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The Laddies
                    Yearly Ladd household winner since we were married in 1992...

2011 Tree of Life / 50/50                                     2001 Amelie / Donnie Darko

2010 Inception                                                2000 Chocolat / Magnolia

2009 Inglourious Basterds / Up                                1999 October Sky / Fight Club

2008 Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog                           1998 Rushmore

2007 Juno                                                     1997 Chasing Amy

2006 Little Miss Sunshine                                     1996 Lone Star

2005 Kung Fu Hustle / V for Vendetta                          1995 The Usual Suspects

2004 Hero / Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind             1994 The Ref

2003 Lost in Translation                                      1993 Much Ado About Nothing

2002 About a Boy                                              1992 A River Runs Through It

    2011 (Michael)
           “The Tree of Life”
This is not an easy film      and mother.       In the
for those who want to        tradition of James Joyce’s
be entertained. It is a      “A Portrait of the Artist
thoughtful, personal look    a s a Yo u n g M a n ” ,
into the memories and        Terrence Malick has
perceptions of a middle-     created a non-linear but
aged man trying to come      beautiful impressionistic
to terms with the loss of    view of childhood
his younger brother and      memories and the
to understand his place      pursuit of meaning we all
in time and the universe     go through at those
along with the dueling       quiet moments when we
natural and faith-based      are most reflective.
sides of his own being, as
given to him by his father
93%         2011 (Kelly)
50/50 caught us by             choose fantastic roles
surprise. Yes, it has all      (see last year’s winner,
the usual Seth Rogen           Inception and 500 Days
crudeness and stoner           of Summer) that show
humor you expect, but          all child actors are not
a t i t ’s h e a r t t h i s   total train wrecks later
inspired-by-true-events        in life.     And Anna
story is a sweet study         Kendrick delivers as
in the power                   the new therapist who
friendship and love            finds that all the book-
have in helping                learned rules go out
overcome a terminal            the window when you
reality. Joseph Gordon         get personally involved.
Levitt continues to
Talk about realizing a             after getting beyond the
vision. Christopher                surface plot to the
Nolan, fresh off creating          deeper meanings and
two epic Batman films,              implications underneath.
returned to his favorite           Great performances and
subject (the mind) via a           amazing visual effects
fantastic dreamworld               bring Nolan’s dream
caper to psychoanalyze             visions to life for
what makes us who we               audiences that may leave
are and the prison of              the theater waiting for
madness that some                  “the kick” and thinking
create for themselves.             fo r d ay s a f t e r i t s
This is a film that is              powerful concluding
a c t u a l ly b e t t e r t h e   scene cuts to black.
second time around
       2009 (Michael)
      “Inglourious Basterds”
FINALLY, a Tarantino      nothing quite like it in
movie makes it to the     ’09 and you will never
top of my annual favs     forget Christopher
list! This movie has it   Waltz’s Oscar-winning
all: intense emotional    portrayal of Col Hans
power and the requisite   Landa.
over-the-top bloodshed
His Quentin-ness has
become known for,
merged with memorable
dialogue and a healthy
dose of uncomfortable
humor. There really was
98%    2009 (Kelly)
T he first five           that the best way to
minutes tells you       unburden yourself
that Up is no mere      of self pity is
kids’ movie.            t h ro u g h s e r v i n g
Anyone who can          others is a joy to
withstand that          behold.         Pixar
emotional barrage       scores big again not
dry-eyed is in need     only with their
of a soul transplant.   usual stunning
The wondrous way        visuals, but an even
in which we see         more moving story
crotchety old Carl      as well.
Fredrickson learn
Available via free stream:

                                                                               act-i (then ii, then iii)
User Rated

             “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-
                 Along Blog”
 An unconventional but        the misunderstood title
 unanimous choice for         character who declares
 2008, Dr. Horrible is a      that “the status is not
 self-produced web            quo -- the world is a
 sensation that came          mess and I just need
 about as a result of the     to... rule it” while the
 writer’s strike. It clocks   woman he pines for falls
 in at only 43 minutes,       for his arch nemesis. Full
 but packs more music         of songs, great acting,
 and pure entertainment       and a few surprises, Dr.
 in that span than most       Horrible is not to be
 studio productions twice     missed. Watch it free
 its length. Neil Patrick     online now or buy it at
 Harris (NPH) shines as on DVD.
94%             2007
 Why do we have to          “way beyond [her]
 wait until the end of      emotional maturity
 the year to get the        level”.     Yo u a n d
 really good movies ?       whoever is lucky
 Juno arrived onscreen      enough to be in the
 and immediately won        room with you will
 us over with its blend     chuckle yourself silly at
 of clever dialogue,        the same time you
 realistic characters and   really come to care for
 Ellen Page’s brilliant     those in first-time
 performance of a teen      writer Diablo Cody’s
 dealing with issues        wonderful “Junoverse”.
91%              2006
   “Little Miss Sunshine”
 Every now and again,     beneath the wings of
 there is a little        what otherwise would
 independent film that     be an easily missed
 gets made for all the    treasure. Some in the
 right reasons, by        arthouse community
 actors willing to take   spurn such projects
 less in order to bring   for being too
 a exceptionally well     “commercial”. In
 written gem to the big   2006 , we could think
 screen. And when it      of no better way to
 happens, often critics   show them what-for
 take notice and a buzz   than to give Little Miss
 helps to put wind        Sunshine our Laddie.
        2005 (Kelly)
        “Kung Fu Hustle”
      “Are               you      fun to watch. It’s
      k i dd i n g ? ” , s ay s   unpredictable plot
      Kelly. “Cut Asian           keeps you guessing
      men without shirts          and it’s ultimate
      on... fighting...            twist turns this
      works for me!”              quirky little movie
      OK, it’s actually the       into something
      unconventional              really special. This
      effects, offbeat            combined with a
      humor, and kooky            touch of sweetness
      characters that             was enough to split
      make this film so            the Laddie in 2005.
73%         2005 (Michael)
                   “V for Vendetta”
“Remember remember, the fifth         “V”, a quasi-terrorist
of November...”
  A vivid, if not                    revo l u t i o n a r y w h o
c o m p l e t e ly f a i t h f u l   conceals himself behind
adaptation of the                    a Guy Fawkes mask,
thought-provoking Alan               and Evey, his unwitting
Moore graphic novel, V               accomplice who
for Vendetta is especially           receives the education
timely in its portrayal              of a lifetime and learns
                                     t h a t h av i n g f a c e d
of a dystopian England
ruled by an iron fisted               death, she can now live
Orwellian government                 without fear - the very
and the unique                       tool employed by those
relationship between                 who would keep us
      2004 (Kelly)
  T h re e wo rd s :       eyes, it was the
  It’s just beautiful.     p ro fo u n d a n d
  But more than            exquisitely
  just a pretty            d e l i ve re d
  face, Hero has           message that left
  c h a r a c t e r,       me breathless in
  intelligence,            the end.
  principle and
  m e a n i n g .
  A l t h o u g h i t ’s
  cinematic scope
  is a treat for the
93%   2004 (Michael)
      “Eternal Sunshine of
       the Spotless Mind”
  While quite the        ex- after impulsively
  mindbender like its    agreeing to have her
  cousin, Being John     w i p e d f ro m h i s
  Malkovich, Eternal     mind. It’s a strange
  Sunshine has a much    but poignant
  sweeter sensibility    reminder of the old
  in this through-the-   adage that it is
  looking-glass “what-   better to have loved
  if ” story of a        and lost than never
  broken hearted man     to have loved at all.
  fighting to retain
  the memory of his
       “Lost in Translation”
Legendary funny man              (Scarlett Johansen)
Bill Murray continues            amidst a truly foreign
to land serious roles            m o d e r n To k y o
p o r t r ay i n g t r a g i -   landscape, director
comic, inwardly                  Sofia Coppola allows
wounded loners who               the audience to
find themselves in                appreciate the sweet
painful situations.              side of what might
Once again, in Lost in           otherwise on the
Translation, he nails it         surface appear to be
cold. By teaming him             a creepy December /
up with an unlikely              May relationship.
but kindred soul
   “About a Boy”
OK, I admit it: I like     Lyrics. 2002’s About a
Hugh Grant and he          Boy works so well
has firmly established a    because of the growth
knack for what so          that results from a
many good actors           friendship that
seem to lack:       the    reluctantly develops
ability to choose          b e t w e e n H u g h ’s
solidly entertaining (if   unabashedly selfish
not Oscar-wor thy)         man-boy bachelor and
scripts like Four          a young diamond in
We d d i n g s a n d A     the rough who latches
Funeral, Notting Hill,     on and won’t let go of
Love, Actually, Bridget    the father figure that
Jones’ Diary, American     has eluded him for so
Dreamz, and Music &        long.
90%        2001 (Kelly)
If I had to pick one         most of all, Audrey
film which embodies           Tatou’s performance
the Laddie award, it         as the title character
would be Amelie              will leave you
(even though I later         captivated for days as
voted to split the year      you contemplate how
because of my belated        meaningful good
discovery of Donnie          moviemaking can be
Darko). Forget the           when its unique
fact that it’s dialogue is   properties vs. other
French and you have          artistic mediums are
to read subtitles. The       leveraged to the
offbeat story, beautiful     fullest.
cinematography, and,
“Sometimes I question your commitment to Sparkle Motion...”

85%     2001 (Michael)
             “Donnie Darko”
                  (Director’s Cut)
A terribly misleading      themes, audacious
marketing approach         complexities, and
that made it look like a   intelligent treatment of
teen slasher flick,         the audience were so
coupled with its debut     refreshing that a write-
in theaters the week of    in campaign from
the 9/11 attacks,          a r d e n t DV D f a n s
ensured this gem of a      yielded investment by
film would *never*          the studio in a second
have a chance for          edition - a Director’s
commercial box office       Cut - more clearly(?)
success. Despite these     presenting rookie
setbacks, Donnie           director Richard
Darko’s metaphysical       Kelley’s visionary tale.
         2000 (Kelly)
Sorry Michael, but          years. Some embrace
Johnny Depp and             the change she
chocolate will win          represents, others
over an angry Tom           resist.    But really,
C r u i s e a n y d a y.    how long can you
Juliette Binoche plays      resist the call of
a single mother with        chocolate?     Subtle
i t c hy fe e t w h o s e   and warmly delivered
arrival in a provincial     performances and an
french town deeply          intriguing story
disturbs the well           interwoven around
ordered balance that        our favorite candy
has kept people safely      made this film
in their place for          just...yummy.
2000 (Michael)
Kevin Smith’s scorn        hours. Aimee Mann’s
aside (I’ve got you        soundtrack songs are
covered in 1997 down       transcendent and,
a bit more on the list,    while I’m no big fan of
bro...), this has got to   Tom Cruise offscreen,
be one of the most         the scene in which his
intricate and well         slick-talking,
thought-out ensemble       misogynist huckster
films of all time.          reluctantly strips off
Memorable and              the emotional armor
haunting characters        to come to terms with
interconnect in            the imminent passing
surprising ways as         of his father (Jason
each layer of the          Robards) is worth the
onion is peeled over       journey and price of
the course of three        purchase alone.
    1999 (Kelly)
   “October Sky”
 At its very best, a      teacher encourages
 film should inspire.      them to reach for
 October Sky does         the stars.    Not a
 just that in telling     weak link in the
 the remarkable true      cast.      Perfectly
 stor y of Homer          paced.     Beautifully
 Hickam. In a pre-        directed. Just the
 Sputnik football         thought of the finale
 obsessed small coal      scene between
 mining town, 4           Homer and his
 science geeks might      father makes me
 b e p re t t y m u c h   weep like the movie
 written off as mine      wuss I am.
 fo dd e r.     But a
      1999 (Michael)
       “Fight Club”
 Before there was            fascinating to
 Kill Bill, there was        behold. Even more
 Fight Club, an action-      so is the way
 packed movie with a         director David
 brain. Button-down          Fincher gradually
 regular guy Edward          reveals the source
 Norton’s insomniac          behind the dark
 descent into Tyler          psychological edge
 D u r d e n ’s ( B r a d    always present in
 P i t t ’s ) wo r l d o f   this very unique and
 macho underground           gritty film.
 fighting cliques is
I a m a b i g We s      F i s c h e r, a b e l o w
Anderson fan, and       average student
while his catalog is    a l l o we d i n t o t h e
uneven in its overall   school for writing “a
success, he always      little one act about
hits the mark in        Watergate”. He gets
presenting genuinely    a real education in
m e m o r a b l e       life’s painful lessons
characters and          when he and mentor
dialogue , my two       Bill Murray fall in love
favorite       film      with a new teacher at
elements.         In    school and find
Rushmore, Jason         themselves unlikely
Schwartzman is a        (and, on the one side,
triumph as Max          unrealistic) rivals.
  “Chasing Amy”
Chasing Amy surprised     comedic material here
everyone when writer/     (Jason Lee’s Banky
director Kevin Smith      Edwards character is
(then of raunchy Clerks   not be be missed), but
and Mallrats fame)        what put this film over
decided to create a       the top in 1997 was
serious film about a       the bold choice by
guy who falls in love     Smith not to take the
with a lesbian friend     easy road with a tidy
and just can’t get over   ever ything’s-OK-in-
his own insecurities      the-end finale.    The
long enough to realize    answer’s right there
the value of what he      and Holden (Ben
has. There is still a     Affleck) still manages
great deal of adult       to blow it.
92%            1996
             “Lone Star”
Writer/director John            investigating the
Sayles is a genius and          discover y of the
one of those guys               remains of a long-
whose films I will see           missing racist sheriff’s
j u s t b e c a u s e h e ’s    bones on an army
involved. Lone Star is          shooting range.
an intricate murder             Despite warnings to
mystery, set across             cease his investigation,
two generations in              Cooper comes to find
S o u t h e r n Te x a s .      out more than he ever
L o n g t i m e f avo r i t e   imagined (or wanted).
Chris Cooper is solid
as the lawman
        “The Usual Suspects”                             Who is Keyser Soze?
Bryan Singer directs            performances by
this modern film noir            cocky detective Chazz
whodunnit with an               Palminteri and crooks
extremely strong                Gabriel Byrne, Kevin
ensemble cast and a             Spacey, and Benicio
twister of an ending            Del Toro all lead the
that is sure to make            audience skillfully by
for some interesting            the nose around the
c o nve r s a t i o n l o n g   stage and eventually
after the credits roll.         behind the curtain
The plot is thick, to be        waiting at the movie’s
sure , but quality              revelatory conclusion.
             “The Ref”
House burglar Gus            holidays with family
(Dennis Leary)               and police dropping in
unwittingly stumbles         at every turn to keep
i n t o t h e l i ve s o f   things on edge, some
suburban Connecticut         real emotional
“bickerson” couple           breakthroughs occur
Lloyd (Kevin Spacey)         in this sharply written
and Caroline (Judy           *dark* comedy about
Davis) Chasseur, who         the importance of
are ready to drop the        communication and
verbal gloves at the         remembering why we
slightest provocation.       fell in love in the first
As they spend an             place.
evening together
during the Christmas
         “Much Ado About
Shakespeare is              screen and off with
a lw ay s t r i c k y t o   this beautiful and
bring to film, if for        enduring look at the
no other reason             complexities of love
than the daunting           and deceit.     Treat
decision of what to         yourself and take the
c u t i n o rd e r t o      time to sit down and
present the story           enjoy the Bard’s
fully but at a              work brought vividly
reasonable length.          to life against a
However, Kenneth            magnificent Sicilian
Branagh is in his           backdrop. You won’t
element both on             be disappointed.
83%            “A River Runs
                Through It”
Robert Redford’s film         boy younger brother
adaptation of Norman         (Paul) who has so
M a c l e a n ’s s e m i -   much promise and
autobiographical             semmingly-God-given
novella tells the tale       talent. His penchant
of competition and           for poor choices is
love between two             contrasted by older
brothers (Craig              brother Norman’s
Sheffer and Brad Pitt)       steadiness and his
who are sons of a            struggles to live up to
minister in Montana          their father’s high
who passes on the            expectations. This is a
religion of fly fishing        thoughtful and
to them.         Pitt is     beautiful film you will
perfect as the golden        remember forever.

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  • 1. The Laddies Yearly Ladd household winner since we were married in 1992... 2011 Tree of Life / 50/50 2001 Amelie / Donnie Darko 2010 Inception 2000 Chocolat / Magnolia 2009 Inglourious Basterds / Up 1999 October Sky / Fight Club 2008 Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog 1998 Rushmore 2007 Juno 1997 Chasing Amy 2006 Little Miss Sunshine 1996 Lone Star 2005 Kung Fu Hustle / V for Vendetta 1995 The Usual Suspects 2004 Hero / Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 1994 The Ref 2003 Lost in Translation 1993 Much Ado About Nothing 2002 About a Boy 1992 A River Runs Through It
  • 2. 84% 2011 (Michael) “The Tree of Life” This is not an easy film and mother. In the for those who want to tradition of James Joyce’s be entertained. It is a “A Portrait of the Artist thoughtful, personal look a s a Yo u n g M a n ” , into the memories and Terrence Malick has perceptions of a middle- created a non-linear but aged man trying to come beautiful impressionistic to terms with the loss of view of childhood his younger brother and memories and the to understand his place pursuit of meaning we all in time and the universe go through at those along with the dueling quiet moments when we natural and faith-based are most reflective. sides of his own being, as given to him by his father
  • 3. 93% 2011 (Kelly) “50/50” 50/50 caught us by choose fantastic roles surprise. Yes, it has all (see last year’s winner, the usual Seth Rogen Inception and 500 Days crudeness and stoner of Summer) that show humor you expect, but all child actors are not a t i t ’s h e a r t t h i s total train wrecks later inspired-by-true-events in life. And Anna story is a sweet study Kendrick delivers as in the power the new therapist who friendship and love finds that all the book- have in helping learned rules go out overcome a terminal the window when you reality. Joseph Gordon get personally involved. Levitt continues to
  • 4. 2010 86% “Inception” Talk about realizing a after getting beyond the vision. Christopher surface plot to the Nolan, fresh off creating deeper meanings and two epic Batman films, implications underneath. returned to his favorite Great performances and subject (the mind) via a amazing visual effects fantastic dreamworld bring Nolan’s dream caper to psychoanalyze visions to life for what makes us who we audiences that may leave are and the prison of the theater waiting for madness that some “the kick” and thinking create for themselves. fo r d ay s a f t e r i t s This is a film that is powerful concluding a c t u a l ly b e t t e r t h e scene cuts to black. second time around
  • 5. 88% 2009 (Michael) “Inglourious Basterds” FINALLY, a Tarantino nothing quite like it in movie makes it to the ’09 and you will never top of my annual favs forget Christopher list! This movie has it Waltz’s Oscar-winning all: intense emotional portrayal of Col Hans power and the requisite Landa. over-the-top bloodshed His Quentin-ness has become known for, merged with memorable dialogue and a healthy dose of uncomfortable humor. There really was
  • 6. 98% 2009 (Kelly) “Up” T he first five that the best way to minutes tells you unburden yourself that Up is no mere of self pity is kids’ movie. t h ro u g h s e r v i n g Anyone who can others is a joy to withstand that behold. Pixar emotional barrage scores big again not dry-eyed is in need only with their of a soul transplant. usual stunning The wondrous way visuals, but an even in which we see more moving story crotchety old Carl as well. Fredrickson learn
  • 7. Available via free stream: 2008 act-i (then ii, then iii) User Rated “Dr. Horrible’s Sing- Along Blog” An unconventional but the misunderstood title unanimous choice for character who declares 2008, Dr. Horrible is a that “the status is not self-produced web quo -- the world is a sensation that came mess and I just need about as a result of the to... rule it” while the writer’s strike. It clocks woman he pines for falls in at only 43 minutes, for his arch nemesis. Full but packs more music of songs, great acting, and pure entertainment and a few surprises, Dr. in that span than most Horrible is not to be studio productions twice missed. Watch it free its length. Neil Patrick online now or buy it at Harris (NPH) shines as on DVD.
  • 8. 94% 2007 “Juno” Why do we have to “way beyond [her] wait until the end of emotional maturity the year to get the level”. Yo u a n d really good movies ? whoever is lucky Juno arrived onscreen enough to be in the and immediately won room with you will us over with its blend chuckle yourself silly at of clever dialogue, the same time you realistic characters and really come to care for Ellen Page’s brilliant those in first-time performance of a teen writer Diablo Cody’s dealing with issues wonderful “Junoverse”.
  • 9. 91% 2006 “Little Miss Sunshine” Every now and again, beneath the wings of there is a little what otherwise would independent film that be an easily missed gets made for all the treasure. Some in the right reasons, by arthouse community actors willing to take spurn such projects less in order to bring for being too a exceptionally well “commercial”. In written gem to the big 2006 , we could think screen. And when it of no better way to happens, often critics show them what-for take notice and a buzz than to give Little Miss helps to put wind Sunshine our Laddie.
  • 10. 90% 2005 (Kelly) “Kung Fu Hustle” “Are you fun to watch. It’s k i dd i n g ? ” , s ay s unpredictable plot Kelly. “Cut Asian keeps you guessing men without shirts and it’s ultimate on... fighting... twist turns this works for me!” quirky little movie OK, it’s actually the into something unconventional really special. This effects, offbeat combined with a humor, and kooky touch of sweetness characters that was enough to split make this film so the Laddie in 2005.
  • 11. 73% 2005 (Michael) “V for Vendetta” “Remember remember, the fifth “V”, a quasi-terrorist of November...” A vivid, if not revo l u t i o n a r y w h o c o m p l e t e ly f a i t h f u l conceals himself behind adaptation of the a Guy Fawkes mask, thought-provoking Alan and Evey, his unwitting Moore graphic novel, V accomplice who for Vendetta is especially receives the education timely in its portrayal of a lifetime and learns t h a t h av i n g f a c e d of a dystopian England ruled by an iron fisted death, she can now live Orwellian government without fear - the very and the unique tool employed by those relationship between who would keep us down.
  • 12. 95% 2004 (Kelly) “Hero” T h re e wo rd s : eyes, it was the It’s just beautiful. p ro fo u n d a n d But more than exquisitely just a pretty d e l i ve re d face, Hero has message that left c h a r a c t e r, me breathless in intelligence, the end. principle and m e a n i n g . A l t h o u g h i t ’s cinematic scope is a treat for the
  • 13. 93% 2004 (Michael) “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” While quite the ex- after impulsively mindbender like its agreeing to have her cousin, Being John w i p e d f ro m h i s Malkovich, Eternal mind. It’s a strange Sunshine has a much but poignant sweeter sensibility reminder of the old in this through-the- adage that it is looking-glass “what- better to have loved if ” story of a and lost than never broken hearted man to have loved at all. fighting to retain the memory of his
  • 14. 95% 2003 “Lost in Translation” Legendary funny man (Scarlett Johansen) Bill Murray continues amidst a truly foreign to land serious roles m o d e r n To k y o p o r t r ay i n g t r a g i - landscape, director comic, inwardly Sofia Coppola allows wounded loners who the audience to find themselves in appreciate the sweet painful situations. side of what might Once again, in Lost in otherwise on the Translation, he nails it surface appear to be cold. By teaming him a creepy December / up with an unlikely May relationship. but kindred soul
  • 15. 93% 2002 “About a Boy” OK, I admit it: I like Lyrics. 2002’s About a Hugh Grant and he Boy works so well has firmly established a because of the growth knack for what so that results from a many good actors friendship that seem to lack: the reluctantly develops ability to choose b e t w e e n H u g h ’s solidly entertaining (if unabashedly selfish not Oscar-wor thy) man-boy bachelor and scripts like Four a young diamond in We d d i n g s a n d A the rough who latches Funeral, Notting Hill, on and won’t let go of Love, Actually, Bridget the father figure that Jones’ Diary, American has eluded him for so Dreamz, and Music & long.
  • 16. 90% 2001 (Kelly) “Amelie” If I had to pick one most of all, Audrey film which embodies Tatou’s performance the Laddie award, it as the title character would be Amelie will leave you (even though I later captivated for days as voted to split the year you contemplate how because of my belated meaningful good discovery of Donnie moviemaking can be Darko). Forget the when its unique fact that it’s dialogue is properties vs. other French and you have artistic mediums are to read subtitles. The leveraged to the offbeat story, beautiful fullest. cinematography, and,
  • 17. “Sometimes I question your commitment to Sparkle Motion...” 85% 2001 (Michael) “Donnie Darko” (Director’s Cut) A terribly misleading themes, audacious marketing approach complexities, and that made it look like a intelligent treatment of teen slasher flick, the audience were so coupled with its debut refreshing that a write- in theaters the week of in campaign from the 9/11 attacks, a r d e n t DV D f a n s ensured this gem of a yielded investment by film would *never* the studio in a second have a chance for edition - a Director’s commercial box office Cut - more clearly(?) success. Despite these presenting rookie setbacks, Donnie director Richard Darko’s metaphysical Kelley’s visionary tale.
  • 18. 63% 2000 (Kelly) “Chocolat” Sorry Michael, but years. Some embrace Johnny Depp and the change she chocolate will win represents, others over an angry Tom resist. But really, C r u i s e a n y d a y. how long can you Juliette Binoche plays resist the call of a single mother with chocolate? Subtle i t c hy fe e t w h o s e and warmly delivered arrival in a provincial performances and an french town deeply intriguing story disturbs the well interwoven around ordered balance that our favorite candy has kept people safely made this film in their place for just...yummy.
  • 19. 2000 (Michael) 83% “Magnolia” Kevin Smith’s scorn hours. Aimee Mann’s aside (I’ve got you soundtrack songs are covered in 1997 down transcendent and, a bit more on the list, while I’m no big fan of bro...), this has got to Tom Cruise offscreen, be one of the most the scene in which his intricate and well slick-talking, thought-out ensemble misogynist huckster films of all time. reluctantly strips off Memorable and the emotional armor haunting characters to come to terms with interconnect in the imminent passing surprising ways as of his father (Jason each layer of the Robards) is worth the onion is peeled over journey and price of the course of three purchase alone.
  • 20. 90% 1999 (Kelly) “October Sky” At its very best, a teacher encourages film should inspire. them to reach for October Sky does the stars. Not a just that in telling weak link in the the remarkable true cast. Perfectly stor y of Homer paced. Beautifully Hickam. In a pre- directed. Just the Sputnik football thought of the finale obsessed small coal scene between mining town, 4 Homer and his science geeks might father makes me b e p re t t y m u c h weep like the movie written off as mine wuss I am. fo dd e r. But a
  • 21. 81% 1999 (Michael) “Fight Club” Before there was fascinating to Kill Bill, there was behold. Even more Fight Club, an action- so is the way packed movie with a director David brain. Button-down Fincher gradually regular guy Edward reveals the source Norton’s insomniac behind the dark descent into Tyler psychological edge D u r d e n ’s ( B r a d always present in P i t t ’s ) wo r l d o f this very unique and macho underground gritty film. fighting cliques is
  • 22. 1998 87% “Rushmore” I a m a b i g We s F i s c h e r, a b e l o w Anderson fan, and average student while his catalog is a l l o we d i n t o t h e uneven in its overall school for writing “a success, he always little one act about hits the mark in Watergate”. He gets presenting genuinely a real education in m e m o r a b l e life’s painful lessons characters and when he and mentor dialogue , my two Bill Murray fall in love favorite film with a new teacher at elements. In school and find Rushmore, Jason themselves unlikely Schwartzman is a (and, on the one side, triumph as Max unrealistic) rivals.
  • 23. 90% 1997 “Chasing Amy” Chasing Amy surprised comedic material here everyone when writer/ (Jason Lee’s Banky director Kevin Smith Edwards character is (then of raunchy Clerks not be be missed), but and Mallrats fame) what put this film over decided to create a the top in 1997 was serious film about a the bold choice by guy who falls in love Smith not to take the with a lesbian friend easy road with a tidy and just can’t get over ever ything’s-OK-in- his own insecurities the-end finale. The long enough to realize answer’s right there the value of what he and Holden (Ben has. There is still a Affleck) still manages great deal of adult to blow it.
  • 24. 92% 1996 “Lone Star” Writer/director John investigating the Sayles is a genius and discover y of the one of those guys remains of a long- whose films I will see missing racist sheriff’s j u s t b e c a u s e h e ’s bones on an army involved. Lone Star is shooting range. an intricate murder Despite warnings to mystery, set across cease his investigation, two generations in Cooper comes to find S o u t h e r n Te x a s . out more than he ever L o n g t i m e f avo r i t e imagined (or wanted). Chris Cooper is solid as the lawman
  • 25. 89% 1995 “The Usual Suspects” Who is Keyser Soze? Bryan Singer directs performances by this modern film noir cocky detective Chazz whodunnit with an Palminteri and crooks extremely strong Gabriel Byrne, Kevin ensemble cast and a Spacey, and Benicio twister of an ending Del Toro all lead the that is sure to make audience skillfully by for some interesting the nose around the c o nve r s a t i o n l o n g stage and eventually after the credits roll. behind the curtain The plot is thick, to be waiting at the movie’s sure , but quality revelatory conclusion.
  • 26. 1994 76% “The Ref” House burglar Gus holidays with family (Dennis Leary) and police dropping in unwittingly stumbles at every turn to keep i n t o t h e l i ve s o f things on edge, some suburban Connecticut real emotional “bickerson” couple breakthroughs occur Lloyd (Kevin Spacey) in this sharply written and Caroline (Judy *dark* comedy about Davis) Chasseur, who the importance of are ready to drop the communication and verbal gloves at the remembering why we slightest provocation. fell in love in the first As they spend an place. evening together during the Christmas
  • 27. 91% 1993 “Much Ado About Nothing” Shakespeare is screen and off with a lw ay s t r i c k y t o this beautiful and bring to film, if for enduring look at the no other reason complexities of love than the daunting and deceit. Treat decision of what to yourself and take the c u t i n o rd e r t o time to sit down and present the story enjoy the Bard’s fully but at a work brought vividly reasonable length. to life against a However, Kenneth magnificent Sicilian Branagh is in his backdrop. You won’t element both on be disappointed.
  • 28. 1992 83% “A River Runs Through It” Robert Redford’s film boy younger brother adaptation of Norman (Paul) who has so M a c l e a n ’s s e m i - much promise and autobiographical semmingly-God-given novella tells the tale talent. His penchant of competition and for poor choices is love between two contrasted by older brothers (Craig brother Norman’s Sheffer and Brad Pitt) steadiness and his who are sons of a struggles to live up to minister in Montana their father’s high who passes on the expectations. This is a religion of fly fishing thoughtful and to them. Pitt is beautiful film you will perfect as the golden remember forever.