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How To Write Biography Essay
Writing an essay on the intricacies of crafting a biography essay might seem like a
straightforward task, but delving into the nuances of the genre can be quite challenging. One
must navigate through the complexities of capturing a person's life in a coherent and engaging
narrative while maintaining objectivity and accuracy.
The initial challenge lies in extensive research, as a comprehensive understanding of the subject's
life is crucial. It requires sifting through various sources, such as autobiographies, interviews, and
historical records, to gather relevant information. This process demands time, patience, and a
discerning eye to distinguish between credible and unreliable sources.
Once the research is complete, the writer must organize the vast amount of information into a
cohesive structure. Striking a balance between chronological order and thematic relevance can be
tricky, and deciding what to include or omit becomes a delicate task. Selecting the most
compelling anecdotes and events to create a narrative that captures the essence of the subject's
life requires careful consideration.
Another challenge is maintaining a tone that is both engaging and respectful. Writing a biography
essay involves a fine line between presenting the subject in a favorable light and acknowledging
their flaws or challenges. Striking this balance is crucial to creating a nuanced and authentic
Furthermore, crafting a compelling introduction and conclusion poses its own set of challenges.
The introduction must grab the reader's attention and set the tone for the entire essay, while the
conclusion should provide a satisfying closure without leaving any loose ends.
In essence, writing an essay on how to write a biography essay is a multi-faceted task that
demands meticulous research, thoughtful organization, and a nuanced understanding of the
subject. It's an art that requires a delicate balance between factual accuracy and engaging
For those seeking assistance in navigating the complexities of such essays, various resources are
available. Professional writing services,, offer support in crafting well-
researched and well-structured essays on a variety of topics, ensuring that the final product
meets the highest standards. Whether it's unraveling the intricacies of a biography essay or
delving into other writing challenges, such services provide valuable assistance for those looking
to excel in their academic endeavors.
How To Write Biography EssayHow To Write Biography Essay
Persuasive Speech About Tattoos
We have all heard the saying you re going to hate that when you get older. Or why
are you going to pay somebody to permanently scar your body ? It is time to stop
spewing that tired rhetoric because not all people are bros who get tribal tattoos
when they are 18. Tattoos are a form of self expression that has no bounds, and it
has no protocol which makes its potential seemingly endless. Many people use this
form of art to remember a loved one, to express themselves, or just to have as a
badge of honor, and the list goes on and on. I remember the day like it was
yesterday and it s a horrific memory that will haunt me until the day that I no
longer exist on this earth. I was in the military serving in the Air Force in New
Jersey, so needless to say being from Georgia I didn t really get the chance to see
my family very often. So, one day I get a call from my from my father and he told
me he had news to tell me, which was kind of surprising since we spoke two or
three times a week on the phone. His voice dropped into a somber tone and he
echoed the words I will never forget, I have ALS . My heart stopped, I couldn t
believe what I was hearing, and I m no doctor but everybody hears the stories about
Lou Gehrig s disease and they know exactly what it entails, in short, it s a death
sentence with no cure. Over the next year, I spent as much time as I possibly could
taking trips to see my father and each time I laid eyes on him, his once strong,
muscular physique had withered away to a frail shell of himself. I knew what the
outcome was going to be, I think we all did, barring a miracle we knew it was
going to have a happy ending. The last time my father was able to come visit me in
New Jersey we had plans to go see a Braves game in Philadelphia. He was only
coming for a few days so I wanted to make his visit special, especially since his
disease had gotten to the point where he could no longer walk and was confined to
a wheelchair. I wanted him to know that he was always on my mind and that even
though I couldn t be there with him personally, I liked to think that I could have a
part of him with me everywhere I went. So, after talking with my step mom we came
up with the idea of me getting the same tattoomy
Presidential Debate Analysis
Debate or Debacle? by Fatima Navarro, Freshmen staff writer
The debate this august 6, 2015 was held in Cleveland Ohio, the first debate for the
presidential campaign. Many of the comments made were ridiculously childish. The
following topics were discussed at the debate taxes, immigration, education, Obama s
decisions, war, Isis, woman rights, and gay marriage. Not many answers were
proposed rather there were lots of snarky comments. Donald Trump has such a
massive ego while he picked on his opponents; then later claimed that he will get the
Latino vote. Rubio wants the economy to support free market economics and has
proposed tax cuts. These tax cuts are for small businesses with great ideas. Rubio
proposed to reform the US immigration system ... Show more content on ...
He does not agree with the Obama Care plan for he thinks it affects middle class
families in not a good way. Ben Carson is the director of Pediatric Neurosurgery
and is the first doctor to separate twins that were conjoined. He is very much known
for his views on social and political issues. Mike Huckabee has once tried to run as
president but failed so this is his second time running. In the debate he was asked
about his view on gay marriage and of course being an ordained minister brought
up god and in general he didn t have anything against them just that they respect the
church. In fact he added that we recently attended a gay marriage of a friend of his.
Scott Walker went to Marquette University but did not graduate. Even though he
was seen by many as a potential candidate and then chosen to run for president, I
think homosexuals would despise him for he is trying to ban gay marriage. Jeb
Bush is following his father s footsteps, after being elected governor twice in
Florida he decided to run for president. He wants to reduce global warming by
cutting carbon emissions and has stressed the role of private industry in addressing
the problem. Bush believes that the plan No Child Left
Thelma And Louise Compare And Contrast
The two movies I am going to compare are Thelma Louise and North Country. The
sexual harassments to women both happened in these two movies, but the solutions
of the main characters were different, and the outcomes of them were disparate,
therefore, I wondered how did the main characters in each movie responded to the
sexual harassment, and if it is different, why was it? By focusing on the different
situations and personalities of the characters, especially Thelma and Josey, I m going
to compare and analyze the motivations that lead them to make such decisions and
the ways that they dealt with the harassments. Firstly, I want to compare the scenes
that happened before Thelma and Josey were sexually harassed and analyze their
similarities.... Show more content on ...
In Thelma Louise, Thelma escaped further and discovered herself more, the hue of
the film became lighter at the same time. In the last scene, under the azure sky,
Thelma and Louise seated in the car of the bright sunshine, surrounded by police cars
(Thelma Louise, 02:05:27). The director used close up shots to show how steadfast
Thelma and Louise s determination was (Thelma Louise, 02:02:34). Meanwhile, the
melodious and free main title music rose when Thelma and Louise clutched each
other s hand (Thelma Louise, 02:05:27). Finally, the shot frozen in the moment
where their car flew off the cliff (Thelma Louise, 02:05:35). At the end of North
Country, when the case of the sexual harassment fell into the dilemma, Gloria
showed the support to Josey. Then, more and more spectators stood up to show the
supports to Josey when the soothing background music rose (North Country,
01:56:28). At the same time, the director used close ups to show how touched and
appreciative Josey was at that time. Besides, Josey also expressed a feeling that every
effort was
Essay on Certainty is Decartes Discourse of Method
Rene Descartes overall objective in publicizing Discourse of Method is to developing
a new system of knowledge that is free of prior prejudices for establishing the truth of
things. In Part 4 of the book he explains the philosophical basing (the meditations) for
establishing the new system. These meditations were based on the epistemological
theory of rationalism: that is if someone truly knows something then they could not
possibly be mistaken. He goes on to provide solid argument for his ideas. In
he comes to term with three certainties: the existence of the mind as the thing that
the body as an extension, and God as the supreme being. He attests that he came to
conclusions ... Show more content on ...
Besides, many of us, at one point in our lives, have wondered this very philosophical
question: Am I dreaming? Yet, even now, most of us would claim that we are awake;
however, while in a dream, on one actually believes that they are actually sleeping.
Nevertheless, Decartes doesn t concretely prove that we are dreaming. He doesn t
to. Instead, he merely raises the point that, at any moment, we may be dreaming. Just
by presenting this simple possibilty, Decartes successfully destroys all of our sensory
By proposing the Dream and Illusion theory Decartes is able to judge and
maintain that all his former beliefs as false. Using doubt as a tool, he is able to
clearly and distinctly perceive the idea of mind. The mind represented by I .
Inorder to proof his idea of I did not represent the self as in physical appearances he
proposes the following statement, Thus this, I , that is to say the soul through
which I am what I am, is entirely distinct from the body and is even easier to know
than the body, and event if there there were no boy at all, it would not cease to be all
that it is (Cress, pg 19). Through this, he is able to reach the conclusion even though
all things may be doubtful, the fact that we doubt is not doubtful. There is doubt,
thinking; which is certain. It the doubt is
Rose Quartz Research Paper
Rose quartz is a mineral composed of oxygen and silicon with the chemical formula
SiO2. It is a 7 on Mohs scale of hardness just like any other quartz.Its central gravity
is 2.63 2.65. Rose quartz transparency is translucent to transparent. Rose quartz has a
vitreous luster and its mineral class is quartz.It is the most abundant mineral found on
earth mostly found in the earth s crust.(
encyclopedia/rose quartz) Quartz is the most abundant single mineral on earth. It
makes up about 12% of the earth s crust, occurring in a wide variety of igneous,
metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.Quartz varieties are commonly separated into
two groups based on the size of the individual grains or crystals. Macrocrystalline
quartz in which individual crystals are distinguishable with the naked eye, and
cryptocrystalline quartz in which the individual crystals are too small to be easily
distinguishable under the light microscope. Some of the verities of the
Macrocrystalline quartz are... Show more content on ...
It is commercially mined in Madagascar, South Africa, Namibia, U.S.A.(South
Dakota) , and Brazil. Rose quartz found in madagascar usually have very large
crystals and are extremely deeply colored.In South Dakota, rose quartz is found in
pegmatites in the Southern Black Hills area. These pegmatites are associated with the
Harney Peak granite mass (which is now exposed at the surface of the earth because
of erosion). The pegmatite formed in this part of south dakota is estimated to be
over 1,700 million years old. When rose quartz forms it is usually crystalline which
means that the crystals are very large. Rose quartz forms when magma is pushed up
to the surface of the earth and begins to cool and crystallize. The reason that rose
quartz crystals often become so large is because the crystals do not stop forming
until the magma has completely cooled which sometimes make the crystals grow to
very large
Value of a Dystopia Essay
A perfect world with no negative aspects can be defined as a utopia. A utopia
consists of having all the required or desirable elements of life that one has in
mind. Everyone has an altered perception on what a utopia is, but in order for the
world to be a utopia a universal definition is vital. Some elements to be considered in
a utopiainclude a society that is stable socially, morally, politically, and
economically. The more a world is in deficient to these key elements of a utopia,
the farther the world travels from the parameters of a utopia. Through the analysis
of the novel Lord of the Flies , the movies Lord of the Flies , V for Vendetta , and
Gattaca and the song Green Destroyed , it is evident that a utopia is very... Show more
content on ...
When the boys fooled around and did not fulfil their responsibilities, such as
watching the fire or getting more wood for the fire, Ralph got mad but he did not
try to make a change. Ralph did not enforce the rules; he had only warned them and
kept doing just that. One reason it was hard to sustain was because there was no
sense of leadership skills. By now, Ralph had no self consciousness in public
thinking but would treat the day s decision as though he was playing chess. The
only trouble was that he would never be a good chess player (Golding. 128). Ralph
did not take on the proper leadership role that he should have, which was to lead by
example. An example that illustrates this is when he told the boys to build tents; he
could have shown them how to build them instead of just telling them to do it.
Also when a situation did not go as planned, Ralph did not know what to do. There
was a lack of hope for the future and a general lack of a positive outlook. It was
also hard to sustain because there was a lack of entertainment which the boys
wanted as a reward for their efforts but never did. There was never any fun such as
music, chants, festivities or feasts. Entertainment is an aspect that helps to maintain
a perfect world because it is a way to make people happy as happiness makes one
satisfied. There was a value in the attempt of Ralph s utopia. They were stuck on an
island with no idea of when they were
Bohemian Immigration To Texas
Immigration to Texas was crucial to Texas reconstruction and economic expansion
after the Civil War due to the relatively wealthy immigrants obtaining land grants
issued by the Texas government that contained fertile soil which was previously
held by indians, and the working class immigrants providing cheap labor when
slaves could no longer be shipped over due to the abolishment of the slave trade and
emancipation of slaves.
An immigrant would choose to settle in Texas due to Texas climate being similar to
Southern European countries such as Spain, Italy and parts of Germany and France;
Texas had ample amounts of fertile land for farming and ranching, and Texas was
home to the major immigration port of Galveston near Houston. After the American
... Show more content on ...
Ranches spread across Texas in the 19th century, and were used to raise cattle
brought to Texas by the Spanish. The most famous ranch in Texas is the King
Ranch founded by Richard King and Gideon K. Lewis. Richard King was the son of
an Irish immigrant that came to New York. Richard later immigrated to Texas in
1850 where he bought a land grant West of Corpus Christi. King and Lewis set up an
ingenious system of hiring immigrants primarily from Mexico that were fleeing the
devastation of the Mexican War and seeking. These Mexicans knew how to work
with cattle and they proved invaluable to the King Ranch s success. These working
class immigrants called themselves KineГ±os or King s people . The immigrants
were very important to the success of King Ranch and King knew it. He provided
his workers with education for their families and very stable, high paying
employment as well as eating and spending winters with them. This is another
instance of relatively wealthy immigrants taking advantage of Texas natural
resources to support Texas economy. This is also an example of wealthy immigrants
who own land using immigrant labor to fill jobs with experienced individuals.
During the Civil War, the King Ranch was captured by the Union and was raided for
valuables and food. The Union
Driving, Distractions and Accidents
There could be so many distractions while driving. For example, driving to a friend
s house and suddenly the phone goes off. Thinking you ll be fine to text back
because the road is just going straight down, but then all of a sudden something
unexpected happens. An accident, an accident caused by a simple text. Texting
while behind the wheel looses focus, taking eyes off the wheel and it has a high
risk factor. Driving while texting is a very dangerous and serious issue that
distracts everyone no matter what the age is. A few people thing they can text and
drive because they are supposedly expert drivers. Or they can text without looking
at their phones, and they might think it is safe for them but consequently it is not.
Just because the persons eyes are not on the phone doesn t mean they didn t loose
their focus on the road. They could be thinking if they spelled everything right, or
if the automatic correct spelling is the word they actually meant. Their main focus
is mentally on the text message they relieved. For example, thinking about what to
write for the text can probably cause a blind site on the road. You can always just
pass a red light or almost run someone over because you are not looking all around
you. Just because certain people have been driving for years does not make them
an expert driver. A simple text is not worth loosing your life or someone else.
Texting while driving is like drinking and driving. But I believe texting and driving
is a
Remember the Contributions of the First Sailors
We must always remember with gratitude and admiration the first sailors who steered
their vessels through storms and mists, and increased our knowledge of the land...
Ronald Amundsen). Although not all explorers of the Pacific Northwest were sailors,
all of them deserve to be honored because of the contribution their expeditions made
to WA. The first non Indians that came to the Pacific Northwestwere most likely from
China or Japan and drifted ashore by accident. After them, came European explorers
and later, American explorers who traveled for many reasons like to find the
Northwest Passageor because they were sent to learn information about the
mysterious land. Some famous explorers of the Pacific Northwest include Lewis
Clark, who were sent by Thomas Jefferson, Vitus Berling, which proved that Asia
America were separate continents, and Robert Gray who claimed the Oregon
territory; explorers like these their expeditions helped shape Washingtoninto what it is
today. The explorers of the Pacific Northwest should be honored by having a
monument built for them in their favor because they made several contributions to
the development of Washington State, these contributions include making maps
charts for the area, building forts, and bringing back detailed journals from (or of?)
their expeditions
To begin, one contribution explorers made for (or to?) Washington was making maps
charts of the area, this was important because it helped later travelers find their way
Kate Chopin Resourse
There are many ways that literature can show how people lived back in the day. In
every literary period, they each had their own taste in theme, conflict, and setting.
Many of these factors were based on the author s experiences and portrayals. Using
literature as a resourse, we can uncover what was the status of women in the early
twentieth century. By which they are one of the most well known minority groups in
America, even to this day.
In The Storm by Kate Chopin, there were a lot of elements that were modern for
the author s time. In fact, the sexual affair of Calixta and Alcee made the story be
published later than it was planned to be. However, the status of women of Chopin s
time can definitely be seen through the eyes of her female characters, Calixta and
Clarisse. ... Show more content on ...
This might be due to how the reader [was] introduced first to Calixta s husband and
son (Titi) and then the next scene showing her sewing furiously on a sewing
machine...greatly occupied (Baym, Chopin). In constrast to Clarisse, there isn t
much said about her, however we are safe to assume her to be a hardworking wife
and mother as well.
Both of them married for their only chance they had to a respectable life (Titi).
However, they became miserable because Calixta did not marry the one she loved...
and Clarisse married...whom she loved but would prefer to be single (Titi). Their
situation was most likely due to their social class and gender. If Calixta was from a
higher social class like Alcee and Clarisse, she would have a better chance of
marrying Alcee. Also if Clarisse was a boy, she would not have been subjected into
marrying to be successful in life.
In The Snows of Kilimanjaro by Ernest Hemingway, the readers see more modernism
themes in comparison to The Storm . However Hemingway s main lead, Helen, has a
mixture of modern and traditional
Old Yeller
When people think of the book or the movie, Old Yeller, it is often thought of as a
story about the bond between a boy and his dog, a common theme in many TV
shows and books. However, Old Yeller, as it turns out, proves to be much more
than that; it is a true coming of age story. At 14 years old, Travis Coates lives with
his mother and little brother, Arliss, in the hill country of Texas during the 1860s
when his father must leave home to work on a cattle drive. He leaves Travis to act a
man s part and take care of the family in his absence. While working in a cornfield
one day, Travis come across Old Yellerand tries to drive him away, but his younger
brother, Arliss likes Old Yeller and Mama thinks he would be good for... Show more
content on ...
Afterall, he had just lost his dog, Bell, to a rattlesnake bite, and the attachment to both
Bell and his father cannot be replaced so soon. With his father gone away for
several months and Bell dead at the fangs of a rattlesnake, Travis has some major
adjustments to make in terms of his internal model of self. He needs to take on the
rolf of a man. He has many conflicting roles to deal with disciplinarian to his
younger brother, Arliss, only to get scolded by his mother for doing so which
leaves him feeling there is no winning because of the conflict caused by assuming
so many roles boy, playmate, man, and protector. These conflicts frustrate Travis
who thought it was not fair and thinks to himself, how could I be the man of the
family if nobody paid any attention to what I thought or said...I sulked and felt sorry
for myself all the time...[and] the more I thought of it the angrier I at got at that
big yeller dog. (Gibson 1956). Travis feels offended, too, that Lisbeth turns out to
be a big help. She helps by getting the water and gathering the corn, and has a good
time laughing with Mama and Arliss. It hurts Travis pride to see him so easily
replaced by a girl. He consoles himself by remembering that he can hunt, mark hogs
and swing an axe, and she cannot (studymode 2014).
John Bowlby, a reknowned psychiatrist, whose specialty wrote scholarly articles on
attachment, is cited in Melancholia and Maturation (Tribunella 2010), and
Thesis Statement On Capital Punishment
According to the Editorial Board in their opinion article on Capital Punishment, they
believe that capital punishment should no longer be in existence as it is violating the
Eighth Amendment s ban on cruel and unusual punishments (Editorial Board, Capital
Punishment Deserves a sick Death ). Although capital punishmentmay be a cruel and
unusual punishment and viewed as unnecessary in certain situations, I believe the
Editorial Board fails to connect their supporting points to their conclusion and
understand the reasoning behind capital punishment in today s criminal justice system.
One of the editorial boards strongest claims is that the death penalty is in direct
violation of the Eighth Amendment s Ban on cruel and unusual punishment.
Although they do make a strong argument for this claim, they fail to mention the
Supreme Courts ruling that the death penalty is not in violation of the Eighth
Amendment. According to USLegal, A death penalty is the sentence of execution for
murder and some other capital crimes (serious crimes, especially murder, which are
punishable by death). The death penalty, or capital punishment, may be prescribed by
Congress or any state legislature for murder and other capital crimes. The Supreme
Court has ruled that the death ... Show more content on ...
It can be very difficult to know which side to support and evaluating the issue can be
overwhelming. Without a proper solution and lack of support for claims, I believe
this editorial was very one sided and did not consider the other side of the argument.
Although the editorial provides substantial information from outside sources and
observes the unlawful reasoning for capital punishment well, I believe capital
punishment should still continue to be used in a practical way in order for criminals
to obtain the proper punishments for their
Essay On Tim Hortons
The Tim Hortons chain was founded in 1964 in Hamilton, Ontario. The chain s
focus on top quality, always fresh product, value, great service and community
leadership has allowed it to grow into the largest quick service restaurant chain in
Canada specializing in always fresh coffee, baked goods and home style lunches. The
first Tim Hortonsstores offered only two products coffee and donuts. The selection of
donuts to enjoy was highlighted by two original Tim Hortons creations, the Apple
Fritter and the Dutchie. They became the most popular donut choices in the 60 s, and
remain two of the most popular today. (Horton, 2008).
The Tim hortons restaurant franchise was founded by Miles Gilbert Tim Horton, a
longtime defenseman of the Toronto Maple leafs. Born in Cochrane, Ontario and
the first child to Ethel Irish and Oakley Oak Horton, Tim had a passion for his
country and ice hockey and was naturally talented hockey player. In 1948, the
Toronto Maple Leafs sighned a contract with Tim and he moved to play junior
hockey in Toronto. He later turned played in the professional arena by playing for
the Pittsburgh Hornets, New York Rangers and the Buffalo Sabres. Miles Gilbert
Horton was best known for his strength and calmness in the ice hockey sport as he
went on to help win the Stanley Cups in the ... Show more content on
Aside from coffee and other beverages, Tim Hortons now include a number of
baked goods such as donught holes (known as Timbits), muffins, croissants, biscuits,
cookies, and bagels among others. In the mid 1990s, the franchise moved to other
specialties such as flavored cappuccino, iced cappuccino, cheesecakes and a lunch
selection of soups, chili and submarine style sandwiches. In October 2007, Tim
Horton s launched the chicken fajita wraps which contains spiced chickens and
sautГ©ed vegetables but was changed in to ranch chicken wrap snickers. Soon hash
browns and Bagel B.E.L.T was
Freshman Year Application
I am interested in being an EXPLORE OC, because I want to aid and mentor new
Tulane students as they begin their first year as a college student. I understood
what having a rocky transition was like, because I experienced the Baton Rouge
flood first hand. Seeing the waters and destruction of my childhood home was
unsettling. However, what helped me was being able to reach out to others for
support, especially to older Tulane students, who had experience moving into a new
area and had to create new social circles. In addition, the volunteering scene was also
another obstacle, because I had zero connections and was unknown to what was
available to me and needed in the community. Because of my experiences at the
beginning of freshman year, I want... Show more content on ...
My high school was small and not diverse, so I only had one or two Asian friends.
I never really had a close Vietnamese group, which was important for me to find in
college. As a freshman representative, I find myself doing a number of random, but
needed tasks. However, I did deviate and ventured to participate in Date auction
first semester, where I fund raised for the non profit The Catalyst Foundation and
sang. Date auction taught me a number of things about myself, and the experience
tested my limits trying to raise $1600 in a week and my self esteem to sing in front
a crowd. In addition, as a freshman representative, I have learned about what
running a club, specifically a cultural club, is like and the amount of work that is
needed. Collaboration between the clubs and the executive board is necessary in
order to fully execute goals. This experience is relevant to the EXPLORE OC,
because I can offer myself as a mentor, especially to minority students, because as a
new minority student, I faced a number of difficulties dealing with social relationships
during my first year. In addition, I attended a Multicultural Committee monthly
meeting, and I was told that the Multicultural Committee s mentor program this year
a number of Asian American mentors were requested but not enough returning
students offered to become mentors. Knowing this, I want to reach out,
Teamster Scholarship Essay
In 1903, Teamster was formed by the merge of several local and regional local
Teamsters with approximately 1.3 million members in 2013. Teamster represents a
diverse membership of blue collar and professional workers in both public and
private sectors. Teamster is a labor union which organized association of workers
protection and further their rights and interests. Teamster is here to benefit and as
Herbert Hoover said, Competition is not only the basis of protection to the
consumer, but is the incentive to progress. What living in a teamster household
meant to my siblings and I, are ending poverty and pursuing an education. Teamster
kept my parents employed to provide for my family and continue a family legacy.
Notably, labor is a physical work with a... Show more content on ...
Growing up with two sisters the word share was religiously used. My family was
not inherited with wealth and till this day my parents are constantly working to
provide for my family. Throughout the journey multiple tribulations interfere,
which made life difficult in my household. To begin with, starting in the year of
2010 my mom was in car accident which caused her to be unemployed for about 3
months, which later merge to 2011 the death of my mom parents. Both her mom
and dad past away the same week which had a large impact on the family because
they babysat my siblings and I after school while my parents was working. Then in
2012, my dad was rushed to the hospital for an emergency surgery, which made him
unemployed for 2 months. After recovering later in 2013, my dad was struck in a
horrific car accident which place him unemployed again for another 2 months.
Because of the car accident and continuous trouble my family faced we initiated the
start of the struggle. The family at the time was using one car for my siblings and I to
attend school as well both my parents attended work. Throughout the process
Teamster was always there helping my parents raised three amazing strong individual
Harcourt Essen Case Study
and heavy bullets, there were three favorite choices. The first was a Winchester
offering, WW296, a ball powder with a good burning rate and characteristics
tailored for big revolver cartridges. The shape of the powder granules determines
how well they pass through a given powder measure. The ball shaped powders
worked well through most powder measures, eliminating the need to weigh each and
every charge, a time consuming step that anyone loading hundreds of rounds of
ammunition per week would be glad to give up. Weighing charges could only be
eliminated if it was proven that there was no variance from charge to charge, but the
prudent loader would still measure one out of each 5 or 10 just to make sure that
nothing moved out of adjustment... Show more content on ...
As previously stated, it is not pure lead. The lead mixture used for making cast
pistol bullets is usually an alloy combination of lead, tin and antimony in varying
amounts. The most popular recipe was known as the Lyman #2 mix, comprised of
90% lead, 5% tin, and 5% antimony. Pure lead, tin and especially pure antimony,
were difficult to find and sometimes expensive. Linotype was a good source of an
antimony rich alloy, but type presses (those used to print newspapers) were being
displaced by modern printers. The computer age had begun to impact our source
of antimony. Initially, there was a surplus. Soon, with no market no more type
metal was being produced. Dennis had a stockpile, but I had to turn to alternate
sources. The most abundant source of lead in the salvage yards now came in the
form of wheel weights. Clip on wheel weights used to balance car tires were made
from an alloy that was actually legislated to be consistent. It was held to precise
standards and governed by the department of transportation. It made sense when
you think about what could happen to a chunk of lead thrown from a spinning
wheel because it was too soft to stay put or too brittle and broke off. Wheel weight
alloy typically consisted of 97% lead, 2% antimony, and a little less than 1% tin.
This was not the ideal mix for making bullets. However, by adapting the process,
bullets made entirely from wheel weights could be hardened to
The Fatigue Associated With Working The Night Shift
The fatigue associated with working the night shift was brought into the spotlight
after an aircraft incident that occurred on June 10, 1990. British Airways flight 5390
had just departed from Birmingham International Airport when the aircraft
experienced a rapid pressure loss due to the pilot s windshield blowing out of the
aircraft. This resulted in the pilot being sucked halfway out of the aircraft and another
flight crew member grabbing the pilots belt and holding him from being sucked
completely out while the copilot to take control of the aircraft and land it safely at a
nearby airport. The official findings of the accident investigation linked the
windshield blowout to the wrong size bolts being installed. The bolts were installed
early in the morning hours and the fatigued shift maintenance manager who installed
them didn t recognize that they were the wrong bolts. He thought that the
countersinking on the window was unusually large (Baron, 2009). This is just one
example of mistakes made on night shift due to fatigue. Fatigue is a dangerous
human factor that is present in the aircraft maintenance community.
There are ways to mitigate the risk of fatigue, though. It starts with the airline
companies themselves. Setting a work schedule that doesn t allow workers to work
more than 12 hours will allow their employees an opportunity to get the rest needed.
It is also up to the aircraft maintainers to ensure that their off duty responsibilities don
t interfere
A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings Essay
This text s title alone intrigues the reader and draws them into Gabriel Garcia
Marquez s fictional story where an old man with large wings falls from the sky
during a storm. There are many elements in this story that contrast each other, an
example of this would be the contrast of magic and reality. An example of this
would be how Marquez describes the angel itself. Marquez describes the angel as
having large wings. Wings are usually white and represent purity and cleanliness,
however, Marquez continues to say that they are ravaged by diseases and parasites.
This contrast shows that although the old man has wings, which is considered
supernatural and virtually impossible, he is still prone to the diseases and parasites of
the human world. Age could also represent that the... Show more content on ...
Despite this, combining realistic aspects, such as diseases and parasites, to
supernatural aspects, such as wings, creates a harsh comparison and contrast
between magic and realism in A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings. The major
theme of this text would be the coexistence of compassion and cruelty. All
throughout the text, these two opposites battle each other as Marquez show human
reactions to this old man with wings. An example of compassion in the text would
be when the couple, Pelayo and Elisenda, want to show compassion for the angel
and send it off on a raft with provisions instead of killing the angel like they were
advised. It is directly quoted that the couple, did not have the heart to club him to
death (Marquez 1). However, the angel s fate quickly changes as the couple realizes
that they can profit from the old man with wings. This sudden change in mentality is
shown when Marquez states, then got the idea of fencing in the yard and charging
five cents admission to see the angel
WorkPlay is Helping Musician s Dreams Come True
In Birmingham, Alabama, a popular music venue is helping musician s dreams
come true. WorkPlay sits on the corner of 5th Avenue South and 23rd Street South,
and musicians from all over the world come to play on one of the two stages this
venue has. However, on Monday nights at 7pm WorkPlay hosts a singer/songwriter
competition in the theater. These musicians come from all over the state to play on
this stage for 10 weeks. Performing on stage is a dream for many musicians around
town and WorkPlay is making those dreams a reality.
Last summer WorkPlay announced they would be doing a singer/songwriter night
that would lead to each of the top ten musicians having a song recorded live and
played on Birmingham Mountain Radio. The contest would run in a similar fashion
to American Idol. The audience members would pick up a ballot at the box office and
vote on each musician on a scale of 1 10. There were nights that musicians would not
stop playing until 11:30pm. American Idol contestant, Jessica Muese, won the
competition, which ended in August 2013. Ellis Hopkins, the man in charge,
announced at the final show that there would be another singer/songwriter
competition at WorkPlay soon. Soon became January 2014.
January 27, 2014 had musicians gathering again for the competition. This time they
would be able to win a $250 cash prize. Several musicians from the fall competition
came back to perform and many new faces came as well. Edward Hartline, who
finished 7th in the fall, says
Transformations To Adulthood In Salinger s Catcher In The
That s the whole trouble. You can t ever find a place that s nice and peaceful,
because there isn t any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you
re not looking, somebody ll sneak up and write Fuck you right under your nose. I
think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone
and all, it ll say Holden Caulfield on it, and then what year I was born and what year
I died, and then right under that it ll say Fuckyou. I m positive, in fact. (204) Holden,
in Salinger s Catcher in the Rye is faced with a series of internal conflicts throughout
the story. In the beginning, Holden is introduced as a very negative adolescent boy
who is unwilling to face adulthood, but throughout the story Holden s character
develops and the roots of his depression are revealed. It becomes clear that Holden is
reluctant to growing up and the only thingthat gives him any sense of hope is
children. Through this, Salinger creates the question of whether or not Holden
matures into adulthood by the end of the book. In the beginning, Holden is seen as
a troubled 16 year old who has just failed out of Pencey Prep boarding school.
Holden has the tendency to negatively criticize things, which he most famously does
by labeling them as phony . He associates the term phony with things that seem
artificial or shallow to him, mostly within adult society. One of the biggest reasons I
left Elkton Hills was because I was surrounded by phonies. That s
My Current Position Requires That I Write
My current position requires that I write daily. I prepare estate plans, draft petitions,
and provide information to my clients, who usually are not lawyers. I provide my
client written instructions regarding funding their trusts, trust administration, and
probate procedures. Many clients prefer communicating via email; thus, I find
myself writing detailed explanations of legal theories and application of the law to
the facts of their case. It is crucial they understand the issues, so they may make
educated decisions. My clients have expressed their appreciation of my ability to
communicate complicated legal issues in a straightforward manner. My editing
experience includes editing letters drafted by my assistant, as well as pleadings...
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Some trusts require distribution after the death of the person who created the trust.
Some trusts require the trustee hold and manage the trust assets for a specific time
Renting the Property
If your brother s trust allows you to manage the assets for the benefit of the
beneficiaries, then you may consider keeping the house. A trustee has a duty to
manage the trust assets as a prudent investor. A prudent investor will do what a
reasonable person would do under the same circumstances. To determine whether a
prudent investor would keep the house, you must determine whether the rental
income would exceed the costs of keeping the property. Renting the property is not
as simple as making sure the toilets are working. You must comply with landlord
tenant laws, possibly hire a property manager, and pay property tax, insurance, and
maintenance costs. The trust must have a cash reserve to cover any unexpected
costs. Such costs may include hiring an attorney to evict a tenant. There may be a
loss of rental income or a tenant may damage the property. Normal maintenance
costs may add up as well something as simple as replacing a roof may cost
thousands of dollars. A cost benefit analysis will be useful to determine if the fair
market rental value and appreciation
Corset Research Paper
Gertrude, an 18 year old Victorian woman, stood in the corner of the room, face
creased in pain as her maid Bertha bent over her, pulling her strings tighter and tighter.
Harder, Bertha, harder. I have to look as small as possible for the ball tonight.
Bertha grunted, and with one almighty tug, finished doing up the corset. Her mistress
s waist was now looking as small as it could possible look.
Corsets. What are they?
Corsets are a stiff garment worn by women (and occasionally men) in the Victorian
times, designed to create the much desired hourglass figure of the time. They were
made of whale baleen, or sometimes strips of steel with laces, usually tightened by
maids. Unfortunately, corsets are now becoming more and more popular, when they
really belong in the illustrations of our history books. ... Show more content on ...
What they don t see, however, is all the damage happening inside. Corsets can
restrict breathing, bruise and even force inner organs out of alignment. They also
compress the stomach and lungs, and can deform the bodies of growing teenagers
as it was frowned upon for girls at the age of 14 and up to not be wearing full corsets.
And the pain. The laces were always tightened to the point where one could hardly
breath...moving and eating would have surely been a problem. Which is kinda
weird, given corsets were designed for social reasons.
Men were always impressed by the tiny waists of these women; having a small
waist gave you a better chance at a wealthy or important husband. If you wore a
corset, you were considered to be at a higher standard than those who didn t. Women
who ate a lot, and therefore had bigger middles were less appealing to men. This was
the Victorian logic, and the reasoning behind this painful
The Ideal Of The Perfect Man And Women In Disney
Alyssa Buhalo Matt Salvia English Comp 101 31st October 2017 Disney s Ideal
of the Perfect Man and Women Forced onto Children Disney princesses such as
Cinderella, Ariel, and Jasmine, and princes such as Prince Charming, Prince Eric,
and Aladdin have become household names throughout the years, especially to
children in early childhood to adolescence and even some older. Through watching
these movies, children are beginning at an early age to picture what men and
women should ideally be. This report will focus on what Disney has portrayed as
the ideal man and woman through these princesses and princes, and how the
stories and movies affect children and even adults today. According to
Commonsense Media, starting at age three, it is acceptable for little girls and boys
to start viewing some Disney movies (Thompson) During this fragile time when
children are trying to piece together what the world around them consists of who
they are, they look to their role models around them. To most the first role models
are their mother, fathers, and caretakers, and also to those they see in movies and
on TV. One of the many things they are figuring out and developing is their view on
what is masculinity and femininity and where do they fit into that mold. (Halim,
Ruble and Tamis LeMonda) Along with this they are also figuring what their life
entails and who they should be when they grow up. The Middle Childhood,
according to Sigmund Freud, is when a child is in the age bracket three to
Pi s Passion For Many Different Religions
At the beginning of the novel, we are introduced to Pi s passion for many different
religions. Pi is a believer, and he prays, as well as, analyzes the depth of religion.
Do you feel that throughout the first few days during Pi s survival on the lifeboat, Pi
continues to exhibit and carry through religion based procedures to calm and assist
him in his means of survival?
From the very start it is revealed to us that Piscine Molitor Patel is extremely
passionate about religion. In fact, the entire introduction and first part of the novel
revolves around Pi expressing his love for all types of religion, and describing his
beliefs for each and every one of them (Hinduism, Islam, Christianity). Pi talks
about everyone s confusion on which religion he supports, as they believe, one can
support only one religion. What is your son doing going to the temple? Your son
was seen in church crossing himself. Your son has gone Muslim However, when Pi
is thrown out onto the lifeboat by the sailors of his ship going to Canada, I see a
huge change in the intensity and amount of connections Pi makes to religion. On
the lifeboat, during the first few days at sea, Pi completely forgets about all of his
prayers. I believe that this is because Pi completely loses his faith when he is the
only one to survive out of his family, and he is on a tiny life boat with a huge Bengal
tiger, and a hyena. I think that Pi s love of religion came from all of the hope stored
inside of him. However,
The Casket Of Amontillado . Edgar Allan Poe’S
“The Cask
The Casket of Amontillado Edgar Allan Poe s The Cask of Amontillado is a short
story illustrating how pride leads to the downfall of two men. At the story s heart is
the tale of Montresor, the protagonist, getting revenge on a former friend, Fortunato.
Poe s characterization of Montresor shows a sinister, proud man, obsessed not only
with his revenge but also not getting punished himself. It must be a perfect revenge,
one in which Fortunato will know fully what is happening to him and in which
Montresor will be forever undetected (Morsberger 334). Poe s portrayal of
Montresor and his revenge depends mainly on his use of three artistic tools: a first
person narrative, dramatic irony, and symbolism. A brief examination of these three...
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At the carnival, when Montresor meets Fortunato and tells him about the amontillado,
he states, As you are engaged, I am on my way to Luchresi, referring to Fortunato
being inebriated. Fortunato insists that, Luchresi cannot tell Amontillado from Sherry
(Poe 361). Knowing his victim s vanity, Montresor baits him by saying that some
fools argue that Luchresi s taste is as fine as Fortunato s (Morsberger 334). The use
of the first person narrative lets Poe change how readers view the characters. By
telling the story through Montresor s point of view, readers never get the chance to
hear Fortunato s side of the story, meaning one never discovers if Fortunato truly
wronged Montresor. This prevents the reader from having sympathy for either
character. Charles May says, The reader has no way of knowing what these
thousand injuries and the mysterious insult are and thus can make no judgement
about whether Montresor s revenge is justifiable (qtd. in Baraban para. 6). Third,
and perhaps most importantly, the first person point of view lets the reader know
ahead of time about Montresor s plan for revenge, setting up the use of irony in the
story. A second tool Poe used in The Cask of Amontilladois dramatic irony. Poe used
irony multiple times in this story, largely due to using the first person narrator. A
major plot dynamic of Poe s great story is Montresor s menacing irony, and
Essay about James Dickey
James Dickey
Ah! The world view to which an individual adheres is all important. Who am I?
Many people strictly conform to a set pattern of beliefs that limit or curtail their
expression or personal growth. Many times their beliefs reflect the ideas of a
community, a church, or a family. The individual blends in with the group and
becomes a co dependent function of that group. James Dickey conformed to no one.
He stands apart due to his ability to intensely reveal the images burning vividly in his
One image of Dickey that consistently flames brightly is the persona of the loner .
Dickey fulfills this loner image through his complex worldview that allows him to
predatorily satisfy his innate needs through various means. His ... Show more content
on ...
James Dickey struggled with suburban family life because his sets of beliefs
contradict and interfere with the way others live. His dishonesty comes not from
his misrepresentations or distortions of facts in his life to other people, but in his
failed attempt to be true to his worldview. He is a loner not by choice, but by
philosophical differences with the majority. These differences result in a mental tug
of war that produces chaotic results in his life. Christopher Dickey witnessed the
alcoholic, the adulterer, the liar, the artist, the promoter, the creative genius, and the
decimated father figure. Christopher Dickey judged his father from his own
perspective and at the insistence of his wife. Christopher Dickey may have
connected with his father, but the reciprocal connection from his dad was certainly
different. James Dickey did not openly display his dark side to his wife and
immediate family to secure their loving devotion. They put up with him, because he
provided for them financially; he had enormous charisma; and his wife was too weak
to do anything. The connections in his family were superficial; he controlled them
from a detached standpoint.
James Dickey may have wanted to be a productive human being, but only on his
philosophical terms. In Self Interviews, he states that I never have been able to
disassociate the poem from the poet, and I hope I never will. I really don t believe
in Eliot s theory of autotelic art, in which the poem has nothing to do
Analysis Of Coca-Cola
According to The Coca Cola Company s 2005 Annual Report, the firm sells
beverage products in more than 200 countries. The report further states that of the
more than 50 billion beverage servings of all types consumed worldwide, daily,
beverages bearing the trademarks owned by or licensed to Coca Cola account for
approximately 1.5 billion (the latest figure in 2010 shows that now they serve 1.6
billion drinks every day. Of these, beverages bearing the trademark Coca Cola or
Coke accounted for approximately 78% of the company s total gallon sales. Also,
according to the 2007 Annual Report, Coca Cola had gallon sales distributed as
follows: 43% in the United States 37% in Mexico, India, Pakistan, Brazil, Japan, and
the People s Republic of... Show more content on ...
Their product is ranked the number one soft drink, repeatedly, internationally, and has
notoriety as the first soft drink consumed by astronauts in space. They employ a
diverse range of integrated marketing communications to advertise through direct
marketing, web based media, social media and sales promotions (Stringer, 2015).
The company carefully considers all touch points a consumer (or prospective
consumer) has with the brand as potential delivery channels for the brand s message,
and makes use of all relevant communication systems. This well established, long
standing, consistent approach has created a longing for the product that by far
superseded the desire for that typically associated with a drink to quench one s thirst
(Dudovskiy, 2015). Direct Marketing They have exclusive vendor company
partnerships, which eliminates competition, e.g. cinemas and restaurants only serving
Coca Cola over Pepsi. At sponsored sporting events they again eliminate competition
by attaining sole sale rights as well as VIP sales opportunities to important clients,
e.g., baseball fields. Viral Marketing The company also markets via mobile marketing
in text messages, e.g. Viral marketing campaigns (Stringer,
Race And Race
Kamila Hilal
The question at the center of this article is whether or not children between 5 and
6 years of age (in comparison to adults and children between 10 and 11 years of
age) consider race to be a stable over time. This concept is important in
understanding both the change in cognitive development of children as well as the
significances of difference in social groups as a factor in understanding race. This
controlled experimental study used white children ages 10 11, white children ages
5 6, white adults, and children (ages 5 6) of a racial minority. All participants were
shown pictures of a young child as well as two grown ups and asked which of the
two that young child will grow up to be (with both emotion and race of the images ...
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I believe the design is very reasonable and it is able to address the question well
though perhaps within each of the four tested groups, the participants themselves
could have been selected from various socioeconomic groups (white children ages
5 6 from different socioeconomic backgrounds, children ages 5 6 of a racial
minority from different socioeconomic backgrounds, etc...). The experiment shows
an implication that although there is a cognitive component with developing the
understanding that race is stable, there is a great social component that is
presented by the difference between the two 5 6 year old groups. Is it because
children of a racial minority may be more likely to be educated by their parents on
the concept of race? Is there also a socio economic component to this
understanding. The article stated that the participants were recruited from the same
region though a region is ambiguous. It would be interesting to see diversity of
socio economic backgrounds within each of the groups (of course, new groups
would need to be created in order to test for a socio economic factor). Does the
socio economic background of a child from each of the groups affect their
understanding of race in comparison between groups and/or within the group
members? In addition, it would be interesting to further divide each group of children
My Experience In Life
I stepped on American soil in 2013 unaware of the challenges I would come to
face. But, what is life without a challenge? I left behind part of my family, the
place where I grew up, the friends that I grew up with, and the park where I would
play every day after school. Nevertheless, I was not the only one surrendering my
life s work; my parents were losing much more. They were giving up all the
sleepless nights they spent studying to become doctors; although they still
preserve the knowledge they acquired, they knew that here, they would not receive
the same recognition they held in Cuba. But as my Mom said to me, all that
matters is that you and your little sister have the future that we were denied.
Structurally, this was the most beautiful place I had ever seen. I was amazed by
the skyscrapers, the sport cars, and the dazzling lights all over the road. It looked
like the movies that I used to watch, movies that look like science fiction to me
until that moment. Coming here, I battled the odds by leaving a country where
freedom comes at a price, and I immediately realized that a future in this country
also comes with a tariff. I first learned this when I took the placement exams, in
which I surpass the teacher s expectation, who decided that the math class in my
current grade was not challenging enough for me and that I should be placed in the
next level class. However, when I got to that math class I could see the frustration in
the teacher s eyes when I
Windows Of Windows Operating System
Windows Operating System Introduction: Windows Operating System was
developed by Microsoft Corporation, released its first version of Windows in 1985
and it was simply a Graphical User Interface which was offered as an extension to
existing MS DOS. In 2001, Microsoft released Windows XP, which offered various
windows packages with multiple editions for business, consumers, developers etc.
In 2009 Microsoft developed Windows 7, and its interface was similar to that of
Vista and it met different modest system requirements and better speed
improvement. In 2012, Windows 8 was released with new User Interface and
number of enhancements. It has better advantages like multi core processing,
touch screens and other input methods. In 2015, Microsoft released Windows 10.
The OS is designed in such a way to have a consistent interface across various user
devices like PC s, laptops, phones and tablets. Design Principles underlying the
Operating System: i)Windows is an extensible Operating System. It follows a
layered architecture. ii)Windows XP is portable and can be moved from one
hardware architecture to another with few changes. iii)It is reliable and uses different
hardware mechanisms for protection of virtual memory and various software
mechanisms for different operating system resources. iv)Windows is compatible and
has high performance. v)It provides International Support as well. B) Major elements
of Process Management: A process
A Study On The Respiratory Exchange Essay
The characteristics of the phylum, Arthropoda, includes jointed legs and an
exoskeleton (Freeman, 2014). The insect the team and I chose to work on were the
hissing cockroaches, Gromphadorhina portentosa. Hissing cockroaches are small
ectothermic animals and are known to have a tracheal system (Burnaford) that allows
them to transfer oxygen into their body. Introduction
The organism used in the experiment is a hissing cockroach and the main reason
was that cockroaches are arthropods that have a trachea in which is almost similar to
humans. Although humans have a trachea which is more of a wind pipe structure
whereas insects have a tracheae in which is more of a network of air tubes (Bartrim,
2014). The tracheal system has the capacity to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide
(Heinrich, 2013) in which the series of branched tubes help deliver oxygen from the
environment to the cells (Burnaford, 2016). The respiratory exchange is regulated by
the spiracles and this creates three phases of gas exchange (Bartrim, 2014);
continuous, cyclic, and discontinuous. The most distinct phase is the discontinuous
gas exchange cycle (DGC) because it s the phase that insects must deal with
(Heinrich, 2014). The DGC has its own three phases; closed phase, open phase, and
the flutter phase (Heinrich, 2014).
The hypothesis we had was that the mass of the insect correlates towards respiration.
The more mass it has the higher respiration. The dependent variable is the mass of the
Pros And Cons Of Buying Organs
While I agree that a persona has a right to choose what happens to/with their body, I
do not think patients should be able to sell and/or purchase needed organs. If
people were allowed to buy and sell organs, I think we would be opening a big can of
worms, as the saying goes, that we do not want to open. There are multiple reasons
why this would not be a good idea.
First of all, if we were to institute the system of buying and selling organs, a gap
between the upper class and those in the lower class would most likely form. It
would separate the people who could afford organs from the people who could not.
This could also interfere with the donor registry. For example, say you found a donor
that matched someone from the upper class and another patient from the lower class.
If the person of lower economic standing was next in line for the organ, but the donor
(or the donor s family, if diseased) was offered money from the wealthy recipient,
that organ could go to the wealth person, rather than the one who would have been
next on the list (and possibly having more of a need for it). Therefore, I think it is
unethical to buy/sell ... Show more content on ...
Once again, money is a significant incentive for people to do things they may
otherwise not have done. If someone is in need of money, and they are offered a
large amount to say, donate a kidney, I don t believe this would be considered ethical.
It is reminiscent of prostitution, in that a person is sell their body (or in this case
part of their body) in exchange for money. A couple reasons prostitution is
considered immoral in society is because it can involve exploitation and coercion.
Similarly, those who are desperate for money can be exploited and coerced into
becoming involved in selling their organs. Not only is this behavior immoral, but
there may also be health consequences for the living donors who sell their organs for
Poetic Devices In Acquainted With The Night
Poetic Devices in Acquainted with the Night In the poem, Acquainted with the
Night , Robert Frost speaks of wandering the city at night. He speaks of the night
like a friend, but in reality he is friendless. Through his use of hyperboles and
imagery, the author provides an in depth look of what he feels and experiences at
night. Robert Frost uses hyperboles to exaggerate how he feels about the city at
night. In line 4, the author says, I have looked down the saddest city lane. (l.4) A
lane cannot be sad, but the author expresses the lane this way due to the lane being
empty and dark. He talks about the lane like this because he himself is empty and
sad. He reflects his own feelings onto the lane. In line 6, the author uses a hyperbole
What Is The Difference Between Personnel Management
1.1 Distinguish between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management
Personnel management
Personnel management is a part of management concerned with people at work and
with their relationships within the organization. Personnel management as planning
and develops their employees and maintain their work and managing employees work
and with their relationship with in an organization. Selecting the right person for the
job and guiding there performance communicate with all level employees and
practicing the people the selected job a personnel manager to lead the peoples and
tacking in to the environment to improve productivity. Personnel management is
planning and coordinating through the organization and developing and motivating of
... Show more content on ...
The organization needs to work hard to get the involvement of their entire
employees to attain their goals and objectives. So they must provide some rewards
to their employees to motivate them to get their involvement. So I suggest Cargills
to provide scholarship programs to its employees, because nowadays most of the
employees who are working for Cargills are young people. So this reward system
will motivate them a lot as they can go abroad to study further and develop their
skills in the future period of time. Providing Scholarship Programs to employees
will be a cost to Cargills, but they can overcome the cost by increasing the efficiency
of the employees through this reward system as a motivation tool. And also this can
fulfill their Esteem and Self Actualization needs according to Maslow s
Summary Of Rudyard Kipling s The Great Gatsby Essay
They re there, there, there with Earth immortal
(Citizens, I give you friendly warning).
That the things that truly last when men and times have passed, they are all in
Pennsylvania this morning!
Rudyard Kipling 1. The Commonwealth They Served
The weather was seasonally cold in Pennsylvania s Capitol late in 1914. On Sunday
morning, December 27, the temperature was 1 degree Fahrenheit. This reading was
the lowest ever registered in the last month of the year during the almost three decade
history of the Harrisburg weather station. Nevertheless, the cold did not dim the
spirit of the holiday season as the Harrisburg Evening Telegraph newspaper cheerfully
proclaimed, Perfect Christmas Makes City Happy.
During that week Governor John K. Tener, in the last month of his term, released a
legislatively mandated report that made history. The Report of the Economy and
Efficiency Commission, for one of the very few times in Pennsylvania s Chronicle,
provided the public with a roster of all 5,152 state employees. The release of this
document was a key milestone in the Commonwealth s early 20th century effort to
improve its personnel management practices.
By listing names, this document provides an opportunity to recognize the often
unheralded contributions of selected state employees assigned to organizations under
the general supervision of the Governor. The register also affords an invaluable
chance to appreciate how the offices, bureaus, and divisions make Pennsylvania
Earth-Like Planets
Running head: Earth Like Planets
Earth Like Planets
T. Nailor
Miller Motte College Online
Critical Thinking GS235
Dr. Marshall Lloyd
Earth Like Planets
Do you believe that there is life on other planets? Better yet, do you believe that there
is another planet that looks like earth? As far as I can remember, there has always
been the question of is there life in outer space? I remember being in grade school
wondering if there were humans or aliens on other planets and if they were trying to
communicate with us. Around January 1986 the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded
during takeoff in front of the entire world. As a teenager, this event was tragic and
amazing at the same time because I felt that we were on our way to ... Show more
content on ...
However, this information does suggest to the public that we are getting closer and
closer to discovering other earth like planets. We can t be alone
The science community is getting very close to discovering earth like planets and
extraterrestrial life in outer space. This is considered a valued assumption among
many researchers and astronomers. To date, they have actually discovered more than
800 of these exoplanets amongst the billions and billions of stars in our galaxy. The
more planets found like HD40307g, the more they resemble earth with earth like
characteristics (the spinning on its axis, having a night and a day, and orbiting in the
habitable zone). Astronomers are also finding them closer to our solar system.
Another assumption of these findings are that humans are developing and advancing
technology to communicate, navigate, and live in outer space in the near future.
NASA said no candidate planet discovered thus far by Kepler is exactly like Earth,
but noted that the spacecraft has collected enough data to begin finding true sun
Earth analogs Earth size planets with a one year orbit around stars similar to the sun.
(Poeter, 2012)
According to, private companies and NASA are working together to take
the next step forward of launching humans into outer space. Entering the term space
settlement, suggest that
Database Modeling And Normalization Paper
Assignment 2 Database Modeling and Normalization
Dr. Amir Afzal
Strayer University CIS 515
August 7, 2012
Selling high end electronics is big business and being a commissioned employee
in that field if your sales are up means big money. Prices for electronics range from
the low hundreds into the thousands. It really depends on the person style,
specifications they are looking for, trust in the brand, and the depth of their pockets,
how much a person is willing to spend for example on a that high definition led
plasma television that is 52 inches. No matter the cost, businesses want to keep a
track of the sales of their employees and how much they are getting paid. In this case
a high end electronics store wants to ... Show more content on ...
The coding that was used to find information on commissions paid to employees was:
SELECT Employee.*
FROM Employee, Invoice
WHERE (DepartmentID =2);
The asterisk next to employees indicates that all the information under the employee
table was used to generate the search. In this query information was pulled from the
employee and invoice tables. The WHERE function more specifically states the
department which can be changed and it would generate new information. The query
currently only shows employee commission information for employees who work in
department two (see attachment).
If the finance department wanted to find the total compensation paid to each
employee in the same month as the first query a slightly different query would be run
to generate that information. The first code simply pulled the information and did not
include and computation because the finance department only requested to be able to
determine as in pull up the record for employee s commission paid. The second code
will include computation which will divide the yearly salary by twelve months then
multiples the commission rate by the total amount of product sold and lastly add
those two numbers together to get the total compensation for that month.
Unfortunately the coding that I am using is not generating a proper result. However,
it should look something like this:
SELECT Employee.EmpNumber, Employee.EmpFirstName,
Dentofacial Orthopedic Therapy
Lexington, KY Braces for Kids and Teens
Beautiful straight smiles can help build confidence and better health. As a family
practice, we love helping kids achieve the beautiful confident smiles they deserve to
have. By survey, parents say that their kids are happier about themselves and smile
more often once their teeth are straight. Having straight teeth also helps to avoid
future complications with gum disease.
Dr. Patricia Takacs is very experienced in straightening children s teeth and has
considerable advanced training in the technology and utilization of braces. She is
equipped to assess exactly what needs to be done to give your child a straight smile
and a healthy bite.
Your first step is an evaluation of your child s teeth, jaw, and bite. Dr. Takacs will
thoroughly review treatment options with you and answer any questions ... Show
more content on ...
This process is started when the patient is still a child, often before any other
orthodontic treatment has begun. However, it can still be performed during later
stages of treatment.
Dentofacial orthopedic therapy usually focuses on correcting potential bite and
spacial problems by guiding the growth and development of the jaw. We do this by
using orthodontic appliances such as mouthguards, space maintainers, retainers,
expanders, and other devices.
This process is important because it helps to ensure the success of later orthodontic
treatment. In some cases, it can even prevent the need for braces down the road! For
instance, if a child s spacing issues can be resolved while their jaw is still developing
and their permanent teeth are still coming in, it may prevent teeth from becoming
crowded and needing braces to straighten them. Even if it doesn t prevent crowding
completely, it will certainly help the later orthodontic treatment to work faster and
more efficiently.
How Can Preventive Orthodontics Help My
Cirrhosis And Its Effect On The Body Essay
Every year people from different age groups are diagnosed with cirrhosis or any
other disease in the United States. Liver is an important organ just like the rest of
the organs inside our body especially for the digestive system. The liver has to be
healthy to do many important functions for example, blood clotting, digesting food
using bile duct, and many more duties. People may develop cirrhosisdifferently
because their bodies react very different on how it may develop. Developing the
disease cirrhosis in the liverwill weaken the body and how it is not going to function
properly anymore. Scarring tissue usually develops in the liver and because of the
worn out tissue it will not allow the blood flow for the liver to work. Cirrhosis
affects the body in which in some cases leads to the development in liver cancer
later on in life or any other disease. When cirrhosis sometimes takes its toll really
fast in the liver then that is definitely a different story. Cirrhosis starts with a cause in
which people develop signs and symptoms, receive treatment, they get tested to
confirm the disease, and there are preventions for those people who do not want to
develop cirrhosis in the near future.
The cause of cirrhosis is do to a factor or many factors for many people. Cirrhosis
maybe caused by an excessive consumption of alcohol for many years, chronic
hepatitis B or C, fat in the liver, and other causes as well ( Cirrhosis 1). In addition,
more causes are nonalcoholic
Ridley Scott s Blade Runner
Introduction In the science of studying media and communication, there are many
different ways of approaching the subject in which you are going to analyse. That
is to analyse advertisements, texts, TV series, films etc. and other media. My task
for this assignment is to give an analysis of a film of my choice. A film is a quite
complex medium to analyse; thus it is important to have analysis tools or some
criteria to follow. In my analysis I am asked to consider the use and resolution of
binary opposition and through analysis of narrative structure. In my assignment I am
going to consider how the couple is represented, and how the narrative structure and
binary oppositions have influence on the plot of the story. Bladerunner is a... Show
more content on ...
We have got the villain in the strongest and most elegant replicant, Roy Batty. He is
the arch replicant, or head of the evil force. On the opposite side we have got
Deckard, which is the hero of the story. He fights the villain and his associates. The
helper in the story is the other blade runner is Gaff, even though he doesn t appear
too often. He is still on Deckards side, and he keeps leaving small origami objects
wherever he goes. The princess though is undoubtedly Rachel. The ending of BR,
is like a classical one, where the hero gets the princess . The hero fights and defeats
the villain. The way the audience view the events in the film, is very much
decided by whose point of view that is being used (O Shaugnessey, 1999, p. 113).
The way Deckard s voice over is used in BR makes it easier for us to know which
characters to sympathise with, and also to follow the plot. Deckard s voice over
lets us in on his emotions and how he views things. It is also easier to follow the
changes he is going through. In the Director s Cut version of Blade Runner, the
voice over is let out. This detail makes this story a lot more intricate, because the
protagonist is much more difficult to understand. Even though the voice over is a
very small part of the movie, it makes it a lot easier for the audience to know how
The Issue Of A Constitutional Convention
Danny Chasteen and Susan Rick thought that they had finally gotten their big break
when they won $250,000 from the Illinois lottery. But, because the Illinois budget
had not passed, they received nothing but a cold promise. No, the lottery situation is
not the most pressing problem facing our government, it is merely a trivial
outgrowth of a bigger problem: political gridlock in the state legislature. A large
majority of the citizens of Illinoisare exasperated with the government, and they have
the right to be, but a Constitutional Conventionis not going to fix any of our problems.
Every state has its own dilemmas, and these issues can be solved through the
everyday political process. A Constitutional Convention is simply not necessary, when
the Constitutionitself is not what is holding back the Illinois State government.
What could possibly be the purpose of a Constitutional Convention? Is it to change
provisions on the state budget, income tax, or even school funding? All of these
subjects can be focused on individually, and changed through the already present
amendment procedures. In fact most of the Constitution itself can be changed
through this existing political process. The Constitution is a living breathing
document that is meant to change as its environment changes, which is the specific
purpose of amendments. Each provision should be dealt with individually, so as to
bring more attention to that specific problem. For instance, school budgeting or
pension reform
Chemical Reaction Of Chemical Reactions
Chemical kinetics is the study of rates during chemical processes and the speed at
which they occur (Chm.Davidson, 2016). Chemical kinetics can be altered by the
effect of various variables and the re arrangement of atoms. An example of kinetic
processes can be seen in many experiments such as the Landolt IodineClock Reaction.
Clock reactions represent chemical reactions in which two colourless solutions are
mixed together; at first no reaction takes place but after a short period of time the
solution can be seen to undergo a change in colour. Within the Landolt iodine clock
reaction Potassium Iodate and Sodium Bisulphite react to yield iodine, which in
return reacts with the starch molecules to form the blue solution (RSC, 2016). The
process of this experiment can be explained through the following chemical reactions:
The iodine ions are produced, due to following reaction between iodate and bisulphite:
IO3в€’ + 3 HSO3в€’ в†’ Iв€’ + 3 HSO4в€’
2. The iodate that is left in excess after the first reaction will oxidise with iodide
formed to generate iodine:
IO3в€’ + 5 Iв€’ + 6 H+ в†’ 3 I2 + 3 H2O
3. Instantaneously the iodine is reduced back to iodide by the bisulphite I2 +
HSO3в€’ + H2O в†’ 2 Iв€’ + HSO4в€’ + 2 H+
Consequently the iodine will react with the starch to create the coloured solution; this
will only occur once the bisulphite is fully consumed (Unomaha, 2016). Throughout
the course of these chemical reactions, the rate at which the reaction occurs takes
Pigs Slaughter And The Slaughter Of All Livestock
Hog slaughter and the slaughter of all livestock has been a controversial topic over
the last few years. With many organizations out there against animal agriculture such
as the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals (PETA) there has been a constant push to find the most
humane act of livestockharvest as possible while still maintaining excellent meat
quality. Currently, there are four acceptable methods: chemical (Carbon Dioxide
CO2), mechanical (captive bolt), mechanical (gunshot), and electrical (electrical
current). Currently, all four methods are approved for the slaughter of swine.
None, however, are ideal and all have advantages and disadvantages in pork quality
effects which leaves it up for discussion of which is the best system to use.
According to the Humane Methods of Livestock Slaughter Act of 1978, no method
of slaughtering or handling in connection with slaughtering shall be deemed to
comply with the public policy of the United States unless it is humane. Either of the
following two methods of slaughtering and handling are hereby found to be
humane: (a) in the case of cattle, calves, horses, mules, sheep, swine, and other
livestock, all animals are rendered insensible to pain by a single blow or gunshot or
an electrical, chemical or other means that is rapid and effective, before being
shackled, hoisted, thrown, cast, or cut; or (b) by slaughtering in accordance with the
ritual requirements of the Jewish
Mikhail GorbachevВґs Glasnost and Perestroika Policies...
The purpose of this investigation is to assess how significant Mikhail Gorbachev s
Glasnost, and Perestroika polices contribute to the collapse of the USSR. In order
to understand how significant of a factor Gorbachev policies were to the collapse of
the USSR, we will investigate from how significant were the reforms emplaced by
Gorbachev, to how the USSR was doing economically from the time Gorbachev
came into power. The main sources for this investigation range from an Excerpt from
The cold war: The United States and the Soviet unionby Ronald Powaski who states
facts about both the economic and political issues of the time. Excerpts from New
political thinking from perestroika by Gorbachev which states how he believes new
political... Show more content on ...
Mikhail Gorbachev therefore tried to make changes in soviet domestic and foreign
policies even abandoned long held Marxist principles, in an attempt to reverse
economic and social decline of the USSR. He initiated economic reforms like
perestroika and permitted greater freedom of expression, glasnost to try to overcome
hard line oppression. Gorbachev realized that west and the USSR would continue
to have different approaches to specific situations. He also realized that it was no
longer possible to draft a policy on the premises of the year 1947 and that the
country need to act in a new way. Gorbachev believed that Perestroika was needed
to normalize life and bring the Soviet Union and its people into the modern
technological age. Perestroika was emplaced to permit individual soviet enterprises
to make their own adjustments which meant it would improve the quality of soviet
goods and change the product mix to meet current demands, and help out the
economy.4 Eventually Gorbachev created a reform policy known as Glasnost which
also affected the economy. Gorbachev was eager to take notice of the human
element in the industry, which meant listening to what ordinary workers wanted and
how they were treated. This new freedom extended to other areas of society as well.
Censorship rules were relaxed, and writers and journalists were encouraged to
discuss how they felt about or saw the Soviet future. It even allowed certain things
Analysis Of Descartes s First Attempt
In his first attempt, Descartes attempts to use the metaphor of weight to explain the
relation, such that we can apply weight in terms relating to the body and other times
relating to the soul, and just as we have the innate notion that an immaterial force
pushes weighted objects towards the earth, so too does the immaterial soul/mindact on
the body . However, this explanation proves unsatisfactory both to the modern reader
and to Elisabeth herself; as this analogy fails to bridge the gap as to how something
immaterial can enter into a causal relationship with something that is distinctly
material. Elizabeth agrees that the senses (and the passions) demonstrate that the soul
can move the body, but that falls far short of determining the mechanism by which
this can happen (without of course sacrificing the integrity of his immaterial/material
substance divide.)
In a second attempt (following Elisabeth s dissatisfaction with the weight analogy)
Descartes provides his most extensive response, explaining the three factors necessary
for causal functioning, and tying them to the specific example of thought and action .
This exposition is problematic for a number of reasons. Firstly, Jonathon Dennett
notes Descartes switches between using soul as the core subject of investigation to
using the word thought which is actually an entirely separate argument; while
thoughts are a necessary part of the soul/mind, they are not sufficient to explain all
the processes. Secondly, in

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How To Write Biography Essay

  • 1. How To Write Biography Essay Writing an essay on the intricacies of crafting a biography essay might seem like a straightforward task, but delving into the nuances of the genre can be quite challenging. One must navigate through the complexities of capturing a person's life in a coherent and engaging narrative while maintaining objectivity and accuracy. The initial challenge lies in extensive research, as a comprehensive understanding of the subject's life is crucial. It requires sifting through various sources, such as autobiographies, interviews, and historical records, to gather relevant information. This process demands time, patience, and a discerning eye to distinguish between credible and unreliable sources. Once the research is complete, the writer must organize the vast amount of information into a cohesive structure. Striking a balance between chronological order and thematic relevance can be tricky, and deciding what to include or omit becomes a delicate task. Selecting the most compelling anecdotes and events to create a narrative that captures the essence of the subject's life requires careful consideration. Another challenge is maintaining a tone that is both engaging and respectful. Writing a biography essay involves a fine line between presenting the subject in a favorable light and acknowledging their flaws or challenges. Striking this balance is crucial to creating a nuanced and authentic portrayal. Furthermore, crafting a compelling introduction and conclusion poses its own set of challenges. The introduction must grab the reader's attention and set the tone for the entire essay, while the conclusion should provide a satisfying closure without leaving any loose ends. In essence, writing an essay on how to write a biography essay is a multi-faceted task that demands meticulous research, thoughtful organization, and a nuanced understanding of the subject. It's an art that requires a delicate balance between factual accuracy and engaging storytelling. For those seeking assistance in navigating the complexities of such essays, various resources are available. Professional writing services,, offer support in crafting well- researched and well-structured essays on a variety of topics, ensuring that the final product meets the highest standards. Whether it's unraveling the intricacies of a biography essay or delving into other writing challenges, such services provide valuable assistance for those looking to excel in their academic endeavors. How To Write Biography EssayHow To Write Biography Essay
  • 2. Persuasive Speech About Tattoos We have all heard the saying you re going to hate that when you get older. Or why are you going to pay somebody to permanently scar your body ? It is time to stop spewing that tired rhetoric because not all people are bros who get tribal tattoos when they are 18. Tattoos are a form of self expression that has no bounds, and it has no protocol which makes its potential seemingly endless. Many people use this form of art to remember a loved one, to express themselves, or just to have as a badge of honor, and the list goes on and on. I remember the day like it was yesterday and it s a horrific memory that will haunt me until the day that I no longer exist on this earth. I was in the military serving in the Air Force in New Jersey, so needless to say being from Georgia I didn t really get the chance to see my family very often. So, one day I get a call from my from my father and he told me he had news to tell me, which was kind of surprising since we spoke two or three times a week on the phone. His voice dropped into a somber tone and he echoed the words I will never forget, I have ALS . My heart stopped, I couldn t believe what I was hearing, and I m no doctor but everybody hears the stories about Lou Gehrig s disease and they know exactly what it entails, in short, it s a death sentence with no cure. Over the next year, I spent as much time as I possibly could taking trips to see my father and each time I laid eyes on him, his once strong, muscular physique had withered away to a frail shell of himself. I knew what the outcome was going to be, I think we all did, barring a miracle we knew it was going to have a happy ending. The last time my father was able to come visit me in New Jersey we had plans to go see a Braves game in Philadelphia. He was only coming for a few days so I wanted to make his visit special, especially since his disease had gotten to the point where he could no longer walk and was confined to a wheelchair. I wanted him to know that he was always on my mind and that even though I couldn t be there with him personally, I liked to think that I could have a part of him with me everywhere I went. So, after talking with my step mom we came up with the idea of me getting the same tattoomy
  • 3. Presidential Debate Analysis Debate or Debacle? by Fatima Navarro, Freshmen staff writer The debate this august 6, 2015 was held in Cleveland Ohio, the first debate for the presidential campaign. Many of the comments made were ridiculously childish. The following topics were discussed at the debate taxes, immigration, education, Obama s decisions, war, Isis, woman rights, and gay marriage. Not many answers were proposed rather there were lots of snarky comments. Donald Trump has such a massive ego while he picked on his opponents; then later claimed that he will get the Latino vote. Rubio wants the economy to support free market economics and has proposed tax cuts. These tax cuts are for small businesses with great ideas. Rubio proposed to reform the US immigration system ... Show more content on ... He does not agree with the Obama Care plan for he thinks it affects middle class families in not a good way. Ben Carson is the director of Pediatric Neurosurgery and is the first doctor to separate twins that were conjoined. He is very much known for his views on social and political issues. Mike Huckabee has once tried to run as president but failed so this is his second time running. In the debate he was asked about his view on gay marriage and of course being an ordained minister brought up god and in general he didn t have anything against them just that they respect the church. In fact he added that we recently attended a gay marriage of a friend of his. Scott Walker went to Marquette University but did not graduate. Even though he was seen by many as a potential candidate and then chosen to run for president, I think homosexuals would despise him for he is trying to ban gay marriage. Jeb Bush is following his father s footsteps, after being elected governor twice in Florida he decided to run for president. He wants to reduce global warming by cutting carbon emissions and has stressed the role of private industry in addressing the problem. Bush believes that the plan No Child Left
  • 4. Thelma And Louise Compare And Contrast The two movies I am going to compare are Thelma Louise and North Country. The sexual harassments to women both happened in these two movies, but the solutions of the main characters were different, and the outcomes of them were disparate, therefore, I wondered how did the main characters in each movie responded to the sexual harassment, and if it is different, why was it? By focusing on the different situations and personalities of the characters, especially Thelma and Josey, I m going to compare and analyze the motivations that lead them to make such decisions and the ways that they dealt with the harassments. Firstly, I want to compare the scenes that happened before Thelma and Josey were sexually harassed and analyze their similarities.... Show more content on ... In Thelma Louise, Thelma escaped further and discovered herself more, the hue of the film became lighter at the same time. In the last scene, under the azure sky, Thelma and Louise seated in the car of the bright sunshine, surrounded by police cars (Thelma Louise, 02:05:27). The director used close up shots to show how steadfast Thelma and Louise s determination was (Thelma Louise, 02:02:34). Meanwhile, the melodious and free main title music rose when Thelma and Louise clutched each other s hand (Thelma Louise, 02:05:27). Finally, the shot frozen in the moment where their car flew off the cliff (Thelma Louise, 02:05:35). At the end of North Country, when the case of the sexual harassment fell into the dilemma, Gloria showed the support to Josey. Then, more and more spectators stood up to show the supports to Josey when the soothing background music rose (North Country, 01:56:28). At the same time, the director used close ups to show how touched and appreciative Josey was at that time. Besides, Josey also expressed a feeling that every effort was
  • 5. Essay on Certainty is Decartes Discourse of Method Rene Descartes overall objective in publicizing Discourse of Method is to developing a new system of knowledge that is free of prior prejudices for establishing the truth of things. In Part 4 of the book he explains the philosophical basing (the meditations) for establishing the new system. These meditations were based on the epistemological theory of rationalism: that is if someone truly knows something then they could not possibly be mistaken. He goes on to provide solid argument for his ideas. In Meditations he comes to term with three certainties: the existence of the mind as the thing that thinks, the body as an extension, and God as the supreme being. He attests that he came to these conclusions ... Show more content on ... Besides, many of us, at one point in our lives, have wondered this very philosophical question: Am I dreaming? Yet, even now, most of us would claim that we are awake; however, while in a dream, on one actually believes that they are actually sleeping. Nevertheless, Decartes doesn t concretely prove that we are dreaming. He doesn t have to. Instead, he merely raises the point that, at any moment, we may be dreaming. Just by presenting this simple possibilty, Decartes successfully destroys all of our sensory beliefs. By proposing the Dream and Illusion theory Decartes is able to judge and maintain that all his former beliefs as false. Using doubt as a tool, he is able to clearly and distinctly perceive the idea of mind. The mind represented by I . Inorder to proof his idea of I did not represent the self as in physical appearances he proposes the following statement, Thus this, I , that is to say the soul through which I am what I am, is entirely distinct from the body and is even easier to know than the body, and event if there there were no boy at all, it would not cease to be all that it is (Cress, pg 19). Through this, he is able to reach the conclusion even though
  • 6. all things may be doubtful, the fact that we doubt is not doubtful. There is doubt, thinking; which is certain. It the doubt is
  • 7. Rose Quartz Research Paper Rose quartz is a mineral composed of oxygen and silicon with the chemical formula SiO2. It is a 7 on Mohs scale of hardness just like any other quartz.Its central gravity is 2.63 2.65. Rose quartz transparency is translucent to transparent. Rose quartz has a vitreous luster and its mineral class is quartz.It is the most abundant mineral found on earth mostly found in the earth s crust.( encyclopedia/rose quartz) Quartz is the most abundant single mineral on earth. It makes up about 12% of the earth s crust, occurring in a wide variety of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.Quartz varieties are commonly separated into two groups based on the size of the individual grains or crystals. Macrocrystalline quartz in which individual crystals are distinguishable with the naked eye, and cryptocrystalline quartz in which the individual crystals are too small to be easily distinguishable under the light microscope. Some of the verities of the Macrocrystalline quartz are... Show more content on ... It is commercially mined in Madagascar, South Africa, Namibia, U.S.A.(South Dakota) , and Brazil. Rose quartz found in madagascar usually have very large crystals and are extremely deeply colored.In South Dakota, rose quartz is found in pegmatites in the Southern Black Hills area. These pegmatites are associated with the Harney Peak granite mass (which is now exposed at the surface of the earth because of erosion). The pegmatite formed in this part of south dakota is estimated to be over 1,700 million years old. When rose quartz forms it is usually crystalline which means that the crystals are very large. Rose quartz forms when magma is pushed up to the surface of the earth and begins to cool and crystallize. The reason that rose quartz crystals often become so large is because the crystals do not stop forming until the magma has completely cooled which sometimes make the crystals grow to very large
  • 8. Value of a Dystopia Essay A perfect world with no negative aspects can be defined as a utopia. A utopia consists of having all the required or desirable elements of life that one has in mind. Everyone has an altered perception on what a utopia is, but in order for the world to be a utopia a universal definition is vital. Some elements to be considered in a utopiainclude a society that is stable socially, morally, politically, and economically. The more a world is in deficient to these key elements of a utopia, the farther the world travels from the parameters of a utopia. Through the analysis of the novel Lord of the Flies , the movies Lord of the Flies , V for Vendetta , and Gattaca and the song Green Destroyed , it is evident that a utopia is very... Show more content on ... When the boys fooled around and did not fulfil their responsibilities, such as watching the fire or getting more wood for the fire, Ralph got mad but he did not try to make a change. Ralph did not enforce the rules; he had only warned them and kept doing just that. One reason it was hard to sustain was because there was no sense of leadership skills. By now, Ralph had no self consciousness in public thinking but would treat the day s decision as though he was playing chess. The only trouble was that he would never be a good chess player (Golding. 128). Ralph did not take on the proper leadership role that he should have, which was to lead by example. An example that illustrates this is when he told the boys to build tents; he could have shown them how to build them instead of just telling them to do it. Also when a situation did not go as planned, Ralph did not know what to do. There was a lack of hope for the future and a general lack of a positive outlook. It was also hard to sustain because there was a lack of entertainment which the boys wanted as a reward for their efforts but never did. There was never any fun such as music, chants, festivities or feasts. Entertainment is an aspect that helps to maintain a perfect world because it is a way to make people happy as happiness makes one satisfied. There was a value in the attempt of Ralph s utopia. They were stuck on an island with no idea of when they were
  • 9. Bohemian Immigration To Texas Immigration to Texas was crucial to Texas reconstruction and economic expansion after the Civil War due to the relatively wealthy immigrants obtaining land grants issued by the Texas government that contained fertile soil which was previously held by indians, and the working class immigrants providing cheap labor when slaves could no longer be shipped over due to the abolishment of the slave trade and emancipation of slaves. An immigrant would choose to settle in Texas due to Texas climate being similar to Southern European countries such as Spain, Italy and parts of Germany and France; Texas had ample amounts of fertile land for farming and ranching, and Texas was home to the major immigration port of Galveston near Houston. After the American ... Show more content on ... Ranches spread across Texas in the 19th century, and were used to raise cattle brought to Texas by the Spanish. The most famous ranch in Texas is the King Ranch founded by Richard King and Gideon K. Lewis. Richard King was the son of an Irish immigrant that came to New York. Richard later immigrated to Texas in 1850 where he bought a land grant West of Corpus Christi. King and Lewis set up an ingenious system of hiring immigrants primarily from Mexico that were fleeing the devastation of the Mexican War and seeking. These Mexicans knew how to work with cattle and they proved invaluable to the King Ranch s success. These working class immigrants called themselves KineГ±os or King s people . The immigrants were very important to the success of King Ranch and King knew it. He provided his workers with education for their families and very stable, high paying employment as well as eating and spending winters with them. This is another instance of relatively wealthy immigrants taking advantage of Texas natural resources to support Texas economy. This is also an example of wealthy immigrants who own land using immigrant labor to fill jobs with experienced individuals. During the Civil War, the King Ranch was captured by the Union and was raided for valuables and food. The Union
  • 10. Driving, Distractions and Accidents There could be so many distractions while driving. For example, driving to a friend s house and suddenly the phone goes off. Thinking you ll be fine to text back because the road is just going straight down, but then all of a sudden something unexpected happens. An accident, an accident caused by a simple text. Texting while behind the wheel looses focus, taking eyes off the wheel and it has a high risk factor. Driving while texting is a very dangerous and serious issue that distracts everyone no matter what the age is. A few people thing they can text and drive because they are supposedly expert drivers. Or they can text without looking at their phones, and they might think it is safe for them but consequently it is not. Just because the persons eyes are not on the phone doesn t mean they didn t loose their focus on the road. They could be thinking if they spelled everything right, or if the automatic correct spelling is the word they actually meant. Their main focus is mentally on the text message they relieved. For example, thinking about what to write for the text can probably cause a blind site on the road. You can always just pass a red light or almost run someone over because you are not looking all around you. Just because certain people have been driving for years does not make them an expert driver. A simple text is not worth loosing your life or someone else. Texting while driving is like drinking and driving. But I believe texting and driving is a
  • 11. Remember the Contributions of the First Sailors We must always remember with gratitude and admiration the first sailors who steered their vessels through storms and mists, and increased our knowledge of the land... Ronald Amundsen). Although not all explorers of the Pacific Northwest were sailors, all of them deserve to be honored because of the contribution their expeditions made to WA. The first non Indians that came to the Pacific Northwestwere most likely from China or Japan and drifted ashore by accident. After them, came European explorers and later, American explorers who traveled for many reasons like to find the Northwest Passageor because they were sent to learn information about the mysterious land. Some famous explorers of the Pacific Northwest include Lewis Clark, who were sent by Thomas Jefferson, Vitus Berling, which proved that Asia America were separate continents, and Robert Gray who claimed the Oregon territory; explorers like these their expeditions helped shape Washingtoninto what it is today. The explorers of the Pacific Northwest should be honored by having a monument built for them in their favor because they made several contributions to the development of Washington State, these contributions include making maps charts for the area, building forts, and bringing back detailed journals from (or of?) their expeditions To begin, one contribution explorers made for (or to?) Washington was making maps charts of the area, this was important because it helped later travelers find their way
  • 12. Kate Chopin Resourse There are many ways that literature can show how people lived back in the day. In every literary period, they each had their own taste in theme, conflict, and setting. Many of these factors were based on the author s experiences and portrayals. Using literature as a resourse, we can uncover what was the status of women in the early twentieth century. By which they are one of the most well known minority groups in America, even to this day. In The Storm by Kate Chopin, there were a lot of elements that were modern for the author s time. In fact, the sexual affair of Calixta and Alcee made the story be published later than it was planned to be. However, the status of women of Chopin s time can definitely be seen through the eyes of her female characters, Calixta and Clarisse. ... Show more content on ... This might be due to how the reader [was] introduced first to Calixta s husband and son (Titi) and then the next scene showing her sewing furiously on a sewing machine...greatly occupied (Baym, Chopin). In constrast to Clarisse, there isn t much said about her, however we are safe to assume her to be a hardworking wife and mother as well. Both of them married for their only chance they had to a respectable life (Titi). However, they became miserable because Calixta did not marry the one she loved... and Clarisse married...whom she loved but would prefer to be single (Titi). Their situation was most likely due to their social class and gender. If Calixta was from a higher social class like Alcee and Clarisse, she would have a better chance of marrying Alcee. Also if Clarisse was a boy, she would not have been subjected into marrying to be successful in life. In The Snows of Kilimanjaro by Ernest Hemingway, the readers see more modernism themes in comparison to The Storm . However Hemingway s main lead, Helen, has a mixture of modern and traditional
  • 13. Old Yeller Abstract When people think of the book or the movie, Old Yeller, it is often thought of as a story about the bond between a boy and his dog, a common theme in many TV shows and books. However, Old Yeller, as it turns out, proves to be much more than that; it is a true coming of age story. At 14 years old, Travis Coates lives with his mother and little brother, Arliss, in the hill country of Texas during the 1860s when his father must leave home to work on a cattle drive. He leaves Travis to act a man s part and take care of the family in his absence. While working in a cornfield one day, Travis come across Old Yellerand tries to drive him away, but his younger brother, Arliss likes Old Yeller and Mama thinks he would be good for... Show more content on ... Afterall, he had just lost his dog, Bell, to a rattlesnake bite, and the attachment to both Bell and his father cannot be replaced so soon. With his father gone away for several months and Bell dead at the fangs of a rattlesnake, Travis has some major adjustments to make in terms of his internal model of self. He needs to take on the rolf of a man. He has many conflicting roles to deal with disciplinarian to his younger brother, Arliss, only to get scolded by his mother for doing so which leaves him feeling there is no winning because of the conflict caused by assuming so many roles boy, playmate, man, and protector. These conflicts frustrate Travis who thought it was not fair and thinks to himself, how could I be the man of the family if nobody paid any attention to what I thought or said...I sulked and felt sorry for myself all the time...[and] the more I thought of it the angrier I at got at that big yeller dog. (Gibson 1956). Travis feels offended, too, that Lisbeth turns out to be a big help. She helps by getting the water and gathering the corn, and has a good time laughing with Mama and Arliss. It hurts Travis pride to see him so easily replaced by a girl. He consoles himself by remembering that he can hunt, mark hogs and swing an axe, and she cannot (studymode 2014). John Bowlby, a reknowned psychiatrist, whose specialty wrote scholarly articles on attachment, is cited in Melancholia and Maturation (Tribunella 2010), and
  • 14. Thesis Statement On Capital Punishment According to the Editorial Board in their opinion article on Capital Punishment, they believe that capital punishment should no longer be in existence as it is violating the Eighth Amendment s ban on cruel and unusual punishments (Editorial Board, Capital Punishment Deserves a sick Death ). Although capital punishmentmay be a cruel and unusual punishment and viewed as unnecessary in certain situations, I believe the Editorial Board fails to connect their supporting points to their conclusion and understand the reasoning behind capital punishment in today s criminal justice system. One of the editorial boards strongest claims is that the death penalty is in direct violation of the Eighth Amendment s Ban on cruel and unusual punishment. Although they do make a strong argument for this claim, they fail to mention the Supreme Courts ruling that the death penalty is not in violation of the Eighth Amendment. According to USLegal, A death penalty is the sentence of execution for murder and some other capital crimes (serious crimes, especially murder, which are punishable by death). The death penalty, or capital punishment, may be prescribed by Congress or any state legislature for murder and other capital crimes. The Supreme Court has ruled that the death ... Show more content on ... It can be very difficult to know which side to support and evaluating the issue can be overwhelming. Without a proper solution and lack of support for claims, I believe this editorial was very one sided and did not consider the other side of the argument. Although the editorial provides substantial information from outside sources and observes the unlawful reasoning for capital punishment well, I believe capital punishment should still continue to be used in a practical way in order for criminals to obtain the proper punishments for their
  • 15. Essay On Tim Hortons The Tim Hortons chain was founded in 1964 in Hamilton, Ontario. The chain s focus on top quality, always fresh product, value, great service and community leadership has allowed it to grow into the largest quick service restaurant chain in Canada specializing in always fresh coffee, baked goods and home style lunches. The first Tim Hortonsstores offered only two products coffee and donuts. The selection of donuts to enjoy was highlighted by two original Tim Hortons creations, the Apple Fritter and the Dutchie. They became the most popular donut choices in the 60 s, and remain two of the most popular today. (Horton, 2008). The Tim hortons restaurant franchise was founded by Miles Gilbert Tim Horton, a longtime defenseman of the Toronto Maple leafs. Born in Cochrane, Ontario and the first child to Ethel Irish and Oakley Oak Horton, Tim had a passion for his country and ice hockey and was naturally talented hockey player. In 1948, the Toronto Maple Leafs sighned a contract with Tim and he moved to play junior hockey in Toronto. He later turned played in the professional arena by playing for the Pittsburgh Hornets, New York Rangers and the Buffalo Sabres. Miles Gilbert Horton was best known for his strength and calmness in the ice hockey sport as he went on to help win the Stanley Cups in the ... Show more content on ... Aside from coffee and other beverages, Tim Hortons now include a number of baked goods such as donught holes (known as Timbits), muffins, croissants, biscuits, cookies, and bagels among others. In the mid 1990s, the franchise moved to other specialties such as flavored cappuccino, iced cappuccino, cheesecakes and a lunch selection of soups, chili and submarine style sandwiches. In October 2007, Tim Horton s launched the chicken fajita wraps which contains spiced chickens and sautГ©ed vegetables but was changed in to ranch chicken wrap snickers. Soon hash browns and Bagel B.E.L.T was
  • 16. Freshman Year Application I am interested in being an EXPLORE OC, because I want to aid and mentor new Tulane students as they begin their first year as a college student. I understood what having a rocky transition was like, because I experienced the Baton Rouge flood first hand. Seeing the waters and destruction of my childhood home was unsettling. However, what helped me was being able to reach out to others for support, especially to older Tulane students, who had experience moving into a new area and had to create new social circles. In addition, the volunteering scene was also another obstacle, because I had zero connections and was unknown to what was available to me and needed in the community. Because of my experiences at the beginning of freshman year, I want... Show more content on ... My high school was small and not diverse, so I only had one or two Asian friends. I never really had a close Vietnamese group, which was important for me to find in college. As a freshman representative, I find myself doing a number of random, but needed tasks. However, I did deviate and ventured to participate in Date auction first semester, where I fund raised for the non profit The Catalyst Foundation and sang. Date auction taught me a number of things about myself, and the experience tested my limits trying to raise $1600 in a week and my self esteem to sing in front a crowd. In addition, as a freshman representative, I have learned about what running a club, specifically a cultural club, is like and the amount of work that is needed. Collaboration between the clubs and the executive board is necessary in order to fully execute goals. This experience is relevant to the EXPLORE OC, because I can offer myself as a mentor, especially to minority students, because as a new minority student, I faced a number of difficulties dealing with social relationships during my first year. In addition, I attended a Multicultural Committee monthly meeting, and I was told that the Multicultural Committee s mentor program this year a number of Asian American mentors were requested but not enough returning students offered to become mentors. Knowing this, I want to reach out,
  • 17. Teamster Scholarship Essay In 1903, Teamster was formed by the merge of several local and regional local Teamsters with approximately 1.3 million members in 2013. Teamster represents a diverse membership of blue collar and professional workers in both public and private sectors. Teamster is a labor union which organized association of workers protection and further their rights and interests. Teamster is here to benefit and as Herbert Hoover said, Competition is not only the basis of protection to the consumer, but is the incentive to progress. What living in a teamster household meant to my siblings and I, are ending poverty and pursuing an education. Teamster kept my parents employed to provide for my family and continue a family legacy. Notably, labor is a physical work with a... Show more content on ... Growing up with two sisters the word share was religiously used. My family was not inherited with wealth and till this day my parents are constantly working to provide for my family. Throughout the journey multiple tribulations interfere, which made life difficult in my household. To begin with, starting in the year of 2010 my mom was in car accident which caused her to be unemployed for about 3 months, which later merge to 2011 the death of my mom parents. Both her mom and dad past away the same week which had a large impact on the family because they babysat my siblings and I after school while my parents was working. Then in 2012, my dad was rushed to the hospital for an emergency surgery, which made him unemployed for 2 months. After recovering later in 2013, my dad was struck in a horrific car accident which place him unemployed again for another 2 months. Because of the car accident and continuous trouble my family faced we initiated the start of the struggle. The family at the time was using one car for my siblings and I to attend school as well both my parents attended work. Throughout the process Teamster was always there helping my parents raised three amazing strong individual
  • 18. Harcourt Essen Case Study and heavy bullets, there were three favorite choices. The first was a Winchester offering, WW296, a ball powder with a good burning rate and characteristics tailored for big revolver cartridges. The shape of the powder granules determines how well they pass through a given powder measure. The ball shaped powders worked well through most powder measures, eliminating the need to weigh each and every charge, a time consuming step that anyone loading hundreds of rounds of ammunition per week would be glad to give up. Weighing charges could only be eliminated if it was proven that there was no variance from charge to charge, but the prudent loader would still measure one out of each 5 or 10 just to make sure that nothing moved out of adjustment... Show more content on ... As previously stated, it is not pure lead. The lead mixture used for making cast pistol bullets is usually an alloy combination of lead, tin and antimony in varying amounts. The most popular recipe was known as the Lyman #2 mix, comprised of 90% lead, 5% tin, and 5% antimony. Pure lead, tin and especially pure antimony, were difficult to find and sometimes expensive. Linotype was a good source of an antimony rich alloy, but type presses (those used to print newspapers) were being displaced by modern printers. The computer age had begun to impact our source of antimony. Initially, there was a surplus. Soon, with no market no more type metal was being produced. Dennis had a stockpile, but I had to turn to alternate sources. The most abundant source of lead in the salvage yards now came in the form of wheel weights. Clip on wheel weights used to balance car tires were made from an alloy that was actually legislated to be consistent. It was held to precise standards and governed by the department of transportation. It made sense when you think about what could happen to a chunk of lead thrown from a spinning wheel because it was too soft to stay put or too brittle and broke off. Wheel weight alloy typically consisted of 97% lead, 2% antimony, and a little less than 1% tin. This was not the ideal mix for making bullets. However, by adapting the process, bullets made entirely from wheel weights could be hardened to
  • 19. The Fatigue Associated With Working The Night Shift The fatigue associated with working the night shift was brought into the spotlight after an aircraft incident that occurred on June 10, 1990. British Airways flight 5390 had just departed from Birmingham International Airport when the aircraft experienced a rapid pressure loss due to the pilot s windshield blowing out of the aircraft. This resulted in the pilot being sucked halfway out of the aircraft and another flight crew member grabbing the pilots belt and holding him from being sucked completely out while the copilot to take control of the aircraft and land it safely at a nearby airport. The official findings of the accident investigation linked the windshield blowout to the wrong size bolts being installed. The bolts were installed early in the morning hours and the fatigued shift maintenance manager who installed them didn t recognize that they were the wrong bolts. He thought that the countersinking on the window was unusually large (Baron, 2009). This is just one example of mistakes made on night shift due to fatigue. Fatigue is a dangerous human factor that is present in the aircraft maintenance community. There are ways to mitigate the risk of fatigue, though. It starts with the airline companies themselves. Setting a work schedule that doesn t allow workers to work more than 12 hours will allow their employees an opportunity to get the rest needed. It is also up to the aircraft maintainers to ensure that their off duty responsibilities don t interfere
  • 20. A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings Essay This text s title alone intrigues the reader and draws them into Gabriel Garcia Marquez s fictional story where an old man with large wings falls from the sky during a storm. There are many elements in this story that contrast each other, an example of this would be the contrast of magic and reality. An example of this would be how Marquez describes the angel itself. Marquez describes the angel as having large wings. Wings are usually white and represent purity and cleanliness, however, Marquez continues to say that they are ravaged by diseases and parasites. This contrast shows that although the old man has wings, which is considered supernatural and virtually impossible, he is still prone to the diseases and parasites of the human world. Age could also represent that the... Show more content on ... Despite this, combining realistic aspects, such as diseases and parasites, to supernatural aspects, such as wings, creates a harsh comparison and contrast between magic and realism in A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings. The major theme of this text would be the coexistence of compassion and cruelty. All throughout the text, these two opposites battle each other as Marquez show human reactions to this old man with wings. An example of compassion in the text would be when the couple, Pelayo and Elisenda, want to show compassion for the angel and send it off on a raft with provisions instead of killing the angel like they were advised. It is directly quoted that the couple, did not have the heart to club him to death (Marquez 1). However, the angel s fate quickly changes as the couple realizes that they can profit from the old man with wings. This sudden change in mentality is shown when Marquez states, then got the idea of fencing in the yard and charging five cents admission to see the angel
  • 21. WorkPlay is Helping Musician s Dreams Come True In Birmingham, Alabama, a popular music venue is helping musician s dreams come true. WorkPlay sits on the corner of 5th Avenue South and 23rd Street South, and musicians from all over the world come to play on one of the two stages this venue has. However, on Monday nights at 7pm WorkPlay hosts a singer/songwriter competition in the theater. These musicians come from all over the state to play on this stage for 10 weeks. Performing on stage is a dream for many musicians around town and WorkPlay is making those dreams a reality. Last summer WorkPlay announced they would be doing a singer/songwriter night that would lead to each of the top ten musicians having a song recorded live and played on Birmingham Mountain Radio. The contest would run in a similar fashion to American Idol. The audience members would pick up a ballot at the box office and vote on each musician on a scale of 1 10. There were nights that musicians would not stop playing until 11:30pm. American Idol contestant, Jessica Muese, won the competition, which ended in August 2013. Ellis Hopkins, the man in charge, announced at the final show that there would be another singer/songwriter competition at WorkPlay soon. Soon became January 2014. January 27, 2014 had musicians gathering again for the competition. This time they would be able to win a $250 cash prize. Several musicians from the fall competition came back to perform and many new faces came as well. Edward Hartline, who finished 7th in the fall, says
  • 22. Transformations To Adulthood In Salinger s Catcher In The Rye That s the whole trouble. You can t ever find a place that s nice and peaceful, because there isn t any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you re not looking, somebody ll sneak up and write Fuck you right under your nose. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it ll say Holden Caulfield on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it ll say Fuckyou. I m positive, in fact. (204) Holden, in Salinger s Catcher in the Rye is faced with a series of internal conflicts throughout the story. In the beginning, Holden is introduced as a very negative adolescent boy who is unwilling to face adulthood, but throughout the story Holden s character develops and the roots of his depression are revealed. It becomes clear that Holden is reluctant to growing up and the only thingthat gives him any sense of hope is children. Through this, Salinger creates the question of whether or not Holden matures into adulthood by the end of the book. In the beginning, Holden is seen as a troubled 16 year old who has just failed out of Pencey Prep boarding school. Holden has the tendency to negatively criticize things, which he most famously does by labeling them as phony . He associates the term phony with things that seem artificial or shallow to him, mostly within adult society. One of the biggest reasons I left Elkton Hills was because I was surrounded by phonies. That s
  • 23. My Current Position Requires That I Write My current position requires that I write daily. I prepare estate plans, draft petitions, and provide information to my clients, who usually are not lawyers. I provide my client written instructions regarding funding their trusts, trust administration, and probate procedures. Many clients prefer communicating via email; thus, I find myself writing detailed explanations of legal theories and application of the law to the facts of their case. It is crucial they understand the issues, so they may make educated decisions. My clients have expressed their appreciation of my ability to communicate complicated legal issues in a straightforward manner. My editing experience includes editing letters drafted by my assistant, as well as pleadings... Show more content on ... Some trusts require distribution after the death of the person who created the trust. Some trusts require the trustee hold and manage the trust assets for a specific time period. Renting the Property If your brother s trust allows you to manage the assets for the benefit of the beneficiaries, then you may consider keeping the house. A trustee has a duty to manage the trust assets as a prudent investor. A prudent investor will do what a reasonable person would do under the same circumstances. To determine whether a prudent investor would keep the house, you must determine whether the rental income would exceed the costs of keeping the property. Renting the property is not as simple as making sure the toilets are working. You must comply with landlord tenant laws, possibly hire a property manager, and pay property tax, insurance, and maintenance costs. The trust must have a cash reserve to cover any unexpected costs. Such costs may include hiring an attorney to evict a tenant. There may be a loss of rental income or a tenant may damage the property. Normal maintenance costs may add up as well something as simple as replacing a roof may cost thousands of dollars. A cost benefit analysis will be useful to determine if the fair market rental value and appreciation
  • 24. Corset Research Paper Gertrude, an 18 year old Victorian woman, stood in the corner of the room, face creased in pain as her maid Bertha bent over her, pulling her strings tighter and tighter. Harder, Bertha, harder. I have to look as small as possible for the ball tonight. Bertha grunted, and with one almighty tug, finished doing up the corset. Her mistress s waist was now looking as small as it could possible look. Corsets. What are they? Corsets are a stiff garment worn by women (and occasionally men) in the Victorian times, designed to create the much desired hourglass figure of the time. They were made of whale baleen, or sometimes strips of steel with laces, usually tightened by maids. Unfortunately, corsets are now becoming more and more popular, when they really belong in the illustrations of our history books. ... Show more content on ... What they don t see, however, is all the damage happening inside. Corsets can restrict breathing, bruise and even force inner organs out of alignment. They also compress the stomach and lungs, and can deform the bodies of growing teenagers as it was frowned upon for girls at the age of 14 and up to not be wearing full corsets. And the pain. The laces were always tightened to the point where one could hardly breath...moving and eating would have surely been a problem. Which is kinda weird, given corsets were designed for social reasons. Why? Men were always impressed by the tiny waists of these women; having a small waist gave you a better chance at a wealthy or important husband. If you wore a corset, you were considered to be at a higher standard than those who didn t. Women who ate a lot, and therefore had bigger middles were less appealing to men. This was the Victorian logic, and the reasoning behind this painful
  • 25. The Ideal Of The Perfect Man And Women In Disney Alyssa Buhalo Matt Salvia English Comp 101 31st October 2017 Disney s Ideal of the Perfect Man and Women Forced onto Children Disney princesses such as Cinderella, Ariel, and Jasmine, and princes such as Prince Charming, Prince Eric, and Aladdin have become household names throughout the years, especially to children in early childhood to adolescence and even some older. Through watching these movies, children are beginning at an early age to picture what men and women should ideally be. This report will focus on what Disney has portrayed as the ideal man and woman through these princesses and princes, and how the stories and movies affect children and even adults today. According to Commonsense Media, starting at age three, it is acceptable for little girls and boys to start viewing some Disney movies (Thompson) During this fragile time when children are trying to piece together what the world around them consists of who they are, they look to their role models around them. To most the first role models are their mother, fathers, and caretakers, and also to those they see in movies and on TV. One of the many things they are figuring out and developing is their view on what is masculinity and femininity and where do they fit into that mold. (Halim, Ruble and Tamis LeMonda) Along with this they are also figuring what their life entails and who they should be when they grow up. The Middle Childhood, according to Sigmund Freud, is when a child is in the age bracket three to
  • 26. Pi s Passion For Many Different Religions At the beginning of the novel, we are introduced to Pi s passion for many different religions. Pi is a believer, and he prays, as well as, analyzes the depth of religion. Do you feel that throughout the first few days during Pi s survival on the lifeboat, Pi continues to exhibit and carry through religion based procedures to calm and assist him in his means of survival? From the very start it is revealed to us that Piscine Molitor Patel is extremely passionate about religion. In fact, the entire introduction and first part of the novel revolves around Pi expressing his love for all types of religion, and describing his beliefs for each and every one of them (Hinduism, Islam, Christianity). Pi talks about everyone s confusion on which religion he supports, as they believe, one can support only one religion. What is your son doing going to the temple? Your son was seen in church crossing himself. Your son has gone Muslim However, when Pi is thrown out onto the lifeboat by the sailors of his ship going to Canada, I see a huge change in the intensity and amount of connections Pi makes to religion. On the lifeboat, during the first few days at sea, Pi completely forgets about all of his prayers. I believe that this is because Pi completely loses his faith when he is the only one to survive out of his family, and he is on a tiny life boat with a huge Bengal tiger, and a hyena. I think that Pi s love of religion came from all of the hope stored inside of him. However,
  • 27. The Casket Of Amontillado . Edgar Allan Poe’S “The Cask The Casket of Amontillado Edgar Allan Poe s The Cask of Amontillado is a short story illustrating how pride leads to the downfall of two men. At the story s heart is the tale of Montresor, the protagonist, getting revenge on a former friend, Fortunato. Poe s characterization of Montresor shows a sinister, proud man, obsessed not only with his revenge but also not getting punished himself. It must be a perfect revenge, one in which Fortunato will know fully what is happening to him and in which Montresor will be forever undetected (Morsberger 334). Poe s portrayal of Montresor and his revenge depends mainly on his use of three artistic tools: a first person narrative, dramatic irony, and symbolism. A brief examination of these three... Show more content on ... At the carnival, when Montresor meets Fortunato and tells him about the amontillado, he states, As you are engaged, I am on my way to Luchresi, referring to Fortunato being inebriated. Fortunato insists that, Luchresi cannot tell Amontillado from Sherry (Poe 361). Knowing his victim s vanity, Montresor baits him by saying that some fools argue that Luchresi s taste is as fine as Fortunato s (Morsberger 334). The use of the first person narrative lets Poe change how readers view the characters. By telling the story through Montresor s point of view, readers never get the chance to hear Fortunato s side of the story, meaning one never discovers if Fortunato truly wronged Montresor. This prevents the reader from having sympathy for either character. Charles May says, The reader has no way of knowing what these thousand injuries and the mysterious insult are and thus can make no judgement about whether Montresor s revenge is justifiable (qtd. in Baraban para. 6). Third, and perhaps most importantly, the first person point of view lets the reader know ahead of time about Montresor s plan for revenge, setting up the use of irony in the story. A second tool Poe used in The Cask of Amontilladois dramatic irony. Poe used irony multiple times in this story, largely due to using the first person narrator. A major plot dynamic of Poe s great story is Montresor s menacing irony, and
  • 28. Essay about James Dickey James Dickey Ah! The world view to which an individual adheres is all important. Who am I? Many people strictly conform to a set pattern of beliefs that limit or curtail their expression or personal growth. Many times their beliefs reflect the ideas of a community, a church, or a family. The individual blends in with the group and becomes a co dependent function of that group. James Dickey conformed to no one. He stands apart due to his ability to intensely reveal the images burning vividly in his mind. One image of Dickey that consistently flames brightly is the persona of the loner . Dickey fulfills this loner image through his complex worldview that allows him to predatorily satisfy his innate needs through various means. His ... Show more content on ... James Dickey struggled with suburban family life because his sets of beliefs contradict and interfere with the way others live. His dishonesty comes not from his misrepresentations or distortions of facts in his life to other people, but in his failed attempt to be true to his worldview. He is a loner not by choice, but by philosophical differences with the majority. These differences result in a mental tug of war that produces chaotic results in his life. Christopher Dickey witnessed the alcoholic, the adulterer, the liar, the artist, the promoter, the creative genius, and the decimated father figure. Christopher Dickey judged his father from his own perspective and at the insistence of his wife. Christopher Dickey may have connected with his father, but the reciprocal connection from his dad was certainly different. James Dickey did not openly display his dark side to his wife and immediate family to secure their loving devotion. They put up with him, because he provided for them financially; he had enormous charisma; and his wife was too weak to do anything. The connections in his family were superficial; he controlled them from a detached standpoint. James Dickey may have wanted to be a productive human being, but only on his philosophical terms. In Self Interviews, he states that I never have been able to disassociate the poem from the poet, and I hope I never will. I really don t believe in Eliot s theory of autotelic art, in which the poem has nothing to do
  • 29. Analysis Of Coca-Cola According to The Coca Cola Company s 2005 Annual Report, the firm sells beverage products in more than 200 countries. The report further states that of the more than 50 billion beverage servings of all types consumed worldwide, daily, beverages bearing the trademarks owned by or licensed to Coca Cola account for approximately 1.5 billion (the latest figure in 2010 shows that now they serve 1.6 billion drinks every day. Of these, beverages bearing the trademark Coca Cola or Coke accounted for approximately 78% of the company s total gallon sales. Also, according to the 2007 Annual Report, Coca Cola had gallon sales distributed as follows: 43% in the United States 37% in Mexico, India, Pakistan, Brazil, Japan, and the People s Republic of... Show more content on ... Their product is ranked the number one soft drink, repeatedly, internationally, and has notoriety as the first soft drink consumed by astronauts in space. They employ a diverse range of integrated marketing communications to advertise through direct marketing, web based media, social media and sales promotions (Stringer, 2015). The company carefully considers all touch points a consumer (or prospective consumer) has with the brand as potential delivery channels for the brand s message, and makes use of all relevant communication systems. This well established, long standing, consistent approach has created a longing for the product that by far superseded the desire for that typically associated with a drink to quench one s thirst (Dudovskiy, 2015). Direct Marketing They have exclusive vendor company partnerships, which eliminates competition, e.g. cinemas and restaurants only serving Coca Cola over Pepsi. At sponsored sporting events they again eliminate competition by attaining sole sale rights as well as VIP sales opportunities to important clients, e.g., baseball fields. Viral Marketing The company also markets via mobile marketing in text messages, e.g. Viral marketing campaigns (Stringer,
  • 30. Race And Race Kamila Hilal The question at the center of this article is whether or not children between 5 and 6 years of age (in comparison to adults and children between 10 and 11 years of age) consider race to be a stable over time. This concept is important in understanding both the change in cognitive development of children as well as the significances of difference in social groups as a factor in understanding race. This controlled experimental study used white children ages 10 11, white children ages 5 6, white adults, and children (ages 5 6) of a racial minority. All participants were shown pictures of a young child as well as two grown ups and asked which of the two that young child will grow up to be (with both emotion and race of the images ... Show more content on ... I believe the design is very reasonable and it is able to address the question well though perhaps within each of the four tested groups, the participants themselves could have been selected from various socioeconomic groups (white children ages 5 6 from different socioeconomic backgrounds, children ages 5 6 of a racial minority from different socioeconomic backgrounds, etc...). The experiment shows an implication that although there is a cognitive component with developing the understanding that race is stable, there is a great social component that is presented by the difference between the two 5 6 year old groups. Is it because children of a racial minority may be more likely to be educated by their parents on the concept of race? Is there also a socio economic component to this understanding. The article stated that the participants were recruited from the same region though a region is ambiguous. It would be interesting to see diversity of socio economic backgrounds within each of the groups (of course, new groups would need to be created in order to test for a socio economic factor). Does the socio economic background of a child from each of the groups affect their understanding of race in comparison between groups and/or within the group members? In addition, it would be interesting to further divide each group of children by
  • 31. My Experience In Life I stepped on American soil in 2013 unaware of the challenges I would come to face. But, what is life without a challenge? I left behind part of my family, the place where I grew up, the friends that I grew up with, and the park where I would play every day after school. Nevertheless, I was not the only one surrendering my life s work; my parents were losing much more. They were giving up all the sleepless nights they spent studying to become doctors; although they still preserve the knowledge they acquired, they knew that here, they would not receive the same recognition they held in Cuba. But as my Mom said to me, all that matters is that you and your little sister have the future that we were denied. Structurally, this was the most beautiful place I had ever seen. I was amazed by the skyscrapers, the sport cars, and the dazzling lights all over the road. It looked like the movies that I used to watch, movies that look like science fiction to me until that moment. Coming here, I battled the odds by leaving a country where freedom comes at a price, and I immediately realized that a future in this country also comes with a tariff. I first learned this when I took the placement exams, in which I surpass the teacher s expectation, who decided that the math class in my current grade was not challenging enough for me and that I should be placed in the next level class. However, when I got to that math class I could see the frustration in the teacher s eyes when I
  • 32. Windows Of Windows Operating System Windows Operating System Introduction: Windows Operating System was developed by Microsoft Corporation, released its first version of Windows in 1985 and it was simply a Graphical User Interface which was offered as an extension to existing MS DOS. In 2001, Microsoft released Windows XP, which offered various windows packages with multiple editions for business, consumers, developers etc. In 2009 Microsoft developed Windows 7, and its interface was similar to that of Vista and it met different modest system requirements and better speed improvement. In 2012, Windows 8 was released with new User Interface and number of enhancements. It has better advantages like multi core processing, touch screens and other input methods. In 2015, Microsoft released Windows 10. The OS is designed in such a way to have a consistent interface across various user devices like PC s, laptops, phones and tablets. Design Principles underlying the Operating System: i)Windows is an extensible Operating System. It follows a layered architecture. ii)Windows XP is portable and can be moved from one hardware architecture to another with few changes. iii)It is reliable and uses different hardware mechanisms for protection of virtual memory and various software mechanisms for different operating system resources. iv)Windows is compatible and has high performance. v)It provides International Support as well. B) Major elements of Process Management: A process
  • 33. A Study On The Respiratory Exchange Essay Abstract The characteristics of the phylum, Arthropoda, includes jointed legs and an exoskeleton (Freeman, 2014). The insect the team and I chose to work on were the hissing cockroaches, Gromphadorhina portentosa. Hissing cockroaches are small ectothermic animals and are known to have a tracheal system (Burnaford) that allows them to transfer oxygen into their body. Introduction The organism used in the experiment is a hissing cockroach and the main reason was that cockroaches are arthropods that have a trachea in which is almost similar to humans. Although humans have a trachea which is more of a wind pipe structure whereas insects have a tracheae in which is more of a network of air tubes (Bartrim, 2014). The tracheal system has the capacity to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide (Heinrich, 2013) in which the series of branched tubes help deliver oxygen from the environment to the cells (Burnaford, 2016). The respiratory exchange is regulated by the spiracles and this creates three phases of gas exchange (Bartrim, 2014); continuous, cyclic, and discontinuous. The most distinct phase is the discontinuous gas exchange cycle (DGC) because it s the phase that insects must deal with (Heinrich, 2014). The DGC has its own three phases; closed phase, open phase, and the flutter phase (Heinrich, 2014). The hypothesis we had was that the mass of the insect correlates towards respiration. The more mass it has the higher respiration. The dependent variable is the mass of the
  • 34. Pros And Cons Of Buying Organs While I agree that a persona has a right to choose what happens to/with their body, I do not think patients should be able to sell and/or purchase needed organs. If people were allowed to buy and sell organs, I think we would be opening a big can of worms, as the saying goes, that we do not want to open. There are multiple reasons why this would not be a good idea. First of all, if we were to institute the system of buying and selling organs, a gap between the upper class and those in the lower class would most likely form. It would separate the people who could afford organs from the people who could not. This could also interfere with the donor registry. For example, say you found a donor that matched someone from the upper class and another patient from the lower class. If the person of lower economic standing was next in line for the organ, but the donor (or the donor s family, if diseased) was offered money from the wealthy recipient, that organ could go to the wealth person, rather than the one who would have been next on the list (and possibly having more of a need for it). Therefore, I think it is unethical to buy/sell ... Show more content on ... Once again, money is a significant incentive for people to do things they may otherwise not have done. If someone is in need of money, and they are offered a large amount to say, donate a kidney, I don t believe this would be considered ethical. It is reminiscent of prostitution, in that a person is sell their body (or in this case part of their body) in exchange for money. A couple reasons prostitution is considered immoral in society is because it can involve exploitation and coercion. Similarly, those who are desperate for money can be exploited and coerced into becoming involved in selling their organs. Not only is this behavior immoral, but there may also be health consequences for the living donors who sell their organs for
  • 35. Poetic Devices In Acquainted With The Night Poetic Devices in Acquainted with the Night In the poem, Acquainted with the Night , Robert Frost speaks of wandering the city at night. He speaks of the night like a friend, but in reality he is friendless. Through his use of hyperboles and imagery, the author provides an in depth look of what he feels and experiences at night. Robert Frost uses hyperboles to exaggerate how he feels about the city at night. In line 4, the author says, I have looked down the saddest city lane. (l.4) A lane cannot be sad, but the author expresses the lane this way due to the lane being empty and dark. He talks about the lane like this because he himself is empty and sad. He reflects his own feelings onto the lane. In line 6, the author uses a hyperbole
  • 36. What Is The Difference Between Personnel Management And... 1.1 Distinguish between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management Personnel management Personnel management is a part of management concerned with people at work and with their relationships within the organization. Personnel management as planning and develops their employees and maintain their work and managing employees work and with their relationship with in an organization. Selecting the right person for the job and guiding there performance communicate with all level employees and practicing the people the selected job a personnel manager to lead the peoples and tacking in to the environment to improve productivity. Personnel management is planning and coordinating through the organization and developing and motivating of ... Show more content on ... The organization needs to work hard to get the involvement of their entire employees to attain their goals and objectives. So they must provide some rewards to their employees to motivate them to get their involvement. So I suggest Cargills to provide scholarship programs to its employees, because nowadays most of the employees who are working for Cargills are young people. So this reward system will motivate them a lot as they can go abroad to study further and develop their skills in the future period of time. Providing Scholarship Programs to employees will be a cost to Cargills, but they can overcome the cost by increasing the efficiency of the employees through this reward system as a motivation tool. And also this can fulfill their Esteem and Self Actualization needs according to Maslow s
  • 37. Summary Of Rudyard Kipling s The Great Gatsby Essay They re there, there, there with Earth immortal (Citizens, I give you friendly warning). That the things that truly last when men and times have passed, they are all in Pennsylvania this morning! Rudyard Kipling 1. The Commonwealth They Served The weather was seasonally cold in Pennsylvania s Capitol late in 1914. On Sunday morning, December 27, the temperature was 1 degree Fahrenheit. This reading was the lowest ever registered in the last month of the year during the almost three decade history of the Harrisburg weather station. Nevertheless, the cold did not dim the spirit of the holiday season as the Harrisburg Evening Telegraph newspaper cheerfully proclaimed, Perfect Christmas Makes City Happy. During that week Governor John K. Tener, in the last month of his term, released a legislatively mandated report that made history. The Report of the Economy and Efficiency Commission, for one of the very few times in Pennsylvania s Chronicle, provided the public with a roster of all 5,152 state employees. The release of this document was a key milestone in the Commonwealth s early 20th century effort to improve its personnel management practices. By listing names, this document provides an opportunity to recognize the often unheralded contributions of selected state employees assigned to organizations under the general supervision of the Governor. The register also affords an invaluable chance to appreciate how the offices, bureaus, and divisions make Pennsylvania
  • 38. Earth-Like Planets Running head: Earth Like Planets Earth Like Planets T. Nailor Miller Motte College Online Critical Thinking GS235 Dr. Marshall Lloyd Earth Like Planets Introduction Do you believe that there is life on other planets? Better yet, do you believe that there is another planet that looks like earth? As far as I can remember, there has always been the question of is there life in outer space? I remember being in grade school wondering if there were humans or aliens on other planets and if they were trying to communicate with us. Around January 1986 the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded during takeoff in front of the entire world. As a teenager, this event was tragic and amazing at the same time because I felt that we were on our way to ... Show more content on ... However, this information does suggest to the public that we are getting closer and closer to discovering other earth like planets. We can t be alone The science community is getting very close to discovering earth like planets and extraterrestrial life in outer space. This is considered a valued assumption among many researchers and astronomers. To date, they have actually discovered more than 800 of these exoplanets amongst the billions and billions of stars in our galaxy. The more planets found like HD40307g, the more they resemble earth with earth like characteristics (the spinning on its axis, having a night and a day, and orbiting in the habitable zone). Astronomers are also finding them closer to our solar system. Another assumption of these findings are that humans are developing and advancing technology to communicate, navigate, and live in outer space in the near future. NASA said no candidate planet discovered thus far by Kepler is exactly like Earth, but noted that the spacecraft has collected enough data to begin finding true sun Earth analogs Earth size planets with a one year orbit around stars similar to the sun. (Poeter, 2012) According to, private companies and NASA are working together to take the next step forward of launching humans into outer space. Entering the term space settlement, suggest that
  • 39. Database Modeling And Normalization Paper Assignment 2 Database Modeling and Normalization Dr. Amir Afzal Strayer University CIS 515 August 7, 2012 Abstract Selling high end electronics is big business and being a commissioned employee in that field if your sales are up means big money. Prices for electronics range from the low hundreds into the thousands. It really depends on the person style, specifications they are looking for, trust in the brand, and the depth of their pockets, how much a person is willing to spend for example on a that high definition led plasma television that is 52 inches. No matter the cost, businesses want to keep a track of the sales of their employees and how much they are getting paid. In this case a high end electronics store wants to ... Show more content on ... The coding that was used to find information on commissions paid to employees was: SELECT Employee.* FROM Employee, Invoice WHERE (DepartmentID =2); The asterisk next to employees indicates that all the information under the employee table was used to generate the search. In this query information was pulled from the employee and invoice tables. The WHERE function more specifically states the department which can be changed and it would generate new information. The query currently only shows employee commission information for employees who work in department two (see attachment). If the finance department wanted to find the total compensation paid to each employee in the same month as the first query a slightly different query would be run to generate that information. The first code simply pulled the information and did not include and computation because the finance department only requested to be able to determine as in pull up the record for employee s commission paid. The second code will include computation which will divide the yearly salary by twelve months then multiples the commission rate by the total amount of product sold and lastly add those two numbers together to get the total compensation for that month. Unfortunately the coding that I am using is not generating a proper result. However, it should look something like this: SELECT Employee.EmpNumber, Employee.EmpFirstName,
  • 40. Dentofacial Orthopedic Therapy Lexington, KY Braces for Kids and Teens Beautiful straight smiles can help build confidence and better health. As a family practice, we love helping kids achieve the beautiful confident smiles they deserve to have. By survey, parents say that their kids are happier about themselves and smile more often once their teeth are straight. Having straight teeth also helps to avoid future complications with gum disease. Dr. Patricia Takacs is very experienced in straightening children s teeth and has considerable advanced training in the technology and utilization of braces. She is equipped to assess exactly what needs to be done to give your child a straight smile and a healthy bite. Your first step is an evaluation of your child s teeth, jaw, and bite. Dr. Takacs will thoroughly review treatment options with you and answer any questions ... Show more content on ... This process is started when the patient is still a child, often before any other orthodontic treatment has begun. However, it can still be performed during later stages of treatment. Dentofacial orthopedic therapy usually focuses on correcting potential bite and spacial problems by guiding the growth and development of the jaw. We do this by using orthodontic appliances such as mouthguards, space maintainers, retainers, expanders, and other devices. This process is important because it helps to ensure the success of later orthodontic treatment. In some cases, it can even prevent the need for braces down the road! For instance, if a child s spacing issues can be resolved while their jaw is still developing and their permanent teeth are still coming in, it may prevent teeth from becoming crowded and needing braces to straighten them. Even if it doesn t prevent crowding completely, it will certainly help the later orthodontic treatment to work faster and more efficiently. How Can Preventive Orthodontics Help My
  • 41. Cirrhosis And Its Effect On The Body Essay Every year people from different age groups are diagnosed with cirrhosis or any other disease in the United States. Liver is an important organ just like the rest of the organs inside our body especially for the digestive system. The liver has to be healthy to do many important functions for example, blood clotting, digesting food using bile duct, and many more duties. People may develop cirrhosisdifferently because their bodies react very different on how it may develop. Developing the disease cirrhosis in the liverwill weaken the body and how it is not going to function properly anymore. Scarring tissue usually develops in the liver and because of the worn out tissue it will not allow the blood flow for the liver to work. Cirrhosis affects the body in which in some cases leads to the development in liver cancer later on in life or any other disease. When cirrhosis sometimes takes its toll really fast in the liver then that is definitely a different story. Cirrhosis starts with a cause in which people develop signs and symptoms, receive treatment, they get tested to confirm the disease, and there are preventions for those people who do not want to develop cirrhosis in the near future. The cause of cirrhosis is do to a factor or many factors for many people. Cirrhosis maybe caused by an excessive consumption of alcohol for many years, chronic hepatitis B or C, fat in the liver, and other causes as well ( Cirrhosis 1). In addition, more causes are nonalcoholic
  • 42. Ridley Scott s Blade Runner Introduction In the science of studying media and communication, there are many different ways of approaching the subject in which you are going to analyse. That is to analyse advertisements, texts, TV series, films etc. and other media. My task for this assignment is to give an analysis of a film of my choice. A film is a quite complex medium to analyse; thus it is important to have analysis tools or some criteria to follow. In my analysis I am asked to consider the use and resolution of binary opposition and through analysis of narrative structure. In my assignment I am going to consider how the couple is represented, and how the narrative structure and binary oppositions have influence on the plot of the story. Bladerunner is a... Show more content on ... We have got the villain in the strongest and most elegant replicant, Roy Batty. He is the arch replicant, or head of the evil force. On the opposite side we have got Deckard, which is the hero of the story. He fights the villain and his associates. The helper in the story is the other blade runner is Gaff, even though he doesn t appear too often. He is still on Deckards side, and he keeps leaving small origami objects wherever he goes. The princess though is undoubtedly Rachel. The ending of BR, is like a classical one, where the hero gets the princess . The hero fights and defeats the villain. The way the audience view the events in the film, is very much decided by whose point of view that is being used (O Shaugnessey, 1999, p. 113). The way Deckard s voice over is used in BR makes it easier for us to know which characters to sympathise with, and also to follow the plot. Deckard s voice over lets us in on his emotions and how he views things. It is also easier to follow the changes he is going through. In the Director s Cut version of Blade Runner, the voice over is let out. This detail makes this story a lot more intricate, because the protagonist is much more difficult to understand. Even though the voice over is a very small part of the movie, it makes it a lot easier for the audience to know how
  • 43. The Issue Of A Constitutional Convention Danny Chasteen and Susan Rick thought that they had finally gotten their big break when they won $250,000 from the Illinois lottery. But, because the Illinois budget had not passed, they received nothing but a cold promise. No, the lottery situation is not the most pressing problem facing our government, it is merely a trivial outgrowth of a bigger problem: political gridlock in the state legislature. A large majority of the citizens of Illinoisare exasperated with the government, and they have the right to be, but a Constitutional Conventionis not going to fix any of our problems. Every state has its own dilemmas, and these issues can be solved through the everyday political process. A Constitutional Convention is simply not necessary, when the Constitutionitself is not what is holding back the Illinois State government. What could possibly be the purpose of a Constitutional Convention? Is it to change provisions on the state budget, income tax, or even school funding? All of these subjects can be focused on individually, and changed through the already present amendment procedures. In fact most of the Constitution itself can be changed through this existing political process. The Constitution is a living breathing document that is meant to change as its environment changes, which is the specific purpose of amendments. Each provision should be dealt with individually, so as to bring more attention to that specific problem. For instance, school budgeting or pension reform
  • 44. Chemical Reaction Of Chemical Reactions Chemical kinetics is the study of rates during chemical processes and the speed at which they occur (Chm.Davidson, 2016). Chemical kinetics can be altered by the effect of various variables and the re arrangement of atoms. An example of kinetic processes can be seen in many experiments such as the Landolt IodineClock Reaction. Clock reactions represent chemical reactions in which two colourless solutions are mixed together; at first no reaction takes place but after a short period of time the solution can be seen to undergo a change in colour. Within the Landolt iodine clock reaction Potassium Iodate and Sodium Bisulphite react to yield iodine, which in return reacts with the starch molecules to form the blue solution (RSC, 2016). The process of this experiment can be explained through the following chemical reactions: The iodine ions are produced, due to following reaction between iodate and bisulphite: IO3в€’ + 3 HSO3в€’ в†’ Iв€’ + 3 HSO4в€’ 2. The iodate that is left in excess after the first reaction will oxidise with iodide formed to generate iodine: IO3в€’ + 5 Iв€’ + 6 H+ в†’ 3 I2 + 3 H2O 3. Instantaneously the iodine is reduced back to iodide by the bisulphite I2 + HSO3в€’ + H2O в†’ 2 Iв€’ + HSO4в€’ + 2 H+ Consequently the iodine will react with the starch to create the coloured solution; this will only occur once the bisulphite is fully consumed (Unomaha, 2016). Throughout the course of these chemical reactions, the rate at which the reaction occurs takes place
  • 45. Pigs Slaughter And The Slaughter Of All Livestock Hog slaughter and the slaughter of all livestock has been a controversial topic over the last few years. With many organizations out there against animal agriculture such as the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) there has been a constant push to find the most humane act of livestockharvest as possible while still maintaining excellent meat quality. Currently, there are four acceptable methods: chemical (Carbon Dioxide CO2), mechanical (captive bolt), mechanical (gunshot), and electrical (electrical current). Currently, all four methods are approved for the slaughter of swine. None, however, are ideal and all have advantages and disadvantages in pork quality effects which leaves it up for discussion of which is the best system to use. According to the Humane Methods of Livestock Slaughter Act of 1978, no method of slaughtering or handling in connection with slaughtering shall be deemed to comply with the public policy of the United States unless it is humane. Either of the following two methods of slaughtering and handling are hereby found to be humane: (a) in the case of cattle, calves, horses, mules, sheep, swine, and other livestock, all animals are rendered insensible to pain by a single blow or gunshot or an electrical, chemical or other means that is rapid and effective, before being shackled, hoisted, thrown, cast, or cut; or (b) by slaughtering in accordance with the ritual requirements of the Jewish
  • 46. Mikhail GorbachevВґs Glasnost and Perestroika Policies... The purpose of this investigation is to assess how significant Mikhail Gorbachev s Glasnost, and Perestroika polices contribute to the collapse of the USSR. In order to understand how significant of a factor Gorbachev policies were to the collapse of the USSR, we will investigate from how significant were the reforms emplaced by Gorbachev, to how the USSR was doing economically from the time Gorbachev came into power. The main sources for this investigation range from an Excerpt from The cold war: The United States and the Soviet unionby Ronald Powaski who states facts about both the economic and political issues of the time. Excerpts from New political thinking from perestroika by Gorbachev which states how he believes new political... Show more content on ... Mikhail Gorbachev therefore tried to make changes in soviet domestic and foreign policies even abandoned long held Marxist principles, in an attempt to reverse economic and social decline of the USSR. He initiated economic reforms like perestroika and permitted greater freedom of expression, glasnost to try to overcome hard line oppression. Gorbachev realized that west and the USSR would continue to have different approaches to specific situations. He also realized that it was no longer possible to draft a policy on the premises of the year 1947 and that the country need to act in a new way. Gorbachev believed that Perestroika was needed to normalize life and bring the Soviet Union and its people into the modern technological age. Perestroika was emplaced to permit individual soviet enterprises to make their own adjustments which meant it would improve the quality of soviet goods and change the product mix to meet current demands, and help out the economy.4 Eventually Gorbachev created a reform policy known as Glasnost which also affected the economy. Gorbachev was eager to take notice of the human element in the industry, which meant listening to what ordinary workers wanted and how they were treated. This new freedom extended to other areas of society as well. Censorship rules were relaxed, and writers and journalists were encouraged to discuss how they felt about or saw the Soviet future. It even allowed certain things like
  • 47. Analysis Of Descartes s First Attempt In his first attempt, Descartes attempts to use the metaphor of weight to explain the relation, such that we can apply weight in terms relating to the body and other times relating to the soul, and just as we have the innate notion that an immaterial force pushes weighted objects towards the earth, so too does the immaterial soul/mindact on the body . However, this explanation proves unsatisfactory both to the modern reader and to Elisabeth herself; as this analogy fails to bridge the gap as to how something immaterial can enter into a causal relationship with something that is distinctly material. Elizabeth agrees that the senses (and the passions) demonstrate that the soul can move the body, but that falls far short of determining the mechanism by which this can happen (without of course sacrificing the integrity of his immaterial/material substance divide.) In a second attempt (following Elisabeth s dissatisfaction with the weight analogy) Descartes provides his most extensive response, explaining the three factors necessary for causal functioning, and tying them to the specific example of thought and action . This exposition is problematic for a number of reasons. Firstly, Jonathon Dennett notes Descartes switches between using soul as the core subject of investigation to using the word thought which is actually an entirely separate argument; while thoughts are a necessary part of the soul/mind, they are not sufficient to explain all the processes. Secondly, in