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Examples Of Evaluative Essays
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Examples Of Evaluative Essays" presents its own set of
challenges. To begin with, the process involves a thorough understanding of evaluative writing,
requiring the ability to critically analyze various examples and articulate insightful judgments.
This necessitates a keen eye for detail, a strong grasp of the subject matter, and the capability to
express thoughts coherently.
Moreover, the essay demands an extensive exploration of diverse evaluative essays to gather a
comprehensive range of examples. This, in turn, calls for research skills and the ability to sift
through various sources to identify well-crafted essays that serve as suitable examples. Selecting
appropriate criteria for evaluation adds another layer of complexity, as it requires a nuanced
understanding of the essay's purpose and the specific aspects to be assessed.
Structuring the essay poses its own challenges. It involves organizing thoughts logically, ensuring
a smooth flow of ideas, and creating a compelling introduction and conclusion. Crafting a thesis
statement that succinctly captures the essence of evaluative essays and guides the reader through
the essay is crucial but demanding.
Additionally, maintaining a balanced tone while expressing personal opinions can be tricky.
Striking the right balance between objectivity and subjectivity is an art that requires practice and
refinement. This challenge becomes even more pronounced when considering the need for clear,
concise, and persuasive language throughout the essay.
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Examples Of Evaluative Essays Examples Of Evaluative Essays
Theory of Demand and Supply
1.Supply and Demand
Economists Are a Joke?
A smarty pants old story says that if you want a learned economist, all you have to
do is get a parrot and train the bird to squawk supply and demand in response to
every question.
Not fair, but ...
It s true that the theory of supply and demand is a central part of economics. It is
widely applicable, and also is a model of the way economists try to think most
problems through, even when the theory of supply and demand is not applicable.
A Theory of Price
What is it? The theory of supply and demand is a theory of price and output in
competitive markets.
Adam Smith had argued that each good or ... Show more content on
You have to have both.
Accordingly, we will first analyze competitive markets, by discussing demand and
supply separately. Then we will try to put them back together (synthesize them) in
order to understand the working of competitive markets.
Thus, in the next few pages, we will look at
equilibrium of demand and supply
First, demand.
In economics, we need to use terms a little more carefully than they are sometimes
used in ordinary discussions. In general use, Demand is a word that can have more
than one meaning, but in microeconomics we define it more carefully so that it has
only one meaning. Here is the definition:
Definition: Demand
Demand is the relationship between price and quantity demanded for a particular
good and service in particular circumstances. For each price the demand relationship
tells the quantity the buyers want to buy at that corresponding price. The quantity the
buyers want to buy at a particular price is called the Quantity Demanded.
The key point is to distinguish between demand (the relationship) and quantity
demanded. That distinction is important for microeconomics, although people often
do not make it in ordinary discussion.
Why do we define demand in this specialized
The Pros And Cons Of Indian Atomic Bombs
Not long after May 11, 1998 at Pokhran, a betray site in the Indian province of
Rajasthan, gatherings of neighborhood Bishnoi herders whose traditions prohibit
murdering creatures or cutting trees heard a gigantic blast, and viewed in
astonishment as a colossal clean cloud coasted in the sky. What the Indian ranchers
did not understand, but rather the representatives in Washington and around the globe
soon got a handle on, was the way that India had quite recently joined the United
States, Russia, England, France and China as the most up to date individual from the
atomic club. On that warm May evening, Indian atomic researchers effectively
detonated three nuclear gadgets adding up to around six times the ruinous energy of
the American bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. The following day, as the world
endeavored to retain the alarming news, India touched off two more atomic blasts.
Indeed, even as 90% of Indians acclaimed then Prime Minister Vajpayee s choice to
go atomic, at that point U.S. President Clinton quickly responded to the blasts with
stun and reprimanded India s atomic trying. The American President contended that
India s activities damaged the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty supported by 149
countries and the 1970 non multiplication bargain marked by 185 countries. In spite
of the way that neither ... Show more content on ...
With the race of the Hindu Nationalist, Bharata Janata Party in 1998, Prime Minister
Atal Vajpayee requested Indian researchers to continue with plans for testing at the
earliest opportunity. This prompt the arrangement of explosions in May, and the
resulting fast reaction by
Analyzing The Field Research Procedure
This Field Research Procedure covers excavations between 1983 and 1993.The
Field Research Procedure assumes that archaeological data cannot be discovered
but are defined and collected as a result of archaeologically informed choice. Data
are variables which are chosen and characterized before an excavation, and are
measured in the field. Information is expressed as measured quantities, dimensions or
other values. Observations are documented impressions which are not data. Sand,
stones, and debris become data, and data becomes history as a result of a methodical
scientific itinerary. This begins with investigation, proceeds to assessment, and then
to an approach, or project design, which leads to data acquisition, or the excavation.
The... Show more content on ...
This will yield the coarse geography of undated features. Field walking recovers
finds larger than 2 centimeters across by surface collection. Surface mapping mapped
botanically characterized zones in 2 D. Contour mapping showed different levels of
Metal detection uses electromagnetic induction to detect metal. Metal detectors are
capable of various configurations, and can differ in sophistication and sensitivity.
Many detectors are able to identify between different types of metallic targets. It
shows the position in 2 D of ferrous/non ferrous and deep/shallow signals.
Archaeological features can be mapped if they have higher or lower resistivity than
the surrounding area. A stone foundation might impede the flow of electricity, while
the organic deposits within a midden might conduct electricity more easily than
surrounding soils. Electrical resistivity tests for the position of low resistivity signals
in 2 D. This generally relates to features wider than .5 meters and deeper than .5
Gradiometry and magnetometry show the position in 2 D of magnetic anomalies, and
relates to features wider than one meter and 1.5 meters respectively. Magnetic
susceptibility shows the position in 2 D of areas of high magnetic susceptibility. This
yields areas of high susceptibility, which can be expected with occupation.
Magnetometers use a single sensor to measure the total magnetic field strength, or
may sue two spatially separated sensors
Learning Styles By Different Types Of Learning
Learning is a very important thing in our life. Every day a person learns new things
until the end of their life. People cannot stop the learning and everyone starts learning
from childhood. For example, when the baby born, they learn about suck, eat, crawl
and walk, and then they develop into children and their bodies ready to learn more
than one form of thinking it includes personality, senses, feelings and values. A.K.,
Whiren, AP. (2004).
The VARK learning Stylestell that everyone has a different personality to learn.
VARK divided a learningstyles by different types of learning like, Visual, Aural,
Reading and writing, and kinesthetic and the mixture. The V which stands for
Visual represents people who learn from Charts, Diagram and pictures. They are
people who have to see a new thing to believe them. The A stands for auditory and
they learn best from talking and hearing. The Reading and Writing categories
identifies who learns best by reading and writing. The K stands for kinesthetic and
the people who identify as kinesthetic learn best by demonstration, practice and to
see movies of real things. And the last one VARK identify learning style is mixed.
People use various styles for learning rather than one style. Through this learning
style people can get new knowledge and share the new knowledge with each other.
There also is a different kind of learning such as in a group and class room or in work
and community school as well as self learning. Seema learns best
Paulo Coelho The Alchemist Analysis
Many people have various connections with some place, person, or object. People
as living machines of knowledge at the very top of the food chain are more
advanced than any other creature on earth. Men tend to have many connections with
faith, places, objects and even ideas, though the one connection above all is with
another person who follows the same idea and the final conclusion. In the book The
Alchemist By Paulo Coelho two people are fed the words of Personal legend, and
The Soul of the World. Santiago a shepherd boy, and an Englishman whom both are
on a journey to achieve the greatest any man can achieve, understand The Soul of the
World and interpret it. Furthermore live on their own Personal Legend. Santiago is a
The Current Outbreak Of Ebolavirus
On the 8th of August 2014 the World Health Organisation declared the current
outbreak of Ebolavirus to be an international health emergency. This epidemic is the
largest ever seen of the disease, and is located in West Africa particularly in Guinea,
Liberia, and Sierra Leone. At present it has led to over 5,000 deaths, with more than
14,000 people having been infected.
Ebola virus disease (EVD) has been portrayed by some as a major threat to health
outside of West Africa, though this is disputed. There is currently no fully tested
prophylaxis nor treatment available, and the disease has a relatively high case
fatality rate. The combination of these factors has resulted in the disease being
prominently discussed in the media around the world, and has generated a large
amount of public interest. The question we are addressing is what would possibly
lead to an outbreak in Europe, and discussing the controls and surveillance presently
Background of the virus
EVD is a disease predominantly affecting humans and other primates. It is caused
by members of the Ebolavirus genus in the Filoviridae family, which are single
stranded RNA viruses. There are five species of Ebolavirus, with the current
outbreak being caused by Zaire Ebolavirus (ZEBV). The different species vary in
their fatality rates and geographical distributions (2).
The present outbreak began in a village called Guedecko (????) Guinea, with the
disease quickly spreading to the capital, Conakry, as well
The City Of New York City
The aroma of food vendors, taxi cabs, and flowers molest the face of a person as
they walk the streets of New York City. The rush of a city can often be
overwhelming. Even though that may be true, 80.7 percent of the U.S. population
lived in urban areas as of the 2010 Census. Living in New York City is better than
living in a Haysi. Living in a cityoffers many more conveniences, opportunities, and
more diversity. Living in a city offers many amenities and service that might very
well not be available in a rural area. New York Cityfor example, has terrible traffic.
A typical commute of five miles can take between seven minutes and two hours in
a car. One major advantage to a city, NYC in particular, is their flawless public
transportation system. Taking the subway, the commute can be shortened to an
average time of ten to fifteen minutes. Take out service is great as well. Imagine it
is two o clock AM, if someone were to wake up hungry, they could call their local
takeout restaurant and more than likely, they would be open. Cities have so many
grocers as well. Not only do cities have more conveniences, but they also offer more
opportunity. 8.406 million Americans call New York City their home. Due to the
large population, there is a large diversity. Many different cultures often bring in new
opportunity for work that might not have been thought of in the past. Living in a
large city such as NYC also means a larger, broader job market. More than likely,
Malcom X is the True Hero of African Americans Essays
Malcom X is the True Hero of African Americans
Malcom X born Malcom Little was a very deviant youth with a criminal out look
on life in his young years. Then when he was locked up for robbery in prison some
time he had a revelation always knowing that the treatment of black folks back
then was just criminal injustice. His father introduced him to Marcus Garvy and
his back to Africa philosophies. While in prison he was introduced to a black
version of the Muslim religion. It was his sort of say initiation into real manhood
and becoming responsible for his actions. While in prison he wrote out the
dictionary by hand for the sole purpose of learning to use the same tools that the
same people in power were using to distort things to ... Show more content on ...
They would rather give out money to a select few to show that there is a fairness in
the system.
In one of his speeches he directly point out the fallusies. For the past fifteen years
the struggle of the Black man in this country was labeled as a civil rights struggle, and
as such it remained completely within the jurisdiction of the United States. You and I
could get no kind of benefits whatsoever other than that which would be forthcoming
from Washington D.C. Which meant, in order for it to be forthcoming from
Washington, D.C., all of the congressmen and the senators would have to agree to it.
At that time the most powerful congressmen and the most powerful senators were
from the south. Most of the Black people were enslaved in the south. So in other
words civil right leaders were asking the same persons who would not let them
vote, for privileges, which were never really given. He would constantly refer to
the civil right leaders as uncle toms. He never said that directly to a newspaper, but
you knew whom he was talking about. Especially when he was in a debate with
them. An Uncle Tom is the as the slaves see it. Is the person in the Masters house,
he told on the other slaves just to please his master and did nothing that would lead
one to believe that he had any self respect for himself. I guess that
Perfect Society In Brave New World
Ever heard of a society that is perfect from sex and drugs neither have I. In the novel
Brave New World it seems that a way a perfect society for humans. With Community,
Identity, and Stability three things our society needs. Is the Brave new world society
perfect though? In Brave new world society there slogan does not show there
unconnected community, No identity, and Instability.
Community one of the most important things that makes up a society connects the
people but when it isolates its own people isn t that disconnected? The mockery
made him feel an outsider:and feeling an outsider he behaved like one (65). This is
displaying community making of there own people making him an outsider in his
own community that s not a connection. Poor little bernard (71). Even after mocking
one of their own bernard for being little different they couldn t stop patronizing by
acting as if they re sorry. Touched his brain, I suppose (60). It shows Bernard seemed
to have already felt an outsider throughout his life but this community is the one who
caused this all to happen by torturing him mentally because he was a little different.
Does This really show a connected community or ... Show more content on ...
Bokanovsky s Process (6). The Bokanovsky s process shows that many are
identical and having them same identity inferring with the slogan Identity .
Principle of mass production at last applied to biology . This conveys the opposite
meaning of identity only being bred all the same for a production in the world
having no choice. Twin after twin (201). This displays the way the world is in the
Brave New Worldone full of twins not having a unique identity becoming a clone
having no meaning. Identity a thing that makes a person a person in this society
everyone has the same identity to other people making them all the same not showing
indemnities in this
Preventing College Students Abuse From Alcohol
Stopping College Students Abuse from Alcohol Consumption The problem college
students have, especially freshmen, is about abusing alcohol consumption after
feeling free and independent due to leaving their homes. Now that they have their
own dorms to sleep in and do not have their parents breathing over their shoulder for
everything they do, who is going to tell them not to have a few alcoholic drinks and
instead finish their assignment due the next morning? Being that college students are
turning into independent adults, it is their responsibility to make their own choices
and face the consequence each decision brings with it. Other people, and things
around them can only do so much when it comes to a decision they have to make....
Show more content on ...
Many eighteen and nineteen year old students have been told by their parents, like
myself, what to do and what not to do as well. The drinking age is 21 for a reason,
and that is when you will drink! my mom reminded me as we were buying a small
refrigerator for my dorm. Sure enough, I was already making comments in my head,
Well I am mature so a few drinks will not do any bad. As college students are told the
same things, how to avoid going to parties and stay focused in school, most will have
the eagerness to do the opposite as what they are told and to also decide from own
experience if drinking alcohol and partying will do them bad or not after.
Unfortunately, when college students try to learn from life experience and test their
limits with alcohol, many negative outcomes can be created from this. This is why a
factual presentation done by second or third year undergraduate college students to
incoming freshmen on the seriousness of alcohol consumption can be a solution.
College freshman hear from students that have recently gone through what they are
going through than what their parents went through when they were their age, having
the fact that things can be much different from then until now. Also, with
Assignment On Deleting Temporary File
Deleting temporary file
1.Deleting temporary files. You would first have to click Start and then you have to
find the system tools.
2.You would have to locate the disk clean up tool. You would first have to choose
which disk you want to clean up.
3.Then the tool will then calculate how much space it will be able to free up.
4.When this has finished the next window will show all the files you are able to
delete. Then tick the files you want to delete and click the OK button.
Building the network cable
So to make the cable you first will need to use the cutting tools, then to take the outer
rubber off the end of the cable. Then the next step is untwisting the wires and putting
them back in the correct order the following colours are:
1.Orange white
3.Green white
5.Blue white
7.Brown white
So when the wires have been put into the correct order, you can trim the wires and
then insert the wires into the clip. You would then use the tool to clamp the wires
into position so they do not fall out of the clip.
No Screenshots to prove this but we done this in hari lesson for making a network
The mouse feels strange:
The problem: There are many problems that can cause the computer mouse not to
work, like the mouse cursor is moving by itself when no one is using it or it can be
jumping side to side. Ways to resolve the problem: There can be many reasons why
the computer mouse may not be
Police Officer Baker Of The Suspects
According to Chesapeake Police Officer Noble and Officer Collins, the above
petition was filed on June 13, 2016, in Chesapeake, Virginia.
I located a stolen vehicle on 06/12/2016, at approximately 0930 hours at
Copperstone Circle and Copperstone Court in Chesapeake, Virginia. The vehicle is a
2015 Dodge Charger with Virginia license plates of VEZ 1766. I took the initial
report for the vehicle on 06/11/2016. It was assigned case #16 78080. I stayed with
the vehicle and did not let it out of my sight. I notified FTO Noble that I had
located the vehicle. He stated he was in route to the location. Prior to FTO Noble s
arrival Officer B. D. Baker arrived on scene and stated he had observed two black
males that possible matched the ... Show more content on ...
I told both that I had seen them on CCTV footage walking into and out of the YMCA
and then walking to the Dodge Charger, entering it and leaving the parking lot. I
asked Jalen if that sounded right, he nodded his head. Jalen would later admit that he
and Marlon went to the YMCA, signed the guest information sheet using Marlon s
brother s name of Adonte Burnell, and going into lockers taking the keys and then
taking the Dodge Charger. Jalen said he did not drive the Charger, but Marlon did.
Jalen was placed in the rear of my marked Police vehicle. Prior to entering my
vehicle, I completed as search of Jalen s clothing. He had a cell phone charger in
his left pocket and a cell phone in his right pocket. I removed the cell phone and
kept it in my possession. FTO Noble and Officer R. Collins would later take the
phone for evidence. Marlon was placed in the rear of Officer Baker s marked Police
vehicle. Both were transported to 1337 Copperstone Circle, where the vehicle was
located. I gathered Jalen s parent information at this time.
I spoke with Marlon about additional items in the vehicle the victims said should be
in there. I asked if the items would still be in the vehicle. Marlon said Probably not,
but I didn t take them he said there was seven other persons in the vehicle at some
point. Marlon was asked what time he parked the car on Copperstone Circle. He said
between 10pm and midnight.
I spoke with Jalen about the items. He said he did not take
Supercharged Bike Engine and Its Simulation
The process of supercharging is to increase the increase the amount of air intake in
an engine by making use of a compressor. This compressor is also called a
supercharger. A supercharger works by increasing the pressure or density of air
supplied to an engine, which allows for burning of more fuel per cycle by the engine
because of the increased oxygen with the increased amount of air being supplied to
the engine.
The compressor takes in the air from the atmosphere at atmospheric pressure, and if
the carburetor is connected upstream then the mixture of fuel. It rapidly accelerates
this mixture or air which causes adiabatic compression in the inlet manifold. We have
connected the carburetor after the compressor. As the inlet valve opens, the pressure
built rams the charge inside the combustion chamber. Figure 1: Supercharging an
According to the method of gas transfer superchargers can be divided into the
following two categories:
1.Positive Displacement: These are the type in which the air pressure delivered is
independent of the engine speed. These deliver a constant pressure. Examples: Roots
type, Lysholm Twin Screw, Sliding Vane, and Scroll Type Supercharger
2.Dynamic Compressors: These compressors do not deliver any pressure below a
certain threshold engine speed. Examples: Multi Stage Axial Flow, Centrifugal.
Figure 2: Types of Supercharger
For our purpose we used a centrifugal type air compressor which is driven by an
House Music Essay
11th December 2008
Word Count: 1675
As it was known for the culture to build music, nowadays different kinds of music
build different cultures. Thus we have Pop culture, Rock culture, Electronic music
culture etc.
As part of Electronic dance music, House music has managed to, over the years,
develop its own culture. It became popular in mid 1980s especially among African
American, Latino and gay population who have build up its culture.
Influenced by disco, funk, synthpop and soul, house music has a prominent drum on
every beat, 4/4 structure, and may also feature ... Show more content on ...
In 1987, once again, two boys from Chicago, DJ Pierre and Marshall Jefferson,
knew that something had to be done so they have decided to create a new sound by
using Roland TB 303 bass synthesizer (the instrument that has appeared in the 1983
in disco via Alexander Robotnick). It was a sound which when emitted from the
machine swirl it stabs across House music 4/4 beat and that was completely
overpowering the listeners.
The first Acid House record was released in the same year by the group of artists
formed by Nathan DJ Pierre Jones, Earl Spanky Smith Jr., and Herbert Herb J
Jackson. It was created by experimenting with Roland TB 303. The Record was
called Acid Tracks and it was played for the first time by Ron Hardy at the Music
Box. The name originated from the hallucinogenic effect it had in the clubs, for
e.g. One of the first UK clubs where Acid House was introduced was London s
Shoom opened by Danny Rampling and his wife in 1987, which was extremely
exclusive and featured thick fog, and a dreamy atmosphere alongside Acid House.
Rampling s friend, Nick Holloway, who he had been working with on Ibiza over the
summer, has also opened a club called Trip in 1988 which was made especially for
the Acid house music scene.
After Acid House was created in 1987, a lot of different styles were emerging and
Role Of Business Intelligence On Business Performance...
Yan shi, Xiangjun (June/2012), The Role of Business Intelligence in Business
Performance Management , Volume 1(Issue 04)
These paper focusses on how to apply analytics to business process and how BPM
encompasses a closed loop set of processes that link strategy to execution in order to
optimize business performance, which is achieved by setting goals and objectives
and establishing initiatives and plans to achieve those goals and the last taking
corrective action against the situations.
A real time system that alerts managers to potential opportunities, impending
problems and threats, and then empowers them to react through models and
BPM and BI Compared: BPM is an outgrowth of BI and incorporates ... Show more
content on ...
Business activity monitoring: Executives fail to consider the readiness of technology
or of the business processes they want to monitor. Effective business activity requires
working closely with the business units to identify the key indicators and analytical
techniques that provide reliable early warning of impending issues.
Hugh J. Watson and Barbara H.Wixom (2007), The Current state of business
Intelligence , Volume 40 (Issue 9)
Business intelligence (BI) is presently broadly utilised, especially in the world of
practice, to describe analytic applications. BI is a process that includes two primary
activities: getting data in and getting data out. Getting data in, traditionally referred to
as data warehousing, includes moving information from a set of source frameworks
into a coordinated data warehouse. Getting data in delivers limited value to an
enterprise; only when users and
Heroes Character Analysis
Who is Nicole Renard?
Nicole Renard is an innocent young girl who is not only Francis first and only love
but also the victim of Larry LaSalle.
Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant
aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters
/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;
That would be nice.
When she agrees to go to the cinema with Francis she transforms him. She offers
him attention and affection that he has lack in his life so far. She enjoys his
company and teases him playfully because he is so shy.
Stay close to me. Why didn t you do something?
These words on the night of the civic ... Show more content on ...
How are you aware that it is difficult to accept anything that Larry says as the truth?
How is everything he says or does designed to create an effect? Robert Cormier
encourages us to look beyond Larry s physical appearance it changes through the
novel. What are the feelings Cormier encourages us to see in him beneath both
appearances? Always remember that Larry sees himself as a creative figure. In fact,
he is destructive. Explain this in your own words.
Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant
aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters
/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;
Who is Arthur Rivier?
Arthur, another ex serviceman and local boy, was once a star baseball player for the
Frenchtown Tigers and Francis remembers regarding him with admiration for his
sporting prowess. When he first appeared in his uniform, Francis wants to emulate
him. Arthur recognises Francis but agrees to keep the secret.
Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant
aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters
/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;
Key Quote: Arthur
Arthur: No heroes in that scrap book, Francis. Only us, the boys of Frenchtown.
Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must
Director Lancaster, Mowing Weeds And Spraying Weeds
Director Lancaster related that the crew is currently patching, mowing weeds and
spraying weeds.
Director Lancaster related that the crew almost has one side of the shoulder work
completed on Falls (4000N) 3400E to 3500E construction project.
Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve and sign a quitclaim deed to
transfer Twin Falls Highway District s property located at Pole Line Road East and
Eastland Drive North to the City of Twin Falls. Commissioner Baily seconded the
motion and it carried with a unanimous vote of the Board.
Director Lancaster presented a list of roads and a map for the FY 2017 seal coat
project and a list of roads that will be overlaid or patched this year. Director
Lancaster related that there is approximately ... Show more content on
Page 86
This Resolution was passed and accepted , 2017.
David Burgess, Chairman Board of Commissioners Twin Falls Highway District
Mellissa Baecht, Secretary Treasurer
Commissioner Baily seconded the motion and it carried with a unanimous vote of the
Director Lancaster presented a conditional use permit on behalf of Robert Paul for
the development, construction, and operation of the Jackpot Solar Annex, LLC 20
MWAC located at Township 14 South, Range 16 East, Section 19 B.M.
Commissioner Davis a motion to approve the conditional use permit with the
following conditions:
All roads in the project are private and will not be maintained by Twin Falls Highway
Jackpot Solar Annex, LLC 20 MWAC projects will utilize the same approach from
Highway 93, as previously permitted.
Fencing will temporarily be allowed within the roadway easement areas. If a public
road is constructed in the future, all fencing shall be removed and re installed outside
of the public roadway easement by, and at the expense of, the project owner.
Twin Falls Highway District has a 50 foot wide roadway easement along all section
lines within Township 14 South, Range 60 East, Section 19, Boise Meridian.
Structures shall be prohibited within the roadway
Howard Lilly My Lobotomy
The interview My Lobotomy follows Howard Dully as he works on uncovering
what happened to him during a procedure performed on him during his childhood.
Howard Dully was 12 years old when Walter Freeman performed transorbital or ice
pick lobotomy on him. He always felt something missing from his soul, however, he
carried no memories of the operation and never asked his family. This led him to set
out on a journey to learn about what happened to him in 1960. The conversation isn t
between an interviewer and Howard Dully. It is actually Howard Dully speaking to
others in hopes of discovering what really happened. Dully interviewed Dr. Elliot
Valenstein, who wrote a book on the history of lobotomy. Dr. Valenstein says the
results varied... Show more content on ...
He found out that it was his stepmother who was responsible for this procedure.
Filled with hatred and desire to get rid of him, she called Walter Freeman and
asked him to fix Howard. Dr. Freeman suggested changing him via lobotomy and
not telling him about the procedure. Her and his father both agree to have Howard
operated on. After finding the records, Howard asks his father to talk. They ve
never talked about it before, but to his surprise he agrees to. His father says it was
his stepmother s idea, and that her and Dr. Freeman manipulated him into agreeing
to it. He says they never talked about it because Howard never asked, and because
it was an unpleasant part of his life he d rather not dwell on. The last pair of people
Howard Dully speaks to are Rebecca Welch and Anita McGee. Anita is Rebecca s
mother, who was lobotomized by Dr. Freeman. Rebecca believes Freeman
destroyed her mother s life, making her spend most of her life in mental
institutions. She says her mother is there, but not truly there. Rebecca and Howard
bond when she tells him he has helped a lot of people by going on this journey to
discovery. In the end, Dully reflects on all of the horrible things he s endured
because of his lobotomy. However, sitting with Rebecca and Anita makes him realize
lobotomy didn t touch his soul, which finally gives him peace. The interview presents
a few strengths. First, it introduces you to Howard Dully through his
Embrace What the World has Given to You
So I walk into the Hyderabad Airport with so many things running in my mind. Even
though this is not my first time to New York, this moment I m coming to live here
rather than visiting for a quick holiday. But within a few weeks I realized the most
important thing about moving to a completely different environment you don t need
to change yourself. All you need to alter is your perception.
My parents were more apprehensive than me. They believed that their son would
return a much fairer, different, open and heavily accented individual. They had seen
such stories multiple times on the television screen, and heard of it from other people,
but never imagines it might happen to them as well. Irrespective of their
presumptions, I ended up encountering many new places and experiences in just 6
months into this country. In this short span, I saw a tennis grand slam final, surfed,
skied, gambled and even flew a plane for the first time visiting 6 main US cities
across the country.
Unlike what I saw in all Hollywood movies, New York Citywasn t just about tall
skyscrapers, busy subways and glittering downtown. Having spent my entire life in
the brutal heat of Hyderabad, Vijayawada and Coimbatore, I was entering a climate
that was chillingly different. It was hard to imagine not being able to wear shorts
and slippers and walk about without jackets or coats on a daily basis. It s important to
embrace the environment you enter, so you and it can maintain
Importance Of Professional Conduct In Professional Dance
In my opinion, professional conduct is the way in which a dancer would conduct
themselves if they were working in the professional dance industry. Therefore, this
includes aspects such as attending every class and rehearsal, arriving to rehearsals on
time, being ready to dance by conducting a thorough warm up and wearing suitable
clothes that easily enables movement. Professional conduct would also include
meeting the required expectations of teachers, rehearsing choreography and exercises
in your own time, always performing to the best of your ability and showing a
willingness to learn new movements and styles of choreography.
During this project, I conducted myself as if I was working professionally, by
ensuring I attended all classes and rehearsals on time, behaving respectfully towards
the choreographers and fellow dancers, and organising extra rehearsals for the group
outside of scheduled rehearsal times. I also ensured I was working on developing my
performance skills throughout this process by practicing technical exercises and
routines daily to enable me to perfect movements and improve my overall level of
performance. Rehearsing the routine daily will gradually improve ... Show more
content on ...
Working as part of a large group during the rehearsal process has also taught me
how important it is to perform together as a group. Throughout the vast majority of
our rehearsals we practiced the routine without the use of mirrors, as this forced us
to use other senses such as proprioception, spatial awareness and peripheral vision.
I believe this made us feel more connected as a group as we became more aware of
each other and were able to begin dancing as a group, rather than as individuals.
Overall, I feel I have gained a greater level of understanding others and the
importance of working together as a team from working as part of this
National Pressure Ulcer Prevention
Pressure Ulcer Prevention
Taylor Venema
University of Maine
Pressure Ulcer Prevention
The purpose of this paper is to discuss pressure ulcers (PUs) and their prevention.
The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP), European Pressure Ulcer
Advisory Panel (EPUAP), and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance (PPPIA) define
pressure ulcers as a localized injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue usually over
a bony prominence, as a result of pressure, or pressure in combination with shear
(Brown, 2016, p. S6). Pressure ulcers are a healthcare problem that can have
detrimental effects on patients quality of life and can be regarded as an indicator of
poor nursing practice. Hospital acquired pressure ulcers (HAPUs) result in costly
settlements ... Show more content on ...
Nurses can assess a patient s risk for pressure ulcers using the Braden scale. The
Braden scale determines pressure ulcer risk based off six categories: sensory
perception, moisture, activity, mobility, nutrition, and friction and shear. Scores can
range from one to four in each category and from six to twenty three overall, with
lower total scores indicating higher overall risk for developing alterations in skin
integrity (Hoffman Sullivan, 2017). Risk for pressure ulcer development is
indicated in scores eighteen or lower. The Braden scale is a useful tool, but simply
making it available will not produce satisfactory outcomes. It is necessary to use
clinical judgment in conjunction with provided tools. Cho and Noh (2009) observed
a weak correlation between Braden scale scores and nursing interventions applied to
patients deemed at risk for pressure ulcer development, which implies that nurses tend
to use the Braden scale just as a documentation aid. Additionally, their results showed
that nursing interventions were often limited to skin assessment and repositioning;
nutritional assessment was rarely applied in high risk patients (Cho Noh, 2009).
These results imply that there is a considerable area for improved care related to
pressure ulcer prevention and
Weight Watchers Advertisement Analysis
The advertisement that I chose is very popular among celebrities is called Weight
Watchers. A large percentage of celebrities such as Jennifer Hudson and Jessica
Simpson have lost tremendous amount a weight from using this program. The
program allows individuals to eat anything on their menu in smaller portions
including alcohol. The commercials of Jennifer Hudson and Jessica Simpson made
me feel somewhat discouraged about my weight because everyone s metabolism is
different. The program is selling that you can lose weight by buying their low fat
meals. It doesn t too much explain that you have to do more to lose weight such as
exercise at least thirty to forty five minutes daily. Body image is so important to
Americans because everyone
Sports Coaches Influence On Youth Sports
Physical activity is a large part of being healthy, especially at a young age.
Participating in sports is a very popular form of obtaining this exercise, as nearly
thirty six million kids play organized sports each year (Source 6). Coaches are
extremely influential in the development of minors. They are the role models for the
children to learn and grow from. Most coaches are parents, almost eighty five
percent (Source 6). However, this can have positive and negative effects on the
participants that would differ from the effects of having a trained, unbiased coach.
Many problems are evident when it comes to coaching staffs for youth sports; many
parents take on the task of coaching without knowing they are unqualified, partial,
and may damage their child psychologically. The qualifications for youth sports
coaches are often no further than a Safe Sporttest involving abuse. However, there is
very seldom a test that analyzes the knowledge that the coach has about the sport or
the basic first aid that is related to sport specific... Show more content on ...
When behavioral criticism is required, a child who is the coach s son is likely to
react very different from any other child. Many would consider their parent s
criticism even less than their teammate would because they are more comfortable
being defiant to a parent rather than a different power figure. This can result in
interruptions at practice and games where a parent coach forgets that they cannot
just reprimand their child as though they were only playing the role of a parent,
whereas if there was a coach that was equally involved with each player, there would
be no negative or positive actions towards one athlete in particular. One specific
reason that would make having an indifferent coach beneficial would be that other
team members would know that the coach is there for the team, not just their child
The Pros And Cons Of The Dream In America
People have always been born in various countries with diverse family background.
Some relations have higher salary than poor kin. Humans have different degrees of
education. So, there will be a gap between the rich and the poor. Although,
Americans have diverse dreams, some people want to be a scientist, investor, or
CEO. They should be aggressive and hard working, if people always diligence that
can make people have a high quality of life. Therefore, I am opposed that everyone
born in America, the land of opportunity, can achieve countless wealth. Meanwhile, in
the following paragraph, I will give more points to support my thought. Some
American are destitute, and they always live in homeless shelters. Perhaps, some
children live in this place, where they spent their childhood. For example, Eric and
Christopher had both spent their formative years in homeless shelters, and they
should went out in the streets to panhandle in order to pick up plenty money to buy
food for their little sisters and the families in the refugesпј€
Jonathan Kozol 2012пј‰.
Meanwhile, in this... Show more content on ...
American wants them life to be better, they always consider about positive effects.
For example, Americans have never liked acknowledging that what we now call the
public sector has always been integral to making the private sector successful
(Meacham 2012). Although, human avoid disadvantage of dreaming, they always
have ambition that diligent for goal. For example, When Martin Luther King Jr.
rose to address the March on Washington in August 1963; he described his dream of
an integrated America as deeply rooted in the American Dream. He was asking only
for black Americans rightful share of the life that most white Americans had come to
take for granted: a life in which whites were judged by the content of their character.
(Meacham 2012) That illustrate American will work hard for them
Global Warming And Its Effect On The Quality Of Life On
There is a particular association between the well being of a society and the quality
of the environment in which it is situated. Environmental issues such as global
warming, are harmful consequences of human activity that diminish the quality of
life on earth. Global warming is defined as the rise in the average temperature of the
earths atmosphere and oceans. A great cause of the increase in temperature is the
greenhouse effect, created by high levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons and
other harmful pollutants. Global warmingwas not considered an issue until the late
19th Century. For 2.5 million years the earths climate has fluctuated from ice ages to
warmer periods. Individuals in the society did not seem to think this was a long term
problem. Due to its fluctuating cycle and prior history, it was seen as normal and
common for the earthto be undergoing shifts in temperature. Despite some scientists
and environmentalists efforts, global warming simply wasn t considered a public
consciousness. Global warming sped up during the industrial revolution. This was a
period in history that constituted of many economical, social, cultural changes and
most importantly, environmental changes. The invention of new, faster and power
driven machines, replaced the use of hand made tools. As industries started focusing
on mass production, their mentality shifted and many power plants and factories
started using and burning fossil fuels, such as oil and coal. Although
Essay Conscience in War
You re in an unstable bunker that goes to only the top of your shoulders. You re in
Iraq, a land you have studied yet still feel as unfamiliar with as a never ending
desert. Your drill sergeant is screaming at you to fire at your enemies. You freeze.
This was not what you remember signing up for. You came to this foreign land
because you wanted to defend yourself and because you love America. When aiming
at stationary targets not firing back, you felt in control. You didn t really think about
what you are doing then. Now, though, when looking through your scope at the
enemies , you cannot differentiate them from you. Army sergeants have attempted to
teach you to bypass the moral process of killing, but you are unable to easily do...
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As former American sergeant Camilo Mejia said, There s no higher assertion of
freedom than to follow your conscience. In 2003, Mejia went on a leave of absence
from Iraq and never returned because of his loathing of the abuse prisoners of war.
He came out of hiding to face the army and was sentenced to one year in military
prison. He proclaimed that he felt freer there than ever before. The disrespect from
others that Mejia encountered was worth the great pride he had for himself. When
making an imperative decision, you cannot please everyone. Sometimes you need
to separate yourself from others. What your parents or friends preach is not
necessarily what you should live by. Staying true to yourself is what is most
important. At certain times, you have to delve deep to understand what really
matters. Being someone who abandons their own ideals and only lives out the
dreams and beliefs of others is not the right way to go through life. There s a
chance you have a certain theory that no one else expresses, but is actually
apprehended by many. Conveying particular feelings can allow others to feel
comfortable in doing the same. It s easy to be misunderstood for following your
conscience, especially when your actions might seem contradictory. Conscientious
objectors, for example, are looked down by some people but are simply following
their true beliefs. These are not necessarily lifelong values because some people
develop these after many years. One of
The Kingdom Of The Lord
My life story may seem like it truly began with Jon and start to end with Jon.
However, our stories do not end there. We as followers of Christ are called to
further His kingdom. In those moments we are called we may not always see the
deeper meaning beyond the call. We do not always see the needs of people around us
and there is always this lurking question of how we can further his kingdom.
We, as individuals, see furthering God s kingdom in different ways. Some may
see it as going abroad and telling people about Christ. Some may see it as purely
doing the Lord work, such as taking care of kids, painting for an elderly couple, or
even raking leaves. Whichever way you look at it both ways are furthering the
kingdom of the Lord.
We can also see the Kingdom of God through the body of believers. We together as
Christians make up the body of believers. The Body of believers are put on earth to
bring those who do not believe to Christ. God will bring us severity to a hurting
world. There are many different way the scripture displays the Lord s Kingdom.
We see the Kingdom become a vision in the New Testament in places such as
Romans 14:17 ( For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but
of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, ), Mark 10:15 Truly I tell you,
anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter
it. ), and 1 Corinthians 15:50 ( I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and
blood cannot
A Brief Note On Coal And Its Effects On The Environment
Coal has been driving the world s energy needs since the Roman Empire, however it
is not without repercussions. Coal is a dirty energy source that is dangerous to
acquire and environmentally devastating when used. It has caused numerous health
issues in miners, contaminated local water supplies, and is responsible for the
depletion of the ozone. Although coalis a widely used energy source, the world should
invest in finding alternative and more efficient energy sources.
Surveying is the observation of potential land that a considerable amount of a
resource in underneath. In order to survey, the land and the effects of mining are
tested; these include the effects on the human population in the area and the effect
on the environment. Surveying has three major components: Exploration,
Geological Modelling, and Mine Design. Exploration is finding the site that the
coal is at. In order for surveyors to find an adequate site, they must either dig into
the land and test the layers of the ground or use a top layer method that tests the top
of the ground for significant minerals. Geological Modelling is creating a model
piece of land on a 3D modeler and using it to track and test coal mining. Mine
design has to be taken into consideration because after the site is approved for
mining, it also has to be approved to support a mine. Surveying also includes
obtaining property rights and legal forms to ensure thoroughness.
When mining, there are two methods for mining coal: surface
Gender Stereotypes Of The Sexes
Stereotypes of the Sexes Feminist: the person who believes in the social, political,
and economic equality of the sexes. Sexual stereotypes are deeply imbedded into
today s society. Ideals of the gender roles are passed down from generation to
generation, creating a gap between what is socially acceptable for a woman to do
and what is expected of a man. One thousand years ago humans chose dominance by
physical capability, simply because it was essential for our survival, but the world
has evolved. One thousand years ago physical strength was the most important part of
survival for humanbeings. Men in general are physically stronger therefore it made
sense to have a man lead. The world humans live in has evolved and is no longer run
by the physically entailed, but by the most intelligent or creative(Adichie). Though
this world has evolved, the genderexpectations and stereotypes have stayed the
same. Sexual stereotypes in America limit men and women to abide with,by the
expectations of masculinity and feminism, create a sense of shame for women,
and create a gap in today s job industry. Men are raised in a world that expects them
to stay in this box of masculinity. Men are expected to be disconnected from their
emotions, because men don t cry . We teach men to be afraid of vulnerability,
because they are expected to be tough men(Adichie). Men are supposed to be sexual
beings, while women are the emotional ones. In reality, both women and men have
sexual and
Double Consciousness and Its Present State
On that viscerally vibrant Friday morning, in that urbanized oasis, a group of
primarily Black and Hispanic students united at El Cerrito High School to discuss
their parents and peers very real struggle to achieve the American dream. The stories
of racism, oppression, gentrification, and deportation filled the classroom with the
voices of varied languages and vernaculars, a majority of which felt caught between
cultures and pulled away at the seams by opposing orientations. These fourteen and
fifteen year olds spoke of parents requiring them to speak the language of a place
they ve never been, of teachers demanding a Standard English they ve never been
taught, of friends questioning their Americaness because they didn t know the
difference between Disneyland and Disneyworld. This youthful minority majority
population is faced with cultural double identity; a term that reflects the cognitive
dissonance an individual feels when their identity is fragmented along cultural,
racial, linguistic or ethnic lines. This conflict of self is not isolated to this classroom
in San Francisco s East Bay are. It brims over into every classroom within California,
where no raceor ethnic group constitutes a majority of the state s population
(Johnson). It must be said then, that the culturally and linguistically diverse
California classrooms must integrate texts that examine the psychological state of
double identity. Turning to Luis Valdez play Zoot Suit , Chester Himes s protest
Holden Caulfield s The Catcher s The Rye
Are 50 s teens able to survive the hurtful but unavoidable transition of becoming a
grown up as they struggle with the changes that come along with it?
JD. Salinger s 1951 book, The Catcher in the Rye, shows us how society treated their
confused and changing teenagers during their transition into adulthood. The book s
main character Holden Caulfield is being pressured into growing up even though he
doesn t feel ready, to lead an adult life. He is still struggling socially and mourning
for his deceased brother whose death turned Holden upside down and into a negative,
hopeless person from a young age, which causes him to be distracted, indifferent and
to flunk every school he goes to.
Therefore, Holden Caulfield seems to be dealing with a world that is forcing him to
change his ways and grow up because of his age while he struggles with his past,
present and future, in this JD Salinger classic.
Thesis Statement Brainstorm:
1 Salinger s main character Holden, is seen to be struggling with his past, present and
future in The Catcher in the Rye.
2 Holden is seen to be having unspecified negative thoughts about growing up
throughout JD Salinger s famous The Catcher in the Rye.
3 JD Salinger s The Catcher in the Rye s main character Holden Caulfield seems to
be dealing with a world that forces him to change his ways because of his age and
what it s expected from him while he is struggling with his past, present and future.
Theme: Struggles
The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
Employment Guarantee and Migration Koshtub Vohra, MPP 11 Introduction The
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, the lead welfare project of the UPA
Government was passed by the Parliament in August 2005 and became effective on
fifth September 2005. It has been criticized by numerous as yet another instance of a
vast lump of public money being flushed down the channel in pointless rural
development works. Reports of plans comprising of the NREGA workers burrowing
trench and after that re filling them at work sites, of labourers not being paid their
wages, of swelled muster rolls with non existent labours and substantial sums being
cheated out of the system which is sufficiently funded by the Center, and most
recently, the abhorrent... Show more content on ...
Amid 2006 07 against the aggregate accessible funds of Rs. 12073.56 Crore with
the states, Rs. 8823.36 Crore was used. The normal fund use every region was Rs.
44.12 Crore in 2006 07. For 2007 08 the government made a budget procurement of
Rs 12000 Crore. Out of this Rs. 8303.82 Crores have been discharged up to
fourteenth November 2007. Out of this, Rs. 5365.99 Crore have been discharged
to the Phase I 200 districts and Rs. 2937.92 Crore have been discharged to the
Phase II 131 districts. Amid 2006 07, 2.12 Crore households had requested
employment, out of which 2.10 Crore households were given employment. Amid
the year 90.51 Crore individual days of employment was given under the project.
Midpoints of 45.2 lakh individual days of employment every districts have been
created. Out of aggregate 90.51 Crore individual days, the share of Scheduled
Castes was 22.95 Crore individual days (25.36%) and Scheduled Tribes was 32.99
(36.45%) constituting a sum of 55.94 Crore individual days for SCs/STs which
comes to about 62%. According to the NREGA, the share of ladies individual days
ought to be 1/3rd and the same was 36.79 Crore individual days, which is about
41%. Amid 2007 08 (up to September 2007), 1.97 Crore households have requested
employment and 1.88 Crore households have been given employment. An aggregate
of 56.14 Crore individual days of employment has been created under the Program.
Out of this, the offer
Essay about Juvenile Recidivism
Introduction: Recidivism or, habitual relapses into crime, has time and time again
proven to be an issue among delinquents, which thereby increases the overall juvenile
prison population. This issue has become more prevalent than what we realize.
Unless a unit for measuring a juvenile s risk of recidivism is enacted and used to
determine a system to promote effective prevention, than the juvenile prison
population will continue to increase. Our court system should not only focus on
punishing the said juvenile but also enforce a program or policy that will allow for
prevention of recidivism. So the question remains, how can recidivism in the juvenile
prison population be prevented so that it is no longer the central cause for increased...
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Not only this but, offenders who commit new offenses after court contact are at risk
for a variety of poor developmental and life course outcomes, including school failure,
out of home placements, occupational marginality, and long term involvement in
criminal activity (Schwalbe 2004). As seen here, this is a downward spiral. Active
reform has never before been at such a demand. As recidivism and juvenile
delinquency continues to increase, not only will national crime rates and juvenile
prison populations inflate, but the diminishing of an educated, safe, and economically
stable society will also be affected regrettably. If juveniles whom continue to commit
repeat criminal offenses lack school initiative, family support, and job exposure, than
relatively as recidivism and juvenile criminal activity increases, our nation s standard
of living will consequently lower.
For those who are simply interested in the costs, it may be fairly surprising. It is a
common and misconceived ideal that incarceration is a cheap and easy way to
contain criminals, in this case juveniles. However, due to the fact that the
incarceration itself has not in any way hindered criminal activity rates or decreased
juvenile recidivism, taxpayers are simply investing more money into these detention
facilities and court proceedings than what is realized. Let s look at a specific
detention facility for example. The Cook
Independent Audits Of Employee Benefit Plans
Independent audits of employee benefit plans are a vital accountability mechanism.
An employee benefit plan audit provides a third party, independent report to
participants, plan managers, and the Department of Labor that indicates whether the
plan s financial statement provides accurate information to assess not only the plan s
present but future ability to pay participant s benefits. An employee benefitplan audit
must do more than substantiate financial statements; it must also address plan
operations including helping to assess whether the plan is operating in accordance to
the plan documents and amendments. There are multiple complex laws and
regulations that employee benefit and retirement plans must also comply with, and
failure to comply with such laws and regulation can result in substantial penalties.
The Employee Retirement Security Act of 1974 requires that employee benefit plans
with a hundred or more participants to be audited as part of their requirement to file
annual Form 5500 report. The Form 5500 is filed with the Department of Labor and
used to satisfy the Internal Revenue Services requirement to file an annual
information return. Inconsistencies in the Form 5500 report can result in the
Department of Labor performing their own audit. While auditing employee benefit
plans, auditors often find operational and administrative issues encountered by plans.
Of the many issues that arise, the more common problems are errors in definition of
Brokeback Mountain Analysis
Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx is a heart wrenching short story written
with an intimate style that evokes clear imagery in the mind of the reader.
Although, only 28 pages in length the short story offered Larry McMurtry and
Diana Ossana source material that had potential to be expanded and to build upon
the already created Midwestern reality. One of the elements altered for the
screenplay from the short story is the perspective; which follows the main
character, Ennis Del Mar over the course of twenty years. Although, not told
through Ennis eyes exactly, the reader is given access to his emotional state;
meaning his thoughts and feelings are explained more so than any other character.
For example: He had no serious hard feelings, just a vague sense of getting
shortchanged, and showed it was all right by taking Thanksgiving dinner with Alma
and her grocer and the kids, sitting between his girls and talking horses to them, ,
telling jokes, trying not to be a sad daddy. (pg. 16) The screenplay shares a similar
perspective, but expands the view to include Jack Twist, moving between the lives of
both men throughout the years. However, the screenplay stays true to the source
material by paying more attention to the original main character, Ennis. Another
element that is changed from the short story to the screenplay is the expansion or
flushing out of characters. In Proulx s story, characters other than Ennis and Jack are
mostly referred to, or given glimpses of.
Public Opinion And Policy Implications Of Television
Television remains a very important standard regarding how the community view the
criminal justice system. Most residents have very little contact with the criminal
justice system, usually limited to contacts with police. Only an estimated 21 % of
citizens have contact with police officers in a year, and 40 % of those contacts are
merely traffic stops (Bureau of Justice
Statistics, 2002). Most people get their information and perceptions about crime and
the criminal justice system through various media outlets. Those who rely on the
media, however, do not always receive an accurate view of reality. Media depictions,
whether accurate or not, have very important public opinion and policy implications.
One prime example of how the media can have powerful influences on public
opinion was the focus on school violence in the past decade. The school shootings in
the 1990s caused a panic among many parents who had children in school at that
time. As portrayed by the media, school violence and shootings were on the rise, and
something had to be done. As a result of the public outcry, Congress held hearings on
the problem, and school budgets were strained in order to get such enhancements as
metal detectors and school cameras. The media attention given to school shootings
seemed to result in a widespread panic, where actual statistics and logical assessments
of the threat were replaced by emotionally charged reactions to these isolated
incidents (Burns Crawford, 1999). In actuality,
Essay on The Impact of Sanctions on Idi Amin s...
From the time Idi Amin came to power in Uganda until the time his regime fell, his
brutal rule negatively impacted Uganda in every aspect of its existence. In 1971, Idi
Amin along with military support, ousted Prime Minister Milton Obote while he was
out of the country in Singapore attending a Commonwealth summit meeting with
many other leaders of African and European countries. Over the course of his violent
reign, Idi Aminkilled between 100,000 and 300,000 of his own people and doomed
the economy with the expulsion of those of Asian nationality. Many of his victims
were killed for no reason, or for a very insignificant action. Amin was in power from
1971 to 1979 and proved early into his dictatorship that he was very powerful. Only
one... Show more content on ...
Not only did Amin harm Uganda by killing a lot of its population, he also was the
cause of an almost complete economic collapse, when, in 1972, he declared an
economic war on the Asian population in Uganda. Uganda s economy relied
heavily on its Asian population because they ran most of the manufacturing and
trade sectors as well as making up a large portion of the civil service. Amin s order
of expulsion for the Asian population gave them three months to exit Uganda. They
were given British passports and the businesses they left behind were turned over to
Amin s supporters. Amin not only decimated the population of Uganda during his
despotic reign but caused the economy to falter and fail as well. As his reign of
terror went on, news of Amin s crimes and atrocities began surfacing internationally,
spurring retaliatory actions from countries all over the world. The United States as
well as the United Kingdom, Japan, France, the Netherlands, and West Germany
played a large role in Uganda s trading by being the largest exporters of their coffee.
The United States exported the most, being responsible for 75% of all the coffee
exported by Uganda. In the beginning stages of Amin s reign, the United States did
not do much more than denounce Amin and the major violations of human rights
being committed under him (Nurnberger 71). Through the thesis and knowledge of
Uganda s economy from William Goold, the legislative
40 # 39 ; S And 40 s Analysis
As many people approach their 30 s and 40 s they might have a mid life crisis. This
is where they start thinking about their life on a deeper level and what are they
going to do for the next 30 to 40 years. Some people go out and do crazy things like
skydiving or pick a different career, and some people find that their life is perfect
how it is. Likewise, in The Sun Also Rises, Jake and Bill go to Spain on a fishing
trip to get away from the city life in Paris. As Jake and Bill go through Spain they
take in all the beauty and simplicity of the county; this brings the business and the
chaos of their lives to a sudden peace. After Jake and Bill get off the bus in Spain
they have to travel to their fishing spot. They proceeded to travel on the
Moral Issues In My Sister s Keeper
My Sister s Keeper novel is an interesting and exciting novel that addresses some
important moral and ethical issues. Judi Picoult had successfully published My Sister
s Keeper in the year 2004. The book tells the story of Anna Fitzgerald, a 13 years old
girl that was genetically selected to be a savior sibling to save her older sister s life.
Kate, Anna s older sister has an aggressive type of leukemia. Anna eventually filed a
lawsuit against her parents for the medical emancipation and the rights of her body
when she was expected to donate a kidney to Kate.
The events of the story take place in a fictional town called Upper Darby town,
Rhode Island. In the year 1990, doctors diagnose Sara s and Brian s Fitzgerald two
years old daughter, ... Show more content on ...
Hesitantly, Anna takes the stage and confess that she filed the lawsuit against her
parents because her sister Kate told her to do so. Anna also explains that Kate asked
her not to donate her kidney because she was bored of being ill and expecting to die.
At this particular moment, Campbell suffered an epileptic seizure. When Campbell
woke up, he explained to Julia that epileptic seizures are the reason that made him
leave her, and that s why he has a guard dog, because it can predict when the next
seizure will come. Although Anna loves Kate, a part of her wanted Kate to die so
she will not remain restricted with Kate and to have more freedom in her life. In the
end, the Judge decides to give Campbell the medical power of attorney over Anna
and grant her the medical emancipation. On the way back, Campbell and Anna were
injured in a car accident, and Anna underwent irreversible damage in her brain.
Campbell, with the medical power of attorney granted to him, decided to donate
Anna s organs to Kate. Although Anna died, Kate will still carry her sister with her
in her body.
My Sister s Keeper is a beautiful and emotionally moving novel that tells the story
of a girl who was created to preserve her sister s life but wanted to live her life
freely and independently just like any other normal girl. If you are not affected by
this novel, even to a little degree, then you surely have a cold heart. This novel has
taught me the importance of independence, freedom, choice, love, ethics, morals, and
justice. I will certainly recommend this book to all
assessment 1
Assessment description
You must identify potential risks to a specific project planed develop a risk plan to
monitor and control risks effectively, identifying preventative and contingent actions
to prevent the risk from occurring or reduce its impact, to increase the chances of
achieving project success.
Types of risk will depend upon the project plan used.
1. Examine the project plan.
2. Identify any risks that could occur during the project.
3. Use the risk assessment matrix supplied to assess the level of risk.
4. Develop preventative actions to prevent the risk from occurring, or contingent
actions to reduce the risk of occurring.
5. List the contingent actions to reduce the impact, should the risk occur.
6. ... Show more content on ...
Arrange for suitable firefighting equipment to be available. Consider relocating
the barbecue if you are concerned about the risk of fire due to the wind direction Use
your barbecue in a clear space. Leave the barbecue and charcoal to cool before
moving it. Ash cinders should be cooled with water before disposal. Do not place
used charcoal in a bin until you are sure it is has cooled completely. Make sure the
barbecue is stable.
Contingent recommended actions: Briefly describe any action that should be taken
If a fire occurs, don t try to extinguish the flames if is not safe. Call to Fire station.
Have a fire blanket and water close to hand.
Supporting documentation (attached): Recruitment Fire and Rescue NSW
Signature: _______________ Date: 29/10/2013
This form to be forward to the project manager.
Risk log
On this template, all issues are treated as risks. They should be recorded when they
arise, signed a number and responsibility, and a recovery strategy or alternate path
greed, acted upon and recorded when closed.
Issue /risk
( rank as to impact)
Impact on budget
on schedule
Agreed management strategy
Financial responsibility Status
(open, in progress, closed)
The Safety Of Skydiving, And A Youtube Video
Cool can be expressed through the courage that people have to experience new
things, including taking risks. What makes skydiving cool is that it presents a
new thrilling experience that not many get to have. Combined with the potential
risks and the overall experience, skydiving has many appeals that can be
considered as cool to the functional aesthetics of a person. Skydiving embodies this
concept of cool because it takes nerve to overcome the perceived risk of death to
jump out a moving plane. It is a unique experience that individuals should put on
their bucket list because it gives the skydivers the opportunity to explore new
feelings that they often would not experience in their normal life. Therefore, the
purpose of the project is to inform and persuade the audience to skydive because it
does not only illustrate cool , but it also functions as stress release. To capture the
interest of the audience, the project will be presented through a PowerPoint that
includes the statistics of the safety of skydiving, and a YouTube video. Through the
use of pathos, the audience will be more likely to be influenced through the
emotions that will be shown in the presentation. Since not many of the audience are
experts on skydiving, the charts and pictures in the PowerPoint will inform the
audience about the prices and give them an idea of how skydiving looks like. It is
also beneficial to present a video because it allows the audience to have an idea of
the perspective that
Code Talkers Essay
In this precursor research paper, I will conduct a study of the code talkers from
WWII. The purpose of this study is to remind other colleagues the significance of
the Navajos throughout World War II. I will use the following articles for my
research, World War II Time Line (, Semper Fidelis, Code
talkers (Adam Jevec), Memorandum Regarding The Enlistment of Navajo
(, Navajo Code Talkers And World War II 1943 (,
and lastly the Unbreakable: Remembering the Code Talkers (Hilary Parkinson).
The main idea of my paper would be an insight look on who the code talkers were.
Whose idea was it to form this group? What role did the Navajos play in World War
II, and why the Navajos? The first article that stood out to me was Semper Fidelis,
Code Talkers (Adam Jevec). The article mentions the history of code talkers, the
reason why they were created, and the goal that they achieved. The... Show more
content on ...
In other words, without the Navajos, we wouldn t have been able to defeat the
Japanese after they had bomb Pearl Harbor. The second article, Memorandum
Regarding The Enlistment of Navajo ( states, Philip Johnston was the
initiator of the Marine Corps program to enlist and train the Navajos as messengers.
Although Johnston was not a Navajo, he grew up on a Navajo reservation as the son
of a missionary and became familiar with the people and their language. This quote
illustrated us, who exactly came up with the idea of the code talkers. Furthermore,
Phillip Johnston was the mastermind of code talkers, even though he didn t speak the
Dealing with Stress and Ambiguity in Organizations
Dealing with Stress and Ambiguity in Organizations
Group Assignment
LIVONDOLO HD313 C006 3243/2012 3. TIMOTHY NYAUCHO HD313 C006
Title Pagei
Table of contentsii
1.0 Introduction1
2.0 Symptoms of Stress 2
3.0 Causes of Stress3
4.0 Managing Stress5
5.0 Role Ambiguity8
6.0 Conclusion10
References ... Show more content on ...
* Cribbing, over reacting, arguing, getting irritated, anxiety, etc. * Deteriorating
health, more of accidents, etc. * Improper eating habits (over eating or under eating),
excessive smoking and drinking, sleeplessness, etc.
3.0 Causes of Stress
Stressors can be divided into those that arise from within an individual (internal), and
those that are attributable to the environment (external). Internal conflicts, non
specific fears, fears of inadequacy, and guilt feelings are examples of stressors that do
not depend on the environment. Internal sources of stress can arise from an
individual s perceptions of an environmental threat, even if no such danger actually
exists. Environmental stressors are external conditions beyond an individual s
control. Bhagat (1983) has reported that work performance can be seriously impaired
by external stressors. There are many aspects of organizational life that can become
external stressors. These include issues of structure, management s use of authority,
monotony, a lack of opportunity for advancement, excessive responsibilities,
ambiguous demands, value conflicts, and unrealistic workloads. A person s non
working life (e.g., family, friends, health, and financial situations) can also contain
stressors that negatively impact job performance. This can be summarized as follows.
i. Organizational factors With the growth in organizational stress and
Trade Imbalance Between China And China
In the 18th century, Chinese goods such as silk and porcelain were much desired by
European and had a huge demand in the Western market. In England, tea was the
most desired Chinese good and trade in tea was very lucrative. However, this created
a trade imbalance because Western goods had no market in China. China was a self
sustaining country and that make it harder for Western merchant to trade with them.
Apart from that, the merchants had a hard time getting into Chinese market and had
to deal through Chinese middlemen in Canton. At this point, the British money had
moved on from silver, but the Chinese were still using silver currency. In order to
trade with the Chinese, the British first had to buy silver for other countries and then
... Show more content on ...
Several debates on opium legalization were carried out. Advocates of legalization
suggest that opium should be tax and it will reduce the outflow of Chinese silver. At
the end of the debates, Emperor Daoguang of the Qing dynasty instructed Lin Zexu,
a governor general, to abolish the opium trade. Zexu was sent to Canton and he made
some quick changes. He declared death penalty for anyone found importing or in
possession of opium. Zexu arrested over a thousand Chinese opium dealer and
confiscate approximately seventy thousands of opium pipes, in a matter of months.
The tipping point though was in March of 1839, when Zexu confiscated and
destroyed over twenty thousands of opium chest.
The British merchants were enraged by Zexu s action and demanded compensation
for their seized good. Initially, Superintendent Charles Elliot assured the merchant
traders the British government would be providing compensation for the seized
good. The British government, however, held the Chinese government responsible
for the seized opium. The British soon sent a fleet to China, with a list of demands.
The demands include compensation for the seized goods, right to trade without
middlemen, and an island to use as a base. Initially, the Chinese showed some
resistance and the British began their blockage. The British defeated most of the
Chinese resistance relatively easy and caused the Chinese life. The British moved
north and defeated more Chinese forces in
3mer Guidance Leaflet
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development 3MER Supporting Good Practice
in Managing Employment Relations Assignment and Content Activity Investigate
resources and write a guidance leaflet which covers key points of the areas detailed
below. The impact of employment law at the start of the employment relationship
including: * 2 Internal and 2 external factors which can impact on the employment
relationship * 3 different types of employment status and 3 reasons why it is
important to clarify/determine an individual s employment status Employee rights
during the employee relationship including: * The importance of work life balance
and related legislation concerning holidays, rest periods, working hours and night...
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Pay and reward systems exist in the form of pay, bonuses and benefits, financial
and non financial and designed to improve performance, increase motivation, staff
retention and increase profitability. Appreciation and gratitude is widely received
as reward and the opportunity for training and development for career progression.
A good culture encompassing strong values, vision, morale s and beliefs and
behaviours expressed by employers and employees of an organisation can be the
driver of the overall performance of a company. A good culture can help support the
implementation of changes and new initiatives and are likely to be supported by
those involved. 2 External factors and there impacts: The economic climate
surrounding a company can determine many things and can have financial
implications as well as affecting the levels productivity. Economic growth can lead to
a lack of employees available to fill positions because the labor market is saturated
with jobs. A company will look to offer higher wages, more benefits and incentive
programs to entice potential candidates and will invest in current employees with
training and development to help retain the staff and promote succession planning
throughout the company. A downturn in economic growth can have the opposite
effect. Companies have a tendency to cut the workforce to maintain profit margins,
thus applying extra pressure to the remaining employees, causing extra work loads,
poor morale and a high
Ezra Pound Research Paper
The Young Genius: Ezra Pound s influenced poetry on Benito Mussolini and the
Fascist movement, time of his stay in St. Elizabeth s Hospital and the concept of
If a nation s literature declines, the nation atrophies and decays. (Ezra Pound Quotes)
Ezra Pound was not a man of many words, but he certainly did have a knack for
turning simple words into something beautiful. Pounds poetry was influenced by his
fascination with Benito Mussolini and the Fascist movement, the time of his stay in
St. Elizabeth s Hospital and the concept of Imagism.
It is safe to say that Ezra Pound did not live a boring life growing up. He was born
on October 30, 1885 in Hailey, Idaho. However, he was brought up in Wyncote,
Philadelphia. At the small ... Show more content on ...
Canto 13
If a man have not order within him
He cannot spread order about him;
And if a man have not order within him
His family will not act with due order;
And if the prince have not order within him
He cannot put order in his dominions. (Lines 46 51)
In the previous excerpt of Canto 13, the three literacy terms refrain; anaphora and
a hint of didactic poetry are involved. The word and phrase order appear in every
line of the excerpt. It is repeated to not only get the meaning across, but to make a
significant indent in the readers mind while reading the poem. The hint of didactic
poetry is shown in this poem, I believe, because Pound is telling the reader without
order you cannot do a few things such as spread order about him, family will not act,
and one cannot put order in his dominions. In a way, that is teaching the pros of order.
From this poem I can infer that Ezra Pound is stating that whether or not he is ruled
by an imperialistic power: everyday is going to be the same, for everybody. The last
line Imperial power is? And to us what is it? means that no matter government is
enforced, their everyday life is not going to change.
Cantos XLIX: For The Seven Lakes
Sun up; work
Sundown; to rest
Dig well and drink of the water
Dig field; eat of the grain
Imperial power is? And to us what is it?
The fourth; the dimension of stillness.
And the power over wild beasts. (Lines 42 48)
In this excerpt of a free versed
Compare And Contrast The Lamb And The Tyger
The Differences and Similarities of a Lamb and a Tyger Poetry is a form of
writing that lets the writer have the ability to express themselves in a creative way.
This allows the reader to be moved in a way that other literary works cannot. It s no
wonder that poetry has been around for a very long time. With the likes of Emily
Dickinson, Robert Frost, and Homer, who helped shaped poetryin some way, we
often forget those who created wonderful works of art. One of those writers is
William Blake. Much of Blake s inspirations for his poems came from his
childhood. Blake had begun having visions when he was around the age of four.
He had even once claimed that he had seen God standing right next to his window.
Aside from his visions, Blake had a religious upbringing, in which his parents had
treated his visions as a gift. It s easy for one to assume that his upbringing had a
huge influence in his poems, as often times one can feel a sense of religious
undertones in his writing. To help explore this concept, I will compare and contrast
two of Blake s works, The Tygerand The Lamb. In this essay, I will examine and
analyze both poems structures, the writing styles of both poems, and give my
personal opinion on each of the poems purpose.
When you first look at both poems, you realize that The Tyger is longer than The
Lamb, with The Lamb having only two stanzas while The Tyger has six stanzas. The
another difference in both poems, in terms of their length, is
Physical Dimensions And Land Title Act
Physical dimensions of property
Property comes with stings attached; a fee simple owner can enjoy a bundle of
rights but there are a number of reservations to the Crown as well as restrictions on
the physical dimensions and use of property. By utilizing a fundamental principle of
Ad coelum doctrine and a three dimensional concept; surface, airspace and subsurface
of property, rights of landownership and use of property will be examined. Then I
will present three cases that modified the principle or physical dimensions.
The basic principle
Historically the common law maxim: cujus est solum ejus est usque ad coelum et
ad inferos He who owns the soils, owns up to the heavens and down to the depth of
the earth, was said to apply to physical dimensions of property. Ad coelum doctrine,
however, is largely outdated and inaccurate in BC because the use and the extent of
land in three dimensions are regulated. Before discussing rights and restrictions, I will
explain physical boundaries.
Boundaries and Land Title Act
In old days, description of boundaries of land used physical objects. Toady in BC
with a few exceptions, meets and bounds, measurement of distances, angles, and
directions measured by surveyors, are included in Land Title System. In the past
when a party wrongly assumes the boundary, without any contracuaral agreement the
law of adverse possession could alter the title. Although the law has been abolished
in BC by sections 24 and 171 of the Land Title Act (LTA)),
Mental Depression And Mental Illness
The number of inmates in the department of corrections that have a mental illness is
steadily rising. In 2006 there was estimated to be 705,600 mentally ill inmates in
state prisons, 78,000 in federal prisons and 47,900 in local jails (NIC). Most inmates
suffer from social anxiety disorders or depression. There are three times more people
in prisons with mental healthproblems than in actual hospitals (News). However, this
is a problem for various reasons, two being that prisons cannot afford the proper
medications and treatment as well as that prisons are not well enough equipped to
handle these issues. Convicts often times blame their crime on their mental
instability. With pharmaceuticals being as expensive as they are, offenders often...
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Maybe being in with other inmates could help them cope or get better. The facility
could hold multiple different types of units or cell blocks to have different ways to
treat inmates. There could be areas called safe cells, where they place inmates who
are seeming to be suicidal. Currently, once an inmate is deemed suicidal, they must
stay in a safe cell for 24 hours and then undergo a psychological evaluation, to
ensure their safety. This new facility could be where inmates from other areas of
the prison go when they are thought to be suicidal, rather than just moving to safe
cell within the same cell block. Also, if it is a separate facility it could be treated
more like a hospital. This way the prison could hire people who are better able to
work with and handle people with problems such as these inmates. People may
also be more likely to apply to an institution that is not connected to the rest of the
prison or jail. This new facility would need to be drawn up and have all the proper
necessities put in place, such as loading areas for the transfer of inmates and
evacuation routes. After that the official plan will need the approval from the
warden and the city, the two may come back with some comments or concerns that
they would like to see addressed, once those are taken care of the proposal would be
brought back, if approved the building would commence. Even though this is not the
most cost effective solution, it is one that provides
Education And Education In Jane Austen s Emma
The 18th to 19th century was a revolutionary time period for women. Jane Austen s
Emma was published during a time where women were campaigning for women s
suffrage and for female education. Emma is a book about a girl that vows not to fall
in love, but plays matchmaker for her friend and acquaintances. The book shows
readers what 18th centuryEngland looked like for women. Upper class women were
allowed to get an education; however, the education they were taught was vastly
different than men s education. Women learned how to weave and learn French while
men learned about government, culture, philosophy from around the world, etc.
However, Emmaalso introduces revolutionary concepts like education for women
and the radical ideas Mary Wollstonecraft s A Vindication of Women s Right
demonstrated. The beginning of the book summarizes life in England for women
during the 18th century. Women had little opportunity to develop a respectable
position in society because of their lack of intellectual proficiency. This was
because of the sexualized education present during 18th century England. The only
way women could move through social hierarchy was through marriage. An
important theme of Emma is marriage and status. In the text, Volume 1, Chapter 4,
Emma states, The yeomanry are precisely the order of people with whom I feel I
can have nothing to do. A degree or two lower, and a creditable appearance might
interest me; I might hope to be useful to their families in some way or
Spotify Impact
Streaming has had a massive impact on the the music industry within the last few
years. One of the most well known impacts for the music industry, was the launch
of Spotify in 2008, which has changed the way people listen to music ever since. It
has been argued that Spotify do not pay out fairly to artists but this can also be
argued to be due to bad contract deals with record companies. There are many
recognizable examples of why mainstream artists are against musicstreaming, Lady
Gaga claimed she only earned ВЈ108 from one million listens in 2010. Spotify is a
legal service and pays to license songs from all major record labels and although
Spotify pays royalties for all the listening that occurs on their service, they distribute
nearly 70% of revenues back to the right holders, such as; publishers, distributors and
the independent artists themselves. Therefore, as reported by the Independent
(Brown, 2012) if you calculate the minimum US monthly wage of $1,160 an... Show
more content on ...
As explained by Spotify officials, they work around the basis that the more users
they get, the more money they can pay out (Knopper, 2014). Along with Spotify
there are many more streaming sites, such as Tidal and Apple Music. Most
recently, singer Adele has not allowed her latest album 25 available on many
streaming services but it is still expected to be the best selling album of the year.
Adele stated she would have allowed streaming services to the new album, if it was
restricted to pay but Apple refused to do this. It can be debated that mainstream
artists are restricting their music being put on streaming sites due to business or just
taking a stand. By artists not streaming their music, sites such as iTunes have a rise
on their digital sales. Any retailer prefers this as it is Encouraging more people to
buy then to stream (Shaw,
Tornado Outbreak Essay
On April 27, 2011, President Obama signs Alabama emergency declaration (Press).
Tornadoes rolled through much of the Southeastern United States from April 25 to 28
in one giant storm called a tornado outbreak. While many states issued states of
emergency, Alabama was hit the hardest. According to the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, April 27, 2011 holds the record for the most tornadoes
of any day, 200. Combined with an estimated single day death toll of 316, April 2011
s tornadooutbreak has changed how scientists study tornadoes.
Before looking specifically at April 2011 s tornado outbreak, it is important to
understand what a tornado outbreak is; however, there is no established definition for
a tornado outbreak (Galway). ... Show more content on ...
Hayes speaks on behalf of the National Weather Service when he says that they
found Several EMs and media representatives stated the growing number of weather
awareness weeks (e.g., flood, lightning, fire, etc.) were diluting the messages and
causing the events to lose their effectiveness. The way that we now look at
awareness events are to do fewer more impactful events. Another thing that Hayes
found was that some cities did not have any systems in place to handle the tornado
outbreak, and now there is an education program set in place that is free of charge to
the participants. Much of the other things that the National Weather Service said that
could be improved were infrastructure, the foundations of our society. There were
unreliable systems of communication between cities, and there were no backups in
place incase one link broke. One other thing that the cities could have used to further
spread the knowledge was social media, but some cities did not use any of it to
contact citizens. The largest contributing factor to people not getting to shelter or
leaving was their misunderstanding of tornadoes and forecast systems. The best way
to educate these people is to offer classes to teach them about the basic weather
systems that they live
Flawed News And Public Opinions Essay
Flawed News and Public Opinions
TV Journalism has been degraded to the point in which true factual and informative
reporting free of bias has been replaced with short news bytes centered and focused
on its entertainment value alone. Within the political process, this has mostly served
as a disservice to both politicians and the general public audience.
Edward J Epstein published a book entitled News from Nowhere in which he
observed NBC s news department and how decisions were made on what was news
worthy. He discovered a decline in television network ratings and profits caused
executives to change marketing strategies. This new direction in news reporting
would be tailored to an audience low in sophistication with the network defining
what would be newsworthy. Epstein wrote: Dull and complicated stories would
need to be of enormous importance to get on the air: but relatively trivial stories
would make the cut if interesting enough . (Edwards, p. 406). Supporting this
observation Washington Post editors Leonard Downie Jr and Robert Kaiser argue
that Entertainment has pushed out information in the TV news business and that the
history of TV news can be summarized in a couple sentences . (Edwards, p. 406).
An exception to this practice would be networks assigning their best reporters to
cover major events or Lead Stories at well established sources such as the White
House, Congress, or the Pentagon. During the 1991 Gulf War, 50 per cent of the
stories came from these
Examples Of Urban Sprawl
Problem Urban sprawl is quite commonplace in most suburban communities and
usually make way for many problems alongside it. With residents come needs of the
people such as work spaces, commercial centres and institutions. While although the
community of Morningside Heights may be abundant in many things such as
institutions and industrial land, the focus on dealing with urban sprawl has led to the
lack of focus on other needs of a community. Here, a large influx of people coming
into the community without enough residential area to sustain a rapidly growing
population. As much as the community has been expanding into the area which was
once a golf club, there is not enough land, or money to build housing to sustain the
number of people coming in. In addition there is the problem of the environmental
impact; habitats being destroyed for the sake of this housing. Although urban sprawl
is not what I will be focusing on for my sustainability action plan, it leads into an
even more... Show more content on ...
Commercial developers are essential as they have experience with building
commercial centres and the local government representatives are needed to not only
allow the project to commence, but to also find other stakeholders to fund the
operation. In other successful walkable community projects the local government
has seemed to be quite enthusiastic about funding projects. In order to implement
my plan, I hope to use the expertise of the commercial developers in order to perfect
my mall. I would assume that they will handle all of the construction aspects
regarding the project. The mall will contain four retailers which should contain a
clothing store, grocery store, thrift shop and health clinic. I also want to have a
relatively small parking lot to encourage walkability but also to accommodate for
people travelling from afar or attempting to buy in bulk. Success
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Examples Of Evaluative Essays

  • 1. Examples Of Evaluative Essays Crafting an essay on the subject of "Examples Of Evaluative Essays" presents its own set of challenges. To begin with, the process involves a thorough understanding of evaluative writing, requiring the ability to critically analyze various examples and articulate insightful judgments. This necessitates a keen eye for detail, a strong grasp of the subject matter, and the capability to express thoughts coherently. Moreover, the essay demands an extensive exploration of diverse evaluative essays to gather a comprehensive range of examples. This, in turn, calls for research skills and the ability to sift through various sources to identify well-crafted essays that serve as suitable examples. Selecting appropriate criteria for evaluation adds another layer of complexity, as it requires a nuanced understanding of the essay's purpose and the specific aspects to be assessed. Structuring the essay poses its own challenges. It involves organizing thoughts logically, ensuring a smooth flow of ideas, and creating a compelling introduction and conclusion. Crafting a thesis statement that succinctly captures the essence of evaluative essays and guides the reader through the essay is crucial but demanding. Additionally, maintaining a balanced tone while expressing personal opinions can be tricky. Striking the right balance between objectivity and subjectivity is an art that requires practice and refinement. This challenge becomes even more pronounced when considering the need for clear, concise, and persuasive language throughout the essay. In summary, composing an essay on the topic of "Examples Of Evaluative Essays" demands a combination of analytical, research, organizational, and writing skills. It's an intricate process that requires dedication, time, and attention to detail. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any academic writing challenges, services like offer valuable support, providing access to professionally crafted essays and more. Examples Of Evaluative Essays Examples Of Evaluative Essays
  • 2. Theory of Demand and Supply 1.Supply and Demand Economists Are a Joke? ________________________________________ A smarty pants old story says that if you want a learned economist, all you have to do is get a parrot and train the bird to squawk supply and demand in response to every question. Not fair, but ... It s true that the theory of supply and demand is a central part of economics. It is widely applicable, and also is a model of the way economists try to think most problems through, even when the theory of supply and demand is not applicable. A Theory of Price ________________________________________ What is it? The theory of supply and demand is a theory of price and output in competitive markets. Adam Smith had argued that each good or ... Show more content on ... You have to have both. Accordingly, we will first analyze competitive markets, by discussing demand and supply separately. Then we will try to put them back together (synthesize them) in order to understand the working of competitive markets. Thus, in the next few pages, we will look at demand supply equilibrium of demand and supply First, demand. Demand ________________________________________ In economics, we need to use terms a little more carefully than they are sometimes used in ordinary discussions. In general use, Demand is a word that can have more than one meaning, but in microeconomics we define it more carefully so that it has only one meaning. Here is the definition: Definition: Demand Demand is the relationship between price and quantity demanded for a particular good and service in particular circumstances. For each price the demand relationship tells the quantity the buyers want to buy at that corresponding price. The quantity the buyers want to buy at a particular price is called the Quantity Demanded. The key point is to distinguish between demand (the relationship) and quantity demanded. That distinction is important for microeconomics, although people often do not make it in ordinary discussion. Why do we define demand in this specialized
  • 3. The Pros And Cons Of Indian Atomic Bombs Not long after May 11, 1998 at Pokhran, a betray site in the Indian province of Rajasthan, gatherings of neighborhood Bishnoi herders whose traditions prohibit murdering creatures or cutting trees heard a gigantic blast, and viewed in astonishment as a colossal clean cloud coasted in the sky. What the Indian ranchers did not understand, but rather the representatives in Washington and around the globe soon got a handle on, was the way that India had quite recently joined the United States, Russia, England, France and China as the most up to date individual from the atomic club. On that warm May evening, Indian atomic researchers effectively detonated three nuclear gadgets adding up to around six times the ruinous energy of the American bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. The following day, as the world endeavored to retain the alarming news, India touched off two more atomic blasts. Indeed, even as 90% of Indians acclaimed then Prime Minister Vajpayee s choice to go atomic, at that point U.S. President Clinton quickly responded to the blasts with stun and reprimanded India s atomic trying. The American President contended that India s activities damaged the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty supported by 149 countries and the 1970 non multiplication bargain marked by 185 countries. In spite of the way that neither ... Show more content on ... With the race of the Hindu Nationalist, Bharata Janata Party in 1998, Prime Minister Atal Vajpayee requested Indian researchers to continue with plans for testing at the earliest opportunity. This prompt the arrangement of explosions in May, and the resulting fast reaction by
  • 4. Analyzing The Field Research Procedure This Field Research Procedure covers excavations between 1983 and 1993.The Field Research Procedure assumes that archaeological data cannot be discovered but are defined and collected as a result of archaeologically informed choice. Data are variables which are chosen and characterized before an excavation, and are measured in the field. Information is expressed as measured quantities, dimensions or other values. Observations are documented impressions which are not data. Sand, stones, and debris become data, and data becomes history as a result of a methodical scientific itinerary. This begins with investigation, proceeds to assessment, and then to an approach, or project design, which leads to data acquisition, or the excavation. The... Show more content on ... This will yield the coarse geography of undated features. Field walking recovers finds larger than 2 centimeters across by surface collection. Surface mapping mapped botanically characterized zones in 2 D. Contour mapping showed different levels of elevation. Metal detection uses electromagnetic induction to detect metal. Metal detectors are capable of various configurations, and can differ in sophistication and sensitivity. Many detectors are able to identify between different types of metallic targets. It shows the position in 2 D of ferrous/non ferrous and deep/shallow signals. Archaeological features can be mapped if they have higher or lower resistivity than the surrounding area. A stone foundation might impede the flow of electricity, while the organic deposits within a midden might conduct electricity more easily than surrounding soils. Electrical resistivity tests for the position of low resistivity signals in 2 D. This generally relates to features wider than .5 meters and deeper than .5 meters. Gradiometry and magnetometry show the position in 2 D of magnetic anomalies, and relates to features wider than one meter and 1.5 meters respectively. Magnetic susceptibility shows the position in 2 D of areas of high magnetic susceptibility. This yields areas of high susceptibility, which can be expected with occupation. Magnetometers use a single sensor to measure the total magnetic field strength, or may sue two spatially separated sensors
  • 5. Learning Styles By Different Types Of Learning Learning is a very important thing in our life. Every day a person learns new things until the end of their life. People cannot stop the learning and everyone starts learning from childhood. For example, when the baby born, they learn about suck, eat, crawl and walk, and then they develop into children and their bodies ready to learn more than one form of thinking it includes personality, senses, feelings and values. A.K., Whiren, AP. (2004). The VARK learning Stylestell that everyone has a different personality to learn. VARK divided a learningstyles by different types of learning like, Visual, Aural, Reading and writing, and kinesthetic and the mixture. The V which stands for Visual represents people who learn from Charts, Diagram and pictures. They are people who have to see a new thing to believe them. The A stands for auditory and they learn best from talking and hearing. The Reading and Writing categories identifies who learns best by reading and writing. The K stands for kinesthetic and the people who identify as kinesthetic learn best by demonstration, practice and to see movies of real things. And the last one VARK identify learning style is mixed. People use various styles for learning rather than one style. Through this learning style people can get new knowledge and share the new knowledge with each other. There also is a different kind of learning such as in a group and class room or in work and community school as well as self learning. Seema learns best
  • 6. Paulo Coelho The Alchemist Analysis Many people have various connections with some place, person, or object. People as living machines of knowledge at the very top of the food chain are more advanced than any other creature on earth. Men tend to have many connections with faith, places, objects and even ideas, though the one connection above all is with another person who follows the same idea and the final conclusion. In the book The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho two people are fed the words of Personal legend, and The Soul of the World. Santiago a shepherd boy, and an Englishman whom both are on a journey to achieve the greatest any man can achieve, understand The Soul of the World and interpret it. Furthermore live on their own Personal Legend. Santiago is a normal
  • 7. The Current Outbreak Of Ebolavirus On the 8th of August 2014 the World Health Organisation declared the current outbreak of Ebolavirus to be an international health emergency. This epidemic is the largest ever seen of the disease, and is located in West Africa particularly in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. At present it has led to over 5,000 deaths, with more than 14,000 people having been infected. Ebola virus disease (EVD) has been portrayed by some as a major threat to health outside of West Africa, though this is disputed. There is currently no fully tested prophylaxis nor treatment available, and the disease has a relatively high case fatality rate. The combination of these factors has resulted in the disease being prominently discussed in the media around the world, and has generated a large amount of public interest. The question we are addressing is what would possibly lead to an outbreak in Europe, and discussing the controls and surveillance presently employed. Background of the virus EVD is a disease predominantly affecting humans and other primates. It is caused by members of the Ebolavirus genus in the Filoviridae family, which are single stranded RNA viruses. There are five species of Ebolavirus, with the current outbreak being caused by Zaire Ebolavirus (ZEBV). The different species vary in their fatality rates and geographical distributions (2). The present outbreak began in a village called Guedecko (????) Guinea, with the disease quickly spreading to the capital, Conakry, as well
  • 8. The City Of New York City The aroma of food vendors, taxi cabs, and flowers molest the face of a person as they walk the streets of New York City. The rush of a city can often be overwhelming. Even though that may be true, 80.7 percent of the U.S. population lived in urban areas as of the 2010 Census. Living in New York City is better than living in a Haysi. Living in a cityoffers many more conveniences, opportunities, and more diversity. Living in a city offers many amenities and service that might very well not be available in a rural area. New York Cityfor example, has terrible traffic. A typical commute of five miles can take between seven minutes and two hours in a car. One major advantage to a city, NYC in particular, is their flawless public transportation system. Taking the subway, the commute can be shortened to an average time of ten to fifteen minutes. Take out service is great as well. Imagine it is two o clock AM, if someone were to wake up hungry, they could call their local takeout restaurant and more than likely, they would be open. Cities have so many grocers as well. Not only do cities have more conveniences, but they also offer more opportunity. 8.406 million Americans call New York City their home. Due to the large population, there is a large diversity. Many different cultures often bring in new opportunity for work that might not have been thought of in the past. Living in a large city such as NYC also means a larger, broader job market. More than likely,
  • 9. Malcom X is the True Hero of African Americans Essays Malcom X is the True Hero of African Americans Malcom X born Malcom Little was a very deviant youth with a criminal out look on life in his young years. Then when he was locked up for robbery in prison some time he had a revelation always knowing that the treatment of black folks back then was just criminal injustice. His father introduced him to Marcus Garvy and his back to Africa philosophies. While in prison he was introduced to a black version of the Muslim religion. It was his sort of say initiation into real manhood and becoming responsible for his actions. While in prison he wrote out the dictionary by hand for the sole purpose of learning to use the same tools that the same people in power were using to distort things to ... Show more content on ... They would rather give out money to a select few to show that there is a fairness in the system. In one of his speeches he directly point out the fallusies. For the past fifteen years the struggle of the Black man in this country was labeled as a civil rights struggle, and as such it remained completely within the jurisdiction of the United States. You and I could get no kind of benefits whatsoever other than that which would be forthcoming from Washington D.C. Which meant, in order for it to be forthcoming from Washington, D.C., all of the congressmen and the senators would have to agree to it. At that time the most powerful congressmen and the most powerful senators were from the south. Most of the Black people were enslaved in the south. So in other words civil right leaders were asking the same persons who would not let them vote, for privileges, which were never really given. He would constantly refer to the civil right leaders as uncle toms. He never said that directly to a newspaper, but you knew whom he was talking about. Especially when he was in a debate with them. An Uncle Tom is the as the slaves see it. Is the person in the Masters house, he told on the other slaves just to please his master and did nothing that would lead one to believe that he had any self respect for himself. I guess that
  • 10. Perfect Society In Brave New World Ever heard of a society that is perfect from sex and drugs neither have I. In the novel Brave New World it seems that a way a perfect society for humans. With Community, Identity, and Stability three things our society needs. Is the Brave new world society perfect though? In Brave new world society there slogan does not show there unconnected community, No identity, and Instability. Community one of the most important things that makes up a society connects the people but when it isolates its own people isn t that disconnected? The mockery made him feel an outsider:and feeling an outsider he behaved like one (65). This is displaying community making of there own people making him an outsider in his own community that s not a connection. Poor little bernard (71). Even after mocking one of their own bernard for being little different they couldn t stop patronizing by acting as if they re sorry. Touched his brain, I suppose (60). It shows Bernard seemed to have already felt an outsider throughout his life but this community is the one who caused this all to happen by torturing him mentally because he was a little different. Does This really show a connected community or ... Show more content on ... Bokanovsky s Process (6). The Bokanovsky s process shows that many are identical and having them same identity inferring with the slogan Identity . Principle of mass production at last applied to biology . This conveys the opposite meaning of identity only being bred all the same for a production in the world having no choice. Twin after twin (201). This displays the way the world is in the Brave New Worldone full of twins not having a unique identity becoming a clone having no meaning. Identity a thing that makes a person a person in this society everyone has the same identity to other people making them all the same not showing indemnities in this
  • 11. Preventing College Students Abuse From Alcohol Consumption Stopping College Students Abuse from Alcohol Consumption The problem college students have, especially freshmen, is about abusing alcohol consumption after feeling free and independent due to leaving their homes. Now that they have their own dorms to sleep in and do not have their parents breathing over their shoulder for everything they do, who is going to tell them not to have a few alcoholic drinks and instead finish their assignment due the next morning? Being that college students are turning into independent adults, it is their responsibility to make their own choices and face the consequence each decision brings with it. Other people, and things around them can only do so much when it comes to a decision they have to make.... Show more content on ... Many eighteen and nineteen year old students have been told by their parents, like myself, what to do and what not to do as well. The drinking age is 21 for a reason, and that is when you will drink! my mom reminded me as we were buying a small refrigerator for my dorm. Sure enough, I was already making comments in my head, Well I am mature so a few drinks will not do any bad. As college students are told the same things, how to avoid going to parties and stay focused in school, most will have the eagerness to do the opposite as what they are told and to also decide from own experience if drinking alcohol and partying will do them bad or not after. Unfortunately, when college students try to learn from life experience and test their limits with alcohol, many negative outcomes can be created from this. This is why a factual presentation done by second or third year undergraduate college students to incoming freshmen on the seriousness of alcohol consumption can be a solution. College freshman hear from students that have recently gone through what they are going through than what their parents went through when they were their age, having the fact that things can be much different from then until now. Also, with
  • 12. Assignment On Deleting Temporary File Deleting temporary file 1.Deleting temporary files. You would first have to click Start and then you have to find the system tools. 2.You would have to locate the disk clean up tool. You would first have to choose which disk you want to clean up. 3.Then the tool will then calculate how much space it will be able to free up. 4.When this has finished the next window will show all the files you are able to delete. Then tick the files you want to delete and click the OK button. Building the network cable So to make the cable you first will need to use the cutting tools, then to take the outer rubber off the end of the cable. Then the next step is untwisting the wires and putting them back in the correct order the following colours are: 1.Orange white 2.Orange 3.Green white 4.Blue 5.Blue white 6.Green 7.Brown white 8.Brown So when the wires have been put into the correct order, you can trim the wires and then insert the wires into the clip. You would then use the tool to clamp the wires into position so they do not fall out of the clip. No Screenshots to prove this but we done this in hari lesson for making a network cable. P4 P5 P6 The mouse feels strange: The problem: There are many problems that can cause the computer mouse not to work, like the mouse cursor is moving by itself when no one is using it or it can be jumping side to side. Ways to resolve the problem: There can be many reasons why the computer mouse may not be
  • 13. Police Officer Baker Of The Suspects According to Chesapeake Police Officer Noble and Officer Collins, the above petition was filed on June 13, 2016, in Chesapeake, Virginia. I located a stolen vehicle on 06/12/2016, at approximately 0930 hours at Copperstone Circle and Copperstone Court in Chesapeake, Virginia. The vehicle is a 2015 Dodge Charger with Virginia license plates of VEZ 1766. I took the initial report for the vehicle on 06/11/2016. It was assigned case #16 78080. I stayed with the vehicle and did not let it out of my sight. I notified FTO Noble that I had located the vehicle. He stated he was in route to the location. Prior to FTO Noble s arrival Officer B. D. Baker arrived on scene and stated he had observed two black males that possible matched the ... Show more content on ... I told both that I had seen them on CCTV footage walking into and out of the YMCA and then walking to the Dodge Charger, entering it and leaving the parking lot. I asked Jalen if that sounded right, he nodded his head. Jalen would later admit that he and Marlon went to the YMCA, signed the guest information sheet using Marlon s brother s name of Adonte Burnell, and going into lockers taking the keys and then taking the Dodge Charger. Jalen said he did not drive the Charger, but Marlon did. Jalen was placed in the rear of my marked Police vehicle. Prior to entering my vehicle, I completed as search of Jalen s clothing. He had a cell phone charger in his left pocket and a cell phone in his right pocket. I removed the cell phone and kept it in my possession. FTO Noble and Officer R. Collins would later take the phone for evidence. Marlon was placed in the rear of Officer Baker s marked Police vehicle. Both were transported to 1337 Copperstone Circle, where the vehicle was located. I gathered Jalen s parent information at this time. I spoke with Marlon about additional items in the vehicle the victims said should be in there. I asked if the items would still be in the vehicle. Marlon said Probably not, but I didn t take them he said there was seven other persons in the vehicle at some point. Marlon was asked what time he parked the car on Copperstone Circle. He said between 10pm and midnight. I spoke with Jalen about the items. He said he did not take
  • 14. Supercharged Bike Engine and Its Simulation Supercharger The process of supercharging is to increase the increase the amount of air intake in an engine by making use of a compressor. This compressor is also called a supercharger. A supercharger works by increasing the pressure or density of air supplied to an engine, which allows for burning of more fuel per cycle by the engine because of the increased oxygen with the increased amount of air being supplied to the engine. The compressor takes in the air from the atmosphere at atmospheric pressure, and if the carburetor is connected upstream then the mixture of fuel. It rapidly accelerates this mixture or air which causes adiabatic compression in the inlet manifold. We have connected the carburetor after the compressor. As the inlet valve opens, the pressure built rams the charge inside the combustion chamber. Figure 1: Supercharging an Engine According to the method of gas transfer superchargers can be divided into the following two categories: 1.Positive Displacement: These are the type in which the air pressure delivered is independent of the engine speed. These deliver a constant pressure. Examples: Roots type, Lysholm Twin Screw, Sliding Vane, and Scroll Type Supercharger . 2.Dynamic Compressors: These compressors do not deliver any pressure below a certain threshold engine speed. Examples: Multi Stage Axial Flow, Centrifugal. Figure 2: Types of Supercharger For our purpose we used a centrifugal type air compressor which is driven by an
  • 15. House Music Essay WHO GAVE BIRTH TO HOUSE MUSIC, WHAT HAS INFLUENCED ITS CHANGES AND WHAT HAS DERIVED FROM IT? 11th December 2008 Word Count: 1675 INTRODUCTION As it was known for the culture to build music, nowadays different kinds of music build different cultures. Thus we have Pop culture, Rock culture, Electronic music culture etc. As part of Electronic dance music, House music has managed to, over the years, develop its own culture. It became popular in mid 1980s especially among African American, Latino and gay population who have build up its culture. Influenced by disco, funk, synthpop and soul, house music has a prominent drum on every beat, 4/4 structure, and may also feature ... Show more content on ... In 1987, once again, two boys from Chicago, DJ Pierre and Marshall Jefferson, knew that something had to be done so they have decided to create a new sound by using Roland TB 303 bass synthesizer (the instrument that has appeared in the 1983 in disco via Alexander Robotnick). It was a sound which when emitted from the machine swirl it stabs across House music 4/4 beat and that was completely overpowering the listeners. The first Acid House record was released in the same year by the group of artists formed by Nathan DJ Pierre Jones, Earl Spanky Smith Jr., and Herbert Herb J Jackson. It was created by experimenting with Roland TB 303. The Record was called Acid Tracks and it was played for the first time by Ron Hardy at the Music Box. The name originated from the hallucinogenic effect it had in the clubs, for e.g. One of the first UK clubs where Acid House was introduced was London s Shoom opened by Danny Rampling and his wife in 1987, which was extremely exclusive and featured thick fog, and a dreamy atmosphere alongside Acid House. Rampling s friend, Nick Holloway, who he had been working with on Ibiza over the summer, has also opened a club called Trip in 1988 which was made especially for the Acid house music scene. MELODY AND EMOTIONS PROGRESSIVE FUSION After Acid House was created in 1987, a lot of different styles were emerging and
  • 16. Role Of Business Intelligence On Business Performance... Yan shi, Xiangjun (June/2012), The Role of Business Intelligence in Business Performance Management , Volume 1(Issue 04) Summary: These paper focusses on how to apply analytics to business process and how BPM encompasses a closed loop set of processes that link strategy to execution in order to optimize business performance, which is achieved by setting goals and objectives and establishing initiatives and plans to achieve those goals and the last taking corrective action against the situations. Critique: A real time system that alerts managers to potential opportunities, impending problems and threats, and then empowers them to react through models and collaboration. BPM and BI Compared: BPM is an outgrowth of BI and incorporates ... Show more content on ... Business activity monitoring: Executives fail to consider the readiness of technology or of the business processes they want to monitor. Effective business activity requires working closely with the business units to identify the key indicators and analytical techniques that provide reliable early warning of impending issues. Hugh J. Watson and Barbara H.Wixom (2007), The Current state of business Intelligence , Volume 40 (Issue 9) Summary: Business intelligence (BI) is presently broadly utilised, especially in the world of practice, to describe analytic applications. BI is a process that includes two primary activities: getting data in and getting data out. Getting data in, traditionally referred to as data warehousing, includes moving information from a set of source frameworks into a coordinated data warehouse. Getting data in delivers limited value to an enterprise; only when users and
  • 17. Heroes Character Analysis Who is Nicole Renard? Nicole Renard is an innocent young girl who is not only Francis first and only love but also the victim of Larry LaSalle. Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters /relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Quotation That would be nice. Means? When she agrees to go to the cinema with Francis she transforms him. She offers him attention and affection that he has lack in his life so far. She enjoys his company and teases him playfully because he is so shy. Stay close to me. Why didn t you do something? These words on the night of the civic ... Show more content on ... How are you aware that it is difficult to accept anything that Larry says as the truth? How is everything he says or does designed to create an effect? Robert Cormier encourages us to look beyond Larry s physical appearance it changes through the novel. What are the feelings Cormier encourages us to see in him beneath both appearances? Always remember that Larry sees himself as a creative figure. In fact, he is destructive. Explain this in your own words. Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters /relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Who is Arthur Rivier? Arthur, another ex serviceman and local boy, was once a star baseball player for the Frenchtown Tigers and Francis remembers regarding him with admiration for his sporting prowess. When he first appeared in his uniform, Francis wants to emulate him. Arthur recognises Francis but agrees to keep the secret. Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters /relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Key Quote: Arthur Arthur: No heroes in that scrap book, Francis. Only us, the boys of Frenchtown. Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must
  • 18. Director Lancaster, Mowing Weeds And Spraying Weeds Director Lancaster related that the crew is currently patching, mowing weeds and spraying weeds. Director Lancaster related that the crew almost has one side of the shoulder work completed on Falls (4000N) 3400E to 3500E construction project. Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve and sign a quitclaim deed to transfer Twin Falls Highway District s property located at Pole Line Road East and Eastland Drive North to the City of Twin Falls. Commissioner Baily seconded the motion and it carried with a unanimous vote of the Board. Director Lancaster presented a list of roads and a map for the FY 2017 seal coat project and a list of roads that will be overlaid or patched this year. Director Lancaster related that there is approximately ... Show more content on ... Page 86 This Resolution was passed and accepted , 2017. David Burgess, Chairman Board of Commissioners Twin Falls Highway District ATTEST: Mellissa Baecht, Secretary Treasurer Commissioner Baily seconded the motion and it carried with a unanimous vote of the Board. Director Lancaster presented a conditional use permit on behalf of Robert Paul for the development, construction, and operation of the Jackpot Solar Annex, LLC 20 MWAC located at Township 14 South, Range 16 East, Section 19 B.M. Commissioner Davis a motion to approve the conditional use permit with the following conditions: All roads in the project are private and will not be maintained by Twin Falls Highway District. Jackpot Solar Annex, LLC 20 MWAC projects will utilize the same approach from Highway 93, as previously permitted. Fencing will temporarily be allowed within the roadway easement areas. If a public road is constructed in the future, all fencing shall be removed and re installed outside of the public roadway easement by, and at the expense of, the project owner. Twin Falls Highway District has a 50 foot wide roadway easement along all section lines within Township 14 South, Range 60 East, Section 19, Boise Meridian. Structures shall be prohibited within the roadway
  • 19. Howard Lilly My Lobotomy The interview My Lobotomy follows Howard Dully as he works on uncovering what happened to him during a procedure performed on him during his childhood. Howard Dully was 12 years old when Walter Freeman performed transorbital or ice pick lobotomy on him. He always felt something missing from his soul, however, he carried no memories of the operation and never asked his family. This led him to set out on a journey to learn about what happened to him in 1960. The conversation isn t between an interviewer and Howard Dully. It is actually Howard Dully speaking to others in hopes of discovering what really happened. Dully interviewed Dr. Elliot Valenstein, who wrote a book on the history of lobotomy. Dr. Valenstein says the results varied... Show more content on ... He found out that it was his stepmother who was responsible for this procedure. Filled with hatred and desire to get rid of him, she called Walter Freeman and asked him to fix Howard. Dr. Freeman suggested changing him via lobotomy and not telling him about the procedure. Her and his father both agree to have Howard operated on. After finding the records, Howard asks his father to talk. They ve never talked about it before, but to his surprise he agrees to. His father says it was his stepmother s idea, and that her and Dr. Freeman manipulated him into agreeing to it. He says they never talked about it because Howard never asked, and because it was an unpleasant part of his life he d rather not dwell on. The last pair of people Howard Dully speaks to are Rebecca Welch and Anita McGee. Anita is Rebecca s mother, who was lobotomized by Dr. Freeman. Rebecca believes Freeman destroyed her mother s life, making her spend most of her life in mental institutions. She says her mother is there, but not truly there. Rebecca and Howard bond when she tells him he has helped a lot of people by going on this journey to discovery. In the end, Dully reflects on all of the horrible things he s endured because of his lobotomy. However, sitting with Rebecca and Anita makes him realize lobotomy didn t touch his soul, which finally gives him peace. The interview presents a few strengths. First, it introduces you to Howard Dully through his
  • 20. Embrace What the World has Given to You EMBRACE THE WORLD GIVEN TO YOU So I walk into the Hyderabad Airport with so many things running in my mind. Even though this is not my first time to New York, this moment I m coming to live here rather than visiting for a quick holiday. But within a few weeks I realized the most important thing about moving to a completely different environment you don t need to change yourself. All you need to alter is your perception. My parents were more apprehensive than me. They believed that their son would return a much fairer, different, open and heavily accented individual. They had seen such stories multiple times on the television screen, and heard of it from other people, but never imagines it might happen to them as well. Irrespective of their presumptions, I ended up encountering many new places and experiences in just 6 months into this country. In this short span, I saw a tennis grand slam final, surfed, skied, gambled and even flew a plane for the first time visiting 6 main US cities across the country. Unlike what I saw in all Hollywood movies, New York Citywasn t just about tall skyscrapers, busy subways and glittering downtown. Having spent my entire life in the brutal heat of Hyderabad, Vijayawada and Coimbatore, I was entering a climate that was chillingly different. It was hard to imagine not being able to wear shorts and slippers and walk about without jackets or coats on a daily basis. It s important to embrace the environment you enter, so you and it can maintain
  • 21. Importance Of Professional Conduct In Professional Dance In my opinion, professional conduct is the way in which a dancer would conduct themselves if they were working in the professional dance industry. Therefore, this includes aspects such as attending every class and rehearsal, arriving to rehearsals on time, being ready to dance by conducting a thorough warm up and wearing suitable clothes that easily enables movement. Professional conduct would also include meeting the required expectations of teachers, rehearsing choreography and exercises in your own time, always performing to the best of your ability and showing a willingness to learn new movements and styles of choreography. During this project, I conducted myself as if I was working professionally, by ensuring I attended all classes and rehearsals on time, behaving respectfully towards the choreographers and fellow dancers, and organising extra rehearsals for the group outside of scheduled rehearsal times. I also ensured I was working on developing my performance skills throughout this process by practicing technical exercises and routines daily to enable me to perfect movements and improve my overall level of performance. Rehearsing the routine daily will gradually improve ... Show more content on ... Working as part of a large group during the rehearsal process has also taught me how important it is to perform together as a group. Throughout the vast majority of our rehearsals we practiced the routine without the use of mirrors, as this forced us to use other senses such as proprioception, spatial awareness and peripheral vision. I believe this made us feel more connected as a group as we became more aware of each other and were able to begin dancing as a group, rather than as individuals. Overall, I feel I have gained a greater level of understanding others and the importance of working together as a team from working as part of this
  • 22. National Pressure Ulcer Prevention Pressure Ulcer Prevention Taylor Venema University of Maine Pressure Ulcer Prevention The purpose of this paper is to discuss pressure ulcers (PUs) and their prevention. The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP), European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP), and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance (PPPIA) define pressure ulcers as a localized injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure, or pressure in combination with shear (Brown, 2016, p. S6). Pressure ulcers are a healthcare problem that can have detrimental effects on patients quality of life and can be regarded as an indicator of poor nursing practice. Hospital acquired pressure ulcers (HAPUs) result in costly settlements ... Show more content on ... Nurses can assess a patient s risk for pressure ulcers using the Braden scale. The Braden scale determines pressure ulcer risk based off six categories: sensory perception, moisture, activity, mobility, nutrition, and friction and shear. Scores can range from one to four in each category and from six to twenty three overall, with lower total scores indicating higher overall risk for developing alterations in skin integrity (Hoffman Sullivan, 2017). Risk for pressure ulcer development is indicated in scores eighteen or lower. The Braden scale is a useful tool, but simply making it available will not produce satisfactory outcomes. It is necessary to use clinical judgment in conjunction with provided tools. Cho and Noh (2009) observed a weak correlation between Braden scale scores and nursing interventions applied to patients deemed at risk for pressure ulcer development, which implies that nurses tend to use the Braden scale just as a documentation aid. Additionally, their results showed that nursing interventions were often limited to skin assessment and repositioning; nutritional assessment was rarely applied in high risk patients (Cho Noh, 2009). These results imply that there is a considerable area for improved care related to pressure ulcer prevention and
  • 23. Weight Watchers Advertisement Analysis The advertisement that I chose is very popular among celebrities is called Weight Watchers. A large percentage of celebrities such as Jennifer Hudson and Jessica Simpson have lost tremendous amount a weight from using this program. The program allows individuals to eat anything on their menu in smaller portions including alcohol. The commercials of Jennifer Hudson and Jessica Simpson made me feel somewhat discouraged about my weight because everyone s metabolism is different. The program is selling that you can lose weight by buying their low fat meals. It doesn t too much explain that you have to do more to lose weight such as exercise at least thirty to forty five minutes daily. Body image is so important to Americans because everyone
  • 24. Sports Coaches Influence On Youth Sports Physical activity is a large part of being healthy, especially at a young age. Participating in sports is a very popular form of obtaining this exercise, as nearly thirty six million kids play organized sports each year (Source 6). Coaches are extremely influential in the development of minors. They are the role models for the children to learn and grow from. Most coaches are parents, almost eighty five percent (Source 6). However, this can have positive and negative effects on the participants that would differ from the effects of having a trained, unbiased coach. Many problems are evident when it comes to coaching staffs for youth sports; many parents take on the task of coaching without knowing they are unqualified, partial, and may damage their child psychologically. The qualifications for youth sports coaches are often no further than a Safe Sporttest involving abuse. However, there is very seldom a test that analyzes the knowledge that the coach has about the sport or the basic first aid that is related to sport specific... Show more content on ... When behavioral criticism is required, a child who is the coach s son is likely to react very different from any other child. Many would consider their parent s criticism even less than their teammate would because they are more comfortable being defiant to a parent rather than a different power figure. This can result in interruptions at practice and games where a parent coach forgets that they cannot just reprimand their child as though they were only playing the role of a parent, whereas if there was a coach that was equally involved with each player, there would be no negative or positive actions towards one athlete in particular. One specific reason that would make having an indifferent coach beneficial would be that other team members would know that the coach is there for the team, not just their child (Source
  • 25. The Pros And Cons Of The Dream In America People have always been born in various countries with diverse family background. Some relations have higher salary than poor kin. Humans have different degrees of education. So, there will be a gap between the rich and the poor. Although, Americans have diverse dreams, some people want to be a scientist, investor, or CEO. They should be aggressive and hard working, if people always diligence that can make people have a high quality of life. Therefore, I am opposed that everyone born in America, the land of opportunity, can achieve countless wealth. Meanwhile, in the following paragraph, I will give more points to support my thought. Some American are destitute, and they always live in homeless shelters. Perhaps, some children live in this place, where they spent their childhood. For example, Eric and Christopher had both spent their formative years in homeless shelters, and they should went out in the streets to panhandle in order to pick up plenty money to buy food for their little sisters and the families in the refugesпј€ Jonathan Kozol 2012пј‰. Meanwhile, in this... Show more content on ... American wants them life to be better, they always consider about positive effects. For example, Americans have never liked acknowledging that what we now call the public sector has always been integral to making the private sector successful (Meacham 2012). Although, human avoid disadvantage of dreaming, they always have ambition that diligent for goal. For example, When Martin Luther King Jr. rose to address the March on Washington in August 1963; he described his dream of an integrated America as deeply rooted in the American Dream. He was asking only for black Americans rightful share of the life that most white Americans had come to take for granted: a life in which whites were judged by the content of their character. (Meacham 2012) That illustrate American will work hard for them
  • 26. Global Warming And Its Effect On The Quality Of Life On Earth There is a particular association between the well being of a society and the quality of the environment in which it is situated. Environmental issues such as global warming, are harmful consequences of human activity that diminish the quality of life on earth. Global warming is defined as the rise in the average temperature of the earths atmosphere and oceans. A great cause of the increase in temperature is the greenhouse effect, created by high levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons and other harmful pollutants. Global warmingwas not considered an issue until the late 19th Century. For 2.5 million years the earths climate has fluctuated from ice ages to warmer periods. Individuals in the society did not seem to think this was a long term problem. Due to its fluctuating cycle and prior history, it was seen as normal and common for the earthto be undergoing shifts in temperature. Despite some scientists and environmentalists efforts, global warming simply wasn t considered a public consciousness. Global warming sped up during the industrial revolution. This was a period in history that constituted of many economical, social, cultural changes and most importantly, environmental changes. The invention of new, faster and power driven machines, replaced the use of hand made tools. As industries started focusing on mass production, their mentality shifted and many power plants and factories started using and burning fossil fuels, such as oil and coal. Although
  • 27. Essay Conscience in War You re in an unstable bunker that goes to only the top of your shoulders. You re in Iraq, a land you have studied yet still feel as unfamiliar with as a never ending desert. Your drill sergeant is screaming at you to fire at your enemies. You freeze. This was not what you remember signing up for. You came to this foreign land because you wanted to defend yourself and because you love America. When aiming at stationary targets not firing back, you felt in control. You didn t really think about what you are doing then. Now, though, when looking through your scope at the enemies , you cannot differentiate them from you. Army sergeants have attempted to teach you to bypass the moral process of killing, but you are unable to easily do... Show more content on ... As former American sergeant Camilo Mejia said, There s no higher assertion of freedom than to follow your conscience. In 2003, Mejia went on a leave of absence from Iraq and never returned because of his loathing of the abuse prisoners of war. He came out of hiding to face the army and was sentenced to one year in military prison. He proclaimed that he felt freer there than ever before. The disrespect from others that Mejia encountered was worth the great pride he had for himself. When making an imperative decision, you cannot please everyone. Sometimes you need to separate yourself from others. What your parents or friends preach is not necessarily what you should live by. Staying true to yourself is what is most important. At certain times, you have to delve deep to understand what really matters. Being someone who abandons their own ideals and only lives out the dreams and beliefs of others is not the right way to go through life. There s a chance you have a certain theory that no one else expresses, but is actually apprehended by many. Conveying particular feelings can allow others to feel comfortable in doing the same. It s easy to be misunderstood for following your conscience, especially when your actions might seem contradictory. Conscientious objectors, for example, are looked down by some people but are simply following their true beliefs. These are not necessarily lifelong values because some people develop these after many years. One of
  • 28. The Kingdom Of The Lord My life story may seem like it truly began with Jon and start to end with Jon. However, our stories do not end there. We as followers of Christ are called to further His kingdom. In those moments we are called we may not always see the deeper meaning beyond the call. We do not always see the needs of people around us and there is always this lurking question of how we can further his kingdom. We, as individuals, see furthering God s kingdom in different ways. Some may see it as going abroad and telling people about Christ. Some may see it as purely doing the Lord work, such as taking care of kids, painting for an elderly couple, or even raking leaves. Whichever way you look at it both ways are furthering the kingdom of the Lord. We can also see the Kingdom of God through the body of believers. We together as Christians make up the body of believers. The Body of believers are put on earth to bring those who do not believe to Christ. God will bring us severity to a hurting world. There are many different way the scripture displays the Lord s Kingdom. We see the Kingdom become a vision in the New Testament in places such as Romans 14:17 ( For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, ), Mark 10:15 Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. ), and 1 Corinthians 15:50 ( I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot
  • 29. A Brief Note On Coal And Its Effects On The Environment Coal has been driving the world s energy needs since the Roman Empire, however it is not without repercussions. Coal is a dirty energy source that is dangerous to acquire and environmentally devastating when used. It has caused numerous health issues in miners, contaminated local water supplies, and is responsible for the depletion of the ozone. Although coalis a widely used energy source, the world should invest in finding alternative and more efficient energy sources. Surveying is the observation of potential land that a considerable amount of a resource in underneath. In order to survey, the land and the effects of mining are tested; these include the effects on the human population in the area and the effect on the environment. Surveying has three major components: Exploration, Geological Modelling, and Mine Design. Exploration is finding the site that the coal is at. In order for surveyors to find an adequate site, they must either dig into the land and test the layers of the ground or use a top layer method that tests the top of the ground for significant minerals. Geological Modelling is creating a model piece of land on a 3D modeler and using it to track and test coal mining. Mine design has to be taken into consideration because after the site is approved for mining, it also has to be approved to support a mine. Surveying also includes obtaining property rights and legal forms to ensure thoroughness. When mining, there are two methods for mining coal: surface
  • 30. Gender Stereotypes Of The Sexes Stereotypes of the Sexes Feminist: the person who believes in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. Sexual stereotypes are deeply imbedded into today s society. Ideals of the gender roles are passed down from generation to generation, creating a gap between what is socially acceptable for a woman to do and what is expected of a man. One thousand years ago humans chose dominance by physical capability, simply because it was essential for our survival, but the world has evolved. One thousand years ago physical strength was the most important part of survival for humanbeings. Men in general are physically stronger therefore it made sense to have a man lead. The world humans live in has evolved and is no longer run by the physically entailed, but by the most intelligent or creative(Adichie). Though this world has evolved, the genderexpectations and stereotypes have stayed the same. Sexual stereotypes in America limit men and women to abide with,by the expectations of masculinity and feminism, create a sense of shame for women, and create a gap in today s job industry. Men are raised in a world that expects them to stay in this box of masculinity. Men are expected to be disconnected from their emotions, because men don t cry . We teach men to be afraid of vulnerability, because they are expected to be tough men(Adichie). Men are supposed to be sexual beings, while women are the emotional ones. In reality, both women and men have sexual and
  • 31. Double Consciousness and Its Present State On that viscerally vibrant Friday morning, in that urbanized oasis, a group of primarily Black and Hispanic students united at El Cerrito High School to discuss their parents and peers very real struggle to achieve the American dream. The stories of racism, oppression, gentrification, and deportation filled the classroom with the voices of varied languages and vernaculars, a majority of which felt caught between cultures and pulled away at the seams by opposing orientations. These fourteen and fifteen year olds spoke of parents requiring them to speak the language of a place they ve never been, of teachers demanding a Standard English they ve never been taught, of friends questioning their Americaness because they didn t know the difference between Disneyland and Disneyworld. This youthful minority majority population is faced with cultural double identity; a term that reflects the cognitive dissonance an individual feels when their identity is fragmented along cultural, racial, linguistic or ethnic lines. This conflict of self is not isolated to this classroom in San Francisco s East Bay are. It brims over into every classroom within California, where no raceor ethnic group constitutes a majority of the state s population (Johnson). It must be said then, that the culturally and linguistically diverse California classrooms must integrate texts that examine the psychological state of double identity. Turning to Luis Valdez play Zoot Suit , Chester Himes s protest
  • 32. Holden Caulfield s The Catcher s The Rye Are 50 s teens able to survive the hurtful but unavoidable transition of becoming a grown up as they struggle with the changes that come along with it? JD. Salinger s 1951 book, The Catcher in the Rye, shows us how society treated their confused and changing teenagers during their transition into adulthood. The book s main character Holden Caulfield is being pressured into growing up even though he doesn t feel ready, to lead an adult life. He is still struggling socially and mourning for his deceased brother whose death turned Holden upside down and into a negative, hopeless person from a young age, which causes him to be distracted, indifferent and to flunk every school he goes to. Therefore, Holden Caulfield seems to be dealing with a world that is forcing him to change his ways and grow up because of his age while he struggles with his past, present and future, in this JD Salinger classic. Thesis Statement Brainstorm: 1 Salinger s main character Holden, is seen to be struggling with his past, present and future in The Catcher in the Rye. 2 Holden is seen to be having unspecified negative thoughts about growing up throughout JD Salinger s famous The Catcher in the Rye. 3 JD Salinger s The Catcher in the Rye s main character Holden Caulfield seems to be dealing with a world that forces him to change his ways because of his age and what it s expected from him while he is struggling with his past, present and future. Theme: Struggles
  • 33. The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act Employment Guarantee and Migration Koshtub Vohra, MPP 11 Introduction The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, the lead welfare project of the UPA Government was passed by the Parliament in August 2005 and became effective on fifth September 2005. It has been criticized by numerous as yet another instance of a vast lump of public money being flushed down the channel in pointless rural development works. Reports of plans comprising of the NREGA workers burrowing trench and after that re filling them at work sites, of labourers not being paid their wages, of swelled muster rolls with non existent labours and substantial sums being cheated out of the system which is sufficiently funded by the Center, and most recently, the abhorrent... Show more content on ... Amid 2006 07 against the aggregate accessible funds of Rs. 12073.56 Crore with the states, Rs. 8823.36 Crore was used. The normal fund use every region was Rs. 44.12 Crore in 2006 07. For 2007 08 the government made a budget procurement of Rs 12000 Crore. Out of this Rs. 8303.82 Crores have been discharged up to fourteenth November 2007. Out of this, Rs. 5365.99 Crore have been discharged to the Phase I 200 districts and Rs. 2937.92 Crore have been discharged to the Phase II 131 districts. Amid 2006 07, 2.12 Crore households had requested employment, out of which 2.10 Crore households were given employment. Amid the year 90.51 Crore individual days of employment was given under the project. Midpoints of 45.2 lakh individual days of employment every districts have been created. Out of aggregate 90.51 Crore individual days, the share of Scheduled Castes was 22.95 Crore individual days (25.36%) and Scheduled Tribes was 32.99 (36.45%) constituting a sum of 55.94 Crore individual days for SCs/STs which comes to about 62%. According to the NREGA, the share of ladies individual days ought to be 1/3rd and the same was 36.79 Crore individual days, which is about 41%. Amid 2007 08 (up to September 2007), 1.97 Crore households have requested employment and 1.88 Crore households have been given employment. An aggregate of 56.14 Crore individual days of employment has been created under the Program. Out of this, the offer
  • 34. Essay about Juvenile Recidivism Introduction: Recidivism or, habitual relapses into crime, has time and time again proven to be an issue among delinquents, which thereby increases the overall juvenile prison population. This issue has become more prevalent than what we realize. Unless a unit for measuring a juvenile s risk of recidivism is enacted and used to determine a system to promote effective prevention, than the juvenile prison population will continue to increase. Our court system should not only focus on punishing the said juvenile but also enforce a program or policy that will allow for prevention of recidivism. So the question remains, how can recidivism in the juvenile prison population be prevented so that it is no longer the central cause for increased... Show more content on ... Not only this but, offenders who commit new offenses after court contact are at risk for a variety of poor developmental and life course outcomes, including school failure, out of home placements, occupational marginality, and long term involvement in criminal activity (Schwalbe 2004). As seen here, this is a downward spiral. Active reform has never before been at such a demand. As recidivism and juvenile delinquency continues to increase, not only will national crime rates and juvenile prison populations inflate, but the diminishing of an educated, safe, and economically stable society will also be affected regrettably. If juveniles whom continue to commit repeat criminal offenses lack school initiative, family support, and job exposure, than relatively as recidivism and juvenile criminal activity increases, our nation s standard of living will consequently lower. For those who are simply interested in the costs, it may be fairly surprising. It is a common and misconceived ideal that incarceration is a cheap and easy way to contain criminals, in this case juveniles. However, due to the fact that the incarceration itself has not in any way hindered criminal activity rates or decreased juvenile recidivism, taxpayers are simply investing more money into these detention facilities and court proceedings than what is realized. Let s look at a specific detention facility for example. The Cook
  • 35. Independent Audits Of Employee Benefit Plans Independent audits of employee benefit plans are a vital accountability mechanism. An employee benefit plan audit provides a third party, independent report to participants, plan managers, and the Department of Labor that indicates whether the plan s financial statement provides accurate information to assess not only the plan s present but future ability to pay participant s benefits. An employee benefitplan audit must do more than substantiate financial statements; it must also address plan operations including helping to assess whether the plan is operating in accordance to the plan documents and amendments. There are multiple complex laws and regulations that employee benefit and retirement plans must also comply with, and failure to comply with such laws and regulation can result in substantial penalties. The Employee Retirement Security Act of 1974 requires that employee benefit plans with a hundred or more participants to be audited as part of their requirement to file annual Form 5500 report. The Form 5500 is filed with the Department of Labor and used to satisfy the Internal Revenue Services requirement to file an annual information return. Inconsistencies in the Form 5500 report can result in the Department of Labor performing their own audit. While auditing employee benefit plans, auditors often find operational and administrative issues encountered by plans. Of the many issues that arise, the more common problems are errors in definition of compensation,
  • 36. Brokeback Mountain Analysis Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx is a heart wrenching short story written with an intimate style that evokes clear imagery in the mind of the reader. Although, only 28 pages in length the short story offered Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana source material that had potential to be expanded and to build upon the already created Midwestern reality. One of the elements altered for the screenplay from the short story is the perspective; which follows the main character, Ennis Del Mar over the course of twenty years. Although, not told through Ennis eyes exactly, the reader is given access to his emotional state; meaning his thoughts and feelings are explained more so than any other character. For example: He had no serious hard feelings, just a vague sense of getting shortchanged, and showed it was all right by taking Thanksgiving dinner with Alma and her grocer and the kids, sitting between his girls and talking horses to them, , telling jokes, trying not to be a sad daddy. (pg. 16) The screenplay shares a similar perspective, but expands the view to include Jack Twist, moving between the lives of both men throughout the years. However, the screenplay stays true to the source material by paying more attention to the original main character, Ennis. Another element that is changed from the short story to the screenplay is the expansion or flushing out of characters. In Proulx s story, characters other than Ennis and Jack are mostly referred to, or given glimpses of.
  • 37. Public Opinion And Policy Implications Of Television Television remains a very important standard regarding how the community view the criminal justice system. Most residents have very little contact with the criminal justice system, usually limited to contacts with police. Only an estimated 21 % of citizens have contact with police officers in a year, and 40 % of those contacts are merely traffic stops (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2002). Most people get their information and perceptions about crime and the criminal justice system through various media outlets. Those who rely on the media, however, do not always receive an accurate view of reality. Media depictions, whether accurate or not, have very important public opinion and policy implications. One prime example of how the media can have powerful influences on public opinion was the focus on school violence in the past decade. The school shootings in the 1990s caused a panic among many parents who had children in school at that time. As portrayed by the media, school violence and shootings were on the rise, and something had to be done. As a result of the public outcry, Congress held hearings on the problem, and school budgets were strained in order to get such enhancements as metal detectors and school cameras. The media attention given to school shootings seemed to result in a widespread panic, where actual statistics and logical assessments of the threat were replaced by emotionally charged reactions to these isolated incidents (Burns Crawford, 1999). In actuality,
  • 38. Essay on The Impact of Sanctions on Idi Amin s... From the time Idi Amin came to power in Uganda until the time his regime fell, his brutal rule negatively impacted Uganda in every aspect of its existence. In 1971, Idi Amin along with military support, ousted Prime Minister Milton Obote while he was out of the country in Singapore attending a Commonwealth summit meeting with many other leaders of African and European countries. Over the course of his violent reign, Idi Aminkilled between 100,000 and 300,000 of his own people and doomed the economy with the expulsion of those of Asian nationality. Many of his victims were killed for no reason, or for a very insignificant action. Amin was in power from 1971 to 1979 and proved early into his dictatorship that he was very powerful. Only one... Show more content on ... Not only did Amin harm Uganda by killing a lot of its population, he also was the cause of an almost complete economic collapse, when, in 1972, he declared an economic war on the Asian population in Uganda. Uganda s economy relied heavily on its Asian population because they ran most of the manufacturing and trade sectors as well as making up a large portion of the civil service. Amin s order of expulsion for the Asian population gave them three months to exit Uganda. They were given British passports and the businesses they left behind were turned over to Amin s supporters. Amin not only decimated the population of Uganda during his despotic reign but caused the economy to falter and fail as well. As his reign of terror went on, news of Amin s crimes and atrocities began surfacing internationally, spurring retaliatory actions from countries all over the world. The United States as well as the United Kingdom, Japan, France, the Netherlands, and West Germany played a large role in Uganda s trading by being the largest exporters of their coffee. The United States exported the most, being responsible for 75% of all the coffee exported by Uganda. In the beginning stages of Amin s reign, the United States did not do much more than denounce Amin and the major violations of human rights being committed under him (Nurnberger 71). Through the thesis and knowledge of Uganda s economy from William Goold, the legislative
  • 39. 40 # 39 ; S And 40 s Analysis As many people approach their 30 s and 40 s they might have a mid life crisis. This is where they start thinking about their life on a deeper level and what are they going to do for the next 30 to 40 years. Some people go out and do crazy things like skydiving or pick a different career, and some people find that their life is perfect how it is. Likewise, in The Sun Also Rises, Jake and Bill go to Spain on a fishing trip to get away from the city life in Paris. As Jake and Bill go through Spain they take in all the beauty and simplicity of the county; this brings the business and the chaos of their lives to a sudden peace. After Jake and Bill get off the bus in Spain they have to travel to their fishing spot. They proceeded to travel on the
  • 40. Moral Issues In My Sister s Keeper My Sister s Keeper novel is an interesting and exciting novel that addresses some important moral and ethical issues. Judi Picoult had successfully published My Sister s Keeper in the year 2004. The book tells the story of Anna Fitzgerald, a 13 years old girl that was genetically selected to be a savior sibling to save her older sister s life. Kate, Anna s older sister has an aggressive type of leukemia. Anna eventually filed a lawsuit against her parents for the medical emancipation and the rights of her body when she was expected to donate a kidney to Kate. The events of the story take place in a fictional town called Upper Darby town, Rhode Island. In the year 1990, doctors diagnose Sara s and Brian s Fitzgerald two years old daughter, ... Show more content on ... Hesitantly, Anna takes the stage and confess that she filed the lawsuit against her parents because her sister Kate told her to do so. Anna also explains that Kate asked her not to donate her kidney because she was bored of being ill and expecting to die. At this particular moment, Campbell suffered an epileptic seizure. When Campbell woke up, he explained to Julia that epileptic seizures are the reason that made him leave her, and that s why he has a guard dog, because it can predict when the next seizure will come. Although Anna loves Kate, a part of her wanted Kate to die so she will not remain restricted with Kate and to have more freedom in her life. In the end, the Judge decides to give Campbell the medical power of attorney over Anna and grant her the medical emancipation. On the way back, Campbell and Anna were injured in a car accident, and Anna underwent irreversible damage in her brain. Campbell, with the medical power of attorney granted to him, decided to donate Anna s organs to Kate. Although Anna died, Kate will still carry her sister with her in her body. My Sister s Keeper is a beautiful and emotionally moving novel that tells the story of a girl who was created to preserve her sister s life but wanted to live her life freely and independently just like any other normal girl. If you are not affected by this novel, even to a little degree, then you surely have a cold heart. This novel has taught me the importance of independence, freedom, choice, love, ethics, morals, and justice. I will certainly recommend this book to all
  • 41. assessment 1 Assessment description You must identify potential risks to a specific project planed develop a risk plan to monitor and control risks effectively, identifying preventative and contingent actions to prevent the risk from occurring or reduce its impact, to increase the chances of achieving project success. Types of risk will depend upon the project plan used. Procedure 1. Examine the project plan. 2. Identify any risks that could occur during the project. 3. Use the risk assessment matrix supplied to assess the level of risk. 4. Develop preventative actions to prevent the risk from occurring, or contingent actions to reduce the risk of occurring. 5. List the contingent actions to reduce the impact, should the risk occur. 6. ... Show more content on ... Arrange for suitable firefighting equipment to be available. Consider relocating the barbecue if you are concerned about the risk of fire due to the wind direction Use your barbecue in a clear space. Leave the barbecue and charcoal to cool before moving it. Ash cinders should be cooled with water before disposal. Do not place used charcoal in a bin until you are sure it is has cooled completely. Make sure the barbecue is stable. Contingent recommended actions: Briefly describe any action that should be taken If a fire occurs, don t try to extinguish the flames if is not safe. Call to Fire station. Have a fire blanket and water close to hand. APPROVAL DETAILS Supporting documentation (attached): Recruitment Fire and Rescue NSW Signature: _______________ Date: 29/10/2013 This form to be forward to the project manager. Risk log On this template, all issues are treated as risks. They should be recorded when they arise, signed a number and responsibility, and a recovery strategy or alternate path greed, acted upon and recorded when closed. NO Issue /risk Priority ( rank as to impact) Impact on budget Impact on schedule Agreed management strategy Responsibility Financial responsibility Status (open, in progress, closed)
  • 42. 1
  • 43. The Safety Of Skydiving, And A Youtube Video Cool can be expressed through the courage that people have to experience new things, including taking risks. What makes skydiving cool is that it presents a new thrilling experience that not many get to have. Combined with the potential risks and the overall experience, skydiving has many appeals that can be considered as cool to the functional aesthetics of a person. Skydiving embodies this concept of cool because it takes nerve to overcome the perceived risk of death to jump out a moving plane. It is a unique experience that individuals should put on their bucket list because it gives the skydivers the opportunity to explore new feelings that they often would not experience in their normal life. Therefore, the purpose of the project is to inform and persuade the audience to skydive because it does not only illustrate cool , but it also functions as stress release. To capture the interest of the audience, the project will be presented through a PowerPoint that includes the statistics of the safety of skydiving, and a YouTube video. Through the use of pathos, the audience will be more likely to be influenced through the emotions that will be shown in the presentation. Since not many of the audience are experts on skydiving, the charts and pictures in the PowerPoint will inform the audience about the prices and give them an idea of how skydiving looks like. It is also beneficial to present a video because it allows the audience to have an idea of the perspective that
  • 44. Code Talkers Essay In this precursor research paper, I will conduct a study of the code talkers from WWII. The purpose of this study is to remind other colleagues the significance of the Navajos throughout World War II. I will use the following articles for my research, World War II Time Line (, Semper Fidelis, Code talkers (Adam Jevec), Memorandum Regarding The Enlistment of Navajo (, Navajo Code Talkers And World War II 1943 (, and lastly the Unbreakable: Remembering the Code Talkers (Hilary Parkinson). The main idea of my paper would be an insight look on who the code talkers were. Whose idea was it to form this group? What role did the Navajos play in World War II, and why the Navajos? The first article that stood out to me was Semper Fidelis, Code Talkers (Adam Jevec). The article mentions the history of code talkers, the reason why they were created, and the goal that they achieved. The... Show more content on ... In other words, without the Navajos, we wouldn t have been able to defeat the Japanese after they had bomb Pearl Harbor. The second article, Memorandum Regarding The Enlistment of Navajo ( states, Philip Johnston was the initiator of the Marine Corps program to enlist and train the Navajos as messengers. Although Johnston was not a Navajo, he grew up on a Navajo reservation as the son of a missionary and became familiar with the people and their language. This quote illustrated us, who exactly came up with the idea of the code talkers. Furthermore, Phillip Johnston was the mastermind of code talkers, even though he didn t speak the
  • 45. Dealing with Stress and Ambiguity in Organizations JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY Dealing with Stress and Ambiguity in Organizations Group Assignment STUDENTS NAME: 1. DANIEL NDERI HD313 C006 3244/2012 2. PATRICK LIVONDOLO HD313 C006 3243/2012 3. TIMOTHY NYAUCHO HD313 C006 3333/2012 COURSE INSTRUCTOR: Dr. NYONGESA PAUL UNIT: HR3102 ENTREPRENEURIAL BEHAVIOUR MSC ENTREPRENEURSHIP JKUAT (KISII CAMPUS) TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Pagei Table of contentsii 1.0 Introduction1 2.0 Symptoms of Stress 2 3.0 Causes of Stress3 4.0 Managing Stress5 5.0 Role Ambiguity8 6.0 Conclusion10 References ... Show more content on ... * Cribbing, over reacting, arguing, getting irritated, anxiety, etc. * Deteriorating health, more of accidents, etc. * Improper eating habits (over eating or under eating), excessive smoking and drinking, sleeplessness, etc. 3.0 Causes of Stress Stressors can be divided into those that arise from within an individual (internal), and those that are attributable to the environment (external). Internal conflicts, non specific fears, fears of inadequacy, and guilt feelings are examples of stressors that do not depend on the environment. Internal sources of stress can arise from an individual s perceptions of an environmental threat, even if no such danger actually exists. Environmental stressors are external conditions beyond an individual s control. Bhagat (1983) has reported that work performance can be seriously impaired by external stressors. There are many aspects of organizational life that can become external stressors. These include issues of structure, management s use of authority, monotony, a lack of opportunity for advancement, excessive responsibilities, ambiguous demands, value conflicts, and unrealistic workloads. A person s non working life (e.g., family, friends, health, and financial situations) can also contain stressors that negatively impact job performance. This can be summarized as follows. i. Organizational factors With the growth in organizational stress and
  • 46. Trade Imbalance Between China And China In the 18th century, Chinese goods such as silk and porcelain were much desired by European and had a huge demand in the Western market. In England, tea was the most desired Chinese good and trade in tea was very lucrative. However, this created a trade imbalance because Western goods had no market in China. China was a self sustaining country and that make it harder for Western merchant to trade with them. Apart from that, the merchants had a hard time getting into Chinese market and had to deal through Chinese middlemen in Canton. At this point, the British money had moved on from silver, but the Chinese were still using silver currency. In order to trade with the Chinese, the British first had to buy silver for other countries and then ... Show more content on ... Several debates on opium legalization were carried out. Advocates of legalization suggest that opium should be tax and it will reduce the outflow of Chinese silver. At the end of the debates, Emperor Daoguang of the Qing dynasty instructed Lin Zexu, a governor general, to abolish the opium trade. Zexu was sent to Canton and he made some quick changes. He declared death penalty for anyone found importing or in possession of opium. Zexu arrested over a thousand Chinese opium dealer and confiscate approximately seventy thousands of opium pipes, in a matter of months. The tipping point though was in March of 1839, when Zexu confiscated and destroyed over twenty thousands of opium chest. The British merchants were enraged by Zexu s action and demanded compensation for their seized good. Initially, Superintendent Charles Elliot assured the merchant traders the British government would be providing compensation for the seized good. The British government, however, held the Chinese government responsible for the seized opium. The British soon sent a fleet to China, with a list of demands. The demands include compensation for the seized goods, right to trade without middlemen, and an island to use as a base. Initially, the Chinese showed some resistance and the British began their blockage. The British defeated most of the Chinese resistance relatively easy and caused the Chinese life. The British moved north and defeated more Chinese forces in
  • 47. 3mer Guidance Leaflet Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development 3MER Supporting Good Practice in Managing Employment Relations Assignment and Content Activity Investigate resources and write a guidance leaflet which covers key points of the areas detailed below. The impact of employment law at the start of the employment relationship including: * 2 Internal and 2 external factors which can impact on the employment relationship * 3 different types of employment status and 3 reasons why it is important to clarify/determine an individual s employment status Employee rights during the employee relationship including: * The importance of work life balance and related legislation concerning holidays, rest periods, working hours and night... Show more content on ... Pay and reward systems exist in the form of pay, bonuses and benefits, financial and non financial and designed to improve performance, increase motivation, staff retention and increase profitability. Appreciation and gratitude is widely received as reward and the opportunity for training and development for career progression. A good culture encompassing strong values, vision, morale s and beliefs and behaviours expressed by employers and employees of an organisation can be the driver of the overall performance of a company. A good culture can help support the implementation of changes and new initiatives and are likely to be supported by those involved. 2 External factors and there impacts: The economic climate surrounding a company can determine many things and can have financial implications as well as affecting the levels productivity. Economic growth can lead to a lack of employees available to fill positions because the labor market is saturated with jobs. A company will look to offer higher wages, more benefits and incentive programs to entice potential candidates and will invest in current employees with training and development to help retain the staff and promote succession planning throughout the company. A downturn in economic growth can have the opposite effect. Companies have a tendency to cut the workforce to maintain profit margins, thus applying extra pressure to the remaining employees, causing extra work loads, poor morale and a high
  • 48. Ezra Pound Research Paper The Young Genius: Ezra Pound s influenced poetry on Benito Mussolini and the Fascist movement, time of his stay in St. Elizabeth s Hospital and the concept of Imagism. If a nation s literature declines, the nation atrophies and decays. (Ezra Pound Quotes) Ezra Pound was not a man of many words, but he certainly did have a knack for turning simple words into something beautiful. Pounds poetry was influenced by his fascination with Benito Mussolini and the Fascist movement, the time of his stay in St. Elizabeth s Hospital and the concept of Imagism. It is safe to say that Ezra Pound did not live a boring life growing up. He was born on October 30, 1885 in Hailey, Idaho. However, he was brought up in Wyncote, Philadelphia. At the small ... Show more content on ... Canto 13 If a man have not order within him He cannot spread order about him; And if a man have not order within him His family will not act with due order; And if the prince have not order within him He cannot put order in his dominions. (Lines 46 51) In the previous excerpt of Canto 13, the three literacy terms refrain; anaphora and a hint of didactic poetry are involved. The word and phrase order appear in every line of the excerpt. It is repeated to not only get the meaning across, but to make a significant indent in the readers mind while reading the poem. The hint of didactic poetry is shown in this poem, I believe, because Pound is telling the reader without order you cannot do a few things such as spread order about him, family will not act, and one cannot put order in his dominions. In a way, that is teaching the pros of order. From this poem I can infer that Ezra Pound is stating that whether or not he is ruled by an imperialistic power: everyday is going to be the same, for everybody. The last line Imperial power is? And to us what is it? means that no matter government is enforced, their everyday life is not going to change. Cantos XLIX: For The Seven Lakes Sun up; work Sundown; to rest Dig well and drink of the water Dig field; eat of the grain Imperial power is? And to us what is it? The fourth; the dimension of stillness. And the power over wild beasts. (Lines 42 48) In this excerpt of a free versed
  • 49. Compare And Contrast The Lamb And The Tyger The Differences and Similarities of a Lamb and a Tyger Poetry is a form of writing that lets the writer have the ability to express themselves in a creative way. This allows the reader to be moved in a way that other literary works cannot. It s no wonder that poetry has been around for a very long time. With the likes of Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and Homer, who helped shaped poetryin some way, we often forget those who created wonderful works of art. One of those writers is William Blake. Much of Blake s inspirations for his poems came from his childhood. Blake had begun having visions when he was around the age of four. He had even once claimed that he had seen God standing right next to his window. Aside from his visions, Blake had a religious upbringing, in which his parents had treated his visions as a gift. It s easy for one to assume that his upbringing had a huge influence in his poems, as often times one can feel a sense of religious undertones in his writing. To help explore this concept, I will compare and contrast two of Blake s works, The Tygerand The Lamb. In this essay, I will examine and analyze both poems structures, the writing styles of both poems, and give my personal opinion on each of the poems purpose. When you first look at both poems, you realize that The Tyger is longer than The Lamb, with The Lamb having only two stanzas while The Tyger has six stanzas. The another difference in both poems, in terms of their length, is
  • 50. Physical Dimensions And Land Title Act Physical dimensions of property Property comes with stings attached; a fee simple owner can enjoy a bundle of rights but there are a number of reservations to the Crown as well as restrictions on the physical dimensions and use of property. By utilizing a fundamental principle of Ad coelum doctrine and a three dimensional concept; surface, airspace and subsurface of property, rights of landownership and use of property will be examined. Then I will present three cases that modified the principle or physical dimensions. The basic principle Historically the common law maxim: cujus est solum ejus est usque ad coelum et ad inferos He who owns the soils, owns up to the heavens and down to the depth of the earth, was said to apply to physical dimensions of property. Ad coelum doctrine, however, is largely outdated and inaccurate in BC because the use and the extent of land in three dimensions are regulated. Before discussing rights and restrictions, I will explain physical boundaries. Boundaries and Land Title Act In old days, description of boundaries of land used physical objects. Toady in BC with a few exceptions, meets and bounds, measurement of distances, angles, and directions measured by surveyors, are included in Land Title System. In the past when a party wrongly assumes the boundary, without any contracuaral agreement the law of adverse possession could alter the title. Although the law has been abolished in BC by sections 24 and 171 of the Land Title Act (LTA)),
  • 51. Mental Depression And Mental Illness The number of inmates in the department of corrections that have a mental illness is steadily rising. In 2006 there was estimated to be 705,600 mentally ill inmates in state prisons, 78,000 in federal prisons and 47,900 in local jails (NIC). Most inmates suffer from social anxiety disorders or depression. There are three times more people in prisons with mental healthproblems than in actual hospitals (News). However, this is a problem for various reasons, two being that prisons cannot afford the proper medications and treatment as well as that prisons are not well enough equipped to handle these issues. Convicts often times blame their crime on their mental instability. With pharmaceuticals being as expensive as they are, offenders often... Show more content on ... Maybe being in with other inmates could help them cope or get better. The facility could hold multiple different types of units or cell blocks to have different ways to treat inmates. There could be areas called safe cells, where they place inmates who are seeming to be suicidal. Currently, once an inmate is deemed suicidal, they must stay in a safe cell for 24 hours and then undergo a psychological evaluation, to ensure their safety. This new facility could be where inmates from other areas of the prison go when they are thought to be suicidal, rather than just moving to safe cell within the same cell block. Also, if it is a separate facility it could be treated more like a hospital. This way the prison could hire people who are better able to work with and handle people with problems such as these inmates. People may also be more likely to apply to an institution that is not connected to the rest of the prison or jail. This new facility would need to be drawn up and have all the proper necessities put in place, such as loading areas for the transfer of inmates and evacuation routes. After that the official plan will need the approval from the warden and the city, the two may come back with some comments or concerns that they would like to see addressed, once those are taken care of the proposal would be brought back, if approved the building would commence. Even though this is not the most cost effective solution, it is one that provides
  • 52. Education And Education In Jane Austen s Emma The 18th to 19th century was a revolutionary time period for women. Jane Austen s Emma was published during a time where women were campaigning for women s suffrage and for female education. Emma is a book about a girl that vows not to fall in love, but plays matchmaker for her friend and acquaintances. The book shows readers what 18th centuryEngland looked like for women. Upper class women were allowed to get an education; however, the education they were taught was vastly different than men s education. Women learned how to weave and learn French while men learned about government, culture, philosophy from around the world, etc. However, Emmaalso introduces revolutionary concepts like education for women and the radical ideas Mary Wollstonecraft s A Vindication of Women s Right demonstrated. The beginning of the book summarizes life in England for women during the 18th century. Women had little opportunity to develop a respectable position in society because of their lack of intellectual proficiency. This was because of the sexualized education present during 18th century England. The only way women could move through social hierarchy was through marriage. An important theme of Emma is marriage and status. In the text, Volume 1, Chapter 4, Emma states, The yeomanry are precisely the order of people with whom I feel I can have nothing to do. A degree or two lower, and a creditable appearance might interest me; I might hope to be useful to their families in some way or
  • 53. Spotify Impact Streaming has had a massive impact on the the music industry within the last few years. One of the most well known impacts for the music industry, was the launch of Spotify in 2008, which has changed the way people listen to music ever since. It has been argued that Spotify do not pay out fairly to artists but this can also be argued to be due to bad contract deals with record companies. There are many recognizable examples of why mainstream artists are against musicstreaming, Lady Gaga claimed she only earned ВЈ108 from one million listens in 2010. Spotify is a legal service and pays to license songs from all major record labels and although Spotify pays royalties for all the listening that occurs on their service, they distribute nearly 70% of revenues back to the right holders, such as; publishers, distributors and the independent artists themselves. Therefore, as reported by the Independent (Brown, 2012) if you calculate the minimum US monthly wage of $1,160 an... Show more content on ... As explained by Spotify officials, they work around the basis that the more users they get, the more money they can pay out (Knopper, 2014). Along with Spotify there are many more streaming sites, such as Tidal and Apple Music. Most recently, singer Adele has not allowed her latest album 25 available on many streaming services but it is still expected to be the best selling album of the year. Adele stated she would have allowed streaming services to the new album, if it was restricted to pay but Apple refused to do this. It can be debated that mainstream artists are restricting their music being put on streaming sites due to business or just taking a stand. By artists not streaming their music, sites such as iTunes have a rise on their digital sales. Any retailer prefers this as it is Encouraging more people to buy then to stream (Shaw,
  • 54. Tornado Outbreak Essay On April 27, 2011, President Obama signs Alabama emergency declaration (Press). Tornadoes rolled through much of the Southeastern United States from April 25 to 28 in one giant storm called a tornado outbreak. While many states issued states of emergency, Alabama was hit the hardest. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, April 27, 2011 holds the record for the most tornadoes of any day, 200. Combined with an estimated single day death toll of 316, April 2011 s tornadooutbreak has changed how scientists study tornadoes. Before looking specifically at April 2011 s tornado outbreak, it is important to understand what a tornado outbreak is; however, there is no established definition for a tornado outbreak (Galway). ... Show more content on ... Hayes speaks on behalf of the National Weather Service when he says that they found Several EMs and media representatives stated the growing number of weather awareness weeks (e.g., flood, lightning, fire, etc.) were diluting the messages and causing the events to lose their effectiveness. The way that we now look at awareness events are to do fewer more impactful events. Another thing that Hayes found was that some cities did not have any systems in place to handle the tornado outbreak, and now there is an education program set in place that is free of charge to the participants. Much of the other things that the National Weather Service said that could be improved were infrastructure, the foundations of our society. There were unreliable systems of communication between cities, and there were no backups in place incase one link broke. One other thing that the cities could have used to further spread the knowledge was social media, but some cities did not use any of it to contact citizens. The largest contributing factor to people not getting to shelter or leaving was their misunderstanding of tornadoes and forecast systems. The best way to educate these people is to offer classes to teach them about the basic weather systems that they live
  • 55. Flawed News And Public Opinions Essay Flawed News and Public Opinions TV Journalism has been degraded to the point in which true factual and informative reporting free of bias has been replaced with short news bytes centered and focused on its entertainment value alone. Within the political process, this has mostly served as a disservice to both politicians and the general public audience. Edward J Epstein published a book entitled News from Nowhere in which he observed NBC s news department and how decisions were made on what was news worthy. He discovered a decline in television network ratings and profits caused executives to change marketing strategies. This new direction in news reporting would be tailored to an audience low in sophistication with the network defining what would be newsworthy. Epstein wrote: Dull and complicated stories would need to be of enormous importance to get on the air: but relatively trivial stories would make the cut if interesting enough . (Edwards, p. 406). Supporting this observation Washington Post editors Leonard Downie Jr and Robert Kaiser argue that Entertainment has pushed out information in the TV news business and that the history of TV news can be summarized in a couple sentences . (Edwards, p. 406). An exception to this practice would be networks assigning their best reporters to cover major events or Lead Stories at well established sources such as the White House, Congress, or the Pentagon. During the 1991 Gulf War, 50 per cent of the stories came from these
  • 56. Examples Of Urban Sprawl Problem Urban sprawl is quite commonplace in most suburban communities and usually make way for many problems alongside it. With residents come needs of the people such as work spaces, commercial centres and institutions. While although the community of Morningside Heights may be abundant in many things such as institutions and industrial land, the focus on dealing with urban sprawl has led to the lack of focus on other needs of a community. Here, a large influx of people coming into the community without enough residential area to sustain a rapidly growing population. As much as the community has been expanding into the area which was once a golf club, there is not enough land, or money to build housing to sustain the number of people coming in. In addition there is the problem of the environmental impact; habitats being destroyed for the sake of this housing. Although urban sprawl is not what I will be focusing on for my sustainability action plan, it leads into an even more... Show more content on ... Commercial developers are essential as they have experience with building commercial centres and the local government representatives are needed to not only allow the project to commence, but to also find other stakeholders to fund the operation. In other successful walkable community projects the local government has seemed to be quite enthusiastic about funding projects. In order to implement my plan, I hope to use the expertise of the commercial developers in order to perfect my mall. I would assume that they will handle all of the construction aspects regarding the project. The mall will contain four retailers which should contain a clothing store, grocery store, thrift shop and health clinic. I also want to have a relatively small parking lot to encourage walkability but also to accommodate for people travelling from afar or attempting to buy in bulk. Success