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Essays On Basketball
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essays On Basketball" may pose its own set of challenges,
requiring a delicate balance between conveying factual information and infusing personal
insights. To begin with, delving into the intricacies of basketball necessitates a comprehensive
understanding of the sport's history, rules, and its evolving cultural significance. This means
extensive research to compile accurate and up-to-date information, often sifting through various
sources to provide a well-rounded perspective.
Moreover, the challenge lies in avoiding the trap of producing a mere regurgitation of facts. An
engaging essay on basketball demands a unique voice and a fresh perspective that captures the
reader's attention. This requires the writer to infuse their personal experiences, reflections, and
opinions into the narrative while maintaining a scholarly tone.
Another difficulty stems from the vastness of the topic. Basketball encompasses a broad
spectrum of aspects, ranging from its origins and evolution to the technicalities of gameplay, the
psychology of players, and its impact on popular culture. Deciding on the essay's focus and
organizing the content coherently becomes a daunting task, as one must strike a balance
between depth and breadth.
Furthermore, the writer faces the challenge of navigating the fine line between being informative
and being overly technical. Striking the right balance between accessibility and depth is crucial to
cater to a diverse audience with varying levels of familiarity with the sport.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Essays On Basketball" is indeed a challenging
endeavor that demands meticulous research, a unique narrative voice, and the ability to
synthesize a vast array of information. However, the reward lies in presenting a comprehensive
and engaging exploration of a sport that holds cultural significance worldwide.
If you find yourself struggling with such assignments or require assistance in crafting essays on
diverse topics, you may consider seeking help from professional writing services. Platforms like offer support in creating well-researched and high-quality essays tailored to
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Essays On Basketball Essays On Basketball
X-Ray Analysis Essay
A primary survey of the remains is undertaken, (noting sex, stature, age, unique
characteristics etc.) X ray analysis will then be performed on the remains through the
body bag, to prevent the loss of evidence. There are different types of imaging
techniques, these include multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) scanning,
fluoroscopy, radiography(X ray) (Wozniak et al., 2015). One common method for
undertaking the secondary survey is radiography. This comprises of examining the
cadavers for any unique characteristics, which may have been noted in ante mortem
medical records. Images should be compared to antemortem imaging and interpreted
by a trained professional. The deceased is searched for any personal effects, which
can aid in identification... Show more content on ...
The macroscopic, microscopic and radiographic appearance of bone must be
recorded in reference to trauma and disease, this may then be compared to ante
mortem records. When considering the pathology aspect of the investigation the
type of disease must be contemplated (lytic, proliferative, deformative, trauma) and
the ratio of bone being lost to bone being formed. The type of bone being formed is
also important and how the bone loss and or formation has transformed the size and
shape of the bone. When surveying the remains, it must be acknowledged which
parts of the body are affected and the position of the ailment within each bone. The
location in which the symptoms are manifested may be an indicator as to which
condition the deceased was affected by (Ferguson and Black, 2011).
Bone morphology is another method which may be used for identification, the shape
of the bones are unique and may be used as a fingerprint to be compared to ante
mortem medical records (Cattaneo, 2007).
3. Diseases of Bone
Bone diseases affect the remodelling of bones. In healthy bone, bone is laid down
(ossified) and resorbed as needed. In diseased bone, the natural balance of
resorption and ossification is affected leading to there being a net loss or gain of
bone. Bone diseases are generally either proliferative or erosive although there are
some, which are a combination of the two (University of Cambridge, 2004, Waldron,
The Great Sioux War Essay
The Great Sioux War of 1876
By 1876, gold had been discovered in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The gold
was found on Sioux land, and this region was considered sacred to the Lakota Sioux
Indians. The he land was to be protected and respected by the United States Army,
because of the Fort Laramie Treaty of 18681, but the Army could not keep miners off
the Sioux ground, which led to the increase of Sioux grievances towards the
Americans; some grievances that are still taken offense to today. These battles and
negotiations soon were known at the Great Sioux War of 1876. In 1874, the
government had sent out Lieutenant Colonel George Custer to examine the Black
Hills. On his expedition, Custer revealed the presence of gold in the area, ... Show
more content on ...
It was said to be insufficient time for the Sioux to respond because the deep winter
restricted travel. As the deadline of January 31 passed, the US government
telegraphed General George Crook and Alfred Terry to commence their winter
campaigns against the Sioux hostiles (Sioux War of 1876). The first two
campaigns led by Crook, Terry, and Gibbon were failures for the US. The first big
altercation occurred at the Battle of Little Bighorn. Led by Lt. Col. Custer, the
Seventh Cavalry encountered a large village on the west bank of Little Bighorn.
The US troops were defeated there, and about 260 men were killed, including
Custer (The Battle of Little Bighorn). This also became known as Custer s Last
Stand3. Custer s death and defeat at Little Bighorn, led the Army to change its
tactics. The troops surrounded villages of Red Cloud and Red Leaf. There, they
arrested and confined the leaders, holding them responsible for failing to turn in
those from hostile bands. After, the tribal leaders finally signed a new treaty giving
the Black Hills to the United States (Keenan 213). Other campaigns led by Colonel
Ranald Mackenzie and Colonel Nelson Miles were successful for the US. Mackenzie
defeated the Northern Cheyenne and pressured them to relocate, while Miles pushed
a number of Northern Cheyenne and some Lakota to either surrender or slip across
the border into Canada (Sioux War of 1876). Rumors were heard that northern
hostiles were interested in surrendering,
Dysfunctional Families In Australia
1.0 Introduction
In recent years, the number of dysfunctional families seem to have risen. ( according
to Australian Government ) Dysfunctional families are families in conflict ,
misbehaviour and child neglect. ( wikipedia ) Moreover, the Mental Health
Academy of Australia shows that among children aged 0 17 years, 20% of them
were living in sole parent families and 8% of them were living in either step or
blended families. Furthermore, dysfunctional families have significant effects on
family members; for instance, children from dysfunctional families are more likely
to have depression, anxiety and low self esteem. They also develop life ling problems
with their interpersonal relationships and unable to maintain a happy married life with
... Show more content on ...
( When the parents fail to show their child enough attention,
the child feels like they re being ignored by their parents. Therefore , the children will
try to avoid any form of interactions with their parents. Moreover, when the children
does not get enough love and attention from their parents they tend to isolate
themselves. This is because they think that others will also be hostile towards them
and will reject them. In the future, the children turn out to be socially awkward.
Furthermore, it also affects the parent child relationship as they re unable to interact
with their own parents. The parents on the other side failed to realise the importance
of their attention to the child as they re too busy which leads to destruction of a
Pool Halls Research Paper
When putting together a bar there is a lot more than what hits the eye. A study by
the sociology department at Ohio State University conducted a study about pool
halls. What they found was that when you out the pool table in the front of bar
people take less care of something that they have easy access to. When you put the
pooltable at the back you get more traffic at the barraising the number of drinks sold
thus giving the bar more money. With the pool tables in the back people will spend
more time at the bars and less time at the pool table.
The people who go there to just play pool and know how to play pool will be able to
play without people walking in their way. The people who will continue to come and
continue to come will set a ... Show more content on ...
Telling them that we are telling you. The Culture change will be the hardest to get
but all of this is possible. We need workers and bartenders who will be able to adjust
and excel in the new work culture.
Naysayer s will argue that the supply and demand are not there. There just aren t
enough people to fill the bar. There are 15,000 students enrolled this semester there
are enough people to fill a bar. You just need to find out where they are going athe
why they are going to those places. Then figuring out what will get them back.
We just told you why Billiard Players aren t going to the bar maybe other people
are having the same issue. I was hanging out with a friend and he was recently in
there saying that he likes The Point but it has some issues. The video game
controllers are gross and the nobs doesn t have any soft rubber on them anymore.
Cost can be an issue for a lot of us and where will we be able to get the money to
make the changes needed. We can raise the tuition $100 for one semester and that
about $100,000 that we can put into for an even better experience. The next semester
will drop back down. For those of you who think that is wrong then we can host
tournaments with $50 entrence fee and have a pot of money for the
Effects of Corruption in Multinational Corporation s [Student name]
[Professor s name]
[Course title]
Corruption can be defined as a spiritual or moral deviation from an ideal. Corruption
come in different styles and that include bribery and funds embezzlement.
Corruption has been the number one menace in many countries of the world. It
impacts countries in many ways, impacting economy and development in a negative
way. Corruption tends to raise the cost of government and may lower the rate of
infrastructure growth. Most importantly, corruption has a negative impact on
capitalism and foreign investment in that; it changes the environment which in turns
affects decisions and actions. Corruption causes ... Show more content on ...
Bureaucratic harassment such as the waiting time for a permit and statutory tax and
tariff rates are other forms of corruption.
Countries have different laws, making some actions viewed in our capitalistic society
as inappropriate, to be appropriate in a socialism or communistic society. The
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) defines
corruption as intentionally to offer, promise or give any undue pecuniary or other a foreign public order that the official act or refrain from
acting in relation to the performance of official duties in order to obtain or retain
business or other improper advantage in the conduct of international business
(Raeschke Kessler amp; Gottwald, n.d.). This measure criminalizes bribery in
international transactions, however, influence peddling (a practice in which undue
advantage of giving, promising or selling of an undue advantage to a person who will
sell their influence to the government) is not covered by OECD definition.
An effect the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of 1977 found that United
States direct investment in more corrupt countries grew more slowly than in other
countries (Wei, 2000). China is an interesting example. China is a large country with
a vast supply of cheap labor. The country also has a great deal of rampant corruption.
There has been a large amount of foreign
The Similarities And Differences Of Passive Voice In English
During the acquisition of English, Vietnamese learner have to encounter many
difficulties because of these two languages belong two different groups. One of the
most difficult problems is passive voice. Take these sentences as example : The rice
is cook and CЖЎm chГn rб»“i . We can see that these two sentences have the same
meaning but one in passive form and the other in active form. Thus, It makes
learners confused about using passive form properly when translating because
sometimes an active sentence in Vietnamese can be a passive sentence in English.
As a teacher to be of English, a Vietnamese learner, I want to do this paper to help
English learner clear about all the similarities and differences of passive voicein
English... Show more content on ...
These are some definitions:
In grammar, the voice of a verb describes the relationship between the action (or state)
that the verb expresses and the participants identified by its arguments (subject,
object, etc.). When the subject is the agent or doer of the action, the verb is in the
active voice. When the subject is the patient, target of the action, the verb is said to
be in the passive voice . ( Voice n.d.)
Voice is a grammatical category of verbs that is related to what thing or person is
acting and what thing or person is being acted upon. (Crystal, 2002)
There are two voices in English : active voice and passive voice. While active is
used to focus on the doer, passive voice is used to emphasize on the reciever or the
act rather than the performer. Take this sentence as a example:
Her brother was captured by the police.
Her brother is the recipient of the action captured was emphasized and the performer
is the police.
As a matter of fact, passive voice is not widely used as active. However, in some
cases like acadamic writing, passive is the chosen over active.
Hamlet And Revenge In Hamlet
Hamlet has lived through plenty of ups and downs throughout his childhood. He has
been lost and confused within himself, but knew he wanted one thing, which was
revenge on his fathers killer, Claudius. His passion of hate developed for Claudius as
he married Hamlets mother shortly after the king s death. Hamletcould not decide on
the perfect decision for himself, his motherand father as well as the best way to
follow through with the best consequence for Claudius that would impress his
father. His everyday life, along with his love life, left him with an empty heart,
which slowed the process of the revenge down. Hamlet never expected to be
captured and kidnapped by pirates, as he was sent overseas as a young man. His
inside thoughts were attacking and overwhelming Him, leaving him depressed and
anxious. Hamlet s life has been leading him to negative thoughts that he cannot
process or act accordingly to, due to the excessive amount of issues and options
involved in his life at a young age, him being overwhelmed lead him to delaying the
process of avenging his fathers killer.
Hamlet really wanted the revenge on Claudius but was really on the fence of what
to actually do to follow through with then plan. Claudius was brave to feel so free,
as Hamlet had opportunities to take advantage of him and had plenty of hate
towards him for more than one reason. The action Hamlet may want and outcome of
it, may be completely different as to what his father would do or like him to do.
The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock Essay
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock T. S. ELIOT Questions for Discussion 1. How
does the epigraph from Dante s Inferno help Eliot comment on the modern world in
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock ? What does it tell us about the setting of this
poem? How is Montefeltro s miscalculation related to the poem? Prufrock laments
that the mermaids will not sing to him. Prufrock s dilemma represents the inability to
live a meaningful existence in the modern world.[24] McCoy and Harlan wrote For
many readers in the 1920s, Prufrock seemed to epitomize the frustration and
impotence of the modern individual. He seemed to represent thwarted desires and
modern disillusionment. [22] poem uses the stream of consciousness technique. If I
but... Show more content on ...
4. One of the most demanding aspects of this poem is its allusions, as Eliot
expected his readers to be as well educated as he was. Some allusions are fairly
accessible. The allusions to Michelangelo an artist most people are familiar with in
line 14 and again in line 36 help us imagine the women Prufrock is talking about.
The function of the less accessible allusions such as works and days of hands (l. 29)
may serve a different purpose. Why might Eliot have included such esoteric
allusions? How do they affect your reading of the poem? Allusions aptly
incorporated lend a rich penumbra of meaning and significance to the use of only
few words. Granted, the average and even the above average reader will need
footnotes to know the situation of Guido da Montefeltro, to understand the
prefatory Italian of the poem, and to sort out which biblical Lazarus Eliot alludes
to. Less demanding are the references to Shakespeare, Marvell, and Michelangelo.
But recognition of allusions brings delight and a sense of intimate understanding
between reader and author. The use of allusions bring a sense of intimacy between
reader and author. Prufrock wishes to be comforted. 5. Consider the title of the
poem. How is it ironic? In what ways is the poem a love song? The title is actually
the only place where Prufrock s name is mentioned in the poem he talks about
himself in the first person. Eliot is clearly poking fun of himself with this title as a
young man he signed
School Day In School Essay
BEEP BEEP BEEP. My alarm clock was ringing. Time to get out of bed. I reached
over and hit my alarm. It turned off. . Time for school. I got out of bed and
grabbed some clothes from my closet in the dark. I threw them on, and looked at
myself in the mirror.. It was time to go. I grabbed my backpack and ran to the
bathroom. I splashed my face with some water and brushed my teeth. I ran
downstairs and pulled open the fridge. I grabbed some bread and butter and made
myself a bowl of cereal. I put my lunch in my backpack, and put on my shoes. I
stepped out the door.
Here we go again I said to my brother. It was only the second month of school, but I
was already feeling like would be tired forever. As I trudged to the bus stop, my two
neighbors stepped out of their gate and joined us in the walk. We arrived at the stop
just as the bus was coming around the corner. Making it in time was a good start to
the morning.
Good morning We all mumbled to the driver as we stepped aboard the bus. Our
stop was one of the last ones on the route, so almost all the seats were taken. I walked
all the way to the back of the bus to find a seat.
Hello I said to the girl in my seat. She reluctantly moved her pack and scooted over
to make room for me. I sat down in the seat, and closed my eyes. The school cycle
had officially started. The bus ride took about 15 minutes from the time it was at my
house to the time that it dropped me off at school. As soon as we heard the
The Second Sex By Simone De Beauvoir Summary
The Second Sex was written by Simone de Beauvoir in 1949. Her introduction
Woman as Other opens with her discussing how she is not fond of writing about the
subject of women but she is choosing to because she is defined as a woman and is
tired of hearing about the subject. She later in the essay talks about how she disagrees
with different pieces written about women, which is another reason she could have
decided to write about this subject. At her time of writing this, prominent female
figures were scarce, famous writers were mostly men, and some women even
wrote under the guise of a man so their work would be accepted. Though this piece
was translated from French, the English reader is able to tell that Beauvoir is a very
intelligent and well spoken person; so who better to write a piece about women than
her? Simone de Beauvoirs main argument in this paper is that man and society have
defined women as Other since humans gained a conscience, and this definition has
oppressed and continues to oppress women. She backs this up by offering historical
background from various texts, and although her thoughts may seem disorganized,
she presents this argument with comparisons to other oppressed peoples as well as
examples of how women are treated today. Womanare described in biology as having
female genitalia such as a vagina and a uterus.
Beauvoir states this in her essay and then says [b]ut in speaking of certain women,
connoisseurs declare that they are not
Precious Case Study
Living life within a dysfunctional family and living within a dysfunctional
community that had little trust in societal protections left Precious without many
normal safeguards that might have prevented some of the years of abuse that she
endured. Awareness of Precious first pregnancy at the age of twelve, her morbid
obesity, her violent outbursts and her inability to read or write were all reasonable
cause to suspect that Precious may have been subjected to abuse, neglect. If a Child
Advocacy Center had been used, certain aspects of Precious maltreatment
experience and outcomes could have been completely different. Regardless of
whether a call had been made to the local Child Advocacy Center, the complex
challenges would most likely remain. But more importantly, Precious having access
to mental health professionals, legal experts and physicians would no doubt have
eased the trauma of the overall experience. With the use of an advocacy center, if
someone had called into the hotline when Precious became pregnant at 12, the
information would have been forwarded to the county where Precious resided. CPS
would fast tract the... Show more content on ...
This interview would have perhaps revealed the identities of Precious abusers.
Family member or other witnesses might have been professionally interviewed. The
child would have had access to physician to perform an exam, address medical
needs and collect medical evidence. Photographs would also be taken as needed. In
addition to this, mental health professionals would have been available to address the
child s mental health needs and also offer counseling services to the child and her
family. After complete processing by the CAC the team would then gather to present
their finding to the prosecution. The prosecution could move forward and charge the
offenders or refuse the
The Next Factor Of Public Opinion
The next factor involved was public opinion. Many were for campus carry because
they felt as if they had a fundamental right to be able to carry ( Strickland, 2016).
Several students and faculty helped shape public opinion by describing how it
would make their college experience a safe and better one ( Fernandez, 2015).
Many Texas residents believed that if they were allowed to carry they could then
prevent mass shooting ( Fernandez, 2015). This was a main argument of public
opinion. Though many were against campus carry the ones for it worked together to
help change the minds of people who did not believe that guns should be on campus.
They did this by describing that the number of students who would actually carry on
campus would be small and it would be older community college students (
Fernandez, 2015). Public opinion also helped the billpassbecause Texas is a
conservative state with 850,000 license holders ( Fernandez, 2015). They wanted to
make the public happy by passing the bill because the number of people for it
outweighed the ones against it. The opinion of people such as the universitys chief of
police spoke out about not being worried because it never had been an issue (
Fernandez, 2015). Students believed they had a right to self preservation and
should be allowed to carry ( Strickland, 2016). In the end Governor Greg aAbbott
had listened to people wanting to be allowed to carry on campus and decided he
would make the public happy
Central Limit Theorem And The Distribution Of The
Central Limit Theorem Abraham De Moivre, a French mathematician, published an
article 1733, which he used the normal distribution to approximate the distribution of
the number of heads resulting from many tosses of a coin. His work was nearly
forgotten until another French mathematician can along who name was Pierre Simon
Laplace. Laplace explained De Moivre s findings by approximating the binomial
distribution with normal distribution. In 1785 Laplace introduced the characteristic
functions which were the sum of error distribution, which took the value of 1 and +1
with equal probabilities. This work helped Laplace with the concept of the CLT,
which he wrote a paper on in 1810. Sime`on Denis Poisson tried to provide an exact
mathematical analysis to Laplace theorem. Poisson provided proof of the CLT for
identically distributed variables. At the end of the 19th century mathematician was
changing their train of thoughts from computational to fundamental ( pure math)
mathematic. Dirichlet and Bessel followed in the footsteps of Laplace and Poisson.
They introduced the discontinuity factors , which proved Poisson s equation for an
arbitrary value of n. Cauchy s was the first mathematician to consider probability
theoryas pure mathematics. He found an upper bond to the difference between the
exact value and the approximation and then specified conditions for those bound to
tend to zero. The problem with his theorem was that it was not proven for
distributions with
Causes And Failures Of The League Of Nations
I can predict with absolute certainty that within another generation there will be
another world war if the nations of the world do not concert the method by which to
prevent it.
It was with these words that Woodrow Wilson called for the formation of the League
of Nations. By 1919, after extensive discourse between the Big Three, the league was
born and its ideals and structure concocted. The League s chief goals compromised of
preventing war through collective security, disarmament and using negations to solve
disputes between nations. After the end of World War I, such an organisation was
essential to solve border disputes and prevent another war. After numerous
noteworthy successes and a few initial failures in the 1920s, the League of Nations
finally proved inept of preventing hostility from the Axis in the 1930s. And, as stated
by Dr. Afroz Alam, the onset of the Second World War suggested that the League had
failed in ... Show more content on ...
Organisational faults included but weren t limited to the absence of major powers,
the ease of withdrawing, the idea of collective security, the need for a unanimous
vote, the veto and ambitious aims. The powers available were limited economic
sanctions were inadequate whilst military actions were difficult to implement. In my
opinion, Manchuria and Abyssinia, were the turning points and made the league
appear as incompetent, due to failed solutions, secret treaties and unfair justice.
These events are proof that peace couldn t be maintained due to self interests and
lack of mutual co operation. This allowed dictators like Hitler to get their way,
paving the path to war. I believe that the reason of paramount importance for the
failure were self interest and the lack of collaboration that shined during the crises of
the 1930 s. The league had
Year Of Yes By Shonda Rhimes
Gaining confidence: Your self confidence is an important life tool. Its like riding a
bike. First, you must learn to ride the bike. Then it takes practice to get really good
at it. But once you have mastered riding, it is as natural as breathing. Learn to say,
yes more often. Shonda Rhimes wrote, Year Of Yes, which is a great read. Here is
what I took away from the book. Stop telling yourself you can t. Don t worry about
what others think. Own your mistakes and admit that you made the mistake in the
first. Try something new, it s not going to kill you. Being transparent: People don t
like surprises. Most people do like others who are proactive and truthful.
Transparency allows you to build trust. People like to know that
Vouchers and School Choice Now! Essay
School Choice Now!
This is America the Free, the leader of the free world. I have choice in many
aspects of my life. For one of the most important concerns I have the education of
my children my choices are limited. The government s rigid control over public
education choice has got to stop. While it is true I can send my child to a private
school, I must incur costs above and beyond what I already provide to society for
public education through taxes. I can afford this; many people cannot. Those people
have no choice.
Is choice desirable? Yes. As expressed by the Constitution of the United States, our
capitalistic society certainly believes so. Teachers believe so. Teachers in public
schools in large cities are ... Show more content on ...
My beliefs of what schools must do to be successful fall with the reinvention
approach described by Finn and Ravitch (1995). Finn and Ravitch detail the
reinvention paradigm with the following tenants:
* decentralized control,
* entrepreneurial management, and
* grassroots initiatives.
All these tenants fall within a framework of publicly defined standards and
accountability. These standards must be both comprehensive and minimal a difficult
but not impossible conundrum to address.
This approach would truly give us the diversity Americans are so proud of and
continually demand. On top of the Finn and Ravitch framework I would add
accessibility for all students to the school of choice. Public schools must be open to
the public, financed by the public, and educationally and fiscally accountable to the
I would like to see private educational institutions continue to thrive. They are a
necessary pressure relief valve for certain portions of our society. Private schools
could continue as they have, or, if they wanted access to public funds, they would
have to agree to the mandates the public would impose on them.
I believe in parental choice in public education, but choice in and of itself is not
enough. All parents regardless of socio economic status must be able to access the
school of their choice. They must have the financial capability to send their
Homeland Security Risk Management
Introduction On the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 radical militants associated
with the Islamic terrorist group al Qaeda, set a series of coordinated terrorist attacks
into motion on American soil. These events resulted in almost 3000 casualties,
including thousands of civilians and several hundred firefighters and law
enforcement officers: Making these attacks the deadliest terror event on American
soil in the history of the United States (Bergen, 2018). The unprecedented and horrific
experience of these events profoundly changed the way Americans live their lives and
their Government manages their society and protects their country. This event was
the turning point, which triggered major U.S. initiatives regarding how to prevent,
respond, and recover from incidents of national crisis, including acts of terror, as well
as natural and man made disasters. The purpose of this essay is to provide an
overview of the Department of Homeland Security and its emergency management
strategies for preventing, mitigating, responding, and recovering from threats and
hazards. Creation of the Department of Homeland Security In response to the... Show
more content on ...
Risk is what may occur or, that which is likely to occur, as a result of a particular
incident. Risk is part of everyday life and it exists in every activity undertaken by
humanity. However, some risks can be avoided and are not as grave as others. To
evaluate a risk, careful consideration is given to its nature and consequences. Risk
is calculated relative to the damage an incident causes and the level, size, and
extent of exposure to said damage. Hazard is the apparatus that causes the damage
or harm, and exposure is the degree, depth, and scope of the risk as influenced by
the nature of the source of danger. In other words, risk can be determined by
multiplying hazard by exposure (Nemeth,
Truffaut On Love Essay
children chase the lovers when the man chases the women. GГ©rard shows his
brutal and child like nature when he chases one of his tormentors, when he gets
him he slaps him, a primal and a beast just like children would curl. The spectacle
of the lovers is always accompanied by either screams or whispers and extremely
agitated and exciting body languages. The children are constantly reactive to the
spectacle of the love that they are seeing. The second motif will be the connection
between love and death. In a perfect way the spectacle in Truffaut s filmconstantly
connected to the looming to the unavoidable death. We noticed through the first part
of the film with the shining presence of the film when she was clothed in light. Not
a coincidence at all that GГ©rard wears all black which foreshadows his fate.
Truffaut very subtly continues the symbolic play with colors, Bernadette will only
wear white until the crucial foreshadow moment of GГ©rard when they kiss
goodbye. For the first time their relationship is connected to sadness. Just like a child
GГ©rard proposes to Bernadette by singing in a very childish way. This moment
is important because the promise of a life together will be derailed by an accident.
The end of the film is sectioned again by the unavoidable reality of death that will
destroy love. Truffaut loves films about goddesses like women and love are
consistently marked by death. The women and the reality of Eros and passion and
love that is deeply connected to the reality of death. The... Show more content on ...
A film epitomizes Truffaut s deep love for and faith of the act of writing and in
literature and his science master piece in Fahrenheit 451. An example of this is that
they will wind up in the last saga Love on the Run and Antoine will become a
writer at the end. The Story of Adele H is related to the personal diary of Adele
Hugo. In The 400 Blows, everything
Hatshepsut s Roles Of Kingship In The Code Of Hammurabi
According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, kingship is defined as, the position,
office, or dignity of the king. Mesopotamia and Egypt were the first to practice and
recognize kingship however, both dynasties illustrate the responsibilities of a king in
varying ways. Both dynasties developed kingship to enact a cordial society that
promoted morality. The similarities and differences between King Hammurabi and
Queen Hatshepsuts successions to the throne, the roles of ma at, and their duties to
each of their perspective kingdoms illustrate that the Code of Hammurabiis more
effective than Queen Hatshepsut s reign in portraying the significance of kingship.
To begin, kingship is typically implemented through the assignment of their position
by a god. The Code of Hammurabi, written in the early eighteenth century B.C.E. by
King Hammurabi, is a law code that enforces impartiality and safety for the
Babylonian people. The statue engraved with each of the laws depicts the god of
justice enlisting Hammurabi to enact these laws over the people of Babylon. The
diorite pillar justifies the notion that kings during the Babylonian era were enlisted
by the gods. In contrast to the belief of divine appointment is Queen Hatshepsut s
reign from 1502 1482 B.C.E. during the Egyptian New Kingdom. Queen Hatshepsut
recognized herself in a position of authority as a pharaohfollowing the death of her
husband as her son, Tuthmosis II, was still a child. At the time, Tuthmosis II was not
The Importance Of Academic Achievement And Race
Being a racially ambiguous Hispanic woman who has dreams of a better life has not
been the smoothest ride. Two issues that have ridden with me throughout my life are
academic achievement and race. I am here chasing after education achievement
while race is tailgating me. I try to reach education and let it lead me to different
views and find more information about the world. However, by reaching education it
has had me leave behind some of my cultural roots and personal connection with my
parents. My racehas shaped my perspective and background however, I never let it
stop me or get ahead of me. Both academic achievement and race have led me to ups
and downs shaping who am I and who I will become.
Growing up in the United States and getting an education always caused a sort of
dissociation between my undereducated parents and my intellectually ambitious
self. My parents grew up in El Salvador and there was not much to be offered there
in terms of education and intellectual pursuit. Education was not put on a high
pedestal for my parents. In fact, my parents never did pressure me to academically
succeed. I have been the one to challenge myself. I am a scholarship boy or perhaps
a better fit would be scholarship girl. Richard Rodriguez in his essay, The
Achievement of Desire , discusses the clash he had with his undereducated parents.
He describes the dilemma of the scholarship boy as he states, He permits himself
embarrassment at their lack of education. And to evade
How Collaboration With Hr Improves People Success
How Collaboration with HR Improves People Success In the recent Harvard
Business Review (HBR) publication for July August 2015, the title of the magazine
was It s Time to Blow Up HR and Build Something New. Here s How (Harvard
Business Review, 2015). The publication had a series of articles related to elevating
the Human Resources (HR) function to supporting the chief executive officer(CEO)
and the chief finance officer (CFO) effectively manage the organizations people,
and way from administrative functions (Harvard Business Review, 2015). In
general, I agree that having an HR function in my organization that supports me
developing myself as an employee, and the people on my team to have the skills,
and organizational design allowing me to execute my role is my expectation of
HR. This paper discussions my expectations of the HR function at Pearson, both as
an employee and as a director of my group, how I discern how well I am
performing at my job function, and provide future on the job training
recommendations for new employees given my experience. I began working for
Pearson in 2007 when they acquired my previous organization eCollege. At the time I
ran a twenty five person team as the Director of Project Management. I needed to
understand how the performance management system, recruiting process, and
benefits package would be different to ensure that was evaluating my employees in
line with Pearson s directions, staff my department, as well as supporting my
The Garden Of Earthly Delights By Hieronymus Bosch
The Garden of Earthly Delights is a painting that was created by an artist by the
name of Hieronymus Bosch. The Garden of Earthly Delights is a three panel
painting that took from 1505 to 1510 to complete. The three panels consist of a
center panel (which stands at approximately 7 2 x 6 4 ) and two outer wings
(which stands at approximately 7 2 x 3 2 ). Initially, I d like to talk about the artist
of this elegant masterpiece. This Netherlandish painter is named Hieronymus Bosch.
Bosch was born in s Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands in 1450. Bosch was known for
being the most famous Netherlandish personality. Some of Bosch s most famous
paintings are The Garden of Earthly Delights (as shown in figure 1) and The
Crucifixion of St.... Show more content on ...
The Haywain which was a three panel painting. In the first panel, Bosch illustrates
Adam and Eve. In the center panel, Bosch paints clergy and peasants preforming
sinful behavior. Finally, in the last panel Bosch paints hell. The second example is
The Last Judgement (as shown in figure 4) which he painted in the year of 1504.
The center panel shows the fall of humanity. The remaining two interior panels
show sin, chaos and violence. The final example that we can use to find out Bosch
s style of painting and different techniques he uses to paint is the The Temptation of
Saint Anthony (as shown in figure 5) which he painted from 1505 to 1506. In the
painting Saint Anthony is being shown resisting evil and then following a group of
believers. Bosch painted a lot of painting and is an incredibly huge influence on the
art world. Bosch has influenced artists because he would use a lot of symbols in his
art to show deeper meaning in the world in the Dark Ages in the world. Bosch would
often paint how he imagined problems in the world would be handled or turn out
often to warn people about why they should never sin. Bosch influenced people to be
good citizens and attend to church by often painting fantasies about hell. Bosch was
the most influential Netherlandish painter the art world has ever seen. Unfortunately,
Bosch died in August 1516 (that is an estimate because the exact date is unknown) in
his birthplace s Hertogenbosch.
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
Sigmund Freud believed that personality consists of three parts: the id, which is
motivated by desire and looks for immediate satisfaction; the ego, which deals with
rational decisions; and the superego, which makes moral judgments (Acacio). This
is psychoanalysis, which can be used to analyze The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
by Dr. Seuss. According to Freud, the mind consists of only the id when we grow
up. As we age, we transform part of the id into the ego and superego (Acacio). In
the case of the Grinch, he grew up in a situation where, due to his isolation, he had
no one to guide, reprimand, or praise him. He had no influences in his life. In the
poem, there is a line that states, It could be his head wasn t screwed on just right.
Comparing Ocean City, MD To Fenwick Island
What isn t at the beach? The beach is a relaxing and comfortable place to be with
friends and family. Whether it s taking a walk on the beach as the golden sand
oozes under your toes or relaxing on the beach as the bright sun beams on your
skin. Suddenly you get hot, so you decide to take a swim as the waves smash into
the shore. If you get hungry, conveniently there s a surplus of foods to choose from
to satisfy your cravings. If you get bored, games, rides and amusement rides are
available at your fingertips. From beach to beach, Ocean City, MD to Assateague
Island, the shores have a lot to offer. The coastlines which are 18 miles apart, are
vastly different due to the history and founders of the east coast beaches. You ll
observe the benefits they have to offer their communities and see just how important
these places are.
The Ladies Resort to the Ocean, interesting name isn t it? It s hard to believe that
just 148 years ago that was the name of what is now one of the main attractions in
Maryland. This is now known as Ocean City, MD. Ocean City was once owned by
an Englishman by the name Thomas Fenwick. He owned the whole strip of land
which was called Fenwick Island. A storm later separated... Show more content on ...
Some people enjoy nature and like to discover what it has to offer. Ocean City has
plenty of unique things in wildlife that might interest people who are faun of nature.
The beach is filled with entertainment from surfing, to swimming, to just enjoying the
summer sun and catching good vibes from the peace of the beach. The entertainment
is endless boating and fishing along the coast are main interest. There s also
watersports available along with amusement rides like mini golfing or shopping along
the Tanger outlets. Another thing that not many people know about Ocean City is
that it has museums that explains culture and important events that have occurred on
the eastern
Leading An Event
How to Get Leads on An Event
Are you wondering how you can rock and get leads, the next time you head to a
trade show, conference or even a networking event? This article outlines a couple of
pointers to help you on the same
Whether you are new in an industry or a multi year veteran, networking events can
be valuable tools for leads generation. It is the best place to get your next client,
referral source or even a friend who might eventually result in new business.
However, without a well thought out strategy, the time and resources you invest will
not result in quality leads.
Generating event based primes is very simple with a given etiquette and approach.
Here are a few tips on how to get leads on your next networking or marketing event ...
Show more content on ...
Be more specific and engaging on what you do
A person should be more specific on what one does by asking himself/herself why
people they are connecting with should care about what they are saying. After that
craft an engaging conversation which will create a rapport between the two of you.
Also, to be more appealing, use your body language like nodding to show you are
still listening and following which will develop a trust. All these give you individual
control over what happens, and it would not be a wonder if your prospects ask for
contact information next.
Targeted mingling A person should always set a goal to meet 2 5 people and not try
associating and talking to everyone in the event. It is even said that sometimes, one
solid connection is plenty. A pre planning on whom to meet and talk to should be
done. After that a serious research on the selectively chosen leads should be done
before the conference, to ensure that you understand what they do and get ways in
which your business can improve that. Through targeted mingling, one has higher
chances of generating meaningful leads which will build and grow his/her brand
Consider your leads networks
When choosing whom to talk to, always remember that people can help you get leads
indirectly from someone in their network. As you approach and make connections
with new people, you should thoroughly engage with them. You should not leave
unfinished conversations just because you have seen someone who s more
Dynamic Influences Of Culture On Cooperation
According to Dynamic influences of culture on cooperation in the prisoner s dilemma
(2005) by Wong Hong, cultural symbols affect people s behavior in specific
situational contexts. In order to substantiate this hypothesis, the authors used a three
by two between subjects method, with one hundred and seventy one participants. In
the study, the independent variable was icons, either from American, Chinese, or
neutral backgrounds. Additionally, the three dependent variables studied were
cooperation versus defect, expectation of cooperation, and motivation to maximize
join outcome (Wong Hong, 430). Furthermore, the measures of cultural priming were
measured by exposing participants to seven slides of Chinese cultural icons, such as a
Chinese dragon, American cultural icons, such as the American flag, or neutral
primes, such as geometry. The participants were assigned randomly to the prime
conditions and the procedure for each primes required participants to answered
questions related to the prime they were assigned to, such as naming the objects or
describing the ideas represented. According to the authors, research has shown that
these procedures elicit the cultural knowledge systems among individuals that were
needed in this study. After introducing the cultural primes, the study asked the
participants to play a strategy game, where outcomes depended on strategies chosen
by the participant, and resulted in points gained or lost. However, different strategies
Uncanny Essay
For the Uncanny final project, Jessica and I proposed to document the uncanny
effects of social media technologies. Our first discussion about what we wanted to
portray led us to a difficult decision on what uncanny effects to focus on. I suggested
documenting the surveillance aspect of social media and the way our technologies
become uncanny when they begin to break down. Only when our technologies begin
to breakdown, do we realize our dependence on them; thus, making social media
devices uncanny. In the first shot, we decided to input colorful television bars that
indicate the television is not working in addition to a static sound effect. This was
meant to set the tone for the breakdown of technologies in the video. This shot then
quickly... Show more content on ...
In this scene we wanted to show how our phones can easily point us in the
direction of where we want to go, but to do this, our phones know where we are.
Combined with this scene, the next scene portrays me attempting to catch the bus
that my phone had suggested to take to get to my destination. In the next two
shots, we used an overlay digital clock text to indicate the passage of time thus
indicating to the viewer that our technologies often are not reliable. This
breakdown of the technology becomes uncanny because at this moment we realize
that the technologies that we use to make our lives easier actually show us how
dependent we are on them when they do not work properly. The final shot of this
video is a long shot in black and white meant to replicate a surveillance camera. We
increased the speed of this shot to indicate the uncanny effect when we realize the
uncanny effects of our technologies. Because the world is so fast paced, we are
prompted to use technologies to keep up. However, when these break down, we in
turn are slowed down. The inability to keep up to a fast paced society becomes
uncanny because the technologies we use to do so, break down are sometimes
actually limit
Radiocarbon Dating Research Paper
Radiocarbon dating (also referred to as carbon dating or carbon 14 dating) is a
method for determining the age of an object containing organic material by using the
properties of radiocarbon (14C), a radioactive isotope of carbon.
The method was developed by Willard Libby in the late 1940s and soon became a
standard tool for archaeologists. Libby received the Nobel Prize for his work in
1960. The radiocarbon dating method is based on the fact that radiocarbon is
constantly being created in the atmosphere by the interaction of cosmic rays with
atmospheric nitrogen. The resulting radiocarbon combines with atmospheric oxygen
to form radioactive carbon dioxide, which is incorporated into plants
byphotosynthesis; animals then acquire 14
C by eating the plants. When the animal or plant dies, it stops exchanging carbon
with its environment, and from that point onwards the amount of 14
C it contains begins to decrease as the 14
C undergoes radioactive decay. Measuring the amount of 14
C in a sample from a dead plant or animal such as a piece of wood or a fragment of
bone provides information that can be used to calculate when the animal or plant
died. The older a sample is, the less 14
C there is to be detected, and because the half life of 14
C (the period of time ... Show more content on ...
The development of radiocarbon dating has had a profound impact on archaeology.
In addition to permitting more accurate dating within archaeological sites than
previous methods, it allows comparison of dates of events across great distances.
Histories of archaeology often refer to its impact as the radiocarbon revolution .
Radiocarbon dating has allowed key transitions in prehistory to be dated, such as the
end of the last ice age, and the beginning of the Neolithic andBronze Age in different
Application Of C5. 0 Algorithm To Flu Prediction Using...
Application of C5.0 Algorithm to Flu Prediction Using Twitter Data
LZ M. Albances, Beatrice Anne S. Bungar, Jannah Patrize O. Patio, Rio Jan Marty S.
Sevilla, *Donata D. Acula
University of Santo Tomas, Philippines, {lz.albances.iics, beatriceanne.bungar.iics,
jannahpatrize.patio.iics, riojanmarty.sevilla.iics, ddacula}
Abstract Since one s health is a factor considered, data coming from Twitter, one of
the most popular social media platforms often used by millions of people, is
beneficial for predictions of certain diseases. The researchers created a system that
will improve the precision rate of the current system conducted by Santos and Matos
using C5.0 algorithm instead of Naive Bayes algorithm for classifying tweets ... Show
more content on ...
Twitter provides free APIs from which a sampled view can be easily obtained. It
helps build a map spread model. In line with this, the researchers came up with an
idea of working on a research using these Twitter data, focusing on the so called
tweets regarding diseases and health, specifically, the flu or influenza.
Furthermore, previous studies were made regarding this topic. In 2008, there was a
website called Google Flu Trends that took data from Google, Facebook, and
Twitter itself [2]. It was widely used in its release, but it was proven to have
inconsistencies with regards to its data [2].
Back in 2011 2013, Google Flu Trends overestimated the number of people who
had flu by 50% [3]. One possible cause was its inclusion of data which contained the
word flu or influenza , wherein the person who tweeted or posted about it did not
have the flu at all [3].
There was also a study that made a precision of 0.78 or 78% using the NaГЇve Bayes
Classification algorithm to identify tweets that mention flu or flu like symptoms [4].
As mentioned earlier, previous researchers had difficulty classifying these tweets as
some data gathered got accepted even though the person did not have it.
According to the Department of Health of the Philippines [5], getting flu is possible
by contacting items that are contaminated through the discharges of an infected
Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Role In Hamlet
To be or not to be that is the question... (III, I, 56 ) so starts Hamlet s most famous
and well known soliloquy. In Shakespeare s Hamlet, written in the very late 1500 s,
the audience is introduced to two comical characters at the beginning of the play;
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. These two characters, clearly, had no clue of what is
going on throughout the play; in addition, they followed orders without questioning
them. Therefore, their role in the play was not clear. Ultimately, their role in the play
was to support, as well as spy, on Hamlet, hence them taking orders from greater
characters like Claudius. However, the comic duo serves a deeper purpose than just
assisting their old childhood friend. Arguably, their role in the play is also to forecast
ideas, bring out character traits to help readers understand them more, and come up
with solutions to some of the questions that the play has left the readers to deal with.
They are capable of accomplishing that due to their disloyal behaviors towards other
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were not loyal towards Hamlet; they ve agreed to spy
on him and get paid for doing so. Their disloyalty then shows the audience they are a
supply of ... Show more content on ...
The comic duo gave readers the opportunity to come up with new approaches on
piecing together the plot. They helped us recognize that Hamlet could have been bad
at making friends and is lonely on the inside. Furthermore, they provided a piece of
evidence to argue with on Hamlet s insanity. Lastly, the prince compared Rosencrantz
and Guildenstern to a sponge, and although it might not seem important, it was a
great foreshadow for their fate. Throughout the play, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
have served a bigger purpose to the audience and not much of a purpose to other
The No Child Left Behind
We, as a country, have some of the lowest scoring in international tests in reading,
math, and science when compared to several other countries. In order to improve
education in America, we have to go to the root of our problem in the school system
and find better ways to enforce new rules and regulations that wouldn t be detrimental
to both students, schools, and educators alike. The No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
Act is having a negative effect on our educationsystem because it reduces the choices
of schools for parents, and the distribution of qualified teachers. It also has a negative
impact on the amount that kids are able to learn in school. The NCLB was signed into
law in 2001 by President George W. Bush. The act is was meant to give assistance
in establishing good reading and math programs. Programs such as reading first
funded at $1.02 billion in 2004 were made to help states and their districts set up
scientific, research based reading programs for students in K 3 grades by having
districts compete for federal money (Editorial Projects in Education Research Center
8). Billions of dollars had been put towards programs like reading first but much of
that said money has either been cut or never reach the set target goal of promised
money. Despite the intention to increase student academic achievement, the act has
failed to do so in several cases arguably putting us in a worse situation than before.
Proficiency requirements was something that NCLB brought in that
Catcalling And Street Calling A Social Menace
1 Catcalling and street calling a social menace:
Catcalling and street calling is increasingly being witnessed as a threat to peaceful
existence. Women are vulnerable in almost all cities to hounders and stalkers. It is
seen that there is an urgent need for stricter sexual harassment laws and inclusiveness
in law and order. Hostile streets and hostility in looking at women need stricter
punishments. Though there are quite a few legislations which come down heavily
on street callers, this has not been treated as a severe crime and hence regulations
dealing with jurisprudence is slow in the making. This paper looks at why this is
considered a social menace and how it affects the psychological stances of women.
Street stalking is as serious as any other kind of stalking and leaves the woman
depressed and morally low.
Street stalking profoundly affects the woman s life. When woman are harassed in
public places by strangers, this phenomenon is known as Street harassment and can
seriously affect the woman s self esteem and self respect .Street harassment is not
considered to be such a serious social phenomenon requiring legal redress and
hence has generally gone out of the purview of lawyers and legal punishments .
This is considered to be trivial as generally the male stalkers are either not noticed or
there are no evidences of stalking.
The real harm is seen in the sociological inferefecnes it leads to.
Alexander The Great, King Of Macedon
Names can come in all shapes and sizes. Just by taking a gander at our names, we can
view into a window to the past. Last names are the utmost important part of anyone s
name, since it is past done from generation to generation. All throughout time and
across the world countless names have changed the way they are spelled and
ultimately changed their meanings. Our names, nicknames, and why we were named
what we were, are just a few ways that shape are uniqueness.
Originating from the Greek name Alexandros, Alexandersignified shielding men
from the Greek word alexo, which implies to guard. Help and the Greek word aner,
which implies man . The name Alexander additionally has a place with a legend of
Paris in Greek mythology and has a place with a few characters in the New
Testament. Indeed, even know with all these Alexander s, the greatest one was
Alexander the Great, King of Macedon. Alexander the Great name spread all through
Europe because of his extraordinary influence and cash. Lords of Scotland,
Yugoslavia and Poland, eight popes, and even Russian heads have all utilized the
name Alexander. This name is likewise positioned eighth in America for ubiquity.
Adam, both an assignment for mankind and the correct name of the primary human.
In Hebrew, the shade of red lies behind the root of Adam. The name Adam implies
Acre Man, since the word for arce was refined from producing agricultural crops, the
name Adam implies Produce. Red man, is another intending
Copper Mining Industry Analysis
Copper mining became extremely popular in 1843 in what is now known as the
Copper County. Here was on the only place in the whole United States of America
to get pure, native copper, that was until the early 1900s. The first documented
reports of copper being found in Michigan was in 1667 by Claude Allouez, a
missionary from France. In Allouez s report, the Native Americans in the Lake
Superiorarea, known as the Chippewa s, really valued the copper nuggets they found
there. The Upper Peninsula was soon to erupt into the center for the mining industry
(Molloy, 1999).
When American miners started to migrate to the Copper Country in the 1840s, there
were many pieces and nuggets of copper that were left behind in the lake and streams
by the ... Show more content on ...
In the Copper County, miners were not allowed to form a union until just before
1913. The strike was about the conditions of the miners and what they had to go
through while mining, it was an extremely dangerous job. They did not get paid
much, the labor was intense, and the days were long. The strike lasted about nine
months until the union that formed the strike, was ran out of town. It was
considered a turning point of mining history in the Keweenaw, even though it was
not a success (Watson, 2014). During the strike, something very disastrous and
heartbreaking happened in Calumet, Michigan. Most locals know the story of the
Italian Hall Massacre, it is known as a very important part of the mining strike. It
is Christmas Eve, 1913, and many strikers decide to throw a party for their families
and children for the holiday. There are more than five hundred people inside the
Italian Hall in Calumet, which is also home of the Calumet and Hecla mine, one of
the biggest mines in the area. Everyone is dancing and laughing and having and
amazing time if all their friends and family, and the strike slips their minds for a
while. Then, all of a sudden, someone screams Fire! Although there was never a
fire, panic erupts in hall, everyone searching for a way out, running towards the
only door and staircase. Everyone barricaded the door on accident, and many
tripped and fell. There were so many people blocking the door that the firemen
could not even help there on the main door, they had to go up the fire escapes and
through the roof. There were seventy three people just piled on the floor in front of
the door, dead from being trampled or suffocated, at least sixty of which were
children. Many people were considered suspects, but the truth is, no one knows what
exactly happened that grim Christmas Eve night. All we know is that it was a man
who just wanted the strike to be over and done with, even if he never indented to kill
Writing And Reading For Surprise By Donald Murray
No surprise for the writer, no surprise for the reader , writing with surprise is a
central theme in Writing and Reading for Surprise , by Donald Murray, a professor
at the University of New Hampshire. Murray claims that an author must first write
what they do not expect to write in order to find their own style and voice, the
motivation to write and the joy that comes with it. This is a problem, he says that
plagues college students, as many have not yet discovered this art which causes many
to have a distaste for writing. Murray uses his own personal experience with writing
and how he first came upon writing with surprise to demonstrate how it change his
style and gave him joy and motivation to write every day and to show how it can do
the same for students. In order to do this Murray uses ethos, pathos and logos in
order to prove his point and relates to his audience specifically. Murray uses his
experience at the university, his interactions with other professors and students and
his personal experiences throughout his journey as a writeras a solid foundation for
his argument. Murray also refers to other writers, their opinions and works of
writing by using several quotations; throughout the story Murray does not shy from
stating both the negative and positive sides of writing with surprise. He also uses a
high level of both vocabulary and language throughout the piece. These add to his
credibility and builds his character which gains the reader s trust and belief in
Change Progress and Prosperity
Change Progress and Prosperity The Harvest took place in a small, secluded, and
self reliant agricultural community in England, before the industrial revolution. The
novel was based on change, growth, progress and prosperity. The village, as the
narrator Walter Thirsk stated was, far from everywhere (Crace, 3) and isolated from
the world. The village was also fragmented and missing any development of identity.
The commons were the people living in the unnamed village. The commons way of
life changed from harvesting and plowing to extracting wool for clothing. Jim Crace
examined the themes of changeand fragmentation by the loss of identity and way of
life through the use of symbols, characters, and imagery. In the Harvest, symbolism
was evident throughout the novel. Symbols are commonly used to add richness and
depth to the story. The author used symbols to develop the main themes of change
and fragmentation. During the course of the novel, the most significant symbols
included: fire, crops, ghost, unfinished cross, quills, sheep, wool, and the rock. In
the novel, fire was the most impactful symbol. The novel started with two fires and
ended in one. What starts with fire will end with fire (Crace, 198). The element of
fire represents a variety of meanings such as: passion, hope, anger, devastation, and
betrayal. In the beginning of the film, fire represented betrayal and devastation. Two
twists of smoke at a time of year too warm for cottage fires surprise us
Derek Redmond Analysis
Derek Redmond, when you hear that name, not much comes to mind. However,
when I hear that name, I think of a man who is determined and perseveres. He is
an inspirational man who isn t afraid to push to his limits. This picture shows
important qualities that everyone needs. Derek Redmond, was a racer in the 1992
Olympics for the 400 meter sprint. He felt good when the race was about to start.
Despite that, when he was running around the first corner he heard a popping
sound. He tried to keep running, but the pain was too harsh. He said that it felt like
he had been shot. The pain was being caused because he had pulled a hamstring.
Pulling a hamstring can be a bummer. When he described the pain he said, the pain
was excruciating: like someone was shoving a hot knife into the back of your knee
and twisting it. Like an injured animal he lay on the ground in pain, ready to give up,
but then he struggle to get up it s, started walking to... Show more content on ...
By the time we had run to the hospital at our practice, I felt like I was going to die.
My legs were as tired as a sloth. I had never been so tired in my life. I had an awful
cramps that wasn t going away, and I felt like I was going to lose my lunch. I wanted
to walk so badly. To help myself keep going I kept saying the following sentence in
my head, I will not stop, I will keep running, I will push myself as far as I can go.
With my ponytail waving in the wind, I kept going. When we got back to the school.
I was exhausted and glad to be finished the run. If that was how hard we were going
to go at all of our practices, I didn t know if I could do it. The cross country coach
Mrs. Wrigley told me I should give it to weeks and I will start to notice a difference
when I run, so I decided to keep going to the practices. I had set a goal for myself to
continue to go to the practises for the next two weeks. It was hard but I persevered
and push through
A Critical Incident At The Dunmore Senior Center
Context of the incident
This report will outline a critical incident which occurred in 2014 at the Dunmore
Senior Center. The incident narrated by the executive director of the center Jeanne
Hugenbruch. The incident was initiated by the secretary and one of the senior
members, when two of the seniors started arguing angrily and loudly with each other.
At that day, fortuitously the executive director was not at the center which made the
secretary the person who was in charge to handle the issue.
Details of the incident
Before lunch time, all seniors at the Dunmore Senior Center were having free time
to do whatever they wanted. There were a group of elders who preferred to play
cards at that time. On this specific day, the executive director of the center was not
available, and the authority was given to the secretary. While she was sitting in her
office, she heard loud noises coming from the main hall. She went out of her office to
check what happened when she found two of the seniors arguing with each other. The
activities administrator was with them, and she almost contained the situation.
The secretary tried to help by calming down both of the women and to try to
understand what they were disputing about. They were arguing about who won the
hand during the card game. After listening to both sides of the story, the secretary
played the role of judge and sided with one of the women. This made the other
women became very angry, and she left before eating her lunch.
Benefits Of Using Kinesiology Tape
Benefits of utilising Kinesiology tapes to attain stamina Many of you have
perhaps come across the taping applications of athletes in the sporting events. If
you are interested to learn, this kind of taping is named Kinesiology tape
application method. So what is this tape and how is it used? One more thing that
may be interesting for athletes is that such sports tape may be used prior to a
sporting event. Athletes know if they experience rolling ankles and patellar tracking
problems, a few commonly heard ailments. Kinesiology tape is applied on the
wounded area to avoid injuries if an athlete plans to participate in an event. Using
such a tape before the event will save the athlete from potential surgeries or disorders
after an event itself.
The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur Housekeeping
Researched, analysed, and evaluated a specific system of operations of a hotel
The role of System Operation are plays as a very important function in a hotel in
order to run the operation system of the hotel for planning, coordinating and
controlling the resources and then it will be more easy to manage. In every hotel, they
have their own specific operation system. So that for this assignment, I would like to
choose The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur housekeeping department. The function of
Housekeeping department is that to keep the venue cleaning and sanity. So that the
system operation s impact on the housekeeping department cannot be underrate in
order to scheduling and planning which rooms must be cleaned, assign the tasks and
check the work. (Robert C, 2012, pg1)
Provided a detailed discussion on the specific system of operations chosen. ... Show
more content on ...
To maintain the cleanliness standard of the rooms, they will go through the hospital
information system (HIS) by using the system operation in order to checking all the
room status which room must be cleaned. Besides, if the facilities of the rooms need
to repair, the housekeeping department will go through the environment management
system (EMS) by using the operation system and inform the maintenance department
to repairs. The housekeeping department also need to provide the clean environment
work place to staff in order to increase the efficient of the organization. Therefore, the
housekeeping department are plays as a very important role to the hotel that can
maintain between to the guests and staff. (Robert C, 2012,
Thin Layer Chromatography Lab
Thin layer chromatography is the separation of substances using different solvents
that run up the TLC plate to find different materials and colors in the sample. Three
solvents in this test were one hundred percent acetone, one hundred percent isopropyl,
and distilled water. In this test we timed the speed of each solvent and recorded the
best color content.
PACE Introduction
Thin Layer Chromatography is a commonly used experiment in forensics, and is the
separation of substances using different solvents. What I want to find out is what the
fastest solvent is, but keeps the best color on the TLC plate. The three solvents in the
experiment are one hundred percent acetone, one hundred percent isopropyl, and
distilled water. Acetone is nail polish remover and isopropyl is rubbing alcohol. In
the experiment, it required distilled water because it is purified and is always the
same substance in the container. ... Show more content on ...
TLC was invented in 1941 for forensics, but wasn t perfected on paper until
1944(chromatography Schaiber was the one who invented TLC and he
was a German scientist. Some other facts are that there are many other ways to do
TLC and that it s not a very old process.
Forensic scientists use this in cases dealing with a lot of drugs or explosives. They
use much more complicated equipment though to perform their tasks. Many
explosives can be tested and most common drugs can be tested too. Some reasons to
test these substances are, one the government doesn t want people to have drugs or
explosives, and two, and people might find out and get really concerned. All in all
this is very important to society. The hypothesis is what would be the fastest solvent
that will keep the best color
Circumstance In Shakespeare s Othello
Often people react to circumstantial evidence when really the situation is not what it
seems at the time. Even in day to day life people react to circumstances and I bet that
if you are skilled enough you could make it seem like your brother broke the window
and not you due to the circumstances.Othello often shows examples of people
reacting to circumstance and in the end this happens to be the flaw that causes some
unfortunate events. Shakespeare, in Othello, shows audiences that one must be patient
and logically assess questionable situations before passing judgement. Othello doesn t
assess the situation and he ends up killing his wife Desdemona, Iagohears a rumour
that Othello slept with his wife Emelia so he spends the whole play trying... Show
more content on ...
Othello is played by Iago who uses coincidence to help him put Othello over the
top. Othello is put into an emotional downward spiral into insanity. Othello is told
by Iago that Desdemona is sleeping with Cassio (a respected member of the
military) and Othello doesn t originally believed him but then Iago talks to Cassio
with Othello around the corner and Iago makes it sound like Cassio is saying that
he doesn t love Desdemona and he is just sleeping with her for enjoyment when
really he is talking about a prostitute named Bianca. Othello then devises a plan
with Iago to kill Cassio and his wife Desdemona. Iago played Othello and now
Othello is doing exactly what Iago wants and Iago further more controls the situation
and is sending Othello into his imminent death/ruin. Iago is planning the end of
Othello so carefully that he is even willing to kill to have Othello ruined so he
volunteers to kill Cassio (which he later convinces Roderigo to do) for Othello and
Othello can kill
Common Ingredients Of Your Weight Loss Supplements
Common Ingredients in Your Weight Loss Supplements Are you taking weight
lost supplement to shape your body? Or are you still looking for the best weight
loss supplements to your need? Well, today`s people are more concerned with how
big they are. Many of us try to get the best shape like our favorite actress, actors, or
simple a public figure. As friendly reminder, you can`t always measure yourself as
thin as your favorite celebrity because we all know most magazine covers are
photoshopped. So, before taking any supplement, it is better to redefine your
meaning of perfect shape so you won`t ended up hurting yourself. Why bother to
lose some weight? Obese is one of today`s big problem. According to a publication,
more than one third of children and two third adults in United States suffer obesity
and 45% of overweight Americans and 67% obese people are trying to lose
weight. Obese is main reason why people take supplements to reduce weight. But
many people do the program because want to have better body shape; like a model,
actress, actors and even Barbie. Obese can be source of many chronic diseases too
like heart disease, high blood pressure and many more. Common weight loss
problems While some people enjoy the stages to get the shape that they want through
years of routine exercise, consuming right supplement and eat health food, there are
others that want instant result. This is the common problem. Here are the other
common weight loss problems ever found in
Romeo And Juliet 14th Century Essay
High schools everywhere read Romeo and Juliet every year. It s a part of our
curriculum but should it be? The answer is no, it shouldn t be. Teenages don t
want to read a story that was written over four hundred years ago and barely legible.
Most kids like to read stories that they can relate to, not some unrealistic story
about the fourteenth century. Also throughout the book there are sexual
references that bring out the immaturity in people. The majority of people don t
find Romeo and Juliet interesting anymore, so why should we force them to read
it? As time passes, language changes. The trouble is that most schoolchildren today
don t like him and don t get it. And this isn t their fault. (Robshaw 401) Romeo and
Juliet was set in the fourteenth century, which explains why it s so different from
how we talk now. The way Shakespeare wrote it was difficult to understand what he
was was saying. Instead we have to stop what we are reading to research what it
means on No Fear Shakespeare. People want to be able to understand what they are
reading. Going back and forth from the two can be annoying, we tend to lose
interest after a while. It s obvious that Shakespeare s play isn t from our time
period, especially the way they act. When we read stories we want to be able to the
relate the character... Show more content on ...
The play has many different types of figurative language. For example shakespeare
use dramatic irony when Romeo thinks Juliet killed herself but we know she she
was just sleeping. Shakespeare s also includes many important themes. One of the
main theme is teenagers can t make big life changing decision. Romeo and Juliet
killed themselves because they thought there was only one way to fix the problem
that was created. Although Romeo and Juliet has many figurative language and
themes, it still doesn t help us in our future, unless you re a english teacher. When
will we ever need to know Shakespeare s
The British Army And The Civil War
England, 1947. Princess Elizabeth marries George VI, Duke of Edinburgh, in one
of the most lavish, anticipated televised events of the decade. The University of
Cambridge allows the acceptance of women after nearly 750 years in existence. The
British army begins to withdraw troops from the Civil War in Mandatory Palestine.
Brain May, a rock n roll phenomenon, is born. All significant in their respective areas,
these event hold their own place in history. Not one, but two of these events would
result in important rulers. More specifically, they would both result in a Queen. Brian
May, born July 19, attended Hampton Grammar School during his adolescence. His
parents, Harold and Ruth May, raised him in a middle class, suburban environment
and instilled the importance of an education into their beloved only child. He
furthered his schooling at Imperial College in London, England where he studied
Physics and Mathematics, with a particular focus in Astrophysics. Although his
education was of an utmost importance, it was at Imperial that he explored his
interest in music. May created the band Smile with singer and bassist Tim Staffell
and drummer Rodger Taylor in early 1968. Their time was short as the band only
recorded a total of six songs in their two year run. Recognizing Smile s inevitably
unsuccessful future, the band parted ways. Brian and Roger however, remained close
friends and kept their options open in the hopes of possibly making another attempt
in the music
Father Boyle s Loyalty To The Gang Members
Father Boyle should not give the information he knows about the gang members to
the police, because not only does withholding the information open doors to a
brighter future but it also stops new conflicts from rising. Boyle fought to earn the
gang members trust and turning them in would just be a step backwards as they will
no longer trust him, or anyone else. When Venant states, ...gangmembers would stare
him down and even swear at him... we can see the extent to which the gang
members hated Boyle thus showing how difficult it must have been for the father to
change their perspective of him and learn to trust him. Father Boyle had to put in an
extensive amount of work so that these kids would trust him, it would be useless to
work hard to gain someone s trust just so that he can throw it down the drain. by
giving up the information to the police he will betray the gang members, causing
them to lose the trust they had in father boyle. The gang members losing... Show
more content on ...
By Venant saying, ... the gang members honored him with the handle Gdog we can
see how after his hard work he finally was able to earn the gang members trust.
Having their trust is a sacred thing because gang members typically don t trust just
anyone especially if it s someone with any kind of authority. By Boyle turning them
in he risks losing this new found trust between him and the gang members. He also
risks that the gang members will never trust anyone else again which can result in
conflict and them ruining their lives. If the father turns them in, the gang members
will feel betrayed and will be reluctant of receiving help from anyone
Pros And Cons Of Brothels In Nevada
You are in good company if you are a male currently in Las Vegas, or arranging a
visit, and find yourself more than a little curious about brothels in Nevada. The
thought of visiting such an establishment excites many who cannot wait to immerse
themselves in the unrestrained environ of America s Playground. Before you
picture yourself a short cab ride away from legal brothels in Las Vegas, familiarize
yourself with the facts about such places. Most falsely believe there are brothels on
the Strip, and this is not the case. Knowing what to expect about a Vegas brothel
experience prevents any unpleasant surprises and assists in planning a journey to the
rural areas in which they are located.
Before we touch on specifics, it is worth mentioning that as one of the leading escort
services in Las Vegas, our offerings differ from what is on hand at Nevadabrothels.
Private stripper services from Bunnies of Las Vegas Escorts are another sort of adult
entertainment that most men find a superior alternative to visiting a brothel in
Nevada because of the convenience, class and certainty regarding discretion. If, after
reading more about brothels Las Vegas area counties are home to, you have
additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us ... Show more content on ...
. . a legal brothel about an hour s ride outside of Vegas. There the women have to
respond like Pavlov s dog to an electronic bell that might ring at any hour of the day
or night. The bell he refers to is the bell indicating to the available girls that they must
line up. Herbert goes on to describe how the girls have but five minutes to reach an
assembly area, where they line up to submit themselves to inspection. Even though
this is one of the astringent requirements placed on the working girls, it is easy to
imagine the contempt they develop toward these frequent
The Tuberculosis Epidemic
The Tuberculosis Epidemic
When most hear the word tuberculosis they will associate it with a time where
medicine was very underdeveloped. Many would be amazed to know that, while
reading this sentence, a victim dies of TB (Farrell 113). To First World countries,
tuberculosis is not a common disease. This is because so many of the victims are
in developing countries. In reality, TB kills millions a year and should not be
ignored just because epidemics other epidemics affect a more diverse group of people.
Tuberculosis is caused mainly in humans by a bacteria called Mycobacterium
tuberculosis (MTB) (Harvard Medical School). It can also be caused by
Mycobacterium bovis (Bates Ciment 2013). The tuberculosis bacilli is about two
millionths of a meter long (Farrell 113) and is spread through the air by coughing.
After the tuberculosis enters the body, it quickly spreads (Harvard Medical
School). When most bacteria enters the body, it gets caught in the mucus in the
airway. TB bacilli are such tiny droplets that it slips past the mucus and into the
lung s air sacs (Farrell 114). It hides in the lungs since there is plenty of oxygen. TB
can also reside in the lymph nodes and appears to be mumps, or in the voice ... Show
more content on ...
Tuberculosis bacilli that resists isoniazid and rifampin is called multidrug resistant
or second line TB. Medicines prescribed will include ethionamide, moxifloxacin,
levofloxacin, cycloserine, and kanamycin. When tuberculosis still continues to
resist, it it classified as XDR TB and the only cure usually is to remove the dead
piece of the lung. Some of the treatments will take 6 years, 2 years, or even 2
weeks. MDR TB used to cost fifteen thousand dollars and was not affordable by
many people. Thanks to the World Health Organization, it now cost about 5% of that.
In countries where TB is very common, vaccinations are given at birth (Harvard
Negative Effects On Animal Pollution
has an extremely negative impact on many animals. Water polluted with different
chemicals can cause a decline of population in some species; On the other hand
water polluted with nutrients can lead to huge growth of toxic algae which when
eaten by other animals may cause serious diseases and death to these animals.
Persistent organic pollutants contains the growth of fish and wipe out their breed.
Chemical runoff from farms run into oceans, seas, lakes and rivers. Littering can also
lead to death of many animals because of toxic substances in trash, such as oil,
plastic, detergents and pesticides (How PollutionAffect Animals). Oil spills affect
marine animals and sea birds. The oil makes the water harder to swim through,
making the animals exhausted, and also making it harder for it to breathe (Levete
12). Oil spills damages the growth of sea birds (Effects of Pollution on People...).
Animals can also die by getting themselves entangled in one of the many litter
items dumped in the water. Plastic waste can cause dangers to animals. Around one
hundred million tons of plastic is produced each year, ten percent ends up in the
sea. A million sea birds and mammals are killed each year by plastic waste (5 Ways
Water Pollution is Killing Animals). Plastic bags are killing the animals in the water.
The bags can suffocate or choke the animal, by getting caught around it s body
(Levete 12). Noise pollutionis also becoming a huge problem for many animals,
especially ones that live in
The Effects Of Health On Health Care
This topic is of interest because it is showing the relationship that health has on
economics. It has discussed widely on how health issues have affected the economy.
It is explaining the question of whether it s a positive or an adverse effect. We are
going to discuss generally on various aspects of health. They can be mental health
economics, behavioral health economic and other factors. This factors will be used to
explain on the whether saving on health care is affecting the economy and how it has
influenced its performance. Therefore the discussion will be broad concerning the
issues of health and economy (Slottje Tchernis, 2010).
Literature Review
From the research, we can discuss on several findings. These findings were that
the economy has been affected by health care because the government has to set
aside funds to cater for people s medical care. They are provided with facilities such
as clinics. The government also provides subsidized medical costs so that they can
afford. This is a positive move in the economy since the population will become
productive and active. When people are healthy, they are able to contribute to the
improvement of the economy. There were different methods used. When carrying
out research people were interviewed and were asked questions. They gave the
overview which enabled the researchers to derive the following conclusions. Health
care economics is a branch of economics
Accounting And Decision Making Assignment
Content of the page
Sections pages
Bref description of the two companies........................................................2
The various external sources of finance........................................................3
Capital structure decision...............................................................................5
Financial statements.
Every company listed at the London Stock Exchange are those companies that seek
to raise capital or funds, and they do so by offering securities to the public (Berk
and Demarzo).This capital obtained might come from different sources of finance,
and the company ...[les enjeux de ce capital within the company]..[la decision de
manager ] [faudrai pas ke lentreprise ai trop de dettes ?]{ share holders ?]the
Hudson Bay Case
Liquidity (some implications are missing, please complete them)
An increasing current ratio for the financial year 2013 to 2015 is a positive indicator
and shows that the company over the years has secured more current assets than its
current liabilities. It shows that the company is solvent. The value is (have not
finish?? Please complete it )
In the year 2014 the cash ratio was high which suggests that the company had more
liquid assets in the year 2014 than the year 2015. As this is the ratio of liquid assets
to the current liabilities of a company. This means in the year 2015, the liquidity of
the company decreased and it was in a more efficient position in the year 2014 to
pay its short term debt.
Profitability (some implications are missing, please complete them)
Increasing gross margin is a positive parameter and shows the firm s developing
healthy. Gross margin is calculated by subtracting the cost of goods with the total
sales revenue and then dividing it by the total ... Show more content on ...
The associate maintains as well as process the daily order requirement and ensures
that the order reaches the customers on time complying with the company standards.
The customers can also use online shopping and the Auto Locate increases efficiency
in the online outbound logistics delivery to the customers.
Marketing and Sales
Hudson Bay has taken some smart marketing and sales moves, after the acquisition
of Saks Fifth Avenue, the sales of the company in the year 2014 doubled to a value
of $1.913 billion from the annual sales of $984 million (CANADIAN PRESS, 2014).
It uses innovative marketing tactics to gain market efficiency such as the test initiated
by Hudson Bay to study the purchase pattern of the Canadian people in order to better
orient their marketing activities. The firm markets itself using integrated marketing
strategy and has press releases (to...?? Have this sentence finished?)
Ethics- Do the Right Thing
1.Spike Lee intended us to conclude that violence is not an answer for any
problems. In this case, the character, Da Mayor, would be a classic example of how
problems should have been solved. He could have intended us to conclude that by
resorting to violence in any situation, the consequences that we would have to face
will not be very favourable and it could lead to more problems instead of solving
the current situation. It is always better to nip the problem from the bud, instead of
letting it grow and allowing it to torment everyone. 2.In moral subjectivism context,
Mookie did the right thing, as he was enraged by the death of, Radio Raheem, a
fellow black man, and so did everybody else. However in this case, everybody was...
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People in this neighbourhood were more comfortable within their own comfort
zone and each ethnicity always felt superior to the other, which is a reason for
constant friction between them. 5.Yes, there can be different moral rules for
different ethnic and cultural group. Different ethnic and cultural groups are from
different roots and upbringing. Therefore it is natural for each group to have their
own set of rules and belief. The trick is to accept each and other s differences and
learn to respect and live along with it, instead of disrespecting and discriminating.
However amidst all these, there can be a universal moral code among everyone, to
allow everybody to have a common ground to mingle with. 6.In this movie, Spike
Lee does present some of his characters as stereotypes. For example, Pino in this
movie, is a staunch Italian who dislikes living in the neighbourhood where the
majority are blacks. He cannot bring himself to embrace the blacks and their way of
life in the neighbourhood. Most of his characters are usually stereotypical against
other ethnicity in the neighbourhood. However he does have characters, such as Da
Mayor, who embraces and accepts everybody as they are. Spike Lee could have
presented his characters in such a manner to portray to the general public, the reality
of living in a multicultural neighbourhood. He might
The Inconvenience Of Hastings Entertainment
Mark Doerr
English 101
13, October, 2016
The Inconvenience of Hastings Entertainment Throughout our entire lives we are
taught structure. Structure that repeats itself. Each night we set our alarms to the
same time previous. We awake robotically, work, interact with the same faces, and
then return to our homes to trace the process. So where do we rely on our
imagination to come from? The vast majority of us cut it out of our cycle and
replace it with a television. Some of us, however, still pick up a book. To fantasize
about things that don t actually exist, to escape from reality for just a speck of
time. I am of few in this internet driven society that still read. Which for me
involves going to a bookstore to look for a good book. Nowadays there are few
bookstore opportunities. Due to Amazon and Kindle making it easier to press a few
buttons than to drive somewhere to find it. The only two bookstore chains I know of
in the Spokane area are Barns Noble and Hastings Entertainment. I usually go to
Hastings on 29th street, because it s only about ten blocks from my house. However I
have begun to realize that Hastings Entertainment is an inconvenient bookstore for its
customers because there is an unreliable computer system, not enough employees to
help assist a customer and the store is always re arranged. There is an outdated
computer system for books to be located throughout the store. The computer system
Hastings has makes it very difficult to search for a book, and
Heating Of The Earth Exterior And Atmosphere And...
Heating of the earth exterior and atmosphere and influences patterns of
precipitation the sun heats the air at the equator causing it to expand and rise.
Since cool air holds less water vapor than warm air, the water carried by the rising
air mass condenses and forms clouds which produce the heavy rainfall associated
with the tropical environment. Eventually this equatorial air mass began to rise and
spreads north and south. The high altitude air is dry since the moisture it once held
fell as a tropical rainfall. When the air mass flows north and south it cools, which
increases more density. It goes back to the earths surface at about 30 latitudes and
spreads north and south. The air draws moisture from the lands over which it flows
and creates deserts during the process. Temperature is plotted on the left vertical axis
and precipitation on the right vertical axis. Temperature and precipitation are potted
on different scales so 10 C is equivalent to 20 mm of precipitation. Climatediagrams
for areas like the tropical rain forest compress the precipitation scale for
precipitation above 100mm, so that 10C is equivalent to 200mm of precipitation.
This will change the scale rainfall data from very wet climates can be fit on a graph
of convenient size. The temperature and precipitation scales are constructed so that
10C equals 20 mm of precipitation. Precipitation is mainly to do with the temperature
of the air. Slice the tropicsare warmer the air holds more moisture
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Essays On Basketball

  • 1. Essays On Basketball Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essays On Basketball" may pose its own set of challenges, requiring a delicate balance between conveying factual information and infusing personal insights. To begin with, delving into the intricacies of basketball necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the sport's history, rules, and its evolving cultural significance. This means extensive research to compile accurate and up-to-date information, often sifting through various sources to provide a well-rounded perspective. Moreover, the challenge lies in avoiding the trap of producing a mere regurgitation of facts. An engaging essay on basketball demands a unique voice and a fresh perspective that captures the reader's attention. This requires the writer to infuse their personal experiences, reflections, and opinions into the narrative while maintaining a scholarly tone. Another difficulty stems from the vastness of the topic. Basketball encompasses a broad spectrum of aspects, ranging from its origins and evolution to the technicalities of gameplay, the psychology of players, and its impact on popular culture. Deciding on the essay's focus and organizing the content coherently becomes a daunting task, as one must strike a balance between depth and breadth. Furthermore, the writer faces the challenge of navigating the fine line between being informative and being overly technical. Striking the right balance between accessibility and depth is crucial to cater to a diverse audience with varying levels of familiarity with the sport. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Essays On Basketball" is indeed a challenging endeavor that demands meticulous research, a unique narrative voice, and the ability to synthesize a vast array of information. However, the reward lies in presenting a comprehensive and engaging exploration of a sport that holds cultural significance worldwide. If you find yourself struggling with such assignments or require assistance in crafting essays on diverse topics, you may consider seeking help from professional writing services. Platforms like offer support in creating well-researched and high-quality essays tailored to your specific requirements, providing a valuable resource for academic success. Essays On Basketball Essays On Basketball
  • 2. X-Ray Analysis Essay A primary survey of the remains is undertaken, (noting sex, stature, age, unique characteristics etc.) X ray analysis will then be performed on the remains through the body bag, to prevent the loss of evidence. There are different types of imaging techniques, these include multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) scanning, fluoroscopy, radiography(X ray) (Wozniak et al., 2015). One common method for undertaking the secondary survey is radiography. This comprises of examining the cadavers for any unique characteristics, which may have been noted in ante mortem medical records. Images should be compared to antemortem imaging and interpreted by a trained professional. The deceased is searched for any personal effects, which can aid in identification... Show more content on ... The macroscopic, microscopic and radiographic appearance of bone must be recorded in reference to trauma and disease, this may then be compared to ante mortem records. When considering the pathology aspect of the investigation the type of disease must be contemplated (lytic, proliferative, deformative, trauma) and the ratio of bone being lost to bone being formed. The type of bone being formed is also important and how the bone loss and or formation has transformed the size and shape of the bone. When surveying the remains, it must be acknowledged which parts of the body are affected and the position of the ailment within each bone. The location in which the symptoms are manifested may be an indicator as to which condition the deceased was affected by (Ferguson and Black, 2011). Bone morphology is another method which may be used for identification, the shape of the bones are unique and may be used as a fingerprint to be compared to ante mortem medical records (Cattaneo, 2007). 3. Diseases of Bone Bone diseases affect the remodelling of bones. In healthy bone, bone is laid down (ossified) and resorbed as needed. In diseased bone, the natural balance of resorption and ossification is affected leading to there being a net loss or gain of bone. Bone diseases are generally either proliferative or erosive although there are some, which are a combination of the two (University of Cambridge, 2004, Waldron,
  • 3. The Great Sioux War Essay The Great Sioux War of 1876 By 1876, gold had been discovered in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The gold was found on Sioux land, and this region was considered sacred to the Lakota Sioux Indians. The he land was to be protected and respected by the United States Army, because of the Fort Laramie Treaty of 18681, but the Army could not keep miners off the Sioux ground, which led to the increase of Sioux grievances towards the Americans; some grievances that are still taken offense to today. These battles and negotiations soon were known at the Great Sioux War of 1876. In 1874, the government had sent out Lieutenant Colonel George Custer to examine the Black Hills. On his expedition, Custer revealed the presence of gold in the area, ... Show more content on ... It was said to be insufficient time for the Sioux to respond because the deep winter restricted travel. As the deadline of January 31 passed, the US government telegraphed General George Crook and Alfred Terry to commence their winter campaigns against the Sioux hostiles (Sioux War of 1876). The first two campaigns led by Crook, Terry, and Gibbon were failures for the US. The first big altercation occurred at the Battle of Little Bighorn. Led by Lt. Col. Custer, the Seventh Cavalry encountered a large village on the west bank of Little Bighorn. The US troops were defeated there, and about 260 men were killed, including Custer (The Battle of Little Bighorn). This also became known as Custer s Last Stand3. Custer s death and defeat at Little Bighorn, led the Army to change its tactics. The troops surrounded villages of Red Cloud and Red Leaf. There, they arrested and confined the leaders, holding them responsible for failing to turn in those from hostile bands. After, the tribal leaders finally signed a new treaty giving the Black Hills to the United States (Keenan 213). Other campaigns led by Colonel Ranald Mackenzie and Colonel Nelson Miles were successful for the US. Mackenzie defeated the Northern Cheyenne and pressured them to relocate, while Miles pushed a number of Northern Cheyenne and some Lakota to either surrender or slip across the border into Canada (Sioux War of 1876). Rumors were heard that northern hostiles were interested in surrendering,
  • 4. Dysfunctional Families In Australia 1.0 Introduction In recent years, the number of dysfunctional families seem to have risen. ( according to Australian Government ) Dysfunctional families are families in conflict , misbehaviour and child neglect. ( wikipedia ) Moreover, the Mental Health Academy of Australia shows that among children aged 0 17 years, 20% of them were living in sole parent families and 8% of them were living in either step or blended families. Furthermore, dysfunctional families have significant effects on family members; for instance, children from dysfunctional families are more likely to have depression, anxiety and low self esteem. They also develop life ling problems with their interpersonal relationships and unable to maintain a happy married life with ... Show more content on ... ( When the parents fail to show their child enough attention, the child feels like they re being ignored by their parents. Therefore , the children will try to avoid any form of interactions with their parents. Moreover, when the children does not get enough love and attention from their parents they tend to isolate themselves. This is because they think that others will also be hostile towards them and will reject them. In the future, the children turn out to be socially awkward. Furthermore, it also affects the parent child relationship as they re unable to interact with their own parents. The parents on the other side failed to realise the importance of their attention to the child as they re too busy which leads to destruction of a functional
  • 5. Pool Halls Research Paper When putting together a bar there is a lot more than what hits the eye. A study by the sociology department at Ohio State University conducted a study about pool halls. What they found was that when you out the pool table in the front of bar people take less care of something that they have easy access to. When you put the pooltable at the back you get more traffic at the barraising the number of drinks sold thus giving the bar more money. With the pool tables in the back people will spend more time at the bars and less time at the pool table. The people who go there to just play pool and know how to play pool will be able to play without people walking in their way. The people who will continue to come and continue to come will set a ... Show more content on ... Telling them that we are telling you. The Culture change will be the hardest to get but all of this is possible. We need workers and bartenders who will be able to adjust and excel in the new work culture. Naysayer s will argue that the supply and demand are not there. There just aren t enough people to fill the bar. There are 15,000 students enrolled this semester there are enough people to fill a bar. You just need to find out where they are going athe why they are going to those places. Then figuring out what will get them back. We just told you why Billiard Players aren t going to the bar maybe other people are having the same issue. I was hanging out with a friend and he was recently in there saying that he likes The Point but it has some issues. The video game controllers are gross and the nobs doesn t have any soft rubber on them anymore. Cost can be an issue for a lot of us and where will we be able to get the money to make the changes needed. We can raise the tuition $100 for one semester and that about $100,000 that we can put into for an even better experience. The next semester will drop back down. For those of you who think that is wrong then we can host tournaments with $50 entrence fee and have a pot of money for the
  • 6. Corruption Effects of Corruption in Multinational Corporation s [Student name] [Professor s name] [Course title] [Date] Introduction Corruption can be defined as a spiritual or moral deviation from an ideal. Corruption come in different styles and that include bribery and funds embezzlement. Corruption has been the number one menace in many countries of the world. It impacts countries in many ways, impacting economy and development in a negative way. Corruption tends to raise the cost of government and may lower the rate of infrastructure growth. Most importantly, corruption has a negative impact on capitalism and foreign investment in that; it changes the environment which in turns affects decisions and actions. Corruption causes ... Show more content on ... Bureaucratic harassment such as the waiting time for a permit and statutory tax and tariff rates are other forms of corruption. Countries have different laws, making some actions viewed in our capitalistic society as inappropriate, to be appropriate in a socialism or communistic society. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) defines corruption as intentionally to offer, promise or give any undue pecuniary or other a foreign public order that the official act or refrain from acting in relation to the performance of official duties in order to obtain or retain business or other improper advantage in the conduct of international business (Raeschke Kessler amp; Gottwald, n.d.). This measure criminalizes bribery in international transactions, however, influence peddling (a practice in which undue advantage of giving, promising or selling of an undue advantage to a person who will sell their influence to the government) is not covered by OECD definition. An effect the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of 1977 found that United States direct investment in more corrupt countries grew more slowly than in other countries (Wei, 2000). China is an interesting example. China is a large country with a vast supply of cheap labor. The country also has a great deal of rampant corruption. There has been a large amount of foreign
  • 7. The Similarities And Differences Of Passive Voice In English During the acquisition of English, Vietnamese learner have to encounter many difficulties because of these two languages belong two different groups. One of the most difficult problems is passive voice. Take these sentences as example : The rice is cook and CЖЎm chГn rб»“i . We can see that these two sentences have the same meaning but one in passive form and the other in active form. Thus, It makes learners confused about using passive form properly when translating because sometimes an active sentence in Vietnamese can be a passive sentence in English. As a teacher to be of English, a Vietnamese learner, I want to do this paper to help English learner clear about all the similarities and differences of passive voicein English... Show more content on ... These are some definitions: In grammar, the voice of a verb describes the relationship between the action (or state) that the verb expresses and the participants identified by its arguments (subject, object, etc.). When the subject is the agent or doer of the action, the verb is in the active voice. When the subject is the patient, target of the action, the verb is said to be in the passive voice . ( Voice n.d.) Voice is a grammatical category of verbs that is related to what thing or person is acting and what thing or person is being acted upon. (Crystal, 2002) There are two voices in English : active voice and passive voice. While active is used to focus on the doer, passive voice is used to emphasize on the reciever or the act rather than the performer. Take this sentence as a example: Her brother was captured by the police. Her brother is the recipient of the action captured was emphasized and the performer is the police. As a matter of fact, passive voice is not widely used as active. However, in some cases like acadamic writing, passive is the chosen over active.
  • 8. Hamlet And Revenge In Hamlet Hamlet has lived through plenty of ups and downs throughout his childhood. He has been lost and confused within himself, but knew he wanted one thing, which was revenge on his fathers killer, Claudius. His passion of hate developed for Claudius as he married Hamlets mother shortly after the king s death. Hamletcould not decide on the perfect decision for himself, his motherand father as well as the best way to follow through with the best consequence for Claudius that would impress his father. His everyday life, along with his love life, left him with an empty heart, which slowed the process of the revenge down. Hamlet never expected to be captured and kidnapped by pirates, as he was sent overseas as a young man. His inside thoughts were attacking and overwhelming Him, leaving him depressed and anxious. Hamlet s life has been leading him to negative thoughts that he cannot process or act accordingly to, due to the excessive amount of issues and options involved in his life at a young age, him being overwhelmed lead him to delaying the process of avenging his fathers killer. Hamlet really wanted the revenge on Claudius but was really on the fence of what to actually do to follow through with then plan. Claudius was brave to feel so free, as Hamlet had opportunities to take advantage of him and had plenty of hate towards him for more than one reason. The action Hamlet may want and outcome of it, may be completely different as to what his father would do or like him to do.
  • 9. The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock Essay The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock T. S. ELIOT Questions for Discussion 1. How does the epigraph from Dante s Inferno help Eliot comment on the modern world in The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock ? What does it tell us about the setting of this poem? How is Montefeltro s miscalculation related to the poem? Prufrock laments that the mermaids will not sing to him. Prufrock s dilemma represents the inability to live a meaningful existence in the modern world.[24] McCoy and Harlan wrote For many readers in the 1920s, Prufrock seemed to epitomize the frustration and impotence of the modern individual. He seemed to represent thwarted desires and modern disillusionment. [22] poem uses the stream of consciousness technique. If I but... Show more content on ... 4. One of the most demanding aspects of this poem is its allusions, as Eliot expected his readers to be as well educated as he was. Some allusions are fairly accessible. The allusions to Michelangelo an artist most people are familiar with in line 14 and again in line 36 help us imagine the women Prufrock is talking about. The function of the less accessible allusions such as works and days of hands (l. 29) may serve a different purpose. Why might Eliot have included such esoteric allusions? How do they affect your reading of the poem? Allusions aptly incorporated lend a rich penumbra of meaning and significance to the use of only few words. Granted, the average and even the above average reader will need footnotes to know the situation of Guido da Montefeltro, to understand the prefatory Italian of the poem, and to sort out which biblical Lazarus Eliot alludes to. Less demanding are the references to Shakespeare, Marvell, and Michelangelo. But recognition of allusions brings delight and a sense of intimate understanding between reader and author. The use of allusions bring a sense of intimacy between reader and author. Prufrock wishes to be comforted. 5. Consider the title of the poem. How is it ironic? In what ways is the poem a love song? The title is actually the only place where Prufrock s name is mentioned in the poem he talks about himself in the first person. Eliot is clearly poking fun of himself with this title as a young man he signed
  • 10. School Day In School Essay BEEP BEEP BEEP. My alarm clock was ringing. Time to get out of bed. I reached over and hit my alarm. It turned off. . Time for school. I got out of bed and grabbed some clothes from my closet in the dark. I threw them on, and looked at myself in the mirror.. It was time to go. I grabbed my backpack and ran to the bathroom. I splashed my face with some water and brushed my teeth. I ran downstairs and pulled open the fridge. I grabbed some bread and butter and made myself a bowl of cereal. I put my lunch in my backpack, and put on my shoes. I stepped out the door. Here we go again I said to my brother. It was only the second month of school, but I was already feeling like would be tired forever. As I trudged to the bus stop, my two neighbors stepped out of their gate and joined us in the walk. We arrived at the stop just as the bus was coming around the corner. Making it in time was a good start to the morning. Good morning We all mumbled to the driver as we stepped aboard the bus. Our stop was one of the last ones on the route, so almost all the seats were taken. I walked all the way to the back of the bus to find a seat. Hello I said to the girl in my seat. She reluctantly moved her pack and scooted over to make room for me. I sat down in the seat, and closed my eyes. The school cycle had officially started. The bus ride took about 15 minutes from the time it was at my house to the time that it dropped me off at school. As soon as we heard the
  • 11. The Second Sex By Simone De Beauvoir Summary The Second Sex was written by Simone de Beauvoir in 1949. Her introduction Woman as Other opens with her discussing how she is not fond of writing about the subject of women but she is choosing to because she is defined as a woman and is tired of hearing about the subject. She later in the essay talks about how she disagrees with different pieces written about women, which is another reason she could have decided to write about this subject. At her time of writing this, prominent female figures were scarce, famous writers were mostly men, and some women even wrote under the guise of a man so their work would be accepted. Though this piece was translated from French, the English reader is able to tell that Beauvoir is a very intelligent and well spoken person; so who better to write a piece about women than her? Simone de Beauvoirs main argument in this paper is that man and society have defined women as Other since humans gained a conscience, and this definition has oppressed and continues to oppress women. She backs this up by offering historical background from various texts, and although her thoughts may seem disorganized, she presents this argument with comparisons to other oppressed peoples as well as examples of how women are treated today. Womanare described in biology as having female genitalia such as a vagina and a uterus. Beauvoir states this in her essay and then says [b]ut in speaking of certain women, connoisseurs declare that they are not
  • 12. Precious Case Study Living life within a dysfunctional family and living within a dysfunctional community that had little trust in societal protections left Precious without many normal safeguards that might have prevented some of the years of abuse that she endured. Awareness of Precious first pregnancy at the age of twelve, her morbid obesity, her violent outbursts and her inability to read or write were all reasonable cause to suspect that Precious may have been subjected to abuse, neglect. If a Child Advocacy Center had been used, certain aspects of Precious maltreatment experience and outcomes could have been completely different. Regardless of whether a call had been made to the local Child Advocacy Center, the complex challenges would most likely remain. But more importantly, Precious having access to mental health professionals, legal experts and physicians would no doubt have eased the trauma of the overall experience. With the use of an advocacy center, if someone had called into the hotline when Precious became pregnant at 12, the information would have been forwarded to the county where Precious resided. CPS would fast tract the... Show more content on ... This interview would have perhaps revealed the identities of Precious abusers. Family member or other witnesses might have been professionally interviewed. The child would have had access to physician to perform an exam, address medical needs and collect medical evidence. Photographs would also be taken as needed. In addition to this, mental health professionals would have been available to address the child s mental health needs and also offer counseling services to the child and her family. After complete processing by the CAC the team would then gather to present their finding to the prosecution. The prosecution could move forward and charge the offenders or refuse the
  • 13. The Next Factor Of Public Opinion The next factor involved was public opinion. Many were for campus carry because they felt as if they had a fundamental right to be able to carry ( Strickland, 2016). Several students and faculty helped shape public opinion by describing how it would make their college experience a safe and better one ( Fernandez, 2015). Many Texas residents believed that if they were allowed to carry they could then prevent mass shooting ( Fernandez, 2015). This was a main argument of public opinion. Though many were against campus carry the ones for it worked together to help change the minds of people who did not believe that guns should be on campus. They did this by describing that the number of students who would actually carry on campus would be small and it would be older community college students ( Fernandez, 2015). Public opinion also helped the billpassbecause Texas is a conservative state with 850,000 license holders ( Fernandez, 2015). They wanted to make the public happy by passing the bill because the number of people for it outweighed the ones against it. The opinion of people such as the universitys chief of police spoke out about not being worried because it never had been an issue ( Fernandez, 2015). Students believed they had a right to self preservation and should be allowed to carry ( Strickland, 2016). In the end Governor Greg aAbbott had listened to people wanting to be allowed to carry on campus and decided he would make the public happy
  • 14. Central Limit Theorem And The Distribution Of The Number... Central Limit Theorem Abraham De Moivre, a French mathematician, published an article 1733, which he used the normal distribution to approximate the distribution of the number of heads resulting from many tosses of a coin. His work was nearly forgotten until another French mathematician can along who name was Pierre Simon Laplace. Laplace explained De Moivre s findings by approximating the binomial distribution with normal distribution. In 1785 Laplace introduced the characteristic functions which were the sum of error distribution, which took the value of 1 and +1 with equal probabilities. This work helped Laplace with the concept of the CLT, which he wrote a paper on in 1810. Sime`on Denis Poisson tried to provide an exact mathematical analysis to Laplace theorem. Poisson provided proof of the CLT for identically distributed variables. At the end of the 19th century mathematician was changing their train of thoughts from computational to fundamental ( pure math) mathematic. Dirichlet and Bessel followed in the footsteps of Laplace and Poisson. They introduced the discontinuity factors , which proved Poisson s equation for an arbitrary value of n. Cauchy s was the first mathematician to consider probability theoryas pure mathematics. He found an upper bond to the difference between the exact value and the approximation and then specified conditions for those bound to tend to zero. The problem with his theorem was that it was not proven for distributions with
  • 15. Causes And Failures Of The League Of Nations Introduction I can predict with absolute certainty that within another generation there will be another world war if the nations of the world do not concert the method by which to prevent it. It was with these words that Woodrow Wilson called for the formation of the League of Nations. By 1919, after extensive discourse between the Big Three, the league was born and its ideals and structure concocted. The League s chief goals compromised of preventing war through collective security, disarmament and using negations to solve disputes between nations. After the end of World War I, such an organisation was essential to solve border disputes and prevent another war. After numerous noteworthy successes and a few initial failures in the 1920s, the League of Nations finally proved inept of preventing hostility from the Axis in the 1930s. And, as stated by Dr. Afroz Alam, the onset of the Second World War suggested that the League had failed in ... Show more content on ... Organisational faults included but weren t limited to the absence of major powers, the ease of withdrawing, the idea of collective security, the need for a unanimous vote, the veto and ambitious aims. The powers available were limited economic sanctions were inadequate whilst military actions were difficult to implement. In my opinion, Manchuria and Abyssinia, were the turning points and made the league appear as incompetent, due to failed solutions, secret treaties and unfair justice. These events are proof that peace couldn t be maintained due to self interests and lack of mutual co operation. This allowed dictators like Hitler to get their way, paving the path to war. I believe that the reason of paramount importance for the failure were self interest and the lack of collaboration that shined during the crises of the 1930 s. The league had
  • 16. Year Of Yes By Shonda Rhimes Gaining confidence: Your self confidence is an important life tool. Its like riding a bike. First, you must learn to ride the bike. Then it takes practice to get really good at it. But once you have mastered riding, it is as natural as breathing. Learn to say, yes more often. Shonda Rhimes wrote, Year Of Yes, which is a great read. Here is what I took away from the book. Stop telling yourself you can t. Don t worry about what others think. Own your mistakes and admit that you made the mistake in the first. Try something new, it s not going to kill you. Being transparent: People don t like surprises. Most people do like others who are proactive and truthful. Transparency allows you to build trust. People like to know that
  • 17. Vouchers and School Choice Now! Essay School Choice Now! This is America the Free, the leader of the free world. I have choice in many aspects of my life. For one of the most important concerns I have the education of my children my choices are limited. The government s rigid control over public education choice has got to stop. While it is true I can send my child to a private school, I must incur costs above and beyond what I already provide to society for public education through taxes. I can afford this; many people cannot. Those people have no choice. Is choice desirable? Yes. As expressed by the Constitution of the United States, our capitalistic society certainly believes so. Teachers believe so. Teachers in public schools in large cities are ... Show more content on ... My beliefs of what schools must do to be successful fall with the reinvention approach described by Finn and Ravitch (1995). Finn and Ravitch detail the reinvention paradigm with the following tenants: * decentralized control, * entrepreneurial management, and * grassroots initiatives. All these tenants fall within a framework of publicly defined standards and accountability. These standards must be both comprehensive and minimal a difficult but not impossible conundrum to address. This approach would truly give us the diversity Americans are so proud of and continually demand. On top of the Finn and Ravitch framework I would add accessibility for all students to the school of choice. Public schools must be open to the public, financed by the public, and educationally and fiscally accountable to the public. I would like to see private educational institutions continue to thrive. They are a necessary pressure relief valve for certain portions of our society. Private schools could continue as they have, or, if they wanted access to public funds, they would have to agree to the mandates the public would impose on them. I believe in parental choice in public education, but choice in and of itself is not enough. All parents regardless of socio economic status must be able to access the school of their choice. They must have the financial capability to send their
  • 18. Homeland Security Risk Management Introduction On the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 radical militants associated with the Islamic terrorist group al Qaeda, set a series of coordinated terrorist attacks into motion on American soil. These events resulted in almost 3000 casualties, including thousands of civilians and several hundred firefighters and law enforcement officers: Making these attacks the deadliest terror event on American soil in the history of the United States (Bergen, 2018). The unprecedented and horrific experience of these events profoundly changed the way Americans live their lives and their Government manages their society and protects their country. This event was the turning point, which triggered major U.S. initiatives regarding how to prevent, respond, and recover from incidents of national crisis, including acts of terror, as well as natural and man made disasters. The purpose of this essay is to provide an overview of the Department of Homeland Security and its emergency management strategies for preventing, mitigating, responding, and recovering from threats and hazards. Creation of the Department of Homeland Security In response to the... Show more content on ... Risk is what may occur or, that which is likely to occur, as a result of a particular incident. Risk is part of everyday life and it exists in every activity undertaken by humanity. However, some risks can be avoided and are not as grave as others. To evaluate a risk, careful consideration is given to its nature and consequences. Risk is calculated relative to the damage an incident causes and the level, size, and extent of exposure to said damage. Hazard is the apparatus that causes the damage or harm, and exposure is the degree, depth, and scope of the risk as influenced by the nature of the source of danger. In other words, risk can be determined by multiplying hazard by exposure (Nemeth,
  • 19. Truffaut On Love Essay children chase the lovers when the man chases the women. GГ©rard shows his brutal and child like nature when he chases one of his tormentors, when he gets him he slaps him, a primal and a beast just like children would curl. The spectacle of the lovers is always accompanied by either screams or whispers and extremely agitated and exciting body languages. The children are constantly reactive to the spectacle of the love that they are seeing. The second motif will be the connection between love and death. In a perfect way the spectacle in Truffaut s filmconstantly connected to the looming to the unavoidable death. We noticed through the first part of the film with the shining presence of the film when she was clothed in light. Not a coincidence at all that GГ©rard wears all black which foreshadows his fate. Truffaut very subtly continues the symbolic play with colors, Bernadette will only wear white until the crucial foreshadow moment of GГ©rard when they kiss goodbye. For the first time their relationship is connected to sadness. Just like a child GГ©rard proposes to Bernadette by singing in a very childish way. This moment is important because the promise of a life together will be derailed by an accident. The end of the film is sectioned again by the unavoidable reality of death that will destroy love. Truffaut loves films about goddesses like women and love are consistently marked by death. The women and the reality of Eros and passion and love that is deeply connected to the reality of death. The... Show more content on ... A film epitomizes Truffaut s deep love for and faith of the act of writing and in literature and his science master piece in Fahrenheit 451. An example of this is that they will wind up in the last saga Love on the Run and Antoine will become a writer at the end. The Story of Adele H is related to the personal diary of Adele Hugo. In The 400 Blows, everything
  • 20. Hatshepsut s Roles Of Kingship In The Code Of Hammurabi According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, kingship is defined as, the position, office, or dignity of the king. Mesopotamia and Egypt were the first to practice and recognize kingship however, both dynasties illustrate the responsibilities of a king in varying ways. Both dynasties developed kingship to enact a cordial society that promoted morality. The similarities and differences between King Hammurabi and Queen Hatshepsuts successions to the throne, the roles of ma at, and their duties to each of their perspective kingdoms illustrate that the Code of Hammurabiis more effective than Queen Hatshepsut s reign in portraying the significance of kingship. To begin, kingship is typically implemented through the assignment of their position by a god. The Code of Hammurabi, written in the early eighteenth century B.C.E. by King Hammurabi, is a law code that enforces impartiality and safety for the Babylonian people. The statue engraved with each of the laws depicts the god of justice enlisting Hammurabi to enact these laws over the people of Babylon. The diorite pillar justifies the notion that kings during the Babylonian era were enlisted by the gods. In contrast to the belief of divine appointment is Queen Hatshepsut s reign from 1502 1482 B.C.E. during the Egyptian New Kingdom. Queen Hatshepsut recognized herself in a position of authority as a pharaohfollowing the death of her husband as her son, Tuthmosis II, was still a child. At the time, Tuthmosis II was not
  • 21. The Importance Of Academic Achievement And Race Being a racially ambiguous Hispanic woman who has dreams of a better life has not been the smoothest ride. Two issues that have ridden with me throughout my life are academic achievement and race. I am here chasing after education achievement while race is tailgating me. I try to reach education and let it lead me to different views and find more information about the world. However, by reaching education it has had me leave behind some of my cultural roots and personal connection with my parents. My racehas shaped my perspective and background however, I never let it stop me or get ahead of me. Both academic achievement and race have led me to ups and downs shaping who am I and who I will become. Growing up in the United States and getting an education always caused a sort of dissociation between my undereducated parents and my intellectually ambitious self. My parents grew up in El Salvador and there was not much to be offered there in terms of education and intellectual pursuit. Education was not put on a high pedestal for my parents. In fact, my parents never did pressure me to academically succeed. I have been the one to challenge myself. I am a scholarship boy or perhaps a better fit would be scholarship girl. Richard Rodriguez in his essay, The Achievement of Desire , discusses the clash he had with his undereducated parents. He describes the dilemma of the scholarship boy as he states, He permits himself embarrassment at their lack of education. And to evade
  • 22. How Collaboration With Hr Improves People Success How Collaboration with HR Improves People Success In the recent Harvard Business Review (HBR) publication for July August 2015, the title of the magazine was It s Time to Blow Up HR and Build Something New. Here s How (Harvard Business Review, 2015). The publication had a series of articles related to elevating the Human Resources (HR) function to supporting the chief executive officer(CEO) and the chief finance officer (CFO) effectively manage the organizations people, and way from administrative functions (Harvard Business Review, 2015). In general, I agree that having an HR function in my organization that supports me developing myself as an employee, and the people on my team to have the skills, and organizational design allowing me to execute my role is my expectation of HR. This paper discussions my expectations of the HR function at Pearson, both as an employee and as a director of my group, how I discern how well I am performing at my job function, and provide future on the job training recommendations for new employees given my experience. I began working for Pearson in 2007 when they acquired my previous organization eCollege. At the time I ran a twenty five person team as the Director of Project Management. I needed to understand how the performance management system, recruiting process, and benefits package would be different to ensure that was evaluating my employees in line with Pearson s directions, staff my department, as well as supporting my
  • 23. The Garden Of Earthly Delights By Hieronymus Bosch The Garden of Earthly Delights is a painting that was created by an artist by the name of Hieronymus Bosch. The Garden of Earthly Delights is a three panel painting that took from 1505 to 1510 to complete. The three panels consist of a center panel (which stands at approximately 7 2 x 6 4 ) and two outer wings (which stands at approximately 7 2 x 3 2 ). Initially, I d like to talk about the artist of this elegant masterpiece. This Netherlandish painter is named Hieronymus Bosch. Bosch was born in s Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands in 1450. Bosch was known for being the most famous Netherlandish personality. Some of Bosch s most famous paintings are The Garden of Earthly Delights (as shown in figure 1) and The Crucifixion of St.... Show more content on ... The Haywain which was a three panel painting. In the first panel, Bosch illustrates Adam and Eve. In the center panel, Bosch paints clergy and peasants preforming sinful behavior. Finally, in the last panel Bosch paints hell. The second example is The Last Judgement (as shown in figure 4) which he painted in the year of 1504. The center panel shows the fall of humanity. The remaining two interior panels show sin, chaos and violence. The final example that we can use to find out Bosch s style of painting and different techniques he uses to paint is the The Temptation of Saint Anthony (as shown in figure 5) which he painted from 1505 to 1506. In the painting Saint Anthony is being shown resisting evil and then following a group of believers. Bosch painted a lot of painting and is an incredibly huge influence on the art world. Bosch has influenced artists because he would use a lot of symbols in his art to show deeper meaning in the world in the Dark Ages in the world. Bosch would often paint how he imagined problems in the world would be handled or turn out often to warn people about why they should never sin. Bosch influenced people to be good citizens and attend to church by often painting fantasies about hell. Bosch was the most influential Netherlandish painter the art world has ever seen. Unfortunately, Bosch died in August 1516 (that is an estimate because the exact date is unknown) in his birthplace s Hertogenbosch.
  • 24. The Grinch Who Stole Christmas Sigmund Freud believed that personality consists of three parts: the id, which is motivated by desire and looks for immediate satisfaction; the ego, which deals with rational decisions; and the superego, which makes moral judgments (Acacio). This is psychoanalysis, which can be used to analyze The Grinch Who Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss. According to Freud, the mind consists of only the id when we grow up. As we age, we transform part of the id into the ego and superego (Acacio). In the case of the Grinch, he grew up in a situation where, due to his isolation, he had no one to guide, reprimand, or praise him. He had no influences in his life. In the poem, there is a line that states, It could be his head wasn t screwed on just right. (Seuss
  • 25. Comparing Ocean City, MD To Fenwick Island What isn t at the beach? The beach is a relaxing and comfortable place to be with friends and family. Whether it s taking a walk on the beach as the golden sand oozes under your toes or relaxing on the beach as the bright sun beams on your skin. Suddenly you get hot, so you decide to take a swim as the waves smash into the shore. If you get hungry, conveniently there s a surplus of foods to choose from to satisfy your cravings. If you get bored, games, rides and amusement rides are available at your fingertips. From beach to beach, Ocean City, MD to Assateague Island, the shores have a lot to offer. The coastlines which are 18 miles apart, are vastly different due to the history and founders of the east coast beaches. You ll observe the benefits they have to offer their communities and see just how important these places are. The Ladies Resort to the Ocean, interesting name isn t it? It s hard to believe that just 148 years ago that was the name of what is now one of the main attractions in Maryland. This is now known as Ocean City, MD. Ocean City was once owned by an Englishman by the name Thomas Fenwick. He owned the whole strip of land which was called Fenwick Island. A storm later separated... Show more content on ... Some people enjoy nature and like to discover what it has to offer. Ocean City has plenty of unique things in wildlife that might interest people who are faun of nature. The beach is filled with entertainment from surfing, to swimming, to just enjoying the summer sun and catching good vibes from the peace of the beach. The entertainment is endless boating and fishing along the coast are main interest. There s also watersports available along with amusement rides like mini golfing or shopping along the Tanger outlets. Another thing that not many people know about Ocean City is that it has museums that explains culture and important events that have occurred on the eastern
  • 26. Leading An Event How to Get Leads on An Event Are you wondering how you can rock and get leads, the next time you head to a trade show, conference or even a networking event? This article outlines a couple of pointers to help you on the same Whether you are new in an industry or a multi year veteran, networking events can be valuable tools for leads generation. It is the best place to get your next client, referral source or even a friend who might eventually result in new business. However, without a well thought out strategy, the time and resources you invest will not result in quality leads. Generating event based primes is very simple with a given etiquette and approach. Here are a few tips on how to get leads on your next networking or marketing event ... Show more content on ... Be more specific and engaging on what you do A person should be more specific on what one does by asking himself/herself why people they are connecting with should care about what they are saying. After that craft an engaging conversation which will create a rapport between the two of you. Also, to be more appealing, use your body language like nodding to show you are still listening and following which will develop a trust. All these give you individual control over what happens, and it would not be a wonder if your prospects ask for contact information next. Targeted mingling A person should always set a goal to meet 2 5 people and not try associating and talking to everyone in the event. It is even said that sometimes, one solid connection is plenty. A pre planning on whom to meet and talk to should be done. After that a serious research on the selectively chosen leads should be done before the conference, to ensure that you understand what they do and get ways in which your business can improve that. Through targeted mingling, one has higher chances of generating meaningful leads which will build and grow his/her brand Consider your leads networks When choosing whom to talk to, always remember that people can help you get leads indirectly from someone in their network. As you approach and make connections with new people, you should thoroughly engage with them. You should not leave unfinished conversations just because you have seen someone who s more
  • 27. Dynamic Influences Of Culture On Cooperation According to Dynamic influences of culture on cooperation in the prisoner s dilemma (2005) by Wong Hong, cultural symbols affect people s behavior in specific situational contexts. In order to substantiate this hypothesis, the authors used a three by two between subjects method, with one hundred and seventy one participants. In the study, the independent variable was icons, either from American, Chinese, or neutral backgrounds. Additionally, the three dependent variables studied were cooperation versus defect, expectation of cooperation, and motivation to maximize join outcome (Wong Hong, 430). Furthermore, the measures of cultural priming were measured by exposing participants to seven slides of Chinese cultural icons, such as a Chinese dragon, American cultural icons, such as the American flag, or neutral primes, such as geometry. The participants were assigned randomly to the prime conditions and the procedure for each primes required participants to answered questions related to the prime they were assigned to, such as naming the objects or describing the ideas represented. According to the authors, research has shown that these procedures elicit the cultural knowledge systems among individuals that were needed in this study. After introducing the cultural primes, the study asked the participants to play a strategy game, where outcomes depended on strategies chosen by the participant, and resulted in points gained or lost. However, different strategies yielded
  • 28. Uncanny Essay For the Uncanny final project, Jessica and I proposed to document the uncanny effects of social media technologies. Our first discussion about what we wanted to portray led us to a difficult decision on what uncanny effects to focus on. I suggested documenting the surveillance aspect of social media and the way our technologies become uncanny when they begin to break down. Only when our technologies begin to breakdown, do we realize our dependence on them; thus, making social media devices uncanny. In the first shot, we decided to input colorful television bars that indicate the television is not working in addition to a static sound effect. This was meant to set the tone for the breakdown of technologies in the video. This shot then quickly... Show more content on ... In this scene we wanted to show how our phones can easily point us in the direction of where we want to go, but to do this, our phones know where we are. Combined with this scene, the next scene portrays me attempting to catch the bus that my phone had suggested to take to get to my destination. In the next two shots, we used an overlay digital clock text to indicate the passage of time thus indicating to the viewer that our technologies often are not reliable. This breakdown of the technology becomes uncanny because at this moment we realize that the technologies that we use to make our lives easier actually show us how dependent we are on them when they do not work properly. The final shot of this video is a long shot in black and white meant to replicate a surveillance camera. We increased the speed of this shot to indicate the uncanny effect when we realize the uncanny effects of our technologies. Because the world is so fast paced, we are prompted to use technologies to keep up. However, when these break down, we in turn are slowed down. The inability to keep up to a fast paced society becomes uncanny because the technologies we use to do so, break down are sometimes actually limit
  • 29. Radiocarbon Dating Research Paper Radiocarbon dating (also referred to as carbon dating or carbon 14 dating) is a method for determining the age of an object containing organic material by using the properties of radiocarbon (14C), a radioactive isotope of carbon. The method was developed by Willard Libby in the late 1940s and soon became a standard tool for archaeologists. Libby received the Nobel Prize for his work in 1960. The radiocarbon dating method is based on the fact that radiocarbon is constantly being created in the atmosphere by the interaction of cosmic rays with atmospheric nitrogen. The resulting radiocarbon combines with atmospheric oxygen to form radioactive carbon dioxide, which is incorporated into plants byphotosynthesis; animals then acquire 14 C by eating the plants. When the animal or plant dies, it stops exchanging carbon with its environment, and from that point onwards the amount of 14 C it contains begins to decrease as the 14 C undergoes radioactive decay. Measuring the amount of 14 C in a sample from a dead plant or animal such as a piece of wood or a fragment of bone provides information that can be used to calculate when the animal or plant died. The older a sample is, the less 14 C there is to be detected, and because the half life of 14 C (the period of time ... Show more content on ... The development of radiocarbon dating has had a profound impact on archaeology. In addition to permitting more accurate dating within archaeological sites than previous methods, it allows comparison of dates of events across great distances. Histories of archaeology often refer to its impact as the radiocarbon revolution . Radiocarbon dating has allowed key transitions in prehistory to be dated, such as the end of the last ice age, and the beginning of the Neolithic andBronze Age in different
  • 30. Application Of C5. 0 Algorithm To Flu Prediction Using... Application of C5.0 Algorithm to Flu Prediction Using Twitter Data LZ M. Albances, Beatrice Anne S. Bungar, Jannah Patrize O. Patio, Rio Jan Marty S. Sevilla, *Donata D. Acula University of Santo Tomas, Philippines, {lz.albances.iics, beatriceanne.bungar.iics, jannahpatrize.patio.iics, riojanmarty.sevilla.iics, ddacula} Abstract Since one s health is a factor considered, data coming from Twitter, one of the most popular social media platforms often used by millions of people, is beneficial for predictions of certain diseases. The researchers created a system that will improve the precision rate of the current system conducted by Santos and Matos using C5.0 algorithm instead of Naive Bayes algorithm for classifying tweets ... Show more content on ... Twitter provides free APIs from which a sampled view can be easily obtained. It helps build a map spread model. In line with this, the researchers came up with an idea of working on a research using these Twitter data, focusing on the so called tweets regarding diseases and health, specifically, the flu or influenza. Furthermore, previous studies were made regarding this topic. In 2008, there was a website called Google Flu Trends that took data from Google, Facebook, and Twitter itself [2]. It was widely used in its release, but it was proven to have inconsistencies with regards to its data [2]. Back in 2011 2013, Google Flu Trends overestimated the number of people who had flu by 50% [3]. One possible cause was its inclusion of data which contained the word flu or influenza , wherein the person who tweeted or posted about it did not have the flu at all [3]. There was also a study that made a precision of 0.78 or 78% using the NaГЇve Bayes Classification algorithm to identify tweets that mention flu or flu like symptoms [4]. As mentioned earlier, previous researchers had difficulty classifying these tweets as some data gathered got accepted even though the person did not have it. According to the Department of Health of the Philippines [5], getting flu is possible by contacting items that are contaminated through the discharges of an infected
  • 31. Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Role In Hamlet To be or not to be that is the question... (III, I, 56 ) so starts Hamlet s most famous and well known soliloquy. In Shakespeare s Hamlet, written in the very late 1500 s, the audience is introduced to two comical characters at the beginning of the play; Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. These two characters, clearly, had no clue of what is going on throughout the play; in addition, they followed orders without questioning them. Therefore, their role in the play was not clear. Ultimately, their role in the play was to support, as well as spy, on Hamlet, hence them taking orders from greater characters like Claudius. However, the comic duo serves a deeper purpose than just assisting their old childhood friend. Arguably, their role in the play is also to forecast ideas, bring out character traits to help readers understand them more, and come up with solutions to some of the questions that the play has left the readers to deal with. They are capable of accomplishing that due to their disloyal behaviors towards other characters. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were not loyal towards Hamlet; they ve agreed to spy on him and get paid for doing so. Their disloyalty then shows the audience they are a supply of ... Show more content on ... The comic duo gave readers the opportunity to come up with new approaches on piecing together the plot. They helped us recognize that Hamlet could have been bad at making friends and is lonely on the inside. Furthermore, they provided a piece of evidence to argue with on Hamlet s insanity. Lastly, the prince compared Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to a sponge, and although it might not seem important, it was a great foreshadow for their fate. Throughout the play, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern have served a bigger purpose to the audience and not much of a purpose to other
  • 32. The No Child Left Behind We, as a country, have some of the lowest scoring in international tests in reading, math, and science when compared to several other countries. In order to improve education in America, we have to go to the root of our problem in the school system and find better ways to enforce new rules and regulations that wouldn t be detrimental to both students, schools, and educators alike. The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act is having a negative effect on our educationsystem because it reduces the choices of schools for parents, and the distribution of qualified teachers. It also has a negative impact on the amount that kids are able to learn in school. The NCLB was signed into law in 2001 by President George W. Bush. The act is was meant to give assistance in establishing good reading and math programs. Programs such as reading first funded at $1.02 billion in 2004 were made to help states and their districts set up scientific, research based reading programs for students in K 3 grades by having districts compete for federal money (Editorial Projects in Education Research Center 8). Billions of dollars had been put towards programs like reading first but much of that said money has either been cut or never reach the set target goal of promised money. Despite the intention to increase student academic achievement, the act has failed to do so in several cases arguably putting us in a worse situation than before. Proficiency requirements was something that NCLB brought in that
  • 33. Catcalling And Street Calling A Social Menace 1 Catcalling and street calling a social menace: Introduction: Catcalling and street calling is increasingly being witnessed as a threat to peaceful existence. Women are vulnerable in almost all cities to hounders and stalkers. It is seen that there is an urgent need for stricter sexual harassment laws and inclusiveness in law and order. Hostile streets and hostility in looking at women need stricter punishments. Though there are quite a few legislations which come down heavily on street callers, this has not been treated as a severe crime and hence regulations dealing with jurisprudence is slow in the making. This paper looks at why this is considered a social menace and how it affects the psychological stances of women. Thesis: Street stalking is as serious as any other kind of stalking and leaves the woman depressed and morally low. Claims: Street stalking profoundly affects the woman s life. When woman are harassed in public places by strangers, this phenomenon is known as Street harassment and can seriously affect the woman s self esteem and self respect .Street harassment is not considered to be such a serious social phenomenon requiring legal redress and hence has generally gone out of the purview of lawyers and legal punishments . This is considered to be trivial as generally the male stalkers are either not noticed or there are no evidences of stalking. The real harm is seen in the sociological inferefecnes it leads to.
  • 34. Alexander The Great, King Of Macedon Names can come in all shapes and sizes. Just by taking a gander at our names, we can view into a window to the past. Last names are the utmost important part of anyone s name, since it is past done from generation to generation. All throughout time and across the world countless names have changed the way they are spelled and ultimately changed their meanings. Our names, nicknames, and why we were named what we were, are just a few ways that shape are uniqueness. Originating from the Greek name Alexandros, Alexandersignified shielding men from the Greek word alexo, which implies to guard. Help and the Greek word aner, which implies man . The name Alexander additionally has a place with a legend of Paris in Greek mythology and has a place with a few characters in the New Testament. Indeed, even know with all these Alexander s, the greatest one was Alexander the Great, King of Macedon. Alexander the Great name spread all through Europe because of his extraordinary influence and cash. Lords of Scotland, Yugoslavia and Poland, eight popes, and even Russian heads have all utilized the name Alexander. This name is likewise positioned eighth in America for ubiquity. (Campbell) Adam, both an assignment for mankind and the correct name of the primary human. In Hebrew, the shade of red lies behind the root of Adam. The name Adam implies Acre Man, since the word for arce was refined from producing agricultural crops, the name Adam implies Produce. Red man, is another intending
  • 35. Copper Mining Industry Analysis Copper mining became extremely popular in 1843 in what is now known as the Copper County. Here was on the only place in the whole United States of America to get pure, native copper, that was until the early 1900s. The first documented reports of copper being found in Michigan was in 1667 by Claude Allouez, a missionary from France. In Allouez s report, the Native Americans in the Lake Superiorarea, known as the Chippewa s, really valued the copper nuggets they found there. The Upper Peninsula was soon to erupt into the center for the mining industry (Molloy, 1999). When American miners started to migrate to the Copper Country in the 1840s, there were many pieces and nuggets of copper that were left behind in the lake and streams by the ... Show more content on ... In the Copper County, miners were not allowed to form a union until just before 1913. The strike was about the conditions of the miners and what they had to go through while mining, it was an extremely dangerous job. They did not get paid much, the labor was intense, and the days were long. The strike lasted about nine months until the union that formed the strike, was ran out of town. It was considered a turning point of mining history in the Keweenaw, even though it was not a success (Watson, 2014). During the strike, something very disastrous and heartbreaking happened in Calumet, Michigan. Most locals know the story of the Italian Hall Massacre, it is known as a very important part of the mining strike. It is Christmas Eve, 1913, and many strikers decide to throw a party for their families and children for the holiday. There are more than five hundred people inside the Italian Hall in Calumet, which is also home of the Calumet and Hecla mine, one of the biggest mines in the area. Everyone is dancing and laughing and having and amazing time if all their friends and family, and the strike slips their minds for a while. Then, all of a sudden, someone screams Fire! Although there was never a fire, panic erupts in hall, everyone searching for a way out, running towards the only door and staircase. Everyone barricaded the door on accident, and many tripped and fell. There were so many people blocking the door that the firemen could not even help there on the main door, they had to go up the fire escapes and through the roof. There were seventy three people just piled on the floor in front of the door, dead from being trampled or suffocated, at least sixty of which were children. Many people were considered suspects, but the truth is, no one knows what exactly happened that grim Christmas Eve night. All we know is that it was a man who just wanted the strike to be over and done with, even if he never indented to kill
  • 36. Writing And Reading For Surprise By Donald Murray No surprise for the writer, no surprise for the reader , writing with surprise is a central theme in Writing and Reading for Surprise , by Donald Murray, a professor at the University of New Hampshire. Murray claims that an author must first write what they do not expect to write in order to find their own style and voice, the motivation to write and the joy that comes with it. This is a problem, he says that plagues college students, as many have not yet discovered this art which causes many to have a distaste for writing. Murray uses his own personal experience with writing and how he first came upon writing with surprise to demonstrate how it change his style and gave him joy and motivation to write every day and to show how it can do the same for students. In order to do this Murray uses ethos, pathos and logos in order to prove his point and relates to his audience specifically. Murray uses his experience at the university, his interactions with other professors and students and his personal experiences throughout his journey as a writeras a solid foundation for his argument. Murray also refers to other writers, their opinions and works of writing by using several quotations; throughout the story Murray does not shy from stating both the negative and positive sides of writing with surprise. He also uses a high level of both vocabulary and language throughout the piece. These add to his credibility and builds his character which gains the reader s trust and belief in
  • 37. Change Progress and Prosperity Change Progress and Prosperity The Harvest took place in a small, secluded, and self reliant agricultural community in England, before the industrial revolution. The novel was based on change, growth, progress and prosperity. The village, as the narrator Walter Thirsk stated was, far from everywhere (Crace, 3) and isolated from the world. The village was also fragmented and missing any development of identity. The commons were the people living in the unnamed village. The commons way of life changed from harvesting and plowing to extracting wool for clothing. Jim Crace examined the themes of changeand fragmentation by the loss of identity and way of life through the use of symbols, characters, and imagery. In the Harvest, symbolism was evident throughout the novel. Symbols are commonly used to add richness and depth to the story. The author used symbols to develop the main themes of change and fragmentation. During the course of the novel, the most significant symbols included: fire, crops, ghost, unfinished cross, quills, sheep, wool, and the rock. In the novel, fire was the most impactful symbol. The novel started with two fires and ended in one. What starts with fire will end with fire (Crace, 198). The element of fire represents a variety of meanings such as: passion, hope, anger, devastation, and betrayal. In the beginning of the film, fire represented betrayal and devastation. Two twists of smoke at a time of year too warm for cottage fires surprise us
  • 38. Derek Redmond Analysis Derek Redmond, when you hear that name, not much comes to mind. However, when I hear that name, I think of a man who is determined and perseveres. He is an inspirational man who isn t afraid to push to his limits. This picture shows important qualities that everyone needs. Derek Redmond, was a racer in the 1992 Olympics for the 400 meter sprint. He felt good when the race was about to start. Despite that, when he was running around the first corner he heard a popping sound. He tried to keep running, but the pain was too harsh. He said that it felt like he had been shot. The pain was being caused because he had pulled a hamstring. Pulling a hamstring can be a bummer. When he described the pain he said, the pain was excruciating: like someone was shoving a hot knife into the back of your knee and twisting it. Like an injured animal he lay on the ground in pain, ready to give up, but then he struggle to get up it s, started walking to... Show more content on ... By the time we had run to the hospital at our practice, I felt like I was going to die. My legs were as tired as a sloth. I had never been so tired in my life. I had an awful cramps that wasn t going away, and I felt like I was going to lose my lunch. I wanted to walk so badly. To help myself keep going I kept saying the following sentence in my head, I will not stop, I will keep running, I will push myself as far as I can go. With my ponytail waving in the wind, I kept going. When we got back to the school. I was exhausted and glad to be finished the run. If that was how hard we were going to go at all of our practices, I didn t know if I could do it. The cross country coach Mrs. Wrigley told me I should give it to weeks and I will start to notice a difference when I run, so I decided to keep going to the practices. I had set a goal for myself to continue to go to the practises for the next two weeks. It was hard but I persevered and push through
  • 39. A Critical Incident At The Dunmore Senior Center Context of the incident This report will outline a critical incident which occurred in 2014 at the Dunmore Senior Center. The incident narrated by the executive director of the center Jeanne Hugenbruch. The incident was initiated by the secretary and one of the senior members, when two of the seniors started arguing angrily and loudly with each other. At that day, fortuitously the executive director was not at the center which made the secretary the person who was in charge to handle the issue. Details of the incident Before lunch time, all seniors at the Dunmore Senior Center were having free time to do whatever they wanted. There were a group of elders who preferred to play cards at that time. On this specific day, the executive director of the center was not available, and the authority was given to the secretary. While she was sitting in her office, she heard loud noises coming from the main hall. She went out of her office to check what happened when she found two of the seniors arguing with each other. The activities administrator was with them, and she almost contained the situation. The secretary tried to help by calming down both of the women and to try to understand what they were disputing about. They were arguing about who won the hand during the card game. After listening to both sides of the story, the secretary played the role of judge and sided with one of the women. This made the other women became very angry, and she left before eating her lunch. The
  • 40. Benefits Of Using Kinesiology Tape Benefits of utilising Kinesiology tapes to attain stamina Many of you have perhaps come across the taping applications of athletes in the sporting events. If you are interested to learn, this kind of taping is named Kinesiology tape application method. So what is this tape and how is it used? One more thing that may be interesting for athletes is that such sports tape may be used prior to a sporting event. Athletes know if they experience rolling ankles and patellar tracking problems, a few commonly heard ailments. Kinesiology tape is applied on the wounded area to avoid injuries if an athlete plans to participate in an event. Using such a tape before the event will save the athlete from potential surgeries or disorders after an event itself.
  • 41. The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur Housekeeping Department Researched, analysed, and evaluated a specific system of operations of a hotel department The role of System Operation are plays as a very important function in a hotel in order to run the operation system of the hotel for planning, coordinating and controlling the resources and then it will be more easy to manage. In every hotel, they have their own specific operation system. So that for this assignment, I would like to choose The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur housekeeping department. The function of Housekeeping department is that to keep the venue cleaning and sanity. So that the system operation s impact on the housekeeping department cannot be underrate in order to scheduling and planning which rooms must be cleaned, assign the tasks and check the work. (Robert C, 2012, pg1) Provided a detailed discussion on the specific system of operations chosen. ... Show more content on ... To maintain the cleanliness standard of the rooms, they will go through the hospital information system (HIS) by using the system operation in order to checking all the room status which room must be cleaned. Besides, if the facilities of the rooms need to repair, the housekeeping department will go through the environment management system (EMS) by using the operation system and inform the maintenance department to repairs. The housekeeping department also need to provide the clean environment work place to staff in order to increase the efficient of the organization. Therefore, the housekeeping department are plays as a very important role to the hotel that can maintain between to the guests and staff. (Robert C, 2012,
  • 42. Thin Layer Chromatography Lab Thin layer chromatography is the separation of substances using different solvents that run up the TLC plate to find different materials and colors in the sample. Three solvents in this test were one hundred percent acetone, one hundred percent isopropyl, and distilled water. In this test we timed the speed of each solvent and recorded the best color content. PACE Introduction Thin Layer Chromatography is a commonly used experiment in forensics, and is the separation of substances using different solvents. What I want to find out is what the fastest solvent is, but keeps the best color on the TLC plate. The three solvents in the experiment are one hundred percent acetone, one hundred percent isopropyl, and distilled water. Acetone is nail polish remover and isopropyl is rubbing alcohol. In the experiment, it required distilled water because it is purified and is always the same substance in the container. ... Show more content on ... TLC was invented in 1941 for forensics, but wasn t perfected on paper until 1944(chromatography Schaiber was the one who invented TLC and he was a German scientist. Some other facts are that there are many other ways to do TLC and that it s not a very old process. Forensic scientists use this in cases dealing with a lot of drugs or explosives. They use much more complicated equipment though to perform their tasks. Many explosives can be tested and most common drugs can be tested too. Some reasons to test these substances are, one the government doesn t want people to have drugs or explosives, and two, and people might find out and get really concerned. All in all this is very important to society. The hypothesis is what would be the fastest solvent that will keep the best color
  • 43. Circumstance In Shakespeare s Othello Often people react to circumstantial evidence when really the situation is not what it seems at the time. Even in day to day life people react to circumstances and I bet that if you are skilled enough you could make it seem like your brother broke the window and not you due to the circumstances.Othello often shows examples of people reacting to circumstance and in the end this happens to be the flaw that causes some unfortunate events. Shakespeare, in Othello, shows audiences that one must be patient and logically assess questionable situations before passing judgement. Othello doesn t assess the situation and he ends up killing his wife Desdemona, Iagohears a rumour that Othello slept with his wife Emelia so he spends the whole play trying... Show more content on ... Othello is played by Iago who uses coincidence to help him put Othello over the top. Othello is put into an emotional downward spiral into insanity. Othello is told by Iago that Desdemona is sleeping with Cassio (a respected member of the military) and Othello doesn t originally believed him but then Iago talks to Cassio with Othello around the corner and Iago makes it sound like Cassio is saying that he doesn t love Desdemona and he is just sleeping with her for enjoyment when really he is talking about a prostitute named Bianca. Othello then devises a plan with Iago to kill Cassio and his wife Desdemona. Iago played Othello and now Othello is doing exactly what Iago wants and Iago further more controls the situation and is sending Othello into his imminent death/ruin. Iago is planning the end of Othello so carefully that he is even willing to kill to have Othello ruined so he volunteers to kill Cassio (which he later convinces Roderigo to do) for Othello and Othello can kill
  • 44. Common Ingredients Of Your Weight Loss Supplements Essay Common Ingredients in Your Weight Loss Supplements Are you taking weight lost supplement to shape your body? Or are you still looking for the best weight loss supplements to your need? Well, today`s people are more concerned with how big they are. Many of us try to get the best shape like our favorite actress, actors, or simple a public figure. As friendly reminder, you can`t always measure yourself as thin as your favorite celebrity because we all know most magazine covers are photoshopped. So, before taking any supplement, it is better to redefine your meaning of perfect shape so you won`t ended up hurting yourself. Why bother to lose some weight? Obese is one of today`s big problem. According to a publication, more than one third of children and two third adults in United States suffer obesity and 45% of overweight Americans and 67% obese people are trying to lose weight. Obese is main reason why people take supplements to reduce weight. But many people do the program because want to have better body shape; like a model, actress, actors and even Barbie. Obese can be source of many chronic diseases too like heart disease, high blood pressure and many more. Common weight loss problems While some people enjoy the stages to get the shape that they want through years of routine exercise, consuming right supplement and eat health food, there are others that want instant result. This is the common problem. Here are the other common weight loss problems ever found in
  • 45. Romeo And Juliet 14th Century Essay High schools everywhere read Romeo and Juliet every year. It s a part of our curriculum but should it be? The answer is no, it shouldn t be. Teenages don t want to read a story that was written over four hundred years ago and barely legible. Most kids like to read stories that they can relate to, not some unrealistic story about the fourteenth century. Also throughout the book there are sexual references that bring out the immaturity in people. The majority of people don t find Romeo and Juliet interesting anymore, so why should we force them to read it? As time passes, language changes. The trouble is that most schoolchildren today don t like him and don t get it. And this isn t their fault. (Robshaw 401) Romeo and Juliet was set in the fourteenth century, which explains why it s so different from how we talk now. The way Shakespeare wrote it was difficult to understand what he was was saying. Instead we have to stop what we are reading to research what it means on No Fear Shakespeare. People want to be able to understand what they are reading. Going back and forth from the two can be annoying, we tend to lose interest after a while. It s obvious that Shakespeare s play isn t from our time period, especially the way they act. When we read stories we want to be able to the relate the character... Show more content on ... The play has many different types of figurative language. For example shakespeare use dramatic irony when Romeo thinks Juliet killed herself but we know she she was just sleeping. Shakespeare s also includes many important themes. One of the main theme is teenagers can t make big life changing decision. Romeo and Juliet killed themselves because they thought there was only one way to fix the problem that was created. Although Romeo and Juliet has many figurative language and themes, it still doesn t help us in our future, unless you re a english teacher. When will we ever need to know Shakespeare s
  • 46. The British Army And The Civil War England, 1947. Princess Elizabeth marries George VI, Duke of Edinburgh, in one of the most lavish, anticipated televised events of the decade. The University of Cambridge allows the acceptance of women after nearly 750 years in existence. The British army begins to withdraw troops from the Civil War in Mandatory Palestine. Brain May, a rock n roll phenomenon, is born. All significant in their respective areas, these event hold their own place in history. Not one, but two of these events would result in important rulers. More specifically, they would both result in a Queen. Brian May, born July 19, attended Hampton Grammar School during his adolescence. His parents, Harold and Ruth May, raised him in a middle class, suburban environment and instilled the importance of an education into their beloved only child. He furthered his schooling at Imperial College in London, England where he studied Physics and Mathematics, with a particular focus in Astrophysics. Although his education was of an utmost importance, it was at Imperial that he explored his interest in music. May created the band Smile with singer and bassist Tim Staffell and drummer Rodger Taylor in early 1968. Their time was short as the band only recorded a total of six songs in their two year run. Recognizing Smile s inevitably unsuccessful future, the band parted ways. Brian and Roger however, remained close friends and kept their options open in the hopes of possibly making another attempt in the music
  • 47. Father Boyle s Loyalty To The Gang Members Father Boyle should not give the information he knows about the gang members to the police, because not only does withholding the information open doors to a brighter future but it also stops new conflicts from rising. Boyle fought to earn the gang members trust and turning them in would just be a step backwards as they will no longer trust him, or anyone else. When Venant states, ...gangmembers would stare him down and even swear at him... we can see the extent to which the gang members hated Boyle thus showing how difficult it must have been for the father to change their perspective of him and learn to trust him. Father Boyle had to put in an extensive amount of work so that these kids would trust him, it would be useless to work hard to gain someone s trust just so that he can throw it down the drain. by giving up the information to the police he will betray the gang members, causing them to lose the trust they had in father boyle. The gang members losing... Show more content on ... By Venant saying, ... the gang members honored him with the handle Gdog we can see how after his hard work he finally was able to earn the gang members trust. Having their trust is a sacred thing because gang members typically don t trust just anyone especially if it s someone with any kind of authority. By Boyle turning them in he risks losing this new found trust between him and the gang members. He also risks that the gang members will never trust anyone else again which can result in conflict and them ruining their lives. If the father turns them in, the gang members will feel betrayed and will be reluctant of receiving help from anyone
  • 48. Pros And Cons Of Brothels In Nevada You are in good company if you are a male currently in Las Vegas, or arranging a visit, and find yourself more than a little curious about brothels in Nevada. The thought of visiting such an establishment excites many who cannot wait to immerse themselves in the unrestrained environ of America s Playground. Before you picture yourself a short cab ride away from legal brothels in Las Vegas, familiarize yourself with the facts about such places. Most falsely believe there are brothels on the Strip, and this is not the case. Knowing what to expect about a Vegas brothel experience prevents any unpleasant surprises and assists in planning a journey to the rural areas in which they are located. Before we touch on specifics, it is worth mentioning that as one of the leading escort services in Las Vegas, our offerings differ from what is on hand at Nevadabrothels. Private stripper services from Bunnies of Las Vegas Escorts are another sort of adult entertainment that most men find a superior alternative to visiting a brothel in Nevada because of the convenience, class and certainty regarding discretion. If, after reading more about brothels Las Vegas area counties are home to, you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us ... Show more content on ... . . a legal brothel about an hour s ride outside of Vegas. There the women have to respond like Pavlov s dog to an electronic bell that might ring at any hour of the day or night. The bell he refers to is the bell indicating to the available girls that they must line up. Herbert goes on to describe how the girls have but five minutes to reach an assembly area, where they line up to submit themselves to inspection. Even though this is one of the astringent requirements placed on the working girls, it is easy to imagine the contempt they develop toward these frequent
  • 49. The Tuberculosis Epidemic The Tuberculosis Epidemic When most hear the word tuberculosis they will associate it with a time where medicine was very underdeveloped. Many would be amazed to know that, while reading this sentence, a victim dies of TB (Farrell 113). To First World countries, tuberculosis is not a common disease. This is because so many of the victims are in developing countries. In reality, TB kills millions a year and should not be ignored just because epidemics other epidemics affect a more diverse group of people. Tuberculosis is caused mainly in humans by a bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) (Harvard Medical School). It can also be caused by Mycobacterium bovis (Bates Ciment 2013). The tuberculosis bacilli is about two millionths of a meter long (Farrell 113) and is spread through the air by coughing. After the tuberculosis enters the body, it quickly spreads (Harvard Medical School). When most bacteria enters the body, it gets caught in the mucus in the airway. TB bacilli are such tiny droplets that it slips past the mucus and into the lung s air sacs (Farrell 114). It hides in the lungs since there is plenty of oxygen. TB can also reside in the lymph nodes and appears to be mumps, or in the voice ... Show more content on ... Tuberculosis bacilli that resists isoniazid and rifampin is called multidrug resistant or second line TB. Medicines prescribed will include ethionamide, moxifloxacin, levofloxacin, cycloserine, and kanamycin. When tuberculosis still continues to resist, it it classified as XDR TB and the only cure usually is to remove the dead piece of the lung. Some of the treatments will take 6 years, 2 years, or even 2 weeks. MDR TB used to cost fifteen thousand dollars and was not affordable by many people. Thanks to the World Health Organization, it now cost about 5% of that. In countries where TB is very common, vaccinations are given at birth (Harvard Medical
  • 50. Negative Effects On Animal Pollution has an extremely negative impact on many animals. Water polluted with different chemicals can cause a decline of population in some species; On the other hand water polluted with nutrients can lead to huge growth of toxic algae which when eaten by other animals may cause serious diseases and death to these animals. Persistent organic pollutants contains the growth of fish and wipe out their breed. Chemical runoff from farms run into oceans, seas, lakes and rivers. Littering can also lead to death of many animals because of toxic substances in trash, such as oil, plastic, detergents and pesticides (How PollutionAffect Animals). Oil spills affect marine animals and sea birds. The oil makes the water harder to swim through, making the animals exhausted, and also making it harder for it to breathe (Levete 12). Oil spills damages the growth of sea birds (Effects of Pollution on People...). Animals can also die by getting themselves entangled in one of the many litter items dumped in the water. Plastic waste can cause dangers to animals. Around one hundred million tons of plastic is produced each year, ten percent ends up in the sea. A million sea birds and mammals are killed each year by plastic waste (5 Ways Water Pollution is Killing Animals). Plastic bags are killing the animals in the water. The bags can suffocate or choke the animal, by getting caught around it s body (Levete 12). Noise pollutionis also becoming a huge problem for many animals, especially ones that live in
  • 51. The Effects Of Health On Health Care Introduction This topic is of interest because it is showing the relationship that health has on economics. It has discussed widely on how health issues have affected the economy. It is explaining the question of whether it s a positive or an adverse effect. We are going to discuss generally on various aspects of health. They can be mental health economics, behavioral health economic and other factors. This factors will be used to explain on the whether saving on health care is affecting the economy and how it has influenced its performance. Therefore the discussion will be broad concerning the issues of health and economy (Slottje Tchernis, 2010). Literature Review From the research, we can discuss on several findings. These findings were that the economy has been affected by health care because the government has to set aside funds to cater for people s medical care. They are provided with facilities such as clinics. The government also provides subsidized medical costs so that they can afford. This is a positive move in the economy since the population will become productive and active. When people are healthy, they are able to contribute to the improvement of the economy. There were different methods used. When carrying out research people were interviewed and were asked questions. They gave the overview which enabled the researchers to derive the following conclusions. Health care economics is a branch of economics
  • 52. Accounting And Decision Making Assignment ACCOUNTING AND DECISION MAKING ASSIGNMENT EXTERNAL SOURCES OF FINANCE IN TWO LISTED COMPANIES: M S AND DEBENHAMS. MATTY SYLVIE TOM MBA Stage 1 LECTURER: S.L. Palan ID : L0108BGOBGO0814 Content of the page Sections pages Introduction......................................................................................................2 Bref description of the two companies........................................................2 The various external sources of finance........................................................3 Capital structure decision...............................................................................5 Conclusion........................................................................................................7 References.......................................................................................................8 Financial statements. 1.INTRODUCTION Every company listed at the London Stock Exchange are those companies that seek to raise capital or funds, and they do so by offering securities to the public (Berk and Demarzo).This capital obtained might come from different sources of finance, and the company ...[les enjeux de ce capital within the company]..[la decision de manager ] [faudrai pas ke lentreprise ai trop de dettes ?]{ share holders ?]the
  • 53. Hudson Bay Case Liquidity (some implications are missing, please complete them) An increasing current ratio for the financial year 2013 to 2015 is a positive indicator and shows that the company over the years has secured more current assets than its current liabilities. It shows that the company is solvent. The value is (have not finish?? Please complete it ) In the year 2014 the cash ratio was high which suggests that the company had more liquid assets in the year 2014 than the year 2015. As this is the ratio of liquid assets to the current liabilities of a company. This means in the year 2015, the liquidity of the company decreased and it was in a more efficient position in the year 2014 to pay its short term debt. Profitability (some implications are missing, please complete them) Increasing gross margin is a positive parameter and shows the firm s developing healthy. Gross margin is calculated by subtracting the cost of goods with the total sales revenue and then dividing it by the total ... Show more content on ... The associate maintains as well as process the daily order requirement and ensures that the order reaches the customers on time complying with the company standards. The customers can also use online shopping and the Auto Locate increases efficiency in the online outbound logistics delivery to the customers. Marketing and Sales Hudson Bay has taken some smart marketing and sales moves, after the acquisition of Saks Fifth Avenue, the sales of the company in the year 2014 doubled to a value of $1.913 billion from the annual sales of $984 million (CANADIAN PRESS, 2014). It uses innovative marketing tactics to gain market efficiency such as the test initiated by Hudson Bay to study the purchase pattern of the Canadian people in order to better orient their marketing activities. The firm markets itself using integrated marketing strategy and has press releases (to...?? Have this sentence finished?)
  • 54. Ethics- Do the Right Thing 1.Spike Lee intended us to conclude that violence is not an answer for any problems. In this case, the character, Da Mayor, would be a classic example of how problems should have been solved. He could have intended us to conclude that by resorting to violence in any situation, the consequences that we would have to face will not be very favourable and it could lead to more problems instead of solving the current situation. It is always better to nip the problem from the bud, instead of letting it grow and allowing it to torment everyone. 2.In moral subjectivism context, Mookie did the right thing, as he was enraged by the death of, Radio Raheem, a fellow black man, and so did everybody else. However in this case, everybody was... Show more content on ... People in this neighbourhood were more comfortable within their own comfort zone and each ethnicity always felt superior to the other, which is a reason for constant friction between them. 5.Yes, there can be different moral rules for different ethnic and cultural group. Different ethnic and cultural groups are from different roots and upbringing. Therefore it is natural for each group to have their own set of rules and belief. The trick is to accept each and other s differences and learn to respect and live along with it, instead of disrespecting and discriminating. However amidst all these, there can be a universal moral code among everyone, to allow everybody to have a common ground to mingle with. 6.In this movie, Spike Lee does present some of his characters as stereotypes. For example, Pino in this movie, is a staunch Italian who dislikes living in the neighbourhood where the majority are blacks. He cannot bring himself to embrace the blacks and their way of life in the neighbourhood. Most of his characters are usually stereotypical against other ethnicity in the neighbourhood. However he does have characters, such as Da Mayor, who embraces and accepts everybody as they are. Spike Lee could have presented his characters in such a manner to portray to the general public, the reality of living in a multicultural neighbourhood. He might
  • 55. The Inconvenience Of Hastings Entertainment Mark Doerr English 101 13, October, 2016 The Inconvenience of Hastings Entertainment Throughout our entire lives we are taught structure. Structure that repeats itself. Each night we set our alarms to the same time previous. We awake robotically, work, interact with the same faces, and then return to our homes to trace the process. So where do we rely on our imagination to come from? The vast majority of us cut it out of our cycle and replace it with a television. Some of us, however, still pick up a book. To fantasize about things that don t actually exist, to escape from reality for just a speck of time. I am of few in this internet driven society that still read. Which for me involves going to a bookstore to look for a good book. Nowadays there are few bookstore opportunities. Due to Amazon and Kindle making it easier to press a few buttons than to drive somewhere to find it. The only two bookstore chains I know of in the Spokane area are Barns Noble and Hastings Entertainment. I usually go to Hastings on 29th street, because it s only about ten blocks from my house. However I have begun to realize that Hastings Entertainment is an inconvenient bookstore for its customers because there is an unreliable computer system, not enough employees to help assist a customer and the store is always re arranged. There is an outdated computer system for books to be located throughout the store. The computer system Hastings has makes it very difficult to search for a book, and
  • 56. Heating Of The Earth Exterior And Atmosphere And... Heating of the earth exterior and atmosphere and influences patterns of precipitation the sun heats the air at the equator causing it to expand and rise. Since cool air holds less water vapor than warm air, the water carried by the rising air mass condenses and forms clouds which produce the heavy rainfall associated with the tropical environment. Eventually this equatorial air mass began to rise and spreads north and south. The high altitude air is dry since the moisture it once held fell as a tropical rainfall. When the air mass flows north and south it cools, which increases more density. It goes back to the earths surface at about 30 latitudes and spreads north and south. The air draws moisture from the lands over which it flows and creates deserts during the process. Temperature is plotted on the left vertical axis and precipitation on the right vertical axis. Temperature and precipitation are potted on different scales so 10 C is equivalent to 20 mm of precipitation. Climatediagrams for areas like the tropical rain forest compress the precipitation scale for precipitation above 100mm, so that 10C is equivalent to 200mm of precipitation. This will change the scale rainfall data from very wet climates can be fit on a graph of convenient size. The temperature and precipitation scales are constructed so that 10C equals 20 mm of precipitation. Precipitation is mainly to do with the temperature of the air. Slice the tropicsare warmer the air holds more moisture