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Italian Renaissance Essay Ideas
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Italian Renaissance Essay Ideas Italian Renaissance Essay Ideas
Persuasive Essay On Rail Transportation
Trains are everywhere in our society, we have jokes, toys, movies, and children s television shows,
but did you know rail transport started in 6th century Greece? The city of San Antonio, Texas is a
fast growing metropolitan city that has a very tremendous amount of people. It has been estimated
that the citywill grow by another million people in the next ten to twenty years. San Antonio s
traffic is becoming a huge issue and is quickly approaching to be one of the most congested areas in
the states. The public transportin San Antonio consists of a very complex bus system, taxicabs,
Trolley s downtown, and the growing market of ridesharing drivers. San Antonio has had many
talks and negotiations throughout the last two decades on getting a Light Rail system constructed
to help with public transportation. This proposal is for specific businesses, the city of San Antonio
and Bexar County to come to a funding agreement.
Funding for projects is always a topic of discussion, payments for a sculptor to sculpt a statue, and
hiring wrecking crews for doing their job are just small examples. The funding cost for Light Rail is
extremely high when it comes to construction, these prices are something that a any+ billionaire
can personally handle. These prices are always subject to change because of materials used and the
constant change of technology. Through the talks of this new transit system coming to San
Antonio, different funding options have been suggested, raising taxes,
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Midterm Exam Study Guide
Review Questions for the Mid Term Exam
(9th March 2015)
I. Review questions for short answer questions
1. Briefly characterize the following terms:
a. Hexagram The I Ching book consists of 64 hexagrams.[2] [3] A hexagram is a figure composed
of six stacked horizontal lines (з€» yГ
Ўo), where each line is either Yang (an unbroken, or solid
line), or Yin (broken, an open line with a gap in the center). The hexagram lines are traditionally
counted from the bottom up, so the lowest line is considered line one while the top line is line six.
Hexagrams are formed by combining the original eight trigrams in different combinations. Each
hexagram is accompanied with a description, often cryptic, akin to parables. Each line in every
hexagram is also ... Show more content on ...
Ren has been rendered into English in various ways such as: benevolence, man to manness, perfect
virtue, human heartedness, and, as in our textbook, humanity. It has been regarded as the defining
virtue of a junzi/gentlemen and the ultimate commitment in Confucius thought. However,
Confucius never intends to offer a formal definition of ren; instead, he gives only various answers
to questions about ren in different circumstances for students with different temperaments and with
varying degrees of understanding.
f. yi (in the Analects) Yi is another important virtue through which ren is cultivated. Confucius
stresses yi as necessary for developing ren.
Unlike li as external rituals and rules of propriety, yi is internal virtue, a moral disposition to do
what is right and an ability to recognize what is right; yi functions like a kind of moral sense or
intuition regarding action. Like Kant s conception of good will and duty, what is according to yi
unconditional and absolute; some actions must be performed only because they are right, and not
because of what they produce. On the other hand, unlike Kant, yi is not something that has nothing
to do with inclination, disposition or intuition.
As far as the relation between yi and li is concerned, cultivating yi is carried out through observing
li. The superior person regards righteousness (yi) as the substance of everything.
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Hildegard Von Bingen s Life
Hildegard Von Bingen was born January 1, 1098 in Bermersheim, Germany and died September
17, 1179 in Bingen am Rhein, Germany. Her parents names where Mechtild and Hildebert.
When she was just 9 years old, her parents sent her to a Benedictine monastery that was 400 years
old! At this time it was not unusual to send your youngest child to the monastery and Hildegard
was the youngest of ten kids! At this monastery she had a teacher named Jutta. Jutta taught her
how to read and write she also learned how to speak latin. Jutta and Hildegard were good friends.
Jutta helped Hildegard become the the amazing woman she was. She gave her advice and
direction like a mom would. Jutta was like Hildegard s mom. Hildegard is now known as St.
Hildegard of Bingen. When Hildegard was young God told her to write down all of her visions
from him. Hildegard was a very good writer, she wrote over 300 letters to people who asked for
her help! She also wrote songs. Some of these songs are listened to in church. They are not like
the usual upbeat church songs we are used to singing, they are more like the songs you hear before
confession. Hildegard Von Bingen was a great song writer, no doubt about it!
Chapter 2
What a Burger!
One of Hildegard s songs was O Pastor Animarum. It is like a song you would hear in adoration.
This is why it reminds me hamburgers. If you have ever been to adoration, you know that is
sometimes hard to stay focused, just like it is hard for a hamburger to stay
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Iago controls and manipulates many characters in Othello including Roderigo, Brabantio, Cassio,
Emilia, Desdemona, and even Othello himself. I will only be looking at Cassio and Othello
because the fate of Iago s plans rest in their actions, therefore he controls and manipulates them
more than any of the other characters like Roderigo who is also manipulated by Iago for a lot of
the play but I found the relationship between Othello, Cassio, and Iago more interesting because
they are both his superiors so Iago has to be more careful with how he manipulates them. When
Iago speaks to Roderigo he can tell him a lot that may or may ... Show more content on ...
Othello s lieutenant, Cassio is a young and inexperienced soldier (we are told this in the
beginning of the play when Cassio is first spoken of), whose high position is much resented by
Iago. Truly devoted to Othello, Cassio is extremely ashamed after being implicated in a drunken
brawl on Cyprus and losing his place as lieutenant. Iago uses Cassio s youth, good looks, and
friendship with Desdemona to play on Othello s insecurities about Desdemona s fidelity.
Iago controls Cassio for most of the play. It is important for Iago to control Cassio in the way
that he does because it allows Iago to get exactly what he wants. Iago uses Cassio s faults to
manipulate him, like Cassio s looks and his flirtatious personality to Cassio s own disadvantage
because Iago gets Othello to think that Desdemona is having an affair with him. It all starts
when he persuades Cassio to join in with the festive drinking even though Cassio has a weak
alcohol tolerance level I have very poor and unhappy brains for drinking this shows that Iago can
still persuade Cassio to drink a lot of alcohol even though he knows that he cannot take it. Iago
implies that he and Cassio have the same friends which makes Cassio think that they are best
friends; he does this by calling the other men our friends which implies that they too would be
friends. Iago also tells Cassio that he will drink for Cassio which makes Cassio think
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Essay Celta Cambridge Certificate
PRE INTERVIEW TASK 1. In each of the following sentences underline the verb or verb and
identify the form/ tense used.
a) We never go to the theatre these days.
Present Simple b) We are saving up to travel abroad
Present Perfect Continuous c) We have already been to Europe.
Past Perfect d) We didn t have enough money to go further.
Past Simple e) We had spent all our savings by the end of the summer.
Past Perfect f) We had been sleeping rough for several weeks when the weather turned colder.
Past Perfect Continuous g) This year I ve been awarded a travel scholarship
Present Perfect. h) We are going to travel for six months in Australia and I m going to... Show more
content on ...
I will instruct them to work in pairs and exchange the information with each other. I will also do
board game with students asking students to write their information on the board and the class
guesses questions about the student. It s a great warming up activity for the students. At the same
time it gives confidence for the student to share their information with the whole class. If time
allows I will do a mini class activity like True and False statements. I will write five sentences about
myself out of which two sentences are false, asking students to guess the right sentence. Then
asking students to do this activity in pair. All this fun activities will put students at ease with each
other and open them for learning.
b) Problems associated with teaching adult learners and right approach in teaching.
Teaching adult learner can be challenging especially if they come from very traditional
background. Most of them will be coming to college after a long break. Adults have problem
centred approach to learning and have established values, beliefs and opinions. They may need
help in acquiring study skills and techniques and more time to grasp new concepts. Adult learners
are also result oriented and come to college with specific results in mind and can drop out easily
if course does not lead to results. Most of them will be self directed and will not be dependent on
others for direction.
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The Science of Love
The science of love When do you know if you fancy someone? What does love do to your brain
chemicals, and is falling in love just nature s way to keep our species alive? We call it love. It
feels like love. But the most exhilarating of all human emotions is probably nature s beautiful way
of keeping the human species alive and reproducing. With an irresistible cocktail of chemicals, our
brain entices us to fall in love. We believe we re choosing a partner. But we may merely be the
happy victims of nature s lovely plan.| | It s not what you say...Psychologists have shown it takes
between 90 seconds and 4 minutes to decide if you fancy someone.Research has shown this has
little to do with what is said, rather * 55% is through body... Show more content on
Mating between prairie voles is a tremendous 24 hour effort. After this, they bond for life. They
prefer to spend time with each other, groom each other for hours on end and nest together. They
avoid meeting other potential mates. The male becomes an aggressive guard of the female. And
when their pups are born, they become affectionate and attentive parents. However, another vole, a
close relative called the montane vole, has no interest in partnership beyond one night stand sex.
What is intriguing is that these vast differences in behaviour are the result of a mere handful of
genes. The two vole species are more than 99% alike, genetically.
Why do voles fall in love?
The details of what is going on the vole story, as it were is a fascinating one. When prairie voles
have sex, two hormones called oxytocin and vasopressin are released. If the release of these
hormones is blocked, prairie voles sex becomes a fleeting affair, like that normally enjoyed by
their rakish montane cousins. Conversely, if prairie voles are given an injection of the hormones,
but prevented from having sex, they will still form a preference for their chosen partner. In other
words, researchers can make prairie voles fall in love or whatever the vole equivalent of this is
with an injection.
A clue to what is happening and how these results might bear on the human condition was found
when this magic juice was given to the montane vole: it made no difference. It
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Where Atoms Come From We Are All Star Stuff
Chapter Four: Where Atoms Come From: We Are All Star Stuff
1.How are elements with atomic numbers greater than iron s atomic number formed? (1 mark)
Elements with atomic numbers greater than iron s atomic number form during the formation of a
supernovae, also known as a mini bang. The process begins when a massive star has depleted its
supply of magnesium and silicon, and only has a bare iron ore remaining. Now, the star no longer
has the energy to maintain its immense mass against the force of gravity, and as a result, the entire
star collapses. This process fuses together electrons and protons in the core, which forms neutrons.
After neutrons build up in the ore, the star recoils in the form of an explosion. During the explosion,
the neutrons attach to iron atoms in the ore, and begin converting back to protons and electrons. As
a result, iron atoms are able to become different elements with greater atomic numbers.
2.Explain how Patterson determined the age of the Earth (4.55 billion years old)? (2 marks)
Patterson determined the age of the Earth using information regarding lead and uranium. Patterson
knew the rate of decay of uranium, and he knew ... Show more content on ...
When a massive star depletes all of its magnesium and silicon supply, it will only have an iron ore
remaining. At this point, they will not have enough energy to sustain the inner pull of gravity, and
the star will collapse. During this process, electrons and protons will combine to form neutrons in
the ore. When the ore is filled with neutrons, a rebound will occur, and everything will explode
outwards, during which the neutrons will surround the iron atoms and will separate into protons
and electrons. Now, the iron atom has excess of protons and electrons, which means that it is a
different and heavier element, as the number of protons have increased. Heavier elements like gold
get made during this process, when iron atoms gain
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Departmental Codes Of Organisational Policies And Procedure
Organisational policies and Procedures are concerned with laws at the local organisational level.
Policies and Procedures are not law these are guidelines on the laws that are standing and are
abiding, such as Work place Health and Safety Act 1995. The companies policies are statements of
the principle that guides the decisions the company has been manipulated to help service the
delivery the company ensure the organisations goals, values and objectives, that are
implemented across the organisations, this brings out the Departmental Codes of Conduct. Making
sure that the companies best Practice is to be understood and implitmented, so we can have and
pass confidentiality with Coworkers. To have shared Communication with the common
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Piety In Plato s Dialogues And The Book Of Job
What does it mean to be pious? In Plato s Dialogues and the Book of Job, the search for the
explanation can be attempted from the readings about Socrates and Job. The two are very
different. One, searches for a definition and questions the meaning of piety, whereas the other, Job,
one of the most pious men in biblical history, sets by example the meaning of piety by suffering
many of Gods punishments and yet he remains unwavering in his faith and God.
In Plato s Apology, Socrates is accused of impiety and later sentenced to an execution for reasons
that are injust. As a man who has lived his life as an honest and just man, he searches for the
definition of piety, in order to understand the accusation made against him. He turns to Euthyphro, a
wise man who is present at the court, who gives Socrates his explanation as to what it means to be
pious. However, to Socrates, each of the definitions he gives are opinionated and ambiguous and as
a result Socrates is left unfulfilled, with many still unanswered questions in the end.
The first definition of piety that Euthyphro offers to Socrates is that the pious is to do what I am
doing now to prosecute the wrong doer...not to prosecute is impious (6, e). Euthyphro is present
as a witness against his own father who is accused of murder. Socrates appreciates that he believes
so strongly in justice that he would hold his own family member accountable, but is displeased
with this meaning, simply because it is only an explanation and not a true meaning. Socrates wants
to know what pious means in and of itself, not an example or an act of being pious.
Euthyphro s second definition is linked to the gods. He explains that Pious is what all the gods
love, and the opposite, what all the gods hate, is impious (9, e), meaning that piety is determined
by the gods. Socrates finds this to be false, due to the fact that in order for the gods to decide
what is pious, they would all have to agree. However, each god has his/her own opinion about what
is honorable or just and what is not. Therefore, a decision is difficult to reach and Socrates
concludes that this definition cannot be true. This definition however is the most important one
because Socrates creates a strong
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Feeling Sympathy for Gertrude and Rhoda in The Withered...
Feeling Sympathy for Gertrude and Rhoda in The Withered Arm, by Thomas Hardy
The Withered arm is typical of Hardy s novellas, as it is a tragedy.
It involves two main characters, Rhoda and Gertrude. Rhoda and
Gertrude both have their own different problems that the must face.
Rhoda and Gertrude become friends after they first meet. Rhoda had an illegitimate child to
farmer lodge who marries Gertrude. Before Rhoda and Gertrude meet Rhoda does not know what
Gertrude is like so is bitter about the idea of her marrying farmer lodge who hardy hints
Rhoda is still in love with.
Rhoda is described to be old before her age and works as a milkmaid.
She receives no help in the upbringing of the boy she had with farmer lodge so she ... Show more
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He tells her that she is very good looking and is also very ladylike. Gertrude wants to offer the
boy a lift home in the cart with them but farmer lodge doesn t want to, as the situation would
obviously make him awkward. He makes up an excuse that the boys round there are very strong
and drives on. This bit also makes you feel some sympathy for Rhoda but in a bitter way as she is
old before her time but is intelligent and hard working and farmer lodge has married a younger
woman that seems pleasant enough and even tried to help her son, but admittedly didn t know the
Some time after the new wife has come to live with farmer lodge; hardy introduces the first hint
of witchcraft into the story. The rest of the story is based on the vision chapter so it is possibly
the most important and the following chapters could have been different. Rhoda is sat looking
into her fireplace and is sat there longer than she at first realized. She sees an image of Gertrude
and she doesn t even know what she looks like. She is almost scrying for her inadvertently.
When she comes back to, she goes to bed and falls to sleep. Gertrude comes to her in a vision and
she looks strange and twisted. She holds her ring finger in front of Rhode s face mocking and
taunting her. Rhoda has nothing to do to resist her. She sees her assailants arm stick out in
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Lifestyle Magazine As An Example
Using Lifestyle magazine as an example, explore how media texts target specific audience.
Lifestyle magazine are magazines that tells the audience about the lifestyle they live and can have
an impact on their lives as their views can be subverted by the ideology of the magazine. This
ideology comes from the creators of the magazine; they put what they think instead of what the
public thinks about a certain topic. In this writing i am going to talk about what the lifestyle
magazines do in order to attract specific audience and how they achieve in targeting specific
The two lifestyle magazines that i am going to talk about are FHM and Cosmopolitan magazine.
These magazines were released on november 2013 and the target audience between the two has
links and oppositions. On both magazines, the central image is the image of females; which
suggests that these magazines are targeted at female. But, on the front of these magazines it is a
picture of seductive females which implies that the audience is different and possibly males as they
would get attracted.
I am going to start by analysing how FHM targets their audience and keep their loyalty so that they
would not look for another magazine to replace the FHM magazine they currently hold. This
magazine is promoting anti feminism as the main central image is of a woman with a seductive look
which is representing woman in a negative manner. Also, further connotes objectification of woman
as the clothes signifiers shows
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Special Populations High School Counseling
Special Populations:
High School Counseling
Kean University
Adolescence is a period of dramatic and revolutionary change. In western cultures it is the time of
life, either most reviled, depicted as posing the greatest threat to the established order of things, or
most celebrated and romanticized, in particular within the sphere of popular culture, for its creative
and challenging energies. At its onset, adolescence can be seen as the beginning of the end of
childhood and as such is a time of mourning for the loss of the relative dependency and security of
childhood, characterized by attempts at recapturing what ... Show more content on
This is certain for adolescents. However, the characteristics of the individuals should remain
heterogeneous, after all, in high school several students of various backgrounds experience similar
Since the environment among a school is not that of a clinic or an outside counseling practice,
certain planning needs to occur while forming groups. Rather than client s willingly signing up or
seeking out a group, a survey would be completed by faculty and staff to identify potential group
members. Students would also participate in the survey process, giving perception of their needs.
These surveys would be a form of data collection necessary in addressing needs that could otherwise
be unknown. Following this, a meeting with potential group members would take place
individually. The students would be informed about the group and what they may gain from it.
Expectations, participation and confidentially would also be discussed. From these meetings, the
counselor would then be able to determine the student s interest level and seriousness of need or
participation. With careful evaluation, this screening leads to group selection. Informed consent
would be introduced and could have been completes prior to the screening. Although minors need
parental consent, it is still essential for all students participating to sign and understand the
informed consent. Prior to the group meeting, it is the counselor s
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Manifestations Of Sacred Reality
Manifestations of Sacred Reality Throughout every type of religion or faith based belief system,
there are overlapping characteristics that all work to validate the religion. Two of these elements
universally presented in any religion are the aspect of a sacred reality and the manifestations of
such in hierophanies. Sacred reality collectively validates the religion, giving it some deeper
meaning on a spiritual level. Hierophanies are manifestations of sacred reality, meaning they are
physical objects through which the sacred presents itself (Livingston 43). Different types of
hierophanies further break down sacred reality into categories to understand it. These include
sacred persons, sacred time, sacred places, and sacred objects (43). Specifically, sacred persons
and places exemplify different aspects of sacred reality that have personally impacted my life
through my Christian faith. Sacred reality, as stated before, acts as a means of validating a
religion on a spiritual level. It can be broken into four distinct characteristics that all coincide to
show the extraordinary qualities of the sacred, (CITATION FROM BOOK). The first
characteristic is that sacred reality is specially distinctive, or set apart from the world. This
suggests that a spiritual world exists completely set apart from the physical, human world. Most
religions worldwide believe in some aspect of an afterlife or some journey to a stage of
enlightenment where this sacred reality exists, separate from
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Memoirs Of A Geisha Women
Whether or not they were formally recognized or praised, women have always played an integral
role in society. During the early twentieth century, the work of women gradually became more
prominent and previous beliefs on what was appropriate for women were challenged as more
women began to work for their own individual profit and prestige. This is seen in the 2005 film,
Memoirs of a Geisha. Directed by Rob Marshall, Memoirs is the story of how a young peasant girl,
named Chiyo, rose up through the ranks and earned profit and prestige as the geisha, Sayuri. As
East Asian countries began to interact and form relationships with European nations, they were
exposed and sometimes adopted to the new depictions of women that have emerged in the West....
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Schoppa states, From roughly 1917 1921, the emphasis on individualism and achieving individual
goals was greater than in any time in modern China s history. In a field that had been predominantly
male, Yuliang, as a female artist, challenged the norms that had characterized previous Chinese
gender roles. In her article, Jane Zheng asserts, in the new era, women were expected to use their
artistic talents in certain public roles rather than merely as entertainment for their husbands or for
their own amusement. In the film, Yuliang becomes a well respected painter during her time in
Paris and, when she returns to Shanghai, she is offered a job as an art professor. The achievement
of being offered this position as a woman shows not only her own personal social and economic
success, but also how Chinese women overall, during this time, became more involved in the
public sphere and more independent. Both Memoirs of a Geisha and A Soul Haunted by Painting
demonstrate how women at this time used both their bodies and their work to become successful in
their respective societies. Whether it was through the more traditional occupation of being a geisha
or becoming an innovative, provocative painter, they paved the way for women in the public
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The Power Of Boarding Schools
Fulfilling god s plan, America forced Native Americans to attend boarding schools where the ideals
of Christianity were implemented. In Abigail Graham s article, The Power of Boarding Schools, a
History of Education professor at Indiana University writes that boarding schools is a tool used to
reinforce one s ideas into individuals. Graham writes, Boarding schools...significantly impact the
social development of their students; for this reason...schools used [this] as tools for reinforcing
power relationships and cultural identities. America s goal was to eliminate any existence of the
Native s culture by constantly embedding the values of being an American and being Christian
inside the school. The boarding school is completely new to the Natives, and having someone tell
them what to do was something unheard of. Within a school s system the students have the least
authority, the teacher is second in line, and the principal is the highest. The students were of Native
American descent, of course the teachers were white, and this demonstrates the power relationship
with the Native Americans and the Whites; the whites had more power than the other race.
Children were targets because if America were able to change the younger generation s ideals, than
as they get older their offsprings will be what America envisioned, a non Native American who has
no knowing of their culture. In Mary A. Stout book, Native American Boarding Schools, the author
mentions that boarding schools
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sat 2 Essay
My Leadership Style Analysis
SAT2 Task 1
My Leadership Style Analysis
A1. Leadership Style Evaluation
There are many different leadership styles. After reading the assigned chapters for this task. I was
able to identify my own leadership style as a result. In order to know my leadership style, I took a
series of assessments in order to determine my personal leadership style.
Assessments I took that helped me to determine my personal leadership style are: the Emotional
Expressive Scale, Personal Magnetism Deficit Inventory, Task Oriented Attitudinal and Behavior
assessment, Clarifying your Work Values, What Style of Leader are you or would you be, What is
your propensity of taking Risk, How ... Show more content on ...
The Entrepreneurial leadership style tends to have higher achievement and is where the
Participative leadership style tends to strive for consensus.
The Entrepreneurial leadership style tends to be more creative and enthusiastic than the
Participative leadership style. The Participative leadership style tends to negotiate demands of
employees, and the Entrepreneurial leadership style responds immediately if a crisis presents.
A3. Leadership Style Discussions Understanding different Leadership Styles can help me to
become an effective leader by helping me to identify deficient areas in my personal leadership
style. Being able to identify personal leadership deficiency will give me the opportunity of being
aware. Being aware of deficiency in my leadership style will help me to gain new skills that will
help me to improve and perfect deficient areas in my leadership style. This newfound awareness
will allow me the opportunity to obtain knowledge, skills and abilities needed in order for me to
become an effective leader.
Another reason understanding different leadership styles can help me to become an effective leader
is that it will give me the opportunity to think outside the box. This skill will help me to be more
creative in my leadership style, and as a result, I will gain and implement new leadership skills to
my personal leadership style. This new skill
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Iganga Nursing Literature Review
Our findings indicated that health workers perceived reviews as part of continuous quality
improvement that emanated from the general routine work and cultural environment within the
hospital. We think this contributed to a continuous MPDR practice within the hospital despite of
the challenges faced.
It was revealed in other studies that the most successful reviews were characterized by three
interdependent, supportive cultural factors which are supportive health professionals, supportive
institutional culture and supportive political and policy environment14. It was also revealed that
the perceptions held by the health workers about MPDRs also varied from one study to another.
The perceptions held by health workers in Thyolo, Malawi were ... Show more content on ...
There was also no feedback and follow up from higher levels (national and district) hence there was
no systematic mechanism for follow up of recommendations. This is similar for the study findings
that investigated the MPDR system in Tanzaniawhich was a major barrier to effective
MPDR6,20,23. Most respondents reported that MPDR was important in improving their
professional practice and ethical code of conduct. However, it is difficult to ascertain the weight of
each activity in the improvement of care16,27.
Our findings revealed that mentorships greatly supported health workers conduct reviews. This is
not revealed in other studies as a strategy for supporting health workers realize effective reviews
in Thyolo District of Malawi, Ifakara in Tanzania and Senegal 8,11 23.The health workers revealed
that the reviews helped them to improve the quality of care which in other studies quality of care is
not easily measured and effect takes a long time where mistakes are repeatedly done16,25,27.
Health workers desire to change but the context of implementation has to count16, 26. In Uganda, it
was reported that some of the maternal death within hospitals happened at a time of staff handover
or change in work shifts19,27.
Supportive health professionals: doctors, midwives and nurses make all the difference between the
success and failure of reviews 14,21.Success also depends on accountability of both care providers
(frontline) and decision makers8,19. In an MPDR study that
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Defining The Organization s Strategic Direction Essay
Topic 6: Defining the Organization s strategic Direction Definitions: 1.Oligopolistic industries
highly consolidated industries with a few large competitors 2.Exit barriers costs or other
commitments that make it difficult for firms to abandon an industry (large fixed asset investments,
emotional commitment to the industry, etc.) 3.Entry barriers conditions that make it difficult or
expensive for new firms to enter an industry (government regulations, start up costs, etc.)
4.Switching costs factors that make it difficult or expensive to change suppliers or buyers, such as
investments in specialized assets to work with a particular supplier or buyer. 5.Complements
products or services that enhance he usefulness or desirability of other products. 6.Substitutes
products or services that are not considered as competitors, but fulfill a strategically equivalent role
for the customer. 7.Stake holder any entity that has an interest (state) in the organization 8.Tacit
Resources resources of an intangible nature (such as knowledge) that cannot ne readily confided.
9.Socially complex resources resources or activities that emerge through the interaction of multiple
individuals. 10.Casual ambiguity the relationship between a resource and the outcome it produces
is poorly understood (the casual mechanism is ambiguous) 11.Dynamic capabilities A set of
abilities that make a firm more agile and responsive to change.Key Points: 1.Assessing the
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The Great Divide Of The Global Village By Bruce R. Scott
In this essay, I will argue that the article The Great Divide in the Global Village by Bruce R. Scott
provides more logical and factual evidence that helps under the complexity of national economic
growth and development. Scott states a catching yet quick statement about how economical
promises of the world, both domestic and foreign are misleading. He states Mainstream economic
thought promises that globalization will lead to a widespread improvement in average incomes.
However the evidence throughout the article that proves this statement is not valid. Scott s main
point revolves around this idea of globalization. Globalization can be defined as the process of
increasing the connectivity and interdependence of the world s markets and businesses.
Globalization is the foundation of Scott s article it lays the groundwork for countries to succeed or
fail as explained by Scott in great detail. On the other hand, in the article Why Nations Fail by
Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson they paint an extremely different projection that I will
contrast and eventually show why it is inferior to Scott s work. Acemoglu and Robinson show that
it the man created political and economic institutions that underlie economic success or those who
lack it. They argue that economies thrive more when the presence of less government is involved.
Acemoglu and Robinson don t just explain in depth the similarities and differences in economic
policies between nations. They also give deep
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How To Transform Australian Food Culture
Since the early years of European settlement, Australia has developed as a diverse multicultural
society. Today, 23 percent of Australians were born in another country and just over 25 percent of
the population have at least one parent born overseas. All these people have brought their food
habits to Australia, which has resulted in the expansion of the diet of all Australians. As people
migrated here, they brought their traditional foodhabits, preparation techniques and cooking
methods with them. They then had to adapt these to the foods available within Australia.
Italy is one of many countries that has transformed the Australian food culture extremely
significantly. Before the Italians came, Australia had many different foods but the variety
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Global Business Community ( Macro Environment )
1. Identify the relevant macro environmental factors (level 1). What impacts do these issues have
on the focal organization? Level 1 Global Business Community (Macro environment) Society
/Subculture Enterprise is a privately held company and is also the nation s biggest car rental
service. They expanded their service in nearly 200 airport location within 10 years. With so many
different consumer cultures and subcultures, the company Enterprise should make sure that they
are providing quality vehicles and customer service to fulfill what consumers are looking for.
Enterprise also provides electric and hybrid cars which caught eyes of many. Enterprise offers
customers the opportunity to rent a hybrid vehicle in more than 30 major markets (BGS Lifetime
Members, n.d.). The company s fleet management program has certainly been beneficial and it also
generated a lot of revenue. To provide superior customer value the company uses a measurement
tool, the tool works by surveying random customers. In order to portray an image of the
organizational success, the members of the company gets to drive newer vehicles. Demographics
Enterprise understands that they must achieve superior customer value by providing quality service
and fulfilling consumer s needs. At the same time concentrating on demographics is also a crucial
factor. They can use several methods to achieve demographics data. Surveys and Government
issued data can be helpful. Enterprise believes that each area has
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Narrative Essay On Best Friends
This Family is Cooler than Yours
Traditions are an important part of any holiday. But, I bet this family has a cooler tradition than
anything your family has cooked up.
Every year, they spend some time learning a choreographed dance. They then apparently clear out
their living room so this huge family of 8 can perform it for the camera. Here s one of their more
exciting dances.
I wonder what they have planned for next season? Lip Sync Battle
Normally, I m not a fan of lip syncing. But, this little girl has definitely changed my mind. She may
be just a baby, but this little girl has got something going on for her.
While waiting in the car for her mom, Baby Bexlee showed us her talent when a current favorite
song came on the radio. Move over Adele, Bexlee has got you beat for sure! Sharing the Joy of Birth
Who said dogs and cats can t be friends? This happy couple is definitely beating the odds by
being best friends. And, what do best friends do when you are having a baby? Why they celebrate
with you, of course!
This is exactly what happens when momma cat takes her brand new kittens to see her best friend.
Naturally, her kittens warmed up to the pup in no time and they all had a fantastic time. That s the
way to deliver a Pizza!
Getting a pizza delivery isn t normally an exciting experience. You pick up the phone, order the
pizza and eventually will have a hot pie in your hand. But, this is not what these Pizza Hut
customers experienced at all.
Instead, when their pizza
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Theme Of Companionship In A Separate Peace
During the time I was reading A Separate Peace and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the
Night time, I realized the books actually more things in common than I would ve thought. One
way the two books are similar is how they both have a common theme, companionship. Another
common theme in both books is following the rules and how a lot of the characters chose to not
do so. One issue both books seem to share is the characters in each book seem to have a hard time
getting along with one another and communicating. While I was reading the two novels, they didn
t seem that similar to me, but once I finished the novels, I started to realize how alike they really are.
One common theme you can see through out the time of reading the two novels is companionship.
Companionship plays a big role in how the main characters act in each novel. In A Separate Peace,
companionship is demonstrated by Gene and Phineas becoming friends in the beginning of the
novel and having troubles, as friends, in the middle to late part of the novel. Gene and Phineas
being friends had a lot to do with most of their actions. Companionship is shown in The Curious
Incident of the Dog in the Night Time between Christopher and his dad, Ed. Ed triggered some
pretty serious events in the book and some of them were because of Christopher. For example, Ed
was the reason Christopher ran away to his mother because he was scared of his dad. Also, Ed lied
to Christopher about his mom being alive because he was trying to protect him. Companionship is
one of the multiple common themes between the two novels and I think it s pretty clearly
demonstrated in both.
Another common theme between the two books is following the rules and how quite a few
characters from each novel chose not to follow them. A lot of the characters in each novel break
the rules or do something that s just morally wrong like lying. In The Curious Incident of the
Dog in the Night Time, Christopher decides to keep investigating about the dog dying case even
after his father told him to stop investigating. Phineas breaks the rules in A Separate Peace when
he falls out of the tree hanging above the river and breaks his leg after he was told not to climb in
the tree
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Sailing with Vespucci
Sailing with Vespucci If I were to ride aboard the ship in the age of exploration, I would choose
Amerigo Vespucci. Amerigo was born in Florence, Italy on March 9, 1951. He was one of the first
Europeans to believe that the land Columbus had discovered was not the Indies, but rather an
entirely new continent. Because of this, the new land would be called the Americas, a feminized
version of Amerigo. Amerigo was born in Florence, Italy, his parents, Ser Nastagio and Lisabetta
Mini, were friends of the Medici, a very wealthy family that controlled Italy from the 1400s to
1737. When Amerigo was in his early 20s his uncle, who was the ambassador to France, sent him
on a brief diplomatic mission to Paris. This trip probably sparked his fascination of travel. After
that Amerigo held a number of different jobs that would teach him valuable lessons that would
benefit later in his life. These included small business endeavors, being a banker, and even being
involved with merchants who would supply Columbus journey across the Atlantic. On one
occasion he even got to sit down with Columbus and talk to him about the new world. This
conversation most likely inspired his adventures to the new world. So when Amerigo was in his
40s he decided to abandon his failing business venture and become an explorer, funded by queen
Isabella of Spain, before he was too old to. It is believed that Amerigo left for his first voyage on
May 10, 1497 from the port of Cadiz with a fleet of
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Dramatic Change In Night By Elie Wiesel
In Elie Wiesel s memoir, Night , readers see a dramatic change from the young, sensitive and
spiritual individual to a, boy with the mindset of an adult that is spiritually dead and is unemotional.
Elie shows this in his memoir by rewriting what he saw, thought, or what he heard while in
concentration camps, this occurs, in the three sections of the memoir.
In the first section of the book, Eile begins the transformation from a sensitive and spiritual boy to
the opposite. Elie starts describes the first night, he was in a concentration camp, and how that
affected him through sight, by saying Never shall I forget the little faces of the children whose
bodies I saw turn into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky. Never shall I forget those... Show
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As Elie describes what occurred after his father s death, There were not prayers at his grave. No
candles were lit to his memory. His last word was my name. A summons, to which I did not
respond (Wiesel, 106). In this, Elie describes what happened after his father died, and how he
was religiously summoned, but there was no faith left in him to respond. I believe this is this is
the ultimate low in Elie s religion, seeing that he could not even pray over his father, or respond
to the summons. This might be the low of his religion, the low of Elie s emotion is quite
horrible. Elie sees himself for the first time after being liberated, From the depths of the mirror, a
corpse gazed back at me. The look in his eyes, as they sated into mine, has never left me (Wiesel,
109). This is the most powerful phrase from the book that describes how he felt, about himself.
This is clearly shown through the use of his instead of my, he had to describe the look in his eyes
as someone else s. Thus showing, the distaste of his own self as he came out of the Holocaust and
wanting to now live a normal life. Through Elie s use of a 3rd person possessive pronoun, he is able
to create such meaning behind only a singular word. Elie also uses such harsh situations to point
out the loss of faith or
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Biography of Eleanor Roosevelt Essay
A wise woman once wrote, With the new day come new strengths and new thoughts. These are
some of the wise words from Eleanor Roosevelt. Eleanor lived a rough live, but she believed that
things could become better at any moment. She was a kind, helpful, good woman that had a good
life through it all. Eleanor Rooseveltwas a hero to American History. Inspiring people to follow
their dreams, work to be the best of their ability, and also to start a new day with no regrets or
worries. She helped many people around her within her lifetime and definitively set a good
example for others.
Eleanor Roosevelt was born on October 11, 1884, in New York City. She was raised by both of her
parents until her father, Elliott Roosevelt, entered a ... Show more content on ...
She nursed her husband back to walking after he was a victim to a nearly fatal attack of polio
and was paralyzed. Once World War I came around in the year of 1914, Eleanor decided to
become involved with Navy Department and Red Cross relief efforts (Stevenson, Keira). She also
decided that she would volunteer within hospitals and soldier s canteens (7). Eleanor, being the
caring woman she was, would often visit wounded men as much as she possibly could. Eleanor
Roosevelt tried her absolute best to have personal relationships with the men during the World War
I, and tried to help them and make them just as important even while they were injured and shell
shocked. In the summer of 1921, the Roosevelt family went on a vacation to their summer house
that was on Campobello Island in New Brunswick. While the family was vacationing, her
husband, Franklin, was a victim to a nearly disastrous attack of polio, an infectious disease.
Franklin survived, but the sickness from the attack left him with an infantile paralysis that he
would have for the rest of his life. Once he realized that he could no longer walk, Franklin felt as
if his world was falling apart right in front of his eyes. He thought that he could longer succeed in
politics. Soon though, this all changed (8). Eleanor nursed her husband as he was paralyzed, and
she also became more politically active so franklin would feel inspired to not let go of his
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George Harrison Biography
We already brought you part one of our list of 15 things you probably didn t know about George
Harrison, and now we re back with part two! Check out eight more riveting details of the Beatles
lead guitarist s life that you definitely (probably) did not know below. You might be surprised by
what you learn!
Number Eight: He Played Violin...Sort Of. While recording All You Need Is Love
, Harrison can be
heard playing the violin. This was despite the fact that he had never picked one up in his entire life.
Number Seven: He Was Admired by Sinatra. Frank Sinatra once called Harrison s Something, ...the
greatest love song of the last 50 years. Harrison would often perform the ballad live.
Number Six: He Got Into a Fight Over a Biscuit. While ... Show more content on ...
According to Harrison, he first had sex in Hamburg, Germany, in a bunk bed. The other Beatles
were in the room when it happened. He said, [Paul, John and Pete Best] couldn t really see
anything because I was under the covers but after I d finished they all applauded and cheered. At
least they kept quiet whilst I was doing it.
Number Four: He Was Part of a Dirty Joke. In the song Girl, Harrison and Paul McCartney can be
heard harmonizing tit tit tit tit in the background. Apparently, this is part of a dirty joke that
involved them slipping in a dirty word without anyone noticing.
Number Three: He Ate Horse. On December 25, 1962, The Beatles had horse for Christmas dinner
in Hamburg, Germany. The horse was cooked into steaks, and they didn t know what they had eaten
until they had already eaten it.
Number Two: His Birth Is Highly Contested. Though many books state that Harrison was born on
February 25, 1943, he actually changed his mind later and insisted that he was born on 11:50 p.m.
on February 24. To this day, it is still unclear which day he was actually born on.
Number One: He Was Vegetarian. Harrison became a vegetarian when he was 22 years old. He
was such a devout vegetarian that he didn t allow meat or fish to even enter his
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How Does Witchcraft Define Hysteria
Witchcraft: Define Hysteria (5 pts). Hysteria is a physical disorder that has symptoms like
psychological stress, selective amnesia, and attention seeking behavior. The term hysteria has a
controversial history as it used to be a disease specifically for women. Hysteria can also be a
psychoneurotic disorder characterized by violent emotional outbreaks, disturbances of sensory and
motor functions, and various abnormal effects due to autosuggestion. Hysteria is also an
uncontrollable outburst of emotion or fear. Hysteria is the first mental disorder attributable to
Arthur Miller: Arthur Miller (5 pts). In 1956, Miller divorced Mary Slattery who was the mother
of both of his kids. He married Marilyn Monroe and the marriage thrust the playwright into the
public eye. After he Marilyn married he wrote a screenplay based on his short story The Misfits
. The film appeared in 1961 and his wife starred in it. Marilyn was having trouble with escaping
alcohol and drugs so he divorced her and in 1962 he married photographer Ingeborg Morath but
Marilyn s death was also that year and it saddened him.
Witchcraft: Describe some of the tests used to determine whether or not a person was a witch. (10
pts). One of the test used to determine if a person was a witch are ... Show more content on ...
It was created to investigate alleged disloyalty and subversive activities on the part of private
citizens, public employees, and those organizations suspected of having Communist ties. Joseph
McCarthy was a Wisconsin senator who had a list of known communists still working in the
government. When McCarthy was appointed chairman of the Permanent Subcommittee on
Investigations and he charged lax security at a top secret army facility. The HUAC and Joseph
McCarthy are similar because they both deal with
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Executive Summary This report has been designed to identify Amazon s strategy between 2007
2010 and also to pinpoint the company s strategic capabilities. Internal and External analysis
reveals Amazon s position against its competitors as well as sources of value creation and cost
reduction in its value chain. is a leading e retailer and is a globally recognized
brand, but is facing increasing competition from bricks and mortar companies setting up an
online presence and current e retailers increasing their geographical and product scope. also faces strong rivalry in its Web Services Business where more specialized web
services companies are able to offer more products and have a broader geographical presence. The
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Amazon achieves this by controlling complementary products of the Amazon Kindle, in this case
the Kindle store and the Amazon Whispernet. Strategic capability can be defined as the adequacy
and suitability of the resources and competences of an organization for it to survive and prosper.
(Johnson et al, 2005) Porter (1980) argues that it s the industry structure within which the
organization competes and how they position themselves that determine how profitable the firm
will be and his models revolve around this argument. The resource base view of strategy however
points not to industry structure but to the unique clusters of resource and capabilities each
company possesses (Collis and Montgomery 1995, Stalk et al 1992) and therefore is much better
suited in analyzing Amazon s strategic capabilities. The Resource Based View assumes that firms
can be conceptualized as bundles of resources and those resources are heterogeneously distributed
across firms and that resource differences persist over time (Amit and Schoemaker, 1993) and when
firms have resources that are valuable, rare, inimitable and non substitutable (VRIN) they can
achieve competitive advantage that cannot be easily duplicated by other firms. (Conner and
Prahalad, 1996) Fig 2 Strategic Capabilities| Resources| | Competence| Warehouse/Fulfillment
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What Was The Role Of Counterculture In The 1960 s
Straying away from the mainstream can be difficult unless there is a group of people with a
common interest that brings them together. The 1960s was a time of not only prominent
mainstream culture but also counterculture. The mainstream culture was notably defined by four
different concepts that connected white middle and upper class Americans: Patriotism, believing in
the institution of marriage, the American dream, and the idea that conformity kept society ordered.
In contrast, the counterculture of the time went against all of these ideals, believing in rejecting
traditional American society by dropping out and forming communes, taking part in free love, and
the rebellion against conformity and materialism. What made the community of hippies, or people
who rejected the mainstream and followed the ideas of the counterculture, so strong was the
common thread that brought them together. This common interest was psychedelic drugs, like LSD,
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In order to understand why these drugs were so popular and what the users believed they were
accomplishing when they took them, one has to look at the popular drugs of the decades
preceding the 60s. As the would be hippies were growing up in the 1940s and 1950s, their
parents and other adults of the time were using drugs that are now categorized as depressants.
Things like alcohol and tobacco were incredibly popular and common. On a more extreme side,
opium was the go to hard drug of these decades. As the mainstream drug use of the 1950s swayed
towards these depressants, people of color living in ghettos and white beatniks started to embrace
marijuana. With the use of marijuana increasing and the new generation striving to break away
from their parents habit of shutting out the world, the children of the 1940s and 1950s became the
hippies of the 1960s, using not only marijuana but LSD, peyote, and psilocybin
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The Italian American Assassination Speech
Italian army occupy the southeast of France. The Italian authorities refused the requests from the
Nazi army to arrest the French Jews. The result was that in 1942 and until September 1943, large
number French Jews found refuge East of the Rhone River in the area occupied by the Italians,
which constitute French territory. The Nazi army forces occupied the Italian area in September
1943 and began to execute the Final solution supported by the French Militia. On May 29th, 1942,
the military occupation authorities passed an Ordinance that forced the Jewsin the controlled zone,
over six years of age, to wear the yellow color star, from June 7th under penalty of imprisonment if
they didn t. It must be sewn on the left side of, coats or jackets... Show more content on ...
Among the important Jewish communities in Europe was France, who managed to save the
greatest number of Jew s children: 84%. This was due spirited the spirited sympathy of the non
Jewish population to support the efforts of families and Jews organizations that tried to save the
children. At the ceremony of the 53rd anniversary of the Raffle du velodrome d hiver, July 16,
1995, the president of the Republic, Jacques Chirac, in his speech acknowledged in an official
and solemn way the crimes of the French State during the Nazi occupation of France and spoke in
these terms. ... There nation s life moments that wound the memory and the idea that one made of
what is your country. These moments are strenuous to evoke because we know that not always
found the right words to remember the horror and sadness of those who lived through the tragedy,
those in his soul and his flesh marked by memories from those days of tears and embarrassment
(SHAME). It is hard to mention, also, because those dark hours dirty forever our history, and they
re, an insult to our past and our
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What Are The Moments That Influence The Development Of...
History involves several moments in time that contributed to the world s rapid transition and
transformation into the leading global culture. Europe s development of present day Europe
resulted from the relationships between various moments, movements, cultures, and people that
proved highly significant to the big picture of European history. Each and every period in time had
its own importance and function that tied into the larger system of the global community. Five key
moments that influenced the development of present day Europe include the rise of religion,
Protestant Reformation, Age of Enlightenment, nationalism, and World War II. Early civilizations
and empires saw a rise of religion that attracted the people through special teachings
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Analysis Of The Broken Windows Theory
Gladwell slickly introduces a uniquely reasoned theory, The Broken Windows Theory, a few pages
into The Tipping Point. After explaining that this theory is about immediate environmental effects
on human nature/behavior, he gives examples on how New York began improving after taking it
into consideration. Specifically, this talks about the smallest details of the immediate environment
which ultimately ends up describing the theory to be quite a radical idea. Gladwell mentions that it
appears to violate some of our most deeply held assumptions about humannature, but what does he
mean when referring to human nature? Could it be that it affects the way people see the
environment they live in? Is it because we get used to our... Show more content on
Goetz was described of having psychological issues therefore being somewhat mentally ill or at
least not right in the mind and/or emotionally. As stated in page 156,
Psychiatrists talk about criminals as people with stunted psychological development, people who
have had pathological relationships with their parents, who lack adequate role models. There is a
relatively new literature that talks about genes that may or may not dispose certain individuals to
crime. On the popular side, there are endless numbers of books by conservatives talking about
crime as a consequence of moral failure of communities and schools and parents who no longer
raise children with a respect for right and wrong. All of those theories are essentially ways of
saying that the criminal is a personality type a personality type distinguished by an insensitivity to
the norms of normal society. People with stunted psychological development don t understand how
to conduct healthy relationships. People with genetic predispositions to violence fly off the handle
when normal people keep their cool. People who aren t taught right from wrong are oblivious to
what is and what is not appropriate behavior. People who grow up poor, fatherless, and buffeted by
racism don t have the same commitment to social norms as those from healthy middle class homes.
Bernie Goetz and those four thugs on the subway were, in this sense,
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a p case study
There are many various conditions and diseases affecting the endocrine system. Here we will
discuss several and describe the endocrine gland, hormone, target tissue, symptoms, causes, and
treatment options. The human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) test is done to check for the
hormone hCG in blood or urine (Staff, 2012). The hCG hormone is made during pregnancy by
the placenta or can be abnormally made by certain tumors. The hCG test can be performed to test
if a woman is pregnant or not, as part of a screening test for birth defects, in a woman who may
have abnormal tissue growth in her uterus, a molar pregnancy, or a cancerin the uterus rather than a
normal pregnancy. HCG levels can even be measured in a man to see whether he has... Show more
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Later it was discovered that anabolic steroids could facilitate the growth of skeletal muscle which
led to abuse by bodybuilders, weightlifters, and athletes in other sports. Abuse of anabolic
steroids can cause acne, breast development in men, heart attacks, and liver cancer. Most side
effects are reversible if the abuser stops taking the drugs, but some are permanent, such as voice
deepening in females. Possible health consequences for men are infertility, shrinking of the
testicles, and male pattern baldness while with women enlargement of the clitoris, and excessive
growth of body hair can happen. It can affect the musculoskeletal cardiovascular system, liver,
skin, cause infection, and have psychiatric effects such as rage, aggression, mania, and delusions.
Treatment of anabolic steroid abuse uses medications to restore the hormonal system after its
disruption, and medication to target specific withdrawal symptoms. To reduce the risk of ovarian
or breast cancer some choose to have a procedure done known as an oophorectomy. This is a
removal of your ovaries on each side of your uterus that contain eggs and secrete the hormones that
control your reproductive cycle. This greatly reduces the amount of hormones estrogen and
progesterone circulating in your body which is the hormones breast and ovarian cancers need to
grow. Though a generally safe procedure with small risk complications
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A Brief Note On The Field Of Biotechnology
The field of biotechnology is always advancing . From finding ways to slow down th e process of
food spoilage , advancements in genetic engineering to adapting organisms to clean p contaminated
environemets, new applications and biotechnological invntions are continuously being developed to
help our world. In the field of biotechnology biology is used involving the use of living organisms
in engineering, technology, medicine and other fields that have include anything with bio products.
Those products are also used in biotechnology for manufacturing purposes. Other words that are
alike are ones that include the engineering of genes and also a technologies cell and tissue culture.
The basic idea surrounds a wide range of steps (and history) for changing living organisms
according to human purposes such as going back to the cultivation of animals, plants, and
advancements to these through programs that breed and that employ synthetic selection . When
comparing biotechnology, bioengineering is basically thought of as a field that has a lot of
similarities especially with its emphasis for using living things.
A living system grows, provides for itself and reproduces by itself. The coolest thing about a living
system is that it is composed of non living molecules and atoms. Biochemistry is basically that the
pursuit of knowledge of what goes on chemically within a living system is classifies as such.
Although there are thousands of different types
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The Issue Of Healthcare Fraud And Abuse
The purpose of this paper is to bring awareness to the issue of healthcare fraud and abuse. I feel
that healthcare fraud and abuse is one of the biggest issues in healthcare. So, this paper will get
everyone to be able to spot fraud before it happens. During, the process you will be able to
identify what a person organization did that was fraud or how they abused healthcare rules. This
paper will explain to you what exactly healthcare fraud and abuse is and how it affects everyone
around us. Throughout this paper, we will examine 3 different articles related the healthcare
fraud and abuse and provide a summary and analyze them. So, what is healthcare fraud and
abuse is, you may ask? When talking about healthcare fraud and abuse, we are talking about 2
major statutes in the healthcare industry, Physician Self Referral (Stark) Law and AKS (Anti
Kickback Statutes). These laws apply to many practices and procedures within organizations
and can be manipulated to benefit an organization financially. The Physician Self Referral Law
prohibits entities from presenting a claim to anyone for healthcare services for a service not
rendered and it also prohibits a physician for creating a referral for services that are designated
but are not rendered. AKS prohibits anyone from offering a kickback, paying a kickback, or
receiving a kickback in return for the delivery of health care services. However, the AKS
encourages referrals based on monetary rewards to the primary source rather than
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Costing System And It s Usefulness
Costing System and it s Usefulness
Kashyap Pd. Marahatta
BUS 535 Managerial Accounting
Professor: Dr. Kaveh Shamsa
Westcliff University
This paper will discuss about the different costing system that a company can adopt. It will also
try to shed light into the similarities and differences among the job order costing and process
costing. It will try to find out which costing a service firm such as an advertising agency would
use. Then it will focus on how both the systems provide decision making information for a
company. After that this paper will also talk about activity based costing, provide examples where
activity based costing is preferred over traditional costing. Then, it will explain how this costing is
useful in decision making.
Costing System and it s usefulness
For any firm, it is very much critical and crucial for the accurate estimation of product costs in order
for the operations to be profitable. It is very much essential for companies to know which products
would actually generate profit for them which can only be found out by correct cost estimation. For
such cost estimation companies adopt certain system basically known as a costing system or
product system or a cost accounting system. Costing system (cost accounting system), can simply
be understood as a system that can be adopted or used by a company or a firm for estimating the
cost of their products (goods or services) so as to analyze profitability, valuation of
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The Autobiography Of An Former Colored Man By James Weldon...
The Autobiography of an Ex Colored Man, James Weldon Johnson
James Weldon Johnson s novel The Autobiography of an Ex Colored Man was first published in
1912. This novel is one of the highly celebrated works during the Harlem Renaissance although it
was published prior in 1912. Johnson graduated from Clark Atlanta University in 1894. He was
appointed by President Theodore Roosevelt as United States consul to Venezuela and Nicaragua.
He also was highly involved in the Harlem Renaissance with his own writings and support for
others work. Johnson was a member of and first black executive officer in the NAACP. The
Autobiography of an Ex Colored Man is a fictional novel dealing with racial identity and the idea
of passing into white society. The Autobiography of an Ex Colored Man depicts the life and travels
of an unnamed narrator of mixed race. The narrator s physical appearance is that of a white man
though because of his mother s African Americanclassification he would also be considered an
African American man. He is the offspring of what is suggested to be a wealthy white southerner
and his mulatto or mixed race mother. The narrator is raised in the north in a somewhat privileged
atmosphere compared to the majority of African American people of the time. During his
childhood he fails to recognize his racial identity as being that of an African American boy until
he is asked to sit down by the principal while all the white kids were asked to stand up. Not long
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The American Occupational Therapy Association
In order to drive the change, it is necessary to create a sense of urgency among the stakeholders,
such as occupational therapists, educators, OT students, and parents. The sense of urgency can be
established by pointing out possible consequences of not specifying OTs as school mental health
providers under the NCLB. It is necessary to convey to stakeholders that the current trends will
continue to restrict the role of OTs to the special educationpopulation. In the long run, this trend
will further limit OT services to address sensorimotor skills as schools are increasingly hiring
different disciplines to support students compliance and behavioral issues. Similarly, in the case of
budget constraints, schools are likely to eliminate or reduce the scope of OT services to redirect
funds to address the needs of the larger population. At the proximal level, the leading school
therapists can use team meetings and newsletters to create the sense of urgency. At the societal
level, the American Occupational TherapyAssociation (AOTA) can use various platforms, such as
OT Pulse and OT connection, newsletters, online blogs, conferences, and Linked in or Facebook
forums to create the sense of urgency.
Changing policies, attitudes, and culture require a strong coalition of individuals who are willing to
take additional responsibilities and volunteer their time. Since the change will mainly benefit
occupational therapists and school occupational therapists, state OT associations
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The Test That Will Be Uses
Selection of test
The test that will be uses is a one way ANOVA test. A one way ANOVA test involved the analysis
of the difference between means of three or more groups and the variance within the groups
(Salkind, 2013). The research scenario is looking at the difference between three groups which are
individuals who cannot to identify hypertension lifestyle factors, can identify some hypertension
lifestyle factors and can identify all hypertension lifestyle factors and their willingness to engage in
self care in addition to the variance within the groups. In addition, in a one way ANOVA there is
one factor or independent variable and within the research scenario there is one factor which is
identifying hypertension lifestyle factors (Salkind, 2013).
Step 2: Level of significance
The research scenario does not pose a high risk to the participants involved, therefore the level of
significance will bet set to 0.05. A level of significance at 0.05 means that the researcher has
accepted 5 cases out of 100 for committing a type I error of rejecting the null when it is true and
accepting the research hypothesis (Salkind, 2013). The remaining 95 cases out of 100 a true null
hypothesis is accepted (Salkind, 2013).
Step 3: Selection of one tailed or two tailed test
An ANOVA test strictly looks at the overall difference between the means of groups and the
variance within groups, ANOVA test does not tell you where the difference lies, therefore there is
no direction (Salkind,
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Fairy Tale Analysis
Cinderella, We Know Thee Near and Far
Triumphant reward in spite of unjust punishment is a universal sentiment that transcends
languages and cultures. There are thousands of folktales and fairy tales that are firmly rooted in
individual cultures, yet the tale of Cinderella has been told through many centuries and
throughout the far corners of the world. With thousands of versions of this classic tale in print
worldwide, the tale is believed to have originated with the story of Rhodopis, a Greek slave girl
who is married to an Egyptian King. The story of Rhodopis, which means rosy cheeks, dates back
to 7 BC and is attributed to a Greek geographer named Strabo. The Chinese variation of this fairy
tale is named Yeh hsien. The Chinese version is traceable to the year 860 and appears in
Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang by Duan Chengshi. Yeh hsien is a young girl, motherless
and in the control of her stepmother, who befriends a treasured fish. The jealous step mother
kills the fish, but it s bones provide Yeh hsien with magical powers, eventually enabling Yeh
hsien to escape the control of her step mother for a royal life. The Story of the Black Cow which
is found within the pages of Folk Tales from the Himalayas by John Murray, published in 1906,
the child who is mistreated by a stepmother is a male and the role of savior is portrayed by a
snake, with a cow serving as the moral of the story, faithfulness. These two versions of Cinderella
carry many common threads that are
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Rhetorical Analysis On Civil Disobedience
Civil Disobedience Similar to Douglas, Thoreau writes against the injustice of slavery and the
despotism of government. Thoreau starts his essay by stating that Government is best which
governs least since government becomes despotic with corruption. He further adds in his essay
Government is best which governs not at all with the same sentiment of civil disobedienceagainst
the injustices of government. For that reason Thoreau makes the argument that Government not
practical because it does not pass the test of morality.
Moreover, Thoreau s repudiation of the government s standing army is why the government fails
this test of morality. For Thoreau, government is the mode by which people execute their will.
Therefore, it is the people who have the right to disobey civil government because it draws its
strength from the will of the majority. His criticism extends to the power of the strong, since the
power of the strong does not translate to the justice and question the people s resignation of their
rights to the legislator.
Lastly, Thoreau argues that government lost some of its integrity. For Thoreau, when the tyranny
becomes great and unendurable, men have the right to revolution and the right to refuse their
allegiance and resist government. Even voting for the right is doing nothing for it according to
Thoreau. Even in his criticism of voting, Thoreau expresses that people would vote to abolish
slavery once they feel indifferent about it. Furthermore, Thoreau considered the Constitution a form
of human law based on moral principle. Therefore, the Constitution should not subject people to
relinquish their natural rights, and men should resist civil government in return.
In agreement with Thoreau s philosophy of civil disobedience, Melville argues about the political
consequences for resisting government through his story of Bartelby. This character illustrates the
connection between Fredrick Douglas life as a slave to the system that turned him into a machine.
Bartelby s story as an scrivener, narrates the life of a man who becomes aggravated with the
system in place, and disobeys the orders of his master the lawyer.
Evidenced by his refusal to work, Bartelby seals his fate as he faces
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Analysis Of The Movie Hundred Dollar Baby
Men generally have the gender role to be the care takers, the fighters, and ultimately the manliest
man possible, while women have been thought to be weak and helpless at the sight of danger. In
the 2006 episode Hundred Dollar Baby of the TV show It s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the
male stereotype promotes males as fighters, but also disproves the general stereotype when some
men run away from a fight. Also, the femalestereotype is challenged when a woman wants to fight
her own battles instead of a mandoing it for her. Stereotypically, males typically assume they are
better fighters than women and while fighting, males seem drunk and tend to show off their bodies
by having their shirts off. Right off of the bat, the male... Show more content on ...
This goes against the stereotypical male because males generally stay and fight, especially when
saving a woman is involved.
The next day, Mac and Dennis learn of an underground fighting ring and convince Charlie that he
is the strongest man they know and he would be a great fighter. Once again, the show goes
against the male stereotype by having Dennis and Mac make Charlie fight in their place so they
can make money betting. The guys begin to practice fighting as long as they are explicitly
drunk, suggesting that sober males would lose in a fight or would not fight at all. This proposes
that they do not believe they could win a fight or be in one if they were sober, so all three of
them need to be drunk to make it a great fight. Mac, Dennis, and Charlie all agree that the best
way to be a high quality fighter and trainer is to be intoxicated while in action. The male
characters also emphasize that a male must have his shirt off to show off his muscular body
while fighting, just like Rocky and Terminator because they never wore a shirt when they were
training. Charlotte Jiourosek had said that as the athletic body type grew larger, so did the build
of stars like Rocky and Terminator. Just like Rocky and Terminator, today s men look as if they are
from another planet and would have been distasteful before today s age (233 4). In order for men to
seem like real
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Social Media Negatives
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat are just a few social media websites and
applications that have transformed the World Wide Web. Social media is defined as websites
or applications that allow online users to produce and share content. Of the 7.6 billion global
population, 2.46 billion of them actively use social media. Many use social networking to stay in
contact with others and access information more quickly. Although the proposed reasons for
social media use appear positive, they present many negatives. One should limit his or her social
media use due to its damaging impact on today s youth and spreading of false information.
Social media has countless adverse impacts, but it is primarily harmful on today s youth.
Specifically, social networking has negative affects one s education. Since the introduction of
social media, students have scored lower on test. As a result, students are left with a poor grade
point average (GPA). According to Facebook and Academic Performance, students who used
social media maintained a 3.06 average GPA. In contrast, students who did not use social media
had a cumulative GPA of 3.82. The article also presents a study that found that students who use
social networking to study score 20 percent lower than those who do not. In addition to inferior
grade point averages and lower test grades, undergraduates who use social media inappropriately
have lower chances of being admitted to colleges. Teenagers across the nation use social
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A Major Goal Of Public Safety
A major goal in Canada is to maintain the safety of the society. Therefore, in order to control this
goal of public safety penitentiaries are used for confide individuals who commit serious crimes.
Prison tours was organized to provide the understanding into the attributes of imprisonment. In the
article Problematizing Carceral Tours , Justin PichГ© and Kevin Walby claim carceral tours display
minimal understanding of prisons. They support their argumentby pointing out the infractions of the
carceral tours. In opposition, in the article In Praise of the Carceral Tour: Learning from the Grendon
Experience , David Wilson, Roy Spina, and Joyce Canaan argue the benefits of the carceral tours.
In the article Problematizing Carceral ... Show more content on ...
This method of carceral tours is used to maintain the vision that the prison is kept well maintained
and ethical to there prisoners. The justification behind the vision is to sustain the CSC (The
Correctional Service of Canada) mission statement. The mission statement is to demonstrate general
understanding of the objectives and operations of the prison. The authors stated that penitentiaries
rarely provide their rehabilitative and correctional ideals . The complexity of prison life is often
disregarded, this is an issue seeing as it is the leading attraction for tourists. The final argument that
is made is the effect is has on the prisoners. The carceral tours portray prisoners to be dangerous.
The staff often dehumanize prisoners, using regulations that tourists are ordered to follow
regarding their interactions with the prisoners. This often impacts the tourist judgement of the
prisoners. Most importantly, the dignity for the prisoners are not being respected. In conclusion, the
research founded, pedagogical value was not worth the intrusion of privacy upon prisoners.
The article In Praise of the Carceral Tour: Learning from the Grendon Experience , Wilson, Spina,
and Canaan response to the arguments brought up by PichГ© and Walby. Firstly, Wilson, Spina,
and Canaan address the argument made by PichГ© and Walby regarding the scripted and controlled
tours and how it eliminates the key aspects of incarceration. Their rebuttal against the issue is;
despite the
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Finanicial Exam Handout
1. A company received cash in exchange for issuing stock. This transaction: a.increased assets and
increased equity b.increased assets and increased liabilities c.increased assets and increased
revenues d.increased assets and increased expenses 2. A company purchased office supplies on
account. This transaction: a.increased assets and increased equity b.increased assets and increased
liabilities c.increased assets and increased revenues d.increased assets and increased expenses 3. A
company performed services for a customer on account. This transaction: a.increased assets and
decreased equity b.increased assets and increased liabilities... Show more content on
increase revenue and decrease stockholders equity d.increase net income and stockholders equity
18. Which of the following statements regarding accounts is false? a.An asset is increased by a
debit and decreased by a credit. b.Dividends are increased by credits and decreased by debits. c.A
liability is decreased by a debit and increased by a credit. d.Revenue is increased by a credit and
an expense is increased by a debit. 19. Which accounts are increased by debits? a.Assets and
owners equity b.Expenses and owners equity c.Assets and expenses d.Assets, expenses, and
owners equity 20. The debit side of the account always indicates: a.amount of decrease in an
account b.amount of increase in an account c.amount received in the transaction d.amount given in
the transaction 21. A business purchases a truck by signing a note payable to the seller. Such a
transaction would include a: to Truck b.debit to Note Payable to Note Payable
d.debit to an expense account 22. The accounting transaction to record payment of an electric bill
would include a: a.debit to Cash to Accounts Payable c.debit to Utilities Expense d.debit to
Accounts Receivable 23. The entry to record $750 received from a customer for services
previously rendered to that customer
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Proteins Of Bovine Red Blood Cell
Protein Composition in Red Blood Cells in Humans using Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
Name: Emma Claypole
Date: Wednesday March 16, 2016
Lab Group: W08, Wednesday morning
The proteins of Bovine red blood cell (RBC) membranes were analyzed using polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis. After analyzing Bovine RBC they were then compared to human RBC
counterpart. Following finding the log of each molecular weight of each band, band one showed
the highest molecular weight. All five bands viewed were from humans. There are typically 7
bands visible however, in our case only five were visible due to implications within the gel sample.
Proteins are important elements in cellular membranes and give the membranes many of their
characteristics. In red blood cells, the meshwork of proteins in and around the membrane gives it
strength and flexibility, allowing a cell to squeeze through small capillaries without bursting. Other
proteins play roles in transporting material in and out of the cell (Lab Manual, Cell Biology).
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), with all of its different modifications is probably the
most widely utilized procedure in contemporary biochemistry and molecular biology (Mordacq and
Ellington (1994)). In this experiment, we will attempt to determine the molecular weights of the
major proteins in the plasma membranes of bovine red blood cells (RBCs). The predictions made
are if our protein has similar weights as proteins
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Contribution Margin and Breakeven Analysis Simulation
IntroductionToday s business leaders are under enormous pressure to grow revenues, increase
profits and expand the value of the business. Rather than focus on profit improvement, owners and
managers should focus on improving underlying business activities and processes such as sales,
production and distribution. In order to determine whether a business decision will improve
profitability, you first must understand how costsare defined, as well as the relationship between cost
, volume, and profitability. One of the important, yet relatively simple, tools afforded by cost
/volume/profit analysis is known as contribution marginanalysis. Your company s contribution
margin is simply the percentage of each sales dollar that remains after the... Show more content on ...
When looking at break evens it is also helpful to look at fixed and variable costs. Fixed overhead
is steady and can be factored in quite accurately. Variable costs are not as simple to calculate but
in many industries variable costs follow certain percentages or ratios so they are easier to
project. According to Tim Berry, the Break even Analysis lets a manager determine what needs
to be sold, monthly or annually, to cover the costs of doing business the actual break even point.
The Break even Analysis depends on three key assumptions:1.Average per unit sales price (per
unit revenue: This is the price that you receive per unit of sales2.Average per unit cost: This is the
incremental cost, or variable cost, of each unit of sales. If you buy goods for resale, this is what
you paid, on average, for the goods you sell. If you sell a service, this is what it costs you, per
dollar of revenue or unit of service delivered, to deliver that service.
3.Monthly fixed costs: Technically, a break even analysis defines fixed costs as costs that would
continue even if the company went broke. Instead, always use the regular running fixed costs,
including payroll and normal expenses (total monthly Operating Expenses). This will give the
company a better insight on financial realities (Berry 2004.)Exhibit A, below, shows a 12 month
income statement for three levels of fixed costs: $50,000, $75,000, and $100,000. Variable costs
are constant at 40% of net sales:Fixed costs
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What Is The Vietnam War Essay
As I read though out the many different perspectives on the issue of war between the United States
and Vietnam, my most reasonable conclusion is that I have to consider the Vietnam War as a failure
for the United States.
At the beginning of President Kennedy s administration, he sent Vice President Johnson to Vietnam
on a mission to find evidence, because he wanted to stop the spread of communism. Kennedy kept
sending many American military advisors to Vietnam, but the tyrannical leadership methods of
South Vietnam President Diem made President Kennedy s efforts useless. As the number of beaten
up military advisors increased, so did the disagreements about Kennedy s policies in Vietnam. In
my opinion, Kennedy s reasons for sending military ... Show more content on ...
President Johnson made it clear to the American population and to the United States Ambassador to
South Vietnam, that he is not going to lose to the spread of communist in Vietnam, nor is he going
to send another American military troops and advisors to fight in Vietnam. In stead, he stated that
the Vietnamese could fight for themselves. However, Johnson s view of not involving in the war
changed drastically after the North Vietnamese torpedo boats attacked the United States destroyers
in the Gulf of Tonkin. As a revenge to this attack, President Johnson approved to counter attack
North Vietnam.
By 1965, North Vietnamese were fully supported by the Soviet Union and China making the
American army to take out even more air support and ground forces into the South Vietnam. This
cost American government tremendous amount of money and lives. North Vietnam, along with the
help from Soviet Union and China, fully committed itself to defeating the United States and forces
of South Vietnam. American people questioned how did their army even fought against North
Vietnam when there was no realistic change for the Americans to trouble the North
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Mercy House By James Madison University
Mercy House has entered its 28th year of operations and serves as the family homeless shelter
serving the City of Harrisonburg, Rockingham County, and the surrounding region. The agency also
administers the Centralized Housing Intake program. Mercy House is a 501(c) 3 corporation with
an experienced managementteam and a highly engaged Board of Directors. The agency conducts
business in accordance with the highest standards for transparency and fiscal accountability
including yearly independently audited financials. Additionally, Mercy House has extensive
internal fiscal management controls and regular financial oversight. With an annual operational
budget of $1.4 million dollars, Mercy House has demonstrated the ability to secure... Show more
content on ...
The Executive Director is responsible for the day to day administration of First Step, which
includes hiring and supervising agency staff and volunteers. She is also responsible for seeking and
obtaining funding for the agency and managing all grants, making sure that grant conditions are
met and that reports and invoices are correct and submitted on time. She has served in her current
capacity since 2008.
Shenandoah Alliance for Shelter (SAS) is entering its 27th year of operations and despite losing
the shelter facility to fire in April of 2014, the agency has continued to serve the homeless and
provide shelter to households throughout the Western Virginia CoC. SAS serves as the leading
agency for the Homeless Prevention Program in the CoC VA 513. SAS is a 501(c) 3 corporation
with dedicated Board of Directors. The organization is debt free and maintains a solvent balance
sheet. The agency maintains high standards for fiscal and administrative management including
annual independently audited financials. SAS has comprehensive internal financial controls in
place, including the use of generally accepted accounting procedures, a CPA on the current board
who serves as Treasurer and who oversees all financial reporting and signs off on all invoices. The
agency also requires regular Board Financial committee oversight, and monthly oversight by the full
board of directors.
The Laurel Center (TLC) was founded in
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How Humans Can Improve Our Resilience And Allow Us
When researching the history of human adaption it is worth noting that at least twice in the last 1.2
million years our species was almost wiped out. Genetic research shows that at that time the human
population on earth was around 18,500, perilously close to extinction (the reason for this is not
directly known by scientists). Then about 150,000 years ago, it plummeted again down to just
2,000. This shows that in the past humans have not always been great at surviving which could
have been caused by a lack of knowledge on how to live through natural disasters (such as volcanic
eruptions, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc). However, humans did survive, with the biggest example
being that there is still a humanrace today. In this day and age... Show more content on ...
For example, 12,000 years ago the area around the Great Lakes was very cold and covered with
huge sheets of ice a kilometre thick. Today, that same area has farms and large cities (i.e. Chicago,
Detroit and Toronto). The environment can also be changed by human interference, these usually
occur in relatively short periods of time. An example of this could be pieces of land changed into
farms, housing schemes or small villages. This type of example can be seen on a day to day basis.
Every time a physical environment is changed, all the plants and animals (including humans) in that
environment must adapt to the changes or face become extinct. Slow changes give living things
time to adapt so giving more chance of survival. Fast changes usually don t give living things time
to adapt, so they must either move elsewhere or become extinct.
Secondly, Paul I. Palmer, a professor at the University of Edinburgh and Matthew J. Smith, an
ecologist at Microsoft Research in Cambridge state that the planet has entered a new state: humans
are adapting to, as well as causing, environmental changes ... projections of the future climate based
on simple economic narratives from cuts in greenhouse gas emissions to unmitigated growth are
unrealistic. This means that there are already some negative opinions on future human adaption
from top researchers.
This rapid adaptation is occurring around the world. British researchers recently analysed more than
2,000 animal
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UNICEF and Children s Welfare Essay examples
Health Among the many fights against poverty, improving children s health is one of the major
responsibilities. A healthy child becomes a healthy adult, a person who has the ability to create a
better life for them, the people around them, their community, and their countries. One of the core
UNICEF objectives is to improve the health of the children of the world. Most of the children
deaths occur due to pneumonia, preterm birth complications, intra partum related complications,
diarrhea and malaria. The issues that prevails, is the fact that universal access to basic social
services is not available, and poverty. UNICEF is addressing these threats as it works with the
governments, humanitarian agencies, civil and community... Show more content on
The Unite for Children, Unite Against AIDS Campaign is dedicated to reversing the HIV and
AIDS epidemic by 2015. Its work is complimentary to the Millennium Development Goal 6, which
is ending HIV, Malaria and Tuberculosis. Immunization One of the most cost effective, and
successful public health interventions is immunization. The latest data states that in 2012, 111
million children received immunization with vaccines against life threatening diseases, which
further averted approximately 2 3 deaths per year and a number of episodes of illness and
disability. Despite the significant gains, there are yet nearly 22.6 million children under the age of
one year (approx.. 20% of children born each year) who are not immunized, which exposes them to
disabilities or premature death. With immunization, a country s growth can be boosted, as
immunization makes economic sense. Though there are some challenges in being able to vaccinate
all target children, UNICEF has made major initiatives and major progress. While working with
governments, partners and communities, UNICEF is aiming to increase demand for immunization,
establishing better cold chain and logistic systems, and increase national ownership for
immunization. 36% of the
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Italian Renaissance Essay Ideas

  • 1. Italian Renaissance Essay Ideas 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Italian Renaissance Essay Ideas Italian Renaissance Essay Ideas
  • 2. Persuasive Essay On Rail Transportation Trains are everywhere in our society, we have jokes, toys, movies, and children s television shows, but did you know rail transport started in 6th century Greece? The city of San Antonio, Texas is a fast growing metropolitan city that has a very tremendous amount of people. It has been estimated that the citywill grow by another million people in the next ten to twenty years. San Antonio s traffic is becoming a huge issue and is quickly approaching to be one of the most congested areas in the states. The public transportin San Antonio consists of a very complex bus system, taxicabs, Trolley s downtown, and the growing market of ridesharing drivers. San Antonio has had many talks and negotiations throughout the last two decades on getting a Light Rail system constructed to help with public transportation. This proposal is for specific businesses, the city of San Antonio and Bexar County to come to a funding agreement. Funding for projects is always a topic of discussion, payments for a sculptor to sculpt a statue, and hiring wrecking crews for doing their job are just small examples. The funding cost for Light Rail is extremely high when it comes to construction, these prices are something that a any+ billionaire can personally handle. These prices are always subject to change because of materials used and the constant change of technology. Through the talks of this new transit system coming to San Antonio, different funding options have been suggested, raising taxes, ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Midterm Exam Study Guide Review Questions for the Mid Term Exam (9th March 2015) I. Review questions for short answer questions 1. Briefly characterize the following terms: a. Hexagram The I Ching book consists of 64 hexagrams.[2] [3] A hexagram is a figure composed of six stacked horizontal lines (з€» yГ Ўo), where each line is either Yang (an unbroken, or solid line), or Yin (broken, an open line with a gap in the center). The hexagram lines are traditionally counted from the bottom up, so the lowest line is considered line one while the top line is line six. Hexagrams are formed by combining the original eight trigrams in different combinations. Each hexagram is accompanied with a description, often cryptic, akin to parables. Each line in every hexagram is also ... Show more content on ... Ren has been rendered into English in various ways such as: benevolence, man to manness, perfect virtue, human heartedness, and, as in our textbook, humanity. It has been regarded as the defining virtue of a junzi/gentlemen and the ultimate commitment in Confucius thought. However, Confucius never intends to offer a formal definition of ren; instead, he gives only various answers to questions about ren in different circumstances for students with different temperaments and with varying degrees of understanding. f. yi (in the Analects) Yi is another important virtue through which ren is cultivated. Confucius stresses yi as necessary for developing ren. Unlike li as external rituals and rules of propriety, yi is internal virtue, a moral disposition to do what is right and an ability to recognize what is right; yi functions like a kind of moral sense or intuition regarding action. Like Kant s conception of good will and duty, what is according to yi unconditional and absolute; some actions must be performed only because they are right, and not because of what they produce. On the other hand, unlike Kant, yi is not something that has nothing to do with inclination, disposition or intuition. As far as the relation between yi and li is concerned, cultivating yi is carried out through observing li. The superior person regards righteousness (yi) as the substance of everything. ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Hildegard Von Bingen s Life Hildegard Von Bingen was born January 1, 1098 in Bermersheim, Germany and died September 17, 1179 in Bingen am Rhein, Germany. Her parents names where Mechtild and Hildebert. When she was just 9 years old, her parents sent her to a Benedictine monastery that was 400 years old! At this time it was not unusual to send your youngest child to the monastery and Hildegard was the youngest of ten kids! At this monastery she had a teacher named Jutta. Jutta taught her how to read and write she also learned how to speak latin. Jutta and Hildegard were good friends. Jutta helped Hildegard become the the amazing woman she was. She gave her advice and direction like a mom would. Jutta was like Hildegard s mom. Hildegard is now known as St. Hildegard of Bingen. When Hildegard was young God told her to write down all of her visions from him. Hildegard was a very good writer, she wrote over 300 letters to people who asked for her help! She also wrote songs. Some of these songs are listened to in church. They are not like the usual upbeat church songs we are used to singing, they are more like the songs you hear before confession. Hildegard Von Bingen was a great song writer, no doubt about it! Chapter 2 What a Burger! One of Hildegard s songs was O Pastor Animarum. It is like a song you would hear in adoration. This is why it reminds me hamburgers. If you have ever been to adoration, you know that is sometimes hard to stay focused, just like it is hard for a hamburger to stay ... Get more on ...
  • 5. DISCUSS THE WAYS IN WHICH IAGO CONTROLS AND MANIPULATES... DISCUSS THE WAYS IN WHICH IAGO CONTROLS AND MANIPULATES TWO OTHER CHARACTERS IN OTHELLO Iago controls and manipulates many characters in Othello including Roderigo, Brabantio, Cassio, Emilia, Desdemona, and even Othello himself. I will only be looking at Cassio and Othello because the fate of Iago s plans rest in their actions, therefore he controls and manipulates them more than any of the other characters like Roderigo who is also manipulated by Iago for a lot of the play but I found the relationship between Othello, Cassio, and Iago more interesting because they are both his superiors so Iago has to be more careful with how he manipulates them. When Iago speaks to Roderigo he can tell him a lot that may or may ... Show more content on ... Othello s lieutenant, Cassio is a young and inexperienced soldier (we are told this in the beginning of the play when Cassio is first spoken of), whose high position is much resented by Iago. Truly devoted to Othello, Cassio is extremely ashamed after being implicated in a drunken brawl on Cyprus and losing his place as lieutenant. Iago uses Cassio s youth, good looks, and friendship with Desdemona to play on Othello s insecurities about Desdemona s fidelity. Iago controls Cassio for most of the play. It is important for Iago to control Cassio in the way that he does because it allows Iago to get exactly what he wants. Iago uses Cassio s faults to manipulate him, like Cassio s looks and his flirtatious personality to Cassio s own disadvantage because Iago gets Othello to think that Desdemona is having an affair with him. It all starts when he persuades Cassio to join in with the festive drinking even though Cassio has a weak alcohol tolerance level I have very poor and unhappy brains for drinking this shows that Iago can still persuade Cassio to drink a lot of alcohol even though he knows that he cannot take it. Iago implies that he and Cassio have the same friends which makes Cassio think that they are best friends; he does this by calling the other men our friends which implies that they too would be friends. Iago also tells Cassio that he will drink for Cassio which makes Cassio think ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Essay Celta Cambridge Certificate SUNILA SOUTHGATE COLLEGE CELTA COURSE PRE INTERVIEW TASK 1. In each of the following sentences underline the verb or verb and identify the form/ tense used. a) We never go to the theatre these days. Present Simple b) We are saving up to travel abroad Present Perfect Continuous c) We have already been to Europe. Past Perfect d) We didn t have enough money to go further. Past Simple e) We had spent all our savings by the end of the summer. Past Perfect f) We had been sleeping rough for several weeks when the weather turned colder. Past Perfect Continuous g) This year I ve been awarded a travel scholarship Present Perfect. h) We are going to travel for six months in Australia and I m going to... Show more content on ... I will instruct them to work in pairs and exchange the information with each other. I will also do board game with students asking students to write their information on the board and the class guesses questions about the student. It s a great warming up activity for the students. At the same time it gives confidence for the student to share their information with the whole class. If time allows I will do a mini class activity like True and False statements. I will write five sentences about myself out of which two sentences are false, asking students to guess the right sentence. Then asking students to do this activity in pair. All this fun activities will put students at ease with each other and open them for learning. b) Problems associated with teaching adult learners and right approach in teaching. Teaching adult learner can be challenging especially if they come from very traditional background. Most of them will be coming to college after a long break. Adults have problem centred approach to learning and have established values, beliefs and opinions. They may need help in acquiring study skills and techniques and more time to grasp new concepts. Adult learners are also result oriented and come to college with specific results in mind and can drop out easily if course does not lead to results. Most of them will be self directed and will not be dependent on others for direction. ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Science of Love The science of love When do you know if you fancy someone? What does love do to your brain chemicals, and is falling in love just nature s way to keep our species alive? We call it love. It feels like love. But the most exhilarating of all human emotions is probably nature s beautiful way of keeping the human species alive and reproducing. With an irresistible cocktail of chemicals, our brain entices us to fall in love. We believe we re choosing a partner. But we may merely be the happy victims of nature s lovely plan.| | It s not what you say...Psychologists have shown it takes between 90 seconds and 4 minutes to decide if you fancy someone.Research has shown this has little to do with what is said, rather * 55% is through body... Show more content on ... Mating between prairie voles is a tremendous 24 hour effort. After this, they bond for life. They prefer to spend time with each other, groom each other for hours on end and nest together. They avoid meeting other potential mates. The male becomes an aggressive guard of the female. And when their pups are born, they become affectionate and attentive parents. However, another vole, a close relative called the montane vole, has no interest in partnership beyond one night stand sex. What is intriguing is that these vast differences in behaviour are the result of a mere handful of genes. The two vole species are more than 99% alike, genetically. Why do voles fall in love? The details of what is going on the vole story, as it were is a fascinating one. When prairie voles have sex, two hormones called oxytocin and vasopressin are released. If the release of these hormones is blocked, prairie voles sex becomes a fleeting affair, like that normally enjoyed by their rakish montane cousins. Conversely, if prairie voles are given an injection of the hormones, but prevented from having sex, they will still form a preference for their chosen partner. In other words, researchers can make prairie voles fall in love or whatever the vole equivalent of this is with an injection. A clue to what is happening and how these results might bear on the human condition was found when this magic juice was given to the montane vole: it made no difference. It ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Where Atoms Come From We Are All Star Stuff Chapter Four: Where Atoms Come From: We Are All Star Stuff 1.How are elements with atomic numbers greater than iron s atomic number formed? (1 mark) Elements with atomic numbers greater than iron s atomic number form during the formation of a supernovae, also known as a mini bang. The process begins when a massive star has depleted its supply of magnesium and silicon, and only has a bare iron ore remaining. Now, the star no longer has the energy to maintain its immense mass against the force of gravity, and as a result, the entire star collapses. This process fuses together electrons and protons in the core, which forms neutrons. After neutrons build up in the ore, the star recoils in the form of an explosion. During the explosion, the neutrons attach to iron atoms in the ore, and begin converting back to protons and electrons. As a result, iron atoms are able to become different elements with greater atomic numbers. 2.Explain how Patterson determined the age of the Earth (4.55 billion years old)? (2 marks) Patterson determined the age of the Earth using information regarding lead and uranium. Patterson knew the rate of decay of uranium, and he knew ... Show more content on ... When a massive star depletes all of its magnesium and silicon supply, it will only have an iron ore remaining. At this point, they will not have enough energy to sustain the inner pull of gravity, and the star will collapse. During this process, electrons and protons will combine to form neutrons in the ore. When the ore is filled with neutrons, a rebound will occur, and everything will explode outwards, during which the neutrons will surround the iron atoms and will separate into protons and electrons. Now, the iron atom has excess of protons and electrons, which means that it is a different and heavier element, as the number of protons have increased. Heavier elements like gold get made during this process, when iron atoms gain ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Departmental Codes Of Organisational Policies And Procedure Organisational policies and Procedures are concerned with laws at the local organisational level. Policies and Procedures are not law these are guidelines on the laws that are standing and are abiding, such as Work place Health and Safety Act 1995. The companies policies are statements of the principle that guides the decisions the company has been manipulated to help service the delivery the company ensure the organisations goals, values and objectives, that are implemented across the organisations, this brings out the Departmental Codes of Conduct. Making sure that the companies best Practice is to be understood and implitmented, so we can have and pass confidentiality with Coworkers. To have shared Communication with the common ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Piety In Plato s Dialogues And The Book Of Job What does it mean to be pious? In Plato s Dialogues and the Book of Job, the search for the explanation can be attempted from the readings about Socrates and Job. The two are very different. One, searches for a definition and questions the meaning of piety, whereas the other, Job, one of the most pious men in biblical history, sets by example the meaning of piety by suffering many of Gods punishments and yet he remains unwavering in his faith and God. In Plato s Apology, Socrates is accused of impiety and later sentenced to an execution for reasons that are injust. As a man who has lived his life as an honest and just man, he searches for the definition of piety, in order to understand the accusation made against him. He turns to Euthyphro, a wise man who is present at the court, who gives Socrates his explanation as to what it means to be pious. However, to Socrates, each of the definitions he gives are opinionated and ambiguous and as a result Socrates is left unfulfilled, with many still unanswered questions in the end. The first definition of piety that Euthyphro offers to Socrates is that the pious is to do what I am doing now to prosecute the wrong doer...not to prosecute is impious (6, e). Euthyphro is present as a witness against his own father who is accused of murder. Socrates appreciates that he believes so strongly in justice that he would hold his own family member accountable, but is displeased with this meaning, simply because it is only an explanation and not a true meaning. Socrates wants to know what pious means in and of itself, not an example or an act of being pious. Euthyphro s second definition is linked to the gods. He explains that Pious is what all the gods love, and the opposite, what all the gods hate, is impious (9, e), meaning that piety is determined by the gods. Socrates finds this to be false, due to the fact that in order for the gods to decide what is pious, they would all have to agree. However, each god has his/her own opinion about what is honorable or just and what is not. Therefore, a decision is difficult to reach and Socrates concludes that this definition cannot be true. This definition however is the most important one because Socrates creates a strong ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Feeling Sympathy for Gertrude and Rhoda in The Withered... Feeling Sympathy for Gertrude and Rhoda in The Withered Arm, by Thomas Hardy The Withered arm is typical of Hardy s novellas, as it is a tragedy. It involves two main characters, Rhoda and Gertrude. Rhoda and Gertrude both have their own different problems that the must face. Rhoda and Gertrude become friends after they first meet. Rhoda had an illegitimate child to farmer lodge who marries Gertrude. Before Rhoda and Gertrude meet Rhoda does not know what Gertrude is like so is bitter about the idea of her marrying farmer lodge who hardy hints Rhoda is still in love with. Rhoda is described to be old before her age and works as a milkmaid. She receives no help in the upbringing of the boy she had with farmer lodge so she ... Show more content on ... He tells her that she is very good looking and is also very ladylike. Gertrude wants to offer the boy a lift home in the cart with them but farmer lodge doesn t want to, as the situation would obviously make him awkward. He makes up an excuse that the boys round there are very strong and drives on. This bit also makes you feel some sympathy for Rhoda but in a bitter way as she is old before her time but is intelligent and hard working and farmer lodge has married a younger woman that seems pleasant enough and even tried to help her son, but admittedly didn t know the situation. Some time after the new wife has come to live with farmer lodge; hardy introduces the first hint of witchcraft into the story. The rest of the story is based on the vision chapter so it is possibly the most important and the following chapters could have been different. Rhoda is sat looking into her fireplace and is sat there longer than she at first realized. She sees an image of Gertrude and she doesn t even know what she looks like. She is almost scrying for her inadvertently. When she comes back to, she goes to bed and falls to sleep. Gertrude comes to her in a vision and she looks strange and twisted. She holds her ring finger in front of Rhode s face mocking and taunting her. Rhoda has nothing to do to resist her. She sees her assailants arm stick out in ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Lifestyle Magazine As An Example Using Lifestyle magazine as an example, explore how media texts target specific audience. Lifestyle magazine are magazines that tells the audience about the lifestyle they live and can have an impact on their lives as their views can be subverted by the ideology of the magazine. This ideology comes from the creators of the magazine; they put what they think instead of what the public thinks about a certain topic. In this writing i am going to talk about what the lifestyle magazines do in order to attract specific audience and how they achieve in targeting specific audience. The two lifestyle magazines that i am going to talk about are FHM and Cosmopolitan magazine. These magazines were released on november 2013 and the target audience between the two has links and oppositions. On both magazines, the central image is the image of females; which suggests that these magazines are targeted at female. But, on the front of these magazines it is a picture of seductive females which implies that the audience is different and possibly males as they would get attracted. I am going to start by analysing how FHM targets their audience and keep their loyalty so that they would not look for another magazine to replace the FHM magazine they currently hold. This magazine is promoting anti feminism as the main central image is of a woman with a seductive look which is representing woman in a negative manner. Also, further connotes objectification of woman as the clothes signifiers shows ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Special Populations High School Counseling Running Head: SPECIAL POPULATIONS Special Populations: High School Counseling Kean University CED5963 Adolescence is a period of dramatic and revolutionary change. In western cultures it is the time of life, either most reviled, depicted as posing the greatest threat to the established order of things, or most celebrated and romanticized, in particular within the sphere of popular culture, for its creative and challenging energies. At its onset, adolescence can be seen as the beginning of the end of childhood and as such is a time of mourning for the loss of the relative dependency and security of childhood, characterized by attempts at recapturing what ... Show more content on ... This is certain for adolescents. However, the characteristics of the individuals should remain heterogeneous, after all, in high school several students of various backgrounds experience similar issues. Since the environment among a school is not that of a clinic or an outside counseling practice, certain planning needs to occur while forming groups. Rather than client s willingly signing up or seeking out a group, a survey would be completed by faculty and staff to identify potential group members. Students would also participate in the survey process, giving perception of their needs. These surveys would be a form of data collection necessary in addressing needs that could otherwise be unknown. Following this, a meeting with potential group members would take place individually. The students would be informed about the group and what they may gain from it. Expectations, participation and confidentially would also be discussed. From these meetings, the counselor would then be able to determine the student s interest level and seriousness of need or participation. With careful evaluation, this screening leads to group selection. Informed consent would be introduced and could have been completes prior to the screening. Although minors need parental consent, it is still essential for all students participating to sign and understand the informed consent. Prior to the group meeting, it is the counselor s ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Manifestations Of Sacred Reality Manifestations of Sacred Reality Throughout every type of religion or faith based belief system, there are overlapping characteristics that all work to validate the religion. Two of these elements universally presented in any religion are the aspect of a sacred reality and the manifestations of such in hierophanies. Sacred reality collectively validates the religion, giving it some deeper meaning on a spiritual level. Hierophanies are manifestations of sacred reality, meaning they are physical objects through which the sacred presents itself (Livingston 43). Different types of hierophanies further break down sacred reality into categories to understand it. These include sacred persons, sacred time, sacred places, and sacred objects (43). Specifically, sacred persons and places exemplify different aspects of sacred reality that have personally impacted my life through my Christian faith. Sacred reality, as stated before, acts as a means of validating a religion on a spiritual level. It can be broken into four distinct characteristics that all coincide to show the extraordinary qualities of the sacred, (CITATION FROM BOOK). The first characteristic is that sacred reality is specially distinctive, or set apart from the world. This suggests that a spiritual world exists completely set apart from the physical, human world. Most religions worldwide believe in some aspect of an afterlife or some journey to a stage of enlightenment where this sacred reality exists, separate from ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Memoirs Of A Geisha Women Whether or not they were formally recognized or praised, women have always played an integral role in society. During the early twentieth century, the work of women gradually became more prominent and previous beliefs on what was appropriate for women were challenged as more women began to work for their own individual profit and prestige. This is seen in the 2005 film, Memoirs of a Geisha. Directed by Rob Marshall, Memoirs is the story of how a young peasant girl, named Chiyo, rose up through the ranks and earned profit and prestige as the geisha, Sayuri. As East Asian countries began to interact and form relationships with European nations, they were exposed and sometimes adopted to the new depictions of women that have emerged in the West.... Show more content on ... Schoppa states, From roughly 1917 1921, the emphasis on individualism and achieving individual goals was greater than in any time in modern China s history. In a field that had been predominantly male, Yuliang, as a female artist, challenged the norms that had characterized previous Chinese gender roles. In her article, Jane Zheng asserts, in the new era, women were expected to use their artistic talents in certain public roles rather than merely as entertainment for their husbands or for their own amusement. In the film, Yuliang becomes a well respected painter during her time in Paris and, when she returns to Shanghai, she is offered a job as an art professor. The achievement of being offered this position as a woman shows not only her own personal social and economic success, but also how Chinese women overall, during this time, became more involved in the public sphere and more independent. Both Memoirs of a Geisha and A Soul Haunted by Painting demonstrate how women at this time used both their bodies and their work to become successful in their respective societies. Whether it was through the more traditional occupation of being a geisha or becoming an innovative, provocative painter, they paved the way for women in the public ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Power Of Boarding Schools Fulfilling god s plan, America forced Native Americans to attend boarding schools where the ideals of Christianity were implemented. In Abigail Graham s article, The Power of Boarding Schools, a History of Education professor at Indiana University writes that boarding schools is a tool used to reinforce one s ideas into individuals. Graham writes, Boarding schools...significantly impact the social development of their students; for this reason...schools used [this] as tools for reinforcing power relationships and cultural identities. America s goal was to eliminate any existence of the Native s culture by constantly embedding the values of being an American and being Christian inside the school. The boarding school is completely new to the Natives, and having someone tell them what to do was something unheard of. Within a school s system the students have the least authority, the teacher is second in line, and the principal is the highest. The students were of Native American descent, of course the teachers were white, and this demonstrates the power relationship with the Native Americans and the Whites; the whites had more power than the other race. Children were targets because if America were able to change the younger generation s ideals, than as they get older their offsprings will be what America envisioned, a non Native American who has no knowing of their culture. In Mary A. Stout book, Native American Boarding Schools, the author mentions that boarding schools ... Get more on ...
  • 17. sat 2 Essay My Leadership Style Analysis WGU Leadership SAT2 Task 1 My Leadership Style Analysis A1. Leadership Style Evaluation There are many different leadership styles. After reading the assigned chapters for this task. I was able to identify my own leadership style as a result. In order to know my leadership style, I took a series of assessments in order to determine my personal leadership style. Assessments I took that helped me to determine my personal leadership style are: the Emotional Expressive Scale, Personal Magnetism Deficit Inventory, Task Oriented Attitudinal and Behavior assessment, Clarifying your Work Values, What Style of Leader are you or would you be, What is your propensity of taking Risk, How ... Show more content on ... The Entrepreneurial leadership style tends to have higher achievement and is where the Participative leadership style tends to strive for consensus. The Entrepreneurial leadership style tends to be more creative and enthusiastic than the Participative leadership style. The Participative leadership style tends to negotiate demands of employees, and the Entrepreneurial leadership style responds immediately if a crisis presents. A3. Leadership Style Discussions Understanding different Leadership Styles can help me to become an effective leader by helping me to identify deficient areas in my personal leadership style. Being able to identify personal leadership deficiency will give me the opportunity of being aware. Being aware of deficiency in my leadership style will help me to gain new skills that will help me to improve and perfect deficient areas in my leadership style. This newfound awareness will allow me the opportunity to obtain knowledge, skills and abilities needed in order for me to become an effective leader. Another reason understanding different leadership styles can help me to become an effective leader is that it will give me the opportunity to think outside the box. This skill will help me to be more creative in my leadership style, and as a result, I will gain and implement new leadership skills to my personal leadership style. This new skill ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Iganga Nursing Literature Review Our findings indicated that health workers perceived reviews as part of continuous quality improvement that emanated from the general routine work and cultural environment within the hospital. We think this contributed to a continuous MPDR practice within the hospital despite of the challenges faced. It was revealed in other studies that the most successful reviews were characterized by three interdependent, supportive cultural factors which are supportive health professionals, supportive institutional culture and supportive political and policy environment14. It was also revealed that the perceptions held by the health workers about MPDRs also varied from one study to another. The perceptions held by health workers in Thyolo, Malawi were ... Show more content on ... There was also no feedback and follow up from higher levels (national and district) hence there was no systematic mechanism for follow up of recommendations. This is similar for the study findings that investigated the MPDR system in Tanzaniawhich was a major barrier to effective MPDR6,20,23. Most respondents reported that MPDR was important in improving their professional practice and ethical code of conduct. However, it is difficult to ascertain the weight of each activity in the improvement of care16,27. Our findings revealed that mentorships greatly supported health workers conduct reviews. This is not revealed in other studies as a strategy for supporting health workers realize effective reviews in Thyolo District of Malawi, Ifakara in Tanzania and Senegal 8,11 23.The health workers revealed that the reviews helped them to improve the quality of care which in other studies quality of care is not easily measured and effect takes a long time where mistakes are repeatedly done16,25,27. Health workers desire to change but the context of implementation has to count16, 26. In Uganda, it was reported that some of the maternal death within hospitals happened at a time of staff handover or change in work shifts19,27. Supportive health professionals: doctors, midwives and nurses make all the difference between the success and failure of reviews 14,21.Success also depends on accountability of both care providers (frontline) and decision makers8,19. In an MPDR study that ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Defining The Organization s Strategic Direction Essay Topic 6: Defining the Organization s strategic Direction Definitions: 1.Oligopolistic industries highly consolidated industries with a few large competitors 2.Exit barriers costs or other commitments that make it difficult for firms to abandon an industry (large fixed asset investments, emotional commitment to the industry, etc.) 3.Entry barriers conditions that make it difficult or expensive for new firms to enter an industry (government regulations, start up costs, etc.) 4.Switching costs factors that make it difficult or expensive to change suppliers or buyers, such as investments in specialized assets to work with a particular supplier or buyer. 5.Complements products or services that enhance he usefulness or desirability of other products. 6.Substitutes products or services that are not considered as competitors, but fulfill a strategically equivalent role for the customer. 7.Stake holder any entity that has an interest (state) in the organization 8.Tacit Resources resources of an intangible nature (such as knowledge) that cannot ne readily confided. 9.Socially complex resources resources or activities that emerge through the interaction of multiple individuals. 10.Casual ambiguity the relationship between a resource and the outcome it produces is poorly understood (the casual mechanism is ambiguous) 11.Dynamic capabilities A set of abilities that make a firm more agile and responsive to change.Key Points: 1.Assessing the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Great Divide Of The Global Village By Bruce R. Scott In this essay, I will argue that the article The Great Divide in the Global Village by Bruce R. Scott provides more logical and factual evidence that helps under the complexity of national economic growth and development. Scott states a catching yet quick statement about how economical promises of the world, both domestic and foreign are misleading. He states Mainstream economic thought promises that globalization will lead to a widespread improvement in average incomes. However the evidence throughout the article that proves this statement is not valid. Scott s main point revolves around this idea of globalization. Globalization can be defined as the process of increasing the connectivity and interdependence of the world s markets and businesses. Globalization is the foundation of Scott s article it lays the groundwork for countries to succeed or fail as explained by Scott in great detail. On the other hand, in the article Why Nations Fail by Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson they paint an extremely different projection that I will contrast and eventually show why it is inferior to Scott s work. Acemoglu and Robinson show that it the man created political and economic institutions that underlie economic success or those who lack it. They argue that economies thrive more when the presence of less government is involved. Acemoglu and Robinson don t just explain in depth the similarities and differences in economic policies between nations. They also give deep ... Get more on ...
  • 21. How To Transform Australian Food Culture Since the early years of European settlement, Australia has developed as a diverse multicultural society. Today, 23 percent of Australians were born in another country and just over 25 percent of the population have at least one parent born overseas. All these people have brought their food habits to Australia, which has resulted in the expansion of the diet of all Australians. As people migrated here, they brought their traditional foodhabits, preparation techniques and cooking methods with them. They then had to adapt these to the foods available within Australia. Italy is one of many countries that has transformed the Australian food culture extremely significantly. Before the Italians came, Australia had many different foods but the variety ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Global Business Community ( Macro Environment ) 1. Identify the relevant macro environmental factors (level 1). What impacts do these issues have on the focal organization? Level 1 Global Business Community (Macro environment) Society /Subculture Enterprise is a privately held company and is also the nation s biggest car rental service. They expanded their service in nearly 200 airport location within 10 years. With so many different consumer cultures and subcultures, the company Enterprise should make sure that they are providing quality vehicles and customer service to fulfill what consumers are looking for. Enterprise also provides electric and hybrid cars which caught eyes of many. Enterprise offers customers the opportunity to rent a hybrid vehicle in more than 30 major markets (BGS Lifetime Members, n.d.). The company s fleet management program has certainly been beneficial and it also generated a lot of revenue. To provide superior customer value the company uses a measurement tool, the tool works by surveying random customers. In order to portray an image of the organizational success, the members of the company gets to drive newer vehicles. Demographics Enterprise understands that they must achieve superior customer value by providing quality service and fulfilling consumer s needs. At the same time concentrating on demographics is also a crucial factor. They can use several methods to achieve demographics data. Surveys and Government issued data can be helpful. Enterprise believes that each area has ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Narrative Essay On Best Friends This Family is Cooler than Yours Traditions are an important part of any holiday. But, I bet this family has a cooler tradition than anything your family has cooked up. Every year, they spend some time learning a choreographed dance. They then apparently clear out their living room so this huge family of 8 can perform it for the camera. Here s one of their more exciting dances. I wonder what they have planned for next season? Lip Sync Battle Normally, I m not a fan of lip syncing. But, this little girl has definitely changed my mind. She may be just a baby, but this little girl has got something going on for her. While waiting in the car for her mom, Baby Bexlee showed us her talent when a current favorite song came on the radio. Move over Adele, Bexlee has got you beat for sure! Sharing the Joy of Birth Who said dogs and cats can t be friends? This happy couple is definitely beating the odds by being best friends. And, what do best friends do when you are having a baby? Why they celebrate with you, of course! This is exactly what happens when momma cat takes her brand new kittens to see her best friend. Naturally, her kittens warmed up to the pup in no time and they all had a fantastic time. That s the way to deliver a Pizza! Getting a pizza delivery isn t normally an exciting experience. You pick up the phone, order the pizza and eventually will have a hot pie in your hand. But, this is not what these Pizza Hut customers experienced at all. Instead, when their pizza ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Theme Of Companionship In A Separate Peace During the time I was reading A Separate Peace and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night time, I realized the books actually more things in common than I would ve thought. One way the two books are similar is how they both have a common theme, companionship. Another common theme in both books is following the rules and how a lot of the characters chose to not do so. One issue both books seem to share is the characters in each book seem to have a hard time getting along with one another and communicating. While I was reading the two novels, they didn t seem that similar to me, but once I finished the novels, I started to realize how alike they really are. One common theme you can see through out the time of reading the two novels is companionship. Companionship plays a big role in how the main characters act in each novel. In A Separate Peace, companionship is demonstrated by Gene and Phineas becoming friends in the beginning of the novel and having troubles, as friends, in the middle to late part of the novel. Gene and Phineas being friends had a lot to do with most of their actions. Companionship is shown in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time between Christopher and his dad, Ed. Ed triggered some pretty serious events in the book and some of them were because of Christopher. For example, Ed was the reason Christopher ran away to his mother because he was scared of his dad. Also, Ed lied to Christopher about his mom being alive because he was trying to protect him. Companionship is one of the multiple common themes between the two novels and I think it s pretty clearly demonstrated in both. Another common theme between the two books is following the rules and how quite a few characters from each novel chose not to follow them. A lot of the characters in each novel break the rules or do something that s just morally wrong like lying. In The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time, Christopher decides to keep investigating about the dog dying case even after his father told him to stop investigating. Phineas breaks the rules in A Separate Peace when he falls out of the tree hanging above the river and breaks his leg after he was told not to climb in the tree ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Sailing with Vespucci Sailing with Vespucci If I were to ride aboard the ship in the age of exploration, I would choose Amerigo Vespucci. Amerigo was born in Florence, Italy on March 9, 1951. He was one of the first Europeans to believe that the land Columbus had discovered was not the Indies, but rather an entirely new continent. Because of this, the new land would be called the Americas, a feminized version of Amerigo. Amerigo was born in Florence, Italy, his parents, Ser Nastagio and Lisabetta Mini, were friends of the Medici, a very wealthy family that controlled Italy from the 1400s to 1737. When Amerigo was in his early 20s his uncle, who was the ambassador to France, sent him on a brief diplomatic mission to Paris. This trip probably sparked his fascination of travel. After that Amerigo held a number of different jobs that would teach him valuable lessons that would benefit later in his life. These included small business endeavors, being a banker, and even being involved with merchants who would supply Columbus journey across the Atlantic. On one occasion he even got to sit down with Columbus and talk to him about the new world. This conversation most likely inspired his adventures to the new world. So when Amerigo was in his 40s he decided to abandon his failing business venture and become an explorer, funded by queen Isabella of Spain, before he was too old to. It is believed that Amerigo left for his first voyage on May 10, 1497 from the port of Cadiz with a fleet of ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Dramatic Change In Night By Elie Wiesel In Elie Wiesel s memoir, Night , readers see a dramatic change from the young, sensitive and spiritual individual to a, boy with the mindset of an adult that is spiritually dead and is unemotional. Elie shows this in his memoir by rewriting what he saw, thought, or what he heard while in concentration camps, this occurs, in the three sections of the memoir. In the first section of the book, Eile begins the transformation from a sensitive and spiritual boy to the opposite. Elie starts describes the first night, he was in a concentration camp, and how that affected him through sight, by saying Never shall I forget the little faces of the children whose bodies I saw turn into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky. Never shall I forget those... Show more content on ... As Elie describes what occurred after his father s death, There were not prayers at his grave. No candles were lit to his memory. His last word was my name. A summons, to which I did not respond (Wiesel, 106). In this, Elie describes what happened after his father died, and how he was religiously summoned, but there was no faith left in him to respond. I believe this is this is the ultimate low in Elie s religion, seeing that he could not even pray over his father, or respond to the summons. This might be the low of his religion, the low of Elie s emotion is quite horrible. Elie sees himself for the first time after being liberated, From the depths of the mirror, a corpse gazed back at me. The look in his eyes, as they sated into mine, has never left me (Wiesel, 109). This is the most powerful phrase from the book that describes how he felt, about himself. This is clearly shown through the use of his instead of my, he had to describe the look in his eyes as someone else s. Thus showing, the distaste of his own self as he came out of the Holocaust and wanting to now live a normal life. Through Elie s use of a 3rd person possessive pronoun, he is able to create such meaning behind only a singular word. Elie also uses such harsh situations to point out the loss of faith or ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Biography of Eleanor Roosevelt Essay A wise woman once wrote, With the new day come new strengths and new thoughts. These are some of the wise words from Eleanor Roosevelt. Eleanor lived a rough live, but she believed that things could become better at any moment. She was a kind, helpful, good woman that had a good life through it all. Eleanor Rooseveltwas a hero to American History. Inspiring people to follow their dreams, work to be the best of their ability, and also to start a new day with no regrets or worries. She helped many people around her within her lifetime and definitively set a good example for others. Eleanor Roosevelt was born on October 11, 1884, in New York City. She was raised by both of her parents until her father, Elliott Roosevelt, entered a ... Show more content on ... She nursed her husband back to walking after he was a victim to a nearly fatal attack of polio and was paralyzed. Once World War I came around in the year of 1914, Eleanor decided to become involved with Navy Department and Red Cross relief efforts (Stevenson, Keira). She also decided that she would volunteer within hospitals and soldier s canteens (7). Eleanor, being the caring woman she was, would often visit wounded men as much as she possibly could. Eleanor Roosevelt tried her absolute best to have personal relationships with the men during the World War I, and tried to help them and make them just as important even while they were injured and shell shocked. In the summer of 1921, the Roosevelt family went on a vacation to their summer house that was on Campobello Island in New Brunswick. While the family was vacationing, her husband, Franklin, was a victim to a nearly disastrous attack of polio, an infectious disease. Franklin survived, but the sickness from the attack left him with an infantile paralysis that he would have for the rest of his life. Once he realized that he could no longer walk, Franklin felt as if his world was falling apart right in front of his eyes. He thought that he could longer succeed in politics. Soon though, this all changed (8). Eleanor nursed her husband as he was paralyzed, and she also became more politically active so franklin would feel inspired to not let go of his ... Get more on ...
  • 28. George Harrison Biography We already brought you part one of our list of 15 things you probably didn t know about George Harrison, and now we re back with part two! Check out eight more riveting details of the Beatles lead guitarist s life that you definitely (probably) did not know below. You might be surprised by what you learn! Number Eight: He Played Violin...Sort Of. While recording All You Need Is Love , Harrison can be heard playing the violin. This was despite the fact that he had never picked one up in his entire life. Number Seven: He Was Admired by Sinatra. Frank Sinatra once called Harrison s Something, ...the greatest love song of the last 50 years. Harrison would often perform the ballad live. Number Six: He Got Into a Fight Over a Biscuit. While ... Show more content on ... According to Harrison, he first had sex in Hamburg, Germany, in a bunk bed. The other Beatles were in the room when it happened. He said, [Paul, John and Pete Best] couldn t really see anything because I was under the covers but after I d finished they all applauded and cheered. At least they kept quiet whilst I was doing it. Number Four: He Was Part of a Dirty Joke. In the song Girl, Harrison and Paul McCartney can be heard harmonizing tit tit tit tit in the background. Apparently, this is part of a dirty joke that involved them slipping in a dirty word without anyone noticing. Number Three: He Ate Horse. On December 25, 1962, The Beatles had horse for Christmas dinner in Hamburg, Germany. The horse was cooked into steaks, and they didn t know what they had eaten until they had already eaten it. Number Two: His Birth Is Highly Contested. Though many books state that Harrison was born on February 25, 1943, he actually changed his mind later and insisted that he was born on 11:50 p.m. on February 24. To this day, it is still unclear which day he was actually born on. Number One: He Was Vegetarian. Harrison became a vegetarian when he was 22 years old. He was such a devout vegetarian that he didn t allow meat or fish to even enter his ... Get more on ...
  • 29. How Does Witchcraft Define Hysteria Witchcraft: Define Hysteria (5 pts). Hysteria is a physical disorder that has symptoms like psychological stress, selective amnesia, and attention seeking behavior. The term hysteria has a controversial history as it used to be a disease specifically for women. Hysteria can also be a psychoneurotic disorder characterized by violent emotional outbreaks, disturbances of sensory and motor functions, and various abnormal effects due to autosuggestion. Hysteria is also an uncontrollable outburst of emotion or fear. Hysteria is the first mental disorder attributable to women. Arthur Miller: Arthur Miller (5 pts). In 1956, Miller divorced Mary Slattery who was the mother of both of his kids. He married Marilyn Monroe and the marriage thrust the playwright into the public eye. After he Marilyn married he wrote a screenplay based on his short story The Misfits . The film appeared in 1961 and his wife starred in it. Marilyn was having trouble with escaping alcohol and drugs so he divorced her and in 1962 he married photographer Ingeborg Morath but Marilyn s death was also that year and it saddened him. Witchcraft: Describe some of the tests used to determine whether or not a person was a witch. (10 pts). One of the test used to determine if a person was a witch are ... Show more content on ... It was created to investigate alleged disloyalty and subversive activities on the part of private citizens, public employees, and those organizations suspected of having Communist ties. Joseph McCarthy was a Wisconsin senator who had a list of known communists still working in the government. When McCarthy was appointed chairman of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations and he charged lax security at a top secret army facility. The HUAC and Joseph McCarthy are similar because they both deal with ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Amazon Executive Summary This report has been designed to identify Amazon s strategy between 2007 2010 and also to pinpoint the company s strategic capabilities. Internal and External analysis reveals Amazon s position against its competitors as well as sources of value creation and cost reduction in its value chain. is a leading e retailer and is a globally recognized brand, but is facing increasing competition from bricks and mortar companies setting up an online presence and current e retailers increasing their geographical and product scope. also faces strong rivalry in its Web Services Business where more specialized web services companies are able to offer more products and have a broader geographical presence. The ... Show more content on ... Amazon achieves this by controlling complementary products of the Amazon Kindle, in this case the Kindle store and the Amazon Whispernet. Strategic capability can be defined as the adequacy and suitability of the resources and competences of an organization for it to survive and prosper. (Johnson et al, 2005) Porter (1980) argues that it s the industry structure within which the organization competes and how they position themselves that determine how profitable the firm will be and his models revolve around this argument. The resource base view of strategy however points not to industry structure but to the unique clusters of resource and capabilities each company possesses (Collis and Montgomery 1995, Stalk et al 1992) and therefore is much better suited in analyzing Amazon s strategic capabilities. The Resource Based View assumes that firms can be conceptualized as bundles of resources and those resources are heterogeneously distributed across firms and that resource differences persist over time (Amit and Schoemaker, 1993) and when firms have resources that are valuable, rare, inimitable and non substitutable (VRIN) they can achieve competitive advantage that cannot be easily duplicated by other firms. (Conner and Prahalad, 1996) Fig 2 Strategic Capabilities| Resources| | Competence| Warehouse/Fulfillment ... Get more on ...
  • 31. What Was The Role Of Counterculture In The 1960 s Straying away from the mainstream can be difficult unless there is a group of people with a common interest that brings them together. The 1960s was a time of not only prominent mainstream culture but also counterculture. The mainstream culture was notably defined by four different concepts that connected white middle and upper class Americans: Patriotism, believing in the institution of marriage, the American dream, and the idea that conformity kept society ordered. In contrast, the counterculture of the time went against all of these ideals, believing in rejecting traditional American society by dropping out and forming communes, taking part in free love, and the rebellion against conformity and materialism. What made the community of hippies, or people who rejected the mainstream and followed the ideas of the counterculture, so strong was the common thread that brought them together. This common interest was psychedelic drugs, like LSD, ... Show more content on ... In order to understand why these drugs were so popular and what the users believed they were accomplishing when they took them, one has to look at the popular drugs of the decades preceding the 60s. As the would be hippies were growing up in the 1940s and 1950s, their parents and other adults of the time were using drugs that are now categorized as depressants. Things like alcohol and tobacco were incredibly popular and common. On a more extreme side, opium was the go to hard drug of these decades. As the mainstream drug use of the 1950s swayed towards these depressants, people of color living in ghettos and white beatniks started to embrace marijuana. With the use of marijuana increasing and the new generation striving to break away from their parents habit of shutting out the world, the children of the 1940s and 1950s became the hippies of the 1960s, using not only marijuana but LSD, peyote, and psilocybin ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Italian American Assassination Speech Italian army occupy the southeast of France. The Italian authorities refused the requests from the Nazi army to arrest the French Jews. The result was that in 1942 and until September 1943, large number French Jews found refuge East of the Rhone River in the area occupied by the Italians, which constitute French territory. The Nazi army forces occupied the Italian area in September 1943 and began to execute the Final solution supported by the French Militia. On May 29th, 1942, the military occupation authorities passed an Ordinance that forced the Jewsin the controlled zone, over six years of age, to wear the yellow color star, from June 7th under penalty of imprisonment if they didn t. It must be sewn on the left side of, coats or jackets... Show more content on ... Among the important Jewish communities in Europe was France, who managed to save the greatest number of Jew s children: 84%. This was due spirited the spirited sympathy of the non Jewish population to support the efforts of families and Jews organizations that tried to save the children. At the ceremony of the 53rd anniversary of the Raffle du velodrome d hiver, July 16, 1995, the president of the Republic, Jacques Chirac, in his speech acknowledged in an official and solemn way the crimes of the French State during the Nazi occupation of France and spoke in these terms. ... There nation s life moments that wound the memory and the idea that one made of what is your country. These moments are strenuous to evoke because we know that not always found the right words to remember the horror and sadness of those who lived through the tragedy, those in his soul and his flesh marked by memories from those days of tears and embarrassment (SHAME). It is hard to mention, also, because those dark hours dirty forever our history, and they re, an insult to our past and our ... Get more on ...
  • 33. What Are The Moments That Influence The Development Of... History involves several moments in time that contributed to the world s rapid transition and transformation into the leading global culture. Europe s development of present day Europe resulted from the relationships between various moments, movements, cultures, and people that proved highly significant to the big picture of European history. Each and every period in time had its own importance and function that tied into the larger system of the global community. Five key moments that influenced the development of present day Europe include the rise of religion, Protestant Reformation, Age of Enlightenment, nationalism, and World War II. Early civilizations and empires saw a rise of religion that attracted the people through special teachings ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Analysis Of The Broken Windows Theory Gladwell slickly introduces a uniquely reasoned theory, The Broken Windows Theory, a few pages into The Tipping Point. After explaining that this theory is about immediate environmental effects on human nature/behavior, he gives examples on how New York began improving after taking it into consideration. Specifically, this talks about the smallest details of the immediate environment which ultimately ends up describing the theory to be quite a radical idea. Gladwell mentions that it appears to violate some of our most deeply held assumptions about humannature, but what does he mean when referring to human nature? Could it be that it affects the way people see the environment they live in? Is it because we get used to our... Show more content on ... Goetz was described of having psychological issues therefore being somewhat mentally ill or at least not right in the mind and/or emotionally. As stated in page 156, Psychiatrists talk about criminals as people with stunted psychological development, people who have had pathological relationships with their parents, who lack adequate role models. There is a relatively new literature that talks about genes that may or may not dispose certain individuals to crime. On the popular side, there are endless numbers of books by conservatives talking about crime as a consequence of moral failure of communities and schools and parents who no longer raise children with a respect for right and wrong. All of those theories are essentially ways of saying that the criminal is a personality type a personality type distinguished by an insensitivity to the norms of normal society. People with stunted psychological development don t understand how to conduct healthy relationships. People with genetic predispositions to violence fly off the handle when normal people keep their cool. People who aren t taught right from wrong are oblivious to what is and what is not appropriate behavior. People who grow up poor, fatherless, and buffeted by racism don t have the same commitment to social norms as those from healthy middle class homes. Bernie Goetz and those four thugs on the subway were, in this sense, ... Get more on ...
  • 35. a p case study There are many various conditions and diseases affecting the endocrine system. Here we will discuss several and describe the endocrine gland, hormone, target tissue, symptoms, causes, and treatment options. The human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) test is done to check for the hormone hCG in blood or urine (Staff, 2012). The hCG hormone is made during pregnancy by the placenta or can be abnormally made by certain tumors. The hCG test can be performed to test if a woman is pregnant or not, as part of a screening test for birth defects, in a woman who may have abnormal tissue growth in her uterus, a molar pregnancy, or a cancerin the uterus rather than a normal pregnancy. HCG levels can even be measured in a man to see whether he has... Show more content on ... Later it was discovered that anabolic steroids could facilitate the growth of skeletal muscle which led to abuse by bodybuilders, weightlifters, and athletes in other sports. Abuse of anabolic steroids can cause acne, breast development in men, heart attacks, and liver cancer. Most side effects are reversible if the abuser stops taking the drugs, but some are permanent, such as voice deepening in females. Possible health consequences for men are infertility, shrinking of the testicles, and male pattern baldness while with women enlargement of the clitoris, and excessive growth of body hair can happen. It can affect the musculoskeletal cardiovascular system, liver, skin, cause infection, and have psychiatric effects such as rage, aggression, mania, and delusions. Treatment of anabolic steroid abuse uses medications to restore the hormonal system after its disruption, and medication to target specific withdrawal symptoms. To reduce the risk of ovarian or breast cancer some choose to have a procedure done known as an oophorectomy. This is a removal of your ovaries on each side of your uterus that contain eggs and secrete the hormones that control your reproductive cycle. This greatly reduces the amount of hormones estrogen and progesterone circulating in your body which is the hormones breast and ovarian cancers need to grow. Though a generally safe procedure with small risk complications ... Get more on ...
  • 36. A Brief Note On The Field Of Biotechnology ABSTARCT The field of biotechnology is always advancing . From finding ways to slow down th e process of food spoilage , advancements in genetic engineering to adapting organisms to clean p contaminated environemets, new applications and biotechnological invntions are continuously being developed to help our world. In the field of biotechnology biology is used involving the use of living organisms in engineering, technology, medicine and other fields that have include anything with bio products. Those products are also used in biotechnology for manufacturing purposes. Other words that are alike are ones that include the engineering of genes and also a technologies cell and tissue culture. The basic idea surrounds a wide range of steps (and history) for changing living organisms according to human purposes such as going back to the cultivation of animals, plants, and advancements to these through programs that breed and that employ synthetic selection . When comparing biotechnology, bioengineering is basically thought of as a field that has a lot of similarities especially with its emphasis for using living things. MAIN BODY A living system grows, provides for itself and reproduces by itself. The coolest thing about a living system is that it is composed of non living molecules and atoms. Biochemistry is basically that the pursuit of knowledge of what goes on chemically within a living system is classifies as such. Although there are thousands of different types ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Issue Of Healthcare Fraud And Abuse The purpose of this paper is to bring awareness to the issue of healthcare fraud and abuse. I feel that healthcare fraud and abuse is one of the biggest issues in healthcare. So, this paper will get everyone to be able to spot fraud before it happens. During, the process you will be able to identify what a person organization did that was fraud or how they abused healthcare rules. This paper will explain to you what exactly healthcare fraud and abuse is and how it affects everyone around us. Throughout this paper, we will examine 3 different articles related the healthcare fraud and abuse and provide a summary and analyze them. So, what is healthcare fraud and abuse is, you may ask? When talking about healthcare fraud and abuse, we are talking about 2 major statutes in the healthcare industry, Physician Self Referral (Stark) Law and AKS (Anti Kickback Statutes). These laws apply to many practices and procedures within organizations and can be manipulated to benefit an organization financially. The Physician Self Referral Law prohibits entities from presenting a claim to anyone for healthcare services for a service not rendered and it also prohibits a physician for creating a referral for services that are designated but are not rendered. AKS prohibits anyone from offering a kickback, paying a kickback, or receiving a kickback in return for the delivery of health care services. However, the AKS encourages referrals based on monetary rewards to the primary source rather than ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Costing System And It s Usefulness Costing System and it s Usefulness Kashyap Pd. Marahatta BUS 535 Managerial Accounting Professor: Dr. Kaveh Shamsa Westcliff University 11/23/2016 Abstract This paper will discuss about the different costing system that a company can adopt. It will also try to shed light into the similarities and differences among the job order costing and process costing. It will try to find out which costing a service firm such as an advertising agency would use. Then it will focus on how both the systems provide decision making information for a company. After that this paper will also talk about activity based costing, provide examples where activity based costing is preferred over traditional costing. Then, it will explain how this costing is useful in decision making. Costing System and it s usefulness For any firm, it is very much critical and crucial for the accurate estimation of product costs in order for the operations to be profitable. It is very much essential for companies to know which products would actually generate profit for them which can only be found out by correct cost estimation. For such cost estimation companies adopt certain system basically known as a costing system or product system or a cost accounting system. Costing system (cost accounting system), can simply be understood as a system that can be adopted or used by a company or a firm for estimating the cost of their products (goods or services) so as to analyze profitability, valuation of ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Autobiography Of An Former Colored Man By James Weldon... The Autobiography of an Ex Colored Man, James Weldon Johnson James Weldon Johnson s novel The Autobiography of an Ex Colored Man was first published in 1912. This novel is one of the highly celebrated works during the Harlem Renaissance although it was published prior in 1912. Johnson graduated from Clark Atlanta University in 1894. He was appointed by President Theodore Roosevelt as United States consul to Venezuela and Nicaragua. He also was highly involved in the Harlem Renaissance with his own writings and support for others work. Johnson was a member of and first black executive officer in the NAACP. The Autobiography of an Ex Colored Man is a fictional novel dealing with racial identity and the idea of passing into white society. The Autobiography of an Ex Colored Man depicts the life and travels of an unnamed narrator of mixed race. The narrator s physical appearance is that of a white man though because of his mother s African Americanclassification he would also be considered an African American man. He is the offspring of what is suggested to be a wealthy white southerner and his mulatto or mixed race mother. The narrator is raised in the north in a somewhat privileged atmosphere compared to the majority of African American people of the time. During his childhood he fails to recognize his racial identity as being that of an African American boy until he is asked to sit down by the principal while all the white kids were asked to stand up. Not long ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The American Occupational Therapy Association In order to drive the change, it is necessary to create a sense of urgency among the stakeholders, such as occupational therapists, educators, OT students, and parents. The sense of urgency can be established by pointing out possible consequences of not specifying OTs as school mental health providers under the NCLB. It is necessary to convey to stakeholders that the current trends will continue to restrict the role of OTs to the special educationpopulation. In the long run, this trend will further limit OT services to address sensorimotor skills as schools are increasingly hiring different disciplines to support students compliance and behavioral issues. Similarly, in the case of budget constraints, schools are likely to eliminate or reduce the scope of OT services to redirect funds to address the needs of the larger population. At the proximal level, the leading school therapists can use team meetings and newsletters to create the sense of urgency. At the societal level, the American Occupational TherapyAssociation (AOTA) can use various platforms, such as OT Pulse and OT connection, newsletters, online blogs, conferences, and Linked in or Facebook forums to create the sense of urgency. Changing policies, attitudes, and culture require a strong coalition of individuals who are willing to take additional responsibilities and volunteer their time. Since the change will mainly benefit occupational therapists and school occupational therapists, state OT associations ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The Test That Will Be Uses Selection of test The test that will be uses is a one way ANOVA test. A one way ANOVA test involved the analysis of the difference between means of three or more groups and the variance within the groups (Salkind, 2013). The research scenario is looking at the difference between three groups which are individuals who cannot to identify hypertension lifestyle factors, can identify some hypertension lifestyle factors and can identify all hypertension lifestyle factors and their willingness to engage in self care in addition to the variance within the groups. In addition, in a one way ANOVA there is one factor or independent variable and within the research scenario there is one factor which is identifying hypertension lifestyle factors (Salkind, 2013). Step 2: Level of significance The research scenario does not pose a high risk to the participants involved, therefore the level of significance will bet set to 0.05. A level of significance at 0.05 means that the researcher has accepted 5 cases out of 100 for committing a type I error of rejecting the null when it is true and accepting the research hypothesis (Salkind, 2013). The remaining 95 cases out of 100 a true null hypothesis is accepted (Salkind, 2013). Step 3: Selection of one tailed or two tailed test An ANOVA test strictly looks at the overall difference between the means of groups and the variance within groups, ANOVA test does not tell you where the difference lies, therefore there is no direction (Salkind, ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Fairy Tale Analysis Cinderella, We Know Thee Near and Far Triumphant reward in spite of unjust punishment is a universal sentiment that transcends languages and cultures. There are thousands of folktales and fairy tales that are firmly rooted in individual cultures, yet the tale of Cinderella has been told through many centuries and throughout the far corners of the world. With thousands of versions of this classic tale in print worldwide, the tale is believed to have originated with the story of Rhodopis, a Greek slave girl who is married to an Egyptian King. The story of Rhodopis, which means rosy cheeks, dates back to 7 BC and is attributed to a Greek geographer named Strabo. The Chinese variation of this fairy tale is named Yeh hsien. The Chinese version is traceable to the year 860 and appears in Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang by Duan Chengshi. Yeh hsien is a young girl, motherless and in the control of her stepmother, who befriends a treasured fish. The jealous step mother kills the fish, but it s bones provide Yeh hsien with magical powers, eventually enabling Yeh hsien to escape the control of her step mother for a royal life. The Story of the Black Cow which is found within the pages of Folk Tales from the Himalayas by John Murray, published in 1906, the child who is mistreated by a stepmother is a male and the role of savior is portrayed by a snake, with a cow serving as the moral of the story, faithfulness. These two versions of Cinderella carry many common threads that are ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Rhetorical Analysis On Civil Disobedience Civil Disobedience Similar to Douglas, Thoreau writes against the injustice of slavery and the despotism of government. Thoreau starts his essay by stating that Government is best which governs least since government becomes despotic with corruption. He further adds in his essay Government is best which governs not at all with the same sentiment of civil disobedienceagainst the injustices of government. For that reason Thoreau makes the argument that Government not practical because it does not pass the test of morality. Moreover, Thoreau s repudiation of the government s standing army is why the government fails this test of morality. For Thoreau, government is the mode by which people execute their will. Therefore, it is the people who have the right to disobey civil government because it draws its strength from the will of the majority. His criticism extends to the power of the strong, since the power of the strong does not translate to the justice and question the people s resignation of their rights to the legislator. Lastly, Thoreau argues that government lost some of its integrity. For Thoreau, when the tyranny becomes great and unendurable, men have the right to revolution and the right to refuse their allegiance and resist government. Even voting for the right is doing nothing for it according to Thoreau. Even in his criticism of voting, Thoreau expresses that people would vote to abolish slavery once they feel indifferent about it. Furthermore, Thoreau considered the Constitution a form of human law based on moral principle. Therefore, the Constitution should not subject people to relinquish their natural rights, and men should resist civil government in return. Bartelby In agreement with Thoreau s philosophy of civil disobedience, Melville argues about the political consequences for resisting government through his story of Bartelby. This character illustrates the connection between Fredrick Douglas life as a slave to the system that turned him into a machine. Bartelby s story as an scrivener, narrates the life of a man who becomes aggravated with the system in place, and disobeys the orders of his master the lawyer. Evidenced by his refusal to work, Bartelby seals his fate as he faces ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Analysis Of The Movie Hundred Dollar Baby Men generally have the gender role to be the care takers, the fighters, and ultimately the manliest man possible, while women have been thought to be weak and helpless at the sight of danger. In the 2006 episode Hundred Dollar Baby of the TV show It s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the male stereotype promotes males as fighters, but also disproves the general stereotype when some men run away from a fight. Also, the femalestereotype is challenged when a woman wants to fight her own battles instead of a mandoing it for her. Stereotypically, males typically assume they are better fighters than women and while fighting, males seem drunk and tend to show off their bodies by having their shirts off. Right off of the bat, the male... Show more content on ... This goes against the stereotypical male because males generally stay and fight, especially when saving a woman is involved. The next day, Mac and Dennis learn of an underground fighting ring and convince Charlie that he is the strongest man they know and he would be a great fighter. Once again, the show goes against the male stereotype by having Dennis and Mac make Charlie fight in their place so they can make money betting. The guys begin to practice fighting as long as they are explicitly drunk, suggesting that sober males would lose in a fight or would not fight at all. This proposes that they do not believe they could win a fight or be in one if they were sober, so all three of them need to be drunk to make it a great fight. Mac, Dennis, and Charlie all agree that the best way to be a high quality fighter and trainer is to be intoxicated while in action. The male characters also emphasize that a male must have his shirt off to show off his muscular body while fighting, just like Rocky and Terminator because they never wore a shirt when they were training. Charlotte Jiourosek had said that as the athletic body type grew larger, so did the build of stars like Rocky and Terminator. Just like Rocky and Terminator, today s men look as if they are from another planet and would have been distasteful before today s age (233 4). In order for men to seem like real ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Social Media Negatives Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat are just a few social media websites and applications that have transformed the World Wide Web. Social media is defined as websites or applications that allow online users to produce and share content. Of the 7.6 billion global population, 2.46 billion of them actively use social media. Many use social networking to stay in contact with others and access information more quickly. Although the proposed reasons for social media use appear positive, they present many negatives. One should limit his or her social media use due to its damaging impact on today s youth and spreading of false information. Social media has countless adverse impacts, but it is primarily harmful on today s youth. Specifically, social networking has negative affects one s education. Since the introduction of social media, students have scored lower on test. As a result, students are left with a poor grade point average (GPA). According to Facebook and Academic Performance, students who used social media maintained a 3.06 average GPA. In contrast, students who did not use social media had a cumulative GPA of 3.82. The article also presents a study that found that students who use social networking to study score 20 percent lower than those who do not. In addition to inferior grade point averages and lower test grades, undergraduates who use social media inappropriately have lower chances of being admitted to colleges. Teenagers across the nation use social ... Get more on ...
  • 46. A Major Goal Of Public Safety A major goal in Canada is to maintain the safety of the society. Therefore, in order to control this goal of public safety penitentiaries are used for confide individuals who commit serious crimes. Prison tours was organized to provide the understanding into the attributes of imprisonment. In the article Problematizing Carceral Tours , Justin PichГ© and Kevin Walby claim carceral tours display minimal understanding of prisons. They support their argumentby pointing out the infractions of the carceral tours. In opposition, in the article In Praise of the Carceral Tour: Learning from the Grendon Experience , David Wilson, Roy Spina, and Joyce Canaan argue the benefits of the carceral tours. In the article Problematizing Carceral ... Show more content on ... This method of carceral tours is used to maintain the vision that the prison is kept well maintained and ethical to there prisoners. The justification behind the vision is to sustain the CSC (The Correctional Service of Canada) mission statement. The mission statement is to demonstrate general understanding of the objectives and operations of the prison. The authors stated that penitentiaries rarely provide their rehabilitative and correctional ideals . The complexity of prison life is often disregarded, this is an issue seeing as it is the leading attraction for tourists. The final argument that is made is the effect is has on the prisoners. The carceral tours portray prisoners to be dangerous. The staff often dehumanize prisoners, using regulations that tourists are ordered to follow regarding their interactions with the prisoners. This often impacts the tourist judgement of the prisoners. Most importantly, the dignity for the prisoners are not being respected. In conclusion, the research founded, pedagogical value was not worth the intrusion of privacy upon prisoners. The article In Praise of the Carceral Tour: Learning from the Grendon Experience , Wilson, Spina, and Canaan response to the arguments brought up by PichГ© and Walby. Firstly, Wilson, Spina, and Canaan address the argument made by PichГ© and Walby regarding the scripted and controlled tours and how it eliminates the key aspects of incarceration. Their rebuttal against the issue is; despite the ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Finanicial Exam Handout 1. A company received cash in exchange for issuing stock. This transaction: a.increased assets and increased equity b.increased assets and increased liabilities c.increased assets and increased revenues d.increased assets and increased expenses 2. A company purchased office supplies on account. This transaction: a.increased assets and increased equity b.increased assets and increased liabilities c.increased assets and increased revenues d.increased assets and increased expenses 3. A company performed services for a customer on account. This transaction: a.increased assets and decreased equity b.increased assets and increased liabilities... Show more content on ... increase revenue and decrease stockholders equity d.increase net income and stockholders equity 18. Which of the following statements regarding accounts is false? a.An asset is increased by a debit and decreased by a credit. b.Dividends are increased by credits and decreased by debits. c.A liability is decreased by a debit and increased by a credit. d.Revenue is increased by a credit and an expense is increased by a debit. 19. Which accounts are increased by debits? a.Assets and owners equity b.Expenses and owners equity c.Assets and expenses d.Assets, expenses, and owners equity 20. The debit side of the account always indicates: a.amount of decrease in an account b.amount of increase in an account c.amount received in the transaction d.amount given in the transaction 21. A business purchases a truck by signing a note payable to the seller. Such a transaction would include a: to Truck b.debit to Note Payable to Note Payable d.debit to an expense account 22. The accounting transaction to record payment of an electric bill would include a: a.debit to Cash to Accounts Payable c.debit to Utilities Expense d.debit to Accounts Receivable 23. The entry to record $750 received from a customer for services previously rendered to that customer ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Proteins Of Bovine Red Blood Cell Protein Composition in Red Blood Cells in Humans using Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis Name: Emma Claypole Date: Wednesday March 16, 2016 Lab Group: W08, Wednesday morning 2 Abstract The proteins of Bovine red blood cell (RBC) membranes were analyzed using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. After analyzing Bovine RBC they were then compared to human RBC counterpart. Following finding the log of each molecular weight of each band, band one showed the highest molecular weight. All five bands viewed were from humans. There are typically 7 bands visible however, in our case only five were visible due to implications within the gel sample. Introduction Proteins are important elements in cellular membranes and give the membranes many of their characteristics. In red blood cells, the meshwork of proteins in and around the membrane gives it strength and flexibility, allowing a cell to squeeze through small capillaries without bursting. Other proteins play roles in transporting material in and out of the cell (Lab Manual, Cell Biology). Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), with all of its different modifications is probably the most widely utilized procedure in contemporary biochemistry and molecular biology (Mordacq and Ellington (1994)). In this experiment, we will attempt to determine the molecular weights of the major proteins in the plasma membranes of bovine red blood cells (RBCs). The predictions made are if our protein has similar weights as proteins ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Contribution Margin and Breakeven Analysis Simulation IntroductionToday s business leaders are under enormous pressure to grow revenues, increase profits and expand the value of the business. Rather than focus on profit improvement, owners and managers should focus on improving underlying business activities and processes such as sales, production and distribution. In order to determine whether a business decision will improve profitability, you first must understand how costsare defined, as well as the relationship between cost , volume, and profitability. One of the important, yet relatively simple, tools afforded by cost /volume/profit analysis is known as contribution marginanalysis. Your company s contribution margin is simply the percentage of each sales dollar that remains after the... Show more content on ... When looking at break evens it is also helpful to look at fixed and variable costs. Fixed overhead is steady and can be factored in quite accurately. Variable costs are not as simple to calculate but in many industries variable costs follow certain percentages or ratios so they are easier to project. According to Tim Berry, the Break even Analysis lets a manager determine what needs to be sold, monthly or annually, to cover the costs of doing business the actual break even point. The Break even Analysis depends on three key assumptions:1.Average per unit sales price (per unit revenue: This is the price that you receive per unit of sales2.Average per unit cost: This is the incremental cost, or variable cost, of each unit of sales. If you buy goods for resale, this is what you paid, on average, for the goods you sell. If you sell a service, this is what it costs you, per dollar of revenue or unit of service delivered, to deliver that service. 3.Monthly fixed costs: Technically, a break even analysis defines fixed costs as costs that would continue even if the company went broke. Instead, always use the regular running fixed costs, including payroll and normal expenses (total monthly Operating Expenses). This will give the company a better insight on financial realities (Berry 2004.)Exhibit A, below, shows a 12 month income statement for three levels of fixed costs: $50,000, $75,000, and $100,000. Variable costs are constant at 40% of net sales:Fixed costs ... Get more on ...
  • 50. What Is The Vietnam War Essay As I read though out the many different perspectives on the issue of war between the United States and Vietnam, my most reasonable conclusion is that I have to consider the Vietnam War as a failure for the United States. At the beginning of President Kennedy s administration, he sent Vice President Johnson to Vietnam on a mission to find evidence, because he wanted to stop the spread of communism. Kennedy kept sending many American military advisors to Vietnam, but the tyrannical leadership methods of South Vietnam President Diem made President Kennedy s efforts useless. As the number of beaten up military advisors increased, so did the disagreements about Kennedy s policies in Vietnam. In my opinion, Kennedy s reasons for sending military ... Show more content on ... President Johnson made it clear to the American population and to the United States Ambassador to South Vietnam, that he is not going to lose to the spread of communist in Vietnam, nor is he going to send another American military troops and advisors to fight in Vietnam. In stead, he stated that the Vietnamese could fight for themselves. However, Johnson s view of not involving in the war changed drastically after the North Vietnamese torpedo boats attacked the United States destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin. As a revenge to this attack, President Johnson approved to counter attack North Vietnam. By 1965, North Vietnamese were fully supported by the Soviet Union and China making the American army to take out even more air support and ground forces into the South Vietnam. This cost American government tremendous amount of money and lives. North Vietnam, along with the help from Soviet Union and China, fully committed itself to defeating the United States and forces of South Vietnam. American people questioned how did their army even fought against North Vietnam when there was no realistic change for the Americans to trouble the North ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Mercy House By James Madison University Mercy House has entered its 28th year of operations and serves as the family homeless shelter serving the City of Harrisonburg, Rockingham County, and the surrounding region. The agency also administers the Centralized Housing Intake program. Mercy House is a 501(c) 3 corporation with an experienced managementteam and a highly engaged Board of Directors. The agency conducts business in accordance with the highest standards for transparency and fiscal accountability including yearly independently audited financials. Additionally, Mercy House has extensive internal fiscal management controls and regular financial oversight. With an annual operational budget of $1.4 million dollars, Mercy House has demonstrated the ability to secure... Show more content on ... The Executive Director is responsible for the day to day administration of First Step, which includes hiring and supervising agency staff and volunteers. She is also responsible for seeking and obtaining funding for the agency and managing all grants, making sure that grant conditions are met and that reports and invoices are correct and submitted on time. She has served in her current capacity since 2008. Shenandoah Alliance for Shelter (SAS) is entering its 27th year of operations and despite losing the shelter facility to fire in April of 2014, the agency has continued to serve the homeless and provide shelter to households throughout the Western Virginia CoC. SAS serves as the leading agency for the Homeless Prevention Program in the CoC VA 513. SAS is a 501(c) 3 corporation with dedicated Board of Directors. The organization is debt free and maintains a solvent balance sheet. The agency maintains high standards for fiscal and administrative management including annual independently audited financials. SAS has comprehensive internal financial controls in place, including the use of generally accepted accounting procedures, a CPA on the current board who serves as Treasurer and who oversees all financial reporting and signs off on all invoices. The agency also requires regular Board Financial committee oversight, and monthly oversight by the full board of directors. The Laurel Center (TLC) was founded in ... Get more on ...
  • 52. How Humans Can Improve Our Resilience And Allow Us When researching the history of human adaption it is worth noting that at least twice in the last 1.2 million years our species was almost wiped out. Genetic research shows that at that time the human population on earth was around 18,500, perilously close to extinction (the reason for this is not directly known by scientists). Then about 150,000 years ago, it plummeted again down to just 2,000. This shows that in the past humans have not always been great at surviving which could have been caused by a lack of knowledge on how to live through natural disasters (such as volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc). However, humans did survive, with the biggest example being that there is still a humanrace today. In this day and age... Show more content on ... For example, 12,000 years ago the area around the Great Lakes was very cold and covered with huge sheets of ice a kilometre thick. Today, that same area has farms and large cities (i.e. Chicago, Detroit and Toronto). The environment can also be changed by human interference, these usually occur in relatively short periods of time. An example of this could be pieces of land changed into farms, housing schemes or small villages. This type of example can be seen on a day to day basis. Every time a physical environment is changed, all the plants and animals (including humans) in that environment must adapt to the changes or face become extinct. Slow changes give living things time to adapt so giving more chance of survival. Fast changes usually don t give living things time to adapt, so they must either move elsewhere or become extinct. Secondly, Paul I. Palmer, a professor at the University of Edinburgh and Matthew J. Smith, an ecologist at Microsoft Research in Cambridge state that the planet has entered a new state: humans are adapting to, as well as causing, environmental changes ... projections of the future climate based on simple economic narratives from cuts in greenhouse gas emissions to unmitigated growth are unrealistic. This means that there are already some negative opinions on future human adaption from top researchers. This rapid adaptation is occurring around the world. British researchers recently analysed more than 2,000 animal ... Get more on ...
  • 53. UNICEF and Children s Welfare Essay examples Health Among the many fights against poverty, improving children s health is one of the major responsibilities. A healthy child becomes a healthy adult, a person who has the ability to create a better life for them, the people around them, their community, and their countries. One of the core UNICEF objectives is to improve the health of the children of the world. Most of the children deaths occur due to pneumonia, preterm birth complications, intra partum related complications, diarrhea and malaria. The issues that prevails, is the fact that universal access to basic social services is not available, and poverty. UNICEF is addressing these threats as it works with the governments, humanitarian agencies, civil and community... Show more content on ... The Unite for Children, Unite Against AIDS Campaign is dedicated to reversing the HIV and AIDS epidemic by 2015. Its work is complimentary to the Millennium Development Goal 6, which is ending HIV, Malaria and Tuberculosis. Immunization One of the most cost effective, and successful public health interventions is immunization. The latest data states that in 2012, 111 million children received immunization with vaccines against life threatening diseases, which further averted approximately 2 3 deaths per year and a number of episodes of illness and disability. Despite the significant gains, there are yet nearly 22.6 million children under the age of one year (approx.. 20% of children born each year) who are not immunized, which exposes them to disabilities or premature death. With immunization, a country s growth can be boosted, as immunization makes economic sense. Though there are some challenges in being able to vaccinate all target children, UNICEF has made major initiatives and major progress. While working with governments, partners and communities, UNICEF is aiming to increase demand for immunization, establishing better cold chain and logistic systems, and increase national ownership for immunization. 36% of the ... Get more on ...