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How To Write A Creative Writing Essay
Crafting an essay on the intricacies of writing a creative writing essay presents a paradoxical
challenge. On one hand, the subject matter is inherently self-referential, demanding a meta-
awareness that can be intellectually taxing. The writer must navigate the delicate balance of
providing insightful guidance while exemplifying the principles they expound. This requires a
nuanced understanding of creative processes, an acute awareness of narrative structures, and an
ability to demonstrate rather than merely articulate.
Furthermore, the paradox extends to the expectations placed upon the writer. While the essay
aims to elucidate the nuances of creative expression, it simultaneously places the author under
the scrutiny of their own execution. The pressure to manifest the very principles being discussed
can be a daunting task, akin to attempting to paint a canvas that reflects the art of painting itself.
The essayist must grapple with the challenge of not only offering substantive advice but also of
embodying the creativity they advocate. This recursive demand adds an additional layer of
complexity, as the writer is compelled to be both a theorist and a practitioner, seamlessly
weaving theory and practice into the fabric of their composition.
Moreover, the nature of creative writing essays transcends conventional academic structures,
demanding a departure from the more formulaic approaches often employed in standard essay
writing. This departure requires a deft touch in navigating the fluid boundaries between
creativity and scholarly exposition. The essayist must resist the temptation to succumb to the
rigidity of traditional academic discourse while maintaining a level of coherence and clarity that
is often expected in scholarly work.
In conclusion, composing an essay on the intricacies of writing a creative writing essay is a
formidable task that demands not only intellectual prowess but also a practical demonstration of
the very concepts being explored. It is a delicate dance between theory and practice, requiring a
writer to embody the creative spirit they seek to elucidate. It is, indeed, a challenging endeavor
that calls for a unique blend of insight, creativity, and skill.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other writing challenges, a helpful resource is
available at, where a range of services and support can be accessed to
navigate the complexities of academic writing.
How To Write A Creative Writing EssayHow To Write A Creative Writing Essay
Visual Aspects of Mythology During The Greco-Roman
Visual Aspects of Mythology During The Greco Roman Era Ancient Greece was a
culture that took great pride in flawlessness, superiority and on the whole greatness.
The Greeks basically molded the imaginative world with their cleverness in art,
architecture, and astronomy for many cultures to come. Even though so much of the
Greeksculture has been shattered, much of it still remains within society today.
The Greeks were a culture that strived for excellence, and harmony. So many
aspects of contemporary day life have been in some way, influenced by the Greeks.
They were fascinated with the human form, which is revealed in most of their
artwork. Perhaps the most common Greco roman era can be seen from the
Hellenistic period. Art still served a religious function or to glorify athletes, but
sculpture and painting were also used to decorate the homes of the rich. There was
an interest in heroic portraits and in colossal groups, but also in humbler subjects.
The human being was portrayed in every stage and walk of life. There was even
interest in caricature. Landscapes and interiors appeared for the first time in both
relief s and painted panels. The great Altar of Zeus from Pergamum, created by
Greek artists for King Eumenes 2, was enclosed by a high podium documented with a
monumental frieze of the battle between the gods and the giants. Many Hellenistic
tendencies were realized in this work. The baroque style of the sculpture was
characteristic of the time in its exaggeration
Nuclear Medicine Essay
Nuclear Medicine is the use of radioisotopes for diagnosis, treatment, and research.
Radioactive chemical tracers emit gamma rays which provides diagnostic
information about a person s anatomy and the functioning of specific organs.
Radioisotopes are also utilizes in treatments of diseases such as cancer. It is estimated
that approximately one in two people in Western countries are likely to experience
the benefits of nuclear medicinein their lifetime.
To understand what a radioactive isotope is a basic understanding of the atom is
necessary. Atoms are comprised of three subatomic particles : protons, neutrons and
electrons. Protons and neutrons bind together to form the nucleus of the atom, while
the electrons surround and orbit the ... Show more content on ...
It is interesting to note that Carbon 14 is radioactive while Carbon 12 and Carbon 13
are stable.
In nuclear medicine diagnosing techniques, a very small amount of radioactive
material is introduced into the body. Because medical isotopes are attracted to
specific organs, bones or tissues, the emissions they produce can provide crucial
information about a particular type of cancer or disease. Information gathered during
a nuclear medicine technique is more comprehensive than other imaging procedures
because it describes organ function, not just structure. The result is that many diseases
and cancers can be diagnosed much earlier.
Nuclear medicine procedures utilize very small doses of short lived isotopes (ones
that only stay radioactive for a few hours or days), the amount of radiation received
is generally less than or equal to that of an x ray. Whole body and healthy tissue
doses can be minimized while the radioisotope is targeted toward the affected tissue
or organ. The isotope is then eliminated by the body through the urine or fecal matter.
During the last decade, major progress has been made in the treatment of disease
with radioisotopes. Treatments involving the use of medical isotopes are gaining
momentum in the race against many types of cancer. FDA approved and highly
promising therapies are doubling every 3 to 4 years. Some researchers predict that
over 80% of cancer types should be treatable with
Bambi Childcare Business Plan Essay
Sep 13, 2009
Table of Contents
1.1 Mission2
4.1 Market Segmentation4 4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy4 4.3 Competition5
5.1 Sales Strategy5
9.1 Expansion Start up Costs18
9.2 Pro Forma Income Statement20
9.3 Pro Forma Balance Sheet21
9.4 Pro Forma Cash Flow22
The Calgary Bambi Childcare is a full service child care/development facility that
cares for toddlers from age three months to six years. The Bambi Childcare ... Show
more content on ...
Bambi Childcare will continue to develop the children s skills.
This customer group is typically made up of two professional parents. This would
explain why the parents 1) have the money for more sophisticated child care, and 2)
are ambitious in terms of their children s learning and development. 5.2 Target
Market Segment Strategy
Bambi Childcare intends to concentrate on the double income working professional
families because they are the segment that can most willingly afford day care, are the
ones who need day care because of their work obligations, appreciate the advanced
learning and development Bambi Childcare has to offer, and lastly are a growing
segment of our society.
With both parents working, this segment needs some sort of provisions for the care
of their child. Having both parents as professionals, they are ambitious with the
development of their child and are willing to pay to get the best program for their
As Canada continues to be a society of people working long hours, there will always
be the need for child care. The trend of longer work weeks is increasing and this
drives Bambi Childcare s business. 5.3 Competition
There are many different competitors in the child care space. Bambi Childcare only
detail the direct, or reasonably direct competitors, and will not detail the countless of
other service providers that offer some sort of child care option. Bambi Childcare
What Is The Happiest Place At Disneyland
The Happiest Place on Earth or at least that is what Disney says on every billboard,
commercial and even as you walk into the park. A place of amusement no matter
your age, there is something there for everyone. That first step into Disneyland is
life changing. The fresh vanilla smell that you get as you walk further into the
park. Children running around with their little bubble wands, that take you back
to how it was when you were little and your parents brought you to Disneyland.
The feeling of knowing that no matter what happened outside of those gates it will
all be forgotten because the atmosphere and people around you will bring laughter
and happiness. There are some downfalls though because although they have made
Disneyland a family friendly place it is quite expensive for people to visit on a
daily basis, making it difficult for just anyone to go and enjoy the fun. But even
though it is expensive, it is worth the price because you get to create new memories
and when you look back at this memory it will bring back that feeling of happiness.
Disneyland is well known by everyone around the world now, but there was a time
when it almost failed and had to close. On July 17,1955, the time had finally come,
it was opening day of Disneyland. For being opening day Walt Disneyand his crew
were unprepared for the day; they were nowhere near being ready for guests. The
first issue was that a heat wave had moved in and temperatures were at the highest
they had
Jimmy Baker Sex Addiction Essay
My name is Jimmy Baker and I am addicted to pornography. Some consider sex
addiction to be an excuse for inappropriate behavior, which from the viewpoint of
an outsider is a reasonable misconception. However, these outsiders are unable to
comprehend the incessant craving for sexual activities. A sex addict has often
been defined as a person who is obsessed with some type of sexual behavior, and
whose behavior is compulsive and is continued despite significant adverse
consequences (@).(Question 1) Day to day life as a sex addict consists of activities
that are common to most middle aged men of this era like watching football on
Sundays or taking my dog for a walk with the exception of sex dominating your
waking thoughts.(Question 7) My addiction... Show more content on
One of these few people include my wife. It started off as just a few instances in
which my wife walked into accidently. However, what was thought to be a one time
occurrence has developed into a more frequent problem. As time progressed and
my dependence on pornagraphy increased, more and more of the ones I cared
most for slowly began to drift further away. Doing things like attending the Sunday
morning service at our local Christian churchwith my family turned into something
that I dread going to. Services were no longer inspiring or impelling, but rather
filled with lessons that provoked guilt and shame within myself. Sermons that
target the repercussions of sexual sins now haunt me and linger in the back of my
head day in and day out.(Question 4) The mere thought of my exposure as a sex
addict within my church is daunting. Most people assume a sex addict means that I
look forward to getting between the sheets with everyone I lay my eyes on. This
assumption is what associates the stereotype that all sex addicts are rapist.
Therefore, if I were to reveal my identity as one who suffers from the addiction to
pornagraphy, I would never live down the relentless questions like, Are you a
pedophile? or How many prostitutes do you bring home in a week? .(Question
Essay On Marwaris
In shaping the history of India, the Marwaris had made a large impact. Even up until
today, this business group is the most popular when business class is mentioned.
However, their history brings them back long ago, since the 19th century, where they
start moving around. Marwaris is definitely the most economically powerful
community in all of India. They went from traders to industrialists, with religious
reliefs as a contributing factor to their success as well.
Starting from the 1813, Charter Act of the British East India Company was renewed
and it abolished the monopoly of trade with India. This means that India was opened
up to private investments now. Therefore, many British trading companies
established in Bombay and Calcutta. However, the British lacked an intermediary in
the area. To sell their goods from England as well as getting raw materials from rural
areas, the British needed an extensive number of local agents to help them. This is
where to Marwaris acted as their intermediary traders and ... Show more content on ...
The migrants started as clerks, brokers or agents to the larger Marwaris firms. The
early Marwaris migrants helped the latter ones to enter behind them. Thus, the
existence of great firms such as Tarachand Ghanshyamdas, founded by the Poddar of
Ramghar, and Sevaram Ramrikhadas, founded by the Singhania family, was a critical
element in enabling the migration of the Marwaris. From being the employees of the
jute firms, the Marwaris bought over the stocks the many jute firms, which were
previously under the British merchant houses. With past managerial experience, they
floated shares to build new jute mills and other companies. Due to the
oversubscription and stock exchange regulations, the Marwaris were able to control a
mill even if they own less than 10 to 20 percent of the shares. This led them in
dominating the
Bounty Paper Towel Analysis
Bounty Paper Towels:
Bounty Paper Towels, known as the The quicker picker upper started in 1957 in
Green Bay, Wisconsin. They are known as the quicker picker upper because they
are so absorbent because of the pattern they have and also because they are 2 ply
which makes them thicker and more absorbent. At the time, other brands were
promoting how strong they were and how soft they were but did not really ever say
much about how absorbent they were. After research they discovered that really all
customers cared about was how much they absorbed, so that is what they started
promoting. In 1965, they came out with a two ply paper towel that was thicker and
softer than any other paper towel on the market at that time. Bounty Paper Towels are
William McKinley Essay
William McKinley 25th President of the United States. William McKinley was
born on January 29, 1843 in Niles, Ohio, a town of about 300 people. He was the
7th child born to William and Nancy Alison McKinley His family moved to
Poland, Ohio when he was nine years old so that the children could go to a private
school called the Poland Academy. In school William liked to read, debate, and he
was the president of the school s first debate club. When he was 16 he went to
Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania, for a while before he got sick and
had to return home .he did not go back to Meadville, because the family had no
money. Instead, he worked as a postal clerk for awhile. When the Civil War started
on April 12, 1861, he taught at... Show more content on ...
He was rarely seen, while serving as congressman and governor, without his
trademark carnation. McKinley served 7 terms in Congress from 1877 1891,
except for a 9 months in 1884 1885. The House ruled that his opponent, lawyer
Jonathan Wallace, had received the most votes in the 1882 election, so Wallace
took McKinley s seat for the rest of the term. McKinley easily got back to the
office in the 1884 election. McKinley consistently won re election even though the
districts he represented were heavily Democratic. As a congressman, he focused
his energies on the tariff problem and became known as a protectionist and as a
persuasive speaker. He was usually associated with being on the side of big
business, but he also worked hard for labor and later, as governor of Ohio, he
encouraged employees to join labor unions and to criticize employers who refused
workers the right to organized. Also as congressman he supported gold over silver
as the backbone of America s money system. In 1889, Thomas Reed of Maine
defeated him in the position of Speaker of the House. McKinley lost his next bid
for Congress and returned to Canton in 1891. As governor, a position he held for
two terms from 1891 1895, he proposed laws to protect railroad workers and
address the issue of child labor, and a state board of arbitration was established to
deal with labor and business problems. During this time as governor he became
friends with millionaire industrialist Mark Hanna
Evidencia 2 Ibm
Name: Carlo Giovanni Santiago GarcГaMiroslava Hernandez Rocha| MatrГcula:
27531002744981| Name of the course: International business management | Teacher:
Aaron RodrГguez Delgado| Lesson: International Business Environments|
Activity: Project part 2| Date: March 7, 2016| Bibliography:https:/
/ Canvas Mexican Temptation 283300278508514/?fref=ts |
For this second delivery of your term project, you will pick two prospective clients
to work with for the rest of the project: first, a company headquartered abroad that is
currently ... Show more content on ...
iii. USA iv. Australia v. Canada e. Telephone number. vi. 1 877 474 6379 (Toll free in
U.S. and Canada)
7:30 AM 12:00 AM CST Monday Saturday
9:30 AM 12:00 AM CST Sunday f. Email. * g. Postal address. h. Maps showing
III. Introduction and strategy. i. Company history (2 paragraphs).
Circa 1962 63, Volume Shoecompany purchased the original Hill Brothers Shoe
Company based in Kansas City, Missouri and converted approximately all 25 of
their stores to the Payless name. In 1971, Volume Shoe obtained the second Hill
Brothers Shoe Store chain that was started in St. Louis, Mo in 1956 by Al Melnick
and Sol Nathanson with the assistance and aid of the original Hill Brothers in
Kansas City. The St. Louis version of Hill Brothers Self Service Shoe Store went
from 3 to 103 stores in the Midwest and South between 1956 and 1971. Volume
Shoe originally operated the 103 stores under the Hill Brothers Self Service name.
Starting in 1972, Volume Shoe began to consolidate stores in proximity and
convert others to the Payless brand. The St. Louis operation of Hill Brothers Self
Service stores were known for their bare bones minimalism and the slogan two for
five man alive! , that is, women and children s shoes were two pair for five dollars.[7]
Payless bought Picway Shoes from the Kobacker department store chain in
Directors Duties
Hampton Park Pty Ltd (HP) Synopsis. In the case study of Hampton Park Pty Ltd
(HP) has four directors; William (Managing Director); Susan, Jack and Gail (Non
executive directors). As HP s financial position begins to deteriorate, George, the
Chief Financial Officer of the company advises the accounts still show a profit and
the company would have a solid base to pay out a dividend to its members. In July
2010cHP s financial state worsens however George declares a technical profit and
advises HP can still declare the dividend. June 2010 there was a change in the law
for the declaration of dividends however George did not find out about this until late
September 2010, the same time the board signed off the financial reports and therefore
... Show more content on ...
In the case Vrisakis v Australian Securities Commission10 it is stated that a
director is expected to attend all meetings unless exceptional circumstances such as
illness or absence from the State prevent him or her doing so . Following this
precedent, Susan has breached her common law and statutory duties by failing to
attend meetings especially before HP became insolvent. Under section 198D, it
states that, Unless the company s constitution provides otherwise, directors may
delegate any of their powers to a committee of directors, a single director, an
employee of the company or any other person. 11 Under s190(1), it states that If the
directors delegate a power under sect 198D, a director is responsible for the
exercise of the power by the delegate as if the power had been exercised by the
directors themselves. 12 Susan has delegated her power to run the company to
William, and if William had any questions he would let her know. There was still a
business relationship between the two and therefore Susan will face the same
charges as the other directors would. Now knowing the whole story, facts and law
precedents, the remedies for breaching section 180 183 of the corporations act is a
civil penalty provision: s 1317E13. Under ASIC, the penalty for breaching a
director s duty of care is a court order that the director be disqualified from managing
corporations.14 George and William have
L-Asparagine Lab Report
The concentrations of L arginine and L asparagine were measured in the range 0.110
mM. Data was collected from the fluorescence intensity of the Arg and Asn sensing
membranes at the two emission wavelengths (О»em = 565 and 625 nm) at an
excitation wavelength of 460 nm (О»ex = 460 nm). The fluorescence spectra for
detecting L Arg and L Asn were measured using a multifunctional fluorescence
microtiter platereader (Saphire2, Tecan GmbH, Wien, Austria).
The Arg sensing membranes immobilized with various amounts of arginase and 20
U of urease were used for the measurements of different L Arg concentrations. The
arginase amount for immobilization was optimized with 10 U, 20 U, 30 U, 35 U,
and 40 U of arginase and with a fixed amount (20 U) of urease. The immobilization
efficiency of two enzymes (urease and arginase) into the Arg sensing membrane was
calculated by dividing the amount ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, a synthetic real sample was prepared to study its effects on the detection
of the Arg sensing membrane as follows: 10.0 g L 1 glucose, 3.0 g L 1 KH2PO4, 6.0
g L 1 Na2H2PO4, 0.5 g L 1 NaCl, 2.4 g L 1 MgSO4.7H2O, 0.14 g L 1 CaCl2.2H2O,
1.0% v/v trace elements solution (1.38 g L 1 ZnSO4.7H2O, 5.4 g L 1 FeCl3.6H2O,
1.6 g L 1 MnSO4.H2O. 0.17 g L 1 CuSO4.5H2O, 0.56 g L 1 CoCl2.6H2O, 0.06 g L 1
H3BO3, conc. HCl 10 ml L 1), and L arginine in the concentration range 0.1 10 mM
at pH 7.2.
2.4 Ratiometric method
The ratiometric method for the L Arg and L Asn biosensors was based on the ratioof
the fluorescence intensities (FI565 FI625) of the Arg sensing membrane and the Asn
sensing membrane at an excitation wavelength of 460 nm (О»ex = 460 nm) and two
emission wavelengths (О»em= 565 625 nm) as follows:
R = FI565/FI625
2.5 Data
How Did Guernica Change
Guernica is named after a village in Spain. In 1937, Picasso got his inspiration for
creating this painting after Guernica was bombed by German and Italian planes.
Thousands of deadly bombs were dropped over Guernica that left this small village
in ruins. Thousands of people were killed and injured. And the fires created by the
bombs destroyed 70 percent of Guernica.
Prior to the bombing of Guernica, Picasso was in the process of creating another
piece of art for the Paris Exhibition, but after hearing the horrific news about the
bombing of Guernica, Picasso changed his course, and started working on a new
mural titled Guernica. Guernica was ordered by the Republic of Spain. Picasso s
painting demonstrates his interpretation of the
Aschenputtel Character Traits
Character Analysis Essay Most of the time our life doesn t have a huge happy
ending. Well in Aschenputtel s case it does. In the Grimm brothers Aschenputtel, a
girl, is forced to do grunt work by her step family. One day there was a ball which
was a chance for the prince to pick a wife. The evil stepmother and step daughters
went to the ball while aschenputtel finished up her chores. Aschenputtel s trusty
doves helped her out and gave her a beautiful dress and shoes to wear at the ball.
When Aschenputtel entered the ball no one recognized her. She and the prince
danced all night long. After going to the ball three times, the prince took quite a
liking to her. While aschenputtel was running back home she lost one of her golden
slippers. As the prince went around the town trying to figure out who the slipper
belonged to he arrived at Aschenputtel s estate. The stepsisters claimed... Show more
content on ...
On page 753 it says, Cut your toe off, for when you are queen, you will never have
to go on foot. So the girl cut her toe off, squeezed her foot into the shoe, concealed
the pain, and went to the prince. One of the stepsisters cut of her toe while the
other cut off her heel just to fit the golden slipper. They only did it because their
mother told them to. Even though the stepsisters new that they weren t the girl he
danced with they still did it. Overall the stepsisters are very naive. In this story the
stepsisters strongest characters traits are cruel, brutal, and naive. The stepsisters
character traits were shown when they made fun of Aschenputtel, made her do all
the work, and cut off their toe and heel. If the stepsisters aren t more kind to the
people around them then they will miss out on a lot of good friendships. They will
also lose all of their current friends if they are not nice to them. That also goes for
everyone else in this world. If you are just mean to people then you won t have
many people caring for you in the
Perfect Gifts and Holiday Cheer Essay
Her feet glide across the sterile white tiles, past the storefront windows that hold red
baubles and perfectly cut snowflakes, while the strains of Mariah Carey s vocals
pound against her resolve. Obese couples drag around obese children and even more
obese shopping bags, holding plastic something or others that will be forgotten within
the next month. Young men and women wander the halls, searching for that perfect
gift for that perfect someone who will be forgotten within the next month. Little
children sit on the lap of a fat man, telling him that they want puppies and candies
and world peace for Christmas, wishes that will be forgotten when the fat man goes
away for another year. Elderly sit on benches, hoping that everything could... Show
more content on ...
Hayes would give her discounts on some much needed presents. Every year she
waited until the last minute to buy them and every year since she moved she d
gone to Mr. Hayes. Surprisingly, he has always been well stocked. The only issue
with the store is that it resides in the accursed land of The Mall, a scorn to those
who would most enjoy Mr. Hayes commodities. As Arden steps into the store she
feels blissful relief as the atrocious sound of All I Want for Christmas is You leaves
the vicinity of her ears and Bohemian Rhapsody is welcomed readily into her
senses. The smells of scented wax and dusty books fill her nostrils, ejecting those
of artificial perfumes and bleach. Illustrated covers, stamps, quills, dripping wax,
and plush armchairs greet her eyes; the barren whiteness of the crowded hallways
is a forgotten memory. And there, in the most overstuffed armchair the world has
ever known, sits Mr. Hayes, his wire rim glasses perched on his nose, waiting to
slip onto the unforgiving floor. He wears his business attire: a button down shirt
under a long brown cardigan, wrinkled suit pants, and leather loafers. His thinning
white hair and wrinkled skin had no effect on his eyes, which shone like new
pennies. He was a peculiar man, very systematic in his habits, and a great
conversationalist when you could get him away from his great pot of melted wax.
Arden often joined him there to test out his newest scent
President Jimmy Carter Essay example
President Jimmy Carter
The President of Peace Jimmy Carter was born October 1, 1924, in the small
farming town of Plains, Georgia, and grew up in the nearby community of Archery.
His father, James Earl Carter, Sr., was a farmer and businessman; his mother, Lillian
Gordy, a registered nurse. He was educated in the Plains public schools, attended
Georgia Southwestern
College and the Georgia Institute of Technology, and received a Bachelor of Science
degree from the United States Naval Academy in 1946. On July
7, 1946, he married Rosalynn Smith. When his father died in 1953, he resigned a
naval commission and returned to Plains. He became involved in the affairs of the
community, serving as chairman of the county ... Show more content on ...
The new treaties, passed under the Carter administration and Panama s head of state
Omar Torrijos would give Panama full control of the canal on December 31, 1999, at
12:00 midnight. All of the canal s assets would also be turned over to
Panama ( The ratification of the Panama Canal treaties was an important
step involving a decrease in Third World hostility toward the
United States (Dumbrell 212). Carter and his advisors agreed even before the
inauguration that the canal negotiations should be an immediate priority. If the
United States did not successfully complete negotiations, which had been going on
since the Johnson administration, the government of Panama might create conflict in
the zone that would require drastic American action (Hargrove 123). Another of
Jimmy Carter s foreign policy accomplishments was his normalizing relations with
the People s Republic of China. Over the winter of
1977 1978 Carter cultivated relations with Chinese officials in
Washington, and solicited an official invitation to visit China himself.
However the president pulled back after his advisor Mondale stated that it was too
much to ask the senate to handle the Panama Canal treaties and any new agreements
with China at the same time. President Carter was thus told not to be explicit about
normalization, and that his visit to
China was inconclusive. In the Spring
Capital Budgeting Techniques Like Net Present Value
Introduction The following paper analyzes a project from financial perspectives
using the capital budgeting techniques like Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal
Rate of Return (IRR). Background My dad has a textile business, involved in
embroidery and painting of the fabric. I have been visiting my dad s office
complex and observing the whole process of clothes manufacture. The most
important asset for the business is a large machine required for whole painting
process. The existing machine with the business is in use from past 4 years and
has to be discarded due to some operational issues. As a student of finance, I will
analyze the option of replacing this machine with a new one. In analyzing various
options from where to purchase the machine, I searched for various dealers, and
compared the products with the prices they offered. I narrowed down the choice to
one machine provided by Stihl Machinery Co., Ltd. But then dad s financial
manager, Mr. David Jones, asked me to reconsider the option. He suggested that
the existing machine can still run for another 5 years and the new machine is also
expected to work for just five years. Also, the price of the new machine is quite high
so it is better to continue using the same old machine. On this argument, I decided to
do a detailed analysis of the option to replace the old machine. Only after the
financial analysis, I will decide and suggest whether to buy the new machine or not.
Analysis and results The financial manager did
The Knight Of Light By The Greenest Grass
Chapter 1: The Knight of Light
The Knight of Light
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a small kingdom that had a sky
of the bluest blue, and was surrounded by the greenest grass which was decorated by
every flower you could imagine.
Within this kingdom there was a village that was filled with happiness, and everyone
who lived there was always smiling, for they loved their little village. They loved
the blue skies, they loved the green grass that was decorated by every flower you
could imagine, and they loved their kingdom.
But what the villagers loved most was their beautiful queen. She was a wonderful and
benevolent woman who lived in an enormous pure white castle just outside of the
village. From there she would ... Show more content on ...
Alas, this was not the end of the Darkness s scheme. Once it was done with the
village it swept into the queens pure white castle and into the bedchamber of the
queen herself. The Darkness then snatched her up in its giant claw and dragged her
out of the bedchamber. It dragged her out of the pure white castle, out of the village,
and took her into the very depths of Hell themselves.
After the queen was taken, the blue skies turned cloudy and grey, the pure white
castle became ugly, and discoloured, and an eternal gloom settled upon the kingdom.
From that moment on, none of the villagers could smile, for with their glowing queen
stolen from them, what reason was there to smile?
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, months turned into years and
years turned into centuries, and the kingdom remained the gloomy, grey ghost of the
joy it had once celebrated. In that time the queen did not return, and any fool who
was brave enough to try and look for her never came back.
But then one day, after exactly one hundred years had passed since the Darkness
came, a stranger came to the gloomy kingdom, and he was not like the sad, smile
less villagers who lived there. No, this man was a knight! For he rode a white
stallion and he wore a shining suit of armor, made out of the purest silver which
shone like a finely cut jewel, with a
The Treatment of Whistleblowers Essay
It used to be that whistleblowers were applauded, and they still are in the private
sector, but it seems as if government whistleblowers are criticized and many are
even criminally charged. There is certainly a different take on their activities. In
fact, some advocates counsel federal employees not to come forward with
information because if they do, their lives will be destroyed (Shulman, 2007). What
often happens is that they will never be able to work in their careers again in the
same capacity (Shulman, 2007). Many whistleblowers not only lose their jobs, but
they lose their families and friends, and much of their money ends up going to
attorneys (Shulman, 2007). Indeed, in today s day and age, there is a surge of
whistleblowers... Show more content on ...
It can take awhile for someone to speak up, and the hesitancy is largely due to a
corporate culture that does not support the practice. It should be noted that there are
whistle blowing statutes in many jurisdictions where an employee is allowed to
report illegal activity and will be protected from being fired (Larson, 2003). Indeed,
whistle blowing is largely encouraged in society in general as the government wants
people to come forward when the giants of Corporate America are doing something
bad. Of course, when it comes to leaking government secrets that is a different matter
entirely. The National Whistleblowers Center says that under Section 403 of the
Intelligence Authorization Act, the head of an employee s agency may accuse a
whistleblower of leaking classified information (Burghardt, 2011). If this were to
occur, the simple accusation could lead to the individual s blocking of access to
federal pensions, and this is true even if they are in retirement (Burghardt, 2011).
One case that involves a whistleblower who has been ostracized is Thomas Drake.
Drake is a former National Security Agency (NSA) employee (Bishop, 2011). The
government pursued him for years, and eventually he would plead guilty to just one
misdemeanor in that he used a computer without authorization (Bishop, 2011). What
did Drake do exactly? Why is he considered to be a whistleblower and why has he
been persecuted by the government? Drake warned the
The Importance of Providing Students with Physical...
The importance of providing students with physical education classes.
COM 156
April 10, 2011
Student athletes should be required to take physical education classes like the rest of
the school. The very important values that students learn through physical education
classes are something that sports cannot teach. If schools do consider an exemption,
they must decide what to include in their exemption status. The main role of a
student is to learn during his time at school is to learn. Students that are exempt from
physical education often do not have to fill the extra time in their schedule with any
meaningful classes. Until there is an effective way for students to gain the education
outside of the classroom exemptions are hard ... Show more content on ...
Physical education classes provide the opportunity to develop a variety of skills.
When students play sports only a select group of skills are developed. The National
Association for Sport and Physical Education suggestion instruction that includes
Instruction in a variety of motor skills that are designed to enhance the physical,
mental, and social/emotional development of every child (NASPE, 2003a). The
National Association for Sports and Physical Education has a membership that
consists of educators and administrators. One of the main goals of the organization
is to improve and support high standards in physical education. Their definition
shows that Physical education develops more than just the body. It is important
that students also have the opportunity to develop emotional and social skills
gained through physical education classes. If the students do not receive these
skills it can have a negative effect over their lifetime. Students exempt from
physical education classes will often have the opportunity to have another study
hall. A study hall is a time during school when students who do not have required
class in that time period go for that time frame. When I was a student I had many
study halls during my high school career. My school did not offer any exception for
playing sports the only study halls I had were after all the graduation requirements
were met. I had a great deal of time to see
Duke Energy Swot Analysis
Duke Energy is the largest electric power holding company in the United States,
supplying and delivering energy to approximately 7.3 million U.S. customers. Their
2014 operating revenue was $23.9 billion, and as of August 6th 2015 they have
$118.5 billion in assets. Duke is a Fortune 250 company, and is traded on the New
York Stock Exchange under the symbol of DUK. The company has roughly 57,500
megawatts of electric generating capacity in the Carolinas, the Midwest, and Florida.
Duke Energyoperates 11 nuclear units at 6 sites in the Carolinas; Brunswick Nuclear
Plant, McGuire Nuclear Station, Catawba Nuclear Station, Oconee Nuclear Station,
Robinson Nuclear Plant, and Harris Nuclear Plant. The collective generating
capability of their Nuclear... Show more content on ...
Under the terms of the merger, Piedmont shareholders received $60 in cash for each
share of Piedmont Natural Gas Common stock, representing an almost 40 percent
premium to Piedmont s closing stock price on October 23, 2015. Piedmont Natural
Gas will retain its name and will continue to maintain its considerable presence in
portions of North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee, operating as a unit of
Duke Energy.
Duke currently serves 7.3 million electric customers in the Carolinas, Florida,
Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana, while Piedmont distributes gas to more than 1 million
customers in North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. The merger, in the
words of Duke CEO, Lynn Good, will provide Duke with a growing natural gas
platform. The merger also represents a strategic political partnership, as a recent
study determined Duke Energy to be the top political power broker in North Carolina,
while Piedmont ranked
To Give Up On Words Silence In Western Apache Culture
Keith H. Basso s ethnographic research titled, To Give up on Words: Silence in
Western Apache Culture is an investigation of situations when members of a certain
Apache community in the western United States assume the state of silence as a
form of social interaction. In this paper, I will first note details of the society under
consideration and Basso s interests in regards to the questions he is trying to answer.
I will introduce some anthropological concepts that are suitable to the discussion,
followed by Basso s observations regarding silence in the Apache community,
including his methods, arguments, and conclusion. Finally, I will evaluate Basso s
findings and deduce if the evidence supports the conclusion made; I will ... Show
more content on ...
A group of gowД…Д…s then combine to form a gotД…Д…, which is described by
Basso as spatially localized clusters. In the Cibecue community, rituals and traditions
still carry great importance and play a significant role in communication, despite
intervention from Anglo missionaries to modernize the community. A major part of
Basso s interests in the Cibecue community is to study the role of silence in a
community where focused gatherings are a common mode of public communication.
He looks to examine situations where silence becomes the appropriate
communicative process and the reasons why it is considered so. Moreover, these
situations of silence only occur during a certain period or circumstance that is
defined by tradition as well as experience. Another factor in Basso s interest is to
define what human emotion determines the decision to remain silent in a particular
situation. A discussion of Basso s definition of the term situation will be provided in
the next section.
Contextual Concepts In order to completely understand the arguments put forth by
Basso in his research, it is vital to understand the concept that communication occurs
with or without the usage of speech, and in this case through silence. Although the
people engaged in this silence are not communicating directly per se, the silence is an
acknowledgement of their presence. Interpersonal communication, which occurs face
to face, employs three main technical components: a code (an
Why Are College Majors Are Created Equal
One thing that varies faster than the gasoline price may be the debate around the
value of a right path for a young adult which major guarantees a smooth access to a
decent job offer. According to the article, Not All College Majors Are Created Equal ,
the author, Michelle Singletary, indicates that collegedegrees are not the same based
on the different majors. She starts her article with a question that she asked her
college students, What s your major? Singletary immediately determines her student
s future by the major that the student is choosing. Later in the article, she states her
opinions on how majors have played a great important role in one s career life by
using different examples and statistics. Indeed, college majors are not... Show more
content on ...
Too many students aren t sure what job they could get after four, five, or even six
years of studying a certain major and racking up education loans (255). Singletary is
given the fact that numerous students are confused on their own majors even though
they have studied for years. And parts of the students even start realizing their majors
might be in a hopeless employment situation after they graduate from that particular
field. Therefore, before choosing a field of study, it is necessarily worthwhile for
students and parents to check out the majors whether in the highest or the lowest
unemployment. According to new statistics on unemployment for recent college
graduates by The Huffington Post this June, majoring in social science and creative
fields, such as anthropology, film, fine art, etc. have earned the top three of the
unemployment rate. In contrast, engineering technologies, math, and computer
science remain at the top of the employment chart. Alex Tabarrok mentions the harsh
unemployment rate in his article, ...More than half of all humanities graduates end up
in jobs that don t require college degrees... (250). The society has never shown mercy
to students who are unlikely to be employed with the majors they have. Graduating
without employment must be one of the biggest nightmares for most students;
however, selecting an in demand major can surely decrease the chances of being
Essay on The Personality of Othello
The Personality of Othello
Othello s speech to Brabantio and the Duke in Act 1, Scene 3 is of major
importance in describing Othello s personality. This long speech, found in lines 149
to 196, shows Othello for the first time as a person with depth and less as a soldier.
This speech is important to the book as a whole because it is a testimony to the
strength of the love between Othello and Desdemona, which will later play a major
role in the plot. It is also one of the first times that we see Othello trying to influence
his audience with his words. The speech given by Othello is intended to convince
Brabantio that Desdemona is with him willfully, and not by spells and medicines
bought of montebanks (line 74).
Her father ... Show more content on ...
My story being done,
She gave me for my pains a world of (sighs.)
She swore, in faith, twas strange, twas passing strange,
Twas pitiful, twas wondrous pitiful.
She wished she had not heard it, yet she wished
That heaven had made her such a man. She thanked me,
And bade me, if I had a friend that loved her,
I should but teach him how to tell my story,
And that would woo her. Upon this hint I spake.
She loved me for the dangers I had passed,
And I loved her that she did pity them.
This only is the witchcraft I have used.
Here comes the lady. Let her witness it. Lines 149 196
To influence his audience, Othello uses logic as well as an entrancing tone that
surprises and allures his audience of Brabantio and the duke. Othello offers to tell
his story, despite his discomfort with words. Othello tells the men that, Rude am I
in my speech, and little blessed with the soft phrase of peace. . . and therefore little
shall I grace my cause in speaking for myself. (lines 96 104) This preview to his
speech gives the men a feeling that he s going to be rough and unlearned when he
talks, and definitely unworthy of Desdemona. This idea is quickly dismissed when
he does begin to talk, almost magically, and it completely puts Othello in a good
light. His tone, imagery, and diction all add to the
In the modern finance theory , behavioral finance is a new...
In the modern finance theory , behavioral finance is a new paradigm , which seeks
to appreciate and expect systematic financial market influence of psychological
decision making ( Olsen R A, 1998). In the recent studies irrationality in the decision
making was revealed , based on certain cognitive limitations. The present chapter is
divided into two aspects
According to traditional models in finance and economics, human beings are rational
while taking their decision. However the recent studies explain that decision making
is based on certain cognitive limitations. As the information s are overloaded, we will
be applying certain short cuts or heuristics in order to take a decision. The most
important heuristics in the representativeness ... Show more content on ...
Essentially, behavioral finance attempts to explain the what, why, and how of finance
and investment, from a human perspective (See figure 2). (Shefrin, 2000) however,
mentioned the difference between cognitive and affective (emotional) factors:
cognitive aspects concern the way people organize their information, while the
emotional aspects deal with the way people feel as they register information . Figure
2 The Underpinning of Behavioral Finance
Source: (Victor Riccardi Helen K Simon, 2000)
Models are designed to classify people according to certain characteristics, tendencies
or behavior.. Psychographic classifications are particularly relevant with regards to
individual strategy and risk tolerance. The useful models of investors psychographic
were Barnewall (1987) and Bailard, Biehl and Kaiser (1986).
Barnewall Two way model (Barnewall, 1987)
This is one of the most previous and most prevalent investor model based on the
work of Marilyn MacGruder. Barnewall distinguished the investors into two types :
passive investors and active investors.
Passive investors are those investors those who have become wealthy passively by
inheritance or by risking the capital of others rather than their own capital. They have
a greater need for security than they have tolerance for risk. Occupational groups such
as corporate executives, lawyers, Chartered Accountants,
Eagle Village Case Study
Eagle Village is located in Hersey, Michigan. The organizations has many different
benefits and departments from six residential houses, adoption/foster care, community
camps, and training opportunities. I work in the Ashmun house with 11 adolescents
who have who have been victims of abuse and neglect. The residents in the house age
range between thirteen and sixteen, and the residents come from all over the state of
Michigan. As a resident is moved into Ashmun house, they are expected to
successfully complete the program.
The program is measured through a point system; the purpose of using a tool like
this is for both the resident and the treatment team to track progress on a daily basis
scores throughout the level system. It also helps the resident focus on daily goals and
The effectiveness of the point and level system is based on treatment efforts
(addressing issues that are transferrable to the residents home environment), focus on
the treatment plan (for both resident and their family), as well as systemic framework
(step by step plan to achieve the desired outcomes). Change is then measured based
on change ... Show more content on ...
Being level bumped means that the resident will be moved back one level due to a
behavioral infraction. Examples of when a level bump may be issued would be for
fighting, level probation due to GPA or daily scores not being met.
The last bump is a full bump, which means that the resident would move from
whatever level they are on they, will be bumped back down to Hand stage
probation. Increase level of supervision is also required for full bumps. Also all
privileges are suspected and the resident must address all issues related to their full
bump before they are released from probation. Examples of when a resident may
have a full level bump would be for assaulting a staff, having a positive urine test,
running away, being arrested and/or having unsafe
British Imperialism During The First War Of Indian...
British Imperialism in India
Indian Independence The first war of Indian independence, also known as the 1857
Indian Rebellion, was not the first challenge to British authority, but it was the first to
feature widespread coordination with increased levels of intensity. It began with
discontent within the sepoy army. Initially, the soldiers were well paid to keep their
loyalty, but the EIC failed to increase pay to match the inflation rate. Moreover, they
received the impression that the Company was attempting to change Indian religions,
due to the criticism of missionaries in India, previous violations of Hindu religious
conventions, and the introduction of new cartridges that were greased in pig fat and
beef tallow, the previous ... Show more content on ...
However, India would have to pay for the damages of the mutiny through increased
taxes. The next major step toward independence occurred with the founding of the
Indian National Congress (INC) in 1885 at Bombay. Despite claims of secularism
and religious toleration, the INC was a mostly Hindu organization, and in 1906,
the Muslim League was formed. Together, they represented the public opinion for
swaraj, or self rule, and served as a way for Indians to participate in politics in
response to rising Indian nationalism. One of their first campaigns was the
swadeshi movement, a boycott of British products in favor of Indian domestic
goods, which won them autonomy at the provincial level. Mohandas K. Gandhi
(1869 1948), also referred to as Mahatma (meaning Great Soul ) Gandhi, entered the
INC as its president in 1920. He worked under the principles of ahimsa, non
violence, and satyagraha, truth struggle, to convince the British that it had
wrongfully repressed India, and work together with the them to reverse its effects.
From 1930 to 1934, he launched a series of civil disobedience movements. The most
notable of these was the Salt March in 1930, to protest the salt tax imposed by the
British. Gandhi, along with Sarojini Naidu
Binary Options Essay
Binary Options
Binary options make it possible, even for a novice to invest and earn profits, in
stock trading. You do not need to be a Trade guru to gain high profits here, all you
need is the will to be rich and that too fast!
Times have changed and so have all the investment and trading options as well.
Online trading activities have taken the entire financial world by storm and it is
evident by the sheer number of different online trading platforms and brokerage firms
emerging on daily basis. With great many advantages and benefits offered to the
investors, it is obvious why; millions of traders and investors are making beelines for
this interesting, online format of trading, rather than the traditional ones.
When speaking about the benefits offered by online binary trading options service
providers, we mean, the spectacular range of tools and applications available for
making our investment a sure shot success. A good trading platform is distinguished
on the basis of the support team and help offered to its clients. Exceptional
applications and tools using mails, phone and live chat options etc are all at the
customer s disposal. A cautious trader is furnished with all the updates in the payout
charts, market news, price fluctuations and trade analysis, which he might need for
his ventures.
Binary options are always dealing with innovations and discoveries. All the latest
trading solutions as well as market surveys
Pedagogy Of The Oppressed By Paulo Freire
Paulo Freire s book Pedagogy of the Oppressed analyzes the issues of different styles
and techniques of teaching. Whether it be at school, home, or by a parent education
can be pushed upon you in different forms. These manners of education can treat
people as objects; use forms of paternalism due to authority over someone, and restrict
people from having freedom and responsibilities. One of the mechanisms Freire talks
about is banking education:
Education thus becomes an act of depositing, in which the students are the
depositories and the teacher is the depositor. Instead of communicating, the teacher
issues communiquГ©s and makes deposits, which the students patiently receive,
memorize and repeat. This is the banking concept of education, in which the scope of
action allowed to the students extends only as far as receiving, filing, and storing the
Ever since I can remember I always noticed I would be in classes in school that
portrayed banking education in some form. In this essay, I will talk about my
college history class and how it functions, the perspective I have about my teacher,
and how I m able to pass the class. Last fall semester is when I started college here
at Del Mar. I had only enrolled in three classes, and being how I was only a freshman
starting my first semester in a whole new environment, I wanted to make sure I was
taking things slow. The class that stood out to me the most, concerning banking
education, was my history 1301 class taught
Langston Hughes Use Figurative Language In The Theme
Poetry Analysis for the Theme for English B Langston Hughes the speaker and
author of the poem Theme for English B uses figurative language, imagery, and tone
to develop the theme of racial discrimination. The poem focuses on how he is
different from a racial standpoint but is similar in the way he lives and is an
American. Langston Hughesuses figurative language throughout his poem. I feel
and see and hear, Harlem, I hear you. (Line 18). This is an example of
personification in his poetry. He uses a metaphor in this quote we two you, me, talk
on this page. (Line 19). The way Hughes uses this figurative language brings depth
and requires the reader to think about what is written and in turn, engages the reader.
Langston Hughes also
Every Car Needs A Breathalyzer Essay
Every Car Needs a Breathalyzer In the United States each year over thirteen
thousand people die in an alcohol related accident (Szczesny, Joseph R). Many
people feel they are not safe with the presence of a drunk driver being on the road
at the same time as they are. People are trying to find a solution to this problem and
they have been thinking about putting a breathalyzer in every car that is on the
road today. Having a breathalyzer in every car would not only prevent drunk drivers
from being on the road but it would also save a lot of lives (Should Every Car Have a
Built in Breathalyzer). People think that putting it in people s cars is just a waste of
money but in the long run it would save many lives and put a halt to all of the DUI s
... Show more content on ...
The number one crime for Americans being arrested in the United States is because
of drunk driving (Szczesny, Joseph R). In this country there are one point five
million Americans arrested on DUI charges each year. These interlock systems
already exist today so many people already have to use them. The reason for people
having them today is because they have already gotten multiple DUI s and they must
use one to drive. In the United States today there are one hundred and fifty thousand
of these units being used and if they work to stop frequent drunk drivers then they
will definitely work to stop all drunk drivers. The crime will dramatically be
diminished if these units find their way into every automobile on the road. Hospitals
will find more rest because they will not have to care for an intoxicated driver that
has crashed. Today drunk driving accidents account for twenty percent of
emergency room costs and there is no reason for that to be that high. Not only will
it save emergency room costs but also it will help with people s auto insurance bill.
In the nation there is eighteen percent of the auto insurance bill that is higher
because that person got a DUI. If these Interlock systems are passed there will be a
countless number of lives saved and many people that will not be injured. People will
feel safer when they are on the road and people will
Modern Inquisitions Chapter Summaries
Tim Huntress History 1110:005 Dr. Sivananda Mantri Modern Inquisitions: Peru
and the Colonial Origins of the Civilized World The book Modern Inquisitions:
Peru and the Colonial Origins of the Civilized World was written by Irene
Silverblatt. This book described the medieval civilization of Peru and colonial
Andes. It also went into great detail about the inquisitions of the Roman Catholic
church. Irene Marsha Silverblatt was born on September 14, 1948 in Philadelphia,
PA. She graduated college from the University of Michigan. She is now a Professor
at Duke University. This book focused mainly on the Spanish inquisition of Peru from
1570 to 1820. In this time Spanish colonists brought the European way of life to Peru.
An inquisition was a judicial stystem in the Roman Catholic church that aimed to
fight heresy.... Show more content on ...
It was first abolished by virtue of a Cortes decree. In 1815 it was reconstituted but
their target was now the ideas from the French, who had more civilized ideas. Most
people who were accused of crimes after this were only given probation. However
a breakthrough came with the promotion of Jose de la Serna to the viceroyship of
Peru. The inquisition eventually fell apart due to its own fault. The hero who
abolished the inquisition was Jose de la Serna, who lived from 1770 1832. He was
a respected Spanish general and colonial official of Peru. He was the last Spanish
viceroy of Peru to exercise effective power from January 29, 1821 to December
1824. He carried out orders as the viceroy to negotiate for a peaceful settlement of
Peru which would not allow the Roman Catholic church inquisition to be a part of
it. `In the end there was a war called the Peruvian War of Independence. It was a
series of military conflicts beginning in 1811 that culminated in the proclamation of
the independence of Peru by Jose de San Martin on July 28, 1821. This war
eventually gave Peru their independence from
A Critique Of Dr. Jay E. Adams
A Critique of Dr. Jay E. Adams, Dr. William Backus Marie Chapian Counseling
Belinda Jeanette Prescott
Liberty University A Critique of Dr. Jay E. Adams, Dr. William Backus Marie
Chapian Counseling Theories Concise Summary of Theory Adams (1986), has
developed a four step process in which he lines up and bases off of II Timothy 3:14
17, the four steps include, teaching, conviction, correction, and disciplined training in
righteousness. Adams says just as evangelism always must precede edification, these
four steps must always occur in the same order (p. 13). Adams bases his counseling
concept on these four steps and II Timothy 3:14 17. Adams (1986) is not one to
integrate psychology into the Christian counseling process. Adams (1986) teaches
in this book that Scripture is the only way to counsel people and that integrating
psychology into the counseling practice goes against scripture. Backus (2000)
gives a three step process to becoming a happy person, they include realizing your
misbeliefs, removing your misbeliefs, and replacing those misbeliefs with truth. He
references Proverbs 23:7a which reads For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he
(KJV). This is telling us that however we think of ourselves in our hearts, we will
believe those thoughts as truths even if they are lies. Satan has a way of creeping into
our thought lives and altering the thought pattern of those who will let him, when a
person is weak, and not strong in the Scriptures, this
Advocate Illinois Masonic And The Chicago Union Hospital
Advocate Illinois Masonic has a rich history in how it became the hospital it is
today. Before it was called Illinois Masonic, it was the Chicago Union Hospital. The
Union Hospital was organized during the time of rebuilding post the great Chicago
fire in 1901. Belden Avenue Baptist Church Steadfast Sunday School organized the
union hospital. Amongst the board members of the hospital where some Masons who
formed an association for the purpose of providing free medical and surgical
treatment for master masons, members of the Eastern Star, and members of their
families. In 1921 the Illinois Masonic Hospital Association purchased Chicago Union
Advocate Illinois Masonic is a 408 bed Level I trauma center teaching hospital.
Although the hospital isn t attached to a university, it plays host to 200 residents and
500 students. The HIM department rests on the first floor and basement. The
department has close to 40 employees. At this particular facility the morgue is under
HIM department, which is a new trend. The HIM department has ROI, Outpatient
Coding, Vital Stats, Medical transcription and unbilled accounts, Risk Management,
Subpoena Clerk, Deficiency Analyst, Registry coder, Document Imaging and HIM
Clerk. These are the different areas of the HIM department at Advocate Illinois
Masonic Medical Center.
Document Imaging
Arriving to my first PPE experience was exciting and nerve racking at the same
time. When I walked into Advocate Illinois Masonic I was taken back by
God And Man Have A Bond Together
Which came first, man s need for a relationship with God or God s desire for a
relationship with man? This answer to this question is interpreted differently based
on every individual s understanding and specific relationship with God. The truth is
that both God and man have a bond together. The only difference is that Godalways
wants a bond with man and will always work for one while man often does not
realize that he needs a relationship with God, and at times does not put in the effort
that is required to sustain a long term relationship. God s character is often
misinterpreted through scripture, and many people do not fully understand what they
are receiving when they form a relationship with the Lord. Many also do not
understand that God wants a relationship with every one of his creations because of
his unwavering love for them. Psalm 139 emphesizes God s sovereign love and
desire to form a relationship with all of his creations through his characteristics of
omnipresence, omnipotemce, and omniscience. God s omnipresent character in Psalm
139 correlates with his desire to love and be loved by his creation. Omnipresence
derives from the theological term meanig always present. God wants to be present
through triumphs and struggles to show his eternal love for his beings. David uses
the second stanza to highlight God s never ending presence. David begins verse 7
questioning how he could avoid God saying Where can I go from your spirit? Where
can I flee from your
Emergency Management And The Homeland Security
Introduction Emergency management functions around four main ideas, mitigation,
preparedness, response, and recovery. These terms are widely used throughout the
federal emergency management agency, which in turn integrates them into every
aspect of emergency management as a whole. Using the terms mentioned helps
create programs such as web based situational awareness programs the Homeland
Security Information Network known as HSIN . Web based situational awareness
programs are vital programs to have during any emergency event, whether it is used
during an active emergency event, training for an event, or for everyday use. The
city of Everett currently uses one form of web based situational awareness program
that is mainly used by first responders such as policeand fire agencies. Integrating a
new system that is beneficial for all federal, state, local, and tribal agencies as well as
organizations is the most beneficial for interoperability. The current city emergency
managementplans uses HAZUS software, Wireless Emergency Alert and some other
great software programs. But, using a system like HSIN allows for each program to
be dumped into one system that paints a broad picture of situations as it unfolds that
allows emergency managers or incident commanders delegate responsibilities.
Program Overview
Everett is currently the third most populated county in Washington State. The county
is roughly three quarters of a million people, with Everett being the most
Witch Of Blackbird Pond Summary
Witch of Blackbird Pond Plot This book is about a sixteen year old girl who lived
in Barbados all her life but is now moving to Wethersfield Connecticut. She is going
there because after her grandfather died her only family left was her Aunt Rachel.
When she lands in Connecticut her aunt doesn t accept her because she had no
idea kit was even coming. Her uncle finds out that she is an orphan so he lets her
stay. She now has to do a lot of laboring chores. The main conflict is that Kit isn t in
her comfort zone. She is used to wearing nice clothing and not doing a lot of labor
intensive chores, but now she has to wear plain clothes and do a lot of labor. She
doesn t like this at all. A fever hits Wethersfield
Essay On Air Pollution
Energy is essential to life. Without it, billions of people would be left cold and
hungry. The major source of energy comes from fossil fuels, and the dominant fossil
fuels used today by most industrialized and developing countries are oil, coal, and
natural gas. This burning of fossil fuels is causing several health and environmental
The first issue is air pollution. As many of you already know, burning fossil fuels
emits several air pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide
and the most common pollutant, carbon dioxide. These harmful gases are toxic to
both the environment and public health.
Another issue associated with air pollution is acid rain. Acid rain is formed when
sulfur dioxide and nitrogen ... Show more content on ...
Nevertheless, there is one simple solution to this global crisis:
The hydrogen fuel cell.
Fuel cells are used in a wide range of portable, stationary and transport applications,
such as battery chargers and home heating, but the fuel cell is best known for
powering cars. Fuel cells are quite possibly the most versatile energy solution ever
The fuel cell seems like the perfect energy source: Quiet, clean and independent of
gasoline. In a fuel cell vehicle, the fuel cell transforms hydrogen and oxygen into
electricity, and the left over heat and water is all that it emits. Most importantly, the
fuel cell is environmentally friendly.
Take NASA as an example. NASA is a world known space program, and their
technology expands the frontiers of knowledge and capabilities in aeronautics,
science, and space. NASA develops the latest innovative technology and has the best
scientists and engineers from around the world working for them.
Quote from NASA
Producing power without damaging our environment is a continuing challenge.
Fossil fuels like gasoline, coal, and jet fuel are non renewable, and burning these
fuels is increasing air pollution and harms the environment. Batteries have limited
lifetimes and need to be disposed of in hazardous waste landfills. Many
environmentally friendly alternatives (solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal
power) can only be used in specific environments. In contrast, hydrogen fuel cells
have near zero
Outline On Alcoholism With Outline
1. What is alcoholism? 2. How do people become alcoholics? 3. What are the
effects of alcoholism, on both the alcoholic and their family? 4. How do you
diagnose alcoholism? 5. Is there a cure for alcoholics? 6. What is the treatment?
What is Alcoholism? Alcoholism can be defined as the dependency on alcohol;
addiction to alcohol. It is a chronicdisease, this disease called alcoholism is
progressive and potentially fatal. In 1966 the American Medical Association (AMA)
declared Alcoholism a disease, but it is still judged morally by society said Father
Martin. There are different types of alcoholics, the first type of alcoholic is the
everyday drinker. These alcoholics drink on a daily basis with a high dependency on
alcohol. A... Show more content on ...
Alcoholism causes excessive absences at work. Which causes loss of money for
both the employee and the employer. Up to 40% of industrial fatalities and 47% of
industrial injuries can be linked to alcohol consumption and alcoholism. Alcohol also
impairs productivity at work. Alcohol seriously effects one out of every ten
Americans. It is the cause of more deaths, violence, family disruption and job
absenteeism than any other substance. How do you diagnose alcoholism? Alcoholism
is a tough disease for doctors to diagnose, due to the fact that any physical effects of
alcoholism can be viewed as another medical problem. The alcoholic is in denial
and is not going to tell the doctor how much they drink, unless the doctor asks, but
most doctors don t. You can diagnose yourself by answering some of the following
questions: 1. Have you gotten into financial difficulties as a result of drinking? 2. Is
alcohol making your life unhappy? 3. Has drinking alcohol ever been behind your
losing a job? 4. Has your efficiency decreased since drinking? 5. Has your ambition
decreased since drinking? 6. Does drinking cause you to have difficulty sleeping? 7.
Have you ever felt remorse after drinking? 8. Do you crave a drink at a definite time
daily? 9. Do you want a drink the next morning? 10. Have you ever had a complete or
partial loss of memory as a result of drinking? 11. Is drinking affecting your
reputation? 12. Does drinking make you careless of your
A Comparison Of A Worn Path And A Rose For Emily
The two stories, A Worn Path and A Rose for Emily are very similar in some ways
but yet different in their own unique way. When you look at the characters, their
theme and tone, you can clearly see the difference in these two stories. Miss Emily
and Phoenix both have mental problems. In A Worn Path the story deals with
Phoenix s life and the love she has. When Phoenix was walking and traveling through
the Natchez Trace she was face with problems. Phoenix love for grandson shows her
determination along the way of her journey.
While reading the story it appeared that Phoenix does not have a Grandson, or at
least he was not alive anymore. She told the Doctor that her Grandson had a sore
throat for a long time. When the doctors asked how ... Show more content on ...
They both had a different financial status and family upbringing but there mental
state is the same. In A Worn Path, Phoenix was faced with several problems but she
still managed to get the medicine for her grandchild no matter problems she faced
along the way.
In the story A Rose for Emily, she just did not want to be alone. Emily and Phoenix
both accomplished their goals, Emily was not left alone and Phoenix got her
medicine for her grandchild. The theme of both stories are different. Emily doesn t
want to go anywhere, she just wants to sit at home and have people visit. Phoenix s
story take place during her journey on the Natchez Trace and her story unfolds as
she is out and about traveling to get medicine for her grandchild. Phoenix was very
determine to get the medicine. She was also more talkative then Emily.
In both stories, A Rose for Emily and A Worn Path, they were told in third person.
When reading both stories it is hard to tell if they were mentally disturbance or not
because you could not tell what they were thinking. You cannot tell what Phoenix
was thinking when she was walking through the trail, when she tripped or when she
got to town. Which made it difficult to tell if she was sane.
You could immediately tell Emily was crazy when she killed her boyfriend and slept
with the dead body. Emily showed emotions which displayed she was not mentally
The two stories both deal with elderly women
Main Purpose of security management
The Main Purpose of Security Management and Security Measures must be
Commensurate with the Threat
For us to identify security management we first have to breakdown the meaning of
security management because one person s ideology of security can be totally
different to someone else s, therefore to define security in Latin (secura with care)
basically translates to be free from danger.
To need security management we first have to identify a threat because without a
threat we can t fully understand or comprehend the task at hand, Management is how
we go about implementing our principals of management that we have learned
throughout our careers and personal approaches to the systems that have been proven
over the years in successes and ... Show more content on ...
For us as security managers to begin to dissect the threat we must go back to the Risk
and threat assessment as stated in (Risk and Security management 2008) the threat
assessment specifically defines the scope, nature and impacts of risk the company
may face during the life span of the operation. It should be written in the context of
both the risk environment and the company s risk tolerences, as these will define
what risks are considered noteworthy and which fall within acceptable ranges for a
project or organization. The Security Director should not assume that the initial threat
assessment will be read in conjunction with the intelligence review. Therefore the key
elements from the intelligence review should be included (if) to clarify the
environment in which the organization will operate. The threat assessment can be
conducted in isolation of a site visit, although specific risks associated with the
project will be difficult to ascertain without firsthand knowledge through an actual
visit. Secondary threat assessment may be done concurrently with, or as part of the
security survey to provide the final specifics for the organization itself, as opposed to
the more overarching initial assessment.
The Risk assessment will be a vital part of the whole security plan which is a
document which basically covers the whole
Different Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
Over the last six weeks we learnt a lot in this course. We learnt that advanced
practice nursing has evolved over the years to become recognized today as an
important and growing trend among healthcare systems worldwide. Different
advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) roles were identified such as nurse
practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, nurse anesthetists, or nurse midwives who
all play a pivotal role based on different set of clinical skills and knowledge to
impact in the future of health care. The educational qualifications of APRNs role
must be at least up to the graduate level. Other RN specialty identified included;
nurse educator, nurse informaticist, nurse administrator, nurse executive, nurse
manager, and clinical nurse leader. Learning the evolution of APN helped me
understand where the practice started and where it is heading. The domains of
nursing practice and the core competencies of the APRN role were explored. The
four domains in relation to competencies were identified as clinical practice,
nursing profession, system levels, and health policy. The competencies define
APRN role and distinguish it from the specialty RN practice role. Direct clinical
practice was acknowledged as the most fundamental of the seven competencies for
every APN. As an NP it is vital to develop the clinical expertise in order to perform
competent and safe care. I plan to achieve this by completing my program and
practicum as an NP student as required by South University
How Does Anne Bradstreet Reflect The Puritan Works
Puritanism was a religious reform kineticism within the Church of England in the
tardy sixteenth century. Jonathan Edwards spoke sermons using Puritan
characteristics. Anne Bradstreet wrote poetry using Puritan characteristics. Although,
both writers used puritan characteristics, Bradstreet s literature better reflects the
puritanworks, because Bradstreet saw religionas a personal inner experience,
expressed connections between God and everyday life, and had a plain style of
writing. The first reason why Bradstreet poetry best reflects puritans characteristics
the best is, because she saw religion as a personal inner experience. Bradstreet gave
personal details about her life and connects it to god. When her house burned down
she said it
The Driving Of Car Cars
It s all fun and games till someone gets hurt, is something I have heard constantly
ever since my hot wheel days. Now as I have grown into a young adult cars are
something I eat, breath, and dream about cars. As I got older, I constantly am
modifying and making sure my car is always clean as glass. I enjoy being around
cars, there is always the jeopardies of being a carenthusiast are always being
annoyingly cautious of cars, having constant money issues, and also getting into
First, one problem that is facing most car guys is that they are on top of the
actions that happen near their car. Car guys are constantly cleaning their car.
When passing by one there is a tendency of seeing them hold on to a microfiber
towel and detailer spray to keep their cars clean. In my case, you will never seem
without my Chemical Guy quick detailer in my hand, making sure my car shines
as bright as it can possibly. Next, car guys always tend to park ridiculously. They
will always take up more than one space just so that no one ever mess up their
paint jobs. Even when parking on a sidewalk, they try to stay away from the curb
so they don t scratch the rims that they have. I have an issue with my car being too
low and always either scraping the bottom of my car or even my rims. Finally, they
always have a trend of giving people dirty looks. When they see someone or to get
something close to their car they start to have a mini heart attack and rush as fast as
they can to make sure the
Urban Outfitters Case Study
History CJ was informally assessed by means of the Making Action Plans
Inventory in the area of family history. CJ disclosed that her mother passed away a
few years ago and she has a very disconnected relationship with her father. For the
time being, she resides with her older brother who delivers pizza. Additionally, CJ
specified that she has a new boyfriend, Mateo, who works at Flesh Wound, a tattoo
parlor outside of the mall. She further explained that she was fired from Urban
Outfitters because she made an impolite remark about a customer s clothing. Since
the incident at Urban Outfitters, CJ now works part time at Mateo s tattoo parlor
after school. Dreams Fears From the Making Action Plans Inventory, CJ was
informally evaluated in the content area of dreams and fears. Results concluded that
CJ still dreams of moving to Manhattan, New York. She gave a detailed explanation
of how she fell in love with the New York skyline through the many pictures that she
has seen over the years. CJ also indicated that she wants to travel to Manhattan
because of the many opportunities that New York has to offer.... Show more content
on ...
However, this is conflicting because she later declared her hatred of cleaning. As a
second career, her dream would be to become a tattoo artist. CJ then explained that
she is not extraordinary in art, but would like further information on art institutes
close to New York. Though CJ believes that an art institute would further her artistic
abilities, she then expressed her concern of not having suitable grades to be accepted
into an art program. Additionally, CJ identified that she lacks the ability to be
financially stable. She also expressed her worries about finding appropriate housing
in New
Descriptive Essay About Coffee Shop
I walk down Hillsborough Street on a windy, brisk day, passing many people on
the sidewalk. I approach the store entrance, noticing the large, hand painted sign in
their front window. Opening the door, I walk in and instantly feel warm and
comfortable. The store is dimly lit with soft jazz playing in the background. Many
tables and booths line the store and most are filled with students working and
people socializing. I approach the counter and order my regular, an iced mint
mocha. As I order, the employee and I make small talk, asking each other about our
days. After I order, I step to the side to wait for my drink. As I wait, I look around
the store, seeing the shelves of art and cultural pieces in the front and posters
advertising their locally roasted coffeeand the fair trade practice. An employee calls
out my drink and I take it from the counter, thanking the employee as I walk away. I
walk back toward the front, open the door and exit; warm and happy from getting my
favorite coffee and the welcoming store environment.
Global Village is a local coffee shop on Hillsborough Street and is very popular
among both NC state students and the local Raleigh community. Global Village is a
unique and vibrant place with an inviting, warm environment. I gravitated toward
Global Village for this project due to the uniqueness of the shop. As I began to
explore what made the shop unique, I realized that there are specific values that sets
Global Village apart from other coffee
The Four Basic Food Molecules
A molecule is a group of atoms bonded together that represent the smallest unit of a
chemical compound that can take part in a chemical reaction. (http:/
/ In kitchen chemistry today, there are many types of food
molecules such as minerals, vitamins, fiber, and water. But there are four molecules
that people refer to as food, also known as the four basic food molecules, which can
be used to produce energy which are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and alcohol
which is not considered a basic nutritional component of food.
Protein is a compound that s made up of amino acids that are joined by peptide
bonds. It is considered the most important molecule which can come in two forms,
complete proteins and incomplete proteins. ... Show more content on
Carbs that are composed of monosaccharide s break down under hydrolysis which
can also be classified under disaccharides, oligosaccharides, or polysaccharides,
depending on how many monosaccharide units are present. Carbs can also be called
simple or complex carbohydrates but this depends on their chemical structure.
Simple carbohydrates only include sugars that are found in foods like fruits,
vegetables, milk, and milk products. They also include sugars that are added during
food processing and refining. Complex carbohydrates include whole grain breads
and cereals, and starchy vegetables such as green beans, broccoli, peppers,
cucumbers, carrots, mushrooms, or celery which are also good sources of fiber.
Last, we have vitamins. These are organic compounds that are essential in our diet.
They fall into two categories and those categories are fat soluble and water soluble.
The fat soluble vitamins, Vitamins A, D, E, K all dissolve in fat and can be stored in
your body. The water soluble vitamins which are vitamin B C need to be dissolved in
water before your body can absorb them. Because of this, people s bodies can t store
these vitamins and any B or C vitamin that your body doesn t is lost. So it is highly
recommended that you have these vitamins every day.
Vitamins help the immune system work; support normal growth and development,
and help cells and organs do
Princess Diana s Suicide
It s me, Charlotte. Princess Diana and her boyfriend Dodi Al Fayed died as a result
of a car accident yesterday. They were trying to get away from the press when their
car hit a tunnel near the Place de l Alma in Paris, France. According to the news,
she died in a Paris hospital at four in the morning and she was thirty six years old.
She died because she had internal bleeding and cardiac arrest because of the
accident (Kornblut). My friends and I were devastated to hear the news. We loved
Diana! I think that most people liked her more than they liked her ex husband
Charles (Lyall). We were also sad to hear about her divorce with Charles, Prince of
Wales last year, after being married for around fifteen years. Although they have been
Essay on District Budget Design
In a time of financial hard ships, balancing a districts budget has become
increasingly difficult. As a school board member for the Peoria School district it is
important and crucial to effective budget decision making to be educated on the
school districts budget design and delegated responsibilities within the system. These
decisions need to be made based on the protection of public funds and property. The
legal responsibility for such protection rests solely with the board of education in
each school district (Brimley, Verstengen, Garfield, 2012, pg. 332). Areas vital to this
effective decision making of a board member are account practices, superintendent
and board member responsibilities for a building budget, key terminology, how...
Show more content on ...
306). The important part of any accounting practices is that they are uniform, well
planned and researched, and using the fund in the most efficient, effective way.
Superintendent and School Board s Responsibilities The superintendent, by law in
some states and by assignment in others, is the executive officer charged with
carrying out the programs that the budget authorizes (Brimley, Verstengen,
Garfield, 2012, pg. 284). Some of these responsibilities are delegated within the
business staff and district administrators. The school boards responsibility for
operating schools carries with it stated and implied powers for the protection of
public funds and property (Brimley, Verstengen, Garfield, 2012, pg. 332). The
board will be presented the budget upon completion and their job is to approve the
budget. If they do not approve, they must give administrative staff ideas on how to
approve the plan in order for them to approve it. The principals are chief financial
officer at the school level (Brimley, Verstengen, Garfield, 2012). The principal will
carry out the plan and distribute money according to the needs of his or her school.
The principal will establish a two sided budget and ledger sheet with all receipts and
expenditures along with monthly reports that will be reported to the district office
(Brimley, Verstengen, Garfield, 2012). Decentralize budget decisions pertaining to
Analysis Of Metallic Decades Of Metal Dominance
Metallica: Decades of Metal Dominance
Thrash metal band Metallica has an expansive history of over thirty years. Trials and
tribulations continuously impact the band however, they are always able to unify
after tragedy. With each set back Metallica encounters; whether it is the loss of a
band member or low album sales, a reinvention occurs within their music. Despite
performing music for the masses, Metallica retains mysterious qualities. Band
members have effectively kept their private lives out of public scrutiny that often
plagues successful musicians.
Founding Members
The vision to create the ultimate rock band stemmed from the imagination of
drummer Lars Ulrich. Ulrich s progressive upbringing in a wealthy family of Sweden
came with ... Show more content on ...
Hetfield has a rougher, edgier exterior that works for the thrash metal scene. Hetfield
played the underground heavy metal scene for a few years before his fateful try out
with Ulrich. With the merging of these two minds the story of Metallica begins.
1980 s
With the collaboration of a shared dream, the next two musicians added to Metallica
were guitarist Lloyd Grant and bassist Ron Govney. With the completion a band in
1981, Metallica began writing and performing songs. They released their first demo
tape, No Life til Leather in the underground Los Angeles heavy metal scene
( Shortly after this release Metallica moved to the Bay Area.
Relocating to the San Francisco area played a major role in the evolution of
Metallica. With the move came the ousting of Grant and Govney whom were
replaced by Dave Mustaine, lead guitarist and Cliff Burton on bass guitar. Before
long, in 1982, Mustaine departed from Metallica to be replaced by Kirk Hammett.
With the formation of the ideal Metallica finally complete they went to work on their
first album. Kill Em All released in 1983, embraced the heavy metal feel Metallica
was hoping to achieve placing them as major contenders in the music industry. The
album features the hard and fast sound of thrash metal previously only known in the
underground heavy metal scene. Metallica s second album, Ride The Lightening
(1984), did not disappoint as well and obtained the band a contract
A Civil Action By Jonathan Harr And On A True Story
The odds of a plaintiff winning in civil court are two to one against. Most people
do not even try, they settle. Out of the approximate 780,000 cases filed each year,
only 12,000 or 1.5%, ever reach a verdict. These facts are some that are told in the
movie A Civil Action. A Civil Action is based on the book by Jonathan Harr and on
a true story. This movie, which was filmed in 1998, is about a water contamination
case that happened in Massachusetts. The case is known as Anderson v. Cryovac.
John Travolta plays the role of the main character Jan Schlichtmann, who is a
personal injury attorney. Although typically a water contamination case would
not fall into the hands of a personal injury attorney, but in this case, he was just
supposed to be handling the case of a woman s son who died of leukemia. She
called him live on a radio talk show and explained that she had called his firm to
handle the case, and now they would not return any of her calls. He explains how
sorry he was and that he would take care of it as soon as possible. When he asks the
workers back at his firm about this woman, Anne Anderson, who had called him, they
explained that her son was one of twelve people that have died of leukemia in the
town of Woburn, Massachusetts. Out of those twelve people that had died, eight of
them were children. They also mentioned that the residents of Woburn think the water
they use is somehow linked to leukemia, claiming that the water has always tasted
funny. At first, Jan
The Four Gospels Pertaining To The New Testament
The gospel of Luke is one of the four gospels pertaining to the New Testament. The
Gospel of Luke is the most extensive historical account of the life of Jesus. It was
originally written for a certain Theophilus, probably a Gentile of high social standing,
and intended to inform him extensively of the life and work of Christ. Throughout
this gospelthe person of Jesusis presented as the perfect Man who always lived
according to the will of God. And the account that Luke offers us of his life appears
divided in two basic parts: the coming to the world of the Son of God and the return
to his glory. It narrates from before the birth of John the Baptist, until the death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In this gospel Luke tells the story of Jesus
Character Analysis Of Charley Harris In Soldier s Heart
In Gary Paulsen s novel, Soldier s Heart, we meet Charley Goddard. Charley is a 15
year old who
lives in Winona,Minnesota. Although in Earth Sydney Harris is 12 years old, an she
lives in Osceola, Ar.
Charley Goddard and Sydney Harris are both really risky.
Charley wanted to join the war. The second he got in all he did was complain.
Charley said the food was horrible. To Charley the things they did were not war
material. Until, finally soldiers went on a train ride to their first battle. Charley and
the other soldiers got paid for the first time. Charley sent some money to his mother
and brother. Then, finally they arrived at their battle field. Charley was positive that
he was going to die. Charley didn t want to shot a people.
Examples Of Dynamic Characters In A P
Dynamic Characters Sammy from A P was originally distracted when three girls
came into the store he worked at. Sammy was in the middle of checking out the
cash register watcher and did not want anything to do with the girls, but as soon as
his co workers started add specifics about what happened the girls Sammy stands
up for the girls by quitting his job. He observed the girls and thought; he really
examined the queen she in a way set an example for how they should act. When
Sammy s manager Lengal comes in he says, Girls, this isn t the beach, (21). He
continued to repeat this as if he thought it was a funny joke. He was taking pleasure
in correcting them and telling them that they were not dressed appropriately to be in
the store, but at the beach. One of the girls spoke up... Show more content on ...
We just came in for one thing (22). Lengal responded with That makes no
difference... We want you decently dressed when you come in here. He continued
saying, After this come in here with your shoulders covered. It s our policy. In the
story it is clear that there was never a policy at A P that stated that customers must
have their shoulders covered. Lengal did not determine the policies himself, but he
did not even have any say in policies because the kingpins put the policies into
place. The girls rushed to leave the store to get away from the rude comments of
the manager. Sammy turns to his manger and quits and mentions, You didn t have
to embarrass them (23). And Lengal responds with, It was they who were
embarrassing us (23). When he rushes out the girls are nowhere in site. When he
quit he knew that his parents would be disappointed in him, he does it anyway. He
did this for one of three reasons; he was already fed up with the job and this was
his final straw, he was trying to make a statement to these girls that he was their hero
, and he did not appreciate his manager acting this way when he is supposed to help
bring people in, not make them not want
The Weight Molecular Weight Of Pectin
The average weight molecular weight of pectin as shown in Fig.3, Pectin showed two
molecular region bands between 7.85Г—105 and 2.42Г—105Da, with highest
abundance at 7.85Г—105 Da, the 0.35%SHMP extracted pectin sample had average
molecular weight of 3.785x105 Da. The molecular weight was in the same range
(7.85Г—105 and 2.42Г—105 Da) previously reported by Takamine et al., (Takamine
et al. 2007). The high molecular weight could be attributed to fast drying of residues
which inhibited pectinase enzyme action on pectin, besides SHMP is known not to
cause pectin hydrolysis, unlike acid or alkali solution extraction which tend to
hydrolyze pectin through beta elimination (Diaz et al. 2007). The molecular weight
of pectin depends upon its source, method of extraction and treatment it undergoes
after extraction (Fishman et al. 1984). High molecular weight in extracted pectin
indicates that the pectin was not hydrolyzed during extraction. Pectin extracted
from creeping fig had molecular weight ranging from 78.6, 251 and 359.2kDa for
HCl, sulphuric acid and hot water extracted pectin, respectively (Liang et al. 2012),
the low molecular weight of acid extracted pectin was attributed to acid hydrolysis of
pectin. In the same breath hand acid extracted chicken pea pectin had molecular
weight of 110kDa (Urias orona et al. 2010). It is worth noting that, the molecular
weight of carbohydrate is not easy to determine partly owing to their polydisperse
nature, association at higher
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How To Write A Creative Writing Essay. Creative essay writing samples

  • 1. How To Write A Creative Writing Essay Crafting an essay on the intricacies of writing a creative writing essay presents a paradoxical challenge. On one hand, the subject matter is inherently self-referential, demanding a meta- awareness that can be intellectually taxing. The writer must navigate the delicate balance of providing insightful guidance while exemplifying the principles they expound. This requires a nuanced understanding of creative processes, an acute awareness of narrative structures, and an ability to demonstrate rather than merely articulate. Furthermore, the paradox extends to the expectations placed upon the writer. While the essay aims to elucidate the nuances of creative expression, it simultaneously places the author under the scrutiny of their own execution. The pressure to manifest the very principles being discussed can be a daunting task, akin to attempting to paint a canvas that reflects the art of painting itself. The essayist must grapple with the challenge of not only offering substantive advice but also of embodying the creativity they advocate. This recursive demand adds an additional layer of complexity, as the writer is compelled to be both a theorist and a practitioner, seamlessly weaving theory and practice into the fabric of their composition. Moreover, the nature of creative writing essays transcends conventional academic structures, demanding a departure from the more formulaic approaches often employed in standard essay writing. This departure requires a deft touch in navigating the fluid boundaries between creativity and scholarly exposition. The essayist must resist the temptation to succumb to the rigidity of traditional academic discourse while maintaining a level of coherence and clarity that is often expected in scholarly work. In conclusion, composing an essay on the intricacies of writing a creative writing essay is a formidable task that demands not only intellectual prowess but also a practical demonstration of the very concepts being explored. It is a delicate dance between theory and practice, requiring a writer to embody the creative spirit they seek to elucidate. It is, indeed, a challenging endeavor that calls for a unique blend of insight, creativity, and skill. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other writing challenges, a helpful resource is available at, where a range of services and support can be accessed to navigate the complexities of academic writing. How To Write A Creative Writing EssayHow To Write A Creative Writing Essay
  • 2. Visual Aspects of Mythology During The Greco-Roman Era... Visual Aspects of Mythology During The Greco Roman Era Ancient Greece was a culture that took great pride in flawlessness, superiority and on the whole greatness. The Greeks basically molded the imaginative world with their cleverness in art, architecture, and astronomy for many cultures to come. Even though so much of the Greeksculture has been shattered, much of it still remains within society today. The Greeks were a culture that strived for excellence, and harmony. So many aspects of contemporary day life have been in some way, influenced by the Greeks. They were fascinated with the human form, which is revealed in most of their artwork. Perhaps the most common Greco roman era can be seen from the Hellenistic period. Art still served a religious function or to glorify athletes, but sculpture and painting were also used to decorate the homes of the rich. There was an interest in heroic portraits and in colossal groups, but also in humbler subjects. The human being was portrayed in every stage and walk of life. There was even interest in caricature. Landscapes and interiors appeared for the first time in both relief s and painted panels. The great Altar of Zeus from Pergamum, created by Greek artists for King Eumenes 2, was enclosed by a high podium documented with a monumental frieze of the battle between the gods and the giants. Many Hellenistic tendencies were realized in this work. The baroque style of the sculpture was characteristic of the time in its exaggeration
  • 3. Nuclear Medicine Essay Nuclear Medicine is the use of radioisotopes for diagnosis, treatment, and research. Radioactive chemical tracers emit gamma rays which provides diagnostic information about a person s anatomy and the functioning of specific organs. Radioisotopes are also utilizes in treatments of diseases such as cancer. It is estimated that approximately one in two people in Western countries are likely to experience the benefits of nuclear medicinein their lifetime. To understand what a radioactive isotope is a basic understanding of the atom is necessary. Atoms are comprised of three subatomic particles : protons, neutrons and electrons. Protons and neutrons bind together to form the nucleus of the atom, while the electrons surround and orbit the ... Show more content on ... It is interesting to note that Carbon 14 is radioactive while Carbon 12 and Carbon 13 are stable. In nuclear medicine diagnosing techniques, a very small amount of radioactive material is introduced into the body. Because medical isotopes are attracted to specific organs, bones or tissues, the emissions they produce can provide crucial information about a particular type of cancer or disease. Information gathered during a nuclear medicine technique is more comprehensive than other imaging procedures because it describes organ function, not just structure. The result is that many diseases and cancers can be diagnosed much earlier. Nuclear medicine procedures utilize very small doses of short lived isotopes (ones that only stay radioactive for a few hours or days), the amount of radiation received is generally less than or equal to that of an x ray. Whole body and healthy tissue doses can be minimized while the radioisotope is targeted toward the affected tissue or organ. The isotope is then eliminated by the body through the urine or fecal matter. During the last decade, major progress has been made in the treatment of disease with radioisotopes. Treatments involving the use of medical isotopes are gaining momentum in the race against many types of cancer. FDA approved and highly promising therapies are doubling every 3 to 4 years. Some researchers predict that over 80% of cancer types should be treatable with
  • 4. Bambi Childcare Business Plan Essay BUSINESS PLAN Sep 13, 2009 Table of Contents 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY2 1.1 Mission2 2.0 COMPANY SUMMARY2 3.0 SERVICES 3 4.0 MARKET ANALYSIS SUMMARY3 4.1 Market Segmentation4 4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy4 4.3 Competition5 5.0 STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION5 5.1 Sales Strategy5 6.0 HUMAN RESOURCE PLAN6 7.0 LOCATION/FACILITY PLAN15 8.0 INVENTORY MANAGEMENT PLAN17 9.0 FINANCIAL PLAN17 9.1 Expansion Start up Costs18 9.2 Pro Forma Income Statement20 9.3 Pro Forma Balance Sheet21 9.4 Pro Forma Cash Flow22 10.0 REFERENCES23 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Calgary Bambi Childcare is a full service child care/development facility that cares for toddlers from age three months to six years. The Bambi Childcare ... Show more content on ... Bambi Childcare will continue to develop the children s skills. This customer group is typically made up of two professional parents. This would explain why the parents 1) have the money for more sophisticated child care, and 2) are ambitious in terms of their children s learning and development. 5.2 Target Market Segment Strategy Bambi Childcare intends to concentrate on the double income working professional families because they are the segment that can most willingly afford day care, are the ones who need day care because of their work obligations, appreciate the advanced learning and development Bambi Childcare has to offer, and lastly are a growing segment of our society. With both parents working, this segment needs some sort of provisions for the care of their child. Having both parents as professionals, they are ambitious with the development of their child and are willing to pay to get the best program for their prodigy. As Canada continues to be a society of people working long hours, there will always
  • 5. be the need for child care. The trend of longer work weeks is increasing and this drives Bambi Childcare s business. 5.3 Competition There are many different competitors in the child care space. Bambi Childcare only detail the direct, or reasonably direct competitors, and will not detail the countless of other service providers that offer some sort of child care option. Bambi Childcare
  • 6. What Is The Happiest Place At Disneyland The Happiest Place on Earth or at least that is what Disney says on every billboard, commercial and even as you walk into the park. A place of amusement no matter your age, there is something there for everyone. That first step into Disneyland is life changing. The fresh vanilla smell that you get as you walk further into the park. Children running around with their little bubble wands, that take you back to how it was when you were little and your parents brought you to Disneyland. The feeling of knowing that no matter what happened outside of those gates it will all be forgotten because the atmosphere and people around you will bring laughter and happiness. There are some downfalls though because although they have made Disneyland a family friendly place it is quite expensive for people to visit on a daily basis, making it difficult for just anyone to go and enjoy the fun. But even though it is expensive, it is worth the price because you get to create new memories and when you look back at this memory it will bring back that feeling of happiness. Disneyland is well known by everyone around the world now, but there was a time when it almost failed and had to close. On July 17,1955, the time had finally come, it was opening day of Disneyland. For being opening day Walt Disneyand his crew were unprepared for the day; they were nowhere near being ready for guests. The first issue was that a heat wave had moved in and temperatures were at the highest they had
  • 7. Jimmy Baker Sex Addiction Essay My name is Jimmy Baker and I am addicted to pornography. Some consider sex addiction to be an excuse for inappropriate behavior, which from the viewpoint of an outsider is a reasonable misconception. However, these outsiders are unable to comprehend the incessant craving for sexual activities. A sex addict has often been defined as a person who is obsessed with some type of sexual behavior, and whose behavior is compulsive and is continued despite significant adverse consequences (@).(Question 1) Day to day life as a sex addict consists of activities that are common to most middle aged men of this era like watching football on Sundays or taking my dog for a walk with the exception of sex dominating your waking thoughts.(Question 7) My addiction... Show more content on ... One of these few people include my wife. It started off as just a few instances in which my wife walked into accidently. However, what was thought to be a one time occurrence has developed into a more frequent problem. As time progressed and my dependence on pornagraphy increased, more and more of the ones I cared most for slowly began to drift further away. Doing things like attending the Sunday morning service at our local Christian churchwith my family turned into something that I dread going to. Services were no longer inspiring or impelling, but rather filled with lessons that provoked guilt and shame within myself. Sermons that target the repercussions of sexual sins now haunt me and linger in the back of my head day in and day out.(Question 4) The mere thought of my exposure as a sex addict within my church is daunting. Most people assume a sex addict means that I look forward to getting between the sheets with everyone I lay my eyes on. This assumption is what associates the stereotype that all sex addicts are rapist. Therefore, if I were to reveal my identity as one who suffers from the addiction to pornagraphy, I would never live down the relentless questions like, Are you a pedophile? or How many prostitutes do you bring home in a week? .(Question
  • 8. Essay On Marwaris In shaping the history of India, the Marwaris had made a large impact. Even up until today, this business group is the most popular when business class is mentioned. However, their history brings them back long ago, since the 19th century, where they start moving around. Marwaris is definitely the most economically powerful community in all of India. They went from traders to industrialists, with religious reliefs as a contributing factor to their success as well. Starting from the 1813, Charter Act of the British East India Company was renewed and it abolished the monopoly of trade with India. This means that India was opened up to private investments now. Therefore, many British trading companies established in Bombay and Calcutta. However, the British lacked an intermediary in the area. To sell their goods from England as well as getting raw materials from rural areas, the British needed an extensive number of local agents to help them. This is where to Marwaris acted as their intermediary traders and ... Show more content on ... The migrants started as clerks, brokers or agents to the larger Marwaris firms. The early Marwaris migrants helped the latter ones to enter behind them. Thus, the existence of great firms such as Tarachand Ghanshyamdas, founded by the Poddar of Ramghar, and Sevaram Ramrikhadas, founded by the Singhania family, was a critical element in enabling the migration of the Marwaris. From being the employees of the jute firms, the Marwaris bought over the stocks the many jute firms, which were previously under the British merchant houses. With past managerial experience, they floated shares to build new jute mills and other companies. Due to the oversubscription and stock exchange regulations, the Marwaris were able to control a mill even if they own less than 10 to 20 percent of the shares. This led them in dominating the
  • 9. Bounty Paper Towel Analysis Bounty Paper Towels: Bounty Paper Towels, known as the The quicker picker upper started in 1957 in Green Bay, Wisconsin. They are known as the quicker picker upper because they are so absorbent because of the pattern they have and also because they are 2 ply which makes them thicker and more absorbent. At the time, other brands were promoting how strong they were and how soft they were but did not really ever say much about how absorbent they were. After research they discovered that really all customers cared about was how much they absorbed, so that is what they started promoting. In 1965, they came out with a two ply paper towel that was thicker and softer than any other paper towel on the market at that time. Bounty Paper Towels are made
  • 10. William McKinley Essay William McKinley 25th President of the United States. William McKinley was born on January 29, 1843 in Niles, Ohio, a town of about 300 people. He was the 7th child born to William and Nancy Alison McKinley His family moved to Poland, Ohio when he was nine years old so that the children could go to a private school called the Poland Academy. In school William liked to read, debate, and he was the president of the school s first debate club. When he was 16 he went to Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania, for a while before he got sick and had to return home .he did not go back to Meadville, because the family had no money. Instead, he worked as a postal clerk for awhile. When the Civil War started on April 12, 1861, he taught at... Show more content on ... He was rarely seen, while serving as congressman and governor, without his trademark carnation. McKinley served 7 terms in Congress from 1877 1891, except for a 9 months in 1884 1885. The House ruled that his opponent, lawyer Jonathan Wallace, had received the most votes in the 1882 election, so Wallace took McKinley s seat for the rest of the term. McKinley easily got back to the office in the 1884 election. McKinley consistently won re election even though the districts he represented were heavily Democratic. As a congressman, he focused his energies on the tariff problem and became known as a protectionist and as a persuasive speaker. He was usually associated with being on the side of big business, but he also worked hard for labor and later, as governor of Ohio, he encouraged employees to join labor unions and to criticize employers who refused workers the right to organized. Also as congressman he supported gold over silver as the backbone of America s money system. In 1889, Thomas Reed of Maine defeated him in the position of Speaker of the House. McKinley lost his next bid for Congress and returned to Canton in 1891. As governor, a position he held for two terms from 1891 1895, he proposed laws to protect railroad workers and address the issue of child labor, and a state board of arbitration was established to deal with labor and business problems. During this time as governor he became friends with millionaire industrialist Mark Hanna
  • 11. Evidencia 2 Ibm Name: Carlo Giovanni Santiago GarcГaMiroslava Hernandez Rocha| MatrГcula: 27531002744981| Name of the course: International business management | Teacher: Aaron RodrГguez Delgado| Lesson: International Business Environments| Activity: Project part 2| Date: March 7, 2016| Bibliography:https:/ / Canvas Mexican Temptation 283300278508514/?fref=ts | INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTS AND BUSINESSOPERATIONS TERM PROJECT PART 2: CHOOSING YOUR CLIENTS For this second delivery of your term project, you will pick two prospective clients to work with for the rest of the project: first, a company headquartered abroad that is currently ... Show more content on ... iii. USA iv. Australia v. Canada e. Telephone number. vi. 1 877 474 6379 (Toll free in U.S. and Canada) 7:30 AM 12:00 AM CST Monday Saturday 9:30 AM 12:00 AM CST Sunday f. Email. * g. Postal address. h. Maps showing location. III. Introduction and strategy. i. Company history (2 paragraphs). Circa 1962 63, Volume Shoecompany purchased the original Hill Brothers Shoe Company based in Kansas City, Missouri and converted approximately all 25 of their stores to the Payless name. In 1971, Volume Shoe obtained the second Hill Brothers Shoe Store chain that was started in St. Louis, Mo in 1956 by Al Melnick and Sol Nathanson with the assistance and aid of the original Hill Brothers in Kansas City. The St. Louis version of Hill Brothers Self Service Shoe Store went from 3 to 103 stores in the Midwest and South between 1956 and 1971. Volume Shoe originally operated the 103 stores under the Hill Brothers Self Service name. Starting in 1972, Volume Shoe began to consolidate stores in proximity and convert others to the Payless brand. The St. Louis operation of Hill Brothers Self Service stores were known for their bare bones minimalism and the slogan two for five man alive! , that is, women and children s shoes were two pair for five dollars.[7] Payless bought Picway Shoes from the Kobacker department store chain in
  • 12. Directors Duties Hampton Park Pty Ltd (HP) Synopsis. In the case study of Hampton Park Pty Ltd (HP) has four directors; William (Managing Director); Susan, Jack and Gail (Non executive directors). As HP s financial position begins to deteriorate, George, the Chief Financial Officer of the company advises the accounts still show a profit and the company would have a solid base to pay out a dividend to its members. In July 2010cHP s financial state worsens however George declares a technical profit and advises HP can still declare the dividend. June 2010 there was a change in the law for the declaration of dividends however George did not find out about this until late September 2010, the same time the board signed off the financial reports and therefore ... Show more content on ... In the case Vrisakis v Australian Securities Commission10 it is stated that a director is expected to attend all meetings unless exceptional circumstances such as illness or absence from the State prevent him or her doing so . Following this precedent, Susan has breached her common law and statutory duties by failing to attend meetings especially before HP became insolvent. Under section 198D, it states that, Unless the company s constitution provides otherwise, directors may delegate any of their powers to a committee of directors, a single director, an employee of the company or any other person. 11 Under s190(1), it states that If the directors delegate a power under sect 198D, a director is responsible for the exercise of the power by the delegate as if the power had been exercised by the directors themselves. 12 Susan has delegated her power to run the company to William, and if William had any questions he would let her know. There was still a business relationship between the two and therefore Susan will face the same charges as the other directors would. Now knowing the whole story, facts and law precedents, the remedies for breaching section 180 183 of the corporations act is a civil penalty provision: s 1317E13. Under ASIC, the penalty for breaching a director s duty of care is a court order that the director be disqualified from managing corporations.14 George and William have
  • 13. L-Asparagine Lab Report The concentrations of L arginine and L asparagine were measured in the range 0.110 mM. Data was collected from the fluorescence intensity of the Arg and Asn sensing membranes at the two emission wavelengths (О»em = 565 and 625 nm) at an excitation wavelength of 460 nm (О»ex = 460 nm). The fluorescence spectra for detecting L Arg and L Asn were measured using a multifunctional fluorescence microtiter platereader (Saphire2, Tecan GmbH, Wien, Austria). The Arg sensing membranes immobilized with various amounts of arginase and 20 U of urease were used for the measurements of different L Arg concentrations. The arginase amount for immobilization was optimized with 10 U, 20 U, 30 U, 35 U, and 40 U of arginase and with a fixed amount (20 U) of urease. The immobilization efficiency of two enzymes (urease and arginase) into the Arg sensing membrane was calculated by dividing the amount ... Show more content on ... Therefore, a synthetic real sample was prepared to study its effects on the detection of the Arg sensing membrane as follows: 10.0 g L 1 glucose, 3.0 g L 1 KH2PO4, 6.0 g L 1 Na2H2PO4, 0.5 g L 1 NaCl, 2.4 g L 1 MgSO4.7H2O, 0.14 g L 1 CaCl2.2H2O, 1.0% v/v trace elements solution (1.38 g L 1 ZnSO4.7H2O, 5.4 g L 1 FeCl3.6H2O, 1.6 g L 1 MnSO4.H2O. 0.17 g L 1 CuSO4.5H2O, 0.56 g L 1 CoCl2.6H2O, 0.06 g L 1 H3BO3, conc. HCl 10 ml L 1), and L arginine in the concentration range 0.1 10 mM at pH 7.2. 2.4 Ratiometric method The ratiometric method for the L Arg and L Asn biosensors was based on the ratioof the fluorescence intensities (FI565 FI625) of the Arg sensing membrane and the Asn sensing membrane at an excitation wavelength of 460 nm (О»ex = 460 nm) and two emission wavelengths (О»em= 565 625 nm) as follows: R = FI565/FI625 2.5 Data
  • 14. How Did Guernica Change Guernica is named after a village in Spain. In 1937, Picasso got his inspiration for creating this painting after Guernica was bombed by German and Italian planes. Thousands of deadly bombs were dropped over Guernica that left this small village in ruins. Thousands of people were killed and injured. And the fires created by the bombs destroyed 70 percent of Guernica. Prior to the bombing of Guernica, Picasso was in the process of creating another piece of art for the Paris Exhibition, but after hearing the horrific news about the bombing of Guernica, Picasso changed his course, and started working on a new mural titled Guernica. Guernica was ordered by the Republic of Spain. Picasso s painting demonstrates his interpretation of the
  • 15. Aschenputtel Character Traits Character Analysis Essay Most of the time our life doesn t have a huge happy ending. Well in Aschenputtel s case it does. In the Grimm brothers Aschenputtel, a girl, is forced to do grunt work by her step family. One day there was a ball which was a chance for the prince to pick a wife. The evil stepmother and step daughters went to the ball while aschenputtel finished up her chores. Aschenputtel s trusty doves helped her out and gave her a beautiful dress and shoes to wear at the ball. When Aschenputtel entered the ball no one recognized her. She and the prince danced all night long. After going to the ball three times, the prince took quite a liking to her. While aschenputtel was running back home she lost one of her golden slippers. As the prince went around the town trying to figure out who the slipper belonged to he arrived at Aschenputtel s estate. The stepsisters claimed... Show more content on ... On page 753 it says, Cut your toe off, for when you are queen, you will never have to go on foot. So the girl cut her toe off, squeezed her foot into the shoe, concealed the pain, and went to the prince. One of the stepsisters cut of her toe while the other cut off her heel just to fit the golden slipper. They only did it because their mother told them to. Even though the stepsisters new that they weren t the girl he danced with they still did it. Overall the stepsisters are very naive. In this story the stepsisters strongest characters traits are cruel, brutal, and naive. The stepsisters character traits were shown when they made fun of Aschenputtel, made her do all the work, and cut off their toe and heel. If the stepsisters aren t more kind to the people around them then they will miss out on a lot of good friendships. They will also lose all of their current friends if they are not nice to them. That also goes for everyone else in this world. If you are just mean to people then you won t have many people caring for you in the
  • 16. Perfect Gifts and Holiday Cheer Essay Her feet glide across the sterile white tiles, past the storefront windows that hold red baubles and perfectly cut snowflakes, while the strains of Mariah Carey s vocals pound against her resolve. Obese couples drag around obese children and even more obese shopping bags, holding plastic something or others that will be forgotten within the next month. Young men and women wander the halls, searching for that perfect gift for that perfect someone who will be forgotten within the next month. Little children sit on the lap of a fat man, telling him that they want puppies and candies and world peace for Christmas, wishes that will be forgotten when the fat man goes away for another year. Elderly sit on benches, hoping that everything could... Show more content on ... Hayes would give her discounts on some much needed presents. Every year she waited until the last minute to buy them and every year since she moved she d gone to Mr. Hayes. Surprisingly, he has always been well stocked. The only issue with the store is that it resides in the accursed land of The Mall, a scorn to those who would most enjoy Mr. Hayes commodities. As Arden steps into the store she feels blissful relief as the atrocious sound of All I Want for Christmas is You leaves the vicinity of her ears and Bohemian Rhapsody is welcomed readily into her senses. The smells of scented wax and dusty books fill her nostrils, ejecting those of artificial perfumes and bleach. Illustrated covers, stamps, quills, dripping wax, and plush armchairs greet her eyes; the barren whiteness of the crowded hallways is a forgotten memory. And there, in the most overstuffed armchair the world has ever known, sits Mr. Hayes, his wire rim glasses perched on his nose, waiting to slip onto the unforgiving floor. He wears his business attire: a button down shirt under a long brown cardigan, wrinkled suit pants, and leather loafers. His thinning white hair and wrinkled skin had no effect on his eyes, which shone like new pennies. He was a peculiar man, very systematic in his habits, and a great conversationalist when you could get him away from his great pot of melted wax. Arden often joined him there to test out his newest scent
  • 17. President Jimmy Carter Essay example President Jimmy Carter The President of Peace Jimmy Carter was born October 1, 1924, in the small farming town of Plains, Georgia, and grew up in the nearby community of Archery. His father, James Earl Carter, Sr., was a farmer and businessman; his mother, Lillian Gordy, a registered nurse. He was educated in the Plains public schools, attended Georgia Southwestern College and the Georgia Institute of Technology, and received a Bachelor of Science degree from the United States Naval Academy in 1946. On July 7, 1946, he married Rosalynn Smith. When his father died in 1953, he resigned a naval commission and returned to Plains. He became involved in the affairs of the community, serving as chairman of the county ... Show more content on ... The new treaties, passed under the Carter administration and Panama s head of state Omar Torrijos would give Panama full control of the canal on December 31, 1999, at 12:00 midnight. All of the canal s assets would also be turned over to Panama ( The ratification of the Panama Canal treaties was an important step involving a decrease in Third World hostility toward the United States (Dumbrell 212). Carter and his advisors agreed even before the inauguration that the canal negotiations should be an immediate priority. If the United States did not successfully complete negotiations, which had been going on since the Johnson administration, the government of Panama might create conflict in the zone that would require drastic American action (Hargrove 123). Another of President Jimmy Carter s foreign policy accomplishments was his normalizing relations with the People s Republic of China. Over the winter of 1977 1978 Carter cultivated relations with Chinese officials in Washington, and solicited an official invitation to visit China himself. However the president pulled back after his advisor Mondale stated that it was too much to ask the senate to handle the Panama Canal treaties and any new agreements with China at the same time. President Carter was thus told not to be explicit about normalization, and that his visit to China was inconclusive. In the Spring
  • 18. Capital Budgeting Techniques Like Net Present Value Introduction The following paper analyzes a project from financial perspectives using the capital budgeting techniques like Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Background My dad has a textile business, involved in embroidery and painting of the fabric. I have been visiting my dad s office complex and observing the whole process of clothes manufacture. The most important asset for the business is a large machine required for whole painting process. The existing machine with the business is in use from past 4 years and has to be discarded due to some operational issues. As a student of finance, I will analyze the option of replacing this machine with a new one. In analyzing various options from where to purchase the machine, I searched for various dealers, and compared the products with the prices they offered. I narrowed down the choice to one machine provided by Stihl Machinery Co., Ltd. But then dad s financial manager, Mr. David Jones, asked me to reconsider the option. He suggested that the existing machine can still run for another 5 years and the new machine is also expected to work for just five years. Also, the price of the new machine is quite high so it is better to continue using the same old machine. On this argument, I decided to do a detailed analysis of the option to replace the old machine. Only after the financial analysis, I will decide and suggest whether to buy the new machine or not. Analysis and results The financial manager did
  • 19. The Knight Of Light By The Greenest Grass Chapter 1: The Knight of Light The Knight of Light Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a small kingdom that had a sky of the bluest blue, and was surrounded by the greenest grass which was decorated by every flower you could imagine. Within this kingdom there was a village that was filled with happiness, and everyone who lived there was always smiling, for they loved their little village. They loved the blue skies, they loved the green grass that was decorated by every flower you could imagine, and they loved their kingdom. But what the villagers loved most was their beautiful queen. She was a wonderful and benevolent woman who lived in an enormous pure white castle just outside of the village. From there she would ... Show more content on ... Alas, this was not the end of the Darkness s scheme. Once it was done with the village it swept into the queens pure white castle and into the bedchamber of the queen herself. The Darkness then snatched her up in its giant claw and dragged her out of the bedchamber. It dragged her out of the pure white castle, out of the village, and took her into the very depths of Hell themselves. After the queen was taken, the blue skies turned cloudy and grey, the pure white castle became ugly, and discoloured, and an eternal gloom settled upon the kingdom. From that moment on, none of the villagers could smile, for with their glowing queen stolen from them, what reason was there to smile? Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, months turned into years and years turned into centuries, and the kingdom remained the gloomy, grey ghost of the joy it had once celebrated. In that time the queen did not return, and any fool who was brave enough to try and look for her never came back. But then one day, after exactly one hundred years had passed since the Darkness came, a stranger came to the gloomy kingdom, and he was not like the sad, smile less villagers who lived there. No, this man was a knight! For he rode a white stallion and he wore a shining suit of armor, made out of the purest silver which shone like a finely cut jewel, with a
  • 20. The Treatment of Whistleblowers Essay It used to be that whistleblowers were applauded, and they still are in the private sector, but it seems as if government whistleblowers are criticized and many are even criminally charged. There is certainly a different take on their activities. In fact, some advocates counsel federal employees not to come forward with information because if they do, their lives will be destroyed (Shulman, 2007). What often happens is that they will never be able to work in their careers again in the same capacity (Shulman, 2007). Many whistleblowers not only lose their jobs, but they lose their families and friends, and much of their money ends up going to attorneys (Shulman, 2007). Indeed, in today s day and age, there is a surge of whistleblowers... Show more content on ... It can take awhile for someone to speak up, and the hesitancy is largely due to a corporate culture that does not support the practice. It should be noted that there are whistle blowing statutes in many jurisdictions where an employee is allowed to report illegal activity and will be protected from being fired (Larson, 2003). Indeed, whistle blowing is largely encouraged in society in general as the government wants people to come forward when the giants of Corporate America are doing something bad. Of course, when it comes to leaking government secrets that is a different matter entirely. The National Whistleblowers Center says that under Section 403 of the Intelligence Authorization Act, the head of an employee s agency may accuse a whistleblower of leaking classified information (Burghardt, 2011). If this were to occur, the simple accusation could lead to the individual s blocking of access to federal pensions, and this is true even if they are in retirement (Burghardt, 2011). One case that involves a whistleblower who has been ostracized is Thomas Drake. Drake is a former National Security Agency (NSA) employee (Bishop, 2011). The government pursued him for years, and eventually he would plead guilty to just one misdemeanor in that he used a computer without authorization (Bishop, 2011). What did Drake do exactly? Why is he considered to be a whistleblower and why has he been persecuted by the government? Drake warned the
  • 21. The Importance of Providing Students with Physical... The importance of providing students with physical education classes. COM 156 April 10, 2011 Student athletes should be required to take physical education classes like the rest of the school. The very important values that students learn through physical education classes are something that sports cannot teach. If schools do consider an exemption, they must decide what to include in their exemption status. The main role of a student is to learn during his time at school is to learn. Students that are exempt from physical education often do not have to fill the extra time in their schedule with any meaningful classes. Until there is an effective way for students to gain the education outside of the classroom exemptions are hard ... Show more content on ... Physical education classes provide the opportunity to develop a variety of skills. When students play sports only a select group of skills are developed. The National Association for Sport and Physical Education suggestion instruction that includes Instruction in a variety of motor skills that are designed to enhance the physical, mental, and social/emotional development of every child (NASPE, 2003a). The National Association for Sports and Physical Education has a membership that consists of educators and administrators. One of the main goals of the organization is to improve and support high standards in physical education. Their definition shows that Physical education develops more than just the body. It is important that students also have the opportunity to develop emotional and social skills gained through physical education classes. If the students do not receive these skills it can have a negative effect over their lifetime. Students exempt from physical education classes will often have the opportunity to have another study hall. A study hall is a time during school when students who do not have required class in that time period go for that time frame. When I was a student I had many study halls during my high school career. My school did not offer any exception for playing sports the only study halls I had were after all the graduation requirements were met. I had a great deal of time to see
  • 22. Duke Energy Swot Analysis Duke Energy is the largest electric power holding company in the United States, supplying and delivering energy to approximately 7.3 million U.S. customers. Their 2014 operating revenue was $23.9 billion, and as of August 6th 2015 they have $118.5 billion in assets. Duke is a Fortune 250 company, and is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol of DUK. The company has roughly 57,500 megawatts of electric generating capacity in the Carolinas, the Midwest, and Florida. Duke Energyoperates 11 nuclear units at 6 sites in the Carolinas; Brunswick Nuclear Plant, McGuire Nuclear Station, Catawba Nuclear Station, Oconee Nuclear Station, Robinson Nuclear Plant, and Harris Nuclear Plant. The collective generating capability of their Nuclear... Show more content on ... Under the terms of the merger, Piedmont shareholders received $60 in cash for each share of Piedmont Natural Gas Common stock, representing an almost 40 percent premium to Piedmont s closing stock price on October 23, 2015. Piedmont Natural Gas will retain its name and will continue to maintain its considerable presence in portions of North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee, operating as a unit of Duke Energy. Duke currently serves 7.3 million electric customers in the Carolinas, Florida, Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana, while Piedmont distributes gas to more than 1 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. The merger, in the words of Duke CEO, Lynn Good, will provide Duke with a growing natural gas platform. The merger also represents a strategic political partnership, as a recent study determined Duke Energy to be the top political power broker in North Carolina, while Piedmont ranked
  • 23. To Give Up On Words Silence In Western Apache Culture Summary Introduction Keith H. Basso s ethnographic research titled, To Give up on Words: Silence in Western Apache Culture is an investigation of situations when members of a certain Apache community in the western United States assume the state of silence as a form of social interaction. In this paper, I will first note details of the society under consideration and Basso s interests in regards to the questions he is trying to answer. I will introduce some anthropological concepts that are suitable to the discussion, followed by Basso s observations regarding silence in the Apache community, including his methods, arguments, and conclusion. Finally, I will evaluate Basso s findings and deduce if the evidence supports the conclusion made; I will ... Show more content on ... A group of gowД…Д…s then combine to form a gotД…Д…, which is described by Basso as spatially localized clusters. In the Cibecue community, rituals and traditions still carry great importance and play a significant role in communication, despite intervention from Anglo missionaries to modernize the community. A major part of Basso s interests in the Cibecue community is to study the role of silence in a community where focused gatherings are a common mode of public communication. He looks to examine situations where silence becomes the appropriate communicative process and the reasons why it is considered so. Moreover, these situations of silence only occur during a certain period or circumstance that is defined by tradition as well as experience. Another factor in Basso s interest is to define what human emotion determines the decision to remain silent in a particular situation. A discussion of Basso s definition of the term situation will be provided in the next section. Contextual Concepts In order to completely understand the arguments put forth by Basso in his research, it is vital to understand the concept that communication occurs with or without the usage of speech, and in this case through silence. Although the people engaged in this silence are not communicating directly per se, the silence is an acknowledgement of their presence. Interpersonal communication, which occurs face to face, employs three main technical components: a code (an
  • 24. Why Are College Majors Are Created Equal One thing that varies faster than the gasoline price may be the debate around the value of a right path for a young adult which major guarantees a smooth access to a decent job offer. According to the article, Not All College Majors Are Created Equal , the author, Michelle Singletary, indicates that collegedegrees are not the same based on the different majors. She starts her article with a question that she asked her college students, What s your major? Singletary immediately determines her student s future by the major that the student is choosing. Later in the article, she states her opinions on how majors have played a great important role in one s career life by using different examples and statistics. Indeed, college majors are not... Show more content on ... Too many students aren t sure what job they could get after four, five, or even six years of studying a certain major and racking up education loans (255). Singletary is given the fact that numerous students are confused on their own majors even though they have studied for years. And parts of the students even start realizing their majors might be in a hopeless employment situation after they graduate from that particular field. Therefore, before choosing a field of study, it is necessarily worthwhile for students and parents to check out the majors whether in the highest or the lowest unemployment. According to new statistics on unemployment for recent college graduates by The Huffington Post this June, majoring in social science and creative fields, such as anthropology, film, fine art, etc. have earned the top three of the unemployment rate. In contrast, engineering technologies, math, and computer science remain at the top of the employment chart. Alex Tabarrok mentions the harsh unemployment rate in his article, ...More than half of all humanities graduates end up in jobs that don t require college degrees... (250). The society has never shown mercy to students who are unlikely to be employed with the majors they have. Graduating without employment must be one of the biggest nightmares for most students; however, selecting an in demand major can surely decrease the chances of being
  • 25. Essay on The Personality of Othello The Personality of Othello Othello s speech to Brabantio and the Duke in Act 1, Scene 3 is of major importance in describing Othello s personality. This long speech, found in lines 149 to 196, shows Othello for the first time as a person with depth and less as a soldier. This speech is important to the book as a whole because it is a testimony to the strength of the love between Othello and Desdemona, which will later play a major role in the plot. It is also one of the first times that we see Othello trying to influence his audience with his words. The speech given by Othello is intended to convince Brabantio that Desdemona is with him willfully, and not by spells and medicines bought of montebanks (line 74). Her father ... Show more content on ... My story being done, She gave me for my pains a world of (sighs.) She swore, in faith, twas strange, twas passing strange, Twas pitiful, twas wondrous pitiful. She wished she had not heard it, yet she wished That heaven had made her such a man. She thanked me, And bade me, if I had a friend that loved her, I should but teach him how to tell my story, And that would woo her. Upon this hint I spake. She loved me for the dangers I had passed, And I loved her that she did pity them. This only is the witchcraft I have used. Here comes the lady. Let her witness it. Lines 149 196 To influence his audience, Othello uses logic as well as an entrancing tone that surprises and allures his audience of Brabantio and the duke. Othello offers to tell his story, despite his discomfort with words. Othello tells the men that, Rude am I in my speech, and little blessed with the soft phrase of peace. . . and therefore little shall I grace my cause in speaking for myself. (lines 96 104) This preview to his speech gives the men a feeling that he s going to be rough and unlearned when he talks, and definitely unworthy of Desdemona. This idea is quickly dismissed when he does begin to talk, almost magically, and it completely puts Othello in a good light. His tone, imagery, and diction all add to the
  • 26. In the modern finance theory , behavioral finance is a new... In the modern finance theory , behavioral finance is a new paradigm , which seeks to appreciate and expect systematic financial market influence of psychological decision making ( Olsen R A, 1998). In the recent studies irrationality in the decision making was revealed , based on certain cognitive limitations. The present chapter is divided into two aspects According to traditional models in finance and economics, human beings are rational while taking their decision. However the recent studies explain that decision making is based on certain cognitive limitations. As the information s are overloaded, we will be applying certain short cuts or heuristics in order to take a decision. The most important heuristics in the representativeness ... Show more content on ... Essentially, behavioral finance attempts to explain the what, why, and how of finance and investment, from a human perspective (See figure 2). (Shefrin, 2000) however, mentioned the difference between cognitive and affective (emotional) factors: cognitive aspects concern the way people organize their information, while the emotional aspects deal with the way people feel as they register information . Figure 2 The Underpinning of Behavioral Finance Source: (Victor Riccardi Helen K Simon, 2000) PSYCHOGRAPHIC MODELS Models are designed to classify people according to certain characteristics, tendencies or behavior.. Psychographic classifications are particularly relevant with regards to individual strategy and risk tolerance. The useful models of investors psychographic were Barnewall (1987) and Bailard, Biehl and Kaiser (1986). Barnewall Two way model (Barnewall, 1987) This is one of the most previous and most prevalent investor model based on the work of Marilyn MacGruder. Barnewall distinguished the investors into two types : passive investors and active investors. Passive investors are those investors those who have become wealthy passively by inheritance or by risking the capital of others rather than their own capital. They have a greater need for security than they have tolerance for risk. Occupational groups such as corporate executives, lawyers, Chartered Accountants,
  • 27. Eagle Village Case Study Eagle Village is located in Hersey, Michigan. The organizations has many different benefits and departments from six residential houses, adoption/foster care, community camps, and training opportunities. I work in the Ashmun house with 11 adolescents who have who have been victims of abuse and neglect. The residents in the house age range between thirteen and sixteen, and the residents come from all over the state of Michigan. As a resident is moved into Ashmun house, they are expected to successfully complete the program. The program is measured through a point system; the purpose of using a tool like this is for both the resident and the treatment team to track progress on a daily basis scores throughout the level system. It also helps the resident focus on daily goals and privileges. The effectiveness of the point and level system is based on treatment efforts (addressing issues that are transferrable to the residents home environment), focus on the treatment plan (for both resident and their family), as well as systemic framework (step by step plan to achieve the desired outcomes). Change is then measured based on change ... Show more content on ... Being level bumped means that the resident will be moved back one level due to a behavioral infraction. Examples of when a level bump may be issued would be for fighting, level probation due to GPA or daily scores not being met. The last bump is a full bump, which means that the resident would move from whatever level they are on they, will be bumped back down to Hand stage probation. Increase level of supervision is also required for full bumps. Also all privileges are suspected and the resident must address all issues related to their full bump before they are released from probation. Examples of when a resident may have a full level bump would be for assaulting a staff, having a positive urine test, running away, being arrested and/or having unsafe
  • 28. British Imperialism During The First War Of Indian... British Imperialism in India Indian Independence The first war of Indian independence, also known as the 1857 Indian Rebellion, was not the first challenge to British authority, but it was the first to feature widespread coordination with increased levels of intensity. It began with discontent within the sepoy army. Initially, the soldiers were well paid to keep their loyalty, but the EIC failed to increase pay to match the inflation rate. Moreover, they received the impression that the Company was attempting to change Indian religions, due to the criticism of missionaries in India, previous violations of Hindu religious conventions, and the introduction of new cartridges that were greased in pig fat and beef tallow, the previous ... Show more content on ... However, India would have to pay for the damages of the mutiny through increased taxes. The next major step toward independence occurred with the founding of the Indian National Congress (INC) in 1885 at Bombay. Despite claims of secularism and religious toleration, the INC was a mostly Hindu organization, and in 1906, the Muslim League was formed. Together, they represented the public opinion for swaraj, or self rule, and served as a way for Indians to participate in politics in response to rising Indian nationalism. One of their first campaigns was the swadeshi movement, a boycott of British products in favor of Indian domestic goods, which won them autonomy at the provincial level. Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869 1948), also referred to as Mahatma (meaning Great Soul ) Gandhi, entered the INC as its president in 1920. He worked under the principles of ahimsa, non violence, and satyagraha, truth struggle, to convince the British that it had wrongfully repressed India, and work together with the them to reverse its effects. From 1930 to 1934, he launched a series of civil disobedience movements. The most notable of these was the Salt March in 1930, to protest the salt tax imposed by the British. Gandhi, along with Sarojini Naidu
  • 29. Binary Options Essay Binary Options BY ADMIN ON FEBRUARY 20, 2013 IN BINARY OPTIONS Binary options make it possible, even for a novice to invest and earn profits, in stock trading. You do not need to be a Trade guru to gain high profits here, all you need is the will to be rich and that too fast! Times have changed and so have all the investment and trading options as well. Online trading activities have taken the entire financial world by storm and it is evident by the sheer number of different online trading platforms and brokerage firms emerging on daily basis. With great many advantages and benefits offered to the investors, it is obvious why; millions of traders and investors are making beelines for this interesting, online format of trading, rather than the traditional ones. When speaking about the benefits offered by online binary trading options service providers, we mean, the spectacular range of tools and applications available for making our investment a sure shot success. A good trading platform is distinguished on the basis of the support team and help offered to its clients. Exceptional applications and tools using mails, phone and live chat options etc are all at the customer s disposal. A cautious trader is furnished with all the updates in the payout charts, market news, price fluctuations and trade analysis, which he might need for his ventures. Binary options are always dealing with innovations and discoveries. All the latest trading solutions as well as market surveys
  • 30. Pedagogy Of The Oppressed By Paulo Freire Paulo Freire s book Pedagogy of the Oppressed analyzes the issues of different styles and techniques of teaching. Whether it be at school, home, or by a parent education can be pushed upon you in different forms. These manners of education can treat people as objects; use forms of paternalism due to authority over someone, and restrict people from having freedom and responsibilities. One of the mechanisms Freire talks about is banking education: Education thus becomes an act of depositing, in which the students are the depositories and the teacher is the depositor. Instead of communicating, the teacher issues communiquГ©s and makes deposits, which the students patiently receive, memorize and repeat. This is the banking concept of education, in which the scope of action allowed to the students extends only as far as receiving, filing, and storing the deposits. Ever since I can remember I always noticed I would be in classes in school that portrayed banking education in some form. In this essay, I will talk about my college history class and how it functions, the perspective I have about my teacher, and how I m able to pass the class. Last fall semester is when I started college here at Del Mar. I had only enrolled in three classes, and being how I was only a freshman starting my first semester in a whole new environment, I wanted to make sure I was taking things slow. The class that stood out to me the most, concerning banking education, was my history 1301 class taught
  • 31. Langston Hughes Use Figurative Language In The Theme For... Poetry Analysis for the Theme for English B Langston Hughes the speaker and author of the poem Theme for English B uses figurative language, imagery, and tone to develop the theme of racial discrimination. The poem focuses on how he is different from a racial standpoint but is similar in the way he lives and is an American. Langston Hughesuses figurative language throughout his poem. I feel and see and hear, Harlem, I hear you. (Line 18). This is an example of personification in his poetry. He uses a metaphor in this quote we two you, me, talk on this page. (Line 19). The way Hughes uses this figurative language brings depth and requires the reader to think about what is written and in turn, engages the reader. Langston Hughes also
  • 32. Every Car Needs A Breathalyzer Essay Every Car Needs a Breathalyzer In the United States each year over thirteen thousand people die in an alcohol related accident (Szczesny, Joseph R). Many people feel they are not safe with the presence of a drunk driver being on the road at the same time as they are. People are trying to find a solution to this problem and they have been thinking about putting a breathalyzer in every car that is on the road today. Having a breathalyzer in every car would not only prevent drunk drivers from being on the road but it would also save a lot of lives (Should Every Car Have a Built in Breathalyzer). People think that putting it in people s cars is just a waste of money but in the long run it would save many lives and put a halt to all of the DUI s ... Show more content on ... The number one crime for Americans being arrested in the United States is because of drunk driving (Szczesny, Joseph R). In this country there are one point five million Americans arrested on DUI charges each year. These interlock systems already exist today so many people already have to use them. The reason for people having them today is because they have already gotten multiple DUI s and they must use one to drive. In the United States today there are one hundred and fifty thousand of these units being used and if they work to stop frequent drunk drivers then they will definitely work to stop all drunk drivers. The crime will dramatically be diminished if these units find their way into every automobile on the road. Hospitals will find more rest because they will not have to care for an intoxicated driver that has crashed. Today drunk driving accidents account for twenty percent of emergency room costs and there is no reason for that to be that high. Not only will it save emergency room costs but also it will help with people s auto insurance bill. In the nation there is eighteen percent of the auto insurance bill that is higher because that person got a DUI. If these Interlock systems are passed there will be a countless number of lives saved and many people that will not be injured. People will feel safer when they are on the road and people will
  • 33. Modern Inquisitions Chapter Summaries Tim Huntress History 1110:005 Dr. Sivananda Mantri Modern Inquisitions: Peru and the Colonial Origins of the Civilized World The book Modern Inquisitions: Peru and the Colonial Origins of the Civilized World was written by Irene Silverblatt. This book described the medieval civilization of Peru and colonial Andes. It also went into great detail about the inquisitions of the Roman Catholic church. Irene Marsha Silverblatt was born on September 14, 1948 in Philadelphia, PA. She graduated college from the University of Michigan. She is now a Professor at Duke University. This book focused mainly on the Spanish inquisition of Peru from 1570 to 1820. In this time Spanish colonists brought the European way of life to Peru. An inquisition was a judicial stystem in the Roman Catholic church that aimed to fight heresy.... Show more content on ... It was first abolished by virtue of a Cortes decree. In 1815 it was reconstituted but their target was now the ideas from the French, who had more civilized ideas. Most people who were accused of crimes after this were only given probation. However a breakthrough came with the promotion of Jose de la Serna to the viceroyship of Peru. The inquisition eventually fell apart due to its own fault. The hero who abolished the inquisition was Jose de la Serna, who lived from 1770 1832. He was a respected Spanish general and colonial official of Peru. He was the last Spanish viceroy of Peru to exercise effective power from January 29, 1821 to December 1824. He carried out orders as the viceroy to negotiate for a peaceful settlement of Peru which would not allow the Roman Catholic church inquisition to be a part of it. `In the end there was a war called the Peruvian War of Independence. It was a series of military conflicts beginning in 1811 that culminated in the proclamation of the independence of Peru by Jose de San Martin on July 28, 1821. This war eventually gave Peru their independence from
  • 34. A Critique Of Dr. Jay E. Adams A Critique of Dr. Jay E. Adams, Dr. William Backus Marie Chapian Counseling Theories Belinda Jeanette Prescott Liberty University A Critique of Dr. Jay E. Adams, Dr. William Backus Marie Chapian Counseling Theories Concise Summary of Theory Adams (1986), has developed a four step process in which he lines up and bases off of II Timothy 3:14 17, the four steps include, teaching, conviction, correction, and disciplined training in righteousness. Adams says just as evangelism always must precede edification, these four steps must always occur in the same order (p. 13). Adams bases his counseling concept on these four steps and II Timothy 3:14 17. Adams (1986) is not one to integrate psychology into the Christian counseling process. Adams (1986) teaches in this book that Scripture is the only way to counsel people and that integrating psychology into the counseling practice goes against scripture. Backus (2000) gives a three step process to becoming a happy person, they include realizing your misbeliefs, removing your misbeliefs, and replacing those misbeliefs with truth. He references Proverbs 23:7a which reads For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he (KJV). This is telling us that however we think of ourselves in our hearts, we will believe those thoughts as truths even if they are lies. Satan has a way of creeping into our thought lives and altering the thought pattern of those who will let him, when a person is weak, and not strong in the Scriptures, this
  • 35. Advocate Illinois Masonic And The Chicago Union Hospital Advocate Illinois Masonic has a rich history in how it became the hospital it is today. Before it was called Illinois Masonic, it was the Chicago Union Hospital. The Union Hospital was organized during the time of rebuilding post the great Chicago fire in 1901. Belden Avenue Baptist Church Steadfast Sunday School organized the union hospital. Amongst the board members of the hospital where some Masons who formed an association for the purpose of providing free medical and surgical treatment for master masons, members of the Eastern Star, and members of their families. In 1921 the Illinois Masonic Hospital Association purchased Chicago Union Hospital. Advocate Illinois Masonic is a 408 bed Level I trauma center teaching hospital. Although the hospital isn t attached to a university, it plays host to 200 residents and 500 students. The HIM department rests on the first floor and basement. The department has close to 40 employees. At this particular facility the morgue is under HIM department, which is a new trend. The HIM department has ROI, Outpatient Coding, Vital Stats, Medical transcription and unbilled accounts, Risk Management, Subpoena Clerk, Deficiency Analyst, Registry coder, Document Imaging and HIM Clerk. These are the different areas of the HIM department at Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center. Document Imaging Arriving to my first PPE experience was exciting and nerve racking at the same time. When I walked into Advocate Illinois Masonic I was taken back by
  • 36. God And Man Have A Bond Together Which came first, man s need for a relationship with God or God s desire for a relationship with man? This answer to this question is interpreted differently based on every individual s understanding and specific relationship with God. The truth is that both God and man have a bond together. The only difference is that Godalways wants a bond with man and will always work for one while man often does not realize that he needs a relationship with God, and at times does not put in the effort that is required to sustain a long term relationship. God s character is often misinterpreted through scripture, and many people do not fully understand what they are receiving when they form a relationship with the Lord. Many also do not understand that God wants a relationship with every one of his creations because of his unwavering love for them. Psalm 139 emphesizes God s sovereign love and desire to form a relationship with all of his creations through his characteristics of omnipresence, omnipotemce, and omniscience. God s omnipresent character in Psalm 139 correlates with his desire to love and be loved by his creation. Omnipresence derives from the theological term meanig always present. God wants to be present through triumphs and struggles to show his eternal love for his beings. David uses the second stanza to highlight God s never ending presence. David begins verse 7 questioning how he could avoid God saying Where can I go from your spirit? Where can I flee from your
  • 37. Emergency Management And The Homeland Security Information... Introduction Emergency management functions around four main ideas, mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. These terms are widely used throughout the federal emergency management agency, which in turn integrates them into every aspect of emergency management as a whole. Using the terms mentioned helps create programs such as web based situational awareness programs the Homeland Security Information Network known as HSIN . Web based situational awareness programs are vital programs to have during any emergency event, whether it is used during an active emergency event, training for an event, or for everyday use. The city of Everett currently uses one form of web based situational awareness program that is mainly used by first responders such as policeand fire agencies. Integrating a new system that is beneficial for all federal, state, local, and tribal agencies as well as organizations is the most beneficial for interoperability. The current city emergency managementplans uses HAZUS software, Wireless Emergency Alert and some other great software programs. But, using a system like HSIN allows for each program to be dumped into one system that paints a broad picture of situations as it unfolds that allows emergency managers or incident commanders delegate responsibilities. Program Overview Everett is currently the third most populated county in Washington State. The county is roughly three quarters of a million people, with Everett being the most
  • 38. Witch Of Blackbird Pond Summary Witch of Blackbird Pond Plot This book is about a sixteen year old girl who lived in Barbados all her life but is now moving to Wethersfield Connecticut. She is going there because after her grandfather died her only family left was her Aunt Rachel. When she lands in Connecticut her aunt doesn t accept her because she had no idea kit was even coming. Her uncle finds out that she is an orphan so he lets her stay. She now has to do a lot of laboring chores. The main conflict is that Kit isn t in her comfort zone. She is used to wearing nice clothing and not doing a lot of labor intensive chores, but now she has to wear plain clothes and do a lot of labor. She doesn t like this at all. A fever hits Wethersfield
  • 39. Essay On Air Pollution Energy is essential to life. Without it, billions of people would be left cold and hungry. The major source of energy comes from fossil fuels, and the dominant fossil fuels used today by most industrialized and developing countries are oil, coal, and natural gas. This burning of fossil fuels is causing several health and environmental issues. The first issue is air pollution. As many of you already know, burning fossil fuels emits several air pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide and the most common pollutant, carbon dioxide. These harmful gases are toxic to both the environment and public health. Another issue associated with air pollution is acid rain. Acid rain is formed when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen ... Show more content on ... Nevertheless, there is one simple solution to this global crisis: The hydrogen fuel cell. Fuel cells are used in a wide range of portable, stationary and transport applications, such as battery chargers and home heating, but the fuel cell is best known for powering cars. Fuel cells are quite possibly the most versatile energy solution ever invented. The fuel cell seems like the perfect energy source: Quiet, clean and independent of gasoline. In a fuel cell vehicle, the fuel cell transforms hydrogen and oxygen into electricity, and the left over heat and water is all that it emits. Most importantly, the fuel cell is environmentally friendly. Take NASA as an example. NASA is a world known space program, and their technology expands the frontiers of knowledge and capabilities in aeronautics, science, and space. NASA develops the latest innovative technology and has the best scientists and engineers from around the world working for them. Quote from NASA Producing power without damaging our environment is a continuing challenge. Fossil fuels like gasoline, coal, and jet fuel are non renewable, and burning these fuels is increasing air pollution and harms the environment. Batteries have limited lifetimes and need to be disposed of in hazardous waste landfills. Many environmentally friendly alternatives (solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal power) can only be used in specific environments. In contrast, hydrogen fuel cells have near zero
  • 40. Outline On Alcoholism With Outline 1. What is alcoholism? 2. How do people become alcoholics? 3. What are the effects of alcoholism, on both the alcoholic and their family? 4. How do you diagnose alcoholism? 5. Is there a cure for alcoholics? 6. What is the treatment? What is Alcoholism? Alcoholism can be defined as the dependency on alcohol; addiction to alcohol. It is a chronicdisease, this disease called alcoholism is progressive and potentially fatal. In 1966 the American Medical Association (AMA) declared Alcoholism a disease, but it is still judged morally by society said Father Martin. There are different types of alcoholics, the first type of alcoholic is the everyday drinker. These alcoholics drink on a daily basis with a high dependency on alcohol. A... Show more content on ... Alcoholism causes excessive absences at work. Which causes loss of money for both the employee and the employer. Up to 40% of industrial fatalities and 47% of industrial injuries can be linked to alcohol consumption and alcoholism. Alcohol also impairs productivity at work. Alcohol seriously effects one out of every ten Americans. It is the cause of more deaths, violence, family disruption and job absenteeism than any other substance. How do you diagnose alcoholism? Alcoholism is a tough disease for doctors to diagnose, due to the fact that any physical effects of alcoholism can be viewed as another medical problem. The alcoholic is in denial and is not going to tell the doctor how much they drink, unless the doctor asks, but most doctors don t. You can diagnose yourself by answering some of the following questions: 1. Have you gotten into financial difficulties as a result of drinking? 2. Is alcohol making your life unhappy? 3. Has drinking alcohol ever been behind your losing a job? 4. Has your efficiency decreased since drinking? 5. Has your ambition decreased since drinking? 6. Does drinking cause you to have difficulty sleeping? 7. Have you ever felt remorse after drinking? 8. Do you crave a drink at a definite time daily? 9. Do you want a drink the next morning? 10. Have you ever had a complete or partial loss of memory as a result of drinking? 11. Is drinking affecting your reputation? 12. Does drinking make you careless of your
  • 41. A Comparison Of A Worn Path And A Rose For Emily The two stories, A Worn Path and A Rose for Emily are very similar in some ways but yet different in their own unique way. When you look at the characters, their theme and tone, you can clearly see the difference in these two stories. Miss Emily and Phoenix both have mental problems. In A Worn Path the story deals with Phoenix s life and the love she has. When Phoenix was walking and traveling through the Natchez Trace she was face with problems. Phoenix love for grandson shows her determination along the way of her journey. While reading the story it appeared that Phoenix does not have a Grandson, or at least he was not alive anymore. She told the Doctor that her Grandson had a sore throat for a long time. When the doctors asked how ... Show more content on ... They both had a different financial status and family upbringing but there mental state is the same. In A Worn Path, Phoenix was faced with several problems but she still managed to get the medicine for her grandchild no matter problems she faced along the way. In the story A Rose for Emily, she just did not want to be alone. Emily and Phoenix both accomplished their goals, Emily was not left alone and Phoenix got her medicine for her grandchild. The theme of both stories are different. Emily doesn t want to go anywhere, she just wants to sit at home and have people visit. Phoenix s story take place during her journey on the Natchez Trace and her story unfolds as she is out and about traveling to get medicine for her grandchild. Phoenix was very determine to get the medicine. She was also more talkative then Emily. In both stories, A Rose for Emily and A Worn Path, they were told in third person. When reading both stories it is hard to tell if they were mentally disturbance or not because you could not tell what they were thinking. You cannot tell what Phoenix was thinking when she was walking through the trail, when she tripped or when she got to town. Which made it difficult to tell if she was sane. You could immediately tell Emily was crazy when she killed her boyfriend and slept with the dead body. Emily showed emotions which displayed she was not mentally stable The two stories both deal with elderly women
  • 42. Main Purpose of security management The Main Purpose of Security Management and Security Measures must be Commensurate with the Threat For us to identify security management we first have to breakdown the meaning of security management because one person s ideology of security can be totally different to someone else s, therefore to define security in Latin (secura with care) basically translates to be free from danger. To need security management we first have to identify a threat because without a threat we can t fully understand or comprehend the task at hand, Management is how we go about implementing our principals of management that we have learned throughout our careers and personal approaches to the systems that have been proven over the years in successes and ... Show more content on ... For us as security managers to begin to dissect the threat we must go back to the Risk and threat assessment as stated in (Risk and Security management 2008) the threat assessment specifically defines the scope, nature and impacts of risk the company may face during the life span of the operation. It should be written in the context of both the risk environment and the company s risk tolerences, as these will define what risks are considered noteworthy and which fall within acceptable ranges for a project or organization. The Security Director should not assume that the initial threat assessment will be read in conjunction with the intelligence review. Therefore the key elements from the intelligence review should be included (if) to clarify the environment in which the organization will operate. The threat assessment can be conducted in isolation of a site visit, although specific risks associated with the project will be difficult to ascertain without firsthand knowledge through an actual visit. Secondary threat assessment may be done concurrently with, or as part of the security survey to provide the final specifics for the organization itself, as opposed to the more overarching initial assessment. The Risk assessment will be a vital part of the whole security plan which is a document which basically covers the whole
  • 43. Different Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Over the last six weeks we learnt a lot in this course. We learnt that advanced practice nursing has evolved over the years to become recognized today as an important and growing trend among healthcare systems worldwide. Different advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) roles were identified such as nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, nurse anesthetists, or nurse midwives who all play a pivotal role based on different set of clinical skills and knowledge to impact in the future of health care. The educational qualifications of APRNs role must be at least up to the graduate level. Other RN specialty identified included; nurse educator, nurse informaticist, nurse administrator, nurse executive, nurse manager, and clinical nurse leader. Learning the evolution of APN helped me understand where the practice started and where it is heading. The domains of nursing practice and the core competencies of the APRN role were explored. The four domains in relation to competencies were identified as clinical practice, nursing profession, system levels, and health policy. The competencies define APRN role and distinguish it from the specialty RN practice role. Direct clinical practice was acknowledged as the most fundamental of the seven competencies for every APN. As an NP it is vital to develop the clinical expertise in order to perform competent and safe care. I plan to achieve this by completing my program and practicum as an NP student as required by South University
  • 44. How Does Anne Bradstreet Reflect The Puritan Works Puritanism was a religious reform kineticism within the Church of England in the tardy sixteenth century. Jonathan Edwards spoke sermons using Puritan characteristics. Anne Bradstreet wrote poetry using Puritan characteristics. Although, both writers used puritan characteristics, Bradstreet s literature better reflects the puritanworks, because Bradstreet saw religionas a personal inner experience, expressed connections between God and everyday life, and had a plain style of writing. The first reason why Bradstreet poetry best reflects puritans characteristics the best is, because she saw religion as a personal inner experience. Bradstreet gave personal details about her life and connects it to god. When her house burned down she said it
  • 45. The Driving Of Car Cars It s all fun and games till someone gets hurt, is something I have heard constantly ever since my hot wheel days. Now as I have grown into a young adult cars are something I eat, breath, and dream about cars. As I got older, I constantly am modifying and making sure my car is always clean as glass. I enjoy being around cars, there is always the jeopardies of being a carenthusiast are always being annoyingly cautious of cars, having constant money issues, and also getting into trouble. First, one problem that is facing most car guys is that they are on top of the actions that happen near their car. Car guys are constantly cleaning their car. When passing by one there is a tendency of seeing them hold on to a microfiber towel and detailer spray to keep their cars clean. In my case, you will never seem without my Chemical Guy quick detailer in my hand, making sure my car shines as bright as it can possibly. Next, car guys always tend to park ridiculously. They will always take up more than one space just so that no one ever mess up their paint jobs. Even when parking on a sidewalk, they try to stay away from the curb so they don t scratch the rims that they have. I have an issue with my car being too low and always either scraping the bottom of my car or even my rims. Finally, they always have a trend of giving people dirty looks. When they see someone or to get something close to their car they start to have a mini heart attack and rush as fast as they can to make sure the
  • 46. Urban Outfitters Case Study History CJ was informally assessed by means of the Making Action Plans Inventory in the area of family history. CJ disclosed that her mother passed away a few years ago and she has a very disconnected relationship with her father. For the time being, she resides with her older brother who delivers pizza. Additionally, CJ specified that she has a new boyfriend, Mateo, who works at Flesh Wound, a tattoo parlor outside of the mall. She further explained that she was fired from Urban Outfitters because she made an impolite remark about a customer s clothing. Since the incident at Urban Outfitters, CJ now works part time at Mateo s tattoo parlor after school. Dreams Fears From the Making Action Plans Inventory, CJ was informally evaluated in the content area of dreams and fears. Results concluded that CJ still dreams of moving to Manhattan, New York. She gave a detailed explanation of how she fell in love with the New York skyline through the many pictures that she has seen over the years. CJ also indicated that she wants to travel to Manhattan because of the many opportunities that New York has to offer.... Show more content on ... However, this is conflicting because she later declared her hatred of cleaning. As a second career, her dream would be to become a tattoo artist. CJ then explained that she is not extraordinary in art, but would like further information on art institutes close to New York. Though CJ believes that an art institute would further her artistic abilities, she then expressed her concern of not having suitable grades to be accepted into an art program. Additionally, CJ identified that she lacks the ability to be financially stable. She also expressed her worries about finding appropriate housing in New
  • 47. Descriptive Essay About Coffee Shop I walk down Hillsborough Street on a windy, brisk day, passing many people on the sidewalk. I approach the store entrance, noticing the large, hand painted sign in their front window. Opening the door, I walk in and instantly feel warm and comfortable. The store is dimly lit with soft jazz playing in the background. Many tables and booths line the store and most are filled with students working and people socializing. I approach the counter and order my regular, an iced mint mocha. As I order, the employee and I make small talk, asking each other about our days. After I order, I step to the side to wait for my drink. As I wait, I look around the store, seeing the shelves of art and cultural pieces in the front and posters advertising their locally roasted coffeeand the fair trade practice. An employee calls out my drink and I take it from the counter, thanking the employee as I walk away. I walk back toward the front, open the door and exit; warm and happy from getting my favorite coffee and the welcoming store environment. Global Village is a local coffee shop on Hillsborough Street and is very popular among both NC state students and the local Raleigh community. Global Village is a unique and vibrant place with an inviting, warm environment. I gravitated toward Global Village for this project due to the uniqueness of the shop. As I began to explore what made the shop unique, I realized that there are specific values that sets Global Village apart from other coffee
  • 48. The Four Basic Food Molecules A molecule is a group of atoms bonded together that represent the smallest unit of a chemical compound that can take part in a chemical reaction. (http:/ / In kitchen chemistry today, there are many types of food molecules such as minerals, vitamins, fiber, and water. But there are four molecules that people refer to as food, also known as the four basic food molecules, which can be used to produce energy which are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and alcohol which is not considered a basic nutritional component of food. Protein is a compound that s made up of amino acids that are joined by peptide bonds. It is considered the most important molecule which can come in two forms, complete proteins and incomplete proteins. ... Show more content on ... Carbs that are composed of monosaccharide s break down under hydrolysis which can also be classified under disaccharides, oligosaccharides, or polysaccharides, depending on how many monosaccharide units are present. Carbs can also be called simple or complex carbohydrates but this depends on their chemical structure. Simple carbohydrates only include sugars that are found in foods like fruits, vegetables, milk, and milk products. They also include sugars that are added during food processing and refining. Complex carbohydrates include whole grain breads and cereals, and starchy vegetables such as green beans, broccoli, peppers, cucumbers, carrots, mushrooms, or celery which are also good sources of fiber. Last, we have vitamins. These are organic compounds that are essential in our diet. They fall into two categories and those categories are fat soluble and water soluble. The fat soluble vitamins, Vitamins A, D, E, K all dissolve in fat and can be stored in your body. The water soluble vitamins which are vitamin B C need to be dissolved in water before your body can absorb them. Because of this, people s bodies can t store these vitamins and any B or C vitamin that your body doesn t is lost. So it is highly recommended that you have these vitamins every day. Vitamins help the immune system work; support normal growth and development, and help cells and organs do
  • 49. Princess Diana s Suicide It s me, Charlotte. Princess Diana and her boyfriend Dodi Al Fayed died as a result of a car accident yesterday. They were trying to get away from the press when their car hit a tunnel near the Place de l Alma in Paris, France. According to the news, she died in a Paris hospital at four in the morning and she was thirty six years old. She died because she had internal bleeding and cardiac arrest because of the accident (Kornblut). My friends and I were devastated to hear the news. We loved Diana! I think that most people liked her more than they liked her ex husband Charles (Lyall). We were also sad to hear about her divorce with Charles, Prince of Wales last year, after being married for around fifteen years. Although they have been formally
  • 50. Essay on District Budget Design In a time of financial hard ships, balancing a districts budget has become increasingly difficult. As a school board member for the Peoria School district it is important and crucial to effective budget decision making to be educated on the school districts budget design and delegated responsibilities within the system. These decisions need to be made based on the protection of public funds and property. The legal responsibility for such protection rests solely with the board of education in each school district (Brimley, Verstengen, Garfield, 2012, pg. 332). Areas vital to this effective decision making of a board member are account practices, superintendent and board member responsibilities for a building budget, key terminology, how... Show more content on ... 306). The important part of any accounting practices is that they are uniform, well planned and researched, and using the fund in the most efficient, effective way. Superintendent and School Board s Responsibilities The superintendent, by law in some states and by assignment in others, is the executive officer charged with carrying out the programs that the budget authorizes (Brimley, Verstengen, Garfield, 2012, pg. 284). Some of these responsibilities are delegated within the business staff and district administrators. The school boards responsibility for operating schools carries with it stated and implied powers for the protection of public funds and property (Brimley, Verstengen, Garfield, 2012, pg. 332). The board will be presented the budget upon completion and their job is to approve the budget. If they do not approve, they must give administrative staff ideas on how to approve the plan in order for them to approve it. The principals are chief financial officer at the school level (Brimley, Verstengen, Garfield, 2012). The principal will carry out the plan and distribute money according to the needs of his or her school. The principal will establish a two sided budget and ledger sheet with all receipts and expenditures along with monthly reports that will be reported to the district office (Brimley, Verstengen, Garfield, 2012). Decentralize budget decisions pertaining to
  • 51. Analysis Of Metallic Decades Of Metal Dominance Metallica: Decades of Metal Dominance Thrash metal band Metallica has an expansive history of over thirty years. Trials and tribulations continuously impact the band however, they are always able to unify after tragedy. With each set back Metallica encounters; whether it is the loss of a band member or low album sales, a reinvention occurs within their music. Despite performing music for the masses, Metallica retains mysterious qualities. Band members have effectively kept their private lives out of public scrutiny that often plagues successful musicians. Founding Members The vision to create the ultimate rock band stemmed from the imagination of drummer Lars Ulrich. Ulrich s progressive upbringing in a wealthy family of Sweden came with ... Show more content on ... Hetfield has a rougher, edgier exterior that works for the thrash metal scene. Hetfield played the underground heavy metal scene for a few years before his fateful try out with Ulrich. With the merging of these two minds the story of Metallica begins. 1980 s With the collaboration of a shared dream, the next two musicians added to Metallica were guitarist Lloyd Grant and bassist Ron Govney. With the completion a band in 1981, Metallica began writing and performing songs. They released their first demo tape, No Life til Leather in the underground Los Angeles heavy metal scene ( Shortly after this release Metallica moved to the Bay Area. Relocating to the San Francisco area played a major role in the evolution of Metallica. With the move came the ousting of Grant and Govney whom were replaced by Dave Mustaine, lead guitarist and Cliff Burton on bass guitar. Before long, in 1982, Mustaine departed from Metallica to be replaced by Kirk Hammett. With the formation of the ideal Metallica finally complete they went to work on their first album. Kill Em All released in 1983, embraced the heavy metal feel Metallica was hoping to achieve placing them as major contenders in the music industry. The album features the hard and fast sound of thrash metal previously only known in the underground heavy metal scene. Metallica s second album, Ride The Lightening (1984), did not disappoint as well and obtained the band a contract
  • 52. A Civil Action By Jonathan Harr And On A True Story The odds of a plaintiff winning in civil court are two to one against. Most people do not even try, they settle. Out of the approximate 780,000 cases filed each year, only 12,000 or 1.5%, ever reach a verdict. These facts are some that are told in the movie A Civil Action. A Civil Action is based on the book by Jonathan Harr and on a true story. This movie, which was filmed in 1998, is about a water contamination case that happened in Massachusetts. The case is known as Anderson v. Cryovac. John Travolta plays the role of the main character Jan Schlichtmann, who is a personal injury attorney. Although typically a water contamination case would not fall into the hands of a personal injury attorney, but in this case, he was just supposed to be handling the case of a woman s son who died of leukemia. She called him live on a radio talk show and explained that she had called his firm to handle the case, and now they would not return any of her calls. He explains how sorry he was and that he would take care of it as soon as possible. When he asks the workers back at his firm about this woman, Anne Anderson, who had called him, they explained that her son was one of twelve people that have died of leukemia in the town of Woburn, Massachusetts. Out of those twelve people that had died, eight of them were children. They also mentioned that the residents of Woburn think the water they use is somehow linked to leukemia, claiming that the water has always tasted funny. At first, Jan
  • 53. The Four Gospels Pertaining To The New Testament The gospel of Luke is one of the four gospels pertaining to the New Testament. The Gospel of Luke is the most extensive historical account of the life of Jesus. It was originally written for a certain Theophilus, probably a Gentile of high social standing, and intended to inform him extensively of the life and work of Christ. Throughout this gospelthe person of Jesusis presented as the perfect Man who always lived according to the will of God. And the account that Luke offers us of his life appears divided in two basic parts: the coming to the world of the Son of God and the return to his glory. It narrates from before the birth of John the Baptist, until the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this gospel Luke tells the story of Jesus
  • 54. Character Analysis Of Charley Harris In Soldier s Heart In Gary Paulsen s novel, Soldier s Heart, we meet Charley Goddard. Charley is a 15 year old who lives in Winona,Minnesota. Although in Earth Sydney Harris is 12 years old, an she lives in Osceola, Ar. Charley Goddard and Sydney Harris are both really risky. Charley wanted to join the war. The second he got in all he did was complain. Charley said the food was horrible. To Charley the things they did were not war material. Until, finally soldiers went on a train ride to their first battle. Charley and the other soldiers got paid for the first time. Charley sent some money to his mother and brother. Then, finally they arrived at their battle field. Charley was positive that he was going to die. Charley didn t want to shot a people.
  • 55. Examples Of Dynamic Characters In A P Dynamic Characters Sammy from A P was originally distracted when three girls came into the store he worked at. Sammy was in the middle of checking out the cash register watcher and did not want anything to do with the girls, but as soon as his co workers started add specifics about what happened the girls Sammy stands up for the girls by quitting his job. He observed the girls and thought; he really examined the queen she in a way set an example for how they should act. When Sammy s manager Lengal comes in he says, Girls, this isn t the beach, (21). He continued to repeat this as if he thought it was a funny joke. He was taking pleasure in correcting them and telling them that they were not dressed appropriately to be in the store, but at the beach. One of the girls spoke up... Show more content on ... We just came in for one thing (22). Lengal responded with That makes no difference... We want you decently dressed when you come in here. He continued saying, After this come in here with your shoulders covered. It s our policy. In the story it is clear that there was never a policy at A P that stated that customers must have their shoulders covered. Lengal did not determine the policies himself, but he did not even have any say in policies because the kingpins put the policies into place. The girls rushed to leave the store to get away from the rude comments of the manager. Sammy turns to his manger and quits and mentions, You didn t have to embarrass them (23). And Lengal responds with, It was they who were embarrassing us (23). When he rushes out the girls are nowhere in site. When he quit he knew that his parents would be disappointed in him, he does it anyway. He did this for one of three reasons; he was already fed up with the job and this was his final straw, he was trying to make a statement to these girls that he was their hero , and he did not appreciate his manager acting this way when he is supposed to help bring people in, not make them not want
  • 56. The Weight Molecular Weight Of Pectin The average weight molecular weight of pectin as shown in Fig.3, Pectin showed two molecular region bands between 7.85Г—105 and 2.42Г—105Da, with highest abundance at 7.85Г—105 Da, the 0.35%SHMP extracted pectin sample had average molecular weight of 3.785x105 Da. The molecular weight was in the same range (7.85Г—105 and 2.42Г—105 Da) previously reported by Takamine et al., (Takamine et al. 2007). The high molecular weight could be attributed to fast drying of residues which inhibited pectinase enzyme action on pectin, besides SHMP is known not to cause pectin hydrolysis, unlike acid or alkali solution extraction which tend to hydrolyze pectin through beta elimination (Diaz et al. 2007). The molecular weight of pectin depends upon its source, method of extraction and treatment it undergoes after extraction (Fishman et al. 1984). High molecular weight in extracted pectin indicates that the pectin was not hydrolyzed during extraction. Pectin extracted from creeping fig had molecular weight ranging from 78.6, 251 and 359.2kDa for HCl, sulphuric acid and hot water extracted pectin, respectively (Liang et al. 2012), the low molecular weight of acid extracted pectin was attributed to acid hydrolysis of pectin. In the same breath hand acid extracted chicken pea pectin had molecular weight of 110kDa (Urias orona et al. 2010). It is worth noting that, the molecular weight of carbohydrate is not easy to determine partly owing to their polydisperse nature, association at higher