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How To Write A Bullying Proposal
Dear Henry County School Board,
Personally, I have never been a victim in any shape or sort of bullying. However According to the
National Center For Education Statistics, there are 14.9 Million students in the U.S. and at least 47
Percent of them will be effected in some shape of bullying. That is over 6 Million kids in the U.S.
who will be impacted by bullying. It also states that girls are less likely to be contributors of
bullying, they still have the same effects or it can be just as bad as the boys bullying. According to
the National Bullying Prevention Center bullying happens in numerous places. Such as, Hallways,
Cafeteria, Classrooms, Bathroom, School buses, Social Media, Locker Rooms, And Outside of
To prevent bullying in most of these places could be fairly simple. Hallways could be patrolled by
teachers more content...
Teachers need to be more observant and more responsible, such as getting on to students when
they start to make fun of somebody or take pictures of them, etc. The bathrooms could be patrolled
by a certain person throughout the day, to make sure nobody is fighting or if a student is targeting
another student and wait for them to go to the bathroom, then they could stop that from happening.
On the school buses they could have assigned seats over time when the bus driver knows who is
who, and how they act around one another and keep the loud obnoxious ones in the front, and the
quiet ones in the back or vice versa. Social media would be up to the students to stop other students
from bulling them. On most social media such as Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc. Users have an
option to block other users of the application. The school board could hold a meeting about this if it
got too serious. Locker rooms during gym could be patrolled by the gym teachers while the students
are changing respectively to the gender
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Domestic Violence research proposal
Abstract The purpose of this study is to see whether or not domestic violence causes a damaging
affect on children. The study will included criminal justice students in College and the age range
will be between 18 and 23 years old. The method is qualitative and will be an interview.
Introduction Domestic violence can be defines as a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used
to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. Abuse is physical, sexual, emotional,
economic pr psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person. This includes
any behaviors that frighten, intimidate, terrorize, manipulate, hurt, humiliate, blame, injure or wound more content...
When faced with domestic violence these children sometimes carry on violence when they become
adults or blame themselves. This article explores theories and situations that show the long term and
short term effects of domestic violence. They identified 41 studies that provided relevant and
adequate data for inclusion in a meta–analysis. Forty of these studies indicated that children 's
exposure to domestic violence was related to emotional and behavioral problems, translating to a
small overall effect (Wolfe, Crooks, Lee, McIntyre–Smith, & Jaffe, 2003). Another article connects
domestic violence with personal control. Research showed that woman victims of domestic
violence may have some undermine feelings of low personal control. The consequence of domestic
violence are substantial in terms of physical injuries, psychological and emotional distress, and
substance abuse among victims. The loss of personal control has been associated with depression,
substance abuse, suicide, and a loss of self esteem among female victims. This article concludes that
there is a strong link between the loss of personal control and domestic violence (Johnson 2005).
This article is about a documentary. The components are based on the premise that violence against
women is a direct consequence of patriarchal institutions that empower and privilege men over
women. This was made to make visible the intimate violence and abuse that had been
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How To Write A Community Teaching Proposal
Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal
Directions: Develop an educational series proposal for your community using one of the following
four topics:
2)Environmental Issues
3)Primary Prevention/Health Promotion
4)Secondary Prevention/Screenings for a Vulnerable Population
Planning Before Teaching:
Name and Credentials of Teacher
Estimated Time Teaching Will Last:
30minsLocation of Teaching:
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish
Supplies, Material, Equipment Needed:
Paper handoutsEstimated Cost:
Community and Target Aggregate: Catholic community, CCD class of 5th graders and 2 adults to
monitor discussion
Topic: Primary Prevention/Health Promotion, Hand washing more content...
If an HP2020 objective does not support your teaching, explain how your teaching applies to one of
the two overarching HP2020 goals.
The Healthy People 2020 has two over riding goals: Prevent, reduce, and ultimately eliminate
healthcare–associated infections (HAIs), and promote respiratory health through better prevention,
detection, treatment, and education efforts.
Controlling spread of infection is the key for the individual or the health care provider and washing
hands is the first step. Hand washing is the most single most important strategy for preventing
infection transmission. HAIs are the most common complication of hospital care. However, recent
studies suggest that implementing existing prevention practices can lead to up to a 70 percent
reduction in certain HAIs. The financial benefit of using these prevention practices is estimated to
be $25.0 billion to $31.5 billion in medical cost savings ( 2020).
How Does This HP2020 Objective Relate to Alma Ata's Health for All Global Initiatives (See page
116 in the textbook)? Declaration of Alma–Ata
International Conference on Primary Health Care, Alma–Ata, USSR, 6–12 September
The Conference strongly reaffirms that health, which is a state of complete physical, mental
And social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or
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Part 1
Differences between "Formal Research" and "Business Proposals" There is a great difference
between a formal research proposal and a business proposal. In fact these two types of proposals
seem to be very similar but there are critical differences in the overall purpose, uses and goals. With
such distinct differences for a writer it helps in understanding for writing the formal research proposal
or business proposal more effectively. The general purpose of a proposal is the identify a particular
need, explain it and recommend how this need can best be met. Both proposals have different usage
in business system. The formal proposals very frequently used by the product developers and
financial analysts to figure out if there is more content...
One solution that many businesses have started turning to, is human resource outsourcing. Basically,
this involves contracting all of your HR–related job duties out to a company that specializes in
providing HR support to other businesses. There are many different options when it comes to human
resource outsourcing. Some HR outsourcing has been going on for many years. The most common
tasks which companies outsource including things like payroll processing, attendance and time
record keeping, and the filing of and paying of business taxes. Human resource professionals are
closely involved with the issues related to managing employees, including recruitment, training, and
employee turnover. Human resource professionals have a unique position within the organization as
advocates for the employee and as advisers for senior leadership Organizational HR practices build
employee commitment and loyalty and can offset the negative impact of turnover. Proactive HR
practices can reduce turnover with skill–building programs and learning for employees When
outsourcing occurs, internal employees may feel less trust in the organisation. This leads to reduced
levels of employee performance and cooperation. Outsourcing providers may also find it difficult to
adapt to the new social and organizational culture. This mismatch can end with conflict between
internal employees and the external providers. Hence, the relationship between internal employees
and external
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Do you know the similarities and differences between a funding proposal and a research proposal?
According to the website, writing a funding proposal was created to
help empower people to be successful in gaining funds for projects that provide worthwhile social
service. Aresearch proposal considers your overall topic ideas, your research question, your
research process, and your sources and scaffolds what the next steps will be for the project. There
are similarities and differences between writing a funding proposal and a research proposal.
A research proposal is most often written by scholars seeking grant funding for a research project or
it's the first step in getting approval to write a doctoral dissertation. Even if this is just a course
assignment, the introduction is the initial pitch of an idea or a thorough examination of the
significance of a research problem. After reading the introduction, readers should not only
understand what is being proposed. Most proposals do not include an abstract before the
introduction. Background and Significance, this section can be melded into your introduction or
you can create a separate section to help with the organization and narrative flow of your proposal.
This is where you explain the context of your proposal and describe in detail why it's important.
Approach writing this section with the thought that you can't assume your readers will know as
much about the research problem as you do. Note
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Business Proposal
Business proposal
A business proposal is perhaps one of the most critical documents you need to learn how to write. It
is what spells the difference between success and failure, whether you're a freelancer or you have a
company of your own.
In today's cut–throat business world, entrepreneurs find themselves spending hours upon hours
submitting business proposals to potential clients, and not get any results. On the other hand, there
are those that are like snipers, able to get the contract after just submitting one business proposal.
So how do they do it? Well, this article will teach you show you how to do just that.
The Basics of a Business Proposal
Before you even go and start writing that business proposal, you must first more
Pricing Information
For many clients, the pricing information is what will make them decide whether they would offer
you the contract or not.
How to write this part greatly depends on the solution or solutions you included in the previous
segment. If the solution proposed will only entail a short period of time, a Fee Summary will
suffice. For longer projects, segment these payments to specific milestones in a Fee Schedule list.
Things to Remember When Writing a Business Proposal
Now that you know the essentials of a winning business proposal, it's time to go ahead and start
writing, right? Well, not exactly.
The next part is to be able to find out what to put under the 3 Ps so that you can develop a business
proposal that gets their attention and awards you that contract.
Do Your Research
Not all clients and buyers will give you the explicit details of their wants and needs, especially if
you're submitting an unsolicited business proposal. Extend your research9 to include the
competitors of your potential client, and their customers as well. This will ensure that your business
proposal will be as comprehensive and as detailed as possible.
Put Yourself in their Shoes
Another thing to remember when writing a business proposal is to always put yourself in the shoes
of your potential clients. Doing this will help you provide information on things that they would
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Business Proposal
How to write business proposals that persuade clients and win contracts
Your Proposal Must Persuade
Business proposals are written for one reason – to win business. You win business when your
proposals persuade clients that your solutions are better than your competitors. So, as you start to
write your proposal, bear in mind that your main objective is to persuade the reader to buy your
Persuasion takes four steps
Your proposal will persuade the reader if you do four things:
1. Understand the client's need
You get the reader's attention by stating a specific need or problem they have and explain how you
can solve this. Every client–centred proposals show that you understand their need. Show clients that
you more content...
8. How to support or prove assertions? What evidence is required to persuade the client?
9. What are the main weaknesses in the proposal? Where could it fall down or be rejected it?
10. What assumptions are made in the proposal?
11. Does this proposal state that the client must take some action? Are the consequences of inaction
12. What costs, in time and money, would result in this inaction?
13. Are there human resource issues involving coordinating large numbers of people and resources
for the proposal? Prepare a Winning Strategy
What every strategy must consider
Every proposal must include an understanding of three things:
В•Their business needs
В•Your strengths
В•The competitor's strengths and weaknesses The client's business needs
Of the three elements in any strategy; this is the most important. If your get this step wrong, all your
efforts will be in vain. Use the seven–step, client–centred approach mentioned earlier to identify the
client's need or problem. Your company's business strengths
To win proposals, you need to establish the difference between itself and the competition. To do this,
head separate sheets of paper with the names of your products and services. Beneath each heading,
list everything that makes you stand out in the marketplace, and that separates you from the
competition. Try to identify "uniqueness selling points" about your business. The competitor's
strengths & weaknesses
Look at
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Application For An Expert Grant Writer
Basically, a proposal refers to the application managers used to request funding. The applications are
published by the government funding, charitable organizations, agencies, businesses and other
individuals. Indeed, a grant proposal writer should pursue the sponsor's intention. An expert grant
writer requires knowledge in various areas. Proposal writing skills are critical in an organization, an
excellent grant writer should able to make a good research and connect the grant's elements. The
elements of an effective proposal are "content development, demonstrating scientific, economic, and
social benefits, satisfying program criteria, addressing funding agency requirements, proper
formatting/language, demonstrating the sustainability of the project's output, monitoring and
evaluation provisions, budgeting, and administrative/ financial capacity/experience" (Belmain,
2016). A well written proposal includes references from trusty source and citations. It requires well
developed ideas, the project's philosophy must be detailed with persuasive information, it should
provide information on how the program will be delivered (Belmain, 2016).
A proposal document includes the description of the social, economic and scientific advantages. In
the same way, the proposal strategies are developed according to the donor's requirements. Therefore,
research consistency and project's development strategies are essential. Equally, the proposal should
present financial assistance, be
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Problem Proposal
Defining the need in the problem statement creates the structure for the rest of the grant. The first
step is the assessing of the need to alleviate some of the symptoms of a systemic issue. To do this
a literature review of the previous research must be completed. This shows that as an active
participant of the program you're well read on the subject. You're providing an intellectual
stewardship to prove you're well embedded as someone possible of helping. While clarifying who
is affected by the need, a sense of urgency is added. It is important to go beyond the target
population as a way to add scope. With the different levels of social interconnectedness, there is
always other people affected outside of the target population. If more content...
She insists, "50% of funding is about showing up". To adjust your writing she also suggests
reading through their material. Adjusting the concept of SMART from the previous guest lecturer,
Andrea adds an S to create SMARTS. The addition of sustainability and legitimacy is meant to
appeal to the investment aspect of the grant. To maintain the conversational aspect of writing, she
also stressed being flexible to changes while writing. As a faculty member at UCSC she was able
to provide more insight on the SVC. For the purpose of this course, we were reminded that
applying for the $1,000 grant is like "shooting fish in a barrel". The role as participants in academia
places a sense of responsibility on us to help the community. Talking about the requirements and
those working at the SVC's board shows that grant is something obtainable. Writing to the university,
it is also important to take the focus off our personal passion and towards the community. Andrea
described her background on grant writing as a non linear path, meaning she didn't start off with the
intention of writing. Her combination of a bachelors, masters, and PhD in different subjects makes
her a proper interdisciplinary scholar well suited for writing. As a French and art history focus she
studied the emotional, holistic understanding of concepts through empathy. Then her work with the
elderly exposed her to a need for the
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Proposal On Foster Care
Providing a child with an outstanding support system is a vital key in creating an environment in
which he or she can learn how to grow as a child, and as a human being. Here at American Airlines
we strive to provide children with the absolute highest of quality in foster care. We are pleased to
create a proposal that, we believe, will help the Dallas foster care system improve on some of their
current issues. The proposal aims to not only construct and provide local events to raise awareness
about these issues, but to also host fundraisers geared towards improving the living conditions of
foster children. One of these issues is the overcrowding of current foster homes in the Dallas
metroplex area.
Figure 1 shows foster home capacity needs by county: red meaning an under supply of foster
homes, and blue meaning an oversupply of foster homes. From figure 1, we can see that Dallas
County is facing a deficit (undersupplied) of foster homes available to foster children. We can also
see from Figure 1 that the surrounding areas of Dallas, such as: Denton county, Collin county,
Kaufman county, and Rockwall county all have an oversupply of foster homes. This means that
children from Dallas county have no other choice but to move to foster homes outside of Dallas
county. This results in moving away from friends and family, which can be traumatizing to a child.
We feel that this is one of the primary problems we aim to fix in the Dallas foster care system. Early
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Guidelines on Writing a Research Proposal
Guidelines on writing a research proposal
This is a guide to writing M.A. research proposals. The same principles apply to dissertation
proposals and to proposals to most funding agencies. It includes a model outline, but advisor,
committee and funding agency expectations vary and your proposal will be a variation on this basic
theme. Use these guidelines as a point of departure for discussions with your advisor. They may
serve as a straw–man against which to build your understanding of both your project and of proposal
For USM students, the same rules apply as for proposals everywhere in the world.
Proposal Writing
Proposal writing is important to your pursuit of a graduate degree. The proposal specifies what more content...
One problem with this type of research is that you might find the perfect succinct answer to your
question on the night before (or after) you turn in the final draft ––– in someone else's work. This
certainly can knock the wind out of your sails. (But note that even a straight–ahead science thesis can
have the problem of late in the game discovering that the work you have done or are doing has
already been done, this is where familiarity with the relevant literature by both yourself and your
committee members is important.)
A Couple of Models for Proposals
A Two Page (Preliminary Proposal) Model
Here is a model for a very brief (maybe five paragraph) proposal that you might use to interest
faculty in sitting on your committee. People who are not yet hooked may especially appreciate its
In the first paragraph, the first sentence identifies the general topic area. The second sentence gives
the research question, and the third sentence establishes its significance.
The next couple of paragraphs gives the larger historical perspective on the topic. Essentially list the
major schools of thought on the topic and very briefly review the literature in the area with its major
findings. Who has written on the topic and what have they found? Allocate about a sentence per
important person or finding. Include any preliminary
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Developing Effective Research Proposals
title: author: publisher: isbn10 | asin: print isbn13: ebook isbn13: language: subject publication date:
lcc: ddc: subject:
Developing Effective Research Proposals Essential Resources for Social Research Punch, Keith.
Sage Publications, Inc. 0761963553 9780761963554 9780585386072 English Social sciences––
Research––Methodology, Proposal writing in the social sciences. 2000 H62.P92 2000eb 300/.72
Social sciences––Research––Methodology, Proposal writing in the social sciences.
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Page i Developing Effective Research Proposals
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Page ii
Series Editor: Keith F Punch, University of Western Australia A series of short practical 'how
books aimed at more content...
k 5.3.3 Sample 5.3.4 Data collection (instruments, procedures, ethical issues) 5.3.5 Data analysis 5.4
The question of methodological expertise 5.5 Review concepts and questions Notes 6 Writing the
Proposal 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Proposal headings 6.3 Qualitative proposals Notes 7 Tactics 7.1
Introduction 7.2 General tactical issues 7.3 Departmental (or University) guidelines 7.4 Getting
started 7.4.1 The 'two pager'
27 27 29 29 30 30 32 32 34 35 37 38 40 41 42 45 46 48 50 50 51 52 53 54 54 57 60 60 62 63 65 65
66 75 78 79 79 80 80 82 83
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Page vii 7.4.2 The ideas paper 7.4.3 Working deductively 7.5 The value of discussion 7.6 The
value of writing it down 7.7 Three common dilemmas 7.7.1 Several topics at once 7.7.2 Getting to
closure versus getting to closure too quickly 7.7.3 Focus on context, background and literature
versus focus on research questions 7.8 The importance of clarity 7.9 Examples of proposals Notes
Appendix 1: Disentangling the terms 'perspective', 'strategy' and 'design' Appendix 2: Questions to
guide proposal development References Index
83 84 84 85 85 86 87 88 89 90 109 111 114 119 123
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Page viii Figures 2.1 Simplified model of research (without hypotheses) 3.1 Simplified model of
research (with hypotheses) 4.1 Pre–specified versus unfolding: the timing of structure
18 31 41
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Page ix Boxes and Tables 3.1
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A Sample Group Counseling Project Proposal
A group Counseling Project Proposal – sample
What is Group Counseling?
Purpose of the group counseling varies from group to group. It can be therapeutic, educational, or
helping people to make fundamental changes in their way of thinking, feeling and behaving (Corey,
2004, p. 7). Group counseling/therapy has the advantage of being more effective than individual
therapy because, it more closely stimulates social interactions and interpersonal communication
patterns than does individual counseling (Kottler, 2004, p. 260). The techniques and strategies use in
group counseling are to help resolve members' interpersonal conflict, promote greater self–awareness
and insight, and help them work to eliminate their self– more content...
The Centre has conducted more than fifty group–counseling programs in twenty schools in this
community, both public and private, during the last four years. It also has conducted a variety of
group counseling programs for the families, youth, college students, teacher training institutes, army,
senior citizens and tourist resorts. Individual counseling service is also proceeding on a daily basis.
The following are a brief description of the type of group, the target population, basic purposes of the
group, rationale for this group, requirements to join the group, and the theoretical approaches.
Type of Group: This proposal is aimed to conduct a short– term, "personal–growth type group".
Population: The counseling group will be conducted for the adolescent male students of the Public
Secondary Boy's School. This is achieved through realistic goal setting by the group members with
the guidance of the group leader. Purpose: The purpose of this group is to facilitate personal growth
by enhancing self–esteem and developing a positive self–image, so that the members will gain
self–awareness of their own feelings, personal values and needs. They also will increase
self–understanding and self–acceptance for better functioning and leading a better life in the future.
Rational for the Group: The need for conducting a group counseling program for adolescents is
crucial because they are in a very critical stage in their life. Group couselling for
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Project Proposal Essay
Project Proposal INTRODUCTION
Topic and Purpose
This proposal identifies the need for a document, which will propose and develop reasons why a
for–profit transportation service for Kent should be perused. This service should be considered
because of the recent parking and commuting problems both on and off campus.
There have been many reasons why on–campus parking has become difficult in recent years.
Increased student enrollment at Kent State University has posed many problems. The parking lots
cannot facilitate the growing need for vehicle parking. Campus officials have undertaken
construction projects to curb the parking problem, but these renovations have closed lots in the near
term. Also, the increased enrollment more content...
The demand for student bus transportation has far exceeded the supply. Also, vandalism and
automotive theft has nearly doubled since 1997. DUI convictions have quadrupled in the city of
Kent since last year. The need for public transportation is quite clear.
Because of this evident crisis in transportation, a solution must be in order.
This proposal will outline and validate the impending document generally. First the general nature of
the document will be discussed; then the ensuing proposal will be outlined.
The proposed document must be constructed to demonstrate the need for a new for–profit
transportation service. It will present a business plan, and then go into detail about characteristics
specific to this service.
Information about competitive transportation services will be gathered. Questionnaires will be
distributed to students and faculty of Kent State University in order to gather customer insight. Also,
a financial consulting firm will be hired to provide professional assistance. Document Outline
The proposed document will include the following specific sections. This outline is tentative and
may be adjusted in accord with new developments.
Description of Business Entity and General Operations Type of BusinessType of Legal Entity Type
of Facilities Organizational Structure
Type of Service the Business will provide
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Sample Proposal Letter Essay
include errors in content or grammar. Please refer to the instructions to make sure you include the
correct content and edit carefully.
September 22, 2003
To: Leslie Bickford
From: Diana Ferry Put your initials here!
RE: Proposal for Final Project
I request that you accept my topic for the Writing 465 final project. Hopefully, I will be able to use
this project to help alleviate the current parking problem at Winthrop University. Jack Allen, from
Campus Police, and Walter Hardin, Associate Vice President for Facilities Management, have shown
interest in my project.
Winthrop University is a small public school with an enrollment of 5,065 undergraduate students
(Fall 2002). Although there is a wonderful parking more content...
After years more of complaining, they decided to add a parking garage to their campus. Although
this garage eliminated 200 spaces, it added 613. The price of this garage was $5.5 million. Arkansas
State used the parking deck, as well as the reserved parking system to help alleviate their situation.
Many other campuses utilize the same systems, such as: University of Cincinnati, University of
Iowa, University of Louisville, University of Pittsburgh, University of South Florida, University of
Tennessee, University of Wisconsin, and many more.
There are currently only a handful of reserved spaces on campus, and the ground has yet to be
broken for the construction of the parking deck. In fact, Winthrop University does not even have
all the funds needed to build this parking deck. When I approached Jack Allen, of Campus Police,
with my idea of reserved parking spaces, he told me that he thought it was a good idea. Walter
Hardin, when given the same idea, seemed to think that the reserved parking system would not
realistically work out but was open to the proposal.
I am planning to find the funding needed to establish reserved parking at Winthrop University
through Campus Police and the current traffic and parking system. Hopefully, Winthrop University
and Campus Police will recognize the need and responsibility to fund these reserved parking spaces.
My report will
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Summary: A Modest Proposal Letter
Sir, I'm so sorry for not being responsive however, I'll forward this RFI to Mr. Matthews and his
NCOIC SSG Pfister so, that they'll provide all with the requested information. Thanks, for all you
do and I truly appreciate your efforts and support IOT ensure we're achieving success each and every
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Writing A Grant Proposal Essay
Steps to Writing a Grant Proposal
Section One: Grant Proposal Writing
For all organizations funding can be an issue. Depending if the organization is for profit, they depend
on loans and revenue to support them, building inventory, and expanding. While non–profits depend
on grants and donations to keep their organizations running. The most important with non–profits is
writing grant proposals to keep the financial aspects of the organization intact. Human services need
to take great care in who is responsible of writing grant proposals for their organization.
The important steps that must be followed in writing the grant proposal after finding the appropriate
request for proposal or application is to write an abstract for more content...
The project management aspects address staffing, their responsibilities, the organizational structure,
and how this program is related to past projects. The budget and budget justifications stage of
proposal writing shows how the money requested will be spent and why it should be spent the way
the detailed budget has projected. Items like the percentage to be spent on general expenses, salaries,
staffing, and travel are all important to funders; if the largest percent of administrative salaries exist,
the funder may require money be spent on other purposes. The other sources and amounts of funding
which have been committed should be disclosed in this section of the proposal.
An ending summary which pulls together the plan, the desired outcomes related to mission, goals
and objectives, the budgetary definitions, and how all interventions will best serve the clients
involved in a situation where urgent or unique need has made the program important. Grant writing
is a skill that will be developed with greater expertise through practice and experiences with funders.
Great care should be taken to properly apply for grants related to specific programs and projects;
otherwise, future submittals may be discounted because an agency has previously ignored the
requirements of
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Steps to Writing a Grant Proposal Essay
Steps to writing a grant proposal
September 11, 2011
Shelley Johnson–Gildwarg
Steps to writing a grant proposal
When writing a grant proposal there are many of different areas that need to be covered in the
proposal. The proposal needs to have 11 different sections. These sections are:
1. Abstract–45 lines max.
2. Table of Contents–2 pages max.
3. Specific Aims (Needs/Problems, Working Hypothesis, Objectives, Interventions, etc.)–3 pages
4. Target Populations–2 pages max.
5. Approaches and Methods (Project Goals and Objectives, Activities, Time Line, etc.)–6 pages max.
6. Evaluation Plan–3 pages max.
7. Agency Capacity and Project Management–3 pages max.
9. Budget and Budget Justification–3 pages max. more content...
When writing the Needs/Problem Statement they must be careful they are not "preaching to the
choir." Most funders are already somewhat aware of the problems in the community. Instead of
telling the funder what they already know (where they are coming from) they may try to inform
them what approach they are going to take to help provide the community an end to the problem.
The Literature Review is vital to the process as it provides objective support data and rationales for
the arguments in the proposal and the development of the interventions. It is a well–developed
review of relevant information from creditable sources to lean support to the approaches presented in
the proposal.
The writer needs to briefly identify why their Target Population(s) should be funded when another
group or population whom may be equally at need should not be funded. What makes their target
population stick out and be better suited for the funding?
Approaches and Methods are often referred to as goals and objectives, and activities and timelines
by some funding agencies. This part of the proposal contains a lot of information so the writer
should start off with a summary. It is important to reach the target population as if they do not the
proposal would be worthless.
The Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives, Activities, and tasks are the terms program planners use.
These terms can also confuse
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Crime Research Proposal
Micheal Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi's general theory of crime purports to be able to predict all
crime at all time and that a person's level of self–control is determined and unchangeable by age
eight. This researcher saw this theory as an awfully broad statement and an extremely pessimistic
view of human nature. By this logic, a person with a low score on the selfcontrol construct would be
almost guaranteed to commit crime given the appropriate opportunity and little can be done to
change that behavior. This researcher proposes that self–control can be learned and bolstered later in
life through extensive behavior modification programs that work to curb more content...
Self–control theory enthusiasts claim that the characteristics of those with self–restraint are not
well–matched with the elements that characterize criminal and deviants acts (Gibbs et al 1998),
consequently this researcher hypothesizes that increasing self–control and restraint through behavior
modification will make criminal sexual opportunity less appealing and therefore decrease recidivism.
Dr. Lane, Research Proposal Ex 4, Spring 2001, page 2
LITERATURE REVIEW The general theory of crime is relatively new and controversial theory in
the realm of criminology. Micheal Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi published A General Theory of
Crime in 1990 and it went on to become the second most cited book in the entire 1990s (Pratt and
Cullen, 2000). Their theory is based on the argument, not unlike Hirschi's social bonding theory that
criminal activity is gratifying and the key to understanding participation in crime is discovering what
prevents people from breaking the law. They contend that committing crime and other analogous
behaviors (drinking, gambling, drug use, reckless driving, and unsafe sexual practices) start
manifesting in conduct problems early in life. The term "low self–control" is used to describe the
enduring "criminality" or "criminal propensity" that increases the likelihood that individuals will be
unable to resist the easy, immediate
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Sample Csr Proposal
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–APRIL 2011 |
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MeowWorld is a Malaysian Consultancy company specializing in the things related tocat
specifically and also other cat–related products and services such as cat food and creating ways to
treat a cat to name a few designed to help society aware of the arising problems especially in
handling stray cats on the street.
The company was established in June 2010 in order to cater the needs of awareness about cats
among the society especially stray cats that have caused major problems in Malaysia nowadays. It
is headed by Faruq Yamin, Director, who worked with Society for the Protection of Cruelty to
Animals Selangor (SPCA Selangor) in 2004. SPCA is now regarded as one of the leading animal
welfare organization in Malaysia.
The company's vision is to be the leading company in providing cat–related services with informed
expertise and consistently high quality solutions for cat matters. Above all, we are looking forward
to be the largest cat consultancy company in Malaysia and expanding operation throughout the world.
Meanwhile, the company's missions are to: 1) Minimize the number of stray cat in Malaysia. 2) To
create awareness and serve humanity value in the society. 3) Providing the largest and well–equip
cat care centre in Malaysia. 4) Providing the best
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How To Write Proposal Essay

  • 1. How To Write A Bullying Proposal Dear Henry County School Board, Personally, I have never been a victim in any shape or sort of bullying. However According to the National Center For Education Statistics, there are 14.9 Million students in the U.S. and at least 47 Percent of them will be effected in some shape of bullying. That is over 6 Million kids in the U.S. who will be impacted by bullying. It also states that girls are less likely to be contributors of bullying, they still have the same effects or it can be just as bad as the boys bullying. According to the National Bullying Prevention Center bullying happens in numerous places. Such as, Hallways, Cafeteria, Classrooms, Bathroom, School buses, Social Media, Locker Rooms, And Outside of school. To prevent bullying in most of these places could be fairly simple. Hallways could be patrolled by teachers more content... Teachers need to be more observant and more responsible, such as getting on to students when they start to make fun of somebody or take pictures of them, etc. The bathrooms could be patrolled by a certain person throughout the day, to make sure nobody is fighting or if a student is targeting another student and wait for them to go to the bathroom, then they could stop that from happening. On the school buses they could have assigned seats over time when the bus driver knows who is who, and how they act around one another and keep the loud obnoxious ones in the front, and the quiet ones in the back or vice versa. Social media would be up to the students to stop other students from bulling them. On most social media such as Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc. Users have an option to block other users of the application. The school board could hold a meeting about this if it got too serious. Locker rooms during gym could be patrolled by the gym teachers while the students are changing respectively to the gender Get more content on
  • 2. Domestic Violence research proposal Abstract The purpose of this study is to see whether or not domestic violence causes a damaging affect on children. The study will included criminal justice students in College and the age range will be between 18 and 23 years old. The method is qualitative and will be an interview. Introduction Domestic violence can be defines as a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. Abuse is physical, sexual, emotional, economic pr psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person. This includes any behaviors that frighten, intimidate, terrorize, manipulate, hurt, humiliate, blame, injure or wound more content... When faced with domestic violence these children sometimes carry on violence when they become adults or blame themselves. This article explores theories and situations that show the long term and short term effects of domestic violence. They identified 41 studies that provided relevant and adequate data for inclusion in a meta–analysis. Forty of these studies indicated that children 's exposure to domestic violence was related to emotional and behavioral problems, translating to a small overall effect (Wolfe, Crooks, Lee, McIntyre–Smith, & Jaffe, 2003). Another article connects domestic violence with personal control. Research showed that woman victims of domestic violence may have some undermine feelings of low personal control. The consequence of domestic violence are substantial in terms of physical injuries, psychological and emotional distress, and substance abuse among victims. The loss of personal control has been associated with depression, substance abuse, suicide, and a loss of self esteem among female victims. This article concludes that there is a strong link between the loss of personal control and domestic violence (Johnson 2005). This article is about a documentary. The components are based on the premise that violence against women is a direct consequence of patriarchal institutions that empower and privilege men over women. This was made to make visible the intimate violence and abuse that had been Get more content on
  • 3. How To Write A Community Teaching Proposal Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal Directions: Develop an educational series proposal for your community using one of the following four topics: 1)Bioterrorism/Disaster 2)Environmental Issues 3)Primary Prevention/Health Promotion 4)Secondary Prevention/Screenings for a Vulnerable Population Planning Before Teaching: Name and Credentials of Teacher Estimated Time Teaching Will Last: 30minsLocation of Teaching: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Supplies, Material, Equipment Needed: Paper handoutsEstimated Cost: None Community and Target Aggregate: Catholic community, CCD class of 5th graders and 2 adults to monitor discussion Topic: Primary Prevention/Health Promotion, Hand washing more content... If an HP2020 objective does not support your teaching, explain how your teaching applies to one of the two overarching HP2020 goals. The Healthy People 2020 has two over riding goals: Prevent, reduce, and ultimately eliminate healthcare–associated infections (HAIs), and promote respiratory health through better prevention, detection, treatment, and education efforts. Controlling spread of infection is the key for the individual or the health care provider and washing hands is the first step. Hand washing is the most single most important strategy for preventing infection transmission. HAIs are the most common complication of hospital care. However, recent studies suggest that implementing existing prevention practices can lead to up to a 70 percent reduction in certain HAIs. The financial benefit of using these prevention practices is estimated to be $25.0 billion to $31.5 billion in medical cost savings ( 2020). How Does This HP2020 Objective Relate to Alma Ata's Health for All Global Initiatives (See page 116 in the textbook)? Declaration of Alma–Ata International Conference on Primary Health Care, Alma–Ata, USSR, 6–12 September 1978 The Conference strongly reaffirms that health, which is a state of complete physical, mental And social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or
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  • 5. Part 1 Differences between "Formal Research" and "Business Proposals" There is a great difference between a formal research proposal and a business proposal. In fact these two types of proposals seem to be very similar but there are critical differences in the overall purpose, uses and goals. With such distinct differences for a writer it helps in understanding for writing the formal research proposal or business proposal more effectively. The general purpose of a proposal is the identify a particular need, explain it and recommend how this need can best be met. Both proposals have different usage in business system. The formal proposals very frequently used by the product developers and financial analysts to figure out if there is more content... One solution that many businesses have started turning to, is human resource outsourcing. Basically, this involves contracting all of your HR–related job duties out to a company that specializes in providing HR support to other businesses. There are many different options when it comes to human resource outsourcing. Some HR outsourcing has been going on for many years. The most common tasks which companies outsource including things like payroll processing, attendance and time record keeping, and the filing of and paying of business taxes. Human resource professionals are closely involved with the issues related to managing employees, including recruitment, training, and employee turnover. Human resource professionals have a unique position within the organization as advocates for the employee and as advisers for senior leadership Organizational HR practices build employee commitment and loyalty and can offset the negative impact of turnover. Proactive HR practices can reduce turnover with skill–building programs and learning for employees When outsourcing occurs, internal employees may feel less trust in the organisation. This leads to reduced levels of employee performance and cooperation. Outsourcing providers may also find it difficult to adapt to the new social and organizational culture. This mismatch can end with conflict between internal employees and the external providers. Hence, the relationship between internal employees and external Get more content on
  • 6. Do you know the similarities and differences between a funding proposal and a research proposal? According to the website, writing a funding proposal was created to help empower people to be successful in gaining funds for projects that provide worthwhile social service. Aresearch proposal considers your overall topic ideas, your research question, your research process, and your sources and scaffolds what the next steps will be for the project. There are similarities and differences between writing a funding proposal and a research proposal. A research proposal is most often written by scholars seeking grant funding for a research project or it's the first step in getting approval to write a doctoral dissertation. Even if this is just a course assignment, the introduction is the initial pitch of an idea or a thorough examination of the significance of a research problem. After reading the introduction, readers should not only understand what is being proposed. Most proposals do not include an abstract before the introduction. Background and Significance, this section can be melded into your introduction or you can create a separate section to help with the organization and narrative flow of your proposal. This is where you explain the context of your proposal and describe in detail why it's important. Approach writing this section with the thought that you can't assume your readers will know as much about the research problem as you do. Note Get more content on
  • 7. Business Proposal Business proposal A business proposal is perhaps one of the most critical documents you need to learn how to write. It is what spells the difference between success and failure, whether you're a freelancer or you have a company of your own. In today's cut–throat business world, entrepreneurs find themselves spending hours upon hours submitting business proposals to potential clients, and not get any results. On the other hand, there are those that are like snipers, able to get the contract after just submitting one business proposal. So how do they do it? Well, this article will teach you show you how to do just that. The Basics of a Business Proposal Before you even go and start writing that business proposal, you must first more content... Pricing Information For many clients, the pricing information is what will make them decide whether they would offer you the contract or not. How to write this part greatly depends on the solution or solutions you included in the previous segment. If the solution proposed will only entail a short period of time, a Fee Summary will suffice. For longer projects, segment these payments to specific milestones in a Fee Schedule list. Things to Remember When Writing a Business Proposal Now that you know the essentials of a winning business proposal, it's time to go ahead and start writing, right? Well, not exactly. The next part is to be able to find out what to put under the 3 Ps so that you can develop a business proposal that gets their attention and awards you that contract. Do Your Research Not all clients and buyers will give you the explicit details of their wants and needs, especially if you're submitting an unsolicited business proposal. Extend your research9 to include the competitors of your potential client, and their customers as well. This will ensure that your business proposal will be as comprehensive and as detailed as possible. Put Yourself in their Shoes Another thing to remember when writing a business proposal is to always put yourself in the shoes of your potential clients. Doing this will help you provide information on things that they would Get more content on
  • 8. Business Proposal How to write business proposals that persuade clients and win contracts Your Proposal Must Persuade Business proposals are written for one reason – to win business. You win business when your proposals persuade clients that your solutions are better than your competitors. So, as you start to write your proposal, bear in mind that your main objective is to persuade the reader to buy your service. Persuasion takes four steps Your proposal will persuade the reader if you do four things: 1. Understand the client's need You get the reader's attention by stating a specific need or problem they have and explain how you can solve this. Every client–centred proposals show that you understand their need. Show clients that you more content... 8. How to support or prove assertions? What evidence is required to persuade the client? 9. What are the main weaknesses in the proposal? Where could it fall down or be rejected it? 10. What assumptions are made in the proposal? 11. Does this proposal state that the client must take some action? Are the consequences of inaction explained? 12. What costs, in time and money, would result in this inaction? 13. Are there human resource issues involving coordinating large numbers of people and resources for the proposal? Prepare a Winning Strategy What every strategy must consider Every proposal must include an understanding of three things: В•Their business needs В•Your strengths В•The competitor's strengths and weaknesses The client's business needs Of the three elements in any strategy; this is the most important. If your get this step wrong, all your efforts will be in vain. Use the seven–step, client–centred approach mentioned earlier to identify the client's need or problem. Your company's business strengths To win proposals, you need to establish the difference between itself and the competition. To do this, head separate sheets of paper with the names of your products and services. Beneath each heading, list everything that makes you stand out in the marketplace, and that separates you from the competition. Try to identify "uniqueness selling points" about your business. The competitor's strengths & weaknesses Look at Get more content on
  • 9. Application For An Expert Grant Writer Basically, a proposal refers to the application managers used to request funding. The applications are published by the government funding, charitable organizations, agencies, businesses and other individuals. Indeed, a grant proposal writer should pursue the sponsor's intention. An expert grant writer requires knowledge in various areas. Proposal writing skills are critical in an organization, an excellent grant writer should able to make a good research and connect the grant's elements. The elements of an effective proposal are "content development, demonstrating scientific, economic, and social benefits, satisfying program criteria, addressing funding agency requirements, proper formatting/language, demonstrating the sustainability of the project's output, monitoring and evaluation provisions, budgeting, and administrative/ financial capacity/experience" (Belmain, 2016). A well written proposal includes references from trusty source and citations. It requires well developed ideas, the project's philosophy must be detailed with persuasive information, it should provide information on how the program will be delivered (Belmain, 2016). A proposal document includes the description of the social, economic and scientific advantages. In the same way, the proposal strategies are developed according to the donor's requirements. Therefore, research consistency and project's development strategies are essential. Equally, the proposal should present financial assistance, be Get more content on
  • 10. Problem Proposal Defining the need in the problem statement creates the structure for the rest of the grant. The first step is the assessing of the need to alleviate some of the symptoms of a systemic issue. To do this a literature review of the previous research must be completed. This shows that as an active participant of the program you're well read on the subject. You're providing an intellectual stewardship to prove you're well embedded as someone possible of helping. While clarifying who is affected by the need, a sense of urgency is added. It is important to go beyond the target population as a way to add scope. With the different levels of social interconnectedness, there is always other people affected outside of the target population. If more content... She insists, "50% of funding is about showing up". To adjust your writing she also suggests reading through their material. Adjusting the concept of SMART from the previous guest lecturer, Andrea adds an S to create SMARTS. The addition of sustainability and legitimacy is meant to appeal to the investment aspect of the grant. To maintain the conversational aspect of writing, she also stressed being flexible to changes while writing. As a faculty member at UCSC she was able to provide more insight on the SVC. For the purpose of this course, we were reminded that applying for the $1,000 grant is like "shooting fish in a barrel". The role as participants in academia places a sense of responsibility on us to help the community. Talking about the requirements and those working at the SVC's board shows that grant is something obtainable. Writing to the university, it is also important to take the focus off our personal passion and towards the community. Andrea described her background on grant writing as a non linear path, meaning she didn't start off with the intention of writing. Her combination of a bachelors, masters, and PhD in different subjects makes her a proper interdisciplinary scholar well suited for writing. As a French and art history focus she studied the emotional, holistic understanding of concepts through empathy. Then her work with the elderly exposed her to a need for the Get more content on
  • 11. Proposal On Foster Care Providing a child with an outstanding support system is a vital key in creating an environment in which he or she can learn how to grow as a child, and as a human being. Here at American Airlines we strive to provide children with the absolute highest of quality in foster care. We are pleased to create a proposal that, we believe, will help the Dallas foster care system improve on some of their current issues. The proposal aims to not only construct and provide local events to raise awareness about these issues, but to also host fundraisers geared towards improving the living conditions of foster children. One of these issues is the overcrowding of current foster homes in the Dallas metroplex area. l Figure 1 shows foster home capacity needs by county: red meaning an under supply of foster homes, and blue meaning an oversupply of foster homes. From figure 1, we can see that Dallas County is facing a deficit (undersupplied) of foster homes available to foster children. We can also see from Figure 1 that the surrounding areas of Dallas, such as: Denton county, Collin county, Kaufman county, and Rockwall county all have an oversupply of foster homes. This means that children from Dallas county have no other choice but to move to foster homes outside of Dallas county. This results in moving away from friends and family, which can be traumatizing to a child. We feel that this is one of the primary problems we aim to fix in the Dallas foster care system. Early childhood Get more content on
  • 12. Guidelines on Writing a Research Proposal Guidelines on writing a research proposal Introduction This is a guide to writing M.A. research proposals. The same principles apply to dissertation proposals and to proposals to most funding agencies. It includes a model outline, but advisor, committee and funding agency expectations vary and your proposal will be a variation on this basic theme. Use these guidelines as a point of departure for discussions with your advisor. They may serve as a straw–man against which to build your understanding of both your project and of proposal writing. For USM students, the same rules apply as for proposals everywhere in the world. Proposal Writing Proposal writing is important to your pursuit of a graduate degree. The proposal specifies what more content... One problem with this type of research is that you might find the perfect succinct answer to your question on the night before (or after) you turn in the final draft ––– in someone else's work. This certainly can knock the wind out of your sails. (But note that even a straight–ahead science thesis can have the problem of late in the game discovering that the work you have done or are doing has already been done, this is where familiarity with the relevant literature by both yourself and your committee members is important.) A Couple of Models for Proposals A Two Page (Preliminary Proposal) Model Here is a model for a very brief (maybe five paragraph) proposal that you might use to interest faculty in sitting on your committee. People who are not yet hooked may especially appreciate its brevity. In the first paragraph, the first sentence identifies the general topic area. The second sentence gives the research question, and the third sentence establishes its significance. The next couple of paragraphs gives the larger historical perspective on the topic. Essentially list the major schools of thought on the topic and very briefly review the literature in the area with its major findings. Who has written on the topic and what have they found? Allocate about a sentence per important person or finding. Include any preliminary
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  • 14. Developing Effective Research Proposals Cover title: author: publisher: isbn10 | asin: print isbn13: ebook isbn13: language: subject publication date: lcc: ddc: subject: Developing Effective Research Proposals Essential Resources for Social Research Punch, Keith. Sage Publications, Inc. 0761963553 9780761963554 9780585386072 English Social sciences–– Research––Methodology, Proposal writing in the social sciences. 2000 H62.P92 2000eb 300/.72 Social sciences––Research––Methodology, Proposal writing in the social sciences. cover next page > Page i Developing Effective Research Proposals < previous page page_i next page > Page ii Series Editor: Keith F Punch, University of Western Australia A series of short practical 'how –to' books aimed at more content... k 5.3.3 Sample 5.3.4 Data collection (instruments, procedures, ethical issues) 5.3.5 Data analysis 5.4 The question of methodological expertise 5.5 Review concepts and questions Notes 6 Writing the Proposal 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Proposal headings 6.3 Qualitative proposals Notes 7 Tactics 7.1 Introduction 7.2 General tactical issues 7.3 Departmental (or University) guidelines 7.4 Getting started 7.4.1 The 'two pager' 27 27 29 29 30 30 32 32 34 35 37 38 40 41 42 45 46 48 50 50 51 52 53 54 54 57 60 60 62 63 65 65 66 75 78 79 79 80 80 82 83 < previous page page_vi next page >
  • 15. Page vii 7.4.2 The ideas paper 7.4.3 Working deductively 7.5 The value of discussion 7.6 The value of writing it down 7.7 Three common dilemmas 7.7.1 Several topics at once 7.7.2 Getting to closure versus getting to closure too quickly 7.7.3 Focus on context, background and literature versus focus on research questions 7.8 The importance of clarity 7.9 Examples of proposals Notes Appendix 1: Disentangling the terms 'perspective', 'strategy' and 'design' Appendix 2: Questions to guide proposal development References Index 83 84 84 85 85 86 87 88 89 90 109 111 114 119 123 < previous page page_vii next page > Page viii Figures 2.1 Simplified model of research (without hypotheses) 3.1 Simplified model of research (with hypotheses) 4.1 Pre–specified versus unfolding: the timing of structure 18 31 41 < previous page page_viii next page > Page ix Boxes and Tables 3.1 Get more content on
  • 16. A Sample Group Counseling Project Proposal A group Counseling Project Proposal – sample INTRODUCTION What is Group Counseling? Purpose of the group counseling varies from group to group. It can be therapeutic, educational, or helping people to make fundamental changes in their way of thinking, feeling and behaving (Corey, 2004, p. 7). Group counseling/therapy has the advantage of being more effective than individual therapy because, it more closely stimulates social interactions and interpersonal communication patterns than does individual counseling (Kottler, 2004, p. 260). The techniques and strategies use in group counseling are to help resolve members' interpersonal conflict, promote greater self–awareness and insight, and help them work to eliminate their self– more content... The Centre has conducted more than fifty group–counseling programs in twenty schools in this community, both public and private, during the last four years. It also has conducted a variety of group counseling programs for the families, youth, college students, teacher training institutes, army, senior citizens and tourist resorts. Individual counseling service is also proceeding on a daily basis. RATIONALE The following are a brief description of the type of group, the target population, basic purposes of the group, rationale for this group, requirements to join the group, and the theoretical approaches. Type of Group: This proposal is aimed to conduct a short– term, "personal–growth type group". Population: The counseling group will be conducted for the adolescent male students of the Public Secondary Boy's School. This is achieved through realistic goal setting by the group members with the guidance of the group leader. Purpose: The purpose of this group is to facilitate personal growth by enhancing self–esteem and developing a positive self–image, so that the members will gain self–awareness of their own feelings, personal values and needs. They also will increase self–understanding and self–acceptance for better functioning and leading a better life in the future. Rational for the Group: The need for conducting a group counseling program for adolescents is crucial because they are in a very critical stage in their life. Group couselling for Get more content on
  • 17. Project Proposal Essay Project Proposal INTRODUCTION Topic and Purpose This proposal identifies the need for a document, which will propose and develop reasons why a for–profit transportation service for Kent should be perused. This service should be considered because of the recent parking and commuting problems both on and off campus. There have been many reasons why on–campus parking has become difficult in recent years. Increased student enrollment at Kent State University has posed many problems. The parking lots cannot facilitate the growing need for vehicle parking. Campus officials have undertaken construction projects to curb the parking problem, but these renovations have closed lots in the near term. Also, the increased enrollment more content... The demand for student bus transportation has far exceeded the supply. Also, vandalism and automotive theft has nearly doubled since 1997. DUI convictions have quadrupled in the city of Kent since last year. The need for public transportation is quite clear. Because of this evident crisis in transportation, a solution must be in order. Scope This proposal will outline and validate the impending document generally. First the general nature of the document will be discussed; then the ensuing proposal will be outlined. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSAL Proposal The proposed document must be constructed to demonstrate the need for a new for–profit transportation service. It will present a business plan, and then go into detail about characteristics specific to this service. Methodology Information about competitive transportation services will be gathered. Questionnaires will be distributed to students and faculty of Kent State University in order to gather customer insight. Also, a financial consulting firm will be hired to provide professional assistance. Document Outline The proposed document will include the following specific sections. This outline is tentative and may be adjusted in accord with new developments.
  • 18. Description of Business Entity and General Operations Type of BusinessType of Legal Entity Type of Facilities Organizational Structure Type of Service the Business will provide Get more content on
  • 19. Sample Proposal Letter Essay include errors in content or grammar. Please refer to the instructions to make sure you include the correct content and edit carefully. September 22, 2003 To: Leslie Bickford From: Diana Ferry Put your initials here! RE: Proposal for Final Project I request that you accept my topic for the Writing 465 final project. Hopefully, I will be able to use this project to help alleviate the current parking problem at Winthrop University. Jack Allen, from Campus Police, and Walter Hardin, Associate Vice President for Facilities Management, have shown interest in my project. BACKGROUND Winthrop University is a small public school with an enrollment of 5,065 undergraduate students (Fall 2002). Although there is a wonderful parking more content... After years more of complaining, they decided to add a parking garage to their campus. Although this garage eliminated 200 spaces, it added 613. The price of this garage was $5.5 million. Arkansas State used the parking deck, as well as the reserved parking system to help alleviate their situation. Many other campuses utilize the same systems, such as: University of Cincinnati, University of Iowa, University of Louisville, University of Pittsburgh, University of South Florida, University of Tennessee, University of Wisconsin, and many more. There are currently only a handful of reserved spaces on campus, and the ground has yet to be broken for the construction of the parking deck. In fact, Winthrop University does not even have all the funds needed to build this parking deck. When I approached Jack Allen, of Campus Police, with my idea of reserved parking spaces, he told me that he thought it was a good idea. Walter Hardin, when given the same idea, seemed to think that the reserved parking system would not realistically work out but was open to the proposal. PROPOSED PROJECT I am planning to find the funding needed to establish reserved parking at Winthrop University through Campus Police and the current traffic and parking system. Hopefully, Winthrop University and Campus Police will recognize the need and responsibility to fund these reserved parking spaces. My report will Get more content on
  • 20. Summary: A Modest Proposal Letter Sir, I'm so sorry for not being responsive however, I'll forward this RFI to Mr. Matthews and his NCOIC SSG Pfister so, that they'll provide all with the requested information. Thanks, for all you do and I truly appreciate your efforts and support IOT ensure we're achieving success each and every day! Get more content on
  • 21. Writing A Grant Proposal Essay Steps to Writing a Grant Proposal Section One: Grant Proposal Writing For all organizations funding can be an issue. Depending if the organization is for profit, they depend on loans and revenue to support them, building inventory, and expanding. While non–profits depend on grants and donations to keep their organizations running. The most important with non–profits is writing grant proposals to keep the financial aspects of the organization intact. Human services need to take great care in who is responsible of writing grant proposals for their organization. The important steps that must be followed in writing the grant proposal after finding the appropriate request for proposal or application is to write an abstract for more content... The project management aspects address staffing, their responsibilities, the organizational structure, and how this program is related to past projects. The budget and budget justifications stage of proposal writing shows how the money requested will be spent and why it should be spent the way the detailed budget has projected. Items like the percentage to be spent on general expenses, salaries, staffing, and travel are all important to funders; if the largest percent of administrative salaries exist, the funder may require money be spent on other purposes. The other sources and amounts of funding which have been committed should be disclosed in this section of the proposal. An ending summary which pulls together the plan, the desired outcomes related to mission, goals and objectives, the budgetary definitions, and how all interventions will best serve the clients involved in a situation where urgent or unique need has made the program important. Grant writing is a skill that will be developed with greater expertise through practice and experiences with funders. Great care should be taken to properly apply for grants related to specific programs and projects; otherwise, future submittals may be discounted because an agency has previously ignored the requirements of Get more content on
  • 22. Steps to Writing a Grant Proposal Essay Steps to writing a grant proposal HSM270 September 11, 2011 Shelley Johnson–Gildwarg Steps to writing a grant proposal When writing a grant proposal there are many of different areas that need to be covered in the proposal. The proposal needs to have 11 different sections. These sections are: 1. Abstract–45 lines max. 2. Table of Contents–2 pages max. 3. Specific Aims (Needs/Problems, Working Hypothesis, Objectives, Interventions, etc.)–3 pages max. 4. Target Populations–2 pages max. 5. Approaches and Methods (Project Goals and Objectives, Activities, Time Line, etc.)–6 pages max. 6. Evaluation Plan–3 pages max. 7. Agency Capacity and Project Management–3 pages max. 9. Budget and Budget Justification–3 pages max. more content... When writing the Needs/Problem Statement they must be careful they are not "preaching to the choir." Most funders are already somewhat aware of the problems in the community. Instead of telling the funder what they already know (where they are coming from) they may try to inform them what approach they are going to take to help provide the community an end to the problem. The Literature Review is vital to the process as it provides objective support data and rationales for the arguments in the proposal and the development of the interventions. It is a well–developed review of relevant information from creditable sources to lean support to the approaches presented in the proposal. The writer needs to briefly identify why their Target Population(s) should be funded when another group or population whom may be equally at need should not be funded. What makes their target population stick out and be better suited for the funding? Approaches and Methods are often referred to as goals and objectives, and activities and timelines by some funding agencies. This part of the proposal contains a lot of information so the writer should start off with a summary. It is important to reach the target population as if they do not the proposal would be worthless. The Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives, Activities, and tasks are the terms program planners use. These terms can also confuse Get more content on
  • 23. Crime Research Proposal RESEARCH PROPOSAL EXAMPLE 4. THIS PERSON RECEIVED A "9.8" INTRODUCTION Micheal Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi's general theory of crime purports to be able to predict all crime at all time and that a person's level of self–control is determined and unchangeable by age eight. This researcher saw this theory as an awfully broad statement and an extremely pessimistic view of human nature. By this logic, a person with a low score on the selfcontrol construct would be almost guaranteed to commit crime given the appropriate opportunity and little can be done to change that behavior. This researcher proposes that self–control can be learned and bolstered later in life through extensive behavior modification programs that work to curb more content... Self–control theory enthusiasts claim that the characteristics of those with self–restraint are not well–matched with the elements that characterize criminal and deviants acts (Gibbs et al 1998), consequently this researcher hypothesizes that increasing self–control and restraint through behavior modification will make criminal sexual opportunity less appealing and therefore decrease recidivism. Dr. Lane, Research Proposal Ex 4, Spring 2001, page 2 LITERATURE REVIEW The general theory of crime is relatively new and controversial theory in the realm of criminology. Micheal Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi published A General Theory of Crime in 1990 and it went on to become the second most cited book in the entire 1990s (Pratt and Cullen, 2000). Their theory is based on the argument, not unlike Hirschi's social bonding theory that criminal activity is gratifying and the key to understanding participation in crime is discovering what prevents people from breaking the law. They contend that committing crime and other analogous behaviors (drinking, gambling, drug use, reckless driving, and unsafe sexual practices) start manifesting in conduct problems early in life. The term "low self–control" is used to describe the enduring "criminality" or "criminal propensity" that increases the likelihood that individuals will be unable to resist the easy, immediate Get more content on
  • 24. Sample Csr Proposal |PROPOSAL FOR CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PROJECT | |SAVE CAT PROGRAM | | | |DURATION: JANUARY 2011 –APRIL 2011 | | | |PREPARED BY | |MEOWORLD NURSERY AND CONSULTANCY | | | [pic] TABLE OF CONTENTS | more content... INTRODUCTION COMPANY BACKGROUND MeowWorld is a Malaysian Consultancy company specializing in the things related tocat specifically and also other cat–related products and services such as cat food and creating ways to treat a cat to name a few designed to help society aware of the arising problems especially in handling stray cats on the street. The company was established in June 2010 in order to cater the needs of awareness about cats among the society especially stray cats that have caused major problems in Malaysia nowadays. It is headed by Faruq Yamin, Director, who worked with Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals Selangor (SPCA Selangor) in 2004. SPCA is now regarded as one of the leading animal welfare organization in Malaysia. The company's vision is to be the leading company in providing cat–related services with informed expertise and consistently high quality solutions for cat matters. Above all, we are looking forward to be the largest cat consultancy company in Malaysia and expanding operation throughout the world. Meanwhile, the company's missions are to: 1) Minimize the number of stray cat in Malaysia. 2) To create awareness and serve humanity value in the society. 3) Providing the largest and well–equip cat care centre in Malaysia. 4) Providing the best Get more content on