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Geography Essay Topics
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Geography Essay Topics" can be quite challenging,
requiring a comprehensive understanding of various geographical concepts, research skills, and
the ability to present information in a coherent and engaging manner. Geography encompasses a
vast array of topics, from physical landscapes and climate patterns to human geography,
geopolitics, and environmental issues. Navigating through this expansive field to select a
specific topic that is both interesting and relevant can be a daunting task in itself.
Once a suitable topic is chosen, the writer must delve into extensive research to gather credible
and up-to-date information. This often involves exploring academic journals, textbooks, articles,
and other reliable sources to ensure the accuracy and depth of the content. Compiling data from
diverse geographical regions and analyzing the information to draw meaningful conclusions can
be time-consuming and intellectually demanding.
Organizing the essay structure poses another challenge. Establishing a clear introduction that sets
the tone, a well-structured body that presents arguments coherently, and a concise conclusion
that wraps up the key points requires careful planning. Moreover, integrating maps, charts, or
graphs to illustrate geographical phenomena adds an additional layer of complexity, demanding
proficiency in both written and visual communication.
Addressing the interdisciplinary nature of geography, where physical and human aspects often
intertwine, further complicates the writing process. Striking a balance between scientific data
and sociocultural perspectives while maintaining a consistent and engaging narrative can be
particularly challenging.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Geography Essay Topics" demands not only a profound
understanding of the subject matter but also the ability to synthesize information, communicate
effectively, and present a well-structured argument. Aspiring to meet these challenges requires
dedication, time, and honed writing skills.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any academic writing task, various resources
are available, including professional writing services Such services can
provide support in tackling complex topics, ensuring quality research, and delivering well-crafted
essays tailored to individual requirements.
Geography Essay TopicsGeography Essay Topics
The Success Of The Virgin Group
Richard Branson is one of the world s most well known businessmen; he is the
founder of the Virgin Group which focuses on the growth of businesses from several
different industries. These include aviation, mobile service, music records, radio and
many others (Virgin 2016). In order to achieve the big success of the Virgin Group
today, Sir Richard Branson had encountered many failures; he has shown the world
many of his extraordinary leadership skills and they are one of the main reasons
that help him overcome those challenges and hardships. Sir Richard Branson
believes that we learn to be successful by falling down (Branson 1998, p. 47) and
learning to improve; he emphasizes the importance of trying new things that in
business that let us exercise (our) creative instincts (Branson 1998, p.68). After
dropping out of school at a young age, he started investing and testing in products
and services from all different sectors without the fear of failure (Finkle 2011,
p.111). It demonstrates that Sir Richard Branson is an innovative and opened
minded leader, a leader who doesn t always follow the rules and let his own creativity
grow (Tiffan 2010, p. 56). He is a very practical leader, who believes that ideas
should be implemented and used in a practical way instead of relying so much on
the theories (Finkle 2011, p.114). This shows that Sir Richard Branson is a person
who likes being challenged and he loves looking at new changes and implies them to
make his business
Don T Be Like Those Who Ask For Everything By Alice
How many of us are truly kind to others? How many of us are kind only because of
the material wealth that person possess? Is it kindness or selfishness? Alice Walker
in the poem Don t Be like Those Who Ask for Everything beautifully depicts the
idea of how people come close to one another only if they are rich in wealth. She
also says in the poem that those people or her friends who ask for everything will not
be ready to offer anything in return. She indirectly mentions that the material wealth
that the poet had did not come from snatching, stealing or magic but through her hard
work. Instead of supporting her at that time, her friends take advantage of her
material wealth. Indeed, she likes to have those friends who would recognise her...
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Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa are quite a few of them who
were able change the idea of kindness and the need for moral values. Most of the
times, people would support being selfish for various reasons. The Virtueof
Selfishness A New Concept of Egoism is a collection of essays and poems by Ayn
Rand and Nathaniel Branden. Rand s characterization of selfishness as a virtue,
including in the title of the book, is one of its most controversial elements . Rand
explains that selfishness cannot be always seen through the eyes of negativity. The
precise meaning of the term selfishness could be concern with one s own interests
and that it need not be bad. Alice Walker explains in her poem of the selfish deeds
of these people who ask for everything and never provide anything in return. As we
can see, both the authors are having a contrasting opinion on why selfishness is good
and as to moral values have to be followed. It is interesting to relate the fact that both
the sides of the different coin reflect the same answer. When one remarks selfishness
as a concept of consideration to one s own interest the other would mention that they
ask for everything and anything by offering
Verizon Weaknesses
Strengths And Weaknesses MCI MCI provides a wide and diverse range of
communication services and products that expand to over 200 countries. This
allows a solid customer base, which includes 75 government agencies and 65% of
Fortune 1000 companies. In addition to their expansion, MCI has a low debt to
value ratio in comparison to their competitors as well being least leveraged.
Whereas their weaknesses lie within their operating losses of over $3,200,000,000
due to a decrease in sales after the WorldCom bankruptcy realignment. As for
weaknesses, sales decreased after WorldCom s bankruptcy. In addition to
dissolving the merger with WorldCom, MCI business operation losses at an
estimated $3.2 billion were realized. Verizon Communications Verizon has a strong
integration of communication solutions and expand to all major cities of the US
and Europe. Vodafone carries 45% ownership of the company and this builds the
entire brand a whole moreover, the company has well targeted and defined
objectives and goals. The weak aspects of Verizon in include their profitability
margins seem to cap at 4%, which isn t of benefit as the financial debt for the long
term, is about $39 billion. In comparison to competitors, there is a lower global
presence which is counter productive due to the fact Verizon has had strong focus on
the US and Europe. Qwest Communications International Qwest is a global company
telecommunications carrier with a considerably large network capacity operating
There Are Many Different Forms Of Child Sexual Abuse.
There are many different forms of child sexual abuse. Sexual abuse can be
perpetrated by a relative or a stranger. But the most common of sexual abuse is
committed by a beloved relative. Ratican (1992) defines childhood sexual abuse is a
sexual act performed over and over between an adult and child (1992). The effects of
childhood sexual abusecan last into adulthood and effect the way that a person thinks
or their outlook of life.
The effect of this act has a negative impact on the psychological pattern of a person.
Victims may feel in distress and show a wide range of change in psychological
symptoms, both long and short term. Some short terms problems that a child may
experience is wetting of the bed, change of performance in school ... Show more
content on ...
But they fell that molestation is not a form of CSA because it is a non contact
sexual behavior. But because it frightens, shocks and sexual rewarding to the
perpetrator, it is categorized as such; even though they feel that it shouldn t effect
a child s brain in long term. It is widely accepted that a sexual relationship between
an adult and child is abuse regardless of consent. Children are not able to consent;
so therefore, adults are abusing their authority over a child. The key issue in
defining sexual abuse is that they look at the age gap between the two persons.
Where the person is old enough to give consent, but the age gap is significantly large
it is still considered child sexual abuse. Looking at research of CSA, majority of it is
focused on women, and few attempts looked into among men. But preliminary
work suggests that long term effects are different in men and women, so they
solemnly focus on women more. The difficultly with the abuse is that victims don
t feel the need to come forward. Broadly speaking there are two concerns. First,
there is the issue of whether or not some reports of sexual abuse are fantasies or
fabrications. A second issue is whether the memories or events are valid in the
length of time that it takes a child or parent to come forward. So they would like for
the persons to
Computer Science At Stanford University
In the summer of 1995 Larry Page was 22 years old when he visited Stanford
University as a candidate of a future Ph.D. student in computer science. Sergey
Brin was 21 years old a second year graduate student in the computer science at
Stanford University. Sergey was a mathematical whiz, which was already pursuing
his Ph.D. in that department. They had several things in common However, Larry
and Sergey didn t hit off well in fact, and they spent time arguing. They finally
calmed down enough so they could begin doing a research project together at
Stanford University. They created a search engine in 1996 called Back Rub. Back
Rub operated on Stanford servers for a year. It was one of the best networked
institutions on the planet.... Show more content on ...
Google have employees from all walks of life and speak dozens of languages,
reflecting on the global audience in which Google serves. Google strive to
maintain an open culture often affiliated with startups allowing everyone to be a
hands on contributor that feels comfortable sharing ideas and opinions. In Googles
weekly all hands on meetings, which are known as TGIF meetings through email
or in the company s cafГ© Googlers have the opportunity to ask questions directly
to Larry, Sergey and other top executives concerning the company. (Brin, 1998)
Google designed their offices and cafes to encourage employees to interact with
other Googlers within and across teams. This allows them to spark conversations
about work, as well as play, creating a relaxing work place. It s not the typical
corporate culture. In fact, just by looking at pictures inside the Googleplex, you
can see that it looks more like an adult playground, not a place for work. Google s
success can be attributed to the free culture of their workplace. Google has people
whose sole job is to keep employees happy and maintain productivity. Each year,
Google gets over 2.5 million applicants and Google reviews each one. Google
Know that the people that hire are the ones that make Google successful today.
Almost everything Google does is based off data, Google uses all sorts of data to
gauge employees and improve their
Book Of Revelation Research Paper
In the Book of Revelation, Jesus apostle John takes account of his visions of what
happened, what is happening, and what will happen in the foreseeable future. The
Book of Revelation is considered a major archetypal text on the grounds of its
afflatus of many other theories including, but not delimited to the idea of the end of
the world. There have been many offsets of ideas coming from the root of the Book
of Revelationwhich is the Second Coming and the end of the world. Although we
don t truly know when the end of the world is, there have been many theories and
scares to go with it. The world was believed to supposed to end in 1999; the end of
the millennium would cause the end of the world. Another popular scare took place
Postoperative Nausea
Management of a Patient with Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
Susanne Frycek
Advocate Lutheran General Hospital
Introduction Post Operative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) is defined as any nausea,
retching or vomiting occurring during the first 24 hours after surgery (Oxford
Journals). It is an uncomfortable and unpleasant experience for the patient and can
adversely affect the post recovery outcome by causing dehydration, electrolyte
imbalance, aspiration, wound dehiscence, increasing length of stay (LOS),
unanticipated admission, and increased healthcare costs, not to mention a top
concern and great dissatisfier for the patient (JPN, Hodgens). Since approximately
30% of all post operative patients ... Show more content on ...
It is a large patient dissatisfier with many of my patients telling me that they would
rather experience post operative pain (which they expected) than nausea (which they
did not expect). The pathophysiology of PONV is very complex, because it can be
triggered by several perioperative stimuli; including opioids, volatile anaesthetics,
anxiety, adverse drug reactions and motion( ). The complex set of activities that
culminate in vomiting come from two anatomically unique and distinct units within
the brain stem; the vomiting center and Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone (CTZ) (Smith
Collins, 2011, p.36). They receive information/signals from a number of outlying
sources and their excitement triggers vomiting. The vomiting center receives afferent
(nerve fibers carrying sensory information toward a location) signals from several
major sources; Viseral afferents from the Gastrointestinal Tract (GI distention,
irritation), Viseralafferents outside the GI tract (Bile ducts, heart, variety of other
organs), afferents from outside the area of the vomiting center of the brain
responsible for vestibular disturbances (motion), psychic stimuli (odors, fear) and
trauma, along with the CTZ. Since the Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone (CRZ) is
situated outside of the blood brain barrier its responsibility is to detect chemical
abnormalities in the body, such as
Kidney Stone Diseases
Since the occurrence and progression of various human pathological conditions have
been proposed to have an involvement of uric acid (UA), a number of researchers
have therefore attempted to elucidate the potential roles of UA underlying the
pathogenesis of UA related diseases (1, 2). Among these, UA is well documented in
kidneystone diseases since it serves as not only a main crystalline composition of
pure UA but also a principal risk factor for hyperuricosuric calcium oxalate (CaOx)
kidney stone disease (3, 4). These two kidney stones account for a significant
percentage of stone forming patients and have an increasing prevalence worldwide
over the past few decades. Nevertheless, the molecular mechanisms underlying UA
related kidney stone diseases are still not well understood.... Show more content on ...
UA can widely affect various cellular functions; therefore, the tight control of
serum UA level is necessary to maintain cellular homeostasis under normal
circumstances. Kidney serves as a major excretory organ to control a balance of
UA by which excessive UA is eliminated from the body through urine (5).
Consequently, the defective renal handling of UA can cause an imbalance in UA
levels in plasma and urine, and contribute to the development of several diseases,
especially kidney stone disease (1, 4). Hyperuricosuria is typically defined as an
excess of urinary uric acid; greater than 800 mg/day in men and greater than 750 mg
/day in women, which has been recognized as one of the most common metabolic
abnormalities in kidney stone patients (6). However, potential roles of UA in renal
system underlying kidney stone pathogenesis have been largely
Recycling Is The Method Of Regaining Recycling Essay
Recycling is the method of regaining, reprocessing, and reusing materials that would
otherwise be thrown away (Opposing Viewpoints in Context 2014). The most
commonly recycled materials include paper, glass, plastic, and metals. Materials
may be used to make more of its original product or to make something entirely new.
For example, recycled aluminum cans are often made into new cans, while recycled
class may be made into paving material. Recyclingdoes not always save money
immediately, it provides long lasting benefits because it conserves natural
resources while saving energy and reducing pollution. Recycling isn t a new
concept in the modern era, humans have always been finding new uses for items.
However, large scale recycling is a fairly recent trend that gained widespread
support in the 1970s when people became more aware of their environmental
impact. In this essay, we will be reviewing arguments made by three writers from
different backgrounds and their views of recycling. We will analyze what does and
doesn t work in their arguments, and if they properly are using ethos, pathos, and
logic. Afterwards, I will give my own rebuttal from a perspective of a college student.
Recycling is a complicated progression that has been developing throughout the
century, and while it falters at times, it is moving towards a better and less wasteful
The first argument I will be assessing is by Stiv Wilson, who is a journalist and
policy director for the 5 Gyres
A Summary Of Superman And Superman
Superman and Batman are iconic superheroes. DC comic book superhero fans
relentlessly argue about, Who is the better superhero, Batman or Superman?
Superman is a more advanced and interesting superhero because of his superpowers.
Superman was born on the planet Krypton when he was just a baby he was sent to
Earthin a space pod. Baby Kal El, Supermans name that was given to him at birth,
was sent to Earth because of the instability of his home planet. Shortly after his
space pod left Krypton blew up. Once Kal El arrived on Earth, a couple who lived
on a farm in Smallville, Kansas adopted Kal El and renamed him, Clark Kent. Clark
continued to grow up on the family farm and go to school. Clark attended the
University of Metropolis... Show more content on ...
Superman uses this place as a place to think and as his headquarters. Superman
always comes back to save the people of Metropolis though. Superman believes that
he needs to tribute his capability to save the people of Earth, a place he calls home
Bruce Wayne better known as Batman was born in the city of Metropolis/Gotham
city, (The city is called Metropolis during the day and called Gotham City at night,
but it is the same city.) Bruce grew up in a wealthy family in the 1930 s. One night
the family had gone to the local theater to watch a movie. On their way back home
they were stopped by a mugger. The mugger demanded the pearl necklace that was
around Bruce s mother s neck. When his father denied the mugger of the necklace he
shot both of Bruce s parents. After his parents were shot he sat by them on the
concrete until a woman by the name of Leslie Thompkins came and helped him home
and into the care of the family butler, Alfred Pennyworth. After the traumatizing event
of his parents death Bruce pledges to avenge his parents death by saving innocents
from experiencing the pain and suffering he had to go through. Bruce spent most of
his preteen to teen years traveling the world to make himself more experienced in
fighting skills and techniques, which he will use as Batman. After traveling he
returns back to Gotham city and becomes a billionaire industrialist. While living in
Gotham city he also becomes the notorious Batman. Since Batman
Floristry Handbook
design process for florists TASK A Investigate the creative design process |Date Set:
|Submission Date: | | | |TASK BRIEF | |You are required to complete an exploratory
research project that evidences your understanding of how the following sources of |
|inspiration can be used to inspire... Show more content on ...
| | | |You must also provide annotations as to why you have chosen the order category,
arrangement style, line arrangement and flower | |placement for each design. | | | |In
addition, for each design option you must explain how the 4 inspirational sources
(Culture, Emotion, Techniques and Botany) have | |been
The Dictionary States That Fracking Is A Method Used For
The dictionary states that fracking is a method used for getting oil and gas from
underground rocks by injecting liquid into the rocks so that they can break apart
(Merriam Webster). Fracking can be a controversial topic in numerous people s
eyes due to the side effects that coincide with this procedure. Fracking has evolved
over the years and made a comeback around 2010. Lately, the United States has
heard tremendous news regarding this procedure and the drawbacks from fracking
natural gases and oil. Fracking can be beneficial; sadly, the side effects greatly
outweigh the benefits. The environmental risks, pollution, and the overall risk factors
prove to not worth the risk of fracking. Fracking is a... Show more content on ...
The environmental risks that accompany fracking are potentially hazardous. In
order to frack, thousands of acres of forests need destroyed to allow roadways the
space they need to exist (Lampe 38). However, these roadways allow erosion to
occur due to the lack of vegetation (Lampe 38). Along with erosion, siltation occurs
and sand, soil, and mud sink to the bottom of rivers, and ponds (Lampe 38).
Therefore, the animals living in these habitats may migrate, or simply just die.
Trees situated on the acres of land for hundreds of years would have to be chopped
down to make way for roadways. In some cases, depending on where the oil
reservoir is located, the state declares eminent domain on houses and pays the
landowners. Consequently, the houses will be destroyed and the oil reservoirs will
be fracked.
The greatest common concern on the subject today is water contamination.
Individuals grew worried that the chemicals used to gather these natural resources
will seep into the water and contaminate the United States. The water necessary to
frack is gathered from rivers, lakes, ponds, and even aquifers. This is then combined
with chemicals and pumped into the ground. Fracking was exempted from the
Federal Safe Drinking Water Actand the chemicals used to frack are not tested
frequently in our water (Lampe 34). Bordering on 20 to 40 percent of the water used
to frack rises back up to the surface and is stored on site (Lampe 34). An
Bel Canto Randomness Essay
The world thrives on randomness, and I seek to live on this roller coaster without
any hiatuses. It rolls dices across billions of people, choosing the lucky and
unlucky ones. Anyone can prepare him/herself to the fullest in order to succeed,
however, no one can predict the unique situations that they might oppose. You
could be super poor but somehow win the lottery. Everything could be fine at first,
but then love ones dies, your house burns down, or you crash your car. How do you
prepare for the aftershocks of events like these? Different strokes of luck could be
inches or miles away from you. I would try to cope with whatever the world throws
at me. I would search for the positives from a random crisis. If I perform awfully in a
soccer game,... Show more content on ...
What started out as a simple birthday party for Mr. Hosokawa turned into a
multiple month stand between the terrorists and the African government. The
randomness of the world bestowed this holdup on the main characters in this
book. They expected a sweet birthday accompanied by the Roxane Coss, however
they were met with a terrorist attack. People were shocked, and ran, but only for an
instant, only until their eyes readjusted to the light and they saw the utter
uselessness of their fight (12). Who would have predicted such an uneventful
occurrence? Then, the world decided it wanted a terrorist to fall in deeply with a
hostage. Gen was in love with Carmen (202). This idea became so random to Gen
that even he question the existence of his feelings for her. Why would the world
pair these two together? They literally have nothing in common. The world works
in weird ways. That was the most unlikely love story to ever happen. Gen just
suddenly felt in love with a terrorist who he originally thought was a guy. Also,
everyone was falling in love with Roxane Coss, not Carmen. The idea of Carmen and
Gen was very surprising, but that just how the world
Analysis Of A Man Called Ove
Have you ever had to send away a beloved one to heaven? If so, what did you
experience? Were you able to continue your daily life in pretty decent amount of
time, or were you trapped in your emotions and couldn t move on from it? If not
so, what would you imagine yourself being or feeling? A Man Called Ove, a
fascinating work of literature by Fredrik Backman, portraits a cranky, grumpy, old
man, Ove s journey of meeting life changing new neighbor, opening his heart to
them, and overcoming the grief and pain from a loss. After losing his beloved
wife, Ove succeedingly loses his happiness and a purpose to live. He tries to
commit suicide several times, however, fortunately, they are always interrupted by
his new next door neighbor. They always look out for him and care deeply about
him which leads him out of the depression and remembers again how it feels like to
be truly loved and cared. A Man Called Ove is definitely an astonishing work of
literature that has to be read by St. Andrew s 10th grade students because it has been
rapturously reviewed by prominent critics, it has been well produced as a film, and it
depicts the issue our society is going through with human grief and sorrow after a
loss, while assisting the students to form their own standpoint about the issue. A Man
Called Ove has received countless enthusiastic reviews by prominent critics,
distinctly by New York Times Book Review, People, and Publishers Weekly. The
New York Times Book Review, one of the most
The Considerations Of The Bridge For The High Speed
Jose Luis Chavez Grimaldo
English 10 Honors/ Block: A
27 October 2015
Mezcala Bridge Research Project The considerations of the bridge for the high
speed rail coming through the a.v. is when designing high speed rail to the antelope
valley. The considerations are is that the kids or young adults of the antelope valley
area are able to go to colleges in san diego and back home to the AV in the matter of
just minutes. The bridge is to get over the highway to get to L.A. so they will be less
traffic to L.A. There are some things that we also need to know that we just need to
know if it cost just enough.
The Mezcala Bridge or Mezcala Solidaridad is the thirteenth largest bridges in the
world. The location of the bridge are in the state of Guerrero in Mexico on Highway
95. The beginning of the Mezcala Bridge was started at 1989 and with a total
length of 891 m (2,923 ft) and six uneven spans completed in 1993. Being in service
since 1994, no major disasters has touched the bridge s existence. The bridge still
stands as strong as the day it was build.
This cable stayed bridge spans across the Balsas River known locally as the
Mezcala River close to the western Pacific coast of the country. The name of the
bridge is obviously related to the river it hovers. It is located at 221 kilometers of
the Autopista del Sol connecting to the city of Cuernavaca in the state of Morelos
with Acapulco, in Guerrero state coast.The valley passes over the bridge is
Rhetorical Analysis on Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
In Malcolm Gladwell s book Outliers, he defines an outlier as someone who does
something out of the ordinary or differently. The author is very credible and has a
few awards for writing, Outliers. We should listen to Gladwell because some of his
information is knowledgeable and can help with everyday life. His purpose is to
teach us about the many rules that are being described in the book. The main
intended audience would have to be the world and how he displays his values to
millions of people. Malcolm Gladwelldiscusses how someone s IQ that is in the
upper one hundreds is the same as someone s IQ in the lower one hundreds. Malcolm
Gladwell has a lot of credibility and is a reliable source for information. He went to
school for a... Show more content on ...
Right away the readers get interested in learning what the then thousand hour rule is
about. Gladwell reviews the lives of extremely successful people and how they have
had success. There are many ways in which logos are used in Outliers. Gladwell
viewed children in Berlin playing the violin and saw that kids having ten thousand
hours of practice, were proven to be better at playing the violin, than kids with less
than ten thousand hours of practice. He also took a look at Bill gates, which
dropped out of college and started a very successful company, called Microsoft.
Bill Gates had thousands of hours of practice in programming and other abilities
learned through his short years at college. There are no shortcuts at becoming
great; everything can only be achieved with lots of practice and hard work. The
tone that Gladwell uses in Outliers is long sentences to get his points across to the
readers. He uses key points. There were some metaphors used in the book when he
talks about the tallest oak trees in the forest and they helped describe the situation
and what was being talked about. Many people are cognitive of outliers once they
have read the book thoroughly. Some imagery was also showed when Gladwell
talked about the winning team and how all of the players and reporters crammed into
the locker room. Some people fancy the way that outliers think, act, and how they are
successful. These
Water Molecules Research Paper
Why is water an important molecule? Intermolecular Forces
Water is one of the most important molecules as it creates and supports life on earth.
Water covers 75% of the surface of the earth and around 78% of the mass of the
human body (, 2000). Its abundance, unique properties, chemical and
physical interaction are the reason behind its importance. The chemical composition
of water is H2O. It is a polar, covalently bonded molecule.
A covalently bonded molecule shares electrons between the atoms so each atoms
outer shell is full. Covalently bonded molecules are not partially charged, except for
polar covalent bonds. Molecules with polar covalent bonds have partial charges.
Within the water molecule, the oxygen atoms unevenly share the electrons since they
have more protons. The ... Show more content on ...
Water can also be found in all three states of matter naturally on Earth because it has
a low melting and boiling point, due its covalent bonds. Cohesion is when molecules
are more attracted to each other than the surrounding molecules. Dipole Dipole forces
and hydrogen bonds are responsible for cohesion. Adhesion the opposite of cohesion,
when there is a greater electronegativity difference between other molecules than
themselves. Figure 4. Diagram of meniscus and capillary action of water due to
cohesion and adhesion (, 2016)
Capillary action is a process where water molecules climb up a narrow tube
/ material due to kinetic energy and a combination of cohesive and adhesive forces.
Refer to appendix 1 for an experiment demonstrating this. Surface tension is the result
of a high concentration of bonds on the surface of water. When water molecules have
nothing to bond with above their surface, they concentrate forming a barrier. Figure
5. Intermolecular forces on the surface and body of water (Wikimedia,
19th Century Imperialism Dbq
Prior to the 19th century imperialism of both Africa and Asia, revolutions and
changes of territories led the Europeans to colonize these continents. The industrial
revolution was a major impact to new imperialism. This revolution raised Europe s
economy and forced them to find new opportunities to sell the goods they have
produced. Also, the change and loss of territories around the world meant a decline
of power for Europe, and yet another reason to imperialize. The 19th century
imperialismof Africaand Asia was caused by the industrial revolution because of
goods, resources, and new markets in their countries. The industrial revolution also
influenced imperialism based on the military and technological advances, such as the
invention of... Show more content on ...
As Europe became so much more industrialized, major problems started to rise and
make itself known. Unemployment and lack of money for the people were two of
the major problems (Doc R). Europe s solution to this was to colonize parts of
Africa and send all of the extra people there. This allowed the overflow of people to
be minimized because of the new acquired space they now had. It also helped their
economy because as European people were being pushed out to Africa, new
factories and businesses were put up so they could work in them. Also, the
inventions of the cannon based on the gunpowder empires in Africa and Europe
allowed them to get ahead of their competitors (Doc H). This new artillery
invention allowed Europe to take down African and Asian armies that were larger
than theirs. Since the cannon was a necessity for Europe to take down their
enemies, and was generally ahead in the military aspects, the factories had to make
and model these in the most efficient way possible. This heavy demand for
weaponry placed a big load of work on the factories to produce the cannon and send
it out to the troops the fastest they could. This increase in workload in factories
provided more jobs and strengthen the economy for Europe. Also, the gunpowder
industry began as a result of the industrial revolution. This revolution was so
popular in Europe that it paved the way for Europe to overall strive in many aspects
such as the production of gunpowder. The new overseas technological advances and
transportation gave Europe an extra layer of protection to their already great military
(Doc H). The industrial revolution in Europe was were steamships and the
transporting of goods originally started. This laid a foundation for the factories in
improve the ships and put Europe ahead. Having effective and efficient
Skyline Pest Analysis
With warmer months ahead, it is time to inspect your home for pest infestations.
Roaches and ants are common during Atlanta s summers. To keep these pests from
ruining your summer, use the right prevention techniques. When this is not
enough, you can call Skyline Pest Solutions for help with exterminating the pests.
1. Patch the Screens Any hole in the screen can allow insects to break in. Screens
on the windows and doors should be checked for any holes. Afterward, repair the
holes or patch the screens for the best protection from pests. 2. Seal Every Door A
locked door can keep more than just burglars out. If you have a pest problem, you
have to make sure that your doors are properly sealed. An aluminum or steel
threshold under the door will help prevent... Show more content on ...
Fix Any Cracks Roaches and ants can enter through the tiniest cracks in your
home. A crack the size of a pencil can let in thousands of insects and young mice.
Check the outside of your home for damaged siding, rotted wood or cracks in the
foundation. Any cracks should be repaired or replaced. Caulk is a cheap option for
areas that cannot be replaced, and it can be used on foundations, siding or the roof.
4. Store Trash Properly Insects will not want to go into a home where there is not
any food. Store your trash properly to remove the food source for ants and roaches.
Food trash should only be stored in the kitchen with a lid. At night, the trash should
automatically be removed to prevent insects from making a home in it. In addition,
vacuum and sweep the floor regularly to ensure that there are no crumbs left behind.
5. Keep Foundations Secure The foundation is one of the most common entry points
for insects. Ants, fleas, termites and spiders can thrive in any area with moisture, so
remove moisture from around the foundation. Wood, grass clippings, firewood and
mulch should be placed far away from the foundation. Look for any gaps in the
foundation. If there are holes or cracks, repair
Lizzie Foy Research Paper
Mackenzie Christine Foy is a famous American actress and model.She started her
career in modeling when she was just 3 years old and then began acting at the age of
nine.Her first work as a model was in 2004 in print ads for Garnet Hill, Guess, and
Polo Ralph Lauren.Later she worked for Gap and The Walt Disney Company. She
started her acting career as a guest star in TV shows like FlashForward, Til Death
and Hawaii Five 0.The movies adapted from Stephenie Meyer s final novel of
Twilight saga series, Breaking Dawn featured her as Renesmee Cullen. The
Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 and The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2
were released in 2011 and 2012 respectively. She worked in The Conjuring , the
horror movie by James Wan as
Planteamiento Case Study
Planteamiento Problema Las atribuciones que pueden adoptar las personas con
orientaciГіn homosexual implican conductas de tipo personal, familiar y social; al
mismo tiempo se van modificando dependiendo del contexto que lo rodea, teniendo
en cuenta el siguiente planteamiento del concepto de atribuciГіn Consiste en realizar
inferencias sobre las causas de las conductas de los demГЎs y tambiГ©n de nuestra
propia conducta. Un paso mГЎs en la comprensiГіn de los demГЎs consiste en
intentar averiguar porque se comportan del modo en que lo hacen. (Moya y Expocito,
aГ±o, p.280) buscar el libro de psicologГa social. Por consiguiente, las atribuciones
al ser enfocadas en torno a la poblaciГіn homosexual, se conciben como deducciГіn
de las actuaciones... Show more content on ...
La poblaciГіn estudio fueron homosexuales a quienes se aplicГі el instrumento
actitudes y prГЎcticas frente a la sexualidad de este tipo de poblaciГіn; obteniendo
como resultado que la mayorГa de las personas homosexuales no hacen uso del
preservativo siendo este un indicador de riesgo para contraer infecciones de
transmisiГіn sexual, lo cual repercute en su salud sexual. A continuaciГіn, se
evidencian otros estudios nacionales acerca del uso de condГіn en poblaciГіn
masculina y femenina. Por ello, se tiene en cuenta la investigaciГіn llevada a cabo en
la ciudad de Cali, donde Valencia y Canaval (2012) pretendieron identificar la
frecuencia del uso habitual del condГіn y los factores que predicen, facilitan y
refuerzan su uso en jГіvenes universitarios; por medio de un estudio cuantitativo.
Donde se tuvo en cuenta estudiantes de forma aleatoria a quienes se les aplicГі una
encuesta; los resultados demuestran que un poco mГЎs de la mitad de la poblaciГіn
si le agrada hacer uso del condГіn, tambiГ©n la mayorГa de los jГіvenes poseen
autoeficacia que es la capacidad de poder usar el preservativo en diferentes contextos
o dejar a un lado las relaciones sexuales sin protecciГіn; por otro lado,
Food Security Regulations
There are different levels of regulations for food security in Australia such as Federal,
State, and local levels.
Food safety can be defined as a scientific regulation expressing treatment of food, its
preparation, transportation and most importantly its labeling and storage in ways that
blocks foodborne virus. This includes a number of practices that should be trailed to
prevent possible food related health hazards in all the ways.
A Policy is signed by the Australia and New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial
Council (Ministerial Council) which is used by the statutory authority Food
Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) to develop food standards for the
Australia and New Zealand Food Standards Code. ( Show more
content on ...
( )
Food Regulation Agreement s main aim is to provide safe food panels to protect
public health and safety; reduce the regulatory problems in the food business and
provide economical compliance and enforcement measures; provide a consistent
regulatory approach across Australia; recognize that food safety responsibility
encompasses a variety of portfolios across all levels of government; support the joint
Australia and New Zealand efforts to harmonies food standards; and facilitate
harmonization of domestic and export standards and their harmonization with New
Zealand and other international standards.
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) develops food standards in line
with this policy, which are then published in the Australia New Zealand Food
Standards Code. And this comes under Federal Level
The Department of Agriculture administers relevant legislation at the border. All
imported food must meet Australian quarantine requirements (under the Quarantine
Act) and is then subject to the requirements of the Imported Food Control Act. Federal
Louis Braille Accomplishments
There are many people who are deaf, blind, or sometimes both. There are people now
life that are known for big things that are deaf and/or blind. Well there were people
before that
have made their life much easier.
Louis Braille, for example, was someone back in the day that has made an impact.
was born January 4, 1809 in Coupvray, France. He went to Royal Institution for Blind
Youth. He
has three siblings: Louis, Mane, and Monique Braille. He died January 6, 1852 in
Paris, France.
Louis became blind by an awl that slid and injured his eye. It got so infected it left
him blind.
Charles Barbier, a soldier, visited Louis school and taught him night drawing. Night
drawing was
a code of twelve dots which Louis then turned into ... Show more content on ...
He went to University College London. Alexander was
married to Mabel Gardiner Hubbard with four children: Robert, Edward, Elsie, and
Marian Bell. His
two brothers Melville and Edward died of Tuberculosis and his mother was a nearly
deaf pianist.
Alexander was a educator, linguist, scientist, and inventor. He invented the telephone
helped the communication for the deaf. He taught the deaf to speak and helped their
enabled ear
hear people when they speak from a distance.
What recent technological advances have helped in the education of the blind and
deaf? I
bet this is a question your wondering, well I have an answer. There are many things
that help
them. The teleВtouch, the teleВbraille, and the deaf blind communicator are a couple
of examples.
All of these inventions have helped them with their education.
Education isn t the the only thing that they need help with, there s everyday life. Just
having help with their education, they also have help with this. Guide dogs, for
example, help with
their everyday life. How are guide dogs trained and obtained? Good question, guide
dogs are
trained in many different ways for many different reasons. They can be trained to lead
Archetypes Of Tennessee Williams
Tennessee Williams is one of the most influential dramatist and playwright in the
history of American theatre and literature. From his works like A Streetcar Named
Desire, to the works like Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Williams exemplified his own
artistic and distinct style that still stands as the forefront of the classic American
Theatre (Bloom, 2000). Born and raised in the South, the plays of Williams used the
quirks and characters of the region. His plays portrayed his gift of beautiful
language, and his boldness to explore the untapped themes such as sexuality,
madness and addiction (Heintzelman Smith Howard, 2005). The issues and themes
that have been projected in his work are also the ones which he faced in his real life
(Heintzelman Smith Howard, 2005). The archetypes of Williams s plays emotionally
absent fathers, domineering southern matriarchs, and child look women engulfed
with madness, are themes which are taken from the life of his own family members
(Heintzelman Smith Howard, 2005). He was open about the fact that he was gay, and
about his substance abuse... Show more content on ...
The sexual preferences, the psychological makeups and the social milieus in A
Streetcar Named Desire throws light on the social make up in the American society,
which is confined with the belief of cultures, normalcy, and the social status of people
and things (, 2011). Williams has used the characters in this
play to bring forward the side which is so common but still so untouched. The
acceptability of different preferences, and the self indoctrinated belief of desires and
needs of the protagonist in the play stands for the realism that lacks in how we see
things (,
This Research Paper Look To Take A Deep Look Into The
This research paper look to take a deep look into The Child and Family Services
Improvement and Innovation Act sponsored by Geoff Davis. It looks to understand
the reasoning behind the idea of this bill, taking a look at the staggering statistics of
children within the foster care system, as well as a fundamental understanding of
each component within the bill. There has been over 30,000 child increase in the
foster caresystem within the last few years that leaves us to ask a question asked by
the senator of Texas. Should this bill simply be renewed, or should funding be
increased to reflect these changes to insure that all children within the system see this
funding and receive the help during and after the time in foster care.... Show more
content on ...
Finally, the unfortunate facts for case workers is they get burned out, they are
overwhelmed and overworked and as a result we see a high turnover rate
(Davenport, 2015). Whether the reasoning behind the increase is a result of positive
reasons or negative its significant jump is a sign of an issue. There are simply to
many children within the system needing families, therapy, and a stable environment
before harm is done.
The Child and Family Services Improvement and Innovation Act
The passing of The Child and Family Service Improvement and Innovation Act, H.R.
2883, was essentially put into place to counteract some of the dangers of the foster
care system. It Put in place more required regulations of case workers, but perhaps
also played the unfortunate role in the increased burnout of those within the field of
child and family services. Regardless of this potential repercussion, the bill holds true
intentions to make the system not only function better, but improve the care and
quality of child and family services. Put into federal law September 24, 2011, it has
been working towards progress and improvements within the system (H.R. 2883
(112th): Child and Family Services Improvement and Innovation Act, 2011).
Legislations Goals of H.R. 2883. The goals of this legislation are substantial and
numerous. From its more obvious influences directly
Questions On My Past Usernames
IGN xArcticStrqfe (Rank Warlord) my past usernames were,
10/19/2016 @ 3:31:14 PM xX_ArticPvPz_Xx 4/4/2016 @ 4:57:14 PM poprr Age:
36 birthday is July 4 1980
PST, united states
How many hours can you contribute to the server each day:
I can contribute around 4 8 hours each day on the network, As a staff member i will
have to be active to help other, or ban hackers of the network.
Have you had any previous punishments on OpCraft:
I have never had any punishments on the network, and until the day i die. I will never
be punished on this server.
What Is your previous staff experience:
Yeah, i have had some staff experience, such as on skidhcf, Which the server is
being developed as i m writing this application. And the other server i was staff on
was WeeabooHCF which is down forever, it was an ok server. Not everyone knew
about but i have gained a lot of experiences as being a staff member onto that server.
Over the years of being staff on those server listed above i have gained so much
knowledge on kitmap and hcf server. Such as being able to know if someone is
hacking, or just if they are using obvious hacks, such as b hop, etc. I loved being staff
on WeeabooHCF, like i said it wasn t as known. But at least 30 40 players played on
it. I just have learned so much as being a head mod on that server. Its was a great
experience being a staff member on that server. And i wish to have a great experience
playing on the opcraft network.
Why do you
The For Efficient Distribution Of The European
1) Briefly summarise the main points of the case
Verboven s (2009) discusses vertical restraints, concluding their necessity for efficient
distribution, discussing how the European Commission has altered its interpretation
of Article 81 overtime. Three types of restraint are highlighted: Selective distribution,
Exclusive distribution and Exclusive dealing, and that restraint adoption depended on
current levels of regulation. Verboven (2009) explains that vertical restraintsbecame
subjected to EU Competition Laws and due to cumulative anti competitive effects
were reformed, becoming stricter. By 2002, new block exemptions aimed to
increase flexibility on acceptable agreements and that only Selective or Exclusive
distribution can be applied, not both. Black clauses including Retail Price
Maintenance (RPM) and passive selling outside of territories were listed.
Nevertheless, post 2002 manufacturers were now allowed to make certain vertical
agreements (excluding black clauses), assuring their market share was within the
newly defined thresholds (in general 30%).
Overall, Verboven (2009) emphasised three main issues. Firstly, double
marginalisation occurring when both manufacturer and dealer apply separate profit
incentivised mark ups. Secondly, vertical externalities result in dealers having no
incentive to provide sale and after sale services, as the dealer ultimately provides the
manufacturer with increased profits. Finally, competing dealerships may freeride on
The Twelve Tables Of Roman Law
Roman Law
By Ryan Service
In the beginning of Roman history when the city of Rome was founded in 753
B.C.E, the Romans set up a system of laws that enforced many civil law, criminal
law and other laws. These laws were foundations of Roman Empire giving
advances to the Republic. Even today they are still enforcing some of these laws.
With the Roman laws there were some corrupt laws that took advantage of others.
These laws also provided a great framework for other nations to create a safe society.
These Roman laws developed a bases for better government standards.
Twelve Tables In the start of Roman history, kings ruled the kingdom but the guy
named Lucius Iunius Brutus rose against the kings who were defeated them in battle.
The first laws were placed down by the constitutions were the twelve tables. Ancient
Roman laws formed the Constitution of the Romans Republic. Ten members of the
Council made laws to protect citizens of Rome. The Patricians were well educated
due to there families wealth so they gave advise for making laws for the government.
The laws relate to father s rights, marriages, debt, inheritance, property, Will and
Testament and women. The twelve Roman Laws are discussed below:... Show more
content on ...
Many slaves were treated better than the debtors and it was put in place that the
debtor was not to be bound and chained up.
Laws relating to Inheritance The laws of inheritance states that the money goes to
the heirs of the farther s side. If it failed to go to the farther s side then it would
succeed to the mother s heir.
Laws relating to Marriage With permission from the twelve tables Romans could
marry Slaves, barbarians and
Contract Law Essays
Contract Law On Monday Samantha offered to sell her oboe to Penny for ВЈ1,000.
Penny replied I will buy it if I can raise the money . Samantha promised that she
would not sell the oboe to anyone else before Saturday, and added that Penny could
collect the oboe at any time before noon on Saturday. On Wednesday, Penny phoned
and left a message with Samantha s daughter, Anne, saying that she had got the
money and would collect the oboe on Saturday morning about 10.30am. Anne forgot
to tell her mother about the phone call. On Thursday morning Samantha was
entertaining friends and discussing the sale of her oboe. Gillian was interested and
offered to buy the oboe for ВЈ1,300. Samantha... Show more content on ...
If this were to be considered such, then the acceptance would not necessarily be
binding. Samantha then promised that she would not sell the oboe to anyone else
before Saturday and added that Penny could collect it anytime before noon on that
day. Then on Wednesday, there is a phone call from Penny hoping to reach Samantha
to tell of confirmation of accumulating the money required to purchase the oboe.
Unfortunately, Samantha was unavailable and her daughter Anne took the phone call.
Penny left a message with Anne that she had the agreed sum of money and would
collect the oboe on the agreed day at 10.30am, in this case the Saturday of the same
week. Anne then forgot to tell Samantha about the message. Could this still be taken
as acceptance of the offer by Samantha? Penny had passed on the acceptance, but it
was to Anne, not to Samantha. On the Thursday, Samantha was entertaining friends
and the subject of the sale of the oboe came into conversation. One of her friends,
Gillian, was interested and offered Samantha ВЈ1300 for the oboe. Samantha was
obviously very happy with this offer, as it was ВЈ300 over the amount she had
offered Penny. She accepted the offer from Gillian and a contract was formed. In any
other circumstances, this would be a very simple and straightforward contract, but
due to outstanding issues with Penny, shadows were cast over its legitimacy. If
Cause Of The Spanish American War
Causes of the Spanish American War
In April of 1898 America finally declared war against Spain and this was as a result
of the sinking of the Battleship Maine in Havana in February of the same year.
After months of war and wrangles, the war came to an end after the signing of the
Treaty of Paris on 10th of December 1898.1 The end of the war saw the Spaniards
loss complete control over majority of their remaining empires aboard including Cuba
, Philippines Islands, Puerto Rico, and Guam among other islands in South America
and the Caribbean region. Majority of experts and historians believe are convinced
that the Spanish American War is the first media war in the world. This is due to the
fact that the period prior to the war, majority of ... Show more content on ...
The conflict and wrangles between Cuba and Spain resulted to about 100,000 deaths
of Cubans.3 Majority of the Cubans from the suburbs and rural areas were herded by
the Spanish in camps where they suffered of starvation and other diseases. Sanitation
and insufficient food was the main concern of these people and this resulted to
massive casualties. The highlighted injustices, together with other political
motivations led to America s intervention in the year 1898. Subsequently, the
Americans were able to overthrow the Spanish rule rendering both Cuba and
Philippines as part its colonies.
Desire to spread Christianity and democracy
While one cannot simply deny America s colonialist presuppositions in involving
itself with the war, it is clear that the main driving force and motivation into the war
was founded on the development of America s national identity that held the nation
as being just, democratic and humane.4 As such, America had a duty to protect the
oppressed regardless of their nationality and race. America s victory over Spain, and
the restoration of peace among the Cuban people was an affirmation that America
was a democratic and just nation. To a large extend, this victory placed America in
the center of global power and control.
In addition, the Protestant Christians in America strongly objected the Spanish
cruelty in Cuba and were more than willing to help. Majority of the Americans at this
time were
The Band Of The Rock Band Radiohead
On A Friday was the first name of the English Rock Band Radiohead. The
name On A Friday represented the day the members got together to practice. The band
members all met at the Abingdon School, a independent school for boys, in the town
of Abingdon, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. Thom Yorkelead vocals, guitar, piano
keyboards, Jonny Greenwood lead guitar, keyboards and other instruments,
Ed O Brien guitar and backing vocals, Colin Greenwood bass and Phil Selway
drums, percussion and backing vocals, formed the band in 1985. The band s songs are
classified in the categories of Art Rock, Alternative Rock, Electronica and
After years of doing local clubs and shows, On a Friday signed a six album
contract with EMI Records, a British record label, in 1991. At the request of the
label the band changed their name to Radiohead. Taken from the song Radio Head by
the Talking Heads from their album True Stories.
Radiohead released their first single in 1992 entitled Creep. The single was
from their debut album Pablo Honey in 1993. Creep became a worldwide hit
when the album was released.
Radiohead s second album The Bends, released in 1995, made them hugely
popular in the United Kingdom. When their third album was released in 1997, entitled
OK Computer, they became an international sensation. OK Computer has been
considered one of the best albums of all time.
In 2000, Radiohead released their fourth album
Review Of Ralph Waldo Emerson s Always Get Back Up
Always Get Back Up Ralph Waldo Emerson was a famous poet and a leader in the
transcendentalist movement in the 19th century. One of Emerson s famous quotes
was The greatest glory in living lies not in never failing, but rising every time we
fail. This quote has a lot of meaning. Many people can relate to it because of sports,
school, and life in general. Michael Jordan had a quote very similar to Emerson s. I
ve missed more than nine thousand shots in my career. I ve lost almost three
hundred games. Twenty six times I ve been trusted to take the game winning shot
and missed. I ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I
succeed. (Jordan). This quote has taken a toll on me through many things in school,
sports,... Show more content on ...
At the time I was very small and I was not a great football player. This brought the
whole team down. We finished the season with only three wins and about seven
losses. Our team practiced efficiently the next season. We finished with zero losses
and ten wins. The way that our team had risen was a perfect example of this quote.
Another example of pursuing after failure is the story of Thomas Edison. He
failed thousands of times but he kept persevering. His goal was to make a viable,
electric light bulb. One day a reporter asked why he hadn t given up and he
responded with, I now know definitely over 9,000 ways an electric light bulb will
not work. Success is almost in my grasp (Edison). Shortly after, Edison was
successful. He invented the first incandescent electric light bulb. This comes to
show that Thomas Edison persevered through tough times. The greatest glory in
living lies not in never failing, but rising every time we fail (Emerson). People fail
all of the time. One of the best feelings on this planet is rising after failure. I did
this when it came to grades and sports. Thomas Edison did this when it came to
inventing the electric light bulb. Success after failure can be accomplished through
perseverance and hard work. That is why we should always get back up after
Argument Mapping
Jessica Moody
PAD 520
Professor Dr. Thomas
Create an argument map based on the influence diagram presented in Include in the
map as many warrants, backings, objections, and rebuttals as possible.
Claim: The U.S. should return to the 55 mph speed limit in order to conserve fuel
and save lives
Information: Experts say reducing highway speeds from 70 mph to 60 mph would
reduce gasoline consumption between 2% and 3%. That could translate into a price
reduction of as much as 10%. At today s price, almost 38 cents a gallon.
Additionally, a lower speed limit saves 167,000 barrels of oil per day and could save
approximately 6,400 lives per year.
Warrant 1. Decreased speed limit will improve fuel... Show more content on ...
NATO and US troops were sent to Bosnia to solidify the fragile peace in Bosnia.
Conflicts in Bosnia are largely responsible for the unstable Europe and this can alter
the Security of the US as well. In addition to all these factors US planned to
intervention in to the Bosnia conflict and suppress the conflicts (Carpenter, 1996).
American hopes for a continental solution on Bosnia Problem proved unrealistic. The
European Community soon to become the European Union could not reach a
consensus on the appropriate course of action over Bosnia (70 97 1, 2013). With the
American government s decision to become more involved in the peace process and
to support the Vance Owen plan, there was hope once again that a turning point in the
Bosnian conflict had been reached (Rigby, 1994). Nations attached to the boundaries
of the Bosnia are also in threat because the situation and the intervening countries can
trigger war in all European nations.
In Article 2 of the U.N. Charter, it requires that all members settle their international
disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security,
and justice, are not endangered. Most importantly, member states agree to a broad
prohibition against use of force: All Members shall refrain in their international
relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political
independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of
the United Nations. These words
Middlesex by Jeffry Eugenides
Middlesex by Jeffry Eugenides is a book about Calliope Cal Stephanides. In the
beginning of the book, Cal, as he likes to be referred to as, tells us about his
condition. Cal has a 5 Alpha Reductase pseudohermaphrodite which is, simply put, a
condition that affects the sexual development of males before the birth of the child
and also during puberty. In Middlesex, incestuous marriages were secretly accepted
among the villagers which resulted in Cal being conceived by cousins. Before Cal s
birth, the tradition of his family was genderprediction by his grandmother,
Desdemona Stephanides. It seemed to be a traditional thing for the family from
the Greek roots. When it was time to predict Tessie s, Cal s mother, baby,
Desdemona declared that the child would be a boy. Milton, Cal s father, disagreed
because there was no way the baby could be a boy scientifically. This could also be
based on the fact that Tessie and Milton wanted a baby girl. Until the age of sixteen,
Cal was raised as a girl even though he had a male brain biologically.
The fact that Calliope was a child of incest was a huge factor on why he was born
with the condition he was born with. 5 Alpha Reductace, as stated earlier, is a
condition in which people are born male but their bodies fail to produce enough
dihydrotestosterone (DHT). A shortage of DHT disrupts the formation of external sex
organs before birth which is why it is understandable that Cal s parents raised him as
a girl. The thing is,
Naomi Shihab Nye Research Paper
Religion. Family. Experiencing the world. Together, these three factors can combine
to produce amazing, powerful poetry. Important aspects and experiences can mold
one s future thoughts. Arab American poet Naomi Shihab has always looked up to
her father, practices her culture and religion, and has a passion for traveling the
world. Nye took these parts of her life and turned them into ideas for her work.
Naomi Shihab Nyes background influences her poetry.
Known in St. Louis, Missouri, Naomi Shihab Nye was born on March 12, 1952.
While her mother was American, Naomi s father had a Palestinian background. As a
result of this, Naomi grew up in Jordan, Jerusalem and then moved to San Antonio,
Texas, where she attended Trinity University and earned her Bachelor of Arts in
English and world religions. Since then, many awards have been given to Nye for
her poetry from the Texas Institute of Letters and the International Poetry Forum. She
has earned four Pushcart Prizes. Throughout her life, although Naomi has traveled to
the Middle East, Asia, and many other exotic places, she always ends back at home
in San Antonio (Naomi Shihab Nye). Since her father came from Palestine, culture
heavily influences Naomi s work and life in general. Throughout her childhood, she
was taught aspects of every religion. ... Show more content on ...
A few lines after read, And I would never scold the onion / for causing tears. / It is
right that tears fall / for something small and forgotten. / How at meal, we sit to eat,
/ commenting on texture of meat or herbal aroma / but never on the translucence of
onion, (The Traveling Onion). These quotes explains how the destination of a journey
may not be the most important part. Many people forget that the memories made
along the way should make traveling exhilarating. Naomi Shihab Nye considers
traveling around the world a crucial factor in her
Atheist Mcatheism
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, You are Forgiven.
Atheist McAtheism,
I m glad we re on the same page about our views of unquestioning faith; it is
terrifying that people blindly believe things without having doubts or seeking to
further their understanding. Have you ever considered that there could be a god of
some sort? Have you questioned your atheistic beliefs and faith that there is
nothing? From my experience, I know that all types of people hold various beliefs
unquestioningly, including atheists. Contrary to your belief, I argue that the notion
of a god is far from absurd. While these topics and proofs that I will discuss do not
certainly, beyond a doubt, prove that there is a higher being, they definitely point to
the existence of one, proving the notion of a god to be logical, with ... Show more
content on ...
He lived a completely sinless life, so he was able to take the sin from us and face
God s just condemnation concerning sin. God s righteous anger is directed toward
the sin, not the sinners. He still desires relationships with us, his children. He is able
to save his creation by having Jesus fulfill the Old Testamentas explained in the
Heaven and Earth Animation. In the Old Testament animal sacrifices were
required to create a clean space for God and humans to overlap, allowing human
sin and ugliness to overlap with divine perfection and love. In the New Testament,
Jesus becomes the permanent sacrifice to wipe away all of the ugly on our side of
the overlap. He plays the role of bringing God and humans back together by taking
sins away from sinners so that we appear perfect in God s eyes as Jesus was. Since
Jesus death was not final, he continues to be the sacrifice opposed to animals. He
forever reigns over death and evil, offering to cleanse people so that they can
reunite with God. All the evil will be gone when Jesus comes back to conquer it
once and for
Theodore Roosevelt . Introduction To The Life Of Theodore
THEODORE ROOSEVELT Introduction to the Life of Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt was born October 27, 1858 in New York City to Theodore
Roosevelt Sr. and Martha Bulloch. Theodore was also known as Teedie or Teddy.
Due to his continuing battle with health issues, which started at birth, Roosevelt
was homeschooled along with his siblings. The family house also had a
gymnasium where he lifted weights and boxed to help him gain strength. Despite
what appeared to be a sickly and weak child, Roosevelt went on to accomplish many
great things scholastically, physically and politically. He graduated from Harvard
University, published several books, won many awards, and left a lasting impression
in the military as well as during his presidency.... Show more content on ...
They were the first American troops ever sent overseas, arriving at the southeastern
end of Cuba on June 22, 1898. Roosevelt would go on to lead the group to victory,
but sadly many soldiers would die due to yellow fever, lack of food and supplies
and unsanitary camps. Roosevelt would be remembered for the Round Robin
letter he sent asking for the U.S. troops to be removed from Cuba. After the
soldiers were brought home, Americans called Roosevelt a national hero for
bringing them home safely.2 Roosevelt would be called a war hero and receive a
nomination for the Medal of Honor. He was elected as governor of New York in
1898.1 The Republican political machine in New York supported Roosevelt for
governor. However, once he was elected governor, it was clear to them that he had
no interest in listening to their ideas or following their ways. This would lead
Roosevelt into becoming the running mate for McKinley in the presidential
election, in hopes of preventing a second governor term for the once loved war
hero. McKinley would go on to win the election and Roosevelt would become the
Vice President, but this was short lived. On September 6, 1901 McKinley was
tragically shot and killed. Roosevelt would now become the 26th president and the
youngest president in the nation s history at age 42. Under his first term as president
Roosevelt would have many successes.4 He acted against
What Would Google Do
Newspapers and blogs, especially online, often publish articles on Random Acts of
Kindness. In these articles and posts, readers see photographs of firemen saving
kittens, children helping the homeless, lost phones and wallets being returned, and of
people helping other people. Many times, the author refers to the faith in humanity
being restored and of the good morals some people hold. But what are morals? What
is morality? The Merriam Webster dictionary defines morality as beliefs about what
is right behavior and what is wrong behavior (Merriam Webster). However, what
drives morality? Is it the inherent goodness in a person or is it an incentive? Based
on the article Markets and Morality , published in the CATO Journal, there are two
different types of morality. The first type, duty based morality, is behaving the... Show
more content on ...
This morality is when one acts in a certain way in order to get a desired outcome.
In the book, What Would Google Do, author Jeff Jarvis explains Dell s evolution
with the company s relationship with the customers. Initially, Dell s customer care
was awful and they were losing customers because of it. After realizing what was
happening, Dell completely changed their policy and their customer care is now
one of their greatest assets. Due to popular demand, they sell Linux computers. Dell
can be seen as having outcome based morality because Michael Dell acknowledged
that selling Linux machines might not be a huge business, but it was an important
symbolic act, the mark of a new partnership between the company and customer
(Jarvis 18). The company is acting in a certain way in order to get their desired
outcome: customer satisfaction. With customer satisfaction, they are able to sell
more products and continue having great business. Although Dell seems to be acting
selfless in order to give in to the public s demands, the company is actually doing this
in order to get a desired
Worldview In Jamaica Kincaid s Girl
The narrator of Jamaica Kincaid s Girl, who is implied to be a mother, reveals
much of her worldview through the story s dialogue. In this dialogue, she both
instructs and scolds her a girl who is implied to be her daughter. The instructions
that the mother imparts to her daughter in Girl offer a deep insight into what the
mother believes is good for her. In teaching these lessons, the mother is preparing
her daughter for what she believes is her daughter s future. Thus, these lessons are
setting the expectations that she has for her daughter within her world. The Mother s
Worldview The mother in Girl is never directly described to the reader, but the
amalgamation of lessons that she focuses on in Girl show that she is clearly occupied
almost... Show more content on ...
In Girl, the mother makes three separate and seemingly hostile accusations towards
her daughter about her becoming a slut. and not like the slut you are so bent on
becoming is a common way for the mother to draw a comparison between what the
daughter s behavior should and should not be like. These strong feelings most
likely arise from the mother s desire for respect in the community, but are also
influenced by religion. We know the mother is religious because of the mother s
comment is it true that you sing benna in Sunday school? . Sunday school is a time
for children to learn about their religion, and the mother s concern about benna due
to an aversion to irreligious music. A focus on religion was common on the islands
of Antigua where the author of Girl grew up. From this, it is a short jump in logic to
assume that the mother s concern about her daughter becoming a slut are originating
from the local
United Methodist Church
The nature of the United Methodist Church is tied to the historic Christian church
that can be traced all the way back to Jesus and the disciples and is a part of the
body of Christ. At our core we understand ourselves to be part of the tradition that
proclaims the same gospel that true Christians have always proclaimed. We are based
in this historic nature but we also understand that the world is always changing and
as such we understand ourselves as a living tradition. This means we adapt the
witness (of the Church) to new circumstances that arise over the course of time. This
also means that our nature is ecumenical, working within the context of the broader
Christian understanding and tradition and in a very broad world. In more simple...
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We are living in a time where for many the perception of the church is one of sitting
in pews on Sunday mornings and a faith that does not leave those four walls. We are
also challenged by the failing of institutions. People are not joining organizations like
they used to from Boy Scouts to the Rotary Club to the church membership is down.
This is especially challenging in the church when we are dependent on the giving of
our membership to continue our ministry. With commitments down how do we
continue to reach out and how do we prevent ourselves from slipping into survival
mode which becomes very inward
The Colonialism Of The Walt Disney Company
My topic is the colonialism of The Walt Disney Company. When defining colonialism,
I will be referring to two general definitions that are applicable to modern day
colonialism as seen through cultural appropriation, and cultural commodification of
Disney and the tourist industry. Oxford Dictionaries defines colonialismas, the policy
or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country,
occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically, and Stanford Encyclopedia
of Philosophy s defines colonialism as, a practice of domination, which involves the
subjugation of one people to another. My case study is the Disney movie, Moana. I
am focusing on Moana because it is the most recent Disney animated film... Show
more content on ...
I will use box office sales and other prominent statistics associated with the Disney
company to help demonstrate the influence Disney has on the public. Pedagogy
scholars Kevin M. Tavin and David Anderson s journal article, Teaching (Popular)
Visual Culture: Deconstructing Disney in the Elementary Art Classroom informs
readers of the power of the Disney company in all medias to create individual and
collective identities (23). In journal article, Tackling MДЃori Masculinity: A Colonial
Genealogy of Savagery and Sport , MДЃori scholar Brendan Hokowhitu will build
off this source by not only referencing cultural stereotypes formed by others, due to
the media, but also identities formed about one s own native culture and heritage. He
uses a direct example of MДЃori men stereotypes. I plan to synthesize many of my
sources like this: with one showing a various perspective (i.e. pedagogical or
colonial) on the Disney company and another highlighting the point of view from a
The book, Waves of Resistance, by Isaiah Helekunihi Walker, a Hawaiian surfer and
scholar of Hawaiian history and colonialism, delves into Polynesian stereotypes that
have been present since eighteenth century colonialism. This source provides
background on this topic for my paper. These Polynesian stereotypes include women
sexualized with coconut bras and grass skirts, and men portrayed as ignorant savages.
Gopro Persuasive Essay
Facebook has over 500 million users, Instagram has over 50 million users, Twitter
has over 220 million twitter users, Pinterest has an estimated 230 million, Tumblr
has over 100 million. Almost everybody all over the world uses social media. From
the kid next door to the hottest celebrity, sport celebrities, the government,
television networks, churches schools, nonprofit organizations, companies and
businesses. Almost everyone uses social media but the main obsession that people
has with social media is posting pictures and videos good or bad. People are
fascinated with exciting, funny, daring and I can t believe what I m seeing videos
and pictures. GoPro is the Rolls Royce of cameras that delivers Holi Grail action
photography and fantastic videos. GroPro is a revolutionary innovation. It is a
shock proof and water proof digital camera. It is small, portable and distinctively
designed for consumers who play extreme and rugged sports and want capture every
single shot or video. Anyone that enjoys surfing, water skiing, bungee jumping, ski
diving, or if you get an opportunity to run with the bulls in... Show more content on ...
I tried to capture myself zip racing with my smartphone and it was poor. I was
spinning like a top and all you could hear was my big mouth screaming and the
only videos that were taken were the tree tops and my feet. My smartphone which
was the Samsung Galaxy S4 do not have the capabilities as the GoPro cameras.
Needless to say that all the great footage that I thought I was recording never did
and it is now etched in my memory only and it was difficult for me to enact again
and share the exciting moment with my family and friends on Facebook and
Instagram from my smartphone. If I had a GoPro Hero not only I could have
recorded it but make edits and share the pristine quality and sharp images with
friends and they could see the moments as if they were there with
A Rhetorical Analysis Of Bring Back Flogging By Jeff
In Jeff Jacoby s essay, Bring Back Flogging, he discusses the modern day justice
system, and the ways in which he believes it should change. Jacoby s stance on the
topic is that United States of America should bring back flogging as an alternate to
jailing felons. Jacoby never actually states this view in a thesis, but it is implied
through the evidence given and the general attitude of the essay. Jacoby begins the
essay with an anecdote from the 17 th century. Jacoby says that Bostonian Puritans
would often use flogging as a form of punishmentfor various different crimes as
oppose to other forms of punishment. He also notes that the Puritans would do other
things such as branding with hot irons so that the felon is known. This anecdote is
Creation Stories of Babylon, Egypt, and Genesis Essay
Creation myths of Babylon, Egypt, and Genesis
There are many similarities in the Babylonian, Egyptian, and Genesis stories. In all
the stories one god creates man and explains how all things on earth come to being.
They also set up their calendars and show examples of evil within each story to set
up moral rules for man to live by. How do these elements compare between each of
these stories?
In the Babylonian myth the God Marduk creates man from the blood of another god
Kingu. Blood will I compose, bring a skeleton into being, Produce a lowly, primitive
creature, Man shall be his name. In Egyptian myth the God Rae creates man and
takes this form. In the Genesis story there is only one God, he creates man in the
image of himself. ... Show more content on ...
After cutting the body of Tiamat in two, he made the Earth having the sun and
moon come in and out of her ribs. Her head he made a mountain and out of her
eyes flowed the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Then he disposed her eleven monster
serpents, which include a snake, and made them into the signs of the Zodiac. In
the Egyptian story Rae names things and they come into being and creates man
last. He then takes the form of a man and becomes Pharaoh or the God King.
Similarly, in Genesis, God creates the Earth from a formless void into geophysical
features, as we know it. Then he creates all the plants and animals and last creates
man, then on the seventh day he rested. In having God take seven days to make
everything it sets up a weekly calendar, where as on the seventh day everyone rests.
The one difference in the stories is that he let man name and have dominion over all
things he created. This shows how all things came into being in all three stories and
even sets up the political environment of the Babylonian and Egyptian cultures.
There are other parallels in the Babylonian and Genesis stories not told here for
example; in the Babylonian story one of the first Gods to appear is Lahmu, meaning
Mud. In the Genesis story, the first man called Adam, also meaning Mud. You can
also see the relationship in their calendars
Impact Of The Protestant Reformation
The Protestant Reformation during 1518 1648 was a key period in the Church s
history that saw the acts and teachings of all relifgions come under great scrutiny.
Through the contributing social, cultural, politcal and religous factors that lead to the
Reformation it has undoubtedy had a significant impact not only on the 16th centruy
but also in our world today.
Political/Religious :
During the 16th century the monarchy was still actibely utilizing their power. As
well as this, the whole of Europe were Christians time, which lead to the Church
having primary authorty over people s lifestyles. Due to this, it lead to many
discrepancies in scoeity as they believed the Catholic Church was focused more on
money and power tthan in saving ... Show more content on ...
Specifically, churchmen disagreed about the primary issues as God s sovereignty,
gaining salvation, effects of sin and grace on the soul etc. With the abundance of
universities and printed books around 1500, many people in society became aware of
these debates of Christian faith, which therefore sparked the Reformation
Due to the protestant reformation, the schism from the Catholic Church was primarily
initiated by Martin Luther, who actively protested and therefore made him an enemy
of the pope and so was excommunicated. However, many people such as John Calvin
and Huldrych Zwingli continued Martin Luther s protests and their theologies
resulted in Lutheranism and Calvanism, which were both one of the major branches
of Protestanism.
Moreover, in c. 1524, millions of peasants rebelled against the nobles for equality and
humanity. Many countries in Europe therefore followed this notion of reformation
and therefroe lead to Europe dividing by denomination. This consequently brought
religious wars such as the French Wars of Religion.
Counter Reformation:
As a result of the movement of the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Church
responded to this with the counter reformation, which began with the Council of
Trent in 1545 and ended at the close of the 30 years war in 1648. The Roman
Catholic Church at the time made new religious orders such as Jesuits, which were
made to combat Protestantism and inform people about Catholicism. The Church
Communication Skills For Patients With Cancer
Communication skills, a core element in the care of patients with cancer, is essential
for properly managing the expectations of patients and carers, especially in difficult
consultations like breaking bad news and in end of life care situations. According to
Maguire(2002), Good communication skills in medical practice can be learned and
can always be enhanced . Results of the randomised studies by Fallowfield
(2002,2003) have shown that key communication skills can be improved by training
courses, which in turn can lead to an improvement in patient well being, enhanced
satisfaction, compliance with treatment and medical decisions and improved clinical
outcomes (Fallowfield 2002)(Fallowfield et al., 2003).
Communication skills training could improve patient centred behaviour in clinical
encounters which includes active listening, open questioning, providing patients with
opportunities to ask questions, actively involving patients in management decisions,
showing empathy, initiating psychosocial discussion, ethical and professional
behaviour, and should be a core element in medical education. Inadequate focus on
the softer skills like communication during the training scheme and during the
assessments, may lead to the trainee being inadequately equipped to deal with
difficult clinical situations once they become consultants and having to learn it the
hard way without any support. Ineffective communication in clinical interactions
Misrecognition, Pleasure, And White Identity In Kipling s
A brief examination of the essay The Unbearable Whitness of Being:
Misrecognition, Pleasure, and White Identity in Kipling s Kim will prove that Tim
Christensen is correct in his argument that Kipling represents the Ideal White as a
European free from ego and a sense of oneself, who can sympathize with the
colonized. During Kim s conversation with Colonel Creighton, he is told a very
important piece of information, that he is, not at anytime be lead to condemn the
black man. I have known boys newly entered into the service of the government who
feigned not to understand a talk or the customs of black men. Their pay was cut for
ignorance. There is no sin so great as ignorance. Remember this ( Kipling 120 2004).
This shows the governments... Show more content on ...
He drew out a handful of rupees, and snatched half jestingly at the chart, which tore
in the lama s grip. A low murmur of horror what up from the coolies some of whom
were Spiti men and, by their lights, good Buddhists ( Kipling 241 242). This is a
prime example of what Kipling would define as non ideal whites. The French and
Russian duo obviously has no sympathy for the Lama and Kim as they rip the holy
relic out of the Lama s hands, they are also not educated in the cultural background
of the country they are in, as they do not relies that their porters are Buddhist and
that they have just committed blasphemy. This combination of ego and ignorance
results in a tremendous backlash in the form of angry porters and results in the
defeat at the hands of Kim.To wrap up, these events show that Tim Christensen is
correct in his argument that the ideal white constructed by Kipling is one who is
free from ego and a sense of oneself, who can sympathize with the colonized. A brief
examination of the essay The Representation of the
Being A Vampire Persuasive Essay
Have you ever wanted to be immortal? To live forever and to never age, well that
happens to be one of the perks of being a vampire. All vampires were at some point
human but through deals with the devil, getting bitten by vampires or through magic
they were turned into immortal creatures. The idea of becoming an immortal sounds
great but is it worth losing your humanity and becoming a monster. Being a vampire
means that you will be able to live forever but you will need to deal with the
struggles of being a vampire. Being a vampire is very hard they have many
weaknesses they need to avoid, they also have very strong cravings for human blood
and are they cursed to forever be alone. For these reasons I don t think immortality is
worth all these... Show more content on ...
First off for you to turn your friends and loved ones into vampires they would have
to want to become vampires as the transformation won t work if both parties aren t
willing. If you consider the fact that most people are somewhat religious or have
morals, they probably wouldn t want to be involved in something so satanic. There
is also the issue of competition, if you were to turn all those people into vampires
you d have more vampires to compete with for blood. It doesn t seem like a major
problem since there are almost 8 billion people in the world, but it is a problem that
could spiral out of control. As the people that you infected could go on to turn their
friends and loved ones into vampires who in turn go on to do the same. This would
continue to go on until either the whole population has been turned into vampires or
until there are no more humans that contain consumable
1314297012 coco misc lifting the veil of incorporation 1
In spite of the obvious economic connection between companies within the same
group, English company law has steadfastly maintained its policy of treating such
companies as distinct legal entities.
Explain this statement. Consider the need for reform.
Salomon v Salomon4
Lifting the veil of incorporation5
Façade or a sham5
Groups of Companies7
Adams Others v Cape Industries plc10
Is there a need for reform?12
In order to explain the statement this essay will explore the background to treating
companies as distinct legal entities; review certain cases trying to pierce ... Show
more content on ...
Once the company is legally incorporated it must be treated like any other
independent person with rights and liabilities of its own.
Lifting the veil of incorporation
There are exceptions to the principle in Salomon s case, where the veil is lifted, or
pierced, and the law disregards the corporate entity and pays regard instead to the
economic realities behind the disguise. Exceptions can be classified into those
expressly provided by statute (such as in section 214 of the Insolvency Act 1986
which makes directors liable for wrongful trading10) and those under judicial
interpretation11. To lift the veil of incorporation simply means to ignore or set aside
the separate legal personality of a company.
Creditors have tried to pierce through this concept of a company being a separate
legal entity. However Courts are very reluctant to let them do so unless there is
evidence of fraud or a sham.
The corporate form cannot be used for the purposes of fraud, or as a device to
evade a contractual or other legal obligation. Where there is fraud or a deliberate
breach of trust the courts show a willingness to set aside the corporate form. They
pierce the corporate veil in order to achieve justice. Standard Chartered Bank v
Pakistan National Shipping Corporation12 established that reliance upon fraudulent
representation was in
Mississippi Burning Film Analysis
91104 Level 2 Connections 2017
Name: Tramain Marunui
Texts and author/director
Eye In The Sky
Mississippi Burning ⇽Introduction⇾
The main connection I am going to look into in further detail is Innocence.
The meaning of Innocence from my opinion is To not be found guilty of a cause or
problem eg: Invulnerable.
I will be using four pieces of texts to help me back this up.
The first text is Hurricane directed by Norman Jewison, Hurricane is about a man
named Rubin Carter who s dream is winning the middle weight boxing title but all
came to a crash when some unsuspected murders happend.
The second text is Eye In The Sky directed by Gavin Hood, Eye in The Sky is about
the British army preparing to take out a group of Suicidal Bombers in Nairobi Kenya.
The final text is Mississippi Burning directed by Alan Parker, Mississippi Burning is
about a mystery killing of 3 civil right workers supporting the African American Race.
Body Paragraph 1~
The first connection I will be explaining is Culpability.
From my opinion Culpability means to be blamed for something they didn t do
despite them pleading innocent from a Law s point of view.
The movie that relates strongly to this is Hurricane, Rubin Hurricane Carter was a
Boxing champion but all went downhill when he was accused of murdering three
people at a bar in New Jersey.
An example of how culpability was used was when in the
A Brief Look at William Byrd
While researching the style period the Renaissance, I came about the composer
William Byrd. He played a large role in the paper I instructed and thus caught my
attention. I chose William Bryd as the subject for this paper merely because
according to The Top 8 Renaissance Composer Article by Aaron Green, he was
considered by many to be a genius on the keyboard and perhaps the greatest English
composer of all time. Other aspect about William Bryd I found interesting was his
interact with Queen Elizabeth I and Thomas Tallis, and this major works like Latin
motets or Cantiones Sacrae along with many more.
William Byrd s early life is unknown; He is believed to have been born in London
sometime between 1539 and 1545. The exact date is unclear. He was one of seven
children. He had four sisters, Alice, Barbara, Mary, and Martha and two brothers,
Simon and John. His parents were Thomas and Margery Byrd. There is no written
record of William Byrd s education, however he was a well educated man, able to
read and write very well in this time. William married in 1568 to a Juliana. They then
had seven children and a lifelong happy marriage. He eventually after a strong career
as a composer or chorister died on July 4th 1623 in a small village of Essex and was
buried in an unmarked grave. William was a top composer in the Renaissance era
and composed a large number of astounding musical pieces. Many believe that
William Byrd outdid any other composers of his era and called him a
Persuasive Essay On Raised Bed Gardening
If you are having trouble with growing anything in the soil that your yard has to
offer yet you are determined to have that garden that you have always wanted, then
perhaps you should take a look at raised bed gardening. Raised bed gardening is great
because you do not have to worry about what you can and cannot grow in your soil.
In fact, you don t have to worry about your soil at all because you will not need it at
all to make your new gardena success. The soil you will be using for your raised bed
garden will instead be soil that you will purchase. However, before we get to planting
all of the veggies and flowers that you have been dreaming of, we first need to take a
look at how your new garden will come to fruition.
First choose an area

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Geography Essay Topics

  • 1. Geography Essay Topics Crafting an essay on the subject of "Geography Essay Topics" can be quite challenging, requiring a comprehensive understanding of various geographical concepts, research skills, and the ability to present information in a coherent and engaging manner. Geography encompasses a vast array of topics, from physical landscapes and climate patterns to human geography, geopolitics, and environmental issues. Navigating through this expansive field to select a specific topic that is both interesting and relevant can be a daunting task in itself. Once a suitable topic is chosen, the writer must delve into extensive research to gather credible and up-to-date information. This often involves exploring academic journals, textbooks, articles, and other reliable sources to ensure the accuracy and depth of the content. Compiling data from diverse geographical regions and analyzing the information to draw meaningful conclusions can be time-consuming and intellectually demanding. Organizing the essay structure poses another challenge. Establishing a clear introduction that sets the tone, a well-structured body that presents arguments coherently, and a concise conclusion that wraps up the key points requires careful planning. Moreover, integrating maps, charts, or graphs to illustrate geographical phenomena adds an additional layer of complexity, demanding proficiency in both written and visual communication. Addressing the interdisciplinary nature of geography, where physical and human aspects often intertwine, further complicates the writing process. Striking a balance between scientific data and sociocultural perspectives while maintaining a consistent and engaging narrative can be particularly challenging. In conclusion, writing an essay on "Geography Essay Topics" demands not only a profound understanding of the subject matter but also the ability to synthesize information, communicate effectively, and present a well-structured argument. Aspiring to meet these challenges requires dedication, time, and honed writing skills. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any academic writing task, various resources are available, including professional writing services Such services can provide support in tackling complex topics, ensuring quality research, and delivering well-crafted essays tailored to individual requirements. Geography Essay TopicsGeography Essay Topics
  • 2. The Success Of The Virgin Group Essay Richard Branson is one of the world s most well known businessmen; he is the founder of the Virgin Group which focuses on the growth of businesses from several different industries. These include aviation, mobile service, music records, radio and many others (Virgin 2016). In order to achieve the big success of the Virgin Group today, Sir Richard Branson had encountered many failures; he has shown the world many of his extraordinary leadership skills and they are one of the main reasons that help him overcome those challenges and hardships. Sir Richard Branson believes that we learn to be successful by falling down (Branson 1998, p. 47) and learning to improve; he emphasizes the importance of trying new things that in business that let us exercise (our) creative instincts (Branson 1998, p.68). After dropping out of school at a young age, he started investing and testing in products and services from all different sectors without the fear of failure (Finkle 2011, p.111). It demonstrates that Sir Richard Branson is an innovative and opened minded leader, a leader who doesn t always follow the rules and let his own creativity grow (Tiffan 2010, p. 56). He is a very practical leader, who believes that ideas should be implemented and used in a practical way instead of relying so much on the theories (Finkle 2011, p.114). This shows that Sir Richard Branson is a person who likes being challenged and he loves looking at new changes and implies them to make his business
  • 3. Don T Be Like Those Who Ask For Everything By Alice Walker How many of us are truly kind to others? How many of us are kind only because of the material wealth that person possess? Is it kindness or selfishness? Alice Walker in the poem Don t Be like Those Who Ask for Everything beautifully depicts the idea of how people come close to one another only if they are rich in wealth. She also says in the poem that those people or her friends who ask for everything will not be ready to offer anything in return. She indirectly mentions that the material wealth that the poet had did not come from snatching, stealing or magic but through her hard work. Instead of supporting her at that time, her friends take advantage of her material wealth. Indeed, she likes to have those friends who would recognise her... Show more content on ... Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa are quite a few of them who were able change the idea of kindness and the need for moral values. Most of the times, people would support being selfish for various reasons. The Virtueof Selfishness A New Concept of Egoism is a collection of essays and poems by Ayn Rand and Nathaniel Branden. Rand s characterization of selfishness as a virtue, including in the title of the book, is one of its most controversial elements . Rand explains that selfishness cannot be always seen through the eyes of negativity. The precise meaning of the term selfishness could be concern with one s own interests and that it need not be bad. Alice Walker explains in her poem of the selfish deeds of these people who ask for everything and never provide anything in return. As we can see, both the authors are having a contrasting opinion on why selfishness is good and as to moral values have to be followed. It is interesting to relate the fact that both the sides of the different coin reflect the same answer. When one remarks selfishness as a concept of consideration to one s own interest the other would mention that they ask for everything and anything by offering
  • 4. Verizon Weaknesses Strengths And Weaknesses MCI MCI provides a wide and diverse range of communication services and products that expand to over 200 countries. This allows a solid customer base, which includes 75 government agencies and 65% of Fortune 1000 companies. In addition to their expansion, MCI has a low debt to value ratio in comparison to their competitors as well being least leveraged. Whereas their weaknesses lie within their operating losses of over $3,200,000,000 due to a decrease in sales after the WorldCom bankruptcy realignment. As for weaknesses, sales decreased after WorldCom s bankruptcy. In addition to dissolving the merger with WorldCom, MCI business operation losses at an estimated $3.2 billion were realized. Verizon Communications Verizon has a strong integration of communication solutions and expand to all major cities of the US and Europe. Vodafone carries 45% ownership of the company and this builds the entire brand a whole moreover, the company has well targeted and defined objectives and goals. The weak aspects of Verizon in include their profitability margins seem to cap at 4%, which isn t of benefit as the financial debt for the long term, is about $39 billion. In comparison to competitors, there is a lower global presence which is counter productive due to the fact Verizon has had strong focus on the US and Europe. Qwest Communications International Qwest is a global company telecommunications carrier with a considerably large network capacity operating
  • 5. There Are Many Different Forms Of Child Sexual Abuse. Sexual There are many different forms of child sexual abuse. Sexual abuse can be perpetrated by a relative or a stranger. But the most common of sexual abuse is committed by a beloved relative. Ratican (1992) defines childhood sexual abuse is a sexual act performed over and over between an adult and child (1992). The effects of childhood sexual abusecan last into adulthood and effect the way that a person thinks or their outlook of life. The effect of this act has a negative impact on the psychological pattern of a person. Victims may feel in distress and show a wide range of change in psychological symptoms, both long and short term. Some short terms problems that a child may experience is wetting of the bed, change of performance in school ... Show more content on ... But they fell that molestation is not a form of CSA because it is a non contact sexual behavior. But because it frightens, shocks and sexual rewarding to the perpetrator, it is categorized as such; even though they feel that it shouldn t effect a child s brain in long term. It is widely accepted that a sexual relationship between an adult and child is abuse regardless of consent. Children are not able to consent; so therefore, adults are abusing their authority over a child. The key issue in defining sexual abuse is that they look at the age gap between the two persons. Where the person is old enough to give consent, but the age gap is significantly large it is still considered child sexual abuse. Looking at research of CSA, majority of it is focused on women, and few attempts looked into among men. But preliminary work suggests that long term effects are different in men and women, so they solemnly focus on women more. The difficultly with the abuse is that victims don t feel the need to come forward. Broadly speaking there are two concerns. First, there is the issue of whether or not some reports of sexual abuse are fantasies or fabrications. A second issue is whether the memories or events are valid in the length of time that it takes a child or parent to come forward. So they would like for the persons to
  • 6. Computer Science At Stanford University In the summer of 1995 Larry Page was 22 years old when he visited Stanford University as a candidate of a future Ph.D. student in computer science. Sergey Brin was 21 years old a second year graduate student in the computer science at Stanford University. Sergey was a mathematical whiz, which was already pursuing his Ph.D. in that department. They had several things in common However, Larry and Sergey didn t hit off well in fact, and they spent time arguing. They finally calmed down enough so they could begin doing a research project together at Stanford University. They created a search engine in 1996 called Back Rub. Back Rub operated on Stanford servers for a year. It was one of the best networked institutions on the planet.... Show more content on ... Google have employees from all walks of life and speak dozens of languages, reflecting on the global audience in which Google serves. Google strive to maintain an open culture often affiliated with startups allowing everyone to be a hands on contributor that feels comfortable sharing ideas and opinions. In Googles weekly all hands on meetings, which are known as TGIF meetings through email or in the company s cafГ© Googlers have the opportunity to ask questions directly to Larry, Sergey and other top executives concerning the company. (Brin, 1998) Google designed their offices and cafes to encourage employees to interact with other Googlers within and across teams. This allows them to spark conversations about work, as well as play, creating a relaxing work place. It s not the typical corporate culture. In fact, just by looking at pictures inside the Googleplex, you can see that it looks more like an adult playground, not a place for work. Google s success can be attributed to the free culture of their workplace. Google has people whose sole job is to keep employees happy and maintain productivity. Each year, Google gets over 2.5 million applicants and Google reviews each one. Google Know that the people that hire are the ones that make Google successful today. Almost everything Google does is based off data, Google uses all sorts of data to gauge employees and improve their
  • 7. Book Of Revelation Research Paper In the Book of Revelation, Jesus apostle John takes account of his visions of what happened, what is happening, and what will happen in the foreseeable future. The Book of Revelation is considered a major archetypal text on the grounds of its afflatus of many other theories including, but not delimited to the idea of the end of the world. There have been many offsets of ideas coming from the root of the Book of Revelationwhich is the Second Coming and the end of the world. Although we don t truly know when the end of the world is, there have been many theories and scares to go with it. The world was believed to supposed to end in 1999; the end of the millennium would cause the end of the world. Another popular scare took place following
  • 8. Postoperative Nausea Management of a Patient with Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting Susanne Frycek Advocate Lutheran General Hospital Introduction Post Operative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) is defined as any nausea, retching or vomiting occurring during the first 24 hours after surgery (Oxford Journals). It is an uncomfortable and unpleasant experience for the patient and can adversely affect the post recovery outcome by causing dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, aspiration, wound dehiscence, increasing length of stay (LOS), unanticipated admission, and increased healthcare costs, not to mention a top concern and great dissatisfier for the patient (JPN, Hodgens). Since approximately 30% of all post operative patients ... Show more content on ... It is a large patient dissatisfier with many of my patients telling me that they would rather experience post operative pain (which they expected) than nausea (which they did not expect). The pathophysiology of PONV is very complex, because it can be triggered by several perioperative stimuli; including opioids, volatile anaesthetics, anxiety, adverse drug reactions and motion( ). The complex set of activities that culminate in vomiting come from two anatomically unique and distinct units within the brain stem; the vomiting center and Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone (CTZ) (Smith Collins, 2011, p.36). They receive information/signals from a number of outlying sources and their excitement triggers vomiting. The vomiting center receives afferent (nerve fibers carrying sensory information toward a location) signals from several major sources; Viseral afferents from the Gastrointestinal Tract (GI distention, irritation), Viseralafferents outside the GI tract (Bile ducts, heart, variety of other organs), afferents from outside the area of the vomiting center of the brain responsible for vestibular disturbances (motion), psychic stimuli (odors, fear) and trauma, along with the CTZ. Since the Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone (CRZ) is situated outside of the blood brain barrier its responsibility is to detect chemical abnormalities in the body, such as
  • 9. Kidney Stone Diseases Since the occurrence and progression of various human pathological conditions have been proposed to have an involvement of uric acid (UA), a number of researchers have therefore attempted to elucidate the potential roles of UA underlying the pathogenesis of UA related diseases (1, 2). Among these, UA is well documented in kidneystone diseases since it serves as not only a main crystalline composition of pure UA but also a principal risk factor for hyperuricosuric calcium oxalate (CaOx) kidney stone disease (3, 4). These two kidney stones account for a significant percentage of stone forming patients and have an increasing prevalence worldwide over the past few decades. Nevertheless, the molecular mechanisms underlying UA related kidney stone diseases are still not well understood.... Show more content on ... UA can widely affect various cellular functions; therefore, the tight control of serum UA level is necessary to maintain cellular homeostasis under normal circumstances. Kidney serves as a major excretory organ to control a balance of UA by which excessive UA is eliminated from the body through urine (5). Consequently, the defective renal handling of UA can cause an imbalance in UA levels in plasma and urine, and contribute to the development of several diseases, especially kidney stone disease (1, 4). Hyperuricosuria is typically defined as an excess of urinary uric acid; greater than 800 mg/day in men and greater than 750 mg /day in women, which has been recognized as one of the most common metabolic abnormalities in kidney stone patients (6). However, potential roles of UA in renal system underlying kidney stone pathogenesis have been largely
  • 10. Recycling Is The Method Of Regaining Recycling Essay Recycling is the method of regaining, reprocessing, and reusing materials that would otherwise be thrown away (Opposing Viewpoints in Context 2014). The most commonly recycled materials include paper, glass, plastic, and metals. Materials may be used to make more of its original product or to make something entirely new. For example, recycled aluminum cans are often made into new cans, while recycled class may be made into paving material. Recyclingdoes not always save money immediately, it provides long lasting benefits because it conserves natural resources while saving energy and reducing pollution. Recycling isn t a new concept in the modern era, humans have always been finding new uses for items. However, large scale recycling is a fairly recent trend that gained widespread support in the 1970s when people became more aware of their environmental impact. In this essay, we will be reviewing arguments made by three writers from different backgrounds and their views of recycling. We will analyze what does and doesn t work in their arguments, and if they properly are using ethos, pathos, and logic. Afterwards, I will give my own rebuttal from a perspective of a college student. Recycling is a complicated progression that has been developing throughout the century, and while it falters at times, it is moving towards a better and less wasteful future. The first argument I will be assessing is by Stiv Wilson, who is a journalist and policy director for the 5 Gyres
  • 11. A Summary Of Superman And Superman Superman and Batman are iconic superheroes. DC comic book superhero fans relentlessly argue about, Who is the better superhero, Batman or Superman? Superman is a more advanced and interesting superhero because of his superpowers. Superman was born on the planet Krypton when he was just a baby he was sent to Earthin a space pod. Baby Kal El, Supermans name that was given to him at birth, was sent to Earth because of the instability of his home planet. Shortly after his space pod left Krypton blew up. Once Kal El arrived on Earth, a couple who lived on a farm in Smallville, Kansas adopted Kal El and renamed him, Clark Kent. Clark continued to grow up on the family farm and go to school. Clark attended the University of Metropolis... Show more content on ... Superman uses this place as a place to think and as his headquarters. Superman always comes back to save the people of Metropolis though. Superman believes that he needs to tribute his capability to save the people of Earth, a place he calls home now. Bruce Wayne better known as Batman was born in the city of Metropolis/Gotham city, (The city is called Metropolis during the day and called Gotham City at night, but it is the same city.) Bruce grew up in a wealthy family in the 1930 s. One night the family had gone to the local theater to watch a movie. On their way back home they were stopped by a mugger. The mugger demanded the pearl necklace that was around Bruce s mother s neck. When his father denied the mugger of the necklace he shot both of Bruce s parents. After his parents were shot he sat by them on the concrete until a woman by the name of Leslie Thompkins came and helped him home and into the care of the family butler, Alfred Pennyworth. After the traumatizing event of his parents death Bruce pledges to avenge his parents death by saving innocents from experiencing the pain and suffering he had to go through. Bruce spent most of his preteen to teen years traveling the world to make himself more experienced in fighting skills and techniques, which he will use as Batman. After traveling he returns back to Gotham city and becomes a billionaire industrialist. While living in Gotham city he also becomes the notorious Batman. Since Batman
  • 12. Floristry Handbook [pic] CERTIFICATE IN FLORISTRY LEVEL 3 ASSIGNMENT 301 The creative design process for florists TASK A Investigate the creative design process |Date Set: |Submission Date: | | | |TASK BRIEF | |You are required to complete an exploratory research project that evidences your understanding of how the following sources of | |inspiration can be used to inspire... Show more content on ... | | | |You must also provide annotations as to why you have chosen the order category, arrangement style, line arrangement and flower | |placement for each design. | | | |In addition, for each design option you must explain how the 4 inspirational sources (Culture, Emotion, Techniques and Botany) have | |been
  • 13. The Dictionary States That Fracking Is A Method Used For The dictionary states that fracking is a method used for getting oil and gas from underground rocks by injecting liquid into the rocks so that they can break apart (Merriam Webster). Fracking can be a controversial topic in numerous people s eyes due to the side effects that coincide with this procedure. Fracking has evolved over the years and made a comeback around 2010. Lately, the United States has heard tremendous news regarding this procedure and the drawbacks from fracking natural gases and oil. Fracking can be beneficial; sadly, the side effects greatly outweigh the benefits. The environmental risks, pollution, and the overall risk factors prove to not worth the risk of fracking. Fracking is a... Show more content on ... The environmental risks that accompany fracking are potentially hazardous. In order to frack, thousands of acres of forests need destroyed to allow roadways the space they need to exist (Lampe 38). However, these roadways allow erosion to occur due to the lack of vegetation (Lampe 38). Along with erosion, siltation occurs and sand, soil, and mud sink to the bottom of rivers, and ponds (Lampe 38). Therefore, the animals living in these habitats may migrate, or simply just die. Trees situated on the acres of land for hundreds of years would have to be chopped down to make way for roadways. In some cases, depending on where the oil reservoir is located, the state declares eminent domain on houses and pays the landowners. Consequently, the houses will be destroyed and the oil reservoirs will be fracked. The greatest common concern on the subject today is water contamination. Individuals grew worried that the chemicals used to gather these natural resources will seep into the water and contaminate the United States. The water necessary to frack is gathered from rivers, lakes, ponds, and even aquifers. This is then combined with chemicals and pumped into the ground. Fracking was exempted from the Federal Safe Drinking Water Actand the chemicals used to frack are not tested frequently in our water (Lampe 34). Bordering on 20 to 40 percent of the water used to frack rises back up to the surface and is stored on site (Lampe 34). An
  • 14. Bel Canto Randomness Essay The world thrives on randomness, and I seek to live on this roller coaster without any hiatuses. It rolls dices across billions of people, choosing the lucky and unlucky ones. Anyone can prepare him/herself to the fullest in order to succeed, however, no one can predict the unique situations that they might oppose. You could be super poor but somehow win the lottery. Everything could be fine at first, but then love ones dies, your house burns down, or you crash your car. How do you prepare for the aftershocks of events like these? Different strokes of luck could be inches or miles away from you. I would try to cope with whatever the world throws at me. I would search for the positives from a random crisis. If I perform awfully in a soccer game,... Show more content on ... What started out as a simple birthday party for Mr. Hosokawa turned into a multiple month stand between the terrorists and the African government. The randomness of the world bestowed this holdup on the main characters in this book. They expected a sweet birthday accompanied by the Roxane Coss, however they were met with a terrorist attack. People were shocked, and ran, but only for an instant, only until their eyes readjusted to the light and they saw the utter uselessness of their fight (12). Who would have predicted such an uneventful occurrence? Then, the world decided it wanted a terrorist to fall in deeply with a hostage. Gen was in love with Carmen (202). This idea became so random to Gen that even he question the existence of his feelings for her. Why would the world pair these two together? They literally have nothing in common. The world works in weird ways. That was the most unlikely love story to ever happen. Gen just suddenly felt in love with a terrorist who he originally thought was a guy. Also, everyone was falling in love with Roxane Coss, not Carmen. The idea of Carmen and Gen was very surprising, but that just how the world
  • 15. Analysis Of A Man Called Ove Have you ever had to send away a beloved one to heaven? If so, what did you experience? Were you able to continue your daily life in pretty decent amount of time, or were you trapped in your emotions and couldn t move on from it? If not so, what would you imagine yourself being or feeling? A Man Called Ove, a fascinating work of literature by Fredrik Backman, portraits a cranky, grumpy, old man, Ove s journey of meeting life changing new neighbor, opening his heart to them, and overcoming the grief and pain from a loss. After losing his beloved wife, Ove succeedingly loses his happiness and a purpose to live. He tries to commit suicide several times, however, fortunately, they are always interrupted by his new next door neighbor. They always look out for him and care deeply about him which leads him out of the depression and remembers again how it feels like to be truly loved and cared. A Man Called Ove is definitely an astonishing work of literature that has to be read by St. Andrew s 10th grade students because it has been rapturously reviewed by prominent critics, it has been well produced as a film, and it depicts the issue our society is going through with human grief and sorrow after a loss, while assisting the students to form their own standpoint about the issue. A Man Called Ove has received countless enthusiastic reviews by prominent critics, distinctly by New York Times Book Review, People, and Publishers Weekly. The New York Times Book Review, one of the most
  • 16. The Considerations Of The Bridge For The High Speed Rail... Jose Luis Chavez Grimaldo Mrs.Banks English 10 Honors/ Block: A 27 October 2015 Mezcala Bridge Research Project The considerations of the bridge for the high speed rail coming through the a.v. is when designing high speed rail to the antelope valley. The considerations are is that the kids or young adults of the antelope valley area are able to go to colleges in san diego and back home to the AV in the matter of just minutes. The bridge is to get over the highway to get to L.A. so they will be less traffic to L.A. There are some things that we also need to know that we just need to know if it cost just enough. The Mezcala Bridge or Mezcala Solidaridad is the thirteenth largest bridges in the world. The location of the bridge are in the state of Guerrero in Mexico on Highway 95. The beginning of the Mezcala Bridge was started at 1989 and with a total length of 891 m (2,923 ft) and six uneven spans completed in 1993. Being in service since 1994, no major disasters has touched the bridge s existence. The bridge still stands as strong as the day it was build. This cable stayed bridge spans across the Balsas River known locally as the Mezcala River close to the western Pacific coast of the country. The name of the bridge is obviously related to the river it hovers. It is located at 221 kilometers of the Autopista del Sol connecting to the city of Cuernavaca in the state of Morelos with Acapulco, in Guerrero state coast.The valley passes over the bridge is approximately
  • 17. Rhetorical Analysis on Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell In Malcolm Gladwell s book Outliers, he defines an outlier as someone who does something out of the ordinary or differently. The author is very credible and has a few awards for writing, Outliers. We should listen to Gladwell because some of his information is knowledgeable and can help with everyday life. His purpose is to teach us about the many rules that are being described in the book. The main intended audience would have to be the world and how he displays his values to millions of people. Malcolm Gladwelldiscusses how someone s IQ that is in the upper one hundreds is the same as someone s IQ in the lower one hundreds. Malcolm Gladwell has a lot of credibility and is a reliable source for information. He went to school for a... Show more content on ... Right away the readers get interested in learning what the then thousand hour rule is about. Gladwell reviews the lives of extremely successful people and how they have had success. There are many ways in which logos are used in Outliers. Gladwell viewed children in Berlin playing the violin and saw that kids having ten thousand hours of practice, were proven to be better at playing the violin, than kids with less than ten thousand hours of practice. He also took a look at Bill gates, which dropped out of college and started a very successful company, called Microsoft. Bill Gates had thousands of hours of practice in programming and other abilities learned through his short years at college. There are no shortcuts at becoming great; everything can only be achieved with lots of practice and hard work. The tone that Gladwell uses in Outliers is long sentences to get his points across to the readers. He uses key points. There were some metaphors used in the book when he talks about the tallest oak trees in the forest and they helped describe the situation and what was being talked about. Many people are cognitive of outliers once they have read the book thoroughly. Some imagery was also showed when Gladwell talked about the winning team and how all of the players and reporters crammed into the locker room. Some people fancy the way that outliers think, act, and how they are successful. These
  • 18. Water Molecules Research Paper Why is water an important molecule? Intermolecular Forces Water is one of the most important molecules as it creates and supports life on earth. Water covers 75% of the surface of the earth and around 78% of the mass of the human body (, 2000). Its abundance, unique properties, chemical and physical interaction are the reason behind its importance. The chemical composition of water is H2O. It is a polar, covalently bonded molecule. A covalently bonded molecule shares electrons between the atoms so each atoms outer shell is full. Covalently bonded molecules are not partially charged, except for polar covalent bonds. Molecules with polar covalent bonds have partial charges. Within the water molecule, the oxygen atoms unevenly share the electrons since they have more protons. The ... Show more content on ... Water can also be found in all three states of matter naturally on Earth because it has a low melting and boiling point, due its covalent bonds. Cohesion is when molecules are more attracted to each other than the surrounding molecules. Dipole Dipole forces and hydrogen bonds are responsible for cohesion. Adhesion the opposite of cohesion, when there is a greater electronegativity difference between other molecules than themselves. Figure 4. Diagram of meniscus and capillary action of water due to cohesion and adhesion (, 2016) Capillary action is a process where water molecules climb up a narrow tube / material due to kinetic energy and a combination of cohesive and adhesive forces. Refer to appendix 1 for an experiment demonstrating this. Surface tension is the result of a high concentration of bonds on the surface of water. When water molecules have nothing to bond with above their surface, they concentrate forming a barrier. Figure 5. Intermolecular forces on the surface and body of water (Wikimedia,
  • 19. 19th Century Imperialism Dbq Prior to the 19th century imperialism of both Africa and Asia, revolutions and changes of territories led the Europeans to colonize these continents. The industrial revolution was a major impact to new imperialism. This revolution raised Europe s economy and forced them to find new opportunities to sell the goods they have produced. Also, the change and loss of territories around the world meant a decline of power for Europe, and yet another reason to imperialize. The 19th century imperialismof Africaand Asia was caused by the industrial revolution because of goods, resources, and new markets in their countries. The industrial revolution also influenced imperialism based on the military and technological advances, such as the invention of... Show more content on ... As Europe became so much more industrialized, major problems started to rise and make itself known. Unemployment and lack of money for the people were two of the major problems (Doc R). Europe s solution to this was to colonize parts of Africa and send all of the extra people there. This allowed the overflow of people to be minimized because of the new acquired space they now had. It also helped their economy because as European people were being pushed out to Africa, new factories and businesses were put up so they could work in them. Also, the inventions of the cannon based on the gunpowder empires in Africa and Europe allowed them to get ahead of their competitors (Doc H). This new artillery invention allowed Europe to take down African and Asian armies that were larger than theirs. Since the cannon was a necessity for Europe to take down their enemies, and was generally ahead in the military aspects, the factories had to make and model these in the most efficient way possible. This heavy demand for weaponry placed a big load of work on the factories to produce the cannon and send it out to the troops the fastest they could. This increase in workload in factories provided more jobs and strengthen the economy for Europe. Also, the gunpowder industry began as a result of the industrial revolution. This revolution was so popular in Europe that it paved the way for Europe to overall strive in many aspects such as the production of gunpowder. The new overseas technological advances and transportation gave Europe an extra layer of protection to their already great military (Doc H). The industrial revolution in Europe was were steamships and the transporting of goods originally started. This laid a foundation for the factories in improve the ships and put Europe ahead. Having effective and efficient
  • 20. Skyline Pest Analysis With warmer months ahead, it is time to inspect your home for pest infestations. Roaches and ants are common during Atlanta s summers. To keep these pests from ruining your summer, use the right prevention techniques. When this is not enough, you can call Skyline Pest Solutions for help with exterminating the pests. 1. Patch the Screens Any hole in the screen can allow insects to break in. Screens on the windows and doors should be checked for any holes. Afterward, repair the holes or patch the screens for the best protection from pests. 2. Seal Every Door A locked door can keep more than just burglars out. If you have a pest problem, you have to make sure that your doors are properly sealed. An aluminum or steel threshold under the door will help prevent... Show more content on ... Fix Any Cracks Roaches and ants can enter through the tiniest cracks in your home. A crack the size of a pencil can let in thousands of insects and young mice. Check the outside of your home for damaged siding, rotted wood or cracks in the foundation. Any cracks should be repaired or replaced. Caulk is a cheap option for areas that cannot be replaced, and it can be used on foundations, siding or the roof. 4. Store Trash Properly Insects will not want to go into a home where there is not any food. Store your trash properly to remove the food source for ants and roaches. Food trash should only be stored in the kitchen with a lid. At night, the trash should automatically be removed to prevent insects from making a home in it. In addition, vacuum and sweep the floor regularly to ensure that there are no crumbs left behind. 5. Keep Foundations Secure The foundation is one of the most common entry points for insects. Ants, fleas, termites and spiders can thrive in any area with moisture, so remove moisture from around the foundation. Wood, grass clippings, firewood and mulch should be placed far away from the foundation. Look for any gaps in the foundation. If there are holes or cracks, repair
  • 21. Lizzie Foy Research Paper Mackenzie Christine Foy is a famous American actress and model.She started her career in modeling when she was just 3 years old and then began acting at the age of nine.Her first work as a model was in 2004 in print ads for Garnet Hill, Guess, and Polo Ralph Lauren.Later she worked for Gap and The Walt Disney Company. She started her acting career as a guest star in TV shows like FlashForward, Til Death and Hawaii Five 0.The movies adapted from Stephenie Meyer s final novel of Twilight saga series, Breaking Dawn featured her as Renesmee Cullen. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 and The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 were released in 2011 and 2012 respectively. She worked in The Conjuring , the horror movie by James Wan as
  • 22. Planteamiento Case Study Planteamiento Problema Las atribuciones que pueden adoptar las personas con orientaciГіn homosexual implican conductas de tipo personal, familiar y social; al mismo tiempo se van modificando dependiendo del contexto que lo rodea, teniendo en cuenta el siguiente planteamiento del concepto de atribuciГіn Consiste en realizar inferencias sobre las causas de las conductas de los demГЎs y tambiГ©n de nuestra propia conducta. Un paso mГЎs en la comprensiГіn de los demГЎs consiste en intentar averiguar porque se comportan del modo en que lo hacen. (Moya y Expocito, aГ±o, p.280) buscar el libro de psicologГa social. Por consiguiente, las atribuciones al ser enfocadas en torno a la poblaciГіn homosexual, se conciben como deducciГіn de las actuaciones... Show more content on ... La poblaciГіn estudio fueron homosexuales a quienes se aplicГі el instrumento actitudes y prГЎcticas frente a la sexualidad de este tipo de poblaciГіn; obteniendo como resultado que la mayorГa de las personas homosexuales no hacen uso del preservativo siendo este un indicador de riesgo para contraer infecciones de transmisiГіn sexual, lo cual repercute en su salud sexual. A continuaciГіn, se evidencian otros estudios nacionales acerca del uso de condГіn en poblaciГіn masculina y femenina. Por ello, se tiene en cuenta la investigaciГіn llevada a cabo en la ciudad de Cali, donde Valencia y Canaval (2012) pretendieron identificar la frecuencia del uso habitual del condГіn y los factores que predicen, facilitan y refuerzan su uso en jГіvenes universitarios; por medio de un estudio cuantitativo. Donde se tuvo en cuenta estudiantes de forma aleatoria a quienes se les aplicГі una encuesta; los resultados demuestran que un poco mГЎs de la mitad de la poblaciГіn si le agrada hacer uso del condГіn, tambiГ©n la mayorГa de los jГіvenes poseen autoeficacia que es la capacidad de poder usar el preservativo en diferentes contextos o dejar a un lado las relaciones sexuales sin protecciГіn; por otro lado,
  • 23. Food Security Regulations There are different levels of regulations for food security in Australia such as Federal, State, and local levels. Definition Food safety can be defined as a scientific regulation expressing treatment of food, its preparation, transportation and most importantly its labeling and storage in ways that blocks foodborne virus. This includes a number of practices that should be trailed to prevent possible food related health hazards in all the ways. Background A Policy is signed by the Australia and New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial Council (Ministerial Council) which is used by the statutory authority Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) to develop food standards for the Australia and New Zealand Food Standards Code. ( Show more content on ... ( ) Food Regulation Agreement s main aim is to provide safe food panels to protect public health and safety; reduce the regulatory problems in the food business and provide economical compliance and enforcement measures; provide a consistent regulatory approach across Australia; recognize that food safety responsibility encompasses a variety of portfolios across all levels of government; support the joint Australia and New Zealand efforts to harmonies food standards; and facilitate harmonization of domestic and export standards and their harmonization with New Zealand and other international standards. Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) develops food standards in line with this policy, which are then published in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. And this comes under Federal Level The Department of Agriculture administers relevant legislation at the border. All imported food must meet Australian quarantine requirements (under the Quarantine Act) and is then subject to the requirements of the Imported Food Control Act. Federal
  • 24. Louis Braille Accomplishments There are many people who are deaf, blind, or sometimes both. There are people now in life that are known for big things that are deaf and/or blind. Well there were people before that have made their life much easier. Louis Braille, for example, was someone back in the day that has made an impact. Louis was born January 4, 1809 in Coupvray, France. He went to Royal Institution for Blind Youth. He has three siblings: Louis, Mane, and Monique Braille. He died January 6, 1852 in Paris, France. Louis became blind by an awl that slid and injured his eye. It got so infected it left him blind. Charles Barbier, a soldier, visited Louis school and taught him night drawing. Night drawing was a code of twelve dots which Louis then turned into ... Show more content on ... He went to University College London. Alexander was married to Mabel Gardiner Hubbard with four children: Robert, Edward, Elsie, and Marian Bell. His two brothers Melville and Edward died of Tuberculosis and his mother was a nearly deaf pianist. Alexander was a educator, linguist, scientist, and inventor. He invented the telephone which helped the communication for the deaf. He taught the deaf to speak and helped their enabled ear hear people when they speak from a distance. What recent technological advances have helped in the education of the blind and deaf? I
  • 25. bet this is a question your wondering, well I have an answer. There are many things that help them. The teleВtouch, the teleВbraille, and the deaf blind communicator are a couple of examples. All of these inventions have helped them with their education. Education isn t the the only thing that they need help with, there s everyday life. Just like having help with their education, they also have help with this. Guide dogs, for example, help with their everyday life. How are guide dogs trained and obtained? Good question, guide dogs are trained in many different ways for many different reasons. They can be trained to lead
  • 26. Archetypes Of Tennessee Williams Tennessee Williams is one of the most influential dramatist and playwright in the history of American theatre and literature. From his works like A Streetcar Named Desire, to the works like Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Williams exemplified his own artistic and distinct style that still stands as the forefront of the classic American Theatre (Bloom, 2000). Born and raised in the South, the plays of Williams used the quirks and characters of the region. His plays portrayed his gift of beautiful language, and his boldness to explore the untapped themes such as sexuality, madness and addiction (Heintzelman Smith Howard, 2005). The issues and themes that have been projected in his work are also the ones which he faced in his real life (Heintzelman Smith Howard, 2005). The archetypes of Williams s plays emotionally absent fathers, domineering southern matriarchs, and child look women engulfed with madness, are themes which are taken from the life of his own family members (Heintzelman Smith Howard, 2005). He was open about the fact that he was gay, and about his substance abuse... Show more content on ... The sexual preferences, the psychological makeups and the social milieus in A Streetcar Named Desire throws light on the social make up in the American society, which is confined with the belief of cultures, normalcy, and the social status of people and things (, 2011). Williams has used the characters in this play to bring forward the side which is so common but still so untouched. The acceptability of different preferences, and the self indoctrinated belief of desires and needs of the protagonist in the play stands for the realism that lacks in how we see things (,
  • 27. This Research Paper Look To Take A Deep Look Into The Child This research paper look to take a deep look into The Child and Family Services Improvement and Innovation Act sponsored by Geoff Davis. It looks to understand the reasoning behind the idea of this bill, taking a look at the staggering statistics of children within the foster care system, as well as a fundamental understanding of each component within the bill. There has been over 30,000 child increase in the foster caresystem within the last few years that leaves us to ask a question asked by the senator of Texas. Should this bill simply be renewed, or should funding be increased to reflect these changes to insure that all children within the system see this funding and receive the help during and after the time in foster care.... Show more content on ... Finally, the unfortunate facts for case workers is they get burned out, they are overwhelmed and overworked and as a result we see a high turnover rate (Davenport, 2015). Whether the reasoning behind the increase is a result of positive reasons or negative its significant jump is a sign of an issue. There are simply to many children within the system needing families, therapy, and a stable environment before harm is done. The Child and Family Services Improvement and Innovation Act The passing of The Child and Family Service Improvement and Innovation Act, H.R. 2883, was essentially put into place to counteract some of the dangers of the foster care system. It Put in place more required regulations of case workers, but perhaps also played the unfortunate role in the increased burnout of those within the field of child and family services. Regardless of this potential repercussion, the bill holds true intentions to make the system not only function better, but improve the care and quality of child and family services. Put into federal law September 24, 2011, it has been working towards progress and improvements within the system (H.R. 2883 (112th): Child and Family Services Improvement and Innovation Act, 2011). Legislations Goals of H.R. 2883. The goals of this legislation are substantial and numerous. From its more obvious influences directly
  • 28. Questions On My Past Usernames IGN xArcticStrqfe (Rank Warlord) my past usernames were, xArcticStrqfe 10/19/2016 @ 3:31:14 PM xX_ArticPvPz_Xx 4/4/2016 @ 4:57:14 PM poprr Age: 36 birthday is July 4 1980 Timezone: PST, united states How many hours can you contribute to the server each day: I can contribute around 4 8 hours each day on the network, As a staff member i will have to be active to help other, or ban hackers of the network. Have you had any previous punishments on OpCraft: I have never had any punishments on the network, and until the day i die. I will never be punished on this server. What Is your previous staff experience: Yeah, i have had some staff experience, such as on skidhcf, Which the server is being developed as i m writing this application. And the other server i was staff on was WeeabooHCF which is down forever, it was an ok server. Not everyone knew about but i have gained a lot of experiences as being a staff member onto that server. Over the years of being staff on those server listed above i have gained so much knowledge on kitmap and hcf server. Such as being able to know if someone is hacking, or just if they are using obvious hacks, such as b hop, etc. I loved being staff on WeeabooHCF, like i said it wasn t as known. But at least 30 40 players played on it. I just have learned so much as being a head mod on that server. Its was a great experience being a staff member on that server. And i wish to have a great experience playing on the opcraft network. Why do you
  • 29. The For Efficient Distribution Of The European Commission... 1) Briefly summarise the main points of the case Verboven s (2009) discusses vertical restraints, concluding their necessity for efficient distribution, discussing how the European Commission has altered its interpretation of Article 81 overtime. Three types of restraint are highlighted: Selective distribution, Exclusive distribution and Exclusive dealing, and that restraint adoption depended on current levels of regulation. Verboven (2009) explains that vertical restraintsbecame subjected to EU Competition Laws and due to cumulative anti competitive effects were reformed, becoming stricter. By 2002, new block exemptions aimed to increase flexibility on acceptable agreements and that only Selective or Exclusive distribution can be applied, not both. Black clauses including Retail Price Maintenance (RPM) and passive selling outside of territories were listed. Nevertheless, post 2002 manufacturers were now allowed to make certain vertical agreements (excluding black clauses), assuring their market share was within the newly defined thresholds (in general 30%). Overall, Verboven (2009) emphasised three main issues. Firstly, double marginalisation occurring when both manufacturer and dealer apply separate profit incentivised mark ups. Secondly, vertical externalities result in dealers having no incentive to provide sale and after sale services, as the dealer ultimately provides the manufacturer with increased profits. Finally, competing dealerships may freeride on
  • 30. The Twelve Tables Of Roman Law Roman Law By Ryan Service In the beginning of Roman history when the city of Rome was founded in 753 B.C.E, the Romans set up a system of laws that enforced many civil law, criminal law and other laws. These laws were foundations of Roman Empire giving advances to the Republic. Even today they are still enforcing some of these laws. With the Roman laws there were some corrupt laws that took advantage of others. These laws also provided a great framework for other nations to create a safe society. These Roman laws developed a bases for better government standards. Twelve Tables In the start of Roman history, kings ruled the kingdom but the guy named Lucius Iunius Brutus rose against the kings who were defeated them in battle. The first laws were placed down by the constitutions were the twelve tables. Ancient Roman laws formed the Constitution of the Romans Republic. Ten members of the Council made laws to protect citizens of Rome. The Patricians were well educated due to there families wealth so they gave advise for making laws for the government. The laws relate to father s rights, marriages, debt, inheritance, property, Will and Testament and women. The twelve Roman Laws are discussed below:... Show more content on ... Many slaves were treated better than the debtors and it was put in place that the debtor was not to be bound and chained up. Laws relating to Inheritance The laws of inheritance states that the money goes to the heirs of the farther s side. If it failed to go to the farther s side then it would succeed to the mother s heir. Laws relating to Marriage With permission from the twelve tables Romans could marry Slaves, barbarians and
  • 31. Contract Law Essays Contract Law On Monday Samantha offered to sell her oboe to Penny for ВЈ1,000. Penny replied I will buy it if I can raise the money . Samantha promised that she would not sell the oboe to anyone else before Saturday, and added that Penny could collect the oboe at any time before noon on Saturday. On Wednesday, Penny phoned and left a message with Samantha s daughter, Anne, saying that she had got the money and would collect the oboe on Saturday morning about 10.30am. Anne forgot to tell her mother about the phone call. On Thursday morning Samantha was entertaining friends and discussing the sale of her oboe. Gillian was interested and offered to buy the oboe for ВЈ1,300. Samantha... Show more content on ... If this were to be considered such, then the acceptance would not necessarily be binding. Samantha then promised that she would not sell the oboe to anyone else before Saturday and added that Penny could collect it anytime before noon on that day. Then on Wednesday, there is a phone call from Penny hoping to reach Samantha to tell of confirmation of accumulating the money required to purchase the oboe. Unfortunately, Samantha was unavailable and her daughter Anne took the phone call. Penny left a message with Anne that she had the agreed sum of money and would collect the oboe on the agreed day at 10.30am, in this case the Saturday of the same week. Anne then forgot to tell Samantha about the message. Could this still be taken as acceptance of the offer by Samantha? Penny had passed on the acceptance, but it was to Anne, not to Samantha. On the Thursday, Samantha was entertaining friends and the subject of the sale of the oboe came into conversation. One of her friends, Gillian, was interested and offered Samantha ВЈ1300 for the oboe. Samantha was obviously very happy with this offer, as it was ВЈ300 over the amount she had offered Penny. She accepted the offer from Gillian and a contract was formed. In any other circumstances, this would be a very simple and straightforward contract, but due to outstanding issues with Penny, shadows were cast over its legitimacy. If
  • 32. Cause Of The Spanish American War Causes of the Spanish American War In April of 1898 America finally declared war against Spain and this was as a result of the sinking of the Battleship Maine in Havana in February of the same year. After months of war and wrangles, the war came to an end after the signing of the Treaty of Paris on 10th of December 1898.1 The end of the war saw the Spaniards loss complete control over majority of their remaining empires aboard including Cuba , Philippines Islands, Puerto Rico, and Guam among other islands in South America and the Caribbean region. Majority of experts and historians believe are convinced that the Spanish American War is the first media war in the world. This is due to the fact that the period prior to the war, majority of ... Show more content on ... The conflict and wrangles between Cuba and Spain resulted to about 100,000 deaths of Cubans.3 Majority of the Cubans from the suburbs and rural areas were herded by the Spanish in camps where they suffered of starvation and other diseases. Sanitation and insufficient food was the main concern of these people and this resulted to massive casualties. The highlighted injustices, together with other political motivations led to America s intervention in the year 1898. Subsequently, the Americans were able to overthrow the Spanish rule rendering both Cuba and Philippines as part its colonies. Desire to spread Christianity and democracy While one cannot simply deny America s colonialist presuppositions in involving itself with the war, it is clear that the main driving force and motivation into the war was founded on the development of America s national identity that held the nation as being just, democratic and humane.4 As such, America had a duty to protect the oppressed regardless of their nationality and race. America s victory over Spain, and the restoration of peace among the Cuban people was an affirmation that America was a democratic and just nation. To a large extend, this victory placed America in the center of global power and control. In addition, the Protestant Christians in America strongly objected the Spanish cruelty in Cuba and were more than willing to help. Majority of the Americans at this time were
  • 33. The Band Of The Rock Band Radiohead On A Friday was the first name of the English Rock Band Radiohead. The name On A Friday represented the day the members got together to practice. The band members all met at the Abingdon School, a independent school for boys, in the town of Abingdon, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. Thom Yorkelead vocals, guitar, piano and keyboards, Jonny Greenwood lead guitar, keyboards and other instruments, Ed O Brien guitar and backing vocals, Colin Greenwood bass and Phil Selway drums, percussion and backing vocals, formed the band in 1985. The band s songs are classified in the categories of Art Rock, Alternative Rock, Electronica and Experimental Rock. After years of doing local clubs and shows, On a Friday signed a six album contract with EMI Records, a British record label, in 1991. At the request of the record label the band changed their name to Radiohead. Taken from the song Radio Head by the Talking Heads from their album True Stories. Radiohead released their first single in 1992 entitled Creep. The single was from their debut album Pablo Honey in 1993. Creep became a worldwide hit when the album was released. Radiohead s second album The Bends, released in 1995, made them hugely popular in the United Kingdom. When their third album was released in 1997, entitled OK Computer, they became an international sensation. OK Computer has been considered one of the best albums of all time. In 2000, Radiohead released their fourth album
  • 34. Review Of Ralph Waldo Emerson s Always Get Back Up Always Get Back Up Ralph Waldo Emerson was a famous poet and a leader in the transcendentalist movement in the 19th century. One of Emerson s famous quotes was The greatest glory in living lies not in never failing, but rising every time we fail. This quote has a lot of meaning. Many people can relate to it because of sports, school, and life in general. Michael Jordan had a quote very similar to Emerson s. I ve missed more than nine thousand shots in my career. I ve lost almost three hundred games. Twenty six times I ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. (Jordan). This quote has taken a toll on me through many things in school, sports,... Show more content on ... At the time I was very small and I was not a great football player. This brought the whole team down. We finished the season with only three wins and about seven losses. Our team practiced efficiently the next season. We finished with zero losses and ten wins. The way that our team had risen was a perfect example of this quote. Another example of pursuing after failure is the story of Thomas Edison. He failed thousands of times but he kept persevering. His goal was to make a viable, electric light bulb. One day a reporter asked why he hadn t given up and he responded with, I now know definitely over 9,000 ways an electric light bulb will not work. Success is almost in my grasp (Edison). Shortly after, Edison was successful. He invented the first incandescent electric light bulb. This comes to show that Thomas Edison persevered through tough times. The greatest glory in living lies not in never failing, but rising every time we fail (Emerson). People fail all of the time. One of the best feelings on this planet is rising after failure. I did this when it came to grades and sports. Thomas Edison did this when it came to inventing the electric light bulb. Success after failure can be accomplished through perseverance and hard work. That is why we should always get back up after
  • 35. Policy Argument Mapping Jessica Moody PAD 520 04/25/2016 Professor Dr. Thomas Create an argument map based on the influence diagram presented in Include in the map as many warrants, backings, objections, and rebuttals as possible. Claim: The U.S. should return to the 55 mph speed limit in order to conserve fuel and save lives Information: Experts say reducing highway speeds from 70 mph to 60 mph would reduce gasoline consumption between 2% and 3%. That could translate into a price reduction of as much as 10%. At today s price, almost 38 cents a gallon. Additionally, a lower speed limit saves 167,000 barrels of oil per day and could save approximately 6,400 lives per year. Warrant 1. Decreased speed limit will improve fuel... Show more content on ... NATO and US troops were sent to Bosnia to solidify the fragile peace in Bosnia. Conflicts in Bosnia are largely responsible for the unstable Europe and this can alter the Security of the US as well. In addition to all these factors US planned to intervention in to the Bosnia conflict and suppress the conflicts (Carpenter, 1996). American hopes for a continental solution on Bosnia Problem proved unrealistic. The European Community soon to become the European Union could not reach a consensus on the appropriate course of action over Bosnia (70 97 1, 2013). With the American government s decision to become more involved in the peace process and to support the Vance Owen plan, there was hope once again that a turning point in the Bosnian conflict had been reached (Rigby, 1994). Nations attached to the boundaries of the Bosnia are also in threat because the situation and the intervening countries can trigger war in all European nations. In Article 2 of the U.N. Charter, it requires that all members settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered. Most importantly, member states agree to a broad prohibition against use of force: All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations. These words
  • 36. Middlesex by Jeffry Eugenides Middlesex by Jeffry Eugenides is a book about Calliope Cal Stephanides. In the beginning of the book, Cal, as he likes to be referred to as, tells us about his condition. Cal has a 5 Alpha Reductase pseudohermaphrodite which is, simply put, a condition that affects the sexual development of males before the birth of the child and also during puberty. In Middlesex, incestuous marriages were secretly accepted among the villagers which resulted in Cal being conceived by cousins. Before Cal s birth, the tradition of his family was genderprediction by his grandmother, Desdemona Stephanides. It seemed to be a traditional thing for the family from the Greek roots. When it was time to predict Tessie s, Cal s mother, baby, Desdemona declared that the child would be a boy. Milton, Cal s father, disagreed because there was no way the baby could be a boy scientifically. This could also be based on the fact that Tessie and Milton wanted a baby girl. Until the age of sixteen, Cal was raised as a girl even though he had a male brain biologically. The fact that Calliope was a child of incest was a huge factor on why he was born with the condition he was born with. 5 Alpha Reductace, as stated earlier, is a condition in which people are born male but their bodies fail to produce enough dihydrotestosterone (DHT). A shortage of DHT disrupts the formation of external sex organs before birth which is why it is understandable that Cal s parents raised him as a girl. The thing is,
  • 37. Naomi Shihab Nye Research Paper Religion. Family. Experiencing the world. Together, these three factors can combine to produce amazing, powerful poetry. Important aspects and experiences can mold one s future thoughts. Arab American poet Naomi Shihab has always looked up to her father, practices her culture and religion, and has a passion for traveling the world. Nye took these parts of her life and turned them into ideas for her work. Naomi Shihab Nyes background influences her poetry. Known in St. Louis, Missouri, Naomi Shihab Nye was born on March 12, 1952. While her mother was American, Naomi s father had a Palestinian background. As a result of this, Naomi grew up in Jordan, Jerusalem and then moved to San Antonio, Texas, where she attended Trinity University and earned her Bachelor of Arts in English and world religions. Since then, many awards have been given to Nye for her poetry from the Texas Institute of Letters and the International Poetry Forum. She has earned four Pushcart Prizes. Throughout her life, although Naomi has traveled to the Middle East, Asia, and many other exotic places, she always ends back at home in San Antonio (Naomi Shihab Nye). Since her father came from Palestine, culture heavily influences Naomi s work and life in general. Throughout her childhood, she was taught aspects of every religion. ... Show more content on ... A few lines after read, And I would never scold the onion / for causing tears. / It is right that tears fall / for something small and forgotten. / How at meal, we sit to eat, / commenting on texture of meat or herbal aroma / but never on the translucence of onion, (The Traveling Onion). These quotes explains how the destination of a journey may not be the most important part. Many people forget that the memories made along the way should make traveling exhilarating. Naomi Shihab Nye considers traveling around the world a crucial factor in her
  • 38. Atheist Mcatheism In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, You are Forgiven. Atheist McAtheism, I m glad we re on the same page about our views of unquestioning faith; it is terrifying that people blindly believe things without having doubts or seeking to further their understanding. Have you ever considered that there could be a god of some sort? Have you questioned your atheistic beliefs and faith that there is nothing? From my experience, I know that all types of people hold various beliefs unquestioningly, including atheists. Contrary to your belief, I argue that the notion of a god is far from absurd. While these topics and proofs that I will discuss do not certainly, beyond a doubt, prove that there is a higher being, they definitely point to the existence of one, proving the notion of a god to be logical, with ... Show more content on ... He lived a completely sinless life, so he was able to take the sin from us and face God s just condemnation concerning sin. God s righteous anger is directed toward the sin, not the sinners. He still desires relationships with us, his children. He is able to save his creation by having Jesus fulfill the Old Testamentas explained in the Heaven and Earth Animation. In the Old Testament animal sacrifices were required to create a clean space for God and humans to overlap, allowing human sin and ugliness to overlap with divine perfection and love. In the New Testament, Jesus becomes the permanent sacrifice to wipe away all of the ugly on our side of the overlap. He plays the role of bringing God and humans back together by taking sins away from sinners so that we appear perfect in God s eyes as Jesus was. Since Jesus death was not final, he continues to be the sacrifice opposed to animals. He forever reigns over death and evil, offering to cleanse people so that they can reunite with God. All the evil will be gone when Jesus comes back to conquer it once and for
  • 39. Theodore Roosevelt . Introduction To The Life Of Theodore THEODORE ROOSEVELT Introduction to the Life of Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt was born October 27, 1858 in New York City to Theodore Roosevelt Sr. and Martha Bulloch. Theodore was also known as Teedie or Teddy. Due to his continuing battle with health issues, which started at birth, Roosevelt was homeschooled along with his siblings. The family house also had a gymnasium where he lifted weights and boxed to help him gain strength. Despite what appeared to be a sickly and weak child, Roosevelt went on to accomplish many great things scholastically, physically and politically. He graduated from Harvard University, published several books, won many awards, and left a lasting impression in the military as well as during his presidency.... Show more content on ... They were the first American troops ever sent overseas, arriving at the southeastern end of Cuba on June 22, 1898. Roosevelt would go on to lead the group to victory, but sadly many soldiers would die due to yellow fever, lack of food and supplies and unsanitary camps. Roosevelt would be remembered for the Round Robin letter he sent asking for the U.S. troops to be removed from Cuba. After the soldiers were brought home, Americans called Roosevelt a national hero for bringing them home safely.2 Roosevelt would be called a war hero and receive a nomination for the Medal of Honor. He was elected as governor of New York in 1898.1 The Republican political machine in New York supported Roosevelt for governor. However, once he was elected governor, it was clear to them that he had no interest in listening to their ideas or following their ways. This would lead Roosevelt into becoming the running mate for McKinley in the presidential election, in hopes of preventing a second governor term for the once loved war hero. McKinley would go on to win the election and Roosevelt would become the Vice President, but this was short lived. On September 6, 1901 McKinley was tragically shot and killed. Roosevelt would now become the 26th president and the youngest president in the nation s history at age 42. Under his first term as president Roosevelt would have many successes.4 He acted against
  • 40. What Would Google Do Newspapers and blogs, especially online, often publish articles on Random Acts of Kindness. In these articles and posts, readers see photographs of firemen saving kittens, children helping the homeless, lost phones and wallets being returned, and of people helping other people. Many times, the author refers to the faith in humanity being restored and of the good morals some people hold. But what are morals? What is morality? The Merriam Webster dictionary defines morality as beliefs about what is right behavior and what is wrong behavior (Merriam Webster). However, what drives morality? Is it the inherent goodness in a person or is it an incentive? Based on the article Markets and Morality , published in the CATO Journal, there are two different types of morality. The first type, duty based morality, is behaving the... Show more content on ... This morality is when one acts in a certain way in order to get a desired outcome. In the book, What Would Google Do, author Jeff Jarvis explains Dell s evolution with the company s relationship with the customers. Initially, Dell s customer care was awful and they were losing customers because of it. After realizing what was happening, Dell completely changed their policy and their customer care is now one of their greatest assets. Due to popular demand, they sell Linux computers. Dell can be seen as having outcome based morality because Michael Dell acknowledged that selling Linux machines might not be a huge business, but it was an important symbolic act, the mark of a new partnership between the company and customer (Jarvis 18). The company is acting in a certain way in order to get their desired outcome: customer satisfaction. With customer satisfaction, they are able to sell more products and continue having great business. Although Dell seems to be acting selfless in order to give in to the public s demands, the company is actually doing this in order to get a desired
  • 41. Worldview In Jamaica Kincaid s Girl The narrator of Jamaica Kincaid s Girl, who is implied to be a mother, reveals much of her worldview through the story s dialogue. In this dialogue, she both instructs and scolds her a girl who is implied to be her daughter. The instructions that the mother imparts to her daughter in Girl offer a deep insight into what the mother believes is good for her. In teaching these lessons, the mother is preparing her daughter for what she believes is her daughter s future. Thus, these lessons are setting the expectations that she has for her daughter within her world. The Mother s Worldview The mother in Girl is never directly described to the reader, but the amalgamation of lessons that she focuses on in Girl show that she is clearly occupied almost... Show more content on ... In Girl, the mother makes three separate and seemingly hostile accusations towards her daughter about her becoming a slut. and not like the slut you are so bent on becoming is a common way for the mother to draw a comparison between what the daughter s behavior should and should not be like. These strong feelings most likely arise from the mother s desire for respect in the community, but are also influenced by religion. We know the mother is religious because of the mother s comment is it true that you sing benna in Sunday school? . Sunday school is a time for children to learn about their religion, and the mother s concern about benna due to an aversion to irreligious music. A focus on religion was common on the islands of Antigua where the author of Girl grew up. From this, it is a short jump in logic to assume that the mother s concern about her daughter becoming a slut are originating from the local
  • 42. United Methodist Church The nature of the United Methodist Church is tied to the historic Christian church that can be traced all the way back to Jesus and the disciples and is a part of the body of Christ. At our core we understand ourselves to be part of the tradition that proclaims the same gospel that true Christians have always proclaimed. We are based in this historic nature but we also understand that the world is always changing and as such we understand ourselves as a living tradition. This means we adapt the witness (of the Church) to new circumstances that arise over the course of time. This also means that our nature is ecumenical, working within the context of the broader Christian understanding and tradition and in a very broad world. In more simple... Show more content on ... We are living in a time where for many the perception of the church is one of sitting in pews on Sunday mornings and a faith that does not leave those four walls. We are also challenged by the failing of institutions. People are not joining organizations like they used to from Boy Scouts to the Rotary Club to the church membership is down. This is especially challenging in the church when we are dependent on the giving of our membership to continue our ministry. With commitments down how do we continue to reach out and how do we prevent ourselves from slipping into survival mode which becomes very inward
  • 43. The Colonialism Of The Walt Disney Company My topic is the colonialism of The Walt Disney Company. When defining colonialism, I will be referring to two general definitions that are applicable to modern day colonialism as seen through cultural appropriation, and cultural commodification of Disney and the tourist industry. Oxford Dictionaries defines colonialismas, the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically, and Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy s defines colonialism as, a practice of domination, which involves the subjugation of one people to another. My case study is the Disney movie, Moana. I am focusing on Moana because it is the most recent Disney animated film... Show more content on ... I will use box office sales and other prominent statistics associated with the Disney company to help demonstrate the influence Disney has on the public. Pedagogy scholars Kevin M. Tavin and David Anderson s journal article, Teaching (Popular) Visual Culture: Deconstructing Disney in the Elementary Art Classroom informs readers of the power of the Disney company in all medias to create individual and collective identities (23). In journal article, Tackling MДЃori Masculinity: A Colonial Genealogy of Savagery and Sport , MДЃori scholar Brendan Hokowhitu will build off this source by not only referencing cultural stereotypes formed by others, due to the media, but also identities formed about one s own native culture and heritage. He uses a direct example of MДЃori men stereotypes. I plan to synthesize many of my sources like this: with one showing a various perspective (i.e. pedagogical or colonial) on the Disney company and another highlighting the point of view from a Polynesian. The book, Waves of Resistance, by Isaiah Helekunihi Walker, a Hawaiian surfer and scholar of Hawaiian history and colonialism, delves into Polynesian stereotypes that have been present since eighteenth century colonialism. This source provides background on this topic for my paper. These Polynesian stereotypes include women sexualized with coconut bras and grass skirts, and men portrayed as ignorant savages.
  • 44. Gopro Persuasive Essay Facebook has over 500 million users, Instagram has over 50 million users, Twitter has over 220 million twitter users, Pinterest has an estimated 230 million, Tumblr has over 100 million. Almost everybody all over the world uses social media. From the kid next door to the hottest celebrity, sport celebrities, the government, television networks, churches schools, nonprofit organizations, companies and businesses. Almost everyone uses social media but the main obsession that people has with social media is posting pictures and videos good or bad. People are fascinated with exciting, funny, daring and I can t believe what I m seeing videos and pictures. GoPro is the Rolls Royce of cameras that delivers Holi Grail action photography and fantastic videos. GroPro is a revolutionary innovation. It is a shock proof and water proof digital camera. It is small, portable and distinctively designed for consumers who play extreme and rugged sports and want capture every single shot or video. Anyone that enjoys surfing, water skiing, bungee jumping, ski diving, or if you get an opportunity to run with the bulls in... Show more content on ... I tried to capture myself zip racing with my smartphone and it was poor. I was spinning like a top and all you could hear was my big mouth screaming and the only videos that were taken were the tree tops and my feet. My smartphone which was the Samsung Galaxy S4 do not have the capabilities as the GoPro cameras. Needless to say that all the great footage that I thought I was recording never did and it is now etched in my memory only and it was difficult for me to enact again and share the exciting moment with my family and friends on Facebook and Instagram from my smartphone. If I had a GoPro Hero not only I could have recorded it but make edits and share the pristine quality and sharp images with friends and they could see the moments as if they were there with
  • 45. A Rhetorical Analysis Of Bring Back Flogging By Jeff Jacoby In Jeff Jacoby s essay, Bring Back Flogging, he discusses the modern day justice system, and the ways in which he believes it should change. Jacoby s stance on the topic is that United States of America should bring back flogging as an alternate to jailing felons. Jacoby never actually states this view in a thesis, but it is implied through the evidence given and the general attitude of the essay. Jacoby begins the essay with an anecdote from the 17 th century. Jacoby says that Bostonian Puritans would often use flogging as a form of punishmentfor various different crimes as oppose to other forms of punishment. He also notes that the Puritans would do other things such as branding with hot irons so that the felon is known. This anecdote is
  • 46. Creation Stories of Babylon, Egypt, and Genesis Essay Creation myths of Babylon, Egypt, and Genesis There are many similarities in the Babylonian, Egyptian, and Genesis stories. In all the stories one god creates man and explains how all things on earth come to being. They also set up their calendars and show examples of evil within each story to set up moral rules for man to live by. How do these elements compare between each of these stories? In the Babylonian myth the God Marduk creates man from the blood of another god Kingu. Blood will I compose, bring a skeleton into being, Produce a lowly, primitive creature, Man shall be his name. In Egyptian myth the God Rae creates man and takes this form. In the Genesis story there is only one God, he creates man in the image of himself. ... Show more content on ... After cutting the body of Tiamat in two, he made the Earth having the sun and moon come in and out of her ribs. Her head he made a mountain and out of her eyes flowed the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Then he disposed her eleven monster serpents, which include a snake, and made them into the signs of the Zodiac. In the Egyptian story Rae names things and they come into being and creates man last. He then takes the form of a man and becomes Pharaoh or the God King. Similarly, in Genesis, God creates the Earth from a formless void into geophysical features, as we know it. Then he creates all the plants and animals and last creates man, then on the seventh day he rested. In having God take seven days to make everything it sets up a weekly calendar, where as on the seventh day everyone rests. The one difference in the stories is that he let man name and have dominion over all things he created. This shows how all things came into being in all three stories and even sets up the political environment of the Babylonian and Egyptian cultures. There are other parallels in the Babylonian and Genesis stories not told here for example; in the Babylonian story one of the first Gods to appear is Lahmu, meaning Mud. In the Genesis story, the first man called Adam, also meaning Mud. You can also see the relationship in their calendars
  • 47. Impact Of The Protestant Reformation The Protestant Reformation during 1518 1648 was a key period in the Church s history that saw the acts and teachings of all relifgions come under great scrutiny. Through the contributing social, cultural, politcal and religous factors that lead to the Reformation it has undoubtedy had a significant impact not only on the 16th centruy but also in our world today. Political/Religious : During the 16th century the monarchy was still actibely utilizing their power. As well as this, the whole of Europe were Christians time, which lead to the Church having primary authorty over people s lifestyles. Due to this, it lead to many discrepancies in scoeity as they believed the Catholic Church was focused more on money and power tthan in saving ... Show more content on ... Specifically, churchmen disagreed about the primary issues as God s sovereignty, gaining salvation, effects of sin and grace on the soul etc. With the abundance of universities and printed books around 1500, many people in society became aware of these debates of Christian faith, which therefore sparked the Reformation controversies. Due to the protestant reformation, the schism from the Catholic Church was primarily initiated by Martin Luther, who actively protested and therefore made him an enemy of the pope and so was excommunicated. However, many people such as John Calvin and Huldrych Zwingli continued Martin Luther s protests and their theologies resulted in Lutheranism and Calvanism, which were both one of the major branches of Protestanism. Moreover, in c. 1524, millions of peasants rebelled against the nobles for equality and humanity. Many countries in Europe therefore followed this notion of reformation and therefroe lead to Europe dividing by denomination. This consequently brought religious wars such as the French Wars of Religion. Counter Reformation: As a result of the movement of the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Church responded to this with the counter reformation, which began with the Council of Trent in 1545 and ended at the close of the 30 years war in 1648. The Roman Catholic Church at the time made new religious orders such as Jesuits, which were made to combat Protestantism and inform people about Catholicism. The Church
  • 48. Communication Skills For Patients With Cancer Curriculum Communication skills, a core element in the care of patients with cancer, is essential for properly managing the expectations of patients and carers, especially in difficult consultations like breaking bad news and in end of life care situations. According to Maguire(2002), Good communication skills in medical practice can be learned and can always be enhanced . Results of the randomised studies by Fallowfield (2002,2003) have shown that key communication skills can be improved by training courses, which in turn can lead to an improvement in patient well being, enhanced satisfaction, compliance with treatment and medical decisions and improved clinical outcomes (Fallowfield 2002)(Fallowfield et al., 2003). Communication skills training could improve patient centred behaviour in clinical encounters which includes active listening, open questioning, providing patients with opportunities to ask questions, actively involving patients in management decisions, showing empathy, initiating psychosocial discussion, ethical and professional behaviour, and should be a core element in medical education. Inadequate focus on the softer skills like communication during the training scheme and during the assessments, may lead to the trainee being inadequately equipped to deal with difficult clinical situations once they become consultants and having to learn it the hard way without any support. Ineffective communication in clinical interactions could
  • 49. Misrecognition, Pleasure, And White Identity In Kipling s Kim A brief examination of the essay The Unbearable Whitness of Being: Misrecognition, Pleasure, and White Identity in Kipling s Kim will prove that Tim Christensen is correct in his argument that Kipling represents the Ideal White as a European free from ego and a sense of oneself, who can sympathize with the colonized. During Kim s conversation with Colonel Creighton, he is told a very important piece of information, that he is, not at anytime be lead to condemn the black man. I have known boys newly entered into the service of the government who feigned not to understand a talk or the customs of black men. Their pay was cut for ignorance. There is no sin so great as ignorance. Remember this ( Kipling 120 2004). This shows the governments... Show more content on ... He drew out a handful of rupees, and snatched half jestingly at the chart, which tore in the lama s grip. A low murmur of horror what up from the coolies some of whom were Spiti men and, by their lights, good Buddhists ( Kipling 241 242). This is a prime example of what Kipling would define as non ideal whites. The French and Russian duo obviously has no sympathy for the Lama and Kim as they rip the holy relic out of the Lama s hands, they are also not educated in the cultural background of the country they are in, as they do not relies that their porters are Buddhist and that they have just committed blasphemy. This combination of ego and ignorance results in a tremendous backlash in the form of angry porters and results in the defeat at the hands of Kim.To wrap up, these events show that Tim Christensen is correct in his argument that the ideal white constructed by Kipling is one who is free from ego and a sense of oneself, who can sympathize with the colonized. A brief examination of the essay The Representation of the
  • 50. Being A Vampire Persuasive Essay Have you ever wanted to be immortal? To live forever and to never age, well that happens to be one of the perks of being a vampire. All vampires were at some point human but through deals with the devil, getting bitten by vampires or through magic they were turned into immortal creatures. The idea of becoming an immortal sounds great but is it worth losing your humanity and becoming a monster. Being a vampire means that you will be able to live forever but you will need to deal with the struggles of being a vampire. Being a vampire is very hard they have many weaknesses they need to avoid, they also have very strong cravings for human blood and are they cursed to forever be alone. For these reasons I don t think immortality is worth all these... Show more content on ... First off for you to turn your friends and loved ones into vampires they would have to want to become vampires as the transformation won t work if both parties aren t willing. If you consider the fact that most people are somewhat religious or have morals, they probably wouldn t want to be involved in something so satanic. There is also the issue of competition, if you were to turn all those people into vampires you d have more vampires to compete with for blood. It doesn t seem like a major problem since there are almost 8 billion people in the world, but it is a problem that could spiral out of control. As the people that you infected could go on to turn their friends and loved ones into vampires who in turn go on to do the same. This would continue to go on until either the whole population has been turned into vampires or until there are no more humans that contain consumable
  • 51. 1314297012 coco misc lifting the veil of incorporation 1 In spite of the obvious economic connection between companies within the same group, English company law has steadfastly maintained its policy of treating such companies as distinct legal entities. Explain this statement. Consider the need for reform. Contents Introduction3 Salomon v Salomon4 Lifting the veil of incorporation5 Fraud5 FaГ§ade or a sham5 Groups of Companies7 Adams Others v Cape Industries plc10 Is there a need for reform?12 Conclusion14 Bibliography16 Books:16 Journals:16 Cases:17 Websites:17 Bill:18 Introduction In order to explain the statement this essay will explore the background to treating companies as distinct legal entities; review certain cases trying to pierce ... Show more content on ... Once the company is legally incorporated it must be treated like any other independent person with rights and liabilities of its own. Lifting the veil of incorporation There are exceptions to the principle in Salomon s case, where the veil is lifted, or pierced, and the law disregards the corporate entity and pays regard instead to the economic realities behind the disguise. Exceptions can be classified into those
  • 52. expressly provided by statute (such as in section 214 of the Insolvency Act 1986 which makes directors liable for wrongful trading10) and those under judicial interpretation11. To lift the veil of incorporation simply means to ignore or set aside the separate legal personality of a company. Creditors have tried to pierce through this concept of a company being a separate legal entity. However Courts are very reluctant to let them do so unless there is evidence of fraud or a sham. Fraud The corporate form cannot be used for the purposes of fraud, or as a device to evade a contractual or other legal obligation. Where there is fraud or a deliberate breach of trust the courts show a willingness to set aside the corporate form. They pierce the corporate veil in order to achieve justice. Standard Chartered Bank v Pakistan National Shipping Corporation12 established that reliance upon fraudulent representation was in
  • 53. Mississippi Burning Film Analysis 91104 Level 2 Connections 2017 Name: Tramain Marunui Connection Texts and author/director Innocence Hurricane Eye In The Sky Mississippi Burning в‡ЅIntroductionв‡ѕ The main connection I am going to look into in further detail is Innocence. The meaning of Innocence from my opinion is To not be found guilty of a cause or problem eg: Invulnerable. I will be using four pieces of texts to help me back this up. The first text is Hurricane directed by Norman Jewison, Hurricane is about a man named Rubin Carter who s dream is winning the middle weight boxing title but all came to a crash when some unsuspected murders happend. The second text is Eye In The Sky directed by Gavin Hood, Eye in The Sky is about the British army preparing to take out a group of Suicidal Bombers in Nairobi Kenya. The final text is Mississippi Burning directed by Alan Parker, Mississippi Burning is about a mystery killing of 3 civil right workers supporting the African American Race. Body Paragraph 1~ Culpability The first connection I will be explaining is Culpability. From my opinion Culpability means to be blamed for something they didn t do despite them pleading innocent from a Law s point of view. The movie that relates strongly to this is Hurricane, Rubin Hurricane Carter was a Boxing champion but all went downhill when he was accused of murdering three people at a bar in New Jersey. An example of how culpability was used was when in the
  • 54. A Brief Look at William Byrd While researching the style period the Renaissance, I came about the composer William Byrd. He played a large role in the paper I instructed and thus caught my attention. I chose William Bryd as the subject for this paper merely because according to The Top 8 Renaissance Composer Article by Aaron Green, he was considered by many to be a genius on the keyboard and perhaps the greatest English composer of all time. Other aspect about William Bryd I found interesting was his interact with Queen Elizabeth I and Thomas Tallis, and this major works like Latin motets or Cantiones Sacrae along with many more. William Byrd s early life is unknown; He is believed to have been born in London sometime between 1539 and 1545. The exact date is unclear. He was one of seven children. He had four sisters, Alice, Barbara, Mary, and Martha and two brothers, Simon and John. His parents were Thomas and Margery Byrd. There is no written record of William Byrd s education, however he was a well educated man, able to read and write very well in this time. William married in 1568 to a Juliana. They then had seven children and a lifelong happy marriage. He eventually after a strong career as a composer or chorister died on July 4th 1623 in a small village of Essex and was buried in an unmarked grave. William was a top composer in the Renaissance era and composed a large number of astounding musical pieces. Many believe that William Byrd outdid any other composers of his era and called him a
  • 55. Persuasive Essay On Raised Bed Gardening If you are having trouble with growing anything in the soil that your yard has to offer yet you are determined to have that garden that you have always wanted, then perhaps you should take a look at raised bed gardening. Raised bed gardening is great because you do not have to worry about what you can and cannot grow in your soil. In fact, you don t have to worry about your soil at all because you will not need it at all to make your new gardena success. The soil you will be using for your raised bed garden will instead be soil that you will purchase. However, before we get to planting all of the veggies and flowers that you have been dreaming of, we first need to take a look at how your new garden will come to fruition. First choose an area