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Love At First Sight Essay
Crafting an essay on the concept of love at first sight presents a unique challenge. The topic
itself is one that invites a wide array of perspectives, ranging from romantic idealism to scientific
skepticism. Delving into this subject requires a delicate balance between personal anecdotes,
literary analysis, psychological insights, and perhaps even philosophical musings.
One of the primary difficulties lies in navigating the subjective nature of the topic. Love at first
sight is inherently elusive and subjective, making it challenging to provide concrete evidence or
universally accepted arguments. While some may argue for its existence based on personal
experiences or anecdotal evidence, others may dismiss it as mere infatuation or coincidence.
Furthermore, the concept of love at first sight often intersects with various cultural, societal, and
historical contexts. Exploring these intersections adds layers of complexity to the essay, requiring
thorough research and critical analysis to provide a comprehensive understanding.
Moreover, addressing the skeptics' viewpoints is crucial for a well-rounded discussion. This
involves acknowledging counterarguments, such as the role of physical attraction, cognitive
biases, and the influence of media and pop culture in shaping perceptions of love.
Additionally, crafting a compelling narrative that engages the reader while maintaining scholarly
rigor is essential. Finding the right balance between emotional appeal and logical reasoning can
be challenging, especially given the subjective nature of the topic.
In conclusion, writing an essay on love at first sight demands a nuanced approach that navigates
through subjective experiences, cultural influences, and skeptical viewpoints. It requires a deep
understanding of human emotions, psychological mechanisms, and societal norms. Despite its
complexities, exploring this topic offers an opportunity for profound introspection and
intellectual inquiry.
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Love At First Sight Essay Love At First Sight Essay
Nationalism And Democracy Are Intertwined Within The
Nationalism and democracy often are co existent with each other at any time within
the state. These interactions that they have with each other culminate in both benefits
and problems for society, or sometimes produce a neutral reaction. This essay will
explore these interactions that could either be beneficial, detrimental, or neutral in the
ways that nationalism and democracyare intertwined within the state. The important
notion that nationalism brings to democracy is the concept of conflict. Nationalism
creates these tensions between the different members of society as they all seek fair
or preferential treatment from the state. Therefore, arguments, tensions, and
dissenting opinions are inside every state and if democracy can organize these issues,
the state will run smoothly. The opposite is true as well, as extreme nationalism may
destroy the state. This requires democracy to ensure that the correct amount of
nationalism exists so that society will agree with its governmentand progress. The
inability to monitor it, however can interrupt the democratic process and degrade
the state s well being. Nationalism creates pride in one s identity and beliefs, which
increases the chance that they will want their wishes to be represented. As Donald
L. Horowitz argues, one of the larger factors of democratic failures is ethnic
conflict. He writes, Ethnic identity provides clear lines to determine who will be
included and who will be excluded. This describes the impact of
Unauthorized Practice of Law
Unauthorized Practice of Law:
The paralegal and UPL
Polly Paralegal finds himself in an ethical dilemma when Mr. Stan Smith asks him
Do the grounds for divorce in North Carolina include adultery? A day later, the wife
of Stan Smith asks if she has grounds for divorce in the same state because her
husband has committed adultery. If Polly Paralegal answers that question for either
one of his friends he will be committing UPL or Unauthorized Practice of Law. The
consequences for UPL can be devastating to a paralegal and the entire law office that
the paralegal that is employed by.
It is Paralegal Polly s obligation to know and follow the rules and regulations put
forth by the State Board. The rules are said and stated for Board ... Show more content
on ...
One scenario where this could fall into play would be: An attorney is in a rush to
submit a preparation form and delegates the paralegal to sign the form. If the
paralegal does so, they will be committing the unauthorized practice of law because
they are not permitted to sign legal forms and furthermore, if signing the supervising
attorney s name, they are committing fraud.
In some states UPL is not only criminalized in itself, but another charge of falsely
claiming to be a lawyer even thought this is not how the paralegal intended the
situation to turn out. In the innocence of trying to help out a friend by sharing their
legal know how, they in turn can be persecuted, lose their jobs or even their
careers. Any person of the public can put in their opinion about a legal situation, or
tell a person what they think they should do and it would not be considered
unauthorized practice of law. However, when a person is a paralegal, any spoken
or written opinion about what a person should do in a legal situation can be
considered UPL. Whether it is a friend, family member, or just someone a person
knows, the situation stays the same. It is clear that only an attorney should provide
legal counsel, legal representation or sign legal documents. A paralegal may do
ninety percent of the work on a client s case but in the end the attorney is the only
one who can do these things. Polly Paralegal needs
St. Jude s Research Hospital
Shortly after Hayden s fifth birthday, he began having headaches and nausea. At
first, the doctor thought he had migraines and asked his mother to keep a record of
when his head hurt. After only a short period of time, Hayden s headaches grew
more frequent. Then, he began having trouble with the vision in his right eye causing
him to see double. It was at this point, his mother knew there was a bigger issue at
Hayden was referred to an ophthalmologist for further testing. When the doctor
examined Hayden s eyes closely, he saw abnormal swelling and immediately
ordered a CT scan. The results were upsetting: There was a mass on Hayden s brain.
He underwent surgery to remove the tumor, after which a biopsy ... Show more
content on ...
They are one of the best employers as a research and learning hospital.
St. Jude s Research Hospital follows the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving
Alliance Standards for Charity Accountability . This means that St. Jude s Research
Hospital fully discloses basic information about their services and their fundraising.
There is nothing to hide! You have a right as the consumer and donor to ask those
questions and you can find that information.
What are the differences between St. Jude s and other charities?
Most charities focus on one key marketing or fundraising area.
St. Jude s target for marketing fundraising is far larger than most charities. Their
target; preschoolers, professionals, 8th graders and 80 year olds, television, radio,
local drives, school drives, trike a thons, math a thons, local, county, state and
national events. Some of the big ones that you may be familiar with; the Dream
Home Giveaway , the Thanks and Giving Campaign and the radio a thon Country
Cares . Because of last year s St. Jude s NFL event, 18% of American s said they
planned to support St. Jude s Thanks and Giving Campaign during this past holiday
season. No opportunity is turned away.
Comparing St. Jude s Research Hospital with other powerhouse charities such as The
Susan G Koman foundation and American Cancer Society here are a few facts to
consider: * The CEO for The Susan G Koman Foundation doesn t make any
The Fraternity Of The Brotherhood
Jesse joined Alpha Phi Alpha in order to bond with like minded individuals. Alpha
Phi Alpha was the first Black Greek letter intercollegiate fraternity in the United
States founded on Cornell s campus in 1906 initially created as a Black men s
literary and support group. The purpose of the organization is to foster strong bonds
between men of African descent who faced racial prejudice. The organization
combines social purpose with social action. Jesse wanted to be part of the
brotherhood: I just had more relationships with African Americans at Cornell than I
did with majority students...As far as my pledge interest, and subsequently being
initiated by Alpha Phi Alphafraternity, a couple of my close friends were in the frat.
They spoke good things of it, and I thought that it would be nice to join and be part
of the brotherhood that was for us.
Harriet found solace in pledging Delta Sigma Theta, a Black Greek letter sorority
dedicated to public service, which was founded in 1913. One of her really good
friends, who was a Black Cuban, decided to pledge with her. She also sang in Pamoja
Ni Gospel choir. Harriet talks about the importance of community in an isolated
I think that Blacks who wind up going to Cornell, in part because we have this
shared experience of being in an isolated environment. I think all of us grow, in part
as a result of figuring out how to deal with whatever challenges come up, the social
and cultural challenges, and I think that
Plant Arabidopsis Thaliana Summary
Dr. Alice Cheung studies the molecular mechanisms behind mating in the plant
Arabidopsis thaliana. The male pollen tube is lured toward the female ovule, which
leads to bursting of the pollen tube and the release of cytoplasmic sperm, permitting
fertilization. The Cheung Lab identified many vital proteins involved in this process.
Mainly, these proteins include, FERONIA (FER), LORELEI (LRE), and ANXUR
(ANX). The surface receptor kinase FER was found to be an upstream regulator of
plant RHO GTPases (RAC/ROPs) and multiple transmembrane spanning NADPH
oxidases. The localization of FER to the membrane is highly dependent on the GPI
anchored protein LORELEI like GPI anchored protein 1 (LLG1). Proper interaction
between FER and LLG1 prevents ... Show more content on ...
Cheung uses many different approaches throughout her research. It is common to see
the Cheung Lab prove their findings extensively using multiple approaches to the
same problem to ensure the production of high quality work. Working with plants,
the mapping of genes and generating mutants plays a critical role in how plants are
studied. By inserting genes of interest such as FER with a GFP tag, fluorescence
microscopy becomes a solution in observing the localization of FER during different
stages in the plants life as well as different conditions of its environment. In addition
to tagging proteins, the Cheung lab heavily relies on fluorescence microscopy to
visualize many different structures and molecules in different types of cells
throughout the plant. With the combination of fluorescence, confocal, and electron
microscopy, the Cheung Lab can utilize different approaches in overcoming the
scientific challenges they face. Dr. Cheung clearly demonstrated the interactions
with FER to permit localization with LLG1 as well as membrane embedding with
LRE. The next step she would like to take in her research is to identify which ligands
interact with FER at the membrane and what effect do they have on FER localization,
as well the signaling effects downstream. Also, she will explore how these processes
change in different cell types throughout the
Driving Miss Daisy Paper
Maryann Eneorji
Bowie State University
Scholarly Paper IDIS 460
June 24th, 2015
Instructor Sharon Wilks
After watching the movie Driving Miss Daisy, I found out that it is an interesting
movie about a seventy two year old woman who lives with her cook. She is having
hard time with driving because of her age. Her son told her that he will hire a driver
for her after she dangerous drove in to a neighbor s house. She did not like the idea
because she sees driving as fun, freedom, and being independent. Her son insists,
he hire her a driver named Mr. Hoke. At first, Miss. Daisy refuse the driver to take
her anywhere but because Mr. Hoke was patience, he convince her to let him driver
her, she later accept to give it a try. The driver Mr. Hoke serve Miss. Daisy for twenty
years and they get to understand and ... Show more content on ...
I learned how to be patient when dealing with people and as a nurse you have to be
patient with your clients. You have to provide them with all the information they
need and allow them to make their own decisions. For instance Hoke and Boolie
provided Miss Daisy with the information she needs to help her change her mine to
have a driver instead of driving herself and they waited for her to change her mine
instead of forcing her. I learned to love people no matter their race, religion, or
cultural background. In the movie, Hoke showed a lot of love to Miss Daisy even
though they are from different cultural background and he won her heart from
doing so. Boolie also showed so much love for her mother in the movie. He was
always there for her when she needs him. On one occasion she called him to come
over to her house, he thought it was something serious, when he came she told him
that one of her can fish was missing, somebody has stolen it. His son was very
angry because his mother called him to come over because of a missing can of fish
but he figured out a way to solve the
Symbolism And Tone In The Century Quilt By Marilyn
In the poem The Century Quilt by Marilyn Nelson Waniek the speaker uses
symbolism and tone to convey a deeper meaning behind the quilt. The speaker s
symbolism displays the diversity in the speaker s family. The speaker s tone
conveys pride in their family. Each square of the quilt represents a different section
of the speaker s family, and past occurrences. The quilt that the speaker discovers
contains earth tone squares. Each of these colors symbolizes a different family
member. A single square that is the yellowbrown of Mama s cheeks . The fact that
there is a single square of this color shows that the speaker s mother is unparalleled.
The speaker s father is described as having burnt umber pride . The father was a
war veteran as revealed in the first stanza when the speaker talks about the army
green blanket that was given to the speaker s father by Supply . The reason that the
father s color is brown is because he passed away. The brown symbolizes his burial
plot. When the speaker talks about having a brown father and yellow mother this also
tells of their skin tones. The... Show more content on ...
When mentioning their Meema[ s] dream of childhood the speaker describes her
and her sisters as beautiful . Describing their family as beautiful is a small way to
show how proud the speaker is of their family because if the speaker didn t care,
she wouldn t compliment them. Upon seeing the grandmother s quilt the speaker
wishes to inherit that blanket . The quilt being a symbol of generations past it is a
compliment to the family to want it forever and have it be the blanket that the
speaker wants to die under . The speaker wants to remember all of their family s
history, and continue their family line. The speaker has hopes of meeting a yet
unconceived son. Continuing the family line displays honor for the speaker s
remaining family members. The speaker wants their child to have the same childhood
memories as they
How Do Occupational Risk Dentist
Occupational risk prevention dental care In a dental office, the dentist and his
assistant may be in contact with potentially infectious agents during treatment of a
patient or disinfecting the patient room and cleaning instruments. They can also be
exposed to dust, fumes, radiation or hazardous chemicals. Because of our proximity
to the patient, the dentist assistant is exposed to risks of infection. They may be
contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms contained in the blood, saliva, pus or
nasal secretions. Dental assistants are exposed in the same way when they work with
the patient side and also when handling and cleaning equipment. Dentists and dental
assistants are prone to allergies as well as skin irritation and respiratory tract... Show
more content on ...
The effects of radiation in utero are particularly deleterious (teratogenic effects).
Other effects, which do not always manifest, which appear with a delay, with no
obvious threshold (radiation induced cancers including those of the thyroid, bone
sarcomas, leukemias, and possibly ... malformations in offspring) are related to the
accumulation of several doses over successive
Should The Glass Castle Be Banned In The Glass Castle
A growing problem in schools around the country is the topic of censoring books
from children based on parents and teachers beliefs on what s appropriate for
students. There s no doubt in my mind that The Glass Castle is filled with adult
themes not primarily written for a younger audience. The Glass Castle is a memoir
written by Jeannette Walls life, largely her childhood with her parents and siblings,
and her breaking away from her parents to become a relatively successful adult. The
novel contains events of sexual assault and substance abuse, Jeannette s parents raise
her and her siblings horribly and there s plenty of violence scattered throughout the
book Jeannette tries to shoot another child from her school at one point. However,
this doesn t mean this book should be banned from schools. This book should be
allowed to be read by at least high schoolstudents not only because of how well
written and a good read it is, but the various lessons about life it offers to the
reader, largely through Jeannette s father. I want to clarify that this book shouldn t
be allowed in somewhere like an elementary school s library; this book is more
fitting for an older, more mature audience. My brother however, who s in middle
school, is a better example of the younger end that could reasonably understand this
book. He s 12 years old on the verge of 13, and after reading The Glass Castlehe
learned that, in his own words, If someone is holding you back, you should probably
Lotus Same Time
Name: Miguel ГЃngel CГіndor Colqui
* Based on the video and text of the case, list and briefly describe five areas where
either version of Sametime may increase employee productivity. What do you think
will produce the greatest increase in employee productivity? 1. Improve
communication Employees have a better communication through the lotus same
time. Not only among them, they can also be linked with his /her boss, CEO,
customer, etc. 2. Stress reduction There is no need to wait lots of time to get,
receive or access to certain information. Employee will not get stress for this kind of
problems. 3. Improve access to information Employees, bosses or whoever ... Show
more content on ...
Some other additional benefits of this virtual environment are: * Employee s
knowledge can be totally discovered. * Permanent communication between among
areas. * Instant screen compartment. * Geo location services.
Q3 * What types of communication are integrated within Sametime s digital
environment? What type of communication is missing? Does it make a difference?
* Reciprocal it goes between two or more people changing rolls. * Linguistic and
extra linguistic People communicate through key board (chatting) or using some
familiar codes. * Private and public The communication inside the company can be
private when it occurs between two employees or public when it goes to everyone
in the organization. (In fact, it is not totally private because the conversation can be
followed for the database system.) * Formal The messages use a formal code
according to the organization policies. * Horizontal and vertical It can occur in a
same range people or from boss to assistant.
What is missing here is the physical or interpersonal communication. It can make the
difference because when people talk they express a lot of feelings. The main
advantage is that employees will not realize if the other one is tired or in another bad
* Do you think that virtual collaboration using avatars is more or less effective than
traditional methods of collaboration (which include face to face, traveling to
Ebusiness Task 1
Heather Taylor
QRT2 Task 1
Viability of product or service
Taylor Tech and Learning is a small home based business located in Small Town,
AR. Taylor Tech currently does not have a website but could use one to increase web
imprint and bring more business to the company. The company is located within the
city limits of the small town. The business is frequented by the local people but
offers so much more than just a quick computer fix and great customer service. The
company offers a range of services. Computer repair, lessons, and tutoring are all
usually completed by calling to see if they have time to offer the services via phone
There is currently no online presence with Taylor Tech and with most business s
today that is ... Show more content on ...
They are marketing their customers as friends to them instead of just another
customer which puts some people at ease. Making the customer comfortable helps
them trust the tech. There is no international presence within the company. If they
were to offer international services, the customer base may grow by at least 20%.
Online Marketing Suggestions amp; Strategies
Taylor Tech offers services for all ages from 5 99. Most customers are ages 25 50
with home desktops and laptops experiencing slowness of computers. Other
customers are interested in classes to gain knowledge for either personal
experience or to use for work and school purposes. By going after this audience you
will cover everyone with computers that either just need a computer tech to visit
them on site or customers who just want to learn more about their computers and
software s they own. Taylor Tech s biggest competitors offer all the same services,
but what sets you all apart is Taylor Tech wants to offer the learning classes online,
chat services online, and remote support online for a small fee which you can pay
online. None of the competitors offer online payment of any sort. No only a friendly
face and voice but also customer convenience is a top priority.
Taylor Tech will improve the customer experience by offering all customers a free
tutorial on how to use the site and use the services effectively through remote desktop
so the customer does not have to leave their
Responses to the Challenge of Amoralism Essay example
Responses to the Challenge of Amoralism
ABSTRACT: To the question Why should I be moral? there is a simple answer
(SA) that some philosophers find tempting. There is also a response, common
enough to be dubbed the standard response (SR), to the simple answer. In what
follows, I show that the SA and SR are unsatisfactory; they share a serious defect. To
the question, Why should I be moral? there is a simple answer (SA) that some
philosophers find tempting. There is also a response, common enough to be dubbed
the standard response (SR), to the simple answer. In what follows I show that SA and
SR are unsatisfactory; they share a serious defect.
I will interpret Why should I be moral? to mean Why should I habitually perform ...
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Or perhaps it is (d) a request for a motive to be moral.
(2) If Alf s question is of type (a) or (c), it s silly. Nothing could be more obvious than
that Alf has a moral reason to be moral. It s a plain fact that being moral is the
moral thing to do it s the option justified from the moral point of view and this is
clearly a reason for Alf to be moral.
(3) If Alf s question is of type (b) or (d) it s unreasonable; hence we need not bother
with it. Moral philosophy aims at rational persuasion, not at generating motives to
act. Nor does it aim to justify morality in terms of prudence, law, custom, or etiquette.
Indeed, such a justification is impossible. But we should not be disturbed about this.
The moral life is not called into question by showing that it does not reduce to a
concern for custom, prudence, etc., any more than prudence is called into question by
showing that it does not reduce to a concern for morality.
(4) Thus, Alf s question is silly or unreasonable. We need not bother with it.
SR can be set out as follows:
(I) Responses to Why should I be moral? that treat the question as illegitimate, SA
being one such response, fail to envision all the things the question might express.
Very likely, Alf s question is not of kind (a), (b), (c) or (d). Instead, it s
Dualism Vs Physicalism
I would like to begin this paper by addressing what question I hope to answer
through the entirety of this paper: is the mind physical? As simple as this question
may seem to be, there still, to this day, is not a definite answer. There are, mostly, two
approaches to answering this problem, through dualismor physicalism. The dualist,
for the purposes of this paper, simply believes that the mind and the body are not
equal and therefore, they are not one in the same. The physicalist, however, would
come back to say that there are no such things as non physical objects and therefore,
they would conclude that the body and the mind are both physical. After weighing on
both sides of this argument, I am going to defend the physicalist ideas and... Show
more content on ...
An objection to this statement would be that we are not actually gaining any new
knowledge after experiencing events. What if, in reality, all we are doing is
obtaining a new ability? Since we already know all the physical information about
experiencing the color red, the physicalist would say that there would not be any
new knowledge to obtained from this event, but instead, we just know the ability
to see the color red now. But, in another section of Jackson s article, he refers back
to the famous article What is it Like to Be a Bat?, written by the philosopher
Thomas Nagel, to help strengthen his argument against physicalism. Jackson
states how there is no amount of physical information that could possibly tell us
what it is like to be anything other than a human being (Jackson 416 417). For
instance, the dualist would say that I cannot possibly understand what it is like to
actually be a dog. Even if I were able to obtain all the possible physical information
there is about dogs, according to the dualist, I would still be missing the actual
experience of being a dog. However, the physicalist would still argue that, although
I am not a dog, I can still know the physical information about what it is like to be a
dog and know how they perceive and experience everything in life. Then if, some
day, I
The Impact Of Sporting Activities On Sporting Events
Sporting activities have had major impacts worldwide for quite some time. Within
that period of time, various issues have emanated from such activities and had
various influences. According to the article written and published by Jamal L. R. on
10th November 2015, racial discrimination on sporting events, as well as the
dynamics of the raceand sport from 1968 to 2008 is focused on. In his research,
Jamal mainly uses content analysis on the happenings, which had major impact
especially on the blacks during athletic, and ball games. He mainly analyzes the
grievances addressed by other races especially during the games, so as to come up
with his research and conclusions.
Such complains helps him in identifying the existence of racial ... Show more content
on ...
However, the article does not answer the perpetrators were punished or the
compensations allocated to the victims. This analysis mainly focused on the racial
discrimination in sporting events.
The major claims that led possible changes in the industry include youthful delusions,
civil rights, public outcry, self determination and nationalism. Youthful delusions
explains how the youth focused on sports to make money, civil rights focuses on
human rights as enshrined in the United Nations charter and how sportsmen and
activists fought for enactment of these policies, public outcry emphasizes on how the
public ensured that their rights are upheld, self determination is all about the act of
believing in one self to make rational decisions and ruling, and lastly sprit of
nationalism which focuses on the feeling of belonging to a particular country and
doing what is expected as a citizen of the country. These were the major claims to
support the argument of the article and their impact on the pre existing problems.
Analysis on public outcry focuses on scholars who were against racism. They viewed
racists as slave masters to the larger population. A scholar by the name Gilbert
stood against racists, advocated for new policies and change. Gilbert was also
accused of inciting people to protest against racial discrimination at sporting affairs
after posting sediments on LeBron James. His post made Cavaliers supporters to
have a
Hamlet Sanity In Hamlet
The most famous mental patient, Hamlet s sanity has been debated for hundreds of
years. As a student, I doubt I can add to the debate, but I can look at the facts and
come to my own conclusion.
Hamlet is suffering grief and despair from the beginning; his uncle s usurpation of
the throne and fathers death, and rapid wedding of his mother. You can watch his
intense grief tip toeing on the line with suicidal behavior as of Act II Sc I, where he
gives his first soliloquy:
O that this too too solid flesh would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew! Or that
the Everlasting had not fixed. His canon gainst self slaughter! Exclaimed Hamlet
Although we are supposed to suspect that something is rotten in the state of
Denmark , as Horatio puts it, from the start of the play, it is only when Hamlet talks
with the ghost of his father in Act I Sc V that we realise the full extent of his uncle s
treachery. Horatio and Marcellus try to restrain him, Horatio saying:
What if it tempt you toward the flood, my lord,
Or to the dreadful summit of the cliff
That beetles o er his base into the sea,
And there assume some other horrible form,
Which might deprive your sovereignty of reason,
And draw you into madness?
Horatio is afraid that the ghost will get Hamlet to follow him to a cliff hanging over
the sea. These words are very ironic, for as a result of seeing the ghost and hearing
the dreadful truth about his father s murder and mother s adultery Hamlet says he
will put on an antic
My First Day As A Kindergartener
My First day as a Kindergartener
One day afternoon, in my first day of kindergarten as I got out of school I was
waiting for my mom to pick me up and sign me out from my teachers signout list,
in order to be released. However, as I waited, many of my peers were getting
picked up but me. As I began to see that many of my peers began to leave, the
classroom started to become more empty. Then as I waited, I finally got called to
be released but I didn t see my mom. I saw a strange woman smiling towards me
and asking me how my day went as I got closer, but I didn t answer. As I walked
towards my teacher and the woman I was really confused and a million things began
to cross my mind. The woman had many children with her which made me feel
really doubtful even though I thought they were her children. However, I then
realized that there were too many children in order for them to be hers. So, if they
weren t her children who were they? Or even a more intriguing question; Who was
she? Getting to know her was not so difficult, as I thought it would be. Even
though I didn t say much about myself when she began questioning me I felt there
was going to be a connection between us. As we had walked for a while already
with the rest of the children, we finally arrived to the place she had parked her car.
After we got inside her car she began heading towards a street that I had already
passed through with my mom. As she drove through that street, I saw a playground
with a brownish fence
Piaget s Theory Of Cognitive Ability
Welcome to the exciting and adventurous camp of Cognitive Ability, where we
challenge and cherish the precious minds of babies and teens through our fun
activities of psychology through Piaget s theory of cognitive ability. Piaget s
theory of cognitive ability was designed to distinguish the age at which a child s
cognitive ability was developed through the stages in which he classified as
sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational (Lutz
Huitt, 2004). The goal of the camp is to define how children learn, remember, pay
attention, and problem solve through each child s development pace by a series of
educational activities for all to enjoy. The sensorimotor stage activities will consist
primarily of age s birth to about two years. The child will be given a choice of toys
to play with such as stuffed animals, building blocks or a rattle. Each toy will either
produce a sound. During the main activity, one of the instructors will give the child
the rattle to play with by first showing the rattle to the baby and then shaking the
rattle. As the baby looks at the rattle they will be startled or surprised by the sound
and wonder why and where it came from. The instructor will then give the rattler to
the baby and then they will shake it. The baby will gradually understand they are
causing the sound, therefore motor skills and sensory perceptions are established. In
the sensorimotor stage, infants will realize that their actions through sense and
The Decolorization Potential of Microorganisms
The decolorization potential of microorganism was assessed by examining its
ability to degrade various textile dyes. All 10 dyes monitored showed
decolorization as follows: Reactive Yellow 84 (complete decolorization in 5 h),
Reactive Green 19A (95% in 24 h) , Reactive Red 120 (complete decolorization in 6
h), Reactive Blue 160 (complete decolorization in 3 h), Reactive Red 31(complete
decolorization in 6 h), Solvent Red 24 (complete decolorization in 8 h), Basic
Green 4 (80% in 24 h), Diamond Green 4 (complete decolorization in 24 h),
Pigment Orange 31 (complete decolorization in 3 h) and RO16 (complete
decolorization in 2 h), while in sterile, cell free medium decolorization did not occur
up to 48 h of incubation suggesting the absence of abiotic decolorization. As RO16
showed complete decolorization in 2 h, this industrially important toxic azo dyewas
taken for further studies. Lysinibacillus sp. RGS could decolorize RO16 rapidly
and thus was found to be better than the bacterial consortium DAS reported by
Jadhav et al (2011). To confirm the decolorization, UV Vis spectroscopic analysis
was carried out. The absorption spectra of RO16 before and after treatment by
Lysinibacillus sp. RGS in visible range were taken. Peak responsible for absorption
maxima of parent dye (495 nm) were completely disappeared in the sample obtained
after decolorization (Fig.S1) confirming the complete removal.
Establishment of optimum operation conditions for the decolorization study of RO16
The Great Gatsby Overrated Literary Analysis
Dreams are an escape from reality to a world of imagination that is ideal to
someone. However, we get overwhelm with our fantasies, we lose touch with reality.
In the text, Is The Great Gatsby the Most Overrated Literary Novel of All Time,
Daniel Honan argues that the classic American novel, The Great Gatsby is an
overrated novel in his opinion. Honan challenges his claim on the novel by
questioning, should his book be considered an American classic? Author, F.Scott
Fitzgerald, portrays his novel The Great Gatsbywith a unique writing style, structure,
and captures life in the 1920s realistically. Fitzgerald demonstrates the theme of
illusion vs. reality by showing life in the Roaring 20 wasn t as glamorous it seemed
to be through his character s... Show more content on ...
Myrtle Wilson comes from an area of poverty called the Valley Ashes. When
Myrtle is with Tom, she feels as if she was part of the upper class life. She feels as
if she lives in a world full of money when with Tom. In New York, Tom and Myrtle
have an apartment together, which is when the illusion of Myrtle having money
comes in. When Mrs. Mckee complements on Myrtle s dress she responses by
saying, It s just a crazy old thing , she said. I just slip it on when I don t care what I
look like, (Fitzgerald 31). Myrtle is in denial of accepting the life she has. Even
when it comes the simplest things of wearing a dress, she will do anything to feel
accepted in higher social. Like Lionel Trilling phrase states, a taste for aristocracy,
(quote from Honan), is what Myrtle wanted; a taste of what is it like to come from
old money. With Tom, she can be someone she is not. However, when she is with
her husband George, reality kicks in. Myrtle is living in two worlds with both of
these men. With Tom she is part of the higher class, and has a social status to
maintain. When she is with her husband, she is a poor middle class women with
not even a dime to her name. I married him because I thought he was a gentleman,
(Fitzgerald 34), in order words Myrtle is telling her friend Ms. Mckee that she only
married George because she thought he was rich. The day she saw him on the
subway train with a suit
Philosophy And Science Of The Same Breath
The philosophers Leucippus and Democritus are constantly mentioned in the same
breath. Since the bulk of their works did not survive the middle ages, we have only
fragments and the writings of their peers and successors to tell us about their
accomplishments and ideas. It is difficult to separate these two men because they are
praised or critiqued as a unit by contemporaries and followers, but their exact
relationship is unclear. Sources such as Diogenes Laertius do not link them as teacher
and student, but rather as acquaintances. However, in Metaphysics, Aristotle refers to
Democritusas Leucippusdisciple , equating the two philosophers ideas of full and
void (the idea of atoms and the space in which they move). But whatever their
relationship, their legacy of atomismis an important one, and it has influenced
philosophy and science down to the present day.
There is comprehensive access to primary sources on these philosophers and their
ideas through both the Perseus Digital Library and the Online Loeb Classical Library.
The countless references to Democritus in Aristotle s work are available both in
original language and translation, as well as passing references to Leucippus,
Democritus, and their philosophy from authors such as Sextus, Diogenes Laertius
and others. Although these primary sources are mostly fragmented quotes or
philosophical rebuttals to Democritus and Leucippus works, they provide much
needed information on early atomist thought. The
The Counter Terrorism Law
Counter terrorism Law
No one can deny that the word terrorism is hated to be heard. Terrorism is
commonly known as any action referring to violence against innocent citizens or
causing damages to a public or private property for political purposes. According to
Maria Keet, (Senior Lecturer with the Department of Computer Science, University
of Cape Town) Terrorismis resulted due to plenty of causes that made such a
phenomenon be a public concern. Separatism is probably the main reason of
arising of terrorism. The conflict between people is due to nationalism and racism
issues. This conflict arises with the existence of inequality, racism and political
opportunities. Other reason of arising of terrorism is poverty and social inequality.
Some statistics proved that 15% of the population consumes 85% of the resources
all over the world which made the other 85% of population fight for these resources
by any means. Last but not the least; Religion is one of the causes of terrorism
especially in Egypt. Terrorism became widely spread in the Egyptian streets after the
30th June revolution in 2013. After the sacking of the former president, who
belonged to a religious organization, his supporters decided to spread terrorism all
over the country until the former president gets back to his position as a president of
Arab Republic of Egypt. Since then, this terroristic organization performs a terroristic
operation which had many impacts on Egypt and Egyptians. Since June 2013,
The Fear Of Public Speaking
According to The University of Iowa, glossophobia, the fear of public speaking,
remains the number one phobia in people all around. Although one can t usually
eliminate the fear, one can learn how to manage and reduce it. Once learning how to
control anxiety, public speaking can lead to success for anyone. Seventy five percent
of people experience this fearof speaking in front of others, and I am one of them.
When I was a little girl I was very shy. I would be afraid to enter conversations, meet
new people, and wouldn t feel confident around people in general, especially when it
came to public speaking. In seventh grade, I did my first major speech and
experienced a lot of anxiety. Before the speech, my stomach hurt so bad that I
thought I was about to throw up. I was dizzy, my hands were sweaty, and my face
was very pale. I got told I looked like I was sick, and I thought I was going to be.
During the speech, my heart was pounding so hard, it felt like it was going to bust
out of my chest. Unfortunately, I decided not to finish the speech and end it early
because of how nervous I was. Now I am in a public speaking class, and have
learned how to manage my speech anxiety. From experience, learning how manage
anxiety is the best way to get over the fear of public speaking.
Preparing for the speech is a huge part of achieving for success. First, selecting a
speech topic that interests you is crucial. When choosing my speech topic in seventh
grade, we had a requirement of
My Leadership Experience At Saint Stephen s Food Pantry
An example of my leadership experience is when I volunteered at Saint Stephen s
Food Pantry, where we reached out into the community to help those in need like
the homeless and low income families. At the pantry, I m in charge of signing in
and pulling out the person s file. Aside from doing what I am assigned, I also help
translate since I am trilingual. Because I can speak multiple languages, I am able to
interact not only with the people who volunteer there but also with the people that
come to have their basic needs met. I have volunteered for a long time at the pantry,
many of the people who come recognize me and I recognize them. For instance,
when I see them, I can immediately pull out their file because I know who they are.
From this
Language Should Be Regulated On Books
Date of submission
Language Should be Regulated in Books
Quotes about books and their importance to the society are many, and one can never
imagine that the same books have content that should not reach a certain public.
Martin Luther King once said that if one needed to change the world, the only thing
they had to do is to pick a pen and write. Why then would language become such a
huge issue when writing books? Like movies, some books require parental guidance
because their sexual, political, socio cultural, and legal content should not reach a
certain audience. Ethical and legal issues apply when governments or institutions
decide to regulate the language contained in books. This paper is based on findings
on the ... Show more content on ...
However, not all books need buyers since some authors or activists often write books
just to create awareness about something. Out of Africa is a book written in the 90s
that covers the experience of an author in the Ebola stricken Congo. Besides
educating people about Ebola, the book had very entertaining information, but
profiling Congo out of other countries had a significant impact on the sale of the
book in the West African region. Issues of racial profiling and discrimination of the
black continent arose, and it was difficult for the author to defend her position only
saying that she reported facts through a book (Dettori and Persico 82). As an
expression of art, the book needed acceptance, but some publics could not accept it
because they felt that it ethically violated their principles. Books that many authors
distribute free include the ones that discuss environmental concerns, disease break
outs, and technological advancements. Ethical concerns remain prevalent, especially
in books today because of their availability in electronic content through online
retailers such as Amazon. Critics of the online bookstore blame it for promoting the
sale of books with pornographic content, socio cultural profiling, and political issues
such as Wikileaks. As such, the ethical context is an important aspect of the
discussion and is one reason language should be censored.
Books should not deceive
Missing Property
This claim is in reference both missing property from baggage and a medical claim
on holiday Donald and I took to Europe last year starting on the 24th of September,
2017. We landed Paris on Delta Airlines and a then went on a Backroads cycling trip
in the Loire Valley.
We arrived in Paris on the 24th of September and went to our Hotel Aigle Noir at
Fountainbleu. When I started to unpack my bag is when I noticed my luggage had
been ransacked. I was missing my toiletry bag, clothes, and shoes.
I notified Delta and they told me to go and purchase my toiletry items and submit a
missing property claim form for review and reimbursement. Delta also told me I
must make all claims within 21 days of the start of my trip. I submitted all ... Show
more content on ...
Since we were in the countryside I did not go to the hospital until the next morning.
They told me that I needed 12 stitches but would not be able to stitch my knee since I
delayed coming to the hospital. The doctor told me that I had to hire a day nurse
every morning in each village to come and bandage my knee to avoid infection.
Delta did reimburse me 100% for I have been a Delta Medallion member for over
25 years and have never filed a claim with Delta. Allainz told I must go and purchase
my items and submit receipts to get reimbursed for my stolen clothes and shoes along
with my medical bills.
In January of this year, I submitted two claim types with Allainz online. I submitted
one type for Baggage/Personal Effect claim for my stolen items and my Delta
missing property claim number 4006118967, along with Medical Expenses. I
uploaded my receipts for a total of $715.66. Please note on my medical receipts
106.72 are billed in Euros not US$.
Below is a copy of our coverage and please note the claim email is in my email Allianz told me I was approved and that they would
send a check for my reimbursement and to this day we have not received any funds
The Shoemaker and the Tea Party
The Shoemaker and the Tea Party by Alfred Young revolves around two
bibliographies written about one of the last living participants of the Boston Tea
Party, and the authors own interpretations of the events surrounding the Tea Party and
the American Revolution as a whole. In this particular novel, Young explores what it
means to rediscover history, and how history is continually redefined. Particular
attention in the novel is given to public history, and how highlighting people
otherwise lost to time can completely change how an event is perceived. Readers are
given the opportunity to see the history behind the American Revolutionthrough the
lenses of an average man of that time. In this essay I will review the novel and the
message... Show more content on ...
Young also makes reference to some of the countless books he serendipitously came
across in his research surrounding the American Revolution, and the event that would
come to be known as the Boston Tea Party. Young pulls from his large selection of
evidence to make his points throughout the novel.
In order to understand Hewes, Young delved into the psychology of memory and
references noted psychologist Daniel Schachter. (xiii.) By understanding why
someone remembers an event in a particular way, gives insight into how memories
are consolidated. Hewes memory for a man is age is remarkable to say the least.
The emotion tied to a particular memory is able to enhance it (xii). Young seems to
use this evidence to lend creditability to the way that Hewes remembers particular
events such as the Boston Massacre. At the same time, Young explores while Hewes
would be able to remember more during the interviews for the second bibliography
written about him. Young implies that the first interview essentially helped to focus
Hewes memory which allowed him to remember more easily with Thatcher in his
second interview as well as remembering new anecdotes.
The first portion of the novel deals mostly with Hewes life and why he lived the
life that he did. Young s portrayal of a young Hewes, ever defiant, immediately
causes a reader to reminisce of his or her own childhood. It soon becomes evidently
clear that where one ended up in life depended
Colonial Life In Colonial America
Colonial life is rapidly changing and with it so are cities transforming into cities
that make early efforts in creating a model for future colonial cities. By this I mean,
a city with hospitals, police department, public libraries, fire stations, and paved and
lit streets. These features are products of a rise in urbanization and are an answer to
the problems a new urban cityfaces. In this era a particular city with a pivotal citizen
would stand out among the rest and provide some key solutions to urban problems.
That city would be Philadelphia, and its adopted son Benjamin Franklin. Philadelphia
became a hub for new immigrants that quickly transformed this city into one of the
largest in all of colonial America. Throughout the 1720 1740... Show more content on ...
Being that the typical immigrant was of small means it is not difficult to imagine
that as some began to gain wealth others would be left behind thus creating a gap
in society. What is significant of this time is that the growth of the city provided
the perfect marketplace for farmers to sell their would be those in the
cities were the growth of industry and urban development was taking place that
would deal with greater income inequality. One solution was that more money was
to be printed an idea fully supported by Franklin so much so that he wrote a
pamphlet on it, It was receiv d by the common people in general; but the rich men
dislik d it, for it increas d and strenghten d the clamor for more money,... Franklin s
action are an early example of social economic reform in an urban setting. By
spreading the money around rather than have it be only in the hands of a few they
are able to spur economic growth and urban prosperity on a larger scale. This
shows us that in this time there is sense that the collective good is more important
than the individual. This idea of protecting the poor is shown again later when
franklin writes his paper on the city watch. ...a poor widow housekeeper, all whose
property to be guarded by the watch did not perhaps exceed the value of fifty pounds,
paid as much as the wealthiest merchant,
Delta Air Flow Analysis
Abstract: Throughout history, human beings have been astonished by the concept of
flight. In the modern world, planes, helicopters and other aircrafts have been
engineered to fulfil this perception, allowing people to travel around the world in
easy. However, just like cars and trains, planes are also prone to accidents influenced
by bad weather conditions. The information below describes how a thunderstormand
windshear affected Delta fight 191 in 1985. Which will provide the physics behind
the accident and the weather system and create recommendations to help limit these
types of air accidents. Introduction/ background: The concept of flight follows basic
physics principles includes Bernoulli s principle, forces in flight and how the motion
... Show more content on ...
The top part of the wings allows faster moving fluids to create less pressure while
the bottom of the wings create greater pressure producing lift. Lift is one of the
four forces in flight. The other forces include Weight, thrust and drag as seen in the
diagram below. Diagram 1 The four forces in flight Diagram shows the four forces in
flight. This diagram will be further explained throughout the analysis of the different
forces and how bad weather affects them (hall, 2015). The diagram displays that
weight is the opposing force of lift and is dependent on the mass of all the airplane
parts, plus the amount of fuel and any payload on board such as people, baggage
and so on (Woodford, Chris, 2009/2017). Weight is also a continuous downward
force that planes must constantly overcome to stay in the air by generating enough
lift to overcome gravity. As the airplane moves through the air, there are other
aerodynamic forces present such as thrust and drag. According to Real World
Physics Problems (2009), Thrust is the force that moves the airplane forward which
is generated by an engine creating the backward force allowing the plane to move
What Differentiates Sfeelou s And Skandalis
One year after the collection of short stories ОќО№ПЊП„О· П‡П‰ПЃОЇП‚
П„ПЃО±ОіОїПЌОґО№О± Sofia Fildisi published the novel Оџ ОјОµОіО¬О»ОїП‚
ОјО±П‚ О±ОґОµПЃП†ПЊП‚ also set in the period of the Occupation.
Just like in her previous book, in this novel too, the author does not distinguish
between Germans and Nazis and words like Nazism , Nazis or Third Reich are
nowhere to be found in over one hundred fifty pages of narrative text. This is of
particular importance as Оџ ОјОµОіО¬О»ОїП‚ ОјО±П‚ О±ОґОµПЃП†ПЊП‚ is the
only text published in the first period the metapolitefsi which does mention the
existence of Nazi concentration camps. The reference to the concentration camps,
however, is completely disassociated from its context and the younger reader who
lacks the extratextual knowledge is likely ... Show more content on ...
In both books the Germans are portrayed in a neutral way and the words soldiers ,
occupiers , occupation troops , foreigners and enemies are amongst those
employed by the authors to refer to the Germans. What differentiates Sfaelou s and
Skandalis s narratives from those that have talked about so far, however, is that
both writers make use of the term Nazis , while in one of Skandalis s short stories
the term Third Reich also comes across. Nonetheless, none of the writers provide
any further explanations, either in the narrative text or in the paratext, which would
help the young reader to put the terms in question into their historical and
ideopolitical context. Furthermore, none of the authors are concerned to distinguish
between Germans as a national group and Nazis as a group of supporters of a
certain ideological doctrine and in both texts the word Nazi is used as an alternative
word for Germans . Since no distinctions are made between Germans and Nazis, the
switching between the two words renders them synonymous. In other words, the
Germans are Nazified and the Nazis are Germanised while Germanness and Nazism
are conflated in the identity of the enemy with whatever implications this might have
to the young reader s conceptualization of
A Young Mother And A Healthy Baby
On August 24, 2016, a young mother went into labor. About five hours later she
gave birth to a baby girl. Well so she thought. The mother ended up going into
cardiac rest after five minutes of giving birth. The doctors were puzzled. A young
healthy mother and a healthy baby. The doctors heard the NICU nurses screaming
so they took off. They all look around. From what was a healthy baby had turned
into an 87 year old female. The doctors looked stumbled. There was no father to be
found. What is everyone staring at me for? the womanasked. Ashley, go call the
government the head doctor whispered quietly to the head nurse. The nurse went and
called the government while the other doctors and nurses try to contain the woman
while... Show more content on ...
The quickly ran to the other half of the building. The lieutenant along with the
Deputy Chief entered the building where she had run back into. Ma am, we are
with the government and we need to speak to nurse Ashley from the NICU, the
deputy chief said while showing his badge. She ll be right with you! the secretary
said as she placed the call. As the nurse came down to speak with the deputy chief,
the woman put her hair where her face was and gracefully exited the hospital. She
was able to get past everyone. She decided her best bet was to call her grandmother
and go stay with her. Her grandmother lived four states away. Her information on a
card that was given to her by the secretary. So, the woman called her. Hello? another
woman answered. Hi, is this Christina s mother? the woman asked. May I ask who s
calling? the grand mother asked. Your granddaughter. I don t know what my name
is because my mom died five minutes after my birth, the woman replied. My
daughter is dead! the grandmother asked now crying over her daughter s death. Yes.
She passed unfortunately. But the hospital said that you were my grandmother and I
have no where to go. I have no dad and no mom, the woman said and the
grandmother decided to cut her off. Wait! How could you be my child s daughter?
How are you speaking to me? the grandmother asked. Well funny story, the woman
replied. As she told the grandmother the story, they
Evaluation Of The Manager And Human Resource
Conducting Appraisal Conducting appraisals is a task that must be delivered with
accuracy, trust, and a sense of projection. An employee must be afforded the
opportunity to prepare for their appraisal and at the same time the manager must
give themselves enough time to prepare and deliver the appraisal with the sufficient
information that the employee will walk away with a clear path forward and the
manager will notice an eager employee ready to expand their value to the
organization. Mangers have a very important part when conducting appraisals is to
assemble the paperwork and insure it is all in order. This may be an information
break down between the Manager and Human Resource Managementdepartment.
Managers should know their... Show more content on ...
The appraisal is for job performance and a gateway to bring up personal issues
outside of the appraisal documentation. Consequently an employee may become
flustered when the conversation turns personal rather than work related.
Employees may feel that they are being judged on their personal life rather than
their performance and organizational related issues. There may be personal issues
brought up if they were directly affecting the employee s performance and
adherence to organizational processes and procedures. According to Sabir (2016)
the appraisal of the employee should be focused on work activities and the
organizational goals. This can include, but not limited to promotions, problems, a
means to reset the employee and help them develop, stay on track and deliver other
incentives or warnings that may be required. Execution of the employee appraisal
should be a location that is located in the organization and arranged in a formal
setting. The appraisals are for individuals and not to be done in a group setting. All
material should be laid out with copies for the employee for them to reference as
the sequence of events goes on. This is not a party or social gathering so the
atmosphere must be professional in all aspects. It is essential that the employee is
well aware of the appraisal date and time. The time should be within normal work
hours with an estimated length it will take. Advance notice allows
The Stereotypical Story Of A Family Dog
is a short humorous atypical story about a man and his kids dog . Getting off on the
wrong foot, he hates this dog who he never calls by the same name twice Hansen
Writes We got off on the wrong foot. Whining in his pen those first nights. My squirt
gun in his face and him blinking from the water. The so called accidents in the house
(Bedford 244) Right from the start there is a clear understanding of the relationship
between the two. However, the dogthat he claims to despise dies at age ten,
unfortunately for the rest of the family, and he, the owner goes through great lengths
to bury and defend the pets honor. There is nothing funny about a family dog s
death. The author portrays humor in the situation by adding how badly the dog
behaves around him and how loving the dog is around his family .When Hansen
writes, When pushed to the brink I shouted, I ll cut your face off and show it to you,
and the small brained mammal just stared at me.... Show more content on ...
(Bedford 472) It shows how annoyed and bothered he is . If there is anything
likeable about the narrator, it would be the stubborn love he has , since he would
do anything for his family, and tries to do the right thing by his morals in the way
of disposing the dog. He considers what the best way to go about dealing with the
dead dog so that he can deal with least amount of drama from his family as
possible. The author uses characterization in this story as a means of revealing how
the dad feels about the dog and how he shows stubborn love towards it. The readers
start to learn that he in fact does care for the dog
Suwannee River Research Paper
Suwannee River is the place where strangers are turned into friends. Suwannee
River has been around for many years, Suwannee River was formed in December
21st, 1858. Stephen Foster never visited, but, named the Suwannee River Swanee
River after his song Old Folks at Home written in 1851. Old Folks at Home became
Florida s official state song in 1913. In the year 1838 a constitutional convention
was called in the territory of Florida, fifty six men attended the meeting between
the men was George E. McClellan, who delivered the keynote address to the
convention, was an early settler who had a large plantation and home near what is
now called Wellborn. McClellan also organized the first militia in the area that
went on to fight in the Seminole Indian Wars. 1841 1845 McClellan was a probate
judge then went to serve as a representative in the Florida Legislature. In the Civil
War, he was a captain in the Confederate Army. In 1851, a young musician was
searching for a river in the south that would fit into a song he was... Show more
content on ...
April 1859 elections was held to elect a Judge of Probate, Sheriff, Clerk of the
Circuit Court, Coroner, County Surveyor, an Assessor and Collector of taxes, and
four County Commissioners. The temporary County seat was designated by
Florida Legislature as The house of William Hines , Suwannee County s first
judge and owner of 24 slaves whose land was northwest of Live Oak. The first post
office was established in Houston for Suwannee County on December 22, 1859
and ran by Craven Lassiter. 1860 the first census was taken and Suwannee County
showed a population of 2,303 citizens. 1,467 were white and 836 of them were
black, only one of the blacks listed was free. T.D. Dexter, the principle owner of
slaves, with 53 slaves. Construction for the east west railroad, known as Pensacola
and Georgia Railroad Line. across North Florida, and they completed it in
Elin Diamond The Rover Sparknotes
Elin Diamond, starts out with The Rover, and describes virgin women In scenes
and discoveries, and how they will market themselves as she does (the courtesan),
to compete for the same male affection, and suffer similar abuse (Diamond 519).
Then follows, a descriptive view of Wilmore stealing a portrait of Angelica Bianca,
who is known as a whore; and through this image, she uses a gestus to
metaphorically uncover the mask of how theatre portrays women on stage, and how
the theatre makes use of these women, and how they are imagined to be, as a way to
satisfy the needs of men (audience members). In simpler terms, a way of theatre
selling women. Women become this product, all exchanged by men. Diamond
elaborates on these women more
David And Goliath Research Paper
In the story of David and Goliath, David youngest son of Jesse is the story of an
army that was bound to be loser against the great Goliath. Goliath was this nine
foot giant that was fully equipped with good armor and was prepared to fight the
Israelites. Goliath was a part of the philistine army. And the Philistine army was
prepared way more than the Israelites and they both gather to camp out on either
sides of a deep valley. While camped Goliath mocked the Israelites and their army.
David was sent to give food to the Israel army. In doing so heard Goliath William
Harkey: William Harkey: Last Name 2 taunting the army, and saw the men were
afraid of the Giant. So David volunteered to face off with the great giant. No one in
the army believed... Show more content on ...
Originally he wasn t even a part of the fighting army. But came out and believed in
himself and god and achieve what an entire army thought would be grandest of
tasks to completed. David was an underdog. Underdogs have existed since the
beginning of time. Like Gideon. Gideon was part of an army that where full of
men 30,000 plus, but was told by the lord that he would let them win they had to
first get rid of some of their men. So the lord told Gideon to tell any many afraid of
battle to turn around and go home. 22,000 men left the army. But that wasn t
enough. The lord said to Gideon I will help you win but you still have to many
men. So he told him to take them by the water. And near the water he was to
separate them by those who drink the water by using their tongue to lap it up like a
dog will be in one group. And those who bend down to drink will be in the other
group. 300 men used their hands to bring water to their mouth and lapped it like
dogs do. Those 300 went into the army with Gideon. Those 300 men kept he
supplies and trumpets of the other men who went home. The Midianites were
camped in a valley below Gideon s camp. Lord spoke to Gideon that night and told
him I will help
Essay On Type 2 Diabetes
Reducing Type II Diabetes within our African American Community
According to Healthy People 2020 (2014), diabetes affects over 29 million people
in the United States, with another estimated 28 percent of the population having
undiagnosed cases. Of those at risk, African Americans are almost 2 times more
likely to be diagnosed as opposed to their Caucasian counterparts. Many preventable
associated factors include limited knowledge regarding disease processes, healthy
diet, and limited knowledge of one s own body. Our goal is to provide our African
American community the opportunity to learn more about diabetes and how to
reduce the risk of type II diabetes and signs and symptoms of diabetes during a
community event.
Short Term Goal... Show more content on ...
Lastly, our brochure would highlight the most common signs and symptoms of
hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia including life threatening signs that should be
reported immediately. In order to substantiate our teachings we will ask those that
visit our table to complete a 5 question quiz that on completion will be awarded a
pedometer to assist in a new walking program.
Evidence based research was done in regards to combining diet and exercise
programs to lower the risk of type II diabetes. They discovered that those that
undertook these programs were able to see a decrease in periods of hypoglycemia
and hyperglycemia and were able to maintain normoglycemic levels more easily. In
addition they were able to decrease cardiovascular risk and lower blood pressure
levels. (Healthy People 2020, 2014)
Health Promotion Strategies
Objective One At least two community members that approach our table will be able
to locate a healthy food swap in our brochure and give reasoning why it is a better
choice than a non healthy food choice.
Imbalanced Nutrition: More than body requirements will be our focus regarding
objective one. The most common reason that people develop diabetes mellitus is due
to poor diet control. Diabetes mellitus is caused when the insulin production is
stopped or drastically slowed in the pancreas. This stops the ability for sugars to be
transported into the cells for
Things Fall Apart Ikemefuna Quotes Analysis
In the book Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, I learned that Okonkwo, Nwoye,
and Ikemefuna were similar and different from one another. Okonkwo was very
strict and loyal to his lifestyle while Nwoye was lazy and acted oppositely of him.
On the other hand, Ikemefuna wasn t Okonkwo s son, although Okonkwopreferred
him because he wasn t lazy. Okonkwo, Nwoye, and Ikemefuna had many different
and similar characteristics.
Okonkwo was a very hard working high status man. He is very strict. In this quote
Okonkwo explains how an Umuofia man should answer a call or question, An
Umuofia man does not refuse a call, he said. He may refuse to do what he is asked;
he does not refuse to be asked (Achebe 193). This quote explains what an Umuofia
man must do when being asked. He is very strict and important because he follows
tradition. Okonkwo also liked a boy ... Show more content on ...
Ikemefuna considers that he is Okonkwo s son because of the bonding relationship
they have. Okonkwo wishes Nwoye was like Ikemefuna. This quote explains how
Ikemefuna thinks of Okonkwo, He could hardly imagine that Okonkwo was not his
real father. He had never been fond of his real father, and at the end of three years
he had become very distant indeed. After reading this quote I began to think that
Nwoye and Ikemefuna act very oppositely as well. Ikemefuna isn t lazy while
Nwoye is. Ikemefuna likes Okonkwo while Nwoye does not. These characteristics
explain Ikemefuna well.
Okonkwo, Nwoye, and Ikemefuna all shared similar and different characteristics.
This is significant because in all books there needs to be different and similar
characteristics. Okonkwo and Nwoye grew apart as the book came along.
Okonkwo preferred Ikemefuna over Nwoye. Although Nwoye could care less. He
enjoyed living his own life with his own religion. In our lives, people grow apart
from each other and have their own
Essay An Analysis of Orwell s quot;Shooting an...
Shooting an Elephant is one of the most popular of George Orwell s essays. Like
his essays A hanging and How the Poor Die , it is chiefly autobiographical. It deals
with his experience as a police officer in Burma. After having completed his
education, Orwell joined the Indian Imperial Police, and served in Burma, from 1922
to 1927, as an Assistant Superintendent of Police. His experiences as an officer in
Burma were bitter. He was often a victim of the hostility and injustices at the hands
of his colleagues and officers. Peter Stansky and William Abrahams in their book
The Unknown Orwell write He was friendless and inexperienced, not certain of what
to expect and fearful of proving to be inadequate, a predictable failure.
Orwell ... Show more content on ...
He appears to have recollected the incident very vividly just before he wrote the,
but he had obviously been thinking of it intermittently ever since it happened. In
Burmese Days, written several years before, the hero Flory, on his first meeting
with Elizabeth Lackersteen, describes to her `the murder of an elephant, which he
had perpetrated some years earlier . This essay reads like the leaves from the same
Burmese notebooks, which Orwell used in writing his novel. It is frankly
autobiographical and describes how an elephant went `must in a bazaar and killed
a man. An Englishman was expected to rise to an occasion like this, so Orwell got
the rifle and marched down to the field where the elephant had gone. As soon as he
saw it, he knew that it was unnecessary to kill it; the fit was over. Equally surely, he
knew that he was going to shoot it. The crowd following him willed him to kill it.
M.G. Nayar writes, This essay enables us to get a glimpse of the author s experiences
in Burma where he was employed in the British Imperial Police (1922 1927). Orwell
had already come to regard imperialism `as very largely a racket , and he knew he
was ill fitted for the role he was called upon to play. During this period of Imperial
service a sense of guilt
Factors Contributing For Criminal Activity Among
In the Late 1980 s, the father of sociology, W.E.B. Dubois conducted a study in
Philadelphia that developed possible explanations for criminal activity among
African Americans. Throughout his study, he observed that if men are moved from
different environments, they began to lose harmony with the environment that results
in crime(Shaun L. Gabbidon,2015). Dubois used variables such as age,
unemployment, and poverty to explain crime (1899). Furthermore, Dubois study
became a template to be used in studies that come to follow. During the 1900 s,
cities such as Chicago began to experience some of the same challenges that were
previously studied in Philadelphia (Gabbidon,2015). As a result, of the similar
experience between the two... Show more content on ...
(2) After individual and family factors are accounted for, do ethnicity and/or
residence in underclass neighborhoods add to the explanation of delinquency? In
order to answer the questions that were posed, a set of measures were used. In their
study Peeples and Loeber considered factors such as Age, percentage poor/welfare,
Percentage single parent, hyperactivity, and supervision as independent variables. On
the other hand, they considered factors such as family poverty, welfare use, families
with no one employed, male joblessness, and assisted housing. A cross sectional
assessment of 506 Pittsburgh public school boys were used to determine how the
listed factors can possibly lead to juvenile delinquency. They also did a follow up six
months after the initial assessment. In the sample of schools boys, 290 were African
American youths. Peeples and Loeber found that 40% of African American youths
lived in poor neighborhoods, compared to 5% of white youths that lived in the same
neighborhood. Also, twice as many African American boys had engaged in some
forms of delinquency in their life than White boys. Additionally, African Americans
and did not differ in terms of the seriousness of delinquent acts or frequency of
serious acts. However, African Americans had a higher total frequency of delinquent
acts than Whites. The
Return to Federalism Research Paper
Annie Reynolds
Return to Federalism
Push Back Against the Expansion of Federal Government Power
In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him
down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson
Over the past several decades, we as a people have allowed the fundamental
principles written in our Constitution to be forgotten, distorted, or completely
ignored. This did not happen overnight but rather bit by bit over time until we are
faced with a system of government that is not, as the founders intended, based on
Federalism and individual freedom, but rather a National system far removed from
the principles for which ... Show more content on ...
During the ratification debates for the Constitution it become apparent to many that
the principle of federalism was not spelled out strongly enough. Five states insisted on
an amendment to the Constitution that would make the principle of federalism clear
to future generations. The purpose of the Tenth Amendment is to clearly define the
principle of federalism for future generations. The Tenth Amendment to the United
States Constitution states, The powers not delegated to the United States by the
Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively,
or to the people .
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Obama Care
At present, more than half of the United States is suing the federal government over
Obama Care. Virginia was the first state to argue in Federal Court that the new health
care law and its individual mandate is unconstitutional. It is Virginia s position that
mandating the purchase of a private product goes beyond the power of congress.
There has never, in the history of the United States, been a law requiring citizens to
purchase a product. Apparently, up until this point, everyone knew that Congress did
not have the power to impose one. Central to the argument of the federal government,
is the Commerce Clause of the
Universal Design Principles
1. What are the primary principles of Universal Design AND how can these be
applied to educational contexts? (2 points) Universal Design is the practice of
incorporating the needs of disabled individuals into the buildings, schools, and
businesses. The primary principles of Universal Design are equitable use,
flexibility, simplicity, perceptible information, forgiveness of mistakes, decreased
physical effort, and space. Some examples of this practice are ramps, Braille signs,
lower desks and tables, and wider hallways. This can be applied in an educational
context by making classrooms and learning spaces accessible to all students. Students
with disabilities would be able to focus on their education rather than how they are
going to get to... Show more content on ...
All individuals must face oppression, stereotypes, and limitations. An example of
this in the reading was Jason Kingsley. Jason was born with down syndrome and
has struggled his whole life with society telling him what he is unable to do. When
he was born the doctors told his family that he couldn t learn, form relationships, or
carry out a normal life, however in response Jason has proved all this incorrect. He
has a job, writes, makes friends, takes public transportation, and has traveled to
other countries. This wasn t always easy since many employers don t always hire
disabled individuals or know how to act around them. I believe that all disabled
people struggle with this kind of discrimination however the obstacles or
disabilities people face vary. Disabilities can be caused by genetics, chemical
imbalances, traumas, or accidents. They can challenge learning, senses, mental
health, or physical abilities. Another example in the reading was the story of
Edward Murphy. Edward developed PTSD after a bomb exploded when he was
deployed in Iraq and struggles with severe anxiety due to this. Unlike Jason,
Murphy wasn t born with a disability but developed it during life. Murphy also has
more opportunities to (in a way) reverse his disability or at least reduce the affect
that it has in his
Taking a Look at Antenna Technology
The field of antennas is vigorous and dynamic, and over the last 60 years antenna
technology has been an indispensable partner of the communication revolution.
Antenna has been considered an important component in the development of modern
wireless communication devices. In addition to receiving and transmitting energy, an
antennain an advanced wirelesssystem is usually required to optimize the radiation
energy in some directions and suppress in others. For wireless communication
systems the antenna is one of the most critical components. A good design of the
antenna can relax system requirements and improve overall system performance.
The planar antenna configurations such as microstrip and patch antennas have been
found suitable for such systems. These antenna configurations are of low profile,
lightweight, simple and inexpensive to fabricate. The main design goal of antenna
design for modern communication systems is to achieve the better performance for
desired frequency bands. But the main disadvantage of using microstrip antenna for
recent day s wireless communication is to achieve multi frequency operation with
single antenna, maintaining the performance the antenna for all desired frequency.
One solution for multi frequency operation is to design different antennas for each
frequency, results in bulky structure and the mutual coupling between different feed
elements will become a problem. Stack structure is the solution to achieve multiple
band operation with
Financial Services Essay
A very warm welcome to the final issue of the Financial Services Newsletter for
2017. It is hard to believe the year is already drawing to a close! Our holiday
edition of the newsletter is one of our biggest. This month s articles will stimulate
our minds by providing timely commentary on recent regulatory developments and
useful guidance on handling legal and commercial issues in practice. Let us begin
with an article on the hot topic of ICOs. ICO stands for Initial Coin Offering.
Editorial board member Andrea Beatty and her co author Daniel Taha (Keypoint
Law) take us through ASIC s recently released guidance on ICOs, and consider how it
compares with the guidance provided by other regulators internationally. The 2017
International... Show more content on ...
This is helpful guidance that lawyers can apply in practice when advising clients.
Then, let us focus on salary sacrifice arrangements relating to contribution to
superannuation. In their article Closing the gap in the salary sacrifice regime ,
Gary Chau and Bryce Figot (also DBA Lawyers), alert us to a Bill that proposes
changes that will apply from July 2018. What is this Bill and what does it propose
to do? Find out by reading this informative article. I would like to welcome Leonie
Chapman (LAWyal Solicitors) to the Financial Services Newsletter. Leonie is on
the editorial board of the Australian Banking and Finance Law Bulletin and she is a
much loved regular contributor. I am delighted that she is now also writing for the
Financial Services Newsletter. Leonie s first article for our readers is titled
Computing for financial services lawyers observations from the 2017 Lexis panel
discussion Human v Cloud . In this article, Leonie shares three key tips that came
out of a recent panel discussions regarding how legal practitioners are coping with
and implementing the changes faced by the legal profession. Relevantly, these tips
might also benefit FinTechs, so don t miss this interesting write up! Regular readers
of this newsletter would know that, since 2016, I have tried to include book
Johannes Vermeer s Life And Accomplishments
Johannes Vermeer (1632 1675) was born in Delft, Holland in October 1632 into the
Calvanist tradition, during the Dutch Golden Age. He was introduced to the world
of art, particularly painting, by his father. His father owned a tavern, frequented by
artists and dealers and by the time his father died in 1652, the twenty year old
Vermeer was left with much debt but also a great enthusiasm for art. Considered too
young to be an artist by the Dutch Guild, he would need another six years
apprenticeship to one or more masters.
However, almost six months after his father s death, he marries. His wife Catharina
Bolenes is from an upper class, Catholic, wealthy family and he converts to
Catholicism. Wheelock states that his conversion to Catholicism
The World s Greatest Sushi Chef
Regarded by many to be the world s greatest sushi chef, 85 year old Jiro Ono has
dedicated his life to perfecting his craft using only the most delicately cooked rice,
and the highest quality cuts of fish. But in recent years, the fish market has gone
sour; the global sushi boom has brought about overfishing not only on the coasts of
Japan, but across oceans worldwide. Overfishing affects more than just sushi
enthusiasts, as it poses a threat of extinction to many species of tunaand sharks.
Whereas traditional fishingtechniques remove a sustainable number of matured fish
from the ecosystem, overfishing the two most common techniques of which are purse
seine netting and longline fishing, both used to maximize the number of fish... Show
more content on ...
Anglers no longer visited them, for all the fish had died. [...] No witchcraft, no
enemy action had silenced the rebirth of new life in this stricken world. The people
had done it themselves (McKibben 366). The people in Carson s town had been
given a gift of fruitful nature, but took more than what the ecosystem could provide
until it fell entirely out of balance. Carson predicted the fate of fisheries across the
globe, that they will be drained of their resources until there is nothing left to take,
and the greedy fishermen are forced to move elsewhere. The southern bluefin tuna,
for example, has been placed into the critically endangered category due to both it s
large size, making it easily entangled in fishermen s nets, and their extremely high
value a single fish alone can be worth up to $10,000 in the United States. According
to the Washington Post, The total population of southern bluefin has been reduced to
about 8 percent of levels before industrial fishing (Harden). Because overfishing
rapidly catches the fish before they have time to reproduce, the southern bluefin
population has been absolutely decimated, just like the fishless streams that Rachel
Carson describes in her story. The oceans must be given time to rest, in order to
recover from the damage that has built up over the many past decades, as Calvin B.
DeWitt states in Inspirations for Sustaining Life on Earth, we may take the fruit, but
must not destroy the fruitfulness
Personality Project Analysis
Nothing feels better than giving back to a place that has given so much to people.
A majority of the little things that we do day by day are taken for granted or they
are just seen as nothing major. In reality there are so many things that are given to
us and we do not always see the little things in life as anything of mass importance.
For our kindness project we decided that it was time for us to give a little to ensure
someone had a smile at the end of the day. We partnered up with the Rho Nu club
here on campus and together we made tie blankets. These blankets that we made
will be donated to the Sacred Heart hospital in Spokane later this month. We
decided to do this project in the hopes of giving a little, but making it count for a lot
more. We hoped that the children receiving these blankets always get a smile on
their face or simply that they just find comfort in these blankets. In this project I was
the leader of the group and I did most of the organization of... Show more content on ...
We are very well connected and have no trouble in communicating. It has been very
easy for us to meet up and discuss our kindness project when it is necessary. Our
group has also been very good with discussing different ideas and then narrowing it
down to something that fits all of us. I believe that the only challenge was that we
had to be sure to attend the Rho Nu meeting so that the tie blankets could be made
in a sterile environment. It was difficult at first to make sure everyone could attend
due to some conflicting schedules. Eventually we were able to come to an
agreement of the time and cleared our schedules. We completed about an hour and a
half of community service by doing this project. Although it was not a lot of time I
think the meaning that it has behind it and what it will mean to the children truly
makes up for that. I was glad that I was able to plan this and lead the team into an
amazing experience for all of
A Structured Literature Review And Comparative Analysis
A Thesis by Yaxu li
Submitted to the Office of Graduate and Professional Studies of
Texas A M University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Chair of Committee, Jos? L. Fern?ndez Sol?s
Committee Members,Sarel?Lavy Rodney Hill Head of Department,Joseph P. Horlen
August 2015
Major Subject: Construction Management
Copyright 2015 Yaxu Li
For the past few years, almost every manufacturing or service industry has been trying
to apply lean. The tools that enable elimination in construction industry are equally
important and little has been done to map the application of lean tools from
manufacturing to the construction. Value stream mapping as a lean tool for
manufacturing is a basic, graphical tool aims to describe production processes and
reduce the wastes. In its current state, value stream mapping is not able to implement
in construction as successfully as in manufacture due to the fundamental differences
between the manufacturing and construction. This paper used the structured
literature review as the methodology to help the study to summary the current state of
application of the value stream mapping in construction and manufacturing then used
the comparative analysis to identify these differences as well as similarities between
the manufacturing and
Essay about How Women are Represented in Science
How Women are Represented in Science Fiction Films Today
Science fiction films have changed a lot since the days of rubber monsters and
fake blood. This is not only because of the advance in technology but also in the
brave character choices directors of films are now taking. A prime example of this
can be seen in T T2 in regards to the character of Sarah Connor.
The representation of women in Science fiction films has changed dramatically the
more traditional feminine role. Representation is the act of representing, or the state
of being represented. Fore instance, something that represents an image or likeness of
something. An example of this in T2 is Sarah Connor who is represented as a ... Show
more content on ...
As mentioned Terminator 2 has all of these factors. It is a typical science fiction film
with a twist as there s quite a bit of emotion involved. For example, the relationship
between John and his mother and also John and the Terminator. Moreover it is an
action and a thriller too, so it appeals to various people. The story consists of a
shape shifting cyborg which is sent back from the future to kill John Connor before
he can grow up to lead the resistance. John from the future, sends a protector too, he
is programmed to do whatever he can to make sure young John isn t killed or harmed
in any way.
Science fiction movies are seen as a brilliant depiction of how life could become.
When looking at modern films such as T2 it is a breath of fresh air to see women
depicted in such a masculine way. No sappy women enter the screen in some sci fi
thrillers there is only strong, clever and dominant women who know how to defend
themselves and others.
Sarah Connor had an important role in T2, which impacted and impressed the
audience, and allowed the creators of the film to use her and not a male. Her central
role in the narrative was strong and very active throughout and her masculinity grew
along with her active character.
When looking at the genre of science fiction
Historical And Medical Background Of Agnosia
Historical and Medical Background of Agnosia
Agnosia is a rare neurological disorder that affects one s capability to recognize
people or objects based on the affected sense (Coslett, 2007; National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2014). There are three observed types of agnosia:
Visual, Auditory, and Tactile (Coslett, 2007; Marotta Behrmann 2002). Visual agnosia
is the most common type because the brain devotes the most energy and resources to
visual processing than processing of any of the other senses (Coslett, 2007). Since it
is the most common, and therefore has the most research available, visual agnosia
will be the primary focus of this paper.
Sigmund Freud coined the term agnosia which means without knowledge and
although the term stands today, it is now known that those with agnosia actually have
knowledge of what they are seeing but do not have the ability to connect perception
to knowledge. As Marotta and Behrmann observed in two case studies, those with
visual agnosia are able to identify and recognize object through sound, touch or a
description of function or appearance (Marotta Behrmann, 2002; Coslett, 2007),
proving that knowledge of the object is present.
Heinrich Lissauer, a German neurologist, divided visual agnosia into two
subcategories: apperceptive and associative agnosia. Apperceptive agnosia is when a
perceptual representation cannot even be derived from vision, meaning everything
can be seen, the visual acuity and physical

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Love At First Sight Essay. Argumentative Essay About Love At First Sight Telegraph

  • 1. Love At First Sight Essay Crafting an essay on the concept of love at first sight presents a unique challenge. The topic itself is one that invites a wide array of perspectives, ranging from romantic idealism to scientific skepticism. Delving into this subject requires a delicate balance between personal anecdotes, literary analysis, psychological insights, and perhaps even philosophical musings. One of the primary difficulties lies in navigating the subjective nature of the topic. Love at first sight is inherently elusive and subjective, making it challenging to provide concrete evidence or universally accepted arguments. While some may argue for its existence based on personal experiences or anecdotal evidence, others may dismiss it as mere infatuation or coincidence. Furthermore, the concept of love at first sight often intersects with various cultural, societal, and historical contexts. Exploring these intersections adds layers of complexity to the essay, requiring thorough research and critical analysis to provide a comprehensive understanding. Moreover, addressing the skeptics' viewpoints is crucial for a well-rounded discussion. This involves acknowledging counterarguments, such as the role of physical attraction, cognitive biases, and the influence of media and pop culture in shaping perceptions of love. Additionally, crafting a compelling narrative that engages the reader while maintaining scholarly rigor is essential. Finding the right balance between emotional appeal and logical reasoning can be challenging, especially given the subjective nature of the topic. In conclusion, writing an essay on love at first sight demands a nuanced approach that navigates through subjective experiences, cultural influences, and skeptical viewpoints. It requires a deep understanding of human emotions, psychological mechanisms, and societal norms. Despite its complexities, exploring this topic offers an opportunity for profound introspection and intellectual inquiry. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Love At First Sight Essay Love At First Sight Essay
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  • 5. The Fraternity Of The Brotherhood Jesse joined Alpha Phi Alpha in order to bond with like minded individuals. Alpha Phi Alpha was the first Black Greek letter intercollegiate fraternity in the United States founded on Cornell s campus in 1906 initially created as a Black men s literary and support group. The purpose of the organization is to foster strong bonds between men of African descent who faced racial prejudice. The organization combines social purpose with social action. Jesse wanted to be part of the brotherhood: I just had more relationships with African Americans at Cornell than I did with majority students...As far as my pledge interest, and subsequently being initiated by Alpha Phi Alphafraternity, a couple of my close friends were in the frat. They spoke good things of it, and I thought that it would be nice to join and be part of the brotherhood that was for us. Harriet found solace in pledging Delta Sigma Theta, a Black Greek letter sorority dedicated to public service, which was founded in 1913. One of her really good friends, who was a Black Cuban, decided to pledge with her. She also sang in Pamoja Ni Gospel choir. Harriet talks about the importance of community in an isolated environment: I think that Blacks who wind up going to Cornell, in part because we have this shared experience of being in an isolated environment. I think all of us grow, in part as a result of figuring out how to deal with whatever challenges come up, the social and cultural challenges, and I think that
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  • 7. Driving Miss Daisy Paper Maryann Eneorji Bowie State University Scholarly Paper IDIS 460 June 24th, 2015 Instructor Sharon Wilks After watching the movie Driving Miss Daisy, I found out that it is an interesting movie about a seventy two year old woman who lives with her cook. She is having hard time with driving because of her age. Her son told her that he will hire a driver for her after she dangerous drove in to a neighbor s house. She did not like the idea because she sees driving as fun, freedom, and being independent. Her son insists, he hire her a driver named Mr. Hoke. At first, Miss. Daisy refuse the driver to take her anywhere but because Mr. Hoke was patience, he convince her to let him driver her, she later accept to give it a try. The driver Mr. Hoke serve Miss. Daisy for twenty years and they get to understand and ... Show more content on ... I learned how to be patient when dealing with people and as a nurse you have to be patient with your clients. You have to provide them with all the information they need and allow them to make their own decisions. For instance Hoke and Boolie provided Miss Daisy with the information she needs to help her change her mine to have a driver instead of driving herself and they waited for her to change her mine instead of forcing her. I learned to love people no matter their race, religion, or cultural background. In the movie, Hoke showed a lot of love to Miss Daisy even though they are from different cultural background and he won her heart from doing so. Boolie also showed so much love for her mother in the movie. He was always there for her when she needs him. On one occasion she called him to come over to her house, he thought it was something serious, when he came she told him that one of her can fish was missing, somebody has stolen it. His son was very angry because his mother called him to come over because of a missing can of fish but he figured out a way to solve the
  • 8. Symbolism And Tone In The Century Quilt By Marilyn Nelson... In the poem The Century Quilt by Marilyn Nelson Waniek the speaker uses symbolism and tone to convey a deeper meaning behind the quilt. The speaker s symbolism displays the diversity in the speaker s family. The speaker s tone conveys pride in their family. Each square of the quilt represents a different section of the speaker s family, and past occurrences. The quilt that the speaker discovers contains earth tone squares. Each of these colors symbolizes a different family member. A single square that is the yellowbrown of Mama s cheeks . The fact that there is a single square of this color shows that the speaker s mother is unparalleled. The speaker s father is described as having burnt umber pride . The father was a war veteran as revealed in the first stanza when the speaker talks about the army green blanket that was given to the speaker s father by Supply . The reason that the father s color is brown is because he passed away. The brown symbolizes his burial plot. When the speaker talks about having a brown father and yellow mother this also tells of their skin tones. The... Show more content on ... When mentioning their Meema[ s] dream of childhood the speaker describes her and her sisters as beautiful . Describing their family as beautiful is a small way to show how proud the speaker is of their family because if the speaker didn t care, she wouldn t compliment them. Upon seeing the grandmother s quilt the speaker wishes to inherit that blanket . The quilt being a symbol of generations past it is a compliment to the family to want it forever and have it be the blanket that the speaker wants to die under . The speaker wants to remember all of their family s history, and continue their family line. The speaker has hopes of meeting a yet unconceived son. Continuing the family line displays honor for the speaker s remaining family members. The speaker wants their child to have the same childhood memories as they
  • 9. How Do Occupational Risk Dentist Occupational risk prevention dental care In a dental office, the dentist and his assistant may be in contact with potentially infectious agents during treatment of a patient or disinfecting the patient room and cleaning instruments. They can also be exposed to dust, fumes, radiation or hazardous chemicals. Because of our proximity to the patient, the dentist assistant is exposed to risks of infection. They may be contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms contained in the blood, saliva, pus or nasal secretions. Dental assistants are exposed in the same way when they work with the patient side and also when handling and cleaning equipment. Dentists and dental assistants are prone to allergies as well as skin irritation and respiratory tract... Show more content on ... The effects of radiation in utero are particularly deleterious (teratogenic effects). Other effects, which do not always manifest, which appear with a delay, with no obvious threshold (radiation induced cancers including those of the thyroid, bone sarcomas, leukemias, and possibly ... malformations in offspring) are related to the accumulation of several doses over successive
  • 10. Should The Glass Castle Be Banned In The Glass Castle A growing problem in schools around the country is the topic of censoring books from children based on parents and teachers beliefs on what s appropriate for students. There s no doubt in my mind that The Glass Castle is filled with adult themes not primarily written for a younger audience. The Glass Castle is a memoir written by Jeannette Walls life, largely her childhood with her parents and siblings, and her breaking away from her parents to become a relatively successful adult. The novel contains events of sexual assault and substance abuse, Jeannette s parents raise her and her siblings horribly and there s plenty of violence scattered throughout the book Jeannette tries to shoot another child from her school at one point. However, this doesn t mean this book should be banned from schools. This book should be allowed to be read by at least high schoolstudents not only because of how well written and a good read it is, but the various lessons about life it offers to the reader, largely through Jeannette s father. I want to clarify that this book shouldn t be allowed in somewhere like an elementary school s library; this book is more fitting for an older, more mature audience. My brother however, who s in middle school, is a better example of the younger end that could reasonably understand this book. He s 12 years old on the verge of 13, and after reading The Glass Castlehe learned that, in his own words, If someone is holding you back, you should probably leave
  • 11. Lotus Same Time TELECOMMUNICATIONS, THE INTERNET AND WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY Name: Miguel ГЃngel CГіndor Colqui Q1 * Based on the video and text of the case, list and briefly describe five areas where either version of Sametime may increase employee productivity. What do you think will produce the greatest increase in employee productivity? 1. Improve communication Employees have a better communication through the lotus same time. Not only among them, they can also be linked with his /her boss, CEO, customer, etc. 2. Stress reduction There is no need to wait lots of time to get, receive or access to certain information. Employee will not get stress for this kind of problems. 3. Improve access to information Employees, bosses or whoever ... Show more content on ... Some other additional benefits of this virtual environment are: * Employee s knowledge can be totally discovered. * Permanent communication between among areas. * Instant screen compartment. * Geo location services. Q3 * What types of communication are integrated within Sametime s digital environment? What type of communication is missing? Does it make a difference? * Reciprocal it goes between two or more people changing rolls. * Linguistic and extra linguistic People communicate through key board (chatting) or using some familiar codes. * Private and public The communication inside the company can be private when it occurs between two employees or public when it goes to everyone in the organization. (In fact, it is not totally private because the conversation can be followed for the database system.) * Formal The messages use a formal code according to the organization policies. * Horizontal and vertical It can occur in a same range people or from boss to assistant. What is missing here is the physical or interpersonal communication. It can make the difference because when people talk they express a lot of feelings. The main advantage is that employees will not realize if the other one is tired or in another bad situation. Q4 * Do you think that virtual collaboration using avatars is more or less effective than traditional methods of collaboration (which include face to face, traveling to
  • 12. Ebusiness Task 1 Heather Taylor QRT2 Task 1 Viability of product or service Taylor Tech and Learning is a small home based business located in Small Town, AR. Taylor Tech currently does not have a website but could use one to increase web imprint and bring more business to the company. The company is located within the city limits of the small town. The business is frequented by the local people but offers so much more than just a quick computer fix and great customer service. The company offers a range of services. Computer repair, lessons, and tutoring are all usually completed by calling to see if they have time to offer the services via phone call. There is currently no online presence with Taylor Tech and with most business s today that is ... Show more content on ... They are marketing their customers as friends to them instead of just another customer which puts some people at ease. Making the customer comfortable helps them trust the tech. There is no international presence within the company. If they were to offer international services, the customer base may grow by at least 20%. Online Marketing Suggestions amp; Strategies Taylor Tech offers services for all ages from 5 99. Most customers are ages 25 50 with home desktops and laptops experiencing slowness of computers. Other customers are interested in classes to gain knowledge for either personal experience or to use for work and school purposes. By going after this audience you will cover everyone with computers that either just need a computer tech to visit them on site or customers who just want to learn more about their computers and software s they own. Taylor Tech s biggest competitors offer all the same services, but what sets you all apart is Taylor Tech wants to offer the learning classes online, chat services online, and remote support online for a small fee which you can pay online. None of the competitors offer online payment of any sort. No only a friendly face and voice but also customer convenience is a top priority. Taylor Tech will improve the customer experience by offering all customers a free tutorial on how to use the site and use the services effectively through remote desktop so the customer does not have to leave their
  • 13. Responses to the Challenge of Amoralism Essay example Responses to the Challenge of Amoralism ABSTRACT: To the question Why should I be moral? there is a simple answer (SA) that some philosophers find tempting. There is also a response, common enough to be dubbed the standard response (SR), to the simple answer. In what follows, I show that the SA and SR are unsatisfactory; they share a serious defect. To the question, Why should I be moral? there is a simple answer (SA) that some philosophers find tempting. There is also a response, common enough to be dubbed the standard response (SR), to the simple answer. In what follows I show that SA and SR are unsatisfactory; they share a serious defect. I will interpret Why should I be moral? to mean Why should I habitually perform ... Show more content on ... Or perhaps it is (d) a request for a motive to be moral. (2) If Alf s question is of type (a) or (c), it s silly. Nothing could be more obvious than that Alf has a moral reason to be moral. It s a plain fact that being moral is the moral thing to do it s the option justified from the moral point of view and this is clearly a reason for Alf to be moral. (3) If Alf s question is of type (b) or (d) it s unreasonable; hence we need not bother with it. Moral philosophy aims at rational persuasion, not at generating motives to act. Nor does it aim to justify morality in terms of prudence, law, custom, or etiquette. Indeed, such a justification is impossible. But we should not be disturbed about this. The moral life is not called into question by showing that it does not reduce to a concern for custom, prudence, etc., any more than prudence is called into question by showing that it does not reduce to a concern for morality. (4) Thus, Alf s question is silly or unreasonable. We need not bother with it. SR can be set out as follows: (I) Responses to Why should I be moral? that treat the question as illegitimate, SA being one such response, fail to envision all the things the question might express. Very likely, Alf s question is not of kind (a), (b), (c) or (d). Instead, it s
  • 14. Dualism Vs Physicalism I would like to begin this paper by addressing what question I hope to answer through the entirety of this paper: is the mind physical? As simple as this question may seem to be, there still, to this day, is not a definite answer. There are, mostly, two approaches to answering this problem, through dualismor physicalism. The dualist, for the purposes of this paper, simply believes that the mind and the body are not equal and therefore, they are not one in the same. The physicalist, however, would come back to say that there are no such things as non physical objects and therefore, they would conclude that the body and the mind are both physical. After weighing on both sides of this argument, I am going to defend the physicalist ideas and... Show more content on ... An objection to this statement would be that we are not actually gaining any new knowledge after experiencing events. What if, in reality, all we are doing is obtaining a new ability? Since we already know all the physical information about experiencing the color red, the physicalist would say that there would not be any new knowledge to obtained from this event, but instead, we just know the ability to see the color red now. But, in another section of Jackson s article, he refers back to the famous article What is it Like to Be a Bat?, written by the philosopher Thomas Nagel, to help strengthen his argument against physicalism. Jackson states how there is no amount of physical information that could possibly tell us what it is like to be anything other than a human being (Jackson 416 417). For instance, the dualist would say that I cannot possibly understand what it is like to actually be a dog. Even if I were able to obtain all the possible physical information there is about dogs, according to the dualist, I would still be missing the actual experience of being a dog. However, the physicalist would still argue that, although I am not a dog, I can still know the physical information about what it is like to be a dog and know how they perceive and experience everything in life. Then if, some day, I
  • 15. The Impact Of Sporting Activities On Sporting Events Sporting activities have had major impacts worldwide for quite some time. Within that period of time, various issues have emanated from such activities and had various influences. According to the article written and published by Jamal L. R. on 10th November 2015, racial discrimination on sporting events, as well as the dynamics of the raceand sport from 1968 to 2008 is focused on. In his research, Jamal mainly uses content analysis on the happenings, which had major impact especially on the blacks during athletic, and ball games. He mainly analyzes the grievances addressed by other races especially during the games, so as to come up with his research and conclusions. Such complains helps him in identifying the existence of racial ... Show more content on ... However, the article does not answer the perpetrators were punished or the compensations allocated to the victims. This analysis mainly focused on the racial discrimination in sporting events. The major claims that led possible changes in the industry include youthful delusions, civil rights, public outcry, self determination and nationalism. Youthful delusions explains how the youth focused on sports to make money, civil rights focuses on human rights as enshrined in the United Nations charter and how sportsmen and activists fought for enactment of these policies, public outcry emphasizes on how the public ensured that their rights are upheld, self determination is all about the act of believing in one self to make rational decisions and ruling, and lastly sprit of nationalism which focuses on the feeling of belonging to a particular country and doing what is expected as a citizen of the country. These were the major claims to support the argument of the article and their impact on the pre existing problems. Analysis on public outcry focuses on scholars who were against racism. They viewed racists as slave masters to the larger population. A scholar by the name Gilbert stood against racists, advocated for new policies and change. Gilbert was also accused of inciting people to protest against racial discrimination at sporting affairs after posting sediments on LeBron James. His post made Cavaliers supporters to have a
  • 16. Hamlet Sanity In Hamlet The most famous mental patient, Hamlet s sanity has been debated for hundreds of years. As a student, I doubt I can add to the debate, but I can look at the facts and come to my own conclusion. Hamlet is suffering grief and despair from the beginning; his uncle s usurpation of the throne and fathers death, and rapid wedding of his mother. You can watch his intense grief tip toeing on the line with suicidal behavior as of Act II Sc I, where he gives his first soliloquy: O that this too too solid flesh would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew! Or that the Everlasting had not fixed. His canon gainst self slaughter! Exclaimed Hamlet Although we are supposed to suspect that something is rotten in the state of Denmark , as Horatio puts it, from the start of the play, it is only when Hamlet talks with the ghost of his father in Act I Sc V that we realise the full extent of his uncle s treachery. Horatio and Marcellus try to restrain him, Horatio saying: What if it tempt you toward the flood, my lord, Or to the dreadful summit of the cliff That beetles o er his base into the sea, And there assume some other horrible form, Which might deprive your sovereignty of reason, And draw you into madness? Horatio is afraid that the ghost will get Hamlet to follow him to a cliff hanging over the sea. These words are very ironic, for as a result of seeing the ghost and hearing the dreadful truth about his father s murder and mother s adultery Hamlet says he will put on an antic
  • 17. My First Day As A Kindergartener My First day as a Kindergartener One day afternoon, in my first day of kindergarten as I got out of school I was waiting for my mom to pick me up and sign me out from my teachers signout list, in order to be released. However, as I waited, many of my peers were getting picked up but me. As I began to see that many of my peers began to leave, the classroom started to become more empty. Then as I waited, I finally got called to be released but I didn t see my mom. I saw a strange woman smiling towards me and asking me how my day went as I got closer, but I didn t answer. As I walked towards my teacher and the woman I was really confused and a million things began to cross my mind. The woman had many children with her which made me feel really doubtful even though I thought they were her children. However, I then realized that there were too many children in order for them to be hers. So, if they weren t her children who were they? Or even a more intriguing question; Who was she? Getting to know her was not so difficult, as I thought it would be. Even though I didn t say much about myself when she began questioning me I felt there was going to be a connection between us. As we had walked for a while already with the rest of the children, we finally arrived to the place she had parked her car. After we got inside her car she began heading towards a street that I had already passed through with my mom. As she drove through that street, I saw a playground with a brownish fence
  • 18. Piaget s Theory Of Cognitive Ability Welcome to the exciting and adventurous camp of Cognitive Ability, where we challenge and cherish the precious minds of babies and teens through our fun activities of psychology through Piaget s theory of cognitive ability. Piaget s theory of cognitive ability was designed to distinguish the age at which a child s cognitive ability was developed through the stages in which he classified as sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational (Lutz Huitt, 2004). The goal of the camp is to define how children learn, remember, pay attention, and problem solve through each child s development pace by a series of educational activities for all to enjoy. The sensorimotor stage activities will consist primarily of age s birth to about two years. The child will be given a choice of toys to play with such as stuffed animals, building blocks or a rattle. Each toy will either produce a sound. During the main activity, one of the instructors will give the child the rattle to play with by first showing the rattle to the baby and then shaking the rattle. As the baby looks at the rattle they will be startled or surprised by the sound and wonder why and where it came from. The instructor will then give the rattler to the baby and then they will shake it. The baby will gradually understand they are causing the sound, therefore motor skills and sensory perceptions are established. In the sensorimotor stage, infants will realize that their actions through sense and
  • 19. The Decolorization Potential of Microorganisms The decolorization potential of microorganism was assessed by examining its ability to degrade various textile dyes. All 10 dyes monitored showed decolorization as follows: Reactive Yellow 84 (complete decolorization in 5 h), Reactive Green 19A (95% in 24 h) , Reactive Red 120 (complete decolorization in 6 h), Reactive Blue 160 (complete decolorization in 3 h), Reactive Red 31(complete decolorization in 6 h), Solvent Red 24 (complete decolorization in 8 h), Basic Green 4 (80% in 24 h), Diamond Green 4 (complete decolorization in 24 h), Pigment Orange 31 (complete decolorization in 3 h) and RO16 (complete decolorization in 2 h), while in sterile, cell free medium decolorization did not occur up to 48 h of incubation suggesting the absence of abiotic decolorization. As RO16 showed complete decolorization in 2 h, this industrially important toxic azo dyewas taken for further studies. Lysinibacillus sp. RGS could decolorize RO16 rapidly and thus was found to be better than the bacterial consortium DAS reported by Jadhav et al (2011). To confirm the decolorization, UV Vis spectroscopic analysis was carried out. The absorption spectra of RO16 before and after treatment by Lysinibacillus sp. RGS in visible range were taken. Peak responsible for absorption maxima of parent dye (495 nm) were completely disappeared in the sample obtained after decolorization (Fig.S1) confirming the complete removal. Establishment of optimum operation conditions for the decolorization study of RO16
  • 20. The Great Gatsby Overrated Literary Analysis Dreams are an escape from reality to a world of imagination that is ideal to someone. However, we get overwhelm with our fantasies, we lose touch with reality. In the text, Is The Great Gatsby the Most Overrated Literary Novel of All Time, Daniel Honan argues that the classic American novel, The Great Gatsby is an overrated novel in his opinion. Honan challenges his claim on the novel by questioning, should his book be considered an American classic? Author, F.Scott Fitzgerald, portrays his novel The Great Gatsbywith a unique writing style, structure, and captures life in the 1920s realistically. Fitzgerald demonstrates the theme of illusion vs. reality by showing life in the Roaring 20 wasn t as glamorous it seemed to be through his character s... Show more content on ... Myrtle Wilson comes from an area of poverty called the Valley Ashes. When Myrtle is with Tom, she feels as if she was part of the upper class life. She feels as if she lives in a world full of money when with Tom. In New York, Tom and Myrtle have an apartment together, which is when the illusion of Myrtle having money comes in. When Mrs. Mckee complements on Myrtle s dress she responses by saying, It s just a crazy old thing , she said. I just slip it on when I don t care what I look like, (Fitzgerald 31). Myrtle is in denial of accepting the life she has. Even when it comes the simplest things of wearing a dress, she will do anything to feel accepted in higher social. Like Lionel Trilling phrase states, a taste for aristocracy, (quote from Honan), is what Myrtle wanted; a taste of what is it like to come from old money. With Tom, she can be someone she is not. However, when she is with her husband George, reality kicks in. Myrtle is living in two worlds with both of these men. With Tom she is part of the higher class, and has a social status to maintain. When she is with her husband, she is a poor middle class women with not even a dime to her name. I married him because I thought he was a gentleman, (Fitzgerald 34), in order words Myrtle is telling her friend Ms. Mckee that she only married George because she thought he was rich. The day she saw him on the subway train with a suit
  • 21. Philosophy And Science Of The Same Breath The philosophers Leucippus and Democritus are constantly mentioned in the same breath. Since the bulk of their works did not survive the middle ages, we have only fragments and the writings of their peers and successors to tell us about their accomplishments and ideas. It is difficult to separate these two men because they are praised or critiqued as a unit by contemporaries and followers, but their exact relationship is unclear. Sources such as Diogenes Laertius do not link them as teacher and student, but rather as acquaintances. However, in Metaphysics, Aristotle refers to Democritusas Leucippusdisciple , equating the two philosophers ideas of full and void (the idea of atoms and the space in which they move). But whatever their relationship, their legacy of atomismis an important one, and it has influenced philosophy and science down to the present day. There is comprehensive access to primary sources on these philosophers and their ideas through both the Perseus Digital Library and the Online Loeb Classical Library. The countless references to Democritus in Aristotle s work are available both in original language and translation, as well as passing references to Leucippus, Democritus, and their philosophy from authors such as Sextus, Diogenes Laertius and others. Although these primary sources are mostly fragmented quotes or philosophical rebuttals to Democritus and Leucippus works, they provide much needed information on early atomist thought. The
  • 22. The Counter Terrorism Law Counter terrorism Law No one can deny that the word terrorism is hated to be heard. Terrorism is commonly known as any action referring to violence against innocent citizens or causing damages to a public or private property for political purposes. According to Maria Keet, (Senior Lecturer with the Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town) Terrorismis resulted due to plenty of causes that made such a phenomenon be a public concern. Separatism is probably the main reason of arising of terrorism. The conflict between people is due to nationalism and racism issues. This conflict arises with the existence of inequality, racism and political opportunities. Other reason of arising of terrorism is poverty and social inequality. Some statistics proved that 15% of the population consumes 85% of the resources all over the world which made the other 85% of population fight for these resources by any means. Last but not the least; Religion is one of the causes of terrorism especially in Egypt. Terrorism became widely spread in the Egyptian streets after the 30th June revolution in 2013. After the sacking of the former president, who belonged to a religious organization, his supporters decided to spread terrorism all over the country until the former president gets back to his position as a president of Arab Republic of Egypt. Since then, this terroristic organization performs a terroristic operation which had many impacts on Egypt and Egyptians. Since June 2013,
  • 23. The Fear Of Public Speaking According to The University of Iowa, glossophobia, the fear of public speaking, remains the number one phobia in people all around. Although one can t usually eliminate the fear, one can learn how to manage and reduce it. Once learning how to control anxiety, public speaking can lead to success for anyone. Seventy five percent of people experience this fearof speaking in front of others, and I am one of them. When I was a little girl I was very shy. I would be afraid to enter conversations, meet new people, and wouldn t feel confident around people in general, especially when it came to public speaking. In seventh grade, I did my first major speech and experienced a lot of anxiety. Before the speech, my stomach hurt so bad that I thought I was about to throw up. I was dizzy, my hands were sweaty, and my face was very pale. I got told I looked like I was sick, and I thought I was going to be. During the speech, my heart was pounding so hard, it felt like it was going to bust out of my chest. Unfortunately, I decided not to finish the speech and end it early because of how nervous I was. Now I am in a public speaking class, and have learned how to manage my speech anxiety. From experience, learning how manage anxiety is the best way to get over the fear of public speaking. Preparing for the speech is a huge part of achieving for success. First, selecting a speech topic that interests you is crucial. When choosing my speech topic in seventh grade, we had a requirement of
  • 24. My Leadership Experience At Saint Stephen s Food Pantry An example of my leadership experience is when I volunteered at Saint Stephen s Food Pantry, where we reached out into the community to help those in need like the homeless and low income families. At the pantry, I m in charge of signing in and pulling out the person s file. Aside from doing what I am assigned, I also help translate since I am trilingual. Because I can speak multiple languages, I am able to interact not only with the people who volunteer there but also with the people that come to have their basic needs met. I have volunteered for a long time at the pantry, many of the people who come recognize me and I recognize them. For instance, when I see them, I can immediately pull out their file because I know who they are. From this
  • 25. Language Should Be Regulated On Books Name Course Instructor Date of submission Language Should be Regulated in Books Quotes about books and their importance to the society are many, and one can never imagine that the same books have content that should not reach a certain public. Martin Luther King once said that if one needed to change the world, the only thing they had to do is to pick a pen and write. Why then would language become such a huge issue when writing books? Like movies, some books require parental guidance because their sexual, political, socio cultural, and legal content should not reach a certain audience. Ethical and legal issues apply when governments or institutions decide to regulate the language contained in books. This paper is based on findings on the ... Show more content on ... However, not all books need buyers since some authors or activists often write books just to create awareness about something. Out of Africa is a book written in the 90s that covers the experience of an author in the Ebola stricken Congo. Besides educating people about Ebola, the book had very entertaining information, but profiling Congo out of other countries had a significant impact on the sale of the book in the West African region. Issues of racial profiling and discrimination of the black continent arose, and it was difficult for the author to defend her position only saying that she reported facts through a book (Dettori and Persico 82). As an expression of art, the book needed acceptance, but some publics could not accept it because they felt that it ethically violated their principles. Books that many authors distribute free include the ones that discuss environmental concerns, disease break outs, and technological advancements. Ethical concerns remain prevalent, especially in books today because of their availability in electronic content through online retailers such as Amazon. Critics of the online bookstore blame it for promoting the sale of books with pornographic content, socio cultural profiling, and political issues such as Wikileaks. As such, the ethical context is an important aspect of the discussion and is one reason language should be censored. Books should not deceive
  • 26. Missing Property Tim, This claim is in reference both missing property from baggage and a medical claim on holiday Donald and I took to Europe last year starting on the 24th of September, 2017. We landed Paris on Delta Airlines and a then went on a Backroads cycling trip in the Loire Valley. We arrived in Paris on the 24th of September and went to our Hotel Aigle Noir at Fountainbleu. When I started to unpack my bag is when I noticed my luggage had been ransacked. I was missing my toiletry bag, clothes, and shoes. I notified Delta and they told me to go and purchase my toiletry items and submit a missing property claim form for review and reimbursement. Delta also told me I must make all claims within 21 days of the start of my trip. I submitted all ... Show more content on ... Since we were in the countryside I did not go to the hospital until the next morning. They told me that I needed 12 stitches but would not be able to stitch my knee since I delayed coming to the hospital. The doctor told me that I had to hire a day nurse every morning in each village to come and bandage my knee to avoid infection. Delta did reimburse me 100% for I have been a Delta Medallion member for over 25 years and have never filed a claim with Delta. Allainz told I must go and purchase my items and submit receipts to get reimbursed for my stolen clothes and shoes along with my medical bills. In January of this year, I submitted two claim types with Allainz online. I submitted one type for Baggage/Personal Effect claim for my stolen items and my Delta missing property claim number 4006118967, along with Medical Expenses. I uploaded my receipts for a total of $715.66. Please note on my medical receipts 106.72 are billed in Euros not US$. Below is a copy of our coverage and please note the claim email is in my email Allianz told me I was approved and that they would send a check for my reimbursement and to this day we have not received any funds from
  • 27. The Shoemaker and the Tea Party The Shoemaker and the Tea Party by Alfred Young revolves around two bibliographies written about one of the last living participants of the Boston Tea Party, and the authors own interpretations of the events surrounding the Tea Party and the American Revolution as a whole. In this particular novel, Young explores what it means to rediscover history, and how history is continually redefined. Particular attention in the novel is given to public history, and how highlighting people otherwise lost to time can completely change how an event is perceived. Readers are given the opportunity to see the history behind the American Revolutionthrough the lenses of an average man of that time. In this essay I will review the novel and the message... Show more content on ... Young also makes reference to some of the countless books he serendipitously came across in his research surrounding the American Revolution, and the event that would come to be known as the Boston Tea Party. Young pulls from his large selection of evidence to make his points throughout the novel. In order to understand Hewes, Young delved into the psychology of memory and references noted psychologist Daniel Schachter. (xiii.) By understanding why someone remembers an event in a particular way, gives insight into how memories are consolidated. Hewes memory for a man is age is remarkable to say the least. The emotion tied to a particular memory is able to enhance it (xii). Young seems to use this evidence to lend creditability to the way that Hewes remembers particular events such as the Boston Massacre. At the same time, Young explores while Hewes would be able to remember more during the interviews for the second bibliography written about him. Young implies that the first interview essentially helped to focus Hewes memory which allowed him to remember more easily with Thatcher in his second interview as well as remembering new anecdotes. The first portion of the novel deals mostly with Hewes life and why he lived the life that he did. Young s portrayal of a young Hewes, ever defiant, immediately causes a reader to reminisce of his or her own childhood. It soon becomes evidently clear that where one ended up in life depended
  • 28. Colonial Life In Colonial America Colonial life is rapidly changing and with it so are cities transforming into cities that make early efforts in creating a model for future colonial cities. By this I mean, a city with hospitals, police department, public libraries, fire stations, and paved and lit streets. These features are products of a rise in urbanization and are an answer to the problems a new urban cityfaces. In this era a particular city with a pivotal citizen would stand out among the rest and provide some key solutions to urban problems. That city would be Philadelphia, and its adopted son Benjamin Franklin. Philadelphia became a hub for new immigrants that quickly transformed this city into one of the largest in all of colonial America. Throughout the 1720 1740... Show more content on ... Being that the typical immigrant was of small means it is not difficult to imagine that as some began to gain wealth others would be left behind thus creating a gap in society. What is significant of this time is that the growth of the city provided the perfect marketplace for farmers to sell their would be those in the cities were the growth of industry and urban development was taking place that would deal with greater income inequality. One solution was that more money was to be printed an idea fully supported by Franklin so much so that he wrote a pamphlet on it, It was receiv d by the common people in general; but the rich men dislik d it, for it increas d and strenghten d the clamor for more money,... Franklin s action are an early example of social economic reform in an urban setting. By spreading the money around rather than have it be only in the hands of a few they are able to spur economic growth and urban prosperity on a larger scale. This shows us that in this time there is sense that the collective good is more important than the individual. This idea of protecting the poor is shown again later when franklin writes his paper on the city watch. ...a poor widow housekeeper, all whose property to be guarded by the watch did not perhaps exceed the value of fifty pounds, paid as much as the wealthiest merchant,
  • 29. Delta Air Flow Analysis Abstract: Throughout history, human beings have been astonished by the concept of flight. In the modern world, planes, helicopters and other aircrafts have been engineered to fulfil this perception, allowing people to travel around the world in easy. However, just like cars and trains, planes are also prone to accidents influenced by bad weather conditions. The information below describes how a thunderstormand windshear affected Delta fight 191 in 1985. Which will provide the physics behind the accident and the weather system and create recommendations to help limit these types of air accidents. Introduction/ background: The concept of flight follows basic physics principles includes Bernoulli s principle, forces in flight and how the motion ... Show more content on ... The top part of the wings allows faster moving fluids to create less pressure while the bottom of the wings create greater pressure producing lift. Lift is one of the four forces in flight. The other forces include Weight, thrust and drag as seen in the diagram below. Diagram 1 The four forces in flight Diagram shows the four forces in flight. This diagram will be further explained throughout the analysis of the different forces and how bad weather affects them (hall, 2015). The diagram displays that weight is the opposing force of lift and is dependent on the mass of all the airplane parts, plus the amount of fuel and any payload on board such as people, baggage and so on (Woodford, Chris, 2009/2017). Weight is also a continuous downward force that planes must constantly overcome to stay in the air by generating enough lift to overcome gravity. As the airplane moves through the air, there are other aerodynamic forces present such as thrust and drag. According to Real World Physics Problems (2009), Thrust is the force that moves the airplane forward which is generated by an engine creating the backward force allowing the plane to move
  • 30. What Differentiates Sfeelou s And Skandalis One year after the collection of short stories ОќО№ПЊП„О· П‡П‰ПЃОЇП‚ П„ПЃО±ОіОїПЌОґО№О± Sofia Fildisi published the novel Оџ ОјОµОіО¬О»ОїП‚ ОјО±П‚ О±ОґОµПЃП†ПЊП‚ also set in the period of the Occupation. Just like in her previous book, in this novel too, the author does not distinguish between Germans and Nazis and words like Nazism , Nazis or Third Reich are nowhere to be found in over one hundred fifty pages of narrative text. This is of particular importance as Оџ ОјОµОіО¬О»ОїП‚ ОјО±П‚ О±ОґОµПЃП†ПЊП‚ is the only text published in the first period the metapolitefsi which does mention the existence of Nazi concentration camps. The reference to the concentration camps, however, is completely disassociated from its context and the younger reader who lacks the extratextual knowledge is likely ... Show more content on ... In both books the Germans are portrayed in a neutral way and the words soldiers , occupiers , occupation troops , foreigners and enemies are amongst those employed by the authors to refer to the Germans. What differentiates Sfaelou s and Skandalis s narratives from those that have talked about so far, however, is that both writers make use of the term Nazis , while in one of Skandalis s short stories the term Third Reich also comes across. Nonetheless, none of the writers provide any further explanations, either in the narrative text or in the paratext, which would help the young reader to put the terms in question into their historical and ideopolitical context. Furthermore, none of the authors are concerned to distinguish between Germans as a national group and Nazis as a group of supporters of a certain ideological doctrine and in both texts the word Nazi is used as an alternative word for Germans . Since no distinctions are made between Germans and Nazis, the switching between the two words renders them synonymous. In other words, the Germans are Nazified and the Nazis are Germanised while Germanness and Nazism are conflated in the identity of the enemy with whatever implications this might have to the young reader s conceptualization of
  • 31. A Young Mother And A Healthy Baby On August 24, 2016, a young mother went into labor. About five hours later she gave birth to a baby girl. Well so she thought. The mother ended up going into cardiac rest after five minutes of giving birth. The doctors were puzzled. A young healthy mother and a healthy baby. The doctors heard the NICU nurses screaming so they took off. They all look around. From what was a healthy baby had turned into an 87 year old female. The doctors looked stumbled. There was no father to be found. What is everyone staring at me for? the womanasked. Ashley, go call the government the head doctor whispered quietly to the head nurse. The nurse went and called the government while the other doctors and nurses try to contain the woman while... Show more content on ... The quickly ran to the other half of the building. The lieutenant along with the Deputy Chief entered the building where she had run back into. Ma am, we are with the government and we need to speak to nurse Ashley from the NICU, the deputy chief said while showing his badge. She ll be right with you! the secretary said as she placed the call. As the nurse came down to speak with the deputy chief, the woman put her hair where her face was and gracefully exited the hospital. She was able to get past everyone. She decided her best bet was to call her grandmother and go stay with her. Her grandmother lived four states away. Her information on a card that was given to her by the secretary. So, the woman called her. Hello? another woman answered. Hi, is this Christina s mother? the woman asked. May I ask who s calling? the grand mother asked. Your granddaughter. I don t know what my name is because my mom died five minutes after my birth, the woman replied. My daughter is dead! the grandmother asked now crying over her daughter s death. Yes. She passed unfortunately. But the hospital said that you were my grandmother and I have no where to go. I have no dad and no mom, the woman said and the grandmother decided to cut her off. Wait! How could you be my child s daughter? How are you speaking to me? the grandmother asked. Well funny story, the woman replied. As she told the grandmother the story, they
  • 32. Evaluation Of The Manager And Human Resource Management... Conducting Appraisal Conducting appraisals is a task that must be delivered with accuracy, trust, and a sense of projection. An employee must be afforded the opportunity to prepare for their appraisal and at the same time the manager must give themselves enough time to prepare and deliver the appraisal with the sufficient information that the employee will walk away with a clear path forward and the manager will notice an eager employee ready to expand their value to the organization. Mangers have a very important part when conducting appraisals is to assemble the paperwork and insure it is all in order. This may be an information break down between the Manager and Human Resource Managementdepartment. Managers should know their... Show more content on ... The appraisal is for job performance and a gateway to bring up personal issues outside of the appraisal documentation. Consequently an employee may become flustered when the conversation turns personal rather than work related. Employees may feel that they are being judged on their personal life rather than their performance and organizational related issues. There may be personal issues brought up if they were directly affecting the employee s performance and adherence to organizational processes and procedures. According to Sabir (2016) the appraisal of the employee should be focused on work activities and the organizational goals. This can include, but not limited to promotions, problems, a means to reset the employee and help them develop, stay on track and deliver other incentives or warnings that may be required. Execution of the employee appraisal should be a location that is located in the organization and arranged in a formal setting. The appraisals are for individuals and not to be done in a group setting. All material should be laid out with copies for the employee for them to reference as the sequence of events goes on. This is not a party or social gathering so the atmosphere must be professional in all aspects. It is essential that the employee is well aware of the appraisal date and time. The time should be within normal work hours with an estimated length it will take. Advance notice allows
  • 33. The Stereotypical Story Of A Family Dog is a short humorous atypical story about a man and his kids dog . Getting off on the wrong foot, he hates this dog who he never calls by the same name twice Hansen Writes We got off on the wrong foot. Whining in his pen those first nights. My squirt gun in his face and him blinking from the water. The so called accidents in the house (Bedford 244) Right from the start there is a clear understanding of the relationship between the two. However, the dogthat he claims to despise dies at age ten, unfortunately for the rest of the family, and he, the owner goes through great lengths to bury and defend the pets honor. There is nothing funny about a family dog s death. The author portrays humor in the situation by adding how badly the dog behaves around him and how loving the dog is around his family .When Hansen writes, When pushed to the brink I shouted, I ll cut your face off and show it to you, and the small brained mammal just stared at me.... Show more content on ... (Bedford 472) It shows how annoyed and bothered he is . If there is anything likeable about the narrator, it would be the stubborn love he has , since he would do anything for his family, and tries to do the right thing by his morals in the way of disposing the dog. He considers what the best way to go about dealing with the dead dog so that he can deal with least amount of drama from his family as possible. The author uses characterization in this story as a means of revealing how the dad feels about the dog and how he shows stubborn love towards it. The readers start to learn that he in fact does care for the dog
  • 34. Suwannee River Research Paper Suwannee River is the place where strangers are turned into friends. Suwannee River has been around for many years, Suwannee River was formed in December 21st, 1858. Stephen Foster never visited, but, named the Suwannee River Swanee River after his song Old Folks at Home written in 1851. Old Folks at Home became Florida s official state song in 1913. In the year 1838 a constitutional convention was called in the territory of Florida, fifty six men attended the meeting between the men was George E. McClellan, who delivered the keynote address to the convention, was an early settler who had a large plantation and home near what is now called Wellborn. McClellan also organized the first militia in the area that went on to fight in the Seminole Indian Wars. 1841 1845 McClellan was a probate judge then went to serve as a representative in the Florida Legislature. In the Civil War, he was a captain in the Confederate Army. In 1851, a young musician was searching for a river in the south that would fit into a song he was... Show more content on ... April 1859 elections was held to elect a Judge of Probate, Sheriff, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Coroner, County Surveyor, an Assessor and Collector of taxes, and four County Commissioners. The temporary County seat was designated by Florida Legislature as The house of William Hines , Suwannee County s first judge and owner of 24 slaves whose land was northwest of Live Oak. The first post office was established in Houston for Suwannee County on December 22, 1859 and ran by Craven Lassiter. 1860 the first census was taken and Suwannee County showed a population of 2,303 citizens. 1,467 were white and 836 of them were black, only one of the blacks listed was free. T.D. Dexter, the principle owner of slaves, with 53 slaves. Construction for the east west railroad, known as Pensacola and Georgia Railroad Line. across North Florida, and they completed it in
  • 35. Elin Diamond The Rover Sparknotes Elin Diamond, starts out with The Rover, and describes virgin women In scenes and discoveries, and how they will market themselves as she does (the courtesan), to compete for the same male affection, and suffer similar abuse (Diamond 519). Then follows, a descriptive view of Wilmore stealing a portrait of Angelica Bianca, who is known as a whore; and through this image, she uses a gestus to metaphorically uncover the mask of how theatre portrays women on stage, and how the theatre makes use of these women, and how they are imagined to be, as a way to satisfy the needs of men (audience members). In simpler terms, a way of theatre selling women. Women become this product, all exchanged by men. Diamond elaborates on these women more
  • 36. David And Goliath Research Paper In the story of David and Goliath, David youngest son of Jesse is the story of an army that was bound to be loser against the great Goliath. Goliath was this nine foot giant that was fully equipped with good armor and was prepared to fight the Israelites. Goliath was a part of the philistine army. And the Philistine army was prepared way more than the Israelites and they both gather to camp out on either sides of a deep valley. While camped Goliath mocked the Israelites and their army. David was sent to give food to the Israel army. In doing so heard Goliath William Harkey: William Harkey: Last Name 2 taunting the army, and saw the men were afraid of the Giant. So David volunteered to face off with the great giant. No one in the army believed... Show more content on ... Originally he wasn t even a part of the fighting army. But came out and believed in himself and god and achieve what an entire army thought would be grandest of tasks to completed. David was an underdog. Underdogs have existed since the beginning of time. Like Gideon. Gideon was part of an army that where full of men 30,000 plus, but was told by the lord that he would let them win they had to first get rid of some of their men. So the lord told Gideon to tell any many afraid of battle to turn around and go home. 22,000 men left the army. But that wasn t enough. The lord said to Gideon I will help you win but you still have to many men. So he told him to take them by the water. And near the water he was to separate them by those who drink the water by using their tongue to lap it up like a dog will be in one group. And those who bend down to drink will be in the other group. 300 men used their hands to bring water to their mouth and lapped it like dogs do. Those 300 went into the army with Gideon. Those 300 men kept he supplies and trumpets of the other men who went home. The Midianites were camped in a valley below Gideon s camp. Lord spoke to Gideon that night and told him I will help
  • 37. Essay On Type 2 Diabetes Reducing Type II Diabetes within our African American Community According to Healthy People 2020 (2014), diabetes affects over 29 million people in the United States, with another estimated 28 percent of the population having undiagnosed cases. Of those at risk, African Americans are almost 2 times more likely to be diagnosed as opposed to their Caucasian counterparts. Many preventable associated factors include limited knowledge regarding disease processes, healthy diet, and limited knowledge of one s own body. Our goal is to provide our African American community the opportunity to learn more about diabetes and how to reduce the risk of type II diabetes and signs and symptoms of diabetes during a community event. Short Term Goal... Show more content on ... Lastly, our brochure would highlight the most common signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia including life threatening signs that should be reported immediately. In order to substantiate our teachings we will ask those that visit our table to complete a 5 question quiz that on completion will be awarded a pedometer to assist in a new walking program. Evidence based research was done in regards to combining diet and exercise programs to lower the risk of type II diabetes. They discovered that those that undertook these programs were able to see a decrease in periods of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia and were able to maintain normoglycemic levels more easily. In addition they were able to decrease cardiovascular risk and lower blood pressure levels. (Healthy People 2020, 2014) Health Promotion Strategies Objective One At least two community members that approach our table will be able to locate a healthy food swap in our brochure and give reasoning why it is a better choice than a non healthy food choice. Strategies Imbalanced Nutrition: More than body requirements will be our focus regarding objective one. The most common reason that people develop diabetes mellitus is due to poor diet control. Diabetes mellitus is caused when the insulin production is stopped or drastically slowed in the pancreas. This stops the ability for sugars to be transported into the cells for
  • 38. Things Fall Apart Ikemefuna Quotes Analysis In the book Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, I learned that Okonkwo, Nwoye, and Ikemefuna were similar and different from one another. Okonkwo was very strict and loyal to his lifestyle while Nwoye was lazy and acted oppositely of him. On the other hand, Ikemefuna wasn t Okonkwo s son, although Okonkwopreferred him because he wasn t lazy. Okonkwo, Nwoye, and Ikemefuna had many different and similar characteristics. Okonkwo was a very hard working high status man. He is very strict. In this quote Okonkwo explains how an Umuofia man should answer a call or question, An Umuofia man does not refuse a call, he said. He may refuse to do what he is asked; he does not refuse to be asked (Achebe 193). This quote explains what an Umuofia man must do when being asked. He is very strict and important because he follows tradition. Okonkwo also liked a boy ... Show more content on ... Ikemefuna considers that he is Okonkwo s son because of the bonding relationship they have. Okonkwo wishes Nwoye was like Ikemefuna. This quote explains how Ikemefuna thinks of Okonkwo, He could hardly imagine that Okonkwo was not his real father. He had never been fond of his real father, and at the end of three years he had become very distant indeed. After reading this quote I began to think that Nwoye and Ikemefuna act very oppositely as well. Ikemefuna isn t lazy while Nwoye is. Ikemefuna likes Okonkwo while Nwoye does not. These characteristics explain Ikemefuna well. Okonkwo, Nwoye, and Ikemefuna all shared similar and different characteristics. This is significant because in all books there needs to be different and similar characteristics. Okonkwo and Nwoye grew apart as the book came along. Okonkwo preferred Ikemefuna over Nwoye. Although Nwoye could care less. He enjoyed living his own life with his own religion. In our lives, people grow apart from each other and have their own
  • 39. Essay An Analysis of Orwell s quot;Shooting an... Shooting an Elephant is one of the most popular of George Orwell s essays. Like his essays A hanging and How the Poor Die , it is chiefly autobiographical. It deals with his experience as a police officer in Burma. After having completed his education, Orwell joined the Indian Imperial Police, and served in Burma, from 1922 to 1927, as an Assistant Superintendent of Police. His experiences as an officer in Burma were bitter. He was often a victim of the hostility and injustices at the hands of his colleagues and officers. Peter Stansky and William Abrahams in their book The Unknown Orwell write He was friendless and inexperienced, not certain of what to expect and fearful of proving to be inadequate, a predictable failure. Orwell ... Show more content on ... He appears to have recollected the incident very vividly just before he wrote the, but he had obviously been thinking of it intermittently ever since it happened. In Burmese Days, written several years before, the hero Flory, on his first meeting with Elizabeth Lackersteen, describes to her `the murder of an elephant, which he had perpetrated some years earlier . This essay reads like the leaves from the same Burmese notebooks, which Orwell used in writing his novel. It is frankly autobiographical and describes how an elephant went `must in a bazaar and killed a man. An Englishman was expected to rise to an occasion like this, so Orwell got the rifle and marched down to the field where the elephant had gone. As soon as he saw it, he knew that it was unnecessary to kill it; the fit was over. Equally surely, he knew that he was going to shoot it. The crowd following him willed him to kill it. M.G. Nayar writes, This essay enables us to get a glimpse of the author s experiences in Burma where he was employed in the British Imperial Police (1922 1927). Orwell had already come to regard imperialism `as very largely a racket , and he knew he was ill fitted for the role he was called upon to play. During this period of Imperial service a sense of guilt
  • 40. Factors Contributing For Criminal Activity Among African... In the Late 1980 s, the father of sociology, W.E.B. Dubois conducted a study in Philadelphia that developed possible explanations for criminal activity among African Americans. Throughout his study, he observed that if men are moved from different environments, they began to lose harmony with the environment that results in crime(Shaun L. Gabbidon,2015). Dubois used variables such as age, unemployment, and poverty to explain crime (1899). Furthermore, Dubois study became a template to be used in studies that come to follow. During the 1900 s, cities such as Chicago began to experience some of the same challenges that were previously studied in Philadelphia (Gabbidon,2015). As a result, of the similar experience between the two... Show more content on ... (2) After individual and family factors are accounted for, do ethnicity and/or residence in underclass neighborhoods add to the explanation of delinquency? In order to answer the questions that were posed, a set of measures were used. In their study Peeples and Loeber considered factors such as Age, percentage poor/welfare, Percentage single parent, hyperactivity, and supervision as independent variables. On the other hand, they considered factors such as family poverty, welfare use, families with no one employed, male joblessness, and assisted housing. A cross sectional assessment of 506 Pittsburgh public school boys were used to determine how the listed factors can possibly lead to juvenile delinquency. They also did a follow up six months after the initial assessment. In the sample of schools boys, 290 were African American youths. Peeples and Loeber found that 40% of African American youths lived in poor neighborhoods, compared to 5% of white youths that lived in the same neighborhood. Also, twice as many African American boys had engaged in some forms of delinquency in their life than White boys. Additionally, African Americans and did not differ in terms of the seriousness of delinquent acts or frequency of serious acts. However, African Americans had a higher total frequency of delinquent acts than Whites. The
  • 41. Return to Federalism Research Paper Annie Reynolds Return to Federalism Push Back Against the Expansion of Federal Government Power In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson Summary Over the past several decades, we as a people have allowed the fundamental principles written in our Constitution to be forgotten, distorted, or completely ignored. This did not happen overnight but rather bit by bit over time until we are faced with a system of government that is not, as the founders intended, based on Federalism and individual freedom, but rather a National system far removed from the principles for which ... Show more content on ... During the ratification debates for the Constitution it become apparent to many that the principle of federalism was not spelled out strongly enough. Five states insisted on an amendment to the Constitution that would make the principle of federalism clear to future generations. The purpose of the Tenth Amendment is to clearly define the principle of federalism for future generations. The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution states, The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people . Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Obama Care At present, more than half of the United States is suing the federal government over Obama Care. Virginia was the first state to argue in Federal Court that the new health care law and its individual mandate is unconstitutional. It is Virginia s position that mandating the purchase of a private product goes beyond the power of congress. There has never, in the history of the United States, been a law requiring citizens to purchase a product. Apparently, up until this point, everyone knew that Congress did not have the power to impose one. Central to the argument of the federal government, is the Commerce Clause of the
  • 42. Universal Design Principles 1. What are the primary principles of Universal Design AND how can these be applied to educational contexts? (2 points) Universal Design is the practice of incorporating the needs of disabled individuals into the buildings, schools, and businesses. The primary principles of Universal Design are equitable use, flexibility, simplicity, perceptible information, forgiveness of mistakes, decreased physical effort, and space. Some examples of this practice are ramps, Braille signs, lower desks and tables, and wider hallways. This can be applied in an educational context by making classrooms and learning spaces accessible to all students. Students with disabilities would be able to focus on their education rather than how they are going to get to... Show more content on ... All individuals must face oppression, stereotypes, and limitations. An example of this in the reading was Jason Kingsley. Jason was born with down syndrome and has struggled his whole life with society telling him what he is unable to do. When he was born the doctors told his family that he couldn t learn, form relationships, or carry out a normal life, however in response Jason has proved all this incorrect. He has a job, writes, makes friends, takes public transportation, and has traveled to other countries. This wasn t always easy since many employers don t always hire disabled individuals or know how to act around them. I believe that all disabled people struggle with this kind of discrimination however the obstacles or disabilities people face vary. Disabilities can be caused by genetics, chemical imbalances, traumas, or accidents. They can challenge learning, senses, mental health, or physical abilities. Another example in the reading was the story of Edward Murphy. Edward developed PTSD after a bomb exploded when he was deployed in Iraq and struggles with severe anxiety due to this. Unlike Jason, Murphy wasn t born with a disability but developed it during life. Murphy also has more opportunities to (in a way) reverse his disability or at least reduce the affect that it has in his
  • 43. Taking a Look at Antenna Technology The field of antennas is vigorous and dynamic, and over the last 60 years antenna technology has been an indispensable partner of the communication revolution. Antenna has been considered an important component in the development of modern wireless communication devices. In addition to receiving and transmitting energy, an antennain an advanced wirelesssystem is usually required to optimize the radiation energy in some directions and suppress in others. For wireless communication systems the antenna is one of the most critical components. A good design of the antenna can relax system requirements and improve overall system performance. The planar antenna configurations such as microstrip and patch antennas have been found suitable for such systems. These antenna configurations are of low profile, lightweight, simple and inexpensive to fabricate. The main design goal of antenna design for modern communication systems is to achieve the better performance for desired frequency bands. But the main disadvantage of using microstrip antenna for recent day s wireless communication is to achieve multi frequency operation with single antenna, maintaining the performance the antenna for all desired frequency. One solution for multi frequency operation is to design different antennas for each frequency, results in bulky structure and the mutual coupling between different feed elements will become a problem. Stack structure is the solution to achieve multiple band operation with
  • 44. Financial Services Essay A very warm welcome to the final issue of the Financial Services Newsletter for 2017. It is hard to believe the year is already drawing to a close! Our holiday edition of the newsletter is one of our biggest. This month s articles will stimulate our minds by providing timely commentary on recent regulatory developments and useful guidance on handling legal and commercial issues in practice. Let us begin with an article on the hot topic of ICOs. ICO stands for Initial Coin Offering. Editorial board member Andrea Beatty and her co author Daniel Taha (Keypoint Law) take us through ASIC s recently released guidance on ICOs, and consider how it compares with the guidance provided by other regulators internationally. The 2017 International... Show more content on ... This is helpful guidance that lawyers can apply in practice when advising clients. Then, let us focus on salary sacrifice arrangements relating to contribution to superannuation. In their article Closing the gap in the salary sacrifice regime , Gary Chau and Bryce Figot (also DBA Lawyers), alert us to a Bill that proposes changes that will apply from July 2018. What is this Bill and what does it propose to do? Find out by reading this informative article. I would like to welcome Leonie Chapman (LAWyal Solicitors) to the Financial Services Newsletter. Leonie is on the editorial board of the Australian Banking and Finance Law Bulletin and she is a much loved regular contributor. I am delighted that she is now also writing for the Financial Services Newsletter. Leonie s first article for our readers is titled Computing for financial services lawyers observations from the 2017 Lexis panel discussion Human v Cloud . In this article, Leonie shares three key tips that came out of a recent panel discussions regarding how legal practitioners are coping with and implementing the changes faced by the legal profession. Relevantly, these tips might also benefit FinTechs, so don t miss this interesting write up! Regular readers of this newsletter would know that, since 2016, I have tried to include book
  • 45. Johannes Vermeer s Life And Accomplishments Johannes Vermeer (1632 1675) was born in Delft, Holland in October 1632 into the Calvanist tradition, during the Dutch Golden Age. He was introduced to the world of art, particularly painting, by his father. His father owned a tavern, frequented by artists and dealers and by the time his father died in 1652, the twenty year old Vermeer was left with much debt but also a great enthusiasm for art. Considered too young to be an artist by the Dutch Guild, he would need another six years apprenticeship to one or more masters. However, almost six months after his father s death, he marries. His wife Catharina Bolenes is from an upper class, Catholic, wealthy family and he converts to Catholicism. Wheelock states that his conversion to Catholicism
  • 46. The World s Greatest Sushi Chef Regarded by many to be the world s greatest sushi chef, 85 year old Jiro Ono has dedicated his life to perfecting his craft using only the most delicately cooked rice, and the highest quality cuts of fish. But in recent years, the fish market has gone sour; the global sushi boom has brought about overfishing not only on the coasts of Japan, but across oceans worldwide. Overfishing affects more than just sushi enthusiasts, as it poses a threat of extinction to many species of tunaand sharks. Whereas traditional fishingtechniques remove a sustainable number of matured fish from the ecosystem, overfishing the two most common techniques of which are purse seine netting and longline fishing, both used to maximize the number of fish... Show more content on ... Anglers no longer visited them, for all the fish had died. [...] No witchcraft, no enemy action had silenced the rebirth of new life in this stricken world. The people had done it themselves (McKibben 366). The people in Carson s town had been given a gift of fruitful nature, but took more than what the ecosystem could provide until it fell entirely out of balance. Carson predicted the fate of fisheries across the globe, that they will be drained of their resources until there is nothing left to take, and the greedy fishermen are forced to move elsewhere. The southern bluefin tuna, for example, has been placed into the critically endangered category due to both it s large size, making it easily entangled in fishermen s nets, and their extremely high value a single fish alone can be worth up to $10,000 in the United States. According to the Washington Post, The total population of southern bluefin has been reduced to about 8 percent of levels before industrial fishing (Harden). Because overfishing rapidly catches the fish before they have time to reproduce, the southern bluefin population has been absolutely decimated, just like the fishless streams that Rachel Carson describes in her story. The oceans must be given time to rest, in order to recover from the damage that has built up over the many past decades, as Calvin B. DeWitt states in Inspirations for Sustaining Life on Earth, we may take the fruit, but must not destroy the fruitfulness
  • 47. Personality Project Analysis Nothing feels better than giving back to a place that has given so much to people. A majority of the little things that we do day by day are taken for granted or they are just seen as nothing major. In reality there are so many things that are given to us and we do not always see the little things in life as anything of mass importance. For our kindness project we decided that it was time for us to give a little to ensure someone had a smile at the end of the day. We partnered up with the Rho Nu club here on campus and together we made tie blankets. These blankets that we made will be donated to the Sacred Heart hospital in Spokane later this month. We decided to do this project in the hopes of giving a little, but making it count for a lot more. We hoped that the children receiving these blankets always get a smile on their face or simply that they just find comfort in these blankets. In this project I was the leader of the group and I did most of the organization of... Show more content on ... We are very well connected and have no trouble in communicating. It has been very easy for us to meet up and discuss our kindness project when it is necessary. Our group has also been very good with discussing different ideas and then narrowing it down to something that fits all of us. I believe that the only challenge was that we had to be sure to attend the Rho Nu meeting so that the tie blankets could be made in a sterile environment. It was difficult at first to make sure everyone could attend due to some conflicting schedules. Eventually we were able to come to an agreement of the time and cleared our schedules. We completed about an hour and a half of community service by doing this project. Although it was not a lot of time I think the meaning that it has behind it and what it will mean to the children truly makes up for that. I was glad that I was able to plan this and lead the team into an amazing experience for all of
  • 48. A Structured Literature Review And Comparative Analysis Of... STRUCTURED LITERATURE REVIEW AND COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES OF VALUE STREAM MAPPING IN CONSTRUCTION AND MAFUCTURING INDUSTRY A Thesis by Yaxu li Submitted to the Office of Graduate and Professional Studies of Texas A M University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Chair of Committee, Jos? L. Fern?ndez Sol?s Committee Members,Sarel?Lavy Rodney Hill Head of Department,Joseph P. Horlen August 2015 Major Subject: Construction Management Copyright 2015 Yaxu Li Abstract For the past few years, almost every manufacturing or service industry has been trying to apply lean. The tools that enable elimination in construction industry are equally important and little has been done to map the application of lean tools from manufacturing to the construction. Value stream mapping as a lean tool for manufacturing is a basic, graphical tool aims to describe production processes and reduce the wastes. In its current state, value stream mapping is not able to implement in construction as successfully as in manufacture due to the fundamental differences between the manufacturing and construction. This paper used the structured literature review as the methodology to help the study to summary the current state of application of the value stream mapping in construction and manufacturing then used the comparative analysis to identify these differences as well as similarities between the manufacturing and
  • 49. Essay about How Women are Represented in Science Fiction... How Women are Represented in Science Fiction Films Today Science fiction films have changed a lot since the days of rubber monsters and fake blood. This is not only because of the advance in technology but also in the brave character choices directors of films are now taking. A prime example of this can be seen in T T2 in regards to the character of Sarah Connor. The representation of women in Science fiction films has changed dramatically the more traditional feminine role. Representation is the act of representing, or the state of being represented. Fore instance, something that represents an image or likeness of something. An example of this in T2 is Sarah Connor who is represented as a ... Show more content on ... As mentioned Terminator 2 has all of these factors. It is a typical science fiction film with a twist as there s quite a bit of emotion involved. For example, the relationship between John and his mother and also John and the Terminator. Moreover it is an action and a thriller too, so it appeals to various people. The story consists of a shape shifting cyborg which is sent back from the future to kill John Connor before he can grow up to lead the resistance. John from the future, sends a protector too, he is programmed to do whatever he can to make sure young John isn t killed or harmed in any way. Science fiction movies are seen as a brilliant depiction of how life could become. When looking at modern films such as T2 it is a breath of fresh air to see women depicted in such a masculine way. No sappy women enter the screen in some sci fi thrillers there is only strong, clever and dominant women who know how to defend themselves and others. Sarah Connor had an important role in T2, which impacted and impressed the audience, and allowed the creators of the film to use her and not a male. Her central role in the narrative was strong and very active throughout and her masculinity grew along with her active character. When looking at the genre of science fiction
  • 50. Historical And Medical Background Of Agnosia Historical and Medical Background of Agnosia Agnosia is a rare neurological disorder that affects one s capability to recognize people or objects based on the affected sense (Coslett, 2007; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2014). There are three observed types of agnosia: Visual, Auditory, and Tactile (Coslett, 2007; Marotta Behrmann 2002). Visual agnosia is the most common type because the brain devotes the most energy and resources to visual processing than processing of any of the other senses (Coslett, 2007). Since it is the most common, and therefore has the most research available, visual agnosia will be the primary focus of this paper. Sigmund Freud coined the term agnosia which means without knowledge and although the term stands today, it is now known that those with agnosia actually have knowledge of what they are seeing but do not have the ability to connect perception to knowledge. As Marotta and Behrmann observed in two case studies, those with visual agnosia are able to identify and recognize object through sound, touch or a description of function or appearance (Marotta Behrmann, 2002; Coslett, 2007), proving that knowledge of the object is present. Heinrich Lissauer, a German neurologist, divided visual agnosia into two subcategories: apperceptive and associative agnosia. Apperceptive agnosia is when a perceptual representation cannot even be derived from vision, meaning everything can be seen, the visual acuity and physical