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Intros To Essays
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Intros To Essays" may seem deceptively simple at first
glance, but delving into the intricacies of this seemingly straightforward topic reveals a layer of
complexity that demands thoughtful consideration. The challenge lies not only in elucidating the
significance of introductions to essays but also in navigating the balance between engaging the
reader and providing a concise preview of the essay's content.
To commence, one must grapple with the paradox of simplicity and depth inherent in
introductory paragraphs. Striking the right chord between capturing the reader's attention and
laying the groundwork for the ensuing discourse requires a keen understanding of the subject
matter and the target audience. The introduction, after all, serves as the gateway to the essay,
and the task of captivating the reader's interest often involves a delicate dance of language, tone,
and relevance.
Furthermore, the art of crafting introductions extends beyond mere allure; it necessitates a
strategic approach to contextualizing the essay's purpose. Here, the writer must carefully choose
the information to include, balancing brevity with informativeness. A nuanced understanding of
the overarching essay's objectives becomes imperative, guiding the selection of details that will
orient the reader without divulging too much too soon.
Navigating the subtleties of language also poses a formidable challenge. The introduction
demands clarity and precision, and yet, it is an opportunity for the writer to showcase their
unique voice and style. Striking this balance requires a nuanced command of language, with an
acute awareness of the impact each word and phrase can have on the reader's perception.
In conclusion, while the task of writing an essay on "Intros To Essays" may seem deceptively
straightforward, it unfurls as a complex endeavor that demands a deep understanding of the
subject matter, a keen sense of audience engagement, and a mastery of language. Successfully
navigating these challenges leads to an introduction that not only captivates but also sets the
stage for a compelling essay.
For those who find themselves grappling with the intricacies of essay writing, it's worth noting
that assistance is readily available. Similar essays and a myriad of writing services can be
accessed through platforms like, providing support for individuals seeking to
enhance their writing skills or alleviate the burdens of academic demands.
Intros To EssaysIntros To Essays
The Threat Of Terrorist Attacks
Terrorist attacks similar to the one experienced in 2001 have left a number of
Americans concerned over the likelihood of future terrorist attacks and their potential
impacts, as well. Such attacks have increased the level of uncertainty regarding what
may happen, which only serves to heighten anxiety and stress levels. Weapons of
mass destruction (WMDs), which include chemical, biological, and radiological
weapons, have increased the likelihood of incidents of terrorismin America
(Friedmann, Cannon, 2009, p. 9). The possibility of terrorist groups such as Al
Qaeda employing WMDs against Americans is very real. A WMD may be defined
as a weapon that has the capacity to cause grievous harm and/or destruction and
death on a grand scale... Show more content on ...
A modern pattern of terrorism seems to lean towards loosely organized and self
financed global networks of terrorist groups. Radical Islamic groups such as Al
Qaeda, as well as other religious groups using religion as an excuse, have become a
threat to the interests of the United States and other friendly regimes. International
terrorism has become a key threat to U.S. domestic and foreign security. The timing
and selection of target by terrorists has the potential of affecting America s interests in
important areas such as nuclear nonproliferation and the safeguarding of commerce.
The increasing political participation of terrorist and extremist parties in foreign
countries and the visible growth of cross national connections among various terrorist
organizations have also attracted the attention of the United States. This is because
such links usually involve combinations of technology transfer, funding, and military
training. The 2001 terrorist attacks served as a catalyst for broad and far reaching
changes in the security efforts of the United States (Friedmann, Cannon, 2009, p. 16).
The attacks led to changes in not only how America would identify and respond to
threats, but also its efforts in preventing them, as well. Among the most notable
changes was the establishment of the DHS (Department of Homeland Security),
which was intended to lead broader homeland security endeavors though the
Coronal Mass Ejection Essay
Coronal Mass Ejection also known as CME is usually created around the sun s
surface by magnetic reconnection. CME is a large bubble of gas and magnetic field
lines that are emerged from the sun. There isn t a full proven understanding of how
CME s occur but Astronomers have come to a theory that because the sunis a fluid,
the turbulence gets kinks that get shot out into space in any direction as a
superheated gas. The gas that is ejected from the sun is made of protons and
electrons carried through solar winds. This gas is known as plasma and can
accelerate over 1 million miles per hour and reach Earth that is 93 million miles
away in less than 4 days. When the sun is most active Coronal Mass Ejections can
happen multiple times per day however, it usually occurs once every 5 days. Its
definition is the effect on earth if a massive event in the result of struggling to
survive. This refers to a specific form of continuing education that helps those in
the medical field, maintain competence and learn about the new and developing
area in their own field of work. Content for these programs is developed, reviewed,
and delivered by faculty who are experts in their individual clinical areas. These
activities may take place in live events, written applications, electronic media, online
programs, video, or audio. Any potentially conflicting financial relationships for
faculty members must be both disclosed and resolved in a useful way. A CME drives
a shock wave which could
Police Officer Research Paper
Police Officers have to leave their houses everyday not knowing what they may
face in a day s work. Police Officers have to deal with dangerous situations, and
must be properly trained to deal with these. Police Officers face many dangers on a
daily basis, like foot pursuits, vehicle pursuits, traffic control, heat strokes, stress, and
making an arrest. Policehave to train and learn how to face these dangers, so they can
come home safety to their families at the end of their shift.
To become a police officeryou must undergo lots of physical and mental training to
make sure you stay safe while keeping others safe to. First, before even being able
to go to the police academy you must undergo the application process. The
application process is long, that is only to make sure you are quantified for the
job. First, you must fill out the application, must be 18 years or older, then you
have to send in a control sheet, copy of driver s license, copy of social security
card, copy of birth certificate or passport, criminal history report, full driver history,
grade release form, health insurance card and signed waiver form, high school
diploma, and ... Show more content on ...
The new approach the PTO takes is making sure the new officer has knowledge,
comprehension skills, application skills, synthesis skills, and evaluation skills. The
PTO programs covers two primary training areas, substantive topics and core
competencies. The substantive topics are non emergency incident, emergency
incidents, patrol activities, criminal investigations. The 15 core competencies of the
PTO program is police vehicle operations, use of force, local procedures, report
writing, leadership, problem solving skills, community specific problems, cultural
diversity and special needs group, legal authority, individual rights, officer safety,
communication skills, ethics, and lifestyle stressors. (Steven
Essay on Effects of Alcohol Advertisements on Youth
Two teens dead and another hospitalized after a single car crash and police say that
drinking and driving was the cause, the news reporter continued.
Fifteen is no age to die! Will exclaimed.
Fifteen is no age to drink and drive either, added Oskar.
What persuades these little doves to drink? Susan asked.
I would blame the alcohol advertisements for that, answered Oskar.
Hahaha....are you out of your mind? How can advertisements persuade someone to
drink? You can surely think of something better, laughed Will.
I feel dizzy listening to their conversation. I never thought a quiet evening could turn
into an argument over a news report and some irresponsible teenagers. However, I
must admit, it made my brain do some serious ... Show more content on ...
In the 1990 s the alcohol industry used cartoon and animal characters to attract
young viewers which were overwhelmingly admired by youth. In 1996, for
example, the Budweiser Frogs were more recognizable to children aged 9 11 than
the Power Rangers or Tony the Tiger (Grube and Waiters 698). Even today, alcohol
advertising hasn t undergone any major changes. A study on the responses of young
people to alcohol advertising found that underage youth are drawn to music; animal
and people characters, story and humour in alcohol advertising and these ads have a
great influence on their desire to drink (Grube and Waiters 702).
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuseand Alcoholism, incidence of
onset of alcohol peaks at age 18 years and trails off by the age of 25. The Centers
for Disease Control and Promotion estimate that more than 4,000 persons younger
than 21 years die annually as a result of excessive drinking. David Jernigan, in his
article, also states that alcohol advertising is one of the primary causes of binge
drinking. As per the article, young people aged 12 to 20 years are exposed per
capita to 48% more beer advertising, 20% more distilled spirits advertising and 92%
more advertising for alcopops than adults of the legal drinking age (Jernigan 102).
Spending so much time optically canvassing advertisements naturally tempts children
to commence drinking. Youth is a phase of life when people are willing to try new
Why Did Hitler Contribute To The Treaty Of Versailles
Example 1: If the Treaty of Versailles had not been so harsh, Hitler may never have
been able to rise to power in the way that he did.
The Treaty were harsh and included provinces to limit the size of German army to
100000 men, pay large reparation and returned the former provinces to French.
And it contributed to massive hyperinflation which crippled the German economy,
Germany was in fear, insult at that time. The terms caused anger, even hatred and
the desire for revenge. So the German people were in need of a leader that could
bring back the power to Germany and let them get out of the Great Depression.
Hitler, with his persuasive speeches and confident demeanor, was exactly what
Germany thought they need. Further, the Nazi party which Hitler leaded portrayed
the solution for German people, generating the false sense of hope for the party
and promised them the party would bring the people back to a secure, steady and
prosperous way of life. Many people who could not find jobs during the Great
Depression joined the party and more and more people joined due to the great
propaganda. Thus, the Treaty of Versaillescontributed greatly to the alienation many
Germans felt about their civilians, democratic government, and when these combined
with the actions of the military, it provided a rich material for Hitler to use to gain
the support of those on the right.
If the Treaty of Versailles had not been so harsh, the Nazi party may unable to rise.
And in this way, Germany
Late Night Show Satire
Just a few years ago, late night shows were a way for celebrities to promote their
new movie, TV series, or music. The host would just conduct light hearted interviews
and harmless, interactive games. Jimmy Kimmel has had guests read hate tweets;
James Corden has sang karaoke while driving guest stars; Jimmy Fallon has
competed in lip sync battles against guests; SNL has invited guests to temporarily
replace Pandora. Now, instead of simple comedy, some hosts are injecting political
commentary in their news updates and monologues. Over the last year, late night
television ratings have shifted. Fiery shows like Full Frontal with Samantha Bee and
The Late Show with Stephen Colberthave seen an influx of viewers; whereas the
apolitical Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon has begun to decline. TV preferences,
show content, and social dynamics have transitioned to be more political,
demonstrating that our society is becoming more tribal, more group oriented. Last
year, pre Trump, Jimmy Fallon had the... Show more content on ...
For one, Donald Trump is not their president (Lang). Retorts like these have earned
Noah and Colbert nine hundred forty thousand and 3.31 million viewers, respectively
(Welch). The people that watch this political satire may find that it is enjoyable, even
therapeutic, to laugh at the (ridiculous) news. The desire to watch someone with the
same opinions as us has encouraged comedians to alter their content. Furthermore,
they have become more overt in their beliefs because of the viewers. If viewers did
not want to see someone bashing Trump, they would not tune in. But people choose
to watch. They want to see someone make fun of Trump. They want to laugh at the
comedians sarcastic comments. They want to know how the hosts feel about the
current events. This trend of like mindedness has not only shifted TV ratings, it has
also changed the dynamic of our
Korean Immigrants Social Challenges
Korean Immigrants Social challenges in Hawaii
In the 18th centuries Korea was under the Japanese occupation started with the end
of Joseon dynasty. The most significant action was the Japan Korea Treaty of 1905
which meant that the Empire of Korea became to a controlled state by the Japanese.
As much as the Japanese tried to colonize Korea, the Korean people became more
desperate to live their home country to seek new hope, new opportunities in a new
place. Many of the Koreans choice was the United States especially Hawaii. The
first Koreans who were entering to America were young people for example
students or political refugees in their middle ages. However, these numbers weren`t
significant at all. The Two Houchins from Georgetown University and Smithsonian
institution researched and found out that Large scale Korean emigration to the
United States and its territories began in 1903 as the direct result of initiatives on
the part of American sugar planters in Hawaii (Houchins, pg.549). The sugar
plantations needed worker s way before this time too, however, every time the
plantation association proposed this idea, the executive council in Hawaii turned
them down until the beginning of 1903. For nearly 2 years a lot of Korean came to
Hawaii to settle down and try to establish a new life for themselves. They became
agricultural labors, who were assigned to working on the plantations all day. Almost
everyone had to start from here, and as the economy was growing
The World s Understanding Of Human Rights
There are so many events that occurred in World War I and II that change the world
s understanding of human rights. I think the events that happened in the World
War II is what made the world understand what human rights is. The world war
started because of assassination of Archduke of Austria Hungary. Then the actual
war started because Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia. The first world war I
caused such a disaster such as failure of economic, failure of political and poverty.
The Second World War II was worse than the first one. I think after both of the
World Wars is when we realized how each human beings were beloved and we saw
how many people died and made rethink about why everyone deserved human rights.
Paris Peace Conference, the Bretton Conference and the Geneva Convention
definitely contribute to the international human rights. After the World War I was
over Paris Peace Conference happened in Paris only for the winners which were
Britain,France,Russia and USA. Of course the Germany and the lost allies were left
out of the Paris Peace Conference. The Triple Entente wanted to get revenge on the
Triple Alliances for starting the war. Germany obviously lost the land, pay for the
cost of the war and they were not allowed to build up military forces again. The hatred
towards the Germany was heavily built to people and the government. The main point
was that during the peace conference there was a commitment to minority rights. The
Bretton Woods Conference
John F. Kennedy s Conspiracy Theories
On November 22nd, 1963, John F. Kennedy was fatally shot in the neck and head
while riding in a motorcade through downtown Dallas, Texas. Also in the motorcade
with Kennedy was Texas governor, John Connally and both of their wives. Connally
was also shot in the chest but later recovered from his wounds. Both Kennedy and
Connally s wives were left unharmed. Less than two hours later, Lee Harvey Oswald
was arrested for the shooting ( Death of the President ). There are several conspiracy
theories among Kennedy s assassination and most of them are believed to be that
Oswald was not the only shooter that day or was not acting alone.
One of the most common theories involving Kennedy s assassination is the Grassy
Knoll theory. This is the theory... Show more content on ...
Two eyewitnesses Depository Superintendent Roy Truly and Police Officer M.L.
Baker arrived at the second floor of the Depository Building minutes after hearing
shots being fired. One other eyewitness, Robert A. Reid, who was also an employee
at the Depository Building and knew Oswald personally testified that she saw him on
the second floor about two to three minutes after the shooting. Tests were conducted
to demonstrate that Oswald did have enough time to fire all of the shots and still
have enough time to go down four flights of stairs and end up on the second floor
(Warren Commission
Bitcoin And Its Impact On The Economy
Introduction Vast and rapid improvements to the digital world allow intellectual
property to form the basis for the economy today. (Harris, 1998) Entrepreneurs enter
into the industry exploiting this new source of demand, driven by its large consumer
base. Discovered after E gold, Bitcoin emerged as the new age of digital currency. Its
practicality and benefits led it to catch on quickly as an alternative manner of
payment. (Mullan, 2014) Though not recognized as an official currency, the fact that
it is immune to manipulation of any third party, including central government, attracts
potential many investers and opportunists. On one hand, Bitcoin has made an impact
on the productivity and efficiency of business as it increases mobility and speed of
transactions. Conversely, critics question the validity and sustainability of this
innovation, as it rests purely on consumer confidence and mutual agreement. This
essay will examine the Bitcoin and its impact on the economy; thereafter use theories
of economists Schumpeter and Kirzner to evaluate the entrepreneurship nature of
Bitcoin and its sustainability. Bitcoin and Its Context Bitcoins first emerged in 2009,
when Satoshi Nakamoto published its specification, in a cryptography mailing list.
(, 2014) Bitcoins are seen as digital tokens used as electronic versions of
cash. (Mullan, 2014) To perform a transaction, Bitcoin users have to download client
software and create online wallets, either on electronic devices
The Break Up Analysis
Whether you eat a whole tub of chocolate ice cream while crying or you party like
a rock star all weekend while drinking, a break up is a break up. If you re the
person who eats a whole tub of chocolate ice cream, you probably accompanied it
with romantic movies. Although they are comforting for the time being, they
always leave you to wonder, why didn t my break up didn t have a happy ending like
the ones in the movies? In Peyton Reed s 2006 romantic comedy, The Break Up, it
portrays the realistic events and feelings of a failed relationship. In comparison to
other romantic comedies, this film seems to stand out because it teaches the audience
the lesson that not all break ups leads to make ups.
In The Break Up, the main purpose is to show the realistic events of a toxic
relationship between Brooke (Jennifer Aniston) and Gary (Vince Vaughn
). Brooke is a
very classy art dealer and Gary, in Brooke s eyes, is just a tour bus driver. The first
scene shows how the couple met a Chicago Cubs baseball game and Brooke was
actually on a date with another man. The scene ended with Gary asking her to go
out sometime and the following scene is a slide show of all of Brooke and Gary s
pictures together, portraying that even perfect relationships have their own issues.
The couple has a big argument right off the bat in the third scene, Brooke feels
neglected and unappreciated by Gary. On the other hand Gary, feels that Brooke is
controlling, a perfectionist, and he can never satisfied
Biology 108 Worksheet Essay
1. Define science Science is the development of concepts about the natural world ,
often by using the scientific method 2. Define multicellular organism are those
organisms containing more than one cell, and having differentiated cells that perform
various functions. 3. Identify the 3 domains of living things. Which domains include
one celled organisms with no nucleus? a) Organized, Homeostatic amp; Reproduce.
b) Bacteria amp; Archaea 4. Modern taxonomists (scientists who classify organisms)
no longer use the classification of the kingdom of Protists. List the three other
kingdoms of Eukarya. Plants, Fungi amp; Animals 5. List and give a brief
explanation of the steps of the scientific method. The... Show more content on ...
The reporter may misunderstand what is printed 9. Which types of URL s on the
internet are considered more reliable when trying to find a website with scientific
information? URL s that end in .edu, .gov, and .org. Which types of URL s should
you carefully question and verify? URL s that end in .com or .net. Why? Because
quite a bit of scientific info on the Inet is intended to entice people. 10. What is
anecdotal data? Testimonies by individuals rather than results from a controlled,
clinical study which isn t reliable. Why is it considered unreliable supporting
scientific information? Because it s subjective. 11. Why is correlation data (data
showing that two events occurred at the same time) not necessarily meaningful?
Because one factor might not be the cause of the other. 12. Briefly define the
following: Matter is anything that takes up space. Element is any substance that can t
be broken down into substances with different properties. Atom is the smallest part of
an element that displays the properties of the element. 13. What are the subatomic
particles and what is the electrical charge of each? Protons (positively charged),
Neutrons (electrically neutral), both found in the Nucleus of the atom amp; Electrons
(negatively charged). Where in the atom is each of these particles found? In the
orbital (Electrons) 14. Which two types of bonds join atoms into
Dr Morton Superhuman
SUPERHUMAN A Supernatural Drama, 43 minutes A Second Chance Life is
anything but ordinary for the Weber three. Orphaned by a horrific accident their
only chance of survival is Dr Andrew Morton. Hired by an anonymous investor Dr
Morton has been working on a revolutionary serum that gives his financier the
chance at immortality. Injecting them, the teens not only survive they awaken with
remarkable superhuman abilities. Learning to use their powers comes with
responsibility and the occasional tendencies towards misbehaving. Ivy, Oliver, and
Jameson must navigate the real world with a heightened new perspective.
Meanwhile on the other side of Redwood City Dr Philippa Yates nefariously
continues to create her own army of super humans. However, a break in the
sequencing sees her creating a weaponised force of criminals who threaten the
lives of Redwood City citizens. It is up to the Webers to protect the people and
remain anonymous from the Nobel Alliance who craves the science for warfare and
will do anything to acquire it. Attempting to keep good grades while secretly saving
the city will test the trio like never before, until old family secrets are revealed it tests
their loyalty, family, and themselves. Forever changed by experience, they must trust
... Show more content on ...
Everybody has their share of secrets but is murder one of them? It is the call that
changed everything for Sophie Talbot, returning to Franklin Pines for her father s
funeral when the body of her best friend Avery Johnston is found. Knowing there is a
murderer in town, Sophie uses what her ex cop father taught her to uncover the truth.
Suspicious of the events over the past two years, she begins her own investigation,
taking her on a dangerous journey. Sophie must not tip off the killer jeopardising any
hope of uncovering the truth. Running from the past, a killer, and herself Sophie
must focus on what is true. Can Sophie solve this mystery before it is too
Persuasive Essay On Animal Rights
Your unwitting response only proves how adamant you are to twist and bend the
rules to your convenience. The rules clearly state that the tenant will ALSO be
notified , with no further stipulation indicating that said notification is to further be
forwarded by the owner of the unit. Also, VERBAL complaints are invalid, as you
have stated numerous times, whenever we have addresses our own concerns with
other dogs/people in the building. Therefore, you are purposely suppressing the
rights we are entitled to, which is absolutely ridiculous and indicative of your
personal agenda to attack, harass and discriminate against us, for no reason; which is
a clear violation of the regulations set forth by the FHA, not to mention a violation of
the IDFPR oath you are supposed to uphold as a licensed community association
manager. Also, the correspondence, you claim was put forth to the owner, was not
sent in a timely manner... Show more content on ...
We make every effort to avoid any issues and/or ever hearing from LMS, but what
you are suggesting is cruel and unusual punishment which would cause unnecessary
stress and anguish to a sweet animal that did nothing but act like any other normal
dog. Adults do not need etiquette tips published on their doorstep to know that if
someone is overly terrified of any dog, then they most certainly should not provoke
the animal and/or continue to remain within close proximity to said animal.
Obviously, animals can sense when a person is petrified and may translate that
sense into an alert to danger, which may cause an undesirable action. IF our dog
were to ever bite, hurt, attack anyone, as responsible pet owners, we would
absolutely address the situation immediately and would not wait around to be
reprimanded by someone who was not even there and is seemingly biased to the
perspective of only a select group of individuals, which clearly do not include the
tenants in
Distractions while Driving
Many people have lost their lives on the road and caused other s deaths because
they were distracted with doing something while driving. In 2012, 3,328 people
were killed in distraction related crashes ( Statistics on Texting Cell Phone Use
While Driving n.d.). Distractions while driving that result in these accidents include
texting/making a call or becoming intoxicated and having high blood alcohol
concentration. Many laws have been brought forth to help regulate the amount of
people drinking while driving and using a cell phone while driving. Not only do
people put their own lives in danger, they are also putting other s lives in danger.
People who take part in these distractions are not being responsible when making
these rash decisions while driving and creating a hazardous environment for those
around them.
Drinking and Driving
People like to go to parties and have fun all the time and what s a party without
alcohol, right? The problem with drinking at parties, however, is that many don t
know that they have become drunk and end up driving around after they leave the
party. Drunk driving is dangerous and those driving that have high blood alcohol
content or concentration (BAC) increases their risk of causing or being a part of
accidents such as vehicle crashes or highway injuries ( Driving, n.d.). The article
About Drunk Driving (n.d.) states that every 53 minutes on average, someone is
killed in a drunken driving crash and every 90 seconds, someone is injured.
Luan Axie Biography
Luan Oliveira is a hero to the skateboarding community because he worked his way
out of the ghetto all by himself by learning many tricks on his skateboard and
earning sponsors by winning competitions. Oliveira is a deserving hero because he
is one of the most talented skaters alive, winning the Tampa am contest twice. Luan
Oliveira is one of the eight pros chosen to have their own series of videos on the
Berrics website. In his video another pro is talking Oliveira s skating as a kid and
says, I think in 2 or 3 hours of skating he got enough footage to make a 4 minute
part... And this video was impressive because it marked the beginning of Luan s
career ( This states how Oliveira was a very talented skater since he
was young,... Show more content on ...
Luan Oliveira shows success by earning many sponsors growing up and having a
video part in Flip Skateboards video before he was even pro. In 2007 Oliveira was,
knocking out a mind blowing video part in Flip s Extremely Sorry. In 2010, Flip
turned Oliveira pro ( Oliveira came to the US in 2007 and had a
flow and amateur sponsorship, and within three years he was turned pro. When he
filmed his video part for Flip skateboards he was also new in America and had
never skated in the USA, so he was very new to the spots. In Oliveira s interview
he was asked what he is doing for the future and he replied, I m also building up my
skate shop. Matriz Skate Shop was one of my first sponsors. They helped make me
who I am today. And now I own a Matriz shop in Brazil. When we all started
working together, it was a dream of mine to one day own a skate shop and that
dream has come true. I am so grateful for that. Over the next ten years, I plan to
open ten skate shops ( Oliveira has accomplished one of the
dreams he had growing up and plans to expand on that dream and continue on in
the future. In addition, Oliveira also gives credit to Matriz Skate Shop for his current
life today and said how they helped him be where he is today. Oliveira shows success
in the financial and personal areas of his life by his heroic rags to
Community Health
Community Health and Population Focused Nursing
Joanna Carreon
Western Governors University
The town of Colma is located in San Mateo County within the state of California.
Colma was established on August 5, 1924. It has an elevation of 100 feet above sea
level, and measures 1.91 square miles.
Population Economic Status Assessment
The Population Economic Status Assessment tool assisted in obtaining statistical
facts about the population of this community. According to the US Census Bureau,
Colma has a population size of 1,837, which includes 848 males and 989 females.
The percentage of High School graduates or higher is 86.3%. The average household
income is $88,438. The ... Show more content on ...
Windshield Survey
The Windshield Survey gathered information to better see the bigger picture of the
community. There are many older detached single family homes with front and
back yards. There is also a mix of old apartments, as well as brand new apartments.
There are lots of open spaces due to the number of cemeteries in Colma. Some have
lush green fields with trees and planted flowers, while one has a lake with ducks.
Most common place for the residents to hang out at is the shopping mall,
Serramonte. Senior citizens meet there early morning, while a Tai Chi class is
offered. The community travels around in cars or public transportation, such as
SamTrans bus or BART train. BART trains are available from 4:20 am to 1:24 am,
trains arrive and depart every 15 minutes.
There are two recreation centers, Colma Community Center and Sterling Park
Recreation Center. Doctors and dentists offices are also located within the
community. There are 2 outdoor shopping centers within 1 mile of each other. There
are also numerous car dealerships along the street next to one of the shopping
centers. During the day, families of all ages and all races are out in the community.
There are a lot of crows that fly around and stray cats.
Financially, the community is on an upward slope. There are no signs of
abandonment and the roads are paved. The residents are primarily Hispanic, Asian,
and Caucasian. There are
The Invention Of The Gas Turbine Essay
The modern gas turbine was born from two early fields of technology: the steam
turbine and the internal combustion engine. [1] In 1678, Ferdinand Verbiest designed
a horseless carriage that relied on an early steam jet for power and propulsion, this is
thought to be the first self propelled automobile in history. Eventually, inventors
attempted to create an alternative to the steam engineand the idea of the gas turbine
was born. While the claim to inventing the gas turbinehas never truly been resolved,
it can be traced back to as early as the late 1700s. Over the next century and a half
many pioneers have attempted to solve the challenge of the early gas turbine in order
to create a power source that could compete with steam turbines of the day. In truth,
the invention of the modern day industrial gas turbine can be contributed to the
combined works of many inventors.
It is nearly impossible to talk about the history of the modern gas turbine without first
mentioning the late history of the steam turbine. The industrial revolution was born
through the invention of energy conversion devices that could be used to replace the
natural power sources such as wind and water movement. In 1712, Newcomen
created the first functional steam engine. Despite the fact that it was allowing people
to break away from the dependence on wind and water power, this engine had low
efficiency compared to the previous power sources. James Watt improved this with
the addition of a condenser
America Campaign Speech
As President, I led an extraordinary group of individuals towards the promotion of
health at school while providing an extraordinary amount of leadership
opportunities to ensure when I leave my position in June that I left the club in
better hands. I also led a school wide campaign to boost blood donation rates to the
point by the end of the year we ve saved nearly one thousand lives. I also won first
place in Research Persuasive Essay in the county for my speech. I ve also received a
$1000 scholarship from OneBlood for my work within the community.
DECEMBER 2015 MAY 2016
In conjunction with the City of Fort Lauderdale and the League of Woman Voters, I...
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I plan to join FAU debate team to keep practicing my skills and continue my passion
to new heights.
As a member, I helped give children at the Joe DiMaggio Children s Hospital
Halloween cards and candy to cheer them on their road to recovery. We also help
create PB J sandwiches for homeless shelters, beach cleanups and I participated in
their state competitions twice in a row for speaking category.
Our main task was to help the community through the beauty of art. From painting
stones for kids towards staying up all night for Relay for Life since cancer doesn t
sleep, we didn t sleep either. Plus, with fundraising, we raised over $2000 for Cancer
care. Other activities were our large harvest drive to provide can foods for
thanksgiving to families in
Short Story About Pokemons
Hey kiddo, I m back! And look who I ve got! The gengar said, full of energy as
always. Hello darling. It said in a smooth feminine voice. Elise could only assume
she was female, and was close friends with Grimsley as well. Hi there. She said,
reaching a hand out to shake that of the new pokemon. I m Elise. Of course you
are! You re very well known throughout here, you know there s no need to introduce
yourself every time. She said, meeting the Mawile s hand with her own. Though I
do appreciate the kindness. I go by Selena, and would love to be the first to spend
time with you tonight. She said. Oh! Well, I d love to try something out with you.
Anything in particular you d like to try, or...? There is one thing. She said,... Show
more content on ...
A mischievous grin spread across her face as she felt both fatigue and tenderness
overcome her, sending small rushes of pleasure and tingles all throughout her
body. She loved the feeling of being possessed. Having your ability to control your
own body being whisked away was such a pleasant experience, and turned her on
more than any pokemon could imagine. Soon enough, the process of her body
resisting the newcomer ceased completely as the froslass spirit from within her
fully took control, and she was halted in place under the regime of the ghost type.
Is that it? She asked out loud, only having the ability to move her mouth and vocal
chords. Should be! She heard the voice ring from within her head. Wow, your body
is so comfy! I could get used to this. Yeah. Elise said, hurriedly. Maybe we can small
chat a bit about how amazing my body is later, but for now how about we focus on,
Analysis Of The Cradle Will Rock And William Randolph
Although Hearst denounced the corruption amongst capitalists of his own stature,
regardless of his own tarnished name, a recently uncovered letter from Berlin to
Hearst proves his collusion with federal investigators commissioned by congress in
the hunt for communist infiltration in Hollywood and the entertainment industry. The
letter claims that Hearst s people have the complete assurance from [their] friends in
Washington that the result of the investigation made by them ... of the motion picture
industry is available to [them] ... This should be extremely valuable (History).
Furthermore, Hearst used his Yellow Press to push allegations of communist activity
in Roosevelt created government agencies, among the accused agencies, the Federal
Theatre Project. In his attacks on Hollywood and the Federal Theatre Project, Hearst
was driven by selfish and possibly personal ulterior motives. Between the Federal
Theatre Project, Hollywood, and William Randolph Hearstexists one very crucial
connection, Orson Welles(Allen, Carmichael). The Boy Wonder entertainer, who at
21 years old directed the groundbreaking play The Cradle Will Rock , which
criticized public figures just like Hearst. But it isn t the production of this play that
brought young Welles ever promising career to an abrupt halt, to this William
Randolph Hearst is responsible. It was not uncommon in 1920 s and 30 s film and
literature to allude to the ostentatious capitalist figures of the times. Figures like
America Diary Entry
With arms wide open, Allie stood on the balcony of her newly refurbished home
and enjoyed the rainy mists blowing onto the balcony off the late afternoon
shower; she had dearly missed sitting there in the mornings and evenings, watching
the sunrises and the ships going and coming. Allie loved her grandmother, but was
glad to have left her grandmother s house and gone back to her own. Here, she
was the mistress she could lie in bed all day if she chose to she could do as she
pleased. This is who I am, thought Allie, is this how you remind me, she whispered,
looking toward the heavens. Inhaling deeply, she sat down in her favorite chair and
propped her bare feet on the balcony railing The earthy, venereal, desirous scents
were soothing to... Show more content on ...
I need to leave Charleston as soon as I can, thought Allie. Maybe I should beg
Thomas to take me somewhere else If he does not want me to be in Savannah, then
maybe, he can take me to Jamaica or some other place nearby. Willie s
cumbersome footsteps lumbering up the stairwell let her know that they were
ready to fill her tub. Mary even had Gabriel toting water. As soon as they finished,
she slipped off her clothes to get into the steaming tub. Her reflection in the mirror
startled her. She knew that since becoming pregnant, she was filling out some, but
had not realized how much. Her breasts looked much larger and her hips were
nicely rounded. Thomas will like this, thought Allie as she stepped into the tub. She
had just finished washing when she heard the door to her bedroom open.
Suspecting Mary had come to help her, boot steps were the last thing she expected
to hear. When Thomas pushed the door open and entered her dressing room, it
almost startled her into a scream. Allie had just stood to reach for a towel when he
entered; his catching her, kept her from falling and injuring herself. The rough feel of
his clothes against her naked flesh sent tingling sensations through her. Grabbing a
handful of her hair, Thomas leaned her head back and kissed her soundly. His mouth
on hers sent even more tingles through her body. When Thomas released her, she was
plumb weak in the
Genesis 6-13 Research Paper
As a descendant of Adam and Eve, Noah was both a blameless and righteous man
who faithfully walked alongside the Lord. Unlike the others in his generation, Noah
did not allow the wickedness to enter into his own life, and God sought favor in this.
Genesis 6: 13 reveals the discussion between God to Noah, revealing his plan to
destroy every living thing under the heavens due to the violence that seeps in the
lives of all creations. The Lord instructed Noah to build an ark out of cypress
wood, accommodating the dimensions of forty five feet long, seventy five feet
wide, and forty five feet high. One the construction was completed the Lord
revealed the occupants of the ark. The individuals chosen to accompany Noah
during the flood were his wife, Noah s three sons and their wives, along with a
single pair of all unclean animals, and seven pairs of all clean animals. The Lord
then instructs Noah and his occupants to enter into the ark, affirming, Seven days
from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty... Show more content
on ...
Every living creation perished, leaving Noah and the other occupants of the ark as
the only remaining creatures on the earth. The waters cleansed the earth from all
sin, giving the Lord a fresh start to a more awe inspiring and passionate
coexistence between future generations. After a year and seventeen days on the
ark, the Lord instructed Noah and his family to bring the animals out onto the
newly cleansed land so that they can be fruitful and increase in numbers. Once the
task was complete, Noah set out on a task of building an altar and made a
sacrificial burnt offering from some of the clean animals and presented it to the
Lord. The Lord then proclaimed that never again would he curse the ground or
destroy all living creatures due to the wickedness and evil that could once again fill
the hearts of his living
The Effects Of Hormones On Social Behavior Essay
INTRODUCTION Oxytocin is a natural hormone produced by the hypothalamus
that is used as a medication during childbirth to induce or speed up labor. But
scientists noticed that in non human mammals, intranasal administration of
oxytocin seemed to promote positive social behavior, traditionally good social
forces like trust and cooperation; for this reason came about the study of oxytocin
s effects on social behavior in humans. Positive social behavior is instrumental in
our everyday interactions, and especially can have important consequences in
business, where individuals make decisions often about the well being of their
groups . Many experiments were performed dedicated to understanding oxytocin s
effects on positive social behavior, and the hormone took on the moniker of the
love drug or cuddle chemical. This positive social behavior, stronger bonds of trust
within the members of a group, was coined in group favoritism in De Dreu et al.
(2011); negative social behavior, or the tendency towards prejudice, was labeled out
group derogation.
However, researchers in the fields of neuroscience and psychology questioned the
overwhelmingly positive research, coupled with the knowledge that there has been
no proof of a hormone with universally positive effects. It was logically flawed to
declare that oxytocin was a good hormone, as most of the studies in the field thus far
were only to measure positive outcomes instead of outcomes that may not be desired.
They suggested,
Hollow Men Analysis
The Real Life (A Discussion on Three Messages in T.S. Eliot s Hollow Men) T.S
Eliot was the most famous English poet of his time, and he was one of the most
influential poet. His distinctive style of writing took the attention of not only
other poets, but many people all over the world. Thomas Stearns Eliot is best
known as a poet and literary critic (he received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1948),
but his work in social and cultural theory has also been widely influential
(Edwards). T.S. Eliot s style of writing was mostly a pessimistic view on life. One of
the best examples of his pessimistic view on life comes from his work The Hollow
Men. The Hollow Men is a short part of the title The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot. The
Hollow... Show more content on ...
The Hollow Men by T.S. Eliot expresses the message of modern life doesn t
appreciate faith. T.S. Eliot came to the conclusion that people of the modern
generation have lost their faith that people once had. Eliot was nothing if not a
seeker: seeking to reconcile the culture he saw with what he hoped it to be;
seeking to reconcile an inner despair with a parallel want of faith (Dobrinska). In
The Hollow Men Eliot describes how people don t put religion above all things
important anymore. He explains we shifted to craving liberation not religion. At
the end of the poem, eliot tries to recite God s words but is unable because the
modern world no longer knows them. For thine is, life is, for thine is the (91).
Eliot ends the poem with these words to really hit hard the point that religion is
falling apart, and the modern world no longer believes in the idea. T.S. Eliot s last
message in his literary work The Hollow Men is that the modern world lack
integrity. Eliot explains that the modern world is afraid to meet our ancestors in
the other side. Let me also wear such deliberate disguises (32). The modern world
is embarrassed about the lives we live. The modern era hides their face from the
ancestors because our lives are not as valuable as their lives once were. The modern
era doesn t accomplish as much importance as the times before. It contains the poet s
reflection on the subject of human nature in this world, and
The Chief Led The Way As They Left The Hut
The chief led the way as they left the hut. They passed through the doorway, and
the outside light blinded Daniel. It took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust, but
when they did, Daniel could see many huts like the one he was just in. the tribe
had placed the huts in a wide circle, surrounding a large fire pit made of stone.
They dragged Daniel a few feet away, past the fire pit to a large wooden pillar
which stuck straight out of the ground. As Daniel got closer, he noticed a lifeless
figure tied up on the pillar. It was Captain Jack Hughes of flight Dreamhail. His body
lied there motionless, stained dry with blood. Daniel couldn t believe that his former
captain had been killed and for what reason? The men dragged Daniel to the former
captain, throwing him unto the ground before the lifeless body. The chief approached
the captain with a large knife, and Daniel watched as the captain was then
decapitated. The chief then threw his head to the ground, causing it to roll right in
front of Daniel. Daniel was horrified, and was now breaking out in tears. So this is
what happened to you, huh captain? These people... they have killed you and will
now probably do the same to me, He said. The chief proceeded to cut the restraints
off from the captain s lifeless body, which then dropped to the ground in one loud
thud. Daniel couldn t believe what was happening. A bubbling anger rose in Daniel,
and he began to scream with all his energy, You savages! Why... Why did you have to
Internet Of Things Essay
The Internet of Things, or the IoT is envisioned as a ubiquitous society wherein
people and devices (referred to as Things ) are connected in a riveting networked
computing environment viz. Internet , with the connected Things providing utility to
people/enterprises through various intelligent commercial and social services. Large
chunks of data is generated for devices to communicate with each other to facilitate
the InternetOf Things. Data transfer over the Internet is usually a powerhungry
process. With ever growing necessity of utilizing energy in a more efficient way it
is not only important to communicate data at a faster rate but also do so in a very
low energy consuming method. This report employs one such method which
utilizes the fact that most of the data communicated by the IoT devices processes
and services is irregular and generally concentrated over a short duration of time.
This method focuses on adapting the duty cycle of these processes/devices so that
they are asleep during large periods of inactivity. The report also investigates the
Low power consumption system thus obtained as a standalone system running on the
energy provided by a Energy Harvestor(PV CELL) .Cost considerations limit the
size of the energy harvestor used which affects the power provided by it ,thus the
system is so designed such that the energy harvestor is able to run the system during
sleep while energy storing elements power the system during its active cycle. This
Greek Cultural Values
What role have social and cultural values and ideas played in shaping artistic
expression from the Greeks to modern civilization?
Social and cultural values and ideas played a critical role from the Greeks to modern
civilization. Today, I will discuss how social and cultural values played a critical
role from the Greeks to modern society. The legacy of Greek cultureis significant and
continues to influence our culture today. The Greeks introduced our modern
civilization to numerous ideas and values. Some of them include detail to sculptures,
patterns on pottery, and the introduction to materials that we still use today. Greek
art, literature, music, and political thought are other ideas and values we inherited
from the Greeks continue to influence us today.
Amongst the many influences of Greece was Greek art. The idea of beauty was
originated in Greece and is still used today. During the classical era artists made
significant innovations that went beyond the traditional styles. Majority of our
modern artistic expressions today was heavily influenced by the Greeks. The
Greeks had great interest in scientific specifications. Which helped develop their
accurate proportions when making their sculptures. One of the ideas and values we
learned from the Greeks that is still used today are beauty in the human form along
with accurate proportions. Greek artists were focused on making the human body as
real as possible. The Greeks obsession with the human body was a great
Photographs Capture Time And Create Meaning
Photographs capture time and create meaning. Mark Klett s Under the Dark Cloth ,
is a simple, yet compelling piece of art which captures his experience in Monument
Valley, Arizona on May 27th, 1989. The perspective of the photograph is strategic in
allowing the viewers to see from Klett s point of view. This angle places the viewer
in the first person, connecting them directly to the image. Images of landscapes are
often engrossing, Klett s piece does this on two planes.
In the text, Visual Methodologies, author, Gillian Rose uses semiotics as a way to
make sense of an image. She defines semiotics as the study of signs and their use or
interpretation, or, how images make meaning (pg. 75). Under close inspection of
Mark Klett s Under ... Show more content on ...
Another question could be looked at through the lens of positional communication .
Who is positioned as superior and who inferior? (pg. 82). The photographer makes
the audience feel as if they are a part of the image, giving the audience a connection to
the subject of the photograph. This allows power within the image to be equally
distributed and shared between human and nature.
The objects within the image, such as the watch, camera, and dark cloth connote time,
preservation, and reflection. Klett s use of signs give his photo the purpose it needs
to remain captivating. Within Klett s photo, icons, indexes, and symbols are all
The icon most prevalent in the image is the upside down image of Monument
Valley. This iconic image represents that specific rock structure in the valley. This
image is also a synecdochal sign, it is a part of this rocky range, representing the
national park as a whole.
The two indexes that stand out immediately are the camera and the dark cloth.
When you see a camera you immediately think of documentation or memories.
When we think of something under the dark cloth or in a dark space we think of
referees reviewing a play or the process of developing a photograph. When someone
is under the dark cloth, it is a personal, capturing moment. This sign is a moment of
silence and critical reflection.
The symbols which are presented in the photograph include the camera, watch, and
the style of the photograph.
Fair Bear Research Paper
Fair Bear has gone on another adventure, this time in Georgia. He has decided to
visit the Ocmulgee National Park and Preserve Initiative. This includes the Indian
Mounds, the Bond Swamp Wildlife Refuge, the Ocmulgee River, and historic
Muscogee land. At the Ocmulgee National Park and Preserve Initiative, Fair Bear
can go kayaking, canoeing, fishing, hunting, bird watching, hiking, or biking. He
can also learn about its history and culture. He might even meet ancestors of the
Muscogee tribe. He learned that the tribe lived there 17,000 years ago. The
Muscogee Creek people built large ceremonial centers and grew corn, squash, and
beans. The land in the Ocmulgee National Park and Preserve Initiative is very
special to these people and needs to
How Did Shakespeare Write His Play
Did Shakespeare really write his plays and sonnets? Did you think William
Shakespeare wrote his own plays? Did he have the right background to write them?
Was he qualified? Did he have the right schooling? William Shakespeare did not
write his own plays and sonnets. He did not write his plays or sonnets because it
doesn t make sense with his with his lack of schooling and money.
Some may ask who was William Shakespeare? According to Google William
Shakespeare was widely known as England s national poet, and the Bard of Avon.
Which is not true he did not write his own plays and sonnets so why he is called
that who knows. He did not write his plays or sonnets because it doesn t make
sense with his with his lack of schooling and poor family. If William Shakespeare s
family had been wealthier or if he had had a better education then maybe he could ve
wrote them, but that is not how his story goes. ... Show more content on ...
Reason one he did not have the schooling or education to write them. Reason two
his parents nor him did not have the money to produce them. If William Shakespeare
did write them he was very smart for his lack of schooling. Further proving William
did not write his own plays or sonnets.
Some people may say that Shakespeare did write his own plays and sonnets, but
they are wrong. William did not have the background to write those amazing plays
and sonnets. He would not have the amount of knowledge. He also wouldn t have the
money to support them. So no William Shakespeare did not write his own plays and
Minimum Weight Design of a Wing Box Subjected to
Minimum weight design of a wing box subjected to bending
Aircraft wing is one of the best examples of an efficient structural design. A variety
of structural arrangements are possible to satisfy design goals. The endeavour is
always to arrive at a minimum weight of a wing structure for a given set of design
The main load carrying structure of a wing is the torsion box formed by front spar,
rear spar, and top spar amp; bottom skins. In the preliminary design stages an effect
is made to arrive at an efficient design of this box structure. The load carrying
capacity of this box structure is largely controlled by the buckling of the
compression cover plate. In order to get a minimum weight design of such a box the
... Show more content on ...
The first approach requires a thorough understanding of the buckling phenomenon.
The top cover of a wing box beam is a long and wide plate. For all practical purposes
it will buckle as a wide column where the critical buckling stress is given by the
Euler s buckling formula
This will be an unacceptably low value. In order to increase the buckling stress, ribs
are employed with provide lateral support to the compression cover plate along their
lines of attachment.
Various possible buckling modes can occur which are briefly discussed below
If the flexural rigidity of the tension cover is very low, the box can buckle as a whole.
If the tension cove is flexural very stiff and the ribs are very weak then the buckling
pattern will be as shown here
As the deflection stiffness of the ribs increase the buckling pattern changes forming
more than one half sine waves over the length of the box as shown in the next figure
Here the ribs are represented as deflectional springs and the buckled wave form is
very much exaggerated. The idea here is that the ribs are not stiff enough to provide
nodes at their location. This is illustrated in the next figure
The ribs are just stiff enough to enforce nodes along their lines of attachment with the
skin. The effective length of buckling = rib spacing and the buckling stress
Age Of New Imperialism Analysis
During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Europe was experiencing an Age of
Discovery, led by the spanish. During this time, nations in Europe were mostly ruled
by absolute monarchs, and the lower classes were repressed. Furthermore, Europe
was in constant religious warfare, as Protestantism had recently arose and created
divisions in once united territories. Centuries later, Europeonce again began reaching
for international control. This resurgence of exploration is known as the Age of New
Imperialism. The European nations during the Age of New Imperialism had modern
governments, including Socialist and Communist parties, and had just arose from a
time of internal turmoil and revolutions. During this time, from the late nineteenth
century... Show more content on ...
During the Age of Discovery, most nations had absolute monarchs, and thus the
glory received from expeditions abroad would directly go to the monarch, rather
than to the nation itself. This is evidenced by the extravagant palaces of Versailles
and el Escorial, which were constructed using the profits from the Age of Discovery.
Furthermore, many European nations had impoverished lower classes, that only
suffered while the extravagant monarchs indulged in the new income from overseas
trade. In contrast, during the nineteenth century and the Age of New Imperialism,
the glory received from conquest would increase the nationalism of the entire
country. This patriotic fervor gripped nations and was the cause of both unification
and warfare. Specifically, this nationalism and glory was used by King Charles X
of France who gained more power by increasing the patriotism of his people. Despite
his absolutist rule, the people of France did not rebel, as they were proud of their
nation s African expansion. In conclusion, the motivation of glory while expanding is
similar in both of the ages of international growth of European
Shutter Island Theory Essays
A Shutter of Surprise
Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio teamed up in 2006 to bring the world the
organized crime masterpiece, The Departed. The film was a huge success and
swept the major awards at the Oscars that year, bring home such prizes as best
picture and best director. The win cemented Scorsese as the greatest living filmmaker
and he finally got the respect he deserves from the Academy. DiCaprio is one of the
best actors of his generation. Titanic, The Aviator, and The Departedareall the
evidence needed to securely place him in the upper pantheon of great actors.
Expecting a quality movie from either of these two artist is like expecting to get wet
by jumping in a pool. When word first broke that the two would be teaming up ...
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The script is a very powerful character study exploring what it means to be insane
and unraveling our very concepts of reality. Shutter Island is absolutely gorgeous.
The film is definitely Scorsese s most visually rich work since Raging Bull. The
cinematography perfectly mirrors the tone of the story and is one of the strongest
points of the film. The establishing shots are breath taking. They create of the
feeling of grander and adventure with an undertone of mystery and the unknown.
The environment Scorsese creates makes the viewer s skin crawl as effectively as
fingernails on the chalkboard. The score perfectly translates what is going on and
further engraves the overall emotion of mystery and uncertainty into the audiences
souls. The dream and hallucination sequences are a treat to the eyes and are some
of the most striking every put on celluloid. Most of the time when a film tries to do
one of these scenes they appear poorly executed and take away from the story. That is
not the case with Shutter Island as theses scenes provide a great story telling
technique. They create a haunting feeling that mirrored to the suspense in reality.
Where Scorsese falters is in the transition between reality and the nightmare world
only found in Teddy s psyche. The switches feel very clunky at times and bring the
effect down. The audience can almost always tell what is real and what is a
nightmare. If the director could have created
Questions On Financial Reporting Disclosures
ICAEW made nine recommendations about financial reporting disclosures in 2013 to
solve current disclosure overload problem. This report will mainly argue against
recommendation four. Choosing this prospect because one of the objectives of the
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is to protect consumers from being taken
advantage of by other informed participants in the capital market. Among all the
suggestions, disclosing different reports for different users has the most significant
influence on investors and capital market.
Section 2 of this report will firstly discuss the probability of fraudulent financial
reporting and the fairness problem. Then the information asymmetry problem and the
instability of the security market ... Show more content on ...
Assuming public companies are allowed to distinguish classes of users, the decision
relevant information could be split on the basis of different interests and somebody
may take advantage of this loophole to provide fraudulent information for a
favourable outcome in stock price.
2.2Example of FFR
According to the most resent report from Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
(ACFE, 2008), from January 2006 to February 2008, among all types of frauds,
FFR associated with largest average cost which was $258 million, while the
second largest was $34 million. Furthermore, the study from KPMG (2003) and
ACFE (2008) all agreed FFR is the least common but most costly fraud (Carcello
and Hermanson, 2008). The estimated annual cost of FFR in USA is $1 trillion
(ACFE, 2008), and this is just under the relaxed disclosure regulation, which is the
Securities Offering Reform, issued in 2005 in America (Clinton et al., 2014). And
FFR is certainly not limited to the United States (Zack, 2009). Hence, FCA
considered FFR facts in US as a lesson and involved in a special project in 2010 in
UK to examine fraud in public companies (Fisher et al., 2010). To conclude,
recommendation four could increase the probability of FFR which could stimulate
the stock price, and that will harm consumers and encourage the unhealthy
competition in security market.
Illinois V. Gates Case Digest
Illinois v. Gates Parties:
Plaintiff in the Illinois Circuit: State of Illinois Defendant Lance and Susan Gates
Appellant in the Illinois Appellate Court: State of Illinois Respondent in the Illinois
Appellate Court: Lance and Susan Gates Appellant to the Illinois Supreme Court:
State of Illinois Respondent to the Illinois Supreme Court: Lance and Susan Gates
Petitioner to the SCOUTS: State of Illinois Respondent to the SCOUTS: Lance and
Susan Gates.
Procedural History:
The Gates won their motion to suppress before they were tried; the prosecution
appealed it to the Illinois appellate court AND the Illinois Supreme Court. When the
prosecutor lost in both of those state courts, the prosecutor then petitioned the USSC
for a writ of certiorari ... Show more content on ...
The police department did a follow up with the highly detailed tip they received.
The defendants where watched closely and the officers did a follow up on the
exact activities that they received from the anonymous tip. The officers gathered all
the information they observed in doing the follow up, and received a warrant. The
warrant allowed the officers to search the home and the defendant s automobiles.
The officer s drug dogs found drugs, weapons and contraband in the defendants
home and automobiles. Stated in the article, that the defendants made trips to
Florida to bring back narcotics. Mader followed up on the tip and discovered that
Lance had made a reservation to West Palm Beach. Lance was followed to the hotel,
where he left with Sue in the family car back to Bloomingdale. The information that
the officers gathered allowed them to provide evidence that the defendants where
selling and bringing back drugs and with the tip, they were given a search warrant
from the magistrate.
Should the magistrate allowed a search warrant to be issued since they were given
information from an anonymous tip, without violating the Fourth Amendment rights?
When a court decides whether or not to issue a search warrant, the elements of the
informant s credibility/reliability and basis of knowledge are to be used as guides
when considering the totality of the circumstances and are
The Importance Of Characters In Age Of Innocence
It is common to see, in both literature and in real life, people judging those who are
different than people around them. This is a universal idea, and is present in the
novels of Age of Innocence, where we are introduced to the glamorous lifestyle of
the elite New York society, and also in Ironweed, which focuses on those suffering
from the effects of the Great Depression. People often think of themselves as
superior to those who do not follow social norms of society, as seen with Ellen s
forced isolations, Helen refusing to do things that are below her, and finally in my
own life, when I travel to India and am judged based on my own differences caused
by growing up with a different societal rules and codes. In Age of Innocence, we
are introduced to Ellen Olenska, a character who has just returned to New York
after separating from her husband and living in Europe for almost her entire life. It
is clear to see that Ellen is different from the rest of the upper New York society.
The way she decorates her house, how she lives in a bohemian neighborhood, and
going to parties thrown by common people are all different ways of how she
disregards the social codes set in place by this elitesociety. However, it is obvious
how because of these differences, she is isolated and thought of as lower than the
rest of them. For example, when Mrs. van der Luyden talks to Newland Archer
after he is talking to Ellen, it shows that when people break social codes, there is a
need to isolate them in order to keep their own reputation intact. Then stay with me
a little longer, Madame Olenska said in a low tone... Yes, let me stay, he answered
in the same tone, hardly knowing what he said; but just then Mr. van der Luyden
came up, followed by old Mr. Urban Dagonet. The Countess greeted them with her
grave smile, and Archer, feeling his host s admonitory glance on him, rose and
surrendered his seat (Wharton 54 55.) Although Archer enjoys the Ellen s company,
it is not socially acceptable for him to continue to talk to her in the presence of the
van der Luydens, who are the most powerful influencers in the society. They know
that Archer should not speak to Ellen, especially when there are other members of
society present,
Artificial Intelligence in Gibson s Idoru and Oshii s...
Artificial Intelligence in Gibson s Idoru and Oshii s Ghost in the Shell
Introduction If people knew what scientists are up to, they would not be sleeping
as calmly as they do today. If only they knew, they would read more carefully what
the cyberpunk authors have to say. The purpose of this work is not only to
compare the pictures of Artificial Intelligence (hereafter referred to simply as AI)
included in two major works of cyberpunk genre, but also to show the connection
between those images and the reality we all live in or its nearest future. So what is
the future of AI depicted in cyberpunk works like? And if, as Sterling suggests,
science fiction writers pass on a cautionary message to the... Show more content on ...
A useful addition to it is provided by the author who is considered one of the
founders of the genre, William Gibson. In one of his interviews he stated that it is
about the present. It s not really about an imagined future. It s a way of trying to
come to terms with the awe and terror inspired . . . by the world in which we live
(Anonymous collective work). This opinion is in accordance with the opening
quotation from Sterling. Both opinions, too, answer the question of why the
examples from this particular genre were chosen for the sake of comparison shown
in this very work. Indeed, there is a reason for doing this: the resemblance to reality
cyberpunk works bear. Obviously, there are other genre specific features that
characterize cyberpunk: like the presence of the Internet (that is often combined into
one entity with virtual reality and takes up different names: Cyberspace, Matrix,
Multiverse, partly because it was invented in cyberpunk literature before it was
invented in reality and named the Internet) or the influence of almighty organizations
in the form of international corporations or mafia like criminal orders of different
kinds. These elements, too, appear in the works described herein, but they are just
other elements of a picture already defined. Defining Basic Notions: Introduction to
Artificial Intelligence Let us now consider the term Artificial Intelligence. What is AI
then? And do we live
Essay on Aphra Behn s Oroonoko – Slaughter of the
Oroonoko Slaughter of the Human Spirit
Aphra Behn introduces her characters in Oroonoko as beautiful people who possess
a pure, innocent love. Behn does this in an effort to make her readers feel and
question. Her poetic description of their emotions magnify the horror of the final
scene. Behn s romantic love story is brought to a tragic end through brutality and
death. Why did she choose such an ending? Her decision to have Oroonoko take the
life of his wife and unborn child leaves her audience questioning. Was what they had
love? If not, what was it? What had killed their innocence?
The story of Oroonoko and Imoinda began with him approaching her and ended with
the cut of his knife. Oroonoko both began and ... Show more content on ...
The tiger dies without a fight.
After he had conquered the beast, he takes his knife and cuts open her heart. Tis a
Notion commonly receiv d with us, That nothing can receive a Wound in the Heart
and Live; but when the Heart of this courageous Animal was taken out, there were
Seven Bullets of Lead in it, and the Wounds seem d up with great scars. (pg. 46)
Just as Oroonoko killed this beast, slavery had killed Oroonoko. The tiger stands as
a symbol of Oroonoko, a creature both fierce and fearful. Why is it that Oroonoko
had finally lost his power? Why was he now fearful?
Throughout the story, Oroonoko encounters many hardships. He loses his wife to
the King, is convinced that the King has killed Imoinda, and is sold into slavery.
However, through all this Oroonoko continues onward. He still has his hope and
control. He still feels as though he has some power. He can determine his own
future. He has a choice. Like the tiger, his heart had been struck with many bullets,
but he continued to live. However, this strong man was not without weakness. His
weakness was Imoinda. Her Griefs were so many Darts in the Great Heart of
Oroonoko. He knew that he was going to die after leading the slave revolt. He
couldn t stand the thought of leaving her behind. Imagining her alone with her new
born child helpless under the power of the master was the arrow that finally took
Oroonoko s life, the arrow that
Canvas Activity Summary
Chapter 5 Canvas Activity 5.1 AEIOU Summary: пѓ Environment: Varying
TemperatureWater Availability Safety EnvironmentHumid Atmosphere Layout
пѓ Interaction: Site ManagerRaw Material Mobile PhonesSupervisor WorkerAuditor
VisitorPower Cut пѓ Object: Raw MaterialLight Machine SetupTable and Chair
VentilatorsSafety Equipments Water CoolingFan п
ѓ Activities: Power SupplyCheck
Water Level Put/Remove Die Insert Raw Material PrimingClamping/Unclamping
Impact LoadInspection Maintenance пѓ Users: Auto Mobile IndustriesSheet
Forming MedicalAero Space MilitarySanitary IndustriesTube Forming Commercial
5.2 Empathy Summary: пѓ Input Through
Life Span Of Good Things
Tsuna s now twenty one. It has been seven years since the eventful time travel
incident, the defeat of Byakuran and the revival of the Arcabaleno, six years since
the Vongola and the Shimon Famiglia have once again, formally, healed their strong
and infrangible friendship that their ancestors had previously created. Seven years
is definitely a long time, but Tsuna can recall those important memories from then
as if it was only yesterday that he woke up from his coffin completely and utterly
confused. He sighed wistfully at his action packed past and let out a soft chuckle of
amusement when his memories drifted to all the fun times he s spent with his
treasured Famiglia. He wished that he could live his carefree and less serious younger
... Show more content on ...
His wimpy attitude towards life when he was still fourteen completely vanished,
he s now learnt to never ever give up, no matter how dire the situation has become,
because there will always be hope... My guardians... Tsuna thought, I really do
hope that they come back safely... Being in the state of reminiscing the past and
the current, downright forgot that he was in the middle of signing a trade
agreement with some other random corporation that trades leather products. His
fountain pen came to a pause at the very end of the cursive letter e in his signature,
Vongola Decimo . Thank goodness the pen s tip lifted away from the paper whilst
he daydreamed, if it hadn t, the leather trading corporation would have to see an
embarrassingly huge ink blot. His hand gradually went slack and let the pen roll
out of his grasp, letting the pen helplessly roll off the edge of the desk. Right at the
moment the pen landed on the ground with a small tink , the door to his office burst
open and smashed against the wall with a huge BANG . Juudaime! I m back! And
with an urgent message! A very distinct voice bellowed across his office. Tsuna s
thoughts immediately returned back to earth, startling his entire body to jump
involuntarily. An alarmed wail erupted from his mouth as a reflex. GAAHHHIIEEE!!
In the process of trying to jumping away from the sound, his knee banged painfully
against the underside of the desk, causing him to lean
The Taming Of The Shrew Analysis
Performing Marriage with a Difference: Wooing, Wedding, and Bedding in The
Taming of the Shrew Amy L. Smith Even before the recent burgeoning of
performance theory, The Taming of the Shrew was of great interest to critics
interested in role playing , identity, and theatricality. And because Kate s taming and
her performative speech both take place in a play within a play, Taming fostered a
critical interest in the intersection between performance and genderlong before the
phrase gender trouble became commonplace. The recent debates about performance,
culture, and theater sparked in part by Judith Butlersuggest, however, that it is time to
revisit our analysis of gender and performance in this play. Although there are a
number of... Show more content on ...
Ramer, they dramatize a marriage that leaves Kate and Petruchio negotiating not
only gender hierarchies but also love, sexuality, and parental demands. The Turning
s particular reiteration of marriage enacts a series of negotiations for power, none of
which results in a marriage based on simple domination and submission or perfect
egalitarianism. By exaggerating husbandly dominance, for example, Petruchio s
performance draws our attention not to the power inherent in such dominance but
rather to its inefficacy. Thereby a conception of marriage that expects hierarchy and
mutuality to coincide effortlessly is questioned. Kate emphasizes the room marriage
leaves for maneuverability by enacting one that incorporates her wit and sexuality
into her very performances of submission.Thus by thinking of marriage
(andthefemalesubjectionitrequires) as performative, we can read Kate s agency
through her reiteration of the role of wife a reiteration that stresses her reshaping of
Petruchio and their marriage. By using performance theory to contend that gendered
institutions such as marriage can and do change, I suggest that the very institutions
which some critics suggest Kate is forced either to accept or to escape are instead
critiqued and perhaps even shaped by her.4 Indeed, one of the reasons that the field
of performance studies is so prevalent today and has so much to offer our readings of
this play is
Using Simple Regression Model to Explain the
Using the simple regression model to explain the relationship between 3 Month T bill
rate and Dow Jones Index Index 1. Introduction......................................................3 2.
Modeling the relationship between the 3 Month T bill rates and Dow Jones Index
(First Model)........................3 3. Hypothesis and Testing..........................................4 4.
Empirical Analysis................................................5 5. Further
Comparison.............................................5 6.
Conclusion.........................................................7 7.
Appendix............................................................8 8.
Reference...........................................................10 1. Introduction The 3 month T bill
rates and Dow Jones index are really close to the whole economic environment; the 3
month T Bill rates are the preeminent default risk free rates in the US money market
that is often used by... Show more content on ...
So we can conclude that the relationship between the 3 month T Bill rate and implied
3 month forward rate of interest are closer than the relationship between 3 month T
bill rates and Dow Jones Index. 5.2(Third Model) Y=ОІ0+ОІ1X (ОІ0 = the intercept
of 3 Month T bill rate) (ОІ1 = the slope of implied 1 year forward rate of interest) 3
Month T Bill Rates= 0.01328+1.14838*implied 1 year forward rate of interest
Similarly with the second model, using the formula above, we can say that when
implied 3 month forward rate of interest increased by 1, 3 Month T bill rates will
increase by 114.838% .Compare with the second model, according to the SAS
output, we can see that the R square between3 month T Bill rate and implied 1 year
forward rate of interest is 0.8145 which is much less than the R square between 3
month T bill rates. With implied 3 month forward rate of interest only 0.8145, we can
conclude that the relationship between the 3 month T Bill rate and implied 1 year
forward rate of interest
Monsanto White Gold Pet Child
Webster s Dictionary definition of profit is the compensation accruing to
entrepreneurs for the assumption of risk in business enterprise as distinguished
from wages or rent. Businesses run off of risk in order to make huge amounts of
money. They trust the consumers to buy their products or services. They trust their
suppliers with materials they need. They also trust the efficiency of their
production line. Some businesses are so obsessed with the profits they gain that
many people s lives are put at risk. The agricultural industry, Monsanto, does a great
job at creating genetically modified seeds and creating chaos for farmers.
Genetically modified seeds are used as profit tool, tearing into the pockets of poor
farmers and scraping any... Show more content on ...
However, in Burkina Faso, this is not the case. In the film White Gold, Organic
Dreams [Pet Child], Professor Jean Didier Zongo discusses what farmers are told
versus the reality of the situation. A farmerIt was promised that the yield would
increase. In the beginning it increased, soon after it collapsed. It was promised that
insects would be fought. But they developed a tolerance after a short time. And so
on... (Organic Dreams,1:25) This company promises many things to these poor
farmers. One thing the farmers don t realize is that there is no diversity within the
seeds that allow the seed to develop it s own defenses or success rate. Diversity
allows the strongest seed to reproduce and make more seeds with even stronger
characteristics. GMOs try to do this artificially which lead to their downfall every
time. Suppose a farmer learned this and decides not to purchase any more of these
seeds, Professor Zongo also stated that, If a farmer doesn t follow the flow and
refuses to adapt the GMOs, they are cut from fertilizers and can t sell their products.
(Organic Dreams,1:00) In this case, the farmers are being punished for forming their
own opinion about these bad
Our Day at the Fair was a Red Balloon Essay
In the desert stood a small and polite town. The low slung houses nestled in beside
each other burned a crisp white in the noon sun.
The stripes were not so visible on the back of his neck as across his little bare arms.
The sun was still high but the shadows were casting further by the hour.
His clothes, covered in torn holes revealing a constellation of scabby scars mixed
with brown and purple markings.
The boy in the pram held on to the balloon s ribbon so tightly with his chubby little
fist that the skin around his knuckles began to pale and blotch. His eyes remained
fixed on the balloon above him as his eldest brother pushed him through the maze of
deserted streets. The sun was high but the narrow rows of flat topped houses three or
... Show more content on ...
Eventually they came to where the desert drifted into the little town. The boy s
brother pulled the pram up the shallow incline at the foot of the dune and up into the
desert. He pushed the pram just far enough so that they could look back over the town.
The sun was still high but soon it will begin to dip behind the dune the boy s brother
The boy never took his eyes of the balloon for the whole journey. He was waiting for
a repetition of a moment that he had noticed by chance soon after they left the fair.
They had been wandering the fair in search of money. Any coins dropped on the
ground by the children from the rides that tipped their pockets, or, by the clumsy
adults flicking through their wallets in line at the snack venders. The boy and his
brother milled about close to people keeping an eye out for any loose looking kids
or pestered adult bent to blindness by the heat and their yapping children.
Near to the rolling Ferris wheel a kind woman surrounded by squabbling children let
her hand down toward the battered boy and sent forward a ribbon and the boy took
it in his hand and felt it tighten as the balloon lifted up above him and stayed there
The boy s brother had spotted a pram hidden under the shade of an olive tree in the
town square where the fair was held every year. It was away from the main
attractions enough for him to brave an inspection. He checked that no one was
watching and then

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Intros To Essays. How To Write An Essay Intros

  • 1. Intros To Essays Crafting an essay on the subject of "Intros To Essays" may seem deceptively simple at first glance, but delving into the intricacies of this seemingly straightforward topic reveals a layer of complexity that demands thoughtful consideration. The challenge lies not only in elucidating the significance of introductions to essays but also in navigating the balance between engaging the reader and providing a concise preview of the essay's content. To commence, one must grapple with the paradox of simplicity and depth inherent in introductory paragraphs. Striking the right chord between capturing the reader's attention and laying the groundwork for the ensuing discourse requires a keen understanding of the subject matter and the target audience. The introduction, after all, serves as the gateway to the essay, and the task of captivating the reader's interest often involves a delicate dance of language, tone, and relevance. Furthermore, the art of crafting introductions extends beyond mere allure; it necessitates a strategic approach to contextualizing the essay's purpose. Here, the writer must carefully choose the information to include, balancing brevity with informativeness. A nuanced understanding of the overarching essay's objectives becomes imperative, guiding the selection of details that will orient the reader without divulging too much too soon. Navigating the subtleties of language also poses a formidable challenge. The introduction demands clarity and precision, and yet, it is an opportunity for the writer to showcase their unique voice and style. Striking this balance requires a nuanced command of language, with an acute awareness of the impact each word and phrase can have on the reader's perception. In conclusion, while the task of writing an essay on "Intros To Essays" may seem deceptively straightforward, it unfurls as a complex endeavor that demands a deep understanding of the subject matter, a keen sense of audience engagement, and a mastery of language. Successfully navigating these challenges leads to an introduction that not only captivates but also sets the stage for a compelling essay. For those who find themselves grappling with the intricacies of essay writing, it's worth noting that assistance is readily available. Similar essays and a myriad of writing services can be accessed through platforms like, providing support for individuals seeking to enhance their writing skills or alleviate the burdens of academic demands. Intros To EssaysIntros To Essays
  • 2. The Threat Of Terrorist Attacks Terrorist attacks similar to the one experienced in 2001 have left a number of Americans concerned over the likelihood of future terrorist attacks and their potential impacts, as well. Such attacks have increased the level of uncertainty regarding what may happen, which only serves to heighten anxiety and stress levels. Weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), which include chemical, biological, and radiological weapons, have increased the likelihood of incidents of terrorismin America (Friedmann, Cannon, 2009, p. 9). The possibility of terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda employing WMDs against Americans is very real. A WMD may be defined as a weapon that has the capacity to cause grievous harm and/or destruction and death on a grand scale... Show more content on ... A modern pattern of terrorism seems to lean towards loosely organized and self financed global networks of terrorist groups. Radical Islamic groups such as Al Qaeda, as well as other religious groups using religion as an excuse, have become a threat to the interests of the United States and other friendly regimes. International terrorism has become a key threat to U.S. domestic and foreign security. The timing and selection of target by terrorists has the potential of affecting America s interests in important areas such as nuclear nonproliferation and the safeguarding of commerce. The increasing political participation of terrorist and extremist parties in foreign countries and the visible growth of cross national connections among various terrorist organizations have also attracted the attention of the United States. This is because such links usually involve combinations of technology transfer, funding, and military training. The 2001 terrorist attacks served as a catalyst for broad and far reaching changes in the security efforts of the United States (Friedmann, Cannon, 2009, p. 16). The attacks led to changes in not only how America would identify and respond to threats, but also its efforts in preventing them, as well. Among the most notable changes was the establishment of the DHS (Department of Homeland Security), which was intended to lead broader homeland security endeavors though the
  • 3. Coronal Mass Ejection Essay Coronal Mass Ejection also known as CME is usually created around the sun s surface by magnetic reconnection. CME is a large bubble of gas and magnetic field lines that are emerged from the sun. There isn t a full proven understanding of how CME s occur but Astronomers have come to a theory that because the sunis a fluid, the turbulence gets kinks that get shot out into space in any direction as a superheated gas. The gas that is ejected from the sun is made of protons and electrons carried through solar winds. This gas is known as plasma and can accelerate over 1 million miles per hour and reach Earth that is 93 million miles away in less than 4 days. When the sun is most active Coronal Mass Ejections can happen multiple times per day however, it usually occurs once every 5 days. Its definition is the effect on earth if a massive event in the result of struggling to survive. This refers to a specific form of continuing education that helps those in the medical field, maintain competence and learn about the new and developing area in their own field of work. Content for these programs is developed, reviewed, and delivered by faculty who are experts in their individual clinical areas. These activities may take place in live events, written applications, electronic media, online programs, video, or audio. Any potentially conflicting financial relationships for faculty members must be both disclosed and resolved in a useful way. A CME drives a shock wave which could
  • 4. Police Officer Research Paper Police Officers have to leave their houses everyday not knowing what they may face in a day s work. Police Officers have to deal with dangerous situations, and must be properly trained to deal with these. Police Officers face many dangers on a daily basis, like foot pursuits, vehicle pursuits, traffic control, heat strokes, stress, and making an arrest. Policehave to train and learn how to face these dangers, so they can come home safety to their families at the end of their shift. To become a police officeryou must undergo lots of physical and mental training to make sure you stay safe while keeping others safe to. First, before even being able to go to the police academy you must undergo the application process. The application process is long, that is only to make sure you are quantified for the job. First, you must fill out the application, must be 18 years or older, then you have to send in a control sheet, copy of driver s license, copy of social security card, copy of birth certificate or passport, criminal history report, full driver history, grade release form, health insurance card and signed waiver form, high school diploma, and ... Show more content on ... The new approach the PTO takes is making sure the new officer has knowledge, comprehension skills, application skills, synthesis skills, and evaluation skills. The PTO programs covers two primary training areas, substantive topics and core competencies. The substantive topics are non emergency incident, emergency incidents, patrol activities, criminal investigations. The 15 core competencies of the PTO program is police vehicle operations, use of force, local procedures, report writing, leadership, problem solving skills, community specific problems, cultural diversity and special needs group, legal authority, individual rights, officer safety, communication skills, ethics, and lifestyle stressors. (Steven
  • 5. Essay on Effects of Alcohol Advertisements on Youth Two teens dead and another hospitalized after a single car crash and police say that drinking and driving was the cause, the news reporter continued. Fifteen is no age to die! Will exclaimed. Fifteen is no age to drink and drive either, added Oskar. What persuades these little doves to drink? Susan asked. I would blame the alcohol advertisements for that, answered Oskar. Hahaha....are you out of your mind? How can advertisements persuade someone to drink? You can surely think of something better, laughed Will. I feel dizzy listening to their conversation. I never thought a quiet evening could turn into an argument over a news report and some irresponsible teenagers. However, I must admit, it made my brain do some serious ... Show more content on ... In the 1990 s the alcohol industry used cartoon and animal characters to attract young viewers which were overwhelmingly admired by youth. In 1996, for example, the Budweiser Frogs were more recognizable to children aged 9 11 than the Power Rangers or Tony the Tiger (Grube and Waiters 698). Even today, alcohol advertising hasn t undergone any major changes. A study on the responses of young people to alcohol advertising found that underage youth are drawn to music; animal and people characters, story and humour in alcohol advertising and these ads have a great influence on their desire to drink (Grube and Waiters 702). According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuseand Alcoholism, incidence of onset of alcohol peaks at age 18 years and trails off by the age of 25. The Centers for Disease Control and Promotion estimate that more than 4,000 persons younger than 21 years die annually as a result of excessive drinking. David Jernigan, in his article, also states that alcohol advertising is one of the primary causes of binge drinking. As per the article, young people aged 12 to 20 years are exposed per capita to 48% more beer advertising, 20% more distilled spirits advertising and 92% more advertising for alcopops than adults of the legal drinking age (Jernigan 102). Spending so much time optically canvassing advertisements naturally tempts children to commence drinking. Youth is a phase of life when people are willing to try new
  • 6. Why Did Hitler Contribute To The Treaty Of Versailles Example 1: If the Treaty of Versailles had not been so harsh, Hitler may never have been able to rise to power in the way that he did. The Treaty were harsh and included provinces to limit the size of German army to 100000 men, pay large reparation and returned the former provinces to French. And it contributed to massive hyperinflation which crippled the German economy, Germany was in fear, insult at that time. The terms caused anger, even hatred and the desire for revenge. So the German people were in need of a leader that could bring back the power to Germany and let them get out of the Great Depression. Hitler, with his persuasive speeches and confident demeanor, was exactly what Germany thought they need. Further, the Nazi party which Hitler leaded portrayed the solution for German people, generating the false sense of hope for the party and promised them the party would bring the people back to a secure, steady and prosperous way of life. Many people who could not find jobs during the Great Depression joined the party and more and more people joined due to the great propaganda. Thus, the Treaty of Versaillescontributed greatly to the alienation many Germans felt about their civilians, democratic government, and when these combined with the actions of the military, it provided a rich material for Hitler to use to gain the support of those on the right. If the Treaty of Versailles had not been so harsh, the Nazi party may unable to rise. And in this way, Germany
  • 7. Late Night Show Satire Just a few years ago, late night shows were a way for celebrities to promote their new movie, TV series, or music. The host would just conduct light hearted interviews and harmless, interactive games. Jimmy Kimmel has had guests read hate tweets; James Corden has sang karaoke while driving guest stars; Jimmy Fallon has competed in lip sync battles against guests; SNL has invited guests to temporarily replace Pandora. Now, instead of simple comedy, some hosts are injecting political commentary in their news updates and monologues. Over the last year, late night television ratings have shifted. Fiery shows like Full Frontal with Samantha Bee and The Late Show with Stephen Colberthave seen an influx of viewers; whereas the apolitical Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon has begun to decline. TV preferences, show content, and social dynamics have transitioned to be more political, demonstrating that our society is becoming more tribal, more group oriented. Last year, pre Trump, Jimmy Fallon had the... Show more content on ... For one, Donald Trump is not their president (Lang). Retorts like these have earned Noah and Colbert nine hundred forty thousand and 3.31 million viewers, respectively (Welch). The people that watch this political satire may find that it is enjoyable, even therapeutic, to laugh at the (ridiculous) news. The desire to watch someone with the same opinions as us has encouraged comedians to alter their content. Furthermore, they have become more overt in their beliefs because of the viewers. If viewers did not want to see someone bashing Trump, they would not tune in. But people choose to watch. They want to see someone make fun of Trump. They want to laugh at the comedians sarcastic comments. They want to know how the hosts feel about the current events. This trend of like mindedness has not only shifted TV ratings, it has also changed the dynamic of our
  • 8. Korean Immigrants Social Challenges Korean Immigrants Social challenges in Hawaii In the 18th centuries Korea was under the Japanese occupation started with the end of Joseon dynasty. The most significant action was the Japan Korea Treaty of 1905 which meant that the Empire of Korea became to a controlled state by the Japanese. As much as the Japanese tried to colonize Korea, the Korean people became more desperate to live their home country to seek new hope, new opportunities in a new place. Many of the Koreans choice was the United States especially Hawaii. The first Koreans who were entering to America were young people for example students or political refugees in their middle ages. However, these numbers weren`t significant at all. The Two Houchins from Georgetown University and Smithsonian institution researched and found out that Large scale Korean emigration to the United States and its territories began in 1903 as the direct result of initiatives on the part of American sugar planters in Hawaii (Houchins, pg.549). The sugar plantations needed worker s way before this time too, however, every time the plantation association proposed this idea, the executive council in Hawaii turned them down until the beginning of 1903. For nearly 2 years a lot of Korean came to Hawaii to settle down and try to establish a new life for themselves. They became agricultural labors, who were assigned to working on the plantations all day. Almost everyone had to start from here, and as the economy was growing
  • 9. The World s Understanding Of Human Rights There are so many events that occurred in World War I and II that change the world s understanding of human rights. I think the events that happened in the World War II is what made the world understand what human rights is. The world war started because of assassination of Archduke of Austria Hungary. Then the actual war started because Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia. The first world war I caused such a disaster such as failure of economic, failure of political and poverty. The Second World War II was worse than the first one. I think after both of the World Wars is when we realized how each human beings were beloved and we saw how many people died and made rethink about why everyone deserved human rights. Paris Peace Conference, the Bretton Conference and the Geneva Convention definitely contribute to the international human rights. After the World War I was over Paris Peace Conference happened in Paris only for the winners which were Britain,France,Russia and USA. Of course the Germany and the lost allies were left out of the Paris Peace Conference. The Triple Entente wanted to get revenge on the Triple Alliances for starting the war. Germany obviously lost the land, pay for the cost of the war and they were not allowed to build up military forces again. The hatred towards the Germany was heavily built to people and the government. The main point was that during the peace conference there was a commitment to minority rights. The Bretton Woods Conference
  • 10. John F. Kennedy s Conspiracy Theories On November 22nd, 1963, John F. Kennedy was fatally shot in the neck and head while riding in a motorcade through downtown Dallas, Texas. Also in the motorcade with Kennedy was Texas governor, John Connally and both of their wives. Connally was also shot in the chest but later recovered from his wounds. Both Kennedy and Connally s wives were left unharmed. Less than two hours later, Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for the shooting ( Death of the President ). There are several conspiracy theories among Kennedy s assassination and most of them are believed to be that Oswald was not the only shooter that day or was not acting alone. One of the most common theories involving Kennedy s assassination is the Grassy Knoll theory. This is the theory... Show more content on ... Two eyewitnesses Depository Superintendent Roy Truly and Police Officer M.L. Baker arrived at the second floor of the Depository Building minutes after hearing shots being fired. One other eyewitness, Robert A. Reid, who was also an employee at the Depository Building and knew Oswald personally testified that she saw him on the second floor about two to three minutes after the shooting. Tests were conducted to demonstrate that Oswald did have enough time to fire all of the shots and still have enough time to go down four flights of stairs and end up on the second floor (Warren Commission
  • 11. Bitcoin And Its Impact On The Economy Introduction Vast and rapid improvements to the digital world allow intellectual property to form the basis for the economy today. (Harris, 1998) Entrepreneurs enter into the industry exploiting this new source of demand, driven by its large consumer base. Discovered after E gold, Bitcoin emerged as the new age of digital currency. Its practicality and benefits led it to catch on quickly as an alternative manner of payment. (Mullan, 2014) Though not recognized as an official currency, the fact that it is immune to manipulation of any third party, including central government, attracts potential many investers and opportunists. On one hand, Bitcoin has made an impact on the productivity and efficiency of business as it increases mobility and speed of transactions. Conversely, critics question the validity and sustainability of this innovation, as it rests purely on consumer confidence and mutual agreement. This essay will examine the Bitcoin and its impact on the economy; thereafter use theories of economists Schumpeter and Kirzner to evaluate the entrepreneurship nature of Bitcoin and its sustainability. Bitcoin and Its Context Bitcoins first emerged in 2009, when Satoshi Nakamoto published its specification, in a cryptography mailing list. (, 2014) Bitcoins are seen as digital tokens used as electronic versions of cash. (Mullan, 2014) To perform a transaction, Bitcoin users have to download client software and create online wallets, either on electronic devices
  • 12. The Break Up Analysis Whether you eat a whole tub of chocolate ice cream while crying or you party like a rock star all weekend while drinking, a break up is a break up. If you re the person who eats a whole tub of chocolate ice cream, you probably accompanied it with romantic movies. Although they are comforting for the time being, they always leave you to wonder, why didn t my break up didn t have a happy ending like the ones in the movies? In Peyton Reed s 2006 romantic comedy, The Break Up, it portrays the realistic events and feelings of a failed relationship. In comparison to other romantic comedies, this film seems to stand out because it teaches the audience the lesson that not all break ups leads to make ups. In The Break Up, the main purpose is to show the realistic events of a toxic relationship between Brooke (Jennifer Aniston) and Gary (Vince Vaughn ). Brooke is a very classy art dealer and Gary, in Brooke s eyes, is just a tour bus driver. The first scene shows how the couple met a Chicago Cubs baseball game and Brooke was actually on a date with another man. The scene ended with Gary asking her to go out sometime and the following scene is a slide show of all of Brooke and Gary s pictures together, portraying that even perfect relationships have their own issues. The couple has a big argument right off the bat in the third scene, Brooke feels neglected and unappreciated by Gary. On the other hand Gary, feels that Brooke is controlling, a perfectionist, and he can never satisfied
  • 13. Biology 108 Worksheet Essay 1. Define science Science is the development of concepts about the natural world , often by using the scientific method 2. Define multicellular organism are those organisms containing more than one cell, and having differentiated cells that perform various functions. 3. Identify the 3 domains of living things. Which domains include one celled organisms with no nucleus? a) Organized, Homeostatic amp; Reproduce. b) Bacteria amp; Archaea 4. Modern taxonomists (scientists who classify organisms) no longer use the classification of the kingdom of Protists. List the three other kingdoms of Eukarya. Plants, Fungi amp; Animals 5. List and give a brief explanation of the steps of the scientific method. The... Show more content on ... The reporter may misunderstand what is printed 9. Which types of URL s on the internet are considered more reliable when trying to find a website with scientific information? URL s that end in .edu, .gov, and .org. Which types of URL s should you carefully question and verify? URL s that end in .com or .net. Why? Because quite a bit of scientific info on the Inet is intended to entice people. 10. What is anecdotal data? Testimonies by individuals rather than results from a controlled, clinical study which isn t reliable. Why is it considered unreliable supporting scientific information? Because it s subjective. 11. Why is correlation data (data showing that two events occurred at the same time) not necessarily meaningful? Because one factor might not be the cause of the other. 12. Briefly define the following: Matter is anything that takes up space. Element is any substance that can t be broken down into substances with different properties. Atom is the smallest part of an element that displays the properties of the element. 13. What are the subatomic particles and what is the electrical charge of each? Protons (positively charged), Neutrons (electrically neutral), both found in the Nucleus of the atom amp; Electrons (negatively charged). Where in the atom is each of these particles found? In the orbital (Electrons) 14. Which two types of bonds join atoms into
  • 14. Dr Morton Superhuman SUPERHUMAN A Supernatural Drama, 43 minutes A Second Chance Life is anything but ordinary for the Weber three. Orphaned by a horrific accident their only chance of survival is Dr Andrew Morton. Hired by an anonymous investor Dr Morton has been working on a revolutionary serum that gives his financier the chance at immortality. Injecting them, the teens not only survive they awaken with remarkable superhuman abilities. Learning to use their powers comes with responsibility and the occasional tendencies towards misbehaving. Ivy, Oliver, and Jameson must navigate the real world with a heightened new perspective. Meanwhile on the other side of Redwood City Dr Philippa Yates nefariously continues to create her own army of super humans. However, a break in the sequencing sees her creating a weaponised force of criminals who threaten the lives of Redwood City citizens. It is up to the Webers to protect the people and remain anonymous from the Nobel Alliance who craves the science for warfare and will do anything to acquire it. Attempting to keep good grades while secretly saving the city will test the trio like never before, until old family secrets are revealed it tests their loyalty, family, and themselves. Forever changed by experience, they must trust ... Show more content on ... Everybody has their share of secrets but is murder one of them? It is the call that changed everything for Sophie Talbot, returning to Franklin Pines for her father s funeral when the body of her best friend Avery Johnston is found. Knowing there is a murderer in town, Sophie uses what her ex cop father taught her to uncover the truth. Suspicious of the events over the past two years, she begins her own investigation, taking her on a dangerous journey. Sophie must not tip off the killer jeopardising any hope of uncovering the truth. Running from the past, a killer, and herself Sophie must focus on what is true. Can Sophie solve this mystery before it is too
  • 15. Persuasive Essay On Animal Rights Your unwitting response only proves how adamant you are to twist and bend the rules to your convenience. The rules clearly state that the tenant will ALSO be notified , with no further stipulation indicating that said notification is to further be forwarded by the owner of the unit. Also, VERBAL complaints are invalid, as you have stated numerous times, whenever we have addresses our own concerns with other dogs/people in the building. Therefore, you are purposely suppressing the rights we are entitled to, which is absolutely ridiculous and indicative of your personal agenda to attack, harass and discriminate against us, for no reason; which is a clear violation of the regulations set forth by the FHA, not to mention a violation of the IDFPR oath you are supposed to uphold as a licensed community association manager. Also, the correspondence, you claim was put forth to the owner, was not sent in a timely manner... Show more content on ... We make every effort to avoid any issues and/or ever hearing from LMS, but what you are suggesting is cruel and unusual punishment which would cause unnecessary stress and anguish to a sweet animal that did nothing but act like any other normal dog. Adults do not need etiquette tips published on their doorstep to know that if someone is overly terrified of any dog, then they most certainly should not provoke the animal and/or continue to remain within close proximity to said animal. Obviously, animals can sense when a person is petrified and may translate that sense into an alert to danger, which may cause an undesirable action. IF our dog were to ever bite, hurt, attack anyone, as responsible pet owners, we would absolutely address the situation immediately and would not wait around to be reprimanded by someone who was not even there and is seemingly biased to the perspective of only a select group of individuals, which clearly do not include the tenants in
  • 16. Distractions while Driving Many people have lost their lives on the road and caused other s deaths because they were distracted with doing something while driving. In 2012, 3,328 people were killed in distraction related crashes ( Statistics on Texting Cell Phone Use While Driving n.d.). Distractions while driving that result in these accidents include texting/making a call or becoming intoxicated and having high blood alcohol concentration. Many laws have been brought forth to help regulate the amount of people drinking while driving and using a cell phone while driving. Not only do people put their own lives in danger, they are also putting other s lives in danger. People who take part in these distractions are not being responsible when making these rash decisions while driving and creating a hazardous environment for those around them. Drinking and Driving People like to go to parties and have fun all the time and what s a party without alcohol, right? The problem with drinking at parties, however, is that many don t know that they have become drunk and end up driving around after they leave the party. Drunk driving is dangerous and those driving that have high blood alcohol content or concentration (BAC) increases their risk of causing or being a part of accidents such as vehicle crashes or highway injuries ( Driving, n.d.). The article About Drunk Driving (n.d.) states that every 53 minutes on average, someone is killed in a drunken driving crash and every 90 seconds, someone is injured.
  • 17. Luan Axie Biography Luan Oliveira is a hero to the skateboarding community because he worked his way out of the ghetto all by himself by learning many tricks on his skateboard and earning sponsors by winning competitions. Oliveira is a deserving hero because he is one of the most talented skaters alive, winning the Tampa am contest twice. Luan Oliveira is one of the eight pros chosen to have their own series of videos on the Berrics website. In his video another pro is talking Oliveira s skating as a kid and says, I think in 2 or 3 hours of skating he got enough footage to make a 4 minute part... And this video was impressive because it marked the beginning of Luan s career ( This states how Oliveira was a very talented skater since he was young,... Show more content on ... Luan Oliveira shows success by earning many sponsors growing up and having a video part in Flip Skateboards video before he was even pro. In 2007 Oliveira was, knocking out a mind blowing video part in Flip s Extremely Sorry. In 2010, Flip turned Oliveira pro ( Oliveira came to the US in 2007 and had a flow and amateur sponsorship, and within three years he was turned pro. When he filmed his video part for Flip skateboards he was also new in America and had never skated in the USA, so he was very new to the spots. In Oliveira s interview he was asked what he is doing for the future and he replied, I m also building up my skate shop. Matriz Skate Shop was one of my first sponsors. They helped make me who I am today. And now I own a Matriz shop in Brazil. When we all started working together, it was a dream of mine to one day own a skate shop and that dream has come true. I am so grateful for that. Over the next ten years, I plan to open ten skate shops ( Oliveira has accomplished one of the dreams he had growing up and plans to expand on that dream and continue on in the future. In addition, Oliveira also gives credit to Matriz Skate Shop for his current life today and said how they helped him be where he is today. Oliveira shows success in the financial and personal areas of his life by his heroic rags to
  • 18. Community Health Community Health and Population Focused Nursing Joanna Carreon Western Governors University The town of Colma is located in San Mateo County within the state of California. Colma was established on August 5, 1924. It has an elevation of 100 feet above sea level, and measures 1.91 square miles. Population Economic Status Assessment The Population Economic Status Assessment tool assisted in obtaining statistical facts about the population of this community. According to the US Census Bureau, Colma has a population size of 1,837, which includes 848 males and 989 females. The percentage of High School graduates or higher is 86.3%. The average household income is $88,438. The ... Show more content on ... Windshield Survey The Windshield Survey gathered information to better see the bigger picture of the community. There are many older detached single family homes with front and back yards. There is also a mix of old apartments, as well as brand new apartments. There are lots of open spaces due to the number of cemeteries in Colma. Some have lush green fields with trees and planted flowers, while one has a lake with ducks. Most common place for the residents to hang out at is the shopping mall, Serramonte. Senior citizens meet there early morning, while a Tai Chi class is offered. The community travels around in cars or public transportation, such as SamTrans bus or BART train. BART trains are available from 4:20 am to 1:24 am, trains arrive and depart every 15 minutes. There are two recreation centers, Colma Community Center and Sterling Park Recreation Center. Doctors and dentists offices are also located within the community. There are 2 outdoor shopping centers within 1 mile of each other. There are also numerous car dealerships along the street next to one of the shopping centers. During the day, families of all ages and all races are out in the community. There are a lot of crows that fly around and stray cats. Financially, the community is on an upward slope. There are no signs of abandonment and the roads are paved. The residents are primarily Hispanic, Asian, and Caucasian. There are
  • 19. The Invention Of The Gas Turbine Essay The modern gas turbine was born from two early fields of technology: the steam turbine and the internal combustion engine. [1] In 1678, Ferdinand Verbiest designed a horseless carriage that relied on an early steam jet for power and propulsion, this is thought to be the first self propelled automobile in history. Eventually, inventors attempted to create an alternative to the steam engineand the idea of the gas turbine was born. While the claim to inventing the gas turbinehas never truly been resolved, it can be traced back to as early as the late 1700s. Over the next century and a half many pioneers have attempted to solve the challenge of the early gas turbine in order to create a power source that could compete with steam turbines of the day. In truth, the invention of the modern day industrial gas turbine can be contributed to the combined works of many inventors. It is nearly impossible to talk about the history of the modern gas turbine without first mentioning the late history of the steam turbine. The industrial revolution was born through the invention of energy conversion devices that could be used to replace the natural power sources such as wind and water movement. In 1712, Newcomen created the first functional steam engine. Despite the fact that it was allowing people to break away from the dependence on wind and water power, this engine had low efficiency compared to the previous power sources. James Watt improved this with the addition of a condenser
  • 20. America Campaign Speech HEALTH OCCUPATIONS STUDENTS OF AMERICA PRESIDENT PLANTATION HIGH SCHOOL AUGUST 2015 JUNE 2016 As President, I led an extraordinary group of individuals towards the promotion of health at school while providing an extraordinary amount of leadership opportunities to ensure when I leave my position in June that I left the club in better hands. I also led a school wide campaign to boost blood donation rates to the point by the end of the year we ve saved nearly one thousand lives. I also won first place in Research Persuasive Essay in the county for my speech. I ve also received a $1000 scholarship from OneBlood for my work within the community. CITY OF FORT LAUDERDALE GET UP AND STAND OUT PROGRAM DECEMBER 2015 MAY 2016 In conjunction with the City of Fort Lauderdale and the League of Woman Voters, I... Show more content on ... I plan to join FAU debate team to keep practicing my skills and continue my passion to new heights. KEY CLUB PLANTATION HIGH SCHOOLAUGUST 2014 JUNE 2016 As a member, I helped give children at the Joe DiMaggio Children s Hospital Halloween cards and candy to cheer them on their road to recovery. We also help create PB J sandwiches for homeless shelters, beach cleanups and I participated in their state competitions twice in a row for speaking category. NATIONAL ART HONORS SOCIETY/ NATIONAL HONORS SOCIETY PLANTATION HIGH SCHOOL AUGUST 2014 JUNE 2016 Our main task was to help the community through the beauty of art. From painting stones for kids towards staying up all night for Relay for Life since cancer doesn t sleep, we didn t sleep either. Plus, with fundraising, we raised over $2000 for Cancer care. Other activities were our large harvest drive to provide can foods for thanksgiving to families in
  • 21. Short Story About Pokemons Hey kiddo, I m back! And look who I ve got! The gengar said, full of energy as always. Hello darling. It said in a smooth feminine voice. Elise could only assume she was female, and was close friends with Grimsley as well. Hi there. She said, reaching a hand out to shake that of the new pokemon. I m Elise. Of course you are! You re very well known throughout here, you know there s no need to introduce yourself every time. She said, meeting the Mawile s hand with her own. Though I do appreciate the kindness. I go by Selena, and would love to be the first to spend time with you tonight. She said. Oh! Well, I d love to try something out with you. Anything in particular you d like to try, or...? There is one thing. She said,... Show more content on ... A mischievous grin spread across her face as she felt both fatigue and tenderness overcome her, sending small rushes of pleasure and tingles all throughout her body. She loved the feeling of being possessed. Having your ability to control your own body being whisked away was such a pleasant experience, and turned her on more than any pokemon could imagine. Soon enough, the process of her body resisting the newcomer ceased completely as the froslass spirit from within her fully took control, and she was halted in place under the regime of the ghost type. Is that it? She asked out loud, only having the ability to move her mouth and vocal chords. Should be! She heard the voice ring from within her head. Wow, your body is so comfy! I could get used to this. Yeah. Elise said, hurriedly. Maybe we can small chat a bit about how amazing my body is later, but for now how about we focus on,
  • 22. Analysis Of The Cradle Will Rock And William Randolph Hearst Although Hearst denounced the corruption amongst capitalists of his own stature, regardless of his own tarnished name, a recently uncovered letter from Berlin to Hearst proves his collusion with federal investigators commissioned by congress in the hunt for communist infiltration in Hollywood and the entertainment industry. The letter claims that Hearst s people have the complete assurance from [their] friends in Washington that the result of the investigation made by them ... of the motion picture industry is available to [them] ... This should be extremely valuable (History). Furthermore, Hearst used his Yellow Press to push allegations of communist activity in Roosevelt created government agencies, among the accused agencies, the Federal Theatre Project. In his attacks on Hollywood and the Federal Theatre Project, Hearst was driven by selfish and possibly personal ulterior motives. Between the Federal Theatre Project, Hollywood, and William Randolph Hearstexists one very crucial connection, Orson Welles(Allen, Carmichael). The Boy Wonder entertainer, who at 21 years old directed the groundbreaking play The Cradle Will Rock , which criticized public figures just like Hearst. But it isn t the production of this play that brought young Welles ever promising career to an abrupt halt, to this William Randolph Hearst is responsible. It was not uncommon in 1920 s and 30 s film and literature to allude to the ostentatious capitalist figures of the times. Figures like
  • 23. America Diary Entry With arms wide open, Allie stood on the balcony of her newly refurbished home and enjoyed the rainy mists blowing onto the balcony off the late afternoon shower; she had dearly missed sitting there in the mornings and evenings, watching the sunrises and the ships going and coming. Allie loved her grandmother, but was glad to have left her grandmother s house and gone back to her own. Here, she was the mistress she could lie in bed all day if she chose to she could do as she pleased. This is who I am, thought Allie, is this how you remind me, she whispered, looking toward the heavens. Inhaling deeply, she sat down in her favorite chair and propped her bare feet on the balcony railing The earthy, venereal, desirous scents were soothing to... Show more content on ... I need to leave Charleston as soon as I can, thought Allie. Maybe I should beg Thomas to take me somewhere else If he does not want me to be in Savannah, then maybe, he can take me to Jamaica or some other place nearby. Willie s cumbersome footsteps lumbering up the stairwell let her know that they were ready to fill her tub. Mary even had Gabriel toting water. As soon as they finished, she slipped off her clothes to get into the steaming tub. Her reflection in the mirror startled her. She knew that since becoming pregnant, she was filling out some, but had not realized how much. Her breasts looked much larger and her hips were nicely rounded. Thomas will like this, thought Allie as she stepped into the tub. She had just finished washing when she heard the door to her bedroom open. Suspecting Mary had come to help her, boot steps were the last thing she expected to hear. When Thomas pushed the door open and entered her dressing room, it almost startled her into a scream. Allie had just stood to reach for a towel when he entered; his catching her, kept her from falling and injuring herself. The rough feel of his clothes against her naked flesh sent tingling sensations through her. Grabbing a handful of her hair, Thomas leaned her head back and kissed her soundly. His mouth on hers sent even more tingles through her body. When Thomas released her, she was plumb weak in the
  • 24. Genesis 6-13 Research Paper As a descendant of Adam and Eve, Noah was both a blameless and righteous man who faithfully walked alongside the Lord. Unlike the others in his generation, Noah did not allow the wickedness to enter into his own life, and God sought favor in this. Genesis 6: 13 reveals the discussion between God to Noah, revealing his plan to destroy every living thing under the heavens due to the violence that seeps in the lives of all creations. The Lord instructed Noah to build an ark out of cypress wood, accommodating the dimensions of forty five feet long, seventy five feet wide, and forty five feet high. One the construction was completed the Lord revealed the occupants of the ark. The individuals chosen to accompany Noah during the flood were his wife, Noah s three sons and their wives, along with a single pair of all unclean animals, and seven pairs of all clean animals. The Lord then instructs Noah and his occupants to enter into the ark, affirming, Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty... Show more content on ... Every living creation perished, leaving Noah and the other occupants of the ark as the only remaining creatures on the earth. The waters cleansed the earth from all sin, giving the Lord a fresh start to a more awe inspiring and passionate coexistence between future generations. After a year and seventeen days on the ark, the Lord instructed Noah and his family to bring the animals out onto the newly cleansed land so that they can be fruitful and increase in numbers. Once the task was complete, Noah set out on a task of building an altar and made a sacrificial burnt offering from some of the clean animals and presented it to the Lord. The Lord then proclaimed that never again would he curse the ground or destroy all living creatures due to the wickedness and evil that could once again fill the hearts of his living
  • 25. The Effects Of Hormones On Social Behavior Essay INTRODUCTION Oxytocin is a natural hormone produced by the hypothalamus that is used as a medication during childbirth to induce or speed up labor. But scientists noticed that in non human mammals, intranasal administration of oxytocin seemed to promote positive social behavior, traditionally good social forces like trust and cooperation; for this reason came about the study of oxytocin s effects on social behavior in humans. Positive social behavior is instrumental in our everyday interactions, and especially can have important consequences in business, where individuals make decisions often about the well being of their groups . Many experiments were performed dedicated to understanding oxytocin s effects on positive social behavior, and the hormone took on the moniker of the love drug or cuddle chemical. This positive social behavior, stronger bonds of trust within the members of a group, was coined in group favoritism in De Dreu et al. (2011); negative social behavior, or the tendency towards prejudice, was labeled out group derogation. However, researchers in the fields of neuroscience and psychology questioned the overwhelmingly positive research, coupled with the knowledge that there has been no proof of a hormone with universally positive effects. It was logically flawed to declare that oxytocin was a good hormone, as most of the studies in the field thus far were only to measure positive outcomes instead of outcomes that may not be desired. They suggested,
  • 26. Hollow Men Analysis The Real Life (A Discussion on Three Messages in T.S. Eliot s Hollow Men) T.S Eliot was the most famous English poet of his time, and he was one of the most influential poet. His distinctive style of writing took the attention of not only other poets, but many people all over the world. Thomas Stearns Eliot is best known as a poet and literary critic (he received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1948), but his work in social and cultural theory has also been widely influential (Edwards). T.S. Eliot s style of writing was mostly a pessimistic view on life. One of the best examples of his pessimistic view on life comes from his work The Hollow Men. The Hollow Men is a short part of the title The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot. The Hollow... Show more content on ... The Hollow Men by T.S. Eliot expresses the message of modern life doesn t appreciate faith. T.S. Eliot came to the conclusion that people of the modern generation have lost their faith that people once had. Eliot was nothing if not a seeker: seeking to reconcile the culture he saw with what he hoped it to be; seeking to reconcile an inner despair with a parallel want of faith (Dobrinska). In The Hollow Men Eliot describes how people don t put religion above all things important anymore. He explains we shifted to craving liberation not religion. At the end of the poem, eliot tries to recite God s words but is unable because the modern world no longer knows them. For thine is, life is, for thine is the (91). Eliot ends the poem with these words to really hit hard the point that religion is falling apart, and the modern world no longer believes in the idea. T.S. Eliot s last message in his literary work The Hollow Men is that the modern world lack integrity. Eliot explains that the modern world is afraid to meet our ancestors in the other side. Let me also wear such deliberate disguises (32). The modern world is embarrassed about the lives we live. The modern era hides their face from the ancestors because our lives are not as valuable as their lives once were. The modern era doesn t accomplish as much importance as the times before. It contains the poet s reflection on the subject of human nature in this world, and
  • 27. The Chief Led The Way As They Left The Hut The chief led the way as they left the hut. They passed through the doorway, and the outside light blinded Daniel. It took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust, but when they did, Daniel could see many huts like the one he was just in. the tribe had placed the huts in a wide circle, surrounding a large fire pit made of stone. They dragged Daniel a few feet away, past the fire pit to a large wooden pillar which stuck straight out of the ground. As Daniel got closer, he noticed a lifeless figure tied up on the pillar. It was Captain Jack Hughes of flight Dreamhail. His body lied there motionless, stained dry with blood. Daniel couldn t believe that his former captain had been killed and for what reason? The men dragged Daniel to the former captain, throwing him unto the ground before the lifeless body. The chief approached the captain with a large knife, and Daniel watched as the captain was then decapitated. The chief then threw his head to the ground, causing it to roll right in front of Daniel. Daniel was horrified, and was now breaking out in tears. So this is what happened to you, huh captain? These people... they have killed you and will now probably do the same to me, He said. The chief proceeded to cut the restraints off from the captain s lifeless body, which then dropped to the ground in one loud thud. Daniel couldn t believe what was happening. A bubbling anger rose in Daniel, and he began to scream with all his energy, You savages! Why... Why did you have to
  • 28. Internet Of Things Essay The Internet of Things, or the IoT is envisioned as a ubiquitous society wherein people and devices (referred to as Things ) are connected in a riveting networked computing environment viz. Internet , with the connected Things providing utility to people/enterprises through various intelligent commercial and social services. Large chunks of data is generated for devices to communicate with each other to facilitate the InternetOf Things. Data transfer over the Internet is usually a powerhungry process. With ever growing necessity of utilizing energy in a more efficient way it is not only important to communicate data at a faster rate but also do so in a very low energy consuming method. This report employs one such method which utilizes the fact that most of the data communicated by the IoT devices processes and services is irregular and generally concentrated over a short duration of time. This method focuses on adapting the duty cycle of these processes/devices so that they are asleep during large periods of inactivity. The report also investigates the Low power consumption system thus obtained as a standalone system running on the energy provided by a Energy Harvestor(PV CELL) .Cost considerations limit the size of the energy harvestor used which affects the power provided by it ,thus the system is so designed such that the energy harvestor is able to run the system during sleep while energy storing elements power the system during its active cycle. This means
  • 29. Greek Cultural Values What role have social and cultural values and ideas played in shaping artistic expression from the Greeks to modern civilization? Social and cultural values and ideas played a critical role from the Greeks to modern civilization. Today, I will discuss how social and cultural values played a critical role from the Greeks to modern society. The legacy of Greek cultureis significant and continues to influence our culture today. The Greeks introduced our modern civilization to numerous ideas and values. Some of them include detail to sculptures, patterns on pottery, and the introduction to materials that we still use today. Greek art, literature, music, and political thought are other ideas and values we inherited from the Greeks continue to influence us today. Amongst the many influences of Greece was Greek art. The idea of beauty was originated in Greece and is still used today. During the classical era artists made significant innovations that went beyond the traditional styles. Majority of our modern artistic expressions today was heavily influenced by the Greeks. The Greeks had great interest in scientific specifications. Which helped develop their accurate proportions when making their sculptures. One of the ideas and values we learned from the Greeks that is still used today are beauty in the human form along with accurate proportions. Greek artists were focused on making the human body as real as possible. The Greeks obsession with the human body was a great
  • 30. Photographs Capture Time And Create Meaning Photographs capture time and create meaning. Mark Klett s Under the Dark Cloth , is a simple, yet compelling piece of art which captures his experience in Monument Valley, Arizona on May 27th, 1989. The perspective of the photograph is strategic in allowing the viewers to see from Klett s point of view. This angle places the viewer in the first person, connecting them directly to the image. Images of landscapes are often engrossing, Klett s piece does this on two planes. In the text, Visual Methodologies, author, Gillian Rose uses semiotics as a way to make sense of an image. She defines semiotics as the study of signs and their use or interpretation, or, how images make meaning (pg. 75). Under close inspection of Mark Klett s Under ... Show more content on ... Another question could be looked at through the lens of positional communication . Who is positioned as superior and who inferior? (pg. 82). The photographer makes the audience feel as if they are a part of the image, giving the audience a connection to the subject of the photograph. This allows power within the image to be equally distributed and shared between human and nature. The objects within the image, such as the watch, camera, and dark cloth connote time, preservation, and reflection. Klett s use of signs give his photo the purpose it needs to remain captivating. Within Klett s photo, icons, indexes, and symbols are all presented. The icon most prevalent in the image is the upside down image of Monument Valley. This iconic image represents that specific rock structure in the valley. This image is also a synecdochal sign, it is a part of this rocky range, representing the national park as a whole. The two indexes that stand out immediately are the camera and the dark cloth. When you see a camera you immediately think of documentation or memories. When we think of something under the dark cloth or in a dark space we think of referees reviewing a play or the process of developing a photograph. When someone is under the dark cloth, it is a personal, capturing moment. This sign is a moment of silence and critical reflection. The symbols which are presented in the photograph include the camera, watch, and the style of the photograph.
  • 31. Fair Bear Research Paper Fair Bear has gone on another adventure, this time in Georgia. He has decided to visit the Ocmulgee National Park and Preserve Initiative. This includes the Indian Mounds, the Bond Swamp Wildlife Refuge, the Ocmulgee River, and historic Muscogee land. At the Ocmulgee National Park and Preserve Initiative, Fair Bear can go kayaking, canoeing, fishing, hunting, bird watching, hiking, or biking. He can also learn about its history and culture. He might even meet ancestors of the Muscogee tribe. He learned that the tribe lived there 17,000 years ago. The Muscogee Creek people built large ceremonial centers and grew corn, squash, and beans. The land in the Ocmulgee National Park and Preserve Initiative is very special to these people and needs to
  • 32. How Did Shakespeare Write His Play Did Shakespeare really write his plays and sonnets? Did you think William Shakespeare wrote his own plays? Did he have the right background to write them? Was he qualified? Did he have the right schooling? William Shakespeare did not write his own plays and sonnets. He did not write his plays or sonnets because it doesn t make sense with his with his lack of schooling and money. Some may ask who was William Shakespeare? According to Google William Shakespeare was widely known as England s national poet, and the Bard of Avon. Which is not true he did not write his own plays and sonnets so why he is called that who knows. He did not write his plays or sonnets because it doesn t make sense with his with his lack of schooling and poor family. If William Shakespeare s family had been wealthier or if he had had a better education then maybe he could ve wrote them, but that is not how his story goes. ... Show more content on ... Reason one he did not have the schooling or education to write them. Reason two his parents nor him did not have the money to produce them. If William Shakespeare did write them he was very smart for his lack of schooling. Further proving William did not write his own plays or sonnets. Some people may say that Shakespeare did write his own plays and sonnets, but they are wrong. William did not have the background to write those amazing plays and sonnets. He would not have the amount of knowledge. He also wouldn t have the money to support them. So no William Shakespeare did not write his own plays and
  • 33. Minimum Weight Design of a Wing Box Subjected to Bending Minimum weight design of a wing box subjected to bending Abstract: Aircraft wing is one of the best examples of an efficient structural design. A variety of structural arrangements are possible to satisfy design goals. The endeavour is always to arrive at a minimum weight of a wing structure for a given set of design conditions. The main load carrying structure of a wing is the torsion box formed by front spar, rear spar, and top spar amp; bottom skins. In the preliminary design stages an effect is made to arrive at an efficient design of this box structure. The load carrying capacity of this box structure is largely controlled by the buckling of the compression cover plate. In order to get a minimum weight design of such a box the ... Show more content on ... The first approach requires a thorough understanding of the buckling phenomenon. The top cover of a wing box beam is a long and wide plate. For all practical purposes it will buckle as a wide column where the critical buckling stress is given by the Euler s buckling formula This will be an unacceptably low value. In order to increase the buckling stress, ribs are employed with provide lateral support to the compression cover plate along their lines of attachment. Various possible buckling modes can occur which are briefly discussed below If the flexural rigidity of the tension cover is very low, the box can buckle as a whole. If the tension cove is flexural very stiff and the ribs are very weak then the buckling pattern will be as shown here As the deflection stiffness of the ribs increase the buckling pattern changes forming more than one half sine waves over the length of the box as shown in the next figure Here the ribs are represented as deflectional springs and the buckled wave form is very much exaggerated. The idea here is that the ribs are not stiff enough to provide nodes at their location. This is illustrated in the next figure The ribs are just stiff enough to enforce nodes along their lines of attachment with the skin. The effective length of buckling = rib spacing and the buckling stress
  • 34. Age Of New Imperialism Analysis During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Europe was experiencing an Age of Discovery, led by the spanish. During this time, nations in Europe were mostly ruled by absolute monarchs, and the lower classes were repressed. Furthermore, Europe was in constant religious warfare, as Protestantism had recently arose and created divisions in once united territories. Centuries later, Europeonce again began reaching for international control. This resurgence of exploration is known as the Age of New Imperialism. The European nations during the Age of New Imperialism had modern governments, including Socialist and Communist parties, and had just arose from a time of internal turmoil and revolutions. During this time, from the late nineteenth century... Show more content on ... During the Age of Discovery, most nations had absolute monarchs, and thus the glory received from expeditions abroad would directly go to the monarch, rather than to the nation itself. This is evidenced by the extravagant palaces of Versailles and el Escorial, which were constructed using the profits from the Age of Discovery. Furthermore, many European nations had impoverished lower classes, that only suffered while the extravagant monarchs indulged in the new income from overseas trade. In contrast, during the nineteenth century and the Age of New Imperialism, the glory received from conquest would increase the nationalism of the entire country. This patriotic fervor gripped nations and was the cause of both unification and warfare. Specifically, this nationalism and glory was used by King Charles X of France who gained more power by increasing the patriotism of his people. Despite his absolutist rule, the people of France did not rebel, as they were proud of their nation s African expansion. In conclusion, the motivation of glory while expanding is similar in both of the ages of international growth of European
  • 35. Shutter Island Theory Essays A Shutter of Surprise Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio teamed up in 2006 to bring the world the organized crime masterpiece, The Departed. The film was a huge success and swept the major awards at the Oscars that year, bring home such prizes as best picture and best director. The win cemented Scorsese as the greatest living filmmaker and he finally got the respect he deserves from the Academy. DiCaprio is one of the best actors of his generation. Titanic, The Aviator, and The Departedareall the evidence needed to securely place him in the upper pantheon of great actors. Expecting a quality movie from either of these two artist is like expecting to get wet by jumping in a pool. When word first broke that the two would be teaming up ... Show more content on ... The script is a very powerful character study exploring what it means to be insane and unraveling our very concepts of reality. Shutter Island is absolutely gorgeous. The film is definitely Scorsese s most visually rich work since Raging Bull. The cinematography perfectly mirrors the tone of the story and is one of the strongest points of the film. The establishing shots are breath taking. They create of the feeling of grander and adventure with an undertone of mystery and the unknown. The environment Scorsese creates makes the viewer s skin crawl as effectively as fingernails on the chalkboard. The score perfectly translates what is going on and further engraves the overall emotion of mystery and uncertainty into the audiences souls. The dream and hallucination sequences are a treat to the eyes and are some of the most striking every put on celluloid. Most of the time when a film tries to do one of these scenes they appear poorly executed and take away from the story. That is not the case with Shutter Island as theses scenes provide a great story telling technique. They create a haunting feeling that mirrored to the suspense in reality. Where Scorsese falters is in the transition between reality and the nightmare world only found in Teddy s psyche. The switches feel very clunky at times and bring the effect down. The audience can almost always tell what is real and what is a nightmare. If the director could have created
  • 36. Questions On Financial Reporting Disclosures 1.Introduction ICAEW made nine recommendations about financial reporting disclosures in 2013 to solve current disclosure overload problem. This report will mainly argue against recommendation four. Choosing this prospect because one of the objectives of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is to protect consumers from being taken advantage of by other informed participants in the capital market. Among all the suggestions, disclosing different reports for different users has the most significant influence on investors and capital market. Section 2 of this report will firstly discuss the probability of fraudulent financial reporting and the fairness problem. Then the information asymmetry problem and the instability of the security market ... Show more content on ... Assuming public companies are allowed to distinguish classes of users, the decision relevant information could be split on the basis of different interests and somebody may take advantage of this loophole to provide fraudulent information for a favourable outcome in stock price. 2.2Example of FFR According to the most resent report from Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE, 2008), from January 2006 to February 2008, among all types of frauds, FFR associated with largest average cost which was $258 million, while the second largest was $34 million. Furthermore, the study from KPMG (2003) and ACFE (2008) all agreed FFR is the least common but most costly fraud (Carcello and Hermanson, 2008). The estimated annual cost of FFR in USA is $1 trillion (ACFE, 2008), and this is just under the relaxed disclosure regulation, which is the Securities Offering Reform, issued in 2005 in America (Clinton et al., 2014). And FFR is certainly not limited to the United States (Zack, 2009). Hence, FCA considered FFR facts in US as a lesson and involved in a special project in 2010 in UK to examine fraud in public companies (Fisher et al., 2010). To conclude, recommendation four could increase the probability of FFR which could stimulate the stock price, and that will harm consumers and encourage the unhealthy competition in security market.
  • 37. Illinois V. Gates Case Digest Illinois v. Gates Parties: Plaintiff in the Illinois Circuit: State of Illinois Defendant Lance and Susan Gates Appellant in the Illinois Appellate Court: State of Illinois Respondent in the Illinois Appellate Court: Lance and Susan Gates Appellant to the Illinois Supreme Court: State of Illinois Respondent to the Illinois Supreme Court: Lance and Susan Gates Petitioner to the SCOUTS: State of Illinois Respondent to the SCOUTS: Lance and Susan Gates. Procedural History: The Gates won their motion to suppress before they were tried; the prosecution appealed it to the Illinois appellate court AND the Illinois Supreme Court. When the prosecutor lost in both of those state courts, the prosecutor then petitioned the USSC for a writ of certiorari ... Show more content on ... The police department did a follow up with the highly detailed tip they received. The defendants where watched closely and the officers did a follow up on the exact activities that they received from the anonymous tip. The officers gathered all the information they observed in doing the follow up, and received a warrant. The warrant allowed the officers to search the home and the defendant s automobiles. The officer s drug dogs found drugs, weapons and contraband in the defendants home and automobiles. Stated in the article, that the defendants made trips to Florida to bring back narcotics. Mader followed up on the tip and discovered that Lance had made a reservation to West Palm Beach. Lance was followed to the hotel, where he left with Sue in the family car back to Bloomingdale. The information that the officers gathered allowed them to provide evidence that the defendants where selling and bringing back drugs and with the tip, they were given a search warrant from the magistrate. Issue: Should the magistrate allowed a search warrant to be issued since they were given information from an anonymous tip, without violating the Fourth Amendment rights? Holding/Rationale: When a court decides whether or not to issue a search warrant, the elements of the informant s credibility/reliability and basis of knowledge are to be used as guides when considering the totality of the circumstances and are
  • 38. The Importance Of Characters In Age Of Innocence It is common to see, in both literature and in real life, people judging those who are different than people around them. This is a universal idea, and is present in the novels of Age of Innocence, where we are introduced to the glamorous lifestyle of the elite New York society, and also in Ironweed, which focuses on those suffering from the effects of the Great Depression. People often think of themselves as superior to those who do not follow social norms of society, as seen with Ellen s forced isolations, Helen refusing to do things that are below her, and finally in my own life, when I travel to India and am judged based on my own differences caused by growing up with a different societal rules and codes. In Age of Innocence, we are introduced to Ellen Olenska, a character who has just returned to New York after separating from her husband and living in Europe for almost her entire life. It is clear to see that Ellen is different from the rest of the upper New York society. The way she decorates her house, how she lives in a bohemian neighborhood, and going to parties thrown by common people are all different ways of how she disregards the social codes set in place by this elitesociety. However, it is obvious how because of these differences, she is isolated and thought of as lower than the rest of them. For example, when Mrs. van der Luyden talks to Newland Archer after he is talking to Ellen, it shows that when people break social codes, there is a need to isolate them in order to keep their own reputation intact. Then stay with me a little longer, Madame Olenska said in a low tone... Yes, let me stay, he answered in the same tone, hardly knowing what he said; but just then Mr. van der Luyden came up, followed by old Mr. Urban Dagonet. The Countess greeted them with her grave smile, and Archer, feeling his host s admonitory glance on him, rose and surrendered his seat (Wharton 54 55.) Although Archer enjoys the Ellen s company, it is not socially acceptable for him to continue to talk to her in the presence of the van der Luydens, who are the most powerful influencers in the society. They know that Archer should not speak to Ellen, especially when there are other members of society present,
  • 39. Artificial Intelligence in Gibson s Idoru and Oshii s... Artificial Intelligence in Gibson s Idoru and Oshii s Ghost in the Shell Introduction If people knew what scientists are up to, they would not be sleeping as calmly as they do today. If only they knew, they would read more carefully what the cyberpunk authors have to say. The purpose of this work is not only to compare the pictures of Artificial Intelligence (hereafter referred to simply as AI) included in two major works of cyberpunk genre, but also to show the connection between those images and the reality we all live in or its nearest future. So what is the future of AI depicted in cyberpunk works like? And if, as Sterling suggests, science fiction writers pass on a cautionary message to the... Show more content on ... A useful addition to it is provided by the author who is considered one of the founders of the genre, William Gibson. In one of his interviews he stated that it is about the present. It s not really about an imagined future. It s a way of trying to come to terms with the awe and terror inspired . . . by the world in which we live (Anonymous collective work). This opinion is in accordance with the opening quotation from Sterling. Both opinions, too, answer the question of why the examples from this particular genre were chosen for the sake of comparison shown in this very work. Indeed, there is a reason for doing this: the resemblance to reality cyberpunk works bear. Obviously, there are other genre specific features that characterize cyberpunk: like the presence of the Internet (that is often combined into one entity with virtual reality and takes up different names: Cyberspace, Matrix, Multiverse, partly because it was invented in cyberpunk literature before it was invented in reality and named the Internet) or the influence of almighty organizations in the form of international corporations or mafia like criminal orders of different kinds. These elements, too, appear in the works described herein, but they are just other elements of a picture already defined. Defining Basic Notions: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Let us now consider the term Artificial Intelligence. What is AI then? And do we live
  • 40. Essay on Aphra Behn s Oroonoko – Slaughter of the Human... Oroonoko Slaughter of the Human Spirit Aphra Behn introduces her characters in Oroonoko as beautiful people who possess a pure, innocent love. Behn does this in an effort to make her readers feel and question. Her poetic description of their emotions magnify the horror of the final scene. Behn s romantic love story is brought to a tragic end through brutality and death. Why did she choose such an ending? Her decision to have Oroonoko take the life of his wife and unborn child leaves her audience questioning. Was what they had love? If not, what was it? What had killed their innocence? The story of Oroonoko and Imoinda began with him approaching her and ended with the cut of his knife. Oroonoko both began and ... Show more content on ... The tiger dies without a fight. After he had conquered the beast, he takes his knife and cuts open her heart. Tis a Notion commonly receiv d with us, That nothing can receive a Wound in the Heart and Live; but when the Heart of this courageous Animal was taken out, there were Seven Bullets of Lead in it, and the Wounds seem d up with great scars. (pg. 46) Just as Oroonoko killed this beast, slavery had killed Oroonoko. The tiger stands as a symbol of Oroonoko, a creature both fierce and fearful. Why is it that Oroonoko had finally lost his power? Why was he now fearful? Throughout the story, Oroonoko encounters many hardships. He loses his wife to the King, is convinced that the King has killed Imoinda, and is sold into slavery. However, through all this Oroonoko continues onward. He still has his hope and control. He still feels as though he has some power. He can determine his own future. He has a choice. Like the tiger, his heart had been struck with many bullets, but he continued to live. However, this strong man was not without weakness. His weakness was Imoinda. Her Griefs were so many Darts in the Great Heart of Oroonoko. He knew that he was going to die after leading the slave revolt. He couldn t stand the thought of leaving her behind. Imagining her alone with her new born child helpless under the power of the master was the arrow that finally took Oroonoko s life, the arrow that
  • 41. Canvas Activity Summary Chapter 5 Canvas Activity 5.1 AEIOU Summary: пѓ Environment: Varying TemperatureWater Availability Safety EnvironmentHumid Atmosphere Layout пѓ Interaction: Site ManagerRaw Material Mobile PhonesSupervisor WorkerAuditor VisitorPower Cut пѓ Object: Raw MaterialLight Machine SetupTable and Chair VentilatorsSafety Equipments Water CoolingFan п ѓ Activities: Power SupplyCheck Water Level Put/Remove Die Insert Raw Material PrimingClamping/Unclamping Impact LoadInspection Maintenance пѓ Users: Auto Mobile IndustriesSheet Forming MedicalAero Space MilitarySanitary IndustriesTube Forming Commercial 5.2 Empathy Summary: пѓ Input Through
  • 42. Life Span Of Good Things Tsuna s now twenty one. It has been seven years since the eventful time travel incident, the defeat of Byakuran and the revival of the Arcabaleno, six years since the Vongola and the Shimon Famiglia have once again, formally, healed their strong and infrangible friendship that their ancestors had previously created. Seven years is definitely a long time, but Tsuna can recall those important memories from then as if it was only yesterday that he woke up from his coffin completely and utterly confused. He sighed wistfully at his action packed past and let out a soft chuckle of amusement when his memories drifted to all the fun times he s spent with his treasured Famiglia. He wished that he could live his carefree and less serious younger ... Show more content on ... His wimpy attitude towards life when he was still fourteen completely vanished, he s now learnt to never ever give up, no matter how dire the situation has become, because there will always be hope... My guardians... Tsuna thought, I really do hope that they come back safely... Being in the state of reminiscing the past and the current, downright forgot that he was in the middle of signing a trade agreement with some other random corporation that trades leather products. His fountain pen came to a pause at the very end of the cursive letter e in his signature, Vongola Decimo . Thank goodness the pen s tip lifted away from the paper whilst he daydreamed, if it hadn t, the leather trading corporation would have to see an embarrassingly huge ink blot. His hand gradually went slack and let the pen roll out of his grasp, letting the pen helplessly roll off the edge of the desk. Right at the moment the pen landed on the ground with a small tink , the door to his office burst open and smashed against the wall with a huge BANG . Juudaime! I m back! And with an urgent message! A very distinct voice bellowed across his office. Tsuna s thoughts immediately returned back to earth, startling his entire body to jump involuntarily. An alarmed wail erupted from his mouth as a reflex. GAAHHHIIEEE!! In the process of trying to jumping away from the sound, his knee banged painfully against the underside of the desk, causing him to lean
  • 43. The Taming Of The Shrew Analysis Performing Marriage with a Difference: Wooing, Wedding, and Bedding in The Taming of the Shrew Amy L. Smith Even before the recent burgeoning of performance theory, The Taming of the Shrew was of great interest to critics interested in role playing , identity, and theatricality. And because Kate s taming and her performative speech both take place in a play within a play, Taming fostered a critical interest in the intersection between performance and genderlong before the phrase gender trouble became commonplace. The recent debates about performance, culture, and theater sparked in part by Judith Butlersuggest, however, that it is time to revisit our analysis of gender and performance in this play. Although there are a number of... Show more content on ... Ramer, they dramatize a marriage that leaves Kate and Petruchio negotiating not only gender hierarchies but also love, sexuality, and parental demands. The Turning s particular reiteration of marriage enacts a series of negotiations for power, none of which results in a marriage based on simple domination and submission or perfect egalitarianism. By exaggerating husbandly dominance, for example, Petruchio s performance draws our attention not to the power inherent in such dominance but rather to its inefficacy. Thereby a conception of marriage that expects hierarchy and mutuality to coincide effortlessly is questioned. Kate emphasizes the room marriage leaves for maneuverability by enacting one that incorporates her wit and sexuality into her very performances of submission.Thus by thinking of marriage (andthefemalesubjectionitrequires) as performative, we can read Kate s agency through her reiteration of the role of wife a reiteration that stresses her reshaping of Petruchio and their marriage. By using performance theory to contend that gendered institutions such as marriage can and do change, I suggest that the very institutions which some critics suggest Kate is forced either to accept or to escape are instead critiqued and perhaps even shaped by her.4 Indeed, one of the reasons that the field of performance studies is so prevalent today and has so much to offer our readings of this play is
  • 44. Using Simple Regression Model to Explain the Relationship... Using the simple regression model to explain the relationship between 3 Month T bill rate and Dow Jones Index Index 1. Introduction......................................................3 2. Modeling the relationship between the 3 Month T bill rates and Dow Jones Index (First Model)........................3 3. Hypothesis and Testing..........................................4 4. Empirical Analysis................................................5 5. Further Comparison.............................................5 6. Conclusion.........................................................7 7. Appendix............................................................8 8. Reference...........................................................10 1. Introduction The 3 month T bill rates and Dow Jones index are really close to the whole economic environment; the 3 month T Bill rates are the preeminent default risk free rates in the US money market that is often used by... Show more content on ... So we can conclude that the relationship between the 3 month T Bill rate and implied 3 month forward rate of interest are closer than the relationship between 3 month T bill rates and Dow Jones Index. 5.2(Third Model) Y=ОІ0+ОІ1X (ОІ0 = the intercept of 3 Month T bill rate) (ОІ1 = the slope of implied 1 year forward rate of interest) 3 Month T Bill Rates= 0.01328+1.14838*implied 1 year forward rate of interest Similarly with the second model, using the formula above, we can say that when implied 3 month forward rate of interest increased by 1, 3 Month T bill rates will increase by 114.838% .Compare with the second model, according to the SAS output, we can see that the R square between3 month T Bill rate and implied 1 year forward rate of interest is 0.8145 which is much less than the R square between 3 month T bill rates. With implied 3 month forward rate of interest only 0.8145, we can conclude that the relationship between the 3 month T Bill rate and implied 1 year forward rate of interest
  • 45. Monsanto White Gold Pet Child Webster s Dictionary definition of profit is the compensation accruing to entrepreneurs for the assumption of risk in business enterprise as distinguished from wages or rent. Businesses run off of risk in order to make huge amounts of money. They trust the consumers to buy their products or services. They trust their suppliers with materials they need. They also trust the efficiency of their production line. Some businesses are so obsessed with the profits they gain that many people s lives are put at risk. The agricultural industry, Monsanto, does a great job at creating genetically modified seeds and creating chaos for farmers. Genetically modified seeds are used as profit tool, tearing into the pockets of poor farmers and scraping any... Show more content on ... However, in Burkina Faso, this is not the case. In the film White Gold, Organic Dreams [Pet Child], Professor Jean Didier Zongo discusses what farmers are told versus the reality of the situation. A farmerIt was promised that the yield would increase. In the beginning it increased, soon after it collapsed. It was promised that insects would be fought. But they developed a tolerance after a short time. And so on... (Organic Dreams,1:25) This company promises many things to these poor farmers. One thing the farmers don t realize is that there is no diversity within the seeds that allow the seed to develop it s own defenses or success rate. Diversity allows the strongest seed to reproduce and make more seeds with even stronger characteristics. GMOs try to do this artificially which lead to their downfall every time. Suppose a farmer learned this and decides not to purchase any more of these seeds, Professor Zongo also stated that, If a farmer doesn t follow the flow and refuses to adapt the GMOs, they are cut from fertilizers and can t sell their products. (Organic Dreams,1:00) In this case, the farmers are being punished for forming their own opinion about these bad
  • 46. Our Day at the Fair was a Red Balloon Essay In the desert stood a small and polite town. The low slung houses nestled in beside each other burned a crisp white in the noon sun. The stripes were not so visible on the back of his neck as across his little bare arms. The sun was still high but the shadows were casting further by the hour. His clothes, covered in torn holes revealing a constellation of scabby scars mixed with brown and purple markings. The boy in the pram held on to the balloon s ribbon so tightly with his chubby little fist that the skin around his knuckles began to pale and blotch. His eyes remained fixed on the balloon above him as his eldest brother pushed him through the maze of deserted streets. The sun was high but the narrow rows of flat topped houses three or ... Show more content on ... Eventually they came to where the desert drifted into the little town. The boy s brother pulled the pram up the shallow incline at the foot of the dune and up into the desert. He pushed the pram just far enough so that they could look back over the town. The sun was still high but soon it will begin to dip behind the dune the boy s brother thought. The boy never took his eyes of the balloon for the whole journey. He was waiting for a repetition of a moment that he had noticed by chance soon after they left the fair. They had been wandering the fair in search of money. Any coins dropped on the ground by the children from the rides that tipped their pockets, or, by the clumsy adults flicking through their wallets in line at the snack venders. The boy and his brother milled about close to people keeping an eye out for any loose looking kids or pestered adult bent to blindness by the heat and their yapping children. Near to the rolling Ferris wheel a kind woman surrounded by squabbling children let her hand down toward the battered boy and sent forward a ribbon and the boy took it in his hand and felt it tighten as the balloon lifted up above him and stayed there obediently. The boy s brother had spotted a pram hidden under the shade of an olive tree in the town square where the fair was held every year. It was away from the main attractions enough for him to brave an inspection. He checked that no one was watching and then