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Disadvantages Of Gender Discrimination
Gender discrimination is an unfavorable treatment based on gender. It causes the elimination of
individual s right and opportunity (Reeves and Baden, 2000: 2). Gender discrimination usually
disadvantages women because women are considered inferior in society. Virginia Woolf states that
gender discrimination is a result of the imbalance power between men and women (in Dobie, 2012:
114). Apparently, women have already suffered the discrimination since a long time ago.
Traditional society believes that men are more powerful than women. How society put men as the
leaders in the society proves it. It causes men to have power over women. For example, in traditional
society, men become the acceptable leaders who are responsible for making decisions. The decisions
mostly disadvantage women. Meanwhile, women are destined to agree all of the decisions made by
men. For instance, husband tells his wife to stay at home instead of taking part in society. Husband
also warns his wife to not speak ... Show more content on ...
France can be the country which highly upholds the equality nowadays. However, the wartime was
completely different period. Women at that time had to suffer the real discrimination. They
experienced violence and body exploitation during the war. Many women were blamed and accused of
doing treason. Although some women took the discrimination as an advantage to join the war as spies,
it still necessarily was one of the forms of discrimination. This was because women were regarded as
weak and usually unnoticed by enemy. To make it worst, women also fought the cold winter. Women
starved and suffered from cold because there was not enough food and clothes which were all taken by
the German. Furthermore, the unstable condition during the war caused women to face two choices.
Women had to choose whether to collaborate and to work with the enemy in order to survive, or to
fight against it showing their struggle and their
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The, Social, And The World Of The Plaz Material Culture ...
In the vast field of anthropology, there are many ways to investigate a particular society. The three
readings; Being in the Market versus Being in the Plaza: Material Culture and the Construction of
Social Reality in Spanish America, Excluded Spaces: The Figure in the Australian Aboriginal
Landscape, and Indexical Speech across Samoan Communities all approach this topic differently. The
first uses physical anthropology to examine the landscape, the second uses anthropological taboo to
examine how this impacts the culture, and finally the third uses linguistic anthropology to analyze the
home life of a tribe. Although all different in nature, each form plays a key role in understanding the
world from the view of an anthropologist. As such this paper will examine the similarities and
differences of each work. So that they can be compared to one another, to form a concrete view of the
material, which enables the reader to fully understand how each work relates to one another.
While in Spanish America Miles Richardson examines the difference between the busy street markets
and the indoor plaza. Noticing that the two seem to mirror opposites in nature, he concludes that the
reason for this is due to material culture (Low Lawrence zuniga, 1988). Upon this conclusion,
Richardson continues into detail comparing the two places of business. However before this
comparison can be made, the concept of material culture must be explained first. As put by
Richardson Material culture...
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A Study on Aeronautical Manufacturing Firms
Competition and Aeronautical Manufacturing Aeronautical Manufacturing Firms Introduction
Aeronautical manufacturing firms in the United States economy come out as the single most important
firms in export business. The industry has sustained high wages, heavy infrastructures, value adding
aspects and sustainable infrastructure that supports other industries. The Bureau of labor Statistics
estimates that, by the year 2014 salary and wage employment will rise by eight percent compared to,
the overall combined growth in all industries. The industry suffered a significant decline in demand
after the 2001 September terrorist attack. Slowly demand and growth of the industry has increased
with higher domestic and foreign demand for airplanes ADDIN EN.CITE McGuire
S.2007441(McGuire S., 2007)44144117McGuire S.,The United States, Japan and the Aerospace
Industry: From Capture to Competitor.Pacific Review of Educational ResearchPacific Review of
Educational Research329 3502032007( HYPERLINK l _ENREF_4 o McGuire S., 2007 #441
McGuire S., 2007). Constraints Aeronautical Manufacturing Firms Face Dependence on outsourced
component parts Recently the industry has come to be dependent on import of components parts from
technologically advancing countries. In responses to increases in the number of players with
technologically advanced technology, aeronautical firms have considered co production deals, joint
ventures and local content agreements. These measures are just
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403 Contribute To Resources
Unit 403 Understand how to contribute to the control of resources
This is a very well written piece of work, but it could cover more of the knowledge statements in
outcomes 2 3.
It would help if you referenced a piece of work as you went along with the numbers given in the
knowledge statements, then it would be clear as to what you had covered.
I have put the assignment into a table giving a column on the left for referencing just to give you the
idea by including some of the reference numbers.
Using resources effectively is very important for the business as well as helping maintaining staff
safety, stock management, minimising ... Show more content on ...
A way we try to minimise this impact is by buying whole cases so the suppliers can use the original
packaging and not having to repackage split cases. A major environmental impact that is occurs when
bringing in resources is through the transportation of them. In order to minimise the impact this has on
the environment we try to source our suppliers locally and minimise the amount of deliveries we have
a week.
In order to obtain resources we must ensure that we go to an appropriate supplier which has been
approved by the company. The approved suppliers have all been check and their support staff have to
go though an induction type process so they understand our fire regulations and procedures. If a
resource is required from a company that is not on our registered supplier list then they must be added
the appropriate paper work filled out.
The control of waste is essential in any business and vital in hospitality. We monitor all waste
produced from our three main kitchens (Appendix 3) and with the use of past sales figures (Appendix
4) we are able to predict the popularity of each dish and cater accordingly.
Recycling is becoming more vital to reduce the environmental impact that the business has on society.
In order to increase the amount of recycling the company I work for now have separate bins for glass,
paper and card, electronic, clinical and general waste. This ensures that
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Causes And Effects Of The Boxer Rebellion In China
Due to the refusal of legal trade and underground trade occurred causing the spread of opium and the
decline of prosperity of Chinese citizens due to this epidemic. The mass addiction caused China to
allow some trade with foreigners to occur legally ad eventually open their doors. China was unable to
easily adapt to western standards and agree to the culture and advancements they were introducing.
The Taiping rebellion was between western religion and Confucianism, differing ideas and parties
divided the nation. The Nanking treaty was created and signed between China and Britain to decrease
conflict with trade, yet inspired more unrest with the Chinese people. The Boxer rebellion in the
twentieth century then took place in order to increase Chinese nationalism and deter foreign influence.
This caused disturbance in their ability to modernize and did not aid in their success as a nation. The
anti foreign sentiments weakened their country and left them vulnerable to weak governments.
With a presidency established parties developed further and unrest was deepened. Intellectuals that
were allowed to study overseas and in foreign countries disagreed with each other forming a radical
and liberal wing. These were divided among those who believed in socialism and those who believed
in democracy. Unification was sought out yet the country was increasingly divided. Under Chiang the
country was unified and the war lord era was ended, yet a socialistic government was established. The
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The Pen And Violence
I believe the gun has no power because a gun can only kill, but a pen can give life. Malala Yousafzai.
This means that the pen and words can inspire people and bring them up, while the sword and
violence can only kill people and bring them down. The sword is violence, but it can also bring peace
to the world. The pen brings education, but can also lead to violence. The pen and the sword can both
be used positively and negatively, but ultimately the pen has more power. The pen can lead us to act
violently and do things that we regret doing. The incident at Comet Ping Pong for example, someone
was told that Hillary was planning on using children as slaves so someone took action and decided to
attack a ping pong bar because they thought the ... Show more content on ...
The Jim Crow laws brought suffering to the African Americans, but the media drew attention to
African Americans and gave them sympathy from all over the world. The Jim Crow Laws ordered
public places to separate their black and whites. These laws led to the Freedom Rides. During the
Freedom Rides, African Americans traveled across the nation to protest segregation. White
segregationist responded to this by assaulting and killing many African Americans. When violent
actions were done to African Americans it was the pen that captured it. The media and newspapers
showed the world what was happening to African Americans in the U.S. Even though the sword
brought hundreds of new Freedom Riders to the cause, it is the pen that allowed African Americans to
gain a sympathetic national audience and ultimately gain their freedom. The pen and the sword can
both be used for good and bad. The pen usually causes the sword, and when the violent actions occur,
it s the pen that captures it and shares it to the world. Through violence you may solve one problem,
but you sow the seeds for another. Nelson Mandela. Ultimately the sword will solve a problem with
many sacrifices, but the pen will solve the problem peacefully and
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How Did Stephen Crane Fight In The Red Badge Of Courage
During the novel The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane, Henry fights alongside his comrades
in the first battle that he had participated in, yet he flees in the second one he participates in. What
caused him to react this way? His reasons for his actions are quite cowardly and dishonorable but
justified nonetheless. Here they come, here they come! yelled one of the soldiers. The first battle
started when Henry shot the first shot. He works the crowd like the soldier he is, feeling like beast,
shooting his rifle, shot after shot after shot. He is confident and strong. He is a part of this regiment
and together they push forward, they helt em back . In the second battle, from his point of view, it
seemed as though
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Living In The Telluride House
No living situation is perfect. Live alone, and you get more freedom and control over your living
space, but often at a higher cost and without the social aspect of living with other people, while living
with roommates comes with more human connection and the need for constant compromise. Like any
other living situation, life in a small self governing community like Telluride House has its own
unique complement of advantages of disadvantages. As a current member of the relatively small
Women in Science and Engineering residential community at the University of Michigan, I can say
from experience that one of the most valuable benefits of this living style is the automatic
companionship that it affords. Simply living in this certain space affords every individual an automatic
membership in a group, and this shared membership fosters a sense of community. It s a basis for
relationships even if one member has relatively little in common with another, the fact that both
people live in the same community creates an opportunity to connect that would likely not exist in the
absence of that shared membership.
Another substantial benefit of living in a small, self governing community is the fact that each person
has a level of impact that would not be possible in a larger community. In a dorm of three hundred
people, allowing that community to self govern would be chaos, with the conflicts between three
hundred different opinions rendering any final decision virtually impossible.
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1984 Dystopia Analysis
The idea of a utopia sounds like a great idea, however it always turns into a feared dystopia. This is
exactly what happens in the novel, 1984 and in the notorious group, The Ku Klux Klan. The definition
of Utopia is an imaginary and indefinitely remote place (Utopia). The illusion these groups create
never end up being utopias and eventually becomes a dystopia. The definition of dystopia is an
imaginary place where people lead dehumanized and often fearful lives (Dystopia). The KKK and
Oceania are perfect examples of a falsified utopias that are simply dystopias. In the book, 1984 written
by George Orwell, Big Brother makes the illusion of a utopia via the uses of doublespeak, propaganda
and, brainwashing. In Oceania, Big Brother convinces the citizens that they live in a utopian world
while they are really living in a dystopia. Big Brother makes everything seem better by saying that it is
better. In the novel, Big Brother decreases the chocolate rations but tells everyone seem that it is
increased. It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the
chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that
the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that,
after only twenty four hours? Yes, they swallowed it. Parsons swallowed it easily, with the stupidity of
an animal. The eyeless creature at the other table swallowed it fanatically,
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Ferguson Fire Case Study
Massey had finally found the explanation for the start of the fire. But, he then needed to answer the
more urgent question of why the fire got so out of control, so quickly. Fires a regular hazard on every
carrier. On average, there s one every week. In 1967, each carrier had crews of highly trained
firefighters to tackle these blazes. But, Massey found the reason why those teams failed to stop the
fire. The leader of the team, gerald Farrier, reached the fire within 30 seconds, with the rest of the
team right behind him. But, 94 seconds into the fire, there came the first explosion, which killed
Gerald and 5 of the team, and disabled the remaining three. Untrained men then had to fight the fire.
Looking at the footage of the fire, Massey ... Show more content on ...
One split open as it landed on the deck. The first of the two would detonate in 94 seconds. 60 seconds
to bomb cook off. Gerald Farrier and Repair 8 fervently tried to cool the bombs, and extinguish the
flames. Just 10 seconds before cook off, Gerald Farrier ordered his team to run. 94 seconds after the
fire started, the first reached cook off point. It exploded violently, killing Gerald, most of his team, and
half of the pilots in the A 4s. 9 seconds later, the other bomb exploded, opening a hole in the flight
deck, allowing the fire to spread below deck. Within the next 4 minutes, 5 more of the older bombs
exploded, releasing 40,000 gallons of fuel to catch fire 49 minutes after the fire started, the fires on the
flight deck were extinguished. The efforts to put out the fires below deck would take another 13 hours.
134 died, with 18 bodies never recovered. The official investigation report shook the Navy. Top
admirals immediately took steps to prevent such a thing from ever happening again. Safety measures
were completely overhauled on all carriers. All old weapons were removed and replaced with newer
bombs. And firefighting training was made mandatory for all
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Hafez Al Assad Research Paper
When Hafez al Assad and his party The Ba ath Party, seized power and he became the President of
Syria, Hafez al Assad started building a base for a disgusting dictatorship. Hafez al Assad given power
and high ranks in the military and the government to mostly the Alawites(A branch of Islam), he
wanted to prevent people turning against him due to belief or becoming a mole as Alawites his people.
All of that showed the favouritism in the Assad regime from the beginning, which later on his son
Bashar al Assad took over when his father died, but unfortunately nothing has changed. The long
reigning Assad regime has destroyed Syria, because the regime is anti western, anti jew, and anti
human rights.
During Hafez al Assad and Bashar al Assad s presidency
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The Opposition Of Quebec Separatism
In recent elections, the separatist parties in Quebec have seen crushing defeats, raising questions about
their relevance in modern day Canada. Support for Quebec separatism has diminished in the past
several decades, with the rise of the NDP in the 2011 federal election and the more recent provincial
Liberal victory in April of 2014. In the 2011 federal election, specifically, the Bloc Quebecois was
reduced to only four seats in the House of Commons, while the NDP took the majority of Quebec s
seats. The provincial Parti Quebecois (PQ) has also been faltering, losing more often than not to the
Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ). Indeed, over the past decade, the PLQ has only lost one election, and
has held majorities in many. The most recent election put them back into power after a short PQ
minority government that began in 2012. These recent elections may point to a future in which the
separatist movement in Quebec may be silenced. Since the late 1950s, the question of Quebec
separatism has existed, with levels of support varying throughout the following decades, leading up
the referendums of 1980 and 1995. The defeats suffered by the separatist parties in recent elections
demonstrate that the separatist movement may be close to being over in Quebec. The history of
Quebec within Canada has been problematic since the very beginnings of Canada. The clash of the
culture of the French and English speaking Canadians has created tensions in Canada since the British
took over in
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The Use Of Pathos And Adverts In The Samsung Commercial
People are constantly searching for the newest and most advanced technology. Phones are a
predominant mobile device. The advertisements publicize different brands of smartphones. The Apple
Commercial shows Dwayne Johnson using Siri on the iPhone 7 to get through his active day. The
Samsung commercial shows Christoph Waltz using the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 to display the
busyness of the American lifestyle. These commercials use pathos, ethos, and logos.
Pathos is an appeal that creates an emotional response from viewers. The use of pathos in the Apple
commercial induces an amusing atmosphere. At the beginning of the advertisement, Dwayne Johnson
is lifting weights, trimming a bonsai tree, reading movie lines, and having his head shaved while a
news reporter on the television questions his ability to balance an impossible schedule. Dwayne
Johnson participates in several dramatized scenes such as taking a selfie while floating in space in his
astronaut attire ( iPhone 7 The Rock x Siri Dominate the Day Apple internet). Dwayne Johnson has a
nonchalant demeanor that contrasts with the frantic people around him. This creates an episode of
laughter because he engages in such unusual activities in an effort to refute the reporter s doubt. The
exaggeration of the various events in his day and Dwayne Johnson s interaction with other people
throughout the commercial creates a comical reaction from viewers. The use of pathos in the Samsung
commercial creates a light hearted but
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Descriptive Essay Tennis
Ad in yelled cole as he was getting ready to serve.
The score was 5 4 we were up one set of the two kids from Wheeler. The game had been a very close
match so far. The first two games going 6 4 and 4 6. The team that won this set would win the match.
It was match point. We needed one more point to win the match. Cole then loaded up to serve the ball.
The serve then came whizzing past my head. The kid from wheeler had a very good forehand and cole
had served right to it. The kid from wheeler then returned the serve cross court back to Cole. Cole then
placed a very nice lob into the back left corner of the court. This corner was also a forehand shot for
the kid from wheeler. The kid from wheeler was trying extremely hard to cross all the way back over
to the corner to get the ball that Cole had placed so tremendously. The kid had gotten to the ball just in
time before it took its second bounce. He then weakly tried to return a lob back to Cole. Little did he
know it was too short. He had hit the ball right at me at the net. The ball floated very slowly through
the air. I then loaded up and got ready to hit an overhead shot.
At the end of summer I had decided to try tennis for the first time. I had decided not to play soccer. I
had played soccer since I was like 3.
My mom had said many times Maybe you should try out tennis because you are not playing soccer? .
I knew that I liked tennis but I had never really played it before. So on a Friday in the middle of July
my mom
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PSP Executive Summary
The major part of the job for PSP is to advice the Federal government on management and operation
challenges. These challenges can include a wide range from designing economic development
strategies to implementing financial controls for major federal programs. These require immense focus
and efficiency to get the job done right and PSP has just the right tools by partnering with the parent
company PWC s business units to create innovative solutions. There are four primary goals in PWC
PSP: Drive profitable growth, enhance people experience, enhance the client experience, and maintain
compliant and efficient operations.(PwC PSP MBNQAApplication, 2014)
PSP delivers solutions through a horizontal competency structure which consists of ... Show more
content on ...
PS has maintained efficiency as they work in a federal environment and must adhere to strict
accounting regulations and federal regulations. PSP is regulated by Federal Acquisition Regulations
(FAR), Government Accountability Office (GAO), Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA), OSHA
and many others. (PwC PSP MBNQAApplication, 2014) With such distinctive federal contract
regulations, PSP uses its core competencies of leadership, ethical Behavior, Quality and innovative
customized solutions to reach goals and exceed client expectations and generate a result with extreme
efficiency and effectiveness. At this level Standardization of procedures is a given as the adherence to
federal regulations is a must on every level due to the nature of the work. Based on our understanding
and performance of PSP, we can infer that there is a very formalized approach to their client solutions
with a specified target and well defined roles in each area. On a scale of efficiency and effectiveness
from 1 to 5, 1 being low and 5 being high, PSP would rank at 5 for both efficiency and effectiveness
of their
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Lab Exercise At Room Temperature Equal
Many of molecular biology and chemistry involves working with very small volumes. A micropipette
is standard laboratory equipment used to measure and dispense a specific volume of liquid (#5 This is a very helpful tool that we need to master and able to use in a biochemistry
lab. The purpose of this lab exercise is learning how to use a micropipette to find the density of
different liquids, and be able to identify an unknown liquid using density. Also, learn how to evaluate
the experimental accuracy, precise, and error of small volumes used in biochemistry based on the
theory that 1gram of water at room temperature equal 1millimeter (#1 Bruice). If the density of water
that determined after the experiment ... Show more content on ...
Based on the theoretical density, the density of water, methanol, and glycerol that obtained in the
experiment should be the same or close to these values above. If the experiment performs correctly
with high precise and accuracy, then density of the unknown can be used to identify the present
chemical substance. The expect outcome for this experiment is the value you obtained will be close or
exact the theoretical values. In this exercise, all of the micropipettes measured in the form of a
microliter. There are different models of micropipettes have different minimum and maximum limits.
The two micropipettes we were used for this experiment are P1000 and P100. The correct
micropipettes were chose based on the volume of the liquid that needs to be measure. Micropipettes
should never go past the set limits, either lower or higher. It will cause the micropipettes to not
function correctly or will measure incorrect volumes. The maximum sizes are showed on top of the
plunger (thumb knob) button. P100 ranges from 10 100 microliter, P1000 ranges from 100 1000
microliter (#5
Figure A: Different parts of Micropipette
A P1000 Micropipette and a P100 Micropipette.
Large and small pipette tips
4 different types of chemical substances: water, methanol, glycerol and unknown.
4 Disposable bowls
4 25mL beakers
A analytical scale
First, the P100 and P1000 micropipettes were
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Candice Millard Persuasive Speech
The Author of Destiny of the Republic is former writer and editor for National Geographic, Candice
Millard. She was born in 1968 in the United States. After graduating from Baker University, Millard
went on to receive her master s degree in literature from Baylor University. Her first book, River of
Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt s Darkest Journey, was a New York Times bestseller. It was even named
one of the best books of the year by various papers such a the Washington Post, New York Times, and
San Francisco Chronicle to name a few. Currently, Millard resides in Kansas City, Missouri with her
husband and their three children. James A Garfield was born to a poor family living in Ohio, and his
father died when he was not even two years old. Garfield ... Show more content on ...
He shot him twice. The first bullet only grazed his arm, but the second went into his back. It missed
his spinal cord and all vital organs so it was not a lethal wound. It did, however, became a lethal
wound as soon as doctor after doctor stuck a finger in the wound to probe it. Without any authority to
do so, one doctor, Dr. Bliss assumed control of Garfield s medical care shooing away all the others. He
did this because he believed if he could save Garfield, he would become famous and rich. The only
problem was that he practiced the most traditional and dangerous medical practice. He avoided
antisepsis (which could have saved Garfield s life) and embraced the good old surgical stink which
was the encrusted blood and pus on the surgical apron that was never washed which was a sign of
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Frederic Chopin Essay
Frederic Chopin Frederic Chopin, the Polish composer and pianist, was born on March 1,1810,
according to the statements of the artist himself and his family, but according to his baptismal
certificate, which was written several weeks after his birth, the date was 22 February. His birthplace
was the village of Zelazowa Wola, part of the Duchy of Warsaw. The musical talent of Frederic
became apparent extremely early on, and it was compared with the childhood genius of Mozart.
Already at the age of 7, Frederic was the author of two polonaises, the first being published in the
engraving workshop of Father Cybulski. The prodigy was featured in the Warsaw newspapers, and
little Chopin became the attraction and ornament of receptions ... Show more content on ...
When composing his first mazurkas in 1825, as well as the later ones, he resorted to this source of
inspiration that he kept in mind until the very end of his life. Chopin soon began studying the theory
of music, figured bass and composition at the Warsaw High School of Music, which was both part of
the Conservatory and, at the same time, connected with Warsaw University. Its head was the composer
Józef Elsner. Chopin, however, did not attend the piano class. Aware of the exceptional nature of
Chopin s talent, Elsner allowed him, in accordance with his personality and temperament, to
concentrate on piano music but was unbending as regards theoretical subjects, in particular
counterpoint. Chopin, endowed by nature with magnificent melodic invention, ease of free
improvisation and an inclination towards brilliant effects and perfect harmony, gained in Elsner s
school a solid grounding, discipline, and precision of construction, as well as an understanding of the
meaning and logic of each note. During this period of time, Frederic composed a series of extended
works, and after the third year of his studies Elsner wrote in a report: Chopin, Frederic, third year
student, amazing talent, musical genius . After completing his studies, Chopin planned a longer stay
abroad to become acquainted with the musical life of Europe and to win fame. Up to then, he had
never left Poland, with the exception of two brief stays in Prussia. In July 1829 he made a short
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How Far Do You Agree That Trotsky’s Leadership of the Red...
How far do you agree that Trotsky s leadership of the Red Army was responsible for the survival of
the Bolshevik government? (30 marks)
There were many factors that contributed to the survival of the Bolshevik Government, ranging from
Trotsky s leadership of the Red Army to the failings of the Bolsheviks rivals for power. This essay
shows that the main reason for the Bolsheviks continued survival through the period was not Trotsky s
great leadership of the Red Army, but the opposition s mistakes and failings. This will be
demonstrated by analysing the key factors leading to the survival of the Bolshevik Government:
Trotsky s leadership; Lenin s leadership; The Bolsheviks geographical advantage; and finally the
Bolsheviks enemies ... Show more content on ...
Much of the strategy employed by Trotsky and his generals was designed to weaken the enemies
transport system so that they could not effectively organise and coordinate troop movements.
Therefore many battles took place near sections of train track and stations, which crippled many
enemy attacks and allowed the Bolsheviks to crush each attack and then move on, rather than fighting
on several fronts. This great strategy employed by Trotsky helped the Bolshevik Government survive,
and without Trotsky and his control of the Red Army, the Bolshevik Government would most likely
not have survived.
A further factor that contributed to the survival of the Bolshevik Government was Lenin s great
leadership of the whole Bolshevik party. At first glance, it appears as though Lenin played only a
small role during the Civil War because he remained in Moscow throughout, however, when looked at
more closely it can be seen that Lenin was a key decision maker. Lenin forced through the Treaty of
Brest Litovsk when many opposed it; he did this because he had promised peace to the public and he
needed their support to have any chance of winning the Civil War, and therefore helping the Bolshevik
Government survive.
Lenin also instigated the policy of War Communism, in which industry was
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Elderly Prison Population
The challenges of the elderly prison population are mostly cost related. Due to the fact that as baby
boomers throughout the nation have begun to age the prison population in the United States has aged
as well. For example, the elderly prison population in 2003 was almost 10 percent and in nearly a
decade later the elderly prison population doubled. A 2014 analysis by the Urban Institute posits that
this increase in the elderly population could carry significant financial costs. When comparing the
elderly population to that of the general population, they tend to experience accelerated ageing caused
by things such as substance abuse and any other unhealthy choices in lifestyle. Also, according to this
report by the Urban Institute elderly prisoners
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Caribbean is a Strategic Transit Zone
By virtue of its proximity to producers in South America and strong trade links with North and
Europe, the Caribbean is a strategic transit zone, a hot spot accounting for an estimated 25 30% of
cocaine reaching Europe (IFS, 2012). Its deteriorating economy capitalizes on this trade with
pervasive drugfuelled corruption, notoriously by governmental agencies, especially law enforcement
and criminal justice networks (Day, 2013, p. 9). Government funding is strapped and institutional
capacity has plunged into decay. The Substance Abuse Advisory Council Secretariat, reports restricted
budgetary allocations for drug rehabilitation (Evaluation of Progress in Drug Control Report, 2010). A
United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime commissioned study in St. Lucia reasons that problems of
gang violence and youth do not originate with cannabis inebriation but with the legal prohibitions on
cannabis and the enforcement of those prohibitions in a zero tolerance environment (Day, 2013,p.6 ).
In our so called moral pursuit of a drug free society, we have only achieved its opposite state where
consumption and demand has risen. Human rights have been violated. Disparities have widened.
Competing pressing national issues has led to an unrelentingly expensive war that we cannot win.
Such a policy has clearly backfired because: Incarceration costs incur prohibitive costs to
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The Importance Of End Systems
In today s society networking is pivotal structure in the way information is transferred and received
between people. In the business world we need to send information to people to at fast rates to meet
user satisfaction. Imagine places like wall street that is the mecca of business that constantly send
information back and forth to get the right information to keep investor aware or up to date on a
forever changing stock market. Picture one the biggest libraries in america the library of congress in
washington dc that has network structure to accommodate millions of people that commute and use
resources such online biography and web capabilities every day. For system like this to exist we
depend on a common network layer that is used all ... Show more content on ...
In the second and third layer of osi model it is called data link and network link. Data link is
packaging data into frames and transmitting those frames on the network and performing the error
detection correction by uniquely identifying the network devices with an address, and handling the
flow control. Data link layer has two sub layer which is called media access control which is know as
the computer unique identifier to which the network is assigned The mac address comes with a 48 bit
address that is assign to it devices network interface card/.Second sub layer is llc which stand for logic
link control, which is know as the multiplex functions that is process of over media access control To
provide a means of exchanging data between end users across a MAC controlled link or a collection of
LANs interconnected by MAC level bridges. Layer 3 switching is another example of fragment free
switching. Up to now, this discussion has concentrated on switching and bridging at the data link layer
Layer 2 of the Open System Interconnection OSI model. When bridge technology was first developed,
it was not practical to build wire speed bridges with large numbers of high speed ports because of the
manufacturing cost involved. With improved technology, many functions previously implemented in
software were moved into the hardware, increasing performance and
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Evaluation Of The Cleveland Clinic
Mike Fiorilli is thee Director of Billing Services Denials for the Cleveland Clinic. The Cleveland
Clinic is a global, multi national health care system encompassing hospitals, physician offices, urgent
care facilities, and research clinics across the globe. The Cleveland Clinic has facilities in Ohio,
Florida, Nevada, Abu Dhabi, Canada, and the England facility is scheduled to open in fourth quarter
2018. Mr. Fiorilli started in the health care industry 35 years ago after the finance business he was
employed by closed. There was no formal training and no college classes for the finance division of
health care. No one in Mr. Fiorilli s neighborhood went to college, the steel industry was booming and
everyone on the block he grew up ... Show more content on ...
The transplant department at the Cleveland Clinic saves lives on a daily basis, and the heart center is
ranked number one in the world. People from all over the world come to the Cleveland Clinic for
treatment, a fact that every care giver that works for the Clinic can be proud of. From the physician
performing a procedure, to the janitorial staff that cleans the room, and everyone in between, each one
has their own part to play in the world class care of our patients. Coming from the finance department,
they key issue Mr. Fiorilli deals with, is the rising cost of health care. He believes that with more than
forty million people dependent upon entitlements, the deep economic issues of our country are driving
up the cost of health care. From the finance perspective, the number of dollars that are written off to
charity must come from somewhere, and the government subsidies that used to cover those costs, no
longer do. Medicare pays less and less every year, increasing disallowances for cpt codes they paid the
year prior, and the two percent sequestration they now withhold on every claim has cut deeply into the
intake of every care giver and facility in the country. To offset those costs, the care givers must raise
rates of the self pay and commercial insurance. The more the government pays out in entitlements the
less they have to subsidize facilities. Mr. Fiorilli states he really has no
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Kristi Burdick Case Study Essay
The FRC recommends Promotion of Dr. Kristi Burdick to the Rank of Associate Professor based on
the fit of her documented accomplishments with the criteria for this status as stated in the Master
Agreement. In making this recommendation, the FRC concurs with the comments presented by the
School of Nursing colleagues, Dr. Nancy Gasiewicz, the department head, the College of Health
Sciences and Professional Studies Advisory Committee, and Dr. Schuiling, the Dean of the College of
Health Sciences and Professional Studies. Given below are the reasons for FRC s approval of Dr.
Burdick s applications for promotion to associate professor.
Dr. Burdick meets the eligibility criteria for promotion to Associate Professor. Dr. Burdick holds the
terminal degree in her field and has five years of teaching at the rank of instructor or above. The
Doctorate in Nursing Practice (DNP) is a practice focused program in nursing which the American
Association of Colleges of Nursing characterizes as rigorous and demanding. There are expectations
of a scholarly approach to the discipline, and a commitment to the advancement of the profession. The
DNP is places greater emphasis on practice, and less emphasis on theory, meta theory, research
methodology, and statistics than is apparent in research focused programs. ... Show more content on ...
Gaining knowledge to improve nursing practice, patient outcomes, and enhanced leadership skills to
strengthen practice and health care delivery. Northern Michigan University s nursing program benefits
from a better match of program requirements and credits and time with the credential earned, and
enhanced ability to attract individuals to nursing from non nursing
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Basal Metabolic Study
Energy comes in the form of chemical, mechanical, electrical and heat. Energy can be converted and
cannot be created or destroyed. In nutrition, energy is measured by a unit of kilocalorie or commonly
called a calorie. Fifty percent of food kilocalories from eating produce ATP through reactions of
glycolysis and in the mitochondria of the cell. Another fifty percent is lost as heat. Energy comes
though foods and body energy reserves. Exercise will increase energy metabolism. A basal metabolic
rate or BMR is the amount of energy or kilocalories to keep organs functioning and to stay alive.
BMR estimates are made with measuring resting metabolic rate or RMR. RMR measures metabolism
when a person is not using energy to digest or absorb food and ... Show more content on ...
It has three sites involved in appetite regulation ventromendial nucleus, lateral hypothalamus and
arcuate nucleus. Through studies using mice, lesions to the hypothalamus has resulted in hyperphagia
or hypophagia. In human studies, patients with tumors in the hypothalamus have been shown to be
hyperphagia or hypophagia. The regulation of food intake is a complicated process. It involves
external factors and signals from certain hormones through the hypothalamus. These factors act as
appetite stimulator and appetite suppressors to control energy intake and expenditure. There have been
several weight loss drugs developed to treat obesity. Three of the drugs are orlistat, sibutramine, and
rimonabant. Orlistat prevents fat digestions and absorption by binding to gastrointestinal lipases. The
fat is blocked and fat is not digested and passed out in feces. Sibutramine works differently to affect
the nerve cells in the brain that regulate appetite. Rimonabant works as a CB1 antagonist. The drug
binds to a receptor without activating it and preventing endocannabinoid to bind to it which decreases
cell signals for appetite. The desire is for less appetite. A person will gain weight once stopping the
drugs and limited in there use for weight loss. Weight loss surgery is used to limit the amount of intake
of foods by decreasing the size of the stomach. The options are the duodenal switch, gastric binding,
sleeve gastrectomy and gastric
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Xbox One Vs Ps4 Research Paper
For the last couple of years all I have been using is the Xbox as the main console I use for gaming. I
have been very happy with my results, but I think that might change. Ps2 had a great run, but in my
opinion once the Xbox 360 came around I think it beat the Ps3. Now, that the Ps4 has come around it
has changed everything. This essay is about the Xbox one and the Ps4. At the end of this I will choose
which Is better and why. First we will talk the Ps4 which Is a gaming console made by Sony, a
Japanese company. Other than being a new console, it has also brought new features that It has never
had in the past. With the xbox 360 s controller being called the best controller ever made, Ps4 knew
they had to step it up. In this model Playstation ... Show more content on ...
Speaking of online play, some games on the Ps4 do not need to go online to play, which good for the
times my wifi goes down or if I dont have wifi. I have a habit of burning through controller batteries
quick and i don t feel going out and buying a $30 rechargeable stands, but this is where Ps4 comes
into place. This console is more convenient because it is smaller that the Xbox one. The Ps4 already
come with a rechargeable cable which means that instead of waiting for my controller to get done
charging, i can play and charge it at the same time.
In conclusion the Ps4 comes out on top overpowering the Xbox one, although that could change.
Microsoft has unveiled that they are coming up with a new console called Project Scorpio that is
planning to beat the Ps4 by adding some of the Ps4 s features like vr(virtual reality) combined with
their own. I still have hope for, since i have been using the Xbox all my life, but we will have to wait
and see later this year to see what it has and for now, the Ps4 reigns
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Media s Role in the Globalization Process
Essay: The role of media in globalization process
If we talk about the role of media in globalization process we should firstly say that what the media is.
The media is media technologies that are intended to reach a large audience by mass communication.
Today the media play a key role in enhancing globalization. And the media also play important role in
facilitating culture exchange flows of information between countries. The media spreads through
international news broadcasts, new technologies, television programming, film and music. There are a
lot of broadcasts of media. Foe example: We can say about internet, TV, radio, newspapers, books,
billboards and etc. The media connects the world to a network of information easily accessible for all
of us. In this discussion arises a question: Which role has media in globalization process? I think the
role of media in globalization process is very important. And my point of view is that the media is a
part of the globalization process, it is like pen of the globalization process, because media shares
everything that the globalization process dictates. The important role in globalization process has
Internet, which connects all the countries around the world. Internet is called world wide web . So if
we say about the globalization process we should remind that the developed countries globalize
enough. However, there are some countries which do not globalize enough. For example, states of 3rd
world, hungry states and others.
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Is Victimless Crimes Is Defined As A Victimless Crime
The topic I chose to write about is Victimless Crimes. I will be defining the term as well as discussing
a few of the known victimless crimes along with the penalty/punishment for each in the states of
Alabama, Kentucky and Michigan.
A victimless crime is defined as an incident or crime where there is no distinct victim legal Crimes . There are many different crimes that can be
categorized as a Victimless Crime. Some of these crimes include Postitution, Drug use and Public
Drunkines (Public Intoxication) education crimes definition types
examples.html . A lot of the crimes involve one complaining party, most likely the police officers or a
unhappy customer out for some payback .
The first victimless crime I want to discuss is Prostitution. This term is defined as two people
engaging in inappropriate behavior for some form of payment . I honestly find it sad that people
struggle so much that they feel the need to fo these types of acts to money or necessities in life. It s a
sad reality of the world.
Every state has there own punishments / penalties for prostitution as well as for the customers, pimps
and brothel owners. In the state of Alabama the law says that a prostitute can spend a whole year in
jail or be fined $6,000 and in some cases both are issued
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Nick Murray Research Paper
One day in a thick forest, a man named Nick Murray was on a survival expedition. He and his German
Shepherd, Roxie, roamed the forest looking for firewood. They searched for a long time, but nothing
was dry enough to start a fire with. Finally, they found what they needed, dry wood. They went to the
shelter that Nick made of sticks and a tarp. They placed the wood carefully and made a cozy fire.
Roxie yelped in hunger. Nick already knew what Roxie wanted. They headed for the small river
opening. There was salmon everywhere in the water. Nick used his large net to catch them. They had a
brilliant plan. Roxie scared the fish toward Nick, and he caught them in the net. After about ten tries,
they caught two fish. They went back to the warm fire after being soaked ... Show more content on ...
She came back with sticks in her mouth every time. Nick also gathered sticks to make a warm fire.
Roxie came back with a small chunk of wood for the fire. Nick spoke again saying, Good job, Roxie!
Roxie was sore from all the running she did, and she decided to lay down. Nick had a blazing fire that
he was cooking the fish on. Nick ate leftover berries and salmon again. They knew they had made it
through this day. The night was long and bitter, which made it hard to sleep. The fire started to die
down slowly until only the coals were burning. After a while, both of them drifted off into a deep
sleep. Little did they know the next day would affect them for the rest of their lives. Nick woke to
Roxie licking his face. He laughed and hugged his four legged friend. Nick packed his backpack with
his knife, a coat, water, and more fish. He brought his bow and arrows and set off to hunt. Nick looked
and saw a bunny out of the corner of his eye. He held his breath and let go of the string. The arrow
propelled forward at the bunny, but he missed. The dog ran after the bunny using her speed. Nick
yelled, No. Bad
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How Is Truman Trying To Get His Identity
The best place on earth Seahaven voted planets top town. This newspaper headline helps to control
Truman because they are saying he needs to stay in Seahaven because its the best place. Who needs
Europe! They don t want Truman to leave and go to Europe so they put that there to control him from
leaving or wanting to leave. Crackdown on homeless Seahaven Islands City Fathers say Enough is
Enough! They do this to control Truman because he said his father looked like a homeless man and
they are trying to justify Truman seeing them drag his father onto the bus to get rid of him. 2. When
you are young you are trying to find your identity by trying new things and trying to experience life.
Media influences a lot of choices because it could ... Show more content on ...
They had lots of different camera angles and one was from a trash can so that the audience could see
him in the morning, another was from his ring so they could see him at all times, another one was
from the back seat of his car so they could watch him while he drives, another was on an
advertisement board so they could watch him on his way to work, another was on posts outside his
house so they could see him anytime he was home, another was on a bookshelf so they could see what
he did and who he talked to, there are a lot more but those are just some of them. Some camera angles
with Christof are when Truman is bigger than him for once and this is to show more emotion, we also
see Christof looking over the whole dome from the moon and this shows that he can always see
everything, also we see him when he is leaving the room and walking through the metal detector and
the guards are wearing Truman shirts that say Love him, protect him this could mean either love
Christof or Truman and protect either Christof or Truman. They chose the angles for Truman because
the whole world was watching him, they at least needed to have some good angles of his every action.
They chose the angles for Christof so that we could see how they operated everyday and how they
fixed any
... Get more on ...

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  • 2. Disadvantages Of Gender Discrimination Gender discrimination is an unfavorable treatment based on gender. It causes the elimination of individual s right and opportunity (Reeves and Baden, 2000: 2). Gender discrimination usually disadvantages women because women are considered inferior in society. Virginia Woolf states that gender discrimination is a result of the imbalance power between men and women (in Dobie, 2012: 114). Apparently, women have already suffered the discrimination since a long time ago. Traditional society believes that men are more powerful than women. How society put men as the leaders in the society proves it. It causes men to have power over women. For example, in traditional society, men become the acceptable leaders who are responsible for making decisions. The decisions mostly disadvantage women. Meanwhile, women are destined to agree all of the decisions made by men. For instance, husband tells his wife to stay at home instead of taking part in society. Husband also warns his wife to not speak ... Show more content on ... France can be the country which highly upholds the equality nowadays. However, the wartime was completely different period. Women at that time had to suffer the real discrimination. They experienced violence and body exploitation during the war. Many women were blamed and accused of doing treason. Although some women took the discrimination as an advantage to join the war as spies, it still necessarily was one of the forms of discrimination. This was because women were regarded as weak and usually unnoticed by enemy. To make it worst, women also fought the cold winter. Women starved and suffered from cold because there was not enough food and clothes which were all taken by the German. Furthermore, the unstable condition during the war caused women to face two choices. Women had to choose whether to collaborate and to work with the enemy in order to survive, or to fight against it showing their struggle and their ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The, Social, And The World Of The Plaz Material Culture ... In the vast field of anthropology, there are many ways to investigate a particular society. The three readings; Being in the Market versus Being in the Plaza: Material Culture and the Construction of Social Reality in Spanish America, Excluded Spaces: The Figure in the Australian Aboriginal Landscape, and Indexical Speech across Samoan Communities all approach this topic differently. The first uses physical anthropology to examine the landscape, the second uses anthropological taboo to examine how this impacts the culture, and finally the third uses linguistic anthropology to analyze the home life of a tribe. Although all different in nature, each form plays a key role in understanding the world from the view of an anthropologist. As such this paper will examine the similarities and differences of each work. So that they can be compared to one another, to form a concrete view of the material, which enables the reader to fully understand how each work relates to one another. While in Spanish America Miles Richardson examines the difference between the busy street markets and the indoor plaza. Noticing that the two seem to mirror opposites in nature, he concludes that the reason for this is due to material culture (Low Lawrence zuniga, 1988). Upon this conclusion, Richardson continues into detail comparing the two places of business. However before this comparison can be made, the concept of material culture must be explained first. As put by Richardson Material culture... ... Get more on ...
  • 4. A Study on Aeronautical Manufacturing Firms Competition and Aeronautical Manufacturing Aeronautical Manufacturing Firms Introduction Aeronautical manufacturing firms in the United States economy come out as the single most important firms in export business. The industry has sustained high wages, heavy infrastructures, value adding aspects and sustainable infrastructure that supports other industries. The Bureau of labor Statistics estimates that, by the year 2014 salary and wage employment will rise by eight percent compared to, the overall combined growth in all industries. The industry suffered a significant decline in demand after the 2001 September terrorist attack. Slowly demand and growth of the industry has increased with higher domestic and foreign demand for airplanes ADDIN EN.CITE McGuire S.2007441(McGuire S., 2007)44144117McGuire S.,The United States, Japan and the Aerospace Industry: From Capture to Competitor.Pacific Review of Educational ResearchPacific Review of Educational Research329 3502032007( HYPERLINK l _ENREF_4 o McGuire S., 2007 #441 McGuire S., 2007). Constraints Aeronautical Manufacturing Firms Face Dependence on outsourced component parts Recently the industry has come to be dependent on import of components parts from technologically advancing countries. In responses to increases in the number of players with technologically advanced technology, aeronautical firms have considered co production deals, joint ventures and local content agreements. These measures are just ... Get more on ...
  • 5. 403 Contribute To Resources Unit 403 Understand how to contribute to the control of resources This is a very well written piece of work, but it could cover more of the knowledge statements in outcomes 2 3. It would help if you referenced a piece of work as you went along with the numbers given in the knowledge statements, then it would be clear as to what you had covered. I have put the assignment into a table giving a column on the left for referencing just to give you the idea by including some of the reference numbers. 3.1 2.1 3.2 3.3 3.9 3.3 3.5 Using resources effectively is very important for the business as well as helping maintaining staff safety, stock management, minimising ... Show more content on ... A way we try to minimise this impact is by buying whole cases so the suppliers can use the original packaging and not having to repackage split cases. A major environmental impact that is occurs when bringing in resources is through the transportation of them. In order to minimise the impact this has on the environment we try to source our suppliers locally and minimise the amount of deliveries we have a week. In order to obtain resources we must ensure that we go to an appropriate supplier which has been approved by the company. The approved suppliers have all been check and their support staff have to go though an induction type process so they understand our fire regulations and procedures. If a resource is required from a company that is not on our registered supplier list then they must be added the appropriate paper work filled out. The control of waste is essential in any business and vital in hospitality. We monitor all waste
  • 6. produced from our three main kitchens (Appendix 3) and with the use of past sales figures (Appendix 4) we are able to predict the popularity of each dish and cater accordingly. Recycling is becoming more vital to reduce the environmental impact that the business has on society. In order to increase the amount of recycling the company I work for now have separate bins for glass, paper and card, electronic, clinical and general waste. This ensures that ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Causes And Effects Of The Boxer Rebellion In China Due to the refusal of legal trade and underground trade occurred causing the spread of opium and the decline of prosperity of Chinese citizens due to this epidemic. The mass addiction caused China to allow some trade with foreigners to occur legally ad eventually open their doors. China was unable to easily adapt to western standards and agree to the culture and advancements they were introducing. The Taiping rebellion was between western religion and Confucianism, differing ideas and parties divided the nation. The Nanking treaty was created and signed between China and Britain to decrease conflict with trade, yet inspired more unrest with the Chinese people. The Boxer rebellion in the twentieth century then took place in order to increase Chinese nationalism and deter foreign influence. This caused disturbance in their ability to modernize and did not aid in their success as a nation. The anti foreign sentiments weakened their country and left them vulnerable to weak governments. With a presidency established parties developed further and unrest was deepened. Intellectuals that were allowed to study overseas and in foreign countries disagreed with each other forming a radical and liberal wing. These were divided among those who believed in socialism and those who believed in democracy. Unification was sought out yet the country was increasingly divided. Under Chiang the country was unified and the war lord era was ended, yet a socialistic government was established. The ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Pen And Violence I believe the gun has no power because a gun can only kill, but a pen can give life. Malala Yousafzai. This means that the pen and words can inspire people and bring them up, while the sword and violence can only kill people and bring them down. The sword is violence, but it can also bring peace to the world. The pen brings education, but can also lead to violence. The pen and the sword can both be used positively and negatively, but ultimately the pen has more power. The pen can lead us to act violently and do things that we regret doing. The incident at Comet Ping Pong for example, someone was told that Hillary was planning on using children as slaves so someone took action and decided to attack a ping pong bar because they thought the ... Show more content on ... The Jim Crow laws brought suffering to the African Americans, but the media drew attention to African Americans and gave them sympathy from all over the world. The Jim Crow Laws ordered public places to separate their black and whites. These laws led to the Freedom Rides. During the Freedom Rides, African Americans traveled across the nation to protest segregation. White segregationist responded to this by assaulting and killing many African Americans. When violent actions were done to African Americans it was the pen that captured it. The media and newspapers showed the world what was happening to African Americans in the U.S. Even though the sword brought hundreds of new Freedom Riders to the cause, it is the pen that allowed African Americans to gain a sympathetic national audience and ultimately gain their freedom. The pen and the sword can both be used for good and bad. The pen usually causes the sword, and when the violent actions occur, it s the pen that captures it and shares it to the world. Through violence you may solve one problem, but you sow the seeds for another. Nelson Mandela. Ultimately the sword will solve a problem with many sacrifices, but the pen will solve the problem peacefully and ... Get more on ...
  • 9. How Did Stephen Crane Fight In The Red Badge Of Courage During the novel The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane, Henry fights alongside his comrades in the first battle that he had participated in, yet he flees in the second one he participates in. What caused him to react this way? His reasons for his actions are quite cowardly and dishonorable but justified nonetheless. Here they come, here they come! yelled one of the soldiers. The first battle started when Henry shot the first shot. He works the crowd like the soldier he is, feeling like beast, shooting his rifle, shot after shot after shot. He is confident and strong. He is a part of this regiment and together they push forward, they helt em back . In the second battle, from his point of view, it seemed as though ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Living In The Telluride House No living situation is perfect. Live alone, and you get more freedom and control over your living space, but often at a higher cost and without the social aspect of living with other people, while living with roommates comes with more human connection and the need for constant compromise. Like any other living situation, life in a small self governing community like Telluride House has its own unique complement of advantages of disadvantages. As a current member of the relatively small Women in Science and Engineering residential community at the University of Michigan, I can say from experience that one of the most valuable benefits of this living style is the automatic companionship that it affords. Simply living in this certain space affords every individual an automatic membership in a group, and this shared membership fosters a sense of community. It s a basis for relationships even if one member has relatively little in common with another, the fact that both people live in the same community creates an opportunity to connect that would likely not exist in the absence of that shared membership. Another substantial benefit of living in a small, self governing community is the fact that each person has a level of impact that would not be possible in a larger community. In a dorm of three hundred people, allowing that community to self govern would be chaos, with the conflicts between three hundred different opinions rendering any final decision virtually impossible. ... Get more on ...
  • 11. 1984 Dystopia Analysis The idea of a utopia sounds like a great idea, however it always turns into a feared dystopia. This is exactly what happens in the novel, 1984 and in the notorious group, The Ku Klux Klan. The definition of Utopia is an imaginary and indefinitely remote place (Utopia). The illusion these groups create never end up being utopias and eventually becomes a dystopia. The definition of dystopia is an imaginary place where people lead dehumanized and often fearful lives (Dystopia). The KKK and Oceania are perfect examples of a falsified utopias that are simply dystopias. In the book, 1984 written by George Orwell, Big Brother makes the illusion of a utopia via the uses of doublespeak, propaganda and, brainwashing. In Oceania, Big Brother convinces the citizens that they live in a utopian world while they are really living in a dystopia. Big Brother makes everything seem better by saying that it is better. In the novel, Big Brother decreases the chocolate rations but tells everyone seem that it is increased. It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty four hours? Yes, they swallowed it. Parsons swallowed it easily, with the stupidity of an animal. The eyeless creature at the other table swallowed it fanatically, ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Ferguson Fire Case Study Massey had finally found the explanation for the start of the fire. But, he then needed to answer the more urgent question of why the fire got so out of control, so quickly. Fires a regular hazard on every carrier. On average, there s one every week. In 1967, each carrier had crews of highly trained firefighters to tackle these blazes. But, Massey found the reason why those teams failed to stop the fire. The leader of the team, gerald Farrier, reached the fire within 30 seconds, with the rest of the team right behind him. But, 94 seconds into the fire, there came the first explosion, which killed Gerald and 5 of the team, and disabled the remaining three. Untrained men then had to fight the fire. Looking at the footage of the fire, Massey ... Show more content on ... One split open as it landed on the deck. The first of the two would detonate in 94 seconds. 60 seconds to bomb cook off. Gerald Farrier and Repair 8 fervently tried to cool the bombs, and extinguish the flames. Just 10 seconds before cook off, Gerald Farrier ordered his team to run. 94 seconds after the fire started, the first reached cook off point. It exploded violently, killing Gerald, most of his team, and half of the pilots in the A 4s. 9 seconds later, the other bomb exploded, opening a hole in the flight deck, allowing the fire to spread below deck. Within the next 4 minutes, 5 more of the older bombs exploded, releasing 40,000 gallons of fuel to catch fire 49 minutes after the fire started, the fires on the flight deck were extinguished. The efforts to put out the fires below deck would take another 13 hours. 134 died, with 18 bodies never recovered. The official investigation report shook the Navy. Top admirals immediately took steps to prevent such a thing from ever happening again. Safety measures were completely overhauled on all carriers. All old weapons were removed and replaced with newer bombs. And firefighting training was made mandatory for all ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Hafez Al Assad Research Paper When Hafez al Assad and his party The Ba ath Party, seized power and he became the President of Syria, Hafez al Assad started building a base for a disgusting dictatorship. Hafez al Assad given power and high ranks in the military and the government to mostly the Alawites(A branch of Islam), he wanted to prevent people turning against him due to belief or becoming a mole as Alawites his people. All of that showed the favouritism in the Assad regime from the beginning, which later on his son Bashar al Assad took over when his father died, but unfortunately nothing has changed. The long reigning Assad regime has destroyed Syria, because the regime is anti western, anti jew, and anti human rights. During Hafez al Assad and Bashar al Assad s presidency ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Opposition Of Quebec Separatism In recent elections, the separatist parties in Quebec have seen crushing defeats, raising questions about their relevance in modern day Canada. Support for Quebec separatism has diminished in the past several decades, with the rise of the NDP in the 2011 federal election and the more recent provincial Liberal victory in April of 2014. In the 2011 federal election, specifically, the Bloc Quebecois was reduced to only four seats in the House of Commons, while the NDP took the majority of Quebec s seats. The provincial Parti Quebecois (PQ) has also been faltering, losing more often than not to the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ). Indeed, over the past decade, the PLQ has only lost one election, and has held majorities in many. The most recent election put them back into power after a short PQ minority government that began in 2012. These recent elections may point to a future in which the separatist movement in Quebec may be silenced. Since the late 1950s, the question of Quebec separatism has existed, with levels of support varying throughout the following decades, leading up the referendums of 1980 and 1995. The defeats suffered by the separatist parties in recent elections demonstrate that the separatist movement may be close to being over in Quebec. The history of Quebec within Canada has been problematic since the very beginnings of Canada. The clash of the culture of the French and English speaking Canadians has created tensions in Canada since the British took over in ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Use Of Pathos And Adverts In The Samsung Commercial People are constantly searching for the newest and most advanced technology. Phones are a predominant mobile device. The advertisements publicize different brands of smartphones. The Apple Commercial shows Dwayne Johnson using Siri on the iPhone 7 to get through his active day. The Samsung commercial shows Christoph Waltz using the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 to display the busyness of the American lifestyle. These commercials use pathos, ethos, and logos. Pathos is an appeal that creates an emotional response from viewers. The use of pathos in the Apple commercial induces an amusing atmosphere. At the beginning of the advertisement, Dwayne Johnson is lifting weights, trimming a bonsai tree, reading movie lines, and having his head shaved while a news reporter on the television questions his ability to balance an impossible schedule. Dwayne Johnson participates in several dramatized scenes such as taking a selfie while floating in space in his astronaut attire ( iPhone 7 The Rock x Siri Dominate the Day Apple internet). Dwayne Johnson has a nonchalant demeanor that contrasts with the frantic people around him. This creates an episode of laughter because he engages in such unusual activities in an effort to refute the reporter s doubt. The exaggeration of the various events in his day and Dwayne Johnson s interaction with other people throughout the commercial creates a comical reaction from viewers. The use of pathos in the Samsung commercial creates a light hearted but ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Descriptive Essay Tennis Ad in yelled cole as he was getting ready to serve. The score was 5 4 we were up one set of the two kids from Wheeler. The game had been a very close match so far. The first two games going 6 4 and 4 6. The team that won this set would win the match. It was match point. We needed one more point to win the match. Cole then loaded up to serve the ball. The serve then came whizzing past my head. The kid from wheeler had a very good forehand and cole had served right to it. The kid from wheeler then returned the serve cross court back to Cole. Cole then placed a very nice lob into the back left corner of the court. This corner was also a forehand shot for the kid from wheeler. The kid from wheeler was trying extremely hard to cross all the way back over to the corner to get the ball that Cole had placed so tremendously. The kid had gotten to the ball just in time before it took its second bounce. He then weakly tried to return a lob back to Cole. Little did he know it was too short. He had hit the ball right at me at the net. The ball floated very slowly through the air. I then loaded up and got ready to hit an overhead shot. At the end of summer I had decided to try tennis for the first time. I had decided not to play soccer. I had played soccer since I was like 3. My mom had said many times Maybe you should try out tennis because you are not playing soccer? . I knew that I liked tennis but I had never really played it before. So on a Friday in the middle of July my mom ... Get more on ...
  • 17. PSP Executive Summary Goals The major part of the job for PSP is to advice the Federal government on management and operation challenges. These challenges can include a wide range from designing economic development strategies to implementing financial controls for major federal programs. These require immense focus and efficiency to get the job done right and PSP has just the right tools by partnering with the parent company PWC s business units to create innovative solutions. There are four primary goals in PWC PSP: Drive profitable growth, enhance people experience, enhance the client experience, and maintain compliant and efficient operations.(PwC PSP MBNQAApplication, 2014) PSP delivers solutions through a horizontal competency structure which consists of ... Show more content on ... PS has maintained efficiency as they work in a federal environment and must adhere to strict accounting regulations and federal regulations. PSP is regulated by Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), Government Accountability Office (GAO), Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA), OSHA and many others. (PwC PSP MBNQAApplication, 2014) With such distinctive federal contract regulations, PSP uses its core competencies of leadership, ethical Behavior, Quality and innovative customized solutions to reach goals and exceed client expectations and generate a result with extreme efficiency and effectiveness. At this level Standardization of procedures is a given as the adherence to federal regulations is a must on every level due to the nature of the work. Based on our understanding and performance of PSP, we can infer that there is a very formalized approach to their client solutions with a specified target and well defined roles in each area. On a scale of efficiency and effectiveness from 1 to 5, 1 being low and 5 being high, PSP would rank at 5 for both efficiency and effectiveness of their ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Lab Exercise At Room Temperature Equal Introduction: Many of molecular biology and chemistry involves working with very small volumes. A micropipette is standard laboratory equipment used to measure and dispense a specific volume of liquid (#5 This is a very helpful tool that we need to master and able to use in a biochemistry lab. The purpose of this lab exercise is learning how to use a micropipette to find the density of different liquids, and be able to identify an unknown liquid using density. Also, learn how to evaluate the experimental accuracy, precise, and error of small volumes used in biochemistry based on the theory that 1gram of water at room temperature equal 1millimeter (#1 Bruice). If the density of water that determined after the experiment ... Show more content on ... Based on the theoretical density, the density of water, methanol, and glycerol that obtained in the experiment should be the same or close to these values above. If the experiment performs correctly with high precise and accuracy, then density of the unknown can be used to identify the present chemical substance. The expect outcome for this experiment is the value you obtained will be close or exact the theoretical values. In this exercise, all of the micropipettes measured in the form of a microliter. There are different models of micropipettes have different minimum and maximum limits. The two micropipettes we were used for this experiment are P1000 and P100. The correct micropipettes were chose based on the volume of the liquid that needs to be measure. Micropipettes should never go past the set limits, either lower or higher. It will cause the micropipettes to not function correctly or will measure incorrect volumes. The maximum sizes are showed on top of the plunger (thumb knob) button. P100 ranges from 10 100 microliter, P1000 ranges from 100 1000 microliter (#5 Figure A: Different parts of Micropipette Materials: A P1000 Micropipette and a P100 Micropipette. Large and small pipette tips 4 different types of chemical substances: water, methanol, glycerol and unknown. 4 Disposable bowls 4 25mL beakers A analytical scale Procedure: First, the P100 and P1000 micropipettes were ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Candice Millard Persuasive Speech The Author of Destiny of the Republic is former writer and editor for National Geographic, Candice Millard. She was born in 1968 in the United States. After graduating from Baker University, Millard went on to receive her master s degree in literature from Baylor University. Her first book, River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt s Darkest Journey, was a New York Times bestseller. It was even named one of the best books of the year by various papers such a the Washington Post, New York Times, and San Francisco Chronicle to name a few. Currently, Millard resides in Kansas City, Missouri with her husband and their three children. James A Garfield was born to a poor family living in Ohio, and his father died when he was not even two years old. Garfield ... Show more content on ... He shot him twice. The first bullet only grazed his arm, but the second went into his back. It missed his spinal cord and all vital organs so it was not a lethal wound. It did, however, became a lethal wound as soon as doctor after doctor stuck a finger in the wound to probe it. Without any authority to do so, one doctor, Dr. Bliss assumed control of Garfield s medical care shooing away all the others. He did this because he believed if he could save Garfield, he would become famous and rich. The only problem was that he practiced the most traditional and dangerous medical practice. He avoided antisepsis (which could have saved Garfield s life) and embraced the good old surgical stink which was the encrusted blood and pus on the surgical apron that was never washed which was a sign of ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Frederic Chopin Essay Frederic Chopin Frederic Chopin, the Polish composer and pianist, was born on March 1,1810, according to the statements of the artist himself and his family, but according to his baptismal certificate, which was written several weeks after his birth, the date was 22 February. His birthplace was the village of Zelazowa Wola, part of the Duchy of Warsaw. The musical talent of Frederic became apparent extremely early on, and it was compared with the childhood genius of Mozart. Already at the age of 7, Frederic was the author of two polonaises, the first being published in the engraving workshop of Father Cybulski. The prodigy was featured in the Warsaw newspapers, and little Chopin became the attraction and ornament of receptions ... Show more content on ... When composing his first mazurkas in 1825, as well as the later ones, he resorted to this source of inspiration that he kept in mind until the very end of his life. Chopin soon began studying the theory of music, figured bass and composition at the Warsaw High School of Music, which was both part of the Conservatory and, at the same time, connected with Warsaw University. Its head was the composer Józef Elsner. Chopin, however, did not attend the piano class. Aware of the exceptional nature of Chopin s talent, Elsner allowed him, in accordance with his personality and temperament, to concentrate on piano music but was unbending as regards theoretical subjects, in particular counterpoint. Chopin, endowed by nature with magnificent melodic invention, ease of free improvisation and an inclination towards brilliant effects and perfect harmony, gained in Elsner s school a solid grounding, discipline, and precision of construction, as well as an understanding of the meaning and logic of each note. During this period of time, Frederic composed a series of extended works, and after the third year of his studies Elsner wrote in a report: Chopin, Frederic, third year student, amazing talent, musical genius . After completing his studies, Chopin planned a longer stay abroad to become acquainted with the musical life of Europe and to win fame. Up to then, he had never left Poland, with the exception of two brief stays in Prussia. In July 1829 he made a short ... Get more on ...
  • 21. How Far Do You Agree That Trotsky’s Leadership of the Red... How far do you agree that Trotsky s leadership of the Red Army was responsible for the survival of the Bolshevik government? (30 marks) There were many factors that contributed to the survival of the Bolshevik Government, ranging from Trotsky s leadership of the Red Army to the failings of the Bolsheviks rivals for power. This essay shows that the main reason for the Bolsheviks continued survival through the period was not Trotsky s great leadership of the Red Army, but the opposition s mistakes and failings. This will be demonstrated by analysing the key factors leading to the survival of the Bolshevik Government: Trotsky s leadership; Lenin s leadership; The Bolsheviks geographical advantage; and finally the Bolsheviks enemies ... Show more content on ... Much of the strategy employed by Trotsky and his generals was designed to weaken the enemies transport system so that they could not effectively organise and coordinate troop movements. Therefore many battles took place near sections of train track and stations, which crippled many enemy attacks and allowed the Bolsheviks to crush each attack and then move on, rather than fighting on several fronts. This great strategy employed by Trotsky helped the Bolshevik Government survive, and without Trotsky and his control of the Red Army, the Bolshevik Government would most likely not have survived. A further factor that contributed to the survival of the Bolshevik Government was Lenin s great leadership of the whole Bolshevik party. At first glance, it appears as though Lenin played only a small role during the Civil War because he remained in Moscow throughout, however, when looked at more closely it can be seen that Lenin was a key decision maker. Lenin forced through the Treaty of Brest Litovsk when many opposed it; he did this because he had promised peace to the public and he needed their support to have any chance of winning the Civil War, and therefore helping the Bolshevik Government survive. Lenin also instigated the policy of War Communism, in which industry was ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Elderly Prison Population The challenges of the elderly prison population are mostly cost related. Due to the fact that as baby boomers throughout the nation have begun to age the prison population in the United States has aged as well. For example, the elderly prison population in 2003 was almost 10 percent and in nearly a decade later the elderly prison population doubled. A 2014 analysis by the Urban Institute posits that this increase in the elderly population could carry significant financial costs. When comparing the elderly population to that of the general population, they tend to experience accelerated ageing caused by things such as substance abuse and any other unhealthy choices in lifestyle. Also, according to this report by the Urban Institute elderly prisoners ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Caribbean is a Strategic Transit Zone By virtue of its proximity to producers in South America and strong trade links with North and Europe, the Caribbean is a strategic transit zone, a hot spot accounting for an estimated 25 30% of cocaine reaching Europe (IFS, 2012). Its deteriorating economy capitalizes on this trade with pervasive drugfuelled corruption, notoriously by governmental agencies, especially law enforcement and criminal justice networks (Day, 2013, p. 9). Government funding is strapped and institutional capacity has plunged into decay. The Substance Abuse Advisory Council Secretariat, reports restricted budgetary allocations for drug rehabilitation (Evaluation of Progress in Drug Control Report, 2010). A United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime commissioned study in St. Lucia reasons that problems of gang violence and youth do not originate with cannabis inebriation but with the legal prohibitions on cannabis and the enforcement of those prohibitions in a zero tolerance environment (Day, 2013,p.6 ). In our so called moral pursuit of a drug free society, we have only achieved its opposite state where consumption and demand has risen. Human rights have been violated. Disparities have widened. Competing pressing national issues has led to an unrelentingly expensive war that we cannot win. Such a policy has clearly backfired because: Incarceration costs incur prohibitive costs to ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Importance Of End Systems In today s society networking is pivotal structure in the way information is transferred and received between people. In the business world we need to send information to people to at fast rates to meet user satisfaction. Imagine places like wall street that is the mecca of business that constantly send information back and forth to get the right information to keep investor aware or up to date on a forever changing stock market. Picture one the biggest libraries in america the library of congress in washington dc that has network structure to accommodate millions of people that commute and use resources such online biography and web capabilities every day. For system like this to exist we depend on a common network layer that is used all ... Show more content on ... In the second and third layer of osi model it is called data link and network link. Data link is packaging data into frames and transmitting those frames on the network and performing the error detection correction by uniquely identifying the network devices with an address, and handling the flow control. Data link layer has two sub layer which is called media access control which is know as the computer unique identifier to which the network is assigned The mac address comes with a 48 bit address that is assign to it devices network interface card/.Second sub layer is llc which stand for logic link control, which is know as the multiplex functions that is process of over media access control To provide a means of exchanging data between end users across a MAC controlled link or a collection of LANs interconnected by MAC level bridges. Layer 3 switching is another example of fragment free switching. Up to now, this discussion has concentrated on switching and bridging at the data link layer Layer 2 of the Open System Interconnection OSI model. When bridge technology was first developed, it was not practical to build wire speed bridges with large numbers of high speed ports because of the manufacturing cost involved. With improved technology, many functions previously implemented in software were moved into the hardware, increasing performance and ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Evaluation Of The Cleveland Clinic Mike Fiorilli is thee Director of Billing Services Denials for the Cleveland Clinic. The Cleveland Clinic is a global, multi national health care system encompassing hospitals, physician offices, urgent care facilities, and research clinics across the globe. The Cleveland Clinic has facilities in Ohio, Florida, Nevada, Abu Dhabi, Canada, and the England facility is scheduled to open in fourth quarter 2018. Mr. Fiorilli started in the health care industry 35 years ago after the finance business he was employed by closed. There was no formal training and no college classes for the finance division of health care. No one in Mr. Fiorilli s neighborhood went to college, the steel industry was booming and everyone on the block he grew up ... Show more content on ... The transplant department at the Cleveland Clinic saves lives on a daily basis, and the heart center is ranked number one in the world. People from all over the world come to the Cleveland Clinic for treatment, a fact that every care giver that works for the Clinic can be proud of. From the physician performing a procedure, to the janitorial staff that cleans the room, and everyone in between, each one has their own part to play in the world class care of our patients. Coming from the finance department, they key issue Mr. Fiorilli deals with, is the rising cost of health care. He believes that with more than forty million people dependent upon entitlements, the deep economic issues of our country are driving up the cost of health care. From the finance perspective, the number of dollars that are written off to charity must come from somewhere, and the government subsidies that used to cover those costs, no longer do. Medicare pays less and less every year, increasing disallowances for cpt codes they paid the year prior, and the two percent sequestration they now withhold on every claim has cut deeply into the intake of every care giver and facility in the country. To offset those costs, the care givers must raise rates of the self pay and commercial insurance. The more the government pays out in entitlements the less they have to subsidize facilities. Mr. Fiorilli states he really has no ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Kristi Burdick Case Study Essay The FRC recommends Promotion of Dr. Kristi Burdick to the Rank of Associate Professor based on the fit of her documented accomplishments with the criteria for this status as stated in the Master Agreement. In making this recommendation, the FRC concurs with the comments presented by the School of Nursing colleagues, Dr. Nancy Gasiewicz, the department head, the College of Health Sciences and Professional Studies Advisory Committee, and Dr. Schuiling, the Dean of the College of Health Sciences and Professional Studies. Given below are the reasons for FRC s approval of Dr. Burdick s applications for promotion to associate professor. Promotion Dr. Burdick meets the eligibility criteria for promotion to Associate Professor. Dr. Burdick holds the terminal degree in her field and has five years of teaching at the rank of instructor or above. The Doctorate in Nursing Practice (DNP) is a practice focused program in nursing which the American Association of Colleges of Nursing characterizes as rigorous and demanding. There are expectations of a scholarly approach to the discipline, and a commitment to the advancement of the profession. The DNP is places greater emphasis on practice, and less emphasis on theory, meta theory, research methodology, and statistics than is apparent in research focused programs. ... Show more content on ... Gaining knowledge to improve nursing practice, patient outcomes, and enhanced leadership skills to strengthen practice and health care delivery. Northern Michigan University s nursing program benefits from a better match of program requirements and credits and time with the credential earned, and enhanced ability to attract individuals to nursing from non nursing ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Basal Metabolic Study Energy comes in the form of chemical, mechanical, electrical and heat. Energy can be converted and cannot be created or destroyed. In nutrition, energy is measured by a unit of kilocalorie or commonly called a calorie. Fifty percent of food kilocalories from eating produce ATP through reactions of glycolysis and in the mitochondria of the cell. Another fifty percent is lost as heat. Energy comes though foods and body energy reserves. Exercise will increase energy metabolism. A basal metabolic rate or BMR is the amount of energy or kilocalories to keep organs functioning and to stay alive. BMR estimates are made with measuring resting metabolic rate or RMR. RMR measures metabolism when a person is not using energy to digest or absorb food and ... Show more content on ... It has three sites involved in appetite regulation ventromendial nucleus, lateral hypothalamus and arcuate nucleus. Through studies using mice, lesions to the hypothalamus has resulted in hyperphagia or hypophagia. In human studies, patients with tumors in the hypothalamus have been shown to be hyperphagia or hypophagia. The regulation of food intake is a complicated process. It involves external factors and signals from certain hormones through the hypothalamus. These factors act as appetite stimulator and appetite suppressors to control energy intake and expenditure. There have been several weight loss drugs developed to treat obesity. Three of the drugs are orlistat, sibutramine, and rimonabant. Orlistat prevents fat digestions and absorption by binding to gastrointestinal lipases. The fat is blocked and fat is not digested and passed out in feces. Sibutramine works differently to affect the nerve cells in the brain that regulate appetite. Rimonabant works as a CB1 antagonist. The drug binds to a receptor without activating it and preventing endocannabinoid to bind to it which decreases cell signals for appetite. The desire is for less appetite. A person will gain weight once stopping the drugs and limited in there use for weight loss. Weight loss surgery is used to limit the amount of intake of foods by decreasing the size of the stomach. The options are the duodenal switch, gastric binding, sleeve gastrectomy and gastric ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Xbox One Vs Ps4 Research Paper For the last couple of years all I have been using is the Xbox as the main console I use for gaming. I have been very happy with my results, but I think that might change. Ps2 had a great run, but in my opinion once the Xbox 360 came around I think it beat the Ps3. Now, that the Ps4 has come around it has changed everything. This essay is about the Xbox one and the Ps4. At the end of this I will choose which Is better and why. First we will talk the Ps4 which Is a gaming console made by Sony, a Japanese company. Other than being a new console, it has also brought new features that It has never had in the past. With the xbox 360 s controller being called the best controller ever made, Ps4 knew they had to step it up. In this model Playstation ... Show more content on ... Speaking of online play, some games on the Ps4 do not need to go online to play, which good for the times my wifi goes down or if I dont have wifi. I have a habit of burning through controller batteries quick and i don t feel going out and buying a $30 rechargeable stands, but this is where Ps4 comes into place. This console is more convenient because it is smaller that the Xbox one. The Ps4 already come with a rechargeable cable which means that instead of waiting for my controller to get done charging, i can play and charge it at the same time. In conclusion the Ps4 comes out on top overpowering the Xbox one, although that could change. Microsoft has unveiled that they are coming up with a new console called Project Scorpio that is planning to beat the Ps4 by adding some of the Ps4 s features like vr(virtual reality) combined with their own. I still have hope for, since i have been using the Xbox all my life, but we will have to wait and see later this year to see what it has and for now, the Ps4 reigns ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Media s Role in the Globalization Process Essay: The role of media in globalization process If we talk about the role of media in globalization process we should firstly say that what the media is. The media is media technologies that are intended to reach a large audience by mass communication. Today the media play a key role in enhancing globalization. And the media also play important role in facilitating culture exchange flows of information between countries. The media spreads through international news broadcasts, new technologies, television programming, film and music. There are a lot of broadcasts of media. Foe example: We can say about internet, TV, radio, newspapers, books, billboards and etc. The media connects the world to a network of information easily accessible for all of us. In this discussion arises a question: Which role has media in globalization process? I think the role of media in globalization process is very important. And my point of view is that the media is a part of the globalization process, it is like pen of the globalization process, because media shares everything that the globalization process dictates. The important role in globalization process has Internet, which connects all the countries around the world. Internet is called world wide web . So if we say about the globalization process we should remind that the developed countries globalize enough. However, there are some countries which do not globalize enough. For example, states of 3rd world, hungry states and others. ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Is Victimless Crimes Is Defined As A Victimless Crime The topic I chose to write about is Victimless Crimes. I will be defining the term as well as discussing a few of the known victimless crimes along with the penalty/punishment for each in the states of Alabama, Kentucky and Michigan. A victimless crime is defined as an incident or crime where there is no distinct victim legal Crimes . There are many different crimes that can be categorized as a Victimless Crime. Some of these crimes include Postitution, Drug use and Public Drunkines (Public Intoxication) education crimes definition types examples.html . A lot of the crimes involve one complaining party, most likely the police officers or a unhappy customer out for some payback . The first victimless crime I want to discuss is Prostitution. This term is defined as two people engaging in inappropriate behavior for some form of payment . I honestly find it sad that people struggle so much that they feel the need to fo these types of acts to money or necessities in life. It s a sad reality of the world. Every state has there own punishments / penalties for prostitution as well as for the customers, pimps and brothel owners. In the state of Alabama the law says that a prostitute can spend a whole year in jail or be fined $6,000 and in some cases both are issued ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Nick Murray Research Paper One day in a thick forest, a man named Nick Murray was on a survival expedition. He and his German Shepherd, Roxie, roamed the forest looking for firewood. They searched for a long time, but nothing was dry enough to start a fire with. Finally, they found what they needed, dry wood. They went to the shelter that Nick made of sticks and a tarp. They placed the wood carefully and made a cozy fire. Roxie yelped in hunger. Nick already knew what Roxie wanted. They headed for the small river opening. There was salmon everywhere in the water. Nick used his large net to catch them. They had a brilliant plan. Roxie scared the fish toward Nick, and he caught them in the net. After about ten tries, they caught two fish. They went back to the warm fire after being soaked ... Show more content on ... She came back with sticks in her mouth every time. Nick also gathered sticks to make a warm fire. Roxie came back with a small chunk of wood for the fire. Nick spoke again saying, Good job, Roxie! Roxie was sore from all the running she did, and she decided to lay down. Nick had a blazing fire that he was cooking the fish on. Nick ate leftover berries and salmon again. They knew they had made it through this day. The night was long and bitter, which made it hard to sleep. The fire started to die down slowly until only the coals were burning. After a while, both of them drifted off into a deep sleep. Little did they know the next day would affect them for the rest of their lives. Nick woke to Roxie licking his face. He laughed and hugged his four legged friend. Nick packed his backpack with his knife, a coat, water, and more fish. He brought his bow and arrows and set off to hunt. Nick looked and saw a bunny out of the corner of his eye. He held his breath and let go of the string. The arrow propelled forward at the bunny, but he missed. The dog ran after the bunny using her speed. Nick yelled, No. Bad ... Get more on ...
  • 32. How Is Truman Trying To Get His Identity The best place on earth Seahaven voted planets top town. This newspaper headline helps to control Truman because they are saying he needs to stay in Seahaven because its the best place. Who needs Europe! They don t want Truman to leave and go to Europe so they put that there to control him from leaving or wanting to leave. Crackdown on homeless Seahaven Islands City Fathers say Enough is Enough! They do this to control Truman because he said his father looked like a homeless man and they are trying to justify Truman seeing them drag his father onto the bus to get rid of him. 2. When you are young you are trying to find your identity by trying new things and trying to experience life. Media influences a lot of choices because it could ... Show more content on ... They had lots of different camera angles and one was from a trash can so that the audience could see him in the morning, another was from his ring so they could see him at all times, another one was from the back seat of his car so they could watch him while he drives, another was on an advertisement board so they could watch him on his way to work, another was on posts outside his house so they could see him anytime he was home, another was on a bookshelf so they could see what he did and who he talked to, there are a lot more but those are just some of them. Some camera angles with Christof are when Truman is bigger than him for once and this is to show more emotion, we also see Christof looking over the whole dome from the moon and this shows that he can always see everything, also we see him when he is leaving the room and walking through the metal detector and the guards are wearing Truman shirts that say Love him, protect him this could mean either love Christof or Truman and protect either Christof or Truman. They chose the angles for Truman because the whole world was watching him, they at least needed to have some good angles of his every action. They chose the angles for Christof so that we could see how they operated everyday and how they fixed any ... Get more on ...