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Flashback Essay
Crafting an essay on the theme of "Flashback" poses a unique set of challenges, requiring a
delicate balance between the past and present. The intricate nature of flashback essays demands
a thoughtful approach to narrative structure, as one must seamlessly weave between different
time periods without confusing or disorienting the reader. This involves meticulous planning to
ensure a smooth transition between past events and the current narrative.
Moreover, the task involves a deep exploration of memory and reflection, as the writer must
delve into the recesses of their own experiences or the experiences of others. Extracting
meaningful insights from the past requires a keen understanding of the chosen events, their
significance, and their impact on the present. The challenge lies not only in recounting events but
in infusing them with relevance and resonance.
Developing a coherent and engaging storyline becomes a formidable task when dealing with
flashbacks. The writer must carefully select and arrange events, maintaining a logical flow while
capturing the emotional essence of each moment. Balancing descriptive elements with the
overarching theme can be demanding, as the narrative needs to oscillate between vivid details
and the broader context.
Furthermore, the challenge extends to the mastery of transitions. Seamlessly shifting between
past and present requires finesse, ensuring that the reader can effortlessly navigate the temporal
landscape of the essay. Over-reliance on flashbacks may disrupt the flow, while inadequate
integration might lead to a disjointed narrative.
In conclusion, writing a flashback essay demands a writer's ability to navigate the complexities
of time, memory, and storytelling. Striking the right balance, maintaining coherence, and eliciting
emotional resonance from past events are all integral aspects of this challenging task.
For those seeking assistance with such nuanced writing tasks, similar essays and a variety of
writing services can be explored on The platform offers professional support
to help navigate the intricacies of essay writing and deliver a polished, well-crafted piece that
meets the unique demands of the chosen topic.
Flashback Essay Flashback Essay
Visual Aspects Of The Graphic Design
As a creative minded person, I enjoy viewing the world through all its visual aspects.
Whether the things I notice are inanimate objects or breathing beings, I take
locations, mediums, and other minute details into consideration when committing
them to memory. I think as an up and coming media artist it is important to utilize
your surroundings with your creations. The details that I notice may inspire me in
my own personal works as well as those that I create for others. Everyday
experiences influence the style and techniques I chose to include or experiment
within my works. The process of semiotics is constantly in practice as I explore and
study the world around me.
As for the few works that I have made regarding my major of graphic ... Show more
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Though this project was created as an assignment for my making class, much of my
own thought and imagination went into it as the requirements and expectations were
vague. Likewise, although this piece is not graphic design nor digitally created, I feel
that this is one my best works that utilized a distinctive thought process and
showcases my artistic style. (This is a photo of the project):
When first introduced to this project the only requirements addressed were that four
objects with one serving as a container were to be created and become a portrait of
any person. The other requirement was the one had to be constructed out of metal,
other than that one could create anything they felt was necessary. I chose Frida Kahlo
as the subject of my portrait as she was and is an iconic artist that I find very
intriguing. I had already been aware of Kahlo and several of her works before this
specific assignment, her complicated history, and continual persistence served as
my inspiration source. I was inspired by Kahlo for this portrait since she has made
several self portraits within her lifetime and developed her unique personalities
striving as an independent female artist. I felt the need to utilize the opportunity to
create an atypical piece in admiration of the unique individual. The objects of the
portrait are made up of a hand painted flower pot displaying Frida s face in a
traditional Mexican style, a handcrafted monkey, a
Remote Access Policy Is A Normal Thing
Remote Access Policy
In today s advanced world of technologies remote work arrangement is a normal
thing. It is an important step of creating flexible work force. But there are certain
risks associated with remote access such as unauthorized access, leakage of
confidential information. So to minimize these potential risks a secure policy is
required. Remote access policy tries to minimize the risks associated with remote
networks by defining the system requirement for remote users before they are
allowed to connect to the organization s network. Remote access policy defines
standards for connecting to organizational network and security standards for
computers that are allowed to connect to organizational network.
2.Purpose ... Show more content on ...
I.Principles of Remote Access
Remote access connection should be given same consideration as on site connection
by XYZ Company employees, contractors, vendors and agents.
General access to internet for recreational use or outside business interest though
XYZ network is strictly prohibited.
Authorized users are held responsible for preventing access to company s resources
and data by non authorized users.
Performing illegal activities through XYZ network is strictly prohibited.
Authorized users are held responsible for misuse of authorized user s access.
II.Remote Access Registration and Management
Remote access accounts will be created for initial 12 months period and reviewed and
monitored in accordance.
All passwords create for remote access connections must follow passwords standards
III.Third Party Access Registration and Management
Third party commercial service provider may be granted access to XYZ network
only after approval from XYZ information owner.
Third party service provider need to sig the XYZ third party Network access
Under no circumstances will the third party be allowed to access XYZ network until
XYZ management has received appropriate documentation.
Third party service provider will only be granted read/execute privilege by default.
Third party service provider need to
The Born Free Usa Task Force
Recommendations The members of the Born Free USA Task Force have a
common goal to provide a solution to increase restrictions for exotic pet
ownership, which allows for more responsible exotic pet ownership and the
decreased capacity of danger to the public. In addition, it will provide for more
safety precautions and ensure those exotic animals in captivity are provided for
every day. The first step in our process of analyzing the recommendations of exotic
petownership in Missouri was researching the current regulations in other states and
what was working and not working in those states. Currently, every state has varying
regulations and within those states, many cities and counties have assorted
regulations as well. Based on the success of the drastic changes the state of Ohio has
made in the exotic animal ownership regulations, their platform for change is one to
model. Ohio was once a state with no restrictions on exotic animal ownership prior to
the 2011 incidence of Terry Thompson, who set free his exotic animal farm of fifty
plus animals before committing suicide. This incident pushed the already in question
exotic pet ownership regulations into national limelight. Our task force has
researched the current restrictions and the process of implementing them along with
the undesirable potential side effects of these new laws. With this information, we
were prepared to present a solid foundation for the state of Missouri to create a new
movement in the exotic pet
Internal Conflict In The Hunger Games
Katniss Internal Conflicts
In life there always seems to be some sort of violence and there always seems to be
a good and a bad side. Directed by Gary Ross, The Hunger Games is a movie about
24 tributes fighting to the death for the Hunger Games crown and freedom from
ever having to physically fight in the arena again. It is a game of violence, ferocity,
and blood, and only one tribute can win. Even though stories often have a Battle
between Good and Evil, it is Katniss s internal conflict confronting her own good and
evil that portrays humanity with a longing for destruction, violent inclination, and
sense of separation. When one loves a person or something dearly, then they have
the tendency to do almost anything they can to protect and save them from whatever
harm they come across. Katniss volunteered for the games knowing she was saving
her sister from a terrible fate. She made a promise that she would try her best to win
the Hunger Games, but her confidence in her own ability to kill another person was
minimal. She did not want to get any blood on her hands but knew that in order to
win she would be forced to. Crispin Sartwell recognized situations like these when he
said, your goodness, like mine, has little to do with who you are and everything to do
with the social conditions you find yourself in (Sartwell). The circumstance Katniss
found herself in was full of violence, pain, and ruthlessness which further contributed
to the tainting of her humanity
Examples Of Insanity In Hamlet
Hamlet In the Shakespeare play, Hamlet, Hamlet is given one task by the ghost of
his father, which is to get revenge for his death. The ghost also told Hamlet he could
not go insane while accomplishing this task or bring harm to his mother. Although, it
can be questioned on whether or not Hamlet completely abides by the request of
remaining sane while attempting to revenge his father s death. Some of the characters
in the play, such as Polonius and Claudius, believed that Hamletwas completely and
utterly insane. Hamlet s madness is all an act of pure deception. The reader is
challenged in determining if Hamlet is actually insane or just acting insane when
Hamlet asked Laertes to forgive him for killing Polonius. Hamlet tells Laertes, His
madness is poor Hamlet s enemy (127). Hamlet is attempting to blame his madness
for his action of killing Polonius. Hamlet conversation with Horatio before the dual
explains that Hamlet knows there is something unusual about the whole situation,
which causes him to feel uneasy. Hamlet has a feeling that this duel could be... Show
more content on ...
Hamlet does not slip into true insanity; Hamlet is at fault of making some rash
decisions. Although, at some point in time everyone is guilty of making a rash
decision that result in consequences. When Hamlet struck his sword through the
curtain while he was in his mother s room, he truly thought that it was King Claudius
behind the curtain. Hamlet had planned on catching King Claudius in an act of sin,
and Hamlet saw his chance and decided to take it. He was just unaware of the fact
that it was Polonius behind the curtain not King Claudius. This action was not
insanity, it was the consequence of Hamlet not knowing all of the details of who was
behind the curtain. This example makes the point that Hamlet is not being truthful
when he blames his actions on his madness, because Hamlet is not
Research Paper On Galapagos Tortoise
The Galapagos tortoise belongs to the phylum Chordata. This means that it has a
notochord, this is a hollow dorsal nerve cord, a post anal tail (for anytime in their
life), Pharyngeal slits, and an endostyle. An endostyle is an organ that helps the
animal filter feed. The scientific name for the Galapagos tortoise is Geochelone
nigra. Its name was made from the genus it was from (Geochelone) and the black
coloration of the tortoise (nigra). The Galapagos tortoise can be up to 5 feet which
was the largest ever recorded. They have five front claws and four back claws
which help when crossing rugged terrain and are pointed inward. The tortoise has a
toothless jaw due to its primarily vegetarian diet. They usually have a large dome
shaped shell
Literary Analysis Of Mending Wall By Robert Frost
Analysis of Mending Wall by Robert Frost
Robert Frost is describing a process in Mending Wall , which is repairing a wall
that separates his territory and his neighbor s. The wall was deteriorated during the
winter, when the cold frost created cracks and gaps in the wall. He uses a nearly
infantile imagination to unravel the mystery of the damage that appeared suddenly in
spring. While they are tediously laboring to reconstruct the fence, Frost is imploring
his neighbor about the use of the wall; his apple trees can be clearly distinguished
from his neighbor s pine trees. Yet underneath this quotidian routine, Frost goes
beyond the surface to reveal its figurative meaning.
The poem renders an apparent question: Why do people build unnecessary ... Show
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For example, he indicates that the practice of mending the barrier is futile, when he
states the metaphor, Oh, just another kind of outdoor comes to little more.
Another metaphor he used is Spring is the mischief in me. Mischief here does not
refer to anything relative to evil, but to friskiness that attempts to put a notion in his
head. Yet this attempt is in unavailing, and the neighbor continues to repair the wall,
and in the simile, Like an old stone savage armed , Frost attests that his neighbor
has the stride and stubborn ignorance of a caveman. He also uses other devices such
as a pun, applied in the line, And to whom I was like to give offence. The last word
of the line simply emphasizes the importance of the subject, the fence. The most
prominent figure of speech, however, is the ironic, Good fences make good
neighbors. This is completely opposite of the connotation of the poem. Fences do not
make neighbors, but strangers that are apathetic towards each other. The neighbor
seems to prefer this approach, to eliminate any risks of trespassing or offenses. Yet
what the fence really does is hinder the development of friendship. This is comparable
to the barriers of bitterness, anger, hate, and fear men put between one another that
obstruct love and
Mission Values And Values Of American Red Cross
American Red Cross: Mission, Vision, and Values The American Red Cross is a non
profit organization that helps those going through a crisis. This organization also
provides services and relief during emergencies to alleviate suffering. This non profit
is well known throughout the world and has existed for a very long time, over 130
years (Red Cross). Services offered through the American Red Crossinclude but are
not limited to disaster relief, blood drives, CPR classes, and services to the Armed
Forces. The American Red Cross would not be as successful or exist over 130 years
if they did not have a solid mission, vision, and base the organization off their
fundamental principals. The mission for the American Red Cross states... Show more
content on ...
The mission statement as previously stated; answers why the organization exist and
what is their purpose. The mission also should be memorable, inspiring, market
focused (who they serve), and what they want to be remembered for (Olsen), the
American Red Cross mission does this. The mission statement does not need any
improvement as it fulfills all the characteristics of a good mission for an
organization. The American Red Cross vision statement serves its purpose as it stats
where the organization is headed in the future. The vision statement is well written,
however a time limit should have been mentioned where we would see the vision
turned reality. The change in the vision would be stating accomplishing the vision
in 10 years. Including a time limit will give the employees and organization a goal,
which is to accomplish this vision in the specified time; this will also meet the
criteria of including a time frame. Simply put, the mission is the existence of the
organization, the vision is where they want to go, and the values or principle is the
means to get
The Resurrection Of Christ In The Gospel Of Jesus
The Gospels of Mark, Luke, and Matthew are identical to the Gospel of John since
they all manage to portray the life and work of Jesus Christ while establishing the
divine nature of Jesus. However, unlike the other three gospels, the Gospel of John
establishes the ministry of Jesus Christ through his wondrous miracles. Although
Jesusperformed many breathtaking miracles throughout his lifetime, perhaps the most
significant miracle is the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead. The raising of
Lazarus is a pinnacle event in the Gospel of Johnsince it foreshadows the crucifixion
of Jesus, and it also serves as proof that Jesus is the resurrection and the light of the
world. Furthermore, the raising of Lazarus is a continuous metaphor for the
continuation of faith in God through all aspects of life.
When Jesus heard the news that his good friend Lazarus had passed away, Jesus
refrained from going to the town of Bethany to fulfill his father s will which is that
God s glory will be revealed to mankind once the son is glorified through the father.
Jesus insists on staying in Judea for an extra two days serves as an allusion to the
Passover scene in John 13 since it foreshadows the death of Jesus. The primordial
reason that Jesus visits Lazarus until the fourth day is because Jesus himself claims
that the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth
(Matthew 12:40). The death of Jesus is significant because, through Jesus ultimate
sacrifice, we as
The Disease Of Behcet s Disease
In 1937, a rare disease called Behcet s Disease (BD) was first described by Dr.
Hulusi Behcet, who is a dermatologist in Turkey. The disease is also known as
Behcet s syndrome and described by The American Behcet s Disease Association
(2014) as a rare, chronic, autoimmune, autoinflammatory disorder (American
Behcet s Disease Association [ABDA], 2014). The disease, recognized worldwide,
can affect multiple systems in the human body and associated with morbidity and
mortality. Dr. Hulusi Behcet (2014) first described the disease as a triad of oral
ulcers, genital ulcers and ocular inflammation (ABDA, 2014). The epidemiology
behind this disease indicates its prevalence in multiple countries. It is less
prevalent in the United States and Western Europe. According to National
Organization for Rare Disorders (2015),the highest prevalence rate, 80 370 cases
per 100,000, of this disease is in Turkey, as well as in Japan, Korea, China, Iran and
Saudi Arabia (National Organization for Rare Disorders [NORD], 2015). According
to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease, the
disease affects more men than women in Middle Eastern and Asian countries.
However, it affects more women than men in the United States (National Institute
of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease [NIAMS], 2015). It can develop in
people of all ages but it tends to develop in people between the ages of 20 to 40. The
Behcet s disease symptoms vary from person
Personal Narrative about Skiing Essay
The coat of armor I adorned, made of down feathers and a nylon shell, yielded no
protection against the daggers of that cold winter air. As I peered out toward the
horizon, I saw nothing but tree tops, and some snow capped mountain tops in the
distance. With my feet bound to freshly waxed skis, the only thing stronger than my
skipoles was my determination to get down the mountain.
I turned to my right, only to see the immediate drop off of the ski slope. As I crept
up a little closer to the edge, I noticed an incline that before now was only known to
me through pictures of cliff diving, or an exaggerated road runner and coyote cartoon.
With a deep breath of that icy cold air that seemed endless at the time, I pushed
myself off the ... Show more content on ...
Now, a little bit of pressure onto my right leg, and I m back on my original course.
I see a tree that was once in the far off distance, now rapidly approaching with speed
of an oncoming train. With a look of confusion that I can only describe as the look
of a deer in the headlights, I twisted my body to the right in hopes to avoid the
oncoming danger, that devil dressed in the needles of a blue spruce.
As my upper body shifted to the right, everything from my waist and below stayed
true to the course, including the ski poles. I ran over the handle of my ski pole,
with my stomach. The pole was pushed up into my lower abdomen, propelling me
off of the slope entirely, I was airborne. I landed on my back, completely out breath,
and dazed to the point I had no recollection of where I was. The next moment was
particularly scary for me, all I can recall was the ringing of a whistle in my ear, and
the red lights flashing from the ski patrols snowmobiles. Unsure of any injuries, the
ski patrol had braced my back and neck, strapped me to a board, and began to tow me
down the mountain.
I spent the next three hours in the lodge under the watchful eye of a very pleasant
paramedic, who prescribed me the perfect blend of warm blankets and hot
chocolate. The throbbing pains finally ceased, and I was able to stand up under my
own power. I slowly staggered out the door, eternally grateful to the paramedics and
ski patrol that came to my
How Did Technology Shape American Culture
Technology and music have always been interlinked. As technology improves ways
of recording and distributing music improves. Over history we have gone from
scratchy records to clear and portable MP3s. New and innovative technology have
helped to shape America s culture as a nation.
In 1877 the first human voice was recorded by Thomas Edison using tinfoil. He was
attempting to improve the telegraph when he realized that when he moved tape
through the machine it made a noise that sounded similar to speech. He then placed
a stylus on to a cylinder made of tinfoil and spoke the words of Mary had a little
lamb into the makeshift machine.
Edison is widely considered to be the first person to record sound but a man in France
actually beat him to ... Show more content on ...
Before music radio stations broadcasted things such as sermons, sports and the news.
Department stores would also have their own stations and they used them to advertise
their merchandise.
In 1926 the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) began the National Broadcasting
Network (NBC). These were groups of stations that worked with local stations to
syndicate radio shows. These shows focused mostly on music and featured several
different live performers. The types of music were diverse and could vary from
country to jazz.
The Golden Age of Radio was the time period of 1930 1955. During this time was the
great depression and radio was a way to listen to music and receive the news for free.
It was a cheap way to have entertainment instead of more expensive ways such as
going to a live concert or the movies.
Eventually radio shows and broadcasts about news decreased in popularity. All that
was left was music. Radio networks transitioned to playing prerecorded music of
popular artists. The most popular type of station was a station that plays Top 40.
Top 40 is the top 40 songs on the music charts in that particular time period. FM or
radio was introduced soon after this and it instantly became popular because it
offered music in a high
Unit 3 Quiz
1.One simple means of device handshaking involves polling:
A.The host repeatedly checks the busy bit on the device until it becomes clear.
B.The host writes a byte of data into the data out register, and sets the write bit in the
command register
C.The host sets the command ready bit in the command register to notify the device
of the pending command.
D.Answer: All of the above
2.Polling can be very fast and efficient
A.if both the device and the controller are fast
B.if there is significant data to transfer
C.if frequent checks need to be made for data
D.Answer: Option A and B
3.Modern interrupt hardware also supports interrupt priority levels,by
A.allowing systems to mask off only lower priority interrupts while servicing a ...
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a terminal concentrator can multiplex with _________of terminals on a
_______port(s) on a large computer.
A.Hundred ,three
C.Answer: Hundreds, single
D.Million , thousand
6.In serial interface only _____ line(s) is used to transmit data, therefore, only one
bit is transferred at a time. Serial interface is used for serial printers and terminals.
B.Answer: One
D.Two seventy three
7.Most of the I/O processors have its own memory while a DMA module does not
have its own memory except for register or a simple buffer area.
A.Answer: True
8.The advantages of interrupt driven I/O over programmed I/O is that in interrupt
driven I/O the interrupt mechanisms free I/O devices quickly.
A.Answer: True
9.Data buffering is helpful for smoothing out the speed difference between CPU and
input/ output devices
B.Answer :False
10.Input/output Module is needed only for slower I/O devices.
A.Answer :True
11.The devices are normally connected directly to system bus.
B.Answer : False
12.Data chaining indicates that the next CCW contains the address of _________
data for the same command, allowing, portions of one record to be written from or
read to multiple data areas in
What Does Goffman Mean By Working Consensus
According to Goffman and what impression management is that it people act
different in different places to match the setting like there appearance or social
setting. People must engage in this because it helps people adapt and learn skills
by being able to quickly adapt in a different environment. The reasons we do this is
for social approval and for identity development. People like to be accepted in certain
ways. People we adopt different social skills for the appropriate situations. What
Goffman means is that in a certain situations the persons actions will influence the
definition of the situation. What Goffman means by Working Consensus is the way
people work together or cooperate with each other. I do agree with his impression
management.... Show more content on ...
The way this all ties into impression management is how all these people were
acting. At the College everyone was acting the same, there was nothing different
going on. It s like the students saw how others studied and then to just look normal
they also engaged in that activity. It s a bit different for GameStop since most
people were in and out in about four minutes. At Sam s Club you it was hard to tell
how impression management was tied in since it was so crowded but it s to be
assumed to me that when someone notices someone buying a product people get
curious and may get the same thing to fit in. It might not work like that exactly but
in a way it could. This assignment impacted my understanding of impression
management buy making me realize that our environment and the people in our
area really affects the actions of how we act. It made me see how people really do
adapt to how things or people are around then. Even now I notice how different I
can act around a new social group so I can be deemed normal by that certain groups
standards. In which different social groups or classes would have a different
definition of normal. That s how this impacted the way I see how impression
The Efficient Market Hypothesis
The efficient market hypothesis has been one of the main topics of academic finance
research. The efficient market hypotheses also know as the joint hypothesis problem,
asserts that financial markets lack solid hard information in making decisions.
Efficient market hypothesis claims it is impossible to beat the market because stock
marketefficiency causes existing share prices to always incorporate and reflect all
relevant information . According to efficient market hypothesis stocks always trade
at their fair value on stock exchanges, making it impossible for investors to either
purchase undervalued stocks or sell stocks for inflated prices. As such, it should be
impossible to outperform the overall market through expert stock selection... Show
more content on ...
Fama stressed that market efficiency can be only tested jointly with some of the
equilibrium models. The efficient market hypothesis requires all investors to have a
rational expectation on the market, the relational expectation is that average of
information is correct and that updating the information is necessary. Efficient market
hypothesis explains that when a investor is shown new information he may overreact
and some investors might not react at all, and this notion is accepted. Efficient market
hypothesis only requires one basic thing, which are that when facing new information
investors should follow a distribution pattern. There are three common forms in
which the efficient market hypothesis is commonly stated weak form efficiency, semi
strong form efficiency and strong form efficiency. Each form is different, and
explains how markets work in the efficient market hypothesis. The weak form
efficient market hypothesis implies that the market is efficient, when we use the
market information given. The hypothesis also assumes that the future prices cannot
be predicted by analyzing prices form the past. The rates of return on the market
should be independent, and past rate of returns have no effect on the future rates to
be determine. Also excess returns cannot be earned in the long run by using
investment strategies based on
The Grapes Of Wrath Essay
In the epic movie Grapes of Wrath, director John Ford depicted a saga of one
family trying to survive the 1930 s. In watching this film, it helped me to understand
the hardships of the American migrants. The characters showed unique traits and
dealt with problems each in a different way.The Dust Bowl was an ecological and
human disaster that took place in the southwestern Great Plains region, including
Oklahoma. Misuse of land and years of sustained drought caused it. Millions of
acres of farmland became useless, and hundreds of thousands of people were forced
to leave their homes many migrated to California.
As the land dried up, great clouds of dust and sand, carried by the wind, covered
everything and the word quot;Dust Bowl quot; ... Show more content on ...
The Joad family was evicted from their farm in Oklahoma because they could not
afford to pay their bank loan. As they move across the great western states, they suffer
much discrimination.
The Joad family believes that once they are in California, they will find jobs and
settle down. They do not realize, however, that hundreds of thousands of other
families are going to California in search of jobs also. When they arrive, the Joads
are forced to accept horrible wages and live in terrible conditions. Ma was a strong
willed woman who was the leader of the family. The major decision that ma made,
was when the family was passing the Arizona border patrol. She lied to the inspectors
so she could pass through without having the police to search the car.
Ma pretended Grandma was alive so they would be allowed to rush through the
border patrol to get to a doctor. This plan worked and the Joad family arrived in
California safely. She was an ambitious woman who was determined to have a
successful family in California.Tom Joad was the main character. He was an irascible,
yet considerate man who respected his family. His respect for his family forced him
to leave on account of being a fugitive. He was defending preacher Casey, but failed
to do so when the police killed Casey.
Tom got revenge by killing the deputee.Preacher Casey was the most influential
character in the movie. He lived on his own and helped the Joad family during the
Collaborative Learning Practices
Krischner et al. (2006) in there article describes the social and cognitive factors
driving teamwork in collaborative learning environments; mainly he focused on team
learning beliefs and behaviors by performing different experiments. According to him
a team is more than a group of individuals in the same space either physical or
virtual. This article describes when and how teams in collaborative learning
environments engage in building and maintaining mutually shared cognition and
reveals conditions in the interpersonal context that contribute to engage in knowledge
building practices. They present a team learning belief and behaviors model which is
as shown in the figure: Team learning belief and behaviors model (Krischner et al.)
Collaborative learning was the main theme which ... Show more content on ...
Likewise, beliefs as task cohesion and interdependence appear to advance learning
forms; task commitment, supplemented with shared responsibility, drives people to
collective learning processes. Furthermore, a high group effectiveness belief
reinforces the awareness that investment will pay off and hence encourages processes
of learning. Conversely, results underline the potential of a group learning perspective
in understanding the processes that mediate the effect of these interpersonal factors on
Integrative Approaches To Psychology And Christianity By...
The book, Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity written by
Entwistle, N. David, analyzes the integration between Christianity and psychology.
Entwitle explains why Christianity and psychology cannot integrate in the same area
because the former is based on faith while the latter is based on the truth. However, he
emphasizes that the interaction between psychologyand Christianitycannot be avoided
because the two concepts help people to understand the source of humanbehavior, as
well as the healing process of a broken heart (Entwistle, 2010, p. 51). The theme of
the whole text is inclined upon the idea that psychology and Christianity can be
integrated and used together irrespective of the fact that they are based on completely
different ideas.... Show more content on ...
According to the book, the term integrated should be viewed as a verb and as a noun
because the role played by integration becomes both imperative and feasible
(Entwistle, 2010, p. 26). Entwistle continues to explain that the main reason why faith
and science have been in endless conflict for quite a long time is due to the fact that,
science directly opposes theological ideas and concepts. Even though Entwistle
(2010) supports this notion to some extent, he claims that the way a person
understands the relationship between faith and science depends on individual
assumptions. If a psychologist could understand that there is a direct conflict between
faith and science, then they could appreciate why it is difficult to use science to
prove the intelligence of Christ (Entwistle,
Corporate Business Finance
Corporate Business Finance
Seminar 5
Project Finance
Lauren Leigh Essaram
Ruvimbo Mukorera
27 September 2010
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the duly performed requirement of International
Business Finance, School of Economics and Finance, University of KwaZulu Natal
Non recourse financing has grown in popularity, especially in developing countries.
It has done so more specifically in the basic infrastructure, natural resources and also
in the energy sectors. Large scale investments are mostly financed by project finance,
due to the costs and complexities that face the standard sources of finance. The main
feature of Project Finance is in the accurate estimation of cashflows and a precise ...
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There are a diverse range of definitions given for the term project finance, but in
essence the underlying theme that runs through them all is that it involves the
creation of a legally autonomous project financed with equity from one or more
sponsoring firms and non recourse debt for the purpose of investing in a capital asset
(Esty, 2006: 213). In simpler terms, according to R. J. Herring (2006), project
finance can be defined as a form of financing structure that is specialised in order to
offer a few cost advantages when there is a large amount of capital being invested.
Project finance involves the use of funds that are raised for a specific self
contained venture such as construction or a developmental project (Qfinance, 2009:
1). It is a useful and innovative financing technique that has helped with the timely
financing of many important and high profile corporate projects such as
EuroTunnel, EuroDisneyland, Enron s Dabhol Power Plant, Iridium, Globalstar,
Global Crossing the Atlantic Crossing and Pacific Crossing cables, Canary Wharf
and so forth (Esty, 2006: 214). This type of financing can help with the facilitation
and start of projects anywhere in the world, but is especially good for projects that
are undertaken in developing countries in which great difficulty arises when trying
to secure financial resources for a new project (Henrique and Sabal, 2006: 5). Project
finance uses a well engineered finance mix in order to
Disjunction versus Communion in Raymond Carver s
Disjunction versus Communion in Raymond Carver s Short Stories
Raymond Carver, poet, essayist, and short story writer, was very different from some
other writers in that he clipped his writing until only the essential remained. Carver
not only acknowledged the effect that fiction could have on readers, he proclaimed
that it should affect readers. ( Bonetti
58) Thus, when Carver writes about intimate relationships, the reader perceives the
stories as more than entertainment or skillful language; the reader relates to the
characters situations and applies the knowledge to their own lives. It is within this
realm of character affirmation that Carver draws a much more elaborate, and
meaningful detail in his short stories. I ... Show more content on ...
Disjointed on the other hand is near similarity in communion, in that it contains the
seed of communion which failed to grow. The protagonist achieves some measure of
success only to falter. Disjunction occurs when an opportunity exists for the
characters to change their lives in a small, spiritual way, and they are unable to seize
it. Even with the spiritual isolation that many of
Carvers characters hold, disjunction blocks me from the stories in that it leaves me
unfulfilled, distracts me from the main point. The transgression of characters
within stories, gives reader a greater insight into a spiritual change of some sort,
the lack thereof leaves something missing in the story. A more influential meaning
is gained when a connection of some sort is maid between characters. As Carver
said in a interview later in his life, In fiction that matters the signifigance of the
action inside the story translates to the lives of the people out side the story ( Davis
658) Carver s life, or biography, bares a little insight into his phases, or different
stages in which he wrote his different types of stories and poems.
Carver lived most of his life in a world which could not provide the luxury of
spiritual affirmation. He grew up in Clatskanie, Oregon to working class parents in a
alcoholic home where reading material was limited to Zane Gray novels, and the
newspaper. Following high school, Carver married his
The Skin I m in by Sharon G. Flake
The Skin I m In
Laurianna Atkins tripped over a stack of magazines in the middle of her room,
bumped her leg against the dresser, and dropped her books on the floor. Ouch my
leg! She howled, This room is a mess!
Lydia Atkins, Laurianna s mother, came out of the next bedroom, briskly blow
drying her hair. Stop whining baby and just straiten up things before you leave for
school. I would help but I m late for work.
I don t want to go to school today, Laurianna declared. She paused to see if her
mother would start up a speech or insist that she go. Laurianna was a freshman at
Versas High. Even though it was mid January, she was pretty nervous about
starting in the middle of the semester and being behind. Well that s no way to start
off your second semester in a new school her mother exclaimed. She could hear her
mother babbling about making new friends in the other room, but she was more
focused on what she was going to wear on her first day. She had always dressed
comfortably but still strived to keep up with the trends of her old classmates.
She first tried on a plain black skirt with ruffles at the bottom that fell to the middle
of her thigh. I wonder if wearing skirts are popular at this school? she mumbled
under her breath. She quickly changed into shorts that seemed to be so old that she
couldn t even remember when she d bought them. What if showing my legs are a bit
much for the first day, she mumbled again. I ll just play it safe by slipping on
Welfare Recipients Summary
Drug Testing Welfare Recipients In his article, Should Recipients Be Tested for
Drugs? David Vitter talks about the issue of drug testing people who are on
welfare in the US. Vitter believes that annually drug testing recipients of welfare
will stop people from using the money to support their drug habits. He further
believes that those who are using drugs and test positive as a result can then get
the help that they need. According to Vitter, testing for drugs will accomplish two
main goals. The first goal is to help those recipients with drug abuse problems
realize they have a problem and to offer them a treatment program in order to keep
their welfare benefits. The second goal of drug testing would be to make sure that
jobless Americans would not use taxpayer dollars to purchase illicit drugs. Vitter
feels that there are certain people who are receiving welfare, and they are misusing
the program. Removing welfare recipients or even having them to enter a
rehabilitation program and successfully complete it in order to receive help that
they need, will save taxpayer and the government billions of dollars. He also feels
that the rehabilitation program will help create a better life for those that complete it
and want to stay on welfare. Legislators in at least eight US states want recipients of
food assistance,... Show more content on ...
The welfare system is designed to support those that are in need. The welfare
system should not be abused or misused and failure to comply will be grounds for
termination. Drug testing welfare recipients, is it an infringement of rights and
should it be mandatory for everyone that receiving or will receive assistance? This
subject is up for debate as to whether or not it violates welfare recipient s
constitutional rights. If it should be implemented, would it help saving tax dollars
and government spending and stop welfare
Saint Augustine Reflection
In Saint Augustine s Confessions, he reflects on his past experiences and grapples to
find certainty in understanding his numerous ties to the material world. As he
continues to reflect on these moments of incontinence, Augustine recognizes that God
s presence never left him alone although God did not directly stop him in his choices.
Augustine himself causes his souls miserable condition, so he himself must be the
one to find and choose fulfillment of his soul in God, whose eternal stable nature can
provide rest, as God alone is the constant cause of inconstant things (Conf. 1.9). Just
as he learns in schooling, free curiosity has greater power to stimulate learning than
rigorous coercion, God s gentle nudging for Augustine to find faith is the upward
push necessary to break his chains. So, Augustine must let go of turning to lower,
fleeting goods by distinguishing which experiences harm or benefit his soul (Conf.
To begin his reflections, Augustine looks at the sinfulness of his infantry and
boyhood to understand God s process and presence in his life. Born into original
sin, babies act with greed and jealousy, only yearning for their basic needs to be
satisfied (Conf. 1.10). Yet, adults tolerate this behavior because they know in the
gradual process of aging, this behavior will pass. Augustine uses this fact to explain
the origins of his sinful nature, but it also extends into a metaphor to understand God
s allowance of time for Augustine to turn to goodness.
Privacy Protecting Trademark Identification System Using...
Privacy Preserving Trademark Identification System using Cloud
1. Introduction
Content Based Information Retrieval (CBIR) is the field that constitutes
representation of images, organizing and searching of images based on their content
rather than annotations of image. CBIR, also known as query by image content and
content based visual information retrieval (CBVIR) is the application of computer
vision techniques to the image retrieval problem, that is, the matter of checking out
digital pictures in massive databases.
Content based implies that the search analyzes the contents of the image based not on
keywords, descriptions related to image, tags or annotations but based on features
extracted directly from the image data. The term ... Show more content on ...
Images with higher similarity than threshold are returned as an output. System which
uses the content of the object for Information Retrieval is the CBIR.
There are many applications of Content Based Information Retrieval. Image retrieval
is one of the applications of CBIR. Few applications of CBIR are art collections,
architectural and engineering design, crime prevention, Defense, Face detection etc.
Mostly CBIR is applied on the Multimedia data.
CBIR faces some problems. The trouble with the technique is the issue of high
dimensionality. With the increase in the dimensionality CBIR becomes time
consuming system and highly computation bound. Also with variety of applications
of CBIR, there is need to preserve the privacy of user interest.
A. Need of the Privacy Preservation in CBIR
Privacy can be outlined as The quality of being secluded from the presence or view
of others . In CBIR user provides some Multimedia object (e.g. an image of
trademark to check whether the same trademark is already exist or not) as query
and system provides required results. During this process system must realize the
similarity between user query and objects in the database. At this time system gets
the user query and query reveals the content and interest of the user and here is the
privacy leak in the system. Here the original trademark can be compromised or can
be copied. Generally CBIR is multi party system, in which there are minimum 2
parties, User and
Environmental Scan Paper
Environmental Scan Paper There are internal and external elements that help a
corporation determine their future. Environmental scanning monitors, evaluates, and
disseminates the information from both the internal and external environments
within the corporation. The internal and external elements are strategic factors that
determine the corporation s future. Environmental scanning can be conducted
through a simple SWOT analysis that describes the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats as strategic factors for an organization. The internal
environment of the corporation is the strengths and weaknesses variables within the
organization. The external... Show more content on ...
A.O. Smith Water Products Company A.O. Smith Water Products Company is an
industry leader in the manufacturing of gas and electric residential and commercial
water heaters. They offer production and services in the United States as well as
major international markets. Since the company was founded it places a premium on
engineering excellence. This has resulted in many firsts in both residential and
commercial water heaters and boilers (PRN Newswire , n.d.). The company has an
ongoing commitment to innovative and continuous improvement in their products.
Because of their quality products and services, A.O. Smith Water Products Company
has become one of the most trusted and requested brands in the water heater industry.
A.O. Smith Water Products Company provides warranty services for all of their
products. The company does incur extra costs because of it. Product defects are low,
but they can still be expensive. Each product that moves through the warranty process
cause charges from customer service, manufacturing expense, and additional
packaging and shipping charges. Global suppliers can increase taxes and shipping
costs, which could force them to change suppliers. The cost of marketing is a
potential weakness because of the economy. Magazines and other marketing sources
could start charging more. A.O. Smith Water Products Company believes in
environmental sustainability, which increases costs
Renzo Piano As A Approach To Architecture
Renzo Piano was born September 14, 1937 in Genoa, Italy, To a family of Genoese
builders. He graduated from the school of Architecture, Milan Polytechnic in 1964.
He later expressed dissatisfaction with the academic approach to architecture,
describing it as without rebellion . During his studies he was working under the
guidance of Franco Albini, his spare time was spent working steadily at his fathers
construction company. This is where he developed an inspiring love for the
architecture.After graduation, he was initially employed by his father s construction
company before collaborating with Louis Kahn in the United States and Z.S.
Makowsky in the United Kingdom. Between the years 1965 and 1970 he worked
with many great artists, but the most influential... Show more content on ...
This building was designed to house some of the worlds most exquisite modern art,
so naturally the design had to be modern. It is constructed mostly of high tech steel
and glass, with a beautifully designed exoskeleton adding to its complexion (Renzo
Piano Building Workshop Official Site). Renzo Piano has designed and brought to
life so many structures all over the world. Some of his most famous include
Kansai, the world s largest air terminal in Osaka Bay, Japan, where Piano proved
himself a master of the gigantic project and again with the imposing Bercy
Shopping Center in Paris, as well as a massive and beautiful National Science
Museum in Amsterdam. His soccer stadium in Bari, Italy is like no other in the
world, with its great swaths of blue sky interrupting the usual monotony of stadium
seating. His versatility is displayed further in such projects as the beautiful sweep of
a nearly one thousand foot long bridge that curves across Ushibuka Bay in Southern
Japan, with the design of a 70,000 ton luxury ocean liner (Great Buildings On line).
In 1998 Piano was selected as the Laureate of the Pritzker Architecture
The Informant s Language Of Spanish
The informant s language of Spanish can affect the grammar of English Acquisition.
For example, Part Four focused on phonetics. Distinguishing different languages by
using phonetics is important because it allows teachers to examine the differences
between the sounds of source and target languages and explain this difference to
learners. In Part Four, we noticed one of the dialectical differences between the
English language and the Spanish language. The difference is that the Spanish
language has accent marks in the letters. Accent marks are essential to how we
pronounce words. This was also shown in Part Six. While observing the translation
of sentences between Spanish and English, my partner and I noticed that some words
were changed in Spanish to include accent marks. Accent marks change the letter
sounds. They help to determine how a letter is supposed to sound in words. For
example, The white mouse at bread and crackers translates to El ratГіn blanco comiГі
pan y galletas . Another dialectic difference that we came across was the different
alphabet. The Spanish alphabet contains letters that the English alphabet does not
such as: ch, ll, Г±, and rr. Lastly, the Spanish language also appears to have a shorter
sentence stress than the English language. Our informant said the words in her native
language and during that time she did not elongate the vowels instead, she said them
rapidly. In addition to how Spanish Grammar could affect English acquisition,
Austim Spectrum Disorder
INTRODUCTION Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are a group of
neurodevelopmental disorders that have overlapping diagnostic criteria related to
deficits in communication, and restricted interests and repetitive behaviour, Duffy
and Healy ( as cited in Worley Matson, 2012). Recent studies in the United States
reported the diagnosis of an ASD in 1 out of 91 children of between age three to
seventeen years (Kogan et al., 2009) and 1 out of 110 children age eight years
(Rice, Baio, Van, Doernberg, Meaney Kirby, 2007). Idro, Newton, Kiguli and
Mwesige, (2010) found the prevalence of mental handicap, severe developmental
/cognitive delay or regress in East Africa to be 17.0% while general behaviour
problems was 3.9%. Jarbrink and Knapp (2001) note that ASDs requires
management throughout an individual s life, with no specific cure; this results in
high costs of interventions. This presents specific sets of challenges to caregivers
especially in resource strained settings. Several studies have shown that parents of
children with developmental disabilities experience heightened stress (Blacher, 1984;
Schieve, Blumberg, Rice, Visser and Boyle, 2007), impaired mental health (Weiss,
1991), a sense of devaluation and self blame (Holroyd, Brown, Wikler Simmons,
1975), and impaired physical functioning, tiredness and exhaustion (Hedov, Anneren
Wikblad, 2000; Emerson, 2003). While acknowledging the changing gender roles,
Gray and Holden ( as cited by Leonard, Seltzer, Shattuck,
Merry-Go-Round by Langston Hughes
Merry Go Round is a poem about a little colored child that goes to the carnival. The
child wants to ride the merry go round, but has a problem finding the back. From
where the child comes from, Jim Crow laws segregate the blacks from the whites.
This poem has a lot of depth and meaning, although it sounds very simple. It also tells
us the mindset of most blacks in the South in the days of segregation. I chose this
poem because the boy s innocence was touching and its deep meaning was very
powerful. In the beginning, the child asks, Where is the Jim Crow section on this
merry go round, mister, cause I want to ride? in lines 1 3. Jim Crow laws are laws
that segregate the blacks from the whites, so you can infer that the Jim Crow
section is solely for the blacks. If you go to a carnival right now, colored children
won t be asking for the direction to the Jim Crow section. This points out that in
the old days, blacks had to sit in different sections than the whites. The child then
continues to say, Down South where I come from white and colored can t sit side
by side. In lines 4 6. As I said above, blacks had to sit in separate sections away from
the whites down in the South. In addition, this tells you how sever racism was in
the South because even a child knows that blacks and whites were supposed to be
segregated. The child continues on and says, Down South on the train there s a Jim
Crow car. On the bus we re put in the back, but there ain t no back to a
Tone Of The Poem We Real Cool
In the poem We Real Cool, the tone of the story is very clearly brought to the
attention of readers. The first stanza of the poem says, We real cool/ We left school.
We (662). This sets the tone that they are tough guys, they don t want to be bothered,
and they want no non sense from anyone. This is also throughout the rest of the poem
as well. Another specific example is the next stanza that reads, Lurk late. We strike
straight (662). To me, this means that if something happens, they re going to take care
of it right away. The poem continues in this fashion and includes words like sin,
further showing that tough guy approach. Contrary to Brooks poem, We Old Dudes
takes on a much lighter tone, one that is actually humorous. An example
Essay about Savage Inequalities by Jonathan Kozol
Savage Inequalities by Jonathan Kozol
In Savage Inequalities, Jonathan Kozol documents the devastating inequalities in
American schools, focusing on public education s savage inequalities between
affluent districts and poor districts. From 1988 till 1990, Kozol visited schools in
over thirty neighborhoods, including East St. Louis, the Bronx, Chicago, Harlem,
Jersey City, and San Antonio. Kozol describes horrifying conditions in these schools.
He spends a chapter on each area, and provides a description of the city and a
historical basis for the impoverished state of its school. These schools, usually in
high crime areas, lack the most basic needs. Kozol creates a scene of rooms without
heat, few supplies or text, labs with no ... Show more content on ...
Kozol comments that, nearly forty years after Brown vs. the Board of Education
many of are schools are still separate but no longer even remotely equal.
Kozol s main argument is that public education should be free and equal to people
of all economic classes. Kozol believes that children from poor families are cheated
out of a future by unequipped, understaffed and under funded schools in the United
State s inner cities and less affluent suburbs. The majority of these children are non
white, and living amongst poverty and crime. Kozol argues about the unfair
standards we expect these underprivileged children to rise to. Children in these
poor areas are being compared to children in affluent areas where the quality of
their education is much higher. Kozol asks how these children will succeed in today
s world if they are not given the same opportunities as affluent schools give their
children. Kozol believes that by depriving our poorer children of their basic needs
we are forcing them into lives of crime, poverty and a never ending cycle of
inequalities in education. Kozol stresses that these students must be taught that savage
inequalities do not have to exist between them and students in more affluent schools,
and that all children are entitled to an equal education.
I had many different reactions to this book. At first, I was horrified and shocked to
learn about the conditions of these poor schools. Growing
The Physics Of The Gas
3.The size of the flame depends on the gas air mixture. If a high proportion of
primary air enters the flame would be much smaller and concentrated giving higher
flame temperatures. This gives rise to carbon dioxide because of unburned gases. For
this the injector was again the great solution. As the gas comes out of the injector air
enters into the stream and is mixed in the mixing tube with the gas before it comes
out of the burner port. Combustionzone is where the gas burns in the primary air and
generates heat in the flameand combustion is completed with the aid of the
secondary air that is drawn into the air from the sides. Fig 7: Injector pin [3]
4.The amount of gas emerging out of the injector enters into the mixing chamber ...
Show more content on ...
Therefore, most burners are designed to have a throat that gives an aeration greater
than optimum and also with a device for restricting the air flow so that the optimum
aeration can be set for any given situation.
5.If the mixing chamber is small good mixing of gas air mixture cannot be done.
So, a lot of energy will be wasted. Therefore, there are many ways of improving the
gas air mixture:
By providing a long mixing chamber serves in good mixing of gas air mixture. But
the mixing tube will be very long.
By using a venturi, with a pipe that tapers into the throat and then again tapers out
smoothly. In this the air flow can be adjusted by screwing the injector into or out of
the throat or by moving the throat relative to the injector. Fig 8: Throat or Diffuser [3]
The air flow in the venturi can also be controlled with the help of a throttle valve
which can be screwed to block the throat. Fig 9: Throat with Throttle [3]
The venturi can be smaller than the cylindrical mixing tube. Therefore, it can be used
in any place even if the space is limited.
6.Equivalent supply of heat to cook anything is the main necessity for high
efficiency and reduce the energy consumption. Therefore, burner ports were
designed. So, the flame can be directed effectively where it is needed. It is possible
for the flame of the burner to travel back to the
Flaws in Christianity Essay
Christianity is a religion in which events are claimed to have occured but which can
never be proved. Those who practice it live by different morals than are preached by
the most holy texts. It is an institution in which the most holy scripture is
contradictory, and wherein the supreme being, by the very definition, cannot exist.
Christianity is, therefore, a fundamentally flawed religion.
According to the Bible, events have occured which are even more miraculous than the
resurection of Jesus Christ. Events such as the stopping of the sun by Joshua (Joshua
10:12 14), the reversal of the sun s course by Isaiah (Isaiah 38:7 8) , the resurrection
of the saints, and their subsequent appearance to many (Matthew 27:52 53) were ...
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The christian Bible is highly contradictory, not just to modern day christian beliefs,
but in and of itself. Today s society is of the belief that all people are created equal,
and Christians submit that their god is of the same belief. Modern Christians
believe that their god loves everyone, and that they are all equal. However, after
Adam and Eve had eaten from the tree forbidden by god, this deity said to Eve I
will intensify the pangs of your childbearing; in pain shall you bring forth children.
Yet your urge shall be for your husband, and he shall be your master. (Genesis 3:16).
This tells us that, according to the Christian religion, women shall naturally be
dominated by men. This kind of behavior is not conducive to a being who believes in
inherent equality.
Women are repeadtedly treated as objects and told to be submissive in the
Bible. According to the rule observed in all the assemblies of believers, women
should keep silent in such gatherings. Rather, as the law indicates, submissiveness
is indicated for them. If they want to learn anything, they should ask their husbands
at home. It is a disgrace when a woman speaks in the assembly. (1 Corinthians
14:34 35). Man was not made from woman but woman from man. Neither was man
created for woman but woman for man. For this reason, a woman ought to have a
sign of submission on her head. (1 Corinthians 11:8 10). The Bible also permits
bondage. Slaves,
The Fairy Queen by Henry Purcell
The Baroque period is an era of artistic style utilizing embellished motion, pure and
effortlessly interpreted detail to yield drama, tension, exuberance, and opulence in
representation. The opera The Fairy Queen by Henry Purcell is an excellent
representation of the Baroque era in its inordinate application of all theatrical
foundations, embroidered indications, and the selected focused elucidation to return
melodrama, emotional tension, enthusiasm, and sumptuousness for the audience
watching. Baroque musicis characterized through contrasts as dramatic elements,
monody and the advent of the basso continuo, and different instrumental sounds.
Contrast is an essential feature in the production of baroque arrangements. The
alternations between bold and flamboyant and soft, solo and ensemble, different
instruments and timbres all constitute a key portion in various baroque compositions.
Composers similarly created more precise instrumental arrangements regularly
stipulating the instruments on a musical piece that ought to be executed instead of
allowing the performing musician to select. The Fairy Queen is a masque or semi
operaby Henry Purcell. The libretto is an revision of William Shakespeare s wedding
comedy A Midsummer Night s Dream. Purcell did not put any of Shakespeare s
wording to tunes; as an alternative he poised melodies for short musical numbers in
every act but the beginning performance. The opera itself had also been marginally
modernised in
Business For Lee Valley Marketing Plan
Lee Valley Marketing Plan
Zara Bagramian
Rhonda Hung
Kunal Pande
Sarah Stamkos
Dec. 4, 2013
MKM 706
Table of Contents
Executive Summary3
Company Background3
Marketing Objective3
Customer Analysis3
Market Analysis4
Competitive Analysis5
Internal Environmental Analysis:6
External Environmental Analysis7
Marketing Strategy7
Financial Analysis9
Executive Summary
Business for Lee Valley s gardening line has been stable for the past couple of years,
especially in 2009 and 2010. The number of customers, average yearly order and the
average order value has been the same for these two years. To meet our sales
objective of increasing gross sales by 2.5%, we will be focusing our marketing
efforts on a specific segment. This particular segment consists of individuals who are
over the age of 45 with a passion for gardening.
People in this segment are likely to be retiring in the near future, which implies
that they will have the income and leisure time to work on their gardening
projects. By targeting this segment, we are attempting to increase their average
yearly orders and average order value, which will eventually drive up sales. Since this
group of individuals already possess a strong passion for gardening and are already
Lee Valley s best customers, we believe that the desire and need to purchase
additional products will increase as this segment is retired, or will be retiring in due
Company Background
Lee Valley, based in Ottawa began
Best Buy S Turn Around Strategy
For the exclusive use of W. Zhou, 2015.
0 0 7 7645065
Best Buy s Turn Around Strategy (2013)
CEO HUBERT JOLY BREATHED A SIGH OF RELIEF as he reviewed the 2012 end
of year holiday revenue figures for Best Buy. After perhaps the most tumultuous
year ever in the life of the company, he knew the numbers could be much worse.
Despite being the world s largest retailer of consumer electronics with $50 billion
in annual sales, Best Buy s financial situation was precarious. The company s stock
price had fallen from $45 to $15 per share over the past two years, a drop of roughly
60 percent.1 While revenues had been increasing at a marginal rate, both comparable
store sales and overall ... Show more content on ...
by Arthaud Day and Rothaermel, 2015.
This document is authorized for use only by Wenhan Zhou in COMM taught by
Abdulrahman Chikhouni , at Concordia University Canada from January 2015 to
April 2015.
For the exclusive use of W. Zhou, 2015.
Best Buy s Turn Around Strategy (2013)
premium gadgets and trendy stores, which dominated the market s high end
segment. Carving out a unique niche in this crowded, post big box, digital retail
world would not be easy, but it was the only way for Best Buy to avoid the same
fate as the now defunct Circuit City. The recent holiday results were encouraging,
but investors were already clamoring for more details on what Joly s next steps
would be.
A Brief History of Best Buy
Together with his business partner, James Wheeler, Richard Schulze founded
Sound of Music, an audio specialty store, in Minnesota in 1966. The fledgling
company ended its first fiscal year with gross sales of $173,000, and continued to
grow rapidly over the next few years. By the time of its initial public offering in
1969, the hometown enterprise had acquired two of its local competitors12 and had
opened two new outlets near the University of
Minnesota in downtown Minneapolis.
Schulze bought out Wheeler in 1971,13 shortly after Sound of Music hit the $1
million mark in annual revenues.14 Subsequent years saw continued expansion
through additional locations, new product lines, and novel
The Pros And Cons Of American Immigration
Immigration is a very controversial topic in the United States. While many people
don t like the idea that these people are coming in to the country and instantly finding
jobs, others say it stimulates the economy more by providing skills and filling rolls
that Americans couldn t. There s also many people that don t know enough on the
matter to have an opinion but still vote, often siding with their political affiliations.
Some even like to blame employed immigrants for the United Statesstumbling
economy, saying that they are leaving even more people unemployed . All of these
viewpoints have their logic, but when looking at facts, the truth is clear. Because of
developments in technology, globalization, current border policies, and the need for
technological advancements, Immigrants aren t taking Americans jobs.
In the early 1800 s immigrants played a prominent role in the workforce, primarily
in the steel industry and farming. Immigrants filled many low skill jobs that
Americans didn t want to fill. In the farming industry, farmers would worked long
days for very low wages. They were able to come with no knowledge or skill and
make a living doing this all day. In the steel industry immigrants were able to easily
fill a role in the assembly line as well. It was easy for them because they only had to
learn one skill and do it over and over again. Because of the large mass of immigrants
at this time, companies with more laborers were able to easily gain an advantage over
Vengeance And Vengeance In Beowulf
V is for Vengeance
Anglo Saxon culture consisted of receiving fame, glory, and wealth through acts of
vengeance and courage. Beowulf portrays these parts in great detail and shows how
destabilizing it can be. Through acts of vengeance, a never ending war occurs.
It is said in Beowulf that old tongues poke and prod youngsters to wars with
incendiary comments like, That sword, that previous old blade over there, I think
you know it friend. Your father carried it, fought with it the time he could swing a
sword; The Danes killed him and many more of our men and stripped the dead
bodies; The brave, bold Danes! (Beowulf pg. 86]. These words prompt the youngsters
to thirst for vengeance and glory with the mention of how their ancestors ... Show
more content on ...
In this quote, Beowulf believes that it would be cowardly to fight Grendel with a
sword and that facing him with only his hands is the only way to do it right. The
word struggle really shows how an Anglo Saxon life must be lived. In Anglo
Saxon culture, you had to show signs of struggle for everything you owned or else
it would seem as though it were illegitimate and others would look down upon you
if items or positions were just given to you. Those who take vengeance with
courage are thought deserving of the wealth they get from those of high social
status according to Anglo Saxon culture. A courageous warrior can earn quite a lot
and you can see this after the defeat of Grendel and Hrothgar states And take, in
return, whatever you may want from whatever I own. Warriors deserving far less
have been granted as much, given gifts and honored, though they fought no enemy
like yours. Glory is now yours forever and ever; your courage has earned it, and
your strength ( Beowulf pg,43]. Hrothgar is telling Beowulf that anything he has is
his. Beowulf showed great strength and courage when fighting Grendel and because
of that, Hrothgar believes that the glory Beowulf has earned is now unassailable.
Hrothgar uses words like courage and strength to show real admiration for Beowulf.
He knows that these are the words that warriors like to hear and what the Anglo
Saxons revere
Swot Analysis Of Aioli Gourmet Burgers
Is it a Phoenician take on the three musketeers? Or is it just a group of three friends
who have come together to create some of the best burgers available in the
Phoenix area? Aioli Gourmet Burgers is by far one of the best restaurants in
Phoenix and to make it a little more special they started out as a food truck. From a
little truck to now three active food trucks and a brick and mortar building they
have overcome the struggle and have begun to live their dreams. Not to mention two
and a half years ahead of schedule (Frigerio). I believe Aiolihas exploded in the way
that they have due to their desire to make the customer happy, their use of fresh
ingredients and unique ideas, and their willingness to adapt to others lifestyles. It...
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That is the elevated dining experience given to you from their succulent burgers.
They have some of the best sauces to choose from that are all made in house,
...chipotle aioli, housemade ketchup, basil garlic aioli, black truffle aioli, sumac
aioli, and white truffle aioli (Saria). They each have a burger uniquely built around
the aioli, but you can also just order them as a side to try with whatever you d like.
They seem to think of everything. Their onions are pickled in house, and they also
have a homemade beer cheese. When they were a food truck there was a lot of talk
about how people wanted shakes or desserts of some kind. Well, when they got
themselves a brick and mortar they finally delivered. They now have three shakes.
One of which stands out the most, the chocolate lover. Starting with a base of
chocolate ice cream it is layered with heath crumbles, brownie pieces, and
chocolate syrup. Now let s gets down to the burgers. Made with quality beef that is
seasoned perfectly, these bad boys come stacked high with the freshest and
sometimes local, when possible, ingredients. All placed on a soft fresh baked
brioche bun, or wrapped in lettuce if that s something you re into. They have seven
burgers all ranging in price from seven to nine dollars. Don t fret, although they seem
somewhat pricey, they offer discounts on sides and drinks with the purchase of a
burger. They recently have started doing something for the regulars who have had all
Essay On Gender Roles In Grimm s Little Red-Cap
Little Red Cap or Little Red Red cap
In the folktale of Little Red Cap there are gender roles that were characterized in
every version that was ever written. In this folktale we can begin analyzing that it
was created specifically to target the female gender, but mainly young girls and
elderly women. In almost every folktale women are portrayed to be vulnerable,
helpless, kindhearted and naГЇve. There are many versions of this folktale and in
every version that was written the females are portrayed to be vulnerable and the
males to be the dominant and superior figure.
Based on the tale version by the Grimm brothers the grandmother gave her
grandaughter a little cap of red velvet, which suited her so well that she would never
wear anything ... Show more content on ...
This was the opportunity the wolf was looking for to gain entrance to the house
and wait for Little Red Cap so he can eat her as well. In every version of this tale
the little girl does realize that something is not right because she questions the
grandmother for not looking like her normal self. Even if Little Red cap believed
she was in danger she would not have been able to do anything because women
during this era were not known for defending themselves, this was the man s job to
protect and defend their family. In the end both the grandmother and the little girl get
eaten by the wolf because they were both so vulnerable and naГЇve that they were
convinced by this superior wolf with his charms and dominant male force. Once
again towards the end of the tale the women are rescued by a huntsman who was just
passing the house, and thought to himself, How the old woman is snoring! I must
just see if she wants anything. Little Red Cap (Little Red Riding Hood, Grimms
Version). Since the women both had to be saved by a man, again this depicts that
they only reason why these women survived was because they were rescued by a
man hence showing that the female is dependent on the
Football Is Dangerous And Something That Should Not Be...
Football is considered to be dangerous and something that should not be played or
watched by people. The game should be played and watched because a lot of
players work hard to fight towards the ultimate goal of making it in the National
Football League despite the possibilities of injury. It is the player s responsibility
to know when it is time for them to walk away and take the proper safety
procedures to keep them from injuring themselves. The players work hard and do
plenty of conditioning to try to keep them in shape and prevent their bodies from
breaking down. Many kids who play do it because they love the game and they gladly
take the risk of injury. Football is very popular for viewers as well. The National
Football Leaguesaw a rise in ratings following the wild card weekend this year
compared to last years. Many TV networks saw a rise in ratings such as NBC,
CBS, and FOX. According to Michael David Smith of Despite predictions of drops in ratings due to
concussions, domestic violence, or other issues the sport still continues to thrive
.The sport is becoming more and more popular and many people believe we should
watch it even though there is problems that make some people not want to watch
the game. Some people believe football should not be watched or played due to
injuries and some players being bad role models towards children. Concussions are a
major reason why people believe football is a bad thing because they can
Taking a Look at Zombie Ants
The stereotypical Zombie Ant , most typically found in a rain forest and or farm
climate, are not the flesh tearing type of zombie you most likely had in mind,
instead, fungal spreading mind controlled ants, taken over by a fungal parasite. And
these ants, are far from usual. There is a cycling, almost endless process, repeated in
three stages. The process and fungusis called Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis. During the
first faze, the fungal parasite picked up by the target ant, enters the ant s brain, by
latching on to the skin, literally tearing its way through its cuticle, and separating all
inside muscle tissue. The fungus is picked up from the forest floor, in particles
dropped by another infected ant. This powerful overtaking fungus is known as. After
the fungus has entered the body, it starts to travel up into the head of the infected ant.
After the parasite has entered the brain, the zombification stage of the fungus inside
the ant causes the fungus to grow in the head and take over the mind, where the ant
now goes through an uncontrollable, helpless faze, where the fungus is present in
the head, and now in charge of the ant s mind. In full control of the ant s body, the
fungus can now direct the ant away from it s natural daily routine, and cause it to
roam around the forest hoplessly. The reason being for the fungus to target and take
over these ants in the first place is to create a sort of mass production of the fungul
parasitic ants, taking over the forest,
Methadone During World War II Essay
General Information
The IUPAC name of methadone is (RS) 6 (Dimethylamino) 4,4 diphenylheptan 3 one.
Other common names for methadone include: Symoron, Dolophine, Amidone,
Methadose, Physeptone, Heptadon, and others. The molecular formula for
methadone is C21H27NO and its molecular weight is 309.44518 g/mol. Methadone
exhibits two enantiomers, Levomethadone (R ( ) Methadone) and dextromethadone
(S (+) methadone). It has a specific optical rotation of 32 deg at 20 deg C/D. It also
has a melting point of 235 degrees Fahrenheit.
Methadone s History and Uses
During World War II, the United States and our allies cut off Germany s opium
supply. As a result, German scientists developed methadone in 1937 as an attempt to
develop a synthetic opioid that could be created with readily available precursors in
order to solve Germany s opium shortage. These scientists were working for I.G.
Farbenindustrie AG at the Farbwerke Hoechst. Upon completion of the war,
Farbwerke Hoechst was required by the U.S. Department of Commerce to relinquish
all patents, trade names, and research records. In 1947, the Council on Pharmacy and
Chemistry of the American Medical Association gave the drug its generic name
methadone . As the patent rights of methadone were no longer protected, any
pharmaceutical company interested in the product could invest with ease. In 1947,
Eli Lilly and Company became the first pharmaceutical company to introduce
methadone into the United
Alcohol As A Dangerous Deadly Weapon
On January 16, 1920, the government passed the 18th amendment, which banned
all alcohol from being manufactured, transported, and sold in the United States. But
it is ironic how the prohibition just brought in more of what it was trying to
outlaw. The American citizens of course did not like this law so they eventually
opened more bars and kept drinking illegally. Even going back to indigenous roots
of Latino/Hispanics, alcohol has been a huge component to celebrations, traditions
and social upbringings. The use of alcohol can be seen as one of the most
important social lubricants in society. For nearly thousands of years, alcohol has
taken the role of providing enjoyment and the capability to bring people together,
which of course proves its strong influence it has on culture. Often alcohol is
overlooked in society, despite the good qualities alcohol can bring among people it
also has its many negative qualities. Alcohol is a dangerous deadly weapon used in
the wrong way for the wrong reasons. Alcohol includes beers, wines, and liquors
and the variety of alcohol has become so great in numbers that people no longer
need to have a reason to drink. But unfortunately, some individuals do find reasons
to drink and those reasons might be because they are trying to cope with an issue.
Many individuals in the Rio Grande Valley come from broken homes and or are
experiencing troubled times. Instead of talking about the problem and addressing it,
individuals go to alcohol and hope to

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Flashback Essay. Flashback Short Story Example by Keith Manning TpT

  • 1. Flashback Essay Crafting an essay on the theme of "Flashback" poses a unique set of challenges, requiring a delicate balance between the past and present. The intricate nature of flashback essays demands a thoughtful approach to narrative structure, as one must seamlessly weave between different time periods without confusing or disorienting the reader. This involves meticulous planning to ensure a smooth transition between past events and the current narrative. Moreover, the task involves a deep exploration of memory and reflection, as the writer must delve into the recesses of their own experiences or the experiences of others. Extracting meaningful insights from the past requires a keen understanding of the chosen events, their significance, and their impact on the present. The challenge lies not only in recounting events but in infusing them with relevance and resonance. Developing a coherent and engaging storyline becomes a formidable task when dealing with flashbacks. The writer must carefully select and arrange events, maintaining a logical flow while capturing the emotional essence of each moment. Balancing descriptive elements with the overarching theme can be demanding, as the narrative needs to oscillate between vivid details and the broader context. Furthermore, the challenge extends to the mastery of transitions. Seamlessly shifting between past and present requires finesse, ensuring that the reader can effortlessly navigate the temporal landscape of the essay. Over-reliance on flashbacks may disrupt the flow, while inadequate integration might lead to a disjointed narrative. In conclusion, writing a flashback essay demands a writer's ability to navigate the complexities of time, memory, and storytelling. Striking the right balance, maintaining coherence, and eliciting emotional resonance from past events are all integral aspects of this challenging task. For those seeking assistance with such nuanced writing tasks, similar essays and a variety of writing services can be explored on The platform offers professional support to help navigate the intricacies of essay writing and deliver a polished, well-crafted piece that meets the unique demands of the chosen topic. Flashback Essay Flashback Essay
  • 2. Visual Aspects Of The Graphic Design As a creative minded person, I enjoy viewing the world through all its visual aspects. Whether the things I notice are inanimate objects or breathing beings, I take locations, mediums, and other minute details into consideration when committing them to memory. I think as an up and coming media artist it is important to utilize your surroundings with your creations. The details that I notice may inspire me in my own personal works as well as those that I create for others. Everyday experiences influence the style and techniques I chose to include or experiment within my works. The process of semiotics is constantly in practice as I explore and study the world around me. As for the few works that I have made regarding my major of graphic ... Show more content on ... Though this project was created as an assignment for my making class, much of my own thought and imagination went into it as the requirements and expectations were vague. Likewise, although this piece is not graphic design nor digitally created, I feel that this is one my best works that utilized a distinctive thought process and showcases my artistic style. (This is a photo of the project): When first introduced to this project the only requirements addressed were that four objects with one serving as a container were to be created and become a portrait of any person. The other requirement was the one had to be constructed out of metal, other than that one could create anything they felt was necessary. I chose Frida Kahlo as the subject of my portrait as she was and is an iconic artist that I find very intriguing. I had already been aware of Kahlo and several of her works before this specific assignment, her complicated history, and continual persistence served as my inspiration source. I was inspired by Kahlo for this portrait since she has made several self portraits within her lifetime and developed her unique personalities striving as an independent female artist. I felt the need to utilize the opportunity to create an atypical piece in admiration of the unique individual. The objects of the portrait are made up of a hand painted flower pot displaying Frida s face in a traditional Mexican style, a handcrafted monkey, a
  • 3. Remote Access Policy Is A Normal Thing Remote Access Policy 1.Overview In today s advanced world of technologies remote work arrangement is a normal thing. It is an important step of creating flexible work force. But there are certain risks associated with remote access such as unauthorized access, leakage of confidential information. So to minimize these potential risks a secure policy is required. Remote access policy tries to minimize the risks associated with remote networks by defining the system requirement for remote users before they are allowed to connect to the organization s network. Remote access policy defines standards for connecting to organizational network and security standards for computers that are allowed to connect to organizational network. 2.Purpose ... Show more content on ... ) 4.Policy I.Principles of Remote Access Remote access connection should be given same consideration as on site connection by XYZ Company employees, contractors, vendors and agents. General access to internet for recreational use or outside business interest though XYZ network is strictly prohibited. Authorized users are held responsible for preventing access to company s resources and data by non authorized users. Performing illegal activities through XYZ network is strictly prohibited. Authorized users are held responsible for misuse of authorized user s access. II.Remote Access Registration and Management Remote access accounts will be created for initial 12 months period and reviewed and monitored in accordance. All passwords create for remote access connections must follow passwords standards policy. III.Third Party Access Registration and Management Third party commercial service provider may be granted access to XYZ network only after approval from XYZ information owner. Third party service provider need to sig the XYZ third party Network access agreement. Under no circumstances will the third party be allowed to access XYZ network until XYZ management has received appropriate documentation. Third party service provider will only be granted read/execute privilege by default. Third party service provider need to
  • 4. The Born Free Usa Task Force Recommendations The members of the Born Free USA Task Force have a common goal to provide a solution to increase restrictions for exotic pet ownership, which allows for more responsible exotic pet ownership and the decreased capacity of danger to the public. In addition, it will provide for more safety precautions and ensure those exotic animals in captivity are provided for every day. The first step in our process of analyzing the recommendations of exotic petownership in Missouri was researching the current regulations in other states and what was working and not working in those states. Currently, every state has varying regulations and within those states, many cities and counties have assorted regulations as well. Based on the success of the drastic changes the state of Ohio has made in the exotic animal ownership regulations, their platform for change is one to model. Ohio was once a state with no restrictions on exotic animal ownership prior to the 2011 incidence of Terry Thompson, who set free his exotic animal farm of fifty plus animals before committing suicide. This incident pushed the already in question exotic pet ownership regulations into national limelight. Our task force has researched the current restrictions and the process of implementing them along with the undesirable potential side effects of these new laws. With this information, we were prepared to present a solid foundation for the state of Missouri to create a new movement in the exotic pet
  • 5. Internal Conflict In The Hunger Games Katniss Internal Conflicts In life there always seems to be some sort of violence and there always seems to be a good and a bad side. Directed by Gary Ross, The Hunger Games is a movie about 24 tributes fighting to the death for the Hunger Games crown and freedom from ever having to physically fight in the arena again. It is a game of violence, ferocity, and blood, and only one tribute can win. Even though stories often have a Battle between Good and Evil, it is Katniss s internal conflict confronting her own good and evil that portrays humanity with a longing for destruction, violent inclination, and sense of separation. When one loves a person or something dearly, then they have the tendency to do almost anything they can to protect and save them from whatever harm they come across. Katniss volunteered for the games knowing she was saving her sister from a terrible fate. She made a promise that she would try her best to win the Hunger Games, but her confidence in her own ability to kill another person was minimal. She did not want to get any blood on her hands but knew that in order to win she would be forced to. Crispin Sartwell recognized situations like these when he said, your goodness, like mine, has little to do with who you are and everything to do with the social conditions you find yourself in (Sartwell). The circumstance Katniss found herself in was full of violence, pain, and ruthlessness which further contributed to the tainting of her humanity
  • 6. Examples Of Insanity In Hamlet Hamlet In the Shakespeare play, Hamlet, Hamlet is given one task by the ghost of his father, which is to get revenge for his death. The ghost also told Hamlet he could not go insane while accomplishing this task or bring harm to his mother. Although, it can be questioned on whether or not Hamlet completely abides by the request of remaining sane while attempting to revenge his father s death. Some of the characters in the play, such as Polonius and Claudius, believed that Hamletwas completely and utterly insane. Hamlet s madness is all an act of pure deception. The reader is challenged in determining if Hamlet is actually insane or just acting insane when Hamlet asked Laertes to forgive him for killing Polonius. Hamlet tells Laertes, His madness is poor Hamlet s enemy (127). Hamlet is attempting to blame his madness for his action of killing Polonius. Hamlet conversation with Horatio before the dual explains that Hamlet knows there is something unusual about the whole situation, which causes him to feel uneasy. Hamlet has a feeling that this duel could be... Show more content on ... Hamlet does not slip into true insanity; Hamlet is at fault of making some rash decisions. Although, at some point in time everyone is guilty of making a rash decision that result in consequences. When Hamlet struck his sword through the curtain while he was in his mother s room, he truly thought that it was King Claudius behind the curtain. Hamlet had planned on catching King Claudius in an act of sin, and Hamlet saw his chance and decided to take it. He was just unaware of the fact that it was Polonius behind the curtain not King Claudius. This action was not insanity, it was the consequence of Hamlet not knowing all of the details of who was behind the curtain. This example makes the point that Hamlet is not being truthful when he blames his actions on his madness, because Hamlet is not
  • 7. Research Paper On Galapagos Tortoise The Galapagos tortoise belongs to the phylum Chordata. This means that it has a notochord, this is a hollow dorsal nerve cord, a post anal tail (for anytime in their life), Pharyngeal slits, and an endostyle. An endostyle is an organ that helps the animal filter feed. The scientific name for the Galapagos tortoise is Geochelone nigra. Its name was made from the genus it was from (Geochelone) and the black coloration of the tortoise (nigra). The Galapagos tortoise can be up to 5 feet which was the largest ever recorded. They have five front claws and four back claws which help when crossing rugged terrain and are pointed inward. The tortoise has a toothless jaw due to its primarily vegetarian diet. They usually have a large dome shaped shell
  • 8. Literary Analysis Of Mending Wall By Robert Frost Analysis of Mending Wall by Robert Frost Robert Frost is describing a process in Mending Wall , which is repairing a wall that separates his territory and his neighbor s. The wall was deteriorated during the winter, when the cold frost created cracks and gaps in the wall. He uses a nearly infantile imagination to unravel the mystery of the damage that appeared suddenly in spring. While they are tediously laboring to reconstruct the fence, Frost is imploring his neighbor about the use of the wall; his apple trees can be clearly distinguished from his neighbor s pine trees. Yet underneath this quotidian routine, Frost goes beyond the surface to reveal its figurative meaning. The poem renders an apparent question: Why do people build unnecessary ... Show more content on ... For example, he indicates that the practice of mending the barrier is futile, when he states the metaphor, Oh, just another kind of outdoor comes to little more. Another metaphor he used is Spring is the mischief in me. Mischief here does not refer to anything relative to evil, but to friskiness that attempts to put a notion in his head. Yet this attempt is in unavailing, and the neighbor continues to repair the wall, and in the simile, Like an old stone savage armed , Frost attests that his neighbor has the stride and stubborn ignorance of a caveman. He also uses other devices such as a pun, applied in the line, And to whom I was like to give offence. The last word of the line simply emphasizes the importance of the subject, the fence. The most prominent figure of speech, however, is the ironic, Good fences make good neighbors. This is completely opposite of the connotation of the poem. Fences do not make neighbors, but strangers that are apathetic towards each other. The neighbor seems to prefer this approach, to eliminate any risks of trespassing or offenses. Yet what the fence really does is hinder the development of friendship. This is comparable to the barriers of bitterness, anger, hate, and fear men put between one another that obstruct love and
  • 9. Mission Values And Values Of American Red Cross American Red Cross: Mission, Vision, and Values The American Red Cross is a non profit organization that helps those going through a crisis. This organization also provides services and relief during emergencies to alleviate suffering. This non profit is well known throughout the world and has existed for a very long time, over 130 years (Red Cross). Services offered through the American Red Crossinclude but are not limited to disaster relief, blood drives, CPR classes, and services to the Armed Forces. The American Red Cross would not be as successful or exist over 130 years if they did not have a solid mission, vision, and base the organization off their fundamental principals. The mission for the American Red Cross states... Show more content on ... The mission statement as previously stated; answers why the organization exist and what is their purpose. The mission also should be memorable, inspiring, market focused (who they serve), and what they want to be remembered for (Olsen), the American Red Cross mission does this. The mission statement does not need any improvement as it fulfills all the characteristics of a good mission for an organization. The American Red Cross vision statement serves its purpose as it stats where the organization is headed in the future. The vision statement is well written, however a time limit should have been mentioned where we would see the vision turned reality. The change in the vision would be stating accomplishing the vision in 10 years. Including a time limit will give the employees and organization a goal, which is to accomplish this vision in the specified time; this will also meet the criteria of including a time frame. Simply put, the mission is the existence of the organization, the vision is where they want to go, and the values or principle is the means to get
  • 10. The Resurrection Of Christ In The Gospel Of Jesus The Gospels of Mark, Luke, and Matthew are identical to the Gospel of John since they all manage to portray the life and work of Jesus Christ while establishing the divine nature of Jesus. However, unlike the other three gospels, the Gospel of John establishes the ministry of Jesus Christ through his wondrous miracles. Although Jesusperformed many breathtaking miracles throughout his lifetime, perhaps the most significant miracle is the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead. The raising of Lazarus is a pinnacle event in the Gospel of Johnsince it foreshadows the crucifixion of Jesus, and it also serves as proof that Jesus is the resurrection and the light of the world. Furthermore, the raising of Lazarus is a continuous metaphor for the continuation of faith in God through all aspects of life. When Jesus heard the news that his good friend Lazarus had passed away, Jesus refrained from going to the town of Bethany to fulfill his father s will which is that God s glory will be revealed to mankind once the son is glorified through the father. Jesus insists on staying in Judea for an extra two days serves as an allusion to the Passover scene in John 13 since it foreshadows the death of Jesus. The primordial reason that Jesus visits Lazarus until the fourth day is because Jesus himself claims that the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth (Matthew 12:40). The death of Jesus is significant because, through Jesus ultimate sacrifice, we as
  • 11. The Disease Of Behcet s Disease In 1937, a rare disease called Behcet s Disease (BD) was first described by Dr. Hulusi Behcet, who is a dermatologist in Turkey. The disease is also known as Behcet s syndrome and described by The American Behcet s Disease Association (2014) as a rare, chronic, autoimmune, autoinflammatory disorder (American Behcet s Disease Association [ABDA], 2014). The disease, recognized worldwide, can affect multiple systems in the human body and associated with morbidity and mortality. Dr. Hulusi Behcet (2014) first described the disease as a triad of oral ulcers, genital ulcers and ocular inflammation (ABDA, 2014). The epidemiology behind this disease indicates its prevalence in multiple countries. It is less prevalent in the United States and Western Europe. According to National Organization for Rare Disorders (2015),the highest prevalence rate, 80 370 cases per 100,000, of this disease is in Turkey, as well as in Japan, Korea, China, Iran and Saudi Arabia (National Organization for Rare Disorders [NORD], 2015). According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease, the disease affects more men than women in Middle Eastern and Asian countries. However, it affects more women than men in the United States (National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease [NIAMS], 2015). It can develop in people of all ages but it tends to develop in people between the ages of 20 to 40. The Behcet s disease symptoms vary from person
  • 12. Personal Narrative about Skiing Essay The coat of armor I adorned, made of down feathers and a nylon shell, yielded no protection against the daggers of that cold winter air. As I peered out toward the horizon, I saw nothing but tree tops, and some snow capped mountain tops in the distance. With my feet bound to freshly waxed skis, the only thing stronger than my skipoles was my determination to get down the mountain. I turned to my right, only to see the immediate drop off of the ski slope. As I crept up a little closer to the edge, I noticed an incline that before now was only known to me through pictures of cliff diving, or an exaggerated road runner and coyote cartoon. With a deep breath of that icy cold air that seemed endless at the time, I pushed myself off the ... Show more content on ... Now, a little bit of pressure onto my right leg, and I m back on my original course. I see a tree that was once in the far off distance, now rapidly approaching with speed of an oncoming train. With a look of confusion that I can only describe as the look of a deer in the headlights, I twisted my body to the right in hopes to avoid the oncoming danger, that devil dressed in the needles of a blue spruce. As my upper body shifted to the right, everything from my waist and below stayed true to the course, including the ski poles. I ran over the handle of my ski pole, with my stomach. The pole was pushed up into my lower abdomen, propelling me off of the slope entirely, I was airborne. I landed on my back, completely out breath, and dazed to the point I had no recollection of where I was. The next moment was particularly scary for me, all I can recall was the ringing of a whistle in my ear, and the red lights flashing from the ski patrols snowmobiles. Unsure of any injuries, the ski patrol had braced my back and neck, strapped me to a board, and began to tow me down the mountain. I spent the next three hours in the lodge under the watchful eye of a very pleasant paramedic, who prescribed me the perfect blend of warm blankets and hot chocolate. The throbbing pains finally ceased, and I was able to stand up under my own power. I slowly staggered out the door, eternally grateful to the paramedics and ski patrol that came to my
  • 13. How Did Technology Shape American Culture Technology and music have always been interlinked. As technology improves ways of recording and distributing music improves. Over history we have gone from scratchy records to clear and portable MP3s. New and innovative technology have helped to shape America s culture as a nation. In 1877 the first human voice was recorded by Thomas Edison using tinfoil. He was attempting to improve the telegraph when he realized that when he moved tape through the machine it made a noise that sounded similar to speech. He then placed a stylus on to a cylinder made of tinfoil and spoke the words of Mary had a little lamb into the makeshift machine. Edison is widely considered to be the first person to record sound but a man in France actually beat him to ... Show more content on ... Before music radio stations broadcasted things such as sermons, sports and the news. Department stores would also have their own stations and they used them to advertise their merchandise. In 1926 the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) began the National Broadcasting Network (NBC). These were groups of stations that worked with local stations to syndicate radio shows. These shows focused mostly on music and featured several different live performers. The types of music were diverse and could vary from country to jazz. The Golden Age of Radio was the time period of 1930 1955. During this time was the great depression and radio was a way to listen to music and receive the news for free. It was a cheap way to have entertainment instead of more expensive ways such as going to a live concert or the movies. Eventually radio shows and broadcasts about news decreased in popularity. All that was left was music. Radio networks transitioned to playing prerecorded music of popular artists. The most popular type of station was a station that plays Top 40. Top 40 is the top 40 songs on the music charts in that particular time period. FM or radio was introduced soon after this and it instantly became popular because it offered music in a high
  • 14. Unit 3 Quiz 1.One simple means of device handshaking involves polling: A.The host repeatedly checks the busy bit on the device until it becomes clear. B.The host writes a byte of data into the data out register, and sets the write bit in the command register C.The host sets the command ready bit in the command register to notify the device of the pending command. D.Answer: All of the above 2.Polling can be very fast and efficient A.if both the device and the controller are fast B.if there is significant data to transfer C.if frequent checks need to be made for data D.Answer: Option A and B 3.Modern interrupt hardware also supports interrupt priority levels,by A.allowing systems to mask off only lower priority interrupts while servicing a ... Show more content on ... a terminal concentrator can multiplex with _________of terminals on a _______port(s) on a large computer. A.Hundred ,three B.Thousand,Single C.Answer: Hundreds, single D.Million , thousand 6.In serial interface only _____ line(s) is used to transmit data, therefore, only one bit is transferred at a time. Serial interface is used for serial printers and terminals. A.Three B.Answer: One C.Many D.Two seventy three 7.Most of the I/O processors have its own memory while a DMA module does not have its own memory except for register or a simple buffer area. A.Answer: True B.False 8.The advantages of interrupt driven I/O over programmed I/O is that in interrupt driven I/O the interrupt mechanisms free I/O devices quickly. A.Answer: True B.False 9.Data buffering is helpful for smoothing out the speed difference between CPU and input/ output devices A.True B.Answer :False 10.Input/output Module is needed only for slower I/O devices. A.Answer :True B.False 11.The devices are normally connected directly to system bus.
  • 15. A.True B.Answer : False 12.Data chaining indicates that the next CCW contains the address of _________ data for the same command, allowing, portions of one record to be written from or read to multiple data areas in
  • 16. What Does Goffman Mean By Working Consensus According to Goffman and what impression management is that it people act different in different places to match the setting like there appearance or social setting. People must engage in this because it helps people adapt and learn skills by being able to quickly adapt in a different environment. The reasons we do this is for social approval and for identity development. People like to be accepted in certain ways. People we adopt different social skills for the appropriate situations. What Goffman means is that in a certain situations the persons actions will influence the definition of the situation. What Goffman means by Working Consensus is the way people work together or cooperate with each other. I do agree with his impression management.... Show more content on ... The way this all ties into impression management is how all these people were acting. At the College everyone was acting the same, there was nothing different going on. It s like the students saw how others studied and then to just look normal they also engaged in that activity. It s a bit different for GameStop since most people were in and out in about four minutes. At Sam s Club you it was hard to tell how impression management was tied in since it was so crowded but it s to be assumed to me that when someone notices someone buying a product people get curious and may get the same thing to fit in. It might not work like that exactly but in a way it could. This assignment impacted my understanding of impression management buy making me realize that our environment and the people in our area really affects the actions of how we act. It made me see how people really do adapt to how things or people are around then. Even now I notice how different I can act around a new social group so I can be deemed normal by that certain groups standards. In which different social groups or classes would have a different definition of normal. That s how this impacted the way I see how impression management
  • 17. The Efficient Market Hypothesis The efficient market hypothesis has been one of the main topics of academic finance research. The efficient market hypotheses also know as the joint hypothesis problem, asserts that financial markets lack solid hard information in making decisions. Efficient market hypothesis claims it is impossible to beat the market because stock marketefficiency causes existing share prices to always incorporate and reflect all relevant information . According to efficient market hypothesis stocks always trade at their fair value on stock exchanges, making it impossible for investors to either purchase undervalued stocks or sell stocks for inflated prices. As such, it should be impossible to outperform the overall market through expert stock selection... Show more content on ... Fama stressed that market efficiency can be only tested jointly with some of the equilibrium models. The efficient market hypothesis requires all investors to have a rational expectation on the market, the relational expectation is that average of information is correct and that updating the information is necessary. Efficient market hypothesis explains that when a investor is shown new information he may overreact and some investors might not react at all, and this notion is accepted. Efficient market hypothesis only requires one basic thing, which are that when facing new information investors should follow a distribution pattern. There are three common forms in which the efficient market hypothesis is commonly stated weak form efficiency, semi strong form efficiency and strong form efficiency. Each form is different, and explains how markets work in the efficient market hypothesis. The weak form efficient market hypothesis implies that the market is efficient, when we use the market information given. The hypothesis also assumes that the future prices cannot be predicted by analyzing prices form the past. The rates of return on the market should be independent, and past rate of returns have no effect on the future rates to be determine. Also excess returns cannot be earned in the long run by using investment strategies based on
  • 18. The Grapes Of Wrath Essay In the epic movie Grapes of Wrath, director John Ford depicted a saga of one family trying to survive the 1930 s. In watching this film, it helped me to understand the hardships of the American migrants. The characters showed unique traits and dealt with problems each in a different way.The Dust Bowl was an ecological and human disaster that took place in the southwestern Great Plains region, including Oklahoma. Misuse of land and years of sustained drought caused it. Millions of acres of farmland became useless, and hundreds of thousands of people were forced to leave their homes many migrated to California. As the land dried up, great clouds of dust and sand, carried by the wind, covered everything and the word quot;Dust Bowl quot; ... Show more content on ... The Joad family was evicted from their farm in Oklahoma because they could not afford to pay their bank loan. As they move across the great western states, they suffer much discrimination. The Joad family believes that once they are in California, they will find jobs and settle down. They do not realize, however, that hundreds of thousands of other families are going to California in search of jobs also. When they arrive, the Joads are forced to accept horrible wages and live in terrible conditions. Ma was a strong willed woman who was the leader of the family. The major decision that ma made, was when the family was passing the Arizona border patrol. She lied to the inspectors so she could pass through without having the police to search the car. Ma pretended Grandma was alive so they would be allowed to rush through the border patrol to get to a doctor. This plan worked and the Joad family arrived in California safely. She was an ambitious woman who was determined to have a successful family in California.Tom Joad was the main character. He was an irascible, yet considerate man who respected his family. His respect for his family forced him to leave on account of being a fugitive. He was defending preacher Casey, but failed to do so when the police killed Casey. Tom got revenge by killing the deputee.Preacher Casey was the most influential character in the movie. He lived on his own and helped the Joad family during the funerals
  • 19. Collaborative Learning Practices Krischner et al. (2006) in there article describes the social and cognitive factors driving teamwork in collaborative learning environments; mainly he focused on team learning beliefs and behaviors by performing different experiments. According to him a team is more than a group of individuals in the same space either physical or virtual. This article describes when and how teams in collaborative learning environments engage in building and maintaining mutually shared cognition and reveals conditions in the interpersonal context that contribute to engage in knowledge building practices. They present a team learning belief and behaviors model which is as shown in the figure: Team learning belief and behaviors model (Krischner et al.) (2006) Collaborative learning was the main theme which ... Show more content on ... Likewise, beliefs as task cohesion and interdependence appear to advance learning forms; task commitment, supplemented with shared responsibility, drives people to collective learning processes. Furthermore, a high group effectiveness belief reinforces the awareness that investment will pay off and hence encourages processes of learning. Conversely, results underline the potential of a group learning perspective in understanding the processes that mediate the effect of these interpersonal factors on
  • 20. Integrative Approaches To Psychology And Christianity By... The book, Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity written by Entwistle, N. David, analyzes the integration between Christianity and psychology. Entwitle explains why Christianity and psychology cannot integrate in the same area because the former is based on faith while the latter is based on the truth. However, he emphasizes that the interaction between psychologyand Christianitycannot be avoided because the two concepts help people to understand the source of humanbehavior, as well as the healing process of a broken heart (Entwistle, 2010, p. 51). The theme of the whole text is inclined upon the idea that psychology and Christianity can be integrated and used together irrespective of the fact that they are based on completely different ideas.... Show more content on ... According to the book, the term integrated should be viewed as a verb and as a noun because the role played by integration becomes both imperative and feasible (Entwistle, 2010, p. 26). Entwistle continues to explain that the main reason why faith and science have been in endless conflict for quite a long time is due to the fact that, science directly opposes theological ideas and concepts. Even though Entwistle (2010) supports this notion to some extent, he claims that the way a person understands the relationship between faith and science depends on individual assumptions. If a psychologist could understand that there is a direct conflict between faith and science, then they could appreciate why it is difficult to use science to prove the intelligence of Christ (Entwistle,
  • 21. Corporate Business Finance Corporate Business Finance Seminar 5 Project Finance Lauren Leigh Essaram 207507339 Ruvimbo Mukorera 206525531 27 September 2010 Submitted in partial fulfilment of the duly performed requirement of International Business Finance, School of Economics and Finance, University of KwaZulu Natal Abstract Non recourse financing has grown in popularity, especially in developing countries. It has done so more specifically in the basic infrastructure, natural resources and also in the energy sectors. Large scale investments are mostly financed by project finance, due to the costs and complexities that face the standard sources of finance. The main feature of Project Finance is in the accurate estimation of cashflows and a precise ... Show more content on ... There are a diverse range of definitions given for the term project finance, but in essence the underlying theme that runs through them all is that it involves the creation of a legally autonomous project financed with equity from one or more sponsoring firms and non recourse debt for the purpose of investing in a capital asset (Esty, 2006: 213). In simpler terms, according to R. J. Herring (2006), project finance can be defined as a form of financing structure that is specialised in order to offer a few cost advantages when there is a large amount of capital being invested. Project finance involves the use of funds that are raised for a specific self contained venture such as construction or a developmental project (Qfinance, 2009: 1). It is a useful and innovative financing technique that has helped with the timely financing of many important and high profile corporate projects such as EuroTunnel, EuroDisneyland, Enron s Dabhol Power Plant, Iridium, Globalstar, Global Crossing the Atlantic Crossing and Pacific Crossing cables, Canary Wharf and so forth (Esty, 2006: 214). This type of financing can help with the facilitation and start of projects anywhere in the world, but is especially good for projects that are undertaken in developing countries in which great difficulty arises when trying to secure financial resources for a new project (Henrique and Sabal, 2006: 5). Project finance uses a well engineered finance mix in order to
  • 22. Disjunction versus Communion in Raymond Carver s Short... Disjunction versus Communion in Raymond Carver s Short Stories Raymond Carver, poet, essayist, and short story writer, was very different from some other writers in that he clipped his writing until only the essential remained. Carver not only acknowledged the effect that fiction could have on readers, he proclaimed that it should affect readers. ( Bonetti 58) Thus, when Carver writes about intimate relationships, the reader perceives the stories as more than entertainment or skillful language; the reader relates to the characters situations and applies the knowledge to their own lives. It is within this realm of character affirmation that Carver draws a much more elaborate, and meaningful detail in his short stories. I ... Show more content on ... Disjointed on the other hand is near similarity in communion, in that it contains the seed of communion which failed to grow. The protagonist achieves some measure of success only to falter. Disjunction occurs when an opportunity exists for the characters to change their lives in a small, spiritual way, and they are unable to seize it. Even with the spiritual isolation that many of Carvers characters hold, disjunction blocks me from the stories in that it leaves me unfulfilled, distracts me from the main point. The transgression of characters within stories, gives reader a greater insight into a spiritual change of some sort, the lack thereof leaves something missing in the story. A more influential meaning is gained when a connection of some sort is maid between characters. As Carver said in a interview later in his life, In fiction that matters the signifigance of the action inside the story translates to the lives of the people out side the story ( Davis 658) Carver s life, or biography, bares a little insight into his phases, or different stages in which he wrote his different types of stories and poems. Carver lived most of his life in a world which could not provide the luxury of spiritual affirmation. He grew up in Clatskanie, Oregon to working class parents in a alcoholic home where reading material was limited to Zane Gray novels, and the newspaper. Following high school, Carver married his
  • 23. The Skin I m in by Sharon G. Flake The Skin I m In Laurianna Atkins tripped over a stack of magazines in the middle of her room, bumped her leg against the dresser, and dropped her books on the floor. Ouch my leg! She howled, This room is a mess! Lydia Atkins, Laurianna s mother, came out of the next bedroom, briskly blow drying her hair. Stop whining baby and just straiten up things before you leave for school. I would help but I m late for work. I don t want to go to school today, Laurianna declared. She paused to see if her mother would start up a speech or insist that she go. Laurianna was a freshman at Versas High. Even though it was mid January, she was pretty nervous about starting in the middle of the semester and being behind. Well that s no way to start off your second semester in a new school her mother exclaimed. She could hear her mother babbling about making new friends in the other room, but she was more focused on what she was going to wear on her first day. She had always dressed comfortably but still strived to keep up with the trends of her old classmates. She first tried on a plain black skirt with ruffles at the bottom that fell to the middle of her thigh. I wonder if wearing skirts are popular at this school? she mumbled under her breath. She quickly changed into shorts that seemed to be so old that she couldn t even remember when she d bought them. What if showing my legs are a bit much for the first day, she mumbled again. I ll just play it safe by slipping on
  • 24. Welfare Recipients Summary Drug Testing Welfare Recipients In his article, Should Recipients Be Tested for Drugs? David Vitter talks about the issue of drug testing people who are on welfare in the US. Vitter believes that annually drug testing recipients of welfare will stop people from using the money to support their drug habits. He further believes that those who are using drugs and test positive as a result can then get the help that they need. According to Vitter, testing for drugs will accomplish two main goals. The first goal is to help those recipients with drug abuse problems realize they have a problem and to offer them a treatment program in order to keep their welfare benefits. The second goal of drug testing would be to make sure that jobless Americans would not use taxpayer dollars to purchase illicit drugs. Vitter feels that there are certain people who are receiving welfare, and they are misusing the program. Removing welfare recipients or even having them to enter a rehabilitation program and successfully complete it in order to receive help that they need, will save taxpayer and the government billions of dollars. He also feels that the rehabilitation program will help create a better life for those that complete it and want to stay on welfare. Legislators in at least eight US states want recipients of food assistance,... Show more content on ... The welfare system is designed to support those that are in need. The welfare system should not be abused or misused and failure to comply will be grounds for termination. Drug testing welfare recipients, is it an infringement of rights and should it be mandatory for everyone that receiving or will receive assistance? This subject is up for debate as to whether or not it violates welfare recipient s constitutional rights. If it should be implemented, would it help saving tax dollars and government spending and stop welfare
  • 25. Saint Augustine Reflection In Saint Augustine s Confessions, he reflects on his past experiences and grapples to find certainty in understanding his numerous ties to the material world. As he continues to reflect on these moments of incontinence, Augustine recognizes that God s presence never left him alone although God did not directly stop him in his choices. Augustine himself causes his souls miserable condition, so he himself must be the one to find and choose fulfillment of his soul in God, whose eternal stable nature can provide rest, as God alone is the constant cause of inconstant things (Conf. 1.9). Just as he learns in schooling, free curiosity has greater power to stimulate learning than rigorous coercion, God s gentle nudging for Augustine to find faith is the upward push necessary to break his chains. So, Augustine must let go of turning to lower, fleeting goods by distinguishing which experiences harm or benefit his soul (Conf. 1.23). To begin his reflections, Augustine looks at the sinfulness of his infantry and boyhood to understand God s process and presence in his life. Born into original sin, babies act with greed and jealousy, only yearning for their basic needs to be satisfied (Conf. 1.10). Yet, adults tolerate this behavior because they know in the gradual process of aging, this behavior will pass. Augustine uses this fact to explain the origins of his sinful nature, but it also extends into a metaphor to understand God s allowance of time for Augustine to turn to goodness.
  • 26. Privacy Protecting Trademark Identification System Using... Privacy Preserving Trademark Identification System using Cloud 1. Introduction Content Based Information Retrieval (CBIR) is the field that constitutes representation of images, organizing and searching of images based on their content rather than annotations of image. CBIR, also known as query by image content and content based visual information retrieval (CBVIR) is the application of computer vision techniques to the image retrieval problem, that is, the matter of checking out digital pictures in massive databases. Content based implies that the search analyzes the contents of the image based not on keywords, descriptions related to image, tags or annotations but based on features extracted directly from the image data. The term ... Show more content on ... Images with higher similarity than threshold are returned as an output. System which uses the content of the object for Information Retrieval is the CBIR. There are many applications of Content Based Information Retrieval. Image retrieval is one of the applications of CBIR. Few applications of CBIR are art collections, architectural and engineering design, crime prevention, Defense, Face detection etc. Mostly CBIR is applied on the Multimedia data. CBIR faces some problems. The trouble with the technique is the issue of high dimensionality. With the increase in the dimensionality CBIR becomes time consuming system and highly computation bound. Also with variety of applications of CBIR, there is need to preserve the privacy of user interest. A. Need of the Privacy Preservation in CBIR Privacy can be outlined as The quality of being secluded from the presence or view of others . In CBIR user provides some Multimedia object (e.g. an image of trademark to check whether the same trademark is already exist or not) as query and system provides required results. During this process system must realize the similarity between user query and objects in the database. At this time system gets the user query and query reveals the content and interest of the user and here is the privacy leak in the system. Here the original trademark can be compromised or can be copied. Generally CBIR is multi party system, in which there are minimum 2 parties, User and
  • 27. Environmental Scan Paper Environmental Scan Paper There are internal and external elements that help a corporation determine their future. Environmental scanning monitors, evaluates, and disseminates the information from both the internal and external environments within the corporation. The internal and external elements are strategic factors that determine the corporation s future. Environmental scanning can be conducted through a simple SWOT analysis that describes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as strategic factors for an organization. The internal environment of the corporation is the strengths and weaknesses variables within the organization. The external... Show more content on ... A.O. Smith Water Products Company A.O. Smith Water Products Company is an industry leader in the manufacturing of gas and electric residential and commercial water heaters. They offer production and services in the United States as well as major international markets. Since the company was founded it places a premium on engineering excellence. This has resulted in many firsts in both residential and commercial water heaters and boilers (PRN Newswire , n.d.). The company has an ongoing commitment to innovative and continuous improvement in their products. Because of their quality products and services, A.O. Smith Water Products Company has become one of the most trusted and requested brands in the water heater industry. A.O. Smith Water Products Company provides warranty services for all of their products. The company does incur extra costs because of it. Product defects are low, but they can still be expensive. Each product that moves through the warranty process cause charges from customer service, manufacturing expense, and additional packaging and shipping charges. Global suppliers can increase taxes and shipping costs, which could force them to change suppliers. The cost of marketing is a potential weakness because of the economy. Magazines and other marketing sources could start charging more. A.O. Smith Water Products Company believes in environmental sustainability, which increases costs
  • 28. Renzo Piano As A Approach To Architecture Renzo Piano was born September 14, 1937 in Genoa, Italy, To a family of Genoese builders. He graduated from the school of Architecture, Milan Polytechnic in 1964. He later expressed dissatisfaction with the academic approach to architecture, describing it as without rebellion . During his studies he was working under the guidance of Franco Albini, his spare time was spent working steadily at his fathers construction company. This is where he developed an inspiring love for the architecture.After graduation, he was initially employed by his father s construction company before collaborating with Louis Kahn in the United States and Z.S. Makowsky in the United Kingdom. Between the years 1965 and 1970 he worked with many great artists, but the most influential... Show more content on ... This building was designed to house some of the worlds most exquisite modern art, so naturally the design had to be modern. It is constructed mostly of high tech steel and glass, with a beautifully designed exoskeleton adding to its complexion (Renzo Piano Building Workshop Official Site). Renzo Piano has designed and brought to life so many structures all over the world. Some of his most famous include Kansai, the world s largest air terminal in Osaka Bay, Japan, where Piano proved himself a master of the gigantic project and again with the imposing Bercy Shopping Center in Paris, as well as a massive and beautiful National Science Museum in Amsterdam. His soccer stadium in Bari, Italy is like no other in the world, with its great swaths of blue sky interrupting the usual monotony of stadium seating. His versatility is displayed further in such projects as the beautiful sweep of a nearly one thousand foot long bridge that curves across Ushibuka Bay in Southern Japan, with the design of a 70,000 ton luxury ocean liner (Great Buildings On line). In 1998 Piano was selected as the Laureate of the Pritzker Architecture
  • 29. The Informant s Language Of Spanish The informant s language of Spanish can affect the grammar of English Acquisition. For example, Part Four focused on phonetics. Distinguishing different languages by using phonetics is important because it allows teachers to examine the differences between the sounds of source and target languages and explain this difference to learners. In Part Four, we noticed one of the dialectical differences between the English language and the Spanish language. The difference is that the Spanish language has accent marks in the letters. Accent marks are essential to how we pronounce words. This was also shown in Part Six. While observing the translation of sentences between Spanish and English, my partner and I noticed that some words were changed in Spanish to include accent marks. Accent marks change the letter sounds. They help to determine how a letter is supposed to sound in words. For example, The white mouse at bread and crackers translates to El ratГіn blanco comiГі pan y galletas . Another dialectic difference that we came across was the different alphabet. The Spanish alphabet contains letters that the English alphabet does not such as: ch, ll, Г±, and rr. Lastly, the Spanish language also appears to have a shorter sentence stress than the English language. Our informant said the words in her native language and during that time she did not elongate the vowels instead, she said them rapidly. In addition to how Spanish Grammar could affect English acquisition, Spanish
  • 30. Austim Spectrum Disorder INTRODUCTION Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are a group of neurodevelopmental disorders that have overlapping diagnostic criteria related to deficits in communication, and restricted interests and repetitive behaviour, Duffy and Healy ( as cited in Worley Matson, 2012). Recent studies in the United States reported the diagnosis of an ASD in 1 out of 91 children of between age three to seventeen years (Kogan et al., 2009) and 1 out of 110 children age eight years (Rice, Baio, Van, Doernberg, Meaney Kirby, 2007). Idro, Newton, Kiguli and Mwesige, (2010) found the prevalence of mental handicap, severe developmental /cognitive delay or regress in East Africa to be 17.0% while general behaviour problems was 3.9%. Jarbrink and Knapp (2001) note that ASDs requires management throughout an individual s life, with no specific cure; this results in high costs of interventions. This presents specific sets of challenges to caregivers especially in resource strained settings. Several studies have shown that parents of children with developmental disabilities experience heightened stress (Blacher, 1984; Schieve, Blumberg, Rice, Visser and Boyle, 2007), impaired mental health (Weiss, 1991), a sense of devaluation and self blame (Holroyd, Brown, Wikler Simmons, 1975), and impaired physical functioning, tiredness and exhaustion (Hedov, Anneren Wikblad, 2000; Emerson, 2003). While acknowledging the changing gender roles, Gray and Holden ( as cited by Leonard, Seltzer, Shattuck,
  • 31. Merry-Go-Round by Langston Hughes Merry Go Round is a poem about a little colored child that goes to the carnival. The child wants to ride the merry go round, but has a problem finding the back. From where the child comes from, Jim Crow laws segregate the blacks from the whites. This poem has a lot of depth and meaning, although it sounds very simple. It also tells us the mindset of most blacks in the South in the days of segregation. I chose this poem because the boy s innocence was touching and its deep meaning was very powerful. In the beginning, the child asks, Where is the Jim Crow section on this merry go round, mister, cause I want to ride? in lines 1 3. Jim Crow laws are laws that segregate the blacks from the whites, so you can infer that the Jim Crow section is solely for the blacks. If you go to a carnival right now, colored children won t be asking for the direction to the Jim Crow section. This points out that in the old days, blacks had to sit in different sections than the whites. The child then continues to say, Down South where I come from white and colored can t sit side by side. In lines 4 6. As I said above, blacks had to sit in separate sections away from the whites down in the South. In addition, this tells you how sever racism was in the South because even a child knows that blacks and whites were supposed to be segregated. The child continues on and says, Down South on the train there s a Jim Crow car. On the bus we re put in the back, but there ain t no back to a
  • 32. Tone Of The Poem We Real Cool In the poem We Real Cool, the tone of the story is very clearly brought to the attention of readers. The first stanza of the poem says, We real cool/ We left school. We (662). This sets the tone that they are tough guys, they don t want to be bothered, and they want no non sense from anyone. This is also throughout the rest of the poem as well. Another specific example is the next stanza that reads, Lurk late. We strike straight (662). To me, this means that if something happens, they re going to take care of it right away. The poem continues in this fashion and includes words like sin, further showing that tough guy approach. Contrary to Brooks poem, We Old Dudes takes on a much lighter tone, one that is actually humorous. An example
  • 33. Essay about Savage Inequalities by Jonathan Kozol Savage Inequalities by Jonathan Kozol In Savage Inequalities, Jonathan Kozol documents the devastating inequalities in American schools, focusing on public education s savage inequalities between affluent districts and poor districts. From 1988 till 1990, Kozol visited schools in over thirty neighborhoods, including East St. Louis, the Bronx, Chicago, Harlem, Jersey City, and San Antonio. Kozol describes horrifying conditions in these schools. He spends a chapter on each area, and provides a description of the city and a historical basis for the impoverished state of its school. These schools, usually in high crime areas, lack the most basic needs. Kozol creates a scene of rooms without heat, few supplies or text, labs with no ... Show more content on ... Kozol comments that, nearly forty years after Brown vs. the Board of Education many of are schools are still separate but no longer even remotely equal. Kozol s main argument is that public education should be free and equal to people of all economic classes. Kozol believes that children from poor families are cheated out of a future by unequipped, understaffed and under funded schools in the United State s inner cities and less affluent suburbs. The majority of these children are non white, and living amongst poverty and crime. Kozol argues about the unfair standards we expect these underprivileged children to rise to. Children in these poor areas are being compared to children in affluent areas where the quality of their education is much higher. Kozol asks how these children will succeed in today s world if they are not given the same opportunities as affluent schools give their children. Kozol believes that by depriving our poorer children of their basic needs we are forcing them into lives of crime, poverty and a never ending cycle of inequalities in education. Kozol stresses that these students must be taught that savage inequalities do not have to exist between them and students in more affluent schools, and that all children are entitled to an equal education. I had many different reactions to this book. At first, I was horrified and shocked to learn about the conditions of these poor schools. Growing
  • 34. The Physics Of The Gas 3.The size of the flame depends on the gas air mixture. If a high proportion of primary air enters the flame would be much smaller and concentrated giving higher flame temperatures. This gives rise to carbon dioxide because of unburned gases. For this the injector was again the great solution. As the gas comes out of the injector air enters into the stream and is mixed in the mixing tube with the gas before it comes out of the burner port. Combustionzone is where the gas burns in the primary air and generates heat in the flameand combustion is completed with the aid of the secondary air that is drawn into the air from the sides. Fig 7: Injector pin [3] 4.The amount of gas emerging out of the injector enters into the mixing chamber ... Show more content on ... Therefore, most burners are designed to have a throat that gives an aeration greater than optimum and also with a device for restricting the air flow so that the optimum aeration can be set for any given situation. 5.If the mixing chamber is small good mixing of gas air mixture cannot be done. So, a lot of energy will be wasted. Therefore, there are many ways of improving the gas air mixture: By providing a long mixing chamber serves in good mixing of gas air mixture. But the mixing tube will be very long. By using a venturi, with a pipe that tapers into the throat and then again tapers out smoothly. In this the air flow can be adjusted by screwing the injector into or out of the throat or by moving the throat relative to the injector. Fig 8: Throat or Diffuser [3] The air flow in the venturi can also be controlled with the help of a throttle valve which can be screwed to block the throat. Fig 9: Throat with Throttle [3] The venturi can be smaller than the cylindrical mixing tube. Therefore, it can be used in any place even if the space is limited. 6.Equivalent supply of heat to cook anything is the main necessity for high efficiency and reduce the energy consumption. Therefore, burner ports were designed. So, the flame can be directed effectively where it is needed. It is possible for the flame of the burner to travel back to the
  • 35. Flaws in Christianity Essay Christianity is a religion in which events are claimed to have occured but which can never be proved. Those who practice it live by different morals than are preached by the most holy texts. It is an institution in which the most holy scripture is contradictory, and wherein the supreme being, by the very definition, cannot exist. Christianity is, therefore, a fundamentally flawed religion. According to the Bible, events have occured which are even more miraculous than the resurection of Jesus Christ. Events such as the stopping of the sun by Joshua (Joshua 10:12 14), the reversal of the sun s course by Isaiah (Isaiah 38:7 8) , the resurrection of the saints, and their subsequent appearance to many (Matthew 27:52 53) were ... Show more content on ... The christian Bible is highly contradictory, not just to modern day christian beliefs, but in and of itself. Today s society is of the belief that all people are created equal, and Christians submit that their god is of the same belief. Modern Christians believe that their god loves everyone, and that they are all equal. However, after Adam and Eve had eaten from the tree forbidden by god, this deity said to Eve I will intensify the pangs of your childbearing; in pain shall you bring forth children. Yet your urge shall be for your husband, and he shall be your master. (Genesis 3:16). This tells us that, according to the Christian religion, women shall naturally be dominated by men. This kind of behavior is not conducive to a being who believes in inherent equality. Women are repeadtedly treated as objects and told to be submissive in the Bible. According to the rule observed in all the assemblies of believers, women should keep silent in such gatherings. Rather, as the law indicates, submissiveness is indicated for them. If they want to learn anything, they should ask their husbands at home. It is a disgrace when a woman speaks in the assembly. (1 Corinthians 14:34 35). Man was not made from woman but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman but woman for man. For this reason, a woman ought to have a sign of submission on her head. (1 Corinthians 11:8 10). The Bible also permits bondage. Slaves,
  • 36. The Fairy Queen by Henry Purcell The Baroque period is an era of artistic style utilizing embellished motion, pure and effortlessly interpreted detail to yield drama, tension, exuberance, and opulence in representation. The opera The Fairy Queen by Henry Purcell is an excellent representation of the Baroque era in its inordinate application of all theatrical foundations, embroidered indications, and the selected focused elucidation to return melodrama, emotional tension, enthusiasm, and sumptuousness for the audience watching. Baroque musicis characterized through contrasts as dramatic elements, monody and the advent of the basso continuo, and different instrumental sounds. Contrast is an essential feature in the production of baroque arrangements. The alternations between bold and flamboyant and soft, solo and ensemble, different instruments and timbres all constitute a key portion in various baroque compositions. Composers similarly created more precise instrumental arrangements regularly stipulating the instruments on a musical piece that ought to be executed instead of allowing the performing musician to select. The Fairy Queen is a masque or semi operaby Henry Purcell. The libretto is an revision of William Shakespeare s wedding comedy A Midsummer Night s Dream. Purcell did not put any of Shakespeare s wording to tunes; as an alternative he poised melodies for short musical numbers in every act but the beginning performance. The opera itself had also been marginally modernised in
  • 37. Business For Lee Valley Marketing Plan Lee Valley Marketing Plan Zara Bagramian Rhonda Hung Kunal Pande Sarah Stamkos Dec. 4, 2013 MKM 706 Table of Contents Executive Summary3 Company Background3 Marketing Objective3 Customer Analysis3 Market Analysis4 Competitive Analysis5 Internal Environmental Analysis:6 External Environmental Analysis7 Marketing Strategy7 Financial Analysis9 Sources11 Executive Summary Business for Lee Valley s gardening line has been stable for the past couple of years, especially in 2009 and 2010. The number of customers, average yearly order and the average order value has been the same for these two years. To meet our sales objective of increasing gross sales by 2.5%, we will be focusing our marketing efforts on a specific segment. This particular segment consists of individuals who are over the age of 45 with a passion for gardening. People in this segment are likely to be retiring in the near future, which implies that they will have the income and leisure time to work on their gardening projects. By targeting this segment, we are attempting to increase their average yearly orders and average order value, which will eventually drive up sales. Since this group of individuals already possess a strong passion for gardening and are already Lee Valley s best customers, we believe that the desire and need to purchase additional products will increase as this segment is retired, or will be retiring in due course. Company Background Lee Valley, based in Ottawa began
  • 38. Best Buy S Turn Around Strategy For the exclusive use of W. Zhou, 2015. MH0023 0 0 7 7645065 MARNE L. ART HAUD DAY FRA NK T. ROT HAE RME L Best Buy s Turn Around Strategy (2013) CEO HUBERT JOLY BREATHED A SIGH OF RELIEF as he reviewed the 2012 end of year holiday revenue figures for Best Buy. After perhaps the most tumultuous year ever in the life of the company, he knew the numbers could be much worse. Despite being the world s largest retailer of consumer electronics with $50 billion in annual sales, Best Buy s financial situation was precarious. The company s stock price had fallen from $45 to $15 per share over the past two years, a drop of roughly 60 percent.1 While revenues had been increasing at a marginal rate, both comparable store sales and overall ... Show more content on ... by Arthaud Day and Rothaermel, 2015. This document is authorized for use only by Wenhan Zhou in COMM taught by Abdulrahman Chikhouni , at Concordia University Canada from January 2015 to April 2015. For the exclusive use of W. Zhou, 2015. Best Buy s Turn Around Strategy (2013) premium gadgets and trendy stores, which dominated the market s high end segment. Carving out a unique niche in this crowded, post big box, digital retail world would not be easy, but it was the only way for Best Buy to avoid the same fate as the now defunct Circuit City. The recent holiday results were encouraging, but investors were already clamoring for more details on what Joly s next steps would be. A Brief History of Best Buy Together with his business partner, James Wheeler, Richard Schulze founded Sound of Music, an audio specialty store, in Minnesota in 1966. The fledgling company ended its first fiscal year with gross sales of $173,000, and continued to grow rapidly over the next few years. By the time of its initial public offering in 1969, the hometown enterprise had acquired two of its local competitors12 and had opened two new outlets near the University of Minnesota in downtown Minneapolis. Schulze bought out Wheeler in 1971,13 shortly after Sound of Music hit the $1 million mark in annual revenues.14 Subsequent years saw continued expansion through additional locations, new product lines, and novel
  • 40. The Pros And Cons Of American Immigration Immigration is a very controversial topic in the United States. While many people don t like the idea that these people are coming in to the country and instantly finding jobs, others say it stimulates the economy more by providing skills and filling rolls that Americans couldn t. There s also many people that don t know enough on the matter to have an opinion but still vote, often siding with their political affiliations. Some even like to blame employed immigrants for the United Statesstumbling economy, saying that they are leaving even more people unemployed . All of these viewpoints have their logic, but when looking at facts, the truth is clear. Because of developments in technology, globalization, current border policies, and the need for technological advancements, Immigrants aren t taking Americans jobs. In the early 1800 s immigrants played a prominent role in the workforce, primarily in the steel industry and farming. Immigrants filled many low skill jobs that Americans didn t want to fill. In the farming industry, farmers would worked long days for very low wages. They were able to come with no knowledge or skill and make a living doing this all day. In the steel industry immigrants were able to easily fill a role in the assembly line as well. It was easy for them because they only had to learn one skill and do it over and over again. Because of the large mass of immigrants at this time, companies with more laborers were able to easily gain an advantage over
  • 41. Vengeance And Vengeance In Beowulf V is for Vengeance Anglo Saxon culture consisted of receiving fame, glory, and wealth through acts of vengeance and courage. Beowulf portrays these parts in great detail and shows how destabilizing it can be. Through acts of vengeance, a never ending war occurs. It is said in Beowulf that old tongues poke and prod youngsters to wars with incendiary comments like, That sword, that previous old blade over there, I think you know it friend. Your father carried it, fought with it the time he could swing a sword; The Danes killed him and many more of our men and stripped the dead bodies; The brave, bold Danes! (Beowulf pg. 86]. These words prompt the youngsters to thirst for vengeance and glory with the mention of how their ancestors ... Show more content on ... In this quote, Beowulf believes that it would be cowardly to fight Grendel with a sword and that facing him with only his hands is the only way to do it right. The word struggle really shows how an Anglo Saxon life must be lived. In Anglo Saxon culture, you had to show signs of struggle for everything you owned or else it would seem as though it were illegitimate and others would look down upon you if items or positions were just given to you. Those who take vengeance with courage are thought deserving of the wealth they get from those of high social status according to Anglo Saxon culture. A courageous warrior can earn quite a lot and you can see this after the defeat of Grendel and Hrothgar states And take, in return, whatever you may want from whatever I own. Warriors deserving far less have been granted as much, given gifts and honored, though they fought no enemy like yours. Glory is now yours forever and ever; your courage has earned it, and your strength ( Beowulf pg,43]. Hrothgar is telling Beowulf that anything he has is his. Beowulf showed great strength and courage when fighting Grendel and because of that, Hrothgar believes that the glory Beowulf has earned is now unassailable. Hrothgar uses words like courage and strength to show real admiration for Beowulf. He knows that these are the words that warriors like to hear and what the Anglo Saxons revere
  • 42. Swot Analysis Of Aioli Gourmet Burgers Is it a Phoenician take on the three musketeers? Or is it just a group of three friends who have come together to create some of the best burgers available in the Phoenix area? Aioli Gourmet Burgers is by far one of the best restaurants in Phoenix and to make it a little more special they started out as a food truck. From a little truck to now three active food trucks and a brick and mortar building they have overcome the struggle and have begun to live their dreams. Not to mention two and a half years ahead of schedule (Frigerio). I believe Aiolihas exploded in the way that they have due to their desire to make the customer happy, their use of fresh ingredients and unique ideas, and their willingness to adapt to others lifestyles. It... Show more content on ... That is the elevated dining experience given to you from their succulent burgers. They have some of the best sauces to choose from that are all made in house, ...chipotle aioli, housemade ketchup, basil garlic aioli, black truffle aioli, sumac aioli, and white truffle aioli (Saria). They each have a burger uniquely built around the aioli, but you can also just order them as a side to try with whatever you d like. They seem to think of everything. Their onions are pickled in house, and they also have a homemade beer cheese. When they were a food truck there was a lot of talk about how people wanted shakes or desserts of some kind. Well, when they got themselves a brick and mortar they finally delivered. They now have three shakes. One of which stands out the most, the chocolate lover. Starting with a base of chocolate ice cream it is layered with heath crumbles, brownie pieces, and chocolate syrup. Now let s gets down to the burgers. Made with quality beef that is seasoned perfectly, these bad boys come stacked high with the freshest and sometimes local, when possible, ingredients. All placed on a soft fresh baked brioche bun, or wrapped in lettuce if that s something you re into. They have seven burgers all ranging in price from seven to nine dollars. Don t fret, although they seem somewhat pricey, they offer discounts on sides and drinks with the purchase of a burger. They recently have started doing something for the regulars who have had all the
  • 43. Essay On Gender Roles In Grimm s Little Red-Cap Little Red Cap or Little Red Red cap In the folktale of Little Red Cap there are gender roles that were characterized in every version that was ever written. In this folktale we can begin analyzing that it was created specifically to target the female gender, but mainly young girls and elderly women. In almost every folktale women are portrayed to be vulnerable, helpless, kindhearted and naГЇve. There are many versions of this folktale and in every version that was written the females are portrayed to be vulnerable and the males to be the dominant and superior figure. Based on the tale version by the Grimm brothers the grandmother gave her grandaughter a little cap of red velvet, which suited her so well that she would never wear anything ... Show more content on ... This was the opportunity the wolf was looking for to gain entrance to the house and wait for Little Red Cap so he can eat her as well. In every version of this tale the little girl does realize that something is not right because she questions the grandmother for not looking like her normal self. Even if Little Red cap believed she was in danger she would not have been able to do anything because women during this era were not known for defending themselves, this was the man s job to protect and defend their family. In the end both the grandmother and the little girl get eaten by the wolf because they were both so vulnerable and naГЇve that they were convinced by this superior wolf with his charms and dominant male force. Once again towards the end of the tale the women are rescued by a huntsman who was just passing the house, and thought to himself, How the old woman is snoring! I must just see if she wants anything. Little Red Cap (Little Red Riding Hood, Grimms Version). Since the women both had to be saved by a man, again this depicts that they only reason why these women survived was because they were rescued by a man hence showing that the female is dependent on the
  • 44. Football Is Dangerous And Something That Should Not Be... Football is considered to be dangerous and something that should not be played or watched by people. The game should be played and watched because a lot of players work hard to fight towards the ultimate goal of making it in the National Football League despite the possibilities of injury. It is the player s responsibility to know when it is time for them to walk away and take the proper safety procedures to keep them from injuring themselves. The players work hard and do plenty of conditioning to try to keep them in shape and prevent their bodies from breaking down. Many kids who play do it because they love the game and they gladly take the risk of injury. Football is very popular for viewers as well. The National Football Leaguesaw a rise in ratings following the wild card weekend this year compared to last years. Many TV networks saw a rise in ratings such as NBC, CBS, and FOX. According to Michael David Smith of Despite predictions of drops in ratings due to concussions, domestic violence, or other issues the sport still continues to thrive .The sport is becoming more and more popular and many people believe we should watch it even though there is problems that make some people not want to watch the game. Some people believe football should not be watched or played due to injuries and some players being bad role models towards children. Concussions are a major reason why people believe football is a bad thing because they can
  • 45. Taking a Look at Zombie Ants The stereotypical Zombie Ant , most typically found in a rain forest and or farm climate, are not the flesh tearing type of zombie you most likely had in mind, instead, fungal spreading mind controlled ants, taken over by a fungal parasite. And these ants, are far from usual. There is a cycling, almost endless process, repeated in three stages. The process and fungusis called Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis. During the first faze, the fungal parasite picked up by the target ant, enters the ant s brain, by latching on to the skin, literally tearing its way through its cuticle, and separating all inside muscle tissue. The fungus is picked up from the forest floor, in particles dropped by another infected ant. This powerful overtaking fungus is known as. After the fungus has entered the body, it starts to travel up into the head of the infected ant. After the parasite has entered the brain, the zombification stage of the fungus inside the ant causes the fungus to grow in the head and take over the mind, where the ant now goes through an uncontrollable, helpless faze, where the fungus is present in the head, and now in charge of the ant s mind. In full control of the ant s body, the fungus can now direct the ant away from it s natural daily routine, and cause it to roam around the forest hoplessly. The reason being for the fungus to target and take over these ants in the first place is to create a sort of mass production of the fungul parasitic ants, taking over the forest,
  • 46. Methadone During World War II Essay Methadone General Information The IUPAC name of methadone is (RS) 6 (Dimethylamino) 4,4 diphenylheptan 3 one. Other common names for methadone include: Symoron, Dolophine, Amidone, Methadose, Physeptone, Heptadon, and others. The molecular formula for methadone is C21H27NO and its molecular weight is 309.44518 g/mol. Methadone exhibits two enantiomers, Levomethadone (R ( ) Methadone) and dextromethadone (S (+) methadone). It has a specific optical rotation of 32 deg at 20 deg C/D. It also has a melting point of 235 degrees Fahrenheit. Methadone s History and Uses During World War II, the United States and our allies cut off Germany s opium supply. As a result, German scientists developed methadone in 1937 as an attempt to develop a synthetic opioid that could be created with readily available precursors in order to solve Germany s opium shortage. These scientists were working for I.G. Farbenindustrie AG at the Farbwerke Hoechst. Upon completion of the war, Farbwerke Hoechst was required by the U.S. Department of Commerce to relinquish all patents, trade names, and research records. In 1947, the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry of the American Medical Association gave the drug its generic name methadone . As the patent rights of methadone were no longer protected, any pharmaceutical company interested in the product could invest with ease. In 1947, Eli Lilly and Company became the first pharmaceutical company to introduce methadone into the United
  • 47. Alcohol As A Dangerous Deadly Weapon On January 16, 1920, the government passed the 18th amendment, which banned all alcohol from being manufactured, transported, and sold in the United States. But it is ironic how the prohibition just brought in more of what it was trying to outlaw. The American citizens of course did not like this law so they eventually opened more bars and kept drinking illegally. Even going back to indigenous roots of Latino/Hispanics, alcohol has been a huge component to celebrations, traditions and social upbringings. The use of alcohol can be seen as one of the most important social lubricants in society. For nearly thousands of years, alcohol has taken the role of providing enjoyment and the capability to bring people together, which of course proves its strong influence it has on culture. Often alcohol is overlooked in society, despite the good qualities alcohol can bring among people it also has its many negative qualities. Alcohol is a dangerous deadly weapon used in the wrong way for the wrong reasons. Alcohol includes beers, wines, and liquors and the variety of alcohol has become so great in numbers that people no longer need to have a reason to drink. But unfortunately, some individuals do find reasons to drink and those reasons might be because they are trying to cope with an issue. Many individuals in the Rio Grande Valley come from broken homes and or are experiencing troubled times. Instead of talking about the problem and addressing it, individuals go to alcohol and hope to