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Essays On Current Events
Writing an essay on the topic of "Essays on Current Events" can be both challenging and
intriguing. The difficulty arises from the dynamic nature of current events, which are constantly
evolving and subject to rapid changes. Staying updated on the latest news and understanding the
various perspectives on a given issue requires thorough research and critical thinking.
One challenge is the need for a nuanced approach. Current events often involve complex and
multifaceted issues, and addressing them in an essay requires a careful analysis of different
aspects. Striking the right balance between depth and breadth of coverage is crucial to present a
comprehensive and insightful perspective.
Moreover, the sensitivity of current events adds another layer of complexity. Balancing
objectivity and empathy becomes essential when discussing topics that may be emotionally
charged or controversial. The writer must navigate through diverse opinions, potential biases, and
conflicting information to provide a fair and well-rounded view.
Additionally, crafting an essay on current events demands the ability to connect historical
context with contemporary developments. Understanding the roots of an issue and its evolution
over time is vital for presenting a well-informed and coherent analysis. This requires in-depth
research and a keen awareness of the historical, social, and cultural factors shaping the events.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Essays on Current Events" requires a unique set of skills and
challenges. Navigating through the ever-changing landscape of current affairs, maintaining
objectivity in the face of diverse opinions, and weaving a cohesive narrative that incorporates
historical context are all essential components of this task.
For those seeking assistance in tackling such essays or any other academic writing challenges, it's
worth exploring resources like There, one can find professional support for
crafting well-researched and thought-provoking essays on a variety of topics, ensuring a high-
quality and polished final product.
Essays On Current Events Essays On Current Events
Footwear Industry Research
Footwear Industry
Local Vs Global
Footwear Industry
Local Vs Global
A Secondary Research and Analysis on Local and Global Brands in the Indian
Footwear Industry
Submitted to: Prepared By:
Chirag Bansal Deepti Tripathi(IMT G) Saurav Mishra (IIM L)
1. Industry
2. Timeline of the Global Footwear ... Show more content on ...
The semi formal/casual formal and formalwear segment has a number of players and
retailers with a number of both homegrown as well as international brands. The utility
footwear segment is the most price sensitive and is dominated mostly by domestic
players and retailers both organized and unorganized.
Men s footwear comprises the largest share of the organized market in value terms.
The ladies footwear segment remains the most untapped as nearly 80 90 percent
purchases happen in the unorganized market largely due to the dressing habits of
women for whom consideration of durability or comfort are less important than
colors and designs that go with dress. The children s and kid s segment also accounts
for a significant share due to the increased emphasis on sporty looks.
4.Key Domestic Players
Bata: Bata India has established a leadership position in the industry and is the most
trusted name in branded footwear.
The company manufactures footwear for men, women and children. These include
shoes of various quality such as leather, rubber, canvas and PVC shoes. Bata Group
has worldwide presence across 5 continents, serving 1 million customers per day and
operating 4,600 retail stores globally.
Global Fund Advisor Introduced Webs
Chapter 1 : Introduction: The idea of ETF was first perceived by NATHAN
MOST in 1993. Nathan s first ETF was called SPARD (also referred to as SPIDER)
and it was first traded on the American stock exchange (AMEX) by state street GA.
SPARD s only purpose is to track the S P 500. The number of ETFs that track
different indexes all over the world exchange markets have increased significantly
since 1993. SPARD, as a first ETF, dominated the markets in the 1990s, together
with CUBES, which was designed to track NASDAQ 100. The ETF is a financial
product, which has attracted a large number of financial product designers. The
ETF as a creative idea has opened a significant number of empty rooms on the
exchange market, which needed to be filled with new ETF products. This is what
attracted the financial product designers to create different types of ETFs in the
last 21 years. Barclays global fund advisor introduced WEBS (world equity
benchmark shares) in 1996 as a first ETF to provide American investors with easy
access to the forging markets. They created a family of ETFs and each ETF had
ishares as a first name and the index it followed as a second name (Ferri, 2002) .
The ETF influence could first be seen in Europe, when the German Deutsche bank
presented an ETF linked to commodity in 2006 (Fuchita Yasuyuki, 2007). ETF
Barclays continued to generate new EFT products by launching the first ETF linked
to the bond price index in 2002.The ETF as a financial product on the
Gentiless In The Pardoner s Tale
The Clerks Tale greatly contrasts the traits of Gentiless and of Nobility. As covered
above, the Clerks Tale follows the abuse and test which Saluzzo enacts upon his
wife Griselda. While Saluzzo is clearly of nobility and exercises the power conferred
by that often and regularly, the steely resolve and good nature of Griselda
demonstrates that while she is a commoner, she has much more Gentiless than her
husband Saluzzo.
The Franklin s Tale is a great exploration of trouthe conquering infidelity. When the
husband of Dorigen is off seeking honor and fame, she is courted by Aurelius.
Dorigen says that she will love him if he can remove all the rocks from the coast of
Brittany. Aurelius hires a magician for a huge price, and he manages to make... Show
more content on ...
I nominated the Reeve s Tale fifth as it is a great example of a fabliau. It remains
humorous, even to a modern audience. It also has instructional value, to an extent,
as it features the cheating Miller getting his comeuppance. I nominated the Friar s
Tale fourth due to it s more dramatic nature. Many of the tales focus on mortals,
while the Friar s tale features a demon as a main character. Similar to the Reeve s
tale as well, the story features a villain, the summoner, being punished for his
wrongdoing. I nominated the Pardoner s Tale third because it is interesting that the
target of the moral preached by the tale, seems to be the same character telling it.
The Pardoner tells of three young men who happen upon a large store of gold, and
kill each other out of greed. This being while the Pardoner is one of the greediest
characters in the Canterbury Tales. I nominated the Prioress s tale second as I felt it
was the most dated tale in Canterbury tales. The blatant anti Semitism espoused in it
makes it a rather interesting read, and it provides a good amount of instructional
value on how to properly treat people in retrospect. In the end, I would have to pick
the Knight s tale for the award as his tale contains some rather heavy themes for its
time. The lesson taught in the Knight s tale about the fickleness of fate
Christine Pelton Summary
Christine Pelton, a biology instructor in Piper, Kansas, is not a hero in my opinion.
As I understand the story, this teacher has a little more than one hundred and forty
biology students. It was stated in the article that, Nearly one fifth of her biology
students had plagiarized... Twenty eight of her students plagiarized on a final exam.
This teacher quit after the school board did not allow her to fail these twenty eight
students. Is this a wake up call to society about the low tolerance of cheating? Is
resigning appropriate for the situation in place? Is cheating acceptable to a certain
extent or should there be a zero tolerance? Thinking through this article, I have two
major thoughts. First, in the students minds, product is more... Show more content on ...
The schooling system is broken when it comes to whether students think learning
the content or receiving a grade is more important. I was talking to my father about
this article, and he brought up an advanced English class at the college he
attended. The students who were eligible to take this class were the most talented
and the highest in their class. The professor was presented with a problem. He did
not feel settled grading these talented students in his class according to the bell
curve college classes commonly use. He did not feel right handing out Cs and Bs to
these A students. Instead of grading the students on the curve, the professor gave
every kid in the class an A, and turned in their final grades on the first day. He
expected all of the students to show interest, give maximal effort, and contribute to
the class. He understood that they were all talented enough to receive an A. The
professor eliminated any stress a grade would bring to these students, and he allowed
them to fully focus on learning. I understand that a teacher cannot do that in a high
school biology class, but there are ways to prevent cheating and engage learning.
This biology teacher may not feel right in allowing these twenty eight kids to pass,
but I believe that she should feel obligated in her heart to stay and prevent this from
happening again. School is about learning about oneself and growing as a person;
school is not about earning a grade and learning biology. This teacher needs to help
kids learn about what is the right thing to do before twenty eight of them
Does Being Self-Reliant And The Philosophy Of...
When a person is young, they are allowed to follow their bliss, their passions.
Frivolity rules your childhood and any chastisements are disregarded maybe you
were reprimanded for certain behavioral misconducts , but those scoldings fell on
deaf ears because you were simply carefree. Grievously, as a person matures, they are
subjected to preemptive disciplinary tandem and prone to conformity. Society forms
ideals and preferences that will eventually weigh on the consciences of individuals,
forcing them to question their actions and their morals. Ralph Waldo Emerson, an
American poet, essayist, and advocate of social reform, touches upon the subject
matter of innate individualismin his thought provoking Self Reliance. Emerson
believes that true individualism requires the ability to rely solely on one s own
intuition and live according to a self popularized doctrine. This philosophy peaked
my interest, leading to the formation of my question: How does being self reliant
and the philosophy of individualism affect society? Initially, the guiding question
seemed self explanatory. My intention was to first grasp the concept of self
reliance; its definition, its applications, and most importantly, its affects on society
as a whole. After Google searching How does being self reliant affect society?, I
was met with an array of possible sources; among them was 16 Benefits of Self
Reliance , a Simple Sophisticate podcast published on The Simply Luxurious Life by
Black Boy Research Paper
Richard Wright, a famous African American writer presents the sufferings and
struggle of African American people in his novels. He explores the subject of
racism and oppression in his works. As it is true that the condition of African
American people was very pathetic in. This paper tries to explore the racism and
oppression of black American people, who suffered discrimination and brutality by
the whites. They were oppressed by the whites, being an African AmericanRichard
himself faced many problems while growing up. This paper reflects the condition of
African American through the novels Black Boy.
KEY WORDS: Block Boy, Racism, Oppression, Discrimination.
It is a very familiar fact that racism and oppression are one of the ... Show more
content on ...
After some time his mother retrieves the children from the orphanage and goes to
aunt Maggie in Arkansas, from here begins the struggle of racism and segregation
of Blacks. While travelling to aunt Maggie s home in Arkanas he notices that there
is separate section for whites and black traveller. As he by nature very curious to
find the reason behind it but his mother Ella stopped him, this instance reflects the
racism that a black should not ask or raise any question regarding their segregation.
Secondly while playing at granny s house he notices from window a regiment of
black soldier training for World War I and later he sees a black chain gang working
by road side guarded by armed white men. As World War I ends the racial disputes
rises. In this regard Richard thinks that black soldiers were given training to guard
the country it seems very friendly relation of blacks and whites and on the other hand
the chain gang treated unfairly harsh treatment from whites. Even blacks are risking
their life to defend the country on other side they are brutally
Essay about Importance of Language in Richard Wright s...
The Importance of Language in Black Boy
Richard Wright s novel Black Boy is not only a story about one man s struggle to
find freedom and intellectual happiness, it is a story about his discovery of language
s inherent strengths and weaknesses. And the ways in which its power can separate
one soul from another and one class from another. Throughout the novel, he moves
from fear to respect, to abuse, to fear of language in a cycle of education which might
be likened to a tumultuous love affair.
From the very beginning of the novel we see young Richard realize the power of
language when he follows his father s literal directions and kills a cat he has
befriended(12). Although he knows that this is not really what ... Show more content
on ...
Although his love of language is soon reinforced when Ella reads him the
wonderful story of Bluebeard and His Seven Wives(44), he is severely rebuked for
it which proves to him again that language can be dangerous. He says that his
response to the story Ella reads him is an emotional response (47), and that it carries
a sharp, frightening, and almost painful excitement (48) with it. This gives him
further respect for language and its power. At the same time it again brings fear,
because his aunt tells him that novels are the Devil s work.
This fear stays with him through the next few years. So much so that he cannot
even write his name on the blackboard. When he raises his arm to write his name,
his mind goes blank and empty he cannot even remember his name at this point,
much less write it. He continues to ignore in language that which he does not like,
does not understand, or does not agree with. He uses its power sparingly: writing
letters to relatives when his mother is sick, and reading only sporadically, until a
new job teaches him that ignorance of language does not work in his interests
either. When he is selling newspapers that he has not been reading, he is advised by
an older black man that he should read what he is selling. It seems impossible that in
all the time he has been selling these papers he has not yet read one of them, and so
one must believe that he has unconsciously been ignoring the
Redskin Persuasions
For football fans like myself and for anyone working in the sports world, the
Washington Redskins franchise has become heavily scrutinized for their team
trademark name. The Washington Redskins are one of the oldest members since the
start of the National Football League. Fans from all across the United States and the
world adore the Redskins. However, in recent years, the term Redskin has been
viewed as a mockery to the native american community.
As a native american myself, I can relate to why people have become upset over
the name. People feel that this term is not a true representation of who they are or
where they come from. In an article written by the huffington post, Travis Waldron
writes that, In 2014, a judge ruled that the team cannot legally register trademarks
for its Redskin name (Waldron 2015). This ruling became a huge victory for the
native american community. Many members have tried to fight the trademark name
as early as 1992. In fact, an attorney associated with the native american group said,
a victory for human dignity and for my courageous clients who have waited so long
for this ruling (Jesse Witten 2015). These native americans will finally get the
respect they deserve. Many of them believed that the name Redskin was a mockery
of not only their appearance, but their ... Show more content on ...
The franchise has decided to appeal this ruling by the court. The team attorney for the
Washington Redskins franchise claims that, We are convinced that we will win
because the facts and the law are on the side of our franchise that has proudly used
the name Redskins for more than 80 years (Bruce Allen 2015). The team even plans
to take this process to the Supreme Court. While the name may come off as a
derogatory term, it will be very hard for the native americans to win again due to
longevity. Not only this, but throughout history, the native americans have always
been on the losing
Aristotelian Virtue Ethics Essay
The following analysis offers a critical discussion on how Aristotelian virtue ethics
might shape a set of values underpinning early childhood education and care settings
(ECEC). The provided discussion is based on specific reference to Aristotle s virtue
of justice. Aristotle was recognised as one of the greatest philosophers and his
influence can be seen in the values that underpin ECEC settings. Although written in
the 4th BC and in different social and cultural times, Aristotle s theory on virtueethics
still influences many contemporary virtue ethicists including Hursthouse and Hume
(Driver, 2006). Aristotle used the concepts of patient, careful, and the descriptive
approach in examining the concepts of ethics (Feeney 2010). The main concept...
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Aristotle claims that justice is relational, and in the context of ECEC this is true as
the practitioner s values, beliefs and ethics have an effect on the child s well being
and development (Rawlings, 2008). A cynical persons view of today s culture could
purposed that current culture has too high a proportion of people willing to do wrong
things and get away with them. Such cultural aspects reflect serious lack of social
responsibility while demonstrating unhealthy compulsion towards success at any cost
(Taylor, 2006). Addressing such moral crisis extends from a mere wish or assumption
that the children will grow into more caring adults likely to select responsible
decisions within the community. Laying the building bricks of ethical and moral
consciousness is essentials in early childhood with practitioners given the opportunity
to encourage children to engage in reasoning when evaluating situations and making
decisions. Vasconcelos (2006) claims that ECEC settings can be used as places for
ethical practises, where practitioners can educate children in relation to moral
conduct and cultivate dispositions which will empower them to be just and
Judging To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Judgment has become part of everyday life, something you need to get used to. To
Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee a historical fiction. Whether it was Scout, Jem or,
any of the Maycomb citizens they always had judge everybody and anybody that
came in there sight. Being even racist against the black happen every day, judging
them by their looks and skin color was the ways many people in Maycomb function.
Throughout the novel the characters judgeeach other though first impressions, social
class and behavior. Social class judgmenthas occurs in the story many in the story
many of times. One example would be when Jem judges Maycomb citizens by
who they like and do not like. The thing about it is, our kinds of folks don t like the
Cunninghams, the Cunnighams don t like the Ewells, and the Ewells hate and
despise the colored folks. (258). Social class was being judged here and that is one
of many social class judgment in this story by the characters. Another social class
judgment would be when Miss Caroline was being judged on her wealth and her
looks by Scout. Miss Caroline was no more than twenty one. She had bright auburn
hair, pink cheek, and wore crimson fingernail polish. (18). Scout judges on the way
Miss Caroline looks and the ways she looks shows her wealth. There was also
another social class judgment in the book when the trial was starting and the colored
folks have to sit in the balcony. The colored balcony ran along three walls of the
courtroom... (186 187).
Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone
Africa in Cinema Final Paper Professor Rice May 2010 Child Soldiers in Sierra
Leone This semester, the topic of Child Soldiers presented a very interesting
dilemma that several countries in Africa continue to face today. Sierra Leone, in
particular, has struck an interest because of the many films and readings that try
to depict this story of the civil war. In class, we have viewed two films representing
the problems with child soldiers in Sierra Leone which include films titled Blood
Diamond and Ezra. Both films represent opposite sides of the spectrum, as Blood
Diamond shows the Western view of child soldiers and Ezra represents the first
African view of child soldiers. Before discussing the two films, there are also two...
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Their minds are controlled by the RUF and if they did not comply with the orders
of the organization they were immediately killed. This type of life is so
unimaginable but still continues as we speak. In Blood Diamond, the western
view of this miserable story of Sierra Leone is depicted. Having viewed the film
several times I now understand the real reason behind the film. Because it is in a
western, Hollywood view, the film can only keep the attention of the viewers if
there is some kind of white influence. With that said, even though the story of child
soldiers is what is meant to be depicted, the love story between a South African
Journalist and an American diamond smuggler is what is represented instead.
Instead of focusing on the true matter at hand, Hollywood insists on using the
talents of Leonardo Di Caprio to misrepresent the issues over diamonds in Sierra
Leone. In the film, it is misleading to see how savage like the children of Sierra
Leone are made out to be. The story almost seemed too good to be true in the film
and to anyone who does not know much about the situation in Sierra Leone it may
have been a great film. In my opinion it was a very sad excuse for a film and the film
in every way used the situation in Sierra Leone as an advantage to the boost of some
of Hollywood s best actors careers. The other film viewed in class entitled Ezra
depicted the story of child soldiers from an
The Intersection Of Social Movements And Art
The intersection of social movements and Art is one that can be observed
throughout the civil right movements of America in the 1960 s and early 1970 s.
The sixties in America saw a substantial cultural and social change through activism
against the Vietnam war, women s right and against the segregation of the African
American communities. Art became a prominent method of activism to advocate
the civil rights movement. It was a way to express self identity as well as the
struggle that people went through and by means of visual imagery a way to show
political ideals and forms of resistance. To examine how a specific movement can
have a profound effects on the visual art, this essay will focus on the black art
movement of the 1960s and... Show more content on ...
Secondly, observing the work of Emma Amos who was the only women within the
spiral group. Romare Bearden, started his artistic career being an abstractionist,
however the civil right movement had an impact on his art which lead him to the
creation of the group called spiral. With the help of other black artists, Bearden
sought to reflect how they could portray their connection to the civil right movement
through their arts as a racial group minority. Ralph Ellison (1977), mentions the
anachronism of the American social experience of minority artists which could then
be used to understand the motivation behind the art of Bearden. This anachronism
refers to; The imbalance in American society which leads to a distorted perception of
social reality, to a stubborn blindness to the creative possibilities of cultural diversity,
to the prevalence of negative myth, racial stereotypes and dangerous illusion about
art, humanities and society. (Ellison: 1977 : pp.673) It is then argued that many
artists are often majorly influenced by the power of this anachronism, as their culture
as well as the freedom of representing their self identity through aesthetic technique of
self expression that are already existing. This, then restrict their attempt to seek
change of the complex social situation they experience. Meanwhile, it is said that
Bearden attempt not to follow the anachronism in is art by transforming it into a
component of art as a mean of personal vision (Ellison:
Dr. Erik Herzog s Talk Summary
I attended the What wakes us up: Networked Circadian Clocks in The Brain talk
by Dr. Erik Herzog from Washington University. The talk was extremely
interesting and helped me better understand the circadian system s in human s
behavior. The first fact that I think is extremely interesting is how our daily
rhythm is driven by a small part of the brain called suprachiasmatic nucleus. Our
brains are well designed and perfectly localized that each part of the brain
responsible for only specific function. However, since everything in the brain is
connected, the shift in one part can greatly affect the others. I have also learned that
neuroscience research is a broad field that involved interdisciplinarity from multiple
fields. To study how the circadian system in our body work, researchers from Dr.
Herzog s Laboratory has been using both in vitro, in vivo and behavior observing
techniques. At the beginning of the talk, it is interesting to see how the behavior of
the mouse changed when researcher removed the... Show more content on ...
Researchers used luciferase on fireflies to study this mechanism. The result showed
some significant results about how this clock gene affect behaviors. With enough
enzyme, researchers can repress the DNA at the clock gene and completely change
the behavior of any animal. The gene also provided some explanations for how light
exposure can change human s behaviors. From the talk, Dr. Herzog mentioned that
the VIP (vasoactive intestinal polypeptide) cells in the suprachiasmatic nucleus can
respond to light. Therefore, when the light shifts our daily behavior, it means that the
VIP cells must be activated somehow in the SCN. The activation of VIP results in a
chain of reactions inside the suprachiasmatic nucleus and cause a shift in circadian
Hypothesis Of A Hypothesis Test
Hypothesis testing is very essential in statistical analysis. It is quite imperative to
state both a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis when conducting a
hypothesis test because the hypotheses are mutually exclusive and if one statement
is true then the other is proven as false. According to Mirabella (2011, p. 4 1) states
that, When we have a theory about a parameter (the average is...,the proportion
is....,etc), we can test that theory via a hypothesis test. Therefore, that is what we
have used to determine if the average age of Whatsamatta U MBA students is less
than 45. We have to conduct a one sample hypothesis test to prove if we can accept
or reject the null hypothesis. In order to determine what decision rule, which is the
statement that tells under which condition to reject the null hypothesis, to propose
we must first determine if we are instituting a upper tailed, lower tailed, or two tailed
test. There are many steps used when initiating a hypothesis test. First and foremost it
is vital to specify the null and alternative hypothesis, next we have to determine a
significance level that is tolerable such as 0.05 which is your tolerance for error, and
last we have to calculate the statistic that is comparable to the parameters set by the
null hypothesis.
Additionally, when utilizing hypothesis testing, we are attempting to determine
whether or not to accept or reject the null hypothesis. Furthermore, we have to
determine if there is enough
Toni Morrison s Sul Text Analysis
In December 2016, my friend and classmate Calli Webb posted a link to Emotional
Labor: The MetaFilter Thread Condensed on her Facebook. I printed it out and read
it all in one sitting; it s a page turning text that answered questions I thought no one
else had, that noticeably changed the way I see the world. A substantial series of
forum posts from MetaFilter regarding EL are meticulously compiled into one
document with a broad exploration of human relationships involving femmes. The
text absolutely allows for an intersectional conception of EL, but it focuses on the
ways in which EL has been disproportionately forced (thrust!) upon women. It made
an impact on me, to say the least. So, when I read Toni Morrisons Sula a few months
later, I... Show more content on ...
Having become shell shocked as a young man, he wants the people of Medallion to
be safe and free from... the unexpectedness of death and dying (14). Thus, one day
each year, he offers them a chance to commit suicide in what he perceives to be a
rational way: on a designated day. One might argue that Shadrack is projecting his
own instability on the people of Medallion, that they don t really need a National
Suicide Day. Maybe they don t think they need it, but I think Shadrack s actions are
coming from a place of love. He holds open the door to the void, helping someone
to pass through if they need to, and taking up minimal space in the process. It
seems to me that the majority of the men in the author s life are vampires of EL,
while a very small number are extreme givers of EL at the cosmological level, with
no middle ground of
Big Island Research Paper
First time visitors to Hawaii Island always leave feeling impressed. Beneath the
majestic, snow topped pinnacle of Maunakea, green rainforests and sandy beaches
flow in an unusual mix of sand, sun and cool waters. Nicknamed the Big Island,
the Island of Hawaii is nearly twice as large as all of the other islands combined.
Altogether, it plays home to nearly all of the world s climate zones. From historic
Kailua Village to Wailuku River State Park, the Big Islandoffers a blend of everything
that a traveler could want from their vacation.
Traveling to the Big Island
Most visitors arrive through the Hilo International Airport in Hilo or the Kona
International Airport in Kona. It is also possible to take a 35 to 40 minute flight from
Honolulu International Airport to the Big ... Show more content on ...
Guided tours, limos and taxis are also available. For the best experience, you should
consider renting a car. Sometimes car reservations fill up completely, so reserve
your car rental before you arrive on the Big Island.
Sleeping on the Big Island
With so much land area, the Big Island easily offers every type of hotel or condo
rental that you could possibly want. The most popular resorts are found at Keauhou,
Kohala Coast and the Historic Kailua Village. Meanwhile, visitors to the Hawaii
Volcanoes National Park can easily stay nearby in Puna or Hilo. In between all of
these options, you can readily find hostels, condominiums, rental cottages and bed
and breakfasts.
Top Attractions
Kona Coffee Living History Farm: The Big Island is known for Kona coffee, and
visitors can still experience a coffee farm first hand. From Portuguese stone oven
baking to off road jeep tours, the history farm offers a unique way to experience
Hawaii s past and present. Make sure to stop by the H.N. Greenwell Store Museum
before you leave. If you have time, schedule a walking tour of Kailua Village or
arrange a historical boat
Examples Of Religion In Heart Of Darkness
Religion in Conrad s Heart of Darkness
During the Scramble for Africa, European nations raced to claim Africa as their own,
giving the rise to colonial literature. Traditional colonial literature focuses on global
European expansion. Common characteristics of this genre include considering the
colonizers as the center of the world, the separation of the colonized as something
other , and establishing European as superior to all others. The latter of these
encompasses European religion, more specifically, Christianity. This religion is used
to justify colonization, as a way to civilize the savages. Here, it is the European s
Christian duty to guide the savages into sophistication. In the case of Heart of
Darkness, by Joseph Conrad, the author deviates from the Eurocentric use of
Christianity as a justification in order to emphasize the existence of the heart of
Throughout the novella, Conrad only refers to Christianity in order to explain human
nature and the innate evil present in Europeans. When arriving at the outer station in
part I, Marlow, introduces the Accountant, the man in charge of the station, as a weak
eyed and ... Show more content on ...
In this case, Heart of Darkness, seems to adhere to the convention of labeling non
European religions inferior to European ones found in colonial literature. However,
these descriptions mainly serve to highlight the heart of darkness. Marlow s
expresses his aversion to the Congolese religion when he is at the inner station,
where Kurtz has become a god figure. At this point, then, the negative effect of
Europeans and their inevitable darkness is clear. The traditions Marlow describes as
powerless and bizarre are the frantic attempts of the natives to keep Kurtz, their idol,
it is the product of European intervention in the Congo (Conrad 136). Hence, Marlow
s descriptions of the native religion serves to illustrate the malicious nature of
Acne, A Teen Epidemic Essay
Acne, A Teen Epidemic
Sarah walked into the Doctors office. She was just turning 15, and had long black
hair, with bright green eyes. She was so pretty, except she had acne. People at school
would laugh and make fun of her, just because she had pimples.
Sarah McMahon s here for her appointment, Sarah s mother told the receptionist.
Sarah went and sat down in the waiting room. There were little children running
around, playing with toys. Sarah missed those day s. No one made fun of her for
her acne, and the biggest problem in life was who s turn it was to play in the sand box.
Sarah McMahon? A woman opened the office door and called her. Sarah... Show
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She was Sarah s doctor, and had her white coat on and everything. Hello Sarah. She
Hello Doctor Higgins, Sarah said politely.
I see you re here to see me about your acne, She looked over at Sarah. I m sure we can
have that cleared up in a few weeks. It s not as bad as you think it is. I just don t
want it scarring. The doctor said to Sarah. As soon as she mentioned it could be
cleared up in a few weeks, Sarah smiled and perked up, thinking about her face
without acne. It had been so long.
A few weeks?! Really? Sarah asked.
Yea, why don t we go into my office and we can look through a few of the ways to
get rid of it. They all gathered their stuff and followed Doc. Higgins to her office.
They all took a seat, and Doc. Higgins handed them both pamphlets for (retina).
We could also put her on the pill for a while. It s been shown to clear up the skin,
and actually helps with acne. It s up to you though. I have a few patients on the pill,
and their skin has cleared up very nicely. That with the cream, and it could clear up
pretty quickly. Doc Higgins stopped to get input from Sarah s mother.
I don t want her on the pill. But the cream sounds good. He mother said quite
Ok, we can try
Analysis Of Living With Roaches And Mold In Skid Row Is
In this week s reading and video assignment, I learned a lot about living as a low
income individual on the streets and in substandard housing. In the article Living
with roaches and mold in run down apartments risks illness, injury the author,
Barbara Anderson, argues that living as a low income individual affects your health
in many ways including mental state. Anderson addresses how people living in
substandard housing acquire many health conditions based on the wellness of the
house. Homes being in substandard condition is seen as having mold, pests, and
punctured screens that will let in insects with infections.An infected mosquito can
come in through a missing screen and give people infections with one bite. Parents
are overrun with stress because of the harmful conditions their children and
themselves are enduring. The author uses many studies including The Los Angeles
Study as evidence to show how tenants were found physically and mentally ill with
respiratory issues, viral infections, and stress because of the conditions of the
house. In the video Lost Angels: Skid Row is my Home, more than half of
homeless people living on Skid Row are mentally ill. Many went to an asylum for
help, but were rejected or had to leave. Much of the suffering endured by these
homeless people is due to the government not understanding them. The video shows a
man cleaning the streets because the city refused to clean the streets of Skid Row
(9:57 10:00). Although no solution was
Martha Washington Character Traits
When George Washington, leader of the Continental Army, arrived at valley Forge,
he sent word to his wife Martha washington who was already ready to head to the
winter camp to spend time with her husband. She was all packed and ready to go at a
moment s notice (Day). Martha Washington was a person admired by everyone from
her first love die to her becoming the First Lady. Through all the things Martha went
through, she showed ingenuity while run the house and leadership to her country and
to women around the new United Statesof America.
Martha grew up as a very wealthy person, but she is more than money and a pretty
face. At nineteen, Martha Dandridge married Daniel Custis, a rich businessman, who
Martha loved. The couple had four kids, ... Show more content on ...
Many of the other officers wives followed Martha s lead and went to the winter
camps too. With all those women there, she probably had to keep the officers
wives busy. Since the men were worried about the war like the rest of america, the
wives put together things that would take their minds off of things such as large
discussions and some singing (Day). When she was there she also took time to visit
the soldiers who were wounded in battle or sick, and handed out food and clothing
(Jordan). Martha was a leader to all women by showing that being there and helping
others will benefit you and others in ways that you might not have
Philosophy And Its Importance Of Philosophy
Philosophy and Its Importance Doing philosophy as many philosophers demonstrate
over time and in the present is to simply question the understanding of what is known
and not known or accepted and unaccepted. This is to say, that philosophers must
question all aspects of life and all the surrounding dimensions of the world. In doing
so, the philosopher is trying to grasp a firmer or different understanding of the truth
that is either presently or not presently known; whether comforting or not comforting.
One of the world s most famous and original philosophers Socrates, had a student
named Platowho explains this very concept of philosophyin the Allegory of the Cave
when describing what it would be like for the newly free prisoner to realize the
actual true reality in which the prisoner lives in. [The prisoner would] be pained
and dazzled and unable to see whose shadows [the prisoner had] seen before , but
the prisoner would now see reality more clearly than previously seen before.
(Plato) Though the prisoner s revelation seems to be uncomforting, Plato follows
this newly sorrowful seen reality by asserting that the prisoner s next steps in
continuing would be to see the sun, not images of it in water or some alien place,
but the sun itself, in its own place, and be able to study it. (Plato) The prisoner could
now expand on this new realization of reality and allow this new view to further
carry the prisoner to future and further understandings of reality and its
The Importance Of Sexual Harassment In The Office
Sexual harassment continues to be a large problem within the workplace and around
the world. Donna Benson, an American writer, writes in Sexual Harassment on a
Campus: The Confluence of Authority Relations, Sexual Interest and Gender
Stratification that Female workers have always been vulnerable to sexual abuse by
male employees...In non random surveys as many as 70 percent of respondents report
harassment on the job (236). This is an unfortunate statistic and through comedy, the
television series The Office (U.S.), created by NBC, and directed by Benjamin
Novak reveals how inappropriate harassment is. The Office (U.S.) is a comedy based
around Dunder Mifflin Paper company s Scranton branch manager, Michael Scott.
Michael is a comedic and belligerent character who is unaware of his socially
unacceptable humor, which shows the audience how unacceptable sexual harassment
is. Throughout the second episode of season two, Michael Scott negatively depicts
males through his humor. In addition, the way his female employees react to his
nonsense is similar to the way Jessica Valenti combats sexual harassment. Lastly,
through the use of comedy, the producers of The Office reveal to its audience how
sexual harassment is unacceptable. In Season two, episode two of The Office (U.S.),
Michael Scott negatively depicts males due to his inappropriate sexual harassment. In
addition, the way his female employees react to his harassment parallels with Jessica
Valenti s strategy
Fate In A Christmas Carol
Charles Dickens, who wrote A Christmas Carol, centered the monumental novella
around Ebenezer Scrooge, a penny pinching and avaricious moneylender. In order for
Scrooge to change his fate, he must maintain the Christmas Spirit all year long.
Throughout the story, three pansophical specters show Scrooge multiple scenes from
his existence, hoping that he gains knowledge and changes before he ends up like the
rest of the phantoms. The Ghost of ChristmasPast, Present, and Yet to Come assist
Scrooge into becoming a charitable and selfless person who cares for the
underprivileged. The first spirit, The Ghost of Christmas Past, greets Scrooge
through the curtains of his bedside at one o clock in the morning. Gaining the ability
to fly, Scrooge and the ghost visit the countryside, where Scrooge spent his
childhood. He is shown his dilapidated... Show more content on ...
The ghost shows Scrooge a scene of businessmen discussing the death of a wealthy
man. He is also shown a group of people who are illegally selling the items of the
dead man to a pawn shop, as well as a poor couple who are beyond relieved that the
man passed away because they owed him money. Scrooge also finds out that the
Cratchit family is mourning over the death of Tiny Tim, their crippled son. At
first, Scrooge does not realize who the dead man is, but finally realizes that it is
himself. If he does not change his ways, his death would be unnoticed and uncared
for and Tiny Tim will die. Scrooge begs for mercy and forgiveness and begins to
apologize for his wrongdoings. Throughout the whole story, Scrooge learns his
mistakes and vows to change his attitude and actions. By the end of the novella,
Scrooge promises to live in the past, present, and future, and becomes a generous man
with a big heart. Charles Dickens wrote this book to spread Christmas Spirit in a time
of poverty, and to inspire the rich to help the poor. God Bless Us, Every
Elizabethan Clothes and Costumes
The people who lived during the Elizabethan Era were not allowed to wear
whatever they like or desired. Their Fashion choices had to be followed by a strict
law! The English people chose to establish social classes by the colors they wore
and this had an affect on costumes used in theatre. Queen Elizabeth I followed the
sumptuary laws, which was only certain classes were consent to wear specific
fabric and colors. Therefore in plays the actors could only wear certain colors for
their costumes that displayed what role and class their character was in. The clothes
worn during this era was a result of Queen Elizabeth s sumptuary laws, which had an
affect on costumes used in plays, and each color a person wore had a significant
meaning.... Show more content on ...
Everyone who lived during the Elizabethan Era knew these laws and failure to follow
them resulted in fines, lose of property, title, and life (Elizabethan Costume). Since in
English society clothing was a huge factor it ended up affecting costumes that were
used in theatre. Next, actors had to abide by the sumptuary laws even while
performing on stage. Therefore the second a performer walked onto the stage the
audience could tell their role in the play just by looking at the color of the
costume. The Material and Fabric also had a similar effect, the audience could tell
what class the character was in by the quality of their costume and also it gave
important information on that individual s role (Elizabethan Actors). Queen
Elizabeth I had to give actors special licenses to wear upper class clothes to fit their
character or position (Globe Theatre Costume). When nobility or upper class
people would come to see a play they would say it was like a double fashion show.
The fabric and color of a person s garments represented different pieces of
information about them and since clothing was part of society and law everyone
knew what the color or material meant. Lastly, each color, during this era, had a
meaning and also represented which class a person was in. Elizabethan clothing,
material, and fabrics used in Elizabethan Era was extremely important because
clothes represented more than just how you looked it demonstrated your
We Need A Quick Fix Of Caffeine Essay
Ordinarily, in the mornings, some people need a quick fix of caffeine before
dragging themselves to work or school. But one coffee shop in particular has
something unique. Dunn Brothers Coffee roasts all of its beans in store. The
baristas are something else entirely, full of personality, with no lack of sass either.
A casual and cozy store, located in Minneapolis, on 50th and Xerxes Ave., it has
drawn a large customer base over the years. It all started with Ed and Dan Dunn,
who opened their first store in St. Paul. The franchise quickly expanded all over
Minnesota with 17 locations, and even into North Dakota with two locations in
Fargo. City Pages readers even rated Dunn Bros Coffeethe best cup of coffee in the
Twin Cities over ten times. The shops fabulous baristas, and welcoming
environment continue to draw in many customers to this day. Walking into the
shop on a typical day, the second someone opens the door, the smell of roasting
coffee and hot chocolate invades the nose. A crowd of exhausted and sullen faced,
office and retail workers start off the day, looking for something to help them stay
awake to survive the work day. Then comes in the students, who at that point, are
probably late for class, but do not care anymore. Even in the winter the store
becomes warm from the large amount of people waiting in line for their turn to get
fresh brewed coffee or tea from one of the baristas, either Jess or Steve. Possibly
along with one of the many pastries offered,
The Main Reasons Why Wars Start
War has always been a part of humanity ever since the dawn of modern humans.
Wars have started for various different reasons such as territorial disputes,
showcase of power, or a struggle between powers. There are many causes of wars
from the different levels of analysis examining the roots of the four levels such as
individual, state, interstate, and global level. The main reasons why wars start are
problems and conflicts in the state level of analysis. Problems within the state
eventually create wars. Different aspects of international affairs that may be
stressed in interpreting and explaining global phenomena define levels of analysis
in terms of International Relationships. The first level of analysis is the individual
level. The individual level of analysis reflects the perceptions, choices, and actions
of individuals, especially those who are in charge of foreign policy making. The
individual level analysis focuses on both liberal and realist assumption of human
nature. The liberal assumption of human nature saw humans as inherently good and
seek cooperation and to avoid conflict. The internal characteristics of states matters
and cooperation between other states are sought after. One such example of and
individual who are engaged in the more liberal aspect of foreign policy making in
terms of the individual level is President H.W. Bush, who created the Bush I Doctrine
and focused on multilateralism, which is a cooperative foreign policy approach to
managing shared
Ww1 Trench Weapons
As we examine warfare from 1914 to the 1990s, we examine multiple tactics that
include one lethal weapon, the tank. At the introduction to World War I during the
Battle of the Marne trench warfare began to appear. A few months later a stalemate
was in place and neither side could advance through the thick machine gunfire the
moment a soldier stood. It became apparent that a reliable breakthrough vehicle was
necessary to assault the heavily armed trenches that the germans dug. The weapon
soon appeared as the tank, the tank was extremely heavily armed and armored with
the weaponry that was required to break the stalemate during World War I
. After the
conclusion of World WarI, Hitler s panzer army broke into poland and occupied the
small country. During... Show more content on ...
The tank first appeared on the fields of Somme as a new type of wonder weapon.
Early tanks like the Mark I and Little Willy were ineffective but terrifying for both
the crew and the Germans. The tank was heavy and the suspension of the tank
suffered greatly under the weight of the tank. Tracks and suspension was new at
the time and was mostly used on tractors. The idea was for the wide caterpillar like
tracks to balance on thick mud and unstable terrain. The tracks designed to plow
fields were not resistant to gunfire and rocky terrain which would cause the bolts to
loosen and the tacks to fall. The armor of the although thick was mostly riveted
which once hit would send the bolts flying everywhere greatly injuring the crew
helplessly trapped inside. The first tanks
A Rose For Emily Movie And Book Comparison Essay
In today s society, many stories and writings of older authors are modernized into
films and short videos. An example of this is in William Faulkner s story A Rose for
Emily. Faulkner s story was made into a short video of about 30 minutes in length
and has added content into the film that is not originally in the text. However, the film
version contains what the creators thought was important from the story and have
similar events from the story, but the film writers also left out information from the
short storythat they thought was not as important in the development of the plot of
the story. Both the movie and the text are about the same people. This may seem like
an obvious thing, but some movie adaptations of literary works have been... Show
more content on ...
In the movie, the house resembles the description given in the short story by
William Faulkner although not exact; the movie adaptation is missing a balcony
which is present in the short story, scrolled balconies in the heavily lightsome style
of the seventies, (628). The movie also includes a scene right after Emily s father
has died where two ladies come and try to comfort Emily about her loss and take
with them some goods for her. This scene is similar to the scene in Faulkner s
story when all the ladies prepared to call at the house and offer condolence and
aid... (630). Both the film and the story have a scene where Emily purchases a
poison, arsenic, as well as the silver toilet set she had engraved for Homer Barron.
The book also mentions that Miss Emily gave lessons in china painting (633) and
although there is no specific scene where children are painting with Miss Emily in
the film, the china painting is mentioned and a china teacup is shown that might
have been made by one of the children Miss Emily taught. The lime scene in the
short story is also present in the film where the audience can see men from the town
go to Miss Emily s house and spreading lime all over the ground around her house to
get rid of the rotting
The Randle Reef
One of the most appalling environmental catastrophes in Canada is right within the
Greater Toronto Area, The Randle Reef, located in the Hamilton Harbour.
Randle Reef, is considered the direst of identified water pollution issues within
Canada, but has recently begun remediation of the site. The Randle Reef contains a
massive amount of toxic coal tar, which has been building up for decades, but is
scheduled to be contained shortly.
In the early 1800 s, then known as Burlington Bay, Hamilton Harbour was an
important access point for initial water transportation and industrial expansion of the
Burlington and Hamilton area. During this time, the bay was crudely treated by its
shoreline residents constantly polluting, as well as the dredging ... Show more content
on ...
The cleanup is a three phase plan, estimated to remove more than 99% of the PAH
mass from the area, which has begun and will hopefully undo the previous
generations of damage. Phase one is building a box to contain the contamination.
Upon completion of the first phase, there will be a double steel walled barricade
surrounding contaminated sediment. Phase two involves of dredging the polluted
deposits from the adjacent areas and placing them within the enclosure. The final
phase of the project encompasses removing the water from the suppression area and
placing a waterproof cap on the facility, which is anticipated to have a 200 year life
span, to seal in the chemicals.
Upon completion, the container will be paved and then turned over to the Hamilton
Port Authority, who will then own the facility and be accountable for monitoring,
preserving and evolving the site as port facilities.
This project is expected to be completed by 2022, with an estimated cost of
approximately $139 million. The Randle Reef sediment remediation project is being
funded by both the federal and Ontario government, along with the cities of
Hamilton, Burlington and surrounding areas, the U.S Steel Canada, and Hamilton Port
Analysis Of Julius Caesar s The Gallic War
Critique Essay In this critique of Julius Caesar s book, The Gallic War, I will be
discussing the purpose and accuracy (or in this case, inaccuracy) over his adventures
and military campaign against the Gallic tribes. There is a constant debate between
historians: The Myth of Certainty. History is all about interpretation and finding truth
out of subjectivity. History can often be lost in time as the firsthand accounts will
eventually fade out. Even if firsthand accounts remains intact, it is not completely
objective. Every person has their own agenda and is biased in one shape or form, no
matter how much they try not to be; Julius Caesaris not an exception. I will start this
critique by stating the author s main purpose for writing his book. Secondly I will
attempt to decipher the accuracy and inconsistency of Julius Caesar s account.
Finally, I will express my opinion over his commentaries over the Gallic War. There
were many reasons to why Julius Caesar wrote his book over the Gallic War. One of
these reasons was to help inspire the people of Rome. Rome had just been sacked by
the Gaul, creating tension between the Roman people and the Celtic tribes. The
growing resentment towards the Gallic people spread like wildfire as political
turmoil rise. Although the Romans were very tenacious and persevering, this did not
stop the morale blow that many Romans felt.
Another reason for the commentaries was to justify Caesar s invasion. The number
one goal for any war is to
Why Are Invasive Species Bad
Why are invasive species bad? In this essay my sources will be Robots help rootout
unwanted creatures By: Associated Press, The threat of invasive species By:
Jennifer Klos, and Killer bees By: Kayla Webley. In my opinion people should do
something about invasive species, here s why. Humans have brought the invasive
speciesto California. If people take action people could get rid of invasive species
way faster than people not taking action. There are also problems of people taking
action, some people might not know how to get rid of invasive species, some
people might not want to get rid of invasive species. That is why i think people
should do something about invasive species. Invasive species are bad because they
take out food supply
Leadership At Dick s Sporting Goods
Leadership at Dick s Sporting Goods Dick s Sporting Goods also known as Dick s
Clothing and Sporting Goods is a fast growing company that carries products
ranging from Taylormade golf clubs to The North Face winter jackets. Dick s
Sporting goods was founded in 1948 by Dick Stack who in which was only 18
years old at the time. In 1948, Stack was working at an Army Surplus store in New
York, where his boss asked his opinion on which new tackle products should
introduced into the fishing business. Dick was an experienced fisher, when he
gave his ideas to boss, his ideas were turned down. Stack was not happy and spoke
to his late grandmother about the situation and she gave him the funds he needed
to start his own tackle store. In 1958, Stack had created a business that is very
much like what a typical Dick s Sporting Goods is today. He was a driven young
individual that felt his knowledge would allow him to be successful in the tackle
business. Not only did his tackle business succeed, but what is now the Dick s
Sporting Goods Brand has greatly succeeded. Ed Stack, Dick s son, and two of his
other children later bought the brand from their father and have opened nearly 500
stores throughout the United States. Ed is the current CEO and Chairman of the
company. The North Face, Nike, Under Armour, Primed, Reebok, Adidas, and
Fitness Gear are just a few brands that the company offers to its loyal customers.
Footwear, fitness gear, team sports equipment, apparel, golf services and
Conversion Of 2d Image Into 3d Image Using Segmentation
Conversion of 2D Image into 3D Image Using Segmentation
Prashant Dahiya1
Computer Scientist at Adobe Systems, Noida
Abstract Image captured by two dimensional camera contains no depth information.
However depth information is needed in many applications, for example in robotic
vision, satellite imaging and target tracking. To extract depth information from
images Stereo matching is used. The main aim of our project is to use stereo
matching algorithms to plot the disparity map of segmented images which gives the
depth information details. Particle Swarm Optimization and K means algorithms are
used for image segmentation. Our main objective is to implement stereo matching
algorithms on the segmented images, compare the results of K means and PSO on
the basis of objective parameters such as PSNR, execution time, density of disparity
map and compression ratio and perform subjective analysis of reconstructed 3 D
images. The compared results show that the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm
gives better 3 D reconstructed image.
Keywords K means, PSNR, Particle Swarm Optimization, DSP, FPGA, ACO
I. INTRODUCTION People can see the depth of the objects because they see the
3D world from two moderately dissimilar angles (one from right eye and other from
left eye). Our brains then figure out how close things are by determining how far
apart they are in the two images from our eyes. Our objective here is to do the
similar thing using a computer. Initially a
Somalia s Struggle for Power Essay example
Somalia s struggle for power to establish a sovereign Somali state has raised
international concerns of terrorism, piracy, human trafficking and famine causing
instability locally and throughout the Horn of Africa. Although U.S. backed
Somali Federal Government (SFG) has had some recent success against the al
Qaeda (AQ) linked al Shabaab, Somalia continue to face local and regional border
disputes. Somalia has historically relied on outside actors who later abandoned
Somalia due to a shift in foreign policy and interest. This paper will prove that the
power for struggle in Somalia is the root cause of instability in Somalia and
throughout the Horn of Africa. This will be explored by examining Somali s regional
relations, U.S and... Show more content on ...
Ethiopia s armed responses only strengthen Mohammed s cause in the Ogaden
region. The Mad Mohammed s Dervish campaigns lasted from 1899 1904, until
the British, and Ethiopian troops, and Somali s who were against Mohammed s
Dervish tactics, mounted various successful campaigns against Mohammed
(Gorman, 1981). With Mohammed s strength nearly eliminated, he agreed to a
peace deal in 1904. Mohammed and his followers were allowed to settle in the
northern part of Italian Somalia where he was recognized as the ruler by the
Europeans. Regardless of the peace deal, Mohammed s cause began to draw
support from other Somali tribes and the fighting continued until his natural death
in 1920. Like Gran, Mohammed had failed to unite Somali clans; however the two
Somali nationalists have laid a physiological impact on Somali s against Ethiopians
and foreigners involved with the Somali power struggle (Gorman, 1981) (Ottaway,
1982). Later British Somalia and Italian Somalia joined to form the Republic of
Somalia in June 1960. Somali s now could claim statehood. During the early years
of independence, tensions continued over contested areas in the Northern Front
District with Kenya and in the Ogaden with Ethiopia. (Gorman, 1981) (Ottaway,
1982) As Somalia looked to establish itself as a country they allied with Russia to
help build Somalia s Military, which led to a military coup in 1969. Following the
military coup, Somalia was
Analysis Of James Joyce s Dubliners
Point of view (the perspective from which a story is told) has a significant role in
how the characters and events in a given story are analyzed. The readers response
to the literature depends greatly on the position of the author and/or narrator;
whether he is on the outside looking in, or vise versa. The use of point of view also
allows the author to convey a certain message or belief by allowing for other literary
elements such as irony and sympathy . The point of view in literature is one of the
central focuses for interpretation. Dubliners, by James Joyce is an outstanding
example of how the use of point of view influences how characters and events are
interpreted. Joyce writes the first three stories of Dubliners in the first person point
of view, the rest are told in there person. Taking a look at a few of the short stories ,
Araby , Eveline , and Clay , it is obvious that Joyce s choice of narration as well as
the complexity of how he carries out those narrations plays a significant role in the
analysis of his work.
Araby is told in first person, from the point of view of the protagonist. Despite the
first person narration in Araby , Joyce does little to convince readers that the story is
told from a boy s perspective. On the contrary, actually, the narratorseemingly has the
maturity of a man certainly beyond the experience of the narrator of the story. Joyce
s way of narrating this story gives readers the ability to clearly identify the distress
America In Retreat Summary
Bret Stephens, author of the book America in Retreat , is definitely qualified to
write this book. Stephens was educated at the University of Chicago and the
London School of Economics. Stephens has also been a writer in the field of
international relations for years and the winner of the 2013 Pulitzer Prize.
Stephens wrote America in Retreat to explain why modern politics should be
conducted in a formal and acceptable manor under American leadership and
supervision. He also provides sturdy reasoning as to how unqualified Europe is to
lead during times of political or economic challenged resolutions. The general idea
of the book is that America is a world super power and sets the bar for world order.
The US no matter how bad it wants to retreat cannot because of it being a world
dominating leader. Throughout the book Stephens implies that disruption and chaos
in the world will in turn be a domino effect that will just lead to more and more
chaos. He states that the only way for the US to assert its power and show its
presence to keep chaos at bay... Show more content on ...
The book over all is about foreign policy and America being a super power and
world leader. This in turn shares what one individual thinks America should go
about doing it in the future and what he thinks America has done bad or wrong in
the past. This is essentially the opinion on one way for things to be done by an
individual who has a strong argument and evidence to back his claim up. Overall
the book is very good and has strong evidence persuading you to see the author s
point of view and why the author feels the way he does. Someone who should read
this book would be someone who wishes to be enlightened on foreign policy because
the book destroys myths that surround this topic. This book allows the reader to
understand exactly what America s interests are in engaging foreign policy for the
gain of America and other nations as
Pretty Essay
This video shows the reunion of a Belgian Malinois Pretty and her previous trainer,
and friend being reintroduced after a year or more of separation. The video is
rather short but the response from Pretty when she lays her eyes on Bryan is
remarkable. Pretty, immediately recognizes Bryan and runs too him and jumps on
him overjoyed to see him once again. This video takes place outside somewhere
and pretty is being led by a young woman to Bryan as soon as Pretty recognizes her
wanting for her, she immediately responds abundant jovialness. In fact, Pretty clings
to Bryan for almost the entire length of the video which is about seventeen seconds
long. I choose this video because it showed a dogrecognizing and greeting someone
from her past... Show more content on ...
Nano seconds, well she is a Malinois. Everything is fast. Aw, so sweet Anyhow,
after reading the comments apparently she is being trained for Police duty since
she did not go into heat and the only time she had been in heat was when she was
with Bryan. It maybe that she was suffering from depression being separated from
Bryan, but that is of course my speculation. Anyhow, in my opinion, this is the best
example of social awareness and intelligence recognizing and showing love for
someone you missed. You can tell she loves him since she is standing upright
embracing and vigorously wagging her tail. In addition to that, she is panting
heavily showing extreme excitement about finally being reunited with Bryan. The
main reason I choose this video was that is showed remembrance and pleasure upon
seeing somebody who they had missed and had nothing to do with training.
Numerous videos that show the dogs, putting up laundry and following an owners
gaze to a toy, is most likely the product of training. However, a greeting like Pretty is
subtle evidence of social
Birt-Hogg-Bde Syndrome Case Studies
Birt Hogg DubГ© (BHD) syndrome is a rare inherited autosomal dominant disorder
caused by germline mutations in the folliculin (FLCN) gene [1 4]. Patients with
BHD initially develop fibrofolliculomas, typically as benign facial tumors, and lung
cysts; whereby, increasing their risk to develop renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and
pneumothorax [1,3,4]. The majority of the BHD patient population contain germline
mutations in FLCN exon 11, a hotspot for diseasecausing mutations. BHD research
predicts FLCN mutations to result in a protein truncation of its c terminal end, thus,
suggesting the cause for its loss of function [1,2,5]. Due to BHD patients sharing
clinical similarities with patients expressing mutations in tumor suppressor, TSC1/2,
such as:... Show more content on ...
Since evidence has established FLCN FNIP complex as a positive amino acid
stimulator for mTORC1 activation and there are multiple amino acid sensors for
different individual amino acids, does FLCN specifically recognize a certain amino
acid and how does it sense the levels of this amino
The Appeal
Politics has always been a dirty game. Now justice is, too. Although The Appeal by
John Grisham is a fictional book, the author himself claims that there is a certain
truth behind the storyline, as he explains in the author s note. I must say that there is
a lot of truth in this story. This quote especially shocks one when reconsidering the
story and the criminal energy involved. The book impresses the reader with a story
based on corruption and money.
Mary Grace and Wes Payton are, married and both work as lawyers on the verdict
against Krane Chemicals, on the edge of financial ruin they barely manage to finance
the last trial against Krane Chemicals. Although they win the verdict and with that
earn an immense amount of money ... Show more content on ...
This is then the point when a mysterious organization comes into the story changing
Carl s chances by buying a seat in the court deciding on the case, by recruiting and
financing a unsuspecting candidate.
One may argue that this book was too long and partly too descriptive in both the
storyline and the characters, which made it hard to follow the storyline throughout
the book.
Grisham s intend is clearly to sensitize and focus his readers on corruption in the
sections companies, politics and justice. As long as private money is allowed in
judicial elections we will see competing interests fight for seats on the bench.
Grisham highlights this point so often throughout the book that one clearly notices
his concern of corruption in the judicial system because of money.The book changes
its pace very rapidly from chapter to chapter therefor the narrative style reminds one
of an appeal in a court with constantly changing perceptions and argumentations.
John Grisham wrote the book in a way that the reader constantly switches between
the parallel stories of the two lawyers and Carl Trudeau and his company.
The way in which john Grisham writes, lures the reader into a feeling that the actual
story is true and happening while one is reading. The book brings both the
interesting parts of a trial into one s understanding as well as the boring paperwork
making the book different as its pace and tension switch constantly and are not
Importance Of Accounting For The Masonry
ANALYSIS RESULTS 4.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter introduces the results of
the nonlinear static and dynamic analyses for the existing and rehabilitated frames.
The importance of accounting for the masonry infill in the analysis is also
discussed. In this chapter, a comparative study was done on the performance of
structures rehabilitated using different techniques, namely; (1) introducing a RC
structural wall, (2) rehabilitating using X steel bracings, (3) rehabilitating using FRP
bracings, and (4) rehabilitating using FRP confinements. The importance of
accounting for the shear degradation in the model of columns and beams is also
investigated. The analysis results are drawn in terms of maximum PGA or PGV
resisted by the frames, maximum ID ratio capacity, maximum storey shear / Weight
ratio, and maximum energy dissipated by the frames. 4.2 ANALYSIS RESULTS
4.2.1 Dynamic properties of the structures Modal analysis is conducted for the 5, 10
and l5 storey frames for the existing structures and the ones rehabilitated using
different rehabilitation schemes. A 5% damping ratio was considered. Table 4.l
shows the modal analysis results for the studied cases. It should be noted that the
existing structures and the rehabilitated ones using the FRP confinement have
almost the same natural period. This is due to the fact that the FRP confinement
increases the ductility of the rehabilitated elements with a negligible influence on
their stiffnesses. On the other hand, introducing of RC Wall
Symptoms And Treatment Of Infections
Since eyes are so complex in their make, we should expect complications to appear
throughout our lives. There are many different problems that occur with our eyes
including bacterial and viral infections to more serious problems such as
hemianopsia. Many diseases are treatable while there are a few that we are only able
to slow down the process. One of the most common eyeproblem is called
conjunctivitis, more commonly known as pink eye. It is an inflammation and
reddening of the conjunctiva. It s more of a viral infection but can also be caused
from bacterial infections, airborne allergens, chemicals, or physical irritants, such as
contact lens. While the previous two are not contagious, there is one kind that is and
it s called trachoma, caused by Chlamydia trachomatis. The infection results in
inflammation joined by a gray yellow granules. It mostly develops into neonatal
blindness in developing countries. Blindness occurs when the inflammatory process
develops scarring and thickening of the conjunctiva. A head trauma often had by
soccer players or high divers is called a detached retina. This is when the inner neural
and outer pigmented layers of the retina separate. Nearsighted individuals have a
higher chance of having this problem because their retina is thinner or stretched
more than those who have a normal eye. Detached retinas can result in deprivations
of nutrition s for cells in the inner neural layer because it s pulled away from the
vascularized choroid
Five Steps in the Process of Building Channels for...
The search for prospective middlemen should begin with study of the market and
determination of criteria for evaluating middlemen servicing that market. The
company s broad policy guidelines should be followed, but expect expediency to
override policy at times. The checklist of criteria differs according to the type of
middlemen being used and the nature of their relationship with the company.
Basically, such lists are built around four subject areas: (1) productivity or volume,
(2) financial strength, (3) managerial stability and capability, and (4) the nature and
reputation of the business. Emphasis is usually placed on either the actual or
potential productivity of the middleman.
Setting policies and making ... Show more content on ...
When middlemen do not perform up to standards or when market situations change,
requiring a company to restructure its distribution, it may be necessary to terminate
relationships with certain middlemen or certain types of middlemen. In the United
States, it is usually a simple action regardless of the type of middlemen; they are
simply dismissed. However, in other parts of the world, the middleman typically has
some legal protection that makes it difficult to terminate relationships. In Colombia,
for example, if you terminate an agent, you are required to pay 10 percent of the
agent s average annual compensation, multiplied by the number of years the agent
served, as a final settlement. In some countries, an agent cannot be dismissed without
arbitration to determine whether the relationship should be ended. Some companies
make all middlemen contracts for one year to avoid such problems. However, there
have been cases where termination under these contracts has been successfully
Competent legal advice is vital when entering distribution contracts with middlemen.
But as many experienced international marketers know, the best rule is to avoid the
need to terminate distributors by screening all prospective middlemen carefully. A
poorly chosen distributor may not only fail to live up to expectations but may also
adversely affixture business and prospects in the
The s Operational Values Internal Communication
Alaska Airlines have lately recovered from a period of operational uncertainty, yet
its executives worry the airline is draining its reserves of goodwill and consumer
loyalty, due to variability in, its data for on time flights and mishandled baggage and
losses over the past two years. The senior executives question whether the
organization could survive if the functionality were to slip again after concentrating
lots of resources on operations in an attempt to recover equilibrium. Is staying status
quo good enough, or should the airlines leadershiptakes action to transform the
operational values Internal Communicationis one of the most neglected areas of
strategic planning.
Most companies spend a great deal of money and effort on their external
communication plan but fail to expend any energy toward creating an organized plan
for internal communication. They rarely discusses using a planned approach to
internal communication as a proactive strategy for long term business success.
Expected benefits are important an elements as well as issues for consideration are
presented along with the planning and measurement of the internal communication
strategy. The ability to effectively communicate with customers, vendors, and
employees is imperative to providing greater customer satisfaction and improving
business productivity. How well information is communicated both externally to
customers and vendors and internally to employees is vital to long term business
Infinity Research Paper
The infinity symbol was introduced many years ago. The meaning of infinity was
believed to be used dating as far back as 400 BC. The symbol and definition that is
currently used for infinity is mostly used in mathematics. The infinity symbol and
definition has previously had different meanings, but basic concepts of what infinity
represents have remained the same. Throughout history, not only did it represent
mathematical thoughts, infinity had religious representation as well. The Upanishad,
which were texts recorded by people of the Hindu religion, used the idea of infinity.
They were the first to be known for the thought of something being infinite, but not
in a mathematical way their philosophy was if you remove a part from whole or add
a part to whole, still what remains is whole ( Show more content
on ...
Though the definition was not in mathematical terms, the concept related to the idea
which was used in mathematical terms. The Ancient Greeks also contributed to the
idea of infinity. At the time Ancient Greeks did not define the word infinity, but were
aware of the concepts from their surroundings. Since Ancient Greeks spent a lot of
time studying the planets and stars, the thought of there being no beginning or end
formed. Which is the current definition for infinity. The scientist Isaac Newton later
made contributions to infinity. Isaac Newton produced a theory on small numbers or
infinitesimals as they are now known ( Although Isaac Newton did
put some sense to the idea of infinity, there was still some confusion dealing with the
concept of infinity. Galileo Galilei then created the Galileo s Paradox which showed
that set of counting numbers can correspond with smaller sets of their squares .
( The understanding of infinity that is
The Gold Rush On California
The effect of the Gold Rush on the Californians. Gold in California was incidental
discovered near an American stream that would change the young creating state.
All finished America, youthful colleagues settled on the decision to go to
California. People started from Europe, Asia, and South America searching for
minute wealth. The new American dream was to get rich, and to make a fortune
quickly. (Mill operator 151) In 1839, one of the wealthiest people in California
came over as an outcast from Sweden; his name was John Sutter. His inspiration of
coming to California was to build his own specific private agrarian space. In late
1847, James Marshall and around twenty other men were sent to a stream by Sutter
to manufacture a sawmill. With a particular ultimate objective to supply enough
wood required for Sutter s ranch. On January 24, 1848 the sawmill was essentially
whole when something stood out enough to be noticed. Marshall got what he
thought to be gold, and remembering that think the gold he saw another piece. In the
wake of making extraordinary compared to other discovers, Marshall and his worker
retreated to work, notwithstanding it was not a little while later that they kept
finding more gold. (Glass 45 47) Even however Marshall was sure that he had found
gold, he required more confirmation, so Marshall to back some gold to Sutter.
Remembering the ultimate objective to test the gold Sutter used a reference book
that gave him hints about gold. Sutter made the
Applying Organizational Development Ideals and Principles
Josel A. Bonilla
BUS 370
Nichole Vasser
June 01, 2012
Having been through this course studying, organizational development. Looking
back at organizational development principles that I can use in the future. There
has been a great understanding of this topic. One thing that I have developed and
understood is that organizational development is here to stay and in order for
organizations and business to survive we must learn to adapt to change in the
global economies. The following literature that will be applied will be an excerpt of
my personal ideals, of how I will use organizational development processes to
develop new ideals, new principles that will guide me ... Show more content on ...
Although there always seems that issue that initiative to begin that change or ask for
help to create that change, but after learning the different theories and techniques I
understand how I can help create change for organizations in the future.
To begin with Killion amp; Harrison (1990) once said organization development
...requires a planned approach to change based on meeting the needs of both the
people and the organization. In other words if organization do not meet the needs of
both the people that work the organization and the people that they serve then
organizational development can not come to pass. When I think about the
organization development process the first guiding principle that I would look at is
how the interpersonal relationships in the organization are. How it affects individuals,
work groups and teams. Then I think about adaptability of the organization by
looking what the organization is using to communicate with its employees more
effectively and its client base. For the reason that if an organization does not learn to
adapt or be adaptable then the developmental change process will run into issues.
Another thing that I would also look at what type of administrative challenges effect
the organization, such as the way the organization is being ran and operated, what
issues are plaguing the organization and its
North America Economic Factors
While the Spanish and Portuguese were first to establish their empires in the new
world, Great Britain is seen as the most successful colonization effort. Great Britain
began its expansion in the seventeenth century and reached its pinnacle in the
nineteenth century. The original thirteen colonies established in North America
primarily defines this expansion. These colonies would grow and through revolution,
would eventually grow to become the United Statesof America.
The establishment of these colonies generally corresponds with Puritan movement
and the subsequent division growing between this movement within Parliament and
the Monarchy under James I and the Charles I. While much of the establishment of
the colonies can viewed as the pursuit of religious freedom from the Church of
England, make no mistake, the roots can clearly be traced back to economic factors
and the pursuit of commerce. The economic factors were not that of the wealth and
gold secured through a similar path found by Spanish Conquistadors, but the pursuit
of land and cheap labor to cultivate the cash crop of tobacco. These economic forces
led to the extermination of native populations and the introduction of importing
slaves to North America. ... Show more content on ...
Both these attempts failed. In 1607, Jamestown, named for the newly crowned
King James I, was founded at the mouth of the James River in Virginia. When
slavery was introduced in 1619, the Church of England turned a blind eye even to
the extent that slaves were not baptized by many of their masters. This pursuit of
economic wealth of the powerful eventually resulted in a 1667 law declaring that
baptism did not change a slaves standing or condition. Moving farther east, Georgia
was colonized to help halt the spread of the Spanish empire. This colony also had a
second purpose to provide an alternative to those destined for debtors
The Power Of Love In Romeo And Juliet
The power of love can help people get through obstacles that stand in their way and
can help one become his or her own individual. In the famous play Romeo and
Juliet , by William Shakespeare, Romeo is willing to do whatever it takes to be
with Juliet without even looking back or thinking of the consequences while Juliet
struggles with becoming an individual going from someone who shares a mind with
her mother to an independent individual choosing to be with Romeo. Shakespeare
develops Romeo by his overdramatic choice of words and Juliet by her change in
behavior going from obedient and letting others speak for her to rebellious in trying
to be independent, which refines the central idea: the power of loveagainst obstacles.
Romeo s overdramatic word choice helps give the reader a deeper meaning into
the power of love against obstacles. Romeo constantly exaggerates his thoughts
through the choice of words he uses in his daily language. When Benvolio
questions Romeo, wondering why he is upset, Romeo explains how love is a
smoke made up with a fume of sighs, (Act one, scene one) and goes on about his
love for Rosaline. In saying so, Romeo conveys his thoughts about how love can be
bittersweet. Love can consume one like a strong fume, but that fume can also be
dangerous and engulf you in sadness. Romeo is portrayed as a romantic, showing
the reader his deep love for Rosaline. However, Romeo then falls in love with Juliet.
His love for Juliet is enough for him to not be
Analysis Of `` For Colored Girls `` By Ntozake Shange
For Colored Girls involves seven women who represents a different shade of the
rainbow. The colors are brown, red, yellow, white, green, orange and blue. Their
costumes and make up transformed each of them and were significant of the color
their character embodied. As a group their acting made all of their roles of equal
importance, without one dominating the other. These women together formed a
bond through their various adversities, gradually taking them from strangers to
companion. From an objective view, the audience is allowed to simply observe the
events as they take place chronologically. Throughout the movie during some of the
conflicting and traumatic scenes, one of the women recites a poem to signify and
release the emotion being felt at that time. Tyler Perry s movie For Colored Girls was
inspired by a stage play For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the
Rainbow is Enuf, written by Ntozake Shanges. The story was adapted from a play
that consists of monologues, which combines dance and poetry. Gates highlights
that For colored girls is a film that makes a strong message of empowerment to the
humanity of women. No matter how bad things could get in life and no matter how
many times you ve been brought down, always know you are strong enough to get
back up and not let darkness conquer your life. This essay will explore how a person
can overcome any kind of tragedy, hardship or struggle whether or not they are
affected emotionally,
Effective Public Relations For Your Business World
Today s society lives in a fast paced environment and we expect businesses to
accommodate to our needs quicker than ever. In our fast moving business world
creating just the right image in the public s eye is essential for the survival for any
organization. Public Relations professionals have to deal precisely with this aspect
of every business. These professionals work hard at developing a good, positive
relationship between a firm and the public it serves. Investing in good public relations
for your business will help achieve its objective efficiently. Effective Public Relations
can create and build up the image of an organization. During times of adverse
publicity an effective Public Relations can remove the misunderstanding and can...
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When a PR program is implemented in conjunction with marketing and advertising
programs, a brand can be developed and strengthened over time. A brand is not
tangible. A successful brand lives in the minds and hearts of your customers. It is
all of the things they think of when they think of your company or your product.
Starbucks Public Relations professionals recognized this when building the brand
of their company, since the very first store opened in 1971, Starbucks as a brand
has been evolving. The Siren has been a part of Starbucks from the beginning. Her
image, originally derived from a twin tailed siren in an old sixteenth century Norse
woodcut, was at the center of Starbucks original logo. She embodies Starbucks and
our coffee evoking coffee s allure and its seafaring tradition (Brand Evolution
FAQs, 2011). Senior Vice president of marketing at Starbucks, Anne Saunders, said
it really is about connecting with someone in a more intimate, experiential way that
we think will have longer lasting ability to build affinity than a 30 second TV
commercial or an ad (Echols, 2011). Starbucks spends very little money on
advertising, preferring instead to build the brand cup by cup with customers and
depend on word of mouth and the appeal of its storefronts. They relied on consistent
service and quality to get customers talking, and once they started talking, it seems
they did not stop and the Starbucks brand was born. The public relations decision to
Joan Logan Quotes
Stacey Logan Development
Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, is the best kind of historical fiction in which valuable
lessons from the past can be learned. ( So begins Roll of
Thunder Hear My Cry, a novel about an African American family growing up in the
times of segregation. In this novel Taylor teaches us many lessons but one indeed
stands out and that is that prejudice acts can change a man. In the novel Roll of
Thunder Hear My Cry, Stacey Logan is forced to mature early in life; this shows us
that exposure to prejudice and violence can force a boy to lose his innocence, and
make him a man.
In the beginning of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Mildred D. Taylorat first displays
Stacey Logan as a young innocent boy who makes bad decisions. ... Show more
content on ...
I think i ll take Stacey with me.
Now, David,no He ll be thirteen next month and he needs to be with me more. David,
he s just a boy.
Baby, a boy get as big as Stacey down here and he s near a man. He s gotta know a
man s things. He gotta know how to handle himself. (Taylor 207) This quote shows
that Stacey has greatly matured because even his father has noticed that he has
become more of a man, and now he wants to take Stacey up to Vicksburg to shop
for the black families that won t shop at the Wallace s, which could be very
dangerous. This also shows that Stacey has finally matured enough to start doing
what a man does. Another example showing that Stacey has matured very much is
when he blames himself for the incident of his father s broken leg. This shows that
he has matured enough to take responsibility for his actions. Then... then Jack
reared up, scared by the shot, and I couldn t hold him...and...and the wagon rolled
over his leg. His voice cracked sharply and he exploded guiltily, It s my fault his leg
s busted! (Taylor 215) This quote shows that Stacey has matured and is now a man,
and has lost his childlike innocence due to racism and prejudice
The Role of Alternative Medicine in a Society...
The Role of Alternative Medicine Important in a Society Traditionally Dominated by
Western Style Medicine: Australia
This study intends to examine the role of alternative medicine in Australia in what is
a society traditionally dominated by western style medicine. Nissen (2011) reports
that the use of therapies designated as complementary and alternative medicine
(CAM) in Europe, Australia and North America is well established, and the popularity
of CAM is linked with a wide range of factors, including disappointment with
biomedical healthcare and the rise of chronic health complaints, dissatisfaction with
the doctor patient relationship, post modern values, and personal world views. (p.187)
The growth of CAM is explained by some social theorists as being linked to the
patterns of consumerism and life style choices and have characterized it as
narcissistic self absorption that reflects the anxieties of an increasingly atomized
society. (Nissen, 2011, p.187) It was reported in February, 2012 that approximately
400 high profile doctors, medical researchers and scientists recently joined forces to
form lobby group Friends of Science (FSM) in order to have alternative medicine
degrees removed from Australian universities. (Schwager, 2012, p.1) Listed as some
of the courses that they are targeting are those of: Chiropractic, osteopathy, Chinese
medicine, naturopathy, iridology, kinesiology, reflexology, homeopathy and
aromatherapy В¦ (Schwager, 2012,
Barclays Plc and Abn Amro Case Study
London School of Commerce
As one of the world s leading banks, with 135,000 employees in more than 50
countries, Barclays plays a significant role, from working with governments on major
infrastructure projects to bringing banking to customers in emerging markets.
Barclays is made up of two major businesses: Global Retail and Commercial Banking
(GRCB) and Investment Banking and Investment Management (IBIM). There
strategy is to achieve growth through time by diversifying their profit base making
their growth relevant to their customers at all times. This case study will seek to
examine the bid and intended acquisition of ABN AMRO, and the early acquisition...
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According to groupВґs performance from 2002 2006 identifies that BarclaysВґ
performance underpinnings are represented by its strategy of acquiring other banking
(such as ABN Amro and Banco Zaragozano) concerns to expand its retail as well as
other banking services through representation in international markets as represented
by the bank s presence in 60 countries. This provides Barclays with the means to sell
its highly profitable investment banking services as well as be positioned to service
the cadre of multinational companies that utilize its diverse banking financial service
On the other hand, ABN AMRO bank has a presence in 76 countries and
territories. Using its worldwide network the bank provides universal banking
services consisting of commercial and investment banking products to corporate
nationally and internationally operating clients as well as personal and private
banking customers. In 2007, Barclays announced the proposed acquisition of ABN
AMRO bank, in order to expanded their distribution base. The deal was valued at
€67 billion. On October, the RFS consortium led by Royal Bank of Scotland,
bidding for control of ABN AMRO, formally declared victory after shareholders,
representing 86 percent of the Dutch bank s shares, accepted the RFS group s
€70bn offer.
Barclays is known a consistent performer delivering steady profitability results, 20%
increase in profit before

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Essays On Current Events. 2014 Current Events Essay Example Topics and Well Written Essays ...

  • 1. Essays On Current Events Writing an essay on the topic of "Essays on Current Events" can be both challenging and intriguing. The difficulty arises from the dynamic nature of current events, which are constantly evolving and subject to rapid changes. Staying updated on the latest news and understanding the various perspectives on a given issue requires thorough research and critical thinking. One challenge is the need for a nuanced approach. Current events often involve complex and multifaceted issues, and addressing them in an essay requires a careful analysis of different aspects. Striking the right balance between depth and breadth of coverage is crucial to present a comprehensive and insightful perspective. Moreover, the sensitivity of current events adds another layer of complexity. Balancing objectivity and empathy becomes essential when discussing topics that may be emotionally charged or controversial. The writer must navigate through diverse opinions, potential biases, and conflicting information to provide a fair and well-rounded view. Additionally, crafting an essay on current events demands the ability to connect historical context with contemporary developments. Understanding the roots of an issue and its evolution over time is vital for presenting a well-informed and coherent analysis. This requires in-depth research and a keen awareness of the historical, social, and cultural factors shaping the events. In conclusion, writing an essay on "Essays on Current Events" requires a unique set of skills and challenges. Navigating through the ever-changing landscape of current affairs, maintaining objectivity in the face of diverse opinions, and weaving a cohesive narrative that incorporates historical context are all essential components of this task. For those seeking assistance in tackling such essays or any other academic writing challenges, it's worth exploring resources like There, one can find professional support for crafting well-researched and thought-provoking essays on a variety of topics, ensuring a high- quality and polished final product. Essays On Current Events Essays On Current Events
  • 2. Footwear Industry Research Footwear Industry Local Vs Global Footwear Industry Local Vs Global A Secondary Research and Analysis on Local and Global Brands in the Indian Footwear Industry Submitted to: Prepared By: Chirag Bansal Deepti Tripathi(IMT G) Saurav Mishra (IIM L) Contents 1. Industry Highlights.....................................................................................................................3 2. Timeline of the Global Footwear ... Show more content on ... The semi formal/casual formal and formalwear segment has a number of players and retailers with a number of both homegrown as well as international brands. The utility footwear segment is the most price sensitive and is dominated mostly by domestic players and retailers both organized and unorganized. Men s footwear comprises the largest share of the organized market in value terms. The ladies footwear segment remains the most untapped as nearly 80 90 percent purchases happen in the unorganized market largely due to the dressing habits of women for whom consideration of durability or comfort are less important than colors and designs that go with dress. The children s and kid s segment also accounts for a significant share due to the increased emphasis on sporty looks. 4.Key Domestic Players Bata: Bata India has established a leadership position in the industry and is the most trusted name in branded footwear. The company manufactures footwear for men, women and children. These include shoes of various quality such as leather, rubber, canvas and PVC shoes. Bata Group has worldwide presence across 5 continents, serving 1 million customers per day and operating 4,600 retail stores globally. Today
  • 3. Global Fund Advisor Introduced Webs Chapter 1 : Introduction: The idea of ETF was first perceived by NATHAN MOST in 1993. Nathan s first ETF was called SPARD (also referred to as SPIDER) and it was first traded on the American stock exchange (AMEX) by state street GA. SPARD s only purpose is to track the S P 500. The number of ETFs that track different indexes all over the world exchange markets have increased significantly since 1993. SPARD, as a first ETF, dominated the markets in the 1990s, together with CUBES, which was designed to track NASDAQ 100. The ETF is a financial product, which has attracted a large number of financial product designers. The ETF as a creative idea has opened a significant number of empty rooms on the exchange market, which needed to be filled with new ETF products. This is what attracted the financial product designers to create different types of ETFs in the last 21 years. Barclays global fund advisor introduced WEBS (world equity benchmark shares) in 1996 as a first ETF to provide American investors with easy access to the forging markets. They created a family of ETFs and each ETF had ishares as a first name and the index it followed as a second name (Ferri, 2002) . The ETF influence could first be seen in Europe, when the German Deutsche bank presented an ETF linked to commodity in 2006 (Fuchita Yasuyuki, 2007). ETF Barclays continued to generate new EFT products by launching the first ETF linked to the bond price index in 2002.The ETF as a financial product on the
  • 4. Gentiless In The Pardoner s Tale The Clerks Tale greatly contrasts the traits of Gentiless and of Nobility. As covered above, the Clerks Tale follows the abuse and test which Saluzzo enacts upon his wife Griselda. While Saluzzo is clearly of nobility and exercises the power conferred by that often and regularly, the steely resolve and good nature of Griselda demonstrates that while she is a commoner, she has much more Gentiless than her husband Saluzzo. The Franklin s Tale is a great exploration of trouthe conquering infidelity. When the husband of Dorigen is off seeking honor and fame, she is courted by Aurelius. Dorigen says that she will love him if he can remove all the rocks from the coast of Brittany. Aurelius hires a magician for a huge price, and he manages to make... Show more content on ... I nominated the Reeve s Tale fifth as it is a great example of a fabliau. It remains humorous, even to a modern audience. It also has instructional value, to an extent, as it features the cheating Miller getting his comeuppance. I nominated the Friar s Tale fourth due to it s more dramatic nature. Many of the tales focus on mortals, while the Friar s tale features a demon as a main character. Similar to the Reeve s tale as well, the story features a villain, the summoner, being punished for his wrongdoing. I nominated the Pardoner s Tale third because it is interesting that the target of the moral preached by the tale, seems to be the same character telling it. The Pardoner tells of three young men who happen upon a large store of gold, and kill each other out of greed. This being while the Pardoner is one of the greediest characters in the Canterbury Tales. I nominated the Prioress s tale second as I felt it was the most dated tale in Canterbury tales. The blatant anti Semitism espoused in it makes it a rather interesting read, and it provides a good amount of instructional value on how to properly treat people in retrospect. In the end, I would have to pick the Knight s tale for the award as his tale contains some rather heavy themes for its time. The lesson taught in the Knight s tale about the fickleness of fate
  • 5. Christine Pelton Summary Christine Pelton, a biology instructor in Piper, Kansas, is not a hero in my opinion. As I understand the story, this teacher has a little more than one hundred and forty biology students. It was stated in the article that, Nearly one fifth of her biology students had plagiarized... Twenty eight of her students plagiarized on a final exam. This teacher quit after the school board did not allow her to fail these twenty eight students. Is this a wake up call to society about the low tolerance of cheating? Is resigning appropriate for the situation in place? Is cheating acceptable to a certain extent or should there be a zero tolerance? Thinking through this article, I have two major thoughts. First, in the students minds, product is more... Show more content on ... The schooling system is broken when it comes to whether students think learning the content or receiving a grade is more important. I was talking to my father about this article, and he brought up an advanced English class at the college he attended. The students who were eligible to take this class were the most talented and the highest in their class. The professor was presented with a problem. He did not feel settled grading these talented students in his class according to the bell curve college classes commonly use. He did not feel right handing out Cs and Bs to these A students. Instead of grading the students on the curve, the professor gave every kid in the class an A, and turned in their final grades on the first day. He expected all of the students to show interest, give maximal effort, and contribute to the class. He understood that they were all talented enough to receive an A. The professor eliminated any stress a grade would bring to these students, and he allowed them to fully focus on learning. I understand that a teacher cannot do that in a high school biology class, but there are ways to prevent cheating and engage learning. This biology teacher may not feel right in allowing these twenty eight kids to pass, but I believe that she should feel obligated in her heart to stay and prevent this from happening again. School is about learning about oneself and growing as a person; school is not about earning a grade and learning biology. This teacher needs to help kids learn about what is the right thing to do before twenty eight of them
  • 6. Does Being Self-Reliant And The Philosophy Of... When a person is young, they are allowed to follow their bliss, their passions. Frivolity rules your childhood and any chastisements are disregarded maybe you were reprimanded for certain behavioral misconducts , but those scoldings fell on deaf ears because you were simply carefree. Grievously, as a person matures, they are subjected to preemptive disciplinary tandem and prone to conformity. Society forms ideals and preferences that will eventually weigh on the consciences of individuals, forcing them to question their actions and their morals. Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American poet, essayist, and advocate of social reform, touches upon the subject matter of innate individualismin his thought provoking Self Reliance. Emerson believes that true individualism requires the ability to rely solely on one s own intuition and live according to a self popularized doctrine. This philosophy peaked my interest, leading to the formation of my question: How does being self reliant and the philosophy of individualism affect society? Initially, the guiding question seemed self explanatory. My intention was to first grasp the concept of self reliance; its definition, its applications, and most importantly, its affects on society as a whole. After Google searching How does being self reliant affect society?, I was met with an array of possible sources; among them was 16 Benefits of Self Reliance , a Simple Sophisticate podcast published on The Simply Luxurious Life by Shannon
  • 7. Black Boy Research Paper Richard Wright, a famous African American writer presents the sufferings and struggle of African American people in his novels. He explores the subject of racism and oppression in his works. As it is true that the condition of African American people was very pathetic in. This paper tries to explore the racism and oppression of black American people, who suffered discrimination and brutality by the whites. They were oppressed by the whites, being an African AmericanRichard himself faced many problems while growing up. This paper reflects the condition of African American through the novels Black Boy. KEY WORDS: Block Boy, Racism, Oppression, Discrimination. INTRODUCTION It is a very familiar fact that racism and oppression are one of the ... Show more content on ... After some time his mother retrieves the children from the orphanage and goes to aunt Maggie in Arkansas, from here begins the struggle of racism and segregation of Blacks. While travelling to aunt Maggie s home in Arkanas he notices that there is separate section for whites and black traveller. As he by nature very curious to find the reason behind it but his mother Ella stopped him, this instance reflects the racism that a black should not ask or raise any question regarding their segregation. Secondly while playing at granny s house he notices from window a regiment of black soldier training for World War I and later he sees a black chain gang working by road side guarded by armed white men. As World War I ends the racial disputes rises. In this regard Richard thinks that black soldiers were given training to guard the country it seems very friendly relation of blacks and whites and on the other hand the chain gang treated unfairly harsh treatment from whites. Even blacks are risking their life to defend the country on other side they are brutally
  • 8. Essay about Importance of Language in Richard Wright s... The Importance of Language in Black Boy Richard Wright s novel Black Boy is not only a story about one man s struggle to find freedom and intellectual happiness, it is a story about his discovery of language s inherent strengths and weaknesses. And the ways in which its power can separate one soul from another and one class from another. Throughout the novel, he moves from fear to respect, to abuse, to fear of language in a cycle of education which might be likened to a tumultuous love affair. From the very beginning of the novel we see young Richard realize the power of language when he follows his father s literal directions and kills a cat he has befriended(12). Although he knows that this is not really what ... Show more content on ... Although his love of language is soon reinforced when Ella reads him the wonderful story of Bluebeard and His Seven Wives(44), he is severely rebuked for it which proves to him again that language can be dangerous. He says that his response to the story Ella reads him is an emotional response (47), and that it carries a sharp, frightening, and almost painful excitement (48) with it. This gives him further respect for language and its power. At the same time it again brings fear, because his aunt tells him that novels are the Devil s work. This fear stays with him through the next few years. So much so that he cannot even write his name on the blackboard. When he raises his arm to write his name, his mind goes blank and empty he cannot even remember his name at this point, much less write it. He continues to ignore in language that which he does not like, does not understand, or does not agree with. He uses its power sparingly: writing letters to relatives when his mother is sick, and reading only sporadically, until a new job teaches him that ignorance of language does not work in his interests either. When he is selling newspapers that he has not been reading, he is advised by an older black man that he should read what he is selling. It seems impossible that in all the time he has been selling these papers he has not yet read one of them, and so one must believe that he has unconsciously been ignoring the
  • 9. Redskin Persuasions For football fans like myself and for anyone working in the sports world, the Washington Redskins franchise has become heavily scrutinized for their team trademark name. The Washington Redskins are one of the oldest members since the start of the National Football League. Fans from all across the United States and the world adore the Redskins. However, in recent years, the term Redskin has been viewed as a mockery to the native american community. As a native american myself, I can relate to why people have become upset over the name. People feel that this term is not a true representation of who they are or where they come from. In an article written by the huffington post, Travis Waldron writes that, In 2014, a judge ruled that the team cannot legally register trademarks for its Redskin name (Waldron 2015). This ruling became a huge victory for the native american community. Many members have tried to fight the trademark name as early as 1992. In fact, an attorney associated with the native american group said, a victory for human dignity and for my courageous clients who have waited so long for this ruling (Jesse Witten 2015). These native americans will finally get the respect they deserve. Many of them believed that the name Redskin was a mockery of not only their appearance, but their ... Show more content on ... The franchise has decided to appeal this ruling by the court. The team attorney for the Washington Redskins franchise claims that, We are convinced that we will win because the facts and the law are on the side of our franchise that has proudly used the name Redskins for more than 80 years (Bruce Allen 2015). The team even plans to take this process to the Supreme Court. While the name may come off as a derogatory term, it will be very hard for the native americans to win again due to longevity. Not only this, but throughout history, the native americans have always been on the losing
  • 10. Aristotelian Virtue Ethics Essay The following analysis offers a critical discussion on how Aristotelian virtue ethics might shape a set of values underpinning early childhood education and care settings (ECEC). The provided discussion is based on specific reference to Aristotle s virtue of justice. Aristotle was recognised as one of the greatest philosophers and his influence can be seen in the values that underpin ECEC settings. Although written in the 4th BC and in different social and cultural times, Aristotle s theory on virtueethics still influences many contemporary virtue ethicists including Hursthouse and Hume (Driver, 2006). Aristotle used the concepts of patient, careful, and the descriptive approach in examining the concepts of ethics (Feeney 2010). The main concept... Show more content on ... Aristotle claims that justice is relational, and in the context of ECEC this is true as the practitioner s values, beliefs and ethics have an effect on the child s well being and development (Rawlings, 2008). A cynical persons view of today s culture could purposed that current culture has too high a proportion of people willing to do wrong things and get away with them. Such cultural aspects reflect serious lack of social responsibility while demonstrating unhealthy compulsion towards success at any cost (Taylor, 2006). Addressing such moral crisis extends from a mere wish or assumption that the children will grow into more caring adults likely to select responsible decisions within the community. Laying the building bricks of ethical and moral consciousness is essentials in early childhood with practitioners given the opportunity to encourage children to engage in reasoning when evaluating situations and making decisions. Vasconcelos (2006) claims that ECEC settings can be used as places for ethical practises, where practitioners can educate children in relation to moral conduct and cultivate dispositions which will empower them to be just and
  • 11. Judging To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee Judgment has become part of everyday life, something you need to get used to. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee a historical fiction. Whether it was Scout, Jem or, any of the Maycomb citizens they always had judge everybody and anybody that came in there sight. Being even racist against the black happen every day, judging them by their looks and skin color was the ways many people in Maycomb function. Throughout the novel the characters judgeeach other though first impressions, social class and behavior. Social class judgmenthas occurs in the story many in the story many of times. One example would be when Jem judges Maycomb citizens by who they like and do not like. The thing about it is, our kinds of folks don t like the Cunninghams, the Cunnighams don t like the Ewells, and the Ewells hate and despise the colored folks. (258). Social class was being judged here and that is one of many social class judgment in this story by the characters. Another social class judgment would be when Miss Caroline was being judged on her wealth and her looks by Scout. Miss Caroline was no more than twenty one. She had bright auburn hair, pink cheek, and wore crimson fingernail polish. (18). Scout judges on the way Miss Caroline looks and the ways she looks shows her wealth. There was also another social class judgment in the book when the trial was starting and the colored folks have to sit in the balcony. The colored balcony ran along three walls of the courtroom... (186 187).
  • 12. Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone Africa in Cinema Final Paper Professor Rice May 2010 Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone This semester, the topic of Child Soldiers presented a very interesting dilemma that several countries in Africa continue to face today. Sierra Leone, in particular, has struck an interest because of the many films and readings that try to depict this story of the civil war. In class, we have viewed two films representing the problems with child soldiers in Sierra Leone which include films titled Blood Diamond and Ezra. Both films represent opposite sides of the spectrum, as Blood Diamond shows the Western view of child soldiers and Ezra represents the first African view of child soldiers. Before discussing the two films, there are also two... Show more content on ... Their minds are controlled by the RUF and if they did not comply with the orders of the organization they were immediately killed. This type of life is so unimaginable but still continues as we speak. In Blood Diamond, the western view of this miserable story of Sierra Leone is depicted. Having viewed the film several times I now understand the real reason behind the film. Because it is in a western, Hollywood view, the film can only keep the attention of the viewers if there is some kind of white influence. With that said, even though the story of child soldiers is what is meant to be depicted, the love story between a South African Journalist and an American diamond smuggler is what is represented instead. Instead of focusing on the true matter at hand, Hollywood insists on using the talents of Leonardo Di Caprio to misrepresent the issues over diamonds in Sierra Leone. In the film, it is misleading to see how savage like the children of Sierra Leone are made out to be. The story almost seemed too good to be true in the film and to anyone who does not know much about the situation in Sierra Leone it may have been a great film. In my opinion it was a very sad excuse for a film and the film in every way used the situation in Sierra Leone as an advantage to the boost of some of Hollywood s best actors careers. The other film viewed in class entitled Ezra depicted the story of child soldiers from an
  • 13. The Intersection Of Social Movements And Art The intersection of social movements and Art is one that can be observed throughout the civil right movements of America in the 1960 s and early 1970 s. The sixties in America saw a substantial cultural and social change through activism against the Vietnam war, women s right and against the segregation of the African American communities. Art became a prominent method of activism to advocate the civil rights movement. It was a way to express self identity as well as the struggle that people went through and by means of visual imagery a way to show political ideals and forms of resistance. To examine how a specific movement can have a profound effects on the visual art, this essay will focus on the black art movement of the 1960s and... Show more content on ... Secondly, observing the work of Emma Amos who was the only women within the spiral group. Romare Bearden, started his artistic career being an abstractionist, however the civil right movement had an impact on his art which lead him to the creation of the group called spiral. With the help of other black artists, Bearden sought to reflect how they could portray their connection to the civil right movement through their arts as a racial group minority. Ralph Ellison (1977), mentions the anachronism of the American social experience of minority artists which could then be used to understand the motivation behind the art of Bearden. This anachronism refers to; The imbalance in American society which leads to a distorted perception of social reality, to a stubborn blindness to the creative possibilities of cultural diversity, to the prevalence of negative myth, racial stereotypes and dangerous illusion about art, humanities and society. (Ellison: 1977 : pp.673) It is then argued that many artists are often majorly influenced by the power of this anachronism, as their culture as well as the freedom of representing their self identity through aesthetic technique of self expression that are already existing. This, then restrict their attempt to seek change of the complex social situation they experience. Meanwhile, it is said that Bearden attempt not to follow the anachronism in is art by transforming it into a component of art as a mean of personal vision (Ellison:
  • 14. Dr. Erik Herzog s Talk Summary I attended the What wakes us up: Networked Circadian Clocks in The Brain talk by Dr. Erik Herzog from Washington University. The talk was extremely interesting and helped me better understand the circadian system s in human s behavior. The first fact that I think is extremely interesting is how our daily rhythm is driven by a small part of the brain called suprachiasmatic nucleus. Our brains are well designed and perfectly localized that each part of the brain responsible for only specific function. However, since everything in the brain is connected, the shift in one part can greatly affect the others. I have also learned that neuroscience research is a broad field that involved interdisciplinarity from multiple fields. To study how the circadian system in our body work, researchers from Dr. Herzog s Laboratory has been using both in vitro, in vivo and behavior observing techniques. At the beginning of the talk, it is interesting to see how the behavior of the mouse changed when researcher removed the... Show more content on ... Researchers used luciferase on fireflies to study this mechanism. The result showed some significant results about how this clock gene affect behaviors. With enough enzyme, researchers can repress the DNA at the clock gene and completely change the behavior of any animal. The gene also provided some explanations for how light exposure can change human s behaviors. From the talk, Dr. Herzog mentioned that the VIP (vasoactive intestinal polypeptide) cells in the suprachiasmatic nucleus can respond to light. Therefore, when the light shifts our daily behavior, it means that the VIP cells must be activated somehow in the SCN. The activation of VIP results in a chain of reactions inside the suprachiasmatic nucleus and cause a shift in circadian
  • 15. Hypothesis Of A Hypothesis Test Hypothesis testing is very essential in statistical analysis. It is quite imperative to state both a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis when conducting a hypothesis test because the hypotheses are mutually exclusive and if one statement is true then the other is proven as false. According to Mirabella (2011, p. 4 1) states that, When we have a theory about a parameter (the average is...,the proportion is....,etc), we can test that theory via a hypothesis test. Therefore, that is what we have used to determine if the average age of Whatsamatta U MBA students is less than 45. We have to conduct a one sample hypothesis test to prove if we can accept or reject the null hypothesis. In order to determine what decision rule, which is the statement that tells under which condition to reject the null hypothesis, to propose we must first determine if we are instituting a upper tailed, lower tailed, or two tailed test. There are many steps used when initiating a hypothesis test. First and foremost it is vital to specify the null and alternative hypothesis, next we have to determine a significance level that is tolerable such as 0.05 which is your tolerance for error, and last we have to calculate the statistic that is comparable to the parameters set by the null hypothesis. Additionally, when utilizing hypothesis testing, we are attempting to determine whether or not to accept or reject the null hypothesis. Furthermore, we have to determine if there is enough
  • 16. Toni Morrison s Sul Text Analysis In December 2016, my friend and classmate Calli Webb posted a link to Emotional Labor: The MetaFilter Thread Condensed on her Facebook. I printed it out and read it all in one sitting; it s a page turning text that answered questions I thought no one else had, that noticeably changed the way I see the world. A substantial series of forum posts from MetaFilter regarding EL are meticulously compiled into one document with a broad exploration of human relationships involving femmes. The text absolutely allows for an intersectional conception of EL, but it focuses on the ways in which EL has been disproportionately forced (thrust!) upon women. It made an impact on me, to say the least. So, when I read Toni Morrisons Sula a few months later, I... Show more content on ... Having become shell shocked as a young man, he wants the people of Medallion to be safe and free from... the unexpectedness of death and dying (14). Thus, one day each year, he offers them a chance to commit suicide in what he perceives to be a rational way: on a designated day. One might argue that Shadrack is projecting his own instability on the people of Medallion, that they don t really need a National Suicide Day. Maybe they don t think they need it, but I think Shadrack s actions are coming from a place of love. He holds open the door to the void, helping someone to pass through if they need to, and taking up minimal space in the process. It seems to me that the majority of the men in the author s life are vampires of EL, while a very small number are extreme givers of EL at the cosmological level, with no middle ground of
  • 17. Big Island Research Paper First time visitors to Hawaii Island always leave feeling impressed. Beneath the majestic, snow topped pinnacle of Maunakea, green rainforests and sandy beaches flow in an unusual mix of sand, sun and cool waters. Nicknamed the Big Island, the Island of Hawaii is nearly twice as large as all of the other islands combined. Altogether, it plays home to nearly all of the world s climate zones. From historic Kailua Village to Wailuku River State Park, the Big Islandoffers a blend of everything that a traveler could want from their vacation. Traveling to the Big Island Most visitors arrive through the Hilo International Airport in Hilo or the Kona International Airport in Kona. It is also possible to take a 35 to 40 minute flight from Honolulu International Airport to the Big ... Show more content on ... Guided tours, limos and taxis are also available. For the best experience, you should consider renting a car. Sometimes car reservations fill up completely, so reserve your car rental before you arrive on the Big Island. Sleeping on the Big Island With so much land area, the Big Island easily offers every type of hotel or condo rental that you could possibly want. The most popular resorts are found at Keauhou, Kohala Coast and the Historic Kailua Village. Meanwhile, visitors to the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park can easily stay nearby in Puna or Hilo. In between all of these options, you can readily find hostels, condominiums, rental cottages and bed and breakfasts. Top Attractions Kona Coffee Living History Farm: The Big Island is known for Kona coffee, and visitors can still experience a coffee farm first hand. From Portuguese stone oven baking to off road jeep tours, the history farm offers a unique way to experience Hawaii s past and present. Make sure to stop by the H.N. Greenwell Store Museum before you leave. If you have time, schedule a walking tour of Kailua Village or arrange a historical boat
  • 18. Examples Of Religion In Heart Of Darkness Religion in Conrad s Heart of Darkness During the Scramble for Africa, European nations raced to claim Africa as their own, giving the rise to colonial literature. Traditional colonial literature focuses on global European expansion. Common characteristics of this genre include considering the colonizers as the center of the world, the separation of the colonized as something other , and establishing European as superior to all others. The latter of these encompasses European religion, more specifically, Christianity. This religion is used to justify colonization, as a way to civilize the savages. Here, it is the European s Christian duty to guide the savages into sophistication. In the case of Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad, the author deviates from the Eurocentric use of Christianity as a justification in order to emphasize the existence of the heart of darkness. Throughout the novella, Conrad only refers to Christianity in order to explain human nature and the innate evil present in Europeans. When arriving at the outer station in part I, Marlow, introduces the Accountant, the man in charge of the station, as a weak eyed and ... Show more content on ... In this case, Heart of Darkness, seems to adhere to the convention of labeling non European religions inferior to European ones found in colonial literature. However, these descriptions mainly serve to highlight the heart of darkness. Marlow s expresses his aversion to the Congolese religion when he is at the inner station, where Kurtz has become a god figure. At this point, then, the negative effect of Europeans and their inevitable darkness is clear. The traditions Marlow describes as powerless and bizarre are the frantic attempts of the natives to keep Kurtz, their idol, it is the product of European intervention in the Congo (Conrad 136). Hence, Marlow s descriptions of the native religion serves to illustrate the malicious nature of
  • 19. Acne, A Teen Epidemic Essay Acne, A Teen Epidemic Sarah walked into the Doctors office. She was just turning 15, and had long black hair, with bright green eyes. She was so pretty, except she had acne. People at school would laugh and make fun of her, just because she had pimples. Sarah McMahon s here for her appointment, Sarah s mother told the receptionist. Sarah went and sat down in the waiting room. There were little children running around, playing with toys. Sarah missed those day s. No one made fun of her for her acne, and the biggest problem in life was who s turn it was to play in the sand box. Sarah McMahon? A woman opened the office door and called her. Sarah... Show more content on ... She was Sarah s doctor, and had her white coat on and everything. Hello Sarah. She said. Hello Doctor Higgins, Sarah said politely. I see you re here to see me about your acne, She looked over at Sarah. I m sure we can have that cleared up in a few weeks. It s not as bad as you think it is. I just don t want it scarring. The doctor said to Sarah. As soon as she mentioned it could be cleared up in a few weeks, Sarah smiled and perked up, thinking about her face without acne. It had been so long. A few weeks?! Really? Sarah asked. Yea, why don t we go into my office and we can look through a few of the ways to get rid of it. They all gathered their stuff and followed Doc. Higgins to her office. They all took a seat, and Doc. Higgins handed them both pamphlets for (retina). We could also put her on the pill for a while. It s been shown to clear up the skin, and actually helps with acne. It s up to you though. I have a few patients on the pill, and their skin has cleared up very nicely. That with the cream, and it could clear up pretty quickly. Doc Higgins stopped to get input from Sarah s mother. I don t want her on the pill. But the cream sounds good. He mother said quite stubbornly. Ok, we can try
  • 20. Analysis Of Living With Roaches And Mold In Skid Row Is My... In this week s reading and video assignment, I learned a lot about living as a low income individual on the streets and in substandard housing. In the article Living with roaches and mold in run down apartments risks illness, injury the author, Barbara Anderson, argues that living as a low income individual affects your health in many ways including mental state. Anderson addresses how people living in substandard housing acquire many health conditions based on the wellness of the house. Homes being in substandard condition is seen as having mold, pests, and punctured screens that will let in insects with infections.An infected mosquito can come in through a missing screen and give people infections with one bite. Parents are overrun with stress because of the harmful conditions their children and themselves are enduring. The author uses many studies including The Los Angeles Study as evidence to show how tenants were found physically and mentally ill with respiratory issues, viral infections, and stress because of the conditions of the house. In the video Lost Angels: Skid Row is my Home, more than half of homeless people living on Skid Row are mentally ill. Many went to an asylum for help, but were rejected or had to leave. Much of the suffering endured by these homeless people is due to the government not understanding them. The video shows a man cleaning the streets because the city refused to clean the streets of Skid Row (9:57 10:00). Although no solution was
  • 21. Martha Washington Character Traits When George Washington, leader of the Continental Army, arrived at valley Forge, he sent word to his wife Martha washington who was already ready to head to the winter camp to spend time with her husband. She was all packed and ready to go at a moment s notice (Day). Martha Washington was a person admired by everyone from her first love die to her becoming the First Lady. Through all the things Martha went through, she showed ingenuity while run the house and leadership to her country and to women around the new United Statesof America. Martha grew up as a very wealthy person, but she is more than money and a pretty face. At nineteen, Martha Dandridge married Daniel Custis, a rich businessman, who Martha loved. The couple had four kids, ... Show more content on ... Many of the other officers wives followed Martha s lead and went to the winter camps too. With all those women there, she probably had to keep the officers wives busy. Since the men were worried about the war like the rest of america, the wives put together things that would take their minds off of things such as large discussions and some singing (Day). When she was there she also took time to visit the soldiers who were wounded in battle or sick, and handed out food and clothing (Jordan). Martha was a leader to all women by showing that being there and helping others will benefit you and others in ways that you might not have
  • 22. Philosophy And Its Importance Of Philosophy Philosophy and Its Importance Doing philosophy as many philosophers demonstrate over time and in the present is to simply question the understanding of what is known and not known or accepted and unaccepted. This is to say, that philosophers must question all aspects of life and all the surrounding dimensions of the world. In doing so, the philosopher is trying to grasp a firmer or different understanding of the truth that is either presently or not presently known; whether comforting or not comforting. One of the world s most famous and original philosophers Socrates, had a student named Platowho explains this very concept of philosophyin the Allegory of the Cave when describing what it would be like for the newly free prisoner to realize the actual true reality in which the prisoner lives in. [The prisoner would] be pained and dazzled and unable to see whose shadows [the prisoner had] seen before , but the prisoner would now see reality more clearly than previously seen before. (Plato) Though the prisoner s revelation seems to be uncomforting, Plato follows this newly sorrowful seen reality by asserting that the prisoner s next steps in continuing would be to see the sun, not images of it in water or some alien place, but the sun itself, in its own place, and be able to study it. (Plato) The prisoner could now expand on this new realization of reality and allow this new view to further carry the prisoner to future and further understandings of reality and its
  • 23. The Importance Of Sexual Harassment In The Office Sexual harassment continues to be a large problem within the workplace and around the world. Donna Benson, an American writer, writes in Sexual Harassment on a University Campus: The Confluence of Authority Relations, Sexual Interest and Gender Stratification that Female workers have always been vulnerable to sexual abuse by male employees...In non random surveys as many as 70 percent of respondents report harassment on the job (236). This is an unfortunate statistic and through comedy, the television series The Office (U.S.), created by NBC, and directed by Benjamin Novak reveals how inappropriate harassment is. The Office (U.S.) is a comedy based around Dunder Mifflin Paper company s Scranton branch manager, Michael Scott. Michael is a comedic and belligerent character who is unaware of his socially unacceptable humor, which shows the audience how unacceptable sexual harassment is. Throughout the second episode of season two, Michael Scott negatively depicts males through his humor. In addition, the way his female employees react to his nonsense is similar to the way Jessica Valenti combats sexual harassment. Lastly, through the use of comedy, the producers of The Office reveal to its audience how sexual harassment is unacceptable. In Season two, episode two of The Office (U.S.), Michael Scott negatively depicts males due to his inappropriate sexual harassment. In addition, the way his female employees react to his harassment parallels with Jessica Valenti s strategy
  • 24. Fate In A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens, who wrote A Christmas Carol, centered the monumental novella around Ebenezer Scrooge, a penny pinching and avaricious moneylender. In order for Scrooge to change his fate, he must maintain the Christmas Spirit all year long. Throughout the story, three pansophical specters show Scrooge multiple scenes from his existence, hoping that he gains knowledge and changes before he ends up like the rest of the phantoms. The Ghost of ChristmasPast, Present, and Yet to Come assist Scrooge into becoming a charitable and selfless person who cares for the underprivileged. The first spirit, The Ghost of Christmas Past, greets Scrooge through the curtains of his bedside at one o clock in the morning. Gaining the ability to fly, Scrooge and the ghost visit the countryside, where Scrooge spent his childhood. He is shown his dilapidated... Show more content on ... The ghost shows Scrooge a scene of businessmen discussing the death of a wealthy man. He is also shown a group of people who are illegally selling the items of the dead man to a pawn shop, as well as a poor couple who are beyond relieved that the man passed away because they owed him money. Scrooge also finds out that the Cratchit family is mourning over the death of Tiny Tim, their crippled son. At first, Scrooge does not realize who the dead man is, but finally realizes that it is himself. If he does not change his ways, his death would be unnoticed and uncared for and Tiny Tim will die. Scrooge begs for mercy and forgiveness and begins to apologize for his wrongdoings. Throughout the whole story, Scrooge learns his mistakes and vows to change his attitude and actions. By the end of the novella, Scrooge promises to live in the past, present, and future, and becomes a generous man with a big heart. Charles Dickens wrote this book to spread Christmas Spirit in a time of poverty, and to inspire the rich to help the poor. God Bless Us, Every
  • 25. Elizabethan Clothes and Costumes The people who lived during the Elizabethan Era were not allowed to wear whatever they like or desired. Their Fashion choices had to be followed by a strict law! The English people chose to establish social classes by the colors they wore and this had an affect on costumes used in theatre. Queen Elizabeth I followed the sumptuary laws, which was only certain classes were consent to wear specific fabric and colors. Therefore in plays the actors could only wear certain colors for their costumes that displayed what role and class their character was in. The clothes worn during this era was a result of Queen Elizabeth s sumptuary laws, which had an affect on costumes used in plays, and each color a person wore had a significant meaning.... Show more content on ... Everyone who lived during the Elizabethan Era knew these laws and failure to follow them resulted in fines, lose of property, title, and life (Elizabethan Costume). Since in English society clothing was a huge factor it ended up affecting costumes that were used in theatre. Next, actors had to abide by the sumptuary laws even while performing on stage. Therefore the second a performer walked onto the stage the audience could tell their role in the play just by looking at the color of the costume. The Material and Fabric also had a similar effect, the audience could tell what class the character was in by the quality of their costume and also it gave important information on that individual s role (Elizabethan Actors). Queen Elizabeth I had to give actors special licenses to wear upper class clothes to fit their character or position (Globe Theatre Costume). When nobility or upper class people would come to see a play they would say it was like a double fashion show. The fabric and color of a person s garments represented different pieces of information about them and since clothing was part of society and law everyone knew what the color or material meant. Lastly, each color, during this era, had a meaning and also represented which class a person was in. Elizabethan clothing, material, and fabrics used in Elizabethan Era was extremely important because clothes represented more than just how you looked it demonstrated your
  • 26. We Need A Quick Fix Of Caffeine Essay Ordinarily, in the mornings, some people need a quick fix of caffeine before dragging themselves to work or school. But one coffee shop in particular has something unique. Dunn Brothers Coffee roasts all of its beans in store. The baristas are something else entirely, full of personality, with no lack of sass either. A casual and cozy store, located in Minneapolis, on 50th and Xerxes Ave., it has drawn a large customer base over the years. It all started with Ed and Dan Dunn, who opened their first store in St. Paul. The franchise quickly expanded all over Minnesota with 17 locations, and even into North Dakota with two locations in Fargo. City Pages readers even rated Dunn Bros Coffeethe best cup of coffee in the Twin Cities over ten times. The shops fabulous baristas, and welcoming environment continue to draw in many customers to this day. Walking into the shop on a typical day, the second someone opens the door, the smell of roasting coffee and hot chocolate invades the nose. A crowd of exhausted and sullen faced, office and retail workers start off the day, looking for something to help them stay awake to survive the work day. Then comes in the students, who at that point, are probably late for class, but do not care anymore. Even in the winter the store becomes warm from the large amount of people waiting in line for their turn to get fresh brewed coffee or tea from one of the baristas, either Jess or Steve. Possibly along with one of the many pastries offered,
  • 27. The Main Reasons Why Wars Start War has always been a part of humanity ever since the dawn of modern humans. Wars have started for various different reasons such as territorial disputes, showcase of power, or a struggle between powers. There are many causes of wars from the different levels of analysis examining the roots of the four levels such as individual, state, interstate, and global level. The main reasons why wars start are problems and conflicts in the state level of analysis. Problems within the state eventually create wars. Different aspects of international affairs that may be stressed in interpreting and explaining global phenomena define levels of analysis in terms of International Relationships. The first level of analysis is the individual level. The individual level of analysis reflects the perceptions, choices, and actions of individuals, especially those who are in charge of foreign policy making. The individual level analysis focuses on both liberal and realist assumption of human nature. The liberal assumption of human nature saw humans as inherently good and seek cooperation and to avoid conflict. The internal characteristics of states matters and cooperation between other states are sought after. One such example of and individual who are engaged in the more liberal aspect of foreign policy making in terms of the individual level is President H.W. Bush, who created the Bush I Doctrine and focused on multilateralism, which is a cooperative foreign policy approach to managing shared
  • 28. Ww1 Trench Weapons As we examine warfare from 1914 to the 1990s, we examine multiple tactics that include one lethal weapon, the tank. At the introduction to World War I during the Battle of the Marne trench warfare began to appear. A few months later a stalemate was in place and neither side could advance through the thick machine gunfire the moment a soldier stood. It became apparent that a reliable breakthrough vehicle was necessary to assault the heavily armed trenches that the germans dug. The weapon soon appeared as the tank, the tank was extremely heavily armed and armored with the weaponry that was required to break the stalemate during World War I . After the conclusion of World WarI, Hitler s panzer army broke into poland and occupied the small country. During... Show more content on ... The tank first appeared on the fields of Somme as a new type of wonder weapon. Early tanks like the Mark I and Little Willy were ineffective but terrifying for both the crew and the Germans. The tank was heavy and the suspension of the tank suffered greatly under the weight of the tank. Tracks and suspension was new at the time and was mostly used on tractors. The idea was for the wide caterpillar like tracks to balance on thick mud and unstable terrain. The tracks designed to plow fields were not resistant to gunfire and rocky terrain which would cause the bolts to loosen and the tacks to fall. The armor of the although thick was mostly riveted which once hit would send the bolts flying everywhere greatly injuring the crew helplessly trapped inside. The first tanks
  • 29. A Rose For Emily Movie And Book Comparison Essay In today s society, many stories and writings of older authors are modernized into films and short videos. An example of this is in William Faulkner s story A Rose for Emily. Faulkner s story was made into a short video of about 30 minutes in length and has added content into the film that is not originally in the text. However, the film version contains what the creators thought was important from the story and have similar events from the story, but the film writers also left out information from the short storythat they thought was not as important in the development of the plot of the story. Both the movie and the text are about the same people. This may seem like an obvious thing, but some movie adaptations of literary works have been... Show more content on ... In the movie, the house resembles the description given in the short story by William Faulkner although not exact; the movie adaptation is missing a balcony which is present in the short story, scrolled balconies in the heavily lightsome style of the seventies, (628). The movie also includes a scene right after Emily s father has died where two ladies come and try to comfort Emily about her loss and take with them some goods for her. This scene is similar to the scene in Faulkner s story when all the ladies prepared to call at the house and offer condolence and aid... (630). Both the film and the story have a scene where Emily purchases a poison, arsenic, as well as the silver toilet set she had engraved for Homer Barron. The book also mentions that Miss Emily gave lessons in china painting (633) and although there is no specific scene where children are painting with Miss Emily in the film, the china painting is mentioned and a china teacup is shown that might have been made by one of the children Miss Emily taught. The lime scene in the short story is also present in the film where the audience can see men from the town go to Miss Emily s house and spreading lime all over the ground around her house to get rid of the rotting
  • 30. The Randle Reef One of the most appalling environmental catastrophes in Canada is right within the Greater Toronto Area, The Randle Reef, located in the Hamilton Harbour. Randle Reef, is considered the direst of identified water pollution issues within Canada, but has recently begun remediation of the site. The Randle Reef contains a massive amount of toxic coal tar, which has been building up for decades, but is scheduled to be contained shortly. In the early 1800 s, then known as Burlington Bay, Hamilton Harbour was an important access point for initial water transportation and industrial expansion of the Burlington and Hamilton area. During this time, the bay was crudely treated by its shoreline residents constantly polluting, as well as the dredging ... Show more content on ... The cleanup is a three phase plan, estimated to remove more than 99% of the PAH mass from the area, which has begun and will hopefully undo the previous generations of damage. Phase one is building a box to contain the contamination. Upon completion of the first phase, there will be a double steel walled barricade surrounding contaminated sediment. Phase two involves of dredging the polluted deposits from the adjacent areas and placing them within the enclosure. The final phase of the project encompasses removing the water from the suppression area and placing a waterproof cap on the facility, which is anticipated to have a 200 year life span, to seal in the chemicals. Upon completion, the container will be paved and then turned over to the Hamilton Port Authority, who will then own the facility and be accountable for monitoring, preserving and evolving the site as port facilities. This project is expected to be completed by 2022, with an estimated cost of approximately $139 million. The Randle Reef sediment remediation project is being funded by both the federal and Ontario government, along with the cities of Hamilton, Burlington and surrounding areas, the U.S Steel Canada, and Hamilton Port
  • 31. Analysis Of Julius Caesar s The Gallic War Critique Essay In this critique of Julius Caesar s book, The Gallic War, I will be discussing the purpose and accuracy (or in this case, inaccuracy) over his adventures and military campaign against the Gallic tribes. There is a constant debate between historians: The Myth of Certainty. History is all about interpretation and finding truth out of subjectivity. History can often be lost in time as the firsthand accounts will eventually fade out. Even if firsthand accounts remains intact, it is not completely objective. Every person has their own agenda and is biased in one shape or form, no matter how much they try not to be; Julius Caesaris not an exception. I will start this critique by stating the author s main purpose for writing his book. Secondly I will attempt to decipher the accuracy and inconsistency of Julius Caesar s account. Finally, I will express my opinion over his commentaries over the Gallic War. There were many reasons to why Julius Caesar wrote his book over the Gallic War. One of these reasons was to help inspire the people of Rome. Rome had just been sacked by the Gaul, creating tension between the Roman people and the Celtic tribes. The growing resentment towards the Gallic people spread like wildfire as political turmoil rise. Although the Romans were very tenacious and persevering, this did not stop the morale blow that many Romans felt. Another reason for the commentaries was to justify Caesar s invasion. The number one goal for any war is to
  • 32. Why Are Invasive Species Bad Why are invasive species bad? In this essay my sources will be Robots help rootout unwanted creatures By: Associated Press, The threat of invasive species By: Jennifer Klos, and Killer bees By: Kayla Webley. In my opinion people should do something about invasive species, here s why. Humans have brought the invasive speciesto California. If people take action people could get rid of invasive species way faster than people not taking action. There are also problems of people taking action, some people might not know how to get rid of invasive species, some people might not want to get rid of invasive species. That is why i think people should do something about invasive species. Invasive species are bad because they take out food supply
  • 33. Leadership At Dick s Sporting Goods Leadership at Dick s Sporting Goods Dick s Sporting Goods also known as Dick s Clothing and Sporting Goods is a fast growing company that carries products ranging from Taylormade golf clubs to The North Face winter jackets. Dick s Sporting goods was founded in 1948 by Dick Stack who in which was only 18 years old at the time. In 1948, Stack was working at an Army Surplus store in New York, where his boss asked his opinion on which new tackle products should introduced into the fishing business. Dick was an experienced fisher, when he gave his ideas to boss, his ideas were turned down. Stack was not happy and spoke to his late grandmother about the situation and she gave him the funds he needed to start his own tackle store. In 1958, Stack had created a business that is very much like what a typical Dick s Sporting Goods is today. He was a driven young individual that felt his knowledge would allow him to be successful in the tackle business. Not only did his tackle business succeed, but what is now the Dick s Sporting Goods Brand has greatly succeeded. Ed Stack, Dick s son, and two of his other children later bought the brand from their father and have opened nearly 500 stores throughout the United States. Ed is the current CEO and Chairman of the company. The North Face, Nike, Under Armour, Primed, Reebok, Adidas, and Fitness Gear are just a few brands that the company offers to its loyal customers. Footwear, fitness gear, team sports equipment, apparel, golf services and
  • 34. Conversion Of 2d Image Into 3d Image Using Segmentation Conversion of 2D Image into 3D Image Using Segmentation Prashant Dahiya1 Computer Scientist at Adobe Systems, Noida Abstract Image captured by two dimensional camera contains no depth information. However depth information is needed in many applications, for example in robotic vision, satellite imaging and target tracking. To extract depth information from images Stereo matching is used. The main aim of our project is to use stereo matching algorithms to plot the disparity map of segmented images which gives the depth information details. Particle Swarm Optimization and K means algorithms are used for image segmentation. Our main objective is to implement stereo matching algorithms on the segmented images, compare the results of K means and PSO on the basis of objective parameters such as PSNR, execution time, density of disparity map and compression ratio and perform subjective analysis of reconstructed 3 D images. The compared results show that the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm gives better 3 D reconstructed image. Keywords K means, PSNR, Particle Swarm Optimization, DSP, FPGA, ACO I. INTRODUCTION People can see the depth of the objects because they see the 3D world from two moderately dissimilar angles (one from right eye and other from left eye). Our brains then figure out how close things are by determining how far apart they are in the two images from our eyes. Our objective here is to do the similar thing using a computer. Initially a
  • 35. Somalia s Struggle for Power Essay example Somalia s struggle for power to establish a sovereign Somali state has raised international concerns of terrorism, piracy, human trafficking and famine causing instability locally and throughout the Horn of Africa. Although U.S. backed Somali Federal Government (SFG) has had some recent success against the al Qaeda (AQ) linked al Shabaab, Somalia continue to face local and regional border disputes. Somalia has historically relied on outside actors who later abandoned Somalia due to a shift in foreign policy and interest. This paper will prove that the power for struggle in Somalia is the root cause of instability in Somalia and throughout the Horn of Africa. This will be explored by examining Somali s regional relations, U.S and... Show more content on ... Ethiopia s armed responses only strengthen Mohammed s cause in the Ogaden region. The Mad Mohammed s Dervish campaigns lasted from 1899 1904, until the British, and Ethiopian troops, and Somali s who were against Mohammed s Dervish tactics, mounted various successful campaigns against Mohammed (Gorman, 1981). With Mohammed s strength nearly eliminated, he agreed to a peace deal in 1904. Mohammed and his followers were allowed to settle in the northern part of Italian Somalia where he was recognized as the ruler by the Europeans. Regardless of the peace deal, Mohammed s cause began to draw support from other Somali tribes and the fighting continued until his natural death in 1920. Like Gran, Mohammed had failed to unite Somali clans; however the two Somali nationalists have laid a physiological impact on Somali s against Ethiopians and foreigners involved with the Somali power struggle (Gorman, 1981) (Ottaway, 1982). Later British Somalia and Italian Somalia joined to form the Republic of Somalia in June 1960. Somali s now could claim statehood. During the early years of independence, tensions continued over contested areas in the Northern Front District with Kenya and in the Ogaden with Ethiopia. (Gorman, 1981) (Ottaway, 1982) As Somalia looked to establish itself as a country they allied with Russia to help build Somalia s Military, which led to a military coup in 1969. Following the military coup, Somalia was
  • 36. Analysis Of James Joyce s Dubliners Point of view (the perspective from which a story is told) has a significant role in how the characters and events in a given story are analyzed. The readers response to the literature depends greatly on the position of the author and/or narrator; whether he is on the outside looking in, or vise versa. The use of point of view also allows the author to convey a certain message or belief by allowing for other literary elements such as irony and sympathy . The point of view in literature is one of the central focuses for interpretation. Dubliners, by James Joyce is an outstanding example of how the use of point of view influences how characters and events are interpreted. Joyce writes the first three stories of Dubliners in the first person point of view, the rest are told in there person. Taking a look at a few of the short stories , Araby , Eveline , and Clay , it is obvious that Joyce s choice of narration as well as the complexity of how he carries out those narrations plays a significant role in the analysis of his work. Araby is told in first person, from the point of view of the protagonist. Despite the first person narration in Araby , Joyce does little to convince readers that the story is told from a boy s perspective. On the contrary, actually, the narratorseemingly has the maturity of a man certainly beyond the experience of the narrator of the story. Joyce s way of narrating this story gives readers the ability to clearly identify the distress that
  • 37. America In Retreat Summary Bret Stephens, author of the book America in Retreat , is definitely qualified to write this book. Stephens was educated at the University of Chicago and the London School of Economics. Stephens has also been a writer in the field of international relations for years and the winner of the 2013 Pulitzer Prize. Stephens wrote America in Retreat to explain why modern politics should be conducted in a formal and acceptable manor under American leadership and supervision. He also provides sturdy reasoning as to how unqualified Europe is to lead during times of political or economic challenged resolutions. The general idea of the book is that America is a world super power and sets the bar for world order. The US no matter how bad it wants to retreat cannot because of it being a world dominating leader. Throughout the book Stephens implies that disruption and chaos in the world will in turn be a domino effect that will just lead to more and more chaos. He states that the only way for the US to assert its power and show its presence to keep chaos at bay... Show more content on ... The book over all is about foreign policy and America being a super power and world leader. This in turn shares what one individual thinks America should go about doing it in the future and what he thinks America has done bad or wrong in the past. This is essentially the opinion on one way for things to be done by an individual who has a strong argument and evidence to back his claim up. Overall the book is very good and has strong evidence persuading you to see the author s point of view and why the author feels the way he does. Someone who should read this book would be someone who wishes to be enlightened on foreign policy because the book destroys myths that surround this topic. This book allows the reader to understand exactly what America s interests are in engaging foreign policy for the gain of America and other nations as
  • 38. Pretty Essay This video shows the reunion of a Belgian Malinois Pretty and her previous trainer, and friend being reintroduced after a year or more of separation. The video is rather short but the response from Pretty when she lays her eyes on Bryan is remarkable. Pretty, immediately recognizes Bryan and runs too him and jumps on him overjoyed to see him once again. This video takes place outside somewhere and pretty is being led by a young woman to Bryan as soon as Pretty recognizes her wanting for her, she immediately responds abundant jovialness. In fact, Pretty clings to Bryan for almost the entire length of the video which is about seventeen seconds long. I choose this video because it showed a dogrecognizing and greeting someone from her past... Show more content on ... Nano seconds, well she is a Malinois. Everything is fast. Aw, so sweet Anyhow, after reading the comments apparently she is being trained for Police duty since she did not go into heat and the only time she had been in heat was when she was with Bryan. It maybe that she was suffering from depression being separated from Bryan, but that is of course my speculation. Anyhow, in my opinion, this is the best example of social awareness and intelligence recognizing and showing love for someone you missed. You can tell she loves him since she is standing upright embracing and vigorously wagging her tail. In addition to that, she is panting heavily showing extreme excitement about finally being reunited with Bryan. The main reason I choose this video was that is showed remembrance and pleasure upon seeing somebody who they had missed and had nothing to do with training. Numerous videos that show the dogs, putting up laundry and following an owners gaze to a toy, is most likely the product of training. However, a greeting like Pretty is subtle evidence of social
  • 39. Birt-Hogg-Bde Syndrome Case Studies Birt Hogg DubГ© (BHD) syndrome is a rare inherited autosomal dominant disorder caused by germline mutations in the folliculin (FLCN) gene [1 4]. Patients with BHD initially develop fibrofolliculomas, typically as benign facial tumors, and lung cysts; whereby, increasing their risk to develop renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and pneumothorax [1,3,4]. The majority of the BHD patient population contain germline mutations in FLCN exon 11, a hotspot for diseasecausing mutations. BHD research predicts FLCN mutations to result in a protein truncation of its c terminal end, thus, suggesting the cause for its loss of function [1,2,5]. Due to BHD patients sharing clinical similarities with patients expressing mutations in tumor suppressor, TSC1/2, such as:... Show more content on ... Since evidence has established FLCN FNIP complex as a positive amino acid stimulator for mTORC1 activation and there are multiple amino acid sensors for different individual amino acids, does FLCN specifically recognize a certain amino acid and how does it sense the levels of this amino
  • 40. The Appeal Politics has always been a dirty game. Now justice is, too. Although The Appeal by John Grisham is a fictional book, the author himself claims that there is a certain truth behind the storyline, as he explains in the author s note. I must say that there is a lot of truth in this story. This quote especially shocks one when reconsidering the story and the criminal energy involved. The book impresses the reader with a story based on corruption and money. Mary Grace and Wes Payton are, married and both work as lawyers on the verdict against Krane Chemicals, on the edge of financial ruin they barely manage to finance the last trial against Krane Chemicals. Although they win the verdict and with that earn an immense amount of money ... Show more content on ... This is then the point when a mysterious organization comes into the story changing Carl s chances by buying a seat in the court deciding on the case, by recruiting and financing a unsuspecting candidate. One may argue that this book was too long and partly too descriptive in both the storyline and the characters, which made it hard to follow the storyline throughout the book. Grisham s intend is clearly to sensitize and focus his readers on corruption in the sections companies, politics and justice. As long as private money is allowed in judicial elections we will see competing interests fight for seats on the bench. Grisham highlights this point so often throughout the book that one clearly notices his concern of corruption in the judicial system because of money.The book changes its pace very rapidly from chapter to chapter therefor the narrative style reminds one of an appeal in a court with constantly changing perceptions and argumentations. John Grisham wrote the book in a way that the reader constantly switches between the parallel stories of the two lawyers and Carl Trudeau and his company. The way in which john Grisham writes, lures the reader into a feeling that the actual story is true and happening while one is reading. The book brings both the interesting parts of a trial into one s understanding as well as the boring paperwork making the book different as its pace and tension switch constantly and are not
  • 41. Importance Of Accounting For The Masonry ANALYSIS RESULTS 4.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter introduces the results of the nonlinear static and dynamic analyses for the existing and rehabilitated frames. The importance of accounting for the masonry inп¬Ѓll in the analysis is also discussed. In this chapter, a comparative study was done on the performance of structures rehabilitated using different techniques, namely; (1) introducing a RC structural wall, (2) rehabilitating using X steel bracings, (3) rehabilitating using FRP bracings, and (4) rehabilitating using FRP conп¬Ѓnements. The importance of accounting for the shear degradation in the model of columns and beams is also investigated. The analysis results are drawn in terms of maximum PGA or PGV resisted by the frames, maximum ID ratio capacity, maximum storey shear / Weight ratio, and maximum energy dissipated by the frames. 4.2 ANALYSIS RESULTS 4.2.1 Dynamic properties of the structures Modal analysis is conducted for the 5, 10 and l5 storey frames for the existing structures and the ones rehabilitated using different rehabilitation schemes. A 5% damping ratio was considered. Table 4.l shows the modal analysis results for the studied cases. It should be noted that the existing structures and the rehabilitated ones using the FRP conп¬Ѓnement have almost the same natural period. This is due to the fact that the FRP conп¬Ѓnement increases the ductility of the rehabilitated elements with a negligible influence on their stiffnesses. On the other hand, introducing of RC Wall
  • 42. Symptoms And Treatment Of Infections Since eyes are so complex in their make, we should expect complications to appear throughout our lives. There are many different problems that occur with our eyes including bacterial and viral infections to more serious problems such as hemianopsia. Many diseases are treatable while there are a few that we are only able to slow down the process. One of the most common eyeproblem is called conjunctivitis, more commonly known as pink eye. It is an inflammation and reddening of the conjunctiva. It s more of a viral infection but can also be caused from bacterial infections, airborne allergens, chemicals, or physical irritants, such as contact lens. While the previous two are not contagious, there is one kind that is and it s called trachoma, caused by Chlamydia trachomatis. The infection results in inflammation joined by a gray yellow granules. It mostly develops into neonatal blindness in developing countries. Blindness occurs when the inflammatory process develops scarring and thickening of the conjunctiva. A head trauma often had by soccer players or high divers is called a detached retina. This is when the inner neural and outer pigmented layers of the retina separate. Nearsighted individuals have a higher chance of having this problem because their retina is thinner or stretched more than those who have a normal eye. Detached retinas can result in deprivations of nutrition s for cells in the inner neural layer because it s pulled away from the vascularized choroid
  • 43. Five Steps in the Process of Building Channels for... LocatingMiddlemen The search for prospective middlemen should begin with study of the market and determination of criteria for evaluating middlemen servicing that market. The company s broad policy guidelines should be followed, but expect expediency to override policy at times. The checklist of criteria differs according to the type of middlemen being used and the nature of their relationship with the company. Basically, such lists are built around four subject areas: (1) productivity or volume, (2) financial strength, (3) managerial stability and capability, and (4) the nature and reputation of the business. Emphasis is usually placed on either the actual or potential productivity of the middleman. Setting policies and making ... Show more content on ... TerminatingMiddlemen When middlemen do not perform up to standards or when market situations change, requiring a company to restructure its distribution, it may be necessary to terminate relationships with certain middlemen or certain types of middlemen. In the United States, it is usually a simple action regardless of the type of middlemen; they are simply dismissed. However, in other parts of the world, the middleman typically has some legal protection that makes it difficult to terminate relationships. In Colombia, for example, if you terminate an agent, you are required to pay 10 percent of the agent s average annual compensation, multiplied by the number of years the agent served, as a final settlement. In some countries, an agent cannot be dismissed without arbitration to determine whether the relationship should be ended. Some companies make all middlemen contracts for one year to avoid such problems. However, there have been cases where termination under these contracts has been successfully contested. Competent legal advice is vital when entering distribution contracts with middlemen. But as many experienced international marketers know, the best rule is to avoid the need to terminate distributors by screening all prospective middlemen carefully. A poorly chosen distributor may not only fail to live up to expectations but may also adversely affixture business and prospects in the country.
  • 44. The s Operational Values Internal Communication Alaska Airlines have lately recovered from a period of operational uncertainty, yet its executives worry the airline is draining its reserves of goodwill and consumer loyalty, due to variability in, its data for on time flights and mishandled baggage and losses over the past two years. The senior executives question whether the organization could survive if the functionality were to slip again after concentrating lots of resources on operations in an attempt to recover equilibrium. Is staying status quo good enough, or should the airlines leadershiptakes action to transform the operational values Internal Communicationis one of the most neglected areas of strategic planning. Most companies spend a great deal of money and effort on their external communication plan but fail to expend any energy toward creating an organized plan for internal communication. They rarely discusses using a planned approach to internal communication as a proactive strategy for long term business success. Expected benefits are important an elements as well as issues for consideration are presented along with the planning and measurement of the internal communication strategy. The ability to effectively communicate with customers, vendors, and employees is imperative to providing greater customer satisfaction and improving business productivity. How well information is communicated both externally to customers and vendors and internally to employees is vital to long term business success.
  • 45. Infinity Research Paper The infinity symbol was introduced many years ago. The meaning of infinity was believed to be used dating as far back as 400 BC. The symbol and definition that is currently used for infinity is mostly used in mathematics. The infinity symbol and definition has previously had different meanings, but basic concepts of what infinity represents have remained the same. Throughout history, not only did it represent mathematical thoughts, infinity had religious representation as well. The Upanishad, which were texts recorded by people of the Hindu religion, used the idea of infinity. They were the first to be known for the thought of something being infinite, but not in a mathematical way their philosophy was if you remove a part from whole or add a part to whole, still what remains is whole ( Show more content on ... Though the definition was not in mathematical terms, the concept related to the idea which was used in mathematical terms. The Ancient Greeks also contributed to the idea of infinity. At the time Ancient Greeks did not define the word infinity, but were aware of the concepts from their surroundings. Since Ancient Greeks spent a lot of time studying the planets and stars, the thought of there being no beginning or end formed. Which is the current definition for infinity. The scientist Isaac Newton later made contributions to infinity. Isaac Newton produced a theory on small numbers or infinitesimals as they are now known ( Although Isaac Newton did put some sense to the idea of infinity, there was still some confusion dealing with the concept of infinity. Galileo Galilei then created the Galileo s Paradox which showed that set of counting numbers can correspond with smaller sets of their squares . ( The understanding of infinity that is
  • 46. The Gold Rush On California The effect of the Gold Rush on the Californians. Gold in California was incidental discovered near an American stream that would change the young creating state. All finished America, youthful colleagues settled on the decision to go to California. People started from Europe, Asia, and South America searching for minute wealth. The new American dream was to get rich, and to make a fortune quickly. (Mill operator 151) In 1839, one of the wealthiest people in California came over as an outcast from Sweden; his name was John Sutter. His inspiration of coming to California was to build his own specific private agrarian space. In late 1847, James Marshall and around twenty other men were sent to a stream by Sutter to manufacture a sawmill. With a particular ultimate objective to supply enough wood required for Sutter s ranch. On January 24, 1848 the sawmill was essentially whole when something stood out enough to be noticed. Marshall got what he thought to be gold, and remembering that think the gold he saw another piece. In the wake of making extraordinary compared to other discovers, Marshall and his worker retreated to work, notwithstanding it was not a little while later that they kept finding more gold. (Glass 45 47) Even however Marshall was sure that he had found gold, he required more confirmation, so Marshall to back some gold to Sutter. Remembering the ultimate objective to test the gold Sutter used a reference book that gave him hints about gold. Sutter made the
  • 47. Applying Organizational Development Ideals and Principles APPLYING ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT IDEALS AND PRINCIPLES Josel A. Bonilla BUS 370 Nichole Vasser June 01, 2012 Abstract Having been through this course studying, organizational development. Looking back at organizational development principles that I can use in the future. There has been a great understanding of this topic. One thing that I have developed and understood is that organizational development is here to stay and in order for organizations and business to survive we must learn to adapt to change in the global economies. The following literature that will be applied will be an excerpt of my personal ideals, of how I will use organizational development processes to develop new ideals, new principles that will guide me ... Show more content on ... Although there always seems that issue that initiative to begin that change or ask for help to create that change, but after learning the different theories and techniques I understand how I can help create change for organizations in the future. To begin with Killion amp; Harrison (1990) once said organization development ...requires a planned approach to change based on meeting the needs of both the people and the organization. In other words if organization do not meet the needs of both the people that work the organization and the people that they serve then organizational development can not come to pass. When I think about the organization development process the first guiding principle that I would look at is how the interpersonal relationships in the organization are. How it affects individuals, work groups and teams. Then I think about adaptability of the organization by looking what the organization is using to communicate with its employees more effectively and its client base. For the reason that if an organization does not learn to adapt or be adaptable then the developmental change process will run into issues. Another thing that I would also look at what type of administrative challenges effect the organization, such as the way the organization is being ran and operated, what issues are plaguing the organization and its
  • 48. North America Economic Factors While the Spanish and Portuguese were first to establish their empires in the new world, Great Britain is seen as the most successful colonization effort. Great Britain began its expansion in the seventeenth century and reached its pinnacle in the nineteenth century. The original thirteen colonies established in North America primarily defines this expansion. These colonies would grow and through revolution, would eventually grow to become the United Statesof America. The establishment of these colonies generally corresponds with Puritan movement and the subsequent division growing between this movement within Parliament and the Monarchy under James I and the Charles I. While much of the establishment of the colonies can viewed as the pursuit of religious freedom from the Church of England, make no mistake, the roots can clearly be traced back to economic factors and the pursuit of commerce. The economic factors were not that of the wealth and gold secured through a similar path found by Spanish Conquistadors, but the pursuit of land and cheap labor to cultivate the cash crop of tobacco. These economic forces led to the extermination of native populations and the introduction of importing slaves to North America. ... Show more content on ... Both these attempts failed. In 1607, Jamestown, named for the newly crowned King James I, was founded at the mouth of the James River in Virginia. When slavery was introduced in 1619, the Church of England turned a blind eye even to the extent that slaves were not baptized by many of their masters. This pursuit of economic wealth of the powerful eventually resulted in a 1667 law declaring that baptism did not change a slaves standing or condition. Moving farther east, Georgia was colonized to help halt the spread of the Spanish empire. This colony also had a second purpose to provide an alternative to those destined for debtors
  • 49. The Power Of Love In Romeo And Juliet The power of love can help people get through obstacles that stand in their way and can help one become his or her own individual. In the famous play Romeo and Juliet , by William Shakespeare, Romeo is willing to do whatever it takes to be with Juliet without even looking back or thinking of the consequences while Juliet struggles with becoming an individual going from someone who shares a mind with her mother to an independent individual choosing to be with Romeo. Shakespeare develops Romeo by his overdramatic choice of words and Juliet by her change in behavior going from obedient and letting others speak for her to rebellious in trying to be independent, which refines the central idea: the power of loveagainst obstacles. Romeo s overdramatic word choice helps give the reader a deeper meaning into the power of love against obstacles. Romeo constantly exaggerates his thoughts through the choice of words he uses in his daily language. When Benvolio questions Romeo, wondering why he is upset, Romeo explains how love is a smoke made up with a fume of sighs, (Act one, scene one) and goes on about his love for Rosaline. In saying so, Romeo conveys his thoughts about how love can be bittersweet. Love can consume one like a strong fume, but that fume can also be dangerous and engulf you in sadness. Romeo is portrayed as a romantic, showing the reader his deep love for Rosaline. However, Romeo then falls in love with Juliet. His love for Juliet is enough for him to not be
  • 50. Analysis Of `` For Colored Girls `` By Ntozake Shange For Colored Girls involves seven women who represents a different shade of the rainbow. The colors are brown, red, yellow, white, green, orange and blue. Their costumes and make up transformed each of them and were significant of the color their character embodied. As a group their acting made all of their roles of equal importance, without one dominating the other. These women together formed a bond through their various adversities, gradually taking them from strangers to companion. From an objective view, the audience is allowed to simply observe the events as they take place chronologically. Throughout the movie during some of the conflicting and traumatic scenes, one of the women recites a poem to signify and release the emotion being felt at that time. Tyler Perry s movie For Colored Girls was inspired by a stage play For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Enuf, written by Ntozake Shanges. The story was adapted from a play that consists of monologues, which combines dance and poetry. Gates highlights that For colored girls is a film that makes a strong message of empowerment to the humanity of women. No matter how bad things could get in life and no matter how many times you ve been brought down, always know you are strong enough to get back up and not let darkness conquer your life. This essay will explore how a person can overcome any kind of tragedy, hardship or struggle whether or not they are affected emotionally,
  • 51. Effective Public Relations For Your Business World Today s society lives in a fast paced environment and we expect businesses to accommodate to our needs quicker than ever. In our fast moving business world creating just the right image in the public s eye is essential for the survival for any organization. Public Relations professionals have to deal precisely with this aspect of every business. These professionals work hard at developing a good, positive relationship between a firm and the public it serves. Investing in good public relations for your business will help achieve its objective efficiently. Effective Public Relations can create and build up the image of an organization. During times of adverse publicity an effective Public Relations can remove the misunderstanding and can... Show more content on ... When a PR program is implemented in conjunction with marketing and advertising programs, a brand can be developed and strengthened over time. A brand is not tangible. A successful brand lives in the minds and hearts of your customers. It is all of the things they think of when they think of your company or your product. Starbucks Public Relations professionals recognized this when building the brand of their company, since the very first store opened in 1971, Starbucks as a brand has been evolving. The Siren has been a part of Starbucks from the beginning. Her image, originally derived from a twin tailed siren in an old sixteenth century Norse woodcut, was at the center of Starbucks original logo. She embodies Starbucks and our coffee evoking coffee s allure and its seafaring tradition (Brand Evolution FAQs, 2011). Senior Vice president of marketing at Starbucks, Anne Saunders, said it really is about connecting with someone in a more intimate, experiential way that we think will have longer lasting ability to build affinity than a 30 second TV commercial or an ad (Echols, 2011). Starbucks spends very little money on advertising, preferring instead to build the brand cup by cup with customers and depend on word of mouth and the appeal of its storefronts. They relied on consistent service and quality to get customers talking, and once they started talking, it seems they did not stop and the Starbucks brand was born. The public relations decision to
  • 52. Joan Logan Quotes Stacey Logan Development Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, is the best kind of historical fiction in which valuable lessons from the past can be learned. ( So begins Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, a novel about an African American family growing up in the times of segregation. In this novel Taylor teaches us many lessons but one indeed stands out and that is that prejudice acts can change a man. In the novel Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, Stacey Logan is forced to mature early in life; this shows us that exposure to prejudice and violence can force a boy to lose his innocence, and make him a man. In the beginning of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Mildred D. Taylorat first displays Stacey Logan as a young innocent boy who makes bad decisions. ... Show more content on ... I think i ll take Stacey with me. Now, David,no He ll be thirteen next month and he needs to be with me more. David, he s just a boy. Baby, a boy get as big as Stacey down here and he s near a man. He s gotta know a man s things. He gotta know how to handle himself. (Taylor 207) This quote shows that Stacey has greatly matured because even his father has noticed that he has become more of a man, and now he wants to take Stacey up to Vicksburg to shop for the black families that won t shop at the Wallace s, which could be very dangerous. This also shows that Stacey has finally matured enough to start doing what a man does. Another example showing that Stacey has matured very much is when he blames himself for the incident of his father s broken leg. This shows that he has matured enough to take responsibility for his actions. Then... then Jack reared up, scared by the shot, and I couldn t hold him...and...and the wagon rolled over his leg. His voice cracked sharply and he exploded guiltily, It s my fault his leg s busted! (Taylor 215) This quote shows that Stacey has matured and is now a man, and has lost his childlike innocence due to racism and prejudice
  • 53. The Role of Alternative Medicine in a Society... The Role of Alternative Medicine Important in a Society Traditionally Dominated by Western Style Medicine: Australia Introduction This study intends to examine the role of alternative medicine in Australia in what is a society traditionally dominated by western style medicine. Nissen (2011) reports that the use of therapies designated as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in Europe, Australia and North America is well established, and the popularity of CAM is linked with a wide range of factors, including disappointment with biomedical healthcare and the rise of chronic health complaints, dissatisfaction with the doctor patient relationship, post modern values, and personal world views. (p.187) The growth of CAM is explained by some social theorists as being linked to the patterns of consumerism and life style choices and have characterized it as narcissistic self absorption that reflects the anxieties of an increasingly atomized society. (Nissen, 2011, p.187) It was reported in February, 2012 that approximately 400 high profile doctors, medical researchers and scientists recently joined forces to form lobby group Friends of Science (FSM) in order to have alternative medicine degrees removed from Australian universities. (Schwager, 2012, p.1) Listed as some of the courses that they are targeting are those of: Chiropractic, osteopathy, Chinese medicine, naturopathy, iridology, kinesiology, reflexology, homeopathy and aromatherapy В¦ (Schwager, 2012,
  • 54. Barclays Plc and Abn Amro Case Study [pic] London School of Commerce MBA E BARCLAYS PLC AND ABN AMRO CASE STUDY ASSIGNMENT London UK As one of the world s leading banks, with 135,000 employees in more than 50 countries, Barclays plays a significant role, from working with governments on major infrastructure projects to bringing banking to customers in emerging markets. Barclays is made up of two major businesses: Global Retail and Commercial Banking (GRCB) and Investment Banking and Investment Management (IBIM). There strategy is to achieve growth through time by diversifying their profit base making their growth relevant to their customers at all times. This case study will seek to examine the bid and intended acquisition of ABN AMRO, and the early acquisition... Show more content on ... According to groupВґs performance from 2002 2006 identifies that BarclaysВґ performance underpinnings are represented by its strategy of acquiring other banking (such as ABN Amro and Banco Zaragozano) concerns to expand its retail as well as other banking services through representation in international markets as represented by the bank s presence in 60 countries. This provides Barclays with the means to sell its highly profitable investment banking services as well as be positioned to service the cadre of multinational companies that utilize its diverse banking financial service packages. On the other hand, ABN AMRO bank has a presence in 76 countries and territories. Using its worldwide network the bank provides universal banking services consisting of commercial and investment banking products to corporate nationally and internationally operating clients as well as personal and private banking customers. In 2007, Barclays announced the proposed acquisition of ABN AMRO bank, in order to expanded their distribution base. The deal was valued at €67 billion. On October, the RFS consortium led by Royal Bank of Scotland, bidding for control of ABN AMRO, formally declared victory after shareholders, representing 86 percent of the Dutch bank s shares, accepted the RFS group s €70bn offer. Barclays is known a consistent performer delivering steady profitability results, 20% increase in profit before