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Should Children Get Paid For Good Grades Essay
A child comes home from school, crying. She holds her report card in shaking hands, and knows what
will happen to her. She got a C on her report card, unlike all of her friends, who got A s. She knows
now that she will be the only girl in her class not to get paid for getting a good mark. This young girl,
with tears in her eyes, knows that she tried her best, but it still wasn t enough to earn her a cash sum.
There are a few reasons why children should not get paid for good grades. First, they lose out on
valuable life lessons. Second, it is hard to provide the money for all of the children that get A s. Third,
it can become a competition and can cause problems amongst friends and family. Finally, children
aren t mentally prepared for handling the stress of money.
First of all, children lose out on valuable life lessons. Paying for a child s good grades will stop the
child from learning about getting achievements for the pride, not for the reward. It can also enforce in
a child the message that the only rewards you want from life is money. We expect students to get good
grades, so why should we be paying them for something expected of them?
We can also be telling kids to find an easy route to get the best rewards, making them lose the life
lesson of working hard to get what you want. Kirabo Jackson, an assistant professor, says By
rewarding people for a GPA, you re actually giving them an impetus to take an easier route through
college. . Other critics have
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Essay on Resources for Differentiated Instruction
As described by Hall, Strangman, Meyer (2011), differentiated instruction [DI] allows teachers to
build flexibility into their approach and understanding in adapting curriculum to the needs of the
student, instead of requiring students to apply modifications they may be ill equipped to complete (p.
2). In the alternative classroom, with a majority of students ELLs, teachers can adapt DI to set lesson
and curriculum goals through a range of instructional and management strategies to engage students
through curiosity, promote understanding, and clarify understanding to incorporate learning in the
classroom (Laureate Education, Inc., 2010a; Laureate Education, Inc., 2010b). As a teacher become
confident in lesson planning, ... Show more content on ...
One way to do this is through the Apple iTunes App TapTyping available at
This program will train the students to acquire better keyboarding skills on the District issued iPad s.
The program that I rely on for general keyboarding skills improvement is TypingWeb at Accounts on free, and I have set up a classroom portal that monitors
progress and shows student improvement.
One resource that I can use to plan for lessons differentiated by learning profiles in the Media Literacy
classroom is using software included with the computers. Our school purchased 25 Apple iMac
computers and we are all learning how to adapt the software programs we were using with the PCs
and make them work through the Apple environment. We stayed with the Microsoft Office for Mac
and even though the programs are somewhat compatible, redirecting interest to a new software
environment means letting students discover the passion in what works for them, and then passing the
information on through PowerPoint and other software application presentations.
Even though we develop lessons and classroom activities using differentiated instruction, as
Tomlinson (2005) emphasizes, it is not necessary to separate the categories in planning or instruction
according to readiness, interest, and learning profile, (p. 58). I would invite my
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Janie s Motif
Journal 3
In the novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston, Janie creates an idea of real love
during her sexual awakening. Her idea of real love centers around two people working together,
loving each other, and being happy in marriage. This idea drives Janie to search for this love. In the
process of her search, Janie encounters relationships that are abusive and oppressive. These
relationships allow her to understand what real love is in contrast from mislove. Moreover, Janie
becomes more independent in the midst of a male dominated society and learns to embrace her
sexuality despite society s idea of how women should behave. Hurston constructs Janie s character arc
through the use of motifs. Hurston uses the motif of bees, ... Show more content on ...
During her relationship with Logan Killicks, Janie never mentions bees or trees during her interactions
with Logan. In fact, the only time she refers to bees or trees is when she complains about the union.
The absence of the motif during their relationship emphasizes that Janie did not benefit from her
marriage with Logan. This is the first occurence of mislove in Janie s life. The second occurence of
mislove appears during Janie s relationship with Joe. Joe did not represent the sun up and pollen and
blooming trees, (29) foreshadowing that Janie would not find her true love in this relationship. Indeed,
she enters an oppressive marriage with Joe. Joe order[es] Janie to tie up her hair (55) and cover it with
a rag because her hair attracts men and he want[s] her submission (71). He suppresses her sexuality
and strips her of her independence. Consequently, [s]he had no more blossomy openings dusting
pollen over her man. (72). Janie finally realizes that her marriage with Joe is not real love, rather, it is
mislove. Real love means that both partners benefit, but [s]he got nothing from Jody except what
money could buy (77). This experience with Jody causes Janie to understand the difference between
real love and mislove. She also understands that her sexuality and autonomy is significant to her.
When Jody dies, Janie embraces her independence and sexuality, letting her hair in one thick braid [to
swing] well below her waist. (89). Her experiences with mislove does not destroy her. Instead, it
allows her to become more independent and
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Psychological Disorders Analysis
This week we learned about psychological disorders, what could be the cause of them, and how we try
to treat each one of the disorders. In truth, it is a hard task to discern which of the known disorders that
were covered in the chapters assigned for us to read this week would be more difficult for me to live
with. Depression could cause me to feel like everything I did would not really amount to anything,
deal with insomnia, and unable to find pleasure in my daily life. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
can result from a terrifying or shocking event; this could result in me having to experience the ordeal
over and over again at any given time, losing sleep, and closing off the relationships I have with my
friends and relatives.
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My Goals After Law School
To be successful I need a college degree to qualify for law school. I m currently a freshman at
Missouri Southern, I m working towards getting a Bachelor s degree in Criminal Justice. To be able to
pursue a career in Criminal Justice, my goal is to get good grades, go to class, study hard, and know
the law. After my first two years are done in college, my plans are to continue school to get my
Bachelor s degree and hopefully get a Master s degree. My goals are to meet all the goals I ve set for
myself through the years.
Becoming a prosecutor would be my next step after graduate law school to continue my success. I had
my mind set on being a prosecutor my freshman year of High School, I can t imagine doing anything
else besides working in the
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Essay On Failure Of The IMF
The International Monetary Fund (IMF or The Fund) began its conception in July 1944. The IMF s
primary purpose is to ensure the stability of the international monetary system the system of exchange
rates and international payments that enables countries (and their citizens) to transact with each other (
About the IMF ). Given that the nature of the IMF is to ensure the stability of the international
monetary system one would assume that given the level of public exposure and level of participating
countries that it would be immune to adversity. The purpose of this paper is to present one instance
where the IMF failed in its initial and ongoing responsibilities causing greater financial duress for the
recipient of assistance. The IMF s loan conditions have often ... Show more content on ...
As collateral for the loan India was forced to pledge 67 tons of gold reserves. As well, India worked
with England and Sweden to pledge another 67 tons of gold, 40 tons and 20 tons repsectively, which
resulted in total depletion of all Indian gold reserves. This created scenarios in which the established
government collapsed and in turn forced government reform based on less than ideal circumstances.
With the results of this experiment being what could be classified a failure the Indian government
rejected a bailout option from the IMF in 2013 and in turn forced IMF intiated reforms towards India s
debt. India using it s own internal economic liberalisation policies has forced self produced economic
reform since 1991, but has still struggled to regain it s econmic stability to where it once was
percieved to be. Further studies have shown that even given the drastic growth patterns, in relativity to
other IMF assisted countries, Indian companies would be the most vulnerable to exchange rate
volatility in the world
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False Memory, Pseudo-Memory Distortion
False memory syndrome is also called Recovered memory, Pseudo Memory, and Memory Distortion.
False memory syndrome or pseudo memory is memories of an experience, in which one seemingly
remembers that never actually or really occurred. In other words, false memory is a fabricated
remembrance of past events that did not really happen. People often falsely thought of memories as
recorder that are records accurately of all the experience in our brain but, memories are not always
true and accurate and may contain delusions. People might be confident with their memory, but there
is no guaranteed that some memories are actually accurate. Confident may sometimes result a person
to think something completely false into being completely true.
These ... Show more content on ...
Self hypnosis can sometimes result in the creation of false memories because the belief that something
happened could be so strong in an individual s conscious mind that it force a memory to adapt to the
belief, even if the event had never happened. A statistic that a psychologist at Ohio State University in
Lima and fellow researchers found about hypnosis was that even when people were warned about the
likelihood of acquiring pseudo memories or false memories under hypnosis, more than a quarter of the
people still want to be treated using the technique. There are raging controversies over the use of
hypnosis to help people recall lost memories of early trauma due to the false accusation of cultural
expectation that hypnosis will lead more accurate memories.
A case study conducted by Dr. Joseph Green, whose a Professor of Psychology at Ohio State
University, consist of48 students who had been shown to be highly inclined to hypnosis was divided
into two groups to test the controversies. Before they were hypnotized, 32 of the students were warned
about hypnosis could lead to false memories and other memories that they would not normally
remember and the remaining 16 students were not given any warning. According to Dr. Joseph Green,
the result of the experiment was that the warning that was given to the 32 students help prevents false
memories to an extent, but not
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Marxist Reading Of The Rainbow Fish
In a world of instant gratification and endless options of items that are always up for purchase, it is
easy to engage in the hype. These material items that society puts such a high value on create
separations of wealth amongst the people, in turn creating the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. In a
nutshell, The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister is a story about a fish with many beautiful scales who
refuses to give any of them to the less fortunate fish. Though at a first glance, The Rainbow Fish
seems to simply be a children s lesson on the importance of sharing. But, at a closer look this story
reveals that is in fact a criticism on society enveloping itself in the Marxist theory. Marxism focuses
on the effects of the separation of wealth ... Show more content on ...
He puts an extremely high value on his possessions. In turn, because of this high value, these
possessions determine his self worth. An example of this commodification shows in the story where
all of the other fish begin to ignore Rainbow Fish because he refuses to share. In the text, it states,
What good were the dazzling, shimmering scales with no one to admire them? Now he was the
loneliest fish in the entire ocean (Pfister 10). Commodification is prevalent as Rainbow Fish selfishly
only focuses on himself. He does not want the scales for their usefulness, he only wants them when
other fish are there to admire them. Rainbow Fish only wants the scales if they give him a higher
social status. If no one is there to compliment him, then the scales mean nothing to him. Additionally,
Rainbow Fish exhibits commodification when he thinks about giving away his scales. Rainbow Fish
states, Give away my scales? My beautiful shining scales? Never. How could I ever be happy without
them (Pfister 16). Rainbow Fish allows material items to impact his life so greatly that they determine
his happiness. Rainbow Fish is so commodified that even the thought of giving away his scales
triggers unhappiness and worry. Rather than basing happiness off of good works and personality, he
bases it off of how much material he has. He infatuates so much with himself that he fails to recognize
that the scaleless proletarians are content. Rainbow Fish fears changes from the lifestyle he is
accustomed to, in turn reflecting on the materialistic values held by the bourgeoisie. The material
things in Rainbow Fish s life have total control over his
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Essay On Same Sex Marriage
The topic for same sex marriage is a very emotional and spicey topic. Marriage is a beautiful
ceremony to celebrate the unity of two becoming one. However, when we put aside emotions from
facts there are clear reasons to support the cons sided of same sex marriage. Lets try for a moment to
do something that most of us rarely do. Allow me to persay you to consider the other accuracy of the
other side when it come to same sex marriage. That is can you for a few minutes go against what you
Medical benefits and taxes vary in the situation between male and female couples and same sex
couples. Income taxes will be increased to make up for marriage tax benefits of same sex couples.
Male and female couples get less taxes to be able to have they money to stabilize the family. Same sex
couples can t reproduce so they have more taxes due to the lack of not needing as much money and
and not being able to help increase the population. Medical insurance premiums will rise to offset
offset the high cost associated with same sex behavior. The male and female couples have less bills
and expenses. However, same sex couples deal with more medical issues. Such as, colon cancer,
fertility treatment and ect. Same sex couples have to give up many benefits male and female couples
get help with.
There is often a false assumption that strong feelings should determine behavior. Although, this
statement is not accepted in most of life situations and problems. In today s world we don t like
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Provides Us With A Way To Learn Cause And Effect Relations
provides us with a way to learn cause and effect relations between environmental events (Martin,
Carlson and Buskist, 2010, pg 259). Classical conditioning is learning by association Classical
conditioning is a type of learning in which an organism learns to transfer a natural response from one
stimulus to another, previously neutral stimulus. Manipulating reflexes does this. Operant conditioning
is a type of learning in which the likelihood of a behavior is increased or decreased by the use of
reinforcement or punishment. Operant conditioning deals with more cognitive thought process. Both
have similarities and differences, as do all forms of learning methods. Their similarities are that they
both produce basic phenomena. One such ... Show more content on ...
36). Preoperational children are completely egocentric. Although they begin to take greater interest in
objects and people around them, they see these things from only their point of view. This also has been
said to be the stage of curiosity. Preoperational children are always questioning and investigating new
things and since they know the world only from their very limited point of view they make up
explanations for things they cannot explain (ICELS). The preoperational stage is therefore
characterized by egocentric thought and the inability for children to adopted alternative viewpoints.
According to Piaget this is the stage at which children s thoughts differ the most from adults. The third
stage is the concrete operational stage. This stage extends from ages 7 to 11 and it is during this stage
that a child is able to perform mental operations. Piaget defines a mental operation as an interiorized
action, an action performed in the mind which permits the child to think about physical actions that he
or she previously performed (Piaget 1973, p. 36). At this time children demonstrate logical, concrete
reasoning and their thinking becomes less egocentric as they are increasingly aware of external events.
The primary characteristic of concrete operational thought is its reversibility; the child can mentally
reverse the
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Examine the Key Ideas of Situation Ethics
Examine the Key Ideas of Situation Ethics (21 Marks)
In this essay, I am going to examine the key features of Situation Ethics. Situation Ethics is a
teleological theory that resolves ethical and moral issues relative to the situation and was developed at
a time when society and the church were facing drastic and permanent change. It is most commonly
associated with Joseph Fletcher and J.A.T Robinson and also William Barclay. Situation Ethics is also
considered to be the method of ethical decision making that states that you must consider noble love
(agapé) in decision making and that a moral decision is correct if it is the most loving thing to do. The
theory is based upon this idea of agapé love which is defined by William Barclay ... Show more
content on ...
Robinson and Paul Tillich suggested that God could be understood as the ground of our being , of
ultimate significance, but not a dues ex machine , a supernatural being who intervenes in the world
from outside it. In other words God is part of people not this almighty being who gives instructions for
us to follow.
Fletcher (who I will discuss later) used examples from the Bible to show that a strict application of
rules was no longer needed and was in line with what Jesus thought too. Fletcher used quotes from the
Bible as an illustration of old versus new morality. He used the example of the adulterous woman
when Jesus saved her from being stoned to death even though the law permitted it. This situation is a
clear example of Personalism which Fletcher used to illustrate his theory. Another example that
Fletcher identified from the Bible was when Jesus confronted the Pharisees over what the Sabbath
Day was intended for. In order to follow strict Jewish law absolutely nothing could be done on this
day, often to the detriment of people. Jesus wanted people to follow the spirit in which God had given
the law rather than following it and acting immorally in some cases. Whilst Fletcher described agape
love as the only intrinsically good thing, William Barclay defined agape love as unconquerable good
will; it is the determination to seek the other man s highest good, no matter what he does to
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Essay Analysis of Norman Bates
The character I chose to analyze is Norman Bates. Norman Bates originated as the main character in
Alfred Hitchcock s movie Psycho . In the movie Psycho , Norman is a middle aged who runs a motel.
He is a psychotic serial killer with many psychological issues. More recently Norman Bates became
the main character in a television show called Bates Motel. In the show, we see Norman in his teenage
years. This is where we see Norman s psychological issues begin to develop. As a teenage Norman,
we also get to see more of Norman s relationship with his mother. When Bates Motel begins, Norman
seems to be a normal teenage boy, who is a bit of an introvert. He prefers school work and reading to
going out and being social. He has an extremely ... Show more content on ...
Then we see Norman go a little crazy. She kills a man, stabbing him several times after he attempts to
rape her. Norman sees it and helps his mom cover it up. We see him as he begins to black out and can
see him change. Norman also seems to hallucinate while in these black outs or fugue states. He sees
his mom who tells him while he is in this state that everything is his fault and he needs to fix it.
However in the process he gets woken up. His mom then asks what he is doing and he tells her he is
doing what she told him to do. She says that she did not tell him to do that. She then realizes that
Norman is having blackout episodes but protects him instead of getting him help. Norman can not
remember anything from his fugue states. Later we learn that Norman killed his dad. His dad was
fighting with Norma and it was getting physical. Norman was washing dishes and blacks out and then
hits his dad over the head killing him. Norma is shocked and then tells Norman to go to his room, as
he is still out of it and he goes to his room. That is when Norma moves the body to the garage and sets
it up like he died from an accident. She protects Norman. After Norman wakes up from the black out,
he finds his dad and does not remember anything. He believes his dad fell and hit his head. He thought
it was an accident, later on in the show he starts to suspect his mother of killing his father. At this time
Norman is also having normal teenage moments and
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Meeting Demi Lovato
Meeting, Demi Lovato, 21, In the perfectly landscaped land of Hollywood made it clear to me that she
really is a superstar. With her 10 Teen choice awards and her Latina attitude, she sat opposite me with
her blue locks and her winning smile, welcoming me to her office. Demi has recently helped host a
contest for the popular companies Acuvue, which hosted a 1 Day contest. Having just heard the news
that her song give your heart a break was to be appearing on Glee and that she landed a job on X
Factor, made me even more excited that I was going to be in her presence for the next hour or so. My
first impression of Demi was that she was quite shy, until she began laughing at the noise my chair
made as I nervously sat down. Embarrassing. But I knew that I was going to like this interview. I
began asking her about her experience in mentoring the contestants throughout the contest. Her
answer was motherly. She expressed that she felt good helping them out, encouraging them to come
out of their shell and to really push them towards their dreams. She mentioned her past and how she
wished that someone did that for her, then explaining how Acuvue were really sweet to her and how
they are the best contacts in the world. With this she smiled, and coffee was brought to her mahogany
table. By far the shiniest wooden desk I ve possibly ever seen. I continued the topic of Acuvue and
asked if she had the chance, would she ever let fans come backstage with you like she did with her
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Sociocultural Theory Of Piaget
As a nursing student, I am looking to start a career in pediatric nursing or work in the neonatal
intensive care unit (NICU), where I am working with premature babies. Working with children can be
challenging, not only do I need to care for their treatment as well as psychical well being, I also need
to care for their mental development. That is where developmental psychology comes into place, two
most influenced developmental theory Piagetian theory Sociocultural theory, will help me understand
more about how children develop so that I can care for them accordingly.
Piaget s fundamental assumption is on how children can actively shape their own development, they
are mentally active since their birth. Piaget hypothesized four stages of development, they are
sensorimotor stage; preoperational stage; concrete stage and formal operational stage. An
understanding of this developmental theory can be beneficial to nurses in assessing which stage of
development the child has reached, to plan the correct level of stimulation. Since in the hospital
setting, the child s resources are limited. We need more stimulation for the child s development. In a
hospital, children are all placed in the same floor with similar surroundings disregard they are in
different developmental stages. For example, children in the preoperational stage need more verbal
stimulation since they are learning to express their experience through language mental imagery and
symbiotic thoughts; however, children
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Why Is Kate Chopin Banned
Kate Chopin, being a woman in the nineteenth century, not only wrote a book, but wrote one about a
woman finding her own independence through a series of awakenings , and sexual relationships with
men other that her husband (Maureen). As a consequence for Chopin s book being explicit and
unorthodox , the book was not banned, but it was censored (Wikipedia).
The Awakening gained a large amount of fame for being a landmark of early feminism
Katherine O Flaherty, Kate Chopin, was born on February 8, 1850 in St. Louis, Missouri
(Maureen). From age five to eighteen, chopin attended what was the Academy of the Sacred
St. Louis Catholic girl s school (Maureen). In the summer of 1870 Chopin moved New
Orleans, Louisiana ... Show more content on ...
Edna returns to Grand Isle, where her awareness about her independence and sexuality came to be, to
then find herself embracing the sea s water while remembering about her freedom from her children
and husband, and Robert, ultimately leading to her suicide (Chopin).
Because of Edna s heightened sexuality, desire for independence, and awakenings ,
Awakening created a series of controversy leading to the book being censored (Overview). Edna,
defying race, sex, and class, inspired women across the world to pursue their own sexuality and
independence (
In the end, the theme of solitude as the consequence of independence arises because of the fact that the
main character, Edna Pontellier, senses a feeling of solitude after becoming independent that led to her
suicide (SparkNotes). Along with the theme of solitude as the consequence of independence, the
theme of the implications of self­
expression also becomes present through the different ways Edna
expresses herself (SparkNotes). Edna s expressions included: art, language, music, and love in which
were all contributing factors to Edna s desire for independence and sexual desire (SparkNotes).
Villarreal 3
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Icd 9 Research Paper
The International Statistical Institute adopted the first international classification edition, known as the
International List of Causes of Death, in 1893. WHO was entrusted with the ICD at its creation in
1948 and published the 6th version, ICD 6, that incorporated morbidity for the first time. The WHO
Nomenclature Regulations, adopted in 1967, stipulated that Member States use the most current ICD
revision for mortality and morbidity statistics. The ICD has been revised and published in a series of
editions to reflect advances in health and medical science over time. ICD is the foundation for the
identification of health trends and statistics globally, and the international standard for reporting
diseases and health conditions. It is the ... Show more content on ...
The codes use alphanumeric characters in all positions, not just the first position as in ICD 9. In
addition, there are 68,000 existing codes in the ICD 10, as opposed to the 13,000 in ICD 9. Therefore,
the codes have been greatly expanded and this expansion allows a significant increase in the
specificity of the reporting in the ICD 10, allowing more information to be conveyed in a code. For
instance if you had a burn on your right arm in did not specify which arm had the burn in the old ICD
9, now in ICD 10 it specifies which arm has the burn. The terminology has been modernized and has
been made consistent throughout the code set. There are codes that are a combination of diagnoses and
symptoms, so that fewer codes need to be reported to fully describe a condition. The reason they
changed it is because the practice of medicine has changed considerably in the last 25 years, and the
ICD needed to reflect those change. There have been many new diseases discovered, new type of
medical devices and new treatment and the
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Essay about Rich Manufacturing
Rich Manufacturing
Saint Leo University
MBA 540
Sep 8, 2011
Why do many firms use cost plus pricing for supply contracts?
Firms use cost plus pricing in order to cover their operating costs. Cost plus means they can increase
the price to their customers with whom they have contracts when the operating costs rise. Operating
costs can rise for many reasons and cost plus pricing allows firms the flexibility to manage operating
costs. This flexibility is often needed when the price of a service or good is not known or hard to
predict in advance (Magloff, 2011).
What potential problems do you envision with cost plus pricing?
Potential problems may occur if there is no contract between the firm and its customers for ... Show
more content on ...
In the short term, it may be beneficial to complete the contract with Bhagat and for long term
planning, find another supplier with a more competitive price. She can use the short run cost curves to
determine her near term pricing and production requirements. The long run cost curve can be used to
determine if a new plant or new supplier is necessary to decrease operating costs.
How will a $3 increase in the price of machine parts affect Gina s own production decisions?
The three dollar increase will be added on to Rich Manufacturing s product price. In order to lessen
customer anger over increased prices, Gina can suggest an increase in the marketing budget to
minimize the price increase. She also may want to take into consider the long term plans. For
example, if in the long term they can decrease the price while increasing production (perhaps with a
new supplier); they may want to absorb the current increase in price instead of passing it on to their
customers. In the short term, money may be lost, but with successful long term planning they can
increase profits and maintain customer loyalty (by not increasing price).
Brickley, J., Smith, C. Zimmerman, J. (2009). Managerial Economics and Organizational Architecture.
(5th Ed.). New York, NY. McGraw Hill and Irwin.
Magloff, L. (2011). What Is Cost Plus Pricing Strategy? Demand Media. Retrieved from:
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Essay about The Opening Sequence of Sleepy Hollow
The Opening Sequence of Sleepy Hollow
The very first thing the audience sees when watching this film is a thick red liquid dripping onto a
parchment. Because the audience expects the film to be a horror film, they automatically think the
liquid is blood. Seeing this image makes the audience assume someone has been murdered or at least
injured. This one picture spurs questions in a person s mind like, who does the blood belong to? and
Has someone been killed? The audience will want these questions answered, so they will continue to
watch. A little later, the audience sees that the dripping blood is nothing more than sealing wax
dripping onto a page. This surprises them because they did not ... Show more content on ...
The actual parchment that the wax is dripping onto is someone s Last Will and Testament. This
instantly tells the viewer that someone has died, or perhaps is about to die since the same person that
signed the document as a witness, signs it as the man
that was supposed to have written the will. There is a huge close up of the will with the camera
sweeping down from the top of the page to the middle. As the camera moves down, so do the viewers
eyes as they read what is written on the page. There is a sort of sweeping sound effect mimicking the
camera s movement. After the will has been signed, it goes back to the dripping sealing wax and then
a seal is pressed down into it. There is, again, a close up of the seal being used and the sound effect is
repeated. Since these sound effects would not occur in real life, they emphasis to the audience that the
particular event they are heard with must be very important. Emphasis is given on an audio level as
well as a visual level. The seal is lifted away to reveal the name of the family regarding the will.
The next shot is of galloping horses, but only their legs are shown. There is a sense of urgency in this
scene because of the speed of the horses and their grunts of exertion. It is as if they are running away
from something. Again, this is happening in the darkness and at night,
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Malala Violence
Isaac Asmiov states that violence is the last refuge for the incompetent . Malala attempts to speak out
against her culture and the Taliban, for the right to her education which causes tensions to rise in
Pakistan. The Taliban, who defy change, continue to fight back against her by killing, bombing, and
creating fear using violence in exchange for understanding. Malala s actions increase violence by
those who are not willing to change and are obedient to their culture. As a result, Malala Yousafzai
does not deserve to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
The Taliban s violent ways come from the ideas that one should stay true to their culture. Some people
support Malala s actions and thoughts on the vicious attacks from the Taliban, ... Show more content
on ...
Though many could argue that Malala is not the only cause of violence, she is in the forefront for
change in her culture, so the Taliban believe that she should remain the same. Malala says that her
friend had seen a Taliban holding up the severed head of a policeman by its hair, blood dripping from
the neck ( Yousafzai 144). This a clear example of violence that extends to those who are not directly
related to rebellion. It shows that the Taliban are relentless because if individuals do not refrain from
speaking out, innocent people will suffer. Fear will only continue to grow and the Taliban s hope is
that through their violence and brutality things will not change. Malala as one of the main leaders of
change, causes this particular violence which would not happen if she would stop. When the fight for
change doesn t end, the Taliban will attack the resources that everyone needs to survive. Malala says,
The Taliban bombed the power station, so we had no electricity, then a few days later they blasted the
pipeline, so we had no gas either (Yousafzai 155). Now that everyone reaps the negative effects,
Malala s actions could lead to further harm if not death of the people living in Pakistan. Clearly it s not
only her actions that have caused this dangerous situation, but since she is known in America she is
clearly making an impact. Because the Taliban are against her actions, this puts Malaya s loved ones
in danger. Malala makes an impact, but she disobeys her culture and puts her country in danger, when
the Taliban are unwilling to let her make a
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Who Is The Evil Queen In Once Upon A Time
In one Once Upon a Time the evil queen Regina was a very vicious and deceptive person. The evil
queen is the adoptive mother of Snow White s grandchild. Snow White s daughter (Emma) is the birth
mother of her son and originally meets him again at her doorstep when he discovers an old folktale
that is true. The evil queen in OUAT is also the mayor or her town, when Snow White s daughter is
involved in anything she make sure Emma gets the short end of the stick. Emma is accused of stealing
her son s files from his therapist s office, also the queen does not want her son near his birth mother
because she knows who Emma is but, doesn t think her son knows. Out of all the OUAT version we
read I would say Snow Night Feminist Fairy Tales
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Barry Minkow s Ponzi Scheme
At the Age of 15, Barry Minkow founded ZZZZ best, a carpet cleaning business he ran out of his
garage. Within 6 years, Barry had turned his small business into a 200 Million dollar company (Elmer
DeWitt Brown, 1987). On paper, Barry was worth 109 Million dollars, and his success and
philanthropy had garnered him the attention of numerous business and government leaders. Barry was
a pillar of the L.A community. He coached softball and was an active donor to the local YMCA and
drug treatment programs, donating 20,000 and 60,000 to each respectively (Starvo Writers, 1987). In
May 1987, a disgruntled customer came to the L.A times with allegations that Minkow had
overcharged her credit card and refused to repay. Over the subsequent ... Show more content on ...
The non existent revenues reported from these contracts convinced banks to lend money to ZZZZ
best, who then used the funds to pay salaries and expand the company s legitimate business. However,
first the funds were sent though a financial loop so that they would appear to be revenue. First, ZZZZ
best would hire Marbil Management, a bookkeeping from owned by ZZZZ Best s senior vice
president Mark L. Morze, to supply labor and materials for the job. However, these funds would only
stay in Marbil s account for approximately 20 seconds before being transferred back to Padget who
would falsify additional contracts. (Murphy, 1989). Overall, this allowed ZZZZ Best to significantly
expand their operations, and the company was able to employ 374 employees across 13 offices around
California (Murphy, 1989). However, in need of more funds to pay their debt as it came do, Minkow
decided to go public and sell
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Analysis Of The Sandy Hook Conspiracy
Sheriff from Oregon shared a link online about Sandy Hook Conspiracy. According to Time Magazine
on the website by Alexandra Sifferlin states that Douglas County sheriff John Hanlin, who has
responded to the Umpqua Community College shooting, previously shared a conspiracy theory video
suggesting the Sandy Hook massacre was orchestrated by the U.S. government to disarm the public.
Media states that John Hanlin had promoted the theory online about Sandy Hook Conspiracy and was
covering another investigation on college shooting in Oregon. Times Magazine has stated Sheriff John
Hanlin shared the consirpacy video three days before vice president Joe Biden spoke about gun
control? The October 3, 2015 on the website by Regina F. Graham
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Scapegoat In Shirley Jackson s The Lottery
Shirley Jackson s story, The Lottery is a horror story that starts off with a friendly atmosphere, and
hints suspense to a brutal ending. We have withheld information in our society; The Lottery does also.
The lottery that took place in the story was fair and created uncertainty to the readers. One theme from
the story is fairness. From the story, we can relate to fairness and use of scapegoat in our society. The
author used satire, so we the readers are persuaded to change for the good. At the beginning of the
story, the author foreshadowed what was to come, but didn t say the lottery s reason for being held till
the end. The author related some of the characters names to their true purpose in the story. Jackson
creates suspense by having ... Show more content on ...
The author never said why the lottery took place. In the end, we can conclude when stones club
Tessie; the lottery is not a happy thing as the beginning of the story portrays. The reason the children
were gathering rocks into piles and putting them in their pockets was also not shown until the end. The
reasons for holding the lottery are unfair and so is making every town s person participate in it. A
scapegoat is a person or animal, which takes on the sins of others, or is unfairly blamed for problems.
Examples that people in our society believe are scapegoats are immigrants, senior citizens and poor
people. Still to this day our society follows tradition as the town s people did in the story. The tradition
some people do today is not as bad as the tradition used in the story. The scapegoat in the story helped
support satire the author used so we as the readers want to change. The author uses satire to directly
connect with our society s flaws. She does this by having the town s people do something that is
wrong and terrible. Then, we look at what we do that could be wrong and terrible. The purpose of
satire is to shame individual members and society itself to improve its
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Plea Bargain Advantages
When most people think of criminal sentencing they think of a grand wooden courtroom with a full
jury and a proud judge in black presiding over it all, but that is far from the usual for those that are
accused of federal crimes. The reality of what happens after you are accused of a crime is much
different, as much of the bulk of those accused of a crime end up plea bargaining for a variety of
reasons, and very few people actually end up going to trial. An in depth look is necessary to really
understand the complicated truth of the relationship the plea bargain has with our justice system and
our citizens. To understand the plea bargain it takes looking into what originally it was made for, what
it represents now, and the effect it has on our ... Show more content on ...
In 2013, while 8 percent of all federal crime charges were dismissed... more than 97 percent of the
remainder were resolved through plea bargains, and fewer than 3 percent went to trial. 3 It was the
goal at our country s founding that almost all citizens accused of a crime have a fair and impartial jury
trial to decide the innocence or guilt of the accused, and we know where and why that changed and the
effect it has on the system and government but what about the citizens and society? What about the
people the very system is meant to protect and serve? Despite the advantages plea bargaining gives to
the defendant it s very essence is assuming that the defendant is guilty, so what if they re not? It s not
all that uncommon to get the wrong guy when searching for a suspect especially when racial and class
profiling comes into the mix. So understanding the 8% being thrown out for this reason there s still a
lot of room for innocents still within the system, and going by the statistics it seems very likely that
there are innocents being forced, coerced, or outright bullied into plea bargaining
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West Hollywood Demographic Analysis
Complete with rainbow sidewalks, quirky boutiques, and flashy bars, West Hollywood is renowned
for its active party culture, catering to Los Angeles s LGBT community in particular. For our project,
we will focus on the demographic centered around Santa Monica Boulevard, where the majority of the
social activities take place. We plan to study the current linguistic characteristics of West Hollywood
and how they relate to culture at large. As heterosexuals and citizens who don t identify fully with the
LGBT community flock into the neighborhood, the community maintains its unique linguistic
qualities, unphased by those who move in who aren t familiar with the traditional WeHo lifestyle.
West Hollywood is still changing today, but still contains ... Show more content on ...
The profits from the popular movies were used to build rows and rows of apartments in the Sherman
area to provide affordable housing to the movie actors and the extended families of the immigrants
( This caused another huge boom in the population. Films were also
being made to the east of Sherman in Hollywood, so rich benefactors were living to the west of
Sherman in Beverly Hills which added to the stimulation of the economy. Also, gambling was illegal
in the city of Los Angeles, but legal in this part of Los Angeles County. These are some of the reasons
why the 1920s saw the proliferation of many casinos, nightclubs, and more in the West Hollywood
area. So since Sherman was still an unincorporated area and less restrictive than the Hollywood or the
Beverly Hills areas, lavishing nightclubs like Trocadero, Mocambo, and Ciro s sprouted up on Sunset
Boulevard to cater to the entertainment needs of the movie industry. All of a sudden the Sunset Strip
became a place where the celebrities came to party. These Sunset Boulevard clubs allowed performers
to bend gender and sexual roles, which was something that was not tolerated in the other nearby
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The Pros And Cons Of Malware
What Is Malware? You sure have heard before terms such as virus, worm, Trojan or rootkit when
people discuss internet security. These names describe types of programs used by internet criminals or
hackers to hack and take over computers and mobile devices. All of these different terms can be
simply called malware. We can simply say that malware is a software, a computer program used by
hackers to perform malicious actions. In fact, the word malware is a combination of two words
malicious and software. The end goal of most hackers is to install a malware on your device. And once
it s installed, these hackers can potentially take control of that device. Many people have this wrong
idea of malware is being a problem only for Windows computers. And the reality is, Windows is
widely used, which makes it a big target, malware can attack any computing device, including
smartphones and tablets. In fact, the percentage of malicious software action against mobile devices is
steadily growing. (Zeltser, L. 2014) Malware in these days is no longer created by just curious
hobbyists or amateur hackers, but by experienced internet criminals to help them achieve certain
goals. These goals can include stealing ... Show more content on ...
Internet attackers are constantly changing, developing new and more intelligent attacks that can
bypass anti malware programs. In turn, anti virus vendors are then continuously updating their
products and programs with new capabilities to detect new malware. To be clear, it has become an
arms race, with both sides attempting to outsmart the other. Unfortunately, internet criminals almost
always have the upper hand. As such, remember that while anti malware can detect and block many
malware, attackers are always creating new versions that will be missed. As a result, you cannot
depend on just anti malware to protect you. You have to take additional steps to protect
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The Role Of Finance And Its Effect On Portfolios, Managing...
BSAD 310: Business Finance
Whittier College
Summer 2016
Quiz #1
1. Explain the role of finance in society.
The common perception is that finance is associated with wealth management enlarging portfolios,
managing portfolio risks and tax liabilities, ensuring that rich grow richer. On the other hand, good
society is considered to be the one in which people respect and appreciate each other. From that point
of view it seems that finance and good society are like an oxymoron, finance goals are contradicting
with those of society. There are conspiracy theories like Pax Morgana that the financial system is
guilty for the Great Depression. That theory was revitalized nowadays with the 2008 financial crisis as
well. The ... Show more content on ...
Illustrate these decisions with examples.
Among the most important decisions that a company takes are the following ones: dividend
distribution, investment decisions and financing decisions.
2.1. At the end of each year when financial statements are verified by the auditors, the company
management is facing the dilemma: what to do with the profit? The dilemma is related with the
question whether to please shareholders by giving them large dividends or to keep the money in the
company for investment purposes. This decision however does lie exclusively in the hands of the
company management. If they decide large dividends, then the funds needed for investments and
growth will be reduced significantly. This may jeopardize the company s competitive position without
investments, the company s future is always at stake.
2.2. If the company s shareholders decide to vote small dividends then the management will have
more funds for investments. As a rule companies approve those projects that have a positive net
present value and the rate of return is higher than the hurdle rate.
2.3. If company profit is not sufficient to cover the investment plans, then the company has to start
looking for external financing in order to fulfil its investment program. Financing however may be
costly if company results are not good enough to motivate any bank to give a loan. If banks refuse a
loan, then the company should try to raise funds on the stock
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Deforestation In The Amazon Rainforest
The Amazon rainforest in Brazil is facing high rate of deforestation along with the consequences. In
fact, the rate of deforestation has increased by 29% from 2015. The deforestation is done illegally and
the Brazilian government has made efforts to minimize the deforestation. An area the size of
California has been cleared in the past half century and the government The Amazon Rain forest is
responsible for eliminating around 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide. This yearly absorption helps
eliminate greenhouse gases and when it is not absorbed it adds to climate change. The Amazon rain
forest is one of the most biodiverse environments in the world. In fact, ten percent of all the worlds
animals and plants reside within the Amazon Rain forest.
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Pride And Fire Chapter 1 Summary
With the force of a tornado fire and smoke pour out of the cardboard box engulfing the entire
apartment building in flames. Theodore turns around and watches as the fire eats away at the building
killing everyone unlucky enough to live on the second and third floors. The flames reflect off the
moon and Theodore s eyes. In the distance the former prince can hear sirens so Theodore runs away
from the apartment faster than a rabbit running from a fox. Theodore runs to the restaurant which is
now mostly empty except for Frederick and two of his goons. Theodore walks through the restaurant s
front doors and into the back room where Frederick is eating a piece of lasagna. The lasagna was
obviously just taken out of the stove, but Frederick ignores ... Show more content on
Bullets begin making their way through the metal walls forcing Caroline to run behind a desk waiting
for her chance to gain the upper hand. The group of men stop firing their weapons and everything goes
quiet. Caroline peers out of the dirt lined window and sees the man in the circle has sprung back to
life. The group of men all lye on the ground around the man in pools of their own blood and bullet
casings. Caroline holsters her weapon runs out of the office and down a flight of metal stairs. The man
in the circle looks at Caroline as if hes looking at an old friend and patiently waits for her to say
something to him. What happened? Well it would appear that these men weren t properly trained in
gun safety based on the fact they shot at me. That s not what I m talking about how are you alive and
what happened to the people who killed you? You must have been seeing things a trick of the light
perhaps they didn t kill me giving me the chance to kill them while they were busy shooting at you.
Who are you? Benjamin Lennon at your service madam. Well I m Caroline Murphy a NYPD
detective, and I am going to need to take you to the station so I can ask you a couple of
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Essay about Sundiata
If you want a taste of West African History Sundiata will give you exactly what you want and more.
Sundiata was an interesting piece of literature to read. Unlike the previous two books we have read
this semester I found this book much more simple. This book was much easier for me to comprehend
and actually get into. This book exposed me not only to the West African history, but also a new
religion. The story of Sundiata depicts the story of the foundation of the Mali Empire in West Africa.
This story takes place during a transitional time period, when the trade network that linked towns and
villages across western Africa attracted north African merchants who brought increasing Muslim
influence. The Mali Empire was one of the great ... Show more content on ...
He gives special attention to Lahilatoul Kalabi, the first black prince to make the Pilgrimage to Mecca.
On his return trek, he was robbed by brigands, and his entourage split. Allah saved his life and made
him a king once he returned to Mali after seven years of wandering. They state, After seven years
absence Lahilatoul was able to return, by the grace of Allah the Almighty (Sundiata, 2). Another
important role in this epic was the importance of long distance trade. After the exile of Sundiata it
gives him a chance to learn about the trade routes and people of his region. An example of this long
distance trade was in the chapter of The Baobab Leaves. Sundiata s sister, Kolonkan, now of a
marriageable age took on the role in society as a woman. She was at the market she noticed a woman
who was offering for sale nofiola, and gnougou, condiments unknown to the people of Mema
(Sundiata, 43). She recognized the baobob leaves and many other vegetables which her mother used to
grow in her garden at Niani. The merchant questions Kolonkan on how she knows about the baobab
leaves, due to her offering at the market in Mema for days, but no one wanting them. While over
hearing the conversation a man draws near offering the princess a cola. We are merchants and we
going from town to town (Sundiata, 44). The details of trade in this chapter greatly illustrate the
existence of trade in the West African
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Young Aboriginal Men Case Study
The purpose of this case review is to examine the problems that young aboriginal men such M.N.J
face in the Canadian legal system and to find a solution that unlike the imprisonment would be more
beneficial to communities and its citizens. So the solution to the vicious cycle would restorative
justice which is a philosophy and set to be an intervention that focus less on crime as the breaking of
laws than as the harming or breaking of human relationships, restorative justice interventions such as
victim offender mediation, sentencing circles, and family group conferencing are largely organized
around the principles of victim participation and offender accountability and reintegration and
community participation in local justice practices.
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Descartes Skeptical Argument And Reponses By Bouwsma And...
Descartes Skeptical Argument and Reponses by Bouwsma and Malcolm
In this essay, I will examine Rene Descartes skeptical argument and responses by O.K. Bouwsma and
Norman Malcolm. I intend to prove that while both
Bouwsma and Malcolm make points that refute specific parts of Descartes argument in their
criticisms, neither is sufficient in itself to refute the whole. In order to understand Descartes argument
and its sometimes radical ideas, one must have at least a general idea of his motives in undertaking the
The seventeenth century was a time of great scientific progress, and the blossoming scientific
community was concerned with setting up a consistent standard to define what constituted science.
Their science was based ... Show more content on ...
More significantly, Descartes implies that all consciousness could actually be a dream state, thus
proving that the senses can be doubted. The dream argument has its intrinsic problems, however. One,
is that images in dreams can be described as quot;painted images quot;.2
In other words, a dream image is only a portrait of a real life object, place or person. If we are
dreaming then it is implied that at some point we were conscious and able to perceive these things. If
we are able to perceive these things then we must admit that we have senses and that our senses are, at
least in part, true. This was exactly what Descartes was trying to disprove, and it was one reason he
abandoned the dream argument.
The second problem with this argument is that it points to mathematics as a point of certainty. I
believe Descartes best explained this in his own words:
quot;[W]hether I be awake or asleep, two plus three equals five and a square does not have more than
four sides: nor does it seem possible that such obvious truths can fall under the suspicions of falsity.
quot;3 Even when we are dreaming, the laws of mathematics and geometry hold true, but they can not
be Descartes point of certainty for a simple reason; these abilities that Descartes believed were innate
still had to come from somewhere. If they are in our heads when we are born, someone had to put
them there. Descartes question is who, and he comes up with
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Owen Meany Strengths And Weaknesses
Even though the entire novel centers around John Wheelwright, Owen Meany, being his best friend,
plays a major effect on John and John s life. Although Owen is similar to Jesus Christ, he does have
weaknesses and strengths that made him the character we know him as. Owen stands out from the
people around him not only on how he looks but how he behaves and acts. When we first meet Owen
in the novel, we see Owen as one of the smartest and mature kids. When it comes to principles, Owen
has very firm and informed beliefs, and he is really stubborn about his them. Owen s belief in God is
unshakeable. In fact, he has such strong faith in God that he believes he is God instrument and
believes that everything is destined and there s no such things as ACCIDENTS. Owen believes that
God has plan that Owen, being God s instrument, will carry out and his fate and how he going to live
is already destined. ... Show more content on ...
Whenever Owen is present somewhere with a group of people, he makes sure he is able to get people
s attention so they listen to him. Even though his physical imperfection may barricade him from
getting to what he wants, Owen has other ways that can grab people s attention and makes sure he can
get what he wants, needs, and desires. For instance, when he became the newspaper editor for
Gravesend Academy, Owen makes sure everyone hears about what s going, and as a matter of fact, he
becomes known as The Voice. The only weakness Owen has is his height. His height prevents him to
do many things. However, Owen always finds a way to overcome his height disorder. For instance, in
basketball, he developed the shot to overcome his height so he could play
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Essay about Moliere
Moliere is undoubtedly one of the most interesting and famous French writers ever. His comedic plays
capture the reader with a a perfect blend of intelligent and slap stick jokes. He mastered the strange
enterprise of amusing decent people (Guicharnaud, 2) with this simple philosophy: Nothing is more
effective(in making people laugh) then holding up the mirror to nature. (Guicharnaud, 21) Jean
Baptiste Poquelin was born in Paris on January 15, 1662. His father and Mother where both interior
decorators for the king, although his mother died when Jean Baptise was ten years of age. He was sent
to College de
Claremont, an aristocratic Jesuit institution. Poquelin took a degree in law, which he never used in
practice, and ... Show more content on ...
His death came about within a few hours. His wife frantically searched for a priest to give him his last
rights, but to no avail. God was displaying his anger against
Moliere, said Bishop Bossuet.(Bishop, 10) Moliere s plays are some of the most popular and produced
French plays in the world. Despite defects in the plot and character development of Moliere s plays,
his works remain popular today because the basis of his comedy deals with human nature,
relationships, and hypocrisy. Tartuffe was Moliere s most performed and popular play. When it was
presented to the king in 1664 he liked it, but forbade Moliere to publicly produce it under pressure
from the church. For 5 years he pulled every string he could to get the play in production. For reasons
unknown, King Louis lifted the ban and Tartuffe became a instant hit. The play consisted of 5 acts, in
which surprisingly the main character did not even appear until the third. Simply put, the plot had the
man of a house hold in love with a stranger named Tartuffe he had taken in to his care. The rest of the
family saw through his facade, but the father insists that Tartuffe is God sent. He finally realizes the
truth when he witnesses
Tartuffe tempting his wife as he hid under the dining room table. Often
Tartuffe would often comment that the other people of the house where not following God, and that he
was his humble servant. Of course he turned
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Intimate Partner Violence Problem Statement
Problem Statement
Around the world, one in every three women has been coerced into having intercourse, beaten, or
abused during some point in her lifetime (Domestic Violence Statistics, 2015). The topic that will be
studied with the paper is intimate partner violence or another term that can be used is domestic
violence. Domestic violence or intimate partner violence is the systematic pattern or control or power
perpetuated by one partner against another (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, n.d.).
Throughout the paper the term domestic violence and intimate violence will be used interchangeably.
The misconception is that domestic violence or intimate partner violence is only between two people
in a romantic relationship, but this is not so. Domestic violence includes, but is not limited to child
abuse, elder and vulnerable adult abuse, spousal or partner abuse, and sibling violence (Can Fam
Physician, 1999). This behavior can include but is not limited to sexual assault, intimidation, and
physical assault (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, n.d.). Reports from 10 countries have
shown that somewhere between 55 and 95 percent of women who experience physical abuse by a
partner had never contacted the police, shelters, or other organizations for help (Domestic Violence
Statistics, 2015).
Intimate partner violence or also known as domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women
including thefts, rapes, and car accidents combined (Domestic Violence
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Colonial Williamsburg
Alex Elstrodt Colonial Williamsburg Essay Colonial Williamsburg was a key city during colonial
times because Colonial Williamsburg had a great amount of important places in it. A book entry on
January 9, 1716 about the Bruton Parish Church Ordered that the men sit on the North side of the
church, and the women on the left. The Bruton Parish is the most important place in Williamsburg
because it acted as a storehouse and a hospital during the battle of Yorktown and none of the other
places has acted as a different place to help in an entirely different way than it normally does so it
deserves a commemorative coin minted for it. The Bruton Parish Church was an extremely important
place during colonial times. The designer of ... Show more content on ...
This church is one of the longest lasting churches in America and that is what makes it the most
important place in Colonial Williamsburg. It has lasted over 300 years! The Bruton Parish displays the
religious beliefs of the people who lived in the colonies. The Bruton Church is ultimately the most
significant place in Colonial Williamsburg today. The Bruton Parish Church connects with the motto
That the future may learn from the past the best. People learned about their religious beliefs in
colonial times. America learned that we should not have to go to church on every Sunday and
everyone can worship as they please. Consequently the Bruton Parish connects to the motto That the
future may learn from the past better than any other structure in Colonial Williamsburg In conclusion,
The Bruton Parish church is the most important structure in Colonial Williamsburg for numerous
reasons. It is the greatest in three groupings the importance during Colonial times, importance today,
and how it connects to the motto: That the future may learn from the past. The Bruton Parish has been
a working church for over 300 years and they have fixed errors from the past. This is why the Bruton
Parish Church deserves the 2016 commemorative coin minted for
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Key Features Of The Biological And Psychoanalytic Approach...
What are the core assumptions and key features of the biological and psychoanalytic perspectives in
psychology? In what ways are they similar and how do they differ? The biological approach focuses
on the physiological causes of behaviour based on genetics, brain physiology and biochemistry. This
approach also adopts the view that biology is adapted based on the environment an organism is in and
therefore most behaviours serve an evolutionary purpose. Research is gained through a nomothetic
approach that uses scientific methods. The psychoanalytical approach focuses on instincts, childhood
experiences and the unconscious mind as motivators for behaviour. An idiographic approach is
adopted from the case studies Freud used to develop his theory, however, Freud also attempted to
apply general laws of behaviour using a nomothetic approach. There are several similarities within the
two approaches: they both draw on nature and nature, are deterministic, materialistic and internal
approaches. Additionally, both have practical applications in modern life. However, some differences
between the two are that the biological approach accounts for external forces as well as internal whilst
psychodynamic does not. The psychodynamic approach places greater emphasis on unobservable
forces unlike the biological approach that primarily looks at observable structures although often in
animals rather than humans. The biological approach studies behaviour using a nomothetic method.
Of all
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Fidot Ivanovich Shubin Research Paper
During the 18th century Russia had a large variety in artists. One of the greatest artists during this
century was Fidot Ivanovich Shubin, who lived between 1740 and 1805. Since Western European
culture was becoming more influential, Shubin, like many other artists, traveled to Europe to study.
When he returned from Europe, he created one of his most well known works, which is a bust of
Prince Alexander Golitsyn, who was a diplomat during the reign of Catherine the Great (Fedot
Ivanovich Shubin,, n.d.).
The 19th century also brought many artists, but there was one in particular who is considered to be
Russia s first Romantic artist. (Famous Russians Artists, Tristarmedia, 2003). Karl Brullov, who lived
between 1799 and 1852,
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An Existential Crisis In The Death Of Ivan Ilych By Kafka
Samson Abdurachmanov An Existential Crisis Existential crisis is a moment at which an individual
questions the very foundations of their life: whether their life has any meaning, purpose, or value.
Sometimes there are men who will accept their fate graciously. Two works that depict these ideas are
The Death of Ivan Ilych by Leo Tolstoy and The Metamorphosis by Kafka. In both works by Tolstoy
and Kafka, the main characters at some point question their lives and what life means to them. In
order to question one s life, it would be necessary that one evaluate the decisions they make. A person
s life can change in any event that has happened to them. Moreover, the ... Show more content on ...
The cushion s spring Peter sat on was unsteady and at one point Peter was caught in it. So too was
Ivan material relationship, it was not stable. He takes a wife because a young legal man with secure
means should take a wife. He buys a house in the city and furnishes it with serious accessories because
a cultured aristocrat should have a material status symbol. Overall, Ivan does things for the show of it.
The cushion in a way also represents his shaky life. As aforementioned, people s decisions shape their
future. It would seem here that Ivan s attitude of go with the flow is shaping up to be a bad decision,
hence a bad future. Ivan faces an injury to his left side. At first, it is not serious, but later on, his pain
gets stronger to the point where he is bedridden. It is because of Ivan s illness does he start to think
about his life. He questions his existence and the rationale behind his suffering; he slowly begins to
see that his life was not as it should have been. Ivan s illness reveals to him the true nature of life that,
a life lived for others are a life worth living. He is going first through agony and despair, he thought
his life was meaningless and void of love; it was his son who showed him love. Now he realized that
he should have been more involved in his family life. Yes, I am making them wretched...They are
sorry, but it will be better for them when I die...He tried to add forgive
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Taking a Look at Nucleophilic Reactions
Nucleophilic reactions occur when there is an electron pair donor and an electron pair acceptor (2).
There are two types of ways that nucleophilic reactions occur. There is the SN1 reaction and the SN2
reaction. An SN1 is a two step reaction that occurs when a molecule first forms a carbocation. Once
the carbocation is formed, the nucleophile comes in and attaches to the molecule (2). Below is a
general reaction scheme of an SN1 reaction:
Below is the mechanistic scheme of SN1:
In an SN2 reaction, it is a one step reaction and occurs when a nucleophile attacks a molecule and
forces the leaving of a leaving group. Below is the mechanistic scheme of SN2: Reaction kinetics is
the study of the rates of chemical reactions. From these chemical mechanisms, one derives the rate
laws which will show how fast or slow a reaction is occuring and figure out if a first order or a second
order reaction is occuring (1). The first order reaction is an SN1 reaction. A first order reaction has a
rate proportional to the concentration of one reaction. A first order reaction formula will be :
Rate =k[A] or rate=k[B] A second order reaction is an SN2 reaction. A second order reaction has a rate
proportional to the concentration of both reactants. The formula is as follows:
SN1 reactions proceed through a carbocation, the product is a racemic mixture of the substitution
product which is a 50/50 racemic mixture. SN2 reactions do not form carbocation, but require the
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Speech On Gemstone Bangle
Let your wrists speak for you!
CaratLane brings to you a treasure trove of Gemstone Bangles which are guaranteed to brighten your
day and make you feel like a queen. Crafted from yellow and white gold, these bangles are studded
with sapphires, rubies and diamonds presenting combinations of red and white in a myriad of settings.
We offer thin Gemstone Bangles which can be worn in combination with other bangles, as well as
chunky broad designs which are best when worn alone.
Effortless beauty
If you are putting together an outfit for a special occasion, a Gemstone Bangle is a must have. When
browsing through CaratLanes s collection, you run the risk of abandoning your original idea and
designing your look around the precious jewellery ... Show more content on ...
Authenticity ¬ Our jewellery is valued by reputed laboratories such as the IGI (International
Gemological Institute) which is also recognised by the Government of India. Certificates of
Authenticity are given along with your order so you can be sure of its value.
Transparency We endeavour to give you as much information as you require to make your decision.
Besides looking at the information available on our website, you can reach out to our customer service
representatives who are available on our website (via chat,) by phone and email.
Mobility Comfortable and convenient shopping is what we aim to provide you with. Your product is
delivered to your home at a time that is specified and at your convenience. For safety we also equip it
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Flexibility At CaratLane, we work toward making you happy. So, we give you a 30 Day Money Back
Guarantee and a Lifetime Exchange Policy so that you are able to exchange your jewellery at any
point after your purchase. Whether you are shopping for yourself, or looking for a surprise gift for you
special someone, get on to find the perfect bangle!
A promise of good
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Benefits Of A Successful Business
In order to have a successful business, businesses need to find a way to keep employees motivated to
do their jobs and increase work satisfaction. This is undeniably crucial for a business to continue to be
profitable. Some solutions to this problem are incentives, having a good work environment, and
showing appreciation.
When employees perform poorly by not doing their job or not doing their job well, it reflects
negatively on the business. Customers who are not satisfied, may complain and may not return.
Customers can also discourage others from going to that particular establishment by telling their
friends about their terrible experience. The business then loses money from that customer and that
customers friends who now do business with the competition. That business may now have a bad
reputation that started from that one customer s negative experience (Deeb).
By keeping employees pleased and excited at their jobs, they tend to perform better than those
employees who are not please at their job. In an article written by John Waggoner, he wrote, If a
company treats its employees well, the business should prosper.... So in other words, the business
makes money if the employees are pleased. Employees who are given incentive tend to perform better
at their jobs than people who do not receive incentive. Google is an example of a company that is
highly successful and is known for having generous benefits for their employees to par take. The stock
at Google has climbed
... Get more on ...
The Importance Of Financial Aid In Higher Education
Many students rely on Federal Financial Aid to fund their higher education. According to Winona
State University (2017) catalog, financial aid administered by the university is awarded after
applicants meet eligibility criteria and established financial need . There are many factors that can
cause a student to lose their federal financial aid eligibility. One of the factors that can contribute to
students financial aid eligibility is maintaining academic progress. This is a regulation that was set by
the federal government and the state. In the Winona State University catalog, undergraduate students
are required to have at least one to fifteen attempted credits. In addition, students must maintain at
least a 1.75 grade point average. Students
... Get more on ...
Essay about Disney vs. Masculinity
Joseph Delia
Spring 2011
Emile Zaslow
Disney vs. The Future of Men: How have our beloved animated movies affected the men of yesterday,
today and tomorrow.
Thesis: The constructs of masculinity found in most Disney movies create an environment of images
that shape and define what young boys view as masculinity. By presenting sexist relationships,
physical expectations, and violence and dominance to represent power, young boys are left feeling
emotionally unattached and physically inadequate.
How many Disney movies did you see as a child? How many of those movies did you watch over and
over again? And how many of the songs you so lovingly watched over and over again can you still
sing today? The Walt Disney Company has ... Show more content on ...
After a while these images begin to shape what young boys know and what they understand about the
world around them. This is not an immediate effect, but instead a slow accumulative effect that is
much more subtle than we are aware of. One of the biggest problems with this process is that the
Disney conglomerate has spanned over nearly five generations, so no one thinks to challenge the idea
that an animated Disney movie is a great way to entertain children while simultaneously sharing with
them a piece of traditional culture. One of the most destructive ways in which classic animated Disney
movies are providing young boys with false and distorted images of masculinity, are the ways in
which men are shown in relationship to women. Most Disney movies revolve around a heterosexual
relationship containing a hero and heroine. Feminists have studied what these characters tell girls
about themselves, but it is just as important if not more important to understand what these movies are
telling boys about how real men interact with and treat women. Often the message to boys both
explicitly and implicitly is that men should view women as objects of pleasure or as servants to please
them. A perfect example of this misrepresentation is in the movie Mulan. In Mulan, and entire song
called A Girl Worth Fighting For , explains what a man is looking for in a woman. Some of these traits
include cooking, cleaning, and looking beautiful for her husband. This quote
... Get more on ...
Impact of Budget Deficit Policy
I. Introduction
With an outline development goal who will achieved through the policy of macro economy is in order
to reach the level of unemployment is low gainful price stability, economic growth as expected and
distribution income it equal. To achieve development goal the government allocated to finance
through budget state that are arranged every year.
One of the fiscal policies implemented that related to the budget is a budget deficit, a policy which the
state revenues are less than the state expenditure. To overcome the lack of revenues, effected by way
of debt owed, whether sourced from domestic and abroad, issued a bond, or by printing money
(Seignior age).
Indonesia there has been a change in the policy of state revenues and ... Show more content on ...
So, government spending derived from debt at this point is equivalent to that tax cuts is funded from
debt not affect the consumption (Mankiw, 2007).
Research about inflation is based on Inflation Theory. One of the famous inflation theory is the
Quantity Theory that inflation can occur when there is increase the amount of money in circulation
and the public s expectations of price increases in the future.
Research on the impact of inflation to employment rate is based on Phillips Curve Theori, that said
when the unemployment rate is high, the inflation rate is low, and vice versa, if the unemployment rate
is low, then the inflation rate is high.
III. Literature Review
Research on the impact of budget deficits policy to inflation has been done a lot, including research
that conducted by Darrat (1985) using data from the United States in the 1960s , and the results
showed that the growth of money and the budget deficit policy in the U.S. affects inflation . In these
studies, Darrat using OLS (Ordinary Least Square) analysis techniques. Another study conducted by
Metin (1998 ) to explore the budget deficit policy in Turkey by using data in 1950 1987 and using the
OLS analysis techniques , the results showed that the budget deficit significantly influence inflation in
Turkey. Further research conducted by Darrat ( 2000) is the budget deficit policy in Egypt using data
in 1957 1993 and uses technical analysis of the ECM
... Get more on ...
Why Is It Worth Learning To Play Poker
If you re looking for popular games to play, particularly online, or with your buddies for that matter,
you ll be hard pressed to come up with a more popular card game than poker. Over the last decade,
poker popularity has literally skyrocketed, with more people playing poker than ever before. All you
need to do to get an idea of how popular poker is, is check out various online gaming and gambling
sites, visit any casino, or even watch TV late at night/early in the morning and you ll see numerous
televised poker matches/leagues. Of course becoming a poker pro won t be for everybody, although
many do agree that the basic principles behind poker, can be applied to everyday life for the better.
One particular question that poker players and pros get asked all the time, is whether or not it s
actually worth learning to play poker? Some say yes, whilst some, in the case of former pro Jeff
Meyerson, say no.
Is it worth it? ... Show more content on ...
Whilst some pros have argued the case that certain elements can be applied to everyday life,
particularly in the business world, Meyerson is adamant that that is simply not the case at all, and is
nothing more than pros trying to drum up more interest in their sport. Jeff actually went on record as
saying that poker was a negative sum game and that it provides damaging lessons for anybody looking
to get ahead in the business world . He touches on the fact that nowadays, the number of popular
poker games compared to back in poker s heyday, have diminished rapidly, which in turn makes it
much harder to find games in which you will
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. Get Ready To Join The Post Office Team 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Get Ready To Join The Post Office Team Get Ready To Join The Post Office Team
  • 2. Should Children Get Paid For Good Grades Essay A child comes home from school, crying. She holds her report card in shaking hands, and knows what will happen to her. She got a C on her report card, unlike all of her friends, who got A s. She knows now that she will be the only girl in her class not to get paid for getting a good mark. This young girl, with tears in her eyes, knows that she tried her best, but it still wasn t enough to earn her a cash sum. There are a few reasons why children should not get paid for good grades. First, they lose out on valuable life lessons. Second, it is hard to provide the money for all of the children that get A s. Third, it can become a competition and can cause problems amongst friends and family. Finally, children aren t mentally prepared for handling the stress of money. First of all, children lose out on valuable life lessons. Paying for a child s good grades will stop the child from learning about getting achievements for the pride, not for the reward. It can also enforce in a child the message that the only rewards you want from life is money. We expect students to get good grades, so why should we be paying them for something expected of them? We can also be telling kids to find an easy route to get the best rewards, making them lose the life lesson of working hard to get what you want. Kirabo Jackson, an assistant professor, says By rewarding people for a GPA, you re actually giving them an impetus to take an easier route through college. . Other critics have ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Essay on Resources for Differentiated Instruction Introduction As described by Hall, Strangman, Meyer (2011), differentiated instruction [DI] allows teachers to build flexibility into their approach and understanding in adapting curriculum to the needs of the student, instead of requiring students to apply modifications they may be ill equipped to complete (p. 2). In the alternative classroom, with a majority of students ELLs, teachers can adapt DI to set lesson and curriculum goals through a range of instructional and management strategies to engage students through curiosity, promote understanding, and clarify understanding to incorporate learning in the classroom (Laureate Education, Inc., 2010a; Laureate Education, Inc., 2010b). As a teacher become confident in lesson planning, ... Show more content on ... One way to do this is through the Apple iTunes App TapTyping available at This program will train the students to acquire better keyboarding skills on the District issued iPad s. The program that I rely on for general keyboarding skills improvement is TypingWeb at Accounts on free, and I have set up a classroom portal that monitors progress and shows student improvement. One resource that I can use to plan for lessons differentiated by learning profiles in the Media Literacy classroom is using software included with the computers. Our school purchased 25 Apple iMac computers and we are all learning how to adapt the software programs we were using with the PCs and make them work through the Apple environment. We stayed with the Microsoft Office for Mac and even though the programs are somewhat compatible, redirecting interest to a new software environment means letting students discover the passion in what works for them, and then passing the information on through PowerPoint and other software application presentations. Even though we develop lessons and classroom activities using differentiated instruction, as Tomlinson (2005) emphasizes, it is not necessary to separate the categories in planning or instruction according to readiness, interest, and learning profile, (p. 58). I would invite my ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Janie s Motif Journal 3 In the novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston, Janie creates an idea of real love during her sexual awakening. Her idea of real love centers around two people working together, loving each other, and being happy in marriage. This idea drives Janie to search for this love. In the process of her search, Janie encounters relationships that are abusive and oppressive. These relationships allow her to understand what real love is in contrast from mislove. Moreover, Janie becomes more independent in the midst of a male dominated society and learns to embrace her sexuality despite society s idea of how women should behave. Hurston constructs Janie s character arc through the use of motifs. Hurston uses the motif of bees, ... Show more content on ... During her relationship with Logan Killicks, Janie never mentions bees or trees during her interactions with Logan. In fact, the only time she refers to bees or trees is when she complains about the union. The absence of the motif during their relationship emphasizes that Janie did not benefit from her marriage with Logan. This is the first occurence of mislove in Janie s life. The second occurence of mislove appears during Janie s relationship with Joe. Joe did not represent the sun up and pollen and blooming trees, (29) foreshadowing that Janie would not find her true love in this relationship. Indeed, she enters an oppressive marriage with Joe. Joe order[es] Janie to tie up her hair (55) and cover it with a rag because her hair attracts men and he want[s] her submission (71). He suppresses her sexuality and strips her of her independence. Consequently, [s]he had no more blossomy openings dusting pollen over her man. (72). Janie finally realizes that her marriage with Joe is not real love, rather, it is mislove. Real love means that both partners benefit, but [s]he got nothing from Jody except what money could buy (77). This experience with Jody causes Janie to understand the difference between real love and mislove. She also understands that her sexuality and autonomy is significant to her. When Jody dies, Janie embraces her independence and sexuality, letting her hair in one thick braid [to swing] well below her waist. (89). Her experiences with mislove does not destroy her. Instead, it allows her to become more independent and ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Psychological Disorders Analysis This week we learned about psychological disorders, what could be the cause of them, and how we try to treat each one of the disorders. In truth, it is a hard task to discern which of the known disorders that were covered in the chapters assigned for us to read this week would be more difficult for me to live with. Depression could cause me to feel like everything I did would not really amount to anything, deal with insomnia, and unable to find pleasure in my daily life. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can result from a terrifying or shocking event; this could result in me having to experience the ordeal over and over again at any given time, losing sleep, and closing off the relationships I have with my friends and relatives. ... Get more on ...
  • 6. My Goals After Law School To be successful I need a college degree to qualify for law school. I m currently a freshman at Missouri Southern, I m working towards getting a Bachelor s degree in Criminal Justice. To be able to pursue a career in Criminal Justice, my goal is to get good grades, go to class, study hard, and know the law. After my first two years are done in college, my plans are to continue school to get my Bachelor s degree and hopefully get a Master s degree. My goals are to meet all the goals I ve set for myself through the years. Becoming a prosecutor would be my next step after graduate law school to continue my success. I had my mind set on being a prosecutor my freshman year of High School, I can t imagine doing anything else besides working in the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Essay On Failure Of The IMF The International Monetary Fund (IMF or The Fund) began its conception in July 1944. The IMF s primary purpose is to ensure the stability of the international monetary system the system of exchange rates and international payments that enables countries (and their citizens) to transact with each other ( About the IMF ). Given that the nature of the IMF is to ensure the stability of the international monetary system one would assume that given the level of public exposure and level of participating countries that it would be immune to adversity. The purpose of this paper is to present one instance where the IMF failed in its initial and ongoing responsibilities causing greater financial duress for the recipient of assistance. The IMF s loan conditions have often ... Show more content on ... As collateral for the loan India was forced to pledge 67 tons of gold reserves. As well, India worked with England and Sweden to pledge another 67 tons of gold, 40 tons and 20 tons repsectively, which resulted in total depletion of all Indian gold reserves. This created scenarios in which the established government collapsed and in turn forced government reform based on less than ideal circumstances. With the results of this experiment being what could be classified a failure the Indian government rejected a bailout option from the IMF in 2013 and in turn forced IMF intiated reforms towards India s debt. India using it s own internal economic liberalisation policies has forced self produced economic reform since 1991, but has still struggled to regain it s econmic stability to where it once was percieved to be. Further studies have shown that even given the drastic growth patterns, in relativity to other IMF assisted countries, Indian companies would be the most vulnerable to exchange rate volatility in the world ... Get more on ...
  • 8. False Memory, Pseudo-Memory Distortion False memory syndrome is also called Recovered memory, Pseudo Memory, and Memory Distortion. False memory syndrome or pseudo memory is memories of an experience, in which one seemingly remembers that never actually or really occurred. In other words, false memory is a fabricated remembrance of past events that did not really happen. People often falsely thought of memories as recorder that are records accurately of all the experience in our brain but, memories are not always true and accurate and may contain delusions. People might be confident with their memory, but there is no guaranteed that some memories are actually accurate. Confident may sometimes result a person to think something completely false into being completely true. These ... Show more content on ... Self hypnosis can sometimes result in the creation of false memories because the belief that something happened could be so strong in an individual s conscious mind that it force a memory to adapt to the belief, even if the event had never happened. A statistic that a psychologist at Ohio State University in Lima and fellow researchers found about hypnosis was that even when people were warned about the likelihood of acquiring pseudo memories or false memories under hypnosis, more than a quarter of the people still want to be treated using the technique. There are raging controversies over the use of hypnosis to help people recall lost memories of early trauma due to the false accusation of cultural expectation that hypnosis will lead more accurate memories. A case study conducted by Dr. Joseph Green, whose a Professor of Psychology at Ohio State University, consist of48 students who had been shown to be highly inclined to hypnosis was divided into two groups to test the controversies. Before they were hypnotized, 32 of the students were warned about hypnosis could lead to false memories and other memories that they would not normally remember and the remaining 16 students were not given any warning. According to Dr. Joseph Green, the result of the experiment was that the warning that was given to the 32 students help prevents false memories to an extent, but not ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Marxist Reading Of The Rainbow Fish In a world of instant gratification and endless options of items that are always up for purchase, it is easy to engage in the hype. These material items that society puts such a high value on create separations of wealth amongst the people, in turn creating the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. In a nutshell, The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister is a story about a fish with many beautiful scales who refuses to give any of them to the less fortunate fish. Though at a first glance, The Rainbow Fish seems to simply be a children s lesson on the importance of sharing. But, at a closer look this story reveals that is in fact a criticism on society enveloping itself in the Marxist theory. Marxism focuses on the effects of the separation of wealth ... Show more content on ... He puts an extremely high value on his possessions. In turn, because of this high value, these possessions determine his self worth. An example of this commodification shows in the story where all of the other fish begin to ignore Rainbow Fish because he refuses to share. In the text, it states, What good were the dazzling, shimmering scales with no one to admire them? Now he was the loneliest fish in the entire ocean (Pfister 10). Commodification is prevalent as Rainbow Fish selfishly only focuses on himself. He does not want the scales for their usefulness, he only wants them when other fish are there to admire them. Rainbow Fish only wants the scales if they give him a higher social status. If no one is there to compliment him, then the scales mean nothing to him. Additionally, Rainbow Fish exhibits commodification when he thinks about giving away his scales. Rainbow Fish states, Give away my scales? My beautiful shining scales? Never. How could I ever be happy without them (Pfister 16). Rainbow Fish allows material items to impact his life so greatly that they determine his happiness. Rainbow Fish is so commodified that even the thought of giving away his scales triggers unhappiness and worry. Rather than basing happiness off of good works and personality, he bases it off of how much material he has. He infatuates so much with himself that he fails to recognize that the scaleless proletarians are content. Rainbow Fish fears changes from the lifestyle he is accustomed to, in turn reflecting on the materialistic values held by the bourgeoisie. The material things in Rainbow Fish s life have total control over his ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Essay On Same Sex Marriage The topic for same sex marriage is a very emotional and spicey topic. Marriage is a beautiful ceremony to celebrate the unity of two becoming one. However, when we put aside emotions from facts there are clear reasons to support the cons sided of same sex marriage. Lets try for a moment to do something that most of us rarely do. Allow me to persay you to consider the other accuracy of the other side when it come to same sex marriage. That is can you for a few minutes go against what you believe? Medical benefits and taxes vary in the situation between male and female couples and same sex couples. Income taxes will be increased to make up for marriage tax benefits of same sex couples. Male and female couples get less taxes to be able to have they money to stabilize the family. Same sex couples can t reproduce so they have more taxes due to the lack of not needing as much money and and not being able to help increase the population. Medical insurance premiums will rise to offset offset the high cost associated with same sex behavior. The male and female couples have less bills and expenses. However, same sex couples deal with more medical issues. Such as, colon cancer, fertility treatment and ect. Same sex couples have to give up many benefits male and female couples get help with. There is often a false assumption that strong feelings should determine behavior. Although, this statement is not accepted in most of life situations and problems. In today s world we don t like ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Provides Us With A Way To Learn Cause And Effect Relations provides us with a way to learn cause and effect relations between environmental events (Martin, Carlson and Buskist, 2010, pg 259). Classical conditioning is learning by association Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which an organism learns to transfer a natural response from one stimulus to another, previously neutral stimulus. Manipulating reflexes does this. Operant conditioning is a type of learning in which the likelihood of a behavior is increased or decreased by the use of reinforcement or punishment. Operant conditioning deals with more cognitive thought process. Both have similarities and differences, as do all forms of learning methods. Their similarities are that they both produce basic phenomena. One such ... Show more content on ... 36). Preoperational children are completely egocentric. Although they begin to take greater interest in objects and people around them, they see these things from only their point of view. This also has been said to be the stage of curiosity. Preoperational children are always questioning and investigating new things and since they know the world only from their very limited point of view they make up explanations for things they cannot explain (ICELS). The preoperational stage is therefore characterized by egocentric thought and the inability for children to adopted alternative viewpoints. According to Piaget this is the stage at which children s thoughts differ the most from adults. The third stage is the concrete operational stage. This stage extends from ages 7 to 11 and it is during this stage that a child is able to perform mental operations. Piaget defines a mental operation as an interiorized action, an action performed in the mind which permits the child to think about physical actions that he or she previously performed (Piaget 1973, p. 36). At this time children demonstrate logical, concrete reasoning and their thinking becomes less egocentric as they are increasingly aware of external events. The primary characteristic of concrete operational thought is its reversibility; the child can mentally reverse the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Examine the Key Ideas of Situation Ethics Examine the Key Ideas of Situation Ethics (21 Marks) In this essay, I am going to examine the key features of Situation Ethics. Situation Ethics is a teleological theory that resolves ethical and moral issues relative to the situation and was developed at a time when society and the church were facing drastic and permanent change. It is most commonly associated with Joseph Fletcher and J.A.T Robinson and also William Barclay. Situation Ethics is also considered to be the method of ethical decision making that states that you must consider noble love (agapé) in decision making and that a moral decision is correct if it is the most loving thing to do. The theory is based upon this idea of agapé love which is defined by William Barclay ... Show more content on ... Robinson and Paul Tillich suggested that God could be understood as the ground of our being , of ultimate significance, but not a dues ex machine , a supernatural being who intervenes in the world from outside it. In other words God is part of people not this almighty being who gives instructions for us to follow. Fletcher (who I will discuss later) used examples from the Bible to show that a strict application of rules was no longer needed and was in line with what Jesus thought too. Fletcher used quotes from the Bible as an illustration of old versus new morality. He used the example of the adulterous woman when Jesus saved her from being stoned to death even though the law permitted it. This situation is a clear example of Personalism which Fletcher used to illustrate his theory. Another example that Fletcher identified from the Bible was when Jesus confronted the Pharisees over what the Sabbath Day was intended for. In order to follow strict Jewish law absolutely nothing could be done on this day, often to the detriment of people. Jesus wanted people to follow the spirit in which God had given the law rather than following it and acting immorally in some cases. Whilst Fletcher described agape love as the only intrinsically good thing, William Barclay defined agape love as unconquerable good will; it is the determination to seek the other man s highest good, no matter what he does to ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Essay Analysis of Norman Bates The character I chose to analyze is Norman Bates. Norman Bates originated as the main character in Alfred Hitchcock s movie Psycho . In the movie Psycho , Norman is a middle aged who runs a motel. He is a psychotic serial killer with many psychological issues. More recently Norman Bates became the main character in a television show called Bates Motel. In the show, we see Norman in his teenage years. This is where we see Norman s psychological issues begin to develop. As a teenage Norman, we also get to see more of Norman s relationship with his mother. When Bates Motel begins, Norman seems to be a normal teenage boy, who is a bit of an introvert. He prefers school work and reading to going out and being social. He has an extremely ... Show more content on ... Then we see Norman go a little crazy. She kills a man, stabbing him several times after he attempts to rape her. Norman sees it and helps his mom cover it up. We see him as he begins to black out and can see him change. Norman also seems to hallucinate while in these black outs or fugue states. He sees his mom who tells him while he is in this state that everything is his fault and he needs to fix it. However in the process he gets woken up. His mom then asks what he is doing and he tells her he is doing what she told him to do. She says that she did not tell him to do that. She then realizes that Norman is having blackout episodes but protects him instead of getting him help. Norman can not remember anything from his fugue states. Later we learn that Norman killed his dad. His dad was fighting with Norma and it was getting physical. Norman was washing dishes and blacks out and then hits his dad over the head killing him. Norma is shocked and then tells Norman to go to his room, as he is still out of it and he goes to his room. That is when Norma moves the body to the garage and sets it up like he died from an accident. She protects Norman. After Norman wakes up from the black out, he finds his dad and does not remember anything. He believes his dad fell and hit his head. He thought it was an accident, later on in the show he starts to suspect his mother of killing his father. At this time Norman is also having normal teenage moments and ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Meeting Demi Lovato Meeting, Demi Lovato, 21, In the perfectly landscaped land of Hollywood made it clear to me that she really is a superstar. With her 10 Teen choice awards and her Latina attitude, she sat opposite me with her blue locks and her winning smile, welcoming me to her office. Demi has recently helped host a contest for the popular companies Acuvue, which hosted a 1 Day contest. Having just heard the news that her song give your heart a break was to be appearing on Glee and that she landed a job on X Factor, made me even more excited that I was going to be in her presence for the next hour or so. My first impression of Demi was that she was quite shy, until she began laughing at the noise my chair made as I nervously sat down. Embarrassing. But I knew that I was going to like this interview. I began asking her about her experience in mentoring the contestants throughout the contest. Her answer was motherly. She expressed that she felt good helping them out, encouraging them to come out of their shell and to really push them towards their dreams. She mentioned her past and how she wished that someone did that for her, then explaining how Acuvue were really sweet to her and how they are the best contacts in the world. With this she smiled, and coffee was brought to her mahogany table. By far the shiniest wooden desk I ve possibly ever seen. I continued the topic of Acuvue and asked if she had the chance, would she ever let fans come backstage with you like she did with her ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Sociocultural Theory Of Piaget As a nursing student, I am looking to start a career in pediatric nursing or work in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), where I am working with premature babies. Working with children can be challenging, not only do I need to care for their treatment as well as psychical well being, I also need to care for their mental development. That is where developmental psychology comes into place, two most influenced developmental theory Piagetian theory Sociocultural theory, will help me understand more about how children develop so that I can care for them accordingly. Piaget s fundamental assumption is on how children can actively shape their own development, they are mentally active since their birth. Piaget hypothesized four stages of development, they are sensorimotor stage; preoperational stage; concrete stage and formal operational stage. An understanding of this developmental theory can be beneficial to nurses in assessing which stage of development the child has reached, to plan the correct level of stimulation. Since in the hospital setting, the child s resources are limited. We need more stimulation for the child s development. In a hospital, children are all placed in the same floor with similar surroundings disregard they are in different developmental stages. For example, children in the preoperational stage need more verbal stimulation since they are learning to express their experience through language mental imagery and symbiotic thoughts; however, children ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Why Is Kate Chopin Banned Kate Chopin, being a woman in the nineteenth century, not only wrote a book, but wrote one about a woman finding her own independence through a series of awakenings , and sexual relationships with men other that her husband (Maureen). As a consequence for Chopin s book being explicit and unorthodox , the book was not banned, but it was censored (Wikipedia). The Awakening gained a large amount of fame for being a landmark of early feminism (Wikipedia). Katherine O Flaherty, Kate Chopin, was born on February 8, 1850 in St. Louis, Missouri (Maureen). From age five to eighteen, chopin attended what was the Academy of the Sacred Heart, St. Louis Catholic girl s school (Maureen). In the summer of 1870 Chopin moved New Orleans, Louisiana ... Show more content on ... Edna returns to Grand Isle, where her awareness about her independence and sexuality came to be, to then find herself embracing the sea s water while remembering about her freedom from her children and husband, and Robert, ultimately leading to her suicide (Chopin). Because of Edna s heightened sexuality, desire for independence, and awakenings , The Awakening created a series of controversy leading to the book being censored (Overview). Edna, defying race, sex, and class, inspired women across the world to pursue their own sexuality and independence ( Elfenbein). In the end, the theme of solitude as the consequence of independence arises because of the fact that the main character, Edna Pontellier, senses a feeling of solitude after becoming independent that led to her suicide (SparkNotes). Along with the theme of solitude as the consequence of independence, the theme of the implications of self­ expression also becomes present through the different ways Edna expresses herself (SparkNotes). Edna s expressions included: art, language, music, and love in which were all contributing factors to Edna s desire for independence and sexual desire (SparkNotes). Villarreal 3 ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Icd 9 Research Paper The International Statistical Institute adopted the first international classification edition, known as the International List of Causes of Death, in 1893. WHO was entrusted with the ICD at its creation in 1948 and published the 6th version, ICD 6, that incorporated morbidity for the first time. The WHO Nomenclature Regulations, adopted in 1967, stipulated that Member States use the most current ICD revision for mortality and morbidity statistics. The ICD has been revised and published in a series of editions to reflect advances in health and medical science over time. ICD is the foundation for the identification of health trends and statistics globally, and the international standard for reporting diseases and health conditions. It is the ... Show more content on ... The codes use alphanumeric characters in all positions, not just the first position as in ICD 9. In addition, there are 68,000 existing codes in the ICD 10, as opposed to the 13,000 in ICD 9. Therefore, the codes have been greatly expanded and this expansion allows a significant increase in the specificity of the reporting in the ICD 10, allowing more information to be conveyed in a code. For instance if you had a burn on your right arm in did not specify which arm had the burn in the old ICD 9, now in ICD 10 it specifies which arm has the burn. The terminology has been modernized and has been made consistent throughout the code set. There are codes that are a combination of diagnoses and symptoms, so that fewer codes need to be reported to fully describe a condition. The reason they changed it is because the practice of medicine has changed considerably in the last 25 years, and the ICD needed to reflect those change. There have been many new diseases discovered, new type of medical devices and new treatment and the ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Essay about Rich Manufacturing Rich Manufacturing Saint Leo University MBA 540 Sep 8, 2011 Why do many firms use cost plus pricing for supply contracts? Firms use cost plus pricing in order to cover their operating costs. Cost plus means they can increase the price to their customers with whom they have contracts when the operating costs rise. Operating costs can rise for many reasons and cost plus pricing allows firms the flexibility to manage operating costs. This flexibility is often needed when the price of a service or good is not known or hard to predict in advance (Magloff, 2011). What potential problems do you envision with cost plus pricing? Potential problems may occur if there is no contract between the firm and its customers for ... Show more content on ... In the short term, it may be beneficial to complete the contract with Bhagat and for long term planning, find another supplier with a more competitive price. She can use the short run cost curves to determine her near term pricing and production requirements. The long run cost curve can be used to determine if a new plant or new supplier is necessary to decrease operating costs. How will a $3 increase in the price of machine parts affect Gina s own production decisions? The three dollar increase will be added on to Rich Manufacturing s product price. In order to lessen customer anger over increased prices, Gina can suggest an increase in the marketing budget to minimize the price increase. She also may want to take into consider the long term plans. For example, if in the long term they can decrease the price while increasing production (perhaps with a new supplier); they may want to absorb the current increase in price instead of passing it on to their customers. In the short term, money may be lost, but with successful long term planning they can increase profits and maintain customer loyalty (by not increasing price). References Brickley, J., Smith, C. Zimmerman, J. (2009). Managerial Economics and Organizational Architecture. (5th Ed.). New York, NY. McGraw Hill and Irwin.
  • 19. Magloff, L. (2011). What Is Cost Plus Pricing Strategy? Demand Media. Retrieved from: ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Essay about The Opening Sequence of Sleepy Hollow The Opening Sequence of Sleepy Hollow The very first thing the audience sees when watching this film is a thick red liquid dripping onto a parchment. Because the audience expects the film to be a horror film, they automatically think the liquid is blood. Seeing this image makes the audience assume someone has been murdered or at least injured. This one picture spurs questions in a person s mind like, who does the blood belong to? and Has someone been killed? The audience will want these questions answered, so they will continue to watch. A little later, the audience sees that the dripping blood is nothing more than sealing wax dripping onto a page. This surprises them because they did not ... Show more content on ... The actual parchment that the wax is dripping onto is someone s Last Will and Testament. This instantly tells the viewer that someone has died, or perhaps is about to die since the same person that signed the document as a witness, signs it as the man that was supposed to have written the will. There is a huge close up of the will with the camera sweeping down from the top of the page to the middle. As the camera moves down, so do the viewers eyes as they read what is written on the page. There is a sort of sweeping sound effect mimicking the camera s movement. After the will has been signed, it goes back to the dripping sealing wax and then a seal is pressed down into it. There is, again, a close up of the seal being used and the sound effect is repeated. Since these sound effects would not occur in real life, they emphasis to the audience that the particular event they are heard with must be very important. Emphasis is given on an audio level as well as a visual level. The seal is lifted away to reveal the name of the family regarding the will. The next shot is of galloping horses, but only their legs are shown. There is a sense of urgency in this scene because of the speed of the horses and their grunts of exertion. It is as if they are running away from something. Again, this is happening in the darkness and at night, ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Malala Violence Isaac Asmiov states that violence is the last refuge for the incompetent . Malala attempts to speak out against her culture and the Taliban, for the right to her education which causes tensions to rise in Pakistan. The Taliban, who defy change, continue to fight back against her by killing, bombing, and creating fear using violence in exchange for understanding. Malala s actions increase violence by those who are not willing to change and are obedient to their culture. As a result, Malala Yousafzai does not deserve to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The Taliban s violent ways come from the ideas that one should stay true to their culture. Some people support Malala s actions and thoughts on the vicious attacks from the Taliban, ... Show more content on ... Though many could argue that Malala is not the only cause of violence, she is in the forefront for change in her culture, so the Taliban believe that she should remain the same. Malala says that her friend had seen a Taliban holding up the severed head of a policeman by its hair, blood dripping from the neck ( Yousafzai 144). This a clear example of violence that extends to those who are not directly related to rebellion. It shows that the Taliban are relentless because if individuals do not refrain from speaking out, innocent people will suffer. Fear will only continue to grow and the Taliban s hope is that through their violence and brutality things will not change. Malala as one of the main leaders of change, causes this particular violence which would not happen if she would stop. When the fight for change doesn t end, the Taliban will attack the resources that everyone needs to survive. Malala says, The Taliban bombed the power station, so we had no electricity, then a few days later they blasted the pipeline, so we had no gas either (Yousafzai 155). Now that everyone reaps the negative effects, Malala s actions could lead to further harm if not death of the people living in Pakistan. Clearly it s not only her actions that have caused this dangerous situation, but since she is known in America she is clearly making an impact. Because the Taliban are against her actions, this puts Malaya s loved ones in danger. Malala makes an impact, but she disobeys her culture and puts her country in danger, when the Taliban are unwilling to let her make a ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Who Is The Evil Queen In Once Upon A Time In one Once Upon a Time the evil queen Regina was a very vicious and deceptive person. The evil queen is the adoptive mother of Snow White s grandchild. Snow White s daughter (Emma) is the birth mother of her son and originally meets him again at her doorstep when he discovers an old folktale that is true. The evil queen in OUAT is also the mayor or her town, when Snow White s daughter is involved in anything she make sure Emma gets the short end of the stick. Emma is accused of stealing her son s files from his therapist s office, also the queen does not want her son near his birth mother because she knows who Emma is but, doesn t think her son knows. Out of all the OUAT version we read I would say Snow Night Feminist Fairy Tales ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Barry Minkow s Ponzi Scheme Introduction At the Age of 15, Barry Minkow founded ZZZZ best, a carpet cleaning business he ran out of his garage. Within 6 years, Barry had turned his small business into a 200 Million dollar company (Elmer DeWitt Brown, 1987). On paper, Barry was worth 109 Million dollars, and his success and philanthropy had garnered him the attention of numerous business and government leaders. Barry was a pillar of the L.A community. He coached softball and was an active donor to the local YMCA and drug treatment programs, donating 20,000 and 60,000 to each respectively (Starvo Writers, 1987). In May 1987, a disgruntled customer came to the L.A times with allegations that Minkow had overcharged her credit card and refused to repay. Over the subsequent ... Show more content on ... The non existent revenues reported from these contracts convinced banks to lend money to ZZZZ best, who then used the funds to pay salaries and expand the company s legitimate business. However, first the funds were sent though a financial loop so that they would appear to be revenue. First, ZZZZ best would hire Marbil Management, a bookkeeping from owned by ZZZZ Best s senior vice president Mark L. Morze, to supply labor and materials for the job. However, these funds would only stay in Marbil s account for approximately 20 seconds before being transferred back to Padget who would falsify additional contracts. (Murphy, 1989). Overall, this allowed ZZZZ Best to significantly expand their operations, and the company was able to employ 374 employees across 13 offices around California (Murphy, 1989). However, in need of more funds to pay their debt as it came do, Minkow decided to go public and sell ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Analysis Of The Sandy Hook Conspiracy Sheriff from Oregon shared a link online about Sandy Hook Conspiracy. According to Time Magazine on the website by Alexandra Sifferlin states that Douglas County sheriff John Hanlin, who has responded to the Umpqua Community College shooting, previously shared a conspiracy theory video suggesting the Sandy Hook massacre was orchestrated by the U.S. government to disarm the public. Media states that John Hanlin had promoted the theory online about Sandy Hook Conspiracy and was covering another investigation on college shooting in Oregon. Times Magazine has stated Sheriff John Hanlin shared the consirpacy video three days before vice president Joe Biden spoke about gun control? The October 3, 2015 on the website by Regina F. Graham ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Scapegoat In Shirley Jackson s The Lottery Shirley Jackson s story, The Lottery is a horror story that starts off with a friendly atmosphere, and hints suspense to a brutal ending. We have withheld information in our society; The Lottery does also. The lottery that took place in the story was fair and created uncertainty to the readers. One theme from the story is fairness. From the story, we can relate to fairness and use of scapegoat in our society. The author used satire, so we the readers are persuaded to change for the good. At the beginning of the story, the author foreshadowed what was to come, but didn t say the lottery s reason for being held till the end. The author related some of the characters names to their true purpose in the story. Jackson creates suspense by having ... Show more content on ... The author never said why the lottery took place. In the end, we can conclude when stones club Tessie; the lottery is not a happy thing as the beginning of the story portrays. The reason the children were gathering rocks into piles and putting them in their pockets was also not shown until the end. The reasons for holding the lottery are unfair and so is making every town s person participate in it. A scapegoat is a person or animal, which takes on the sins of others, or is unfairly blamed for problems. Examples that people in our society believe are scapegoats are immigrants, senior citizens and poor people. Still to this day our society follows tradition as the town s people did in the story. The tradition some people do today is not as bad as the tradition used in the story. The scapegoat in the story helped support satire the author used so we as the readers want to change. The author uses satire to directly connect with our society s flaws. She does this by having the town s people do something that is wrong and terrible. Then, we look at what we do that could be wrong and terrible. The purpose of satire is to shame individual members and society itself to improve its ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Plea Bargain Advantages When most people think of criminal sentencing they think of a grand wooden courtroom with a full jury and a proud judge in black presiding over it all, but that is far from the usual for those that are accused of federal crimes. The reality of what happens after you are accused of a crime is much different, as much of the bulk of those accused of a crime end up plea bargaining for a variety of reasons, and very few people actually end up going to trial. An in depth look is necessary to really understand the complicated truth of the relationship the plea bargain has with our justice system and our citizens. To understand the plea bargain it takes looking into what originally it was made for, what it represents now, and the effect it has on our ... Show more content on ... In 2013, while 8 percent of all federal crime charges were dismissed... more than 97 percent of the remainder were resolved through plea bargains, and fewer than 3 percent went to trial. 3 It was the goal at our country s founding that almost all citizens accused of a crime have a fair and impartial jury trial to decide the innocence or guilt of the accused, and we know where and why that changed and the effect it has on the system and government but what about the citizens and society? What about the people the very system is meant to protect and serve? Despite the advantages plea bargaining gives to the defendant it s very essence is assuming that the defendant is guilty, so what if they re not? It s not all that uncommon to get the wrong guy when searching for a suspect especially when racial and class profiling comes into the mix. So understanding the 8% being thrown out for this reason there s still a lot of room for innocents still within the system, and going by the statistics it seems very likely that there are innocents being forced, coerced, or outright bullied into plea bargaining ... Get more on ...
  • 27. West Hollywood Demographic Analysis Complete with rainbow sidewalks, quirky boutiques, and flashy bars, West Hollywood is renowned for its active party culture, catering to Los Angeles s LGBT community in particular. For our project, we will focus on the demographic centered around Santa Monica Boulevard, where the majority of the social activities take place. We plan to study the current linguistic characteristics of West Hollywood and how they relate to culture at large. As heterosexuals and citizens who don t identify fully with the LGBT community flock into the neighborhood, the community maintains its unique linguistic qualities, unphased by those who move in who aren t familiar with the traditional WeHo lifestyle. West Hollywood is still changing today, but still contains ... Show more content on ... The profits from the popular movies were used to build rows and rows of apartments in the Sherman area to provide affordable housing to the movie actors and the extended families of the immigrants ( This caused another huge boom in the population. Films were also being made to the east of Sherman in Hollywood, so rich benefactors were living to the west of Sherman in Beverly Hills which added to the stimulation of the economy. Also, gambling was illegal in the city of Los Angeles, but legal in this part of Los Angeles County. These are some of the reasons why the 1920s saw the proliferation of many casinos, nightclubs, and more in the West Hollywood area. So since Sherman was still an unincorporated area and less restrictive than the Hollywood or the Beverly Hills areas, lavishing nightclubs like Trocadero, Mocambo, and Ciro s sprouted up on Sunset Boulevard to cater to the entertainment needs of the movie industry. All of a sudden the Sunset Strip became a place where the celebrities came to party. These Sunset Boulevard clubs allowed performers to bend gender and sexual roles, which was something that was not tolerated in the other nearby incorporated ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Pros And Cons Of Malware What Is Malware? You sure have heard before terms such as virus, worm, Trojan or rootkit when people discuss internet security. These names describe types of programs used by internet criminals or hackers to hack and take over computers and mobile devices. All of these different terms can be simply called malware. We can simply say that malware is a software, a computer program used by hackers to perform malicious actions. In fact, the word malware is a combination of two words malicious and software. The end goal of most hackers is to install a malware on your device. And once it s installed, these hackers can potentially take control of that device. Many people have this wrong idea of malware is being a problem only for Windows computers. And the reality is, Windows is widely used, which makes it a big target, malware can attack any computing device, including smartphones and tablets. In fact, the percentage of malicious software action against mobile devices is steadily growing. (Zeltser, L. 2014) Malware in these days is no longer created by just curious hobbyists or amateur hackers, but by experienced internet criminals to help them achieve certain goals. These goals can include stealing ... Show more content on ... Internet attackers are constantly changing, developing new and more intelligent attacks that can bypass anti malware programs. In turn, anti virus vendors are then continuously updating their products and programs with new capabilities to detect new malware. To be clear, it has become an arms race, with both sides attempting to outsmart the other. Unfortunately, internet criminals almost always have the upper hand. As such, remember that while anti malware can detect and block many malware, attackers are always creating new versions that will be missed. As a result, you cannot depend on just anti malware to protect you. You have to take additional steps to protect ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Role Of Finance And Its Effect On Portfolios, Managing... BSAD 310: Business Finance Whittier College Radoniqi Summer 2016 Quiz #1 1. Explain the role of finance in society. The common perception is that finance is associated with wealth management enlarging portfolios, managing portfolio risks and tax liabilities, ensuring that rich grow richer. On the other hand, good society is considered to be the one in which people respect and appreciate each other. From that point of view it seems that finance and good society are like an oxymoron, finance goals are contradicting with those of society. There are conspiracy theories like Pax Morgana that the financial system is guilty for the Great Depression. That theory was revitalized nowadays with the 2008 financial crisis as well. The ... Show more content on ... Illustrate these decisions with examples. Among the most important decisions that a company takes are the following ones: dividend distribution, investment decisions and financing decisions. 2.1. At the end of each year when financial statements are verified by the auditors, the company management is facing the dilemma: what to do with the profit? The dilemma is related with the question whether to please shareholders by giving them large dividends or to keep the money in the company for investment purposes. This decision however does lie exclusively in the hands of the company management. If they decide large dividends, then the funds needed for investments and growth will be reduced significantly. This may jeopardize the company s competitive position without investments, the company s future is always at stake. 2.2. If the company s shareholders decide to vote small dividends then the management will have more funds for investments. As a rule companies approve those projects that have a positive net present value and the rate of return is higher than the hurdle rate. 2.3. If company profit is not sufficient to cover the investment plans, then the company has to start looking for external financing in order to fulfil its investment program. Financing however may be costly if company results are not good enough to motivate any bank to give a loan. If banks refuse a loan, then the company should try to raise funds on the stock ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Deforestation In The Amazon Rainforest The Amazon rainforest in Brazil is facing high rate of deforestation along with the consequences. In fact, the rate of deforestation has increased by 29% from 2015. The deforestation is done illegally and the Brazilian government has made efforts to minimize the deforestation. An area the size of California has been cleared in the past half century and the government The Amazon Rain forest is responsible for eliminating around 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide. This yearly absorption helps eliminate greenhouse gases and when it is not absorbed it adds to climate change. The Amazon rain forest is one of the most biodiverse environments in the world. In fact, ten percent of all the worlds animals and plants reside within the Amazon Rain forest. ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Pride And Fire Chapter 1 Summary With the force of a tornado fire and smoke pour out of the cardboard box engulfing the entire apartment building in flames. Theodore turns around and watches as the fire eats away at the building killing everyone unlucky enough to live on the second and third floors. The flames reflect off the moon and Theodore s eyes. In the distance the former prince can hear sirens so Theodore runs away from the apartment faster than a rabbit running from a fox. Theodore runs to the restaurant which is now mostly empty except for Frederick and two of his goons. Theodore walks through the restaurant s front doors and into the back room where Frederick is eating a piece of lasagna. The lasagna was obviously just taken out of the stove, but Frederick ignores ... Show more content on ... Bullets begin making their way through the metal walls forcing Caroline to run behind a desk waiting for her chance to gain the upper hand. The group of men stop firing their weapons and everything goes quiet. Caroline peers out of the dirt lined window and sees the man in the circle has sprung back to life. The group of men all lye on the ground around the man in pools of their own blood and bullet casings. Caroline holsters her weapon runs out of the office and down a flight of metal stairs. The man in the circle looks at Caroline as if hes looking at an old friend and patiently waits for her to say something to him. What happened? Well it would appear that these men weren t properly trained in gun safety based on the fact they shot at me. That s not what I m talking about how are you alive and what happened to the people who killed you? You must have been seeing things a trick of the light perhaps they didn t kill me giving me the chance to kill them while they were busy shooting at you. Who are you? Benjamin Lennon at your service madam. Well I m Caroline Murphy a NYPD detective, and I am going to need to take you to the station so I can ask you a couple of ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Essay about Sundiata If you want a taste of West African History Sundiata will give you exactly what you want and more. Sundiata was an interesting piece of literature to read. Unlike the previous two books we have read this semester I found this book much more simple. This book was much easier for me to comprehend and actually get into. This book exposed me not only to the West African history, but also a new religion. The story of Sundiata depicts the story of the foundation of the Mali Empire in West Africa. This story takes place during a transitional time period, when the trade network that linked towns and villages across western Africa attracted north African merchants who brought increasing Muslim influence. The Mali Empire was one of the great ... Show more content on ... He gives special attention to Lahilatoul Kalabi, the first black prince to make the Pilgrimage to Mecca. On his return trek, he was robbed by brigands, and his entourage split. Allah saved his life and made him a king once he returned to Mali after seven years of wandering. They state, After seven years absence Lahilatoul was able to return, by the grace of Allah the Almighty (Sundiata, 2). Another important role in this epic was the importance of long distance trade. After the exile of Sundiata it gives him a chance to learn about the trade routes and people of his region. An example of this long distance trade was in the chapter of The Baobab Leaves. Sundiata s sister, Kolonkan, now of a marriageable age took on the role in society as a woman. She was at the market she noticed a woman who was offering for sale nofiola, and gnougou, condiments unknown to the people of Mema (Sundiata, 43). She recognized the baobob leaves and many other vegetables which her mother used to grow in her garden at Niani. The merchant questions Kolonkan on how she knows about the baobab leaves, due to her offering at the market in Mema for days, but no one wanting them. While over hearing the conversation a man draws near offering the princess a cola. We are merchants and we going from town to town (Sundiata, 44). The details of trade in this chapter greatly illustrate the existence of trade in the West African ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Young Aboriginal Men Case Study The purpose of this case review is to examine the problems that young aboriginal men such M.N.J face in the Canadian legal system and to find a solution that unlike the imprisonment would be more beneficial to communities and its citizens. So the solution to the vicious cycle would restorative justice which is a philosophy and set to be an intervention that focus less on crime as the breaking of laws than as the harming or breaking of human relationships, restorative justice interventions such as victim offender mediation, sentencing circles, and family group conferencing are largely organized around the principles of victim participation and offender accountability and reintegration and community participation in local justice practices. ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Descartes Skeptical Argument And Reponses By Bouwsma And... Descartes Skeptical Argument and Reponses by Bouwsma and Malcolm In this essay, I will examine Rene Descartes skeptical argument and responses by O.K. Bouwsma and Norman Malcolm. I intend to prove that while both Bouwsma and Malcolm make points that refute specific parts of Descartes argument in their criticisms, neither is sufficient in itself to refute the whole. In order to understand Descartes argument and its sometimes radical ideas, one must have at least a general idea of his motives in undertaking the argument. The seventeenth century was a time of great scientific progress, and the blossoming scientific community was concerned with setting up a consistent standard to define what constituted science. Their science was based ... Show more content on ... More significantly, Descartes implies that all consciousness could actually be a dream state, thus proving that the senses can be doubted. The dream argument has its intrinsic problems, however. One, is that images in dreams can be described as quot;painted images quot;.2 In other words, a dream image is only a portrait of a real life object, place or person. If we are dreaming then it is implied that at some point we were conscious and able to perceive these things. If we are able to perceive these things then we must admit that we have senses and that our senses are, at least in part, true. This was exactly what Descartes was trying to disprove, and it was one reason he abandoned the dream argument. The second problem with this argument is that it points to mathematics as a point of certainty. I believe Descartes best explained this in his own words: quot;[W]hether I be awake or asleep, two plus three equals five and a square does not have more than four sides: nor does it seem possible that such obvious truths can fall under the suspicions of falsity. quot;3 Even when we are dreaming, the laws of mathematics and geometry hold true, but they can not be Descartes point of certainty for a simple reason; these abilities that Descartes believed were innate still had to come from somewhere. If they are in our heads when we are born, someone had to put them there. Descartes question is who, and he comes up with ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Owen Meany Strengths And Weaknesses Even though the entire novel centers around John Wheelwright, Owen Meany, being his best friend, plays a major effect on John and John s life. Although Owen is similar to Jesus Christ, he does have weaknesses and strengths that made him the character we know him as. Owen stands out from the people around him not only on how he looks but how he behaves and acts. When we first meet Owen in the novel, we see Owen as one of the smartest and mature kids. When it comes to principles, Owen has very firm and informed beliefs, and he is really stubborn about his them. Owen s belief in God is unshakeable. In fact, he has such strong faith in God that he believes he is God instrument and believes that everything is destined and there s no such things as ACCIDENTS. Owen believes that God has plan that Owen, being God s instrument, will carry out and his fate and how he going to live is already destined. ... Show more content on ... Whenever Owen is present somewhere with a group of people, he makes sure he is able to get people s attention so they listen to him. Even though his physical imperfection may barricade him from getting to what he wants, Owen has other ways that can grab people s attention and makes sure he can get what he wants, needs, and desires. For instance, when he became the newspaper editor for Gravesend Academy, Owen makes sure everyone hears about what s going, and as a matter of fact, he becomes known as The Voice. The only weakness Owen has is his height. His height prevents him to do many things. However, Owen always finds a way to overcome his height disorder. For instance, in basketball, he developed the shot to overcome his height so he could play ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Essay about Moliere Moliere is undoubtedly one of the most interesting and famous French writers ever. His comedic plays capture the reader with a a perfect blend of intelligent and slap stick jokes. He mastered the strange enterprise of amusing decent people (Guicharnaud, 2) with this simple philosophy: Nothing is more effective(in making people laugh) then holding up the mirror to nature. (Guicharnaud, 21) Jean Baptiste Poquelin was born in Paris on January 15, 1662. His father and Mother where both interior decorators for the king, although his mother died when Jean Baptise was ten years of age. He was sent to College de Claremont, an aristocratic Jesuit institution. Poquelin took a degree in law, which he never used in practice, and ... Show more content on ... His death came about within a few hours. His wife frantically searched for a priest to give him his last rights, but to no avail. God was displaying his anger against Moliere, said Bishop Bossuet.(Bishop, 10) Moliere s plays are some of the most popular and produced French plays in the world. Despite defects in the plot and character development of Moliere s plays, his works remain popular today because the basis of his comedy deals with human nature, relationships, and hypocrisy. Tartuffe was Moliere s most performed and popular play. When it was presented to the king in 1664 he liked it, but forbade Moliere to publicly produce it under pressure from the church. For 5 years he pulled every string he could to get the play in production. For reasons unknown, King Louis lifted the ban and Tartuffe became a instant hit. The play consisted of 5 acts, in which surprisingly the main character did not even appear until the third. Simply put, the plot had the man of a house hold in love with a stranger named Tartuffe he had taken in to his care. The rest of the family saw through his facade, but the father insists that Tartuffe is God sent. He finally realizes the truth when he witnesses Tartuffe tempting his wife as he hid under the dining room table. Often Tartuffe would often comment that the other people of the house where not following God, and that he was his humble servant. Of course he turned ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Intimate Partner Violence Problem Statement Problem Statement Around the world, one in every three women has been coerced into having intercourse, beaten, or abused during some point in her lifetime (Domestic Violence Statistics, 2015). The topic that will be studied with the paper is intimate partner violence or another term that can be used is domestic violence. Domestic violence or intimate partner violence is the systematic pattern or control or power perpetuated by one partner against another (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, n.d.). Throughout the paper the term domestic violence and intimate violence will be used interchangeably. The misconception is that domestic violence or intimate partner violence is only between two people in a romantic relationship, but this is not so. Domestic violence includes, but is not limited to child abuse, elder and vulnerable adult abuse, spousal or partner abuse, and sibling violence (Can Fam Physician, 1999). This behavior can include but is not limited to sexual assault, intimidation, and physical assault (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, n.d.). Reports from 10 countries have shown that somewhere between 55 and 95 percent of women who experience physical abuse by a partner had never contacted the police, shelters, or other organizations for help (Domestic Violence Statistics, 2015). Intimate partner violence or also known as domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women including thefts, rapes, and car accidents combined (Domestic Violence ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Colonial Williamsburg Alex Elstrodt Colonial Williamsburg Essay Colonial Williamsburg was a key city during colonial times because Colonial Williamsburg had a great amount of important places in it. A book entry on January 9, 1716 about the Bruton Parish Church Ordered that the men sit on the North side of the church, and the women on the left. The Bruton Parish is the most important place in Williamsburg because it acted as a storehouse and a hospital during the battle of Yorktown and none of the other places has acted as a different place to help in an entirely different way than it normally does so it deserves a commemorative coin minted for it. The Bruton Parish Church was an extremely important place during colonial times. The designer of ... Show more content on ... This church is one of the longest lasting churches in America and that is what makes it the most important place in Colonial Williamsburg. It has lasted over 300 years! The Bruton Parish displays the religious beliefs of the people who lived in the colonies. The Bruton Church is ultimately the most significant place in Colonial Williamsburg today. The Bruton Parish Church connects with the motto That the future may learn from the past the best. People learned about their religious beliefs in colonial times. America learned that we should not have to go to church on every Sunday and everyone can worship as they please. Consequently the Bruton Parish connects to the motto That the future may learn from the past better than any other structure in Colonial Williamsburg In conclusion, The Bruton Parish church is the most important structure in Colonial Williamsburg for numerous reasons. It is the greatest in three groupings the importance during Colonial times, importance today, and how it connects to the motto: That the future may learn from the past. The Bruton Parish has been a working church for over 300 years and they have fixed errors from the past. This is why the Bruton Parish Church deserves the 2016 commemorative coin minted for ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Key Features Of The Biological And Psychoanalytic Approach... What are the core assumptions and key features of the biological and psychoanalytic perspectives in psychology? In what ways are they similar and how do they differ? The biological approach focuses on the physiological causes of behaviour based on genetics, brain physiology and biochemistry. This approach also adopts the view that biology is adapted based on the environment an organism is in and therefore most behaviours serve an evolutionary purpose. Research is gained through a nomothetic approach that uses scientific methods. The psychoanalytical approach focuses on instincts, childhood experiences and the unconscious mind as motivators for behaviour. An idiographic approach is adopted from the case studies Freud used to develop his theory, however, Freud also attempted to apply general laws of behaviour using a nomothetic approach. There are several similarities within the two approaches: they both draw on nature and nature, are deterministic, materialistic and internal approaches. Additionally, both have practical applications in modern life. However, some differences between the two are that the biological approach accounts for external forces as well as internal whilst psychodynamic does not. The psychodynamic approach places greater emphasis on unobservable forces unlike the biological approach that primarily looks at observable structures although often in animals rather than humans. The biological approach studies behaviour using a nomothetic method. Of all ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Fidot Ivanovich Shubin Research Paper During the 18th century Russia had a large variety in artists. One of the greatest artists during this century was Fidot Ivanovich Shubin, who lived between 1740 and 1805. Since Western European culture was becoming more influential, Shubin, like many other artists, traveled to Europe to study. When he returned from Europe, he created one of his most well known works, which is a bust of Prince Alexander Golitsyn, who was a diplomat during the reign of Catherine the Great (Fedot Ivanovich Shubin,, n.d.). The 19th century also brought many artists, but there was one in particular who is considered to be Russia s first Romantic artist. (Famous Russians Artists, Tristarmedia, 2003). Karl Brullov, who lived between 1799 and 1852, ... Get more on ...
  • 41. An Existential Crisis In The Death Of Ivan Ilych By Kafka Samson Abdurachmanov An Existential Crisis Existential crisis is a moment at which an individual questions the very foundations of their life: whether their life has any meaning, purpose, or value. Sometimes there are men who will accept their fate graciously. Two works that depict these ideas are The Death of Ivan Ilych by Leo Tolstoy and The Metamorphosis by Kafka. In both works by Tolstoy and Kafka, the main characters at some point question their lives and what life means to them. In order to question one s life, it would be necessary that one evaluate the decisions they make. A person s life can change in any event that has happened to them. Moreover, the ... Show more content on ... The cushion s spring Peter sat on was unsteady and at one point Peter was caught in it. So too was Ivan material relationship, it was not stable. He takes a wife because a young legal man with secure means should take a wife. He buys a house in the city and furnishes it with serious accessories because a cultured aristocrat should have a material status symbol. Overall, Ivan does things for the show of it. The cushion in a way also represents his shaky life. As aforementioned, people s decisions shape their future. It would seem here that Ivan s attitude of go with the flow is shaping up to be a bad decision, hence a bad future. Ivan faces an injury to his left side. At first, it is not serious, but later on, his pain gets stronger to the point where he is bedridden. It is because of Ivan s illness does he start to think about his life. He questions his existence and the rationale behind his suffering; he slowly begins to see that his life was not as it should have been. Ivan s illness reveals to him the true nature of life that, a life lived for others are a life worth living. He is going first through agony and despair, he thought his life was meaningless and void of love; it was his son who showed him love. Now he realized that he should have been more involved in his family life. Yes, I am making them wretched...They are sorry, but it will be better for them when I die...He tried to add forgive ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Taking a Look at Nucleophilic Reactions Nucleophilic reactions occur when there is an electron pair donor and an electron pair acceptor (2). There are two types of ways that nucleophilic reactions occur. There is the SN1 reaction and the SN2 reaction. An SN1 is a two step reaction that occurs when a molecule first forms a carbocation. Once the carbocation is formed, the nucleophile comes in and attaches to the molecule (2). Below is a general reaction scheme of an SN1 reaction: Below is the mechanistic scheme of SN1: In an SN2 reaction, it is a one step reaction and occurs when a nucleophile attacks a molecule and forces the leaving of a leaving group. Below is the mechanistic scheme of SN2: Reaction kinetics is the study of the rates of chemical reactions. From these chemical mechanisms, one derives the rate laws which will show how fast or slow a reaction is occuring and figure out if a first order or a second order reaction is occuring (1). The first order reaction is an SN1 reaction. A first order reaction has a rate proportional to the concentration of one reaction. A first order reaction formula will be : Rate =k[A] or rate=k[B] A second order reaction is an SN2 reaction. A second order reaction has a rate proportional to the concentration of both reactants. The formula is as follows: Rate=k[A][B] SN1 reactions proceed through a carbocation, the product is a racemic mixture of the substitution product which is a 50/50 racemic mixture. SN2 reactions do not form carbocation, but require the ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Speech On Gemstone Bangle Let your wrists speak for you! CaratLane brings to you a treasure trove of Gemstone Bangles which are guaranteed to brighten your day and make you feel like a queen. Crafted from yellow and white gold, these bangles are studded with sapphires, rubies and diamonds presenting combinations of red and white in a myriad of settings. We offer thin Gemstone Bangles which can be worn in combination with other bangles, as well as chunky broad designs which are best when worn alone. Effortless beauty If you are putting together an outfit for a special occasion, a Gemstone Bangle is a must have. When browsing through CaratLanes s collection, you run the risk of abandoning your original idea and designing your look around the precious jewellery ... Show more content on ... Authenticity ¬ Our jewellery is valued by reputed laboratories such as the IGI (International Gemological Institute) which is also recognised by the Government of India. Certificates of Authenticity are given along with your order so you can be sure of its value. Transparency We endeavour to give you as much information as you require to make your decision. Besides looking at the information available on our website, you can reach out to our customer service representatives who are available on our website (via chat,) by phone and email. Mobility Comfortable and convenient shopping is what we aim to provide you with. Your product is delivered to your home at a time that is specified and at your convenience. For safety we also equip it with Transit Insurance. Flexibility At CaratLane, we work toward making you happy. So, we give you a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee and a Lifetime Exchange Policy so that you are able to exchange your jewellery at any point after your purchase. Whether you are shopping for yourself, or looking for a surprise gift for you special someone, get on to find the perfect bangle! A promise of good ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Benefits Of A Successful Business In order to have a successful business, businesses need to find a way to keep employees motivated to do their jobs and increase work satisfaction. This is undeniably crucial for a business to continue to be profitable. Some solutions to this problem are incentives, having a good work environment, and showing appreciation. When employees perform poorly by not doing their job or not doing their job well, it reflects negatively on the business. Customers who are not satisfied, may complain and may not return. Customers can also discourage others from going to that particular establishment by telling their friends about their terrible experience. The business then loses money from that customer and that customers friends who now do business with the competition. That business may now have a bad reputation that started from that one customer s negative experience (Deeb). By keeping employees pleased and excited at their jobs, they tend to perform better than those employees who are not please at their job. In an article written by John Waggoner, he wrote, If a company treats its employees well, the business should prosper.... So in other words, the business makes money if the employees are pleased. Employees who are given incentive tend to perform better at their jobs than people who do not receive incentive. Google is an example of a company that is highly successful and is known for having generous benefits for their employees to par take. The stock at Google has climbed ... Get more on ...
  • 45. The Importance Of Financial Aid In Higher Education Many students rely on Federal Financial Aid to fund their higher education. According to Winona State University (2017) catalog, financial aid administered by the university is awarded after applicants meet eligibility criteria and established financial need . There are many factors that can cause a student to lose their federal financial aid eligibility. One of the factors that can contribute to students financial aid eligibility is maintaining academic progress. This is a regulation that was set by the federal government and the state. In the Winona State University catalog, undergraduate students are required to have at least one to fifteen attempted credits. In addition, students must maintain at least a 1.75 grade point average. Students ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Essay about Disney vs. Masculinity Joseph Delia Spring 2011 Emile Zaslow Disney vs. The Future of Men: How have our beloved animated movies affected the men of yesterday, today and tomorrow. Thesis: The constructs of masculinity found in most Disney movies create an environment of images that shape and define what young boys view as masculinity. By presenting sexist relationships, physical expectations, and violence and dominance to represent power, young boys are left feeling emotionally unattached and physically inadequate. How many Disney movies did you see as a child? How many of those movies did you watch over and over again? And how many of the songs you so lovingly watched over and over again can you still sing today? The Walt Disney Company has ... Show more content on ... After a while these images begin to shape what young boys know and what they understand about the world around them. This is not an immediate effect, but instead a slow accumulative effect that is much more subtle than we are aware of. One of the biggest problems with this process is that the Disney conglomerate has spanned over nearly five generations, so no one thinks to challenge the idea that an animated Disney movie is a great way to entertain children while simultaneously sharing with them a piece of traditional culture. One of the most destructive ways in which classic animated Disney movies are providing young boys with false and distorted images of masculinity, are the ways in which men are shown in relationship to women. Most Disney movies revolve around a heterosexual relationship containing a hero and heroine. Feminists have studied what these characters tell girls about themselves, but it is just as important if not more important to understand what these movies are telling boys about how real men interact with and treat women. Often the message to boys both explicitly and implicitly is that men should view women as objects of pleasure or as servants to please them. A perfect example of this misrepresentation is in the movie Mulan. In Mulan, and entire song called A Girl Worth Fighting For , explains what a man is looking for in a woman. Some of these traits include cooking, cleaning, and looking beautiful for her husband. This quote ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Impact of Budget Deficit Policy I. Introduction With an outline development goal who will achieved through the policy of macro economy is in order to reach the level of unemployment is low gainful price stability, economic growth as expected and distribution income it equal. To achieve development goal the government allocated to finance through budget state that are arranged every year. One of the fiscal policies implemented that related to the budget is a budget deficit, a policy which the state revenues are less than the state expenditure. To overcome the lack of revenues, effected by way of debt owed, whether sourced from domestic and abroad, issued a bond, or by printing money (Seignior age). Indonesia there has been a change in the policy of state revenues and ... Show more content on ... So, government spending derived from debt at this point is equivalent to that tax cuts is funded from debt not affect the consumption (Mankiw, 2007). Research about inflation is based on Inflation Theory. One of the famous inflation theory is the Quantity Theory that inflation can occur when there is increase the amount of money in circulation and the public s expectations of price increases in the future. Research on the impact of inflation to employment rate is based on Phillips Curve Theori, that said when the unemployment rate is high, the inflation rate is low, and vice versa, if the unemployment rate is low, then the inflation rate is high. III. Literature Review Research on the impact of budget deficits policy to inflation has been done a lot, including research that conducted by Darrat (1985) using data from the United States in the 1960s , and the results showed that the growth of money and the budget deficit policy in the U.S. affects inflation . In these studies, Darrat using OLS (Ordinary Least Square) analysis techniques. Another study conducted by Metin (1998 ) to explore the budget deficit policy in Turkey by using data in 1950 1987 and using the OLS analysis techniques , the results showed that the budget deficit significantly influence inflation in Turkey. Further research conducted by Darrat ( 2000) is the budget deficit policy in Egypt using data in 1957 1993 and uses technical analysis of the ECM ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Why Is It Worth Learning To Play Poker If you re looking for popular games to play, particularly online, or with your buddies for that matter, you ll be hard pressed to come up with a more popular card game than poker. Over the last decade, poker popularity has literally skyrocketed, with more people playing poker than ever before. All you need to do to get an idea of how popular poker is, is check out various online gaming and gambling sites, visit any casino, or even watch TV late at night/early in the morning and you ll see numerous televised poker matches/leagues. Of course becoming a poker pro won t be for everybody, although many do agree that the basic principles behind poker, can be applied to everyday life for the better. One particular question that poker players and pros get asked all the time, is whether or not it s actually worth learning to play poker? Some say yes, whilst some, in the case of former pro Jeff Meyerson, say no. Is it worth it? ... Show more content on ... Whilst some pros have argued the case that certain elements can be applied to everyday life, particularly in the business world, Meyerson is adamant that that is simply not the case at all, and is nothing more than pros trying to drum up more interest in their sport. Jeff actually went on record as saying that poker was a negative sum game and that it provides damaging lessons for anybody looking to get ahead in the business world . He touches on the fact that nowadays, the number of popular poker games compared to back in poker s heyday, have diminished rapidly, which in turn makes it much harder to find games in which you will ... Get more on ...