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Exceptional Three Paragraph
Essay ~ Thats
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Exceptional Three Paragraph Essay ~ Thats Exceptional Three Paragraph Essay ~ Thats
Personal Land Ethic Essay
I would describe my own personal land ethic simply with my personal definitions of both terms. My
personal definition of land is a substance in which animals and humans utilize by physically walking
on. My personal definition of ethics is something (idea or belief) someone holds close to their heart
and is willing to protect completely. When combining both personal definitions of land and ethic, I
define land ethic as viewing land with the utmost respect, feeling passionate and taking action toward
sustaining or benefiting the lands natural state. When comparing my definition of land ethic to Aldo
Leopold s definition, it is evident to see that we are both thinking similarly. When defining the land,
Leopold includes soils, waters, plants and
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The Invasion Of The Body Film Analysis
The film opens with an alarming prologue sequence of a derange man in the emergency room brought
in by the highway patrol. He is raving about an unknown danger and claims he is not crazy. He is
introduced to Dr. Hill (Whit Bissel), a psychiatrist who wants to hear his story. The man reveals that
he is a doctor too and urgently recounts the events of the last week. The screen fades into a flashback
to when Dr. Miles Bennell (Kevin McCarthy), is returning home to Santa Mira, California, from a
business trip, and states, At first glance, everything looked the same. It wasn t. Something evil had
taken possession of the town.
Dr. Bennell begins to notice a puzzling delirium among his patients. Many of them are claiming
imposters have taken over some of their relatives and friends. Growing increasingly concerned with
thoughts of a possible epidemic occurring, Dr. Bennell starts to investigate with Becky Driscoll (Dana
Wynter), an old flame from his past, when one night they get a call from Jack Belicec (King Donovan)
to immediately come to his house. They arrive greeted by Belicec and his ... Show more content on ...
Invasion of the Body Snatchers is considered to be of the B movie variety that displays perfectly the
mistrust mood of the entire country regarding the infiltration and contamination of Communism. This
paranoia emerged as a political threat fueled by US Senator Joseph McCarthy, he created committees
to interview people suspected of communist. This looming sense of doom was escalated by the fear of
atomic attack by communist countries and consumed the public of the1950s that even your fellow
citizens (coworkers, friends) could be one of
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Classify Types Of Drivers
There are an estimated two hundred and sixty million registered vehicles in the United States of
America. Every one of these drivers has a unique background which shows through their different,
and sometimes unbearable, driving habits. Although it can be hard, it is important to realize that you
will not be the only person going out and driving today. One has to be cautious of others who may be
driving poorly. More importantly, it is necessary for us to avoid those distracted drivers that seem to
be inattentive and in a world of their own while attempting to drive.
Since receiving my driver s license, I have noticed different types of drivers everywhere I go. These
drivers appear everyday, no matter where you drive, and can either make or break your entire day.
While the term driver can be applied to almost anyone operating a motor vehicle, the way a person
drives often changes with age and experience. I am sure the types of drivers you have come across can
be classified in one of these four categories: The neutral driver, the cautious drivers, the reckless
drivers, and the unpredictable drivers. You may also classify yourself under one of these categories at
one time or another.
The first category of drivers is the neutral driver. These neutral drivers attempt to go unnoticed by
drivers around them and have a tendency to go with ... Show more content on ...
At first, these drivers appear to be neutral drivers, unnoticeable and in a car that one would be content
to follow. Suddenly, these so called neutral drivers become unpredictable and may slow down to ten
miles per hour below the speed limit. They may also speed up to ten miles per hour above the speed
limit or higher, thereby becoming a reckless driver. The common culprit of unpredictable drivers
include the soccer mom/dad, distracted by screaming children. This is also true of any other distracted
or overwhelmed driver (i.e. those eating, texting,
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The Discovery Of The Earth
It is inevitable that the Sun will turn into a red giant and eventually a black hole, thus, killing
everything that is left in our solar system. When this happens, the fate of the human race will either
survive or go extinct. If we as a species intend on surviving, we must develop ways to colonize
interstellar space. However, there is currently many limitations that don t allow humans to travel vast
distances in short periods of time. Since the space race, there have been countless proposed propulsion
solutions; however, with current technology one stands out. This being the solar sail.
Solar sails were proposed by Johannes Kepler nearly 400 years ago. He believed that since Europe
were still using naval exploration as their main means, that we could use sails to explore the galaxy.
Kepler noted that when observing a comet s tail, there was that it was being blown around by solar
breeze. With this theory, Kepler believed that we could use this breeze to propel this sail just like how
wind on Earth propels a ship in the ocean. This theory has been disproven by scientists however.
A solar sail is a large piece of aluminized, temperature resistant material known as CP 1. There is
another sail that is composed of aluminum reinforced Mylar. For a solar sail to work, it must have be
reflective. This allows for light particles to bounce off of it, thus, creating a thrust. This would occur at
a gentle rate giving the sail a gradual acceleration. Unlike other interstellar
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Non Aboriginal Community Research Paper
This paper will define what a community is and discuss some of the strengths and the differences
between Australian Aboriginal Communities and Australian Non Aboriginal Communities.
What is Community?
A community is described by many as a group of people who have the same ideologies on their
cohabitation. They share the same interests and more often know how to work together.
The first meaning of community as a locality refers to the territorial or geographic notion of
community the neighbourhood, town or city. The Second meaning of community, the relational
community, refers to qualities of human interaction and social ties that draw people together (Heller
1989, pp.3 cited in Taylor, Wilkinson and Cheers, 2008). Whereas ... Show more content on ...
In Non Aboriginal communities, the commonality of ethnicity forms the basis of community life
whereas in Aboriginal communities, kinship is an important factor holding community life together
(Taylor, Wilkinson and Cheers, 2008).
As the times and generations change communities of the future will be very different from the ones we
live in today. Geis, D Kutzmark, T. (1995) noted that communities will need to be different because,
as we move through the end of the twentieth century and into the twenty first, we face a whole new set
of socioeconomic, technological, and global forces that are unlike those that brought us to where we
are today.
Communities must have a base structure however there are fundamental differences when looking at
different communities as each community is different in many ways. For example a rural community
may be strengthened by local initiatives to diversify its economy while some Aboriginal Communities
may be strengthened through improving the quality of relationships with members of its community
such as the Djinda Falcons Program.
While all communities need social interaction to foster trust, reciprocity, tolerance and leadership the
ways in which these qualities are developed within Aboriginal and Non Aboriginal Communities will
vary to other non Aboriginal
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Unferth In Beowulf
The Real Unferth Beowulf has many great people throughout the book who do great things, but there
was one person who really stuck out, and not because of his greatness. Unferth and his bitterness
towards Beowulf really made a lasting impression in this book. Unferth did not play a huge role, but
while he was mentioned, he showed his true, vile, colors. His part in the reading was mainly to talk
about the battle between Brecca and Beowulf, but he talked about it with such a boorish attitude, that
it gave him a bad reputation. He was mean and haughty towards Beowulf, when all Beowulf was
trying to do was save Herot. Having an almost frivolous place in the book, Unferth showed he is a
conceited, rude, and virulent person, who was a distasteful part in this reading. Unferth gets angry and
annoyed ... Show more content on ...
He has no faith in Beowulf. He also believes Brecca is better and that Beowulf won t be able to defeat
Grendel. You ve been lucky in your battles, Beowulf, but I think/ Your luck may change if you
challenge Grendel,/ Staying a whole night through in this hall,/ Waiting where that fiercest of demons
can find you ( Beowulf 258 261). Unferth says this these after talking about how Brecca won the
battle between him and Beowulf. Beowulf answers to this by reminding Unferth that he got swept
away in the water and that he stayed with Brecca by choice. Beowulf then tells Unferth that he is the
greatest, trying to prove to him that he is the man for the job, killing Grendel. Beowulf answered,
Edgetho s great son:/ Ah! Unferth, my friend, your face/ Is hot with ale, and your tongue has tried/ To
tell us about Brecca s doings. But the truth/ Is simple: No man swims the sea/ As I can, no strength is a
match for mine ( Beowulf 262 267). Beowulf tries to stay civilized replying to Unferth, trying to
convince him he is the greatest and can defeat Grendel and save the town of
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Reflective Essay On Mental Illness
Faced with the overwhelming stigma that surrounds mental illness, we have spent the semester
learning how to break down doorways into the lives of characters who have struggled with their
mental health. Far too often have these doors been kept bolted shut. As a consequence of public fear
and lack of understanding, the people behind these doors individuals with mental illnesses have been
given no choice but to struggle in silence. In reading various works throughout the semester, we have
been able to begin to challenge the stigma that surrounds mental illness. Trying to gain understanding,
we have not only opened doorways, but we have begun to construct empathic tunnels between our
own lives and the unfamiliar universes of characters with mental illness.
Reading the novels throughout this class sometimes made me uncomfortable, usually hurt my heart,
and always made me ask questions and I think that s the whole point. The novels we read gave voices
to people who felt like they did not have a voice, because they had been silenced for so long.
Refracted through various time periods and genres, the novels we read provided insight into the
progression of mental illness throughout decades, namely into how mental illness is regarded by the
public. Maybe we don t treat people exactly like how the unnamed narrator in The Yellow Wallpaper
was treated anymore, and maybe we have a better understanding of mental illness now than we did
during Edna St. Vincent Millay s time,
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Sherlock Holmes Vs. The Great Mouse Detective
¨When you have Eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the
truth.¨ this quote is by Sherlock Holmes. What I think this means is about logic. Because if you start
with everything you know then go from there and try to solve the impossible, you re on your way to a
solution. This is like Sherlock Holmes and The Great Mouse Detective. Some ways that this quote is
like Sherlock Holmes and The Great Mouse Detective is because they are trying to figure out the
issue, so they re going to start with what they know and go from there. So that s something they have
in common. But they re also different in some ways. Like in Sherlock Holmes Watson is different than
the great mouse detective. In the films The Great
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Questions On Open Source Software
Open source software is used by a heaps of large businesses, take Facebook for example or even the
French tax system. It s an ever growing way for businesses to operate and we are seeing it become
more and more mainstream. Customers are progressively looking for it and therefore more and more
businesses and companies are providing it. Using open source in your business does present some
specific legal issues, generally they can be managed but IT managers should defiantly be aware of
In this white paper I am going to delve deeper into what open source actually is, how some certain
companies use it and getting around the legal issues.
What is open source?
Open source also known as free source is where software is open , and by this it means that the source
code must be open for viewing. A lot of businesses that offer open source software accomplish their
revenue by one of two ways, the first being with the purpose that no one would have to pay to use the
software but in return they would have to pay for support. Then the other being charging the customer
again not for the software itself, but for related services. However, any work that comes from the open
source software must be licensed at no charge.
OSI (Open Source Initiative) are a company dedicated to promoting open source software. They
believe that for software to be open source it needs to meet the credentials of the following with the
intention of allowing enough flexibility to embrace a
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Non Jewish Resistance To Holocaust
Non Jewish Resistance While Jewish resistance was a help was big influence to the Holocaust, the non
jewish resistance was substantially bigger. Some of the groups that helped were, the US, USSR, and
Germans. All of these groups had many reason why they wanted to fight/rebel against the Axis of
Power. Some wanted to keep their country s interest and beliefs. The Allies The Allies had a huge
impact during WWII and the holocaust. They helped Jews and stopped the Nazi s. Many groups make
up the Allies, but there are four major powers of the allies and they are America, England, France,
Soviet Union. According to, the Allies started when, Hitler announced that
Germany would liberate the ethnic Germans in Czechoslovakia, ... Show more content on ...
Joseph Stalin used the early years of WWII to gain Territory, which include Finland and Baltic States.
( Later they signed a neutrality pact with Japan. On June 22, 1941, Germany
invaded the Soviet Union, thereby beginning Operation Barbarossa, because of the invasion Soviet
Union joined the war ( One of Soviet Union s biggest victories was on
January 31, 1943 at Stalingrad, when over 90,000 German troops surrender (
After this battle, the Soviet Union remained at Stalingrad and liberated most of Ukrainians, Eastern
Belorussia, and themselves ( In the summer of 1944, the Soviets launched another major
offensive, which liberated the rest of Belorussia, and the Ukraine, most of the Baltic States, and
eastern Poland from Nazi rule ( During April 1945, the Soviet Union launched its final
attack on the Nazi s by taking over Vienna, Berlin and Prague, ( V E day is on May 8th
the day that the war in Europe ended. The Soviet Union later broke it s pact with Japan and invade
them to help end the war in the pacific. V J or V P is on August 14th 1945, it s the day war with Japan
or War in the Pacific
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Types Of Insurance For The Food Industry
It might not be the most exciting part of opening a restaurant, but one of the most vital steps of
opening a new eatery is getting insurance coverage. There are many potential problems that you need
to be prepared for in the food industry, ranging from equipment failures to slip and fall lawsuits.
Depending on your restaurant s location, you will need certain types of insurance to comply with local
laws. Also, you will need insurance to qualify for bank loans and mortgages. Read on to learn about
the various types of insurance you may need when operating a restaurant.
Common types of restaurant insurance
These types of insurance should be seriously considered when opening any type of restaurant.
Property Insurance
This is important for protecting your restaurant from property damage resulting from a variety of
disasters such as building fires, or other accidental damage, but for coverage in the event of natural
disasters such as earthquakes or floods, you may need to get specific types of insurance that cover
those circumstances. Also, if you are setting up a mortgage for your restaurant property, you should
have property insurance.
General Liability Insurance
This probably goes without saying, but liability insurance is needed in case any person comes to harm
within your restaurant. This could happen for many reasons, including falls, food borne illnesses and
so on. Whether you or your staff are to blame or not, if a person gets sick after eating at your
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Evaluating Estate Planning
Planning out your estate is not a one time event; whenever you or your family goes through an
important life change, your estate planning documents should be updated to reflect your wishes.
Because so much can happen over the course of a year, it is helpful to choose a date that you can
remember and review your estate documents on an annual basis. If your family has undergone any of
the following changes, make sure to speak with your estate planning attorney about updating your
Remarriages and Divorces
Families change all the time. For that reason, new marriages and divorces are one of the most common
reasons to update a will or other estate planning documents. These documents should be changed not
only whenever the person making the ... Show more content on ...
Whenever there is a change in a person s finances, his or her estate plan should be updated to reflect
the difference. This is true if the change is positive, like winning a large sum of money, or negative,
like dealing with a lengthy illness. By updating your will to reflect your current financial state, you
will have a better idea of your ability to provide for your family after your death.
Other Changes
It is important to remember that a will or an estate plan is a living document which is meant to change
as your life changes, and there are numerous circumstances which would justify changing or updating
a will. For example, if the testator moves out of state, or has a change of heart about a certain gift, the
will should be updated to reflect that. Or, an unexpected development may require the testator to
completely restructure the estate. For instance, a child born with special needs or a disability could
justify the creation of a special needs trust meant to provide a lifetime of care.
No matter what the reason, at Novy Associates our experienced New Jersey estate planning attorneys
can help protect your estate and guard your legacy. We can help you plan for your family s future, and
will work with you to update your estate planning documents as
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American Miniature Horses
I liked learning about the American Miniature horse. The American miniature horse grows up to be no
bigger than a large dog, American Miniature Horses are miniature versions of well balanced horses.
Miniature Horses can be found in a rainbow of colors and types.They are are small in size and
measure 34 38 inches as measured at the last hairs of the mane. They usually life up to 25 35 years.
The result of nearly 400 years of selective breeding, historians tend to support the Miniature Horse
breed as a giver of many sources. In the past, small horse breeds were most likely the products of
surviving harsh natural climates and little portions of food.
The first mention of a small horse being brought into the United States was in 1888. Throughout
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Life s Life
Let me ask you a question.
Are you working to live, or living to work?
There was a study done, a hospital study on 100 elderly people facing death close to their last breath.
They were asked to reflect about their life s biggest regret.
Nearly all of them said they regretted not the things they did but the things they didn t do.
The chances they never took, because they were too scared, too tired, too busy, too broke.
Studies show that you will spend 92 120 hours of your life, working.
Let me say that again... you will spend 92 120 hours of your life, working.
Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Lily Winten and I am representing Capital Films to promote the
best way we can sell Australia. Research shows that 50% of people will choose not ... Show more
content on ...
The footage included in the ad encompasses the undiscovered aspects of Australia, many of which are
natural. Opening with the ocean, our largest source to attract tourists, gentle waves can be heard. It
then shows a woman looking out over a view of Cape Schanck, and a relaxing beat begins to play as
we are shown the breathtaking view, creating a desire by the audience, to be there and experience it
firsthand. We circle a rock, gradually zooming out to a birds eye view of the vast blue sea,
symbolising that there is so much more about Australia, people have yet to experience. The footage
then swaps to show a green rainforest, a sunset, ocean, grass, sky, Australia s natural beauty capturing
the audience s attention. An uplifting beat grows louder, as we then swap to footage of people doing
the variety of activities and unique experiences we offer. Things such as a walk along the beach,
sandboarding, a slide into a lake, a step into Aboriginal culture, the city and the surf or simply the fact
that you can go anywhere in thongs. The range of activities appeals to our large target audience, as
something for everyone, no matter the age. We follow a group of friends as they walk out into the
beach, then change to a birds eye view of the group and then zoom out to see the gorgeous
Whitsundays beach. The beat drops as we switch Mumbulla Falls and a GoPro sliding down the rocks
into the creek, giving our audience an adrenalin
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The Time Series By Patricia March
SBA Task 3
Conclusive Research Essay
Chanelle Botha 12k
An investigation on the use of ink and charcoal as a medium, as well as movement over time, in the
Time Series by Patricia March.
The works of Patricia March are predominantly charcoal works, with smaller aspects of ink, whilst
portraying insight of character, as well as how the body moves over a period of time. March uses the
perception of a figure moving, portraying the figure on one picture plane; but moving, as if this were
over a period of time. Figures appear walking or picking up an object and this is portrayed as one
character becoming three. In each different movement the figure is in a different position, as if moving
like in a real life situation. This reinforces the name of her series, Time, as it literally perceives a
figure or a few figures and their movements over a period of time. March studied a master in
cinematography. She was interested in movement and time, so since, she tried to apply her vision
about cinema into drawings. The movement of the people drawn, reminds me her some way to
profundity of the human form ad how it ... Show more content on ...
The scope of the creative experience was influenced mainly by Patricia March as her ideas influenced
the idea of charcoal and ink drawings, as well as left hand techniques. Her works allowed the
exploration of new mediums and techniques, of which I had not used before. March also played a big
role in influencing visual diary work and the direction of which I took when researching other artists.
It is seen in resolution, that Patricia March, as well as her Time Series, created in 2011, have been a
great influence, when involving aspects such as similarities, differences, technique, medium, the depth
and scope pf creative process, on the creation of my own Self and Other year work
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Theories Of Personality And Leadership Assessments Essay
Introduction There are multiple theories of personality and leadership assessments that have proven
effective in helping individuals achieve their full career potential. The Big Five theory of personality,
for example, measures the five broad areas of personality, including extraversion, agreeableness,
conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience (Srivastava, 2015). Other types of
assessments, such as the more simple leadership assessment we explored, simply measure leadership
qualities, such as emotional intelligence and confidence. In exploring a couple of such resources in
more depth, such as the leadership assessment provided by the University of Kent s Career
Enhancement Center, as well as the Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator, it is clear that
understanding more about oneself can lead to enhanced career choices. Based on the work of Carl
Jung, Isabel Myers and Katherine Briggs developed the Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator, a
self inventory geared toward helping individuals determine their personality types and individual areas
of strength. By helping people understand themselves, Myers and Briggs believed that they could help
people select occupations that were best suited to their personality types and lead healthier, happier
lives (Cherry, 2015). This test, through helping me explore my own personality, likes and dislikes,
strengths and weaknesses, and various preferences and compatibilities, has been instrumental in
affirming my
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Relation Between Phoneme And Morphology
3. Phoneme and morpheme relationship.
The relation between phonemes and grammatical units such as morphemes and words is therefore an
aspect of the interface between Phonology and morphology. Both Phonology and Morphology study
various aspects in languages all over the world. Considering the similarities of these fields, both are
engaged in the scientific analysis of languages. Both are branches of Linguistics and without studying
Phonology, one cannot move on to Morphology. Hence, there is an inter relationship between these
branches. For differences, Phonology essentially concentrates on the sound systems of a language
while Morphology pays attention to the word and the morphemes of a language. (Booij, 2007)
3.2. The interface between Phonology ... Show more content on ...
Allophone vs. allomorph.
Allophones are two or more realizations of a single underlying phoneme. The /t/ in top is aspirated,
but the /t/ in stop is not. These are two variations in pronunciation of the same underlying phoneme /t/.
There is no pair of English words top [aspirated] and top [unaspirated]; it s always either one or the
other (and it is predictable which one is required).
Allomorphs are two or more realizations of a single underlying morpheme. For example, the past
morpheme ed in English. There are really three different ways this is realized phonetically: /t/ in
helped, /d/ in opened, or /id/ in wanted. Again, it is predictable which one is required, but all three of
these are manifestations of the same morpheme ed .
Therefore, the main difference between the two is that allophones include several ways to pronounce a
single phoneme. Allomorphs include several ways to pronounce a single morpheme.
4. The concept of
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Compare And Contrast Union And Confederate
Advantages of the Union and the Confederacy The Union and the Confederacy. Two different parts of
America. The North and the South. Even though it was still America, the North and South were very
different from each other in more ways than one. On paper, the Union outnumbered the South in
basically every category. Some people thought that it would be a fast war because of the paper stats,
but they were misled. The South and North had advantages in the economic, demographic, and fields.
The Economic advantages. First, advantages for the South. The textile scene was a big part of the
North s economy. So when the South didn t sell cotton to the North anymore, that hurt the North s
economy. The South s economy was based on the slave trade, livestock, and agriculture. As long as
the Confederacy was still standing, the South would continue to make money off slaves as there were
other countries that still allowed slavery and other Southern States. Now for the North. The North s
economy was hurt by no more cotton being sold to them by the South, but it did not affect them too
much. They could just buy cotton from others places like India and Egypt and the North s economy
would do fine without textiles. The North s industry was much greater than the South s. ... Show more
content on ...
The South had many great military leaders. The leaders were then able to teach the soldiers more than
what the North could. The North had a supreme advantage on population. The North had 22 million
soldiers and workers to draw from while the south only had 5.5 million to draw from. Another huge
advantage of the North was all the railroads. The North had 22,00 miles of railroad track whereas the
south only had 9,000. The more railroads, the farther and faster you can get supplies out. The military
leaders were able to transport troops quickly and politicians were able to travel throughout the country
giving speeches, such as the Gettysburg Address, and describing the power and speed of the
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Analysis Of The Winter Of 2013 A Sinkhole
Introduction In the winter of 2013 a sinkhole took the life of Jeffrey Bush in Seffner, Florida. He was
lying in bed when the ground collapsed beneath his bedroom. Death from sinkhole formation is rare,
but sinkhole collapses are a common occurrence throughout the state of Florida (Brinkmann, 2013,
p.1). Natural hazards, such as sinkholes, can detrimentally impact society and the environment.
Indeed, sinkholes can reroute surface runoff into aquifers; cause structural damage to roads and
buildings; drain wetlands; and as shown in the example above, have fatal consequences.
Florida s growing population corresponds with an increase in urbanization throughout the state, which
results in the accelerated development of groundwater and land resources. Sinkholes are naturally
occurring phenomena, but their increasing frequency throughout Florida correlates with the
accelerated development of these resources (Tihansky, 1999, p.121). Together, Figures 1 and 2
visually display the correlation between Florida s growing population and the increase in sinkhole
development from 1960 to 2000.
Anthropogenic factors such as groundwater pumping, combined with certain environmental conditions
associated with a lowered base water level (e.g. drought and hurricanes), can result in sinkhole
development. For example, the excessive pumping of groundwater can create subsurface voids
because of the lowering of the water table, which can lead to the development of sinkholes due to
gravity and the
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The Controversy And Subjective Meaning Of A Girl By Ezra...
The anthology is compiled of my favorite poems, and I purposely selected poems with controversial
and subjective meanings. Unlike other forms of literature, such as narrations, in which the meaning
and language is more direct, poetry tends to be more personal and open to interpretation. In many
cases, even the poet never clearly reveals their poem s true intent, allowing a myriad of theories to
formulate. The subjectiveness of poetry allows the audience to develop various interpretations, which
also ensures that more people are identify with them through different ways. For example, the
meaning of A Girl by Ezra Pound is still debated, and while it is mostly accepted that the poem is
based off the myth of Apollo and Daphne, there are still
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Similarities Between 1984 And Conversion Therapy
1984 and Conversion Therapy In 1984, the Party often imprisons those who are said to have
committed thoughtcrime and torture them into repentance. The fundamental premise of this is not
unlike conversion therapy, which attempts to alter one s sexual orientation. Although homosexuality
was declassified as a mental illness over 25 years ago, there are still people who view being attracted
to one s own sex as a problem that needs to be fixed (Haldeman). Thus, they force people who are
homosexual to go through treatments that are intended to normalize their sexual orientation
(Haldeman). While at the Ministry of Love, Winston is repeatedly told that his desire for freedom is
insane, much like how homosexuals undergoing conversion therapy are
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My Special Event Speech
On Monday, I gave my special occasion speech. I would have to say that I was most nervous for this
speech and really I don t know why. The topic I believe was a little harder because you did not have as
strict of an outline that you could speak on. We could really pick any topic that had to do with a
special occasion. I know for me it took a lot of thinking to decide which one I wanted to do and the
one I did choose still felt awkward. Having such broad speech choice also made it hard for many
people in the class including me to make the time requirement. I would say that the time was my
largest fault for this speech. Some of the other problems that I had during my speech was that I did not
go into a great deal of detail on the husband and not going into much fun detail on anything else. I left
most the speech pretty broad in the way that I only really told one story. If I were to do the speech
again I would come up with much more to say about each person and why they are so perfect for each
other. The topic I choose was doing a maid of honor speech for my sister. It did feel really awkward to
do a speech about her because any inside joke that I was going to say the true audience in the room
would not understand what I was talking about. For that reason it made it hard for me to choose what
content to put into the speech. However, I do think I had a good basis of information, but I could have
expanded and put into more detail to length and give the audience a true
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Essay about Illegal Aliens Have the Right to Healthcare
Everyday people are sent to the hospital. Not only are they in fear of losing their life but also in fear of
being in debt due to the prices of health care treatment they need. But what if this patient happens to
be an illegal alien? What if the patient has a foreign illness that needs to be cured so it does not
spread? Should healthcare providers continue to provide (s) he with treatment even if they cannot pay?
Or should illegal aliens be treated just like any other patients by having a right to health care?
Illegal aliens are net consumers of public services and they contribute to economic growth
(Immigrants Economic Contributions, 2009). Since 1990, immigrants have contributed to job growth
in three main ways: They fill an ... Show more content on ...
What the illegal aliens want are jobs that will potentially give them a higher wage in comparison to
the country they came from. To effectively weigh whether providing health care to immigrants should
be considered a right or privilege, one would have to consider how much they contribute to economic
growth. A Pew study from last year showed that undocumented immigrants add 600,000 to 700,000
new consumers to the economy every year. Since consumption makes up 70 percent of economic
activity in the U.S., this is important (and of course, more consumption means more sales tax
revenue). Immigration is also expected to account for one forth of the Census Bureau s estimated labor
force growth through 2012. Some economic estimates gauge that undocumented immigrants
contribute $22 billion, in total, to the economy each year a number that would increase if they were
given the opportunity to become legal (Karvounis, 2007). This evidence suggests that illegal aliens are
actually giving back to the nation by doing all of the dirty, low income jobs and are only using
approximately $11 billion in health care and they are contributing about $22 billion a year to the
economy. Although these illegals only using half of what they give, they contribute more then what
they use.
According to the
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Diabetes Neephropathy Research Paper
Kidney and Eye are inextricably linked in many diseases, both common and esoteric. Renal disease
microvasculature is not readily in vivo while retinal microvasculature is easily accessible to direct non
invasive micro vasculation. Hence, patients with renal disease may require specific ophthalmologic
treatment. The best example in the developed world of the frequent need for clinical input from both
specialties is in the care of diabetic patients, who may develop Micro vascular complications.
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a global health issue affecting children, adolescents and adults. Diabetes
complications are divided into Micro vascular and Macro vascular complications. Micro vascular
complications include damage to eyes (leading to blindness), kidneys (leading to renal failure) and
nerves (leading to impotence and diabetic foot disorders). Macro vascular complications include
cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, strokes and insufficiency in blood flow to legs.
Diabetic Nephropathy (DN) is a serious and progressive complication of both type 1 DM (Results
from the body s failure to produce insulin) and type 2 DM (Results when the pancreas does not
produce enough insulin to control glucose level or ... Show more content on ...
There are two types of DR: Non Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) and Proliferative diabetic
retinopathy (PDR). In NPDR, the damaged blood vessels leak extra fluid and small amount of blood
into the eye. This condition leads to the formation of exudates in the retina. As the disease progresses
the amount of exudates also increases. In PDR, the blood vessels in the retina close which prevent the
blood flow in the eye. At this condition the new blood vessels are formed in order to supply blood to
the blocked area and are called as
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Potassium Permanganate Lab Report
Introduction Glucose is very important in our daily lives. It gives us energy to carry out all of our
activities. Cells in our bodies need glucose to respire and in the process release the energy we need.
Glucose is also a type of carbohydrate. It has a chemical formula of C6H12O6 and is a
monosaccharide reducing sugar (Kolej Mara Banting Students Handbook for Biology HL Year 1). It is
the simplest form of carbohydrate. In this experiment, sulphuric acid, H2SO4 and potassium
permanganate, KMnO4 is added into glucose with different concentration and the time taken for the
purple pink colour of potassium permanganate solution to change to colourless is recorded. This is
because glucose donates electrons to the permanganate ... Show more content on ...
50 181 22 15 108 116 124 89 93 106 15 20 75 84 86 72 67 77 8 25 55 45 48 34 39 44 8 30 43 37 40
27 23 34 9 Table 3 : The time taken for potassium permanganate solution to decolourise in different
concentration of glucose solution Mean Example of calculation 5% : 334 + 330 + 250 + 380 + 380 =
335 5 Standard deviation Example of calculation 5% : √((334 335)²+(330 335)²+(250 335)²+(380
335)²+(380 335)²) √5 = 53 Trial Type of glucose solution Time taken for potassium permanganate
solution to decolourise, s (±0.01) Mean, s (±0.01) ∑x 5 Standard deviation 1 2 3 4 5 A B 97.0 105.0
91.0 83.0 80.0 91.2 10.2 C 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.5 3.2 0.4 Table 4 : The time taken for potassium
permanganate solution to decolourise in unknown concentration of glucose solution Mean Example of
calculation B : 97.0 + 105.0 + 91.0 + 83.0 + 80.0 = 91.2 5 Standard deviation Example of calculation
B : √((97.0 91.2)^2+ (105.0 91.2)^2+
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Non Metallic Products And Its Effects On The Economy Essay
Manufacturing industries including (food, beverage, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, plastics, textile
metallic and non metallic products, paper products, leather and leather products, and garments);
Agriculture, including agribusiness and processing for exports; Real estate development; Education
and Health services; Grade 1 construction contracting; Mining and quarrying of gold, marble and
granite; Engineering and management consultancy; Import Export trade and whole sale trade; Hotel,
Tourism and others. Foreign investors are, therefore, welcomed to invest in most sectors of the
economy except in the following areas which are reserved for domestic investors (of Ethiopians
foreign nationals who are Ethiopian by birth and wish to be treated as domestic investors as well as a
foreign nationals permanently residing in Ethiopia). Meanwhile there are also sector in which both
foreign and domestic allowed to work in partnership. This includes: Excluding generation of
electricity from hydro power, generation, transmission and supply of electricity; air transport services,
travel and shipping agency services. Banking, insurance and micro credit, Broadcasting service, Rail
transport services, postal services with the exception of courier services; and areas reserved for
domestic investors as shown in the Council of Ministers Regulation No.270/2012. From the ongoing
discussion we made draw the conclusion that the areas which are open for foreign investment, with or
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Emily Dickinson Essay
amp;#8220;Best Things dwell out of Sight ;(#998) describes one of America amp;#8217;s greatest
poets. She dwelled out of sight for most of her life and her poems, with the exception of seven
published anonymously, remained out of sight until well after her death. Many literary scholars have
attempted a biography on this mysterious woman and poet and yet none are conclusive. Dickinson
remains an enigma even today but biographical speculation allows us to analyze some of her poetry
even though we may be completely inaccurate about what we presuppose.
There are some facts about Emily Elizabeth Dickinson that we know for certain. She was born on
December 10, 1830 and is recognized as one of America amp;#8217;s greatest poets. She had an ...
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After leaving school she returned home and spent the remainder of her life there. She took occasional
trips but always returned home to her sanctuary and eventually stopped travelling and even leaving her
house completely. She corresponded with her confidantes and friends through letters, rarely seeing
The men she corresponded with during her life include Benjamin Newton, a law student; Reverend
Charles Wadsworth, a Philadelphia minister; Thomas Higginson, a literary critic and Civil War hero,
and Otis Lord, a judge who had been her father amp;#8217;s closest friend. She regarded these men as
intellectual advisers as well as friends. Although many of them found her poetry to be fascinating,
none advised her to publish them.
Dickinson wrote the majority of her poetry during the 1860 amp;#8217;s at which time she had
become increasingly reclusive. She began wearing only white dresses and she hardly left her home, let
alone Amherst. Although she occasionally visited friends, by the time she was forty years of age, she
refused invitations to leave home and spent the remainder of her life taking care of her parents until
they died (her father died in 1847, her mother died in 1882). Emily herself became bedridden during
the last year of her life and her sister, Lavinia, nursed her until
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Compare and Contrast the Unification of Germany, Italy,...
Compare and Contrast the Unification of Germany, Italy, and the United States
From the 1790s to 1814 French troops successively conquered and occupied the area that later
constituted the German Empire. French domination helped to modernize and consolidate Germany
and toward the end sparked the first upsurge of German nationalism. In different ways the French
emperor Napoleon I helped German unification. It was important that he encouraged many of the
middle sized German states to absorb huge numbers of small independent territories, mostly
bishoprics, church lands, and local principalities.
This consolidation process, called mediation, led to the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire and
brought the same French legal ... Show more content on ...
After 1850 the industrial revolution in Germany entered its decisive phase. New factories were built at
a breath taking rate, the production of textiles and iron soared, railroads grew and started to connect
many distant regions, and coal production and export reached record levels every year. These
advances profited from a high level of education, the result of an advanced school and university
system. For a long time Prussia had the highest literacy rate and exemplary schools.
Economic progress was most powerful in Prussia and less impressive in Austria. Through the Vienna
peace settlement Prussia had received areas that turned out to be enormously precious for
industrialization (the Ruhr district, the Rhineland, and parts of Saxony all with rich coal deposits).
Prussia now started to dominate many of the smaller German states economically, and the smaller
states often hesitantly adapted their economies to Prussia. Decisive for this inconspicuous economic
unification of Germany was the foundation of a customs union (Zollverein) already in 1834, which
excluded Austria and Bohemia. Railroad building followed the lines of trade after 1837. To put it in a
nutshell, Germany roughly in the borders of the later Second Empire was economically and, to a lesser
degree, culturally united before
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Dr. Alan Grant s Jurassic Park
People read books. People read books all the time. Some people don t like books, others love to travel
through the adventure of them. Books are a part of life and no matter what route you take you will
encounter books. Books open people up to a new world of goblins, ghosts, and civilizations fighting
each other over a bag of bread. Books give emotions and have people go through states of suspense,
thriller, action, and so much more. In this book, Jurassic Park, I did experience a lot of those emotions
and realized the adventure the book took me through. I mainly chose the book for the reasons of
action, and suspense because those really touched my heart in such a way, in such a passion. So let s
get on with it!
In Jurassic Park there ... Show more content on ...
The AI s go around and roam in their own habitat as they did a very long time ago. The Middle /
Climax: A technician hired by InGen to do some security check ups and accidentally manages to
completely shut off the park s security causes all the locks and doors of the habitats of the AI s
completely open leaving them open to go around the park. The dinosaurs go crazy killing people, and
messing up the park. People are running crazy and don t know what to do. A good example of showing
this is in the iconic movie scene of the kids in the kitchen on the edge of death from the Velociraptors.
Fortunately the kids manage to take down the dinosaurs and escape that kitchen nightmare. After a
while another technician in the crew manages to get the park s security back up but by the time that
happens the dinosaurs are all already everywhere doing terrible things. The End: After a while of all of
these tragic events the park managers to contact the outer world to send rescue boats. They eventually
come but half the park is dead. They manage to save the remanding people on the park. To kill all the
dinosaurs and completely get rid of all of this tragedy they napalm the island and explode it hopefully
killing all the
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An Organization Is A System
An organization is a system. A system s overall behavior depends on its entire structure, not the sum
of its various parts. The structure determines the various behaviors, which determine the various
events. It is critical that you do not break up a system into silos, but it equally critical that a company
acknowledges its strengths from workforce and keep these smaller systems tied together as one large
system. We will examine how the companies highlighted in the team presentations have achieved this
success. Companies can use pay as a reward or reinforcer. Several of the class presentations discussed
the issue of pay. There was a clear divide in how pay was used. Our evaluation is that the majority of
the presentations used pay as a reward. Our perception is that Park Nicollet (PN) they use pay as a
reinforcer. Luthans and Stajkovic call out in their article, Unless organizational participants are
reinforced for their performance related behaviors, strategies, designs and technologies may have little
impact. (Luthans Stajkovic 1999, p. 52). At PN, the system encourages and reinforces team culture,
collaboration and allowing employees to be actively involved in improvement projects. PN
professionals embrace and enjoy an environment of continuous process improvement. These
opportunities increase the strength and frequency of the collaboration behavior that is needed to a
primary care provider of choice in the market. Most organizations want to be an
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The Effect Of Bacterial And Fungal Presence On Bacterial...
Rationale and Background.
To date, the majority of microbiological study of soils have centered on bacterial and fungal presence
in the context of plant mutualism [Figure 2]. Additionally, analyses of microbial biomass have
typically utilized indirect models, such as change in soil carbon levels, as a measurement of microbial
growth dynamics (Holden and Treseder 2014). When emphasizing ecological roles of microbes as
nutrient cyclers, this is a useful methodology. However, it has led to a void in understanding of viral
significance in these systems as well as a lack of detailed species level identifications of bacterial and
viral communities prior to and after fire events. The few abundance assays completed regarding
bacteria in soil indicate that one gram of soil contains 108 to 109 bacteria and 109 to 1010 viruses
(Williamson 2005, Van Der Heijden et al. 2008). This incredibly high number necessitates additional
research, if only due to the fact that these organisms numerically overwhelm the system (Van Der
Heijden et al. 2008). It would be irresponsible to ignore such a significant portion of the environment
and attempt to come to ideal land management practices. It has become clear from even the broad
scale respiration and nutrient assays completed that bacterial and viral communities are not a
monolith; in different locations, phylogenetic community composition varies strongly (Williamson
2005, Goberna et al. 2015, Wang et al. 2015, Tas et al. 2014, Dooley and
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Leaders Are Not Made, They Are Exposed
Individual Analysis of Group Two Leaders emerge under different situations and circumstances.
Pepicello (2016) argues that leaders are not made, they are exposed (W. Pepicello, personal
communication, June 22, 2016). This is generally observed when working as a team on a project,
especially in a virtual group setting where members are separated by time, distance, and
communication, collaboration or getting members to fully participate in the project take more effort
than in a face to face setting (Malthotra, Majchrzak Rosen, (2007). Over a period of seven weeks,
Group Two members clearly demonstrated not only leadership traits, but leader follower relationship.
This paper discusses the emergence of and presence of leadership or ... Show more content on ...
Once the group was formed, John immediately contacted group members and suggested a distance
education leader to the group, Dr. William Pepicello, the former president of the University of
Phoenix. He also suggested the mode of communication, (a free conference call without video) to
discuss the interview questions, and a work area for the posting documents or other matter pertaining
to the group. Every team member got on board. However, due to a new email system, Office 365, at
Montgomery College, emails from outside the college were delayed and I was unable to receive or
respond to any email coming from the group in a timely fashion during the first week. However, once
my email was functional and running, I immediately communicated and collaborated with the group
and was committed to playing my part. We all worked as a team and to an extent, exercised a power
base of reciprocity. Each member shared the responsibility of doing his or her assigned part of the
project with the expectation that each member is obligated to fulfil his or her part (Raven, 2008).
Melanie had also suggested another distance education leader, Robert W. Mendenhall (President
Emeritus of Western Governor s University) and had already done some research on him. The group
agreed to interview Dr. Pepicello but kept Mendenhall as a backup.
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Quality Control Of Design Changes
Quality control in design later Quality control in design change
Mechanical building plan change incorporates client, site and critical change. Plan changes that
advance by the client ought to convey and affirm the practicality with configuration. As indicated by
the strict variety system, this just can be finished under the reason of common assent. For the scene
change requires the gatherings to authorize agents with expert foundation and learning, who ought to
decide the change obligation and issue building change notice, and so forth. It needs broad chief or
configuration executive sign before they can keep on designing change if there is no site agent. Real
outline change implies some compelling viewpoints for mechanical operation, venture usage,
advancement to finish or charge extra. The change not just ought to be affirmed by the applicable
division or chief, yet we likewise need to arrange task work forces to review and in the long run figure
out if change is achievable. The whole quality control of progress procedure is not just to clear the
comparing obligation and achievability investigation, however in the meantime likewise need to
arrange or add cost that brought on during the time spent configuration change. Also, the point by
point records of outline change have an awesome noteworthiness to give compelling target prove and
affirm the quality control target.
Quality control in design information
Quality control in outline data criticism has a place with the
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The Role Of Supervisor And The Supervisor
The role of the supervisor has never been simplified enough to be clear as to what the responsibilities
of the role is. In fact, supervision tends to be a challenging word in the education field and can be
accepted by various leaders of a school. Supervisors can simply be supervisors or they can be
administrators who are involved in the role of hiring and evaluating their staff. One could even go as
far as the master teacher who observes other educators that ensures they are utilizing proper skills and
techniques. Supervisors come from various angles, so it comes to no surprise that a supervisor is
expected to wear many hats. Over the course of years, the role of the supervisor has been redefined
many times. Various research, studies and articles address the importance of a supervisor and how the
importance is valued or defined. Modern supervision is expected to assist and assess the teachers and
mold them to become independent, successful educators. My personal experience, my administration
has taken that role and my supervisor reviews curriculum. Overall, a supervisor is there to provide the
support necessary for the teacher and the success of instruction in the class. In any scenario, the
supervisor is expected to direct and ensure that the teacher is continuously learning. They should also
be involved in a collaborative relationship with the educator so that communication is open and
growing. This should be where the supervisor validates the progress and identifies
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Why Did Clarence Johnson Came To Lockheed
Clarence L. Kelly Johnson came to Lockheed in 1932 looking for a job but was turned down soon
after for not having enough experience. After that he realized that he need more schooling to be able to
get the jobs that he wants so he went back to school an got his master s degree in Aeronautical
Engineering. Johnson later went back to the same place he got turned down at for a job but not only
got the job but became the sixth engineer working for the Lockheed Company. When World War II
came around Johnson helped design the P 38, America s first airplane to go 400mph. Soon After the
assignments as flight test engineer, stress analyst, aerodynamicist, weight engineer, he became chief
research engineer in 1938. Around 1952 Johnson became the ... Show more content on ...
Several weeks later he saw his first airplane; a World War I Jenny. His decision was confirmed. He
later moved to Flint where his father had a construction business. Kelly graduated from Flint High
School, working summers with his father and in the motor test section of the Buick Motor Car
Company. By graduation he had saved up $300. He tried to give it to an Instructor at the Flint Airport
in exchange for flying lessons, but the Instructor shook his head and probably changed the entire
course of Kelly s life. I ve always had the greatest respect for that man, Kelly said later. He needed
that money more than anything else in the world. But instead of taking it, he said, Look kid, save that
money and go to school. Johnson graduated from Flint Junior College and completed his education at
the University of Michigan, where he received his Bachelor of Science Degree in 1932. Kelly Johnson
worked his way through school by picking up scholarships, washing dishes and helping a professor as
a teaching Assistant. He went on to receive his Master of Science Degree in Aeronautical Engineering
in 1933. During this period he picked up small teaching fellowships and augmenting his income by
renting the University s wind tunnel to run tests as a consultant on models of Indianapolis racing cars,
trains and aircraft. I made more money that year than any of the first 10 years I worked for Lockheed.
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Adam Smith s Wealth of Nations Essay
The pivotal second chapter of Adam Smith s Wealth of Nations, quot;Of the Principle which gives
occasion to the Division of Labour, quot; opens with the oft cited claim that the foundation of modern
political economy is the human quot;propensity to truck, barter, and exchange one thing for another.
quot;1 This formulation plays both an analytical and normative role. It offers an anthropological
microfoundation for Smith s understanding of how modern commercial societies function as social
organizations, which, in turn, provide a venue for the expression and operation of these human
proclivities. Together with the equally famous concept of the invisible hand, this sentence defines the
central axis of a new science of political economy ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, with this emphasis on spontaneous coordination, Smith pointed to the possibility of a
social order in which people live in harmony together with a minimum need of a central, coercive
apparatus. He captured the central intuition of classical economists according to which modern
commercial society, notwithstanding its conflicts, obeys a kind of pre established order, and enjoys the
advantage of a mechanism, the market, which maintains equilibria by continually adjusting competing
Over time, this powerful theoretical proposition has become a legitimating cornerstone for the robust
defense of market capitalism, a particular ensemble of political institutions, and a specific line of
justification for liberal ideas and values. Though manifestly plausible as an accurate reading of Smith
when Wealth of Nations is read on its own, even on these terms, this interpretation, is limited and
partial. Astonishingly, and disappointingly, most readers of Wealth of Nations fail to attend the very
next sentence that follows Smith s seemingly transhistorical, objectivist theory of human dispositions,
mindful of Mandeville s classical representation of human egoism. Smith immediately probed more
deeply by asking quot;Whether this propensity be one of those original principles in human nature of
which no further account can be given; or whether, as
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Puerto Rico Trip
Puerto Rico, a spanish island unfamiliar to me, but five of my best friends and I were all on our way
there. We all had talked each other into going on the 9 day trip with no parents, just our Spanish
teacher. Running on about maybe 3 hours of sleep, we landed in San Juan to begin our journey. We
had a group of 29 students and being in an airport with only Spanish speaking people was one of the
most stressful places I ve ever been. I was a little worried this trip might not end well at the beginning,
but our week had ziplining, swimming through caves, painting a school, visiting a rainforest, staying
at three different hotels, meeting orphanage boys and many unfamiliar foods on the agenda. The first
day we visited the most beautiful beaches
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Public Service Vs Traditional Public Services Essay
Governments every were are seeking new ways of reinventing their personnel systems to meet rising
challenges in the way public service is delivered ,this need has given birth to a set of contemporary
systems and these new systems are impacting the traditional civil service system and the way public
services are delivered. The aim of these changes is to; Reduce the role of government and the number
of public employees by using alternative organizations or mechanisms for providing public services
and to increase the flexibility of employment relationships for the public employee that remain .
Although these alternatives are not new, they are however becoming common and these new
alternatives are taking over the traditional public system of the ... Show more content on ...
The increased use of temporary, part time and seasonal workers and the increased hiring of exempt
employee through employment contracts. Employers are reducing cost and enhance flexibility by
meeting the minimal staffing requirements through permanent employees and hiring temporary,
seasonal and part time workers to meet peak workload( these positions are usually low paid, no benefit
and are fired at will employees), which requires minimal skills, and when skills are required such jobs
are contracted out to avoid save money . Exempt positions means funds must be available before such
positions are filled, they are not classified within the civil service system, the terms and conditions of
these positions are specified through a contract listing pay and benefits and limiting the terms of
employment, they can be fired at will in the event of a change in management or disagreement, this
also means contract can be renewed or denied. This managerial flexibility allows for agencies to
reduce their overhead expenses without having to deal with civil service regulations and collective
bargaining and union issues.
2. Change in role of HR administration In the civil service system the role of the HR administrator is
technical, record keeping and processing personnel issues but the alternative personnel system have
brought about a change in the job description of an administrator in that he is now involved in
brokering of deals and mediating of conflicts among competing personnel systems.
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Belgium s Supply Chain And Logistics
Belgium is a country located in central Western Europe. It has seen many ups and downs. However,
today it is one of Europe s, and one of the world s top logistic countries. First, we will review over
Belgium s population, geography, economy, and technology. Then, we will discuss how the supply
chain and logistics work in Belgium. This includes transportation, trade within Belgium, trade with
other countries, and supply chain risks. There is much to discuss on Belgium s logistics.
By population, Belgium is the seventy eighth largest country in the world and the eleventh largest
country in Europe. As of July 2016, Belgium is home to 11,409,077 people. The growth rate in
Belgium is 0.73 percent. It has a birth rate of 11.4 births per 1,000 residents and a death rate of 9.7
deaths per 1,000 residents. Belgium also has a net migration rate of 5.6 migrants per 1,000 people.
97.9 percent of the population lives in urban areas. Brussels, the capital of Belgium, is the largest
urban area and city in Belgium with 2.05 million residents. Belgium has two main ethnic groups, the
Flemish and the Walloon. The Flemish make up 58 percent of the population, while the Walloon make
up 31 percent. The other 11 percent is made up of mixed or other ethnicities. The Flemings are from
Northern Belgium and the Walloons are from Southern Belgium. The country of Belgium has three
official languages: Dutch, French, and German. The Flemings in the North speak Dutch, which is
spoken by
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The Importance Of Emotional Intelligence
The ability to be aware of, control and express ones emotions well is known as emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence will help you understand your own feelings in everyday life, and also helps to
strengthen your relationship with others by knowing how to deal with emotional situations. According
to Daniel Goleman, whom is known as an author and journalist, he claims that emotional intelligence
is dependent on four domains. Self awareness, self management, social awareness (empathy), and
relationship management (social skills). Your ability to have emotional intelligence with everyday life
can benefit your personal life and you experiences with others by allowing you to react properly to
different situations.
Emotional intelligence can greatly improve your relationships with others as well as improve your
social skills. Social awareness can be considered as empathy, empathy is basically having the ability to
understand and share emotions with another well. Being empathetic will improve your friendships and
your relationships with others because you will be viewed as a understanding person who will be able
to listen and understand someone else s situation or view point on something. When you have people,
family, and friends that feel like they can trust you then they will be more open and possibly more
helpful towards you in order to try and return the favor, meaning they will in turn be empathetic
towards you. Social skills will be needed to get through life because you will need the ability in a
work area to understanding emotions, yours as well as others. Talking to others will help you improve
your social skills throughout life ad different experiences. Being empathetic allows you to become a
great listener and being self aware allows you to know how you can improve on yourself and will help
you to be mentally stable. To have the ability to understand and recognize your own feelings is known
as self awareness. To be able to control your feelings is known as self management. Having the ability
to understand how and how to recognize and control your emotions will help your mental state
because you will be have better control over yourself and more confident. When you have a stable
mental state it
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  • 2. Personal Land Ethic Essay I would describe my own personal land ethic simply with my personal definitions of both terms. My personal definition of land is a substance in which animals and humans utilize by physically walking on. My personal definition of ethics is something (idea or belief) someone holds close to their heart and is willing to protect completely. When combining both personal definitions of land and ethic, I define land ethic as viewing land with the utmost respect, feeling passionate and taking action toward sustaining or benefiting the lands natural state. When comparing my definition of land ethic to Aldo Leopold s definition, it is evident to see that we are both thinking similarly. When defining the land, Leopold includes soils, waters, plants and ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Invasion Of The Body Film Analysis The film opens with an alarming prologue sequence of a derange man in the emergency room brought in by the highway patrol. He is raving about an unknown danger and claims he is not crazy. He is introduced to Dr. Hill (Whit Bissel), a psychiatrist who wants to hear his story. The man reveals that he is a doctor too and urgently recounts the events of the last week. The screen fades into a flashback to when Dr. Miles Bennell (Kevin McCarthy), is returning home to Santa Mira, California, from a business trip, and states, At first glance, everything looked the same. It wasn t. Something evil had taken possession of the town. Dr. Bennell begins to notice a puzzling delirium among his patients. Many of them are claiming imposters have taken over some of their relatives and friends. Growing increasingly concerned with thoughts of a possible epidemic occurring, Dr. Bennell starts to investigate with Becky Driscoll (Dana Wynter), an old flame from his past, when one night they get a call from Jack Belicec (King Donovan) to immediately come to his house. They arrive greeted by Belicec and his ... Show more content on ... Invasion of the Body Snatchers is considered to be of the B movie variety that displays perfectly the mistrust mood of the entire country regarding the infiltration and contamination of Communism. This paranoia emerged as a political threat fueled by US Senator Joseph McCarthy, he created committees to interview people suspected of communist. This looming sense of doom was escalated by the fear of atomic attack by communist countries and consumed the public of the1950s that even your fellow citizens (coworkers, friends) could be one of ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Classify Types Of Drivers There are an estimated two hundred and sixty million registered vehicles in the United States of America. Every one of these drivers has a unique background which shows through their different, and sometimes unbearable, driving habits. Although it can be hard, it is important to realize that you will not be the only person going out and driving today. One has to be cautious of others who may be driving poorly. More importantly, it is necessary for us to avoid those distracted drivers that seem to be inattentive and in a world of their own while attempting to drive. Since receiving my driver s license, I have noticed different types of drivers everywhere I go. These drivers appear everyday, no matter where you drive, and can either make or break your entire day. While the term driver can be applied to almost anyone operating a motor vehicle, the way a person drives often changes with age and experience. I am sure the types of drivers you have come across can be classified in one of these four categories: The neutral driver, the cautious drivers, the reckless drivers, and the unpredictable drivers. You may also classify yourself under one of these categories at one time or another. The first category of drivers is the neutral driver. These neutral drivers attempt to go unnoticed by drivers around them and have a tendency to go with ... Show more content on ... At first, these drivers appear to be neutral drivers, unnoticeable and in a car that one would be content to follow. Suddenly, these so called neutral drivers become unpredictable and may slow down to ten miles per hour below the speed limit. They may also speed up to ten miles per hour above the speed limit or higher, thereby becoming a reckless driver. The common culprit of unpredictable drivers include the soccer mom/dad, distracted by screaming children. This is also true of any other distracted or overwhelmed driver (i.e. those eating, texting, ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Discovery Of The Earth It is inevitable that the Sun will turn into a red giant and eventually a black hole, thus, killing everything that is left in our solar system. When this happens, the fate of the human race will either survive or go extinct. If we as a species intend on surviving, we must develop ways to colonize interstellar space. However, there is currently many limitations that don t allow humans to travel vast distances in short periods of time. Since the space race, there have been countless proposed propulsion solutions; however, with current technology one stands out. This being the solar sail. Solar sails were proposed by Johannes Kepler nearly 400 years ago. He believed that since Europe were still using naval exploration as their main means, that we could use sails to explore the galaxy. Kepler noted that when observing a comet s tail, there was that it was being blown around by solar breeze. With this theory, Kepler believed that we could use this breeze to propel this sail just like how wind on Earth propels a ship in the ocean. This theory has been disproven by scientists however. A solar sail is a large piece of aluminized, temperature resistant material known as CP 1. There is another sail that is composed of aluminum reinforced Mylar. For a solar sail to work, it must have be reflective. This allows for light particles to bounce off of it, thus, creating a thrust. This would occur at a gentle rate giving the sail a gradual acceleration. Unlike other interstellar ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Non Aboriginal Community Research Paper Introduction This paper will define what a community is and discuss some of the strengths and the differences between Australian Aboriginal Communities and Australian Non Aboriginal Communities. What is Community? A community is described by many as a group of people who have the same ideologies on their cohabitation. They share the same interests and more often know how to work together. The first meaning of community as a locality refers to the territorial or geographic notion of community the neighbourhood, town or city. The Second meaning of community, the relational community, refers to qualities of human interaction and social ties that draw people together (Heller 1989, pp.3 cited in Taylor, Wilkinson and Cheers, 2008). Whereas ... Show more content on ... In Non Aboriginal communities, the commonality of ethnicity forms the basis of community life whereas in Aboriginal communities, kinship is an important factor holding community life together (Taylor, Wilkinson and Cheers, 2008). As the times and generations change communities of the future will be very different from the ones we live in today. Geis, D Kutzmark, T. (1995) noted that communities will need to be different because, as we move through the end of the twentieth century and into the twenty first, we face a whole new set of socioeconomic, technological, and global forces that are unlike those that brought us to where we are today. Conclusion Communities must have a base structure however there are fundamental differences when looking at different communities as each community is different in many ways. For example a rural community may be strengthened by local initiatives to diversify its economy while some Aboriginal Communities may be strengthened through improving the quality of relationships with members of its community such as the Djinda Falcons Program. While all communities need social interaction to foster trust, reciprocity, tolerance and leadership the ways in which these qualities are developed within Aboriginal and Non Aboriginal Communities will vary to other non Aboriginal ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Unferth In Beowulf The Real Unferth Beowulf has many great people throughout the book who do great things, but there was one person who really stuck out, and not because of his greatness. Unferth and his bitterness towards Beowulf really made a lasting impression in this book. Unferth did not play a huge role, but while he was mentioned, he showed his true, vile, colors. His part in the reading was mainly to talk about the battle between Brecca and Beowulf, but he talked about it with such a boorish attitude, that it gave him a bad reputation. He was mean and haughty towards Beowulf, when all Beowulf was trying to do was save Herot. Having an almost frivolous place in the book, Unferth showed he is a conceited, rude, and virulent person, who was a distasteful part in this reading. Unferth gets angry and annoyed ... Show more content on ... He has no faith in Beowulf. He also believes Brecca is better and that Beowulf won t be able to defeat Grendel. You ve been lucky in your battles, Beowulf, but I think/ Your luck may change if you challenge Grendel,/ Staying a whole night through in this hall,/ Waiting where that fiercest of demons can find you ( Beowulf 258 261). Unferth says this these after talking about how Brecca won the battle between him and Beowulf. Beowulf answers to this by reminding Unferth that he got swept away in the water and that he stayed with Brecca by choice. Beowulf then tells Unferth that he is the greatest, trying to prove to him that he is the man for the job, killing Grendel. Beowulf answered, Edgetho s great son:/ Ah! Unferth, my friend, your face/ Is hot with ale, and your tongue has tried/ To tell us about Brecca s doings. But the truth/ Is simple: No man swims the sea/ As I can, no strength is a match for mine ( Beowulf 262 267). Beowulf tries to stay civilized replying to Unferth, trying to convince him he is the greatest and can defeat Grendel and save the town of ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Reflective Essay On Mental Illness Faced with the overwhelming stigma that surrounds mental illness, we have spent the semester learning how to break down doorways into the lives of characters who have struggled with their mental health. Far too often have these doors been kept bolted shut. As a consequence of public fear and lack of understanding, the people behind these doors individuals with mental illnesses have been given no choice but to struggle in silence. In reading various works throughout the semester, we have been able to begin to challenge the stigma that surrounds mental illness. Trying to gain understanding, we have not only opened doorways, but we have begun to construct empathic tunnels between our own lives and the unfamiliar universes of characters with mental illness. Reading the novels throughout this class sometimes made me uncomfortable, usually hurt my heart, and always made me ask questions and I think that s the whole point. The novels we read gave voices to people who felt like they did not have a voice, because they had been silenced for so long. Refracted through various time periods and genres, the novels we read provided insight into the progression of mental illness throughout decades, namely into how mental illness is regarded by the public. Maybe we don t treat people exactly like how the unnamed narrator in The Yellow Wallpaper was treated anymore, and maybe we have a better understanding of mental illness now than we did during Edna St. Vincent Millay s time, ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Sherlock Holmes Vs. The Great Mouse Detective ¨When you have Eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.¨ this quote is by Sherlock Holmes. What I think this means is about logic. Because if you start with everything you know then go from there and try to solve the impossible, you re on your way to a solution. This is like Sherlock Holmes and The Great Mouse Detective. Some ways that this quote is like Sherlock Holmes and The Great Mouse Detective is because they are trying to figure out the issue, so they re going to start with what they know and go from there. So that s something they have in common. But they re also different in some ways. Like in Sherlock Holmes Watson is different than the great mouse detective. In the films The Great ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Questions On Open Source Software Introduction Open source software is used by a heaps of large businesses, take Facebook for example or even the French tax system. It s an ever growing way for businesses to operate and we are seeing it become more and more mainstream. Customers are progressively looking for it and therefore more and more businesses and companies are providing it. Using open source in your business does present some specific legal issues, generally they can be managed but IT managers should defiantly be aware of them. In this white paper I am going to delve deeper into what open source actually is, how some certain companies use it and getting around the legal issues. What is open source? Open source also known as free source is where software is open , and by this it means that the source code must be open for viewing. A lot of businesses that offer open source software accomplish their revenue by one of two ways, the first being with the purpose that no one would have to pay to use the software but in return they would have to pay for support. Then the other being charging the customer again not for the software itself, but for related services. However, any work that comes from the open source software must be licensed at no charge. OSI (Open Source Initiative) are a company dedicated to promoting open source software. They believe that for software to be open source it needs to meet the credentials of the following with the intention of allowing enough flexibility to embrace a ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Non Jewish Resistance To Holocaust Non Jewish Resistance While Jewish resistance was a help was big influence to the Holocaust, the non jewish resistance was substantially bigger. Some of the groups that helped were, the US, USSR, and Germans. All of these groups had many reason why they wanted to fight/rebel against the Axis of Power. Some wanted to keep their country s interest and beliefs. The Allies The Allies had a huge impact during WWII and the holocaust. They helped Jews and stopped the Nazi s. Many groups make up the Allies, but there are four major powers of the allies and they are America, England, France, Soviet Union. According to, the Allies started when, Hitler announced that Germany would liberate the ethnic Germans in Czechoslovakia, ... Show more content on ... Joseph Stalin used the early years of WWII to gain Territory, which include Finland and Baltic States. ( Later they signed a neutrality pact with Japan. On June 22, 1941, Germany invaded the Soviet Union, thereby beginning Operation Barbarossa, because of the invasion Soviet Union joined the war ( One of Soviet Union s biggest victories was on January 31, 1943 at Stalingrad, when over 90,000 German troops surrender ( After this battle, the Soviet Union remained at Stalingrad and liberated most of Ukrainians, Eastern Belorussia, and themselves ( In the summer of 1944, the Soviets launched another major offensive, which liberated the rest of Belorussia, and the Ukraine, most of the Baltic States, and eastern Poland from Nazi rule ( During April 1945, the Soviet Union launched its final attack on the Nazi s by taking over Vienna, Berlin and Prague, ( V E day is on May 8th the day that the war in Europe ended. The Soviet Union later broke it s pact with Japan and invade them to help end the war in the pacific. V J or V P is on August 14th 1945, it s the day war with Japan or War in the Pacific ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Types Of Insurance For The Food Industry It might not be the most exciting part of opening a restaurant, but one of the most vital steps of opening a new eatery is getting insurance coverage. There are many potential problems that you need to be prepared for in the food industry, ranging from equipment failures to slip and fall lawsuits. Depending on your restaurant s location, you will need certain types of insurance to comply with local laws. Also, you will need insurance to qualify for bank loans and mortgages. Read on to learn about the various types of insurance you may need when operating a restaurant. Common types of restaurant insurance These types of insurance should be seriously considered when opening any type of restaurant. Property Insurance This is important for protecting your restaurant from property damage resulting from a variety of disasters such as building fires, or other accidental damage, but for coverage in the event of natural disasters such as earthquakes or floods, you may need to get specific types of insurance that cover those circumstances. Also, if you are setting up a mortgage for your restaurant property, you should have property insurance. General Liability Insurance This probably goes without saying, but liability insurance is needed in case any person comes to harm within your restaurant. This could happen for many reasons, including falls, food borne illnesses and so on. Whether you or your staff are to blame or not, if a person gets sick after eating at your restaurant ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Evaluating Estate Planning Planning out your estate is not a one time event; whenever you or your family goes through an important life change, your estate planning documents should be updated to reflect your wishes. Because so much can happen over the course of a year, it is helpful to choose a date that you can remember and review your estate documents on an annual basis. If your family has undergone any of the following changes, make sure to speak with your estate planning attorney about updating your will. Remarriages and Divorces Families change all the time. For that reason, new marriages and divorces are one of the most common reasons to update a will or other estate planning documents. These documents should be changed not only whenever the person making the ... Show more content on ... Whenever there is a change in a person s finances, his or her estate plan should be updated to reflect the difference. This is true if the change is positive, like winning a large sum of money, or negative, like dealing with a lengthy illness. By updating your will to reflect your current financial state, you will have a better idea of your ability to provide for your family after your death. Other Changes It is important to remember that a will or an estate plan is a living document which is meant to change as your life changes, and there are numerous circumstances which would justify changing or updating a will. For example, if the testator moves out of state, or has a change of heart about a certain gift, the will should be updated to reflect that. Or, an unexpected development may require the testator to completely restructure the estate. For instance, a child born with special needs or a disability could justify the creation of a special needs trust meant to provide a lifetime of care. No matter what the reason, at Novy Associates our experienced New Jersey estate planning attorneys can help protect your estate and guard your legacy. We can help you plan for your family s future, and will work with you to update your estate planning documents as ... Get more on ...
  • 14. American Miniature Horses I liked learning about the American Miniature horse. The American miniature horse grows up to be no bigger than a large dog, American Miniature Horses are miniature versions of well balanced horses. Miniature Horses can be found in a rainbow of colors and types.They are are small in size and measure 34 38 inches as measured at the last hairs of the mane. They usually life up to 25 35 years. The result of nearly 400 years of selective breeding, historians tend to support the Miniature Horse breed as a giver of many sources. In the past, small horse breeds were most likely the products of surviving harsh natural climates and little portions of food. The first mention of a small horse being brought into the United States was in 1888. Throughout ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Life s Life Let me ask you a question. Are you working to live, or living to work? There was a study done, a hospital study on 100 elderly people facing death close to their last breath. They were asked to reflect about their life s biggest regret. Nearly all of them said they regretted not the things they did but the things they didn t do. The chances they never took, because they were too scared, too tired, too busy, too broke. Studies show that you will spend 92 120 hours of your life, working. Let me say that again... you will spend 92 120 hours of your life, working. Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Lily Winten and I am representing Capital Films to promote the best way we can sell Australia. Research shows that 50% of people will choose not ... Show more content on ... The footage included in the ad encompasses the undiscovered aspects of Australia, many of which are natural. Opening with the ocean, our largest source to attract tourists, gentle waves can be heard. It then shows a woman looking out over a view of Cape Schanck, and a relaxing beat begins to play as we are shown the breathtaking view, creating a desire by the audience, to be there and experience it firsthand. We circle a rock, gradually zooming out to a birds eye view of the vast blue sea, symbolising that there is so much more about Australia, people have yet to experience. The footage then swaps to show a green rainforest, a sunset, ocean, grass, sky, Australia s natural beauty capturing the audience s attention. An uplifting beat grows louder, as we then swap to footage of people doing the variety of activities and unique experiences we offer. Things such as a walk along the beach, sandboarding, a slide into a lake, a step into Aboriginal culture, the city and the surf or simply the fact that you can go anywhere in thongs. The range of activities appeals to our large target audience, as something for everyone, no matter the age. We follow a group of friends as they walk out into the beach, then change to a birds eye view of the group and then zoom out to see the gorgeous Whitsundays beach. The beat drops as we switch Mumbulla Falls and a GoPro sliding down the rocks into the creek, giving our audience an adrenalin ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Time Series By Patricia March SBA Task 3 Conclusive Research Essay Chanelle Botha 12k An investigation on the use of ink and charcoal as a medium, as well as movement over time, in the Time Series by Patricia March. The works of Patricia March are predominantly charcoal works, with smaller aspects of ink, whilst portraying insight of character, as well as how the body moves over a period of time. March uses the perception of a figure moving, portraying the figure on one picture plane; but moving, as if this were over a period of time. Figures appear walking or picking up an object and this is portrayed as one character becoming three. In each different movement the figure is in a different position, as if moving like in a real life situation. This reinforces the name of her series, Time, as it literally perceives a figure or a few figures and their movements over a period of time. March studied a master in cinematography. She was interested in movement and time, so since, she tried to apply her vision about cinema into drawings. The movement of the people drawn, reminds me her some way to profundity of the human form ad how it ... Show more content on ... The scope of the creative experience was influenced mainly by Patricia March as her ideas influenced the idea of charcoal and ink drawings, as well as left hand techniques. Her works allowed the exploration of new mediums and techniques, of which I had not used before. March also played a big role in influencing visual diary work and the direction of which I took when researching other artists. It is seen in resolution, that Patricia March, as well as her Time Series, created in 2011, have been a great influence, when involving aspects such as similarities, differences, technique, medium, the depth and scope pf creative process, on the creation of my own Self and Other year work ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Theories Of Personality And Leadership Assessments Essay Introduction There are multiple theories of personality and leadership assessments that have proven effective in helping individuals achieve their full career potential. The Big Five theory of personality, for example, measures the five broad areas of personality, including extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience (Srivastava, 2015). Other types of assessments, such as the more simple leadership assessment we explored, simply measure leadership qualities, such as emotional intelligence and confidence. In exploring a couple of such resources in more depth, such as the leadership assessment provided by the University of Kent s Career Enhancement Center, as well as the Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator, it is clear that understanding more about oneself can lead to enhanced career choices. Based on the work of Carl Jung, Isabel Myers and Katherine Briggs developed the Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator, a self inventory geared toward helping individuals determine their personality types and individual areas of strength. By helping people understand themselves, Myers and Briggs believed that they could help people select occupations that were best suited to their personality types and lead healthier, happier lives (Cherry, 2015). This test, through helping me explore my own personality, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, and various preferences and compatibilities, has been instrumental in affirming my ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Relation Between Phoneme And Morphology 3. Phoneme and morpheme relationship. The relation between phonemes and grammatical units such as morphemes and words is therefore an aspect of the interface between Phonology and morphology. Both Phonology and Morphology study various aspects in languages all over the world. Considering the similarities of these fields, both are engaged in the scientific analysis of languages. Both are branches of Linguistics and without studying Phonology, one cannot move on to Morphology. Hence, there is an inter relationship between these branches. For differences, Phonology essentially concentrates on the sound systems of a language while Morphology pays attention to the word and the morphemes of a language. (Booij, 2007) 3.2. The interface between Phonology ... Show more content on ... Allophone vs. allomorph. Allophones are two or more realizations of a single underlying phoneme. The /t/ in top is aspirated, but the /t/ in stop is not. These are two variations in pronunciation of the same underlying phoneme /t/. There is no pair of English words top [aspirated] and top [unaspirated]; it s always either one or the other (and it is predictable which one is required). Allomorphs are two or more realizations of a single underlying morpheme. For example, the past morpheme ed in English. There are really three different ways this is realized phonetically: /t/ in helped, /d/ in opened, or /id/ in wanted. Again, it is predictable which one is required, but all three of these are manifestations of the same morpheme ed . Therefore, the main difference between the two is that allophones include several ways to pronounce a single phoneme. Allomorphs include several ways to pronounce a single morpheme. 4. The concept of ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Compare And Contrast Union And Confederate Advantages of the Union and the Confederacy The Union and the Confederacy. Two different parts of America. The North and the South. Even though it was still America, the North and South were very different from each other in more ways than one. On paper, the Union outnumbered the South in basically every category. Some people thought that it would be a fast war because of the paper stats, but they were misled. The South and North had advantages in the economic, demographic, and fields. The Economic advantages. First, advantages for the South. The textile scene was a big part of the North s economy. So when the South didn t sell cotton to the North anymore, that hurt the North s economy. The South s economy was based on the slave trade, livestock, and agriculture. As long as the Confederacy was still standing, the South would continue to make money off slaves as there were other countries that still allowed slavery and other Southern States. Now for the North. The North s economy was hurt by no more cotton being sold to them by the South, but it did not affect them too much. They could just buy cotton from others places like India and Egypt and the North s economy would do fine without textiles. The North s industry was much greater than the South s. ... Show more content on ... The South had many great military leaders. The leaders were then able to teach the soldiers more than what the North could. The North had a supreme advantage on population. The North had 22 million soldiers and workers to draw from while the south only had 5.5 million to draw from. Another huge advantage of the North was all the railroads. The North had 22,00 miles of railroad track whereas the south only had 9,000. The more railroads, the farther and faster you can get supplies out. The military leaders were able to transport troops quickly and politicians were able to travel throughout the country giving speeches, such as the Gettysburg Address, and describing the power and speed of the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Analysis Of The Winter Of 2013 A Sinkhole Introduction In the winter of 2013 a sinkhole took the life of Jeffrey Bush in Seffner, Florida. He was lying in bed when the ground collapsed beneath his bedroom. Death from sinkhole formation is rare, but sinkhole collapses are a common occurrence throughout the state of Florida (Brinkmann, 2013, p.1). Natural hazards, such as sinkholes, can detrimentally impact society and the environment. Indeed, sinkholes can reroute surface runoff into aquifers; cause structural damage to roads and buildings; drain wetlands; and as shown in the example above, have fatal consequences. Florida s growing population corresponds with an increase in urbanization throughout the state, which results in the accelerated development of groundwater and land resources. Sinkholes are naturally occurring phenomena, but their increasing frequency throughout Florida correlates with the accelerated development of these resources (Tihansky, 1999, p.121). Together, Figures 1 and 2 visually display the correlation between Florida s growing population and the increase in sinkhole development from 1960 to 2000. Anthropogenic factors such as groundwater pumping, combined with certain environmental conditions associated with a lowered base water level (e.g. drought and hurricanes), can result in sinkhole development. For example, the excessive pumping of groundwater can create subsurface voids because of the lowering of the water table, which can lead to the development of sinkholes due to gravity and the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Controversy And Subjective Meaning Of A Girl By Ezra... The anthology is compiled of my favorite poems, and I purposely selected poems with controversial and subjective meanings. Unlike other forms of literature, such as narrations, in which the meaning and language is more direct, poetry tends to be more personal and open to interpretation. In many cases, even the poet never clearly reveals their poem s true intent, allowing a myriad of theories to formulate. The subjectiveness of poetry allows the audience to develop various interpretations, which also ensures that more people are identify with them through different ways. For example, the meaning of A Girl by Ezra Pound is still debated, and while it is mostly accepted that the poem is based off the myth of Apollo and Daphne, there are still ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Similarities Between 1984 And Conversion Therapy 1984 and Conversion Therapy In 1984, the Party often imprisons those who are said to have committed thoughtcrime and torture them into repentance. The fundamental premise of this is not unlike conversion therapy, which attempts to alter one s sexual orientation. Although homosexuality was declassified as a mental illness over 25 years ago, there are still people who view being attracted to one s own sex as a problem that needs to be fixed (Haldeman). Thus, they force people who are homosexual to go through treatments that are intended to normalize their sexual orientation (Haldeman). While at the Ministry of Love, Winston is repeatedly told that his desire for freedom is insane, much like how homosexuals undergoing conversion therapy are ... Get more on ...
  • 23. My Special Event Speech On Monday, I gave my special occasion speech. I would have to say that I was most nervous for this speech and really I don t know why. The topic I believe was a little harder because you did not have as strict of an outline that you could speak on. We could really pick any topic that had to do with a special occasion. I know for me it took a lot of thinking to decide which one I wanted to do and the one I did choose still felt awkward. Having such broad speech choice also made it hard for many people in the class including me to make the time requirement. I would say that the time was my largest fault for this speech. Some of the other problems that I had during my speech was that I did not go into a great deal of detail on the husband and not going into much fun detail on anything else. I left most the speech pretty broad in the way that I only really told one story. If I were to do the speech again I would come up with much more to say about each person and why they are so perfect for each other. The topic I choose was doing a maid of honor speech for my sister. It did feel really awkward to do a speech about her because any inside joke that I was going to say the true audience in the room would not understand what I was talking about. For that reason it made it hard for me to choose what content to put into the speech. However, I do think I had a good basis of information, but I could have expanded and put into more detail to length and give the audience a true ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Essay about Illegal Aliens Have the Right to Healthcare Everyday people are sent to the hospital. Not only are they in fear of losing their life but also in fear of being in debt due to the prices of health care treatment they need. But what if this patient happens to be an illegal alien? What if the patient has a foreign illness that needs to be cured so it does not spread? Should healthcare providers continue to provide (s) he with treatment even if they cannot pay? Or should illegal aliens be treated just like any other patients by having a right to health care? Illegal aliens are net consumers of public services and they contribute to economic growth (Immigrants Economic Contributions, 2009). Since 1990, immigrants have contributed to job growth in three main ways: They fill an ... Show more content on ... What the illegal aliens want are jobs that will potentially give them a higher wage in comparison to the country they came from. To effectively weigh whether providing health care to immigrants should be considered a right or privilege, one would have to consider how much they contribute to economic growth. A Pew study from last year showed that undocumented immigrants add 600,000 to 700,000 new consumers to the economy every year. Since consumption makes up 70 percent of economic activity in the U.S., this is important (and of course, more consumption means more sales tax revenue). Immigration is also expected to account for one forth of the Census Bureau s estimated labor force growth through 2012. Some economic estimates gauge that undocumented immigrants contribute $22 billion, in total, to the economy each year a number that would increase if they were given the opportunity to become legal (Karvounis, 2007). This evidence suggests that illegal aliens are actually giving back to the nation by doing all of the dirty, low income jobs and are only using approximately $11 billion in health care and they are contributing about $22 billion a year to the economy. Although these illegals only using half of what they give, they contribute more then what they use. According to the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Diabetes Neephropathy Research Paper Kidney and Eye are inextricably linked in many diseases, both common and esoteric. Renal disease microvasculature is not readily in vivo while retinal microvasculature is easily accessible to direct non invasive micro vasculation. Hence, patients with renal disease may require specific ophthalmologic treatment. The best example in the developed world of the frequent need for clinical input from both specialties is in the care of diabetic patients, who may develop Micro vascular complications. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a global health issue affecting children, adolescents and adults. Diabetes complications are divided into Micro vascular and Macro vascular complications. Micro vascular complications include damage to eyes (leading to blindness), kidneys (leading to renal failure) and nerves (leading to impotence and diabetic foot disorders). Macro vascular complications include cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, strokes and insufficiency in blood flow to legs. Diabetic Nephropathy (DN) is a serious and progressive complication of both type 1 DM (Results from the body s failure to produce insulin) and type 2 DM (Results when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to control glucose level or ... Show more content on ... There are two types of DR: Non Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) and Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). In NPDR, the damaged blood vessels leak extra fluid and small amount of blood into the eye. This condition leads to the formation of exudates in the retina. As the disease progresses the amount of exudates also increases. In PDR, the blood vessels in the retina close which prevent the blood flow in the eye. At this condition the new blood vessels are formed in order to supply blood to the blocked area and are called as ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Potassium Permanganate Lab Report Introduction Glucose is very important in our daily lives. It gives us energy to carry out all of our activities. Cells in our bodies need glucose to respire and in the process release the energy we need. Glucose is also a type of carbohydrate. It has a chemical formula of C6H12O6 and is a monosaccharide reducing sugar (Kolej Mara Banting Students Handbook for Biology HL Year 1). It is the simplest form of carbohydrate. In this experiment, sulphuric acid, H2SO4 and potassium permanganate, KMnO4 is added into glucose with different concentration and the time taken for the purple pink colour of potassium permanganate solution to change to colourless is recorded. This is because glucose donates electrons to the permanganate ... Show more content on ... 50 181 22 15 108 116 124 89 93 106 15 20 75 84 86 72 67 77 8 25 55 45 48 34 39 44 8 30 43 37 40 27 23 34 9 Table 3 : The time taken for potassium permanganate solution to decolourise in different concentration of glucose solution Mean Example of calculation 5% : 334 + 330 + 250 + 380 + 380 = 335 5 Standard deviation Example of calculation 5% : √((334 335)²+(330 335)²+(250 335)²+(380 335)²+(380 335)²) √5 = 53 Trial Type of glucose solution Time taken for potassium permanganate solution to decolourise, s (±0.01) Mean, s (±0.01) ∑x 5 Standard deviation 1 2 3 4 5 A B 97.0 105.0 91.0 83.0 80.0 91.2 10.2 C 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.5 3.2 0.4 Table 4 : The time taken for potassium permanganate solution to decolourise in unknown concentration of glucose solution Mean Example of calculation B : 97.0 + 105.0 + 91.0 + 83.0 + 80.0 = 91.2 5 Standard deviation Example of calculation B : √((97.0 91.2)^2+ (105.0 91.2)^2+ ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Non Metallic Products And Its Effects On The Economy Essay Manufacturing industries including (food, beverage, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, plastics, textile metallic and non metallic products, paper products, leather and leather products, and garments); Agriculture, including agribusiness and processing for exports; Real estate development; Education and Health services; Grade 1 construction contracting; Mining and quarrying of gold, marble and granite; Engineering and management consultancy; Import Export trade and whole sale trade; Hotel, Tourism and others. Foreign investors are, therefore, welcomed to invest in most sectors of the economy except in the following areas which are reserved for domestic investors (of Ethiopians foreign nationals who are Ethiopian by birth and wish to be treated as domestic investors as well as a foreign nationals permanently residing in Ethiopia). Meanwhile there are also sector in which both foreign and domestic allowed to work in partnership. This includes: Excluding generation of electricity from hydro power, generation, transmission and supply of electricity; air transport services, travel and shipping agency services. Banking, insurance and micro credit, Broadcasting service, Rail transport services, postal services with the exception of courier services; and areas reserved for domestic investors as shown in the Council of Ministers Regulation No.270/2012. From the ongoing discussion we made draw the conclusion that the areas which are open for foreign investment, with or without ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Emily Dickinson Essay amp;#8220;Best Things dwell out of Sight ;(#998) describes one of America amp;#8217;s greatest poets. She dwelled out of sight for most of her life and her poems, with the exception of seven published anonymously, remained out of sight until well after her death. Many literary scholars have attempted a biography on this mysterious woman and poet and yet none are conclusive. Dickinson remains an enigma even today but biographical speculation allows us to analyze some of her poetry even though we may be completely inaccurate about what we presuppose. There are some facts about Emily Elizabeth Dickinson that we know for certain. She was born on December 10, 1830 and is recognized as one of America amp;#8217;s greatest poets. She had an ... Show more content on ... After leaving school she returned home and spent the remainder of her life there. She took occasional trips but always returned home to her sanctuary and eventually stopped travelling and even leaving her house completely. She corresponded with her confidantes and friends through letters, rarely seeing them. The men she corresponded with during her life include Benjamin Newton, a law student; Reverend Charles Wadsworth, a Philadelphia minister; Thomas Higginson, a literary critic and Civil War hero, and Otis Lord, a judge who had been her father amp;#8217;s closest friend. She regarded these men as intellectual advisers as well as friends. Although many of them found her poetry to be fascinating, none advised her to publish them. Dickinson wrote the majority of her poetry during the 1860 amp;#8217;s at which time she had become increasingly reclusive. She began wearing only white dresses and she hardly left her home, let alone Amherst. Although she occasionally visited friends, by the time she was forty years of age, she refused invitations to leave home and spent the remainder of her life taking care of her parents until they died (her father died in 1847, her mother died in 1882). Emily herself became bedridden during the last year of her life and her sister, Lavinia, nursed her until ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Compare and Contrast the Unification of Germany, Italy,... Compare and Contrast the Unification of Germany, Italy, and the United States From the 1790s to 1814 French troops successively conquered and occupied the area that later constituted the German Empire. French domination helped to modernize and consolidate Germany and toward the end sparked the first upsurge of German nationalism. In different ways the French emperor Napoleon I helped German unification. It was important that he encouraged many of the middle sized German states to absorb huge numbers of small independent territories, mostly bishoprics, church lands, and local principalities. This consolidation process, called mediation, led to the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire and brought the same French legal ... Show more content on ... After 1850 the industrial revolution in Germany entered its decisive phase. New factories were built at a breath taking rate, the production of textiles and iron soared, railroads grew and started to connect many distant regions, and coal production and export reached record levels every year. These advances profited from a high level of education, the result of an advanced school and university system. For a long time Prussia had the highest literacy rate and exemplary schools. Economic progress was most powerful in Prussia and less impressive in Austria. Through the Vienna peace settlement Prussia had received areas that turned out to be enormously precious for industrialization (the Ruhr district, the Rhineland, and parts of Saxony all with rich coal deposits). Prussia now started to dominate many of the smaller German states economically, and the smaller states often hesitantly adapted their economies to Prussia. Decisive for this inconspicuous economic unification of Germany was the foundation of a customs union (Zollverein) already in 1834, which excluded Austria and Bohemia. Railroad building followed the lines of trade after 1837. To put it in a nutshell, Germany roughly in the borders of the later Second Empire was economically and, to a lesser degree, culturally united before ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Dr. Alan Grant s Jurassic Park People read books. People read books all the time. Some people don t like books, others love to travel through the adventure of them. Books are a part of life and no matter what route you take you will encounter books. Books open people up to a new world of goblins, ghosts, and civilizations fighting each other over a bag of bread. Books give emotions and have people go through states of suspense, thriller, action, and so much more. In this book, Jurassic Park, I did experience a lot of those emotions and realized the adventure the book took me through. I mainly chose the book for the reasons of action, and suspense because those really touched my heart in such a way, in such a passion. So let s get on with it! In Jurassic Park there ... Show more content on ... The AI s go around and roam in their own habitat as they did a very long time ago. The Middle / Climax: A technician hired by InGen to do some security check ups and accidentally manages to completely shut off the park s security causes all the locks and doors of the habitats of the AI s completely open leaving them open to go around the park. The dinosaurs go crazy killing people, and messing up the park. People are running crazy and don t know what to do. A good example of showing this is in the iconic movie scene of the kids in the kitchen on the edge of death from the Velociraptors. Fortunately the kids manage to take down the dinosaurs and escape that kitchen nightmare. After a while another technician in the crew manages to get the park s security back up but by the time that happens the dinosaurs are all already everywhere doing terrible things. The End: After a while of all of these tragic events the park managers to contact the outer world to send rescue boats. They eventually come but half the park is dead. They manage to save the remanding people on the park. To kill all the dinosaurs and completely get rid of all of this tragedy they napalm the island and explode it hopefully killing all the ... Get more on ...
  • 31. An Organization Is A System An organization is a system. A system s overall behavior depends on its entire structure, not the sum of its various parts. The structure determines the various behaviors, which determine the various events. It is critical that you do not break up a system into silos, but it equally critical that a company acknowledges its strengths from workforce and keep these smaller systems tied together as one large system. We will examine how the companies highlighted in the team presentations have achieved this success. Companies can use pay as a reward or reinforcer. Several of the class presentations discussed the issue of pay. There was a clear divide in how pay was used. Our evaluation is that the majority of the presentations used pay as a reward. Our perception is that Park Nicollet (PN) they use pay as a reinforcer. Luthans and Stajkovic call out in their article, Unless organizational participants are reinforced for their performance related behaviors, strategies, designs and technologies may have little impact. (Luthans Stajkovic 1999, p. 52). At PN, the system encourages and reinforces team culture, collaboration and allowing employees to be actively involved in improvement projects. PN professionals embrace and enjoy an environment of continuous process improvement. These opportunities increase the strength and frequency of the collaboration behavior that is needed to a primary care provider of choice in the market. Most organizations want to be an ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Effect Of Bacterial And Fungal Presence On Bacterial... Rationale and Background. To date, the majority of microbiological study of soils have centered on bacterial and fungal presence in the context of plant mutualism [Figure 2]. Additionally, analyses of microbial biomass have typically utilized indirect models, such as change in soil carbon levels, as a measurement of microbial growth dynamics (Holden and Treseder 2014). When emphasizing ecological roles of microbes as nutrient cyclers, this is a useful methodology. However, it has led to a void in understanding of viral significance in these systems as well as a lack of detailed species level identifications of bacterial and viral communities prior to and after fire events. The few abundance assays completed regarding bacteria in soil indicate that one gram of soil contains 108 to 109 bacteria and 109 to 1010 viruses (Williamson 2005, Van Der Heijden et al. 2008). This incredibly high number necessitates additional research, if only due to the fact that these organisms numerically overwhelm the system (Van Der Heijden et al. 2008). It would be irresponsible to ignore such a significant portion of the environment and attempt to come to ideal land management practices. It has become clear from even the broad scale respiration and nutrient assays completed that bacterial and viral communities are not a monolith; in different locations, phylogenetic community composition varies strongly (Williamson 2005, Goberna et al. 2015, Wang et al. 2015, Tas et al. 2014, Dooley and ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Leaders Are Not Made, They Are Exposed Individual Analysis of Group Two Leaders emerge under different situations and circumstances. Pepicello (2016) argues that leaders are not made, they are exposed (W. Pepicello, personal communication, June 22, 2016). This is generally observed when working as a team on a project, especially in a virtual group setting where members are separated by time, distance, and communication, collaboration or getting members to fully participate in the project take more effort than in a face to face setting (Malthotra, Majchrzak Rosen, (2007). Over a period of seven weeks, Group Two members clearly demonstrated not only leadership traits, but leader follower relationship. This paper discusses the emergence of and presence of leadership or ... Show more content on ... Once the group was formed, John immediately contacted group members and suggested a distance education leader to the group, Dr. William Pepicello, the former president of the University of Phoenix. He also suggested the mode of communication, (a free conference call without video) to discuss the interview questions, and a work area for the posting documents or other matter pertaining to the group. Every team member got on board. However, due to a new email system, Office 365, at Montgomery College, emails from outside the college were delayed and I was unable to receive or respond to any email coming from the group in a timely fashion during the first week. However, once my email was functional and running, I immediately communicated and collaborated with the group and was committed to playing my part. We all worked as a team and to an extent, exercised a power base of reciprocity. Each member shared the responsibility of doing his or her assigned part of the project with the expectation that each member is obligated to fulfil his or her part (Raven, 2008). Melanie had also suggested another distance education leader, Robert W. Mendenhall (President Emeritus of Western Governor s University) and had already done some research on him. The group agreed to interview Dr. Pepicello but kept Mendenhall as a backup. ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Quality Control Of Design Changes Quality control in design later Quality control in design change Mechanical building plan change incorporates client, site and critical change. Plan changes that advance by the client ought to convey and affirm the practicality with configuration. As indicated by the strict variety system, this just can be finished under the reason of common assent. For the scene change requires the gatherings to authorize agents with expert foundation and learning, who ought to decide the change obligation and issue building change notice, and so forth. It needs broad chief or configuration executive sign before they can keep on designing change if there is no site agent. Real outline change implies some compelling viewpoints for mechanical operation, venture usage, advancement to finish or charge extra. The change not just ought to be affirmed by the applicable division or chief, yet we likewise need to arrange task work forces to review and in the long run figure out if change is achievable. The whole quality control of progress procedure is not just to clear the comparing obligation and achievability investigation, however in the meantime likewise need to arrange or add cost that brought on during the time spent configuration change. Also, the point by point records of outline change have an awesome noteworthiness to give compelling target prove and affirm the quality control target. Quality control in design information Quality control in outline data criticism has a place with the ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Role Of Supervisor And The Supervisor The role of the supervisor has never been simplified enough to be clear as to what the responsibilities of the role is. In fact, supervision tends to be a challenging word in the education field and can be accepted by various leaders of a school. Supervisors can simply be supervisors or they can be administrators who are involved in the role of hiring and evaluating their staff. One could even go as far as the master teacher who observes other educators that ensures they are utilizing proper skills and techniques. Supervisors come from various angles, so it comes to no surprise that a supervisor is expected to wear many hats. Over the course of years, the role of the supervisor has been redefined many times. Various research, studies and articles address the importance of a supervisor and how the importance is valued or defined. Modern supervision is expected to assist and assess the teachers and mold them to become independent, successful educators. My personal experience, my administration has taken that role and my supervisor reviews curriculum. Overall, a supervisor is there to provide the support necessary for the teacher and the success of instruction in the class. In any scenario, the supervisor is expected to direct and ensure that the teacher is continuously learning. They should also be involved in a collaborative relationship with the educator so that communication is open and growing. This should be where the supervisor validates the progress and identifies ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Why Did Clarence Johnson Came To Lockheed Clarence L. Kelly Johnson came to Lockheed in 1932 looking for a job but was turned down soon after for not having enough experience. After that he realized that he need more schooling to be able to get the jobs that he wants so he went back to school an got his master s degree in Aeronautical Engineering. Johnson later went back to the same place he got turned down at for a job but not only got the job but became the sixth engineer working for the Lockheed Company. When World War II came around Johnson helped design the P 38, America s first airplane to go 400mph. Soon After the assignments as flight test engineer, stress analyst, aerodynamicist, weight engineer, he became chief research engineer in 1938. Around 1952 Johnson became the ... Show more content on ... Several weeks later he saw his first airplane; a World War I Jenny. His decision was confirmed. He later moved to Flint where his father had a construction business. Kelly graduated from Flint High School, working summers with his father and in the motor test section of the Buick Motor Car Company. By graduation he had saved up $300. He tried to give it to an Instructor at the Flint Airport in exchange for flying lessons, but the Instructor shook his head and probably changed the entire course of Kelly s life. I ve always had the greatest respect for that man, Kelly said later. He needed that money more than anything else in the world. But instead of taking it, he said, Look kid, save that money and go to school. Johnson graduated from Flint Junior College and completed his education at the University of Michigan, where he received his Bachelor of Science Degree in 1932. Kelly Johnson worked his way through school by picking up scholarships, washing dishes and helping a professor as a teaching Assistant. He went on to receive his Master of Science Degree in Aeronautical Engineering in 1933. During this period he picked up small teaching fellowships and augmenting his income by renting the University s wind tunnel to run tests as a consultant on models of Indianapolis racing cars, trains and aircraft. I made more money that year than any of the first 10 years I worked for Lockheed. Kelly ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Adam Smith s Wealth of Nations Essay The pivotal second chapter of Adam Smith s Wealth of Nations, quot;Of the Principle which gives occasion to the Division of Labour, quot; opens with the oft cited claim that the foundation of modern political economy is the human quot;propensity to truck, barter, and exchange one thing for another. quot;1 This formulation plays both an analytical and normative role. It offers an anthropological microfoundation for Smith s understanding of how modern commercial societies function as social organizations, which, in turn, provide a venue for the expression and operation of these human proclivities. Together with the equally famous concept of the invisible hand, this sentence defines the central axis of a new science of political economy ... Show more content on ... Additionally, with this emphasis on spontaneous coordination, Smith pointed to the possibility of a social order in which people live in harmony together with a minimum need of a central, coercive apparatus. He captured the central intuition of classical economists according to which modern commercial society, notwithstanding its conflicts, obeys a kind of pre established order, and enjoys the advantage of a mechanism, the market, which maintains equilibria by continually adjusting competing interests. Over time, this powerful theoretical proposition has become a legitimating cornerstone for the robust defense of market capitalism, a particular ensemble of political institutions, and a specific line of justification for liberal ideas and values. Though manifestly plausible as an accurate reading of Smith when Wealth of Nations is read on its own, even on these terms, this interpretation, is limited and partial. Astonishingly, and disappointingly, most readers of Wealth of Nations fail to attend the very next sentence that follows Smith s seemingly transhistorical, objectivist theory of human dispositions, mindful of Mandeville s classical representation of human egoism. Smith immediately probed more deeply by asking quot;Whether this propensity be one of those original principles in human nature of which no further account can be given; or whether, as ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Puerto Rico Trip Puerto Rico, a spanish island unfamiliar to me, but five of my best friends and I were all on our way there. We all had talked each other into going on the 9 day trip with no parents, just our Spanish teacher. Running on about maybe 3 hours of sleep, we landed in San Juan to begin our journey. We had a group of 29 students and being in an airport with only Spanish speaking people was one of the most stressful places I ve ever been. I was a little worried this trip might not end well at the beginning, but our week had ziplining, swimming through caves, painting a school, visiting a rainforest, staying at three different hotels, meeting orphanage boys and many unfamiliar foods on the agenda. The first day we visited the most beautiful beaches ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Public Service Vs Traditional Public Services Essay Governments every were are seeking new ways of reinventing their personnel systems to meet rising challenges in the way public service is delivered ,this need has given birth to a set of contemporary systems and these new systems are impacting the traditional civil service system and the way public services are delivered. The aim of these changes is to; Reduce the role of government and the number of public employees by using alternative organizations or mechanisms for providing public services and to increase the flexibility of employment relationships for the public employee that remain . Although these alternatives are not new, they are however becoming common and these new alternatives are taking over the traditional public system of the ... Show more content on ... The increased use of temporary, part time and seasonal workers and the increased hiring of exempt employee through employment contracts. Employers are reducing cost and enhance flexibility by meeting the minimal staffing requirements through permanent employees and hiring temporary, seasonal and part time workers to meet peak workload( these positions are usually low paid, no benefit and are fired at will employees), which requires minimal skills, and when skills are required such jobs are contracted out to avoid save money . Exempt positions means funds must be available before such positions are filled, they are not classified within the civil service system, the terms and conditions of these positions are specified through a contract listing pay and benefits and limiting the terms of employment, they can be fired at will in the event of a change in management or disagreement, this also means contract can be renewed or denied. This managerial flexibility allows for agencies to reduce their overhead expenses without having to deal with civil service regulations and collective bargaining and union issues. 2. Change in role of HR administration In the civil service system the role of the HR administrator is technical, record keeping and processing personnel issues but the alternative personnel system have brought about a change in the job description of an administrator in that he is now involved in brokering of deals and mediating of conflicts among competing personnel systems. ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Belgium s Supply Chain And Logistics Belgium is a country located in central Western Europe. It has seen many ups and downs. However, today it is one of Europe s, and one of the world s top logistic countries. First, we will review over Belgium s population, geography, economy, and technology. Then, we will discuss how the supply chain and logistics work in Belgium. This includes transportation, trade within Belgium, trade with other countries, and supply chain risks. There is much to discuss on Belgium s logistics. By population, Belgium is the seventy eighth largest country in the world and the eleventh largest country in Europe. As of July 2016, Belgium is home to 11,409,077 people. The growth rate in Belgium is 0.73 percent. It has a birth rate of 11.4 births per 1,000 residents and a death rate of 9.7 deaths per 1,000 residents. Belgium also has a net migration rate of 5.6 migrants per 1,000 people. 97.9 percent of the population lives in urban areas. Brussels, the capital of Belgium, is the largest urban area and city in Belgium with 2.05 million residents. Belgium has two main ethnic groups, the Flemish and the Walloon. The Flemish make up 58 percent of the population, while the Walloon make up 31 percent. The other 11 percent is made up of mixed or other ethnicities. The Flemings are from Northern Belgium and the Walloons are from Southern Belgium. The country of Belgium has three official languages: Dutch, French, and German. The Flemings in the North speak Dutch, which is spoken by ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The Importance Of Emotional Intelligence The ability to be aware of, control and express ones emotions well is known as emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence will help you understand your own feelings in everyday life, and also helps to strengthen your relationship with others by knowing how to deal with emotional situations. According to Daniel Goleman, whom is known as an author and journalist, he claims that emotional intelligence is dependent on four domains. Self awareness, self management, social awareness (empathy), and relationship management (social skills). Your ability to have emotional intelligence with everyday life can benefit your personal life and you experiences with others by allowing you to react properly to different situations. Emotional intelligence can greatly improve your relationships with others as well as improve your social skills. Social awareness can be considered as empathy, empathy is basically having the ability to understand and share emotions with another well. Being empathetic will improve your friendships and your relationships with others because you will be viewed as a understanding person who will be able to listen and understand someone else s situation or view point on something. When you have people, family, and friends that feel like they can trust you then they will be more open and possibly more helpful towards you in order to try and return the favor, meaning they will in turn be empathetic towards you. Social skills will be needed to get through life because you will need the ability in a work area to understanding emotions, yours as well as others. Talking to others will help you improve your social skills throughout life ad different experiences. Being empathetic allows you to become a great listener and being self aware allows you to know how you can improve on yourself and will help you to be mentally stable. To have the ability to understand and recognize your own feelings is known as self awareness. To be able to control your feelings is known as self management. Having the ability to understand how and how to recognize and control your emotions will help your mental state because you will be have better control over yourself and more confident. When you have a stable mental state it ... Get more on ...