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Information Age Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of the Information Age presents both a fascinating challenge and
a daunting task. This era, marked by the rapid evolution of technology and the proliferation of
information, demands a nuanced understanding and a keen analytical eye. The difficulty lies not
only in dissecting the multifaceted aspects of this age but also in keeping pace with its ever-
changing landscape.
The vast expanse of information available necessitates thorough research and a discerning
approach to select relevant, credible sources. As the Information Age encompasses diverse fields
such as technology, communication, and socio-economic dynamics, delving into each aspect
requires a comprehensive understanding. The challenge is to strike a balance between breadth
and depth, offering a holistic perspective without getting lost in the intricacies of individual
Moreover, the fast-paced nature of technological advancements poses a continual challenge.
Staying updated with the latest developments in a landscape that evolves almost daily demands
an ongoing commitment to research. The struggle lies in capturing the zeitgeist of the
Information Age without rendering the essay obsolete within a short span.
Expressing complex ideas in a coherent and accessible manner adds another layer of difficulty.
The Information Age is rife with jargon and technical terms that may be challenging for a
diverse audience to grasp. Achieving clarity without oversimplifying intricate concepts is a
delicate art that requires precision and a deep understanding of the subject matter.
Furthermore, addressing the socio-cultural implications of the Information Age involves
navigating through ethical, political, and economic considerations. It requires a nuanced
examination of how this era shapes human interactions, privacy concerns, and economic
structures. Balancing optimism and caution in discussing these implications adds an additional
layer of complexity to the essay.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the Information Age is a formidable task that demands a blend
of research skills, analytical thinking, and effective communication. It requires the ability to
synthesize information from various disciplines, stay abreast of rapidly evolving developments,
and convey complex ideas with clarity. The endeavor to capture the essence of this dynamic era
while navigating its intricate facets makes it a challenging yet intellectually rewarding
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Information Age Essay Information Age Essay
Eod Team Leader Certs Essay
(DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Distribution authorized to U.S. Government
agencies and their contractors only because this publication contains technical and
operational information. This determination was made on 22 March 2006. Other
requests will be referred to CASCOM, ATTN: EOD Training Writer/Developer, 401
1st St Suite 225, Ft Lee. VA 23801 1511. DESTRUCTION NOTICE: This
Supercedes STP 9 55D14 SM TG dated June 2002. )SOLDIER
No. STP 9 89D14 SM TGWashington, DC, 06 Mar 2007 SOLDIER S MANUAL
and TRAINER S GUIDE MOS 89D SOLDIER S Manual/Trainer s Guide, Explosive
Ordnance Disposal, Skill Levels 1 4 Skill Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 Table of
ContentsTABLE OF... Show more content on ...
quipment3 64 093 89D 1360 Perform Emergency Contamination Control Station
(ECCS) Operations3 65 093 89D 1362 Identify Nuclear Weapons and System
Components3 68 093 89D 1363 Assist in Render Safe Procedures on Nuclear
Weapons3 69 093 89D 1364 Segregate Nuclear Weapon and Hazardous Components
into Categories3 71 093 89D 1365 Perform Packaging Procedures for Nuclear
Weapons and Components3 72 Subject Area 6: Assist Render Safe Procedures and
Techniques 093 89D 1237 Perform Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding Procedures3
74 093 89D 1238 Perform EOD Procedures Using Special Explosive Charges3 75 093
89D 1366 Perform EOD Procedures using Explosive Driven Water Based Tools3 76
Subject Area 7: EOD Team Assistant Incident Responsibilities / Procedures 093 89D
1120 Recognize Confined Spaces3 77 Skill Level 3 Subject Area 8: Supervise
Operation of EOD Tools and Equipment 093 89D 3186 Plan SMUD Operations3 78
Subject Area 9: General EOD Procedures 093 89D 3108 Identify Foreign Military
and Commercial Explosives3 80 Subject Area 10: Supervise CBRN Incident
Operations 093 89D 3259 Perform EOD Procedures on a Chemical Mission3 81 093
89D 3309 Supervise Emergency Personnel Decontamination Station (EPDS)
Operations3 83 093 89D 3310 Perform EOD Procedures on a Nuclear Mission3 84
093 89D 3357 Supervise Emergency Contamination Control Station (ECCS)
Operations3 85 093 89D 3406 Perform the EOD Procedures on a Depleted Uranium
Mission3 87
Analysis Of Ursula K. Leguin´s The Lathe Of Heaven
A utopia is a fascination, a wonder. The façade of a utopia revolves around an
individual s perception of what is right in the world. In The Lathe of Heaven, Ursula
K. LeGuin argues that humans must find balance by not tampering with knowledge
beyond our scope. Although she makes it clear that a utopia is unattainable, she
argues that a life of inaction will lead us to a calmer and more utopian society.
However, I disagree with this argument because it inhibits the possibilities of human
advancement and undermines human nature. The hope of human advancement is
what keeps people striving to make the next great breakthrough and to better
understand the complexities of the universe. Although LeGuin makes a salient point
that humans should not... Show more content on ...
Humans are born with an innate desire to learn and create. Throughout Lathe of
Heaven we see this instinctual desire to better understand their environment and
improve it in all characters. For example, George Orr questions what Haber is doing
to him but suppresses his curiosity. His passive nature undermines his curiosity and
leads him to become more anxious and unknowingly submit himself to Haber s
desires. It is not until he takes actions and seeks a legal advisor that he is more
informed and understands his environment better. His desire to learn is what helped
Orr better understand where Haber s priorities lie. This learning led him to take
action, and without it he would have continued to mindlessly be used by Haber. Here,
Orr illuminates that the phenomenon that is human curiosity is there for a greater
purpose, is a part of nature, and is not meant to be suppressed. The latter proves that
LeGuin s argument is paradoxical and therefore ineffective because she encourages
her audience to refrain from tampering with nature, yet human curiosity is a part of
nature and all the actions humanity has taken stem from human curiosity. To suppress
human curiosity is to defy nature. The fact that we are the most advanced species on
earth and have an innate curiosity is not a coincidence, these two combined equate to
our purpose and our inner desire; to take action and to interact with our environment.
Those who side with LeGuin may argue that this negatively disrupts the natural order
of the world, however, the natural way of things has made it so that humans are the
most advanced species; the only logical explanation for this is that humans are meant
to take action for the greater good of the human
Benay V. WARNER BOS Entrancement Inc.
In the Case study assignment I am going to talk about the case BENAY v.
WARNER BROS ENTERTAINMENT INC. this case deals with the two brothers
Aaron and Matthew Benay suing Warner Brothers Entertainment, Inc., Radar
Pictures Inc, Bedford Falls Productions Inc, Edward Zwick, Marshall Herskovitz,
and John Logan over the coping of the screenplay The Last Samurai. The brothers
wrote a screenplay in the late 1990 s and had it copyrighted in 2001. The
screenplay was then pitched by phone to the president of the company that
produced the film The last Samurai, which is also the same name of the screenplay
by the Benays, Bedford Falls in 2000. It was informed to the Benays agent that
Bedford Falls, had decided to pass becasuse it already had a similar project in
development. (Benay, pg. 1) This led to the Benays claiming that important... Show
more content on ...
With the copyright infringement clam, the Benays must show ownership of a valid
copyright, and copying of constituent elements of the original work. The defendants
deny having copied from the screenplay stating, the issue is whether there is
substantial similarity between protected elements of the screenplay and comparable
elements of the film (Benay, pg. 2). The Benay brothers point to a number of issues
that are similar between the screenplay and the film, for one the titles are identical.
The protagonist in both stories have flash back to battles in America while being
authors of non fiction studies on war. Both are centered around an American war
veteran going to Japan to help train the Imperial Army in methods of modern Western
warfare against the samurai uprising. And the big and possible undisputed similarity
is that in both the lead American is spiritually transformed by his time in Japan and
being immersed in the Japanese
Building A Rocket
Hypothesis Theory.................................................................................................2
Procedures.............................................................................................................3 6
Building. The word some of us, get exhausted over. In some cases, without the proper
instructions and guides, the creator/maker might find it difficult to create their
particular idea. For this ... Show more content on ...
Which, later on, would give us a valuable explanation. If the rockets with the smaller
masses went significant amounts farther than the rocket s with a much larger mass,
that would validate my hypothesis correct.
In the steps provided below, are the methods I used to create my rocket. However,
the methods listed may or may not apply to you. Please be aware.
Materials needed: A 2L Pop bottle, a black marker, paint, a ruler
, and a roll of masking
tape. You can also use Duct tape instead of masking tape if you prefer. Both works
For the body of my rocket, I decided to cover it with masking tape. If I wanted to
prove my hypothesis correct, this would be the best way to prove my point.
Get your Pop bottle, and start measuring it.
It is much easier when you measure out your Pop bottle, so you know the exact and
accurate placements of wherever you decide to place your fins/cone.
Once you have measured out your Pop bottle, decide where you are going to wrap
the masking tape around.
For my sake, I decided to cover the center of the bottle with masking tape.
Planning Policies On Social Life
Planning policies on Social Life in Cities
For year s urban policy and strategy has been dominated by thinking about the
physical city: landmark architecture, transport, housing, urban development, and
increasingly the technological infrastructure to create smarter, more productive, and
greener cities. Clearly social issues like health, education, employment and public
safety matter to city leaders but policy and public services deal with people in the
abstract rather than the particular, which is why so often, plans diverge from reality
in unpredictable and unintended ways. The social life of cities, in particular the
ordinary, the small scale and mundane aspects of urban life, are commonly
overlooked as a source of insight and inspiration for city planners and decision
Looking at the everyday life of city streets and neighborhoods provides a perspective
on cities, social change and the radical variety of urban life, that is dramatically
different to thinking about the city as an intelligent network or transport system with
predefined ideas about how people will behave that is more of how the social
planning do. Social planning is the process by which policymakers legislators,
government agencies, planners, and, often, funders try to solve community problems
or improve conditions in the community by devising and implementing policies
intended to have certain results. These policies may take the form of laws,
regulations, incentives, media campaigns,
SJSU Bookstore Business Analysis
The organization I have chosen for the class project is on SJSU Bookstore. The
bookstore is located in the student union making convenient for the students to buy
their supplies, books, apparel etc. Spartan Shops are committed to building strong
partnerships and developing future leaders. They strive to integrate environmental
and financial responsibility within our practices, while providing dynamic customer
service and evolving with the needs of the San JosГ© State UniversityCommunity.
The bookstore offers various categories of items ranging from textbooks to electronic
items helping the students to buy everything under one roof. The bookstore has
partnership with Barnes and Nobles,
The Impacts Of Globalization And The Benefits Of...
Globalization is the integration of the worldwide economy in which resources and
products move freely across the globe. Globalization has been present for decades
however it has predominantly become a more frequent process and has potential
good and bad effects on the world of business. Problems can include competition in
manufacturing jobs and unemployment in industrialized countries. However, this can
also be beneficial in other situations as globalizationgives you a larger market trade
will be cheaper so more countries can import and export goods which can bring in
profits to multi national corporations.
Globalization can be seen as a major threat for manufacturing jobs in the developed
world, however, can also be a benefit for developing world citizens who receive
thousands of jobs a year although they don t receive a high salary. Maurice Allais,
a French economist states that this unemployment, of course, has only been able
to develop because of the existence of low salaries and insufficient flexibility in the
labor market (April 10th, 1999). This indicates that globalization has jeopardized
Western countries jobs because companies are moving their establishments to
developing countries where they don t need to pay employees as much and where
land is cheaper so overall businesses benefit from this. Also, employees in the
developed world are at risk of becoming redundant as they are susceptible to face
pay cuts in jobs. Employees are less skilled in the developing world as they don t
receive the benefit of an education like developed countries do. So a company may
want to build factories in these countries because environmental laws aren t as strict.
Establishments in these areas provides promising jobs for the local people and allows
them to learn new skills, however they are set on minimum wage which in developed
world countries, this would not be enough to live on, wherein third world countries
this is still a low amount so this is not enough to bring them out of poverty meaning
that the only one who benefits from this is the company. Although there have been
several arguments against exploitation and oppression, the majority of developing
countries do not have existing laws which take minimum wage
Career Progression And The Career Development
The above quote by Confucius is often quoted, yet job happiness isn t as easily
achieved. One of the reasons behind job dissatisfaction is often the lack of planning.
But career progression and the ability find a job that doesn t feel like work requires
meticulous research and focus.
In this guide, we ll explain career progression and the reasons why it s so
important. We ll provide a four step plan to help you develop a plan that guarantees
you don t feel left behind when it comes to achieving your career goals.
What is career progression?
The concept of career progressing is closely tied to the idea of career development.
Career development is the lifelong process of managing your circumstances in order
to move forward to achieving your personal goals. It s the management of your
education, work and leisure activities in a way that helps you achieve the kind of
future you want.
As the definition of progress states, progress is a process developing gradually
towards a more advanced state . Career progression sees you working towards your
ultimate professional goals, little by little.
In essence, career progression determines and outlines the route you should follow
in order to reach the career development goals you ve set out for you. For example,
your dream career goal might be to own your own business. A career progression
plan will help identify the educational and work related steps you should take in
order to get closer to this goal and ultimately, to achieve
Mla Citation For Blade Runner
The name of the movie is Blade Runner
Blade Runner was made in 1982, its theatrical release was September 9th 1982
The main setting of the movie is the dark and despaired Los Angeles, of the year of
The main characters are Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) the protagonist, and Ray
Batty (Rutger Hauer) the antagonist. Rick Deckard is an ex cop who is a blade runner
. Blade runners are assassins sent to retire replicants who have returned to Earth.
Ray Batty is the ruthless leader of a group of Nexus Generation 6 replicants who
have escaped their slave labour and returned to Earth.
In Blade Runner, the Tyrell Corporation created cyborgs called replicants , who were
created to mimic humans in every aspect, except emotion. The ... Show more content
on ...
This is shown through the outfits worn by the characters in Blade Runner. Rick
wears a noire styled 1950 s detective outfit in the year 2019, while Roy wears a
1970 s black, leather, greaser jacket. Blade Runner is also different from the other
pieces we have examined in this lesson because it takes place in a dystopian
society. Pollution has destroyed the environment and large mega cities cover most
of the earth. Cities are overcrowded, depressing dumps where sunlight is never seen
and rain is a common occurrence. Whereas in other stories such as Worker Drone,
we see technology and the future depicted, as a place where technology and
progression has created a somewhat better place. People are able to get help starting
their cars by getting help right away using technology and Rahul is able to video chat
his significant other
All To Me Rhetorical Devices
The Imagery in the poem starts to appear in his first stanza. In the first stanza it
appears he is saying that the jar is messy and dirty just like the wilderness. He also
uses the word tall to describe the jar so I m assuming the is clearly noticeable
especially when he says it is as a town or harbor in the air. He then speaks about the
jar appear to be like grey and bare. This makes me feel like the jar is dual and maybe
the jar is another way of talking about himself or where he lives. So the Imagery of
this poem to me is a person trying to figure out where they belong in nature. The
writer of this poem used many figure of speech throughout his poem. In the first line
he introduces the jar which to me it is meant to be a humanbeing.
Eating Meat Ethics
In many societies, most people today consume meat and other types of food that
came from an animal, yet there is a growing controversial debate regarding whether
or not it is ethically right to eat any kind of animal. A commonly used argument
against eating meat is that it is not necessary to survive or improve your health by
eating meatand killing animals just for the sake of the taste that eating meat gives, is
unjustifiably wrong. Those against eating meat also believe that the meat production
resembles animal husbandry and it is one of the many alarming concerns involving
animal welfare and their rights. Those in support of eating meat have responded
with cultural, nutritional, scientific, and religious reasoning for their support of
meat eating. Some meat eaters will not consume animal flesh if the animal is killed
cruelly in a factory farm slaughterhouses or avoiding particular meats such as fois
gras. A pioneer of the animal liberation movement, Peter Singer stated that it is
possible to live healthy and survive without the consumption of any animal
byproducts, which would cause harm to these animals. Because Singer claimed that
since animals can feel, philosophers that either agree or disagree with Singer, had
built upon their works based on Singer and his message was applied by advocates of
animal rights.... Show more content on ...
I wouldn t force someone to eat meat and I wouldn t allow someone to force
another person to not eat meat. People shouldn t shame others for the kind of
lifestyle they have decided to go with because of differences of opinion. We as
people should be able to eat whatever they want without anyone demonizing
yourself because you don t consume the right kind of food. As long as we are living
in the world that has been given to us, we should make use of the animals that
coexist with us and accept those who choose not to use animals as
Plant Cell Structures
Name: Ezeugo Okechukwu David
Date: 5/16/17
Instructors name: Mathew Routh
Assignment: SCIE207 Phase 2 Lab Report
Title: Animal and Plant Cell Structures
Animal cell
NumberCell structureDescription and Function
1Nuclear pore This is a protein lined channel or Microscopic channel which allows
ions and small molecules in and out of nucleus
2Chromatin (DNA)It consists of DNA and histones, it helps to put the DNA into a
small Volume and serves as a body that helps to control DNA and expression.
3NucleolusIt is located inside the nucleus of eukaryotic cell and sits in the nucleus
and assembles the ribosomes
4Nuclear envelopIt separates the nucleus from cytoplasm in the eukaryotic cells and
It encloses the nucleus and allows content to move ... Show more content on ...
16Peroxisomes Organelle present in the cytoplasm of many cells, bound by a single
membrane and roughly spherical.
17Plasma membrane Every living cells possess a plasma membrane which encloses
their content.
18CentriolesAn organelle which is made up of protein strands called microtubules.
that makes copies of themselves and helps divide cells
19Golgi bodyA layered organelle located near the nucleus which is present in most
eukaryotic cells. It processes a bundle lipids and protein as they are synthesized
within the cell
20Centrosome An organelle located inside the nucleus of a cell which are made from
two centrioles. They help to organize microtubules which are utilized during cell
Documentations That Made Up The United States Of
Documentations that made up the United States of America
On June 11, 1776, the Second Continental Congress met at Carpenter Hall in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where five men were appointed to be a part of a comity
to write the Declaration of Independence and become liberated from the British
government. The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important
documents in American history. It tells the major ideas that the Founders had about
government. Eventually, after several rough drafts of the Declaration of
Independence by Thomas Jefferson, a final draft was written and finally approved by
the Second Continental Congress. Therefore, on July 4, 1776, the nation was
officially born when fifty six members of the Second Continental ... Show more
content on ...
It also states when such situation arises; government it is not only their ambition, but
it is their right and their duty to throw off such a Government and to provide the
foundation for a new government to ensure their future security. Next, in section one
of the Declaration of Independence listed twenty eight grievances the American
colonies had against King George III. Then, section two of the Declaration
specifically stated what endeavors were taken by the colonist s to overturn some of
the decisions of King George III but ultimately were met in vain. Lastly, a conclusion
of the Declaration of Independence notes that having recorded their objections, which
British North American were living, they the Colonies declared their right to be free
and independent from the British rule. It further declared that any legislative
acquaintances between the two were to be eliminated. The new nation was to be
called the United States of America and was to have no further association with Great
Britain. That the new government would reserve rights to exercise war, make
reconciliation, as well as make collaborations with foreign nations.
The new nation was governed by the Articles of Confederation that had been adopted
during the Revolution. In March 1781, the Second Continental Congress approved
the Articles of Confederation after more than a year of debate. The Articles of
Confederation that shaped the first national government of the United
Greek Orthodoxy Research Paper
The first meaning of Orthodoxy was true teaching, which means that the Orthodox
Church believed that tradition was the most important way to practice their tradition.
However, the Greek Orthodox church prefers to define Orthodoxy as true praise. This
means that they think praising and glorifying God through certain activities is more
meaningful. The Greek Orthodox church also puts an emphasis on the Holy Trinity
and believes that the Holy Spirit can unite humans with Jesus Christ (Fitzgerald
2590). The fundamental ideas of Greek Orthodox include tradition, baptism, Eucharist
, and Theosis. St. George s church in Des Moines embodies these central practices
and even engenders their own specific ways to practice Christianity.
Tradition is ... Show more content on ...
The process of theosis is meant to bring Christians closer to God and become more
holy. There is a common belief among Christians that there should be a relationship
with God throughout life, and not just after death. Therefore, theosis is the
movement of love toward God which begins for each Christian with the rites of
Baptism and which continues throughout life, as well as the life which is to come
(Fisher). The theosis that the Eucharist embodies is lived during mass at St. George
s in Des Moines. Greek Orthodox Christianity is lived in Des Moines today in the
church of St. George. During the services, it is typical to have chanting of both
English and Greek. The amount of Greek has slowly lessened. At this time, the
service is about half Greek and half English. Although the languages differ for Greek
Orthodox and Catholics, the sign of the cross is prominent for both religions. At any
time during the service, implementing the sign of the cross is completely
Customer Retention
Make Customers Come Back Winning Customer Retention Strategies Customer
Retention marketing is a tactically driven strategy to keep relationships with
customers going and increase customer interest. This strategy relies on the study of
customer behavior. Here are the basic tenets of a marketer that seeks to increase
customer retention: 1. Past and Current customer behavior This is the best predictor
of how customers will behave in the future. They are the characteristics marketers
should most often look at. Analyzing customer tendencies and trends allows the
marketer to anticipate, if not predict, the customers reaction to different situations.
The marketer must take note that behavior is action oriented, not a description. For
example,... Show more content on ...
Lost customers will probably never come back. And to top that, they spread negative
publicity about you. On the other hand, customers that are happy attract more
customers to your service or product. Customer retention, therefore, should be an
integral part of any business plan. Customer Retention: Integrating Lifetime Value
into Marketing Strategies by Arthur Middleton Hughes Everyone wants to retain their
existing customers. Few companies, however, are implementing positive strategies
aimed at retention. Most companies are organized for acquisition. Their advertising
and sales programs are designed to find and promote their products and services to
new customers. The companies are organized on a product or brand basis, not on a
customer segment basis. While they all have customer service departments, and most
have a customer service toll free number, they lack an integrated marketing strategy
that is directed at retention,
and that defines retention as the measurement of success. In this article, we will
explore the meaning of a retention strategy, showing how it can be set up, and how
lifetime value can be used to measure it. You have often heard it said that It is five
times more profitable to spend your marketing dollars to retain the customers that you
have than to use the dollars to beat the bushes for new customers. Most people would
agree with this statement, even though they have no way of proving it. Indeed, the
majority of large
Finding My Identity Essay
Having an identity and finding yourself isn t always the easiest task to do, luckily I
think I ve found myself and I m proud with the way I am and carry myself. Now,
most people might not think that my outlook is the best way to go through life but
fortunately I don t care what people think of me.
I like standing out and being different but not in a very noticeable way; I am a
regular guy, I m weird, random, odd and extraordinary and I ve really embraced the
fact that I m pretty apathetic. I ve become this individual that really doesn t care
about any outside opinions; as long as I feel comfortable with myself and what I m
doing, everything s okay. I ll listen to your thoughts but I won t pay much attention to
it afterwards.
My way of ... Show more content on ...
I m not really a religious person, my family is Catholic and although I do go to
church every now and then, I don t consider myself to be devoted to a higher
power. I don t even believe we will all be judged when we die and let into a nice
place called heaven. I think that whenever a person dies they re just reborn in a
hospital somewhere in the world, I don t know where I picked up this idea but it
seems about right to me.
Education is a very important factor in the lives of many people but, personally, I
think everyone in the world should rely on their basic instincts. When teachers try
to get through to me, I think that blocks them out. I learn better and get a good
grasp on things when there s no one around. I can concentrate better and get the
work that needs to be done finished. Work should be handed to each person equally
because everybody needs money. Everybody should be given a shot at a job without
being judged on their appearance or their way of life.
In my life, I haven t accomplished a lot except I passed the CAHSEE on my first try,
if you can count that as an accomplishment. Right now I am set on getting my high
school diploma because even though people should use their natural instincts, I think
I ll really need a diploma to have a better life.
In conclusion, the way I live my life is very particular, I don t give much attention to
anyone and I don t like to receive much
New Moon By Stephenie Meyer
New Moon is a romance novel, and you can find this book at the library. Stephenie
Meyer is the author of the Twilight Saga. Stephenie graduated from Brigham Young
University, with a degree in English literature. She lives with her husband, and her
sons in Arizona. She is a delightful author that writes adventurous books. The
vocabulary and reading level is considered a high school level novel. New Moon is
intended for teenage girls from ninth to twelfth grade; enjoy reading about vampires.
Another book that Stephanie Meyer has written is The Host. The Host is similar to
New Moon because they are both considered a romantic fiction genre. Another
similarity is both novels are based of supernatural characters. Most of Stephenie
Meyer s books are romance novels, science fiction, and attracts most of the younger
generations. She writes her books based off of dreams she s had. New Moon is
different from the movie because in the novel it mentions a lot more details than
the movie. In the novel, Jasper no longer attends high school, and was a senior the
previous year. In the movie, Jasper attends high school, and he is in the same grade
as Bella. In the novel, Edward discards his phone and is answered by somebody in
Brazil. In the movie, Edward crushes his phone so that nobody can use it. Bella
hears Edward s voice when she is in a dangerous situation, but in the movie Bella
sees an apparition of Edward. Bella s depression is over with in January, but in
Young Pine In Light Essay
Emily Carr s Young Pines in Light (c. unknown) uses elements and principles that
suggest movement in the painting. The various use of lines, the presence of positive
space, the use of colour and an asymmetrical balance all help to suggest motion in the
painting. Line is the greatest and most prevalent element used in the painting. The
painting is filled with lines from left to right and top to bottom. There are straight
lines, curved lines, diagonal lines. The density and length of the lines are also
included in the painting. They range from thick to thin and short to long. The horizon
lineis curved in an s wave which helps to give the painting more movement from left
to right, unlike a straight horizontal line which would suggest... Show more content
on ...
There isn t much negative space or even hardly any thereof. A lot of the space in
the painting is positive. This gives us more to look at and creates the illusion of
depth. Everything behind the horizon gets smaller and smaller in size and blurred
out. Mimicking the way we actually see things in real life. Things farther away
appear smaller and sometimes we cannot make out some of the lines/shapes beyond
us. Things in the foreground, those before the horizon are much larger and we can
make out the shape of the trees and other objects. Also, in the foreground the painting
is much more spaced out rather than the background. This depth in the painting
represents the movement of our eyes from near to far. It looks as if we could actually
move through the painting and make our way into the forest. The three dimensional
space within the painting isn t very sharp but subtle instead. She perfectly softens up
the image to show a more fluid perspective. The overlapping of trees and stumps
further enhance this illusion. The curved horizontal line splits the landscape into
halves, which continue on into space. This implies that the landscape continues to
move beyond the borders, to the left and right. The importance of space in the
painting is key for allowing the painting to have the presence of
The Pros And Cons Of Plea Bargaining In The United States
Plea Bargaining
In the United States, there are many successful criminal prosecutions that end with
jury trials. Many criminal cases are being resolved through a plea bargaining. This
would usually be before a trail.
Plea bargaining is when there is an agreement in a criminal case between the
prosecutor and defendant that typically involves the defendant s to pleading guilty
in order to be able to receive a lesser offenses or sentences. When this agreement is
being made it allows for the immediate resolution of cases where there is little
disagreement, or the evidence of guilt is overwhelming. When a plea Bargain is taken
place, it increases efficiency for the courts and able to reduce expense and time of the
A defendant would accept a plea bargaining to be able to avoid having a more serious
charge, to have fewer charges being brought against them, or to avoid the expenses
and stress of going thought a trail. When the defendant is plea bargaining it would
provide some security because it allows them to negotiate the terms of sentencings
which is under some other circumstances that may remained mysterious until after the
trail is finish.
When a defendant has taken a plea, they are missing out on the opportunity to be
found not guilty. This is happening for multiple reasons even when it s a strong case.
Therefore, also when a defendant takes a plea bargain they are waives many
objections and opportunities to inspect or challenge evidence again the defendant.
Trauma In Veterans
Fighting for your country is hard enough without returning home to face another
battlefield, an invisible internal struggle with being home. According to research
done by Dr. Patel, almost half of the veterans returning home that were in active duty
in Iraq and Afghanistan are coming back with invisible mental wounds that we are
still attempting to understand. (Patel, 2015) Many face continuous struggles to
reintegrate themselves back into society due to the conditions they are trained
under. Understanding the impacts of trauma, more support for caregivers, and a
hands on, positive approach to the hidden mental illnesses, society will be better
prepared to help veterans transition back to civilian life. Post traumatic stress
disorder is not a new concept to the military. Identified in 1945 as war neuroses
(Grinker Spielgel, 1945) PTSD, as most psychologists refer to this disorder as, is a
common occurs to military personnelstationed within the battle lines. This condition
can include having nightmares, flashbacks, mood swings and much more. (U.S.
Department of Veteran Affairs, 2015) The problem that most returning Operation
Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi freedom veterans are facing is... Show more
content on ...
(Patel, 2015) This creates more problems for not just the veteran themselves, but for
the whole community. Some veterans returning home cannot even operate a vehicle
themselves due to mental stress. According to the method formed by Viktor Frankl, a
Nazi concentration camp survivor, if the veterans could change the negative effects
from their experiences into a positive outlook then maybe healing can begin long
before returning home (Osran, Smee, Sreenivasan, Weinberger, 2010) Using spiritual
motivation accompanied by positive therapies, veterans might be able to transition
more smoothly back into
Christian Autoethnography
Recently Christians of all denominations are getting a reputation of being hateful and
hypocritical. I identify with non denominational Christianity, my beliefs fall most
closely with Evangelical Christianity.
I am part of Grace Covenant Church, which is part of an organization called, Every
Nation. Every Nation has churches in Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania, and America.
Some folkways that I practice are going to church every Sunday and talking about
the message with my family afterwards. For me, church has never been about
meeting with people who think like me, it was my time to spend with God. I always
preferred one on one time with God, rather than group discussion. Our church holds
yearly mission trips, and frequently holds ... Show more content on ...
I am a naturally pessimistic person, I look at the state of the world with contempt,
being able to see good through all the hate has been imperative for me to continue
pushing through my life. I need someone or something to guide me and teach me
right from wrong. If I was not raised Christian I would have turned to drugs or self
harm, which were both extremely prevalent in my school system. There were
people who I knew that would go out at night to vandalize property or break the
law for the thrill, all while wearing a neckless with a cross on it. If I had not been
educated properly, I would have grown up despising Christians for their hypocritical
nature. The foundations for what I believe are inherited from my parents who are
both Christian and brought me to church every day. I do think that my religion is my
personal choice though. My parents have always said that they would support me
no matter what I do in life, even if I were to lose faith in God. I was never pressured
to be Christian, but I found truth to the teachings of the church, it was the one place
that I felt completely at
Life and Poems of Kadarius Brown
A young poet who tried to make a living .John Keats lived a roughly life as a child.
He was a man who expressed his life in his poetry. Keats experienced bad life
situations, great expectations, and depression.
On October 31, 1795 an English Romantic lyric was brought forth in this world. He
was born in London, England. Keats was the oldest of four children. His mother
was Frances Keats. His father was Thomas Keats. Keats lost his parents at age
eight. Keats father, whom was a stable keeper, was killed after being trampled by
horse. Keats father death left a major impact on him. He then begins to understanding
for society that it s both a suffering and a loss, Keats father s dearth greatly disrupted
the family s financial security. His mother seemed to be so depressed and managed
to make misstep and mistakes after her husband s death. She then quickly
remarried and just as quickly lost a good amount of their family s worth. Frances
second marriage failed so she left her family and children behind in the care of her
mother. She lately returned to her children in life but her life was in tatters. In
1810 she died of tuberculosis After his parents death, Keats found solace and
comfort in art and literature . Shortly before his father s death he was attending
Enfield Academy, where he proves to be a voracious reader. He became close to the
schools headmaster, John Clarke, who served as a sort of a father figure to the
orphaned student and he encouraged Keats on his interest
High Noon Symbolism
The stasis of High Noon is introduced through the opening scene at the outskirts of
Hadleyville in the plains and the film is shot in a high contrast black and white. It
is in the morning and the sun is high in the clear sky. In the dry plains, seemingly
located in the middle of nowhere, we see the cowboy James Pierce with his horse,
who waits on top of a rock, near several trees. In the distance, we see another
cowboy, Jack Colby, riding his horse through the plains towards the waiting
cowboy. Jack Colby arrives, gets off his horse, and sits on top of a rock as both
cowboys see a third rider, Ben Miller, coming towards them. When Ben Miller
arrives, all three of them ride their horses through the plains and we hear distant
bells of a church, as they ride towards Hadleyville. As the cowboys pass through the
church and town, many civilians stare at them as they recognize these gang
members. Some are afraid while others are astonished and could not believe that
they are intruding the town. One female even performs hand gestures that
symbolize a silent prayer to God for protection as she sees the men pass by the
town. In a courtroom, a wedding is in progress, Marshal, Will Kane, and Quaker,
Amy Fowler, face Judge Mettrick. As this is happening, the three cowboys approach a
train stationand the stationmaster seems nervous. The cowboys asks the stationmaster
if the train will arrive on time and he responds that it will and that there is no reason
that it shouldn t. The cowboys
Kurt Vonnegut s Slaughterhouse Five, Billy Pilgrim...
In today s world we question the problem of free will and it s understanding. Is the
nature of humanity characterized by the ability to chose for oneself or through our
understanding of physical laws. Is there any room for individuality when and if the
world operates under these fundamental laws or whether God has already created a
path for us to follow? When this question comes up people tend to want to forget
about it. Kurt Vonnegutabjects this illusion of free will in his novel by his use in
characters and having free will. In Slaughterhouse five, Billy Pilgrim question the
Tralfamadorians, Why me? Their response is simply, ...There is no why. The
Tralfamodorians exemplify the role of the other that marks free will as a distinctly
a human characteristic. Billy use s this as a means to cope with the reality that
pain and suffering is a guarantee. Vonnegut repetition of the phrase So it goes ,
supports that free will is question with no answer and desensitizes the major
suffering and deaths throughout the novel. All of the events in his life were simply
uncontrollable and he was able to travel throughout various events in his life easily.
In Chapter One the narrator is speaking with movie maker, Harrison Starr, about the
book he plans to write about World War II. Starr, compares writing an anti war book
to writing an anti glacier book. Harrison stated, ...Why don t you write an anti glacier
book instead? This comparison is stating that we do not have free
Elliptic Curve Cryptology Used to Make Keys
Elliptic Curve Cryptology
What and Why of ECC?
Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is a public key cryptography technique by
making use of elliptic curve properties and their algebraic structure of over finite
fields. It is one of the efficient ways of providing encryption of cryptographic keys.
Elliptic curves as algebraic/geometric entities have been studied extensively for the
past 150 years, and from these studies has emerged a rich and deep theory. Elliptic
curve systems as applied to cryptography were first proposed in 1985 independently
by Neal Koblitz from the University of Washington, and Victor Miller, who was then
at IBM, Yorktown Heights.[1]
These curves have allowed establishment of a new generation of asymmetric ... Show
more content on ...
We take another point Q on the curve. We compute R = P + Q. It is a graphical
operation consisting of tracing a line through P and Q. This line defines a unique
intersection with the EC: the point R. R is found by taking the symmetric point with
respect to the x axis (see figure 2).
Figure 2 Example of addition
P = (x1,y1)
Q = (x2,y2)
R = P + Q = (x3,y3)
x3 = У© 2 x1 x2 y3 = У© (x1 + x3) y1 with У© = (y2 y1)/(x2 x1).
If P = Q, R = P + Q is equivalent to adding a point to itself: doubling point P.
The operation needs a single point and consists of finding a point 2P. We draw a
tangent line to the EC at point P. This line intersects the curve in a point R.
Reflecting this point across the x axis gives R: R = 2P. See figure 3.
Formally: the only difference with an addition is the definition of У©. У© = (3x1 +
Figure 3 Example of doubling a point P
Calculations over the real numbers are slow and inaccurate due to round off error.
Cryptographic applications require fast and precise arithmetic; thus elliptic curve
groups over the finite fields of Fp and Fm2 are used in practice.[1]
The key generation and verification of elliptic curve analogue (ECDSA) of the U.S.
government digital signature algorithm (DSA) is described below.
ECDSA Key Generation: E is an elliptic curve defined over Fq , and P is a point of
prime order n in E (Fq ); these are system wide
Bring Your Dog To Work
I believe the Bring Your Dog to Work program is a great idea, although, it could
cause more harm than good if not managed properly. Dogs are high maintenance
animals, and they should be cared for in that manner.
Firstly, interacting with well behaved animals can relieve stress and anxiety, as well
as increase productivity in the workplace. With the worry of my loney pet gone, I can
continue my work in a more relaxed and care free manner. Having one less
distraction, makes it easier to focus on what is important, my work. My dog is stuck at
home in a kennel, everyday while I am at work. She isn t a bad dog; it s simply,
because my cat knowns no fear and will attack my tiny Chiweenie. Bringing Timone,
my prevouisly mentioned puppy, to work ... Show more content on ...
After, I got attacked by a friend s massive Pit Bull, I was anxious around large
dogs for a very long time. Although, I chose to go back around the dog years later, I
could not imagine being forced to work next to an animal after my attack. That
would be distracting and mentally unhealthy to force someone to work under those
conditions. Even the best of pets can be unpredictable around new people or in a
new environment. Barking, chewing, or whinging could all be very distracting to
someone who is not used to having pets around. That type of distraction would be
stressful while trying to focus or nearing a deadline.
Furthermore, I believe to make this program successful, there must be rules and
regulations set in place. Dogs can carry many diseases and illnesses; which they
can spread to humans or the other pets around. The owner should be able to
provide propper vet records, showing the animal has all it s shots and no record of
violence. I also, believe that animals in the workplace should be well behaved in
order to fill their purpose. Company policy should state that the animal recieve
obediance class by an approved teacher. This would further set that the animals could
interact with new humans and dogs, in a manner acceptable for the work environment.
In conclussion, I believe that bringing your dog to work could be very beneficial.
Although only under strict rules, could such a frivalous
The Importance Of School Uniforms In Schools
Approximately 23% of all private and public schools around America have a uniform
policy. The idea of bringing uniforms to schools is an issue that has been discussed
and argued about for many years. There are very few students who believe that
uniforms should be required, and other students just dislike the colors that come with
them. Although uniformshave been known to make students look decent, there are
many negative side effects that come with them. Some people think that a student
wearing a uniformlooks well and respectable, but many americans around the world
strongly disagree with this statement. However, the popular opinion is clear.
American say schools should not implement or enforce schooluniforms because, they
violate the... Show more content on ...
In the article, Do Uniforms Make School Better? , Mariah Wilde reveals, In June
of 2007, the United States Supreme Court upheld a lower court s decision
affirming a Vermont students right to wear a t shirt depicting President Bush
surrounded by drug and alcohol images. The school had suspended the student . . .
The courts however disagreed with the school. . . . They were protected as free
political expression (Wilde). Wilde explains how a student was suspended a t shirt
that was worn that had drugs and alcohol on it, but the courts ruled favor of the
student. The supreme court protected the student and said that it was their right to
have a political expression. Even though some people like the school in this case
disagree with a students opinion does not give them the right to suspend the student.
If everyone is entitled to the first Amendment, why are students not? Students are still
human beings and they are still allowed to have their freedom of speech and their
own opinions. Schools teach us to express ourselves and be our own person, but
implementing uniforms takes that right away. To illustrate another reason why
uniforms should not be implemented in schools is because everyone thinks that
uniforms only bring good and no bad, but sadly they are wrong. Uniforms do bring
some good, but mainly people are starting to see that uniforms are not getting the
right results. Debra Viadero concludes in the article, Uniform Effects , David
Diagnostic Medical Sonography Analysis
Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS) is a technical branch of the medical field.
It is a big part of the medical field. It is used to check the inside of humans and to
check on babies. The pay for a sonography is a little above average I think it would
suite me well. The schooling time for the field is a short amount of time for the
medical field. (SDMyLife) Full time sonographers usually receive benefits like
vacation and sick days. They also have somewhat of a flexible schedule to work
with. The median annual income for most workers is around $60,000. The highest
paying salaries are earned by experience workers have. They can earn anywhere from
$44,000 to $86,000 a year. I have wondered about the medical career all of my life,
but recently
Elapsed Time In The Classroom
The math lesson that my practicum partner and I performed in our classroom was
a review of elapsed time. The topic of our lesson was telling and writing time to the
nearest minute and to solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of
time intervals in minutes. The concept of elapsed time is actually a relatively hard
topic, especially at eight years old and having remembering it after returning from
spring break with pre PARCC anxiety. That being said, this review was beneficial for
the class. We began our lesson by facilitating a carpet discussion about the different
strategies that students prefer to figure out how much timehas passed between events.
I was very satisfied with how the discussion went, the class that I am placed in loves
carpet discussion and... Show more content on ...
I was happy with the pair sharing because the students can explain ideas in ways that
I may have never considered, and their explanation may help other students
understanding. In addition, there is a great sense of classroom community discourse
that occurs with this specific class, their level of respect for each other is incredible.
Our lesson activity had the students rotating around the room and performing
different word problems for about 4 minutes at each station. I think the students liked
that they were able to move around. Also the amount of time we gave them was
challenging and fun, without making it too intense like a drill. When we went over
the answers to the problems we had students come demonstrate how they got their
answer on the whiteboard and discuss why they chose the method/strategy they did,
which was good because some other students were able to observe and learn. My
main regret from this lesson is having the activity answers discussed and displayed
with students at their desks and not the carpet. With this specific group they are so
much more engaged when they sit at the
Research Paper On Amish
Life Style
The Amish live a different life style than we do. A lot of people misunderstand the
way they live their life in rural communities. They think that the Amish live an old
fashioned life and fear the real world. All they want to do is help their community
every way they can. Each fellowship is broken down into districts where they live
independently by rules their community agrees on. The rules consist of clothing
requirements, color of buggies, household items, etc. There are around 200,000
members of the Amish in which come from more than 20 states. In fact, the Amish
community has been growing. Every 20 years the population doubles.
Being born Amish means one has to stay Amish until he/she reach the age of 16....
Show more content on ...
Technology is avoided because they want to keep their life unique.
Beliefs and Values
The Amish have a lot of beliefs and values. They follow the basic beliefs of Christian
faith, focusing mainly on adult baptism, simplicity, community, and separation from
everyone else. Amish are taught to be selfless and put Jesus and the community first,
yourself last, and others in between. Obedience, humility, and simplicity are what the
Amish express. If they disobey someone, it is considered dangerous to them. They
take no pride in what they do because they don t want to stick out to others. Their
clothing, house dГ©cor, and architecture is very simple because once again, they don
t want to stand out.
Religion being practiced rather than being displayed is what the Amish believe in.
They translate this into their daily life. According to them, God has an interest in
their lives, families, and communities. God is the force that keeps families and
communities so close to each other.
When a problem happens, solving it is a very easy way in the Amish life. Every
conflict is solved peacefully. The law or violence will never be involved.
Keeping apart from the community is something the Amish value. They wear
different clothing to be simple. No Amish member serves in the military because to
them guns are used for only hunting. They also value their own education system. It
is important for the Amish to maintain
Ishiguro Diary Entry
I didn t plan on writing this diary entry neither did I plan on remembering
everything that happened before I became a carer. It was my donors that made me
look back at my life and maybe I needed that, my past is a part of me. I m Kathy
and I m thirty one years old, and I ve been a carer now for 11 years (Ishiguro 3).
This sounds like a long time I know, but they ve been pleased with my work. My
donors have always ended up doing much better than expected. Their recovery
process has been great, even by the end of a few donations. This is the probably
because I know when to comfort the donors, when to just listen or just give them
some alone time. Ruth was the donor that I had chosen. Although, all our differences
ad not gone away they weren t... Show more content on ...
Tommy said [s]he was taking what s going to happen to us one day.
Donation and all that (Ishiguro 29). Not only that but apparently we weren t being
taught enough which I found oddly confusing. There have been times over the
years when I ve tried to leave Hailsham behind (Ishiguro 5) but there came a time
where I had to stop resisting. Maybe looking back on my life will always be a
memory that I share with myself now that I was a carer for Ruth; it reminded me
about things that happened back at the cottages. Those early months at the
cottages had been a strange time in our friendship (Ishiguro 126) Ruth and I would
be bickering and disagreeing over all kinds of little things. Just as much we would
disagree upon things [e]very night we would find ourselves sitting side by
side...exchanging our deepest feelings about our new life like nothing had come
between us (Ishiguro 126) and that s something I don t want to let go. Now that I ve
grown up and have been a carer for a long time, all the things miss. Lucy would say
or do had finally made sense. I think I ve been rambling for long enough; anyways I
got to get back to work, like Miss. Lucy said our life was set out for
Persuasive Essay On Winning Games
The thrill of winning a trophy for the first time is always memorable, however, it
brings up the question: Is receiving an award for participating just as exciting?
Participation awards are a topic highly debated among those of all ages, with none
agreeing on a single answer. Individuals who are under the impression that they are
essential believe they boost a childs confidence and self esteem. This may be true in
some cases, but these trophies could be doing more harm than good. Although in the
moment they may appear to be wholesome, they have a lasting effect on children as
they grow older. Many children put loads of effort into winning awards, which is
belittled by participation trophies that are not only unhelpful and unrewarding, but
don t teach them the important values learned by losing.
Of course, participation trophies take away from the true meaning of receiving an
award and enjoying the sport. Her daughter rarely showed up for her soccer team.
She had a terrible attitude, Dweck says. In spite of that, at the end she got a giant
trophy and would have been devastated had she not (Turner). Children who put no
effort into the sport or activity they have joined still receive an award for being a
part of it. This is extremely unfair to those who actually worked hard to make their
team successful because it rewards the kids who were barely even engaged in the
sport. We need look no further than the 2011 World Series for the value of earning
How Do You Respond To His Mother By Langston Hughes
The author, Langston Hughes, is speaking to himself through his Mother s voice.
His point of view was limited since his observation was speaking of one person and
not using I . The tone in the poem is the attitude that children should listen and
learn from their parents for him, it was his Mother. His second line compared life
to a crystal stair. From the surface, you would think what a metaphor what does life
and a crystal stair have any kind of relation to each other? From the Oxford
dictionary, the definition of crystal is a piece of a homogeneous solid substance
having a natural geometrically regular form with symmetrically arranged plane faces.
The key words here are regular , homogeneous , geometrically and symmetrically .
The Early Development Of Human Consciousness
The early development of human consciousness seems to have given humans a
genetic predisposition to the belief in religion. During this early development many
chemicals known as entheogens were used during religious sacraments and
ceremonies, especially during times when religion was undergoing critical stages of
development. Once early humans could communicate concepts effectively they
utilized experiences derived from such substances in the integration of theological
belief systems.
Describing psychoactive substances without using a word that has a negative
connotation attached to it can be difficult. In an effort to combat this problem, a
committee under the chairmanship of Carl Ruck described after trying out a number
of words he came up with entheogen, god generated within , which his committee
unanimously adopted (Wasson 30). Psychoactive substances, or entheogens, have
been researched for years by scientists, however, research into their historical
significance is severely limited. The origin of religion cannot simply be looked at
through the perspective of entheogens, there are many factors associated with it
which spread multiple fields. Science, sociology, history, archeology, psychology,
chemistry and botany all cross over when researching this subject.
James McClenon has argued that the conceptions of religion have their origins in the
evolution of psychophysiological structures associated with hypnotizability. If one is
susceptible to a hypnotic trance
Should The Fair Use Doctrine Must Be Won And Defended
According to Intellectual Property Quotes (n.d.), While American intellectual
property deserves protection, that protection must be won and defended in a manner
that does not stifle innovation, erode due process under the law, and weaken the
protection of political and civil rights on the Internet (Intellectual PropertyQuotes,
n.d.). In this paper I will discuss the facts and legal reasoning of this case, what the
Fair UseDoctrine is, and will answer the following: why it is important to protect
intellectual property, why it is important for society to have access to intellectual
property, and whether the Fair Use Doctrine properly balances the rights of content
producers against the public good.
Facts and Legal Reasoning of This Case According to Gambino (2011, June 21), in
a recent movie called The Hangover Part II, Stu Price, a dentist in the movie who
is played by actor Ed Helms, wakes up with a tribal tattoo on his face after a night
of partying in Bangkok. The tattoo is identical to one that Mike Tyson has, which
refers to the boxer s appearance in the 2009 movie The Hangover. S. Victor
Whitmill, Mike Tyson s tattoo artist, filed a lawsuit against Warner Bros.
Entertainment on April 28, 2011 just a couple weeks before the movie was
scheduled to open. He sued them because he had obtained a copyright for the tattoo
on April 19, 2011; he claimed that since they were using this tattoo for the movie as
well as in advertisements, that this was copyright infringement.
Trace Evidence
Trace or transfer evidence can be any small, and to the untrained be a seemingly
insignificant piece of material, whether man made or natural, that has been left at a
crime scene. Edmond Locard, founder of the Institute of Criminalistics at the
University of Lyon, France, developed what has become known as Locard s
Exchange Principle. This states that every contact leaves a trace (Trace Evidence).
Trace evidence can consist of just about anything. Some types of trace evidence
include but are not limited to hair, blood and other body fluids, paint, glass, and
residues. Throughout the years, trace evidence has become very important in the
conviction and even the exoneration of those accused of certain crimes.
In 1910 Locard founded the ... Show more content on ...
Sperm or semen evidence at a crime scene is usually evidence of a suspected
sexual assault. As with bloodstain evidence, semen evidence can also help in
identifying perpetrators. Saliva evidence cannot usually be seen from visual
examination. Saliva evidence is usually retrieved from another piece of evidence
such as cigarette butts, gummed surfaces of envelopes, chewing gum, bite marks,
ski and/or nylon masks. Saliva evidence can also be useful in helping to find a
suspect. Once it is determined that bio evidence is present, if the object containing
the biological fluid can be taken in whole to be processed, it is bagged and labeled
as usual. However, if the evidence is on something that cannot be transported, then a
swab is taken to gather a sample.
The proper gathering, handling and processing of trace evidence is a vital part of
any investigation. Because not all cases are cut and dry, the criminals are not caught
in the act, having the proper evidence can speak volumes. As stated previously, hair,
fingerprints, and biological fluid stains are just some of the common types of trace
evidence however, as technology continues to push forward, more and more evidence
and ways of testing is coming to light.
Locard s Exchange Principle. World of Forensic Science. . (2005). Retrieved from
Construction Design And Management Regulations
General requirements CDM REGULATIONS The Construction Design and
Management Regulations 2007 are the responsibility of the client. The
Regulations must be followed when any work exceeds more than 500 man hours
or takes longer than 30 days to complete. There must be a Planning Supervisor for
all projects that fall under the CDM Regulation criteria. PARTY WALL ACT The
Party Wall Act 1996 is the responsibility of the client. The process set out in the
Party Wall Act must be followed for any work to be carried. This process will need
to be complied with for any properties that fall within criteria set out. A Party Wall
Agreement with the affected neighbouring properties will need to be completed
before any work commences. THERMAL BRIDGING Where possible thermal
bridging should be prevented between the insulation layers, e.g. around structural
openings. Measures need to be in place to reduce any unplanned air leakage through
the new structure. GENERAL SPECIFICATION All plan dimensions are in
millimetres. Do not scale any dimensions from this drawing. The appointed
contractor is required to check all sizes and dimensions before commencing work on
site. No responsibility will be taken for any mistakes in this drawing until all the
dimension have been checked prior to commencement on site. If any issues are
identified within the drawing they must be highlighted before work commences. Any
elements of the existing structure that have new and altered loads are to be exposed
Vancomycin is a glycopeptide, narrow spectrum, antibiotic that has been in clinical
use for many years, and continues to be one of the most frequently prescribed
antibiotic for the following conditions: Empiric therapy of gram positive infections in
high risk patients , Empiric therapy of infections associated with central lines,
hemodialysis shunts, vascular grafts or prosthetic heart valves, Documented or
suspected MRSA or CONS , Patients who are allergic to beta lactams and serious or
life threatening infections (e.g. endocarditis, meningitis, osteomyelitis). However,
despite its clinical usefulness and established therapeutic benefits, therapeutic drug
monitoring (TDM) is performed due to its high pharmacokinetic (PK) variability, age
dependent... Show more content on ...
Preventing sub therapeutic levels help to minimize the development of vancomycin
resistant organisms, while preventing supra therapeutic levels minimizes undesirable
adverse effects such as nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity, neurotoxicity and neutropenia.
Moreover, though there are several studies being carried out, there is a lack of a
proper vancomycin dosing guideline for pediatrics7, , , . The primary objective of
this study is to determine the optimal initial vancomycin dosing regimen in the
pediatric population that is most likely to achieve serum vancomycin concentrations
that are within the defined target range. Secondary objectives of the study would be
to identify patient specific factors affecting vancomycin dosing, for example: age,
disease states, dosing frequency and having concomitant medications. An
institutionalized guideline would be developed based on the findings of this
Discussing the Role of Middle Management
Discussing the Role of Middle Management
During the 1980s and 1990s, in our increasingly global marketplace, downsizing and
re engineering became a common practice in business, eliminating much of the need
for middle managers, cutting costs, speeding up decisions, and flattening
organizational hierarchies worldwide. Middle managers began to be seen as
unnecessary costs, easily replaced by displacing responsibility downward to their
subordinates, and uncooperative, even having a negative impact on change.
While middle managers still exist today, they must still deal with the general notion
that their responsibilities could be displaced even though they are often among the
more experienced and knowledgeable employees in a department ... Show more
content on ...
As a change intermediary, middle managers play an important role between the
strategic plan being passed down from higher level management, and the operation
core, where the change is manifested.
Microdynamics of Inclusion
The structure and quality of communication systems in organizations is directly
related to overall organizational cohesiveness. In Westley s article Middle Managers
and Strategy: Microdynamics of Inclusion, the author discusses the role of middle
management in strategic processes. As in the previous article, the author discusses the
inherent discontent among middle managers when they feel about they are being
excluded from the organization s strategic processes. When a middle manager feels
excluded, there are many negative side effects however, the exclusion of middle
managers from strategic conversation is inevitable, and inclusion does not guarantee
satisfaction. In top down management systems, which have bottom up flows of
communication, middle managers are capable of controlling the upward flow of
information and expressing the opinions of lower management up to top
management. In this way, middle managers have some influence in strategic
conversation, and with proper
Blue Coolers Research Paper
Colorful Coolers Like Yeti, Pink, Red, Blue, Green
When most people think of coolers, they think of basic colors. Most often, in our
mind we think of red, white, or blue. We also may think of a drab color brown, which
is mostly what you see nowadays. Those days of boring color choices has ended.
There are now a variety of popular, high end coolers that are giving you more of a
variety in color choices. Can you imagine having colorful coolers like Yeti, pink, red,
blue, and green?
How Many Colors Can You Find in Coolers?
The new cooler color choices are impressive. There are coolers available in a huge
variety of standard color choices and as an added bonus, some high end cooler
manufacturers are allowing you to customize your cooler choices. ... Show more
content on ...
It is a High Performance Camo cooler. However, if you are not a camo fan, you may
also choose to own a haze gray cooler or a tan cooler. Either way you go, you will
have a cooler that provides ample ice retention no matter what you are doing. More
about the Engel Deep Blue cooler here⇒
K2 Coolers
When it comes to a statement color cooler, the K2 Summit is perhaps one of the
most favorite coolers available. Not only is this cooler available in a very bold pink
color, but it is available in a variety of color mix coolers. Some of the most popular
choices are the crimson and white, orange and white, purple and yellow, and the
basic red cooler with a white lid. If bold isn t your style, white, brown, and gray are
also available. Either way, they are all covered by a 7 year warranty. More about the
K2 Summit here⇒
Pelican Coolers
Everyone knows that the Pelican Products ProGear Elite coolers are top of the
line. The thing is, most people do not realize the variety of colors that you can
choose from. For instance, you can purchase a dark blue, light blue, maroon, green,
orange, pink, and yellow cooler as well as the more basic gray, white, and tan
coolers. All are backed by a lifetime guarantee and provide excellent ice retention.
More about the Pelican ProGear Elite
Analysis Of The Beatles Abbey Road
Four Beatles in a row, crossing the black and white zebra crossing on Abbey Road,
one so serious looking, one barefoot and smoking, one simply looking to keep up
with his friends and the fourth in white, hands in pocket and his face swathed in hair
compose the cover art of their last recorded album, Abbey Road. The album shows a
band still clearly in its prime, capable of songwriting and recording feats that other
groups could only envy. Working for the first time exclusively on an eight track tape
machine (Richardson), their mastery of the studio was undeniable, and Abbey Road
still holds its fresh and exciting appeal nearly forty seven years later. Following the
turbulent recording sessions for The Beatlesand Let It Be, longtime producer George
Martin was through with the Beatles. He eventually agreed to work with them
again after Paul McCartney pleaded with him, but only on the condition that
Martin would be in complete control in the studio, just like in the old days (Lifton).
The producer would later describe Abbey Road as a happy record... because
everybody thought it was going to be the last (Jones). Abbey Road marked the band
s going back to working together more like they used to, but as the people they had
now become in 1969; however, like the band themselves coming back together, the
songs on Abbey Road didn t immediately fall into place; they were the product of
much idiosyncratic Beatles brainstorming an activity one part music hall comedy
improv (Jones),
Textual Analysis Essay example
The text, Writing on Demand: Best Practices and Strategies for Success is designed
specifically for teachers by teachers. With a quote on the cover of the text that is
highlighted by a bright orange background and explicitly states that this book is
Ideal for SAT, ACT, AP, and State Assessment Exams , the text quickly announces
that its core audience is going to be teachers within the middle school to high school
range. Given the aim of this text, it proves to be a highly beneficial work for aiding
teachers in understanding how to adequately prepare their students for the rigors of
writing on demand, be it for regular classroom assignments or standardized tests.
After a thorough analysis of the text I found many of ... Show more content on ...
Context for Usage: The grade levels this text is designed to prepare educators for
teaching is evidenced first in its overall discussion of properly preparing students to
be able to write on demand for state assessment tests. Given that such tests do not
regularly take place until students are out of elementary education it is apparent that
this text is directed towards teachers working with a higher age bracket. This is
also further revealed in instances where teachers are directed to help students think
backwards, a skill that is not highly promoted in elementary education as most
children at this age level have not yet developed the capacity to think backwards.
The process described for enabling students to analyze prompts is also one that
would be dominantly used beyond the beginning years of education. Considering
each of these factors, the aim of this text is to be utilized by teachers working with a
middle school to high school age bracket.
Learning Objectives: Learning objectives promoted in the college level class on
teaching writing that this text was handed out in, strongly emphasize the importance
of group work, as revealed in the writing theory handout and the scholarly overview
handout (see attached).
Brunner s Gland Hamartoma
Brunner s gland hamartoma is an uncommon benign lesion which is most commonly
found in the bulb of the duodenum. It is often a small lesion which is asymptomatic.
Most are found incidentally during upper gastrointestinal series or
esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Symptoms are often hemorrhage or duodenal
obstructive symptoms which are mainly due to ulceration of the lesions.
Histologically, Brunner s gland hamartoma consists of components of Brunner s
gland cells, containing glandular, adipose and muscle cells. In this study we report a
case of a 30 year old man presenting with upper gastrointestinal bleeding and
obstructive symptoms due to a giant Brunner s gland hamartoma in the duodenal
bulb. The hamartoma was removed successfully by endoscopic resection without
significant complications. Microscopically, the lesion was found to be entirely
composed of variable Brunner s glands and adipocytes. Key Words: Brunner s gland,
Hamartoma, Gastrointestinal Bleeding Case report... Show more content on ...
His background was hypertension, diabetes mellitus and hypercholesterolaemia. He
was initially seen in a primary clinic and underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy
where a duodenal subepithelial lesion was found. He was diagnosed with lipoma by
endoscopic ultrasonography. He was treated conservatively and subsequent
abdominal ultrasound and colonoscopy findings were normal. The patient received
8 units of blood transfusion twice for iron deficiency anemia. However, the patient
did not improve over three months, and had ongoing dizziness and nausea. He was
then referred to this hospital for further investigation of gastrointestinal bleeding and
known duodenal lesion. The patient denied weight loss or use of non steroidal anti
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). His height and weight were 180.9 cm and 145.8 kg,
with a body mass index (BMI) of 44.5
Abnormal Behavior In Safe Haven
The last movie that I watched that had themes of abnormal behavior was Safe
Haven. In this movie there was an alcoholic husband and a wife who gets beaten.
The wife finally gets the courage to fight back one night. She knocks her husband
out, packs some things and leaves. Changes her hair color and her name, takes a bus
until she finds a small town she feels comfortable in. Her husbands life now revolves
around trying to find her, he is detective so he has access to a lot more than any
other person. He goes around door to door in his community seeing if anyone has
seen her. The husband looks on the bus station footage and finds her getting on to a
bus, and he now realizes that her hair is a different color. So now he gets a sketch

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Information Age Essay. Informative Research Essay Aging And Staying At

  • 1. Information Age Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of the Information Age presents both a fascinating challenge and a daunting task. This era, marked by the rapid evolution of technology and the proliferation of information, demands a nuanced understanding and a keen analytical eye. The difficulty lies not only in dissecting the multifaceted aspects of this age but also in keeping pace with its ever- changing landscape. The vast expanse of information available necessitates thorough research and a discerning approach to select relevant, credible sources. As the Information Age encompasses diverse fields such as technology, communication, and socio-economic dynamics, delving into each aspect requires a comprehensive understanding. The challenge is to strike a balance between breadth and depth, offering a holistic perspective without getting lost in the intricacies of individual components. Moreover, the fast-paced nature of technological advancements poses a continual challenge. Staying updated with the latest developments in a landscape that evolves almost daily demands an ongoing commitment to research. The struggle lies in capturing the zeitgeist of the Information Age without rendering the essay obsolete within a short span. Expressing complex ideas in a coherent and accessible manner adds another layer of difficulty. The Information Age is rife with jargon and technical terms that may be challenging for a diverse audience to grasp. Achieving clarity without oversimplifying intricate concepts is a delicate art that requires precision and a deep understanding of the subject matter. Furthermore, addressing the socio-cultural implications of the Information Age involves navigating through ethical, political, and economic considerations. It requires a nuanced examination of how this era shapes human interactions, privacy concerns, and economic structures. Balancing optimism and caution in discussing these implications adds an additional layer of complexity to the essay. In conclusion, writing an essay on the Information Age is a formidable task that demands a blend of research skills, analytical thinking, and effective communication. It requires the ability to synthesize information from various disciplines, stay abreast of rapidly evolving developments, and convey complex ideas with clarity. The endeavor to capture the essence of this dynamic era while navigating its intricate facets makes it a challenging yet intellectually rewarding undertaking. For assistance with similar essays or a variety of topics, you can explore professional writing services. Platforms like offer a range of writing services, ensuring that you can find expert help for your academic needs. Information Age Essay Information Age Essay
  • 2. Eod Team Leader Certs Essay (DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors only because this publication contains technical and operational information. This determination was made on 22 March 2006. Other requests will be referred to CASCOM, ATTN: EOD Training Writer/Developer, 401 1st St Suite 225, Ft Lee. VA 23801 1511. DESTRUCTION NOTICE: This Supercedes STP 9 55D14 SM TG dated June 2002. )SOLDIER TRAININGHEADQUARTERS PUBLICATIONDEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY No. STP 9 89D14 SM TGWashington, DC, 06 Mar 2007 SOLDIER S MANUAL and TRAINER S GUIDE MOS 89D SOLDIER S Manual/Trainer s Guide, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Skill Levels 1 4 Skill Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 Table of ContentsTABLE OF... Show more content on ... quipment3 64 093 89D 1360 Perform Emergency Contamination Control Station (ECCS) Operations3 65 093 89D 1362 Identify Nuclear Weapons and System Components3 68 093 89D 1363 Assist in Render Safe Procedures on Nuclear Weapons3 69 093 89D 1364 Segregate Nuclear Weapon and Hazardous Components into Categories3 71 093 89D 1365 Perform Packaging Procedures for Nuclear Weapons and Components3 72 Subject Area 6: Assist Render Safe Procedures and Techniques 093 89D 1237 Perform Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding Procedures3 74 093 89D 1238 Perform EOD Procedures Using Special Explosive Charges3 75 093 89D 1366 Perform EOD Procedures using Explosive Driven Water Based Tools3 76 Subject Area 7: EOD Team Assistant Incident Responsibilities / Procedures 093 89D 1120 Recognize Confined Spaces3 77 Skill Level 3 Subject Area 8: Supervise Operation of EOD Tools and Equipment 093 89D 3186 Plan SMUD Operations3 78 Subject Area 9: General EOD Procedures 093 89D 3108 Identify Foreign Military and Commercial Explosives3 80 Subject Area 10: Supervise CBRN Incident Operations 093 89D 3259 Perform EOD Procedures on a Chemical Mission3 81 093 89D 3309 Supervise Emergency Personnel Decontamination Station (EPDS) Operations3 83 093 89D 3310 Perform EOD Procedures on a Nuclear Mission3 84 093 89D 3357 Supervise Emergency Contamination Control Station (ECCS) Operations3 85 093 89D 3406 Perform the EOD Procedures on a Depleted Uranium Mission3 87
  • 3. Analysis Of Ursula K. Leguin´s The Lathe Of Heaven A utopia is a fascination, a wonder. The faГ§ade of a utopia revolves around an individual s perception of what is right in the world. In The Lathe of Heaven, Ursula K. LeGuin argues that humans must find balance by not tampering with knowledge beyond our scope. Although she makes it clear that a utopia is unattainable, she argues that a life of inaction will lead us to a calmer and more utopian society. However, I disagree with this argument because it inhibits the possibilities of human advancement and undermines human nature. The hope of human advancement is what keeps people striving to make the next great breakthrough and to better understand the complexities of the universe. Although LeGuin makes a salient point that humans should not... Show more content on ... Humans are born with an innate desire to learn and create. Throughout Lathe of Heaven we see this instinctual desire to better understand their environment and improve it in all characters. For example, George Orr questions what Haber is doing to him but suppresses his curiosity. His passive nature undermines his curiosity and leads him to become more anxious and unknowingly submit himself to Haber s desires. It is not until he takes actions and seeks a legal advisor that he is more informed and understands his environment better. His desire to learn is what helped Orr better understand where Haber s priorities lie. This learning led him to take action, and without it he would have continued to mindlessly be used by Haber. Here, Orr illuminates that the phenomenon that is human curiosity is there for a greater purpose, is a part of nature, and is not meant to be suppressed. The latter proves that LeGuin s argument is paradoxical and therefore ineffective because she encourages her audience to refrain from tampering with nature, yet human curiosity is a part of nature and all the actions humanity has taken stem from human curiosity. To suppress human curiosity is to defy nature. The fact that we are the most advanced species on earth and have an innate curiosity is not a coincidence, these two combined equate to our purpose and our inner desire; to take action and to interact with our environment. Those who side with LeGuin may argue that this negatively disrupts the natural order of the world, however, the natural way of things has made it so that humans are the most advanced species; the only logical explanation for this is that humans are meant to take action for the greater good of the human
  • 4. Benay V. WARNER BOS Entrancement Inc. In the Case study assignment I am going to talk about the case BENAY v. WARNER BROS ENTERTAINMENT INC. this case deals with the two brothers Aaron and Matthew Benay suing Warner Brothers Entertainment, Inc., Radar Pictures Inc, Bedford Falls Productions Inc, Edward Zwick, Marshall Herskovitz, and John Logan over the coping of the screenplay The Last Samurai. The brothers wrote a screenplay in the late 1990 s and had it copyrighted in 2001. The screenplay was then pitched by phone to the president of the company that produced the film The last Samurai, which is also the same name of the screenplay by the Benays, Bedford Falls in 2000. It was informed to the Benays agent that Bedford Falls, had decided to pass becasuse it already had a similar project in development. (Benay, pg. 1) This led to the Benays claiming that important... Show more content on ... With the copyright infringement clam, the Benays must show ownership of a valid copyright, and copying of constituent elements of the original work. The defendants deny having copied from the screenplay stating, the issue is whether there is substantial similarity between protected elements of the screenplay and comparable elements of the film (Benay, pg. 2). The Benay brothers point to a number of issues that are similar between the screenplay and the film, for one the titles are identical. The protagonist in both stories have flash back to battles in America while being authors of non fiction studies on war. Both are centered around an American war veteran going to Japan to help train the Imperial Army in methods of modern Western warfare against the samurai uprising. And the big and possible undisputed similarity is that in both the lead American is spiritually transformed by his time in Japan and being immersed in the Japanese
  • 5. Building A Rocket TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction.......................................................................................1 Hypothesis Theory.................................................................................................2 Procedures.............................................................................................................3 6 Aftermath/Results......................................................................................................7 Conclusion.........................................................................................8 INTRODUCTION Building. The word some of us, get exhausted over. In some cases, without the proper instructions and guides, the creator/maker might find it difficult to create their particular idea. For this ... Show more content on ... Which, later on, would give us a valuable explanation. If the rockets with the smaller masses went significant amounts farther than the rocket s with a much larger mass, that would validate my hypothesis correct. PROCEDURES In the steps provided below, are the methods I used to create my rocket. However, the methods listed may or may not apply to you. Please be aware. THE BODY: Materials needed: A 2L Pop bottle, a black marker, paint, a ruler , and a roll of masking tape. You can also use Duct tape instead of masking tape if you prefer. Both works equally. For the body of my rocket, I decided to cover it with masking tape. If I wanted to prove my hypothesis correct, this would be the best way to prove my point. Get your Pop bottle, and start measuring it. It is much easier when you measure out your Pop bottle, so you know the exact and accurate placements of wherever you decide to place your fins/cone. Once you have measured out your Pop bottle, decide where you are going to wrap the masking tape around. For my sake, I decided to cover the center of the bottle with masking tape.
  • 6. Planning Policies On Social Life Planning policies on Social Life in Cities For year s urban policy and strategy has been dominated by thinking about the physical city: landmark architecture, transport, housing, urban development, and increasingly the technological infrastructure to create smarter, more productive, and greener cities. Clearly social issues like health, education, employment and public safety matter to city leaders but policy and public services deal with people in the abstract rather than the particular, which is why so often, plans diverge from reality in unpredictable and unintended ways. The social life of cities, in particular the ordinary, the small scale and mundane aspects of urban life, are commonly overlooked as a source of insight and inspiration for city planners and decision makers. Looking at the everyday life of city streets and neighborhoods provides a perspective on cities, social change and the radical variety of urban life, that is dramatically different to thinking about the city as an intelligent network or transport system with predefined ideas about how people will behave that is more of how the social planning do. Social planning is the process by which policymakers legislators, government agencies, planners, and, often, funders try to solve community problems or improve conditions in the community by devising and implementing policies intended to have certain results. These policies may take the form of laws, regulations, incentives, media campaigns,
  • 7. SJSU Bookstore Business Analysis The organization I have chosen for the class project is on SJSU Bookstore. The bookstore is located in the student union making convenient for the students to buy their supplies, books, apparel etc. Spartan Shops are committed to building strong partnerships and developing future leaders. They strive to integrate environmental and financial responsibility within our practices, while providing dynamic customer service and evolving with the needs of the San JosГ© State UniversityCommunity. The bookstore offers various categories of items ranging from textbooks to electronic items helping the students to buy everything under one roof. The bookstore has partnership with Barnes and Nobles,
  • 8. The Impacts Of Globalization And The Benefits Of... Globalization is the integration of the worldwide economy in which resources and products move freely across the globe. Globalization has been present for decades however it has predominantly become a more frequent process and has potential good and bad effects on the world of business. Problems can include competition in manufacturing jobs and unemployment in industrialized countries. However, this can also be beneficial in other situations as globalizationgives you a larger market trade will be cheaper so more countries can import and export goods which can bring in profits to multi national corporations. Globalization can be seen as a major threat for manufacturing jobs in the developed world, however, can also be a benefit for developing world citizens who receive thousands of jobs a year although they don t receive a high salary. Maurice Allais, a French economist states that this unemployment, of course, has only been able to develop because of the existence of low salaries and insufficient flexibility in the labor market (April 10th, 1999). This indicates that globalization has jeopardized Western countries jobs because companies are moving their establishments to developing countries where they don t need to pay employees as much and where land is cheaper so overall businesses benefit from this. Also, employees in the developed world are at risk of becoming redundant as they are susceptible to face pay cuts in jobs. Employees are less skilled in the developing world as they don t receive the benefit of an education like developed countries do. So a company may want to build factories in these countries because environmental laws aren t as strict. Establishments in these areas provides promising jobs for the local people and allows them to learn new skills, however they are set on minimum wage which in developed world countries, this would not be enough to live on, wherein third world countries this is still a low amount so this is not enough to bring them out of poverty meaning that the only one who benefits from this is the company. Although there have been several arguments against exploitation and oppression, the majority of developing countries do not have existing laws which take minimum wage
  • 9. Career Progression And The Career Development The above quote by Confucius is often quoted, yet job happiness isn t as easily achieved. One of the reasons behind job dissatisfaction is often the lack of planning. But career progression and the ability find a job that doesn t feel like work requires meticulous research and focus. In this guide, we ll explain career progression and the reasons why it s so important. We ll provide a four step plan to help you develop a plan that guarantees you don t feel left behind when it comes to achieving your career goals. What is career progression? The concept of career progressing is closely tied to the idea of career development. Career development is the lifelong process of managing your circumstances in order to move forward to achieving your personal goals. It s the management of your education, work and leisure activities in a way that helps you achieve the kind of future you want. As the definition of progress states, progress is a process developing gradually towards a more advanced state . Career progression sees you working towards your ultimate professional goals, little by little. In essence, career progression determines and outlines the route you should follow in order to reach the career development goals you ve set out for you. For example, your dream career goal might be to own your own business. A career progression plan will help identify the educational and work related steps you should take in order to get closer to this goal and ultimately, to achieve
  • 10. Mla Citation For Blade Runner The name of the movie is Blade Runner Blade Runner was made in 1982, its theatrical release was September 9th 1982 The main setting of the movie is the dark and despaired Los Angeles, of the year of 2019 The main characters are Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) the protagonist, and Ray Batty (Rutger Hauer) the antagonist. Rick Deckard is an ex cop who is a blade runner . Blade runners are assassins sent to retire replicants who have returned to Earth. Ray Batty is the ruthless leader of a group of Nexus Generation 6 replicants who have escaped their slave labour and returned to Earth. In Blade Runner, the Tyrell Corporation created cyborgs called replicants , who were created to mimic humans in every aspect, except emotion. The ... Show more content on ... This is shown through the outfits worn by the characters in Blade Runner. Rick wears a noire styled 1950 s detective outfit in the year 2019, while Roy wears a 1970 s black, leather, greaser jacket. Blade Runner is also different from the other pieces we have examined in this lesson because it takes place in a dystopian society. Pollution has destroyed the environment and large mega cities cover most of the earth. Cities are overcrowded, depressing dumps where sunlight is never seen and rain is a common occurrence. Whereas in other stories such as Worker Drone, we see technology and the future depicted, as a place where technology and progression has created a somewhat better place. People are able to get help starting their cars by getting help right away using technology and Rahul is able to video chat his significant other
  • 11. All To Me Rhetorical Devices The Imagery in the poem starts to appear in his first stanza. In the first stanza it appears he is saying that the jar is messy and dirty just like the wilderness. He also uses the word tall to describe the jar so I m assuming the is clearly noticeable especially when he says it is as a town or harbor in the air. He then speaks about the jar appear to be like grey and bare. This makes me feel like the jar is dual and maybe the jar is another way of talking about himself or where he lives. So the Imagery of this poem to me is a person trying to figure out where they belong in nature. The writer of this poem used many figure of speech throughout his poem. In the first line he introduces the jar which to me it is meant to be a humanbeing.
  • 12. Eating Meat Ethics In many societies, most people today consume meat and other types of food that came from an animal, yet there is a growing controversial debate regarding whether or not it is ethically right to eat any kind of animal. A commonly used argument against eating meat is that it is not necessary to survive or improve your health by eating meatand killing animals just for the sake of the taste that eating meat gives, is unjustifiably wrong. Those against eating meat also believe that the meat production resembles animal husbandry and it is one of the many alarming concerns involving animal welfare and their rights. Those in support of eating meat have responded with cultural, nutritional, scientific, and religious reasoning for their support of meat eating. Some meat eaters will not consume animal flesh if the animal is killed cruelly in a factory farm slaughterhouses or avoiding particular meats such as fois gras. A pioneer of the animal liberation movement, Peter Singer stated that it is possible to live healthy and survive without the consumption of any animal byproducts, which would cause harm to these animals. Because Singer claimed that since animals can feel, philosophers that either agree or disagree with Singer, had built upon their works based on Singer and his message was applied by advocates of animal rights.... Show more content on ... I wouldn t force someone to eat meat and I wouldn t allow someone to force another person to not eat meat. People shouldn t shame others for the kind of lifestyle they have decided to go with because of differences of opinion. We as people should be able to eat whatever they want without anyone demonizing yourself because you don t consume the right kind of food. As long as we are living in the world that has been given to us, we should make use of the animals that coexist with us and accept those who choose not to use animals as
  • 13. Plant Cell Structures Name: Ezeugo Okechukwu David Date: 5/16/17 Instructors name: Mathew Routh Assignment: SCIE207 Phase 2 Lab Report Title: Animal and Plant Cell Structures Animal cell NumberCell structureDescription and Function 1Nuclear pore This is a protein lined channel or Microscopic channel which allows ions and small molecules in and out of nucleus 2Chromatin (DNA)It consists of DNA and histones, it helps to put the DNA into a small Volume and serves as a body that helps to control DNA and expression. 3NucleolusIt is located inside the nucleus of eukaryotic cell and sits in the nucleus and assembles the ribosomes 4Nuclear envelopIt separates the nucleus from cytoplasm in the eukaryotic cells and It encloses the nucleus and allows content to move ... Show more content on ... 16Peroxisomes Organelle present in the cytoplasm of many cells, bound by a single membrane and roughly spherical. 17Plasma membrane Every living cells possess a plasma membrane which encloses their content. 18CentriolesAn organelle which is made up of protein strands called microtubules. that makes copies of themselves and helps divide cells 19Golgi bodyA layered organelle located near the nucleus which is present in most eukaryotic cells. It processes a bundle lipids and protein as they are synthesized within the cell 20Centrosome An organelle located inside the nucleus of a cell which are made from two centrioles. They help to organize microtubules which are utilized during cell
  • 14. Documentations That Made Up The United States Of America Documentations that made up the United States of America On June 11, 1776, the Second Continental Congress met at Carpenter Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where five men were appointed to be a part of a comity to write the Declaration of Independence and become liberated from the British government. The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important documents in American history. It tells the major ideas that the Founders had about government. Eventually, after several rough drafts of the Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson, a final draft was written and finally approved by the Second Continental Congress. Therefore, on July 4, 1776, the nation was officially born when fifty six members of the Second Continental ... Show more content on ... It also states when such situation arises; government it is not only their ambition, but it is their right and their duty to throw off such a Government and to provide the foundation for a new government to ensure their future security. Next, in section one of the Declaration of Independence listed twenty eight grievances the American colonies had against King George III. Then, section two of the Declaration specifically stated what endeavors were taken by the colonist s to overturn some of the decisions of King George III but ultimately were met in vain. Lastly, a conclusion of the Declaration of Independence notes that having recorded their objections, which British North American were living, they the Colonies declared their right to be free and independent from the British rule. It further declared that any legislative acquaintances between the two were to be eliminated. The new nation was to be called the United States of America and was to have no further association with Great Britain. That the new government would reserve rights to exercise war, make reconciliation, as well as make collaborations with foreign nations. The new nation was governed by the Articles of Confederation that had been adopted during the Revolution. In March 1781, the Second Continental Congress approved the Articles of Confederation after more than a year of debate. The Articles of Confederation that shaped the first national government of the United
  • 15. Greek Orthodoxy Research Paper The first meaning of Orthodoxy was true teaching, which means that the Orthodox Church believed that tradition was the most important way to practice their tradition. However, the Greek Orthodox church prefers to define Orthodoxy as true praise. This means that they think praising and glorifying God through certain activities is more meaningful. The Greek Orthodox church also puts an emphasis on the Holy Trinity and believes that the Holy Spirit can unite humans with Jesus Christ (Fitzgerald 2590). The fundamental ideas of Greek Orthodox include tradition, baptism, Eucharist , and Theosis. St. George s church in Des Moines embodies these central practices and even engenders their own specific ways to practice Christianity. Tradition is ... Show more content on ... The process of theosis is meant to bring Christians closer to God and become more holy. There is a common belief among Christians that there should be a relationship with God throughout life, and not just after death. Therefore, theosis is the movement of love toward God which begins for each Christian with the rites of Baptism and which continues throughout life, as well as the life which is to come (Fisher). The theosis that the Eucharist embodies is lived during mass at St. George s in Des Moines. Greek Orthodox Christianity is lived in Des Moines today in the church of St. George. During the services, it is typical to have chanting of both English and Greek. The amount of Greek has slowly lessened. At this time, the service is about half Greek and half English. Although the languages differ for Greek Orthodox and Catholics, the sign of the cross is prominent for both religions. At any time during the service, implementing the sign of the cross is completely acceptable.(Greaver
  • 16. Customer Retention Make Customers Come Back Winning Customer Retention Strategies Customer Retention marketing is a tactically driven strategy to keep relationships with customers going and increase customer interest. This strategy relies on the study of customer behavior. Here are the basic tenets of a marketer that seeks to increase customer retention: 1. Past and Current customer behavior This is the best predictor of how customers will behave in the future. They are the characteristics marketers should most often look at. Analyzing customer tendencies and trends allows the marketer to anticipate, if not predict, the customers reaction to different situations. The marketer must take note that behavior is action oriented, not a description. For example,... Show more content on ... Lost customers will probably never come back. And to top that, they spread negative publicity about you. On the other hand, customers that are happy attract more customers to your service or product. Customer retention, therefore, should be an integral part of any business plan. Customer Retention: Integrating Lifetime Value into Marketing Strategies by Arthur Middleton Hughes Everyone wants to retain their existing customers. Few companies, however, are implementing positive strategies aimed at retention. Most companies are organized for acquisition. Their advertising and sales programs are designed to find and promote their products and services to new customers. The companies are organized on a product or brand basis, not on a customer segment basis. While they all have customer service departments, and most have a customer service toll free number, they lack an integrated marketing strategy that is directed at retention, and that defines retention as the measurement of success. In this article, we will explore the meaning of a retention strategy, showing how it can be set up, and how lifetime value can be used to measure it. You have often heard it said that It is five times more profitable to spend your marketing dollars to retain the customers that you have than to use the dollars to beat the bushes for new customers. Most people would agree with this statement, even though they have no way of proving it. Indeed, the majority of large
  • 17. Finding My Identity Essay Having an identity and finding yourself isn t always the easiest task to do, luckily I think I ve found myself and I m proud with the way I am and carry myself. Now, most people might not think that my outlook is the best way to go through life but fortunately I don t care what people think of me. I like standing out and being different but not in a very noticeable way; I am a regular guy, I m weird, random, odd and extraordinary and I ve really embraced the fact that I m pretty apathetic. I ve become this individual that really doesn t care about any outside opinions; as long as I feel comfortable with myself and what I m doing, everything s okay. I ll listen to your thoughts but I won t pay much attention to it afterwards. My way of ... Show more content on ... I m not really a religious person, my family is Catholic and although I do go to church every now and then, I don t consider myself to be devoted to a higher power. I don t even believe we will all be judged when we die and let into a nice place called heaven. I think that whenever a person dies they re just reborn in a hospital somewhere in the world, I don t know where I picked up this idea but it seems about right to me. Education is a very important factor in the lives of many people but, personally, I think everyone in the world should rely on their basic instincts. When teachers try to get through to me, I think that blocks them out. I learn better and get a good grasp on things when there s no one around. I can concentrate better and get the work that needs to be done finished. Work should be handed to each person equally because everybody needs money. Everybody should be given a shot at a job without being judged on their appearance or their way of life. In my life, I haven t accomplished a lot except I passed the CAHSEE on my first try, if you can count that as an accomplishment. Right now I am set on getting my high school diploma because even though people should use their natural instincts, I think I ll really need a diploma to have a better life. In conclusion, the way I live my life is very particular, I don t give much attention to anyone and I don t like to receive much
  • 18. New Moon By Stephenie Meyer Classify New Moon is a romance novel, and you can find this book at the library. Stephenie Meyer is the author of the Twilight Saga. Stephenie graduated from Brigham Young University, with a degree in English literature. She lives with her husband, and her sons in Arizona. She is a delightful author that writes adventurous books. The vocabulary and reading level is considered a high school level novel. New Moon is intended for teenage girls from ninth to twelfth grade; enjoy reading about vampires. Compare Another book that Stephanie Meyer has written is The Host. The Host is similar to New Moon because they are both considered a romantic fiction genre. Another similarity is both novels are based of supernatural characters. Most of Stephenie Meyer s books are romance novels, science fiction, and attracts most of the younger generations. She writes her books based off of dreams she s had. New Moon is different from the movie because in the novel it mentions a lot more details than the movie. In the novel, Jasper no longer attends high school, and was a senior the previous year. In the movie, Jasper attends high school, and he is in the same grade as Bella. In the novel, Edward discards his phone and is answered by somebody in Brazil. In the movie, Edward crushes his phone so that nobody can use it. Bella hears Edward s voice when she is in a dangerous situation, but in the movie Bella sees an apparition of Edward. Bella s depression is over with in January, but in
  • 19. Young Pine In Light Essay Emily Carr s Young Pines in Light (c. unknown) uses elements and principles that suggest movement in the painting. The various use of lines, the presence of positive space, the use of colour and an asymmetrical balance all help to suggest motion in the painting. Line is the greatest and most prevalent element used in the painting. The painting is filled with lines from left to right and top to bottom. There are straight lines, curved lines, diagonal lines. The density and length of the lines are also included in the painting. They range from thick to thin and short to long. The horizon lineis curved in an s wave which helps to give the painting more movement from left to right, unlike a straight horizontal line which would suggest... Show more content on ... There isn t much negative space or even hardly any thereof. A lot of the space in the painting is positive. This gives us more to look at and creates the illusion of depth. Everything behind the horizon gets smaller and smaller in size and blurred out. Mimicking the way we actually see things in real life. Things farther away appear smaller and sometimes we cannot make out some of the lines/shapes beyond us. Things in the foreground, those before the horizon are much larger and we can make out the shape of the trees and other objects. Also, in the foreground the painting is much more spaced out rather than the background. This depth in the painting represents the movement of our eyes from near to far. It looks as if we could actually move through the painting and make our way into the forest. The three dimensional space within the painting isn t very sharp but subtle instead. She perfectly softens up the image to show a more fluid perspective. The overlapping of trees and stumps further enhance this illusion. The curved horizontal line splits the landscape into halves, which continue on into space. This implies that the landscape continues to move beyond the borders, to the left and right. The importance of space in the painting is key for allowing the painting to have the presence of
  • 20. The Pros And Cons Of Plea Bargaining In The United States Plea Bargaining In the United States, there are many successful criminal prosecutions that end with jury trials. Many criminal cases are being resolved through a plea bargaining. This would usually be before a trail. Plea bargaining is when there is an agreement in a criminal case between the prosecutor and defendant that typically involves the defendant s to pleading guilty in order to be able to receive a lesser offenses or sentences. When this agreement is being made it allows for the immediate resolution of cases where there is little disagreement, or the evidence of guilt is overwhelming. When a plea Bargain is taken place, it increases efficiency for the courts and able to reduce expense and time of the defendant. A defendant would accept a plea bargaining to be able to avoid having a more serious charge, to have fewer charges being brought against them, or to avoid the expenses and stress of going thought a trail. When the defendant is plea bargaining it would provide some security because it allows them to negotiate the terms of sentencings which is under some other circumstances that may remained mysterious until after the trail is finish. When a defendant has taken a plea, they are missing out on the opportunity to be found not guilty. This is happening for multiple reasons even when it s a strong case. Therefore, also when a defendant takes a plea bargain they are waives many objections and opportunities to inspect or challenge evidence again the defendant.
  • 21. Trauma In Veterans Fighting for your country is hard enough without returning home to face another battlefield, an invisible internal struggle with being home. According to research done by Dr. Patel, almost half of the veterans returning home that were in active duty in Iraq and Afghanistan are coming back with invisible mental wounds that we are still attempting to understand. (Patel, 2015) Many face continuous struggles to reintegrate themselves back into society due to the conditions they are trained under. Understanding the impacts of trauma, more support for caregivers, and a hands on, positive approach to the hidden mental illnesses, society will be better prepared to help veterans transition back to civilian life. Post traumatic stress disorder is not a new concept to the military. Identified in 1945 as war neuroses (Grinker Spielgel, 1945) PTSD, as most psychologists refer to this disorder as, is a common occurs to military personnelstationed within the battle lines. This condition can include having nightmares, flashbacks, mood swings and much more. (U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, 2015) The problem that most returning Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi freedom veterans are facing is... Show more content on ... (Patel, 2015) This creates more problems for not just the veteran themselves, but for the whole community. Some veterans returning home cannot even operate a vehicle themselves due to mental stress. According to the method formed by Viktor Frankl, a Nazi concentration camp survivor, if the veterans could change the negative effects from their experiences into a positive outlook then maybe healing can begin long before returning home (Osran, Smee, Sreenivasan, Weinberger, 2010) Using spiritual motivation accompanied by positive therapies, veterans might be able to transition more smoothly back into
  • 22. Christian Autoethnography Autoethnography Recently Christians of all denominations are getting a reputation of being hateful and hypocritical. I identify with non denominational Christianity, my beliefs fall most closely with Evangelical Christianity. I am part of Grace Covenant Church, which is part of an organization called, Every Nation. Every Nation has churches in Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania, and America. Some folkways that I practice are going to church every Sunday and talking about the message with my family afterwards. For me, church has never been about meeting with people who think like me, it was my time to spend with God. I always preferred one on one time with God, rather than group discussion. Our church holds yearly mission trips, and frequently holds ... Show more content on ... I am a naturally pessimistic person, I look at the state of the world with contempt, being able to see good through all the hate has been imperative for me to continue pushing through my life. I need someone or something to guide me and teach me right from wrong. If I was not raised Christian I would have turned to drugs or self harm, which were both extremely prevalent in my school system. There were people who I knew that would go out at night to vandalize property or break the law for the thrill, all while wearing a neckless with a cross on it. If I had not been educated properly, I would have grown up despising Christians for their hypocritical nature. The foundations for what I believe are inherited from my parents who are both Christian and brought me to church every day. I do think that my religion is my personal choice though. My parents have always said that they would support me no matter what I do in life, even if I were to lose faith in God. I was never pressured to be Christian, but I found truth to the teachings of the church, it was the one place that I felt completely at
  • 23. Life and Poems of Kadarius Brown A young poet who tried to make a living .John Keats lived a roughly life as a child. He was a man who expressed his life in his poetry. Keats experienced bad life situations, great expectations, and depression. On October 31, 1795 an English Romantic lyric was brought forth in this world. He was born in London, England. Keats was the oldest of four children. His mother was Frances Keats. His father was Thomas Keats. Keats lost his parents at age eight. Keats father, whom was a stable keeper, was killed after being trampled by horse. Keats father death left a major impact on him. He then begins to understanding for society that it s both a suffering and a loss, Keats father s dearth greatly disrupted the family s financial security. His mother seemed to be so depressed and managed to make misstep and mistakes after her husband s death. She then quickly remarried and just as quickly lost a good amount of their family s worth. Frances second marriage failed so she left her family and children behind in the care of her mother. She lately returned to her children in life but her life was in tatters. In 1810 she died of tuberculosis After his parents death, Keats found solace and comfort in art and literature . Shortly before his father s death he was attending Enfield Academy, where he proves to be a voracious reader. He became close to the schools headmaster, John Clarke, who served as a sort of a father figure to the orphaned student and he encouraged Keats on his interest
  • 24. High Noon Symbolism The stasis of High Noon is introduced through the opening scene at the outskirts of Hadleyville in the plains and the film is shot in a high contrast black and white. It is in the morning and the sun is high in the clear sky. In the dry plains, seemingly located in the middle of nowhere, we see the cowboy James Pierce with his horse, who waits on top of a rock, near several trees. In the distance, we see another cowboy, Jack Colby, riding his horse through the plains towards the waiting cowboy. Jack Colby arrives, gets off his horse, and sits on top of a rock as both cowboys see a third rider, Ben Miller, coming towards them. When Ben Miller arrives, all three of them ride their horses through the plains and we hear distant bells of a church, as they ride towards Hadleyville. As the cowboys pass through the church and town, many civilians stare at them as they recognize these gang members. Some are afraid while others are astonished and could not believe that they are intruding the town. One female even performs hand gestures that symbolize a silent prayer to God for protection as she sees the men pass by the town. In a courtroom, a wedding is in progress, Marshal, Will Kane, and Quaker, Amy Fowler, face Judge Mettrick. As this is happening, the three cowboys approach a train stationand the stationmaster seems nervous. The cowboys asks the stationmaster if the train will arrive on time and he responds that it will and that there is no reason that it shouldn t. The cowboys
  • 25. Kurt Vonnegut s Slaughterhouse Five, Billy Pilgrim... In today s world we question the problem of free will and it s understanding. Is the nature of humanity characterized by the ability to chose for oneself or through our understanding of physical laws. Is there any room for individuality when and if the world operates under these fundamental laws or whether God has already created a path for us to follow? When this question comes up people tend to want to forget about it. Kurt Vonnegutabjects this illusion of free will in his novel by his use in characters and having free will. In Slaughterhouse five, Billy Pilgrim question the Tralfamadorians, Why me? Their response is simply, ...There is no why. The Tralfamodorians exemplify the role of the other that marks free will as a distinctly a human characteristic. Billy use s this as a means to cope with the reality that pain and suffering is a guarantee. Vonnegut repetition of the phrase So it goes , supports that free will is question with no answer and desensitizes the major suffering and deaths throughout the novel. All of the events in his life were simply uncontrollable and he was able to travel throughout various events in his life easily. In Chapter One the narrator is speaking with movie maker, Harrison Starr, about the book he plans to write about World War II. Starr, compares writing an anti war book to writing an anti glacier book. Harrison stated, ...Why don t you write an anti glacier book instead? This comparison is stating that we do not have free
  • 26. Elliptic Curve Cryptology Used to Make Keys Elliptic Curve Cryptology What and Why of ECC? Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is a public key cryptography technique by making use of elliptic curve properties and their algebraic structure of over finite fields. It is one of the efficient ways of providing encryption of cryptographic keys. Elliptic curves as algebraic/geometric entities have been studied extensively for the past 150 years, and from these studies has emerged a rich and deep theory. Elliptic curve systems as applied to cryptography were first proposed in 1985 independently by Neal Koblitz from the University of Washington, and Victor Miller, who was then at IBM, Yorktown Heights.[1] These curves have allowed establishment of a new generation of asymmetric ... Show more content on ... We take another point Q on the curve. We compute R = P + Q. It is a graphical operation consisting of tracing a line through P and Q. This line defines a unique intersection with the EC: the point R. R is found by taking the symmetric point with respect to the x axis (see figure 2). Figure 2 Example of addition Formally: P = (x1,y1) Q = (x2,y2) R = P + Q = (x3,y3) Where, x3 = У© 2 x1 x2 y3 = У© (x1 + x3) y1 with У© = (y2 y1)/(x2 x1). If P = Q, R = P + Q is equivalent to adding a point to itself: doubling point P. Doubling The operation needs a single point and consists of finding a point 2P. We draw a tangent line to the EC at point P. This line intersects the curve in a point R. Reflecting this point across the x axis gives R: R = 2P. See figure 3. Formally: the only difference with an addition is the definition of У©. У© = (3x1 + a)/2y1 Figure 3 Example of doubling a point P Calculations over the real numbers are slow and inaccurate due to round off error. Cryptographic applications require fast and precise arithmetic; thus elliptic curve groups over the finite fields of Fp and Fm2 are used in practice.[1] The key generation and verification of elliptic curve analogue (ECDSA) of the U.S. government digital signature algorithm (DSA) is described below.
  • 27. ECDSA Key Generation: E is an elliptic curve defined over Fq , and P is a point of prime order n in E (Fq ); these are system wide
  • 28. Bring Your Dog To Work I believe the Bring Your Dog to Work program is a great idea, although, it could cause more harm than good if not managed properly. Dogs are high maintenance animals, and they should be cared for in that manner. Firstly, interacting with well behaved animals can relieve stress and anxiety, as well as increase productivity in the workplace. With the worry of my loney pet gone, I can continue my work in a more relaxed and care free manner. Having one less distraction, makes it easier to focus on what is important, my work. My dog is stuck at home in a kennel, everyday while I am at work. She isn t a bad dog; it s simply, because my cat knowns no fear and will attack my tiny Chiweenie. Bringing Timone, my prevouisly mentioned puppy, to work ... Show more content on ... After, I got attacked by a friend s massive Pit Bull, I was anxious around large dogs for a very long time. Although, I chose to go back around the dog years later, I could not imagine being forced to work next to an animal after my attack. That would be distracting and mentally unhealthy to force someone to work under those conditions. Even the best of pets can be unpredictable around new people or in a new environment. Barking, chewing, or whinging could all be very distracting to someone who is not used to having pets around. That type of distraction would be stressful while trying to focus or nearing a deadline. Furthermore, I believe to make this program successful, there must be rules and regulations set in place. Dogs can carry many diseases and illnesses; which they can spread to humans or the other pets around. The owner should be able to provide propper vet records, showing the animal has all it s shots and no record of violence. I also, believe that animals in the workplace should be well behaved in order to fill their purpose. Company policy should state that the animal recieve obediance class by an approved teacher. This would further set that the animals could interact with new humans and dogs, in a manner acceptable for the work environment. In conclussion, I believe that bringing your dog to work could be very beneficial. Although only under strict rules, could such a frivalous
  • 29. The Importance Of School Uniforms In Schools Approximately 23% of all private and public schools around America have a uniform policy. The idea of bringing uniforms to schools is an issue that has been discussed and argued about for many years. There are very few students who believe that uniforms should be required, and other students just dislike the colors that come with them. Although uniformshave been known to make students look decent, there are many negative side effects that come with them. Some people think that a student wearing a uniformlooks well and respectable, but many americans around the world strongly disagree with this statement. However, the popular opinion is clear. American say schools should not implement or enforce schooluniforms because, they violate the... Show more content on ... In the article, Do Uniforms Make School Better? , Mariah Wilde reveals, In June of 2007, the United States Supreme Court upheld a lower court s decision affirming a Vermont students right to wear a t shirt depicting President Bush surrounded by drug and alcohol images. The school had suspended the student . . . The courts however disagreed with the school. . . . They were protected as free political expression (Wilde). Wilde explains how a student was suspended a t shirt that was worn that had drugs and alcohol on it, but the courts ruled favor of the student. The supreme court protected the student and said that it was their right to have a political expression. Even though some people like the school in this case disagree with a students opinion does not give them the right to suspend the student. If everyone is entitled to the first Amendment, why are students not? Students are still human beings and they are still allowed to have their freedom of speech and their own opinions. Schools teach us to express ourselves and be our own person, but implementing uniforms takes that right away. To illustrate another reason why uniforms should not be implemented in schools is because everyone thinks that uniforms only bring good and no bad, but sadly they are wrong. Uniforms do bring some good, but mainly people are starting to see that uniforms are not getting the right results. Debra Viadero concludes in the article, Uniform Effects , David
  • 30. Diagnostic Medical Sonography Analysis Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS) is a technical branch of the medical field. It is a big part of the medical field. It is used to check the inside of humans and to check on babies. The pay for a sonography is a little above average I think it would suite me well. The schooling time for the field is a short amount of time for the medical field. (SDMyLife) Full time sonographers usually receive benefits like vacation and sick days. They also have somewhat of a flexible schedule to work with. The median annual income for most workers is around $60,000. The highest paying salaries are earned by experience workers have. They can earn anywhere from $44,000 to $86,000 a year. I have wondered about the medical career all of my life, but recently
  • 31. Elapsed Time In The Classroom The math lesson that my practicum partner and I performed in our classroom was a review of elapsed time. The topic of our lesson was telling and writing time to the nearest minute and to solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes. The concept of elapsed time is actually a relatively hard topic, especially at eight years old and having remembering it after returning from spring break with pre PARCC anxiety. That being said, this review was beneficial for the class. We began our lesson by facilitating a carpet discussion about the different strategies that students prefer to figure out how much timehas passed between events. I was very satisfied with how the discussion went, the class that I am placed in loves carpet discussion and... Show more content on ... I was happy with the pair sharing because the students can explain ideas in ways that I may have never considered, and their explanation may help other students understanding. In addition, there is a great sense of classroom community discourse that occurs with this specific class, their level of respect for each other is incredible. Our lesson activity had the students rotating around the room and performing different word problems for about 4 minutes at each station. I think the students liked that they were able to move around. Also the amount of time we gave them was challenging and fun, without making it too intense like a drill. When we went over the answers to the problems we had students come demonstrate how they got their answer on the whiteboard and discuss why they chose the method/strategy they did, which was good because some other students were able to observe and learn. My main regret from this lesson is having the activity answers discussed and displayed with students at their desks and not the carpet. With this specific group they are so much more engaged when they sit at the
  • 32. Research Paper On Amish Amish Life Style The Amish live a different life style than we do. A lot of people misunderstand the way they live their life in rural communities. They think that the Amish live an old fashioned life and fear the real world. All they want to do is help their community every way they can. Each fellowship is broken down into districts where they live independently by rules their community agrees on. The rules consist of clothing requirements, color of buggies, household items, etc. There are around 200,000 members of the Amish in which come from more than 20 states. In fact, the Amish community has been growing. Every 20 years the population doubles. Being born Amish means one has to stay Amish until he/she reach the age of 16.... Show more content on ... Technology is avoided because they want to keep their life unique. Beliefs and Values The Amish have a lot of beliefs and values. They follow the basic beliefs of Christian faith, focusing mainly on adult baptism, simplicity, community, and separation from everyone else. Amish are taught to be selfless and put Jesus and the community first, yourself last, and others in between. Obedience, humility, and simplicity are what the Amish express. If they disobey someone, it is considered dangerous to them. They take no pride in what they do because they don t want to stick out to others. Their clothing, house dГ©cor, and architecture is very simple because once again, they don t want to stand out. Religion being practiced rather than being displayed is what the Amish believe in. They translate this into their daily life. According to them, God has an interest in their lives, families, and communities. God is the force that keeps families and communities so close to each other. When a problem happens, solving it is a very easy way in the Amish life. Every conflict is solved peacefully. The law or violence will never be involved. Keeping apart from the community is something the Amish value. They wear different clothing to be simple. No Amish member serves in the military because to them guns are used for only hunting. They also value their own education system. It is important for the Amish to maintain
  • 33. Ishiguro Diary Entry I didn t plan on writing this diary entry neither did I plan on remembering everything that happened before I became a carer. It was my donors that made me look back at my life and maybe I needed that, my past is a part of me. I m Kathy and I m thirty one years old, and I ve been a carer now for 11 years (Ishiguro 3). This sounds like a long time I know, but they ve been pleased with my work. My donors have always ended up doing much better than expected. Their recovery process has been great, even by the end of a few donations. This is the probably because I know when to comfort the donors, when to just listen or just give them some alone time. Ruth was the donor that I had chosen. Although, all our differences ad not gone away they weren t... Show more content on ... Tommy said [s]he was taking what s going to happen to us one day. Donation and all that (Ishiguro 29). Not only that but apparently we weren t being taught enough which I found oddly confusing. There have been times over the years when I ve tried to leave Hailsham behind (Ishiguro 5) but there came a time where I had to stop resisting. Maybe looking back on my life will always be a memory that I share with myself now that I was a carer for Ruth; it reminded me about things that happened back at the cottages. Those early months at the cottages had been a strange time in our friendship (Ishiguro 126) Ruth and I would be bickering and disagreeing over all kinds of little things. Just as much we would disagree upon things [e]very night we would find ourselves sitting side by side...exchanging our deepest feelings about our new life like nothing had come between us (Ishiguro 126) and that s something I don t want to let go. Now that I ve grown up and have been a carer for a long time, all the things miss. Lucy would say or do had finally made sense. I think I ve been rambling for long enough; anyways I got to get back to work, like Miss. Lucy said our life was set out for
  • 34. Persuasive Essay On Winning Games The thrill of winning a trophy for the first time is always memorable, however, it brings up the question: Is receiving an award for participating just as exciting? Participation awards are a topic highly debated among those of all ages, with none agreeing on a single answer. Individuals who are under the impression that they are essential believe they boost a childs confidence and self esteem. This may be true in some cases, but these trophies could be doing more harm than good. Although in the moment they may appear to be wholesome, they have a lasting effect on children as they grow older. Many children put loads of effort into winning awards, which is belittled by participation trophies that are not only unhelpful and unrewarding, but don t teach them the important values learned by losing. Of course, participation trophies take away from the true meaning of receiving an award and enjoying the sport. Her daughter rarely showed up for her soccer team. She had a terrible attitude, Dweck says. In spite of that, at the end she got a giant trophy and would have been devastated had she not (Turner). Children who put no effort into the sport or activity they have joined still receive an award for being a part of it. This is extremely unfair to those who actually worked hard to make their team successful because it rewards the kids who were barely even engaged in the sport. We need look no further than the 2011 World Series for the value of earning trophies
  • 35. How Do You Respond To His Mother By Langston Hughes The author, Langston Hughes, is speaking to himself through his Mother s voice. His point of view was limited since his observation was speaking of one person and not using I . The tone in the poem is the attitude that children should listen and learn from their parents for him, it was his Mother. His second line compared life to a crystal stair. From the surface, you would think what a metaphor what does life and a crystal stair have any kind of relation to each other? From the Oxford dictionary, the definition of crystal is a piece of a homogeneous solid substance having a natural geometrically regular form with symmetrically arranged plane faces. The key words here are regular , homogeneous , geometrically and symmetrically .
  • 36. The Early Development Of Human Consciousness The early development of human consciousness seems to have given humans a genetic predisposition to the belief in religion. During this early development many chemicals known as entheogens were used during religious sacraments and ceremonies, especially during times when religion was undergoing critical stages of development. Once early humans could communicate concepts effectively they utilized experiences derived from such substances in the integration of theological belief systems. Describing psychoactive substances without using a word that has a negative connotation attached to it can be difficult. In an effort to combat this problem, a committee under the chairmanship of Carl Ruck described after trying out a number of words he came up with entheogen, god generated within , which his committee unanimously adopted (Wasson 30). Psychoactive substances, or entheogens, have been researched for years by scientists, however, research into their historical significance is severely limited. The origin of religion cannot simply be looked at through the perspective of entheogens, there are many factors associated with it which spread multiple fields. Science, sociology, history, archeology, psychology, chemistry and botany all cross over when researching this subject. James McClenon has argued that the conceptions of religion have their origins in the evolution of psychophysiological structures associated with hypnotizability. If one is susceptible to a hypnotic trance
  • 37. Should The Fair Use Doctrine Must Be Won And Defended On... According to Intellectual Property Quotes (n.d.), While American intellectual property deserves protection, that protection must be won and defended in a manner that does not stifle innovation, erode due process under the law, and weaken the protection of political and civil rights on the Internet (Intellectual PropertyQuotes, n.d.). In this paper I will discuss the facts and legal reasoning of this case, what the Fair UseDoctrine is, and will answer the following: why it is important to protect intellectual property, why it is important for society to have access to intellectual property, and whether the Fair Use Doctrine properly balances the rights of content producers against the public good. Facts and Legal Reasoning of This Case According to Gambino (2011, June 21), in a recent movie called The Hangover Part II, Stu Price, a dentist in the movie who is played by actor Ed Helms, wakes up with a tribal tattoo on his face after a night of partying in Bangkok. The tattoo is identical to one that Mike Tyson has, which refers to the boxer s appearance in the 2009 movie The Hangover. S. Victor Whitmill, Mike Tyson s tattoo artist, filed a lawsuit against Warner Bros. Entertainment on April 28, 2011 just a couple weeks before the movie was scheduled to open. He sued them because he had obtained a copyright for the tattoo on April 19, 2011; he claimed that since they were using this tattoo for the movie as well as in advertisements, that this was copyright infringement.
  • 38. Trace Evidence Trace or transfer evidence can be any small, and to the untrained be a seemingly insignificant piece of material, whether man made or natural, that has been left at a crime scene. Edmond Locard, founder of the Institute of Criminalistics at the University of Lyon, France, developed what has become known as Locard s Exchange Principle. This states that every contact leaves a trace (Trace Evidence). Trace evidence can consist of just about anything. Some types of trace evidence include but are not limited to hair, blood and other body fluids, paint, glass, and residues. Throughout the years, trace evidence has become very important in the conviction and even the exoneration of those accused of certain crimes. In 1910 Locard founded the ... Show more content on ... Sperm or semen evidence at a crime scene is usually evidence of a suspected sexual assault. As with bloodstain evidence, semen evidence can also help in identifying perpetrators. Saliva evidence cannot usually be seen from visual examination. Saliva evidence is usually retrieved from another piece of evidence such as cigarette butts, gummed surfaces of envelopes, chewing gum, bite marks, ski and/or nylon masks. Saliva evidence can also be useful in helping to find a suspect. Once it is determined that bio evidence is present, if the object containing the biological fluid can be taken in whole to be processed, it is bagged and labeled as usual. However, if the evidence is on something that cannot be transported, then a swab is taken to gather a sample. The proper gathering, handling and processing of trace evidence is a vital part of any investigation. Because not all cases are cut and dry, the criminals are not caught in the act, having the proper evidence can speak volumes. As stated previously, hair, fingerprints, and biological fluid stains are just some of the common types of trace evidence however, as technology continues to push forward, more and more evidence and ways of testing is coming to light. Bibliography Locard s Exchange Principle. World of Forensic Science. . (2005). Retrieved from
  • 39. Construction Design And Management Regulations General requirements CDM REGULATIONS The Construction Design and Management Regulations 2007 are the responsibility of the client. The Regulations must be followed when any work exceeds more than 500 man hours or takes longer than 30 days to complete. There must be a Planning Supervisor for all projects that fall under the CDM Regulation criteria. PARTY WALL ACT The Party Wall Act 1996 is the responsibility of the client. The process set out in the Party Wall Act must be followed for any work to be carried. This process will need to be complied with for any properties that fall within criteria set out. A Party Wall Agreement with the affected neighbouring properties will need to be completed before any work commences. THERMAL BRIDGING Where possible thermal bridging should be prevented between the insulation layers, e.g. around structural openings. Measures need to be in place to reduce any unplanned air leakage through the new structure. GENERAL SPECIFICATION All plan dimensions are in millimetres. Do not scale any dimensions from this drawing. The appointed contractor is required to check all sizes and dimensions before commencing work on site. No responsibility will be taken for any mistakes in this drawing until all the dimension have been checked prior to commencement on site. If any issues are identified within the drawing they must be highlighted before work commences. Any elements of the existing structure that have new and altered loads are to be exposed
  • 40. Vancomycin Vancomycin is a glycopeptide, narrow spectrum, antibiotic that has been in clinical use for many years, and continues to be one of the most frequently prescribed antibiotic for the following conditions: Empiric therapy of gram positive infections in high risk patients , Empiric therapy of infections associated with central lines, hemodialysis shunts, vascular grafts or prosthetic heart valves, Documented or suspected MRSA or CONS , Patients who are allergic to beta lactams and serious or life threatening infections (e.g. endocarditis, meningitis, osteomyelitis). However, despite its clinical usefulness and established therapeutic benefits, therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is performed due to its high pharmacokinetic (PK) variability, age dependent... Show more content on ... Preventing sub therapeutic levels help to minimize the development of vancomycin resistant organisms, while preventing supra therapeutic levels minimizes undesirable adverse effects such as nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity, neurotoxicity and neutropenia. Moreover, though there are several studies being carried out, there is a lack of a proper vancomycin dosing guideline for pediatrics7, , , . The primary objective of this study is to determine the optimal initial vancomycin dosing regimen in the pediatric population that is most likely to achieve serum vancomycin concentrations that are within the defined target range. Secondary objectives of the study would be to identify patient specific factors affecting vancomycin dosing, for example: age, disease states, dosing frequency and having concomitant medications. An institutionalized guideline would be developed based on the findings of this
  • 41. Discussing the Role of Middle Management Discussing the Role of Middle Management During the 1980s and 1990s, in our increasingly global marketplace, downsizing and re engineering became a common practice in business, eliminating much of the need for middle managers, cutting costs, speeding up decisions, and flattening organizational hierarchies worldwide. Middle managers began to be seen as unnecessary costs, easily replaced by displacing responsibility downward to their subordinates, and uncooperative, even having a negative impact on change. While middle managers still exist today, they must still deal with the general notion that their responsibilities could be displaced even though they are often among the more experienced and knowledgeable employees in a department ... Show more content on ... As a change intermediary, middle managers play an important role between the strategic plan being passed down from higher level management, and the operation core, where the change is manifested. Microdynamics of Inclusion The structure and quality of communication systems in organizations is directly related to overall organizational cohesiveness. In Westley s article Middle Managers and Strategy: Microdynamics of Inclusion, the author discusses the role of middle management in strategic processes. As in the previous article, the author discusses the inherent discontent among middle managers when they feel about they are being excluded from the organization s strategic processes. When a middle manager feels excluded, there are many negative side effects however, the exclusion of middle managers from strategic conversation is inevitable, and inclusion does not guarantee satisfaction. In top down management systems, which have bottom up flows of communication, middle managers are capable of controlling the upward flow of information and expressing the opinions of lower management up to top management. In this way, middle managers have some influence in strategic conversation, and with proper
  • 42. Blue Coolers Research Paper Colorful Coolers Like Yeti, Pink, Red, Blue, Green When most people think of coolers, they think of basic colors. Most often, in our mind we think of red, white, or blue. We also may think of a drab color brown, which is mostly what you see nowadays. Those days of boring color choices has ended. There are now a variety of popular, high end coolers that are giving you more of a variety in color choices. Can you imagine having colorful coolers like Yeti, pink, red, blue, and green? How Many Colors Can You Find in Coolers? The new cooler color choices are impressive. There are coolers available in a huge variety of standard color choices and as an added bonus, some high end cooler manufacturers are allowing you to customize your cooler choices. ... Show more content on ... It is a High Performance Camo cooler. However, if you are not a camo fan, you may also choose to own a haze gray cooler or a tan cooler. Either way you go, you will have a cooler that provides ample ice retention no matter what you are doing. More about the Engel Deep Blue cooler hereв‡’ K2 Coolers When it comes to a statement color cooler, the K2 Summit is perhaps one of the most favorite coolers available. Not only is this cooler available in a very bold pink color, but it is available in a variety of color mix coolers. Some of the most popular choices are the crimson and white, orange and white, purple and yellow, and the basic red cooler with a white lid. If bold isn t your style, white, brown, and gray are also available. Either way, they are all covered by a 7 year warranty. More about the K2 Summit hereв‡’ Pelican Coolers Everyone knows that the Pelican Products ProGear Elite coolers are top of the line. The thing is, most people do not realize the variety of colors that you can choose from. For instance, you can purchase a dark blue, light blue, maroon, green, orange, pink, and yellow cooler as well as the more basic gray, white, and tan coolers. All are backed by a lifetime guarantee and provide excellent ice retention. More about the Pelican ProGear Elite
  • 43. Analysis Of The Beatles Abbey Road Four Beatles in a row, crossing the black and white zebra crossing on Abbey Road, one so serious looking, one barefoot and smoking, one simply looking to keep up with his friends and the fourth in white, hands in pocket and his face swathed in hair compose the cover art of their last recorded album, Abbey Road. The album shows a band still clearly in its prime, capable of songwriting and recording feats that other groups could only envy. Working for the first time exclusively on an eight track tape machine (Richardson), their mastery of the studio was undeniable, and Abbey Road still holds its fresh and exciting appeal nearly forty seven years later. Following the turbulent recording sessions for The Beatlesand Let It Be, longtime producer George Martin was through with the Beatles. He eventually agreed to work with them again after Paul McCartney pleaded with him, but only on the condition that Martin would be in complete control in the studio, just like in the old days (Lifton). The producer would later describe Abbey Road as a happy record... because everybody thought it was going to be the last (Jones). Abbey Road marked the band s going back to working together more like they used to, but as the people they had now become in 1969; however, like the band themselves coming back together, the songs on Abbey Road didn t immediately fall into place; they were the product of much idiosyncratic Beatles brainstorming an activity one part music hall comedy improv (Jones),
  • 44. Textual Analysis Essay example Overview: The text, Writing on Demand: Best Practices and Strategies for Success is designed specifically for teachers by teachers. With a quote on the cover of the text that is highlighted by a bright orange background and explicitly states that this book is Ideal for SAT, ACT, AP, and State Assessment Exams , the text quickly announces that its core audience is going to be teachers within the middle school to high school range. Given the aim of this text, it proves to be a highly beneficial work for aiding teachers in understanding how to adequately prepare their students for the rigors of writing on demand, be it for regular classroom assignments or standardized tests. After a thorough analysis of the text I found many of ... Show more content on ... Context for Usage: The grade levels this text is designed to prepare educators for teaching is evidenced first in its overall discussion of properly preparing students to be able to write on demand for state assessment tests. Given that such tests do not regularly take place until students are out of elementary education it is apparent that this text is directed towards teachers working with a higher age bracket. This is also further revealed in instances where teachers are directed to help students think backwards, a skill that is not highly promoted in elementary education as most children at this age level have not yet developed the capacity to think backwards. The process described for enabling students to analyze prompts is also one that would be dominantly used beyond the beginning years of education. Considering each of these factors, the aim of this text is to be utilized by teachers working with a middle school to high school age bracket. Learning Objectives: Learning objectives promoted in the college level class on teaching writing that this text was handed out in, strongly emphasize the importance of group work, as revealed in the writing theory handout and the scholarly overview handout (see attached).
  • 45. Brunner s Gland Hamartoma Brunner s gland hamartoma is an uncommon benign lesion which is most commonly found in the bulb of the duodenum. It is often a small lesion which is asymptomatic. Most are found incidentally during upper gastrointestinal series or esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Symptoms are often hemorrhage or duodenal obstructive symptoms which are mainly due to ulceration of the lesions. Histologically, Brunner s gland hamartoma consists of components of Brunner s gland cells, containing glandular, adipose and muscle cells. In this study we report a case of a 30 year old man presenting with upper gastrointestinal bleeding and obstructive symptoms due to a giant Brunner s gland hamartoma in the duodenal bulb. The hamartoma was removed successfully by endoscopic resection without significant complications. Microscopically, the lesion was found to be entirely composed of variable Brunner s glands and adipocytes. Key Words: Brunner s gland, Hamartoma, Gastrointestinal Bleeding Case report... Show more content on ... His background was hypertension, diabetes mellitus and hypercholesterolaemia. He was initially seen in a primary clinic and underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy where a duodenal subepithelial lesion was found. He was diagnosed with lipoma by endoscopic ultrasonography. He was treated conservatively and subsequent abdominal ultrasound and colonoscopy findings were normal. The patient received 8 units of blood transfusion twice for iron deficiency anemia. However, the patient did not improve over three months, and had ongoing dizziness and nausea. He was then referred to this hospital for further investigation of gastrointestinal bleeding and known duodenal lesion. The patient denied weight loss or use of non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). His height and weight were 180.9 cm and 145.8 kg, with a body mass index (BMI) of 44.5
  • 46. Abnormal Behavior In Safe Haven The last movie that I watched that had themes of abnormal behavior was Safe Haven. In this movie there was an alcoholic husband and a wife who gets beaten. The wife finally gets the courage to fight back one night. She knocks her husband out, packs some things and leaves. Changes her hair color and her name, takes a bus until she finds a small town she feels comfortable in. Her husbands life now revolves around trying to find her, he is detective so he has access to a lot more than any other person. He goes around door to door in his community seeing if anyone has seen her. The husband looks on the bus station footage and finds her getting on to a bus, and he now realizes that her hair is a different color. So now he gets a sketch