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Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Google Ads-Definition
Google Ads is Google's online advertising program.
Started in 2000.
Google Ads is a product that you can use to promote your
business, help sell products or services, raise awareness, and
increase traffic to your website.
Paid Product of Google.
It is also called as Sponsored Ads, Paid Listing
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Google Ads-Campaign Types
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
• Search Network: Google search ads are online ads that appear alongside the search engine
result page when users search a keyword query on Google. These ads are PPC, or pay-per-
click ads, in which advertisers pay for each ad click.
• Its supports only Text Ads
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Google Ads-Campaign Types
• Display Network: The Display Network is a collection of websites – including specific Google websites such as
Google Finance, Gmail, Blogger and YouTube – that showAdWords ads. This network also includes mobile
and apps.
• >400 Million websites that are part of this Network
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Google Ads-Campaign Types
• Shopping: Shopping campaigns help you promote your products by giving users detailed information
about what you're selling before they even click your ad.
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Google Ads-Campaign Types
• Video: TrueView video ads run on YouTube and across the web through the Google Display Network.
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Google Ads-Campaign Types
• Performance Max : Performance max is a new goal-based Campaign type that
allows Performance advertisers to access all of their Google Ads inventory from a single
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
App Promotion : App promotion campaigns allow you to promote your Android app across Google
Search, Play, YouTube and within other apps on the Display Network
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Reach people searching for what you offer
Control your budget
Measurable,accountable, flexible
Cost Effective
Maximum Relevance
Highly Targeted
ROI(Return OF Investment)
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
• Account
• Your AdWords associated with billing
• Campaign
• An Advertising Campaign
• Sets Budget, Scheduling and Geo-Targeting
• Ad groups
• Target a Specific Topic (Product or Service)
• ContainAds & Keywords
• Keywords
• Words or Phrases you are bidding on
• Understand Keywords Match Type
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
 Your account is associated with a unique email address,
password, and billing information.
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Mainly Three kinds of bidding types. Namely
 CPV(Cost-per-view):
 CPC(Cost-per-click ) :
 VCPM(Cost-per- thousand viewable impressions) :
 CPI(Cost-per-Install) :
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Use this match type... With this punctuation... To trigger your ad on... Example
broad match none synonyms, related searches,
and other relevant
adopt kittens chicago
phrase match "keyword" a phrase and close
variations of that phrase
"adopt kittens" chicago
exact match [keyword] an exact term and close
variations of that exact
[adopt kittens chicago]
negative match -keyword searches without the term -puppies
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Auction: An Auction is a place where Advertisers compete with each other for Ad Position
Note: Ad Rank(AR) decides which Ad appear at which position
When does Auction Run
Auction runs every time someone enters the search term
Ad Rank:Ad Rank determines your ad Position where your ad shows on the page in relation
to other ads and whether your ads are eligible to show at all.
The main components of your Ad Rank are your bids and the quality of your ads and
AdRank = Max. CPC * Quality Score(QS)
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
 Max. CPC:
 Abid that you set to determine the highest amount that you were willing to pay for a click on your ad
Note: Advertiser always specifies Max CPC(It doesn’t mean that every time you get a click you will pay Max
1st Position-80
2nd Position-70
3rd Position-60
Max CPC=90; Actual CPC=70.1
Actual CPC=60.1
Actual CPC=50.1
Actual CPC depends on immediate Competitor
Actual CPC<= Max. CPC
Max. CPC>= Actual CPC
• Actual CPC: Least min amount an advertiser must pay and still occupy current Ad Position
 Quality Score(QS):
 QS is a metric calculated AdWords based on various factors of quality and relevancy.
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Click through rate of keywords
Relevance of keywords in Ad group
Relevance of keywords and Ads
Relevance of landing page with keywords
Historical Ads account performance
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Site link
• Site link Extensions
• Callout Extensions
• Call Extensions
• Location Extensions
• Structured Snippet Extensions
• Price Extensions
• Promotion Extensions
• Affiliate Location Extensions
• Message Extensions
• App Extensions
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
• Prevent ads from appearing on irrelevant search queries
• Eliminate unwanted impressions
Keyword: used book
Negative Match: -cheap
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Step 1: Create Your Headline
Step 2:Develop your description text.
Step 3: Designate display and destination URLs.
15 Headlines
Each 30 Characters
4 Descriptions
Each 90 Characters
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Key Terms:
• Display URL: The URL displayed in your ad to identify your site to users. It doesn’t have to be the
same as your destination URL, but it should match the domain of your landing page.
• Destination URL: The web page on which a user will land after clicking on your ad. It doesn’t have to
be your site’s main page. Also called a landing page.
• Ad Variations: Multiple versions of an ad for a single product or service, all based on the same set of
keywords. Variations are a good way to test different versions of the same message to see which work
best with potential customers.
• Ad Rank: Your ad’s position on a results page. Your ad rank is determined by your maximum CPC bid
and your keywords’Quality Score.
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Bid strategies
Target CPA (Cost-Per-Acquisition): This strategy aims to get as many conversions as possible while
maintaining a target cost-per-acquisition. You set a specific CPA goal, and Google Ads automatically adjusts
your bids to achieve that target.
Target ROAS (Return on Ad Spend): This strategy focuses on maximizing the value of conversions rather
than the number of conversions. You set a specific target return on ad spend, and Google Ads adjusts your
bids to maximize revenue based on your conversion value data.
Maximize Clicks: This strategy focuses on driving as much traffic as possible within your budget. Google
Ads automatically sets your bids to get the most clicks while aiming to spend your budget effectively.
Maximize Conversions: This strategy automatically sets your bids to maximize the number of conversions
within your budget. Google Ads uses historical performance data to predict the likelihood of conversions
and adjusts bids in real-time.
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Target Impression Share: This strategy is designed to help increase your ad visibility by targeting a
specific impression share percentage. You can choose to target the absolute top of the page, top of
the page, or anywhere on the page.
Maximize Conversion Value: This strategy aims to maximize the total value generated from
conversions while adhering to your specified budget. It focuses on driving conversions that have
higher values, such as sales or leads with higher monetary worth.
Bid strategies
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Search Network Formulas
CTR (click through rate) = click/ impressions * 100
Conversion Rate = conversions/ clicks*100
Cost per conversion = total cost/ total no of conversions
Cost per Click (CPC) = Total Cost / Clicks
Cost = avg cpc * no of clicks
Cost per Acquisition (CPA): CPA = Total Cost / Conversions
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Display Network Formulas
Click-through Rate (CTR): CTR = (Clicks / Impressions) * 100
Cost per Click (CPC): CPC = Total Cost / Clicks
Viewable Cost per Mille (VCPM): CPM = Total Cost / (Viewable Impressions /
Conversion Rate (CR): CR = (Conversions / Clicks) * 100
View-through Conversion Rate (VTCR): VTCR = (View-through Conversions /
Impressions) * 100
Cost per Acquisition (CPA): CPA = Total Cost / Conversions
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Video network Formulas
View-through Rate (VTR): VTR = (Video Views / Impressions) * 100
Cost per View (CPV): CPV = Total Cost / Video Views
Click-through Rate (CTR): CTR = (Clicks / Video Views) * 100
Return on Investment (ROI): ROI = ((Total Revenue - Total Cost) / Total Cost) * 100
Video Completion Rate (VCR): VCR = (Video Completes / Impressions) * 100
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Keywords : Words or phrases describing your product or service that you choose to help determine when
and where your ad can appear.
Click : When someone clicks your ad, like on the blue headline or phone number of a text ad, Google Ads
counts that as a click.
Impressions : How often your ad is shown. An impression is counted each time your ad is shown on a
search result page or other site on the Google Network.
Conversion : An action that's counted when someone interacts with your ad or free product listing and then
takes an action that you’ve defined as valuable to your business, such as an online purchase or a call to your
business from a mobile phone.
Negative keyword : Negative keywords let you exclude search terms from your campaigns and help you
focus on only the keywords that matter to your customers. Better targeting can put your ad in front of
interested users and increase your return on investment (ROI).
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
View Through Rate (VTR) : View Through Rate (VTR) is the number of completed views of a skippable ad over the
number of initial impressions.
Cost-per-view (CPV) : Cost-per-view (CPV) is a pricing model in which advertisers are charged only when users
watch the video. CPV pricing is not supported. Buyers can charge their customers on a CPV basis, but they’ll pay
for the underlying skippable impressions on a CPM basis.
Cost-per-impressions (CPM): A way to bid where you pay per one thousand views (impressions) on the Google
Display Network.
Click through rate (CTR) : A ratio showing how often people who see your ad or free product listing end up
clicking it. Click through rate (CTR) can be used to gauge how well your keywords and ads, and free listings, are
Maximize clicks : An automated bid strategy that automatically sets your bids to help get as many clicks as
possible within your budget.
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Cost per action : A cost per action (CPA) is the total cost spent to receive the required actions by your
customers. This action is typically a purchase, registration, signup, and many more.
Cost per install : Cost per install (CPI) means that you pay for each app installation on a user device. For
CPI bidding campaigns, you need to set a maximum cost per install bid or "max. CPI", which would be
the average amount you'd like to spend each time someone clicks on the “Install” button on your ad.
Conversion page : A page of your website that someone reaches after performing a valuable action, like
a purchase confirmation page.
Conversion rate: The average number of conversions per ad interaction, shown as a percentage.
Conversion tracking: A free tool in your account that can help measure how clicks on your ads and free
product listings lead to meaningful actions such as sales or leads.
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Actual cost-per-click : Your actual cost-per-click (actual CPC) is the final amount you're charged for a click. You're
often charged less -- sometimes much less -- than your maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC) bid, which is the most
you'll typically be charged for a click.
Average cost-per-click (Avg. CPC): The average amount that you've been charged for a click on your ad. Average
cost-per-click (avg. CPC) is calculated by dividing the total cost of your clicks by the total number of clicks.
Frequency:The minimum number of times a unique user saw your ad over a given time period. If you want to limit
the number of times your Display or Video ad appears to a user, you can set a frequency cap.
Search terms report : A list of search terms that a significant number of people have used before seeing your ad.
Use this report to refine your keywords so that only the right searches cause your ad to show.
Exact match : A keyword match type that allows you to show your ads on searches that have the same meaning or
same intent as your keyword. Exact match gives you the most control over who sees your ad, but reaches fewer
searches than both phrase and broad match.
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Broad match : A keyword match type allows your ad to show on searches that are related to the meaning of
your keyword, which can include searches that don’t contain the keyword terms. This allows you to reach
more searches than with exact and phrase matches.
Phrase match : A keyword match type that allows you to show your ads on searches that include the
meaning of your keyword. The meaning of the keyword can be implied, and user searches can be a more
specific form of the meaning. This allows you to reach more searches than with exact match and fewer
searches than with broad match.
Unique Reach : Measures the total number of people who were shown an ad. These metrics go beyond
basic cookie measurement to help you understand how many people saw your ad across different devices,
formats, sites, apps, and networks.
Conversion action: A specific customer action that you've defined as valuable to your business, such as an
online purchase or phone call. Tracking conversion actions lets you see how your ads lead to those valuable
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
Campaign : A set of Ad groups (ads, keywords, and bids) that share a budget, location targeting, and other
settings. Campaigns are often used to organize categories of products or services that you offer.
Ad group : An ad group contains one or more ads that share similar targets.
Ad Rank :A value that's used to determine your ad position and whether your ads will show at all. Ad Rank is
calculated using your bid amount, your auction-time ad, the Ad Rank thresholds, the competitiveness of an
auction, the context of the person’s search, and the expected impact of assets and other ad formats.
Ad Strength : Ad Strength estimates the relevance, quantity, and diversity of your ad content. Making sure
your ad has relevant, unique content can help you show the right ad to your potential customers and
improve your ad's performance.
AdSense : A Google product that provides a way for website publishers of all sizes to earn money by
displaying targeted Google ads on their websites.
Algorithm : A sequence of computational steps that transform the input into the output.
Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632

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Google Adwords notes from starting to end

  • 1. Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 2. Google Ads-Definition Google Ads is Google's online advertising program. Started in 2000. Google Ads is a product that you can use to promote your business, help sell products or services, raise awareness, and increase traffic to your website. Paid Product of Google. It is also called as Sponsored Ads, Paid Listing Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 3. Google Ads-Campaign Types Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 4. • Search Network: Google search ads are online ads that appear alongside the search engine result page when users search a keyword query on Google. These ads are PPC, or pay-per- click ads, in which advertisers pay for each ad click. • Its supports only Text Ads Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 5. Google Ads-Campaign Types • Display Network: The Display Network is a collection of websites – including specific Google websites such as Google Finance, Gmail, Blogger and YouTube – that showAdWords ads. This network also includes mobile and apps. • >400 Million websites that are part of this Network Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 6. Google Ads-Campaign Types • Shopping: Shopping campaigns help you promote your products by giving users detailed information about what you're selling before they even click your ad. Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 7. Google Ads-Campaign Types • Video: TrueView video ads run on YouTube and across the web through the Google Display Network. Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 8. Google Ads-Campaign Types • Performance Max : Performance max is a new goal-based Campaign type that allows Performance advertisers to access all of their Google Ads inventory from a single campaign. Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 9. App Promotion : App promotion campaigns allow you to promote your Android app across Google Search, Play, YouTube and within other apps on the Display Network Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 10. Reach people searching for what you offer Control your budget Measurable,accountable, flexible Cost Effective Maximum Relevance Highly Targeted Remarketing ROI(Return OF Investment) Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 11. • Account • Your AdWords associated with billing • Campaign • An Advertising Campaign • Sets Budget, Scheduling and Geo-Targeting • Ad groups • Target a Specific Topic (Product or Service) • ContainAds & Keywords • Keywords • Words or Phrases you are bidding on • Understand Keywords Match Type Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 12.  Your account is associated with a unique email address, password, and billing information. Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 13. Mainly Three kinds of bidding types. Namely  CPV(Cost-per-view):  CPC(Cost-per-click ) :  VCPM(Cost-per- thousand viewable impressions) :  CPI(Cost-per-Install) : Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 14. Use this match type... With this punctuation... To trigger your ad on... Example broad match none synonyms, related searches, and other relevant variations adopt kittens chicago phrase match "keyword" a phrase and close variations of that phrase "adopt kittens" chicago exact match [keyword] an exact term and close variations of that exact term [adopt kittens chicago] negative match -keyword searches without the term -puppies Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 15. Auction: An Auction is a place where Advertisers compete with each other for Ad Position Note: Ad Rank(AR) decides which Ad appear at which position When does Auction Run Auction runs every time someone enters the search term Ad Rank:Ad Rank determines your ad Position where your ad shows on the page in relation to other ads and whether your ads are eligible to show at all. The main components of your Ad Rank are your bids and the quality of your ads and website. AdRank = Max. CPC * Quality Score(QS) Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 16.  Max. CPC:  Abid that you set to determine the highest amount that you were willing to pay for a click on your ad Note: Advertiser always specifies Max CPC(It doesn’t mean that every time you get a click you will pay Max CPC) 1st Position-80 2nd Position-70 3rd Position-60 Max CPC=90; Actual CPC=70.1 Actual CPC=60.1 Actual CPC=50.1 Actual CPC depends on immediate Competitor Actual CPC<= Max. CPC OR Max. CPC>= Actual CPC • Actual CPC: Least min amount an advertiser must pay and still occupy current Ad Position  Quality Score(QS):  QS is a metric calculated AdWords based on various factors of quality and relevancy. Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 17. Click through rate of keywords Relevance of keywords in Ad group Relevance of keywords and Ads Relevance of landing page with keywords Historical Ads account performance Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 18. Review extensions call-out extensions App extensions Call extension s Location extensions Site link extension • Site link Extensions • Callout Extensions • Call Extensions • Location Extensions • Structured Snippet Extensions • Price Extensions • Promotion Extensions • Affiliate Location Extensions • Message Extensions • App Extensions Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 19. • Prevent ads from appearing on irrelevant search queries • Eliminate unwanted impressions Keyword: used book Negative Match: -cheap Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 20. Step 1: Create Your Headline Step 2:Develop your description text. Step 3: Designate display and destination URLs. 15 Headlines Each 30 Characters 4 Descriptions Each 90 Characters Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 21. Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 22. AD Key Terms: • Display URL: The URL displayed in your ad to identify your site to users. It doesn’t have to be the same as your destination URL, but it should match the domain of your landing page. • Destination URL: The web page on which a user will land after clicking on your ad. It doesn’t have to be your site’s main page. Also called a landing page. • Ad Variations: Multiple versions of an ad for a single product or service, all based on the same set of keywords. Variations are a good way to test different versions of the same message to see which work best with potential customers. • Ad Rank: Your ad’s position on a results page. Your ad rank is determined by your maximum CPC bid and your keywords’Quality Score. Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 23. Bid strategies Target CPA (Cost-Per-Acquisition): This strategy aims to get as many conversions as possible while maintaining a target cost-per-acquisition. You set a specific CPA goal, and Google Ads automatically adjusts your bids to achieve that target. Target ROAS (Return on Ad Spend): This strategy focuses on maximizing the value of conversions rather than the number of conversions. You set a specific target return on ad spend, and Google Ads adjusts your bids to maximize revenue based on your conversion value data. Maximize Clicks: This strategy focuses on driving as much traffic as possible within your budget. Google Ads automatically sets your bids to get the most clicks while aiming to spend your budget effectively. Maximize Conversions: This strategy automatically sets your bids to maximize the number of conversions within your budget. Google Ads uses historical performance data to predict the likelihood of conversions and adjusts bids in real-time. Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 24. Target Impression Share: This strategy is designed to help increase your ad visibility by targeting a specific impression share percentage. You can choose to target the absolute top of the page, top of the page, or anywhere on the page. Maximize Conversion Value: This strategy aims to maximize the total value generated from conversions while adhering to your specified budget. It focuses on driving conversions that have higher values, such as sales or leads with higher monetary worth. Bid strategies Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 25. Search Network Formulas CTR (click through rate) = click/ impressions * 100 Conversion Rate = conversions/ clicks*100 Cost per conversion = total cost/ total no of conversions Cost per Click (CPC) = Total Cost / Clicks Cost = avg cpc * no of clicks Cost per Acquisition (CPA): CPA = Total Cost / Conversions Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 26. Display Network Formulas Click-through Rate (CTR): CTR = (Clicks / Impressions) * 100 Cost per Click (CPC): CPC = Total Cost / Clicks Viewable Cost per Mille (VCPM): CPM = Total Cost / (Viewable Impressions / 1000) Conversion Rate (CR): CR = (Conversions / Clicks) * 100 View-through Conversion Rate (VTCR): VTCR = (View-through Conversions / Impressions) * 100 Cost per Acquisition (CPA): CPA = Total Cost / Conversions Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 27. Video network Formulas View-through Rate (VTR): VTR = (Video Views / Impressions) * 100 Cost per View (CPV): CPV = Total Cost / Video Views Click-through Rate (CTR): CTR = (Clicks / Video Views) * 100 Return on Investment (ROI): ROI = ((Total Revenue - Total Cost) / Total Cost) * 100 Video Completion Rate (VCR): VCR = (Video Completes / Impressions) * 100 Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 28. Definitions Keywords : Words or phrases describing your product or service that you choose to help determine when and where your ad can appear. Click : When someone clicks your ad, like on the blue headline or phone number of a text ad, Google Ads counts that as a click. Impressions : How often your ad is shown. An impression is counted each time your ad is shown on a search result page or other site on the Google Network. Conversion : An action that's counted when someone interacts with your ad or free product listing and then takes an action that you’ve defined as valuable to your business, such as an online purchase or a call to your business from a mobile phone. Negative keyword : Negative keywords let you exclude search terms from your campaigns and help you focus on only the keywords that matter to your customers. Better targeting can put your ad in front of interested users and increase your return on investment (ROI). Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 29. View Through Rate (VTR) : View Through Rate (VTR) is the number of completed views of a skippable ad over the number of initial impressions. Cost-per-view (CPV) : Cost-per-view (CPV) is a pricing model in which advertisers are charged only when users watch the video. CPV pricing is not supported. Buyers can charge their customers on a CPV basis, but they’ll pay for the underlying skippable impressions on a CPM basis. Cost-per-impressions (CPM): A way to bid where you pay per one thousand views (impressions) on the Google Display Network. Click through rate (CTR) : A ratio showing how often people who see your ad or free product listing end up clicking it. Click through rate (CTR) can be used to gauge how well your keywords and ads, and free listings, are performing. Maximize clicks : An automated bid strategy that automatically sets your bids to help get as many clicks as possible within your budget. Definitions Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 30. Cost per action : A cost per action (CPA) is the total cost spent to receive the required actions by your customers. This action is typically a purchase, registration, signup, and many more. Cost per install : Cost per install (CPI) means that you pay for each app installation on a user device. For CPI bidding campaigns, you need to set a maximum cost per install bid or "max. CPI", which would be the average amount you'd like to spend each time someone clicks on the “Install” button on your ad. Conversion page : A page of your website that someone reaches after performing a valuable action, like a purchase confirmation page. Conversion rate: The average number of conversions per ad interaction, shown as a percentage. Conversion tracking: A free tool in your account that can help measure how clicks on your ads and free product listings lead to meaningful actions such as sales or leads. Definitions Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 31. Actual cost-per-click : Your actual cost-per-click (actual CPC) is the final amount you're charged for a click. You're often charged less -- sometimes much less -- than your maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC) bid, which is the most you'll typically be charged for a click. Average cost-per-click (Avg. CPC): The average amount that you've been charged for a click on your ad. Average cost-per-click (avg. CPC) is calculated by dividing the total cost of your clicks by the total number of clicks. Frequency:The minimum number of times a unique user saw your ad over a given time period. If you want to limit the number of times your Display or Video ad appears to a user, you can set a frequency cap. Search terms report : A list of search terms that a significant number of people have used before seeing your ad. Use this report to refine your keywords so that only the right searches cause your ad to show. Exact match : A keyword match type that allows you to show your ads on searches that have the same meaning or same intent as your keyword. Exact match gives you the most control over who sees your ad, but reaches fewer searches than both phrase and broad match. Definitions Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 32. Broad match : A keyword match type allows your ad to show on searches that are related to the meaning of your keyword, which can include searches that don’t contain the keyword terms. This allows you to reach more searches than with exact and phrase matches. Phrase match : A keyword match type that allows you to show your ads on searches that include the meaning of your keyword. The meaning of the keyword can be implied, and user searches can be a more specific form of the meaning. This allows you to reach more searches than with exact match and fewer searches than with broad match. Unique Reach : Measures the total number of people who were shown an ad. These metrics go beyond basic cookie measurement to help you understand how many people saw your ad across different devices, formats, sites, apps, and networks. Conversion action: A specific customer action that you've defined as valuable to your business, such as an online purchase or phone call. Tracking conversion actions lets you see how your ads lead to those valuable actions. Definitions Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632
  • 33. Campaign : A set of Ad groups (ads, keywords, and bids) that share a budget, location targeting, and other settings. Campaigns are often used to organize categories of products or services that you offer. Ad group : An ad group contains one or more ads that share similar targets. Ad Rank :A value that's used to determine your ad position and whether your ads will show at all. Ad Rank is calculated using your bid amount, your auction-time ad, the Ad Rank thresholds, the competitiveness of an auction, the context of the person’s search, and the expected impact of assets and other ad formats. Ad Strength : Ad Strength estimates the relevance, quantity, and diversity of your ad content. Making sure your ad has relevant, unique content can help you show the right ad to your potential customers and improve your ad's performance. AdSense : A Google product that provides a way for website publishers of all sizes to earn money by displaying targeted Google ads on their websites. Algorithm : A sequence of computational steps that transform the input into the output. Definitions Advanced Digital Marketing course with Placements Call : 8867896632