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How To Write A College
Persuasive Essay
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How To Write A College Persuasive Essay How To Write A College Persuasive Essay
Change In Film
Film, being both visual and audible, has become a power source of art throughout its development. In
many cases, films are used as a way to promote social change. The 2000 X Men film can be seen as a
cry for equality. A supernatural film about mutants versus humans sends an underlying message about
how people may not feel accepted or like they fit in just because they don t conform to society. During
the mid 1950s and early 1960s movies were used to express the desire to break free, as a people, from
the ideals of perfection and gender norms as America underwent a huge social change that quickly
became known as The Sexual Revolution. (Escoffier, Sexual Revolution). Films such as Douglas Sirk
s All That Heaven Allows (1955), Nicholas Ray s Rebel Without a ... Show more content on ...
Then the pressures of society weigh down on her and cause her to go back on her feelings, which on it
s own conveys that if you want to be happy, you need to be your own person. Rebel Without a Cause
(1955) is about a troubled teenage boy that wants to find a purpose in life despite being neglected by
his parents and feeling as if he didn t belong in his society. This ultimately leads to a tragic end for
him and it sends the message that not being accepted isn t okay. Some Like It Hot (1959) is about men
who dress as women to escape thugs and the women they meet who march to the beat of their own
drum. This movie was heavily considered against the norm but was made despite American film
censorship s contempt. Men in women s clothing was extremely looked down upon, which made this
movie bold and inspirational to anyone who felt like they wanted to do or be something or someone
although it might be heavily frowned upon ( Some Like It Hot (1959) Analysis ). In Mulvey s Visual
Pleasure and the Narrative Cinema, she talks about the already preconceived notions we have already
formed about gender and how that plays into movie making and
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Civilization and Its Discontents, by Sigmeund Freud Essay...
Civilization and Its Discontents is a book written by Sigmund Freud in 1929 (originally titled Das
Unbehagen in der Kultur or The Uneasiness in Culture.) This is considered to be one of Freud s most
important and widely read works. In this book, Freud explains his perspective by enumerating what he
sees as fundamental tensions between civilization and the individual. He asserts that this tension stems
from the individual s quest for freedom and non conformity and civilization s quest for uniformity and
instinctual repression. Most of humankind s primitive instincts are clearly destructive to the health and
well being of a human community (such as the desire to kill.) As a direct result, civilization creates
laws designed to prohibit ... Show more content on ...
Freud theorizes that this oceanic feeling is a regression into an earlier state of consciousness before the
ego had differentiated itself from the world of objects. Freud also theorizes that the religious oceanic
feeling arises from the infant s helplessness and the longing for the father and imagine[s] that the
oceanic feeling became connected with religion later on. In other words, the oceanic feeling is not a
genuine religious experience, though people experience it that way. Throughout the rest of the book,
Freud addresses the conflict between civilization and the individual. He starts with the fundamental
paradox of civilization: we created civilization as a tool to protect ourselves from unhappiness;
however it is our largest source of unhappiness. He also points out that contemporary technological
advances have been a mixed blessing for human happiness. He also asks what the purpose of
civilization is if it is not to satisfy the pleasure principal. He later concedes that civilization has to
make compromises of happiness to fulfill its primary goal of bringing people into peaceful
relationships with each other, by making them subject to a higher, communal authority. Freud included
a cornucopia of various themes in this book. The first of these is the recurring theme of the primal
father and his psychological heritage. This is one of Freud s most controversial cultural speculations.
Freud proposes that human societies were
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Margin Call, the Movie
Margin Call depicts a realistic take on what happens inside a Wall Street firm. It is about a company
that is downsizing their workers because of a firm s crisis. One of the victims, Eric Dale, was working
on a major analysis when he was laid off. He hands his coworker Peter Sullivan his USB, which
contains the major analysis. Peter stays late and cracks the issues and calls his coworkers and bosses
in about the financial disaster he had discovered. He had discovered that the company is about the
crash. He tries to get ahold of Eric, no luck. He then calls his coworkers Seth Bregman and Will
Emerson, who are at a bar and tells them that they need to come back to the office for an emergency
situation. After showing the ... Show more content on ...
He is mainly concerned about how much he makes in salary. Will describes Seth rather well, saying he
is A heartless little shit. While Peter is concerned about the discovery and the negative impact it could
have on the company, Seth is goofing around and telling Peter that everyone is going out but him and
that he should have few drinks at The Grand to celebrate that they did not get laid off like many of
their coworkers. Peter then calls Seth when he discovers what is on the USB and Seth complains about
leaving the club and coming back to the office at 10:00pm. Compared to Peter, Seth cares more about
the well being of himself than of the survival of the company. For example, when Peter and Seth are in
the taxi, Seth pulls out a large beer and asks Peter if he wants one, Peter says no and Seth says What,
we got them on our way to meet you at the office ... we didn t know what the fuck you wanted to talk
about ... I thought you got a chick pregnant or something. Even after Seth knows how bad the situation
is, we still find him joking about it. Seth s laid back demeanor of sitting and drinking a beer shows
that he is not influenced by the stresses around him. Someone who really cared about the firm would
be taking these matters very seriously. Peter makes a comment about the people walking around
outside and says, Look at these people, wondering around...they have no idea what is about to happen,
and Seth replies
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The Importance Of Teaching Humanities And Arts
Teaching Children the Arts and Humanities
Jenry Martin
PHI103: Informal Logic
Instructor: Stephen Krogh
March 7, 2016
Ashford University
My research is about the importance of teaching humanities and arts to kids. Humanities and art can
provide understanding to children opening their minds and after my research, I can say I am in favor
that children learn in early ages humanities and art. In this paper, I will provide both examples why
kids should study them and why not. I will explain how do humanities and art help them to develop
their intelligence and how could not be so beneficially for them as well. Even though some people say
that art classes are a drain on the economy and art educations are considered a distraction and that art
classes do not give children more development in their grades, my research will talk about the
importance of teaching humanities and arts to kids.
I will show first the good part of teaching at and humanities to kids:
Premise 1: Humanities class gives kids sense about where they come from.
Premise 2: Humanities helps kid to develop skills they need to grow up.
Premise 3: Art relaxes your mind.
Premise 4: Art helps kids to express their emotions.
Conclusion: therefore children should be taught humanities I found that my argument is intended to be
deductive, and, later on, I will put a counterargument to explain it: My first premise shows that
humanities help the kids to learn history. Help them to understand about
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Material Requirements Planning System
� � �Material Requirements Planning � PAGE �2�
Material Requirements Planning (MRP) System Riordan Manufacturing
University of Phoenix
At the request of the Chief Operations Officer and the Vice President Operations, Riordan
Manufacturing, an evaluation was requested for the development of a Material Requirements Planning
(MRP) system. The system is to track and manage raw materials as well as finished product inventory
throughout Riordan Manufacturing. Overall, the objective of implementing an MRP is to reduce on
hand raw materials and finished goods inventory costs. The intent of this paper is to provide summary
information to upper management by demonstrating the business requirements ... Show more content
on ...
Once completed, the corporate assets should be more than adequate to support MRP usage along with
other corporate endeavors in the ERP realm.
Based on input from the software vendor, the MRP will be capable of handling an increase in activity
generated by the corporate goal of increased sales and marketing.
Economic feasibility was assessed as follows:
MRP will reduce operational cost by a minimum of 10% by eliminating surge hiring and purchasing to
meet production needs.
MRP will reduce cycle time by a minimum of 15% by normalizing the production lines and quantities
of products on hand or in production.
MRP will reduce on hand stock of finished products by up to 30% by reducing lead times associated
with production and procurement of raw materials.
Break even point will be realized within 6 months of implementation.
MRP will result in greater customer satisfaction as lead times are reduced or eliminated in purchase to
delivery times.
The current business process can be summarized both verbally and visually. Currently raw materials
are ordered and stockpiled. Once an order is received, the material on hand is reviewed to ensure
sufficient quantities are available. If sufficient quantities are not on hand additional materials are
ordered. Deliverables are manufactured and shipped to the customer. Review of raw materials on hand
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What Are The Pros And Cons Of Plea Bargaining
Plea bargaining is important in the criminal justice system. It is an essential tool that benefits not only
the prosecutor but the defense attorney and the defendant. Plea bargaining allows attorneys to decide
cases without needing the judge or a jury to decide the case. It can be beneficial to both the prosecutor
and the defense attorney because the prosecutor will have a conviction and the defense attorney would
have gained a lesser charge for his client. Throughout this paper I will lead you through the process of
plea bargaining, the pros and cons, and how it reflects on crime control and the due process model.
Plea Bargaining
What is plea bargaining? According to Black s Law Dictionary it is a negotiated agreement between a
prosecutor and a criminal defendant whereby the defendant pleads guilty to a lesser offense or to one
of multiple charges in exchange for some concession by the prosecutor. This usually involves the
defendant pleading guilty to a lighter sentence. If the offer by the prosecution is accepted then the
defendant can either plead guilty or nolo contendere which means I do not contest this. Both of the
pleas are similar, the only difference is the nolo contendere plea cannot be used as admission of guilt
in a civil case (Siegel, Schmalleger, Worrall, Chapter 12, 2011). ... Show more content on ...
Sentence bargaining is a technique of plea bargaining in which the prosecutor agrees to endorse a
lighter sentence for precise charges if the offender pleads guilty or no contest to them. Charge
bargaining is a process where prosecutors agree to drop some charges or decrease a charge to a less
serious crime in exchange for a plea by the defendant.
Pros and Cons of Plea
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The First Charter Of Human Rights
The early Persian Empire was governed by Cyrus the Great. Cyrus was a brilliant, powerful, and
thoughtful Persian king that wanted to enlarge the Persian kingdom by conquering nearby lands and
then tried to unite them into one empire. Throughout Cyrus skillful leadership and strong military, he
was able to create a huge empire that lasted for more than two hundred years. Cyrus was very skilled
ruler that does everything the right. He take up a policy of toleration toward the people he goes
against. For instance, he accepted them to speak their own native languages, practice their own rituals
and religions, and stick to their own old ways. He had so many respected for those people that he
announced the first Charter of Human Rights. This charter was the one that set forth Cyrus goals and
policies. Since, he was a well respected man among the people that helped him create a peaceful and
stable empire for the people to live. Cyrus built was the one that built the foundation of mail system.
Then after his deceased, Darius built a communication network that connected to all the 20 provinces
which helped the Persian Empire tremendously. Unfortunately, Cyrus passed away and that created a
chaotic period under a delicate emperor that almost destroyed the Persian Empire. Afterward, Darius I,
became the ruler and he started building on what Cyrus had accomplished while he was the leader.
Darius separated the Persian Empire into several provinces to make it much easier to govern
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Responsibility In Virgil s Ceres And Dido
Ceres and Dido each possess great power and authority, but their depictions by Ovid and Virgil
establish an inaccurate sense of weakness. As women, they are characterized as adversaries to the
male idea of power and strength. Though they are queens and goddesses, they are unequal to their
male counterparts simply due to their sex. Each of these women fall victim to the oppressiveness of
their respective patriarchal societies. Even though Ceres and Dido, in adherence to gender roles, are
devoted mothers and lovers, respectively. Their love is only met with pain and agony. Dido allows her
burning desire for Aeneas to distract her from her duties, and Ceres is brought to a crippled state
because Dis has stolen her daughter. In both Virgil s The ... Show more content on ...
After Dis abducts her daughter, she appeals to Jove, but faces great injustice and inequality. Jove does
not attempt to empathize with the grieving mother, but instead chooses to lecture her. Though she is a
most powerful goddess, she must humble herself in his presence. Aware of the dynamic, she appeals to
his masculine dominance and says, ...if you have no regard for her mother, relent as her father don t
hold her unworthy, I beg you, simply because I am the child s other parent! (V. 687 689). This self
degradation is a notable contrast from the fierceness Ceres demonstrates only moments before. As an
autonomous goddess, she reeks havoc in her rage, but in the presence of a male counterpart, she must
subdue her rage. She hides her true emotions and submits to the male dominated world she lives in.
Instead of respecting Ceres for her humility, Jupiter almost mocks her concerns and exclaims
much it is to be Jove s brother! (V.702). Desperate for his aid, Ceres has no response and must tolerate
his insincerity. Although Ceres is a powerful goddess, it is almost irrelevant because her might and
fortitude are minimized by Jove s haughtiness. But, her capacity to temper her emotions indicate a
power all of its own. This control is in fact, far more impressive than Jove s excessive
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An Analysis of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Essay
The editors of anthologies containing T. S. Eliot s The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock invariably
footnote the reference to Lazarus as John 11:1 44; rarely is the reference footnoted as Luke 16:19 31.
Also, the reference to John the Baptist is invariably footnoted as Matthew 14:3 11; never have I seen
the reference footnoted as an allusion to Oscar Wilde s Salome. The sources that one cites can
profoundly affect interpretations of the poem. I believe that a correct reading of Eliot s Prufrock
requires that one cite Wilde, in addition to Matthew, and Luke, in addition to John, as the sources for
the John the Baptist and Lazarus being referenced. Furthermore, the citation of these sources can help
explain Eliot s allusion to ... Show more content on ...
But though I have wept and fasted, wept and prayed,
Though I have seen my head (grown slightly bald) brought in
upon a platter,
I am no prophet and here s no great matter... (81 83)
The reference is not only to Matthew 14:3 11, but also to Oscar Wilde s Salome, the play upon which
Richard Strauss based his opera Salome. In the biblical account, no motivation is ascribed to Salome
for wanting John the Baptist killed. In the versions by Wilde and Strauss, however, Salome is
passionately in love with the imprisoned John the Baptist, who, because he will not let the temptations
of the flesh corrupt his pure love of God, rejects her advances. Wilde s Salome, determined that if she
cannot have John no one will have John, asks Herod for the Baptist s head on a platter. John the
Baptist spurned Salome s affections while he lived; now that he is dead, Salome lavishes her kisses
upon the cold lips of the bloody corpse head.
Prufrock, too, has had his moments of temptation: he has known the arms already, known them all /
Arms that are braceleted and white and bare / (But in the lamplight, downed with light brown hair!)
(62 64). And these very sources of temptation, these arms that lie along a table, or wrap about a shawl
(67), eventually emasculate Prufrock by rejection:
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Archetypal Criticism In In The Time Of The Butterflies By...
The Deeper Meaning
An American poet once stated, Great literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost
possible degree (Pound). Every piece of literature has an impactful underlying meaning and can be
interpreted into universal symbols, motifs, and patterns. Archetypal Criticism is a theory based off
common myths, images, and symbols in literature. The definition of an archetype can be defined as a
very typical example of a certain person or thing (Davidson). With that being said, readers can apply
Archetypal Criticism to In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez. Alvarez uses common
character types, like the hero and the villain, and also uses the symbol of butterflies in her novel.
One way Archetypal Criticism is ... Show more content on ...
The definition of a symbol is An example of this is relating the Mirabal sisters to butterflies. Regina
M. Cutter Edwards, an Entomologist, states, Butterflies are deep and powerful representations of life.
[...] Around the world, people view the butterfly as representing endurance, change, hope, and life
(Edwards). The term butterfly was the sisters code name for the movement. The butterfly was a
symbol for them, not only because that is what they were called, but also because they symbolized
what it meant to be a butterfly. The Mirabal sisters changed from being little children following their
parents, to individuals leading a revolution and having other people follow them. When Minerva was
young, she stated, I had thought it was caused by the bandages I had started tying around my chest so
my breasts won t grow (Alvarez 23). She put bandages around her breast so Trujillo wouldn t take her
to be one of his ladies. Minerva started out as a person that was fearful into a person that was fearless.
Patria and Mate also have the code name Butterfly #1 and Butterfly #2. Mate states, Then everyone
was beating on the bars, calling out ¡Viva la Mariposa! Tears came to my eyes. Something big and
powerful spread its wings inside me. Courage, I told myself. And this time, I felt it (Alvarez 238).
Mate changed into having courage and endurance as she grew up in Trujillo s
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The Mystery Of The Harry Potter
Joanne Rowling was born in July 1965 at Yate General Hospital in England and grew up in Chepstow,
Gwent where she went to Wyedean Comprehensive.
Jo left Chepstow for Exeter University, where she earned a French and Classics degree, her course
including one year in Paris. As a postgraduate she moved to London and worked as a researcher at
Amnesty International among other jobs. She started writing the Harry Potter series during a delayed
Manchester to London King s Cross train journey, and during the next five years, outlined the plots for
each book and began writing the first novel.
Jo then moved to northern Portugal, where she taught English as a foreign language. She married in
October 1992 and gave birth to a daughter in 1993. When the ... Show more content on ...
The fourth book in the series, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was published on 8th July 2000 with
a record first print run of 1 million copies for the UK. It quickly broke all records for the greatest
number of books sold on the first day of publication in the UK.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was published in Britain, the USA, Canada and Australia on
21st June 2003 and broke the records set by Harry Potter the Goblet of Fire as the fastest selling book
in history. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince was published in the UK, US and other English
speaking countries on 16th July 2005 and also achieved record sales.
Since then, Rowling has written four books for adult readers, The Casual Vacancy (2012) and under
the pseudonym Robert Galbraith the crime fiction novels The Cuckoo s Calling (2013), The Silkworm
(2014) and Career of Evil (2015).
Rowling has lived a rags to riches life story, in which she progressed from living on state benefits to
multi millionaire status within five years. She is the United Kingdom s best selling living author, with
sales in excess of £238m. The 2008 Sunday Times Rich List estimated Rowling s fortune at £560
million, ranking her as the twelfth richest woman in the United Kingdom. Forbes ranked Rowling as
the 48th most powerful celebrity of 2007,and Time magazine named her as a runner up for its 2007
Person of the Year, noting the social, moral, and political inspiration she has given her fans]
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Third-Degree Assault
Sometimes, arguments between people in Greeley, and throughout Colorado, may become physical.
Depending on the circumstances, those involved in physical confrontations with others may be
charged with assault. A serious criminal offense, being convicted of this crime could carry severe
penalties with lasting implications.
Colorado state law establishes three variations of assault offenses third degree, second degree and first
degree assault. Each of these charges has differing levels of severity and carry different penalties for a
Third degree assault
The least severe of the assault variations is assault in the third degree. According to the Boulder
County Bar Association, people may be accused of third degree assault if they knowingly, negligently
or recklessly cause others to suffer injuries using deadly weapons. Additionally, causing a law
enforcement officer, firefighter or emergency medical service worker to come into contact with certain
bodily or hazardous fluids may also qualify as third degree assault.
Under most circumstances, third degree assault is a class one misdemeanor. As an extraordinary risk
crime, people may be subject to enhanced penalties if convicted of this crime. Colorado state law
stipulates that those ... Show more content on ...
Intentionally injuring others, and deliberately or recklessly injuring others with a deadly weapon
typically constitutes this level of offense. Giving others drugs or other substances without their
consent to mentally or physically impair them is also considered second degree assault. So too is
purposely injuring law enforcement officers or firefighters while preventing them from executing their
lawful duties. People who are legally being held in jail or prison and use violent force against
detention facility employees, law enforcement officers, firefighters, court officers or judges may also
be charged with second degree
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Annotated Bibliography Of The Films Of Federico Fellini
Annotated Bibliography: How do French, Italian, Japanese, and Indian arthouse auteurist films affect
the development of New Hollywood auteur films. Bondanella, P. (2002). The Films of Federico
Fellini. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. The Films of Federico Fellini examines the
career and work of Italy s most revered filmmakers. By analyzing the masterpieces of Fellini, the book
attempts to categorize the influence of his work, and explain some of his interests in fantasy, the
irrational, and individualism. Bondanella essentially rejects more common ways of analyzing Fellini s
work and favors trying to explore the development of his unique and personal cinematic style.
Bondanella highlights some of the major accomplishments in the life of the renowned Italian
filmmaker. One of the most striking features of Bondanella work is his ability to tell the story of
Fellini by using the works of the filmmaker. In particular, Bondanella is able to draw on a new archive
of manuscripts, obtained from Fellini and his scriptwriters. This level of in depth analysis allows
researchers to get a detailed view of Fellini s work that has inspired generations of not only Italian
filmmakers, but also in the rest of the world. The author suggests that Fellini s use of realism in film
allows the audience to connect on a whole ... Show more content on ...
One one hand, we have directors claiming the work because of the creative initiatives that they had to
take in order to make the films, while the production companies claim the films because they
commissioned the director to make the films. This is the issue that Gerstner and Staiger try to answer,
the question of who owns the rights to a film. Auteurism is the belief that the director is the sole author
of a film, and that it should reflect the emotions and beliefs of the director. According to auteurism, we
should see the vision of the director in the film, and thus he claims
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Australian Film Gallipoli
Welcome everyone to the 2017 Australia film festival. I am Jaxon Lennox an Australian film critic and
one of the festival organiser of this amazing event. Today I am going to analysis and evaluate the
Australian film Gallipoli.
The film Gallipoli is about two Australian sprinters that face the ruthless realities of war when they are
sent to fight in the Gallipoli campaign in Turkey during World War I. The genre of the film Gallipoli is
Drama, War, History and Adventure. The film starts off in Australia and later is set in Gallipoli. The
director is Peter Weir and the film was first released in Australia on the 13 august 1981. The main stars
in the movie are Mel Gibson, Mark Lee and Bill Kerr. In 1981, the film won nine awards at the
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Modified Edema Research Paper
Synopsis: Comparing the Effects of Modified Manual with Traditional Edema Technique Jovel Duatin
Samuel Merritt University Department of Occupational Therapy Knygsand Roenhoej and Maribo
(2011) examined the effects of modified edema mobilization (MEM) treatment with MEM pump
points (MPP) stimulation technique and compared it with the traditional edema technique for patients
with subacute hand/arm edema. The effects were determined based on the outcome measures that
includes reduction in edema and pain, active range of motion (AROM), and activities of daily
living(ADL). It was hypothesized that modified MEM treatment will have better outcome measures
compared to the traditional edema technique. The study s design was single blinded, ... Show more
content on ...
Subacute edema size was measured using a volumeter. The distance from the nail of the fingertip to
the proximal palmar crease was measured for AROM. The distance from the nail of the thumb to the
base of the fifth finger was used to measure thumb opposition. Moreover, pain was measured using the
visual analog scale. Patients ADL levels was assessed through a questionnaire for bilateral activities
and perceived performance and satisfaction with ADL was assessed using the Canadian Occupational
Performance Measure. The study had 30 participants originally but only 29 completed the treatments.
There was a statistically significant decrease in edema, pain, and improvement in AROM observed in
both groups. There was a significant change in ADL observed in modified MEM group that indicates
that the group managed bilateral ADL activities quicker than the control group. There was also a
tendency for modified MEM group to receive fewer occupational therapy session. However, there was
no significant statistical difference found between the groups in terms of pain during activity or at rest,
AROM, and ADL at inclusion or after six and nine
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Grief And Mourning Essay
Grief and mourning are mental processes in how one deals with losing a loved one and the procedures
they go through to overcome their distress. These themes are universal issues and are natural human
developments. They can effect individuals in many forms and are incredibly individualised. My
interest in grief and moruning stems from my experiences with the passing of my father. This essay
will outline and discuss three significant theories relating to grief and loss and its origins of the
theorists behind them. This will be achieved by firstly outlining what loss, grief and mourning are,
how the strain of loss, grief and mourning can burden one s human development and how these
chosen theories could be applied. I will also outline the significance of grief and loss in today s global
and multi cultural society through applying a Māori model and lens. I will discuss how these theories
and ideas will influence my personal practice as an emerging counsellor and my learnings from this
case study.
Loss is an inevitable and unpreventable part of life; it can effect a person at anytime. McKissick and
McKissick (1988) state that loss is something everyone will experience at some point in their lives.
This can occur with the passing of a spouse or family member, a relationship breakdown or the loss of
a job (McKissck McKissick, 1988). Part of the healing process of loss is grief, which is one s personal
experiences of the loss that has occurred (Worden, 2009). Grief is dealt
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How William Shakespeare And Carol Ann Duffy s Subverting...
Olivia Daly 12HG
T.S Eliot Prize Essay
14 October 2017
How do William Shakespeare and Carol Ann Duffy subvert traditional roles of gender and sexuality in
From Mrs Tiresias and Sonnet 20 ?
Both Carol Ann Duffy in From Mrs Tiresias and William Shakespeare in Sonnet 20 subvert male
gender roles by presenting the male protagonists with physical female traits. Both poets differ in their
presentation of traditional gender roles and sexuality.
In From Mrs Tiresias , Carol Ann Duffy subverts the gender role of men as strong masculine men,
playing on the modern stereotype that men are unable to cope with the monthly trials and tribulations
of being a woman. She tells us that he had to have One week in bed. Two doctors in. Three ... Show
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Shakespeare has a highly misogynistic view of women, saying that their hearts are acquainted With
shifting change , their eyes are false in rolling and he also talks about women being false implying
deceit and an artificial façade. At the culmination of the rhyming couplet, Shakespeare comically tops
his damning excoriation of women by telling us that thy love s use their treasure , insinuating that
women just want one little thing rather than a soul to love endlessly. This is not subverting the
traditional Elizabethan stereotype of women. By contrast, Duffy subverts these gender roles of women
by highlighting that men can also act up to Shakespeare s Elizabethan stereotype, just like Mr Tiresias
is seen doing in From Mrs Tiresias . He is metaphorically prostituting himself; he is seen entering
glitzy restaurants on the arms of [multiple] powerful men and while we are sure this is not for sexual
advances, Duffy highlights the superficial nature of Mr Tiresias quest for notoriety. We have a
complete juxtaposition between each poet and the reinforcement of gender stereotypes of the gender
opposite their own; Shakespeare is renouncing women and thus highlighting the loyalty and
dependability of men by using the pitfalls of women to celebrate the qualities of the Fair Youth i.e the
man he is revering by contrast, whereas Duffy is repudiating men and accentuating the patience,
kindness and supportiveness of women (Mrs Tiresias is holding his new soft
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Computational Scale Out Workloads Applications
Abstract Scale out workloads are applications that are typically executed in a cloud environment and
exhibit high level of request level parallelism. Such workloads benefit from processor organizations
with very high core count since multiple requests can be serviced simultaneously by threads running
on these cores. The characteristics of these workloads indicate that they have high instruction
footprints exceeding the capacities of private caches, operate on large datasets with limited reuse and
have minimal coherence activity due to lesser data sharing. The characteristics also indicate that the
active instruction window can be captured by a Last Level Cache (LLC) size of 8MB. New processor
organizations have been discussed in literature that tailors the interconnection among cores to match
the communication pattern arising out of the characteristics of scale out workloads. The focus of the
current work is to take the approach of separating a core and LLC bank from a single tile as specified
in literature and design a different interconnection topology for cores and LLC banks to reduce the
latency of accessing the LLC to improve performance. In the current work, four cores and a LLC bank
are designed to connect to a router forming a star topology and the routers ( 4) are designed to form a
2D flattened butterfly topology. The current design has been targeted at 8 cores and has been
implemented using the Bluespec System Verilog HDL (Hardware Description Language) and the
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Essay Arundel Partners Guidelines
Guidelines for the Arundel Partners Case Assignment
This is a group project and only one case report should be submitted
FIN 6425 Arundel Case Guidelines Nimalendran
In this case, a movie industry analyst is asked to evaluate a proposed venture in which a group of
partners would purchase the sequel rights to movies produced by the major studios. Your objective is
to 1) discuss and evaluate the basic concept; 2) determine the value of the sequel rights on a per movie
basis; 3) evaluate the possible upside and potential drawbacks to the proposed plan. As you will see,
the ideas here incorporate elements of capital budgeting coupled with a real options analysis.
Please provide answers to the following questions. You ... Show more content on ...
Beyond this broad understanding, you shouldn t worry any more about how the specific numbers were
estimated but you should understand how to interpret them. For example for The Burbs, the numbers
in Exhibit 7 suggest that the value of the sequel at t=3 (using the suggested 12% discount rate) is :
NPV (at t=3) = $27.3/1.12 $24 = $0.375 million.
It follows that the NPV at t=0 can be found by discounting the above number three years at 12% doing
so you get a value of $0.2669 million which is an estimate of what you pay for the sequel right at t=0.
Looking at this in terms of an internal rate of return the one year return can be calculated as ($27.3/24)
1=.1375 or 13.75% (this number has been rounded up to .14 or 14% in Exhibit 7). Note that whenever
this IRR is above 12%, the sequel will be positive NPV.
5. Assume that a maximum of ten sequels can be made in any given year (choose the sequels that are
most likely to be made for example if the main character in the film dies then a sequel is unlikely to be
made) Using the same decision tree approach, what would you estimate to be the per movie value of
the sequel rights to the entire portfolio of 99 movies released in 1989 by the six major studios?
6. Using the Black Scholes approach, calculate the per movie value of the sequel rights to the entire
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Arguments Against The Death Penalty
The death penalty has been a controversial issue for many years. Those who support the death penalty
find it to be a fitting form of punishment for criminal actions. Others suggest that the death penalty is
an inhumane practice, even towards criminals. Over the years, it is clear that there are some fatal flaws
in how the death penalty operates. Too often in the past has the death penalty fallen victim to
courtroom biases. Furthermore, the death penalty is an incredibly expensive and time consuming
process. However, the determining factor of whether the death penalty can be considered justice or not
depends primarily on how it affects the overall crime rate. In light of this, William Tucker the
American Spectator s New York correspondent and CEO of and Eric M. Freedman a
professor at Hofstra University School of Law present evidence of the effectiveness and
ineffectiveness of the death penalty system.
The Value of a Criminal Life The controversy over the death penalty has plagued the world for years.
Individuals such as William Tucker The American Spectator s New York correspondent and CEO of believe that the death penalty reduces crime. Meanwhile, those who oppose the
death penalty, such as Eric M. Freedman a professor at Hofstra University School of Law argue that it
is unneeded. Freedman s article The Case Against the Death Penalty and Tucker s article Why the
Death Penalty Works reflect why
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Disadvantages Of Policy Debate
Policy Debate was the first debate established in the National Verbalization and Debate Sodality. In
Policy Debate there are two teams in a room: The Affirmative Team and the Negative Team. This
commenced the base affirmative versus negative in Lincoln Douglas. Two people are on each team
just as most debates are. Three variants of verbalizations (Constructives, Cross Examinations and
Rebuttals) take place. Each debater gives all three verbalizations. The Constructives, which is eight
minutes, start with the first Affirmative Constructive, withal kenned as the 1AC, which is the base
case made afore every other verbalization that commences and has the substructure of what both side
will be arguing. This is followed by the Cross Examination, which is three Minutes, of the 1AC,
which is when the negative side questions the affirmative side and the affirmative must answer every
question and is unable to ask any questions back. Then, the first Negative Constructive, withal kenned
as the 1NC, is presented (this is identically tantamount thing as the affirmative constructive except
conspicuously for the negative side), and the 1NC is Cross Examined (this is when the negative side is
asked and must answer and may not ask questions back). After all four verbalizers conclude their
Constructive Verbalizations and are Cross Examined, then the Rebuttals, which is five Minutes,
commence. A rebuttal is when the affirmative or negative side is able to rebut any assailments made
on their
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Similarities Between Inspector Goole And Birling
The mystery and morality play, An Inspector Calls , was constructed by Priestley to expose to the
public the problems in society and Capitalism. He uses Inspector Goole and Mr. Birling, two very
opposing characters in personality and political views, to help illustrate his ideas. This is mainly
highlighted by the idea of the Inspector being the protagonist and Birling as the antagonist. Inspector
Goole and Birling both represent the two major political parties present in 1912, when it was set
(Socialism and Capitalism). Mr. Birling gains more in his business and society due to Capitalism, so is
unable to accept community and all that nonsense . This illustrates Birling s belief that each person
should only care about their friends and family.
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Skin Condition In Michaela s Vitiligo
Playing around freely and making new friends wasn t too easy for Michaela, as she was one of the
only few people who had Vitiligo, a rare skin condition. Michaela was often prejudged by negative
people who would tell her to quit because of the way she looks. The words coming out of people s
mouth meant great value to Michaela. Some even told her that she wouldn t be able to continue
dancing and succeed when she is older. Once, someone in the ballet world, a man whose opinion
meant a lot to me, said to my mother, we don t like to waste a lot of time, money, and effort on the
black girls. When they reach puberty, they develop big thighs and behinds and can t dance ballet
anymore, Michaela remembered while watching a performance, (DePrince pg.124). ... Show more
content on ...
Michaela, at such a young age didn t know how to handle all the pressure that was being put on her so
she cried and cried day after day. Soon enough, she came to understand that crying wasn t going to
help her, so she had used the hate and pressure to become determined. In the book, Michaela
wondered, Often upon learning that I am a dancer, someone one will ask me, what kind of dancing do
you do...hip hop? This makes my ballerina friends laugh. We all look alike: lean, long legged, hair in
buns, and because of the rotation of our hips, our toes point out like ducks. Why are they pre assumed
to be ballerinas, but I am pre assumed to be a hip hop artist? (DePrince 119) Michaela was often
prejudged by people because of her race. After hearing rude comments all the time, Michaela slowly
started to fall down as a dancer and cry almost everyday. The young girl would always feel left out if
she were with her group of ballet friends because of the way she looks. Because of this, Michaela felt
as if she had to hide who she was. When Michaela went to dance, she would force herself to wear hot,
long sleeved leotards, so no one was able to see her
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The Pros And Cons Of Homeless People
Many homeless people have various problems which include money, domestic violence or mental
illness and it is not easy for them to change their lifestyle and find a job. Do you know how many
homeless people are living in Toronto? According to the homeless hub, they estimated put the number
of homeless in the city at about 5,219 in 2013 ( Popluation , 2013). Homeless need help getting off the
streets but are not able to do it by themselves. People should not just give the homeless poor treatment
and keep on walking by like nothing is wrong. In order to reduce the homeless problem, we should
help them efficiently to solve this problem which can allow the government to help them in many
According to National Coalition for the Homeless, Homeless and poverty are inextricably linked (
Why , July 2009). People who are poor are not able to consistently pay for necessities such as housing,
food, health care, and education. If they can pay for those things, they won t be homeless. Many
homeless people work for minimum wage and they just can not earn enough money to afford housing.
According to Retail Council of Canada,
Ontario minimum wage is $11.40 per hour ( Minimum , March 2017). However, the housing price is
still expensive in Toronto. Even though the homeless works hard, they can not afford to pay for
housing and other necessities. So, homeless people give up work and the vicious circle of poverty
keeps repeating itself.
Some of the serious problems are family
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Abortion Papers On Abortion
A woman s right to choose, pro choice, pro life, and fetal rights are all buzzwords that are thrown
around throughout American society and have impacted political campaigns, social welfare initiatives,
and monumental court cases. The topic of abortion is not just a modern one, it is a discussion that has
been taking place for thousands of years that have already been discussed at length in both ancient and
modern Rabbinical Jewish sources. Topics of whether a fetus is considered to be a human life, parental
property, or whether abortion is endangering a mother s health have been discussed extensively in
both American and Jewish Law, however, their respective set of rules and regulations differ. The
evolution of the law is more apparent in American law, where the court cases of Roe vs. Wade and
Planned Parenthood vs. Casey lead to the upheaval of abortion law as was formerly known, and gave a
mother a right to choose with certain conditions. Unlike American law, in Jewish law when abortions
are performed they are not discretionary, they are necessary, and according to this philosophy, a
woman does not have a right to choose to abort a life that is in the hands of God unless medically
necessary. Although both in American Law and in Jewish Law the primary health concerns are for the
mother, the worldviews of the laws differ in the sense that American law is primarily concerned about
the privacy of the individual, while Jewish law is concerned with the social aspect of all
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The Significant Events In The Vietnam War
Vietnam War The Vietnam War was a significant war. The war was a large conflict known as the
Second Indochina War. Significant numbers of people suffered and died in this war. Also the cost of
the war was extremely high. The Vietnam War had fought for about 20 years. The Vietnam War was a
significant war that had happen in the 1960 s, it is important to know how does it occurred, what
events that had happen in the war, and the effects of the war.
The Vietnam War started because of U.S strategy of contaminants during the Cold War. Which aimed
to prevent communism to spread across the world. The U.S. had saw that Vietnam as a place to take a
stand against the spread of communism. Vietnam was usually a French colony. During War World II,
Japan had invaded Vietnam. The defeat of Japan, a communist leader Ho Chi Minh declared Vietnam
an independent nation. French wants to keep their colony, so they sent troop to fight for it. Ho Chi
Minh independence movement had defeated French in 1954. After the Battle of Dien Bien Phu
Vietnam was divided into two nations. The north is ... Show more content on ...
For example the Battle of Ap Bac War the first battle in the Vietnam War. It was fought by ARVN and
NVN. The battle ends with a result in a heavy casualties. Also the Battle of la Drang Valley is also a
major battle between the U.S and Vietnam. It happen from November 14 to November 18, 1965 at
Landing Zone X Ray and Albany in La Drang Valley, Central Highlands of South Vietnam. Heavy
casualties had happen on both sides, both of them think that they has won the battle. This battle was
considered essential as it set the blueprint for tactics for both sides during the conflict. The Battle of
Khe Sanh took place in Quang Tri province. PAVN troops began a heavy artillery bombardment on the
U.S. Marine garrison at Khe Sanh. Again both side claimed victory, but heavy casualties on both side
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Character Analysis Of A Rose For Emily
A Rose for Emily begins with and ends with the death of Miss Emily Grierson, who was certainly a
strong, strange character, and described as a monument to the people of her town and a character
analysis on her can go in any number of directions. She had to overcome many difficulties in every
step of her life. Therefore, every step of her life presents her characteristics in different parts of the
story, but yet leaves the readers pondering...Who is Miss Emily Grierson? In the beginning of the
story, it is said that Miss Emily is a traditional person, a duty, a care and a sort of hereditary obligation
around her town dating back from the day in 1894 . Her character of being traditional goes back to the
teaching of china painting lessons which ... Show more content on ...
Throughout her life, her father had always been controlling and dominating her life up until his death.
After her father s death, it left her deeply distressed and more isolated than ever refusing to give up
her father s dead body possibly because she was use to her father s presence and being in control of
everything in her life which made it almost impossible for her to cope and leaving her in denial of her
father s death. Some years after, Emily meets a man by the name of Homer Barron, whom she grew to
love, but sadly the irony of this fate is that he wasn t attracted to her and also rejected her proposal of
wanting to marry him. Another saying of the townspeople is After her father s death she went out very
little, after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her, and this shows how unfortunate she was.
It s hard to imagine losing the ones you love most especially because they made such an impact in
your life which is probably how Miss Emily felt. After all, her father and Homer Barron played a
significant role in her life and for that reason she couldn t bear the absence of both her father and lover
which made her stay unhappy living in her house. Although, Mr. Grierson appearance in the story was
little, his dominating and controlling way was clear from the beginning of the story. For instance, he
didn t allow Emily to get into a relationship
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Trinitrotoluene
TNT is more accurately known as Trinitrotoluene (more specifically 2,4,6 trinitrotoluene), a Class A
explosive. Its molecular formula is C7H5N3O6 OR C6H2(CH3)(NO2)3 OR C6H2(NO2)3CH3. This
compound includes the elements Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Oxygen, notably 37.0% Carbon,
2.2% Hydrogen, 18.5% Nitrogen, and 42.3% Oxygen. It is an explosive chemical (a combustible
solid) with toxic and hazardous effects. Commonly experienced symptoms due to exposure mainly
include headaches, weakness, anemia, liver injury, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dermatitis, cyanosis,
toxic hepatitis, etc. It s an incredibly hazardous explosive, considering it is absorbed by the skin, its
vapors are toxic, toxic fumes are released when decomposed due to high temperatures, and it
detonates under excessive shock or heat. Physically, TNT is a colorless or pale yellow and odorless
solid or crushed flake, and it is synthetic (does not occur naturally on Earth). It has a molecular weight
of 227.132 g/mol, hydrogen donor count of 0, hydrogen acceptor count of 6, relatable bond count of 0,
complexity of 292, topological polar surface of 138 A^2, mass of 227.018 g/mol, heavy atom count of
16, covalently bonded unit count of 1, and formal charge of 0. Its structural shape changes. Its boiling
point (point at which it explodes) is 464º F (240 deg C) at 760 mmHg. It is also insoluble, but has a
few exceptions. At 18 deg C, it is soluble in the following solvents: chloroform, ether, and carbon
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Handwriting Doesn t Matter
Rhetorical Analysis: Handwriting Just Doesn t Matter In recent years, the rushing tide of typing has
overwhelmed the once necessary skill of handwriting. As the days pass by computers and other 21st
century electronics are becoming more and more a part human lives. Gone are the constant needs for
pen and paper, often times all that is needed for notetaking is a laptop and working fingers. A recent
article published by Anne Trubek titled Handwriting Just Doesn t Matter analyzes the importance of
handwriting in the computerized world that is lived in today, as well as through a discussion on the
teaching of cursive and other handwriting exercises in schools. Using a mix of pathos, logos, and
minor amounts of ethos, Trubek is able to comprehensively convince her audience that handwriting is
not as important or useful a skill as it used to be. Trubek wishes to provide her audience with a
convincing argument that shows how handwriting in this time is inferior to typing on computers. In
other words, her primary purpose is to illustrate the idea of focusing on typing automaticity (the ability
to type without looking at keys) in schools over handwriting automaticity (the ability to write without
conscious effort). This is seen when Trubek explains how if ...the goal of public education is to
prepare students to become successful, employable adults, typing is inarguably more useful than
handwriting. (Trubek, 2016, para. 4) Trubek argues that if public schools are working
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How The Western Culture Views The Elderly
Introduction: People treat and view the elderly members of society in alternate ways depending on the
culture they are from and have grown up in; this is shown in Western and Eastern society who regard
the elderly very differently. The way children are brought up to perceive the elderly can have a large
impact on the way they treat elderly people when the children grow into teenagers and adults, both in
everyday situations and in care homes. I shall be discussing how the Western culture views the elderly
and how this affects the care they receive by exploring the stereotypical view of how the UK treats
their elderly people which involve stories of abuse that takes place in care homes that have been
revealed by elderly victim s families. However I shall also focus on elderly people of a Western
culture that receive a very high quality of care by being given above and beyond the minimum
standard of care, attention and respect expected in an elderly care home which, for example, can be
seen in Hayling Island care home which has been labelled as the best in the UK. I will be talking about
another European country, France, who have dramatically improved their treatment and care of the
elderly following a heat wave in 2003 and the statistics that say France has the highest elderly suicide
rate in Europe.
On the other hand, I shall be discussing how the Eastern culture is so different from Western culture
regarding their attitude and respectfulness towards elderly people. Children
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How Autonomy Should Be Fully Operate Themselves With No...
With the push from google and Tesla to develop fully autonomous cars, the big question I think we
should ask is should we? Should we develop vehicles that can fully operate themselves with no
possibility of human intervention? Since Google in the early 2000s, there has been a push from
manufacturers to produce vehicles that will one day be The driver. These systems can see obstacles in
front, behind, and all around themselves. They can brake, accelerate, make turns, and park all by
themselves, but should they have this level of control? Should we have some level of control over
these systems? I think the driverless discussion like many should meet in the middle just like the old
Diamond Rio song. Autonomy should benefit the elderly, the disabled, and needy to provide levels of
transportation, they otherwise wouldn t have. Autonomy can take over on a crowded commute home
after a long day of work. It can relieve the driver when they need it, but people should always know
how to drive, and we should continue to bolster the transportation of our nation. The first article we
will cover is Brian Fung s article, The big question about driverless cars that no one seems able to
answer. Fung deals with the large issue of liability with driverless cars. He focuses on how insurance
companies will have to adjust as cars become increasingly more autonomous. Fung interviews several
companies including State Farm, Liberty Mutual, and the District of Columbia Insurance Federation.
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My Earliest Childhood Memory Research Paper
I have some extremely strong feeling, trying to reflect back to my earliest childhood memory of my
life, my first version was describing the setting that of my father hitting my mother over the head with
something. Now, I know it was a gun. She was lying in a pool of blood in front of the fireplace with,
me by her side trying to wait her up, then going outside crying so my, grandmother could hear me.
There were so many scary moments in my childhood. I, can remember as a child, my father and
brother falling in a lake of water with my mother screaming and helping them to get out, our house
catching on fire with my mother and me along with three of my siblings trying to get out with her
telling us to hold on to her and don t let go. Which my father was no there to be found. Later we
learned that he was drinking with his friend up the street under a tree. I was told a few neighbors came
to help. Then we stay with my grandparents which I love. Because I love waiting for my granddad to
come home from work so he, could take me to get vanilla ice cream. After moving to Cincinnati, Ohio
at the age of six from Alabama. My father continues to be very abuses to my mother for fourteen years
of their marriage. Thank God she s still alive today. For the most part, its kind sad that when you
trying to backtrack your life one of the first memory is an unforgettable one with horrible pain. I had
to have been no more than three or four. I can t remember my mother or father teaching me or
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Analysis Of The Film Dances With Wolves
The 1990 film Dances With Wolves directed by Kevin Costner covers a number of topics such as the
Civil War, westward expansion, and white Indian relations. Being set in the frontier during the Civil
War, the primary issue the film raises is the white cruelty towards Native Americans during this time
period. This film can be classified as a realistic historical fiction because it depicts the humanity and
morals of the Sioux Indians while, at the same time, showing how they were treated by the white
American soldiers.
Dances With Wolves starts out by introducing the main character, John Dunbar, as a soldier in the
Civil War. John is portrayed as a strong man because he refuses his foot to be amputated, and he rides
a horse out onto the ... Show more content on ...
Because he was dressed like an Indian, the soldiers treated him as such, beating and calling him a
traitor. When he did not return for a few days, the Indians knew something was wrong, and they sent a
search party. In the same way that John helped the Sioux fight the Pawnee, the Sioux were now
helping John fight the soldiers. The rescue attempt was successful and they all made it back to the
village. Although Dances With Wolves is not a historically accurate and true story of the Civil War, it
is a historical fiction that is based on many true facts. The film starts off with a very unrealistic
beginning. It is set in the Civil War, on a battlefield, and John Dunbar rides a horse openly right past
the opposing side without getting shot. This seems to be the only unrealistic part of this film, however.
For example, the Sioux Indians not being total savages was true. White people did treat all Indians
poorly, and they justified their actions by saying that all Indians are savages. This film shows that in
fact, not all Indians were cruel and bloodthirsty, the Pawnee were the only mean Indians depicted. The
Sioux are portrayed as mostly peaceful humans with great moral standards. They only fight when they
feel threatened, such as by the Pawnee tribe, or the white soldiers that imprisoned Dances With
Wolves (John Dunbar). Furthermore, the problem of white men hunting buffalo was also based on true
facts. The Indians did not feel that it was the white
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Compare And Contrast The Landlady And Lamb To The Slaughter
In stories, The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe, The Landlady and Lamb to the Slaughter both by
Roald Dahl, ideas of guilt and sanity prevail. In these short stories, the lack of guilt and insanity create
a mental state which not only allows them to commit their crimes but also to do so without remorse.
Poe uses close description and large amounts of figurative language to bring through the ideas of trust,
insanity, lack of guilt and perfect crimes . In contrast, Roald Dahl uses other figurative language
techniques such as juxtaposition and foreshadowing.
In all three horror stories Roald Dahl and Poe explore the lack of guilt.There are direct references to
the lack of guilt in The Tell Tale Heart and Lamb To The Slaughter.In addition to
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Analysis Of From One Second To The Next By Werner Herzog
From One Second to the Next is a documentary directed by Werner Herzog that showcases the lives of
four people who were struck by tragedy when they were traumatically involved in a texting and
driving accident. The main purpose of this documentary is to warn viewers about how perilous texting
and driving at the same time can be not for just teens, but also for adults. The four subjects that were
involved in the fatal accidents comprehensively explained the incidents in detail and how their lives
were emotionally and physically affected after the demoralizing aftermath of the texting and driving
accidents. The first subject is Xzavier, a young teen and a victim who became paralyzed after a driver
was texting and driving at the same hit him, another subject is Chandler Gerber (a driver who
accidentally crashed ... Show more content on ...
Last but not least, Werner Herzog created a masterpiece that would impact millions of drivers all
around the globe. The problem that the United States faces today is drivers frequently text and drive at
the same time which results in devastating consequences. Texting and driving has been growing to an
extent even though it is treacherous where hundreds of thousands of Americans text and drive, which
subsequently results in immense distraction for the driver, leading up to automotive accidents that
damage property and kill civilians or even the driver himself or herself. According to, the chances of getting into an automotive accident from texting while
driving is 23 times likely to transpire. Most of drivers behind the wheel that are involved in a
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Red Blood Doping Essay
Red blood cells main function is to transport oxygen. They do not have a nucleus; therefore it allows
more storage for hemoglobin in red blood cells. Hemoglobin binds and transports oxygen and carbon
dioxide. The most important thing that blood doping does is increasing the amount of red blood cells
in your body. Blood doping is an illicit method of improving athletic performance by artificially
boosting the blood s ability to bring more oxygen to muscles, (Blood doping: Types, Risks, and Tests).
It improves their performance and stamina, which is completely unfair. By increasing the amount of
red blood cells, you are also increasing the amount of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is an oxygen carrying
protein in the blood. So increasing hemoglobin
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The Problem Of Crime And Gun Violence
Although it seems like the problem of crime and gun violence is never approached or discussed, there
are leaders within America tirelessly working to find a solution to help decrease crime. Alex Yablon
puts it like this in his article on The Trace, saying the lack of progress on the federal level should not
be confused with a lack of proposed solutions to America s gun violence epidemic there are plenty of
those, on both sides of the table. Yablon means there are some bills that would limit the access to guns
as well as bills that would prevent the enforcement of restrictions on guns. However, he is not the only
one to have an opinion of how the government is viewing crime and gun violence. John Donohue, in
his article Gun Control: What We can learn from other Advanced Countries, points out that besides
being the world leader in the amount of guns available to citizens, the U.S. does not seem to be
making much progress on finding a solution. Donohue also goes on to say that, the stricter gun laws of
other advanced countries have restrained homicidal violence, suicides and gun accidents, despite there
being protest by the armed citizens (Newsweek Magazine Web). These two men each hold different
viewpoints when it comes to how they think crime and gun violence is being addressed by the
government, however, each of their viewpoints presents a valid opinion in regards to the issue. Still, in
order to fully understand what is going on at the federal level, one has to
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Elizabeth Beezie Research Paper
Before horse, the main way for travel was by foot. This would mean anything that needed to be
delivered, such as a letter or supplies, would usually take too long or get lost along the way. One
current famous equestrian is Elizabeth Beezie Madden. Beezie is the daughter of Joe and Kathy Patton
and she was born on November 20, 1963. She was born in her hometown of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
and grew up on her family s horse farm. She was the first woman and American rider to reach the top
three in the show jumping world ranking list. Beezi started competing at the Grand Prix level in 1985
and is the first woman to pass the one million dollar mark in earnings for show jumping. Her list of
winnings is lengthy and profound. In 2005, she won $200,000
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Ballistics In The Field Of Criminal Justice
What are the different types of ballistics that we study in the field of criminal justice? We study three
main types they are: internal, external, and terminal ballistics. Internal ballistics is the interior
workings of a weapon and the functioning of its ammunition. External ballistics is the study of the
flight of the bullet from the mussel of the gun to the target. Terminal ballistics is what happens to the
bullet once it hits the target. We will take a closer look at each one of these throughout this paper.
Internal Ballistics Internal ballistics is the study of what occurs within the barrel of a firearm from the
exact moment when the firing pin hits the primer to the time that the bullet exists out of the barrel of
the firearm. ... Show more content on ...
However, this can be broke down into two categories penetration ballistics, which is the capability of
missile to penetrate through materials. Wound ballistics which is the effect the missile has on living
tissue. Penetration potential is the penetration through different materials and is an influential factor in
shooting incidents. One of the most standard tests to the penetration levels was pine boards of various
thicknesses, which is often plagued with inaccuracies. In general wound ballistics, which is the
capability of a bullet to strike through a human being. The first of these is where a bullet drills its way
through the body leaving a small entry and an equally small exit hole. The second is when bullet
leaves a small entry hole and an enormous exit hole. The third is when the victim is shot by something
other than a rifle, and the impact is enough to throw the person through the air. After leaving the barrel
of the firearm there are three main factors that make for unstable condition, which are: yaw is the
angle between longitudinal axis of a projectile and its line of flight as it exists before the bullet is
stable. Precession is the rotational effect of the bullet about its mid axis. Nutation is the constant
corkscrew motion of the bullet. To stimulate body tissue they use ballistic gelatin. So that the forensics
team can demonstrate or recreate the crime scene in a lab for the
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Evaluation Of A Performance Evaluation Based On The...
For instance, loyalty, dynamism, leadership sociability, creativity are characteristics required in wide
variety of jobs. This type of evaluation is popular, although it remains widely criticized (McGregor,
1957). Many specialists believe that personality traits are unobservable, therefore, difficult to define
and measure. These can cause bias in the evaluation and shorten the validity because the respect we
hold for the inherent value of the individual leaves us distresses when we must take responsibility for
judging the personal worth of a fellowman . (Schmidt Hunter, 1998). Furthermore, the personality
traits is somewhat related to the performance of the individual at work. In addition, making a
judgment about an individual does not ... Show more content on ...
With this type of evaluation, the peers play a central role because of the fact that they are familiar with
the work and also have daily interaction with the assesse. By contrast, in an organization where there
is competition among workers, the 360 degree may pervert the relationship of exchange and
cooperation. Certainly, with this type of evaluation there may be opportunity to speak badly of the
work done by others. Despite this, Antonioni mentioned that these personal opinions on the
colleagues, when expressed through this 360 degree appraisal could become opportunities to address
conflict and possibly solve it. Secondly, a feedback is given to the appraised. This is based on many
diversified information and, therefore, is supposed to be more credible and valid. As mentioned by
Antonioni, the multiple sources help increase loyalty and the measure of validity. In addition, the
confidentiality of the descriptions as well as the fact that specific observable behaviors are taken into
account adds more value to the validity. First, performance management through evaluation allows
employee to know what is expected of him and what will be evaluated. Individual wants to know how
the other deems to reflect on his behaviors. So along the way, the feedback he/she receives may allow
him to know what his evaluator think of his performance on the job and what he could do in order to
improve, maintain or fix. Receiving a feedback may be a constructive experience,
... Get more on ...
The Pros And Cons Of A Constitutional Republic
There is a common misconception that the United States is a Democracy , but the technical term for
the type of government that the U.S. is ruled under is a Constitutional Republic . A Republic is simply
a government where people whom were elected by a larger body of citizens make the laws, while a
Democracy is simply a government where the citizens make laws directly. A constitution is simply a
set of laws that are above all, and everything after cannot contradict those laws. Thus, a Constitutional
Republic is simply a government who rules under a set of laws and the government is elected by a
larger body of citizens to make future laws. However, it is not that simple. A constitutional
government is a government where the rule of law is paramount, ... Show more content on ...
An example of this separation of powers comes from the U.S. government itself, from which there are
three branches of government, the legislative branch, the judicial branch, and the executive branch,
and within the legislative branch rests two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives, and
even deeper, there is the armed populace, from which, in theory, the final check is to come from.
These separations of power, defined mostly by the written Constitution of the U.S., makes it so that
any person who legislates, will face opposition in the event of a power grab, though it s worth noting
that it s entirely possible for large groups to overwhelm this system of checks and balances. In any
case, this separation of powers is necessary for a constitution, as it further enables a government to
secure the natural rights of person (in the way of not oppressing those
... Get more on ...
Advertising And Its Effects On Society
Medoff and Kaye, described newspaper ads, televisions commercials, billboards, coffee mugs
imprinted with a logo, and flyers left on windshields as a form of advertising (2011, p.130). According
to Medoff and Kaye, advertising serves an educational, social and economic purpose (2011, p.137).
Although advertising appears beneficial in many features, it too has its drawbacks and can be similarly
unfavorable. Advertising will perhaps become increasingly ubiquitous, increasingly influential, and
increasingly controversial (Advertising, 2011, p.152). Advertising is highly criticized, not so much for
its very nature but because of its content, its negative influences on society, and the types of products
it promotes (2011, p. 152). Critics of advertising scream for relief from the over commercialized world
that it creates explained Medoff and Kaye (2011, p.152).
This chapter revealed arguments made by critics concerning advertising. For one, critics suggest that
advertising encourages greed or materialism (Advertising, 2011, p.153). Moreover, Medoff and Kaye
explain how critics claim that people purchase things they really do not need, but merely for the sake
of acquiring goods (2011, p. 153). This I have observed through some of my friends and family
members. Often they remain in competition to see who could be the first to get the next newest smart
phone or the bigger flat screen television. While there is nothing wrong with the current smart phone
or flat screen television,
... Get more on ...
Numericus Sphaericus Essay
Lysinibacillus sphaericus (formerly Bacillus sphaericus) has been used as an alternative strategy to
control mosquito s population because it is harmless to humans and other non target organisms.
Extensive studies have demonstrated the larvicidal activity of the binary toxin, which is the core of the
bacterium s toxicity. Binary toxin is produces as parasporal crystals during sporulation, and
specifically binds to a single class of receptors, α glucosidases, in larvae midgut. Because L.
sphaericus toxicity is based on only one kind of toxin, high level resistance against the bacterium was
observed in the field [1]. One of approaches to manage binary toxin resistance is the utilization of
binary toxin in combination with other mosquitocidal toxins, among those are toxins from Bacillus
thuringiensis, and from B. sphaericus itself. Beside the spore associated binary toxin crystals, B.
sphaericus also produces soluble mosquitocidal toxins Mtx1, Mtx2 and Mtx3 during vegetative
growth, whose applications have not been as thoroughly explored [1]. ... Show more content on ...
In addition, Mtx2 shares homology with epsilon toxin from Clostridium, suggests its mode of action
as pore forming toxin [2]. The mtx2 gene encodes a 31.8 kDa protein which is moderately toxic to
Culex and Aedes larvae [3], and specificity determinant of the protein depends on amino acid at
position 224 where lysine and threonine renders toxicity towards Culex and Aedes larvae, respectively
[4]. Study of truncated Mtx2 proteins showed that amino acid position 23 26 in the N terminus are
required for full toxicity and the C terminus is important for folding and toxicity of the Mtx2
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. How To Write A College Persuasive Essay 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. How To Write A College Persuasive Essay How To Write A College Persuasive Essay
  • 2. Change In Film Film, being both visual and audible, has become a power source of art throughout its development. In many cases, films are used as a way to promote social change. The 2000 X Men film can be seen as a cry for equality. A supernatural film about mutants versus humans sends an underlying message about how people may not feel accepted or like they fit in just because they don t conform to society. During the mid 1950s and early 1960s movies were used to express the desire to break free, as a people, from the ideals of perfection and gender norms as America underwent a huge social change that quickly became known as The Sexual Revolution. (Escoffier, Sexual Revolution). Films such as Douglas Sirk s All That Heaven Allows (1955), Nicholas Ray s Rebel Without a ... Show more content on ... Then the pressures of society weigh down on her and cause her to go back on her feelings, which on it s own conveys that if you want to be happy, you need to be your own person. Rebel Without a Cause (1955) is about a troubled teenage boy that wants to find a purpose in life despite being neglected by his parents and feeling as if he didn t belong in his society. This ultimately leads to a tragic end for him and it sends the message that not being accepted isn t okay. Some Like It Hot (1959) is about men who dress as women to escape thugs and the women they meet who march to the beat of their own drum. This movie was heavily considered against the norm but was made despite American film censorship s contempt. Men in women s clothing was extremely looked down upon, which made this movie bold and inspirational to anyone who felt like they wanted to do or be something or someone although it might be heavily frowned upon ( Some Like It Hot (1959) Analysis ). In Mulvey s Visual Pleasure and the Narrative Cinema, she talks about the already preconceived notions we have already formed about gender and how that plays into movie making and ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Civilization and Its Discontents, by Sigmeund Freud Essay... Civilization and Its Discontents is a book written by Sigmund Freud in 1929 (originally titled Das Unbehagen in der Kultur or The Uneasiness in Culture.) This is considered to be one of Freud s most important and widely read works. In this book, Freud explains his perspective by enumerating what he sees as fundamental tensions between civilization and the individual. He asserts that this tension stems from the individual s quest for freedom and non conformity and civilization s quest for uniformity and instinctual repression. Most of humankind s primitive instincts are clearly destructive to the health and well being of a human community (such as the desire to kill.) As a direct result, civilization creates laws designed to prohibit ... Show more content on ... Freud theorizes that this oceanic feeling is a regression into an earlier state of consciousness before the ego had differentiated itself from the world of objects. Freud also theorizes that the religious oceanic feeling arises from the infant s helplessness and the longing for the father and imagine[s] that the oceanic feeling became connected with religion later on. In other words, the oceanic feeling is not a genuine religious experience, though people experience it that way. Throughout the rest of the book, Freud addresses the conflict between civilization and the individual. He starts with the fundamental paradox of civilization: we created civilization as a tool to protect ourselves from unhappiness; however it is our largest source of unhappiness. He also points out that contemporary technological advances have been a mixed blessing for human happiness. He also asks what the purpose of civilization is if it is not to satisfy the pleasure principal. He later concedes that civilization has to make compromises of happiness to fulfill its primary goal of bringing people into peaceful relationships with each other, by making them subject to a higher, communal authority. Freud included a cornucopia of various themes in this book. The first of these is the recurring theme of the primal father and his psychological heritage. This is one of Freud s most controversial cultural speculations. Freud proposes that human societies were ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Margin Call, the Movie Margin Call depicts a realistic take on what happens inside a Wall Street firm. It is about a company that is downsizing their workers because of a firm s crisis. One of the victims, Eric Dale, was working on a major analysis when he was laid off. He hands his coworker Peter Sullivan his USB, which contains the major analysis. Peter stays late and cracks the issues and calls his coworkers and bosses in about the financial disaster he had discovered. He had discovered that the company is about the crash. He tries to get ahold of Eric, no luck. He then calls his coworkers Seth Bregman and Will Emerson, who are at a bar and tells them that they need to come back to the office for an emergency situation. After showing the ... Show more content on ... He is mainly concerned about how much he makes in salary. Will describes Seth rather well, saying he is A heartless little shit. While Peter is concerned about the discovery and the negative impact it could have on the company, Seth is goofing around and telling Peter that everyone is going out but him and that he should have few drinks at The Grand to celebrate that they did not get laid off like many of their coworkers. Peter then calls Seth when he discovers what is on the USB and Seth complains about leaving the club and coming back to the office at 10:00pm. Compared to Peter, Seth cares more about the well being of himself than of the survival of the company. For example, when Peter and Seth are in the taxi, Seth pulls out a large beer and asks Peter if he wants one, Peter says no and Seth says What, we got them on our way to meet you at the office ... we didn t know what the fuck you wanted to talk about ... I thought you got a chick pregnant or something. Even after Seth knows how bad the situation is, we still find him joking about it. Seth s laid back demeanor of sitting and drinking a beer shows that he is not influenced by the stresses around him. Someone who really cared about the firm would be taking these matters very seriously. Peter makes a comment about the people walking around outside and says, Look at these people, wondering around...they have no idea what is about to happen, and Seth replies ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Importance Of Teaching Humanities And Arts Teaching Children the Arts and Humanities Jenry Martin PHI103: Informal Logic Instructor: Stephen Krogh March 7, 2016 Ashford University My research is about the importance of teaching humanities and arts to kids. Humanities and art can provide understanding to children opening their minds and after my research, I can say I am in favor that children learn in early ages humanities and art. In this paper, I will provide both examples why kids should study them and why not. I will explain how do humanities and art help them to develop their intelligence and how could not be so beneficially for them as well. Even though some people say that art classes are a drain on the economy and art educations are considered a distraction and that art classes do not give children more development in their grades, my research will talk about the importance of teaching humanities and arts to kids. I will show first the good part of teaching at and humanities to kids: Premise 1: Humanities class gives kids sense about where they come from. Premise 2: Humanities helps kid to develop skills they need to grow up. Premise 3: Art relaxes your mind. Premise 4: Art helps kids to express their emotions. Conclusion: therefore children should be taught humanities I found that my argument is intended to be deductive, and, later on, I will put a counterargument to explain it: My first premise shows that humanities help the kids to learn history. Help them to understand about ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Material Requirements Planning System � � �Material Requirements Planning � PAGE �2� Material Requirements Planning (MRP) System Riordan Manufacturing XXXX University of Phoenix BSA/375 XXXX XXXX � Abstract At the request of the Chief Operations Officer and the Vice President Operations, Riordan Manufacturing, an evaluation was requested for the development of a Material Requirements Planning (MRP) system. The system is to track and manage raw materials as well as finished product inventory throughout Riordan Manufacturing. Overall, the objective of implementing an MRP is to reduce on hand raw materials and finished goods inventory costs. The intent of this paper is to provide summary information to upper management by demonstrating the business requirements ... Show more content on ... Once completed, the corporate assets should be more than adequate to support MRP usage along with other corporate endeavors in the ERP realm. Based on input from the software vendor, the MRP will be capable of handling an increase in activity generated by the corporate goal of increased sales and marketing. Economic feasibility was assessed as follows: MRP will reduce operational cost by a minimum of 10% by eliminating surge hiring and purchasing to meet production needs. MRP will reduce cycle time by a minimum of 15% by normalizing the production lines and quantities of products on hand or in production.
  • 7. MRP will reduce on hand stock of finished products by up to 30% by reducing lead times associated with production and procurement of raw materials. Break even point will be realized within 6 months of implementation. MRP will result in greater customer satisfaction as lead times are reduced or eliminated in purchase to delivery times. The current business process can be summarized both verbally and visually. Currently raw materials are ordered and stockpiled. Once an order is received, the material on hand is reviewed to ensure sufficient quantities are available. If sufficient quantities are not on hand additional materials are ordered. Deliverables are manufactured and shipped to the customer. Review of raw materials on hand is ... Get more on ...
  • 8. What Are The Pros And Cons Of Plea Bargaining Plea bargaining is important in the criminal justice system. It is an essential tool that benefits not only the prosecutor but the defense attorney and the defendant. Plea bargaining allows attorneys to decide cases without needing the judge or a jury to decide the case. It can be beneficial to both the prosecutor and the defense attorney because the prosecutor will have a conviction and the defense attorney would have gained a lesser charge for his client. Throughout this paper I will lead you through the process of plea bargaining, the pros and cons, and how it reflects on crime control and the due process model. Plea Bargaining What is plea bargaining? According to Black s Law Dictionary it is a negotiated agreement between a prosecutor and a criminal defendant whereby the defendant pleads guilty to a lesser offense or to one of multiple charges in exchange for some concession by the prosecutor. This usually involves the defendant pleading guilty to a lighter sentence. If the offer by the prosecution is accepted then the defendant can either plead guilty or nolo contendere which means I do not contest this. Both of the pleas are similar, the only difference is the nolo contendere plea cannot be used as admission of guilt in a civil case (Siegel, Schmalleger, Worrall, Chapter 12, 2011). ... Show more content on ... Sentence bargaining is a technique of plea bargaining in which the prosecutor agrees to endorse a lighter sentence for precise charges if the offender pleads guilty or no contest to them. Charge bargaining is a process where prosecutors agree to drop some charges or decrease a charge to a less serious crime in exchange for a plea by the defendant. Pros and Cons of Plea ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The First Charter Of Human Rights The early Persian Empire was governed by Cyrus the Great. Cyrus was a brilliant, powerful, and thoughtful Persian king that wanted to enlarge the Persian kingdom by conquering nearby lands and then tried to unite them into one empire. Throughout Cyrus skillful leadership and strong military, he was able to create a huge empire that lasted for more than two hundred years. Cyrus was very skilled ruler that does everything the right. He take up a policy of toleration toward the people he goes against. For instance, he accepted them to speak their own native languages, practice their own rituals and religions, and stick to their own old ways. He had so many respected for those people that he announced the first Charter of Human Rights. This charter was the one that set forth Cyrus goals and policies. Since, he was a well respected man among the people that helped him create a peaceful and stable empire for the people to live. Cyrus built was the one that built the foundation of mail system. Then after his deceased, Darius built a communication network that connected to all the 20 provinces which helped the Persian Empire tremendously. Unfortunately, Cyrus passed away and that created a chaotic period under a delicate emperor that almost destroyed the Persian Empire. Afterward, Darius I, became the ruler and he started building on what Cyrus had accomplished while he was the leader. Darius separated the Persian Empire into several provinces to make it much easier to govern ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Responsibility In Virgil s Ceres And Dido Ceres and Dido each possess great power and authority, but their depictions by Ovid and Virgil establish an inaccurate sense of weakness. As women, they are characterized as adversaries to the male idea of power and strength. Though they are queens and goddesses, they are unequal to their male counterparts simply due to their sex. Each of these women fall victim to the oppressiveness of their respective patriarchal societies. Even though Ceres and Dido, in adherence to gender roles, are devoted mothers and lovers, respectively. Their love is only met with pain and agony. Dido allows her burning desire for Aeneas to distract her from her duties, and Ceres is brought to a crippled state because Dis has stolen her daughter. In both Virgil s The ... Show more content on ... After Dis abducts her daughter, she appeals to Jove, but faces great injustice and inequality. Jove does not attempt to empathize with the grieving mother, but instead chooses to lecture her. Though she is a most powerful goddess, she must humble herself in his presence. Aware of the dynamic, she appeals to his masculine dominance and says, ...if you have no regard for her mother, relent as her father don t hold her unworthy, I beg you, simply because I am the child s other parent! (V. 687 689). This self degradation is a notable contrast from the fierceness Ceres demonstrates only moments before. As an autonomous goddess, she reeks havoc in her rage, but in the presence of a male counterpart, she must subdue her rage. She hides her true emotions and submits to the male dominated world she lives in. Instead of respecting Ceres for her humility, Jupiter almost mocks her concerns and exclaims much it is to be Jove s brother! (V.702). Desperate for his aid, Ceres has no response and must tolerate his insincerity. Although Ceres is a powerful goddess, it is almost irrelevant because her might and fortitude are minimized by Jove s haughtiness. But, her capacity to temper her emotions indicate a power all of its own. This control is in fact, far more impressive than Jove s excessive ... Get more on ...
  • 11. An Analysis of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Essay The editors of anthologies containing T. S. Eliot s The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock invariably footnote the reference to Lazarus as John 11:1 44; rarely is the reference footnoted as Luke 16:19 31. Also, the reference to John the Baptist is invariably footnoted as Matthew 14:3 11; never have I seen the reference footnoted as an allusion to Oscar Wilde s Salome. The sources that one cites can profoundly affect interpretations of the poem. I believe that a correct reading of Eliot s Prufrock requires that one cite Wilde, in addition to Matthew, and Luke, in addition to John, as the sources for the John the Baptist and Lazarus being referenced. Furthermore, the citation of these sources can help explain Eliot s allusion to ... Show more content on ... But though I have wept and fasted, wept and prayed, Though I have seen my head (grown slightly bald) brought in upon a platter, I am no prophet and here s no great matter... (81 83) The reference is not only to Matthew 14:3 11, but also to Oscar Wilde s Salome, the play upon which Richard Strauss based his opera Salome. In the biblical account, no motivation is ascribed to Salome for wanting John the Baptist killed. In the versions by Wilde and Strauss, however, Salome is passionately in love with the imprisoned John the Baptist, who, because he will not let the temptations of the flesh corrupt his pure love of God, rejects her advances. Wilde s Salome, determined that if she cannot have John no one will have John, asks Herod for the Baptist s head on a platter. John the Baptist spurned Salome s affections while he lived; now that he is dead, Salome lavishes her kisses upon the cold lips of the bloody corpse head. Prufrock, too, has had his moments of temptation: he has known the arms already, known them all / Arms that are braceleted and white and bare / (But in the lamplight, downed with light brown hair!) (62 64). And these very sources of temptation, these arms that lie along a table, or wrap about a shawl (67), eventually emasculate Prufrock by rejection: ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Archetypal Criticism In In The Time Of The Butterflies By... The Deeper Meaning An American poet once stated, Great literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost possible degree (Pound). Every piece of literature has an impactful underlying meaning and can be interpreted into universal symbols, motifs, and patterns. Archetypal Criticism is a theory based off common myths, images, and symbols in literature. The definition of an archetype can be defined as a very typical example of a certain person or thing (Davidson). With that being said, readers can apply Archetypal Criticism to In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez. Alvarez uses common character types, like the hero and the villain, and also uses the symbol of butterflies in her novel. One way Archetypal Criticism is ... Show more content on ... The definition of a symbol is An example of this is relating the Mirabal sisters to butterflies. Regina M. Cutter Edwards, an Entomologist, states, Butterflies are deep and powerful representations of life. [...] Around the world, people view the butterfly as representing endurance, change, hope, and life (Edwards). The term butterfly was the sisters code name for the movement. The butterfly was a symbol for them, not only because that is what they were called, but also because they symbolized what it meant to be a butterfly. The Mirabal sisters changed from being little children following their parents, to individuals leading a revolution and having other people follow them. When Minerva was young, she stated, I had thought it was caused by the bandages I had started tying around my chest so my breasts won t grow (Alvarez 23). She put bandages around her breast so Trujillo wouldn t take her to be one of his ladies. Minerva started out as a person that was fearful into a person that was fearless. Patria and Mate also have the code name Butterfly #1 and Butterfly #2. Mate states, Then everyone was beating on the bars, calling out ¡Viva la Mariposa! Tears came to my eyes. Something big and powerful spread its wings inside me. Courage, I told myself. And this time, I felt it (Alvarez 238). Mate changed into having courage and endurance as she grew up in Trujillo s ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Mystery Of The Harry Potter Joanne Rowling was born in July 1965 at Yate General Hospital in England and grew up in Chepstow, Gwent where she went to Wyedean Comprehensive. Jo left Chepstow for Exeter University, where she earned a French and Classics degree, her course including one year in Paris. As a postgraduate she moved to London and worked as a researcher at Amnesty International among other jobs. She started writing the Harry Potter series during a delayed Manchester to London King s Cross train journey, and during the next five years, outlined the plots for each book and began writing the first novel. Jo then moved to northern Portugal, where she taught English as a foreign language. She married in October 1992 and gave birth to a daughter in 1993. When the ... Show more content on ... The fourth book in the series, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was published on 8th July 2000 with a record first print run of 1 million copies for the UK. It quickly broke all records for the greatest number of books sold on the first day of publication in the UK. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was published in Britain, the USA, Canada and Australia on 21st June 2003 and broke the records set by Harry Potter the Goblet of Fire as the fastest selling book in history. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince was published in the UK, US and other English speaking countries on 16th July 2005 and also achieved record sales. Since then, Rowling has written four books for adult readers, The Casual Vacancy (2012) and under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith the crime fiction novels The Cuckoo s Calling (2013), The Silkworm (2014) and Career of Evil (2015). Rowling has lived a rags to riches life story, in which she progressed from living on state benefits to multi millionaire status within five years. She is the United Kingdom s best selling living author, with sales in excess of £238m. The 2008 Sunday Times Rich List estimated Rowling s fortune at £560 million, ranking her as the twelfth richest woman in the United Kingdom. Forbes ranked Rowling as the 48th most powerful celebrity of 2007,and Time magazine named her as a runner up for its 2007 Person of the Year, noting the social, moral, and political inspiration she has given her fans] ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Third-Degree Assault Sometimes, arguments between people in Greeley, and throughout Colorado, may become physical. Depending on the circumstances, those involved in physical confrontations with others may be charged with assault. A serious criminal offense, being convicted of this crime could carry severe penalties with lasting implications. Colorado state law establishes three variations of assault offenses third degree, second degree and first degree assault. Each of these charges has differing levels of severity and carry different penalties for a conviction. Third degree assault The least severe of the assault variations is assault in the third degree. According to the Boulder County Bar Association, people may be accused of third degree assault if they knowingly, negligently or recklessly cause others to suffer injuries using deadly weapons. Additionally, causing a law enforcement officer, firefighter or emergency medical service worker to come into contact with certain bodily or hazardous fluids may also qualify as third degree assault. Under most circumstances, third degree assault is a class one misdemeanor. As an extraordinary risk crime, people may be subject to enhanced penalties if convicted of this crime. Colorado state law stipulates that those ... Show more content on ... Intentionally injuring others, and deliberately or recklessly injuring others with a deadly weapon typically constitutes this level of offense. Giving others drugs or other substances without their consent to mentally or physically impair them is also considered second degree assault. So too is purposely injuring law enforcement officers or firefighters while preventing them from executing their lawful duties. People who are legally being held in jail or prison and use violent force against detention facility employees, law enforcement officers, firefighters, court officers or judges may also be charged with second degree ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Annotated Bibliography Of The Films Of Federico Fellini Annotated Bibliography: How do French, Italian, Japanese, and Indian arthouse auteurist films affect the development of New Hollywood auteur films. Bondanella, P. (2002). The Films of Federico Fellini. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. The Films of Federico Fellini examines the career and work of Italy s most revered filmmakers. By analyzing the masterpieces of Fellini, the book attempts to categorize the influence of his work, and explain some of his interests in fantasy, the irrational, and individualism. Bondanella essentially rejects more common ways of analyzing Fellini s work and favors trying to explore the development of his unique and personal cinematic style. Bondanella highlights some of the major accomplishments in the life of the renowned Italian filmmaker. One of the most striking features of Bondanella work is his ability to tell the story of Fellini by using the works of the filmmaker. In particular, Bondanella is able to draw on a new archive of manuscripts, obtained from Fellini and his scriptwriters. This level of in depth analysis allows researchers to get a detailed view of Fellini s work that has inspired generations of not only Italian filmmakers, but also in the rest of the world. The author suggests that Fellini s use of realism in film allows the audience to connect on a whole ... Show more content on ... One one hand, we have directors claiming the work because of the creative initiatives that they had to take in order to make the films, while the production companies claim the films because they commissioned the director to make the films. This is the issue that Gerstner and Staiger try to answer, the question of who owns the rights to a film. Auteurism is the belief that the director is the sole author of a film, and that it should reflect the emotions and beliefs of the director. According to auteurism, we should see the vision of the director in the film, and thus he claims ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Australian Film Gallipoli Welcome everyone to the 2017 Australia film festival. I am Jaxon Lennox an Australian film critic and one of the festival organiser of this amazing event. Today I am going to analysis and evaluate the Australian film Gallipoli. The film Gallipoli is about two Australian sprinters that face the ruthless realities of war when they are sent to fight in the Gallipoli campaign in Turkey during World War I. The genre of the film Gallipoli is Drama, War, History and Adventure. The film starts off in Australia and later is set in Gallipoli. The director is Peter Weir and the film was first released in Australia on the 13 august 1981. The main stars in the movie are Mel Gibson, Mark Lee and Bill Kerr. In 1981, the film won nine awards at the Australian ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Modified Edema Research Paper Synopsis: Comparing the Effects of Modified Manual with Traditional Edema Technique Jovel Duatin Samuel Merritt University Department of Occupational Therapy Knygsand Roenhoej and Maribo (2011) examined the effects of modified edema mobilization (MEM) treatment with MEM pump points (MPP) stimulation technique and compared it with the traditional edema technique for patients with subacute hand/arm edema. The effects were determined based on the outcome measures that includes reduction in edema and pain, active range of motion (AROM), and activities of daily living(ADL). It was hypothesized that modified MEM treatment will have better outcome measures compared to the traditional edema technique. The study s design was single blinded, ... Show more content on ... Subacute edema size was measured using a volumeter. The distance from the nail of the fingertip to the proximal palmar crease was measured for AROM. The distance from the nail of the thumb to the base of the fifth finger was used to measure thumb opposition. Moreover, pain was measured using the visual analog scale. Patients ADL levels was assessed through a questionnaire for bilateral activities and perceived performance and satisfaction with ADL was assessed using the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure. The study had 30 participants originally but only 29 completed the treatments. There was a statistically significant decrease in edema, pain, and improvement in AROM observed in both groups. There was a significant change in ADL observed in modified MEM group that indicates that the group managed bilateral ADL activities quicker than the control group. There was also a tendency for modified MEM group to receive fewer occupational therapy session. However, there was no significant statistical difference found between the groups in terms of pain during activity or at rest, AROM, and ADL at inclusion or after six and nine ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Grief And Mourning Essay Grief and mourning are mental processes in how one deals with losing a loved one and the procedures they go through to overcome their distress. These themes are universal issues and are natural human developments. They can effect individuals in many forms and are incredibly individualised. My interest in grief and moruning stems from my experiences with the passing of my father. This essay will outline and discuss three significant theories relating to grief and loss and its origins of the theorists behind them. This will be achieved by firstly outlining what loss, grief and mourning are, how the strain of loss, grief and mourning can burden one s human development and how these chosen theories could be applied. I will also outline the significance of grief and loss in today s global and multi cultural society through applying a Māori model and lens. I will discuss how these theories and ideas will influence my personal practice as an emerging counsellor and my learnings from this case study. Loss is an inevitable and unpreventable part of life; it can effect a person at anytime. McKissick and McKissick (1988) state that loss is something everyone will experience at some point in their lives. This can occur with the passing of a spouse or family member, a relationship breakdown or the loss of a job (McKissck McKissick, 1988). Part of the healing process of loss is grief, which is one s personal experiences of the loss that has occurred (Worden, 2009). Grief is dealt ... Get more on ...
  • 19. How William Shakespeare And Carol Ann Duffy s Subverting... Olivia Daly 12HG T.S Eliot Prize Essay 14 October 2017 How do William Shakespeare and Carol Ann Duffy subvert traditional roles of gender and sexuality in From Mrs Tiresias and Sonnet 20 ? Both Carol Ann Duffy in From Mrs Tiresias and William Shakespeare in Sonnet 20 subvert male gender roles by presenting the male protagonists with physical female traits. Both poets differ in their presentation of traditional gender roles and sexuality. In From Mrs Tiresias , Carol Ann Duffy subverts the gender role of men as strong masculine men, playing on the modern stereotype that men are unable to cope with the monthly trials and tribulations of being a woman. She tells us that he had to have One week in bed. Two doctors in. Three ... Show more content on ... Shakespeare has a highly misogynistic view of women, saying that their hearts are acquainted With shifting change , their eyes are false in rolling and he also talks about women being false implying deceit and an artificial façade. At the culmination of the rhyming couplet, Shakespeare comically tops his damning excoriation of women by telling us that thy love s use their treasure , insinuating that women just want one little thing rather than a soul to love endlessly. This is not subverting the traditional Elizabethan stereotype of women. By contrast, Duffy subverts these gender roles of women by highlighting that men can also act up to Shakespeare s Elizabethan stereotype, just like Mr Tiresias is seen doing in From Mrs Tiresias . He is metaphorically prostituting himself; he is seen entering glitzy restaurants on the arms of [multiple] powerful men and while we are sure this is not for sexual advances, Duffy highlights the superficial nature of Mr Tiresias quest for notoriety. We have a complete juxtaposition between each poet and the reinforcement of gender stereotypes of the gender opposite their own; Shakespeare is renouncing women and thus highlighting the loyalty and dependability of men by using the pitfalls of women to celebrate the qualities of the Fair Youth i.e the man he is revering by contrast, whereas Duffy is repudiating men and accentuating the patience, kindness and supportiveness of women (Mrs Tiresias is holding his new soft ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Computational Scale Out Workloads Applications Abstract Scale out workloads are applications that are typically executed in a cloud environment and exhibit high level of request level parallelism. Such workloads benefit from processor organizations with very high core count since multiple requests can be serviced simultaneously by threads running on these cores. The characteristics of these workloads indicate that they have high instruction footprints exceeding the capacities of private caches, operate on large datasets with limited reuse and have minimal coherence activity due to lesser data sharing. The characteristics also indicate that the active instruction window can be captured by a Last Level Cache (LLC) size of 8MB. New processor organizations have been discussed in literature that tailors the interconnection among cores to match the communication pattern arising out of the characteristics of scale out workloads. The focus of the current work is to take the approach of separating a core and LLC bank from a single tile as specified in literature and design a different interconnection topology for cores and LLC banks to reduce the latency of accessing the LLC to improve performance. In the current work, four cores and a LLC bank are designed to connect to a router forming a star topology and the routers ( 4) are designed to form a 2D flattened butterfly topology. The current design has been targeted at 8 cores and has been implemented using the Bluespec System Verilog HDL (Hardware Description Language) and the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Essay Arundel Partners Guidelines Guidelines for the Arundel Partners Case Assignment This is a group project and only one case report should be submitted FIN 6425 Arundel Case Guidelines Nimalendran In this case, a movie industry analyst is asked to evaluate a proposed venture in which a group of partners would purchase the sequel rights to movies produced by the major studios. Your objective is to 1) discuss and evaluate the basic concept; 2) determine the value of the sequel rights on a per movie basis; 3) evaluate the possible upside and potential drawbacks to the proposed plan. As you will see, the ideas here incorporate elements of capital budgeting coupled with a real options analysis. Please provide answers to the following questions. You ... Show more content on ... Beyond this broad understanding, you shouldn t worry any more about how the specific numbers were estimated but you should understand how to interpret them. For example for The Burbs, the numbers in Exhibit 7 suggest that the value of the sequel at t=3 (using the suggested 12% discount rate) is : NPV (at t=3) = $27.3/1.12 $24 = $0.375 million. It follows that the NPV at t=0 can be found by discounting the above number three years at 12% doing so you get a value of $0.2669 million which is an estimate of what you pay for the sequel right at t=0. Looking at this in terms of an internal rate of return the one year return can be calculated as ($27.3/24) 1=.1375 or 13.75% (this number has been rounded up to .14 or 14% in Exhibit 7). Note that whenever this IRR is above 12%, the sequel will be positive NPV. 5. Assume that a maximum of ten sequels can be made in any given year (choose the sequels that are most likely to be made for example if the main character in the film dies then a sequel is unlikely to be made) Using the same decision tree approach, what would you estimate to be the per movie value of the sequel rights to the entire portfolio of 99 movies released in 1989 by the six major studios? 6. Using the Black Scholes approach, calculate the per movie value of the sequel rights to the entire ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Arguments Against The Death Penalty Abstract The death penalty has been a controversial issue for many years. Those who support the death penalty find it to be a fitting form of punishment for criminal actions. Others suggest that the death penalty is an inhumane practice, even towards criminals. Over the years, it is clear that there are some fatal flaws in how the death penalty operates. Too often in the past has the death penalty fallen victim to courtroom biases. Furthermore, the death penalty is an incredibly expensive and time consuming process. However, the determining factor of whether the death penalty can be considered justice or not depends primarily on how it affects the overall crime rate. In light of this, William Tucker the American Spectator s New York correspondent and CEO of and Eric M. Freedman a professor at Hofstra University School of Law present evidence of the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of the death penalty system. The Value of a Criminal Life The controversy over the death penalty has plagued the world for years. Individuals such as William Tucker The American Spectator s New York correspondent and CEO of believe that the death penalty reduces crime. Meanwhile, those who oppose the death penalty, such as Eric M. Freedman a professor at Hofstra University School of Law argue that it is unneeded. Freedman s article The Case Against the Death Penalty and Tucker s article Why the Death Penalty Works reflect why ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Disadvantages Of Policy Debate Policy Debate was the first debate established in the National Verbalization and Debate Sodality. In Policy Debate there are two teams in a room: The Affirmative Team and the Negative Team. This commenced the base affirmative versus negative in Lincoln Douglas. Two people are on each team just as most debates are. Three variants of verbalizations (Constructives, Cross Examinations and Rebuttals) take place. Each debater gives all three verbalizations. The Constructives, which is eight minutes, start with the first Affirmative Constructive, withal kenned as the 1AC, which is the base case made afore every other verbalization that commences and has the substructure of what both side will be arguing. This is followed by the Cross Examination, which is three Minutes, of the 1AC, which is when the negative side questions the affirmative side and the affirmative must answer every question and is unable to ask any questions back. Then, the first Negative Constructive, withal kenned as the 1NC, is presented (this is identically tantamount thing as the affirmative constructive except conspicuously for the negative side), and the 1NC is Cross Examined (this is when the negative side is asked and must answer and may not ask questions back). After all four verbalizers conclude their Constructive Verbalizations and are Cross Examined, then the Rebuttals, which is five Minutes, commence. A rebuttal is when the affirmative or negative side is able to rebut any assailments made on their ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Similarities Between Inspector Goole And Birling The mystery and morality play, An Inspector Calls , was constructed by Priestley to expose to the public the problems in society and Capitalism. He uses Inspector Goole and Mr. Birling, two very opposing characters in personality and political views, to help illustrate his ideas. This is mainly highlighted by the idea of the Inspector being the protagonist and Birling as the antagonist. Inspector Goole and Birling both represent the two major political parties present in 1912, when it was set (Socialism and Capitalism). Mr. Birling gains more in his business and society due to Capitalism, so is unable to accept community and all that nonsense . This illustrates Birling s belief that each person should only care about their friends and family. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Skin Condition In Michaela s Vitiligo Playing around freely and making new friends wasn t too easy for Michaela, as she was one of the only few people who had Vitiligo, a rare skin condition. Michaela was often prejudged by negative people who would tell her to quit because of the way she looks. The words coming out of people s mouth meant great value to Michaela. Some even told her that she wouldn t be able to continue dancing and succeed when she is older. Once, someone in the ballet world, a man whose opinion meant a lot to me, said to my mother, we don t like to waste a lot of time, money, and effort on the black girls. When they reach puberty, they develop big thighs and behinds and can t dance ballet anymore, Michaela remembered while watching a performance, (DePrince pg.124). ... Show more content on ... Michaela, at such a young age didn t know how to handle all the pressure that was being put on her so she cried and cried day after day. Soon enough, she came to understand that crying wasn t going to help her, so she had used the hate and pressure to become determined. In the book, Michaela wondered, Often upon learning that I am a dancer, someone one will ask me, what kind of dancing do you do...hip hop? This makes my ballerina friends laugh. We all look alike: lean, long legged, hair in buns, and because of the rotation of our hips, our toes point out like ducks. Why are they pre assumed to be ballerinas, but I am pre assumed to be a hip hop artist? (DePrince 119) Michaela was often prejudged by people because of her race. After hearing rude comments all the time, Michaela slowly started to fall down as a dancer and cry almost everyday. The young girl would always feel left out if she were with her group of ballet friends because of the way she looks. Because of this, Michaela felt as if she had to hide who she was. When Michaela went to dance, she would force herself to wear hot, long sleeved leotards, so no one was able to see her ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Pros And Cons Of Homeless People Many homeless people have various problems which include money, domestic violence or mental illness and it is not easy for them to change their lifestyle and find a job. Do you know how many homeless people are living in Toronto? According to the homeless hub, they estimated put the number of homeless in the city at about 5,219 in 2013 ( Popluation , 2013). Homeless need help getting off the streets but are not able to do it by themselves. People should not just give the homeless poor treatment and keep on walking by like nothing is wrong. In order to reduce the homeless problem, we should help them efficiently to solve this problem which can allow the government to help them in many ways. According to National Coalition for the Homeless, Homeless and poverty are inextricably linked ( Why , July 2009). People who are poor are not able to consistently pay for necessities such as housing, food, health care, and education. If they can pay for those things, they won t be homeless. Many homeless people work for minimum wage and they just can not earn enough money to afford housing. According to Retail Council of Canada, Ontario minimum wage is $11.40 per hour ( Minimum , March 2017). However, the housing price is still expensive in Toronto. Even though the homeless works hard, they can not afford to pay for housing and other necessities. So, homeless people give up work and the vicious circle of poverty keeps repeating itself. Some of the serious problems are family ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Abortion Papers On Abortion A woman s right to choose, pro choice, pro life, and fetal rights are all buzzwords that are thrown around throughout American society and have impacted political campaigns, social welfare initiatives, and monumental court cases. The topic of abortion is not just a modern one, it is a discussion that has been taking place for thousands of years that have already been discussed at length in both ancient and modern Rabbinical Jewish sources. Topics of whether a fetus is considered to be a human life, parental property, or whether abortion is endangering a mother s health have been discussed extensively in both American and Jewish Law, however, their respective set of rules and regulations differ. The evolution of the law is more apparent in American law, where the court cases of Roe vs. Wade and Planned Parenthood vs. Casey lead to the upheaval of abortion law as was formerly known, and gave a mother a right to choose with certain conditions. Unlike American law, in Jewish law when abortions are performed they are not discretionary, they are necessary, and according to this philosophy, a woman does not have a right to choose to abort a life that is in the hands of God unless medically necessary. Although both in American Law and in Jewish Law the primary health concerns are for the mother, the worldviews of the laws differ in the sense that American law is primarily concerned about the privacy of the individual, while Jewish law is concerned with the social aspect of all ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Significant Events In The Vietnam War Vietnam War The Vietnam War was a significant war. The war was a large conflict known as the Second Indochina War. Significant numbers of people suffered and died in this war. Also the cost of the war was extremely high. The Vietnam War had fought for about 20 years. The Vietnam War was a significant war that had happen in the 1960 s, it is important to know how does it occurred, what events that had happen in the war, and the effects of the war. The Vietnam War started because of U.S strategy of contaminants during the Cold War. Which aimed to prevent communism to spread across the world. The U.S. had saw that Vietnam as a place to take a stand against the spread of communism. Vietnam was usually a French colony. During War World II, Japan had invaded Vietnam. The defeat of Japan, a communist leader Ho Chi Minh declared Vietnam an independent nation. French wants to keep their colony, so they sent troop to fight for it. Ho Chi Minh independence movement had defeated French in 1954. After the Battle of Dien Bien Phu Vietnam was divided into two nations. The north is ... Show more content on ... For example the Battle of Ap Bac War the first battle in the Vietnam War. It was fought by ARVN and NVN. The battle ends with a result in a heavy casualties. Also the Battle of la Drang Valley is also a major battle between the U.S and Vietnam. It happen from November 14 to November 18, 1965 at Landing Zone X Ray and Albany in La Drang Valley, Central Highlands of South Vietnam. Heavy casualties had happen on both sides, both of them think that they has won the battle. This battle was considered essential as it set the blueprint for tactics for both sides during the conflict. The Battle of Khe Sanh took place in Quang Tri province. PAVN troops began a heavy artillery bombardment on the U.S. Marine garrison at Khe Sanh. Again both side claimed victory, but heavy casualties on both side had ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Character Analysis Of A Rose For Emily A Rose for Emily begins with and ends with the death of Miss Emily Grierson, who was certainly a strong, strange character, and described as a monument to the people of her town and a character analysis on her can go in any number of directions. She had to overcome many difficulties in every step of her life. Therefore, every step of her life presents her characteristics in different parts of the story, but yet leaves the readers pondering...Who is Miss Emily Grierson? In the beginning of the story, it is said that Miss Emily is a traditional person, a duty, a care and a sort of hereditary obligation around her town dating back from the day in 1894 . Her character of being traditional goes back to the teaching of china painting lessons which ... Show more content on ... Throughout her life, her father had always been controlling and dominating her life up until his death. After her father s death, it left her deeply distressed and more isolated than ever refusing to give up her father s dead body possibly because she was use to her father s presence and being in control of everything in her life which made it almost impossible for her to cope and leaving her in denial of her father s death. Some years after, Emily meets a man by the name of Homer Barron, whom she grew to love, but sadly the irony of this fate is that he wasn t attracted to her and also rejected her proposal of wanting to marry him. Another saying of the townspeople is After her father s death she went out very little, after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her, and this shows how unfortunate she was. It s hard to imagine losing the ones you love most especially because they made such an impact in your life which is probably how Miss Emily felt. After all, her father and Homer Barron played a significant role in her life and for that reason she couldn t bear the absence of both her father and lover which made her stay unhappy living in her house. Although, Mr. Grierson appearance in the story was little, his dominating and controlling way was clear from the beginning of the story. For instance, he didn t allow Emily to get into a relationship ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Trinitrotoluene TNT is more accurately known as Trinitrotoluene (more specifically 2,4,6 trinitrotoluene), a Class A explosive. Its molecular formula is C7H5N3O6 OR C6H2(CH3)(NO2)3 OR C6H2(NO2)3CH3. This compound includes the elements Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Oxygen, notably 37.0% Carbon, 2.2% Hydrogen, 18.5% Nitrogen, and 42.3% Oxygen. It is an explosive chemical (a combustible solid) with toxic and hazardous effects. Commonly experienced symptoms due to exposure mainly include headaches, weakness, anemia, liver injury, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dermatitis, cyanosis, toxic hepatitis, etc. It s an incredibly hazardous explosive, considering it is absorbed by the skin, its vapors are toxic, toxic fumes are released when decomposed due to high temperatures, and it detonates under excessive shock or heat. Physically, TNT is a colorless or pale yellow and odorless solid or crushed flake, and it is synthetic (does not occur naturally on Earth). It has a molecular weight of 227.132 g/mol, hydrogen donor count of 0, hydrogen acceptor count of 6, relatable bond count of 0, complexity of 292, topological polar surface of 138 A^2, mass of 227.018 g/mol, heavy atom count of 16, covalently bonded unit count of 1, and formal charge of 0. Its structural shape changes. Its boiling point (point at which it explodes) is 464º F (240 deg C) at 760 mmHg. It is also insoluble, but has a few exceptions. At 18 deg C, it is soluble in the following solvents: chloroform, ether, and carbon tetrachloride. ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Rhetorical Analysis Of Handwriting Doesn t Matter Rhetorical Analysis: Handwriting Just Doesn t Matter In recent years, the rushing tide of typing has overwhelmed the once necessary skill of handwriting. As the days pass by computers and other 21st century electronics are becoming more and more a part human lives. Gone are the constant needs for pen and paper, often times all that is needed for notetaking is a laptop and working fingers. A recent article published by Anne Trubek titled Handwriting Just Doesn t Matter analyzes the importance of handwriting in the computerized world that is lived in today, as well as through a discussion on the teaching of cursive and other handwriting exercises in schools. Using a mix of pathos, logos, and minor amounts of ethos, Trubek is able to comprehensively convince her audience that handwriting is not as important or useful a skill as it used to be. Trubek wishes to provide her audience with a convincing argument that shows how handwriting in this time is inferior to typing on computers. In other words, her primary purpose is to illustrate the idea of focusing on typing automaticity (the ability to type without looking at keys) in schools over handwriting automaticity (the ability to write without conscious effort). This is seen when Trubek explains how if ...the goal of public education is to prepare students to become successful, employable adults, typing is inarguably more useful than handwriting. (Trubek, 2016, para. 4) Trubek argues that if public schools are working ... Get more on ...
  • 32. How The Western Culture Views The Elderly Introduction: People treat and view the elderly members of society in alternate ways depending on the culture they are from and have grown up in; this is shown in Western and Eastern society who regard the elderly very differently. The way children are brought up to perceive the elderly can have a large impact on the way they treat elderly people when the children grow into teenagers and adults, both in everyday situations and in care homes. I shall be discussing how the Western culture views the elderly and how this affects the care they receive by exploring the stereotypical view of how the UK treats their elderly people which involve stories of abuse that takes place in care homes that have been revealed by elderly victim s families. However I shall also focus on elderly people of a Western culture that receive a very high quality of care by being given above and beyond the minimum standard of care, attention and respect expected in an elderly care home which, for example, can be seen in Hayling Island care home which has been labelled as the best in the UK. I will be talking about another European country, France, who have dramatically improved their treatment and care of the elderly following a heat wave in 2003 and the statistics that say France has the highest elderly suicide rate in Europe. On the other hand, I shall be discussing how the Eastern culture is so different from Western culture regarding their attitude and respectfulness towards elderly people. Children ... Get more on ...
  • 33. How Autonomy Should Be Fully Operate Themselves With No... With the push from google and Tesla to develop fully autonomous cars, the big question I think we should ask is should we? Should we develop vehicles that can fully operate themselves with no possibility of human intervention? Since Google in the early 2000s, there has been a push from manufacturers to produce vehicles that will one day be The driver. These systems can see obstacles in front, behind, and all around themselves. They can brake, accelerate, make turns, and park all by themselves, but should they have this level of control? Should we have some level of control over these systems? I think the driverless discussion like many should meet in the middle just like the old Diamond Rio song. Autonomy should benefit the elderly, the disabled, and needy to provide levels of transportation, they otherwise wouldn t have. Autonomy can take over on a crowded commute home after a long day of work. It can relieve the driver when they need it, but people should always know how to drive, and we should continue to bolster the transportation of our nation. The first article we will cover is Brian Fung s article, The big question about driverless cars that no one seems able to answer. Fung deals with the large issue of liability with driverless cars. He focuses on how insurance companies will have to adjust as cars become increasingly more autonomous. Fung interviews several companies including State Farm, Liberty Mutual, and the District of Columbia Insurance Federation. He ... Get more on ...
  • 34. My Earliest Childhood Memory Research Paper I have some extremely strong feeling, trying to reflect back to my earliest childhood memory of my life, my first version was describing the setting that of my father hitting my mother over the head with something. Now, I know it was a gun. She was lying in a pool of blood in front of the fireplace with, me by her side trying to wait her up, then going outside crying so my, grandmother could hear me. There were so many scary moments in my childhood. I, can remember as a child, my father and brother falling in a lake of water with my mother screaming and helping them to get out, our house catching on fire with my mother and me along with three of my siblings trying to get out with her telling us to hold on to her and don t let go. Which my father was no there to be found. Later we learned that he was drinking with his friend up the street under a tree. I was told a few neighbors came to help. Then we stay with my grandparents which I love. Because I love waiting for my granddad to come home from work so he, could take me to get vanilla ice cream. After moving to Cincinnati, Ohio at the age of six from Alabama. My father continues to be very abuses to my mother for fourteen years of their marriage. Thank God she s still alive today. For the most part, its kind sad that when you trying to backtrack your life one of the first memory is an unforgettable one with horrible pain. I had to have been no more than three or four. I can t remember my mother or father teaching me or ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Analysis Of The Film Dances With Wolves The 1990 film Dances With Wolves directed by Kevin Costner covers a number of topics such as the Civil War, westward expansion, and white Indian relations. Being set in the frontier during the Civil War, the primary issue the film raises is the white cruelty towards Native Americans during this time period. This film can be classified as a realistic historical fiction because it depicts the humanity and morals of the Sioux Indians while, at the same time, showing how they were treated by the white American soldiers. Dances With Wolves starts out by introducing the main character, John Dunbar, as a soldier in the Civil War. John is portrayed as a strong man because he refuses his foot to be amputated, and he rides a horse out onto the ... Show more content on ... Because he was dressed like an Indian, the soldiers treated him as such, beating and calling him a traitor. When he did not return for a few days, the Indians knew something was wrong, and they sent a search party. In the same way that John helped the Sioux fight the Pawnee, the Sioux were now helping John fight the soldiers. The rescue attempt was successful and they all made it back to the village. Although Dances With Wolves is not a historically accurate and true story of the Civil War, it is a historical fiction that is based on many true facts. The film starts off with a very unrealistic beginning. It is set in the Civil War, on a battlefield, and John Dunbar rides a horse openly right past the opposing side without getting shot. This seems to be the only unrealistic part of this film, however. For example, the Sioux Indians not being total savages was true. White people did treat all Indians poorly, and they justified their actions by saying that all Indians are savages. This film shows that in fact, not all Indians were cruel and bloodthirsty, the Pawnee were the only mean Indians depicted. The Sioux are portrayed as mostly peaceful humans with great moral standards. They only fight when they feel threatened, such as by the Pawnee tribe, or the white soldiers that imprisoned Dances With Wolves (John Dunbar). Furthermore, the problem of white men hunting buffalo was also based on true facts. The Indians did not feel that it was the white ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Compare And Contrast The Landlady And Lamb To The Slaughter In stories, The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe, The Landlady and Lamb to the Slaughter both by Roald Dahl, ideas of guilt and sanity prevail. In these short stories, the lack of guilt and insanity create a mental state which not only allows them to commit their crimes but also to do so without remorse. Poe uses close description and large amounts of figurative language to bring through the ideas of trust, insanity, lack of guilt and perfect crimes . In contrast, Roald Dahl uses other figurative language techniques such as juxtaposition and foreshadowing. In all three horror stories Roald Dahl and Poe explore the lack of guilt.There are direct references to the lack of guilt in The Tell Tale Heart and Lamb To The Slaughter.In addition to ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Analysis Of From One Second To The Next By Werner Herzog From One Second to the Next is a documentary directed by Werner Herzog that showcases the lives of four people who were struck by tragedy when they were traumatically involved in a texting and driving accident. The main purpose of this documentary is to warn viewers about how perilous texting and driving at the same time can be not for just teens, but also for adults. The four subjects that were involved in the fatal accidents comprehensively explained the incidents in detail and how their lives were emotionally and physically affected after the demoralizing aftermath of the texting and driving accidents. The first subject is Xzavier, a young teen and a victim who became paralyzed after a driver was texting and driving at the same hit him, another subject is Chandler Gerber (a driver who accidentally crashed ... Show more content on ... Last but not least, Werner Herzog created a masterpiece that would impact millions of drivers all around the globe. The problem that the United States faces today is drivers frequently text and drive at the same time which results in devastating consequences. Texting and driving has been growing to an extent even though it is treacherous where hundreds of thousands of Americans text and drive, which subsequently results in immense distraction for the driver, leading up to automotive accidents that damage property and kill civilians or even the driver himself or herself. According to, the chances of getting into an automotive accident from texting while driving is 23 times likely to transpire. Most of drivers behind the wheel that are involved in a ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Red Blood Doping Essay Red blood cells main function is to transport oxygen. They do not have a nucleus; therefore it allows more storage for hemoglobin in red blood cells. Hemoglobin binds and transports oxygen and carbon dioxide. The most important thing that blood doping does is increasing the amount of red blood cells in your body. Blood doping is an illicit method of improving athletic performance by artificially boosting the blood s ability to bring more oxygen to muscles, (Blood doping: Types, Risks, and Tests). It improves their performance and stamina, which is completely unfair. By increasing the amount of red blood cells, you are also increasing the amount of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is an oxygen carrying protein in the blood. So increasing hemoglobin ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Problem Of Crime And Gun Violence Although it seems like the problem of crime and gun violence is never approached or discussed, there are leaders within America tirelessly working to find a solution to help decrease crime. Alex Yablon puts it like this in his article on The Trace, saying the lack of progress on the federal level should not be confused with a lack of proposed solutions to America s gun violence epidemic there are plenty of those, on both sides of the table. Yablon means there are some bills that would limit the access to guns as well as bills that would prevent the enforcement of restrictions on guns. However, he is not the only one to have an opinion of how the government is viewing crime and gun violence. John Donohue, in his article Gun Control: What We can learn from other Advanced Countries, points out that besides being the world leader in the amount of guns available to citizens, the U.S. does not seem to be making much progress on finding a solution. Donohue also goes on to say that, the stricter gun laws of other advanced countries have restrained homicidal violence, suicides and gun accidents, despite there being protest by the armed citizens (Newsweek Magazine Web). These two men each hold different viewpoints when it comes to how they think crime and gun violence is being addressed by the government, however, each of their viewpoints presents a valid opinion in regards to the issue. Still, in order to fully understand what is going on at the federal level, one has to ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Elizabeth Beezie Research Paper Before horse, the main way for travel was by foot. This would mean anything that needed to be delivered, such as a letter or supplies, would usually take too long or get lost along the way. One current famous equestrian is Elizabeth Beezie Madden. Beezie is the daughter of Joe and Kathy Patton and she was born on November 20, 1963. She was born in her hometown of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and grew up on her family s horse farm. She was the first woman and American rider to reach the top three in the show jumping world ranking list. Beezi started competing at the Grand Prix level in 1985 and is the first woman to pass the one million dollar mark in earnings for show jumping. Her list of winnings is lengthy and profound. In 2005, she won $200,000 ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Ballistics In The Field Of Criminal Justice What are the different types of ballistics that we study in the field of criminal justice? We study three main types they are: internal, external, and terminal ballistics. Internal ballistics is the interior workings of a weapon and the functioning of its ammunition. External ballistics is the study of the flight of the bullet from the mussel of the gun to the target. Terminal ballistics is what happens to the bullet once it hits the target. We will take a closer look at each one of these throughout this paper. Internal Ballistics Internal ballistics is the study of what occurs within the barrel of a firearm from the exact moment when the firing pin hits the primer to the time that the bullet exists out of the barrel of the firearm. ... Show more content on ... However, this can be broke down into two categories penetration ballistics, which is the capability of missile to penetrate through materials. Wound ballistics which is the effect the missile has on living tissue. Penetration potential is the penetration through different materials and is an influential factor in shooting incidents. One of the most standard tests to the penetration levels was pine boards of various thicknesses, which is often plagued with inaccuracies. In general wound ballistics, which is the capability of a bullet to strike through a human being. The first of these is where a bullet drills its way through the body leaving a small entry and an equally small exit hole. The second is when bullet leaves a small entry hole and an enormous exit hole. The third is when the victim is shot by something other than a rifle, and the impact is enough to throw the person through the air. After leaving the barrel of the firearm there are three main factors that make for unstable condition, which are: yaw is the angle between longitudinal axis of a projectile and its line of flight as it exists before the bullet is stable. Precession is the rotational effect of the bullet about its mid axis. Nutation is the constant corkscrew motion of the bullet. To stimulate body tissue they use ballistic gelatin. So that the forensics team can demonstrate or recreate the crime scene in a lab for the ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Evaluation Of A Performance Evaluation Based On The... For instance, loyalty, dynamism, leadership sociability, creativity are characteristics required in wide variety of jobs. This type of evaluation is popular, although it remains widely criticized (McGregor, 1957). Many specialists believe that personality traits are unobservable, therefore, difficult to define and measure. These can cause bias in the evaluation and shorten the validity because the respect we hold for the inherent value of the individual leaves us distresses when we must take responsibility for judging the personal worth of a fellowman . (Schmidt Hunter, 1998). Furthermore, the personality traits is somewhat related to the performance of the individual at work. In addition, making a judgment about an individual does not ... Show more content on ... With this type of evaluation, the peers play a central role because of the fact that they are familiar with the work and also have daily interaction with the assesse. By contrast, in an organization where there is competition among workers, the 360 degree may pervert the relationship of exchange and cooperation. Certainly, with this type of evaluation there may be opportunity to speak badly of the work done by others. Despite this, Antonioni mentioned that these personal opinions on the colleagues, when expressed through this 360 degree appraisal could become opportunities to address conflict and possibly solve it. Secondly, a feedback is given to the appraised. This is based on many diversified information and, therefore, is supposed to be more credible and valid. As mentioned by Antonioni, the multiple sources help increase loyalty and the measure of validity. In addition, the confidentiality of the descriptions as well as the fact that specific observable behaviors are taken into account adds more value to the validity. First, performance management through evaluation allows employee to know what is expected of him and what will be evaluated. Individual wants to know how the other deems to reflect on his behaviors. So along the way, the feedback he/she receives may allow him to know what his evaluator think of his performance on the job and what he could do in order to improve, maintain or fix. Receiving a feedback may be a constructive experience, ... Get more on ...
  • 43. The Pros And Cons Of A Constitutional Republic There is a common misconception that the United States is a Democracy , but the technical term for the type of government that the U.S. is ruled under is a Constitutional Republic . A Republic is simply a government where people whom were elected by a larger body of citizens make the laws, while a Democracy is simply a government where the citizens make laws directly. A constitution is simply a set of laws that are above all, and everything after cannot contradict those laws. Thus, a Constitutional Republic is simply a government who rules under a set of laws and the government is elected by a larger body of citizens to make future laws. However, it is not that simple. A constitutional government is a government where the rule of law is paramount, ... Show more content on ... An example of this separation of powers comes from the U.S. government itself, from which there are three branches of government, the legislative branch, the judicial branch, and the executive branch, and within the legislative branch rests two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives, and even deeper, there is the armed populace, from which, in theory, the final check is to come from. These separations of power, defined mostly by the written Constitution of the U.S., makes it so that any person who legislates, will face opposition in the event of a power grab, though it s worth noting that it s entirely possible for large groups to overwhelm this system of checks and balances. In any case, this separation of powers is necessary for a constitution, as it further enables a government to secure the natural rights of person (in the way of not oppressing those ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Advertising And Its Effects On Society Medoff and Kaye, described newspaper ads, televisions commercials, billboards, coffee mugs imprinted with a logo, and flyers left on windshields as a form of advertising (2011, p.130). According to Medoff and Kaye, advertising serves an educational, social and economic purpose (2011, p.137). Although advertising appears beneficial in many features, it too has its drawbacks and can be similarly unfavorable. Advertising will perhaps become increasingly ubiquitous, increasingly influential, and increasingly controversial (Advertising, 2011, p.152). Advertising is highly criticized, not so much for its very nature but because of its content, its negative influences on society, and the types of products it promotes (2011, p. 152). Critics of advertising scream for relief from the over commercialized world that it creates explained Medoff and Kaye (2011, p.152). This chapter revealed arguments made by critics concerning advertising. For one, critics suggest that advertising encourages greed or materialism (Advertising, 2011, p.153). Moreover, Medoff and Kaye explain how critics claim that people purchase things they really do not need, but merely for the sake of acquiring goods (2011, p. 153). This I have observed through some of my friends and family members. Often they remain in competition to see who could be the first to get the next newest smart phone or the bigger flat screen television. While there is nothing wrong with the current smart phone or flat screen television, ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Numericus Sphaericus Essay Lysinibacillus sphaericus (formerly Bacillus sphaericus) has been used as an alternative strategy to control mosquito s population because it is harmless to humans and other non target organisms. Extensive studies have demonstrated the larvicidal activity of the binary toxin, which is the core of the bacterium s toxicity. Binary toxin is produces as parasporal crystals during sporulation, and specifically binds to a single class of receptors, α glucosidases, in larvae midgut. Because L. sphaericus toxicity is based on only one kind of toxin, high level resistance against the bacterium was observed in the field [1]. One of approaches to manage binary toxin resistance is the utilization of binary toxin in combination with other mosquitocidal toxins, among those are toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis, and from B. sphaericus itself. Beside the spore associated binary toxin crystals, B. sphaericus also produces soluble mosquitocidal toxins Mtx1, Mtx2 and Mtx3 during vegetative growth, whose applications have not been as thoroughly explored [1]. ... Show more content on ... In addition, Mtx2 shares homology with epsilon toxin from Clostridium, suggests its mode of action as pore forming toxin [2]. The mtx2 gene encodes a 31.8 kDa protein which is moderately toxic to Culex and Aedes larvae [3], and specificity determinant of the protein depends on amino acid at position 224 where lysine and threonine renders toxicity towards Culex and Aedes larvae, respectively [4]. Study of truncated Mtx2 proteins showed that amino acid position 23 26 in the N terminus are required for full toxicity and the C terminus is important for folding and toxicity of the Mtx2 ... Get more on ...