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Interesting Profile Essay Topics
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Interesting Profile Essay TopicsInteresting Profile Essay Topics
Public Schools Is Not A Martial Arts
Another view those that may initially be opposed to jiu jitsu in public schools is that it encourages
violence. Some people may think that jiu jitsu teaches people to be more efficiently violent, and we
should not teach our youths this martial art. However, Jiu jitsu, much like many other martial arts,
is not a martial art that the purpose and intention of learningis violence or inflicting harm upon
others. Contrary to this, people who train jiu jitsu often learn when to defend themselves should
they be put in a situation where self defense is necessary, and otherwise people implicitly learn
other more valuable ways resolve issues rather than through violence. Many people outside of the
martial artscommunities may view martial arts as... Show more content on ...
Respect, commitment, dedication, and communication are social skills that are the major social
skills that people that train jiu jitsu learn, and they will cross over into skills that youths can learn
from jiu jitsu as well.
Respect for others and self respect is something that is implicitly learned through jiu jitsu. Coaches
teach respect to their students implicitly, meaning it is not something that is directly taught and
stated in the sense of you must have respect . Rather, it is something that is part of the jiu jitsu
culture. People that train jiu jitsu learn to respect their own bodies, as well as those of others. When
training, respect is learned by paying attention to the coaches, which for youths also translates into
learning patience to respect when the coach is instructing.
Commitment and dedication are also social skills that are learned through jiu jitsu. Children benefit
by learning commitment and dedication in jiu jitsu through being encouraged to not give up. While
jiu jitsu is a sport that takes time to learn, the length of time to master jiu jitsu is much longer (10
years to black belt) than martial arts and traditional sports. The commitment and dedication required
to continue training is learned. Furthermore, the consequences of
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Athens And Sparta Political Realism Essay
1.How do Athens and Sparta behave in adherence to the concepts of political realism? Both in
general and with their military approach to the war as well as specific key incidents in the first 3
Political realism being defined as: an approach to the study and practice of international politics. It
emphasizes the role of the nation state and makes a broad assumption that all nation states are
motivated by national interests, or, at best, national interests disguised as moral concerns. This
definition in a way cracks open the two sides of the conflict, what first began as a series of
dialogues, arguing between Corinth (Sparta s ally) and Corcyra, a colony of Corinth that quickly
befriends Athens as the war is starting to become ... Show more content on ...
The government was so quick to make a decision to execute everyone rather than the ringleaders
of the revolt. However, luckily for the city, only the ring leaders were assassinated. This is just
one example throughout the book that shows that Athens is almost too quick to make decisions.
On the other hand Sparta has the exact opposite problem, the in ability to make decisions
quickly. As Athens was extremely confident in their plans, Sparta seemed reluctant to start a war
until they felt it was absolutely necessary. On page 39, (, Crawley, Strassler, 1996) Corinth (an
ally of Sparta) is quick to call out the lack of responsibility and lack of action of Sparta which has
led to the rise in Athenian power. Also on page 47, (, Crawley, Strassler, 1996) Archidamus tells
the Spartans to ignore ignorant calls for action against the Athenians and to calmly decide what
is necessary in the future. Although being sluggish in some senses, the Spartans declare war
which shows allies they are ready for action instead of sitting in the background. Sparta also
seemed as if they were involved in a proxy war as Athens seemed to be fighting Sparta s allies
more than Sparta itself, which lends itself more to the power taking a backseat approach to this
whole war.
2.What specific measures would you have recommended that the Peloponnesian League take during
the time of the 30 years
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The Debate Over Organic Certification For Aquatic Animals
a) Becky Mansfield uses the debate over organic certification for aquatic animals (216) in order to
enlighten the inconsistency of the organic movement s ideas (230). The organic community creates
standards that are supported by their ideas, but when the ideas become inconsistent and
contradictory, it becomes very clear that their standards are not set up on stable grounds.
b) The article was written in 2004, two years after the first US National Organic Standards was
implemented (216). This would have given researchers and anyone involved in the agriculture
world enough time to investigate the basis for the organic movements standards, and to judge
whether or not the standards were consistent and fair.
2) Purpose of the article
Becky Mansfield is arguing that it is difficult to distinguish whether a product of agriculture can
have organic status or not. She has observed the debate over organic certification for aquatic
animals (216) from every angle, and believes that the organic movement holds contradictory
ideologies. These contradictions act as blockages for the attribution of organic status to wild fish,
because the fish do not fall in any of the categories that the organic movement considers suitable
for organic status. But as Becky expresses a dialogue between the organic movement and others
involved in all realms of agriculture, it becomes obvious that it is not a problem of the inherent
environments of the fish, but a problem of classification of the
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Exploratory Analysis
The purpose of this project is to introduce a possible approach and solution to address inequality in
the United States public education system. As such, it presents evidence to support the claim that
academic outcomes improve when children participate in school readiness programs prior to
entering primary education. Moreover, the emphasis of this project is to present the process for an
exploratory analysis using the constructionist approach and basic framework of the social problem
process by Joel Best (2008, pp. 33 40). First, it introduces the claim that educational outcomes are
dependent on socioeconomic status, advocates for compulsory early childhood education, and
proposes the Initiatory Public Education Policy. This includes... Show more content on ...
First, the goal of raising public awareness about compulsory Pre K public education generates
public reaction. Subsequently, as the public gains knowledge of Pre K outcomes they will
embrace and champion the need for change. Second, the goal of identifying key stakeholders is to
create an alliance of people who are competent to advocate for change in policy, essentially building
human capability. The process by which this will occur is through resource mobilization acquiring
the things necessary to function as an organization and carry out social movement activities
(Massey, 2016, p. 160). Specifically as it relates to this project, mobilizing researchers, parents,
educators and legislators build the human capital structure necessary to advocate and execute policy
change. Indeed, the goal of policy implementation is to formulate the policy through amending
current legislation, or creating new legislation for mandatory and compulsory Pre K education
which leads to the ultimate desired outcome of achieving results thereupon, providing Pre K public
education accessible by all Socioeconomic Status classes and setting all students up for success
from the start of their academic
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Examples Of Cannibalism In The Odyssey
Many people think that one eats anothers flesh because they are crazy, but really sometimes
people are forced to do it for survival. In the Odyssey a cyclops named Polyphemus purposefully
ate some men of Odysseus s army because he wanted them all dead. In 1884, the starving crew of
the ill fated yacht Mignonette sacrificed a man in order to survive. The crew of 4 men turned to
cannibalismfor survival, not because they wanted to, but because they had to. Cannibalism is
something no humanbeing should resort to, but these four men on the Mignonette Yacht had no
other choice than to go in that direction.
On 19 of May 1884 four men set sail from Southampton in a small yacht, already knowing the
dangers of the ocean, but clueless of what a lasting
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Ottoman And Italian Charity And Charity
According to Skocpol and Somers, one of the major uses of comparative history is to make
observations about institutions and structures and how they develop in different nations. Now
when one thinks about points of comparison, they probably think about broad categories like
religion, the state, etc., these are all obvious categories for comparative history, a less obvious
topic however, is poor relief and charity. How to deal with the poor (in this case, orphans, those
out of work, the sick, etc.) is an almost universal problem that every state or polity in the early
modern Mediterranean had to address in some form or another. This makes poor relief and charity a
prime candidate for comparison. For example, take the Italian states and the Ottoman Empire. On
the surface, you can find vast differences between the two, Italian city states were Christian and
were often individual cities that were independent of each other; meanwhile the Ottoman Empire
was a vast, Muslim state compromising large amounts of territory. Despite these differences, one
can find similarities in regards to how charity and poor relief were handled.
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Violation Of Negative Liberty In The United States
According to Merriman Webster, Liberty is defined as the quality or state of being free. (
Liberty | Definition of Liberty by Merriam Webster, n.d.) We as Americans have come to know
liberty since the colonies broke away from England on July 4, 1776 and the Declaration of
Independence was issued. (Morone, 2016, p.10) Liberty along with freedom is one of our
expected rights as an American citizen. Liberty can be viewed as either negative or positive.
Negative liberty is, freedom from constraints or the interference of others (Morone, 2016, p.11).
Most Libertarians agree with Negative liberty and feel that the government should not be in
control. A Libertarian is a group of people who believe in minimal government: specifically, that
public officials only role should be defending borders, prosecuting crime, and protecting private
property (Morone, 2016, p. 12). I think that negative liberty means that although we should help
others in our community, state or country we should not be forced to do so by the government.
We should not feel responsible to help out others when they are not doing anything to better
themselves.The government cannot put limits on one s own actions or desires. I believe the
Affordable Care Act was a violation of Negative liberty. American citizens were forced to
purchase a healthcare insurance plan for them and their families. If you did not enroll you would
be penalized when filing income tax. The fine for not being insured in 2016 ranged from
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William Byron The Streets Of Life Analysis
Is it possible to provide quality education that is equitable for all students? William J. Byron stated
in his article The Streets of Life that Higher education seems to have made it through that critical
in reasonably good shape. Nonetheless, lots of work remains to be done . As the saying goes, there
is always room for improvement. The article, Archaeology, Ethics, and Character is written by
several authors who go into detail about using archaeology to teach ethics, character, and
citizenship. The goal is to teach students ethical and civilian values, to understand and care for one
another. The next article was titled Religion and Educationby Martin E. Marty and Jonathan Moore
is about teaching religion in schools. Some parents... Show more content on ...
The nation s founders and creators of common schools were uncommonly concerned with morals
and civic virtue (Marty, 23). They discuss that if the civilians were responsible they would be
moral. Both religion and education teach the public about morals, so why is it not taught in
schools? Well, everyone has their own religious views, rights and wrongs, and taught in the wrong
hands only one religion may be taught and there goes religious equality. Also, the current
curriculum is congested, where could educators find time to teach religion? How could religion be
taught without anyone being offended or discriminated? This is a subject that gets tip toed past
quite frequently. Why should it be such a problem if they both preach morals and
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Regression analysis of oil price return
1.0Introduction and Motivation2
2.1. Descriptive Statistics5
2.2 Matrix of pairwise correlation.6
3.0 Model Specification6
3.1 Linear Regression Model.6
3.2 The Regression Specification Error Test8
3.3 Non linear models9
3.4 Autocorrelation.10
3.5 Heteroskedasticity Test10
4.0 Hypothesis Testing11
5.0 Binary (Dummy) Variables11
6.0 Conclusion13
Reference List13
1.0 Introduction and Motivation
Crude oil is one of the world s most important natural resources. Over the past six decades or so,
crude oil because of the products derived from it, has become highly indispensable in our
everyday lives. Despite being a non renewable resource, it is still used extensively in power
generation. ... Show more content on ...
Through group brainstorming, we came up with a number of variables that theoretically should
affect the price of crude oil, and we used Bloomberg to find data on the same. Our two main
criteria for a good variable were statistical significance and R2. We conducted a regression analysis
as well as multiple regression analysis to double check the variables we selected on the
Bloomberg terminal. Moreover, so as to not omit any good variables, we broadened our search to
the Oil commodity section to find relevant industry reports and prospective variables. Through a
process of rough trial and error, and after eliminating several variables due to problems such as
multicollinearity and heteroskedasticity, we finalized the three variables that are mentioned below.
As crude oil is invoiced in USD, it is of interest to note how fluctuations in the value of the USD
affect oil prices. Another of our factors is the price of natural gas, the closest substitute as a source
of energy to oil. Lastly, we seek to establish a relationship between returns in the S P500 and oil
We used monthly time series data over a period of ten years beginning from 2005 for the purpose
of this study. To avoid issues of non stationary data, we used oil price returns and S P500 returns.
2.0 Methodology
Our y variable is the percentage monthly return on WTI oil spot prices. West Texas Intermediate
Cushing crude oil price is typically used as the reference spot price in the
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The Visual Representation of a Body Part in Imaging...
Imaging technology is the visual representation of a body part, such as an organ, for the purpose
of a medical diagnosis. Nowadays, technologies such as X Rays, Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI) and ultrasound are used everyday for medical analysis. X Rays are very useful because
they can penetrate through different materials to give an image of the interior of the body. MRI
use strong magnets to create an image of a body part, while ultrasound imaging uses sound waves.
Bone, muscle and fat absorb x rays at different levels, so the screen lets see different structures of
the body because the different levels of exposure are in different shades of gray. The main
component of an x ray machine is a vacuum tube with a cathode or filaments and an anode, which
is usually made of tungsten, a hard steel gray metal used to make electric light filaments. Electric
current passes through the filament, raising its temperature. Once it reaches a certain level of
energy, the filament starts emitting negatively charged electrons. These electrons are attracted with
great force from the positively tungsten anode, taking them through the vacuum tube at very high
speed. In one of the atom s lower orbital an electron gets knocked away when the anode collides
with electrons. An electron from the higher orbital takes place of the removed electron, releasing
energy as an X ray photon. (HowStuffWorks X Rays) Called bremsstrahlung , the reaction contains
x rays of varying wavelengths. The X ray
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The Slice Of A Knife
The Slice of a Knife He didn t look that dead. Apart from the river of blood rushing out the
gaping neck wound, he looked pretty much the same as he did a few minutes before. His hand
was still clasped around his bottle of beer and face was still frozen in a permanent gaze of
boredom. The only thing different about James s face was the single tear that rolled down his
cheek and hung on the cliff of his chin amongst his stubble. As it fell from his face, his body
smashed forward into the wooden table. And in that moment I felt completely alone. James was
the only reason I was there with the oudious group of so called friends . Only a few moments
before we had been having a wonderful time, drinking wine out of chipped coffee mugs and
reminiscing about the good old days . Then in a beat of a heart, the lights gave out. Exploded
glass cascaded from the ceiling and the sudden fright caused everyone to panic. There were a
few minutes of clattering in the murky darkness before Bill switched his massive solar powered
lamp he (ever so conveniently) had with him. So typical of Bill, why had he even brought a
lamp in the first place, particularly a solar powered one. He had also carried an excessive
amount of electronic devices that he immediately proceeded to plug in as soon as he got the
chance, perhaps thats why the power gave out. James was murdered in that dark but did Bill have
reason to see James dead? With James out of the way he would be in total control of their company,
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Theme Of Power In Dracula
First of all, before analysing the theme, it is necessary to clarify the notion of dynamic of power .
In fact, this denotes the dialectic interaction between the subject possessing the power and the
object which is influenced by this power. In literature, this liaison is expressed by the relations
between a master and a slave. For instance, the Russian writers Dostoevsky and Tolstoy explored
the theme of the relations between a master and a slave, an oppressor and an oppressed in their
works. Since this theme has stirred the imagination of many writers, it is not surprising that the
possibility to expose this type of relations has attracted the filmmakers for the decades.
It is important to point out that such creative movement as German Expressionism ... Show more
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Dracula in this film refers more to the Sympathetic Cycle (1987 present) by the classification of
Tim Kane. The films of this cycle show the vampire with more sympathetic qualities, with
thoughts, feelings, fears, and dreams. The sympathetic vampires of the recent films have
developed into misunderstood, tortured romantic figures or even ultimate romantic alpha hero.
Coppola s Dracula seems to be on the border of the Erotic and Sympathetic cycles. Seduction and
allure are still inherent to him, as well as his victims are ready to sacrifice, expecting
gratification from the master. The scenes of bite do not have sexual hints, they speak directly of
sex. For example, this is the scene when Jonathan is attacked by the Dracula s brides, who lick
and kiss him before biting, and the victim endures pain, fear and sensual pleasure. When Dracula,
transformed into a wolf, attacks Lucy, he physically copulates with her. And again, we see that
these relations develop with the consent of the victim as the attack arouses Lucy, and she
anticipates the vampire s visits. So, overall, each participant of the vampire victim s relationship is
not equal. One is superior (stronger, with a hypnotic stare and other super abilities, moreover, he is
immortal) and another is subordinate (just a human being, fragile and helpless). Nevertheless, this
inequality, the power, that a vampire, a master possesses and victim s eagerness to obey make these
relations tempting for
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Five Sociological Problems In The 1998 American Film,...
The study of sociology has many different concepts and terms, three distinct theoretical approaches
to view situations and concepts, and regarding the political side of things, two majorly different
viewpoints. And in the 1998 American film, Pleasantville these things are all present in way form
or another. This paper will be divided up into three sections to talk about each topic of sociology
and how they pertain to the film. So, using the film as a reference point, this paper will explain
and describe in detail, five different sociological terms that can be seen in the film. Examples of
the three theoretical perspectives, structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic
interactionism. And describe the two major political viewpoints in the United States and how
they relate to parts of the film. The first section of the paper will describe and identify five
sociology concepts and terms and how they relate to certain scenes in the film. One sociology
concept that can be seen in the film is one of the most basic, social problems. A social problem is
described as A condition that undermines the well being of some or all members of a society
and is usually a matter of public controversy (Macionis, 2015). Out of text, a social problem or
social issue, can be anything that causes troubles or complications in a society or community.
Social issues can also be tied to other types of problems that plague a society such as economic
problems. Just a few examples of social
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Affirmative Action Plan.
Affirmative Action Plan
Affirmative action is a plan to promote the efforts of employers, schools and other organizations to
recruit and hire groups that have previously been discriminated against. It is important to note that
affirmative action programs do not require employers to hire unqualified people for a job. Equal
employment opportunity is used to describe policies that prohibit discrimination of any kind.
Affirmative action is a program that analyses the make up of the current workforce, establishes
guidelines to insure an employer is not underutilizing certain groups and identifies and removes
barriers for employment. Equal employment is the legislation that provides the oversight and
investigates any allegations of ... Show more content on ...
It is important to tie the affirmative action objectives to an individual s performance and part of the
review process. This will ensure adherence.
6. The communication plan is another crucial part of the program and involves many steps.
Employers should get the word out that they are an equal opportunity employer. Communicating
this message is great publicity. Unless it is communicated effectively no one will know.
Communications must be used to promote implementation internally. Posters can be put up
throughout the facility or special edition newsletters to create enthusiasm for the program. The next
level of communication is to go out into the communities by placing advertisements in local papers,
talks with the local officials to gain support. Perhaps by establishing an arrangement to get
applicant referrals through various state agencies, college placement offices and labor organizations
perspective employees can be canvassed.
Develop the appropriate communication strategies to target the right candidates for openings. If
women are being sought after, then perhaps placing advertisements in a journal or periodical that
has a higher female readership.
Provide written notification of company affirmative action policy to subcontractors, vendors and
suppliers and make sure that the company is partnering with the right mix. Today it is very
important to align with other organizations that are minority owned.
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Examples Of Certainty In To Kill A Mockingbird
Does having too much certainty make you strive for the impossible? Is the effect of doubting
yourself more harmful than helpful? Certainty motivates people, yet doubt makes sure you
know your limits. When striving for success, your certainty needs to be a stronger feeling than
doubt. In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee shows Ms. Dubose s certainty and doubt.
In chapter 11, Atticus is talking to Jem and Scout about Ms. Dubose s death and said, She said
she was going to leave this world beholden to nothing and nobody. Jem, when you re sick as she
was, it s all right to take anything to make it easier, but it wasn t all right for her. She said she
meant to break herself of it before she died, and that s what she did. Even though she was a
morphine addict and slowly dying, she was certain to die her way. She could have doubted her
strength against the drug, yet she fought through it. Jem read to her everyday as a punishment for
losing his head and helped her focus to stay awake. It was because of her certainty that she
obtained her goal of dying in her own way.... Show more content on ...
For example, in Genesis Noah was faced with ultimate test of certainty or doubt for God. When
told to build an ark, he could have doubted God instantly. Why would he want to kill all of
mankind except Noah and his family? Wasn t he supposed to be a loving god? Yet Noah
followed every single command that God gave him. He ignored all of the men that mocked him.
He built a humongous ark that took years and years to build, filled it with an seven pairs of
clean animals and a pair of unclean animals, and was in the ark for 150 days while the earth was
flooded. That shows how certainty can turn into devotion and make you succeed, no matter if it
takes a long time or you re made fun of. Regardless, this type of faith shows how a certainty of God
is not possible with
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Winged Victory Of Samothrace Essay
The topic I chose is the Winged Victory of Samothrace. The most famous monument of
Samothrace and one of the earliest discoveries is the great Winged Victory of Samothrace, also
called the Nike of Samothrace. It was discovered in April 1863 by a French expedition led by
archaeologist Charles Champoiseau. The Victory stands about 8 feet tall by herself, but with the
ship prow, the statue stands at a little over 18 feet tall. The Winged Victory of Samothrace is
thought to have been created around 200 190 BC. The Victory is made from Parian marble and
the ship pedestal is made from gray Lartos marble. For the ancient Greeks, the goddess Nike
represented the personification of victory. In the case of this particular work of art, there are many
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Richard Nixon s Impact On The Nation
In his first couple of months in the oval office, Richard Nixon positively impacted the nation. As
did most previous presidents do, Nixon had put himself right into action making sure he could
build up and maintain and good reputation in office. But soon after completing his first term,
disaster struck just as reelection was coming up. Nixon had destroyed his reputation, and by
doing so showed the people how easy it was to be successful at a point and then lose it all due to
one event, Watergate. Paul H. Elovitz, who teaches at Farleigh Dickinson University and is a
founding faculty member of Ramapo College of New Jersey, begins to break down Nixon s
scenario. Elovitz comments, Among his successes were the recognition of China, ending... Show
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Nixon worked hard for all the goals he reached, but as it is emphasized, Nixon s major failure
brought his reputation to the dumps. We can see that Elovitz wanted readers to see how one man
can achieve so much for so long, then lose everything because of one event. In Edward D.
Berkowitz s early books about what occurred in the seventies, both cultural and political, he
discusses the topic of the Watergate scandal, viewing it more as a criminal act and misuse in power
that develops from a spoiled and corrupted mind. I truly believe that Nixon s purpose for the
misuse in power came from his corrupted mind that desired more power and recognition from
the American people. We do not see Edward jump right into the Watergate scandal, but work his
way up to it following events that may or may not have changed Nixon s desire for power. When
Edward begins to discuss the scandal, he opens with in his zeal to win, which comes to mind as
Nixon stopping at nothing to pursue victory, even at great risks. Later being involved in the
Watergate scandal, we learn that Nixon was entangled with the scandal (Berkowitz 19). Part of
Nixon s staff had broken into the Watergate hotel in attempt to bug the Democratic National
Headquarters. As explained by Berkowitz, Nixon s men were no ordinary burglars, but
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Lease and Hire Purchase
Constituent of Symbiosis International University, Pune
(Accredited by NAAC (UGC) with `A Grade)
Managerial Economics Internal Assessment
Submitted by
ROLL NO: 135
BBA. LLB. BATCH 2013 18
A lease transaction is a commercial arrangement whereby an equipment owner or Manufacturer
conveys to the equipment user the right to use the equipment in return for a rental. In other words,
lease is a contract between the owner of an asset (the lessor) and its user (the lessee) for the right
to use the asset during a specified period in return for a mutually agreed periodic payment (the lease
rentals). The important feature ... Show more content on ...
In such transactions ownership of goods is transferred to a finance company at a discounted price,
and the company hires out and then sells those goods to the buyer.
A hire purchase agreement is defined in the Hire Purchase Act, 1972 as peculiar kind of transaction
in which the goods are let on hire with an option to the hirer to purchase them, with the following
a. Payments to be made in installments over a specified period.
b. The possession is delivered to the hirer at the time of entering into the contract.
c. The property in goods passes to the hirer on payment of the last installment.
d. Each installment is treated as hire charges so that if default is made in payment of any
installment, the seller becomes entitled to take away the goods, and
e. The hirer/ purchase is free to return the goods without being required to pay any further
installments falling due after the return.
Hire purchase should be distinguished from instalment sale wherein property passes to the
purchaser with the payment of the first instalment. But in case of HP (ownership remains with the
seller until the last instalment is paid) buyer gets ownership after paying the last instalment.
Advantages of hire purchases
1. Spread the cost of finance Whilst choosing to pay in cash is preferable,. A hire purchase
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Araby Character Analysis
The story Araby takes place in the winter, the end of North Richmond St. The main character in
the narrator, a boy who is infatuated with his friend s sister. He has created a routine that will
allow him to see her and follow her to school everyday. Everything would be amazing if he had
the courage to talk to her, but he never has. One day however, the girl takes interest in him,
asking if he will attend Araby, in the bazaar. The boy responds he will. In fact, he will purchase
something for her due to the circumstance that she will not be able to attend. As days passed the
boy can t wait till the day arrives and to attend the bazaar, which turns out a problem because the
idea intervenes with his school work. Finally the day arrives, but his uncleis late, despite the fact
that the boy reminded him to be early. The uncle is grumpy and perhaps drunk. He tells the child
it is too late now to go out, but his wife convinces him to let the boy go. When he is at the bazaar,
a young woman asks him if he would like to purchase something. He shakes his head and the
lights go off hinting the narrator is time to go home. The main character the narrator is the center
of the story. What could have been a happy ending ends up being a tragic realization and change of
attitude towards the world. The narrator undergoes major changes through out the story. At the
beginning he has a fantasy in his head about Mangan s sister, his love interest. In a way she
represent a way out of his sad
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Zap and Electric Vehicle
1.The competition to develop and market electric vehicles has increased during the last year and is
expected to continue to increase. The electric bicycle industry has four major manufacturers and a
large group of small companies. The major manufacturers are Honda, Suzuki, Sanyo and Yamaha.
They mainly sell products to Japan and Europe. The other group of manufacturers is much smaller
in size and sales volume. These manufacturers have products they sell into the U.S., European and
Asian markets.
Porter s five forces model is a powerful tool for systematically diagnosing the principal competitive
pressures in a market and assessing how strong and important each one is. The electric vehicle
industry is a definite for applying this technique. ... Show more content on ...
This also makes it harder for businesses in the EV industry to find ways to make buyers choose
their business. Also, suppliers have strong bargaining power so industries have a difficult time
trying to shop around for the best prices on the parts they need. However, Zap was an early
mover and is a current market leader in the industry and with a good strategy can have a profitable
future that new entries find they can t get. Because Zap was an early mover into the EV industry,
they have positioned themselves very high in the marketplace. This is a result of several
acquisitions made including a major acquisition of EV Systems, CA. They also acquired several
patents which helped keep other companies from copying their designs and what they put into their
designs. They also conducted most of their business overseas which helped to save Zap money,
which allowed them to focus on their distribution methods. Also, they are environmental friendly
which allows consumers to look at them when deciding between electric and gas powered vehicles.
Their present strategy is to develop, acquire and commercialize electric vehicles and electric vehicle
propulsion systems that have fundamental, practical and environmental advantages over available
internal combustion modes of transportation, while also having the ability to be produced
commercially on an economically competitive basis. Also, they have positioned themselves as the
premier EV provider, have strong focus on
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The Democratic Party
The Democratic Party was formed in 1792. Its name was adopted in the 1830s during Jackson s
presidency. It is the world s oldest existing political party (Democratic Party). The Northern and
Southern Democrats had issues dealing with slavery, which caused them to split in 1860.
According to the Democratic Party , the Southern Democrats wanted to protect slavery in all the
territories while many Northern Democrats resisted. The party was also known as the white man s
party and demonized the Republican Party as being Negro dominated, even though whites were in
control (Democratic Party). The party s platform deals with a lot of controversial topics. For
example, abortion. Democrats believe Abortion rights are fundamental constitutional liberty and
abortion should be available regardless of a woman s ability to pay (ABC News). They believe
that abortion is completely up to the parents of the child. Another example is education. They
want affordable preschool for all children, higher teacher salaries, higher standards for teachers,
students and states, triple number of charter schools, [and] let more parents choose from among
public schools (ABC News). In 2015, the President announced a landmark proposal to make
community college free to anyone who is willing to work for it (@TheDemocrats). They want to
make it easier for children attending school and allow teachers to earn a better salary. Another issue
is gay rights. The Democrats are all for them. They
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Government Regulations Of Information Technology
Introduction to Government Regulations in Information Technology Government Regulations in
Information Technology refer to the various laws and statutes that apply to the transfer and/or
modification of information and technology enacted by different legislative bodies of the
government and the regulatory bodies that enforce the laws as they relate to information
technology. There are a number of laws that directly apply to the Information Technology sector.
There are also a number of organizations/agency that work with the government to ensure the laws
are obeyed and prosecute individuals found violating the laws. The American Government has over
the years created and passed new laws through its history. The emergence of the field of Information
Technology was not exempt from these laws. The Government has been evolving with the times to
counteract the illegal accessing, duplicating, modifying or deleting of information. The government
also created varying bodies to be used in enforcing these laws and regulations. These laws were
predominantly designed around helping the individual citizen. Thesis Government regulations in
Information Technology are vital parts of Information technology world. The government
regulations help define ethical standards for Information Technology professionals. The government
regulations define the kinds of products and services that can be offered to the citizens and how
they are to be offered. They help determine what form
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The Sacred Language of Toni Morrison Essay
The Sacred Language of Toni Morrison
Toni Morrison makes a good point when, in her acceptance speech upon receiving the Nobel
Prize in Literature, she says, Narrative . . . is . . . one of the principal ways in which we absorb
knowledge (7). The words we use and the way in which we use them is how we, as humans,
communicate to each other our thoughts, feelings, and actions and therefore our knowledge of the
world and its peoples. Knowledge is power. In this way, our language, too, is powerful.
In her acceptance speech, Morrison tries to communicate the idea that we must be careful with how
we use our words. She analogizes the use of language to the life of a metaphoric bird in a tale of a
wise, old, blind ... Show more content on ...
Throughout her speech, Toni Morrison works towards defining and supporting this thesis of
responsibility. It is our responsibility, as users of words, to make language thrive. Elizabeth Fox
Genovese has a similar goal, but takes a different approach in her essay The Claims of a Common
Culture: Gender, Race, Class and the Canon. She speaks on the use and composition of the canon
taught in humanities classes. Her idea is that the canon of today is much too one sided and does
not include the influence of the several different cultures, peoples, and ideas that make up our
society. She says that with respect to representativeness, the canon fails woefully. It represent[s] a
small, sometimes minute, portion of the elite, which itself constitute[s] a statistical minority of the
population (Fox Genovese 19). In this abstract way, Fox Genovese is reiterating Morrison s words
that what we say, and how we say it (or teach it), or what we fail to say (as in the canon taught
today) is monumentally influencing and impactful upon others.
If we are not aware of the words that come out of our mouths due to lack of thought or attention,
we all suffer and we are all at fault: When language dies, out of carelessness, disuse, indifference,
and absence of esteem, or killed by fiat, . . . all users and makers are accountable for its demise
(Morrison 14 15). The standards of society are changing and with them the
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A Clean Well Lighted Place Symbolism Essay
The Symbolism of A Clean, Well Lighted Place
The cafГ© is the place to be the older waiter believes is a place in which he needs to get away
from the darkness and go to the light, in which the story revolves around. The darkness is a main
symbol for the melancholy of emptiness and the light is the way to escape that. I am one of those
who stay late at the cafГ©... With all those who need a light for the night. (Paragraph 70). In the
short story, A Clean, Well Lighted Place , Ernest Hemmingway shows that there is nothing more to
the world progressing through symbolism throughout the story creating a unifying theme of
darkness and light. The story of A Clean, Well Lighted Place bases on a conversation of the two
waiters of the cafГ© watching a drunk, old man who they pity. As the two waiters watch the old
man, the narrator says, A girl and a soldier went by on the street. (Paragraph 10). The street lights
shined on the couple as the old man sat in the shadows. The street light shone on the brass number
on ... Show more content on ...
The old man tried to kill himself before his niece found him hanging himself, which symbolizes
how he is depressed. The younger waiter keeps mocking the old man about it, insulting him by
saying, You should have killed yourself last week! (Paragraph 19) because he is deaf, in which
his deafness represents his and the older waiter s isolation from the world from the world.
Because he cannot hear what the younger waiter is saying, the old man just replies, A little more
(Paragraph 19). Another essential symbol relating to the old man that Hemmingway had made
was how the old man was under the shadow of the leaves. The narrator says, ...the old man sat in
the shadow of the leaves of the tree that moved slightly in the wind. The shadow of the leaves is
the darkness he is in right outside of the cafГ©, isolating
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Personality Theories
Personality Theories
Almost everyday we describe and assess the personalities of the people around us. Whether we
realize it or not, these daily musings on how and why people behave as they do are similar to what
personality psychologists do. Personality psychology looks at the patterns of thoughts, feelings, and
behavior that make a person unique. Some of the best known theories in psychology are devoted to
the subject of personality.
Almost everyday we describe and assess the personalities of the people around us. Whether we
realize it or not, these daily musings on how and why people behave as they do are similar to what
personality psychologists do.
While our informal assessments of personality tend to focus more on individuals, ... Show more
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The psychoanalytic view holds that there are inner forces outside of your awareness that are
directing your behavior. For example, a psychoanalyst might say that James misspoke due to
unresolved feelings for his ex or perhaps because of misgivings about his new relationship.
The founder of psychoanalytic theory was Sigmund Freud. While his theories were considered
shocking at the time and continue to create debate and controversy, his work had a profound
influence on a number of disciplines, including psychology, sociology, anthropology, literature, and
The term psychoanalysis is used to refer to many aspects of Freud s work and research, including
Freudian therapy and the research methodology he used to develop his theories. Freud relied
heavily upon his observations and case studies of his patients when he formed his theory of
personality development.
Before we can understand Freud s theory of personality, we must first understand his view of how
the mind is organized.
According to Freud, the mind can be divided into two main parts:
1.The conscious mind includes everything that we are aware of. This is the aspect of our mental
processing that we can think and talk about rationally. A part of this includes our memory, which is
not always part of consciousness but can be retrieved easily at any time and brought into our
awareness. Freud called this ordinary memory the preconscious.
2.The unconscious mind
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The Importance Of Character Change In Macbeth
Character change plays an important role in most fiction literature. In Shakespeare s Macbeth,
Macbeth s character change is one of the central points throughout the story. At the beginning of the
play, Macbeth was a trustworthy and loyal ruler. But, throughout the play, his character changed as
a result of many factors. The main reasons for Macbeths character change were Lady Macbeth s
attacks on his personality, the murders that he committed, and Macbeth s dormant personality
flaws. Lady Macbeth has the most influence on her husband s change as she pushes down the
first domino to the downfall of his character. She starts by attacking his word From this time
such account thy love. Thine own act and valor / as thou art in desire? Wouldst thou have that
/ which thou esteem st the ornament of life, / and live a coward in thine own esteem (Macbeth
1.7.44 48). In this passage, she says he is afraid to do what he desires, and he is a coward because
he does not do whatever he says he will do. While attacking his word, she attacks his manhood
by calling him a coward Letting I dare not wait upon I would, / like the poor cat i th adage?
(1.7.48 49). She compares him with the poor cat in the old story, which means that she is calling
him a scaredy cat, as he no longer intends to killDuncan. And again, when Macbeth tries to ask his
wife what would happen if they fail , she interrupts him and indirectly says, if he stops being a
coward, then they will not fail
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Political Conflict In Riyadh And Iran
The latest developments that just unfolded in Riyadh are unsettling and carry a high risk of a
regional confrontation. An assertive Saudi crown prince is determined to consolidate power by
purging dissidents at home while escalating rhetoric abroad.
Such a diversionary approach, seemingly employed to shift attention away from domestic turmoil,
is challenging an emboldened Iranian regime whose armed proxies have been strengthening their
hold from the Levant to Yemen. While these circumstances are tantamount to an imminent war
scenario between Riyadh and Tehran, there are indications that it might not actually be the case.
On November 4, within the span of few hours, two major events took place: Lebanese Prime
Minister Saad Hariri ... Show more content on ...
Two Saudi ambassadors in Iraq and Lebanon were appointed last week, showing a willingness to
engage. On October 25, Saudi Arabia and Iran finally agreed to have the Swiss government as a
go between for consular and diplomatic services, after breaking off diplomatic ties in early 2016.
Riyadh has returned to Iraq after a long absence, hoping to increase political influence and explore
a new market. A military confrontation with Iran is counterproductive to Saudi engagement in Iraq.
While in Syria, Saudi Arabia has been keeping a low profile with an influence restricted to elements
in the exiled civilian opposition.
Third, a confrontation is not in Iran s interest for now. The Iranian regime, which has been more
united since President Hassan Rouhani s reelection in May, is focused on reaping the economic
benefits of the nuclear deal and preserving the gains made in Syria.
Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander of Iran s Revolutionary Guard, announced on October 31 that
Iran will be restricting its long range missiles to 2,000km, which can reach Israel and US interests
in the Middle East. The move was meant to reassure European countries that are beyond that
missile range.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, who visited Tehran on November 1, convinced Tehran to tone
down the rhetoric against the US. While Russia is focused on advancing a political solution in
Syria, Iran sees that the Syrian war will
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The Necklace, By Guy De Maupassant
In Guy de Maupassant s The Necklace, readers experience Mathilde Loisel s life changing event.
Coming from nobility, de Maupassant tells the story of luxurious desire through the eyes of the
middle class woman Mathilde. Mathilde constantly dreams of living the life of the upper class,
and this prohibits her from acting in reality. Mathilde s internal struggle for a sense of social
royalty shows readers how quickly selfish pride destroys a person s life. Throughout the course of
The Necklace, Mathilde changes from an arrogant and prideful housewife to a modest and humble
companion. At the beginning of the story, Mathilde is portrayed as a bitter woman who thinks she
is entitled to a more luxurious life. While eating dinner, Mathilde thinks to herself: She had no
dresses, no jewels, nothing. And she loved nothing but that; she felt made for that. She would so
have liked to please, to be envied, to be charming, to be sought after (68). In this instance, Mathilde
cannot focus on what she is currently involved in because she is so obsessed with living a higher
life. The reader infers that the consumables of the upper class is consuming her thoughts. One
evening, after sulking to herself, as usual, her husband comes home with an invitation to a party
which she reacts to questionably: Instead of being delighted, as her husband hoped, she threw the
invitation on the table with disdain, murmuring: What do you want me to do with that (69)? As the
readers sees,
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Technical Measurement and Vector
Chapter 1: Technical Measurement and Vector 5.Newton s law of universal gravitation is
represented by [pic] where F is the gravitational force, M and m are masses, and r is a length. Force
has the SI units kg в€™ m/s2. What are the SI units of the proportionality constant G? 8.The speed
of light is now defined to be 2.99 7924 58 Г— 108 m/s. Express the speed of light to (a) three
significant figures, (b) five significant figures, and (c) seven significant figures. 15.A rectangular
building lot measures 100 ft by 150 ft. Determine the area of this lot in square meters (m2). 19.The
speed of light is about 3.00 Г— 108 m/s. Convert this figure to miles per hour. 22.(a) Find a
conversion factor to convert from miles per... Show more content on ...
A 500 N uniform rectangular sign 4.00 m wide and 3.00 m high is suspended from a horizontal,
6.00 m long, uniform, 100 N rod as indicated in Figure P8.17. The left end of the rod is supported
by a hinge, and the right end is supported by a thin cable making a 30.0В° angle with the vertical.
(a) Find the tension T in the cable. (b) Find the horizontal and vertical components of force
exerted on the left end of the rod by the hinge. [pic] 20.A 20.0 kg floodlight in a park is supported
at the end of a horizontal beam of negligible mass that is hinged to a pole, as shown in Figure
P8.20. A cable at an angle of 30.0В° with the beam helps to support the light. Find (a) the tension
in the cable and (b) the horizontal and vertical forces exerted on the beam by the pole. [pic] 21.A
uniform plank of length 2.00 m and mass 30.0 kg is supported by three ropes, as indicated by the
blue vectors in Figure P8.21. Find the tension in each rope when a 700 N person is 0.500 m from
the left end. [pic] 26.One end of a uniform 4.0 m long rod of weight w is supported by a cable. The
other end rests against a wall, where it is held by friction. (See Fig. P8.26.) The coefficient of
static friction between the wall and the rod is Ојs = 0.50. Determine the minimum distance x from
point A at which an additional weight w (the same as the weight of the rod) can be hung without
causing the rod to slip at point A. [pic] Chapter 4:
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Leadership Skills Of Jean Watson And Michelle Obama
The Leadership Skills of Jean Watson and Michelle Obama
Oluwatoyin Adekonye
Georgia State University The Leadership Skills of Jean Watson and Michelle Obama This paper
will talk about the leadership philosophy of two female leaders Jean Watson and Michelle
Obama, and how their leadership skills have impacted many lives. The purpose of this paper is to
discuss what it means to be a leader, types, and characteristics of a leader, why it is important to
have an effective leader, qualities, and behaviors that contribute to effective leadership, and compare
and contrast between the different types of leadership styles and theories. A nursing theorist, Jean
Watson, and Michelle Obama, the wife of the former president of The United... Show more content
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Lastly, and very important, the skill to communicate efficiently in order to achieve the projected
goals (Weiss and Tappen, 2015 p.4). If leaders have the first two skills mentioned above and lack
effective communication skill, such leaders would not be able to express themselves well about
their anticipated plans to their target population, and this can cause flaws that will affect their
Furthermore, there are different theories which give insights about why some leaders lead the
way they do. One of these theories is the behavioral theory, it emphasized on what leaders do and
their leadership styles. The behavioral theory explains three different types of leadership styles
namely: autocratic, democratic, and laissez faire. An autocratic leader makes plans, gives
direction on how to execute them, and makes decisions for the group. These type of leaders are
highly power control. They give little or no freedom to the members. Whatever they say is final.
On the other hand, democratic leaders allow members to participate in the decision making. They
seek opinions of the members. On the other hand, laissez faire leaders allow members to do
whatever they like. This type of leaders does very little planning or decision making thus fail to
encourage others to do it (Weiss and Tappen, 2015 p.
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The Four Seasons Research Paper
Background Jersey Boys on Broadway played Friday August 22nd at 8 Pm, and performed at the
August Wilson Theater in New York. The main characters consisted of Dominic Scaglione Jr. as
Frankie Valli, Richard H. Blake as Tommy DeVito, Quinn VanAntwerp as Bob Gaudio and
Michael Lomenda as Nick Massi. Jersey Boys is a musical memoir of the 1960 s rock and roll
group, The Four Seasons. Through the progression of the play, the audience is taken on a journey
as each member of the group narrates a particular development emphasizing how the Four Seasons
came to be. In the first Act, Tommy DeVito walks out on stage and begins to tell the audience
about the development of the band. At first, the group started out as starting out as The Variety Trio
along with his brother, Nick DeVito and friend Nick Massi. At that time, Tommy discovered a
confused teenager, Frankie Castelluccio, and took him under his wing, teaching him everything he
knows about music. With Nick DeVito in prison, the band struggled to gain any form of success,
they changed their names multiple times until Bob Gaudio, singer and songwriter came along
uniting the lost group (Playbill: Jersey Boys). At this point, Bob takes over the account and informs
the audience of his previous hit single Short Shorts . After negotiating an agreement, the group
signs a contract with a musical producer who ultimately does not live up to the end of... Show more
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The play Jersey Boys required a modest orchestra of which included nine players. The
instruments included (1) three keyboards, (2) a guitar, (3) a bass, (4) drums, (5) two woodwind
players and (5) trumpet. The two woodwind players alternated between a variety of instruments,
(1) saxophone, (2) clarinet, (3) flute, (4) oboe, and (5) saxophone (Playbill: Jersey Boys). Sherry
sang by The Four
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Ratchet Research Paper
(U) Ratchet from the ratchet and clank series is probably the best hero out of any PlayStation
game ever made. He is a Lombax mechanic from the planet Veldin. Him and his sidekick, clank,
fly throughout the galaxy defeating villains that are trying to take it over or destroy it. Moving
from planet to planet protecting them all the best he can. He and clank met up after Ratchet was
working on his busted ship and Ratchet saw an escape pod crash land. When he went to
investigate he found clank. (U) Ratchet has many different capabilities, he doesn t have any super
power but he has many different weapons. All of his weapons are fantasy based and some of his
weapons are tesla claw, morph o ray, and the Rhino. He also has many different gadgets that help
him while he is on different planets. For every adventure Ratchet get new weapons, gadgets, and
new friends.... Show more content on ...
Whether that being doing a side flip to dodge enemy attacks, or climbing structures to find what
he is looking for. He is very calm in the face of danger and would rather crack and joke then freak
out over the enemies he is about to face. He is very willing to do what needs to be done and stop
when we knows he has won. Ratchet does not like killing and would rather stop his enemies and
spare their lives rather than taking them immediately. He is very loyal to his friends and would do
anything to protect
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Latin Music Usa Analysis
Salsa In my Life The video Latin Music USA, relates to our class watching the video I am able
to say I can do some of the moves they do! Our class relates to this video because they talk a lot
about community and being able to connect to another, I think our class connects us to others we
generally would not associate with. They talk about when the Fania All Stars would perform the
energy from both the stage and the audience was tremendous and people did not want to sit, I
think this relates to our class because before the class even starts people are dancing trying to
further perfect the way they dance.
Our classroom reminds me of the Palladium Ballroom, we go to class expecting to dance and
have a good time just like those who went to the Palladium. Our classroom is not as famous as
the Palladium however, I believe that the class about the same impact on people. Everyone who
comes into the class has a great energy and I know when I get into class, even if I ... Show more
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Thanks to this dance I feel more of a connection when I dance with my family and I am more
confident and It makes me dance a lot more than I used to. Dancing is huge in my family it
makes us (in my opinion) more connected being able to laugh and spend time together just
makes a difference. I have a big family +100 cousins and I always feel like I m close to every
single on them because of dancing. This class gave me a better understanding of why my family
dances it really gives a connection to everyone who is dancing. Also I think everyone should take
a dance class regardless if they need it for their major, I being a chemical engineering student still
think it is very relevant to take this class because I think it helps broaden who you interact with
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Women in Ancient Civilizations
The role of women in different civilizations, even though on different spectrums of the world, had
many similarities and only a few differences. Women in these four civilizations: Greece, Egypt,
China, and India faced many of the same hardships, struggles, and prejudices. Some of this
treatment of women didn t even end until present day (1920 s). In some of these civilizations
women were able to rise up somewhat in their communities but it didn t come without some kind of
When it came to the rights of these women, they really didn t have any at all. In Greece women
were considered to be second class citizens at best. All women were forbidden to own property,
inherit their own name, vote, or attend political debate. Men ... Show more content on ...
Now it is around the age of eighteen for both. The woman and the woman s family must still present
dowry to the husband and his family. There were also limited rights in the family back then as there
is now. Women in India can go through being burned and abused by their husbands with nothing
being done at all (
These women, even though they were very restricted, they were responsible for items when it came
to home and family. Out of all of the
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Personification In The Three Ravens
The Three Ravens is an english folk ballad, which was first printed in a song book Melismata
compiled by Thomas Ravenscroft. It was published in the year 1611.
It is a ballad about three ravens who take up a scavenger bird conversation about where and what
they should eat for breakfast that morning.
In the ballad The Three Ravens Thomas Ravenscroft uses personification and colourful imagery to
discuss the ballad, and in the ballad the reader is led to expect something, but we discover a whole
new theme in the ballad which is very interesting to know about. And the Thomas Ravenscroft uses
a non scavenger as a scavenger bird in the ballad.
There were three ravens that sat on a tree. (Ravenscroft,Thomas, The Three Ravens (1611)
Ballad provided by the instructor). According to the poet he says that there were three ravens
who sat on a tree They were as black as they might be. (Ravenscroft,Thomas, The Three Ravens
(1611) Ballad provided by the instructor). As we all know that all ravens are black. When one of
the raven asks the other ravens what is their breakfast for today.
Down in yonder green fields, There lies a knight slain under his shield. (Ravenscroft,Thomas,
The Three Ravens (1611) Ballad provided by the instructor). one of the raven tells the other
ravens that our breakfast is the green field, were lies a knight who is dead. And the knight is
being guarded by a shield. In this ballad the ravens are considered as scavengers which is wrong,
because as we all people know that ravens are not scavengers and they mostly feed other small
insects and worms and they also feed on eggs of other smaller birds.
In this ballad The Three Ravens the ravens are considered as wild birds who feed on dead
organisms. But ravens as we know are not tame animals as they do not welcome any human
presence near them but they also do not depend on dead meat as given in the ballad. In the Ballad
The Three Ravens the ravens are mostly given a character that is suitable for a scavenger like
Down there comes a fallow doe, As great with your as she might go. (Ravenscroft,Thomas, The
Three Ravens (1611) Ballad provided by the instructor). Now in the ballad there is a magical touch
where there is a lady who is
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The Rare-Packard Caribbean Convertible Case Study
The Rare Packard Caribbean Convertible Put the Top Down and Cruise in a Packard Caribbean
Convertible Packard only built the Caribbean model for a total of four years. Although it wasn t
as popular as [the Tri Five Chevrolet Bel Air] or [the Ford Fairlane Skyliner], it certainly did a
good job of representing the iconic 50s convertible street cruiser. Here we ll talk about the launch
of the first model in 1953 and highlight some rare options available throughout the build.
Production ceased in 1956 when Packard closed their Detroit, Michigan manufacturing facility.
This left us with a rare model built in small numbers, yet capable of competing with any car in its
class from a comfort, power and style point of view. The Evolution of the... Show more content on ...
The biggest change to the Packard Caribbean in 1955 is the debut of the 352 CID V8 engine.
This engine produced 275 HP. This is almost 100 HP better than the Straight Eight in the 1954
model. Aggressive changes to the exterior body panels included a streamlined appearance with
only a small flare in the rear fenders. However, they accented the slight flair with a non
functional chrome vent molding. This coupled with a redesigned front grille, bullet style triple
chrome bumper and dual hood scoops sets this year apart from all others. In 1956, the final
production year, Packard built one of the most exterior pleasing automobiles to ever cruise the
streets of America. The streamline fenders remained, but the designers lengthened the removable
rear fender skirts so only a small amount of the wheel and tire could be seen from the profile
view. The company released a unique system called [torsion level suspension] that reduced front
end dive during heavy braking. This innovative system also improved ride comfort and handling.
However, the most exciting improvement in 1956 is when Packard increased the standard V8
engine displacement to 372 CID. They also added a twin four barrel carburetor option pushing
power output to over 300 HP. The Most Collectible Packard
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Grow Rich
The most difficult aspect with this paper is determining who I want to be when I grow older, for
the sake of this paper I will provide a poem and go in depth on the relevance and importance to
becoming who I want to become through this poem and NapolГ©on Hill s Think and Grow Rich
. The following paragraph will provide insight on who I want to become as well as create a pathway
for living through both my words and Napoleon Hills words.
The Road by Vince Lopez
We all strive to walk down the same path in life whether that s the pursuit of happiness, love,
money, friendship, etc. We all have a purpose or a proposed path that we must follow to fulfill all
that we set out to achieve. This is our relative truth, the truth in which we seek out ... Show more
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This poem carries meaning because it is a phenomenal example of living a life always
considering all options and choosing what we think about. I wrote this poem because I realized
that we can control what we think about and if we choose to think about success, love,
friendship, etc then we will acquire all that we set out to achieve. NapolГ©on Hill wrote Think
and Grow Rich to help business professionals shape the way they think so that success is the
only option. In Think and Grow Rich! he has divided them into 13 principles to be mastered:
Desire, Faith, Auto suggestion, Specialized knowledge, Imagination, Organized planning,
Decision, Persistence, the Power of the master mind, the Mystery of sex transmutation, the
Subconscious mind, the Brain, and the Sixth sense. In the book he dives into the ways in which
we must think in order to become successful. Hill proposes that The principle here is that desire
has ways to transmute (transform) into its physical equivalent. And I try to live my everyday
life in this way. I set up goals and a roadmap to achieving those goals. I want to get better at
creating S.M.A.R.T goals that will lead to my own personal growth and success. Also, Hill
recommends deceiving your subconscious in a similar way by acting as if you have already
achieved whatever it is you are instructing your subconscious mind to do. This is the idea
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Flexible Spending Account Analysis
The deductible is the amount the member pays for services after claim have been processed by the
insurance company. The insurance determines the amount that s applied towards the members
deductible. The amount owed depends on facts of the claim such as the type of service(s) the
quantity of the service(s), and where the service took place. It could take many services like doctor
s visits, test, prescriptions refills, to meet the full deductible. The patient will receive a statement
(bill) from the service provider for the amount determined by the insurancecompany.
Choosing the high or low deductible plan may depend on how much money you want or could
afford for your monthly insurance premium. High deductible health plans (HDHP) allow members
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It s like you can either pay now or later when it comes to deductibles. With low deductible plans,
some employers may offer a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to help with medical expenses.
Typically, low deductible plans have higher co pays that can be paid with the FSA card.
Flexible spending account FSA and health savings accounts HSA have some similarities, but
they are different. They both have a limit to the amount you can contribute and both offers
convenient debit cards to be used for medical expenses. The FSA allow for all funds to be
available the first day benefits active. The FSA will not allow unused funds to be rolled over to
the next plan year. Members agree to an use it or lose it agreement when opening a flexible
spending account.
Once a members deductible is met the insurance company will then pay claims at a cost sharing
rate. Which means the co insurance has now kicked in and now the insurance with pay a part of
the claim and the member will pay the other part. The co insurance is usually an 80% 20% or
70% 30% ratio. (insurance pays the higher %) Meaning during the processing of the claim(s) the
insurance will pay their percentage and have the member pay their part. This will also be paid to
the service
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Baroque Religion
The Church also used Baroque music to counter the spread of Protestantism. Baroque music
intended to lift the soul towards God and Heaven with its grandeur. Baroque music was also used
for a greater reason: communication. Music has the power to convey to people powerful
emotions, whether good or bad (About the Baroque Period). One time, Sieur Claudin Le Jeune, a
musician, sang an air, a song, and that when this air was rehearsed at a private concert it caused a
gentleman there to put hand to arms and begin swearing out loud, so that it seemed impossible to
prevent him from attacking someone: whereupon Claudin began singing another air...which
rendered the gentleman as calm as before (Ibid) (Glossary of Musical Terms). Evidently, emotions
are... Show more content on ...
Baroque art and paintings were meant to teach people, to educate them about the Catholic Faith
(Schroeder). Paintings depicted saints and stories from the Bible. The Baroque style, furthermore,
was filled with many colors and drastic light differences that caught the eye and appealed to the
senses (Baroque Art). Furthermore, dramatic Baroque painting, such as a crucifixion picture, could
have had great effects on people and cause great emotions to rise in people (Fiero). These emotions
could lead to a greater devotion to our Lord, Mary, or a saint. Also, these painting and sculptures,
with their magnificence and splendor, aided in meditation and prayer. Baroque style focused on the
moment, what was happening at that specific second; this would also have had helped the faithful
in their contemplation or meditation (Baroque Art). Baroque art, therefore, could also be used to
deepen faith and piety. The architecture of the Baroque, for example churches, was styled with
huge, magnificent buildings and great arches (Fiero). These buildings and arches reminded the soul
about the greatness of God, and they pointed people towards Heaven when the people looked up.
Churches were adorned with spectacular paintings and sculptures, which reminded people about
how beautiful God is. On a much smaller scale, the art and architecture might have drawn some
people to the Church because of the beauty of the art and churches. The Catholic Church wielded
the Baroque style with great vigor and force to combat
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How Did Religion Shape The History Of The Middle Ages
Religion was extremely important in regard to the shaping and history of the Middle Ages in
Europe. The Catholic Church, which began during the glory days of the Roman Empire, became
the driving force through the Middle Ages in Europe, managing to formulate a unified religious
ruling body, a deep spirituality, and oversaw cultural preservation that helped shape the history of
Europe during this period.
The Church managed to integrate herself into medieval society, where she could become part of the
everyday life of the people. She did this through a structured hierarchy, with the Pope, or the Bishop
of Rome, as her head, and other bishops were given dioceses around the world, and under each
bishop were priests who would minister to the people. This structured hierarchy came about with
the collapse of the Roman Empire. When the Emperor Constantine came to power, he recognized
and supported Christianity, and he created a new capital for the empire in the east. These two
actions allowed the Church and the Pope in Rome to grow in power, firstly because Constantine
declared Christianity to be legal, so they could openly practice their religion, and secondly because
he moved the capital and ... Show more content on ...
Much knowledge of the ancients should have been lost, but thanks to the Church and her
monasteries they were not. Many monasteries were built in Europe, and a mix of prayer and
manual labor could be found in each. Some of the manual labor the monks performed was the
copying of books onto more durable surfaces to be preserved. They chiefly reproduced the Bible
and holy books, but they also made copies of the works of pagan antiquity, which allowed much
ancient writing to be carefully preserved. This had a large effect on the history and shaping of
Europe, because it preserved the light of civilization during the Middle
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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Orlogans
originally derived from organically modified ceramic, were originally developed for science and
technology (e. g. for special surfaces like protective coatings, non stick surfaces, anti static coatings
and non reflective coatings). In contrast to conventional composites, the ormocer matrix is not only
organic but also inorganic. Therefore monomers are better embedded in the matrix what reduces the
release of monomers.(373) Ormocers basically consist of three components organic and inorganic
portions and the polysiloxanes. The proportions of those components can affect the mechanical,
thermal and optical qualities of the material: 1.The organic polymers influence the polarity, the
ability to cross link, hardness and optical behaviour. 2.The glass and ceramic components (inorganic
constituents) are responsible for thermal expansion and chemical stability. 3.The polysiloxanes
influence the elasticity, interface properties and processing. 4.The inorganic components are bound
to the organic polymers by multifunctional silane molecules. After polymerisation the organic
portion of the methacrylate groups form a three dimensional network.(374) In spite of all efforts to
create a better... Show more content on ...
Nanometer sized silica particles were fused onto the whiskers to facilitate silanization, minimize
whisker entanglement and enhance whisker retention in the resin matrix by roughening the whisker
surfaces. These whisker composites demonstrated flexural strength and fracture toughness values
nearly twofold those of currently available dental composites.(401) They showed superior
performance in thermal cycling between 5 and 60В°C water baths up to 105 cycles, long term
water aging for 2 years, and three body wear. An in vitro biocompatibility study showed that the
whisker composites were non cytotoxic and supported cell attachment and
... Get more on ...
Comparing the Theme of Sacrifice in My Antonia and The...
Theme of Sacrifice in My Antonia and The Song of the Lark
A common trait for Willa Cather s characters is that they possess a certain talent or skill. This art
usually controls the lives of these characters. According to critic Maxell Geismar, Cather s
heroines who possess a skill often either do not marry or marry men whom they dominate; if they
do marry the marriage is without excitement because their passion is invested in their art. In a
sense, Geismar accuses Cather s heroines of sacrificing their marital roles for their art (172).
However, marriage is not the only aspect that raises the subject of sacrifice for Cather s
protagonists there is also the issue of family. This is because a woman artist, or any ... Show more
content on ...
Yet she is still accusedof sacrificing too much for her art because of her sex.
A woman of the early nineteenth century is solely regarded as a daughter, wife or mother. These
roles are embedded into the lifestyles of all women, which present them with their identities.
Therefore, when a girl chooses to bestow priority to her art instead of her family, it is negatively
considered a sacrifice. This applies to Thea Kronberg and her relationship to her mother. Thea
leaves Moonstone at the age of seventeen to study in Chicago. After much struggle, Thea realizes
that the only place that she may gain success is in Germany. While in Germany Thea learns of
her mother s illness, yet she chooses not to leave the country and return to her hometown because
it will postpone her singing career. On the surface, this seems to be a cruel act of an egotistical
woman, who would rather accomplish her desire than be with her dying mother. This same mother
encourages Thea to pursue music: she provides a separate room for Thea to practice and study,
allows her to associate with the Mexicans for they have great singing talent and even grants
permission for Thea to study with a drunken musical genius. As a mother, Mrs. Kronberg provides
much more for Thea than for any of her other children, and yet this daughter chooses not to be with
her during her last days.
However, there is
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Migrations And Belongs, By Dirk Hoerder
The book, Migrations and Belongs, written by Dirk Hoerder, dealt with the experiences people
faced as they migrated in voluntary and involuntary migrations. Chapter four, Migrations during
War and Depression focused mainly on forced migrations. This chapter dealt with the fact that
after World War I, people were forced out of their homes. There was a new concept that was
emerging and becoming increasing popular, the concept of nationalization. People wanted their
country to consist only of the people of that origin. They wanted the un mixing of people which led
to widespread involuntary mass migration. There were such places that were open to new
immigrants such as the Soviet Union, but places like Germany and France for example wanted...
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Hitler and the Nazis were able to round up thousands of Jews and ship them off without them
fighting back. I assume it was a similar tactic. It seems similar to today when government officials
try to crack down on illegal immigration by rounding up the undocumented immigrants and
deporting them. I do not even know if they try to send them back to the country they came from or
just send them to Mexico. If the person is not even from Mexico the whole situation would be even
more disconcerting.
Chapter five, The Aftermath of War and Decolonization was basically a conclusion to the entire
book and an explanation of what happened in terms of migration after World War II. Hoerder
stated that after World War II ended, two major migrations took place. First, the migrations of
refugees, prisoners of war, forced laborers, and soldiers. The second migration involved laborers
to rebuild the destroyed countries of Europe. Those who were forced to move or flee during the
war wanted to go back home, the problem was, many of their homes were destroyed. People
needed to rebuild their communities so their life could resume. Families moved together but
heartbreakingly many of those families were female led because fathers and husbands were killed
in the war.
This chapter was bitter sweet. It was good that the country was rebuilding after the disaster left by
World War II and that families could return; the heartbreaking part was that the families were
returning missing
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Mission Statement Of Dell
Michael Dell created Dell Computer Corporation. Besides that, Michael Dell who at the time
was studying at the University of Texas, Austin, in 1984 and he founded a company PC s
Limited with initial capital of $ 1000. The company was originally run from outside the area
precisely campus in a dorm room at Dobie Center, features original purpose as a seller of IBM
compatible computers are assembled from components supplied. Michael Dell quit school in order
to be more focused on developing his business.
In 1985, the company produced the first computer of its own design. The first computer produced
by company is the Turbo PC and it sold for $ 795. Michael Dell based on experience business with
the confidence that selling computers directly to consumers PC s ... Show more content on ...
The foundation of Dell is the same in the United Kingdom and France, China and Japan, Canada
and other countries. Customers want technology products that are relevant to them, offer great
value and can be easily purchased and used. That s what Dell s team group around the globe
consistently delivers (Fiscal 2005 in Review, 2005).
The organization s mission statement is as follows: Dell s mission is to be the most successful
computer company in the world at delivering the best customer experience in the markets we serve
(Frequently, 2006)
2.2 Nature of Business
Dell Company produces the technology products like personal computer and related products. For
example, OptiPlex (office desktop computer systems), dimension (home desktop computer
systems), Vostro (office or small business desktop and notebook systems), n Series (desktop and
notebook computers shipped with Linux or FreeDOS installed), Latitude (business focused
notebooks), Precision (workstation system and high performance notebooks), Force 10 (network
switches), Venue (Tablets Android or Windows), hardware, printer, and devices such as mouse, and
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Emerging Adulthood Theory Paper
This article was on a study that compared developmental trajectories of non students, versus college
educated young adults, on the aspects of Arnett s theory of emerging adulthood (Mitchell Syed,
2015). However, there is a large group that literature has not been explored, and that category is on
the young teen/adults who choose to not attend college, or are unable to because of socio economic
status (Mitchell Syed, 2015). The emerging adulthood theory has been controversial. The
controversial topic has been brought up by researchers questioning how non students may not
experience the development of other emerging adults based on their interests to pursue adulthood
without attending postsecondary education. The aim of the study was intended to compare emerging
adulthood among individuals with college degrees, some college, and no college (Mitchell Syed,
2015). Arnett s development tasks for emerging adulthood include: finding a reliable and satisfying
career, choosing a partner and starting a family, and establishing financial independence (Mitchell
Syed, 2015). The study concluded that the young adults who attended college experienced
continuous growth of income in their twenties, while non students wages leveled out in their
twenties and did not rise (Mitchell Syed, 2015). The non college bound young adults had children...
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The study concluded that however a few categories lined up between graduates, some college
individuals, and non student individuals, the overall findings reinforced other studies that the ages
of 18 30 look very different for non students versus college students (Mitchell Syed, 2015). Arnett s
emerging adulthood theory may be overgeneralizing to a population that is very diverse (Mitchell
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Comparing The Film Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close
Extremely Loud Incredibly Close is a film about a young boy, Oskar. Oskar is a 9 year old who
lost his father in the attacks of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Oskar and his
father were very close with each other. They were practically best friends. After the death of
Oskar s father, he ends up finding a key in his father s belongings that were never touched or
moved. He also finds in the vase a piece of paper with Black written on it. Oskar navigates all
over New York City on a quest to find out the secrets of the mysterious key and the connections it
has with his father. Oskar searches through phonebooks to find everyone with the last name Black
. Every Saturday, Oskar goes to four addresses that has the name Black . He... Show more content
on ...
The main journey throughout is Oskar s search to find the lock that fits his father s key. By
overcoming his fears of strangers, crowded places, and heights, Oskar takes an emotional
journey that helps him move past his grief to understand his connection to the world outside of
just himself. Oskar s Grandma has a journey, she tells about her childhood during World War II,
and when she arrived in New York City seven years later. She moves past some of her self doubt
by deciding to get pregnant and focus her life on her child. And later on in life, her grandchild,
Oskar. Oskar s grandfather, Thomas Sr., fights the pain of his past. He is unable to escape the
trauma of the bombings, he lives his life according to rules that deny him possibility of happiness.
After he learns about the death of his son, Oskar s father, his journey switches from the past and
becomes about the
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Random Errors
Before conducting the experiment, one of the group members attempted to calculate the theoretical
values for the optimum angle at the different launch heights. These calculations were then
discovered to be incorrect after conducting the experiment. This resulted in the incorrect sample
range of the launch angles, creating data that that only showcased a small part of an overall trend.
This resulted in accurate data and the quadratic equations expressing the data, thus misrepresenting
the trends.
Experimental Errors:
Random Errors (ordered from most impactful to least impactful):
1.Angle of projection being altered when firing the projectile.
To launch the projectile, the string attached to the trigger was pulled. Sometimes, excess force ...
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Light gate placement
A light gate was placed in front of the barrel of the projectile launcher at a distance of about 5cm.
This resulted in the recorded flight time being less than the true flight time value. The distance the
light gate was placed in front of the barrel of the launcher was kept constant for all repetitions and
samples. This would have resulted in inaccurate data. This systematic error could be reduced with
closer placement of the light gate to the opening of the barrel, allowing the instrument to record
more accurate results.
2.Errors in vertical displacement
Since the projectile launcher was raised above a table top, school trays were used to raise the
landing area and fulfil the requirements of uni level projectile motion. The height of the launcher
was measured using a plastic ruler and then school trays were stacked on top of each other to try
and make it uni level. There may have been small differences in the height of the launch site and
landing site, thus not resulting in true uni level projection. To reduce the effect of this error in the
future, a block metal should be made to exactly the correct height of the launcher, ensuing that true
uni level projection is
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Life Is A Tragic Loss Of A Classmate
No matter how old or young we are, we have all had adversities to face. Whether good or bad,
some are more difficult than others. Mine just so happens to be a tragic loss of a classmate. In
2013, Dillon Jamal Neal was just starting his junior year of high school. Proudly wearing number
fifty five on Friday nights, Dillon played defensive end for the Ouachita ParishLions in what we
call, The Lion s Den. He had such a lighthearted spirit that you cherish knowing someone like him
forever. He was an angel who walked amongst the Earth, that God called home to honor Dillon
with a pair of wings he earned. It has been four years since he left the Earth and there is not a day
that goes by that I do not think back on the crazy conversations we had or all the laughs we
shared over the years. After Dillon passed away, I realized that death does not wait on anyone so
you should get your life right with God while you still can. On November 1, 2013, the day of
Friday night football, Ouachita Parish High Schooland West MonroeHigh School went head to
head in the biggest rivalry football game of the season. Everyone is super excited about the game;
we could barely focus on our school work. Finally, game time approached slowly but surely, and
the pressure has increased extremely. The long awaited matchup was about to play out before the
student body s eyes. Sitting in the stands watching the game with eager, the crowd felt the tension
between the rivals. The football players played
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Human Nature In Lord Of The Flies Research Paper
Human nature is evil, and goodness is caused by intentional activity. Xun Zi In the novel The Lord
of the Files, author William Golding questions the true nature of humans through boys stranded on
an island who experience both civilization and barbarism. Since the old days, there have been lots
of debates on this topic. However, I believe that humans are naturally evil. From the novel, the
author suggests that the humannature is originally bad, and there are evidences in the history that
suggest human evilness as well.
First of all, in the beginning of the novel, the boys are capable of making rules and keeping
themselves in a civilized society without adults. However, as there is no supervisor or any adults,
some boys start to break the
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Ch7 Process Management Essay
1.Process management is defined as the controlling and improving of processes after they have
been designed. Answer: F AACSB: Analytic Skills
2.Support processes generally do not directly add value to products and services. Answer: T
AACSB: Reflective Thinking Skills
3.Processes must be both measurable and repeatable to be improved. Answer: T AACSB: Analytic
4.A well run manufacturing operation can usually compensate for a poor product design. Answer: F
AACSB: Analytic Skills
5.Stretch goals often result from benchmarking activities. Answer: T AACSB: Analytic Skills
6. ... Show more content on ...
In many companies, value creation processes take the form of _____ temporary work structures
that start up, produce products or services, and then shut down. a. projects b. outsourcing c. crisis
teams d. product teams Answer: a AACSB: Analytic Skills
5.A graphical representation of a process sequence is known as: a. an affinity diagram. b. a Pareto
chart. c. a flowchart. d. a control chart. Answer: c AACSB: Analytic Skills
6.Which type of process drives the creation of products and services, is critical to customer
satisfaction, and has a large impact on the organization s strategic goals? a. Value creation process
b. Support process c. Outsourced process d. Supplier process Answer: a AACSB: Analytic Skills
7.Process management consists of: a. design, installation, and improvement. b. design, control, and
improvement. c. design, control, and standardization. d. analysis, control, and improvement.
Answer: b AACSB: Analytic Skills
8._______ are accountable for process performance. a. Process managers b. Process owners c.
Process workers d. Process black belts Answer: b AACSB: Analytic Skills
9.Which of the following is NOT TRUE of process owners? a. They are accountable for process
performance. b. They have the
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Research Paper On Airplanes
World War was had been the first major conflict that saw use of the newly invented airplane.
Newspapers filled with stories of daring pilots, valiantly taking down the opposing Luftwaffe.
Ace became a term for a pilot who successfully shot down at least five enemy aircraft; however
there were a special few pilots who far surpassed this and went down in history as the top aces.
America s Ace of Aces was Eddie Rickenbacker who throughout the war won twenty six aerial
victories, and earned the Medal of Honor for taking on seven German planes by himself,
downing two (Sherman). Coming in second was Frank Luke Jr. with 14 enemy balloons and four
enemy planes. He was known as the Arizona Balloon Buster and was posthumously awarded the
Medal of Honor for his last victory, when he shot down three balloons while taking fire from eight
planes, then, as he was going down, he opened fire on German ground troops killing six, and
finally, when asked to surrender, he instead... Show more content on ...
Compared to the airplane, balloons were a more readily produced and more stable observation
platform. Having the ability to brave conditions that grounded airplanes and the ability to give real
time information though telegraph lines made them far more strategically sound throughout the
majority of the war. Their greatest contribution was providing unparalleled artillery spotting,
whereas artillery was the cause of seventy percent of the casualties during the war. The balloon
was so valued strategically that when airplanes had become more developed, their greatest
contribution was attacking and defending the balloons. Balloons were such valued targets that they
were greatly defended by anti aircraft guns and allied planes. As Rickenbacker remarked about
how the Balloon Staff favored Luke, They appreciated the value of balloon observation to the
enemy and knew the difficulties and dangers in attacking these well defended
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The Olympic Event Is Not An Exemption Because
Legadec 2007 argues that the universe had entered a totally new era of extreme events accompanied
by risks risk of their own kind. The globalization process has greatly contributed a lot to the risk
changing environment that is growth in technology, environmental, economic and social culture.
These factors are facilitated by urbanization, the increase in the interdependence and the
technological innovations
However, the Olympic event can be theorized as one of the magnets that greatly amplifiers both the
operational and organizational risks. The Olympic event does generate its own unique set of risks
and at the same time in also boosts the consequences and the probability of threats and hazards. For
instance, the 2008 Beijing ... Show more content on ...
Internal risks
The scope and scale of the modern Olympic is one of the direct sources of the internal risk which
is likely to be encountered by the host government (Brazil) and the city (Rio de Janeiro) during the
upcoming 2016 Olympic Games at the national level. The level of the total amount of resources
required to comfortably stage the Olympic Games has greatly been increased by the consistent
increment of the number of events, officials, participants and the media viewers. Currently the
20016 Olympic budgets are estimated to be around $33 billion. The economic risks that face both
the international organizing committee and the host city (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) have been
increased by the increase in scale of Olympic movement. The gradual increase in cost and revenue
over the years has resulted to potential losses increasing proportionally to the potential gains (D
agati, 2013).
Majority of the host governments at the recent Olympics have typically underwritten the cost of
policing, infrastructure and other public services, while on the other hand they try to offset
operational costs against the commercial revenue. The 2016 Olympics is not exception to this
kind of risk because of the desire to secure the Olympic bid. Therefore, the relationship of direct
scale to risk is significantly represent in the in the operational and organizational risk for both the
Brazil 2016 organizing committee of the Olympic Games
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  • 2. Public Schools Is Not A Martial Arts Another view those that may initially be opposed to jiu jitsu in public schools is that it encourages violence. Some people may think that jiu jitsu teaches people to be more efficiently violent, and we should not teach our youths this martial art. However, Jiu jitsu, much like many other martial arts, is not a martial art that the purpose and intention of learningis violence or inflicting harm upon others. Contrary to this, people who train jiu jitsu often learn when to defend themselves should they be put in a situation where self defense is necessary, and otherwise people implicitly learn other more valuable ways resolve issues rather than through violence. Many people outside of the martial artscommunities may view martial arts as... Show more content on ... Respect, commitment, dedication, and communication are social skills that are the major social skills that people that train jiu jitsu learn, and they will cross over into skills that youths can learn from jiu jitsu as well. Respect for others and self respect is something that is implicitly learned through jiu jitsu. Coaches teach respect to their students implicitly, meaning it is not something that is directly taught and stated in the sense of you must have respect . Rather, it is something that is part of the jiu jitsu culture. People that train jiu jitsu learn to respect their own bodies, as well as those of others. When training, respect is learned by paying attention to the coaches, which for youths also translates into learning patience to respect when the coach is instructing. Commitment and dedication are also social skills that are learned through jiu jitsu. Children benefit by learning commitment and dedication in jiu jitsu through being encouraged to not give up. While jiu jitsu is a sport that takes time to learn, the length of time to master jiu jitsu is much longer (10 years to black belt) than martial arts and traditional sports. The commitment and dedication required to continue training is learned. Furthermore, the consequences of ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Athens And Sparta Political Realism Essay 1.How do Athens and Sparta behave in adherence to the concepts of political realism? Both in general and with their military approach to the war as well as specific key incidents in the first 3 books. Political realism being defined as: an approach to the study and practice of international politics. It emphasizes the role of the nation state and makes a broad assumption that all nation states are motivated by national interests, or, at best, national interests disguised as moral concerns. This definition in a way cracks open the two sides of the conflict, what first began as a series of dialogues, arguing between Corinth (Sparta s ally) and Corcyra, a colony of Corinth that quickly befriends Athens as the war is starting to become ... Show more content on ... The government was so quick to make a decision to execute everyone rather than the ringleaders of the revolt. However, luckily for the city, only the ring leaders were assassinated. This is just one example throughout the book that shows that Athens is almost too quick to make decisions. On the other hand Sparta has the exact opposite problem, the in ability to make decisions quickly. As Athens was extremely confident in their plans, Sparta seemed reluctant to start a war until they felt it was absolutely necessary. On page 39, (, Crawley, Strassler, 1996) Corinth (an ally of Sparta) is quick to call out the lack of responsibility and lack of action of Sparta which has led to the rise in Athenian power. Also on page 47, (, Crawley, Strassler, 1996) Archidamus tells the Spartans to ignore ignorant calls for action against the Athenians and to calmly decide what is necessary in the future. Although being sluggish in some senses, the Spartans declare war which shows allies they are ready for action instead of sitting in the background. Sparta also seemed as if they were involved in a proxy war as Athens seemed to be fighting Sparta s allies more than Sparta itself, which lends itself more to the power taking a backseat approach to this whole war. 2.What specific measures would you have recommended that the Peloponnesian League take during the time of the 30 years ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Debate Over Organic Certification For Aquatic Animals a) Becky Mansfield uses the debate over organic certification for aquatic animals (216) in order to enlighten the inconsistency of the organic movement s ideas (230). The organic community creates standards that are supported by their ideas, but when the ideas become inconsistent and contradictory, it becomes very clear that their standards are not set up on stable grounds. b) The article was written in 2004, two years after the first US National Organic Standards was implemented (216). This would have given researchers and anyone involved in the agriculture world enough time to investigate the basis for the organic movements standards, and to judge whether or not the standards were consistent and fair. 2) Purpose of the article Becky Mansfield is arguing that it is difficult to distinguish whether a product of agriculture can have organic status or not. She has observed the debate over organic certification for aquatic animals (216) from every angle, and believes that the organic movement holds contradictory ideologies. These contradictions act as blockages for the attribution of organic status to wild fish, because the fish do not fall in any of the categories that the organic movement considers suitable for organic status. But as Becky expresses a dialogue between the organic movement and others involved in all realms of agriculture, it becomes obvious that it is not a problem of the inherent environments of the fish, but a problem of classification of the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Exploratory Analysis The purpose of this project is to introduce a possible approach and solution to address inequality in the United States public education system. As such, it presents evidence to support the claim that academic outcomes improve when children participate in school readiness programs prior to entering primary education. Moreover, the emphasis of this project is to present the process for an exploratory analysis using the constructionist approach and basic framework of the social problem process by Joel Best (2008, pp. 33 40). First, it introduces the claim that educational outcomes are dependent on socioeconomic status, advocates for compulsory early childhood education, and proposes the Initiatory Public Education Policy. This includes... Show more content on ... First, the goal of raising public awareness about compulsory Pre K public education generates public reaction. Subsequently, as the public gains knowledge of Pre K outcomes they will embrace and champion the need for change. Second, the goal of identifying key stakeholders is to create an alliance of people who are competent to advocate for change in policy, essentially building human capability. The process by which this will occur is through resource mobilization acquiring the things necessary to function as an organization and carry out social movement activities (Massey, 2016, p. 160). Specifically as it relates to this project, mobilizing researchers, parents, educators and legislators build the human capital structure necessary to advocate and execute policy change. Indeed, the goal of policy implementation is to formulate the policy through amending current legislation, or creating new legislation for mandatory and compulsory Pre K education which leads to the ultimate desired outcome of achieving results thereupon, providing Pre K public education accessible by all Socioeconomic Status classes and setting all students up for success from the start of their academic ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Examples Of Cannibalism In The Odyssey Many people think that one eats anothers flesh because they are crazy, but really sometimes people are forced to do it for survival. In the Odyssey a cyclops named Polyphemus purposefully ate some men of Odysseus s army because he wanted them all dead. In 1884, the starving crew of the ill fated yacht Mignonette sacrificed a man in order to survive. The crew of 4 men turned to cannibalismfor survival, not because they wanted to, but because they had to. Cannibalism is something no humanbeing should resort to, but these four men on the Mignonette Yacht had no other choice than to go in that direction. On 19 of May 1884 four men set sail from Southampton in a small yacht, already knowing the dangers of the ocean, but clueless of what a lasting ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Ottoman And Italian Charity And Charity According to Skocpol and Somers, one of the major uses of comparative history is to make observations about institutions and structures and how they develop in different nations. Now when one thinks about points of comparison, they probably think about broad categories like religion, the state, etc., these are all obvious categories for comparative history, a less obvious topic however, is poor relief and charity. How to deal with the poor (in this case, orphans, those out of work, the sick, etc.) is an almost universal problem that every state or polity in the early modern Mediterranean had to address in some form or another. This makes poor relief and charity a prime candidate for comparison. For example, take the Italian states and the Ottoman Empire. On the surface, you can find vast differences between the two, Italian city states were Christian and were often individual cities that were independent of each other; meanwhile the Ottoman Empire was a vast, Muslim state compromising large amounts of territory. Despite these differences, one can find similarities in regards to how charity and poor relief were handled. ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Violation Of Negative Liberty In The United States According to Merriman Webster, Liberty is defined as the quality or state of being free. ( Liberty | Definition of Liberty by Merriam Webster, n.d.) We as Americans have come to know liberty since the colonies broke away from England on July 4, 1776 and the Declaration of Independence was issued. (Morone, 2016, p.10) Liberty along with freedom is one of our expected rights as an American citizen. Liberty can be viewed as either negative or positive. Negative liberty is, freedom from constraints or the interference of others (Morone, 2016, p.11). Most Libertarians agree with Negative liberty and feel that the government should not be in control. A Libertarian is a group of people who believe in minimal government: specifically, that public officials only role should be defending borders, prosecuting crime, and protecting private property (Morone, 2016, p. 12). I think that negative liberty means that although we should help others in our community, state or country we should not be forced to do so by the government. We should not feel responsible to help out others when they are not doing anything to better themselves.The government cannot put limits on one s own actions or desires. I believe the Affordable Care Act was a violation of Negative liberty. American citizens were forced to purchase a healthcare insurance plan for them and their families. If you did not enroll you would be penalized when filing income tax. The fine for not being insured in 2016 ranged from ... Get more on ...
  • 9. William Byron The Streets Of Life Analysis Is it possible to provide quality education that is equitable for all students? William J. Byron stated in his article The Streets of Life that Higher education seems to have made it through that critical in reasonably good shape. Nonetheless, lots of work remains to be done . As the saying goes, there is always room for improvement. The article, Archaeology, Ethics, and Character is written by several authors who go into detail about using archaeology to teach ethics, character, and citizenship. The goal is to teach students ethical and civilian values, to understand and care for one another. The next article was titled Religion and Educationby Martin E. Marty and Jonathan Moore is about teaching religion in schools. Some parents... Show more content on ... The nation s founders and creators of common schools were uncommonly concerned with morals and civic virtue (Marty, 23). They discuss that if the civilians were responsible they would be moral. Both religion and education teach the public about morals, so why is it not taught in schools? Well, everyone has their own religious views, rights and wrongs, and taught in the wrong hands only one religion may be taught and there goes religious equality. Also, the current curriculum is congested, where could educators find time to teach religion? How could religion be taught without anyone being offended or discriminated? This is a subject that gets tip toed past quite frequently. Why should it be such a problem if they both preach morals and ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Regression analysis of oil price return Contents 1.0Introduction and Motivation2 2.0Methodology5 2.1. Descriptive Statistics5 2.2 Matrix of pairwise correlation.6 3.0 Model Specification6 3.1 Linear Regression Model.6 3.2 The Regression Specification Error Test8 3.3 Non linear models9 3.4 Autocorrelation.10 3.5 Heteroskedasticity Test10 4.0 Hypothesis Testing11 5.0 Binary (Dummy) Variables11 6.0 Conclusion13 Reference List13 1.0 Introduction and Motivation Crude oil is one of the world s most important natural resources. Over the past six decades or so, crude oil because of the products derived from it, has become highly indispensable in our everyday lives. Despite being a non renewable resource, it is still used extensively in power generation. ... Show more content on ... Through group brainstorming, we came up with a number of variables that theoretically should affect the price of crude oil, and we used Bloomberg to find data on the same. Our two main criteria for a good variable were statistical significance and R2. We conducted a regression analysis as well as multiple regression analysis to double check the variables we selected on the Bloomberg terminal. Moreover, so as to not omit any good variables, we broadened our search to the Oil commodity section to find relevant industry reports and prospective variables. Through a process of rough trial and error, and after eliminating several variables due to problems such as multicollinearity and heteroskedasticity, we finalized the three variables that are mentioned below. As crude oil is invoiced in USD, it is of interest to note how fluctuations in the value of the USD affect oil prices. Another of our factors is the price of natural gas, the closest substitute as a source of energy to oil. Lastly, we seek to establish a relationship between returns in the S P500 and oil prices. We used monthly time series data over a period of ten years beginning from 2005 for the purpose of this study. To avoid issues of non stationary data, we used oil price returns and S P500 returns. 2.0 Methodology Our y variable is the percentage monthly return on WTI oil spot prices. West Texas Intermediate Cushing crude oil price is typically used as the reference spot price in the
  • 11. ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Visual Representation of a Body Part in Imaging... Imaging technology is the visual representation of a body part, such as an organ, for the purpose of a medical diagnosis. Nowadays, technologies such as X Rays, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and ultrasound are used everyday for medical analysis. X Rays are very useful because they can penetrate through different materials to give an image of the interior of the body. MRI use strong magnets to create an image of a body part, while ultrasound imaging uses sound waves. Bone, muscle and fat absorb x rays at different levels, so the screen lets see different structures of the body because the different levels of exposure are in different shades of gray. The main component of an x ray machine is a vacuum tube with a cathode or filaments and an anode, which is usually made of tungsten, a hard steel gray metal used to make electric light filaments. Electric current passes through the filament, raising its temperature. Once it reaches a certain level of energy, the filament starts emitting negatively charged electrons. These electrons are attracted with great force from the positively tungsten anode, taking them through the vacuum tube at very high speed. In one of the atom s lower orbital an electron gets knocked away when the anode collides with electrons. An electron from the higher orbital takes place of the removed electron, releasing energy as an X ray photon. (HowStuffWorks X Rays) Called bremsstrahlung , the reaction contains x rays of varying wavelengths. The X ray ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Slice Of A Knife The Slice of a Knife He didn t look that dead. Apart from the river of blood rushing out the gaping neck wound, he looked pretty much the same as he did a few minutes before. His hand was still clasped around his bottle of beer and face was still frozen in a permanent gaze of boredom. The only thing different about James s face was the single tear that rolled down his cheek and hung on the cliff of his chin amongst his stubble. As it fell from his face, his body smashed forward into the wooden table. And in that moment I felt completely alone. James was the only reason I was there with the oudious group of so called friends . Only a few moments before we had been having a wonderful time, drinking wine out of chipped coffee mugs and reminiscing about the good old days . Then in a beat of a heart, the lights gave out. Exploded glass cascaded from the ceiling and the sudden fright caused everyone to panic. There were a few minutes of clattering in the murky darkness before Bill switched his massive solar powered lamp he (ever so conveniently) had with him. So typical of Bill, why had he even brought a lamp in the first place, particularly a solar powered one. He had also carried an excessive amount of electronic devices that he immediately proceeded to plug in as soon as he got the chance, perhaps thats why the power gave out. James was murdered in that dark but did Bill have reason to see James dead? With James out of the way he would be in total control of their company, ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Theme Of Power In Dracula First of all, before analysing the theme, it is necessary to clarify the notion of dynamic of power . In fact, this denotes the dialectic interaction between the subject possessing the power and the object which is influenced by this power. In literature, this liaison is expressed by the relations between a master and a slave. For instance, the Russian writers Dostoevsky and Tolstoy explored the theme of the relations between a master and a slave, an oppressor and an oppressed in their works. Since this theme has stirred the imagination of many writers, it is not surprising that the possibility to expose this type of relations has attracted the filmmakers for the decades. It is important to point out that such creative movement as German Expressionism ... Show more content on ... Dracula in this film refers more to the Sympathetic Cycle (1987 present) by the classification of Tim Kane. The films of this cycle show the vampire with more sympathetic qualities, with thoughts, feelings, fears, and dreams. The sympathetic vampires of the recent films have developed into misunderstood, tortured romantic figures or even ultimate romantic alpha hero. Coppola s Dracula seems to be on the border of the Erotic and Sympathetic cycles. Seduction and allure are still inherent to him, as well as his victims are ready to sacrifice, expecting gratification from the master. The scenes of bite do not have sexual hints, they speak directly of sex. For example, this is the scene when Jonathan is attacked by the Dracula s brides, who lick and kiss him before biting, and the victim endures pain, fear and sensual pleasure. When Dracula, transformed into a wolf, attacks Lucy, he physically copulates with her. And again, we see that these relations develop with the consent of the victim as the attack arouses Lucy, and she anticipates the vampire s visits. So, overall, each participant of the vampire victim s relationship is not equal. One is superior (stronger, with a hypnotic stare and other super abilities, moreover, he is immortal) and another is subordinate (just a human being, fragile and helpless). Nevertheless, this inequality, the power, that a vampire, a master possesses and victim s eagerness to obey make these relations tempting for ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Five Sociological Problems In The 1998 American Film,... The study of sociology has many different concepts and terms, three distinct theoretical approaches to view situations and concepts, and regarding the political side of things, two majorly different viewpoints. And in the 1998 American film, Pleasantville these things are all present in way form or another. This paper will be divided up into three sections to talk about each topic of sociology and how they pertain to the film. So, using the film as a reference point, this paper will explain and describe in detail, five different sociological terms that can be seen in the film. Examples of the three theoretical perspectives, structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. And describe the two major political viewpoints in the United States and how they relate to parts of the film. The first section of the paper will describe and identify five sociology concepts and terms and how they relate to certain scenes in the film. One sociology concept that can be seen in the film is one of the most basic, social problems. A social problem is described as A condition that undermines the well being of some or all members of a society and is usually a matter of public controversy (Macionis, 2015). Out of text, a social problem or social issue, can be anything that causes troubles or complications in a society or community. Social issues can also be tied to other types of problems that plague a society such as economic problems. Just a few examples of social ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Affirmative Action Plan. Affirmative Action Plan Affirmative action is a plan to promote the efforts of employers, schools and other organizations to recruit and hire groups that have previously been discriminated against. It is important to note that affirmative action programs do not require employers to hire unqualified people for a job. Equal employment opportunity is used to describe policies that prohibit discrimination of any kind. Affirmative action is a program that analyses the make up of the current workforce, establishes guidelines to insure an employer is not underutilizing certain groups and identifies and removes barriers for employment. Equal employment is the legislation that provides the oversight and investigates any allegations of ... Show more content on ... It is important to tie the affirmative action objectives to an individual s performance and part of the review process. This will ensure adherence. 6. The communication plan is another crucial part of the program and involves many steps. Employers should get the word out that they are an equal opportunity employer. Communicating this message is great publicity. Unless it is communicated effectively no one will know. Communications must be used to promote implementation internally. Posters can be put up throughout the facility or special edition newsletters to create enthusiasm for the program. The next level of communication is to go out into the communities by placing advertisements in local papers, talks with the local officials to gain support. Perhaps by establishing an arrangement to get applicant referrals through various state agencies, college placement offices and labor organizations perspective employees can be canvassed. Develop the appropriate communication strategies to target the right candidates for openings. If women are being sought after, then perhaps placing advertisements in a journal or periodical that has a higher female readership. Provide written notification of company affirmative action policy to subcontractors, vendors and suppliers and make sure that the company is partnering with the right mix. Today it is very important to align with other organizations that are minority owned. 7. ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Examples Of Certainty In To Kill A Mockingbird Does having too much certainty make you strive for the impossible? Is the effect of doubting yourself more harmful than helpful? Certainty motivates people, yet doubt makes sure you know your limits. When striving for success, your certainty needs to be a stronger feeling than doubt. In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee shows Ms. Dubose s certainty and doubt. In chapter 11, Atticus is talking to Jem and Scout about Ms. Dubose s death and said, She said she was going to leave this world beholden to nothing and nobody. Jem, when you re sick as she was, it s all right to take anything to make it easier, but it wasn t all right for her. She said she meant to break herself of it before she died, and that s what she did. Even though she was a morphine addict and slowly dying, she was certain to die her way. She could have doubted her strength against the drug, yet she fought through it. Jem read to her everyday as a punishment for losing his head and helped her focus to stay awake. It was because of her certainty that she obtained her goal of dying in her own way.... Show more content on ... For example, in Genesis Noah was faced with ultimate test of certainty or doubt for God. When told to build an ark, he could have doubted God instantly. Why would he want to kill all of mankind except Noah and his family? Wasn t he supposed to be a loving god? Yet Noah followed every single command that God gave him. He ignored all of the men that mocked him. He built a humongous ark that took years and years to build, filled it with an seven pairs of clean animals and a pair of unclean animals, and was in the ark for 150 days while the earth was flooded. That shows how certainty can turn into devotion and make you succeed, no matter if it takes a long time or you re made fun of. Regardless, this type of faith shows how a certainty of God is not possible with ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Winged Victory Of Samothrace Essay The topic I chose is the Winged Victory of Samothrace. The most famous monument of Samothrace and one of the earliest discoveries is the great Winged Victory of Samothrace, also called the Nike of Samothrace. It was discovered in April 1863 by a French expedition led by archaeologist Charles Champoiseau. The Victory stands about 8 feet tall by herself, but with the ship prow, the statue stands at a little over 18 feet tall. The Winged Victory of Samothrace is thought to have been created around 200 190 BC. The Victory is made from Parian marble and the ship pedestal is made from gray Lartos marble. For the ancient Greeks, the goddess Nike represented the personification of victory. In the case of this particular work of art, there are many ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Richard Nixon s Impact On The Nation In his first couple of months in the oval office, Richard Nixon positively impacted the nation. As did most previous presidents do, Nixon had put himself right into action making sure he could build up and maintain and good reputation in office. But soon after completing his first term, disaster struck just as reelection was coming up. Nixon had destroyed his reputation, and by doing so showed the people how easy it was to be successful at a point and then lose it all due to one event, Watergate. Paul H. Elovitz, who teaches at Farleigh Dickinson University and is a founding faculty member of Ramapo College of New Jersey, begins to break down Nixon s scenario. Elovitz comments, Among his successes were the recognition of China, ending... Show more content on ... Nixon worked hard for all the goals he reached, but as it is emphasized, Nixon s major failure brought his reputation to the dumps. We can see that Elovitz wanted readers to see how one man can achieve so much for so long, then lose everything because of one event. In Edward D. Berkowitz s early books about what occurred in the seventies, both cultural and political, he discusses the topic of the Watergate scandal, viewing it more as a criminal act and misuse in power that develops from a spoiled and corrupted mind. I truly believe that Nixon s purpose for the misuse in power came from his corrupted mind that desired more power and recognition from the American people. We do not see Edward jump right into the Watergate scandal, but work his way up to it following events that may or may not have changed Nixon s desire for power. When Edward begins to discuss the scandal, he opens with in his zeal to win, which comes to mind as Nixon stopping at nothing to pursue victory, even at great risks. Later being involved in the Watergate scandal, we learn that Nixon was entangled with the scandal (Berkowitz 19). Part of Nixon s staff had broken into the Watergate hotel in attempt to bug the Democratic National Headquarters. As explained by Berkowitz, Nixon s men were no ordinary burglars, but ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Lease and Hire Purchase SYMBIOSIS LAW SCHOOL, PUNE Constituent of Symbiosis International University, Pune (Accredited by NAAC (UGC) with `A Grade) Managerial Economics Internal Assessment REPORT ON LEASE AND HIRE PURCHASE COMPANIES Submitted by SIVAGNANAM KARTHIKEYAN ROLL NO: 135 DIV B BBA. LLB. BATCH 2013 18 LEASING A lease transaction is a commercial arrangement whereby an equipment owner or Manufacturer conveys to the equipment user the right to use the equipment in return for a rental. In other words, lease is a contract between the owner of an asset (the lessor) and its user (the lessee) for the right to use the asset during a specified period in return for a mutually agreed periodic payment (the lease rentals). The important feature ... Show more content on ... In such transactions ownership of goods is transferred to a finance company at a discounted price, and the company hires out and then sells those goods to the buyer. A hire purchase agreement is defined in the Hire Purchase Act, 1972 as peculiar kind of transaction in which the goods are let on hire with an option to the hirer to purchase them, with the following stipulations: a. Payments to be made in installments over a specified period. b. The possession is delivered to the hirer at the time of entering into the contract. c. The property in goods passes to the hirer on payment of the last installment. d. Each installment is treated as hire charges so that if default is made in payment of any installment, the seller becomes entitled to take away the goods, and e. The hirer/ purchase is free to return the goods without being required to pay any further installments falling due after the return. Hire purchase should be distinguished from instalment sale wherein property passes to the purchaser with the payment of the first instalment. But in case of HP (ownership remains with the seller until the last instalment is paid) buyer gets ownership after paying the last instalment. Advantages of hire purchases 1. Spread the cost of finance Whilst choosing to pay in cash is preferable,. A hire purchase agreement ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Araby Character Analysis The story Araby takes place in the winter, the end of North Richmond St. The main character in the narrator, a boy who is infatuated with his friend s sister. He has created a routine that will allow him to see her and follow her to school everyday. Everything would be amazing if he had the courage to talk to her, but he never has. One day however, the girl takes interest in him, asking if he will attend Araby, in the bazaar. The boy responds he will. In fact, he will purchase something for her due to the circumstance that she will not be able to attend. As days passed the boy can t wait till the day arrives and to attend the bazaar, which turns out a problem because the idea intervenes with his school work. Finally the day arrives, but his uncleis late, despite the fact that the boy reminded him to be early. The uncle is grumpy and perhaps drunk. He tells the child it is too late now to go out, but his wife convinces him to let the boy go. When he is at the bazaar, a young woman asks him if he would like to purchase something. He shakes his head and the lights go off hinting the narrator is time to go home. The main character the narrator is the center of the story. What could have been a happy ending ends up being a tragic realization and change of attitude towards the world. The narrator undergoes major changes through out the story. At the beginning he has a fantasy in his head about Mangan s sister, his love interest. In a way she represent a way out of his sad ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Zap and Electric Vehicle 1.The competition to develop and market electric vehicles has increased during the last year and is expected to continue to increase. The electric bicycle industry has four major manufacturers and a large group of small companies. The major manufacturers are Honda, Suzuki, Sanyo and Yamaha. They mainly sell products to Japan and Europe. The other group of manufacturers is much smaller in size and sales volume. These manufacturers have products they sell into the U.S., European and Asian markets. Porter s five forces model is a powerful tool for systematically diagnosing the principal competitive pressures in a market and assessing how strong and important each one is. The electric vehicle industry is a definite for applying this technique. ... Show more content on ... This also makes it harder for businesses in the EV industry to find ways to make buyers choose their business. Also, suppliers have strong bargaining power so industries have a difficult time trying to shop around for the best prices on the parts they need. However, Zap was an early mover and is a current market leader in the industry and with a good strategy can have a profitable future that new entries find they can t get. Because Zap was an early mover into the EV industry, they have positioned themselves very high in the marketplace. This is a result of several acquisitions made including a major acquisition of EV Systems, CA. They also acquired several patents which helped keep other companies from copying their designs and what they put into their designs. They also conducted most of their business overseas which helped to save Zap money, which allowed them to focus on their distribution methods. Also, they are environmental friendly which allows consumers to look at them when deciding between electric and gas powered vehicles. Their present strategy is to develop, acquire and commercialize electric vehicles and electric vehicle propulsion systems that have fundamental, practical and environmental advantages over available internal combustion modes of transportation, while also having the ability to be produced commercially on an economically competitive basis. Also, they have positioned themselves as the premier EV provider, have strong focus on ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Democratic Party The Democratic Party was formed in 1792. Its name was adopted in the 1830s during Jackson s presidency. It is the world s oldest existing political party (Democratic Party). The Northern and Southern Democrats had issues dealing with slavery, which caused them to split in 1860. According to the Democratic Party , the Southern Democrats wanted to protect slavery in all the territories while many Northern Democrats resisted. The party was also known as the white man s party and demonized the Republican Party as being Negro dominated, even though whites were in control (Democratic Party). The party s platform deals with a lot of controversial topics. For example, abortion. Democrats believe Abortion rights are fundamental constitutional liberty and abortion should be available regardless of a woman s ability to pay (ABC News). They believe that abortion is completely up to the parents of the child. Another example is education. They want affordable preschool for all children, higher teacher salaries, higher standards for teachers, students and states, triple number of charter schools, [and] let more parents choose from among public schools (ABC News). In 2015, the President announced a landmark proposal to make community college free to anyone who is willing to work for it (@TheDemocrats). They want to make it easier for children attending school and allow teachers to earn a better salary. Another issue is gay rights. The Democrats are all for them. They ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Government Regulations Of Information Technology Introduction to Government Regulations in Information Technology Government Regulations in Information Technology refer to the various laws and statutes that apply to the transfer and/or modification of information and technology enacted by different legislative bodies of the government and the regulatory bodies that enforce the laws as they relate to information technology. There are a number of laws that directly apply to the Information Technology sector. There are also a number of organizations/agency that work with the government to ensure the laws are obeyed and prosecute individuals found violating the laws. The American Government has over the years created and passed new laws through its history. The emergence of the field of Information Technology was not exempt from these laws. The Government has been evolving with the times to counteract the illegal accessing, duplicating, modifying or deleting of information. The government also created varying bodies to be used in enforcing these laws and regulations. These laws were predominantly designed around helping the individual citizen. Thesis Government regulations in Information Technology are vital parts of Information technology world. The government regulations help define ethical standards for Information Technology professionals. The government regulations define the kinds of products and services that can be offered to the citizens and how they are to be offered. They help determine what form ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Sacred Language of Toni Morrison Essay The Sacred Language of Toni Morrison Toni Morrison makes a good point when, in her acceptance speech upon receiving the Nobel Prize in Literature, she says, Narrative . . . is . . . one of the principal ways in which we absorb knowledge (7). The words we use and the way in which we use them is how we, as humans, communicate to each other our thoughts, feelings, and actions and therefore our knowledge of the world and its peoples. Knowledge is power. In this way, our language, too, is powerful. In her acceptance speech, Morrison tries to communicate the idea that we must be careful with how we use our words. She analogizes the use of language to the life of a metaphoric bird in a tale of a wise, old, blind ... Show more content on ... Throughout her speech, Toni Morrison works towards defining and supporting this thesis of responsibility. It is our responsibility, as users of words, to make language thrive. Elizabeth Fox Genovese has a similar goal, but takes a different approach in her essay The Claims of a Common Culture: Gender, Race, Class and the Canon. She speaks on the use and composition of the canon taught in humanities classes. Her idea is that the canon of today is much too one sided and does not include the influence of the several different cultures, peoples, and ideas that make up our society. She says that with respect to representativeness, the canon fails woefully. It represent[s] a small, sometimes minute, portion of the elite, which itself constitute[s] a statistical minority of the population (Fox Genovese 19). In this abstract way, Fox Genovese is reiterating Morrison s words that what we say, and how we say it (or teach it), or what we fail to say (as in the canon taught today) is monumentally influencing and impactful upon others. If we are not aware of the words that come out of our mouths due to lack of thought or attention, we all suffer and we are all at fault: When language dies, out of carelessness, disuse, indifference, and absence of esteem, or killed by fiat, . . . all users and makers are accountable for its demise (Morrison 14 15). The standards of society are changing and with them the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. A Clean Well Lighted Place Symbolism Essay The Symbolism of A Clean, Well Lighted Place The cafГ© is the place to be the older waiter believes is a place in which he needs to get away from the darkness and go to the light, in which the story revolves around. The darkness is a main symbol for the melancholy of emptiness and the light is the way to escape that. I am one of those who stay late at the cafГ©... With all those who need a light for the night. (Paragraph 70). In the short story, A Clean, Well Lighted Place , Ernest Hemmingway shows that there is nothing more to the world progressing through symbolism throughout the story creating a unifying theme of darkness and light. The story of A Clean, Well Lighted Place bases on a conversation of the two waiters of the cafГ© watching a drunk, old man who they pity. As the two waiters watch the old man, the narrator says, A girl and a soldier went by on the street. (Paragraph 10). The street lights shined on the couple as the old man sat in the shadows. The street light shone on the brass number on ... Show more content on ... The old man tried to kill himself before his niece found him hanging himself, which symbolizes how he is depressed. The younger waiter keeps mocking the old man about it, insulting him by saying, You should have killed yourself last week! (Paragraph 19) because he is deaf, in which his deafness represents his and the older waiter s isolation from the world from the world. Because he cannot hear what the younger waiter is saying, the old man just replies, A little more (Paragraph 19). Another essential symbol relating to the old man that Hemmingway had made was how the old man was under the shadow of the leaves. The narrator says, ...the old man sat in the shadow of the leaves of the tree that moved slightly in the wind. The shadow of the leaves is the darkness he is in right outside of the cafГ©, isolating ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Personality Theories Personality Theories Almost everyday we describe and assess the personalities of the people around us. Whether we realize it or not, these daily musings on how and why people behave as they do are similar to what personality psychologists do. Personality psychology looks at the patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behavior that make a person unique. Some of the best known theories in psychology are devoted to the subject of personality. Almost everyday we describe and assess the personalities of the people around us. Whether we realize it or not, these daily musings on how and why people behave as they do are similar to what personality psychologists do. While our informal assessments of personality tend to focus more on individuals, ... Show more content on ... The psychoanalytic view holds that there are inner forces outside of your awareness that are directing your behavior. For example, a psychoanalyst might say that James misspoke due to unresolved feelings for his ex or perhaps because of misgivings about his new relationship. The founder of psychoanalytic theory was Sigmund Freud. While his theories were considered shocking at the time and continue to create debate and controversy, his work had a profound influence on a number of disciplines, including psychology, sociology, anthropology, literature, and art. The term psychoanalysis is used to refer to many aspects of Freud s work and research, including Freudian therapy and the research methodology he used to develop his theories. Freud relied heavily upon his observations and case studies of his patients when he formed his theory of personality development. Before we can understand Freud s theory of personality, we must first understand his view of how the mind is organized. According to Freud, the mind can be divided into two main parts: 1.The conscious mind includes everything that we are aware of. This is the aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about rationally. A part of this includes our memory, which is not always part of consciousness but can be retrieved easily at any time and brought into our awareness. Freud called this ordinary memory the preconscious. 2.The unconscious mind ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Importance Of Character Change In Macbeth Character change plays an important role in most fiction literature. In Shakespeare s Macbeth, Macbeth s character change is one of the central points throughout the story. At the beginning of the play, Macbeth was a trustworthy and loyal ruler. But, throughout the play, his character changed as a result of many factors. The main reasons for Macbeths character change were Lady Macbeth s attacks on his personality, the murders that he committed, and Macbeth s dormant personality flaws. Lady Macbeth has the most influence on her husband s change as she pushes down the first domino to the downfall of his character. She starts by attacking his word From this time such account thy love. Thine own act and valor / as thou art in desire? Wouldst thou have that / which thou esteem st the ornament of life, / and live a coward in thine own esteem (Macbeth 1.7.44 48). In this passage, she says he is afraid to do what he desires, and he is a coward because he does not do whatever he says he will do. While attacking his word, she attacks his manhood by calling him a coward Letting I dare not wait upon I would, / like the poor cat i th adage? (1.7.48 49). She compares him with the poor cat in the old story, which means that she is calling him a scaredy cat, as he no longer intends to killDuncan. And again, when Macbeth tries to ask his wife what would happen if they fail , she interrupts him and indirectly says, if he stops being a coward, then they will not fail ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Political Conflict In Riyadh And Iran The latest developments that just unfolded in Riyadh are unsettling and carry a high risk of a regional confrontation. An assertive Saudi crown prince is determined to consolidate power by purging dissidents at home while escalating rhetoric abroad. Such a diversionary approach, seemingly employed to shift attention away from domestic turmoil, is challenging an emboldened Iranian regime whose armed proxies have been strengthening their hold from the Levant to Yemen. While these circumstances are tantamount to an imminent war scenario between Riyadh and Tehran, there are indications that it might not actually be the case. On November 4, within the span of few hours, two major events took place: Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri ... Show more content on ... Two Saudi ambassadors in Iraq and Lebanon were appointed last week, showing a willingness to engage. On October 25, Saudi Arabia and Iran finally agreed to have the Swiss government as a go between for consular and diplomatic services, after breaking off diplomatic ties in early 2016. Riyadh has returned to Iraq after a long absence, hoping to increase political influence and explore a new market. A military confrontation with Iran is counterproductive to Saudi engagement in Iraq. While in Syria, Saudi Arabia has been keeping a low profile with an influence restricted to elements in the exiled civilian opposition. Third, a confrontation is not in Iran s interest for now. The Iranian regime, which has been more united since President Hassan Rouhani s reelection in May, is focused on reaping the economic benefits of the nuclear deal and preserving the gains made in Syria. Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander of Iran s Revolutionary Guard, announced on October 31 that Iran will be restricting its long range missiles to 2,000km, which can reach Israel and US interests in the Middle East. The move was meant to reassure European countries that are beyond that missile range. Russian President Vladimir Putin, who visited Tehran on November 1, convinced Tehran to tone down the rhetoric against the US. While Russia is focused on advancing a political solution in Syria, Iran sees that the Syrian war will ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Necklace, By Guy De Maupassant In Guy de Maupassant s The Necklace, readers experience Mathilde Loisel s life changing event. Coming from nobility, de Maupassant tells the story of luxurious desire through the eyes of the middle class woman Mathilde. Mathilde constantly dreams of living the life of the upper class, and this prohibits her from acting in reality. Mathilde s internal struggle for a sense of social royalty shows readers how quickly selfish pride destroys a person s life. Throughout the course of The Necklace, Mathilde changes from an arrogant and prideful housewife to a modest and humble companion. At the beginning of the story, Mathilde is portrayed as a bitter woman who thinks she is entitled to a more luxurious life. While eating dinner, Mathilde thinks to herself: She had no dresses, no jewels, nothing. And she loved nothing but that; she felt made for that. She would so have liked to please, to be envied, to be charming, to be sought after (68). In this instance, Mathilde cannot focus on what she is currently involved in because she is so obsessed with living a higher life. The reader infers that the consumables of the upper class is consuming her thoughts. One evening, after sulking to herself, as usual, her husband comes home with an invitation to a party which she reacts to questionably: Instead of being delighted, as her husband hoped, she threw the invitation on the table with disdain, murmuring: What do you want me to do with that (69)? As the readers sees, ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Technical Measurement and Vector Chapter 1: Technical Measurement and Vector 5.Newton s law of universal gravitation is represented by [pic] where F is the gravitational force, M and m are masses, and r is a length. Force has the SI units kg в€™ m/s2. What are the SI units of the proportionality constant G? 8.The speed of light is now defined to be 2.99 7924 58 Г— 108 m/s. Express the speed of light to (a) three significant figures, (b) five significant figures, and (c) seven significant figures. 15.A rectangular building lot measures 100 ft by 150 ft. Determine the area of this lot in square meters (m2). 19.The speed of light is about 3.00 Г— 108 m/s. Convert this figure to miles per hour. 22.(a) Find a conversion factor to convert from miles per... Show more content on ... A 500 N uniform rectangular sign 4.00 m wide and 3.00 m high is suspended from a horizontal, 6.00 m long, uniform, 100 N rod as indicated in Figure P8.17. The left end of the rod is supported by a hinge, and the right end is supported by a thin cable making a 30.0В° angle with the vertical. (a) Find the tension T in the cable. (b) Find the horizontal and vertical components of force exerted on the left end of the rod by the hinge. [pic] 20.A 20.0 kg floodlight in a park is supported at the end of a horizontal beam of negligible mass that is hinged to a pole, as shown in Figure P8.20. A cable at an angle of 30.0В° with the beam helps to support the light. Find (a) the tension in the cable and (b) the horizontal and vertical forces exerted on the beam by the pole. [pic] 21.A uniform plank of length 2.00 m and mass 30.0 kg is supported by three ropes, as indicated by the blue vectors in Figure P8.21. Find the tension in each rope when a 700 N person is 0.500 m from the left end. [pic] 26.One end of a uniform 4.0 m long rod of weight w is supported by a cable. The other end rests against a wall, where it is held by friction. (See Fig. P8.26.) The coefficient of static friction between the wall and the rod is Ојs = 0.50. Determine the minimum distance x from point A at which an additional weight w (the same as the weight of the rod) can be hung without causing the rod to slip at point A. [pic] Chapter 4: ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Leadership Skills Of Jean Watson And Michelle Obama The Leadership Skills of Jean Watson and Michelle Obama Oluwatoyin Adekonye Georgia State University The Leadership Skills of Jean Watson and Michelle Obama This paper will talk about the leadership philosophy of two female leaders Jean Watson and Michelle Obama, and how their leadership skills have impacted many lives. The purpose of this paper is to discuss what it means to be a leader, types, and characteristics of a leader, why it is important to have an effective leader, qualities, and behaviors that contribute to effective leadership, and compare and contrast between the different types of leadership styles and theories. A nursing theorist, Jean Watson, and Michelle Obama, the wife of the former president of The United... Show more content on ... Lastly, and very important, the skill to communicate efficiently in order to achieve the projected goals (Weiss and Tappen, 2015 p.4). If leaders have the first two skills mentioned above and lack effective communication skill, such leaders would not be able to express themselves well about their anticipated plans to their target population, and this can cause flaws that will affect their leadership. Furthermore, there are different theories which give insights about why some leaders lead the way they do. One of these theories is the behavioral theory, it emphasized on what leaders do and their leadership styles. The behavioral theory explains three different types of leadership styles namely: autocratic, democratic, and laissez faire. An autocratic leader makes plans, gives direction on how to execute them, and makes decisions for the group. These type of leaders are highly power control. They give little or no freedom to the members. Whatever they say is final. On the other hand, democratic leaders allow members to participate in the decision making. They seek opinions of the members. On the other hand, laissez faire leaders allow members to do whatever they like. This type of leaders does very little planning or decision making thus fail to encourage others to do it (Weiss and Tappen, 2015 p. ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Four Seasons Research Paper Background Jersey Boys on Broadway played Friday August 22nd at 8 Pm, and performed at the August Wilson Theater in New York. The main characters consisted of Dominic Scaglione Jr. as Frankie Valli, Richard H. Blake as Tommy DeVito, Quinn VanAntwerp as Bob Gaudio and Michael Lomenda as Nick Massi. Jersey Boys is a musical memoir of the 1960 s rock and roll group, The Four Seasons. Through the progression of the play, the audience is taken on a journey as each member of the group narrates a particular development emphasizing how the Four Seasons came to be. In the first Act, Tommy DeVito walks out on stage and begins to tell the audience about the development of the band. At first, the group started out as starting out as The Variety Trio along with his brother, Nick DeVito and friend Nick Massi. At that time, Tommy discovered a confused teenager, Frankie Castelluccio, and took him under his wing, teaching him everything he knows about music. With Nick DeVito in prison, the band struggled to gain any form of success, they changed their names multiple times until Bob Gaudio, singer and songwriter came along uniting the lost group (Playbill: Jersey Boys). At this point, Bob takes over the account and informs the audience of his previous hit single Short Shorts . After negotiating an agreement, the group signs a contract with a musical producer who ultimately does not live up to the end of... Show more content on ... The play Jersey Boys required a modest orchestra of which included nine players. The instruments included (1) three keyboards, (2) a guitar, (3) a bass, (4) drums, (5) two woodwind players and (5) trumpet. The two woodwind players alternated between a variety of instruments, (1) saxophone, (2) clarinet, (3) flute, (4) oboe, and (5) saxophone (Playbill: Jersey Boys). Sherry sang by The Four ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Ratchet Research Paper (U) Ratchet from the ratchet and clank series is probably the best hero out of any PlayStation game ever made. He is a Lombax mechanic from the planet Veldin. Him and his sidekick, clank, fly throughout the galaxy defeating villains that are trying to take it over or destroy it. Moving from planet to planet protecting them all the best he can. He and clank met up after Ratchet was working on his busted ship and Ratchet saw an escape pod crash land. When he went to investigate he found clank. (U) Ratchet has many different capabilities, he doesn t have any super power but he has many different weapons. All of his weapons are fantasy based and some of his weapons are tesla claw, morph o ray, and the Rhino. He also has many different gadgets that help him while he is on different planets. For every adventure Ratchet get new weapons, gadgets, and new friends.... Show more content on ... Whether that being doing a side flip to dodge enemy attacks, or climbing structures to find what he is looking for. He is very calm in the face of danger and would rather crack and joke then freak out over the enemies he is about to face. He is very willing to do what needs to be done and stop when we knows he has won. Ratchet does not like killing and would rather stop his enemies and spare their lives rather than taking them immediately. He is very loyal to his friends and would do anything to protect ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Latin Music Usa Analysis Salsa In my Life The video Latin Music USA, relates to our class watching the video I am able to say I can do some of the moves they do! Our class relates to this video because they talk a lot about community and being able to connect to another, I think our class connects us to others we generally would not associate with. They talk about when the Fania All Stars would perform the energy from both the stage and the audience was tremendous and people did not want to sit, I think this relates to our class because before the class even starts people are dancing trying to further perfect the way they dance. Our classroom reminds me of the Palladium Ballroom, we go to class expecting to dance and have a good time just like those who went to the Palladium. Our classroom is not as famous as the Palladium however, I believe that the class about the same impact on people. Everyone who comes into the class has a great energy and I know when I get into class, even if I ... Show more content on ... Thanks to this dance I feel more of a connection when I dance with my family and I am more confident and It makes me dance a lot more than I used to. Dancing is huge in my family it makes us (in my opinion) more connected being able to laugh and spend time together just makes a difference. I have a big family +100 cousins and I always feel like I m close to every single on them because of dancing. This class gave me a better understanding of why my family dances it really gives a connection to everyone who is dancing. Also I think everyone should take a dance class regardless if they need it for their major, I being a chemical engineering student still think it is very relevant to take this class because I think it helps broaden who you interact with ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Women in Ancient Civilizations The role of women in different civilizations, even though on different spectrums of the world, had many similarities and only a few differences. Women in these four civilizations: Greece, Egypt, China, and India faced many of the same hardships, struggles, and prejudices. Some of this treatment of women didn t even end until present day (1920 s). In some of these civilizations women were able to rise up somewhat in their communities but it didn t come without some kind of interference. When it came to the rights of these women, they really didn t have any at all. In Greece women were considered to be second class citizens at best. All women were forbidden to own property, inherit their own name, vote, or attend political debate. Men ... Show more content on ... Now it is around the age of eighteen for both. The woman and the woman s family must still present dowry to the husband and his family. There were also limited rights in the family back then as there is now. Women in India can go through being burned and abused by their husbands with nothing being done at all ( These women, even though they were very restricted, they were responsible for items when it came to home and family. Out of all of the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Personification In The Three Ravens The Three Ravens is an english folk ballad, which was first printed in a song book Melismata compiled by Thomas Ravenscroft. It was published in the year 1611. It is a ballad about three ravens who take up a scavenger bird conversation about where and what they should eat for breakfast that morning. In the ballad The Three Ravens Thomas Ravenscroft uses personification and colourful imagery to discuss the ballad, and in the ballad the reader is led to expect something, but we discover a whole new theme in the ballad which is very interesting to know about. And the Thomas Ravenscroft uses a non scavenger as a scavenger bird in the ballad. There were three ravens that sat on a tree. (Ravenscroft,Thomas, The Three Ravens (1611) Ballad provided by the instructor). According to the poet he says that there were three ravens who sat on a tree They were as black as they might be. (Ravenscroft,Thomas, The Three Ravens (1611) Ballad provided by the instructor). As we all know that all ravens are black. When one of the raven asks the other ravens what is their breakfast for today. Down in yonder green fields, There lies a knight slain under his shield. (Ravenscroft,Thomas, The Three Ravens (1611) Ballad provided by the instructor). one of the raven tells the other ravens that our breakfast is the green field, were lies a knight who is dead. And the knight is being guarded by a shield. In this ballad the ravens are considered as scavengers which is wrong, because as we all people know that ravens are not scavengers and they mostly feed other small insects and worms and they also feed on eggs of other smaller birds. In this ballad The Three Ravens the ravens are considered as wild birds who feed on dead organisms. But ravens as we know are not tame animals as they do not welcome any human presence near them but they also do not depend on dead meat as given in the ballad. In the Ballad The Three Ravens the ravens are mostly given a character that is suitable for a scavenger like vulture. Down there comes a fallow doe, As great with your as she might go. (Ravenscroft,Thomas, The Three Ravens (1611) Ballad provided by the instructor). Now in the ballad there is a magical touch where there is a lady who is ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Rare-Packard Caribbean Convertible Case Study The Rare Packard Caribbean Convertible Put the Top Down and Cruise in a Packard Caribbean Convertible Packard only built the Caribbean model for a total of four years. Although it wasn t as popular as [the Tri Five Chevrolet Bel Air] or [the Ford Fairlane Skyliner], it certainly did a good job of representing the iconic 50s convertible street cruiser. Here we ll talk about the launch of the first model in 1953 and highlight some rare options available throughout the build. Production ceased in 1956 when Packard closed their Detroit, Michigan manufacturing facility. This left us with a rare model built in small numbers, yet capable of competing with any car in its class from a comfort, power and style point of view. The Evolution of the... Show more content on ... The biggest change to the Packard Caribbean in 1955 is the debut of the 352 CID V8 engine. This engine produced 275 HP. This is almost 100 HP better than the Straight Eight in the 1954 model. Aggressive changes to the exterior body panels included a streamlined appearance with only a small flare in the rear fenders. However, they accented the slight flair with a non functional chrome vent molding. This coupled with a redesigned front grille, bullet style triple chrome bumper and dual hood scoops sets this year apart from all others. In 1956, the final production year, Packard built one of the most exterior pleasing automobiles to ever cruise the streets of America. The streamline fenders remained, but the designers lengthened the removable rear fender skirts so only a small amount of the wheel and tire could be seen from the profile view. The company released a unique system called [torsion level suspension] that reduced front end dive during heavy braking. This innovative system also improved ride comfort and handling. However, the most exciting improvement in 1956 is when Packard increased the standard V8 engine displacement to 372 CID. They also added a twin four barrel carburetor option pushing power output to over 300 HP. The Most Collectible Packard ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Grow Rich The most difficult aspect with this paper is determining who I want to be when I grow older, for the sake of this paper I will provide a poem and go in depth on the relevance and importance to becoming who I want to become through this poem and NapolГ©on Hill s Think and Grow Rich . The following paragraph will provide insight on who I want to become as well as create a pathway for living through both my words and Napoleon Hills words. The Road by Vince Lopez We all strive to walk down the same path in life whether that s the pursuit of happiness, love, money, friendship, etc. We all have a purpose or a proposed path that we must follow to fulfill all that we set out to achieve. This is our relative truth, the truth in which we seek out ... Show more content on ... This poem carries meaning because it is a phenomenal example of living a life always considering all options and choosing what we think about. I wrote this poem because I realized that we can control what we think about and if we choose to think about success, love, friendship, etc then we will acquire all that we set out to achieve. NapolГ©on Hill wrote Think and Grow Rich to help business professionals shape the way they think so that success is the only option. In Think and Grow Rich! he has divided them into 13 principles to be mastered: Desire, Faith, Auto suggestion, Specialized knowledge, Imagination, Organized planning, Decision, Persistence, the Power of the master mind, the Mystery of sex transmutation, the Subconscious mind, the Brain, and the Sixth sense. In the book he dives into the ways in which we must think in order to become successful. Hill proposes that The principle here is that desire has ways to transmute (transform) into its physical equivalent. And I try to live my everyday life in this way. I set up goals and a roadmap to achieving those goals. I want to get better at creating S.M.A.R.T goals that will lead to my own personal growth and success. Also, Hill recommends deceiving your subconscious in a similar way by acting as if you have already achieved whatever it is you are instructing your subconscious mind to do. This is the idea ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Flexible Spending Account Analysis The deductible is the amount the member pays for services after claim have been processed by the insurance company. The insurance determines the amount that s applied towards the members deductible. The amount owed depends on facts of the claim such as the type of service(s) the quantity of the service(s), and where the service took place. It could take many services like doctor s visits, test, prescriptions refills, to meet the full deductible. The patient will receive a statement (bill) from the service provider for the amount determined by the insurancecompany. Choosing the high or low deductible plan may depend on how much money you want or could afford for your monthly insurance premium. High deductible health plans (HDHP) allow members ... Show more content on ... It s like you can either pay now or later when it comes to deductibles. With low deductible plans, some employers may offer a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to help with medical expenses. Typically, low deductible plans have higher co pays that can be paid with the FSA card. Flexible spending account FSA and health savings accounts HSA have some similarities, but they are different. They both have a limit to the amount you can contribute and both offers convenient debit cards to be used for medical expenses. The FSA allow for all funds to be available the first day benefits active. The FSA will not allow unused funds to be rolled over to the next plan year. Members agree to an use it or lose it agreement when opening a flexible spending account. Once a members deductible is met the insurance company will then pay claims at a cost sharing rate. Which means the co insurance has now kicked in and now the insurance with pay a part of the claim and the member will pay the other part. The co insurance is usually an 80% 20% or 70% 30% ratio. (insurance pays the higher %) Meaning during the processing of the claim(s) the insurance will pay their percentage and have the member pay their part. This will also be paid to the service ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Baroque Religion The Church also used Baroque music to counter the spread of Protestantism. Baroque music intended to lift the soul towards God and Heaven with its grandeur. Baroque music was also used for a greater reason: communication. Music has the power to convey to people powerful emotions, whether good or bad (About the Baroque Period). One time, Sieur Claudin Le Jeune, a musician, sang an air, a song, and that when this air was rehearsed at a private concert it caused a gentleman there to put hand to arms and begin swearing out loud, so that it seemed impossible to prevent him from attacking someone: whereupon Claudin began singing another air...which rendered the gentleman as calm as before (Ibid) (Glossary of Musical Terms). Evidently, emotions are... Show more content on ... Baroque art and paintings were meant to teach people, to educate them about the Catholic Faith (Schroeder). Paintings depicted saints and stories from the Bible. The Baroque style, furthermore, was filled with many colors and drastic light differences that caught the eye and appealed to the senses (Baroque Art). Furthermore, dramatic Baroque painting, such as a crucifixion picture, could have had great effects on people and cause great emotions to rise in people (Fiero). These emotions could lead to a greater devotion to our Lord, Mary, or a saint. Also, these painting and sculptures, with their magnificence and splendor, aided in meditation and prayer. Baroque style focused on the moment, what was happening at that specific second; this would also have had helped the faithful in their contemplation or meditation (Baroque Art). Baroque art, therefore, could also be used to deepen faith and piety. The architecture of the Baroque, for example churches, was styled with huge, magnificent buildings and great arches (Fiero). These buildings and arches reminded the soul about the greatness of God, and they pointed people towards Heaven when the people looked up. Churches were adorned with spectacular paintings and sculptures, which reminded people about how beautiful God is. On a much smaller scale, the art and architecture might have drawn some people to the Church because of the beauty of the art and churches. The Catholic Church wielded the Baroque style with great vigor and force to combat ... Get more on ...
  • 42. How Did Religion Shape The History Of The Middle Ages Religion was extremely important in regard to the shaping and history of the Middle Ages in Europe. The Catholic Church, which began during the glory days of the Roman Empire, became the driving force through the Middle Ages in Europe, managing to formulate a unified religious ruling body, a deep spirituality, and oversaw cultural preservation that helped shape the history of Europe during this period. The Church managed to integrate herself into medieval society, where she could become part of the everyday life of the people. She did this through a structured hierarchy, with the Pope, or the Bishop of Rome, as her head, and other bishops were given dioceses around the world, and under each bishop were priests who would minister to the people. This structured hierarchy came about with the collapse of the Roman Empire. When the Emperor Constantine came to power, he recognized and supported Christianity, and he created a new capital for the empire in the east. These two actions allowed the Church and the Pope in Rome to grow in power, firstly because Constantine declared Christianity to be legal, so they could openly practice their religion, and secondly because he moved the capital and ... Show more content on ... Much knowledge of the ancients should have been lost, but thanks to the Church and her monasteries they were not. Many monasteries were built in Europe, and a mix of prayer and manual labor could be found in each. Some of the manual labor the monks performed was the copying of books onto more durable surfaces to be preserved. They chiefly reproduced the Bible and holy books, but they also made copies of the works of pagan antiquity, which allowed much ancient writing to be carefully preserved. This had a large effect on the history and shaping of Europe, because it preserved the light of civilization during the Middle ... Get more on ...
  • 43. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Orlogans ADVANCES IN REINFORCED RESTORATIONS: A REVIEW ORMOCERS Ormocers, a word originally derived from organically modified ceramic, were originally developed for science and technology (e. g. for special surfaces like protective coatings, non stick surfaces, anti static coatings and non reflective coatings). In contrast to conventional composites, the ormocer matrix is not only organic but also inorganic. Therefore monomers are better embedded in the matrix what reduces the release of monomers.(373) Ormocers basically consist of three components organic and inorganic portions and the polysiloxanes. The proportions of those components can affect the mechanical, thermal and optical qualities of the material: 1.The organic polymers influence the polarity, the ability to cross link, hardness and optical behaviour. 2.The glass and ceramic components (inorganic constituents) are responsible for thermal expansion and chemical stability. 3.The polysiloxanes influence the elasticity, interface properties and processing. 4.The inorganic components are bound to the organic polymers by multifunctional silane molecules. After polymerisation the organic portion of the methacrylate groups form a three dimensional network.(374) In spite of all efforts to create a better... Show more content on ... Nanometer sized silica particles were fused onto the whiskers to facilitate silanization, minimize whisker entanglement and enhance whisker retention in the resin matrix by roughening the whisker surfaces. These whisker composites demonstrated flexural strength and fracture toughness values nearly twofold those of currently available dental composites.(401) They showed superior performance in thermal cycling between 5 and 60В°C water baths up to 105 cycles, long term water aging for 2 years, and three body wear. An in vitro biocompatibility study showed that the whisker composites were non cytotoxic and supported cell attachment and ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Comparing the Theme of Sacrifice in My Antonia and The... Theme of Sacrifice in My Antonia and The Song of the Lark A common trait for Willa Cather s characters is that they possess a certain talent or skill. This art usually controls the lives of these characters. According to critic Maxell Geismar, Cather s heroines who possess a skill often either do not marry or marry men whom they dominate; if they do marry the marriage is without excitement because their passion is invested in their art. In a sense, Geismar accuses Cather s heroines of sacrificing their marital roles for their art (172). However, marriage is not the only aspect that raises the subject of sacrifice for Cather s protagonists there is also the issue of family. This is because a woman artist, or any ... Show more content on ... Yet she is still accusedof sacrificing too much for her art because of her sex. A woman of the early nineteenth century is solely regarded as a daughter, wife or mother. These roles are embedded into the lifestyles of all women, which present them with their identities. Therefore, when a girl chooses to bestow priority to her art instead of her family, it is negatively considered a sacrifice. This applies to Thea Kronberg and her relationship to her mother. Thea leaves Moonstone at the age of seventeen to study in Chicago. After much struggle, Thea realizes that the only place that she may gain success is in Germany. While in Germany Thea learns of her mother s illness, yet she chooses not to leave the country and return to her hometown because it will postpone her singing career. On the surface, this seems to be a cruel act of an egotistical woman, who would rather accomplish her desire than be with her dying mother. This same mother encourages Thea to pursue music: she provides a separate room for Thea to practice and study, allows her to associate with the Mexicans for they have great singing talent and even grants permission for Thea to study with a drunken musical genius. As a mother, Mrs. Kronberg provides much more for Thea than for any of her other children, and yet this daughter chooses not to be with her during her last days. However, there is ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Migrations And Belongs, By Dirk Hoerder The book, Migrations and Belongs, written by Dirk Hoerder, dealt with the experiences people faced as they migrated in voluntary and involuntary migrations. Chapter four, Migrations during War and Depression focused mainly on forced migrations. This chapter dealt with the fact that after World War I, people were forced out of their homes. There was a new concept that was emerging and becoming increasing popular, the concept of nationalization. People wanted their country to consist only of the people of that origin. They wanted the un mixing of people which led to widespread involuntary mass migration. There were such places that were open to new immigrants such as the Soviet Union, but places like Germany and France for example wanted... Show more content on ... Hitler and the Nazis were able to round up thousands of Jews and ship them off without them fighting back. I assume it was a similar tactic. It seems similar to today when government officials try to crack down on illegal immigration by rounding up the undocumented immigrants and deporting them. I do not even know if they try to send them back to the country they came from or just send them to Mexico. If the person is not even from Mexico the whole situation would be even more disconcerting. Chapter five, The Aftermath of War and Decolonization was basically a conclusion to the entire book and an explanation of what happened in terms of migration after World War II. Hoerder stated that after World War II ended, two major migrations took place. First, the migrations of refugees, prisoners of war, forced laborers, and soldiers. The second migration involved laborers to rebuild the destroyed countries of Europe. Those who were forced to move or flee during the war wanted to go back home, the problem was, many of their homes were destroyed. People needed to rebuild their communities so their life could resume. Families moved together but heartbreakingly many of those families were female led because fathers and husbands were killed in the war. This chapter was bitter sweet. It was good that the country was rebuilding after the disaster left by World War II and that families could return; the heartbreaking part was that the families were returning missing ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Mission Statement Of Dell Michael Dell created Dell Computer Corporation. Besides that, Michael Dell who at the time was studying at the University of Texas, Austin, in 1984 and he founded a company PC s Limited with initial capital of $ 1000. The company was originally run from outside the area precisely campus in a dorm room at Dobie Center, features original purpose as a seller of IBM compatible computers are assembled from components supplied. Michael Dell quit school in order to be more focused on developing his business. In 1985, the company produced the first computer of its own design. The first computer produced by company is the Turbo PC and it sold for $ 795. Michael Dell based on experience business with the confidence that selling computers directly to consumers PC s ... Show more content on ... The foundation of Dell is the same in the United Kingdom and France, China and Japan, Canada and other countries. Customers want technology products that are relevant to them, offer great value and can be easily purchased and used. That s what Dell s team group around the globe consistently delivers (Fiscal 2005 in Review, 2005). The organization s mission statement is as follows: Dell s mission is to be the most successful computer company in the world at delivering the best customer experience in the markets we serve (Frequently, 2006) 2.2 Nature of Business Dell Company produces the technology products like personal computer and related products. For example, OptiPlex (office desktop computer systems), dimension (home desktop computer systems), Vostro (office or small business desktop and notebook systems), n Series (desktop and notebook computers shipped with Linux or FreeDOS installed), Latitude (business focused notebooks), Precision (workstation system and high performance notebooks), Force 10 (network switches), Venue (Tablets Android or Windows), hardware, printer, and devices such as mouse, and ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Emerging Adulthood Theory Paper This article was on a study that compared developmental trajectories of non students, versus college educated young adults, on the aspects of Arnett s theory of emerging adulthood (Mitchell Syed, 2015). However, there is a large group that literature has not been explored, and that category is on the young teen/adults who choose to not attend college, or are unable to because of socio economic status (Mitchell Syed, 2015). The emerging adulthood theory has been controversial. The controversial topic has been brought up by researchers questioning how non students may not experience the development of other emerging adults based on their interests to pursue adulthood without attending postsecondary education. The aim of the study was intended to compare emerging adulthood among individuals with college degrees, some college, and no college (Mitchell Syed, 2015). Arnett s development tasks for emerging adulthood include: finding a reliable and satisfying career, choosing a partner and starting a family, and establishing financial independence (Mitchell Syed, 2015). The study concluded that the young adults who attended college experienced continuous growth of income in their twenties, while non students wages leveled out in their twenties and did not rise (Mitchell Syed, 2015). The non college bound young adults had children... Show more content on ... The study concluded that however a few categories lined up between graduates, some college individuals, and non student individuals, the overall findings reinforced other studies that the ages of 18 30 look very different for non students versus college students (Mitchell Syed, 2015). Arnett s emerging adulthood theory may be overgeneralizing to a population that is very diverse (Mitchell Syed, ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Comparing The Film Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close Extremely Loud Incredibly Close is a film about a young boy, Oskar. Oskar is a 9 year old who lost his father in the attacks of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Oskar and his father were very close with each other. They were practically best friends. After the death of Oskar s father, he ends up finding a key in his father s belongings that were never touched or moved. He also finds in the vase a piece of paper with Black written on it. Oskar navigates all over New York City on a quest to find out the secrets of the mysterious key and the connections it has with his father. Oskar searches through phonebooks to find everyone with the last name Black . Every Saturday, Oskar goes to four addresses that has the name Black . He... Show more content on ... The main journey throughout is Oskar s search to find the lock that fits his father s key. By overcoming his fears of strangers, crowded places, and heights, Oskar takes an emotional journey that helps him move past his grief to understand his connection to the world outside of just himself. Oskar s Grandma has a journey, she tells about her childhood during World War II, and when she arrived in New York City seven years later. She moves past some of her self doubt by deciding to get pregnant and focus her life on her child. And later on in life, her grandchild, Oskar. Oskar s grandfather, Thomas Sr., fights the pain of his past. He is unable to escape the trauma of the bombings, he lives his life according to rules that deny him possibility of happiness. After he learns about the death of his son, Oskar s father, his journey switches from the past and becomes about the ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Random Errors Before conducting the experiment, one of the group members attempted to calculate the theoretical values for the optimum angle at the different launch heights. These calculations were then discovered to be incorrect after conducting the experiment. This resulted in the incorrect sample range of the launch angles, creating data that that only showcased a small part of an overall trend. This resulted in accurate data and the quadratic equations expressing the data, thus misrepresenting the trends. Experimental Errors: Random Errors (ordered from most impactful to least impactful): 1.Angle of projection being altered when firing the projectile. To launch the projectile, the string attached to the trigger was pulled. Sometimes, excess force ... Show more content on ... Light gate placement A light gate was placed in front of the barrel of the projectile launcher at a distance of about 5cm. This resulted in the recorded flight time being less than the true flight time value. The distance the light gate was placed in front of the barrel of the launcher was kept constant for all repetitions and samples. This would have resulted in inaccurate data. This systematic error could be reduced with closer placement of the light gate to the opening of the barrel, allowing the instrument to record more accurate results. 2.Errors in vertical displacement Since the projectile launcher was raised above a table top, school trays were used to raise the landing area and fulfil the requirements of uni level projectile motion. The height of the launcher was measured using a plastic ruler and then school trays were stacked on top of each other to try and make it uni level. There may have been small differences in the height of the launch site and landing site, thus not resulting in true uni level projection. To reduce the effect of this error in the future, a block metal should be made to exactly the correct height of the launcher, ensuing that true uni level projection is ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Life Is A Tragic Loss Of A Classmate No matter how old or young we are, we have all had adversities to face. Whether good or bad, some are more difficult than others. Mine just so happens to be a tragic loss of a classmate. In 2013, Dillon Jamal Neal was just starting his junior year of high school. Proudly wearing number fifty five on Friday nights, Dillon played defensive end for the Ouachita ParishLions in what we call, The Lion s Den. He had such a lighthearted spirit that you cherish knowing someone like him forever. He was an angel who walked amongst the Earth, that God called home to honor Dillon with a pair of wings he earned. It has been four years since he left the Earth and there is not a day that goes by that I do not think back on the crazy conversations we had or all the laughs we shared over the years. After Dillon passed away, I realized that death does not wait on anyone so you should get your life right with God while you still can. On November 1, 2013, the day of Friday night football, Ouachita Parish High Schooland West MonroeHigh School went head to head in the biggest rivalry football game of the season. Everyone is super excited about the game; we could barely focus on our school work. Finally, game time approached slowly but surely, and the pressure has increased extremely. The long awaited matchup was about to play out before the student body s eyes. Sitting in the stands watching the game with eager, the crowd felt the tension between the rivals. The football players played ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Human Nature In Lord Of The Flies Research Paper Human nature is evil, and goodness is caused by intentional activity. Xun Zi In the novel The Lord of the Files, author William Golding questions the true nature of humans through boys stranded on an island who experience both civilization and barbarism. Since the old days, there have been lots of debates on this topic. However, I believe that humans are naturally evil. From the novel, the author suggests that the humannature is originally bad, and there are evidences in the history that suggest human evilness as well. First of all, in the beginning of the novel, the boys are capable of making rules and keeping themselves in a civilized society without adults. However, as there is no supervisor or any adults, some boys start to break the ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Ch7 Process Management Essay CHAPTER 7 PROCESS MANAGEMENT TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 1.Process management is defined as the controlling and improving of processes after they have been designed. Answer: F AACSB: Analytic Skills 2.Support processes generally do not directly add value to products and services. Answer: T AACSB: Reflective Thinking Skills 3.Processes must be both measurable and repeatable to be improved. Answer: T AACSB: Analytic Skills 4.A well run manufacturing operation can usually compensate for a poor product design. Answer: F AACSB: Analytic Skills 5.Stretch goals often result from benchmarking activities. Answer: T AACSB: Analytic Skills 6. ... Show more content on ... In many companies, value creation processes take the form of _____ temporary work structures that start up, produce products or services, and then shut down. a. projects b. outsourcing c. crisis teams d. product teams Answer: a AACSB: Analytic Skills 5.A graphical representation of a process sequence is known as: a. an affinity diagram. b. a Pareto chart. c. a flowchart. d. a control chart. Answer: c AACSB: Analytic Skills 6.Which type of process drives the creation of products and services, is critical to customer satisfaction, and has a large impact on the organization s strategic goals? a. Value creation process b. Support process c. Outsourced process d. Supplier process Answer: a AACSB: Analytic Skills 7.Process management consists of: a. design, installation, and improvement. b. design, control, and improvement. c. design, control, and standardization. d. analysis, control, and improvement. Answer: b AACSB: Analytic Skills 8._______ are accountable for process performance. a. Process managers b. Process owners c. Process workers d. Process black belts Answer: b AACSB: Analytic Skills 9.Which of the following is NOT TRUE of process owners? a. They are accountable for process performance. b. They have the
  • 53. ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Research Paper On Airplanes World War was had been the first major conflict that saw use of the newly invented airplane. Newspapers filled with stories of daring pilots, valiantly taking down the opposing Luftwaffe. Ace became a term for a pilot who successfully shot down at least five enemy aircraft; however there were a special few pilots who far surpassed this and went down in history as the top aces. America s Ace of Aces was Eddie Rickenbacker who throughout the war won twenty six aerial victories, and earned the Medal of Honor for taking on seven German planes by himself, downing two (Sherman). Coming in second was Frank Luke Jr. with 14 enemy balloons and four enemy planes. He was known as the Arizona Balloon Buster and was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his last victory, when he shot down three balloons while taking fire from eight planes, then, as he was going down, he opened fire on German ground troops killing six, and finally, when asked to surrender, he instead... Show more content on ... Compared to the airplane, balloons were a more readily produced and more stable observation platform. Having the ability to brave conditions that grounded airplanes and the ability to give real time information though telegraph lines made them far more strategically sound throughout the majority of the war. Their greatest contribution was providing unparalleled artillery spotting, whereas artillery was the cause of seventy percent of the casualties during the war. The balloon was so valued strategically that when airplanes had become more developed, their greatest contribution was attacking and defending the balloons. Balloons were such valued targets that they were greatly defended by anti aircraft guns and allied planes. As Rickenbacker remarked about how the Balloon Staff favored Luke, They appreciated the value of balloon observation to the enemy and knew the difficulties and dangers in attacking these well defended ... Get more on ...
  • 55. The Olympic Event Is Not An Exemption Because Introduction Legadec 2007 argues that the universe had entered a totally new era of extreme events accompanied by risks risk of their own kind. The globalization process has greatly contributed a lot to the risk changing environment that is growth in technology, environmental, economic and social culture. These factors are facilitated by urbanization, the increase in the interdependence and the technological innovations However, the Olympic event can be theorized as one of the magnets that greatly amplifiers both the operational and organizational risks. The Olympic event does generate its own unique set of risks and at the same time in also boosts the consequences and the probability of threats and hazards. For instance, the 2008 Beijing ... Show more content on ... Internal risks The scope and scale of the modern Olympic is one of the direct sources of the internal risk which is likely to be encountered by the host government (Brazil) and the city (Rio de Janeiro) during the upcoming 2016 Olympic Games at the national level. The level of the total amount of resources required to comfortably stage the Olympic Games has greatly been increased by the consistent increment of the number of events, officials, participants and the media viewers. Currently the 20016 Olympic budgets are estimated to be around $33 billion. The economic risks that face both the international organizing committee and the host city (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) have been increased by the increase in scale of Olympic movement. The gradual increase in cost and revenue over the years has resulted to potential losses increasing proportionally to the potential gains (D agati, 2013). Majority of the host governments at the recent Olympics have typically underwritten the cost of policing, infrastructure and other public services, while on the other hand they try to offset operational costs against the commercial revenue. The 2016 Olympics is not exception to this kind of risk because of the desire to secure the Olympic bid. Therefore, the relationship of direct scale to risk is significantly represent in the in the operational and organizational risk for both the Brazil 2016 organizing committee of the Olympic Games ... Get more on ...