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Graduate School Essays Samples
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Graduate School Essays Samples" can be a challenging
endeavor for several reasons. Firstly, the topic itself requires a deep understanding of the nuances
involved in creating effective graduate school essays. It necessitates a thorough exploration of
various samples to identify commonalities, successful strategies, and unique approaches that can
set an essay apart.
Moreover, writing about graduate school essays demands a keen insight into the expectations
and preferences of academic institutions. Each school may have its own set of criteria and
values, making it crucial to tailor the essay accordingly. This requires extensive research not only
on the specific requirements of the graduate programs but also on the values and ethos of the
institutions themselves.
Additionally, the task involves a delicate balance between showcasing one's achievements,
experiences, and aspirations while maintaining humility and authenticity. Striking this balance
can be challenging, as the writer must present a compelling narrative without appearing boastful
or insincere.
Furthermore, creating an engaging and well-structured essay requires excellent writing skills. The
ability to articulate thoughts clearly, organize ideas logically, and convey a strong sense of
purpose is vital. It demands a meticulous approach to language, grammar, and overall
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Graduate School Essays Samples" demands a combination of
research, introspection, and exceptional writing skills. It is a task that requires careful
consideration of the unique requirements of each institution, a deep understanding of effective
storytelling, and a commitment to presenting oneself in the best possible light.
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Graduate School Essays Samples Graduate School Essays Samples
My Participation Certificates
I looked around at my family and friends as I received a participation certificate,
along with 12 other students. Nothing more, nothing less, just a piece of paper
stating that I had been involved. A certificate that, at the time, I was proud to have. I
felt accomplished, as if I had attained some monumental achievement. Not everyone
was lucky enough to even participate, so who was I to complain about not doing
anything special enough to receive a plaque, like the girl two spaces down from me.
Never, in my life, have I ever been told that I am not enough. I ve always met the
expectations of my peers and authority figures, and I was comfortable with continuing
in this manner. I was content with meeting the status quo, and kept myself from
The Wretched Of The Earth By Franz Fanon
Fanon One issue of Freud s psychoanalytic theories and the psychosexual stages is
exposed through examining Frantz Fanon. During the 1950 s Fanon found residency
in France and wrote about the impact of colonialism subjugation of blacks. The focus
was on the negative psychological effects brought out by the trauma of the events.
Loss of personal identity, reactionary psychoses and defense mechanisms were all
brought up related to the war involving the algerians. An interesting conclusion from
Fanon is that there are mental defenses to protect a person from mental disorders
such as Case No.1 s wife. Its implied that simple differences, such as knowing the
information a person is being tortured for, can greatly impact whether or not they
acquire... Show more content on ...
Freud believed the libido to be of crucial importance in personality, but he
maintained that other impulses, particularly aggression, also play significant
shaping roles (Lilienfeld, 2013). This compliments Fanon s findings within The
Wretched Of The Earth. Rape, and by nature sexuality, were used as tools of
aggression. Although linked in use as a means of torture, both for the captive and
those surrounding the victim s, credit must be given to Freud s theory for correctly
identifying sexuality and aggression as different traits. Unfortunately Trait theory,
from Freud s perspective, still relies heavily on genetic predisposition. The
divergence from sexuality and aggression comes in the form of survivability. It s a
reactionary response to protect and survive that likely developed from our
descendants. The largest flaw with the theory of aggression is that the id is claimed
to operate on the pleasure principle and immediate gratification. This reconnects
aggression and sexuality in circumstances such as Fanon described. There is
gratification in domination by this assumption. Relating this to the story of Oedipus
it could be viewed that killing his Father and laying with his Mother are the same
action in personality development. The mutual suppression of aggression and
sexuality are necessary in continuing a child s development beyond the Phallic
The Son Of Neptune By Rick Riordan
1. Introduction: The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan is fiction. The story s genres
are action, fantasy, and adventure.
2. Setting: The setting of The Son of Neptune are that the time is in the present, and
that it has mainly eight locations or places: Camp Jupiter in San Francisco,
California, Iris s health and nutrition store in Mendocino, California, Phineas food
truck in Portland, Oregon, the Amazon s headquarters in Seattle, Washington, the
house of Frank s grandmother in Vancouver, Canada, the towns, Anchorage and
Seward, in Alaska and Hubbard Glacier The Son of Neptune is set in present time.
Details that indicated that The Son of Neptune is in present time where the use of
cars and phones and the implied use of televisions, computers, iPods and the Internet.
This shows that the story takes place in present time because cars, phones, television,
computers, iPods and the Internet are common household items used today. Thus, the
present time is the time period of The Son of Neptune. In the story, there are several
locations due to the main characters constantly traveling from place to place to
complete their quest s objective. The eight locations are Camp Jupiter in San
Francisco, California, Iris s health and nutrition store in Mendocino, California,
Phineas food truck in Portland, Oregon, the Amazon s headquarters in Seattle,
Washington, the house of Frank s grandmother in Vancouver, Canada, the towns,
Anchorage and Seward, in Alaska and Hubbard Glacier.
Romeo And Julia Vail
Avery had once thought that taking up the cross was a vehicle that religious
fanatics drove to church. But now that she had a synergistic blending of the
meanings of symbols and the flow of life, she found herself with a hint of
enlightenment. Once she understood that the cross is a simple symbol that
represents the way, she finally had a glimpse of this light. Her evolution so far had
been painful and rushed, only thirty years, and now she was back where she had
started, a childlike place of loveand forgiveness. She realized that the tiny seed she
had always been would continue to thrive through trials and flourish eternally as the
love of the universe. She was sure that she would forget her part again and again, but
occasionally... Show more content on ...
In her adolescence she called up ghosts of dead musicians to visit the bedrooms of
her friends and leave behind token gifts for the young fans. More than half the
time, Avery didn t know if the stories were really happening or if she was making
them up. And she was adept at adding proof with props like the silver bracelet her
friend found under her bed.
The one and only Jim Morrison left behind a beautiful silver and turquoise bracelet
for one such friend who had a spiritual evolution when she found it under her bed.
This friend of Avery s, a teenaged girl in great want of approval, gained love and
approval from a dead rock icon. This girl s life went from bad to worse. So many
girls think of only the love of men; that familiar once upon a time story of a
princess deserving true love. Many girls forget themselves and lose their way to
God. And then way too late in life they find out that they have taken their beauty for
granted and become despairing victims of themselves seeking approval from one
man to man. The search for love and approval from lost souls is the unraveling of
What Avery hadn t realized as she spent her power in schemes of disillusionment was
that while she thought she might be giving others some form of fulfillment and
pleasure, she was really drifting in her lack of direction. She had no defined purpose
and so much to learn.
The tales always took on a life of their own,
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Going To The Movie
The lights begin to dim until you can barely see what is around you. The smell of
butter is in the air as you recline your seat back till you are nearly vertical with the
floor. Then a bright light shines in front of you, so massive it is impossible to miss.
It is finally starting. The movie is finally starting. There is a significant reason why
people occasionally go to the movie theatre to watch a movie rather than just watch
the movie at home. Going to the theatre means tons of popcorn, extra comfy seats, a
dark and loud room, and a giant screen. Going to the movies is a whole experience
in itself. Have you ever had a bad experience at the movie theatre though? One
where your shoes begin to squeak because you step in someone s spilt slushy or as
you sit in your chair you hear the crunch of the previous person s left over popcorn
underneath you. Not only does this situation make you frustrated and irritated, it
also distracts you from the movie you went to the theatre to see. If you have a bad
time at the movie theatre, you may not even remember the movie you went to see
because you are distracted by all the things around you. In this case, going to the
movie theatre actually takes away from the movie itself. Going to the movie theatre
should let you become totally engrossed in the movie and even enhance the movie
itself. When one goes to a movie theatre it needs to be clean. The floors should be
clean and dry not wet and sticky. The seats should be spotless with no sign
The Drug Of Drug Addiction
In 1989, a group of criminal justice professionals in Miami Dade County realized
that simply sending drug addicted offenders to prison often meant these same faces
would reappear back in court shortly after being released on parole. They realized
that the drug addiction crisis in their community might be the cause. These
professionals attempted to figure out a way to treat this individuals in order to help
them rejoin society instead of being stuck in a cycle of reoffending. They worked
together to establish the first Drug Treatment Court. This program was the first of its
kind, offering drug offenders a chance to break the cycle and recover from their
addiction. Drug courts are special programs which attempt to rehabilitate defendants
rather than simply punish them. Although these programs vary from location to
location, the purpose of these programs is to provide treatment for drug addicted
defendants in hopes that they will be able to overcome their drug habit and stop
committing crimes. For about one year, drug courtparticipants are provided with
treatment and services, meet frequently with a judge, are randomly and frequently
tested for drug use and can be sanctioned or rewarded based on their progress. At the
end of the program, participants graduate, and in some cases the charges against them
are dismissed. Though the arrest warrant will still appear on background checks, there
will be no conviction accompanying the arrest.
Drug Courts have evolved to
History of Arts Research Paper
Craig jones Dagmar E. Sproll April 3, 2012 Research Paper Christian Art In this
research paper one will be reading about early Christian art and about how pagan
inspired themes, classical influences, and its two major tendencies: naturalism and
abstract symbolism. Early Christian art and architecture is the art produced by
Christians or under Christian ruling from the earliest period between about 350 and
525. The Christian art survived 2nd century s and onwards. According to Beckwith
after 550 at the latest, Christian art is classified as Byzantine, but It is also very
difficult to know when Christian art began. Prior to a large amount of Christians they
may have been one of the best producing durable... Show more content on ...
At the same time, the look and power of didactic religious images was recognized,
especially if they involved pagan and Jewish iconography. According to research
Roman style was adapted to the new faith, but it may have proven incompatible
with Christian subject matter: Classical art expressed the physical and the here
and now; Christian art concerned itself with the spiritual and the hereafter
(Pearson, 2010). Christian art gradually moved away from the naturalism,
illusionism, solid objects and flesh and blood figures of Classical art, for Christian
artists did not care to extend our empirical world, but rather hoped to create
otherworldly realms. In conclusion the Christian art had many influence in such
as pagan inspired themes. They wasn t the anywhere near wealthy but that did not
matter because there work was really good, if the pagans had more money a lot of
their art work would still be around because they would had enough money to buy
quality supply. The art would back in the early Christian stage was a lot of
recycled stuff; they would see some work of somebody else and flip it around and
make it their own. The Christian was always skeptical of doing art work with the
devil in it because they were afraid that they would be worshiping the devil did art
work on it. Sources 1. Beckwith, John, Early Christian and Byzantine Art, Penguin
History of Art (now Yale), 2nd
Essay Johnson Poetry Analysis
Ben Jonson was said to be born June 11, 1572 in London, England. Jonson was
educated at Westminster School by William Camden a classical scholar. Ben
Jonson was a big man with a lot of courage. He lived with his mother, but his father;
who died a month before his birth. His mother then married a bricklayer, Jonson then
drop out of school to work for his stepfather trade. Ben Jonsonreally did not like the
trade his stepfather did so he went off to the army. He was to poor to go to college so
he fought in the was for the Dutch freedom from Spain.(434) Jonson married Annie
Lewis on November 14, 1594, but there is not a lot know of their marriage. He later
had a child who died in 1635 he called him his best piece of work created and he died
... Show more content on ...
This kind of poetry represents beauty, love, nature, sensuality, drinking, and
elegance. It is filled with direct language, expressions, and images. Most of cavalier
poetry go with the expressions Carpe Diem translating to seize the day. They mostly
focused on what meant the most to them in the life such as day to day activities.
Most Cavalier poets were courtiers.
In 1598 Jonson had acquired sufficient reputation to be accounted by Francis Meres
one of the best for tragedy, but Meres basis for such a pronouncement can now is
but a subject of conjecture. By the end of September in 1598 his comedy was
established by writing the play Every Man in His Humor. He then came out with
Every Man out of His Humor in 1599. Jonson started writing on a play with
Chapman and Marston called Eastward Ho! They were all sent to prison for citing
something against the Scots. (Ben Jonson)
In 1604, Jonson had started writing some of his most enduring work. In 1605 he
begins writing something different called masque writing. He had became the most
known masque writer in England. His first masque writing was called The Masque of
Blackness and was held at Whitehall. Jonson admired play was The Alchemist , and
was written in 1610, but was available in 1612. Jonson continued writing masques
throughout his career, frequently in cooperation with the famous architect Inigo
Jones, who designed the stage sets and machinery. After writing a unsuccessful play
The Great Gatsby Color Analysis
Outline Thesis: The symbolic meaning of the colors: green, red, white and yellow,
in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, serve to reveal the core issues that
Gatsby, Daisy, and Tom have. I.The green color, which associates with Gatsby,
shows that he has fear of intimacy and unstable sense of self as core issues and he
unconsciously uses denial as a defense mechanism. a)He lives a life of loneliness;
he keeps himself away from people and from any kind of relationships. 1.In his
parties, for example, he doesn t appear to his guests most of the time. 2.When Nick
is about to call him he doesn t do that because Gatsby gave a sudden intimation that
he was content to be alone (16) b)His hopeless hope to reach the green light forces...
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Getting married to Daisy not because of love but because she represent social
superiority. b)Talking about and showing off his wealth and possessions reveals
that he is egotist. 1.When Nick visits his cousin Daisy for the first time Tom
welcomes him by turning him around in his mansion and talking about it. For
example he tells Nick that he has a nice place in the east (7). 2.When Gatsby visits
Tom s palace he also suggests to get him outside in order to have a look at the place
(75), he, also, tells him that he is the first man who ever made a stable out of a
garage (75). III.The white color, which associates with Daisy, plays as an ironic
symbol that reveals her fear of intimacy as core issue. a)She got married to Tom
not because she loves him but to keep herself from loving Gatsby. 1.She intends to
call off her marriage to Tom just before one day of it when she receives a letter
from Gatsby as Jordan has said that Daisy requires from her to tell them all Daisy s
changes her mind (49). 2.She doesn t give attention to her daughter, Pampy, she
gives the mother role to the nurse to look after her. b)IV.The golden color which
comes from yellow is common among Gatsby, Daisy and Tom and it represents both
money and
Multicultural America
Today, technology is ubiquitous and always on. For example, videos from cell
phones can capture intimate family moments, help bring about revolution as seen
in the Arab Spring or be used by police to track down terrorists. The former CEO of
Sun Microsystems is quoted as saying, You have zero privacy anyway....get over it. If
you were a policy maker, how would you balance an individual s right to privacyand a
community s need for national securi
National security has become an important part of Americas efforts, in today s world
many attacks has happened on sovereign soil. Technology has allowed the prevention
of terrorist attacks but this requires the breakage of an individual right, an individual
might decline permission but Nation Security ... Show more content on ...
Through out parties and special events, a variety of dances such as Bachata, Salsa,
Choque, and Merengue has shown me that Hispanic dancing requires swift
movement and coordination. My family has placed dancing on a very high
pedestal. Each culture in my community has a great deal of importance, I look
forward to learn from each culture to enrich my own. Every year I would go to
parades, street fairs, and would go to shows to aid the diversity in my experience. To
gain experience in Pennsylvania I would visit the historical sites, visit its Museums,
sport games, dance shows, and national events. Being more open to the community, is
what allows the indoctrination on foreign students.
Describe an instance in which you changed your mind about a previously held
belief. What led you to hold this belief in the first place and how did you come to
change your
Paul And Muhammad Research Paper
Paul and Muhammad were two influential people who shaped the world civilization
through the development and spread of religion. It is worth mentioning that religion
played a great role in shaping civilization in the world. The two most important in
founding of the two greatest religions of the world were Paul and Muhammad.
Though it is undoubtedly that Christianityoriginated from the teachings of Jesus
Christ, it is worth mentioning that this religiontook definite shape as religion in the
hands of Apostle Paul (Barnett, 2005). Paul did not only propagate teachings of the
Lord with full sense of honesty and devotion, but as well added various important
ideas to Christianity. Mohammad on the other hand played the greatest role in
development of Islamas a religion (Jackson, 2007). This paper seeks to analyze and
compare the role played by these two influential men in the development and spread
of their respective religion. Muhammad is ranked higher than even Jesus in the effort
they exerted in... Show more content on ...
He led Arabic conquest to region of morocco, where they spread the Islamic faith
as well as spread Arabic language and culture (Jackson, 2007). Muhammad also
found numerous battles against individuals who lived in Mecca. After fleeing to
Medina, Muhammad later returned back to Mecca with a troop of about 1500
soldiers who had converted to Muslim and entered Mecca unopposed as well as
without bloodshed. In addition, before he passed away, he had forcefully converted a
great region of the Arabian Peninsula into Islam (SaМ„tМЈibiМ„ et al, 2011). Paul on
the other hand is known to have undergone a quick conversion on his way to
Damascus. Paul was also a tent maker and avid student when he was young. Paul
wrote numerous of most important passages in the entire Bible. He was the first great
theologian, who established most of the building blocks of Christianity
Narrative Mode In A Fort Of Nine Towers
While the main mode of discourse in the memoir is descriptive, the author also uses
some elements of the narrative mode as well. Authors can use multiple modes
throughout a piece, dispersing and utilizing them in different sections to create a
more communicable storyline. The narrative mode is mainly used to list the details,
or order of events, of a situation to demonstrate what happened, when it happened
and in what order it happened. In many instances, it is used in a shorter context,
such as a paragraph, rather than an entire work, hence its sporadic use in A Fort of
Nine Towers. One example of the author s use of this mode is in a section
documenting Omar s escape from a sniper in Kabul:
My father ran to the other side of the street and yelled at me, Move it! As we ran, a
line of bullets followed us, hitting the pavement inches from our feet. We crouched
along a shabby wall opposite our courtyard. The shooting stopped. ... We sat there
for a few minutes and had no idea where to go. A guy with a rifle crept slowly
toward us. He was a sniper, too, trying to shoot the sniper on the mountain. He
pointed his rifle upward and took aim. High on the mountain, we saw a flash of
light, and a second later a bullet hit the leg of our sniper. (Omar 236) ... Show more
content on ...
Essentially, he focused more on the story, the timeline rather than providing sensory
details. This is particularly effective in extreme moments such as this one as it keeps
the audience s attention through creating for a more accurate and explicit sequencing
of events; this results in greater reader comprehension. Another example of the author
employing the use of the narrative mode is when Qais Akbar Omar and his family left
the caravan of
Charles Manson Neglect
Other Contexts of Neglect and Abuse Manson s grandparents. When Kathy
Maddox was arrested and imprisoned in 1940 for an armed robbery, 6 year old
Manson was sent to live with his grandparents who were perceived as overly
obsessive religious fanatics. According to Hickey (2003), Manson s grandmother
dominated the household with both a stern and unwavering interpretation of what
she believed to be God s plan and some of her strictly religious practices included
intense prayer sessions both before and after meals, as well as at bedtime. There
was no drinking, smoking, or swearing allowed, and Manson was told to turn the
other cheek to any violent or aggressive act initiated by some of the other kids at
school. His grandmother also demanded that everyone living in her house must
abide by her rules or else suffer the consequences, and this included her own husband
as well. As Hickey (2003) explains, Manson never witnessed any display of affection
between his grandparents. His grandfather was... Show more content on ...
Adler s theory of individual personality doesn t necessarily account for individuals
with two unique sides personality, which is evident throughout the context and
background of his life. On one hand, he was a magnetic and loving person that
drew in others with his intelligence and self proclaimed talent. On the other hand,
the persona he presented to others was not his true self. Deep within the depths of
Manson s charming personality hides a villain, a manipulator, a criminal, and a
murderer. In addition to the many lies that he has told about both himself and his
life, as well as the manipulative behavior he displays, it s exceptionally hard to
decipher what is fact and what is just simply untrue, making the application of any
psychological theory nearly impossible. However, Adlerian theory does provide a
probable explanation for why Manson turned out the way he
Beauty And Scarcity Values In The Age Of Beauty
Beauty may be inherent in scarcity value, universality, and balance. In the age of
starvation, a plump woman is regarded as a beautiful woman, and in the era of
satiation, a slender woman is regarded as a beautiful woman. Also, I have forgotten
where I have heard, but it is said that humans would scramble for mud if the earth
were made of gold. While scarcity value changes with the times, things that are
difficult to alter such as jewelry can be subject to beauty because of its universality.
Also, the golden ratioin modeling and the beauty of mathematics can also be subject
to beauty. What I can say in common for these is that these things will make the
viewers feel pleasant feelings.
Although a perspective of beauty is different for each person, I think that cultural
similarity will also exist if you look over it. In short, there is a common beauty
standard within the same community. I think that it is caused by cultural background.
Since personal aesthetic value standards are built by individual growth processes,
each person has different beauty, but its growth process is affected by the cultural
climate to which it belongs. Therefore, I assume that people growing up in the same
climate are likely to have standards of similar beauty.
For example, I grew up in Tokyo. One time, my friend visited on a trip from the
countryside. When I guided the streets of Tokyo, she saw the neon street of the night
and said it was beautiful, but I did not understand what was beautiful
Inflation and Unemployment in Germany
Exact prediction of inflation and unemployment in Germany
Ivan O. Kitov
Potential links between inflation, ПЂ(t), and unemployment, UE(t), in Germany have
been examined. There exists a consistent (conventional) Phillips curve despite some
changes in monetary policy. This Phillips curve is characterized by a negative
relation between inflation and unemployment with the latter leading the former by
one year: UE(t 1) = 1.50ПЂ(t) + 0.116. Effectively, growing unemployment has
resulted in decreasing inflation since 1971, i.e. for the period where GDP deflator
observations are available. The relation between inflation and unemployment is
statistically reliable with R2=0.86, where unemployment spans the range from 0.01
to 0.12 ... Show more content on ...
Estimates of the total labor force have been revised from 1987 on, based on census
results, and show a break between 1986 and 1987. Prior to 1984, annual data for the
labor force are averages of monthly and annual estimates supplied by German
Annual unemployment figures correspond to unemployed persons registered at the
end of the month of September of each year. From 1984, annual average figures are
consistent in terms of methodology and contents with the results of the annual
European Labour Force Survey based on the national Microcensus conducted once a
year in April.
Therefore one might expect some breaks in linear relationships between the studied
variables: labor force, inflation, and unemployment. However, as shown in
Section 1, the Phillips curve for Germany demonstrates no breaks. The absence of
any breaks evidences in favor of general comparability of the measurements over
This paper is primarily aimed at revealing the generalized relationship between the
change rate of labor force level, inflation and unemployment in Germany. Also,
individual relationships between the change rate and inflation, and the change rate
and unemployment are investigated.
These relationships allow answering fundamental
questions addresses in numerous studies of inflation and unemployment. For example,
Can central
Racism And Imperialism And Nationalism During The
Imperialism and Nationalism during the Interwar Period
During the interwar period, Turkey and India were breeding grounds for nationalism.
Nationalism a shared group feeling linked by a geographical (sometimes
demographical) region seeking independence is a threat to imperialism, the
exploitation of land and resources of a conquered nation. By comparing and
contrasting their effects we are able to shape our understanding of strained
relationships, political and social reform.
In both countries, the damaged relationships between the natives and their invaders
caused significant harm. To illustrate, the Big Three encouraged the Greek
government to [invade and] control . . . the Turks [and] also the Italians, who were
[attempting to colonize] Turkey . . . (Page 64). Then in August 1920, the Triple
Entente created the Treaty of SГЁvres [which] divided [Anatolia] into French, Italian
and American spheres of influence, with Smryna becoming a Greek protectorate
(Page 65). In other words, it is evident that woven throughout Turkey s history are
attempts to suppress their sovereignty. Likewise, a similar struggle against Europeans
was also continuous in India s long history of English colonization. In 1919, the
Montagu Chelmsform reforms initiated a dyarchy which put the South Asian
ministers in charge of healthcare, education, and agriculture; while the English
maintained control of the economy, law enforcement, and the legal system.
Consequently, outraged Indians
Music Amoral Research Paper
Is music amoral?
We as Christians will ask or wonder at some point in our life if music is amoral or
not. Is music amoral? If something is to be amoral, that means there is no possibility
of it being right or wrong; it means to be neutral. So is music amoral?
Many CCM (Contemporary Christian Music) artists will say that there is no right
or wrong in music, therefore music cannot be good or bad for a Christian. These
contemporary artists will argue that if the lyrics are okay then it doesn t matter
whether or not the way it sounds is right or wrong. This is not right! Since we as
Christians know that there is certainly a difference between rights and wrong, we
know that must mean good music and evil music do exist. If music has a poppy beat
that will make me want to dance or go against Christ then that music is not God
honoring. If a song has good lyrics but a bad sound, then that is mixing the world
with God s utmost perfection, and ... Show more content on ...
God should respond to the music we make today the same way he did in II
Chronicles. God was pleased. Pleasing God through the music we make today will
not be achieved through songs that are filled with simple, shallow and meaningless
So in conclusion, the answer to my beginning question is no. Music is not amoral.
There is certainly music that is good and there is music that is evil. We as
Christians should strive to listen to and make music that is only glorifying to God
in the highest way possible. The entire reasoning for God s creation of music was to
bring praise to Him. Psalm 19:14, Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of
my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my
Essay on Exploring Basilicas and Churches in Rome
Exploring Basilicas and Churches in Rome
Rome is the home of one of the largest cathedrals in the world, St. Peter s; however,
it is also the home of many other beautiful churches and basilicas. Some of these
include basilicas such as: Santa Maria Maggiore, St. Giovanni in Lateran, and St.
Peter in Chains and churches like St. Peter Outside the Walls and San Giuseppe del
Falegnami/ Mamertine Prison. These churches and basilicas through their history, art,
architecture, and relics or tombs of saints create a rich and intriguing history of
ancient Rome.
Santa Maria Maggiore
Santa Maria Maggiore was created in 350 AD by Pope Liberius and was constructed
because of two miraculous and unusual events. First, ... Show more content on ...
It is in the site of ancient gardens and is located on top of Esquiline Hill (Nyborg 1).
St. Mary Major is dedicated to Mary and is known for its beautiful architecture and
art or mosaics. It has the highest bell tower in Rome, which is 75 meters tall and in
the Romanesque style. The basilica s architecture includes different styles ranging
from early Christian to later periods such as Baroque. The structure contains three
naves supported by the original Athenian marble columns (Wild 403). It also
boasts of such artists as Ferdinando Fuga, who designed the front faГ»ze and other
parts of the basilica including the Chapel of the Holy Relics in 1750; Filippo
Rusuti, who designed the mosaics behind the faГ»ze; and Michelangelo, who
designed the Sforza Chapel. It contains many beautiful mosaics, which depict
different scenes such as the legend of the snowfall (above the altar and on the
bottom of the facade) and the icon of the Virgin Mary, which is located in the
Pauline Chapel. According to legend, the apostle Luke sculpted it (however, there
is no historical proof of this). Also, the ceiling is in gilded gold and designed by
Sangallo and is some of the first gold brought over to the New World under
Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain (Nyborg 2 3, 6 7).
As is common to many cathedrals, churches, or basilicas, St. Maria Maggiore
contains many Christian relics and many
Gnaeus Pompey and the fall of the Roman Republic Essay
Events which stretch as far back as the reforms of the Gracchi brothers meant that
the Rome was facing a Republic that was already deteriorating before Pompey had
stepped into power. While Pompey s quest for power was harmful, many other
factors were also baleful to the Republic, and were hence instrumental in its
decline. Gnaeus Pompeius s measures to gain power were harmful because it was
primarily a paradox to the principles of being part of a Republic with all its notions
of shared and short power. The fundamental reason why there were other reasons for
the decline of the system are that the military power was given to him, the already
weak Senate, and the fact that Pompeywas not the only player in the breakdown of
the Republic due... Show more content on ...
Aside from this, it also hints at the Senate s role in the harm due to its own weakness
and lack of handle on the situation by allowing for Pompey to undergo the triumph.
Though Pompey sought power by manipulating the political system to his own
advantage, the fact that the Senate was already weak and hence gave him this
power.This shows that although Pompey s actions were detrimental to the fall of the
Republic, he was not the sole contributor. Pompey was both underage and had held
none of the required offices, yet the Senate passed decrees exempting him from these
traditional prerequisites, thus allowing for him to be joint consul with Crassus in 70
BC. According to Cicero, absolute power was what he had sought, and thus this
ambition had nothing to do with the happiness and honour of the community. This
reveals a callously ruthless dimension to Pompey, in that he would undertake any
measure to achieve his own goals. However, it should also be noted that Cicero s
interest areas are sometimes narrow and deliberately, or accidentally selective. By
reaching the top without any previously held positions of consequence, Pompey the
Great had manipulated the political system to his own advantage. Thus, by doing so
he undermined the Senate, reiterating its insignificance and weakness.
While Pompey s political alliances were harmful to the Republican system, he
evidently wasn t the only player in
Pride And Prejudice By Pride Essay
The Effects of Pride Pride is the feeling of satisfaction when someone achieve
something, someone close to you achieves something, or something somebody
owns or has is admired by others. Being proud of yourself or someone else is not
always bad. However, some believe pride is negative and can change how a person
thinks and feels about certain things. It can be taken either way depending on who,
why, and when it is. Many people have written articles and have done research to
determine whether it is negative or positive. In the novel, Pride and Prejudice, pride is
seen throughout the story in people with a lot of money and with good looks.
Different things can determine whether pride is good or bad. Many studies have
been done by psychologists to determine whether pride is a sin or just an adaptive
social emotion. A study was done at Northeastern University by two people, David
Desteno and Lisa Williams, who did a research report on their results. The
experiment examined the ability of pride to serve as an adaptive emotion within
the context of social interaction (Desteno and Williams 284). Pride is often viewed
as a deadly sin and high moral behavior (Desteno and Williams). They believe the
function of pride is to motivate hedonically costly efforts aimed at acquiring skills
that increase one s status and value to one s status and value to one s social group
(Desteno and Williams). In their study, they took sixty two individuals and separated
them into same sex groups
Media Effects On The Media Essay
Assignment One: Question B Many people believe that we are not affected when
watching television (TV), however many experts feel we are constantly affected
by the media whether we think we are or not. Theorists believe that too much
media exposure can lead to knowledge, attitudes or behavioural changes within a
society, this is called media effects (Kuehn, Media Effects ). These media effects
consists of several Paradigms, a Paradigm is described as a typical pattern or
model (Kuehn, Media Effects ). The Paradigms this essay will consist of are called
the New Effects Paradigm and the Powerful Effects Paradigm . The New Effects
Paradigm is based largely upon correlations instead of causes, where as the
Powerful Effects Paradigm is based on persuasion and a passive audience that the
media can have an enormous effect on (26). In the 1950 s, Frederic Wertham
embarked on a media effects study through comic books. He found that the pictures
depicting horror and superhero genres had violent and sexual connotations that were
understood to have a negative impact on younger viewers (Buettner et al. 95).
Recently, there have been numerous discussions that too much TV can affect young
children s behaviour. The articles titled TV is making children unhappy and NZ s
little thugs are just a few of these examples. In the first article titled TV is making
children unhappy the author, Sarah Griffiths, builds on a discussion based on the
ideas of children developing
Continuities West Lists In Portraits
1.What are the continuities West lists in portraits from the 15th to the 19th centuries?
According to West, portraits were expected to hold a likeness with the sitter s status,
character, or position. However, some fundamentals were changed once
modernization came about with a wave of new technologies and the industrial
revolution; this of course, had an impact on art. For example, the invention of
photography made new possibilities for portrait art. Another aspect of this time, was
how to represent people and the changing views of individuals in society.
2.What is modernism and how do portraits change in this style and period?
Modernism is a period in which technological advancements have been made and
refers to cultural and aesthetic responses;
Technological Determinism Analysis
Technological determinism is based on the technology led theory of social change.
This theory views technology as the prime shaper or mover of social behaviors in the
human history. Particular media evolutions, technical developments, and general
technological advancements are the determiners of social change in the society. Over
the history of humans, technologyhas had an impact on the social pattern through the
development of agriculture, industries, media, and the security. Although these
developments have positive contributions to the social patterns that go beyond the
cultural and political influence, it has negatively changed the social structures in
immeasurable ways when viewed from the perspective of rationality, efficiency, and
security. Early forms of agricultural practices aimed at solving the problem of food
security by increasing production of foods by use of efficient tools. Simple tools
such as hoes and others made cultivation easier than using... Show more content on ...
Such benefits have been identified as the social linking of people around the world
through the internet and other social media. It is true that people can connect more
easily and share information freely within the confines of their homes, offices, and
other places, however, the effects of such advancements are more than can be seen
with the eyes. Despite connecting more easily and fast, people have become more
lonely and withdrawn from using the social media and the internet. People spend
more time checking their emails, updating Facebook status, chatting online, and
sharing information at the expense of their families and other members of the
family. Also, the social media is a source of negative social behaviors such as cyber
bullying, exposure to violent behaviors, and other habits. Overall, this technology has
altered the societal standards of behavior in major
Why Antigua And Barbuda Rhetorical Analysis
Why Antigua and Barbuda? is an advertisement created and published at . The text advertises Antigua and Barbuda as an ideal tourist
destination. The text advertises the twin island nation from its luxury hotels to its
main attractions. As a result, the target audience of the text is the general public,
however they lean more towards rich people. This is because of the fact that the text
uses words that appeal to those who have a high income. The overall purpose of the
text is to persuade tourists to come to Antigua and Barbuda. That level of persuasion
requires a great level of linguistic devices. This analysis will discuss the theme,
diction, layout and photography, stylistic features, mood and tone, as well as the
overall message of the text.
The themes of the text are tourism, travel, and luxury. These themes are all inevitable
when it comes to advertising a country. However this text is very much different. The
... Show more content on ...
The title of the text is Why Antigua and Barbuda? Immediately it is very clear that
the title is a rhetorical question. This makes the reader of the text to take a moment
and think. Think about what the text could be about and think about why should he
/she read the text. That rhetorical question also makes the reader feel as if the text
just wants the reader to lean in and read whatever is written down.
Photography is also present in the text and used as well as means of advertising.
Five photographs are placed on the very last section of the text. Each photo shows
the highlights of Antigua and Barbuda. These highlights are mentioned throughout
the text. Each photo would then create an imagery of how it looks like, but it also
gives the reader a feeling on how it would be like if they would go to the country
and have a first hand experience. The photos make the text become linked to the
target audience. That is why the photos are
Sterilization In Australia
The act of removing a woman s ability to have a child, also known as sterilization,
is a common way for governments to exert control over their people. Globally,
sterilization was used as a way to control social behavior, but most practices were
abolished in the 20th century. Forced sterilization was declared an act of violence, a
form of social control, and a clear and documented violation of the right to be free
from torture due to the clear discriminatory practice that harmed victims both
psychologically and physically (Frohmader, Australian Civil Society). Despite this,
sterilization is an ongoing practice in Australia originating in the early 20th century.
Australia has permitted social and legal negligence when it comes to the sterilization
of disabled women due to societal pressure and inconsistencies within the law....
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The Medical Journal of Australia declared in 1931 that they supported sterilization.
They stated that sterilization prohibited mental deficits from entering the gene pool
and due to its simple procedure, it was not an inconvenience to the economy and
people of Australia. However, the report failed to indicate that sterilization was
occurring without the formal consent of a legal guardian or of the victim.
Practitioners and the government was not scrutinized by the public and therefore was
not being held responsible for their actions. Practitioners did not stop practicing
sterilization and the government did not implement laws prohibiting this torture of
Introduction. Food Additives Have Been Used For Centuries
INTRODUCTION Food additives have been used for centuries to help preserve
foods, improve flavor and texture, and enhance the nutritional value in food. The
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has a list of over 3,000 food additives that are
safe for consumption by humans. (1)
The first lab experiment conducted used food additives to compare the physical and
chemical properties of three different thickening agents: corn starch, modified food
starch, and guar gum. Guar gum is a thickening agent, but also an emulsifier.
Emulsifiers are used to keep ingredients from separating. Corn starch is a flavorless
powder that comes from corn kernels, and has caloric value which is made up of
mainly carbohydrates. Modified food starch is a chemically ... Show more content on ...
Sample 1 was frozen orange juice from concentrate, without pulp. Sample 2 was
100% juice with pulp, not from concentrate. Sample 3 was organic 100% orange juice
blended with concentrate.
The final experiment was conducted to understand how enzymes are used in food,
specifically cheese, production. Enzymes are proteins that act as a catalyst and bring
about chemical reactions. (4) The enzyme Rennin, which comes from the lining of a
cow s stomach, causes the protein in milk to coagulate. This coagulation is what
forms curds in order to make cheese. In the production of cheese, milk is treated with
buttermilk to lower the pH. Before being treated, the pH of milk is around 6.7 which
makes it slightly acidic. The range of pH for milk used to make cheese would be
between 4.1 to 5.3. (5)
In the first experiment, each group of students was given 2 sample vials, 20 mL of
vinegar, and 4 mL of vegetable oil. Also weighed out using weight boats was 0.3g
of cornstarch and 0.3g of modified food starch. Using a pipette, the student added
10 mL of vinegar and 2 mL of vegetable oil to each vial. Both vials were labeled and
shaken vigorously for 20 seconds. Observations were made and recorded, as shown
in Table 1. After this, the students obtained 2 more vials and added the same amount
of vinegar and vegetable oil to each one. Guar gum was weighed out into two
separate containers, then 0.2g was added to one vial, and 2.0g was added to the other.
The students once again shook
Setting up a Raspberry PI
пѓ Installation of raspbianos in raspberry pi.
пѓ Enabling SSH in pi for GUI.
пѓ ifconfig command is used to find the ip address of pi.
пѓ To make the ip address static the following commands has to be given in LX
terminal of pi.
sudocp/boot/cmdline.txt /boot/cmdline.normal sudonano /boot/cmdline.txt sudonano
/boot/cmdline.txt ip= sudocp /boot/cmdline.txt /boot/
sudo reboot
пѓ Installation of putty software in laptop.
пѓ Enable SSH checkbox in putty window.
пѓ Enter the ip address of the pi in the putty configuration window.
пѓ LX terminal of pi will be displayed inwindows terminal.
пѓ Enter login id as pi and password as raspberry .
пѓ Now raspberry pi will be booted up and lot of files will be executed.
пѓ To execute the code,give the command as gcc lm codename.c
пѓ Once the code is executed correctly, give the required input like new sample or
пѓ Output will be displayed in laptop screen.
пѓ Keypad and lcd are interfaced with raspberry pi through ATMEGA 8
пѓ Communication between pi and microcontroller is done through serial console.
пѓ Installation of raspbianos in raspberry pi.
пѓ Enabling SSH in pi for GUI.
Eating Disorders And Body Image Essay
Karlye Weber
AMST 3723
Dr. Carreiro
15 November 2016
Typically when covering the topic of eating disorders and body image
dissatisfaction athletes and young women are the center of research and are
stereotyped to be the only groups of people who suffer from self image issues. In The
Hidden Faces of Eating Disorders and Body Image, authors Justine Reels and
Katherine Beals look to breakdown the stereotypes and dig deeper into the issues that
cross over the borders of ethnicity, age and gender. The book also looks into how
religion, sexual orientation, and certain disabilities such as those who have suffered
from a stroke affect how a person perceives themselves. Reels and Beals urge their
readers to become educators and voice the need for diverse treatment and
prevention (Reel 5). Not only does the book cover instabilities across social
categories it also looks at the various ways of assessment, treatment and prevention
(Reel 178,194,210). Both Beals and Reel have conducted and published several
studies of their own relating to the issues of eating disorders and body image. Reel
herself has published over twenty manuscripts and fifty international presentations
over the special issue of eating disorders (Reel 1). Not only has Beals published
several research articles and a book but she also serves as the director of the
Nutrition clinic at the University of Utah and specializes in Sports Nutrition and
Eating Disorders (Reels 1). This information is provided
Compare and Contrast Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Compare and Contrast Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Human beings have always
been curious about the meaning and purpose of life. Religions try to answer the
curiosity people have about there being a higher source, typically identifying this
greater domination as God. Some beliefs teach that there is only one G d this is
defined as a monotheistic religion. Some examples of monotheistic religions are
Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Although each sect has a different perspective on
teachings and beliefs they have one common thread; the belief in a singular deity.
Each religion has a different perspective but most important is where the religions
generated from. Major religions started in various parts of the world. Judaism,... Show
more content on ...
Christianity is broke in to three divisions Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. In
1054 a major break in Christianity took place, giving birth too two major sects.
The major sects were called Catholic and Orthodox. In the 16 century another split
became, and that sect was called Protestant. The issue of religious authority
continues to be a fundamental difference and perspective between the sects of
Christianity. For example, the Pope was not acknowledged by the Orthodox as a
worldwide supremacy. Comparison is the Catholic s religious structure cored
around the Pope. Thus Christianity has multiple sects and is far more complex.
Christianity has numerous sects; in comparison, Islam has only two major
branches. The main sects of Islam are Sunni and Shi a. The partition between these
two sects is the disagreement over authority. For example Sunni believes authority
is political. On the other hand, Shi a believes authority is political and religion.
Another major disagreement between the Shi a and Sunni was over the idea of
salvation. The Islamic community, it was believed, would only win G d s mercy
on the Day of Judgment if the community as a whole lived according to G d s
law.(66) The discrepancies with the main ideas cause the split in Islam as we see it
today. Each religion has a different way in obtaining salvation. Jewish and Christian
community, the Islamic community has different views on salvation as well as
beliefs. It is
Politics And Its Impact On Hispanics
Reflection Essay
1.The presentation topic was to examine the impact of politics on Latino in United
States by studying various factors such as population, citizenship status, geographic
location and age.
2.The presentation talked about one of the core issue, which is Politics in this case,
that affected Latino in USA. A thorough research was conducted to understand the
causes and effects of politics and how it moulded the growth of Latinos in this
3.The learning outcome was to understand the role of politics and its impact on
Latinos living in USA. To gain a better understanding of this some range of themes
were introduced to help understand the central issue. They are:
a.Population The Hispanic population increase of 15.2 million between 2000 and
2010 constituted over half of the 27.3 million increase in the total population of the
United States. During that time, the Hispanic population grew by a full 43 percent,
which was four times the growth in the overall population growth of 10 percent.
The reason why people care about the Latino vote is because of their growth in
numbers. However, for many low income, low education Hispanics, their focus is
survival, and issues like politics is not a priority. They represent 16 percent of the
U.S. labor force.
b.Citizenship status Experts say uncertain citizenship weaken the Latino vote. In
Texas only there are 2.1 million unregistered, eligible Latinos voters. Of 13.1 million
Latinos immigrants in USA
Life-Span Development Journal Analysis
As I continue to get older, I realize the saying when the elderly say, Do not rush
things and it will come to you . Life tend to present you with a lot of lessons. The
topic of this weeks journal talks about the Classifications of Life Span
Development. In the Classification of Life Span Development journal, I will discuss
a new classification, a definition of my new classification, ways I support my
classification, and implication of new classification. From the readings, I have
understood how life structure plays a part in classifying the life span development.
Zastrow, C. H., Kirst Ashman, K. K. (2016) states, A person s life structure shapes
and is shaped by the person s interactions with the environment. To classify young
Fast Food, As We Know It
Charles Benck
Fast food, as we know it, exists because of changes leading up to, during, and
slightly after World War Two. With the war s pressure on efficiency and production
in the farming industry as well as the numerous factors contributing to America s rise
from a depression the country saw a boom in spending power and food production.
With the mindset of efficiency and convenience prevailing in the American household
a whole new type of restaurant was born, the drive through. From the drive through
many major fast food businesses were born, and through franchising they spread
across the country. As fast food and the franchise grew, businesses throughout the
country adapted; The model of success changed along with the production and
packing industries throughout the U.S. Stockyards and factories condensed and
moved closer to sources, and production further centralized. Fast food continued to
grow, affecting the eating habits and popular culture of America in countless ways
across decades of business and advertising. Fast food is still present in the lives of
most people today, and continues to further improve on the efficiency and
convenience of its predecessors.
When World War II came to an end in 1945 the soldiers returned to a different
country: Wartime destruction had crippled the industries of many major powers,
leaving America with a monopoly on global production, jobs were easy to find and
wages were higher due to a pent up need for laborers (see appendix
What Is James Armistead s Role In The Revolutionary War
There were many men and women who did behind the scenes work during the
Revolutionary War that many people do not know about. Without them, the war
would not have been possible and many people do not recognize what they did for the
Americans and how they helped us gain freedom. One man made Marquis de
Lafayette and George Washington seem heroic when they won the American
Revolution. That man was James Armistead Lafayette and he was a slave spy for
the Americans. When I started this research project, I knew I wanted to do
something on spies, slaves, or women. So you can imagine my excitement when I
found someone who checked off two of the categories. James Armistead was a slave
and he was more that just a spy. He was a double agent and British General Charles
Cornwallis thought that James was working for him, when he was actually feeding
him false information.... Show more content on ...
He was a double agent and I figured that it would be harder to hide that than being
just a spy. It turns out that I was wrong and it was actually easier for Armistead to
keep it a secret that he was a spying on the British. In class we are learning about
the last battle of the American Revolution, the Battle of Yorktown. Armistead
played a major role in this battle, but never received the recognition that he
deserved. I wanted to pick a topic on slaves because I knew that slaves would get
little to no recognition back then and I wanted to give them the honor they deserved
and inform other people on who James Armistead was. Going with this idea, I
decided to do my project on James Armistead Lafayette. I wanted to discover why he
was important to the American Revolution and how what he did was
The Impact of a Pandemic
The world has experienced a total of four pandemics within the twentieth century.
These pandemics, as horrific and deadly as they are, have brought so much more
positive advances to our health care system and how we prepare for biological
threats. Although we are in the twenty first century and we have advanced so far in
healthcare, there is still the possibility of a deadly pandemic. Many people may
confuse Pandemic with Epidemic which can often times lead to being over
prepared or under prepared. An epidemic as an infectious disease that quickly
travels within a city, state, or country from person to person. An example of an
epidemic would be SARS, which spread through many countries and killed roughly
800 people. On the other hand, Pandemics differ because the infectious disease is
spread globally. A pandemic has a much higher infectious rate and an even larger
death rate compared to an epidemic. The world has experienced a total of four
pandemics in the twentieth century starting in 1918 until present. In 1918, the
spanish flu caught worldwide attention when it infected close to half the population
of the world, claiming more than 40 million lives. What made the spanish flu
capable of infecting over a billion people was the ability to quickly transfer from
person to person. At the time, world war 1 was happening and the mass activation
and recruitment of troops to fight made the spread of the flu easy. The Asian flu of
1957 was second deadly pandemic to hit the
Advantages Of Intermarriage
The Advantages of Intermarriage
Do you know the meaning of intermarriage? It is marriage between people of
different races, castes or religions. Intermarriage are becoming more common and
many people accept it. Marriage is not easy for any couple, but problems can be
more difficult for interracial couples. However, it is working well for some
people. Like Malcolm X once wrote, I believe in recognizing every human being
as a human being neither white, black, brown or red ; and when you are dealing
with humanity as a family there is no question of integration or intermarriage. It s
just one human being marrying another human being. For instance, Mariah Carey
and Nick Cannon, the R B/pop diva married rapper Nick Cannon April 30, 2008.
She gave birth to fraternal twins three years later. And, On 18 November 1995
Joachim married with Alexandra Christina. They have two sons. It works for these
couple, because every marriage should always be on the basis of love. In my opinion,
there are three advantages of intermarriage : its making couples more committed and
acceptable, ... Show more content on ...
It is really important for them to talk about their beliefs and values. The history of the
race and the family rituals, and celebrations become part of each partner s world.
Many interracial couples determine their entirely new way of life, especially new
languages and a new country. The keys of this situation are acceptance and being
open minded. Ernest Hemingway said, The best people possess a feeling for beauty,
the courage to take the risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice.
Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes
destroyed. Along with it Jefferson Bethke once wrote, Dating with no intent to marry
is like going to the grocery store without any cash. You either leave unhappy or take
something that is not
The Federal And State Judicial System
The federal and state judicial systems are alike and different in numerous of ways.
The federal and state judicial system have a difference in some of the laws and
court system. There diference are in the jurisdiction and is mostly defined by the
kind of cases that take place within the courtroom. State court consists of mainly what
we consider as minor criminal activity such as traffic violations, family hearing and
disputes, law suits, and robberies most of these are called misdemeanors. Lawsuits
verses the United Statesis not allowed to be heared by the state courts that have certain
laws established such as criminal, antitrust, bankruptcy, patent, copyright, and some
maritime cases (Reuters, 2016). Federal court do not hear as many cases as the state
do whereas it has to be listed in the Constitution and provided by Congress. Federal
court can only hear cases that s within the United States party, conflict of the United
States Constitution, citizens cases that so not exceed $75,000, and last but not least
bankruptcy, copyright, and patent cases (Neubauer, 2014). The state and federal
courts are established differently whereas the state is established by a state that is
within the city or the country and the federal is established under the United States
Constitution to better resolve conflict. A way that both federal and court jurisdiction
is alike because they both have jurisdiction. Eventhough the levels of the courts
between state and federal can be different
Analysis Of The Play A Doll s House
The period of the nineteenth century until the twentieth century was viewed as a
patriarchal male society and female dependence; women had to obey men because
in most cases men held all the resources and women had no independent means of
subsistence. Women were solely controlled by the society crafted by men and
expected to act as a feminine ideal of that period, in addition, womenwere supposed
to live a highly restrictive life with their life centered round their husband and
subsequently their children. Although, women were supposed to be treated with
respect by men, most men viewed women as weak and having no ability to perform
any task. In the play A Doll s House the character Nora shows how these expectations
affect her behavior which reflect her desire to change the traditional genderroles in the
demanding society she was obligated to adhere to. When a couple got married in
this period her property was now her husband s and as a result, married women
were barred from making contracts, appearing as witnesses in court, and initiating
lawsuits. Nora like the wives of her time had to subject to her husband and Nora is
often treated as a superior servant not as an equal; therefore, she lives without self
identity and gender equality.
At the beginning of the play, Nora appears to be a silly, naive, childish girl, but then
the reader learns that she has made a great sacrifice to save her husband s life by
borrowing money. Nora acts this way because that is how her husband
Evaporation Lab
There are also some other common properties that are transitions from one state to
another, such as vaporization, this is the process by which a liquid or in some cases a
solid that can change into a gas. Evaporation is a similar form of vaporization.
However, evaporation is defined as the process by which particles escape from the
surface of a non boiling liquidand enter the gasstate. Some lab experiments can be
conducted to actually see the effects of evaporation. Like the liquid bromine lab
where you add a small amount of liquid bromine into a bottle, and within a few
minutes, the air above the liquid bromine will turn into a brownish red color because
some of the bromine molecules escaped from the surface of the liquid. These
molecules then became gas molecules, or bromine... Show more content on ...
The process of evaporation occurs because the particles of a liquid have different
kinetic energies. In some cases surface particles with higher than average energies
can overcome the intermolecular forces that bind them to the liquid. The particles
can then transition into the gas state. Evaporation is an essential process in nature.
For example in nature evaporation removes fresh water from the surface of a
ocean, leaving behind a higher concentration of salts. In areas such as the tropics,
evaporation occurs at a higher rate,resulting in the surface water to be saltier. All
water that falls to Earth in the form of rain and snow has been previously
evaporated from oceans, lakes, and rivers. Evaporation of sweat plays an
important role in keeping a human cool. Sweat, which is mostly consisted of
water, cools a human by absorbing body heat when it evaporates. Energy which is
in the form of heat is absorbed from the skin, causing the body to cool down. As a
liquid is cooled its viscosity normally increases, but viscosity also has a tendency to
Jimbo Mowing Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Jimbo s Mowing is a residential lawn care service targeting those who are unable or
not interested in mowing their lawns. We will be aiming at those people located in
The North Shore of Sydney and The Hills District. We will at first go and advertise at
local shops all over this area as well as advertise in the local papers, The North Shore
Times, and The Hills District.
For the first few years one we will have just ourselves (4) as employees. We will
work together in teams of two called a crew. Each crew will have two mowers, one
blower, one edger, one hedger, two garden waste bins, general gardening tools and a
ute so we complete a quick, consistent job at all locations regardless who completes
the job.
The objectives ... Show more content on ...
($200 each)
Jimbo s Mowing will provide residential lawn care service which includes lawn
cutting, edging, hedging, general weeding and removal of the clippings. Optional
services will include hedge trimming, edging and removal of clippings. The service
is typically offered once a week, but Jimbo s Mowing can create a custom schedule
for clients so that it suits them and their needs.
Market Analysis Summary
Jimbo s Mowing will be targeting all those living in the North Shore or Hills District
of Sydney, regardless of lawns size. This way we hope to appeal to anyone who needs
lawn care technicians.
We will for the first few years will advertise at local shops across the North Shore and
Hills District. We will eventually place advertisements in the local newspaper to
develop Jimbo s Mowing s name and market share.
Service Business Analysis
Jimbo s Mowing will be working in the lawn care industry. This industry is involved
in both residential business and small commercial businesses (apartment
developments, etc).
The well known, established landscaping companies commonly service the
commercial side. Both landscaping companies and basic lawn care service companies
service the residential
Changing Fan Experiences
New technology is changing fans experiences at venues and stadiums all around the
nation like never before. Both the team s marketing department and venues are
working together and using different types of digital innovations to enhance and
improve the on field player performance, fan experiences, and stadiumoperations.
Creating fan experiences and putting them in the center of the action is becoming top
priority and is a major catalyst for bringing fans back. Live sporting events are not
just about solely watching the gameanymore; Fans are now expecting access to
physical and digital experiences tailored to their phone, kiosks, jumbotrons, and
pretty much anywhere throughout the stadium. Fans enjoy being able to share,
interact, and stay... Show more content on ...
During the transition between the top and bottom of the innings the video board
would either display pre recorded videos of plays during previous seasons or
would capture current live feed from the stands. Any time the camera was used to
capture the crowd a promotion would be happening on the screen, switching the
content back and fourth. This time would require fans to get up and get loud to
receive a prize. Music was always associated while the video board was being used
and it was interesting on the genre of music they decided to play over the speakers.
Baseball is filled with music being played as a hitter walks to the plate or a closer
comes out of the bullpen...They have nothing to do with the game beyond the
intent to pump up the players and, perhaps, the fans (Caple, 2013). The choice of
music that was being used to increase the fan enthusiasm through out the game was
old rock; songs included: Sweet Emotion by Aerosmith, Heartland by U2, Born in
the USA by Bruce Springsteen. The music chose is vital to the audience, it can stir
memories of past games and produce an intense feeling of pride for the current game
no matter how bad your team is playing, you will at least sing along, stomp your foot
or fist pump. The
A Statement Of The Problem Of Service Organizations
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Service organizations play a crucial role in any
country. In our country, it is the backbone of our economy in terms of creation of
employment potential and contribution to the National income. The study of
Quality of Working life has been an important and critical area in management and
organizational performance from last several years especially in the LIC. Work is
an integral part of our everyday life, as it is our livelihood or career or business.
On an average we spend around twelve hours daily in the work place that is one
third of our entire life. It does influence the overall Quality of our life. For the
research, based on the literature review and brainstorming with academicians eight
important dimensions were identified. They are organizational climate culture, Work
life balance, compensation of employees, participation of decision making,
opportunity for growth and development, work environment, Welfare measures,
Social relevance of work.Life Insurance Corporation of India which concentrates all
these factors, a study has been undertaken in order to find out the opinion of
employees about the effectiveness of Quality of Work life in the corporation.
SCOPE OF THE STUDY The scope of the present study reflects the existing Quality
of Work Life in Life Insurance Corporation of India, Salem Division. The empirical
study is limited to Salem Division only, covering the three districts, which includes 18
branches. The
Benefits Of Getting Around Town
Getting Around Town Whether it be because they cannot afford it or they are not able
to, there are many people in America who cannot drive. Not only are cars expensive
but with high gas prices owning one is often times impractical. One economical
alternative to driving is taking public transportation. Both the Worcester Regional
Transit Authority (WRTA) and Montachusett Regional Transit Authority (MRTA or
MART) are two of the transportation authorities in Massachusetts. Like most things,
each transit system has its own flaws and attributes The most important aspect of a
transit system is its public access. The WRTA has 26 fixed routes, 4 shuttles and
paratransit for the elderly and disabled. The WRTA serves Worcester and its nearby
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Similar to the WRTA, the MRTA runs full service on Monday through Friday with
limited service on Saturday, however unlike the WRTA, the MRTA does not provide
Sunday service. Both the WRTA and MRTA have varied public access to better serve
their communities. Another important aspect to public transit is their payment
policies. The WRTA has four methods of payment and two mediums riders can use.
The prices vary according to certain criteria. The most basic is a single ride. When
paying cash on the bus, a single ride for adults is $1.50; for those who qualify for
reduced fare, that is the elderly, disabled, and children between the ages of 5 and 13,
a single ride is 0.75. Children under 5 are always free. When using a Charlie Card,
adult fare drops to 1.20 and reduced fare drops to (0.65). The following two payment
methods cost the same regardless of whether a Charlie Card is used. The first of the
two is a Day Pass which gives riders unlimited rides for the date that the pass in
purchased. For adults, a Day Pass is 3.50 and for those who qualify for reduced,
passes are 1.75. The second of the two is a 31 Days Pass. A 31 Day Pass gives the
rider unlimited rides for 31 days after the pass is purchased. For adults a 31 Day Pass
is $48.00 and for reduced riders it is $24.00.
Like the WRTA, the MRTA has three methods of payment with two mediums. Similar
to the WRTA the prices vary according to certain criteria. Like the WRTA, the most
basic method
Where Is Switzerland Cheapest Place to Live
Nov 11, 2008 17:27
Where is Switzerland s cheapest place to live?
While Switzerland may not be known for its low cost of living, a study has revealed
the most affordable place to set up home.
Inhabitants of canton Appenzell Inner Rhodes, in the east of Switzerland, enjoy the
highest levels of disposable income after tax and fixed costs such as housing. Geneva
residents have less in their pockets than people in any other region.
The survey by Credit Suisse bank measured a range of expenses from tax rates, social
security payments, health insurance premiums to utility bills, house prices and rent in
a number of communities.

It found the cost of living varied enormously depending on where people chose to
... Show more content on ...
Supply is a curve showing the different amounts of a product suppliers are willing to
provide at different prices. Equilibrium price and quantity are determined by the
intersection of demand and supply. Price elasticity of demand (PED) indicates the
responsiveness of consumers to a change in price, and is reflected in the relative
slope of demand.
In the graph below, the markets for housing in Geneva and AIR are shown.
Demand for housing in Geneva (Dg), is high because of the many employment
opportunities there. In addition, Geneva s scarce land means supply of housing is
low, resulting in a high equilibrium rent (Rg). Demand for housing in Geneva is
inelastic, since renters in Geneva are less responsive to changes in rent compared to
AIR, perhaps due to the perceived necessity of living close to their work.
Demand for housing in AIR (Da) is low, but supply is high due to the abundance of
land. AIR is a rural canton with few jobs, therefore fewer people are willing and
able to live there than in Geneva. Since living in the countryside is not a necessity,
demand is relatively elastic, or responsive to changes in rent. The lower demand and
greater supply make the AIR s equilibrium rent relatively low.
The effect of a tax on property is a shift of the supply curve to the left and in
increase in rents as landowners, forced to pay the canton a share of their rental
Ethical Hacking And Information Security Essay
Ethical Hacking and Information Security
Merriam Webster defines Hacker as, a person who secretly gets access to a computer
system in order to get information, cause damage. But what if I told you that having a
hacker is necessary? Ethical Hacking is paramount to the security of our Information
Technologies (IT). The task of testing your computers and network for security
vulnerabilities and plugging the vulnerabilities you find before the opposition gets a
chance to exploit them. Without having the ability to do what devious personnel can
do inside your IT, you will never fully understand the holes in your security.
It all began in the 1960s at MIT, origin of the term hacker , but the science dates
back to 1903 to the first ever documented hacking of an electronic device. In 1932,
Marian Rejewski hacked the German Enigma Machine. The Enigma machine was an
electromechanical device, equipped with a 26 letter keyboard and 26 lamps,
relating to the letters of the alphabet. Inside was a set of wired drums (rotors and a
reflector) that jumbled the input. The Enigma used a plug board to swap pairs of
letters, and the encryption varied from one key press to the next. For two operators
to communicate, both Enigma machines had to be set up in the same way. The large
number of possibilities for setting the rotors and the plug board combined to form an
exponential number of configurations, and the settings were changed daily, so the
machine code had to be broken each day. Marian s
Autobiographical Future Thinking And Autobiographical...
Autobiographical future thinking and autobiographical memory
Much research has been done on the default mode network, a set of various brain
regions commonly active when individuals think for themselves undisturbed. This
network has been associated with past recall, navigation, considering alternative
perspectives and imagining future events (Buckner Carroll, 2007). Research
examining remembering the past and imagining the future have shown there to
extensive neural overlap when these processes are engaged (Bar, 2007; Buckner and
Carroll, 2007; Gilbert and Wilson, 2007; Hassabis and Maguire, 2007; Schacter and
Addis 2007a, 2007b). Furthermore, case studies done with amnesic patients K.C and
D.B elucidated the semantic and episodic contributions to future thinking. K.C had
an impaired bilateral hippocampus and several other regions, and for this, he showed
impaired episodic past and future memory (Rosenbaum ... Show more content on ...
Conversely, D.B had intact semantic memory, yet was unable to retrieve personally
relevant past memories (Klein, Loftus Kihlstrom, 2002). Patient D.B, however
produced more Essentially, what has been identified through neuroimaging studies
(reference) are four regions that comprise the brain s default mode network and are
responsible for prospection and autobiographical memory: the anteromedial prefrontal
cortex (amPFC) , the medial temporal lobe (MTL), the posterior cingulate/precuneus
(PCC/pCUN) and the lateral parietal and temporal lobes ( Schacter et al., 2012).. With
these regions identified, theories of its instantiation came about, such as the
constructive episodic simulation hypothesis (Schacter Addis, 2007). It states that
Cyber Terrorism (FBI) Enforces Federal Laws
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) enforces federal laws, those created by
Congress which apply to everyone nationwide. One area of law which they enforce is
cyber terrorism, which involves crimes of terrorism that occur electronically. These
crimes occur against individuals, businesses, organizations, and against the
government itself. Cyberterrorism is the use of the Internet to conduct violent acts
that result in or threaten the loss of life or significant bodily harm in order to achieve
political gains through intimidation. It is also sometimes considered the act of
Internet terrorism in terrorist activities, including acts of deliberate, large scale
disruption of computernetworks, especially of personal computers attached to the
Does Writing Down Notes On Paper More Effective Than...
Does writing down notes on paper more effective than typing it?
Cerebrum: The cerebrum is the main part of the brain, which has two halves, or
hemispheres. The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body and deals with
things such as creativity, music, and art. While the left hemisphere of the cerebrum
controls the right side of the body and is in charge of language, problem solving,
and math. The cerebrum s many tasks are carried out by its outer layer, or its cortex.
This has distinct areas that have different roles. Motor areas trigger movement;
sensory areas deal with the senses, while association areas clarify information.
Cerebellum: The cerebellum is responsible for producing smooth, coordinated
movements of the body. It analyzes incoming information about the body s current
movement and position then interacts with the primary motor cortex to precisely
time muscle contractions.
Why does writing something down help us remember it better?
Our brain is separated into several regions that undergo different kind of information.
Then there are regions that process information such as visual, verbal communication,
auditory, emotions, etc. These different regions communicate with each other and
each one of them has its own processes it has to complete first. For example one
looks at a piece of art and express their emotions with language, thus working the
verbal function part of the brain.
When we hear a lecture, the section of our brain that handles listening and
Summary Of Inherit The Wind
In the play Inherit the Wind, Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee use a historic
event and twist it into a believable fiction narrative that shows the fault of a small
southern town. As it is presented, the play was written to be seen as a more meta
commentary on the American people, and the trial was supposed to symbolize
American thinking as a whole. The authors make clear that the trial is not only
against the defendant; it is also striking the people of the setting. The fault
displayed in the play s titular town of Hillsboro is that the citizens are quick to lap
up the word of the holy men and their holy book, and they are also inclined to
automatically deny or ignore anything that could possibly challenge what they have
been spoon fed from The Bible. The two characters that... Show more content on ...
His distaste for the Darwin theories brings into play a whole new trial on how religion
should not dictate how one thinks. Reverend Brown constantly attacks anything even
remotely detached from his holy book, and it is shown that he believes all Darwin
theorists are the evil that plagues human society. During the trial, The Bible is
questioned often, making a statement on how Brown s thinking could be unfair and
close minded. The fight not flight attitude portrayed in BrownВґs character is an
important part in figuring out why the townspeople are so afraid to think about what
they believe in. Brown himself tries too hard to show his love of his Lord, and those
surrounding him are afraid of thinking another way. The malice and ill intent in
BrownВґs character is thoroughly challenged, with others asking if he is going
overboard. All of this is important because Brown is portrayed as a leader. Brown is
supposed to be providing an example for his community, the normal folk, and all he
is doing is spreading distrust in those who have different
Why to Do a Dead Lifting Rountine Essay
Dead Lifting There are many different exercises for building the body not all are
appropriate for every person. Any type of resistance training can help any person in
many ways. By adding heavy dead lifting to your routine you can boost your
muscles, improve your physique and strengthen your bones. All of these
improvements will give your body power but, with any type of body training
especially dead lifting it is critical to perform them correctly and add weight gradually
in small increases. This is where most people make their first mistake. They add to
much weight at once and this will ultimately cause them to fail. The reason is, they
have not built enough strength to lift that much weight. In the struggle to lift more
then you can... Show more content on ...
With the barbell on the floor stand close to it. Remember form! Place your feet, hip
to shoulder width apart and have your toes angled out slightly. Now to grip the bar,
squat down and grip it slightly wider then shoulder width with a reverse grip this is
done by placing your hands facing opposite directions on the bar. It is very
important to have your back straight and keep it straight as you straighten your legs
also you want to keep your abs tight. Now lift the bar from the floor to a stand
without hitching or bouncing the bar up your legs .Your stand should be straight
up and tall. Now to lower the barbell back down to the floor you want to keep the
same form of back straight and abs tight to lower the barbell in a controlled manor
for one complete repetition. A few tips to get a better lift in a safer form are to
round your back and get your hips as low as possible before you start your lift,
once in place straighten your back. Try to not bend your arms, keep them as
straight as possible and don t look down once you grip the bar face when lifting in
dead lift form. You want to lift the bar with your hips not your back. That is why
the core body and legs are as important as the arms and why form plays such a big
part in dead lifts. Dead lifting is very challenging and works many joints and
muscles at the same time. If you are new at lifting and want to start dead
Examples Of Leadership In The Movie Invictus
Leadership at the Movies: Invictus and 5 Leadership Practices
December 20, 2009 by Beverley Simpson
Morgan Freeman and Clint Eastwood have created another very special movie now
playing across North America. Invictus is the story of Nelson Mandela s early days
as President of South Africa, and particularly how he viewed the country s Rugby
team, the Springboks, and an upcoming World Cup event to be held in South Africa,
as an opportunity to bring the country together.
The year is 1995. Mandela (Freeman) is in his first term as President. He recognizes
the tremendous challenges facing his government in a land torn apart by apartheid.
Racial tensions are at an all time high, people are struggling with the effects of
crippling unemployment, and a new black government has shifted the ... Show more
content on ...
Pienaar is invited to meet the President and arrives at Government House with
trepidation, uncertain of the reason for the meeting. Mandela s personal style, his
warmth, the way he treats everyone around him with great respect and appreciation
completely charms Pienaar who leaves with the realization that something very
significant has just happened to him. During their brief but meaningful time together
Mandela has skillfully Inspired a Shared Vision about the importance and meaning of
a Springboks win to South Africa.
The title of the movie Invictus comes from the Latin meaning Unconquered. We
are led to believe that Mandela had a poem written on a scrap of paper in his prison
cell while he was incarcerated. In the movie, Mandela gives the poem to the team
captain Pienaar, before the start of the World Cup. At one point in the story the
Springboks are touring Robbin Island and Pienaar spends a quiet few minutes in
Mandela s old cell contemplating the kind of moral courage it would take to spend 27
years there. He is
The Amount Of Sugar On A Carbonated Beverage
Ryan Hughes, April 3, 2015
Experiment date: 3/ Report date:
The Amount of Sugar in a Carbonated Beverage
Abstract The purpose of this lab was to determine the percent of sugar in a solution
as well as the percent sugar in a non diet soda. The experiment was The experiment
was carried out by comparing densities of sugar in soda to the density of sugar in
solution of water. After the experiment it was found that the manufacturers
measurements were accurate.
The purpose of this lab was to determine if the information on the nutrition labels
was correct for sugar. This lab could be used to find the content of sugar in and flat
soft drink. Also companies may use a procedure very similar to find the percent of
sugar ... Show more content on ...
Table 1) Volumeand mass of sugar, water, and lat soda
Volume of water, (ml)
Column 1
Mass of empty grad cylinder (g)
Column 2
# of Sugar Cubes
Column 3
Mass of Sugar cubes (g)
Column 4
Mass of graduated cylinder and h20 and sugar (g) Column 5 mass of water or sugar
Column 6
50 ml
50 ml
volume of soda (ml)
mass of empty grad cylinder (g)
mass of grad, soda
mass of soda
Column one shows the amount of water you start with which is 50ml. Column two
is the mass of an empty graduated cylinder measured in grams. Colum three is the
number of sugar cubes used starting from zero, then adding one until you reach four.
Column four is the mass of the sugarcubes from column 3. Column five is the mass
of the graduated cylinder, the water, and the sugar combined. Column six is just the
mass of the water and the sugar.
Table 2) Percentage of sugar and the calculated densities
% Sugar
Density (g/ml) no sugar cubes
0.9866 g/ml
1 sugar cube
1.001 g/ml
2 sugar cubes
1.018 g/ml
3 sugar cubes
1.045 g/ml
4 sugar cubes
1.059 g/ml flat soda
1.024 g/ml
This table compares the density and the percent of sugar. Based on this table flat soda
American Society Compared To Today
This essay is about American Society and how it has changed from the 1840s
compared to today. It will have examples from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
and compare them to modern news story that have happened within the past 5 years.
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain is a book critiquing
American Society back in the 1840s. American Society has changed for the better
since the 1840s, specifically the themes of laws/justice, racism and scams/cons.
I think that the theme of laws/justice has changed for the better since the 1840s. In
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain on page 91, the Shepherdsons
get revenge on Buck for trying to kill Harney Shepherdson and they gang up on
Buck and shoot him dead. Nothing happened to the Shepherdsons that killed Buck
but nowadays you can t murder someone and not get punished for it. James Worley
kidnapped and killed Sierah Joughin in July 2016 and was recently sentenced to
death (Lindstrom). These two quotes show that back in the 1840s you can get away
with murder but you can t get away with it today so that is why American Society has
changed for the better in the theme of laws/justice. ... Show more content on ...
In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain on page 176, Huck and
Aunt Sally are having a conversation, Good Gracious! Anybody hurt? No m. Killed
a nigger. Well, it s lucky; because sometimes people do get hurt. This quote shows
that back in the 1840s some people were so racist they didn t even consider black
people to be actual people but today black people are counted as real people and
they re doing amazing things. In 2016 the first black woman earned the rank of
Brigadier General in the U.S. Marines (Leoni). These quotes obviously show that we
as a society today have gotten a lot better with racism compared to the
Sources Of Energy
With increased additions of renewable sources in our existing infrastructure, major
challenges are arising, as their supply is generally unstable and unpredictable. Too
often, integrated renewable sources are curtailed and the energy is wasted for the
safety of our existing electrical grid [1 6]. A logical solution would be to include
large scale energy storagesystems, which would reduce the curtailment and increase
the utilization of these clean sources, such as wind turbines and photovoltaics. A
large scale energystorage system would allow the renewable sources to store excess
power during periods of low demand, and provide the stored energy during periods
of peak electricity demand. Therefore, allowing renewable sources to provide... Show
more content on ...
One disadvantage of HyPES is its low energy density, which is the reason why
they are not commercially available, however under laboratory scale examination
[28 29]. Of the more attractive I CAES proposals, one seeks to spray water droplets
inside a reciprocating compressor to actively absorb the heat of compression [30].
However, such machinery has to be adjusted to endure water. Recent works
investigate the compression of foam for better heat transfer [31].
In advanced adiabatic CAES, the heat of compression is stored and reused during
the discharge process. The temperatures reached and stored by the generated heat of
compression in AA CAES have a major influence on the system design and
performance [32]. Specifically, the cycle efficiency is dependent on, and increases
with, the absolute storage temperature [33 39]. Therefore, the following stored
temperature ranges can generally categorize AA CAES: 1) 400C, 2) between 200C
to 400C, and 3) below 200C. A high temperature AA CAES plant has two major
challenges. First, increased engineering challenges arise when designing a TES unit
that is capable of handling both high temperature and high pressure operations.
Second, compressors capable of providing the exceedingly high temperatures are
commercially unavailable. [40 42]. In addition, the limited
The Importance Of Drama In Educational Drama
Research on dramatization activity may not always positively reported. In a non
classroom setting, Milburn and McGrail (1992) , conducted an experimental study to
find whether a dramatic presentations of news stories on TV influence the audiences
ability and accuracy in receiving news. They found that the exposure to the
dramatized news stories significantly decreased participants ability to recall the
information from the stories and reduced the complexity of the news. The term of
dramaor dramatization in this context of study is used in negative sense . That is,
dramatization is used in reference to the ways TV stations exaggerate the presentation
of the news for political or rating benefits. Unlike Milburn and McGrail s study, this
study will take the stance of drama or dramatization activity as an intervention
strategy in education that aims to foster students learning.
In 1934, John Dewey called for the urgency of involving creative expression and
exploration in U. S educational curriculum. Gallagher, (2017) noted that in
and after that period of time, literature in the United States started to emphasize the
insertion of dramatic play or play based improvisation as a key technique to situate
students to express themselves creatively and develop language and thinking skills,
as well as for teachers to see the child s real self Gallagher,, ( 2017) .
Moving forward to 1982, Brian Way (in Dillon and Way , 1981) , stated that
The Effect Of Fructose On The Rate Of Glucose
Fructose 1, 6 bisphosphate is a key regulatory step in gluconeogenesis, as well as
many other intracellular metabolic pathways . During, gluconeogenesis there is an
important process in which there is a conversion of glucose to pyruvate which is
known as glycolysis. This process will require three irreversible steps that have a
very high negative free energy that is in the forward reaction. So, in order to have a
conversion from pyruvate into glucose, the pathway will require the use of enzymes,
which will allow the bypassing of these irreversible steps. One of the enzymes that
is used in this process is called Fructose 1, 6 bisphosphatase (Kelley, 2006). This step
is a very important step in gluconeogenesis, being that it needs to have fructose
bisphosphatase to catalyze the conversion of fructose 1, 6 bisphosphate into fructose
6 phospahate, and inorganic phosphate, that without it can block the pathway. Its
activity is high regulated by the levels of Adenosine Monophosphate, fructose 2, 6
bisphosphate and also citrate (Kelley, 2006). When deficiencies are present in this
pathway and devoid of this conversion, glycerol into glucose, it will lead to fasting
hypoglycemia, lactic acidosis and other physiological conditions. This enzyme is
highly active within the liver and the intestines. Therefore, when the liver glycogen
stores are no longer available, the physical properties of the body will fight for its
homeostasis (Eren, 2013) by converting a three

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  • 2. My Participation Certificates I looked around at my family and friends as I received a participation certificate, along with 12 other students. Nothing more, nothing less, just a piece of paper stating that I had been involved. A certificate that, at the time, I was proud to have. I felt accomplished, as if I had attained some monumental achievement. Not everyone was lucky enough to even participate, so who was I to complain about not doing anything special enough to receive a plaque, like the girl two spaces down from me. Never, in my life, have I ever been told that I am not enough. I ve always met the expectations of my peers and authority figures, and I was comfortable with continuing in this manner. I was content with meeting the status quo, and kept myself from reaching
  • 3. The Wretched Of The Earth By Franz Fanon Fanon One issue of Freud s psychoanalytic theories and the psychosexual stages is exposed through examining Frantz Fanon. During the 1950 s Fanon found residency in France and wrote about the impact of colonialism subjugation of blacks. The focus was on the negative psychological effects brought out by the trauma of the events. Loss of personal identity, reactionary psychoses and defense mechanisms were all brought up related to the war involving the algerians. An interesting conclusion from Fanon is that there are mental defenses to protect a person from mental disorders such as Case No.1 s wife. Its implied that simple differences, such as knowing the information a person is being tortured for, can greatly impact whether or not they acquire... Show more content on ... Freud believed the libido to be of crucial importance in personality, but he maintained that other impulses, particularly aggression, also play significant shaping roles (Lilienfeld, 2013). This compliments Fanon s findings within The Wretched Of The Earth. Rape, and by nature sexuality, were used as tools of aggression. Although linked in use as a means of torture, both for the captive and those surrounding the victim s, credit must be given to Freud s theory for correctly identifying sexuality and aggression as different traits. Unfortunately Trait theory, from Freud s perspective, still relies heavily on genetic predisposition. The divergence from sexuality and aggression comes in the form of survivability. It s a reactionary response to protect and survive that likely developed from our descendants. The largest flaw with the theory of aggression is that the id is claimed to operate on the pleasure principle and immediate gratification. This reconnects aggression and sexuality in circumstances such as Fanon described. There is gratification in domination by this assumption. Relating this to the story of Oedipus it could be viewed that killing his Father and laying with his Mother are the same action in personality development. The mutual suppression of aggression and sexuality are necessary in continuing a child s development beyond the Phallic
  • 4. The Son Of Neptune By Rick Riordan 1. Introduction: The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan is fiction. The story s genres are action, fantasy, and adventure. 2. Setting: The setting of The Son of Neptune are that the time is in the present, and that it has mainly eight locations or places: Camp Jupiter in San Francisco, California, Iris s health and nutrition store in Mendocino, California, Phineas food truck in Portland, Oregon, the Amazon s headquarters in Seattle, Washington, the house of Frank s grandmother in Vancouver, Canada, the towns, Anchorage and Seward, in Alaska and Hubbard Glacier The Son of Neptune is set in present time. Details that indicated that The Son of Neptune is in present time where the use of cars and phones and the implied use of televisions, computers, iPods and the Internet. This shows that the story takes place in present time because cars, phones, television, computers, iPods and the Internet are common household items used today. Thus, the present time is the time period of The Son of Neptune. In the story, there are several locations due to the main characters constantly traveling from place to place to complete their quest s objective. The eight locations are Camp Jupiter in San Francisco, California, Iris s health and nutrition store in Mendocino, California, Phineas food truck in Portland, Oregon, the Amazon s headquarters in Seattle, Washington, the house of Frank s grandmother in Vancouver, Canada, the towns, Anchorage and Seward, in Alaska and Hubbard Glacier.
  • 5. Romeo And Julia Vail Avery had once thought that taking up the cross was a vehicle that religious fanatics drove to church. But now that she had a synergistic blending of the meanings of symbols and the flow of life, she found herself with a hint of enlightenment. Once she understood that the cross is a simple symbol that represents the way, she finally had a glimpse of this light. Her evolution so far had been painful and rushed, only thirty years, and now she was back where she had started, a childlike place of loveand forgiveness. She realized that the tiny seed she had always been would continue to thrive through trials and flourish eternally as the love of the universe. She was sure that she would forget her part again and again, but occasionally... Show more content on ... In her adolescence she called up ghosts of dead musicians to visit the bedrooms of her friends and leave behind token gifts for the young fans. More than half the time, Avery didn t know if the stories were really happening or if she was making them up. And she was adept at adding proof with props like the silver bracelet her friend found under her bed. The one and only Jim Morrison left behind a beautiful silver and turquoise bracelet for one such friend who had a spiritual evolution when she found it under her bed. This friend of Avery s, a teenaged girl in great want of approval, gained love and approval from a dead rock icon. This girl s life went from bad to worse. So many girls think of only the love of men; that familiar once upon a time story of a princess deserving true love. Many girls forget themselves and lose their way to God. And then way too late in life they find out that they have taken their beauty for granted and become despairing victims of themselves seeking approval from one man to man. The search for love and approval from lost souls is the unraveling of dreams. What Avery hadn t realized as she spent her power in schemes of disillusionment was that while she thought she might be giving others some form of fulfillment and pleasure, she was really drifting in her lack of direction. She had no defined purpose and so much to learn. The tales always took on a life of their own,
  • 6. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Going To The Movie Theatre The lights begin to dim until you can barely see what is around you. The smell of butter is in the air as you recline your seat back till you are nearly vertical with the floor. Then a bright light shines in front of you, so massive it is impossible to miss. It is finally starting. The movie is finally starting. There is a significant reason why people occasionally go to the movie theatre to watch a movie rather than just watch the movie at home. Going to the theatre means tons of popcorn, extra comfy seats, a dark and loud room, and a giant screen. Going to the movies is a whole experience in itself. Have you ever had a bad experience at the movie theatre though? One where your shoes begin to squeak because you step in someone s spilt slushy or as you sit in your chair you hear the crunch of the previous person s left over popcorn underneath you. Not only does this situation make you frustrated and irritated, it also distracts you from the movie you went to the theatre to see. If you have a bad time at the movie theatre, you may not even remember the movie you went to see because you are distracted by all the things around you. In this case, going to the movie theatre actually takes away from the movie itself. Going to the movie theatre should let you become totally engrossed in the movie and even enhance the movie itself. When one goes to a movie theatre it needs to be clean. The floors should be clean and dry not wet and sticky. The seats should be spotless with no sign
  • 7. The Drug Of Drug Addiction In 1989, a group of criminal justice professionals in Miami Dade County realized that simply sending drug addicted offenders to prison often meant these same faces would reappear back in court shortly after being released on parole. They realized that the drug addiction crisis in their community might be the cause. These professionals attempted to figure out a way to treat this individuals in order to help them rejoin society instead of being stuck in a cycle of reoffending. They worked together to establish the first Drug Treatment Court. This program was the first of its kind, offering drug offenders a chance to break the cycle and recover from their addiction. Drug courts are special programs which attempt to rehabilitate defendants rather than simply punish them. Although these programs vary from location to location, the purpose of these programs is to provide treatment for drug addicted defendants in hopes that they will be able to overcome their drug habit and stop committing crimes. For about one year, drug courtparticipants are provided with treatment and services, meet frequently with a judge, are randomly and frequently tested for drug use and can be sanctioned or rewarded based on their progress. At the end of the program, participants graduate, and in some cases the charges against them are dismissed. Though the arrest warrant will still appear on background checks, there will be no conviction accompanying the arrest. Drug Courts have evolved to
  • 8. History of Arts Research Paper Craig jones Dagmar E. Sproll April 3, 2012 Research Paper Christian Art In this research paper one will be reading about early Christian art and about how pagan inspired themes, classical influences, and its two major tendencies: naturalism and abstract symbolism. Early Christian art and architecture is the art produced by Christians or under Christian ruling from the earliest period between about 350 and 525. The Christian art survived 2nd century s and onwards. According to Beckwith after 550 at the latest, Christian art is classified as Byzantine, but It is also very difficult to know when Christian art began. Prior to a large amount of Christians they may have been one of the best producing durable... Show more content on ... At the same time, the look and power of didactic religious images was recognized, especially if they involved pagan and Jewish iconography. According to research Roman style was adapted to the new faith, but it may have proven incompatible with Christian subject matter: Classical art expressed the physical and the here and now; Christian art concerned itself with the spiritual and the hereafter (Pearson, 2010). Christian art gradually moved away from the naturalism, illusionism, solid objects and flesh and blood figures of Classical art, for Christian artists did not care to extend our empirical world, but rather hoped to create otherworldly realms. In conclusion the Christian art had many influence in such as pagan inspired themes. They wasn t the anywhere near wealthy but that did not matter because there work was really good, if the pagans had more money a lot of their art work would still be around because they would had enough money to buy quality supply. The art would back in the early Christian stage was a lot of recycled stuff; they would see some work of somebody else and flip it around and make it their own. The Christian was always skeptical of doing art work with the devil in it because they were afraid that they would be worshiping the devil did art work on it. Sources 1. Beckwith, John, Early Christian and Byzantine Art, Penguin History of Art (now Yale), 2nd
  • 9. Essay Johnson Poetry Analysis Ben Jonson was said to be born June 11, 1572 in London, England. Jonson was educated at Westminster School by William Camden a classical scholar. Ben Jonson was a big man with a lot of courage. He lived with his mother, but his father; who died a month before his birth. His mother then married a bricklayer, Jonson then drop out of school to work for his stepfather trade. Ben Jonsonreally did not like the trade his stepfather did so he went off to the army. He was to poor to go to college so he fought in the was for the Dutch freedom from Spain.(434) Jonson married Annie Lewis on November 14, 1594, but there is not a lot know of their marriage. He later had a child who died in 1635 he called him his best piece of work created and he died ... Show more content on ... This kind of poetry represents beauty, love, nature, sensuality, drinking, and elegance. It is filled with direct language, expressions, and images. Most of cavalier poetry go with the expressions Carpe Diem translating to seize the day. They mostly focused on what meant the most to them in the life such as day to day activities. Most Cavalier poets were courtiers. In 1598 Jonson had acquired sufficient reputation to be accounted by Francis Meres one of the best for tragedy, but Meres basis for such a pronouncement can now is but a subject of conjecture. By the end of September in 1598 his comedy was established by writing the play Every Man in His Humor. He then came out with Every Man out of His Humor in 1599. Jonson started writing on a play with Chapman and Marston called Eastward Ho! They were all sent to prison for citing something against the Scots. (Ben Jonson) In 1604, Jonson had started writing some of his most enduring work. In 1605 he begins writing something different called masque writing. He had became the most known masque writer in England. His first masque writing was called The Masque of Blackness and was held at Whitehall. Jonson admired play was The Alchemist , and was written in 1610, but was available in 1612. Jonson continued writing masques throughout his career, frequently in cooperation with the famous architect Inigo Jones, who designed the stage sets and machinery. After writing a unsuccessful play
  • 10. The Great Gatsby Color Analysis Outline Thesis: The symbolic meaning of the colors: green, red, white and yellow, in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, serve to reveal the core issues that Gatsby, Daisy, and Tom have. I.The green color, which associates with Gatsby, shows that he has fear of intimacy and unstable sense of self as core issues and he unconsciously uses denial as a defense mechanism. a)He lives a life of loneliness; he keeps himself away from people and from any kind of relationships. 1.In his parties, for example, he doesn t appear to his guests most of the time. 2.When Nick is about to call him he doesn t do that because Gatsby gave a sudden intimation that he was content to be alone (16) b)His hopeless hope to reach the green light forces... Show more content on ... Getting married to Daisy not because of love but because she represent social superiority. b)Talking about and showing off his wealth and possessions reveals that he is egotist. 1.When Nick visits his cousin Daisy for the first time Tom welcomes him by turning him around in his mansion and talking about it. For example he tells Nick that he has a nice place in the east (7). 2.When Gatsby visits Tom s palace he also suggests to get him outside in order to have a look at the place (75), he, also, tells him that he is the first man who ever made a stable out of a garage (75). III.The white color, which associates with Daisy, plays as an ironic symbol that reveals her fear of intimacy as core issue. a)She got married to Tom not because she loves him but to keep herself from loving Gatsby. 1.She intends to call off her marriage to Tom just before one day of it when she receives a letter from Gatsby as Jordan has said that Daisy requires from her to tell them all Daisy s changes her mind (49). 2.She doesn t give attention to her daughter, Pampy, she gives the mother role to the nurse to look after her. b)IV.The golden color which comes from yellow is common among Gatsby, Daisy and Tom and it represents both money and
  • 11. Multicultural America Today, technology is ubiquitous and always on. For example, videos from cell phones can capture intimate family moments, help bring about revolution as seen in the Arab Spring or be used by police to track down terrorists. The former CEO of Sun Microsystems is quoted as saying, You have zero privacy anyway....get over it. If you were a policy maker, how would you balance an individual s right to privacyand a community s need for national securi National security has become an important part of Americas efforts, in today s world many attacks has happened on sovereign soil. Technology has allowed the prevention of terrorist attacks but this requires the breakage of an individual right, an individual might decline permission but Nation Security ... Show more content on ... Through out parties and special events, a variety of dances such as Bachata, Salsa, Choque, and Merengue has shown me that Hispanic dancing requires swift movement and coordination. My family has placed dancing on a very high pedestal. Each culture in my community has a great deal of importance, I look forward to learn from each culture to enrich my own. Every year I would go to parades, street fairs, and would go to shows to aid the diversity in my experience. To gain experience in Pennsylvania I would visit the historical sites, visit its Museums, sport games, dance shows, and national events. Being more open to the community, is what allows the indoctrination on foreign students. Describe an instance in which you changed your mind about a previously held belief. What led you to hold this belief in the first place and how did you come to change your
  • 12. Paul And Muhammad Research Paper Paul and Muhammad were two influential people who shaped the world civilization through the development and spread of religion. It is worth mentioning that religion played a great role in shaping civilization in the world. The two most important in founding of the two greatest religions of the world were Paul and Muhammad. Though it is undoubtedly that Christianityoriginated from the teachings of Jesus Christ, it is worth mentioning that this religiontook definite shape as religion in the hands of Apostle Paul (Barnett, 2005). Paul did not only propagate teachings of the Lord with full sense of honesty and devotion, but as well added various important ideas to Christianity. Mohammad on the other hand played the greatest role in development of Islamas a religion (Jackson, 2007). This paper seeks to analyze and compare the role played by these two influential men in the development and spread of their respective religion. Muhammad is ranked higher than even Jesus in the effort they exerted in... Show more content on ... He led Arabic conquest to region of morocco, where they spread the Islamic faith as well as spread Arabic language and culture (Jackson, 2007). Muhammad also found numerous battles against individuals who lived in Mecca. After fleeing to Medina, Muhammad later returned back to Mecca with a troop of about 1500 soldiers who had converted to Muslim and entered Mecca unopposed as well as without bloodshed. In addition, before he passed away, he had forcefully converted a great region of the Arabian Peninsula into Islam (SaМ„tМЈibiМ„ et al, 2011). Paul on the other hand is known to have undergone a quick conversion on his way to Damascus. Paul was also a tent maker and avid student when he was young. Paul wrote numerous of most important passages in the entire Bible. He was the first great theologian, who established most of the building blocks of Christianity
  • 13. Narrative Mode In A Fort Of Nine Towers While the main mode of discourse in the memoir is descriptive, the author also uses some elements of the narrative mode as well. Authors can use multiple modes throughout a piece, dispersing and utilizing them in different sections to create a more communicable storyline. The narrative mode is mainly used to list the details, or order of events, of a situation to demonstrate what happened, when it happened and in what order it happened. In many instances, it is used in a shorter context, such as a paragraph, rather than an entire work, hence its sporadic use in A Fort of Nine Towers. One example of the author s use of this mode is in a section documenting Omar s escape from a sniper in Kabul: My father ran to the other side of the street and yelled at me, Move it! As we ran, a line of bullets followed us, hitting the pavement inches from our feet. We crouched along a shabby wall opposite our courtyard. The shooting stopped. ... We sat there for a few minutes and had no idea where to go. A guy with a rifle crept slowly toward us. He was a sniper, too, trying to shoot the sniper on the mountain. He pointed his rifle upward and took aim. High on the mountain, we saw a flash of light, and a second later a bullet hit the leg of our sniper. (Omar 236) ... Show more content on ... Essentially, he focused more on the story, the timeline rather than providing sensory details. This is particularly effective in extreme moments such as this one as it keeps the audience s attention through creating for a more accurate and explicit sequencing of events; this results in greater reader comprehension. Another example of the author employing the use of the narrative mode is when Qais Akbar Omar and his family left the caravan of
  • 14. Charles Manson Neglect Other Contexts of Neglect and Abuse Manson s grandparents. When Kathy Maddox was arrested and imprisoned in 1940 for an armed robbery, 6 year old Manson was sent to live with his grandparents who were perceived as overly obsessive religious fanatics. According to Hickey (2003), Manson s grandmother dominated the household with both a stern and unwavering interpretation of what she believed to be God s plan and some of her strictly religious practices included intense prayer sessions both before and after meals, as well as at bedtime. There was no drinking, smoking, or swearing allowed, and Manson was told to turn the other cheek to any violent or aggressive act initiated by some of the other kids at school. His grandmother also demanded that everyone living in her house must abide by her rules or else suffer the consequences, and this included her own husband as well. As Hickey (2003) explains, Manson never witnessed any display of affection between his grandparents. His grandfather was... Show more content on ... Adler s theory of individual personality doesn t necessarily account for individuals with two unique sides personality, which is evident throughout the context and background of his life. On one hand, he was a magnetic and loving person that drew in others with his intelligence and self proclaimed talent. On the other hand, the persona he presented to others was not his true self. Deep within the depths of Manson s charming personality hides a villain, a manipulator, a criminal, and a murderer. In addition to the many lies that he has told about both himself and his life, as well as the manipulative behavior he displays, it s exceptionally hard to decipher what is fact and what is just simply untrue, making the application of any psychological theory nearly impossible. However, Adlerian theory does provide a probable explanation for why Manson turned out the way he
  • 15. Beauty And Scarcity Values In The Age Of Beauty Beauty may be inherent in scarcity value, universality, and balance. In the age of starvation, a plump woman is regarded as a beautiful woman, and in the era of satiation, a slender woman is regarded as a beautiful woman. Also, I have forgotten where I have heard, but it is said that humans would scramble for mud if the earth were made of gold. While scarcity value changes with the times, things that are difficult to alter such as jewelry can be subject to beauty because of its universality. Also, the golden ratioin modeling and the beauty of mathematics can also be subject to beauty. What I can say in common for these is that these things will make the viewers feel pleasant feelings. Although a perspective of beauty is different for each person, I think that cultural similarity will also exist if you look over it. In short, there is a common beauty standard within the same community. I think that it is caused by cultural background. Since personal aesthetic value standards are built by individual growth processes, each person has different beauty, but its growth process is affected by the cultural climate to which it belongs. Therefore, I assume that people growing up in the same climate are likely to have standards of similar beauty. For example, I grew up in Tokyo. One time, my friend visited on a trip from the countryside. When I guided the streets of Tokyo, she saw the neon street of the night and said it was beautiful, but I did not understand what was beautiful
  • 16. Inflation and Unemployment in Germany Exact prediction of inflation and unemployment in Germany Ivan O. Kitov Abstract Potential links between inflation, ПЂ(t), and unemployment, UE(t), in Germany have been examined. There exists a consistent (conventional) Phillips curve despite some changes in monetary policy. This Phillips curve is characterized by a negative relation between inflation and unemployment with the latter leading the former by one year: UE(t 1) = 1.50ПЂ(t) + 0.116. Effectively, growing unemployment has resulted in decreasing inflation since 1971, i.e. for the period where GDP deflator observations are available. The relation between inflation and unemployment is statistically reliable with R2=0.86, where unemployment spans the range from 0.01 to 0.12 ... Show more content on ... Estimates of the total labor force have been revised from 1987 on, based on census results, and show a break between 1986 and 1987. Prior to 1984, annual data for the labor force are averages of monthly and annual estimates supplied by German authorities. Annual unemployment figures correspond to unemployed persons registered at the end of the month of September of each year. From 1984, annual average figures are consistent in terms of methodology and contents with the results of the annual European Labour Force Survey based on the national Microcensus conducted once a year in April. 2 Therefore one might expect some breaks in linear relationships between the studied variables: labor force, inflation, and unemployment. However, as shown in Section 1, the Phillips curve for Germany demonstrates no breaks. The absence of any breaks evidences in favor of general comparability of the measurements over time. This paper is primarily aimed at revealing the generalized relationship between the change rate of labor force level, inflation and unemployment in Germany. Also, individual relationships between the change rate and inflation, and the change rate and unemployment are investigated. These relationships allow answering fundamental questions addresses in numerous studies of inflation and unemployment. For example, Can central
  • 17. Racism And Imperialism And Nationalism During The Interwar... Imperialism and Nationalism during the Interwar Period During the interwar period, Turkey and India were breeding grounds for nationalism. Nationalism a shared group feeling linked by a geographical (sometimes demographical) region seeking independence is a threat to imperialism, the exploitation of land and resources of a conquered nation. By comparing and contrasting their effects we are able to shape our understanding of strained relationships, political and social reform. In both countries, the damaged relationships between the natives and their invaders caused significant harm. To illustrate, the Big Three encouraged the Greek government to [invade and] control . . . the Turks [and] also the Italians, who were [attempting to colonize] Turkey . . . (Page 64). Then in August 1920, the Triple Entente created the Treaty of SГЁvres [which] divided [Anatolia] into French, Italian and American spheres of influence, with Smryna becoming a Greek protectorate (Page 65). In other words, it is evident that woven throughout Turkey s history are attempts to suppress their sovereignty. Likewise, a similar struggle against Europeans was also continuous in India s long history of English colonization. In 1919, the Montagu Chelmsform reforms initiated a dyarchy which put the South Asian ministers in charge of healthcare, education, and agriculture; while the English maintained control of the economy, law enforcement, and the legal system. Consequently, outraged Indians
  • 18. Music Amoral Research Paper Is music amoral? We as Christians will ask or wonder at some point in our life if music is amoral or not. Is music amoral? If something is to be amoral, that means there is no possibility of it being right or wrong; it means to be neutral. So is music amoral? Many CCM (Contemporary Christian Music) artists will say that there is no right or wrong in music, therefore music cannot be good or bad for a Christian. These contemporary artists will argue that if the lyrics are okay then it doesn t matter whether or not the way it sounds is right or wrong. This is not right! Since we as Christians know that there is certainly a difference between rights and wrong, we know that must mean good music and evil music do exist. If music has a poppy beat that will make me want to dance or go against Christ then that music is not God honoring. If a song has good lyrics but a bad sound, then that is mixing the world with God s utmost perfection, and ... Show more content on ... God should respond to the music we make today the same way he did in II Chronicles. God was pleased. Pleasing God through the music we make today will not be achieved through songs that are filled with simple, shallow and meaningless lyrics. So in conclusion, the answer to my beginning question is no. Music is not amoral. There is certainly music that is good and there is music that is evil. We as Christians should strive to listen to and make music that is only glorifying to God in the highest way possible. The entire reasoning for God s creation of music was to bring praise to Him. Psalm 19:14, Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my
  • 19. Essay on Exploring Basilicas and Churches in Rome Exploring Basilicas and Churches in Rome Rome is the home of one of the largest cathedrals in the world, St. Peter s; however, it is also the home of many other beautiful churches and basilicas. Some of these include basilicas such as: Santa Maria Maggiore, St. Giovanni in Lateran, and St. Peter in Chains and churches like St. Peter Outside the Walls and San Giuseppe del Falegnami/ Mamertine Prison. These churches and basilicas through their history, art, architecture, and relics or tombs of saints create a rich and intriguing history of ancient Rome. Santa Maria Maggiore HISTORY: Santa Maria Maggiore was created in 350 AD by Pope Liberius and was constructed because of two miraculous and unusual events. First, ... Show more content on ... It is in the site of ancient gardens and is located on top of Esquiline Hill (Nyborg 1). ART AND ARCHITECTURE: St. Mary Major is dedicated to Mary and is known for its beautiful architecture and art or mosaics. It has the highest bell tower in Rome, which is 75 meters tall and in the Romanesque style. The basilica s architecture includes different styles ranging from early Christian to later periods such as Baroque. The structure contains three naves supported by the original Athenian marble columns (Wild 403). It also boasts of such artists as Ferdinando Fuga, who designed the front faГ»ze and other parts of the basilica including the Chapel of the Holy Relics in 1750; Filippo Rusuti, who designed the mosaics behind the faГ»ze; and Michelangelo, who designed the Sforza Chapel. It contains many beautiful mosaics, which depict different scenes such as the legend of the snowfall (above the altar and on the bottom of the facade) and the icon of the Virgin Mary, which is located in the Pauline Chapel. According to legend, the apostle Luke sculpted it (however, there is no historical proof of this). Also, the ceiling is in gilded gold and designed by Sangallo and is some of the first gold brought over to the New World under Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain (Nyborg 2 3, 6 7). TOMBS AND RELICS: As is common to many cathedrals, churches, or basilicas, St. Maria Maggiore contains many Christian relics and many
  • 20. Gnaeus Pompey and the fall of the Roman Republic Essay Events which stretch as far back as the reforms of the Gracchi brothers meant that the Rome was facing a Republic that was already deteriorating before Pompey had stepped into power. While Pompey s quest for power was harmful, many other factors were also baleful to the Republic, and were hence instrumental in its decline. Gnaeus Pompeius s measures to gain power were harmful because it was primarily a paradox to the principles of being part of a Republic with all its notions of shared and short power. The fundamental reason why there were other reasons for the decline of the system are that the military power was given to him, the already weak Senate, and the fact that Pompeywas not the only player in the breakdown of the Republic due... Show more content on ... Aside from this, it also hints at the Senate s role in the harm due to its own weakness and lack of handle on the situation by allowing for Pompey to undergo the triumph. Though Pompey sought power by manipulating the political system to his own advantage, the fact that the Senate was already weak and hence gave him this power.This shows that although Pompey s actions were detrimental to the fall of the Republic, he was not the sole contributor. Pompey was both underage and had held none of the required offices, yet the Senate passed decrees exempting him from these traditional prerequisites, thus allowing for him to be joint consul with Crassus in 70 BC. According to Cicero, absolute power was what he had sought, and thus this ambition had nothing to do with the happiness and honour of the community. This reveals a callously ruthless dimension to Pompey, in that he would undertake any measure to achieve his own goals. However, it should also be noted that Cicero s interest areas are sometimes narrow and deliberately, or accidentally selective. By reaching the top without any previously held positions of consequence, Pompey the Great had manipulated the political system to his own advantage. Thus, by doing so he undermined the Senate, reiterating its insignificance and weakness. While Pompey s political alliances were harmful to the Republican system, he evidently wasn t the only player in
  • 21. Pride And Prejudice By Pride Essay The Effects of Pride Pride is the feeling of satisfaction when someone achieve something, someone close to you achieves something, or something somebody owns or has is admired by others. Being proud of yourself or someone else is not always bad. However, some believe pride is negative and can change how a person thinks and feels about certain things. It can be taken either way depending on who, why, and when it is. Many people have written articles and have done research to determine whether it is negative or positive. In the novel, Pride and Prejudice, pride is seen throughout the story in people with a lot of money and with good looks. Different things can determine whether pride is good or bad. Many studies have been done by psychologists to determine whether pride is a sin or just an adaptive social emotion. A study was done at Northeastern University by two people, David Desteno and Lisa Williams, who did a research report on their results. The experiment examined the ability of pride to serve as an adaptive emotion within the context of social interaction (Desteno and Williams 284). Pride is often viewed as a deadly sin and high moral behavior (Desteno and Williams). They believe the function of pride is to motivate hedonically costly efforts aimed at acquiring skills that increase one s status and value to one s status and value to one s social group (Desteno and Williams). In their study, they took sixty two individuals and separated them into same sex groups
  • 22. Media Effects On The Media Essay Assignment One: Question B Many people believe that we are not affected when watching television (TV), however many experts feel we are constantly affected by the media whether we think we are or not. Theorists believe that too much media exposure can lead to knowledge, attitudes or behavioural changes within a society, this is called media effects (Kuehn, Media Effects ). These media effects consists of several Paradigms, a Paradigm is described as a typical pattern or model (Kuehn, Media Effects ). The Paradigms this essay will consist of are called the New Effects Paradigm and the Powerful Effects Paradigm . The New Effects Paradigm is based largely upon correlations instead of causes, where as the Powerful Effects Paradigm is based on persuasion and a passive audience that the media can have an enormous effect on (26). In the 1950 s, Frederic Wertham embarked on a media effects study through comic books. He found that the pictures depicting horror and superhero genres had violent and sexual connotations that were understood to have a negative impact on younger viewers (Buettner et al. 95). Recently, there have been numerous discussions that too much TV can affect young children s behaviour. The articles titled TV is making children unhappy and NZ s little thugs are just a few of these examples. In the first article titled TV is making children unhappy the author, Sarah Griffiths, builds on a discussion based on the ideas of children developing
  • 23. Continuities West Lists In Portraits 1.What are the continuities West lists in portraits from the 15th to the 19th centuries? According to West, portraits were expected to hold a likeness with the sitter s status, character, or position. However, some fundamentals were changed once modernization came about with a wave of new technologies and the industrial revolution; this of course, had an impact on art. For example, the invention of photography made new possibilities for portrait art. Another aspect of this time, was how to represent people and the changing views of individuals in society. 2.What is modernism and how do portraits change in this style and period? Modernism is a period in which technological advancements have been made and refers to cultural and aesthetic responses;
  • 24. Technological Determinism Analysis Technological determinism is based on the technology led theory of social change. This theory views technology as the prime shaper or mover of social behaviors in the human history. Particular media evolutions, technical developments, and general technological advancements are the determiners of social change in the society. Over the history of humans, technologyhas had an impact on the social pattern through the development of agriculture, industries, media, and the security. Although these developments have positive contributions to the social patterns that go beyond the cultural and political influence, it has negatively changed the social structures in immeasurable ways when viewed from the perspective of rationality, efficiency, and security. Early forms of agricultural practices aimed at solving the problem of food security by increasing production of foods by use of efficient tools. Simple tools such as hoes and others made cultivation easier than using... Show more content on ... Such benefits have been identified as the social linking of people around the world through the internet and other social media. It is true that people can connect more easily and share information freely within the confines of their homes, offices, and other places, however, the effects of such advancements are more than can be seen with the eyes. Despite connecting more easily and fast, people have become more lonely and withdrawn from using the social media and the internet. People spend more time checking their emails, updating Facebook status, chatting online, and sharing information at the expense of their families and other members of the family. Also, the social media is a source of negative social behaviors such as cyber bullying, exposure to violent behaviors, and other habits. Overall, this technology has altered the societal standards of behavior in major
  • 25. Why Antigua And Barbuda Rhetorical Analysis Why Antigua and Barbuda? is an advertisement created and published at . The text advertises Antigua and Barbuda as an ideal tourist destination. The text advertises the twin island nation from its luxury hotels to its main attractions. As a result, the target audience of the text is the general public, however they lean more towards rich people. This is because of the fact that the text uses words that appeal to those who have a high income. The overall purpose of the text is to persuade tourists to come to Antigua and Barbuda. That level of persuasion requires a great level of linguistic devices. This analysis will discuss the theme, diction, layout and photography, stylistic features, mood and tone, as well as the overall message of the text. The themes of the text are tourism, travel, and luxury. These themes are all inevitable when it comes to advertising a country. However this text is very much different. The ... Show more content on ... The title of the text is Why Antigua and Barbuda? Immediately it is very clear that the title is a rhetorical question. This makes the reader of the text to take a moment and think. Think about what the text could be about and think about why should he /she read the text. That rhetorical question also makes the reader feel as if the text just wants the reader to lean in and read whatever is written down. Photography is also present in the text and used as well as means of advertising. Five photographs are placed on the very last section of the text. Each photo shows the highlights of Antigua and Barbuda. These highlights are mentioned throughout the text. Each photo would then create an imagery of how it looks like, but it also gives the reader a feeling on how it would be like if they would go to the country and have a first hand experience. The photos make the text become linked to the target audience. That is why the photos are
  • 26. Sterilization In Australia The act of removing a woman s ability to have a child, also known as sterilization, is a common way for governments to exert control over their people. Globally, sterilization was used as a way to control social behavior, but most practices were abolished in the 20th century. Forced sterilization was declared an act of violence, a form of social control, and a clear and documented violation of the right to be free from torture due to the clear discriminatory practice that harmed victims both psychologically and physically (Frohmader, Australian Civil Society). Despite this, sterilization is an ongoing practice in Australia originating in the early 20th century. Australia has permitted social and legal negligence when it comes to the sterilization of disabled women due to societal pressure and inconsistencies within the law.... Show more content on ... The Medical Journal of Australia declared in 1931 that they supported sterilization. They stated that sterilization prohibited mental deficits from entering the gene pool and due to its simple procedure, it was not an inconvenience to the economy and people of Australia. However, the report failed to indicate that sterilization was occurring without the formal consent of a legal guardian or of the victim. Practitioners and the government was not scrutinized by the public and therefore was not being held responsible for their actions. Practitioners did not stop practicing sterilization and the government did not implement laws prohibiting this torture of
  • 27. Introduction. Food Additives Have Been Used For Centuries INTRODUCTION Food additives have been used for centuries to help preserve foods, improve flavor and texture, and enhance the nutritional value in food. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has a list of over 3,000 food additives that are safe for consumption by humans. (1) The first lab experiment conducted used food additives to compare the physical and chemical properties of three different thickening agents: corn starch, modified food starch, and guar gum. Guar gum is a thickening agent, but also an emulsifier. Emulsifiers are used to keep ingredients from separating. Corn starch is a flavorless powder that comes from corn kernels, and has caloric value which is made up of mainly carbohydrates. Modified food starch is a chemically ... Show more content on ... Sample 1 was frozen orange juice from concentrate, without pulp. Sample 2 was 100% juice with pulp, not from concentrate. Sample 3 was organic 100% orange juice blended with concentrate. The final experiment was conducted to understand how enzymes are used in food, specifically cheese, production. Enzymes are proteins that act as a catalyst and bring about chemical reactions. (4) The enzyme Rennin, which comes from the lining of a cow s stomach, causes the protein in milk to coagulate. This coagulation is what forms curds in order to make cheese. In the production of cheese, milk is treated with buttermilk to lower the pH. Before being treated, the pH of milk is around 6.7 which makes it slightly acidic. The range of pH for milk used to make cheese would be between 4.1 to 5.3. (5) METHODS In the first experiment, each group of students was given 2 sample vials, 20 mL of vinegar, and 4 mL of vegetable oil. Also weighed out using weight boats was 0.3g of cornstarch and 0.3g of modified food starch. Using a pipette, the student added 10 mL of vinegar and 2 mL of vegetable oil to each vial. Both vials were labeled and shaken vigorously for 20 seconds. Observations were made and recorded, as shown in Table 1. After this, the students obtained 2 more vials and added the same amount of vinegar and vegetable oil to each one. Guar gum was weighed out into two separate containers, then 0.2g was added to one vial, and 2.0g was added to the other. The students once again shook
  • 28. Setting up a Raspberry PI STEP 1: SETTING UP OF RASPBERRY PI пѓ Installation of raspbianos in raspberry pi. пѓ Enabling SSH in pi for GUI. STEP 2: CONNECTING PI WITH COMPUTER RASPBERRY PI SIDE SETTINGS : пѓ ifconfig command is used to find the ip address of pi. пѓ To make the ip address static the following commands has to be given in LX terminal of pi. sudocp/boot/cmdline.txt /boot/cmdline.normal sudonano /boot/cmdline.txt sudonano /boot/cmdline.txt ip= sudocp /boot/cmdline.txt /boot/ sudo reboot LAPTOP SIDE SETTINGS: пѓ Installation of putty software in laptop. пѓ Enable SSH checkbox in putty window. пѓ Enter the ip address of the pi in the putty configuration window. CONNECTING PI WITH COMPUTER: пѓ LX terminal of pi will be displayed inwindows terminal. пѓ Enter login id as pi and password as raspberry . пѓ Now raspberry pi will be booted up and lot of files will be executed. STEP 3: EXECUTING CODE THROUGH PUTTY пѓ To execute the code,give the command as gcc lm codename.c пѓ Once the code is executed correctly, give the required input like new sample or testing. пѓ Output will be displayed in laptop screen. STEP 4: DISPLAYING OUTPUT IN LCD пѓ Keypad and lcd are interfaced with raspberry pi through ATMEGA 8 microcontroller. пѓ Communication between pi and microcontroller is done through serial console. STEP 1: SETTING UP OF RASPBERRY PI пѓ Installation of raspbianos in raspberry pi. пѓ Enabling SSH in pi for GUI. STEP 2: CONNECTING PI WITH
  • 29. Eating Disorders And Body Image Essay Karlye Weber AMST 3723 Dr. Carreiro 15 November 2016 Typically when covering the topic of eating disorders and body image dissatisfaction athletes and young women are the center of research and are stereotyped to be the only groups of people who suffer from self image issues. In The Hidden Faces of Eating Disorders and Body Image, authors Justine Reels and Katherine Beals look to breakdown the stereotypes and dig deeper into the issues that cross over the borders of ethnicity, age and gender. The book also looks into how religion, sexual orientation, and certain disabilities such as those who have suffered from a stroke affect how a person perceives themselves. Reels and Beals urge their readers to become educators and voice the need for diverse treatment and prevention (Reel 5). Not only does the book cover instabilities across social categories it also looks at the various ways of assessment, treatment and prevention (Reel 178,194,210). Both Beals and Reel have conducted and published several studies of their own relating to the issues of eating disorders and body image. Reel herself has published over twenty manuscripts and fifty international presentations over the special issue of eating disorders (Reel 1). Not only has Beals published several research articles and a book but she also serves as the director of the Nutrition clinic at the University of Utah and specializes in Sports Nutrition and Eating Disorders (Reels 1). This information is provided
  • 30. Compare and Contrast Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Essay Compare and Contrast Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Human beings have always been curious about the meaning and purpose of life. Religions try to answer the curiosity people have about there being a higher source, typically identifying this greater domination as God. Some beliefs teach that there is only one G d this is defined as a monotheistic religion. Some examples of monotheistic religions are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Although each sect has a different perspective on teachings and beliefs they have one common thread; the belief in a singular deity. Each religion has a different perspective but most important is where the religions generated from. Major religions started in various parts of the world. Judaism,... Show more content on ... Christianity is broke in to three divisions Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. In 1054 a major break in Christianity took place, giving birth too two major sects. The major sects were called Catholic and Orthodox. In the 16 century another split became, and that sect was called Protestant. The issue of religious authority continues to be a fundamental difference and perspective between the sects of Christianity. For example, the Pope was not acknowledged by the Orthodox as a worldwide supremacy. Comparison is the Catholic s religious structure cored around the Pope. Thus Christianity has multiple sects and is far more complex. Christianity has numerous sects; in comparison, Islam has only two major branches. The main sects of Islam are Sunni and Shi a. The partition between these two sects is the disagreement over authority. For example Sunni believes authority is political. On the other hand, Shi a believes authority is political and religion. Another major disagreement between the Shi a and Sunni was over the idea of salvation. The Islamic community, it was believed, would only win G d s mercy on the Day of Judgment if the community as a whole lived according to G d s law.(66) The discrepancies with the main ideas cause the split in Islam as we see it today. Each religion has a different way in obtaining salvation. Jewish and Christian community, the Islamic community has different views on salvation as well as beliefs. It is
  • 31. Politics And Its Impact On Hispanics Reflection Essay PART 1 1.The presentation topic was to examine the impact of politics on Latino in United States by studying various factors such as population, citizenship status, geographic location and age. 2.The presentation talked about one of the core issue, which is Politics in this case, that affected Latino in USA. A thorough research was conducted to understand the causes and effects of politics and how it moulded the growth of Latinos in this country. 3.The learning outcome was to understand the role of politics and its impact on Latinos living in USA. To gain a better understanding of this some range of themes were introduced to help understand the central issue. They are: a.Population The Hispanic population increase of 15.2 million between 2000 and 2010 constituted over half of the 27.3 million increase in the total population of the United States. During that time, the Hispanic population grew by a full 43 percent, which was four times the growth in the overall population growth of 10 percent. The reason why people care about the Latino vote is because of their growth in numbers. However, for many low income, low education Hispanics, their focus is survival, and issues like politics is not a priority. They represent 16 percent of the U.S. labor force. b.Citizenship status Experts say uncertain citizenship weaken the Latino vote. In Texas only there are 2.1 million unregistered, eligible Latinos voters. Of 13.1 million Latinos immigrants in USA
  • 32. Life-Span Development Journal Analysis As I continue to get older, I realize the saying when the elderly say, Do not rush things and it will come to you . Life tend to present you with a lot of lessons. The topic of this weeks journal talks about the Classifications of Life Span Development. In the Classification of Life Span Development journal, I will discuss a new classification, a definition of my new classification, ways I support my classification, and implication of new classification. From the readings, I have understood how life structure plays a part in classifying the life span development. Zastrow, C. H., Kirst Ashman, K. K. (2016) states, A person s life structure shapes and is shaped by the person s interactions with the environment. To classify young adulthood
  • 33. Fast Food, As We Know It Charles Benck Fast food, as we know it, exists because of changes leading up to, during, and slightly after World War Two. With the war s pressure on efficiency and production in the farming industry as well as the numerous factors contributing to America s rise from a depression the country saw a boom in spending power and food production. With the mindset of efficiency and convenience prevailing in the American household a whole new type of restaurant was born, the drive through. From the drive through many major fast food businesses were born, and through franchising they spread across the country. As fast food and the franchise grew, businesses throughout the country adapted; The model of success changed along with the production and packing industries throughout the U.S. Stockyards and factories condensed and moved closer to sources, and production further centralized. Fast food continued to grow, affecting the eating habits and popular culture of America in countless ways across decades of business and advertising. Fast food is still present in the lives of most people today, and continues to further improve on the efficiency and convenience of its predecessors. When World War II came to an end in 1945 the soldiers returned to a different country: Wartime destruction had crippled the industries of many major powers, leaving America with a monopoly on global production, jobs were easy to find and wages were higher due to a pent up need for laborers (see appendix
  • 34. What Is James Armistead s Role In The Revolutionary War There were many men and women who did behind the scenes work during the Revolutionary War that many people do not know about. Without them, the war would not have been possible and many people do not recognize what they did for the Americans and how they helped us gain freedom. One man made Marquis de Lafayette and George Washington seem heroic when they won the American Revolution. That man was James Armistead Lafayette and he was a slave spy for the Americans. When I started this research project, I knew I wanted to do something on spies, slaves, or women. So you can imagine my excitement when I found someone who checked off two of the categories. James Armistead was a slave and he was more that just a spy. He was a double agent and British General Charles Cornwallis thought that James was working for him, when he was actually feeding him false information.... Show more content on ... He was a double agent and I figured that it would be harder to hide that than being just a spy. It turns out that I was wrong and it was actually easier for Armistead to keep it a secret that he was a spying on the British. In class we are learning about the last battle of the American Revolution, the Battle of Yorktown. Armistead played a major role in this battle, but never received the recognition that he deserved. I wanted to pick a topic on slaves because I knew that slaves would get little to no recognition back then and I wanted to give them the honor they deserved and inform other people on who James Armistead was. Going with this idea, I decided to do my project on James Armistead Lafayette. I wanted to discover why he was important to the American Revolution and how what he did was
  • 35. The Impact of a Pandemic The world has experienced a total of four pandemics within the twentieth century. These pandemics, as horrific and deadly as they are, have brought so much more positive advances to our health care system and how we prepare for biological threats. Although we are in the twenty first century and we have advanced so far in healthcare, there is still the possibility of a deadly pandemic. Many people may confuse Pandemic with Epidemic which can often times lead to being over prepared or under prepared. An epidemic as an infectious disease that quickly travels within a city, state, or country from person to person. An example of an epidemic would be SARS, which spread through many countries and killed roughly 800 people. On the other hand, Pandemics differ because the infectious disease is spread globally. A pandemic has a much higher infectious rate and an even larger death rate compared to an epidemic. The world has experienced a total of four pandemics in the twentieth century starting in 1918 until present. In 1918, the spanish flu caught worldwide attention when it infected close to half the population of the world, claiming more than 40 million lives. What made the spanish flu capable of infecting over a billion people was the ability to quickly transfer from person to person. At the time, world war 1 was happening and the mass activation and recruitment of troops to fight made the spread of the flu easy. The Asian flu of 1957 was second deadly pandemic to hit the
  • 36. Advantages Of Intermarriage The Advantages of Intermarriage Do you know the meaning of intermarriage? It is marriage between people of different races, castes or religions. Intermarriage are becoming more common and many people accept it. Marriage is not easy for any couple, but problems can be more difficult for interracial couples. However, it is working well for some people. Like Malcolm X once wrote, I believe in recognizing every human being as a human being neither white, black, brown or red ; and when you are dealing with humanity as a family there is no question of integration or intermarriage. It s just one human being marrying another human being. For instance, Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon, the R B/pop diva married rapper Nick Cannon April 30, 2008. She gave birth to fraternal twins three years later. And, On 18 November 1995 Joachim married with Alexandra Christina. They have two sons. It works for these couple, because every marriage should always be on the basis of love. In my opinion, there are three advantages of intermarriage : its making couples more committed and acceptable, ... Show more content on ... It is really important for them to talk about their beliefs and values. The history of the race and the family rituals, and celebrations become part of each partner s world. Many interracial couples determine their entirely new way of life, especially new languages and a new country. The keys of this situation are acceptance and being open minded. Ernest Hemingway said, The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take the risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed. Along with it Jefferson Bethke once wrote, Dating with no intent to marry is like going to the grocery store without any cash. You either leave unhappy or take something that is not
  • 37. The Federal And State Judicial System The federal and state judicial systems are alike and different in numerous of ways. The federal and state judicial system have a difference in some of the laws and court system. There diference are in the jurisdiction and is mostly defined by the kind of cases that take place within the courtroom. State court consists of mainly what we consider as minor criminal activity such as traffic violations, family hearing and disputes, law suits, and robberies most of these are called misdemeanors. Lawsuits verses the United Statesis not allowed to be heared by the state courts that have certain laws established such as criminal, antitrust, bankruptcy, patent, copyright, and some maritime cases (Reuters, 2016). Federal court do not hear as many cases as the state do whereas it has to be listed in the Constitution and provided by Congress. Federal court can only hear cases that s within the United States party, conflict of the United States Constitution, citizens cases that so not exceed $75,000, and last but not least bankruptcy, copyright, and patent cases (Neubauer, 2014). The state and federal courts are established differently whereas the state is established by a state that is within the city or the country and the federal is established under the United States Constitution to better resolve conflict. A way that both federal and court jurisdiction is alike because they both have jurisdiction. Eventhough the levels of the courts between state and federal can be different
  • 38. Analysis Of The Play A Doll s House The period of the nineteenth century until the twentieth century was viewed as a patriarchal male society and female dependence; women had to obey men because in most cases men held all the resources and women had no independent means of subsistence. Women were solely controlled by the society crafted by men and expected to act as a feminine ideal of that period, in addition, womenwere supposed to live a highly restrictive life with their life centered round their husband and subsequently their children. Although, women were supposed to be treated with respect by men, most men viewed women as weak and having no ability to perform any task. In the play A Doll s House the character Nora shows how these expectations affect her behavior which reflect her desire to change the traditional genderroles in the demanding society she was obligated to adhere to. When a couple got married in this period her property was now her husband s and as a result, married women were barred from making contracts, appearing as witnesses in court, and initiating lawsuits. Nora like the wives of her time had to subject to her husband and Nora is often treated as a superior servant not as an equal; therefore, she lives without self identity and gender equality. At the beginning of the play, Nora appears to be a silly, naive, childish girl, but then the reader learns that she has made a great sacrifice to save her husband s life by borrowing money. Nora acts this way because that is how her husband
  • 39. Evaporation Lab There are also some other common properties that are transitions from one state to another, such as vaporization, this is the process by which a liquid or in some cases a solid that can change into a gas. Evaporation is a similar form of vaporization. However, evaporation is defined as the process by which particles escape from the surface of a non boiling liquidand enter the gasstate. Some lab experiments can be conducted to actually see the effects of evaporation. Like the liquid bromine lab where you add a small amount of liquid bromine into a bottle, and within a few minutes, the air above the liquid bromine will turn into a brownish red color because some of the bromine molecules escaped from the surface of the liquid. These molecules then became gas molecules, or bromine... Show more content on ... The process of evaporation occurs because the particles of a liquid have different kinetic energies. In some cases surface particles with higher than average energies can overcome the intermolecular forces that bind them to the liquid. The particles can then transition into the gas state. Evaporation is an essential process in nature. For example in nature evaporation removes fresh water from the surface of a ocean, leaving behind a higher concentration of salts. In areas such as the tropics, evaporation occurs at a higher rate,resulting in the surface water to be saltier. All water that falls to Earth in the form of rain and snow has been previously evaporated from oceans, lakes, and rivers. Evaporation of sweat plays an important role in keeping a human cool. Sweat, which is mostly consisted of water, cools a human by absorbing body heat when it evaporates. Energy which is in the form of heat is absorbed from the skin, causing the body to cool down. As a liquid is cooled its viscosity normally increases, but viscosity also has a tendency to prevent
  • 40. Jimbo Mowing Executive Summary Executive Summary Jimbo s Mowing is a residential lawn care service targeting those who are unable or not interested in mowing their lawns. We will be aiming at those people located in The North Shore of Sydney and The Hills District. We will at first go and advertise at local shops all over this area as well as advertise in the local papers, The North Shore Times, and The Hills District. For the first few years one we will have just ourselves (4) as employees. We will work together in teams of two called a crew. Each crew will have two mowers, one blower, one edger, one hedger, two garden waste bins, general gardening tools and a ute so we complete a quick, consistent job at all locations regardless who completes the job. Objectives The objectives ... Show more content on ... ($200 each) Services Jimbo s Mowing will provide residential lawn care service which includes lawn cutting, edging, hedging, general weeding and removal of the clippings. Optional services will include hedge trimming, edging and removal of clippings. The service is typically offered once a week, but Jimbo s Mowing can create a custom schedule for clients so that it suits them and their needs. Market Analysis Summary Jimbo s Mowing will be targeting all those living in the North Shore or Hills District of Sydney, regardless of lawns size. This way we hope to appeal to anyone who needs lawn care technicians. We will for the first few years will advertise at local shops across the North Shore and Hills District. We will eventually place advertisements in the local newspaper to develop Jimbo s Mowing s name and market share. Service Business Analysis Jimbo s Mowing will be working in the lawn care industry. This industry is involved in both residential business and small commercial businesses (apartment developments, etc). The well known, established landscaping companies commonly service the commercial side. Both landscaping companies and basic lawn care service companies service the residential
  • 41. Changing Fan Experiences New technology is changing fans experiences at venues and stadiums all around the nation like never before. Both the team s marketing department and venues are working together and using different types of digital innovations to enhance and improve the on field player performance, fan experiences, and stadiumoperations. Creating fan experiences and putting them in the center of the action is becoming top priority and is a major catalyst for bringing fans back. Live sporting events are not just about solely watching the gameanymore; Fans are now expecting access to physical and digital experiences tailored to their phone, kiosks, jumbotrons, and pretty much anywhere throughout the stadium. Fans enjoy being able to share, interact, and stay... Show more content on ... During the transition between the top and bottom of the innings the video board would either display pre recorded videos of plays during previous seasons or would capture current live feed from the stands. Any time the camera was used to capture the crowd a promotion would be happening on the screen, switching the content back and fourth. This time would require fans to get up and get loud to receive a prize. Music was always associated while the video board was being used and it was interesting on the genre of music they decided to play over the speakers. Baseball is filled with music being played as a hitter walks to the plate or a closer comes out of the bullpen...They have nothing to do with the game beyond the intent to pump up the players and, perhaps, the fans (Caple, 2013). The choice of music that was being used to increase the fan enthusiasm through out the game was old rock; songs included: Sweet Emotion by Aerosmith, Heartland by U2, Born in the USA by Bruce Springsteen. The music chose is vital to the audience, it can stir memories of past games and produce an intense feeling of pride for the current game no matter how bad your team is playing, you will at least sing along, stomp your foot or fist pump. The
  • 42. A Statement Of The Problem Of Service Organizations STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Service organizations play a crucial role in any country. In our country, it is the backbone of our economy in terms of creation of employment potential and contribution to the National income. The study of Quality of Working life has been an important and critical area in management and organizational performance from last several years especially in the LIC. Work is an integral part of our everyday life, as it is our livelihood or career or business. On an average we spend around twelve hours daily in the work place that is one third of our entire life. It does influence the overall Quality of our life. For the research, based on the literature review and brainstorming with academicians eight important dimensions were identified. They are organizational climate culture, Work life balance, compensation of employees, participation of decision making, opportunity for growth and development, work environment, Welfare measures, Social relevance of work.Life Insurance Corporation of India which concentrates all these factors, a study has been undertaken in order to find out the opinion of employees about the effectiveness of Quality of Work life in the corporation. SCOPE OF THE STUDY The scope of the present study reflects the existing Quality of Work Life in Life Insurance Corporation of India, Salem Division. The empirical study is limited to Salem Division only, covering the three districts, which includes 18 branches. The
  • 43. Benefits Of Getting Around Town Getting Around Town Whether it be because they cannot afford it or they are not able to, there are many people in America who cannot drive. Not only are cars expensive but with high gas prices owning one is often times impractical. One economical alternative to driving is taking public transportation. Both the Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA) and Montachusett Regional Transit Authority (MRTA or MART) are two of the transportation authorities in Massachusetts. Like most things, each transit system has its own flaws and attributes The most important aspect of a transit system is its public access. The WRTA has 26 fixed routes, 4 shuttles and paratransit for the elderly and disabled. The WRTA serves Worcester and its nearby ... Show more content on ... Similar to the WRTA, the MRTA runs full service on Monday through Friday with limited service on Saturday, however unlike the WRTA, the MRTA does not provide Sunday service. Both the WRTA and MRTA have varied public access to better serve their communities. Another important aspect to public transit is their payment policies. The WRTA has four methods of payment and two mediums riders can use. The prices vary according to certain criteria. The most basic is a single ride. When paying cash on the bus, a single ride for adults is $1.50; for those who qualify for reduced fare, that is the elderly, disabled, and children between the ages of 5 and 13, a single ride is 0.75. Children under 5 are always free. When using a Charlie Card, adult fare drops to 1.20 and reduced fare drops to (0.65). The following two payment methods cost the same regardless of whether a Charlie Card is used. The first of the two is a Day Pass which gives riders unlimited rides for the date that the pass in purchased. For adults, a Day Pass is 3.50 and for those who qualify for reduced, passes are 1.75. The second of the two is a 31 Days Pass. A 31 Day Pass gives the rider unlimited rides for 31 days after the pass is purchased. For adults a 31 Day Pass is $48.00 and for reduced riders it is $24.00. Like the WRTA, the MRTA has three methods of payment with two mediums. Similar to the WRTA the prices vary according to certain criteria. Like the WRTA, the most basic method
  • 44. Where Is Switzerland Cheapest Place to Live SWISS INFO.CH Nov 11, 2008 17:27 Where is Switzerland s cheapest place to live? While Switzerland may not be known for its low cost of living, a study has revealed the most affordable place to set up home. Inhabitants of canton Appenzell Inner Rhodes, in the east of Switzerland, enjoy the highest levels of disposable income after tax and fixed costs such as housing. Geneva residents have less in their pockets than people in any other region. The survey by Credit Suisse bank measured a range of expenses from tax rates, social security payments, health insurance premiums to utility bills, house prices and rent in a number of communities.
It found the cost of living varied enormously depending on where people chose to ... Show more content on ... Supply is a curve showing the different amounts of a product suppliers are willing to provide at different prices. Equilibrium price and quantity are determined by the intersection of demand and supply. Price elasticity of demand (PED) indicates the responsiveness of consumers to a change in price, and is reflected in the relative slope of demand. In the graph below, the markets for housing in Geneva and AIR are shown. Demand for housing in Geneva (Dg), is high because of the many employment opportunities there. In addition, Geneva s scarce land means supply of housing is low, resulting in a high equilibrium rent (Rg). Demand for housing in Geneva is inelastic, since renters in Geneva are less responsive to changes in rent compared to AIR, perhaps due to the perceived necessity of living close to their work. Demand for housing in AIR (Da) is low, but supply is high due to the abundance of land. AIR is a rural canton with few jobs, therefore fewer people are willing and able to live there than in Geneva. Since living in the countryside is not a necessity, demand is relatively elastic, or responsive to changes in rent. The lower demand and greater supply make the AIR s equilibrium rent relatively low. The effect of a tax on property is a shift of the supply curve to the left and in increase in rents as landowners, forced to pay the canton a share of their rental incomes,
  • 45. Ethical Hacking And Information Security Essay Ethical Hacking and Information Security Merriam Webster defines Hacker as, a person who secretly gets access to a computer system in order to get information, cause damage. But what if I told you that having a hacker is necessary? Ethical Hacking is paramount to the security of our Information Technologies (IT). The task of testing your computers and network for security vulnerabilities and plugging the vulnerabilities you find before the opposition gets a chance to exploit them. Without having the ability to do what devious personnel can do inside your IT, you will never fully understand the holes in your security. It all began in the 1960s at MIT, origin of the term hacker , but the science dates back to 1903 to the first ever documented hacking of an electronic device. In 1932, Marian Rejewski hacked the German Enigma Machine. The Enigma machine was an electromechanical device, equipped with a 26 letter keyboard and 26 lamps, relating to the letters of the alphabet. Inside was a set of wired drums (rotors and a reflector) that jumbled the input. The Enigma used a plug board to swap pairs of letters, and the encryption varied from one key press to the next. For two operators to communicate, both Enigma machines had to be set up in the same way. The large number of possibilities for setting the rotors and the plug board combined to form an exponential number of configurations, and the settings were changed daily, so the machine code had to be broken each day. Marian s
  • 46. Autobiographical Future Thinking And Autobiographical... Autobiographical future thinking and autobiographical memory Much research has been done on the default mode network, a set of various brain regions commonly active when individuals think for themselves undisturbed. This network has been associated with past recall, navigation, considering alternative perspectives and imagining future events (Buckner Carroll, 2007). Research examining remembering the past and imagining the future have shown there to extensive neural overlap when these processes are engaged (Bar, 2007; Buckner and Carroll, 2007; Gilbert and Wilson, 2007; Hassabis and Maguire, 2007; Schacter and Addis 2007a, 2007b). Furthermore, case studies done with amnesic patients K.C and D.B elucidated the semantic and episodic contributions to future thinking. K.C had an impaired bilateral hippocampus and several other regions, and for this, he showed impaired episodic past and future memory (Rosenbaum ... Show more content on ... Conversely, D.B had intact semantic memory, yet was unable to retrieve personally relevant past memories (Klein, Loftus Kihlstrom, 2002). Patient D.B, however produced more Essentially, what has been identified through neuroimaging studies (reference) are four regions that comprise the brain s default mode network and are responsible for prospection and autobiographical memory: the anteromedial prefrontal cortex (amPFC) , the medial temporal lobe (MTL), the posterior cingulate/precuneus (PCC/pCUN) and the lateral parietal and temporal lobes ( Schacter et al., 2012).. With these regions identified, theories of its instantiation came about, such as the constructive episodic simulation hypothesis (Schacter Addis, 2007). It states that future
  • 47. Cyber Terrorism (FBI) Enforces Federal Laws The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) enforces federal laws, those created by Congress which apply to everyone nationwide. One area of law which they enforce is cyber terrorism, which involves crimes of terrorism that occur electronically. These crimes occur against individuals, businesses, organizations, and against the government itself. Cyberterrorism is the use of the Internet to conduct violent acts that result in or threaten the loss of life or significant bodily harm in order to achieve political gains through intimidation. It is also sometimes considered the act of Internet terrorism in terrorist activities, including acts of deliberate, large scale disruption of computernetworks, especially of personal computers attached to the
  • 48. Does Writing Down Notes On Paper More Effective Than... Does writing down notes on paper more effective than typing it? Cerebrum: The cerebrum is the main part of the brain, which has two halves, or hemispheres. The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body and deals with things such as creativity, music, and art. While the left hemisphere of the cerebrum controls the right side of the body and is in charge of language, problem solving, and math. The cerebrum s many tasks are carried out by its outer layer, or its cortex. This has distinct areas that have different roles. Motor areas trigger movement; sensory areas deal with the senses, while association areas clarify information. Cerebellum: The cerebellum is responsible for producing smooth, coordinated movements of the body. It analyzes incoming information about the body s current movement and position then interacts with the primary motor cortex to precisely time muscle contractions. Why does writing something down help us remember it better? Our brain is separated into several regions that undergo different kind of information. Then there are regions that process information such as visual, verbal communication, auditory, emotions, etc. These different regions communicate with each other and each one of them has its own processes it has to complete first. For example one looks at a piece of art and express their emotions with language, thus working the verbal function part of the brain. When we hear a lecture, the section of our brain that handles listening and
  • 49. Summary Of Inherit The Wind In the play Inherit the Wind, Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee use a historic event and twist it into a believable fiction narrative that shows the fault of a small southern town. As it is presented, the play was written to be seen as a more meta commentary on the American people, and the trial was supposed to symbolize American thinking as a whole. The authors make clear that the trial is not only against the defendant; it is also striking the people of the setting. The fault displayed in the play s titular town of Hillsboro is that the citizens are quick to lap up the word of the holy men and their holy book, and they are also inclined to automatically deny or ignore anything that could possibly challenge what they have been spoon fed from The Bible. The two characters that... Show more content on ... His distaste for the Darwin theories brings into play a whole new trial on how religion should not dictate how one thinks. Reverend Brown constantly attacks anything even remotely detached from his holy book, and it is shown that he believes all Darwin theorists are the evil that plagues human society. During the trial, The Bible is questioned often, making a statement on how Brown s thinking could be unfair and close minded. The fight not flight attitude portrayed in BrownВґs character is an important part in figuring out why the townspeople are so afraid to think about what they believe in. Brown himself tries too hard to show his love of his Lord, and those surrounding him are afraid of thinking another way. The malice and ill intent in BrownВґs character is thoroughly challenged, with others asking if he is going overboard. All of this is important because Brown is portrayed as a leader. Brown is supposed to be providing an example for his community, the normal folk, and all he is doing is spreading distrust in those who have different
  • 50. Why to Do a Dead Lifting Rountine Essay Dead Lifting There are many different exercises for building the body not all are appropriate for every person. Any type of resistance training can help any person in many ways. By adding heavy dead lifting to your routine you can boost your muscles, improve your physique and strengthen your bones. All of these improvements will give your body power but, with any type of body training especially dead lifting it is critical to perform them correctly and add weight gradually in small increases. This is where most people make their first mistake. They add to much weight at once and this will ultimately cause them to fail. The reason is, they have not built enough strength to lift that much weight. In the struggle to lift more then you can... Show more content on ... With the barbell on the floor stand close to it. Remember form! Place your feet, hip to shoulder width apart and have your toes angled out slightly. Now to grip the bar, squat down and grip it slightly wider then shoulder width with a reverse grip this is done by placing your hands facing opposite directions on the bar. It is very important to have your back straight and keep it straight as you straighten your legs also you want to keep your abs tight. Now lift the bar from the floor to a stand without hitching or bouncing the bar up your legs .Your stand should be straight up and tall. Now to lower the barbell back down to the floor you want to keep the same form of back straight and abs tight to lower the barbell in a controlled manor for one complete repetition. A few tips to get a better lift in a safer form are to round your back and get your hips as low as possible before you start your lift, once in place straighten your back. Try to not bend your arms, keep them as straight as possible and don t look down once you grip the bar face when lifting in dead lift form. You want to lift the bar with your hips not your back. That is why the core body and legs are as important as the arms and why form plays such a big part in dead lifts. Dead lifting is very challenging and works many joints and muscles at the same time. If you are new at lifting and want to start dead
  • 51. Examples Of Leadership In The Movie Invictus Leadership at the Movies: Invictus and 5 Leadership Practices December 20, 2009 by Beverley Simpson Morgan Freeman and Clint Eastwood have created another very special movie now playing across North America. Invictus is the story of Nelson Mandela s early days as President of South Africa, and particularly how he viewed the country s Rugby team, the Springboks, and an upcoming World Cup event to be held in South Africa, as an opportunity to bring the country together. The year is 1995. Mandela (Freeman) is in his first term as President. He recognizes the tremendous challenges facing his government in a land torn apart by apartheid. Racial tensions are at an all time high, people are struggling with the effects of crippling unemployment, and a new black government has shifted the ... Show more content on ... Pienaar is invited to meet the President and arrives at Government House with trepidation, uncertain of the reason for the meeting. Mandela s personal style, his warmth, the way he treats everyone around him with great respect and appreciation completely charms Pienaar who leaves with the realization that something very significant has just happened to him. During their brief but meaningful time together Mandela has skillfully Inspired a Shared Vision about the importance and meaning of a Springboks win to South Africa. The title of the movie Invictus comes from the Latin meaning Unconquered. We are led to believe that Mandela had a poem written on a scrap of paper in his prison cell while he was incarcerated. In the movie, Mandela gives the poem to the team captain Pienaar, before the start of the World Cup. At one point in the story the Springboks are touring Robbin Island and Pienaar spends a quiet few minutes in Mandela s old cell contemplating the kind of moral courage it would take to spend 27 years there. He is
  • 52. The Amount Of Sugar On A Carbonated Beverage Ryan Hughes, April 3, 2015 Experiment date: 3/ Report date: The Amount of Sugar in a Carbonated Beverage Abstract The purpose of this lab was to determine the percent of sugar in a solution as well as the percent sugar in a non diet soda. The experiment was The experiment was carried out by comparing densities of sugar in soda to the density of sugar in solution of water. After the experiment it was found that the manufacturers measurements were accurate. Introduction The purpose of this lab was to determine if the information on the nutrition labels was correct for sugar. This lab could be used to find the content of sugar in and flat soft drink. Also companies may use a procedure very similar to find the percent of sugar ... Show more content on ... Table 1) Volumeand mass of sugar, water, and lat soda Volume of water, (ml) Column 1 Mass of empty grad cylinder (g) Column 2 # of Sugar Cubes Column 3 Mass of Sugar cubes (g) Column 4 Mass of graduated cylinder and h20 and sugar (g) Column 5 mass of water or sugar water (g) Column 6 50ml 103.72g 0 153.05g 49.33g 50 ml 103.72g 1
  • 53. 2.24g 153.77g 50.05g 50ml 103.72g 2 4.46g 154.66g 50.94g 50ml 103.72g 3 6.79g 156.01g 52.29g 50 ml 103.72g 4 8.98g 156.68g 52.96g volume of soda (ml) mass of empty grad cylinder (g) mass of grad, soda (g) mass of soda (g) 50ml 103.72g 154.95g 51.23g Column one shows the amount of water you start with which is 50ml. Column two is the mass of an empty graduated cylinder measured in grams. Colum three is the number of sugar cubes used starting from zero, then adding one until you reach four. Column four is the mass of the sugarcubes from column 3. Column five is the mass of the graduated cylinder, the water, and the sugar combined. Column six is just the mass of the water and the sugar. Table 2) Percentage of sugar and the calculated densities
  • 54. Sample % Sugar Density (g/ml) no sugar cubes 0% 0.9866 g/ml 1 sugar cube 4.47% 1.001 g/ml 2 sugar cubes 8.75% 1.018 g/ml 3 sugar cubes 12.9% 1.045 g/ml 4 sugar cubes 16.9% 1.059 g/ml flat soda 11.2% 1.024 g/ml This table compares the density and the percent of sugar. Based on this table flat soda would
  • 55. American Society Compared To Today This essay is about American Society and how it has changed from the 1840s compared to today. It will have examples from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and compare them to modern news story that have happened within the past 5 years. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain is a book critiquing American Society back in the 1840s. American Society has changed for the better since the 1840s, specifically the themes of laws/justice, racism and scams/cons. I think that the theme of laws/justice has changed for the better since the 1840s. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain on page 91, the Shepherdsons get revenge on Buck for trying to kill Harney Shepherdson and they gang up on Buck and shoot him dead. Nothing happened to the Shepherdsons that killed Buck but nowadays you can t murder someone and not get punished for it. James Worley kidnapped and killed Sierah Joughin in July 2016 and was recently sentenced to death (Lindstrom). These two quotes show that back in the 1840s you can get away with murder but you can t get away with it today so that is why American Society has changed for the better in the theme of laws/justice. ... Show more content on ... In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain on page 176, Huck and Aunt Sally are having a conversation, Good Gracious! Anybody hurt? No m. Killed a nigger. Well, it s lucky; because sometimes people do get hurt. This quote shows that back in the 1840s some people were so racist they didn t even consider black people to be actual people but today black people are counted as real people and they re doing amazing things. In 2016 the first black woman earned the rank of Brigadier General in the U.S. Marines (Leoni). These quotes obviously show that we as a society today have gotten a lot better with racism compared to the
  • 56. Sources Of Energy With increased additions of renewable sources in our existing infrastructure, major challenges are arising, as their supply is generally unstable and unpredictable. Too often, integrated renewable sources are curtailed and the energy is wasted for the safety of our existing electrical grid [1 6]. A logical solution would be to include large scale energy storagesystems, which would reduce the curtailment and increase the utilization of these clean sources, such as wind turbines and photovoltaics. A large scale energystorage system would allow the renewable sources to store excess power during periods of low demand, and provide the stored energy during periods of peak electricity demand. Therefore, allowing renewable sources to provide... Show more content on ... One disadvantage of HyPES is its low energy density, which is the reason why they are not commercially available, however under laboratory scale examination [28 29]. Of the more attractive I CAES proposals, one seeks to spray water droplets inside a reciprocating compressor to actively absorb the heat of compression [30]. However, such machinery has to be adjusted to endure water. Recent works investigate the compression of foam for better heat transfer [31]. In advanced adiabatic CAES, the heat of compression is stored and reused during the discharge process. The temperatures reached and stored by the generated heat of compression in AA CAES have a major influence on the system design and performance [32]. Specifically, the cycle efficiency is dependent on, and increases with, the absolute storage temperature [33 39]. Therefore, the following stored temperature ranges can generally categorize AA CAES: 1) 400C, 2) between 200C to 400C, and 3) below 200C. A high temperature AA CAES plant has two major challenges. First, increased engineering challenges arise when designing a TES unit that is capable of handling both high temperature and high pressure operations. Second, compressors capable of providing the exceedingly high temperatures are commercially unavailable. [40 42]. In addition, the limited
  • 57. The Importance Of Drama In Educational Drama Research on dramatization activity may not always positively reported. In a non classroom setting, Milburn and McGrail (1992) , conducted an experimental study to find whether a dramatic presentations of news stories on TV influence the audiences ability and accuracy in receiving news. They found that the exposure to the dramatized news stories significantly decreased participants ability to recall the information from the stories and reduced the complexity of the news. The term of dramaor dramatization in this context of study is used in negative sense . That is, dramatization is used in reference to the ways TV stations exaggerate the presentation of the news for political or rating benefits. Unlike Milburn and McGrail s study, this study will take the stance of drama or dramatization activity as an intervention strategy in education that aims to foster students learning. In 1934, John Dewey called for the urgency of involving creative expression and exploration in U. S educational curriculum. Gallagher, (2017) noted that in and after that period of time, literature in the United States started to emphasize the insertion of dramatic play or play based improvisation as a key technique to situate students to express themselves creatively and develop language and thinking skills, as well as for teachers to see the child s real self Gallagher,, ( 2017) . Moving forward to 1982, Brian Way (in Dillon and Way , 1981) , stated that
  • 58. The Effect Of Fructose On The Rate Of Glucose Introduction Fructose 1, 6 bisphosphate is a key regulatory step in gluconeogenesis, as well as many other intracellular metabolic pathways . During, gluconeogenesis there is an important process in which there is a conversion of glucose to pyruvate which is known as glycolysis. This process will require three irreversible steps that have a very high negative free energy that is in the forward reaction. So, in order to have a conversion from pyruvate into glucose, the pathway will require the use of enzymes, which will allow the bypassing of these irreversible steps. One of the enzymes that is used in this process is called Fructose 1, 6 bisphosphatase (Kelley, 2006). This step is a very important step in gluconeogenesis, being that it needs to have fructose bisphosphatase to catalyze the conversion of fructose 1, 6 bisphosphate into fructose 6 phospahate, and inorganic phosphate, that without it can block the pathway. Its activity is high regulated by the levels of Adenosine Monophosphate, fructose 2, 6 bisphosphate and also citrate (Kelley, 2006). When deficiencies are present in this pathway and devoid of this conversion, glycerol into glucose, it will lead to fasting hypoglycemia, lactic acidosis and other physiological conditions. This enzyme is highly active within the liver and the intestines. Therefore, when the liver glycogen stores are no longer available, the physical properties of the body will fight for its homeostasis (Eren, 2013) by converting a three