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Essays On Persuasion
Writing an essay on the topic of "Essays on Persuasion" can be a challenging endeavor that
demands a comprehensive understanding of persuasive techniques, a keen awareness of
rhetorical strategies, and the ability to articulate well-reasoned arguments. This subject requires a
deep exploration of the art of persuasion, delving into the intricacies of ethos, pathos, and logos,
as well as the various rhetorical devices employed to influence an audience.
To create a compelling essay, one must not only grasp the theoretical aspects of persuasion but
also be adept at applying these principles to real-life scenarios. Crafting persuasive essays
requires a meticulous selection of evidence, a nuanced consideration of opposing viewpoints, and
the skill to construct a coherent and persuasive narrative that captivates the reader's attention.
Furthermore, navigating through the vast literature on persuasion, including seminal works by
influential figures like Aristotle, Cicero, and modern scholars, adds an additional layer of
complexity. Analyzing different perspectives and synthesizing diverse ideas requires intellectual
rigor and critical thinking.
Despite the difficulty, the challenge of writing an essay on persuasion is also an opportunity for
personal growth and development. It demands honing one's analytical and persuasive skills,
which are invaluable in various aspects of life. While it may be a daunting task, the rewards lie in
the ability to communicate effectively, influence opinions, and contribute to meaningful
In conclusion, tackling the topic of "Essays on Persuasion" involves a multifaceted exploration of
persuasive techniques, rhetorical strategies, and effective communication. It's a task that requires
dedication, research, and a thoughtful approach to crafting a compelling narrative. Those seeking
assistance or looking for well-crafted essays on similar topics can explore options like for professional support and guidance in their academic endeavors.
Essays On Persuasion Essays On Persuasion
Ponzi Scheme
A Ponzi Scheme is an investment fraud that involves the payment of alleged returns
to existing investors from funds contributed by new investors. Ponzi scheme
organizers often seek new investors by showing potential in their company; they
entice investors to invest funds in opportunities claimed to generate high returns with
little or no risk. In many Ponzi schemes, the fraudsters focus on attracting new
money to make promised payments to earlier stage investors and to use for personal
expenses, instead of engaging in any legal investment activity. The system is destined
to collapse because the earnings are less than the payments to investors. Ponzi
schemes tend to collapse when it becomes difficult to recruit new investors or when a
... Show more content on ...
Second, the scheme will begin to collapse under its own weight as the investment
slows and the promoter starts having problems paying the promised returns, the
higher the return on investment the greater is the risk of the Ponzi scheme
collapsing. Such crises often trigger panics, as more people start asking for their
money. Third, the external market forces, such as a sharp decline in the economy,
may cause many investors to withdraw part or all of their funds; not necessarily
due to loss of confidence in the investment, but simply due to the market meltdown.
The SEC investigates and prosecutes many Ponzi scheme cases each year both to
prevent new victims from being harmed and to maximize the recovery of assets to
investors. During 2009, the SEC filed 60 enforcement actions involving Ponzi
schemes or Ponzi like payments. Two recent popular Ponzi schemes are, first,
Robert Allen Stanford and his companies with allegedly conducting an $8 billion
Ponzi scheme. And second, Bernard L. Madoff, who orchestrated a multi billion
dollar Ponzi scheme that swindled money from thousands of investors. Robert Allen
Stanford was a prominent financier, philanthropist, and sponsor of professional
sports who has been charged with fraud. In early 2009, Stanford became the subject
of several fraud investigations, and on February 17, 2009, was charged by the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission with fraud and multiple violations of U.S.
securities laws for
The Consequences Of Marijuana
In this article, the authors are arguing the use of marijuana and the consequences or
health risks that come with using such. State and Federal legislators are changing
laws and the availability to marijuana is becoming more relaxed leading to more use
of marijuana and increased health risks including violence. Some popular cases
proving this argument are as follows:
Treyvon Martin, the teen, who was shot and killed by a neighborhood watch
volunteer, George Zimmerman. Reports showed that Marijuana was found in Martin
s system that night the incident occurred.
Michael Brown robbed a convenience store for cigarettes to wrap up marijuana in
and reports indicated he assaulted the store clerk as well. Darren Wilson, a police
officer, was attacked
Questions On Design Of Technical Systems Essay
Isaac Mathew Pavoodath
USC ID 8834875144
AME 503 Paper Study 2
As specified in the paper Complexity in Design of Technical Systems, an exact
definition to the meaning of the word complexity is a matter of debate and
discussion. It is not to be mistaken for anything but the complexity involved while
designing or modifying a technical system or rather an engineering system. The
paper is vigorous in mentioning the existence of two main complexities that needs
special attention dawned upon them while designing the system viz. inborn
complication and acquired complication. Inborn complications are dictated by the
customer needs that have been considered for the design, they may not be varied or
dealt with as stated by Nam Pyo Suh however the sphere of influence of the designer
is within the reaches of the acquired complexity. Acquired complexity may be kept to
a minimal low if the designer of the system carefully understands the inter relations,
functional dependency and the physical probabilities involved, but at the same time
the inborn complication should also be kept at its lowest possible level based on
Customer Requirements (CR).
It is most likely that the readers get confused between Suh s Axiomatic Design
Theory and Complexity Theory , although they seem to be intertwined into each other
s concepts it is obvious through deeper study that the former focuses on functional
dependency and the later primarily on physical probability
Advantages And Cons And Disadvantages Of 360 Degree...
I interviewed the human resource team member, Sonya, who is assigned to my
department at work. She was involved with or conducted 360 degree appraisals up
until roughly six months ago when she started with the current company. I spoke
with Sonya about what exactly she considered a 360 degree appraisal. She told me
that customarily nearly all of the information covered in the performance area is
leadership, teamwork, communication skills, and adaptability to new situations or
last minute assignments. While we were talking about this she did go over some
of the differences between 180 degree appraisals and the 360 degree ones. One of
the main differences that she pointed out is that 360 degree involves customer
feedback that goes along with the leaders and teammates. Sonya did have some
mixed feeling regarding 360 degree appraisals and feedback, in which will be
discussed later, nonetheless Sonya feels that if done correctly, they can provide
excellent feedback as well as being motivating for all employees. One point that
was noted is that she feels there actually is no perfect process for appraisals and
that every company needs to look at their individual requirements when
determining the best way to receive and give feedback. When conducting 360
degree appraisals she also is partial to having some competency based job
evaluations. Advantages of 360 Degree Appraisals Sonya feels that the advantages
of 360 degree appraisals do outweigh the disadvantages for many companies. One
of the core advantages that she brought up was the fact that a leader cannot be on
site 24/7 to observe every person. When you have multiple individuals who are
able to provide feedback it allows the leader or HR representative providing the
feedback to understand if there are differences in how employees act when the
leader is around versus when the leader is not around. Sonya stated that she saw it
many times where the leader would say how well an employee was doing but the
employees coworkers would come back with a different evaluation and after looking
into it some the employee was basically putting on a show for the leader. Another
advantage that we discussed is that since the 360 degree appraisal allows multiple
Pros And Cons Of Animals Behind Bars
Taylor Alvarez
Language Arts 12 CP Jan 2018
Animals Behind Bars
If you live in America you are probably one of the 175 million people who visit
zoos each year. You have probably visited the zoo with your families to look at the
extraordinary animals that they keep. You are not the only one to do so, but you
have been tricked by zoos to believe that the animals in their care are properly cared
for. The truth is for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week animals in captivity are forced to
spend their time confined in a cell. The precious animals that you fall in love with
are deprived of everything that makes their life meaningful. Keeping wild animals in
zoos should be prohibited because the animals are not properly taken care of, they are
not in their natural environments, and they are proven to have shorter life spans in
The wild animals brought into zoos are seen as profits; which means the animals
are not properly taken care of, because the only focus of the owners is to make
money. In 2003 The Wall Street Journal reported, nearly half of the country s zoos
face cutbacks this year; attendance was down 3% nationwide, and the funds
allocated to improve the care of the animals was used for cosmetic improvements.
(PETA 2) Zoos are improving every aspect of the zoothat will bring in customers
like: gift shops, restaurants, amusement rides, and scenery. They are forgetting about
the most important aspect: the welfare of the animals. People visiting zoos often
Informative Essay On Apple Tv 4
As the Apple fans among you will now, the Apply TV 4 has launched and will give
your television sets a bunch of extra features you couldn t otherwise get from a
smart TV, including new gaming features. While gaming is probably at the forefront
of the new Apple TV 4 set top boxes, there s much more you can do like using the
new App Storethat s getting filled with more apps each day that goes by. On top of
that, you still get all the usual benefits you would expect from one of the best TV
streaming services in the world.
One of the best features in relation to listening to streamed content that arrived
before the Apple TV 4 is Bluetooth headsets. The Bluetooth headset lets users listen
to music, video or gaming content without the need of a cable connecting the
headset to connect like a peripheral device. Instead of the cable, you could connect
it with the device you are using. That s always been really easy to do with
smartphones usually you can just turn the Bluetooth on and it will pick up your
device. Things are more difficult with some computers depending on your
computers operating system and age. Knowing how to connect Bluetooth
headphones to Apple TV 4 can be equally as challenging to anyone who doesn t
know how it s done. The guide does require you to navigate using the new Apple Tv
and enabling the Bluetooth first, so lets check out how it s done. ... Show more
content on ...
Activating the pairing mode is different for each set of headphones, so you ll need ot
refer to your unique booklets you should have when you bought yours. Once you get
that done ,we can teach you the rest.
2. Turn on your Apple TV and have it open on the main
Kimpton Hotels’ Earthcare Program, Case No. 7 Essay
Roy Bryant
BUAD 326.003
Final Exam Assignment
Kimpton Hotels EarthCare Program, case no. 7
1. What are the benefits of Kimpton s environmental sustainability initiatives? What
are its costs? Kimpton s environmental sustainability initiatives have proven
successful and beneficial both in terms of its environmental and business benefits.
Environmental improvement is one of the benefits of diverting waste. Some of the
benefits are exemplified in their rollout phases, including: introducing non disruptive
and cost reducing operational practices such as a recycling program, non toxic
cleaning products, promotional materials printed on recycled paper, complimentary
coffee that was organically grown, ... Show more content on ...
2. How would you justify the EarthCare program to Kimpton s board of directors and
stockholders? That is, what is the business case for this program? The top executives
considered this program for many positive reasons. First off, the company s brand and
mission rested on the EarthCare program to maintain the care integrity, and
uniqueness that customers had come to associate with its chain of boutique hotels.
Kimpton wants their impact to be felt all over, where this program can influence
other hotels to start an environmental initiative. Also, the EarthCare program is
willing to stay abreast with ongoing standards and norms of the company. It will also
being about new success, new business partnerships, possibly increase employment,
and being eco friendly is more advantageous than not.
3. What challenges face the EarthCare program, and how might Kimpton overcome
them? The case study describes some of the potential operational risks and
challenges including: Resistance by General Managers who may fear losing their
autonomy because of a corporate mandated program. Potential resistance by hotel
staff to new products and procedures. Kimpton had a low turnover rate. Their
employees had been there for years and had become accustomed to doing things in a
certain manner. For example, they stated many cleaning staff
Phoebe Buffay
The character I chose is Phoebe Buffay from the show F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I have
watched this show for some time and have always been a fan. When we started
learning about psychological diseases, I started noticing the symptoms of the
disease I think she has. Even though there are many signs and symptoms that are
used to be able to distinguish this psychological disorder, some can only portray
some effects but they can still have the disease. In the show Phoebe is known as
the flaky blonde girl who has many crazy ideas and stories. This includes her trying
to raise a family of rats in a box and swings wildy to her thinking that she is being
possessed by the ghost of an old woman. In many episodes of the show you can catch
her saying things
The Evolutionary Process Of Pollination Of Flowers
Tropical rainforests are a curious world filled with wonder. Tropical Nature: Life
and Death in the Rain Forests of Central and South America has opened my eyes to
another world that I had not paid much attention to. Adrian Forsyth and Ken Miyata
introduced a new world of wonder filled with so much diversity. Ecology and
evolution go hand and hand, and the rainforesta beautiful ecosystem driven by the
climate [biome] is a phenomenal example as hot spot for evolution. From the
humidity, the high temperatures, the canopy of the trees, and so much more.
Diversity thrives in this environment, and it s obvious from the variety of species that
have been found inhabiting such areas. Organisms depend on their communities, they
depend on the interspecific relationships they develop; from predation (herbivory,
carnivores, etc.), mutualism, parasitism, and commensalism. Without each other,
they could not survive, and in some cases they even evolve with one another. The
evolutionary process of pollination of flowers provides some examples of this.
Tropical plants are dioecious, which translates to having separate male and female
plants. Tropical plants cannot rely on the traditional wind pollination method due to
the lack of wind and lack of targets nearby; therefore, they cannot pollinate themselves
or plants of the same sex. Instead, they often look towards the mobile organisms that
surround them. To do this, they ve evolved ways to attract them; either provide them
with a
Clara Barton s Life During The Civil War
Clarissa Harlowe Barton, Who owns like to be called Clara, was nicknamed angel
of the battlefield for her courageous acts during the Civil War (HistoryGuy 1).
Before, during and after the Civil War, Barton was a key figure in shaping
America s history. Clara Barton was a nurse, teacher, inspirational speaker and
above all, a strong woman willing to serve others. Clara Barton s growing up
experiences care for wounded soldiers in the Civil War and starting of the Red Cross
in the United States, shaped her into becoming one of America s most valued
historic characters. On December 25, 1821 in Oxford Massachusetts Clara Barton
was born into a middle class family with four older siblings. After being
homeschooled she decided... Show more content on ...
A E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 16 March 2016.
This article highlights Barton s personal life such as her birth, childhood and death. It
also highlights her actions in order to help the wounded soldiers in the Civil War.
This article includes dates, events and Barton s life summed up.
Civil War:Clara Barton. Civil War: Clara Barton. The History Guy, 2016. Web. 16
March. 2016.
The History Guy s article explains in depth about exactly what events and situations
that Clara Barton was involved in during the Civil war. It explains her life before and
after the war, and why it is important to history. This article also includes dates and
miscelanious facts about what made Barton so important.
Clara Barton/American Red Cross Founder/ Who is Clara Barton. American Red
Cross. Red Cross, 2016. Web. 16 March. 2016.
This is all about the Red Cross in the United States. It covers the entire why and
how questions about the organization. It is up to date and still in use even today. On
this website, it has a page dedicated to its founder, Barton, and gives detail about
Clara Barton s life. It is accurate and an excellent source.
Guisepi, Robert. The American Civil War, Clara Barton. The American Civil War.
N.p.,n.d.Web. 16 March
Metaphor In The Yellow Wallpaper
In The Yellow wallpaper , the wallpaper is a metaphor that expresses women s
protest against the repression of the society and their personal identity at the rise of
feminism. During the Victorian era, women were kept down and kept in line by their
married men and other men close to them. The Yellow Wallpaper , written By
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, is a tale of a woman, her mental difficulties and her
husband s so called therapeutic treatment rest cure of her misery during the late
1800s. The tale starts out in the summer with a young woman and her husband
travelling for the healing powers of being out from writing, which only appears to
aggravate her condition. His delusion gets Jane (protagonist), trapped in a room, shut
up in a bed making her go psychotic. As the tale opens, she begins to imagine a
woman inside the yellow wallpaper.
The Yellow Wallpaper, is a larger than life version of Charlotte Perkins Gilman s
own personal experiences. She grieved for several years in depression, as her
physician diagnosed her with neurasthenia and prescribed the rest cure seen in the
story. Unable to write or seek company, Gilman s rest drove her insane for three
months. Gilman wrote the story not simply to change one man s view of
neurasthenia, but to utilize the floor as a symbol of the oppression of women in a
patriarchal society as mentioned in her article Why I Wrote The Yellow Wallpaper .
During the Victorian era, men demarcated women s roles. A woman was believed
Traveler Archetype In Jack London s The Call Of The Wild
Buck: Traveler Archetype Buck, a character from the CALL OF THE WILD, can
be identified as a traveler archetype. The definition of a hero archetype is a person
who battles against the villain on the side of good and on the behalf of society. I
have not read the book yet to determine the characteristics and qualities. My
research question is why is buck considered the hero in the novel. I chose the topic
that I chose because I thought it would be interesting to learn about the world
through the eyes of an animal and to see him become a savage or a survivalist. The
sources I can use in my project are the internet, library, media center, and the local
library. Jack London, the author of the novel The Call of The Wildcreated several
interesting characters including Buck who is an example of a traveler archetype. Due
to the connections we made to the 21st century, the time period it was written, and
the different archetypes used for comparison there is enough evidence to support this
claim.... Show more content on ...
buck lived in the time of the Klondike gold rush where greed and hardships were
apart of everyone s day to day life. The connection to the 21st century is that today
instead of greedy gold rushers, today we have greedy CEO s that take advantage of
people and cause them to suffer, as well as politicians that don t give a crap about
the little people and probably take bribes on a regular basis. Animal cruelty back
then can also be connected to the 21st century, and the book displays animal cruelty
vividly and without remorse. (London). Animal cruelty is also watched more
closely today compared to back then when nobody cared or if they did they could
not do anything about it, but even though it is watched today it is still rampant and
the laws put in place to stop it are minimal and it does nothing to stop the people
from doing
Ronald Schaffer s America In The Great War Essay
Ronald Schaffer s America In The Great War
Ronald Schaffer s America in the Great War gives new insights into World War I.
The book gave historical accounts about the war that other books negated to included.
The thesis that Schaffer tries to prove that the Great War was the start of the American
welfare state and the beginning of big government. America in the Great War was
structured in chronological order of the war, from America s mobilization to the actual
fighting. What the book did not include is a detail account of the fighting. This was
biggest draw back in a otherwise well thought book.
The book begins with the mobilization of the United State s industry and man
power. The ... Show more content on ...
Congress passed many acts that prevented and punished dissent in the Untied
States. Three of these acts were the Espionage Act of 1917, the Trading with the
Act of 1917, and the Sedition Act of 1918. These acts were successful in limiting the
amount of discontent towards the war. The price of this limited discontent was the
suspension of rights of American citizens. Thousands of Americans suspected of
dissension were arrested and convicted of sedition. Americans were encouraged to tell
government officials of any kind of anti war activities that they know about. The
government arrested people and sent them to jail for even hinting about anti war
This created fear among Americans towards the Federal Government, but did
in stopping dissension.
The next three chapters focused on the mobilization of American industry to fight
the war. In the years before the Great War, America was making the work place a safer
and better place to work. Labor unions had power to control wages, hours and
conditions. The Great War for the most part suspended the labor movement. The
States needed to fight a war, and American industry was key in winning that war. The
Federal Government became heavily involved in controlling industry. The level of
that the government used was on heard of a few years ago. American labor
The Pros And Cons Of American Foreign Policy Of The
United... defines foreign policy as a policy pursued by a nation in its dealing
with other nations, designed to achieve national objectives (, 2015).
According to U.S History (2015), The United States American foreign policy is
founded on interactions with foreign nations and establish standards of collaboration
for its governments, conglomerates and citizens. The objectives of the foreign policy
of the United States, plus all the Agencies and Bureaus in the United States
Department of State are to shape and endure an additional democratic, safe, and
affluent domain for the advantage of the American societies and the global
community. Jurisdictional goals listed by the United States House Committee on
Foreign Affairs
Acute Red Eye Essay
An acute red eye is one of the most common reasons why children present to the
pediatrician or adults present to their primary care physician. Although most cases of
acute red eye are caused by self limiting and benign conjunctivitis, it is important to
distinguish when a more serious pathology is present that may require a non urgent
or urgent ophthalmologic referral. A thorough history of the illness is one of the most
important tools that pediatricians have to determine whether the patient can be
treated by the pediatrician or whether an ophthalmologic referral is indicated. A child
presenting to the pediatrician with a red eye could indicate a wide variety of
etiologies from infection, trauma, foreign body, structural disorder, or systemic
disease.8 Important aspects of the history to obtain are whether there has been any
recent trauma to the eye, the duration of the symptoms, whether the symptoms are...
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Viral conjunctivitis may be caused by a variety of viruses, but the most commonly
seen infection is with adenovirus. These children present with red, glassy eyes, clear
discharge, tearing, and swelling of the conjunctiva.1 It is also important to evaluate
these patients for a recent history of an upper respiratory infection or sick contacts. If
the child is presenting with grossly inflamed conjunctiva, blurred vision,
photophobia, and signs/symptoms of an upper respiratory infection it is possible that
a more serious cause of viral conjunctivitis, epidemic keratoconjunctivitis is present.5
These patients often have subepithelial corneal infiltrates that may affect vision.4 If
this is suspected, an ophthalmologic referral is indicated. Treatment for adenovirus
conjunctivitis (both non complicated and epidemic keratoconjunctivitis) is
symptomatic treatment with artificial tears and proper hand washing hygiene to
prevent spread of the
The Tri State Water War
Tri State Water War
Nathan A. Smith
Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Thesis: Georgia should be able to continue their withdrawals from Lake Lanier and
the water basins because of their water supply needs for irrigating its crops in the
south, flood control, and sustaining its rapidly growing population in the metro
Atlanta area.
Epa, U. (2013). Georgia: Upper Apalachicola Chattahoochee Flint River Basin, (2).
Retrieved December 7, 2014, from
/feb26/metchis2.pdf In the past, Georgia has experienced several droughts that
impacted Georgia economically and politically. Because of this, states and counties
downstream have been harmed ... Show more content on ...
Lund, N. (n.d.). Georgia Battles Back in Tri State Water Wars. Retrieved December 7,
2014, from
/31.3Tristate_Water_Wars.htm Lake Lanieris a large reservoir that serves many
purposes including the following: flood control, power generation, recreation, water
supply, and water storage. The US Army Corps of Engineers allowed Georgia to
withdraw water from Lake Lanier. However, Alabama and Florida filed a lawsuit
against the Corps due to the fact that Georgia was withdrawing water from Lake
Lanier which decreased the downstream levels. In the 2009 ruling, Georgia as
increased their withdraw amount to the point exceeding WSA which affected the
hydropower generation. In the 11th circuit Appeal, Georgians were given hope in
an increase in withdraws from Lake Lanier, but in the end, the Corps repudiated
Georgia s request. However, there was a problem with the law so the Corps is
reevaluating Georgia s request. Georgia has responsibility issues between water
storage and hydropower generation. Alabama, Florida, and Georgia will wait for
the Corps decision on the case before they do anything else. This source is useful
because it gives detail at the time the Buford dam was created, the 2009 ruling, and
the 11th Circuit Appeal. Compared to the other sources, this source details out the
specifics of the purpose of the dam and how
Reducing Food Waste At Trine University
Almost everyone encounters food every day, and a lot of times, it is taken for
granted. According to in 2009, 2.3 billion tons of food was
wasted worldwide, and in the U.S. alone 20 pounds of food is wasted per person
each month. The amount of food wasted is ridiculously high and needs to be
stopped. If Trine University takes steps towards preventing foodwaste, it could not
only save the university money, but also save the environment in the process. There
are simple solutions to help solve the food waste issue at Trine University, like
creating a voting system for food choices, lowering the portion size, and recycling
unused or extra food. Taking steps to prevent food waste will benefit the university,
the economy.
To begin with, over filling plates in the cafeteria is a common problem leading to
an increase in food waste at Trine University. Getting a portion too big to finish in
one sitting will leave food being sent to the trash instead of being eaten by someone
else. The article Portion Size Me: Plate Size Induced Consumption Norms and Win
Win Solutions for Reducing Food Intake and Waste states, several studies in the role
that visual consumption plays when preparing meals on different sized dinnerware.
Study one in the article states, We contend that dinnerware provides a visual anchor
of an appropriate fill level, which in turn, serves as a consumption norm (Wansink and
van Ittersum ). This quote states when people fill up their dinner plates
Christopher Marlowe Influence
Christopher Marlowe is a great Elizabethan dramatist. He has taken birth in
Canterbury Kent on 6 February 1564. In this same year Shakespeare has also taken
birth. Elizabeth I was in power at that time. Marlowe s father s name is John
Marlowe. He is a shoe maker. Canterbury is a little city today but in the 16th century
it was a large and well settled one. During the birth of Christopher Marlowe
Canterbury s population was about 4,000. It looks like a village for us now, but by
Elizabethan values it was a good range.
Marlowe is known as father of English tragedy and leader of English poets .He is a
great English Renaissance writer. He is a such a great writer that his contemporaries
got influence from him. Even the great writer Shakespeare ... Show more content on ...
He is the man who has brought a uniqueness in English plays. There is force,
suspense, comedy and horror in his plays. He is such a great writer that a poet
Algernon Charles Swinburne says about Marlowe that Marlowe is the father of
English tragedy and the originator of English blank verse, he is also the teacher
and the guide of Shakespeare. Shakespeare and Marlowe both have produced plays
for Lord Strange s acting company and they influenced each other s work.
Shakespeare has also favored the blank verse. In May 1593 Marlowe was accused
of atheism. A man named Thomas Kyd was arrested and contrary notes were found
in his room. Kyd told the notes belong to Christopher Marlowe. Before the Privy
Council could take action Marlowe was stabbed and killed in an argument in a
house in Deptford on 30 May 1593. After this, Christopher Marlowe was buried in
Reason of Marlowe death is a mystery. But some people think that Marlowe has been
killed because of a conspiracy, but aggressive fighting was common in the 16th
century. As there was no police force most people were carrying knives for self
protection. Unfortunately arguments commonly resulted in
Descartes Dream Argument
Descartes dream argument establishes itself based on the premise that I cannot
distinguish between my most clear and evident perceptions and vivid dreams. He
begins this argument by pointing out how our main source of belief, our senses,
can be deceptive. Descartes flirts with the idea that possibly his senses are
deceiving because he is insane. Unless perhaps I were to liken myself to the
insane, whose brains are impaired by such an unrelenting vapor of black bile that
they steadfastly insist that they are kings when they are utter paupers, or that they
are arrayed in purple robes when they are naked, or that they have heads made of
clay, or that they are gourds, or that they are made of glass. But such people are mad,
and I would appear... Show more content on ...
He tries to figure out where the images of his body (eyes, hands, etc.) have come
from. He poses the question whether or not the images in his dreams are based on
reality. For a second he thinks that maybe we do not look anything like that but the
images we see in our sleep must be real because they are like painted images, which
could only have been produced in the likeness of true things... (Descartes). He
gives an example of an artist making a bizarre creature. The images used to create
the creature are not completely new, the artist must take bits and pieces of other
animals they have seen in the real world and combine them to make a new animal
(Descartes). And even if the artist created a completely new being, surely the
simplest aspects of it such as the color must be true (Descartes). It is from this that
Descartes comes to believe that things that are dependent on other factors, such as
astronomy and physics are doubtful and that what cannot be doubted are things that
are built upon the simplest of factors such as mathematics, which does not depend on
the existence of other factors (Descartes). Whether or not I am dreaming, 2 plus 2
will always equal
Essay on Courtly Love and Rondeau Form
Courtly Love and Rondeau Form
Both Adieu m amour, adieu ma joye by Dufay and Le souvenir de vous me tue by
Morton are the songs of the courtly love and, they are composed in the rondeau
form. From one point of view, the form of the music, rondeau, may be too specific
in terms of the melody order to express the poem of the courtly love which is about
a man s feelings of distant love. However, in these two specific songs, Dufay and
Morton used their clever criativities to let the repetition of the melodies and the poem
fit naturally to the overall flow of the songs.
According to Michael Freeman in The World of Courtly Love, the style of music of
the courtly love was developped by the troubadours who were musicians as well as ...
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Le souvenir . .
Car je . . .
The first set of the poem goes with the melody A, the second set goes with the
melody B, the third set goes with the melody a (*since this poem is different from
the first set of the poem, even though the melody is the same, it needs to be
indicated with small a .) Then, the poem from the first set returns with the melody
A again. The fifth set of the poem comes in with the melody a (*) then, the sixth set
of the poem comes in with the melody b (**since this poem is different from the
second set of the poem, even though the melody is the same, it needs to be indicated
with small b .) Finally, the same sets of poem and the melodies from the first and the
second combinations return at the end. Then, the form of rondeau, A B a A a b A B,
is completed.
However, why did Morton, in the case of Le souvenir de vous me tue, need to have
this specific combinations of the verses of the poem and the melody? Every section
of the poem only contains two lines and, there are more notes in the melody than
the numbers of the syllable in the poem. So, if he wants, it may be possible to
exchange the melody A for melody B in any part of the song. In case of the Adieu
m amour, adieu ma joye, the difference in number of lines of poem would specifies
the combinations of the poem and the melody in its basic level. However, it is not
the only reason to decide the
Fiscal Policy Vs Monetary Policy
Stimulating, keeping balance, and influencing our economy are only a few things
our nation strives for when it comes to regulating our economy. Two of the powerful
tools our government uses in getting our countries economy in the right direction are
fiscal and monetary policy. Both of these policies are extremely effective in their
own ways and when used together can only help an economy more than harm it.
Taking a closer look at the policies individually, the fiscal policy seems to have a
bigger role in regulating the economy. Through government management the fiscal
policy seems to hold up its part of the deal and betters the economy in the long run.
One of the influential policies that our nation uses is monetary policy. Monetary
policy ... Show more content on ...
The policy objectives are to set base interest rates, or creating easy money
/influencing the supply of money. For example, in the United States, the Federal
Reserve Bank is tasked with achieving maximum employment and price stability at
the same time. One of the tools that the Federal Reserve board uses is purchasing
and/or selling U.S. government bonds in the market which ultimately influences
the supply of money. If a nation is in a recession, the monetary policy may put in
place in order to regulate the economy by selling government bonds for newly
created money. When it comes to the monetary there are several pros and cons that
come hand in hand. A few pros is that there is a small amount of inflation which is
good because it allows investment in the future and workers will expect higher
wages, also in using the monetary policy the banks can act quickly, even though the
currency weakens this can result In a boost in exports. That boost allows products to
be less expensive for foreigners to buy. However, there are many cons that outweigh
the pros. For example, tools such as increasing interest rates affect the economy as a
whole, not really considering the fact that only a part of the country needs the
stimulus. States with higher unemployment may need
Gascoigne Literary Devices
In For That He Looked Not upon Her, George Gascoigne uses several literary
devices to bring his poem together in a way that makes the point of it clear. He also
uses these devices to show the deeper meaning behind his words. Of many, three of
the devices used prominently throughout his work is form, diction, and imagery. All
pulled together the author is able to clearly portray a betrayed tone towards the subject
of the poem. An example of the diction in his writing is use of word such as
blazing, flame, fire, and scorched. These words often have a negative connotation
as they re ones that often mean danger or something one should be cautious of or
stay away from all together. By saying the subject of the poem has blazing eyes ,
for example, Gascoigne makes it clear that this person is harmful and either will, or
has caused some sort of damage. Words such as trustless, doubt, deceit are also ones
that have a negative connotation and are used to show the relationship between the
examples used. All together this shows that the relationship at hand is meant to have
the same connotation and is being portrayed in a negative light. Continuing with
diction, by using phrases such as trustless bait and dazzled by desire , the author is
saying that above only being something cruel, all of these things are ones that at first
appear alluring. By inserting vague words like hardly and seldom, he says that while
it s most often one
The Is Not Healthcare Vending Machines
Technology today promises seemingly limitless possibilities. Robots are already
living among us, controlling your refrigerator, your smart phone, your personal
computer and even your car. Some technology advancements sound far fetched to
contemporary ears, and many people hesitate at the prospect of adopting them.
Nonetheless, should we embrace a cyborg future in which tasks great and small
are carried out by robots? As robots are becoming increasingly common in human
environments, people will be presented with more opportunities. Therefore,
existing jobs in healthcare may be replaced by software, humanoid robots and
smart machines by the year 2025. Following this, are various opinions on this
prospect. Doctors are not healthcare vending machines, but professionals who
understand the difference between negative rights, such as the right to refuse
treatment . (Cheshire, JR., MD). Physicians, nurses and other healthcare workers
are professionals. A healthcare professional, by contrast, undergoes many years of
demanding training and sacrifice. Also, they develop a practice, and pursue a love
for the purpose of serving others. Professionals declare that they are competent and
willing to care for the sick, and they commit to healing as their way of life. Smart
machines and robots are service providers. Professionals are not the same as service
providers. In addition to knowledge, professionalism consists of technical skills as
well. A case in point includes the delicate ability
Dr. Pepper Snapple
Dave Smith
Dr. Pepper Snapple Project
External Audit:
Industry Analysis: * Porters 5 Forces Model Includes:
* Rivalry among existing competitors:
Rivalry among competitors is usually the most powerful of the five competitive
forces. The major competitors that Dr. Pepper Snapple currently faces are Coca
Cola and Pepsi Co. Coca Cola currently holds more than 40% of the beverage market
industry, Pepsi Co holds almost 30%, while Dr. Pepper accounts for only 16%
(Current StockPrices. 8 June 2013. The competition in the
beverage industry is fierce because of many factors including, consumer preference
changes, expansion into emerging markets and becoming well known globally,
increase in costs of manufacturing ... Show more content on ...
In addition, the raw materials to produce the beverages, such as sweeteners, juice,
fruit, water, etc. can highly impact the selling price to the end consumer and during a
recession this is a formula for failure. If a situation like this were to arise than the
company with the least costs and own distribution center will most likely be the only
one to survive due to the fact that they will be able to offer the consumer the one
thing that they want the most, the cheapest price. * Threat of new entrant:
The threat of new entry in today s beverage market is low because of several
factors. However we are only going to discuss the main points of why the threat is
low in today s market which include; High cost barriers due to the role of bottlers,
saturated American market due to brand loyalty created by Pepsi and Coke, emerging
markets laws and regulations, and costly risks to match consumer taste trends and
Each of the 3 main competitors in the beverage industry has some type of bottling
process which is a part of their manufacturing and distribution process. As I stated
above, in rivalry among competitors, some of the competitors such as Pepsi and
Coke own their own bottling companies. This is a major advantage to possess
however if they do not own them then they have created legal documented
agreements with these franchises to only allow their products to be bottled in that
particular location. On the Coca Cola
Hiroshima House Research Paper
Memorial statues and the Atomic bomb Dome are in Hiroshima Peace Memorial
Park. The Dome shall remind you of the tragedy of war and the importance of
peace. A traveler says every visitor to Hiroshima should spend some time in this
park. The whole place is beautiful, but the atmosphere is unavoidably sombre and it
will have an incredible impact. One of travelers says the shrine is nice to see when
the tide is high so you can see it in water. The shrine seems to be floating The
surroundings streets are beautiful to walk around and admire the Japanese culture.
Plenty of wild deer in the area come up to you. Everyone knows that the first Atomic
Bomb was dropped over Hiroshima and more than 100,000 people died. But travelers
says you don t know... Show more content on ...
It is a long way up the mountain to reach the top, so you can spend a couple of
hours wandering around. Make sure to visit everywhere. The best time to visit is a
cherry blossom season and late autumn to enjoy red maple leaves. Travelers say if
you like impressionistic paintings, you will definitely find your enjoyment in
Hiroshima Museum of Art. The museum has a marvellous collection including
Manet, Renoir, Monet, Matisse, Cezanne, Lautrec, Degas and a Van Goghof. The
Special Exhibition of Anno is breath taking. It is worth a visit. Travelers say it s
easy to reach at Hiroshima City Transportation Museum from Hiroshima city
centre by Astram, a monorail type train in the sky. This museum shows the
fantastic progress Japan has made in transportation. While it is true there are many
models, there are also full sized simulations.You can pilot a boat into a harbor. It s
worth a trip. Travelers say Hiroshima City Asa Zoological Park is a bit far out.
From Hiroshima JR station the bus ride is about 1 hour and you do ride through
some nice country side with some unique Japanese homes to see. But if you have
spare time and children, it is really worth a visit. You can enjoy see varied animals
and walking in the
Prejudice, By, The Merchant Of Venice, And Real World...
Imagine living in barracks, starved, then gassed because of your religion. Getting
accused of raping someone because of your skin tone, then getting put in prison. Or
getting spat upon because you re a Jew. All of these things occurred in some point in
history, and we are shown what this is like through novels, plays and book such as;
To Kill a Mockingbird , The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian , The
Merchant of Venice , and real world occurrences such as the Holocaust. Today I will
be talking to you about the ways that prejudice is portrayed in all four of the
novels, plays and historic time marks. In To Kill a Mockingbird , Atticus is given a
case where he needs to defend Tom Robinson, who s accused guilty... Show more
content on ...
Many people assume that Indians live in bad households, and yes, typically that s
true. But when Junior goes to Reardan, he sees how lucky he is to have parents
who care about him. and seen how great parents do their great parenting, I realize
that my folks are pretty good. Sure, my dad has a drinking problem and my mom
can be a little eccentric, but they make sacrifices for me. They worry about me.
The talk to me. And best of all, they listen to me. (Alexie, 153). He sees that even
though his family is the typical Indian family poor, drunk, and low class they still
care a lot about him. He also says; I mean, yeah, Indians are screwed up, but we re
really close to each other. We KNOW each other. Everybody knows everybody.
(Alexie, 153). He shows that yeah, Indian s are really messed up. We really don t
take care of ourselves or other people, but when people are in need of each other,
they re there. They re all one family. This breaks the stereotype, of Indians being
nothing more than poor and drunk. They all have a much better relationship with
each other, and they re all connected. Our next example is The Merchant of Venice ,
a play. This in a way is foreshadowing of what s to come, the Holocaust. The Jews
are treated terribly and have a very valid reason to be angry. The Jews are treated
differently because they are scapegoats for everyone they have been getting blamed
from the beginning, starting with Jesus dying on the cross. This cause
There are many unique compounds that can be synthesized using methods of
chemistry that are serve as biological importance in the human body. Porphyrins are
an example of one of these compounds and it helps create many substances utilized
by the body, like hemoglobin (National Library of Medicine, 2013). Porphyrin, when
it is in its purified form, can be mixed with several metals to form
metalloporphyrins, for example if magnesium s the metal mixed with the porphyrin
it can create chlorophyll (Weldegirma, 2014). An important characteristic to
porphyrin is that it is aromatic and this is determined by utilizing Huckel s rule.
Huckel s rule simply uses two different formulas, 4n+2 and 4n, and the amount of
pi electrons present in a compound to determine if a compound is either aromatic or
non aromatic. One must simply count up the amount of delocalized pi electrons
present and if it is satisfied by 4n+2 it is aromatic, but if it satisfied by 4n then it is
nonaromatic. For example, porphyrin has 18 delocalized pi electrons, it cannot be
nonaromatic because if one... Show more content on ...
A possible explanation for a low percent yield is that the starting materials did not
completely react with each other meaning that the reaction did not produce the full
amount of product possible, which could be avoided by allowing the reflux to
continue for more time. For copper tetraphenylporphyrin the theoretical yield was
0.023g and the actual was 0.0274g, making the percent yield 118%. Possible
explanation for a large percent yield could have been due to the product not being
completely dry when being weighed or the presents of contaminates in the final
product. A TLC was conducted during the synthesis of tetraphenylporphyrin; this is
useful in monitoring the progression of the reaction because it helps identify what is
present in the reaction in terms of starting materials and
The Problem Of Social Media
In the wake of the recent attacks in Paris and increasing manmade and natural
disasters around the world, the ability to communicate with citizens during times
of crisis is more important than ever. It is no longer appropriate to limit the output
of emergency information to the traditional delivery methods. Social media use
continues to grow at a staggering pace. As of January 2014, 74% of online adults
use social networking sites (Pew Research Center, n.d.). The large percentage
adults who utilize social networks daily makes their use by government agencies
essential. It is no longer acceptable for Dane County Emergency Management not
have a social media presence. With our current messaging system and strategies,
we are being unheard by a large portion of our county s population. This is
particularly true with young adults who reside in our county, as their primary
source of information is through social media. By continuing our trend of no
social media use, our county is putting lives at risk in times of emergencies, when
rapid, accurate information dispersal is of the utmost importance. The strengths of
social media use are well documented. No longer can officials within the county
label its rise in usage as a trend. One of the most powerful attributes of social media
is its ability to be accessed with a mobile device. In regards to emergency
management, this is very beneficial, as most citizens will likely not be monitoring a
T.V. or radio station when a
Reflection On Multiculturalism And Music
For part two of this project, I decided to interview a friend that I became very close
to and can relate a lot to since my time starting at the college, Joseph Ahn. I asked
him four questions regarding the environment in which he was raised in, what the
music education program was like there, how he would describe his own identity,
and the outside influences that shaped his identity. This is significant to me
because I think it is important to always get new and unique perspectives on your
own ideas. It is imperative that researchers see multiple point of views so that they
can create an accurate representation of what they are studying and what they want
to accomplish. By simply looking at one s own experience is to only see one side
of the argument. I want to make sure that I am not being as biased as possible. I
believe that everyone should try to keep an open mind to everything that they learn
and everything that they take a stance on. If you only look at one side of the
argument, then you will never truly learn and grow. I also wanted to ask someone
of color just like me because I feel like people of color bring unique perspectives on
key topics especially to one pertaining to multiculturalismand music. Sometimes I
feel as though the music world is predominantly made up of whites, and there is
barely any representation of other races. The first questionI asked him was: Can you
describe what your town is like? Joe grew up in Piscataway Township. He told me
that his
Software Project Failure Essay
Failure of Software Project : There are many reasons for the failure of the project
here are the few reasons how there is a failure accourance for the software projects.
в¦ЃThe first reason is no proper planning for the project. в¦ЃNo sufficent time в¦ЃNo
sufficient budget в¦ЃNo good communication. в¦ЃNo proper testing в¦ЃNot reaching
to industry standards. No Sufficent time : The deadline for the project is decided
before the project starts. As the deadline is given we start assuming that the sooner
we start coding the sooner we will finish. This kind of apporach is always wrong. It is
very importatnt to spend time for creating a good design for the product with out a
proper design that leads for continious changes for the project. So when this happens
there is no sufficient time because lot of time gets wasted. No Sufficient Budget :
Many of the projects have low budgets based on their own requirments. When this
happens everything slows down eventually and the quality suffers. No Good
Communication : There should always be a good communication with development
team ,the users and the customers. This one of the important thing for the success of
the project. No proper Testing : When the product to be delivered in the moment the
only thing that suffers is testing. All the testing is left pending untill the coding is
done from the development team.So, this results the product with lot of bugs and
custmer feel unhappy. Not reaching to industry standards : Conforming to industry
Las Vegas Landscaping Research Paper
Meta Title: Decorative Looks With Las Vegas Rocks
Meta Description: Whether you want a low maintenance landscape or you want a
decorative look to accent grass and trees, rock landscaping is an ideal solution.
Meta Keywords: decorative rocks by professionals in Las Vegas, rocks and boulders
in Las Vegas, rock landscapers in Las Vegas, Las Vegas rock landscaper,
Summary: Rocks and boulders can add more than just a dramatic look to your garden.
As they come in all different sizes and colors, a Las Vegas rock landscaper can use
them to give delicate touch to borders or use rocks to divide and provide spaces that
you can use for different activities.
Reap the Benefits of Rock Gardens in Las Vegas
When water is scarce, a landscape that
State Of The Current Music Industry
Table of Contents
Table of Figures2
Introduction State of the Current Music Industry3
The Music Streaming Industry6
Porter s 5 Forces Analysis10
The Way forward for Deezer10
Table of Figures
Figure 1 Share of Industry Revenues (IFPI, 2015)3
Figure 2 Global Digital revenues by Sector (IFPI, 2015)4
Figure 3 Flow chart showing the change in the way music is distributed with the
entrance of new actors such as streaming services (Oestricher Kuzma, 2009)6
Figure 4 digital Music industry Value Chain showing7
Figure 5 Sources of value creation in e Business (Bjorn, 2010) (R C, 2001)8
Figure 6 Deezer UK pricing plans as of 01 November 2015 (Deezer, 2015)9
Introduction State of the Current Music Industry
With the advances in technology and increase in internet broadband availability
(The Broadband Commision, 2014), record labels are being forces to innovate and
update their business models (M.Coz Torres, 2013) to keep up with the latest
technology (Solis, 2015). Of these technologies, the move away from physical
sales (of music) to Digital sales is the most significant. Digital sales have increased
over the last 6 years (as shown in Table 1) in terms of revenues, and this is set to
carry on this way in the future (Solis, 2015). Table 1 Global Digital Revenues (IFPI,
Digital Music for the first time are now equal to those of traditional physical sales
accounting for 46% of the music industry revenues with Performance rights making
Positive And Negative Criticism Of My Work Performance
No matter what job you may have there will come a time where your work will be
evaluated. It is nearly close to impossible for you to have a career that doesn t give
you either positive or negative feedback. No matter what you may believe your
work performance is always being evaluated either by our supervisors, coworkers,
and most definitely the customer. You will learn how to accept both positive and
negative criticism through some very easy to steps. I have always admired people
who can take criticism. It always seems that whatever is said to them is like water on
a ducks back. They always seem to know the right things to say and still maintain
their composure. Unfortunately that isn t true for most of us. Then there are those of
who... Show more content on ...
This gives your brain enough time to process the situation. It also gives you
enough time to stop dismissive facial expression says the Muse. You automatically
look calm and so professional. The second thing you would want to do is
remember the benefit of getting feedback. This a chance for you to improve upon
your skill so you can be more valuable to your company. This will also help you
meet the expectation that your mangers and others have for you. The Muse also
states that you should also try to curtail any reaction you re having to the person
who is delivering the feedback. It can be challenging to receive criticism from
coworkers, a peer, or someone that you fully don t respect, but remember, accurate
and constructive feedback comes from even flawed sources states the Muse. The
third thing you want to do is listen for Understanding. You ve avoided your typical
reaction, your brain is working, and you ve recalled all the benefit of feedback.
When the person is sharing feed back to you listen closely. Allow them to share his
or her complete thought without interruption. When he or she is done repeat back
what she said says the Muse. Avoid analyzing or questioning the person assessment;
instead just focus on understanding his or her comment and perspective. It s difficult
to give feedback to another person. Recognize that the person giving you feedback
may be nervous or may not express their ideas perfectly, says the muse. The fourth
Arizona Homeowners Insurance
Arizona Homeowners insurance
Arizona, The Grand Canyon State is one of the four corner states. The four corner
states include : Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. Arizona is well known
for the Grand Canyon State Park. This state has the most land dedicated to Native
Americans in the entire US. Arizona summers are very hot while the winters are
mild. Southern Arizona is well known for its dry desert climate. Northern Arizona
demonstrates a different climate. The Northern section consists of forests of pine,
Douglas fir, and spruce trees. It is also home to the Colorado Plateau and some
mountain ranges. Northern Arizona also has deep canyons, which provides
significant snowfalls.
Have you thought about insuring your home in Arizona? ... Show more content on ...
This city has an average of 350 days a year with sunshine. Tucson is the sunniest city
in the United States. On average, homeowners insurance rates for Tucson are $1,220.
Mesa is Spanish for table. The town was given this name because of its shape as a
tabletop. Mesa is also a part of the Honeymoon Trail. This trail was used by Mormons
in 1926, to travel to Saint George, UT where they could be properly married. Mesa
homeowners coverage rates are on average $1,365.
This city uses water from 22 wells operating in the city. Chandler s oldest drinking
well is the Erie well. It has been operating since 1948. This well has produced around
eight billion, six hundred fourteen million gallons of drinking water. Insurance rates
for your home in this city is $1,199.
Glendale is about nine miles northwest from downtown Phoenix. This city
nicknamed itself Arizona s Antique Capital . Glendale is the site of two major
sports venues: University of Phoenix Stadium and Gila River Arena. The University
of Phoenix Stadium is the home field of the Arizona Cardinals. Looking to buy
homeowners coverage here? The average price is $1,653.
Qualities Of Niccolo Machiavelli
The Renaissance, which lasted from the 1300s to the 1600s, was a period of many
scientific discoveries, and saw the rebirth of classic Greek and Roman art, as well as
revolutionized politics and economics in Europe. This period in human history also
contributed to the subsequent colonization of numerous lands outside Europe, such
as Africa, Asia, and North America. However, when regarding literature written
during this time period, undoubtedly, Niccolo Machiavelli s magnum opus, The
Prince, is the most important work from this time period. In it, Machiavelli gives
advice on how to best acquire, wield, and maintain power. He also discusses his
political philosophy on the idea that every leader should prioritize state interests
rather than individual or international interests. Meanwhile, on January twelfth, 2016,
former president Barack Obamagave his final State of the Union speech, which
outlined the future after the end of his last term, what policies should be installed
to best benefit the American people, and how to deal with the issue of Islamic
terrorism in the Middle East and the rest of the world. He also addresses fears over
the growing increase in the automation of jobs. Nevertheless, there are certain things
in particular that one should note in Obama s speech, these things being evident of
qualities that Machiavelli would approve of, and consider necessary in order to be an
effective leader, which are cruelty, military preparedness, and deceit. Firstly,
How We Went from Neanderthals, to the Song Dynasty, to
Humankind has come a long way since the beginning of time and the beginning
started in Africa. Anthropologists guess that we, Homo sapiens, come from other
animals such as chimpanzees since they are our neighboring relative. Many other
species arose in Africa as well and we all shared one thing and that was the ability
to walk up on two legs. As time went on, our brains grew larger and we started
migrating to other places such as Eurasia and started using tools. Ultimately, all of
the species died out and we were the only ones left because of all the struggles we
went through and the way we established settled societies. Where do we come from
you may ask? There are various amounts of theories, but there has been one with a
vast amount of... Show more content on ...
There are many types of people who would fall under this category, but there has
been one that have been studied for a very long time and that is the Neanderthals.
There were these very tall people who had very strong thick bones and a very large
brain and lived in Eurasia. Neanderthals would often follow where animals were
migrating to since that was their main food source. They probably had very strong
thick bones so they could chew up an animal since that was mainly what they did
eat. They would sleep in caves and made fires to cook animals in. Many people
have this inception that Neanderthals were stupid, but in theory are actually very
intelligent. No one knows what happened to these people, they just disappeared.
The farming and herding communities planted seeds and domesticated animals.
This was called the agriculture era and it was not always easy. It depended on the
climate, soils and what kind of animals there were to be domesticated. This human
society planted grains such as corn and rice where they would eat from. Since this
society had a large amount of plants that they could feed from members barley
starved which increased their population. It seems like a great time to live in unless
a natural disaster comes and destroys all of the plants and their livestock. Farming
allowed an easier life and the growth of villages. Villages would be built were the
ground was fertile enough, usually next to a
Estelle s Faith Quotes
There is one more situation in which Estelle s bad faith is extremely evident in the
play. Estelle is experiencing her last connection to the human world where she
states I m only half here. I m only half wicked, and half of me is down there with
you, clean and crystal clear as running water. (No Exit 32). Estelle s bad faith in
this case is represented by her inability to accept not only the fact that since she is
a sum of her actions she is indeed fully wicked but, it is also in her refusal to accept
the fact that although a person may not know what she has done it does not mean
that the part of her seen from that person in any represents who she truly is. When
she states that half of me is clean and crystal clear as running water ... Show more
content on ...
He later is attempting to convince Inez that he is not a coward and states Can one
possibly be a coward when one s deliberately courted danger at every turn? And can
one judge a life by a single action. (No Exit 43). If it were the case that this was the
only time Garcin were acting like a coward it may not be possible to fully judge
him based upon one action but, Inez points out that For thirty years you dreamt
you were a hero and condoned a thousand petty lapses. (No Exit 43). Inez is arguing
that Garcin has always been lying to himself and has been dreaming that he was a
hero but, has actually just been self deceiving himself whenever he did something
cowardly which she points out by saying he condoned a thousand petty lapses
which is referring to perhaps smaller cowardly acts that he has done throughout his
life that he refused to accept as indicating he was a coward. Then even past that she
states Then a day came when you were up against it, the red light of real danger
and you took the train to Mexico. (No Exit 43) Inez perfectly points out how
Garcin has always been acting in bad faith up until the last actions he ever took.
By denying the fact that he is a coward and not the hero he attempts to paint
himself as it reveals that Garcin lived a life full of inauthenticity since he has never
accepted the fact that he is a coward because his actions are that of a coward.
Garcin then tries defending himself one last time against Inez as he argues I died
to soon. I wasn t allowed time to to do my deeds. (No Exit 43) he is attempting to
blame the fact that he died too soon as the reason he was never able to act as the
hero he tries to show himself as. This argument is directly counteracted by
existentialism which is pointed out by Inez when she says One always dies too
soon... And yet one s life is complete at that moment... You are your life, and nothing
Solomon Asch Conformity Experiments (1951) Essay
In 1951, Solomon Asch carried out several experiments on conformity. The aim of
these studies was to investigate conformity in a group environment situation. The
purpose of these experiments was to see if an individual would be swayed by
public pressure to go along with the incorrect answer. Asch believed that conformity
reflects on relatively rational process in which people are pressured to change their
behaviour. Asch designed experiments to measure the pressure of a group situation
upon an individual judgment. Asch wanted to prove that conformity can really play
a big role in disbelieving our own senses. Asch initiated his experiment by making
one of the particpants at ease. He asked a serious of elementary questions where the
four... Show more content on ...
The participants seated themselves around a table, these confederates were not
known to each other, and most important concept of this experiment relied on the
fact all of the participants were working together, but for one. They took turns in a
fixed order to call out publicly which of three comparison lines was the same length
as a standard line on the left card. In reality only one person was a naive participant
who answered second to last, the rest were experimental confederates instructed to
give erroneous responses. The results were intriguing as there were large individual
differences or variation in responses. However nonetheless what was evident was that
25 percent of participants remained independent throughout the trials, another 50
percent conformed to the erroneous majority in 6 or more trials and another 5 percent
conformed on all 12 trials. Therefore the average conformity rate was 33 percent.
Asch used quantitative sampling method, which means that a positivist would argue
that quantitative data is more accurate because it is scientific. Positivist approach will
ensure that Asch experiments are reliable, and easily replicated by someone else and
deliver same results. Although he used up to 7 people, Quantitative Data includes
statistics and numbers to make his claim for high in reliability and
God s Omnipotence and Omnipresence in Joyce Kilmer s
The famous poem Trees by Joyce Kilmer is a lyrical poem that focuses on nature,
in which God has made. A tree is used in this poem to emphasize how the works of
men is incomparable to the works of God. This poem is a proclamation of God s
omnipresence and omnipotence.
An aabbccdd rhyme scheme is used in this short but well expressed couplet.
Personification is frequently used frequently throughout the poem to make it evident
to the readers that God s creation of nature is living. For an example, in stanza 2,
Kilmer says, A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the earth s sweet flowing
breast , verifies that nature works hand in hand with one another for survival and
lives. Seasonal changes us readers can relate to such as summer, ... Show more
content on ...
He then turned to Roman Catholicism. After his conversion from Episcopalism to
Roman Catholicism, his writings revolved around Christian values. Kilmer then
wrote his most famous work called Trees . The poem Trees was quoted by many
and became a huge reference for inspiration. His mother set the poem to music,
which was available in her Whimsical Whimsies resulting in adoration from millions
( Joyce Kilmer: The Poetry Foundation ). Kilmer joined the Army during World
War I in 1917. He served as a private in the 7th Regiment in the New York National
Guard. He later served a Sergeant. Kilmer began to write about his experiences in
war, which included his faith in God. Kilmer s life ended when he was shot in the
head while fighting in the Second Battle of Marne ( Joyce Kilmer: The Poetry
Foundation ). Kilmer s life involved many hardships and successes that he sought
through due to his faith in God. This is reflected in his Realistic writings.
Modernists believe the world is created in the way that we, as humans perceive it.
Modernists thinks that the world is what we say it is ( Modernism in Literature: What
Is Modernism? ). Modernism is a contradiction to the ideas of Romanticism on a
worldview perspective. Instead of believing in the progression and growth of the
earth, a Modernist observes decay and a growing seclusion of the human being. A
Modernist does not care much for nature, being,
Frito Lay Research Paper
Frito Lay is an international snacks company, and a subsidiary of Pepsi Cola since
1965, whose headquarters is located at Plano, Texas. The Frito Lay website
( has an format that its easy to use, and also shows the colors
of their logo. The Frito Lay has become a multi billion leading manufacture in
snack producer, having more than 50,000 employees, and over 40 different product
lines, from which 7 of those have sales over a billion dollars each. To mention some
of its primary goods, which are: Lay s potato chips, Doritos, Cheetos cheese flavored
snacks, Tostitos tortilla chips, and Fritos corn chips. Other services that they provide
online vary from nutrition facts, recipes, and shopping directly from the company.
The reason why I decided to research on Frito Lay s is because it is one of the
popular products when doing grocery shopping and at local convenient stores. What
might surprised us the most about Frito Lay s is the extensive history this company
has in the United States, going through the Great Depression, and World War II. Frito
Lays vision is all about the fun from making tasty snacks, and helping their customers.
(Frito Lays: Company)
Two of the Frito Lay noteworthy OM practices I learned from my research are the
company s approach to ... Show more content on ...
This process gains 350,000 tons of potatoes, so the company reuses the extracted
water for the factory s daily production. They also achieved more than 280 electric
vehicles, which helps reduce carbon fuel. The company also has more than 200
compressed natural gas (CNG) trucks, representing approximately 20% of the over
the road fleet. This will also helped reduce direct emissions by more than 20%, as
compared to conventional diesel engines. In 2012, the EPA recognized Frito Lay
Division for Leading the business community to a clean, efficient and more
sustainable future for goods
Bog Poad
Bod Pod Analysis The Bod Pod is a system in which the body s density is calculated.
This density is then transferred to see how much of a person s overall weight is fat
and how much is muscle. My experience in testing was both interesting and
insightful. Beginning, I met with Mrs. Megan Windham, the registered dietician at
Beutel Healthservices. I was then told to change into clothing with minimal
additional weight and stepped into the Pod system. The Pod changed the air
pressure around me and took three consecutive readings to ensure accuracy. I then
changed into my normal clothing and followed Mrs. Windham to discuss my results.
Following, I was able to sit down one on one with Mrs. Windham to see my results.
She told me that I had... Show more content on ...
She said that by watching my diet combined with a healthy workout regimen
should help me. She also informed me that she is interested in see me lower the fat
percentage, not my overall weight. By lifting weights and gaining muscle, I would
see an increase on the scale but it would actually be for my benefit because I would
have a higher ratio of lean muscle in my body. Moreover, I have always struggled
with a fluctuating weight so it was nice to see a measurement of my actual
composition of my body as opposed to seeing just the number of pounds on a scale
at home. I now have a place to start to work towards improvement. I know that I
need to integrate weight lifting into my workout routine and eat a more balanced
diet. Now that I have a goal in mind, I feel more value behind the changes that I
plan to make in my lifestyle. Overall, I would say that the Bod Pod taught me a lot
more than I had originally expected to learn about my body. The process was very
quick and easy, the dietician was friendly and informative, and I now have goals on
where I would like to improve. I would gladly do this test again and would
recommend it to anyone wishing to live a healthier
Why Do Three Signs Your Home Is Need Of A New Roof
3 Signs Your Home Is Need Of A New Roof An asphalt roof can last around 20 years,
but you can t go by age alone when determining when to replace your roof. If your
roof has been through several big storms, it ages faster, especially if it was hit by hail.
You may need repair work or a roof replacement much sooner if your roof is damaged
by a storm or by tree limbs falling on it or brushing against it. A roofer tests the
deck and examines the shingles to determine if your roof is near the end of its life.
Here are some of the signs that signal it s time to start planning for a roof
replacement. The Deck Has a Spongy Bounce The deck of your roof is the plywood
base that the shingles rest upon. It should always be dry and firm. It... Show more
content on ...
The strikes of the hail can damage the backs of the shingles as well as remove the
granules on top that provide protection from the sun. This damage increases the
risk of leaking. Leaks may not happen right away, but in months or a few years,
your home could have water damage that can be traced back to the hail storm as
the cause. For that reason, your roofer and your insurance agent may recommend
you tear off the old roof and put on a new one when it has substantial hail marks on
it that indicate it was hit hard by multiple hail strikes. The Shingles Show Signs of
Extreme Wear The weather and sun exposure wear down asphalt shingles over
time. Eventually, the shingles crack, buckle, and become loose. While you can
make repairs when needed, there comes a time when it s just best to replace the roof
to prevent water leaks. If your roof has a single layer of asphalt shingles and they are
not buckled or lifted, your roofer might be able to install a new layer of roofing
shingles over the old ones. This saves on installation time, cuts down on waste, and
it saves you money. Local codes generally allow only two layers of roofing, so if you
already have two layers, they ll both have to come off when you get a new roof. In
some instances, installing two layers is not a good choice. In that case, your roofer
pulls off the old shingles and puts on new ones. If you suspect your roof is old and
in need of replacement, or if it just looks worn out and damaged,
An Evaluation of Library Databases and Resources for Use...
An Evaluation of Library Databases and Resources for use in Research
Page 2
Tsang, Philip, Kwan, Reggie; Fox, Roger (2006). Faculty Perceptions of ICT Benefits.
Enhancing learning thru technology (pp. 1 10). Retrieved from
DATABASE: (NCU Library) Ebrary
KEYWORDS: Educational Technology, Internet in Education, E Learning
SKILLS IN THIS DATABSE: This is the first time searchingusing this database. I
encountered many problems, even though I did view the NCU library tutorial. With
perseverance I was finally able to navigate through the database. I need much more
experience with ... Show more content on ...
162 166. Retrieved from
/ advanced?accountid=28180
KEYWORDS: Distance Education, Distance Learning in Developing Countries,
Distance Learning in Africa
SEARCH LIMITERS: peer reviewed, journal article
SKILLS IN THIS DATABASE: I was pleased to notice that my e searching library
skills were improving rather fast. I began to notice that the level of frustration I had
up to this point was fading. At this point I am able to perform basic searches with a
considerable amount of success.
Page 4
Butcher, N., Latchem, C., Marwoyo, M., Levey, L. (2011). Distance education for
empowerment and development in Africa. Distance Education 32. 2. 149 158.
Retrieved from
DATABASE: (NCU Library) ProQuest
KEYWORDS: distance education in developing countries, distance education in
Africa, educational technology
SEARCH LIMITERS: Peer review, journal article
SKILLS IN THIS DATABASE: My skills had improved as I began searching for the
third peer reviewed journal. My knowledge of the database search jargon and my
understanding of its application to the search process allowed me to navigate through
the database with much less frustration this time around.
Page 5
General Remarks
The Ebrary database was very useful because it is designed for

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Essays On Persuasion

  • 1. Essays On Persuasion Writing an essay on the topic of "Essays on Persuasion" can be a challenging endeavor that demands a comprehensive understanding of persuasive techniques, a keen awareness of rhetorical strategies, and the ability to articulate well-reasoned arguments. This subject requires a deep exploration of the art of persuasion, delving into the intricacies of ethos, pathos, and logos, as well as the various rhetorical devices employed to influence an audience. To create a compelling essay, one must not only grasp the theoretical aspects of persuasion but also be adept at applying these principles to real-life scenarios. Crafting persuasive essays requires a meticulous selection of evidence, a nuanced consideration of opposing viewpoints, and the skill to construct a coherent and persuasive narrative that captivates the reader's attention. Furthermore, navigating through the vast literature on persuasion, including seminal works by influential figures like Aristotle, Cicero, and modern scholars, adds an additional layer of complexity. Analyzing different perspectives and synthesizing diverse ideas requires intellectual rigor and critical thinking. Despite the difficulty, the challenge of writing an essay on persuasion is also an opportunity for personal growth and development. It demands honing one's analytical and persuasive skills, which are invaluable in various aspects of life. While it may be a daunting task, the rewards lie in the ability to communicate effectively, influence opinions, and contribute to meaningful discourse. In conclusion, tackling the topic of "Essays on Persuasion" involves a multifaceted exploration of persuasive techniques, rhetorical strategies, and effective communication. It's a task that requires dedication, research, and a thoughtful approach to crafting a compelling narrative. Those seeking assistance or looking for well-crafted essays on similar topics can explore options like for professional support and guidance in their academic endeavors. Essays On Persuasion Essays On Persuasion
  • 2. Ponzi Scheme A Ponzi Scheme is an investment fraud that involves the payment of alleged returns to existing investors from funds contributed by new investors. Ponzi scheme organizers often seek new investors by showing potential in their company; they entice investors to invest funds in opportunities claimed to generate high returns with little or no risk. In many Ponzi schemes, the fraudsters focus on attracting new money to make promised payments to earlier stage investors and to use for personal expenses, instead of engaging in any legal investment activity. The system is destined to collapse because the earnings are less than the payments to investors. Ponzi schemes tend to collapse when it becomes difficult to recruit new investors or when a ... Show more content on ... Second, the scheme will begin to collapse under its own weight as the investment slows and the promoter starts having problems paying the promised returns, the higher the return on investment the greater is the risk of the Ponzi scheme collapsing. Such crises often trigger panics, as more people start asking for their money. Third, the external market forces, such as a sharp decline in the economy, may cause many investors to withdraw part or all of their funds; not necessarily due to loss of confidence in the investment, but simply due to the market meltdown. The SEC investigates and prosecutes many Ponzi scheme cases each year both to prevent new victims from being harmed and to maximize the recovery of assets to investors. During 2009, the SEC filed 60 enforcement actions involving Ponzi schemes or Ponzi like payments. Two recent popular Ponzi schemes are, first, Robert Allen Stanford and his companies with allegedly conducting an $8 billion Ponzi scheme. And second, Bernard L. Madoff, who orchestrated a multi billion dollar Ponzi scheme that swindled money from thousands of investors. Robert Allen Stanford was a prominent financier, philanthropist, and sponsor of professional sports who has been charged with fraud. In early 2009, Stanford became the subject of several fraud investigations, and on February 17, 2009, was charged by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission with fraud and multiple violations of U.S. securities laws for
  • 3. The Consequences Of Marijuana In this article, the authors are arguing the use of marijuana and the consequences or health risks that come with using such. State and Federal legislators are changing laws and the availability to marijuana is becoming more relaxed leading to more use of marijuana and increased health risks including violence. Some popular cases proving this argument are as follows: Treyvon Martin, the teen, who was shot and killed by a neighborhood watch volunteer, George Zimmerman. Reports showed that Marijuana was found in Martin s system that night the incident occurred. Michael Brown robbed a convenience store for cigarettes to wrap up marijuana in and reports indicated he assaulted the store clerk as well. Darren Wilson, a police officer, was attacked
  • 4. Questions On Design Of Technical Systems Essay Isaac Mathew Pavoodath USC ID 8834875144 AME 503 Paper Study 2 INTRODUCTION As specified in the paper Complexity in Design of Technical Systems, an exact definition to the meaning of the word complexity is a matter of debate and discussion. It is not to be mistaken for anything but the complexity involved while designing or modifying a technical system or rather an engineering system. The paper is vigorous in mentioning the existence of two main complexities that needs special attention dawned upon them while designing the system viz. inborn complication and acquired complication. Inborn complications are dictated by the customer needs that have been considered for the design, they may not be varied or dealt with as stated by Nam Pyo Suh however the sphere of influence of the designer is within the reaches of the acquired complexity. Acquired complexity may be kept to a minimal low if the designer of the system carefully understands the inter relations, functional dependency and the physical probabilities involved, but at the same time the inborn complication should also be kept at its lowest possible level based on Customer Requirements (CR). It is most likely that the readers get confused between Suh s Axiomatic Design Theory and Complexity Theory , although they seem to be intertwined into each other s concepts it is obvious through deeper study that the former focuses on functional dependency and the later primarily on physical probability UNDERSTANDING
  • 5. Advantages And Cons And Disadvantages Of 360 Degree... I interviewed the human resource team member, Sonya, who is assigned to my department at work. She was involved with or conducted 360 degree appraisals up until roughly six months ago when she started with the current company. I spoke with Sonya about what exactly she considered a 360 degree appraisal. She told me that customarily nearly all of the information covered in the performance area is leadership, teamwork, communication skills, and adaptability to new situations or last minute assignments. While we were talking about this she did go over some of the differences between 180 degree appraisals and the 360 degree ones. One of the main differences that she pointed out is that 360 degree involves customer feedback that goes along with the leaders and teammates. Sonya did have some mixed feeling regarding 360 degree appraisals and feedback, in which will be discussed later, nonetheless Sonya feels that if done correctly, they can provide excellent feedback as well as being motivating for all employees. One point that was noted is that she feels there actually is no perfect process for appraisals and that every company needs to look at their individual requirements when determining the best way to receive and give feedback. When conducting 360 degree appraisals she also is partial to having some competency based job evaluations. Advantages of 360 Degree Appraisals Sonya feels that the advantages of 360 degree appraisals do outweigh the disadvantages for many companies. One of the core advantages that she brought up was the fact that a leader cannot be on site 24/7 to observe every person. When you have multiple individuals who are able to provide feedback it allows the leader or HR representative providing the feedback to understand if there are differences in how employees act when the leader is around versus when the leader is not around. Sonya stated that she saw it many times where the leader would say how well an employee was doing but the employees coworkers would come back with a different evaluation and after looking into it some the employee was basically putting on a show for the leader. Another advantage that we discussed is that since the 360 degree appraisal allows multiple sources
  • 6. Pros And Cons Of Animals Behind Bars Taylor Alvarez Paxton Language Arts 12 CP Jan 2018 Animals Behind Bars If you live in America you are probably one of the 175 million people who visit zoos each year. You have probably visited the zoo with your families to look at the extraordinary animals that they keep. You are not the only one to do so, but you have been tricked by zoos to believe that the animals in their care are properly cared for. The truth is for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week animals in captivity are forced to spend their time confined in a cell. The precious animals that you fall in love with are deprived of everything that makes their life meaningful. Keeping wild animals in zoos should be prohibited because the animals are not properly taken care of, they are not in their natural environments, and they are proven to have shorter life spans in captivity. The wild animals brought into zoos are seen as profits; which means the animals are not properly taken care of, because the only focus of the owners is to make money. In 2003 The Wall Street Journal reported, nearly half of the country s zoos face cutbacks this year; attendance was down 3% nationwide, and the funds allocated to improve the care of the animals was used for cosmetic improvements. (PETA 2) Zoos are improving every aspect of the zoothat will bring in customers like: gift shops, restaurants, amusement rides, and scenery. They are forgetting about the most important aspect: the welfare of the animals. People visiting zoos often
  • 7. Informative Essay On Apple Tv 4 As the Apple fans among you will now, the Apply TV 4 has launched and will give your television sets a bunch of extra features you couldn t otherwise get from a smart TV, including new gaming features. While gaming is probably at the forefront of the new Apple TV 4 set top boxes, there s much more you can do like using the new App Storethat s getting filled with more apps each day that goes by. On top of that, you still get all the usual benefits you would expect from one of the best TV streaming services in the world. One of the best features in relation to listening to streamed content that arrived before the Apple TV 4 is Bluetooth headsets. The Bluetooth headset lets users listen to music, video or gaming content without the need of a cable connecting the headset to connect like a peripheral device. Instead of the cable, you could connect it with the device you are using. That s always been really easy to do with smartphones usually you can just turn the Bluetooth on and it will pick up your device. Things are more difficult with some computers depending on your computers operating system and age. Knowing how to connect Bluetooth headphones to Apple TV 4 can be equally as challenging to anyone who doesn t know how it s done. The guide does require you to navigate using the new Apple Tv and enabling the Bluetooth first, so lets check out how it s done. ... Show more content on ... Activating the pairing mode is different for each set of headphones, so you ll need ot refer to your unique booklets you should have when you bought yours. Once you get that done ,we can teach you the rest. 2. Turn on your Apple TV and have it open on the main
  • 8. Kimpton Hotels’ Earthcare Program, Case No. 7 Essay Roy Bryant BUAD 326.003 11/30/2011 Final Exam Assignment Kimpton Hotels EarthCare Program, case no. 7 1. What are the benefits of Kimpton s environmental sustainability initiatives? What are its costs? Kimpton s environmental sustainability initiatives have proven successful and beneficial both in terms of its environmental and business benefits. Environmental improvement is one of the benefits of diverting waste. Some of the benefits are exemplified in their rollout phases, including: introducing non disruptive and cost reducing operational practices such as a recycling program, non toxic cleaning products, promotional materials printed on recycled paper, complimentary coffee that was organically grown, ... Show more content on ... 2. How would you justify the EarthCare program to Kimpton s board of directors and stockholders? That is, what is the business case for this program? The top executives considered this program for many positive reasons. First off, the company s brand and mission rested on the EarthCare program to maintain the care integrity, and uniqueness that customers had come to associate with its chain of boutique hotels. Kimpton wants their impact to be felt all over, where this program can influence other hotels to start an environmental initiative. Also, the EarthCare program is willing to stay abreast with ongoing standards and norms of the company. It will also being about new success, new business partnerships, possibly increase employment, and being eco friendly is more advantageous than not. 3. What challenges face the EarthCare program, and how might Kimpton overcome them? The case study describes some of the potential operational risks and challenges including: Resistance by General Managers who may fear losing their autonomy because of a corporate mandated program. Potential resistance by hotel staff to new products and procedures. Kimpton had a low turnover rate. Their employees had been there for years and had become accustomed to doing things in a certain manner. For example, they stated many cleaning staff
  • 9. Phoebe Buffay The character I chose is Phoebe Buffay from the show F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I have watched this show for some time and have always been a fan. When we started learning about psychological diseases, I started noticing the symptoms of the disease I think she has. Even though there are many signs and symptoms that are used to be able to distinguish this psychological disorder, some can only portray some effects but they can still have the disease. In the show Phoebe is known as the flaky blonde girl who has many crazy ideas and stories. This includes her trying to raise a family of rats in a box and swings wildy to her thinking that she is being possessed by the ghost of an old woman. In many episodes of the show you can catch her saying things
  • 10. The Evolutionary Process Of Pollination Of Flowers Tropical rainforests are a curious world filled with wonder. Tropical Nature: Life and Death in the Rain Forests of Central and South America has opened my eyes to another world that I had not paid much attention to. Adrian Forsyth and Ken Miyata introduced a new world of wonder filled with so much diversity. Ecology and evolution go hand and hand, and the rainforesta beautiful ecosystem driven by the climate [biome] is a phenomenal example as hot spot for evolution. From the humidity, the high temperatures, the canopy of the trees, and so much more. Diversity thrives in this environment, and it s obvious from the variety of species that have been found inhabiting such areas. Organisms depend on their communities, they depend on the interspecific relationships they develop; from predation (herbivory, carnivores, etc.), mutualism, parasitism, and commensalism. Without each other, they could not survive, and in some cases they even evolve with one another. The evolutionary process of pollination of flowers provides some examples of this. Tropical plants are dioecious, which translates to having separate male and female plants. Tropical plants cannot rely on the traditional wind pollination method due to the lack of wind and lack of targets nearby; therefore, they cannot pollinate themselves or plants of the same sex. Instead, they often look towards the mobile organisms that surround them. To do this, they ve evolved ways to attract them; either provide them with a
  • 11. Clara Barton s Life During The Civil War Clarissa Harlowe Barton, Who owns like to be called Clara, was nicknamed angel of the battlefield for her courageous acts during the Civil War (HistoryGuy 1). Before, during and after the Civil War, Barton was a key figure in shaping America s history. Clara Barton was a nurse, teacher, inspirational speaker and above all, a strong woman willing to serve others. Clara Barton s growing up experiences care for wounded soldiers in the Civil War and starting of the Red Cross in the United States, shaped her into becoming one of America s most valued historic characters. On December 25, 1821 in Oxford Massachusetts Clara Barton was born into a middle class family with four older siblings. After being homeschooled she decided... Show more content on ... A E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 16 March 2016. This article highlights Barton s personal life such as her birth, childhood and death. It also highlights her actions in order to help the wounded soldiers in the Civil War. This article includes dates, events and Barton s life summed up. Civil War:Clara Barton. Civil War: Clara Barton. The History Guy, 2016. Web. 16 March. 2016. The History Guy s article explains in depth about exactly what events and situations that Clara Barton was involved in during the Civil war. It explains her life before and after the war, and why it is important to history. This article also includes dates and miscelanious facts about what made Barton so important. Clara Barton/American Red Cross Founder/ Who is Clara Barton. American Red Cross. Red Cross, 2016. Web. 16 March. 2016. This is all about the Red Cross in the United States. It covers the entire why and how questions about the organization. It is up to date and still in use even today. On this website, it has a page dedicated to its founder, Barton, and gives detail about Clara Barton s life. It is accurate and an excellent source. Guisepi, Robert. The American Civil War, Clara Barton. The American Civil War. N.p.,n.d.Web. 16 March
  • 12. Metaphor In The Yellow Wallpaper In The Yellow wallpaper , the wallpaper is a metaphor that expresses women s protest against the repression of the society and their personal identity at the rise of feminism. During the Victorian era, women were kept down and kept in line by their married men and other men close to them. The Yellow Wallpaper , written By Charlotte Perkins Gilman, is a tale of a woman, her mental difficulties and her husband s so called therapeutic treatment rest cure of her misery during the late 1800s. The tale starts out in the summer with a young woman and her husband travelling for the healing powers of being out from writing, which only appears to aggravate her condition. His delusion gets Jane (protagonist), trapped in a room, shut up in a bed making her go psychotic. As the tale opens, she begins to imagine a woman inside the yellow wallpaper. The Yellow Wallpaper, is a larger than life version of Charlotte Perkins Gilman s own personal experiences. She grieved for several years in depression, as her physician diagnosed her with neurasthenia and prescribed the rest cure seen in the story. Unable to write or seek company, Gilman s rest drove her insane for three months. Gilman wrote the story not simply to change one man s view of neurasthenia, but to utilize the floor as a symbol of the oppression of women in a patriarchal society as mentioned in her article Why I Wrote The Yellow Wallpaper . During the Victorian era, men demarcated women s roles. A woman was believed
  • 13. Traveler Archetype In Jack London s The Call Of The Wild Buck: Traveler Archetype Buck, a character from the CALL OF THE WILD, can be identified as a traveler archetype. The definition of a hero archetype is a person who battles against the villain on the side of good and on the behalf of society. I have not read the book yet to determine the characteristics and qualities. My research question is why is buck considered the hero in the novel. I chose the topic that I chose because I thought it would be interesting to learn about the world through the eyes of an animal and to see him become a savage or a survivalist. The sources I can use in my project are the internet, library, media center, and the local library. Jack London, the author of the novel The Call of The Wildcreated several interesting characters including Buck who is an example of a traveler archetype. Due to the connections we made to the 21st century, the time period it was written, and the different archetypes used for comparison there is enough evidence to support this claim.... Show more content on ... buck lived in the time of the Klondike gold rush where greed and hardships were apart of everyone s day to day life. The connection to the 21st century is that today instead of greedy gold rushers, today we have greedy CEO s that take advantage of people and cause them to suffer, as well as politicians that don t give a crap about the little people and probably take bribes on a regular basis. Animal cruelty back then can also be connected to the 21st century, and the book displays animal cruelty vividly and without remorse. (London). Animal cruelty is also watched more closely today compared to back then when nobody cared or if they did they could not do anything about it, but even though it is watched today it is still rampant and the laws put in place to stop it are minimal and it does nothing to stop the people from doing
  • 14. Ronald Schaffer s America In The Great War Essay Ronald Schaffer s America In The Great War Ronald Schaffer s America in the Great War gives new insights into World War I. The book gave historical accounts about the war that other books negated to included. The thesis that Schaffer tries to prove that the Great War was the start of the American welfare state and the beginning of big government. America in the Great War was structured in chronological order of the war, from America s mobilization to the actual fighting. What the book did not include is a detail account of the fighting. This was the biggest draw back in a otherwise well thought book. The book begins with the mobilization of the United State s industry and man power. The ... Show more content on ... Congress passed many acts that prevented and punished dissent in the Untied States. Three of these acts were the Espionage Act of 1917, the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, and the Sedition Act of 1918. These acts were successful in limiting the amount of discontent towards the war. The price of this limited discontent was the suspension of rights of American citizens. Thousands of Americans suspected of dissension were arrested and convicted of sedition. Americans were encouraged to tell government officials of any kind of anti war activities that they know about. The government arrested people and sent them to jail for even hinting about anti war feelings. This created fear among Americans towards the Federal Government, but did succeeded in stopping dissension. The next three chapters focused on the mobilization of American industry to fight
  • 15. the war. In the years before the Great War, America was making the work place a safer and better place to work. Labor unions had power to control wages, hours and working conditions. The Great War for the most part suspended the labor movement. The United States needed to fight a war, and American industry was key in winning that war. The Federal Government became heavily involved in controlling industry. The level of control that the government used was on heard of a few years ago. American labor
  • 16. The Pros And Cons Of American Foreign Policy Of The United... defines foreign policy as a policy pursued by a nation in its dealing with other nations, designed to achieve national objectives (, 2015). According to U.S History (2015), The United States American foreign policy is founded on interactions with foreign nations and establish standards of collaboration for its governments, conglomerates and citizens. The objectives of the foreign policy of the United States, plus all the Agencies and Bureaus in the United States Department of State are to shape and endure an additional democratic, safe, and affluent domain for the advantage of the American societies and the global community. Jurisdictional goals listed by the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs
  • 17. Acute Red Eye Essay An acute red eye is one of the most common reasons why children present to the pediatrician or adults present to their primary care physician. Although most cases of acute red eye are caused by self limiting and benign conjunctivitis, it is important to distinguish when a more serious pathology is present that may require a non urgent or urgent ophthalmologic referral. A thorough history of the illness is one of the most important tools that pediatricians have to determine whether the patient can be treated by the pediatrician or whether an ophthalmologic referral is indicated. A child presenting to the pediatrician with a red eye could indicate a wide variety of etiologies from infection, trauma, foreign body, structural disorder, or systemic disease.8 Important aspects of the history to obtain are whether there has been any recent trauma to the eye, the duration of the symptoms, whether the symptoms are... Show more content on ... Viral conjunctivitis may be caused by a variety of viruses, but the most commonly seen infection is with adenovirus. These children present with red, glassy eyes, clear discharge, tearing, and swelling of the conjunctiva.1 It is also important to evaluate these patients for a recent history of an upper respiratory infection or sick contacts. If the child is presenting with grossly inflamed conjunctiva, blurred vision, photophobia, and signs/symptoms of an upper respiratory infection it is possible that a more serious cause of viral conjunctivitis, epidemic keratoconjunctivitis is present.5 These patients often have subepithelial corneal infiltrates that may affect vision.4 If this is suspected, an ophthalmologic referral is indicated. Treatment for adenovirus conjunctivitis (both non complicated and epidemic keratoconjunctivitis) is symptomatic treatment with artificial tears and proper hand washing hygiene to prevent spread of the
  • 18. The Tri State Water War Tri State Water War Nathan A. Smith Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Thesis: Georgia should be able to continue their withdrawals from Lake Lanier and the water basins because of their water supply needs for irrigating its crops in the south, flood control, and sustaining its rapidly growing population in the metro Atlanta area. Epa, U. (2013). Georgia: Upper Apalachicola Chattahoochee Flint River Basin, (2). Retrieved December 7, 2014, from /feb26/metchis2.pdf In the past, Georgia has experienced several droughts that impacted Georgia economically and politically. Because of this, states and counties downstream have been harmed ... Show more content on ... Lund, N. (n.d.). Georgia Battles Back in Tri State Water Wars. Retrieved December 7, 2014, from /31.3Tristate_Water_Wars.htm Lake Lanieris a large reservoir that serves many purposes including the following: flood control, power generation, recreation, water supply, and water storage. The US Army Corps of Engineers allowed Georgia to withdraw water from Lake Lanier. However, Alabama and Florida filed a lawsuit against the Corps due to the fact that Georgia was withdrawing water from Lake Lanier which decreased the downstream levels. In the 2009 ruling, Georgia as increased their withdraw amount to the point exceeding WSA which affected the hydropower generation. In the 11th circuit Appeal, Georgians were given hope in an increase in withdraws from Lake Lanier, but in the end, the Corps repudiated Georgia s request. However, there was a problem with the law so the Corps is reevaluating Georgia s request. Georgia has responsibility issues between water storage and hydropower generation. Alabama, Florida, and Georgia will wait for the Corps decision on the case before they do anything else. This source is useful because it gives detail at the time the Buford dam was created, the 2009 ruling, and the 11th Circuit Appeal. Compared to the other sources, this source details out the specifics of the purpose of the dam and how
  • 19. Reducing Food Waste At Trine University Almost everyone encounters food every day, and a lot of times, it is taken for granted. According to in 2009, 2.3 billion tons of food was wasted worldwide, and in the U.S. alone 20 pounds of food is wasted per person each month. The amount of food wasted is ridiculously high and needs to be stopped. If Trine University takes steps towards preventing foodwaste, it could not only save the university money, but also save the environment in the process. There are simple solutions to help solve the food waste issue at Trine University, like creating a voting system for food choices, lowering the portion size, and recycling unused or extra food. Taking steps to prevent food waste will benefit the university, the economy. To begin with, over filling plates in the cafeteria is a common problem leading to an increase in food waste at Trine University. Getting a portion too big to finish in one sitting will leave food being sent to the trash instead of being eaten by someone else. The article Portion Size Me: Plate Size Induced Consumption Norms and Win Win Solutions for Reducing Food Intake and Waste states, several studies in the role that visual consumption plays when preparing meals on different sized dinnerware. Study one in the article states, We contend that dinnerware provides a visual anchor of an appropriate fill level, which in turn, serves as a consumption norm (Wansink and van Ittersum ). This quote states when people fill up their dinner plates
  • 20. Christopher Marlowe Influence Christopher Marlowe is a great Elizabethan dramatist. He has taken birth in Canterbury Kent on 6 February 1564. In this same year Shakespeare has also taken birth. Elizabeth I was in power at that time. Marlowe s father s name is John Marlowe. He is a shoe maker. Canterbury is a little city today but in the 16th century it was a large and well settled one. During the birth of Christopher Marlowe Canterbury s population was about 4,000. It looks like a village for us now, but by Elizabethan values it was a good range. Marlowe is known as father of English tragedy and leader of English poets .He is a great English Renaissance writer. He is a such a great writer that his contemporaries got influence from him. Even the great writer Shakespeare ... Show more content on ... He is the man who has brought a uniqueness in English plays. There is force, suspense, comedy and horror in his plays. He is such a great writer that a poet Algernon Charles Swinburne says about Marlowe that Marlowe is the father of English tragedy and the originator of English blank verse, he is also the teacher and the guide of Shakespeare. Shakespeare and Marlowe both have produced plays for Lord Strange s acting company and they influenced each other s work. Shakespeare has also favored the blank verse. In May 1593 Marlowe was accused of atheism. A man named Thomas Kyd was arrested and contrary notes were found in his room. Kyd told the notes belong to Christopher Marlowe. Before the Privy Council could take action Marlowe was stabbed and killed in an argument in a house in Deptford on 30 May 1593. After this, Christopher Marlowe was buried in Deptford. Reason of Marlowe death is a mystery. But some people think that Marlowe has been killed because of a conspiracy, but aggressive fighting was common in the 16th century. As there was no police force most people were carrying knives for self protection. Unfortunately arguments commonly resulted in
  • 21. Descartes Dream Argument Descartes dream argument establishes itself based on the premise that I cannot distinguish between my most clear and evident perceptions and vivid dreams. He begins this argument by pointing out how our main source of belief, our senses, can be deceptive. Descartes flirts with the idea that possibly his senses are deceiving because he is insane. Unless perhaps I were to liken myself to the insane, whose brains are impaired by such an unrelenting vapor of black bile that they steadfastly insist that they are kings when they are utter paupers, or that they are arrayed in purple robes when they are naked, or that they have heads made of clay, or that they are gourds, or that they are made of glass. But such people are mad, and I would appear... Show more content on ... He tries to figure out where the images of his body (eyes, hands, etc.) have come from. He poses the question whether or not the images in his dreams are based on reality. For a second he thinks that maybe we do not look anything like that but the images we see in our sleep must be real because they are like painted images, which could only have been produced in the likeness of true things... (Descartes). He gives an example of an artist making a bizarre creature. The images used to create the creature are not completely new, the artist must take bits and pieces of other animals they have seen in the real world and combine them to make a new animal (Descartes). And even if the artist created a completely new being, surely the simplest aspects of it such as the color must be true (Descartes). It is from this that Descartes comes to believe that things that are dependent on other factors, such as astronomy and physics are doubtful and that what cannot be doubted are things that are built upon the simplest of factors such as mathematics, which does not depend on the existence of other factors (Descartes). Whether or not I am dreaming, 2 plus 2 will always equal
  • 22. Essay on Courtly Love and Rondeau Form Courtly Love and Rondeau Form Both Adieu m amour, adieu ma joye by Dufay and Le souvenir de vous me tue by Morton are the songs of the courtly love and, they are composed in the rondeau form. From one point of view, the form of the music, rondeau, may be too specific in terms of the melody order to express the poem of the courtly love which is about a man s feelings of distant love. However, in these two specific songs, Dufay and Morton used their clever criativities to let the repetition of the melodies and the poem fit naturally to the overall flow of the songs. According to Michael Freeman in The World of Courtly Love, the style of music of the courtly love was developped by the troubadours who were musicians as well as ... Show more content on ... Le souvenir . . Car je . . . The first set of the poem goes with the melody A, the second set goes with the melody B, the third set goes with the melody a (*since this poem is different from the first set of the poem, even though the melody is the same, it needs to be indicated with small a .) Then, the poem from the first set returns with the melody A again. The fifth set of the poem comes in with the melody a (*) then, the sixth set of the poem comes in with the melody b (**since this poem is different from the second set of the poem, even though the melody is the same, it needs to be indicated with small b .) Finally, the same sets of poem and the melodies from the first and the second combinations return at the end. Then, the form of rondeau, A B a A a b A B, is completed. However, why did Morton, in the case of Le souvenir de vous me tue, need to have this specific combinations of the verses of the poem and the melody? Every section of the poem only contains two lines and, there are more notes in the melody than the numbers of the syllable in the poem. So, if he wants, it may be possible to exchange the melody A for melody B in any part of the song. In case of the Adieu m amour, adieu ma joye, the difference in number of lines of poem would specifies the combinations of the poem and the melody in its basic level. However, it is not the only reason to decide the
  • 23. Fiscal Policy Vs Monetary Policy Stimulating, keeping balance, and influencing our economy are only a few things our nation strives for when it comes to regulating our economy. Two of the powerful tools our government uses in getting our countries economy in the right direction are fiscal and monetary policy. Both of these policies are extremely effective in their own ways and when used together can only help an economy more than harm it. Taking a closer look at the policies individually, the fiscal policy seems to have a bigger role in regulating the economy. Through government management the fiscal policy seems to hold up its part of the deal and betters the economy in the long run. One of the influential policies that our nation uses is monetary policy. Monetary policy ... Show more content on ... The policy objectives are to set base interest rates, or creating easy money /influencing the supply of money. For example, in the United States, the Federal Reserve Bank is tasked with achieving maximum employment and price stability at the same time. One of the tools that the Federal Reserve board uses is purchasing and/or selling U.S. government bonds in the market which ultimately influences the supply of money. If a nation is in a recession, the monetary policy may put in place in order to regulate the economy by selling government bonds for newly created money. When it comes to the monetary there are several pros and cons that come hand in hand. A few pros is that there is a small amount of inflation which is good because it allows investment in the future and workers will expect higher wages, also in using the monetary policy the banks can act quickly, even though the currency weakens this can result In a boost in exports. That boost allows products to be less expensive for foreigners to buy. However, there are many cons that outweigh the pros. For example, tools such as increasing interest rates affect the economy as a whole, not really considering the fact that only a part of the country needs the stimulus. States with higher unemployment may need
  • 24. Gascoigne Literary Devices In For That He Looked Not upon Her, George Gascoigne uses several literary devices to bring his poem together in a way that makes the point of it clear. He also uses these devices to show the deeper meaning behind his words. Of many, three of the devices used prominently throughout his work is form, diction, and imagery. All pulled together the author is able to clearly portray a betrayed tone towards the subject of the poem. An example of the diction in his writing is use of word such as blazing, flame, fire, and scorched. These words often have a negative connotation as they re ones that often mean danger or something one should be cautious of or stay away from all together. By saying the subject of the poem has blazing eyes , for example, Gascoigne makes it clear that this person is harmful and either will, or has caused some sort of damage. Words such as trustless, doubt, deceit are also ones that have a negative connotation and are used to show the relationship between the examples used. All together this shows that the relationship at hand is meant to have the same connotation and is being portrayed in a negative light. Continuing with diction, by using phrases such as trustless bait and dazzled by desire , the author is saying that above only being something cruel, all of these things are ones that at first appear alluring. By inserting vague words like hardly and seldom, he says that while it s most often one
  • 25. The Is Not Healthcare Vending Machines Technology today promises seemingly limitless possibilities. Robots are already living among us, controlling your refrigerator, your smart phone, your personal computer and even your car. Some technology advancements sound far fetched to contemporary ears, and many people hesitate at the prospect of adopting them. Nonetheless, should we embrace a cyborg future in which tasks great and small are carried out by robots? As robots are becoming increasingly common in human environments, people will be presented with more opportunities. Therefore, existing jobs in healthcare may be replaced by software, humanoid robots and smart machines by the year 2025. Following this, are various opinions on this prospect. Doctors are not healthcare vending machines, but professionals who understand the difference between negative rights, such as the right to refuse treatment . (Cheshire, JR., MD). Physicians, nurses and other healthcare workers are professionals. A healthcare professional, by contrast, undergoes many years of demanding training and sacrifice. Also, they develop a practice, and pursue a love for the purpose of serving others. Professionals declare that they are competent and willing to care for the sick, and they commit to healing as their way of life. Smart machines and robots are service providers. Professionals are not the same as service providers. In addition to knowledge, professionalism consists of technical skills as well. A case in point includes the delicate ability
  • 26. Dr. Pepper Snapple Dave Smith Dr. Pepper Snapple Project External Audit: Industry Analysis: * Porters 5 Forces Model Includes: * Rivalry among existing competitors: Rivalry among competitors is usually the most powerful of the five competitive forces. The major competitors that Dr. Pepper Snapple currently faces are Coca Cola and Pepsi Co. Coca Cola currently holds more than 40% of the beverage market industry, Pepsi Co holds almost 30%, while Dr. Pepper accounts for only 16% (Current StockPrices. 8 June 2013. The competition in the beverage industry is fierce because of many factors including, consumer preference changes, expansion into emerging markets and becoming well known globally, increase in costs of manufacturing ... Show more content on ... In addition, the raw materials to produce the beverages, such as sweeteners, juice, fruit, water, etc. can highly impact the selling price to the end consumer and during a recession this is a formula for failure. If a situation like this were to arise than the company with the least costs and own distribution center will most likely be the only one to survive due to the fact that they will be able to offer the consumer the one thing that they want the most, the cheapest price. * Threat of new entrant: The threat of new entry in today s beverage market is low because of several factors. However we are only going to discuss the main points of why the threat is low in today s market which include; High cost barriers due to the role of bottlers, saturated American market due to brand loyalty created by Pepsi and Coke, emerging markets laws and regulations, and costly risks to match consumer taste trends and preferences. Each of the 3 main competitors in the beverage industry has some type of bottling process which is a part of their manufacturing and distribution process. As I stated above, in rivalry among competitors, some of the competitors such as Pepsi and Coke own their own bottling companies. This is a major advantage to possess however if they do not own them then they have created legal documented agreements with these franchises to only allow their products to be bottled in that particular location. On the Coca Cola
  • 27. Hiroshima House Research Paper Memorial statues and the Atomic bomb Dome are in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. The Dome shall remind you of the tragedy of war and the importance of peace. A traveler says every visitor to Hiroshima should spend some time in this park. The whole place is beautiful, but the atmosphere is unavoidably sombre and it will have an incredible impact. One of travelers says the shrine is nice to see when the tide is high so you can see it in water. The shrine seems to be floating The surroundings streets are beautiful to walk around and admire the Japanese culture. Plenty of wild deer in the area come up to you. Everyone knows that the first Atomic Bomb was dropped over Hiroshima and more than 100,000 people died. But travelers says you don t know... Show more content on ... It is a long way up the mountain to reach the top, so you can spend a couple of hours wandering around. Make sure to visit everywhere. The best time to visit is a cherry blossom season and late autumn to enjoy red maple leaves. Travelers say if you like impressionistic paintings, you will definitely find your enjoyment in Hiroshima Museum of Art. The museum has a marvellous collection including Manet, Renoir, Monet, Matisse, Cezanne, Lautrec, Degas and a Van Goghof. The Special Exhibition of Anno is breath taking. It is worth a visit. Travelers say it s easy to reach at Hiroshima City Transportation Museum from Hiroshima city centre by Astram, a monorail type train in the sky. This museum shows the fantastic progress Japan has made in transportation. While it is true there are many models, there are also full sized simulations.You can pilot a boat into a harbor. It s worth a trip. Travelers say Hiroshima City Asa Zoological Park is a bit far out. From Hiroshima JR station the bus ride is about 1 hour and you do ride through some nice country side with some unique Japanese homes to see. But if you have spare time and children, it is really worth a visit. You can enjoy see varied animals and walking in the
  • 28. Prejudice, By, The Merchant Of Venice, And Real World... Prejudice Imagine living in barracks, starved, then gassed because of your religion. Getting accused of raping someone because of your skin tone, then getting put in prison. Or getting spat upon because you re a Jew. All of these things occurred in some point in history, and we are shown what this is like through novels, plays and book such as; To Kill a Mockingbird , The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian , The Merchant of Venice , and real world occurrences such as the Holocaust. Today I will be talking to you about the ways that prejudice is portrayed in all four of the novels, plays and historic time marks. In To Kill a Mockingbird , Atticus is given a case where he needs to defend Tom Robinson, who s accused guilty... Show more content on ... Many people assume that Indians live in bad households, and yes, typically that s true. But when Junior goes to Reardan, he sees how lucky he is to have parents who care about him. and seen how great parents do their great parenting, I realize that my folks are pretty good. Sure, my dad has a drinking problem and my mom can be a little eccentric, but they make sacrifices for me. They worry about me. The talk to me. And best of all, they listen to me. (Alexie, 153). He sees that even though his family is the typical Indian family poor, drunk, and low class they still care a lot about him. He also says; I mean, yeah, Indians are screwed up, but we re really close to each other. We KNOW each other. Everybody knows everybody. (Alexie, 153). He shows that yeah, Indian s are really messed up. We really don t take care of ourselves or other people, but when people are in need of each other, they re there. They re all one family. This breaks the stereotype, of Indians being nothing more than poor and drunk. They all have a much better relationship with each other, and they re all connected. Our next example is The Merchant of Venice , a play. This in a way is foreshadowing of what s to come, the Holocaust. The Jews are treated terribly and have a very valid reason to be angry. The Jews are treated differently because they are scapegoats for everyone they have been getting blamed from the beginning, starting with Jesus dying on the cross. This cause
  • 29. Porphyrin There are many unique compounds that can be synthesized using methods of chemistry that are serve as biological importance in the human body. Porphyrins are an example of one of these compounds and it helps create many substances utilized by the body, like hemoglobin (National Library of Medicine, 2013). Porphyrin, when it is in its purified form, can be mixed with several metals to form metalloporphyrins, for example if magnesium s the metal mixed with the porphyrin it can create chlorophyll (Weldegirma, 2014). An important characteristic to porphyrin is that it is aromatic and this is determined by utilizing Huckel s rule. Huckel s rule simply uses two different formulas, 4n+2 and 4n, and the amount of pi electrons present in a compound to determine if a compound is either aromatic or non aromatic. One must simply count up the amount of delocalized pi electrons present and if it is satisfied by 4n+2 it is aromatic, but if it satisfied by 4n then it is nonaromatic. For example, porphyrin has 18 delocalized pi electrons, it cannot be nonaromatic because if one... Show more content on ... A possible explanation for a low percent yield is that the starting materials did not completely react with each other meaning that the reaction did not produce the full amount of product possible, which could be avoided by allowing the reflux to continue for more time. For copper tetraphenylporphyrin the theoretical yield was 0.023g and the actual was 0.0274g, making the percent yield 118%. Possible explanation for a large percent yield could have been due to the product not being completely dry when being weighed or the presents of contaminates in the final product. A TLC was conducted during the synthesis of tetraphenylporphyrin; this is useful in monitoring the progression of the reaction because it helps identify what is present in the reaction in terms of starting materials and
  • 30. The Problem Of Social Media In the wake of the recent attacks in Paris and increasing manmade and natural disasters around the world, the ability to communicate with citizens during times of crisis is more important than ever. It is no longer appropriate to limit the output of emergency information to the traditional delivery methods. Social media use continues to grow at a staggering pace. As of January 2014, 74% of online adults use social networking sites (Pew Research Center, n.d.). The large percentage adults who utilize social networks daily makes their use by government agencies essential. It is no longer acceptable for Dane County Emergency Management not have a social media presence. With our current messaging system and strategies, we are being unheard by a large portion of our county s population. This is particularly true with young adults who reside in our county, as their primary source of information is through social media. By continuing our trend of no social media use, our county is putting lives at risk in times of emergencies, when rapid, accurate information dispersal is of the utmost importance. The strengths of social media use are well documented. No longer can officials within the county label its rise in usage as a trend. One of the most powerful attributes of social media is its ability to be accessed with a mobile device. In regards to emergency management, this is very beneficial, as most citizens will likely not be monitoring a T.V. or radio station when a
  • 31. Reflection On Multiculturalism And Music For part two of this project, I decided to interview a friend that I became very close to and can relate a lot to since my time starting at the college, Joseph Ahn. I asked him four questions regarding the environment in which he was raised in, what the music education program was like there, how he would describe his own identity, and the outside influences that shaped his identity. This is significant to me because I think it is important to always get new and unique perspectives on your own ideas. It is imperative that researchers see multiple point of views so that they can create an accurate representation of what they are studying and what they want to accomplish. By simply looking at one s own experience is to only see one side of the argument. I want to make sure that I am not being as biased as possible. I believe that everyone should try to keep an open mind to everything that they learn and everything that they take a stance on. If you only look at one side of the argument, then you will never truly learn and grow. I also wanted to ask someone of color just like me because I feel like people of color bring unique perspectives on key topics especially to one pertaining to multiculturalismand music. Sometimes I feel as though the music world is predominantly made up of whites, and there is barely any representation of other races. The first questionI asked him was: Can you describe what your town is like? Joe grew up in Piscataway Township. He told me that his
  • 32. Software Project Failure Essay Failure of Software Project : There are many reasons for the failure of the project here are the few reasons how there is a failure accourance for the software projects. в¦ЃThe first reason is no proper planning for the project. в¦ЃNo sufficent time в¦ЃNo sufficient budget в¦ЃNo good communication. в¦ЃNo proper testing в¦ЃNot reaching to industry standards. No Sufficent time : The deadline for the project is decided before the project starts. As the deadline is given we start assuming that the sooner we start coding the sooner we will finish. This kind of apporach is always wrong. It is very importatnt to spend time for creating a good design for the product with out a proper design that leads for continious changes for the project. So when this happens there is no sufficient time because lot of time gets wasted. No Sufficient Budget : Many of the projects have low budgets based on their own requirments. When this happens everything slows down eventually and the quality suffers. No Good Communication : There should always be a good communication with development team ,the users and the customers. This one of the important thing for the success of the project. No proper Testing : When the product to be delivered in the moment the only thing that suffers is testing. All the testing is left pending untill the coding is done from the development team.So, this results the product with lot of bugs and custmer feel unhappy. Not reaching to industry standards : Conforming to industry
  • 33. Las Vegas Landscaping Research Paper #M003 Meta Title: Decorative Looks With Las Vegas Rocks Meta Description: Whether you want a low maintenance landscape or you want a decorative look to accent grass and trees, rock landscaping is an ideal solution. Meta Keywords: decorative rocks by professionals in Las Vegas, rocks and boulders in Las Vegas, rock landscapers in Las Vegas, Las Vegas rock landscaper, Summary: Rocks and boulders can add more than just a dramatic look to your garden. As they come in all different sizes and colors, a Las Vegas rock landscaper can use them to give delicate touch to borders or use rocks to divide and provide spaces that you can use for different activities. Reap the Benefits of Rock Gardens in Las Vegas When water is scarce, a landscape that
  • 34. State Of The Current Music Industry Table of Contents Table of Figures2 Introduction State of the Current Music Industry3 The Music Streaming Industry6 Porter s 5 Forces Analysis10 The Way forward for Deezer10 References12 Table of Figures Figure 1 Share of Industry Revenues (IFPI, 2015)3 Figure 2 Global Digital revenues by Sector (IFPI, 2015)4 Figure 3 Flow chart showing the change in the way music is distributed with the entrance of new actors such as streaming services (Oestricher Kuzma, 2009)6 Figure 4 digital Music industry Value Chain showing7 Figure 5 Sources of value creation in e Business (Bjorn, 2010) (R C, 2001)8 Figure 6 Deezer UK pricing plans as of 01 November 2015 (Deezer, 2015)9 Introduction State of the Current Music Industry With the advances in technology and increase in internet broadband availability (The Broadband Commision, 2014), record labels are being forces to innovate and update their business models (M.Coz Torres, 2013) to keep up with the latest technology (Solis, 2015). Of these technologies, the move away from physical sales (of music) to Digital sales is the most significant. Digital sales have increased over the last 6 years (as shown in Table 1) in terms of revenues, and this is set to carry on this way in the future (Solis, 2015). Table 1 Global Digital Revenues (IFPI, 2015) Digital Music for the first time are now equal to those of traditional physical sales accounting for 46% of the music industry revenues with Performance rights making
  • 35. Positive And Negative Criticism Of My Work Performance No matter what job you may have there will come a time where your work will be evaluated. It is nearly close to impossible for you to have a career that doesn t give you either positive or negative feedback. No matter what you may believe your work performance is always being evaluated either by our supervisors, coworkers, and most definitely the customer. You will learn how to accept both positive and negative criticism through some very easy to steps. I have always admired people who can take criticism. It always seems that whatever is said to them is like water on a ducks back. They always seem to know the right things to say and still maintain their composure. Unfortunately that isn t true for most of us. Then there are those of who... Show more content on ... This gives your brain enough time to process the situation. It also gives you enough time to stop dismissive facial expression says the Muse. You automatically look calm and so professional. The second thing you would want to do is remember the benefit of getting feedback. This a chance for you to improve upon your skill so you can be more valuable to your company. This will also help you meet the expectation that your mangers and others have for you. The Muse also states that you should also try to curtail any reaction you re having to the person who is delivering the feedback. It can be challenging to receive criticism from coworkers, a peer, or someone that you fully don t respect, but remember, accurate and constructive feedback comes from even flawed sources states the Muse. The third thing you want to do is listen for Understanding. You ve avoided your typical reaction, your brain is working, and you ve recalled all the benefit of feedback. When the person is sharing feed back to you listen closely. Allow them to share his or her complete thought without interruption. When he or she is done repeat back what she said says the Muse. Avoid analyzing or questioning the person assessment; instead just focus on understanding his or her comment and perspective. It s difficult to give feedback to another person. Recognize that the person giving you feedback may be nervous or may not express their ideas perfectly, says the muse. The fourth
  • 36. Arizona Homeowners Insurance Arizona Homeowners insurance Arizona, The Grand Canyon State is one of the four corner states. The four corner states include : Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. Arizona is well known for the Grand Canyon State Park. This state has the most land dedicated to Native Americans in the entire US. Arizona summers are very hot while the winters are mild. Southern Arizona is well known for its dry desert climate. Northern Arizona demonstrates a different climate. The Northern section consists of forests of pine, Douglas fir, and spruce trees. It is also home to the Colorado Plateau and some mountain ranges. Northern Arizona also has deep canyons, which provides significant snowfalls. Have you thought about insuring your home in Arizona? ... Show more content on ... This city has an average of 350 days a year with sunshine. Tucson is the sunniest city in the United States. On average, homeowners insurance rates for Tucson are $1,220. Mesa Mesa is Spanish for table. The town was given this name because of its shape as a tabletop. Mesa is also a part of the Honeymoon Trail. This trail was used by Mormons in 1926, to travel to Saint George, UT where they could be properly married. Mesa homeowners coverage rates are on average $1,365. Chandler This city uses water from 22 wells operating in the city. Chandler s oldest drinking well is the Erie well. It has been operating since 1948. This well has produced around eight billion, six hundred fourteen million gallons of drinking water. Insurance rates for your home in this city is $1,199. Glendale Glendale is about nine miles northwest from downtown Phoenix. This city nicknamed itself Arizona s Antique Capital . Glendale is the site of two major sports venues: University of Phoenix Stadium and Gila River Arena. The University of Phoenix Stadium is the home field of the Arizona Cardinals. Looking to buy homeowners coverage here? The average price is $1,653.
  • 37. Qualities Of Niccolo Machiavelli The Renaissance, which lasted from the 1300s to the 1600s, was a period of many scientific discoveries, and saw the rebirth of classic Greek and Roman art, as well as revolutionized politics and economics in Europe. This period in human history also contributed to the subsequent colonization of numerous lands outside Europe, such as Africa, Asia, and North America. However, when regarding literature written during this time period, undoubtedly, Niccolo Machiavelli s magnum opus, The Prince, is the most important work from this time period. In it, Machiavelli gives advice on how to best acquire, wield, and maintain power. He also discusses his political philosophy on the idea that every leader should prioritize state interests rather than individual or international interests. Meanwhile, on January twelfth, 2016, former president Barack Obamagave his final State of the Union speech, which outlined the future after the end of his last term, what policies should be installed to best benefit the American people, and how to deal with the issue of Islamic terrorism in the Middle East and the rest of the world. He also addresses fears over the growing increase in the automation of jobs. Nevertheless, there are certain things in particular that one should note in Obama s speech, these things being evident of qualities that Machiavelli would approve of, and consider necessary in order to be an effective leader, which are cruelty, military preparedness, and deceit. Firstly,
  • 38. How We Went from Neanderthals, to the Song Dynasty, to the... Humankind has come a long way since the beginning of time and the beginning started in Africa. Anthropologists guess that we, Homo sapiens, come from other animals such as chimpanzees since they are our neighboring relative. Many other species arose in Africa as well and we all shared one thing and that was the ability to walk up on two legs. As time went on, our brains grew larger and we started migrating to other places such as Eurasia and started using tools. Ultimately, all of the species died out and we were the only ones left because of all the struggles we went through and the way we established settled societies. Where do we come from you may ask? There are various amounts of theories, but there has been one with a vast amount of... Show more content on ... There are many types of people who would fall under this category, but there has been one that have been studied for a very long time and that is the Neanderthals. There were these very tall people who had very strong thick bones and a very large brain and lived in Eurasia. Neanderthals would often follow where animals were migrating to since that was their main food source. They probably had very strong thick bones so they could chew up an animal since that was mainly what they did eat. They would sleep in caves and made fires to cook animals in. Many people have this inception that Neanderthals were stupid, but in theory are actually very intelligent. No one knows what happened to these people, they just disappeared. The farming and herding communities planted seeds and domesticated animals. This was called the agriculture era and it was not always easy. It depended on the climate, soils and what kind of animals there were to be domesticated. This human society planted grains such as corn and rice where they would eat from. Since this society had a large amount of plants that they could feed from members barley starved which increased their population. It seems like a great time to live in unless a natural disaster comes and destroys all of the plants and their livestock. Farming allowed an easier life and the growth of villages. Villages would be built were the ground was fertile enough, usually next to a
  • 39. Estelle s Faith Quotes There is one more situation in which Estelle s bad faith is extremely evident in the play. Estelle is experiencing her last connection to the human world where she states I m only half here. I m only half wicked, and half of me is down there with you, clean and crystal clear as running water. (No Exit 32). Estelle s bad faith in this case is represented by her inability to accept not only the fact that since she is a sum of her actions she is indeed fully wicked but, it is also in her refusal to accept the fact that although a person may not know what she has done it does not mean that the part of her seen from that person in any represents who she truly is. When she states that half of me is clean and crystal clear as running water ... Show more content on ... He later is attempting to convince Inez that he is not a coward and states Can one possibly be a coward when one s deliberately courted danger at every turn? And can one judge a life by a single action. (No Exit 43). If it were the case that this was the only time Garcin were acting like a coward it may not be possible to fully judge him based upon one action but, Inez points out that For thirty years you dreamt you were a hero and condoned a thousand petty lapses. (No Exit 43). Inez is arguing that Garcin has always been lying to himself and has been dreaming that he was a hero but, has actually just been self deceiving himself whenever he did something cowardly which she points out by saying he condoned a thousand petty lapses which is referring to perhaps smaller cowardly acts that he has done throughout his life that he refused to accept as indicating he was a coward. Then even past that she states Then a day came when you were up against it, the red light of real danger and you took the train to Mexico. (No Exit 43) Inez perfectly points out how Garcin has always been acting in bad faith up until the last actions he ever took. By denying the fact that he is a coward and not the hero he attempts to paint himself as it reveals that Garcin lived a life full of inauthenticity since he has never accepted the fact that he is a coward because his actions are that of a coward. Garcin then tries defending himself one last time against Inez as he argues I died to soon. I wasn t allowed time to to do my deeds. (No Exit 43) he is attempting to blame the fact that he died too soon as the reason he was never able to act as the hero he tries to show himself as. This argument is directly counteracted by existentialism which is pointed out by Inez when she says One always dies too soon... And yet one s life is complete at that moment... You are your life, and nothing else.
  • 40. Solomon Asch Conformity Experiments (1951) Essay In 1951, Solomon Asch carried out several experiments on conformity. The aim of these studies was to investigate conformity in a group environment situation. The purpose of these experiments was to see if an individual would be swayed by public pressure to go along with the incorrect answer. Asch believed that conformity reflects on relatively rational process in which people are pressured to change their behaviour. Asch designed experiments to measure the pressure of a group situation upon an individual judgment. Asch wanted to prove that conformity can really play a big role in disbelieving our own senses. Asch initiated his experiment by making one of the particpants at ease. He asked a serious of elementary questions where the four... Show more content on ... The participants seated themselves around a table, these confederates were not known to each other, and most important concept of this experiment relied on the fact all of the participants were working together, but for one. They took turns in a fixed order to call out publicly which of three comparison lines was the same length as a standard line on the left card. In reality only one person was a naive participant who answered second to last, the rest were experimental confederates instructed to give erroneous responses. The results were intriguing as there were large individual differences or variation in responses. However nonetheless what was evident was that 25 percent of participants remained independent throughout the trials, another 50 percent conformed to the erroneous majority in 6 or more trials and another 5 percent conformed on all 12 trials. Therefore the average conformity rate was 33 percent. Asch used quantitative sampling method, which means that a positivist would argue that quantitative data is more accurate because it is scientific. Positivist approach will ensure that Asch experiments are reliable, and easily replicated by someone else and deliver same results. Although he used up to 7 people, Quantitative Data includes statistics and numbers to make his claim for high in reliability and
  • 41. God s Omnipotence and Omnipresence in Joyce Kilmer s Trees The famous poem Trees by Joyce Kilmer is a lyrical poem that focuses on nature, in which God has made. A tree is used in this poem to emphasize how the works of men is incomparable to the works of God. This poem is a proclamation of God s omnipresence and omnipotence. An aabbccdd rhyme scheme is used in this short but well expressed couplet. Personification is frequently used frequently throughout the poem to make it evident to the readers that God s creation of nature is living. For an example, in stanza 2, Kilmer says, A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the earth s sweet flowing breast , verifies that nature works hand in hand with one another for survival and lives. Seasonal changes us readers can relate to such as summer, ... Show more content on ... He then turned to Roman Catholicism. After his conversion from Episcopalism to Roman Catholicism, his writings revolved around Christian values. Kilmer then wrote his most famous work called Trees . The poem Trees was quoted by many and became a huge reference for inspiration. His mother set the poem to music, which was available in her Whimsical Whimsies resulting in adoration from millions ( Joyce Kilmer: The Poetry Foundation ). Kilmer joined the Army during World War I in 1917. He served as a private in the 7th Regiment in the New York National Guard. He later served a Sergeant. Kilmer began to write about his experiences in war, which included his faith in God. Kilmer s life ended when he was shot in the head while fighting in the Second Battle of Marne ( Joyce Kilmer: The Poetry Foundation ). Kilmer s life involved many hardships and successes that he sought through due to his faith in God. This is reflected in his Realistic writings. Modernists believe the world is created in the way that we, as humans perceive it. Modernists thinks that the world is what we say it is ( Modernism in Literature: What Is Modernism? ). Modernism is a contradiction to the ideas of Romanticism on a worldview perspective. Instead of believing in the progression and growth of the earth, a Modernist observes decay and a growing seclusion of the human being. A Modernist does not care much for nature, being,
  • 42. Frito Lay Research Paper Frito Lay is an international snacks company, and a subsidiary of Pepsi Cola since 1965, whose headquarters is located at Plano, Texas. The Frito Lay website ( has an format that its easy to use, and also shows the colors of their logo. The Frito Lay has become a multi billion leading manufacture in snack producer, having more than 50,000 employees, and over 40 different product lines, from which 7 of those have sales over a billion dollars each. To mention some of its primary goods, which are: Lay s potato chips, Doritos, Cheetos cheese flavored snacks, Tostitos tortilla chips, and Fritos corn chips. Other services that they provide online vary from nutrition facts, recipes, and shopping directly from the company. The reason why I decided to research on Frito Lay s is because it is one of the popular products when doing grocery shopping and at local convenient stores. What might surprised us the most about Frito Lay s is the extensive history this company has in the United States, going through the Great Depression, and World War II. Frito Lays vision is all about the fun from making tasty snacks, and helping their customers. (Frito Lays: Company) Two of the Frito Lay noteworthy OM practices I learned from my research are the company s approach to ... Show more content on ... This process gains 350,000 tons of potatoes, so the company reuses the extracted water for the factory s daily production. They also achieved more than 280 electric vehicles, which helps reduce carbon fuel. The company also has more than 200 compressed natural gas (CNG) trucks, representing approximately 20% of the over the road fleet. This will also helped reduce direct emissions by more than 20%, as compared to conventional diesel engines. In 2012, the EPA recognized Frito Lay Division for Leading the business community to a clean, efficient and more sustainable future for goods
  • 43. Bog Poad Bod Pod Analysis The Bod Pod is a system in which the body s density is calculated. This density is then transferred to see how much of a person s overall weight is fat and how much is muscle. My experience in testing was both interesting and insightful. Beginning, I met with Mrs. Megan Windham, the registered dietician at Beutel Healthservices. I was then told to change into clothing with minimal additional weight and stepped into the Pod system. The Pod changed the air pressure around me and took three consecutive readings to ensure accuracy. I then changed into my normal clothing and followed Mrs. Windham to discuss my results. Following, I was able to sit down one on one with Mrs. Windham to see my results. She told me that I had... Show more content on ... She said that by watching my diet combined with a healthy workout regimen should help me. She also informed me that she is interested in see me lower the fat percentage, not my overall weight. By lifting weights and gaining muscle, I would see an increase on the scale but it would actually be for my benefit because I would have a higher ratio of lean muscle in my body. Moreover, I have always struggled with a fluctuating weight so it was nice to see a measurement of my actual composition of my body as opposed to seeing just the number of pounds on a scale at home. I now have a place to start to work towards improvement. I know that I need to integrate weight lifting into my workout routine and eat a more balanced diet. Now that I have a goal in mind, I feel more value behind the changes that I plan to make in my lifestyle. Overall, I would say that the Bod Pod taught me a lot more than I had originally expected to learn about my body. The process was very quick and easy, the dietician was friendly and informative, and I now have goals on where I would like to improve. I would gladly do this test again and would recommend it to anyone wishing to live a healthier
  • 44. Why Do Three Signs Your Home Is Need Of A New Roof 3 Signs Your Home Is Need Of A New Roof An asphalt roof can last around 20 years, but you can t go by age alone when determining when to replace your roof. If your roof has been through several big storms, it ages faster, especially if it was hit by hail. You may need repair work or a roof replacement much sooner if your roof is damaged by a storm or by tree limbs falling on it or brushing against it. A roofer tests the deck and examines the shingles to determine if your roof is near the end of its life. Here are some of the signs that signal it s time to start planning for a roof replacement. The Deck Has a Spongy Bounce The deck of your roof is the plywood base that the shingles rest upon. It should always be dry and firm. It... Show more content on ... The strikes of the hail can damage the backs of the shingles as well as remove the granules on top that provide protection from the sun. This damage increases the risk of leaking. Leaks may not happen right away, but in months or a few years, your home could have water damage that can be traced back to the hail storm as the cause. For that reason, your roofer and your insurance agent may recommend you tear off the old roof and put on a new one when it has substantial hail marks on it that indicate it was hit hard by multiple hail strikes. The Shingles Show Signs of Extreme Wear The weather and sun exposure wear down asphalt shingles over time. Eventually, the shingles crack, buckle, and become loose. While you can make repairs when needed, there comes a time when it s just best to replace the roof to prevent water leaks. If your roof has a single layer of asphalt shingles and they are not buckled or lifted, your roofer might be able to install a new layer of roofing shingles over the old ones. This saves on installation time, cuts down on waste, and it saves you money. Local codes generally allow only two layers of roofing, so if you already have two layers, they ll both have to come off when you get a new roof. In some instances, installing two layers is not a good choice. In that case, your roofer pulls off the old shingles and puts on new ones. If you suspect your roof is old and in need of replacement, or if it just looks worn out and damaged,
  • 45. An Evaluation of Library Databases and Resources for Use... An Evaluation of Library Databases and Resources for use in Research Assign4 Page 2 References BOOK CITATION Tsang, Philip, Kwan, Reggie; Fox, Roger (2006). Faculty Perceptions of ICT Benefits. Enhancing learning thru technology (pp. 1 10). Retrieved from /lib DATABASE: (NCU Library) Ebrary KEYWORDS: Educational Technology, Internet in Education, E Learning SEARCH LIMITERS: Education SKILLS IN THIS DATABSE: This is the first time searchingusing this database. I encountered many problems, even though I did view the NCU library tutorial. With perseverance I was finally able to navigate through the database. I need much more experience with ... Show more content on ... 162 166. Retrieved from / advanced?accountid=28180 DATABASE: ProQuest KEYWORDS: Distance Education, Distance Learning in Developing Countries, Distance Learning in Africa SEARCH LIMITERS: peer reviewed, journal article SKILLS IN THIS DATABASE: I was pleased to notice that my e searching library skills were improving rather fast. I began to notice that the level of frustration I had up to this point was fading. At this point I am able to perform basic searches with a considerable amount of success. Assign4 Page 4 PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLE #3 CITATION Butcher, N., Latchem, C., Marwoyo, M., Levey, L. (2011). Distance education for empowerment and development in Africa. Distance Education 32. 2. 149 158. Retrieved from /advanced?accountid=28180 DATABASE: (NCU Library) ProQuest KEYWORDS: distance education in developing countries, distance education in Africa, educational technology SEARCH LIMITERS: Peer review, journal article SKILLS IN THIS DATABASE: My skills had improved as I began searching for the third peer reviewed journal. My knowledge of the database search jargon and my understanding of its application to the search process allowed me to navigate through the database with much less frustration this time around.
  • 46. Assign4 Page 5 General Remarks The Ebrary database was very useful because it is designed for