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How To Write A Resolution
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How To Write A Resolution How To Write A Resolution
Hughes And Hurston Analysis
Authors have changed people and their views continually throughout time. Authors Zora Neal Hurston
and Langston Hughes both drastically effected peoples views on African American people. Their most
profound time was during the Harlem Renaissance, where they wrote several novels and poems about
the lives of African Americans. These authors used their African American heritage and life
experiences to compose these works about their communities and widen many peoples thoughts and
actions towards the African American race. The timing of these authors stories, their very diverse
lives, and their literature skills all helped them to accomplish their goal of change for their race and
bring the races closer. Both authors emerged during the Harlem ... Show more content on ...
This was a pivotal turning point for the former slaves to the white man. This renaissance finally
allowed many of the poor and rural black communities to have a collective voice and make a
significant change. Authors also helped by putting major books and poems out into America for
everyone to read and learn about how the black culture operated and thrived. These authors, such as
Hughes and Hurston, were single representations to put alongside the Harlem Renaissance that allow
others to have a picture of what the actual black life was all about. It was no longer about slavery or
persecution from the white people, but instead African Americans found a voice they used to give
them an even greater freedom. African Americans showed everyone that they were no longer beneath
those who forced them to tend their lands, but were instead equal and quite possibly could be better
than many of them. African Americans no longer lived in fear of each and every day, but pushed
themselves to the front pages of important newspaper, magazines, and everything else imaginable.
They published works and obtained awards just as the white men did, and created their own music to
express themselves just as the white man had once done. This
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Essay On John Knox
Did you know John Knox is famous for his preachings? John Knox left a legacy behind which is one
topic that will be mentioned. Along with his life and career, contributions, and life without the
individual. John Knox was a important figure in the Scottish Reformation and caused the people of
Scotland to live. John Knox was a Scottish minister and founder of the Church of Scotland. John Knox
was born in 1514 near Haddington, East Lothian Scotland. There is not much known about John Knox
before 1540. Knox s mothers name was Sinclair and his father s name was William. Knox s father
William helped John carry on with his international communications. We know that his family may
have been farmers. It is known that John trained for priesthood, ... Show more content on ...
For example if he never became a preacher the religious revolution in Scotland would ve never been
instigated. Also John Knox was the founder of the Presbyterian Church, so if he never existed it would
never be founded. The Presbyterian church is a community of believers in Jesus Christ that seek love.
The church encouraged people to worship not just in church but in everyday settings. I don t think that
things would be completely different now if he never existed but I do believe that some things would.
For example Knox made worshipping Jesus a everyday task. If it weren t for that who knows what
could be different. John was Scotland s leader for the reformation and the reformation was the process
on how the Papacy broke. Knox lead the Protestant Reformation in Scotland. For all we know many
others things that John had an input on could ve changed our world
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Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant Case Study
Introduction (Section I) Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant is a privately owned company in Richmond,
Indiana that manufactured mirrors for trucks and automobiles. This privately owned business was
successful in the beginning of its business and later the management encountered problems with its
employees. Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant faced production delay issues and unprofitability in the late
1990 s. The company implemented the Scanlon Plan in late December of 1999 in order to solve the
problem they were facing with production. This plan helps paid bonuses to workers for increased
productivity and this brought fast positive feedback for the employees and the organization. After five
years of the implementation, the enthusiasm within the company gradually ... Show more content on ...
Although about 81% of employees voted yes on the implementation of the Scanlon Plan at Engstrom,
communication problem and lack of understanding how this Scanlon plan works dragged the
employees to develop a non interest in the company, causing employees to lose interest in
participation of the Scanlon plan. Employees became suspicious to bonus calculation adjustments over
time and questioned fairness. This is considered as nonverbal negative feedback for a message that
may have been highly affected by noise. Employees want to feel like their boss is siding with them in
a compassionate manner. Effective communication and thorough understanding of the policies of the
organization would motivate the employees. However, even though the Scanlon plan was allowing fair
strategic planning among coworkers, it overloaded the employees with more information that they
could assimilate. According to Myers Myers (1982), overload is the vast amount of information
transmitted to an employee which surpasses an acceptable level of handling, causing confusion and
stressful employee environments. This lack of communication added to the downfall of the Scanlon
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The Border, The Imaginary And Unseen Border Essay
To have a complete understanding of what a border is one must come to the other form of the border,
the imaginary and unseen border. This abstract border separates people from one another without any
real embodiment of the border itself. This particular border does not necessarily have concrete matter,
which separates people like fences, gates, towers, and walls. Moreover, it does not have to be policed.
Ergo, such border exists without any limitation of space and time. This abstract border does create the
same effect as the concrete border, separating and labeling people, as them and us. Nonetheless, the
abstract border affects people beyond labelling and separation. As the Xuncax siblings in El Norte
succeeded in crossing the concrete U.S. Mexico border, they had to face the abstract border, the
language border. Knowing nothing of English hinders them in coping with their new life in America.
Language is the first border they have to pass in the new land. Because Enrique could not speak
English, he is unable to find a job easily since he could not communicate with other people who might
need his service. In the same boat, Rosa, being unable to comprehend her employer s explanation on
how to use the washing machine, ends up washing all the clothes by hands and let them dry under the
sun. In a word, their unavailability to cross the language border is apparently making an impediment
for them to find a job for living or to execute the employer s request correctly.
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World Trade Center Explosion Essay
Lessons from the 1993 WTC Explosion for Business Continuity Plan Development Introduction
Every incidence, of whatever kind, that occurs to a person, a corporation or a country leaves an impact
of its kind. The most important thing is the lessons, which the stakeholders concerned learn from that
incidence. Bombing incidences are often a result of terror attacks and the lessons or the action plans
that ensue from any successful terror attack are not something intelligent minds can underscore
(Knowles, 2003). One of the major targets in these bombings and occurrences of a similar kind is the
business community. Critical analysis of explosions and bombings is very important to both the
security agencies and the businesses. This is primarily ... Show more content on ...
Power blackout resulted, 250 elevators became inoperative, five people died and over 1000 got
injured. The Outcome of the Attack The attack had devastating outcome that traversed across many
sectors of the economy. In fact it took a nearly a month to figure out the next course of action (Hiles,
2007). Meanwhile, rescue mission intensified as a result of disaster declarations, businesses were
closed down, the building was considerably destroyed and many companies rerouted their
telecommunication and information channels and systems to alternative sites (Hiles, 2007). Smoke
was everywhere and this caused health complications to people trapped inside the tower for a longer
time. Security alert intensified throughout the US as people worried which was the next place to be
attacked. The Impact of this Incident on Businesses Though there were deaths and injuries that
resulted from this explosion, the major impact was in the business community. This is because this
twin tower hosted nearly 350 businesses and handled over 80,000 on a daily basis who came to do
business with them. The basement of the building had a car parking capacity of 2,000 spaces and this
gives tip of how busy this complex was at the time of the explosion (Hiles, 2007). The work force that
reported for duty daily in this complex was nearly 50,000 employees (Hiles, 2007). In addition to
these business operations, WTC was
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Ethical And Scientific Considerations Regarding Animal...
Ethical and Scientific Considerations Regarding Animal Testing and Research According to The
Principles of Humane Experimental Technique, published by William Russell and Rex Burch in 1959,
there are 3 important principles when it comes to animal testing and research. These principles:
reduction, refinement, and replacement are typically known as the 3 R s. Reduction is meant to
minimize the number of animal used in experimental procedures, refinement aims to limit the animal s
exposure to pain, and replacement is designed to use non animal options whenever possible. While the
problem with animal testing is constantly brought to people s attention, the number of animals used
for research is still increasing to this day. It is questionable whether these principles sufficiently reflect
the development in our knowledge about animals and their emotional capabilities, the interest of these
animals, or the harm that corresponds. It also raises serious questions about the success rate of the
predicted outcomes of animal testing. Concerns about human and animal use in research began in the
late 1800s; throughout this time, there was a series of medical experiments performed by the Nazi
German leaders on prisoners during World War II, as well as the Tuskegee syphilis study. Reports of
abuse from ... Show more content on ...
Both Tide and Arm Hammer products are included in these; however, Proctor Gamble, Johnson
Johnson, and Dove, as well as many others, are only tested on animals where law requires it. Clorox
rarely tests on animals, only doing so if it is absolutely necessary. I, personally, do not agree with
animal testing, having the same opinion as many other people, which is that if you wouldn t do it to
yourself, why would you do it to them? These animals do not have a choice. They are forced into
laboratories and harmed in ways that are scarring to them, and they have no way to escape the pain
they are being put
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`` Weapons, Technology Determination And Ancient Warfare ``
Technological Determination and Hoplites
Logically, it makes sense that the army with the most advanced technology would win battles against a
less equipped one. However, in his paper titled Weapons, Technology Determination and Ancient
Warfare, Fernando Echeverria Rey brings to light the paradox of this idea in ancient warfare, as well
as undermine the modern idea of technological determinism by claiming that it does not have an
ancient equivalent. His argument approaches the study of ancient warfare from different perspectives
as he [offers] alternative ways to explain technological and tactical change in warfare (Echeverria
2010: 24). Echeverria Rey makes strong points for his arguments and supports his ideas clearly. While
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While the political level and structural level entail that ancient communities were determined by
military factors (Echeverria 2010:22) and that these military factors produce and explain broader socio
political change (Echeverria 2010:22) respectively. By focusing in on the battlefield level in his paper,
Echeverria Rey stresses the distinction between these three levels and maintains clarity in his
argument. He supports his argument by also putting to the test the assumptions, that first some kinds
of weapons and tactics are objectively superior to others and that secondly, societies are always trying
to create or import such superior weapons and tactics (Echeverria 2010:24.) While hoplites may not be
the epidemy of ancient warfare technological innovation, they are an important part of the history of
ancient warfare and exemplify Echeverria Rey s argument.
A hoplite is commonly interpreted as the quintessential Greek heavy armed infantry man (Echeverria
2012:292). Originally, the hoplite soldiers were generally expected to provide his own arms and armor
(Bertosa 2003:361). Because of the monetary demand of being a hoplite soldier, a hoplite had to
provide their own equipment such as a spears or shields, the majority of early hoplites were wealthy
farm owners whose main goal was to protect their own land from enemies. The role of a hoplite was
critical in ancient civilization
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Benefits Of Year Round Schooling
Is Year Round Schooling A Better Option Than Regular Schooling? Year round schooling is better
than regular school because, it allows the kids to retain more information and not lose what they
learned, they also allow them to graduate earlier with higher retention levels. In discussion of Year
Round Schooling, one controversial issue has been whether year round schooling is a good idea or
not. People believe that year round schooling is a good thing and that it will increase academic
achievement levels and benefit the students more than anything else. Students will also be able to
advance more quickly since the schooling is year round, they have less to forget since the breaks are
shorter. On the other hand people seem to believe that year round schooling takes away from the
students and gives them less family time and less of an Outside of school life (NEA). In the research
of year round schooling it shows that absences are most likely to be higher since it is year round. Their
view is that we think that many students can benefit from year round schooling, and that is has more
benefits than anything else. Dr. Matthew Lynch from, Education New states that, Students tend to
forget a lot during summer break, so a shorter time away from school might increase retention rates
(Watson). Dr.Lynch is saying that having a shorter summer break will tend more to the students,
because they will remember and learn more than what a student who has the whole summer off.
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Character Analysis Of Scout And Jem s Relationship
TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD KEY POINTS (useful website: shmoop) Central Relationship Scout
and Jem s relationship is at the core of the novel Structure The novel begins where it ends Jem s
physical injury is symbolic of the permanent impact the event of the events of the novel have on the
characters his left was somewhat shorter than his right The Start of the problem Scout and Jem
disagree over the time the problems started Scout thinks it was when Dill encouraged them to make
Boo come out. Jem looks to the history of Alabama: this suggests the he is seeing the problems as an
older person. There is a suggestion that the problem of racism can be traced back into the history of
the south. Historical Setting Maycomb was settled with the help of salves Slavery was used
extensively in the south before the civil war. Slaves were mostly black Africans stolen from there
birthplace A slave was a person who was owned as the property of another person. They had very few
rights and were often treated as less than human Back in history, the population was over 50% slaves
in most towns of America The Civil War Causes One of the most important causes of the civil war in
America was the disagreement between the north and south over the issue of slavery Many people in
the north came to view slavery as morally wrong When Abraham Lincoln became president in 1860,
seven southern states secede from the union and formed the confederate states of America The Civil
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In the main 19th century, countless new enterprises sprang...
In the main 19th century, countless new enterprises sprang up in the railroad and assembly industries.
The New York Transactions Board had next mandated an association to have a minimum of 100 stocks
in order to transactions in their exchange. Countless of these new firms might not encounter such
necessities to be tabulated on the Board. A cluster of non member brokers catered to the needs of these
firms as they traded their stocks beyond the registered exchanges. These brokers came to be
recognized as the curbstone brokers, as they led their auctions out in the street. These brokers
frequently traded stocks that were speculative in nature. With the invention of oil in the afterward half
of the 19th century, even oil stocks went in into ... Show more content on ...
Kolton challenged the believed of a coalition alongside the New York Stock Transactions as he
manipulated the transactions saying that two autonomous, viable exchanges are far extra probable to
be responsive to new pressures and area needs than a solitary institution . Kolton proclaimed in July
1977 that he should be departing his locale at the American Transactions in November of that year.
The American Stock Transactions merged alongside the New York Stock Transactions (NYSE
Euronext) on October 1, 2008. Post coalition, the Amex equities company was called NYSE Alternext
US . As portion of the re branding exercise, NYSE Alternext US was re branded as NYSE Amex
Equities. On December 1, 2008, the Curb Transactions constructing at 86 Trinity Locale was closed,
and the Amex Equities interchange floor was advanced to the NYSE Interchange floor at 11 Wall
Road. The Growling Twenties, the decade that pursued Globe Fight I and managed to the Crash, was a
period of wealth and excess. Constructing on post war optimism, countless rural Americans traveled to
the metropolises in large numbers across the decade alongside the hopes of discovering a extra
prosperous existence in the ever producing development of America s manufacturing sector. As the
American metropolises prospered, the large migration from rural spans and endured disregard of the
US farming industry should craft extensive commercial anguish amid
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Nietzsche s Concept of Eternal Recurrence
Friedrich Nietzsche is a German philosopher who lived in 1844 to 1900, and his proposition on eternal
recurrence was one of his most discussed works. The concept states that the world is eternally self
destroying, then self creating, over time. He radicalizes the Christian concept of eternity and combines
it with simple reasoning to come up with an innovative concept. This paper will discuss in detail what
eternal recurrence is and the implications of such a concept on free spirits, and whether adopting such
a belief will make a person s life better or not. The paper will then proceed to offer a response to
criticism on Nietzsche s proposition. The text to be used is the second edition of Existentialism: Basic
Writings by Charles ... Show more content on ...
For the paper to portray balance and respect to divergent opinions, it will offer an argument that
counters the chosen position, and then offer a response to this counter argument. Upon completion of
these, the paper will offer a conclusion that summarizes its contents and tie up all concepts presented.
Eternal recurrence is a notion that states that the world is recurrent and will continue in such manner
to form a self similar and infinite time. It was founded in ancient Indian and Egyptian philosophy and
was heavily employed by Nietzsche, who used it as a central faucet of his philosophy. If such a
concept was indeed true, and man lived a constantly recurring life, then its adoption would result in a
better life. This is because a person would try to maximize the number of good experience, as every
pleasure inducing experience will recur throughout (Guignon Pereboom 2001). When a person
believes that the same experiences will recur in other lives, then one will want to ensure that most of
these experiences are mostly gratifying, such that, through each recurrence, the person will continue
experiencing the same pleasure. The free spirit will aim at engaging in activities that will result in a
fulfilled life, meaning that a person will become more ambitious, more
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Advantages Of 3D Printing
Materials for 3D printing were very limited during the early days of the technology.
Today, there is a whole array of material types that are supplied in different forms (filament, powder,
pellets, resin, granules etc).
The first step in 3D printing is to design the 3D digital model using a CAD program or scan the object
with a 3D scanner. The model will then be sliced into layers and converted into a printer readable file.
The printing material will be added one layer at a time. Different materials are suited for different 3D
printing technologies. There is no one solution fits all (The Potential of 3D Printing, Pg 4, METI
Some 3D printers process powdered materials which utilize a light source to fuse layers of the powder
together in the defined shape. Others process ... Show more content on ...
Customers may bring their digital file or scan their objects at the shop to print out their desired
Factories: Assembly lines and supply chains are reduced. Factories have highly developed and
specialized 3D printers. Spare parts are 3D printed on demand instead of being stock piled. Broken
goods can be repaired by simply printing the spoiled component.
The (Big Innovation Centre, 2012) highlights some of the advantages of 3D printing. One of the
benefits of 3D printing is the ability to produce customized and personalized products. The appearance
of a product can be suited according to customer preferences. Secondly, 3D printing reduces
inventories. Retailers do not need to stockpile a large number of products.
Moreover, 3D printing reduces capital costs for manufacturers. As there is no need for an assembly
line, the need for a large scale investment in factories and machinery is reduced. Lastly, 3D printing
reduces transport costs, by removing the need for intermediate goods to be shipped from one factory
to another.
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Beethoven Impact On Classical Music
Beethoven was known for his masterful composition of classical music, but his life was not as one
would expect of such a brilliant composer. When 50 personnel were asked what they knew about
Beethoven each person responded that he a composer that was deaf. What was not generally known
was that Beethoven had a troubled childhood and led a chronically stressful and harsh adulthood.
These two things are often not associated with Beethoven. What did Beethoven compose that made
him a musical genius of all time? While reading this paper the following things will be discussed:
Beethoven s childhood, introduction to music, his adulthood, and becoming the brilliant composer he
is known for to the classical music world. Beethoven was born in Bonn, ... Show more content on ...
Classical music was known to be used in churches or for fanciful distractions during his time frame.
However he changed it to where now it is an emotional art form, very popular to the world to listen to
his music for pleasure and not of distraction. Without Beethoven pushing the boundaries todays
classical music could still be lacking in the emotions and expressions that Beethoven put into his
work. It is said that he was the link between romantic and classical musical art. Not only did he
influence the classical music, but he has influenced all music in today s world. All music goes back to
the basics of classical music. The tempo and the notes that were most commonly used in Beethoven s
work can be heard throughout songs of hip hop nature. Beethoven may not have lead an easy life but
he was very influential to the musical world. Beethoven was known for his deafness and being a great
composer but he was so much more than these common stereotypes. As this paper has shown
Beethoven was not only a human being, but a human being that had to overcome many obstacles.
Everyone should know what he did during his life to get recognition that he was able to reach. One
should know that he worked hard and life was not handed to him on a silver
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Muslims Cope With Islamophobia
In recent years, islamophobia has become a serious problem plaguing our society due to the stigma
placed onto the muslim religion and Middle Eastern people by outlets such as social media,
politicians, and personal opinions. With the increase of negative attitudes towards these people due to
currents events, more awareness needs to be raised to make them feel safer and to remove this
unjustifiably placed stigma from their shoulders.
In Slate s video, How American Muslims Cope with Islamophobia , Ismail created a video
presentation to present this topic to their desired audience with the use of muslim people discussing
their experiences of being a muslim in the U.S by answering certain questions aimed towards them.
Each person focused on one specific question and answered from their experience to great detail and
length . With each of them being muslims, it gave their words very much credibility (ethos) since they
are ... Show more content on ...
Buehler speaks about the history of what muslim people have gone through along with the media
influence on the topic. In Slate s video, it focuses on questions such as bullying they have faced as a
muslim, how their hijab influenced them as a person, and etc. In the beginning of the video they also
use clips of new networks discussing muslim in a negative light which gives a more interesting sense
of the topic about to be discussed. Compared to Slate s video being in an interview like format and
Buehler s being in an essay format, general audiences would feel more connected to Slate s since it
people talking about their own experiences as a muslim in detail. One can associate faces in the video
while in an essay one cannot which makes the connection feel a bit
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Allocating Financial Risk
Allocating Financial Risk 2
Select one of two recent airport PPPs St. Petersburg, Russia, or Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Describe the
PPP process used and what were the critical issues that needed to be overcome? Assess the factors that
will be crucial to the PPP s future sustainability.
This memo examines the public private partnership used to develop the Pulkovo airport in St
Petersburg, Russia.
Pulkovo was the first airport to be developed in Russia using a PPP. The contract is between three
parties: the St. Petersburg City Government, the Pulkovo Airport Company (100% city owned) and
the Northern Capital Gateway Consortium (NCG), the airport operator with the duty of organizing the
management and development of the airport. The contract started in April 2010 and will remain in
force until 2039.
St. Petersburg is Russia s second largest city after Moscow with around 5 million inhabitants. The city
is home to many domestic and international companies, but its economy also relies heavily on
tourism, hence transport links are crucial to the city s growth. Transport infrastructure had suffered
from long term under investment (KPMG estimated the depletion of Russia s national airport assets
between from 40% to 80%) and in 2008, amid double digit growth in passenger traffic, the existing
airport suffered from overcrowding and would be unable to cater for the 11 million annual passenger
traffic projected for 2012. It was also seen as unable to meet the increased
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White Ash Research Paper
White Ash Uses
White Ash is used for many things, such as tools, implements, and tool handles. Its commonly known
to be used to make wooden baseball bats. White Ash is also used for furniture, canoe paddles,
snowshoes, doors, veneer, and antique vehicle parts. The Native Americans also used White Ash for
many things, since they valued that it was a hard wood, had lots of strength, a heavy weight, and
elasticity. They used the bark to make tea to prevent lice or itching scalp. They used the juice from
leaves to help mosquito bites not itch as bad. Even animals such as beavers, porcupines, and rabbits
may eat the bark while ducks, squirrels, mice, and many other small mammals eat the seeds from the
tree. Since White Ash has a tendency to form
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How Humans Can Improve Our Resilience And Allow Us
When researching the history of human adaption it is worth noting that at least twice in the last 1.2
million years our species was almost wiped out. Genetic research shows that at that time the human
population on earth was around 18,500, perilously close to extinction (the reason for this is not
directly known by scientists). Then about 150,000 years ago, it plummeted again down to just 2,000.
This shows that in the past humans have not always been great at surviving which could have been
caused by a lack of knowledge on how to live through natural disasters (such as volcanic eruptions,
tsunamis, hurricanes, etc). However, humans did survive, with the biggest example being that there is
still a human race today. In this day and age ... Show more content on ...
For example, 12,000 years ago the area around the Great Lakes was very cold and covered with huge
sheets of ice a kilometre thick. Today, that same area has farms and large cities (i.e. Chicago, Detroit
and Toronto). The environment can also be changed by human interference, these usually occur in
relatively short periods of time. An example of this could be pieces of land changed into farms,
housing schemes or small villages. This type of example can be seen on a day to day basis. Every time
a physical environment is changed, all the plants and animals (including humans) in that environment
must adapt to the changes or face become extinct. Slow changes give living things time to adapt so
giving more chance of survival. Fast changes usually don t give living things time to adapt, so they
must either move elsewhere or become extinct.
Secondly, Paul I. Palmer, a professor at the University of Edinburgh and Matthew J. Smith, an
ecologist at Microsoft Research in Cambridge state that the planet has entered a new state: humans are
adapting to, as well as causing, environmental changes ... projections of the future climate based on
simple economic narratives from cuts in greenhouse gas emissions to unmitigated growth are
unrealistic. This means that there are already some negative opinions on future human adaption from
top researchers.
This rapid adaptation is occurring around the world. British researchers recently analysed more than
2,000 animal
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Planet Of The Apes Scientific Intelligence
Scientific Advancement and Intelligence with New Thoughts People have different thoughts towards
the genre of science fiction. These authoritative figures create ideas, which can be used in analyzing
science fiction works. The Psychology of Science Fiction, David Hartwell, and Isaac Asimov are
science fiction analyzers and well known people in the science fiction genre. The Psychology if
Science Fiction gives the authoritative idea of new trains of thought. New trains of thought are used
for a new idea for a person individually or for a group culturally. David Hartwell gives the idea of
intellect over irrationality and emotion. This idea is used when a character uses their intellect rather
than their emotions and irrational thoughts. Lastly, ... Show more content on ...
Ender is one of the best commanders the International Fleet has ever wanted. He is put through the
physical task that no battle student has ever done before. At Battle School, Ender is the commander of
the dragon army, and is pressured everyday to compete in a battle against another army. Ender wins
seven out of the seven battles he played in a week (Card 186). This shows Ender s intellect over his
irrationality and emotion. It also shows a new train of thought, because no other army is put through
these stressful battle situations. When Ender takes part in the commander school training, there is a
part where Ender unleashes against Petra (Card 284). Ender let his emotions get to him as they
normally do. Ender sometimes lets his emotions too much, rather than think, he does irrational stuff.
Ender is a good for David Hartwell s idea, but yet he contradicts it. Ender finds himself in a hard
situation. He decides to go and restart the bugger colony. This scientific advancement that Ender
wants to bring to the buggers is pessimistic for the International Fleet, and they cannot do anything to
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The Importance Of Groups In Sociology
The groups with which an individual associate themselves plays an important role on that individual s
socialization and maturation throughout their life span. Groups and categories can differ in their
definitions, but according to Discover Sociology: Third Edition written by William J. Chambliss and
Daina S. Eglitis, the groups which we belong to can range from intimate relationships such as familial
and spousal to less intimate but still close relationships such as friendships and work relationships to
acquaintanceships such as people that we are around often but do not have a specific relation to. The
textbook also discusses how these specific relationships can be split up into two broader categories,
primary and secondary groups. Primary groups are defined as relationships with intense emotional
ties, intimacy, and identification with membership in the group while secondary groups are defined as
large, impersonal groups with minimal emotional and intimate ties (Chamblis Eglitis, 2017). The
groups that an individual belongs to directly impact their socialization as they can impact an
individual emotionally and even biologically. Some group memberships are chosen, while others are
chosen for us. For example, each of us is born into our main primary group, the family, while we have
more say in our involvement with our secondary group such as our athletic organizations and work
groups. According to Charles Horton Cooley, primary groups have a long lasting significance on
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Essay about Museum Visitation
Perez Art Museum Miami Visitation
Perez Art Museum was my choice for museum visitation paper. Perez Art Museum in Miami is a
modern and contemporary art museum dedicated to collecting and exhibiting international arts of the
20th and 21st centuries. Perez Art Museum continue tradition of Miami Art Museum, known as The
Center of Fine Arts first opened in 1984. Perez Art Museum have a goal to improve life for visitors
and residents of Miami Dade County by showing some of the most progressive visual arts of our time.
Exhibition that draw most of my attention was Poetics of Relation that was available from May 29th
until October 18th this year. This exhibition was inspired by the writings of philosopher and author
Edouard Glisant. This ... Show more content on ...
I felt that sandals should be associated with tropical vacations for all the rest of us, but that barbed
wire represent hard life of people in those areas of Dominican Republic. I kept questioning myself
who were the people who worn this sandals? Where they slaves that somebody made them wear
barbed wire sandals so they can keep feeling hurt or only locals wore them as a part of some ritual? I
finally realize that those sandals represent life in poverty and eagerness for better life. These sandals
represent people who would be better off if their only problem was wearing this sandals. Their lives
had much more pain than any foot hurt by barbed wire sandal. I had a mixed feelings while looking at
those sandals, remembering my life while growing up in war destroyed country while my parents were
trying to find ways to migrate from Yugoslavia and make my life better. Thank God they succeed, but
there are still marks from barbed wire on our feet and pain is sometimes coming back.
Although Mar Caribe had a lot of emotional impact on me, my favorite part of exhibition was
Congregation by Ledelle Moe. Even I was not big fan of it at first sight, I found it extremely
interesting so I decided to take some time and figure out more about it. Wall covered with little gray
heads had a lot to say to me but I just couldn t find the meaning of it and I honestly didn t like it in the
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Women In Imperial China
First of all, the Imperial Examinations were biased against women. At this particular point in time,
women were considered to be worth close to nothing. The author of China s Examination Hell: The
Civil Service Examinations of Imperial China says a man who had no sons was considered to be
childless. (Miyazaki, 1976, p. 13). In other words, the female gender weren t even considered people,
lower than a person on the social scale. Women were expected at stay at home and care for the
children. The idea of working was preposterous, let alone help run a country. Because of the fact that
women were not born men, they were denied all the opportunities men had. From the day a baby girl
was born, the entire family would go into a state of depression. ... Show more content on ...
To begin, there were numerous different topics the young scholars had to memorize and master. The
subjects that were focused on primarily were the classic works of Confucius and other great
philosophers. Education for these elite scholars didn t consist of math, science, or technology, for they
were reserved for the commoners to study. The typical student had to memorize the four books;
Mencius, Analects, Doctrine of the Mean, and Great Learning. (Crozier, 2002). He would also have to
memorize the five classics; Spring and Autumn Annals, I Ching (Book of Changes), Book of Rites,
Book of Documents, and Classic of Poetry. (Crozier, 2002). On top of these works of art, the scholars
had to memorize over 400,000 different characters at a rate of 200 characters a day. (Miyazaki, 1976,
p. 16). That is ridiculous! With all of these tools that are now engraved inside these young men s
heads, they are then presented with an Eight legged Essay on the day of the test. This is an essay that
is designed to answer a hard question about anything in these works or other works of Confucius. It s
called an Eight Legged Essay because in order to get full credit, one must answer the
question using eight paragraphs or parts. (Octave of Education, 2013). The topics that must be
memorized to even have a chance at passing the test, are a lot for a boy to learn at a young
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Functional Leval Strategy for Toyota
Table of Contents
Name of the Points Page Number Executive Summary
Chapter 01 Introduction:
1.1 Origin of the Study
1.2 Objective of the Study
1.3 Methodology of the Study
1.4 Limitation of the Study 01 02
Chapter 02 About Strategic Management Functional level strategy 03
Chapter 03 Topic of the Term Paper:
Functional Level Strategy of Toyota Corporation 04 08
Chapter 04 Problems Solutions 09
Chapter 05 Findings Analysis 10 11
Chapter 06 Conclusion 12 References I Appendix II III
Executive Summary
In every organization strategic management has a direct impact on its business. Strategic Management
helps to attain superior performance and competitive advantage for an organization. Through
competitive ... Show more content on ...
Toyota has introduced new technologies including one of the first mass produced hybrid gas electric
vehicles, of which it says it has sold 1 million globally (2007 06 07) [16], Advanced Parking Guidance
System (automatic parking), a four speed electronically controlled automatic with buttons for power
and economy shifting, and an eight speed automatic transmission. Toyota, and Toyota produced Lexus
and Scion automobiles, consistently rank near the top in certain quality and reliability surveys,
primarily J.D. Power and Consumer Reports.
In 2005, Toyota, combined with its half owned subsidiary Daihatsu Motor Company, produced 8.54
million vehicles, about 500,000 fewer than the number produced by GM that year. Toyota has a large
market share in the United States, but a small market share in Europe. Its also sells vehicles in Africa
and is a market leader in Australia. Due to its Daihatsu subsidiary it has significant market shares in
several fast growing Southeast Asian countries.
In the Fortune Global 500, Toyota Motor is the 8th largest company in the world. Since the recession
of 2001, it has gained market share in the United States. Toyota s market share struggles in Europe
where its Lexus brand has three tenths of one percent market share, compared to nearly two percent
market share as the U.S.
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The Amateur Ethos In Late 19th Century England
The ideology of the Amateur Ethos in late 19th century England was considered among scholars as
games for games sake, personal satisfaction and not for material gain (Baker 2004). This concept was
the catalyst for segregating the amateur player from the professional tradesman, as a result of the fear
of unfair competition ultimately brought about by men who made a career out of their game (Allison
1980). This is quite different to today s amateurism concept where the significance of intrinsic
motivation has devalued due to the increased importance of extrinsic rewards (Frey Eitzen 1991). On
the other hand modern day amateurism in sport can be associated with the maintenance of good
health, preventing rates of obesity through community involvement and school youth programs
integrating non remunerated values into sporting initiatives (Pate 2006). This report ... Show more
content on ...
It is agreed among scholars, that the objective of amateurism in the nineteenth century English society
was games for games sake, a pleasure of personal satisfaction and good spirit (Baker 2004). It is
apparent that the amateurs participated in the games with no extrinsic motivation, and no obligation to
play. They played for themselves, with no notion of financial gain (Baker 2004). The games were
competitive in a contained manner, and the amateur wouldn t take the outcome too seriously (Baker
2004). For many, the idea of amateurism included the principle of not seeking livelihood from the
athletic exercises, implying that the games were played for the sake of prestige and personal
contentment (Allison 2001) . The idea of amateurism in sport in nineteenth century England was also
a point of segregation against the working class professionals
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Governing Identification Evidence Analysis
In Chapter thirteen, naming the law of governing identification evidence is introduced. It begins with
the evidence needed for criminal convictions. It states that to convict a person of a crime, the
government must be able to prove it. The government must prove that the crime the person is charged
with did indeed happen. The government must also be able to prove that the defendant was committed
or was a party to the crime charged. The evidence can either be direct or circumstantial. Direct
evidence is evidence that stands on its own to prove an alleged fact, such as a testimony of a witness
who specifically says he or she saw a defendant pointing a gun at a victim during a robbery. This
means that the defendant must be identified in some sort ... Show more content on ...
Computers are electronic devices for storing and processing data and that is why they are a rich place
for law enforcement to search for criminal activity. There is a common expectation of privacy when it
comes to someone s personal computer, which is why the fourth amendment applies to any search of a
computer. When obtaining evidence from other personal electronic devices there must be a search
warrant in place. Obtaining evidence from the Internet or cyber evidence includes crimes against
children, abductions, threats, abductions, and pornography. Identity theft and computer hacking crimes
also fall under this category. There are different types of search warrants; there is daytime, nighttime,
no knock/unannounced, anticipatory, sneak and peek, etc. Wiretapping allows the practice of
connecting a listening device to a telephone line to secretly monitor a conversation. Electronic
surveillance is a way of monitoring a home, business, or individual using a variety of devices. Three
techniques of electronic surveillance that are available to law enforcement agencies are pen registers,
trap and trace devices, and interception of the content of the message. There are some situations where
a court order was not required like overheard conversations, statements made to undercover officers,
and tape recordings
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Sacred Space
Introduction: What is a Sacred Space?
To examine each of the key words in the title individually would be quite a large undertaking. The
idea of sacredness applies to many religions in various ways, be it religious rituals or the presence of
God. Even the idea of space is complicated and controversial when many religions lay claim to one
place. So these two terms, when put together, can therefore have different interpretations on many
levels. There is, first, the idea of the sacred space known worldwide; these are usually referred to as
sites of pilgrimage, visited by adherents of that particular religion. On a smaller lever, there is the idea
of a sacred space that is attended locally, be it a temple, church, synagogue, or mosque. And ... Show
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Every religion has had at least one schism or split that separated it into different sects. Therefore one
cannot claim to just analyze Judaism, for example; in reality one must then analyze each individual
sect and offshoot of Judaism. Again, an essay of that detail and scope would be difficult so it comes
down to the process of selecting the proper sect to analyze. In my opinion, there are two important
aspects to consider. One, what sect is the most traditional? Which sect dates as far back to the original
religion as possible, and therefore has undergone the least change? The second factor to consider is
popularity among adherents. One cannot focus on a sect of a religion that only applies to a tiny
minority of those who claim to be adherents of the broad religion; the analysis isn t relevant in that
case. Thus it becomes necessary to examine each religion Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and
determine which sect is the best to investigate for the answer to the question: What is the perception of
a sacred space in different religions? In Judaism there are four main sects: Reconstructionist, Reform,
Conservative, and Orthodox ( Intermarriage ). It is evident just from the title of the sect that Reform
and Reconstructionist Judaism are not the most traditional. Therefore it comes down to Orthodox and
Conservative. Orthodox is definitely more traditional, taking the words of the Torah as literal Jewish
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How Do We Define Environmental Psychology
To define environmental psychology, one must do so by considering the following four key features:
interactive approach; interdisciplinary and international; problem focused, applied field; and diversity
of methods (Steg et. al., 2013, p. 5 6). To sum, interactive behavior is best understood by me as one s
interactions with nature and the effect nature ends up having on one after engagement has occurred.
As a child, I grew up in Jackson County Forest in Black River Falls, Wisconsin. As well, with an
indigenous and sustainable upbringing, I was more prone to participate in all aspects of my life with a
holistic and reverent attitude. As it is explained in the textbook, the environment molded my past and
current ongoing attitude and beliefs towards the environment. I am aware this is significant to note as
those who are not brought up in such environments, as raw as the forests I grew up in, have a
relationship with nature that is to be considered an ongoing work in progress. However, I must add the
environment has changed for better and worse and has affected my outlook towards the future of
places like Jackson County Forest. For instance, the environment is now considered more of a
nuisance because of the amount of drugs that can be hidden, grown, and dealt bordering many cities
and reservations. This juxtaposes the initial behavior and reverence I once had as a child and as an
adolescent, who saw the forest as a place to partake in ceremonial practices with tribal
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Emotional Issues In Juno
Juno, is about a 16 year old, high school girl faced with the challenge of an unplanned pregnancy. As
she sits in an abortion clinic waiting to abort her unborn child, she decides to have the baby. She is
aware that she can t raise it herself and decides to give her child up for adoption. She stumbles upon a
lovely couple on a newspaper ad and instantly knows they are the parents she wants for her child.
However, problems begin to unravel when Juno and Mark start bonding, perhaps more than they
should. Grief and loss are seen throughout the movie from the birth mother, adoptive parents, and the
grandparent s perspective.
Grief and loss was experienced by Juno throughout the film. The movie begins by Juno telling her
story of how she and her best friend, Paulie Bleeker, engaged in sexual intercourse. After taking three
pregnancy tests, she finally realizes she must decide what to do. Taking a ton of pregnancy tests shows
she is in complete ... Show more content on ...
After trying to have kids for 5years, Mark and Vanessa decided to adopt. However, both were left
feeling depressed and uneasy about adoption after the birthmother decided to keep their child. Doing a
private adoption and hiring a lawyer was a way of ensuring the same thing wouldn t happen again.
They had planned on doing anything in their power so that Juno wouldn t back out. They even offered
Juno an open adoption, but instead Juno wanted the old fashion closed adoption. However, there was
still the feeling of uncertainty especially for Vanessa. Vanessa distrusted Juno because the last birth
mother got cold feet and Vanessa didn t want to experience it all over it again. This uncertainty is seen
when Vanessa asks Juno how sure she was of giving her baby up for adoption. She was desperate to
have a child and become a mother. Her wants pushed Mark away causing them to have marital
problems and eventually leading to him wanting a
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Problems with Ppaca
Problems with PPACA:
Higher Costs
PPACA has touted new benefits without measures to cut cost.1 One should know that in America there
are already federal laws and programs to cover the elderly (Medicare), the poor (Medicaid), and
uninsured children (CHIPs), In addition there is basically free or low cost care to anyone who needs it
and it is available if one looks for it. Examples include: Shriner s hospitals, free clinics, and providers
who do pro bono work. In case that wasn t enough, there are also laws in place that ban practices of
charging more to people with pre existing conditions in employer based health insurance. The 60% of
Americans who get their healthcare insurance from their employer may actually be hurt by PPACA. ...
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All medication purchases using FSAs or HSAs will require a prescription.1,2 Those expensive over
the counter medications will now be out of pocket expenses for every American, even if they planned
in advance with a HSA or FSA to cover the costs. More Red Tape It is hard to think of an example
where government intervention reduces red tape and the PPACA is no exception. Anyone who
receives $600 or more in compensation from a business will be required to receive a 1099 from that
business at the end of the year. This ruling has been predicted to be so burdensome to American small
businesses that even Obama has vowed to sign legislation to repeal it. Currently, the bill is gridlocked
in Congress.
Under the PPAC, the employer mandate will allow employers to receive monthly reports on
subsidized employees. This has potential liability implications. Revealing personal finances to
employers exposes individuals personal information and could increase employers liability.1 A
business with the employer mandate in place and coverage for a household may see the government
tack on penalties in such instances as an employee s spouse loses a job, or an elderly relative moves
in. There is the possibility that the employers will have to pay a penalty without knowing the full
details, unless challenged and given permission by a government agency.1 Finally, under the employer
mandate, PPACA forces businesses to make decisions
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Compare And Contrast Maria Montessori And Frederick Foebel
In this assignment I am required to evaluate two educational theorists, Maria Montessori and
Frederick Froebel. Throughout this essay I will cover the topics of the philosophy of the theorists,
their approach and implementations which contribute to their own beliefs towards the early childhood
and education settings they have created. To conclude my essay I will state my personal reflections,
and compare which elements of each theorists best fit in with my own attitudes, beliefs and values and
also will conclude on what doesn t reflect on my own beliefs. Maria Montessori. Born in 1870, Maria
Montessori was born into a well off household, with highly educated parents. Her father was a very
traditional man who did not like the fact that his ... Show more content on ...
Montessori and Frederick s approaches are similar in ways in which they both idolise nature and self
education in their practise. Maria insisted on using natural products in her environment and influenced
the children on free play, similar to Frederick who had a keen passion for the world and all elements
within it. Both Froebel and Montessori had the same ambition in their work, they wanted their
students to become independent, they both gave their students freedom to create and explore bringing
out the uniqueness in each child. Even though I agree with Montessori s approach towards self
education, I just believe that Frederick Froebel has a better approach to self intuition. Frederick
believed in building on what the children already knew and making them create their own idea s.
During free play he let them experiment within the garden of children letting them build up their own
fascination for the wider world and respecting all elements within it. For me I believe this is an
excellent way to let children think by themselves, it is memorable for the children and also creative, it
opens up so many elements of the mind in different ways. Montessori s method was a bit too intense
for young children who are aged 3 5 in my eyes, I believe she has an amazing set up but I believe
Froebel s approach is adapted more around the child s
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Essay about Medical Experiments on Animals Create Abuse...
The Screams Behind the Creams:
An Analysis of Vivisection in the Medical Industry
19.5 million animals are killed every year due to different experiments being tested on the animals.
Vivisection is the use of live animals during operation for scientific research. Such animals may
include: dogs, cats, primates, guinea pigs, and hamsters. One of the most common forms of
vivisection is the experimentation for medical purposes such as making new medicines. The use of
animals in the medical industry should be prohibited, in order for the industries to stop abusing the
animals and causing them to suffer.
When scientists experiment on animals many precautionary measures are disregarded and therefore
animals experience an excessive amount of ... Show more content on ...
In addition to the torment of the actual experiments, animals in laboratories are deprived of everything
that is natural and important to them they are confined to barren cages, socially isolated, and
psychologically traumatized (Animal Experiments: Overview). The animals have their entire natural
habitat taken away from them while being tested. Without their normal surroundings, it is hard for
them to behave and live like their species. If a person were to have all of their possessions taken away,
they would be inferior and victimized. The animals feel this way. Scientists take the animals for
granted and forget that the animals have feelings too. The habitats that the facilities provide for the
animals could be viewed as poorly as the quality of treatment for animals The environments of the
facilities used to house the animals do not correspond with the environments that the animals would
live in, in the wild. One of the criteria a vivisection laboratory must follow is to provide ethologically
appropriate facilities (i.e., as would occur in their natural environment) for those chimpanzees... (NIH
to Reduce Significantly the Use of Chimpanzees in Research). The facilities that the chimpanzees are
in must match the environment they would be in if they were in the wild. This criteria helps to
eliminate the abuse of the animals, however not all facilities are required to have the animals in their
own habitat like
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Tibial Plateau Fracture Research Paper
Tibial Plateau Fracture With Rehab
A tibial plateau fracture is a break in the top of the bone that forms the bottom of the knee joint (tibia
or shin bone). The lower end of the thigh bone (femur) forms the upper surface of the knee joint. The
top of the tibia has a flat, smooth surface (tibial plateau). This part of the shin bone is made of softer
bone than the end of the femur bone. If a strong force pushes the femur down into the tibial plateau,
the tibial plateau can collapse or break away at the edges.
Two types of fractures can occur:
A nondisplaced fracture means that the broken piece or pieces of your tibial plateau have not moved
out of their normal position.
A displaced fracture means that one or more pieces of your tibial ... Show more content on ...
Move your toes and ankle often to avoid stiffness and to lessen swelling.
Raise (elevate) the injured area above the level of your heart while you are sitting or lying down.
Do not drive or operate heavy machinery while taking prescription pain medicine.
Ask your health care provider when it is safe to drive if you have a brace on a leg that you use for
Do not use the injured limb to support your body weight until your health care provider says that you
can. Use crutches, a scooter, a walker, or a wheelchair as told by your health care provider.
Return to your normal activities as told by your health care provider. Ask your health care provider
what activities are safe for you.
Do exercises as told by your health care provider.
General Instructions
Do not use any tobacco products, such as cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and e cigarettes. Tobacco can
delay bone healing. If you need help quitting, ask your health care provider.
Take over the counter and prescription medicines only as told by your health care provider.
Keep all follow up visits as told by your health care provider. This is
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Our Time Robby Dichotomy
In Our Time by John Wildeman, he describes the story of his brother with him struggling with society,
family, and to find who he is. Throughout the many nonfiction accounts, the audience sees the world
of Robby though a interview between Robby and John. Most of these accounts focus primarily on the
dark upbring of Robby and his views of society. The predominate categories that were focus in this
selection were the passing of his friend of Garth, changing of home scenery and environment (peer
pressure, societal norms, and prison), and his birthday which falls in with others noteworthy events to
a point where Robby feels left out. In Our Time shows the troubling background and dichotomies
within Robby s viewpoint compared to John s, where he loses a sense of reality and is ... Show more
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At the beginning of the story, the reader will get a general understanding that Robby s life is not all
fun and games, but a life of disappointments and sadness through the catalyst of his friend passing:
Garth. Garth has been with Robby throughout his whole life where he had help mentored him and
cared for him as a friend. However, as time progress and with Garth passing, Robby reflected the life
that Garth lived as Robby counted four black fingers in the white glove. Garth was the thumb. The
hand would be clumsy, wouldn t work right without him. Garth was different. (Wideman, 624) Robby
wanted to be just like Garth or in a similar fashion and follow in his footsteps by making gloomy
situation into a happy one as noted with Garth would have figured a way to make it special. They
would not be hiding in the bushes. They would be knights in shining armor s around a big table. (628).
Sadly, with this emotional pain and a lack of parental oversight over Robby, cause him to lost control
as seen with him thinking about and carrying the emotional pains of his friend which ...felt like a
coffin full of
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Little Falls History
The first people who discovered the land that would become the Town of Little Falls are known as the
Mohawk Indians. The Mohawk Indians called the land Little Falls so the could differentiate this land
from another land called Big Falls at Cohoes. When white traders discovered this land in the early
1600s they explored it and eventually bought it from the Mohawk Indians in 1722 and from then on
people started settling in Little Falls (Little Falls). Around a hundred years after the purchase of Little
Falls the Erie Canal was built. The Erie Canal was the main source of commerce and transportation
through Little Falls in the mid 1800s through to the late 1900s. The Erie Canal became Little Falls
identity until around 1959 when railways and highways ... Show more content on ...
Hawley gave his original drafts of the Erie Canal to his friend, an Albany bound assemblyman, to gain
support of the 1809 legislation but, when Hawley s friend, Joshua Forman, proposed the survey to
president Jefferson he turned it down and canalling was dropped out of legislation for that year (Bond
of Union). Hawley s draft was then left with Surveyor General De Witt Clinton to try and push it back
into congress. Lawmakers in New York only met four months out of the year so Clinton, Thomas
Eddy, Peter Porter, James Geddes, William North, Gouverneur Morris, and Stephen Van Rensselaer,
all canal commissioners, traveled the thirty hour tour up the Hudson to do surveying without
interference of politics. On their journey they visited all the small towns with companies up and down
the Mohawk river, between Albany, Oswego and Buffalo, they asked them questions about building a
canal and if they approved of the idea but, they all said that it wouldn t matter to them because they
traded with Montreal (Bond of Union). After the canal commissioner members finished their
expedition of the Hudson and Mohawk river all of them were convinced that the canal was not a good
idea except for Peter Porter. Porter believed that the canal could be built right alongside the Mohawk
river using the unpredictable waters as their water source for the canal. Much later after the expedition
of the Hudson and Mohawk river De Witt received a letter stating that the canal must be built or else
all the business would go to Montreal, Canada and that building the canal would turn New York City
into The largest commercial city in the world. (Bond of Union). After the letter the canal
commissioners met up again to talk about the idea of making the canal again and brought their first
report to the lawmakers of New York State on March 2, 1811. In their
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Tuskegee Airmen Research Paper
The battle of African Americans for more noteworthy parts in North American military clashes
traverses four centuries. Open doors for African American support in the U.S. military were
continuously extremely constrained and dubious. Shares, avoidance, and racial segregation were based
on the common disposition in the United States, especially with respect to the U.S. military, that
African Americans did not have the scholarly limit, fitness, and aptitudes to be fruitful contenders.
Political weight applied by the dark press, social equality bunches, verifiably dark schools and
colleges, and others, brought about the development of the Tuskegee Airmen, making them a fabulous
case of the battle by African Americans to serve in the United States military. In the mid 1940s, key
pioneers inside the United States Army Air Corps (Army Air Forces) did not trust that African
Americans had the scholarly ability to wind up effective military pilots.Subsequent to succumbing to
the weight applied by social liberties gatherings and dark pioneers, the armed force chose to prepare a
little number of African American pilot cadets under extraordinary conditions. Despite the fact that
partiality ... Show more content on ...
Demonstrated on the polished methodology of Chief Alfred Anderson, Benjamin O. Davis, and Daniel
Chappie James, their execution prepared for integration of the military, starting with President Harry S
Truman s Executive Order 9981 in 1948. It additionally set the phase for common rights upheld to
proceed with the battle to end racial segregation amid the social equality development of the 1950s
and 1960s. Subsequently, the account of the Tuskegee Airmen constitutes an effective and
fundamental illustration for the battle of dark opportunity in America.( The Tuskegee Airmen: 5
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Essay On Official Language In Canada
We do not need French of an Official Language, your pushing it onto us (Will Ferguson, pg#365)
Canada believes that they did not need French has an official language. Then they finally got elected
to the Official Languages Act into the election, they got to have the right to use whatever language
they wanted and then thought that they were getting the French language pushed onto them. The
Official Languages Act finally got elected into the election for the first time ever by the liberal group.
(Will Ferguson, pg#365) they believed that they needed French has an official language because in
Ottawa, Quebec and Montreal they all spoke French and thought it was equal to make their language
part of the other language. Based on reports they made they found out that people of Francophones
wanted to have French has a language just how English was like. (Michael Haan, pg#59 76) They won
the election then finally made Canadians have two official languages for now on. After that they got
the choice to use whatever language they wanted. Canada finally got to pick the language they wanted
to use in Canada. To learn at schools they could use English or French, in federal business they could
still pick what language they wanted to use. New rules were added about the languages after the
liberals won the election. Public signs had ... Show more content on ...
They were not happy about this at all.(Canadian Issue, pg.# 29 33) they were making public signs and
items all around French and English when it use to be just English on them. They did not think it was
equal. After that some people were getting pushed onto and told they needed to learn to speak French
and the English language. They thought that they were getting the English culture taken away from
them because of all the new rules and laws. (Canadian Diversity, pg. #
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  • 2. Hughes And Hurston Analysis Authors have changed people and their views continually throughout time. Authors Zora Neal Hurston and Langston Hughes both drastically effected peoples views on African American people. Their most profound time was during the Harlem Renaissance, where they wrote several novels and poems about the lives of African Americans. These authors used their African American heritage and life experiences to compose these works about their communities and widen many peoples thoughts and actions towards the African American race. The timing of these authors stories, their very diverse lives, and their literature skills all helped them to accomplish their goal of change for their race and bring the races closer. Both authors emerged during the Harlem ... Show more content on ... This was a pivotal turning point for the former slaves to the white man. This renaissance finally allowed many of the poor and rural black communities to have a collective voice and make a significant change. Authors also helped by putting major books and poems out into America for everyone to read and learn about how the black culture operated and thrived. These authors, such as Hughes and Hurston, were single representations to put alongside the Harlem Renaissance that allow others to have a picture of what the actual black life was all about. It was no longer about slavery or persecution from the white people, but instead African Americans found a voice they used to give them an even greater freedom. African Americans showed everyone that they were no longer beneath those who forced them to tend their lands, but were instead equal and quite possibly could be better than many of them. African Americans no longer lived in fear of each and every day, but pushed themselves to the front pages of important newspaper, magazines, and everything else imaginable. They published works and obtained awards just as the white men did, and created their own music to express themselves just as the white man had once done. This ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Essay On John Knox Did you know John Knox is famous for his preachings? John Knox left a legacy behind which is one topic that will be mentioned. Along with his life and career, contributions, and life without the individual. John Knox was a important figure in the Scottish Reformation and caused the people of Scotland to live. John Knox was a Scottish minister and founder of the Church of Scotland. John Knox was born in 1514 near Haddington, East Lothian Scotland. There is not much known about John Knox before 1540. Knox s mothers name was Sinclair and his father s name was William. Knox s father William helped John carry on with his international communications. We know that his family may have been farmers. It is known that John trained for priesthood, ... Show more content on ... For example if he never became a preacher the religious revolution in Scotland would ve never been instigated. Also John Knox was the founder of the Presbyterian Church, so if he never existed it would never be founded. The Presbyterian church is a community of believers in Jesus Christ that seek love. The church encouraged people to worship not just in church but in everyday settings. I don t think that things would be completely different now if he never existed but I do believe that some things would. For example Knox made worshipping Jesus a everyday task. If it weren t for that who knows what could be different. John was Scotland s leader for the reformation and the reformation was the process on how the Papacy broke. Knox lead the Protestant Reformation in Scotland. For all we know many others things that John had an input on could ve changed our world ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant Case Study Introduction (Section I) Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant is a privately owned company in Richmond, Indiana that manufactured mirrors for trucks and automobiles. This privately owned business was successful in the beginning of its business and later the management encountered problems with its employees. Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant faced production delay issues and unprofitability in the late 1990 s. The company implemented the Scanlon Plan in late December of 1999 in order to solve the problem they were facing with production. This plan helps paid bonuses to workers for increased productivity and this brought fast positive feedback for the employees and the organization. After five years of the implementation, the enthusiasm within the company gradually ... Show more content on ... Although about 81% of employees voted yes on the implementation of the Scanlon Plan at Engstrom, communication problem and lack of understanding how this Scanlon plan works dragged the employees to develop a non interest in the company, causing employees to lose interest in participation of the Scanlon plan. Employees became suspicious to bonus calculation adjustments over time and questioned fairness. This is considered as nonverbal negative feedback for a message that may have been highly affected by noise. Employees want to feel like their boss is siding with them in a compassionate manner. Effective communication and thorough understanding of the policies of the organization would motivate the employees. However, even though the Scanlon plan was allowing fair strategic planning among coworkers, it overloaded the employees with more information that they could assimilate. According to Myers Myers (1982), overload is the vast amount of information transmitted to an employee which surpasses an acceptable level of handling, causing confusion and stressful employee environments. This lack of communication added to the downfall of the Scanlon ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Border, The Imaginary And Unseen Border Essay To have a complete understanding of what a border is one must come to the other form of the border, the imaginary and unseen border. This abstract border separates people from one another without any real embodiment of the border itself. This particular border does not necessarily have concrete matter, which separates people like fences, gates, towers, and walls. Moreover, it does not have to be policed. Ergo, such border exists without any limitation of space and time. This abstract border does create the same effect as the concrete border, separating and labeling people, as them and us. Nonetheless, the abstract border affects people beyond labelling and separation. As the Xuncax siblings in El Norte succeeded in crossing the concrete U.S. Mexico border, they had to face the abstract border, the language border. Knowing nothing of English hinders them in coping with their new life in America. Language is the first border they have to pass in the new land. Because Enrique could not speak English, he is unable to find a job easily since he could not communicate with other people who might need his service. In the same boat, Rosa, being unable to comprehend her employer s explanation on how to use the washing machine, ends up washing all the clothes by hands and let them dry under the sun. In a word, their unavailability to cross the language border is apparently making an impediment for them to find a job for living or to execute the employer s request correctly. ... Get more on ...
  • 6. World Trade Center Explosion Essay Lessons from the 1993 WTC Explosion for Business Continuity Plan Development Introduction Every incidence, of whatever kind, that occurs to a person, a corporation or a country leaves an impact of its kind. The most important thing is the lessons, which the stakeholders concerned learn from that incidence. Bombing incidences are often a result of terror attacks and the lessons or the action plans that ensue from any successful terror attack are not something intelligent minds can underscore (Knowles, 2003). One of the major targets in these bombings and occurrences of a similar kind is the business community. Critical analysis of explosions and bombings is very important to both the security agencies and the businesses. This is primarily ... Show more content on ... Power blackout resulted, 250 elevators became inoperative, five people died and over 1000 got injured. The Outcome of the Attack The attack had devastating outcome that traversed across many sectors of the economy. In fact it took a nearly a month to figure out the next course of action (Hiles, 2007). Meanwhile, rescue mission intensified as a result of disaster declarations, businesses were closed down, the building was considerably destroyed and many companies rerouted their telecommunication and information channels and systems to alternative sites (Hiles, 2007). Smoke was everywhere and this caused health complications to people trapped inside the tower for a longer time. Security alert intensified throughout the US as people worried which was the next place to be attacked. The Impact of this Incident on Businesses Though there were deaths and injuries that resulted from this explosion, the major impact was in the business community. This is because this twin tower hosted nearly 350 businesses and handled over 80,000 on a daily basis who came to do business with them. The basement of the building had a car parking capacity of 2,000 spaces and this gives tip of how busy this complex was at the time of the explosion (Hiles, 2007). The work force that reported for duty daily in this complex was nearly 50,000 employees (Hiles, 2007). In addition to these business operations, WTC was ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Ethical And Scientific Considerations Regarding Animal... Ethical and Scientific Considerations Regarding Animal Testing and Research According to The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique, published by William Russell and Rex Burch in 1959, there are 3 important principles when it comes to animal testing and research. These principles: reduction, refinement, and replacement are typically known as the 3 R s. Reduction is meant to minimize the number of animal used in experimental procedures, refinement aims to limit the animal s exposure to pain, and replacement is designed to use non animal options whenever possible. While the problem with animal testing is constantly brought to people s attention, the number of animals used for research is still increasing to this day. It is questionable whether these principles sufficiently reflect the development in our knowledge about animals and their emotional capabilities, the interest of these animals, or the harm that corresponds. It also raises serious questions about the success rate of the predicted outcomes of animal testing. Concerns about human and animal use in research began in the late 1800s; throughout this time, there was a series of medical experiments performed by the Nazi German leaders on prisoners during World War II, as well as the Tuskegee syphilis study. Reports of abuse from ... Show more content on ... Both Tide and Arm Hammer products are included in these; however, Proctor Gamble, Johnson Johnson, and Dove, as well as many others, are only tested on animals where law requires it. Clorox rarely tests on animals, only doing so if it is absolutely necessary. I, personally, do not agree with animal testing, having the same opinion as many other people, which is that if you wouldn t do it to yourself, why would you do it to them? These animals do not have a choice. They are forced into laboratories and harmed in ways that are scarring to them, and they have no way to escape the pain they are being put ... Get more on ...
  • 8. `` Weapons, Technology Determination And Ancient Warfare `` Technological Determination and Hoplites Logically, it makes sense that the army with the most advanced technology would win battles against a less equipped one. However, in his paper titled Weapons, Technology Determination and Ancient Warfare, Fernando Echeverria Rey brings to light the paradox of this idea in ancient warfare, as well as undermine the modern idea of technological determinism by claiming that it does not have an ancient equivalent. His argument approaches the study of ancient warfare from different perspectives as he [offers] alternative ways to explain technological and tactical change in warfare (Echeverria 2010: 24). Echeverria Rey makes strong points for his arguments and supports his ideas clearly. While ... Show more content on ... While the political level and structural level entail that ancient communities were determined by military factors (Echeverria 2010:22) and that these military factors produce and explain broader socio political change (Echeverria 2010:22) respectively. By focusing in on the battlefield level in his paper, Echeverria Rey stresses the distinction between these three levels and maintains clarity in his argument. He supports his argument by also putting to the test the assumptions, that first some kinds of weapons and tactics are objectively superior to others and that secondly, societies are always trying to create or import such superior weapons and tactics (Echeverria 2010:24.) While hoplites may not be the epidemy of ancient warfare technological innovation, they are an important part of the history of ancient warfare and exemplify Echeverria Rey s argument. A hoplite is commonly interpreted as the quintessential Greek heavy armed infantry man (Echeverria 2012:292). Originally, the hoplite soldiers were generally expected to provide his own arms and armor (Bertosa 2003:361). Because of the monetary demand of being a hoplite soldier, a hoplite had to provide their own equipment such as a spears or shields, the majority of early hoplites were wealthy farm owners whose main goal was to protect their own land from enemies. The role of a hoplite was critical in ancient civilization ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Benefits Of Year Round Schooling Is Year Round Schooling A Better Option Than Regular Schooling? Year round schooling is better than regular school because, it allows the kids to retain more information and not lose what they learned, they also allow them to graduate earlier with higher retention levels. In discussion of Year Round Schooling, one controversial issue has been whether year round schooling is a good idea or not. People believe that year round schooling is a good thing and that it will increase academic achievement levels and benefit the students more than anything else. Students will also be able to advance more quickly since the schooling is year round, they have less to forget since the breaks are shorter. On the other hand people seem to believe that year round schooling takes away from the students and gives them less family time and less of an Outside of school life (NEA). In the research of year round schooling it shows that absences are most likely to be higher since it is year round. Their view is that we think that many students can benefit from year round schooling, and that is has more benefits than anything else. Dr. Matthew Lynch from, Education New states that, Students tend to forget a lot during summer break, so a shorter time away from school might increase retention rates (Watson). Dr.Lynch is saying that having a shorter summer break will tend more to the students, because they will remember and learn more than what a student who has the whole summer off. ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Character Analysis Of Scout And Jem s Relationship TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD KEY POINTS (useful website: shmoop) Central Relationship Scout and Jem s relationship is at the core of the novel Structure The novel begins where it ends Jem s physical injury is symbolic of the permanent impact the event of the events of the novel have on the characters his left was somewhat shorter than his right The Start of the problem Scout and Jem disagree over the time the problems started Scout thinks it was when Dill encouraged them to make Boo come out. Jem looks to the history of Alabama: this suggests the he is seeing the problems as an older person. There is a suggestion that the problem of racism can be traced back into the history of the south. Historical Setting Maycomb was settled with the help of salves Slavery was used extensively in the south before the civil war. Slaves were mostly black Africans stolen from there birthplace A slave was a person who was owned as the property of another person. They had very few rights and were often treated as less than human Back in history, the population was over 50% slaves in most towns of America The Civil War Causes One of the most important causes of the civil war in America was the disagreement between the north and south over the issue of slavery Many people in the north came to view slavery as morally wrong When Abraham Lincoln became president in 1860, seven southern states secede from the union and formed the confederate states of America The Civil War ... Get more on ...
  • 11. In the main 19th century, countless new enterprises sprang... In the main 19th century, countless new enterprises sprang up in the railroad and assembly industries. The New York Transactions Board had next mandated an association to have a minimum of 100 stocks in order to transactions in their exchange. Countless of these new firms might not encounter such necessities to be tabulated on the Board. A cluster of non member brokers catered to the needs of these firms as they traded their stocks beyond the registered exchanges. These brokers came to be recognized as the curbstone brokers, as they led their auctions out in the street. These brokers frequently traded stocks that were speculative in nature. With the invention of oil in the afterward half of the 19th century, even oil stocks went in into ... Show more content on ... Kolton challenged the believed of a coalition alongside the New York Stock Transactions as he manipulated the transactions saying that two autonomous, viable exchanges are far extra probable to be responsive to new pressures and area needs than a solitary institution . Kolton proclaimed in July 1977 that he should be departing his locale at the American Transactions in November of that year. The American Stock Transactions merged alongside the New York Stock Transactions (NYSE Euronext) on October 1, 2008. Post coalition, the Amex equities company was called NYSE Alternext US . As portion of the re branding exercise, NYSE Alternext US was re branded as NYSE Amex Equities. On December 1, 2008, the Curb Transactions constructing at 86 Trinity Locale was closed, and the Amex Equities interchange floor was advanced to the NYSE Interchange floor at 11 Wall Road. The Growling Twenties, the decade that pursued Globe Fight I and managed to the Crash, was a period of wealth and excess. Constructing on post war optimism, countless rural Americans traveled to the metropolises in large numbers across the decade alongside the hopes of discovering a extra prosperous existence in the ever producing development of America s manufacturing sector. As the American metropolises prospered, the large migration from rural spans and endured disregard of the US farming industry should craft extensive commercial anguish amid ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Nietzsche s Concept of Eternal Recurrence Friedrich Nietzsche is a German philosopher who lived in 1844 to 1900, and his proposition on eternal recurrence was one of his most discussed works. The concept states that the world is eternally self destroying, then self creating, over time. He radicalizes the Christian concept of eternity and combines it with simple reasoning to come up with an innovative concept. This paper will discuss in detail what eternal recurrence is and the implications of such a concept on free spirits, and whether adopting such a belief will make a person s life better or not. The paper will then proceed to offer a response to criticism on Nietzsche s proposition. The text to be used is the second edition of Existentialism: Basic Writings by Charles ... Show more content on ... For the paper to portray balance and respect to divergent opinions, it will offer an argument that counters the chosen position, and then offer a response to this counter argument. Upon completion of these, the paper will offer a conclusion that summarizes its contents and tie up all concepts presented. Eternal recurrence is a notion that states that the world is recurrent and will continue in such manner to form a self similar and infinite time. It was founded in ancient Indian and Egyptian philosophy and was heavily employed by Nietzsche, who used it as a central faucet of his philosophy. If such a concept was indeed true, and man lived a constantly recurring life, then its adoption would result in a better life. This is because a person would try to maximize the number of good experience, as every pleasure inducing experience will recur throughout (Guignon Pereboom 2001). When a person believes that the same experiences will recur in other lives, then one will want to ensure that most of these experiences are mostly gratifying, such that, through each recurrence, the person will continue experiencing the same pleasure. The free spirit will aim at engaging in activities that will result in a fulfilled life, meaning that a person will become more ambitious, more ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Advantages Of 3D Printing TECHNOLOGY Materials for 3D printing were very limited during the early days of the technology. Today, there is a whole array of material types that are supplied in different forms (filament, powder, pellets, resin, granules etc). The first step in 3D printing is to design the 3D digital model using a CAD program or scan the object with a 3D scanner. The model will then be sliced into layers and converted into a printer readable file. The printing material will be added one layer at a time. Different materials are suited for different 3D printing technologies. There is no one solution fits all (The Potential of 3D Printing, Pg 4, METI Journal). Some 3D printers process powdered materials which utilize a light source to fuse layers of the powder together in the defined shape. Others process ... Show more content on ... Customers may bring their digital file or scan their objects at the shop to print out their desired products. Factories: Assembly lines and supply chains are reduced. Factories have highly developed and specialized 3D printers. Spare parts are 3D printed on demand instead of being stock piled. Broken goods can be repaired by simply printing the spoiled component. The (Big Innovation Centre, 2012) highlights some of the advantages of 3D printing. One of the benefits of 3D printing is the ability to produce customized and personalized products. The appearance of a product can be suited according to customer preferences. Secondly, 3D printing reduces inventories. Retailers do not need to stockpile a large number of products. Moreover, 3D printing reduces capital costs for manufacturers. As there is no need for an assembly line, the need for a large scale investment in factories and machinery is reduced. Lastly, 3D printing reduces transport costs, by removing the need for intermediate goods to be shipped from one factory to another. FUTURE OF 3D ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Beethoven Impact On Classical Music Beethoven was known for his masterful composition of classical music, but his life was not as one would expect of such a brilliant composer. When 50 personnel were asked what they knew about Beethoven each person responded that he a composer that was deaf. What was not generally known was that Beethoven had a troubled childhood and led a chronically stressful and harsh adulthood. These two things are often not associated with Beethoven. What did Beethoven compose that made him a musical genius of all time? While reading this paper the following things will be discussed: Beethoven s childhood, introduction to music, his adulthood, and becoming the brilliant composer he is known for to the classical music world. Beethoven was born in Bonn, ... Show more content on ... Classical music was known to be used in churches or for fanciful distractions during his time frame. However he changed it to where now it is an emotional art form, very popular to the world to listen to his music for pleasure and not of distraction. Without Beethoven pushing the boundaries todays classical music could still be lacking in the emotions and expressions that Beethoven put into his work. It is said that he was the link between romantic and classical musical art. Not only did he influence the classical music, but he has influenced all music in today s world. All music goes back to the basics of classical music. The tempo and the notes that were most commonly used in Beethoven s work can be heard throughout songs of hip hop nature. Beethoven may not have lead an easy life but he was very influential to the musical world. Beethoven was known for his deafness and being a great composer but he was so much more than these common stereotypes. As this paper has shown Beethoven was not only a human being, but a human being that had to overcome many obstacles. Everyone should know what he did during his life to get recognition that he was able to reach. One should know that he worked hard and life was not handed to him on a silver ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Muslims Cope With Islamophobia In recent years, islamophobia has become a serious problem plaguing our society due to the stigma placed onto the muslim religion and Middle Eastern people by outlets such as social media, politicians, and personal opinions. With the increase of negative attitudes towards these people due to currents events, more awareness needs to be raised to make them feel safer and to remove this unjustifiably placed stigma from their shoulders. In Slate s video, How American Muslims Cope with Islamophobia , Ismail created a video presentation to present this topic to their desired audience with the use of muslim people discussing their experiences of being a muslim in the U.S by answering certain questions aimed towards them. Each person focused on one specific question and answered from their experience to great detail and length . With each of them being muslims, it gave their words very much credibility (ethos) since they are ... Show more content on ... Buehler speaks about the history of what muslim people have gone through along with the media influence on the topic. In Slate s video, it focuses on questions such as bullying they have faced as a muslim, how their hijab influenced them as a person, and etc. In the beginning of the video they also use clips of new networks discussing muslim in a negative light which gives a more interesting sense of the topic about to be discussed. Compared to Slate s video being in an interview like format and Buehler s being in an essay format, general audiences would feel more connected to Slate s since it people talking about their own experiences as a muslim in detail. One can associate faces in the video while in an essay one cannot which makes the connection feel a bit ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Allocating Financial Risk Allocating Financial Risk 2 Select one of two recent airport PPPs St. Petersburg, Russia, or Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Describe the PPP process used and what were the critical issues that needed to be overcome? Assess the factors that will be crucial to the PPP s future sustainability. This memo examines the public private partnership used to develop the Pulkovo airport in St Petersburg, Russia. Pulkovo was the first airport to be developed in Russia using a PPP. The contract is between three parties: the St. Petersburg City Government, the Pulkovo Airport Company (100% city owned) and the Northern Capital Gateway Consortium (NCG), the airport operator with the duty of organizing the management and development of the airport. The contract started in April 2010 and will remain in force until 2039. St. Petersburg is Russia s second largest city after Moscow with around 5 million inhabitants. The city is home to many domestic and international companies, but its economy also relies heavily on tourism, hence transport links are crucial to the city s growth. Transport infrastructure had suffered from long term under investment (KPMG estimated the depletion of Russia s national airport assets between from 40% to 80%) and in 2008, amid double digit growth in passenger traffic, the existing airport suffered from overcrowding and would be unable to cater for the 11 million annual passenger traffic projected for 2012. It was also seen as unable to meet the increased ... Get more on ...
  • 17. White Ash Research Paper White Ash Uses White Ash is used for many things, such as tools, implements, and tool handles. Its commonly known to be used to make wooden baseball bats. White Ash is also used for furniture, canoe paddles, snowshoes, doors, veneer, and antique vehicle parts. The Native Americans also used White Ash for many things, since they valued that it was a hard wood, had lots of strength, a heavy weight, and elasticity. They used the bark to make tea to prevent lice or itching scalp. They used the juice from leaves to help mosquito bites not itch as bad. Even animals such as beavers, porcupines, and rabbits may eat the bark while ducks, squirrels, mice, and many other small mammals eat the seeds from the tree. Since White Ash has a tendency to form ... Get more on ...
  • 18. How Humans Can Improve Our Resilience And Allow Us When researching the history of human adaption it is worth noting that at least twice in the last 1.2 million years our species was almost wiped out. Genetic research shows that at that time the human population on earth was around 18,500, perilously close to extinction (the reason for this is not directly known by scientists). Then about 150,000 years ago, it plummeted again down to just 2,000. This shows that in the past humans have not always been great at surviving which could have been caused by a lack of knowledge on how to live through natural disasters (such as volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc). However, humans did survive, with the biggest example being that there is still a human race today. In this day and age ... Show more content on ... For example, 12,000 years ago the area around the Great Lakes was very cold and covered with huge sheets of ice a kilometre thick. Today, that same area has farms and large cities (i.e. Chicago, Detroit and Toronto). The environment can also be changed by human interference, these usually occur in relatively short periods of time. An example of this could be pieces of land changed into farms, housing schemes or small villages. This type of example can be seen on a day to day basis. Every time a physical environment is changed, all the plants and animals (including humans) in that environment must adapt to the changes or face become extinct. Slow changes give living things time to adapt so giving more chance of survival. Fast changes usually don t give living things time to adapt, so they must either move elsewhere or become extinct. Secondly, Paul I. Palmer, a professor at the University of Edinburgh and Matthew J. Smith, an ecologist at Microsoft Research in Cambridge state that the planet has entered a new state: humans are adapting to, as well as causing, environmental changes ... projections of the future climate based on simple economic narratives from cuts in greenhouse gas emissions to unmitigated growth are unrealistic. This means that there are already some negative opinions on future human adaption from top researchers. This rapid adaptation is occurring around the world. British researchers recently analysed more than 2,000 animal ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Planet Of The Apes Scientific Intelligence Scientific Advancement and Intelligence with New Thoughts People have different thoughts towards the genre of science fiction. These authoritative figures create ideas, which can be used in analyzing science fiction works. The Psychology of Science Fiction, David Hartwell, and Isaac Asimov are science fiction analyzers and well known people in the science fiction genre. The Psychology if Science Fiction gives the authoritative idea of new trains of thought. New trains of thought are used for a new idea for a person individually or for a group culturally. David Hartwell gives the idea of intellect over irrationality and emotion. This idea is used when a character uses their intellect rather than their emotions and irrational thoughts. Lastly, ... Show more content on ... Ender is one of the best commanders the International Fleet has ever wanted. He is put through the physical task that no battle student has ever done before. At Battle School, Ender is the commander of the dragon army, and is pressured everyday to compete in a battle against another army. Ender wins seven out of the seven battles he played in a week (Card 186). This shows Ender s intellect over his irrationality and emotion. It also shows a new train of thought, because no other army is put through these stressful battle situations. When Ender takes part in the commander school training, there is a part where Ender unleashes against Petra (Card 284). Ender let his emotions get to him as they normally do. Ender sometimes lets his emotions too much, rather than think, he does irrational stuff. Ender is a good for David Hartwell s idea, but yet he contradicts it. Ender finds himself in a hard situation. He decides to go and restart the bugger colony. This scientific advancement that Ender wants to bring to the buggers is pessimistic for the International Fleet, and they cannot do anything to stop ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Importance Of Groups In Sociology The groups with which an individual associate themselves plays an important role on that individual s socialization and maturation throughout their life span. Groups and categories can differ in their definitions, but according to Discover Sociology: Third Edition written by William J. Chambliss and Daina S. Eglitis, the groups which we belong to can range from intimate relationships such as familial and spousal to less intimate but still close relationships such as friendships and work relationships to acquaintanceships such as people that we are around often but do not have a specific relation to. The textbook also discusses how these specific relationships can be split up into two broader categories, primary and secondary groups. Primary groups are defined as relationships with intense emotional ties, intimacy, and identification with membership in the group while secondary groups are defined as large, impersonal groups with minimal emotional and intimate ties (Chamblis Eglitis, 2017). The groups that an individual belongs to directly impact their socialization as they can impact an individual emotionally and even biologically. Some group memberships are chosen, while others are chosen for us. For example, each of us is born into our main primary group, the family, while we have more say in our involvement with our secondary group such as our athletic organizations and work groups. According to Charles Horton Cooley, primary groups have a long lasting significance on ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Essay about Museum Visitation Perez Art Museum Miami Visitation Perez Art Museum was my choice for museum visitation paper. Perez Art Museum in Miami is a modern and contemporary art museum dedicated to collecting and exhibiting international arts of the 20th and 21st centuries. Perez Art Museum continue tradition of Miami Art Museum, known as The Center of Fine Arts first opened in 1984. Perez Art Museum have a goal to improve life for visitors and residents of Miami Dade County by showing some of the most progressive visual arts of our time. Exhibition that draw most of my attention was Poetics of Relation that was available from May 29th until October 18th this year. This exhibition was inspired by the writings of philosopher and author Edouard Glisant. This ... Show more content on ... I felt that sandals should be associated with tropical vacations for all the rest of us, but that barbed wire represent hard life of people in those areas of Dominican Republic. I kept questioning myself who were the people who worn this sandals? Where they slaves that somebody made them wear barbed wire sandals so they can keep feeling hurt or only locals wore them as a part of some ritual? I finally realize that those sandals represent life in poverty and eagerness for better life. These sandals represent people who would be better off if their only problem was wearing this sandals. Their lives had much more pain than any foot hurt by barbed wire sandal. I had a mixed feelings while looking at those sandals, remembering my life while growing up in war destroyed country while my parents were trying to find ways to migrate from Yugoslavia and make my life better. Thank God they succeed, but there are still marks from barbed wire on our feet and pain is sometimes coming back. Although Mar Caribe had a lot of emotional impact on me, my favorite part of exhibition was Congregation by Ledelle Moe. Even I was not big fan of it at first sight, I found it extremely interesting so I decided to take some time and figure out more about it. Wall covered with little gray heads had a lot to say to me but I just couldn t find the meaning of it and I honestly didn t like it in the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Women In Imperial China First of all, the Imperial Examinations were biased against women. At this particular point in time, women were considered to be worth close to nothing. The author of China s Examination Hell: The Civil Service Examinations of Imperial China says a man who had no sons was considered to be childless. (Miyazaki, 1976, p. 13). In other words, the female gender weren t even considered people, lower than a person on the social scale. Women were expected at stay at home and care for the children. The idea of working was preposterous, let alone help run a country. Because of the fact that women were not born men, they were denied all the opportunities men had. From the day a baby girl was born, the entire family would go into a state of depression. ... Show more content on ... To begin, there were numerous different topics the young scholars had to memorize and master. The subjects that were focused on primarily were the classic works of Confucius and other great philosophers. Education for these elite scholars didn t consist of math, science, or technology, for they were reserved for the commoners to study. The typical student had to memorize the four books; Mencius, Analects, Doctrine of the Mean, and Great Learning. (Crozier, 2002). He would also have to memorize the five classics; Spring and Autumn Annals, I Ching (Book of Changes), Book of Rites, Book of Documents, and Classic of Poetry. (Crozier, 2002). On top of these works of art, the scholars had to memorize over 400,000 different characters at a rate of 200 characters a day. (Miyazaki, 1976, p. 16). That is ridiculous! With all of these tools that are now engraved inside these young men s heads, they are then presented with an Eight legged Essay on the day of the test. This is an essay that is designed to answer a hard question about anything in these works or other works of Confucius. It s called an Eight Legged Essay because in order to get full credit, one must answer the question using eight paragraphs or parts. (Octave of Education, 2013). The topics that must be memorized to even have a chance at passing the test, are a lot for a boy to learn at a young ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Functional Leval Strategy for Toyota Table of Contents Name of the Points Page Number Executive Summary Chapter 01 Introduction: 1.1 Origin of the Study 1.2 Objective of the Study 1.3 Methodology of the Study 1.4 Limitation of the Study 01 02 Chapter 02 About Strategic Management Functional level strategy 03 Chapter 03 Topic of the Term Paper: Functional Level Strategy of Toyota Corporation 04 08 Chapter 04 Problems Solutions 09 Chapter 05 Findings Analysis 10 11 Chapter 06 Conclusion 12 References I Appendix II III Executive Summary In every organization strategic management has a direct impact on its business. Strategic Management helps to attain superior performance and competitive advantage for an organization. Through competitive ... Show more content on ... Toyota has introduced new technologies including one of the first mass produced hybrid gas electric vehicles, of which it says it has sold 1 million globally (2007 06 07) [16], Advanced Parking Guidance System (automatic parking), a four speed electronically controlled automatic with buttons for power and economy shifting, and an eight speed automatic transmission. Toyota, and Toyota produced Lexus and Scion automobiles, consistently rank near the top in certain quality and reliability surveys, primarily J.D. Power and Consumer Reports. In 2005, Toyota, combined with its half owned subsidiary Daihatsu Motor Company, produced 8.54 million vehicles, about 500,000 fewer than the number produced by GM that year. Toyota has a large market share in the United States, but a small market share in Europe. Its also sells vehicles in Africa and is a market leader in Australia. Due to its Daihatsu subsidiary it has significant market shares in several fast growing Southeast Asian countries. In the Fortune Global 500, Toyota Motor is the 8th largest company in the world. Since the recession of 2001, it has gained market share in the United States. Toyota s market share struggles in Europe where its Lexus brand has three tenths of one percent market share, compared to nearly two percent market share as the U.S. ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Amateur Ethos In Late 19th Century England The ideology of the Amateur Ethos in late 19th century England was considered among scholars as games for games sake, personal satisfaction and not for material gain (Baker 2004). This concept was the catalyst for segregating the amateur player from the professional tradesman, as a result of the fear of unfair competition ultimately brought about by men who made a career out of their game (Allison 1980). This is quite different to today s amateurism concept where the significance of intrinsic motivation has devalued due to the increased importance of extrinsic rewards (Frey Eitzen 1991). On the other hand modern day amateurism in sport can be associated with the maintenance of good health, preventing rates of obesity through community involvement and school youth programs integrating non remunerated values into sporting initiatives (Pate 2006). This report ... Show more content on ... It is agreed among scholars, that the objective of amateurism in the nineteenth century English society was games for games sake, a pleasure of personal satisfaction and good spirit (Baker 2004). It is apparent that the amateurs participated in the games with no extrinsic motivation, and no obligation to play. They played for themselves, with no notion of financial gain (Baker 2004). The games were competitive in a contained manner, and the amateur wouldn t take the outcome too seriously (Baker 2004). For many, the idea of amateurism included the principle of not seeking livelihood from the athletic exercises, implying that the games were played for the sake of prestige and personal contentment (Allison 2001) . The idea of amateurism in sport in nineteenth century England was also a point of segregation against the working class professionals ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Governing Identification Evidence Analysis In Chapter thirteen, naming the law of governing identification evidence is introduced. It begins with the evidence needed for criminal convictions. It states that to convict a person of a crime, the government must be able to prove it. The government must prove that the crime the person is charged with did indeed happen. The government must also be able to prove that the defendant was committed or was a party to the crime charged. The evidence can either be direct or circumstantial. Direct evidence is evidence that stands on its own to prove an alleged fact, such as a testimony of a witness who specifically says he or she saw a defendant pointing a gun at a victim during a robbery. This means that the defendant must be identified in some sort ... Show more content on ... Computers are electronic devices for storing and processing data and that is why they are a rich place for law enforcement to search for criminal activity. There is a common expectation of privacy when it comes to someone s personal computer, which is why the fourth amendment applies to any search of a computer. When obtaining evidence from other personal electronic devices there must be a search warrant in place. Obtaining evidence from the Internet or cyber evidence includes crimes against children, abductions, threats, abductions, and pornography. Identity theft and computer hacking crimes also fall under this category. There are different types of search warrants; there is daytime, nighttime, no knock/unannounced, anticipatory, sneak and peek, etc. Wiretapping allows the practice of connecting a listening device to a telephone line to secretly monitor a conversation. Electronic surveillance is a way of monitoring a home, business, or individual using a variety of devices. Three techniques of electronic surveillance that are available to law enforcement agencies are pen registers, trap and trace devices, and interception of the content of the message. There are some situations where a court order was not required like overheard conversations, statements made to undercover officers, and tape recordings ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Sacred Space Introduction: What is a Sacred Space? To examine each of the key words in the title individually would be quite a large undertaking. The idea of sacredness applies to many religions in various ways, be it religious rituals or the presence of God. Even the idea of space is complicated and controversial when many religions lay claim to one place. So these two terms, when put together, can therefore have different interpretations on many levels. There is, first, the idea of the sacred space known worldwide; these are usually referred to as sites of pilgrimage, visited by adherents of that particular religion. On a smaller lever, there is the idea of a sacred space that is attended locally, be it a temple, church, synagogue, or mosque. And ... Show more content on ... Every religion has had at least one schism or split that separated it into different sects. Therefore one cannot claim to just analyze Judaism, for example; in reality one must then analyze each individual sect and offshoot of Judaism. Again, an essay of that detail and scope would be difficult so it comes down to the process of selecting the proper sect to analyze. In my opinion, there are two important aspects to consider. One, what sect is the most traditional? Which sect dates as far back to the original religion as possible, and therefore has undergone the least change? The second factor to consider is popularity among adherents. One cannot focus on a sect of a religion that only applies to a tiny minority of those who claim to be adherents of the broad religion; the analysis isn t relevant in that case. Thus it becomes necessary to examine each religion Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and determine which sect is the best to investigate for the answer to the question: What is the perception of a sacred space in different religions? In Judaism there are four main sects: Reconstructionist, Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox ( Intermarriage ). It is evident just from the title of the sect that Reform and Reconstructionist Judaism are not the most traditional. Therefore it comes down to Orthodox and Conservative. Orthodox is definitely more traditional, taking the words of the Torah as literal Jewish ... Get more on ...
  • 27. How Do We Define Environmental Psychology To define environmental psychology, one must do so by considering the following four key features: interactive approach; interdisciplinary and international; problem focused, applied field; and diversity of methods (Steg et. al., 2013, p. 5 6). To sum, interactive behavior is best understood by me as one s interactions with nature and the effect nature ends up having on one after engagement has occurred. As a child, I grew up in Jackson County Forest in Black River Falls, Wisconsin. As well, with an indigenous and sustainable upbringing, I was more prone to participate in all aspects of my life with a holistic and reverent attitude. As it is explained in the textbook, the environment molded my past and current ongoing attitude and beliefs towards the environment. I am aware this is significant to note as those who are not brought up in such environments, as raw as the forests I grew up in, have a relationship with nature that is to be considered an ongoing work in progress. However, I must add the environment has changed for better and worse and has affected my outlook towards the future of places like Jackson County Forest. For instance, the environment is now considered more of a nuisance because of the amount of drugs that can be hidden, grown, and dealt bordering many cities and reservations. This juxtaposes the initial behavior and reverence I once had as a child and as an adolescent, who saw the forest as a place to partake in ceremonial practices with tribal ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Emotional Issues In Juno Juno, is about a 16 year old, high school girl faced with the challenge of an unplanned pregnancy. As she sits in an abortion clinic waiting to abort her unborn child, she decides to have the baby. She is aware that she can t raise it herself and decides to give her child up for adoption. She stumbles upon a lovely couple on a newspaper ad and instantly knows they are the parents she wants for her child. However, problems begin to unravel when Juno and Mark start bonding, perhaps more than they should. Grief and loss are seen throughout the movie from the birth mother, adoptive parents, and the grandparent s perspective. Grief and loss was experienced by Juno throughout the film. The movie begins by Juno telling her story of how she and her best friend, Paulie Bleeker, engaged in sexual intercourse. After taking three pregnancy tests, she finally realizes she must decide what to do. Taking a ton of pregnancy tests shows she is in complete ... Show more content on ... After trying to have kids for 5years, Mark and Vanessa decided to adopt. However, both were left feeling depressed and uneasy about adoption after the birthmother decided to keep their child. Doing a private adoption and hiring a lawyer was a way of ensuring the same thing wouldn t happen again. They had planned on doing anything in their power so that Juno wouldn t back out. They even offered Juno an open adoption, but instead Juno wanted the old fashion closed adoption. However, there was still the feeling of uncertainty especially for Vanessa. Vanessa distrusted Juno because the last birth mother got cold feet and Vanessa didn t want to experience it all over it again. This uncertainty is seen when Vanessa asks Juno how sure she was of giving her baby up for adoption. She was desperate to have a child and become a mother. Her wants pushed Mark away causing them to have marital problems and eventually leading to him wanting a ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Problems with Ppaca Problems with PPACA: Higher Costs PPACA has touted new benefits without measures to cut cost.1 One should know that in America there are already federal laws and programs to cover the elderly (Medicare), the poor (Medicaid), and uninsured children (CHIPs), In addition there is basically free or low cost care to anyone who needs it and it is available if one looks for it. Examples include: Shriner s hospitals, free clinics, and providers who do pro bono work. In case that wasn t enough, there are also laws in place that ban practices of charging more to people with pre existing conditions in employer based health insurance. The 60% of Americans who get their healthcare insurance from their employer may actually be hurt by PPACA. ... Show more content on ... All medication purchases using FSAs or HSAs will require a prescription.1,2 Those expensive over the counter medications will now be out of pocket expenses for every American, even if they planned in advance with a HSA or FSA to cover the costs. More Red Tape It is hard to think of an example where government intervention reduces red tape and the PPACA is no exception. Anyone who receives $600 or more in compensation from a business will be required to receive a 1099 from that business at the end of the year. This ruling has been predicted to be so burdensome to American small businesses that even Obama has vowed to sign legislation to repeal it. Currently, the bill is gridlocked in Congress. Under the PPAC, the employer mandate will allow employers to receive monthly reports on subsidized employees. This has potential liability implications. Revealing personal finances to employers exposes individuals personal information and could increase employers liability.1 A business with the employer mandate in place and coverage for a household may see the government tack on penalties in such instances as an employee s spouse loses a job, or an elderly relative moves in. There is the possibility that the employers will have to pay a penalty without knowing the full details, unless challenged and given permission by a government agency.1 Finally, under the employer mandate, PPACA forces businesses to make decisions ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Compare And Contrast Maria Montessori And Frederick Foebel In this assignment I am required to evaluate two educational theorists, Maria Montessori and Frederick Froebel. Throughout this essay I will cover the topics of the philosophy of the theorists, their approach and implementations which contribute to their own beliefs towards the early childhood and education settings they have created. To conclude my essay I will state my personal reflections, and compare which elements of each theorists best fit in with my own attitudes, beliefs and values and also will conclude on what doesn t reflect on my own beliefs. Maria Montessori. Born in 1870, Maria Montessori was born into a well off household, with highly educated parents. Her father was a very traditional man who did not like the fact that his ... Show more content on ... Montessori and Frederick s approaches are similar in ways in which they both idolise nature and self education in their practise. Maria insisted on using natural products in her environment and influenced the children on free play, similar to Frederick who had a keen passion for the world and all elements within it. Both Froebel and Montessori had the same ambition in their work, they wanted their students to become independent, they both gave their students freedom to create and explore bringing out the uniqueness in each child. Even though I agree with Montessori s approach towards self education, I just believe that Frederick Froebel has a better approach to self intuition. Frederick believed in building on what the children already knew and making them create their own idea s. During free play he let them experiment within the garden of children letting them build up their own fascination for the wider world and respecting all elements within it. For me I believe this is an excellent way to let children think by themselves, it is memorable for the children and also creative, it opens up so many elements of the mind in different ways. Montessori s method was a bit too intense for young children who are aged 3 5 in my eyes, I believe she has an amazing set up but I believe Froebel s approach is adapted more around the child s ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Essay about Medical Experiments on Animals Create Abuse... The Screams Behind the Creams: An Analysis of Vivisection in the Medical Industry 19.5 million animals are killed every year due to different experiments being tested on the animals. Vivisection is the use of live animals during operation for scientific research. Such animals may include: dogs, cats, primates, guinea pigs, and hamsters. One of the most common forms of vivisection is the experimentation for medical purposes such as making new medicines. The use of animals in the medical industry should be prohibited, in order for the industries to stop abusing the animals and causing them to suffer. When scientists experiment on animals many precautionary measures are disregarded and therefore animals experience an excessive amount of ... Show more content on ... In addition to the torment of the actual experiments, animals in laboratories are deprived of everything that is natural and important to them they are confined to barren cages, socially isolated, and psychologically traumatized (Animal Experiments: Overview). The animals have their entire natural habitat taken away from them while being tested. Without their normal surroundings, it is hard for them to behave and live like their species. If a person were to have all of their possessions taken away, they would be inferior and victimized. The animals feel this way. Scientists take the animals for granted and forget that the animals have feelings too. The habitats that the facilities provide for the animals could be viewed as poorly as the quality of treatment for animals The environments of the facilities used to house the animals do not correspond with the environments that the animals would live in, in the wild. One of the criteria a vivisection laboratory must follow is to provide ethologically appropriate facilities (i.e., as would occur in their natural environment) for those chimpanzees... (NIH to Reduce Significantly the Use of Chimpanzees in Research). The facilities that the chimpanzees are in must match the environment they would be in if they were in the wild. This criteria helps to eliminate the abuse of the animals, however not all facilities are required to have the animals in their own habitat like ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Tibial Plateau Fracture Research Paper Tibial Plateau Fracture With Rehab A tibial plateau fracture is a break in the top of the bone that forms the bottom of the knee joint (tibia or shin bone). The lower end of the thigh bone (femur) forms the upper surface of the knee joint. The top of the tibia has a flat, smooth surface (tibial plateau). This part of the shin bone is made of softer bone than the end of the femur bone. If a strong force pushes the femur down into the tibial plateau, the tibial plateau can collapse or break away at the edges. Two types of fractures can occur: A nondisplaced fracture means that the broken piece or pieces of your tibial plateau have not moved out of their normal position. A displaced fracture means that one or more pieces of your tibial ... Show more content on ... Move your toes and ankle often to avoid stiffness and to lessen swelling. Raise (elevate) the injured area above the level of your heart while you are sitting or lying down. Driving Do not drive or operate heavy machinery while taking prescription pain medicine. Ask your health care provider when it is safe to drive if you have a brace on a leg that you use for driving. Activity Do not use the injured limb to support your body weight until your health care provider says that you can. Use crutches, a scooter, a walker, or a wheelchair as told by your health care provider. Return to your normal activities as told by your health care provider. Ask your health care provider what activities are safe for you. Do exercises as told by your health care provider. General Instructions Do not use any tobacco products, such as cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and e cigarettes. Tobacco can delay bone healing. If you need help quitting, ask your health care provider. Take over the counter and prescription medicines only as told by your health care provider. Keep all follow up visits as told by your health care provider. This is ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Our Time Robby Dichotomy In Our Time by John Wildeman, he describes the story of his brother with him struggling with society, family, and to find who he is. Throughout the many nonfiction accounts, the audience sees the world of Robby though a interview between Robby and John. Most of these accounts focus primarily on the dark upbring of Robby and his views of society. The predominate categories that were focus in this selection were the passing of his friend of Garth, changing of home scenery and environment (peer pressure, societal norms, and prison), and his birthday which falls in with others noteworthy events to a point where Robby feels left out. In Our Time shows the troubling background and dichotomies within Robby s viewpoint compared to John s, where he loses a sense of reality and is ... Show more content on ... At the beginning of the story, the reader will get a general understanding that Robby s life is not all fun and games, but a life of disappointments and sadness through the catalyst of his friend passing: Garth. Garth has been with Robby throughout his whole life where he had help mentored him and cared for him as a friend. However, as time progress and with Garth passing, Robby reflected the life that Garth lived as Robby counted four black fingers in the white glove. Garth was the thumb. The hand would be clumsy, wouldn t work right without him. Garth was different. (Wideman, 624) Robby wanted to be just like Garth or in a similar fashion and follow in his footsteps by making gloomy situation into a happy one as noted with Garth would have figured a way to make it special. They would not be hiding in the bushes. They would be knights in shining armor s around a big table. (628). Sadly, with this emotional pain and a lack of parental oversight over Robby, cause him to lost control as seen with him thinking about and carrying the emotional pains of his friend which ...felt like a coffin full of ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Little Falls History The first people who discovered the land that would become the Town of Little Falls are known as the Mohawk Indians. The Mohawk Indians called the land Little Falls so the could differentiate this land from another land called Big Falls at Cohoes. When white traders discovered this land in the early 1600s they explored it and eventually bought it from the Mohawk Indians in 1722 and from then on people started settling in Little Falls (Little Falls). Around a hundred years after the purchase of Little Falls the Erie Canal was built. The Erie Canal was the main source of commerce and transportation through Little Falls in the mid 1800s through to the late 1900s. The Erie Canal became Little Falls identity until around 1959 when railways and highways ... Show more content on ... Hawley gave his original drafts of the Erie Canal to his friend, an Albany bound assemblyman, to gain support of the 1809 legislation but, when Hawley s friend, Joshua Forman, proposed the survey to president Jefferson he turned it down and canalling was dropped out of legislation for that year (Bond of Union). Hawley s draft was then left with Surveyor General De Witt Clinton to try and push it back into congress. Lawmakers in New York only met four months out of the year so Clinton, Thomas Eddy, Peter Porter, James Geddes, William North, Gouverneur Morris, and Stephen Van Rensselaer, all canal commissioners, traveled the thirty hour tour up the Hudson to do surveying without interference of politics. On their journey they visited all the small towns with companies up and down the Mohawk river, between Albany, Oswego and Buffalo, they asked them questions about building a canal and if they approved of the idea but, they all said that it wouldn t matter to them because they traded with Montreal (Bond of Union). After the canal commissioner members finished their expedition of the Hudson and Mohawk river all of them were convinced that the canal was not a good idea except for Peter Porter. Porter believed that the canal could be built right alongside the Mohawk river using the unpredictable waters as their water source for the canal. Much later after the expedition of the Hudson and Mohawk river De Witt received a letter stating that the canal must be built or else all the business would go to Montreal, Canada and that building the canal would turn New York City into The largest commercial city in the world. (Bond of Union). After the letter the canal commissioners met up again to talk about the idea of making the canal again and brought their first report to the lawmakers of New York State on March 2, 1811. In their ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Tuskegee Airmen Research Paper The battle of African Americans for more noteworthy parts in North American military clashes traverses four centuries. Open doors for African American support in the U.S. military were continuously extremely constrained and dubious. Shares, avoidance, and racial segregation were based on the common disposition in the United States, especially with respect to the U.S. military, that African Americans did not have the scholarly limit, fitness, and aptitudes to be fruitful contenders. Political weight applied by the dark press, social equality bunches, verifiably dark schools and colleges, and others, brought about the development of the Tuskegee Airmen, making them a fabulous case of the battle by African Americans to serve in the United States military. In the mid 1940s, key pioneers inside the United States Army Air Corps (Army Air Forces) did not trust that African Americans had the scholarly ability to wind up effective military pilots.Subsequent to succumbing to the weight applied by social liberties gatherings and dark pioneers, the armed force chose to prepare a little number of African American pilot cadets under extraordinary conditions. Despite the fact that partiality ... Show more content on ... Demonstrated on the polished methodology of Chief Alfred Anderson, Benjamin O. Davis, and Daniel Chappie James, their execution prepared for integration of the military, starting with President Harry S Truman s Executive Order 9981 in 1948. It additionally set the phase for common rights upheld to proceed with the battle to end racial segregation amid the social equality development of the 1950s and 1960s. Subsequently, the account of the Tuskegee Airmen constitutes an effective and fundamental illustration for the battle of dark opportunity in America.( The Tuskegee Airmen: 5 Fascinating ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Essay On Official Language In Canada We do not need French of an Official Language, your pushing it onto us (Will Ferguson, pg#365) Canada believes that they did not need French has an official language. Then they finally got elected to the Official Languages Act into the election, they got to have the right to use whatever language they wanted and then thought that they were getting the French language pushed onto them. The Official Languages Act finally got elected into the election for the first time ever by the liberal group. (Will Ferguson, pg#365) they believed that they needed French has an official language because in Ottawa, Quebec and Montreal they all spoke French and thought it was equal to make their language part of the other language. Based on reports they made they found out that people of Francophones wanted to have French has a language just how English was like. (Michael Haan, pg#59 76) They won the election then finally made Canadians have two official languages for now on. After that they got the choice to use whatever language they wanted. Canada finally got to pick the language they wanted to use in Canada. To learn at schools they could use English or French, in federal business they could still pick what language they wanted to use. New rules were added about the languages after the liberals won the election. Public signs had ... Show more content on ... They were not happy about this at all.(Canadian Issue, pg.# 29 33) they were making public signs and items all around French and English when it use to be just English on them. They did not think it was equal. After that some people were getting pushed onto and told they needed to learn to speak French and the English language. They thought that they were getting the English culture taken away from them because of all the new rules and laws. (Canadian Diversity, pg. # ... Get more on ...