affects sorption because when there is excess
water or when water drains through soil from sources at the surface, adsorbed
pesticide molecules can become unattached, or desorbed, and wash away to a new
location (Rao, 1999). Just as degradation has a measure in the half life of a
compound, sorption also has a measure in the partition coefficient (Koc), which is a
ratio of pesticide concentration in a soilbound state versus dissolved in soil water
(Rao, 1999). In fact, the solubility of a pesticide and its sorption on soil are
inversely related; [in other words], increased solubility results in less sorption (Rao,
1999). Both sorption and degradation are effected by soil type and pH, both of which
... Show more content on ...
Volatilization is a means of major pesticide loss and its rate of loss can often
exceeds that of degradation, runoff, or leaching (van der Werf, 1996). For example,
in an Oregon study, soil samples 64km from any agriculture were found to have DDT
residues, and in Saskatchewan, Canada, 20% of 2, 4 D iso octyl ester volatilized in
24 hours (Pimentel, 1995). Once in the atmosphere, pesticide residues can spread
anywhere, even Antarctica (Pimentel, 1995). Large amounts of pesticides and
organic compounds can be transported around the globe in the atmosphere, for
example, in the atmosphere of the Netherlands, the amounts of
BHC, DDT, and heptachlor were reported to be 4600, 1064, and 190 pg/m 3,
respectively (Pimentel, 1995).
Topography and Geology Topography and geology affect pesticide movement in
as much as directing or transporting pesticides. Topography is very obvious, for
example, if a field is right next to a river, it is much more likely for runoff to get into
the river system, or if a field is in a low area not very far above the water table,
pesticides are very likely to leach into the groundwater. On the other hand, a field
could be high and dry and very far from any river or groundwater, but if it is hilly
that can pose its own problems. As T. Y. Tong and Chen point out, surface runoffis an
important source of non point pollution (Tong and Chen, 2002). Though it was
pointed out by van der Werf that volatilization is the biggest source of
Fuji Kindergarten
Is it truly possible for the design of a building to enhance the lives of those that use
it? Buildings are fundamental parts of our lives, they have such a huge impact on
the way we live, our quality of life and our behaviour. Some of the most important
buildings include our homes, offices, schools among many others we inhabit on a
daily basis. Even the buildings we don t inhabit often have great importance to our
lives places such as hospitals, airports and hotels impact our lives. The quality of
these buildings and the way they make there users feel are incredibly important
because they dramatically effect our mood and our experiences. Obviously architects
want to design buildings that are pushing the boundries of modern architecture,
however the clients should always be the most important part of the design process;
creating a space for them and their need and to improve upon their lives should be
the number one priority. Fuji Kindergarten Tezuka Architects The fuji kindergarten is
an excellent example of a building that has been designed specifically to unsure the
users best possible experience, in this case it was designed to enhance the children s
education and time at the kindergarten. Through every part of the design process
Tezuka architects were trying to create the best kindergarten for the children of fuji
kindergarten. The starting point of any building is what the client wants. The clients
here were the kindergarten directors. What they said was We
Week 6 Bus 650
Running head: Week Six Assignment
Week Six Managerial Finance
Jason Campbell
Wayne Hollman
BUS 650
January 7, 2013
Abstract In this final paper for Managerial Finance I will attempt to show how the
supply chain inventory management method can be affected depending on the
situation of the retailer. Studying the control method for problems in inventory, which
would include both, excesses in inventory as well as shortages, and hoping to
minimize loss.
Use of SCM as a Method of Inventory Control
I have decided to do the final for Managerial Finance on the use of the SCM method
as a form of inventory control, because I have worked in a business that has used
many different forms of inventory control. As a manager it was one ... Show more
content on ...
The process of supply chain management can actually merge retailers with supplier
just as suppliers merge with the manufacturers. Some companies choose to use
various different suppliers for their products while other companies choose to use a
single supplier for their product.
Personally I worked for a video game company called FuncoLand which was
purchased by a company called Babbages, which merged with Electronics Boutique.
After the merger the name of the company was changed to GameStop which is now
the largest video game retailer in the United States. The thing that makes this
important to this paper is that when FuncoLand was purchased by Babbages the
supply chain changed. The change in the supply chain meant that all orders must be
relooked at to insure the same profit levels for products that GameStop enjoyed.
The single supplier for GameStop was replaced by the numerous different
suppliers of Babbages. Every item of inventory needed to be checked to make sure
they reflected a price that was going to produce profit for the merged FuncoLand
and Babbages stores. Inventory charts were created and every store of both needed
to inventory all items listed so that they could be compared with the new companies
overall stock as well as profit ratios.
Once the inventories of both companies were done there was a coordinating effort by
upper management to determine prices of available product as well as the suppliers
that were going to deal which each
Total Quality Management At Kiichiro Toyoda
The main pillars in the model resemble the total quality control or total quality
management of the company that can best be summarized in this pyramid illustration.
Total quality management means that everyone is involved in continuously refining
the service to customers with data and profound knowledge. Kiichiro Toyoda made
customers a huge priority in his theory. The base of the pyramid consisted of the costs
of gaining quality, processing services, testing, tools, and prevention. The second
level of the pyramid is involvement, which examines the rewards, acknowledgment,
training, empowerment, and partnerships within the company. The third level is
leadership that deals with talks about the ownership, management support, and the
corporation s mission plan. The next level is culture, which explains the values and
continuous improvement made by the employees. Finally the top of the pyramid is
total quality management, which encompasses the main goal of being a customer
driven company. Toyoda s primary viewpoints in his system embrace the theories of
just in time and Jidoka. Just in time (JIT) focuses on productivity improvement with
the main idea being, making only what is needed, when it is needed, and in the
amount needed . The main goal for JIT was to effectively build a car within the
shortest possible amount of time by obeying four guidelines. The first rule states that
when the first order is established it must be brought to the start of the assembly line
John s Monologue
Preface Constricted by the dirty beige walls that used to be pearly white, inflicted
by black discrete scratches from 1 year ago by furniture he bought off of craigslist
with his alimony money. Every night, room number 7 exudes an aura of balanced
evil and hatred. The only company provided is the gossip overheard from the two
women on the stairs leading to my room and the occasional police sirens fading in
the distance. Did you hear Esmeralda? Number 8 is going to be evicted. The
second lady responds, So crazy. That s the second family to be evicted from that
room. He closed his eyes and tuned them out. He laid in the comfort of his bed,
which was placed horizontally in the top left corner of the room, strictly sleeping on
the right side... Show more content on ...
She caressed his shoulder all the way down to the gloved hand grasping half of a
red apple. I ll brew you some tea. It is specially made for you. She walked to the
kitchen and John followed closely, quietly leaving the other half of the red apple
on the table. Maria instinctively sensing John s presence behind her becomes
aroused as she makes her way to the counter. Pushing her up against the counter,
Maria gets excited. John takes off his necktie. Yes John, please, please, please this
is what I ve wanted since I laid my fucking sadistic eyes on you. She becomes
aroused as he shoves the halved apple deep in the opening of her throat and she
starts choking. He wraps the necktie around her neck and tightens it like a dog
leash. He throws her to the ground and steps on the back of her head. At this point
Maria is confused and squirming facedown on the kitchen floor. John kneels down
closer with his heel digging into the crown of her head, creating more pain for
Maria. You shall have no other gods before Me. You ve been a very naughty girl,
Maria. With the weight of her body keeping her down, he yanks up the end of the
necktie with immense force. The sound of her neck snapping like the last crackle
from wood burning out in a fireplace followed shortly
Stanford V. Stanford s Massive Ponzi Scheme
Over the next decade Mr. Stanford, directly assisted by James M. Davis, Stanford
International Bank s CFO, and Leroy King, Antigua s chief banking supervisor,
executed a massive Ponzi scheme. In addition, Laura Pendergest Holt, the chief
investment officer of Stanford Financial Group ( SFG ) and a member of SIB s
investment committee, gave credence to the fraudulent scheme by misrepresenting
herself to investors and to the firm s financial advisers claiming that she oversaw
SIB s entire investment portfolio and employed a sizeable team to invest in
conservative and liquid assets. The notion of potential fraud came quite early on as
an examination was initiated in 1997 by the Fort Worth District Office of the SEC
due to concerns that the company s sales of CDs constituted a Ponzi scheme. At the
time the examination was conducted, Stanford Group Company had five branch
offices and sixty six employees. Twenty five of those employees were registered
representatives, which are individuals licensed to act as agents in the buying and
selling of securities. SGC had approximately 2,000 customer accounts, of which
1,200 were based outside the United States. The... Show more content on ...
Evidence was obtained showing the two men exchanging emails regarding the
intentional misrepresentation of the value of certain assets and the concealment of
unreported loans. Fraud accountant Mark Berenblut testified in the U.S. court trial in
Houston that his examination showed two large loan balances on Stanford
International Bank s books one for $1.7 billion to Stanford himself and another for
$1.8 billion to Stanford related companies. The examiner testified both items should
have been disclosed to investors and were not. (Calkins Harris, Stanford Loans Prove
Fraud, Lloyd s Examiner Says,
The Importance Of Colors In Gilead
Imagery, particularly when describing beautiful colors before Gilead and
contrasting them with the dull colors described in Gilead reveal how drastically
life has changed. Offred mentions that in the past when she took her daughter to
get ice cream, everything was colored so delicately, pale orange, pale green, pale
pink and that her daughter, dressed in similar ice cream pastels would choose her
treat by the color (Atwood 165). In life before Gilead, colors were vivid and
cheerful, something to make objects more enjoyable to look at. People could wear
whatever color they please, and colors had no additional meaning to them other
than to show people had freedom to make their own decisions. However, in Gilead,
color imagery shows the lack of decision and the rigid societal structure the
government imposes. Each group has their own colors even in minor aspects of
life, such as with umbrellas categorized as black, for the Commander, blue, for the
Commander s Wife, and the one assigned to [Offred], which is red (Atwood 9).
Each color labels members of the society as part of a certain category and defines
their roles without further consideration. Here, colors serve as a way to restrict
peoples freedoms unlike when colors previously served as way to enhance freedom
of choice and expression. In Gilead, The women... are color coded to strip them of
their individual identities and to mark their social status and relationships to men
restricting everyone s freedom, even the
Queer Theory Essay
LGBTQ criticism or Queer theory is very diverse and interpreted in different ways.
Generally, it focuses on identity and gender and deconstructs society (politically,
socially and economically through different lenses of not just gay or lesbians, but
transgender and bisexuals too). Also what normativity is, who is excluded from it
and how it portrays to different people. Queer theory is very complex, for there are
not limitations and there is not a single perspective. This theory is relatively new and
often misunderstood. It is very beneficial in the fact that that it covers all different
types of sexuality, which feminism fails because it only covers discrimination of
women (lesbians, heterosexuals and bisexuals). It has a poststructuralist mode along
it is supported by different binaries on whether a certain gender (male or female) is
heterosexual or homosexual.
The problem with queer theory is the lack of education that heterosexuals have for
this theory. Tyson speaks about his students having a lack of knowledge about the
author s personal lives (whether they are heterosexual or not). Tyson states, the
readers are given little biographical information about a writer s lesbian or gay sexual
orientation, and how the orientation affects their life and ... Show more content on ...
This imposes heterosexual behavior as the only acceptable mode of human sexuality
under the system of heterosexual normativity that heterosexual is sex (between a man
and women). That being heterosexual is only acceptable and those that aren t
(homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism) are those who behave in alternative
queer acts or queer culture are demonized as unsuitable. But there are many people in
the queer community who are stereotyped and thought as to have the desire for
marriage but don t want to participate in the institution of
The Effects Of Greenhouse Gases On Earth s Normal
A dangerous atmospheric deviation by the increase in Earth s normal surface
temperature is experienced by the impact of greenhouse gasses. This effect is named
as Global Warming. There are four main components which help atmosphere to warm
and they are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapor. Some examples
explaining this effects are carbon dioxideoutflows from blazing fossil powers or from
deforestation, which trap warm.
Various elements have been adding to this ascent in the normal worldwide
temperature either specifically or by implication, right from the time the planet
appeared. It alludes to the procedure wherein the radiations originating from the Sun
are caught by the greenhouse gasses inside of the air of the Earth, which thus causes
the temperature close to the Earth s surface to rise. It is believed that the
greenhouse effect has increased the Earth s temperature by some place around 24
percent, with carbon dioxide adding to around 12 percent of the greenhouse effect,
water vapor contributing around 36 percent, methane 5 to 10 percent, and Ozone
making around 3 to 7 percent of the same. People had begun adding to a worldwide
temperature alteration around 8000 years prior with the begin of agribusiness,
wherein deforestation to clear land for cultivating brought about a critical ascent in
the measure of carbon dioxide in the air. Researchers claim that awful practices in
industries results in the arrival of different greenhouse gasses which
Software for Human Services Organization Paper
Software for Human Services Organization Paper In this paper we will explore the
benefits of using this software to centralize electronic client records and human
services resources. We will also explore how I might use the selected software to
track client services as well as describe any advantages and disadvantages (if any)
of using this particular software. We will explain how the size of the organization
helps determine the software package chosen as well as three possible challenges
that could occur during the implementation process and how we would resolve them.
Client track is a software program used in the human services field to promote health,
human and social service organization (Client Track , 2013). Client Track is an...
Show more content on ...
In outcomes tracking and goal setting the program evaluates client progress and
program effectiveness, why tracking the progress toward goals using historical
data recorded at different times points (Client Track , 2013). I would use the client
track system when doing an intake of an individual because it uses the logic model
response, which helps in quicker intakes as well as because it assist in asking
further questions based only on information from previou responses. I would also
use the tailored workflow, because it guides staff through the intake process and
gathers only information that is needed and nothing else. The Client track
program also puts all the information of a client into its data base and periodically
refers back to certain time periods to keep track of individuals progress. It will also
show with graphs and charts the imapct of of the sercices provided. It will
automatically be intergrated within the Client Track Reporting Suite (Client Track ,
2013). An advantage this program has would be how it can generate reports and
produce committee, events and membership rosters. Staff can usually see and
compare records at will and also see members recorded work. This program also
allows the users to use charts graphys and also implement advanced security measures
to make sure information is secured. Robust security and
Ambition In Julius Caesar Research Paper
Self forgetful: Forget of oneself or one s needs (Oxford Dictionary). In Julius
Caesar, Shakespeare has his readers consider: does worrying more about others
than yourself cause an individual to fail or prevail in the face of adversity? Caesar
shows his ambition by trying to do what is best for the Empire but becomes feared
by some. Cassius believes Caesar is a dictator and quickly puts an end to it. Brutus,
a great friend of Caesar, lets his worries of others ruin his life. Shakespeare explores
the nature of altruism through Caesar s power crazy ambition, Cassius letters of lies,
and Brutus overly trusting attitude. Great introduction.
Caesar believes he is doing what is best for his empire but becomes (choose one of
these words) overly ambitious and threatening. Caesar says to his peers that he is the
best person to rule Rome because he is unshaked of motion meaning that he makes
the right decision the first time and sticks with that decision no matter what (99).
However, Caesar s peers view this egotistical view as overly ambitious and
threatening. While trying to ... Show more content on ...
Brutus says, Am I entreated/ to speak and strike? when faced with the decision of
killing his best friend (53). Cassius only makes him answer such a hard question
because he is thinking about the Empire. During the Battle of Philippi, Cassius sends
Titinius towards the enemy. Hearing screams, Cassius believes Titinius is captured
and decided to end his life. Before he has his slave stab him, Cassius says, O,
coward that I am to live so long/ To see my best friend ta en before my face! (193).
During this time, Cassius believes he needs to kill himself as Caesar s revenge . He
thinks Titinius is dead and blames himself for it. Cassius s altruistic attitude causes
him to only worry about others.Unlike Caesar, both Cassius and Brutus commit
suicide rather than being
Intercultural Mediation in a Postmodern World
This presentation will focus on mediation and the very notion of intercultural
mediator in a postmodern world. Mediation is the process of intercultural
transformation for all parties involved and also a learning resource in newly
constructed spaces of social interactions. Mediation refers to an intercultural
spatiality (the socially produced space (Lefebvre 1991), which is not static but
constitutive of social relations (Rick, 1997). Here it is useful to adopt Lefebvre s
unitary theory of space (1991), which brings together all its elements, namely i) the
physical (real/material) or perceived space, ii) the mental (imagined/conceptual) or
conceived space and iii) the social or lived space (Rick, 1997, pp. 10 12). The social
or lived space... Show more content on ...
Mediators are transformative learners who in fact maintain a multiple foci or
perspective of both their required skills as well as in the mediation process itself.
They engage in a journey of personal and cultural transformation in which they feel
they belong maintaining at the same time their professional impartiality. The
intercultural mediator s skills, sensitivity, awareness (of self and others) and patience
will be summoned to the forefront of this whirling space of conflicting behaviors,
substantive jousting, contesting statements and adversarial accusations (Townsend,
2002). Jon Townsend (2002) described the following five intercultural principles and
mediation practices, which create an operational interecultural space of mutual
understanding, empathy and collaborative ethos using culturally appropriate
behaviors. These principles are: 1.Flexibility; namely the mental elasticity that allows
mediators to be a part of and yet apart from the cultural milieu into which they have
entered . Attributes associated with this principle are wonder, awe or creativity.
2.Tolerance, namely the ability to resist the effects of prejudice in regards to the
views, beliefs and practices of others. Transparency, empathetic understanding and
ethnorelative valuing are some of the attributes associated with this principle. 3.Hope,
namely the ability to act as a positive role model providing pathways for the
Nicholas Stoller s Neighbors
When I got the invite to see Nicholas Stoller s work in progress comedy Neighbors
back in February, I didn t know what to expect. Of course, I knew it was going to
be raunchy but my main concern was whether the film would be actually funny.
Seth Rogen s particular brand of comedy has been largely hit or miss with me as
there are times where I ve found him too abrasive (like in 2011 s ill advised
reimagining of venerable radio serial crime fighter the Green Hornet) but when he s
in a role that plays to his strengths, he can be absolutely hilarious. Despite my mixed
feelings on Rogen, the biggest wildcard in Neighbors was Zac Efron. Women
specifically teenage girls may go crazy over his baby blue eyes and perfectly
formed pecs and abs but as an actor, he s been less than impressive. With only the
poster as my frame of reference, I went into the screening of Neighbors and came
out ninety minutes later in pain...because I was laughing so hard! In fact, I enjoyed
Stoller s film so much that I recently saw it a second time in its completed form,
although the only things that were missing in the work in progress version was
some post production effects and the end credits. We re barely two weeks into the
summer movie season and already we have a strong contender for best comedyof
Married couple Mac and Kelly Radnor (Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne) are slowly
adjusting to life in the suburbs with their newborn baby girl Stella but the family s
hope for peace and quiet is
Cultural Competence In Service Delivery
Many studies and literature reviews were conducted in the direction of coming to an
understanding of how cultural competency benefits service delivery. The human
service sector offers direct service to a multicultural population and to be an effective
organization in this sector it is of the utmost importance that it caters to this
demographic. Service delivery for healthpractitioners and professionals in this field
must include a comprehensive understanding of the dimensions of differences in
perspectives and cultures and how these have a direct correlation to their patient s
outcomes. Individuals of diverse groups do encounter incongruities in their treatment,
quality, access, and engagement to healthcare; these differences are more visibly
noted with... Show more content on ...
(2005) cultural competence research have found that cultural competence training has
a positive outcome for healthcare administrators in their knowledge, attitudes, and
skills, which also complements findings of patient satisfaction proving to be an
advisable approach. Through trainings in cultural competencies professional s
awareness is heighten and therefore the responsiveness is more of a preventative than
reactionary approach. Cross cultural training is helpful to all aspects of the service
delivery. From reinforcement of positive behaviors, such as work/life balance, to any
other service outcome achievement across the spectrum of care. Hickling (2012)
perceives that practitioners must then rationalize the complexities of ethnic and
culture as it affects human beings and societies, calling for a special analysis of, A
person s cultural norms and values; the strength, importance and meaning of ethnic
identity; the experiences and attitudes such as powerlessness, discrimination and
prejudice that are associated with minority status, (p. 203 204), which are factors that
influence the everyday decision making process and setting aside preconceived
inklings is
Hamlet and Orestes
in Traditional
Gilbert Murray, LL.D., D.Litt.
Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Oxford
Fellow of the
New York
Oxford University Press American Branch
35 West 32nd Street
Humphrey Milford
Hamlet and Orestes
in Traditional
Gilbert Murray, LL.D., D.Litt.
Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Oxford
Fellow of the Academy
New York
Oxford University Press American Branch
35 West 32nd Street
Humphrey Milford
Copyright in the United States of ... Show more content on ...
As for Hamlet, I note in passing the well known fragments of evidence which indicate
the existence of a Hamlet tragedy before the publication of Shakespeare s Second
Quarto in 1604.
These are, counting backwards a phrase in Dekker s Satiromastix, 1602, My name s
Hamlet: Revenge!
1598. Gabriel Harvey s remarks about Shakespeare s Hamlet.
true date of this entry
Lodge, Wifs Miserie and the World s Madness: he looks as pale as the ghost which
cried so miserally at the theator like an oysterwife, Hamlet, revenge.
1594. Henslowe s Diary records a play called Hamlet as acted at Newington Butts
Theatre on June 9.
The earliest reference seems to be in Nash s Epistle prefixed to
Greene s Menaphon: it is dated 1589, but was perhaps printed in
Yet English Seneca read by candle light yeeldes many good sentences, as Bloud is a
beggar, and so foorth: and if you intreate him f aire in a frosty morning, he will
affoord you whole
Hamlets, I should say handfulls of tragicall speeches.
The play of Hamlet is extant in three main forms
The First Quarto, dated 1603 but perhaps printed in 1602. It is entitled The Tragicall
Historie of Hamlet Prince of Denmark
by William Shake speare, As
hath been at divers times acted
by his Highnesse servants in the Cittie of London as also in the two Vniversities of
Cambridge and Oxford and
The Consequences Of Dehumanization In The Movie The
David Livingstone, professor of philosophy at the University of England, once
wrote, Dehumanization isn t a way of talking. It s a way of thinking a way of
thinking that, sadly, comes all too easily to us. Dehumanization is a scourge, and has
been so for millennia. It acts as a psychological lubricant, dissolving our inhibitions
and inflaming our destructive passions. As such, it empowers us to perform acts that
would, under other circumstances, be unthinkable . The film The Island is set in the
21st century where Lincoln Six Echo, among others, live in a confined community
due to the world no longer being inhabitable. The only place in the outside world still
able to sustain humanlife is an island where community members are chosen to live
through a lottery system at least that is what Lincoln Six Echo and the rest of the
people are instilled to believe. The real truth is that Lincoln as well as everyone
else in this community are actually clones used to supply organs to the people s
DNA that they share, and the island is where these clones go to die in order to give
their organs. When he realizes that the island and his existence are both lies,
Lincoln decides he has to escape to the outside world to save Jordan Two Delta. Out
in the world, Lincoln and Jordan are on the run as they try and figure out a way to
not only save themselves, but to save everyone else still back in the community.
Michael Bays Film, The Island, demonstrates the dehumanizationof Lincoln,
Analysis of the Vessantara Jataka and the Miao Shan Essay
Luna Kanalaft
Tutorial 2
Critically Reading a Religious Ritual
Thick Description: * Describe when the ritual takes place. Does it respond to some
particular event? It is held at specific time of year? Is it held on a regular basis? Is it
performed only when needed? * What causes a group of people to hold or sponsor
this ritual? most commonly used in Tibet as a rite for turning away demons
lay people will ask a monk or lama to perform or advert a future danger * Describe
the sequence of events in the ritual. * Describe the visual scene of the ritual. What
are the colors and textures? Are there pieces of visual art used? What to the
participants look like? ... Show more content on ...
Lama/Buddha as his surrogate Who has the authority to conduct the ritual? Lama
(monk or not) * How do different social groups act as part of the ritual? Do men
and women have different roles? Do younger people and older people have
different roles? Buddha lama effigy patron * Who gains social status from the
ritual? * Does the ritual change the social status of some of the participants? Is it a
rite of passage? * Does the ritual directly reflect the current social hierarchies? Or
does it invert or reverse these hierarchies? Do participants get to pretend that they are
part of a different social class or gender during the ritual?
Moods and Motivations: * How does the ritual seek to change the participants?
Protect them from future sufferings, provides more insight into meditation * How
should they think, feel or act differently after experiencing the ritual? They should
feel a sense of hope and protection/barrier from future harm. * Does the ritual seek to
have practical outcomes (health, safety, prosperity)? Social outcomes (a change in
status)? Emotional outcomes (feelings)?
Candide Satire Analysis
The animalize practice of slavery causes Candide to give up on optimism. In his
travel to the New World, Candide and Cacambo meet a slave, who is missing his
left and right hand (51) lying down half naked on the ground. The slave tells
Candide about the terrible living condition and cruel punishment that he received and
that his parents sold him for ten Patagonian crowns (51) to slave trader. Ironically,
the slave says, it s normal (51) for them to get this kind of treatment because it was
common back then. And, the Dutch sorcerers, who converted him, tell him we are all
children of Adam, white and black (51). Voltaireused his satirical attack on society
and religious of what really happen at the time. The author is judging the priests who
do not practice what they preach.... Show more content on ...
There was certainly no equality in human since slave is treated so badly. Slave
traders did not care what would happen to the slaves as long as they get money and
make profits from it. It was common for many French colonies that make their
wealth through trading slaves. It is a wake up call from reality for Candide, an
innocent, after his trip from El Dorado, a utopian society where people are happy.
This event causes Candide to question himself of his belief, since El Dorado is
totally different from Surinam, where Candide meets the slave. Everyone in El
Dorado is equal even the King. The custom of El Dorado is to embrace the King and
kiss on both cheeks (48), no bow are required, which is not possible in the real life.
Candide s belief, the world is perfect, starts to fade away. From what he sees,
Candide weeps and starts to lost hope in Pangloss s theory: everything being made
for an end, everything is necessarily for the best end and
Literary Devices InBallad Of Birmingham, By Dudley
The poem Ballad of Birmingham, by Dudley Randall, is about the bombing of a
church in Birmingham, Alabama during 1963. The poem begins with a question
and ends with a completely different question. It starts with a girl asking her
mother a question: Mother dear, may I go downtown / Instead of out to play, / And
march the streets of Birmingham / In a freedom March today? (lines 1 4). It ends
with the mother asking: But, baby, where are you? (line 32). The author uses
literary devices, such as rich word choice, vivid imagery, and alliterations, to bring
up important issues of racism, questions of freedom and safety, and to contribute
to the poem s thematic significance. Randall also uses a question and answer form
between the mother and daugther to build a specific tone, appeal to the reader s
ethos, and bring up the issues of racism, freedom, and safety. The first four stanzas
are questions and answers in the form of dialogue; the daughter asking to be in the
freedom march and the mother telling her it is too dangerous. The mother tells her
that the dogs will be fierce, the guns will fire, and there will be clubs and hoses. In
these stanzas the author uses repetition and word choice to create the tone of a
wary mother telling her daughter no and the daughter s youthful innocence. When
the daughter says: Mother dear (line 1) it conveys a young child trying to inveigle
her mother into letting her be in the march. The repetition of No, baby, no, you
may not go, (lines 5 and 13), has the tone of a vigilant mother talking to her young
child. Randall also uses an understatement to support the issue of racism and the
question of freedom. After the mother says there will fierce dogs, clubs, guns,
hoses, and jails, she says that those things: Aren t good for a little child. (line 8)
This is a tremendous understatement. No one, of any age, should be treated in such
a hideous way, especially free people at a freedom march. The author ends this
section with foreshadowing and dramatic irony. The mother says: No, baby, no,
you may not go, / For I fear the guns will fire. / But you may go to the church
instead / And sing in the children s choir. (lines 12 15). This is dramatic irony and
Religion And Faith Are Essential For Survival
Religion and Faith are Essential for Survival The power that religion posses has
been taught from mankind s existence, it can be lead to justice or oppression but not
all are connected to a religion various lifestyles have different explanations of cause,
focus and direction. The importance role of religionand faith in one s life, as depicted
in the fictional novel of Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner is portrayed through
characters and events. Firstly the strength of a relationship is dependent upon the
religious practices and understanding the importance of religion in a pair. Secondly,
the superego represents that standards of one s moral principles and their personality.
Thirdly, there are numerous interpretation of the meaning of religion and that builds a
personal belief system. The powerful role that faith and religion have on an individual
s life is demonstrated by strengthening relationships, developing moralityand setting a
personal belief system.
To begin with, religion influences a person s character as it alters the way they
behave. Amir is not a religious figure but when in times of trouble, he looks up to
Allah for reassurance. Amir says There is a God, there has to be and now I will pray, I
will pray that He forgive that I have neglected Him all of these years, forgive that I
have betrayed, lied and sinned with impunity only to turn to Him now in my hour
of need, I pray that He is as merciful, benevolent and gracious as His book says He
is. I bow to
Yggdrasil Gaming Growth Continues With Arrival Of New
Yggdrasil Gaming growth continues with arrival of new CFO
It can be argued that no other online casino software developer in the world had a
better 2015 than Yggdrasil Gaming. Shaking loose the up start tag, what the
company was able to do is hit several key milestones. With 2015 now in the rear
view mirror, it seems that Yggdrasil Gaming is carrying through the momentum. Not
only has the brand signed major agreements with the likes of Monte Carlo Casino,
Expekt, and BetClic in 2016, but they have now also announced a major corporate
move. In a fresh change, Frida Gustafsson has been appointed as the new Yggdrasil
Gaming Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
What is making the appointment so noteworthy is the sheer amount of experience
that Gustafsson brings to the table. During the past six years he has been a key
figure at NetEnt, serving as an auditor. Yggdrasil Gaming has been rising rapidly as
of late, which has meant the need to call on more experience to handle the brand s
emerging corporate structure. In the eyes of analysts Gustafsson is joining the
company at just the right time, as Yggdrasil Gamimg looks to be on the very on an
expansion spree.
Speaking on his acceptance of the new role, Frida Gustafsson said, Everyone in
our industry knows about Yggdrasil, and from what I ve seen already there is an
opportunity for massive growth over the coming years. I look forward to being a
part of the company s on going success story . Fredrik Elmqvist (Yggdrasil Gaming
The Opportunities And Competition For Talented Students...
pouring into China, Russia, and India has created tremendous opportunities and
competition for talented IT professionals in those countries. The downside of this
increased competition directly raise the rate of attrition, particularly in India.
Concept of Attrition: In various industries in various sector have only one impact,
loss to the organization. Pharmaceutical, hospitality, BPO,IT,ITES,KPO, insurance,
manufacturing, automobile, education industry etc. are the common industries which
function on talent and knoweldge based employees for the progress of their
organization growth. Training the skillset according to the needs of the industry
upliftment is additional investment on the employees, further retaining them is
another challenge, managing the employees in the relevant skillset has to be
monitored with special care and attention. Periodically review and discussions with
the employees will raise a better platform for understanding the attitude amongst the
employees. The thought of discomfort to any employees have to be personally
attended for understanding the depth of their problem. So far software sector faced
15% to 20% attrition rate and the conservative estimates increases the attrition to 35
40 percent. In case of Insurance companies, where there are benefits of building huge
networking, the job pressure is equally huge. Also, there is humpty number of
competitors where poaching is done spasmodically. Hence Attrition irrespective of
industry is a global
Impact of Teen Violence Essay
Teen Violence is a big dilemma in today s society. Violent behaviors usually start
from family and peers, as well as teens observing it at there neighborhoods or
communities. These behaviors are reinforced by what youth see on television, on the
Internet, in video games, movies, music videos, and what they hear in their music.
When children are disciplined with severe corporal punishment or verbal abuse, or
when they are physically or sexually abused, or when they witness such behavior in
their home, it is not surprising that they behave violently toward others. Teen Violence
has had such an impact in our youth today that it leads many destructive things and
that s why we have so much violence today.
Violence hits hard on teens today ... Show more content on ...
Not only does it happen all the time, teen violence also starts at home. Parents and
peers play a big influence in the youth of today, If a child is brought up around
violence it is most likely that the child will end up turning to violence when they get
older. Teens are seeing violence within there parents relationship and then partaking it
in there own relationship. They are getting verbally and physically abused by there
boyfriend or girlfriend starting as young as thirteen.
There is a prevention for teen violence that needs to practiced, if not the youth will
grown up to be heartless adults with a tremendous amount of problems in their lives.
Parents should not argue in front of their children and show such violence towards
each other. It can traumatize them and then they wouldn t be the same. Communities
and neighborhoods play a big part also. In a child is brought up in a low income
area, we should let them know that s there move to life out there.
Statistics say that fifty percent of men who abuse there spouse will abuse the
child, three million children are at risk to being assaulted by a parent or other
child by this year. A teen growing up with there mother being abused will mist
likely be a violent teenager and adult. Forty percent of teens have been apart of a
violent act and half of a high school had been in a violent relationship. Teen violence
had been a big problem and is growing more and more this year.
In conclusion, teen violence
The Irish Financial Crisis Was Both Predictable and...
Available online at:
University College Dublin and CEPR Discussion Paper No. 7811 May 2010 Centre
for Economic Policy Research 53 56 Gt Sutton St, London EC1V 0DG, UK Tel:
(44 20) 7183 8801, Fax: (44 20) 7183 8820 Email:, Website: This Discussion Paper is issued under the auspices of the Centre s
research programme in INTERNATIONAL MACROECONOMICS. Any opinions
expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of the Centre for Economic
Policy... Show more content on ...
An earlier version of this paper circulated under the title The Irish Credit Bubble. I
would like to thank Colm McCarthy for useful discussions. All errors and
interpretations are mine. 1 Ireland is one case where the classroom distinction
between GNP and GDP really matters: largely because of transfer pricing by foreign
corporations taking advantage of its 12 per cent rate of corporation tax, GDP is 25
per cent higher than GNP, and has fallen only 12.5 per cent. In what follows we shall
present most Irish numbers as a percentage of GNP, because this is the relevant
п¬Ѓgure for employment and discretionary taxation, and present numbers for other
countries in the usual percentage of GDP form. в€
— 1 The key to understanding
what happened to Ireland is to realise that, although GNP grew by 5 to 15 per cent
every year from 1991 to 2006, this Celtic Tiger growth stemmed from two very
different booms. First, during the 1990s, there was rising employment associated
with increased competitiveness and a quadrupling of real exports. As Ireland
converged to average levels of Western European income around 2000 it might have
been expected that growth would fall to normal European levels. Instead growth
continued at high rates until 2007 despite falling competitiveness, driven by a second
boom in construction. Ireland went from getting 4 6 per cent
Analysis Of Angelou s I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings
The world of literature has been dominated by males throughout most of history;
this is due to the fact that women we re thought of as inferior to men. Over the last
100 years women have been proving themselves in this sexist society, especially in
the world of literature poetry, to be more specific. Two names come to mind when
thinking of great female poets: Maya Angelou and Emily Dickinson. Even thought
both of these women we re outstanding poets, they had quite different styles of
writing due to the difference in time periods, experiences, and culture. As time goes
by, society is influenced in different ways due to human evolution. This was true
for both Maya Angelou and Emily Dickinson. Maya Angelou was born April 4,
1928. This means she was born right in the middle of segregation. This influenced
Angelou because she was an African American woman who wrote about freedom
for her people. The best example would be her famous novel and poem I Know Why
The Caged Bird Sings. The book is about her life struggles and the poem is a
metaphor about a bird that seeks freedom. The final stanzaof the poem reads The
caged bird sings with a fearful trill of things unknown but longed for still and his
tune is heard on the distant hill for the caged bird sings of freedom. This excerpt of
the poem demonstrates how she yearned for her people to get the freedom they
deserved. The comparison of the caged bird and the bird that s free can be seen in
many different ways. The first one
Gillette s Acquisition of Duracell
Key Issues
The Gillette Company was founded in 1901 in a small office in Boston. Since its
departure, Gillette has positioned itself as one of the most recognizable brands not
only through their safety razor blades, but also through corporate diversification. This
included the acquisition of a number of major companies, most recently Duracell.
Prior to this acquisition, the Duracell Corporation had been the leading producer of
alkaline batteries in the United States and maintained consistent growth in revenues
from 1991 1996. Since their purchase of Duracell, their stock price has fallen 45%
to a low of $34. The issue for Gillette is to determine if they can promote the
profitable growth of their acquisition.
Decision Criteria ... Show more content on ...
The rivalry in this industry has become so intense that it is not uncommon for these
companies to bring each other to court for various claims made in their new product
launches. Outside of the competitive environment potential opportunities in large
developing economies (like India) have an untapped market with regard to the
alkaline batteries. The conversion from zinc carbon batteries to alkaline was much
slower outside the United States then anticipated and this hindered international sales
for some battery companies. Alkaline batteries in these foreign markets only make up
3% compared to 70% in the United States. The reason for the slow conversion in the
foreign markets is due to tough economic times and the high cost associated with
setting up manufacturing facilities capable of alkaline production.
Internal: Prior to Gillette acquiring Duracell in 1996, the Duracell Corporation
maintained a constant growth in revenue (about 8% annually). Gillette and
Duracell both held strong relationships with many vendors worldwide and
sustained a strong channel of distribution. Upon the acquisition of Duracell,
Gillette eliminated 4,700 jobs, closed 14 plants and also replaced Duracell s
advertising agency with that of Gillette. These changes resulted in savings of $200
million and decreases in their operations margins from 30% in 1998, to 16% in
2000. The debt to equity ratio has been increased from 1.62 in 1998 to 4.41 in 2000.
This increase
Outline For Lord Of The Flies Chapter 6 Study Guide
I.Characters A.Wart1.Protagonist of the book and is valued as lesser to Kay, his
brother. a)Taught to be Kay s squire b)Obedient c)Works diligently to try to be
valued equally as Kay 2.Fated to become the ruler of England a)King Arthur
3.Kind, inquisitive and respectful boy. 4.Throughout his lessons with Merlyn he
becomes more knowledgeable and mature. B. Kay 1. Wart s foster brother who is
an arrogant boy because of his future where he will become the master of the estate
after Sir Ector, his father. 2. His status within the castle allows him to be
undisciplined and preferred over Wart. a) As the favored son, Kay gets special
training to become a knight, while Wart is only trained to be a squire. 3. Longs for
his father s attention and... Show more content on ...
(3) Battle arose between the two groups allowing arrows to fly in every direction.
Wart, Kay, Robin Hood and his companions were able to overthrow the enemy and
leave with only a broken collarbone belonging to Wart. E. Oak Tree 1. Symbolizes
wisdom and might a) Remember my biceps... which can stretch out horizontally
against Gravity, when all the other trees go up or down Oak (251) (1) When Wart
met Athene, she introduced him to a dream of trees. The Oak tree radiated
nobility, power, and respect. The tree bragged about his strong branches or biceps
and its long lifespan, displaying its might. (2) While Wart was pulling the sword
out of the stone, the Oak appeared baring wisdom for the boy. Wart used his advice
alongside his knowledge to free the sword out. V. Imagery A. Simile 1. This man
was as notable as the sycamore, for he stood or lay seven feet without his shoes
Was Alexander The Great Essay
How Great was Alexander the Great?
In the Ancient World, Alexander III is viewed as a great leader.As a boy,
Alexander s dad, King Philip III, was the king of Macedonia from 323 BC till 317
BC. While King Philip III was ruling Macedonia, Alexander was taught by
philosophers ,such as Aristotle, and trained to become a vigorous leader. Later on,
King Philip III died of unknown causes and Alexander III took over at the age of 20,
inheriting his father s kingdom Alexander became a renowned,strong leader.
Alexander was a great general who feared nothing. He rode into battles in front of his
soldiers and marched into unknown lands. He had great intelligence and battle
strategies thinking of the enemies next ... Show more content on ...
Alexander the Great or The Two Horned one was a nobleman who in which
conquered much of the world at that time. He by conquering many areas of the world
spread the Greek language and lifestyle (Doc F). When Alexander was returning
back to his homeland with his troops some men stayed in certain areas and married
local women. The Hindu Kush people believe that they are the descendants of their
children. Still some Kush words are as the same as theirs, their music and their
dances too (Doc F). Alexander was a successful leader who in which led a strong
army that spread the Greek art and lifestyle. Alexander III had excelling achievement
in spreading the Greek language, art, and
Kaplan University Case Study
Kaplan University (KU) is that the doing managing as (DBA) name of the Iowa
staff Acquisition Firm, a supplement that possesses and works revenue driven
schools. it s claimed by Kaplan, Inc., a supporter of Graham Holdings cordial
relationship. Kaplan Lincoln is dominantly an aloofness learning medicinal building
of upper guiding that is locally approved by the upper Learning Certification and
could be an individual from the Direction midmost Association of schools and
universities (NCA). Kaplan Universitywas named in perceive of Journalist H.
Kaplan, World Health Organization upheld Kaplan Tryout school task. In 2014 U.S.
interest amp; Reality Estimation stratified Kaplan Lincoln as fifty six of 205 inside
of the on line knight s PC code... Show more content on ...
per the New Royalty Times, twenty third of Kaplan s projects lose the arranged
paid work tenets, partner degreed an a considerable measure of 100% territory unit
ungenerous to unsuccessful. This execution that a generous notification of Kaplan
graduates region unit not able to pay viewpoint their graduate advances. In 2015,
Kaplan finished with yank officers identifying with claims that it utilized teachers
World Health Organization weren t enlisted. Nearly three hundred distinct
understudies of Kaplan offer get teaching method discounts as origination of the
choosing. The Land fabricate of Commerce was perceived in 1937 preceding
regularly changing its speak to look workforce. In November 2000, Search staff s
choice was changed to Kaplan College when Kaplan, Inc. noninheritable it with the
obtaining of Hunt Pedagogy House. In September 2004, Kaplan personnel formally
changed its examine to Kaplan University when it had been recognized consent to
proffer graduate level evaluation programs. The college s train of nursing was
honored a mortal grown up liberation for its Man of Ability in Nursing level in April
2006 from the Command on Body Nursing Instruction
The Phantom Tollbooth Summary
The phantom tollbooth is an great book.It s plot is about a kid who thinks every thing
s a bore.Then a magical tollbooth mysteriously appears and he drives through cause
he has nothing better to do.But when he gets there he finds places you would never
expect.He meets boys who float off the ground and islands that you get to by
jumping.I would prefer this book to anyone no mater how old or young. Setting:The
phantom tollbooth s setting is the land of wisdom.What is the land of wisdom?the
land of wisdom is a island that is ruled by 2 kings king Azaz the unabridged, and the
mathamagican.some places in the kingdom of wisdom is Digitopolis,
Dictionopolis,the doldrums, point of view, and conclusions. Main characters:The
phantoms tollbooth has three main characters,milo,tock,and the humbug.milo is a
bored thin kid,who thinks life is lame.also there is tock.tock thinks time is the most
important thing in the world even more important than diamonds.tock has a clock on
his belly.and in addition to that he can talk.Another main character is the humbug.the
humbug... Show more content on ...
Then they agree that milo,tock and the humbug will go on a quest to rescue the
princess from the tower in the air. And so then they go to point of view, reality, the
valley of sound,and other
Tudor Rebellion Causes
The influence of political factors and change cannot be ignored when weighing up
the most significant cause of rebellion throughout the Tudor period. Both in
England and Ireland, political unrest was common among all of the Tudor
Monarchs meaning it was a consistent factor in all rebellions across the era. The
main problems came from self serving greed, with plans to overthrow the Monarchs
in order to position someone who would be in their favour or get rid of corrupt
advisors in order to attain more political influence.
Rebel leaders believed that if current royal advisors were removed successfully it
would improve the government as they would be replaced with improved and wiser
individuals and stop the negative influence on the Monarch. ... Show more content on ...
It emphasised the part political greed placed on individuals sparking rebellion as a
last ditch attempt by those who were out of favour at court to restore their political
fortunes by seizing on the discontents and puzzlements of others . The Earl of Essex
had gained a good reputation and worked his way up to be Elizabeth s favourite
courtier. However, he was short of money and so attempted to rule the court and
oppose his rival Cecil which caused the Queen to turn against him. On one
occasion during a heated Privy Council debate on the problems in Ireland, the
Queen reportedly cuffed an insolent Essex round the ear, prompting him to half
draw his sword on her . The incident meant Essex felt he had been publically
shamed and was sent from court consequently losing all his influence at court.
Political factions were central to the cause of this revolt as the Earl resented the
influence that Robert Cecil had at court and thought by showing force in the form of
a rebellion would lead the Queen to readmit him to court and to her favour. The
Essex rebellion is very significant in showing how the corruption of the patronage
system by Essex, and the dominance of Cecil, continued to affect politics after the
Tudor period had ended into James I reign where political instability let to the
Catholic dominated Main, Bye and Gunpowder plots. This underpins the argument
The Necessary Lie in Joseph Conrad s Heart of Darkness
The Necessary Lie in Heart of Darkness
In his narrative, Marlow declares, You know I hate, detest, and can t bear a lie, not
because I am straighter than the rest of us, but simply because it appalls me. There
is a taint of death, a flavour of mortality in lies, which is exactly what I hate and
detest in the world what I want to forget (Longman 2210). In spite of these strong
words, he lies to Kurtz s Intended when he visits her and tells her, The last word he
pronounced was your name (Longman 2246). Marlow s words, spoken in Part I to
the audience, seem to contradict his words spoken in Part III to the Intended. Upon
closer examination however, it is clear that it was keeping to his beliefs that caused
Marlow to lie to ... Show more content on ...
Some confounded fact we men have been living contentedly with ever since the day
of creation would start up and knock the whole thing over (Longman 2199). It is
clear from this statement that Marlow believes women simply cannot handle the cold
hard reality of the world. Men, however, are well aware of these realities and
therefore must protect women from the truth so as not to shatter the beauty of a
woman s world. This is by today s standards silly and chauvinistic, but at the time it
was a kind and chivalrous thought. Although Marlow was making direct reference to
his Aunt in this passage, he does not limit the thought to his Aunt only, but uses the
term women , which encompasses all women.
He carries this kind and chivalrous thought with him when he visits Kurtz s
Intended, and with it in mind cannot bring himself to shatter her beautiful fantasy
world by telling her the truth of Kurtz s last words. In his own declaration Marlow
claims there is a taint of death in lies. If he had been completely truthful with the
Intended and told her Kurtz s actual last words, The horror, the horror (Longman
2240), he would have given her more than a taint of death. He would have shared
with her some of the mental images his imagination had spawned since he heard
those final words. He would have given her a flavour of mortality , which he claims
to hate and detest in the world. Hate and detest are very powerful words which would

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Lower The Drinking Age To 18 Essay. Lowering the drinking age to 18

  • 1. Lower The Drinking Age To 18 Essay Writing an essay on the topic of lowering the drinking age to 18 can be a challenging task that requires careful consideration of various perspectives and arguments. The issue is a complex one, involving legal, social, and health-related aspects. Crafting a well-structured essay involves delving into the historical context of the drinking age, examining the potential consequences of a lower drinking age, and considering the counterarguments against such a change. Researching the topic thoroughly is essential, as it requires understanding the legal frameworks, scientific studies on alcohol consumption and its effects, and societal attitudes towards the drinking age. Balancing statistical data, expert opinions, and real-life examples adds depth to the essay but also requires a critical evaluation of sources. Furthermore, expressing one's own stance on the matter while acknowledging opposing views is crucial for a well-rounded argument. It's important to anticipate potential objections and address them effectively, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the complexities surrounding the issue. In conclusion, writing an essay on lowering the drinking age to 18 demands a nuanced approach, requiring extensive research, critical thinking, and the ability to present a compelling argument. It's a task that challenges the writer to navigate through legal, social, and health-related nuances to provide a well-rounded perspective on the topic. If you find the task too challenging or time- consuming, you might consider seeking assistance. There are various resources available, such as, where similar essays and more can be ordered to aid in your academic endeavors. Lower The Drinking Age To 18 EssayLower The Drinking Age To 18 Essay
  • 2. Wealth Inequality In The Great Gatsby During the 1920 s, when The Great Gatsby s setting took place, was a different time. Where there were different views on certain subjects such as wealth. Compared to today s society where history has changed people s opinions and views on wealth. Not to mention, the responsibilities and social pressures of the wealthy back in the 20 s and in our current society that impacts the perception of affluence. There is also the wealthinequality that was in the 20 s and is still here to this day, that influences the impact of wealth. In today s society, wealth is another word for happiness. To be wealthy means to be able to do what you want, so that you can achieve that happiness. It impacts society by making the people view wealth as an easy way of life and in others,... Show more content on ... Have lavish parties to make everyone adore you and have people respect you because of how wealthy you are. Those who were wealthy knew the truth. Wealth cannot get you the life you desire, only in some cases. To get what you want in life, you have to do that yourself. You have to work hard to get what you want. In the book, Gatsby worked his way to get wealthy and it ended up being the thing that did not fulfill him. His wealth was not what he desired for his life. He perceived wealth as a way to get what most say as the American dream. The perceptions of wealth in our current society as the Association for Psychological Science (APS) says is the people have, distorted grasp of wealth in America. Many people in our society have distorted perceptions with wealth. Back in the 1920 s when The Great Gatsby took place; wealth inequality had a huge impact on society just as it does now. Many Americans in today s society view wealth as unequal and something that should be fixed. People view wealth as something everyone should have, not just the 1 percent of Americans that control nearly half of the nation s
  • 3. Democracies and Success in War Essay Democracies and Success in War Introduction Democratic governments have spread quickly around the world since the end of the Cold War and fall of the Soviet Union. Democracy has become one of the most desired regime types amongst states and is contributed to fostering wealth, stability, and even peace. Dan Reiter and Allan Stam argue that democracies are the most successful in war or military combat. In their book, Democracies at War, Stam and Reiter argue that after observing conflicts since the 1800 s, democratic governments tend to be more selective in choosing conflicts to participate in and democracies also have a propensity to win more often than authoritarian regimes. The purpose of this paper is to present a ... Show more content on ... The case of Israel was chosen for two reasons. First, Stam and Reiter mention Israel in their book and argue that this state is a prime example of how democracies are better equipped, trained, motivated, and successful in war. Michael Desch questions this claim by Stam and Reiter over Israel, especially the argument that they fight more adequately and the soldiers of democracies are better trained. These conflicting commits over Israel lays the foundation of an adequate need for a case study to see if Israel is, as Stam and Reiter claims, more successful at war because they are a democracy, or Desch s counter argument that Israel fought so well because they were fighting for survival, not because of their regime. The second reason why Israel has been chosen as the case study for this paper is because they have arguably never lost a war since independence and seem to improve in conflict through the years. The greatest contribution I hope to make in this paper is a deeper understanding of how democracies choose and fight wars. Due to time constraints, this paper is only addressing one case study that deals with two wars. As in any case study the results are limited to that particular case. However, the research creates more in depth examination over the arguments by Stam and Reiter and, in a more general sense, attempts to analyze propositions made by democratic theorist. Methodology The methodology, as stated before
  • 4. The Effects Of Alcohol Abuse On Alcohol When I step into a college party, the first thing I see around me is alcohol. I often notice underage adolescents drinking and I also distinguish how they become different people when intoxicated by alcohol. They begin to walk funny and they tend to slur their words, making it hard to comprehend anything they are saying. I have watched family members who were so inebriated that they could not even spell their own name or even pinpoint who they were. The questions I always ask myself when I see these drunk college kids is Do these kids know the effects of alcoholism? Kids are often abusing alcohol, but do not really understand the effects it may have on their life. When overwhelming their bodies with alcohol, they should ask themselves What causes me to drink so much? What are the outcomes of me abusing alcohol? What can alcohol abuselead to? Plenty of people always seem to ask what are the causes of alcohol abuse? As a matter of fact, there are many origins that come to mind when actually thinking of why people drink alcohol excessively. Alcohol abuse can run in a person s family, or sometimes it may be caused by the environment a person is in or if someone is taking on stress (WebMD). When people are frazzled or feel as though they are facing a serious issue within their life, they tend to feel the need to turn towards drinking alcohol so that they can get rid of all the pain they are feeling. Some people treat alcohol as an escape from the grief they are
  • 5. Paul Kalanithi s When Breath Becomes Air Paul Kalanithi s When Breath Becomes Air illuminates a deep epistemological tension between science, through the medical institution and philosophy. Kalanithi shows through the medical field and the progression of death, that philosophy and science are not diametrically opposed, but science has progresses through over medicalization of the body while ignoring the philosophically constructed conception of human nature. Moreover, outside the literary context of When Breath Becomes Air, this dialogue is complicated, by the contemporary belief of the limitless nature of scienceand human capacity to overcome death. The age of enlightenmentphilosophy created the separation of humanity from the natural order by the defining factor of rationality and agency, and the development of science. This contributed to the hyper medicalization of the human body, and in many regards, humanity, creating a false utopian vision of the cure, and scientific triumph over death. Thus, two definitions of humanity occur within the progression of science. One that is used to justify unethical experimentation through exclusion, and one that is ignored due to it not fitting into the scientific epistemological view, creating an imperfect view of reality. The philosophical ideologies established by the philosophers during the enlightenment period, were necessary for the evolution of the sciences and the view of human nature in modernity and the contemporary era. Primarily, enlightenment thinkers
  • 6. The Effects Of Bacteria And Its Effects On The Environment Introduction Bacteria are important microorganisms because they are used by humans for many reasons (Goel, 2014). For example, they are being use in the production of food such as cheese and vinegar; production of medical substances such as drugs; biotechnology, etcetera (Goel, 2014). Thus, such bacteriahave to be mass produced to be exploited for many purposes in the industry (Goel, 2014). Batch culture, a closed system with limited supply of nutrients for growth, is commonly used for large scale production of microorganisms (Hall, et al., 2014; Maier, 2009). This suggest that with the accumulation of toxic waste products, changing pH, oxygen tension, and decreasing supply of nutrients, cell growth will be inhibited and the culture will ... Show more content on ... Finally, bacteria cells enter the death phase as death rate exceeds growth rate (Hall, et al., 2014; Maier, 2009). The knowledge of the patterns of growth under specified conditions for any types of bacteria is necessary for large scale production of cheese, drugs, etcetera (Goel, 2014; Maier, 2009). Aim Thus, the aim of the experiment is to show the typical phases of growth of a bacterial population, Vibrio natriegens, as well as the calculation of the generation time. Also, this experiment aims to determine how the availability of oxygen affects the growth of a bacterial population, Vibrio natriegens. The population density will be determined turbidometrically. Materials and Methods 12 ml of Vibrio natriegens culture was added to 200 ml of BHI medium contained in a pre warmed flask (either shaking, aerated, or non shaking, non aerated) in a water bath at 37В°C. 2 ml of samples of the cultures were removed after inoculation and at 10 min intervals for approximately 2 hours for measurement of turbidity by Optical Density (OD) at 590 nm. OD readings were recorded and plotted using log scale (ordinate) against time after inoculation (abscissa). The mean generation time () and mean growth rate (g) were calculated using the following equations respectively: and . Results To plot the growth curve of Vibrio natriegens under aerated or non aerated condition, 12 ml of Vibrio natriegens culture was first
  • 7. Shadowhunters Research Paper Preface Everyone knows the world has an evil side but only a few know just how evil. Demons exist, though a pure demon is now a rare thing, most of the bloodlines have been tainted and are now full of half breeds called downworlders. Vampires, Fairies, Wizards, Shifters, Werewolves and more walk the earth and mundanes, or humans, see them as other humans. Only other downworlders or Shadowhunters can see them in their true form. Shadowhunters, now that is a special breed! They are an advanced race of humans called Nephilim, born with angel blood. They have the ability to use magic runes, burned into their bodies by an angel weapon called a stele, to help protect them and give them strength. They were tasked with defending the mundanes, or humans, of the world and keeping the downworlders in check. Their job was difficult and dangerous and their numbers had dwindled greatly over the years. Though very few of the Shadowhunters remained, they still did all they could ... Show more content on ... Lucian and Valentine were parabatai a pair of Nephilim who take an oath to fight side by side, willing to lay down their lives for one another without hesitation, bound as fighting partners for life. Parabatai are rare as the pair has to be chosen when they are under the age of eighteen. To have a Parabatai is considered a blessing of the angel Raziel upon the pair and they must vow and unbreakable oath before the Shadowhunter council. Young and idealistic Valentine, Lucian, and Jocelyn felt that the Shadowhunter laws needed to be updated and had begun the process of meeting with the Clave council to voice their ideas. Of course, as they were young, they didn t feel like they were being taken seriously and got frustrated. Lucian and Jocelyn were okay with continuing to work at getting the council to change its mind but Valentine, he was not content to go through the proper channels any
  • 8. Not All College Majors Are Created Equal Summary In her article Not all College Majors Are Created Equal , Singletary states that engineering major with relevant internship within the innovation industry results in higher chances of attracting a good job. Unemployment is higher among high school dropouts compared to 22.9%, which represents the rate of unemployment among post secondary graduates. Therefore, rates of employment among collegedegree holders are much higher than the chances a high schooldiploma can fill at workplace because of the differences in skills. Lack of proper career planning is attributed to poor performance of graduates. Moreover, lack of on the job training lead to poorly trained graduates who lack expertise to deliver in the expected industry. Therefore, a university graduate is expected to earn a degree that should translate to higher work opportunities and pay. For example, the rates of salaries range from $55,000 among engineering majors compared to 30,000 per year for majors in arts, education, and psychology. There is a disconnection between graduate educational skills and the expectation of the industry because of the lack of direct cooperation between employers and college education. Singletary advices students to conduct a career planning to match the course they select with current job opportunities. Besides, the argument is valid since the author requires ... Show more content on ... A college degree is very crucial to the development of the national skills to match the market. However, the high cost of attaining the degree is driving many poor students from taking courses in universities. The possibility of an international student accessing equal education is the United States comes with a very high cost. For example, while a California community college student pays $46 per unit, an international student pays $250 per unit, which is very expensive and
  • 9. Coastal Geographic Environment Analysis How Natural Processes Operate at Coastal Geographic Environment Natural Processes are actions or events that have natural causes, which result in natural events. The three main coastal environment processes that operate at Muriwai are Coastal Erosion, Coastal Transportation and Coastal Deposition. The elements that interact to produce natural processes are wind, waves and tides. Each phenomenon at Muriwai s coastal geographic environment has been produced by interaction. Coastal Erosion is a process at Muriwai that gradually wears away the rock particles of the earth s surface, transporting them to another location. There are many types of processes that cause erosion at Muriwai such as wave erosion, wind erosion and wave refraction. ... Show more content on ... These types of erosion have caused the formation of several phenomena at Muriwai. Motutara Island (stack) was produced by the formation of two caves on either side of the headland forming an arch and the roof slowly eroding away due to vertical erosion. Fisherman s Rock was produced by cliff retreat when undercutting stones are thrust at the cliff by wave action. The blowhole was formed by vertical, hydraulic and mechanical erosion causing the cracks and fissures to enlarge over time to produce this hole. Types of wave erosion operating on the headland have produced the cave. Wave Refraction is an important process as it influences wave erosion on Otakamiro headland and on the beach at Muriwai (refer to Diagram 1). Wave Transportation (Longshore Drift) varies spatially due to wave refraction. It is the process by which waves alter their course as they interact in shallow water with the seabed along the coastline. This process produces wave erosion, which focuses its energy on Otakamiro Point. Diagram 1 Constructive, Destructive and Dissipative are the types of waves that operate at Muriwai that cause erosion. Dissipative waves are the waves usually found at Muriwai they lose their energy before they reach the shore as they usually break on the offshore bar. Constructive waves are long waves with little height that leave material at the top of the beach, building it up. Destructive waves are erosive
  • 10. The Brilliant Maze Of Dreams Essay The Brilliant Maze of Dreams and Their Hidden Meanings The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams (Roosevelt n.p.). One s ambitions and dreams can indeed be very beautiful things. If one has ever drifted into a deep sleep wondering into a colorful world that defies all logic, then one has probably wondered where one s dreams come from. Most everyone has woken up and wondered what in the world caused them to dreamabout that one specific thing or person. It is important to know what causes people to have dreams in order for one to be able to understand what one thinks about, to help one realize one s desires and a person s ambitions, and to aid one in processing events that have taken place in a day. Knowing what causes one to have dreams is important in order for one to know what one thinks about. What one thinks about is oftentimes a direct reflection of how a person feels. The human mind is complex and beautiful and actually processes pretty much everything one thinks about, even if one is not aware of it (Hidalgo n.p.). One s dreams are the mind s way of subconsciously processing the things one thinks about. Moreover, when one is in overdrive or very stressed out one s mind is aware of that and filters through that... Show more content on ... In the book Dreams, Tucker Shaw has the idea that dreams are one s unconscious mind trying to tell one something (Shaw 4). Shaw also says that the mind creates everyone s dreams from a blank slate (Shaw 4). With Shaw s reasoning about dreams one can imagine one s mind creating a dream like a chef would make a recipe. What this means is one s mind takes some of one s conscious feelings and thoughts, a little of the day s events, a little of one s hidden wishes or aspersions, and mixes everything together to make one s dreams. When one looks at one s dreams close enough they can uncover desires and ambitions for one s life one did not even see or acknowledge
  • 11. Zombieland Analysis The Postmodern Elements of Zombieland A belief adopted in the 1960s, Postmodernism is a culture that questions the certainty of identity. Unlike modernism, which questions the validity of knowledge, postmodernism is skeptical of institutions. Zombieland is an example of a postmodernist film directed by Ruben Fleischer that applies the postmodernism principle of questioning personal identity among four survivors who doubt each other after a plague converts Americans neighbors into zombies that prey on human flesh. The most basic characteristic of the postmodern world is to question personal identity within an illusionary desolate setting without the foundations of a family to create normality. In fact, the devastated America by the virus attack... Show more content on ... The world that confronts the four survivors of the zombie destruction provides attributes of postmodernism in reference to the mutually incompatible worlds that exist before Columbus reality. In fact, zombies cooperate as human do to hunt down normal people as witnessed from the scene in which two zombies are chasing Columbus. Indeed, one can no longer speak about totality at all. Instead, we have a plurality of worlds and multiple, often mutually incompatible (Geyh, Fred, and Andrew XX). Columbus confronts a disorganized world without police enforcement to ensure law and order and realizes that he must arise and protect himself from zombies. The problem of extracting meaning through reasoning is inhibited throughout the film, which forces Columbus to associate with the past memories of a true life when people actually inhabited America. Pak claims that Zombieland reveals the reaction of a socially awkward Columbus who isolated himself from everyone coming to terms with the new world in which he must create a social bond with Tallahassee, and the two sisters Little Rock and Wichita to satisfy his urge for a real family (Pak 23). Moreover, Tallahassee represents an American with a postmodernist mind since he makes it fun and playful killing zombies, which highlights the fact that instead of understanding the world in its totality, he only practices specific protection stunts to ensure his survival. Similarly, Little Rock longs to make a journey to Pacific Playland, where she expects to experience normality and a return to the original world with human beings. Contrastingly, when Wichita and Little Rock run from other survivors and end up in the Pacific Playland, zombies attack them until Columbus and Tallahassee come to their aid. Longing
  • 12. Pollution In Los Angeles County Los Angeles County ranks among the 10% worst air quality polluters in the US. The hustle and bustle of public transportation and smog released by an over populated commuter based region, have significantly lowered air quality standards. Henceforth, health concerns have risen for all Angelinos. Research has observed that there is a serious influx of pollutants in the air that could have damaging results both on adults and children alike. However, different forms of renewable energy over the years have facilitated an alternative to this issue. A movement away from an urban sprawl Los Angeles to new urbanism has allotted us better living and breathing conditions over the last several years. Smogpollutionby public transit and commuter vehicles... Show more content on ... CO2, CO, VOC, PM10). However, it is my opinion, that we can focus our efforts to better materials as seen on the diagram and impact potentials. For example, while Los Angeles is moving toward a new urbanism lay out and the benefits are plenty, if buildings are wasting energy, or factories are using wrong materials to process their work. Then ultimately, we are simply just breaking even at the end of the day. The move of public transportation into a more renewable source of fuel is great use of this methodology. Taking the present material and further extracting it to its organic core. Through educating the community, and continuing the efforts to push for a greener metropolitan area, Los Angeles could be a marvelous place to live and grow. On a personal note, the strategy of giving the employee a stipend for his or her effort in finding other means of transportation is a real motivation. I travel through train when possible and have become acquainted to it. Riding the train and talking to other locals, you begin to understand that there are people out there doing their part in making home a little bit more healthier one train ride at a time. Seeing the extra cash on payroll at the end of the week is also a
  • 13. Intro to Sociology Intro to Sociology 1/28 Book: Sidewalk by Dunier Available in NYU Bookstore March 13 Midterm Exam 30% of Grade May 15 Final Exam (8 in the Morning) Courses are central to the idea of concept ideas. Readings and course as whole might test hypothesis like pink Floyd, Another Brick in the Wall (No M/C, small essays). What is a Social Science? Empirical, Systematic, Conceptual. There are other realms that people think like how people believe what a society is; i.e religion, theology tests ethics of morality. Philosophy tries to derive truths about social relationships by deducing premises as opposed to social science. Empirical means evidence is based on experience, instead of having holy text,... Show more content on ... Smart? We know our context Is this triangle time? There was this girl who was studying 4th grade students. The teacher held an object and asked what is this? These students were shouting out answers. Some answered a sail of a sailboat, A block, etc. These answers are correct and incorrect. The true answer was the answer that should be given now. The answer was a triangle. If this was an art class., these would acceptable creative classes, but because Ms. Jones was teaching geometric concepts. The answer was a triangle. The right answer is the capacity is to know the social concept without doing the thinking. Just knowing that this was a triangle, then that is a talented child. Microscope to the Child Consciousness. Macroscope on Soc 1, Cantor: Social Class: Where did we come from? Hierarchy? (Domination?) Professor is always top. We are a brick in the wall. It is because of the bureaucratic way of NYU that allows this. Government :(grants, loans, civil liberties, no guns). Environment: just right (70 74 degrees) In NYU Accra, the temperature does not get regulated like here. This isn t a night club, but a proper environment for learning. Corporations: Trustees, donations (who is Mr. Cantor and Mrs. Cantor?) The Sociological Imagination by C. Wright Mills Mills is saying that to have S.I. is to understand that link. To understand the link between the Macro and the Micro. What up with
  • 14. Narrative Essay On Prison Break Jason Rodrigues Mr. Merrick Lit/Writing Per. 4 20 November 2017 Prison Break! All was quiet in Tongass National Forest, a remote region nestled in Southeast Alaska. The silence was abruptly shattered with the appearance of a helicopter; its metal blades slicing through the air and propelling it forward. A hail of bullets rained down, supersonic rounds whistling by a battered cabin. A man emerged stumbling and gripping onto another man as the smoke cleared. Al Kelly led a remarkably peaceful life as a gunsmith in Pinedale, Wyoming. This peace was soon disintegrated. It was a day like no other. Humming to himself, Al made his way home, tapping his foot along to the beat. He heard sirens in the distance, but he did not think much of it until the police lights flashed onto him. Guns were pointed at him, surrounding him from all directions, police officers yelling at him to drop his weapons.. Handcuffs were latched onto his wrists, as his Miranda rights were read. * * * Mr. Kelly? , the judge asked. Yes? , he replied. I find you guilty for 3 counts of murder in the 1st degree and sentence you to life in prison and not eligible for parole. I swear it wasn t me! Why would I kill my own family?! , he cried out but it was to no avail. Two cops took him away. * * * I need to get out of here. Al complained to his friend Arthur. I m innocent We all are . his friend scoffed, That s why I m locked up for life . Al rolled his eyes and heaved a sigh. Joke all you
  • 15. How Organizations Have Used Industrial Organizational... Introduction: Employees form the basis of a successful organization, and the abilities and behavior of workers can vary the performance of an organization significantly. Certain job are unique in nature and require specific skill sets; Therefore, selecting the right candidate is essential in the hiring process. The selection processes is designed to seek out the most qualified candidate to accomplish the requirements of the position. Whether it is from one simple phone interview or multiple interviews with different managers of the company. There are an innumerable number of selection methods that are used for recruitment, selection and training process of employees. This essay aims to expound on two real world examples of how organizations have used industrial organizational psychology to select and train employees; namely, the United States Marine Corps(USMC) and the State Police Department. In doing so, an examination of the methods used to measure the levels of success of each training program. Lastly, a discussion of any legal or ethical concerns that may arise in the implementation of each training program. An example of how organizations have used industrial organizational psychology to select and train employees are the Department of Defense s (DoD) use of an industrial organizational psychologist to assist with the hiring and training of military personnel in the United States Marine Corps. United States Marine Corps serves as an expeditionary
  • 16. Tattoo Culture In America Tattoo s Culture Tattooing is not a fantastic thing in America, but in China, tattoos always can arouse people s curiosity. As a Chinese, tattooees are rare, since people always have prejudice for those body art because of traditional idea and social impact. When I was in high school, I was attracted by tattoos because of a paster that can post on body. I put them on collarbone, arm, and ankle, just like tattoos. But my parent did t allow me to get a real one and said that would hamper me to get a great job. To be honest, I can t understand such a traditional thought while I think tattooing is a kind of art. Differently, in America, most young people have one at least, as far as I can see. It seems like a fashion for young people today, whereas... Show more content on ... The former is whose tattoos are visible by everybody, while the latter one gets the tattoos are easy to hide by cloth. He finds more than ninety percent of American belong to the people who have tattoos . So, there is a principal reason for tattooing, demonstration. For me, If my parent allows me to tattoo, maybe I will want to get a Leo symbol to show myself, or a little picture about something I like, such as rose, sunflower, or a new moon. We can summarize three purpose for people tattooing. First, some people are simplex for art, who just paint a small pattern or a big picture for good looking. Moreover, many people said every tattoo has its own story. That sort of pattern is for commemoration. Usually people like to remember their past, so they put something they don t want to forget. According my personal survey, Xuanzheng, a sophomore student in University of London, got his first tattoo just few days, and that is several Roman numerals, which means his two twin sisters birthday. Another group get tattoo for a virtue. Yue Fei, who is a hero in Chinese history, bear four Chinese characters Jin Zhong Bao Guo on his back. Those four words, which means he was willing to devoted to his country, signifies his loyal and patriotic heart. Similarly, in the United States, there are many people getting a flag or totem to
  • 17. The Cause And Main Causes Of The American Revolution The origins of the American Revolution came from both long term and immediate causes between the thirteen colonies in North America and Great Britain. Factors that played a critical role in the colonists desire for freedom ranged from political, intellectual, geographical, religious to economic. These casues would set the context for this eighteenth century American crisis, and also shape the foundation of the United Statesof America. No single event was the main cause for the revolution, but instead a long, gradual series of events and lists of grievances that led to this war. It essentially began from the disagreement over the way the British monarch would treat the colonies that suited Parliament versus the way the colonies felt they should be treated, as their very own british subjects. However, to understand what led to this great rebellion, it is important to see how the mindset of each colonist was developed; these colonies went through a period known as the Enlightenment during the 18th century. Also known as the Age of Reason, it was a time where thinkers, philosophers, and colonists began to question the politics of government, the role of the church, and human society. Revolutionary leaders were influenced by the major writings of the Enlightenment, including those of John Locke and Benjamin Franklin, that gleaned the concepts of the social contract, limited government, and the consent of the governed. Locke s writings involved the natural law , that called
  • 18. Water Is An Important Factor That Affects Sorption Water is an important factor that affects sorption because when there is excess water or when water drains through soil from sources at the surface, adsorbed pesticide molecules can become unattached, or desorbed, and wash away to a new location (Rao, 1999). Just as degradation has a measure in the half life of a compound, sorption also has a measure in the partition coefficient (Koc), which is a ratio of pesticide concentration in a soilbound state versus dissolved in soil water (Rao, 1999). In fact, the solubility of a pesticide and its sorption on soil are inversely related; [in other words], increased solubility results in less sorption (Rao, 1999). Both sorption and degradation are effected by soil type and pH, both of which ... Show more content on ... Volatilization is a means of major pesticide loss and its rate of loss can often exceeds that of degradation, runoff, or leaching (van der Werf, 1996). For example, in an Oregon study, soil samples 64km from any agriculture were found to have DDT residues, and in Saskatchewan, Canada, 20% of 2, 4 D iso octyl ester volatilized in 24 hours (Pimentel, 1995). Once in the atmosphere, pesticide residues can spread anywhere, even Antarctica (Pimentel, 1995). Large amounts of pesticides and organic compounds can be transported around the globe in the atmosphere, for example, in the atmosphere of the Netherlands, the amounts of BHC, DDT, and heptachlor were reported to be 4600, 1064, and 190 pg/m 3, respectively (Pimentel, 1995). Topography and Geology Topography and geology affect pesticide movement in as much as directing or transporting pesticides. Topography is very obvious, for example, if a field is right next to a river, it is much more likely for runoff to get into the river system, or if a field is in a low area not very far above the water table, pesticides are very likely to leach into the groundwater. On the other hand, a field could be high and dry and very far from any river or groundwater, but if it is hilly that can pose its own problems. As T. Y. Tong and Chen point out, surface runoffis an important source of non point pollution (Tong and Chen, 2002). Though it was pointed out by van der Werf that volatilization is the biggest source of
  • 19. Fuji Kindergarten Is it truly possible for the design of a building to enhance the lives of those that use it? Buildings are fundamental parts of our lives, they have such a huge impact on the way we live, our quality of life and our behaviour. Some of the most important buildings include our homes, offices, schools among many others we inhabit on a daily basis. Even the buildings we don t inhabit often have great importance to our lives places such as hospitals, airports and hotels impact our lives. The quality of these buildings and the way they make there users feel are incredibly important because they dramatically effect our mood and our experiences. Obviously architects want to design buildings that are pushing the boundries of modern architecture, however the clients should always be the most important part of the design process; creating a space for them and their need and to improve upon their lives should be the number one priority. Fuji Kindergarten Tezuka Architects The fuji kindergarten is an excellent example of a building that has been designed specifically to unsure the users best possible experience, in this case it was designed to enhance the children s education and time at the kindergarten. Through every part of the design process Tezuka architects were trying to create the best kindergarten for the children of fuji kindergarten. The starting point of any building is what the client wants. The clients here were the kindergarten directors. What they said was We
  • 20. Week 6 Bus 650 Running head: Week Six Assignment Week Six Managerial Finance Jason Campbell Wayne Hollman BUS 650 January 7, 2013 Abstract In this final paper for Managerial Finance I will attempt to show how the supply chain inventory management method can be affected depending on the situation of the retailer. Studying the control method for problems in inventory, which would include both, excesses in inventory as well as shortages, and hoping to minimize loss. Use of SCM as a Method of Inventory Control I have decided to do the final for Managerial Finance on the use of the SCM method as a form of inventory control, because I have worked in a business that has used many different forms of inventory control. As a manager it was one ... Show more content on ... The process of supply chain management can actually merge retailers with supplier just as suppliers merge with the manufacturers. Some companies choose to use various different suppliers for their products while other companies choose to use a single supplier for their product. Personally I worked for a video game company called FuncoLand which was purchased by a company called Babbages, which merged with Electronics Boutique. After the merger the name of the company was changed to GameStop which is now the largest video game retailer in the United States. The thing that makes this important to this paper is that when FuncoLand was purchased by Babbages the supply chain changed. The change in the supply chain meant that all orders must be relooked at to insure the same profit levels for products that GameStop enjoyed. The single supplier for GameStop was replaced by the numerous different suppliers of Babbages. Every item of inventory needed to be checked to make sure they reflected a price that was going to produce profit for the merged FuncoLand and Babbages stores. Inventory charts were created and every store of both needed to inventory all items listed so that they could be compared with the new companies overall stock as well as profit ratios. Once the inventories of both companies were done there was a coordinating effort by upper management to determine prices of available product as well as the suppliers that were going to deal which each
  • 21. Total Quality Management At Kiichiro Toyoda The main pillars in the model resemble the total quality control or total quality management of the company that can best be summarized in this pyramid illustration. Total quality management means that everyone is involved in continuously refining the service to customers with data and profound knowledge. Kiichiro Toyoda made customers a huge priority in his theory. The base of the pyramid consisted of the costs of gaining quality, processing services, testing, tools, and prevention. The second level of the pyramid is involvement, which examines the rewards, acknowledgment, training, empowerment, and partnerships within the company. The third level is leadership that deals with talks about the ownership, management support, and the corporation s mission plan. The next level is culture, which explains the values and continuous improvement made by the employees. Finally the top of the pyramid is total quality management, which encompasses the main goal of being a customer driven company. Toyoda s primary viewpoints in his system embrace the theories of just in time and Jidoka. Just in time (JIT) focuses on productivity improvement with the main idea being, making only what is needed, when it is needed, and in the amount needed . The main goal for JIT was to effectively build a car within the shortest possible amount of time by obeying four guidelines. The first rule states that when the first order is established it must be brought to the start of the assembly line as
  • 22. John s Monologue Preface Constricted by the dirty beige walls that used to be pearly white, inflicted by black discrete scratches from 1 year ago by furniture he bought off of craigslist with his alimony money. Every night, room number 7 exudes an aura of balanced evil and hatred. The only company provided is the gossip overheard from the two women on the stairs leading to my room and the occasional police sirens fading in the distance. Did you hear Esmeralda? Number 8 is going to be evicted. The second lady responds, So crazy. That s the second family to be evicted from that room. He closed his eyes and tuned them out. He laid in the comfort of his bed, which was placed horizontally in the top left corner of the room, strictly sleeping on the right side... Show more content on ... She caressed his shoulder all the way down to the gloved hand grasping half of a red apple. I ll brew you some tea. It is specially made for you. She walked to the kitchen and John followed closely, quietly leaving the other half of the red apple on the table. Maria instinctively sensing John s presence behind her becomes aroused as she makes her way to the counter. Pushing her up against the counter, Maria gets excited. John takes off his necktie. Yes John, please, please, please this is what I ve wanted since I laid my fucking sadistic eyes on you. She becomes aroused as he shoves the halved apple deep in the opening of her throat and she starts choking. He wraps the necktie around her neck and tightens it like a dog leash. He throws her to the ground and steps on the back of her head. At this point Maria is confused and squirming facedown on the kitchen floor. John kneels down closer with his heel digging into the crown of her head, creating more pain for Maria. You shall have no other gods before Me. You ve been a very naughty girl, Maria. With the weight of her body keeping her down, he yanks up the end of the necktie with immense force. The sound of her neck snapping like the last crackle from wood burning out in a fireplace followed shortly
  • 23. Stanford V. Stanford s Massive Ponzi Scheme Over the next decade Mr. Stanford, directly assisted by James M. Davis, Stanford International Bank s CFO, and Leroy King, Antigua s chief banking supervisor, executed a massive Ponzi scheme. In addition, Laura Pendergest Holt, the chief investment officer of Stanford Financial Group ( SFG ) and a member of SIB s investment committee, gave credence to the fraudulent scheme by misrepresenting herself to investors and to the firm s financial advisers claiming that she oversaw SIB s entire investment portfolio and employed a sizeable team to invest in conservative and liquid assets. The notion of potential fraud came quite early on as an examination was initiated in 1997 by the Fort Worth District Office of the SEC due to concerns that the company s sales of CDs constituted a Ponzi scheme. At the time the examination was conducted, Stanford Group Company had five branch offices and sixty six employees. Twenty five of those employees were registered representatives, which are individuals licensed to act as agents in the buying and selling of securities. SGC had approximately 2,000 customer accounts, of which 1,200 were based outside the United States. The... Show more content on ... Evidence was obtained showing the two men exchanging emails regarding the intentional misrepresentation of the value of certain assets and the concealment of unreported loans. Fraud accountant Mark Berenblut testified in the U.S. court trial in Houston that his examination showed two large loan balances on Stanford International Bank s books one for $1.7 billion to Stanford himself and another for $1.8 billion to Stanford related companies. The examiner testified both items should have been disclosed to investors and were not. (Calkins Harris, Stanford Loans Prove Fraud, Lloyd s Examiner Says,
  • 24. The Importance Of Colors In Gilead Imagery, particularly when describing beautiful colors before Gilead and contrasting them with the dull colors described in Gilead reveal how drastically life has changed. Offred mentions that in the past when she took her daughter to get ice cream, everything was colored so delicately, pale orange, pale green, pale pink and that her daughter, dressed in similar ice cream pastels would choose her treat by the color (Atwood 165). In life before Gilead, colors were vivid and cheerful, something to make objects more enjoyable to look at. People could wear whatever color they please, and colors had no additional meaning to them other than to show people had freedom to make their own decisions. However, in Gilead, color imagery shows the lack of decision and the rigid societal structure the government imposes. Each group has their own colors even in minor aspects of life, such as with umbrellas categorized as black, for the Commander, blue, for the Commander s Wife, and the one assigned to [Offred], which is red (Atwood 9). Each color labels members of the society as part of a certain category and defines their roles without further consideration. Here, colors serve as a way to restrict peoples freedoms unlike when colors previously served as way to enhance freedom of choice and expression. In Gilead, The women... are color coded to strip them of their individual identities and to mark their social status and relationships to men restricting everyone s freedom, even the
  • 25. Queer Theory Essay LGBTQ criticism or Queer theory is very diverse and interpreted in different ways. Generally, it focuses on identity and gender and deconstructs society (politically, socially and economically through different lenses of not just gay or lesbians, but transgender and bisexuals too). Also what normativity is, who is excluded from it and how it portrays to different people. Queer theory is very complex, for there are not limitations and there is not a single perspective. This theory is relatively new and often misunderstood. It is very beneficial in the fact that that it covers all different types of sexuality, which feminism fails because it only covers discrimination of women (lesbians, heterosexuals and bisexuals). It has a poststructuralist mode along it is supported by different binaries on whether a certain gender (male or female) is heterosexual or homosexual. The problem with queer theory is the lack of education that heterosexuals have for this theory. Tyson speaks about his students having a lack of knowledge about the author s personal lives (whether they are heterosexual or not). Tyson states, the readers are given little biographical information about a writer s lesbian or gay sexual orientation, and how the orientation affects their life and ... Show more content on ... This imposes heterosexual behavior as the only acceptable mode of human sexuality under the system of heterosexual normativity that heterosexual is sex (between a man and women). That being heterosexual is only acceptable and those that aren t (homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism) are those who behave in alternative queer acts or queer culture are demonized as unsuitable. But there are many people in the queer community who are stereotyped and thought as to have the desire for marriage but don t want to participate in the institution of
  • 26. The Effects Of Greenhouse Gases On Earth s Normal Surface... A dangerous atmospheric deviation by the increase in Earth s normal surface temperature is experienced by the impact of greenhouse gasses. This effect is named as Global Warming. There are four main components which help atmosphere to warm and they are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapor. Some examples explaining this effects are carbon dioxideoutflows from blazing fossil powers or from deforestation, which trap warm. Various elements have been adding to this ascent in the normal worldwide temperature either specifically or by implication, right from the time the planet appeared. It alludes to the procedure wherein the radiations originating from the Sun are caught by the greenhouse gasses inside of the air of the Earth, which thus causes the temperature close to the Earth s surface to rise. It is believed that the greenhouse effect has increased the Earth s temperature by some place around 24 percent, with carbon dioxide adding to around 12 percent of the greenhouse effect, water vapor contributing around 36 percent, methane 5 to 10 percent, and Ozone making around 3 to 7 percent of the same. People had begun adding to a worldwide temperature alteration around 8000 years prior with the begin of agribusiness, wherein deforestation to clear land for cultivating brought about a critical ascent in the measure of carbon dioxide in the air. Researchers claim that awful practices in industries results in the arrival of different greenhouse gasses which
  • 27. Software for Human Services Organization Paper Software for Human Services Organization Paper In this paper we will explore the benefits of using this software to centralize electronic client records and human services resources. We will also explore how I might use the selected software to track client services as well as describe any advantages and disadvantages (if any) of using this particular software. We will explain how the size of the organization helps determine the software package chosen as well as three possible challenges that could occur during the implementation process and how we would resolve them. Client track is a software program used in the human services field to promote health, human and social service organization (Client Track , 2013). Client Track is an... Show more content on ... In outcomes tracking and goal setting the program evaluates client progress and program effectiveness, why tracking the progress toward goals using historical data recorded at different times points (Client Track , 2013). I would use the client track system when doing an intake of an individual because it uses the logic model response, which helps in quicker intakes as well as because it assist in asking further questions based only on information from previou responses. I would also use the tailored workflow, because it guides staff through the intake process and gathers only information that is needed and nothing else. The Client track program also puts all the information of a client into its data base and periodically refers back to certain time periods to keep track of individuals progress. It will also show with graphs and charts the imapct of of the sercices provided. It will automatically be intergrated within the Client Track Reporting Suite (Client Track , 2013). An advantage this program has would be how it can generate reports and produce committee, events and membership rosters. Staff can usually see and compare records at will and also see members recorded work. This program also allows the users to use charts graphys and also implement advanced security measures to make sure information is secured. Robust security and
  • 28. Ambition In Julius Caesar Research Paper Self forgetful: Forget of oneself or one s needs (Oxford Dictionary). In Julius Caesar, Shakespeare has his readers consider: does worrying more about others than yourself cause an individual to fail or prevail in the face of adversity? Caesar shows his ambition by trying to do what is best for the Empire but becomes feared by some. Cassius believes Caesar is a dictator and quickly puts an end to it. Brutus, a great friend of Caesar, lets his worries of others ruin his life. Shakespeare explores the nature of altruism through Caesar s power crazy ambition, Cassius letters of lies, and Brutus overly trusting attitude. Great introduction. Caesar believes he is doing what is best for his empire but becomes (choose one of these words) overly ambitious and threatening. Caesar says to his peers that he is the best person to rule Rome because he is unshaked of motion meaning that he makes the right decision the first time and sticks with that decision no matter what (99). However, Caesar s peers view this egotistical view as overly ambitious and threatening. While trying to ... Show more content on ... Brutus says, Am I entreated/ to speak and strike? when faced with the decision of killing his best friend (53). Cassius only makes him answer such a hard question because he is thinking about the Empire. During the Battle of Philippi, Cassius sends Titinius towards the enemy. Hearing screams, Cassius believes Titinius is captured and decided to end his life. Before he has his slave stab him, Cassius says, O, coward that I am to live so long/ To see my best friend ta en before my face! (193). During this time, Cassius believes he needs to kill himself as Caesar s revenge . He thinks Titinius is dead and blames himself for it. Cassius s altruistic attitude causes him to only worry about others.Unlike Caesar, both Cassius and Brutus commit suicide rather than being
  • 29. Intercultural Mediation in a Postmodern World This presentation will focus on mediation and the very notion of intercultural mediator in a postmodern world. Mediation is the process of intercultural transformation for all parties involved and also a learning resource in newly constructed spaces of social interactions. Mediation refers to an intercultural spatiality (the socially produced space (Lefebvre 1991), which is not static but constitutive of social relations (Rick, 1997). Here it is useful to adopt Lefebvre s unitary theory of space (1991), which brings together all its elements, namely i) the physical (real/material) or perceived space, ii) the mental (imagined/conceptual) or conceived space and iii) the social or lived space (Rick, 1997, pp. 10 12). The social or lived space... Show more content on ... Mediators are transformative learners who in fact maintain a multiple foci or perspective of both their required skills as well as in the mediation process itself. They engage in a journey of personal and cultural transformation in which they feel they belong maintaining at the same time their professional impartiality. The intercultural mediator s skills, sensitivity, awareness (of self and others) and patience will be summoned to the forefront of this whirling space of conflicting behaviors, substantive jousting, contesting statements and adversarial accusations (Townsend, 2002). Jon Townsend (2002) described the following five intercultural principles and mediation practices, which create an operational interecultural space of mutual understanding, empathy and collaborative ethos using culturally appropriate behaviors. These principles are: 1.Flexibility; namely the mental elasticity that allows mediators to be a part of and yet apart from the cultural milieu into which they have entered . Attributes associated with this principle are wonder, awe or creativity. 2.Tolerance, namely the ability to resist the effects of prejudice in regards to the views, beliefs and practices of others. Transparency, empathetic understanding and ethnorelative valuing are some of the attributes associated with this principle. 3.Hope, namely the ability to act as a positive role model providing pathways for the
  • 30. Nicholas Stoller s Neighbors When I got the invite to see Nicholas Stoller s work in progress comedy Neighbors back in February, I didn t know what to expect. Of course, I knew it was going to be raunchy but my main concern was whether the film would be actually funny. Seth Rogen s particular brand of comedy has been largely hit or miss with me as there are times where I ve found him too abrasive (like in 2011 s ill advised reimagining of venerable radio serial crime fighter the Green Hornet) but when he s in a role that plays to his strengths, he can be absolutely hilarious. Despite my mixed feelings on Rogen, the biggest wildcard in Neighbors was Zac Efron. Women specifically teenage girls may go crazy over his baby blue eyes and perfectly formed pecs and abs but as an actor, he s been less than impressive. With only the poster as my frame of reference, I went into the screening of Neighbors and came out ninety minutes later in pain...because I was laughing so hard! In fact, I enjoyed Stoller s film so much that I recently saw it a second time in its completed form, although the only things that were missing in the work in progress version was some post production effects and the end credits. We re barely two weeks into the summer movie season and already we have a strong contender for best comedyof 2014. Married couple Mac and Kelly Radnor (Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne) are slowly adjusting to life in the suburbs with their newborn baby girl Stella but the family s hope for peace and quiet is
  • 31. Cultural Competence In Service Delivery Many studies and literature reviews were conducted in the direction of coming to an understanding of how cultural competency benefits service delivery. The human service sector offers direct service to a multicultural population and to be an effective organization in this sector it is of the utmost importance that it caters to this demographic. Service delivery for healthpractitioners and professionals in this field must include a comprehensive understanding of the dimensions of differences in perspectives and cultures and how these have a direct correlation to their patient s outcomes. Individuals of diverse groups do encounter incongruities in their treatment, quality, access, and engagement to healthcare; these differences are more visibly noted with... Show more content on ... (2005) cultural competence research have found that cultural competence training has a positive outcome for healthcare administrators in their knowledge, attitudes, and skills, which also complements findings of patient satisfaction proving to be an advisable approach. Through trainings in cultural competencies professional s awareness is heighten and therefore the responsiveness is more of a preventative than reactionary approach. Cross cultural training is helpful to all aspects of the service delivery. From reinforcement of positive behaviors, such as work/life balance, to any other service outcome achievement across the spectrum of care. Hickling (2012) perceives that practitioners must then rationalize the complexities of ethnic and culture as it affects human beings and societies, calling for a special analysis of, A person s cultural norms and values; the strength, importance and meaning of ethnic identity; the experiences and attitudes such as powerlessness, discrimination and prejudice that are associated with minority status, (p. 203 204), which are factors that influence the everyday decision making process and setting aside preconceived inklings is
  • 32. HAMLET AND ORESTES 07 1 THE BRITISH ACADEMY THE ANNUAL SHAKESPEARE LECTURE 1914 Hamlet and Orestes A Study in Traditional Types By Gilbert Murray, LL.D., D.Litt. Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Oxford Fellow of the Academy New York Oxford University Press American Branch 35 West 32nd Street London : Humphrey Milford THE BRITISH ACADEMY THE ANNUAL SHAKESPEARE LECTURE 1914 Hamlet and Orestes A Study in Traditional
  • 33. Types By Gilbert Murray, LL.D., D.Litt. Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Oxford Fellow of the Academy New York Oxford University Press American Branch 35 West 32nd Street London : Humphrey Milford Copyright in the United States of ... Show more content on ... As for Hamlet, I note in passing the well known fragments of evidence which indicate the existence of a Hamlet tragedy before the publication of Shakespeare s Second Quarto in 1604. These are, counting backwards a phrase in Dekker s Satiromastix, 1602, My name s Hamlet: Revenge! 1598. Gabriel Harvey s remarks about Shakespeare s Hamlet. : The true date of this entry is disputed. Lodge, Wifs Miserie and the World s Madness: he looks as pale as the ghost which cried so miserally at the theator like an oysterwife, Hamlet, revenge. 1594. Henslowe s Diary records a play called Hamlet as acted at Newington Butts Theatre on June 9. The earliest reference seems to be in Nash s Epistle prefixed to Greene s Menaphon: it is dated 1589, but was perhaps printed in 1587. Yet English Seneca read by candle light yeeldes many good sentences, as Bloud is a beggar, and so foorth: and if you intreate him f aire in a frosty morning, he will affoord you whole 1596.
  • 34. Hamlets, I should say handfulls of tragicall speeches. The play of Hamlet is extant in three main forms The First Quarto, dated 1603 but perhaps printed in 1602. It is entitled The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet Prince of Denmark by William Shake speare, As it hath been at divers times acted ; : : HAMLET AND ORESTES 5 by his Highnesse servants in the Cittie of London as also in the two Vniversities of Cambridge and Oxford and
  • 35. The Consequences Of Dehumanization In The Movie The Island David Livingstone, professor of philosophy at the University of England, once wrote, Dehumanization isn t a way of talking. It s a way of thinking a way of thinking that, sadly, comes all too easily to us. Dehumanization is a scourge, and has been so for millennia. It acts as a psychological lubricant, dissolving our inhibitions and inflaming our destructive passions. As such, it empowers us to perform acts that would, under other circumstances, be unthinkable . The film The Island is set in the 21st century where Lincoln Six Echo, among others, live in a confined community due to the world no longer being inhabitable. The only place in the outside world still able to sustain humanlife is an island where community members are chosen to live through a lottery system at least that is what Lincoln Six Echo and the rest of the people are instilled to believe. The real truth is that Lincoln as well as everyone else in this community are actually clones used to supply organs to the people s DNA that they share, and the island is where these clones go to die in order to give their organs. When he realizes that the island and his existence are both lies, Lincoln decides he has to escape to the outside world to save Jordan Two Delta. Out in the world, Lincoln and Jordan are on the run as they try and figure out a way to not only save themselves, but to save everyone else still back in the community. Michael Bays Film, The Island, demonstrates the dehumanizationof Lincoln,
  • 36. Analysis of the Vessantara Jataka and the Miao Shan Essay Luna Kanalaft Tutorial 2 Critically Reading a Religious Ritual Thick Description: * Describe when the ritual takes place. Does it respond to some particular event? It is held at specific time of year? Is it held on a regular basis? Is it performed only when needed? * What causes a group of people to hold or sponsor this ritual? most commonly used in Tibet as a rite for turning away demons lay people will ask a monk or lama to perform or advert a future danger * Describe the sequence of events in the ritual. * Describe the visual scene of the ritual. What are the colors and textures? Are there pieces of visual art used? What to the participants look like? ... Show more content on ... Lama/Buddha as his surrogate Who has the authority to conduct the ritual? Lama (monk or not) * How do different social groups act as part of the ritual? Do men and women have different roles? Do younger people and older people have different roles? Buddha lama effigy patron * Who gains social status from the ritual? * Does the ritual change the social status of some of the participants? Is it a rite of passage? * Does the ritual directly reflect the current social hierarchies? Or does it invert or reverse these hierarchies? Do participants get to pretend that they are part of a different social class or gender during the ritual? Moods and Motivations: * How does the ritual seek to change the participants? Protect them from future sufferings, provides more insight into meditation * How should they think, feel or act differently after experiencing the ritual? They should feel a sense of hope and protection/barrier from future harm. * Does the ritual seek to have practical outcomes (health, safety, prosperity)? Social outcomes (a change in status)? Emotional outcomes (feelings)?
  • 37. Candide Satire Analysis The animalize practice of slavery causes Candide to give up on optimism. In his travel to the New World, Candide and Cacambo meet a slave, who is missing his left and right hand (51) lying down half naked on the ground. The slave tells Candide about the terrible living condition and cruel punishment that he received and that his parents sold him for ten Patagonian crowns (51) to slave trader. Ironically, the slave says, it s normal (51) for them to get this kind of treatment because it was common back then. And, the Dutch sorcerers, who converted him, tell him we are all children of Adam, white and black (51). Voltaireused his satirical attack on society and religious of what really happen at the time. The author is judging the priests who do not practice what they preach.... Show more content on ... There was certainly no equality in human since slave is treated so badly. Slave traders did not care what would happen to the slaves as long as they get money and make profits from it. It was common for many French colonies that make their wealth through trading slaves. It is a wake up call from reality for Candide, an innocent, after his trip from El Dorado, a utopian society where people are happy. This event causes Candide to question himself of his belief, since El Dorado is totally different from Surinam, where Candide meets the slave. Everyone in El Dorado is equal even the King. The custom of El Dorado is to embrace the King and kiss on both cheeks (48), no bow are required, which is not possible in the real life. Candide s belief, the world is perfect, starts to fade away. From what he sees, Candide weeps and starts to lost hope in Pangloss s theory: everything being made for an end, everything is necessarily for the best end and
  • 38. Literary Devices InBallad Of Birmingham, By Dudley Randall The poem Ballad of Birmingham, by Dudley Randall, is about the bombing of a church in Birmingham, Alabama during 1963. The poem begins with a question and ends with a completely different question. It starts with a girl asking her mother a question: Mother dear, may I go downtown / Instead of out to play, / And march the streets of Birmingham / In a freedom March today? (lines 1 4). It ends with the mother asking: But, baby, where are you? (line 32). The author uses literary devices, such as rich word choice, vivid imagery, and alliterations, to bring up important issues of racism, questions of freedom and safety, and to contribute to the poem s thematic significance. Randall also uses a question and answer form between the mother and daugther to build a specific tone, appeal to the reader s ethos, and bring up the issues of racism, freedom, and safety. The first four stanzas are questions and answers in the form of dialogue; the daughter asking to be in the freedom march and the mother telling her it is too dangerous. The mother tells her that the dogs will be fierce, the guns will fire, and there will be clubs and hoses. In these stanzas the author uses repetition and word choice to create the tone of a wary mother telling her daughter no and the daughter s youthful innocence. When the daughter says: Mother dear (line 1) it conveys a young child trying to inveigle her mother into letting her be in the march. The repetition of No, baby, no, you may not go, (lines 5 and 13), has the tone of a vigilant mother talking to her young child. Randall also uses an understatement to support the issue of racism and the question of freedom. After the mother says there will fierce dogs, clubs, guns, hoses, and jails, she says that those things: Aren t good for a little child. (line 8) This is a tremendous understatement. No one, of any age, should be treated in such a hideous way, especially free people at a freedom march. The author ends this section with foreshadowing and dramatic irony. The mother says: No, baby, no, you may not go, / For I fear the guns will fire. / But you may go to the church instead / And sing in the children s choir. (lines 12 15). This is dramatic irony and foreshadowing
  • 39. Religion And Faith Are Essential For Survival Religion and Faith are Essential for Survival The power that religion posses has been taught from mankind s existence, it can be lead to justice or oppression but not all are connected to a religion various lifestyles have different explanations of cause, focus and direction. The importance role of religionand faith in one s life, as depicted in the fictional novel of Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner is portrayed through characters and events. Firstly the strength of a relationship is dependent upon the religious practices and understanding the importance of religion in a pair. Secondly, the superego represents that standards of one s moral principles and their personality. Thirdly, there are numerous interpretation of the meaning of religion and that builds a personal belief system. The powerful role that faith and religion have on an individual s life is demonstrated by strengthening relationships, developing moralityand setting a personal belief system. To begin with, religion influences a person s character as it alters the way they behave. Amir is not a religious figure but when in times of trouble, he looks up to Allah for reassurance. Amir says There is a God, there has to be and now I will pray, I will pray that He forgive that I have neglected Him all of these years, forgive that I have betrayed, lied and sinned with impunity only to turn to Him now in my hour of need, I pray that He is as merciful, benevolent and gracious as His book says He is. I bow to
  • 40. Yggdrasil Gaming Growth Continues With Arrival Of New Cfo Yggdrasil Gaming growth continues with arrival of new CFO It can be argued that no other online casino software developer in the world had a better 2015 than Yggdrasil Gaming. Shaking loose the up start tag, what the company was able to do is hit several key milestones. With 2015 now in the rear view mirror, it seems that Yggdrasil Gaming is carrying through the momentum. Not only has the brand signed major agreements with the likes of Monte Carlo Casino, Expekt, and BetClic in 2016, but they have now also announced a major corporate move. In a fresh change, Frida Gustafsson has been appointed as the new Yggdrasil Gaming Chief Financial Officer (CFO). What is making the appointment so noteworthy is the sheer amount of experience that Gustafsson brings to the table. During the past six years he has been a key figure at NetEnt, serving as an auditor. Yggdrasil Gaming has been rising rapidly as of late, which has meant the need to call on more experience to handle the brand s emerging corporate structure. In the eyes of analysts Gustafsson is joining the company at just the right time, as Yggdrasil Gamimg looks to be on the very on an expansion spree. Speaking on his acceptance of the new role, Frida Gustafsson said, Everyone in our industry knows about Yggdrasil, and from what I ve seen already there is an opportunity for massive growth over the coming years. I look forward to being a part of the company s on going success story . Fredrik Elmqvist (Yggdrasil Gaming Chief
  • 41. The Opportunities And Competition For Talented Students... pouring into China, Russia, and India has created tremendous opportunities and competition for talented IT professionals in those countries. The downside of this increased competition directly raise the rate of attrition, particularly in India. Concept of Attrition: In various industries in various sector have only one impact, loss to the organization. Pharmaceutical, hospitality, BPO,IT,ITES,KPO, insurance, manufacturing, automobile, education industry etc. are the common industries which function on talent and knoweldge based employees for the progress of their organization growth. Training the skillset according to the needs of the industry upliftment is additional investment on the employees, further retaining them is another challenge, managing the employees in the relevant skillset has to be monitored with special care and attention. Periodically review and discussions with the employees will raise a better platform for understanding the attitude amongst the employees. The thought of discomfort to any employees have to be personally attended for understanding the depth of their problem. So far software sector faced 15% to 20% attrition rate and the conservative estimates increases the attrition to 35 40 percent. In case of Insurance companies, where there are benefits of building huge networking, the job pressure is equally huge. Also, there is humpty number of competitors where poaching is done spasmodically. Hence Attrition irrespective of industry is a global
  • 42. Impact of Teen Violence Essay Teen Violence is a big dilemma in today s society. Violent behaviors usually start from family and peers, as well as teens observing it at there neighborhoods or communities. These behaviors are reinforced by what youth see on television, on the Internet, in video games, movies, music videos, and what they hear in their music. When children are disciplined with severe corporal punishment or verbal abuse, or when they are physically or sexually abused, or when they witness such behavior in their home, it is not surprising that they behave violently toward others. Teen Violence has had such an impact in our youth today that it leads many destructive things and that s why we have so much violence today. Violence hits hard on teens today ... Show more content on ... Not only does it happen all the time, teen violence also starts at home. Parents and peers play a big influence in the youth of today, If a child is brought up around violence it is most likely that the child will end up turning to violence when they get older. Teens are seeing violence within there parents relationship and then partaking it in there own relationship. They are getting verbally and physically abused by there boyfriend or girlfriend starting as young as thirteen. There is a prevention for teen violence that needs to practiced, if not the youth will grown up to be heartless adults with a tremendous amount of problems in their lives. Parents should not argue in front of their children and show such violence towards each other. It can traumatize them and then they wouldn t be the same. Communities and neighborhoods play a big part also. In a child is brought up in a low income area, we should let them know that s there move to life out there. Statistics say that fifty percent of men who abuse there spouse will abuse the child, three million children are at risk to being assaulted by a parent or other child by this year. A teen growing up with there mother being abused will mist likely be a violent teenager and adult. Forty percent of teens have been apart of a violent act and half of a high school had been in a violent relationship. Teen violence had been a big problem and is growing more and more this year. In conclusion, teen violence
  • 43. The Irish Financial Crisis Was Both Predictable and... DISCUSSION PAPER SERIES No. 7811 WHATEVER HAPPENED TO IRELAND? Morgan Kelly INTERNATIONAL MACROECONOMICS ABCD Available online at: ISSN 0265 8003 WHATEVER HAPPENED TO IRELAND? Morgan Kelly, University College Dublin and CEPR Discussion Paper No. 7811 May 2010 Centre for Economic Policy Research 53 56 Gt Sutton St, London EC1V 0DG, UK Tel: (44 20) 7183 8801, Fax: (44 20) 7183 8820 Email:, Website: This Discussion Paper is issued under the auspices of the Centre s research programme in INTERNATIONAL MACROECONOMICS. Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of the Centre for Economic Policy... Show more content on ... An earlier version of this paper circulated under the title The Irish Credit Bubble. I would like to thank Colm McCarthy for useful discussions. All errors and interpretations are mine. 1 Ireland is one case where the classroom distinction between GNP and GDP really matters: largely because of transfer pricing by foreign corporations taking advantage of its 12 per cent rate of corporation tax, GDP is 25 per cent higher than GNP, and has fallen only 12.5 per cent. In what follows we shall present most Irish numbers as a percentage of GNP, because this is the relevant п¬Ѓgure for employment and discretionary taxation, and present numbers for other countries in the usual percentage of GDP form. в€ — 1 The key to understanding what happened to Ireland is to realise that, although GNP grew by 5 to 15 per cent every year from 1991 to 2006, this Celtic Tiger growth stemmed from two very diп¬Ђerent booms. First, during the 1990s, there was rising employment associated with increased competitiveness and a quadrupling of real exports. As Ireland converged to average levels of Western European income around 2000 it might have been expected that growth would fall to normal European levels. Instead growth continued at high rates until 2007 despite falling competitiveness, driven by a second boom in construction. Ireland went from getting 4 6 per cent
  • 44. Analysis Of Angelou s I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings The world of literature has been dominated by males throughout most of history; this is due to the fact that women we re thought of as inferior to men. Over the last 100 years women have been proving themselves in this sexist society, especially in the world of literature poetry, to be more specific. Two names come to mind when thinking of great female poets: Maya Angelou and Emily Dickinson. Even thought both of these women we re outstanding poets, they had quite different styles of writing due to the difference in time periods, experiences, and culture. As time goes by, society is influenced in different ways due to human evolution. This was true for both Maya Angelou and Emily Dickinson. Maya Angelou was born April 4, 1928. This means she was born right in the middle of segregation. This influenced Angelou because she was an African American woman who wrote about freedom for her people. The best example would be her famous novel and poem I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings. The book is about her life struggles and the poem is a metaphor about a bird that seeks freedom. The final stanzaof the poem reads The caged bird sings with a fearful trill of things unknown but longed for still and his tune is heard on the distant hill for the caged bird sings of freedom. This excerpt of the poem demonstrates how she yearned for her people to get the freedom they deserved. The comparison of the caged bird and the bird that s free can be seen in many different ways. The first one
  • 45. Gillette s Acquisition of Duracell Key Issues The Gillette Company was founded in 1901 in a small office in Boston. Since its departure, Gillette has positioned itself as one of the most recognizable brands not only through their safety razor blades, but also through corporate diversification. This included the acquisition of a number of major companies, most recently Duracell. Prior to this acquisition, the Duracell Corporation had been the leading producer of alkaline batteries in the United States and maintained consistent growth in revenues from 1991 1996. Since their purchase of Duracell, their stock price has fallen 45% to a low of $34. The issue for Gillette is to determine if they can promote the profitable growth of their acquisition. Decision Criteria ... Show more content on ... The rivalry in this industry has become so intense that it is not uncommon for these companies to bring each other to court for various claims made in their new product launches. Outside of the competitive environment potential opportunities in large developing economies (like India) have an untapped market with regard to the alkaline batteries. The conversion from zinc carbon batteries to alkaline was much slower outside the United States then anticipated and this hindered international sales for some battery companies. Alkaline batteries in these foreign markets only make up 3% compared to 70% in the United States. The reason for the slow conversion in the foreign markets is due to tough economic times and the high cost associated with setting up manufacturing facilities capable of alkaline production. Internal: Prior to Gillette acquiring Duracell in 1996, the Duracell Corporation maintained a constant growth in revenue (about 8% annually). Gillette and Duracell both held strong relationships with many vendors worldwide and sustained a strong channel of distribution. Upon the acquisition of Duracell, Gillette eliminated 4,700 jobs, closed 14 plants and also replaced Duracell s advertising agency with that of Gillette. These changes resulted in savings of $200 million and decreases in their operations margins from 30% in 1998, to 16% in 2000. The debt to equity ratio has been increased from 1.62 in 1998 to 4.41 in 2000. This increase
  • 46. Outline For Lord Of The Flies Chapter 6 Study Guide I.Characters A.Wart1.Protagonist of the book and is valued as lesser to Kay, his brother. a)Taught to be Kay s squire b)Obedient c)Works diligently to try to be valued equally as Kay 2.Fated to become the ruler of England a)King Arthur 3.Kind, inquisitive and respectful boy. 4.Throughout his lessons with Merlyn he becomes more knowledgeable and mature. B. Kay 1. Wart s foster brother who is an arrogant boy because of his future where he will become the master of the estate after Sir Ector, his father. 2. His status within the castle allows him to be undisciplined and preferred over Wart. a) As the favored son, Kay gets special training to become a knight, while Wart is only trained to be a squire. 3. Longs for his father s attention and... Show more content on ... (3) Battle arose between the two groups allowing arrows to fly in every direction. Wart, Kay, Robin Hood and his companions were able to overthrow the enemy and leave with only a broken collarbone belonging to Wart. E. Oak Tree 1. Symbolizes wisdom and might a) Remember my biceps... which can stretch out horizontally against Gravity, when all the other trees go up or down Oak (251) (1) When Wart met Athene, she introduced him to a dream of trees. The Oak tree radiated nobility, power, and respect. The tree bragged about his strong branches or biceps and its long lifespan, displaying its might. (2) While Wart was pulling the sword out of the stone, the Oak appeared baring wisdom for the boy. Wart used his advice alongside his knowledge to free the sword out. V. Imagery A. Simile 1. This man was as notable as the sycamore, for he stood or lay seven feet without his shoes
  • 47. Was Alexander The Great Essay How Great was Alexander the Great? In the Ancient World, Alexander III is viewed as a great leader.As a boy, Alexander s dad, King Philip III, was the king of Macedonia from 323 BC till 317 BC. While King Philip III was ruling Macedonia, Alexander was taught by philosophers ,such as Aristotle, and trained to become a vigorous leader. Later on, King Philip III died of unknown causes and Alexander III took over at the age of 20, inheriting his father s kingdom Alexander became a renowned,strong leader. Alexander was a great general who feared nothing. He rode into battles in front of his soldiers and marched into unknown lands. He had great intelligence and battle strategies thinking of the enemies next ... Show more content on ... Alexander the Great or The Two Horned one was a nobleman who in which conquered much of the world at that time. He by conquering many areas of the world spread the Greek language and lifestyle (Doc F). When Alexander was returning back to his homeland with his troops some men stayed in certain areas and married local women. The Hindu Kush people believe that they are the descendants of their children. Still some Kush words are as the same as theirs, their music and their dances too (Doc F). Alexander was a successful leader who in which led a strong army that spread the Greek art and lifestyle. Alexander III had excelling achievement in spreading the Greek language, art, and
  • 48. Kaplan University Case Study Kaplan University (KU) is that the doing managing as (DBA) name of the Iowa staff Acquisition Firm, a supplement that possesses and works revenue driven schools. it s claimed by Kaplan, Inc., a supporter of Graham Holdings cordial relationship. Kaplan Lincoln is dominantly an aloofness learning medicinal building of upper guiding that is locally approved by the upper Learning Certification and could be an individual from the Direction midmost Association of schools and universities (NCA). Kaplan Universitywas named in perceive of Journalist H. Kaplan, World Health Organization upheld Kaplan Tryout school task. In 2014 U.S. interest amp; Reality Estimation stratified Kaplan Lincoln as fifty six of 205 inside of the on line knight s PC code... Show more content on ... per the New Royalty Times, twenty third of Kaplan s projects lose the arranged paid work tenets, partner degreed an a considerable measure of 100% territory unit ungenerous to unsuccessful. This execution that a generous notification of Kaplan graduates region unit not able to pay viewpoint their graduate advances. In 2015, Kaplan finished with yank officers identifying with claims that it utilized teachers World Health Organization weren t enlisted. Nearly three hundred distinct understudies of Kaplan offer get teaching method discounts as origination of the choosing. The Land fabricate of Commerce was perceived in 1937 preceding regularly changing its speak to look workforce. In November 2000, Search staff s choice was changed to Kaplan College when Kaplan, Inc. noninheritable it with the obtaining of Hunt Pedagogy House. In September 2004, Kaplan personnel formally changed its examine to Kaplan University when it had been recognized consent to proffer graduate level evaluation programs. The college s train of nursing was honored a mortal grown up liberation for its Man of Ability in Nursing level in April 2006 from the Command on Body Nursing Instruction
  • 49. The Phantom Tollbooth Summary The phantom tollbooth is an great book.It s plot is about a kid who thinks every thing s a bore.Then a magical tollbooth mysteriously appears and he drives through cause he has nothing better to do.But when he gets there he finds places you would never expect.He meets boys who float off the ground and islands that you get to by jumping.I would prefer this book to anyone no mater how old or young. Setting:The phantom tollbooth s setting is the land of wisdom.What is the land of wisdom?the land of wisdom is a island that is ruled by 2 kings king Azaz the unabridged, and the mathamagican.some places in the kingdom of wisdom is Digitopolis, Dictionopolis,the doldrums, point of view, and conclusions. Main characters:The phantoms tollbooth has three main characters,milo,tock,and the humbug.milo is a bored thin kid,who thinks life is lame.also there is tock.tock thinks time is the most important thing in the world even more important than diamonds.tock has a clock on his belly.and in addition to that he can talk.Another main character is the humbug.the humbug... Show more content on ... Then they agree that milo,tock and the humbug will go on a quest to rescue the princess from the tower in the air. And so then they go to point of view, reality, the valley of sound,and other
  • 50. Tudor Rebellion Causes The influence of political factors and change cannot be ignored when weighing up the most significant cause of rebellion throughout the Tudor period. Both in England and Ireland, political unrest was common among all of the Tudor Monarchs meaning it was a consistent factor in all rebellions across the era. The main problems came from self serving greed, with plans to overthrow the Monarchs in order to position someone who would be in their favour or get rid of corrupt advisors in order to attain more political influence. Rebel leaders believed that if current royal advisors were removed successfully it would improve the government as they would be replaced with improved and wiser individuals and stop the negative influence on the Monarch. ... Show more content on ... It emphasised the part political greed placed on individuals sparking rebellion as a last ditch attempt by those who were out of favour at court to restore their political fortunes by seizing on the discontents and puzzlements of others . The Earl of Essex had gained a good reputation and worked his way up to be Elizabeth s favourite courtier. However, he was short of money and so attempted to rule the court and oppose his rival Cecil which caused the Queen to turn against him. On one occasion during a heated Privy Council debate on the problems in Ireland, the Queen reportedly cuffed an insolent Essex round the ear, prompting him to half draw his sword on her . The incident meant Essex felt he had been publically shamed and was sent from court consequently losing all his influence at court. Political factions were central to the cause of this revolt as the Earl resented the influence that Robert Cecil had at court and thought by showing force in the form of a rebellion would lead the Queen to readmit him to court and to her favour. The Essex rebellion is very significant in showing how the corruption of the patronage system by Essex, and the dominance of Cecil, continued to affect politics after the Tudor period had ended into James I reign where political instability let to the Catholic dominated Main, Bye and Gunpowder plots. This underpins the argument that
  • 51. The Necessary Lie in Joseph Conrad s Heart of Darkness Essay The Necessary Lie in Heart of Darkness In his narrative, Marlow declares, You know I hate, detest, and can t bear a lie, not because I am straighter than the rest of us, but simply because it appalls me. There is a taint of death, a flavour of mortality in lies, which is exactly what I hate and detest in the world what I want to forget (Longman 2210). In spite of these strong words, he lies to Kurtz s Intended when he visits her and tells her, The last word he pronounced was your name (Longman 2246). Marlow s words, spoken in Part I to the audience, seem to contradict his words spoken in Part III to the Intended. Upon closer examination however, it is clear that it was keeping to his beliefs that caused Marlow to lie to ... Show more content on ... Some confounded fact we men have been living contentedly with ever since the day of creation would start up and knock the whole thing over (Longman 2199). It is clear from this statement that Marlow believes women simply cannot handle the cold hard reality of the world. Men, however, are well aware of these realities and therefore must protect women from the truth so as not to shatter the beauty of a woman s world. This is by today s standards silly and chauvinistic, but at the time it was a kind and chivalrous thought. Although Marlow was making direct reference to his Aunt in this passage, he does not limit the thought to his Aunt only, but uses the term women , which encompasses all women. He carries this kind and chivalrous thought with him when he visits Kurtz s Intended, and with it in mind cannot bring himself to shatter her beautiful fantasy world by telling her the truth of Kurtz s last words. In his own declaration Marlow claims there is a taint of death in lies. If he had been completely truthful with the Intended and told her Kurtz s actual last words, The horror, the horror (Longman 2240), he would have given her more than a taint of death. He would have shared with her some of the mental images his imagination had spawned since he heard those final words. He would have given her a flavour of mortality , which he claims to hate and detest in the world. Hate and detest are very powerful words which would